#I’m one of the mods and I’m super excited about it!
fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
One thing I can tell you is that I will be backing up my sims 2 downloads folder. I can’t go through this again
#i didn’t back up the one i had on the first laptop i played ts2 on because it was disorganised and riddled with broken shit#and i didn’t get chance to back up the one that was on the laptop i had before THIS one#because it broke 🥲#i think i will use dropbox AND a usb just to be safe. can’t do this again#i did get the mods i wanted lol and i found my favourite set of default skintones#the creator deleted their blog because they Always do sooner or later but everything of theirs is on simfileshare#i don’t want like Tons of stuff because i know how i am. i’ll spend hours and hours downloading content and very little time actually#playing the game. a few sets of skintones; some default eyes; better hairstyles & some clothes should be just fine#if i can find like a furniture pack or something that will be fab too because super collection only has 3 stuff packs#and none of them are the one i wanted lol (IKEAAAA)#i have all the mods i need. unless i forgot about something that annoys me#really i just wanted acr; pregforallgenders; same sex marriage; and triplets and quads (purely for the chaos)#some people make their game harder by modding the jobs or school grades to be harder. i make it harder by adding the possibility that some#unfortunate person could give birth to quadruplets#it’s totally not just because i find the jobs to be hard enough#i need some face templates too because i am Not looking at maxis townies any longer than i have to#i’m just so excited to get back into this game. it has such personality <3#personal
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duskbats · 2 years
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i’m not sure if this is something that people are interested in, but i kind of wanted to make this as a personal thing anyway in case i end up losing all of my occult related mods one day. these are mods for occult sims that i have in my game and either can’t live without, or am excited to try out myself!
this is heavily inspired by many other wonderful must have mod lists, so thank you to everyone who has made one of these as this post will follow a similar layout and structure and inspired me to make my own. i’ll try my best to keep this post up to date! - updated 6th april 2024.
mods marked “new!” aren’t necessarily new mods, but are new additions to this list.
bloody bites & wounds.
i think i’d consider this my most essential vampire mod. it’s not for everyone, as it is quite gory, but i personally love that this adds levels of blood messiness depending on how much they drink etc. it’s pretty self explanatory otherwise!
vampires can kill.
this is a fun one that just made sense to me. i’m not one to have violence mods in my games, but sometimes a vampire can get a little carried away and drink more than they should, y’know? 
immersive vampires.
i’m a big fan of any mod that adds depth to the way sims can interact with each other, even if it doesn’t have a significant effect. this mod adds the ability for vampires to ask others more about vampires and confess that they’re a vampire etc.
vampire magic.
i still have yet to actually play with this mod, but it appealed to me after making my vampire the masquerade sims and the tremere clan as they’re known to be magic users of sorts. i also really like how this mod can add a special sage too, and you find out vampire spells by asking the sages!
vampire bloodlines.
reworks the vampire bloodlines a little bit, making each bloodline have a different weakness/strength level in regards to xp gain and energy drain when being exposed to sunlight.
vampire initiation ritual.
this is another mod i haven’t played with yet but i 100% plan to when the time is appropriate in my gameplay. this adds a special event for a vampire initiation, where you can invite other vampires to witness the turning of a human.
more drinks for vampires.
another mod that i’d consider essential for my gameplay, i’m always on the lookout for more vampire drinks and food as the game is lacking them! this mod only adds drinks though, featuring a simple glass of blood and a blood cocktail. these can also be accessed from the vintage glamour bar which i think is super handy.
vampire food set. & NEW plasma foods!
similar to the above mod, this features food specifically for vampires. i do wish there were more vampire recipes, though. i also wanted to mention srslysims’ cooking overhaul includes some vampire recipes too, and for those who enjoy playing with vampire toddlers, this mod is great!
plasma fruit override.
pretty self explanatory and simple. it makes the plasma fruit look more blood-like by making everything red, this is something i’ll only use sometimes depending on the vibe of the gameplay i’m doing with vampires as sometimes i want it to be more sims-like and keep with the purple theme. but i’m currently using this mod!
vampires weakness freedom.
this is something i like to be selective with with my vampires, some i want to give weaknesses and some i don’t. i used to use mccc to remove weaknesses after picking their powers but this one allows you to pick powers without requiring weaknesses, too! but you can still pick them if you’d like. i also highly recommend this creator’s other vampire mods, such as no friendship decay from hissing.
misc. vampire mods.
there are a few other minor vampire mods that i want to include but they’re not major enough for me to make a section for each, so i decided to link the creator i depend on the most for my vampire mods, zero. they have various mods that i find to be more quality of life things for vampires, such as the pass out animation being more dramatic, and many more.
alchemy overhaul.
once again, one of the most important mods for spellcasters i think! this mod allows you to create the outdoor retreat potions with the cauldron, adjusted the prices and ingredients and you can also purchase alchemy ingredients at the computer.
functional spellbook.
i actually adore this mod and every spellcaster of mine has one in their home! it’s very helpful for spellcasters that live in small homes as they can learn things from the book without having to walk all the way out to a big open space to practice spells in front of their neighbours.
expanded spells collection.
another handy mod that expands on pre-existing spells for your spellcasters. it adds more depth to certain spells such as allowing to clean pets with scruberoo, adding new types of summonable undead with necrocall and more.
craftable wands, brooms & tomes.
this one is completely new to me and i actually just found it when i was compiling this list, but it seems exciting to use and a great idea for running an alchemy shop. it’s pretty self explanatory, it allows you to craft certain wands and brooms with the woodworking table. tomes can be written on the computer like a regular book.
kids can perform magic. UPDATED (untested)
i know this mod used to work at some point, but i’m not 100% sure if it does anymore as i remember having some problems the last time i had a spellcaster child in my game. i was recently browsing this creator’s patreon and discovered that i THINK this mod has been updated? i haven’t been able to test it yet but here’s hoping! but if it does work or gets updated, this is a great mod as i never understood how magic for children wasn’t a thing in RoM already.
magic realm initiation rework.
i really like the sound of this mod as i never personally liked the “mote hunt” to become a spellcaster. this mod makes it so that each sage has a different task for spellcaster initiation.
misc. spellcaster mods.
similar to vampires, i depend on zero a lot for my spellcaster mods. they have many other minor quality of life mods or spellcasters as well that i highly recommend you check out if you play with spellcasters a lot!
i want to add a sidenote to this section to say i actually haven’t played with any of these mods yet as i have yet to play with werewolves in general, but i wanted to include werewolves in this list regardless as there are actually mods for them now!
this mod seems to essentially give the ability for werewolves to be spellcasters, but they’re called mooncasters. it seems a bit complicated to become a mooncaster, but this mod looks very well thought out and in depth!
werewolf blood kills vampires.
i put this in the werewolf section as it seems to be more beneficial for werewolves than vampires, considering it has dire consequences for vampires. but the mod name itself is pretty self explanatory!
werewolves can kill sims.
another self explanatory mod name, and similar to the vampires can kill mod. werewolves can attack and kill sims with this mod!
no relationship loss from werewolf reactions.
i never liked these features that EA adds that makes it so that all sims react negatively to occult sims, so i’m happy to have this addition in my game!
less furious werewolves.
another mod i have yet to experience, but it seems that werewolves’ fury meters fill up way too quickly so this seems like an important one.
fated mate changes.
changes the way a werewolf can find their fated mate. previously, the werewolf would have to use a romantic interaction to discover if a sim is their fated mate. now this mod can make it so that any interaction can find their fated mate. also makes it so that a werewolf can find a fated mate whether they’re an occult or not!
werewolf club activities.
allows you to add werewolf activities to a club, essentially making a club version of a werewolf pack!
werewolf tweaks. new!
pretty self explanatory. this mod features a few tweaks for werewolves such as giving vampires a venomous bite, more vicious rampages and even a tea to protect sims from werewolves.
werewolf bloodlines. new!
basically the same as the other bloodline mods included here, but for werewolves.
various occult mods.
this section will feature mods for other occults or multiple occults, considering i haven’t found enough to give them their own section yet. werewolves will be added once more mods are made and i’ve experienced them to see what mods i find useful.
occult activities.
this applies to both spellcasters and vampires, and i think it’s really useful! it allows vampires to go out hunting in a rabbit hole if you don’t feel like helping them hunt for sims to feed from, and spellcasters can forage for ingredients for their potions.
supernatural traits.
this is a great mod that allows you to add special traits to your supernatural sims. these can either add depth to a pre-existing occult sim (i.e, a vampire with a haunted trait) or make new occults all together (sort of).
enhanced aliens. CURRENTLY BROKEN - Causes wants & fears to not show up!
this mod adds some well needed features to aliens. it gives them powers such as mood boosting and draining other sims and mind control powers that allow them to command a sim to do things, plus some other stuff.
alien bloodlines.
this basically just adds bloodlines similar to those that spellcasters have to aliens, but i definitely think it’s worth using if you play with aliens!
ghastly ghosts.
something that i’ve ALWAYS wanted is the ability to make ghosts feel more unique, and this mod seemingly does exactly that. now only certain sims can see ghosts (children, occults & mediums) and ghosts can’t easily communicate with living sims anymore, making those sims that can see ghosts feel special.
dormant occult traits.
this allows sims who have a lineage of occults to be born with a dormant trait related to that occult, which is apparently something that came with werewolves. these dormant traits can be unlocked in certain ways and allows said sim to rediscover their lineage and become that occult!
various occult food.
this find was HUGE for me, considering i’m always wanting more food for vampires in particular. BUT this list features foods for other occults, too!
credit of course goes to all of the wonderful mod creators, and i want to credit those who have made mod lists before me as i was heavily inspired by those lists.
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
My sister likes you!
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synopsis: her sibling outs her crush on you!
character(s): jean, ayaka, yoimiya. (seperate)
warning(s): probably second hand embarrassment.
note(s): female reader, second POV.
p.s: did you know that if all the humans in the world were blended into a fine paste and smushed into a giant ball, it’d be under 1 km wide?
—mod angel 🎐
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“Aren’t the flowers pretty, Jean?”
The dandelion knight took a sharp breath of air at your words and tried hard not to think about how angelic your voice sounded. Swallowing the urge to say “you’re prettier” to your face, and instead opting to agree with you in a short, yet awkward cough. 
“Yes, very much so. The citizens have done well decorating this year.”
It was the time of the Windblume festival, when you invited Jean out to go exploring for the night. Call it a date if you want, but you and Jean weren’t together by any means as you two were simply coworkers that seemed to chat all too comfortably. Simply coworkers that always hugged a bit too long whenever you were together, and simply coworkers that blushed whenever you two would accidentally touch each other.
Yep, simply coworkers. Just coworkers. Nothing more, nothing less.
But that wouldn’t stop Jean from staring at you whilst you chatted with a nearby shopkeep. Admiring how the natural gale of Mondstadt’s winds seemed to make your hair fly by so idly, or how the setting sun of Teyvat’s sky would cause your skin to blemish with a warm, hazy glow. All the little details that would make you stand out like a portrait straight out of a museum.
‘Ethereal..’ Jean thought wordlessly, as you stood oblivious to your own beauty, ‘Perhaps…today really is the day.’
Unbeknownst to you, Jean had debated on whether or not she should confess her feelings to you during the time of the Windblume festival. After all, it was a festival most well known for couples, and Jean thought it’d be extra meaningful for you if she were to confess her love on that very day.
Well, today is that very day.
“Gorgeous these flowers are, hm Jean?” You looked back at her with the face of a doe. 
“Huh? Oh yes!” The knight smiled at your content and watched as you made a purchase for two flower crowns with the shopkeep. One that was yellow like Jean’s hair, and one that was white. 
“Hehe, here Jean, this one’s for you.”
The dandelion knight stood stiffer than a board when you placed the small wreath of flowers on top of her. Face absolutely blooming with red when she realized that the two flower crowns you had bought were symbols for someone confessing their love.
“Y/N, these crowns! Th-They—“
Jean could not help but cover her face in embarrassment. Was this your confession to her? Did you like her back?
“They’re pretty right?” You seemed oblivious to their symbolism and plopped your own flower crown on top of your head. “I have a keen eye for these kinds of things.”
“O-Oh, right. Yes, they are very pretty…” Jean couldn’t help but deflate at her misunderstanding. “I see, thank you for purchasing them, Y/N.”
You innocently smiled back at her, practically beaming with obliviousness at what you had done and tormenting the poor Favonius knight, as It was now up to her to pull the first string. 
Up to her, and now she was a bit more doubtful.
