#I’m here on the edge of my seat waiting for their reunion and it continues teasing me orz
yeosatinyngz · 21 days
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🎶So whenever you ask me again, how I feel. Please remember, my answer is you🎶
↳GN Reader: After breaking up and with years of no contact, you and Zayne cross paths again at a high school reunion. You both come to realize that you both still have feelings for each other.
↳Exes to lovers | Teensy angst to fluff | wc: 1,140
A/N: As a celebration for Zayne’s Birthday, I present to y’all with this oneshot🥳 It’s not the best but I had to write something for our hunksicle
Hazel eyes pierces into your soul for the umpteenth time as you once again ignore it. You were dragged by Caleb to attend tonight’s high school reunion and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, especially with the way your high school ex was seated across from you and openly staring you down intensely.
Even though it’s been a decade since you’ve last seen him, it still doesn’t change how awkward and on edge you feel since you’ve both ended off on a not so good note.
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Back when you were both together you really thought it would last. The beginning of your relationship with him was a dream come true, until he started to shut you out and treated you coldly, ultimately breaking it off with you.
You still remember how cold his eyes were when he said he wanted to break up. How he said you were a distraction to his studies and that you and him were not a good match.
He didn’t even wait for you to say anything before he left you alone, confused and heartbroken. After that he avoided you and never once acknowledged you again. You just came to terms with his decision and also avoided him.
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Seeing him here tonight was the last thing you wanted. Time healed your broken heart and you never held a grudge against him, you just weren’t sure where your standing with him is at now so you don’t even know how to act around him. The wisest decision you conjured up was to try your best to ignore the raven haired male sitting across you and distract yourself by chatting with Caleb who’s sitting next to you.
As the evening progresses, it’s without a doubt that the conversation would center around Zayne due to his outstanding achievements in his field. Someone chimes in a, “I saw that you earned the Starcatcher award as well, you’re so admirable, Zayne.”
He brushes it off humbly while everyone congratulates him. You silently congratulate him as well, thinking he wouldn’t hear you. Contrary to your belief, you looked up to see him looking directly at you, with the corner of his mouth lifted up into a small smile. He softly mumbled out a thank you as well, shocking you.
You quickly look away before the conversation shifts over to you. “Oh yeah [name] I’ve been seeing your jewelry all over the internet, it's so cool to see how your hard work has paid off.” “Look, I’m wearing your earrings right now!” Your mood instantly brightened as your jewelry was brought up and Zayne couldn’t help but be enamored by the passionate look in your eyes, the eyes that used to stare lovingly at him. The very eyes that also showed absolute despair due to his heartless words that still haunts him till this day.
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The long night has wrapped up as everyone was saying their goodbyes. You told Caleb to go ahead and not wait for you since you had to quickly go use the bathroom.
After you finished using the bathroom, you returned to the table to get your belongings. To your surprise, Zayne was still sitting there. That’s when you realize that he was waiting for you.
Your mouth moves faster than your brain as you blurted out, “How come you’re still here?” You quickly slap a hand over your mouth and you hear a chuckle come from him before he replies, “To keep an eye on your belongings.” “Oh, thank you.” You awkwardly thank him as you put your jacket on, followed by your bag.
He followed behind you as you walked out of the restaurant and he continued to trail behind you for the next 5 minutes. You turned back to look at him with an eyebrow quirked up, “Uh, do you have something to say to me?” He stops in his tracks and awkwardly looks elsewhere.
“This isn’t the most ideal place for this but I just wanted to sincerely apologize to you for my past behavior during our high school days.” You couldn’t help but laugh, “Well that took you a decade to say.” He rubs his neck, embarrassed.
“I was an immature teenager who didn’t know how to handle the immense love you showered me with. I felt like I didn’t deserve it and that someone like me would only bring you down. I know this just sounds like excuses but I truly shouldn’t have acted like such a prick and shut you out. I regretted it so much and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”
“I really appreciate you apologizing to me Zayne, truth to be told I never held a grudge against you for breaking up with me. Sure it did hurt but I guess the world was telling us that the timing just wasn’t right for us. Bottom line is that I forgive you so I hope you don’t feel guilty anymore.”
Zayne gulps down the nerves building up in his throat as he asks you the question he’s been dying to know the answer to, “Are you perhaps single?” He kept up with you through your social media over the years and he remembers seeing recently that there were rumors that you were dating a model you hired for your jewelry advertisements. He anxiously awaits your answer as you replied with a quick, “Yep” leading to him breathing a sigh of relief.
“About what you said regarding how the world was telling us that the timing wasn’t right for us then, how about now?” You pondered for a moment at his question before you looked into his eyes. Oh this was bad, the feelings you locked up were resurfacing and you’re drowning in his eyes. It doesn’t help that he has gotten more handsome, your eyes dragged across his more defined features as your heart beat starts picking up.
Before you could even speak, specks of snowflakes fall within your line of sight. You look up at the sky in excitement as it starts snowing harder. Your face is now full of snowflakes, Zayne cautiously brings his hands up and starts wiping them off your face. You couldn’t help but notice a silver shine illuminating from his right wrist. You took a closer look and gasped in shock as you realized that it was the bracelet you made for Zayne back when you both were dating, a silver chain bracelet with a padlock charm that had both your initials engraved on it.
You smiled brightly at him and threw your arms around him, “I think the world just gave us a sign that it’s finally our time.” The first snow continues to fall down, embracing you both as a way to celebrate your reunion and as a sign to ensure a lasting relationship.
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unhappycylinder · 8 months
Gonna Be Trouble (Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x fem!Reader) Pt. 11
WC: 1.6 k
no warnings
the reunion finally happens
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The carrier was finally docked, hoards of sailors fled the vessel as wives, husbands, parents, and children flocked to the water’s edge to get their first glimpse of their loved ones in over 3 months. The aviators often weren’t the first ones off, so you and a now heavily pregnant Gabby waited patiently in Rooster’s bronco.
“Look I love my husband but I’d sooner die than stand out in the cold waiting for thousands of men who may or may not be my husband to get off a damn boat” Gabby groaned, running her hands over her baby bump. 
“I haven’t seen any flight suits walk off yet,” you peered through a pair of binoculars Rooster kept in the glove compartment, “once we see them we can head over”
“Ugh,” she exclaimed, “Fine, but I’m gonna complain the whole walk down, I hope you know”
“Oh Gabby…I know” you chuckled.
Coming down on long weekends was routine at this point. Gabby insisted on paying for your flights, you always refused, yet somehow a plane ticket always appeared in your phone wallet a couple days prior to each holiday weekend. This one was special though. Jake’s arrival coincided with MLK day, and you had come down as soon as possible to ensure you were there to welcome him home.
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t petrified at the idea of seeing him again. Yes you were back together, and yes you had been talking on the phone every chance he had, but things still didn’t feel normal. His behavior still hurt and worried you, and even though he promised to never hurt you again, you couldn’t help but wonder if he would keep up the pattern when he got home. After all, college wasn’t over for another four months, and in the history of your relationship with Jake, long breaks in seeing each other hadn’t exactly been the healthiest in the past.
Gabby reclined against the headrest of the driver’s seat, “just wake me up when they’re here”
Chuckling, you agreed, and continued to peer through the binoculars as sailors and their luggage came down the carrier ramp.
After what felt like years, you finally spotted the green flight suits that you were oh so familiar with, and through the binoculars you could make out the faint details of mustaches on the faces of many of the aviators. 
“Gabby I see Rooster,” you squealed, moving a hand from the binoculars to wack her thigh.
“Hm?” She hummed, still asleep.
“Your husband is here bitch,” you said flatly, making her laugh.
“Ughhhh okay lets go get the idiots.” She said as she slid out the door of the bronco. You stored the binoculars before doing the same.
“This marks the end of our peace,” Gabby joked as you both walked from the parking lot to the greeting area, “and the end of my spending rampage”
“That’s the worst part huh,” you laughed
“You know it…let’s just hope he forgets to check his credit account when he gets home,” she inhaled, shaking her head.
As you made your way to the crowd of people greeting their family members, the anxiety about seeing Jake for the first time swelled. Gabby grabbed your hand, sensing your feelings, to let you know that she was there to support you. Taking a deep breath, you and Gabby scanned the incoming sailors for your men. Rooster was quick to spot you, you standing several inches taller than your friend, and a bright smile broke out on his face as he picked up speed to get to you two. 
“I see Rooster,” you said to Gabby, her face lighting up at the mention of his name
Seconds later Rooster broke through the crowd, his hair slicked back and his mustache freshly trimmed. He stopped a couple feet from Gabby, eyes scanning up and down her form, taking an extra second at her belly when he saw just how far along she was. Tears welled in his eyes as they met hers, which were now brimming with tears as well.
“Don’t just stand there pendejo,” her words quivered, “get over here”
Rooster rushed to embrace her, his bags dropping to the ground as his strong arms held his wife close, his calloused hands pulling her towards him from her lower back. You smiled at the couple as they embraced…despite how much they teased each other and complained, they loved each other more than words could ever describe, and they were gonna be great parents. 
Rooster came down to capture Gabby’s lips in a passionate kiss, which they remained in for an impressively long time without coming up for air. His hands ran all over her back, taking in every inch of his wife while pushing the appropriate boundaries of what he could touch in public.
Grinning at the happy couple who still had yet to let go of each other, you failed to notice the group of five other flight-suit-clad aviators who had appeared behind you. The sound of a man clearing his throat broke you from your trance. Turning around, you were greeted by Jake….and his new mustache.
Fuck he looked hot.
Tears sprang from your eyes instantly, your feet taking off running towards him before you could even command them to do so. You launched yourself into his arms, his hands scooping you up by your ass as your legs locked around his waist and your face nuzzled into his neck.
“Oh y/n,” he hummed into your hair, sending a shiver down your spine, “I’ve missed you darlin’” 
He rocked from side to side, his hands gripping your ass tighter the longer you held on. You couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing no matter how hard you protested. Finally lifting your head from the crook of his neck, you grasped the sides of his face with your hands.
“You have a mustache,” was all you could croak out. Jake laughed, his smile curling the ends of the facial hair, making you die a little inside.
“Yeah, doll, I do,” his accent sounded sweeter than you remembered, “you like it?”
“Fuck Jake,” you kissed him briefly, pulling away before he could deepen the kiss, “I love it”
“Come here,” he grumbled, pulling you down by the base of your neck to meet his lips, your mouths working together as you made out with him. Cheers erupted from the other aviators, who had, unbeknownst to you, been watching the whole ordeal unfold. 
“I missed you so much,” you cried to him as he set you down, enveloping you in his strong arms once your feet were on the ground.
“I know baby, I know. I missed you like crazy,” he kissed the top of your head, “I’m so sorry Y/n…for everything” he whispered into your ear.
You sighed, pulling away to look him in the eyes. He meant it, you could see that, “its okay. We’re okay, right?”
“You tell me, gorgeous, do you forgive me?”
“Yeah, Jake, I do.” You played with his mustache, making him smile.
“Alright y’all are making me sick,” Phoenix cut in, snaking an arm around you and pulling you away from Jake into a hug, “I missed you, girl”
“Missed you too Tash,” you hugged her, rubbing her back gently as she whispered how annoying Jake had been while you were broken up.
“Please never break up with him again, I already can’t stand his attitude, but its so much worse when he doesn’t have you” she smacked your shoulder, walking over to Gabby to give her a hug.
“Payback,” you said, turning your attention to the other aviators who were now talking to Jake.
“Y/L/n,” he said, pulling you into a quick hug before stepping aside so you could give Bob and Fanboy a quick hug as well. 
“Phoenix tells me my sweet Hangman here was extra annoying for you guys this trip,” you joked, smacking Jake on the chest as he welcomed you back into his embrace.
“Oh my god Y/n,” Rooster groaned, walking over to the group with Gabby under his arm, “you can’t ever give him the silent treatment again. Dear god-”
“We’d be at 20,000 feet and all you’d hear would be ‘do you guys think she’s really done with me’” Fanboy said in a high pitched voice, teasing Jake, making the other aviators laugh.
“Or he’d just sit there,” Payback interjected, already laughing, “in the mess hall, just stabbing his food over and over like he was in some drama movie”
“Bagman was in the dumps,” Bob quipped, making the group laugh harder.
You looked up to Jake, who was laughing along with them, his smile laced with hints of remorse and regret. You shook him a little in your embrace, drawing his attention to you.
“Don’t worry guys, I’m never letting him out of my sights ever again,” you said while looking directly at Jake, he smiled a thankful smile
“We’re all holding you to that, babe,” Phoenix said, slapping you on the back, “now who’s coming to the hard deck tonight?”
“All of us,” Gabby chimed in, “Rooster’s gonna be drinking for two,” she rubbed her baby bump.
The aviators cheered for Rooster and congratulated Gabby as you all walked back to the parking lot. Jake’s arm stayed tight around your shoulder, never letting you drift more than an inch from his side.
Taglist: @dempy @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mightiestheroes @taytaylala12 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230
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kennan73888 · 10 months
A Dinner Reunion II
“Delicious, I do say so myself.”
Azran sucks a few tips off his fingers, as if he’s enjoying every piece left in his mouth. However, Rhian cuddles herself while goosebumps cover her whole body, unable to forget the aftertaste unless something replaces it.
“Cheer up, my dear. What if I make it up for you? Because I’m now craving for some chocolate.” Azran’s suggestion sounds great, but Rhian feels like she’s not trusting this ‘treat’ of his. “Oh, please. Don’t make that face. I’m done fooling with you today.”
A young man who wore a mask that expressed an unpleasant grin came from behind, moving a seat beside them. Which surprises Azran when this gentleman comes out of nowhere. Without ignoring this man’s existence, Azran’s eyes met directly with his, and he noticed a tall woman behind that man.
“It’s rare to see you here, Eric. And your daughter?” Azran smiled, now concentrating on the woman.
“Always the same, no emotion, empty.”
“This meeting isn’t a coincidence. What brings you to me?”
“There’s someone I’m seeking, and it isn’t just one. More than a group, or hundreds, I believe. I saw in my own eyes that they opened the gate by sacrificing a couple of people, including children. Maybe, someday, they’ll roam freely through those gates.”
“That, you need my help.”
“Ah, I see…” Azran nodded, understanding what he was aiming for. “You’re not worried about those men or who can access any of those realms. Your interest is what is in their possession. Am I right, Eric?”
Eric chuckled, then said, “You’re never wrong. Still the same as ever. I want you to keep me in touch if you come across them. That’s all I need.”
“What if I don’t?” Azran smirks, waiting to see how he’ll take it. The mask Eric wore made it less impressive, but Azran enjoyed the silence. No replying, so he continued, “You once were my apprentice, and still are. Unfortunately, Eric, I’m sitting out on this one. Don’t get me wrong. I’m desperately worried about the gate, but… I’m getting old.”
Getting old or not, there is not an ounce of wrinkles on Azran’s face. The main issue here is that Eric was his apprentice. The same goes with his other apprentices out there. Chances are, they’ll meet and have little quarrels when one has their own aim to accomplish. Azran hates putting down his foot between them. He can gain nothing in these situations by dilly dally offering a hand.
Creepily crawling over, Azran’s hands were red liquid as he saw them, getting into his sleeve but were destroyed by slamming his hand on it. The table wiggled while all eyes were on them. A deep growl came from Azran’s throat, then settled, widening his lips.
“Sorry to disrupt your meals, ladies and gentlemen,” Azran apologized, standing then bowing. “Please, continue.” He went back to sitting on his chair, then glared at his apprentice. “You know you won’t win if you try anything on me.”
Eric chuckled unpleasantly. “I’m only playing with you. Don’t be too exaggerated, master.”
“Playing, you say.”
There’s an urge in Azran wanting to smash this man’s skull, but resist, causing any ruckus it needs to be. He kept quiet, then glanced at the daughter, who also seemed on edge as if keeping herself from doing exactly as he had in mind. Then he saw Eric’s hand, holding one of hers and slowly easing her temper.
“Guess it’s time,” Azran smiled, then stood up. “Neither of us is ready to hold a fight. Better for us to depart before things get worse, Eric.”
Azran left without giving them a second glance, then exited the restaurant. Disappearing then appeared in his library, sighing but not expecting to meet Eric. Rhian, who’s absent through the entire conversation, suddenly pops at his face, floating upside down, which gives him a fright as he clutches his chest and deep breathing.
“Who’s that? I don’t remember seeing him before.”
“Eric Gilbert Jacques Corniea,” Azran said, calming himself before continuing, “The seven-year-old king.”
“Oh… Him…” Amor nodded in a mumble, adding some displeasure. “He doesn’t seem to be the Eric I know. The Eric we saw way back then had a flock of red hair with a strong heart. And… It’s completely gone.”
She’s right, but there’s nothing Azran can do about him. That boy, he watches him grow into a fine King, leading a well-trained army through a battlefield but abandoning that life to be a scientist. An insane one, which Azran would add to that. Eric’s method is unpredictable, and hard to judge if he’s an ally or not.
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Kiryu please go see your daughter for fuck’s sake
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
can’t take my eyes off you (part 8)
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gif by: @eddiemunsens
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: this isn't your first rodeo. you know the drill
word count: 3,600
summary: steve fake dates y/n for a week for a family reunion, but little does y/n know, he’s had the biggest crush on her for a while.
a/n: this is the last part! i’m absolutely so sad that can't take my eyes off you has come to an end. thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning. thank you for all the endless love & support on this series (: steve & y/n love you all so much <3 two posts on a row? look at me go
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sunday. it was time to say goodbye. your chest fills with dread and sadness. you swing your feet over the edge of the bed and sit there for a while. time to head downstairs to eat the most amazing pancakes you've ever tasted for the last time. you gently shake steve awake and he slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes.
"what time is it?"
"10" he nods and you head into the bathroom to shower. after you showered, you put on a decent outfit and headed out. steve was sitting on the edge of the bed already changed.
"c'mon harrington. it's our last breakfast here and i'm not gonna miss it" you hold out your hand for him to take and he gladly takes it. you two make your way downstairs and to the kitchen, taking a seat at your barstools as you wait for margaret to finish cooking.
"are you ready to head home, y/n? i bet you miss not having to share a bed with steve" you chuckle at diane
"shockingly, no, i'm not ready to leave. this place is so nice and 'm gonna miss it" she frowns
"dear, you're always welcome to stop by at anytime"
"really?" excitement is radiating off of you and she nods
"of course. you're family now" you smile at her and then margaret turns around.
"pancakes are done, kids. eat up" you're quick to grab a plate and put two pancakes on it, then dousing them in syrup per usual.
"what time are you two leaving?" margaret asks
"i was thinking around 2 ish" she nods
"oh! ma. i was wondering if y/n can take a bottle of wine home with her" steve says, his mouth full of food. you gently hit his arm and he looks at you with a confused face.
"don't talk with your mouth full" he rolls his eyes and focuses his attention back on his mom. she has a brow raised at him
"aren't you two still under the legal drinking age?"
"it's for my mother. she loves her wine" you hated lying to diane, but it was the only way you could get your precious wine. she nods and heads out the kitchen. a couple minutes later, she walks back in holding a bottle of red wine. she hands it to you and you take it, sitting it beside you.
"let me know what she thinks of it when she tries it" you nod, knowing damn well you'd be the one drinking it. you and steve finish up your breakfast and head out to the terrace for one last go on your beloved porch swing.
"i'm gonna miss this view especially" you say and steve nods
"it's so much different than at hawkins"
"that's because hawkins is just trees. everywhere you go it's trees"
"touche" you two sit in a comfortable silence, steve gently rocking the swing back and forth.
"can't wait to get home and tell the others how i socked your cousin in the face" steve laughs
"slow down evil kinevil, we haven't even left yet" you shrug. it goes quiet for a bit again before you start to laugh.
"i can't wait to see eddie's reaction to it. he's probably gonna tell me 'that's so metal' or high five me" steve chuckles, shaking his head.
"sounds like eddie" you nod. you two rock in the swing for another thirty minutes before you head back inside.
"wanna play one last game of twister?" you turn to face steve and he nods, heading into the living room with you right behind him.
"mom, can you operate the spinner again?" she nods and sits on the couch as you and steve set up the mat. diane takes the spinner and spins it. you guys decided that since you won last time, you'd go first.
"left hand blue" you place your left hand on a blue circle. the game continues on for another fifteen minutes before you start to feel yourself slipping. you try to regain your balance, but you fail and end up going down first.
"ha! i win this time!"
"shut up" you grumble out and steve does a little celebratory dance.
"are you a sore loser y/n?"
"absolutely" he looks like he was expecting you to say no, so a look of shock is briefly on his face. he then holds a hand out for you and you refuse to take it.
"come on. take my hand" you shake your head
"y/n. take my hand"
"absolutely not" you cross your arms around your chest and he sighs. he then leans down and picks you up.
"steven, put me down this instant or else"
"or else what?"
"if you don't put me down you'll find out" steve continues to walk and hold you, not putting you down. you then give him a purple nurple and he puts you down.
"ow! seriously?" you shrug
"you didn't put me down so that's what you get" you walk back to the kitchen, seeing that time has went by and it was already lunch. since it was the last day, they went all out and had chicken enchiladas. you made yourself a plate and sat down, digging in. steve then sits beside you with his own plate of food.
"i'm sorry for acting immature" you say, facing him and he laughs
"y/n, it's okay. seriously" you nod and go back to eating your food.
"i'm gonna miss this food when we leave" steve nods in agreement
"time to go back to spaghettios and take out"
"can say that again" you savor the last few bites of your food. steve doing the same.
"okay. we got about an hour and a half left until we have to leave. what do you want to do?" you shrug, but then an idea pops into your head.
"one last ice cream trip?" he nods and you head out to his car as he heads back upstairs to grab his keys.
"i'm paying this time" you tell him once he pulls into a parking spot outside the ice cream parlor. he holds up his hands in surrender
"okay okay" you then head inside and the same young boy from the other day is behind the counter.
"nice to see familiar faces. what can i get you guys today?" you both tell him your order and you and steve decided to eat outside today.
"on the way back to hawkins, can we visit sal?" steve chuckles but nods
"so you two can talk about me in italian?" you shrug
"we'll see what the day has planned for us" you go back to eating your ice cream and when the two of you are done, you head back to the house. since the parlor is thirty minutes away, it leaves you with about half an hour at the house. you and steve head upstairs to pack all of your stuff. once that was said and done, you lug your heavy suitcase down the stairs and take it outside and put it in the trunk of steve's bmw.
everyone is preparing to leave and you start to get emotional. cynthia comes up to you with david on her hip. he makes grabby hands to you and you take him into your arms, holding him close to you.
"i'm gonna miss you buddy," you then look at him. "you be good for mommy, okay?"
"'kay," he nods and you smile at him, still holding him. cynthia then hands you a slip of paper with her number on it.
"in case you ever want to spend a day with him or if i ever need a babysitter, have my number" you smile, taking the slip of paper. you pull her into a hug.
"thank you so much cynthia" she pulls back from you and gives you a soft smile. you hand david back to her and wave bye to him.
"bye bye david" he waves bye and cynthia straps him into his car seat, then getting into the passenger side of the car. they back out, leaving. you then see wendy and nicole run over to you and you slightly crouch down, arms open wide. they both run into your arms and you hug them both tight.
"i'm gonna miss my girls." you pull away from them and place a hand on their shoulder.
"you two will make amazing makeup artists someday. i just know it. behave for your moms, okay?" they nod and nicole is called over by her mom. steve is standing with her and he picks up nicole. you turn your attention back to wendy and you see her bottom lip start to tremble. you frown, pulling her into a hug.
"wendy, darling, what's wrong"
"'m gonna miss you" she manages to get out between cries. you wish you could just take her with you then this wouldn't be a problem. but alas, that's kidnapping.
"and i'm gonna miss you too, sweetheart. but i promise i'll set up something with your mom and you can come spend the night with stevie and i" you pull back from the hug and wipe her tears off her face.
"that sound good?" she nods and you give her a smile
"maybe you can do steve's makeup this time" she gives you a smile of her own
"there's that smile" she giggles and you stand up, grabbing her hand. you walk her over to laura's car. just like cynthia, she gives you a slip of paper with her number on it. you thank her and then wendy gets into the car.
"remember what i said, okay?"
"okay," she nods and you shut the car door after she's buckled up. as they're backing out, her window rolls down and she yells out of it.
"bye princess y/n!"
"bye princess wendy!" you yell back, giving her your best princess wave. she laughs and you laugh with her. her window then rolls up and you turn around to see steve talking with his mom and grandma. you walk up to them and stop by steve's side. diane then pulls you into a bone-crushing hug and you hug her back with the same amount of emotion.
"'m gonna miss you diane"
"awh, i'm gonna miss you too, dear. you keep that son of mine out of trouble, okay?" she whispers the last part so steve doesn'te hear. you chuckle.
"no promises. he can be out of control sometimes" she pulls apart from you and wipes away her stray tears.
"yeah, he does" steve then speaks up
"ready to go, y/n?"
"steve, i haven't gotten to say goodbye yet" maragaret speaks up and you and diane laugh.
"i'll be waiting in the car, okay? bye ma, bye grandma. i love you both and i promise to call you when we get home safely. they both nod and you walk over to margaret. she pulls you into a hug and when she pulls away, she hands you a folded up piece of paper.
"what's this?"
"you didn't think i'd let you leave here without knowing how to make my pancakes, did you?" you give her a big grin and she smiles as well. she then pats you on the shoulder.
