#I’m literally so angry about the public reaction to this
just-rogi · 2 years
Some Fatphobia activists see someone having a conversation about restrictive ED’s and somehow make about themselves. ED survivors have a hard enough time coming out and talking about it publicly- Without having people shout that they are fatphobic for talking about it (as If plus sized people can’t also have restrictive Ed’s ???)
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Hello loves ♥️! In today’s reading we’re going to be learning about your shadow side 🧛‍♀️ . Specifically, I will explore the undeveloped and evolved aspects of your shadow 👀. Take a few breaths and use your intuition to pick a gif 😼!
P.S ~ I’m also going to be including keywords for both sides of your shadow. Use those keywords to gauge when you’re acting in the undeveloped or developed aspects of your shadow!
♦️Pick ~ A ~ Gif♦️
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Pile 1
The undeveloped side of your shadow is full of provocations. When triggered you tend to provoke others whether it’s to get them angry or to do something negative. You still somehow manage to justify your actions even when the consequences are bad. This side of you is very susceptible to toxic relationships. Have relationships that don’t trigger you. Your words are like spells. You have the ability to bring your words alive. You could literally “wish evil” on someone and it would happen. Be very careful with your intentions behind your words because they are likely to manifest. Your undeveloped side could also be misunderstood and often miscommunicate.
Key words for this would be: manipulative, persuasive, cunning
The developed side of your shadow is quite beautiful! You have the ability to inspire action within others. It’s as if you can tap into others energy and know exactly how to create with them or guide them. I’m hearing part of this comes from you being a very deep listener. You might be clairaudient or telepathic. Nurturing your shadow could even open job opportunities to you such as motivational speaking, public speaking, mentorship, teacher, etc. You naturally have a very lovely voice. That’s a strength of your developed shadow side. It’s almost hypnotic in the way it catches the attention of whoever you’re talking to. People actually want to hear what you have to say but you have to the right intentions behind it!
Key words for this side would be: collaboration, co-creation, inspiring
Confirmations: 333, 111, orange/red stuffed animal, Scorpio/Capricorn/Aquarius placements, telepathy, precognition, esp, sirens/mermaids, alarms 🚨 ⏰ , sleep paralysis, gut feelings, heightened intuition, stress balls, fidget toys
Pile 2
Your undeveloped shadow is full of emotional turmoil. You may experience emotional manipulation while your shadow is undeveloped. Others control your emotions. It’s easy for your whole mood to be ruined with one bad interaction with a person. You’re emotions are also very intense. You might get so overwhelmed by them that you prefer to not acknowledge them, which leads to your detriment. I’m sensing you could also have social anxiety. Or you could just prefer to not be social for long periods of time. Prolonged exposure to others probably destabilizes your emotions. You could also be an empath!!!! You have great potential when it comes to connecting to earth and nature. Not only do you feel deeply you feel others deeply as well!
Key words for this side would be: temperamental, impassioned, fervent
It’s proven that pets/animals regulate human emotions. So if you’ve been thinking about getting a pet, this is your confirmation to do so! Right now is the time for you start being self aware of your emotions and reactions. Take some time to start mastering your emotions. If you’re prone to bottling up emotions, you’re being called to FEEL and acknowledge your emotions completely! This will be very healing for you. I definitely sense you have animal spirit guides. Here’s a few I’m picking up on: lion, sloth, rooster, gazelle, deer, eagle, fox, snail, fish, bunny, wolf, worm. You also could have angel guides. They want to offer you perspective and guidance throughout your journey. They can teach you how to look at the bigger picture.
Key words for this side would be: Empath, Clairsentient, Claircognizant
Confirmations: Earth/Water placements, 222, butterflies, seeing hearts, art, pet animals, dancing, nature, picnic, laying on grass, Greek mythology, kung fu panda, letter X, cloud-gazing
Pile 3
Your undeveloped shadow is afraid of being perceived. You might try to blend in with society in a way that also represses your true self. This side of you is afraid of being outcasted and ostracized. Ironically, you find the most comfort in those who are considered odd, different, unusual of have been shunned by society. It’s like you connect with them on a deeper level. You could’ve even been bullied when you were younger for being different than your peers. Or maybe you had friend groups that always seemed to exclude you. When you are deep in the negative aspects of your shadow you criticize others relentlessly. You might even tell self deprecating jokes about yourself.
Key words for this side would be: cynical, hypercritical, misanthropic
Your developed shadow understands how important it is to stand in your own energy, reclaim yourself and show it to the world! For example, you may dress a way that is completely opposite of how you feel / want to express. And wish you could just dress how you really want. Or you could have very alternative beliefs such as occultism, paganism, satanism, atheism, etc that you practice in secret. You have the power to transform into your authentic self and also be confident in who you are. Be who you are and you will attract people who accept and embrace you like “moths to a flame”. You have a lot of potential to become a leader in the field of your “alternative” interest whatever that may be. I’m seeing that you’re going to meet your soul tribe/family while you develop your shadow!
Key words for this side would be: unfazed, self-assured, eccentric
Confirmations: Antennae’s, satellite’s, slipping on something and falling, moths, light bulbs, hot/humid weather, Virgo/Aquarius placements, flood, soul-ties, hummingbirds, tambourines, peonies, hula hoops
Thanks so much 😽!!
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three--rings · 1 year
okay so i’m gonna talk about the build thing. 
I’m not going to get into the whole thing and what I think tho.  Like, I have a lot of thoughts.  But the thing is that I don’t KNOW anything.  I don’t know these people.  I can’t speak to them in any way. 
We have literally ZERO facts.  There is not a single fact that we, the public, have received that has any evidence behind it.  We have a bunch of one-sided claims and... some messages?  And some faked photo “evidence” from pinterest.
We don’t have any basis for making a judgement on anything solid whatsoever.  The only people who can do that are first of all police and legal proceedings, which I very much doubt are going to actually come to pass, and if they did would take absolutely forever to shuffle out.
And secondly BOC as an employer.  Which is where we can expect some kind of eventual decision, whatever it may be.
But what has truly upset me since this broke, besides just the natural grief of the situation, is the fandom response.  It’s been truly horrendous. 
The reaction which I expect from a fandom to this kind of news is shock, upset, grief, confusion, bargaining, etc.  And support of each other as we wait for the full fallout.
Instead I’ve seen celebration, I-told-you-so’s, endless attacks on people who refuse to immediately renounce their support of build, or who are at all measured or hesitant in their response.  Calls to reject not only the actor but the ship, the fandom, the production company.  Comparisons to other actors to highlight how their fave could never.  Finger pointing in every possible direction.
In other words, the fandom eating itself alive.  And is it maybe a small minority of people being toxic and most people being silent?  Yeah, it always is.  But it’s so fucking painful to me and to the fandom as a whole. 
Callout culture has reached a point where when anything happens the only performatively pure action to take is to immediately and loudly cut yourself off publicly from anyone at all likely to be tainted in accusation.  Which is exactly why people with bad motives can use accusations to inflict harm on people they want to hurt. 
I’ve seen over and over people being angry and upset that things aren’t moving faster with this situation, that there hasn’t been more statements and official shit done and like, it’s been less than two days?  On a weekend?  Do you really want the official procedures of ANY employer to work so fast that someone is fired within hours of anyone saying something bad about them, because that’s what people are literally calling for. 
I know it sounds like I’m taking one side here, but honestly I’m not.  No I don’t want the accusations to be true, because NO ONE should want them to be true.  But I can’t speak to their truth at all, because I have no basis to do so.  Except that what has been produced so far has been show NOT to be true (the photographs).  But there’s plenty of toxicity to go around in this situation.
What I want is for the actual truth to be known and acted on appropriately.  That doesn’t need to involve dragging facts out onto twitter or into the public eye, either.  The fandom isn’t judge and jury.  Victims shouldn’t be paraded through the virtual town square to be ripped apart. 
People are mourning right now.  What I’m mourning is the loss of a fandom that wasn’t as divisive and at each other’s throats as my last two.  Where I could just go to enjoy stuff without constant infighting.  Well, guess that’s fucking over. 
