#I’m not even gonna post your ask cause I’m petty
thelastattempt · 6 months
Mate you’ve sent me this ask every day for over a week and I’ve had a shitty week and I’m gonna take it out on you (with a little cut cause I don’t want this rant clogging up my whole blog. cheers.)
A) the social construction of ‘coming out’ gives me the ick. the idea that anyone is obligated to tell strangers, their friends, their *mothers* ‘hey this is who I like to fuck, or this is who I’m attracted to’ just to what?? make others comfortable?? makes me feel a bit ill actually. by all means, the announcement can be really cathartic and validating for some people and if that’s you, then do you, but you can’t put that expectation on other people cause like - who I want to bang is my business and I have absolutely no idea why it would matter to you or any stranger. this goes double for celebrities who have cameras all up in their face all the time. why should they tell you? why why why. they’re not gonna bang you regardless so what’s the drama.
2) I bet you’re one of those people that say ‘it doesn’t matter, I just wanna know’. well you know what - fucking tough. if you wanna know so bad then it *does* matter to you. for what reason, irdk, but you need to figure that out cause it’s giving unhinged??
!) and on the subject of why you’re so incredibly interested in the orientation of other people, is it for validation? like if they’re a little bit gay then it’s okay for you to be a little bit gay? cause honey, it’s okay whether celebrities are or aren’t. but that’s very much about you and not about them. is it because you enjoy seeing gay iconography in popular media? cause there’s plenty of ‘out’ celebrities you can get this from, and the iconography is there whether you know the specifics or not?? you want him to raise a pride flag for your enjoyment - okay, he’s a real person though, capable of his own decisions that are also nothing to do with you?? or is it because you’ve got a little headcannon that you desperately want to be true?? again, this is very much a preference or need for you, as an individual, as a viewer, as a voyeur, and I’m struggling, bro, I really am cause orientation doesn’t make a good person, doesn’t add anything to personality or values or even talent. It absolutely doesn’t affect your enjoyment of the product Louis is selling - music, in case you’ve forgotten. unless you’ve got some dotted line from ‘gay’ to ‘deserving ’ and like, that’s not how this works?? by all means, support out gay artists for being out and gay if that’s your bag, go wild, but saying you can’t enjoy the content of a musician because you’re not sure who he’s shagging is warped to me
D) the jokes you see on the dash are literally just jokes. we’re sat here on tumblr, razzing a friend even tho he’s not our friend, because we’re all a little unwell and none of it is serious serious jfc.
5) and for you last question, what do I think? what do I think? I think I spend less time contemplating where Louis’ dick has been than you do.
TLDR; mind your business, you’ll be happier
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brairslair · 4 months
i loved your recent hc post !!! could i request a nsfw of one piece men when they beg during sex?? need that ASAP !!! thank u >.<
i need this asap too i think
18+ ONLY (minors go away !)
a/n: sorry for the wait! had a bit of a hard time figuring out what to put for luffy, but i hope you like what i came up with! thanks anon <3
don’t forget to like, reblog, follow, and comment if you would like to support my work! mwah 💓
“let me make it up to you?”
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so we already know he’s talkative
in and out of the bedroom
and he has no problem being vocal
butttt he’s also a man who’s used to getting what he wants
the first time he’s ever felt the need to beg for anything is with you
it would sorta just slip out mindlessly when he was really needy, words reaching your ears before he could even register what he was saying
it feels strange and foreign in his mouth at first
but i feel like it would grow on him pretty quickly
it would make him giddy that doing something as simple as essentially just talking, (one of his many skills), he could make you blush and press your thighs together
so then he’d start doing it more often
“please, please, please, can I feel your mouth”
“need it so bad”
“please let me touch you, i’ve been so patient-”
and then he’d start getting bolder and do it outside of the bedroom too
partly because he loves seeing you get all riled up and flustered
cause he’s a little shit
but also because he just thinks you’re so goddamn hot and literally wants to touch you all the time
you could be helping with chores, or eating dinner, or talking to your crew mates, does not matter
he will persevere and find a way
he has no shame
some events are more subtle and sweet
ex: “can i kiss you? pretty please?”
but some events are harder to miss
he’ll wrap his arms around your waist from behind, nuzzle his face into your neck, and whisper his needy pleas into your ear
he’ll tell you everything he’s gonna do to you as soon as he gets you alone, pleading for you to let him drag you away to somewhere more private
his smile is as wide as ever as he watches the way you shiver
it’s still seemingly innocent to any onlookers, but definitely not innocent to either of you
“can we please go now? you look so pretty, and i just wanna be inside you so bad- please can we?”
it definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by the crew when you both bolt out of the room
the closest you’ll get to zoro begging is if ur riding him and he’s pussydrunk honestly
because he doesn’t even realize he’s talking in the heat of it all
he just feels so good, and you look like an angel, and his lips start moving without a thought behind it
“just like that, don’t stop-“
“fuck- harder”
“oh shit, do that again“
and his voice sounds absolutely wrecked
but he still never says please
unless you make him
zoro will do anything to please you, and you know that
so you can use it to your advantage
he wants to touch you? better ask nicely
and he will, begrudgingly, follow through on the request
only for you
let me set the scene alright
the two of you are making up and making out after a petty argument, the adrenaline making you both a little more desperate than usual
his hand inches farther and farther down your body, about to slip past the barrier of your panties
you stop him
“ah ah ah- i’m still a little mad at you.”
it’s all teasing, both of you know that, but it still has the same effect
because zoro would honestly do anything you asked him, even if thats begging for forgiveness
so with a huff, he asks nicely, even though his cheeks are hot and his ears are pink with embarrassment
“i’m sorry baby, really”
“let me make it up to you? show you how sorry i am?”
he’ll whisper into your neck to hide his face
“can i touch you? please-“
and honestly thats more than enough for you to to lose your resolve
but know that he will deny his actions if the situation ever gets brought up again
sanji will beg you for anything at any time
for your attention, kisses, alone time
it’s just in his nature, and he’s not ashamed about it either
he’ll even get on his knees if necessary
and he loves when it’s necessary
on his knees between your legs, hearing you pant and watching your hips twitch makes him lose his mind
he’ll punctuate each word with kisses along your thighs and hips
“please let me taste you, princess”
“just wanna bury myself between your thighs- can i please?”
“let me worship you, ma chérie. need to see your beautiful face when you come undone on my tongue”
his voice always gets whiny, and scratchy, and so desperate for you that it almost seems painful
because he whimpers
and his heart eyes don’t play
so he begs all the time, for a multitude of reasons
but mostly, he knows that begging you almost always gets him exactly what he wants
he’ll beg when he’s been hungry for you all day
“please, my love, please touch me”
“faster, faster, faster-”
he’ll beg when he’s fucking into you so good you can hardly breathe
“one more, okay? i promise, just one more- i’m so close-”
“cum for me, darling. need to feel it, please please please-”
and he’ll definitely beg when you’ve been edging him for what feels like hours
“please can i cum? i’ve been so good, please-”
“don’t stop again, please mon coeur, ill do anything”
he’s absolutely whipped for you to say the least
asks are open!
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moralisist · 1 year
e-42! miles x fem coded! reader
genre: fluff !
summary: boyfriend hcs for earth 42 miles
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when he first met you, he was infatuated with u right away
he was asking his homeboys if they knew of you and asking to get your instagram
was very bold when he found u thru instagram, he liked all ur highlights/posts and then texted you saying “hey beautiful, i’m tryna get to know you, that cool?”
ever since then y’all been locked in
speaking of instagram, he does NOT post like AT ALL his entire instagram has no profile pics, no posts and only one highlight and it’s of the both of you
he has a shit ton of followers despite that but he only follows rappers he likes, his homeboys, you, and that’s about it he’s rlly a lowkey person
the typa pictures he posts of y’all are so cute they’re like this and this
very lowkey w it
#1 hypeman, anytime you guys go anywhere he will always compliment you on your looks and remind you how beautiful you look the whole time
“baby you look so goooooddd. m’so lucky to have you” miles says while grabbing you by the waist w one arm and giving you a lingering kiss on the cheek
feels the need to protect you on a constant, so hand is constantly around your waist when walking to busy places or you have to be holding his hand
you argue that he’s not really tryna keep you safe, he just wants an excuse to touch you 😭
so important that you get along with his mom, she and uncle aaron are all he has left family wise and she matters the most to him
with prowler buisness, whether you know or not he’ll never ever get you involved or tell you things that you do not need to know
dates are hard to get with him and it causes arguments sometimes because all you wanna do is see him but he’s always occupied with prowler stuff unbeknownst to you so you just assume he’s being flaky just because
with arguments, he tries his best to communicate with you even tho he doesn’t really know how so he needs someone that’s a good communicator rather than someone who’ll ignore him or be petty with him when their upset w him
when he feels angry or upset with you, he’s learned he needs to take a deep breath and not say anything he’ll regret later because he lowkey has a temper on him
he will tell you in advance that he needs time to process his emotions but will come back to you and slowly but surely explain why he didn’t like what you did
if it’s vice versa tho, sometimes he has a hard time understanding your pov and gets defensive
once you get it through his thick skull and make him understand he apologizes multiple times
he doesn’t say “i’m gonna do better” he just learns to do better
he’d rather show you then just throw empty promises in your face
love language is physical touch, just loves having his hands on you and if you’re not a touchy person no worries, he also shows his love language through acts of service
“i made you some lunch since you said you didn’t eat today. i don’t care if you not hungry, go and eat the plate i made you ma.”
