#I’m gonna head to bed early tonight and see if that also helps
alisonwritesimagines · 5 months
Insecure ~Bruce Wayne Imagine~
Summary: During a charity event, you see Bruce talk to Selina Kyle which makes you feel insecure.
Author’s Note: I had to leave work early today which I'm upset about.
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: feeling insecure, mentions of infidelity
Do not repost this anywhere!
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All the galas and charity events were the same but you knew you had to make an appearance every once in a while to help maintain Bruce’s identity a secret. And it helps when you bring one or a few of your children along to also maintain the identity a secret.
“I’m gonna go get us a couple drinks,” Bruce tells you.
“Don’t take too long,” you tell him.
“Trust me. I won’t. I rather be with you instead of talking about business with other people,” Bruce said before giving you a quick kiss.
You engaged in some small talk with others until you noticed something across the room.
Your smile had turned into a frown as you watched Selina flirt with your husband. But it wasn’t her that you were upset about. It was the fact your husband didn’t do anything to stop it. He stood there as he let her take the champagne glass from his hand that was meant to be yours, and drink it.
“You okay mom?” Cassandra asked you. You looked at her with a small smile.
“Yes. Just tired. I think I’m gonna go home early,” you tell her.
“Are you sure?” Cassandra asked. Her eyes looked over to see Selina with Bruce. “Mom, you know he loves you more than anything and anyone.”
“I know. But after what happened before, it’s just a little triggering,” you explain before walking towards the exit.
“Stay with Bruce. I’m gonna go,” you tell her. Cassandra quickly pushed through the crowd to get to Bruce.
“Bruce! Mom is leaving,” Cassandra quickly told Bruce as she got close enough to him. Bruce stopped his conversation with Selina and looked at Cassandra with a confused look.
“Where is she?” Bruce asked quickly as he looked around for you.
“Outside,” Cassandra told him. Bruce rushed out quickly to find you.
He stopped as he watched you get into the car before it drove off.
Bruce and Cassandra quickly went home the moment you left. Bruce found you lying in bed in your dress, sobbing from what you saw.
“Y/n? What happened?” Bruce asked as he walked over towards you. He sat on the bed and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s nothing. Why are you home early?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Bruce said. You sat up from the bed and wiped some of your tears away. Bruce pulled you onto his lap so he could hold you.
“Bruce, I want you to be honest with me,” you tell him.
“Of course.”
“Do you still love Selina?” You asked him.
“No. How could you say that?” Bruce asked you without any hesitation.
“I saw you two tonight,” you explained to him. Bruce’s face softened.
“Oh. I apologize if I made it look like I was still into her. The truth is, I don’t love her. Not anymore. I have you in my life and I never want to lose you,” Bruce said as he gave you a kiss.
“Bruce, I’m sorry if this makes me look insecure-“
“No. It doesn’t. It is my fault that you even feel insecure. Your my wife and I should be treating you the proper way I should be treating you,” Bruce tells you before kissing you once again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Bruce.”
“Why don’t you and I renew our vows together? I think it’s a little overdue don’t you think?” Bruce asked you.
“I’d like that,” you smile and nodded.
“Looking good, Bruce,” Dick told him as he patted his back.
“How’s your mom doing?” Bruce asked him.
“She looks great too. The girls are helping her finish getting ready,” Dick tells him.
“Ready whenever you guys are,” Jason told the two as he and Tim walked in.
“The guests are all seated,” Tim mentioned.
“Is your mother ready?” Bruce asked.
“She’s ready!” Cassandra told him as she walked inside.
“Okay. Let’s do this,” Bruce tells the kids.
Bruce waited under the gazebo where you both agreed to meet before you both headed in to renew your vows. He felt a tap on his shoulder making him turn to look over at you.
“You’re as beautiful as the day I met you,” Bruce tells you in awe.
You stood in a gorgeous midi, lace, white dress with white matching heels. Bruce wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned down a little but you stopped him before he could kiss you.
“The girls worked hard on this makeup. They’re gonna be upset with you ruining it,” you tell him.
“Okay fine.”
“Mom! Bruce! Let’s get a couple pictures of you two and then let’s go in!” Tim says.
After the pictures you both headed over to the dining hall where everyone who was close to the two of you were seated at the tables.
Bruce took a microphone and grabbed everyone’s attention.
“I’d like to first thank everyone for being here with us. Y/n and I really appreciate everyone here and we’re glad you are all able to make it to our vow renewal ceremony. I want to say that this woman here, is one of the strongest women I have ever met. She has dealt with me for so long and I am truly grateful for her love and support. I don’t deserve a woman like her and I’m so thankful and blessed to have her in my life. And I hope to have her for as long as we both shall live,” Bruce says. You smile up at him as he leaned down to give you a quick kiss.
“So I want to say, Y/n Wayne, I vow to continue to love you until time disappears. I vow to be truthful to you and to be honest with you no matter what. Even if the kids beg me to hide their shenanigans from you,” you laughed a little at that. The kids laughed as well before hiding their faces from their embarrassment. “And I vow to always be on your side. No matter what. I will forever chose you.”
Your eyes teared a little as you stood up to kissed Bruce.
“And I vow to continue to love you forever. I vow to continue to be there for you and never give up on you, the kids, or us. And lastly, I vow to continue to be the best wife you can have,” you tell him.
Bruce smiled at you and kissed you once more.
The party was similar to your reception. Everyone danced and partied but now that you had kids (with two who were of drinking age) the party was more memorable.
“We’ll take care of everyone. You two go sneak off to your honeymoon redo,” Diana tells you two as she and Clark walked you and Bruce out.
Bruce had talked to the Justice League and his family about taking you out to Europe for some alone time together after the party. Now that it had began to die down, it was a perfect time for you two to go.
“Are you sure?” You asked.
“We have Alfred here as well for anything. You two enjoy yourselves,” Diana tells you.
“We’ll see you two back soon,” you say before giving them a hug each.
“Have fun!” Clark smiled as Bruce carried you to the car.
“You ready for some alone time, Mrs. Wayne?” Bruce asked you as you two got into the car.
“You bet I am Mr. Wayne,” you giggled before pulling Bruce into a kiss
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measuredingold · 11 months
hi, angel <33 back with a request! also also no pressure at all ofc, if you’re not vibing with it just delete 🥰
just had a lil fluff idea, friends to lovers type beat. reader is on tour with the band, tagging along as a friend when she’s out late one night with the guys, gets a lil drunk/tipsy and ends up in the wrong bunk. (Noah’s.) he didn’t go out, he went to bed early. she doesn’t realize and she’s like “what are you doing in my bed?”
neither of them end up moving, and it doesn’t help that she’s a cuddly drunk. plus, he has a hard time saying no to you 🥺💗
anyway, do with that what you will 💖
just friends
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authors note: thank you so much lovely anon for requesting this! i enjoyed writing this and kind of want to take it further, but i'm not sure? :) anyways, i hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it <3 reminder that my requests are open! also, happy birthday noah :)
pairing: noah sebastian x reader
cross-posted on ao3
word count: 2.6k
cw/tags: fluff (like tooth-rotting fluff imo), friends to lovers, confessions/admission of feelings, drinking/reader is drunk, 18+ minors do not interact
"Easy there, girl."
You giggled as Nicholas helped you onto the bus, his hands pressed against the small of your back to keep you in place. You didn't even mean to drink this, usually not one to do so, but after Folio had challenged you to see how many shots you could take in under a minute you had to prove to him that it definitely was more than two. Now here you were, giggling obnoxiously to yourself as Nicholas guided you onto the bus, feet tripping over one another.
"Nick," You hum, eyes squinting around the bus. "Is the room spinning?"
"It very much is not. You," A finger pressed to your forehead, and you barely registered that Nicholas was now in front of you, a smile tugging at his lips, "are very much drunk, though. Come on, let's get you to bed. Go change and I'll get you some water and Tylenol for that headache that should be kicking in... now."
You go to retort, but there was already a dull pain in the back of your head causing you to wince. Your headaches came a lot earlier when you drank, not waiting until the morning to hit. You give him a grateful smile when he hands you your bag you kept above one of the seats up front, knowing your drunk ass could not get that even if you tried your hardest, and you pulled out a change of clothes and made your way back to the very small, and very tight bathroom.
You change, clumsily, and shuffle your way back to the front of the bus where Nicholas was waiting for you. You take the Tylenol and bottle of water gratefully, swallowing down the medicine in one go. You take a few more sips of water, realizing just how thirsty you were before deciding you were good to go, twisting the cap back on a tossing it onto the couch.
“Good?” You nod, giving Nicholas a thumbs up in response. He smiles. “Alright. I’m gonna meet back up with guys, but Noah’s still here.”
Your brows furrow for a moment before you remember that Noah is still on the bus, opting out of going out with you and the crew after tonight’s show. You give Nicholas another nod as your response.
“If you need anything, just wake Noah up. He’ll get you whatever you need.” He leans forward now, tipping his head down to press his lips to your forehead, and you smile brightly up at him when he pulls away. “And if he doesn’t, hit ‘em upside the head and then call me.”
You laugh, “I’m sure I’ll be fine if I need anything. I’m drunk, not injured.”
He rolls his eyes at you before you gently shove him away, pushing him towards the door. You say your goodbyes and watch the door shut behind Nicholas, leaving you to stand alone in the front of the bus all by yourself. You stay put for a second, the dizziness coming back before a yawn rips from you, and you decide to finally shuffle your way towards the bunks.
All you needed was your favorite blanket and your bunk, and that duck squishmallow Noah had gotten you a few months ago. It’s quiet and you think Noah’s probably asleep already, and you yawn again as you finally reach your bunch, pulling the curtain back. You stare quizzically, though, at the man curled up in your bunk, and he stares right back, brows raised and just as confused.
"What the hell are you doing in my bunk?"
Noah blinks at you before pulling his airpods out, a brow raised. "What?"
"I said," You let go of the curtain to place a hand on your hip. "What the hell are you doing in my bunk, Davis?"
He stares at you for a beat before his lips slowly start curling into a smile.
"How drunk are you?" Noah squints at you.
"Why does that matter?" You argue, words slurring slightly. "I'm drunk and you're in my bunk. Two very obvious and true things. Now answer my question."
Noah snorts out a laugh. "You're right about one thing, you definitely are drunk. This is my bunk, though."
If you were sober, you would realize that yes, he was right. This was definitely not your bunk, yours was right below his, but for some reason in your drunk and hazy mind you were sure that this was your bunk. It looked just like it - just like the rest of the damn bunks on this bus - so it had to be true. You purse your lips, arms crossing over your chest.
“Very funny, Noah. Now get out, I’m tired and want to go to sleep.”
“I’m not moving.” He says more firmly, eyes narrowing at you. “This is my bunk, yours is over there.”
You turn as he points to the bunk across from his, the curtains drawn, and you squint. You look back at him, then back at the other bunk, and a voice in the back of your head is telling you that he was right. That was your bunk, not the one Noah was currently occupying. None of your stuff is there, your pillow isn’t even there, but for some reason the drunk – and very stubborn – part of you was firm on your stance.
Noah was in your bunk.
You turn back to him, arms still crossed over your chest, and you square your shoulders. “I’m just gonna climb up if you’re not moving, dude. So, either get out or we’re cuddle buddies for the rest of the night.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment and you see the exact where Noah’s shoulders drop, realizing there’s no point in arguing with you because you are right (no, you’re not) and he sighs deeply, though you barely catch the slight curl of his lips.
“Whatever. Get in.”
You climb into the bunk beside Noah, slowly because you knew in your inebriated state that was a disaster waiting to happen, and the boy sighs to himself again, rolling onto his side and pressing his back against the wall to make room for you. You roll onto your side, back facing Noah, and press against him. It wasn't hard to do with how tight the space was, and you hummed to yourself when you finally got comfortable enough to relax, pulling the blanket up to your chin.
"Comfy?" You hear Noah murmur behind you.
You nod, "Very."
You feel him shift behind you and if you had been sober, maybe the thought of being so close to him would have your skin blazing, but as your thoughts swirl, the only thing you can really think is how nice he feels pressed against you and how comfortable you are. His arm slings over your waist underneath the blanket and you swear he pulls you closer to him, if that was possible. A pleased sigh escapes him, the air fanning over the back of your neck. Now that has your body firing up, tiny goosebumps scattering across your skin. You melt against him.
"Why didn't you go out?" You ask through a yawn, eyes fluttering.
"Didn't want to."
"Why not? Everyone else did."
"Just wasn't in the mood," He mumbles behind you, his breath fanning against the back of your neck again. "Cold? You got goosebumps.”
You shake your head but feel Noah pull you closer anyways, sweatpant covered legs slipping in between yours. His limbs snake around yours and practically confines you, locking you against him. You're finding out that you like it way more than you probably should for a friend, but the drunken haze of your mind doesn't care too much about the technicalities of it all. 
"Did you miss me?" You ask after another beat of silence, and you feel Noah's body tense behind you.
"Yeah, maybe."
You pause. "Is that why you're in my bunk right now? Because you missed me?"
Noah lets out a groan and you can't help but smirk, soft giggles escaping you. You feel his hand move down to your hip, pushing your shirt up slightly to pinch at your skin playfully and you squeal, squirming against him. You barely move because this six-three, giant man has you tight in his grasp, and you feel his chest move against your back with his laughter. 
"Oh my fucking god," He grumbles into your hair, but you hear the smile in his voice. "Go to sleep. Please."
"I'm trying." You whine out, eyes slipping shut at the feeling of his hand now spreading out against your tummy, rubbing soothing circles there. "My head hurts too much."
"Did you take anything?"
"Mhm." You hum. "Nicholas gave me some Tylenol and water before he met back up with the guys."
"You drink all the water?"
You shrug. “Maybe like half?”
"Good enough for me." You feel the brush of his lips against the back of your neck and your eyes spring open, freezing in his hold. "You just need to relax. It should start kicking in soon."
You don't say anything, hyper-focused on the way his lips felt against your skin and the way you liked it too much. Even in your inebriated state you knew what that meant, and maybe you always had, but was just too scared to even think of the possibility. You and Noah were just friends... who sometimes teetered the line between friends and something else. It went unspoken for as long as you could remember, and you're not sure why you never said anything. 
You don't know if it's the alcohol, or if you're finally sobering up, but your stomach turns at the thought. Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't he say anything? You feel dizzy again, and there's a voice in the back of your head trying to tell you to shut up and sleep but you've never been a good listener, even to yourself, and your lips move before you can think twice about it. 
"Noah." Your voice is hushed and the feel of his fingers rubbing circles against your bare hip as your head spinning more than it probably should be right now.
"You do realize friends don't do this, right?"
It takes him a moment to reply, "Do what?"
You feel more sober than you did five minutes prior. You're aware of everything - where you are, who you're with, who you're pressed against. Noah lets out a sigh and you feel him nose at your shoulder, a shiver running through your body at the feeling.
"You know we’ve never exactly been just friends."
You can't believe he had just said that as your eyes almost bulge right out of your head, and you try to turn in his arms so that you can face him.
His grip only tightens on you, and you can't move, stuck where you are, and you hear him huff out a laugh before saying, "Nope. No way. We’re not having this talk right now when you’re drunk as shit, and we’re trapped in this glorified death box. Go to sleep.”
"If you remember this in the morning, then ask me again." You feel his lips move against the back of your neck and you shiver again, squirming against him.
"I will." You finally whisper after two beats of silence, trying to settle back against his chest. "I'll ask you tomorrow."
He presses another kiss to the back of your neck and your entire body flushes, and you can hear the smile in his voice when he says, "Okay."
You both lay in silence and it's not long for sleep to find you, body finally relaxing after the long night.
You wake some hours later, groaning quietly as you lifted your head up from the pillow. You blink blearily around you before rubbing at your eyes, trying to rid them of sleep as last night’s shenanigans flooded your brain. With another groan you roll onto your back and stare up at the top of the bunk, picking a part your memories.
Going out with the guys, taking way too many shots with Folio, Nicholas having to walk you back to the bus, the Tylenol, Noah… Your mind pauses at the thought of the male, and you realize you’re in the bunk alone. You remember everything clearly, from arguing with him about how this was your bunk – it in fact very much was not – from climbing into said bunk and cuddling with him. You remember him saying that the two of you have never been just friends but refused to elaborate.
If you remember this in the morning, then ask me again.
The bus is quiet, the only sound you hear are Jolly’s snores coming from below you, and the soft sound of the bus’s engine running. You were most likely on your way to the next city. You’re sure Noah’s already up, probably in the front working away on his laptop, and you peel his blanket off your body and do your best to get down from his bunk.
You find him where you expected him, beanie on top his head and hoodie wrapped around his body, headphones on as he typed away at his laptop. You’d make a joke about him always working, but you’re only thinking of one thing right now.
You come stand in front of him and he notices you almost instantly, pushing his headphones off his head as he stares up at you.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.”
You blush, eyes dropping for a moment as your arms come to cross over your chest.
“What did you mean last night?” You blurt out.
