#I’m like mmmmmm this is so William
no greater purpose to this ask but wanted you to know that every time my hip hurts i mentally go Lol. Just like william wisp of phantomxlegend fame . anyways hope ur having a good day
HEX every time my hip hurts or my body hurts in general I think “aha this is so William wisp core ;-;” I love projecting on fictional characters. We are unfortunately hand in hand my friend.
I’m affectionately baping you w my paws and hoping u have a good day too
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thisisrealbrassbtw · 3 months
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not kpop but UGH throw back to when i saw one of the pookiest guys in real life wif my bestie it was SOOOO GOOD ugh i wanna see lorna again
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love-pyramus · 3 years
RACETRACK: In 1899, the street of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies, peddeling the newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst and other giants of the newspaper world. On every street corner you saw 'em, carrying the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and run-aways, the newsies were a ragged army, without a leader, until one day when all that changed.
(The movie title appears. We see the outside of the Newsboys Lodging House. Inside, Kloppman, the owner, enters the bunkroom, finding the boys still in bed.)
KLOPPMAN: Boots! Skittery! Skittery! Skittery!
SKITTERY: Wha..I didn't do it!
KLOPPMAN: What do you mean you didn't do it? Will you get up? When you get up, it's time to get up! Snitch! Get up! Get up! Everybody's sleeping. They sleep their lives away these kids! The presses are rolling! Sell the papers, sell the papers! Come on, come on. You dreaming about selling papers?
JACK: Mmmmmm? What's the matta with you?
KLOPPMAN: What's the matter with me?
JACK: What's the matta with you? Wanna..go..back..to..
KLOPPMAN: Come on! (gives him a shove)
JACK: Get away from me, you're mad!
KLOPPMAN:  Haha. Get up boy! Come on. Alright! Carry the banner! Sell the papers!
(Racetrack looks around for his cigar, noticing that Snipeshooter has it)
*Start Song*
RACETRACK: That's my cigar!
SNIPESHOOTER: You'll steal anudder!
KID BLINK: Hey bummers, we got work tah do!
KID: Since when did you become me mudder?
CRUTCHY: Aww, stop your bawling!
NEWSIES: Hey, who asked you?
MUSH: So, how'd you sleep Jack?
JACK: On me back Mush.
MUSH: Ha ha. Hear that fellas? Hear what Jack said? I asked Jack how he slept and he said 'On me back Mush'
CRUTCHY: Jack, when I walk, does it look like I'm faking it?
JACK: No. Who says you're faking it?
CRUTCHY: I dunno. It's just there's so many fake crips on the street today, a real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta find me a new selling spot where they ain't used to seeing me.
MUSH: Try Bottle Alley or the harbour
RACETRACK: Try Central Park, it's guaranteed
JACK: Try any baker, bum, or barber
SKITTERY: They almost all knows how to read
KID BLINK: I smell money
CRUTCHY: You smell foul!
MUSH: Met this girl last night
CRUTCHY: Move your elbow!
RACETRACK: Pass the towel!
SKITTERY: For a buck I might!
NEWSIES: Ain't it a fine life Carrying the banner through it all? A mighty fine life Carrying the banner tough and tall Every morning, we goes where we wishes We's as free as fished Sure beats washin' dishes What a fine life Carrying the banner home-free all!
(The newsies leave the Lodging House and head towards Newsies Square)
Summer stinks and winter's waiting Welcome to New York Boy, ain't nature fascinating When you'se gotta walk? Still, it's a fine life Carrying the banner with me chums A mighty fine life Blowing every nickel as it comes
CRUTCHY: I'm no snoozer Sitting makes me antsy I likes living chancy
NEWSIES: Harlem tah Delancey What a fine life Carrying the banner through the slums
NUNS: Blessed children thought you wonder lost and depraved Jesus loves you, you shall be saved!
PATRICK'S MOTHER: Patrick, darling Since you left me, I am undone Mother loves you God save my son!
(Sung in counterpoint)
RACETRACK: Just give me half a cup
KID BLINK: Something to wake me up
MUSH: I gotta find an angle
CRUTCHY: I gotta sell more papes
VARIOUS NEWSIES: Papers is all I got Wish I could catch a breeze Sure hope the headline's hot All I can catch is fleas God help me if it's not Somebody help me, please..
(End counterpoint)
NEWSIES: If I hate the headline, I'll make up the headline And I'll say anything I hafta 'Cause it's two for a penny, if I take too many Weasel just makes me eat 'em afta
(Sung in counterpoint)
1. Look! They're putting up the headline They call that a headline? I get better stories from the copper on the beat I was gunna start with twenty but a dozen'll be plenty Tell me, how'm I gonna make ends meet?
2. What's it say? That won't pay! So where's your spot? God, it's hot! Will ya tell me how'm I gonna make ends meet?
(End counterpoint)
NEWSIES: We need a good assassination! We need an earthquake or a war!
SNIPESHOOTER: How 'bout a crooked politician?
NEWSIES: Hey, stupid, that ain't news no more! Uptown to Grand Central Station Down to City Hall We improves our circulation Walkin' til we fall!
(Sung in counterpoint)
1. Still we'll be out there Carrying the banner man to man! Yes, we'll be out there Soaking every sucker that we can! See the headline Newsies on a mission Kill the competition Sell the next edition While we're out there Carrying the banner is the...
2.Look, they're putting up the headline They call that a headlin The idiot who wrote it must be working for the Sun Didja hear about the fire?
3.Heard it killed old man Maguire!
2.Heard the toll was ever higher
3.Why do I miss all the fun?
2.Hitched it on a Trolly
3.Meetcha Forty-Fourth and Second
2.Little Italy's a secret
3.Bleecker's further than I reckoned
2.At the courthouse
3.Near the stables
2.On the corner someone beckoned and I....
(The Delancey brothers, Oscar and Morris, enter.)
RACETRACK: Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night
BOOTS: Nah, too rotten to be the sewers.
CRUTCHY: It must be the Delancey brudders.
RACETRACK:  Hiya boys!
OSCAR:(to Snipeshooter) In the back, you lousy little shrimp. (Oscar throws Snipeshooter to the ground. Jack goes to help him up)
RACETRACK: It's not good to do that. Not healthy
JACK: You shouldn't call people lously little shrimps, Oscar, unless you're refering to the family resemblance in your brudda here.
RACETRACK: 5-1 that Cowboys skunks 'em. Who's betting?
JACK: That's right. It's an insult. So's this
(Jack knocks Morris' hat off his head. The Delancey's chase Jack around the Square. David and Les enter and watch until Jack bumps into them.)
DAVID: What do you think you're doing?
JACK: Runnin'!
NEWSIES:  (Sung in counterpoint)
1.It's a fine life Carrying the banner through it all A mighty fine life Carrying the banner tough and tall See the headline Newsies on a mission Kill the competition Sell the next edition What a fine life Carrying the banner!
2.Would you look at the headline You call that a headline? I get better stories from the copper on the beat I was gonna start with twenty but a dozen'll be plenty Would you tell me how'm I ever gonna make ends meet Hitched it on a Trolly Meetcha Forty-Fourth and Second Little Italy's a secret Bleecker's further than I reckoned By the courthouse, near the stables On the corner someone beckoned! Go get 'em Cowboy! You've got 'em now boy!
(End counterpoint)
WORLD EMPLOYEE: These is for the newsies!
(The newsies line up for their papes, congratulating Jack on beating the Delancey's)
MORRIS: See you tomorrow, Cowboy
OSCAR: You're as good as dead, Cowboy
JACK: Oh Mr. Weasel.
WEASEL: Alright, alright! Hold your horses! I'm coming, I'm coming.
JACK: So, didja miss me Weasel? Huh, did you miss me?
WEASEL: I told ya a million times, the name's Wisel. Mr. Wisel to you. How many?
JACK: Don't rush me, I'm perusing the merchandise Mr. Weasel. The usual.
WEASEL: 100 papes for the wise guy. Next!
RACETRACK: Morning your honor! Listen, do me a favor, spot me 50 papes? I got a hot tip int the fourth, you won't waste your money.
WEASEL: It's a sure thing?
RACETRACK: Yeah. Not like last time.
WEASEL: 50 papes! Next!
CRUTCHY: Heya Mr. Wisel.
RACETRACK: See anything good this morning?
WEASEL: 30 papes for Crutchy! Next!
JACK:(to Les) You wanna sit down?
DAVID: 20 papers please. Thanks.
RACETRACK: Look at this, 'Baby Born With Two Heads'. Must be from Brooklyn.
WEASEL: Hey, you got your lously papes, now beat it!
DAVID: I paid for twenty. I only got nineteen.
WEASEL: Are you accusing me of lying kid?
DAVID: No. I just want my paper.
MORRIS: He said beat it!
JACK: No, it's nineteen. It's nineteen, but don't worry about it. It's an honest mistake. I mean, Morris here can't count to twenty with his
shoes on. Hey Race, will ya spot me 2 bits? Another 50 for my friend.
DAVID: I don't want another 50.
JACK: Sure you do. Every newsie wants more papes.
DAVID: I don't. I don't want your papes. I don't take charity from anyone. I don't know you. I don't care to. Here are your papes.
LES: Cowboy. They called him Cowboy.
JACK: Yeah, I'm called that and a lot of other things, including Jack Kelly, which is what me mudder called me.what do they call you kid?
LES: Les, and this is my brother David. He's older.
JACK: No kidding. So how old are you Les?
LES: Me? Near 10.
JACK: Near 10. Well, that's no good. if anyone asks, you're 7. You see, younger sells more papes and if we're gonna be partners, we wanna
be the best.
DAVID: Wait. Who said anything about being partners?
JACK: Well, you owe me 2 bits right? Well, I'll consider that an investment. We sell together, we split 70-30, plus you get the benefit of observing me, no charge.
DAVID: Ah-ha.
JACK: (mocking) Ah-ha.
CRUTCHY: You're getting the chance of a lifetime here, Davey. You learn from Jack, you learn from the best.
DAVID: Well, if he's the best, then how come he needs me?
JACK: Listen,I don't need you, pal,but I ain't got a cute little brudder like Les here to front for me. With this kid's puss and my God-given talent, we could move a thousand papes a week. So what do you say Les? You wanna sell papes with me?
LES: Yeah!
JACK: So we got a deal?
DAVID: Wait. It's got to be at least 50-50.
JACK: 60-40, I forget the whole thing.
(David holds out his hand. Jack spits on his hand and reaches for David, who pulls his arm away.)
JACK: What'sa matta?
DAVID: That's disgusting!
(By this time, the rest of the newsies have gotten their papers and are moving out into the street.)
JACK: The name of the game is volume, Dave. You only took twenty papes. Why?
DAVID: Bad headline.
JACK: That's the first thing you gotta learn. Headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes. You know, we're what holds this town together.
Without newsies, nobody knows nothing.
(A girl hurries past and the newsies take off their hats and make a few comments)
SPECS: Baby born with three heads!
(The newsies begin to yell out various headlines as the spread out over the streets. We go into Pulitzer's office where Pulitzer is reading the headline. Also in the room is Jonathan, Seitz and another World employee.)
PULITZER: 'Trolly Strike Drags On For Third Week' and this so called headline drags on for infinity.
EMPLOYEE: News is slow, Mr. Pulitzer. The trolly strike's all we've got.
PULITZER: Well, that's all Mr. William Randolph Hearst has too, but look how he covers the strike. Look! Look!
EMPLOYEE: We'll get a new headline writer, sir.
PULITZER: Steal Hearst's man. Offer him double.
SEITZ:  That's how he stole him from us. It's not the headlines, Chief. The circulation wars are cutting into our profits because you spend as much as you make trying to beat Hearst.
PULITZER: Then we need to make more money. You do not penny-pinch when you're in a war, Seitz. Victory means everything. Now, when I created the world... what is that deafening noise?
JONATHAN: Just the newsies, sir. I'll go have them quieted.
PULITZER: Never mind the newsies. Where was I?
SEITZ: Creating the world, Chief.
PULITZER: There's lots of money down there, gentlemen. I want to know how I can get more of it...by tonight.
(We are now in the streets of New York. Jack and David roam through the crowds.)
DAVID: Extra! Extra! Trolly strike drags on!
JACK: Extra! Extra! Ellis Island in flames!
DAVID: Wait, where's that story?
JACK: Thank you sir. Page 9. Thousands flee in panic. Thank you. Much obliged to you ladies.
DAVID 'Trash Fire Next To Immigration Building Terrifies Seagulls'??
JACK: Terrified flight of inferno!! Thousands of lives at stake!  Extra! Extra! Thank you sir. Extra! Extra!
(Les enters)
JACK: Hey, you start in the back like I told you? Ok, show me again.
LES:  (coughs) Buy me last pape, mista?
JACK: It's heartbreaking kid. Go get 'em.
DAVID: My father taught us not to lie.
JACK: Well, mine told me not to starve, so we both got an education.
DAVID: You're just making up things. All these headlines.
JACK: I don't do nothing the guys who write it don't do. Anyway, it's not lying, it's just improving the truth little.
(Warden Snyder enters and see Jack. Les re-enters)
LES: The guy gave me a quarter. Quick, give me some more last papers.
DAVID: Wait, wait. You smell like beer.
LES: Well, that's how I made the quarter. The guy bet me I wouldn't drink some.
JACK: Hey, no drinking on the job. It's bad for business. And what if somebody called the cop on you?
DAVID:  (pointing to Snyder) Is he a friend of your's?
JACK: Beat it! It's the bulls!
LES: All this over one sip of beer?
(Snyder chases Jack, David and Les through the streets, and into a building. They run up the stairs and get to the roof. Without stopping for a second, Jack jumps off the roof, leaving David and Les alone. Jack's head pops up and David and Les join him on a ledge just as Snyder enters.)
SNYDER: Sullivan! Wait til I get you back to the Refuge!
(Jack leads David and Les a little more, when David pulls him to a halt outside Irving Hall)
DAVID: I'm not running any further.
(Jack leads the two brothers inside.)
DAVID: I want some answers.
JACK: Shhh!
DAVID: Who was he and why was he chasing you? And what is this Refuge?
JACK: The Refuge is a jail for kids. That guy chasing me was Snyder, the warden.
LES: You were in jail?
JACK: Yeah.
LES: Why?
JACK: Well, I was starving, so I stole some food.
DAVID: Food?
JACK: Yeah, food.
DAVID: He called you Sullivan.
JACK: Well, my name's Kelly. Jack Kelly. You think I'm lying?
DAVID: Well, you have a way of improving the truth. Why was he chasing you?
JACK: 'Cause I escaped.
LES: Oh boy! How?
JACK: Well, this big shot gave me a ride out in his carriage.
DAVID: I bet it was the mayor.
JACK: No, Teddy Roosevelt. You ever heard of him?
MEDDA: What's going on there? Out! Out! Out!
JACK: You wouldn't kick me out without a kiss goodbye, wouldja Medda?
MEDDA: Oh Kelly. Where ya been, kid? Oh, I miss seeing you up in the balcony.
JACK: Hanging on your every word. So Medda.
JACK: This is David and Les.
MEDDA: Hello.
JACK: And this is the greatest star of the vaudeville stage today, Miss Medda Larkson, the Swedish Meadowlark.
MEDDA: Welcome, gentlemen.
JACK: Medda also owns the joint.
MEDDA: Oh, what do we have here? Oh, aren't you the cutest little thing that ever was? Yes you are.
LES:  (cough) Buy me last pape, lady?
MEDDA: Oh, you are good. Oh yes, this kid is really good. Speaking as one professional to another, I'd say you have a great future.
JACK: So, is it alright if we stay here for a little while, Medda? Just until a little problem outside goes away.
MEDDA: Sure,stay as long as you like. Toby, just give my guests whatever they want.
ANNOUNCER: And now gents, the moment you've all been waiting for. The sensational songbird. The Swedish Meadowlark, Miss Medda Larkson.
(Medda goes on stage. Jack, David and Les watch from backstage.)
MEDDA: My lovey dovey baby I boo-hoo-hoo for you I used to be your tootsie-wootsie Then you said 'tooldle-dedoo' I miss the hanky-panky Each nighty-night til three Come back my lovey dovey baby And coochie-coo with me!
(After the show, the boys go outside)
JACK: So, you like that?
DAVID: Oh,I loved that. I loved it. It was great. She is beautiful. How do you know her?
JACK: She was a friend of me fadder's. Come on, Les, you wanna shine me shoes for me?
DAVID: Oh, it's getting late. My parents are going to be worried. What about your's?
JACK: Nah, they're out west looking for a place to live, like this. (Pulls out a Santa Fe brochure) See, that's Santa Fe, New Mexico. As soon as they find the right ranch, they're gonna send for me.
LES: Then you'll be a real cowboy.
JACK: Yup.
(Fire and loud crashes are heard. The boys run and see a riot breaking out. A group of men are beating up another man.)
DAVID: Jack! Why don't we go to my place and divi up. You can meet my folks.
JACK: It's the trolly strike, Dave. These couple of dumb-asses must not have joined or something.
DAVID: Jack, let's get out of here.
JACK: So, maybe we'll get a good headline tomorrow, Dave.  Look at this, he slept the whole way threw it.
(Jack picks up Les from the bench where he fell asleep. They enter David's house.)
ESTER: My God. What happened?
DAVID: Nothing, mama. He's just sleeping.
MAYER: We've been waiting dinner for you. Where have you been? (David puts a pile of coins on the table.)
MAYER: You made all this selling newspapers?
DAVID: Well, half of it's Jack's. This is our selling partner, and our friend. Jack Kelly, my parents. And that's my sister, Sarah.
MAYER: Ester, maybe David's partner would like to join us for dinner. Why don't you add a little more water to the soup?
(He kisses her. She shoves him away playfully)
ESTER: Mayer!
(After dinner, they talk as Sarah clears the table.)
JACK: So, from wat I saw today, you're boys are a couple of born newsies. Can I have some more?
JACK: So with their hard work and my experience,I figure we can peddle a thousand papes a week and not even break a sweat.
MAYER: That many?
JACK: More when the headline's good.
SARAH: So what makes the headline good?
JACK: Oh, you know. Catchy words like maniac, or corpse, umm..lovenest, or nude. Excuse me. Maybe I'm talkin' too much.
MAYER:  Sarah? Go get the cake your mother's hiding in the cabinet.
ESTER: That's for your birthday tomorrow!
MAYOR: Well, I've had enough birthdays. This is a celebration.
DAVID: I'll get the knife.
SARAH: I got the plates.
DAVID: This is only the beginning, papa. The longer I work, the more money I'll make.
MAYER: You'll only work until I go back to the factory, and then you are going back to school, like you promised.
SARAH:  Happy birthday, papa.
MAYER: This is going to heal, and they'll give me my job back. We'll make them
(Les stirs, but doesn't wake up in bed.)
LES: Come back my lovey dovey baby And coochie-coo with me!
(David and Jack start laughing)
ESTER: And what is this David?
(The boys try to stop laughing, but can't. Scene:  LATER THAT NIGHT, on David's fire escape)
JACK: So, how'd your pop get hurt?
DAVID: At the factory. It was an accident. He's no good to them anymore, so they just fired him.
(Mayer appears at the window.)
MAYER: David, it's time to come in now.
DAVID: Alright. Jack, why don't you stay here tonight?
JACK: Ah, no, thanks. I got a place of my own. But you're family's real nice, like mine.
DAVID: See you tomorrow.
JACK: Alright.
DAVID: Carrying the banner.
JACK: Carrying the banner.
(David goes inside, leaving Jack alone on the fire escape. He looks in the window and see the family together.)
JACK: So that's what they call a family Mudder, fadder, daughter, son Guess everything you heard about it's true. So you ain't got any family Well, who said you needed one? Ain'tcha glad nobody's waiting up for you? When I dream on my own I'm alone, but I ain't lonely For a dreamer, night's the only time of day When the city's finally sleeping When my thoughts begin to stray And I'm on the train that bound for Santa Fe And I'm free Like the wind Like I'm gonna live forever. It's a feeling time can never take away All I need's a few more dollars And I'm outta here to stay Dreams come true Yes they do In Santa Fe Where does it say you've gotta live and die here? Where does it say a guy can't catch a break? Why should you only take what you're given? Why should you spend your whole life livin' Trapped where there ain't no future Even at seventeen Breaking your back for someone else's sake If the life don't seem to suit ya How bout a change of scene? Far from the lously headlines And the deadlines in between Santa Fe Are you there? Do you swear you won't forget me? If I found you would you let me come and stay? I ain't getting any younger And before my dying day I want space Not just air Let 'em laugh in my face, I don't care Save a place I'll be there So that's what they call a family? Ain'tcha glad you ain't that way? Ain'tcha glad you got a dream called Santa Fe?
(Jack ends up outside the Lodging House. As he enters, he meets up with Racetrack)
JACK: Heya Race.
JACK: How was your day at the track?
RACETRACK: Remember that hot tip I told you about? Nobody told the horse.
(Pulitzer, Seitz and Jonathan are sitting it Pulitzer's office.)
PULITZER: I know we need to make more money. That's why we're here, to find out how to make more money.
JONATHAN: I have several proposals. First, to increase the paper's price.
PULITZER: Then Hearst outsells me and I'm in the poorhouse. Brilliant, Jonathan, brilliant.
JONATHAN: Not the customer's price. The price to the distribution apparatus.
SEITZ: Charge the newsies more for their papers? Bad idea, Chief.
