#steddie podcast
steddiesupportpodcast · 11 months
👬 Nothing. Bad. Will. Ever. Happen. To. Them! 🙅‍♀️
Canon is non-existent when you’re a talented artist like @bpillustrated. 😉 Episode nine comes out tomorrow with some very wonderful artists! 🎨
Hosted by the wonderful, Becca @glitterfang. With our talented, special guests, BP @bpillustrated, Cady @lostinadmiration, and Mehl @melonalemonade. Modded by the amazing KK @knormalizeknitting. 🎙️🎨
Special thanks to @strawberryspence for the video! 🎥
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toburnup · 1 year
hey! did you see there’s a new podcast called Steddie Support Group and they mentioned and linked your fic 30 Days? it’s on spotify!
ahhh i DID! and i loved the little shoutout from @lostinadmiration hahaha thank you for linking me @steddiesupportpodcast 🥰
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
“Eddie,” Robin says, eyes wide in a way that means trouble. “Edward Munson, I sincerely hope your last will and testament is in order, because you are going to completely and totally die when I tell you who just got hired at Scoops Ahoy.”
Eddie groans. “Don’t tell me Tammy Thompson is giving up on her Nashville dreams.”
“No, I hate you, shut up forever, you’ll never guess.” Robin pauses, then in a dramatic whisper she’s definitely picked up from Eddie himself, says: “Steve Harrington.”
“Jesus. No shit?”
“Yeah, I have to train him. Oh my god it’s the worst. He’s so bad at, like, everything.”
She shoves at his shoulder until he moves out of the doorway of the trailer, and flings herself backwards onto his couch. “Like! Okay! I showed up to my shift thinking it would be a completely normal day in which I would be bored out of my skull distributing frozen dairy products to the flotsam and jetsam of Hawkins, and Ned’s like, hey Robin, you’re showing the new guy the ropes today. And then that freaking jackass has the freaking nerve to say—” Her voice drops a full register. “Uhh, nice to meet you, I’m Steve. Nice to meet you! God!”
Eddie cringes sympathetically, sucking air between his teeth. There’s a special kind of indignity to being so completely and utterly below the radar of Hawkins High royalty, even former bearers of the crown. It’s not as if Hawkins is a big town; Eddie’s pretty sure he could pick every single person in the graduating classes of ‘84 and ‘85 out of a crowd. He’ll probably be able to do it for ‘86 too, though he’s trying not to think about it too hard. So he’ll be a senior again (again) this fall, whatever. It’s fine. It’s whatever.
Once in a while, he wastes some time really, really wishing he’d gotten to know Robin earlier in the year. Maybe even last year. For undying friendship reasons, yeah, but also because with her in his corner, he might’ve actually passed enough of his classes to fucking graduate on his second fucking try.
But he’d only actually met her, like actually met her for real instead of passing her in the hall sometimes, when he’d let himself get suckered into rejoining band. It wasn’t like he could’ve brought his guitar in, but he let it slip to Miss Genovese that he could read music and keep time, and they needed someone to wallop the bass drum, and he figured a little experience fucking around with percussion might be the one thing he could salvage from the year. He’d just…been so goddamn tired of feeling stuck, spinning his wheels. Music was something he could actually handle; something he could actually get better at. Something he could master. He's man enough to admit he needed a win.
The actual songs were all stuffy Holst and Sousa numbers, but they’d had some fun technical bits he spent his evenings hammering out for a couple weeks. And then right around the point when he’d gotten good enough to get bored and think about quitting like last time, it had somehow wound up that shooting the shit with the gangly weirdo in the trumpet section was one of the best parts of his day. Unfortunately, by the time they’d gotten close enough for her to start bullying him about homework and shit, it had been way too late to save his chance at walking that ‘85 stage with assholes like Steve fucking Harrington.
Not that Harrington would’ve even noticed, apparently.
“Anyway, the one singular saving grace about the entire situation is that he looks even dumber in the sailor costume than I do, so at least that will make me feel better about my life until he gets fired for burning down the ice cream freezer or something like that. Eddie, I cannot stress this enough: he is so bad at this job.”
Eddie very tactfully does not bring up the litany of screw-ups that Robin’s admitted to over the last couple weeks since she started at Scoops; he just says, “Buckley, it sounds to me like you might be in need of some quality relaxation time this fine evening. I can offer you a nice cold beer, some herbal refreshment…or a fiendishly weird new song to learn with an intro riff that'll make you cry.”