“you didn’t come to school today so i wrote the notes for you. want me to help you study for spanish test this thursday?”
only shows certain emotions around you that nobody can ever see
super clingy as well, likes taking naps with you especially after a long week of not being able to be a teenage boy and doing illegal shit
only really feels like a teenager when he’s in your arms
overall, a sweetheart but this relationship does take some work
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wegc · 5 months
hi pretty!! hru and happy new year <3 school starts next week which means i have to start prepping from this week (really i should’ve been revising all break but wtv🫣) which means u will probably be seeing less of me for now BUT!!! i will do my best to check in and torment u with my filthy thoughts as often as i can LOL.
current brainrot is changbin absolutely manhandling you with his big strong ass, cause you just had to be a brat today for some reason. sneaking off to the bathroom to fuck yourself open with fingers that are nowhere near as good as his and send him recordings of your pretty, whiny moans. running your brand new nails (that he paid for bc i am a firm believer that bin would spoil his girl like mad) over his cock through his jeans while you’re both out with the members. there’s really only so much a man can take—which is why the second you get home, he’s throwing you over the arm of the couch and dragging your panties down. “bunny wanted to act like a slut all day, she’s gonna get fucked like one, yeah? look at this cunt, all messy and dripping f’ me. this is what you’ve wanted, huh? needy girl.” shoves your legs open and fingers you until you’re grinding on his hand and damn near sobbing. “bet this feels better than whatever you were doing to yourself earlier. dumb little bunny, trying to be a brat. all you gotta do is ask nicely and i’ll give you whatever you want, you know that.” doesn’t even bother to tell you when he wants you to move, just throws you around like a doll or grabs you with one arm and moves you around himself.
at one point he pulls you up from your hands and knees and wraps an arm around your throat to pin you to his broad chest. his thick cock has been practically splitting you open for god knows how long now—you’re so fucked out that you’ve stopped keeping track—and the couch cushions underneath you are soaked with your release. when bin reaches down to your clit again with his other hand, you whimper and feebly try to buck away from him. he just laughs and tightens his grip on you, cooing, “be a good little slut and take what i’m giving you, bunny” in your ear in a soft voice that’s a total contrast to the way he’s fucking ruining you. and how could you ever say no?
(this may or may not be motivated purely by changbin’s aaa performance outfit because good GOD why did he look even bigger and beefier than usual i want him so bad)
-🍒 anon
OHFMY GODF. . . do i even say anything at this point . . . what is there left to say holy fucking shit i am going insane this was so good ARE U SURE U DONT HAVE UR OWN BLOG BECAUSE IF NOT!!! GET ON IT!!!
omg omg omg i forgot who in skz said this but someone said that changbin becomes increasingly attractive while he’s eating AND HDHEHFDEDFFFD someone on twitter posted a video of him chowing down on some food and holy fuck the angle that video was taken from made his arms look so big and beefy, i replayed it for what felt like an hour.
BUT ! back on topic ! you would have to annoy changbin a lot for him to snap at you and fuck you this roughly because you’re his baby :( it’s okay if you’re a little spoiled :( he’ll always take care of you :(
but holy fuck, was his week horrible. he and chan got into a petty argument, their choreographer was up his ass about their upcoming award show performances, and all he wanted to do was fuck you slowly and sweetly like you deserved. but no! he was stuck in the practice room for another three hours and like a little minx, you sent him videos of you spreading your cunt open. if he wasn’t so pent up and tortured, he would scoff at how small the stretch of your fingers must have been compared to his thick cock.
you are IN FOR IT as soon as he reaches home. he couldn't care less about what you were doing. if you were on the phone—the call ended; if you were texting someone—power off; if you were cooking —no problem! he’s turning the stove off and shoving your hips aggressively against the counter, sliding your soaked, lace panties to the side after he’s bunched up your dress to your waist, and fucking his cock right into your greedy little cunt.
his hands would leave bruises on your hips with how firmly he would be gripping them and your ass would be so sore from his continuous smacks because changbin really couldn't control his temper after his shit show of a week.
and if fucking you in the kitchen wasn’t enough, he’ll fuck you in the living room, office, against your balcony window, in the laundry room, in the bedroom, and finally—the shower. your poor hole would be gaping by the end of his abuse, all spent and dribbling with his loads of cum :(
i can just imagine you’re all fucked out by the end of it and still, binnie grips your face and squeezes it harshly, forcing your lips to form a pathetic little pout :(
“see what happens? wanna try that again? sluts like you can’t go a second without being stuffed, huh?”
“do i need to do this every time, honey? do i have to teach you a lesson every day?”
“fussy girl. you knew i’d take care of you—still had to annoy me though, hm?”
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Kazutora, Chifuyu, Draken, and Baji with an S/O who mockingly and comically imitates them when they argue and S/O is irritated, could be done as a headcanon with little blurbs of how they'd interact :3 (I don't know how, but all of them somehow won me over in the time I finished S2 of the anime and continued by reading the manga)
“I’m so fucking done with this! Stop bringing little things up!” he yells as you glare from across the room, taking every word he said with a grain of salt
”I’m so fucking done” you mock as you roll your eyes, a small ‘tsk’ leaving your lips as you turned to face outside rather than his enraged face
“… You’re gonna’ mock me? Really?” he asks in disbelief, spinning your chair around to meet his stern gaze
Okay all I’m going to say is that he can be harsh, but it’s only because it’s how he grew up; he means no harm ever. He is a good arguer, and I would never want to get into a fight with him 😅
“Just because I have some random porn magazines doesn’t mean I’m cheating! I don’t even read them! Baji got them for himself whenever he comes over, you should know this by now!” Chifuyu explains, his voice going higher and higher with every word.
“And how do I know you’re not using him as a cover up?” you counter, stunning him just enough to make tears prick your eyes
”What??” he asks, quirking his eyebrows like a meme.
“What??” you say sarcastically, turning away as he looks away from you, guilty for making you angry and sad
He would get so worried over nothing :( He would kinda get sad if you were cause he was the one that had probably caused the ruckus, which he beat himself up for later on for countless days
”You’re just.. such an idiot!” you yell as you huff and continue to brush your hair, ignoring his obviously mocking repeat under his breath.
“Dick.” you say under your breath as you walk out, bumping into his shoulder slightly as you left. He swoops under your legs and throws you over his shoulder, coralling you to the living room to throw you on the couch with a frown.
“I’m not a dick, but I have a hell of a pretty one.” he says with a smirk
Def tries to lighten up the mood, whether it works or not. Might throw in a crude joke here and there too just to get a reaction 🤷‍♀️
“Okay so I liked one girl’s post, so what? She had a fuckin’ pretty bike!” baji explains as you roll your eyes
”So what? Oh please.” you say, brushing past him as you continue your chores, “How am I supposed to know the difference between it being innocent and it not? You run around a lot, you know.” you explain, setting down your things with a weak smile.
“I wouldn’t cheat on you, you know that as well as I do.” he says as he turns around and leaves, leaving to go do his own thing to leave you to do yours.
Fights? Nah. They never last long, and normally they’re petty and not even worth it half the time. Ultimately, you get your time alone and so does he, regrouping the next morning to move on.
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she-karev · 2 months
Birth (Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Head canon Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
AN: Here’s the final chapter for the story you guys and I will try to post the next one as soon as I can and until then enjoy and I always appreciate and like and a reblog!
Editors Note: Hey guys so I just learned how to make GIF’s and decided to reblog this beautiful chapter with a GIF I made myself. Let me know what you think.
Summary: Amber gives birth to a girl with Andrew by her side and Dr. Montgomery delivering.
Words: 1441
Simone Griffith stands outside Amber DeLuca’s delivery room peeking through the transom on the closed door. It’s been six hours since she and DeLuca found out Amber was in labor. She was curious on how her chief resident was after her water broke causing Dr. DeLuca to have her close after his surgery and couldn’t help but go up and see how they are.
Also, after witnessing her grandmother have an Alzheimer’s episode, she wanted a reminder that there were good things in this world too, like babies being born. Alex Karev walks down the hall with a welcome home baby girl gift basket from him and Jo to give to Amber. He spots Griffith outside the room and clears his throat causing her to stand back and look at him.
“Dr. Karev hi I-I was just uh-”
“Spying on my sister while she’s trying to bring a new life into this world right this second?”
“…It looks weird, doesn’t it?”
“Yes!” Alex confirms causing her to look down in shame, “Is there a reason you’re doing this very weird thing?”
“I just…I just needed a reminder that there’s good things in this world too. And watching a birth happen in real time works more effectively than faith in humanity videos.”
Alex grins at that understanding where she’s coming from, “Yeah there is something magical about my baby sister becoming a mother.”
“That is all I am saying sir.” He motions for her to step aside and she does so. He walks inside the room to find Amber lying on her side in her bed with Dr. Montgomery behind her inserting the epidural catheter. Andrew is standing by her side and holding her hand as she groans at the needle insertion.
“Hey kid how are we doing?”
“Terrible! You’re lucky your ex-girlfriend knows what she’s doing otherwise I would judge her based on her poor choices from sleeping with you.” Alexs eyes widen at his sister’s knowledge of his and Addison’s past relationship. Andrew looks at him in shock as well just learning about this.
“Is this true or is it the hormones talking?”
Addison finishes the insertion and looks up at Alex in disgust, “You told her?”
“No! I swear I didn’t.”
