#I’m so bored aaaAAAAA
spinningbagel · 2 months
Pspsps guys,,, I’ve been hit with the urge to ramble so uh. Use my query box please. I’m begging you 🙏🙏. You can ask about literally anything, The Isles, Mutant busters, literally any of my several Au’s. Or like idk. Some other topic I guess. I’m just very desperate to ramble and answer questions 😔
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babsaros · 4 months
its now 2am AND i took a unisom and i’m still. not in a sleeping mood. even though the only thing i want is to be asleep
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dollfaceksj · 10 months
22 and 23? Combined?! YESSSIR
i decided to split it up anyways and #23 is just really short. but expect it very soon :)
warnings: just enjoy :) gigglessss
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #22
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you quickly text yoongi back
from: you
‘ah sorry i fell asleep directly after showering when i got home. i didn’t do much just took a nap and watched some netflix’
from: you
‘what about you?’
you have that date with yoongi tomorrow too
ur excited for that
but you have class
you check the time
it’s already 10pm
you haven’t eaten yet
you get up and quickly make yourself some instant ramen
your phone buzzes
from: yoongi
‘No worries’
from: yoongi
‘I didn’t do much either. Just thought about you’
shit shit
you seriously need to get that little shit out of your head when you’ve got a gentleman thinking about you
from: you
you eat your dinner before settling in bed again
from: yoongi
‘I’m not lying. How can I prove it to you?’
you think about your answer for a bit
from: you
‘prove it to me tomorrow on our date’
you plug your phone into your charger and stare at the ceiling as the past few events flash through your mind
what have you done?
from: yoongi
‘I intend to do just that’
from: yoongi
‘I’ll go to sleep now. Goodnight’
you smile at your phone
from: you
and then you decide to go to sleep too
class was boring as per usual
you had lunch outside and now you’re going back hom
once you arrive you decide to clean up
cause what if yoongi comes home with you?
can’t have him thinking you’re a slob
after you’ve cleaned, it’s already time to wash your body and start getting ready
you do your hair, makeup, choose an outfit
you’ve got on a knee skirt and a silk blouse on top
and you’re adding your finishing touches like jewellery and cute mary janes
right as you swipe your lipgloss along your lips and spray your coco chanel perfume
your phone buzzes
you check
from: yoongi
‘I’m outside’
ah. it’s 6.01pm
he’s so punctual <3
you look at yourself in the mirror one last time and then step out
you head out your door and he’s literally standing in your hallway, right in front of your door
how’d he go through the lobby/entrance hall and find your door?
but he’s standing there
with a big bouquet of flowers
ah shit. fuck.
you’d forgotten how gentlemanly he is
“you are absolutely stunning,” he says as he holds the bouquet of flowers out to you
you try to fight the smile on your lips but ultimately fail. “thank you.”
you take the flowers and then smell them
“you shouldn’t ha–”
you glance at them
wait a sec
are those
what you think they are?
“are these my birthflowers?”
he shoves his hands into his pockets, a sheepish look on his face as he glances the other way
you lead him back into your apartment as you go looking for a vase
“how’d you know what my birthflower is?”
he looks around your apartment and shrugs his shoulders. “i asked taehyung.”
“taehyung does not know my birthflower,” you laugh as you put the flowers in the vase and fill it up with water
he chuckles, “yeah, you’re right. but he does know your birthday. so i went on a little research mission of my own with the info i had.”
you place it on the accent table by your door and admire them for a bit before you turn to him
“that’s really sweet. thank you. i love them,” you say. “i’m sorry, i didn’t get you anything.”
he shrugs his shoulders. “you are my gift. give me a spin?”
he holds his hand out to you and you sheepishly take it
he holds it over your head and twirls you around
“gorgeous. i can’t believe how pretty you are.” he lets go of your hand and tilts his head to the side as he eyes you
your stomach keeps clenching
is this what they mean when they say butterflies?
“but if you insist on giving me something back,” he says as he takes a step closer to you. “i’ll always take a kiss.”
you glance up at him and purse your lips together as you think for a few seconds.
“i’d give you all the kisses in the world but i’m wearing my favorite lip combo with lipgloss. might rub off on you.”
he respectfully places his hands on your waist. “as long as it’s flavored. preferably cotton candy.”
so he doesn’t care if he gets lipgloss on his lips…..
ughhhh he’s so fine.
“who knew you had a sweet tooth?” you tease him
“how can i not have a sweet tooth when you exist?” he cheesily says, fingers gently squeezing your waist
he wants to have the life sucked out of him
he’s too smooth😭😭
dgaf if it was cheesy
“just don’t be messy,” you chuckle as you place your hands on his biceps
he chuckles, “i promise.”
he leans down and gently presses his lips to yours, keeping his promise of not being messy or rough
he never is but still
he parts from your lips after a few seconds and rubs his lips together, smearing the lipgloss stain on his lips together. “how do i look?”
