#I’m joining the twitter au thing that I’ve seen on here
michellemisfit · 10 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday
Thank you @darlingian for creating this week’s game. Thanks for the tag @juliakayyy @lingy910y @jrooc @sam-loves-seb @mmmichyyy @mickeysgaymom @deedala @metalheadmickey @creepkinginc @stocious @mybrainismelted @energievie
Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? 
Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters) would be pretty cool, AND magic.
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
Do laws include laws of science and… y’know… reality? If not… Mother fucking dragon, baby!
What is your Chinese takeout order? 
Salt & Pepper chicken. Duck pancakes. Satay chicken. Prawn crackers. An insane quantity of spring rolls for @rutherinahobbit
What's your favorite emoji?
I’ve become very fond of 🫡, but the one I use most often is probably 🥺 - it’s literally my face. I look at Ruth like that and say ‘I am the emoticon’ and then she has to be nice to me… 🥺
Would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
Library. For the aesthetic and the comfy comfy reading nooks! Also I would be able to have all my favourite fic bound and displayed in the library <3 <3 <3
What childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
My Little Pony and Animals Of Farthing Wood
What was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I had it for longer, but I first started really using it for Shadowhunters, and 90% of the fandom was here, before it largely moved to Twitter, and now has been struggling to move back, so has sort of become a bit homeless 🥺
What clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?
Anything neat and tailored. I think it looks fly AF, but I have neither the body type nor the patience for it.
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Stars Hallow is really good shout I’ve seen other people use. Also any fictional TV show that basically takes place in a home, only. I’d be all over that! haha
What is your favorite piece of art? 
I’ve been obsessed with ‘Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening’ ever since I was about 10 years old.
Do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
I recently broke my water bottle so I’ve got a temporary replacement one and I hate it. It’s boring and too big and not the right shape. Grr.
What fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I’m pretty loud about all my fic feelings. Sometimes I unexpectedly enjoy a Mafia/Crime AU, though I would never go looking for it!
Do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
I’ve got three. A tote bag for when I bring lunch Tupperwares into work or otherwise have to transport big things. A large backpack for when I bring my laptop into work or travel. And a tiiiiiiiny backpack (smaller than A5) and the weirdest thing is how much stuff I manage to fit into it! First Aid Kit. Sewing Kit. Wallet. Phone. Portable Phone Charger. Sunglasses. Tissues. Cigarettes. House keys. Pill box. Misc. hair things for when other people need them.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Carl. Ultimate chaos couple!!!! 🙌
What is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
We all know the old adage: You're only ever one good fic away from developing that weird kink you keep making jokes about, stay humble.
There’s nothing that hits quite the way an unexpected horny swoop hits! Stay humble. Stay open. Stay curious.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
Mickey Milkovich voice: YUP YUP
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
Agree with @lingy910y - I absolutely see Mickey and Carl fighting for the bat! it’s their potato masher!! <3
Tagging @silvanshadow @captainjowl @thisdivorce @crestfallercanyon @heymacy @ohkate @too-schoolforcool @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @callivich @crossmydna @palepinkgoat @vintagelacerosette @the-rat-wins @tsuga-of-mars @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @ian-galagher @imikhailotakeyouian @mikhailoisbaby @depressedstressedlemonzest
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
hey hey mary, i personally like jegulily but i want to give some of the reasons why people might not like reg/lily, because like i have thought about it in the past, but basically i'm not sure if people view it as a personality shift on reg's part so much as like the expression of his bigoted beliefs. like yes he's conflicted, yes he's capable of change, but i can understand why it might rub people the wrong way shipping someone who is at the very least nominally a blood supremacist with a muggleborn. i do think there are ways around it, like in an au for example, but yeah, i do think there are reasonable reasons for people to not be super comfy with reg/lily. though, at the same time ummmm not everyone in this fandom is good at respectfully expressing their opinions or knowing when to leave others well enough alone, so i fully get the frustration. i hope this come across as respectful, i apologise if my tone is off in places!
oh you’re totally coming across as respectful!
that’s a part of the conversation that i am open to, and a part of that dynamic that i think should be treated carefully and with respect. this isn’t really about that side of not liking jegulily, because that’s a reasonable reason why. that reason is not one i would get upset by at all.
i’ve even expressed that i think jegulily or regulily works best in an au. i am not blind to that. but in general, whether it’s an au or not, people are like disgusted by lily and regulus being a ship or in jegulily. i really think peoples problem here (in au’s and beyond) stems from them being unable to see regulus in a meaningful romantic/sexual relationship with a woman (which if that’s simply because you hc him as a gay man, then fair enough and much respect to you! but you don’t have to shit on people that hc him with a different sexuality, which i have seen a lot of.)
i added another part on twitter about how regulus is only allowed to be flawed when in a same sex relationship (or additionally when he’s in no relationship at all.) like moonseeker is a thing, a ship with a half blood werewolf and a pureblood on opposite sides of a war, and there is no problem exploring regulus’s morally gray tendencies there. and when he’s shipped with barty, people seem to be fine with making him an absolute menace to society.
but i do agree that the canon world makes regulily/jegulily/or even a lily/regulus friendship a bit more difficult, but even then i don’t think it would be impossible or crazy. lily was friends with snape for so long, so she at least was capable of morally gray thinking and compassion (not that she had to be compassionate or understanding at all or anything. if she just started spitting in the face of snape and/or regulus, i would cheer her on honestly.)
but also (sorry for all my rambling usage of “but”) i think regulily/jegulily can be done well in canon if treated with that aforementioned respect and care. so many canon compliant fics are out there where regulus joins the death eaters and still is morally gray and does the whole horcrux shit and is a sympathetic character, it’s just always limited to specifics ships, which frustrates me a bit.
anyways, i don’t know how to end this little ramble i went on. so thank you for bringing this up! i love having little discussions like this, so yeah. i’m always open to this stuff <333
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phoenixtakaramono · 11 months
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I gave into temptation and liked and retweeted The Boys S4 promo posters, etc 😔 this doesn’t help the recommended period of inactivity where Twitter unshadowbans your account but what’s one more week of inactivity there?
At this point, it’s already been two times X has put my account on Search Suggestion Ban immediately again after retweeting/ liking/ or posting something 😑 I have accepted my fate. At the very least for logged in users, you can access the threadfics so that’s the silver lining. I’ve also seen people liking, commenting, and retweeting some of my things there which makes me happy because supposedly engagement will help. I’m in the process of looking for more accounts to follow since that apparently also plays into the Twt AI deciding if I’m a spam bot account.
I’m gonna give it one more week of inactivity to see just in case the last search suggestion ban does lift again (🙄). But I have pretty much accepted my fate that my account is probably gonna be forever Search Suggestion Banned. You’ll just have to log in to be able to see my content there.
We’re gonna do one more test where I’m gonna tweet Part III of the Sugar Baby AU threadfic (likely 25-50 tweets update)—and see if that lands me in hot water again. If it doesn’t, good; we’ll continue as usual. If not, whelp, “porting to AO3 time as part of a series earlier than I’d planned to” we go.
Expect the threadfic update^ sometime around the week of 11/17-11/26.
Lastly, the next work of mine to be updated will be Truce ch3. I’m gonna spend maybe 1 more week or 2 of my writing break to catch up on reading a fellow writer friend’s work as a lil comment exchange we promised each other (you know who you are 🥰) and maybe 1 other writer’s work if they publish their last chapter within this period of time (you also know who you are 😘), but after my break is over I’ll resume writing Truce. Sneak peeks will be posted here & twitter.
I think I have PTSD from the page count from the previous chapter /hj. It’s just something about writing in Billy’s POV that makes me unintentionally write longer than expected (he’s toppled Luo Binghe’s crown of the ML Who’s Made This Author Spit Blood at the Final Pagecount Just Because the Chapter is in His POV). And ch3, surprise surprise, is gonna be in Billy’s POV again. It’s also literally my favorite chapter because we have an Outerspace “Date” (it’s a satire of Superman/ Lois Lane; this scene may or may not also be illustrated depending on my mood), a chapter illustration for the official NS/FW First Time Together for our lads, and the “twist” with the bombastic ending of ch3 where Billy joins the Seven.
My hope is that Truce remains 4 chapters only—but it depends on the final pagecount per chapter. *knocks on wood 3x*
I’m gonna try to update ch3 by the time the Christmas holiday rolls around, if not then it’s the New Year like we had for the previous chapter. The reason being: I have two new scenes that have to be added to ch3 and I’m putting in perhaps a couple kernels of S4 things. If I can keep Part II to below 113 pages, it will be a gosh darn miracle—but we’re gonna try. I’ll keep y’all updated on the status, especially when I start writing again.
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boobchuy · 2 years
Did you like the finale? I personally liked it, except for maybe a few things, but I’ve seen a lot of ppl saying they don’t like it on twt. I really like your art so I’m just curious lol
anon I'm gonna use this chance to brainvomit my thoughts about it I hope u dont mind but u gave me the opening so I MUST BITE IT LIKE A RABID DOG
but, tl;dr is that I loved the finale as a whole, w a few gripes here and there bc nothing is perfect and that's okay
To be more specific, here is me crying and rambling <3
Things that I liked :))
* first and foremost, this is the story that matt has had in his vision for years. this is what he wanted to do, what amphibia stands for, just a big metaphor for change, and just for that alone I love this finale to bits, and will hold it dear in my heart for many years to come.
* I got what I wanted and MORE, that is; rule of three anne dying. this has been something I've been looking forward to since I joined the fandom and saw a post abt how Marcy and Sasha almost died in season finales, and wondering whos turn it was next. just. The whump of it all, y'know. AND THE OUTCOME AND CONSEQUENCE, IS SO MUCH BIGGER AND BETTER TO EXPLORE THAN I COULDVE INITIALLY THOUGHT
I don't know about you but knowing that Anne's tied to this powerful entity, to see that scene of her talking with god, essentially, it just manages to scritch a really good part of my brain. There's just, so much to explore from that scene, and it was such a pleasant surprise even if it feels quite a bit sudden LOL. for all intents and purposes, the little kid in me is screaming that it's very very cool, and I can't wait to attempt and make it cooler. (Plus, the AUs of just this one scene can inspire are ENDLESSSSS, so excited to dig into it more)
* calamity trio fight scene. Need I say more. TJ hill I need the soundtrack of that it was so uplifting and cool and ughuh legend. You can tell the absolute fun and love that was put into it, from the character gestures, the expressions I fucking adore it so much. Easily the happiest part of the finale, a glimmer of light for how much the episode broke me :)
* ANDRIAS. andrias. Andrias... (Weeping). the reunion parallel. it broke me. and even though he's done a lot of bad things, and that's putting it lightly, I'm glad that he lived. I just can't help but feel sad for the kind of past he has, and I'm happy that he's given a chance to heal. that, along with the fact that just killing him off is the easy way out- make him do the work of trying to heal what he has destroyed; him being shown planting seeds and making things grow, with parts of his old friends attached on his person, it's a quiet, peaceful moment for him, and a very satisfying one for me.
* this is moreso a confession than me listing a pro. right up to the last few weeks of amphibia's finale, I had this really really really quiet fear in the back of my head that the plantars might get shoved aside in favor of calamity trio ToT, that's just the brain making up dumb problems, of course, and though as heartbreaking as it could be, I enjoyed that the show proved that wrong for me.
I fell in love with their characters, and the farewell scene with the plantars, it's so so so dear to my heart. Anne calling Polly her little sister, every word that hop pop said to Anne, the cut to sprig as he gripped his hat tight, tearing up. The way Anne's face was so scrunched up as she tried to comfort him. That last spranne hug, how it was animated so well, how heartfelt it was. God. I've been crying since I mentioned Polly while I typed this. That goodbye scene is everything, and even if people didn't like it for the sadness it caused, they shot it out of the park. Most emotional I've been in the show, tops.
* I went on a whole tangent about it on twitter yesterday, but Anne's death scene is equally as heart wrenching. I won't go over it like I did, but the two key moments that really broke me was when sprig and frobo brought her down, sprig was SMILING. trying to reassure himself and Anne that everything's gonna be okay, and there's this moment where he looks to the others as if saying 'its gonna be okay, right?', and the cut to Sasha and Marcy's heartbroken and horrified expressions. ITS JUST SO (pls excuse my language) FUCKING. FUCK FHCK FJCK. the the other moment, was Anne still managing to crack a joke and making her fam (AND MYSELF MIGHT I FUCKING ADD, HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY LAUGH AS YOU DIE) laugh one last time before she turns into leaves
* the future time skip designs. *eats them*
my other feelings 👍;
* THIS MIGHT SEEM LIKE A CONTROVERSIAL OPINION. BUT. it felt, really off-putting and sad for me that Anne chose to be a herpetologist. IT FELT LIKE SHE WAS BEING STUCK IN THE PASTTTT, holding onto those memories for as long as she could. the strongest of feelings I've had w that has long since worn down as the hours went by, though. I want to believe that she eventually either grows to love this job genuinely for the sake of how happy it makes her, or she branches out more onto other things that aren't just related to frogs.
* I feelll like they could have done a better job tweaking sasharcys dialogue in the time skip. I don't mind that it was 10 years later, and IVE BEEN A FIRM BELIEVER ON SASHANNARCY GETTING SEPARATED SINCE THE VERY START, but, the part about how it's implied that once Marcy moved, they haven't kept in touch 😭??? hence her asking then on how Sasha and Anne have been doing only 10 years later??? I know we grow apart but I don't think it'd be that quick ... I think, I'll just chalk it up to them having not that much leeway on how to stir the conversation in that direction. Otherwise, sasharcys job careers make my heart feel full, they've really grown into themselves, into people that we didn't expect, and I think that that's wonderful.