Noah pauses but his eyes never leave you, and you watch as he slips his computer off his lap and into the seat next to him. He leans forward, elbows resting against his knees.
“Ask me again.”
“No, I’m not-“ You huff out a groan and brush your fingers through your hair, wincing a bit at the knots that caught between your hands. “I’m not playing that game, Noah. What did you mean we’ve never exactly been just friends?”
“It’s exactly what it sounds like.” He leans back against the couch now, arms crossing over his chest. “And you know I’m right.”
Your heart hammers against your chest and all you can do is nod at his words, cheeks flushing with color. He was right. You two have never been just friends, too close, too touchy to be labeled as platonic. You’d be lying if you said last night was the first time you shared a bed together. But now what? You got the answer you were looking for, but for some reason you can’t even look at Noah, but his eyes are burning into you, watching your every move.
“Okay…” You start, sucking in a breath as you finally moved your gaze back to Noah, eyes locking with his. “If we’re not just friends, then what does that make us?”
He smiles. “People who like each other more than friends but are too scared to admit it?”
Damn. He got that spot on. You blush again, trying to find the right words, but come up short. Your brain is still playing catch up, sleep still very much in your veins, and Noah notices. He leans forward again and gestures you to come closer and you do, his hands reaching out to grab your own.
“We have the next two days off. Let me take you out. Dinner or something. A movie. Whatever you want.”
“And then what?”
He shrugs. “And then we see where this goes. I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”
You can’t stop the smile that’s slipping onto your lips, your fingers curling around his as warmth spread throughout your chest.
“That sounds good to me.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
congrats on 3000 followers 💫 you deserve it honey!🧡 Also, Chappell Roan has been stuck in my head, so I’m suggesting a lyric of hers for a prompt:
“I could be the one, or your new addiction.”
(Or any lyric from HOT TO GO!)
Thank you! I’m right there with you, Chappell Roan the incredible bitch that you are 👏🏻
“He’s had one drink and he’s acting like he had a bottle of vodka,” Robin shook her head while she watched Steve dancing with two guys in the middle of the club they’d only been at for an hour.
“He needed to let loose,” Eddie shrugged, looking down at the drink he’d barely taken a sip from.
Robin looked at him, frowned, then looked back to Steve. She desperately needed them to get their shit together, but Steve acting like this definitely wasn’t going to work. It didn’t help that Eddie had been acting moody all day, barely even wanted to come with them.
“And what about you?” She finally asked him. “Are you gonna let loose tonight or keep the stick up your ass until you go to bed?”
Eddie’s head shot up, ready to argue. He didn’t, though. He looked back down at his drink and sighed.
“Not really feeling like letting loose, birdie.”
“Why not?”
Eddie shrugged and stayed silent.
“Did something happen?” She pushed. Even on his moody days, he was still usually capable of putting on a smile for her or the kids.
“No, just me being dumb. Making assumptions,” Eddie snorted. “Should be used to it by now.”
“What assumptions?” The song changed to something even louder and she considered dragging Eddie to the outside seating so they could talk.
“Just thought I was making progress on something and I clearly wasn’t.”
Oh, so it’s about Steve.
Eddie hadn’t really talked to her about his feelings, but she caught on early. She watched the way Eddie prioritized Steve over everyone and everything else, how he smiled when Steve was happy, how his mood shifted when Steve was having a bad day. She’d be worried more about it if she didn’t know that Steve was the exact same way.
They were idiots, both of them.
“What makes you think that?” She took a sip of her drink to seem more casual, but Eddie wasn’t that much of an idiot.
“Pretty obvious where I stand when someone’s leaving his room early in the morning, Robin.”
So he did know Robin knew.
“Someone slept over last night?” Robin didn’t know that. Steve rarely brought people to his apartment he shared with Eddie, and he hadn’t in nearly a year. Robin didn’t even know the last time he showed interest in anyone beyond getting a free drink from them.
“Yeah. She seemed like his type. I’m sure you’ll hear all about it soon.”
Robin squinted back at Steve dancing.
He would have told her by now about bringing someone home. They’d been together all afternoon.
“I don’t think he slept with her,” she finally said.
“Yeah, okay. I’m sure they just cuddled all night.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “It’s not what you think, I’m telling you.”
She couldn’t do or say anything else, just had to let Eddie brood about not being in Steve’s bed even though he could fix it if he just said something.
She finished her drink and excused herself to join Steve. Maybe he could tell her what was going on.
“Hey dingus,” she yelled as she got closer.
Steve turned and smiled at her, sweat dripping from his forehead. “Robs! Hi!”
“Hey, babe. Did you forget to eat today?”
Steve nodded.
“Thought so. Let’s go get you some water.”
She dragged him to the bar and managed to get the bartender to get him water before anyone else got more drinks. She forced him to drink half of it before they walked back towards the table in the corner Eddie hadn’t moved from.
“Eddie! You should dance with me,” Steve exclaimed as he sat next to Eddie and grabbed his arm.
“Maybe next time, Stevie,” Eddie smiled at him, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Steve was still a little too drunk to notice, but Robin saw it.
“Awww, you never dance with me anymore. I miss you.”
Robin could see how hard it was for Eddie to hold himself together. Every possible emotion was flickering behind his eyes.
“Maybe that girl you had over last night will dance with you,” he finally settled on, which Robin immediately wanted to shove back into his mouth.
Steve sat back and seemed to be trying to figure out what Eddie meant when the beat of his current favorite song came on.
“Oh my god! Eddie! Please dance with me!” Steve clapped his hands and stood from the stool he’d been sitting on.
Eddie looked sad, but also endlessly endeared by Steve’s excitement.
“I could be the one or your new addiction!”
Steve was yelling the lyrics right at Eddie, not realizing how much Eddie was hurting.
Robin was his platonic soulmate and Eddie was on of her best friends. She couldn’t keep watching this.
“Steve, maybe you should get some fresh air,” she grabbed his shoulder and tried to turn him away, but he looked mad.
“No, this is my favorite song.”
“Steve, c’mon. Just for a minute. We can listen to this when we get outside if you want.”
Eddie was looking back down at his drink, biting his lip so hard it looked like it might bleed.
“Only if Eddie goes with me,” Steve folded his arms across his chest and pouted.
“Eddie’s gonna save our table in here,” Robin said.
But surprisingly, Eddie interrupted her by standing up and throwing back the rest of his drink.
“I’ll take him.”
Steve cheered and started singing along again as Eddie and Robin shared a look.
Eddie wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and guided him towards the back door that led to a small seating area outside. Steve was singing the whole way, but he rested his head against Eddie’s shoulder while they walked.
“Why are you sad tonight?” Steve asked as they made their way to the only available table outside.
“I’m not.”
“Friends don’t lie.”
“I’m not lying,” Eddie lied.
“Then dance with me. I love dancing with you,” Steve didn’t move his head from Eddie’s shoulder even when they sat down.
“I love dancing with you too,” Eddie managed to say before he felt a lump in his throat.
He loved doing everything with Steve, even dancing to pop songs at a club, and it was only hurting him more to keep pretending it was enough.
“I even taught you the dance to that song,” Steve said quieter. “Remember?”
“Yeah,” Eddie smiled to himself, tightening his grip around Steve’s shoulders. “Made me put my hips into it.”
“Because you have nice hips,” Steve sighed.
Eddie could feel his face heating up. Steve wasn’t sober enough, he didn’t know what the hell he was saying.
“I barely have hips at all,” Eddie managed to choke out.
“Not true. I like holding them. They’re perfect.”
Okay, Eddie couldn’t do this. Robin needed to read his mind and come outside and-
“Wanna hold them now.”
“Steve, you’re drunk. You-“
“Can we dance?” Steve interrupted.
“The music isn’t loud out here.”
“I can sing it.”
“We’ll be the only ones dancing.”
Steve tilted his head back and looked at Eddie. “When has that stopped you before?”
Eddie stood and let Steve hold his hips, almost a slow dance, while Steve started singing the song.
“Baby, do you like this beat, I made it so you’d dance with me.”
Eddie loved when Steve sang. He wasn’t the best, but he had a smooth voice that made Eddie smile, regardless of the song he was singing.
They were swaying like it was a slow song, but the vibrations of the bass line coming through the walls of the club made it obvious it wasn’t meant to be.
“I didn’t sleep with her,” Steve said after he went through the chorus once.
Steve looked frustrated. “Some guy was trying to take her back to his place and he wouldn’t take no for an answer so I let her Uber back with me and she ended up just spending the night. Nothing happened.”
“That’s…fine. I don’t need to hear about it,” Eddie knew he sounded rude, but he truly couldn’t make it through the night if Steve gave a play by play of getting cozy with someone else.
“I don’t ever want anything to happen with anyone but you.”
Eddie stopped swaying. He was pretty sure the music stopped inside. No one else existed except for them.
“What?” He finally squeaked out.
Steve was looking at him like he was the sun.
“No matter who I dance with or flirt with or hang out with, you’re the only one who matters. It’s just you, Eds.”
He was drunk, but drunk Steve never lied. Eddie knew that for a fact. He’d said some harsh truths before when he had more whiskey than he should’ve.
“I don’t understand.”
Steve searched his eyes and bit his lip, like he was considering what to say.
But then his lips were on Eddie’s, soft, cautious.
He was holding back.
Eddie didn’t want him to.
Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist and pulled him forward so their chests were flush against each other, tongue licking along Steve’s bottom lip to deepen the kiss.
Steve allowed it, moaning as he let Eddie hold most of his weight.
Before they could get too carried away in public, Eddie pulled away to catch his breath and try to get his heart to slow before he passed out.
“Steve, this can’t just be a fun thing. This is…this is everything to me. You’re everything to me.”
Steve nodded, eyes never leaving Eddie’s. “I know. You’re maybe the love of my life. I’m drunk but I know how I feel. Felt that way for years.”
“Years? And you just now decided to say something?” Eddie wasn’t looking forward to Robin’s ‘I told you so.’
“Couldn’t. Didn’t wanna scare you away.”
“There’s no fucking way you’d ever do that. I’ve been yours for three years whether you knew it or not,” Eddie laughed in disbelief.
“We should go home,” Steve said quickly.
“You tryin’ to take me hot to go?” Eddie teased.
“If you’ll let me,” Steve nodded, tugging on Eddie’s hand to get him to move faster.
“I’ll let you do anything you want, Stevie.”
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
hii i love your work and wanted to send a request in :)
can you do “you’re just going to leave me here?!” and “i’m gonna come back for you , do you hear me?” for jason and reader? 💛
maybe they’re on a date and there’s a robbery nearby or a villain crashes a gala they are attending? also maybe the reader knows he’s red hood? or it’s early in their relationship that he hasn’t told them yet? idk if that makes sense, but if you pick this up i can’t wait to see where you take it! 💛
OH IT'S EMOTIONAL ANGST TIME! hurt no comfort 😈 thanks for requesting nonnie 🥰
jason todd x gn!reader | tw: angst, reader feels hurt, lying to protect a superhero identity (is red hood a hero? he is to ME.) i may write a pt 2 to this if there's interest 😎
Jason checks his phone for the fourth time tonight. You haven't even received your entrees yet.
"Everything okay?" you ask lightly.
Jason looks up, eyes wide. "Oh. Yes. Sorry, baby. Sorry."
You nod, trying to smile. "It's okay."
He puts his phone in his pocket. You try to relax and focus on your date. This place is upscale, much pricier than you're used to, but Jason had insisted. He'd said he hadn't been doing his due diligence of being your boyfriend and should take you out on more "proper" dates. You'd told him that was silly, of course; you'd be content to go anywhere with him.
But he's been acutely distracted these past few weeks, and you're starting to form terrible explanations in your head for why that might be.
You try to ignore it. You just want to spend time with your boyfriend; it's been so long.
"Oh my God, guess what happened at work today," you say.
Jason leans in, smiling. "Tell me. Was it Peggy from Marketing again?"
"Yes!" You laugh, shaking your head. "She's such a pain. I was in my cubicle when—"
Jason's watch starts to blare, the beep shrill and insistent. He curses and quickly taps at the screen. You slump back in your chair.
"Shit," he says and looks up at you.
You suddenly feel exhausted.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," Jason begins, rising from his chair. "God, fuck—you have no idea how sorry I am. It's my family, they—something's happened with my brother. He needs my help, unfortunately."
"So you're just going to leave me here?" you ask, mouth dropping open in shock. "Jay, we planned tonight two weeks ago!"
He winces. "I know. Fuck, I know, sweetheart. I'm so, so sorry. I'm gonna come back for you, okay? It'll be an hour, tops. Look, order anything you want. I'll leave my card, it's on me—"
You shake your head and stand. "No, Jason. I'm—look, I know your family is important to you, but you've done this a lot this past month, and it's not just hurtful, but it's starting to feel a little intentional. I don't know if I'm some kind of placeholder or, or—"
"Hey, no, no. You're not a placeholder. Please don't say that," Jason begs, reaching for your hand.
You keep your hand out of reach, eyes beginning to heat up.
"I'm going home," you say. "I hope your brother's okay."
"Sweetheart, please, come on. I don't wanna fight."
"Me neither," you say tiredly. "So we won't. Good night, Jason."
His watch beeps again, this time with a phone call. You walk out. It's a nicer part of Gotham, so getting a cab here isn't a problem.
Jason catches up to you instantly. He looks terrified, and it breaks your heart, but you don't have the energy tonight.
"Can I–can I call you tonight?" he asks, voice cracking.
A cab pulls up to the curb. The valet opens the door for you. Jason takes a step forward.
"I'd rather you didn't," you say quietly. "I need some time to myself, Jay."
Jason takes a step back.
"I'm sorry," he says again, desperate.
You sigh. "I know you are."
You get into the car. The valet closes the door. Jason watches you through the window, tugging at his curls like he does when he's stressed.
That night, your bed feels cold. You toss and turn for hours, trying to shake the feeling of a phantom arm snaked around your waist.
Jason doesn't call, like you'd requested. You cry anyway.
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telvess · 11 months
RoR: Morning with them (Hermes, Hades, Qin) 🔞
I've finally defeated my writer's block, at least a bit. And I swear I wanted to write something fluffy. Then why - for the Helheim sake - I ended up writing NSFW context again…?
You were wakened by a morning sunlight. You opened your eyes and immediately regretted it, covering your head with the pillow to find relief in the partial darkness. The empty space next to you - where your hand expected to find Hermes - alarmed you, so you forced yourself to peek again. The feeling of disappointment woke you up completely. — Why are you leaving so early? — you mumbled, seeing him getting ready in front of the mirror. He was putting on a shirt, so for the last seconds you could see his naked back, which you had kissed many times last night. — Duty calls. — You’re god, you know? — you jumped out of the bed and hugged him from behind — You have the right to take the day off! Even as you interfered, Hermes buttoned his dress shirt. — I’m afraid the gods don’t have that privilege. — Really? — you sighed into his back — Even we, humans, figured that out! You saw his reflection in the mirror smiling at you. After the shirt, the time had come for a tie. — Let me — you offered help. Without a word, Hermes handed you the tie, and as you placed it around his neck, you felt his eyes on you. Since you were standing naked in front of him, your cheeks suddenly felt warm, and the situation didn't get any better as you remembered what happened last night. — Is everything okay? — Yes — you replied, however you didn’t have enough courage to look up. Otherwise, you would have notice Hermes’ mischievous expression, because - as always - he knew exactly what was going on in your mind. As you were tying a tie, Hermes’ hands appeared on your waist. He was already wearing white gloves and was now caressing your skin with the soft fabric. As his touch was leaving burning trace on your bare skin, your sensitive body slowly began to wake up. Hermes moved his hands to your back, where he raised them along your spine to reach your shoulders, neck and finally your jawline. You bit your lower lip and without second thought, you let your hands slide over Hermes’ collar to touch his neck with trembling fingers. — Patient, silly goose — his calm voice brought you back to reality — Tonight you gonna untie that tie as well. Your eyes met his. Hermes seemed amused by your confusion, but beside that you didn’t notice any sign of lying. — Will you leave that early the next morning too? — you asked. Then, to your surprise, Hermes just leaned towards you. Your lips moved instinctively as he approached closer to yours, meeting in a deep, promising kiss. Every time Hermes and you shared an intimacy moment, you slowly lost yourself in his firm hug and skilled tongue, but over time you started to realize that he was the one who was overcome with passion much more than one would expect. As if his perfect, unshakable image had loosened slightly, as if Hermes had finally forgotten himself in the endless years of tasks assigned by Zeus. Then again, something - perhaps his divine control or just aversion to being late - forced him to stop. Hermes was the first to regain absolute control over himself. The only things that gave him away was his rapid breathing and the messy hair you gave him, which was also taken care of very quickly. — Yes — he answered, calmly. It took you a moment to remember what you had asked him, and once you did, a groan of disappointed escaped your lips — However, tomorrow we will wake up much earlier. You smiled at the hidden promise in his words. Hermes checked himself in the mirror one last time before touching your jaw again and forcing you to look into his eyes. — That’s a good knot. Thank you.