“amazing,” you giggle and bring your thumb up to wipe the gloss off his lips
he lets you. “alright then. shall we go?”
you nod and take your purse off the accent table before heading out the door and locking up behind you
your creepy neighbor is sitting by the entrance but luckily you’ve got yoongi with you so he doesn’t say anything like he usually would
he leads you to a black, seemingly expensive car
“i didn’t know you had a car,” you say and he shakes his head
“it’s my parents’. i got them this car as a gift but that meant i had to wait and save to buy my own car.” he opens the passenger’s side and protects your head as you get in
:( he’s so sweet
he jogs around the front and gets in on the other side
you move to buckle your seatbelt but when you reach around the front, yoongi takes it from you and clicks it into the buckle for you
he buckles his own seatbelt and starts the car
“that’s really sweet of you. to do that for your parents.”
he shrugs his shoulders as he pulls out of the spot he parked in. “it’s the least i can do.”
you fidget with your fingers for a moment. “well, they’re lucky to have you as a son.”
a smile tugs on his lips but he doesn’t say anything more
you look out the window for a few moments and then your penny drops
“when did you ask taehyung about my birthday?” you turn your head to look at him
he glances at you for a moment
“during the camping trip.”
that’s how tae knew about you and yoongi
okay then
the reason why tae took it so well compared to if he ever found out about you and jungkook is because yoongi asked about your birthflower whilst jungkook probably would’ve asked for the color of your panties
you have a nice meal in a nice restaurant with yoongi and get to know him
he has a kitten at home
he doesn’t like horror movies
he’s working as a teacher in an elementary school and calls his students ‘his little gremlins’
can he be any more charming 😭😭😭😭
“i’m having a good time. isn’t it too early to go home?” you hum on your way to the car
as he helps you get into the car, he chuckles quietly to himself
“well, what do you have in mind?” he asks when he gets into the car and buckles his seatbelt
you shrug your shoulders. “a horror movie.”
“i told you, i don’t like them,” he groans as he starts the car and accelerates
“that’s precisely why. i’ll protect you,” you tease
he hums in response and then glances at you when he halts in front of a red light
you glance down at your phone and check your instagram, you’ve shared a few photos and clips of you being out with yoongi on your story
and you’ve gotten a dm
from tae?
from: @.kth3012
‘Use protection’
you respond
from: you
‘get out of my dms’
you check the viewers of your story
eunbi, a few classmates, a few friends, tae & co…..
👁️ @.jungkook97
you have him on insta
whatever…. he knows you’re casually seeing yoongi
speaking of yoongi
he asks, “well, if you’re serious about watching a movie, where would you want to watch it?”
“the theatres are always nice but now that you’ve mentioned a kitten i really want to meet her.”
he smiles at that and nods. “alright then, my place it is.”
he unlocks the door and leads you inside of his apartment, kicking his shoes off and watching as you do the same
he glances at you, taking notice to the difference in your height but doesn’t comment on it
and leads you further in
he motions for you to take a seat while he sets the table with snacks and drinks
his little black kitten 🐈‍⬛ struts into the living room and you quietly gasp
“oh my god…” you whisper, “she’s so cute!!!”
he smiles and squats, gently stroking her over her head and she can’t seem to get enough
“what’s her name?”
oh goodness gracious
can he be any cuter😭😭😭
you watch as he picks her up and walks up to you before sitting next to you on the couch
he holds her and she starts sniffing as you reach out to touch her
you gently graze your finger against her nose so she can get a good smell and that’s when she leans into your touch
“oh, my god. i would literally die for her,” you whisper in hopes you don’t scare her away
he smiles and lets you pet her small head until she loses interest and jumps out of his arms to disappear into the hallway
he reaches for the remote and starts skimmin thru movies
you decide to tease him and make up a lie. “your hand is shaking. are you that scared? i’ll protect you.”
he rolls his eyes and flicks your knee before putting on a random horror movie
you sink into the couch and he carefully wraps his arm around your shoulders
you place your head in the crook of his neck and put your hand on top of his chest
his hand drops down to your waist and he pulls you a little closer
and you enjoy the movie :)
about 40 minutes into the movie, you glance up at him to see if he’s still watching cause he’s very quiet
but he is, until he notices you looking at him and then he glances at you. “you good?”
you nod your head to his question. “thought you were hiding.”
he groans and throws his head back. “are you just gonna keep teasing me?”
you giggle as you sit straight up, looking over your shoulder at him. “how else am i supposed to have fun?”
he stares at the ceiling for a few moments before he picks his head back up and shifts his gaze to you. “if it’s fun you’re after, i’d be happy to give it to you.”
what is THAT supposed to mean
you tap your manicured nail against your chin. “what kind of fun are we talking about?”
he leans forwards. “exactly the kind of fun you’re thinking about.”
and you don’t know who kissed who first
but the ragged breathing and lips smacking is an obvious indicator that no one cares who kissed who first. it’s about how needy this kiss is
he respectfully holds you by your waist, humming against your lips in delight and pleasure
you cup his neck, fingers tangled in the long hair that grazes his shoulders
you tilt your head to get easier access, full on kissing him like you haven’t kissed like this in years
he squeezes your waist gently
he slowly pushes you back until you’re lying on the couch
his pelvis pressed into yours
and your lips still glued together
his tongue has explored every centimeter in your mouth at this point
you quietly moan into the kiss
and he gently sucks on your tongue for a little while before parting from your lips to kiss down your neck
his lips are so soft
it’s like you’re
being caressed by literal clouds. he’s so. wow.
“you sound so sweet for me,” he whispers against your skin as he covers your collarbones in soft kisses
he kisses back up to your lips and continues your makeout session
you make out with him for a long time and you know you’re completely soaked
he’s so gentle yet firm
he parts from your lips and glances down at you. “do you want to keep going?”
you look up at him with big eyes and sheepishly nod your head
why are you so shy with yoongi when you’re so slutty with jungkook?
don’t think about that FREAK
think about yoongi
and his big hands
and deep voice
and long hair
and soft touch
he’s so perfect
he slowly gets up from the couch and takes your hand to pull you up with him
you shoot him a confused glance and he smiles at you
“you’re too beautiful to do this on a couch.” he leads you to his bedroom
your stomach is BURSTING with butterflies
you reach his room and he leads you to his bed
he sits down on his bed and looks up at you. “come, sit on my lap.”