* I don't really feel all that negative about the fact that the portal between worlds doesn't work anymore, mostly bc, I refuse to believe that it isn't possible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
canon didn't even really imply there being one, but that didn't stop them from encouraging it a little bit. the stone guardian giving anne those last crumbs of power to go home is an orchard ripe for picking that says just how much more could be explored. And I wasn't as devastated because genuinely, I do believe there's a day where they will see each other again, whether that gets confirmed or not, it's something I'll hold to dear to myself til I eventually, move on from amphibia too.
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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Come as You Are by @peachpety
Harry/Draco, Ron/Pansy (2021, Explicit, 3.8k)
If asked, Harry Potter would categorize his high school senior year as normal: football, friends, and one devastating crush on his tutor, Draco Malfoy. When presented with an opportunity to help Draco, Harry rises to the occasion. Unfortunately, so does his dick. Sparks fly and alarms blare… and the Hogwarts Owlz Gossip twitter feed blows up. Or: the one where an inconvenient erection brings them together.
“Ok, well!” Ron claps his hands. “On that note, I gotta run. If I’m tardy again, McGonagall will skin me alive and make a football from my freckled hide. I’ll leave you”—he points at Draco—“in our star quarterback’s capable and rather large hands.” He grabs Harry’s wrist and waves his arm about. “Span of ten inches. Good for palming footballs… and other things.” He winks and departs, answering his ringing phone. “Hi babe! I’m walking in the doors right now…”
(Yes, that’s a Ron quote. I just had to).
It came to my attention that @peachpety has been going through a hard time lately and I thought “how convenient that I just found out one of my favorite QF fics is hers!” so here I am - and by the way, this is a humble single rec but have you checked @sweet-s0rr0w’s fabulous reclist with five of Peach’s amazing works? She posted earlier today and inspired me to follow up on a “Peach appreciation day” train so join us and go check all of those first, then come and scream about this brilliant, hilarious, spicy and sweet AU with me!
It’s funny how I don’t usually indulge AUs in this fandom - I’ve read my fair share of Starker High School AUs in the past and always had a blast which was enough to let me know I genuinely enjoy this trope, but for some reason I feel far too attached to Hogwarts and magic to explore something outside the Wizarding world that often. But I was dead and buried in laughter as soon as I started this gem - I got completely sidetracked by the most perfect High School vibes, the light, sweet and silly atmosphere, the hilarious and adorable characters, the witty and chaotic dialogue! I stg I didn’t know this was Peach’s writing when I first read it and now I wonder how I didn’t realize because she always makes me laugh so much, and so very easily.
I’m utterly smitten with this take on the classic jock x nerd romance, can I just say this nsfw brand of flirting is exactly what I needed and the cutest shit I’ve ever seen? Lastly: some of you know that Ron is a fave of mine and his teasing, good-natured voice is a triumph here (which, again, I’m not surprised - have you guys read Peach’s scandalous Dron yet?? Holy shit, that fic 🙌) but anyhoo, let it be said that this fic has one of my favorite Rons ever, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. He’s great, and I need him in my life just like that.
As pretty much everything Peach writes, this 3.8k endearing gem went straight to my sacred collection of “comfort delights”. This is IMO a mandatory pit-stop whenever you have a shitty day or start feeling down. If only Peach knew how much her writing makes a difference in my life! Thank you for bringing sun and warmth to my rainy days, and for soothing my bruised heart whenever I’ve needed it. Feel better soon, my darling! 💜💜💜
Read on AO3
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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southslates · 4 years
a rant about the saturation of zvkka fandom
as a tyzula shipper i get really surprised by how the most popular lgbt/wlw atla ship before the renaissance fell off when it started; to the point where tyzula fandom still exists but it’s much smaller and constantly made fun of for being abusive 
and i think this is in part because of purity culture, where there can’t be nuance in anything and therefore tyzula is abusive and we can’t ship it! but i also think that as @army-of-mai-lovers outlined in this amazing post ty lee and azula aren’t love interests for any of the boys in the show, especially sokka and zuko, so content for them doesn’t need to exist because they simply don’t need to be sidelined. most tyzula content that exists is tyzula centric; not maiko or sukka or kataang or zutara centric, but tyzula centric. it explores ty lee and azula as characters because their chemistry is seen
you can see that most of the popular wlw atla ships in the renaissance are at least partly characterized by their relationship w zvkka, and clearly i have a lot of problems with that fandom, least of them all being the times i’ve been called a homophobe for disliking it. and one really large issue i have with zvkka fandom in general is its saturation of atla content to the point that it’s sidelined into a different au, that so many shippers see zvkka in atla when it just . . . isn’t there. it wasn’t the most popular ship before the renaissance because for fourteen years there just wasn’t . . . anything there. and i don’t know why it’s gotten popular, likely the help of some big name blogs (including the one that came up with homophobic katara) and the fact that fandom has started to really tend towards mlm ships more and more, and honestly good for zvkkas, the ship is cute, but uh
essentially just that even though zvkka has been the largest atla ship with the renaissance, it is not the most popular atla ship and it likely never will be because of that lack of longevity. there’s a lot of issues with misogyny and migratory mlm ships in fandom and i really, really see it here. zvkka fandom =/ atla fandom, atla has always and should always be more than about ships. of course i stick to mainly zutara/tyzula corners of fandom, which are super far removed from zvkka fandom in general for obvious reasons, but it’s almost sad to be entrenched in twitter and general tumblr fandom where people who’ve joined with the renaissance characterize zvkka as such a large feature of atla when atla as a fandom has always been surprisingly great with its characterization of women (atla specifically, ignoring lok etc). i’d never thought that the subtle misogyny would increase in the year 2020? and obviously as a zutara shipper i know that our fandom has had its issues with mai before, i am the last person to deny that, but i think that we are growing past it and trying to be better
one thing that i really hate seeing here is the idea that zvkka shippers “solved the ship war” by making zvkka larger than the kataang/zutara ship war. and i ship both zutara and kataang and one reason i absolutely hate this take is because i am in love with the fact that for fifteen years, whatever side you were on, atla discourse was about katara, what the brown woman in the show deserved. you can’t solve a ship war by shoe-horning her into kataang because that’s easy for your ship, because you’re just throwing away her agency and the entire point of the ship war. i actually pity a lot of people who mainly ship kataang because kataang; a ship between an asian monk and brown woman, which is canonically good representation, which is canon, is being pushed aside and made a sideship for a completely fanon mlm ship
maybe there’s a fetishization aspect in there? like i hate to make broad claims but the amount of zvkka nsfw for one, and then all the incredibly racist tropes i’ve seen there; the infantilization and feminization of zuko and the way sokka is supposed to be a big strong man or something just reeks of racism, especially when written by white people. it just strikes me as mischaracterization and the input of certain characters into boxes, because people don’t want to ship sokka and zuko, they want to ship mlm insert one and two. and i hate this because their dynamic is super interesting, canonically! i’d love to see how sokka with a plan and on-his-feet zuko work together :)
i mean fetishization is kind of prominent in internalized misogyny presenting itself as wanting two men to have sex to exclude women from the narrative, and in the post i mentioned above the op’s point was that atla fandom’s misogyny presents as unique because they don’t hate women, they just treat them like they’re really one-dimensional, and at the end of the day everything must come back to the dynamic between two guys who were intended to be cishet (i headcanon zuko as bi but i’m not stupid, this show is from 2005, it is what it is)
anyway i don’t know where i’m going with this! but i absolutely love atla wlw and i wish that the female characters could be analyzed further in depth than they are, and i’m still at a total loss to why fandom-- made by women, for women, and often queer women-- is willing to maintain so much misogyny in the guise of upholding queer rep in fanon ships with gay men. 
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sophieskatesreads · 3 years
Omegaverse Exchange Requested Tag List
This is my first time actually posting a thing on Tumblr; I generally just use Twitter, so if I fuck this up in any way, apologies and please let me know. Yes, I know that anyone who follows me (and probably others? Again, Tumblr novice) can see this, but it’s basically only being written/posted for the person who fills my exchange request. So, others, feel free to ignore-- or you can read this, if you feel like it.
Welcome, poor soul who has received me as a request! I’d like to say, first and foremost, that this is very long; you do not have to read it/read all of it. This is just a compilation of my favorite tags out of the tag collection (all of which I’m okay with being used) and a lazy grouping of them by category for you to peruse, in case you need ideas. Generally, my only “rules” for requests are that the fic has to be written in third person, if the YOI pairing is chosen, his name is “Yuri” or “Yura,”-- NOT “YURIO,” and that if pregnancy is involved (which is very much encouraged) it’s Yuri or Lio who is pregnant. The further along, the bigger the belly, the better. Multiples are great, for example.
Depending on the tags you choose, sex may or may not be incorporated into the fic, going by your preference. There are some smutty tags I specifically asked for (which you’ll see below), so, obviously, smut is fine for those if they're used, but, generally, I'm not too moved by it. Unless the smut fulfills a specific tag, then I generally skim over it, just because it's not very interesting to me. (See the tags I chose: they almost all fulfill specific kinks. Without the kinks, I don’t care about sex much.) So, sex is not a DNW, but unless it was requested, I prefer my fics to be composed of plot-- not endless smut. If you need further clarification, please let me know!
I have no DNWs as far as content goes: I’ll happily receive anything-- from fluffy domesticity, to the horrific scenes that the tags outline below. You couldn’t squick me out if you tried, either through medical procedures, gore, or torture, so have fun with this.
Those are my general instructions, so onto the tag grouping! Some are listed multiple times; it may be because they’re applicable/desired across several categories, or because I’m tired as I type this, lol. Again, these lists are a lot, so please feel free to ignore them: they’re only here to help, if you want them. 
Non-Sexually Taking Care Of Omega Child During Their First Heat
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
omega has overwhelming heats
omega is oblivious of their heat approaching until too late
Omega's first heat brought on early due to trauma
Omega's first heat delayed due to trauma
plot happenings keep characters too busy to notice heat/rut coming on
A/B/O Worldbuilding
Alpha dubcons Alpha into getting fucked and knotted
Alpha gets knotted against their will
Alpha is Forcibly Changed to Omega
Breeding Kink
Alpha character gets nonconned by other alphas until they become an omega
Catboy Omegaverse
resurrection turns alpha into omega
Going into heat while on run from authorities really inconvenient
Heat inducement as a punishment
Heat/rut is physically painful (unless having sex)
Knot Edging
Knots stay inflated for at least an hour
Lactation - Drugs To Make Omega Lactate Whenever Their Alpha Wants
Lactation During Heat
Lactation post-heat
Law can seize 'rebellious' omegas at any point for corrective public use
medical experiment to turn beta into omega
labor/birth is extremely difficult and painful for male omegas
Medical experiment to turn alpha into omega
Null's presentation delayed due to trauma
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
Omega character is repulsed by alphas instead of attracted to them
omega forced to beg for knot
Omega freedom fighters in Handmaid's Tale-esque dystopia
omega forced to beg to be bred
omega gets fucked and knotted immediately after giving birth
omega given to alpha as a political favor
omega has overwhelming heats
Omega recovering from abuse needs to call the shots during sex
Omega's first heat brought on early due to trauma
Omega's first heat delayed due to trauma
Omegas always get pregnant with multiples
Omegas Are Societally Obligated To Be Pregnant As Often As Possible
Pregnancy detected by scent
past discrimination victim accepting and embracing their secondary gender
plot happenings keep characters too busy to notice heat/rut coming on
Protective alpha growling when they don’t like how their mate is treated
A/B/O Worldbuilding
Breeding Kink
Soothing touch starved character with comforting or sexy touches
Alpha/omega rape during heats is socially acceptable and not seen as rape
Alphas Are Common and Omegas Are Rare
Breeding as a punishment for a crime
Catboy Omegaverse
breaking previous mating bond
Character thinks nesting is ridiculous - does it anyway
gentle alpha
Heat/rut is physically painful (unless having sex)
Intimacy while being tied
Intricate Courting Rituals
A is embarrassed by nesting urges; B joins in to help them feel less self-conscious
Knot Edging
Knots stay inflated for at least an hour
Lactation During Heat
Lactation post-heat
Late blooming omega thought he was a beta until accidental pregnancy proved otherwise
Nesting - Omega Embarrassed Over Being Caught Stealing Clothes For Nest
labor/birth is extremely difficult and painful for male omegas
Nesting With Kids
Omega addicted to being bred
Null character thought they were asexual; turns out they are wildly attracted to alpha character
Omega Angry About Being Omega
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
Omega character is repulsed by alphas instead of attracted to them
Omega Builds Nest To Support Them While Heavily Pregnant So They Can Still Be Fucked Hard
omega feels safe around alpha
omega has overwhelming heats
Alpha Claims Omega Friend In Order To Protect Them From Public Use
Omega hates the scent of Alphas until they find their True Mate
A/B/O Worldbuilding
Omegas always get pregnant with multiples
Omega's Have Pregnancy Heats As A Way To Bond With Their Alpha When Already Pregnant
Omegas Are Societally Obligated To Be Pregnant As Often As Possible
Protective alpha growling when they don’t like how their mate is treated
Scent Compatibility