Robin, inveterate nerd of his heart, sits up immediately and chirps, “New song, please!” just like he knew she would. She’s going to run off and elope with his acoustic one of these days, and he’s not even mad about it.
“Coming right up, m’lady,” says Eddie. “I promise this entire Harrington situation will be over before you know it, and neither of us will ever have to think about him again.”
(ETA: First chapter of this fic has been edited/expanded and posted on AO3)
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n33dlew0rk · 3 months
Steve: [...] the idea of two men kissing, that's fine, I don't care, I love it, it's beautiful, I'll kiss you right now
Steve: pls ask me.
Steve: ..dude you're fucking hot. And you know it
Eddie: dude *sighs heavily* oh my god
Steve: if I was gay, you're my NUMBER ONE choice.
Eddie: ok
Eddie: stop saying that with-
Eddie: it's not loving
Steve: it's-
Steve: it's 👀
Steve: it's promising
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missingexaltation · 2 years
It was one thing remaining from the start of their relationship, but Steve still couldn't get Eddie's hair to behave. He'd tried all sorts of products over the years, all sorts of techniques, but all in vain. It either frizzed up and went all static, or started alright and ended up with more grease than a breakfast pan by the end of the day.
Eddie didn't mind too much. Part of his entire aesthetic was grotty and grungy, and if his hair was a bit frizzy from overwashing, or stiff with mousse, it didn't matter too much to him, as long as he was vaguely clean and could headbang to his music. Whatever tricks they tried lasted maybe a day, and was way too much effort for Eddie to keep up with on a day to day basis.
It bothered Steve though, so Eddie put up with the sighs and new lotions and conditioners (and oh one memorable occasion...rollers, like he was a eighty year old woman) until even 'The Hair' Harrington threw his hands up in defeat and left Eddie to whatever shampoo was on offer at the store that week.
After Eddie started his internship at the tattoo parlour, he stated wearing his hair up, out of the way, as he was literally violating health and safety codes with it down. He only really wore it down for gigs, and despite the growing crowds that he now played for, metal fans weren't the most picky with hygiene, and if he reveled in being a bit gross for the set, Steve wasn't to know.
So the years passed, and despite Steve's occasional attempts, 'the mop', as he called it, remained untamed.
It wasn't until a couple of decades later, until after Eddie's music career had exploded and calmed down, did anything change. His D&D podcast turned streaming sessions with the old Hellfire club, garnered a lot of interest from fellow nerds, old and young.
An offhand comment (Eddie wasn't sure who from), about his lack of proper curls ignited chat into hair care. More specifically the 'curly girl method', that was apparently setting social media on fire.
'We're trying it.' Steve said, excitedly reading chat over his shoulder. 'I'm finally gonna win this one, babe.'
And they do. Eddie even let Steve film the process, and to both of their surprise...it worked! AND it lasts longer than half a day.
More importantly to Steve, Eddie's hair was now properly curly, soft and photoshoot ready. 'You look like someone cares about you now.' He says, pulling on a stray curl from Eddie's temple.
He's so pleased with himself that it makes Eddie's heart ache with adoration. Nearly thirty years but he won the war in the end.
Steve's less fond of their video going viral though. He loves Eddie, is proud of his career, but definitely hates being in the spotlight, especially as his excitement at the result is the thing mentioned in most of the comments.
'Wish my man looked at me like that.'
'Imagine being that happy together after thirty years'
'Awww you can tell they're high school sweethearts.'
'Get me a man that looks at me like Eddie's husband looks at him.'
'Love my gay rock dads.'
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mojowitchcraft · 9 months
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I'd love to see your Steddie Wrapped too! Please be sure to tag it #Steddie Wrapped so we can see them all!
Blank graphics by @strawberryspence are below the cut
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This is making the rounds on twitter but I wanted to share here as well! I tried to post earlier but tumblr wouldn't let me! They keep getting mad about me trying to share a bunch of links and tag people! This is super disappointing as I love to share my fic recs on here >:(
I posted all of the links on my Twitter, and I've also started a collection on Ao3 for easy access!!
Tagging all mentioned writers here :) @glitterfang @toburnup @hexiewrites @eddywoww @grandmastattoo @pixelizedrifles @liarsandthieves22 @spinmewriteround @kiaramori @apuckishwit @arimakes @maryofdoom @mixsethaddams @rewritingicarus @plutosrose @entanglednow @palmviolet @rainbow-nerdss @itcanbepalped
The graphics were made by the lovely Dae @strawberryspence for the Steddie Support Group Podcast (our tumblr got mysteriously terminated without warning, probably for the same reason that it's not letting me post a bunch of links - flagged for spam!)