People are reliving their own abuse.  I know I am. 
How individual fans respond to this isn’t any of your fucking business.  People are allowed to wait to see what happens before making judgments.  People are allowed time and space to process.  Shut the fuck up already.
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sh0tanzz · 2 months
What would Riize's reaction if their partner chetaed on them, i live for chaos 🔥
FUCK ! LMFAOOO ok so (these are just headcanons barely based on their charts)
hm well he’d probably pick up on the fact that something was wrong and would be passively throwing jabs at them to hint that he knows something’s up. he’d investigate to find out allll of the details and information of what happened like he’d find out EVERYTHING. would confront them and will say some pretty cutting things like HURTFUL. the betrayal would make him lose feelings probs they might be..literally dead to him after that I won’t lie
he’d feel annoyed. extremely annoyed. because he feels like he wasted his time on them. he’d probably deadpan stare and just cut things off no matter how much it upsets/irritates him. he’d force himself to suck it up even tho he’d be literally pissed and will probably think “this is exactly why I give nobody a chance” and will try his best to move on to the next because in his mind life must go on
mad as hell to be very real. in public he’d have a “I don’t need a bitch, I’m what a bitch need” type of attitude but privately by himself he’s very angry and hurt and will even start to question and doubt his self worth, would ask himself if it was because he wasn’t good enough, would it not have happened if he did different things better ? he’d release the anger at the gym save all the emotional turmoil for when he’s alone in his room and he’ll never forget what they did and definitely tries to pop out with a new s/o that’s 3x hotter
he’d be filled with disgust honestly. his image of them in his mind and heart would be shattered and they’d no longer be of any sentiment within his heart. breakup through text probably because looking them in the face would upset him even more. it will take him a while to get past this completely, his sad playlist will be on for a WHILE. he’ll try to get past it but it will linger within him for a while would nap his way through the pain
he might get his payback I won’t lie
Not only is his heart broke but his ego as well. He’d have a permanent bitter taste in his mouth even thinking about them. He probably wouldn’t even want to talk about it or confront, will let you know he knows and disappears. once he feels kinda ok again he’d tell everyone about what happened so they’re in the know and can get it OUTTT of his system. will spend the first half staying to himself avoiding the outside world feeling his pain and then uses fun activities to kill pain the next half
breaks up with them blunt as fuck says whatever he needs to say to them so he can go on with his business. he’d be upset 100% but in his mind “I can’t go out sad like this” says his piece, and dips. he’d try to stay on the positive side and be like “well at least I can talk to whoever I want now” or would think of what good could come from cutting the person off like more time to work, more time to be selfish, more time to have fun. will def talk shit and then similar to Eunseok try to move on and have fun + meet new people
it would take everything in him to avoid cursing them out through the phone. 😭😭 all of his softness will melt away and he’ll be able to become cold and even cruel. If they had anything of his that he gave to them he’d want/get that stuff back immediately and would give back anything they gave him. translates alll the upset emotions he feels into his music, swimming and other hobbies he has. allows himself to be pissed off and mad before finally reaching his zen (a shopping spree buying everything his now ex can’t!)
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leejenowrld · 5 months
has seoyeon continued to bother yn and jeno?
yes! the stares have continued but it doesn’t bother yn anymore. the 360 change in reaction and attitude is hot and it turns jeno on. the past yn would get so much anxiety and fear every time someone stared at her and jeno, but now, she’s gone through so much and felt so much that she doesn’t care anymore!! instead, she makes fun of the whole situation lmfao if she feels someone being a bitch and staring a bit too much, she gets extra touchy with jeno. the pda is intense!! jeno is more for public pda, his hand is always in hers, arm around her shoulder, hand in her back pocket, lips will always be on her skin whereas yn does keep it relatively controlled in public but the times when seoyeon or any other girl stares, she’ll legit just break jeno from any conversation and start making out with him :D jeno gets so confused but god he moans against her lips! my man is loving it <3 mwah
one time it got serious. don’t ask why but jeno had convinced yn to party with him. it was juyeons party, yn was happy and having fun! all her friends were there too. she stayed close to jeno all night long, they were being a young couple in love, dancing sexy and close to each other, being touchy, the kissing. for a change for a party, jeno’s lips found itself on her more so than on the glass of an alcoholic beverage or drugs !! but don’t get me wrong, he was high
anyways… here comes seoyeon. as jeno and yn look into each others eyes and hold each other close, seoyeon legit comes from nowhere and pours a glass of wine all over yns dress. it was red and it stained. funny thing is, they didn’t even know she was near or at the party. she was lurking and hiding all night long, staring at them but they were in their own worlds too involved with each other to care 😭
and wow… you’ve never seen jeno more angry. his first reaction was to check on his girl cus she was pretty startled and surprised! he kissed her, whispered something sweet to her and gave her his jacket immediately as the liquid was making her top very see through. his soft eyes turned brutal as he turned to her, my god… the anger was like no other i can’t describe it, he begins basically verbally belittling her and for good reason! and he’s about to go on and on but then suddenly heejin comes out of nowhere and throws a glass at seoyeon and then seoyeon throws hands but heejin punches her in the face:D
the thing is, jeno and heejin are literally the no 1 yn protectors cus even tho yn has grown in confidence, she still don’t defend herself! when people are mean to her she just sits there and takes it. she doesn’t fight back, she’s too scared to, her anxiety and her shock takes over. as heejin is punching her, yn is genuinely out of it, like she’s dissociated and still processing what’s happened :( that’s why jeno and heejin always fight for her :( especially those 2. if jeno is with yn and someone’s treated her unfairly, she’ll let them get away with it but he won’t!! he fights for his girl
and heejin… don’t get me started. she’s the best best friend you could ever ask for. i wish i could’ve made her a more primary character in the fic but i’m gonna write some extra pieces that include her ! so you can see how truly hot, fearless, giving and confident she is. she was watching the whole seoyeon situation from afar and buzzing with anger as the minutes went on. she just had to punch her. it angers her that seoyeon picks on yn because she knows that she won’t fight back and believes her to be an easy target, she vocalises that clearly. she says that she is more insecure than she claims yn to be. she says that her obbession with yn is incredibly sad because what is she doing wrong!? she’s at a party and having fun with her boyfriend? she genuinely offers to book seoyeon a therapy session lmfao
lowkey wanna write this as an entire scene
should i?
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Victim of Love Chapter 6: Quagmire
Series: Victim of Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley (for now), Drake x Riley
Word Count: 1,404
Rating: MA
A/N: This is not sweet, canon Liam. Things are complicated. He might be a little selfish in this one.
Warnings for this chapter: None really. A very heated argument lol.
Song Inspiration for series: Victim of Love by The Eagles
I see a broken heart
You got your stories to tell
My other stuff: Master List.
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Drake was afraid that lunch with Liam was going to be awkward, all things considered. But it wasn’t. They quickly fell back into the old, familiar patterns of their friendship. The teasing, the bantering, and the habit of telling each other everything.
Well, almost everything.
Drake squirmed uncomfortably when Liam asked about his love life. He decided to evade rather than lie, “Probably less complicated than yours.”
“Probably,” Liam mused as he lifted his water glass to his lips, “I haven’t seen Riley in weeks and last night, she wouldn’t even let me touch her!”
“What?” Drake almost choked on the forkful of potatoes he had just stuck in his mouth. That news made him happier than it should have.
Liam set his glass on the table and pushed it away with a sigh, “She’s angry. I don’t blame her, all things considered, but-“
“What is the story there?” Drake had paused chewing, eyes locked on his best friend as he waited for answers.
“As I told you, the council wouldn’t approve her nor would my father.”
“Because she’s a commoner?” He remembered Liam had told him that much at the wedding.
Liam nodded, “Yes.”
Drake placed his fork on his plate and leaned back in his chair as he regarded his friend solemnly, “And there was nothing you could do? No negotiations? No loopholes? I mean…clearly, she’s a duchess now…”
There were always loopholes.