Amber groans and lays on her back on the bed, “Oh please the nurses keep tabs on your love lives and they love to gush with me. They could write romance best sellers with Alex’s disaster of a love life. I mean I’m still at the Ava/Rebecca chapter and it is a doozy.” She turns to Addison, “For the record you could’ve done way better back then.”
“You know I’m in the room, right?” Alex points out before putting the pink basket on the table.
“I’m gonna check how dilated you are.” Addison sighs and feels the need to clarify to Amber while she does her cervix exam, “And for the record I didn’t date him. I found him attractive, I was horny and he was there. It was one time and I judge myself for it enough as it is.”
“I’m his sister I know how shameful you’d feel sleeping with him when he was an intern and an asshat.”
Addison grins at that and looks back at Alex, “I like her.”
Andrew asks trying to comprehend it, “Wait you slept with your sister’s OB and you didn’t think to mention it?”
“You slept with my sister and I had to find out after the fact.” Alex bitterly points out.
“I didn’t even know she was your sister man.”
“And I didn’t think my ex was gonna be delivering my sister’s baby over ten years later but here we are.”
Amber inhales and exhales in annoyance at their petty squabble, “Hey boys?” They turn to her and she looks disheveled while Addison checks her cervix, “I need you two to read the room because I have enough on my plate right now, I don’t need to mediate an argument between my husband and brother.” They quiet and look at her concerned as she continues, “I am just trying to squeeze a giant Escalada out of a compact FUCKING PARKING SPOT!” The boys look scared by her last exclamation.
“Very good.” Addison calmly says, “Swearing helps a lot, you’re at 7 centimeters.” Addison stands back up covering Amber with a blanket.
“Ugh I hate you tell me when I can start pushing this sucker out. Speaking of suckers exiting, Alex get out.” He looks offended by that as Amber continues, “You dropped off the gift and unless you can transport my daughter out of my body you are useless to me. And do me a favor. Let it be known that the only people allowed in this room are Dr. Montgomery and the people who provided genetic material to this baby otherwise they are gonna be in a world of hurt, now out!” Amber points at the door causing Alex to nod and pat Andrew on the back seeing the road ahead of him.
“God speed.”
Andrew nods, “Yeah.” Alex gets out of the room and closes the door behind him.
I scream out loud as the next contraction comes and push per Dr. Montgomery’s instructions. While this happens, Andrew is by my side holding me encouraging me. My lower region is covered by blue tarps with Addison behind the curtain delivering my daughter, out of all of us I think she has the easiest job in the room because Andrew is no doubt in pain from me holding his hand with monster strength that’s coming from being in labor.
“Good Dr. DeLuca! Okay at the next contraction I’m gonna need you to really bear down but not until I tell you.”
I whimper at the never-ending cycle, “Oh god come on! I know my brother rejected you but don’t take it out on me!”
Andrew rubs my arm to soothe me, “It’s gonna be okay, you’re doing great, it’ll be over soon.”
I am too in pain and too mad at him to take in his soothing words, “If you think we’re having sex again after this you got another thing coming Andrew DeLuca!”
He chuckles at that and kisses the top of my head wiping the sweat off my forehead, “I think we’re stalled in the sex department until this kid goes off to college.”
I chuckle lightly at that but then I stop and gasp as I feel another contraction coming, “Oh god not again!” I scream as the pain courses through my body.
“Okay one last push Amber!” Dr. Montgomery instructed me and even though it hurts I do as she says, pushing with all my might. Andrew is holding me and encouraging me to push through my piercing screams. After what seems like forever, I feel relief in my body and slump back down on the bed panting for breath. I hear a baby crying and I felt my heart stop as I look down to see Dr. Montgomery holding our small, wriggling and bloody daughter already crying her lungs out. Addison is smiling and laughing in joy, “There she is!”
I’m so shocked by what’s happening I’m laughing and crying at the same time, “Oh my god.”
I can see Andrew laughing in joy too with tears glistening in his eyes, “Look at her oh my god you did that.”
“You helped.” I remind him. He takes the scissors from Dr. Montgomery and cuts the umbilical cord. After that Addison takes the baby to get her cleaned up and comes back a few moments later with our baby daughter wrapped in a baby blanket. She’s crying on the way until she reaches my arms and I hold her shocked at how tiny she is. I smile down at her still overcome with so much love and awe over this tiny human that made the last eight hours of pain I’ve endured so worth it, “Hi. Oh my god she’s…she’s…”
“She’s perfect.” Andrew finishes and I nod as he smiles. I can see the love in his eyes and grin at him.
“Here let’s go to daddy.” I carefully place the baby in Andrew’s arms and he handles her so carefully, no doubt shocked at how light she is too. He croons at the baby speaking words of affection in Italian cradling her head, “Ciao bambina, sono tua mamma e tuo papà.”
I sniffle and grin at the sight of both of them before cooing at our daughter, “Hi welcome to the world. Right now your the only pure and innocent thing in it at this very moment. And I promise we are gonna name you by the time you come home.” Andrew chuckles at that and we just enjoy this moment together as a family.
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dizzyjelly · 11 months
Really Sorry(18+)
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Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: the hot weather makes you miserable and causes you to have an attitude with your girlfriend Dina. She, of course, is not having it and makes you apologize. Not only does she ask for a verbal apology, but she also needs something more… physical.
Cw: tiny argument, smut, powerplay, dom!dina, sub!reader, nipple play, nipple sucking, spit kink, mommy kink, spanking, thigh riding, strap-on stroking(only a little bit), strap-on sex, missionary position
A/n: soo this is my first dina x reader obvi, I hope you guys enjoy! Idk if this is just me but I really do imagine Dina to be very dominating in the bedroom. Also if you read this please send me some requests if you’ve got any! For info on sending requests just check my pinned post:))
For some unknown reason you were having the worst day ever. Not only was it hot as fuck outside, but to make things worse you woke up from your nap with a terrible headache. Right now you were looking for painkillers in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and of course Dina had managed to sneak In there behind you.
She wad just being how she always was, teasing and grabbing at your waist. Trying to press herself flush against your own body, but you weren’t having it. You smiled uncomfortably as she nuzzled her face in the crook of your neck, kissing at it. Lightly you pushed her away so she’d just get her hands of you. But then as you were walking out of the bathroom with a bottle of pills she did her classic move, a quick slap of your ass.
“Dina! Stop.” At first she thought you were being playful about it.
But it was clear you were not as you proceeded to slam the door shut behind you in her face, leaving her in the bathroom as you went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Dina opened the door softly and walked out into the kitchen.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” She’d whisper as she began to wrap her arms around you once again.
“Christ Dina, I said stop!” You shout this time, shoving her off of you as you take your painkiller and avoid eye contact with her.
“Wow, really?” Dina scoffs, standing with her hands on her hips.
“Look I just don’t want you touching me all over right now! I’m not in the mood.” You sigh.
“Ok, then I’m not gonna be in the mood to touch you all over later tonight.” She crossed her arms.
You gasped quietly at this statement, watching as she gave you a stern look then turned around to walk away. Your cheeks flush red, and your eyes stay down as you feel conflicted. You’d hate to lose the argument, but god you knew after today you had to get laid tonight. So, you decided that being horny trumped being petty and called out Dina’s name. She turns back around.
“Yes?” she says, smiling smugly afterwards.
“I’m sorry.” you mutter, staring down at your hands which you were fidgeting with.
“What’s that?” She questions in a condescending tone.
“I’m sorry.” You repeat, louder so she can hear you.
“Oh, are you now?” her voice gets even more condescending.
You nod aggressively, a smile on your face as she steps towards you and holds you tight around the waist. She keeps your chest pressed against hers, looking down at you with a smirk. You can feel her breathing through her nose due to the proximity of your faces, and that makes you feel dizzy. You close your eyes and try to lean forward to kiss her, but Dina pulls away before your lips meet hers.
“Baby are you really sorry?” she asks in that tone once again.
“Yes! Yes! I’m sorry-“ your whining stops your sentence.
Dina can’t help but chuckle as you whine and whimper, god you were so pathetic. And just for her, and your need for her to touch you. Now that was hot as hell. She leans down and buries her face in the crook of your neck, kissing you just where she knows drives you crazy. Then she whispers,
“If you’re so sorry, then prove it. Come up to bed and show me how sorry you are.” Her voice is different now, seductive and demanding.
You watched as she pulled away and turned around to get upstairs. And you froze, you’d been in bed with Dina when she’d been angry before, but this was different. You had to prove how sorry you were. And honestly, it terrified you, but it made you hornier than ever. And you were certain there was a wet spot forming in your panties at just the idea, and still, you froze.
“You fucking coming?” Dina turns around to ask.               
You just nod your head and run to her side, walking upstairs while holding her hand. That’s probably about how soft she’s gonna be tonight. Not that you minded, you were quite excited really. It’s no surprise that you’re a sub, but something about this felt like you’d be getting seriously dominated. And by no means were you complaining, you couldn’t wait. So when you followed Dina to the bedroom, and she ordered you to sit your ass down, you did.
“Take off your shirt.” She demanded.
And you rushed to pull that damn tanktop off, wanting nothing more than to please her. She smiled, your boobs now fully on display since you hadn’t wore a bra that day. She knelt down, sat between your legs. A smile sat on her face as she looked up at you while she got close and personal with your boobs. First, she stuffed her face right between them and got a little motorboat action, then she just layed on each of them for a good minute. But when she finally started to touch them? God it was heaven.