"take care y/n. and don't let steve drive you mad" you laugh
"too late for that" she chuckles and you bid her one last goodbye before heading and getting into the passenger side of steve's car.
"whatcha got there?" he asks, nodding at the paper in your hand
"that's for me to know and you to dot dot dot" he rolls his eyes and tells you to buckle up before he backs out of his parking spot.
"so we'll stop at sal's then we head home. correct?" you nod and the two of you head to see sal. once you get there, you're the first one out and heading inside.
"y/n! bella! i missed you" you smiled at the old man
"i missed you too, sal"
"well, what can i do for ya' today?"
"oh. uh, steve and i are heading back to hawkins and i wanted to say goodbye before we headed back" he gives you a soft smile and steps around the counter so that he's in front of you. he pulls you into a hug and you hug him back.
"that's real kind of you, kid" he pats you on your back before pulling away from the hug.
"well i couldn't just leave without a goodbye. that'd be rude of me" he chuckles and then steve walks in.
"steve-o! do i get a goodbye hug from you too?" steve laughs and nods. him and sal give each other a hug. they then pull apart from each other.
"you better hold onto y/n, okay? don't let her slip through your fingers, pal" steve nods
"i wouldn't dare let go of her" your face heats up and then sal faces you.
"tieni questo idiota fuori dai guai, ok? tiene molto a te, y/n" you give sal a smile and nod.
(sal said: "you keep this idiot out of trouble, okay? he cares about you a lot, y/n")
"don't be a stranger, y/n. come stop by and visit when you get a chance" you nod and salute him.
"scouts honor" he chuckles and you and steve bid him one final goodbye before you're back on the road to hawkins.
"what'd sal tell you?"
"oh nothing" steve groans and you smile to yourself. you then take a nap and you're woken up by steve gently shaking you.
"y/n. wake up. we're home" you groan and open your eyes. you see the sky above is cloudy, meaning it'll most likely rain later. you get out of steve's car and head to the trunk to get your suitcase.
"no need. i already put it inside" you nod and you and steve head inside your house. you shut the door behind you and sigh. back home. your dog scooby, yes after scooby-doo, came running up to you and you crouched down so you can pet him.
"hey buddy. did mrs. johnson take good care of you while i was gone?" you pet him as he licks your face and you laugh.
"what about me, scoob?" steve crouched down beside you, wanting love from the furry companion. scooby got excited at the sight of steve, since scooby was practically best friends with steve. scooby pounces on steve, knocking him over and you and steve laugh.
"someone missed you"
"i can see that" scooby then relents from steve and you stand up, giving him a hand up. he takes it and you pull him up.
"wanna stay over and watch something? i don't have spaghettios, but i do have the number to a chinese food place" steve nods and he heads into your living room, as you head into the kitchen so you can order you and steve some food. they said it'd be there in about fifteen minutes.
the food got there and you and steve ate it as you watched whatever was on tv.
once it started to get late, steve started to get up and head out before it rained.
you walk steve outside and to his car. it was already sprinkling, but a little rain never hurt anyone.
"thanks for having me as your fake-girlfriend for a week" you let out a laugh but steve didn't seem to reciprocate. matter-of-fact, he seemed off. he didn't even crack a smile at your comment.
"hey, what's wrong?" he shakes his head
"you wouldn't understand"
"nonsense. you can tell me anything steve"
"seriously, y/n. it's nothing" you furrow your brows. what was wrong. you two were just having a good time.
"steve. it's not nothing if it's bothering you"
"just... can we drop it?" he seemed agitated now and you had no clue what you had done.
"did i do something?" he shakes his head
"then tell me what's wrong. i can't exactly read your mind here, steve"
"just drop it, y/n"
"no, steve. i'm your best friend-" he seems to snap and he looks at you.
"that's it isn't it!" you're taken back by his sudden outburst. as if on cue, it started to rain harder, soaking both of you.
"i'm not following?"
"it's not like it isn't painfully obvious since everybody but you can see it!" you don't know why he was yelling now or what you couldn't see.
"see what steve? what can't i see?!" at this point, you've given up with staying calm. if he can have an atitude towards you, you can have one with him.
"that i'm in love with you! okay?!" you're taken back by his words. steve was in love with you.
"what?" you whisper. steve runs a hand down his soaking wet face, shaking his head.
"i knew i should've just gone home" he mumbles, walking to the driver side of his car. but before he can do that, you grab his wrist, stopping him.
"you're just going to give up? just like that?" he turns to face you, him now being the confused one.
"what do you mean?"
"you're just going to walk away and not hear what i have to say? what if i told you i felt the same way, huh?"
"don't say that y/n. because then you're only getting my hopes up" you sigh out of frustration
"steve. i feel the same way. god, sal was right by calling you an idiot" you grumble and shake your head
"you mean you love me too?" you throw your hands up in the air
"yes! god, do i have to spell it out for you?" a big smile makes its way onto steve's face and he pulls you into him. you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck and his go around your waist. you both stare up at each other, the rain continuing to pour.
"kiss me already, dumbass" that's all steve needs before his lips meet yours. you sigh into the kiss and steve bites your bottom lip, eliciting a gasp out of you. he uses that as leverage to slip his tongue into your mouth and eventually you two pull apart for air. he rests his forehead on yours, both of you breathing heavily.
"so, does this make you my girlfriend?" he asks and you nod. then looks up at the sky, laughing.
"y/n l/n is my girlfriend!" he yells and you whack his arm
"stop yelling. the neighbors are gonna wake up"
"you act as if we didn't have a yelling match five minutes ago" you roll your eyes and tug his hand back towards your house.
"let's go inside. i don't want my neighbors to see me getting felt up in the rain by steve harrington"
"are you embarrassed of me?"
"no. it's for your modesty" you drag him into the warm house and you head straight to your bedroom, steve following. you toss sweatpants that steve left at your house one time at him alongside a big t-shirt.
"you know where the bathroom is. and i'm sure you can get a pair of boxers out of anthony's room" he nods and heads to get changed. you locked your bedroom door after he left the room and change into some dry clothes. you go and put your wet clothes into the wash and when steve steps out of the bathroom with his wet clothes, you take them, putting them in the wash with yours. you two then head back to your room. you leave your door cracked because sometimes scooby liked to come in and cuddle with you.
you lay down on your bed, patting the spot beside you.
"don't act shy now, harrington. we literally just spent a week sharing a bed" he chuckles and walks over to your bed and climbs in beside you. the two of you lie on your sides admiring the other.
"i can't believe you feel the same way" you smile at his cheesiness
"how can i not? steve, you make me feel special. seen. like i matter" he moves a wet strand of your hair out of your face and rests his large hand on your cheek.
"baby. that's because you do matter" baby. you were going into overdrive at that pet name.
"i love you, steve harrington" you whisper and he smiles
"i didn't quite hear that. i think you need to say it again" you laugh and kiss him instead. you both pull apart from one another.
"i think kissing you is now my favorite thing in the world and i never want to stop doing it"
"then don't" you say and he pulls you into another kiss. his hands slip under your shirt and you pull away from him.
"nuh uh mister. buy me dinner first then maybe i'll let you get into my pants" he laughs and then you get an idea, shooting up out of bed. steve gives you a confused look as you head over to your record player. you grab your favorite record and set the needle down. the familiar tune starts to play and steve smiles. you hold out a hand for him.
"may i have this dance, harrington?"
"yes you may," he gets out of bed and takes your hand into his. the two of you dance around to can't take my eyes off you and even though the song ended, steve is still holding you to him.
"y/n?" he asks, looking into your eyes
"yeah?" you whisper
"i can't take my eyes off you"
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tags: @btsinurmom @lovelyela @fezcomybeloved @manuosorioh @preciousbabypeter @in-this-minute @k-k0129 @prettysbliss @hcloangcls @simonsbluee @joekeeryswife @scoobiessnacks @sorrenthesonnetwriter @goldenbrokenheart @mess-in-side @chocolatepizzatyrant @officerrfriendlyy @frostandflamesfanfic
join my tag list: tag list
masterlist: masterlist
a/n: i'm in shambles right now. we did it guys. we've finally reached the end of can't take my eyes off you. i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i have
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mikkomacko · 3 years
So not sure if you’re going to understand this but here’s my idea: the team not knowing that the reader is dating both Bucky and Steve (Stucky) and they confront her and say some awful things like she’s using them, a cheating wh*re etc. and she just starts crying and runs and locks herself in their room (or whatever you’d like). Then Stucky comes back or out from somewhere looking for her and then they ask the team and the team tells them that she was “cheating” on both of them with each other and then they’re like no we’re all dating each other and the team feels all bad and you can end it how you want lol. You don’t have to do this and sorry if it’s bad.
A/n: Sorry it took so long! Hope it's ok! <3
Two Avengers dating would cause enough gossip in itself, but three Avengers? Two of which have been best friends since the 40s? She can't imagine what kind of reaction that would get out of Sam or Nat who have always teased Steve and Bucky about being really good friends.
So when y/n, Bucky, and Steve made their relationship official, they kept it as low-key as possible. Anything beyond cuddling was reserved for the privacy of their rooms, flirting had to be subtle, and all dates were far from the Avengers compound.
They just had to pray they could follow the rules and keep their hands to themselves when others were around.
Drumming her fingers on the folder, y/n heads up HR to submit her latest mission report. It was simple surveillance mission, nothing exciting to report on but she'd been gone for over a week and wanted to get the report in asap so it could be done with. Dropping it off on the incoming desk, she promptly turns on her heel to head to lunch but is stopped just outside of the doorway by a hand on her bicep. She's tugged into the hidden corner before she can even react, two strong arms caging her against the cool wall.
Bucky, dressed for a training session, stands before her, blue eyes sparkling and lips smiling. Immediately, her guard falls, lips widening into a smile that reflects the same love shining through Bucky's.
"Careful Barnes," she teases, "next time I won't be so kind about ya pawing at me."
He clicks his tongue. "Wouldn't be pawing if you'd come to see me as soon as you got back."
"Paperwork waits for no one. Not even Cap and Sarge."
He sighs playfully. "Damn doll, that hurts. Think ya should kiss it better."
So she does. Cupping his jaw between two soft palms, y/n seals their mouths together in a tender kiss, completely blind to Bruce and Tony who have just caught sight of them from down the hall.
Bucky heads down to the gym and y/n heads to room to clean up before lunch, ignoring his pleas for her to join him. She's technically on recovery from her last mission and she's definitely going to milk that for a day off. She's approaching her door when one just down the hall opens, a familiar blond head of hair coming into view.
She pauses, leaning her shoulder against the doorway and smiles at him. "Hey Cap, fancy seeing you here."
He lifts his head, soft blue eyes meeting hers and he smiles that cute little smirk only Steve Rogers could smile. "Hey, heard you got back early this morning."
"Yeah, way early." She laughs, tilting her chin up as he moves closer.
"How'd it go?"
He stops in front of her, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head. It's his typical go-ahead-I'm-listening stance but by the way he's eyeing her mouth she knows he doesn't actually want to hear it right now. Steve always tries to hide the fact that he's just as clingy as Bucky.
"Is that really what you're going to ask me, Rogers? After being gone for so long you want my mission run down right now?"
He chuckles, dipping his head and lightly shaking it. "No not really."
"So what's your real question?"
Bashful, he meets her eyes again. "Can I have a hello?"
Y/n laughs, butterflies fluttering in her chest as she rises on her tiptoes to kiss him. He gently grips her waist, pulling her just the slightest bit closer and humming in content. She throws her arms around his neck, fingertips shifting into the hair at the base of his neck, once again too caught up in her boyfriend to notice Nat and Sam have just spotted them from the end of the corridor.
"You'll never believe what we just saw!" Sam shouts, hightailing it into the kitchen with Natasha hot on his heels. Bruce and Tony both startle in their seats at the table, water sloshing over the edge of Bruce's mug.
"Nuh-uh, we're first." Tony says, shaking his head.
"No we are." Sam insists, Tony opening his mouth to continue the argument but Natasha cuts him off.
"Rogers and y/n are together."
And that makes Tony and Bruce pause. Sam whoops proudly, smirking at the two as they share looks of confusion.
"Steve and y/n?" Bruce confirms, eyebrows pinching together when Nat nods firmly.
Tony sighs. "Well that puts us in a bit of pickle because we saw Barnes with his tongue down her throat."
Sam's jaw drops. "What? When?"
"Earlier today!" Bruce exclaims, motioning towards the HR department. "She was dropping off paperwork and he just grabbed her and kissed her."
"Well we just watched Steve pin her against a door and kiss her not even ten minutes ago." Nat exclaims, anger building up in her veins. "Which means we've got a problem."
Sam turns to her, just as angry. "Damn right we do!"
Bottom lip between her teeth, y/n attempts to hide the giddy smile that's been plastered on her face since her reunion with her boys. It's a weak attempt because she's practically as bright as a ray of sunshine but she doesn't really care. She's happy. She's so incredibly happy and she wants it to last forever.
Unfortunately for her, the feeling is cut short far too soon because as soon as she enters the kitchen, 4 pairs of eyes are glaring at her.
"Hey everyone," she says tentatively, slowing to a stop. "what's going on?"
Sam scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why don't you tell us what's going on?" He says coldly, "You know besides you macking on our friends."
Macking on his friends? Oh god, Steve and Bucky! They found out about their relationship...
Her jaw drops, cut-off guard. "Wait! I can explain-"
"Cheaters don't get an explanation." Nat cuts off, eyes mean and piercing. Y/n heart sinks into her stomach. Cheating? She'd never cheat in her life, especially not on Bucky and Steve.
"Cheating? I'm not-"
Tony rises from his seat. "Save it y/n. We know you're cheating on Bucky and Steve with each other. How could you do that? They're like brothers and your just using them-"
"No I'm not!" She insists, panicking under the hateful gazes. "You guys don't understand. Just let me-"
"No!" Sam cuts off. "Bucky and Steve have both gone through so much. Do you realize how difficult it must have been for them to open up to you? And you thew it all away. You hurt them. You're a bitch y/n, full honestly."
Tears sting her eyes. Sam's never said anything like that to her let alone anyone they know. He's always been so kind and welcoming so to hear such hurtful words from him has her stunned. She can't even think of anything to say to defend herself.
"Y-you really think that lowly of me?" She sniffles, "That I would do something like that?"
"We saw it, y/n." Banner responds, nose scrunched in disgust. "Now get outta here before we throw you out."
Insulted and insecure, she shakes her head. "I can't believe you all." Then she turns on her heel, running to the safety of her room.
Bucky's spotting Steve on the bench press when the foursome of Avengers walk in, somber looks on their faces.
"Steve," Bucky says, gaining his attention. Immediately the super soldier is setting down his weights, sitting up to look at their friends.
"What's going on? Is someone hurt?" Steve asks, rising to his feet. Sam shakes his head, smiling sympathetically.
"No one's hurt," he assures "but we've got something to tell you."
Bucky swallows nervously, something in him going on high alert. He knows that this is about y/n, that something's happened and it makes him anxious. Where is she?
"What?" Bucky asks, noticing the lingering anger in Nat's eyes.
"It's y/n," she says "she-"
"She what?" Bucky interrupts quickly, readying himself to sprint upstairs.
"She's cheating," Tony says, eyes flickering between the two men. "On you two. With each other."
Oh, Bucky wasn't expecting that. He turns to Steve, the two sharing a silent conversation between themselves. They know? Looks like it pal. How'd that happen? I told you to be careful...
"Don't worry, we already gave her a piece of our minds-"
"You what?!" Steve suddenly asks, finally realizing what they're saying. They think y/n cheated on them because they don't know they're all three dating each other. And they confronted her about it.
"What did you say?" Bucky asks lowly.
"The truth," Sam says proudly. "that she's a bitch for using you both."
Before anyone can react Bucky is rushing towards the doors, abandoning his belongings in favor of checking on y/n. Steve doesn't mind, knowing that when it comes to being emotional and open, Bucky is typically the one she leans on. He's good at being a comforting shoulder.
"Oh god Sam," Steve sighs. "Y/n isn't cheating-"
"No she's not!" He shouts, startling them. "She's not. For the past few months we've been dating. The three of us."
The silence is almost amusing if Steve wasn't too busy thinking of his girl upstairs, upset.
"Like a throuple?" Bruce asks, confused.
Steve nods shortly. "Thanks for accusing her instead of talking it out. Appreciate it." He says icily, pushing around them. Stalking towards the exit, he calls over his shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a girl to go check on."
Bucky has wrapped her up like a burrito in the comforter from his bed on the floor of her room, leaning back against the side of the matress with her sat between his parted thighs. Her eyes are still wet and swollen but she's giggling through her sniffles, a spoon hanging out of her mouth and a bowl of soup in her lap. They both look up when he enters the room, Y/n smiling shyly and Bucky relieved.
"We ok sweetheart?" He asks, waiting for her nod before looking to Bucky.
"We're good Steve," he promises, sweeping her hair over her shoulder with his hand and brushing his fingers through it. "She was just frustrated. Didn't know they could think she'd do something like that."
"That's because she wouldn't," Steve says firmly, sitting on the floor next to them. "and we know that y/n. We know you'd never hurt us like that."
"I love you Steve," she swears, resting her head on his shoulder. "And I love you Buck. Thanks for doing this for me."
"Course doll," Bucky says, kissing the side of her head. "Don't have to thank us for loving you." Steve hums his agreement.
"But..."Bucky quickly adds, "you can thank me after I beat Sam's ass for calling you that."
Steve sighs, rolling his eyes. "Buck..." He says warningly but he doesn't even finish the scolding thought because their boyfriend's threat has made y/n smile and that's all they could ever ask for.
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ellitx · 4 years
From Me To You | Venti x Reader
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[Name]'s been spending more time with Aether writing letters. When will she go back to him to spend time together?
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word count: 9.7k
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           “Now, who would love to listen to a bard’s song? One can harmonize with me to sing along~”
           Sun-kissed white clouds blossom in the blue, free to fly with the wind. In the long horizon, they take on azure hues. It was a wonderful day to sing ballads to the people of Mondstadt. 
           Children and adults have crowded around Venti, the little ones' eyes sparkled in awe whilst the grownups are eager to listen to the stories he’ll share. A chuckle slipped from his lips and took out his trusty lyre, Der Frühling.
           The sweet refrain of the lyre spoke a musical language to their soul. The strumming sound had a hypnotic soothing quality that he craved. To lose himself to the melody of the stringed instrument was his idea of heavenly noon.
           The bard’s music fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around every person near the Cathedral. Some reacted to his poetic words, others continued in chatter, but it always speaks to them in some manner.
           A lively tempo can lift them, elevate the spirit, or admire his storytelling of the previous heroes. Before the notes filled the air, every person was an island. With it, they all feel the same tidal flows and the beginning of togetherness feels warm.
           His fingers ceased his strumming and gave a bow to his audience as they cheered and clapped from the wonderful performance and his melodious voice that favored their ears.
           “Thank you!” He chuckled and the lyre dissipated from his hands, hiding in the unknown as he tipped his beret towards them fill it up with moras. Needless to say, he will spend it on a tavern to buy Mondstadt’s beloved dandelion wine.
           Watching the townsfolk walk off and continue their business, he glanced behind him to look at the Cathedral. “I wonder when will [Name]’s guests leave?” He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.
           “I wish they’d leave already.”
           Lost in his thoughts, a man then bumped into him making the bard stumble backward. He didn’t even apologize or spared a glance at him. “Hey!”
           The fellow simply ignored him and ran off with his friend.
           Venti whipped his head to see what the sudden commotion was all about. The citizens that were crowding in the town square caught his interest. He trotted his way near the semi-circular platform and observed.
           “What’s going on there?”
           Leaning forward on the bricked base to take a closer look, a familiar silhouette greeted his eyes. It was unexpected to see that the outlander has already come back. Aether waved to the people who welcomed him and smiled at them in thanks.
           The bard was confused as to why he was here. What was his reason for his sudden appearance without their knowledge?
           For some reason, it made his stomach churn.
           It felt like bad news.
            “[Name]! [Name]!” Venti called out her name as he ran inside the Basilica drawing Barbara’s attention. 
           “Ah, Venti! You mustn’t—“
            “I understand what you’re saying… but this is more important.” Sister Jilliana sighed and let her palm rest on her cheek in worry as she looked at [Name]. 
           “Yes, but…”
           The door then slammed open, surprising the two females inside and cast their gaze on the bard. “[Name]!” He uttered her name once more and took a deep breath to regain the oxygen back to his lungs.
           “Young man, how many times must I tell you to knock before entering this room?” Sister Jilliana scolded as a frown painted on her face. 
           A sheepish smile tugged his lips and closed his eyes to them apologetically. “Pardon me, Sister.” She breathed out wearily, already used to his abrupt barging, and motioned for him to come inside much to his pleasure.
           Venti hopped his way to [Name]’s bed and enveloped her frail form in a hug. “What is it?” She asked as she caressed his dark locks that made him relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of her fingers grazing his head.
           He nuzzled on her neck and gave light kisses on it making her cheeks flared up in embarrassment and pushed him gently before the nun could see his scandalous acts. A sullen look appeared on his appearance when she denied his love for her as he let his arms fall back to his side.
           He almost forgot what he was going to say since he was so excited to finally see [Name] considering that he wasn’t able to visit her because of curfews. She has been stuck in here for who knows how long now, and just misses being with her.
           He clenched his fist and placed it on his mouth as he coughed to get back to his composure. “It seems like he came back already.” She tilted her head in puzzlement at his words, unable to fathom what he meant.
           It was ambiguous and equivocal so to say. Maybe he just wanted to play some word games again? Before she could speak out, someone was knocking on the door and Barbara came to announce something.
           “The traveler is here.”
           The female’s [eye color] oculars lit up and smiled. “You mean him?” She asked more on the bard than the deaconess. The former furrowed his brows and intertwined their fingers together, nodding hesitantly.
           “I forgot it was supposed to be today.” [Name] muttered and glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall. “Please ask him if it’s alright with him to wait for me. I’ll be there in a minute.”
           “Of course.” Barbara smiled and closed the door quietly. Sister Jilliana cleared her throat and crossed her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at her like a mother scolding a child. 
           “I’m sorry, Sister, but is it alright if we talk about this some other time?” She pleaded and clasped her hands together in an imploring way. 
           The nun shook her head and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “Some other time? You know you need to stay in bed and rest!” [Name] lifted the blanket from her form and let her feet dangle on the edge of the bed ready to set off.
           Venti watched them quietly— with him following behind her— as she made her way to the exit of her room. “Young lady, your health will be at risk if you don’t stay here—“
           “Don’t worry! I’ll make sure to drink my medicines!” [Name] said hastily and grasped his hand with hers before leaving the woman alone in the room as the door shut closed.
           “Wow, it sure has been a long time since we’ve been here, huh.” Paimon said as she floated over the outlander’s head. He nodded in agreement and admired the marvelous garden from the window, absently nodding off to the wonderland.
           “Aether!” The male whipped his head to the source of the voice and beamed at [Name] with his floating companion waving her hands excitedly. “[Name]!” Paimon exclaimed as small particles of constellations trailed along with her when she greeted them.
           “Hello to you too, Paimon!” The female giggled as she danced around her. While the three of them were busy with their small reunion, Venti can’t help but glare at the blonde male. 
           Great, now he’s getting her attention I’ve always needed.
           He grumbled to himself and clutched tightly on her hand to remind her that he was still there. Why is it that if he needs her affection so badly, something will sabotage and interfere with them? 
           “Sorry to keep you waiting,” [Name] apologized to Aether to which he brushed it off saying it’s fine. “and thank you for coming all this way.” She bowed to them and showed them her smile.
           “You gotta loosen up, [Name]. You don’t have to be so formal around us.” The fairy started with a pout. She then looked at Venti who was clinging to her as a frown appeared.
           “And why’s the Tone-Deaf Bard here?”
           Venti huffed and scowled to the emergency ratio. “I’m the one who should be asking that, mind you. What are you two doing here?”
           “Paimon…” The traveler scolded and placed his hand on his forehead, shaking his head in aggravation if she ever caused a scene inside the church. Seconds later, he regained his composure and looked to the bard.
           “Sorry about Paimon. [Name] requested us to come here.” Was his answer to Venti’s question. The latter bit his lip and held the frail teen close to him protectively. 
           What for? He asked to himself, absentmindedly letting the winds get strong and sharp on their skin.
           [Name] laughed airily when he did that and gave a short peck to his cheek to calm him down. She noticed he’s been more watchful than ever and it’ll be bad news if he’ll go out of control.
           “Let’s take a seat. I’ll go and prepare tea for us.”        
           She tipped her head and beckoned them to follow her to the room. Aether looked around the area before taking a seat on the couch while Paimon awed at the sight of a plate of cookies resting peacefully on the table and grabbed a handful of it.
           “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Venti said as he wrapped his arms around the female’s waist from behind and buried his face on her neck. He fiddled with the ribbon that was tied to her dress while she started brewing tea for the guests.
           “I already have enough. Staying in bed for days is even more tiring.” The faint scent of the sugar reached their nose as she took several and kept it in the sugar pot to bring it later.
           He hummed as a response and watched her pour the freshly brewed tea on four teacups and placed it on a tray. His fingers wrapped on the handle and carried it before she could take it.
           He didn’t want her to move so much and decided he’ll take care of this one. [Name] escorted him back to the living room and took a seat as Venti served the drink to Aether. The traveler thanked him and blew gently to cool it before taking a sip.