Scenting/marking/nuzzling pregnant belly
Smelling Distress Of Their Omega Turns Alpha Feral
Scenting - "platonic" snuggling because your friend smells really comforting
Scenting - Alpha Purposefully Scent-Marks Someone To Stake Their Claim & Ward Off Other Alphas
Scenting in moments of distress to calm down
Stealth Scent Marking While Pining
Alpha tries to prove a worthy mate & parent by being nurturing
A/B/O Worldbuilding
a/b/o courtship traditions
a/b/o pack dynamics
Alpha brings Omega resources to build nest
A/B/O Regency
alpha builds a nest for the omega
Alpha burdened by an emotional need to protect everyone
alpha cares for injured omega after bad run-in with another alpha
Alpha Embarrassed to Shop in Estrus Products Aisle
Alpha is aggressively protective of their pregnant partner
Workplace heat leave policy leaves a lot to be desired
Alpha Students Feel Non-Sexually Protective Of Omega Teacher
Alpha tries to prove a worthy mate & parent by being nurturing
Scenting - Alpha Purposefully Scent-Marks Someone To Stake Their Claim & Ward Off Other Alphas
Scenting - Common For Young Alphas To Accidentally Scent-Mark Their Teachers/Peers (Platonically)
Soothing touch starved character with comforting or sexy touches
Scenting - Getting Embarassed Over Accidentally Scent-Marking Someone
Scenting - knowing somebody is about to have a panic attack because their scent changes
alpha is insatiably horny around their pregnant omega
Omega hates the scent of Alphas until they find their True Mate
Alpha With Breeding Kink Can't Stop Touching Their Partner's Belly While They're Tied
Alpha's & Omega's only present when feeling safe and healthy and are null otherwise
alpha spoiling their pregnant omega with cuddling and foot rubs and midnight ice cream runs
alpha super protective over partner who can take care of themselves but finds it adorable
Alpha wolf shifter with a crush on an omega cat shifter
 Asexual character
Alphas In The Group Are Protective Of Their Omega Member(s)
Pacifist omega avoids required military service by always being pregnant
Breeding Kink
Catboy Omegaverse
Character thought he was a beta until accidental pregnancy proved otherwise
Character everyone assumes is alpha actually omega
Character thinks nesting is ridiculous - does it anyway
characters notice heat/rut coming on but plot happenings keep them too busy to do anything about it
Omega's Have Pregnancy Heats As A Way To Bond With Their Alpha When Already Pregnant
Compatible Alpha in close quarters induces heat in omega
Exhausted post-heat cuddles
Extremely Horny Pregnant Omega
the family pet being extra protective of pregnant omega
gentle alpha
Heat/rut is physically painful (unless having sex)
Intimacy while being tied
Intricate Courting Rituals
A is embarrassed by nesting urges; B joins in to help them feel less self-conscious
Knot Edging
Knots stay inflated for at least an hour
Lactation During Heat
Lactation post-heat
Lactation During Heat
Lactation post-heat
Late blooming omega thought he was a beta until accidental pregnancy proved otherwise
Nesting - Omega Embarrassed Over Being Caught Stealing Clothes For Nest
labor/birth is extremely difficult and painful for male omegas
Nesting With Kids
Omega addicted to being bred
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
Omega character is repulsed by alphas instead of attracted to them
Omega Builds Nest To Support Them While Heavily Pregnant So They Can Still Be Fucked Hard
Omega Coming Out Of Years-Long Mandatory Breeding Service Has To Learn To Live Again
omega feels safe around alpha
omega has overwhelming heats
Alpha Claims Omega Friend In Order To Protect Them From Public Use
Omega pretending to be alpha is revealed; alpha ship half thought their pining was hopeless
Omega recovering from abuse needs to call the shots during sex
omega is oblivious of their heat approaching until too late
Omega hero cuts short villain's monologue because they can feel a heat coming on
Omega traumatized by bad relationship with previous alpha
Omega Tries To Hide Their Status Due To Fear Of Discrimination
Omega Tries To Hide Their Status Due To Fear Of Rape
Omega unused to having a stable home surprised by sudden nesting instincts
Omega's first heat brought on early due to trauma
Omega's first heat delayed due to trauma
Omegas always get pregnant with multiples
Omegas Are Societally Obligated To Be Pregnant As Often As Possible
Pregnancy detected by scent
past discrimination victim accepting and embracing their secondary gender
plot happenings keep characters too busy to notice heat/rut coming on
Protective alpha growling when they don’t like how their mate is treated
Scent Compatibility
Scenting/marking/nuzzling pregnant belly
Smelling Distress Of Their Omega Turns Alpha Feral
Scenting - "platonic" snuggling because your friend smells really comforting
Scenting in moments of distress to calm down
Stealth Scent Marking While Pining
Tired Teacher(s) Dealing With A/B/O Issues On Top of The Usual Teenage Hormones
Trying for a baby when wrong partner gets pregnant
Birth Quota - Omegas must birth at least one litter per year
A/B/O Worldbuilding
a/b/o courtship traditions
a/b/o pack dynamics
Alpha brings Omega resources to build nest
A/B/O Regency
alpha builds a nest for the omega
Alpha burdened by an emotional need to protect everyone
alpha cares for injured omega after bad run-in with another alpha
Alpha Sabotages Omega's Hormone Suppressors To Punish Them
Alpha shares omega partner with other alphas
alpha slut-shames omega in heat
omega is oblivious of their heat approaching until too late
Alpha/omega rape during heats is socially acceptable and not seen as rape
Alphas Are Common and Omegas Are Rare
Alphas Fight Each Other To Win The Right To Fuck Omega In Heat
alphas get dangerously rough during intense ruts
alphas get off watching omegas give birth
Artificially Induced Heat/Rut
birth control tampering
Birth Quota - Alphas must sire at least one litter per year
Birth Quota - Omegas must birth at least one litter per year
Omega Coming Out Of Years-Long Mandatory Breeding Service Is Cared For By Others
Breeding benches
Breeding as a punishment for a crime
Breeding Kink
Catboy Omegaverse
fake relationship - rules require omega to have an alpha
Claimed omegas are legally seen as the alpha's property
discrimination based on secondary gender
dystopian au - family units (etc) are assigned by the government
Enemies to Breeding Partners to Lovers
Foreign Omega Brought To Society Where All Omegas Are Available For Public Use
Heat inducement as a punishment
Heat/rut is physically painful (unless having sex)
government assigned marriages between alphas and omegas to encourage birth rate
Heat/Rut Inducers Used as Roofies
Knot Edging
Knots stay inflated for at least an hour
Lactation - Drugs To Make Omega Lactate Whenever Their Alpha Wants
Lactation During Heat
Lactation post-heat
Law can seize 'rebellious' omegas at any point for corrective public use
medical experiment to turn beta into omega
labor/birth is extremely difficult and painful for male omegas
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
Omega character is repulsed by alphas instead of attracted to them
omega forced to beg for knot
Omega freedom fighters in Handmaid's Tale-esque dystopia
Omega Coming Out Of Years-Long Mandatory Breeding Service Has To Learn To Live Again
omega considered property during trade negotiations
omega forced to beg to be bred
omega gets fucked and knotted immediately after giving birth
omega given to alpha as a political favor
omega has overwhelming heats
Omega has suppressant medication sabotaged
Omega recovering from abuse needs to call the shots during sex
Omega traumatized by bad relationship with previous alpha
Omega Tries To Hide Their Status Due To Fear Of Discrimination
Omega Tries To Hide Their Status Due To Fear Of Rape
Omega unused to having a stable home surprised by sudden nesting instincts
Omega's first heat brought on early due to trauma
Omega's first heat delayed due to trauma
Omegas always get pregnant with multiples
Omega rights activist worries they have betrayed their cause by falling for an alpha
Omega Who’s Avoided The Lottery-Based Breeding Houses For Years Finally Has Their Number Called
Omegas Are Considered The Property Of Their Alphas
Omegas are rare and highly valued for breeding purposes
Omegas are kept as pets
Omegas in heat are available for free use
Omegas in Heat Are Placed in Stocks for Public Use
Pregnancy detected by scent
past discrimination victim accepting and embracing their secondary gender
plot happenings keep characters too busy to notice heat/rut coming on
Protective alpha growling when they don’t like how their mate is treated
Public Breeding Benches
State Mandated Fertility Program Matches Characters To Mate
public childbirth
sadistic alphas
prolonged unsatisfied heat leaves character physically weak
Rape as a socially-accepted form of omega punishment
soldier comes home and is given an omega mate as a thank you for their service
spanking as a socially-accepted form of omega punishment
Unexpected/chemically induced heat causes Omega character to rely on enemy to help them through it
Unknown paternity after public use results in pregnancy
Virginity inspection
Unaccompanied Omegas Are Available For Free Use
Unbearable Heats Calmed by God as Stock Trope in Hagiography
Unclaimed Omegas Are Available For Free Use
Alpha Pair Who Wants Children Hires An Omega To Bear Their Child(ren)
Alpha Publically Mounts Omega To Solidify Political Treaty
Alpha determined to break a rebellious omega
Alpha Pair Who Wants Children Purchases An Omega To Breed
Alpha Sabotages Omega's Heat Blockers
Birth Quota - Omegas must birth at least one litter per year
'Ruined' Omegas Who Have Sex Before Marriage Are Tied Up In The Middle of Town For Anyone To Fuck
Alpha worries about hurting omega with knot/omega desperate to be filled with come
alphas have obnoxious amounts of come
Alphas Fight Each Other To Win The Right To Fuck Omega In Heat
alphas get dangerously rough during intense ruts
Breeding Kink
Catboy Omegaverse
Character loses/runs out of heat/rut suppressing drugs
Character thinks nesting is ridiculous - does it anyway
characters notice heat/rut coming on but plot happenings keep them too busy to do anything about it
Compatible Alpha in close quarters induces heat in omega
Exhausted post-heat cuddles
Come Inflation - Alpha's knot lasting much longer than Omega expected/prepared for
Extremely Horny Pregnant Omega
Going into heat during most inoppurtune momemts
Going into heat while on run from authorities really inconvenient
gentle alpha
Intimacy while being tied
A is embarrassed by nesting urges; B joins in to help them feel less self-conscious
Knot Edging
Knots stay inflated for at least an hour
Lactation - Drugs To Make Omega Lactate Whenever Their Alpha Wants
Lactation During Heat
Lactation post-heat
Nesting - Omega Embarrassed Over Being Caught Stealing Clothes For Nest
Nesting With Kids
Omega addicted to being bred
omega begs to be knotted by their alpha
Omega being fucked full until the come spills out despite the knot
omega experiencing intense heat squirts for the first time
Omega Builds Nest To Support Them While Heavily Pregnant So They Can Still Be Fucked Hard
omega has overwhelming heats
Omega has suppressant medication sabotaged
Omega recovering from abuse needs to call the shots during sex
Omega in heat fights off Alphas to discern who is worthy to breed them
Omega in heat is irresistible to monsters
Omega in heat is receptive to being impregnated by monsters
omega is oblivious of their heat approaching until too late
Omega hero cuts short villain's monologue because they can feel a heat coming on
Omega's first heat brought on early due to trauma
Omega's first heat delayed due to trauma
Omega's Have Pregnancy Heats As A Way To Bond With Their Alpha When Already Pregnant
Omegas always get pregnant with multiples
Omegas Are Societally Obligated To Be Pregnant As Often As Possible
Omegas have band that locks on knot - it’s an extra erogenous zone
omegas have penises and vulvas
Post-Heat hormones cause healing slick - makes omegas extra tight after heat
Pregnant male omegas lactate
pregnant omegas are insatiably horny
Pregnant Sex
plot happenings keep characters too busy to notice heat/rut coming on
Public Breeding Benches
prolonged unsatisfied heat leaves character physically weak
Scent Compatibility - smelling very compatible alpha post-exercise sends omega into surprise heat
Sex to induce labor
Size Kink - big knot barely fits
Specialised sex hotels for heats/ruts
Strong empowered omega in a dominant social position still loves getting fucked/knotted/pregnant
Soothing touch starved character with comforting or sexy touches
Alpha brings Omega resources to build nest
(Those tags were copied and pasted directly from their entries in the tag collection. If there are typos, that is why.)
Did you read through all of that shit? If so, you deserve an award, lol. Regardless, I believe I’ll love whatever you create, so thank you in advance for your gift fic!
EDIT (09/06/21): Evidently I put in my request while tags were still being added. Whoops. Here are some of the new ones that I like:
- Character in denial over pregnancy that is obvious to everyone around them
- Character can't keep hands off of pregnant partner's baby bump
- Pregnant character is overdue and cranky about it
- Doting on pregnant partner
- Friends with benefits while pining further complicated by accidental pregnancy (This would be really compatible with Otayuri, lol)
- Character didn't know they were in heat until partner already came inside leading to pregnancy scare 
- First time sex leads to pregnancy despite character not even being in heat when it happened 
- Character swore they would never get pregnant again after series of miscarriages - has happier ending this time (I feel like this could be really fun with the canon-typical dystopia that Galolio comes from, but it works well for both)
- Preparing for birth of first child 
- Couple thought family was complete until surprise third or fourth pregnancy proved otherwise (I love it when Otayuri just keeps having babies (but only like four at the most). Like, “fuck, you’re having twins AGAIN? You’re going to have four kids now. Good luck, lol.”)
- A gave birth to first child so B gets to have second (B would be Yuri or Lio)
- Pregnancy announcement - friends and family assume other character is the pregnant one (I’m not sure how easily used this one would be, because I feel like in both pairings, people would expect Lio and Yuri to be the pregnant ones, but I liked this tag so I included it. Because it’s fun, and that’s reason enough, right? xD)
- Tabloid reveal of baby bump causes scandal (Works well for both fandoms; YOI because paparazzi, and Promare because “omg, the famous government official and kind of reformed arson terrorist Lio Fotia is pregnant? WHAT?”)
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likesrandomstuff · 3 years
Omg i loved your list!!! It must've been a handful bc it was very thorough, diversified (in genres, year published/updated type of writing and even authors). And you said you were deep into the avalance tag in ao3, so you must've had a lot of work with these. You even included SMAUS!!! I totally forget about them, but they are super fun to read and the ones you selected are really good indeed! Kudos to you!!! Your whole list is AWESOME! And very entertaining tbh bc i was here waiting to see what fic you'd recommend lmaoo did not disappoint, let me tell you! T A S T E hahaha
But wait... You read You Are My Miracle in one go???? How far was it when you read it?? And YEAH once in a while we are hit with a 10k+ chapter and i LOVE IT! Hahahaha idek when i started, but maaan the slow burn kills me!!!! Good fic good fic.