You were lying partially on Hades’ chest and were leaving a trails of small kisses on his exposed skin. Some time ago, a faint light started to seep through the curtains, but you were already awake. Watching Hades sleep was something you never expected to do and you really hoped now that it wasn't a dream. As you left another kiss, you saw how Hades’ head moved slightly. — Oh? — he looked so adorable: sleepy eyes, messy hair and a very lazy smile. You felt so lucky that you had witnessed this side of the king of the Underworld. — Good morning — you smiled back. — Morning, my queen — Hades ran his fingers through his hair, making them even more dishevelled. — Did you sleep well? — you asked, trying really hard to hide your laugh. — Yes, but it doesn't compare to the awakening. Hearing this made you want to kiss him again, but now your fingers also explored his skin, following a track of his sculpted muscles. — Well… I didn’t mean to wake you up… — you kissed him again — It’s just… — and again, — … you teased me. — Oh, really? — Hades grabbed you with his large arms and rolled over with you, so that you were now underneath him. You laughed at the sudden change. For a moment he just looked at you without any particular expression, and then he leaned towards your neck, where he placed a very gentle kiss. His warm breath on your skin, especially on that sensitive spot he found out about last night, made you moan. Hades lifted his head just for a moment to show you his triumphant smile before returning to leave more kisses just below your ear. — You are… aah-h… so… You couldn’t control your body anymore, but was that a reason to be angry? Because you felt so good right now as Hades continued his journey down your chest to your breasts. You ignored weak resistance of your pride and closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. Hades’ lips around your nipples sent shivers your lower parts and as he licked and sucked on them, more moans escaped your lips. You grabbed his hair and arched your back in a fit of passion. — Now, now, who’s the teaser here… — you heard his quiet, deep voice. — Hades… His lips were replaced by his hands now, which slowly massaged your breasts, and Hades' fingers poked your nipples from time to time. — Just look at you — he said slowly — Very naked and very… mine. You couldn’t help but smiled. You opened eyes just to find him watching you. He reached for your head to brushed your hair behind your ear. — I didn’t know you’re such tamer. Hades laughed, his finger was curling your strand of hair. — I didn’t know that either. Looks like you drew it out of me. — Oh, so now it’s my fault? — Well… — he pinched your cheek — What can I say, that’s your charm, dear. You giggled. — Woah, quality save. Hades leaned towards your lips, but stopped an inch before he reached them. — You know, y/n… — he whispered — I'm not a morning person, but you're on your way to changing that. — You seem to have a lot of energy, my king. — And even more ideas on how to use it. Hades wasn’t lying, he had plenty of them.
Qin Shi Huang
You were a light sleeper, so when Qin sat at the edge of the bed, your eyes immediately opened. — Don’t go! — you muttered, and in a sudden burst of desperation, you clutched to Qin’s back and wrapped your arms and legs around his waist like little child. — I’m expected to, my sweet lady — said Qin, but his tone indicated he was open to conviction. — Yesterday you said that you expected your empress to speak loudly about her needs! — you remained — And today I expect you to stay and entertain me! You left a few kisses on his centipede tattoo that ran down his back and smiled in satisfaction as you felt Qin’s body tremble. You pretended to shudder with the cold. — Ugh! I’m so cold! Qin froze for a moment, the sculpted muscles on his back flexed and then before you could blink, he turned around and gently pushed you onto your back. — Cold? — said Qin, outraged — In the presence of the emperor? Unforgivable! Then he lay down close by and he whispered with a smile: — I will handle this matter myself. You giggled as he covered both of you with the duvet, and then pulled you into his chest. He held you tightly in embrace, with his face buried in your hair you felt his warm breath on your neck. — You smell nice — his words made you blush. You started massaging Qin’s muscular arm, feeling his bare skin with your fingers and listening to his slow breathing made your body completely relaxed, to the point where you had to fight with yourself to not fall asleep again. — Qin… — you mumbled. — Yes? — I’m sleepy… — That’s good to hear. You frowned but didn’t open your eyes. — No! I don’t want to sleep again because… because I hate waking up alone! You felt his grip tighten, and then his lips whispered next to your ear: — I’m never too far away. You opened you mouth and closed it almost immediately, feeling ashamed of yourself. — Well… You’re right — you said and sat straight— You have your responsibilities. You should go. — Oh? — you couldn’t help but smile at his disappointed reaction — The duties are where I am! Your attempt of withhold a laugh was mediocre, and soon the huge bedroom you shared was filled with loud laugher from both of you. Qin grabbed your arm and forced you to lie down next to him. — Here I thought I'd rest a little longer… — he sighed. — Oh, so you tried to use me as an excuse then! Qin presented you his false smile that he usually gives to unwanted advisors, and you stuck your tongue out at him in the response, then grabbed his cheek and moved his head towards you, so you could place a kiss on his lips. His hand appeared on your back almost immediately and the other one hid itself in you hair, pulling you closer to his warm body. — It seems you have a new reason to stay — you said once you stopped kissing and looked at the bulge in his pants. — Yes, and it requires an immediate solution. Qin touched your jaw and turned your face towards him. You could drown in his pure, innocence eyes, even now, when he had such dirty thoughts. You giggled, feeling sudden surge of shyness. Qin smacked his lips. — You shouldn’t make emperor wait.
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lunajay33 · 4 months
Taste for Older Men Part.2
Summary: Growing up with you never had much interest in boys your age but when your dads best friends stuck around more everything changed
Pairing: Cowboy Negan x f!reader
Warnings: age gap, evil boyfriend
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It’s been a week since everything happened, my parents have been extremely over supportive always, when I’d come down for breakfast they’d have wide smiles and cheery voices but I couldn’t hate them for it they’re just trying to make me feel better even though I was already happier than I’ve ever been in my life
I still work everyday at Negans farm but my parents still don’t know that we’re together and we’re not quite sure how to tell them, I mean he’s my dads best friend and I don’t want to ruin that but I also can’t give up Negan he’s all I’ve ever wanted so there’s got to be a way
I was in the barn pitch forking up some loose hay when I feel Negans arms wrap around my waist
“You know if I was gonna get more help around here I’d have told you my feelings way earlier” I laugh as I lean back into his chest
“Watch yourself lil lady I’m still your boss remember”
“Oh I remember” he spins me in his arms resting my hands on his shoulders
“So how do we tell my parents I don’t want to sneak around I want to be able to be with you when we’re around other people”
“I know sunshine, old man invited me over tonight to watch football might tell him then, and you can talk to your mother” I feel nervous about this but it needs to be done
“Hopefully they don’t rip my head off”
“If they’re going that route it’ll be me they rip apart” me smiles as he leans down to kiss me his grey speckled beard scratching against my face but it was something I craved when he wasn’t around
“Come on let’s finish up our chores before you get carried away like last time” I laugh as he groans
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I got home early as Negan let me off to get ready for tonight and go through everything I want to say to my mom, he wanted that time too he had more to worry about but my father is an understanding man I just home he can understand this too
I stripped off my dirty work clothes and hoped in the shower, relaxing as the dirt and sweat from the day washed away down the drain, after I was all squeaky clean I got dressed in a casual pair of black leggings and a red long sleeve shirt, putting two braids in my hair then waiting on my bed anxiously
After another hour I picked up my phone and dialed Negan, after two rings I hear his voice and everything seemed to not be as stressful
“Hey baby ya alright?”
“Yeah I’m better now, just nervous”
“Don’t stress honey I’m on my way over now, we’ll get this settled” he said with a calming tone
“Okay I’ll see you soon”
We hung up and I made my way downstairs sitting at the kitchen island waiting to hear the rumble of his truck, soon the headlights shine through the window and he’s knocking at the door
I want to rush to the door and through my arms around him but contain myself and let my dad answer, Negans technically his guest anyways
“Negan! You excited for the game buddy?” My dad asked cheerfully as he patted him on the shoulder
“You bet, I meet you in the lounge soon I’ll go say hi to your wife and y/n!”
“Always with the southern hospitality!”
Negan rounded the corner and came into the kitchen where me and my mother sat I couldn’t help the huge smile that stretched my cheeks
“Negan so wonderful to see you again, last time was a bit crazy” I looked down a little embarrassed by that whole fiasco
“Lovely to see you too, and of course my dear little farm hand” he said brushing his hand down my back out of my mothers gaze making my skin chill
“Oh Negan she’s still behaving well isn’t she?”
“Mother of course I am”
“Don’t worry she’s always a great help, got myself a lil working lady”
I look up at him with so much joy and admiration before my mother clear her throat and snaps us out of our moment
“Well here’s two beers, better get in there before he makes a big deal about us stealing you away again” she laughed handing over the beers and began left the room
I look back at my mother who had a knowing look on her face, raised eyebrow with a slight smirk
“I’m not stupid sweetie, I’ve seen the way you looked at him since he started coming around, only recently he’s been giving you the same look soooooo you have something to tell me dear”
“Don’t be mad, what I feel for him is real, how he treats me really show how badly Mike treated me and how much Negan treats me like a goddess, he’s a good man”
“I’m not mad, I’m glad you found a man who can treat you the way you deserve, hopefully your father will look at it the same way”
I down now we wait to either hear a fight or Negan comes out smiling
“WHAT?” I hear from the lounge, oh no
I rush into the lounge seeing my dad up in Negans face and he looked more betrayed than angry
“Dad, calm down it’s okay”
“How is this okay my best friend with my daughter”
“I love her f/n” he went silent and so did I this was the first time Negans declared his love
“You love me?” I ask as I step closer
“Of course I do, you’re a wonderful woman every moment with you I feel more happier and at ease than I’ve ever been”
“I love you too sunshine” I lean up to wrap my arms around his neck and he held me tight
“F/n, you know Negan and he’ll treat her right compared to that excuse for a boyfriend she had before” my mom said then hearing my dad sigh
“I know it’s just a lot to wrap my head around, when did this happen?”
“The day we had the barbecue, he came and made me feel better about everything that happened and well our feelings just came out”
“I mean me and your mother knew how you felt about Negan it was pretty obvious, I guess I can eventually get use to this”
“My god was it that obvious?” I ask looking up at Negan and he had a sly smirk
“You didn’t make it sneaky when you’d look at me darlin”
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Taglist: @azanoni @scorpioempress @fanficwriter5 @elliesr1fle @imimatcha4life @indigosparkle444
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derfpossessions · 11 months
Rented You Out - Part 3
I’m back after months! Note that for this part it’s gonna be a little different just for the sake of the halloween spirit! (tw a little bit of horror and gore) 🎃
Read Parts 1 and 2 if you haven’t already! 
The High School is throwing a huge halloween party, and Denholm, Markus and Paula went to buy costumes at PartyCity.
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“Do I look good babe?” Denholm asked his girlfriend.
“Of course! Now let’s go out and eat?” The three headed to the nearby fast food.
As they were riding in the car, a little boy was seen wearing a halloween costume, and approached the three.
“Trick or treat??” asked the kid.
“I think it’s too early for that honey.” said by Markus.
“Trick or treat??” the kid said again with his pupils getting more enlarged.
“Denholm I think we should leave.” Paula said while she started to get nervous. The kid started shaking a little bit.
Chapter 2
The night comes as Markus went home and left Paula and Denholm. It was 3 hours before the halloween party.
“I’ll see you two later at the party okay? The house is gonna be filled with shit!” Markus said as he started heading home.
“So babe, now that he’s out of the way, why don’t you and I have a little bit of fun tonight?” Paula said in a flirting manner.
“Baby, I’m kinda tired, let’s just call it a day shall we?” Denholm was panting.
She then started pushing him to the bed. And there the magic started happening.
“YESSS!! HARDER!!” Paula screamed as the bed started to rocked like there’s an earthquake in LA. 
Loads of milk were splashing everywhere, Paula even swallowed some of them. 
Paula was screeching in pleasure as Denholm pounded her hard. She bounced up and down as Denholm’s glorified manhood strobed her. 
“Babe, we gotta go clean after this. I don’t wanna go to the party smelling like cum.” Denholm jokingly said.
As the two were having fun, a shadow was seen running across the halls. 
“What was that?” Denholm was startled.
“I don’t know. It sounded like a cat or something. I’m going to go check.” Paula put on her clothes.
The two smiled at each other as she opens the door wide. 
“And put a goddamn shirt on before you leave the room!” Paula giggled as she throw the shirt to Denholm while he was turned around.
But unluckily for Denholm, the shirt had hit the button used to turn him into a bodysuit.
He started getting dizzy and nauseous and he noticed his feet were deflating. He started panicking.
“Babe… Babe!” Denholm started screaming but she couldn’t hear him.
Suddenly a weird figure appeared in front of him. It was the kid. But it wasn’t.
“Help.. help me!” Denholm said to the kid. But we has just standing there shaking.
The kid started turning into something else, into a full alien. Whatever creature that was, it was definitely NOT human. The creature then shut the door.
“What… what?!! Stand back!” Denholm panicked but couldn’t move because his legs have fully deflated.
The alien started coming closer. It made its way to his bed and started grabbing his rubber legs.
Denholm gasped for air. His chest was also deflating slowly as he watched the alien grab him like clothes.
He let out one last scream and grunt before all that’s left was his head. The alien then started opening the zipper from his spine.
The suit stretched down as the alien’s sharp legs pierced inside Denholm’s legs. He witnessed it all happen before he completely blacked out. The alien’s skinny taller body molded into Denholm, and he saw him standing a little more taller. As he blinked his last sight, his head collapsed on his new ribcage-y chest. The process was almost complete.
The alien magically started molding into the insides of Denholm, reverting back to his normal shape. All’s that left was to put on the head.
The alien’s head was too large to fit into Denholm’s, so it had to stretched the zipper into him. 
Denholm’s face puffed out to the point that his eyes opened wide and his mouth jaw dropped. As the process was coming to an end, a new Denholm opens his eyes, and zips the zipper shut.
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The new Denholm started clenching his jaw, and he started breathing hard as he learned the basics of living as a human.
He started touching his chest, and pulled out Denholm’s phone to take a quick picture.
“I… I did it. I am… I am him.” He said in a very low monotone voice.
Then Paula suddenly opened the door to see Denholm still naked.
“Babe! Didn’t I told you to get up like 10 minutes ago?! Come on we’re gonna be late for the party!” Paula said.
“Babe… babe. Ok. babe.” Denholm said as he stares blankly into Paula.
“Hahahaha very funny! Maybe you should put that into character when we’re actually IN the party! Now come on! You gotta clean off those cum stains in the fucking bed!” Paula was disgusted.
Denholm rubbed his face and touched his cock and he stared at the mirror again. 
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“Trick or treat… Denholm.” He started grinning.
While taking a shower at the bathroom, he slowly unleashed his fresh new alien loads . 
Chapter 3
“Why isn’t this man not answering?!?” Markus got pissed as Denholm wasn’t answering his calls.
Suddenly Denholm’s car arrives. He is wearing the pirate outfit from PartyCity.
“Oh finally guess who showed up?” Markus said.
Denholm just stared at him blank for a good 4 seconds. Then he just ignored him and walked by.
“Paula did you gave him crack or something cuz im gonna crack your ass if you did!” Markus got annoyed but was laughing.
“Shut up! I would never do such a thing!” Paula jokingly said. 
The three then went in and had fun. 
The dancing got louder, and Paula and Denholm were in the middle of the dancefloor. Everyone loved him that night.
“Nice pirate costume G” said by one of Denholm’s varsity boys. The drunk guy then pat him hard in the back, hard enough to flip the switch… off.
Denholm collapsed to the ground and then started having seizures, he was turning BACK into human form. One rule that you should take note of is that a person should NEVER turn off the bodysuit mode while someone is inside the suit. It will be very painful. or worse.
Paula held her boyfriend tight as he started gasping for air. Time was running out for Denholm, and for the alien inhabiting him. Markus witnessed everything that happened. He wasn’t shocked about the fact that Denholm started spitting out green slime on the ground, it was the fact that the switch was turned ON the whole time. 
“Wait… so that means… FUCK.” Markus was in shock. “Someone must have used the bodysuit!” He didn’t know what to do. Him and Denholm came up with an agreement that Denholm would never turn into suit mode without Markus’ approval. He ran up to him and notice Denholm’s eyes. There was something weird about those eyes… something glowing inside.
Denholm then grabbed by the neck and started choking Markus. Everyone started panicking. Music was stopped, people were running away. Markus looked into Denholm’s eyes. It somehow made him feel pleasurable in a way. One of the boys then grabbed Denholm away from Markus, letting go of him. Panting, Denholm freed himself from the men’s arms and ran towards the dark hallway.
Markus followed forth, and saw Denholm finally collapse as his back unzips, revealing the horrific creature that was using his body.
“Trick or treat..” the alien murmured.
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“Hold on.. I recognize that voice.” Markus realized that the alien was the kid that was asking for candy back at the drive thru. 
“Stay. away.” Markus threatened the alien. The alien then started crawling towards him.
“I know you love me but I love someone else…” The alien mimicked Denholm’s voice before collapsing and turning into a pile of dried powdered cement.
Markus almost went into tears. The alien might not have hurt him physically, but it managing to dig in through Denholm’s memories and say that felt like him getting stabbed a thousand times.