           Sighing at the aromatic drink, Aether glanced at them. “Should we start?” He asked and settled the cup back on the table. “Of course, it’s better to begin right away. If I recall correctly, you were alright with helping me for one week, right?” [Name] pondered.
           He bobbed his head. Paimon gave a curious look as she munched on the cookies. “Oh right! Traveler and I are happy to help you anytime! Uh… what was it that she asked us again…?”
           Aether groaned at her lack of focus, too tired to even give her an answer. “I can discuss it with you if we take it to the sunroom if you don’t mind? It’s nice and bright out there.” 
           [Name] stood up from her chair and patted her outfit to tidy up the creases that formed. Venti’s brows arched in curiosity and inquired about them. “What are you doing?”
           “I’m having him help me write some letters.”
           He was beyond confused at such a simple request, yet why did she ask Aether to come all this way just for that if he can just do it for her? He furrowed his brows and looked down on the floor, feeling dejected that she’s not relying on him.
           “I could’ve done that for you…” He muttered bitterly and clenched his fists. She felt her heart sink at his morose state and apologized. “I’m sorry, Venti but this is something different.” She cupped his cheeks as her fingers touched them affectionately. Rather than having the warm and loving feeling, it just felt heavy like something was weighing on his shoulders.
             Breathing a sigh, he rested his palm over hers and leaned closer as their temples made contact. “Who are you writing to?” He whispered and admired the swirls of [eye color] in her eyes as they twinkled. 
           “Well…” She closed her eyes and smiled blithely. “Someone very far away.”
           That was not the answer he was expecting. He whined at her enigmatic comment and kissed her lips as a counter much to her surprise and bashfulness to his direct public display of affection. 
           [Name] could feel the heat growing in her cheeks. By now they must be beyond attractive rosiness. She felt as if all her insecurities were writ large across her face and there was nowhere to hide. 
           “Ahem!” Paimon cleared her throat to garner their attention. Venti’s eyes focused on hers and hummed innocently as if nothing happened. “Seriously? Right in front of us?” She remarked and folded her arms.
           “So? Any problems with it?” He asked in a snobbish tone and held [Name] close while she covered her whole face with her hands, too ashamed to face the guests and Venti himself. 
           “W-we should get going now, Aether. I don’t want to delay your travels any further.” She stuttered then looked at the bard. “Venti, can you stay here?” She pleaded and hoped her begging would work on him.
           “Eh, why?” 
           “This is something private. I’m really sorry if I’m being surreptitious today, I promise I’ll make it up to you.” [Name] brushed her lips on his cheek before setting off to the sunroom with Aether and Paimon following after her.
           The blonde looked behind his shoulder and stared at Venti’s small frame standing idly in the middle of the room. He felt bad for him that they’re keeping a secret from him. Aether has to fulfill the girl’s request. He hopes the Anemo archon won’t misunderstand everything.
           By the time they arrived there, his eyes caught on the typewriter sitting on the lone table with Barbara situated on a chair, humming a song. She lifted her head up when she saw three figures from the corner of her eyes and greeted them with a big smile. 
           “You guys are finally here.”
           Venti peeked from the window and watched as their lips moved to try to comprehend what they’re saying from the other side of the room. He tried his best to do lipreading but when [Name] turned her head, he immediately ducked and hid from her eyesight.
            He clicked his tongue in annoyance, not that because she almost caught him, but because of the outlander and his little companion. “I knew he was bad news.” 
           Hearing the loud screech of the chair, he jerked his head in the direction of the noise as his teal eyes widened and his mind went blank as did his heart at the sight of his dear toppling if it weren’t for Aether catching her in time.
           The female’s chest tightened and her breathing was ragged and short as she clutched tightly to whoever was holding her for support. Everything turned cloudy and fuzzy, she blinked several times to recover her focus but to no avail, the world then went dark as several voices called out for her.
           Venti panicked and soon dashed inside, ignoring the calls of the nuns that wanted him to stop.
            “Are you okay…?” Asked the bard as he connected their hands together and rubbed circles on the back. “I’m fine. Sorry if I gave you a shock.” 
           [Name] was currently laying on her bed, tucked inside the blanket. Here she was again, stuck in her room with the smell of medicines and flowers wafting around the room. 
           When will she ever have a day to finally get out of here and enjoy the outside world with her friends instead of being cooped up alone? Venti continued letting his finger graze on her hand to distract himself and believed she’ll get well soon.
           “I’ll be better right away.” She assured him with a smile. He stayed quiet and unheedingly interlocked their fingers to continue to play with it. [Name] didn’t mind at all. If that’s what makes him feel at ease then she’ll allow it without asking.
           “Hey, Venti,” She called out quietly. 
           “Can you sing for me?”
           The motion of his finger halted as a smile donned his face. “Of course. Anything for you.”
           He first started humming, improvising a ballad for her— to make a melodic and lilting harmony just for her. It soothed her ears listening to his soft voice as her eyes flitted, ready to set off to the wonderland of dreams.
           Humming should be a soothing sound, dulcet tones creating a wordless melody, something to help her drift away to a reassuring Neverland. Venti’s gentle humming fills her room, he knows she prefers it if it’s sedating.
           From now until then, [Name] will savor each note for they make her feel at home like nothing else can. 
           “Venti,” She uttered her beloved’s name one more time.
           Her fingers dug on her blanket before shaking her head and smiling. “It’s nothing.” There it is again. [Name] became reluctant about what she’ll say. His brows knitted together at her furtive behavior.
           Ever since Aether came, that’s how she’s been acting. Seven days of not being able to get close to her while they write, is it even possible for him to do that? The sisters watched him closely if ever he tried to sneak inside. 
           It really infuriated him that they’re separating him from her.
           What other ways could they possibly spend time together without any disturbance? He snapped out from his daydreaming when the squeaky voice of the fairy reached their ears. He didn’t bother to look at or even spare a greeting to them.
           So when the blonde stood near her bed and placed a pouch on her hand, it made him curious to know what was inside there. “[Name], we’ve brought the seeds as you asked!” Paimon exclaimed as she appeared over Aether’s shoulder.
           “Will these be enough?” The latter asked. The female sat up and carefully opened the bag to see the contents. She hummed in affirmation and smiled at him in thanks.
           “Thank you. W-was it a hassle to find these…?” She queried slowly. “It’s fine! We’ll do anything as you asked even if it’s killing abyss mages!” The traveler gawked at Paimon’s words before sighing and nodding.
           She giggled at their words, putting down the pouch on the lamp table. “I wouldn’t go that far to ask such things, but thank you.”
           “Excuse me,” A head poked out from the doorframe as Barbara revealed herself. “[Name] needs to rest now and it’s almost past the curfew hours. Sister Jilliana will be mad if she sees you’re all here still lingering.”
           Venti’s eyes cast to the clock as he watched the hands ticked. “Isn’t it a bit too early?”
           “What do you mean early? It’s getting dark already and we better go now! She really needs to sleep after what happened.” Paimon huffed whilst she crossed her short arms.
           The archon groaned when Aether grabbed his shoulders and dragged him away from [Name], unwilling to let go. Venti removed his hand before running back to her and giving a short yet sweet kiss on her head, cheeks, and lastly her lips.
           He slowly parted from her wanting to linger his lips on hers a bit more. The feeble girl looked up at him, his azure optics already glued to hers as a faint tint of red brushed on the apples of her cheeks. She closed her eyes when he pecked her head once more and whispered,
           “Sleep well, okay? I’ll come to visit you again.”
           [Name] nodded, finally laying down and tucking herself comfortably inside the blanket. Night rolls around and after a time the sandman came to heavy her lids. She felt the shuttering of her synapses, the quiet lure into sleepiness. As each limb becomes heavy and the heart slows to a more peaceful beat, the comfort of bed calls.
            “Paimon’s so exhausted. Where are we going to rest anyway?” The pixie yawned as she trailed behind Aether. “[Name] already saved a room for us in the Knights of Favonius headquarters, we can go there now.” 
           “Wow, she already planned ahead, huh.” 
           Nighttime stretched ahead as long as the road they had traveled in the daylight hours, now charcoal-hued and cold. The birds were silenced, no one walked the streets, the only serenade being the ever-present chirping from the crickets that hid from shadows or maybe even from the bushes near the statue.
           The Knights in front of the main door saluted to the Honorary Knight with him greeting them back. Opening the door, the familiar room people around him gave him a sense of nostalgia.
           “Welcome back, traveler.” Jean welcomed him with a warm smile. “It’s good to see you again. I presume there were a few monsters along your way here?”
           Paimon laughed and shook her head. “Nah, we wiped them out in one go. He’s really strong and no one is able to defeat him!” She exclaimed proudly while placing her hands on her hips as her chest was puffed out.
           “Oh? I didn’t expect to see you here.” The Cavalry Captain then appeared behind Jean as he smirked seeing the two companions. “I thought the news of you coming back were just mere rumors, it seems like I was wrong after all.” He sighed nonchalantly.
           “We can’t just ignore [Name]’s request so we immediately left Liyue.” The fairy replied. Kaeya hummed before bidding them a goodbye to go to archon knows where.
           “You should take a rest. Your travels have tired you off after all. Noelle already cleaned the room and if you need anything just ask us.” Aether took note of the Acting Grandmaster’s words and bobbed his head in acknowledgment.
           A yawn escaped his lips unintentionally as the corner of his eyes started to tear up from drowsiness. 
           “Yeah, we better need that. Paimon’s getting sleepy, I might pass out from here.”
           With Aether and the emergency food wishing Jean a good night, they marched off in their room and slumped on the bed once they saw it, drifting off to dreamland.
            After a sleepless night on the ward, [Name] sank into her bed. It was three in the morning and even the birds were quiet. There was no single sign of a human nor an animal walking outside.
           She drank in the silence through every pore, soothed by its meditative quality. Each time a worrying thought emerged, she mentally jotted it down on a notepad and closed her eyes to drift those thoughts off and replace them with something positive.
           When her uneasiness had finally leached into the void, she moved her weak limbs up the stairs to bed, then she lay there wrapped in her duvet— cocooned by the thick protective buffer of the absolute quiet.
           A thumping was then heard from the window as she whipped her head in alertness. A small silhouette can be seen outside but was hard to make through to see who this stranger was because of the dark.
           The window opened, making her panic until the kisses of the gentle breeze calmed her down and eased her beating heart back to its normal rate. The figure landed on the floor softly and approached her carefully.
           The familiar green outfit and the smile she loved oh so much made her chest flutter in excitement and glee. She threw the blanket to the side and stared at the young man, eyes tinged with confusion and wonder.
           “Venti? What are you doing here so late?” The said male giggled and flopped himself next to her and caressed her hair bringing it to his lips to kiss it. “Didn’t I tell you I’ll come to visit you?”
           [Name]’s brows dug and averted her gaze. “Well yes, but I wasn’t expecting this kind of time would be your visit.” 
           He intertwined their fingers together and pulled her form close to his as he gave light kisses on her neck. A breathy sigh was evoked from her lips and laid her head on his shoulder, reciprocating his hold she missed dearly.
           After giving her affections, Venti grabbed the shawl that was lying on the chair and draped it over her shoulder. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He gently pulled her up from her seat and took the pouch given by the traveler.
           “Won’t the guards see us and catch you once they know you’re intruding again?” She whispered and hesitantly allowed him to lead her. “No worries. It’ll be really quick.” He laughed mirthfully without care of the consequences.
           She heaved a sigh before asking, “Wait, why show it to me now? We can just do it when the morning dawn arrives.” He stopped his tracks in front of the window and faced her.
           “I wouldn’t be able to do that. The curfew, Sister, and then the traveler will steal you from me again…”
           She can feel her heart shatter at the sight of his downcast look but he quickly replaces it with a grin. “Now, don’t feel so blue. I can’t help but be saddened by it too. Let’s change it with a smile for something new?” He leaned close and brought his hand behind her as he rhymed, making her chuckle at his cute frolic.
           “See? It suits you more with a smile than a frown that has been compiled. Now let’s make haste before the moon will be replaced.”
           Venti pulled her as they exited from the opened window and knelt down on one knee with his back facing her. “I’ll carry you there,” [Name] looked around the area before obliging and wrapping her arms over his shoulder as he hoisted her up.
           From the distance, a certain traveler was aimlessly walking around for a midnight stroll. Aether was having trouble going back to sleep and left Paimon resting in the headquarters to relax his mind. The familiar face of Venti caught his eyes, bringing him wide awake and wondering what he was doing.
           It was even more surprising to see [Name] was with him. Wasn’t she supposed to rest to recover? What is she doing outside with him so late? He immediately hid behind the corner and watched them from afar in curiosity.
           Venti carefully had his hold underneath her knees and surreptitiously sauntered towards the Anemo God Statue Plaza. He easily summoned the wind to lift them up to the statue’s hands and landed gracefully. [Name] brought down her bare feet on the cold surface and admired the view from atop.
           “Careful.” He cautioned and held her arm. The female sat down and let her feet dangle at the edge. When Venti mimicked her actions, she laid her head on his shoulder surprising him but didn’t mind at all.
           He took out a pouch he had taken from her room and placed it in her hand. “You wanted to blow these dandelion seeds, right?” She glanced down at it and nodded. “Yeah, but how do you know they were dandelion seeds? I don’t recall telling you about it.”
           He cheekily smiled and laid his head on top of hers. “The scent of dandelion is easy for my nose to pick up. And knowing what you’ll do about it, I decided to help you.” 
           “Then can you cover your ears for a while?”
           Venti did as he was told though it’s not entirely covered per se. He left a bit of space to listen and know what she’ll whisper to the seeds but got caught red-handed. “No eavesdropping! You know this is something private.” She pouted.
           He lightly laughed and kissed her nose as an apology before covering them up again with his hands and turning his back.
           [Name] brought her hands close to her lips and whispered her wishes onto it. A handful of it should suffice, maybe in another day, she’ll do it again. She heard from Sister Grace that the dandelion seeds will carry their feelings in their hearts with the wind. 
           If it is true then she hopes the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, will listen to it and lead her message to a distant place.
           She gently blew them away and watched them scattered along with the air and drifted off as the glaze guided the particles to the unknown. 
            [Name] read the text on the paper written by Aether as she discussed some things about it. She closed her eyes and smiled at him gratefully as Paimon floated above her head to take a peek at what’s written on it.
           Venti rested his chin on his palm and watched them from the other side of the room that separated him from his beloved. 
           What could they be talking about?
           The sound of shoes’ heels tapping against the tile brought him back to the real world and saw the blonde deaconess holding a tray of pastries and cups of tea in it. He jumped to his feet and neared her.
           “I can take it to them.” He outstretched his arms expecting Barbara to simply give it to him as he smiled at her blithely.
           The girl moved the tray away from his grasp and shook her head. “No, you won’t. Though I appreciate your offer, I can do it myself.” She looked at him apologetically when he frowned. His eyes followed her figure entering the room and huffed.
           “Sheesh. Why must nothing in life ever go right?” He slumped on the couch before taking another glimpse at the sunroom. He saw the Honorary Knight handed her another piece of paper as [Name]’s eyes scanned over the text.
           A forlorn expression was then etched on her visage. Her eyes turned glossy while she read the letter and her shoulders shook tremendously, accidentally crumpling the paper from her hold and holding it close to her as if it was something precious.
           Tears dribbled from her eyes, letting it flow freely on her cheeks as small drops of water fell on the ground. It hurt Venti to see her like this. It hurt him to see her cry.
           His heart ached to see her in this vulnerable state that he could do nothing but watch from the other side, not even allowing him to approach her to give her the comfort she needed.
            Another night came by quickly. Aether was strolling at the town square to craft some materials and buy some food before heading back to the headquarters. When he felt a light tapping on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Venti standing there with a smile.
           “Oh, Venti. It’s good to see you again. Is something the matter?” He asked and faced him fully. “What are you doing?” The bard asked as he glanced at the bag he was holding.
           “Just shopping.”
           “Is it for [Name]?”
           The traveler paused, thinking of what he should say. There was nothing to hide from him so he presumed it was safe to tell him. 
           When he answered, Paimon appeared out of nowhere and crossed her arms. “Hey! Be careful what you say to the Tone-Deaf Bard!” Both of them ignored her as Venti continued to question him.
           “Are you going to write letters with her again?” The blonde nodded in response. 
           “How long?”
           Paimon grumbled but before she could lash out at him, Aether grabbed her legs and covered her mouth with his hand. “Six more days.”
           Venti narrowed his eyes to the emergency ratio before looking back at him. “Who are you writing to?” The traveler’s mouth opened slightly and gave a quick answer.
           “It’s something I can’t tell you.”
           The archon clicked his tongue and glared, “Why?” His voice sounded more demanding than a question. Aether was taken aback by his tone. He never heard him so aggressive before that it made him shudder in fear.
           “It’s something confidential.” It took him a lot of courage to reply to him, hoping the raven-haired male won’t outrage at his vague answer. This is the only question he won’t answer. No matter who asked, only he, Paimon, and Barbara know who this is written for.
           “It can’t be someone from her family…” As much as it hurt Venti, he knew the fact [Name] was all alone and the Church had to be the one to take her in. He was always there for her, but so, who is this person she’s writing for that requires him not to be included?
           “Hey, tell me. Who is it for?” He asked more softly. Aether stared at him for a second then sighed quietly.
           “Venti, didn’t you come here for a reason?”
           “A reason…?” He echoed. He hummed and placed his fingers on his chin, thinking. “[Name]’s asleep and the nuns won’t let me check up on her,” Venti remarked and folded his arms.
           “Shouldn’t you need to rest as well?” Aether’s words made him snort in laughter. “Bold of you to assume that I require sleep.”
           Paimon was finally released from her companion’s grasp and pointed accusingly to the bard. “Then shouldn’t you go to a tavern or something?! That’s what you always do when it’s nighttime!”
           Venti let out an annoyed sound and looked at the small accomplice. “Well, I don’t want to!” Her eyes widened in shock and looked at Aether. “D-did you hear what he said? The Tone-Deaf Bard doesn’t want to drink?!”
           The latter sighed and shrugged his shoulders unsurely.
           “I’m going back! I bid you all goodnight!” Venti stomped his way out as the outlander watched his small form disappear from the distance, wondering what was his sudden change in tone all about.
            Three days had already passed by and whenever Venti and Paimon saw each other, both of them had a glaring contest. It actually amused Aether to see this happened and when he told [Name] about this, it made her laugh.
           He was assured to know that Paimon was unintentionally occupying Venti’s time. He didn’t tell her about this though since he knew she would stay silent and back out. Aether and [Name] were glad to see Venti was returning back to normal with his usual rhymes appearing more often than ever.
           It did scare him whenever the bard gave him death glares when he’s not looking. He can feel those sharp glances ever since he came back to Mondstadt and he was sweating so furiously when he knew that.
           At least this time, it was getting less and less.
           Or so he thought.
           “Will this do?” Barbara handed her the paper and [Name]’s optics skimmed over the words, silently reading it. Her eyes caressed the strokes of the pen, seeing the personality behind the lines and punctuation marks. Finally reaching the last words of the letters she closed her eyes and smiled.
           “Yes, it’s perfect.”
           “I’ll write along these lines then,” Aether said and took another piece of paper and placed it in the platen as [Name] thanked him. The door slightly creaked open but went unnoticed by the three.
           Venti peeped at the small gap of the door and observed them. Instead of writing in the sunroom, they were currently inside her room to continue doing it. It was hard for him to find a location where he can keep watch of her, so taking a small peek won’t hurt right?
           The frail female’s breathing suddenly became shaky and the tightness on her chest arrived once more accompanying it with immense pressure. It alerted her when she saw the door was fully opened for her to see Venti standing there with a panicked look.
           He didn’t know Sister Jilliana was there, so when she turned around, he quickly made up an excuse and looked away from them. “I-I was just going to call for the traveler. Something urgent came up.” 
           “Is that so? Is it alright if we hold it for a while?” The nun asked him to which he avoided making eye contact with her. “Can I have a short break?” Aether jumped in and waited patiently for an answer.
           “H-huh? Why now?” Paimon asked. The blonde gestured her to play along and she quickly understood what he meant. Paimon flailed her arms in the air, an attempt to make it more convincing. “Oh! Um, yeah, we really need a break. I hope [Name] doesn’t mind it?” She meekly smiled at them.
           The sickly girl shook her head and told them it’s fine. The chair creaked when he stood up and approached Venti who had a distant look. He closed the door quietly and followed him until they stopped near the altar.
           “I suppose we both know that I just fabricated my words out there,” Venti mentioned that he didn’t bother to confront him. Aether nodded silently in agreement. 
           “I just wanted to check how she’s doing.” When he remained quiet, the archon called his name. “Hey, stop taking away the time she and I spend together.” He begged that his voice almost cracked.
           He was desperate to just be with her.
           “I’ll be gone in a few days.” The outlander stated and looked him directly in the eyes. 
           “Then at least please tell her I’ll be there while you’re writing the letters. I want to be by her side. I just wanna be there and hold her hand tight! Please!” Venti’s voice gets louder and louder, letting his words echo inside the church. He grabbed his shoulders and tightly dug his fingers onto them as he begged.
           Aether deterred his view from his and grabbed his hand, putting it back to his side. He feels guilty for doing this to him, but he has to keep his promises. No matter how much he pleaded, he had to deny all of his requests. 
           “I’m sorry, but I can’t accept that.” The bard gritted his teeth and pushed him. 
           He quickly regained his balance and looked away. “Excuse me, I have to go back.” The traveler left him alone in the nave as he strode back to [Name]’s room. Venti blankly stared at his back as his hands clenched into fists, making his knuckles turn white.
             “Do you think we can finish today?” [Name] asked and stared at the stacks of paper neatly arranged on the table. “If we maintain this pace, yes.” The Honorary Knight replied. Paimon gave her another paper and asked if she could review it.
           She suddenly took on a pale look, as if she’d been painted white-wash— even her lips were barely there. Beneath her feet, the wooden floor felt soft, not as much as even a firm carpet, but not right for oak plants. It was hard to make out the details of the room after the autumn fell outside; but after a while, she could make out the features of the room.
           Before she could grab onto the letter, her form abruptly collapsed as Aether quickly caught her to prevent her from injuring herself any further. “[Name]!” Barbara screamed in worry and approached her.
           “I’m… fine.” She assured them in between her breaths.
           “Please keep going.” She cut him off and looked at him pleadingly.
           The wind blew through the room with a powerful fury, scattering the stacked envelopes as if they were leaves of fall. The slam of the door was the tempest inside Venti made audible. 
           It was how he wrote the pain in the air, hoping that someone would understand how to stop [Name] from pushing herself— praying that there would be enough assurance in the world to calm the winds that tore at his insides.
           “That’s enough!” He shouted and ran to her, holding her weak form in his arms. “Just stop already!” Tears rolled down his cheek and cradled her close to him and cried on her shoulder, dampening the sleeves of her dress. When he felt someone touch his shoulder, he slapped it away. 
           No one should interfere with them. He had enough already. Can’t they see how critical he was to see her so weak as each day passed by?
           “Why… why must you write these letters…” His voice was hoarse from his shouting and buried his face on her hair to take in her scent. “Who are you writing them to?” He cried as if his brain was being shredded from the inside. Emotional pain flowed out of his every pore. 
           From his mouth came a cry so raw that even the eyes of the people around them were suddenly wet with tears. “They’re important letters.” She said and brushed his hair with her fingers to calm him.
           “They’re for someone I don’t know, right? Someone who doesn’t even visit when you’re sick!” [Name]’s eyes enlarged when his words entered her ears as she tightly clutched onto him. She can feel her own eyes swell up with emotions as she cries and let them escape freely without restraints. 
           “There’s nobody out there who’s truly worried about you!” 
           Everything was quiet except for their cries inside. When he pulled back, she wiped the salty fluid that stained his cheeks and leaned on his shoulder. “Are the letters more important than me?” He uttered, the tone in his voice was shaky and breathy.
           [Name] kissed his head and ran her fingers through his hair to soothe him. “Nothing’s more important to me than you, Venti.” He sniffed and rubbed his eyes with his hand to get a clear view of her appearance.
           “Why is everything full of lies...” Her brow arched in confusion as she felt his fingers tightly gripping her waist. 
           “You aren’t getting any better at all. They said you’d recover soon!” So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down on his face. His chin trembled and breathed heavier than he had before.
           “I know that you’re… I’m going to be all alone again when you’re gone!” His throat burned from screaming. Even gasping for air was simply not enough for him. [Name]’s [eye color] optics are slowly but surely becoming glassy. 
           Tears are now streaming down her cheeks from his words. She hugged him tighter and whispered sweet nothings to him, no matter how much she tried to assuage him, it only failed as he continued to sob hysterically and screamed on top of his lungs.
           “How much longer do I have with you?!”
           Barbara sniffled her cries by covering her mouth with her hand and turned away as it ached her heart to know [Name]’s undecided fate. 
           “If I’m going to be left alone all over soon,” Venti grazed his fingers on her face and connected their hands, afraid she’ll disappear if he let go of her.
           “Then forget about the letters and spend this time with me! Be with me! Please, [Name]!!” Aether slowly approached them and lifted the bard up by grabbing his shoulders. He knows he’ll try to escape from his hold and so he tightly grips his arm to stop him from getting close to [Name]. 
           When he turned to face the traveler, there was no sign of tears. Not in his eyes or in track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard. Once more, Aether was the enemy. Venti’s states had no greyscale, only the polar extremes existed.
           The blonde took in a deep breath, the burning hard stare would last only as long as it took him to think of the most brutally cutting things he could tear him down with. 
