#I’m probably going to delete this but I was thinking about it
I think there was a cultural shift with Tumblr users when it comes to informing people they've rebloged from shit blogs?
Like I remember there were quite a few bigish posts that got shared going on about how people didn't care where posts came from.
But also, absolutely people are trying to use it as a gotcha moment with you
A lot of the anons were probably trying to have a gotcha moment, but I feel like the ones who were followers for a long time were just angry and confused because it was a breech of trust in their eyes I’m sure. They thought I was supporting genocidal maniacs, I don’t hold it against them for having a passionate response.
I misunderstood a post and didn’t realize who made it because I generally trust posts I see from people I follow, but the people I follow make mistakes sometimes, too. I need to be better about fully reading through posts about important topics instead of just skimming through and assuming the post is in good faith just because I see it was reblogged by a mutual.
I’m not going to check every post to ensure every person in the reblog chain is a good person. That’s not realistic, but I don’t have a problem with deleting a post when people tell me it was made by a Zionist or pedophile or whatever else. I like people to tell me when I accidentally platform abysmal people. I don’t appreciate others assuming I had bad intentions by it, but since we’re all strangers on the internet I’m not all that offended either.
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ringsreforged · 2 days
Season 2, Episode 6 - Nat's Rambles
Okay – SO – Paulina is still on holiday, and I’m obviously DYING OVER HERE (Natalie, in case you hadn’t guessed) so TUMBLR. I HAVE RETURNED.
Truly though, I don’t think I’ve done this since S4 of The 100 which probably aired 100 years ago at this point…what has this show done to me…
ANYWAY. My immediate thoughts on Season 2, Episode 6: WHERE IS HE???????
Paulina Voice: All opinions herein have nothing to do with me, so only judge Natalie for them.
Important Note: I have only watched once, in a haze of stress and emotion, so I reserve the right to delete all of this later if I change my mind on any of it.
Arondir – Hello! Nice to see you! Glad you’re joining us for the battle!
I did like the detail of confirming that not all the orcs are on board with Adar’s war, but I was mostly laughing that ‘running through the trees’ is how the show has reminded us a character exists for two weeks in a row.
Rhun – I think this was the first episode where I was like GO AWAY, RHUN, NOT NOW. Though, I want to stress that I am super excited to see the conclusion of this, probably in episode 8. The Dark Wizard, the Gaudrim, the fate of the Stoors (honestly, I’m assuming they’re all going to be massacred tbh…which…the optics…but we’ll worry about that later…). In today’s episode, it just felt a bit like ‘hey, these characters still exist.’
I did love the little snippet of Tom and the Stranger, though I felt like it could have just been included in their previous scenes. He is 1000% Gandalf, and I stand by my opinion that this isn’t supposed to be a twist or a surprise. It’s just the narrative telling the story. Destiny or friend is super intriguing to me. It’s very Luke and Yoda from Empire, but I do wonder if his destiny IS to choose his friend…and in so doing, THAT is how he finds his staff…
Nori talking with the Gund was very sweet, and her willingness to give herself up to protect everyone was super in character. Poppy and Merimac were cute (I pray to all the gods that THIS was the kiss Morfydd teased but I doubt it very much…), and Poppy wanting to fight for the Stranger made me pretty emotional. However, I have some bad news…
Guys…I think I’m adding Poppy to DEATH WATCH. And I HATE IT. BUT I CAN’T UNTHINK IT.
Moving on…
Numenor – This continues to be the choppiest of storylines this season, but I do think the broad elements are super on point. And, actually, where we end up makes the Eagle sequence make more sense in retrospect. Pharazon didn’t have things locked down, Miriel is very much still a player on the board, and Mr. Eyebrows is THE BIGGEST HYPOCRIT.
Then again, if you told me I’d see Halbrand in the Palantir I’d probably touch it too…
Ahem. Loved that detail by the way! Part of the reason I felt like Halbrand would be his Numenor form was the small scene he shared with Pharazon back in S1, while Galadriel was taking out the guards. A connection was formed then – perhaps his eyes even bored a hole – and if Halbrand rocks up as an enemy of the elves, that’ll only make him more appealing.