She began by just holding them softly in each hand, but then she started to massage them of course. Soon she was pulling on them so she could pinch and twist your hard nipples. Then, she put her tongue to the left one. You gasped as she licked and sucked on it, making it a slobbery mess. Then she returned the favor on the right one, and somehow it was even better.
Then, she pulled away completely and stood, staring down at you as she took your chin in her hand and forced you to look up at her. You twirl your fingers around the sheets while she looks down at you. She chuckles.
“Poor baby, so needy?” she hummed and you nodded with a whimper, “open your mouth for me.” She ordered and you immediately complied.
She hummed contently, her hand holding your chin as she swiped her thumb over your bottom lip and slowly slid it into your mouth. Your lips wrapped around it as you swirled your tongue around her thick finger, a dazed smile on your face. She then removed it and pulled your lips open as she leaned down and spit into your mouth roughly.
“Swallow it if you know what’s good for you.” She said and watched as you immediately closed your mouth and swallowed harshly so she knew you had.
“Good girl.” Her voice was sickly sweet, then she sat beside you on the bed “now get up and strip the rest of your clothes off for me. Nice and slow baby.”
You do as she says, of course. After standing you slowly remove your jean shorts, taking your time with the button and zipper. Then you’re even slower about removing your panties, which Dina seems to enjoy because she has a smile on her face. You wait for her to tell you what to do next.
“Come on, come lay on mommy’s lap.” She motions for you to come lay across her thighs.
You walk over to her and bite your lip in anticipation as you lay on your stomach across her legs. And you let out a small yelp as you felt her hand land a smack on your ass harshly. She shushes you and continues to spank you a few more times until she deems you’ve had enough. By the end of it your whining, pleading, and moaning all at the same time. Just how she wants you.
After she’s done with that, she picks you up and all but throws you onto the bed. You lay on your back using your elbows to sit up as you watch her get her strap on from the closet. She walks back over to the bed and sits so her back is against the headboard, her legs lay flat in front of her. At first you think she wants you to ride her, but when you try to she tsks and instead grabs you by the thighs roughly. She makes its so you’re straddling just her right thigh, one of her hands on your hip as she uses the other to hold her cock.
Dina laughs as she looks at you, your brows furrowed and a huge pout on your lips. She bites her own as she leans to whisper in your ear, but first she kisses along your jaw and leaves a hickey on your neck. Then, she kisses and nibbles at your earlobe before saying,
“Now, you’re going to ride my thigh and tell me how sorry you are until you cum, got it?” Her voice just turns you on even more.
You nod aggressively then let out a pathetic whimper as you start to grind down onto her bare thigh. She does nothing to help you, but instead decides to be even more of a tease. You whine as you watch her stroke her cock, just taunting you with it at this point. It doesn’t take long for you to start apologizing.
“I’m s-sorryyy. I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll be good. Sorrysorrysorry.. I’ll be so good for you-“ a loud moan erupts from your lips, “m-mommy..” you whine, throwing your head back in pleasure.
And your sure Dina is just as turned on by the wet mess you’re making on her thigh, the way she’s biting on her lower lip and eyeing you. The friction on your clit is beyond perfect, you begin to pick up your pace. Your hands grip and pull at Dina’s shirt from where they’re holding her shoulders for stability.
“Yeah, you’re so sorry?” She mocks you.
“Yes, yes. Pleeeease I need you so bad. Need y-your cock.” You can’t help but stutter as you whine and whimper for her.
“Oh, do you now? Do you really?” her voice is so condescending it almost hurts to listen to.
“Yes, god yes! I do! Pleaseee.” You sigh, feeling yourself getting closer and closer by the second.
Dina watches as your hips stutter the slightest and your breathing becomes more erratic. She decides to help you out, both her hands meeting your hips now and helped you ride her until you finally do cum. And when you do finish, she keeps going. Doesn’t stop until you’re begging and crying about how it’s ‘too much.’ She lays you down on the bed, kissing you rough and hard before she starts to glide the tip of her cock through your folds. You all but lose it when she begins to use it to stimulate your clit, just enough to make you squirm, but not enough to bring you another orgasm.
And then finally, she pushes inside of you. She’ll go slow at first, keeping in mind the fact that she hadn’t stretched you at all today. But she figured you didn’t deserve something so kind after your bratty attitude all day. She watched your face intently, gauging your reaction as she eased in to you until she bottomed out. Your back arched and you let out a noise that sounded more like a cry then a moan.
“T-too much. Please..” You whine, tears falling to the pillow that lays beneath your head.
“What’s that, it’s too much?” she mocks once again and laughs at you as you nod, “too bad. You’re gonna take what I fucking give you.” She grits her teeth as she starts to thrust in and out of you.
Again, her pace starts off slow, but the way she manages to go so deep each time has you seeing stars. It’s not until she’s gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises and pounding into you like there’s no tomorrow that you feel your second orgasm approaching. She chuckles as she watches you, you back arching and your mouth open wide as you let out the most beautiful sounds.
Your eyes screwed shut as you feel your body being overtaken by the pleasure, but her hand comes to grip your chin as she leans forward. Her pace never falters, and you can feel her breath against your face.
“Open your eyes and look at me. Want you to see who’s making you feel this good.” She whispers before pulling away, her eyes locked onto yours as you open them as she says.
You felt light-headed as she continued to thrust into you, her pace was quick and harsh. She chuckled as she looked down at you, biting her lip with a groan as your hands grabbed her waist. Your grip was tight and needy, while you whined and moaned beneath her. Dina was quick to bring a hand to hold your chin, it was anything but gentle.
She’d frown at you, another mock of course because what the hell could she be sad about right now. She leaned down so her lips were brushing against the shell of your ear.
“You close, baby?” She teased.
“Mmhm” You moaned, “s-so close mommyy..” your voice was whiny and breathless as the tight knot in your stomach was just about to release.
After a few more thrusts from Dina, you were cumming in no time. She’d continue until she felt you’d ridden out your high, her hand now gently caressed your tear-stained cheek as she pulled out slowly. Dina would remove and clean the strap, storing it back in the closet. She then went to the bathroom and got a wet washcloth.
While she was busy doing these things, you laid in bed on your back. Your chest heaved up and down rapidly as you were out of breath after all of that. Dina returned in a pair of shorts and a tank-top, a caring smile on her face as she’d wipe you down. Her hands were soft and gentle now, a nice contrast to moments before.
Once she’d finished that she’d help you get dressed as you pretty much lied there helplessly. A lazy smile adorned your face as Dina got into bed next to you, extending her arms out as an invitation for you to come and cuddle with her. You snuggled into her side, your head on her chest as you hiked one of your legs onto hers.
“Hey babe, was I uh- was I too rough earlier?” She whispered into your now dark room as she rubbed your shoulder with her thumb.
“No,” you giggled, “I actually really liked it.” You answered, nuzzling your head into the crook of her neck now.
“Ok, good. You know if its ever too much, you just gotta let me know.” She reassured you.
“I know. G’night, I love you.” You whispered sleepily, your eyes already shut.
“I love you too, good night.” Dina responded, holding you close as the two of you fell asleep.
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montysstuffs · 2 years
It Will Come Back
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Request: omg. could u maybe write more mean nick smut with fem reader😭 got me thinking thoughts
Warnings: name calling (slut, Bunny, angel, baby), a bit of degrading, orgasm denial. NICK IS MEAN, ONCE AGAIN! Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!) Summary: Your jealous ex comes by for some “closure” after your breakup. Word Count: 1.8K
AN: I was supposed to have had this posted last night, I know. But it’s fiiiiine. Music inspires me to write so many things, so I was inspired by It Will Come Back by Hozier. I’m definitely gonna be doing more song fics, so if you have recommendations, let me knooooww! If there are a few mistakes, I also apologize about that!!! It was proofread like once, so there’s that!
Upon the arrival into your room, you are greeted with an already open window. The wind seeping through bit at your cheeks and arms. Causing a shiver to be sent up your spine.“Did you miss me baby?” You tense up as you are stunned to turn around and see a familiar figure. You hated to say it, but you actually did. Missed how familiar his cologne was to you, late nights cruising down random roads. The spontaneity of your adventures. What you don’t miss, however, is how he always seemed to get into a fight with any and everyone around him. Walking around with his chest puffed up, looking for more than a few fights.
Upon the arrival into your room, you are greeted with an already open window. The wind seeping through bit at your cheeks and arms. Causing a shiver to be sent up your spine.“Did you miss me baby?” You tense up as you are stunned to turn around and see a familiar figure. You hated to say it, but you actually did. Missed how familiar his cologne was to you, late nights cruising down random roads. The spontaneity of your adventures. What you don’t miss, however, is how he always seemed to get into a fight with any and everyone around him. Walking around with his chest puffed up, looking for more than a few fights.
It wasn't until he saw you under another man's arm, that he realized what he had missed. Whether he was a friend or not didn't matter. What did matter is that he couldn't deny that he wanted you.
Music filled the spaces of silence in between you both. Not knowing whether to throw him out, or ask how he got inside in the first place, you stood baffled. Tears began to well into the corners of your eyes. How could he just think he has the right back into your life after all of the hell he put you through. 
Don't let me in with no
Intention to keep me
Jesus Christ' don't be kind to me
Honey, dont feed me,
i will come back
“There we are. Give us a hug. Are you done throwing your tantrum now?” There it is. That smug attitude that made you dump him in the first place.
“My tantrum?” You scoff and rolls your eyes at him. Not even having the capacity to argue with him right now.