           “Let go of me, Aether!!” He ignored his request and did his best to hold him a bit longer until he calmed down. Venti gnashed his teeth and because of too much resentment he had for the traveler, he disappeared into the thin air with teal feathers fluttering along.
             Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he ran and ran outside of the city. His calves burned, his breathing forming clouds in the air becoming short gasps. He started cramping and his body shook uncontrollably, finally stopping in front of the giant tree in Windrise.
           He was on his knees on the ground, facing the tree, screaming and crying. His whole face is red and shouting at the very top of his lungs. His upper body and shoulders wrack with every sob that forces their way out, chest rising and falling unevenly as he gasps for breath, and he squeezes his eyes shut.
           He balled his hands into fists and gripped his hair to let out a blood-curdling scream. Unbeknownst to Venti, Aether chased after him after his disappearance and stopped in his tracks when he saw his curled up form. 
           The said male continued sobbing and disregarded his presence. “I’m taking the time you can spend with [Name] away for a good reason.” Aether justified.
           “Shut up…”
           “It’s only natural that this would be painful for you. You’re already carrying the burden of her illness on your body. So please stay strong for her.”
           “Shut up!”
           The archon lifted his unsteady body and faced him. Endless streams of cries continuously flowed on the sides of his face and choked out, “I made her cry…”
           “No, you were worried about her condition.”
           “You’re wrong.” Venti countered.
           “I’m not.”
           He dashed at him and punched his chest making him fall back on the ground. “You’re wrong! You’re wrong! She fell sick because of me!” He shouted and proceeded to throw punches at him repeatedly.
           “You had nothing to do it with.”
           “You’re wrong!!”
           Each punch slowed down and grew weaker, allowing Aether to ease his raged up condition while Venti mindlessly poured out all of his emotions onto him. 
           “There was nothing anybody could’ve done.” The former muttered under his breath. 
           “Shut up!”
           “Just like how the unknown god captured my sister from me. I couldn’t do anything to save her there… Nothing can be done about this.” The bard’s brows creased as he went quiet and stopped hitting him.
           He already lost count of how many times he had cried on this day. His gaze cast downwards as he fell on the ground, breaking down. 
           “[Name]… [Name]…” Aether knelt down before him and rubbed his back reassuringly. “Why do you write those letters?” He inquired whilst his shoulders trembled.
           “Because everyone has feelings they want to deliver to someone.”
           “Who cares about that? They don’t have to be!” It only brought him more pain and isolation, and so Aether can be quite sure that the cries are of the desperate pain that keeps on slicing deeper.
           The blonde’s golden optics were flicked with dolefulness, continuing to stroke his back. “No letter that could be sent deserves to go undelivered.” Out of complete silence, the cry arose. Out of complete reverence, the things of the world stilled to listen.
           Venti’s mind was clouded with pain and sorrow, his heart grew cold and numb with pent up emotion. Over lands and seas, through forests and valleys. Every ear in the universe stilled to listen, every heart broke, so heavy so miserable his song.
            It was the final day and they have eventually finished writing. It was time for Aether and Paimon to take their leave. Venti sighed in relief to receive the news that there were no more letters to write. No more Aether of taking [Name]’s time. And also no more signs to see the emergency food.
           They were currently outside the Cathedral as she wanted to bid them farewell and safe travels. His warm hand made contact with hers and secretly poked his tongue out at Paimon to annoy her.
            Her squeaky voice reached their ears and stomped her feet in the air as she faced her companion with an irked look. “Ugh, I can’t stand that Tone-Deaf Bard! Let’s just go already!”
           [Name] chuckled while Venti only brought her closer to his body and slithered his arms around her waist protectively. He puffed his cheeks out as they watched their figure disappear below. Unlike her, he didn’t wave them goodbye much to her confusion.
           She asked him about it in which she only received a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and a short yet sweet kiss on the lips from her lover.
           Aether was no stranger. He wasn’t a piece of bad news either. Deep down he knows he’s a thoughtful and sympathetic person.
           I wish I could’ve read the letters they wrote.
           He stole glances at her before pushing her inside the Cathedral to go back to her room and cuddle with her.
           I wonder who they were for.
           “[Name],” He called out. She hummed to let him know her attention was on him. He rubbed circles on the back of her hand and kissed the nape of her neck as he whispered softly against it.
           “I love you.” 
           A small chuckle slipped from his lips when he saw how her cheeks flared up from his confession. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, attacking him with shy kisses.
           “I love you too.”
            Seasons fade in and out like soft lullabies, their transitions slow but never faltering. Like mother earth herself they only turn in one direction, always onward and never back as the wax and wane of the pace of city life changes. 
           In summer, everyone is high in energy, all systems go. With the first wash of autumn air, moving over the high-rises and suburbia like a shallow wave, the people slow down to a quieter pace. 
           The winter is flatter still, but never falling into a negative spin, the folks of this city love the snow too much for that. 
           Then spring comes to wake the metropolis: people, trees, and blooms. Folks walk under newly unfurled leaves, smile at the fresh new flowers, and tilt their faces upward to the new warmth in the sun's rays. 
           Soon summer is back and the seasonal carousel is complete for another year.
           All those seasons he had spent with her, he cherished them the most in his heart and held it dearly like a gift given to him. He kept the memories and spent his life with her during those past months.
            Here come the drops, soft and steady, falling from a sky of white velvet. They come all together and yet as pioneers. And though he is soon quite wet, he stood idly in front, letting the drops blurred his vision.
           They stood at the front of the funeral. Everyone's heads were down. Maybe it was them showing respect or maybe they were too afraid to look at what was coming. The coffin was pulled from the hearse by six strong men, all wearing suits. The silence dwelled as they exited the church. It wobbled as they carried it to the front and gently placed it down.
           The coffin was dark stained cherry and it was perfectly polished. It had a cushioned and silky lining. Struggling to hold back the grief, tears flow steadily. Silently down the immobile face, a feeling of ache swarmed within him. The numbness and emptiness remained as they walked behind the mahogany coffin— the soul unwilling to acknowledge the finality of death, never to look upon her face again or feel her embrace.  To see the warmth in her eyes, or be surrounded by her love. 
           Words from the minister, speeches at the service bring a fresh onslaught of tears, well-spoken words, a tribute to her life and love, everyone in black, dusky pink roses on the casket; they all watched the casket lowered into the grave through tear-stained eyes. 
           One by one they all left, leaving him alone standing in her grave, as he cried his goodbye to his love.
            A dove was soaring in the sky, fluttering its wings in the air as Venti watched it fly over to him. In its feet was a paper rolled and clutched onto it. When it landed on his lap, he gently took the item from the bird and unfolded it.
           His emerald eyes scanned over the writing, taking in each word inside his head.
            Dear Venti,
           Happy birthday! I’m sure there are many things that make you sad. You may be crumbling under the weight of your responsibilities. But don’t give in.
           Even if you’re so lonely that it makes you cry, please don’t forget that I’ll always love you.
            A lone tear dropped on the paper as his cheeks were stained wet from reading the letter he had received. He brought it close to his chest as if it were her that he loved holding so dear.
            Four years passed by, and the fourth later had arrived.
            Dear Venti,
           Happy birthday! I love you with my aura, placing it about you like the deepest star-filled sky. Space and time have no meaning for my love, it has always been boundless and eternal. It is a love that self-sustains through even the meanest of winters, its own heat, and light is the warmth, the hope.
           Even if you were cold to the core, I would wake you like the spring wakes the flower and watch you grow, watch you bloom. Everything that I am is yours… All I ask is to take care of yourself in the same way you would care for a person you love completely, in the same way, I love you.
            The twelfth letter was delivered.
            Dear Venti, 
           Happiest birthday, love! I love you so very much sweetheart. I have a hard time explaining how I feel. I have never felt anything like this before. You are always there for me no matter what. 
           You are the most loving, caring, compassionate, and absolutely most incredible person that I have ever met. Thank you for always being there, for the flowers— they are beautiful, for your kind words, hugs, kisses, and unconditional love. I have never in my life been so very happy. I feel much loved, beautiful, and very happy.
           I'm so proud of you. You are a very strong person. It is really amazing that we are strong for each other in different ways. We truly understand each other and feel for each other. When you hurt, I hurt. When you are happy, I'm happy. I just love you so much and I never want to lose you. I give you my heart, my love, and my life for now and forever. 
           I love you.
           He always waits for each year for his birthday to come, for her letters to be delivered to him. The messages were getting longer and longer as every year passed and even the past memorandum he had received, he still kept it with him.
            Happy birthday, love! I hope you know that it’s okay to cry once in a while. Whenever you're anxious or afraid, always remember I’ll always be here. I love you more than life itself. There are no words I can say to truly tell you how much I really love you.            
           I want to thank you that you were the reason I stayed strong even if I was sick. I learn more and more from you every day. My heart is forever yours. I know saying, "I love you" is powerful, yet I feel it's not enough. 
           You give me the most amazing feelings inside. It feels great to actually love and be loved in return. I love you so much, I wish I could repeat it to you so many times.
           Please remember, I’ll always and forever be watching over you.
            Now here he was at the hands of the Statue, watching the skies move as the dove once again landed on his shoulder. His eyes caught on the sight of the dandelion seeds soaring past as a smile tugged his lips.
           He remembered [Name]’s wish for him when they were out here to blow the seeds away late at night. So every time he sees a dandelion up above in this statue, it reminds him of her and he’s here to fulfill it.
            “Welcome back.” Jean greeted from the office as Aether placed the stack of letters on the table. “That’s a lot of letters.” Kaeya whistled in amusement and ran his fingers on it to feel the scratchy and thick envelopes.
           “They’re letters set to be delivered to Venti over the next fifty years.” He announced and stretched his arms to relieve the cramps formed in his limbs. Lisa almost spitted on her tea and gawked at him in surprise.
           “F-fifty years? No wonder why you wrote so much.” She set down her cup and grabbed a napkin to wipe her lips.
           “Were you alright?” The Acting Grandmaster asked in worry. Aether and Paimon nodded as they smiled. “It was no biggie for us.”
           “I must say this is a wonderful idea,” Kaeya remarked and grabbed a stack of it to feel the weight on his hands. “I’m already excited to see them delivered every year.”
           “Me too, but…” Their chattering ceased as their focus went on his face which had his cheek dripped with liquid. It was surprising to see the traveler cry in front of them, though they didn't dare open their mouths to point it out.
           “By the time they are, [Name] will already be gone and she’s still so young— so quick to get lonely, will have been left by the one he loves so much.” Crying is natural and strong for it belongs to those with the courage to show their vulnerable self, and this was none other than Aether himself.
           He recalled the day he saw both of them snuck out from the Cathedral. He didn’t mean to watch them, but he knew how both of them cared for each other so much and their love for one another just by observing [Name]’s words written on the letters and Venti’s affectionate yet protective hold on her.
           He understood how Venti felt. He knows the feeling of losing someone you love so dearly. The bard already told him about his history with his friend from long ago and now that it was recurring again, it aches his heart to know he’ll lose someone again.
           It’s like history is repeating itself.
           “He’ll be all alone again. I…” He balled his fists and closed his eyes tightly. The tears trickled down his face as he sobbed quietly. The members of the Knights approached him and rubbed his back to comfort him.
           “I was fighting back tears the entire time I was there.”
           “Yes, but Aether,” Lisa lifted his face and looked at him with gentle eyes. “He will receive the letters you’ve assisted [Name] writing in.” He wiped his tears and eyed the envelopes with lustrous vision.
           “Besides, no matter how far apart they may be…
            loved ones will always watch over you.”
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heavily inspired by violet evergarden
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mxndoscyarika · 3 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice (Sam Wilson x fem!Reader) | Chapter 1: Snickerdoodles
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Summary: Being best friends with Sarah Wilson was simultaneously the easiest and hardest thing you’ve ever experienced. You felt at home with the Wilsons, and helped raise Sarah’s children after her divorce and the Snap. But harboring feelings for her brother, Sam, and not being able to do anything about it hurt more than it should. When he comes back home between leads on Karli Morgenthau, with Bucky in tow, you can’t help but feel a spark of hope.
Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice masterlist
Author’s note: It’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything for Marvel, so I hope this is ok! I tried to keep the story canon-compliant, so you can think of this as sort of an elaboration on Sam and Bucky’s time in Louisiana. Enjoy, and let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my taglist!
Warnings: food, mutual pining, jealousy, tfatws spoilers
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“Careful, AJ, the tray’s hot,” you warned as AJ and his brother burst through the doors of the house. They still had their backpacks on, the zippers and keychains jingling as they ran up to you with all the energy two young boys could hold. “What’s going on?”
“I think a better question is: what are you doing in my house?”
Your eyes widened. You recognized that voice. When you looked up, you were greeted with Sam standing at the entrance of the kitchen, his own bag slung over his shoulder.
“Uncle Sam is home!” the boys cheered, running back to Sam and smothering him with hugs. They easily reached past his waist by now; they couldn’t stay little forever.
He looked as great as you remembered, his kind smile and sparkling eyes making you feel butterflies in your stomach even after all these years. No amount of high school sleepovers with Sarah, weekend dinners, or summer drives could’ve changed that. The fact that his shirt fit him perfectly definitely didn’t help, either.
“Welcome home, Sam,” you greeted, unable to keep a smile off your face. Fidgeting with your hands, you explained, “I’m doing some baking to test recipes and also make dessert for Sarah’s box lunches. If I knew you were coming home, I’d have gone to pick you up.”
The last couple times he’d visited, you were busy at work. And as much as you wanted to stop by, you knew Sarah missed her brother. It would’ve been selfish for you to show up during their short reunion.
What you didn’t know was that Sam went through his visit waiting for your car to pull up on the driveway, or park by the dock. Sarah had called him a lovesick puppy.
“Don’t ‘Welcome home, Sam’ me, come here.” He waved you over, lifting his arm so you could slip into his embrace.
Laughing softly, you hugged him tightly around the waist and rested your head against his shoulder. You tried not to think too hard about how you fit perfectly against him, the warmth and strength of him like the missing piece of the puzzle that was your life. “We missed you a lot.”
“I missed you, too,” Sam replied softly, his arm tightening around you just a little. The soft rumble of his voice made your heart flutter. “I really need to come back more often. Next thing I know, the boys will be as tall as me and you’ll be married to the luckiest bastard in the world.”
“Not that lucky,” you reasoned, pulling him along to the tray of cookies. “I’ve been doing lots of recipe testing, and my apartment is already full of cookies and cakes. It would drive anyone crazy. I don’t think even the biggest dessert person would be able to stand it.”
His eyes lit up at the sight of the cookies. “I didn’t know you knew how to make snickerdoodles. Can I have one?”
“Go for it,” you said, touching the edge of the tray to make sure it wasn’t hot anymore. “You can be my taste tester. The ones in stores are always too sweet, so I figured I would make my own.”
“I’ve been telling you: your baking skills are unmatched,” he said. A moan left his lips as he bit into the cinnamon-sugar cookie, causing your face to heat up. “Between your baking and Sarah’s cooking, I’m surprised neither of you have opened a bakery or restaurant. The line would go down the street.”
“Well, I wasn’t exactly in the best position to open a bakery these past few years,” you noted, leaning against the counter next to him. Your day job wasn’t fulfilling, but it was what you needed to stay afloat. Baking, on the other hand...it was a dream. If you could spend your days baking instead of sitting in an office, you would. But you dreamed of a lot of things. You didn’t quite realize how close you were until you looked up and found yourself face to face with him. His gentle smile and soft eyes made you look away quickly, not wanting him to think you were staring. Although you totally were. “Anyways, what brings you back here?”
The door opened again, and in walked Sarah and Bucky Barnes, the two chatting away with bright smiles on their faces. You hadn’t seen Sarah quite that energetic in a long time; being a single mom and keeping the family business afloat definitely wasn’t easy. Even with your help in taking care of the boys after the Snap, you knew Sarah had a lot to shoulder.
“Who’s this, Sam? Your new partner?” you asked, walking up to introduce yourself. Meanwhile, Sarah busied herself with getting AJ and Cass to calm down and start on their homework.
“More like coworkers,” Bucky said, shaking your hand. “We figured that since there’s not much going on right now, we might as well lay low. This is a very nice house, by the way.”
Smiling, you replied, “It is. Well, this is Sarah’s house, so I guess you should be telling her that. I’m just helping out however I can.”
“I know, she told me about you on the way here,” he said, his voice soft like velvet. “All good things, I promise. Though it didn’t take me long to realize how great you are.”
Well, that caught you off guard. You couldn’t help but smile shyly and wave him off. “Oh. That’s very nice of you-”
“Hey Buck, why don’t you get settled in? We’ve still got some work to do on the boat.” Sam interjected, coming up behind you. Resting his hands on your arms protectively, he continued, “You can set your bag down in the living room, and we can figure something out for the night.”
A couple days later, everyone was sitting around the dinner table, chatting over plates of peach cobbler. The chunks of golden fruit glistened with sugar and cinnamon, half-buried in buttery crumble and melting vanilla ice cream. You’d made it after work, driving from your apartment to make it with the Wilsons and Bucky. Sure, you could’ve made it at home and brought it over, but there was something special about a freshly-baked cobbler that was still bubbling from the oven.
“-And then Sam came over and took over peeling and cutting the peaches,” you began. “So-”
“And so, everyone made it through the prep with all their fingers intact,” Sam finished, laughing at your pout. Mimicking the way you held the paring knife, he explained, “The way she was holding the knife was terrifying! My blood pressure shot up just by watching her.”
He’d gently pried the knife out of your hands, insisting that he knew what he was doing. You’d rolled your eyes but obliged so you could focus on making the crumble. No matter how long you knew each other or how many times you proved yourself, he always had to butt in. It must’ve been an older brother thing, much to your dismay. As great of a brother you knew he was, you didn’t want to be his little sister. You wanted something more than that.
“Oh no, you sit back down,” Sam started, making you pause your cleanup. He went around and stacked up the empty plates, shaking his head fondly. You tried not to look too lovestruck as his arm brushed against yours, the touch gentle and warm. “Bucky and I will take care of the dishes. You girls just relax, ok?”
You watched them go, your gaze lingering on Sam’s broad shoulders. That was one thing that made you fall in love with him; whenever he was around, you felt safe and cared for. His hugs were a luxury, and his kindness a rarity in today’s society. Maybe he thought you would get married, but you wondered why he hadn’t found the one. He’d looked so handsome at Sarah’s wedding, you could just picture him standing at the altar someday.
“I saw that look.”
You blinked. “Look? What look?”
Sarah smirked and rested her head on her hand. “You can’t fool me. I saw you making those googly eyes at my brother.” When you sank into your seat in embarrassment, she laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m not mad. Actually...I’m excited to see where this goes.”
“Nothing’s going anywhere,” you said, rolling your eyes. It didn’t matter that you had feelings for Sam. After all, you were his sister’s best friend. If anything were to happen between the two of you, it could affect their relationship. You couldn’t do that to them, not after everything they’d been through.
It was hard enough to see him knowing that you were such a big part of Sarah’s life. Telling him would put that all at risk. What would Sarah tell the kids if you couldn’t ever come back?
“There’s always a chance,” she reasoned, keeping her voice low to make sure no one else could hear. “Besides, something tells me he wouldn’t say no. And I’m sure the kids would love to have you be their official aunt.”
You smiled, trying not to give into the glimmer of hope. “I guess we’ll just have to see what happens, then.”
Meanwhile, Sam and Bucky were huddled around the sink and covered in droplets of soapy water.
“You are an actual child,” Sam chuckled, flinching as Bucky flicked some suds at him.
“Not as childish as you for not telling her that you’re in love with her,” Bucky jabbed, rinsing a plate under the water before handing it to Sam for drying. “How long have you been at it, birdy?”
Sam sighed and shook his head amusedly. “You really want to go there?”
“I’m just saying, it’s kind of hypocritical that you can flirt with your sister’s best friend but I can’t flirt with Sarah,” Bucky said, giving him a knowing look.
“You do realize flirting with your coworker’s sister is worse, right?” Sam rebutted, putting the dried dishes away. “If you hurt her-”
“You’re changing the subject, Sam,” Bucky interrupted, letting the water rinse away the soap residue before shutting it off. Crossing his arms, he said, “You haven’t answered the question.”
Unable to look him in the eyes, Sam sighed and said quietly, “18 years.”
Bucky’s brows shot up. A mischievous grin appeared on his face, “Almost two decades. You’ve got it bad, huh?”
Bracing his arms on the counter, Sam smiled to himself. “We met shortly after I joined the military. We only got to know each other a little before I had to go again, but...she was something more to come home to, you know?”
“Wow, you talk like she’s your wife,” he teased, recalling the way Sam had held you. “Do you plan on ever telling her?”
“And risk making things awkward for my sister if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Sam shook his head. “I can’t do that.”
“Well, how do you know she doesn’t like you back? She looks at you a lot, always gets that cute little smile whenever you talk-”
“Wait, cute?”
Bucky held his hands up. “I’m just making an observation.” He smirked. “One that seems to get you a little jealous, am I right?”
“You’re lying, I can tell by your body language” he cut off, smiling softly. Gesturing towards where you and Sarah were sitting, he said, “Let me just say this: if you don’t ever tell her, one day you’re going to feel much more jealous when you’re sitting in the audience of her wedding.”
“Hey Sam?”
The man jogged down the stairs. “You called?” He reeled back as you turned around with a forkful of funfetti cake, narrowly missing his face. “What’s this?”
You looked startled at how close he was, still holding the fork up. “Oh, I was just wondering if you’d taste this and tell me if it’s sweet enough.”
He chuckled softly and leaned in. “Of course, honey.”
Warmth spread through your body at the pet name. His lips closed around the fork just as Sarah walked in, drawing your attention away from the man in front of you.
At first, you were confused as to why she was grinning like a cheshire cat, but then you realized something: you were feeding Sam.
Your bodies were nearly pressed against each other, your free hand resting on his bicep as you fed him the cake. You became keenly aware of how close your faces were, and how at some point he’d rested his hands on your waist. Part of you wanted to savor this moment because it wasn’t likely to happen again. Another part of you wanted to run away and hide for doing something so ridiculous.
Sam turned his head and froze. Heat rushed up his face as his sister shot him a knowing look.
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hello! i was wondering if you could make a kurabe imagine/fanfic? any type!
Yesss! I’ve been wanting to write for him. Thanks for requesting! ❤️
To Protect The Protector | Daikichi Karube
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Karube (ft. Alice, Chota, Shibuki)
Genre: fluff
Summary: Karube came back from his game injured, so you look after him for the night
Warning: swearing, blood
Word Count: 2.1k
*reader is gender-neutral
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The air was frozen around you. No breeze or slight wind was present in the slightest, making the atmosphere unsettling. Even the crows were silent, having lost their usual screeching that rang through everyone’s ears throughout the day.
Your adrenaline has been on a constant flow through your veins since you survived the first game. Watching the young high school girl get penetrated by the laser struck a deep chord within you. You couldn’t move a muscle as Karube pulled you into the next room before you were engulfed in flames.
You’ve never experienced anything like this world. Where has everyone gone? Who is running the games? Are there any other players?
A young woman that you met last night at the first game named Shibuki decided to stick by your sides for a while. You all took refuge in an empty mall, considering the amount of resources that would be available to you that could come in handy for some reason or another.
Shibuki sat everyone down after a good night’s sleep and explained the concept of the world you were now trapped in. She had only been present in the game for a little longer than you, but you still put trust in her as she obviously knew more than the four of you.
Your boyfriend Karube, who you happened to be with at the time of everyone’s disappearance, has become more anxious about your safety. Since things started becoming peculiar, he has remained tight to your side, ready to shield you from god knows what.
That was just his personality. Yes, he could be blunt and impatient sometimes, but he honestly did care about Alice, Chota and you more than you guys could have ever imagined. He knew he was the brawn of your small friendship group, so he took it upon himself to be the protector.
But unfortunately, him and Alice were too confident and curious for their own good. Alice and Karube had a private chat on one of the mall balcony's discussing whether they should go to an extra game to gain an idea about how they play out, but also to see if they were able to find any players that had a past in medical fields to perhaps look at Chota’s searing burn injury on his lower right leg.
When it came to the next day, Karube talked to you in private without the others, wanting to have some alone time with you.
“Wait what?” you asked shocked. “You’re going to another game? Karube, I’m sorry but are you an idiot? You saw what happened in the game we went to, you could die at any moment!” you exclaimed at him. Karube went silent from your outburst but tried to reason with you. “Look Y/N, I know you’re worried but Alice and I need to see how this place works so we can protect you and Chota.” he said, placing a hand on your cheek.
“But what about you? Who’s going to protect you?” you remarked. You were scared more than anything. You didn’t want to wake up the next morning to find that Karube and Alice never returned. It would’ve absolutely shattered your heart.
He looked up at you from his position on the bed in remorse. He felt awful putting you through the stress, but he knew he had to do it if you wanted to stay alive for as long as you could.
“Come here,” he said after a short juncture of silence. You glanced at his stressed face before moving towards the bed and placing your thighs comfortably on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around your frame and held you tightly against him.
It should’ve felt comforting, but at that moment it didn’t. If anything, you were dreading the hug because it felt like a goodbye.
“I’m so sorry baby, but I have to go.” Karube rested his chin on top of your head. “I promise you I will do everything in my power to make sure I come back safe and sound.”