I'd love to see you share your faves!
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skull-rock-broadcast · 8 months
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A brand new podcast! Meghan and Stacy sit down weekly to nerd out about their favorite show, Stranger Things. 25 episodes available now on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, and all podcast platforms. Come join the party!
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ghostofechoes · 5 months
I Need Genuine Help
Don’t worry it’s not that serious but still serious enough to me.
I’ll probably not get a response, this is my most active account online and that’s saying something.
I am going to go trigger happy with tags just to get this post out there so I apologize in advance!
Respond to this send me an ask reblog I don’t care just help me lol.
I don’t know what to do I have to many ideas and no one in my life to help me.
No it’s not mental health and no it’s not that I don’t have anyone I just don’t have anyone who will know how to help me with this.
I am overwhelmed with so many ideas so many stories I want to create in so many different mediums and my brain won’t let me choose one.
I don’t even have a hyperfixation that I can lean on right now to get going with like fanfiction/art.
So I’m stuck in a limbo bursting with creativity but no outlet.
There is another issue
I am exhausted after work and rather let my ideas whirring around in my skull things on easy mode while I watch shows that bring me up.
But that’s not creative, it’s gotten to the point that jotting down my ideas aren’t enough I need to do something.
But everyone I know will tell me to go the capitalist route and pick the one that can make you money the soonest even if it’s not what I am enjoying most at the moment.
But I can’t do it, call it undiagnosed adhd/autism or me being stubborn as fuck but I want to enjoy what I do I am incapable of starting anything if I don’t enjoy it so this is where you all come in.
Help me pick?
What is my limited range of people who can hear my voice interested in the most?
I am going to be doing all of these I am unable to keep away from all my ideas
My issue is taking the first step I would appreciate my audience/community to say what they want to see out of the choices I want to pick so at the very least I will have like one person interacting with my stuff.
So this 31 year old gayby is asking for help thank you for your time!
Love you all out there!
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schnuckiputz · 2 years
what if...what if after season 2 the hospital called the harrington's about steve and for once they actually picked up the phone.
what if, hopper, and the kids left him that night, safely tucked away in a hospital bed, and when they came back the next day, steve was just...gone.
at first, they think he just checked himself out of the hospital (because steve definitely is 'that dude'). but no, the staff assured them, his father came and took him home. but when they try to visit him, the only thing they find are a moving company and people packing away the harrington's entire house. the harrington's are just gone.
months later, nancy gets a postcard. it's beat up, the ink so smudged it's nearly illegible. there are just a few words: "they took me. trying to make my way back. steve."
in the end, it'll take nearly two years until they see steve again: when he rolls back in town in a beat-up truck just in time to help them stop the apocalypse. he's lost a lot of hair but apparently gained a sarcastic loudmouth soulmate and a fluffy haired metalhead on the way instead.
because, you see, two years ago, when richard harrington got to the hospital, he didn't care about how steve got injured but only about him getting in another fight. and he finally had enough of this problem child, who seemingly refused to fall in line with what was expected of a harrington. so richard harrington took his drugged up concussed son out of the hospital, loaded up his wife and a few clothes, and drove a few hundred miles to a boot camp in the middle of nowhere to finally get him straightened out.
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What’s up, Steddie Nation!? Want a podcast where all things Stranger Things, Steddie and fandom are discussed? Look no further!
art by: @glitterfang
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a little follow-up to the steddie bookstore meet cute
Steve lets the storyteller finish reading the chapter before further investigation. He does this for three different reasons: 
The chapters aren’t outrageously lengthy.
Kids get extremely cranky if someone disrupts their story time.
Steve also gets extremely cranky if someone disrupts his unapologetic staring-at-cute-boys time.
He’s worked at this bookstore for 378 days. All walks of life come through this place and he’s seen them all.
Until today.
378 days and countless hours of people-watching, but Steve Harrington has never seen someone like him.
Loud clothes to match his loud voice. Knotted hair and one untied combat boot. Inked-up arms that look deceivingly like shirt sleeves.
Steve scans over his face, counting his piercings. One lip. One nose. One eyebrow. Three in each ear.
Nine piercings and that’s just the visible ones.
But before Steve starts visualizing (fantasizing) about how many more he might have, the kids start clapping. Cheering, even. The man gives a theatrical bow and sneaks past the crowd of children - making a beeline towards Steve.
