#I’m praying for you anon
skyward-floored · 2 years
im sorry for my last ask, you didnt deserve to have that dumped on you
I’m not going to post the ask, because I don’t really think you want everyone to read it, but Anon, I’ll tell you straight:
I’ve had the exact same thought process before. It’s what stopped me.
Mine was more family members, but internet friends were a big part of it. And if you’re having thoughts like that? I’m holding your hand and looking you in the eye and telling you with all the love I can muster to talk to someone about it. Tell them you’re feeling that way.
Call a hotline if you have nobody else, but please, talking helps. It really helps. It’s scary, but I promise you’ll feel better if you do.
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Priest getou and nun reader or villager reader....(anything other than the word both isnt acceptable...😡😡😡 /j) -🪄
🪄 ANON I SEE YOU AND YOU RAISE A VALID POINT but please consider…… priest!geto and non-believer!reader.
like… imagine. you just happen to waltz into a church one day. you don’t believe in god, you aren’t interested in praying, but you’re exploring a new town and the church is pretty and you figure it could be a nice way to burn time.
you enter the building to find that a sermon is taking place. a priest is speaking to the few rows of people listening; it’s a fairly small church, but paintings and sculptures and beautiful cathedral glass give it a sense of mystique that you’re drawn to. so you take a seat and halfheartedly listen, not praying like the rest, not singing along to the hymns… you stick out like a sore thumb, but hey, it’s not as if anyone is paying attention.
except someone is, and it happens to be the priest that was holding the sermon just a second ago. the same one you spent most of your time oogling once the paintings started to bore you, because he’s so pretty for a priest. beautiful long black hair, amber eyes, sharp facial features, pretty hands — and the smoothest, silkiest voice you’ve heard in your life. like a sun-soaked bundle of lillies.
… also, his cassock is just a little too tight of a fit to tear your eyes away from.
you stick around a little longer once most people have left, just scrolling on your phone and basking in the quiet, and that’s when he approaches you. he jokingly tells you that it’s always obvious when a non-believer enters a place of worship, but he’s not mad; only amused. you end up chatting a bit about your beliefs, he’s a lot more chill than you expected, and…. well. he’s just really, really charming.
so maybe you end up coming back the week after. maybe his smile is a bit like a spider’s web. maybe it becomes a kind of routine to speak to him after his sermons; you still don’t sing along to the hymns or spend any time on prayers, and he still finds it funny. maybe once in a while you end up liking a paragraph from the scripture he’s reciting, and he’s always more than happy to discuss it with you. but mostly you’re there for him. for your chats, for standing outside and badgering him about how contradictory the old testament is while he smokes and listens with an amused grin.
rain hits the ground with a steady rhythm, earthy tobacco floods your veins, spiders by the ceiling weave a web of dew, and his presence is a little more intoxicating than you think is appropriate.
suguru just… isn’t a very orthodox priest. he only believes about a tenth of what the bible says, he has his own view of god, his own thoughts on worship. he smokes. he may or may not occasionally manipulate church-goers into donating money so he can invest in another overpriced painting. you once ask him if there are any bodies in the basement you should know about, and he answers that any self-respecting priest wouldn’t conduct their blood rituals in the basement of their own church. he knows how to pick locks. he tells you once, very quietly, that he doesn’t believe man was created in god’s image. there’s a look in his eyes that you don’t comment on.
he’s funny. charming. pleasantly suspicious. your conversations are enjoyable for the both of you, and eventually the edges of his cedar eyes begin to crinkle the slightest bit whenever you walk into his field of vision. sometimes he eyes your lips for a little too long, and a honeyed irony seeps into his grin when you call him out on it. he asks you if you’re tempting him on purpose, and you shrug. whatever exists between you remains unspoken.
one day, he tells you that he believes it was god who sent you to him. you furrow your brows and protest with a mutter reminding him of your beliefs, how you believe in free will, how you waltzed into his church out of your own volition. no one else’s.
he only smiles, and flicks the butt of his cigarette. you think he remains unconvinced.
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I lied about my age to get into a Will Wood concert. I waltzed into that concert at the age of 15 pretending to be 18 and my dad only went with it because he had already bought the tickets and he was going to get his money's worth
(rant in tags)
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inkykeiji · 4 months
As sad as I'd be if it turns out Dabi/Touya's dead I want him DEAD so bad. Like he deserves it😭 I don't even know if I mean that as in "he's a horrible person and deserves to die" or "he's been through enough and needs to be put out of his misery" but I want him deceased
LMAOOOO i am 100% with you on that anon!! & for me, it’s both—especially since death is what he wants. like he fully intended to die and take his father and possibly brother with him during that final battle. the man wore white on purpose; it was supposed to be his own funeral. in my opinion, the best end for him would’ve been him and enji dying together—this way, touya gets what he wants (to kill his father) and enji makes amends for all of his transgressions (with his life).