“Yes, your tantrum,” he glanced down at your glass that you were still nursing from the hang out session. Taken aback at your freshly done nails. “Wow, you’ve got pretty hands baby. Wonder what they look like on my cock. Your new boyfriend pay for that manicure?” You scoff, once again, at the pettiness seeping from his pores. Enveloping you both in a tension that you could taste.It lingered in your lungs like smoke. You couldn’t help the crooked expression on your face. Dainty features screwed up at him in disgust and confusion, "is that what this is about? Jacob? There's nothing going on between us." You cross your arms in front of your chest, holding firm in your stance. It wasn't to keep your guard up, really. Your feet were planted in place to keep from running into his arms, like a billion times before.
“You do this all the time! You and your fucking ego think you own me. You’re so fucking annoying. It’s like-“ before you knew it, nick’s lips were on yours. A pathetic, needy whimper crept up your throat, but you couldn’t force it down. He couldn’t help himself, honestly. You looked sinfully delicious in your nightgown. He places his hand around your neck. Not coming to a full grip, but just resting it there. His other hand, rubbing the fabric of the gown between his index finger and thumb. He lead you backwards onto your soft bed. 
It can't be unlearned
I've known the warmth of your doorways
Through the cold,
I'll find my way back to you
“Just wanna make you feel good, Angel,” there is something ominous about the way that pet name drips from his tongue. A benevolence as he hungrily eyes you. Large, calloused hands pressed into your thighs. Slowly feeling up your soft skin. You let out a whimper. A thin layer of sweat had built up, coating your brow as his weight dipped into the bed. Your thighs clenched together involuntarily once you felt like he was a bit too close to your clothed pussy. The bed never made a sound under him as he leaned closer. This time, placing a chaste kiss onto your lips. Those pretty, shiny lips that he wants to see all over him. Wants to see the lipstick print all over his chest and stomach. 
“Please,” you stuttered under your breath. His face, mere inches from yours. No point in being nervous now. Those same hands that had made you come undone many a time before were doing what they do best. Gripping and pulling on your lace panties. Effectively pulling them past your thighs and stashing them away in his varsity jacket. You choke out a satisfied purr at at the silky soft sensation of your plush pillows under your head. 
His nimble fingers expertly found your aching and neglected clit. He hums, satisfied with how slick your folds were for him. Your delectable scent practically spelling out your perverse thoughts to him.
I warn you, baby, each night,
as sure as you're born
You'll hear me howling outside your door
"Wanna say that again, baby?” He heard you quite loud and clear the first time, but this is a game for him. To see how well he can push you to your limit. He can see now that he wants to do any and everything in his power to make you beg for him. 
Your mouth was only slightly agape, but no words escape past your lips.The stretch was excruciatingly delightful. Coaxing a gasp from your lipstick smeared lips. You can feel the tense bundle of nerves in the pit of your stomach, unfurling like the tips of flames. And you know he feels it too by the broad smirk he gives you. Slowing down the pace of his fingers significantly. You shoot him an annoyed scowl, “w-why’d you slow down.” You whine in a plaintive voice, pouting at him. “Can’t let you get off that easily, bunny,” he murmurs in a husky tone. “Rude,” you moan softly. Leaning up, so that your breath fans his neck and ear. 
Lazily pumping his cock, he scanned your body. Both of your clothing discarded a little while ago. You groan at him in anticipation. Causing Nick to chuckle and shake his head at you, “patience. I know you can’t control yourself from being a slut, but I’m sure you can wait a moment, yes? You nod vigorously at him. His fat, mushroom tip leaking right above your soft mound. 
He sinks himself into you with a bit of struggle. It had been too long since he had been with you. It took everything in him not to cum right then and there. But whats the fun in that? You were a panting, whimpering mess. Nick is cruel with the pace he sets. With his cock buried to the hilt, he pushes your legs back so your thighs are up to your chest. Such a pretty sight for him. His hands were splayed across the fat of your thighs as he quickens his pace. A thought shoots across your mind. Everyone was still downstairs, “m-maybe we should be quieter.”
 “Did i ask you your opinion, bunny? No I didn’t.”
His eyes darkened as he watches you shake under him. “Now, you may speak. Y’ever let anyone fuck you like this before?” You can’t even give him a proper answer. Only whimpers and pants coming from his pretty girl. His fingers interlock with yours. He puts them over your head, his strokes becoming more meticulous. Slow and calculated, but still just as strong. You feel a shudder travel up your spine and involuntarily roll your hips against his. Causing him to groan under his breath. He places a teasing kiss along your neck.
“Have I fucked you dumb? Can’t talk to me baby? Let me hear your pretty voice,” he smirks down at you. His pace is relentless. No wonder you don’t have a single thought. He’s got your knees pulled up into your chest and in a mating press. He wants to get a deep as possible into you as he can. Successfully shaping your insides to fit only him.
“When I ask you a question, I expect a fucking answer," he shines a toothy grin at you, "But not too loud, right? Don’t want him to hear his little angel getting railed like this right? Don’t want him to know that you’re my personal pocket pussy."
You responded, your mouth dry and hoarse. The answer coming out louder that he had expected. Let him hear how much you needed and missed him. He lands a harsh smack on your ass. Causing you to wail again in shameless pleasure. “Like that, baby? You like when i’m rough with you? Jacob not treating you right?”
“J-Just friends.”
“J-Just friends,” he repeats at you in a mocking tone, “-again, unwanted opinion. But you can’t tell me who fucks you this good? We both know you don’t wanna be treated like a fragile princess.” His voice is husky in your ear as he reaches between the both of you, finding your aching clit. You let out another wanton moan as he rubs in small circles, pulling you closer and closer to your orgasm.  His thrusts become more sporadic every passing second. His blown out pupils watching as your breasts jiggled and bounced. Acting on first instinct, he takes your nipple into his mouth. You cry out, throwing your head back sharply, squeezing his length as you soak his cock. He groans and follows soon behind at the added tightness of your orgasm. Hot ropes of cum painting your velvet insides. Covering ever crevice in his essence. His thrusts become lazier and lazier until he softens. Leaning down to kiss you again.
 “What do you say?”
“Thank you.”
He rolls over onto his side, pulling you close against him, “atta girl. I also know that you’re just friends. I was just-” his train of thought leaves him as he searches for a correct word.
“Jealous-” you complete the sentence for him. Ultimately completing him as a whole. He chuckles at your response, “yeah, jealous.” If he’s gonna fuck you like this, maybe you should break up more often. After all, he’ll always come back.
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marengogo · 2 months
Love your posts! why do you think Jikook are the real deal and not say, vmin or yoomin etc?
Dear Anon …
I will admit that I decided to reply to your ASK because I thought I was gonna be short and quick with it 🤡. 
So I apologise for all the Anons I’ve been respectfully “neglecting” for the time being 🙏🏾. Thing is, some of y’all send me ASKS which would really take me daaaaaays to reply, cause I’m big on receipts, so I MUST do my thorough research on EVERYTHING. Hence, as you’ll see below, I obviously underestimated this ASK I was actually thinking it would take me a quick afternoon, but it took me muuuuuch longer, between IRL schedules and me continuously reminiscing adorable jikook details 🥹🥹🥹 but, by the time I realised what I got myself into, I had already started it … AND … it kinda came as such a cute subconscient surprise, during a rather shitty week, that I couldn't stop. 
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So … Why do I think Jikook Is the real deal? Mmmhmmm, let first start with a little correction to that question:
Why do I think Jikook could be the real deal? Let’s please never forget that they are not confirmed 🙏🏾
If you’ve been around long enough to watch a good amount of the boys original content, you might be probably familiar with the fact that the boys are all very affectionate with each other, in fact, they’ve all had “moments” and by moment I mean situations that are commonly shippable with each other, and if you’ve been around enough shipper spaces you would have read/heard that “x-member only does this with x-member”. Now, even though there are a few known things that JK & JM have done just for each other, that isn’t what I mainly base my speculations on.
What really makes me raise my eyebrow, JK-style, are the amount of times they’ve braved to test some boundaries, as well as the times they’ve allowed their impulses to momentarily take over, and, last but not least, the amount of concessions, understanding, and wake-up-calls that their members provide them with. All in all ⚠️IN MY OPINION LIKE EVERYTHING IN THIS POST⚠️ JK & JM have come really far, faltered quite a bit, dared a lot and have also matured as couple, just the right amount, given their circumstances. 
“Uuuuh, so … What do you mean by alla dat?”
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Well, for example ...
It’s the way they publicly “argue”
The only time we’ve had a public display of an argument in bangtan was Jin and Tae for that stage disagreement, which they all sat down and discussed. Other than that, we know that the members have had many private arguments, some which they discussed as a group (HopeKook banana-fight … kinda … JK really didn’t give the members a chance, he told them and hobi reacted LOL) and some which they solved solely with the parties involved (VMIN dumpling incident). YET, JK & JM seem to have the need to solve many of their could-easily-become-an-argument-for-no-reason arguments in a very  let’s-do-this-right-here-right-now way, and perhaps because they are aware that they are very passionate during their discussions, they do make a conscious effort to at least sound playful at the beginning  🤡…
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In addition, if JM is the one to start the whole thing, JK will try his best and so far he’s never failed to keep calm while at the same time try to divert the attention to something else, but in this type of situations JM is a bull and JK is, metaphorically, the only one drenched in red, so eventually, the members do chime in, trying to help JK, because I can imagine that facing a whole JM, int that state, can be something 😬 JM takes petty, and give-me-what-I’m-asking for-right-now, to a whole new level. If it is JK to start it, he knows he will get an apology, at some point, but he also knows that it is the most he will get at least publicly, because once again, facing a whole JM can be something.