And the HSAU MY BELOVED!!! that's the one you mentioned chapter 27 right? lol A Classic™️ can't express how in love i still am with this fic. It's long, and the slow burn seems even longer bc YOU JUST WANT THEM TO KISS 😭 (and its so worth it when the do!!!). And I loved even more the other fic with Jordan (it's Impossible to not like her!!) but mostly bc when I joined the fandom the HSAU was wrapping up and when i first read it it was already finished. And to follow a fic since the fists chapters, waiting for a new update... I just love it! And the whole story is INCREDIBLE!!! One of my top faves for sure.
The SQ au is also one of my faves, even though ive never shipped sq. And you are right, Lucy knows what she's doing lmao one of the firsts i read for avalance and its amazing amazing amazing!!
There's another one that's one of my favs and I belive it's the very first avalance fic I read (bc i was familiar with the author's works from another fandom): I See My Future in Your Eyes by lizardwriter. Another really great HSAU!! (Also Stuck With You is totally worth the read!!)
Anyways, loved your list and the way you organized it. So fun to be on this journey with you even though i just sat back waiting for your posts and sometimes forgetting to read them 🙈 hahaha
❤️ The Word doc I organised it in is 9 pages and almost 4,500 words. Would not have survived if I didn't edit in there. Just for general reading I filter AO3 into different length fics, and then sort by kudos, so I've probably read the description of most of the fics in the tag over the years. The list was from my own 109 pages of history, not the tag, so I was choosing things I've read. It wasn't a conscious thought to have such a range, really it was looking at my history, and what did I enjoy.
I love the concept of SMAU, and they really get lost to history. Unless you find them by accident, which I did for the first plinys one, there's a high chance you don't know they were a thing. I was following a bunch in early 2019 (that was longer ago than I thought), but plinys was the only one who I saw complete their's, and I know how to find them again, as I also do not have twitter.
The process was worth it if you enjoyed it. Also making my life easier; re-read Better than Ice Cream last night, and was so easy to find.
You're My Miracle was a couple of weeks worth of reading, I think. I keep some of my AO3 update emails (for my Favourites as it makes me happy), and the first one I have for that fic is Chapter 28. I was up-to-date by then. That was published August 1st 2019, which is now also a long time ago.
you make me smile (please stay for a while) was one hit. As I wrote, I read the first chapter when it was published, and the prequel one-shot, back in 2018. Got so irrationally mad about Laurel, and stopped. Not long after I went back to only really reading Supercorp fics. I read the whole thing Feb/March last year. And yes, that is the Chapter 27 I mentioned. For me, I love them both so, so much but this is the way that we love (like it's forever) pips HSAU for me. The scene that had me crying at work was when Amaya and Sara were talking about how the legends fell apart after Sara left; that was my school friends after I moved away for uni. I was the only one to move away straight after school, and I was only 2 hours away. I thought all my friends were catching up without me, but they weren't. There's some guilt in that, feeling like you're the reason why people weren't seeing each other, which I hadn't identified, even after they called me 'the glue' of our group at my 21st, until I read that scene.
Ohh, I'll give that a try! Thanks. I've seen it before, but haven't given it a chance. Stuck With You is grey-ed out, so I guess I've read it at some stage. There's always going to be gems that you didn't see when they were new, and don't know to dig for. That's what I'm hoping I've done for people with my lists.
Organising things is a favourite past-time of mine. The amount of time I've spent on my bookshelves, both books and Pops!, is probably more than I should, but I'm very proud of them. If only there was an easy way to get hard copies of fics to display...
You've been my partner in feels for this, and for that I'm very thankful. :)
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hms-chill · 4 years
Red Velvet, White Meringue, and Royal Icing
The Bake Off AU that I didn’t know 2020 would need, written for @rwrbbigbang​!
Henry is a dramaturg who lives and works in London with his sister Bea and dog David. His bakes have all been approved by the casts and creative teams at the theater where he works, and inspired by his family baking tradition.
Originally from the American state of Texas, Alex now lives in Kent, where he balances studying law with his love for baking. He
Alex came to Bake Off to find out how good he is. Henry came to find new ideas and inspiration, and maybe to prove to himself that he can carry on his dad's baking traditions. But with ten weeks in a tent, they both find a little more than they bargained for.
With art by @emry-stars​ (which you can find Here and Here), and a massive thanks to Syd, @/wyverning on Twitter, for hopping in as a very last minute beta and dealing with my disaster of a first draft!
Chapter 1: Cake Week
Tumblr media
“And you’ve got your recipes, right?”
Henry rolls his eyes with a smile, patting his bag. “Yes, Bea. They’re right here, safe and sound. If I lose them, I’m sure they’ll have the copies I sent them in the tent.”
“The little laundry sheets so you can do wash in case you get something on your top?”
“I’ve got them, too. I’m going to be fine; there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll call you when I get there, and before we start tomorrow, and I’ll keep you posted.”
She hugs him again, adding, “Dad would be so proud of you.”
He grins when they pull away, and she reaches up to ruffle his hair while he swats at her hands and escapes toward the train, waving with a confidence he’s not sure he feels. Bea had been there when he auditioned for the show, to proofread his application and help him learn the basics of food photography for the Instagram account she’d set up for him. She’d been there when they called him for the phone interview, and she’d cleaned up while he made things for the first in person interview. She’d helped him scour cookbooks and drill baking basics before his technical application, and she’s spent the past week testing his practice bakes and cleaning up after him, typically with nightly pep talks about how good he is and how she’s proud of him. But now, it’s just him and his overnight bag getting on the train for Berkshire. He’s committed to his bakes, and he’s sure of what he’s doing. Now, all that’s left is to do it.
The train ride is somehow both too long and too short all at once. He tries to get some work done, but the nerves make it hard. He wants to shout at everyone on the train that he’s made it, that he’s going to be on the show and in the tent, baking with the best home bakers in the country. He wants to ask each and every passenger if maybe they’re going to the same place, maybe they’ve done it, too, and the two of them are going to get to bake together. He wants to ask if a Victoria sponge is too simple, if he’s committed to something stupid enough to get him sent home the first week just because he’s a sentimental sap.
A crew member from the show meets him at the train station, and there’s someone else next to him, a Black man wearing the most colorful shirt Henry has ever seen. He’s got a big smile as he reaches out to shake Henry’s hand.
“I’m Percy. Call me Pez, like the sweets.”
“Henry. Nice to meet you.”
“Good to meet you. I think we’re waiting for one more, then we’ll go to the hotel and see the tent and things. You excited?”
Henry nods as another boy comes over in a rush, his curls flopping into his face and bag inches away from falling off his shoulder. He sticks his hand out, and the bag slips down his arm, settling around his elbow as he shakes their hands.
“Hi. Hi, sorry I’m late, I’m Alex.”
Henry and Pez introduce themselves, and the crew member whose name Henry doesn’t quite remember (it might be Sarah?) gets them into a car and driving toward the hotel where they’ll be staying for the weekend. Ideally, they’ll be back next weekend, too , but thinking about leaving already feels like a lot for week one. Alex introduces himself as a law student from Canterbury, and Pez works at a nonprofit in Manchester. Henry just tells them he does research for a theater; it’s not quite worth getting into everything when they’re all just getting to know each other. He’s more than happy to let the others talk; he hears about Alex’s classes and Pez’s charity work. He hears about how Alex moved from America to Scotland with his mom when she married his stepdad, but he still goes back to America in the summer and for some holidays.
He half-listens, half-worries about the upcoming weekend. He checks to make sure he’s still got his recipes at least three times. They still haven’t escaped, thankfully, and by the third time he looks in his bag, Alex, who’s sitting next to him, notices. “Hey, they’re there; it’s fine. We’re all nervous, but it’ll be okay.”
Henry just smiles at him. He’s not sure how he didn’t notice before, but Alex is… well. Alex’s face is very, very nice. He’s got a bit of a smile, and Pez is saying something, but Henry’s not sure what it is and he knows he doesn’t care.
“I just don’t want to go home first,” he admits, and Alex grins.
“Listen. If I think you’re going out, I’ll drop a cake on the floor and we’ll go together, okay?” Henry laughs a bit, and Alex pats his shoulder, then turns back to say something to Pez. His hand is still on Henry’s shoulder, and it stays there until they reach the hotel where they’ll meet the others, and Henry tries his hardest to think about or focus on other things, but it’s certainly distracting.
Alex doesn’t move his hand until they’re pulling up at the hotel, and when it’s gone it leaves a cold spot in its place. Henry doesn’t have long to think about that, though, as he’s climbing out of the car and joining a crowd already around a minibus with the Bake Off logo on the side. Probably-Sarah takes their bags to their rooms, explaining that they’ll be going to the tent tonight to get a look at it and learn how things like the ovens and the mixers work.
They have the obligatory round of slightly awkward introductions, and Henry finds himself next to a man named Shaan whose aura of calm somehow seems to quiet even Henry’s jangling nerves. They’re talking about Shaan’s role as a curator with the National Museum of Scotland and their exhibit on prosthetics when the bus turns a corner and they see the white peaks of the tent emerging from behind the Welford Park House. Henry stops in the middle of a question about the Alternative Limb Project’s Vine Arm to gape, and Shaan leans over to look out the window as well. The whole atmosphere of the bus has changed, and there are a few moments of silence before it erupts into excited chattering, everyone seeming to remember all at once why they’re here. Henry still just looks, grinning, out the window. That’s the tent. This is it. He snaps a picture to send Bea.
Then they’re getting out, and they’re walking the tent. They’re being shown which benches they’ll bake at tomorrow, and they’re meeting the hosts and judges and crew, and Henry’s brain can’t seem to focus on any of it. It doesn’t quite seem real, but between Shaan’s grounding presence and Pez’s chatter, it’s hard to believe he’s dreaming. Alex being here is another point in the not-a-dream category; he’s not sure he could have imagined a smile that bright.
It’s a whirlwind trip, and they’re loading back onto the minibus before too long, Henry’s head spinning. He’ll be back here tomorrow, baking cakes he used to bake with his dad, and he’ll be doing it for TV cameras and in front of the entire world. He’ll be telling the world about growing up baking cakes, and those very cakes he used to make with his dad could be the ones that send him home.
That night, the production team takes them out to dinner, and Henry meets Nora, the data analyst Alex has become fast friends with via a heated debate about how easy a pothos plant is to keep alive. He mentions that Bea’s kept one for a few years without much struggle, which drags him into the debate and gets them all laughing. They’re not talking about their bakes, and Henry’s glad. He’s got enough to worry about without hearing the amazing things the others have planned.
The next morning, they have an early call. Henry’s in the lobby of the hotel even before they need to be, though, texting Bea an extra thank you and checking, once again, that he has everything he needs. The last thing he wants is to get to the tent and realize he’s left something here. He’s halfway through another text to Bea when there’s a hand on his shoulder, and he turns to see Shaan.
“Hello. Couldn’t sleep either?” Henry asks with a smile. Shaan shrugs.
“I just think it never hurts to be a bit early to things.” He’s got a thermos of coffee, but beyond that, he looks just as polished as he would any other time of day. There’s no indication that he’s up at 5 AM.
“What do you think will happen today? I mean, I know they walked us all through it, but that’s not the same as actually doing it, and no one… no one really talked about things last night.”
“I think we’ll go in there and bake. What do you have planned?”
“Some… some Victoria sponges today. Mini ones. I… I’m sort of scared it’s too simple, but we used to make them with my dad growing up, and so I have a lot of practice. My sister suggested I pick something pretty simple that I’m familiar with for the first bake so I get used to it.”
“I think that’s a good plan, and I’m sure if you’ve been making these since you were young, you’ve got it down.”
“What are you making?”
“It’s a green tea cake; we had them at a gallery opening a few years back.”
“It sounds good; I’ll have to try some when you’re done.”
Shaan smiles at him, and Henry relaxes a bit. He looks around to see some of the other contestants have joined them in the lobby. He spends some time talking to Hunter, who’s very excited about the new high-protein flour he’s using for his cakes, and decides that he would maybe rather pull his ears off than hear more about high-protein flour or different milling varieties and their nutritional benefits. He���s in the bus when Alex arrives in the seat next to him, looking tired and carrying the biggest thermos Henry’s ever seen.
“Hello again. Ready for the big day?” Alex asks around a yawn.
“I’m not sure. I guess? We sort of have to be,” Henry says, and Alex nods.
“I can’t argue with you there. Still. You feel ready?”
“As ready as I can. What about you?”
“I guess. I think my sister’s more worried than I am, if I’m honest.”
“You have a sister?”
“An older one; June. She’s thinking of moving back to the states, but for now she’s working for a few magazines here.”
“Is it weird, sort of being here and sort of being back in the States?”
“I guess. It’s just sort of how it’s been since we moved, you know?”
“Think you’ll ever go back?”
“I’m not sure. It was sort of weird deciding to move, but June was coming since she was interested and school here’s a lot more affordable, so I came, too. It was… you know, this exciting new start and everything, and we’re pretty happy staying here and going back for summers sometimes.”
Henry just nods as they turn into Welford Park, looking down at the bag where he’s got his recipes again. Alex smiles.
“They all there?”
He’s teasing, and Henry just rolls his eyes. He’s expecting to be nervous as they all climb out of the van, but somehow, he’s not. Alex’s hand on his shoulder likely has nothing to do with that.
They file in to stand behind their assigned benches.
Henry puts his recipes and a picture of him and his dad baking down in front of him, taking a deep breath.
On your mark.
Get set.