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wonysugar · 4 months
Hello user Wonysugar it's 🤓 anon I just wanted to say that recently my baby momma had a miscarriage and for some reason blamed it on me and stuff and she really liked Soyeon so seeing your recent post answering an ask about Soyeon made me tear up a bit because it reminded me of her. Sorry if it sounds like I'm trauma dumping it's not my intention but I thought it was a bit silly lol. I hope you're having a good day! Remember to eat well and drink well and stay hydrated. :)
- Sincerely, 🤓
oh. oh my god?? i’m so sorry???😭😭i hope you’re doing better i’m incredibly sorry what
i hope you’re alright 🤓anon :(( i’m truly really sorrycksnfksn god,,, my bad man
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chanstopher · 1 year
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I wish he would stop dancing around the issue. Like in those bubble messages about hating when people think they are helping but not… I feel like letting people assume what you’re thinking and who you’re talking about is part of the problem. When it’s a bit too vague, people will take it how they want, which can perpetuate all these rumours, etc.
I just wish someone would make a clear statement about this whole thing and everyone can leave it at that, like it or not. Idk I guess I just feel like it’s not really helping to cryptically hint at how you feel about things.
People will always speculate that he’s lying and that the company “forced” him to say something, but the fans that respect him at least would leave it at his word and be done with it.
i definitely don’t think it’s a very unpopular opinion tbh. i always assume he does it that way to get around not being allowed to talk about it. jype has always been an ignore the problem don’t address it company, so i think it’s his way of getting around that. but i also wish he could be more blunt. the times he has been he has also been dragged through the mud (not that everything he does isn’t also that way) so i also understand not wanting to cause more shit. it’s a double edged sword for him every time something happens unfortunately :(. but i also agree that ppl who actually did respect him would take it at his word, sadly ppl have a very delusional expectation of what they’re allowed to consider respectful to him. some ppl see trusting him as respectful and some see defending him and creating petitions as respectful. it’s sucky and unfortunate that the solution can’t be easier for him or us
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sesamestreep · 3 months
would love to hear about 'okay this is it this time really' for the wip game!
anon, you are an angel.
‘okay this is it this time really’ is my draft for my latest attempt at part 4 of the daredevil west wing au, which I have been trying to write for like six months now?? with extremely limited success. It basically is supposed to explain how Matt ends up working for the re-election campaign with Foggy and I really need to finish it because I already wrote part 5 of the AU here by accident (possessed by the spirit of horny billiards competitions, alas, as you might have heard, many such cases) but I can’t post it to ao3 until part 4 is up because otherwise it won’t make sense!!! (editor’s note: it would be fine, I am just a lunatic). Sorry to anyone who’s waiting on these installments, I too wish the writing was going faster but I will never give up on this AU, it’s my darling, my baby.
anyway, the only scene I have is some Foggy/Karen banter, which is largely scammed directly from an actual west wing episode, forgive me:
Foggy frowns. “Today’s not special. It’s just an ordinary Tuesday. This is an ordinary Tuesday suit.” “You have different suits for different days of the week?” “No, that’s not what I—” “Do they have the day of the week that they’re meant to be worn stitched into the waistband?” Karen asks. “Like day-of-the-week underwear?” “It’s not a Tuesday suit,” Foggy says. “Okay? I misspoke. It’s an ordinary suit meant for an ordinary day of the week, such as—” “Tuesday.” “Yes.” “For example.” “You get it,” Foggy says, calmly, like this is no big deal. “So, it’s not special.” “Not at all.” Karen cocks her head to the side, considering him. “It’s not new?” Foggy hesitates. “It’s possible you haven’t seen it before.” “So, it is new, then.” “To you.” “But not to you.” “No, I was there when I bought it,” Foggy says, irritably. “Thus, I’m familiar with it.” “Huh,” Karen says, mildly. Foggy isn’t fooled, of course. He knows Karen’s not done with this interrogation. She’s just pretending she is, to get him to relax, so that when she pounces on him again, he won’t expect it and he’ll give something up that he doesn’t actually want to surrender. He knows all of her tricks.
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i’m confused who was matty talking about
Honestly idk, but honestly he could have just been chatting shit😭 like you know how you’ll have an argument with someone in your head long after it happened and you make up the SICKEST come back. I’m choosing to say that’s what happened, purely because it makes me giggle
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bueckersstrap · 3 months
i have a crush on a straight girl with a bf. am i cooked?
hey we’ve all been there i think.