Afterall, Let’s not forget they both chose B, during the scenario in the image below, so in a way, their little bickering is just not avoidable … 🤡
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It’s the way that for example, in the recent years, the 94s have been “taunting” them and the way VHope know more than they let on, and 2Seok play along ... basically Hobi is everywhere  🤡
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By now we should be very familiar with the support that the Tannies in general have for the LGBTQIA+ community, and between 2022 and last year, the 94s were very on point with reminding us about that. From collaborating with Balming Tiger to posting the lesbian scene in Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy during pride month (Joonie) or from being a close friend to Jo Kwon to having his Listening Party’s afterparty at a gay bar (Hobi), the 94s have been present (The Gay Bar → Trunk Seoul).
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The Tannies have inside jokes to no end. If you ask me, this is one of the few ways they have in order to keep a couple of things just for themselves. For example, a reference from a movie/drama they won’t specify but ARMY will find anyways, because we on top of business like that 😎 … so time too much so  🤡, laughing about a picture on a phone they won’t show us and perhaps… the playful taunting of a couple they can’t out?
But why do that? Won’t it out them?! … It hasn’t thus far has it? Because I do believe it is part of the things which, for now, they are keeping just for them, for obvious reasons but also because I think that in a way the 94s are trying to create normality in their environment, and the universe only knows how important it is to know that your close ones perceive you as you always were, regardless of coming out etc, particularly in a society that tries so fucking hard to make you think otherwise. 
It’s the way we keep spotting random oh-I-didn’t-know details and the way in which we are made privy of non-requested good-for-you-bro! type of TMI
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In the 1st screenshot (ss) JK wanted more pizza, but the boys finished literally within minutes I kinda wanna say second really, they inhaled it but this are the same people who gave away their album for some meat 🤡 and JM just let him have a bite of his, like it was it was expected of him to do so. During this same live, JM pointed out to JK that the champagne they were drinking is the only one he can drink or that he likes; and JK took note of that. How do I know?
In the 4th ss JK got champagne for everyone to cheer with, but didn’t prepare anything for JM. Eventually, Hobi would ask JM if he wanted a glass and Tae would try to make him drink from his glass, but JM would refuse on both occasions. This is the same live where we find out that JK’s mom prepared seaweed soup traditional soup made on a family member’s birthday in South Korea because it was JM’s birthday. So many details, so freaking useless to me as I will never be with either JK or JM in that capacity; but good to know I guess.
Also, JM is going to be your boxing partner? JK comes to your room very often? GOOD FOR YOU BROS. Like … When’s my turn?! That’s what I really want to know … 😑… 😩
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… and so on and so forth.
I could go on further, but I really don’t have that type of time as of recently, but I hope you can see that what I am trying to say is that the proof is in the pudding, so to say. There isn’t a one ultimate defining moment, if there were, I would guess that only JM and JK would know what did it for them, what made JK think “Ah, yes, he is the one …” which i am 85.13% sure it is going to be a different moment in time for JM, in the same way they get irritated with each other for different reason eccetera eccetera eccetera.
Anyways Anon, hope I was able to answer your questions somewhat and that I wasn’t just confusing. Thank you for stopping by and have a safe and serene day!
Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾,
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armando-triplepapito · 8 months
Seeing your posts about the first episodes and everyone was so mean to Betty since always, and that’s only taking into account the instances where she actually heard or saw people treating her horribly or calling her ugly and whatnot, but they were even worse behind her back (Mario and even Armando lbr especially at the early stages of their affair) and when Armando dresses as a drag queen and Betty takes him to her house to help him get rid of the make up and stuff just as he is leaving he asks her if it’s really that horrible to work at Ecomoda. Dude, do you really need to ask that? 😪 At least, he has time to reflect later because when they want Betty to help them get out of debt by keeping the embargo, Armando says that if she doesn’t want to help them it won’t be because of the things that were said to her during the board meeting, but because of the things that were said to her repeatedly before that and during her whole time working there (All the things Daniel said to Betty when she had her first makeover? He’s gross). The Human Resources department at Ecomoda was simply nonexistent.
If María Beatriz que was not a Valencia, they would treat her just as bad as they did with El Cuartel tbh
Thank you for your gifs, your blog is awesome 😎
Yea it’s rough to see how everyone treats Betty and like how you said they’re even worse when they talk behind her back. They even call her names right after she saves their skin! Calling her Murciélago 🦇 de la Guarda and whatnot. Like bruh she’s doing all she can to help you guys yet y’all can’t compliment her without an insult?! Seriously! They’re dickheads! And the worst part is that Betty probably hears them all the time yet pretends she doesn’t cause let’s not forget the walls are thin in Ecomoda 🫠. (Okay side note- there’s this scene where Armando and Mario are trash talking about her and she trips into the office, I feel like she heard them but of course used her “clumsiness” to brush over the situation if that makes sense? Definitely gonna talk about that later in a post once I rewatch the scene). Anyways when I’m reminded of Armando asking Betty if it’s that horrible to work for him it seriously makes me laugh! That’s not something he should be asking! He KNOWS he’s awful 😀 I think Betty only tells him that Don Hermes heard him yelling at her on the day she made him a business proposal (or something like that, tbh when they talk stuff about the company everything goes over my head) what she should’ve mentioned is that Don Hermes heard him yelling at her on the day he FIRED HER!! Bro that scene made me soo mad! The way Armando didn’t even wanna listen to her, insulting her basically saying that if he has to have a useless secretary might as well only keep Patricia like ugh you dumbass!! How dare you!! I kinda have wished she didn’t made that business proposal for him cause he didn’t deserve it! And the worst part is that right after he told Betty to go take a lunch break he basically tells Mario he did notice that Betty was limping but he just didn’t cared! Ugh!! Idk how Betty was able to handle all that abuse! F Armando man! Betty shouldn’t had helped them not because of what was said to her during the board meeting but ALSO because of what they did and said to her before, during her time in Ecomoda! For sure Betty is stronger than me, I would’ve been so petty😮‍💨 honestly I kinda liked how Armando read Betty’s diary, he deserved to know exactly how Betty felt during her stay in Ecomoda. I loved how he felt her pain through those pages☺️ tho I wished Betty had reminded him how he fired her😒
Don’t even remind me of Daniel during Betty’s first makeover! He was such an asshole for no reason! My poor Betty 🤧 trying to defend herself😭 and now that I think about it, it was brave of her to stand up to him while she was basically cornered cause let’s not forget he attacked her while they were alone who knows what could’ve happened if Armando didn’t appear 😰. I have to admit Armando was such a sweetheart in this episode 🥹 the way he defended her not only from Daniel but from Marcela and Patricia those bitches so kudos for him but not many cause he was still trash talking behind her back with Mario😠
Seriously! Hr was definitely nonexistent in Ecomoda! The way the executives got away with everything is crazy! How Mario played with Patricia and Aura Maria, Hugo’s insults towards the Cuartel especially towards Betty, the way Marcela tried firing Betty and how she probably fired a lot of models (probably without good reasons other than they slept with Armando). There was just so much mistreatments from the executives it’s insane! And the worst part is they never apologize not even Armando who’s the least bad one from them all. He should at least apologize after yelling at the workers 💀. Omgosh that reminds me! Okay sorry for going off track but I’m remembering that time when Armando pulled Patricia’s hair!! That was so insane of him! So scary!! Patricia is an awful person but she did not deserve to get her hair pulled by her boss!! Armando should’ve definitely been arrested there!😰 from what I understand the Cuartel had worked in Ecomoda for years, idk how they handled working in such a toxic environment 😬 but then again Don Roberto was the president so things were way different, I hope😶
Omg if Maria Beatriz was not a Valencia she would’ve been treated even worse than the Cuartel! The Cuartel were treated bad because of their appearance and Patricia was treated bad cause she’s an airhead. Maria Beatriz was not only ugly but also an airhead! Everyone would’ve eaten her alive! She’s lucky that she was born a Valencia but even still I feel like everyone pushes her to the sidelines. I feel like her family and the Mendozas try to forget she even exists💀
Hehe thanks for the kind words🙈❤️ I’ll try to make more gifs but tbh I’m kinda in a hiatus on my rewatch cause it’s kinda hard to see Betty being mistreated by everyone. Everyone is so cruel to her and I’m only 10 episodes in! Just thinking about what’s to come breaks my heart😭 but Ik it’s worth it I just need more time to mentally prepare myself. Also I’m thinking of making some fanart! Idk how to draw but if I can’t do fanfics might as well do some fanart! So watch out for them😜 and hey you never know! Maybe my fanart can inspire talented artist to make some of their own for the fandom 🤭🤪 anyways thanks for messaging me! I always have fun when I have someone to talk to about ysblf 🥰 tho I apologize for taking so long to reply😭
Don’t hate me! I love ya 😚❤️
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cloudbells · 6 months
How about these for the ask game?
6. Least favorite movie
9. Favorite fight scene
21. Unpopular opinion about anything
34. Favorite outfit/look of the character of your choice
6. Least favorite movie
I was gonna say this was hard because I don’t think I have an MCU movie I despise, but also not really hard at all: every Thor movie after the dark world for the OG6. More recently Quantumania. I enjoyed Quantumania, but I’m not a fan, if that makes sense? I think I was just overall disappointed with Kang in this movie. I was sooooo hyped, like unbelievably hyped, about seeing Ant-Man and Kang fight. I rewatched the trailer countless times, I obsessed over the soundtrack - I was really into it. And it fell really flat towards the end for me. I was expecting more. Nonetheless, the world and idea of it is still super cool to me and I may even rewatch it.