Everything with Miriel and Elendil was absolutely stunning. He was willing to give his life for her, she was willing to give hers for his. WHAT ABOUT MY HEART. Honestly, from the way Owen and Cynthia talked about this season, I felt like they weren’t going to get anything at all romance coded. But I’m just starting to think people in TV only see active kissing as romance, because HELLO?? THAT’S THE SCRIPT????? THAT IS ABSOLUTELY ROMANCE????
I’m very excited to watch the sequence with the sea worm again, and to really let it wash over me (heh), because I was starting to get time anxious at that point in the episode (my brain starts panicking ‘don’t end, don’t end.’ Honestly, my brain SUCKS). But it was incredible, the implications were wonderful, Elendil’s relief was beautiful, and so was Pharazon’s rage. Also, the whole sequence was UTTERLY STUNNING, WOW.
Note for the show overall, or maybe just for myself, though – PLEASE stop spoiling so much of the season through promotional material. My biggest gripe with this episode is that I felt like I’d already seen/put together 90% of it.
Anyway, I’ve left Earien until last because this was a MUCH better episode for her (though, not letting her have any reaction to Valandil’s death was CRIMINAL). To the point that I’m now reforging (heh) my thoughts on last week – who directed her to have such bratty energy last week? Weird.
Anyway, we saw much more of her conflict and fluidity in this episode. She isn’t Faithful, she believes the new order is the way to go, but she’s also struggling massively with it. Her desperate hug with her father broke my heart, I had instant tears in my eyes, but then I also cheered when she brought Miriel in! What a great surprise that was! I’m REALLY interested to see where she goes from here…I’m assuming in the finale? I was sure she was locked onto a super dark path, but she witnessed Miriel survive the Valar’s judgement…will that sway her back around?
I’m going to finish this section with something that’s maybe a bit controversial…Elendil sucks as Earien’s father!!! Now, I’m willing to put this on pacing/editing issues, because I don’t think the show really wants us to feel this way. But good god, man. HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR DAUGHTER. I really enjoyed their cell scene, but sweet lord baby jesus, these two needed a deep conversation in episode 3. Watching him turn to go when Miriel walked in, and just forget Earien was even there hurt me man…even though I enjoy the Miriel aspect VERY much…
Like, I know you’re mad at her, but you’re all she’s got left…and your pride might mean she watches you die…can you be a little kinder to her???
Dwarves being dwarves, AKA perfect – Flawless. No notes.
The initial sequence with the Durin’s and Annatar was PERFECT. Annatar being rejected (that Balrog glimpse was SO EVIL), and Baby Durin’s flicker of hope. But then the reveal that Daddy Durin is deep in the shit because he’s really just being greedy. My gooooodnesssssss. The show has done SUCH A GOOD JOB setting this up, because we know Daddy Durin isn’t this way! We feel Baby Durin’s pain!
Then Daddy Durin has his IT’S MINE moment with the ring and swats his son away. Anguish. And the anguish only anguished harder when we cut to Durin and Disa. Disa talking about her love for her father-in-law, and her own father, and then DURIN’S TEARS. UGH. UGH. UGH. I was weeping, honestly.
I feel like Durin being suss of the rings this early on is a pretty big change (don’t quote me on this) but I’m for it. Watching Disa turn back Narvi and the others (poor Narvi) was beautiful and then that I LOVE YOU. UGH. UGH. UGH. PERFECT, I SAY.
I doubt Disa has anymore bats to summon, though, so IDK how the heck they stop what’s coming next. Is Durin going to get drawn away by his desire to help Elrond, leaving Disa alone and vulnerable?
Adar and Galadriel – I wish we’d gotten more, especially because they released a clip yesterday that I obviously couldn’t resist watching, but what we got was JUICY.
I felt that Adar knew Halbrand was Sauron back in the premiere, or at least suspected it. Getting that confirmation paints their scene with the talk of the wine, the tears, and the kneeling in such a different light. TASTY.