What if you knew what the flower crowns symbolized and this was your way of rejecting her? Did you catch on to the acting grandmaster's horrible attempts to cover up her crush? Oh Barbatos, maybe this whole Windblume confession wasn’t a good idea after all—
You and Jean turned to see none other than Jean’s little sister Barbara holding her face in her hands and squealing like a super fan. Running up to you oh so joyously and clasping her older sister’s hands with delight.
“You really did it!” She seemed to exclaim, her soft and gentle voice failing to conceal her excitement. “I’m overjoyed for you, Jean.”
“Barbara?!” Jean looked surprised.
“Hello Barbara!” You chirped.
“Hello Y/N! I’m so glad you accepted my sister’s confession!” 
Jean looked at Barbara, then looked at you, and then looked at the flower crowns sitting on top of your heads. Oh… The Favonius knight’s jaw fell agape. Oh no…
“B-Barbara! It’s not what it—”
“Ohh, I’m so glad things turned out well! Poor Jean was practically writhing in fear for this day as she was planning to confess to you for ages! (Sigh) Thank Barbatos for this blessed day! Now we can celebrate this newfound love together!”
“Barbara…” Jean felt a lump of saliva build up in her throat as she watched your face burn up with shame. Or, what she assumed was shame. 
“Hm?” Her innocent little sister looked up at her in obliviousness.
“I…I haven’t confessed to her yet…”
“…Huh?” the nun’s face fell crestfallen. Jean’s words echoing in her mind like a hollow symphony that reminded her of what she had done. “You haven’t…b-but—“
But the flowers! Your smile, your laughter. The symbolism! How could—
“Ohhh I am so sorry!” Barbara’s face flushed with panic as she rushed to run off in a blind stupor. “Sister Rosaria put the balloons away! I repeat! Put the balloons awayyyy!” 
Running off to go shove Rosaria away and cover a bunch of floating heart balloons, Jean could only wince in pure, mental pain as she felt her insides crush to a splinter. Hesitantly waiting to see what your face must’ve looked like after all the chaotic-ness that unfolded right beneath your very eyes.
‘Well that went as smooth as nails on a chalkboard’ Jean braced herself for impact when she turned to see your reaction to all of this. ‘What would Y/N think of me now…?’
“You…You were planning to confess to me?” You covered up your mouth to conceal your blush. “Really..?”
“I…I was,” the dandelion knight chewed the inside of her lip in panic. “However, I did not expect my little sister to do it for me…” 
Jean turned her head away bashfully, “Please excuse me…” 
“No no! I think it’s cute!” You chuckled, reaching for the acting grandmaster’s hand. “It’s very sweet, actually, and besides..”
You leaned over to whisper delicately into Jean’s ear. Her breath hitching at your hushed words.
“I was planning to confess to you first.”
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“Mister Ayato, didn’t you hear? Ayaka’s bringing a woman home!”
Ayato nearly spat out his boba at Thoma’s words, and stared slack-jawed at the wall while the housekeeper danced in glee. 
“A woman! An actual woman! Oh how Lady Ayaka has grown!” Thoma smiled joyously and grabbed a broomstick propped against the wall. “I must get the estate in tip top shape! I heard that this was the woman that Ayaka wanted to court.” 
“…I beg your pardon?” Ayato’s brow twitched at his oblivious housekeeper, and watched as he started sweeping with the grace of a ballet dancer, completely nonchalant to Ayato’s thunderous tone. “Oh? You didn’t hear, sir?” Thoma grinned and grabbed a nearby dustpan to sweep, “Ayaka has been over the moon for this girl. I’ve never seen her so smitten in all my years of working here.”
“Smitten?” It seems like Ayato was having trouble processing this whole ordeal. “A woman? Ayaka? My little sister Ayaka?!”
The older Kamisato practically crushed the boba cup in his hand out of annoyance, splashing the milk tea and pearls everywhere and spilling it all over his shirt.
“M-Mister Ayato!”
“Make this woman stay for dinner. I’d like to have a chat with her…”
“I…of course, sir…but let’s get you into a new shirt…”
Dinner came without any major complications. At the news of her big brother personally inviting you to stay for dinner, Ayaka was ecstatic. Nervous, but ecstatic to be with you longer as —like Thoma said— she was simply over the moon for you. And knowing that her big brother wanted you to stay for longer? Hah! Ayaka could cry tears of joy!
‘He must’ve taken a liking to you…’ were the younger Kamisato’s thoughts as she watched him eye you from the back of a shoji screen. ‘Y/N really is the perfect woman for me…’
Well, she was right about one thing, and it wasn’t Ayato taking a liking to you…
Her big brother couldn’t help but be bitter at the way you were fitting in so smoothly with the rest of the Kamisato family and staff. Smiling oh so joyously and making his Ayaka laugh with how charming and witty you were with your words. Ayato had to admit, he couldn’t find a single thing wrong with you, which in turn made him even more bitter.
“The food is amazing, Thoma! You really cooked all of this yourself?” You beamed like the sun itself and gratefully ate bite after bite of the dish Thoma had prepared for this evening. Ayato seething since your compliment showed your humble side, and noting that this was just yet another pro to your ongoing list of pros vs cons. Something Ayato thought was impossible when it came to Ayaka’s suitors.
“All from scratch! And Lady Ayaka helped prepare the food too, she helped marinate the fish.”
You turned to Ayaka who was seated right next to you and smiled. Truly proud of how good of a cook the princess could be. “You marinated the fish? It’s incredible, Ayaka. I’ve never tasted anything quite like it…”
“Ah…th-thank you Y/N!” Ayaka smiled endearingly and tried to cover up her blush by eating another piece of rice. Chewing quickly to avoid the spread of tomato face. ‘Ahh she complimented me!’
Ayato however, was not as ecstatic. Sitting there with the most poker-faced face you had ever seen on a man, and effectively making you sit on the edge of your seat in suspense. The hard stare of the man alone was enough to get you nervous enough to break into a cold sweat, and you couldn’t help but chug down a glass of water in an attempt to calm yourself.
‘Wh-Why is he staring at me like that?!’ You swallowed a lump of saliva, feeling like you were being judged. ‘Did I do something wrong?’
‘Do something wrong. Come onnn..!’ Ayato frowned.
‘What a lovely dinner this has been.’ Thoma smiled.
‘I’m so gayyy…’ Ayaka blushed.
With all four of you amidst your own specially unique thoughts, Ayato decided that now was the perfect time to start phase one of the interview. As you seemed to be caught off guard and Ayaka was too distracted trying to fan herself from how hot you were.
“So, Miss Y/N…” Ayato hummed, quickly snagging your attention away from the food. “How did you meet my dear sister Ayaka?”
His younger sister suddenly choked on a piece of tofu and started hacking into a napkin in an attempt to stifle herself from Ayato’s words. Innocent they may seem, but the answer to that question was far from so. “M-Meet?” The tips of Ayaka’s ears turned red as she thought back to your very first meeting. “Oh…it was quite embarrassing…”
“Embarrassing…?” Ayato’s faux smile twitched as he glared at you from behind his masked eyelids. ‘You heathen. I knew you did something to my poor Ayaka. No one is that perfect.’
“Do you wish for me to share, Ayaka?” Your gentle words made the princess flush, “If you are not comfortable, that is completely alright. It shall stay a secret between us two.” You pressed a finger to your lips and smiled, causing the young Kamisato to flare up even more.
‘Archons, can this girl not be so charming?’ Ayato seethed. Thoma all the while, enjoying every second of this like a proud mother. ‘It’s almost impossible to hate her…’
“Y-You can share, Y/N. I don’t mind as long as it’s just Thoma and my brother.” Ayaka shyly peered down at her bowl of rice and failed to conceal the small smile growing upon her face. Shy as she was, she seemed to really enjoy how enthusiastic you were in sharing about your relationship, making her all the more excited to court you when the time comes. 
“If you say so,” you chuckled, lying your head on Ayaka’s shoulder and smiling affectionately at her as if you were already dating. “Ayaka and I met with a very…interesting inconvenience. You see, I was walking my dog along the streets of Inazuma, when Goldfish spotted Ayaka and decided to jump on her out of excitement.”
“Hold on, goldfish?” Thoma clarified.
“Hm? Oh! My dog’s name is Goldfish.” You confirmed. “I’ve always wanted a goldfish but my father got me a dog.”
‘…Well that’s odd. Usually it’s the other way around.’ Ayato couldn’t help but get a bit more curious about you now. In a more…good way, to be specific.
“Anywho, after Goldfish ran up to Ayaka and accidentally tackled her to the ground, that was when I first caught a glimpse of her and rushed to apologize profusely,” you turned to Ayaka apologetically and cringed. “I’m so sorry once again, Ayaka. Goldfish too.”
“Y/N, I’ve told you it’s alright,” Ayato watched as Ayaka giggled at your guilt-sunken eyes. “It just caught me by surprise, really.”
‘Even so, that doesn’t change the fact that you let your dog trample over my sister…’ Ayato grumbled. ‘She deserved a new dress.’
“You’re so sweet Ayaka…” you giggled, “Anyways, I made it up to her by ordering her a custom made, tailored dress that was made of the finest Sumerian silk and designed by the best seamstress in all of Fontaine. I made sure it was of the finest quality after the misfortune that I caused for Ayaka that day.”
After concluding that story, Ayato felt his jaw drop. Had you read his mind? A new dress? Sumeru silk? The best seamstress in all of Fontaine?! 
Ayaka fussed over how much mora you must’ve spent to apologize to her, yet all Ayato could think of was ‘damn, she spoils her well. I like her.’ Instantly winning his approval, and immediately putting you on the highest pedestal for the tower of Ayaka’s suitors.
“That must’ve been very expensive and generous of you, Miss Y/N,” and for once this whole dinner, Ayato let his mask slip and a genuine smile show through. “No wonder my sister wishes to court you. You seem like a lady of refined taste, haha…”
You, Thoma, and especially Ayaka all froze at Ayato’s nonchalant words. Her big brother chuckling to himself all too innocently as he hadn’t realized he had ruined the surprise.
“Uhm, Mister Ayato….” Thoma whispered, his ears burning red from second-hand embarrassment. “Miss Y/N and Lady Ayaka aren’t together yet…”
“Hm? Well of course they aren’t—“ and then his words caught up with him. “They aren’t…o-oh…”
‘Did I hear him correctly?’ Your face started heating up at the thought. ‘Ayaka wishes to court me…?’
“Ayato…” Ayaka fumed, steam pouring from her ears as she saw your face grow redder and redder. “Ayato…”
Ayato had never seen Ayaka so embarrassed in all his life. Shaking like a leaf as she had never expected for her confession to turn out this way at all.
“Oh Ayaka…I’m so—“
Then she passed out in embarrassment.
And that’s how Ayaka —or Ayato in this case— accidentally confessed to you and started a newfound relationship. After you made sure she was okay, of course.
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“Big Sister Yoimiya…what’re you doing…?”
Yoimiya nearly leapt out of her skin at the sound of Klee’s voice, as she was hiding in a bush trying hard not to look overly suspicious. Too bad she failed however, as even a child as young as Klee could easily  spot Yoimiya from a distance. Though, she is a Favonius knight…
“I— I was— I wasn’t—!” Babbling on for an excuse, Klee took it upon herself to follow Yoimiya’s gaze and spotted you chatting idly not too far away. Tilting her head at the sight, as the situation out of context made it seem like Yoimiya was stalking you. Which, let’s be honest, she was doing unintentionally.
“Big Sister Yoimiya, were you stalking Miss Y/N?” The child asked innocently, cutting her rambling short.
“Huh? No! No no of course not!” Yoimiya sputtered out all too quickly. “I was just…well, trying to think of a way to court her. That’s all.”
Should she really be revealing all of this? Yoimiya bit her lip as a blush spread forth upon her face. I mean, Klee is only a child, there’s no way she could understand such an emotional topic. 
“…Court her? What’s that?” Klee asked nonchalantly.
“Ah…well,” The fireworks director scratched her head in thought. “It’s like…when someone really likes a person and wishes to be with them forever.”
“Huh? Oh! Like best friends! You want to be best friends with Y/N, right?”
No, far from that actually.
“Erm…not exactly,” Yoimiya giggled all too bashfully. “I just…Y’know…really like her is all. In a more romantic sense.”
“Like her…?” Suddenly Klee’s eyes lit up. “Oh! Ohhh! You like Y/N! You like Y/N!” She suddenly started jumping up and down in excitement and started gathering the attention of many passerbyers around, much to the embarrassment of Yoimiya.