He then tried waking Denholm up, whose body is in a room. He was not waking up. And there wasn’t any assurance of when he will wake up. Since Markus didn’t know how long that alien has been using Denholm’s body, he’s not sure if Denholm is not yet fully awakened to be able to return. He then heard Paula and the others running up to the room.
“Babe?! Babe! Are you alright??!? What the fuck happened?!?” Paula was on the verge of tears.
Denholm then said, “I’m alright… I was just feeling so high earlier.. must have been the drinks or someone must have laced me..” 
“Ok stay right where you are, I’m going to go  get an uber to drive us home.” Paula runs out of the door.
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Denholm then closes the door and changes his clothes. He let out a big sigh and looked in the mirror. “Sorry I had to do this to you again, Denholm.”
(Sorry if this one’s a bit rushed, I’ve been busy lately so I didn’t really had that much time. Stay tuned for more!)
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Heyy so (sorry if this sounds weird) I’m an absolute sucker for anything where Tangerine has to take care of reader 😍. Do yk if u could plz write a fic where reader is supposed to take sleeping pills cause she has a rlly hard time sleeping and accidentally takes two instead of one ( those things r strong bro) and falls asleep like immediately after taking them from the table. Imagine tangerine just went to the bathroom and comes back to find his wife passed out on the table, he’d be so concerned😭 anyways tysm
hii, im sorry this has taken so long. and me too! I love fics like that. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x fem!reader
— word count: 486
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Since you had trouble sleeping, you often took melatonin to help get you down for the night. Sometimes they wouldn't work as well as others, so to avoid the possibility of disrupted rest, you would take a pill just after dinner. The technique has worked many times before, and since you had to be up early tomorrow, you were hoping this would also be the case again tonight.
While Tangerine cleared the table, you rushed to your room to collect your sleep pills before he could return. You take one on your way downstairs and sat back down.
"I got’ya ice cream earlier. You want it now, or in a bit?" your boyfriend calls from the kitchen, poking his head out to see you.
"Now," you grin, nodding at him. "Get me a spoon?"
"Lemme go for a piss quick," he smiles, kissing the crown of your head as he walks past. "Only a minute."
You notice the pills in your hand, shaking one out and swallowing before the realisation hits- you took one already.
"Y'know I was tellin’ ya about that prick at the shop—" Tangerine starts, abruptly stopping when he sees your hunched-over body. "Babe?" he asks, his tone cautious as he shakes your arm. "Hun? What's goin' on?" 
He walks around the table and instantly notices the tablets spilt over the surface, a soft smile creeping on his face. 
"You plonker," he says quietly, slipping his arms underneath you, bringing you to his chest. "This is the third time this month." He lightly chuckles, taking you to your shared bedroom. 
He carries you carefully, supporting your head and walking sideways through doors so you don't get knocked and bumped. He gently places you down on the bed, laying you on the mattress with a sweet kiss on your forehead. 
Tangerine leaves the room and returns minutes later with a t-shirt, damp cloth and face cream. Considering you both had a day at home, you weren't wearing makeup, so he used the washcloth to freshen you up. He knew your nighttime routine like the back of his hand, so he still wanted to implement that as best as he can even though you were fast asleep. He delicately swipes the fabric over your face, wiping away before patting in your cream- the same way he's seen you do a hundred times. 
Next, he undresses you. Since you've been together for a while, it was nothing he hadn't seen before, but still, he gave you moments of privacy. He places one of his t-shirts over your head, positioning your arms in the sleeves before rolling the oversized fabric down your torso. 
"You're gonna have shit breath in the morning," he whispers, snickering to himself. He lowers to kiss your temple and pushes your hair behind your ears, tucking the covers around you. "G'night, darlin'." He smiles, flicking off the light as he leaves the room.
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
tan taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @like-a-fine-skylark @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossom @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor
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niyanispunk · 1 year
Putting in a request for some Soft!Joel 🥺
I read this quote earlier today and it said “I’m drunk and I hate everything but you. I love you. A lot.”
And it made me think of Joel and that it would be something he would maybe say and idk!!!!!! It gave me the warm and fuzzies!!!!!!!!
Drunk words, Sober Thoughts
Soft!Joel x reader
Warning/s: none
Words: 877
a/n: Hello love thank you sm for requesting, this is so cute I was actually excited when I was writing it so hope you love it! (unedited)
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It's Friday night, means you get to go off early. You work as a bartender in a bar at Jackson. Friday also means the Miller Brothers are getting a drink tonight, and you can't be more happy seeing Joel after a week after...well after you confessing your undying love to Him, you can't read His reaction Is He mad at you? so many thoughts ringing in your ear then He suddenly storm out and avoid you for the whole week. You and Joel first met when Ellie and Him first arrived at Jackson, you're the one who showed them their new house just a few houses away from yours, your second interaction with Joel was at the bar, A week after they arrived, the first time He talked to you other than just nodding. Since then you two goes patrol together and He visits you at the bar every night.
Wiping the tables and getting ready to go when you suddenly see a Familiar form approaching, "off already?" Joel's brother, Tommy. "hmm" you hum, finishing wiping out "Tough week?" tough week indeed you thought. "Yeah well...where's Joel?" you changed the topic "He's just finishing— Oh there He is" there He is, red flannel rolled up just to His elbows, messy hair as always, His eyes searching for something till they land on you, you're burning— cheeks are red and memories of your last meeting flood back, you found yourself excusing before he even approach you.
You got home early and goes straight to bed, completely passed out on your bed you immediately fell asleep, It's past 12 when you're suddenly woken up by the rocks hitting your windows You walked up towards the window and open it up, there you see Joel, waving at you obviously drunk but stopped when you disappeared, You goes down almost immediately opening the door "what are you doing??" you asked "can I sleep here tonight?" confused, you don't know what gotten into Him "what— c'mon I'm gonna take you home." quickly snatching your coat then helping the unstable Joel to walk.
Joel struggling to open the door, you to the rescue. "lemme—" He suddenly slaps your hand "I can do it." He tried again, failed. it's His time to look at you with those brown orbs asking for you to open the door but when you're about to twist the knob a sleepy Ellie coming to open it for you "ughh...thank you Y/n, you can just leave Him on the couch. " letting you in "I think im'ma stay for a little while, you can go back upstairs." you said giving the kid a soft smile which They return.
When you're done cleaning, you put a clean flannel shirt of Joel on the end of the couch for Him to change when He wakes up and a glass of water on the coffee table.
When you're about to stand up Joel suddenly hold your hand "stay." still half asleep you crouched down again to look at Him better, Him finally opening His eyes "You have a pretty eyes. " after a while He then strokes your hair "Smooth hair too. " He keeps stroking your hair, admiring your facial features "Thought you hated me. " He chuckled at that then suddenly sitting up taking you with Him to sit on His lap surprising you, when you finally got comfortable His hand finds you hair, stroking it again. "I'm drunk and hate everything but you. I love you. A lot." it's your time to cupped His face with one hand and Him leaning on your touch closing His eyes "can you say that again when you wake up tomorrow?" He loosely wraps His arms around your hips burrying His head on your chest nooding. He now take you with Him lying down on the couch sleeps overtaking the both of you.
The next morning you woke up with Him burying His head in your neck murmuring a good morning leaving small kisses now and then.
Turning you towards Him to get a better look at your face
"I love you. A lot." He said with a soft smile. you're grinning ear to ear, hotness creeping up from your stomach to your face, both of your hands cupping His face kissing Him passionately which He immediately returned, Oh how Inlove you are to this man.
"Well good morning to me" Ellie said as They walked in the living room, you both pulled away Joel glaring on Ellie's direction whose now preparing breakfast, You giggling and blushing like you're just caught red handed.
You both walked in the kitchen Isle Ellie handing Joel His coffee and you giving Him medicine for His headache. "So it's official?" Ellie suddenly blurts out "Ellie—" Joel looks at you then back to the kid "uhm—" Is It really official? you two didn't even spoke to each other just unsaid feelings, soft stares— god knows you two would always make an eye contact and then you're lost, lost in those brown orbs of His. "yes." Joel said looking at you as if asking "Yeah kid." You said softly "I knew it, You two we're literally eye fuc—" Joel suddenly cutting Them "C'mon let's eat, food's gettin' cold." you just giggled at Ellie sending daggers on Joel's direction, following Him to the table Ellie followed suit, sitting, you look at Joel's direction seeing a hint of pink on His cheeks chuckling and eating your breakfast peacefully with Ellie asking so many questions.
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greg-montgomery · 2 years
i am in desperate need of jealous hotch oh my god especially when he was the one who didn’t want any labels he would be soooo frowny 🤨🤨LIKE all frown man more than he normally is which is soooo much. he’d also be a lil sad emo boy when he sees you get comfortable with another man who isn’t him!!! he’d be all “jj😐who😐is😐he” and jj would be like “oh just some guy from other department who yn went on a date with few weeks ago i think its going reallly well & tonight might be the night” and he would TOTALLY try to hide it fazes him at all later that night but yn knows oh she knows damn well hotchy boy is in love with her
i was giggling and twirling my hair while writing this help. i love jealous hotch 😩
is he lowkey toxic in this??? <3333 maybe so! but just a little bit <33 he loves you 😌
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Aaron heard laughs from outside his office. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on yours. The sound of it was one of the few things in this world that could make his heart absolutely melt.
He could almost see you; the sparkle in your eyes, your beautiful smile…You didn’t smile for him anymore. And that was entirely his fault, he knew it.
He missed you like crazy, and he was the only one to blame.
And that wasn’t to say he didn’t have you at all. He was in your bed every other night. He just never woke up there in the morning.
Aaron knew you wanted him to with the way you clung to him as you fell asleep. But he still woke up in the middle of the night and left you laying there alone, in the mess of sheets you had created together.
“What are we Aaron?” he remembered your small voice asking him. Your head was resting on his chest and his hand was drawing invisible patterns on your bare back.
“Do we have to name it?”
“I just…” you started, but he cut you off.
“Don’t we have fun together?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, softly.
“Then it’s perfect the way it is. No need for labels.”
He kissed your forehead and he knew that with that conversation, he had stolen your smile.
The laughs and voices only grew louder and it made him curious. He stood up and walked out of his office only to find the whole team giggling around you. What threw him off, though, was a man he had never seen before with his arm around your waist, as if he had any right to do so.
Who the hell is that?
Before he had the chance to walk down the stairs he saw the man leaning in, giving you a kiss. He was kissing your lips. He was kissing the lips that Aaron kissed.
The little group you had created separated, probably to give you and this guy some privacy.
Aaron walked closer and found himself next to JJ.
“Who is that?” he asked, desperately trying to act casual. He was just making conversation.
“Oh, he’s a guy from the department upstairs. He’s hilarious,” JJ laughed. He assumed she remembered a joke he had said earlier.
“And what is he doing on our floor?”
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” she smiled. “He’s here to see Y/N. They went out on a date like a week ago and he’s obsessed with her already. Don’t tell her I told you that, but I think that tonight might be the night.”
He felt his blood boil at her words. Tonight might be the night? Over his dead body.
“Hotch, are you okay?”
“Perfectly fine,” he said and left her side in order to approach you; thankfully finding you without “the guy from the department upstairs”.
“Who was that?” he asked, walking towards somewhere more private and you followed him.
“Oh…that was Sam,” you replied casually.
“Sam?” he asked, frustrated.
“Yes, Sam,” you smiled.
“I see. And why were Sam’s lips on yours?”
“Mm…that must be because we’re seeing each other,” you explained, with a tone that implied his question was stupid.
“Seeing each other?”
“Are you going to turn every sentence I say into a question?”
“Y/N, answer me.”
“Yes I’m seeing him. I’m single, aren’t I?” you crossed your arms, waiting for his answer.
“Don’t do that right now.”
“You’re right,” you said calmly. “I won’t. Instead, I’m gonna go pick up my things. I need to go home early to get ready. I have a date tonight.”
He grabbed your arm carefully not to hurt you and brought his face close to yours.
“You’re not letting him touch you tonight,” he whispered.
“Try me.”
- -
“I swear I had never felt more humiliated in my life.”
“That’s so crazy,” you faked laughed. It was probably a funny story that he was telling you. And he was probably a funny guy too; the entire team seemed charmed by him. You just weren’t paying any attention. Your mind was dominated by a man you should be letting suffer with his jealousy.
But God, Sam couldn’t even compare to him. How anyone could?
It was impossible to let go of the possessive way he threatened you not to let Sam touch you. You remembered feeling his breath on your neck and how your body was begging for him, no matter how hard you had tried to act unfazed.
You always loved how he towered over you and…
And was he walking into the restaurant you were having dinner at? Had you manifested him there by thinking of him so intensely? Or were you just slowly going insane?
You saw him getting closer and closer to your table and you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“Good evening,” Aaron said with a surprisingly polite smile.
I’m gonna kill him, you thought.
“Hello,” Sam said, clearly not knowing what was going on.
“Y/N is actually leaving, I’m sorry,” Aaron said.
“No, she’s not,” you responded, annoyed.
“Yes, she is,” he said with so much certainty in his voice that made you equally annoyed and eager to follow him.
He was looking right into your eyes and he stretched his arm out, waiting for you to take his hand in yours. And you did, whispering that he’s “such an asshole” while standing up so only he could hear you.
“I know,” he whispered back and you bit your bottom lip so you could hide your smile.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, looking adorably confused which made you feel awful for leaving him behind.
“I’m so sorry, Sam. We have a case and I need to go with him.”
“Damn, couldn’t you just call her?” he asked.
“I was in the area,” Aaron stated, flatly.
“Right,” he said, not looking really convinced. You couldn’t blame him.
“Sam, I know this is shitty of me.”
“Don’t worry, it’s your job,” he smiled. He was so sweet. You made a mental note to set him up with one of your hot friends, he deserved it.
You made a move to pay but he immediately dismissed you. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Okay,” you smiled. “Thank you, Sam.”
“The pleasure’s all mine.”
“You made me leave a date with the sweetest man I’ve ever met,” you told Aaron as he was walking you to his car.
“You wouldn’t be here if you wanted him,” he simply said, opening the door for you.
He walked to the other side of the car and settled into his seat too. “You would have told me to fuck off,” he continued.
“Yeah, now that you mention it, I should have.”
He laughed and you couldn’t help but join him.
“God…what have you done to me?” you asked, letting your head fall on the head rest of your seat.
“I’m so sorry for everything.”
You turned your head to the side to stare at him, but you stayed silent.
He reached out for your hand and held it. “I wouldn’t have ruined your date if I wasn’t certain that you love me.”
“Fuck off, Aaron.”
He grinned at your words. “And if I wasn’t certain that I love you too.”
“You do?” your voice broke.
“Of course I do, baby. So much.” He cupped your cheek with his hand and you nuzzled in it.
“Then why did you act the way you did?”
“I was scared. Y/N…you’re the first woman I’ve been with since Haley. And the first woman I’ve ever fallen this hard for. I don’t know…I felt… guilty? So I figured if we kept things casual, it would be better. I know how selfish that was of me and I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“Do you have any idea how it made me feel to wake up in an empty bed every morning while my sheets still smelled like you? How I wanted to do all these things for you, like - I don’t know - simply pack you lunch for work, but I held myself back because I was afraid you’d get mad at me for acting like a “girlfriend”?” you raised your voice, as tears filled the corners of your eyes.
“I’m genuinely so sorry, Y/N. I wish I could go back in time and change things,” he said, sounding heartbroken. “Sweetheart, if you let me I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise.”
He wiped your tears with his thumb and you kept staring at him without saying a word.
“I’ll wait for you forever if you need me to, take all the time you need,” he added, sweetly.
“No, you won’t have to,” you said. “I’ve made up my mind already.”
He looked into your eyes waiting for your answer and you noticed he had stopped breathing for those moments.
“I wanna be with you, Aaron,” you smiled and kissed his palm that was still on your cheek.
“My love…” he said and brought your face close enough so that he could rest his forehead on yours. “I promise I’m going to love you more and more every day. I already do.”
“I love you too, Aaron.”
“Let’s go home,” he said and kissed the top of your head.
After several minutes of him driving, a question popped into you head. “How did you even know where we were?”
“Do you think Garcia would miss an opportunity to get the two of us together?”
“Oh, I should have figured.”
send me aaron thoughts <333
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liliesinrequiem · 1 year
Asking Something of You
A/N: I wrote this like last week and in light of anything dropping tonight, I decided to post this. Not even sure I've processed anything that's happened in the manga recently, but I hope you enjoy! To make note, I don't blatantly drop big things in this (just light threads) but the last bit is post being boxed.
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Summary: Four times Gojo asks something of you and the one time you ask something of him.
CW: Nothing in particular because I didn't want to make this one sad tbh.
Your phone rang as you walked through a store with Shoko. It was the first real break either of you had in a while. “Are you busy?” asked the voice over the phone.
“Very busy,” you answered as you shifted a shopping bag to your other arm. Shoko looked at you and you smiled at her. As if she could telepathically understand who you were speaking to, she shook her head. Gojo hadn’t been around for some days, but you also didn’t want to abandon Shoko. 