He felt you move your head up and down in a nod against him. You pressed your face into his orange shirt. “I know you’ll come back. A stupid game wouldn’t get rid of you. The world would have to work much harder to kill you off.”
Karube chuckled and pulled back to look into your eyes. “You’re right. I’ll be back before you know it.” he claimed.
You wished that were true. There you were now, standing out on a stone ledge looking over a big part of Shibuya. The lack of hustling and bustling from thousands of people was strange to get accustomed to. It was unsettling, almost frightening.
“Why the fuck did I let them go?” you cursed, letting out a harsh huff of breath. “This is bullshit. They have another day on their visa. We could have all waited until tomorrow to go to another game together.”
You heard Chota let out an agreeing hum from the table he was seated at  behind you. “It does seem a bit pointless now that we’ve had time to stress about it,” he admitted.
You slouched forward, having hoped for at least a positive response from Chota to reassure you. You continued to keep scanning the streets below you, looking for any sign of another person. Anxiety filled your body the more you looked and couldn’t spot him.
“Shit,” you breathed out, rubbing your face with your hands. “Chota, what if they die?”
“Shh, don’t talk like that. They’ll be fine,” he shushed you quickly, trying to keep worse case scenarios out of his head.
Several hours later after the sun had set, you saw the familiar unpleasant light that indicated where the games were. Karube and Alice had left early to try and look for a doctor for Chota’s leg, so you knew they would then be on their way to the game.
Your heart leapt to your throat and stayed there for several hours as you laid on a couch. You couldn’t help but envision awful ways that Karube could possibly be killed. Before you knew it, hot tears began pooling in your orbs and running down your face onto the pillow underneath your head.
“Oh fuck,” you cried, your voice cracking, “Please be okay Karube. I can’t live on in this world without you.” You let out soft little sobs, trying to stay quiet in order not to alert Chota or Shibuki who were in the room over from you.
Quite literally, you cried yourself to sleep. Your eyes became heavier and heavier alongside the irritation that the tears brought. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to pass out, manifesting the vision of seeing Karube laying next to you when you wake up. He would be unharmed and have the biggest smile on his handsome face, ready to pepper kisses all over your face to make up for all the stress he put you through for going to the game without you.
Soon enough, you woke abruptly from a loud noise coming from the door of the room, watching as it swung open harshly to reveal Alice holding Karube by the arm, acting as a crutch.
Karube stumbled in clutching his side. He glanced up with stained tears of pain in his eyes and smiled when he saw you still half-asleep on the couch.
You widened your eyes in surprise and breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh my god, Karube! Alice! Thank god.”
You scrambled to your feet and rushed over to the two exhausted men to help Alice out with Karube. Karube lifted his arm and wrapped it around you as you crashed into him in a reunion hug. Karube winced heavily from the huge machete wound in his side stinging.
“It’s okay baby, we’re okay,” he comforted you, pushing his face into your hair and breathing in your scent. You felt tears filling your vision again, the relief of seeing Karube safe and sound in your arms again being too overwhelming.
Ten minutes later, after everyone welcomed Alice and Karube back, you and Karube were sitting on the couch while the others searched for something fresh to eat further in the mall (which would be a challenge). Karube was wincing as you lifted up his black t-shirt to take a look at the wound he gained from the tagger in the ‘Tag’ game.
“Shit babe,” you groaned. Luckily it appeared like the machete hadn’t cut too deep into his abdomen. He wouldn’t need stitches, just disinfectant and a tight bandage to stop the blood flow.
Karube watched you as you walked over to the table to grab the disinfectant and medical bandage to use on him. He felt on edge because you hadn’t said much since he’d returned from the game. He was thinking maybe you were agitated with him.
“Y/N,” he said, catching your attention. “I’m sorry I went to the game. I know it was a mistake now,” he admitted, hanging his head low apologetically.
You shook your head disapprovingly and focused back on his wound. “Yeah, it was a mistake. This is the least that could’ve happened Karube.”
He could tell you were annoyed, because you always got smart with him when he’s angered you.
“Now you’re going to be disadvantaged at your next game with this gaping wound in your side.” You stated. You began pouring the rubbing alcohol onto a cloth. “Just warning you, this is going to hurt but try not to squirm too much.”
Karube nodded and held his black t-shirt up so you could disinfect his injury. As you pressed the cloth to the slice, Karube hissed and placed his hand over yours. “Just be gentle,” he stammered.
You nodded and continued to go slow.
After you managed to clean his injury, he stood up so you could wrap the bandage around his abdomen. He stared at you as you did so, smiling to himself about how lucky he was to have you look after him like this.
When you were done, you brushed off your hands and placed the disinfectant back on the table. Karube sat back down and looked at you.
“Thank you Y/N,” he said in a sweet tone. You glanced over your shoulder and saw him gazing at you lovingly. You grinned, being glad that he was okay.
“You’re welcome,” you answered. “Can you promise me something?” you asked, turning around fully to face him. Karube leant forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Of course, anything for you.”
“If it ever came to a choice between you or me to continue living, you need to promise me that you’ll choose yourself,” you murmured. Karube’s cheeky smile rolled off his face, replaced by a confused expression.
“Why would I do that? I love you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I survived but you didn’t.” he said sadly, reaching out his arms to invite you into a hug.
You took the invitation and trudged over to him, standing between his legs and letting him wrap his strong arms around your waist while resting his head on your stomach.
“Yeah, I know you would Karube. I feel the same way but, you have a dream and a bright future ahead of you. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you if it came to that.” you ran your fingers through his coarse, bleached blonde hair and he let out a big sigh.
“But my dream is you Y/N. I want to stay with you,” he professed. “I want to leave this place with you, no one else.”
You felt your heart clutch itself in your chest. You felt awful. You didn’t know what to do or say to make things seem better than they were. That was the horrific reality about that world, nothing you could ever say would make things better or more comforting.
“Why don’t we just focus on surviving and keeping each other alive for now and focus on the more serious stuff when it comes to it,” Karube spoke up, resting his chin against your stomach to look up at you with his big dark eyes.
You stared down at him with so much love. You do anything to keep him with you, to keep him happy and safe. Just his eyes alone show the amount of love and care he holds in his blunt heart.
You smiled slowly and nodded your head in agreement. “Of course. Let’s just focus on staying alive right now so we can have many more moments together.”
Author’s Note: I hope this wasn’t too boring. I have a lot of requests for Alice In Borderland lined up so I’ll be working through them and posting them when I can! 💕
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fandom-monium · 4 years
For the Holidays - Part 2
Summary: In which Spencer doesn’t want to go to his high school reunion, but you tagging along changes things. “It’ll be nice... having a friend there.”
WC: 1.8k
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fake-dating trope, pining (so much pining), insecure and in-denial Spencer, light cursing, (tbh with all the shit that happens in CM they should be cussing way more)
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Spencer doesn’t text you. But he’s tried.
First thing he got home, he tossed his bag aside and ripped off his blazer before he threw himself on the couch, digging through his pockets for his phone. Screw reading, taxes, dinner. There are more important things at stake here.
But he’s been sitting there for an hour, glaring at the empty text box with disdain, willing for words to appear.
No such luck.
Spencer writes essays and academic journals in an hour but formulating a simple text? He curses the universe for only making him academically gifted.
He runs a hand through his hair. Maybe he should call? No, you said text. And he doesn’t trust himself enough to have a verbal conversation with you. He will get tongue-tied.
Shit, what does he even say?
It’s not entirely his fault, alright? He’s never been put in a position like this before, except when he goes undercover. And even then everything is planned for him with little contribution on his part⎼he makes small edits to better fit the profiles but that’s about it. All he has to do is scan the file once and in seconds he has his fake identity, his fake backstory, and whatever fake details make up his fake life.
But this. This is different. He has to be brave because it’s you, and he has to chill out because this is supposed to be fake, he reminds himself. Both are tasks within themselves. And yeah, he’s a genius but as Albert Einstein once said, knowledge has its limits.
Shit, his thoughts are so jumbled he can’t even quote properly. This is all your fault.
He still has to text you.
Spencer groans and flops on the couch, the phone clattering to the floor. He doesn’t bother, laying there until there’s an imprint of his butt in the cushions. He stares at the ceiling.
He remembers that you were the one to say yes. He hadn’t directly asked you but you agreed anyway, which means you are willing to spend time with him. Which means you like him (enough). Which means you are friends, and friends help friends out when they are in trouble.
Like needing a fake date.
He rolls onto his stomach, lips pursed as he stares over the edge of the couch. His phone glints in the lamp light.
Just friends helping each other out. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Spencer takes a deep breath and picks up the phone.
He can do this.
He can’t do this.
“I’m so excited,” Next to Spencer, you nestle into the seat and adjust the fuzzy blanket over your lap, eyes gleaming. “It’ll be nice to see where you grew up.”
Spencer only offers you a tight smile. His eyes dart about as the other passengers settle in, switching seats and fiddling luggage into the overhead compartments. Some of them already requesting for airplane food. Who in their right mind actually wants airplane food?
Spencer really wants to be as excited as you, and he is; he finally gets to spend some time with you outside of work, without the rest of the team hovering (waiting for one of you to make a damn move). It’s almost nice.
If only he can enjoy himself.
His knee bounces nonstop. Against the armrest his fingers tap a rhythm matching the thrum of his heart. And his hair is even more wild having run his hands through it repeatedly before meeting up with you.
He isn’t used to this, being alone with you. Sure, you partner up at work, in cases⎼hell, you've even accompanied each other to a few events. But those were as friends.
Technically, you’re his date. His romantic partner.
Spencer’s never let himself delve deep into his fantasies; he’s imagined (more times than he’d like to admit) taking you on dates to your favorite places, you in his arms, him in your arms⎼you know, minus the imminent danger. All the sweet things that couples do. But they always seemed out of reach. So he’d cut them off, squash the ideas before they went any further. False hope only hurts if you give in.
But now you’re on a plane, rocking in your seat as you hum to yourself, genuinely thrilled at the prospect of seeing his hometown.
This is more than he’s ever imagined. He feels like his heart’s about to burst.
Someone needs to call the bomb squad, real quick.
"Are you alright?" You're looking at him, voice drenched in so much concern his stomach twists. He made you worry. He feels guilty.
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“Yeah-uh-” He clears his throat, attempting a smile. It’s a sad parody of the real thing. ”I'm fine.“
You raise an eyebrow and scoff, "Okay, I think I know why you're being weird. At least, weirder than usual."
Spencer’s heart drops. He leans back as you lean across your shared armrest, catching the sympathy in your eyes. He stiffens, bracing himself for the rejection. He should have known sooner or later you’d notice his not-so-friendly affections towards you. Of course you did, he isn’t exactly subtle; all the lunches, the museum tours, the stars in his eyes when you wrestle down unsubs⎼
"You’re nervous about seeing your old classmates again."
⎼Or, he’s much better at hiding it than he thought.
Spencer can only watch in awe as you continue, “And it’s totally natural. I mean, I haven’t been to a reunion, but I’d feel weird too if I got to see my classmates after all these years. But have no fear, (Your Name) is here.” You cringe, suddenly abashed. “Unless I’m completely off the mark and now you regret bringing me along. Oh no, that’s it, isn’t? You’re uncomfortable with the whole couples act.”
Spencer shakes his head, and for the first time since take off, he chuckles, “What? No, I’m happy that you’re here. And I couldn't think of anyone better to play my partner.” A relieved smile from you and he shrugs, feigning nonchalance. He fiddles with his sleeve. “But yeah, you got me. I am nervous.”
Which isn’t exactly a lie. You're here, next to him. That's more than enough reason to be.
If he had to be honest, between you and organizing the trip, he almost forgot about the reunion. Then again, he never liked reflecting on his high school years. For obvious reasons.
But your perception is a bucket of ice water over his head. Now he’s wide awake.
You’re doing this because you’re friends. You just want to help.
Friendship never hurt so much.
“I didn’t mention it before, but I’m sure you’re aware I wasn’t exactly the most popular kid in school, being 6 years younger and all,” Spencer swallows the ache. You nod in understanding.
Bright, brown eyes meet yours. He bites his lip. “So, I appreciate you coming with me. It’ll be nice... having a friend there.”
A split second.
Spencer glances away as he says 'friend'. The word leaves such a bittersweet taste he has to hold back a grimace, look anywhere else but you. The word just doesn’t sit right with him.
If he hadn’t looked away, he would have caught the way your smile dropped.
You nearly forgot, though you’re on holiday, this is a mission of sorts. This isn’t about you or how you feel. This is about Spencer. You berate yourself, remembering you're not a teenager anymore; you're a fucking adult and mature adults don't squee at their coworkers.
No matter how cute and adorable they are.
“Of course,” You plaster on a smile and finger the edge of your blanket, unintentionally mirroring him. "Your welcome."
Spencer gives you that white-person smile you love so much. You have to bite back a laugh.
To distract yourself, you pull out your phone and open the Chess app, holding it out to him. "Now, how about that rematch?"
Spencer's face lights up like a Christmas tree.
And as you immerse yourselves into another close match, you feel your confidence grow with every move, chuckling as Reid grumbles about you cheating (you’re not, he’s just a sore loser). You’re an FBI agent, for fuck’s sake. You played spouse and romantic partners for weeks, months. A weekend is nothing.
You can manage playing pretend with a coworker. Just operate like this is any other undercover assignment.
You can pretend you’re in love with Spencer Reid. You can handle it.
You can handle it.
You can’t handle it.
As one would expect, it’s hard to not fall in love with Spencer Reid. Just as it’s hard not to show it.
It feels like only yesterday the lanky man quite literally stumbled his way into your world and you decided, ‘Him. I will protect him with my life.’ And while you’d totally do that for anyone on the team, with Reid, it hits different.
After you landed in Las Vegas, you had a couple hours to kill before the reunion started, and as the good friend and partner you are, you suggested he show you all the places he frequented when he was little. For research, of course. After all, you’re playing his partner, so the more you know the better.
It’s definitely not because you’re invested in his life. Because that would be unprofessional.
(The way he beamed at you was totally worth it though.)
Then one step in the direction of his favorite eatery and he slipped on a patch of ice. You caught him in time, but the way he looked at you, brown eyes wide and filled with awe, made you feel things you shouldn't feel for a coworker.
It only snowballed from there. Everything about him is just so… endearing.
But you’re at your limit.
Love and affection threatens to spill out of you. Your hands flex in your coat pockets, itching to grab Spencer’s pretty face. Even your chest aches from your heart having swollen twice its size. You feel like you’re about to explode.
This might be the most difficult mission you’ve ever worked.
But this is it, you realize as you stand in front of the closed auditorium doors. This is the final lap. Where everything you’ve practiced really matters. You just have to keep up the charade for a few hours, then you won’t have to struggle to fight back the hearts in your eyes.
Although, your clothes fit tighter than you remember and you’re trembling. Why the fuck are you trembling?
Next to you Spencer eyes the double doors, almost like he’s daunted by them.
Multi-colored lights filter into the dark hallway, silhouettes flickering and shifting from the crack under the door as cheery holiday music faintly streams from behind them, accompanied by shouts and laughter. From his old classmates. Who are most likely making jokes at his expense.
Spencer already wants to go home.
“Ready, Doc?” As if sensing his hesitation, you offer a smile and an arm to him. Your eyes gleam with resolve. It’s more than enough for the both of you.
You can do this.
A deep breath, he slips his arm into yours. “Yep.”
He can do this.
Together, you open the doors.
AN: 2/4?? 
note: don’t expect part 3 to come out as quick. it’ll contain panic/anxiety descriptions and id like to take my time to write it best :))) i hope you enjoyed the last bit of happiness for a while :))))
also i apologize that i havent gotten to all the requests!! the ones posted on my masterlist are the ones currently being dealt with, but i’ll get through them eventually thx for the patience :D
i remember seeing a post ab Hotch x Prentiss and I didn’t get it but watching CM over again 
i get it i so get it. when theyve both gone to each other’s homes? *tears up*
and my hate for seaver has been reinforced :)))))
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fanficimagery · 4 years
A Baby Spark
Imagine it being almost two years since you've seen your family. You've been through some changes since you've been gone and you're surprised at how well your family just seems to roll with the punches. Then again your little sister is exactly how you remember her either.
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Words: 8.7K Author's Note: I'm a weakass bitch who loves a good crossover. Hopefully I did these two fandoms some justice. I'm warning you right now there's a little violence in here.
Pacing in front of the couch out back in the studio, Julie opens her mouth to say something but snaps it shut and shakes her head as she mumbles to herself. For about ten minutes now she's been like this and Luke, Reggie, and Alex can only stare at her with dread slowly creeping in.
"Is she having a breakdown or something?" Reggie asks quietly, eyes following her back and forth. "I've never seen her like this."
"I don't know, but I'm starting to feel queasy," Alex says.
Luke rolls his eyes. "It's Julie. It's nothing bad," he says. "We all know she works herself up over nothing."
"Okay!" All three boys startle, jumping in their seats and practically clinging to one another. When they realize what they've done, they quickly let go and attempt to act cool. "So my sister is coming down for a visit and dad thinks we should ease her into the secret of you guys being ghosts."
"Your sister?" Alex wonders, intrigued. "She finally got in touch?"
"Yeah." Julie slowly smiles. "She, uh, she sounded weird on the phone. Really emotional. But she said she's ready to be home for a bit."
"Well you said you haven't seen each other face to face in almost two years," Reggie says. "It's understandable that she'd be emotional."
"True." Julie shrugs. "Anyway, you guys need to remember no vanishing into thin air or appearing from thin air while in the same room as her. We can't have her asking questions until we're ready to tell her."
"I think we can handle that." Luke nods, looking at the boys. "At least I'm pretty sure we can."
Alex nudges him, scoffing. "Of course we can."
"Okay. Good. Because she's going to be here any minute now."
"I thought we had more time!"
"Aw man," Reggie whines. "What do I wear?"
          - - - - - - - - - - 
You pull up to your childhood home about twenty minutes after the sun has set, excited to see your family and the boys who had reintroduced your baby sister to music after your mom had passed. You'd been keeping up with her via social media and was shocked to see her performing with holograms. Something about the holograms didn't quite add up, but you didn't question it seeing as your sister was thriving with her newfound friendships.
You've barely shut the door to your rented vehicle when the front door swings open, and your baby brother and baby sister are barreling down the porch. You laugh at their enthusiasm, opening your arms wide and bracing yourself for the impact. The moment they hit you, you bring your arms down around them. "Oh my god. You guys have grown so much!"
"Well that's what happens when you don't visit. We grow up."
"Carlos!" Julie quickly reprimands him. She then glances up at you, chuckling nervously. "He didn't mean that."
"Of course he did," you muse. "He's a Molina. And it's not like he's wrong."
But your sister isn't having it. "You had valid excuses- school and then you were really sick that one time. It's okay."
Sick, you mentally scoff, if only it were that simple.
"Right. Well I'm home now and I plan to visit whenever I can in the future," you say. Carlos and Julie beam at you. "So come on. I'm starving and I really want to see dad and meet these phantoms."
Carlos releases you and immediately turns to run back inside, and Julie latches onto your arm as she walks side-by-side with you. The closer you get to the porch, the more a faint scent on the air tickles your nose. Then once on the porch, it's a little bit stronger and it has you tensing.
Julie notices as she continues to walk, only to be pulled back from where she's still connected to you. "What's wrong?"
Staring off the side where you know the gate is for the backyard, your nostrils slightly flare, but at the sound of Julie's voice you close your eyes and shake your head to clear it. "Nothing. I'm fine," you mumble. "I just- I thought I smelled burning wire or something." Looking forward and then towards your sister, you chuckle. "My roommate started a fire a couple weeks back. It's made me paranoid ever since."
The lie comes a little too easily and you feel guilty. But then Julie snorts, you breathe a little easier, and then the two of you make the rest of the way inside the house. The smell of home makes your shoulders sag and feel like a weight's been lifted off of you. You glance around the living room, smiling softly at various touches you knew your mother added and the fact that your dad's kept them as reminders of the love of his life. There are three familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time, faces sitting together on the couch. They stare at you, hesitant expressions on their faces until you smile and wave at them. The boy in a leather jacket is the first to smile back, waving, followed by the blonde and the shaggy haired brunette.
"That's Reggie, Alex, and Luke," Julie introduces them to you. "Guys, this is my older sister Y/N."
"Hey guys, it's nice to finally meet you face to face."
"Likewise," Alex says. "Julie's told us so much about you."
"Aw." You let go of Julie's arm just to wrap it around her head, she immediately struggling to get out of the headlock you put her in. You laugh, tugging on her curls. "You talk about me? Am I the cool older sister? You love me that much?" You tease her.
"Get. Off." Julie tries to shove you off, but the two of you just end up falling to the floor.
"Alright. Girl fight!" Reggie cheers. "I got money on the older Molina."
"I don't know," Alex muses. "Jules can be pretty feisty."
"Pft. No way." Carlos scoffs. "Y/N has this in the bag."
"How are you so freakishly strong?" Julie complains. "Did you start working out or something?"
"Or something," you laugh.
There's a sigh that has you looking up instantly. "You would think that my college-aged daughter would be adult enough to not wrestle her younger siblings on the floor."
"Dad!" Immediately you abandon your sister, flicking her forehead once for good measure, before launching yourself at your dad. "You're lookin' healthy, old man. The younger crotch goblins keeping you in line?"
The boys laugh at Julie and Carlos' simultaneous shouts, and you wink at them before squeezing your dad a little bit longer. "How was the drive, mija?"
"It was fine," you say. "Long. And now I'm just ready to chow down."
"You have perfect timing then. The stew is ready, but now we're just waiting on Reggie's rolls to come out of the oven."
You dramatically gasp as you look towards the boy in question. "Not only is he cute, but he bakes too? Julie, you better husband that one up."
Two out of the three boys laugh as the other one frowns, and Julie rolls her eyes. "Shut up." Then looking out towards the group, she says, "Someone come help me set the table."
Your dad and Carlos head into the kitchen behind Julie, and you walk over towards the couch to sit on the armrest nearest Luke. Putting a hand on his shoulder, you squeeze. "Don't frown, biceps. I totally ship you and my sister. The two of you just ooze chemistry and I find it utterly adorable."
Alex groans. "Please don't say ooze again."
"Ooze," you deadpan. You look Alex in the eye. "Ooze. Ooze."
His nose wrinkles. "So you're the evil Molina. I know who Carlos takes after now."
All four of you chuckle and fall into a comfortable silence. However, as you sit there, you realize something odd. Everyone, human or not, has a scent. But these three boys next to you? There's no hint of B.O or cologne. Nothing. You frown as you stare at each one, at how human they appear to be, but before you can notice anything else your dad's calling out.
"Dinner's ready!"
You quickly paste on a smile as Luke and Reggie rush towards the kitchen. Alex sighs. "I would say sorry on their behalf, but then I'd be saying sorry the entire duration you're here because it's just how they are."
"I get it," you chuckle softly. "I have a friend like that. Stiles. He's- he's a lot to handle sometimes."
Dinner is quite the affair and you can't help but be in awe with how these three boys have brought life back into your home. When your mom passed, it was like the life was sucked out of everyone. There were no smiles, there was no laughing, and everyone seemed to lose interest in something. You almost didn't go back to school, instead choosing to look after Julie and Carlos, but from one day to the next it was like your dad snapped out of his grief and started looking after the kids again. So you went back to school, kept up with your schoolwork, got.. sick, and finally had enough strength to visit your family. You wanted it to be a happy family reunion, so you'll be damned if three charming boys took advantage of your family.
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The following day is spent with just your family and a brief visit made by Flynn, but throughout the entire day you can't help but notice something is off. Every now and then it feels like the temperature drops or you have an overwhelming feeling of being watched or you catch Julie mumbling towards nothing but thin air. Your little sister acts highly suspicious, but she plays it off every time you call attention to it.
On your third day home, however, your family's been out grocery shopping when you decide to visit your mom's studio. It's the first time you've gone out back since you've been home, so of course the scent that first put you on edge hits you full force. Annoyance immediately sets in and you follow the musky scent which leads you to the studio. Hearing voices inside makes you freeze and you tilt your head to get a better listen.
The three voices are Luke, Reggie, and Alex, and while that should be weird since no one is home.. it's not the oddest thing. The oddest thing is that while you can hear them talking and the hum of their amps, that's all you hear. No heartbeats.
Pulling open the door, all three boys look like deer caught in headlights. "Hey, boys." You quirk an eyebrow at them, walking in and taking a little pleasure in watching them squirm. "Whatcha up to out here?"
"Oh, um," Alex stammers, "R-Ray lets us practice out here whenever we want."
"Mhm." You glance at Reggie, his demeanor entirely too soft to threaten. Instead you glance at Luke and realize he'll be the one revving for a fight if you go after the other two. So you set your sights on him. "I'm sure my mom would have adored you boys." Walking around Luke, you step close and trail a finger along the strap of his guitar. "Well at least she would have adored whatever it is you boys are." The boys all seem to cease breathing and quick as lightning you grab a fistful of Luke's shirt and bring his face close to yours. "So tell me, Luke, what are you?"
His eyes blow wide. "W-What? I'm a d-dude. Human!"
"Wrong answer." Eyes flash gold and you can feel the teeth in your mouth shifting. Luke seems to lose what little color he had left in his cheeks. "You have no scent. You have no heartbeat! So tell me what you are."
Luke gapes at you until all of a sudden he completely vanishes out of your grip. You growl, eyes darting all over the place.
"What am I? What the hell are you?!"