“I can explain,” the man begins sputtering, hands up defensively. “I picked the wrong chair. Perceptibly cozy. Undoubtedly hard-work.”
Steve just smirks, nodding towards the novel in his ring-clad hand. “You gonna buy that?”
“Uh yeah. I mean, yes.”
Oh, Steve is making him nervous. Huh.
“Come, on.” Steve takes the book from his grasp and motions to the cash register. “You can explain further while I check you out over there.”
Which wasn’t meant to be a line, but he’s not exactly sorry that it came out that way.
“Been looking for this specific copy for years.” The man starts fumbling through his jean pockets, while he continues to babble. “Was scouring second-hand bookstore reviews on Yelp one day and saw this place is a goldmine for rare books. Figured I’d venture out here and see for myself.”
“Glad you could find what you’re looking for,” Steve states smoothly.
“In more ways than one, I hope.” He says it under his breath and not directly to Steve, but it doesn’t matter. Steve is keyed in. He hears every word. Senses fully heightened.
“The little bookworms thought you were amazing.” Steve says while simultaneously thinking, I find you pretty amazing too.
“Yeah? Pretty cool to see kids geeking out over Bilbo Baggins.”
Despite his clumsy movements, he manages to thumb open his wallet and slides Steve a credit card. Steve takes the card and inspects the name: Eddie Munson. Lets the name resonate and marinate in his mind for a brief moment.
“So you’re just passing through then?” Which could be too forward. Steve can get away with Too Forward when picking up girls, but it’s definitely more of a gamble with guys.
“That depends.”
“Depends on what?” Steve swipes the card through, then offers it back to Eddie.
Their fingertips meet in the transfer, but Eddie’s coffee brown eyes stay fixed on Steve’s lips. 
“If there’s anything else worth exploring in this town.” 
Totally worth the gamble. 
Steve bites down on his lower lip, the one that’s become Eddie’s focal point of interest, and tosses the book into a paper bag - sliding it over the register counter.
“Thanks, Steve.” Eddie says causally. Like he’s known him personally for years.
Steve raises his eyebrows.
“Name tag! I saw your name tag.” Eddie’s expression is panicky, losing all remnants of his flirtatious tone. “Shit.”
This guy is a walking contradiction. Fully clothed like he’s preparing for an anarchist uprising, but is actually a blabbering mess. Steve Harrington is just some turtleneck wearing, floppy-haired, college dropout - yet somehow he is the one making the big bad wolf skittish.
It’s honestly adorable.
“Come back anytime, Eddie.” Steve says just as casually.
Now Eddie is the one raising his eyebrow.
“Credit card.” Steve responds. “I saw your credit card.”
There’s no reason that the conversation should continue. Steve shouldn’t waste his time pining after someone that’s just traveling through with low probability of sticking around. Hawkins is practically a ghost town at this point. Nobody ever stays, except for washed-up locals like Steve and Robin.
So he knows he shouldn’t pursue this. Steve knows better not to get involved with dead-end streets leading to eventual heartbreak. But he can’t stop himself from sneaking out his phone the second Eddie leaves the store. His thumb is hovering over the Search button when Robin snatches it from his hand.
“No cellphones during store hours.” She says, inspecting the phone screen. “Oh, come on- seriously?”
“What?” He groans.
She holds the screen in front of his face. “You’re googling him?”
“So?” Steve tries to grab the phone back, but Robin dodges his attempts.
“You’re hopeless, Harrington.” She creates a wide enough gap between them to avoid Steve from taking the phone. “But as your best friend, I am legally obligated to cyberstalk any of your potential love interests.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “And what law says that?”
“The law of every rom-com movie ever made, dingus.” 
Robin taps the screen and begins scrolling, examining the search results. After a few seconds, her mouth drops open.
“No way,” Robin squeals, scrolling faster now. “No fucking way.”
“What’d you find?” Steve rushes behind her, peering over Robin’s shoulder to get a better view. 
“Look.” Robin pinches the glass screen to enlarge the article she’s discovered.
Steve slides on his burgundy reading glasses, lets his eyes adjust to the phone’s brightness. 
And he sees it. The bold letters. The key word. “Eddie hosts a podcast?”
Robin nods. “Not just any podcast.” 
She flips to the bottom of the news article and there’s an image of Eddie. He’s standing in front of a Victorian-style mansion, which Steve recognizes immediately. The Winchester Mystery House. Maybe one of the most famous haunted houses in the United States.