“Whyyy?” he whined. “It’s an emergency!” 
“Call emergency services,” you said. 
“But you’re the only person who can solve it,” he argued. 
“What is it that you even need?” you asked him. You looked at the dresses that Shoko was pulling out and comparing. With every option, you would nod or shake your head.
“Wanna see you is all,” he said. Endearing, even if annoying. 
“You can see me when I’m done with Ieiri today,” you said. “Until then, you can hang tight, right?” 
“Not sure I’ll survive long enough,” he said. 
“I promise I’ll give you all my time when I get back, okay?” you said. 
“Fine,” he said. “But I get to pick what we do, okay?” 
“It’s gonna be one of those cheesy movies, isn’t it?” you asked. You could already envision his smile at your question.
“100 percent,” he answered before hanging up.
“(Y/N),” said Gojo over the phone. You stared at the clock in confusion. It was early in the morning.
“Hm? What do you need so early in the morning?” you mumbled. Your mind was half-awake as the other half fought to remain asleep. 
“I need you to help me out,” he said. “I need to get Megumi and Tsumiki to school, but I also have to do a mission…” You recognized the names as the two kids that he’d adopted recently. You hadn’t met them just yet since they’d been adjusting to Gojo and you hadn’t wanted to overwhelm them too much with too many new people. 
“Do you think it’s fine if I meet them?” you asked. You’d sat up on your bed and begun to move to get ready.
“I’d love it if you did,” he answered. “And I’d appreciate your help…you’re the only person I can trust.” He sounded tired. 
“Okay,” you said as you pulled clothes out of your closet. “Send me the address and head over there after I get ready.” 
“Thank you, I owe you,” he said. 
“Don’t sweat it,” you said. “I’m happy to help.” 
"What is it?" you asked him. Your cup of coffee had gone cold ages ago. You'd barely taken a sip from it when Gojo waltzed into your classroom and just sat down without saying a word.
It was odd to see him so serious but the small frown on his face indicated that something was wrong. "There's a mole in our midst," he answered. Your eyebrows furrowed. Mole? 
"Huh?" you said. 
"Everything that's happened was too precise…like someone within our ranks has been leaking it," he said. You couldn't deny that. 
"Any ideas?" you asked. You had no names. All of the students that you and Gojo shared were trustworthy. None of them seemed to be acting strange nor had you gotten suspicious or anything. 
"Not yet. I'm gonna tell Utahime to be more cautious, though. What happened can't happen again. We got caught off guard. What if it'd been worse?" he asked. You didn't want to think about it. Yuji'd nearly been killed and the injuries that some of them had sustained weren't great. 
Things were turning upside down so quickly. "I'll keep an eye out," you said. "I'm guessing that wasn't all you wanted to say?" 
"I'm gonna head out and investigate some stuff. You willing to keep the fort down while I'm gone?" he said. 
"Absolutely," you answered. You'd probably have to move around the upperclassmen to later in the day to fit in the underclassmen. Manageable. A bit annoying but manageable. 
He got up and stretched before beginning to walk out. "Thanks, always know I can count on you," he said. "Oh, by the way, my phone will always be on in case you need anything." 
"Take care of yourself!" you said as he waved goodbye. 
“Satoru, you better take care of yourself,” you said angrily as you looked your husband in the eyes. Even leaning down, he was still so tall. 
“You gonna miss me?” he teased. 
“So much,” you answered. “That’s why you better take care of yourself, okay?” The two of you were splitting up to cover more ground. The sudden situation had taken a turn that none of you were expecting. But importantly, you had to find the students. 
“Promise to call me if anything happens,” he said. 
“I should be saying that to you!” you said. 
“One more thing, if something were to happen to me, don’t act rashly,” said Gojo. 
“You say that as if you know something, Satoru,” you said softly. You didn’t like to think of a possibility where he would get hurt. 
“I don’t. But I also don’t want you getting hurt. If something were to happen to you…” You smiled at him.
“Nothing will. Just as you’ll be okay. We’ll meet back up once this is over and it’ll all be okay,” you reassured him. You turned to start heading off to find the others. 
“Just promise me that you’ll take care of yourself,” he called out. You turned around and raised your thumbs up.
“I promise it,” you said. He smiled and disappeared. 
“Satoru,” you said. You didn’t know if you wanted to cry or smile at seeing him again. Your husband in the flesh in front of you again. His arms around you were real. His warmth was real. The tears that you’d pushed down while he’d been trapped away surfaced up.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t be the reason you ever cry.” 
“I’m just happy, Satoru,” you said. “I’m so happy that you’re right here…” 
“You’re okay? You weren’t hurt too badly or anything?” he said as he pulled away. His eyes scanned your body quickly as if trying to find any injury. 
“I’m fine now,” you said. “But Satoru, are you going to fight?” He nodded. There couldn’t be more time for the two of you right now.
“Promise me that you’ll come back, yeah?” you said. 
“I will,” he said. 
“I know,” you said. “So, go win.” He kissed your forehead before leaving you to go fight. 
He’d win. He’d promised that he would. 
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ily-fictional-women · 10 months
Honey Loving
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Summary: A sweet vacation for a sweet person
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know
Word count: 1409
a/n: Finally posting again!! This is a happy one-shot this time I swear! Also, any text that <”looks like this”> is someone talking in a different language. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
It had been a stressful few months for both Wanda and Y/n. Wanda had been on a long undercover mission for about two months. And unfortunately, about a week before Wanda was able to come back Y/n had been sent on her own mission for a month alone.
Finally settling back into being together again Y/n wanted to surprise Wanda with something special to make up for lost time. Y/n tip-toed into the room they share before flopping on the bed and grabbing the remote to the TV.
Y/n pauses Wanda’s show looking at her micheviously, “Pack a bag.” Wanda raises an eyebrow at Y/n’s smile, “And why should I do that exactly?” Y/n pulls Wanda by her arms dragging her out of the bed so they’re both standing.
"Because we're going on a vacation to your hometown." Wanda cracks a small smile, “Wait really?”
“Yeah! I already cleared everything with Steve and bought the plane tickets. You should pack tonight though because our plane leaves pretty early in the morning.” With the confirmation, the two start packing together, with the only detail Y/n’s willing to reveal being that they’ll be gone for two weeks.
Boarding the plane and settling into the seats Wanda looks over at Y/n curiously, “Is there something I could help you with.” Wanda sighs, “Can you at least tell me one thing you have planned? Just one.”
“Okay, fine. After we drop off everything at the hotel I was planning for us to go to lunch at the one place you told me about, the one your parents took you to with Pietro when you were little. They re-opened a few weeks ago.”
Wanda kisses Y/n on the cheek at the confession, “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Y/n lets out a soft laugh, “Yeah, but I’m never gonna get tired of hearing it.”
With the two finally making it to the hotel they both flop onto the single bed. After a few minutes of simply laying there, Wanda gets up ramaging through one of the bags. Y/n sits up to see Wanda stealing her own sweater that she packed for herself.
“You have a whole suitcase full of your clothes, and you still insist on wearing mine?” Wanda freezes in the middle of putting on the sweater, “In my defense, I can't help it if your clothes are so comfortable."
Getting out of bed Y/n kisses Wanda sweetly, “Alright, but that does mean I’m taking one of yours. It’s only fair.” Wanda rolls her eyes sarcastically, “Deal.”
After the two change, they make their way walking to the restaurant Wanda hand mentioned. Passing by multiple shops Wanda stops in her tracks looking at different items in a store through a big window. “What caught your eye?”
Wanda’s head snaps back towards Y/n, “The necklace with the little red gem in the center.” Y/n looks over at her, “It’s cute! You should get it,” her voice softens “It would look great on you.” Wanda shrugs, “I don’t know, it’s pricey. Maybe on our last day.”
“Whatever you say.” Y/n intertwines her hand with Wanda’s as they continue making their way to the restaurant.
Finally making it to the small restaurant for lunch the two get comfortable at the booth table looking over the menu. The place was family owned and the two who mainly ran the place only spoke Sokovian. Because of this as the waitress came to take the order Wanda started to list the order, <“She’ll take the number three-”>
But Y/n cut her off, <"Actually I'll take the number one on the menu with sauce on the side, please. But she’ll have the number four on the menu,"> you look up at her from the menu, <"did you want anything else love?">
Wanda looked lovesick, "Uh, no. No, I'm good." As the waitress leaves finishing scribbling the order onto her yellow notepad Wanda looks over at Y/n with raised eyebrows, "When did you learn Sokovian?" Y/n grins at her, " I wanted to surprise you."
Wanda kisses Y/n across the table, “God you’re adorable.” Y/n giggles at the light blush growing across Wanda’s face, “Thank you.” Wanda smiles, “So how long have you been practicing? You sounded flunet back there.”
Y/n takes a sip of the water on the table, “I think around five or six months. But I mostly practiced when either of us were away on a mission.” Wanda leans in closer to Y/n squinting her eyes playfully, “Okay, but how did you know what I wanted to order? Last I checked I was the one who could read mind in the relationship.”
Y/n leans in closer to Wanda with a confident smile, “It was one of our earlier dates. I asked you what your favorite childhood meal was and you answered with that specific one. I wrote it down after the date in case we ever visited.”
Wanda rolls her eyes dramatically, “You make it too easy to be in love with you, did you know that?” Y/n leans back into her seat, “I guess it’s a talent of mine.” Once the food comes the two eat and laugh, later exploring some of the area and looking into different stores.
Making it back to the apartment late Wanda lands on the bed letting out a satisfied groan at being able to relax a lie down. Y/n lays next to Wanda, “Did you want dinner?” Wanda shifts in bed getting more comfortable, “Yeah I could eat.”
Y/n pulls out her phone, “I’ll order something right now then.” Wanda looks over Y/n for a moment before slowly shutting her eyes, “Did you want me to come with you and pick it up?” Y/n shakes her head kissing Wanda on the forehead, “No it’s fine, relax. Take a nap or something. I shouldn’t be gone too long.”
“Are you sure?” Wanda asks. Y/n gives her a reassuring look, “Yes, don’t worry about it. Relax for a bit.” Wanda nods in agreement. As Y/n leaves Wanda gets up running a bath feeling the need to wash up after walking around everywhere.
It’s been close to an hour now and hearing the close of the main door Wanda gets out of the bathtub putting on one of the complimentary robes. “Hey, sorry it took so long. There was a big line for pick up and then they messed up the order so I had to wait even longer.”
Meeting Y/n in the living area Wanda notices another bag on the table that doesn’t match the ones the food came. “What’s in the black bag?” Y/n glances over at the bag Wanda was talking about.
“Well, I did want to wait until after dinner. But, I do want to see you in it now.” Wanda crosses her arms with a questioning grin, “See me in what exactly.” Y/n pulls out a sleek black box from the bag opening it to reveal the necklace from earlier today.
Wanda gently grabs the box marvling at the necklace, “You looked like you really wanted it so I figured I would buy it for you instead.”
“I love it, thank you.” Y/n looks down at the necklace with Wanda, “Did you want me to help you put it on?” Wanda nods moving her wet hair to one side. Standing behind Wanda Y/n clicks the two clasps together. Wanda turns around to face Y/n.
Y/n moves a stray piece of hair behind Wanda’s ear, “Well I was right about it looking good on you.” Wanda quickly kisses Y/n before grinning to herself, “I think I know a special way to thank you for everything today.”
She kisses Y/n again, the kiss more fervent this time. Y/n breaks from the kiss taking a second to breathe, “And what kind of special thank you would that be?” Wanda rolls her eyes at the question pushing Y/n onto the bed, “I could show you if you want.”
Y/n puts up her hands in mock surrender, “Oh by all means please do.” The rest of the trip itself was full of laughter, good food, love, and many more sweet moments, What more could you really ask for?
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moodywyrm · 1 year
book patrol
hello i am returned after months at war (college) my love for the tlou from middle school is back in full force and tlou2 is fucking me up so here's some sweet patrol content for Ellie in a world where the events of TLOU2 just don't happen. let her be happy ok. also that dealer Ellie thought I had is festering idk when I will write it but it’s there
Ellie Williams x Fem!Plus Size!Reader
WC: 2.5k
Ellie was going to throttle Jesse – if she could manage to get out of bed first. He was pounding on her door with absolutely zero respect for the sanctity of sleep and a level of audacity only he could possibly possess.
Hauling herself out of bed and dragging a (questionably) clean pair of jeans up her bare legs, Ellie made her way to the door and yanked it open to reveal an irritatingly fresh-faced Jesse. He had all of his gear ready, dressed for the uncommonly warm Jackson weather.
“Rise and shine cupcake, we have patrol in, like, now. Tommy and Y/N are down at the stables already,” He said, leaning against the doorframe as Ellie put on a ratty pair of converse and pulled an old green flannel shirt over her tank top.
“I’m going, dickhead, you didn’t have to wake up the whole fucking neighborhood.”
“The whole neighborhood is already awake, so… ”
“Oh fuck you, let’s go.” Ellie scooped up her pack and locked the door behind her as Jesse lead them out, laughing as he went.
They kept pace, making their way through Jackson as the town got to work. Jesse looked over at Ellie and zoned in on her hyperfocused expression. “So, from what I’ve heard, you two are gonna go out to the town a bit farther west than usual while Tommy and I clear the area between here and there. The other patrols have already been sent out.”
“Cool - Wait, what? Why isn’t Tommy going out the farthest?”
“Because you and Y/N can handle it? Maria wants Tommy home early tonight for some reason, wouldn’t say why,” Jesse answered, guiding them towards the stables where Ellie could see Shimmer all geared up and ready to go. From on top of her own horse (affectionately named Leaf), Y/N was holding Shimmer’s reigns and talking to Tommy. When she spotted Ellie and Jesse approaching, a butterfly-inducing smile broke out on her face.
“Where have y’all been? It’s time to get going,” She chided, handing Ellie the reigns and turning towards the gate. Ellie hauled herself up onto Shimmer and followed after her, taking stock of the extra saddlebags on both of their horses. Jesse and Tommy followed close behind.
“This one woke up maybe ten minutes ago. Blame her.” Ellie glared at Jesse, letting it go when she heard Y/N snort.
The four of them trotted up to the gate, readying themselves for patrol. Tommy shifted slightly, addressing the group. “Alright, y’all head west past the usual checkpoint. You’ll hit a small town, ‘s mostly houses but there are a few shops. Clear any infected and gather what you can. Jesse and I’ll clear the area between here and there, y’all just ride through.”
“Be smart about it,” Jesse added, locking eyes with each girl, “Get back alive and safe.”
“You got it, dad,” Y/N quipped, sending the two men a genuine smile anyways.
Ellie caught herself staring at the soft roundness of her face, the curve of her smile, and the conviction it held. Taking one deep, grounding breath, she pulled her eyes away and turned to the men. “Alright, let’s head out.”
As they raced through Tommy and Jesse’s patrol zone – keeping the noise level to a minimum – Ellie couldn’t help but stare at Y/N, who had taken the lead on this route. Thick, soft thighs strained against tight denim jeans that Maria had altered for her, what with larger sizes being hard to come by. Ellie had seen those thighs more times than she could count, but they’d been haunting her thoughts for months now.
As of late, Ellie had caught herself thinking about her bestfriend more than usual. Obviously, she always worried about her – in the five years they’d known each other, they’d both experienced an insurmountable amount of traumatic events that would have scarred any nineteen-year-old, let alone the unreasonably burdened fourteen-year-olds they had been. In all that time, worrying about Y/N had become second nature for Ellie. Whatever was happening now was entirely different.
Now, her mind was filled with thoughts of soft curves and strong hands, incredible competence in all manners of survival – thanks to her unofficial adoptive father – contrasted with exceptional gentleness in Jackson’s library. A laugh that made her heart ache and a voice that could catch her attention from anywhere. It scared the absolute shit out of her, but Ellie was certain she was falling in love with her bestfriend – that is if she wasn’t already in love the entire time. The thought scared her so much, it pulled her out of her little reverie only to realize that Y/N was saying something.
“-okay, Ellie?”
“Huh? Shit, sorry, I wasn’t listening.” Y/N huffed out a laugh, slowing her pace just enough to fall beside Ellie. Ellie, in turn, tried really fucking hard not to stare at her thighs bouncing on the saddle.
“I noticed, I was asking if you’re okay?” She asked, sending Ellie a look of concern that totally didn’t manifest as a swarm of butterflies trying to escape her tummy.
“Yeah, was just thinking, ‘s all.”
“About what?”
Ellie let her eyes drop to her chest for a split second before snapping her head forward. “We’ve known each other for a while, still feels crazy that we’re almost twenty now.”
She tried so hard to not focus on the look of pure softness that swept over Y/N’s face but failed miserably.
“Yeah, feels like just yesterday I was getting scolded by Joel for teaching you how to shoot a pistol,” She smiled, glancing over at Ellie, “and now you’re almost as good a shot as me.”
“Oh well excuse me, not all of us had dads who happened to be fucking doomsday preppers.”