the answer unfortunately is yes! 😕
lmk how you continue living anon💔💔 come back and update me 😊
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goldenhypen · 1 year
,,,,,thinking about how one of the scariest things you can tell a fanfic writer on here is that you think you know them irl. at least that’s just my personal opinion. hbu? 😀
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lyriumsings · 1 year
as a fellow sevenmancer, what is your opinion on soft violence so far 👀
Since seven is on the forefront of my mind right now for letter reasons imma finally answer this lolol and i’m gonna tag @777greywolf bc they asked me about this for ocs for this as well and i can’t talk in short paragraphs SJSJSJ as you will see under this cut
Personally i love soft violence and i’m excited for the drama and the shenanigans!! i like that they don’t like mc and give them a hard time (it’ll make the friendship more satisfying tbh when they realize their judgements were unfair lmaoooo) I also just love characters that are loyal like that?? like regardless of how seven retold events whether they were biased or not their friends have their back and try to make sev feel comfy and happy!! idk i just can’t wait to get to be friends with them in game lolol
As for my MC Octavia uhhh if say they’re cautious?? As a knee jerk reaction Octavia wants to stay away from all of them like “those are sevens bandmates and i should just treat them as extensions of seven” basically. Rather than as individuals which Octavia will have a hard time doing. Unlike Sev, Octavia is a very honest person and has a hard time holding grudges in general esp if they people haven’t done anything personally to them. So while Octavia may participate in some passive aggressive and aggressive aggressive behaviors toward them in the beginning lmaooo it won’t last very long. Octavia is a very give what you get person most of the time, but being hostile is exhausting. Looking for offense in every word and action just isn’t in Octavia like that, and they just joke a lot and idk they’re just pretty affable. Unless Soft Violence was 100% bent on making Octavia hate them 100% of the time they’re around her Octavia could never maintain that kind of mindset lol.
TLDR: Octavia’s first impressions is: absolutely not. but like give it a week or two and they’re just gonna be like “oh are we still like doin that mean thing to each other? ok.”
Abel and Chrissy though. They are in the infamous universe but they don’t have a relationship to seven they’re octavia’s friends they made post breakup so basically they are to seven as soft violence is to octavia lolol. Basically Abel is very loyal to a fault he’s very “the enemy of my friend is my enemy.” and it’s very hard to undo his opinion once it’s made and then chrissy is also kinda like abel?? but less extreme. Basically chrissy is chill and cordial but wary and Does Not Forget. Very “Chrissy will remember this” SJSJJSJA So Abel is very much “fuck SV all my homies hate SV (they don’t he’s just dedicated)” and Chrissy is smiling! Chrissy is chill! But she’s also watching 🙂. Closely.
Thank you for the ask!!<3333 i’m sorry i’m so slow lmaooo
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mourningsaint · 9 months
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Gift(s) for @blessedfangs !! Under the Cut! For Jirai-Doll’s Secret Santa :3<
Sorry that the bottom left and right images are on their sides
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I hope you like these ^ - ^
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antvnger · 1 year
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I normally don’t answer anything this early but when I woke up and saw this, I couldn’t leave it for later.
First of all, Anon, thank you for being courageous enough to reach out about this. That really is pretty brave. And you’re not bothering me one bit! I’m glad you reached out because I’ve got plenty to tell you about this, Anon, so you gotta listen to me, okay?
You matter.
You do! You matter. The fact you exist means you matter. You were made with a purpose, whatever that may be. I don’t know who told you otherwise or what made you believe that you don’t matter enough, but none of that is true. I believe you were created with love and care and intent.
You know how like Michelangelo put so much time and effort into the tiniest details of his sculptures to create something wonderful and amazing? I believe with my whole heart that’s the same kind of love and care and attention to detail that was put into creating you, someone wonderful and amazing. Your existence is not an accident or a mistake. You are not junk. You are a masterpiece. That’s nothing to be ashamed about.
That☝🏻goes to everyone reading this too! And everyone who doesn’t read it.
Anon, I’m sorry that you feel like everything is crashing down around you and you’re barely hanging on. I’ve been there too, and I can say that in this world, nothing last forever. This season will pass, and if you hold on and push forward, there are better things ahead. Unfortunately, life isn’t fair or easy, and sometimes shit hits the fan. But I believe you’re strong enough to endure, and you’ll find something better on the other side.
I really strongly suggest you find some professional help, Anon. Getting help like that is nothing to be ashamed of either. I’ve had to get help like that, and it really is beneficial. If you can’t? Then build a circle of friends and supporters who will cheer for you and support you and remind you of truths like what I’ve already told you. You can add me ((and Ant-Mun!)) into that circle.
You’re loved, Anon. Even when you don’t believe it or feel like it, you’re loved. And you’ve got us in your corner. Feel free to stop by my inbox anytime you need to be reminded of what I shared with you. I’ll gladly do it anytime. And if you ever need advice, I’m no professional expert, but I’ll do my best.
Hope this comforts you, Anon. I promise it’s all true.
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whinlatter · 1 year
Bill testimony made me cry so hard. I hope there is a shift in the narrative and that him and Fleur don’t get attacked by the press too much. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
me, looking at the current draft of chapter 6 with the press reaction to bill’s remarks 👁️👃👁️
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I’m so sorry, anon, I can make no promises, but I’m so so happy you’re reading and enjoying the fic 🥰
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mcondance · 11 months
im gonna get attached to her, this isnt funny
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14faber · 1 year
Who’s your favourite underrated gopher?
sorry for the the late response anon…. i would definitely say mason nevers, or anyone on the 7 line!! i would also say justen but i wouldn’t really say he’s that underrated because he’s talked about on insta
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