JONATHAN: Very well. My next proposal, salary cuts. Particularly those at the top.
SEITZ:  Very bad idea, Chief.
PULITZER: Wait. What do the newsies pay now? 50 cents for 100 papers? If you raise it to 60 cents..
JONATHAN: A mere tenth of a cent per paper.
PULITZER: Multiply by 40, 000 papers a day?  7 days a week?.
JONATHAN: It definitely adds up, sir.
SEITZ:  If you do this, every newsie we've got will head straight for Hearst.
PULITZER: You don't know Hearst like I do, Seitz. As newspapermen, he and I would cut each other's throats to get an advantage. But as gentlemen, as businessmen, if also see eye to eye on certain things. Now, if we do it, Hearst and I, if we do it, then the other papers will do it.
SEITZ: It's going to be awfully tough on those children.
PULITZER: Nonsense, nonsense. It'll be good for them. Incentive, make them work harder, sell more papers. They'll look on it as an advantage.
(Outside the World building, the newsies have gathered. Jack joins them)
KID BLINK: They jacked up the price! You hear that Jack? Ten cents a hundred! You know, it's bad enough that we gotta eat what we don't sell, now they jack up the price! Can you believe that?
SKITTERY: This'll bust me, I'm barely making a living right now.
BOOT: I'll be back sleeping on the streets.
MUSH: It don't make no sense. I mean, all the money Pulitzer's making, why would he gouge us?
RACETRACK: Because he's a tight wad, that's why!
JACK: Pipe down, it's just a gag. So, why the jack up Weasel?
WEASEL: Why not? It's a nice day. Why don'tcha ask Mr. Pulitzer?
KID BLINK: They can't to this to me Jack.
RACETRACK: They can do whatever they want. It's their stinkin' paper.
BOOTS: It ain't fair. We got no rights at all.
RACETRACK: Come on, it's a rigged deck. They got all the marbles.
MUSH: Jack, we got no choice, so why don't we get our lousy papes while they still got some, huh?
JACK: No! Nobody's going anywhere. They can't get away with this!
LES: Give him some room, give him some room. Let him think.
RACETRACK: Jack, you done thinkin' yet?
WEASEL: Hey! Hey! Hey! World employees only on this side of the gate!
JACK: Well, listen. One thing for sure, if we don't sell papes, then nobody sells papes. Nobody comes through those gates until they put the price back to where it was.
DAVID: You mean like a strike?
JACK: Yeah, like a strike!
RACETRACK: Are you out of your mind?
JACK: It's a good idea!
DAVID: Jack, I was only joking. We can't go on strike, we don't have a union.
JACK: But, if we go on strike, then we are a union, right?
DAVID: No, we're just a bunch of angry kids with no money. Maybe if we got every newsie in New York, but...
JACK: Yeah, well we organize. Crutchy, you take up for collection. We get all the newsies of New York together.
DAVID: Jack, this isn't a joke. You saw what happened to those trolley workers.
JACK: Yeah, well that's another good idea. Any newsie don't join with us, then we bust their heads like the trolley workers.
DAVID: Stop and think about this Jack. You can't just rush everybody into this
JACK: Alright. Let me think about it. Listen. Dave's right. Pulitzer and Hearst and all them other rich fellas, I mean, they own this city, so do they really think a bunch of street kids like us can make any difference? The choice has got to be yours. Are we just gonna take what they give us, or are we gonna strike?
LES: Strike!
BOOTS: Keep talking Jack, tell us what to do!
JACK: Well, you tell us what to do Davey.
DAVID: Pulitzer and Hearst have to respect our rights.
JACK: Hey listen! Pulitzer and Hearst have to respect the rights of the working boys of New York! Well, that worked pretty good, so what else?
DAVID: Tell them that they can't treat us like we don't exist.
(Begin Song)
JACK: Pulitzer and Hearst, they think we're nothing. Are we nothing?
DAVID: If we stick together like the trolley workers then they can't break us up.
JACK: Pulitzer and Hearst, they think they got us. Do they got us?
DAVID: We're a union now, the Newsboys Union. We have to start acting like a union.
JACK: Even though we ain’t got hats or badges We’re a union just by saying so And the World will know!
BOOTS: What’s to start somebody else from selling our papes?
JACK: Well, what’s wrong with them?
RACETRACK: Some of them don’t hear so good!
JACK: Well then we’ll soak ‘em!
DAVID: No! We can’t beat up kids in the streets. It’ll give us a bad name.
CRUTCHY: Can’t get any worse.
JACK: What’s it gonna take to stop the wagons? Are we ready?
JACK: What’s it gonna take to stop the scabber? Can we do it?
JACK: We’ll do what we gotta do until we Break the will of mighty Bill and Joe!
NEWSIES: And the World will know And the Journal too! Mr. Hearst and Pulitzer Have we got news for you! Now the World will hear What we’ve got to say We’ve been hawking headlines But we’re making ‘em today. And our ranks will grow!
CRUTCHY: And we’ll kick their rear!
NEWSIES: And the World will know that we been here!
JACK: When the circulation bell starts ringing Will we hear it?
JACK: What if the Delancey’s come out swinging’ Will we hear it?
NEWSIES: No! When you’ve got a hundred voices singing Who can hear a lousy whistle blow? And the World will know That this ain’t no game That we got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim So they gave their word But it ain’t worth beans! Now they’re gonna see what ‘stop the presses’ really mean And the day has come And the time is now And the fear is gone
BOOTS: And their name is mud!
NEWSIES:  And the strike is on
BOOTS: And I can't stand blood!
NEWSIES: And the World will..
JACK: Pulitzer may crack the whip but he won’t whip us!
NEWSIES: Pulitzer may crack the whip but he won’t whip us! And the World will know And the World will learn And the World will wonder how We made the tables turn And the World will see That we had to choose That the things we do today Will be tomorrow’s news And the old will fall And the young stand tall And the time is now And the winds will blow And our ranks will grow And grow and grow and so The World will feel the fire And finally know!
NEWSIES: Strike! Strike! Strike! (etc.)
JACK: We gotta get word out to all the newsies of New York. I need some of those….what’dja call ‘em?
DAVID: Ambassadors?
JACK: Yeah, right. Okay, you guys, you gotta be ambastards and go tell the other that we’re on strike.
KID BLINK: Say, Jack, I’ll take Harlem
RACETRACK: Yeah, I got Midtown.
MUSH: I got the Battery, Jack.
CRUTCHY: Hey, I’ll take the Bronx.
JACK: Alright. And Bumlets, and Specs and Skittery, you take Queens.  Pie Eater! Snoddy! East Side! Snipeshooter, you go with ‘em. So, what about Brooklyn? Come on, Spot Conlon’s territory. What’sa matta? You scared of Brooklyn?
BOOTS: Hey, we ain’t scared of Brooklyn. Spot Conlon makes us a little nervous.
JACK: Well, he don’t make me nervous. So you and me, Boots, we’ll go to Brooklyn. And Dave here can keep us company.
DAVID: Sure, just as soon as you delivery our demands to Pulitzer.
JACK: Me? To Pulitzer?
DAVID: You’re the leader, Jack.
JACK: Well, maybe the kid’ll soften him up.
(Jack and Les enter the World Building. The newsies cheer)
NEWSIES: Strike! Strike! Strike! (etc.)
(The newsies go off in different directions. Denton enters and approaches David.)
DENTON: Hey, what is the strike? What’s going on?
DAVID: We’re bringing out demands to Pulitzer.
DENTON: What demands?
DAVID: The newsies demands. We’re on strike.
DENTON: I’m with the New York Sun. Bryan Denton. You seem like the kid in charge. What’s your name?
DAVID: David
DENTON: David. David as in David and Goliath? You really think old man Pulitzer’s going to listen to your demands?
DAVID: He has to. (Jack and Let thrown out the door.)
JACK: Well, so’s your old lady! You tell Pulitzer he needs an appointment with me!
LES: Yeah!
(Jack, David, Les and Denton are sitting in a booth in Tibby’s Restaurant.)
JACK: So this snooty mug says to me, ‘You can’t see Mr. Pulitzer. No one sees Mr. Pulitzer.’ Real hoity-toity, you know the type?
LES: Real hoity-toity.
JACK: So that’s when I says to him, ‘Listen, I ain’t in the habit of transacting no business with office boys. Just tell him Jack Kelly’s here to see him now!’
LES: That’s when he threw us out.
DENTON: Does he scare you? You’re going up against the most powerful man in New York City.
JACK: Oh yeah, look at me. I’m trembling.
DENTON: Alright, keep me informed. I want to know everything that’s going on.
DAVID: Are we really an important story?
DENTON: Well, what’s important? Last year I covered the war in Cuba. Charged up San Juan Hill with Col. Teddy Roosevelt. That was an important story. So, is the newsie’s strike important? That all depends on you.
JACK: So my name’s really gonna be in the papers?
DENTON: Any objections?
JACK: Not as long as you get it right. It’s Kelly, Jack Kelly. Oh, and Denton? No pictures.
DENTON: Sure Jack. (Jack, David and Boots start across the Brooklyn Bridge.)
DAVID: I’ve never been to Brooklyn, have you?
BOOTS: I spent a month there on night.
(Jack and Boots lean over the side and scream at the top of their lungs.)
DAVID: So, is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?
(The boys get to Brooklyn. There are a lot of tough looking boys.)
BROOKLYN NEWSIE: Going somewhere, Kelly?
(Jack pushes past him. David and Boots follow.)
SPOT: Well, if it ain’t Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.
JACK: I see you moved up in the world, Spot. Got a river view and everything.
(The two boys spit-shake.)
SPOT: Heya Boots. How’s it rollin’?
BOOTS: I got a couple of real good shooters.
(Spot takes the marbles and takes out his sling shot.)
SPOT: Yeah. So, Jacky-boy. I’ve been hearing things from little birds. Things from Harlem, Queens, all over. They been chirpin’ in my ear.  Jacky-boy’s newsies is playing like they’re going on strike.
JACK: Yeah, well we are.
DAVID: We’re not playing. We are going on strike.
SPOT: Oh yeah? Yeah? What is this, Jacky-boy? Some kind of walking mouth?
JACK: Yeah, it’s a mouth. A mouth with a brain, and if you got half a one, you’ll listen to what he’s got to say.
DAVID: Well, we started the strike, but we can’t do it alone. So, we’re talking to newsies all around the city.
SPOT: Yeah, so they told me. But what’d they tell you?
DAVID: They’re waiting to see what Spot Conlon is doing, you’re the key. That Spot Conlon is the most respected and famous newsie in all of New York, and probably everywhere else. And if Spot Conlon joins the strike, then they join and we’ll be unstoppable. So you gotta join, I mean... well, you gotta!
SPOT: You’re right Jacky-boy, brains. But I got brains too, and more than just half a one. How do I know you punks won’t run the first time some goon comes at ya with a club? How do I know you got what it takes to win?
JACK: Because I’m telling you, Spot.
SPOT: That ain’t good enough Jacky-boy. You gotta show me.
(The boys go back to Newsies Square, where the rest of the newsies wait.)
RACETRACK: Jack. So, where’s Spot?
JACK: He was concerned about us being serious. You imagine that?
RACETRACK: Well, Jack, maybe we ought to ease off a little. Without Spot and the others, there ain’t enough of us, Jack.
MUSH: Maybe we’re moving too soon. Maybe we ain’t ready, you know?
SKITTERY: I definitely think we should forget about it for a little while.
JACK: Oh, do ya?
RACETRACK: Yeah, I mean, without Brooklyn… you know?
JACK: Spot was right, is this just a game to you guys?
(Begin Song)
DAVID: Open the gates and seize the day Don’t be afraid and don’t delay Nothing can break us No one can make us Give our rights away Arise and seize the day!
DAVID AND NEWSIES: Now is the time to seize the day Send out the call and join the fray
DAVID: Wrongs will be righted if we’re united
DAVID AND NEWSIES: Let us seize the day! Friends of the friendless seize the day Raise up the torch and light the way Proud and defiant We’ll slay the giant Let us seize the day
Neighbor to neighbor Father to son One for all and all for one! Open the gates and seize the day Don’t be afraid and don’t delay Nothing can break us No one can make us Give our rights away Neighbor to neighbor Father to son! One for all and all for one!
(The circulation bell begins to ring)
JACK Anybody hear that?
JACK: So what are we gonna do about it?
NEWSIES: Soak ‘em!
(The newsies and the scabbers have a stand off. 3 scabs join with the newsies, but then a bug scab comes up against Jack. He tries to get by, but can’t. The newsies start soaking the scabs, who eventually run away. They tear up the newspapers. Jack starts making faces and blowing raspberries at Weasel, Oscar and Morris through the distribution window.)
MORRIS: I’m gonna crack your dome!
(The tearing of newspapers continue. A delivery cart is pushed onto it’s side. Weasel calls for the cops, who enter blowing whistles.)
JACK: Cheese it! Cheese it, it’s the bulls!
(All the newsies run, except Crutchy, who doesn’t notice)
RACETRACK: Crutchy! Scram! Scram!
(Crutchy starts to leave, but is blocked in by cops. He turns to find the Delancey brothers behind him. They knock his crutch aside and drag him away. Denton has been watching all of this. THAT NIGHT- Jack and David walk to the Refuge. Jack has a rope in his hands)
JACK: So here it is. The Refuge. My home, sweet home.
DAVID: How can you be sure they sent him here?
JACK: How can I be sure the Delancey’s stink? It’s just how things work, you know? An orphan gets arrested, Snyder makes sure he gets sent straight here, so he can rehabilitate him. The more kids in the Refuge, the more money the city sends to take care of them, the more Snyder sticks it in his pocket. He’s here.
DAVID: So how come you brought the rope?
(A carriage exits the Refuge. Jack and David hind in the shadows. As the guard talks with the nuns, the two boys sneak by. On the roof, David lowers Jack, who has the rope tied around his waist. Jack gets level with the window.)
JACK: Steady. Steady, Dave. That’s good.
(Jack knocks on the window. A boy around Les’s age opens it.)
TEN PIN: Hey. Cowboy. You miss the joint?
JACK: What do ya say, Ten Pin. You got a new guy in here. Crutchy.
TEN PIN: The gimp? I’ll get him for ya.
JACK: Hey Crutchy.
(With the help of a boy, Crutchy limps to the window.)
CRUTCHY: I don’t believe it. What are you hanging around here for?
JACK: What do you mean what am I hangin’ around here for? You know who’s on the roof?
JACK: Dave.
CRUTCHY: Is that Dave? Heya Dave! How ya doin’?
DAVID:: Shhh.
JACK: Listen, Crutchy, go get your stuff. We’re gonna get you outta here.
CRUTCHY: Well, actually, I ain’t walking so good. Oscar and Morris kindda worked me over a little bit, you know?
JACK: They hurt you? Don’t worry about it. Me and Dave, we can carry you outta here.
CRUTCHY: I don’t want nobody carrying me, you hear? Hey, Dave! You know, they still talk about how Jack rode outta here on that coach.
DAVID: Oh, yeah. Teddy Roosevelt’s, right?
CRUTCHY: You already heard the story.
DAVID: You mean it’s true?
CRUTCHY: Of course. Hey! Cheese it!
(Snyder enters and inspects the room. Jack swings to the side, out of site. As Snyder is about to look out the window, Crutchy grabs his arm.)
CRUTCHY: Mr. Warden Snyder, sir. You know, I was thinking. I’d just like you to know that when you were taking a nap this afternoon…
(Crutchy leads Snyder away from the window and Jack leaves. THE NEXT MORNING- Pulitzer, Weasel and Seitz are inside Pulitzer’s office.)
SEITZ: I don’t think they’re just going to go away, Chief.
WEASEL: Mr. Pulitzer, sir, just give me the means and I’ll take care of them for ya.
PULITZER: I’ll give you whatever means you require. I want this nonsense down with once and for all.
SEITZ: Chief…
PULITZER: Shut you mouth, Seitz
(Weasel and Seitz leave. Snyder looks out the window to the square where the newsies have gathered.)
NEWSIES: Open the gates and seize the day Don’t be afraid and don’t delay Nothing can break us No one can make us Give our rights away Arise and seize the day
(The boys dance in the square and block the entrance to the World building. A delivery cart rushes through. The newsies and scabs have another stand off.)
DAVID: Alright. Everyone remain calm.
JACK: Let’s soak ‘em for Crutchy!
(The newsies charge towards the scabs, who retreat. A large door opens and big men with clubs and chains come out)
RACETRACK: Jack! Jack!, the Crib!
(the men form a circle around Jack so none of the newsies can help him. The gates shut and Denton can’t get in to help.)
OSCAR: Heya Jacky-boy (Jack faces a man with a chain. Outside, Denton tried to get in.)
DENTON: Aren’t you going to stop them, sir?
POLICEMAN: Move along, mister.
(Just as all hope seems lost for Jack, a bunch of newsies appear on the rooftops, including Spot.)
SPOT: Never fear, Brooklyn is here.
MUSH: It’s Brooklyn!
(The newsies start to soak the Crib, the Brooklyn boys using their sling shots. Racetrack throws his hands in the air and sit on a ledge….)
RACETRACK: Hey, I give up. Alright, alright. I give up.
(…then kicks the guy *you know where*)
JACK: Hey, Spot!
(Shots of Newsies punching the scabs. First Racetrack, then Jack, Kid Blink and another. Skittery get hits and falls back. Newsies catch him)
DAVID: Are you alright?
(Before he can answer, the newsies push him back up and he punches the man back. Spot opens the gates and the Brooklyn gang join. They force the Crib back. The newsies cheer and tear some more papers. Denton enters with him camera.)
DENTON: Jack! Boys! Freeze! Freeze!
JACK: Alright guys
(Denton takes the picture. Jack is the only one ready for it. The others all have weird expressions on their faces. The picture turns black and white and appears on the cover of the New York Sun under the headline ‘The Children’s Crusade; Newsies Stop the World’. NEXT DAY- The newsies are in Tibby’s. Denton enters with the paper.)
DENTON: Hey fellas. Hey, hey! Big time.
BOOTS: What you got there Jack?
SPOT: Where’s me picture? Where’s me picture?
BOOTS: What’s that? That all about us?
MUSH: Look at that Jack. You look like a gentlemen
JACK: Will you get your fingers off me face?
SPOT: Where does it say my name? Where’s my name?
JACK: Will you quit thinking about yourself?
DAVID: You got us on the front page!
DENTON: You got yourselves on the front page. I just got to make sure you stay there.
SKITTERY: So what. You get your picture in the papes, so what’s that get you, huh?
MUSH: What are you talkin’ about?
JACK: Shut up, boy. You been in a bad mood all day!
SKITTERY: I’m not in a bad mood!
RACETRACK: Glum and dumb. What’s the matta with you?  You get your picture in the papes, your famous. Your famous, you get anything you want. That’s what so great about New York!
(Begin Song)
MUSH: A pair of new shoes with matching laces
RACETRACK: A permanent box at Sheepshed Races.
SPOT: A porcelain tub with boiling water
KID BLINK: A Saturday night with the mayor’s daughter!
RACETRACK: Look at me I’m the King of New York! Suddenly I’m respectable Staring right atcha Lousy with stature
JACK: Nubbin’ with all the muckety-mucks I’m blowin’ my dough and goin’ deluxe!
RACETRACK: And there I’ll be Ain’t I pretty?
RACETRACK & JACK: It’s my city I’m the king of New York!
BOOTS: A corduroy suit with fitted knickers
LES: A mezzanine seat to see the flickers
SNIPESHOOTER: Havana cigars that cost a quarter
DAVID: An editor’s desk for our star reporter!
NEWSIES: Tip your hat He’s the King of New York!
DENTON: How ‘bout that? I’m the King of New York!
NEWSIES: In nothing flat He’ll be covering Brooklyn to Trenton Our man Denton
KID BLINK: Making a headline out of a hunch
DENTON: Protecting the weak
RACETRACK: And paying for lunch
DENTON: When I’m at bat Strong men crumble
RACETRACK: Proud yet humble
DENTON & RACETRACK: I’m/He’s the King of New York
NEWSIES: I gotta be either dead or dreaming ’Cuz look at that pape with my face beaming Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it But I was a star for one whole minute! Starting now I’m the King of New York!
DENTON: Ain’t you hear? I’m the King of New York!
NEWSIES: Holy cow! It’s a miracle Pulitzer’s crying Weasel? He’s dying! Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun I’m one hifalutin’ sonuva gun! Don’t ask me how Fortune found me Fate just crowned me Now I’m King of New York! Look and see Once a piker Now a striker I’m the Kin of New York! Victory! Front page story Guts and glory I’m the King of New York!
(The newsies cheer and gather around a table)
JACK: So, let’s have some ideas.
DAVID: Well, we gotta show people where we stand
JACK: Yeah, so we gotta stay in the papes.
DENTON: My paper’s the only one printing any strike news so far
JACK: So, we should do something that’s so big the other papers’ll feel stupid if they try to ignore us. Like a rally. A newsie rally with all the kids from all over New York. It’ll be the biggest, loudest, noisiest blow-out this town’s ever seen!
DAVID: We’ll send a message to the big boys
RACETRACK: Geesh, I’ll give ‘em a message.
(A waiter brings a tray of cokes. Each newsie grabs a glass.)
JACK: There’s a lot of us, and we ain’t going away. We’ll fight until damn Doomsday if it means we get a fair shake.