For the post-TDW Thor movies, I’m being insanely petty because I can’t even remember Ragnarok clearly and I haven’t watched Love and Thunder. I remember enjoying Ragnarok, but I also remember disliking it. I think I felt it was weird on the characterization front and also too comedic in a bad way. The things I’ve heard about Love and Thunder makes it seem that it has the same issues as Ragnarok, but like, way worse. I still plan on watching it though, because I don’t like speaking on things I have no business speaking on lol. 
I’m just really sensitive about Thor characterization, I’ve realized. I think he’s so complex and I really don’t like to see him…portrayed as a shallow clown. Or a fool. Or any resembling that. I adore Thor, so so much and so I’m extra nitpicky about him. He has depth and insight that deserves to be explored! I don’t understand where the MCU is trying to take him, but I don’t like it! Same with Bruce, kind of.
Honorable mention: AOU but only for that scene where Bruce fell into Natasha’s boobs. Literally so fucking ridiculous, I will never pass up a chance to talk about how much hatred I have towards that cliche - ugh. 
9. Favorite fight scene
I answered this in the previous ask, but I’ll add another one! Not so much of a fight…but a pre-fight maybe. STEVE IN ENDGAME WHERE HE FACES THANOS’ ARMY ALONE. I melt into a puddle each time. I tear up each time. As I’m typing this my eyes are getting misty because I love that moment so much. It encapsulates Steve Rogers (Captain America) so damn well that it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs. A lone, human, with a broken shield, knowing it’s completely hopeless, but standing up to fight anyways cause the vulnerable people who rely on him are more important than fearing what’s in front of him. I LOVE STEVE THAT’S MY MAN, MY ONE AND ONLY, I WILL NEVER GET OVER EG STEVE. 
This is also why I hate when people bash EG for his last 10 minutes of screentime because we have some of his absolute BEST moments in this movie. Literally so fucking good…and people want to circlejerk over how much they hate him because he decided to go back in the past. Mind you, I’m a former “I’m not fond of Steve’s ending because I feel like it doesn’t fit him, but I don’t blame Steve for it” fan - but after all the slander, I’m now the type to draw up an essay on why it makes perfect sense for him to make that decision. 
21. Unpopular opinion about anything
I’m trying to think of a #real unpopular MCU opinion that I haven’t said before. One of my pet peeves is when someone asks for an unpopular opinion and it’s like the coldest take you’ve ever heard, lol. I don’t want to be that. I’m realizing I have a huge mouth and talk too much because everything I’m thinking I’ve already said, examples being: 
Endgame Steve going back into the past makes perfect sense for his character arc and the circumstances he’s had in the future
I’m not sure if this is unpopular in my corner of fandom or overall: IM1 Tony still holds at least some responsibility for his weapons being…misused. I mean, I feel like even Tony acknowledges this and I don’t even think he’s wrongly giving some blame to himself. I think it shows his self-awareness…and I like that about his character. I know a lot of people say that Tony doesn’t do accountability, but I’d say he absolutely does. Half of his mistakes in the following movies are because he’s trying to find a way to atone. It’s moreso a lot of his fans that like to absolve him of his mistakes, he seems to own up to them pretty frequently. Not always verbally.
Oh! I just thought of one that yes, I’ve said…but I think I’ve said it in DMs not publicly (or maybe I said it in the server before)? Also it’s not even an MCU criticism. I think every conversation surrounding SteveTony in CACW is automatically in bad faith if we only discuss the murder of Howard and Maria and not the Accords. This is partially why I’m in a state of constant annoyance when giving CACW fics a chance. I don’t think it’s a fair or honest discussion or break down without looking at the two main corners of the conflict. Because the Accords is not something to gloss over people! The implications of what would happen to people like Steve is not something to be taken lightly. And the way they were presented is not - Let me stop here before I fall into a rant. I have some self-control.
34. Favorite outfit/look of the character of your choice
I love, love, love Steve’s AOU suit. Well, aesthetic wise at least. They could lose the red accent on the chest and it would be 10x better. But if I’m going for Captain America realism, I’m throwing in my vote for the CW suit! I was going to say the Smithsonian suit was my favorite (lowkey is….) but someone told me that it’s a replica and isn’t fully accurate to the suit he wears in CATFA and frankly, I’ve never checked to confirm. But if that’s wrong, then the Smithsonian suit is absolute my favorite. I can’t even tell you why I like it so much. Classic. Leather. It could benefit from a tighter fit, but the look of it screams Captain America to me <3
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ihavethebestjob · 1 year
When I start thinking about the bullshit that is our gender norms and society, one thing that makes me really sad is how men (all men, but especially cis men for the purpose of this post) get so much shitty gender stuff, too, but they seem so much less aware of it than non-masculine people.
Like, look. Every woman, cis or trans, that I’ve met is aware of some of the gender bullshit. Even women who wouldn’t identify as feminist are aware of the things like holding your keys or being the victim of domestic violence or emotional labor (the difference seems to be whether they think those are things that are socially constructed or just “”““nature”““ but that’s not the point of this post).
So many men, even liberal men, even progressives sometimes, just seem so...unaware of how SHITTY the gender shit is for them, too.
Like, little things. Why can’t they wear skirts? I mean it. When I don’t want to wear pants (which is often) I just...slap on a dress. Boom. No pants. But they can’t.
And the emotional shit, too. God, I have two little brothers (I mean, they’re both grown ass men now but they’re still my little brothers) and they just...don’t talk about shit that bothers them? I’m not talking deep conversations either. I mean they are so genuinely uncomfortable just...venting.
Like. Y’all. If I didn’t vent I would absolutely cause property damage. It is good and healthy to walk in to a room, close the door, and be like “AY THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE” over like. Small, irritating shit.
But they DON’T. I’ve even asked my brother’s girlfriend. She says he doesn’t. He just. Stuffs it down until something “socially acceptable” (politics, mostly, or anger at authority figures, or FUCKING SPORTS) comes up and then he just EXPLODES and yeah like the exploding isn’t okay but...
I mean. I would, too, if society told me I couldn’t sit here and be like “LOOK i KNOW this is small and stupid and petty BUT IF SHE DOESN’T QUIT CALLING ME HON I’M GONNA CHEW GLASS” on like. Daily? Yep, daily basis, I would be the same.
They can’t wear skirts, they can’t vent, and they aren’t taught to own their emotions, their social support systems SUCK.
I dunno. They might hold a lot of societal power, and that’s wrong, and we should fight, but...
I just think it’s important to remember that feminism is a fight for EVERYONE’S liberation. This patriarchy shit isn’t healthy for men either.
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laladellakang · 2 years
Wait can u post it again I’m here 24/7 the second I leave you post sth I’m gonna cry 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
y'know what? i'll post it here and delete this once the full fic is out 😌
"Fuck! Dumb bitch," I face-palmed when I idiotically replied to Jay.
"Why? What's wrong?" "You good?" two of my friends asked while the other one just raised his eyebrow.
We're currently chilling in the school's empty library. One of them is my classmate who is also on her period and the other two just wanted to bail.
"I said something in the group chat," I groaned, covering my eyes with my arms. Why am I so stupid?
"Jake used to go here, remember? He knows that I'm supposed to be in class right now," I turned to my side on the bean bag. This somehow makes my ovaries hurt more.
"Oh shit- well.. Maybe he'll think that you're just opening your phone in class," one of the guys said.
"Orr worst case scenario, just tell them the truth. You skipped math cause your vagina walls are shedding and it hurts like shit so you can't get yourself to deal with more torture," the other guy said.
"But I just got into a fight with Heeseung and Jungwon yesterday so I really don't wanna get scolded again," getting scolded is nothing new to me, but when it comes from any of my boyfriends (or parents)... It just hits more.
And my currently sensitive, thick, hard-as-hell-to-achieve ass won't be able to take it. Just like what happened yesterday with Heewon.
"It's not like they've never ditched before, no?" the same guy raised his eyebrow.
"Dude, we rarely go to school and hardly ever stay for the whole day. Last time any of them ditched was probably in their trainee days," I ran a hand through my bangs."I just hope that Jake doesn't- shit! I was just about to say that I hope he won't snitch!"
"He said 'shouldn't you be in class right now?' oh my God," I groaned again.
Jake fucking Sim. I swear to- I mean, it's not his fault, it's mine but I'm feeling real petty so, JAKE FUCKING SIM.
"Well, Delle," my girl-friend snorted at the unintentional rhyme she made. "Good fucking luck."
I took a deep breath before tapping in the combination to enter the dorm and entering carefully. I didn't even announce my arrival like I always do.
"Della? Is that you?" Sunghoon called out.
Woo! My eyes are already glossing over! Hold them back, Lala. You're good at this. You've been doing this for years.
"Yes?" I tried to not sound nervous. Trust, Delle, trust. It's okay. They shouldn't be too mad.
"Come here," oh my God, now I'm even more anxious. The one who called wasn't Heeseung. The others have never told me to 'come over' with that tone.
"Yes?" I said in a small voice, barely entering the kitchen. There were only two boys there- Jayhoon.
"Did you skip class?" Jay asked calmly. I couldn't bring myself to verbally answer so all I could do was nod. "Is this the first time?" he asked next, to which I also shook my head to. "As of debut, I mean?"