I’ve seen people question this, because why did Adar not try and kill him there and then? To my mind, that’s pretty straightforward. He killed him once and it didn’t stick. And last time he had the element of surprise. He knows that Sauron is powerful enough to get out of his chains/to not get caught by orcs, which means he’s here for a reason. If Adar tries to kill him, best case scenario Sauron is off the board for another few centuries, but he’ll likely take down some orcs with him on the way out. And for what? For him to just come back again?
I think Adar decided to play the long game. I think talk of Eregion and Galadriel let him know that something more was going on, and he was biding his time to act.
So, Sauron promised Adar children. Honestly, the Adar/Sauron/Galadriel dynamic that played across this episode was the stuff of my dreams. Adar is holding his own relationship with the fella up against hers, and there’s so much subtext for both dynamics. Was there romance between both? Was it solely manipulation for both? Is Adar what Galadriel might become if she succumbs?
Galadriel definitely wasn’t being entirely truthful with Adar when she mentioned that Sauron promised an army, because that was more what she thought she could get out of Halbrand. And yes, sure, Sauron might have nudged her that way. But Sauron’s true offer came later on the raft, after the army had been delivered. Adar even acknowledges that she’s not being truthful, that she needs to let go of her pride. I feel like we’ll see that play out over the last two episodes for sure…
The line that really stuck with me from a Hal&Gal perspective was Galadriel finishing Adar’s line about the world with Sauron being full of colour, and without him it’s a dull grey. It fits with how Galadriel has come across to me this season. Since Elrond shut her out, she hadn’t had anybody to open up to, and she’s certainly not being fully honest with herself yet. That dull grey speaks to how she’s mostly been…quite contained? The only moments where she’s truly come alive were with Nenya, and when she was fighting.
Later in the episode, she DOES put aside her pride. She calls Adar Uruk!!! She opens up and sees the possibility of an alliance. And I think this goes back to Sauron too. She’s had a taste of darkness and the temptation of it, she knows she’s not secure from succumbing, and so her perspective of Adar – who was once an elf – has massively shifted. However, when he asks if he and his children will be able to return to their home…we all know the answer to that.
I actually never stopped to consider that Adar would be the one manipulating/tricking Galadriel, which is silly in retrospect. Because this much better explains how she ends up in a cage facing the elves (sorry guys, I don’t think she’s bait for Sauron…she’s facing the wrong way…). I’m looking forward to watching this bit again, as I feel it was a bit rushed on first watch. I would have liked to see these two chat for a good two scenes more, honestly.
Adar is falling into the trap, which is pretty devastating, and Galadriel is the one seeing through it. Honestly, I really don’t know how things roll out in the finale. I flip from it making no sense for it to be a S1 rehash, to being sure she’ll defiantly resist, to being sure the show is setting her up to not be able to. I JUST DON’T KNOW. I wish I’d never seen those stupid leak spoilers…the promo makes me think they are real, but then we MUST be missing full context.
Adar is still on DEATH WATCH but like…a little bit less than before, honestly? Mostly because I don’t see how we have time to get ALL the confrontations into the last two episodes. When Adar goes out – and he will – he deserves the biggest death.
Random aside: I am pondering sharing something of a Haladriel ramble/rant but I’m also like…IDK if I want the hassle, so we’ll see.
Celebrimbor and Annatar
Oh, Brimby. My heart aches. The sequence with him forgetting Mirdania’s name was so heartbreaking and watching Annatar isolate him so completely was chilling. First, by taking away the other smiths, then with the illusion.
I actually don’t think I have a lot to say on this section, because it’s been rumbling along all season and we’re just about to reach the climax. Sauron is Sauron’ing his hardest in this episode.
I am now quite convinced that Mirdania is not Celebrian (I already didn’t really believe it, but it’s firmer now) and I do think she’ll die. I think she’ll either be killed by Sauron himself, or she’ll be caught in the crossfire of the siege, and as she dies she’ll make eye contact with him and he’ll just coldly leave her. I feel like there has to be some sort of climax to the whole…you look like Galadriel thing, but I’m not really sure what that could be?? I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of time next episode, so maybe that really was a one and done so the viewer understood he’s thinking about her…
Celebrimbor trying to snap on Annatar, and that flash of true rage in Annatar’s face…oh god, next week is going to be soul destroying. I honestly can’t wait and dread it at the same time. Celebrimbor has fought so hard but then comes the illusion, then comes the lure – more talk of the Valar, of his work, of Feanor and the Silmarils. CELEBRIMBOR. GET OUT, PLEASE. GET OUT.