DAVID: Hey, guys. To out man Denton.
NEWSIES: Our man Denton!
(The newsies lift their glasses in a toast. IN THE REFUGE- Crutchy knocks on Snyder’s door and enters.)
CRUTCHY: Heya Mr. Snyder. How was your supper?
(As he begins to put the plates on a tray, Crutchy notices Snyder looking at the paper, particularly at Jack’s picture.)
CRUTCHY: Hey! That’s Jack. He looks just like himself.
SNYDER: You know this boy?
SNYDER: You have a very famous friend, this Jack. Do you know where he lives?
CRUTCHY: I never heard of him, honest! It’s this brain of mine, it’s always making mistakes. It’s got a mind of it’s own. Can I get you anything else, Mr. Snyder? Good bye Mr. Snyder.
(Crutchy leaves, realizing his mistake. THAT NIGHT- The newsies are making signs for the rally. Dutchy’s sign says ‘STRIKE’)
DUTCHY: So, did I spell it right, Kloppman?
KLOPPMAN: Very good, very good.
(Snyder enters and starts going through Kloppman’s book)
KLOPPMAN: Excuse me. Can I help you?
SNYDER: You have a boy who calls himself Jack Kelly? I wish to see him
KLOPPMAN: Jack Kelly? Never heard of him. Never heard of him. Any of you boys ever hear of a Jack Kelly?
SPECS: That’s an unusual name for these parts.
(Jack enters, but Swifty stops him and points Snyder out to him)
RACETRACK: Oh, you mean Jack Kelly. Yeah, he was here, but he put an egg in his shoe and beat it.
SNYDER: I have reason to believe he’s an escaped prisoner, possibly dangerous.
KLOPPMAN: Oh, dangerous? I better look in my files. This way please.
(Kloppman distracts Snyder and Jack exits. The boys hold up signs to hide him)
RACETRACK: Give to the Newsies Strike fund, Mister?
(Snyder hands Racetrack a coin. THE NEXT MORNING- Sarah wakes up and looks out the window. She sees Jack on the fire escape)
SARAH: Did you sleep out there all night?
JACK: Yeah
SARAH: Why didn’t you wake us up?
JACK: Well, I didn’t want to disturb nobody. Besides, it’s like the Waldorph out here. Great view. Cool air
SARAH: Go up on the roof.
(Jack leaves so Sarah can get dressed. While he waits, he boxes with some stockings and steals a tomato off a plant. Sarah enters with a basket.)
SARAH: Are you hungry?
JACK: Yeah
SARAH: Good. I made you breakfast
(She lays down a clothe and gets the food and milk.)
SARAH: Papa’s so proud of you and David. You should hear him talking about Jack Kelly, strike leader, who occasionally takes his meal with us.
JACK: Well, this is one strike leader who’s gonna be very happy when it’s all over and I can get outta here and go to Santa Fe. I mean, there’s nothing for me to stay for, is there? You know, you should se Santa Fe, everything’s different there. It’s all bigger. The desert, the sky, the sun
SARAH: It’s the same sun as here
JACK: Yeah, it just looks different
SARAH: I should get ready for work
JACK: Sarah? I’m just not used to having whether I stay or whether I go matta to anybody. I’m not saying it should matta to you. I’m just saying, well, does it? Matta?
(Pulitzer is in his office with the Mayor, the Police Chief, Snyder and Seitz. He is looking at the paper and has Jack’s face circled.)
MAYOR: Of course, the city is very concerned that this event doesn’t get out of hand. But…Chief?
CHIEF: We can’t just charge in there and break it up, Mr. Pulitzer. We’ve got no legal cause.
MAYOR: Legal cause.
PULITZER: Would the fact that this rally is organized by an escaped criminal be cause enough, mayor?
MAYOR: Escaped criminal?
PULITZER: A fugitive from one of your prisons, mayor. A convicted thief. Been living at large for some time under the allis of Jack Kelly. What’s his real name?
SNYDER: Sullivan. Francis Sullivan. Your honor. I would have caught him before now, but..
PULITZER: You know Warder Snyder, don’t you mayor? I believe you know him because you appointed him.
MAYOR: Yes. Well, if this boy’s a fugitive then the chief can quietly arrest him.
PULITZER: No, no, no, no! Not quietly! Not quietly! I want an example made. I want this rabble he’s roused to see what happens to those who would dare to lead. They should see justice and action.
MAYOR: Arrest him at the rally?
PULITZER: By the way, mayor, a few friends for cards tonight. Newspaper friends. Billy Hearst, Gordon Bennett. Perhaps you’ll join us.  Talk about the coming election.
MAYOR: I’d be honored.
(Newsies are gathering outside Irving Hall. Inside, Jack, David and Spot are on stage. Jack quiets everyone)
JACK: Carryin’ the banner!
(The newsies stand up and cheer.
MEANWHILE- In Pulitzer’s study, men are sitting at a table, playing cards. Pulitzer leads the mayor around the table)
PULITZER: You know Gordon, mayor. Mr. Bennett of the Tribune. Mr. Taylor of the Times. Of course, you know Mr. Hearst. This is a new member of our little group, Mr. Gammon. He just came back from Europe. Mr. Gammon owns the New York Sun.
(Back in the theater, Jack is giving a speech.)
JACK: So, we’ve come a long way, but we ain’t there yet and maybe it’s only gonna get tougher from now on. But that’s fine, we’ll just get tougher with it. But also, we gotta get smart and start listening to my pal David, who says ‘stop soakin’ the scabs’.
RACETRACK: What are we supposed to do to the bums? Kiss ‘em?
SPOT: Any scab I see I soak ‘em. Period.
DAVID: No, no. That’s what they want us to do. If we get violent, it’s just playing into their hands.
SPOT: Hey, look. They’re gonna be playing with my hands, alright. 'Cuz it ain’t what they say, it’s what we say. And nobody ain’t gonna listen to us unless we make ‘em.
(Newsies in the crowd take different sides and start to argue.)
JACK: You got no brains. Why we starting to fight each other? It’s just what the big shot’s wanna see. That we’re street rats! Street rats with no brain’s. No respect for nothing, including ourselves! So, here’s how it’s gonna be. If we don’t act together, then we’re nothing. If we don’t stick together, then we’re nothing. And if we can’t even trust each other, then we’re nothing.
KID BLINK: Tell ‘em Jack!
JACK: So, what’s it gonna be?
RACETRACK: We’re with you Jack.
JACK: So, what about you, Spot?
SPOT: I say that what you say is what I say.
(The spit-shake. All the newsies cheer. The curtains open and Medda enters. The cheering gets louder.)
MEDDA & NEWSIES: High times, hard times Sometimes the living is sweet And sometimes there’s nothing to eat But I always land on my feet So when there’s dry times I wait for high times and then I put on my best And I stick out my chest And I’m off to the race’s again!
MEDDA: Hello, newsies. What’s new?
(Outside, the Crib and police are gathering. Snyder enters)
MEDDA: So your old lady don’t love you no more So you’re afraid there’s a wolf at your door So you’ve got street rats that scream in your ear
MEDDA & NEWSIES: You win some, you lose some my dear, Oh… High times, hard times Sometimes the living is sweet And sometimes there’s nothing to eat But I always land on my feet So when there’s dry times I wait for high times and then I put on my best And I stick out my chest And I’m off to the races again
MEDDA: I put on my best!
NEWSIES: I put on my best!
MEDDA: And I stick out my chest
NEWSIES: And I sticks out my chest
MEDDA: And I’m off
NEWSIES: And I’m off
MEDDA: And I’m off
NEWSIES: And I’m off
MEDDA: And I’m off
ALL: To the races again!
(The police block off the entrance to the theater. Denton sees Snyder and tries to keep him busy)
DENTON: Excuse me. Aren’t you Warden Snyder? Bryan Denton of the Sun. How do you do, sir?
(David sees Snyder and tells Spot)
DENTON: I heard about your wonderful work with the children and I wondered if I might get an interview with you
(David rushes through the crowd to Jack)
DAVID: Jack! Jack! It’s Snyder!
JACK: What?
DAVID: It’s Snyder. Right there!
(Denton tries to distract Snyder one more time. This time with his camera)
DENTON: Let me get that correct. That’s Snyder, as in snide? Smile sir!
(The flash blinds him for a minute, then he blows his whistle.)
JACK: Medda, thanks. I gotta run.
(Cops come in and the newsies scatter. Jack take’s Sarah’s hand and pulls her through the crowd. Racetrack gets Medda to safety and start to leave)
MEDDA: No! Stay with me!
(A huge man kicks Racetrack in the stomach and punches him out. Medda breaks away from her maid and slaps the man)
MEDDA: No! No! For God’s sake! He’s just a child! Can’t you see that? Racetrack!
(Medda is pulled back and Racetrack is dragged away. Jack and David get Sarah and Les to safety. Then turn back to fight. Everywhere they go, they are surrounded by cops or the crib. By Medda’s swing, they meet up with Snyder. David sits on the swing.)
DAVID: Push me!
(Jack shoves David, who hits Snyder in the face.)
DAVID: Get out of here! Go!
(Jack runs as David and some other newsies hold Snyder off. Jack and Kid Blink run outside and find they are surrounded by cops. One of them grabs for Jack, but Kid Blink shoves him away.)
KID BLINK: Beat it!
(Jack runs back inside. Kid Blink gets hit with a club and is dragged away. Jack starts to run up the stairs, but a man meets him at the top and punches him in the chin. Jack falls back and is caught by cops. THE NEXT DAY- the newsies are in court.)
BAILIFF: All rise. All rise. Court is now in session. Judge E.A. Monahan presiding. MONAHAN: Are any of you boys represented by council? No? Good, that will move things along considerably.
SPOT: Hey, yer honor, I object!
MONAHAN: On what grounds?
SPOT: On the grounds of Brooklyn, yer honor.
(The newsies crack up laughing. Monahan bangs on his desk.)
MONAHAN: I fine each of you five dollars, or two weeks confinement in the House of Refuge.
RACETRACK: Whoa. We ain’t got five bucks. We don’t even got five cents. Hey, yer honor, how ‘bout I roll you for it. Double or nothing?
MONAHAN: Alright. Move along, move along.
(Denton, David and Les enter)
DENTON: Your honor, I’ll pay the fines. All of them.
DAVID: Hey, you fellas alright? Where’s Jack?
DENTON: Look, we’ve got to meet at the restaurant. Everybody. We have to talk.
MONAHAN: Pay the clerk. Move it along.
(Jack is lead in, handcuffed)
JACK: Hey fellas!
RACETRACK: Hey, Cowboy! Nice shiner!
JACK: Hey, Denton. I guess we made all the papes this time. So, how’s my picture look?
DENTON: None of the papers covered the rally. Not even the Sun.
BAILIFF: Case of Jack Kelly. Inciting a riot. Assault. Resisting arrest.
SNYDER: Judge Monahan, I’ll speak for this young man.
JACK: You two know each other. Ain’t that nice.
MONAHAN: Just move it along, Warden Snyder.
SNYDER: This boy’s real name is Francis Sullivan. His mother’s deceased. His father’s a convict in the state penitentiary. He’s an escapee from the House of Refuge where his original sentence for three months was extended to six moths for disruptive behavior.
JACK: Like demanding we eat the food you steal from us.
SNYDER: Followed by an additional six months for attempted escape.
JACK: Attempted? Last time it wasn’t an attempted escape. Remember Snyder? Remember me and Teddy Roosevelt? Remember Roosevelt and the carriage?
SNYDER: Therefore, I ask that he be returned to the House of Refuge.
JACK: What? For my own good, right? Move it along? For my own good and for what he kicks back to you!
SNYDER: I ask that the court order his incarceration until the age of twenty-one, in the hope that we may yet guide him to a useful and productive life.
MONAHAN: So ordered.
LES: No!
(Jack is led away. Snyder follows, then turns and smiles at the judge. LATER- The newsies sit in Tibby’s. Denton enters. They greet him)
DAVID: Why didn’t the Sun print the story?
DENTON: Because it never happened
RACETRACK: What do you mean it never happened? You were there!
KID BLINK: You wrote it!
DENTON: It’s not in the papers, it never happened. The owners decreed it not be in the papers, therefore… I came to tell you fellas good bye.
DAVID: What happened? Did you get fired or something?
DENTON: No, I got reassigned back to my old job as the Sun’s ace war correspondent. They want me to leave right away. The owner thinks I should only cover the really important stories. Wish me luck fellas. At least half of what I wish for you. They don’t always fire. I would be black balled from every paper in the country. I’m a newspaper man. I have to have a paper to write for. This is the story I wrote about the rally. I want you to read it at least. This should cover it
(Denton pays the waiter and leaves. David crumples the story up and throws it on a table)
DAVID: We get Jack out of the Refuge tonight. From now on, we trust no one but the newsies.
(The newsies get up and leave. Les uses Denton’s article to wrap his unfinished hot dog in. THAT NIGHT- David, Les, Mush, Kid Blink, Racetrack and Boots sneak into the Refuge’s gates. Kid Blink had a rope.)
DAVID: That’s the window where we saw Crutchy
(They are about to move when they see Snyder leading Jack into a carriage.)
LES: It’s Jack!
MUSH: Where they takin’ him Dave?
DAVID: Only one way to find out. I’ll meet you guys at the square. Racetrack, watch him.
(David hides in the back of the carriage, which goes to Pulitzer’s house. Seitz is waiting outside for them.)
SEITZ: Get him inside
(Snyder takes Jack’s arm and leads him in. David pulls out the pin that attaches the horses to the carriage. INSIDE- Seitz leaves Jack in Pulitzer’s study. Pulitzer enters.)
PULITZER: Sit. Know what I was doing at your age, boy? I was in a war. The Civil War.
JACK: Yeah, I heard of it. So, didja win?
PULITZER: People think war is about right or wrong and not power.
JACK: Yeah, I heard of that too. I don’t just sell your papes, Joe. Sometime I read ‘em.
PULITZER: Power of the press is the greatest power of them all. I tell this city how to think. I tell this city how to vote. I shape it’s future.
JACK: Yeah? Well, right now I’m only thinking about one future, and that’s mine.
PULITZER: So am I boy. I have the power to see you stay locked in the Refuge
JACK: And I have the power to break out again.
PULITZER: Or, I can see you released tomorrow, free and clear, with more money in your pockets than you can earn in three lifetimes.
JACK: Are you bribin’ me, Joe?
JACK: Well, it’s been real nice chattin’ with ya, Joe. But I got to be goin’ now.
PULITZER: You listen to me, boy. You just shut your mouth and listen to me! You shut up and listen to me for once! No game I’m playing.  You work for me til the strike’s over, and it will end, boy, make no mistake, with or without you. Then you go where ever you want to buy a ticket for. Away from the Refuge, these foul streets. Free. With money to spend and nobody chasing you.
JACK: We must have you scared pretty bad, old man
PULITZER: I offer you freedom and money just to work for me again. To your friends, I won’t be so kind. Now, you’re partner, what’s his name? David. I understand he has a family. What do you think the Refuge will do to him? And it will be you who put him there. And all the others, after all, you’re their leader. Go back to the Refuge tonight, think about it. Give me your answer in the morning.
(Jack leaves. As he is being taken outside, Snyder lets go of him for one second)
DAVID: Jack! Come on! Come on!
(Jack slides down the railing and jumps over it. He and David take off)
SNYDER: After him!
(The driver whips the horses, who take off without the carriage.)
SEITZ: Don’t worry. He’s got no place to go
(David and Jack run into an alley. Jack slows down)
DAVID: Come on! Keep running!
JACK: You shouldn’t have done this, Dave. They could put you in jail
DAVID: I don’t care
JACK: Come here. What about your family? What happened to them if you go in jail. You don’t know nothing about jail. Now, thanks for what you done, but you get out of here
DAVID: I don’t understand
JACK: I don’t understand either, but just get outta here!
(David turns slowly and walks away. Jack leans against a wall.  Suddenly, he’s leaning against a wall in the Refuge.)
JACK: Santa Fe My old friend I can’t spend my whole life hidin’ You’re the only light that’s guidin’ me today
(Crutchy opens a little slot in the door. He has a potato)
CRUTCHY: Psst! Jack! Look! I snitched it off Snyder’s plate while I was serving him. It’s the biggest one. Oh, Mr. Snyder was eating good tonight. You know the stuff that we don’t ever get? He got potatoes, olives, liver, bacon, sauerkraut. And guess what I done to his sauerkraut, huh?
JACK: So, what’d it get ya?
CRUTCHY: Oh, anudder three months, probably, but you can’t let ‘em get you, right Jack? That’s what you always said...
JACK: We was beat when we was born
(Crutchy frowns and closes the slot)
JACK: Will you keep a candle burnin’ Will you help me find my way? You’re my chance to break free And who knows when my next one will be Santa Fe, Wait for me
(The newsies are picketing outside the World building.)
NEWSIES: Stop the World! No more papes! Stop the World! No more papes! (etc.)
(The police form a barricade. Some of the newsies start to fight amongst themselves.)
DAVID: Race! Help me! I need some help!
RACETRACK: Alright! I ain’t deaf!
SPOT: Hey, hey, hey! Break it up. Hey, Race, come here.
(Weasel leads Jack out. He’s in a new suit)
SPOT: Just tell me I’m seeing things. Just tell me I’m seeing things.
RACETRACK: No, you ain’t seeing things. That’s Jack. What’s he doing?
SPOT: He’s dressed like a scabber!
MUSH: Jack? Jack, look at me, will ya? Come on, it’s me, Mush. Look at me. What are you doin’, Jack?
KID BLINK: This ain’t happening. This can’t be happening. What are you doin’ Jack? Come on, what are you doin’?
BOOTS: Come on. What is this? Where’d you get them clothes?
WEASEL: Mr. Pulitzer picked them out himself. A special gift to a special new employee.
SPOT: He sold us out!
RACETRACK: I’ll give you a new suit! You bum! I’ll soak ya!
SPOT: Hey, hey, hey! Let me get my hands dirty. Come here you dirty rotten scabber! Traitor!
(Some newsies pull Spot away. David stares at Jack)
WEASEL: Aww. You wanna talk to him? Come on, come on. Sure. Got right ahead.
(David walks up to Jack)
DAVID: So, this is why you didn’t escape last night. You’re a liar! You lied about everything. You lied about your father being out west, ‘cause he’s not out west! You didn’t even tell me your real name!
JACK: So? What you wanna do about it Dave?
DAVID: I don’t understand you.
JACK: Oh, so let me spell it out for ya. You see, I ain’t got nobody tucking me in at night, like you. It’s just me, I gotta look out for myself.
DAVID: You had the newsies..
JACK: Oh, what’d being a newsies ever give me but a dime a day and a few black eyes? You know, I can’t afford to be a kid no more, Dave.  For the first time in my life, I got money in my pockets. Real money. Money, you understand? I got more on the way and as soon as I collect, I’m gone, I’m away. Alright?
DAVID: Well, that’s good. That’s good because we don’t need you! We don’t need you! All those words you said, those were mine.
JACK: Yeah, but you never had the guts to put them across yourself, didja?
DAVID: I do now
(Dave starts to go back to the newsies, then turns to look at Jack again.)
JACK: What’sa matta? Got a problem?
(David rushes towards Jack, but Weasel and a few policemen pull him away.)
WEASEL: Maybe you’d like a new suit of your own, huh?
DAVID: Never! Never!
WEASEL: Get outta here! Get outta here!
DAVID: I’m not like you!
(The cops surround Jack so the newsies can’t get him. The newsies watch him go.)
SPOT: Traitor!
KID BLINK: You make me sick!
BOOTS: I trusted you!
RACETRACK: Seize the day, huh Jack?
LES: He’s foolin’ ‘em, so he can spy on ‘em or something. Yeah, yeah, that’s it. He’s foolin’ ‘em!
RACETRACK: Yeah, he’s spying on then, kid.
(Sarah is going through a pile of lace. She finds Les’s old hot dog)
SARAH: Les. What is this?
LES: Savin’ it
(He takes the hot dog and leaves the article in Sarah’s hands. She looks at it.)
SARAH: David. It’s Denton’s article. ‘The Dark Truth; Why Our City Really Fears The Newsies Strike’ by Bryan Denton. ‘Last night I saw naked force exercised against mere boys, the newsies, who were…’
(David climes out the window, slams it, then storms off the fire escape. THAT NIGHT-Weasel leads Jack to his new bedroom, the basement of the World building.)
WEASEL: One trick, Cowboy, and it’s right back to the Refuge. Please.
(He throws a dust covered sheet to Jack.)
WEASEL: Ah. You gonna be requiring anything this evening?  Huh? No? Aww..tick tick. Well then, I ought to be saying good night.  Remember, on trick and I go straight to Mr. Pulitzer.
(He exits, leaving Jack alone. MORNING- Jack goes to collect his papers. Oscar and Morris come up behind him.)
WEASEL: Sleep well Cowboy?
OSCAR: Come with us Cowboy. We’re gonna go fix you’re pal, Davey. Fix him so he can’t walk.
MORRIS: Shut up
(Jack starts to go after them.)
WEASEL: Ah! Lift one finger and it’s right back to the Refuge. Next!
(Jack picks up his papers and leaves. LATER THAT MORNING- Sarah is walking to work with Les. She has a basket full of lace.)
SARAH: Morning LADY: Good mornin’, dear.