And then he’s reaching for the eggs and flour and sugar, and he’s baking a miniature Victoria sponge, just like he’s done a thousand times before. And yes, he’s in a tent rather than a kitchen, and yes, there’s the hustle and bustle of camera crews and other bakers around him, but it’s just baking. It’s just the same Victoria sponge he used to make for his mum every year on her birthday, when they’d each decorate one for her and she’d look at them all and puzzle over it before she declared them all the best decorators.
The first Royal Tour arrives before any of them are really ready for it. Henry sees Amy frantically cleaning a few things off her station as the judges come to stand in front of him. He’s seen this bit a million times, but it feels surreal to actually be the one in the spotlight.
“I’m Henry; I’m making some Victoria sponges. When we were kids, we used to make them with my dad, and all three of us kids would decorate them for our Mum.”
“Did you have to fight it out to have the best cake?” Noel asks, and Henry laughs.
“She’d always say we were all her favorite.”
“Bit simple, isn’t it?” Paul asks, and Henry’s heart is in his throat.
“I was hoping to do something where my nerves wouldn’t get in the way as much, at least for the first bake,” he explains, and Sandi smiles.
“Well, I think that if you do it well, something like this will really show us what you can do,” Prue says, and as they move on, Henry thanks every saint he’s ever disappointed that at least she’s on his side.
He has a second after he puts the cakes in when he can look around to see how everyone else is doing, and he sees an explosion of color on Pez’s station. Across the aisle from him, he sees a personal assistant named Zahra with a station he swears is neater than his was when they started. Nora is in front of him, checking things off a complex spreadsheet while surrounded by chaos, and somewhere, he thinks Alex might be swearing in Spanish.
After a second to breathe, Henry starts on his jam and buttercream, keeping an eye on his mini cakes. He’s making more than they used to with his dad, but even so, it feels just as familiar and comfortable.
The fillings come together, and then he gives himself a half second to check them before he’s on to assembling, setting a single raspberry in the middle of each cake and carefully piping designs on the tops. Noel announces that they have one minute left, and Henry gets everything on the end of his bench and leans back as they finish counting down.
Just like that, the first bake is over, and the bakers file out to rest. This is the part where the TV element of the show takes over; their bakes are going to get their beauty shots and the bakers are going to be interviewed. Hunter gets pulled first, so Henry gets to flop down onto the couch. Pez settles beside him, automatically resting a hand on Henry’s knee, and it turns out that he’s used a colorful mirror glaze and real flowers, either of which could have been the colors Henry saw. He asks about Nora’s spreadsheet, and she shows it to him, covered in frosting and batter and marking out what she should be doing every ten minutes.
When everything’s ready for them, the bakers traipse back into the tent, all quiet and nervous as they face their first round of judging. As much as Henry is trying to pay attention to everyone else’s comments, he’s too nervous to focus on much aside from the occasional word until the judges are in front of him.
He’s smiling, doing his best to relax as they take a bite. Paul reiterates that his cakes are simple, but says they’re perfectly done, and Prue agrees with him. Henry grins, finally feeling like he can breathe as he sits down. Behind him, Cash gets compliments on his flavors and the unique designs. Alex is next, and Henry hears them compliment his cake, but complain that it’s a bit claggy, which he’d been worried about. As they file out for lunch, Henry manages to get beside Alex and ask how it went, but Alex just shrugs.
“I made a damn good tres leches; if they thought it was a weird texture I’m not too upset about it. I mean, obviously I’m not thrilled, but you know. It was the type of cake they didn’t like, not my version of it. So it’s not, you know, that I’m bad at baking or anything, at least not really. This table look good?” Henry nods and sits, which is how he finds himself at a table with Nora, Pez, Alex, and Hunter, who turns out to be both very talkative and intensely boring.
Alex is across from Henry, and whenever they make eye contact, Alex makes a face, quietly mocking Hunter. Henry smiles, and he nods when Hunter says things, but it’s nice to know he’s not the only one bored with Hunter’s rambling. Alex is on his side, both in and out of the tent, and that’s nice to know, too, especially going into the technical.
Henry’s been trying to avoid thinking about it, but the technical’s been in the back of his mind. He’s done what he can to prepare for it, but he has no idea what to expect. Still, Alex will be baking near him, and Zahra will be across from him, and she seems like the sort of person who will know what’s happening if he gets really lost and needs to see what she’s up to. It’ll be alright.
They file back to the tent as lunch ends, and Henry takes a deep breath as he settles behind his bench, tying the apron. It’s just this technical, then they’ll be getting dinner together and spending time in the hotel, probably talking about the loved ones they’re making their showstopper cakes for. Henry is more than ready to talk about Bea and how much he loves her, and he wonders briefly who Alex is making a cake for. He’s been so focused on worrying about the technical that he hasn’t gotten a chance to know the other bakers as well as he hopes, but maybe that chance will come over a dinner with the bakers he’s starting to become friends with.
He tries to think about that instead of the gingham-clad mystery pile in front of him. There are ingredients for something under that fabric, but he can’t know what, and it’s not going to help to try and guess. He just takes a deep breath and tries to focus on the judges’ advice instead.
As it turns out, Prue’s advice is just to read closely, which is about as helpful as telling them to remember to breathe or that cakes need sugar. That’s all they get before the judges step out, and Noel has a joke about their figure skating class before Sandi announces the dish they’ve been tasked with.
They’re making something called nut cake. Henry thinks he may have heard of it once, and the cake itself seems fairly simple. The icing for it looks a bit more complicated, but that’s an issue for Future Henry. The cake is a problem for right now, and it’s not nearly as much of a problem as he thought it might be. And right now, Henry’s just baking, falling into the routine of reading a new recipe and figuring things out. He and Bea have been practicing technicals for weeks now, and he’s been reading old recipes for years so he can bake things appropriate for different plays he’s working on. As it turns out, deciphering them has helped him get ready for figuring out pared down modern ones.
Behind him, he hears Jeffrey, a man he’s not particularly close to, panicking.
Zahra seems in control, and while there are varying degrees of panic happening around him, everyone else seems relatively calm.
Nora’s workstation is a mess, as is Pez’s, but they and some of the other messy bakers seem like they’ll thrive in that mess. By contrast, Jeffrey’s mess just looks like mess.
But as much as he cares for the other bakers, Henry does his best to ignore them, at least for now. He tries to just concentrate on his own cake, even if it demands less concentration than he might have guessed. Even as they shift to icing, it’s far from the hardest thing he’s ever baked. The judges might be easing them into the technicals, but Henry’s glad for it. As the final seconds tick down, he’s drizzling the icing on his cake, and as he steps back he declares it ‘good enough’.
Carrying it up to the table and setting it behind his picture feels surreal, especially surrounded by the other bakers doing the same. He’s seen it on TV a million times, but somehow, doing it himself still sends a slight shiver down his spine. His cake doesn’t look bad compared to the others, and as he’s filing out to take a break with the rest of the bakers, he gets a glimpse at Jeffrey’s. It doesn’t look iced. In their resting area, Henry learns that he’s afraid it’s underbaked; apparently he’d forgotten to add nuts to his first one and had to restart with barely any time left.
As much as Henry hates to see anyone upset, a tiny, tiny part of him is relieved. He doesn’t want to come last in the technical, especially not the first one. They’re called back into the tent once it’s clean, and as they file onto the stools, Henry is sandwiched between Shaan and Alex. Alex grabs his hand; his cake is on the end where they’ll start the tasting and he’s pretty clearly worried. Henry just gives his hand a squeeze as the judges try his cake, and when they move on, Alex doesn’t stop squeezing, so Henry keeps a tight hold through the whole thing.
It is, by far, the worst part of the day. The deliberation about cakes is too quiet to hear, and it seems to take forever, but then they’ve decided. Alex is squeezing Henry’s hand so hard he thinks his fingers might go numb as the judges step forward to announce the results of the first technical challenge this group of bakers have ever faced.
Jeffrey comes in last. Alex is fourth, and to his shock, Henry comes in first. He’s not sure what to think, but he knows he has to call Bea as soon as he can. He has to thank her for how much she’s done to test him and get him ready for this part of the competition. Alex pulls him into a hug almost immediately, and Henry grins as Cash, a stay at home dad who seems great, joins in. They get pulled aside for more interviews, and Henry gets to be really, really excited without having to worry about hurting or offending anyone else, but even on the bus back, even as he tries to keep it toned down a bit so as not to upset anyone, he can’t quite help his grin.
He calls Bea that night from the hotel room, because really, he can’t think of anything else to do with these emotions. She picks up on the first ring.
“Henry! You did so well! I knew you would.” Just hearing her voice is enough to pull some of the tension out of his shoulders, and he laughs a bit.
“I never… god, it was a lot, but I… I did it.”
“You did it! And you got first in technical; I’m so proud of you. Dad would be, too, I know it.”
He just smiles, talking to her until there’s a knock on his door, and Pez is there to invite him out for dinner with some of the other contestants. Bea tells him to go have fun, and he finishes getting changed, then finds Pez, Alex, Nora, and a reporter named Oliver at the hotel bar. Alex is talking about a family friend he’s planning to make a cake for tomorrow, about how they’ve been friends since his dad took Raf in when his coming out didn’t go well. They’d had a tradition of birthday cookies, but Raf was used to cakes, so he’s the only one they make cake for. He’s planning a big cake decorated with cookies, just like they’d always done.
Henry gets to talk about how much he loves Bea, then a student named Liam joins them and hesitantly talks about how his boyfriend’s parents’ anniversary was last week, so he’s replicating the cake he made them. Pez demands a picture of Liam and his boyfriend, and they all get to admire how cute they are while Liam blushes. Pez moans that he and his partner will never be that cute, and he uses the word ‘partner’, which makes Liam relax a bit and makes Henry grin as a wave of quiet warmth washes over him. Even though he’d known that people would probably be fine if he came out, it’s nice to know he wouldn’t be alone if he did. Seeing Liam and Spencer’s pictures, and hearing that Pez probably isn’t straight (though honestly, he’d piqued Henry’s gaydar early on), helps quiet the part of him that’s worried.
Apparently Liam was the only one they were waiting for, so Pez leads the way to a nearby restaurant. Shaan and Zahra are there already, and they wave them over. The eight of them end up monopolizing a corner booth, filling the table with good food and the benches with good conversations. Zahra’s planning a baby shower cake for her sister, and Shaan’s planning one as a test for his parents’ renewal of vows. They finish dinner and go to bed relatively early, knowing they’ve got an early call tomorrow, but Henry goes to bed feeling better about the showstopper than he ever could have imagined.
It’s him and Shaan downstairs early the next day, and they make small talk and text their families while they wait for the others to come down. It’s a nice way to wake up, and Henry’s already starting to get used to this routine, to morning conversations about Shaan’s museum over tea and coffee. Shaan offers to give him a tour of the archives if he comes to visit, and Henry promises to take him up on that next time he’s in Edinburgh. Even that feels nice, to plan to see each other again after this is all over, and to know that even if he goes home this week, he’ll have made at least one friend.
The other bakers trickle down as Henry and Shaan are finishing their tea, and it’s not long before they’re all there, loading into the minibus and heading off to the tent to make cakes for their loved ones. Henry’s planning one shaped like a guitar for Bea, using a sponge recipe similar to the one they’d made with their dad but flavored especially for her. It’s the one bake he hasn’t practiced with her around, the only one she’s never tried in full. He wants her to be surprised when she watches the show.
He tells Paul and Prue about having lied about his plans to her when they come on the royal tour, and it makes Paul laugh, which is a relief from his regular stoicness. Prue tells him it’s sweet, Noel asks if there’s anything else he’d like to confess to lying to her about, and Henry honestly admits to having never lied to Bea in any other circumstance, and then they’re moving on. Behind him, Henry hears Cash talk about making a cake with layers for each of his kids, and he can’t help but grin. He’ll have to take a peek at that cake when decorating time comes.
His own cake is going well. He’s been playing it safe this week, and he knows that, but at least that means that he doesn’t have to worry about anything too hard. He’s made each of these cakes for Bea before, and he made a guitar cake for her last birthday. The hardest part is the assembly. He’s decided to have the guitar stand upright, probably because he’s an idiot, so the last two hours of the bake is entirely dedicated to carefully, carefully stacking cakes on top of each other and carving them into the right shape. He’s planning a mirror glaze, both because it will mimic the shine of Bea’s guitar and because he’s an idiot who likes to use every second of their allotted time and stress himself out as he does. He’s sure he’ll have time, but he’s making a brown fondant just in case.
He’s just getting his fondant-covered cake in the freezer when he hears Alex swear behind him, and he doesn’t even think before he turns to see what’s wrong. Alex has a decorative cake tin, and he’s frantically tapping it on a baking sheet. Henry goes over to his bench, and he can feel a camera following him as he asks, “How can I help?”
“Just… it won’t come out.”
“Did you run a knife around the middle? Try that.”
There’s a tense silence as Alex does. Henry’s holding his breath.
Alex flips the cake over again, shaking it up and down a few times on the baking sheet. Henry can just hear the thunk as it falls, and Alex lets out a shaky breath as he pulls the tin off. The cake emerges, looking complete, and Alex grins. Henry grins back, and Alex thanks him as he picks up a piping bag. Henry turns back to his own bench as Alex says, “Hey, if you need me to drop this on the floor, I still will.”
Henry just laughs as he goes back to his own bench. As he goes around Cash’s, Cash says, “Hey, either of you are welcome to drop anything on the floor as long as it’s not mine. Amy looks pretty confident over there.”
Alex tosses the top of a strawberry onto the ground behind Cash’s bench, and Cash laughs, and Henry starts on his mirror glaze infinitely less worried than he would have been otherwise.
He’s pulled shortbread decorations out of the oven and drizzled his mirror glaze over the cake when Noel calls the two minute warning, and his piping of the strings is a bit sloppy, but when he steps back he can barely believe he’s done it. It’s a bit messy, but it looks like a guitar, and he knows Bea would be thrilled with it. Really, that’s all that matters. He’s feeling good about it, but when he turns and sees Cash’s cake, he knows he’s lost any shot at star baker. It’s a towering beauty, each layer individually decorated with castles, jungles, and pirate ships.