Sauron was then absolutely buzzing at the end there, as war came, and I wonder if there are more twists to come or if things play out fairly straightforward from here. We know the elves will charge the orcs. Does that happen straight away? Is there any communication? Because it’s complicated, isn’t it? On one hand, let Adar and the orcs try to take our Sauron…but then, you know innocents are being killed. You have to save them, surely?
And that’s that, I think? PHEW.
I must say, it’s harder to get through this season being in fandom because I KNOW SO MUCH MORE and I WANT SO MUCH MORE and people STRESS ME OUT. But, at the same time, it feels nice to love something this hard again?
Let’s get episode 7 and [redacted] out of the way fast, though, yeah?
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froody · 2 years
My dad gets upset sometimes because he isn’t his mother’s favorite child and he has never been, it’s always been my uncle who he looks down on. Dad ‘does more for [gandma]’ like being in charge of her finances and estate planning. Fundamentally he is a dutiful son but the thing is my uncle is actually a loving son and my father isn’t. My father goes out of his way to belittle, needle and hurt her. One example that comes to mind is the fact my grandmother struggled with anorexia for much of her life, from the 60s to the late 90s. Now she is 73 years old and disabled and sick and she has gained weight she cannot lose, frankly, losing the weight would be more detrimental to her physical health. But my super fatphobic dad makes sure to bring up her weight at least once every time they see each other.
My dad is inattentive to her wants, her needs, her thoughts, her physical and mental state. She has schizoeffective disorder. She’s been mentally ill my entire life. It’s not her fault but he gets so frustrated with her when she gets confused or experiences delusions.
Essentially, my uncle isn’t a raging misogynist and he’s a sweet caring guy. He provides a lot of mental and emotional support and attention that she needs that my dad has never supplied. And my dad wonders why he isn’t the favorite.
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iris-kinnie · 6 days
Ugh. I had a really bad day.
#chat sesh with iris#vent in the tags#had to get a super personal reminder of someone who I used to know who left me YEARS AGO but it still upsets me to hear her name and I#literally saw HER MOM who proceeded to talk a bunch about what she’s been doing#tw suicide mention#tw suicidal ideation#in the tags lol#so warning that it’s in the next tag#like I think about killing myself whenever I have a passing thought about her so this was too much#I’m not going to do it I’m physically safe 👍👍👍 but like#even despite all of the shitty things that happened I was still having a pretty good week because like. people have been really nice to me.#and I’ve been having a little fun#but this is way too far to excuse like practically no matter what else happened or happens 😭😭😭#like hearing how much better her life is than mine#I literally had to physically leave the situation#like she had finally after YEARS(!!!) gotten mostly off of my mind#but not anymore#the heaviest sigh ever#anyway I would apologize for venting but like this is my blog 👍👍👍#I don’t really have anywhere else to talk about it#like even the people who I consider my best friends did not care or respond or ask questions when I mentioned that I was having like a-#breakdown in public#other than one#shoutouts#and I’m probably going to sleep really soon so maybe I’ll wake up and think this is too personal and delete it#like if I’m only posting because of how tired I was#or who knows maybe my thoughts will keep me awake for hours#I still have nightmares about her#BLUE AND DAWN AND HOP AND ARVEN AND GREEN SAVE ME!!!!!
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reliablejoukido · 8 months
Someone just gave me a shit sandwich comment on a fic and it’s like… don’t do this. Don’t do this to me and don’t do it to other people.