(Oscar ‘bumps’ into her)
OSCAR: ’Cuse me, Sweetface.
(She continues to walk with Oscar behind her. Morris steps out in front of her.)
MORRIS: Where’s your little brother, Tootsie? Where’s little Davey?
(Sarah tries to get by, but the brothers push her around.)
LES: Leave my sister alone!
(He shoves Oscar. Morris holds onto Sarah while Oscar pushed Les into a puddle.)
SARAH: Stop it! Leave him alone!
(Oscar shoves Les into a pile of baskets. Sarah shoves Morris away.)
SARAH: You stupid ape.
(She punches him, but it doesn’t hurt him. She runs into the alley. The brothers catch her. David sees Les and helps him up.)
DAVID: What’s the matter? Are you alright?
LES: I’m alright, I’m alright. Help Sarah!
SARAH: Run Davey!
OSCAR: Yeah, run Davey. We got the best part of your family right here.
(David tackles Oscar.)
SARAH: Let go of me!
(Morris throws her to the ground. Oscar punches David)
SARAH: Stop it! Les! Stop, you’re hurting him! No!
(Morris pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and puts them on.)
SARAH: Leave him alone!
(Oscar continues to punch David. Les runs to Sarah. Jack is walking down the street near the alley.)
SARAH: Stop it! Leave him alone!
(Jack hears her cries and runs, dropping his papers as he goes. Oscar holds David as Morris gets ready to hit him with the knuckles.  Jack comes up behind Morris and punches him. David gives Oscar an elbow in the stomach. Jack throws Morris into a box)
JACK: Get over here.
(Jack grabs Oscar)
JACK: Remember Crutchy?
(Jack head-butts him and he falls near Morris. Jack goes to help Sarah up)
JACK: You alright?
SARAH: Yeah.
(The hug briefly)
SARAH: David!
(Jack goes to David and checks him out before helping him up. Oscar and Morris finally get up.)
MORRIS: You’d better run, Cowboy. We’re gonna tell uncle Weas. You’ll be back in the Refuge before suppertime!
OSCAR: Run, you lousy coward, run!
(Jack starts to go after them, but Sarah stops him. Les runs to the end of the alley.)
LES: Go one! Get outta here! Don’t come back! You hear me?
DAVID: What? You couldn’t stay away?
JACK: Well, I guess I can’t be something I ain’t.
DAVID: A scab?
JACK: No, smart.
(The four of them go to Denton’s apartment. Jack knocks on the door. Denton opens it.)
JACK: Did you mean what you wrote here? ‘Bout all these sweat shop kids listening to me?
DENTON: I don’t write anything I don’t mean. Come on in. I’m just packing a few things.
(They enter. David closes the door.)
DENTON: So, yes, I mean it. The city thrives on child labour. A lot of people make money that way. They’re terrified that the newsies strike will spread.
JACK: Well, there’ really not much chance of that as long as they got the power
DENTON: Sometimes, all it takes is a voice, one voice. Then a thousand. Unless it’s silenced.
JACK: Why can’t we spread the strike? Have another big rally and get the word out to all the sweat shop kids? Why not?
DAVID: What are we going to do? Print an ad in the newspaper?
JACK: No! We’ll do better than that. We’ll make our own paper. We tell ‘em they gotta join us. Isn’t that a good idea?
DAVID: Yeah, it is. But what do we know about printing a newspaper?
JACK: Nothing, but our man Denton…
DAVID: Yeah, but our man Denton has something more important to do. He’s going to be an ace war correspondent, right Denton?
DENTON: Alright. Where do we start?
(They sit at a table)
JACK: Alright, we gotta move fast. Now, we’ll need the newsies to circulate.
DENTON: There’s something else that we need. We need a printing press.
JACK: Just so happens I know a guy with a printing press.
(Jack, Sarah, David and Denton enter the basement of the World building.)
SARAH: You’ve been living here?
JACK: Shh. They’re right above us. Weasel catches us here, we’re all in the slammer.
(Jack uncovers a press)
DENTON: Alright! A Platen press. Looks like old man Pulitzer never threw anything away.
DAVID: Is it going to work?
DENTON: It better. We have a deadline.
(They start printing their papers.)
DENTON: This is the story you wanted to write, well tonight is the night that you can
JACK: Just get this done and by dawn’t early light you can finish the fight you began
DAVID: This time we’re in it to stay
SARAH: Think about seizing the day
JACK: Think of that train as she rolls into old Santa Fe   Tell her I’m on my way
NEWSIES: See old man Pulitzer snug in his bed He don’t care if we’re dead or alive Three satin pillows are under his head While we’re begging for bread to survive Joe, if you’re still counting sheep Wake up and read ‘em and weep You’ve got your thugs With their sticks and their slugs Yeah, but we got a promise to keep Once and for all Something tells me the tide will be turning Once and for all There’s a fire inside me that wont stop burning Now that the choices are clear Now that tomorrow is here Watch how the mighty will fall For once and for all!
(Jack hands bundles of papers to the newsies. Denton and Jack crawl out the window.)
DENTON: It’s awfully nice of Mr. Pulitzer to let us use his press
JACK: Yeah, I just hope I get to thank him for it someday.
(The newsies spread out and hand the papers to various work kids.)
NEWSIES: This is for kids shining shoes on the streets With no shoes on their feet everyday This is for guys sweating blood in the shops While their bosses and cops look away This is to even the score We ain’t just newsies no more This ain’t just kids with some pie in the sky This is do it or die This is war! Once and for all We’ll be there to defend one another Once and for all Every kid is a friend Every friend a brother Five thousand fists in the sky Five thousand reasons to try We’re going over the wall Better to die than to crawl Either we stand or we fall For once Once and for all!
(Denton is with Teddy Roosevelt, who has just read the Newsies Banner)
ROOSEVELT: Disgraceful, Denty. Those poor boys.
DENTON: I thought you’d feel this way, Governor.
ROOSEVELT: And I did nothing, until now
(They shake hands and Roosevelt is handed his hat and walking stick. LATER THAT DAY- The newsies have gathered around the Horace Greeley statue None of the work kids have showed up.)
MUSH: So, when's the others coming, kid?
JACK: They ain’t coming. Ain’t gonna be nobody but us.
SNITCH: Come on, Jack.
SPECS: Have hope, Jack.
(Les walks away from the group.)
LES: When the circulation bell starts ringing, will we hear it?
RACETRACK: Nah. What if the Delancey’s come out swinging, will we hear it?
LES: No!
RACETRACK: That a boy!
WORK KIDS: When you’ve got a million voices singing Who can hear a lousy whistle blow? And the World will know!
(Work kids come in from all directions. The newsies cheer. Spot enters, leading in all of the Brooklyn kids.)
SPOT: Brooklyn!
NEWSIES & WORK KIDS: The World will feel the fire and finally know!
(Everyone cheers. The newsies and Sarah make their way threw the crowd.)
WORK KIDS: Strike! Strike! Strike! (etc.)
(The newsies make their way to the front of the World Building.)
RACETRACK: Dear me. What have we here?
(Seitz and a group of policemen are by the entrance, looking out into the crowd. INSIDE- Pulitzer is at his desk. Seitz brings in Jack and David. Jonathan grabs his arm and whispers.)
JONATHAN: It’s awful. Everyone’s calling. Mr. Hearst, and Mr. Bennett, and the mayor in such awful language. The city’s at a stand still and they all blame the chief. It’s like the end of the World, only I didn’t say that.
(Jack and David go to Pulitzer’s desk, where Jack pulls out a copy of the newspaper.)
JACK: Extry, extry, Joe. Read all about it.
PULITZER: I promised that if you defied me, I’d break you. I’ll keep that promise, boy. Now, I gave you a chance to be free. I don’t understand. Anyone who doesn’t act in their own self interest is a fool.
DAVID: Then what does that make you?
JACK: Oh, this is my pal, Davey. The Walkin’ mouth
DAVID: You talk about self interest, but since the strike, your circulation’s been down 70%. Everyday you’re losing thousands of dollars just to beat us out of one lousy tenth of a cent. Why?
JACK: You see, it ain’t about the money, Dave. It Joe gives in to nobodies like us, it means we got the power. And he can’t do that, no matter what it costs. Am I right, Joe?
PULITZER: I sent for the police. They must be here by now. Send them in, Seitz
JACK: I’m not going back to jail, Joe. Look out here. Right out here is where the power is.
(Jack opens the window. All the kids are still yelling Pulitzer covers his ears)
PULITZER: Close the window! Close the window! Go home! Go home! Go home!
JACK: I can’t hear you , Joe!
PULITZER: Go home! Go home to your mothers and fathers! Go home!
JACK: I don’t hear ya!
PULITZER: Now you listen to me!
JACK: Maybe you should listen!
PULITZER: No, no! You listen to me!
JACK: No! You listen!
PULITZER: Close the window and shut up!
JACK: There’s a lot of people out there and they ain’t just gonna go away. They got voices now and they’re goin’ be listen to. Putting them in jail is not going to stop them! That’s the power of the press, Joe.
(He closes the window. Pulitzer takes his hands away from his ears)
JACK: So thanks for teaching me about it.
SEITZ: Those kids put out a pretty good paper there Chief.
(Pulitzer picks up the paper and reads it.)
PULITZER: I ordered a printing ban on all strike matters. Now, who defied me? Who’s press did you use to print this on? Who’s?
JACK: Well, we only use the best, Joe. So, I just want to say, thanks again.
(Outside, Seitz’s opens the gates. David starts to come out, Jack is behind him.)
SPOT: Hey, fellas, they’re over here!
(The newsies gather around and start asking questions.   Jack bends over and whispers in Les’s ear.)
JACK: The strike’s over. We beat ‘em.
(Jack lifts Les onto his shoulders and look out towards all the children.)
JACK: We beat ‘em!
(The crowd cheers. All the newsies hug and pat each other on the back Weasel, Oscar and Morris put on their hats and leave. A paddy wagon pulls up. Snyder is sitting in the front seat with two cops.)
LES: Jack! Jack, it’s the bulls. It’s the bulls. Let me down!
SWIFTY: Down Jack. Get down!
KID BLINK: Hide Jack
DENTON: Jack, it’s over. No, no. You don’t have to run. Not anymore. Not from the likes of him. Come on, Come on.
(A cop opens the paddy wagon and the kids from the Refuge come out. The last one is Crutchy. A cop leads Snyder into the paddy wagon. Crutchy taps him on the back.)
CRUTCHY: Ah, remember what I told ya, Mr. Snyder. The first thing ya do in jail, make friends with the rats. Share what you got in common.
(Snyder climes in. A police officer is about to close the door.)
CRUTCHY: Officer, may I please?
(Crutchy hands his crutch to a kid. He slams the door and locks it. He gets his crutch back and goes over to Jack and the others.)
JACK: Heya Crutchy.
DENTON: You won’t be seeing much of him anymore. Say goodbye Warden.
NEWSIES: Goodbye Warden!
(The paddy wagon pulls away)
CRUTCHY: Oh, Jack, you ought tah seen it! He comes stormin’ into the Refuge waving his walking stick like a sword and he’s leading in this army of lawyers and cops.
JACK: Who comes stormin’ in?
CRUTCHY: You know, your friend. Him! Teddy Roosevelt
(the newsies are amazed)
DENTON: The Governor’s very grateful that you brought this problem to his attention. I said you might need a lift somewhere. He’d be happy to oblige. Anywhere you want. And this time, you ride inside.
JACK: So, can he drop me at the train-yards?
DENTON: Yeah, if that’s what you want.
(They make their way to Roosevelt’s carriage. Jack shakes his hand and climes in. Boots throws Jack a bag. David, Les and Sarah watch sadly. The work kids follow the carriage as it leaves, leaving the newsies alone. The circulation bell begins to ring.)
MUSH: Try Bottle Alley or the harbor
RACETRACK: Try Central Park, it’s guaranteed
CRUTCHY: Try any banker, bum or barber
KID BLINK: They almost all knows how tah read
BOOTS: Summer stinks
SKITTERY: And winter’s waiting
SNODDY, PIE EATER, SWIFTY, ITEY & JAKE: Boy ain’t nature fascinating
NEWSIES: When youse gotta walk
(The newsies line up for their papers. David is first in line. He slaps down a coin.)
DAVID: Hundred papes.
MUSH: Alright Davey.
(The newsies hear cheers and turn to see the carriage returning. All the work kids are following.)
MUSH: Dave, he’s back!
JACK: Thanks for the advice, Governor. Like you said, I still got things to do. Besides, I got family here.
(He gets out of the carriage and gives Les his cowboy hat. All the newsies yell and talk at the same time.)
JACK: So, how’s the headline today?
DAVID: Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes.
JACK: Come here, Davey.
(Jack holds out his hand. David spits in his and shakes it. Sarah makes her way through the crowd. Her and Jack kiss. All the newsies cheer and yell. The carriage pulls away, with Roosevelt and Spot in it. Spot tips his hat and waves as he leaves.)
SARAH: Bye Spot!
JACK: Go back to Brooklyn ya hear!
(David, Jack, Sarah, Les and Crutchy follow the carriage. Denton shakes David’s hand, then goes to the side and starts writing. The newsies, with their papers, dance as they leave.)
GROUP 1: It’s a fine life Carryin’ the banner It’s a fine life Carryin’ the banner It’s a fine life Carryin’ the banner It’s a fine life Carryin’the banner
GROUP 2: You got ‘em, Cowboy You showed ‘em how boy! You got ‘em Cowboy You showed ‘em how boy!
6 notes · View notes
yikesola · 3 years
6, 8, 17
6.are you religious/spiritual?
That’s...... idk. My mother and her family were very religious, raised catholic then converted presbyterian and both sets of my grandparents went on many international mission trips trough the 70s and 80s (which is a whole seperate topic but ohhhhhh my god the ethical faults of international mission trips has me so fucking🔪), several of my cousins are now frequently on mission trips, one of them married a youth pastor, so many of my family members have been on their church’s praise and worship teams for ages, the primary socializing my high school boyfriend and I did was at youth group. My junior year I read the Bible back to front three times.
And I can very clearly remember sitting with my grandmother the summer I turned 16 and her telling me that god cured her allergies. The allergies she’d suffered from for the 30 years they lived in california were miraculously healed when they moved to arizona. I was like “well and yeah moving among entirely different plants probably had a lot to do with it haha” and she shook her head. “No,” she insisted “it was God healing me.”
That was when I realized god wasn’t some in-joke we were all in on. Maybe phrased poorly, but I mean.... that was the first time it occurred to me that we weren’t all pretending to believe in christianity the same way I pretend to believe in Tolkien’s middle earth or the magic involved in The Secret Garden. The way I still pretend to believe in The Twilight Zone. That unquestioning faith was something that some people /genuinely/ had
Culturally my upbringing is inexplicable from christian influence. But like ,, I’m also influenced by being raised on Harry Potter and I don’t think that hogwarts is a real thing, y’know? It’s not the same thing as..... belief. Or faith. Or whatever
Does The Prince of Egypt make we weep? Does veggietales live rent free in my mind? Are the best episodes of rugrats the Hanukkah and Passover episodes? Oh yes!
Which maybe explains the panic I have every 5-8months for the last decade when I question if I would find spiritual fulfillment in Judaism or if I think that only as some cheat for the way I was brought up or if I truly find comfort in the fact that unlike Christianity which encourages blind faith, Judaism actively encourages questioning and argument with the deity. If I convert am I appreciating or appropriating? And am I being selfish for wanting a religion at all when I am constantly conscious of the fact that religions are man made? Do they have to lose value because of that, or do I just think they do?
Do I simply want a religion to want me? The way Christianity did before I knew I was gay, before I was chronically ill, before I was greedy and contrarian and understood that denying a child a life-saving blood transfusion because you’re counting on an omniscient being to fix them is actual cruelty?
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
I drained myself with that overly involved answer above that Nobody asked for aksnfks so I’ll keep this one quick and just say Hayley Williams from paramore ;__; will go into detail later if you really want lmao
17. would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
Mmmmmm in some ways, yes. Like compared to me irl living w my right wing family due to necessity and therefore being closeted, any views I can state online are more genuine than the tongue-biting and eyes-down I have to do at dinner. But also my blogs feature far more chaotic optimism, and in that way is a better version of the “real me” who I feel I am always on guard against. Like ,, I feel my existence is constant self-policing against the “real me” who would be selfish and lazy and cold if only I “””let””” her get away with it :/
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
MM Anon 6
Jan 1, 2020
MM ANON ……… “ I don’t want to go back!!!”…… “ get him a title”………… “ a monthly periodical” ……… “mental health and well-being” ……… A brief synopsis LG……… “ I’ve prepared a small dossier ma’am”…… “One has no choice”……… “I’ll contemplate it”………… “ Somewhere warm Catherine”……… keep a low profile ………… he’ll do what he’s told!!!! ………… perhaps a state visit??………… “springtime with Boris in harmony” ……… “Mmmmmm, god help us”
Jan 2
MM ANON ……… Drip, drip drip……… Drop ,drop drop……… back to school soon 🏫 ……… a successful 🌍 ……… Sophie steps up…… a stable stable ………a tad overconfident ……… “ sooner she falls off the better!!” ……… “ Mmmmm, quite the young man!!”…… “resuming play” ……… it’s the open!! ……… “a bit of an obsession!!” …………”it’s another course Catherine” ……… “be careful!!”…… “ we’ll have to send an envoy ma’am”. ……… “yes, it’s a disaster “.
Jan 3
MM ANON …… “They will return… eventually!!”…… “mummy, it’s school Monday!!”……… cry-sis, 😭😭what cry-sis…… “from our house to Bauhaus”……” there together sir”………… “ one needs the quiet time “……… take the pulse of the populace ……… “ overwhelming support ma’am” ……… “football George,football!!”…… “O god!! He’s on another planet”………… “ A quiet few weeks would be welcomed” ……… I received the memo. ………” poison chalice old boy, poison chalice”
Jan 3
MM ANON, The Suck-sexses are said to be contemplating a return to the UK, I don’t think so, they have made it quite clear that they have nothing but contempt for the BRF and its citizens. They probably will visit LA and try to get some free PR via OW. Nutmeg will begin to blab more word salad about her “Snoozpaper” and how she’s living this perfect life with archificial and himself. WHO PAID FOR HER SIX WEEK VACATION???? THE BRITISH TAXPAYERS
Jan 3
MM ANON , Mmmmm ,RA has a point, no recipes from Harry except (photoshopped images) ? My own gut instinct is that all the misinformation has muddied the waters of confusion. As you say this site is for “ entertainment purposes” and your unique in that respect. No body posts the amount of information that crosses your blog from anonymous sources to real time situations, even the national press visit “Skippy” to fuel its veracity for copy. As they say “A diabolo,qui semia dei”
A diabolo, qui est simia dei. Where god has a church the devil will have his chapel.
Thank you MM Anon😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 4
MM ANON ……… a list of all her discrepancies!! ……… sex, lies and video tapes, my god!!……… metoo Monday …… “actually darling it’s now the safest local”…… “I’d love to play in a tournament” …… “ great backhand!! “ ……… Duty calls…… first things first!! ……… “an environmental tour??” ……” eventually,with the children” ……… no chance to cry racism ……… no protocol left ……… maybe frog cott?? ……… we start building in the spring ………” it won’t last long”.
Jan 5
MM ANON, ……… 🎼I’m ready, ready ready ready,I’m ready🎼…… “No your not”………… vinegar and brown paper ……… activate the broken record ……… same old, same old ………” from my window I can see Frogmore House” ……… A short reflection on residency ……… home delivery …… another Sunday service , beautiful!! ……… she’s got this one in the bag. ………”The children aren’t participating!!”……A REASON, A SEASON A LIFETIME. ………
Jan 6
MM ANON … RICKY , RICKY ,RICKY!! …… respect!! …… A HANK-kerchief full of platitudes …… 🎼a speech full of sugar helps the Meganson go down🎼……… 🎼Oh happy days 🎼………… “SHE CAME, SHE SAW, SHE CONNED-CURD…… …”………… “ this must end soon !! very soon”…… We have the technology ……… “Ahhh , The elusive tape”……… Timing is everything!! ……… DM loading it’s guns……… print and be dammed!!
Jan 6
MM ANON, Ok , a sycophantic visit to Canada 🇨🇦 House tomorrow in a packed London, they’ll be met by the Ambassador and no doubt Harry will be the customary three steps behind his 43 year old companion who will smile on queue and fake waves to nobody watching. After the same old same old they’ll disappear into the same car and return to the elusive residence somewhere in England. Don’t expect a rush towards the crowd.
Jan 7
MM ANON, ……… she’s the (arm) pits……… go home Yank…… he’s a stone lighter ……… get off my f#@£%land ……… “ come to my birthday, never!!” ……… A state of emergency …… who dares bins ………… 🎼return to lender🎼……… “ it’s a struggle old thing”……… “ stop swearing at the tourists”…………… “ bloody tourists” …… Sydney!!……… “ I’m looking forward to next series” ……… “new stamps??”