“Holy shit,” Steve blurts out as it finally clicks in his brain. “Eddie hosts a ghost-hunting podcast?”
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theficlistpodcast · 3 months
Pride might (technically) be coming to an end, but you can always listen to our Season 6 premiere ep to stave off the post-Pride blues. Full episode below!
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I can see steve robin and eddie starting a mbmbam-style podcast together once that becomes a thing. maybe they start out as a little college nighttime radio show and the only people who listen to them are the ones awake at 4am for whatever reason. when their college years end they miss the show more than anything but nobody's willing to hire the three of them to shoot the shit for way too long between the most eclectic assortment of songs known to man. cut to 2009 when the three of them start a podcast that only about 15 people listen to until famous journalist nancy wheeler makes a guest appearance to?? debate with the resident metalhead about lord of the rings?? maybe they amass like 100 or so listeners and maybe they blow up and become the queer role models so many kids need and maybe they never make it past 5 plays on any given episode. but they have fun and they love what they do!!!
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n33dlew0rk · 3 months
Steve: [...] but I feel like I don't deserve this
Eddie: ok
Steve: aaaand I told you I had something planned for you this week
Eddie: yeah
Steve: you don- you don't really know what it is and
Steve: uhh I need to.. earn this
Eddie: ..are we gonna have sex on the show? *laughs*
Steve: we're not- *flustered*
Steve: not yet 👀
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lostinadmiration · 9 months
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In honor or the #steddiewrapped episode, here are my top picks of 2023! What are yours? @steddiesupportpodcast
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Operation Croissant
Dear Mr. Hauser,
Hi it’s Robin Buckley, you know your favorite student, or well I guess you probably already knew that based on the envelope. I get it’s been awhile since we’ve spoken on account that I graduated four years ago, and I refuse to be the student that can’t let go of high school. I barely tolerated it when I was attending. 
The reason I’m writing to you is that I fulfilled my promise, I actually made three friends from good ol’ Hawkins High (bleh) and you would never guess who they are. Are you sitting down? If not you really really should before you continue reading. Okay back to what I was saying, I made three friends for Operation Croissant. 
Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson, and um… Steve Harrington. 
You better not be looking smug Mr. Hauser, why do I feel like you’re definitely smirking right now? So yeah, somehow against all my best efforts Steve Harrington is my soulmate. Strictly platonic soulmate. The four of us (and I got permission to reveal this information I promise) are fellow friends of Dorothy. It’s okay take your time to process that, I sure did. I have a sneaking suspicion that you may have already known about me, and Eddie insists that you must have known about him. Subtle isn’t really his style. 
There was so much stuff about high school and life I was missing, and I never cared about until our lunches. For a long time I thought I was going to live this life alone. I didn’t think that this little group was an option for someone like me, like us. I was wrong, I was so wrong. I’m dating the girl of my dreams, she’s so smart, doesn’t care that I ramble a bunch of nonsense when I’m nervous, she is the most badass, beautiful woman in the world, and I found her here in Hawkins of all places. Then there’s Eddie who I know looks like that but he genuinely is the sweetest dude ever, I really wish he could’ve been there for our chats, the kid just needed anyone to confide in, to tell him he wasn’t a freak, that he wasn’t alone either. He’s smart too, smarter than what those teachers ever gave him credit for. Now for my Stevie, yeah he was an asshole back in school, but I watched him turn into the biggest dork of the twentieth century. We became reluctant parents to seven feral children together. I’m sure you’ve been acquainted with Dustin Henderson and co, for that we are all very sorry, we are working on them. So yeah Steve and I found out we practically share braincells, trauma bonded for life, we’ve both saved each other like at least seventeen different times at this point, but legally I can’t talk about any of those (trust me you don’t even want to know) so yeah Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, sisters for life. We aren’t even the strangest duo in our group, Eddie and Steve are literally boyfriends and it is the weirdest thing that makes the most amount of sense if you saw how they look at each other. Nancy and I on the other hand are classy about our love (this is a lie, we are probably even more disgusting then the guys. But don’t tell Nancy.) 
Whew that was a long winded paragraph, hope it wasn’t too wordy and got my point across that I love these idiots, and if it wasn’t for you I don’t think I ever would have been comfortable enough with myself to find and trust them. I hope you keep finding those kids who don’t feel like they belong. Most of all I hope you are just as happy and fulfilled as the way you helped me to be. Thanks for everything Mr. Hauser.
Eternally grateful,
Robin Buckley
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