“Yoimiya likes Y/N! Yoimiya likes Y/N!”
“K-Klee!” Yoimiya panicked and quickly clasped her hands over her mouth. “Not too loud now, I don’t want anyone to know!”
Nervously looking over to where you were standing, you shot her an awkward smile as you were too far away to really hear what Klee had said. Giving the fireworks director a lopsided grin whilst you continued to chat with your friend.
“Hehehe, she’s adorable isn't she?” Yoimiya grinned before hurrying off with the little sparknight between her arms. “Now if you’d please excuse me…”
And that was the last time you saw Yoimiya before she suddenly asked you out a few days later. Trying to make you forget the awkward encounter as soon as possible as she wanted to make a good impression on you if she wanted to court you properly. She wasn’t on a very good start to begin with, but you admired her determination to talk to you anyway.
“An afternoon stroll, hm?” You were curious as to what the fireworks director had in plan. “Sure, I don’t have any plans today anyway.”
“Great! I have lots to plan for us today so let’s get going!”
Truth be told, you’ve always found Yoimiya to be pretty cute in both looks and personality. However, as a high-ranking noblewoman who came from an esteemed high-order family, you had multiple suitors waiting in line for your hand. And for you to accept Yoimiya’s, she’d have to put in a bit more effort. 
This ‘date’ was pretty much a test of sorts for you to see whether or not Yoimiya was a perfect candidate to be your wife, and poor Yoimiya had no idea!
“I was thinking we could go feed some koi fish in the river. Then, we can go grab some dango and boba from the food stalls over there.”
“That sounds lovely, Yoimiya,” you smiled. Though the date itself seemed a bit simple for your tastes… “Looking forward to it.”
As simple as the idea was, Yoimiya’s smile was enough to get you to smile too. Gently pulling the wrist of your arm towards the river and settling beneath the shade of an overcast bridge. 
“I bought us enough packets to last an hour. You don’t have to use them up all at once, but I thought it’d be a great way to converse while mindlessly doing something.”
Pouring a shitton of fish food packets into your hands, you could only gawk at surprise as you counted twenty…no thirty— packets of fish food that Yoimiya had somehow stored in her pockets.
Pockets? Did her outfit even have any?!
“Goodness, Yoimiya!” You laughed as the packets of fish food spilled out from your hands. “How much Mora did you spend on this?”
“Let’s just say I went a bit overboard…” the pyro woman chuckled. “Here, I’ll open up a packet for you.”
Helping to tear open a few packets for you to share, you and Yoimiya sat at the edge of the river bank and began throwing little balls of compressed fish food into the water. Watching as the different sizes and colors of koi fish darted back and forth in order to fight each other for a speck of food. 
“Oh! There’s my favorite one!” Yoimiya pointed to a fish with a long, flowy tail. “I named it after you.”
“Mhm! Because it’s the prettiest one here!”
You felt an arrow pierce your heart at her words as she continued to innocently toss more food into the water. ‘Hm…perhaps she would be a good candidate for a suitor…’ you thought. She does know how to flatter…
“Do you come here to feed them often? It seems like they all are familiar with you.”
“Hah, I suppose,” Yoimiya smiled. “I come down sometimes when I have the time, and I guess they just got used to seeing me.”
Yoimiya pointed to a fish with a big scar. “That one’s Tanjiro. He’s the friendliest of them all and likes to get his head tapped.”
To demonstrate, Yoimiya tapped the surface of the water and watched as said fish swam up and nudged its forehead with her finger.
“Awww,” you cooed. “Did you give all of them names?”
“Some of the more distinct ones. Like this one!” She pointed to a fish that had a splotch of white in the shape of a lightning bolt. 
“That one’s Zenitsu. He’s very fast and agile.”
She then pointed to a fish that looked like it was fighting with Tanjiro, swimming left and right with enough strength to splash the surface. 
“That one is Inosuke. He’s the most aggressive fish.” 
And finally, she pointed to the smallest fish that seemed to follow Tanjiro around like a child. Blowing out little air bubbles out of its mouth as it watched Tanjiro fight with Inosuke.
“That one is Nezuko. I have a strong suspicion her and Tanjiro are close as they always follow each other in circles.” 
‘That’s so cute.’ You thought as you stared at Yoimiya with admiring, doe-like eyes. Both for the fish and Yoimiya as you had never expected for her to be this adorable. 
“Such interesting names…” you hummed, impressed with how creative she was, though not enough to win over your favor. ‘She seems like a good enough suitor…however, I need to see something that’ll really push her up on that pedestal—‘
The sudden shriek of something soaring into the air cut your thoughts short as both you and Yoimiya looked at each other in surprise.
“What is—“
Another shriek, followed by an explosion caused the two of you to look up into the sky. Bright, sparkly fireworks illuminating the daytime sky as Yoimiya flinched at the array.
“F-Fireworks?!” She exclaimed, amidst a growing panic as fireworks were not supposed to go off today for any sort of reason. “But that’s impossible! We don’t have any shows today—“
And what Yoimiya saw after that made her whole world shake.
A massive series of colorful explosions shot into the air all at once. Shrieking in what felt like mocking laughter to Yoimiya as the words, “YOIMIYA LIKES Y/N!!!” In bright, bold, sparkly letters shot up into the sky. Stunning the citizens of Inazuma, as you and Yoimiya watched in complete and utter awe.
Or horror for Yoimiya’s point of view. 
Yoimiya’s eyes widened as she kept glancing at you, at the sky, and back at you in a frenzy while trying desperately to think of a solution to this disastrous outcome. 
Who in Inazuma would do this to her?!
“W-Wait! Before you freak out Y/N—”
And then a bigger, more louder explosion set fire to the sky. This time dominating the silly words with a boisterous, sound barrier-breaking, even flashier explosion that formed the all-too-familiar shape of Klee’s Dodoco. 
“Ah…” Yoimiya’s voice cracked as she watched the sheer size of the massive Dodoco overtake the sky. Intimidating everyone in Inazuma with its aura, and making it very well known that it was the Spark Knight of Favonius that caused such a stupor. 
‘I’m so screwed…’ Yoimiya groaned inwardly. Hiding her face in shame as she couldn’t dare peak through her fingers to see what kind of face you were making. But if only she knew, that the face you were making wasn’t of disgust or annoyance, but of joy and lovesick admiration. 
Oh archons...
You wanted to marry this woman.
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modelbus · 6 months
yeah I did it again.
(Help I have a problem of disappearing into thin air)
you said you would write 500 chapters.. but like obviously exaggerating..? (Kiddinggg)
tho a few more couldn’t hurt..
juuuust saying if you ever feel like it I will eventually see it and it will eventually make my week. <3333
BUT THATS NOT WHY WE ARE HERE! (I’m sorry my requests are always so long and dramatic bro I just brain like that)
Actual request:
ok so like I knowww cut chaos started from rumours but like rumours are an easy way to start plot lines k? (Also I use she pronouns out of habit but they is pog too)
the friends in question: Tommyinnit (duh), Wilbur (moosic boi), Ranboo (generation loss trauma guy), Possibly Slimecicle?? I know he’s not someone you do requests for normally buttt if you’re okay with it that would be POG, or if slime is a no, tubbo!
SO a few months ago Y/N started working on an SMP with some minimal custom mods, some fancy texture packs, maybe some data packs, and its like this BIGGG project, BUT its not public and its taking a lot of her time, so she can only really do a few streams and most of the time because her schedule is so full its hard to work out streams with friends so, she is alone. with the internet being the internet people started to think something was up, some annoyed viewers made a few rumours and people kept making things up and escalating things until people were saying she did all sorts of horrible things to “lose all her friends” but one of the most popular theories was that she was emotionally abusing them (??? Internet wildin ig) she ignored them while mostly finishing the stuff for the smp, but decided to address it in a very- y/n way. Getting four friends to come to her house and hide slightly off camera while she made a purposefully bad apology video only for them to jump out at the end and her to stand up and be like “YALL REALLY THOUGHT I WAS SOME MASTER MANIPULATOR?! I’M JUST A FUNKY LITTLE CHAOTIC MINECRAFT GOBLIN N’ I’VE BEEN WORKING ON AN SMP THIS WHOLE TIME!! ITS GONNA BE SUPER COOL AND THESE FOUR PLUS ALOOOOT MORE PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE THERE I’M POSTING THE CREATORS SOON AND ITS LAUNCHING IN A MONTH!, SO STOP ASSUMING I’M A BAD PERSON AND GET PUMPED BITCHES!” something along those lines, maybe at the end a little peek at what people are responding with. (Obviously no pressure, but like id be cool) (thanks for considering deity of the busses and models.)
P.S I’m not always an angst gremlin (just most of the time..) - ✨🌌🌙 Annon
I DO BE LIKING THE SILLIES (and thank you for elevating me to the level of deity, my ego has been inflated)
Pairing: Cc! Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle x Gn!Reader (platonic)
Roaring Rumors
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Life was all about sacrifices.
Or, that’s what you keep telling yourself when you’re up at 1AM working on your server. Putting together an SMP is harder than it sounds; texture packs, data packs, comparability, world-building, even the (seemingly) simply act of contacting people to play on it. For the amount of time you spent on your computer, your hands might as well be part of your keyboard.
Sleep wasn’t the only thing you sacrificed. Streaming, even just fun ones with your friends, had quickly became rare. Although you loved to hop on a call while coding still, your online presence had severely receded.
You just keep telling yourself that sacrifices are necessary. That the payoff would be worth it.
And it really would be, but you just had to get there first. Which was proving harder than you had thought.
At the very least, you still had your friends. Wilbur sitting silently on call with you while you work, Tommy dragging you out of your room, Ranboo always willing to get excited over your progress. Every day you woke up with a text from your groupchat—typically Charlie—just filling you in on the latest internet trend by a meme.
Today, your news comes from Wilbur and Tommy.
“I think they’re canceling you.” Wilbur says casually while you’re in the midst of detailing the hunger bar for a texture pack.
“Ooh, you’re a wrong’un!” Tommy yells in the background of Wilbur’s side of the call.
The three of you had been idly chatting while each doing your own thing. Wilbur and Tommy were engaged in some Twitter competition, as far as you know.
“Canceling me for what?” You ask, deciding to ignore Tommy’s shouting.
“Existing, I think.” Wilbur answers.
“So the normal.”
“The normal.”
Although the conversation stops there, you can’t help yourself. Later, during one of the few hours you dedicate to getting sleep to stay alive, you pull open Twitter on your phone. Your last tweet was nearly two weeks ago, so it’s been a minute.
But you just want to make sure nothing horrible happened while you were busy. You’re a content creator, this is normal. Definitely. You definitely aren’t just justifying this so you can do it.
You swipe through tweets, heading to trending and searching your name. Tweets load, making your mouth run dry. Wilbur wasn’t joking.
All you can do is scroll, reading as the messages get wilder and wilder. From people saying they were missing you to theories on why nobody was streaming you. Each one seemed considerably more implausible, and before you know it you’re glaring at your screen like it’s to fault.
Some thought you had grown apart.
Some thought you had a falling out.
And, apparently, a lot thought you were emotionally abusing them. Or, depending on the tweet, manipulating them.
Quite honestly, you didn’t even know how they got the idea. The long threads of explanations did nothing but send you into a spiral, biting your bottom lip so hard that it bleeds.
You were so close to finishing the SMP. It needed just a few things, then you'd be able to start scheduling to get it up and running. You didn't have the time nor mental capacity to deal with whatever the fuck is going on right now.
Is it a good choice? Maybe not. But do you still ignore the accusations? Hell yes.
By the time you get even closer to finishing the preparations for your SMP, you've come up with the perfect plan to address the (quite stupid) rumors. It'll be a two-in-one; you address the rumors and announce the SMP at the same time.
"How long do I have to lay on this floor?" Tommy asks, stretched out behind your chair.
"Nobody asked you to lay on the floor." Wilbur points out, standing next to your computer. Charlie, on the other side, laughs.
"Yeah man, you wanted to be down there."
"Besides, I'm doing great down here!" Ranboo chimes in.
You roll your eyes, grinning. "I'm about to start stream, so it won't be for much longer. Just wait for my cue, yeah?"
Tommy grumbles, but shuts up. You take that as your chance to start the stream, switching it off your waiting screen and waving to the camera. Your chosen stream title has brought in a bit more than your usual casual steam view number, "Talking about some serious stuff," leading people to believe there will be drama. And if it's drama they want, it's drama you'll give.