you shyly hike your skirt up a bit higher and slowly lower yourself onto his lap, thighs straddling his
you place your hands on his broad shoulders
and he holds your hips as he brings his lips back to yours
you quietly moan against his lips
he feels so .. good ..
before you know it
your back is against the mattress
and yoongi’s hips are wedged in between your thighs
his soft plump lips still coating your skin in kisses
he slowly sits up and takes his shirt off
“shall i take this off as well?” he asks, tugging on your blouse
you eagerly nod and right as you move to unbutton it, he’s already unbuttoning your shirt, exposing your bra to him
he quietly sighs in content. “you are so beautiful. i could stare at you all day.”
he moves on to your skirt and glances up at you for permission
you nod your head and watch as he discards it with no obstacles
he glances down at your horrendous excuse for underwear
wearing the sluttiest thong you own
he looks back up at you with a look in his eyes
you decide to defend yourself. “it’s to avoid panty lines in my skirt…”
he chuckles, “i didn’t say anything.” he looks back down at the wet patch on your underwear. “you’re just very sexy.”
😭😭😭😭 can he notttt
he tosses the articles of clothing aside and kisses your neck, down to the swell of your breasts
“you mind if i take this off?” he tugs on your bra strap
you lift your back off the bed and unclasp the bra yourself
he elegantly removes the straps and tosses the bra aside
he eyes your body with such… admiration
“you’re perfect.” he kisses down the valley of your breasts, eyes looking up at you for permission
you bite your lip and nod
watching him get to work on your breasts
he takes his time with foreplay, prepping you good and coating your entire chest in kisses
making you feel
and safe
and loved
and beautiful
by the time he’s removed your thong, you’re drenched
you sheepishly look at him in embarrassment
“would you like me to eat you out?” he whispers into your ear as he presses soft kisses to right under your ear
sending shivers down your entire body
you gulp. “actually,” you breathe out, “i’ve uh…”
he pulls away to look at your face, a hint of worry in his eyes
you struggle to find the right words for a moment until you finally decide to get it out. “i’ve fantasized about your fingers a lot.”
the concern in his face quickly turns to relief.. then to lust
“have you now?”
he nods his head and rolls off of you, propping his body up next to yours as he wets his middle and ring finger
you watch as his hand quickly moves down your stomach to your pulsating sex
and fuck
he gently runs the tips of his fingers up your slit, collecting your arousal
“you’re soaked, princess.”
yeah. you know that.
“all for me?” he whispers as he rubs his fingers in between your folds, the squelching sounds already making your face heat up
you hum in confirmation
he spreads your folds gently and then presses his lips to yours as he plunges two fingers into your pussy, slowly pumping them in and out
you moan against his lips, thighs already clenching and hips already jerking
he keeps thrusting his fingers into you, at a pace that you really enjoy
damn he’s good
you roll your hips around, wanting more friction
he uses his thumb to rub your clit as he continues to fuck his fingers into you
it’s embarrassing how you can already feel your slick leaking down your sex and to your butthole
after several minutes, he picks up the pace of his hand
a louder moan escapes you but he swallows all your sounds, lips still pressed against yours
you bring your hand up to squeeze his shoulder, indicating that your orgasm is quickly approaching you
and it doesn’t take long for you to cum all over his fingers, cries leaving your throat and your hips repeatedly jerking up
he lets you ride out your high and then pulls his sticky fingers out
he parts from your lips and glances down at his wet hand, examining it
he brings it up to his mouth and sucks his fingers clean of your arousal whilst watching you
you’re trying to catch your breath and he’s ditching his boxers in the meantime
you eye his dick with a salivating mouth
his tip is so red and oozing precum, begging for attention
oh you need him in your mouth immediately
you move to reach for his dick but he wraps his fingers around your wrist mid-air
he shakes his head. “today’s about you. i didn’t wait all this time to wait even longer.”
your throat
oh gosh
oh goodness.
he slowly drops your hand and moves to his nightstand, fishing out what seems to be a condom
you lie back and watch the show he’s putting on for you
rolling it onto his thick shaft, your fingers twitching to simply touch it
you tease, “today? so, there are gonna be other days?”
he chuckles as he positions himself at your pussy, one hand around his shaft and the other has your leg hooked around it to keep you spread for him, hand placed near your waist against the mattress to support himself
“you think you can finally give me a taste of you and expect me to never crave it again?”
he needs to stop
with saying these things.
he gently rubs his tip up and down your folds. “fuck,” he whispers as he watches the head of his dick slide over your slit
you quietly moan at the sensation, already clenching around nothing
“ready?” he asks as he makes eye contact with you
you eagerly nod your head, bringing your hand up to his shoulder
he slowly pushes into you, watching your face intently
you squeeze your eyes shut and swallow thickly, telling yourself the burn won’t last that long
“are you okay?” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your hairline
you open your eyes and nod your head
“does it hurt?” he asks, still very slowly pushing further
you quietly mewl at the intrusion but still nod your head. “it hurts so good.”
he bites his lip. “you’re gonna drive me crazy, you little minx.”
once he’s nestled deep inside of you, he takes a moment to let you adjust
he uses his free hand to slowly rub circles onto your clit, in order to help you relax
you softly moan his name, squeezing his shoulder
“shh, just breathe. relax. i’m right here,” he whispers, pressing another kiss to your temple
you breathe like he says and quietly grunt at how full he’s making you feel
“can i move?”
you nod at his question and watch as he slowly pulls out and pushes back in
you mewl under him, clenching around him
“fuck,” he whispers, “you’re gonna squeeze my dick off, princess.”