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hinakyuu · 3 months
warning: gonna be an asshole real quick. (also my opinion is my own, i don’t speak for anyone else, etc. )
ok but we have so many dynamics here within our own team. real, strong bonds. plus uhh proximity? idk why there are ppl with a foot in both sides solely due to fictional ships. like i’ll make it easy for u. if u don’t know who to root for and are “conflicted” then just go ahead and root for the other team. after the behavior they displayed today if that hasn’t made up ur mind then maybe i don’t want even half of ur support for my team
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itslottiehere · 5 months
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kiwisandpearls · 2 months
I wanna see a version of that one post going “our generation would protest slavery” with the reblog: “y’all can’t even boycott chick fil a” but instead it’s:
“Our generation would be better than previous generations and not shit all over newer ones”
“Y’all can’t even get over Gen Alpha humor and can’t even not call kids being kids cringe”
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no1ryomafan · 9 months
Very stupid getter thing I’m thinking about as it’s such a minor detail but my brain is circling around how color is used in the series, more specifically for the robot.
Color palettes for your badass giant robot mean everything but the color choices in Getter are *very* important as it was the first-and few-robots to have multiple different forms in one, and are all compromised of jets to make the robot.
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The designs needed to be consistent with this aspect, having the Getters color palette use all three individual colors of the jets. What’s noteworthy about the colors used is the robots almost follow using the primary colors of red, blue and yellow, but the blue is swapped out for white. This was likely due to a better color balance, as while the primary colors would work if the robots weren’t individually joined but still a group, keeping in mind the concept of how they form from jets the blue would likely clash too much with red and yellow, where as white makes it all smoothly come together.
Nearly every Getter set since tries to follow this tradition of using red, white and yellow in there palettes, but aside from a few obvious exceptions for Getters that were meant to stick out-like Neo/Go, as that robot doesn't run on getter rays so the palette was changed drastically to reflect its nature-the most obvious example of a traditional Getter breaking this tradition and going for blue over white is Getter Robo G.
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While each and every Getter has its own factors to stand out and differentiate itself, the G line for simply having one small color change really sets it apart. Especially with its OG design above, it’s hard to not notice its version of Getter Two (Liger) had a color change that affects the whole palette. So people either love or hate G for this, even if later takes of its design like Armageddon, try to tweak the colors to be more visually appealing by keeping it strictly to the main color of the respective jet. (This also carrying over for Shin Getter in the show)
But why do I mention any of this? Well I was in fact thinking about this regarding Arma and Getter 2, but less on the actual designs itself and more so a rather small yet likely intentional detail: How Kei is associated with the color blue before it’s even shown that she pilots Shin Liger. From her own promo art with Shin 2 having her being colored in blue despite Go and Gais colors being their respective robot, to her pilot suits having blue shoulder pads to match with Liger, which we see before the robot even appears. (Yes I’m using a SRW art instead of a show shot, just deal with it lol)
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This is such a small detail but the team likely had probably a rough idea of what to do with Shin Dragon, so seeing them giving small hints to the viewer-albeit one has to see a art of this prior to know lol-before it even happens is pretty cool. Just goes to show how much insane detail Getter has across its series.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
I don’t know why I am the way I am, but I feel like starting to watch the CW hit show supernatural, where men cry all pretty and get beaten up and kissed or possessed against their will a whole lot, as an impressionable preteen may have been part of it.
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morrigan-sims · 11 days
As of last night, 2/3 of my simblreen gifts are done. I’m hoping to do more work on the 3rd one tonight.
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flightlesskiwi · 3 months
Feeling very ‘I miss my friends’ in this chilli’s tonight
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ranger-crisis · 3 months
I love how there’s so many tieflings paired with Gale. Just truly something about that man has an apparent appeal to them. Crow (raven?) sees shiny object and grabs.
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madigoround · 1 year
Does everyone remember how I’ve mentioned that this blog is only accessible through the mobile app that it has me signed in on because I no longer have access to my old email and do not remember my old password and after many many attempts to contact @staff regarding being given the ability to change the email so I can log in if I need to rather than just hope the app keeps me logged in I have still not received any response. That being said for the last few years I just figured I would make another blog with my correct email when I am inevitably not able to access this blog anymore which is why my likes and following list is public so that if I had to make another blog I could still see those to reference but I’ve been thinking about it the last few months and I’m worried how many of my friends I would lose because I would be on another blog and even if I sent them a message maybe they wouldn’t see it or think it was legit or something? Also then it’s kind of begging people to follow you if you slide in their DM’s like hey we actually know each other and we’re friends I’m just on a different blog! So I was thinking maybe I should make another blog with my current email address that I won’t lose access to and then just list it in the bio and pinned post on this blog? So that my friends (you!) could stay with me if I lost access to this, what do you think?