"Hello, hello!" You smile, leaning back. "So I've decided to talk about some things. Namely, the Twitter shit. I am so sorry for everything, and I mean that. A lot. Sincerely. There's meaning in it."
Tommy snorts, and from the corner of your eye you catch Wilbur kick him to shut him up.
"What am I sorry about?" You ask rhetorically, acting like you read it off of chat. "Oh, you know. People have been saying all types of stuff. The things about me manipulating my friends?" There's a pause while you let that sink in. "So, I'm sorry."
It's a purposefully shitty apology, but you sigh and act like its heartfelt for a few moments, nodding towards chat. Their messages are mostly confused, especially because it isn't one emote-only.
"Sorry you guys are so gullible!" You shout, and Tommy practically tackles you.
Wilbur's the one to fix your chair, Ranboo and Charlie appearing next to you within moments.
"You guys really thought this one could manipulate me? The master?" Charlie asks the stream, pointing at you.
"Yeah!" Tommy shouts, way too energetic for someone who complained five minutes ago about being on the floor. "We're the master manipulators! Get fooled!"
"I, for one, haven't manipulated anyone-" Ranboo starts, but Tommy slaps a hand over his mouth and nods empathetically.
"Yeah, I don't know what you guys were thinking, but I've just been playing fucking Minecraft for the past few months nonstop." You laugh.
"Nonstop. It's a problem." Wilbur nods.
"It is not a problem!" Pause. "Anyways, I made an SMP! And that's where I've been! Not because I've been manipulating my friends or some shit, stop being dumbasses."
"It'll be super cool!" Ranboo adds in helpfully.
"These four-"
"That's us!" Charlie points around at himself, Wilbur, Tommy, and Ranboo.
"-will be on it, plus a lot more. It'll be posting those people soon! As in, check your Twitter obsessively guys! The SMP will be in about a month, too, so get fucking excited! I want to see some hype!"
"WOO!" Tommy screams, making everyone cringe at having their eardrums ruptured.
"So that's all I wanted to talk about I think. Anything to add, guys?" You glance around at the four surrounding you with a grin.
"One thing." Charlie nods, leaning in really close. "I have a secret. This SMP, it's actually-" He hits your end stream button mid-sentence. "And that's how you keep 'em interested."
Mammalianeighingreflecenthusiest We are dumb as fuck aren’t we
Poabsenthusiest i will RIOT IN THE STREETS if any of yall be mean to MY STREAMER -> Cmwylenthusist FR I GOT TWO FISTS AND A CAUSE
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kiwioala · 9 months
tubbo and pac r working together on a train system for the island because the waypoints are missing :DDD tubbo is so hyped about it when pac explained his idea (building a train station that’s not the federation one and connecting the entire island w/ the tracks)
and the two of them compliment each other really well for this project because tubbo said he only knows how to make the machines to make the rails and such while pac knows how to make the actual trains but not the rail machine.
the two of them are super excited about the whole project and when pac proposed the idea tubbos face lit up like he is sososo excited about it. whenever they talk about the create mod with one another they look so happy about it too.
i’m so happy to see them working together, i knew they would be a good duo as soon as i saw tubbo making a big ass drill and threatening to destroy federation buildings with it <3
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kaidanworkshop · 6 months
December Workshop Update: The Fun(ds) & 2024
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Well met Workshop Spectators! Besides our super shiny Beta presentation video, & new Mod Content FAQ, we have lots of exciting news to get through. First and foremost, we are reopening our staff applications for our Community Team, specifically in search of new people to join our Discord moderation team. If you are interested in applying, please fill out this form, and someone from our Community Team will reach out to you in early January. As per our last mini-update, the Workshop is looking to have a surplus budget of about 1100 USD -- or 500 lines worth of funding -- and we've been brainstorming up ways to add some goodies into the Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion mod 1.0 launch, internally (& lovingly) referred to as 'the FUN(ds)'. Starting today and running though February 1st, 2024, the community can vote on which of these to prioritize. You can read the details of those choices below and place your vote here. Finally, the Workshop staff are going on vacation! We'll be around sparingly over the next few weeks as we all take a much needed break to prepare for the end of the Fun(ds) voting. We'll be back in full force on January 12th! As always, from the staff to the Spectators; we are truly blessed to be the recipients of such support and good will. We can't wait to see what you vote for!
Intro Overhaul Pack - estimated 0 ~ 10 lines
This proposal was inspired by the mod Immersive Kaidan Start, created by WarTortle. Rather than the quest simply appearing in the player’s journal, there is instead a series of changes to point the player towards Kaidan’s Old Campsite or the Abandoned Prison in a more immersive way. We have obtained permission to adapt this mod and incorporate it within our 1.0 version of KR:CE; while we may be able to achieve this via splicing dialogue from vanilla Skyrim, we may need to arrange to have a small set of new lines recorded for one of the NPC interactions. 
I’m Glad You’re Here - estimated 15 lines
This proposal revolves around the mod I’m Glad You’re Here, created by WhiteWolf424242,  which allows the player to hug their companions and loved ones; it currently uses spliced lines from the original Kaidan 2 files to create responses for Kaidan. We would create a small collection of new and old lines to be recorded by our VA, then implement them within the 1.0 version of KR:CE.
Paarthurnax Quest Expansion Compatibility - estimated 10 ~ 20 lines
It is no secret that many players find the ultimatum Delphine gives them about killing Paarthurnax problematic, and while Kaidan has dialogue that acknowledges either choice, we wanted to create content that would acknowledge if the player uses the Paarthurnax Quest Expansion mod by Jayserpa to keep Paarthurnax alive.
The Book Review Pack - estimated 25 ~ 30 lines
In the vanilla Kaidan 2 mod, there is a feature that allows the player to give certain books to Kaidan; while he does have a few unique responses to some of the books, his primary replies can quickly become short and repetitive. To address this (and also because the idea of a Kaidan Book Club is just too endearing), this proposal would consist of creating unique responses to all of the books Kaidan can currently read.
NPC Revoice: Dremora, Ren, Myriah, Tarben - estimated 40 lines
One of the key reasons the Workshop was formed was to address the audio distortion that existed in the Kaidan 2 mod. During our process of reviewing and revoicing the base script, it became apparent that some of the other custom characters and voices included in the mod could also use a touch-up, or lacked a custom voice at all. This proposal would revolve around replacing nearly all of the custom NPC dialogue in KR:CE with revoiced lines from new voice actors. The exception to this is Rosalind (recorded by voice actress Tanya S. Bartlett) for two key reasons –  one, her lines are still in fantastic condition; and two, there have been many requests for an overhaul &/or extension for Rosalind and her dungeon. While we are definitely interested in this idea, pursuing something of this scale would add too much time to our current production cycle for the KR:CE 1.0 launch, and so we have elected to reserve reviewing Rosalind for a later date.
The Faction Pack - estimated 40 ~ 50 lines each
The base Kaidan mod lacks extended commentary on several of the major faction quests; particularly the Civil War, the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild faction questlines. This proposal would have the community pick among the three aforementioned factions for a full Workshop Original Script addition for our 1.0 launch.
Scripted CVF Pack - estimated 50 ~ 60 lines
New interactions with other custom voiced followers is one of our most requested content additions. While we aren’t fully prepared to tackle large expansions yet due to scheduling and production time concerns, we’ve selected a few CVF’s with whom we have the ability to produce new content relatively rapidly due to internal pre-existing scripts &/or the availability of our potential content collaborators. Those followers are Auri, Caryalind, Khash, and Rumarin. 
The Daedra Pack - estimated 60 lines
Currently, Kaidan only has commentary for the Daedric quest “Pieces of the Past”, with a few one-off lines mentioning certain Daedric gods. The Daedra Pack would focus on adding four to eight lines to each of the following quests, similar to the line count of the original “Pieces of the Past” script. 
“The Black Star”, “Boethiah's Calling”, “A Daedra's Best Friend”, “Discerning the Transmundane”, “Ill Met By Moonlight”, “The Cursed Tribe”, “The Whispering Door”, “The Break of Dawn”, “The House of Horrors”, “The Taste of Death”, “The Only Cure”, “A Night to Remember”, “The Mind of Madness”, & “Waking Nightmare”.
Commentary on Nocturnal is not included in this pack, but rather is tied up in the Thieves Guild questline, which is an option for selection in the Faction Pack.
The Reaction Pack - estimated 60 ~ 75 lines
During the many hours of playtesting the staff undertook, we noticed that there were just certain events that would occur in Skyrim (for example, Jarl Balgruuf asking the player to kill a dragon) that Kaidan just didn’t have any dialogue for. Alternatively, there are some reaction lines that fire frequently enough that they quickly become repetitive (for example, Kaidan lines when being healed by the player). This proposal is geared around creating single line additions throughout the script to make Kaidan be a touch more reactive to the wilds of Skyrim, as well as adding in extra takes of certain lines to reduce repetitiveness. 
Note that this is not a full expansion for any given questline or faction – just extra lines to bolster the existing script.
The Roleplay Pack - estimated 60 ~ 75 lines
There are several instances where the mod allows the player to roleplay a bit with Kaidan, providing him details about your past, your family, and even your adventures. Given the staggering amount of options that are possible within the Elder Scrolls Universe, this proposal aims to expand the responses the player can give to Kaidan – for example, lines that acknowledge the specific province the player was born in, as well as the player's race, filling in the missing gaps for his commentary regarding the player’s level in different skills, or increase the variety of different gods the player can say they worship. 
DLC (Dawnguard/Dragonborn) Pack - estimated 65 ~ 80 lines each
The base Kaidan mod lacks any commentary regarding the two DLC’s Dawnguard & Dragonborn. This proposal would have the community pick one of the two aforementioned factions for a full Workshop Original Script addition for our 1.0 launch.
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gf-seasons-zine · 3 months
Questions and Answers for
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Hi everyone! We've had some great questions come in, and while we're going over the Mod Application submissions (if you're interested and haven't applied yet, please apply here- Mod Applications close March 17th) we're happy to answer them!
This question is about the upcoming Contributor Applications (opening April 1)- we're so excited that you're excited!
Q: Hiya!! For our example piece (I’m a visual artist), would you prefer a fully rendered piece or just concept work? (like sketches and such)
I’m super excited to apply and I’ve drawn Gravity Falls characters before, but haven’t done any finished pieces yet so I wanted to ask!
Thanks!! &lt;3
A:  Thank you for asking! <3
We would prefer a fully rendered piece so we can see your work in all its finished glory, please! It doesn’t have to be seasons related; just at least one piece must be Gravity Falls themed or featuring Gravity Falls characters and fully finished (whatever style that is in). We would particularly like to see your work of Ford, Stan, Mabel, or Dipper as the Pines family is the main focus of this zine.
The application will request a link to your portfolio, so if you have finished pieces that aren’t Gravity Falls related but you still want to show them off, we’d love to see them!
More specific application considerations and guidelines can be found on our carrd here: https://gfseasonszine.carrd.co/#apply
Thank you again for your question!
Stick around for more answers and announcements! Thank you all again for your interest and excitement!
Mods Berry and Jade
Want to join us to become a mod for this zine? Check out the application here!
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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weirdmarioenemies · 10 months
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Name: Now or Never!
Game: Splatoon Series et al
Hi :3 Mod Cat Flopter here. I was too busy sleeping in a sunbeam to post until now, but I’m here with an oddball.
Now or Never! is an iconic song by the band Squid Squad, one of the first popular rock bands in the Splatoon world! Now or Never plays in the last minute of a Turf War in all three Splatoon games, as well as at other times in other forms.
The first hint of Now or Never! that world saw was at E3 2014, a weird boogie that helped show off Splatoon (for the Wii U console!!)
The Beta version of Now or Never! is unavailable in a clean quality. Most of the footage has ink flying everywhere! However, one intrepid fan recreated the sound on youtube :3
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The original track goes for even more of a hard rock sound than the final Now or Never! This song REALLY tells you to Ink or Sink down the rankings, and Splattack the enemy to win! However, it doesn't quite sound like a Squid Squad song to me, with a lack of their trademark vocalist and the synthesizers Splatoon is known for. Overall, I like the finished Now or Never! betta, but the changes have me Kracken Up!
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The finished Now or Never! by Squid Squad, which debuted in Splatoon 1, is such an iconic piece of Splatoon that it's hard to imagine the game without it.