you quietly chuckle but not for long when another moan erupts from your throat as he pushes in once again, slowly thrusting into you
he’s so
caring :(
and gentle
and lovely
this is very
and strangely comforting
“you take me so well, y/n. so good.” he picks up the pace slightly, eyes dropping to your breasts that are bouncing from the momentum of his thrusts
“shit,” you moan, tears welling up in your eyes at how good his dick rubs against your walls
he rubs your clit at a faster pace too, hips bumping into the back of your thighs with each thrust
“you look so pretty under me. such a good girl.”
he’s gonna
drive you
fucking insane
he needs to STOP
cause you’re gonna cum at this rate
“yoongi,” you softly moan, moving your hand up his shoulder to his neck, pulling him down to press your lips to his
he kisses you passionately like he’s got something to prove whilst still rolling his hips into you so fucking good
fuck he’s so good
he parts your lips to kiss down your jaw to your neck, leaving soft kisses all over you and gently sucking on your collarbone
you mewl, arching your back off the bed to feel more of him
he’s so fucking fine
he keeps rolling his hips into you, pace already quickened
it’s got you seeing the evolution of the homo sapiens on the back of your eyelids every time you close your eyes
your stomach starts twisting and your thighs are clenching
yeah, you’re gonna cum soon
“yoongi, i–”
“i know, princess.” he focuses on stimulating your clit now but by no means are his thrusts lacking
you close your eyes, allowing the tears to roll down the sides of your face as your orgasm approaches you
and hits you like a ton of fucking bricks
“oh, shit,” you cry out as he keeps fucking into you, thumb still rubbing a delicious pattern directly onto your clit
the second orgasm hits your even harder, pathetic sobs escaping you as your legs tremble and your nails dig into his back
he fucks you through your orgasm and chases his own, dropping his hand from your sensitive clit and placing it against the mattress on the other side of your waist to steady himself as he picks up the pace
you mewl as he fucks you good, chasing his own orgasm. “fuck, i’m gonna cum.”
you nod your head and clench around his dick, tightening around and squeezing his dick repeatedly
it doesn’t take long after for him to cum, shooting his load into the condom
he quietly moans your name and a few more compliments as he lazily thrusts into you
he grunts as he pulls out completely, sitting on his knees in between your legs and dropping the one leg of yours he kept hooked around his arm
he tries to catch his breath, hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat
he looks so fucking good
you rub your eyes, wiping your pleasure tears away
“shit,” he mumbles after he’s finally got his breath back and yanks the condom off, tying a knot in it and discarding it in the bin
your chest dramatically rises and falls as you watch him move around the room
he disappears for a few moments before reappearing with wet wipes and a towel
he climbs back onto the bed and gently wipes your sex clean
your thighs slightly clench from the overstimulation and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him
“sorry,” he chuckles as he thoroughly cleans you up
he leaves after cleaning you up to put the stuff back and when he’s back he’s got on a pair of boxers
“i uh,” you scratch the back of your head. “i really enjoyed my time with you today.”
he chuckles as he sits next to you. “what happened to that devious little minx?”
you gently push him by the ribs with your foot and he just laughs
“i enjoyed it too. when can i take you out again?”
oh wow
you’re already excited to see him again
“whenever you want.” you reach for your clothes
he nods slowly as he hands you some of your clothes scattered across the floor. “saturday?”
you hum quietly. “tae wanted to go clubbing. you could join us?”
he nods his head. “i’ll be there.”
“i should uh,” you say before you clear your throat. “i should go home. i have class early tomorrow.”
he gets up. “let’s get dressed, i’ll drop you off.”
you smile and nod your head sheepishly as you get dressed with him
to be continued
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I’m feeling like a fucking egoist so I’ll roast myself
I’m the best at it😄🥰
aspects of my birth chart I blame -don’t do that-
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Picture from Pinterest
TW: it could turn deep
*basically aspects in my birth chart
Moon square Venus
I’m fucking rude. I always seem like Idgf. When I liked someone, unless I want them to know, in the past, they have told me that they haven’t had a clue I like them. It’s like I have a mask but really on the inside I’m sensitive and I’m scared of being hurt and not having the reaction I expect. Attachment issues. That’s the thing. I HAVE SUFFERED A LOT in past relationships, any type. Why? I’ve been too attached to the point I begged the other to stay or if don’t I…had a incomprensible fear OR I’ve been too cold and lost what could’ve been friends bc of my anxiety of being hurt/rejected/judge, etc. I HAVE SUCH A HUGE PROBLEM that’s not being able to show myself at the fullest or to struggle to be myself and i’ll adapt to what others would like. SCARED OF BEING JUDGE. I feel that I’m a burden, being me. Showing my real intentions and emotions to the ones I love the most. To be the cause of their problems. That’s my phobia -jk-.
Ascendant conjunction Neptune
As much as it costs me to mention it. Yes, neptune causes addiction or SPECIFICALLY and ORIGINALLY a necessity to escape, to avoid what’s in front of your eyes. The effect neptune gives is insane, the sensitivity someone with neptune energy is on another level. A level that make you wish to disappear or to go to another dimension. The need can’t be put in words. But oh darling, as much as you wish, you scream, you can’t go bc you’re sensitive and that makes you an emphatic. you feel what others feel: you can’t decide. How others would feel? So you hide it. You’re good at it or that’s what you think. “It’s for your own good and for the others, it’s the best”, that’s what you’d said.
Sun square Chiron
A truck hits you every time. Or -a example that’s more family friendly- when you start doing bars, at first you get blisters and it burns but you have to do the work anyways bc you’re not gonna wait an eternity so the blister can heal -another’s gonna appear in the process-: you kept going and finally your skin becomes indifferent to the rub between your hand and the bar. in other words, sun square chiron have passed and pass lessons that are really deep, specifically in the past by being invalidated for being them. They can feel insufficient and that you don’t have the right to be, to show your passions and expressive side (being creative and unique). They repressed you, they thought they had the right and you believed them. Honey, you become stronger each time. Your inner strength is incredible. Accepting yourself, being recognized by you is what matters and what’s going to make you reach your potential.