Jan 8
MM ANON ……… 🎼”And she must face the final curtain 🎼 The problem with NOT WEARING your wedding ring opens all conversation towards conjecture ………… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the firm always wins. Numerous whores and courtesans have tried to put a dent in the Monarchy over the past 2000 years most were decapitated. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jan 10
MM ANON. .…… GSTQAOBC …… don’t rock the bloat. …… pain-t stripper …… past, present and future ……… hide-a-Weymouth ……… W&K rule……… make a list ……… common- wealth……… nutmegs strange grandiosity ……… feed the handbitten …… king baby ………… love in a cold climate ……… NO MORE MONEY ……… a fall from race ……… Harry has left the building
Jan 10
MM ANON, BP has just denied that M&H were frozen out. And where did she accumulate £500 million. Something really really stinks. All her life she’s grifted and whored. TPTB should take her down before the BRF are involved in her elaborate deception. DM poll on side of RF and PH, want MM to leave Britain and never return.
Jan 11
MM ANON ……… blowing up a GAIL……… “ it’s like de-programming sir” ……” better have them inside the tent pissing out……… “it’s her pattern of behaviour” ………… back in the day ……… W&K step up……… William refuses to play ball……… that’s weak Charles …………” it’s all about money with her”……… “ all I’m saying is,you’re powerful family “ ………” another snifter LG”……… “ hold the calls Sydney”. 
Jan 12
MM ANON ……… 🎼I don’t like Mondays🎼………” turn her bloody ugly face orf”. …… “ your call William!!” ……… bad advice ……… A military absence ……… “ yes,Pontcius Pilate” ……… Charles, The weakest link ……… “ your over generous ma’am”. ……… “ let them go, f**** em” ……… The taxpayers won’t like it ……… Canada caves……… RCMP……… BO offers a net- flick……… 🎼money,money,money 🎼…………… royal dis-appointments. ………… a tabloid tornado looms.
Jan 13
MM ANON …………… take it or , take it!!……… no negotiation ………… Harry walks out ……… threats and lies ……… no comment…… tabloid carnage ……… more talk,talk. ……… commonwealth ambassador??? ……… no loss of financial support ……… MM gives up title ……… Harry keeps HRH. ……… archificial tells all……… W&K hold a huge party 🥳 🧣🤣🥳🥳🥳👀……… PP gives Sydney a knighthood ……… PP& Sydney get drunk. …………George bakes a cake. ……… Lottie has another sleepover. ……… Nanny gets a surprise
jan 14
MM ANON ……… para-sight……… “ O ma’am, cunning very cunning”………… “ William is made of sterner metal”……… ( behind every great man) ……… spring offensive, the children!! …………” Lotties the key”……… the holy trinity ……… “freeze them out”………… “it’s all a smokescreen sir”…… “ yes, full steam ahead, ask Camilla “ ………… “ circle the wagons LG” …………” Burn that f**** olive branch, once bitten”………” a Canadian tour , with the children, OMG! Touché!!……… inde redire eruditionis Habes
Jan 14
MM ANON … She new well in advance of Markle V Markle, that’s why she ran , doesn’t want the dirty laundry washed in view of a few hundred yards of BP. HARRY, You married trash. Trash whose father is going to testify against her. Goodness sake Harry, didn’t you see this , or weren’t You briefed by the intelligence service about her family and sordid history.
Jan 15
Jan 15
MM ANON, MARKLE V MARKLE, won’t get to court, she will not Dare. She won’t bring the firm into disrepute. Unless she really wishes to harm the royal family and that’s a possibility. Will she permit her resentment for her father to drag her dirty washing through the royal courts of justice in the Stand. Is she that psychotic. Yes , I think she is, will Harry approve, I don’t think so.
Jan 16
MM ANON,……… sea-plane PR. ……… where’s Harry?………… “ leaves 15million mansion visits poor shelter 🤣🤣🤣………… so broke,(woke)……… Paternal hurricane ……… Royal courts of Justice ……… “ write me a roll”………… “what Megan wants, Megan forgets”:……… Calipornia politics? ………… “she can be the new AOC” ……… she’ll campaign for Dems……… “OW ,tell all coming”. ……… negotiations,negotiations!!! …… W&K kill it !!!
Jan 16
MM ANON,……… laugh and carry on……… isolation desperation ……… W&K leapfrog ……… not jaw jaw …… pseudo Trudeau ……… re-distribution …………” just scrapping by ,sausage” ……… LA NA. ……… gizza job……… ahhhhh’ the ubiquitous tape……… brotherly shove ………… “ the tour will proceed” ………… Diamond Dogs……… 🦂🦂🦂………… twice shy
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serialreblogger · 4 years
what’s your top 5 fav books u seem like a well read individual with good literary opinions
!!!! thank you for asking!! though mmmmmm i’m honoured that you think this of me, but the last book i read was a 100k fanfiction about lesbian cowboys so like. depends what you mean by “good literary opinions” 
(i do recommend that fanfic tho. it’s v well-written and you don’t need to know anything about the original content to enjoy it)
in terms of Actual Books?? jeez I haven’t had to list my favourites in a while! they’ve definitely changed so this will be educational for me as well
1. Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. While we’re on the subject of fanfics, this one’s got every conceivable delightful trope in it. Son of the President (who is not Trump, I can’t stress enough, but a democrat and a woman from Texas) falls in love with the British prince (also not the real British prince, just in case you were curious). We’ve got some mutual pining, some enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, somehow fake dating and secret dating both at once, trapped-together-in-a-closet-full-of-UST, you name it. Plus this book’s super readable and very well-written. I smiled the whole way through except for the parts where I cried, and at the end I did both. DO recommend. 
2. Dreadnought by April Daniels. In a world like ours but with more superpowers, a trans girl unexpectedly inherits the powers and name of the most famous hero. EXTREMELY good, but more pain involved than the first one, and the smiles are harder-won (but when they come they are TRIUMPHANT). I would die for Danny. 
3. Dracula by Bram Stoker. Now for something completely different, a classic rife with latent homophobia and sexism! But I love it because it’s a gripping read (at least to me, but then my ADHD has been hyperfixating on this book for the past five years, so I might be skewed in its favour here), and an EXCELLENT example of unreliable narrator and sketch main characters. I always feel like some unholy cross between an archeologist and a private detective reading it. Did Mina and Jonathan kill their employer for his money? What’s going on between Seward and Van Helsing? Is Dracula really the villain? Is he even real?? So many questions, I have fun trying to answer them. Also, vampires are cool and Quincy is hot.
4. Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. Of course, that’s a given. I’ll be the first to acknowledge its flaws, but it’s just such a rich story. Like, reading it is a challenge because Tolkien, but it’s also so... idk, rhythmic? It’s slow but in my mind that’s almost a virtue. If you can get in the mindset for it--extreme patience, bordering on entishness--it’s truly delightful. A meditative experience, if you will. Not to mention: it has Sam Gamgee.
5. Once Upon A Marigold by Jean Ferris. A story with everything but the kitchen sink, spiritual successor to The Princess Bride (the movie, at least; it has significantly less nihilism than The Princess Bride book does). The main character is a boy named Christian who was raised by a troll in a cave full of crystals, who falls in love with the misfit princess Marigold across the river, and it just gets wilder from there. It’s a fun read, technically a kid’s book but I still enjoy it at 22, full of delightful imagery and delicious twists that aren’t necessarily unpredictable, but certainly are entertaining. I had to include a childhood classic somewhere in this list, and this one’s it.
Honorable mentions go to William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, and Blue Balliett (if you haven’t read Chasing Vermeer or Hold Fast, i highly recommend you do), and if we’re counting poets I’m partial to Byron (disaster mentally ill bisexual, spiritual twin) and Keats (finally a good man who was also a good poet).
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On a rainy Saturday morning, Mulder and Scully find themselves at Ikea in an effort to replace the couch that was destroyed in what they refer to as the Extreme Makeover: Russian Edition.
*Thanks to @greycoupons for her help and encouragement
  “Why did we pick today, of all days, to come here? It’s a fricking zoo, Mulder.“
"Because we aren’t away on a case and we really can’t sit on that couch anymore.”
“I know, it just sucks. Why’d they have to destroy the couch? Couldn’t they have just waited to shoot us until we went outside? I really liked that couch.”
 “We’ll find something even better. What about that one?”
“The back is too low.”
“What about this one?”
“I don’t like the cushions.”
“They’re too messy.”
“What the hell does that even mean, Scully?!”
“They’re going to get all bunched up and no. Just no. I don’t like them.”
“What about this one, then?”
“It’s green, Mulder.”
“It’s fabric. It can be changed. What about the look of it?”
“I don’t like the legs.”
“Seriously?! You pick one, then.”
“That one.”
“It looks like something from my old dorm room in college.”
“Don’t be an asshole, Mulder.”
“Let’s go sit on that one over there.”
"Ok. I'm ready for a rest. My feet hurt in these shoes."
"What do you think, Scully?"
“Hmmm. It's ok. It’s not terribly comfortable, though.”
“It has to get broken in a bit, Scully. It needs to mold to our butt cheeks.”
“The other one was perfect.”
“Which one, Scully? The one over there?”
“No, the one they destroyed.”
“But we can’t have that one. We need to pick a new one. So just pick and we’ll learn to like it as much as the other one.”
“I miss your leather couch.”
“Don’t you, Mulder? Don’t you ever think about it?”
“No. It was old and falling apart…not to mention, hideous. Why would you miss that?”
“So many important moments happened on that couch, Mulder. So many meals eaten, movies watched. We cried for your mom on that couch. We cried for a lot of things on that couch. We laughed. Opened presents. Mulder, William was created on that couch.”
“Possibly. Or in the bed, in the shower, against the front door, or on the kitchen table.”
“The front door. I forgot about that. That was a good weekend. You don’t miss your old apartment?”
“No. I have the memories I want to keep, the rest I’d prefer to leave there. I miss your old couch, though. The ugly, blue striped one.”
“It wasn’t ugly! It was quite “in” at the time, Mulder.”
“It was ugly, but I loved it. I used to love to find any excuse to go to your apartment and sit on that couch. Your apartment was Dana, not Scully. Dana was soft and innocent. I would imagine Dana sitting there reading Breakfast at Tiffany’s with her tea and a fuzzy blanket …”
“I haven’t read that in at least 15 years! I used to love reading that over and over.”
“I didn’t get many glimpses of Dana so being able to be in that space on that couch was like watching an animal at the zoo.”
“Thanks very much for that analogy, Mulder.”
“Dana only existed in that space. She hasn’t really existed since, has she?They took that innocence from you. I miss that part of you and I miss that couch.  Unfortunately, much of my love for the couch was tarnished the day I went in to find you about to make out with Van Blundht.”
“The h is silent guy!! What was his first name?! It’s on the tip of my tongue! I hate that so many of those memories are fuzzy now.”
“That’s it! And I wasn’t about to make out with him, I was about to make out with you.”
“I miss my mom’s couch.”
“Why? What did it look like, Scully?”
“Not because of its looks. I miss that I could go over to her house no matter what condition I was in and my mom would sit me down on the couch and feed me and start a fire in the fireplace and cover me with a blanket and talk to me. I just miss what it represented.”
“I’m sorry, Scully. I can understand that, though. I miss the couch in Chillmark, the one we had when I was growing up before Sam was taken. We would build blanket forts around it and I would make her watch The Twilight Zone or Outer Limits, even though she was scared, because I didn’t want her to be weak. I wanted her to be a tough girl so no boy could take advantage of her. I thought I was toughening her up. After she was gone, my mom left the house exactly the same. She told people it was so that when Samantha came home, she would still recognize it. I know now that was a lie. My mom knew where she was the whole time. It  was just a way to make my parents appear less suspicious. I still miss the couch, though.”
“Oh, Mulder, that’s awful.”
“What about the couch at your mom’s house in Greenwich?”
“I don’t really have any memory of that one. Why?”
“Funny enough, I do. Remember the time you brought me there and you got into a fight with your mom and ditched me. She had gone up to her room and I didn’t know where a phone or phone book was in the house so I had to sit on the couch and wait for her to come back down. Eventually, she did and that wasn’t too awkward. Thank you very much, Mulder. We called a cab and I sat on the couch while she hid in the kitchen, but you have no memory of the couch, you son of a bitch, Mulder.”
“Apparently, truer words were never spoken. I was an asshole back then. Sorry, Scully. You deserved better.”
“Yes. Yes, I did, Mulder. Thankfully, you outgrew the ditching.”
“It took me awhile, but I got there eventually. I’m a slow learner.”
“You know the other couch I really miss? You’ll think I’m crazy, but I really miss the gunmen’s couch.”
“Ew, Scully!!!! There had to be so many organisms growing on that thing. I shudder to think.”
“I miss the Friday nights you guys let me come along for Friday Fiesta. I miss Frohike’s cooking.”
“Yeah, he made killer Mexican food.”
“Why Mexican? And why did I never question that before?”
“He loved to eat it so he learned how to cook it. Pure and simple.”
“His huevos rancheros and his enchiladas. Mmmmmm.”
“Oh, the enchiladas. God, yeah.”
“I remember sitting and eating and playing video games. I miss the guys so much, Mulder.”
“Me, too, Scully. It used to feel like we were in high school when we’d sit on the couch and I’d figure out ways to touch you without anyone noticing.”
“They noticed, Mulder. You’d put your arm around me or we’d hold hands. It was so innocent and sweet.”
“Remember the Halloween parties?”
“Of course I do, what about them?”
“Remember the weird guy?”
“There was someone there who wasn’t weird…besides me, of course?”
“Very funny. No, the guy. The guy with the thing on his head who tried to hit on you?”
“Frankie!!! Yes!!”
“You remember his name?!”
“Yeah, I set him up with a woman from the lab. One of Pendrell’s co-workers. I think they're still married.”
“I hope they didn’t reproduce.”
“That’s mean, Mulder.”
“Maybe they got her genes.”
“I miss Missy’s couch. It was bohemian. It was colorful and smelled like patchouli.”
“My sister, Mulder. Melissa.”
“God, I’m sorry, Scully. You don’t usually refer to her that way. You don’t usually refer to her at all, actually.”
“Did you ever see her apartment? While I was in the hospital, I mean.”
“No. She came to mine, once, to tell me to get my head out of my ass.”
“Did you sleep with her?”
“NO!! Why would you ask me that?! God, Scully!”
“I’ve always wondered. When I woke up you looked so guilty. She didn’t, but you did.”
“You could tell?”
“Of course. What did you do, Mulder? Why did you feel guilty? Did you sleep with one of my nurses?”
“No. While you were missing I slept with someone on a case. I felt so guilty. I couldn’t look you in the eye.”
“Was it someone I know?”
“No. It was a woman in a vampire case in California. Her name was Kristen���
“Did you see her again?”
“No. She died that night.”
"That's awful, Mulder! I'm sorry that happened to you. May  I read the file later?"
“Where did you do it with her?”
“Bathroom sink.”
“Did Ed have a couch?”
“Who’s Ed?”
“Jerse. Ed Jerse. Speaking of sleeping with someone on a case.”
“Mulder. Yes, he had a couch. He slept on it that night. And I didn’t sleep with him. I wanted to, but he couldn’t perform. He managed to do other things, though.”
“He couldn’t get it up?!”
“Nope, stop looking so smug, Mulder. He got me off just fine, though.”
“God, I haven’t thought about him in years.”
“Unfortunately, I’ve had a constant reminder.”
“Your tattoo, Scully.”
“Oh, Mulder! I have wanted to have it removed and you’ve stopped me every time! Why did you stop me?”
“At first I asked you to keep it out of spite. I got what he wanted. Screw him…”
“Mulder!! How dare you use me that way!”
“Wait…I said, at first. I was angry. I hated him for getting to be with you first. Then I realized it was in my spot…you know…where I always put my hand and that it represented our beginning years together.”
“Oh, Mulder…”
“Now, when I look at it, it takes me back to the days in our basement office.”
“Mulder, it was never about Jerse just like it was never about the desk. I wanted so desperately to know I mattered to you…”
“Scully, you…”
“No, Mulder, let me finish. I wanted to know that you wanted me by your side. I wanted a nameplate and my name on the door and a desk because I wanted you to tell everyone that I was your partner. That I belonged. That I mattered to you and to the work. That I wasn’t just assigned to you.”
“I’m so sorry that I ever made you feel like you didn’t. You were everything, Scully. You still are.”
“I know that now, Mulder. I just didn’t know it then.”
“I wish to God I knew that all I had to do was take you couch shopping to get you to open up to me. It would have saved me decades of frustration.”
“Mulder, let’s get a couch and go home.”
“A couch and meatballs, Scully. I’m here for the meatballs.”
“Yes. We’ll get you meatballs. Mulder?”
“I want this couch.”
“Ok. What color?”
“No, I mean I want this couch.”
“Why this one, Scully?”
“Because this one has memories already attached to it. I don’t want to start over, Mulder.”
“Do they even do that here? Can you buy a floor model if they have brand new ones ready to go?”
 “Ok. Ok. I’ll get you this couch. You do know that lots of people have sat on this one, right? Kids with dirty hands. I’d think your germaphobia would want you to have the same one brand new. Wouldn’t it?”
“All right. I’m going to ask the employee over there who is going to think we’re insane.”
“Thank you, Mulder.”
“Ok. It took some finagling. She said no, at first. I think she thought we wanted a floor sample discount so I even offered to pay more, but she took the asking price. She just didn’t want to have to build a new sample. You’ve got your couch, Scully! We have to go rent a truck to get this thing home.”
“Oh, thank you, Mulder!!! Do you think it will fit through the front door?”
“I don’t know. Maybe the legs come off. We’ll figure it out. I need some meatballs, Scully.”
“Ok. Let’s go get you some meatballs. You might even get me to try one.”
“I think maybe there’s a part of Dana still in there after all, Scully.”
“I think you’re right, Mulder. I think you’re right.”
@today-in-fic @sarie-fairy @baronessblixen @suitablyaggrieved @kyouryokusenshi @fragilevixenfic @admiralty-xfd @toxgrl @chekcough
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON ……… Blueeeeeeee velvet …… pop pop Poppins ……… she met Mary ………” Mmmmmm , a bit sneeeeezy”……… “ we’ll go and get something really silly for her” …… it’s not a phone, it’s a MPC…… “ it’s all very Cloak & dagger”…… “ Catherine, I’m deadly serious!!”……… “meals on bloody wheels!! piss orf”……… Shut down everything!! ………… “A new broom,old thing”…………… “ well, ones not amused “………… “I’ll inform Sydney”……… From Cromer!!……… “Cromer???”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU DEAR MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
December 14/2019, however l am doing it December 15/2019 due to somebody napping the 14 th away😜🙄🤔.
0025 hrs CST
Just so you all know, l have not read any papers since this morning so, accuracies may be a bit funny🤣🤣🤣. Please forgive my typing errors etc, my left hand is very numb and the challenge of balancing my iPad and typing is more difficult. Yet we all know the riddles are meant for fun, yet l learn lots from MM ANON about so many things and l do my best to try and pass that on the my often elaborative explanations☃️❄️☃️🎄☺️🎄
Blueeeeeeee velvet …… pop pop Poppins …she met Mary 
Catherine wore an  absolutely gorgeous blue velvet gown by Sarah Burton for the House of McQueen to the Diplomats Annual Ball on the 11th of December. She was dripping in jewels and looked amazing. Velvet, animal print, all thing sparkles are so on trend right now!! However, anything Catherine wears looks fabulous. I love the sort of retro, 1940’s look she has been wearing the last year or so. The wide trousers she has worn on some day occasions, example the Chelsea Flower show, her garden, when she wore the linen coloured wide legs trousers reminded me so of Lauren Bacall or Katherine Hepburn. If you do not know either, they were amazing stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age, when films were films and magical! My favourite!! How long winded and elaborative am l? You can tell that l have rested!🤣🤣🤣😂😂☺️.
Mary Poppins has been a classic film and play. It has been recently redone on the big screen in film and is currently playing in the West End, the theatre district in London at the Prince Edward Theatre, l believe until June 2020 unless it’s run is extended. At the Royal Variety Performance show that was aired on ITV recently showed William and Catherine in the Royal Box. They also enjoyed several comedians especially one who jested about family issues and managing a busy household! They did meet the actors afterwards and there are pictures from that!
Blue Velvet is a classic Elvis Presley song. Black Beauty is a classic children’s book/film about a black pony. I wonder two things, does Charlotte want a blue velvet dress for Christmas like her mum wore so beautifully or does she want to name her pony Blue Velvet? I am strongly leaning to the latter, naming of her pony!!
Catherine has such a varied list of patronages, interests, and activities, she fascinates new! I marvel at her. My sister and l for years now have watched and greatly enjoyed the Great British Baking Show! We now have our own Canadian version!🇨🇦. The original GBBS, hosted by the amazing Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. We won’t talk about him!🥺😤. Mary Berry is a woman of world renowned pastry and baking skills and author of many books. She and Catherine have worked on a Christmas tv special. A Berry Royal Christmaswill air on BBC One at 8.30pm on December 16. In the show, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will team up with Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and Mary Berry to create a festive feast for charity workers and volunteers who are working over Christmas. I hope CBC shows it!!!! Red velvet cake is a classic, might Charlotte want a blue velvet cake?? There are so many lovely interpretations of this marve riddle MM ANON💜🎄💜🎄💜🎄
Pop pop is often what grandfathers are called. I wonder if grandpa and grandma Middleton took Charlotte to see the play Mary Poppins? And Charlotte was able  to meet the actress portraying Mary afterwards??  Or did they watch the new film and have popcorn ie pop pop during it? A few options here, all wonderful!!