The track is high energy and establishes lots and lots and lots of Splatoon's sound, from the rock influences, to the synths, to the inklish vocals and the energy! To quote a cool video, it's loud, bold, and Booyah! (please imagine a guitar riff!) I'm just a little guy and I don't know music theory so please watch this video instead https://youtu.be/38h8eudzy7k
it's only 11 Now or Never!s long, it's a good use of your time.
Squid Squad is soooo creative for soming up with this song all on their own :3
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Next is the Squid Sisters’ splatfest cover of Now or Never!
With more of a Jpop feel, the Squid Sisters change up the sound immensely, going for MORE synths and a BUBBLEGUM feel! It’s so cool. I bet the original creators of Now or Never! Were so happy when they heard this cover by a famous band!!
The next iteration is a slightly altered live performance by the Squid SIsters from 2016!
The song is modified to be extended in this version, although i have to say- too much of a good thing :c. The new sections that aren’t just a loop of the original song are interesting evolutions, but they’re sadly a small part of the performance.
Next up is an era shift! The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire (2017) had its own version of Now or Never! This came with a shift in bands and an overall higher push for Splatoon marketing within other Nintendo games, such as Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! Its so cool that Squid Squad let Wet Floor cover their original song, and I'm excited to tell you about it!
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With an obvious and notable shift in vocals, the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire Now or Never! also brings a shift in energy from the Squid Squad version, slowing the song down and bridging the gap between the Squid Squad and Wet Floor versions of the song. It adds even more synths to the composition, pushing it towards a western poppy feel over the rock and jpop versions of Splatoon 1.
And here’s the finished version!
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It pulls back on the synths to pre-splatoon 1 levels and boosts the crowd section, adding in a ska feel. The classic guitar and drum kit are even more prominent here than in the Squid Squad version, which has both benefits and drawbacks. For one, the Splatoon sound is a fusion of both rock and synths, so scaling it back to more conventional instruments for the genre it’s aiming for is to the game’s detriment. On the other, my cat flopther (father cat flopter) has made me a big fan of classic rock all my life, so I can’t be too mad at moving Now or Never! In that direction.
On the other hand, Off the Hook’s version of Now or Never is…
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Oh. Oh no.
It’s the same issue I have with the other version of Now or Never! In Splatoon 2, but it’s also I think a bad song for Off the Hook. Sorry to fans of lesbianism everywhere, but this just doesn’t sound like an Off the Hook song to me, and although the bubblegummy synth composition works for a Japanese pop band like the Squid SIsters, it doesn’t quite vibe for an American hip-hop, as well as pulling back on Splatoon’s unique sound. The brassy sound at the very beginning is cool, though, and the homage to Marina's inspriation is nice!
Although I’ve been speaking in timeline order up to now, I have to admit something.
I skipped two (2!) Now or Never!s. Actually, I skipped one Bouyant Bougie and I’m going to talk about Ebb and Flow as well in this section.
Being a story mode song, Buoyant Boogie appeared before the Splatfest exclusive Off the Hook Now or Never! on day 1.
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Buoyant Boogie is a Now or Never!; it samples the Squid Sisters’ Now or Never! and even includes backwards vocals from Callie, hinting at her story mode fate, which is cool. :3 The song additionally only lasts one minute before looping. Also, Turquoise October ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Octo Expansion, the final battle is a Turf War on the NILS statue. For two minutes, Fly Octo Fly plays, then at one minute remaining, it transitions into Ebb and Flow. At the time, many people called this a Now or Never!
However, Ebb and Flow is NOT a Now or Never!. It’s an Ebb and Flow. Although it’s cool symbolically, it’s its own song and Off the Hook doesn’t need to be bound by tradition!! THEY GET TO MAKE THEIR OWN COOL MUSIC OK!!
sorry none of these videos are available btw
Okay so next is the first not a Splatoon game Now or Never!, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (2017)’s Now or Never!
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This song plays on the Urchin Underpass battle stage when one minute is left in the match. Interestingly, this is the only Now or Never that is shorter than a minute- The Final Lap jingle takes up four seconds, so the song itself is sped up to accommodate. It’s modeled after Squid Squad’s Now or Never, which is fitting for a Splatoon 1 exclusive stage!
In fact, it feels like a lot of appearances of Now or Never! are almost identical to Squid Squad’s Now or Never!. Here are the rest of them:
Tetris 99 (2019)’s Splatoon Theme’s “10 players left” music
Wait, that’s it?
Yeah! Surprisingly, Now or Never! Is usually remixed. Even though Squid Squad’s iconic and original cover of the song is the most popular, most appearances pay tribute to them instead of keeping their sound 100% the same. Take Super Smash Brothers Ultimate’s Now or Never for example. It’s worse than the original! I’m not even going to pretend to link to it! It’s bad!
The Splattack cover, though, is fresh and new! A jazzy, big band vibe that samples Now or Never! in the same jazzy style. Although it’s far from my favorite Now or Never! it’s something new, something that I’d be excited to see in a Splatoon game. Perhaps an Ink Theory cover? Regardless, it’s an interesting evolution of this Strange Splatoon Entity.
Meanwhile, the The Super Smash Brothers Ultimate remix of Now or Never! itself is……….
it’s so bad
Sorry, Spikey, do I have to talk about this?
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“Yes, Sorry Mod Cat Flopter! You said you wanted to talk about all versions of Now or Never!”
Ok, fine :(
I will continue not even pretending to link this. It’s so bad. zero tension. only nominally a Now or Never!. An infinite Now or Never! would be a good thing, you would think.
Next is the Taiko no Tatsujin Switch Splatoon 2 Medley. A compilation of two original Wet Floor songs (Rip Entry and Turf Master) and their Now or Never! cover. It starts about a minute into the song, not a minute from the end, strangely enough! It’s the middle song of the three!
Off the Hook Live! at Polymanga 2018 This is one of the BEST versions of this song. Take a listen for yourself: https://youtu.be/-i9GTp3Mp30
With the Squid Sisters and live band members here, they use ACTUAL INSTRUMENTS along with the synths, the Splatoon style that I love so much. With a fresh new intro to the song and lots of extensions that continue to ramp up tension, this version of the Squid Sisters’ classic is the height of this song in my opinion!! it’s sooooooo gooooood!! The record scratches in the beginning to lead into the song itself, the electric guitar, the DRUMS!! that kick in at around thirty seconds in. Pearl dabs. THIS is how you extend Now or Never! to four minutes.
A second collaboration between Off the Hook and the Squid Sisters, this Now or Never! takes after the Off the Hook cover of the Squid Sisters’ cover of the Squid Squad cover, with both bands providing vocals. With the Squid Sisters here, this version of Off the Hook’s cover is… less bad. Not as good as the other way around, but still better than before. I like it when squids sing :)
Fast-forward three years to Splatoon 3! The third game in the series had, fittingly, three versions of Now or Never! At launch.
First of all, the Deep Cut cover. This chaotic cultural fusion combines the Brazilian, Middle-Eastern, Indian, and classic Japanese influences of the three members of Deep Cut! I’m only one of those things, so I will not comment on how well they pulled this off! All I know is that I really like this song, and that Shiver and Frye are lesbians as fuck. The same guy from before has a video on this one too! I’ll link that instead of posting a not available image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ebqBmL53UQ
Now! Wham!
Flashback to when I posted about the Infinite Now Or Never in Smash Ultimate!
This one IS an infinite Now or Never! The Tableturf 3 turns remaining theme is a modified infinite Now or Never! In the Tableturf sound style, with Onward! cutting in multiple times through the song. If Now or Never! represents the Turf Warring denizens of the Surface, and Onward! represents the octarian army, this tune is perfect for the Splatlands, where both live in Harmony (tee hee! Get it? :3) and have for generations. Pretty cool if you ask me!
Last but certainly not least, but certainly not last-
C-Side’s Now or Never!
While writing this post (this has taken a long time!) New information came to light! Beika, the lead of C-Side, has claimed to be the first creator of Now or Never! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!! And it makes perfect sense! C-Side’s Now or Never! Is pure rock, a decision that sets it apart from other Splatoon music, which always involve synths!! This perfectly reflects the change in setting from the trendy high tech big city to the grungy desert! It’s SO GOOD!! Not the best Now or Never! (I do prefer Splatoon’s unique style!) But it’s hard to beat the original! But it’s also easy to beat the original! I love you C Side!!!!
Okay, this has been Mod Cat Flopter, Logging Off! :3 see you next week!!
p.s. ichiya is a stupid bastard
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My 2024 Trend Predictions
Disclaimer! Trends are bullshit!!! What’s “in” and “out” is totally subjective and fashion is an art form, public opinion and new crazes have no impact on the real art and following trends is your choice. Trend cycles are sped up so violently by capitalism and fast fashion as a beast, fashion is supposed to be fun.
This list is my opinions as a 19 year old boy who spends too much time online and read too much vogue as a kid. I am not an expert, I just like to talk.
Indie Sleaze
I’m already seeing this one happening, the colored tights under shorts, the fur vests, I think especially with the popularity of saltburn and it’s aesthetics we’ll see a lot more of this in the beginning of this new year. Graphic t-shirts with ironic phrases were already big in 2023, glitter and silver makeup especially is on the rise, this is already happening and I am excited. I fucking love indie sleaze. Nostalgia is a huge impact on trend cycles, I think we’ll see a lot of 2000 and 2010s trends seeing as the generations looking up to teens following those trends in their childhoods and longing to live those lifestyles are now old enough to embrace that dream. I think for people more into alternative fashion this will translate into a emo and scene resurgence that I’ve already been seeing.
This is based off the nostalgia again, I think a lot of folks who gravitate more towards cottage core-esque fashions and aesthetics are going to start embracing twee. 2024 is going to be a year of embracing cringe and quirky “individualism”, it is the year of the manic pixie dream girl, is is the year of pissing off boring men with “annoying” femininity. I think cutesy patterns, lace, buttons, diy big jewelry and hair accessories are gonna be on the rise. I can see girls making videos about their craft nights on tiktok already. Skater skirts, Peter Pan collars, bangs, Jess from new girl eat your heart out.
“Humble” Classy/reverse flexing
People are getting tired of the insistence on being “classy”, I think in 2024 we’re going to see a lot of celebrities trying to seem humble and average and down to earth. I think we’ll see a lot of brand mixing, super expensive designer paired with cheap every day brands, I think we’ll see this in clothes and especially in food. I think we’ll see a lot of branding for fast food popping up alongside that “classy” aesthetic. I think that this will also show up more with thrifting becoming popular again amongst influencers but specifically thrifting for designer/up cycling designer (badly). They’ll sell it under a veil of sustainability, it’ll be infuriatingly shallow.
Lightning Round
Pom poms
Feathers (especially hair feathers)
Fur in mens fashion
Metallic makeup
Grungy makeup looks
Full coverage foundations/matte foundations
Peplums (somehow)
Skinny jeans
Jewel toned nails
Short nails
Dainty chokers
Statement earrings
Wood/leather jewelry
Vintage anime merch
2000s/2010s brand mascots
Mod style
70s resurgence moments throughout (this is wistful thinking I just love the fashion of the 70s)
My Trend Timeline
End of winter into spring- indie sleazing our way into the new year, I think it’s a versatile enough fashion that can be easily executed with what people already have from previous trends in 2023. Everything is set up rolling out into the warmer months.
Summer- I think this is going to be prime time “trashy” early 2000s party girl kind of time. We got a little of it last summer but I think it’s going to really hit this year. Whale tails, chunky low lights, messy makeup, bedazzled jeans. I think we’ll also see some keywest kitten esque looks from the preppier side of things, lots of bright colors and fun jewelry. I think we’ll also get a lot of vintage Americana moments, once again we got a bit of it last year and I think it’ll be brought back.
Fall- peak twee season, especially nearing the holidays. I think we’re gonna see a lot of rich color this fall too, jewel tones, beautiful deep greens and reds, not a lot in clothing but I think definitely in makeup and accessories. Around this time I think the preppier leaning folks will get back into skinny jeans. I think vintage graphic Ts will also get popular around this time, something easy but still interesting. Men’s fashion doesn’t cycle through as quickly so I think the kind of 70s aesthetics I’ve seen a lot of dudes into will continue (but I think they’ll also get in on the indie sleaze, I think for mens fashion it will stick around for fall). I think we’ll see more textures, lace, fur, leather, etc.