Liam shrugged, “If Riley hadn’t existed, then my decision would have been easy. You’ve seen my wife. She’s not exactly hard to look at and she was raised for ruling. She handles the role well.”
“So what? You wanted to have your cake and eat it too?” 
“Is that so bad?”
Drake’s mouth fell open, “I mean…it doesn’t seem fair to either woman.”
“I’m surprised at your reaction, it’s nothing you don’t do.”
“What isn’t?”
“Sleeping with multiple partners.”
“That’s true but I’m not in a committed relationship.”
“Are you saying that if you found the right woman, you would give up all the others?”
Emerald eyes swam through his head as he nodded, “I would.”
Liam scoffed, “I’m not sure I believe that but regardless, you know that marrying was never about love and the commitment and duty part is all about Cordonia.”
“So you two have agreed on an open relationship?”  
“Oh, heavens no!” Liam reached for a roll, “Can you imagine the scandal if the queen had an affair?”
Drake’s brows drew together in confusion, “But you’re having an affair!”
“That’s different.”
“First of all, because I’m the king. I can do what I want. Second of all, I can’t produce a child with the wrong parentage. She can. Even if I impregnated someone else, the public wouldn’t care. But if the queen had an illegitimate child? No. That can’t happen.”
Liam waved his hand dismissively, “I know, I know. It seems unfair, but it’s the way of the world. I don’t make the rules.”
“You’re literally the king, you ass.” Drake shook his head half in amusement and half in disbelief.  
“Even that has it’s limits.”
“So, your wife doesn’t know about Riley?”
“I wouldn’t say that….”
“And Riley is okay with your marriage?”
“I wouldn’t say that either,” Liam sighed, “It’s….complicated.”
The door to the private dining room opened and Drake choked on his food again as Liam sprang to his feet.
Riley went willingly into Liam’s embrace, but her eyes zeroed in on Drake as she returned the hug. Turning her head to the side so Liam’s kiss landed on her cheek, she greeted them both with, “Good morning.”
Liam chuckled, “it’s afternoon, love. This is lunch.”
“For you,” Riley scoffed as she took a seat at the table, “first meal of the day is breakfast no matter what time it’s served.”
“Riley tends to burn the midnight oil,” Liam explained as he retook his seat.
“I’m a raging night owl, he means,” she smiled at Drake and his heart somehow managed to plummet and soar at the same time.
Drake cleared his throat as he reached for his water glass, “I wasn’t aware you’d be joining us.”
“Liam insisted,” she paused as a server placed a dish in front of her then spoke to her plate as she pushed the food around with her fork, “sorry I was late. I was a bit hung over this morning.”
“I want you two to get to know each other!” Liam interjected.
Riley’s eyes lifted from her plate to meet Drakes; her gaze laden with amused irony.
“Ah…I….” Drake had never been struck speechless before, but then he’d never been in such an awkward situation.
He was saved from answering when the door to the dining room opened again. The queen strode into the room, fury etched on every feature of her face, “I knew I’d find you with her!”
Riley’s fork clattered to her plate as an exaggerated sigh escaped her, “Just fucking peachy…”
Liam was on his feet again, “Darling, you’re supposed to be resting-“
“How can I rest when I know she’s here?” the new arrival leaned around Liam’s body to glare at Riley, “It’s bad enough when you disappear for days at a time to Valtoria, or she follows you to Paris but here you are carrying on under my own roof!”
Riley turned in astonishment, “Are you serious right now? After what you did to me?”
“What I did to you? You’re the one fucking my husband even though you know I’m pregnant and shouldn’t be placed under any undo stress! Have you no shame?”
“Me?” Riley pushed away from the table and strode toward the other woman, shoving past Liam as she went, “You’re the one that married the man I loved even though you were supposed to be my best friend!”
“I was your best friend, Riley! But I was sent here for a specific purpose, and I fulfilled that purpose!”
“Oh really, Hana? Don’t pretend that you gave a shit about what your parents wanted…you married him to punish me for not returning your feelings!”
Hana stumbled back like she’d been hit, “That’s an outrageous accusation!”
Riley scoffed, “It’s the truth! Two nights before the coronation you tried to get me to run away with you and when I told you that I was in love with Liam, you-“
“Riley, please,” Liam reached for her arm in an attempt to defuse the situation.
She jerked her arm out of his grasp and spun on him, “Fuck you Liam! You didn’t even try to fight for us and out of everyone you could have chosen, you picked my best fucking friend!”
Hana’s voice shook with outrage, “If you were my friend, Riley, you wouldn’t be sleeping with my husband!”
“If you were my friend, Hana, you wouldn’t have married the man that had already made promises to me! The man that fucked me in the hedge maze five minutes before getting engaged to you!”
Hana’s body jerked back at the revelation and a malicious smile spread across Riley’s face, “Oh, you didn’t know about that, huh?”
Hana’s face darkened even more as her eyes filled with angry tears, “I….you’re lying!”
“Sure I am,” Riley’s composure was back, “Keep telling yourself that because we both know he won’t tell the truth about a goddamn thing!”
Riley turned and headed for the door, “Fuck both of you! You deserve each other!”
Liam started to go after her, “Riley, wait!”
Hana stepped in front of him, “Liam! Are you serious right now? You’re going to chase after your whore? I’m your wife!”
Drake, who had sat watching the whole exchange with wide eyes scrambled to his feet. Clamping a hand on Liam’s shoulder, he told him, “It’s okay, deal with your wife. Stress can’t be good for the baby….I’ll go after Riley.”
“But…you barely know her…”
“You’re right. I just met her. But it doesn’t seem like she’s in the mood to deal with you right now, does it?”
Liam’s shoulders slumped as he blew out a breath of frustration, “You’re right. Thank you, Drake.”
“Sure,” he said as he headed for the door.
Don’t thank me. I don’t deserve it.
He threw a glance over his shoulder as he exited the dining room. Liam had Hana wrapped in his arms.
Drake shook his head as let the door fall shut and took off down the hall after Riley.
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Ari! If you could choose between satoru , suguru or shoko as your significant other, who would you choose and why?
ANONNNNNNNN YOU’RE SPOILING ME 😭😭😭😭 an excuse to talk abt sashisu…… ok but can i say all three 👉👈 jk we’re gonna discuss this thoroughly actually. for the sake of the argument let’s assume we’re in a no curses au <333
see here’s the thing right ….. when you get down to it, i see sashisu as very similar people. in the sense that when you first meet them they appear really Mysterious & Sexy & Perfect but they’re actually all losers. all three. they’re barely functional <33 I SAY THIS WITH ALL THE LOVE IN MY HEART BTW it’s their most endearing trait!!
but loserism aside i firmly believe all three of them would make such good partners :((( they’re softies once you get down to it!! but i think the first impression you get of them is farrrrr from even scratching the surface of their true selves… i’m just gonna ramble a bit about all of them aaaaaaa
satoru is the kind of guy who instantly intimidates the hell out of you because he’s just …. sooooo out of your league? like he’s tall and hot, he smirks and teases you and he has this charisma that you can’t deny. he’s a people magnet!! and as if that wasn’t enough, he also just so happens to be good at Literally Everything????? so even if he obviously likes you there’s that sense of him being totally out of reach… and he’s so friendly with everyone that i think you might assume that he’s a player which he isn’t at ALL but like 😭😭 that’s the impression you might get. he’s just so effortlessly perfect.