” Mmmmmm , a bit sneeeeezy”……… “ we’ll go and get something really silly for her”  
Catherine and William discussing dear Charlotte’s allergies to horsies/ponies. As parents do, they worry and want to do something for her. I wonder if she has some antihistamines OTC, over the counter or more likely seen the doctor and perhaps given some allergy medicine. I am sure she is so not happy to finally have a pony and then feeling yucky!! They will get her a treat of some kind to cheer her up, sounding like a fun jokey kind of thing. The royals are known for each gag/funny/silly gifts at Christmas 🎄.
 it’s not a phone , it’s a MPC…… “ it’s all very Cloak & dagger”…… “ Catherine, I’m deadly serious!!”
William and Catherine are discussing security issues and things he learned during his time with MI6 a few months ago. I really wonder if that has been ongoing and started long before we were told publicly. Again, for the l don’t know how many times l have brought this up, but Harry’s wedding band IS NOT AN ORDINARY, RUN OF THE MILL, WEDDING BAND!! William is discussing a device, maybe looks like a phone but it’s not and does much more. Mobile Personal Communicator. Technology built into anything from something innocuous like perhaps a wedding band?? She is saying it sounds very spy-ish, 007, or cloak and dagger which is an old phrase used to describe the work that spies do. Now we often say intelligence, or in the field, when they are in the environment they need information/intelligence from. So is William talking about what has been part of his Royal trips recently or in the past? Or is he also talking about our Harry? I truly think both!!! Regardless, William is telling her how deadly extremely serious this device and reason for it’s use is!!!
meals on bloody wheels!! piss orf”……… Shut down everything!! ………… “A new broom,old thing”…………… “ well, ones not amused “………… “I’ll inform Sydney”……… From Cromer!!……… “Cromer???”
HMTQ and PP in conversation. It’s colder now, the 🔥 fire is lit and it’s roaring, crackling, and smells wonderful. The room is decked for Christmas, the smell of the Norwegian Blue tree is just fresh and ever so Christmasy 🎄. Both dressed with cozy wool sweaters and HMTQ a wrap over her lap. Meals on wheels, for shut-ins or elderly or people who have health issues, this is a fantastic program where a daily hot meal is brought, providing nutrition and a daily personal contact which is all many people have. We used to have that here. But TPTB in government, a year or so ago, cancelled Adult Day Care, which was a great day respite for spouses or caregivers of people with dementia or long term illness, aging issues, strokes etc etc. they would get a day off to do errands, cook, rest whatever, while the person needing help spent the day in care. So we have none of that now, no ADC or Meals on wheels and it’s been devastating. There is private meals on wheels now but it’s very expensive. ANYWAYS I DIGRESSED…. I cannot fathom why MOW would be an option for PP because he has a full staff at Wood Farm, however he is having none of it, judging by the comment l am assuming is his!
I do know the NHS has been a massive issue in the U.K. in terms of wait times etc. My sister listens to the monocle podcast. She told me that the NHS is sending patients to India for hip surgeries because it’s so much cheaper!
Shut down everything!! Double exclamation, is this to give everyone a good Christmas break after all the stress of the year? My first thought was electronics/devices/computers/ smart TVs etc etc. Has there been a hacking attempt? A virus? Shutdown and stop any intelligence theft or Trojans? Smart tv’s and things like Alexa or Echo, that follow voice commands to turn lights on, off, lock doors etc. I read yesterday about the Ring doorbell, being hacked so a man was attempting to speak with an 11 year old girl. I am unsure if this is what the shut everything down means, but it might be!
New broom for a New Year, New Years resolutions, changes, etc. Sweep out the old bring in new, fresh positive changes. To me, this is an absolute 🧹 sweeping out of madam and all the filth and evil she has wrought amongst the a Royal family, the U.K. and Commonwealth, the entire world also in terms of the Royal families reputation etc etc.
Alas l too wonder if this is also related to PA, sweeping out alleged accusations. Attacking him specifically, l am surely hoping all will be revealed about others , the backers, their plans and misdeeds etc etc. I pray and continue to pray for ⚖️ justice and people are made to face justice!!
HMTQ is not happy or amused about this, the used of the word amused makes me wonder if there was some cartoon in the paper or an article jesting about the Royal family or demanding changes. I truly do not know but she is not amused!
PP will inform Sydney, as we all know by now, but if it’s your first time, Sydney is PP long term valet. He knows and does anything and everything and is above reproach in the trust department!! Whatever is upsetting HMTQ is from Cromer! She is both shocked and uncertain at the same time. Cromer is a little town along the North coast of England in the county of Norfolk. Well known for its fishermen, especially crab! 
I am stumped with Cromer! You have stumped me yet again MM ANON!! Unless it’s a continuation of a previous riddle, no turkey for Christmas sweep that out, bring in the new from a Cromer crab and seafood in abundance! Hence informing Sydney to make these changes in arrangements for the Christmas menu 🎄.
0200 hrs CST
Thank you PG,  sharp as ever...thank you....interesting....leaves us pondering...much appreciated!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Thank you for tagging me @bunny-bopper (didn’t show up in my notifs but I ran across it on my dash lmao)
Nickname: Glace, Glacier, goat/goatman, mushroom/shroom
Real name: Glacier Ellahna Llane X (what? that’s not my real name? but all the letters are there!)   
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5′5″
What time it is: 6:00 PM and coughing too much to do anything
Favourite musician(s): Palaye Royale (GOD I LIVE FOR THE AESTHETICS music’s good too lol) 
Favourite sports team: mmmmmM don’t do teamed sports but I love watching skateboarding and BMX... fave BMXer is Ryan Williams. Skateboarder... many. Aaron Kyro? Professional skateboarder from the San Fransisco Bay area?
Other blogs: WAY TOO MANY @geral-lenix @glacier-ella @maxhell-carter @darklordslove @niles-babcock @geral--feral 
Do I get asks: yeah i love the random snape asks and the heartwarming anons. I currently have like 60 unanswered asks because I am bad at keeping up with it sometimes. whoopsie.
How many blogs do I follow: 237
Any Tumblr crushes: many many many if I like a lot of ur posts then it’s u. I don’t wanna inconvenience anyone by tagging them all 
Lucky number: 13 
What I’m wearing right now: a t-shirt with a medical looking skeleton on it. Surprisingly you caught me wearing blue instead of black. 
Dream vacation: Europe tour? But also isolating myself in a mountain cabin somewhere. Maybe visit some of my kind (Glaciers) 
Dream car: I drive but also too nervous to drive, would love a self-driving car
Favourite food: any and all forms of noodles
Drink of choice: BOBA MILK TEA OH MY GOD 
Languages: English, Indonesian, very tiny bit of German
Instruments: used to play violin but hasn’t recently picked it up again
Celebrity crushes: Tom Hiddleston (I always have tom hiddleston dreams for some reason), Tan France, Andy Biersack
Random fact: about me? about what? I can't do this if you ask me like this haha
tagging: @allthepandasintheworld (bunny already tagged u but i love u so..) @the-witches-son @thegreatsnapescape @freckleddipper @snapologist @vivalarev @a-snarling-slytherin @starkysnake @sneezy-s and everyone who wants to do this because i’m shit at remembering off the top of my head. U CAN SAY I TAGGED U 
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rbeljedi · 4 years
                                𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻.
Tumblr media
repost,  don’t reblog
basics !
FULL NAME.   luke skywalker PRONUNCIATION.   lewk sky-walker idk NICKNAME.   none, please don’t give him nicknames, “luke” is already just one syllable GENDER.   male . HEIGHT.   5′9″ AGE.   19-55+, verse dependent ZODIAC.   gemini SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Galatic Basic, Huttese, some binary, some Shyriiwook
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR.   sandy blonde EYE COLOR.   pale blue SKIN TONE.    fair, usually tanned BODY TYPE.  slim, athletic ACCENT.   git ‘er done Outer Rim hick accent VOICE.    mar camel bb DOMINANT HAND.  right. it got chopped off. it’s still the right one. POSTURE.   good posture, mostly; shoulders back, spine straight. weight usually balanced between feet but has a tendency to lean on just about anything.  chin parallel with the ground.  slumps when sad/depressed/upset by curling shoulders forward.  SCARS.   wrist: no scar but he does wear a prosthetic right hand, often covered with a single glove if it the inner workings are visible for some reason.  the amputation scar is only visible when he removes his prosthetic.  chest/shoulders/back: branching fractal lichtenberg scars from repeated and sustained blasts of force lightning, these cover most of his torso and upper arms, but are specifically concentrated on his chest and upper back where he sustained direct hits, repeatedly, from the emperor. face: nose is misaligned from being broken by the wampa and surgically repaired, scar in his hairline from the same attack.  misc: minor other scars from battles/crashes/etc.  TATTOOS.   none. BIRTHMARKS.   none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   blonde hair makes him stand out, along with unique blue eyes.  These are the traits most often commented on by others, in addition to his relatively short height, and which make him most identifiable. 
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   Asteroid of Polis Massa (unknown to Luke himself) HOMETOWN.    Tatooine; outside of Mos Eisley BIRTH WEIGHT.   below average (typical in twins since they are often born early, and luke was the smaller of the two babies) BIRTH HEIGHT.    small. MANNER OF BIRTH.   natural, droid assisted.  FIRST WORDS.  MMMMMM which uncle owen and aunt beru taught him to say when trying new foods. SIBLINGS.   twin sister: leia organa PARENTS.   anakin skywalker & padme amidala (unknown to Luke).   PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.    none in childhood. anakin eventually sacrificed himself for luke and his ghost can, occasionally, still appear to him in visions.  Luke has know knowledge or memory of his mother. 
adult life !
OCCUPATION.   rebel. jedi.  (rbeljedi get it? ;) ) CURRENT RESIDENCE.   nomadic.  keeps quarters on Coruscant, the Jedi Temple/Academy on Yavin IV, often stays on the Millennium Falcon. eventually exiled to Ahch-To or the Jade’s Shadow, verse dependent  CLOSE FRIENDS.  han solo, leia organa, lando calrissian, wedge antilles, mara jade(-skywalker), chewbacca, c-3po, r2d2 RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   verse dependent; single himbo for a long time, then married, then a widower FINANCIAL STATUS.  comfortably middle class (far richer than uncle owen and aunt beru would have ever dreamed), often with senate funding of jedi academy activities/needs DRIVER’S LICENSE.   do you need a license to drive in SW. . . ?  if so he probably has one NOW but definitely didn’t for like ... all of the OT.   CRIMINAL RECORD.   oh boy.  Treason, terrorism, arson, murder, theft, smuggling, sabotage, murder/assault of an imperial officer, conspiracy to overthrow the government, co-conspirator . . . i’m missing things but Luke fought in an uprising against the established government; his record is about six miles long.  VICES.   his vices are less ‘problematic things that he does’ and more reflected in his mood swings.  dang gemini mood swings make you hard to get along with sometimes and loneliness makes him make Bad Choices. 
sex and romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   biromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  |  switch   PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.   medium.. TURN ON’S.    sneaky stuff, emotional connection, gentle lip biting/hair pulling, laughing TURN OFF’S.    hurting, derisive words, etc. LOVE LANGUAGE.  acts of service  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   gosh. choosing the wrong person for the wrong reasons and then being Surprised when it doesn’t work out.  In good relationships (rare) he can get hung up on the little things (worthless gemini again) and moody.  It’s usually not directed at his S/O but they have Deal With Him and that’s a lot. 
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   binary sunset (the force theme) - john williams HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   studying jedi texts, meditation, occasionally still tinkering with droids and ships, fishing and gardening, cooking.  MENTAL ILLNESSES.  none diagnosed; pstd most likely, occasional depression and anxiety, typically managed with meditation PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.   none. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  probably an even split but honestly what are brain cells. FEARS.   falling to the dark side, losing his family, not being worthy/enough to uphold the jedi lineage, Darth Vader. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   AHN: 15-20% confident (honestly should have only been 5-10 but he was cocky), ESB: 40-50% confident, ROTJ: 70% confident, EU: 80% confident, NT: 40% confident (but still wrong most of the time) VULNERABILITIES.    his family, he’ll go bananas to keep them safe. 
TAGGED BY:    @solosboy​ TAGGING:    all skywalkers & rebel pilots. if ur character is identified as a skywalker or rebel pilot or both, go nuts.
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A New Beginning- Spot Conlon x reader - part 1
Warnings: None. (I am a fairly new writer and  the current edition is not edited in depth)
Summary: Introduction/Prologue
Author's note: Inspiration for writing this comes and goes so if you like it and/or want me to continue this story, it would really help me to know people enjoy this book so I can keep inspiration to keep writing this. Vote, comment, or whatever else, anything is greatly appreciated. Thank you for clicking on this book hope you enjoy.
Word count: 1,391
P.S. italics indicates singing
• • • • • • • • • •
In the morning at the Manhattan Newsboys lodging house
RACETRACK: In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies, peddling the newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst and other giants of the newspaper world. On every street corner you saw 'em, carrying the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and run-aways, the newsies were a ragged army, without a leader, until one day when all that changed.
       Every morning, in the newsboys lodging house in Manhattan, its resident newsboys were to be up and dressed at sunrise, and ready to carry the banner. However, that was not often the case, the boys, orphans and run-aways aging from early childhood to late teens, were often still fast asleep in their bunks. So, like many other mornings, Mr.Kloppmann, the owner of the lodging house, is forced to drag his old tired feet up the stairs to personally yell and shove the boys awake, as well as scold them for their laziness.
       "Boots!" Mr.Kloppmann leans down to yell at Boots. Boots jolts awake startled and looks to see who had been screaming at him so early in the morning. His eyes land on Mr.Kloppmann, who now has his back turned to him and is looking towards Skittery. Realizing that he isn't in imminent danger or anything like that, Boots relaxes and lets his eyes fall shut once again and lays his head down a little, hoping to not have to get up so soon as he is still tired.
       Meanwhile Mr.Kloppmann has moved on to the next bunk, diagonal to the one Boots is in, which was being occupied by a sleeping Skittery.
       "Oh, gee. Skittery!" Mr.Kloppmann walks over to him, "Skittery!" He slaps his feet and Skittery jolts up in response. Mr.Kloppmann proceeds to give him a quick smack in the face to wake him up, "Skittery!"
       Skittery jolts awake, looking around uncoordinated and disheveled. Still half asleep, he mumbles defensively, "wha..I didn't do it!"
       Unsure about whatever nonsense Skittery is going on about, Mr.Kloppmann replies confused and slightly annoyed, "What do you mean you didn't do it?  Will you get up? When you get up, it's time to get up!"
       Mr.Kloppmann, walks around the room and along the different bunks filled with boys, he continues to attempt to rous the boys out of their warm and comfy beds. "Snitch! Get up! Get up!" "Everybody's sleeping. They sleep their lives away these kids! The presses are rolling! Sell the papers, sell the papers!" He directs himself towards Jack's bunk next, "Come on, come on. You dreaming about selling papers?"
     A drowsy Jack rolls over to face Mr.Kloppmann and mumbles back , "Mmmmmm? What's the matta with you?" He then proceeds to close his eyes and try to go to sleep once again.
       "What's the matter with me?" Kloppmann asks.
       "What's the matta with you?Wanna..go..back..to.." he dazes off.
       "Come on!" Mr.Kloppmann urges and gives him a shove.
       "Get away from me, you're mad!" Jack laughs.
       "Haha. Get up boy! Come on." says Mr.Kloppmann, "Alright! Carry the banner! Sell the papers!"
       Race gets up and out of bed to look for the cigar he snatched the day before, and notices Snipeshooter has it.
          *Start Song*
       "That's my cigar!' Race acusses.
       "You'll steal anudder!," Snipeshooter dismissed, with a roll of his eyes and he continues to take a huff of it.
       "Hey bummers, we got work tah do!" Kid Blink reminds the boys.
       One of the boys questions him, getting in his face, "Since when did you become me mudder?"
       "Aww, stop your bawling!" Crutchy commands all the newsies.
       "Hey, who asked you?"
          *Break Song*
       "So, how'd you sleep Jack?" Asks Mush.
       "On me back Mush," Jack states 'as a matter o fact-ly'.
       "Ha ha. Hear that fellas?" Mush hollars, "Hear what Jack said?" he continues to tell the rest of the newsies as he alternates his arms giving Jack a punch side to side with each word that comes out of his mouth. "I asked Jack how he slept and he said 'On me back Mush.'"
       Crutchy walks up to Jack, who is leaning against the wall, Crutchy rubs his chest and asks, "Jack, when I walk, does it look like I'm faking it?"
       " No," Jack pushes himself off the wall and stands upright, "Who says you're faking it?" Jack asks as he slings his arm across Crutchy's shoulder reassuringly.
       "I dunno. It's just there's so many fake crips on the street today, a real crip ain't got a chance." Crutchy sighs, "I gotta find me a new selling spot where they ain't used to seeing me."
          *Re-Picks up Song*
       Mush and Racetrack overhear their conversation across the vanity. Mush is drying himself with a towel while Race is combing through his hair.
       "Try Bottle Alley or the harbour," Mush suggests.
       Race says, "Try Central Park, it's guaranteed!"
       "Try any baker, bum, or barber."
       "They almost all knows how to read!"
       "I smell money!" says Kid Blink.
       "You smell foul!" Crutchy retorts, as he slams his back to the wall and puts a hand to his chest like he had been attempting to escape the offensive odor. Kid Blink gets in his face ready to start a brawl.
       Mush jumps in and shoving Blink at the base of his hat. "Met this girl last night!"
       "Move your elbow!" Crutchy complains, repeatedly getting Boots' elbow to the face. Boots' pumps the water to help the youngest newsie get the water to bathe himself.
       Somewhere else, Race must have gotten water in his eyes as he is stumbling around with his eyes squinted shut.
       "Pass the towel!" Racetrack says, squinting his eyes shut and reaching his arms out as he looks for the towel to dry his eyes with.
       While Race is stumbling around, Skittery who is holding the towel, hops onto a chair and waves it around above Race's head tauntingly.
       "For a buck I might!" he replies as he jumps off of the chair snapping/snagging the towel from races reach.
       In unison the newsies chant, as they finish up getting ready and putting their newsies caps and ties on for the day,
"Ain't it a fine life
Carrying the banner through it all?
A mighty fine life
Carrying the banner tough and tall
Every morning, we goes where we wishes
We's as free as fished
Sure beats washin' dishes
What a fine life
Carrying the banner home-free all!" as they go down the stairs and pass Mr.Kloppmann to leave the lodging house to go get their papers and start the days work.
       They continue on as they head towards newsies square, dancing and messing around with one another.
"Summer stinks and winter's waiting
Welcome to New York
Boy, ain't nature fascinating
When you'se gotta walk?
Still, it's a fine life
Carrying the banner with me chums
A mighty fine life
Blowing every nickel as it comes"
"I'm no snoozer
Sitting makes me antsy
I likes living chancy," says Crutchy.
"Harlem tah Delancey
What a fine life
Carrying the banner through the slums"
       But they get interrupted by the wagon of nuns singing biblical soloems,
"Blessed children thought you wander lost and depraved
Jesus loves you, you shall be saved!"
       The nuns were out giving charity to the poor like they did every other day (except for holy Sunday). The newsies approach the wagon and huddle around it waiting to be able to get their hands on some food.
"Patrick, darling
Since you left me, I am undone
Mother loves you
God save my son!" A lady desperately pleads to her son who probably had ended up joining and becoming a newsie.
       ... just like me, except, I had no one looking for me, I didn't even have anyone to look for me anymore. And of course I am faced yet again with what had happened just a short time ago as it is written in big bold letters on the daily news sign/and newspapers...
• • • • • • • • • •
To be Continued?...
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scullyy · 5 years
100 Truths
Tagged by darling @missdaisymayrio
1. Real name: Daina
2. Nicknames: Scully, Gremlin (only Kyla can call me that)
3. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
4. Gender: Female
5. Nursery: Didn’t go to one
6. Primary school: Went to a public school, good times
7. Secondary school: Private but ended up transferring to public
8. Hair color: Green/Blue (naturally brunette)
9. Long or short: Relatively long now, had short hair for YEARS
10. Loud or quiet: Depends on my mood, usually quiet
11. Sweats or jeans: Shorts bruv
12. Phone or camera: Camera :3
13. Health freak: Not really, I have a sugar addiction what can I say
14. Drink or smoke: Engaged in drinking in the past, wasn’t my thing. Smoked marijuana once, again wasn’t my thing
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
16. Political orientation: I’m not really political
17. Piercings: Ears (helix, tragus, two on either lobe, conch) and my septum!
18. Tattoos: None but hot damn do I really want some
19. Airplane: Yes! I’m not a big fan of flying though
20. Car *accident*: Almost, my friend is a shitty driver :/
21. Fist fight: Never, I’m too lazy to get into fights
22. Piercing: Ears
23. Best friend: I lost my best friend due to some drama over my ex, don’t speak that much anymore. So no, I don’t really have one.