Winter- this is right around when I think the forced “casually classy” down to earth bs will start. Twee will continue amongst a smaller group and we’ll see a lot of cute diy gifts and stuff for the holidays, this will also impact the up cycling I think we’ll see from influencers and celebrities. I think hyper-feminine aesthetics will really kick back up, Pom poms, whites and pinks, skirts and big sweaters, Ralph Lauren teddy bears everywhere. It’ll be contrasted by a new interest in grungy/intense makeup looks, thin brows and dark lips, messy eyes, glitter.
I’m very excited for these all to turn out totally wrong and for me to make a fool of myself! But who gives a shit, I’m just saying this all for fun. Happy new year everyone!
- Valentine <3
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multi-fandomsfreak · 5 months
MX x Reader Prompt
Hey, it’s me again! I hope you had a great a Christmas (If you do celebrate.) and an even better new years also did you like Mario’s Madness V2? Also what are your favorite song(s) from the mod. Personally I liked Last Course and Starman Slaughter the most.
Anyways I’m getting off track… 👀 😅
So, imagine this.. Boyfriend, Reader and Girlfriend are all dating (Or they can be friends if you don’t like poly relationships.) but when we they get the cartridge for the cursed Mario game. (Mario’s Madness..) They go through mostly everyone but then they get to MX’s stage. MX is looking to kill the group but he takes interest in Reader and tries to take them away from Boyfriend and Girlfriend and claim them as his own but Boyfriend and Girlfriend ain’t having none of that so they try their best to keep reader away from MX.
You can decide how the ending goes.. (Please use She/They pronouns..)
Anyways that’s it.. I hope you’re doing okay and please remember to take care of yourself. 🫶🏽🫶🏽
MX Taking An Interest In Reader
Hey there thanks for the ask!
I did have a great Christmas and New Years (besides my injury of course). Honestly I really loved Mario’s Madness V2. It’s one of the best mods out there. My favourite songs from the mod is MX’s 2nd song Demise (totally not bias or anything lol) but I also like Paranoia and Dark Forest.
Also I did friendship for this ask hope you don’t mind. Don’t have anything against poly relationships I just thought it would be best for this scenario. ~J/Blaze
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ⚠️Kidnapping + Harm Done To Reader + Mentions Of Murdering⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: MX + BF + GF
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Deadtos on DeviantArt + Banner by Kaileyfln on Pinterest
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- Honestly, how the fuck did you get yourself in this situation? Well I’ll tell you how. You see your friends BF and GF invited you over to hang out and how could you resist saying no to the lovely couple so you immediately headed over. At first it was a bit silent due to the three of you not knowing what to do, then eventually one of you brought up playing a game. So you decided to order a random Mario game and just like that it immediately arrived. Being full of excitement, BF immediately opened it only for the three of you to find a cartridge which had some substance on it and had the word 'MARIO' in all capitals.
+ All three of you gave each other a confused look wondering what was up with the cartridge “Maybe it’s some new design?” You spoke up although it was a weird reasoning it was the only thing you can think of “yeah I guess so?” BF said in response to which GF shrugged her shoulders “Let’s just get this shit over with” she sighed as went back to sit on the couch with you joining her while BF went to set up the console and honestly that’s all you remember. The next few seconds happened so fast. First you saw BF next to you then he was gone then the same happened to GF then eventually you felt a hand roughly grabbing onto your shirt and dragging you into the TV to which you managed to find both of your friends there.
- That’s how you got dragged into this mess, meeting a range of disturbing people based on the classic super hero Mario and his friends. Luckily thanks to BF and his rapping skills he managed to get all three of you out of the situation however something worse was about to happen.
- The three of you had recently beaten the previous EXE and were on your way to go face the next one you were faced with a Mario look-alike and with everything that has happened so far the three of you knew what was going to go down. You were already facing another one however something felt different. Obviously you could tell he had insane bloodlust for all of you but you started to notice something. You couldn’t tell if it was your eyes playing with you but you could swear that whoever this was, he was staring at you. Like he was curious about you. Eventually both BF and GF had started to notice this thing being oddly creepy around you. Obviously they were both worried because they didn’t know what may or may not happen to you.
- Eventually shit hit the fan as the being then revealed his true self as MX and to say you were overwhelmed with fear was an understatement. Like sure the others had something that set off some fear in you, you didn’t know why but you felt like this is different. Maybe because for some reason he had an eye on you but you trust BF and he managed to get all three of you this far so you paid no attention to it. MX on the other hand you’ve caught his eye. The only thing that is going through his head is “I’m taking them”. He doesn’t know why but that doesn’t matter to him.
- Even though he knew you were on GF and BF’s side so obviously you were up to something but at the same time he had a feeling you didn’t have anything special going on, just someone who just so happened to get roped into their business and had to suffer the consequences of it. For some strange reason he liked that. He figured he could use you as some sort of bait for the two of them, maybe using this to get to know other things about you and keep you forever bringing despair onto the couple over being responsible for losing a friend of theirs. So with quick thinking and reflexes he managed to quickly snatch you before the rest of you could react.
+ You couldn’t help letting out a slight noise as you felt MX’S tight grip around you, holding you like a doll before bringing you close to his face. That damn sadistic smile on his face as he eyed you up and down causing shivers being sent down your spine “…well aren’t you a fascinating human” he eventually spoke up paying no attention to BF and GF who now started talking to him demanding that he let you go “Hey, leave her alone she’s not the one your fighting here!” BF stood in front like he was going to physically fight him despite the massive size compared to him and MX “Yeah you heard him let [Name] go” GF preparing herself to save you not caring about what might happen to her “[Name]…so that’s what your called” MX chuckled to himself “I’ve got to say it definitely suits someone like you” You feel yourself physically getting disgusted at the way he was talking to you as finger dragged itself from your face down to your chin forcing you to look at him. Eventually he had enough of being in BF & GF trying to give you back so he took you to a place, planning on keeping you away till he gets rid of the two himself.
- You confused as fuck as to why the hell he wanted you well besides getting rid of the couple but besides that you honestly don’t know why. Should you feel glad that you’ve been chosen? Well to him you should but honestly you didn’t feel it. But you were just glad that he wasn’t trying anything with you, not yet at least. You did try your best to escape from his grip however it felt impossible due to his death like grip on your body, you could feel it almost crushing your body. You couldn’t tell if he actually was trying to kill you or not despite showing some interest in you.
- But surprisingly he actually didn’t try to kill you but it didn’t really change the fact that you didn’t really want to be around him. But luckily for you after a while you couldn’t really tell how long due not being able to tell the time. Eventually both GF and BF managed to find you much to his dismay. He desperately wanted to murder the two of them but at last he finally managed to go along with the gang's little game of rap battle offering you as a sacrifice to him if they lose. However, just like how it went in the game and with the earlier exe’s BF manages to defeat him not only once but twice, getting you back and escaping with some help from GF only to face more exe’s but honestly they didn’t care they were just happy to have you back.
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pokemenlovingmen · 11 months
Hello!! I keep reading your ingo writing and man I love how you write him;; I am so gay for this man the closet is made of glass. Also MALE READER BLOG!!! PUNCHING THE AIR IN JOY AND GOING STIMMY MODE RN!!! AND RUN BY A TRANSMASC MOD!! JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!
I wanna request while I have the chance, I was thinking Ingo and a s/o with an overprotective Houndoom? I absolutely love Houndooms because 1: they look like my dog irl, and 2: big dogy :] ;; i just think it’d be cute and kinda funny to see Ingo try and win over his boyfriend’s big and mildly threatening dog.
Tysm!! <33
I… have nothing to say for myself for my absence. Life has been painful. I’m so so sorry my friend, your request has been the one I’ve been sitting on all this time.
But omg you’re so sweet thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad that you like my Ingo, he and Emmet are both written by me to lean unashamedly into hard autism territory so maybe that’s what it is lol.
And wow tbh I was considering not including that I was transmasc (still a bit… nervous in gay male spaces as someone who’s transmasc. I know it isn’t true, but I’m so worried of being perceived as not a man or less of a man in those spaces.) but I’m glad I did because I’ve pulled so many trans guys in to visit this blog and!! Big solidarity!! I’m giving each and every one of you a Platonic Kiss on the head
Meeting the Real Boss — Ingo x male Houndoom trainer Reader
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⚫️ — Don’t let that serious face fool you, Ingo is just as soft and sappy as his more emotive brother. When he fell for you—that mysterious stranger who shook up the Super Singles Line that fateful day, he fell hard.
⚫️ — You were seen around Nimbasa the following days, but Ingo assumed you were just visiting, as he’d never seen you in the area before. So time to talk to you was limited, at least in his eyes. That was enough of an excuse to get him to give up and write you off as a passing fancy—but it was not enough of an excuse for Emmet who, the moment he found out his brother had developed a crush on one of the challengers, would stop at nothing to get you two talking. (Because he can lack all the social skills he wants and have as little confidence as any grown man could have in his speaking ability, but if it meant getting his dear brother a boyfriend, Emmet would turn into a social savant right then and there.)
⚫️ — So yeah, your relationship with Ingo started out interacting with Emmet more, mainly because every time Emmet not at ALL subtly dragged his brother over to talk to you, Ingo genuinely couldn’t look you in the eyes.
⚫️ — But eventually you guys got together via bonding through—how else?—battling! There was a love language Ingo could get behind, and after your repeat challenges became a constant thing at the Battle Subway, sometimes multiple times a day, he finally worked up the nerve to ask you out after telling himself he’d do so if he won your battle today. He did, and one nervous coffee date later, you two actually managed to start properly talking without needing Emmet (Emmet, of all people, even HE is shocked!) as the middleman.
⚫️ — All is well. You both share a great passion for battling—of course—and you find all his little quirks from his loud voice to stone face adorable. You definitely know you’re onto something real when you actually make him happily stim in public after saying he looks so cute and excited when he talks about the subway, something Ingo has tried incredibly hard to iron out through all the masking he’s done all his life. To be honest, you absolutely have him wrapped around your finger, but it’s okay, because you’re a total fool for him as well and would do anything to make him happy.
⚫️ — But as you two begin pondering how to define your relationship, wondering if it’s time to make things official, your Houndoom starts to realize Ingo is going to be more and more of a presence in your life as much more than a casual friend. And he takes issue with that.
⚫️ — Houndoom was always fine with Ingo before. The thrill of battling on the subway and having such worthy opponents was something you could tell Houndoom savored, which made it all the stranger that he began getting worryingly aggressive around Ingo.
⚫️ — You wanted to ask him to be your boyfriend officially a few times now, only for Houndoom to intrude by putting himself between you and Ingo, growling all the while as if he could sense what you were about to ask and did not like it.
⚫️ — Houndoom means well, he really does. He knows what happens when humans get close like this and knows that if you and Ingo continue down that path, he’ll be in your life all the time. Maybe even where you live. Maybe sleeping beside you. There to see you at your best and your worst and, most concerningly, your most vulnerable. But you only met recently, and even if his Pokemon seem to indicate he’s trustworthy, that doesn’t mean anything! You’re a part of the pack to Houndoom, and he is not about this total stranger (at least, a total stranger by his standards) being a permanent fixture in your life. How on earth could he earn the right to be by your side so easily? No, you’re part of his pack, and Houndoom is hellbent to keep you safe from the encroaching outsider.
⚫️ — (Does he completely miss how happy Ingo makes you? A bit—the protectiveness fogs up his perception, okay? And even if he does make you happy, Houndoom thinks the month and a half or so you’ve known each other for is not long enough to just welcome Ingo into the family with open arms.)
⚫️ — Ingo is… troubled, to say the least. He’s worried your Pokemon disliking him will make you dislike him, which you assure him otherwise. Even still, the Houndoom line is not native to Unova and Ingo knows very little about it, therefore he has absolutely no idea how to proceed. Unova has the Growlithe and Lillipup families, but they’re much more good-natured than this. Still, he loves you, and while he’s worried about causing friction with you and your Pokemon, your assurances that he’s fine are (relatively) enough to spur him to try and make peace with Houndoom.
⚫️ — Treats were some of the first things he tried, to minimal success. The only reason Houndoom let him into the house that day at all was because you begged and pleaded for him to lay off your boyfriend, and even then he watched you two like a hawk. Treats Ingo brought and Houndoom’s favorite snacks that you already had in the home did nothing to persuade him. Attempts to play? No. And Ingo knows better than to even think about petting him.
⚫️ — Eventually Ingo just starts rather desperately trying to exist around your Houndoom’s wrath. He loves you and doesn’t want to break the news but. Your Houndoom scares him.
⚫️ — You can’t say he didn’t try, though.