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e77y · 5 months
Long but relatively unserious vent/rant below the cut (sorry I added this in bc I realized how long this post is oops)
Being at the center of some kind of internet witchhunt (which ik is kind of buzzwordy but) is literally my biggest fear ohhh my god. Even a small scale one… I think I would Die. Maybe it’s because I had a similar thing happen with my friend group in high school where one of them convinced the others I was like evil and spread all these rumors about me… 😭 He was splitting on me but still. That’s an explanation, not an excuse. And it basically confirmed all of my intrusive thoughts about myself, and my personality completely self-destructed and changed, and I haven’t interacted with any of those people the same way since. I isolated from them for MONTHS and just loathed myself. Bleh
The reason it’s on my mind is bc I’ve seen this happen to friends and mutuals and even just people I’ve followed in small fandoms, where the whole fandom hates them bc of this little drama and like. I KNOW that fandom drama is not the end of the world, but truly I think that would destroy me for months. And I would never be able to set foot in those spaces again :’) Getting a handful of rude comments about a fucking transfem hc I had at like 14 made me stop writing fanfic for YEARS 😭😭😭 sigh. Just bc they said it was ‘out of character for him to want to be a girl’ 🙄 (<- character who canonically felt confident when dressed as a woman btw. initially for a disguise but then she grew to love it. BUT I DIGRESS KNSHFJW)
All this to say I think that’s why I tiptoe around everything I say online… I am SO scared of ruffling feathers, but I know that fandoms are places for like! Having fun! And it’s not a big deal! And it doesn’t affect my real life! But like idk.. I just hate the idea of being hated by anyone. I’m sure that I ANNOY some people, and that’s whatever; I talk a lot and make overly personal posts sometimes (like this lol) but I don’t wanna be HATED yk? And idek if it’s better to be hated and ostracized publicly or resented in secret by people who still interact with you… :( Agh. If you ever have an issue with me, please DM me instead of letting it build up into something worse!
ANYWAY LIKE.. with fandom stuff. Idk. I want to have fun! I want to write and post things on Tumblr and AO3 etc but I am just very scared of peoples’ opinions, especially now that I have a decently popular/well-liked longfic in DnDads. For some reason I have convinced myself that writing bad or self-indulgent NSFW will make everyone hate me lmao. Like girl the POINT of fanfic is to be self-indulgent……….. sigh I need to get out more
^ light-hearted… but also kinda true haha. I stay at home a lot just bc I don’t have many reasons to go out atm and only a handful of close friends to go out with. Hopefully that will change when I move next semester lol. And whenever I get interests, they’re VERY strong and long-lasting, and fanfic writing is one of my main hobbies, so I get REALLY into online communities. And rn that is kind of my little niche fandom Tumblr bubble… which is embarrassing and probably unhealthy but whatever. I just inevitably get a lot of anxiety about things that are important/fun to me (bc OCD), especially bc I’ve never really had mutuals/‘friends’ in a fandom before this, excluding my irls
Anyway this got longer and more vent-y than I intended so I will tag accordingly, and sorry to whoever is reading this lol; I just wanted to get my thoughts written down in a public forum bc idk… Makes me feel less insane when ik other people can see it, too. Helps me not take it too seriously and spiral lol.
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minty-and-fresh · 1 year
saw and liked that one “fuck south park” post. And like I do get it, I understand why you would come to hate the show. But I will say that anyone saying that people a part of the minority groups that it routinely makes fun of, in particular, Jewish people in the form of Kyle, are never the people who watch the show, is just blatantly false. Saying that the only youth fans are queer and white is just wrong.
The show crosses lines, it makes people uncomfortable, including fans. Still I do not think that people who enjoy the show as parts of the groups that get mocked, should be getting hate. Speaking as one of those people, I just like the show for whatever various reasons and that’s allowed.
Just like it’s 100% allowed to not like the show and I will never be okay with people trying to pressure others into consuming media that makes them uncomfortable.
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