24. Instrument: Piano, still learning though
25. Award: I’ve won awards for athletics and one for writing.
26. Crush: This one boy in my class when I was seven. I don’t remember what I liked about him though
27. Language: English
28. Big vacation: Went to the Gold Coast when I was 15, that was awesome.
29. Person I talked to: My mum hehe
30. Person I texted: A friend of mine about skincare crap
31. Person I watched: Idk??????
32. Food I ate: Avocado and tuna sushi :3
33. Movie I watched: The Perfection (a weird ass Netflix movie)
34. Song I listened to: Beyond The Sea -  Robbie Williams
35. Thing I bought: This face oil thing my friend recommended
36. Person I hugged: My mum (I got scared after something happened earlier today)
38. Drinks: Tea and Juice mmmmmm
39. Clothing: Shorts with my long denim jacket + my flannel cap
40. Book: I’ll Give You The Sun - Jandy Nelson <3
41. Color: BLUE
42. Flower: Hibiscus 
43. Music: Halsey and Conan Gray
44. Movie: The Lovely Bones
45. Subjects: English and Art!
47. [] Kissed in the rain
48. [X] Celebrated Halloween
49. [X] Had your heart broken
50. [] Went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [] Someone questioned your sexual orientation
52. [] Used a weapon
53. [] Breathed fire (god I wish)
54. [] Had an abortion
55. [] Done something you’ve regretted (I don’t believe in regrets)
56. [] Broke a promise
57. [X] Kept a secret
58. [X] Pretended to be happy
59. [X] Met someone who changed your life
60. [X] Pretended to be sick
61. [] Left the country
62. [X] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it
63. [X] Cried over the silliest thing
64. [] Ran a mile
65. [] Went to the beach
66. [] Stayed single
67. Eating: Watermelon gum (does that count as something to eat??)
68. Drinking: Nothing
69. Getting ready to: Relax and sit on my ass
70. Listening to: Idle Town - Conan Gray
71. Plans for tomorrow/today: Did all my errands today, tomorrow I’m going out with my dad to do some thrift shopping
72. Waiting for: Dinner tbh I’m having chicken nuggets
73. Want kids: Perhaps, although childbirth truly scares me. I’d rather foster kids or open a home for teens who have been kicked out.
74. Want to get married: I’d like to, just gotta get over my issues relating to commitment teehee :D
75. Careers in mind: Photographer, Voice Actor
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Taller. I don’t have much choice, everyone is taller than me
78. Romantic or spontaneous: A nice mix of both. I’m a hopeless romantic, but some of my best memories are from spontaneous events :D
79. Nice stomach or nice arms: A R M S !!
80. Sensitive or loud: Both! 
81. Hook-up or relationship: Once I’m older, a relationship! I am intrigued by hook-up culture though, I feel like that resonates with how I feel right now in life.
82. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker. C’mon mate let’s make some fun memories!
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Never had either
84. Ran away from home: Nope, thought about it though
85. Held a weapon for self defense: I have one, but luckily I’ve never had to use it
86. Killed somebody: ...depends who’s asking (jokes, I haven’t)
87. Broken someone’s heart: Yeah, it fucking sucks
88. Been arrested: Nope
90. Miracles: I do sometimes.
91. Yourself: Only in certain things, I believe that I deserve more than what I have been dealt in the past, but I don’t believe in my dreams :/
92. Love at first sight: Oh fuck yeah. There’s something magical about looking across the room, seeing someone and just instantly feeling this pull towards them.
93. Heaven: I wouldn’t call it a ’heaven’ in the traditional sense, more that there must be more to the universe than this life. There has to be something beyond ourselves.
94. Santa Claus: Nope
95. Easter Bunny: Nope
96. Magic: I believe magic exists in simple ways, maybe you’ve never broken a bone or you can make the perfect cup of tea. 
97. Is there one person you want to be with, right now: My friends, they’re all going through a tough time at school and I wish I could help them.
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: I am content, haven’t quite reached happiness yet but we’re getting there :))
99. Are you happy with the person you’re with: Single so....
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people: @darling-clemmy @everlastinqg @freckledpianoman @cassierage @stay--jazzy <3 <3 <3
14 notes · View notes
@nymphalis Thanks for tagging me :D
Nickname: Nat I guess? Unless you’re that one ex co-worker that decided to call me Nath
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: No damn clue, last time I checked I was like 6′ (4 years ago)
Last thing I googled: crash fixes for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. I just wanna play the damn game for more than 30 min ;_;
Favorite Musician: Hnnnnnggggg y would u do this to me. I can’t pick between Jeff/Casey Williams (RWBY) and Thomas Bergesen/Nick Phoenix (Two Steps From Hell). I love all their music so much
Song Stuck in My Head: Ignite-Jeff Williams (RWBY)
Other Blogs: None. Now you know why my blog is a clusterfuck of Memes, Fire Emblem, and RWBY
Do I get asks: Like once every millennia
Following: 126
Followers: 245. It’s been stuck here forever cuz everytime someone new follows me its a pornbot.
Lucky Number: 8 I guess? Don’t think about numbers like this a whole lot but I also can’t stand doing things in odd numbers, so a good even number it is
What I’m wearing: Gray sweats and a gray shirt with a half-star half-winged shield design on it. It’s Billabong :P
Dream Job: I have no fucking clue, it takes all my energy to decide to leave the house nowadays wtf is having time to work towards a dream job
Dream Trip: ^^^
Favorite Food: Mother. FUckin’. Enchiladas
Play any Instruments? Oh geez, here comes the list again: Currently playing the Piano. Used to play the Trumpet, but fell out of that after leaving school :/ still have it tho. Played the Marimba and anything else like it (like a Xylophone) in Marching Band back in the US of A and probably still could if I managed to get my hands on one again. And I also used to play the Violin nearly a decade ago now. Still can sort of?? But my Sister’s violin is too small for me to play comfortably.
Languages: Just English really :P with like, 4 words in Spanish.
Favorite songs: UUUuuuhhmmm?? Fuck, idk, everything TSFH has done? xD
Random Fact: Uhhh I’m part Mexican, part German. My family likes to shorten it and call us Mexigerms.
Describe yourself as Aesthetic things: Uhh I’ve never really thought of myself as having...one..?? Uhm, yeah, idk, so looks like I’m just a void of nerdiness, I honestly have no damn clue
Mmmmmm and now to find people to tag that are actually still active on Tumblr :))))) Uh @osohey @haydensolo @snwywinters @angelicroses @agenderjulian @katiethetransbian of course none of you needa do it if you don’t want to, I just think these things are kinda fun to do
8 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
Allegedly Anon 2
Allegedly Anon 2
Oct. 3
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ALLEGEDLY ANON, Tell me , why was himself attracted to such a spindly legged bint like nutmeg. It’s like watching a Popeye cartoon with Olive Oil telling him what to do. ( comparison photos please anyone) and now has involved himself in litigation on her behalf, as if this wilting violet is such a crushed petal …… really ‘REALLY!! ‘ she’s got a skin thicker than a Rhinoceros. It’s bad timing because of the exposure of the forthcoming vid. “ OMG it’s her”. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct 4
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The question is’ how far will the MOS go up the litigation hill before they settle OOC, or will they enjoy the Kabuki pantomime it will descend into? I don’t think the BRF wants a public circus in the high court of litigation ,then again I can imagine LG rubbing his hands together at the image of nutmeg swanning into court wearing a denim onesie, and reading a word salad statement prepared by SS describing her alleged trauma 😱😱😱🤣🤣🤣🤣Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct. 5
ALLEGEDLY ANON … is it all about archificial?????? O my ‘ a paternity suit. This is going to get quite interesting ‘ so will DNA be produced? Is archificial “ of the body ? I think their both pissed off with the truth. The SA nutmeg show was a disaster …… and for gods sake, what is Harry doing …… it’s now super Kabuki!!!! Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct. 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The creature from the BLUE lagoon and a few hundred itinerant yachts has set up Her father in a fait accompli regarding the leaked letter ‘ its perfectly ok for a gaggle of chums to blab about said letter , but when her own father claims misrepresentation he’s castigated on the world stage ……… vile women!!! I think LG will string her up by her pneumatic mammaries. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct. 7
ALLEGEDLY ANON, once upon a time , on a yacht in an ocean far far away’ as MM ANON said its opinions ‘ if you install face recognition and then fast forward after reconstruction surgery then you can make an inspirational assumption its nutmeg, after all we have a lot of missing years and information. It’s funny how the media are V. quiet?? but then they have their own dossier on the dubious provenance of the DOS. ALLEGEDLY, SPECULATION OF COURSE.
Oct. 8
ALLEGEDLY ANON, What’s with the coy 15 year old routine with nutmeg, this from a woman whose sucked more d*** than I’ve had popsicles , she’s got a past that would challenge Caligula, unless you’ve lived in a cave for the last 2 years everyone in the country knows what a POS this grifter is. Let’s hope the BRF gives her the big E. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct. 9
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Canada ‘ move to CANADA!!! What’s she going to do, go back to suits as a Parailegal? I don’t think she will go anywhere near the commonwealth. She hates the RF. She’s disliked and despised. She’s at home more in Calipornia , return to the industry she knows best. This trash has alienated herself from everything she married into. Go home stay home. She’s a classless tramp. Allegedly speculation of course.
Oct. 10
ALLEGEDLY ANON … kartrashian said “ nutmeg is changing the world ‘ Ummmm ‘ ok , how is that then , O’ I know, by lying about your father bankrolling you upbringing, abortions , having a child, yachting, escorting, tossing salads, golf girl , hockey girl , every ones girl, black and white movies, blue movies,THAT WEDDING ‘ THAT FAKENCY, THAT BIRTH, ARCHIFICIAL, SA. BABY, ……sue the MOS. good luck!!! Allegedly, speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct. 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON,SS PR writes her word salad, a vacuous, empty, meaningless diatribe that’s supposed to encourage the audience that are in the unfortunate position of having to listen. PR key words written to trigger an emotional response. ENVIRONMENTAL, FEMINIST, DRIVEN, INSPIRATIONAL, SOLUTIONS , POSITION ,SPIRITUALLY POSITIVE, CONCLUSIONS, I could go on all day with her babbling bull$h!t. We see through you nutmeg!!!! Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct. 12
ALLEGEDLY ANON, hey skippy ‘ is nutmeg on public appearance anytime soon ‘ I’m looking forward to her facing the British MOS readers …… and the fortuitous anticipation of being booed. Unless the pubic are unlikely gracious she’s going to get a hammering. One can only hope , she’s an obnoxious toss-pot who thinks her $h!t don’t stink. Treated the BRF with utter contempt. A return to porn awaits,allegedly, speculation of course. 💩💩💩💩💩
Pakistan Tour 14-18
October. 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, HC’ 30.000 destroyed emails, never indicted …… Benghazi, and she’s got the gall to stick that yachting hooker on a pedestal!! Then slag off the BRF. YEAH RIGHT!!!! Thank goodness we have a REAL ROYAL COUPLE on an official visit with dignity and protocol at the fore- front. I’m a little pissed with colonial trash telling the British how to conduct their lives. F#@ck -em. Allegedly,speculation of course. 😤😤😤
Oct. 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON , Hoping that nutmeg gets verbal distain from the British public today. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 can’t wait for anons to post.
October. 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The escort in green , himself looks so pleased to be in the company of a (what) ‘I don’t know? What’s wrong with you Harry???????????? … this is becoming beyond Kabuki. Harry plays the game for the sake of HMTQ ……… ok ‘ all roads lead to the So- Hoe. Thank god for W&K ……… a borrowed archificial on SA …… see the photos, allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON …… BLIND ITEM #8 Oct 2nd. Read this and connect the dots. It’s not Ross ………rhymes with “late”(first name).
Oct. 16
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Creech St Michael , has seen tinted Discovery’s heading towards the M5. In convoys. ( didn’t someone say she was hiding In Somerset. ) I’m sure there’s a nice soho sponsored hideaway deep in the rural sticks that she’s holed up in. Trouble is , there’s curiosity amongst the well heeled local pop. Allegedly, speculation of course. 👀👀 👀 👀 🕶 🕶 🕶
Oct. 18
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “WHY DO THEY ALL HATE ME, IM AN HONEST DECEIVING BITCH, I HAVE AN ENGAGINGLY WARM SMILE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. “ IM HAVING A HARD TIME HERE PEOPLE, I DEMAND A LITTLE SYMPATHY!!!! “Well sympathy comes in the dictionary darling, it’s betwee $h!t and Syphilis. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 O’ please post this skippy, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
October. 19
ALLEGEDLY ANON, a focus group of 52 million British subjects would find that 78% dislike or have negative opinions about the colonial carpetbagger, 20% undecided and 2% don’t give a $h!t. Survey undertaken by the Sisters of Perpetual Retribution found that middle England and the upper classes have obnoxious contempt for the grifting bint while the working class seek the return of a happy go lucky Harry without the whining wife. All concluded that the BRF should get rid!! Speculation Allegedly.
October. 20
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “ She’s just existing “ !!!!!! WT(F) existence on a life funded by taxpayers supporting your multi million pound lifestyle ( one million on posh frocks) 4 million on frogcott, private helicopter , private jets , itinerant jollies to see Elton, breaks in £10.000 a night S of France villas weddings in Rome , a gruelling existence in a luxury lodge at soho estate in Somerset, RPO continually, nannies, cooks , shags on tap, ……… Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct 21
ALLEGEDLY ANON, HMTQ and TBRF have collectively now ostracised the house of Sussex from their social calendar regarding functions and family events , the only contact will probably be official gatherings like Christmas and public appearance such as the Remembrance Day service which I doubt nutmeg will attend due to her being snubbed to another balcony last year. Harry has now gone public on his feud with William. Their socially screwd. Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct 21
IN PRAISE OF SKIPPYS BLOG , this amazing forum is the most tolerant I’ve had the privilege to post on. Thank you dear skippy for posting comments that perhaps sometimes go against ones beliefs. My utmost respect and acceptance. ‘ Your servant and respectful comrade ,ALLEGEDLY ANON.
I can’t say thank you enough…..or tell you how appreciated you all are! Thank YOU!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 22
ALLEGEDLY ANON:- There comes the time when one runs out of superlatives, descriptives, whatever ‘ then you want to tell everyone what you think and a silent hand goes up and you say “ no!! I can’t call her that. Well ‘ fuck it!!!! I’m going to. She is , and has always been a “Manipulative Whore.” Whore ‘ in its most blatant sense. In future Just use the acronym MW. I’ll know what you mean. Allegedly, speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON, …… purple PURPLE!!! really REALLY!!! The colour of royalty, not a one bit tramp with allusions of grandeur and a sideline in self pity. One little tit-bit that crossed my mind, the use of pharmaceutical enhanced performance. This conduct induces paranoias, believe me I’v been in recovery for 35 years , it’s a hard habit to hide from , and I bet it’s prevalent, uppers, downers , twisters , benders. Mmmmmm’ interesting!! Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON … So !! She single handedly saved the monarchy ……… a yachting comforter who is a quid pro Quo whore saved a 1200 year institution from stagnation and decay. Some colonial carpetbagger with loose elastic grifted her a$$ into the BRF and manipulated a Prince who’s a founder member of the easily led club. EPIC !!!! and insults HMTQ last night by disgracing the colour purple.
Oct 24
ALLEGEDLY ANON, After a year of PR disasters and faux pas nutmeg still doesn’t understand the secret of royal protocol success , simply put ,you “ quietly attract” rather than obnoxiously promote yourselves. W&K quietly grew into the hearts of The British psyche over a period of hard working years,three gorgeous children and a working royal marriage. Unlike the train wreck of this colonial whore dragged into England’s green and pleasant land. Allegedly, speculation of course. ( O’ Harry). 😔😔😢😢
Oct 26
ALLEGEDLY ANON, So the bitch in Burgundy deciding to vacate her street corner and attend a kitchen meeting with a few collapsible tables and a portable screen. EPIC !!! got out of the electric Audi after a screaming row with himself and went all”power girl” in leather skirt no draws and plunging tits. WOW……… single handedly changing the monarchy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct 26
ALLEGEDLY ANON, So…… ‘ what next a black top with plunging tits ,a black leather jacket and leather slacks and Harry rides her in on the back of a Bonniville 120 to attend a “ save the children “ lunch at the Savoy Hotel , I can imagine her being intimately acquainted with the Oakley chapter……… word salad and tossed salad in equal quantities. ……… YEP!!! modernising the monarchy, that’s our nutmeg. 🏍🏍🏍🏍🤣🤣🤣
Oct. 26
Oct 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON, on reflection ‘ Skippy is right, I assume the old damaged wig will be in Calipornia during RD. Our Prince will be attending in his official capacity. Maybe K and C will be on the balcony with ST. GBHMTQAOGC
Oct 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON ‘ it’s still an anathema to English subjects like myself who grew up remembering the The crowning of HMTQ IN 1952. at WA. That now you have an appendage yachting escort who a few years ago slept with anyone who would give her a leg over her social mobility. Hockey players , chicken chefs , golf pros any suckem and fuckums that crossed her akimbos. It’s a sad time for Britain. Ashley Cole ‘ you dodged a bullet. Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct 28
ALLEGEDLY ANON … Dear skippy, the audacity of this obnoxious creature,thinking she will be given the opportunity to speak,spout more of her vacuous word salad and send the audience into a premature coma. The royal family is in quite distain of her infantile manipulations effecting her blinkered husband. The colonial carpetbagger will soon return from whence she came to the rapturous delight of all Britain. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct 29
ALLEGEDLY ANON, the obnoxious colonial carpetbagger tells porkies!! Outrageous ,narcissistic ,self promotional, hang me out the window and beat me with the National Enquirer porkies !! Its endemic in her DNA , it’s like listening to cnn , she’s a psychopathic extolling conveyer of mendacious verbiage. I sincerely hope that this appendage that is constantly clawing at our once loved Prince retires to her origins … SOON. allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct 30
ALLEGEDLY ANON ……… That letter had one , and only one project in mind ‘ via that carpetbaggers agenda!!! THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MONARCHY. That trashollop doesn’t want to modernise the monarchy ‘SHE WANTS TO DESTROY IT !!!!!!!!! Why do you think mostly LABOUR FEMALE MPs SIGNED IT. Duuuuuuuuur!!! Allegedly speculation of course
Oct 31
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Since when did a colonial interloper and wife of a royal have the constitutional gall to write a letter of thanks to a sitting MP? Politics off limits!! The rumour mill is grinding away with innuendo and gossip stirring the “ royal sources” into a frenzy. I think there’s going to be quite a Sunday surprise imminent. The protocol illiteracy of nutmegs PR is embarrassing and sad ,where’s Henry 8th !! Allegedly speculation of course.
Nov. 1
ALLEGEDLY ANON, are we supposed to be enthralled by this trash bag visiting a soho sponsored bakery with suspect hygiene. No hygiene gloves, no hand/ hair hygiene, the touching of the matted greasy wig the touching the cake, this video should be shown to the Westminster health inspectorate. No hair covering. There WORKING WITH FOOD PEOPLE ARE GOING TO EAT!!!! another PR pratfall.
Nov. 1
ALLEGEDLY ANON,… some hacks have their tongue so far up nutmegs @rse that rational communication just becomes a sycophantic Dickensian “ ever so ‘umble, mam”. exercise in dickie licking. Such is the passion of their wanting to be associated with the great unwashed one. ( Fame by association )… example ‘ The Telegraph puff piece. I hope Harry is going to adhere to HM. script this weekend.
Nov. 2
ALLEGEDLY ANON, ‘MORNING NUTMEG, “ I never wanted the media spotlight “🤣🤣🤣🤣, how’s all your contradictions going about media exposure? Media executives say you BEGGED them for exposure ( begging.?………thats another word for it.) how’s our oracle on instant gratification this morning, all those trips on yachts must have had lots of moments of “ instant gratification” and let’s not forget SH and MA. …a tad wounded nutmeg? Allegedly, speculation of course 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤥🤥🤥🤥
Nov. 2
ALLEGEDLY ANON,……… THE MOST DISRESPECTFUL INSULTING APPEARANCE SO FAR , MILLIONS GAVE THEIR LIVES FROM AMERICA,GREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA IN BOTH WORLD WARS. …… ‘ this disrespectful tramp turned up to be recorded on film without the world wide symbol of respect for the fallen ‘ the Poppy. HMTQ must have duly noted. social ineptitude on purpose. The final insulting straw.
Nov 3
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Ostracised, financially bereft, ignored and despised. An outed grifter gone rogue. This notary of Babylonian reputation and suspect sexual indulgences will allegedly grace one of the hallowed balconies of Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday. She will contaminate the great and the good patrons of the monarchy of the British public. Please feel free to booooooooo !!
Nov 4
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WAS NUTMEG SCARED TO APPEAR?? This question is at the top of everyone’s agenda after reports that the colonial carpetbagger has fled her unoccupied cottage in Windsor and jumped on a private jet to LAX. The no.1 priority of slutchess disaster is to avoid being verbally castigated by the public at the RAH Saturday night tribute remembrance service. Also it saves her isolating appearance on The hallowed balcony the next day. A joyous departure for Brits. 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
Nov 5
ALLEGEDLY ANON, RE-REMEMBRANCE FIELDS. Expect nutmeg to push ahead of H. Expect it to wear a rainbow poppy, expect her to look for the cameras, expect her stupid rictus grin, as Skippy comments,expect the unexpected. The public once again are dismayed that Camilla will accompany the colonial carpetbagger on this memorable occasion honouring the fallen. I thought it was illegal to drop trash in the hallowed fields. Expect a complete lack of protocol. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Dear Skippy The British public are a reserved but unforgiving lot when one tries deception which nutmeg has indulged in. Sooo , if the slutchess and himself appeared together without a minder they would be open to verbal ridicule …… enter stage left Camilla ‘ decorum and protocol would stifle any and all booing from the public,even though they would probably love a good Booo. We wait. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON, NUTMEG to have 2nd child in USA’ FFS, well there’s already a child around according to the Golf organiser where you were a caddy escort, O’ when did you have a child in the U.K.?you mean archificial?? The surrogate dump? Surrogates in the US are ten a penny in Calipornia so a 43 year old grifting yachter won’t have a problem giving “birth” there. You can pay a Surrogate out of the 5mill. Docudrama you’re making in LA. ALLEGEDLY, SPECULATION OF COURSE.