Lilith square Mars
AAAAAAAA THIS ASPECT. why do I have to have such a AAAAAA aspect? I HATE IT FUCK. You know how many times I’ve changed hobbies? How many times I’ve left a competition bc I was afraid of not winning? What if my full potential wasn’t what I expected? What if I wasn’t the best? If it was the case I preferred to leave, to die -how dramatic- instead of knowing I had competition and that I wasn’t the only one there that wanted to give her best. I changed hobbies every time bc I got bored: in reality I was afraid and stressed bc things didn’t go the way I wanted, I didn’t full my expectations and I was afraid of not doing it if I really tried. At the first try I expected to it to came out like I was an expert. I have to make a mistake, what I was most afraid of, to learn about it, to understand that I’m human. I HATE IT. That’s why I’m feeling like shit. The other day I exploded without of nowhere and a friend that I love obviously got offended and I tried to covered it by telling it was a joke -she still told me she didn’t like it- but then I apologized and cleared everything. Now, add those previous 3 aspects: I feel like fucking shit. -there are other things-.
incredibly, first time I don’t use emojis
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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painsandconfusion · 9 months
(tw: kidnapping, ransom, zip ties, bag over head, death, murder mention, implied filmed whump)
[Drabble Masterpost]
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“So, do I give you my Starby’s order now orrrr..?”
Even through the dark fabric of the bag, Whumpee could swear they saw Whumper’s eyes roll. To clarify - there’s nothing to see. This is a metaphor. 
Not a metaphor. 
What’s the word for that…?
Aaaaaa…...an exaggeration? Aaaaaaaa…tasteful lie? 
Maybe it’s a-
“No coffee-” Whumper snapped. 
Whumpee’s fingers splayed up in a surrender - they’d lift their hands and arms, but their wrists were kind ziptied to the chair. 
Didn’t even seem like a strong chair. Like if they tried reeeeeally hard to tip over, it might just snap apart and they could walk out of here. 
“I mean I can take a tea, then? Or a smoothie-? I really like the pink dri-”
Whumpee sighed, slumping back in their chair. “You’re no fun, you know that?”
They could feel eyes boring into them. 
“Why the fuck are you so cocky-? You’re about to fucking die on national television.”
Whumpee shrugged. “Not cocky.”
“Stupid, then.”
Whumpee lifted a finger. “Confident~” they corrected. 
Whumper snorted a scoff, footsteps tapping closer in a pa-tat-pa-tat-pa-tat- “Why would you have any reason to be confident??” Mocking. 
A little ‘ptew-’ whispered through the room, and a body dropped to the ground at Whumpee’s feet, thudding softly as it came to rest. 
Whumpee smirked under the bag. “Took you long enough, hot stuff~”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Caretaker’s voice echoed through the room, steps remarkably silent as they crossed to Whumpee’s chair - movement evidenced only by the proximity of their voice. “Sorry baby, traffic was killer on the east side.”
Whumpee shrugged. “Can we get Starbucks?”
“..and make me drive more through this shit?”
“I was just kidnapped and held for ransom, I deserve a treat.”
They could feel Caretaker roll their eyes as they snapped the zipties at Whumpee’s ankles - then wrists. Less metaphorical this time - more a highly educated guess and a deep knowledge settled into their soul. 
“Fineeee- but we’re going to the one by the park. Interstate is shit right now.”
“Works for me~”
Caretaker’s hands caught Whumpee’s as they reached up to pull off the bag - fingers circling their wrists and keeping them suspended halfway. 
Caretaker’s voice softened. “..I’m sorry this happened.” 
Whumpee shook their head a little. “It’s all okay now.”
Dark, kidnappy black bag fabric be damned - Caretaker kissed them through it anyway. 
[Drabble Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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takamikeiigos · 11 months
Idk if you remember but in the scene before hawks goes under cover he’s like “even if it means corrupting myself” NOW HEAR ME OUT, HEAR ME OUT. What if his s/o takes his place instead, the events don’t have to happen exactly like in the manga, you could probably just make up a whole diff kind of undercover scene thing, but I’m just in for the drama/ emotional turmoil that hawks goes through when his s/o is injured a in a mission he was supposed to take PLUS!! Not being there to save/help his s/o 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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picture: me, poking my head out from around a corner, full of anxiety
i'm so sorry i've neglected you guys life is wild and hit me all at one time and writing seemed so exhausting and aaaaaaaa
but i'm feeling the angst tn so let's talk ab it!!!
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Hawks would be so quick to take on the burden of corrupting himself for the sake of others, but the minute you even breathe the idea of the roles being reversed and you being in that situation, he would be so angry.
He's quick to object during the meeting with the commission - immediately losing his cool and slamming his hands on the table, his chair scraping against the hardwood floor as he abruptly stands. His wings are splayed out to their full span, feathers ruffled and standing on end as anger and vexation betray his normally calm demeanor, all the while Madam President sits there with her stony expression, his name spoken from her lips with disdain and disapproval.
"Keigo -"
"No. Absolutely not." He spits in outrage, his words dripping with venom as he leans across the table minutely as if to intimidate the her. She leans back in her chair, unaffected by his outburst, and instead he directs his attention to you in attempt to get through to someone, anyone.
"You're not going. End of discussion. We're done here."