⚫️ — But then! One day, you get sick. It’s a pretty nasty stomach bug that lasts for a day but wreaks havoc while it’s there. You’re practically bed-bound from the severe nausea, but Ingo is there the entire time, fretting over you and caring for you like any good boyfriend should. Houndoom’s prerogative is the same. He’s worried for you and wants you to feel better. So while Ingo is bringing you plenty of fluids, nausea medication, blankets and pillows, Houndoom is there to cuddle up and keep you warm and calm. It’s just that… it’s very hard for Ingo to care for you when Houndoom won’t leave your side and growls whenever he gets close.
⚫️ — This time, though, Ingo doesn’t shy away. He’s too worried for you and even though Houndoom is being incredibly threatening and there is a part of him a bit worried for his own safety, he brushes right past Houndoom’s huffing and puffing to keep caring for you. He brings you water and helps lift the bottle to your lips while Houndoom snarls. He sits at the bedside and dabs at your face with a damp towel while getting death glares. His need to be wary of your Pokemon is greatly outweighed by his need to take care of you. Essentially, they’re both fighting for the role of your primary caretaker.
⚫️ — Time goes on, though, and Houndoom definitely notices how his snarling and snapping isn’t stopping Ingo from aiding you. And after all these negative interactions, Houndoom is finally stifling his concerns and instead just quietly watching. Then helping. He and Ingo have a common goal here. And while Ingo is certainly surprised to find the defensive Fire-type suddenly aiding him, it’s a welcome change. In seeing his dedication to you at your most vulnerable, Houndoom has at last deemed the Subway Master as a worthy partner.
⚫️ — While you’re sick, they continue working together to care for you until their own energy is spent. You wake up in the morning, a bit sweaty and nauseous, but otherwise feeling far better. And you look over to the foot of the bed where Houndoom usually curls up to see Ingo right there with him, resting his head on Houndoom’s side—the both of them are fast asleep, knocking out together after such long and dedicated day caring for you while you were sick. The hostility Houndoom regards Ingo with seems completely gone as he lets him rest against him to sleep. You can’t remember much of what happened last night, but you know both of your boys here were caring for you with all the love in the world…
⚫️ — And though you had been thinking this about Ingo for a while now, seeing Houndoom accept him at last really solidified the fact that Ingo was “the one”.
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ibuki-loves-you · 2 years
Second of all, I'm glad you're watching tbhk now because I got an interesting request.
How about kokichi with a fem s/o who acts just like tsukasa yugi?? LIKE- she's extremely childish, would hug him and jump on him, acts curious all the time and can act a bit lot disturbing.
Again, take your time with this and stay hydrated!
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Kokichi with an S/O that acts like Tsukasa from TBHK
Warnings: Dark nature
Oh boy does he love you.
The two of you get along great to be completely honest. It’s like a match made in heaven, according to your classmates. The two of you are so similar it’s terrifying.
If you are childish, that’s cool! So is Kokichi. He’s a man baby. So if you can match his baby-ness, then he’s all yours forever and always.
If you start your fake-crying, it doesn’t break him. In fact it does the opposite. He starts fake crying with you. You can pull that with ANYONE else, not him though. He just starts a crying party. Hell, he turns it into a competition of who can cry the longest.
Kokichi LOVES when you jump on him and get all clingy. It makes him feel super loved but also makes him affectionate and gives him a want to return it. Spurotic affection is Kokichi’s favorite form of affection.
“Y/NNNNNN, maybe don’t warn me next time! You know I love surprise hugs! It’s the only surprise I like! Now, gimme a smooch my dear!”
Kokichi calls you Curious George with how curious you are. Something else he always says is curiosity killed the cat, which makes you pout all the time. He usually loves your curious nature, but sometimes he gets worried it could land you in some serious trouble.
For example, you were curious if Kaito’s hair was naturally spiky or if he gels it. So you asked. He said it's natural. You didn’t believe him, so you touched his hair and in fact, it was gel. Well, Kaito wasn’t happy to say the least.
“Y’know how I always say curiosity killed the cat? Yeah haha, THAT’S WHAT I MEAN. WOULD YOU BE CAREFUL!?”
Your disturbed nature kinda freaks him out sometimes. He doesn’t mind all your other traits, it’s just this one he’s uh, iffy on. You say some dark shit that freaks him out to hell and back.
“I wonder how many feet up in the air someone can fall for them to survive…” “What the fuck, Y/N.”
Despite your kinda very disturbing nature, Kokichi adores you! You’re his sweet Y/N and nothing will ever change that!
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munasavedtheworld · 5 days
Love your stuff! Would you write one about how young artist met the boys or muna?
hi anon!! if you want to see how MUNA and young artist met, it's my first post on this page! here is how boygenius and young artist met!
Once you met MUNA and became their opener, it was inevitable that you eventually met the boys.
While catching up on a group FaceTime, MUNA started talking about you to the boys, raving about you as a person and an artist (it’s giving proud older siblings)
Katie brings up the fact that you aren’t signed to a label yet and Phoebe is suddenly extremely interested in the conversation.
Later, Phoebe gets your number from Katie and reaches out to you, asking if you’d be interested in a record deal with her label, Saddest Factory, the same label MUNA was under. 
After calling Katie to confirm that the text was real, you responded, letting her know you were more than interested. 
You met up with Phoebe at a café in LA so you guys could meet formally before you signed some paperwork to make the deal official (Katie definitely drove you there😭 it’s giving soccer mom GOODBYE)
You were extremely nervous, but Phoebe was super excited to meet you and basically spent an hour asking you questions about your album and what you’re planning on doing next. 
You guys went back and forth, raving about each other's music. When you told Phoebe that her music, especially Stranger In The Alps, was a huge inspiration to you, she was so happy. 
However when you told her that you started listening to her music when you were 13 she was like “WTF AM I ACTUALLY THAT OLD😭”
You went through with the offer, officially signing to Phoebe’s label!
The first time you got to meet Julien and Lucy was at the first MUNAgenius show. Phoebe was the one who proposed the idea of you opening for both bands, which you were ecstatic to hear. 
You first met Julien when you were waiting to do your soundcheck, practicing on your guitar beforehand. 
“Hey, you’re Y/n, right?” She interrupted, pulling you out of your focused daze. 
“Yes, nice to meet you!” You responded, smiling as she stuck her hand out for you to shake. She didn’t really need to introduce herself, but she did anyway.
“I’m Julien. Your guitar is super awesome, by the way.” She motioned to your guitar: a white Gretsch Falcon.
“Oh, thank you! I customized all the pickups and installed a wiring mod, and, whatever, that’s not really interesting.” You laughed embarrassedly at your nervous rambling, causing Julien to smile. 
“What? No way! I love talking about guitar stuff.” 
You guys talked for a good half an hour about both of your guitars, Julien explaining her extensive knowledge on pedals and loopers, which you found incredibly interesting. 
Your conversation would have gone on for hours, but you had to soundcheck. Julien quickly helped you secure your in-ear monitors before going on stage, noticing you struggling to clip them onto your back. 
Much to your dismay, you didn’t get to meet Lucy until right before your actual set. You were standing backstage, nervously crossing your arms as you peeked through a crack in the curtain, seeing the packed crowd. 
“Excuse me?” You heard from behind you, causing you to turn, seeing a very tall Lucy Dacus standing in front of you. “Hi, I’m Lucy!”
“I’m Y/n, it’s so nice to finally meet you!” You smiled brightly, a little starstruck that she was literally talking to you. 
“I’ve heard tons about you; I’m excited to hear you perform.” 
Your eyes widened when you realized they were all going to be watching your set. “Oh geez, no pressure.” You laughed, causing her to giggle at your nerves. 
“Hey, there’s no need to be nervous. You’ll do great!” She reassured, remembering how nervous she used to get before every performance. 
“I really hope so.”
Your meeting was cut short by a stage manager letting you know it was time to go on stage. You waved to Lucy, nervously slinging your guitar over your shoulder as you ran on stage.
The boys watched your set from backstage, impressed at your vocals and guitar playing alike. 
“She’s like a mini JB!” 
After the show was over, you were about to start walking back to the hotel, but Julien caught you before you could leave.
“Hey kid!” She hollered as you opened the door.
“Hey! You guys sounded incredible tonight.” You smiled tiredly.
“Thank you! Are you headed out?”
“Yeah, I was just about to leave.” You motioned towards the door.
“Do you have a ride?” Her eyebrows furrowed slightly. 
“No, I was just gonna walk. It’s like a 5 minute walk.”
“At midnight in a huge city? No way. We have a car, you’re driving with us.” Her eyes widened, immediately shaking her head furiously when you told her that you were going to walk.
“It’s really not that big of a deal, I always walk.”
“I am not letting you walk alone at night. We have an extra seat and we’re going to the same place. It’s literally not a big deal.”
“If you insist.” You shrugged.
“I do!” 
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no-see-um-incorrect · 8 months
The boys prepping for the 7 year yuurivoice channelversary 
Auron’s on the phone with Trish getting all the technical things out of the way 
“Stream mods, website stabilizers, estimated turn out, list of topics,  PNG tuber bug check. Did you get all that Trish…..ok…..yeah……. thank you Trish…….bye….Rook! Have you seen Charlie? He was supposed to bring some catering menus!”
Finn and Jack in charge of decorations 
“Maybe some pink carnations….freesia represent the seventh wedding anniversary…. maybe not that one…..maybe  some daisies…..are there any naturally black and white flowers? Maybe onyx Odyssey hellebore…….JACK! Can you hand me my jour- thank you……Aw darn it, they’re poisonous… how could I forget such a important detail?”
“don’t beat yourself up about it buddy we got plenty of time. You’ve had closer deadlines”
“I mean it would help if the channel had some complementary colors but we are the complementary colors and we’re nearly every color in the rainbow so it’s proving itself to be more difficult than I imagined”
Charlie, Lucian and sugarboo handling food and desserts, with Faust, as a taste tester (worst decision Auron has ever made)
“BOSS! I got those catering menus you wanted!”
“well well well if it isn’t the fan favorite stuffed crust pizza~”
“Auron….can you get your horny brother?”
“don’t worry, Charlie I got him- FAUST *Grab spray bottle* don’t make me use this”
“Small and threatening human. can I see those recipe cards you had for me?”
“here you go big red knock yourself out. if you need help with the cup measurements just ask Charlie”
Seth helping Alphonse……shop (oh boy)
 *Seth holding nearly a mountain of clothes* 
“alphonse can you remind me why you’re freaking out over some clothes?”
“because not only am I in charge for what everybody else wears. I’m also in charge for what I wear”
“yeah but you’re pretty good at making sure everybody looks their best”
“Yea but Seth, I was the debut Yuurivoice Boy I AM THE CHANNELS REPUTATION!”
“why don’t you just wear what you normally wear?” 
“ARE YOU MAD! I run the shop in these clothes! I am not wearing this to the anniversary…..maybe a skirt…crop top… maybe a dress would look nice? Low rise? I know the fans go crazy for my V line, but-“
“Alphonse!  The people like the channel because they like what they see and they like what they hear….you are gunna look good because it’s you and ask anybody. you always look good”
“thanks Seth”
The channelversary is coming up! Super excited and happy for Yuuri. Let’s hope the boys don’t run themselves too ragged in preparation. 
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steddiesupportpodcast · 7 months
Meet the Podcast Team!
It's about time that we introduce ourselves, we're the team behind the Steddie Support Group Podcast 👋 Big thanks to @glitterfang for the amazing portraits 🎨🖌️
ALENA aka @peter-pantomime
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Any Pronouns | Virgo | 30
I’m a veteran fan and amateur academic who loves analyzing individual characters and their interpersonal relationships, the plots, themes, symbols, and genre staples of pop culture media, and the dynamics between media fans and creators. I’m coming to Stranger Things from a long history of examining how fans participate in the process of making meaning through their interactions with media texts, and to Steddie from an even longer history of being emotionally devastated by blorbos and ships, the most notable being Destiel, Stucky, and Reddie. I love talking to people about all these ideas everywhere from Tik Tok comments to academic conferences, and so I’m super excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this podcast with so many wonderful people!
Guest & Host Appears on: Episode 4, 5, & 6
Twitter: @peterpantomime TikTok: peterpantomime Youtube: Peter-Pantomime
AMY aka @mojowitchcraft
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She/Her | Scorpio | 33
I’ve been a fan of Stranger Things since day one, but fell headfirst into the Steddie hole last summer. There is no way out, I’m trapped, I’m stuck in here with them. Before Steddie I’d been an avid fanfic reader but I was always too shy to write anything. Over the past year my confidence in my writing has grown so much and I’ve met so many amazing and wonderful people in this community. Very excited to be part of the podcast team and lend my voice to our discussions! 