Nov 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON … THE ROYAL PREROGATIVE. HMTQ. is the head of our 1200 year Monarchy. There was a time in antiquity when only the head of the monarchy could wear the colour PURPLE!! This is so relevant to today’s protocol and practice. Sooooo !! let’s not dilute this ageless and respectful practice. “ are you listening slutchess!! “ ONLY HMTQ …… OK’ good!! now carry on doing what you do best at Soho ho ho ho. Allegedly ,speculation of course
Nov 7
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Alleged conversation between nutmeg and MA “yeah’ $h!t, tell me about it, stroking his bald f**** head, pretending to be having the best orgasm, haven’t had a decent screw since Madrid. When I come over we’ll hook with George in Malibu, get rat-@ssed , make a weekend of it, NO!! don’t call me, there f*** monitoring my phone, OK sweetie , can’t wait, bye”……… “ yes LG the conversation was recorded by one of our team in the RPO.” … “OK Tony , file under “Your Fu****d.”🤣🤣🤣
Nov 9
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Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON …… remarks about nutmegs upper lip, all I can surmise is herpes , an old affliction resurfaced. God knows, knowing what we know about her colourful history it wouldn’t surprise me that any number of maladies would have infected her, escorting ,Yachting, So-hoing, auditioning, golf-caddying, friends of porn-stars, hockey players,……… social diseases are an occupational hazard. Allegedly, speculation of course 😷😷😷😷😷
Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “ you wanted to see me Gran, “ Yes Harry, about you both slipping into the royal box , protocol depicts placement Harry!! You both sit at the back for a reason, she’s not a royal, and Harry’ her dress was inappropriate for the occasion, one exposes ones cleavage on reality shows , not honouring the fallen. Now pop off to America and try to be a Little understated, remind your wife to return those earrings. They belonged to Queen Mary, remember Harry, discretion not obsession.
And here is why I don’t believe you. Harry is NOT leaving, I hardly doubt HM would be so calm…..and second…MM NEVER borrowed any jewelry from HM! That is fake! Those earrings were cheap…..only HM wears Queen Mary’s pearl earrings….MM has NEVER worn them…..this conversation NEVER happened! And another thing…….Harry would not have moved seats without permission…not that close to HM!
Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON, ALL HAIL THE DOC. O dear sweet Kate, elegance personified!! On the balcony with HMTQ and Camilla, dressing as You always do , class and dignity. That Cossack style coat with matching (fascinator) or hat. The most photographed woman on the planet. This is protocol and the Royal Family in all its mystique. Long may it live Thank you dear Skippy for posting so many tributes to the mother of our most loved George,Charlotte and Louie. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🦄🦎🧸
Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON … IMAGES OF A DESPERATE ESCORT … of all the slutty images we have seen over the last two years( too many to mention) there are thousands that her PR destroyed that would compromise her position as a wife of a member of the royal family. Is this the dossier that the DM paid a million pounds for, and the intel. that LG has onmegatramp, that face of a thousand smirks says it all “ I’m untouchable”. Where have those lips been Harry??Ughhhh !! Allegedly , speculation of course.
Nov 13
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Expect nutmeg to hook up with HRC during the next few days , mutual hugging and @ss kissing. Dorito will appear in a out of focus photo with Harry and nutmeg, a PR statement will announce another pivotal ploy that she will go to the states but may return to be at Sandringham for Christmas, or may not. All smoking mirror Kabuki for the tabloids to drool over and lay false trails. Actually nutmegs in the Caribbean soaking up the men. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Nov 13
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “ were going to LA , NOooooo were staying here!! O’ going to Sandringham then , Noooo, were gonna feed the ‘omless at shelter nr Windsor, feed them what , you know Turkey and stuffing,an Brussel sprouts an stuff!!! I’ll take archificial for the sympathy vote , look all humanitarian like’ Haz can f***off to see his gran and I’ll dump archificial on Dorito,then I’ll shlep off to So-Ho house for a quick shag with MA.… 🎼jingle bell,jingle bell,jingle bell c**k. 🎼 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, dear skippy, I know this great blog is not political but KAC just Blitzed ,Wolf Blitzer on CNN , EPIC!! …… The Queen is reported by the DE That she “drops in” on our dynamic duo because nutmeg needs “ cheering up”, and so she has a cuppa with the depression prone actress drawing on her years of experience to inject some positivity, yeah right!! 🤣🤣🤣 we all swallow that bull$h!t. Sunshine Sucks in disaster mode again!! HMTQ DROPS IN ON NUTMEG!! … WTF!!
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, She was pregnant? A shotgun marriage of unhappy people, a WTF wedding cake, a very hurried guest list, no pomp no carpet, only a narc would walk alone down the aisle alone with the knowledge you’ve got him by the b***. A very strange fakency, no record of actual birth date, FFS birth certificate, “ he’s changed over two weeks” , “ can we see his face.” WE ALL WITNESSED HER LIES, WE ALL SUSPECTED SOMETHING ODD. WE ALL KNEW. IF SHES HONEST , WHY THE AGGRESSIVE PR?? 🤔🤔🤔
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, THIS VIDEO OF THE BUMP POPPING WHEN SHE STANDS UP. nutmeg looks very self conscious and embarrassed. ( build-up of air within the prosthetic and a rapid exhalation of compressed air. ) sounds like a “pop”. She compresses the prosthetic when she bends down and air is rapidly expelled as she stands up. POP!! Anyone still think she was REALLY pregnant??? Didn’t think so.
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Rebecca English , HRC visits nutmeg and archificial Hold up , hold up, didn’t I mention this earlier this week ……… the old hack has stolen my scoop !!!!! Can’t give out good information without it getting nicked by the DM and there desperate scribes. Remember …… YOU SAW IT FIRST ON SKIPPY!!!!
nov 13
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Expect nutmeg to hook up with HRC during the next few days , mutual hugging and @ss kissing. Dorito will appear in a out of focus photo with Harry and nutmeg, a PR statement will announce another pivotal ploy that she will go to the states but may return to be at Sandringham for Christmas, or may not. All smoking mirror Kabuki for the tabloids to drool over and lay false trails. Actually nutmegs in the Caribbean soaking up the men. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, So, Rebecca English writes today “EXCLUSIVE” HRC visits nutmeg, ON THE 13th , two days ago Allegedly anon writes , HRC WILL VISIT NUTMEG!! , all we can conclude is that RE gets her information on SKIPPY!!! like so many informants proclaiming scoops they see IT FIRST ON SKIPPY!!! And we all know nutmeg visits here. And HMTQ god bless her. Nutmeg reads the blog and then goes up to her bedroom and cries😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nov 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON, HRC was reported to visit nutmeg and archificial ……… but NOT APPEARING ON COURT CIRCULAR “ Sooooo BS !! It’s all a PR push with the tabloids trying to put some lipstick on this propaganda pig. Rebecca English trying for a try, whooooops , tabloid tosh. Where are your receipts , “ well actually I haven’t any” “ I just printed the gossip” sources darling, sources !! It’s suggested that you’re a good journalist, but that’s gossip, allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON, THE DEADLY DIARIES, O, yes the Machiavellian manipulator has a diary, ( actually she’s on her third) an intimate record of conversations, events and observations that has “ affected” the “ I’m not OK” Woke scribe over the , leading up to, wedding and disasters afterwards. And don’t let us forget all the “ pillow-talk” she’s chronicled. She’s gathered more $h!t on the royal family over the past year that defies comprehension. speculation of course. Publication imminent allegedly.
Nov 18
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WELL, here’s a thing, nutmegs coercion of Harry to skip Christmas with the family seems selfish and petty, both PP&HM in their nineties need the love and support of the royal extended family, nutmeg has a younger mother and plenty of years to indulge her self-centredness. She’s not helping the damage limitation by swanning off to Malibu in her poo hat. 💩💩💩… allegedly,speculation of course.
Nov 19
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The “ court of public opinion” and “trail by media” is a popular hysterical pastime, the peeps need drama , what would we do without the constant daily shower of innuendo and hearsay, gossip and third hand “quotes” from the ever sensational “Tabloids”. Headlines are contagious, insidious deformation of character is the rule of day wether true or false. I’m guilty of jumping on the bandwagon of conjecture. BUT … I suggest we all wait and see. IUPG. allegedly speculation of course.
Nov 20
ALLEGEDLY ANON, BC logged 26 recorded trips on Epstein’s private jet. “ my friend Bill Clinton sat on that seat”,Epstein said to a pubescent jet traveller as she flew to an assignation with the paedophile Billionaire. MSM seems to have air brushed this out of the public conscience, while castigating PA , BC seems to have very powerful press Associations. S’pose nobody wants to be suicided. Allegedly, speculation of course 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣
Nov 20
ALLEGEDLY ANON, PA has fallen on his sword, for whom?? Wellllllllllllll! …… BC and his Arkansas cabal has all the tapes, the FBI , has tapes. but, BC has “THE” tapes. Allegedly there were over 15 cctv cameras in his NY mansion. Hypothetically these tapes would hold very incriminating evidence on most guests visiting the Machiavellian mansion. Teflon bubba has complete immunity from association with young girls to murder. Unfuckingtouchable!! Allegedly speculation of course. 💰💰💰💰👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
Nov 21
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Nutmeg courted by Marvel Pictures, Sony, and Disney on arrival in LA. This opens to conjecture her ambitions while in negotiations with said production giants. Courting future ambitions for a return to her former occupation she is using her celebrity to get a foothold into Hollywood ?………… will PH follow??🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 22
ALLEGEDLY ANON … SO… Nutmeg takes down her Wikipedia post on being a “deal or no deal” hostess!!!! Trying to airbrush her dubious past. There’s an interview with a golf tournament organiser about hiring “deal or no deal girls” as “caddy’s”. She said nutmeg as married, and had a “KID” and was very popular girl with the golf pros. Mmmmm ‘ someone let the “KID” out of the bag. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 22
ALLEGEDLY ANON, I wonder if the cancellation of “ Breakfast in America “ has anything to do with the Epstein forthcoming revelations. Nutmegs been banging on about America’ America, for ages,suddenly it’s all off. I believe she has “history” with PA ( yachting) And with JE&GM procuring?? ( hidden years). She’s gone all incommunicado since PAs disaster interview. PA should suggest,turn up at Hamley’s with archificial buying Christmas presents. Allegedly,speculation of course.
Nov 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WHERE IS NUTMEG, not at frog cottage, she’s still smarting from being fobbed off with a “cottage” instead of a palace that she spends her time at itinerant different crash-pads in and around the Capital. Secrecy is paramount when protecting nutmeg and archificial, ………… but wait!!! Nobody has ever seen archificial, is he real???? Was he EVER REAL?? nobody knows,nobody cares anymore. Maybe Harry will shed light. Allegedly, speculation of course 🤫🤫🤫
Nov 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON, with respect, the monarchy is a dignified elder statesman ruling with ageing concepts that haven’t changed for over 50 years. With it come the problems of cosseted contempt. There is redemption, W&K have the professional ability to change and add a new reality of “ we the people” to the monarchy as a young “Family”. Everywhere they go they trailblaze fresh and new examples of a monarchy for the 22nd century. LETS LET THEM!!
Nov 24
ALLEGEDLY ANON , One thing my little birdies tell me that’s a consensus among the royal family and it’s this. Nutmegs atrocious taste in clothes. The colonial carpetbag has never sought advice from the younger well dressed royal women on he wardrobe, hence she remains the worst dressed offender in Windsor. And no amount of PR spin can correct that. So she’ll remain an assault on the visual senses for The distant future, poor us. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 25
ALLEGEDLY ANON, POTUS /Melania will stay with the ambassador to the court of St. James and the siblings will probably stay in the same hotel as last year while in London, expect Ivanka to contact nutmeg. The banquet will be a very formal and stiff, Trump will give an address but drift off script, HMTQ will remind all of the importance of NATO. Kate will steal the show and William will endorse his king in waiting credentials. A cool evening. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 25
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Nutmeg is going to choreograph her Christmas card photo because she’s jealous of Kate’s talent in photography. The Green eyed monster is alive and flourishing at frog cott. or wherever she’s sleeping these days,expect a horrifying snap of ginge&cringe with archificial at a suitably obscure location. We wait with baited indifference. 🧣🧣🧣🧣
Nov 25
ALLEGEDLY ANON, MM said she’s being pitted against the DOC. ………… Ehhhhh , Nutmeg ‘ QUEENS don’t compete with hoes. The Monarchy is the privilege of few , a hoe is a hoe is a hoe. …………… yacht sluts are ten a penny, no matter hoe they married. Allegedly, speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON, back in LA and attempted the most difficult of tasks, cooking a dinner? yep’ nutmeg has decided to roast the turkey. OMG, how will she cope ‘ frantic phone calls to Cory, are the roast potatoes crispy, do I put the pigs in a blanket on an hour before the turkey has finished? are The Brussels Firm or soft ? WHAT ABOUT THE GRAVY?? yes nutmeg it’s a nightmare, and your skills are only good in one domain. Not the kitchen!! Allegedly speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🦃🦃🦃🦃
Nov 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON, THE AGE ISSUE !!!! how old is nutmeg?? my sister is 53 and thanks to PGs wrinkle cream she looks 33. But nutmeg is “ supposedly is 38 but looks 48, her actual age is 43. Another fakency,yehhhh, good luck with that one ‘🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wants to find another surrogate for a birth in LA. How does Harry live with this fantasising bint. , O yes ,that’s right ‘ he doesn’t !!! Hey nutmeg how’s the Turkey doing?i smell burning. 🦃🔥🔥…… Allegedly ,speculation of course.
Nov 29
ALLEGEDLY ANON, we now have video footage of a brave member of the public tackling a terrorist with a s/vest strapped to him , the police pull him clear then shoot him. Sanity is restored, don’t fuck about, just shoot the POS. BRAVA MET POLICE. lot of isis returned from Syria recently and more released from jail. They have contaminated our once beautiful city , GSTQAOBC.
Nov 30
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WHERE’S THE BABY ?? The most disturbing appearance was at the polo match when she wore the green tent. Nobody acknowledged her or the doll she carried around “RE-WATCH THE VIDEO” that was a seriously disturbed individual. ITS TIME THE PRESS RELEASES ALL THE EVIDENCE THEY HAVE IN CAMERA. How many of the public haven’t seen her barbecue ad? or the undressed maid. Better still , sex on the Jamaican balcony?? ALLEGEDLY SPECULATION OF COURSE. 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 30
ALLEGEDLY ANON, DEAR SKIPPY, OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE IS THE CONVICTION OF THE COLONIAL CARPETBAGGER, I shan’t loose focus on this procedure, to expose her grifting, lies and entrapment of a Prince. The fakency, illusion of a birth, the doll months , the non appearance of Archificial, the “ soup kitchen “ thanksgiving lie, the ‘ I’m hiding in America,Canada, Calipornia lies. Actually she’s holding up with her minders in SOHOE. trying to arrange her next faux headline.
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sansalannistark · 7 years
I was tagged by the super sweet @fiammablade3466 to do this awesome questions list.
So here is me..
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and then tag as many people as there are questions.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke Disney or Dreamworks: Tough but I’d probably say dreamworks overall Coffee or tea: Tea (I’m such a Brit 😂) Books or movies: Books! Windows or Mac: Windows cos that’s what my laptop is :) DC or Marvel: Marvel because avengers Xbox or Playstation: I don’t own either :( Dragon Age or Mass Effect: and I don’t play video games… Night owl or early riser: Night owl definitely: I’m the worst! Cards or Chess: Cards Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate mmmmmm Vans or Converse: oh converse for sure Cadash or Adaar: what now? Paragon or Renegade: confused Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Trek! Mostly voyager because Janeway! Gandalf or Obi-Wan: Gandalf Heroes or Villains: Heroes but I like a bad villain ;) John Williams or Hans Zimmer: Hans Zimmer… My god I love instrumental music! Disneyland/Disney World or Six Flags? Disney :) Forest or sea ? Ooh toughie! Maybe forest… They’re magical Flying or reading minds? Flying. I’ve always wanted to be able to do it
Twin Peaks or Northern Exposure: Again, haven’t seen Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: Harry Potter always but I do love LOTR :) Cake or Pie: cake… I have a sweet tooth You are banished to a desert island, which Benedict Cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? Sherlock, sorry! He’s intelligent and he’d figure a way off the island… And if not well it’d be entertaining hehe Train or Cruise ship: Train. Fun times Brian Cox or Neil deGrasse-Tyson: ? Sherlock in dark purple shirt or blue shirt: I like the purple shirt of sex but the blue is my favourite 💙
Molly Hooper in yellow dress or white and red dress? Stunning in both! Stunning always but I really liked the yellow one :) 
rainy day locked up in 221b with Sherlock or a fish n chips crime solving date with Sherlock? Fish n ships = food so yeah 
pizza or pasta? Pasta My question: drawing or writing?
I’m tagging these guys if you want to do it :) Feel free to tweak the questions if you haven’t seen the show etc haha @catherina1996 @sweetaprilbutterfly @sherlollyliplocked @im-a-sherlockian and any fellow Sherlollians - you guys are family! :) *hugs*
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judewithcigarette · 7 years
I was tagged by @marcandresfleurys in this little tag game (thanks ily gabby!!! 💕) 
 rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!
 tagging: @edgar-allan-nooo, @pelibugcan, and @lovepeacebrianna!! 
 1: are you named after someone? Mmmm I don't think so! I like to think I was named after Robin Williams tho 
2: when was the last time you cried? Yesterday, I had an long anxiety attack bc school and medical mierda 
3: do you like your handwriting? Nah man it's really messy but also??? If I'm gonna get my medical
 degree and have the title of Doctor then I gotta have messy handwriting it's how this works I don't make the rules 
4: what is your favourite lunch meat? turkey for days 
5: do you have kids? nooooooo way my guy not today lmao!!!!!! 
6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? Yeah probably!! I'm 100% In Sync™ with gabby @marcandresfleurys and my other friend natty at any given moment and they're also some of my best friends like??? We're almost the same people so I'd say yes 
7: do you use sarcasm? noooooo not at all (Google Translation: yes) 
8: do you still have your tonsils? I do but I've almost gotten them removed on multiple occasions 
9: would you bungee jump? I'm an adrenaline junkie so probably?? I'd be more willing to jump out of an airplane though 
10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? I don't eat cereal but?? In the past I dig the krave cereal with the chocolate bit inside or the smores ones they used to sell? Good shit y'all 
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I am the most stubborn shit so I never untie them, I just shove my foot inside and pry it out lmao 
12: do you think you’re a strong person? Physically: kind of? I got into a little brawl with a couple of guys in middle school and I singlehandedly bulldozered them into the ground lmao but emotionally: mmmmmm I don't think so 
13: what is your favourite ice cream flavor? So I (technically) can't eat ice cream? I'm lactose intolerant but it won't stop me so I gotta say vanilla or cookie dough??? Hook me up fam 
14: what is the first thing you notice about people? probably how they use body language? Like how they physically express their emotions on their face or little things they do if they're nervous 
16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?  boi there's not enough room here for this but I'll probably go with my boobs because I 👏 want 👏 them 👏 gone 👏 
17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Dark denim and some comfortable sneakers I am living the dream 
19: what are you listening to right now? Track Down This Murderer from The Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary soundtrack!!!!!!! I’m gettin’ ready to cry y’all it’s at that part
20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Y’know the one crayon that’s dark and you can’t tell whether it’s a dark purple or dark navy until you start coloring? That one
21: favourite smell? the ocean for sure
22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? by text: my hoe  hella smart best friend Cas @edgar-allan-nooo for homework help lmao and by call: bro idk I don’t take calls so probably also cas when I called to tell her I was at her house for her birthday party??
23: favorite sport to watch? Usually basketball but boxing has been my fave since I was young so?? Probably boxing 
24: hair color? A dark brown it’s actually v pretty if I do say so myself
27: favourite food to eat? Spaghetti squash with feta cheese??? Y’all I eat so much feta cheese or also my grandma’s baked ziti it’s fantastic
28: scary movies or comedy? Both though I usually lean more towards scary movies
29: last movie you watched? The Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary!!! Ramin Karimloo is so good kick my ass
30: what color of shirt are you wearing? gray with AC/DC logo
32: hugs or kisses? hugs but I’m always game for a kiss too
33: what book are you currently reading? The Way You Wear Your Hat: Frank Sinatra and the Lost Art of Livin’ by Bill Zehme
34: who do you miss right now? mmm mis abuelos but they were here last week and they’re coming to visit again on the 9th so I see them a lot
35: what is on your mouse pad? A pic of the beatles
36: what is the last tv program you watched? I think it was the sopranos
37: what is the best sound? the rain 
38: rolling stones or the beatles? mmmm probably rolling stones
39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? Cross country to NYC
40: do you have a special talent? hyper empathy? observation? not really “talents” per say but y’know it’s something
41: where were you born? The desert wasteland of Arizona lmao
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