"We're very far from done, Keigo. Sit down, or you'll be taken off of this mission entirely, following with a suspension." The President follows bluntly, seemingly bored of his tantrum. She gives him a moment to seethe, his eyes boring holes into her with utter distaste and resentment, and it's your calming touch upon his arm that brings him back a couple notches, a shuddering sigh pushing past his lips.
He brushes your touch away and sits back down.
You try not to let the dismissal affect you, bringing your hands to rest in your lap as you maintain your composure.
"It would be an honor to dedicate everything I have to this mission, if it means saving our people."
Hawks keeps silent for the rest of the meeting, being the first to leave once it's over. When you attempt to seek him out after it's all said and done, he's nowhere to be found.
You aren't allowed to talk about any details regarding the mission to anyone besides Madam President, herself. It's high risk, and any potential exposure could cause months of cautious planning and undercover work to fall apart.
You're kept apart from your friends, family, and fellow heros for the sake of their safety, aside from the few meetings regarding steps moving forward in the mission.
The months drag by in a haze of stress, anger, and budding loneliness, but you manage to keep yourself distracted by throwing yourself into your work, delving deep behind enemy lines and forming a budding trust that you'll soon betray.
It gets hard - as you fall into some sense of familiarity and routine with the enemy, coming to recognize and understand their quirks (literally and figuratively) and routines as genuine human beings. It almost makes you feel bad, hearing about small details of their lives and the many chapters they've written for themselves, and you find yourself up one night, sobbing in the quiet darkness of your room, mourning any sense of self you used to have.
Little do these people - the enemy that has begun treating you like family - know that your betrayal inches closer every day. It eats you alive every second.
You're in the thick of it, adrenaline pumping heavy through your veins as the raid begins. You'd given the last of your intel over to the commission over the course of the evening, having been up all night planning a course of action.
The plan, which should have been seamless - meaning no unnecessary deaths - is beginning to fall apart. Where you were supposed to catch the enemy off-guard and ease into a quick arrest, you're suddenly found in a much messier situation. You're the one who ends up being caught blind, held at knife-point by someone you'd grown relatively close to over the past few months.
She's seething with hurt and anger, her long blonde hair framing her face as she bares her weight against you, the sharp edge of her blade pressed firmly against the hollow of your throat.
"Why?" She cries out, desperate for some sort of explanation. For some act of redemption from you.
Your struggle to keep your composure, swallowing thickly against the lump in your throat and the blade against your skin.
"I had no choice, I-"
"We were your family! For months we were your family. We trusted you and you.." she's crying, you notice, crystalline tears against reddened cheeks portraying her newfound distrust. "Was any of it real?"
You choke on a reply and distantly hear commotion coming through the comms. Hawks is yelling, his voice muffled and crackled with interference, and though part of you is relieved to hear his voice after so long, you can't help the sense of panic that begins to overtake you.
The door to the room busts open suddenly and the police force enters with their guns drawn, trained on the woman that stands before you. The one you'd once called, well, a friend.
For a moment you think she's given in to her fate, her blade lowering as she takes in the officers behind her. But in her own blind panic and rage she takes one last moment to size you up, her emotion speaking louder than the task force yelling behind her, and the searing pain of her knife plunging deep between your ribs is enough to drown out the echo of a handgun being fired.
You blink rapidly, trying to come to your senses as you lean heavily against the wall, your hand instinctively coming to rest against the fresh wound between your ribs in attempt to stem the blood flow. You look down to assess the damage done, only to find the crumpled body of your temporary companion on the floor before you, her body unmoving in a slow-building pool of her own blood.
Time stops.
You fall to your knees, reaching a hand out to gently shake her.
It's fine. She's fine. She's.. fine. Right?
"Hey.." You choke out, a garbled sound that bubbles from deep within your chest. "Hey, wake up. It's okay, we're okay."
But she isn't moving, and the panic in your chest begins to turn into despair, and you clutch her prone body close to yours in some sort of attempt to protect what was already lost.
"What did you do?" Your own voice is unrecognizable as you snarl up at the officers, emotion catching in your throat as tears begin to make themselves known. "She wasn't going to hurt anybody, she.. she.."
At that moment Hawks comes running into the room, stopping short in shock at the scene before him. He takes one look at you - a feral, broken little thing as you clutch the body of the enemy in your arms, and his facial expression becomes one of understanding.
"Hey now, songbird-" he tries softly, as if not to escalate the situation at hand, but is cut off by your sudden wailing and screaming.
"What did you do? You killed her! She's dead and you killed her and she didn't deserve it, I.."
You don't realize Hawks is at your side, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around you, gentle but firm all the same. He begins pulling you away from the lifeless body before you and you put up a fight, kicking and screaming and crying and clawing and so desperate to do something, anything, to fix the mistake that cost a life.
"Shh, shh. Hey now," he whispers to you, pulling you close despite every hand and elbow you throw against him. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."
"How can it possibly be okay?" The words come from you in an anguished sob as you fall back against him, the fight leaving your body, your limbs growing heavy and your eyes growing tired. You watch as the medics enter the room, kneeling down to examine the soulless body that lies before you, confirming that there's no pulse and that she's no longer alive.
"How can it be okay when I killed her?"
Recovery comes to you slowly. Mentally, that is.
Recovery girl was able to do quick patchwork on you, leaving you with a small scar just below your left breast and some sore ribs. But the days continue to pass in a blur, your brain struggling to keep up with the continuous onslaught of questions from the police force and commission.
You hadn't remembered much past the police rushing into the room during the raid, and Hawks decided to take it upon himself to remind you, mindful enough to leave out the gruesome details. But over the course of a few days it comes back to you in bits and pieces, bogging you down with a heavy weight on your chest that leaves you breathless.