Cash brushes aside their compliments, but when Henry asks about the kids, he starts talking about each of them, rambling and rambling as they leave the tent for their break. Henry just grins and listens as Cash’s excitement completely overwhelms any worry Henry might be feeling. Instead of thinking about if his cakes are too dry or if something is wrong with his fondant, Henry gets to look at pictures of Cash’s kids and husband and dog. It makes for a fantastic distraction while they wait for the tent to be cleaned up, and Henry wonders briefly just how many more people he can ask about pets or kids while they wait.
Cash rambles about his family through most of their break, and Henry is happy to just sit back and listen. Cash is clearly a good dad, and he’s more than happy to ramble about his son’s ballet recital or his daughter’s favorite cookie recipe throughout the entire cleaning period and photoshoot.
He’s still talking about his kids as they photographers finish up, so Henry gets to focus on that instead of worrying as they settle behind the benches for the final time that day. Henry is too far back to hear what the judges are saying to anyone else, but he watches Hunter’s and Jeffrey’s shoulders slump, watches Prue smile at Cash and Oliver, and he grins when Pez brings a rainbow explosion past his bench. Pez just winks as Henry laughs a bit.
Then it’s his turn, and he’s carefully carrying the cake up. It looks good; recognizably an electric guitar leaning against an amp. The judges like the flavors and the look, but it is dry. He’d been afraid of that; he’d been making fondant while it baked, and left it in a bit too long. Still, over all, it’s positive. Alex gives him a thumbs up as he carries the cake back, and Cash smiles at him. It’s not a bad cake, and he’s done well in the technical. He’s probably going to be back next week, and that’s good enough for now.
He does his best to focus on the others’ comments, but this far back it isn’t easy. It feels a bit like playing telephone as the bakers closer to the front say things like we’ve all had dry cakes or I heard good things. Reactions seem to be pretty varied across the board, and it doesn’t seem like Henry’s the only one who’s not done his best, but this far back he has no real idea.
The judges and hosts leave to make a decision, and the bakers are left to mill around the tent before eventually settling on the stools at the front. Alex is beside Henry again, and he grabs Henry’s hand as the judges and hosts come out. He’s had a good bake, and done decently in the technical, but nothing’s guaranteed in the tent.
Cash gets star baker, surprising no one but himself. His showstopper pushed him over the top, just like Henry knew it would, and he’s thrilled to get to reach over and squeeze Cash’s shoulder to congratulate him. His husband and kids are going to be so proud.
Then comes the hard part. Alex is squeezing Henry’s hand so hard it’s turning white.
Sandi opens her mouth.
Alex drops Henry’s hand and gives him a little half-embarrassed smile, and Henry has just enough time for half a thought about how he hopes he and Alex stay on the show. He refuses to let himself think on that, just gives Cash a big hug and gets through their final interviews. He tells the interviewer that he’s not surprised Cash got it, because he really deserves it, and that he’ll be glad to come back next week. Cash joins them again while he’s on the phone with his husband and kids, and he’s beaming as he talks and they load into the minibus.
It’s a strange atmosphere on the bus. Jeffrey’s upset to be going home, but Henry can’t seem to find it in himself to be all that sad. He’s staying, and so are Alex and Shaan and Pez. He gets to come back and bake with his friends next week, and as much as going home sucks for Jeffrey, Henry can’t find any particular grief about it.
They only have a few minutes to get their bags together before they’re heading back to the train station. Henry says goodbye to Alex, Pez, and the others, then calls Bea as he slips his ticket into the slot. The train is already on the platform, and he finds an empty table and slides into it, still talking as he pulls his laptop out to get some work done. He’s just hanging up with her when someone slides into the seat across from him.
“Anyone sitting here?” Alex asks with a smile. Henry smiles back, shaking his head.
“Hey. Good job in there today; that guitar looked great.”
“Looked great, tasted dry. Yours looked good, too; I’m sure your family friend would have loved it.”
“Thanks. I needed it to be good after that tres leches disaster yesterday.”
“I’m just glad you didn’t have to drop anything on the floor,” Henry says, and Alex grins.
“Me too.” Alex pulls out a laptop, but even as he opens it, he seems no less willing to end the conversation. “And, if I’m honest, I know this is meant to be the most wholesome experience and all, but I’m sort of glad Jeffrey’s gone.” He’s leaning across the table conspiratorially, and Henry finds himself leaning forward, too. “He rubbed me weird.”
“He… he sort of rubbed me weird, too. If it had to be someone, I’m glad it was him.”
They share another conspiratorial smile, and Alex says, “Exactly. Like maybe he’s fine, but I’d rather him than someone else. I’d rather him than you or Nora or Pez any day.”
“He was just so…” Henry’s not quite sure what he wants to say, but Alex is nodding.
“Yeah. If it had to be someone, I’m glad it was him.”
He’s finally turning his attention to his laptop, making an excuse about a paper he’s got to work on, so Henry turns back to his own work with a small smile, his leg occasionally brushing Alex’s. They both get drinks when the cart comes, tea for Henry and coffee for Alex, and Alex pays for both, promising that Henry can get it next time.
Next time, because there will be a next time.
When he meets Bea at the station that night, he’s not quite sure how to tell her about Alex, but she seems to know what to think, even if Henry doesn’t.
On AO3
When I started this fic back in February, I had no idea how much the world might need it come October. But here we are, and here it is! Ten chapters of gay baking! That I hope y'all love!
As always, if you want to support the Hannah-Makes-Art fund, you can tip me in ko-fi here! And if you want to support the Emry-Makes-Art fund, they’ve got commissions up on their blog!
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
girl you should see twitter because every shipper there is trying to force their own agenda enfjcjvkv i tried interacting with some levihans there and they were so AGRESSIVE. same with the eruri fans who say we’re all homophobic? no???? like i see hange as non-binary how is a nb ship homophobic and even if it’s a m/f relationship it’s just that they have good chemistry what does gender have to do with anything aaa
Tbh, I actually am on Twitter for Levihan content so I am aware of what you’re saying.. I tend to stay lowkey though because it’s a pretty personal twitter and a lot of my irl friends follow me there. I don’t join the convos but I’ve seen some of them. 
Gender has to do with everything for a lot of people. There are people who see everything gay as a relationship, people who see everything opposite sex as just a friendship. More common irl but there are people who see everything straight as a relationship but refuse to see everything same sex as a romantic relationship. 
I see no problem with people doing or writing anything they want or preferring one ship to the other. Like go write an mpreg eruri fic or a canon ereri fic. I definitely have issues though with people just pushing their agenda. Tastes on fanfiction and headcanons are personal preferences and the goodness of the community is pretty much rooted in the discourse and in the sharing of HCs. I don’t agree with some of the ones I’ve seen even among mutuals but I do have a lot of HCs now about Levihan because of whatever people post here. In a fandom, nobody is supposed to judge you about which HCs you consider true and which you don’t.  Fandom is a break from real life, work and school where we are constantly judged because of our skills and our ability to contribute to this world. This part of our life is supposed to be wholesome and it’s supposed to make us happy. That’s pretty much one reason why I try not to get into shipping wars or try not to join in on those and just respect other people’s opinions. One of the reasons why I avoid fights as much as possible. I enjoy doing analysis because I like the discourse but I try not to keep it heated and avoid any personal attacks. That’s also pretty much the reason why seeing personal attacks against Isayama and his writing doesn’t sit well with me.  
Personally, gender isn’t a big issue for me just like for you anon. 
I do not care if Hange is a woman, nonbinary etc etc etc. I love Levihan for the dynamic, just like you. I personally see her as a girl because I don’t want to delve into her biology but canon has shown me enough to at least make me want to write her as a woman. I also need pregnant and Momma Hange in my life. I don’t use “they” because I just find it confusing because I tend to have to reread lines and ponder whether they are talking about one person or two. I don’t go much into the gender discussion either/ because as mentioned before, I don’t think Hange and Levi given their current circumstances would ever consider something as progressive of a concept as gender.
In a modern AU, maybe? Would I write it? Probably not. I am not as adept with LGBTQ and gender issues as other people. 
Does that mean I’m homophobic?  I ship Yuri and VIctor, I ship Yuki and Kakeru from fruits basket too. I’m not necessarily homophobic. If anything, I am “Unhealthy relationship” phobic or I probably wouldn’t read a fic about a pairing which has enough grounds for me to think they would never develop naturally. I wouldn’t read fics that glorify rape or domestic abuse or where my favorite pairings are just being assholes to each other either. 
People can write whatever they want though but my own preference would be to highlight the types of relationships I would want to be in, hence Levi and Hange, Yuri and Victor, Roy and Riza, Yuki Kakeru etc. 
When I post stuff online, I generally have a goal. The goal generally when I write is to highlight the good parts about relationships, the beautiful parts about developments, make sense of certain emotions and facets of character’s personalities and see how they’d react in certain situations. As much as possible, I try to leave something for myself or other readers to think about after writing it and the messages I try to leave are generally wholesome. 
That counts as an agenda.
Would I consider it pushing my agenda? As said above, I wouldn’t argue about it. I’d give my opinions, lay out facts, give analysis and the readers and the audience can choose what to do with it. Would it be nice if they agreed? Yes it would. But we all have different backgrounds. We’ve experienced different types of traumas. We have different histories so I will never truly understand why other people feel the way they do or why they believe certain things and that’s why at this rate, I wouldn’t bother to try to push my agenda to anyone. (That is unless I see people’s agendas being a danger to other people but how I handle those is another story for another time.) I would try my best though to understand because that’s really the most we can give people. Besides, the facts, opinions and analyses people lay out will only make our own opinions towards certain things more nuanced and that’s why I love discourse.
Tumblr metas and writing is something I go into after a hard day’s work and I guess I just want to keep it as stressless as possible for myself. My general relationship with this hobby is good and I’m hoping to keep it this way. 
I hope the aggressiveness of other people in the community does not hurt you or destroy whatever love you may have for your ship or for the fandom. There are lots of people in my little Levihan tumblr bubble who agree with you and are pretty nice and open people. 
Feel free to just drop an ask anytime. I’m happy to just discuss sensitive topics like this without pushing agendas or giving out personal attacks. Even people I’m close to in real life have different perspectives and preference, even my best friend and my boyfriend are like that so I’m pretty much used to disagreeing with people. 
As long as we agree that we all want to strive to make this community a less toxic place, I think we could make whatever differences we have as a fandom work.
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AU-gust Day 13: Rock Band
Requested by @justsomeoneunordinary for a Winterironhawk AU!
Also on ao3 here
Bucky checks his phone as he staggers down the hallway, Clint’s arm wrapped around his waist. Performing always takes a lot out of him and tonight’s show in New York was particularly hard since he and Steve are homeboys and Clint always likes to play that up.
“You doing okay?” Clint asks and then nearly walks right into a trashcan.
Bucky rolls his eyes. For all of Clint’s grace on the stage, he’s far more clumsy off of it. “Maybe I should be asking you that.”
“Hey, that trashcan jumped right out in front of me,” Clint snarks.
“Oh sure and I’ll bet a big green monster even pushed it, right?”
“Boys, boys, settle down,” Nat says idly, twirling her drumsticks like she’s going to hit one of them with it. Bucky wouldn’t put it past her; she’s done so before.
Clint maturely sticks his tongue out at her, eliciting a sigh from Steve, walking a few steps behind them, and a laugh from Sam. Nat just whacks Clint over the head with one of the drumsticks.
Bucky rolls his eyes again and goes back to his phone. Children, he works with children. He’s got one notification, a text from Tony. He grins, unable to resist smiling at the notification. Tony always sends them something during the show. He calls it his good luck selfie. Bucky calls it incentive to hurry back to the hotel room. He opens the text, expecting to see Tony in whatever god-awful city-themed lingerie he’s picked up for this leg of the tour, and instead sees a brief reminder that he and Clint have that interview with Everhart before they’re done for the night.
“Did Tony text us?” Clint asks, hooking his chin over Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky tilts his phone so he can read the message and Clint frowns. “That’s not his usual message.”
“More of those lingerie photos?” Sam asks. Bucky scowls at him. It’s bad enough that Sam accidentally saw one of Tony’s pictures but now he teases them about it after every show like Tony isn’t still the hottest thing they ever saw even when he’s wearing Big Ben panties.
“No,” Clint pouts. “Just some dumb message about that interview we’ve got.”
Sam catches up to them and glances over the message. “Hmm maybe he’s finally wised up and dumped your sorry asses so he can go out with me instead.”
Bucky growls, thrusts his phone into Clint’s chest, and takes off after a cackling Sam all the way down the hall to the room the venue set aside for the interview where he finally catches up to him. He’s giving Sam a noogie when the rest of the band joins them.
“Buck, let Sam go,” Steve orders. The bassist shouldn’t be allowed to give him directions, he laments in his mind but everyone knows that you don’t disobey a Steve order so he drops his arms, holding his hands up in surrender. Sam scrambles away from him to duck behind Nat, who takes one step to the side so she’s no longer hiding him.
“So we’ll see you back at the green room?” Nat asks him and Clint.
“Sure you don’t want to do this interview with us?” Clint asks.
She laughs. “Not on your life.” Fair enough. Everhart always gives them hardball questions so most of the band doesn’t do interviews with her if she doesn’t specifically ask for them and this time she’d only asked for him and Clint.
He passes his guitar off to Steve and then shoulders through the door, Clint right on his heels. Everhart is waiting for them just inside, looking as perfectly polished as ever for someone who just came from a rock concert.
“Ma’am,” he says politely because his ma raised a nice boy and also because it irritates the hell out of Everhart to be referred to like an old lady.