You whirl around, snarling, and startling all three boys. All three are gaping, staring wide-eyed as they take in the full picture of what you are. Of what you had to become. "Why are you messing with my family?"
You're so caught up with the boys that you're not listening to your senses and completely miss the fact that your family has gotten home. You're caught off guard as Julie walks through the studio door and you take a step back as Julie's erratic heart nearly makes you whine.
"I- what?" She mutters. You exhale shakily and you can feel your face shifting back to normal. "Y/N?"
"I can explain," you tell her softly. She stares at you, fear wafting off of her and making your nose itch. "But first your boys need to come clean. They're not exactly what they look like." All four- FOUR!- suddenly fidget nervously and your eyes narrow. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"
She numbly nods her head. "Yes. Dad and Carlos too. B-But it's nothing as crazy as whatever is going on with you." She gulps. "Which, by the way, what- what even are you?"
You sigh, backing up until you're plopping down onto an armchair. You gesture to the couch across from you and watch as the three boys keep themselves between you and Julie until they're all on the couch. "Remember when I was sick? And the doctor said I had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving?"
She frowns. "Yeah. But what-"
"He was lying to you. I didn't have a fifty-fifty chance. I was going to die. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."
"How would you know that?"
"Because my roommate could smell death on me," you say. Julie, Luke, Reggie, and Alex all blink at you. "The thing you need to know, Jules, is that pretty much every supernatural creature we grew up reading about is real."
Alex gulps. "Witches?" You nod.
"Vampires?" Luke starts to grin. You nod again.
"Werewolves?" Reggie wonders, awe already filling his features.
You glance at him and flash your eyes. "What do you think I am?" You muse. His eyes widen, but then a smile breaks out and you breathe a little easier. At least he won't be running from you. "Anyway, she literally smelled me rotting from the inside out. So when she really grew concerned, she went to one of her alphas and told him what was going on with me."
"Wait. One of her alphas?"
"Yeah." You shrug. "It's a whole pack, the Hale-McCall pack. There's two alphas within the ranks and instead of protecting one little town they decided to spread out. Scott protects Beacon Hills since that's where he lives and Derek came down south to expand our territory. We're kind of all spread out in California with two ally packs further up north."
"Okay so this is all interesting, but how does that explain how or why you changed?" Julie asks.
"Oh. Right." You sigh. "Well Cora- my roommate- didn't want me to die. She came to me and asked me that if there was a cure of sorts, a way that only granted me a fifty-fifty chance of survival rather than a hundred percent death, if I would take it. I asked for more of an explanation and she showed me what she was while explaining more about the supernatural world. So I said I wanted the cure. And then I met her brother Derek."
"Who and what is Derek?" Your sister asks.
"A werewolf. An alpha werewolf to be exact," you tell your audience. "Only the bite of an alpha werewolf can turn someone, but at that it's only a fifty-fifty chance. So I took it since it was more of a chance than I originally had and I became a beta werewolf."
"Is this why you stayed away?"
"I had to. Turning isn't as simple as it sounds. I had to learn control and I had to learn to protect myself. I might be stronger and faster and not entirely human, but there are people out there who train to kill people like me. It wasn't safe for any of us if I were to come so soon after becoming a werewolf."
Julie nervously shifts. "And it's safe now?"
"Yeah. We have some friends in the Hunter community, and Scott and Derek have been working hard to mend bridges between everyone. Since Derek approves of my control, he said it was okay for me to come."
Luke huffs. "You call this control? You attacked me."
"Can you blame me?" You raise an eyebrow at him. "I came home to find three individuals with no scent or no heartbeat practically living with my family, and the scent of another werewolf around my childhood home where my very human family still lives. What was I supposed to do?"
"Wait, what?" Julie's eyes blow wide. "There's been a werewolf around us?"
"Yeah. And speaking of," you say, "since these three appear to not be the culprits, has there been anyone hanging around? Staring longingly or just giving off the creepiest of vibes? The scent was maybe a few days old, but it's definitely werewolf."
Your sister shivers and crosses her arms over her chest as if to hug herself. "Not that I noticed."
You glance at the boys and all three shake their heads. "Keep an eye out then. That's kind of suspicious." Everyone nods. You inhale and then exhale deeply, looking at each individual. But as no one says anything, you lightly clear your throat. "So is anyone going to tell me what you three are or..?"
"Oh!" Julie leans forward, smiling softly. "Ghosts."
"Ghosts!" Reggie disappears from his spot on the couch and reappears at your side. You faintly startle, but he still sees it and chuckles. "We kind of kicked the bucket about twenty six years ago now."
Luke sighs. "Street dogs, man. We can never look at them the same way ever again."
You snort and then slap a hand over your mouth as you stare at the boys with wide eyes. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to laugh."
"Don't even worry about it," Alex says. "We've had some time to get over it and well now we have this cool gig with Julie so it's fine."
"Well either way I'm sorry you guys died, but I'm stoked you came into my family's life when you did."
The three boys beam, but Julie leans forward. "You know you have to tell dad, right? This is something dad needs to know."
"I know." You frown. "I just- how do I tell dad I'm not exactly human anymore?"
"Together." Julie smiles sadly at you. "We'll tell him together."
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After calling an emergency family meeting the previous night, telling your dad and baby brother that werewolves existed was possibly the hardest thing you had to do. Out of the two of them, Carlos was most excited about all the new information you were offering up. But your dad, however, had a brief breakdown when you explained that you were literally going to die unless you had taken the bite from a werewolf. It had taken you almost ten minutes to calm him down, but you only made it a little bit worse when you told him there were rules now that the family knew the supernatural world existed.
Your dad and Carlos had tons of questions, and by the time dinner rolled around Ray just called in several pizzas so they could continue to grill you. Eventually things had settled and everyone went their separate ways to shower and get some sleep.
Then the day after that, you spend the day watching Julie and the boys rehearse because they got a last minute gig this coming Friday night. Even when they're goofing off they play amazingly and you praise them every moment you can. You're so caught up with your family and the boys that everything else is pushed to the back of your mind. And that's where it stays until after Julie and the Phantoms' performance three days later.
It's approaching midnight when you get home, you having rode with your family to and back from the club. It was the most fun you had in awhile, standing directly in front of the stage and screaming the lyrics back at your sister and Luke as they performed. And when you get home you and Julie are still singing along to one of her songs as you walk towards the front door, only to stumble to a halt when the scent of werewolf hits you full force.
"Mija, what's going on?"
"Shh!" You push Julie towards your dad and walk closer to the front door, eyes narrowing at the fact that it's cracked open when it should be locked. You put your nose close to the gap of the opened door and inhale deeply, eyes glowing gold in anger. There's a loud thump from inside and you whirl around to face your dad. He tenses as he eyes the fangs peeking from between your lips. "Get back in the car," you growl. "Do not get out until I come get you."
"Do you understand?" You growl again, cutting him off. Your dad gulps and quickly nods, grabbing ahold of Carlos and Julie's hands to rush them away.
When you hear the car doors slam shut, the rummaging from inside your house stops. So before whoever is inside can flee, you brace yourself and walk inside. Slamming the door behind you, you open up your senses to tell you who or what is inside with you.
There's a warning growl from up above you and you snarl in response, not taking kindly to being warned off in your own home. Suddenly there are footsteps rushing towards the staircase and you lunge for them, bounding up the steps a few at a time. You meet the werewolf on the stairs, roaring at the sight of electric blue eyes glaring at you. He tries to leap over you, but you catch him by the ankle and tug him down with all your strength.
He's taller than you and more solid than you originally thought, so you mentally curse yourself when you can hear the staircase creak and crack as you fall down the stairs with him. Taking a boot to the gut, you swing out to claw him down his thigh. You draw first blood, but then the werewolf rounds on you with his teeth and claws bared. He lunges, catching you around the waist and slams your back down on the stairs. You grunt in pain, punching and clawing, but only earn a set of claws being dragged down the side of your face in return.
You hear him grunt, followed by a large crack, and your eyes fly open wide when you feel a thin pole from the wooden bannister be shoved into your gut. You roar out, completely shocked at this wolf's aggressiveness, and your saving grace comes in the form of three ghosts.
Alex, Luke, and Reggie pop in, startling the werewolf hovering above you. Their exclamations of pure joy quickly turn to ones of surprise and fear, and you use this brief reprieve to summon all your rage and push back. Once your feet are back beneath you, you shove the wolf back and against a wall. One hand goes around his throat and you use the other to shove your claws into his gut.
"What.. do you want.. with my family?" You ask, shoving your claws in deeper with each pause. The werewolf growls and easily overpowers you, shoving you back and fleeing through the back door.
When you get back to your feet, you attempt to run after him but Reggie rushes in front of you. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going?!"
"Reg, get out of my way," you seethe.
"Nope. No way. In case you haven't noticed, you've been impaled!" His hands flail in the direction of your abdomen. "Shouldn't you like go to the hospital or something?"
"I'll heal." You grab the wooden pole protruding from your body, grasping it tightly and yanking it free.
Reggie gags and you let it drop, only to then be approached by Luke." Y/N, where's Jules? And Carlos and your dad?"
At the mention of your family, the haze of rage starts to fade. You breathe deeply, letting the aches and pain take over as your features shift back to normal. "They're in the car," you say. "Can you go get them? I need to check upstairs to see what that asshole was doing."
"For sure."
As Luke poofs away, you turn back towards the stairs and make your way up them. You follow the scent of werewolf and when you find where it leads your rage comes back ten-fold. Shoving your way in Julie's room, you snarl when you find the strange scent by her dresser, in her closet, and on her bed. You catch whiffs of his scent on random items and you tense when there's a shout of your name from downstairs.
Realizing it's only your dad, you give yourself a moment to make sure you have yourself under control before making your way downstairs. "I'm sorry about the staircase," you say. "I'll call someone in the morning to come estimate the damages and fix it." Everyone is oddly quiet and when you meet their gazes, you see half are on your face and the other are on your stomach. "Relax. It'll heal."
"Will it?" Ray asks. He walks forward, gently cupping your face and angling it so he can get a better look.
"Yeah. It's already stopped bleeding. Now all they gotta do is close up."
"Okay." Your dad gulps. "Did you- did you figure out what was going on?"
"Some rogue werewolf," you tell him. "Normally I wouldn't worry because it's normal for a werewolf to scope out another werewolf in their territory, but this one was only in Julie's room. He didn't go near mine. Something's up."
Luke wraps an arm around Julie's shoulder as she gasps and Ray worriedly glances at his daughter. Carlos steps up on Julie's other side, grabbing her hand and looking every bit determined to keep her safe.
"What can we do?" Luke asks.
"Well for starters," you sigh, "everyone can take a chill pill. Go change, go shower, and go to sleep. I'll clean up and I'll call in reinforcements. I hope you guys are ready to meet my alpha."
"Are you sure, mija?" Your dad asks.
"Yeah. I'm too amped up to do anything other than keep watch and my alpha is necessary since this rogue werewolf easily overpowered me. I'm still new to this whole supernatural business, so it's better if someone more experienced comes in."
Ray and Carlos hesitantly make their way towards the stairs, but as Julie moves she makes a lunge for you. Her arms wrap around you and yours her, and you rub the side of your jaw along her temple. "You're going to be okay," you mumble. "Trust me."
"I do."
Luke and Reggie readily follow your family upstairs, but Alex lingers. You look at him, smiling softly. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks. "You literally had a pole sticking out of your stomach."
"I'm fine, Al." You lift up your shirt, showing him the barely there hole. "See? It's closing. The healing process is just a little slow for me because I'm a bitten werewolf, not born."
"Oh. Okay. Cool." His hands go into his pockets as he glances around the room nervously. "So do you want some company?"
"Sure." You chuckle softly. "But first, I have a call to make."
Alex follows you into the kitchen where you lean tiredly against the island counter, putting your phone down on the counter top as you look for a specific contact and then put your phone on speaker as to not be rude to your guest. It rings a couple of times before the line clicks open.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Derek's gruff voice makes you smile and Alex's eyes widen.
"Why would you think something is wrong, Der?"
"Because you told us not to contact you until your two weeks with your family were up. You still have another week with them and you're calling me. In the middle of the night. So again I'll ask, what's wrong?"
You sigh and this time it's Alex's turn to grin at you. "So I might have a problem."
Derek groans. "What did you do this time?"
You open your mouth to play off the seriousness of the situation, but after the night you had you're just not feeling. So you snap your mouth shut and sigh once more. "When I first got here, I smelled a werewolf around the house," you say. "I didn't think anything of it because it was faint, but tonight I found the werewolf in my little sister's room. We fought and he fled. I have an uncomfortable feeling about this, Der."
A moment passes in silence before Derek says, "We're on the way."
"Okay, but before you come to the rescue there's something you need to know." He doesn't say anything, but the line is still connected so you know he's waiting. "So you know how we always said something was odd about my sister's holograms?"
"Well funnily enough, they're ghosts! But don't worry," you're quick to cut off an inevitable rant, "there's nothing fishy or any ulterior motives. These guys are good, pure, and goofy. Please don't start anything."
There's a heavy exhale and then, "We'll see."
"Bring food!" You're quick to toss in, grinning that you got that in before the call ended. Alex stares at you and you roll your eyes playfully at him. "Relax. It's going to be fine."
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Derek and the others could have been there within a few hours, but they didn't want to be rude and show up while your family was sleeping. You texted back and forth with Cora after Derek spilled the ghost secret, and you laughed when she mentioned she was excited to meet them because your little sister's music was quite catchy.
When you hear your family starting to stir awake, you send off a quick text to Derek to let him know that it was okay for them to finally come over. And to bring food because there's not enough to feed three werewolves, three ghosts, and three humans in the house.
Carlos is the only one who looks well rested, Ray and Julie looking like they tossed and turned all night. Luke, Reggie, and Alex poof into the room and you tiredly nod at them.
"Did you get any sleep?" Your dad asks.
"Nah. I've been keeping watch and keeping in contact with the pack," you say. "Derek and Cora are on the way, and Scott said to let him know if we needed him. The rest of the pack would come if needed."
"Mhm. Is there anything we need to know about this Derek and Cora?"
You glance around at your family and ghosts, and sigh when they're waiting for some sort of answer. "Just that they had a really traumatic event happen when they were younger, so if they're not exactly warm in the beginning don't take it personal."
Reggie leans forward in his seat. "Mhm. How traumatic are we talking?"
"Like their entire family was trapped in their home and burned alive traumatic." Everyone's eyes widen and you wince. "Yeah. A bunch of other stuff happened, but it's confusing and not everything is black and white as you may think. I just rather not delve too deep into their personal business moments before you meet them."
After a few lingering moments, Carlos is the first to mention he's hungry. Your dad says he'll get started on breakfast, but you stop them before they can even make it to the kitchen. Then before you can explain why making food isn't necessary, the doorbell rings and everyone freezes.
"I'll, um, I'll just get that."
Hurrying to the door, you open it up and smile in relief at the sight of your two favorite Hales.
"We come bearing McDonald's," Cora says. "We also might have pissed off a long line of cars because we bought out all their sausage biscuits and hash browns."
You laugh. "And I bet you cackled as you drove off."
"She did," Derek deadpans.
You shake your head and then step out of the way, gesturing the two Hales inside. You shut the door behind them and when you turn around to follow them you find that you don't have to go far. Everyone is just standing around, staring at the two newcomers and you shake your head. "What are you all doing out here? Get into the kitchen! I want to eat."
Carlos steps forward, staring up at Derek and Cora with a curious expression. "So werewolves, huh? And you're the one who bit my sister?" Derek tenses, but nods nonetheless. "Well thanks for saving her, but now I'll never beat her in a wrestling match. Can someone biscuit me so I can eat my feelings?"
You snort just as Cora cracks a grin and she walks forward while gesturing for Carlos to follow her into the kitchen. Derek stays put and you step up to his side, nodding up at him before looking out. "So," you start, looking at everyone else, "I'd like you guys to meet alpha Derek Hale. Der, this is my dad, my sister Julie, Carlos followed after Cora, and then we have Alex, Reggie, and Luke."
Everyone gave some form of acknowledgement as they were introduced and Derek sticks his hand out for your dad. "It's nice to finally meet you, sir. I'm just sorry it's under these circumstances."
Ray grasps onto his hand and shakes it. "Ditto."
"Okay," you drawl. "Now that the awkward introductions are over with, can we eat?"
Everyone walks into the kitchen then, you nudging your sister and chuckling at her wariness. Then once in the kitchen, you introduce everyone to Cora as well. The food is passed out and it feels like you're smiling encouragingly at everyone because they're intimidated by Derek's mere presence.
When everyone appears to be done with their food, it's Derek who clears his throat. "So do you wanna know why there's a werewolf interested in Julie now or later?"
The table falls silent and it's Julie who finally addresses him. "Wait. You already know? Without snooping around?"
Derek looks at her and smiles kindly which sets your heart a flutter. You're not stupid, you're well aware just how attractive your alpha is, but you never let yourself cross that line. Cora, however, has no problems teasing you about it, nudging you and smirking. You glare at her and return your attention to Derek. "I do. I'm not surprised Y/N didn't pick up on it, but I am surprised my sister hasn't mentioned anything."
Cora stops her teasing them, brows furrowed as she looks at her brother. "What?"
Derek pushes back from the table and offers his hand for Julie. "I'm sorry this might be uncomfortable for you, but will you join us over here?" she quickly glances at you and your dad, and your dad nods at her. She gets up and joins Derek at his side, and he gently grabs her arm to hold between you and Cora. "Focus on Julie's scent. Who does she remind you of?"
Cora's more in tune with her senses, so it doesn't take her long to pick up on what her brother is suggesting. It takes you a minute and when her scent has fully engulfed you, your eyes fly open. "How did I miss that?"
"M-Miss what?" Your sister stammers, pulling her arm back.
Cora glances between Julie and her brother, and you shake your head. "It's impossible. Stiles is a.." you trail off and Derek quirks an eyebrow at you, grinning.
"Excuse me," Luke pipes up, "but who and what the hell is a Stiles?"
Derek and Cora snort, and your gaze darts between Luke, Reggie, Alex, and your sister.
"Mija, what's going on?" Ray asks.
You gulp as realization slowly settles in. Looking at Julie, you ask, "They used to be invisible, right?"
"But then they were cursed by another ghost, almost jolted out of existence, and you pulled them to you at the Orpheum. You wanted them and they appeared, and then by some weird happenstance you didn't want them to go and the curse was lifted. You were finally able to touch and everyone could see them."
Julie frowns at you. "You knew this already. What does that have to do with-"
"You're a Spark."
Ray glances between both his daughters. "What's a Spark and how bad is this?"
You're left blinking at your sister in awe, so Derek takes over once more. "A Spark is someone with magical abilities, sir. When trained properly, they're a force to be reckoned with. They're highly sought after because they're not as neutral as a pack Emissary and can offer a hell of a lot more protection than an Emissary."
"Mhm. And what's an Emissary?"
"It's someone who offers advice and keeps peace during pack meetings," you say. "They're limited in their knowledge and magical abilities, but a Spark.. a Spark is so much more."
"So that's why this werewolf was sniffing around the house?" Ray asks. "Because he could smell the magic coming off Julie?"
"Yes." Derek tells him honestly. You can hear Julie's heartbeat pick up speed and you're quick to stand and wrap her in a hug. "If he's an Omega, which I believe he is since no one else came back when he faced off against Y/N, I think he wants to grow his own pack."
"And having a Spark within his pack would look good when recruiting others," Cora says.
Ray sighs. "What do we do?"
"Honestly? Julie needs to harness her power and learn how to use it."
"What? No!"
"Dad." You look towards him, frowning. "Derek's right. Julie is full of untapped potential and you do not want the wrong person training her. We can help."
Your dad sighs some more, rubbing his hand down his face. Finally he looks at Julie. "What do you want to do, mija? This is your life we're talking about here."
Everyone seems to hold their breath as Julie glances at every person she's come to love. But before she can say anything, Cora speaks up. "Before any decisions are made, I think we need to make sure Julie is a Spark." She then looks at your little sister. "Would you be willing to complete a test? There's no pain, no questions, just simple concentration."
You sister shrugs. "I guess so."
Julie is still apprehensive as Cora exits the room, so you rub her arm up and down. "It's going to be okay." You smile reassuringly at her. "If you truly are what we think you are, I think you might enjoy this. I know Carlos will."
Your baby brother perks up and you grin at him. You're quick to clear away the trash and are done just as Cora re-enters the room. She drops a duffel bag atop the table and Derek opens it up, pulling on a pair of gloves before he removes a vial full of black powder.
"What's that?" Luke asks.
"Mountain ash." Derek explains. "Create a closed barrier with this and no supernatural creature can cross it."
"And the rest?" Reggie wonders, peeking into the bag. Several vials clink together and he's quick to back off.
"Wolfsbane," you tell him. "It's lethal to us, but if we're shot or nicked with a weapon that holds a certain strain of this stuff, we figure out which strain it is and burn the ash that we have on hand to press into our wounds. For some reason it counteracts the effects."
"But in order to see if Julie truly is a Spark," Derek says, pulling everyone's attention back to the main topic, "we need her to create a barrier of mountain ash around Cora."
Julie quickly glances at you and you give her a nod. She walks towards Derek and Cora, and Derek opens up the vial to pour a small mound of black ash in the center of her palm. Julie glances up at him in surprise and then at the space around Cora's feet. "That's all you're giving me?"
"That's all you get."
Julie glances at you again and the panic is clear in her eyes. "Relax," you say. She gulps. "Relax," you say again, softer. "Inhale and exhale, Jules." She does as you say and after a couple of deep breaths, you say, "Now close your eyes. Form a loose fist and believe that you have all the ash you need there in the center of your hand as it tips out while walking a circle around Cora."
Julie's eyes fly open as she scoffs. "Seriously?"
"Seriously." You grin. "Magic is all about belief. Now close your eyes and concentrate. You have to want to close this circle. Do it."
Again everyone seems to hold their breath as Julie closes her eyes and shakes herself out. She takes a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly. You can practically see the moment her mind clears, her expression going slack right before she tips her fist and the ash starts to fall. She walks in an unsteady circle, her brow furrowing halfway around. She unknowingly walks the entire circle, her eyes flying open as she groans. "This is dumb."
"Is it?" Cora wonders. She raises her hand and goes to touch Julie, but her hand hits an invisible wall that shimmers a faint blue before fading.
Julie glances down, her eyes widening before she looks at you. "It worked?"
"It worked," you assure her. Everyone seems to scramble up from their seats then, gathering around Julie and Cora. You snort as Carlos and Reggie easily put their hands inside the circle, but Cora has no such luck of reaching out of it. You raise your eyebrow at that. "Well at least we know mountain ash doesn't work on ghosts."
"Um, how do we get her out now?" Julie nervously wonders.
"You or any other human can just drag the toe of your shoe through it. It'll break the circle."
"Cool!" Carlos readily drags his socked toe through the ash and Cora laughs as she steps out of the circle.
"So what happens now?" Alex asks, glancing between his newfound family a bit nervously.
"Now we find her a mentor," Derek says. "And a pack because without one-" he says, cutting off your dad, "it'll just be a matter of time before another werewolf comes looking. Or something worse."
"We, uh, we know a Spark," you say, glancing at Derek who gives you a nod to continue. "Stiles. He's obnoxiously smart and powerful, and unfortunately he refuses to leave alpha McCall's side long term. But since we're basically in the same pack, he'll visit and help mentor Julie if we ask."
"What about a pack?" She frowns. "I don't want to join a bunch of strangers."
"Then join the Hale pack," Derek says after a beat. You and Cora look at him in surprise, but he only has eyes for your baby sister and dad. "We can locate further south so Julie doesn't have to leave anyone behind."
"Der, are you serious?" You shakily ask.
He glances at you and smirks. "Of course. We'll start house hunting if your sister agrees."
You glance at Julie and her eyes are wide. A moment passes and then she looks at you, a relieved smile taking over. "Yeah. Uh, yeah. I'll join if it's okay with my dad?"
Everyone looks at Ray. "Why do I get the feeling my grocery bill just got a whole lot higher?"
You, Cora, and Derek laugh. "Don't worry, dad. As alpha, it's Derek's job to provide for the pack."
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Over the next couple of days, Derek and Ray spend a lot of time in Ray's office- the alpha filling in your dad about pack politics since Julie was still so young. Stiles has already been called, but he had a few things to take care of before he could make the trip down south. So until then, you, Derek, and Cora were going to be staying with your family. Derek took to searching for a new pack house while you and Cora happily told the younger generation about your favorite pack stories.
Julie, Ray, and Carlos have a chaperone everywhere they go, but surprisingly no one complains. You and Cora had to take a brief leave from school, citing family emergencies, and you spend the newfound time protecting your family.
Unfortunately, before Stiles can show up and lay protection wards around the house, the omega werewolf strikes again. Fortunately, however, your dad is with Carlos at one of his baseball games so they're not there to witness the brief brawl.
You and Cora are sitting on the back balcony, listening to Julie and the boys rehearse. Derek had gone for a quick jog around a few blocks, most likely scenting the area for anything out of the norm, and you were in charge of holding down the fort. But the comfort of your house and the fact that nothing had recently happened made you let your guard down, and the opposing werewolf was smart enough to stay down wind.
But then there's glass shattering, the music suddenly cuts out, and Julie's shout pierces through her still live microphone. Without second guessing yourselves, you and Cora get up and jump over the balcony railing. You both land in a crouch, faces immediately transformed, growling. You're quick to straighten up, running towards the studio and throwing open the door.