Does purposefully joining a class late count..?
"I've only joined a class late. This is the first time," thank God my voice didn't shake.
"Often?" Jay went again. Shit- I know being cool is his thing and all but it's making him seem even more intimidating.
Once again, I couldn't bring myself to answer so I just nodded.
"Della, you know that we rarely go to school, right?" Sunghoon stated. "-and we almost never stay for the whole day, right? Not to mention that this is your last year," well here comes the stupid waterworks.
Please don't cry. I don't want them to think that I'm trying to manipulate them.
"Look- I know that you're struggling and trying your best but you can't ditch like that, babe. It's only for a couple of hours," Jay said. "Coming in class late? Well.. fine- at least you weren't called to the headmaster's office, right?"
"I don't give a shit about you coming in late but Della, you really shouldn't skip classes. You need to make up for your lack of attendance and you shouldn't... add more to that," Sunghoon's voice softened drastically when (I'm guessing) he saw my unpreventable glossy eyes.
"Yah! Park Sunghoon!" Jay immediately went into protective mode and got up to pull me to his chest.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! She doesn't normally cry if we argue," I felt a hand (that wasn't Jay's) brushing through my hair. "Della, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."
Guess what this hormonal bitch did upon hearing that? I cried harder, of course.
"Della! Oh my God- I'm so sorry I was really harsh and didn't even ask-" Sunghoon suddenly cut himself off. "Wait... You're on your period, right?"
"Oh my god! Is that why you bailed?! You were in pain, weren't you?!" Jay grabbed my face so I would look at him. His eyes were filled with worry.
"Della, I am so sorry!" is Sunghoon crouching down so he can hug my waist? "Ahh, Heeseung-hyung!"
Two days in and my period had already caused so much dumb drama. What else is going to happen down the line?
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revcleo · 11 months
Hey I saw your tags on the tree law post and since you were looking for more information, I can share what I got from my brother who works in landscaping:
Coppicing is cutting a tree down to a stump so only the roots remain. It causes some tree species to grow more like shrubs. He also said these trees weren’t cut in the correct place to stimulate growth, which should be right after a branch splits into two or more smaller limbs. From how thick the branches are at the cuts, they have lost a lot of stored sugars in the branches that were removed, and lost its ability to create more energy from its leaves. They’re almost certainly going to die :(
These trees have been cut to have round tops, which ~is~ a certain trimming technique but it’s clear these particular trees have not been pruned like that before. You’re supposed to start that when the tree is younger. He said that maybe Universal might use the shaping as an excuse that they were *intending* to prune the trees properly, but he can tell this was not done by an arborist.
Please don’t take this as aggressive in any way. I saw that you were trying to ask and get info, and I don’t want you to feel attacked by this. I’m just sharing what I learned, too.
No worries! Tyvm! Also yeah I keep getting coppicing and pollarding mixed up for some reason, but this is definitely just trimming. I'm still gonna see what my tree expert says since I've a friend who does some stuff and says it looks normal, I'm wondering if there's just a difference between uk arboriculture and us, since the climate is definitely way different (on the most).
I don't think at that size you would want to stimulate growth tbh because it's pretty big already. And there's still quite a few leaves left, even if it'll be a poor growth year. I've seen local trees given a full pollard, though in late spring I think and they really bounced back.
Thank you for the info from your brother! I would still be suprised if they killed a couple of trees just to be a petty asshole, especially because of the expense and special equipment needed to safely trim such a large tree.
Also like, was it definitely universal? I've just seen so much fake stuff on the Internet that when I see something which looks like a clear absolutely nuts dick move that I'm like "no this is too perfect, is that really the case?"
Like lmao if they are people who would spend like £4000 or whatever to just make a small amount of strikers get sweaty, but you see what I mean?
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parkitaco · 2 years
any byler and will headcanons Please 🫶
ohh ily for asking this ty
some of these i’ve already posted about but:
- will likes to doodle on his assignments during class but he got in trouble for it one too many times so now mike makes sure to sit next to him in all their shared classes so that will can draw on his arm instead. they still 100% in trouble for it but neither of them care bc will is so endeared by it and mike is like “omg i get to WEAR your ART”
- elumax crumbs in this one!! lucas and will like to jokingly flirt with each other even tho lucas is dating max and el and will is dating mike and everyone gets SO pissy about it - el complains that will is always stealing her boyfriends and mike will literally shove his body in between them and act as a physical barrier to get them to stop. meanwhile dustin is just watching like. wow i hate my life. and max is the only one besides lucas and will that finds it funny
- mike steals will’s sweaters constantly and will tries to retaliate but mike’s shirts are too tight on him so mike purposely starts buying oversized sweaters and hoodies bc he likes seeing will wearing his clothes
- mike first says ‘i love you’ to will while they’re talking about something random and doesn’t even realize he said it until will smirks at him and goes “you love me, huh?” and mike starts freaking out bc he meant for it to be far more romantic and dramatic the first time he said it and then he says it without even realizing?? but will just laughs and kisses him and says “i love you too” and mike decides maybe it’s fine anyway like. it doesn’t need to be dramatic bc it’s so natural and easy and that’s why it slipped out in the first place
- will plays piano bc i said so. and mike plays guitar. mike once suggested that they switch instruments but then hopper complained that they both sounded terrible so they switched back
- jennifer hayes still won’t leave will alone. the party thinks this is hilarious. mike does not.
- will and mike only use pet names very sparingly bc a, max mocks them relentlessly if they do it in front of her, and b, they both just like the way the other person says their name?? they’re both way more gentle when they talk to each other so pet names aren’t really necessary. that being said mike calls will “baby” in a public environment at least once a week bc it makes will blush
- they get into petty arguments a lot but neither of them get truly mad over it. usually it just descends into will rolling his eyes and going “you’re so annoying” and mike immediately going into flirt mode and using cringey one-liners on him until will starts laughing at him
- obviously mike is the Jealous one, and after a while he doesn’t bother being subtle about it anymore, but sometimes mike gets hit on and will like. causes a commotion on the other side of the room or pretends to stumble and bump into them or something and half the time it’s believable enough that no one thinks anything of it but mike always knows and he teases will about it relentlessly. one time a girl tried to ask mike out and will made el light something on fire with her powers as a distraction
ummm ok i’m gonna stop there before this gets too ridiculously long but i could probably go on forever tbh. ty for the ask <33
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boy-armageddon · 10 days
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look at my ran about crimes brosourdoughstarter (text under da cut).
Also quick note: when I say “metronomes illustrate this,” I’m referring to how it illustrates what the world may become and shit like that and how you’ll be suffering too blah blah blah specifically. The “ignoring it” mostly comes in with feed me to the forest, and actually. That sort of connects feed me to the forest with trash flavored trash maybe? With how feed me to the forest leads into trash flavored trash and all. Coulddddd maybe be trying to also make a point that, with how people are so obsessed with pop culture and celebrities and the spectacle and dramatization of it all, it could be sort of distracting people from what’s actually happening in the world and the shitty path we’re headed down. But that’s just be spitballing here I only like just though about that lols
I can never ever pick fave albums unfortunately cause I just think “well what about this. Well if you pick that then you’re picking an album that’s probably Worse Quality(tm) than this other album that people prop up as a masterpiece”
Which is me being all self conscious over soemthing nopony else gives a fuck about. For me I’d have to say it’s crimes lol because of course I pick that
Not a song on there that I think you could remove with out creating a seriously worse experience and everything flows together so well for me and I truly don’t think there’s a “worst song” on the album or at least one that’s seriously bad. Like I say I don’t like trash flavored trash as much as the other songs on there, which is true, but like. It’s not seriously worse. I just have a petty thing about it for no particular reason. Genuinely one of the best post-hardcore albums to come out of the 2000s easily. I’ve also always felt like it was the perfect length and you never get like. Burnt out listening to it. I’ve always found myself just excitedly waiting to see if I notice anything new every listen (which i almost always do!!!) and the songwriting and guitar work and drumming and everything is just. Mwah. Goated perchance
It’s absolutely their magnum opus that’s for sure
Also the ending just fucking. Haunting. Doesn’t matter if you wanna say it’s Devastator or Metronomes (either work just beautifully for what the album is even if metronomes is a bonus track), but like. Man. Really leaves you to just sit there and think about what you just listened to, which you SHOULD!!!!!!!! It’s their most blatantly political and Whitney’s songwriting here in my opinion is at it’s strongest like. Just in general. Can’t believe he originally was like “eughhhh this is gonna fucking suck” GIRL ITS LIKE YOUR BEST WORK PERIOD!!!!!!! and Celebrator/Devastator follows through with this transparency. Like. No other way to read them other than talking about the war that was going on at the time and the closing lines of Devastator are very clearly asking you to think about what they were saying (“the party’s over, what was your favourite gift?”, especially with the context of the previous song, celebrator. Also not even just here just. Throughout the album) and think about what was going on in the world at the time and what the future might potentially look like if we don’t. Do something. And the future they’re painting a picture of is just utterly fucked (harkening back to feed me to the forest). It’s a pessimistic album, you might think, but frankly I do think it still has some hope for the future if people work towards it and don’t just sit on their asses and try to ignore it. Metronomes illustrates this quite clearly in my opinion but I don’t feel like talking about that too in depth here. What I’m saying is, either work extremely well. They work best together in one listen but that’s just my opinion. Also the way metronomes ends too…….. god. God. Crimes is so fucking good
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