…….. except not really because as you grow closer to him you soon come to realize that he’s a loser. a silly little loser guy. absolutely infuriating. the type who trips you up in public and calls you cheesy petnames in front of your friends just to embarrass you. and he’s clingy. whiney. will make himself cry if that’s what he needs to convince you to stay home with him instead of going to work like he’s soooo ridiculous?? also eats out of his childhood digimon bowl even though he’s pushing 30 and forces you to watch the first three seasons with him (he literally will Not let you leave or even look away because he needs to see your reaction to every single scene)….. makes you handfeed him treats and nips at your fingertips. tickles you if you’re angry at him which makes you way angrier but he thinks it’s hot so he just continues.
yeah. silly little satoru. perfect and infuriating and childish — but, really, he’s just a softie. a lonely guy who gets attached too easily but doesn’t let anyone in. a lonely, sappy little guy who gets terrified at the thought of you leaving once you’ve peeled back those layers he tries so hard to hide. a silly, sappy, lovely little man who will stop at nothing to see you smile, to laugh, to watch you thrive. who just wants you to be happy, and just wants to be near enough to see it. that’s enough for him. he doesn’t have the courage to ask for anything more, right now, but he hopes one day he will. he wants to be yours in the softest of ways. he knows he’s not the easiest to be with, you know? he can be annoying, and emotionally unavailable, and he can seem terribly out of reach — but i firmly believe that satoru is the softest of these three. he just has so much love to give :( wants to be with you forever, as a friend, as a lover, as whatever you’ll have him as.
and then shoko …….. when you meet shoko your immediate thought is like . okay hi mommy <33 we all know it’s true so let’s not lie. to put it simply she just has bad bitch energy — all laid-back and mysterious, cuffed sleeves and loose cigarettes and murky eyes that see right through you but never stare too intently. and she’s nice, you know? just has that allure about her. she’s so easy to talk to, so easy to fall in love with. just reels you in so effortlessly — and suddenly you have the hottest girlfriend on the planet and you’re scared because what if you’re not good enough?? what if she gets bored of you????? it makes you nervous. shoko is just so cool, you know?
….. buuuut then you start dating her and find out that she’s a wreck. <3 uses the same coffee mug over and over without washing it, wears dirty boxers around the house, can’t cook to save her life, will try to make out with you while you’re studying and apparently purposefully lit her cigarette in a really sexy way when you first met just to impress you. she tells you as much when she’s a little tipsy, clinging to your back like a koala and giggling sheepishly. <3 similar to satoru in that she can and will manipulate you into sleeping in with her. don’t let her fool you — she’s just as silly and teasing as her counterparts. it just so happens that she’s a woman so i would let her get away with literally anything no matter how heinous you can’t stay mad at her because she’ll pout and frown oh so sadly and you know she’s tricking you but how are you supposed to stay mad at your little baby?? :(( yeah. she knows you’re whipped and she uses it against you all the time.
she’s just as whipped for you, though. she can be troublesome but i really do think a love with shoko would be so soft and mature; she cherishes you so earnestly, respects you so deeply. always, always takes you seriously. such a warm, warm presence in your life because she’s so stable. never leaves, never lets you forget how important you are to her. never ever takes you for granted. she’ll tease you sometimes, yes, and some of her habits might be a little irritating — but there really isn’t anything she wouldn’t do to ease your burdens. she sees the two of you as a team, and she’s determined to be just as much of a positive influence on you as you are on her. shoko really is such a sweetheart. she’ll still wake you up at an ungodly hour because she wants coffee and ”yours just tastes better 🥺🥺” but it’s okay because she’s cute <33
and suguru ….. arguably has the greatest whiplash factor of them all. you meet him and you’re instantly smitten — there’s really no other option. you can’t help but fall for him. a handsome, brooding, mysterious guy, with his leather jacket and piercings and keen eyes, and all of it just pulls you in….. but then he’s also such a nice guy? it doesn’t feel forced, either. it feels genuine — he puts you at ease, always listens to what you have to say, so patient and grounding. so intelligent, passionate, so good at making you fall even deeper in love. sugu is a different kind of people magnet than satoru; you’re stuck in his orbit before you even knew what hit you, because how could you not love someone like him? his charm in lethal.
buuuut guess what !!! he’s a loser too <333333 god where do i even begin with this guy. when he’s truly, truly comfortable around you i just feel like he’s a couch potato . a cuddle bug . literally won’t let you leave the house. and he’s such a little bitch??? steals your sweaters and gaslights you into thinking they were his the whole time (it works), puts your phone on top of the fridge if you misbehave, loves to read with your head in his lap but exclusively reads classics and will judge you so deeply if he finds out you like anything else…. he doesn’t say anything, never, just silently judges you with the meanest side eye and then acts like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about when you call him out. smh. also he gets super giggly when he’s sleepy and i just know he snores. sometimes he wakes you up and he’s soooo apologetic :(((((( such a sweetie. yeah sorry i can’t criticize him for too long i truly believe this man is an angel.
like. flaws aside…. suguru just cares so much. he cares more about you than he cares about himself. once he’s truly let you in, into his life and into his mind and into everything he hides from the rest of the world — he’s never falling out of love with you. it’s simply not an option in his mind. you’ve earned a place in his heart and it never even shrinks, just keeps extending and extending until he feels a little lightheaded with bliss. because you understand him, you accept him, and he’s just so eager to return that loves tenfold. he cooks, he cleans, he holds you and listens to your soft breathing when he can’t seem to calm down. he orbits around you like the moon to the earth. he is just so, so soft for you. would do anything to keep you safe. wants to be your safe space so badly that he’ll rearrange his ribs to make it more comfortable for you. always looking at you, making sure you’re comfortable, asking if there’s anything else he can do for you. you’re his baby, and he lives to tend to you. it makes him happy. :)
so!!!!! with all that being said …………………. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
let’s be real we all saw this coming wbk i’m gonna have to go w sugu . sorry . 😔😔😔 my type is milfs and i fear he is the closest out of all three i like my men motherly ok </3 BUT I LOVE THEM ALL SM I WANNA DATE THEM ALLLLL they would all be such great partners i know and perceive the truth just trust me ….. emotionally unavailable and silly and teasing but the softest little marshmallows once you earn their trust :(((( sob. they mean the universe to me
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deweyduck · 2 months
The whole situation with Kylie Cantrall and Freya Skye makes me so sad and angry on their behalf. They were both proudly proclaiming their upcoming music were covers until about a week ago when the Jojo Siwa/karma drama came out and Disney decided to not mention that the songs were covers anymore in an attempt to get the same reaction (cause I guess they thought any publicity is good publicity?) then add it back once they got the reaction they wanted. Good on Kylie for not taking that bullshit but I’m so scared for Freya cause she’s just starting out and right off the bat THIS is what the people who are supposed to be building her career do? And the public has known about Disney’s control over their artists for a while now so for people to fall for this and blame Kylie and Freya makes me even angrier. These poor girls deserve so much better.
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the biggest thing that gets me in the Freya situation is that Who Says is literally a song about bullying. like have these people even listened to the lyrics of this song they claim to love so much while they're harassing a child?????? and who's gonna tell them that two of Selena's first singles were also covers (Cruella de Vil and Magic)
Kylie's response was so good yes girl destroy those idiots who don't understand what the concept of a cover is. and where is Issac's Oscar???? "save it for the judge" sent me 💀
anyway stream Who Says by Freya Skye and Boo'd Up by Kylie Cantrall 🖤
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smileysuh · 2 years
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smut [18+] prompt - [dialogue] : “I’m not wearing any panties”
–▸ pairing: svt rap team x reader  –▸ word count: 1k
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–▸ he has mixed feelings anytime you tell him you’re not wearing panties. he’s hit with immediate arousal, followed by twangs of anger at the fact that you have him wrapped around your little finger like this. annoyance gives this man the energy and wherewithal to figure out exactly what he wants to do with you after this... information disclosure 
–▸ if you’re in public, he’ll lean more towards the angry side of things. he’s supposed to be the leader of svt, and he can’t be popping a boner out in public- to have you teasing him this way is: simply unacceptable, and he goes pretty dom daddy mode. he’ll either give you a warning of how he’s going to punish you later, tell you to excuse yourself from the situation and wait for him in the nearest bathroom, or simply ditch the event if at all possible, it all depends on whats going on, because first and foremost, when you’re in public, Seungcheol has to keep up a composed front
–▸ if you’re at home, Cheol will pull you into his arms, letting out a deep sigh. “what am i going to do with you?” he’d ask softly while he takes you to the closest horizontal surface. if you’re teasing him like this, he can tease you too, and he’ll make you grind down on his lap while you make out ravenously, until you’re practically dripping for him, and he’ll take full advantage of the fact that only one of you has easy access to the other ;) he’ll want you begging before he finally gives you what you want, just to be mean
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–▸ he’s very good at hiding his reactions. whenever you decide to be a little naughty like this, Wonwoo will weigh all the variables before deciding on the right course of action. girls who don’t wear panties will always end up getting fucked in Wonwoo’s score book, it’s just a matter of when, and how hard. 