Julie is huddled into Alex's side with Reggie and Luke brandishing their guitars as weapons in front of them. The werewolf in question is nearly six feet tall with electric blue eyes and a lean build. He's more clean-cut than you remember, but it's the same wolf you saw inside your house. It's a quiet stare-off, but the moment your eyes track to the completely shattered bay windows at the back of the studio a snarl rips free.
"Walk towards us," Cora says. "Do not turn your back on him."
The moment Julie takes a step back, the other werewolf growls and shifts in agitation.
"Try it and you're dead," you seethe.
There's a moment of hesitation and then he's lunging. Cora lunges for the male werewolf while you lunge for your sister, you shoving her and Alex aside. Luke and Reggie are quick to poof out of the way, and then reappear at the couch where Alex and Julie are huddled together. The snarling of Cora and the other werewolf keeps you on edge, and you join your packmate in clawing and shoving, and making sure you do not damage your mom's beloved studio too much.
You and Cora receive a few blows and gashes of your own, but Julie's frantic heartbeat has the two of you fighting for her. You try to fight with all your might, but you know you're in trouble when you and Cora both show obvious signs of tiring whereas the male werewolf still looks as anxious as ever to get his hands on your sister.
A mistake on your part has the male werewolf taking the upper hand, he kicking Cora away and grabbing you by your throat. The sudden action startles you and your lack of air makes you panic. So instead of using your full strength to break his hold, you claw at the hand squeezing your throat.
"Stop. Stop!" Julie pleads.
But her cries fall on deaf ears and it takes the roar of an alpha to startle the male werewolf into dropping you. 
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As you gasp for air and scramble towards your sister, you look towards the studio doors to see Derek standing there with glowing red eyes. Derek, half transformed, is completely more terrifying than either you or Cora, and even though you're part of Derek's pack you can't help the uptick of your heartbeat at the power radiating off him.
"The girl is under protection of the McCall-Hale pack," Derek growls. "In fact, this entire territory is now ours. You have until sunrise to be gone or I'll rip your throat out with my teeth if any of us ever see you again."
The werewolf has the audacity to growl at Derek, but you and Cora are quick to flank your alpha. The two of you growl threateningly behind his back and as the opposing werewolf glances between the three of you, he grunts and slowly backs away towards the window he'd thrown himself through.
The second he's gone, Derek leans towards Cora. "Follow him. Make sure he leaves." A growl rumbles from her chest to show she understands and a moment later she's disappearing out the same damaged window. Derek takes a deep breath and let's it out before looking over at your sister. "You okay?"
Reggie blinks and then huffs softly. "Well I think I ghost peed a little, but I'm fine."
"Same, dude," Luke nods. "That was intense."
Your werewolf features fade as you fail to contain your laugh, Alex then glancing over at his friends. "You guys are so lucky you can play instruments and sing."
Julie giggles and you step forward to lean against Derek's arm. "I'm pretty sure Der was talking to my sister."
"I'm fine," Julie says. "But he's not- he won't come back, will he?"
"Not unless he wants an alpha to rip him to shreds," you tell her.
"I'm gonna follow after Cora and make sure the rogue is gone. You good here?"
You glance up at Derek and nod. "Yeah. We're good." Derek smirks at you and you roll your eyes, nudging him to go. After a moment he jogs out of the studio, no doubt following Cora's scent. Someone clears their throat and you glance back at your far too amused sister. "What?"
"So.." she drawls, "care to explain what that just was?"
"What what was?" You ask.
Luke starts to smile. "You totally have a thing for the scary wolf." Alex and Reggie eagerly nod in agreement.
"What? I do not."
"You totally do," Julie says.
"Oh whatever." You roll your eyes, willing yourself not to blush or smile. You'd be damned if you let them in on that particular secret crush, even though you were pretty sure it was mutual. "We have more important things to discuss like fixing the window and informing dad of what went on without freaking him out."
Julie's smile slowly fades. "Are things always going to be intense like what we just saw?"
"I hate to break it to you, baby girl, but yes. Sometimes worse."
"Oh great."
"But you're going to be a total badass," you assure her as you walk towards her. You kneel in front of her, taking her hands in your own. "Stiles is the best and he will make sure you know everything to protect yourself and those close to you. And besides, you'll have three badass werewolves just a few blocks over. You won't be alone."
"Are you sure? I'm still kind of young. I don't want to put your pack in any danger."
You shake your head. "You won't. I don't mean to brag, but the Hale name carries some weight. Scott kind of made a name for himself as well, so when everyone finds out you're under our protection it'll be okay. Trust me, sis. It won't always be this scary."
"Well as long as you're positive."
"I am. Now come on." You let go of her hands and pat the tops of her thighs as you stand. "Let's go find something to eat and call Stiles. We'll see if he can speed up his trip out here."
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dont-be-ugly · 3 years
The Five Times Y/N teased Bucky, and the one time he finally got back at her
Summary: Part two of Angels and Bar Accidents. Y/N and Bucky are forced to stay at the tower alone for a week, while the rest of the Avengers go out on various missions, vacations, and family reunions (for the alive family members, of course).
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They didn’t notice the absence of anyone until it was to late. There was a note on the table stating everyone had went out on various things, and the first to be back home would be Tony. They had the whole tower to themselves. Y/N was walking around in one of Bucky’s sweaters, and short shorts, with her hair pulled back, while Bucky was sitting eating with no shirt and jeans.
Y/N was humming ‘Rasputin’ quietly, while searching the cabinets for something. “What are you looking for, doll?” Bucky asked. “My lollipops. I want something sweet, but not to sweet.” She answers, standing on a stool, trying to reach the top shelf. She sighs, her wings fluttering softly. The area was to small for her 10ft wingspan, and she couldn’t quite reach the top shelf with her 5ft 3in self.
“Bucky.... could you help me?” she sighs, yet again. “Sure thing, doll” Bucky laughs. He walks over to where the young girl is, and grabs her lollipops with ease. “You really are a doll. Cute, innocent, sweet, and small.” He teases. “Rude!” She exclaims, handing him a blue raspberry lollipop. “Thanks” he says, unwrapping the wrapper, and setting the it on his tongue.
“No problem!” She smiles, grabbing a watermelon lollipop. She unwraps it and sets it in her mouth. She continues humming, as she walks over, and sits across from where Bucky’s seat was, muttering something about innocence. She absentmindedly scrolled through Twitter. She had her hand on the stick of the lollipop, twirling it around her mouth.
Bucky sat down, watching Y/N silently. He was staring more specifically at the lollipop in her mouth. He knew she was doing it absentmindedly, she needed to keep her hands on something (wink wink) but she was also teasing him. She didn’t notice, of course. But she was. Y/N felt his eyes on her and looked up. “Can I help you?” She giggled, now noticing what she was doing. “In more ways than one.” He replied, seriously.
She smirked, got up, and walked over to Bucky. “Too bad.” She gave him a kiss, him tasting watermelon, her tasting blue raspberry. She pulled away, and skipped off, knowing this would rile him up.
If only he got his hands on her.
Y/N was usually neutral when it came to heat and being cold. So, when the next day rolled around, she had to switch from sweater, to crop top, just to avoid the scorching heat. She sighed, before getting the best idea. She knew she was absentmindedly teased him yesterday, and played into it, so why not mess with him today?
Y/N knew teasing Bucky was dangerous ground, but adrenaline kept her from stopping. She had only ever teased him once purposely, and that lasted three days. She slipped on her favorite dark red crop top, it was almost see through, lacy, and sleeveless. Perfect combo.
She walked in the kitchen and grabbed a popsicle, opening the wrapper, before heading out to the training room. Bucky was training, as per usual, not paying attention until he heard the close. “Hey doll.” He said, walking over to her. He went to hug her but she slipped past him. “Don’t touch me, you, babe, are very sweaty. Sweat is gross.” She makes a disgusted face. “Fair enough.” He chuckles, and heads back to the punching bag. Y/N watches, licking and sucking on her popsicle.
He doesn’t notice at first, but eventually catches on. “You’re walking in dangerous ground, doll. Stop teasing me.” He says seriously. Y/N just smirks, turns around, and walks off, purposely swaying her hips a little more than usual. She waits just by the door, and laughs when she hears the frustrated noises coming from the room.
If only he got his hands on her.
Today was accidental. Y/N was wearing one of Bucky’s shirts, with no shorts underneath. Bucky had it planned, where she would attempt to get a lollipop, which was in a new cabinet, on the highest shelf, and had to ask him for help.
She fell almost into his trap. Almost. Here she was, standing on the all-to-familiar stool, reaching for her lollipops, the shirt lifting, and leaving almost nothing to his imagination. He silently shifts. She turns around and steps down, now looking at Bucky’s frustrated face. “Like the view?” Y/N laughed.
“You’re teasing me again.” Bucky wines. “Whoops.” And with that, she walked out.
If only he got his hands on her.
They had gotten an invite from Tony, who was still on vacation, to a gala happening the Monday after he gets back. That meant Y/N had to try on dresses. And had to get someone’s opinion. She had been lucky to slip out of his grasp, but he was getting more and more riled up about it. They both knew that when he fought Y/N, she would never tease him like this again.
“Last dress, I promise!” She pipes, walking in the kitchen. It was a gold dress, that went to her upper thigh, cut out holes on the sides where her hips where, thin straps, and a V neck that left little to anyone’s imagination. He sat, jaw dropped, admiring his girlfriend’s figure.
“I take it you like it, huh, Buckaroo?” She giggles. He clears his throat, standing to approach her, but as soon as he gets 10ft away, she runs.
If only he got his hands on her.
Y/N had somehow managed to, not only avoid being near Bucky for to long, but convince him to go swimming with her. He was overly frustrated, and her in a swimsuit didn’t help. It was a dark red bikini, laced around the edges, thin straps, and was somewhat see through.
He had managed to keep a straight face for five minutes, before he finally broke. He grabbed Y/N, careful to to hurt her. “I forgot my wallet at the tower. Could you teleport us?” He lied. He felt bad lying to her, but she had been teasing him all day for the past four days, today the fifth. He wouldn’t let her escape this time.
“Yeah, sure.” She teleported them back, and before she could run, he had his hand around her neck, and her pinned against the wall. He squeezed slightly, but not enough to hurt Y/N. “You’ve been teasing me doll. All. Damn. Week. And I’m not going to escape for a fifth time. Now, will you behave? Or will I have to add to your punishment?”
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
(Clone Wars/Rebels) Rebels!Rex x Reader: Hope
(Author’s Note: Sooo this is a neat request I got! I REALLY hope you don’t mind that I tweaked it a tad!!!!  And I hope you like it!!!!  Highkey this almost had me crying at the end, oh my.  It’s tough for me to write Rebels era Rex because in my mind he’s forever young ;^;  But I really did enjoy this request, and thank you!
OG Request: What about a Rebels Rex x reader reunion where the reader died during order 66, but became a ghost. So she sticks with Kanan and the ghost crew, when they get Rex back she stays invisible so that he can't see her because she thinks that he moved on. Something happens and he sees her, she hides and he has to hunt her down and convince her that they could make it work.)
   “_________,” Kanan said gently.  He stood at the doorway to your quarters, eyes full of concern.  “I know this is hard for you.  Believe me, I don’t like it any more than you do, but...you can’t hide forever.  The others are worried about you.”  You materialized in the middle of the room, eyes downcast and arms wrapped around your form in an attempt for comfort.  Kanan stepped inside the room, allowing the door to slide shut behind him.  “The clones took everything from us.  They betrayed the jedi and killed so many…” The bridge of his nose crinkled as the rest of his face twisted with pain at the memories.  Bitterness came off him in waves.
   “Kanan, you misunderstand,” you whispered, walking over to take a seat at the edge of your bunk.  “That’s not why I’m hesitant to reveal myself to the men who we’ve teamed up with.  The truth is...I don’t entirely blame them.”
   “What?” he asked in disbelief.  “How could you not?”  
   “Remember, Kanan, I was a jedi knight when Order 66 went through.  You only remember part of the story because you were so young.  The men were under Sidious’ control.  We can’t hold that against them.”
   He folded his arms, as if his point still stood.  “Then why are you hiding?”
   At that, your eyes returned to the floor.  “Because I know those men.  I knew Captain Rex quite well back in the day.”
   Kanan’s eyes widened.  “You mean…”
   “I know.  It was against my code and his regulations, but we were together.  I...I loved him.  I was off on another mission when Order 66 was given.  The troops I was working with fired at me, and that’s when the accident happened.”
   “The accident that left you a ghost.  But it wasn’t an accident, _________.  Your soldiers betrayed you and shot at the energy field behind you.  They-”
   You sighed.  “Kanan, I’m not a force ghost.”  When he gave you a skeptical look, you continued, “I can walk through walls and vanis, but think about it.  Have you ever seen a ghost stick around this long?  Or actually have the ability to materialize a physical form like I do?”
   “Can’t say I’ve had too many encounters with them in the first place,” he mumbled.
   “The accident turned my body into energy.  They didn’t take my life.”
   “__________.”  He closed his eyes and shook his head.  “That doesn’t excuse what they did, and I don’t blame you for not wanting to face them.”
   “Rex didn’t do this to me anyway.  He’s a good man, and I never stopped loving him.  I just don’t want him to see me this way.  He has probably been moved on for some time now, and he’s going to be upset.”
   “He should.”
   “Kanan!” you scolded.  “That’s enough.  I get that you’re still hurting.  I understand.  Really, I do.  I just don’t need to hear this right now.”
   He released a sigh, resting a hand on your shoulder.  “You’re right.  I’m sorry.”
    Just then, the door to your quarters slid open.  You vanished on instinct, but it appeared that you hadn’t gone quickly enough.  A familiar pair of eyes stared wide at the spot you had previously sat beside Kanan.  Though you recognized them instantly, they belonged to an aged face.
   “___________?  I knew it.  It is you.”
   Kanan glanced around awkwardly while you remained invisible.  “Um…”
   “I thought I saw ___________ earlier.  I thought that maybe it was just all in my head, but she’s here, isn’t she?”
   “Look, Rex…”
   “Please,” Rex pleaded.  “Please tell me where I can find her.  I never knew what happened to her after the Republic fell.  I know you don’t like me but-”
   “I’m right here,” you said, materializing.  Rex’s eyes widened and  mouth fell open.  “I didn’t want you to see me this way.”
   “___________, what happened to you?”
   The sympathy and in his voice caused you to feel a familiar ache in your chest.  It was overwhelming.  For years you had wondered, just as he did, what happened.  For years you tried to come to terms with never seeing him again.  But there he was standing in front of you.  In fact, he was walking over.
   “Wait,” you said quickly.  “I...I can’t.”  You vanished again, this time hearing him call out,
   “No!”  You hurried past him and ran straight through the closed door.  You heard him on the other side.  “I’m going to find her.”
   - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
   “___________,” you heard Rex’s voice pant.  “There you are.”
   “Rex, I’m sorry about earlier.”
   “Don’t worry about it.”  A strained groan escaped his lips as he lowered himself to sit beside you.  “I just don’t want to lose you again.”
   You hugged your knees to your chest as you gazed out at the setting sun from the roof of the ship.  The sky glowed a variety of lovely colors; orange, pink, and even a little purple.  For the first time since seeing Rex again, you felt at peace.  Sitting beside him felt normal even after all that time.  “What do you mean?”
   “After Order 66 was given, I had quite the adventure.  Ahsoka helped me get the chip out of my head so that I would no longer carry out the order.”  He sighed.  “I looked everywhere for you after that.  Even some of my brothers told me that the worst may have happened, but I always had hope.  I never stopped looking.  I never stopped- I never stopped loving you.”
   “Rex,” you whispered.  “What we had was great, but it was a long time ago.  So much has changed since then.  We were young, and we had no idea what the galaxy would become.”
   “What are you talking about?” He gave a hearty laugh.  “We’re still young, and there’s a new hope.”
   You looked over at him, meeting those eyes that held so much warmth in them.  Even with the crinkles around his eyes and the white beard, in your eyes he was the same Rex you knew back then.  Memories began to flash across your mind like a holovid playing in front of you.  Memories of stolen glances across the strategy meetings and debriefings, secret kisses when no one was looking, and many battles fought side-by-side.
   “What happened to the serious captain I knew?” you smiled.
   “He lightened up a bit.”  Rex chuckled.  You ventured to reach out a hand to rest its palm on his cheek, and he instinctively relaxed into the touch, closing his eyes and exhaling.  “__________, do you still love me?”
   “Of course I do.”
   “Then we can make this work.  Like I said, I don’t want to lose you again.  Ever.”  He reached up to gently place his hand over yours, opening his eyes to gaze at you with determination.  Your breath caught in your throat.
   His eyes glinted then, the same way they used to when you’d look at him from across a briefing, and he leaned in to wrap his arm around your form and pull you against him.  He tipped your chin up and captured your lips in a kiss.  You giggled, and he pulled away.  “What?”
   “Nothing, it’s just,” you giggled again, tears spilling from your eyes.  “The beard.  It tickles.”
   “Oh yeah?” he laughed, leaning in to playfully swipe his beard across your cheek, sending you into a fit of giggles as you tried to break free from his embrace.  Then, he let you catch your breath.  “I missed you.”
   “I missed you too.”  You pressed a kiss to his hand.  “And you’re right.  There is hope.”
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kmomof4 · 3 years
CS AU- Coming to Storybrooke (1/5)
It’s FINALLY here!!!!!! I’ve only been talking about this fic for over a YEAR!!! I’m so excited to finally share it with all of you!!!
I have to acknowledge and send all the love and internet hugs to all those who helped me with this fic. I can truly say that I would have given up on it LONG AGO without them.
First to @hollyethecurious​. She was my brainstorming partner and never-ending fount of encouragement. She pulled me back from the brink of deleting this fic entirely so many times. So when I say that this fic wouldn’t be here without her, I’m not exaggerating. 
Second to @profdanglaisstuff​. The best beta in the world!!!! Her suggestions and insights make this writing business so much better! Thank you, babe!
And finally to all the ladies on the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ discord. Y’all’s encouragement and sprinting dates helped keep me motivated and got me over the finish line. 
This fic is a S1 Canon Divergence, sort of, inspired by the 1988 Eddie Murphy movie Coming to America. It is complete with five chapters and I’ll be updating every Saturday.
Fic Summary: Prince Killian of the Enchanted Forest refuses to marry the woman that his brother has chosen for him, so he travels to Storybrooke in the Land Without Magic to find his own bride.
Rating: T for some strong language
Words: Ch1 2224 of 18K Total
Tags: S1 Canon Divergence, Inspired by Coming to America, Neal is an idiot, romantic fluff
AO3 Link
Tag LIst: @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @kingofmyheart14 @profdanglaisstuff @branlovestowrite @thisonesatellite @ultraluckycatnd @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @let-it-raines @shireness-says @kymbersmith-90 @darkcolinodonorgasm @bethacaciakay @searchingwardrobes @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @aprilqueen84 @qualitycoffeethings @superchocovian @artistic-writer @donteattheappleshook @doodlelolly0910 @seriouslyhooked @tiganasummertree @lfh1226-linda @nikkiemms @xsajx @klynn-stormz @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @zaharadessert @elizabeethan @xhookswenchx @gingerpolyglot @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @sailtoafarawayland @justanother-unluckysoul @veryverynotgoodwrites @jonesfandomfanatic @deckerstarblanche
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Under the cut unless Tumblr ate it
“Oh, she’s beautiful,” David whispered, awestruck.
Tears filled his eyes as he looked through the door at his other True Love. The little girl sat cross legged on the bed and slowly turned a page of the book in front of her.
David stared, dumbfounded, as a firm resolve filled him.
“We can’t waste another second,” he stated, vehemently. “We can’t wait another second.” He took a step toward the door when Snow’s softly spoken wait stopped him. “What? What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at his wife.
Her eyes were glued to their daughter until they skittered away to their surroundings and the door in front of them. Anywhere but at him.
“We can’t go through there.”
David was stunned, incredulity coloring his features. “Snow, we have to.”
She continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “If we go through that door, Emma will never become the savior.”
He turned back to the open door. To his daughter. He was heartbroken. He knew exactly what Snow was thinking. If they went through that door, they condemned their subjects, their friends, their family, to live under Regina’s curse, separated from their own loved ones, forever. But that couldn’t be true. Rumplestiltskin said to keep the child safe and she would return on her 28th birthday. No mention was made about the circumstances of her return, only that she would.
“She’ll have a new destiny.” He looked at Snow again. “With us. We will teach her. We will tell her everything. And when her 28th birthday arrives, we’ll all come back and she will break the curse.”
Snow’s tear filled eyes finally turned to him. “How do you know?”
“This family finds each other. We’ve found each other,” he said, taking her hands. He tilted his head slightly toward the open door, “We’ve found Emma. We will find the rest of our family when it’s time for her to break the curse.”
He saw the moment doubt was swallowed up by hope in her eyes. With a small nod and a smile, they turned and walked through the door.
18 years later
Emma Swan sat in the back seat of the family SUV with her brother Leo as they sped through the backwoods of rural Maine toward an uncertain and possibly perilous future. It was her 28th birthday and it was the day that her parents had been preparing her for ever since they came through the closet door to claim her so long ago.
The scenery outside her window went hazy around the edges as she got lost in the memory of the first time she met her parents. She hadn’t been frightened when these two strangers entered her bedroom through her closet door. Something about them seemed familiar. She knew in her marrow that she could trust them and when the woman fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, her arms open wide, and calling her name, Emma hadn’t hesitated to run into them. She rose to her feet with Emma held tightly in her arms, sobbing into her hair and placing kisses all over her face. Emma only caught snippets of what the woman was saying, but the words I’m your mom, I love you, we’ll never leave you, we’ll always be together sent Emma’s heart soaring. It was exactly what this little lost girl had always longed to hear. The man wrapped one arm around them both and cupped the back of her head with the other. She had never felt so safe and loved in all her life.
Now all these years later, it was time to fulfill her destiny. It wasn’t long after their reunion that they settled in Portland, Maine and her parents told her a story. A story through the pages of the book that her mother had brought through the door with her. A story that was more than just a fantasy. It was true. All of it. It was their story. It was her story. The story of where she came from… and what she was meant to do. Beginning with the day she was born, her parents told her why they had to get her to safety. How Doc of the Seven Dwarves delivered her only minutes before her father placed her in the magical wardrobe and the queen’s curse swept over the land. From there, they told her the true story of how Snow White and Prince Charming met and fell in love - very different from the Disney version - her mother’s history with the Evil Queen and how her father came to be in the position to even meet his True Love. She’d become intimately familiar with all the true stories in the book as she grew up, first her, then her brother Leo, and now it was time for her to save them all. She had to admit to being rather nervous about it. It was one thing to hear the story from her parents and believe it because of how young she was and because she trusted them. But it was entirely different to be a grown woman and solely responsible for bringing back all the happy endings for real people that her parents knew and loved. She was about to see everything from the storybook come to life.
Suddenly, her mother’s excited voice from the front seat roused her from her musings.
“There it is, David!” she exclaimed. “The town line!”
“I see it, I see it,” he replied.
Moments later, they crossed the town line and a chill passed over Emma’s entire body before something exploded out of her that nearly made her dad lose control of the car.
“What the hell was that?” Emma cried as her mom and brother shouted in alarm. She reached toward Leo’s shoulder while her other hand tried to find purchase on the door handle as her dad brought the car back under control. She looked out the window and saw a white shimmering something traveling across the sky toward the town. She saw her mom, dad, and brother craning their necks to see it too.
“I think…” her mom began, “that you just broke the curse, honey.”
“That’s it?” she asked, incredulous. “Just crossing the town line? That was all it took?”
“Apparently so,” her dad answered. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t still have to be on our guard.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his brow furrowed. “We don’t know what we’re going to find when we get to town. Regina and the Dark One are presumably still here somewhere.”
Silence reigned as they continued to drive toward the center of town in the direction of the white blast. A few minutes later, they turned onto the main street of the small town. Filling the street in front of them, people were laughing and hugging each other in reunions that were 28 years overdue. Her dad slammed on the brakes as her mom cried out, her hands flying to her mouth.
“Ruby! Granny!” She bolted from the car and ran toward a leggy brunette and older matronly woman. Emma could see the surprised joy on their faces as they turned and ran toward her mother. Emma and Leo got out slowly as their dad ran toward his wife as she embraced the two women. They approached the reunited and happy foursome just as seven men got their mom’s attention. Wide grins broke out on Emma and Leo’s faces as realization came over them. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Emma could hear her mom’s sobs as she tried to embrace them all at once. Once she’d finished greeting her dearest and oldest friends, her mom turned toward them.
“Everyone,” she began, “these are our children.” Her mom motioned them closer. “Emma and Leo.” Her brother suddenly looked quite different from the brash and bold teenager she knew. He looked equal parts dumbfounded and like he’d like to melt into the ground. Her father didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed his son’s shoulder and started introducing him individually to the dwarves, placing his arm around him.
“Emma?” asked Granny, drawing her attention again. “The Savior?” The old woman took steps toward Emma and tenderly cupped her face with her hands before kissing her on the cheek and drawing her into a hug. Emma knew the elderly woman from the storybook, but to be held in her arms in love and acceptance was nearly as good as the hug she received from her parents when they came for her.
“Papa,” another man further up the street shouted. He ran toward an older man that was walking toward the group with the aid of a cane.
The man turned, his face infused with disbelieving joy as the cane dropped and he took a hesitant step toward the other man. “Bae?”