Sure enough she purses her lips and he bites back a grin. He sits down in the seat she waves him into, Clint sitting beside him so he can throw his legs over Bucky’s lap, and asks, “So what did you want to ask us?”
As they expected, Everhart starts them out with small questions and twenty minutes later, they’ve covered just about everything under the sun, from their upcoming album to this tour to their fanbase on Twitter and Bucky’s starting to think that maybe they’re going to get out of this easily when she asks, “So rumors are building again that your relationship is in trouble. What do you have to say to those allegations?”
Bucky scowls and Clint tenses beside him. The problem is, after an entire childhood spent in the spotlight, Tony denounced his claim to his father’s empire, disappeared into the shadows, and declared to his friends that he never wanted to be famous again. Bucky and Clint had never had a problem with it but that had been before the band took off. Afterwards, things had gotten a little more tricky. They still didn’t really have a problem with it and they certainly weren’t going to push Tony to do something he didn’t want to do but it was difficult having to pretend to the world that Bucky and Clint were the couple and Tony was just a friend who tagged along on tour sometimes but otherwise spent most of his time at a Montessori school in Manhattan teaching small children how to read.
They don’t want to push—they don’t—but the distance means that it’s hard sometimes to keep their hands off their other boyfriend in public.
And sometimes they forget that they’re not nobodies anymore and somebody takes a picture of Bucky’s hand lingering on the small of Tony’s back and posts it to Twitter because heaven forbid celebrities have any sort of private life.
“They’re just rumors,” Clint says easily. “We’re touchy feely kind of people.”
“Maybe you’re touchy feely,” Bucky says with a laugh that he doesn’t feel. “I’ve been told I exude fuck off vibes.”
Everhart smiles thinly. “So that’s all it is. Just three friends having a good time?”
“Ma’am, you’ve seen the way Clint and I interact on stage. You really think we could hide another relationship for so long?” Bucky deadpans, challenging her to say something.
She frowns again but doesn’t dispute his claim. Instead she packs up and says, “As always, a pleasure getting to interview you.” As she’s leaving, she pauses in the door to tell them, “You’re not nearly as slick as you think you are. One of you is going to mess up and then your whole faked-for-the-cameras relationship will be over.”
Bucky snarls and lunges at the door, stopped only by Clint grabbing onto him. He hates it when people insinuate that somehow, because he and Clint are happy, they’re faking their relationship for publicity. He and Clint spent enough of their childhoods unhappy because of Bucky’s dad and Clint’s brother; why would they want to spent their adulthood just as miserable?
“It doesn’t matter,” Clint soothes though he has to be irritated as Bucky is. “Come on, we’re going to go back to the rest of the band. We’re going to get drunk on whatever shitty vodka Nat’s brought this time and then we’re going to go back to the hotel and fuck Tony through the mattress.”
It startles a laugh out of Bucky but he’s still not in a great mood by the time they reach the green room. “I just don’t see why she has to say things like that,” he complains as he pushes open the door. “It’s—”
He stops as his gaze falls on the person draped over Nat’s lap. Clint runs into him with an “Oof” and a “Bucky, what the fuck?”
“Tony, doll?” Bucky asks.
Clint exclaims, “Tony?”
Tony launches himself out of Nat’s chair and at Bucky, who immediately catches him up in a kiss. “Hey, my turn, my turn,” Clint protests, pawing at the two of them. “I haven’t seen Tony in six hours either.”
He thinks he hears Nat say, “Disgustingly cute,” but he’s too busy watching Clint and Tony kiss to really care.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, pressing another kiss to Tony’s earlobe. Tony doesn’t usually come to their shows. He tried once not long after their first album came out but he’d been kidnapped one (or twenty) too many times at a big event to really feel comfortable. He had left less than half an hour in and when Bucky and Clint had come back to the hotel that night, they’d found Tony in one of the worst anxiety attacks they’d ever seen him in. They never asked him to come to another show.
“Wanted to support you two since I know how much you hate Everhart,” Tony replies.
“He got here only a few minutes before the show ended,” Steve says. “Sharon drove him.”
Bucky gives a quick nod to Steve’s girlfriend, silently thanking her. “You didn’t have to do that, doll,” he murmurs.
“Hmm missed you too much,” Tony replies. “This tour is too long.”
“Alright, come on, we’re blocking the door,” Clint tells the two of them, walking them backward to one of the couches. He trips over his own feet and practically falls onto the couch, catching Tony before he can fall too. Bucky lands next to them, curling up into Clint’s side.
He catches Nat taking a picture of the three of them and frowns at her. She should know better than to post it. A moment later, his phone chimes with a text from her. Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid, her text reads and he flashes her an apologetic grin. Maybe he’s just little on edge from Everhart.
It chimes again, this time with the picture she’d taken of them. He smiles down at it and makes it his phone’s home screen. It’s a cute picture of them and no one can get into his phone anyway so he’s not worried about someone seeing that.
“You should be paying attention to me,” Tony pouts. “What are you doing?”
He leans over and shows him the picture, brushing a kiss over Tony’s cheek as he does. Tony takes the phone and stares at it before saying, “We’re cute in that. Send it to me.”
“Okay, doll,” he agrees, relaxing into the couch and letting Tony’s warmth bleed into him, relaxing him from the stress of the show and interview.
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lightsonparkave · 4 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIGHTS ON PARK AVE! WE’RE OFFICIALLY A ONE-YEAR-OLD BABY (our birthday was on the 22nd). Join the celebrations by submitting a work! There’s one week left until Round 12 closes on August 31, and you have 80 prompts to choose from. There are no minimum work requirements or limit to how many works you can submit.
Not sure you can finish your work in time? Little messages are great presents too. What has the past year of Lights on Park Ave been like for you? Do you have a favorite prompt or round? A favorite LoPA work? Want to make a rec list of your favorites or wax poetic and show some love for a specific work and/or creator? Go for it. Let the Steve/Tony community know! The LoPA askbox is open or if you want to make your own Tumblr post or tweet, you can mention @lightsonparkave or tag #lightsonparkave. Whatever method you choose, I’ll make sure to share your message/post on here and Twitter.
Or maybe you’re not up to making anything this time. In that case, let’s take a walk down memory lane. Here are all 46 Lights on Park Ave works for previous rounds.
3490 & 616
A comparison between 616 Civil War and universe 3490 where the war was averted by the marriage of Steve Rogers and Natasha Stark - @jarvisuanddumetoo​
A framed portrait of a smiling Tony, drawn and signed by Steve - @hundredthousands
Steve steals his husband’s helmet and gives his king a springtime crown - @starksnack
Tin soldier Steve and ballerina Tony dancing - @jarvisuanddumetoo
Steve watching Tony flying in on the battlefield - @thingexplainer
Old Steve holding flowers and seeing a blue butterfly after Tony’s death - @hundredthousands
So much of life feels like drowning... but when I’m with you my troubles recede like waves on the shore - @jarvisuanddumetoo
Stranger Things AU where Steve is the one who was experimented on in a lab and doesn’t understand pop culture and Tony is the guy with no powers who is still doing his best to fight these weird new aliens - @jarvisuanddumetoo
Steve and a dandelion that represents him weathering all his hardships over the years - @jarvisuanddumetoo
Tony on fire and Steve’s reaction - @jarvisuanddumetoo
Steve crying while holding Tony’s helmet after Tony’s funeral - @noririna
I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You’re a hero. - @starksnack
Steve and Tony leaving marks on each other’s bodies that are only visible in the dark - @sirsapling Ults Steve and Tony are tragically bound to one another. They can always feel the trace of each others hands, it leaves an invisible mark they will cary with them till there is nothing left. Only a ghost of something lost in the chaos of the past.
Say My Name - @citsiurtlanu Steve reminds Tony that there's more to him than the war his weapons were used in.
Snow Day - @captainneverever The Avengers think that Steve and Tony got engaged at the annual holiday party. It’s news to Steve and Tony.
Kiss me rough before you go - erde Tony is dying. His life is slipping away and Steve wants to be better than this, but he can't quite manage the feat. Tony's war has made a bitter man out of him, a lesser man.
Boys, boys, boys - Missy_dee811 (@viudanegraaa) (AU) Steve keeps putting off his oil change. Finally deciding to see the mechanic in town.
Without the rusty music of my machine - Missy_dee811 (@viudanegraaa)  Tony was lying on the hood of his car. He had taken off his leather jacket, gently folded it in half, and draped it across the windshield so he could rest his arms on the supple leather.
Muddy Waters - RossKL (@but-damn-is-he-lovable) (also on Tumblr) Tony bleeds. It's not real.
(A Dream is) A Wish Your Heart Makes - @helovedyou Cool evenings together and laughing free and all the nice things Tony never thought he’d get
Afternoon Off - Neverever (@captainneverever) Freedom is just another word for getting with your boyfriend on the downlow during a mission.
Those We Were (For A While) - sadisticsparkle The blueprints hadn’t prepared Tony for the light bouncing off the battered metal, for the empty stare of its empty eye sockets or the dim circle in the middle of the chest. He traced its lines with his gaze, remembering every day he had spent hunched over the schematics picking its inner workings and every night he had spent sprawled under its pilot letting him take Tony apart.
border state - @areiton (also on Tumblr) They exist in the in between.
star crossed - @areiton (also on Tumblr) "The gods made the stars,” you whisper, a lifetime ago, a heartbeat ago, now, “and they were so bright, so beautiful and strong, that they ripped them in two. And half of ‘em fell to earth, and woke from the dust and walked as men.”
this is how - @areiton (also on Tumblr) This is how the world ends: Gaps in the code.
kiss me hard before you go - duckmoles​ & starxreactor (AU) “I love you, you know that?” Tony says just after popping another grape into Steve’s mouth. He watches as Steve’s jaw works, chewing and then swallowing. Steve smiles up at Tony with a bright, toothy grin. “I love you, too.” “I’m going to miss you,” Tony continues. “I’m going to call you everyday, okay? And—and, during the holidays I’ll show up at your house and we can—we can—sit together on the balcony, and—” The last day of summer, and it's time to hold on to what you might lose.
No Winter Lasts Forever - Fluffypanda (@ayapandagirl) Steve stopped, white breath clouding the air around him, to look at the little shoots of green and purple peeking out from the scant layer of snow left on the ground.
snippet of a post-apocalyptic A/B/O AU WIP - Fluffypanda (@ayapandagirl) Steve’s fingers traced the bite, a half-moon of red marks, from in front of the largest mirror he’d ever seen.
the first blush of morning - Fluffypanda (@ayapandagirl) (AU) The sun rises on the Atlantic ocean and Steve isn't alone - or is he?
Santa Paws - @heartsandmuses [I]f there were two things the public couldn’t get enough of, it was cute puppies and shirtless Captain America — and Tony, ever the philanthropist, decided to give the people exactly what they wanted, right on Christmas morning.
Philautia - @helovedyou Tony dies and Steve keeps on living. Well. He doesn’t die. Living might be a bit of a generous term
To the Victor - @helovedyou There are rainbows flying and people hugging and others ranting and raving, spittle flying, he thinks this. We have won this, this tiny victory.
Snippet of a WIP set post-IW - @ishipallthings The numbers keep climbing, for hours, in the aftermath.
Shuffle Off This Mortal Coil - jellybeanforest (@jellybeanforest-a-go-go) (also a Cap-IM Bingo 2020 round 1 fic) Tony hadn’t been a cruel man, but he had been a practical one. Or: In his twilight years, concerned about how his slow-aging possibly-immortal husband will adjust to his death, Tony builds an AI version of himself that he updates nightly, intending for it to keep Steve company after he’s gone. When the inevitable comes to pass, Steve doesn’t know what to make of the AI or whether its presence lessens his grief or makes it significantly worse. He’s leaning towards the latter.
Five Bells - @lazywriter7 (also on Tumblr) After returning the Stones, Steve takes a detour through time.
if we’re gonna heal, let it be glorious - @littlemissstark forgiveness. The salty air was intense enough to wake Steve up completely, snapping any left over drowsiness away. He was alert despite the sky still being a shade of navy that tapered into a purple at the sea’s horizon. The world was still dormant, but Steve couldn’t stay asleep – not when he woke to coldness on the right side of the bed and empty arms.
In My Hands and Gone Again - @nostalgicatsea (also on Tumblr) Memories were like fish, Tony had explained, or the tease of one. A flash of silver, and his hands would plunge down. Sometimes he would catch one; other times, it would dart out of reach. He wouldn’t be sure whether it had been real or just a trick of the light, after.
Leaving You Forward - @nostalgicatsea (AU) It would be easy, staying here like this with Tony. But Steve knew he couldn't—because he had never taken the easy way out and because he loved Tony.
i choose: me, you, us - @onlymorelove (also a Cap-IM Remix Madness 2020 fic) “We, uh. We’ve been together five years, and you’ve never— I’ve never let you see it. I told you I’d let you see it on our wedding night.” In which Tony and Steve marry, but Tony hasn't let Steve see the arc reactor—and the scars around it. Yet.
best of summers gone - rosycheeked (@lovelyisthedawn) Tony's favorite month has always been August.
when we all fall asleep - rosycheeked (@lovelyisthedawn) Tony wakes up and questions why Steve loves him. It's a surprisingly complex question for such a simple answer.
you anchor me (back down) - rosycheeked (@lovelyisthedawn) Steve still loves Tony, no matter what mask he’s wearing. He’ll never tell Tony that, though. He’s read enough books and watched enough movies to know that it only ends well when it’s just a story. Or, everyone needs an anchor sometimes, and Steve and Tony just happen to be each others’.
take me to the feeling - smalltonystark (@theotherwasdeath​) Steve looks gorgeous in the lights. He always looks stunning, but here, late at night, in the faint glow from the streetlamps underneath them and underneath the stars, he looks magnificent.