“Prepper, singular. Frank was never really like that – did teach me how to alter clothes like a pro, though. And excuse me, you have Joel, who is probably a way better shot than either of us, so, no excuses.”
“Oh haha, very funny, he didn’t even want to teach me for months,” Ellie commented, picking up the pace until they were both galloping towards the checkpoint.
They made idle chit-chat, trying not to make too much noise while passing through. Wouldn’t want to startle a bunch of infected before they even got to their official patrol area. A little less than an hour later, they strolled into the dilapidated town Joel and Tommy had found a few days prior. Ellie pulled Shimmer over to a beat-up metal fence, loosely tying her up while Y/N tied Leaf a few feet down.
Adjusting their packs and making sure all weapons were easily accessible, the two made their way to the first house. A broken-down old thing with two stories, would have been gorgeous in its time. Now, it was just a collection of punched-out walls and cracked support beams, peeling wallpaper and sagging furniture. Ellie could hear a familiar clicking, signaling for Y/N to stay quiet and put on her mask. She abided, following Ellie into the house through a hole in the door, careful to avoid any noisy detritus on the floor.
They crept through to the kitchen, pausing when they saw a hunched-over Clicker hobbling away from their location. Y/N listened in for a second, trying to sound out any clicking that wasn’t coming from this one. Deciding that it was a loner, she signaled a ‘one’ to Ellie, who crept up behind the infected, wrenched its head back with a firm grip on the fungal face plates and pushed her switchblade into its exposed neck, and pulled. Y/N kept watching behind her, taking note of the straining muscle of Ellie’s forearms, fully on display as she lowered the struggling Clicker to the floor.
“Think that’s the only one in here,” She murmured, moving away from the corpse and listening for infected.
“Mhm. Check for any supplies and regroup.”
Systematically, they moved from house to house, clearing infected and gathering supplies. Every now and then Ellie would send Y/N back to the horses to fill up the saddlebags, keeping an eye on her the entire time.
Two hours later, sore and covered in bruises, they’d cleared all but one store at the far end of the main road. The girls made their way down the street after one last supply run to the horses, trying to seem less exhausted than they were. Ellie tried – and failed – to hide her injuries, courtesy of the runner that slammed her into a kitchen counter. Anyone else – except for Joel – would have completely missed the wince in each step Ellie took, but not Y/N.
“Want me to take a look at that? Or do you want to wait until we clear this place?” She asked, shifting so that Ellie’s injured side was between them, no longer exposed to the rest of their surroundings.
“Ah, uh, I can wait. Thank you, though,” Ellie said softly, smiling at her friend. The smile she got in return made her nerves fizzle.
Moving round to the back of the store, they spotted the back door hanging on by a single hinge. They shared a cautious look, hands on their weapons and ready for a fight. Ellie entered first, crawling through the opening made by the ill-fated door and immediately turning to help Y/N in.
Right as both girls stood up, a screech came from their left and a Clicker slammed into Y/N, knocking her down and trying to claw at her. She slammed a broken pipe against its neck, keeping her hands away from its mouth and pushing with all her strength. Claws caught against her shoulders dulled stings erupting beneath the cotton of her shirt. Leveraging all her weight against the Clicker, she managed to flip them over and pin it down with the bar.
As if on autopilot, Ellie crouched down while pulling out her switchblade, slamming it into the Clicker’s neck and wiggling it in for good measure. The second it stopped moving, Y/N recoiled from the body and leaned into the wall, chest heaving.
Neither of them spoke for a moment, letting their hearts return to a normal pace before Ellie looked up.
Standing to face her, Ellie gently grabbed her friend’s arms and scanned all visible areas for bite marks. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay. Just a couple of scratches, but, no bites.”
Ellie’s eyes snapped up, searching for confirmation on her face. When she deemed everything relatively stable, she sighed and let go.
“I’m gonna go ahead and assume that he was the only one in here since we’re not being fucking stormed.”
“A fair assumption, but be careful anyways.”
“You got it, princess.”
“Fuck you.”
The familiar rhythm of their banter calmed Ellie down exponentially, standing to her full height and gently nudging Y/N out of the way so she could open the door for them. The door gave way with little resistance, leading into a room that made both girls pause.
Bookshelves lined every wall, with rows of shelves covering most of the main floor. Vines crept in from the broken windows, claiming some of the shelves, but for the most part, the books looked shockingly well preserved. Crooked signs dangled from the ceiling, marking all the genres this little store used to sell.
Ellie stood gobsmacked in the doorway until Y/N guided her inside, immediately heading for a shelf for spectacularly intact fantasy novels. The top and bottom shelves were more or less molded, but the middle three were dry enough that she started rifling through the books to see if she could take any back.
Snapping out of her momentary shock, Ellie drifted past Y/N, scooting behind her with a light hand on her waist. Not that she noticed the way her friend tensed up or the heat that rushed up her neck. No, Ellie’s attention was completely captured by the science fiction shelf which included plastic-wrapped copies of Savage Starlight comics alongside plenty of novels. The softest little “holy shit” escaped her mouth as she picked out the volumes she didn’t have.
Y/N looked over, cracking a smile at the childlike wonder on Ellie’s face. It’d been too long since she’d last seen it. “Having fun there?”
Ellie snapped her head up, and the look she sent Y/N made her heart go so fucking weird she had to take a deep breath.
“I’ve never seen so many in-tact copies in one place. And all these books? It’s a fucking miracle…”
“Haven’t had this much luck with books since … never, I guess.” Y/N had squatted down next to Ellie, staring at the salvageable lower shelves. Looking down, Ellie flushed at their positions and pulled her eyes away from strong thighs and soft arms.
“We should bring the horses over, load ‘em up for the library.” Even though Ellie was definitely gonna snatch most of these comics and some of the sci-fi novels for herself, the smile she got from Y/N made her profusely grateful for her flash of charity.
“Good idea, but I am totally snatching some of these for myself,” She said, slinging her backpack off and returning to the fantasy shelf she started at. So maybe charity wasn’t top priority. Ellie laughed and followed suit, stuffing her backpack with five new volumes of Savage Starlight and a handful of novels.
By the time the girls had loaded up the horses with all the books they could safely carry, their arms felt like complete jelly. Once they’d both safely mounted Shimmer and Leaf, Y/N looked over at Ellie and sighed.
“Fuck, I am so excited to get back home and just read,” She smiled, trying not to focus on Ellie’s face being backlit by the sun, the slope of her nose, the soft curve of her cheek. Ellie turned to face her, the sun spreading out like a halo behind her.
“You could come over tonight, have a reading party?” She sounded so hopeful and so goddamn cute that Y/N had to stifle an adoring whine.
“Yeah, that’d be nice. I’ll even grab us some food from Maria’s.”
“Or I could cook for us? Contrary to popular belief I am allowed around a stove,” Ellie offered, leading them toward the path back to Jackson. She could’ve sworn she heard Y/N choke right after she said that, but it must’ve just been her imagination.
“Careful Ellie, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were asking me on the nerdiest date in the world.” Now it was Ellie’s turn to cough, turning her face to hide the blush.
After a deep, steadying breath, she managed to answer, “And what if I am?” Y/N’s pause made her heart nearly stop, but her response practically jumpstarted it.
“Then it’s a date,” She murmured, smiling at Ellie, “now, let’s get back to Jackson.”
“Yes ma’am.”
I hope y'all enjoyed that!! pls like and reblog if you can, it is always greatly appreciated :) have a wonderful day or night <3
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urrameshi · 4 months
A Shot of Espresso
takami keigo x f!reader ≧◡≦
authors note: okay hiiii been writing for a long time, but never really posted before but i’m gonna try! didn’t proof read this ok xoxo also this is a repost from my old blog lolololol
Being in a secret relationship with one of the most famous heroes in the world, really boosted your ego. That meant sneaking into your place outside of the city after late patrols or pretending to ‘save you’ only to sneak you away somewhere hidden for a quick lunch or a quickie.
Was it ideal? Fuck no, you wanted to be shown off. Keigo wanted to show you off like a shining diamond. You were amazing, strong, and just stunning but he was also terrified. The city was just getting more dangerous and while he knew you could handle your own, he couldn’t help but be protective of you.
This morning was different, he told his sidekicks to amp up patrols today, that he would be out of town for a bit. Nothing major, but just long enough he wouldn’t be able to do anything heroic that morning. He had stayed the night with you a few times before, but he would always leave before the crack of dawn.
Early bird gets the worm, or whatever.
He was yours. For the first time, since the start of your relationship he was yours. You weren’t the most romantic person, But this was something you needed. You didn’t wanna have to share him all the time. You were both heroes, you both had busy
You felt his body move next to you. He was trying to be sneaky, was he really trying to sneak out like a teenager?
“Keigo? It’s too early for you to leave. You’re mine this morning, not the world’s.”
“Oh little bird, I’m sorry I know I said I would stay but you know I have a huge day, and that big interview tonight!. Still gotta keep the Commission happy.” You rolled your eyes, rolling over as he threw the covers off. Not before sneaking a peak at his ass you loved so much.
Best of both worlds came with Kegio Takami. He was your world but he belonged to the world. There was never truly enough of him to go around and he knew that. Didn’t stop him from trying to make it work though.
You weren’t anything special enough you guessed for the commission for you both to be seen together. You questioned when the news would break and both of your worlds would be shaken up. Maybe he needed some shaking in that area of his life. You weren’t one to be insecure about anything but with somebody like Keigo, it was hard not to get in your head sometimes.
The rest of the afternoon passed without seeing Keigo, “he was such busy, busy bird.” you thought to yourself a bit sarcastically. You wouldn’t see him till much later tonight after he would sneak into your place, and get something to snack on and depending the time, just get in bed and wrap himself around you.
After the rest of your day was much less eventful, you decided to turn in early and watch this interview with ‘The Number 2 Hero, Hawks!!’ Social media was busy, you couldn’t wait.
“Ha! I know him more than you do.” you held the last syllable on the do, stringing it out longer to sing. Joking with yourself out loud and in replies to tweets you were scrolling through helped you feel bad. you swore it did.
The interview was finally starting.
“Tonight everybody we’re here with the best up and comer we’ve had in awhile! Hawks!” The cute host gestured to the entrance where Takami walked out, and the crowd went insane. Everybody loved the flying hero! You couldn’t even lie to yourself, feeling your whole body grow hotter as you watched him on your screen.
You laughed it off, ‘God! You’re acting like a teenage fangirl! he was literally in your bed this morning!’
“Thank you so much for having me tonight! I remember watching my favorite heroes on the show when I was younger!”
“Oh Hawks, you’re always the people’s hero! So you know me, let’s get the cat out of the bag! A lot of rumors are around lately, who’s the lucky girl?”
Oh no! the moment your anxiety had been dreading, he wouldn't say a word to just keep up appearances and it would honestly crush you. maybe you just didn’t know what it was like, but pro hero or not. It shouldn’t have mattered.
Takami threw his head back laughing. “Wow! Really coming in hot, huh?”
“You know, i always come in blazing!”
“It’s funny actually, and i’m gonna get some flack for this but yeah i am seeing somebody actually.” Your mouth dropped! The crowd cheered and screamed, the energy in that studio must have been off the charts!
“That’s how we start a show, ladies and gentlemen! With news you don’t get anywhere else! Tell us about them, Hawks, pretty please?”
You were hugging a couch pillow close to your chest now, “Yes hawks, tell us about her.”
It took him a moment to reply, getting himself more comfortable in his chair. “Well you know, i’m protective so I'm not actually gonna say who it is.” He told her, getting a bit of whining from the crowd. “but I can tell you, they’re like a shot of espresso. it’s like feeling sunshine for the first time. it’s really something special i don’t know if i’ve ever had for myself before, if i’m being honest.”
A Shot. of. Espresso.
It was official you were acting like a teenage fangirl, absolutely swooned by Takami. What a cheesy way to explain it! Every doubt of your relationship had melted away almost immediately.
You were prepared to return the affection when he snuck in after the show. Dealing with everything that could come from this would have to wait till tomorrow. When Takami was here with you, its the only world that mattered.
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wardenparker · 2 years
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Dating Your Ex - ch 4
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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When Marcus unexpectedly runs into his ex-wife he is plunged into a world of complications where rekindled attraction and deep-seated insecurities reign. Unfortunately for him, it is also a world where his ex-wife is not the only ‘ex’ around, as a new case crosses his desk that will require all hands on deck. ✨💖Inspired by and based upon absurdthirst’s Tequila💖✨
Rating: T, I guess? But this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 6.9k Warnings: **Blanket warnings for this series include: divorce, break ups, collegiate Greek life, underage drinking, food/alcohol consumption.** Ex-significant other stress. Teresa and Jane come with their own warning.  Summary: There is no blissful morning after for these two - in fact, things are about to get a lot more complicated. Notes: Apologizing in advance to anyone who is actually an expert in antique photography, but I’m having fun researching this, so I’m just gonna keep going!
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3
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Marcus hates his ringtone. It’s loud and obtrusive, which is the entire point when he had it turned on, but he immediately frowns when it breaks through his sleep. “Wha—” he’s disoriented for a moment, cracking his eyes open and looking around for his phone since his nightstand isn’t in the right place. “Shit.”
“Mmm?” Without even cracking your eyes open, you snuggle more deeply into Marcus’s side and mumble something indistinct when he reaches over you to get his phone from where he left it on your nightstand last night.
“Pike!” As soon as the call connects, the voice on the other end chuckles heartily. “Sorry to interrupt your beauty rest, princess.” His supervisor’s voice is cheerful despite his usual seriousness. It must not be early anymore. “But we need you to come in. We’ve got agents from the field landing in a half hour, and they requested you specifically.”
Marcus groans as he sits up, hating the way his body immediately gets cooler away from your warmth. He swipes his hand down his face and pulls the phone away to check the time. “Yeah.” He rasps out. “Give me twenty minutes.” He tells the infuriatingly cheerful man.
“Good man.” The commendation comes through loud and clear, but he hangs up without further preamble.
“Something wrong?” You managed to peel your eyes open when Marcus sounded unhappy, and now he looks unhappy on top of it.
“I’ve got to go.” Marcus twists around and gives you an apologetic look. “They called me in, apparently there’s a new case.”
"Ah. Duty calls." You can't say you're thrilled about it by any means, but you do understand. He has an incredibly demanding job. Still, you can't help but pout. "Do you think you'll be able to leave the office for dinner tonight?"
“Yeah.” Marcus is still half asleep as he leans in to kiss you before climbing out of the bed so he can start pulling on his slightly rumpled clothes. “I shouldn’t be too long.” He shoves his legs into the suit pants and pulls them up.
"Do what you need to do. I'll probably take a shower after you leave and go to the Farmer's Market since I'm up." It's a damn shame he has to get dressed, but you're going to enjoy the view while he does. "You could just come back here after you're done?" You suggest, hopeful that he might want to spend the night together again.
“Shit.” Marcus pulls out his phone to order an Uber since he hadn’t driven over here. Luckily there is one around the corner. “Yeah, I’ll swing by my house and grab some clothes.”
"Okay. Go to work and be a superhero and I'll be waiting for you when you're done." He seems rattled and you don't want him to be stressed because of you while he's working, so you just smile and offer him one more kiss before he has to head out the door. It's unfortunate, but you won't let it ruin the day. You still got to wake up beside him and you'll see him tonight, and that is what matters.
Marcus hates wearing the same clothes again, but there is no helping it. He has a small toiletry bag in his desk for those late nights so he can at least brush his teeth. The Uber ride is quick, and he is at his desk and scrolling through his messages before he remembers he didn’t get your number. “Shit.”
"Uh oh." The cocky, amused voice from his open doorway drips with sarcasm. "Director Pike seems disturbed this morning. Perhaps we should go back to Austin and try again later?"
Fucking Patrick Jane. Marcus looks up from his phone to find the man who his ex-fiancée, if you could call her that, had thrown him over for a year ago. “Jane.” He murmurs evenly, not getting up from his seat. “They didn’t tell me it was you coming in.” He would have taken a hell of a lot longer if they had.
"We thought it would be a fun little surprise." Jane strolls inside with unearned confidence and his typical arrogance, followed barely a moment later by Teresa, who is wheeling an evidence suitcase at her side and sporting a small but very noticeable baby bump.
Marcus feels like if he hadn’t spent the night in your bed that the sight of Teresa’s baby belly would have been a fiercer blow. Instead it’s a dull pang that he hadn’t been deemed good enough, an old wound that just makes his brow arch. “Congratulations are in order it seems.” He says after a moment. “Hello, Teresa.”
"Marcus." She smiles but it's tight, and she positions the suitcase inside his office door before letting go of its handle. "Thank you. It's—we're excited," she admits, albeit a little sheepishly. She knows she should have ended things better between them, but that doesn't diminish the happiness she has now. Not to her. "You look good. Happy, I mean." Despite looking tired and like he's possibly wearing old clothes; Marcus Pike does have an undeniable warmth to him that she hadn't necessarily expected.
