#I’m great
carnevol · 3 months
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For @hogans-heroes
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astarions-wife · 9 months
Do you think the tightness and the claustrophobia of the Illithid tadpole chambers gave Astarion flashbacks to being trapped in the tomb for a year?
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xenascribbles · 2 months
i’m a great writer and everything i’ve ever come up with is super good and interesting and perfectly written. i am skilled in my craft.
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roseofcards90 · 8 months
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officiallyladybug · 1 year
Hypothetically wouldn’t it be fucked up if my boyfriend’s identical twin cousin lured me to a dark abandoned room in the middle of the night under false pretenses and then revealed his family’s darkest secrets to me in a bizarre interpretive play that he performed with his girlfriend then projected into my mind in a fever dream like state. Hypothetically that would be so messed up right?!??! Right?!??!? This is purely hypothetical. Everything is fine. Everything is normal. Everyone is very human.
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stupotie · 1 month
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Mhm…. I have done my best
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frogs00 · 3 months
Do you ever argue with yourself in your head? Like, shut up, ME, nobody asked for your opinion, ME. I don’t care if it’s dangerous, ME!
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Silly Game Time: Would you rather spend a year living on a boat that can't go within sight of land OR living on a blimp that can't fly lower than 1000 feet above the ground?
(We'll assume you have a steady supply of food and water, full access to the internet, and there's a friendly crew aboard so you're not alone.)
blimp i think? Gonna do a pro/con list
pros: not boat, not in water, no ocean :)
cons: air :( , am clumsy>>>might fall?, turbulence? , AAAAA
is the blimp above ground? Or is it over ocean? This doesn’t affect my answer, just my average anxiety level.
my main reasons for blimp is that i have a fear of drowning/deep water and i can’t do that in the air or by falling. However, i also am a nervous flyer but that is in planes and i have never been in a blimp but i imagine it’s similar
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rosicheeks · 11 months
Dear God or The Universe or Whoever The Fuck Is In Charge -
Could you maybe introduce me to the love of my life?? I just really wanna be smoking a joint and slow dancing with them in our kitchen at 3am while cookies are baking.
I have this image where we are slowly dancing and all I can focus on is their hands on my body. With each puff I feel myself getting more lost in the beautiful melodies and their arms. The smell of fresh cookies starts to fill the air as they finish. Our tender moment ends in something silly or goofy like them tickling me or me biting them or something stupid that ends with both of us laughing on the floor from being a little too stoned. Eventually the timer for the cookies goes off and one of us gets a show ready while the other puts the cookies on a plate. Most likely we put on one of our favorite cartoons or a movie and watch that the entire night. Talking and smoking and laughing. Just enjoying each others presence.
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blowflyfag · 4 months
I skipped one college class to smoke weed in the park and now I’m transgender so…. Do with that what you will
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blue-rhapsody · 1 year
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started reading a Howl’s Moving Castle AU to ✨~cope~✨ so here’s some Howl Dazai and Chuuya being a badass
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astarions-wife · 8 months
Right so post game, Dalyria quietly asks Astarion if she can tend to his wounds whenever he’s hurt, because of how many times she probably wasn’t allowed to tend to the wounds that were inflicted on him in Cazador’s grasp. Lol.
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empressdad · 8 months
I’m switching sides y’all. It’s not gonna be just TOH now, instead I’m deciding on chaos. I’m coming back though, I think. To share my beautiful thoughts and fandom + world shit. Goodnight!
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uwabbittuwabbit · 8 months
Guys I love being an engineer (almost cried over an equation set yesterday)
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thevqid · 1 year
tumblr only mutuals uhm shamani update i have a girlfriend
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great-and-small · 29 days
It actually bums me out that astrology has persisted through the years as the standard BS divinatory practice that people really buy into, when it so easily could have been ornithomancy instead.
We could’ve had hipster girls trying to predict the minutiae of your life using an intricate chart that details how many herons or crows you’ve seen in the past year. Instead of asking what’s your sign on dating apps people would be like how many birds did you see on your way to work today. I cannot stop thinking about what could have been.
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