A Toast to Cold, Hard Facts - @onlymorelove (also on Tumblr) The world is brutal and coarse, but...
Love was fading stars - @onlymorelove (also on AO3) Blackout poetry based on “Failing and Flying” by Jack Gilbert on top of an original print.
not married - @onlymorelove (also on Tumblr) Grief works in mysterious ways.
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A Straight Line to You | Harry Holland Chapter 1
What person is this? First? Second? Third? Who knows? Prepare to know some of Y/N’s thoughts and some of Harry’s. But I’m still telling the story to you about you so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, I’m taking suggestions for how this story should progress.
University AU
The sound of voices singing let you know that you were getting close to the choir room at last. You kept getting lost in this large university building. All the buildings on campus were hard to navigate, but the music building was a true labyrinth.
You reached the doors of the classroom and tried to slide in discreetly, slowly shutting them behind you to keep from making noise. With the cacophony of voices, you don’t think anyone heard you come in. Certainly, no one saw you. You were used to being invisible.
You slipped in at the middle row of sopranos. The choir never stopped their song, even as you pulled out the packet of music you received the day prior. Being a transfer student, you weren’t sure of the protocol, but you were quick to identify which song they were on and began sight reading the music and singing softly. Thank god it was a song without many accidentals.
When the song finished, the director cleared his throat. 
“As you all know, in a few months, it will be time for our winter concert. This year’s performance has the potential to be a great one, especially with the orchestra accompanying us,” he said.
There were a few twitters of excitement in the group.
He continued on, “That’s why, I want to start the audition process for the Laudate Dominum solo next week. Any of you who wish to have a shot should start preparing. Now, let’s get back to it.”
With a nod to the pianist, the class went on to the next song.
Harry noticed her right away. The choir crescendoed in unison right before she entered the room, but the second she walked through the door, Harry’s voice faltered and all he heard was deafening silence. Everyone around him continued with the song, but it was as if all his senses left him except his sight. The miraculous vision before him was lovelier than any girl he’d seen before.
He craned his neck and watched this angel make her way unobtrusively to the other side of the risers. He knew then that he had to hear her sing. But there were too many voices for him to ever make out her voice like this.
When Dr. Cieber announced the solo audition, he prayed she would try out. He told himself he would introduce himself to her, so he spent the rest of rehearsal gathering the courage.
When it ended, Harry gathered up his things and strode over to her.
“Hey,” he said, lamely, kicking himself. Damn. He didn’t have a line. He didn’t even know what to say. He was so not smooth.
You felt surprised that someone was talking to you. You were notoriously shy and didn’t know why this super attractive guy had come over to you. Nervous, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
You didn’t know why your heart was suddenly thumping out of your chest.
“I’m Harry,” he said, tucking his hands into his jean pockets. He was wearing a red jumper that made his ginger curls look even redder.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, still feeling unsure.
“I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself.
“Are you...are you new?” he asked. He seemed nervous too. And so adorable. Wait, what? 
“Yeah, I’m a transfer,” you answered.
“I’m glad you joined choir,” Harry said, “What class have you got next?”
“Chemistry, it’s my last class of the day.”
“Hey, that’s great. My next class is in the same building. I can walk you there,” said Harry, “ y’know, if you want,” he amended shyly.
You’d gotten lost so many times today, you decided to take him up on it. Plus, you wanted to get to know at least one person at this school.
You put your bag over your shoulder and Harry picked up the books you’d been carrying that didn’t fit.
“You don’t have to do that,” you protested. You weren’t used to people doing things for you.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you carry these heavy things yourself?”
You smiled gratefully.
“Let’s go then,” you said.
The next day, you were on your way to morning classes when you got a text from Harry. You had exchanged numbers after he walked you to class. When you read it you got butterflies.
Harry had asked you to meet up for lunch. Your morning was a blur of note-taking as your mind reeled ahead to when you’d see him next. Ugh, you had it bad and you’d only known him for a day.
When you reached the cafeteria, Harry was waiting for you.
“Let’s grab a table,” he said. In an old-fashioned gesture, he pulled out a chair for you.
“How have your first few classes been?” he asked.
“It’s beginning to shape into a tough workload already,” you laughed, “but I think I can handle it. I always liked school when I was a kid.”
“Nerd,” he quipped.
“And you’re not?” you cocked an eyebrow.
“Well, I’m not the smartest of my brothers,” responded.
“Your brothers? How many?”
“There’s four of us,” Harry said, “My younger brother Paddy, my twin Sam, and my older brother Tom.”
“So who is the smartest?”
Harry thought for a moment, “Sam.” he decided.
“So you’re saying you’re the stupid twin?” you joked.
“Hey, that’s not what I said!” Harry shouted a bit too loudly, but there was a smile on his face.
“So, do you think you’ll go out for the choir solo?” Harry asked, changing the subject.
You nearly spit out your tea. Where had that question come from?
“I don’t think so. I’m not confident enough to sing a solo,” you answered.
“Aw, I’m sure you sing beautifully. You’re so pretty with a speaking voice to match. I bet your singing voice is just as lovely.”
You blushed all the way to your ears. Meanwhile, Harry couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud.
As you and Harry talked, you found yourself staring into his eyes more. His irises were unusually detailed. They were brown and warm, but like a thick molasses with flecks of light caught in it.
Eventually, you did have to leave. This time, your classes weren’t in the same building. Harry offered to walk you anyway, but you declined. You didn’t want to make him late for this own class.
With your red jacket zipped up tight against the wind, you made your way back to your dorm, bag over your shoulder and books in hand. As you walked alone, you thought to yourself that you should probably make an effort to get to know some other people. Maybe some other girls.
You had seen a flyer for a forensic science study group. You could use some study partners and the girls in your class seemed nice. Maybe it would be fun. You had an hour to decide. In either case, you wanted to freshen up in your room first. 
Once you were ready (you had settled on going) you took a deep breath. You could do this. There was nothing to worry about. Just a study group. No big deal. You might even make a friend. Plus you needed to think about something other than Harry. You’d see him tomorrow at choir.
At the study session, you were greeted by a girl you recognized sat in the front row of your class.
“Hey, Y/N, right?” she beamed at you.
“Yeah, and you’re Briana?”
She nodded.
“We just got started. No one wants to study alone,” she said.
You sat down with the other girls.
“I’ve been so lost on this assignment,” you admitted.
“Let me take a look at what you’ve done so far,” Briana said. She skimmed over your work and the notes that accompanied it.
“I think we can work through this together,” said announced. 
You felt relieved. She was being so nice.
After a few hours of homework and studying, the conversation dissolved into girl talk.
“I know you’ve only been on campus for a few days, but tell me, have you spotted any guys you’re interested in,” Briana questioned.
It was a bit nosy, but you hadn’t had anyone to talk to about your love life in a long time. Plus you felt like you could trust her.
“Well, there’s a guy I met the other day. I know it’s early, but I think I’m falling for him,” you said quietly.
“Oooo, what’s he like?”
You sighed, “He’s like a dream, honestly. He’s the first person I met here and we connected so easily. I feel at peace when I’m with him, though I’ve only known him two days.”
Briana giggled, “What’s his name?”
You shook your head, “Sorry, not today. I’m not sure I want to tell people yet. I don’t want him to know.”
“Aw, I won’t tell,” she pouted.
You stood up, “I should get back to my dorm.”
“See you in class!” Briana yelled after you.
The moonlight cast shadows on the walkway as you scurried through the dark streets. You had no reason to feel unsafe, but you were paranoid anyway. The stars sparkled brightly above you. It could have been a romantic walk if you had someone to walk with. 
Just then you paused. Were there footsteps behind you? Surely not. You were almost to the end of the street where you needed to turn. Your dorm was at the beginning of the next one.
You glanced back. You didn’t see anyone behind you. You must have imagined it. Taking faster steps now, you carried on. Your own footsteps were light. The ones in your imagination were heavy. Funny, how our minds could do that.
You moved to round the corner. And time slowed down. Hands grabbed you from behind and you screamed as you were dragged backwards. You could feel your sneakers scraping helplessly over the pavement. You twisted and struggled against the arms. You felt the hardness of the back of your head smacking into something brick or stone. Your vision blurred and you felt darkness take over your senses.
End of Chapter 1
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Beastars Fandom Interview!
This post starts a series of interviews I want to make to artists in this fandom! I’m really sorry for the delay with this, but I had to take care of some business irl! The first interview it’s with @dooptown, talented artist and writer of Craving More Than You’re Given, Beasts in The Stars and co-author of We’re Only Animals with @nilesthewhitetaileddeerqueer! Enjoy! If you want to submit other questions feel free to do it!
How did you get into the fandom?
My friend showed me its debut cover on Shonen Champion back in like 2016? At the time I thought the art looked weird so I put it on the backburner. Fast forward to May of 2017 and the same friend started reading it and recommended that I do as well. And the rest is history.
What do you feel about Beastars? Has it improved or not with the latest volumes?
My relationship with Beastars has definitely been complicated. If you go way back on my blog you're sure to find text posts of me complaining endlessly about it because that was back when I thought the whole thing would devolve into a romance story. I saw the romance between Haru and Legosi as forced and shallow (I don't think that anymore, although I do wish it was given more focus so we can really understand it). After the Meteor Festival Arc I got really invested in it, and I believe the Murder Solution Arc is the strongest in the story. The slice of life leaning of Legosi living on his own is really good too. Melon's introduction kind of marked the descent into the Weirdness we're seeing now. I love Melon to bits but the story right now is really weird and weird things keep happening. I still enjoy a handful of the chapters coming out currently, and the last few have been really great, but it's definitely not as good as it used to be. What I crave most from Beastars is slice of life.
Do you have a favorite character?
Overall? I'm not sure. I'll just say it's Louis.
You are considered one of the first Lougosi writers/artists and one of the most looked up to. How does it feel?
While there were certainly a handful of Lougosi fics before mine as well as some art, I do remember that ship being a bit barren when the manga wasn't as popular. I'm not aware of just how influential or far reaching my work with this ship is, since this is the internet and tracking that sort of thing is kind of impossible and I tend to be a bit of an aloof hermit. Knowing I'm relatively well known in a community I care a lot about is a nice feeling, though! But at the end of the day I'm a fan just like anyone else.
How has the fandom changed since you joined, especially since the anime came out?
It has blown up, that's for sure! The tumblr tag for Beastars back in 2017 was me and maybe four other regular posters, and I was the only artist posting consistent Beastars art back then (that I remember) As time went on it definitely gained in popularity, mostly by word of mouth, but even in March of 2019 it had a virtually empty Ao3 tag. So the anime, understandably, launched Beastars into the mainstream (or at least close to it). This is awesome and I love that it's seeing so much popularity and praise! Of course that also brings with it the ugliness of general Fandom Drama. Beastars Discourse is the most unwelcome thing to come of this popularity and it's the reason I no longer track the tag here on tumblr or look it up on twitter.
Your art is very popular. Have you ever thought of making a comic?
I would like to make comics but comic layout is intimidating and so is the whole process. Maybe one day.
 3 fics that you would recommend?
serendipity by elkieistrying
  Want a Haru/Juno story with a nice helping of Lougosi on the side? Serendipity can scratch that itch. Both ships are very well written and I love the characterization so much in this story.
Ashfall by Skeptacles
This fic doesn't seem to have many hits, and I think that's because people are turned away by it being a Game of Thrones crossover. As someone who has never read, watched, or even knows anything about Game of Thrones, I can say this fic is a great read! Skeptacles presents the setting and worldbuilding in an easy to understand way and if you have no GoT knowledge like I do, it simply seems like a Beastars Fantasy story.
To one I am tied, to the other I am true by Sinpie_Senpai 
This was the first Lougosi fic I ever read, and it is the second English Lougosi fic on Ao3. It was very influential to my decision to start writing Lougosi fic, and if you haven't read it yet I think you should.
How much have you worked on merging the manga’s plot and your story for Craving More Than You’re Given?
For CMTYG the merging of the plot just happened naturally. I started it in March of 2019 so at that point Legosi just had his birthday and hadn't seen Louis in a while, so I figured a birthday party would be a good reason for them to meet again. I wrote from there while also paying attention to where the canon plot was going to see what I wanted to incorporate.
You think you're gonna include the turf war in your fic? And are there any new characters you want to include?
Since this story was conceived long before this manga plot started, I won't be including it. Things are going to go very differently. As for new characters, I don't think so.
What inspired Beasts in the Stars?
As for Beasts in the Stars, I've always been a Sci fi fan. This story is loosely based on an AU I made for my OCs back in 2015, as well as some Sci fi ideas I've had bouncing around in my head for years. I can't point to any specific inspirations, but people compare it to Cowboy Bebop, which I can see since both of a laid back hard Sci fi aesthetic. I also write Star Fox fanfic, so I’m definitely using some of my experience from that. 
Legosi in the fic is homosexual or what? What about Louis?
Their sexualities will be explained, but I usually work off my headcanon of Legosi being bi and Louis being gay.
What other characters do you want to include in Beasts in the Stars?
BITS will hopefully include virtually every character from Beastars in some capacity.
What's the difference between writing a story more anchored to the manga and one that isn't?
Writing a fic that's manga-compliant is fun because you have to take into consideration past actions in the story and make sure it lines up with what they're doing in the fic. Of course, there's less freedom there, so that's why writing an AU also has its positives. Using the characters as a base to work off of in a new setting is very exciting.
Any spoilers you would like to share for both of them?
CMTYG: Next chapter is being written, and the summer clothes Legosi pics I've been drawing definitely play a role ;) 
BITS: Next canon characters you'll be seeing are the Drama Club folks. I hope people enjoy how I adapted them for this story.
And this was it! If you are an artist in the fandom and you want to partecipate to this please feel free to write me, I’ll get back at you as soon as possible!
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