–▸ if you’re in public, telling Wonwoo you’re not wearing panties will grant you zero reaction. he’ll stare at you as if you said something as mundane as ‘the sky is grey and the leaves are brown,’ but when he pulls his eyes from you, you can always see the way he assesses the room. if you’re at a casual dinner with a few friends and his hand can be hidden by the table, you might be rewarded with his fingers, but more often than not, an assessment of risk done by Wonwoo results in the setting being too risky for the kpop idol, which just means you have to wait until you’re alone... and waiting always makes the sex even more explosive upon arriving home.
–▸ if you’re at home, there are few things that will take precedent over you when you tell him you’re not wearing panties. If he’s playing a video game, he’ll stiffen upon hearing your words and get visibly agitated until it’s over, tossing his headphones off before diving between your legs. but other than video games, Wonwoo will usually drop what he’s doing to eat his favourite snack, after all, you unwrapped it for him
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–▸ when you tell him you’re not wearing panties, Mingyu’s lips part and his pupils blow, betraying the same level of extreme interest no matter how many times you do this to him. he loves it- he lives for it- and Mingyu is always ready to drop everything and dive into you ;) 
–▸ if you’re in public, he’s not going to be very happy about you teasing him, and he’s not going to be great at hiding the fact that he’s now desperate to get out of whatever situation he’s in. will literally bounce while he waits for another member to finish talking before he can excuse the both of you- he’s not even good at coming up with excuses to leave, and everyone always knows where you’re both going, but this happens so often anyway that no one ever clues in on the fact that it happens more often on days when ur in skirts
–▸ if you’re at home, expect his face buried between your legs within five seconds flat. sometimes he’ll lift you onto a counter or table before going face first into your heat, and other times he enjoys being on his knees, one of your legs cocked over his shoulder- then there’s his love for bending you over and pushing his tongue into you from behind before he gives you his cock- so many ways for Mingyu to take advantage of his “sweet, panty hating, little baby”... but do you really hate panties, or is the reward for going commando just too good to pass up? 
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–▸ he’s always surprised when you tell him you’re not wearing panties. oddly enough, his first inclination will usually be to stare at you in confusion, or ask you, point blank, “why?”
–▸ if you’re in public, vernon’s the most concerned member of the whole rap line in terms of: what if a gust of wind lifts up your skirt? he’s more worried about you accidentally flashing someone than turned on at the notion of easy access to your pussy, so if you ever want this to go somewhere, you’ll have to guide his hand between your legs yourself. he might stop-start a little, worried about being caught with his hand between your legs at group dinner and such, but he’ll take his time, which makes the final pay off even sweeter. 
–▸ if you’re at home, he’ll pause whatever he’s doing and gently pull you closer. he’d want you to explain to him, in detail, why you hadn’t worn panties- after all, what do you want? his fingers... his tongue? the type to lay you down on the couch and eat you out until your thighs are quivering on his shoulders and you’re just begging him to fuck you- an A+ boyfriend, let’s be real 
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Wonwoo & Mingyu –▸ patreon bonus teaser
one of the positives of having two boyfriends is that you never get lonely... or so you’d thought. 
part of date night sitting on Wonwoo’s bed while he plays video games isn’t uncommon, but ever since Mingyu bought his own pc for their room, he’s been playing just as frequently- and you’re starting to feel just a little neglected. 
after watching your boyfriends play separate games for the better part of an hour, you excuse yourself to grab some water in the kitchen, where you run into DK and Hoshi, who both note their surprise at seeing you, as they’d not heard you in the entirety of your time being at the dorm. 
you see the way Hoshi takes in your skirt, and it’s not lost on you that other band members are able to hear you when you’re intimate with your boyfriends, despite Mingyu’s claims about the soundproofing layer he’d glued to their door. 
it’s also not lost on you that even your boyfriend’s bandmates are shocked by how little attention either Wonwoo or Mingyu have given you since your arrival, and you decide to do something about it. 
when you exit the bathroom minutes later, you’re holding something in your hands, and when you rejoin your two large lovers in their room, you toss the flimsy piece of fabric directly at Wonwoo’s computer screen, collapsing onto his bed before stating loudly, “i’m not wearing any panties.” 
to read the full oneshot, subscribe to my patreon - then - click here
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© smileysuh — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed
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zalrb · 7 months
So I know you don’t think the cast of The Boys gel and I’m inclined to agree. What do you think of the actual acting and characters? Are Homelander and Butcher compelling characters, or are they poorly written?
I’ve been struggling with the Homelander question myself because I think he’s a very fun character. I love seeing him become more and more unraveled, but I’m not sure what to make of him because the show itself has that question of responsibility: how much is Homelander responsible for considering his upbringing and how he’s been manipulated by Vought his entire life, but also how can he not be held responsible for his crimes when he’s literally the most powerful man on Earth? Like you said, it’s very muddled and I’m not sure what to make of it.
Butcher is a bit easier for me because I think he made a good anti-hero at first, but again with the muddling because he hates supes for what they did to him, but now he’s willing to become one? I get that the point of Butcher is that he has no principles and the ends justify the means for him, but I’d like to see more consistency than “I want Homelander dead” from him.
It's always difficult for me to explain my feelings about The Boys because I find that its balance is off, sometimes the satire is so, painfully "yes, ok we get it" overt and sometimes it hits and sometimes I'm like, so what are you saying with this? and sometimes I'm like ... so you're missing your own supposed point
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And Homelander as a character is all three things, which is why I end up making posts like
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because it all gets muddled and the fan reactions get unhinged and I think it's because the writers want to have their cake and eat it too.
Like, outside of the show, Kripke is always like, how are people not understanding the character?
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He says that Homelander was always a stand-in for Trump but it gets more obvious in season 3
The evil-Superman-style character Homelander is becoming more and more of a direct Trump analogue this season. What was your thinking there? He’s always been a Trump analogue for me. I’ll admit to being a little more bald this season than I have in past seasons. But the world is getting more coarse and less elegant. The urgency of our team’s writing reflects that. We’re angrier and more scared as the years go on, so that is just being reflected in our writing. But part of it is where Homelander’s story naturally goes. He has this really combustible mix of complete weakness and insecurity, and just horrible power and ambition, and it’s just such a deadly combo. Of course he would feel victimized that people are angry that he dated a Nazi. All he ever wants is to be the most powerful person he can be, even though he’s completely inadequate in his abilities to handle it. So it’s white-male victimization and unchecked ambition. And those issues just happened to reflect the guy who, it’s just still surreal to say it, was fucking president of the United States. And it’s a bigger issue than just Trump. The more awful public figures act, the more fans they seem to be getting. That’s a phenomenon that we wanted to explore, that Homelander is realizing that he can actually show them who he really is and they’ll love him for it. 
and that's there. Like, Homelander is written obviously as a villain, Homelander is written obviously as a narcissist who will do anything to protect his image, it's there from Day One but I think the writing is infatuated with the character. Like, even more so than with Butcher, who Kripke calls the hero of the show. I think the writing is fascinated by Homelander's psychology
I love it. There’s a smaller moment with Homelander where he’s having this conversation with himself in the mirror. And it gives new insight into his psyche. What do you hope viewers take away from that scene?
You know, our take on Homelander is even though he’s a sociopath, he’s also a human being who has reactions and feelings. To me, the biggest sin that Homelander commits is that he hates that he has feelings and he hates that he’s a human being. You know, if he embraced that part of him more, he might be a happier person who isn’t going to destroy the planet. I think in the original version of it, the figure in the mirror was just this kind of cruel browbeating character telling Homelander what a loser he was.