Emma could feel the tears forming in her eyes as the men embraced each other. She had done this. She was the savior and she had given all these people the happy endings that the Evil Queen had taken away all because she refused to place the blame for the death of her love where it truly belonged. She turned back toward the crowd again as more reunions were taking place. She saw her parents embracing a red haired man with a dalmatian. Jiminy Cricket, she remembered.
Just at that moment, a joyous cry reached their ears and they all turned toward the sound. A young woman with wild brown hair and wearing nothing more than a dirty white shift ran toward the still embracing men as she launched herself into the older man’s arms and kissed him. A rainbow blast burst from them startling everyone gathered. They separated as the blast flew through the air and yet also concentrated around the man. The young woman’s eyes grew wide as the rainbow light grew brighter and brighter around him before finally fading away to nothing. The man had tears running down his cheeks as he reached for the young woman again. Emma watched her melt into his arms and could just hear him murmur, “Belle. It’s gone. You saved me.” The kiss they shared made Emma’s cheeks flame as she turned toward her dad.
“Huh,” he said. “Rumplestiltskin has a True Love. Who would have thought that?”
The couple separated again and the man she now knew was Rumplestiltskin, the practitioner of the darkest magic in the realm, the man that she had always thought of as the puppet master, since he seemed to have a part in every single story in the book, gathered both the young woman and the younger man to him as the three made their way toward their own group.
“Dark One,” her dad greeted the man with a curt nod.
“No more,” he answered, raising his chin just a bit. “Belle’s True Love’s Kiss just destroyed the Darkness. With my son here, I was ready to let go of the Darkness and find my happiness with my family beside me.”
Then a stately woman in a nun’s habit approached them.
“Your highnesses,” she began with a bow, “the curse is indeed broken. As is the Darkness that made the Dark One.”
Her dad reached out and placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Blue,” he said. “Thank you.” He turned back toward the crowd and raised his voice in an exuberant shout. “The curse is broken and the Darkness is no more!” The gathered crowd cheered along with him. Emma wiped away her tears and met the eyes of the man that had embraced the former Dark One. His eyes twinkled as he grinned broadly at her. She felt her heart rate increase and cheeks flush again as she turned her eyes back toward her parents.
It was moments later when she felt a presence at her back. She turned around and found herself captured by a pair of laughing brown eyes.
“Neal,” he said, holding his hand out for her to shake. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as if a sudden headache had come over him. “Baelfire. Neal Cassidy was my cursed name. But you can call me whatever you want.” He smiled again.
She took his hand and smiled back. “Emma,” she replied. “It’s nice to meet you, Neal.”
She could see her mom and brother over Neal’s shoulder exchange a stern and sheepish look. She knew that Leo, at 17, would love nothing more than to tease her about the man in front of her, but thankfully, their mother caught his eye before he could. She rolled her eyes at them before directing her attention back to him.
“Uh, thanks,” he said, “for uh, breaking the curse.” She couldn’t help but smile wider at his clumsy attempts to make small talk.
“You’re welcome?” she answered, with a shrug. “I mean, I didn’t really do anything, just crossed the town line…” she trailed away.
“But, I m-mean,” he stammered, “it was more than that. You…” he shrugged helplessly, apparently at a loss for what to say next. “Listen,” he said, brightening, “Could I show you around town? Maybe buy you a cup of coffee?”
Emma grinned widely. “I’d like that.” She looped her arm through his and he led her away from the rest of the crowd.
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anotherninjagoblog · 4 years
Ehhhhh the title is iffy. :P 
This fic has been in my drafts for a while, and I’m actually really proud of how it turned out! I really took my time, and I hope y’all like it just as much as I do <3. Special thanks to ellieloves2read, fizzysugarwater, and miraculous-ninjabird who commented their headcanons on my last post! It really helped me out with the last couple passages :)
Summary: Being sick and having new relationship anxiety towards your best-friend turned boyfriend sucks. (Bruiseshipping/Geodeshipping)
“You sure you don’t want us to give you a ride home?”
“Yeah,” he paused, pulling the scarf over his mouth and nose, suddenly getting the urge to sneeze again.
A second later and the feeling went away. 
“Cole is going to drive me.” Jay said, finishing his sentence.
He pulled his scarf down again, his breath coming out in a small fog. It was a cold Friday night, and he and Nya had gone with Lloyd to watch the football game. Not only to support Nya’s brother Kai, but Jay’s boyfriend Cole. 
Jay’s heart thumped in his chest. Boyfriend was such a nice word.
The game had ended ten minutes ago with Ninjago High securing a victory that night. With the football team yet to come out of the stadium’s locker room, and Lloyd having already being picked up by his father, it left Jay and Nya shivering as they stood over by the gate directly across from where Cole and Kai would exit. Everyone else was already leaving, undoubtedly to rush to their cars and blast their heaters on the way to their nice warm houses.
Nya gave him a skeptical look, narrowing her eyes. “Dude, come on, you look way worse than when you showed up.”
Well, she’s not wrong, Jay thought to himself.
He should have known he was going to end up sick. That foreboding feeling had been following him for a couple days now, the runny nose, the beginnings of a sore, scratchy throat. 
Before he had left for school that day, he ended up taking cold syrup as a precaution. But now that he was standing there, sniffling and sneezing, he realized he should have taken more, or at least taken it with him. And to tell the truth, he was absolutely suffering. He hated everything having to do with being sick since forever.
Nya, who had steadily watched his condition worsen and the night become colder, had continually offered him the choice to leave together. But, the thought of not being there to support Cole when he could just suck it up (a little while longer, he repeated as an internal mantra) ate at him just a tiny bit more. 
“It’s uh, not as bad as it looks?” He croaked, giving a weak smile. The pain in his throat seemed to resonate with every word he spoke. Jay fought the need to pull at his scarf again. 
Nya rolled her eyes. She was not convinced. 
“Nya! Jay!”
The duo turned around to the sound of Cole’s voice to see him and Kai jogging over to where they were standing. 
Jay felt warm at the call. Smiling, he gave a wave as they got closer. 
Kai jogged a bit faster, hooking his arms around Jay and Nya. Despite how cold it had gotten, Kai only seemed to radiate heat through his sweatshirt. “Did you see me out there? Other team didn’t know what hit em’.” He paused, looking around. “Greenie leave already?”
“Yeah,” Jay answered. “You guys-” Something in his chest tightened, and Jay immediately pulled away from Kai as he suddenly broke out into a coughing fit. 
“-did great.” He finished, his voice coming out raspy. When he turned back around, Kai and Nya had taken their distance from his mini germ explosion, while Cole only kept moving towards him.
Before he could utter a hello, Cole placed a hand on his forehead, before repeatedly replacing it on his cheek and forehead once again. 
He held Jay’s face in between his hands, a concerned look gracing his features.
“You’re running a fever.” 
...So it wasn’t just the blushing from their reunion.
Ignoring the discomfort bubbling inside from the symptoms of his cold, Jay stepped back.
“I um, might be coming down with something.” He answered, pulling the edge of the scarf over his mouth.
“You literally sounded as if you were about to hack up a lung!” Interjected Kai, who was still, rightfully so, keeping his difference.
Nya left her spot next to her brother and walked up beside Cole. “I tried telling him. Even Lloyd offered. But you know, he was really compelled by the power of looooove,” she drawled. 
Jay was about to make some sort of retort when Cole offered him his hand.
“Let’s get you home, okay?” He said gently.
Jay nodded. Now he was really about to melt.
They bid their goodbyes until Monday to Kai and Nya before they walked off in separate directions to their cars. The walk to Cole’s truck felt much longer than it was, and Jay kind of felt like he was beginning to space out, Cole’s hand and the sound of their footsteps on the pavement serving as his only tether.
They were about to approach his truck when another car had pulled up next to them. It was a couple of other guys from the football team Jay could just barely make out in the dark.
“Yo Cole! We’re going out to eat to celebrate - you coming?”
“Nah man, go without me!” Cole said, waving them off. The truck just steps away, Cole shifted his heavy bag onto one shoulder, before pulling the keys out of his pocket. The doors unlocked with a small click and a flash of the headlights. “Come on Bluebell.” he said, letting go of Jay’s hand.
Jay climbed into the passenger side without another word, closing the door and automatically putting on his seatbelt. 
Cole climbed in right after, shoving his bag into the backseat before he shut the door behind him. He rubbed his hands together and turned on the truck, cranking up the heater full blast.
“Check in there will you?” Cole asked, pointing at the glovebox. “Or, I might have some cough drops around...somewhere....” he said, his voice trailing off as he opened the middle compartment between the seats.
Jay opened up the glovebox but could not find the cough drops. Cole had noticed.
“No? Okay, we’ll just get you some.” Cole said, before buckling his seatbelt. 
“It’s worse than I thought. You’re completely quiet.” He looked over his shoulder, backing out of the parking space. 
As they drove out of the lot, Jay finally spoke up.
“You should have gone with them. Don’t want to keep you from all the fun.”
Cole frowned, his eyes still focused on the road. “Jay. It’s not a problem. I promise you.”
“Okay.” Jay leaned back into the seat, watching the lights pass by outside his window. He felt so warm, so safe, and so tired, that maybe he could fall asleep...just for...a li...a little while.
He awoke to a gentle shake of the shoulder.
“Jay. Babe.” 
Jay blinked slowly. Upon realizing he was not home in bed, and instead, still in Cole’s truck, he sat up, startled.
“W-what? ...What happened?” He mumbled quickly. “Why did we stop?”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Cole replied, leaning over, placing a hand on his cheek. Jay looked out the front window, the red neon lights of the pharmacy practically burning into his post-sleep vision. He turned back to look at Cole.
“I’m going to run inside, get you a couple things.” He turned around quickly, pulling the keys out of the ignition. “Hold onto these.”
 Jay sat up as Cole shoved the keys into his hand. “Lock the door. I’ll be back.”
And in a split moment, he was already out the truck, Jay watching as he quickly made his way over to the entrance. As Cole disappeared inside, Jay pressed the door lock, before leaning into the seat again. He could feel a headache coming on. 
Ugh, as if the sore throat wasn’t bad enough.
Maybe he should have gone home earlier. 
Especially since his germs were bound to have spread all over the interior of Cole’s truck.
And now he was in there, spending money on him. 
Jay shifted in his seat, the cold slowly beginning to seep in from outside. 
Maybe this was a mistake. 
But it didn’t feel like a mistake. His feelings were real, unapologetic in the way only one look at Cole made his heart flutter. And, maybe he imagined it, but he swore - he swore that he could see the love he felt in his heart in Cole’s eyes.
Jay absolutely loved that they were together. But, what if he was too whiny? Too self-conscious? What if everything he did secretly annoyed Cole? To the point where he would break up with him and stop being friends with him?
Jay tugged at his sleeve. They knew how to be friends, but this whole boyfriend thing is another level. 
What if...
A sharp knock on the door abruptly cut him out of his thoughts, and effectively startled Jay in his seat. 
He turned his head to look out the drivers’ side window to see Cole waiting, his hand on the door handle.
Taking a breath to settle the soul that had nearly leapt from his body, Jay then picked up the keys from their place on his lap, and pressed the button. 
Cole opened the door and climbed in, the loud rustling of a plastic bag filling in the silence. He shut the door behind him, and smiled at Jay, raising the bag up beside his face.
“Let me turn on the heater again, it’s getting cold in here.” Jay handed Cole the keys, and he waited for the heat to blast in through the vents before turning in his seat to face Jay. 
“For you.” 
Jay gingerly received the bag from him, and peered in to view the contents. Cole reached up over his head, turning on the cabin light. 
It was a bag full of goodies to any sick person if he ever saw one. Pulling it closer and setting it on his lap for proper inspection, he began to rummage through it.
At the top of the bag were tissues, and to his delight, there was a box of the special ones - the ones that didn’t make your nose red every time you had to blow - as well as many pocket-sized packs. As if that wasn’t great already, there were two medium sized bags of cough drops - mint and cherry. A bottle of cold medicine, and just peeking underneath- 
“No way.” Jay said aloud in amused disbelief.
“For your throat.” Cole replied, smiling.
Jay pulled out the small pint of ice cream. 
Birthday cake was his favorite.
He looked at it a moment longer before tears suddenly began to well up in his eyes.
There it was again. The concern, the care in his voice-
Jay began to cry. He gently set the pint in the bag before using his sweater sleeve to wipe his eyes. 
Cole leaned over, placing a hand on his knee. “Jay, what’s the matter? Are you feeling worse? What hurts?”
Jay sniffled, before hastily wiping at his eyes again. 
He looked at Cole, giving him the best smile he could. “You’re so...amazing.”
Cole returned a small smile, brushing aside a stray tear on Jay’s face. 
But the concern was still there. Jay could tell.
Jay nodded, pulled out the box of tissues, and tore it open.
At the sound of the front door opening, Edna quickly set aside the book she had been reading. “Jay! I was just about to call when - oh honey you look awful!” She walked over from her spot at the couch, going up to the both of them.
“Gee, thanks Ma.” He replied sarcastically, then winced at the sting in his throat. He needed another cough drop. Or maybe he could open up the ice cream now. 
“Oh hello Cole! Thank you for bringing Jay home.”
Cole smiled. “It’s really no problem, Mrs. Walker.”
“You’re such a nice young man, you know, I was really happy when Jay told us you were dating!”
“Ma!” Jay grimaced at the pain from the sudden strain in his voice. “Um, can you put this is the freezer for me?” He dug into the bag quickly, pulling out the pint of ice cream, and held it out to his mother. “Before it melts.”
“Oh, alright.” She said, chuckling. 
As soon as she turned away, Jay headed to his room, Cole trailing behind him. 
He pushed open the door and turned on the lights.
Jay walked over to the dresser, setting the bag on top, before shedding his sweater and scarf and placing it in the hamper. 
Cole busied himself with looking at some of the old posters on Jay’s wall while he changed into a pair of sweatpants. 
Cole turned around, meeting his gaze.
“So, uh, see you Monday?”
Cole paused, thinking for a moment before replying. 
“Did you want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?”
Cole set the backpack down beside the door. “What happened, back in the truck.”
Jay reached for a tissue, and crumbled it in his hand. “I don’t know - I just feel sick and it’s screwing with me, I guess.” He sniffled, and stepped closer to his bed before plopping himself down on the edge. “I think I just need to sleep it off.” He said to himself, before falling backwards onto the mattress. 
The light was too bright, so Jay placed his arm over his eyes. In seconds, he heard Cole moving around. He felt the bed indent as Cole sat next to him.
Jay moved his arm aside, and saw Cole offering him a dose of the medicine in the small plastic cup. Cole offered his free hand, and pulled him up. 
He took the medicine from him, downing it in one bitter gulp. Yuck.
They sat in silence before Cole spoke up. 
“You could tell me anything before, and you can still tell me anything now. That doesn’t have to change.”
“I know.” Jay pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s just- I don’t think I’m all that great, you know? You? You’re amazing. Everybody wants to be your friend. You always know what to say, and you seem so good at this.” Jay said, making a gesture between the both of them. “But what about me? I’m not cool, and I know I can get on people’s nerves- sometimes I talk too much, and I just end up thinking about why you’re with me. I really care about you Cole, I really do, but what if doesn’t work? I just...I don’t want to lose you, ever.”
“Jay.” Cole said. “Deep breath in.”
Jay took a breath the best he could without coughing, before releasing it slowly out his mouth. “Deep breath out.” He murmured in response. 
“See? Perfect.” Jay slumped against Cole’s side, and the latter wrapped an arm around him.
“Hear me out.” Cole began, his voice a beat softer. “I know we’re still new to this. But, that doesn’t mean it won’t work.” He paused a moment. “...Love takes work. And I’m willing to put all of that into us. If you let me. But I promise. We will never lose each other. So for now...let’s just take things one step at a time.”
“Together?” Jay asked. 
Cole smiled. “Together.”
Oh no, Jay thought.  He was giving him that smile - the handsome one. Without thinking, he moved closer, pressing a quick kiss upon his boyfriend’s lips. 
It didn’t take longer than a second for Jay to realize what he did. “Oh my gosh! I forgot! Now I-”
Cole kissed him, cutting him off.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just come take care of me too when I’m sick, alright?”
“Deal.” Jay agreed, with a dopey smile on his face and his heart still beating.
Cole pulled his phone out of his pocket, and unlocked the screen. “It’s getting late. I should probably go, let you get some rest.” 
“Wait.” He said, grabbing Cole’s hand. “Stay with me until I fall asleep?”
“I probably stink.”
“Don’t care. Can’t really smell now anyways.” He retorted, with a sniffle at the end. 
“Okay.” Cole said, giving in. “Let me get you a couple tissues first.”
“Feel better?” Cole whispered. 
“....Yeah..” Jay responded sleepily.
The room was dark - only a small crack at the door allowed some of the light from the hallway to spill in
Cole was propped up against the headboard, both of Jay’s arms wrapped around his waist. He moved, making sure the blankets were snugly tucked around him. A touch to Jay’s forehead confirmed the fever was going down. 
“You still listening?” He asked.
Cole could tell he wasn’t really awake, so he went on to speak anyways.
“Sometimes I wish you saw yourself the way I do. You...everything you do makes me happy.” He said, brushing a curl behind Jay’s ear. “When you talk everyone’s ear off,” Cole chuckled, “I am more than willing to listen to every word that comes out of your mouth so long that I can see that sparkle in your eye. You’re passionate about everything you like, everything you do. I love seeing the excitement you have even for the simplest of things.”
He looked down at Jay again, who was already asleep.
“I would do anything to see you smile. I am so glad to be with you, to be your, best friend, to be your boyfriend. I want to remind you every single day.”
Cole waited a moment longer, before planting a kiss to Jay’s forehead. He grabbed a pillow, and helped position Jay in a way that would help him breathe easier throughout the night. He moved away, and his boyfriend barely stirred. 
Cole got out of bed, and was about to walk into the hallway before he stopped at the doorway. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he quickly typed out a text before gently closing the door behind him. 
Jay’s phone illuminated on the bedstand. 
Love you. I’ll be back later. 
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where-dreamers-go · 3 years
I’d love a platonic Boba Fett x Mandalorian! reader where reader worked with the clones as a kid, so she got really good at telling them apart by the tiniest details! So when he meets her on a hunt or something she recognizes him immediately and they catch up over a meal. Then they maybe finish the hunt together or just just talk about fights they’ve been in? Thank you dear!!
“Reunion” Boba Fett x Mandalorian!Reader
(A/N: Requested by the awesome @the-and-sign-anon.
Here’s some platonic Boba Fett fanfiction for yah! I feel like this has taken me a year to do, but it hasn’t, obviously. I just want it to be cool. I hope you like it! This is my first time writing for Boba Fett.
Aliit - family
Beskar’gam - armor
Buir - father
Vod - brother
Warnings: Canon violence (blasters). Death (no details).
Word Count: 1,445 words)
Late afternoon on an Outer Rim planet was not out of the norm for you. The system’s small sun casted long shadows behind the roughly structured buildings. A coolness crept into the air as evening grew near.
Perched atop of a well used cantina, you awaited a clearing near your intended location across the main square. You preferred less attention where you were going. The less people at small tucked-away building’s entrance the better.
It should not be much longer, you thought.
Earlier in the day, you had staked out the surroundings and where exactly you were to get the object. The bounty of the hunt. Was the objected named by the one who hired you? No, they had only told you who had it and where. Then added that it was valuable and quite decorative.
Helpful, you mused sarcastically.
Standing up, you decided that you would make it the right time to grab what you needed. The shortcut route would be best. Not the fastest way per se, but more your style. Rooftops were fine walkways in their own right. You were more interested in keeping the high ground. Only being in the area for less than twenty-four hours was a semi-followed rule of yours. Plus there were sightings of other bounty hunters.
It was prime opportunity to get the object of the bounty and leave. No more further delays.
Armor glinting in the sunlight, you kept your shadow hidden within the growing darkness cast by buildings and their antennae.
Three buildings and clothesline away from the unguarded door, you paused.
A bounty hunter.
You knew of course that there were others hired to grab the same object, however the one that caught you eye did not tickle your fancy nor did you care for their style. Too flashy with his large weaponry and inflated attitude. He was strutting a little too close to the door of your objective. Not to forget he was causing more trouble than needed. Pushing citizens around physically and verbally was unnecessary.
Can easily get passed him while he’s occupied. You thought, boot pointed in the direction of a small balcony below. Just—
Green paint grabbed your full attention. A very specific colored Beskar’gam in the next structure over. The sight of the colors and their arrangement lead you into a pursuit. The Mandalorian was steadily leaving a building. Closer. A small dent on his helmet.
You smiled, your thoughts on the bounty pushed aside.
Time to say ‘hello’, you thought as you leaped down into the dusty path.
A blaster was already lowering from its aim as you rose to your full height, meaning he recognized you.
The Mandalorian’s stance was slightly relaxed yet bent and ready to move. There were a few moments of long silence. Two Mandalorians watching one another.
“Are you just gonna stand there quietly?” A modulated male voice spoke from the green helmet. An accent in his voice pulled the air from your lungs. The familiarity striking and comforting.
“I wanted to give dramatic effect.” You said as you lifted one of your blaster pistols.
“Not sure your knees will approve.”
“Probably not.”
The grin you held disappeared as someone rounded the corner. A tall weapon in their hand. The bounty hunter you had spotted before. Not a well known one, you had not heard much of him. Only disliked any time you crossed paths, however briefly.
“Two Mandalorians? What…are you two after the bounty?” He laughed. “Why don’t you go shine your armor.” With loud steps, he walked closer. “Something you’re good at, right?”
That one’s unreasonable, you thought.
“If you’re after the bounty, why stop and chat?” You asked.
“What are you gonna do about it?” They clicked their tongue. “I’m going to get it anyway. Can’t have dusty troopers in my light.” A gloved finger edged to the trigger of his weapon as he continued forward. “Rona Olien. I’m that good.”
You and Boba turned your helmets to face one another. A silent conversation and decision transpired.
You charged forward in a crouch as the first round of blaster fire came from the bounty hunter’s modified weapon. The blasts stopped as the bounty hunter, Olien, staggered back as a blasterbolt hit them in the shoulder. Boba’s doing. Using the blunt end of your blaster pistol, you hit the side of the man’s head. The bounty hunter landed on the ground in a heap, groaning.
Walking up beside you, Boba kicked the large weapon out from Olien’s grip.
“If you’re going to shoot a Mandalorian, next time have better aim,” said Boba.
The two of you started walking away from the man. That was until a laser fire hit the wall of a building beside you.
In a flash of color, Boba had angled in a twist and had fired his blaster.
“They were quite rude,” you said as Boba turned back to you.
“No honor.” Your brother lowered his weapon and walked with you to the destination.
It did not take long for the both of you to enter the building and find what you were after. A little digging and Boba had it in his grasp.
“A vase?” You tilted your helmet-protected head.
“An expensive vase.” Boba clarified. Rotating the piece, he examined it.
“Is it more or less than the job?”
“A bit more. Not by much.”
“Is it enough for you?”
His green and silver helmet turned in your direction. “It’s enough that we can split the difference for the job. And don’t tell me you don’t need it.”
You raised your hands in mock defense.
“Come on,” Boba turned on his heel. “They can wait one more day for their vase.”
His words surprised you. Yet you knew deep down that family meant a great deal more to him than a job.
You and your brother walked to a decent hotel and rented a room for the night; after grabbing some food of course. Neither of you wanted to part ways immediately. Besides, communicating via two separate ships was not an ideal way of spending time with family you had not seen in years.
Once in the quiet and privacy of the room, you relaxed. The food, vase, and weapons were put aside.
“It’s good to see you, vod.” You walked up to one another and inclined your helmets together.
“I’ve missed you.” Boba took a step back. “There’s a dent in your shoulder piece.”
“I know,” you groaned. “Too bad it wasn’t on my helmet then we’d match.”
You shook your head, smiling. There were more scuff marks on his armor than you remembered. Then again, so did yours. You had not seen one another in more than two years. Taking different opportunities tended to do that.
Living in an Empire was much different than whatever it really was when you were younger. You and Boba practically grew up together on Kamino. A rainy world where all you two saw was the insides of the cloning facility. The three of you, your shared father included, stayed there together. Jango Fett, your buir, had found you on a battle-worn world and brought you into the aliit, family, where Boba was your constant companion. A vod who was your only aliit after the battle on Geonosis.
Lives could always change so suddenly. Ones who lived together and depended on one another could find themselves on opposite ends of the galaxy.
Comfortable where you were, you started removing your armor and setting it down in your preferred arrangement. It was strange to have your helmet off while in the presence of another, however your vod was a major exception. The was a freedom to it all, the familiarity and the opportunity to just be yourself with on you trusted.
“That guy from earlier…,” you started as you yanked off your boots. “Have you seen him before?”
“Once or twice. He’s sloppy.”
“And had an ego the size of a rancor’s butt.”
He chuckled at your comment.
“Tomorrow,” you sat back in your seat, “I think you should give them the vase. Just in case they think of shortening you credits because I’m with you.”
“Changing subjects fast….They wouldn’t dare.”
“Just in case. Plus the whole bounty hunter image…”
He scoffed. “You’re my aliit.” Sighing, he nodded. “Fine.”
“Now that’s settled.” You grabbed the food and brought it closer. “Let’s eat.”
And eat, you did. Lounging about, the two of you talked and joked about the past. Catching up was half the fun. Making new memories was even better.
“I really have missed you, Boba.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Star Wars Tags: @darkenwolfy @sweetheartliz07 
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