“Thanks.” Now Marcus stands, but it’s to take the evidence case from Teresa. He doesn’t mention that perhaps her husband should have been wheeling the heavy case instead of leaving it to her. Their dynamic wasn’t his issue any longer. “You have that pregnancy glow they talk about.”
“I’m halfway there,” she tells him, rubbing the underside of her belly with one hand as she sits down in one of the chairs across from Marcus’s desk. “So…we’re sorry to call you in like this, but we needed some help on a case and the guys in Austin Art Crimes are lost without you.”
His lips curl slightly and he nods. “Tell me what you’ve got, and I’ll see how I can help with the case.” He looks from Teresa to Jane, not missing the smug expression in the other man’s face. Like he was right about something, but that was usually his outlook.
“We’ve got three dead and a collection of old daguerreotypes that seem to be the primary cause of the arguing.” She tells him, glad to see Patrick start to unzip the suitcase for her. “We were hoping you could help us figure out what’s so damn special about these things.”
Marcus hums as Patrick hands him a file, flipping it open as he skims over the details of the case. Later on he will be studying the particulars. “Daguerreotypes?” He looks up at the two of them and mentally sighs, wondering how the hell this has come about so quickly. “I know someone who can examine them.” It’s the last thing that he wants, but this is for work.
“Excellent.” Jane leans on the corner of Marcus’s desk like a throne, surveying the office around him. “We knew you could help. Reliable Marcus, we said. Sitting up here in DC in your fancy director’s office.”
Marcus’s jaw tightens and he almost opens his mouth to say something. “That’s me. Director.” Which means he doesn’t have to help if he doesn’t want to.
“Is the person you know available on short notice?” Teresa asks, sensing the tension in the room like a house on fire.
“They should be.” He’s thinking about Silvia and wonders if you would be the one that wanted to work on this as her boss. “Let me make a call, since it is a Saturday.”
“Of course.” Jane shrugs carelessly, but goes to sit in the chair beside Teresa. “It’s your office.”
Marcus shoves down the annoyance that they aren’t going to leave and give him some privacy to make the call. He ignores them and picks up his phone so he can select Silvia’s number and hit talk.
“H-hello?” Silvia’s voice is uncertain on the other end, obviously confused to see Marcus’s name pop up on her caller ID a few days after breaking up with him.
“Ms. Harper.” He keeps his tone neutral, not wanting to make her think that he’s calling her for personal reasons. “This is Director Pike at the FBI, have I caught you at a bad time?”
“Not at all.” Her voice evens out when she hears his work voice and even though she’s still confused, she no longer is worried about something dramatic. “What can I do for you, Director?”
Marcus picks up a pen off his desk and clicks it as he thinks of how to phrase this. “I have some agents from our Austin field office who require an expert on Daguerreotypes. You were the first person that I thought of.”
“Oh.” Silvia cringes so hard it’s nearly audible. “Well, this is awkward. Actually…the person you really want is—is Dr. Pike. Daguerreotype conservation is her expertise…”
Shit. Marcus doesn’t react but his heart leaps before his stomach twists at the idea of his ex-wife meeting his ex-fiancée. “Okay, would you mind giving me her number?” He asks, reaching for a notepad. “Or would you rather call her and have her reach out to me?”
“I can call her, if you want.” Not knowing what sort of awkwardness might sit between them, Silvia swallows a sigh. “If she needs an assistant, she’ll be calling me anyway. So it might be both of us. When do you need the help?” Sorting through the idea in her head, Silvia is already up and moving around her apartment to put on something work appropriate to wear. Dr. Pike will definitely want an assistant.
“As soon as possible.” Marcus sighs slightly. “I appreciate it, and I’m sorry for interrupting your weekend.” He tells her seriously.
Teresa smiles when Marcus hangs up the phone. “You don’t seem very excited to see whoever that was,” she observes, trying to make light. “I hope they’ll be helpful. Thanks for making the call.”
“You’re welcome.” Marcus answers neutrally as he stands. “The conference room down the hall is available if you would like to set up there.” His office is not going to be the headquarters for this little reunion.
“Sure.” Teresa nods, lifting herself out of the chair and smiles awkwardly. “Thanks, Marcus. We really appreciate the help.”
“No problem.” His answer is just as awkward, and he looks over at Jane to see him smirking. “There is tea in our break room if you’re off caffeine.” He offers.
“I’ll let Teresa know.” Jane practically winks as he sashays out the door, leaving it wide open as he goes.
Marcus sighs and looks down at his phone, wanting to talk to you now more than ever. It’s going to be a long day. “Well shit.” He grunts, shaking his head at his shitty luck.
It’s about thirty minutes later that you’re meeting Silvia at the elevator in the Hoover FBI Building, dressed in nice clothes but something a little more fashionable than a suit, just because you’re heading to see Marcus again. No one can blame you for wanting to look nice today. “Let’s head up.” You tell your young team member, affixing the Guest badge to your Smithsonian employee lanyard that denotes you as a federal employee.
Marcus keeps extra dress shirts in his office, along with a casual outfit in case he needs to be in plain clothes. He decides to change into the latter, wondering if you will be disappointed that he’s in jeans and a t-shirt. It was that or his suit from yesterday and a new shirt. He walks into the conference room after changing and freshening up to start sorting through the evidence Teresa brought. “The experts should be here soon.” He tells Teresa and Patrick before he moves over to the coffee pot in the room to set it up for a fresh pot.
“Where are they from?” Jane is leaning back in a chair at one end of the conference table. “Private sector? University?”
“Smithsonian Institute.” From the doorway, You adjust your work bag on your shoulder and smooth a wrinkle in your shirtsleeve. Marcus is standing on the other side of the room making coffee and you have to bite back a smile. Even in a plain black t-shirt and jeans he’s a dream. “From the department of photographic conservation.”
Marcus wants to smile but he also doesn’t want to make things uncomfortable for Silvia. Instead he nods and motions for the two of you to come in. “Thank you for coming.” He offers. “I just put a fresh pot of coffee on and later on I’ll order some food as a small measure of thanks.”
“Thank you, Director Pike.” Keeping things professional is key, you know that, but in the moment you’re also surprised to realize that the title is actually kind of a turn on. You’ll have to remember to tell him that later. “Now. How can we help?”
Patrick Jane looks between the three of you and smirks knowingly, leaning back in his swiveling chair. “Before we begin work, I think we should be introduced? Right Marcus?”
“Dr. Pike,” you make no mistake about your title and glossing past your shared last name as though it doesn’t matter at all, because for the purposes of work it doesn’t. This man, however, you already don’t like. “I am Director of Photographic Conservation for the Smithsonian Institute. My colleague is Silvia Harper. Her expertise is development methods.” Looking between the two agents seated at the table, you remind yourselves that first impressions aren’t everything. Perhaps the blonde man is simply having an unusual day. “And you are from the Austin field office, I understand?”
“Doctor Pike?” Patrick’s eyes light up like a kid in a candy store and it’s all Marcus can do not to audibly groan. Those smug eyes shift to him with an amused glint in them. “When did you discover your ex-wife was in D.C., Marcus?” He asks with a smirk.
Marcus straightens slightly and clears his throat. He decides to ignore the question and introduce Teresa and Patrick. “Dr. Pike, Ms. Harper, this is Agent Teresa Lisbon – er, Jane now, I guess, and professional consultant Patrick Jane.” He says.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Agent Teresa Jane stands to shake your hand and you cannot possibly ignore the small baby bump she is sporting.
“You as well,” you tell her politely, though something is tickling at the back of your mind that tells you everything is going to go sideways very quickly.
Patrick’s eyes are flickering between you, Marcus, and Silvia and after a moment he chuckles. “You are in a hot seat, aren’t you Pike?” He muses cryptically. “Director Pike, I mean.” He clarifies, grinning at you.
“Perhaps we should focus on the case.” Trying to deflect the attention off of Marcus is the best you can do right now until you can get home alone to ask what the hell is going on, and you don’t like feeling like you’re on the defensive when meeting new people. Especially new people at work.
“Patrick.” Teresa turns and shoots her husband an annoyed look. “Stop.” Patrick sends her an innocent look and shrugs his shoulders like it’s not his fault.
“I just find it interesting that he’s slept with every woman in this room.” He answers as he stands up to move over to the coffee pot. “It’s fascinating to imagine what is going through his mind right now.”
“Alright, if you’re really not going to talk about anything else until we get this out of the way, then yes. Marcus and I divorced twelve years ago.” You practically sigh and barely keep from having to shake your head. “Would it be possible to focus on the case now?” It just completely breaks your heart for him, to see the embarrassment on Marcus’s face. Whoever this man is, you officially do not like Patrick Jane.
“I’m going to apologize for my husband.” The look Teresa Jane shoots her husband would kill a lesser man, and she shakes her head. “He likes to push, and doesn’t seem to realize when he’s crossing a line into ‘asshole’ territory.” She huffs before she looks at you with an apologetic smile. “Marcus said nothing but wonderful things about you.” She promises. “He and I were—”
“Teresa was my fiancée for all of two minutes.” Marcus interrupts, done with the dramatics. “And Silvia and I were dating before I found out that her boss was my ex-wife. Now can we please focus on the case?” His tone is short, clipped, and his jaw is clenched. Furious at the tension Jane has added to the room unnecessarily.
Oh. You find yourself standing silent for a long moment while you process the information that you were just offered. That this woman in front of you is the one who last broke Marcus's heart and she did it for this intensely disagreeable, self-absorbed man with this smug smirk and shitty attitude and now they're already married and expecting a baby? The worst part of that might be that you're actually jealous of Teresa Jane for the last part of that thought. Happily married and starting a family. You really need to talk to Marcus later.
"If you would please show us the daguerreotypes? And let us know what you're looking for?" At this point you're just eager to start working and do less of this awkward talking.
There is a moment of complete silence before Teresa starts talking. “Yes, right.” She clears her throat and pushes herself awkwardly out of her own chair and leans over the conference table to pick up an evidence bag. “These are the items that we are needing – I don’t really know – examined for importance? Why are these being killed over?”
"We can do a preliminary examination here, but if there is nothing obvious, we may need to do further analysis in our lab." Glad to not have any more bullshit spewed around the room, you nod and lean over the table beside your ex-husband's – current boyfriend's? – ex-fiancée. Fuck this is complicated.
“If need be, we can sign over custody of the evidence to you.” Marcus nods before he taps a file. “I am going to go order some food. Sandwiches okay with everyone?” He needs a moment, just a few minutes to compose himself.
"Thank you." You desperately wish you could follow him out into the hall, or even send him a text, but you can't leave Silvia to deal with these vultures from the Austin office just yet. Patrick Jane would eat her alive.
Marcus strides down the hall, closing the door to his office with a sigh. Of all the fucking agents to come to D.C., it had to be Teresa Jane and the walking windbag she married. He closes his eyes and gives a low chuckle. He doesn’t even want to know what you think of him right now.
It's only about five minutes later that a rhythmic knock sounds from the other side of Marcus's office door and you stick your head inside. "Hey..." The expression you offer him is pure sympathy. "One Jane had to take a phone call from Austin and the other one had to use the ladies' room. Can I come in or are you hiding from me, too?"
“Hey.” Marcus stands and wipes his hands on his jeans. “No – I’m not, it’s okay – you can come in.” He shuffles awkwardly and shakes his head. “This is not how I imagined my Saturday going.”
"Me either." Slipping inside, you shut the door carefully and take an awkward step toward his desk. If it were anyone but his ex-fiancée out there, you probably wouldn't have any problem going straight to his arms for a kiss, but it is. So things are awkward. "So...that's her, huh?"
Marcus blows out a raspberry and reaches up to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. “That’s her.” He murmurs quietly. “Of all the rooms I never wanted to be in, that was in my top three.” He jokes weakly and flashes you a grin. “So now you know who left me and who she left me for.”
"He's awful." Screwing up your face into a fairly disgusted expression to hopefully make him laugh, you end up just shaking your head and stepping closer, making it easy for him to slip into your arms if he wants to be there. "I can't be mad that she left you, though. If she hadn't, that would be your baby she's carrying and not the narcissistic blonde's. And we wouldn't be...whatever we are now."
You have a very valid point. Marcus hums, leaning in and pressing his forehead against yours while he wraps his arms around you for a much-needed hug. “Can this be a bad dream and we are actually still wrapped up in your bed?” He pouts playfully. “Please?”
"I'll get their evidence analyzed and send them away again as soon as I can." Having him back in your arms again, even after only a few hours, makes you hum happily, and you give his waist a gentle squeeze. "Tonight we'll do whatever you want for dinner and then exhaust ourselves with more sex." You grin up at him. "Sound good?"
“Sounds perfect, but I have a feeling the Janes are here for more than a day.” Marcus huffs. “I’m sorry.” He leans in and kisses your lips. “He is…something. And I know he embarrassed you.”
"He's smug, but honestly I feel worse for Silvia than anyone else. She got wrapped up in all this by accident." A kiss from him, especially right now, makes you nearly melt into the floor. It's soothing and reassuring all at once. "You don't have to apologize, love. Just don't mind me if I'm a little extra lovey when we're not working? This is...it's so new. And it's more than a little awkward in that conference room."
“I don’t mind.” Marcus promises. “I think you need to buy Silvia’s drinks during brunch with my credit card.” He huffs. “As an apology from me.”
"That's extremely sweet of you, and I'm sure she knows you didn't pick all this." Placing a kiss on his cheek, you give him another squeeze and really do your best to keep smiling. "Have you ordered lunch yet or have you been stewing in here?"
“No, I ordered lunch.” Marcus promises. “I might kill Patrick Jane if I am around him too long on an empty stomach.”
"I'll throw a shovel in the back of the Mini Cooper and we'll drive the body up to New Jersey. Nobody thinks twice about finding a body in New Jersey." He manages to smile at the joke, and right now you can't ask for more than that from him. "I'm sorry today isn't the relaxing afternoon we had in mind, baby. But at least we're together, right?"
Marcus sighs, nodding at your logic and holds you close for another second before he reluctantly lets you go. “Did you find anything interesting about them?” He asks. “Anything that stands out right away?”
“Nothing jumped out at me.” You shake your head, feeling frustrated that the answer was not easy so you couldn’t just send them away again. “I’ll have to take a look at them at the lab.”
Marcus nods with a small sigh. Disappointed that he can’t send the Janes back to Texas quickly, but he’s not surprised. “Thank you for giving up your Saturday.” He can’t help but caress your back as you both turn towards the door.
“It’s okay.” Before you reach his door, you flash him a grin and shrug one shoulder. “This super hot FBI agent that I kinda have a thing for needed my help, so I’m glad to do it.” You tease, always working to put that smile back on his face. “I’d do anything for him.”
“Yeah?” His grin is slow to arrive, but it blossoms beautifully on his face and there is almost a shy quality to it. “That’s good to know.”
“Yeah.” The nod you give him has no hesitation. There is a lot to say, but it’s a good start for now.
“I need to go back in there.” He admits with a small groan. “I’m sure Patrick Jane would find it more amusing if I hid in my office the entire time.”
“We’ll go together.” It may not be office appropriate to stroll down the hall holding hands, but you’re not going to leave his side when he’s having a hard time. You’re stronger than the girl you used to be.
“He’s not going to bother me.” Marcus decides, opening the door for you to walk out first.
“Well, well.” The second you want back into the conference room, Patrick Jane is smirking again. “Ruffled feathers all smooth again, Doc?”
“Mr. Jane,” you shake your head and move back to the evidence on the table. “Not everything needs to be made into a circus act. Let’s just focus on the case, shall we?”
Patrick’s brow arches up and a slow transformation takes his smirk to a grin. “I like you.” He tells you before he looks at Marcus from where he is sitting with his feet up on the conference room table. “How did you let this one get away, Pike?”
“That isn’t relevant to the case, I’m afraid.” You’re not going to let this infuriating man get under Marcus’s skin. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to have you sign over custody of the evidence to the Smithsonian, Agent Jane.” Looking up at the other woman – the one who had turned Marcus over for a man made of arrogance and hair gel – you almost shrug. She clearly isn’t pleased with Patrick Jane’s behavior either. “If you would be good enough to leave me your card, I can contact you when I’ve found something.”
Teresa fishes into the pocket of her suit coat, pulling out a card holder with brand new cards inside. Proudly proclaiming her ‘Special Agent Teresa Jane’ on the stiff card stock along with her numbers and her email address. “Maybe—” She hands you the card and glances over to Marcus before meeting your gaze again. “Let Patrick pay for dinner for you and Marcus tonight. To apologize for his behavior and to thank you for your assistance.” Silvia is across the table from you, eyes studiously on the photos as if she could block out the scene around her.
“Sil?” There is clearly some conversation that needs to happen, and you hate that you couldn’t have had more than a few minutes with Marcus in his office. Your young colleague’s head pops up and you offer her a half-smile knowing she must be overwhelmed. “If you could go back to our office to open and prep the lab for when I bring the evidence back, I would appreciate it.”
“Yes ma’am.” The look of pure relief on her face is palpable. “I will do that right away.” She doesn’t hesitate to peel her gloves off and gather her things as if the hounds of hell were on her heels and nipping. “Nice to— uh, bye.” She manages before she dashes out the door.