Still, you carry on, and despite being on temporary leave you're still called to answer questions at press conferences. You know it's standard procedure, especially in cases where deaths are involved, and your force yourself to switch over to autopilot for the sake of whatever mental stability you have left just to get through the week.
Hawks finds you in your apartment one day, having flown in through the balcony window you always leave unlocked just for him, almost shocked at the sight of you curled up in a ball beneath the spray of your shower. The water has turned cold, soaking your still-clothed form to the bone with a deep chill, and he turns the water off without any hesitation. Through your dissociated reverie you can feel the warmth of a towel being wrapped around your shoulders, strong arms lifting your from the cold porcelain of the tub and guiding you to your room.
He wastes no time in shedding you from your sopping wet clothes, tossing them into the hamper to deal with later before dressing you in something much warmer.
He guides you into bed, wrapping his arms and wings around you in attempt to console your distraught and torn frame, his fingers gently brushing through your hair as he presses soft and promising kisses to the top of your head.
"I'm here," he whispers softly to you, the gentle rasp of his voice dampening the despair that consumes you. "Whatever you need, I'm here."
And for once, in the quiet darkness of your bedroom, you aren't alone while your sobs echo throughout the room.
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merakiui · 1 year
we made it through another week mera!!! I hope you enjoy the weekend :3 drumroll for today's silly question of the day, badumdumdumdum........
worst v best hair in twst (and maybe hsr if u want!!!)
Thank you for all the posts and sharing ur brilliant ideas with us 💗
Another week, done and dusted!!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و please also enjoy your week, my lovely 🐔 anon!!!!!! (Also, I must thank you for always sending fun questions. I enjoy answering them!! >v<)
As for worst and best hair in twst, I will write my thoughts below. I’ll go by dorm, so there is no particular order or ranking. Truthfully, I just wrote my thoughts and simped a lot. ^^;;;
Riddle - I love his hair!!! It’s very cute and red!!! <3 the little heart-shaped ahoge........ he’s the perfect man. The only man to ever exist. orz
Ace - a very fun hairstyle!!! It just looks so,,,, poofy???? Like if I pat his head, his hair will spring right back up because it’s so fluffy??? >_< it’s difficult to describe, but I like his hair a lot. The style suits Mr. Ace wonderfully!!!
Deuce - the color is so pretty!!! Deep navy blue... aaaa so beautiful!!! I don’t have many thoughts regarding his hairstyle, but I do think it fits a lot! It’s a clean, simple style that reflects how Deuce is trying so hard to keep a clean record and become a respectable honors student!! :D
Trey - he’s lucky he’s so good-looking and husband material and that I’m down astronomically bad for him, otherwise I would not be so prone to hyping up his hairstyle. It feels so plain, but then that’s the image Trey has at first glance and I think that's so perfect because you’ll never suspect he is actually quite mischievous!
Cater - I LOVE HIM AND HIS HAIRSTYLE OOOOOOO OTL it’s so fun!!!! The color is also very vibrant!!! But also I like picturing his hair down! All of the artwork I have seen of it... omg he looks so pretty aaaaaa!!! T_T
Leona - HE HAS THE MOST GORGEOUS HAIR AAAAAAAA there’s something about it that’s just,,,,, omg!!!!! Breathtaking. He’s beautiful. So stunning and show-stopping... orz I want to frame him in a picture and always admire him like the artwork he is.
Jack - at first I wasn’t very partial to his hairstyle, but it’s actually very pretty and pleasant!! I like the color (I am not immune to anime men with white/grey hair hehe) and I also like how nicely his ears are situated within his hair. :D it just works so well!!!
Ruggie - rugs..... aaaa he has a cute, messy hairstyle. <3 the sandy blond and the brown is too pretty!!! I could look at him forever hehe. Also his ears!!!! They’re just so adorable. I want to pat him on the head and give him a scratch behind the ears, but I think he would definitely bite me or swat my hands away. ;;;
Azul - ew. terrible tako. worst hair. lame. boo. tomato tomato. >:( (I need him. His hair is so pretty and fluffy and soft and angelic and he is a masterpiece and he has the best hair to run your fingers through while you're making out and the shaved undercut is really cool and I need him and he is so pretty and wow omg he is magnificent and beautiful and best hair.)
Jade & Floyd - I think they might break my ribs if I told them that in the beginning not only did I think they were horrendously unattractive, boring, and unflattering to look at, but I also didn’t like their hairstyle. LOL and now look at where I am.... ^^;;; I have since corrected my ways and now I find their hairstyles very appealing, especially the single dyed strand. It ended up growing on me. I like how even their hairstyles differentiate them and Jade’s explanation of how his hair strand forms a J so it’s easier to tell him and Floyd apart if you look closely at that detail… it’s actually quite cute. :D
Kalim - YES YES YES I LIKE HIS HAIR A LOT!!!!! Another man with white/grey hair who I adore. Every turban-like headband he wears for each of his outfits goes very well with his hairstyle. I just really enjoy it!!! It’s another one that’s hard to describe, but his hairstyle looks so nice and cute. <3
Jamil - his hair…. Where do I even begin? Omg it’s so so sosososososo pretty!!!! OTL the length and braids throughout and even the little metal hair ties(?)/accessories he wears in his hair!!!!! He is stunning. He is the moment. He is everything you could ever want. I’ve always loved Jamil’s hair, especially how long and pretty it looks!!! The color itself is very flattering as well.
Vil - of course I also love Vil’s hairstyle, but this is to be expected considering Vil serves in every outfit and style that ever graces his form!!! He’s so pretty. I understand why Rook hypes him up so much. The soft lavender dye goes so well with the blond!! He is indeed the fairest of them all in my eyes. He’s just so stunning… orz Vil, I am your number one fan and supporter.