And, Antony [Starr] called me and said, “What if it’s his childhood friend? And what if they have this connection because he was alone for so long that he ended up creating this relationship with an image of himself? And that’s what got him through these situations?” And I was like, that’s awesome. Because one, it’s sad, but it’s also really scary. [This is] a guy with multiple personality disorder. And that part of him is saying, “Cut out the part of you that’s human.” I don’t want people to sympathize with Homelander but I do want them to understand him a little more. I look at that scene, and I get a little scared by it, too.
and I'm like ... I don't know, it seems like the writing wants me to sympathize with him and that's why you and I are having this conversation because the execution of this isn't striking the right balance so when the right-wing fans freaked out in season 3 and there was that reddit shitstorm, it's like yeah, Homelander (and Blue Hawk) is clearly a villain, literally just look at what he does. Yeah, you were being wilfully obtuse if you didn't see that the show was always a political satire. But I think they picked up on the glee and fascination the writing has with Homelander and that's why they expected a redemption arc.
And when it comes to the basic concept of a superhero who is actually sociopathic and terrorizes the people he publicly makes a show out of saving, I can understand being fascinated by that because it's an interesting concept and that aspect of it. This,
We are a superhero show, but we deconstruct and break down and shine a light on the complete fucking absurdities of a superhero show and poke a lot of fun at what it is to be a superhero, and how stupid that world is, and how horrible they’d be as people.
they do well and clearly but when you make that concept inherently political and tie that up in an exploration of fascism and nationalism and capitalism and racism and you're not ... doing anything with it, then what's the point of his character. He's a Trump stand-in, OK ... and ... what? Like ... what?
Like with Succession, they're all toxic, broken, horrible, sinfully wealthy white people and the show is upfront in sympathizing with them, in doing what it can to find their humanity, in exploring abusive parental dynamics but it's also making clear commentary and I can see the commentary and I can trace the commentary and the fandom can argue about what exactly they're saying but they're clearly saying something.
Kripke says they're making commentary but it feels like a half-finished thought at best. You're noticing how the more politicians behave badly in public, the more their base loves them so you're showing that with Homelander and ... what? He talks about exploring the cycles of toxic masculinity because Soldier Boy is his father and the two of them have done the same things in their romantic relationships
"The fact that they are both genuinely stunned that the women in their lives hate them tells you everything you need to know about how blinded they are by their own egos," said the producer. "So no, love does not redeem you when you're a horrible person who is completely blind to other people's emotions."
but Homelander didn't even know he had a father until this season, for his entire life he just thought he was made in a tube, so the generational cycles angle isn't really working for me, and again what are you saying with this, what is the point?
Like, when they're poking fun at the left with how out-of-touch they can be and how they commodify movements and identities, the intent is clear, I don't get that with Homelander.
And I think an issue for me with this as well is that a very vocal portion of the fandom is doing the very thing with the characters that the writers are apparently satirizing or criticizing so, like, Stormfront for instance, there is clear irony in a lot of her scenes and this is when they're making overt commentary. Like, she is a literal nazi but she made a quip about how the female superheroes should have uniforms with pockets so she's an internet sensation, I get that, and that played out with the fandom and the character, which is why I made a post like
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and that happens continuously with Homelander. And maybe an argument could be made that that isn't the writers' fault considering how in season 3 specifically, Homelander fans realized that they're the punchline which means that they're doing something right but I think because they want to keep writing Homelander, keep wanting to see what he'll do next, keep coming up with disturbing, weird shit for him to do, and there's an infatuation with that, they're not executing what they say they're executing as well as they could and that's a failing to me.
With Butcher, his entire personality seems to be summed up with
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there is no greater good, there is no altruism, there is no honour, there is no loyalty, there's just
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and that's all you really need to know.
In terms of the acting, I think Anthony Starr does a good job in showing how unhinged Homelander is. Karl Urban is a bit cartoonish for me.
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months
23, 36, and 56 from this list
(a little Andy for you)
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oh!!! I love the Andy!
23. Best writing advice for others?
🖤 Just write. Write things you wouldn't normally write. Put together odd characters. Some of my favorite works have literally came from random wheels. Desperate Affairs is one of them. My first random wheel "one shot" was Mr. Freezy Pops. I didn't like writing dark fics. Until I wrote them. Now I seem to always teeter in the gray area 😂😂 but get out of your comfort zone. Put your music on random, and find a song to write a one shot out of.
🖤 Some people may hate this advice, but...leave your "one shots" open ended. Let yourself and your readers ask question. Get your wheels turning. I know it's a joke on my blog, but A LOT of my series have taken off from a one shot. A LOT. But look at how my one shots end, open ended. Sometimes you just can't leave that story and characters alone until you know.
🖤 This is going to sound crazy, but put your characters in situations (in your head) and think about how they would react in their situation. I am terrible at the descriptive parts. The easiest part for me is dialogue, and that's because I flesh out my characters by their speech, their reactions to a situation, even if I don't write about it. That's how you create a well rounded character. So you have a sweet character; how does she react to cheating? What would she do if someone was rude to her in public? Things like that. This is why I hate editing because a lot of the first draft is dialogue.
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
🖤 Do I write kissing scenes? I know there's a few, but I honestly tend to gloss over them. They're so hard! I tend to write kissing and sexy scenes not straight. So it's not like you're reading an instruction manual. Instead add a little bit of the action, followed by what the reader or the partner(s) are feeling/thinking. Even with sex scenes, how is that person making them feel? Is this the moment that things change? Do they know they're falling? Is this angry? Is it sweet? Is it breakup/the last chance kiss/sex?
56. What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
🖤 Dialogue. I don't know if it's because I grew up in the middle of nowhere, and had to create my own worlds while out in the woods, but dialogue is always the easiest to me. It's the first thing I write, and sometimes I feel a can do a whole chapter with dialogue. Maybe I'm more suited to scripts then lol.
🖤 Changing a character's overall demeanor (dark/soft/soft!dark!) but also keeping the overall attitude about the character. It's why I like writing Steve Rogers dark, Ransom soft, Lloyd soft, Andy a bit dark/manipulative. I literally made people hate Andy Barber because of Desperate Affairs 😂 and even made people hate Frank in Closer to Heaven. I like doing that.
🖤 Crossovers. I love throwing in random characters in the mix. I can't think of a story that I have done where that hasn't been a cross over. I also like multiple love interests (and they're usually Chrises 😂)
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estravenlover · 11 months
I was talking the other day with people about how English doesn’t have deferential verb forms and stuff like many other languages do but how in English we still have hierarchical ways of speaking to each other. Obviously race class and gender play huge rolls. Also this is not universal but I notice that at least for me and most women around me that we talk to men in an extremely deferential way that men seem to take absolutely no notice of. I think most men that I interact with have literally no idea women speak to them differently than we do to each other. Even when things are not dangerous, like the other day I was talking to a random man in the grocery store and he was insisting that the Barbie movie already came out, and I know that’s just like factually not true but after he told me I was wrong I immediately agreed with him and continued with the conversation. Like I wasn’t scared of him I had no actual belief he would have hurt me in public because I insisted that the Barbie movie was not actually out yet lol. It was just the first reaction I had to placate him and agree verbally even though I knew it wasn’t true. And obviously it didn’t really matter in that interaction but I do this in my professional life, I do it when talking to strangers, and I even do it when I’m with friends even though I try hard to stop doing it then. It’s my tone of voice, it’s the literal words I say, and it’s even the body language. And it’s not a new idea that women make themselves smaller around men, many other people have said it before and more elegantly but idk crazy to me that so many men in the world don’t know we do this? Like this was also sparked by me working on some internal stuff with men and some white women I work under where I was angry because they seemed to be so dismissive of all the work I put into offering them deference and respect in our interactions and my friend literally had to tell me that they didn’t actually know I was doing that. that’s just how they think I am all the time and how they expect me to talk to them. Which, obviously lol but it was kinda jarring to realize in the moment.