Producer, Host, Guest & Promo Team Appears on: Episodes 1, 4, 6, 7, & 13
Ao3: weird_witchcraft Twitter: @mojowitchcraft TikTok: mojowitchcraft
ASH aka @steddiehands86
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They/He | Gemini | 37 
Joined the Steddie community around October and have been nonstop writing and cosplaying since. I have been writing on Ao3 since ‘09, but never so much as with this fandom. I’m so fortunate to be a part of this lovely group of people to talk about our brainrot in a safe, sane, consensual space… I’m also a Gemini, and like long walks in the woods. 
Guest, Mod Tech & Transcript Editor Appears on: Episode 1, 8, 11 & 12
Ao3: steddiehands86 Twitter: @steddiehands86 TikTok: steddiehands86 Instagram: steddiehands86
BECCA aka @glitterfang
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She/Her | Taurus | 35 
I was a casual fan of Stranger Things up until Season 4. Now the brainrot’s got a hold of me and won’t let go. I’ve spent most of my time in this fandom as a small potatoes fan artist but have recently started writing fic as well! I love our little Steddie family and community and I’m just happy to be here. 
Host, Guest & Resident Artist Appears on: Episode 3 & 9 
Ao3: pizzabones Twitter: @glitterfangart TikTok: glitterfang Instagram: glitterfangs
BECKS aka @beccichu
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They/She | Aquarius | 24
“Nope, you can’t start watching Stranger Things just because of him” were my thoughts last year after hundreds and hundreds of Stranger Things and Eddie Munson edits on tiktok. Well, after binge watching 4 whole seasons (the last one two times in a row) I fell head over heels for Steve and Eddie and into the Steddie hole pretty fast where I’ve been here ever since. I do write every now and then but my passion is cosplaying, talking about the blorbos nonstop and sharing my love for this community with others! 
Promo Team
Ao3: MsBecciChan Twitter: beccichuu TikTok: beccichu Instagram: beccichu
BIRDIE aka @audacityofbird
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She/Her | Leo | 39
Bird isn’t even her real name, but she wasn’t sure if going by ‘The Motherf*cking Lizard King’ would be appropriate. Bird has been a fan of Stranger Things since the start. The ensemble cast, nostalgia and the way the show wove music into it in such a beautiful way hooked her immediately. The brain rot didn’t set in firmly enough to scour Ao3 until  2022 at the release of Season 4 but then the rest was history. A fandom lover and fanfic reader/ writer at heart, but her favorite role in fandom spaces is cheerleading, beta reading and being a part of the community. The love for these characters and the stories run deep but her gratitude for the friendships she’s formed here runs deeper. 
Guest, Mod Tech & Audio Editor Appears on: Episode 3 & 10
Ao3: audacity_of_bluejays Twitter: @audacityofbird
CADY aka @lostinadmiration
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Any Prounouns | Capricorn | 33
Cady was a casual fan of Stranger Things until Eddie Munson flirted with Steve Harrington and then went and fucking died. She went online to cope with the grief, and stumbled onto Steddie art, which snowballed into discovering fanfiction, and landed her in a beautiful community of loving and supporting friends who love talking about those gay dudes! In the year of brain rot she completed two fics, has two neglected WIPs, and loves chugging out art. She also wants everyone to know she’s IYLO’s biggest fan and would love to discuss it with everyone and anyone!
Guest & Host Appears on: Episode 1, 9, 10, & 13
Ao3: lostnadmiration Twitter: @lostnadmiration TikTok: lostin_admiration  Tumblr: lostin_admiration
DAE aka @strawberryspence
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She/Her | Libra | 23
Dae has been watching Stranger Things from the beginning, falling in love with the friendships and found family tropes in its core. She has always had a soft spot for Steve Harrington, this only intensified when Eddie Munson was thrown in the mix. Dae spends her time writing Steddie fics (mostly angst), editing and having mental breakdowns about gay fictional characters. 
Guest, Graphics Creator & Promo Team Appears on: Episode 4
Ao3: strawberryspence Twitter: @strawberrysomin TikTok: strawberryspence
JESS aka @mydarkdevotion
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She/They | Pisces | 31
I’ve been watching Stranger Things since the beginning and fell in love so hard that I ended up getting Eleven’s 011 on my wrist in my cousin’s bedroom. I’ve been reading fanfiction way before stepping into Steddie and writing has grown more since then too. I guess you can say my friends see me as the person that would dive right into the danger (No tag reads/ No summaries) What can I say? I love surprises. Even if they end up in tears. Anyone who's seen my tiktok knows. But all in all just a real down-to-earth friendly person enjoying the thing I love.     
Guest | Appears on: Episode 5 & 11
Ao3: MyDarkDevotion Twitter: @mydarkdevotion TikTok: MyDarkDevotion
KAYLEE aka @sweetz059
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She/They | Libra | 24
Kaylee has loved watching Stranger Things since she was 16, reading cutesy Byler fics and appreciating all the found family the fandom had to offer, and always having a soft spot for Steve Harrington. They didn’t really dive in until Season 3, however, when she finally was given a character that they could see themselves in. One Robin Buckley. Which just intensified her love for Steve even more. Then Season 4 happened, and Eddie Munson happened, and Kaylee finally saw the perfect match for Steve. Now they’re one fic down, and who knows how many more to go, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
Guest, Host & Producer Appears on: Episode 3, 6, 8, 11, & 12
Ao3: sweetz059 Twitter: @sweetz059 TikTok: sweetz059 Instagram: sweetz059
KK aka @knormalizeknitting
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Any Pronouns | Taurus | 39
KK is a genderless void who has been a nerd since time immemorial so naturally they’re obsessed with Stranger Things. They were a “normal” level of into the show, for a total geek that is, until Eddie Munson appeared and the Steddie ship set sail. Now KK spends all their time projecting Steddie onto every fictional pairing that has ever existed in media and finding new ways to torture Steve Harrington before letting him finally kiss Eddie. They’re extremely excited to be part of the podcast, make new friends on the server and talk Steddie / ST with so many lovely people when they’re not giving Steve even more trauma on ao3.
Guest, Host, Audio Editor & Mod Tech Appears on: Episode 2, 8, 12 & 13
Ao3: knormalizeknitting Twitter: @knormalknitting TikTok: knormalizeknittin Instagram: knormalizeknitting
KRIS aka @kwills91
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They/Them | Gemini | 32 
I’ve written and read fanfic for many, many years, but it had been a while since I existed in a particular fandom. Then Season 4 of Stranger Things came out and I fell in love with Steddie. After mass consuming as many fics as I could get my eyeballs on, I decided that there weren’t nearly enough Steve breakdowns in them and began writing my own, and I’ve been unable to stop writing since. Hundreds of thousands of words of writing and millions of words of reading later and the brainrot is showing no signs of dying. And hopefully never will. Which is why I’m so excited to be part of this podcast.
Guest, Host & Mod Tech Appears on: Episode 2, 3, 8 & 10
Ao3: Kwills91 Twitter: @k_wills91 TikTok: kwills91
MANON @transmascsteveharrington
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They/He | Aries | 26
“The binge watch format of Netflix shows hinders the growth and development of fandoms compared to linear released shows. Therefore it is unlikely that many viewers of Stranger Things will ever participate/form a fandom and read or write fanfiction-” is a sentence I once wrote in an essay in 2017 for my undergrad. Then the universe had a right laugh and several years, one gender crisis, and about 250k words of written steddie fics and countless words of read steddie fics later I am now here. I’m an avid writer and reader of stangst (Steve angst) and could talk about it for hours. That’s why I’m super excited to be part of this podcast. 
Guest, Host & Producer | Appears on: Episode 2, 6, 8, 10, & 13
Ao3: ChristinMKay Twitter: @t4teddiemunson TikTok: ger_manon
SAGE aka @miserablekingsteve
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They/Them | Virgo | 24
I watched Stranger Things back in 2016. Only because my mum was watching it in the other room, and I heard Joy Division’s ‘Atmosphere’ start playing. Causing me to come running out of my room and question what she was watching. Prior to that fateful moment, I was probably holed up, writing Torchwood fanfiction or listening to the audio dramas while live posting on tumblr. Safe to say I’ve been in fandom spaces for quite some time. Yet never had written anything with as much velocity as I did when Steddie quite literally dove into my periphery. What? Eddie Munson was doing Ketamine and being ridiculous, hard not to relate to that one. I’m super stoked to have had any opportunity to be involved in fandom this much and I’m excited to see where it continues to take me!  
Guest & Promo Team Appears on: Episode 6, 8, 11 & 12 
Ao3: miserablekings TikTok: miserablekings
SARA aka @3blackhearts
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She/Her | Leo | 36
I’ve been watching Stranger Things since the beginning. I loved how creative and nostalgia-driven the show is. The death (maybe, hopefully not, let me be delulu a little longer) of Eddie Munson is what drove me to read my first fanfiction ever. I hadn’t resonated with a character that much in a long time and having his ending be so unsatisfying on the show led me to want a world where that’s fixed or never happens (shout out to AUs). Since joining the fandom I’ve found my niche by making podfics, and now this podcast. In real life, I work for a local non-profit and am a visual artist.  President & Founder of the DILF Steve Harrington Fan Club.
Guest, Host, Producer, Mod Tech & Audio Editor Appears on Episodes: 3, 4, 5, 10, & 11
Ao3: 3blackhearts Twitter: @3_blackhearts TikTok: 3blackhearts
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percentageweirdo · 11 months
Hi!! This is so freaking cool!!! I love love love seeing charts and graphs and tables like these. Is your data gathering process just watching through and making notes of each roll type you’re tracking? Again, this is super awesome and I’m so excited to see more stuff from you!
Hi, thank you so much! Me too, and I'm so glad other people are interested. I'm working on Escape from the Bloodkeep right now and it's coming right up, but stuff got busy with me! (All good stuff though.)
Great question! Your guess is basically right. I am using the transcripts available on the Dimension 20 Wiki, scrolling through them for any mention of rolls or numbers (and re-living the season as a result, which is fun) but whenever I am unsure of a roll, I open the episode and watch it for myself to confirm.
For example, in one of the early episodes of Fantasy High Zac rolled a 20, and I couldn't tell from the transcript alone wether it was nat or mod. Usually it is stated out loud by the player, or Brennan, or one of the other players, but in this case it was not. When I watched it myself though, he stated that it was a 20 right away, without looking at his sheet, only the die, absolutely immediately and with a happy tone. I took a (pretty safe imho) educated guess and counted it as a nat 20. Later, someone else (I think Ally) got a nat 20 on something (I feel like it was initiative?) and Zac said "I got a 20 as well!" or something to that effect, confirming to me within reasonable doubt that he had probably meant a nat 20 that first time as well. I do try to take note of these logical assumptions in the spreadsheet though, just to keep myself honest. That way I could also remove the doubt factors later and see if they change anything.
It's also pretty common for Brennan to ask everyone to roll perception or something like that. Sometimes one of the players will not announce their roll, but I will still count it as a regular, non-crit roll. In these situations I presume that they did roll but it was a 7 or something and someone else had a 25 so they didn't feel like it added anything to vocalize that roll. In these cases, I also make a note of the fact that it was an unvocalized but presumed "everyone roll [skill]" type of roll. I do genuinely trust these comedians to report when they got a nat 1, because usually the outcome is funny or interesting.
I'm only really worried about missing the initative crits, because they may get edited out since they happen right at the end of the ep usually. I do feel like the editors are choosing to show when a player gets a 1 or a 20 or initative though, so it's probably fine. Kind of the caveat for this whole account is that I can't count rolls they don't announce. :Þ
EDIT: Just realised I neglected a part of this question!
So yes, I do account for type of roll. The spreadsheet columns are: Season, Episode, Player, Die roll (1, 20, or / for other), Type of roll (Skill Check, Attack Roll, et.c.), Subtype of roll (Dexterity, Wisdom, et.c.), Advantage/Disadvantage (usually blank, sometimes either A or D) and then Other Roll for if they had advantage or disadvantage. The final column is Notes.
Sometimes I have to guess what kind of roll something is, for example if it's unclear wether something was perception or investigation and the player failed to specify. For these I tend to lean perception except with Murph, who has better investigation as Riz and always chooses it when he has a choice between the two. I also make note of these assumptions!
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