It does the trick in a way you never expected, and you actually find yourself holding back a laugh at how fast Silvia just bolted from the room. “I don’t blame her,” you admit finally, shaking your head and producing one of your own business cards from your work bag to hand over to the agent from Texas. “And I appreciate the apology, Agent Jane, thank you. The situation seems to have taken us all by surprise.”
“My husband seems to think that his brilliance makes up for his appalling lack of manners.” She throws a glare over at Patrick who is completely unrepentant with a slight shrug as he slouches in his chair and plays with the pen that Marcus had brought in.
“More sandwiches for us.” He points out. “You said you were hungry.”
“Of course I’m hungry,” Teresa laughs unexpectedly. “I’m always hungry now.”
“And our reliable Marcus remembered your favorites and made sure to order it along with whatever was Silvia’s and the former Mrs. Pike’s.” Patrick hums. “He’s a Boy Scout like that.”
“It’s called having manners and a good memory.” If you don’t just straight-out smack Patrick Jane before the end of this case it will be a miracle. And maybe a shame.
“He’s just trying to get a rise out of you.” Marcus rolls his eyes and huffs. “Annoyance lets details slip and he’s dying to know the story. Beyond what I told Teresa.” He had no doubt that his former fiancée must have talked about their relationship with Jane. Even going so far as to impart seemingly obscure facts, but Jane had the memory of an elephant.
“We ran into each other again by accident a few days ago.” While you won’t go into detail about the past until you and Marcus have been able to check in with each other about it, the present is a fairly easy tale. “I’m sorry it’s not a more interesting story.”
“Patrick, stop.” Teresa’s tone turns stern. “Or you’ll sleep on the couch at the hotel.”
Marcus has to look down at the file in front of him so he doesn’t laugh, enjoying the way Jane suddenly looks a little more repentant than before.
Considering he miraculously had not opened his mouth this time, you have to assume that he was bothering his wife under the table and you barely bite back a smirk of your own. “So where did these come from?” You ask, motioning to the daguerreotype cases. “Or is that not information you can share?“
“It was found in the house of one Marquis De Sade - not the French nobleman, obviously.” Teresa smiles at the unique name that had made her scratch her head until she placed it. “De Sade was 87 when he passed, and the case involves his will. The people who are set to inherit his estate have been dying. And these daguerreotypes seem to be at the center of the conflict.”
“Interesting name.” You raise an eyebrow but studiously avoid looking at Marcus. That will only feed the flames of teasing. “So far the only unique thing about them is that many are of locations instead of people. The vast majority of daguerreotypes were portraits. Perhaps these locations mean something to the family?”
“It doesn’t seem like it from the case file.” Marcus tells you, looking over at Teresa. “Is there anything you can tell us?”
“There were some papers in the case containing the images that I can have scanned and sent over to us.” Teresa nods, remembering the stack of decaying pages that they had considered too fragile to transport. “I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Looked like poetry and journal-style writing. But maybe it might make sense to you in conjunction with the images?”
“We can try.” You nod your head and look back down at the plate in front of you. It shows a break in a river with a small grove of seedlings surrounding it and the sun low in the sky. It’s beautiful, but not typical for a daguerreotype image.
Marcus hums. “Are there coordinates on the plate or maybe a location written?” He asks, wondering if they can plot where the images are from to come up with a map.
Carefully flipping some of the wooden cases over in your gloved hands, you find to your dismay that not all are marked with information. Some bear names that you can only assume are the surnames of the subjects, others have initials, and some have nothing at all. But one box bears the inscription ’Johnson’s Ranch’ in scrawling, decaying pencil. “Johnson’s Ranch,” you read out loud, looking at the three others in the room with you. “Does that ring a bell to anyone?”
“There have been thousands of ranches over the years.” Teresa shrugs slightly. “If we had a region, maybe we could dig through property deeds.”
Begrudgingly you have to admit that that makes sense, but you appreciate the fact that three more heads bend over the small wooden boxes containing the antique forms of photography. “J.R.C.” You read the initials from another box out loud, and then from another: “Truck L.k. This one looks like letters have rubbed off over the last century and a half.”
Marcus writes it down on a notepad and nods. “Okay, that’s a start.” His phone buzzes and he looks down at it. “That’s the food.” His eyes slide to Patrick Jane. “Play nice.” He warns before he stands up to walk out of the conference room.
“J.R.C. May be Johnson’s Ranch and a state or city designation?” You look up from the boxes before pulling out your cell phone to collect images. “Is it alright to take pictures of the cases?“
“Whatever you need, just remember that this isn’t public.” Teresa cautions. Marcus might trust you because you are his ex-wife, but she hasn’t worked with you professionally.
“Of course.” You would never post any of this to social media, that would be ridiculous. But this way you can take snaps of the writing on the case to look over while the four of you eat. The daguerreotypes won’t be safe on the same table as food.
“All of this will need to go back to your lab.” Patrick muses. “Which must mean keeping in touch with the former flame.” He smirks slightly. “Interesting he was in yesterday’s clothes when we arrived and yet he does not have your number.”
“Is that interesting?” You arch one eyebrow at the insufferable blonde who clearly has no intention of behaving like Marcus requested. “You like to infer things. Don’t you, Mr. Jane? To see how much you can trick people into giving away.”
Patrick gives you a smile. “I see what he likes about you.” He muses, leaning forward and reaching for a notepad to write something down on.
And I see what he does not like about you, you think as loudly as you can without saying it. Instead, you reach into your work bag when you have discarded your gloves and extract one of your own business cards to give to Agent Jane. “Since it looks like you’ll be here for a few days, this is how you can reach me.”
“Thank you.” She huffs and rolls her eyes towards her husband. “He’s not as bad as he first seems when you get to know him.” She says quietly as she rubs her baby bump. “He’s a little insecure since it’s Marcus that we need help from.”
“I see.” It’s juvenile to say the least, but again, you can’t really be upset. Teresa Jane’s poor decision to marry Patrick meant that Marcus was single in D.C., and that had opened the door to the two of you ending up in bed together last night. “Well, I can’t say I understand the urge to be mean spirited, but seeing your spouse’s ex can be stressful.”
“I’m not trying to be mean.” Patrick almost pouts, frowning slightly. “I like Marcus Pike. I was jealous as hell of him while he was with Teresa.” He tells you. “It took getting on a plane to beg her to stay to get her to choose me.”
“I’m sure the pilot must have loved you for that.” Despite yourself, you shake your head to hide a cracked grin. It might be a romantic story to anyone who wasn’t currently in love with the guy who got dumped because of that stunt. “Marcus is a good man, and he will always do anything he can to help. It would be kind of you to be professional, that’s all.”
“Okay. I will stop making remarks.” Patrick sighs and it’s Teresa’s turn to grin evilly. “I know how you can make it up to them.” She teases, almost in a singsong voice.
“Really, Agent Jane, it’s fine.” You don’t know if you want this can of worms to be opened, and you especially don’t want to know why they just assume you and Marc are back together so easily. While true, it’s irritating on a base level that there are strangers in your business.
Teresa heard nothing but annoyance in your tone, so she decides to back off. “Alright.” She nods and holds up her hands.
“I—I apologize.” Realizing what you must have sounded like, you sit yourself down at the table and take a deep breath. “I’m afraid I might be a little…on edge.” It’s not your favorite thing to admit, but if anyone should be able to swallow their pride about Marcus, it’s you. “I find it unsettling to have my circumstances read as quickly and easily as you and your husband have apparently been able to do. I’m very sorry if I seem standoffish because of it. There is no reason we can’t be friendly.” If nothing else, it would probably help the case go more smoothly.
“No, we were in the wrong.” Teresa insists. “I know personally, I was just happy to see the spark back in his eyes. You can just tell, you know? When he’s in love?” She gives you a small smile. “He can’t hide it and he lit up for a second when you walked in.”
"He's never exactly been subtle." It makes you laugh a little, how true that is, and you end up nodding in acceptance. "I suppose you're right. That would be a dead giveaway."’
“At first I thought it might have been the other woman, but then – I just knew it was you. Especially since—” She gives a small shrug. “I won’t intrude on your personal life anymore, but I’m glad to know he’s happy.”
"That's all I want for him." You admit, hearing footsteps approach in the hallway. "Just to make him happy."
Marcus is happy to see that you haven’t started brawling with Patrick and he holds up the bags. “Food’s here!” He tries for a jovial tone, knowing a full stomach can go a long way to soothe tensions.
"Thank you." There's no hesitation or mannered politeness when you smile at him this time. The cat is out of the proverbial bag, so you can just let yourself be happy to see him.
He wonders what’s been said while he’s gone, but again, he’s just thankful he’s not having to pull you off Patrick. He sets the bags down. “Patrick, you got the pastrami on rye, extra mustard.” He says as he searches for the sandwich. “Teresa, the Turkey club with extra bacon and no tomato.” He grins and looks over at you before he pulls your sandwich out and hands it to you, “Did I get it right?”
Unwrapping your lunch from the waxy deli paper, you grin when the dietary staple of your college years - a chicken Caesar salad wrap - is unveiled before your eyes. "Extra parmesan and pepper?" You grin, unable to stop yourself even the tiniest bit. Not that you care anymore. It's been years now since you've had one of these and the nostalgia is so warming. "It's perfect, Marc. Thank you."
“Ma— oofffff—” Patrick flinches and grabs his side from where Teresa throws a judiciously placed elbow to stop him from commenting. “Owww.” He complains, but his wife just rolls her eyes and ignores his dramatics.
“If there’s salt and vinegar chips in that bag, I will name the baby after you.” She jokes, her grin making sure Marcus knows it’s supposed to be a lighthearted jest. The added fun is that it makes her husband immediately frown.
"I hope it's a boy, then." Amused at the dismay on Patrick Jane's face, you hand the bag of kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips over to Agent Jane before dumping the other bags out onto the conference table. One of those bags of Baked Lays is definitely for you and it only makes you smile harder.
“There’s also a tuna on wheat here with extra onions.” Marcus offers, knowing Silvia won’t be back.
“0h gimme.” Teresa makes a grabby motion as Patrick groans at the idea of onions. “What? I’m eating for two.” She huffs at her husband.
"I'll have to put some extra snacks in my office for the week, so there's something there if you need a snack while you're at the lab." Marcus's ex or otherwise, a pregnant lady needs access to snacks. That's just how things work.
“Oh, bless you.” Teresa nearly salivates at the idea. “You are really kind. I’m constantly hungry or tired.”
"I have a couch in my office, a mini-fridge, and a basket on my bookshelf filled with snacks. You're welcome to rest or grab something to eat anytime you need. Just let me know if you have any aversions, okay?" When Marcus looks at you like you've sprouted an extra head, you can really only shrug. "My sister had really bad food aversions when she was pregnant with my niece. I had to get creative with my cooking when she came to visit."
Teresa grins at you. “I like you.” She hums before she unwraps her sandwich and starts tearing into it like only a hungry pregnant woman can. Moaning at the first bite and immediately reaching for the chips to add more flavor.
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My Masterlist!  
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niceboyeds · 2 years
pep talk (e.m)
Eddie Munson x reader 
ft. Uncle Wayne
summary: sometimes all you need is to buckle down and work all through the night, fortunately someone else is also around at the early hours of the morning to give you a much needed pep talk.
contains: self-doubt, overworking, fluffy fluff, i genuinely don't know what else to add lol
word count: 1.2K
@ghosttownwherenoonegoes for you, my dear. please take care of yourself, you're doing so well! The Munsons would be so proud of you🤍
“sweets… why don’t you take a break?”
“don’t have time for a break, Eds. I gotta catch up, I’m so behind!”
“you’ve been studying for hours, I’m sure you’re plenty caught up for tonight.”
“Eddie. please, I really need to get this done.” you turn your eyes away from the textbook, seeing his defeated look and it makes your chest pang with guilt.
why didn’t you do it earlier?
why did you take on more than you knew you could handle?
you should be spending time with him.
“okay, just come to bed soon.” he leans down to kiss the top of your head before making his way into the bedroom, leaving you at the dining table with nothing but the quiet murmurs outside the trailer to distract you.
soon doesn’t come though, as you find yourself in a steady groove. powered only by too much coffee and sheer willpower.
you don't even notice the time until you hear a familiar pair of boots making their way up the stairs to the trailer’s front door.
there was no way you stayed up all night?
oh but you had, and it only made you grow even more frustrated with yourself.
“mornin’, kid. didn't expect you to be up yet.” Uncle Wayne trudges through the trailer, eyeing the table you had cluttered with many textbooks and journals.
“didn't exactly go to sleep...” a heavy sigh following your words.
“well, maybe you're just a night owl like me.”
“I don't think I can do it anymore.” you admit with a toss of your pen onto the table. feeling completely overwhelmed by the amount of work you still have yet to do.
“do what?” he pries, sitting beside you in a dining chair. he begins taking off his boots, waiting for you to explain.
“this.” you answer, gesturing your hands to the mound of homework assignments.
“I just feel like I’m in a never-ending cycle of work, school, work, school. when do I get to do things I enjoy? when do I get to spend time with Eddie or you? this is the first time I've seen you in a week because usually before you even get home from work I’m on my way to my job. and then by the time I finally make my way back you've left for your shift. and Eddie is being so patient with me, but I know he's upset that I haven't been spending any time with him.”
you pause to catch your breath, having said it all in one and certainly too fast. he thinks of starting to speak but holds off knowing you're not quite done with your vent.
that’s Wayne’s thing, he’s a listener first and a problem solver second. always more than willing to offer a solution to whatever you need help with but never cutting you off.
“I just don't think I can do it all anymore. it’s too much pressure.” you finish, looking over to see a very empathetic Uncle Wayne locking eyes with you. seeing the tears welling up in your eyes makes his heart ache for you.
“listen kiddo, I know it’s hard right now. shit’s stressful, s’all part of growin’ up. unfortunately there’s not much I can change about that.” his hand comes around to pat you the shoulder, trying to comfort you just as the tears breach your eye-line.
“but I know you’ll regret your decision. hell, I wish I had just half the perseverance you do to finish school. you've already worked so hard to get to this point, don't give up on your dreams.”
“but with work I—”
“I told ya to lessen your hours at your job!” he chuckles lowly, attempting to lighten the mood but quickly speaks up again before you argue.
“you should just worry about school, let me and Eddie help take care of ya. s’what we like to do. family helps family, and that means I’m not gonna let you quit on yourself. even if it means I gotta come home from work and give you a pep talk every mornin’. but I’d much rather you sleep at night, nightshift ages ya.”
you sit with his words for a moment, contemplating. sure, it would be amazing to only have to worry about your studies, but was it logically the best option?
“just sleep on it.” Wayne interrupts your train of thought. “don’t make any big decisions on exhaustion.”
“yeah…  yeah, you’re right. I should get some sleep.” you sigh, slowly standing up from the table and stretching your sore back.
“sleep tight, darlin’.” he hugs you tightly, knowing you needed it. he is proven right once again when he first attempts to release you, but your grip stays tight on him. he doesn’t mind though, he’s always happy to comfort you when you need it.
“thank you.” you whisper before letting him go. he gives a single nod in reply before you turn to walk to the bedroom.
the door creaks open louder than you had hoped, but Eddie didn’t stir at all at the sound. you pad across the bedroom to your side of the bed, slipping under the covers which engulfed you in the scent of your boyfriend.
unfortunately as soon as you relax into the mattress, he immediately notices your presence.
“baby…” his voice quiet and slightly whiney.
“hi Eds.” you whisper back, wiggling into his arms.
“what time is it?”
“um… well, Wayne is home.” you answer honestly, despite his request for you to go to bed with him.
“did you get your work done?”
he doesn’t scold you, and he doesn’t complain that you never showed up last night, something you’ve always appreciated about him. he doesn’t hold anything against you because at the end of the day, or perhaps the beginning in today’s case, he only wants you to do what you love.
he doesn’t want you to give up on your dreams and passions because he knows this is what you want. you’ve worked so hard and he would never want to hold you back, especially since you’ve never once stopped him from following his own dreams.
“I got enough done for now.” you answer with a yawn, cozying into his body even more.
“sounds like you were cryin’, baby. you okay?”
“yeah, I’m okay. Uncle Wayne gave me a pep talk, helped me with something.”
“he’s a good man.” you know he’s smiling, you can hear it in his voice.
His uncle, his dad, is known for giving the best pep talks in the house. it’s no surprise he gave you one when he walked into the trailer this morning, seeing as he’s given you quite a few already and you’ve overheard his chats with Eddie.
“he really is. I don’t deserve him.”
“uh yes you do. we all deserve an Uncle Wayne, you just lucked out like me and got the real deal.”
“yeah, I really did get lucky ending up in a family with the two of you.” you yawn once again as you speak, exhaustion finally sinking in.
and you meant every word you said. The Munsons were your family, and Wayne took you in without a second thought and wide-open arms, because his son loved you. you could never fully find the words to express your gratitude to him. but it was okay, because he already knew, and that alone was more than enough for him.
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