#TO BE CLEAR I don’t think this is an innate thing#this is entirely a learned behavior#I think part of the problem is men not knowing but when I have told men in my life this I have not gotten a lot of positive listening back#lol#so I think as feminists we need to do the work of actively trying not to do this and for male feminists they need to be ready to be able to#be prepared to listen to that and actually speak to the women in their life as equals and not use their social power to demand subservience#again this is my experience but I do think many other women share this#but so often the men in my life demand subservience in subtle ways and this is one of them#but like it doesn’t need to be like this#also I think race plays a huge role#like being brown changes how I interact with people all the time and I’m sure it matters in everyone else’s lives too lol#but I do think white women do this too for men but their experience might be different or whatever in ways I don’t know#idk all a work in progress#ugh English is so limiting and is so focused on catagorization it’s hard to talk about this without it sounding like I’m placing a hierarchy#of other peoples privileges#which I’m not trying to do#life is very complicated and these catagoriyan are not real they are social#but idk I’m just trying to put my experience into words#also to be clear fuck TERFs#I feel like when u talk about feminism on thsi website two weird things happen#TERFs try and claim any feminist discussion as being a terf point…. which like ew no stay away#thsi has nothing to do with gender essentialism and I reject terf logic wholeheartedly#but also some people seems to be reactionary and say discussion of women’s oppression is TERFy??? which is also weird and stupid#terfs don’t own feminism they are a contradictory reactionary group trying to pretend that#but regardless of what idiots on the internet think we need to be able to speak openly about issues that hinder liberation#and this is a small example that I was just thinking about#feminism#my post
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cleoselene · 2 years
I have been dealing with an MS relapse and I didn’t even watch game 1 of the World Series (who saw Schwarbs as our taco hero, seriously?!)
but I’m almost too upset by the attack on Paul Pelosi to even speak on it.  There is no living American politician I admire more than Nancy Pelosi and I think she has quietly been one of the most consequential people of my lifetime.  She is the reason we have the ACA and so many other cherished pieces of legislation.  She has held the line against the worst of GOP presidents and been as efficient as possible when she’s had slim control.  People on both sides hate her for being so damn good.
And no one ever sees her for what she is: a mother of five, a grandmother, an elderly woman who has dedicated her life to public service to the least of us.  The thought of some monster coming in with a hammer trying to murder her is beyond horrifying and I’m horrified her husband had to endure that.  A miracle he survived.
It just fills me with this severe existential dread because the reaction to this stuff is never proportional -- when Democrats do wrong, we over-correct.  When a conservative psycho acts out, it gets normalized and rationalized.  My mother and I were discussing it on the phone and she said, “What do we do?  Do we have to be violent, too?”  And that is what they want.  They want us to be so angry that they literally start a civil war.  It’s what these monsters fantasize about in their biggest jerkoff fantasies where they’re some 2020s version of George Washington and it’s fucking stupid.  There’s this confluence of media and culture and the way we have warped our politics and history with creating god-like idols of historical figures, imagining themselves as revolutionaries and film heroes at the same time.
I hope this fucker has a miserable time in a prison he never gets out of.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
  H&M Documentary Review: Episode 6
I watched this while angry that Argentina won the World Cup so I’m already in a bad mood lol sorry if the bitchness was running wild
(my commentary in italics)
- Harry: “we are on the freedom light” shut up
- “It felt like they were running” shut up 
- talking about Tyler Perry now
- he sent Meghan a letter before the wedding, they never talked and then she called him crying in Canada??? 
- Tyler saying Diana was thrown to the wolves after the divorce 
- Now he says what the institution did to H&M is the same ‘abuse’ as what his mother faced in a physically abusive relationship because they took away their money and security to force them to come back.....no they did that because they were no longer working royals NEXT
- like this man literally admits to not knowing anything about the royals and now he is talking like is the expert be for real
- “They just wanted to be free and be happy” they’re not prisoners of war gosh the lack of awareness is wild
- “No one knew you were there” yes they did for someone so obsessed with the media did you miss the daily mail articles about y’all moving to LA
- wow paparazzi can take pictures of you from hundreds of feet away? If only there was a property where that was not allowed and somewhere your children go run free without being photographed......somewhere like Windsor maybe?
- they’re going hard on the Mail.....seems a bit silly to piss off one of Britain’s largest tabloids like this but oh well
- talking about her miscarriage 
- Harry blaming the miscarriage on the Mail.......this man is something else
- btw the story her friend told on the miscarriage is different than what Meghan wrote about it.
- the editing in this doc is weird as hell, it goes from them talking about their causes, to Meghan’s reaction to the BLM movement in the news to this random montage of home videos of them?
- Meghan saying Harry’s so fun after he makes the most unfunny joke I ever heard. No one laughed.
- James Holt either shut up or use the braincells God gave you challenge
- saying the journalist who releaved the bullying allegations ‘admitted’ to doing it right before the Oprah interview is another half-truth in this doc. He did it because the victims wanted their story out there before H&M could probably twist the whole thing and play the victim. 
- institutional gaslighting????? harry shush and stop bringing up the diana comparisons ever two seconds I am tired
- they recorded themselves reacting to the Oprah interview
- Meghan saying she thought most people would focus on what she said about dealing with depression and mental health issues.....girly there’s no way that’s true be serious
- ‘Beyonce just texted’ and Meghan justs reads the text out loud lmfao
- Meghan reacting to the BP statement after the Oprah interview and Harry shows Meghan a text from William on his phone to which she says ‘wow’
- Meghan looking at travel arrangements for Harry to go back to the UK after Prince Philip died because that man is incompetent 
- something about Harry being ok being filmed non-stop after his grandfather died is weird to me but whatever
- Harry reading the statement he wrote in Philip’s honor is so tacky to me bitch have some respect
- ‘He went quietly. He went peacefully’ aham
- Harry says William and Charles were focused on the same misinterpretation of the situation
- “I’ve had to make peace with the fact that we’re probably never going to get genuine accountability or a genuine apology “ BITCH BE FOR REALLLLL
- “My wife and I we’re moving on” YOU CALL MOVING ON???? TALKING ABOUT IT NON STOP?????
- Harry says he sees a lot of Meghan in Archie and a lot of Diana in Lili. Nothing from the Windsors then huh
- TYLER PERRY is Lili’s godfather???? is this common knowledge or what I swear I did not know about this
- also pretty sure the public still doesn’t know who Archie’s godparents are?? But the celeb gets announced like this, got it (also does this mean she was baptized outside of the Church of England?)
- btw they are showing quite a lot of footage of Lili now, before it was all Archie
- NOT EUGENIE GIRLLLLLL (I hope William yelled at her about this too) 
- Meghan’s lawyer talks a LOT of crap for someone who is a lawyer and knows she can’t just say shit without proof. Implying that William told Jason to send in a statement to harm Meghan’s case against the Mail without any evidence is shady girl 
- Meghan “it’s your brother, I’m not going to say anything about your brother but it’s so obvious” again girly show me the obvious evidence then
- Meghan says her niece Ashley is back into her life but like why did she even leave her life again???? Its the big bag palace to blame once more?
- By the way, it’s interesting that they try not to show Lili’s face but Archie’s is no problem. 
- Meghan saying their kids now get to have moments out in the world and travel and sorry to break it to you luv so do the Waleses
- Harry saying LA is one of the places Diana would have lived eventually???? bro
- Nacho saying Harry always wanted a more normal, simple life why didn’t he leave the family to join the army then when he had the change? Also, what’s simple about a $15 million dollar mansion in Montecito?
- there’s so many footage and pictures of Harry and Meghan out and I genuinely wonder who took those like do they get the children to do it?? a professional photographer??
- Meghan read the speech she read at the wedding and it was written in that fancy caligraph of hers and the whole thing was so cringey
- (do you think they did it for the first time in that tent in botswana) 
- the constant montages of the home videos with some crappy song in the background makes me want to scream
- “in response to allegations that Mr. Knauf submitted a voluntary witness statement in connection with the Daily Mail litigation with the consent of Prince William’s office, a representative for Mr. Knauf sent the following statement: ‘these claims are entirely false. Mr. Knauf was asked to provide evidence by both The Duchess of Sussex and Associate Newspapers” LMFAO TELL THEM JASON (Meghan’s attorneys then clap back that they didn’t ask for a statement and he did not remain neutral in the process because he was working for the Cambs this is so dumb and so easy to proof like why are them doing all of this)
I’M FREE!!!! WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY FUCKING LIFE!!!! (this is about the doc and the world cup by the way I’m glad both are done)
Anyway, this doc is boring and full of inconsintencies and this could cause no harm to the family whatsover although it will be HILARIOUS if they get invited to the coronation and actually show up. 0/10 do not reccomend. 
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petersaysthings · 2 years
On Kit Connor’s Coming Out
Hello, people of Tumblr. Tonight, I’m emerging from exile for a few minutes--minutes that SHOULD be spent banging out the first chapter of my novel for #NaNoWriMo, but here we are--to talk about Kit Connor’s coming out. Firstly, let’s get the obvious out of the way.
No one should ever have to come out like this. Ever.
And as a gay man who has always been an introvert, and thus bullied relentlessly throughout my elementary, middle, and high school years for “acting gay” long before I myself even knew my own sexuality, I can relate all too well to the kind of pressure Kit was facing, never mind him being a celebrity (an added pressure I hope to never know and cannot fathom having to handle).
Judgmental people assume they know things about you just because of what they see on your online profiles, what your personal interests are, the way you dress, the way you walk and talk, whether you’re extroverted or introverted, how extroverted or introverted you are, etc. All of these things become tallies in their minds. And because they can only see what’s public about you, they feel entitled to find out other things to confirm their own biases and feel validated in their pressure.
Honestly, no wonder people are still scared to come out in 2022.
Especially because being online literally all the time has not only become a major part of our existence, it has also massively lowered inhibitions, empathy, and the capacity for tact when we sit behind a phone or computer screen on social media too often. This has been proven through valid research and countless studies. (On a side note, there���s the wave of transphobia going on here in the US and abroad too, which I won’t get into, but politicians and conservative reactionaries have certainly added fuel to the fires of online drama.)
I recall seeing a Tweet back when this whole debacle started, which I can no longer find unfortunately, in which someone had said “it’s not bad to want validity in stories. If it came out Kit was straight, a lot of LGBTQ people would be mad, so he should save them the trouble and just come out already”.
A lot of LGBTQ people would be mad. Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?
Raise your hand if you’re mad at Kit right now. Anyone? No? Thought not. 
So I cannot even begin to express how toxic, damaging, and enabling of hate that kind of view is. As if he’s directly responsible for the angry reactions of so-called “fans”. As if hate crimes could be justified against the unlabeled simply because they will not disclose their sexuality for validity points. What the fuck.
Look, part of me understands. People want validity, and it’s nice when we get it. They want to know that the portrayals of the queer heroes they look up to and take refuge in are coming from a place of honesty. That not only are their favorite characters just like them, the actors are too...right? NO.
That’s where self-professed fans need to take a step back and realize the difference between television and reality. Because unless you personally know these actors or their families, no member of the general public is entitled to any revealing personal info about them at all whatsoever. PERIOD. THE END. Have a thin mint or something and stop being a literal stalker.
We’re lucky to know what these actors do share, we’re even luckier when they interact with us, support us, say things that keep us going, and make life a little more bearable for everyone. But sadly, we probably just lost any further chance of that light from Kit.
All because a certain toxic subset of people who called themselves Heartstopper fans couldn’t be bothered to grasp how traumatizing Charlie’s coming out was, or Nick’s very real fears about how his life could negatively change if he came out.
I can only hope those “fans” know now, and for the sake of any other unlabeled LGBTQ+ people, I hope this shameful incident teaches you to treat everyone else you meet online with the respect and dignity you failed to afford Kit Connor. And perhaps seek psychological help if you haven’t learned anything at all, because once again, you were never entitled to know a single fucking thing.
Now that I’ve spent a good hour on this, I’ve got a novel to write.
Until my next post, I wish the rest of you well. ☺
And to the undisclosed, remember that Pride doesn’t have to be a formal public declaration. It can also be a private, personal thing that you should absolutely throw a one-person party for. Order your favorite foods, buy a new piece of clothing or jewelry, do something nice for yourself. Because you’re awesome. You’re beautiful. You’re valid. You’re loved. I accept you. 🌈
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girl4pay · 2 years
Hi ! feel free 2 ignore.
i’m a nanny and my 3 yr old today threw a tantrum where she ended up biting and scratching me and pulling out a chunk of my hair. she’s not usually like this and it was pretty shocking. if one of your kiddos did this, what would you do to like, discourage such violence in the future but also support the kiddo? i didnt know what to do i just told her firmly that she wasnt allowed to hurt people and gave her some space and she calmed down a bit after a while.
omg first of all i’m sorry that happened! i think when it comes out of nowhere and feels so shocking it’s really hard to deal w! tbh what you did sounds a lot like what i would do. the thing w violent tantrums esp at the age you’re talking about is they are inevitable. like you can do all the soft transition periods and emotional validation in the world (and you should!) but violent tantrums are still going to happen bcus age 2-4 is when kids are figuring out that they have the ability be violent intentionally in reaction to their emotional experience. so theres things you can do generally overall to make them secure in their power and agency that they don’t feel the need to exercise violence bcus they’ve learned they can use their words and know they’ll be listened to and respected, and then there’s things you can do in the moment to convey the same.
in general w tantrums i try to stay about 1.5-3 feet away from the kid. far enough they don’t feel threatened, close enough they don’t feel abandoned. i think it helps to treat it as routine - level voice, observational remarks. offer them familiar things like a favorite toy or a pillow (not something that will hurt when thrown lmao). if you’re in a place you think is making the tantrum worse (loud, overwhelming, whatever) explain this to them and offer them a this or that choice on how you can move (‘you can hold my hand or walk alone, we can go to the bathroom or move outside’ etc) unless the kid is physically unsafe do not move them against their will - being ignored and made to feel impotent is like, surefire recipe for escalation. yes this means you might have to be uncomfortable and feel judged in a public space unfortunately. if they are physicaly unsafe, narrate that. ‘i know you’re upset. i know you don’t want to be touched right now. i had to move us because xyz. i’m putting you down now and i won’t touch you anymore.’ i have found quietly humming a song that’s familiar to them like twinkle twinkle, wheels on the bus, classroom type songs is grounding and makes them aware you’re present with them without stressing them out.
once the tantrum has escalated to violence, its really important to remember that rn is not the time to be like teaching lessons. keeping it simple is best. “(kids name), i understand you are feeling angry/upset. (violent action) is not an appropriate reaction and i need you to stop” thank them for listening when they do stop. don’t bring moral judgements or appeals to empathy into it. i find it helps to loosely hold both their hands - like, put my pointer finger under their hand and hold it there w my thumb so it’s like they’re holding my hand instead of the other way around lmao? idk but it works. it’s grounding and it brings them back out of their heads. if they struggle against it, say something like ‘i’m holding your hand because you were doing x. are you ready to stop doing x?” if they say yes let them go and move back away again.
AFTER the tantrum is a really important time i think and when its most likely you’ll be able to convey like a lesson about violence. i’ll literally do like a postmatch breakdown w them and talking it out, usually while doing another activity like coloring or a walk or something. ‘earlier you were very overwhelmed. i noticed when you were feeling that way, you did xyz. did you feel better or worse when i did abc? i’m proud of you for using your words/asking for time to yourself/whatever. when i feel angry/sad/whatever, sometimes i want to (violent action) did you feel like that too?’ in general just connecting with them, bringing things to their attention. depending on the kid three might be a little young for them to fully focus on this. if their attention starts drifting let it happen. you don’t want this to feel punitive, it needs to be a space where they can express themselves and understand that their experiences are normal. don’t force an apology, and if they do apologize thank + forgive them. the last thing i think can help is when you are feeling frustrated or angry, you can acknowledge it and then draw attention to what you’re doing in reaction or as a result of that feeling!
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