Rook - no comment.
Epel - aaaa eppy!!!! For a long while I had his exact hairstyle (and didn’t realize it until I was looking at card art for Epel and was left wondering why his hair looks so familiar), so naturally I love the style!!! His hair looks so soft and pretty, and the purple color is so nice to look at!!!
Idia - OMG HIS HAIR IS SO COOL (or maybe a better word is hot because it's fire)!!!!!!! It's an immaculate hair design... something about fire hair is so amazing, and it's blue and very long!!!! Seeing his hair in a braid in his applepom card continues to feed me. He's so cute. <3
Ortho - like Idia, Ortho's hair is also very cool because it's also fire!!! I find Ortho's entire design really interesting as well. Naturally, there's an explanation for why he is a robot (which is heartbreaking), but I still think it's a very neat character design. And his hair is so fun and bright!!! :D
Malleus - elegant... ethereal... he is beautiful... orz stunning. I bow before you and your beautiful hair, Mr. Horns.
Lilia - I have to appreciate Lilia and his beautiful hairstyle (even if the cut is,,,, certainly something). As someone who also loves to dye their hair neon pink, I must recognize his excellent hair. I also love the little hair strands that curl up to look like horns hehe!!
Silver - I am not immune to anime men with white/grey hair. Silver's hair looks so soft and gentle just like him. He's just so handsome and sweet. T_T like Kalim, Silver could do no wrong. The two of them are the biggest sweethearts in NRC.
Sebek - I genuinely do not know how to feel about his hair, but I think it's styled so cool. >:) he looks sharp. That's the only way I can describe my feelings. I feel as if I will touch his hair and it might cut me. >_< or Sebek himself will cut me before I dare lay a hand upon his head...
Che'nya - AAAA HIS HAIR!!!! Very cool!!!! He looks so scrunkly. No thoughts in his head except mischief. He is so :3c omg <3
Neige - the hairstyle makes him look so kind and gentle!!! I like the color as well. He could do no wrong. orz
Rollo - Rollo, I love you and I could defend you, but not when you're going out in public with that atrocious choir boy cut. But because his hair is white, he becomes even more appealing to me. Thus, I may be inclined to accept his hair. My friends may clown on me for liking him when he has that hairstyle, but he's cute to me. >:( he's lovely to me. He's boyfriend to me. >:(
Crowley - I will not lie....... the crow..... the annoying, cheap, oh-so-kind crow...... he's,,,,,,,,, kind of,,,,,, nice to look at........ although his hairstyle reminds me of seaweed and I don't know why. ^^;;;;
Crewel - WOOOOOOOOOOO forever barking for him. OTL the half white, half black hair... omg he's so cool. I need to be under him.
Trein - genuinely no thoughts on his hair, but he deserves only good things. :D
Vargas - also no thoughts on his hair, but there are thoughts of him and I will not pen them because I am kicking those thoughts away with all of my might.ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙
Sam - HIS LOCS!!!! OOOOHHH I ADORE IT!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 all of my love goes to Sam. He has such a lovely hairstyle. The purple as well!!!! <3 he's so wonderful and I need to write for him!!!!!
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kakushino · 7 months
Smile for Me snippet~ Tw: Self hatred from Aizetsu, like real bad self hatred
“Aizetsu.” You called softly, snapping the demon out of whatever trance he was in. He looked at you nervously, his thick brows creasing downwards as a frown formed on his features, sapphire eyes filling with despair. Already he messed up, you would never want him, he’ll forever be damned to- “Would you like to come home with me?” “H-huh?” “I passed Thomas’ checks for if I’m even prepared to handle taking care of you.” “Passed with flying colors, so consider yourself a lucky bastard.” Thomas huffed, looking incredibly bored and aggravated about simply having to be there, dealing with everything presented to him. “Thomas, be nice.” You growled, the man in question simply rolling his eyes, looking at Aizetsu expectantly. “U-Uhm…I-I’m sorry I...wasn’t quite p-paying attention…” “Of course you didn’t.” Thomas scoffed, looking at Aizetsu with disdain and inadvertently ticking you off. “You never seem to pay attention when it’s needed.” “There’s no need to be so cruel.” You huffed, narrowing your gaze on Thomas who brushed you off. “I just need a yes, you’ll go or a no, you’ll stay. I don’t care at this point, just tell me an answer.” “Uhm…y-yes, please. I-I’d like to go.” Aizetsu squeaked, curling in on himself. “Aizetsu.” You called softly, snapping the demon to attention, his gaze flicking over to you. “Do you actually want to come along with me, or are you just giving an answer because it’s what’s expected of you?” Already you read him too well. Gods I need to coddle that man and cradle his head against my chest
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Thomas, you dickhead, you better watch your back because I'm coming for your ass 😡
I literally can't wait til you write more! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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seongminiz · 2 months
yess i’d love to learn kiof choreos i’m in a sort of dance group with just a couple of my irl friends but we’re all lazy and it’s hard to coordinate times to practice cuz we all have full time jobs/school 😭😭😭
i have some hyeongjun hard thoughts i’m gonna drop here (hope that’s okay >.>) but like i’m trying to get through an 11 hour shift rn and i’m rly bored so… ur have an onlyfans or smth similar and he’s like ur #1 subscriber.. sending u gifts and donations and always being so sweet in ur comments and then idk bear with me here maybe he realizes that u actually work together or go to school together irl like u never have ur face in videos but he catches a glimpse of one of ur less visible tattoos i’m thinking like rib or chest or even like a discrete finger tat and he realizes it’s you and becomes even more obsessed like needing to get ur attention but he doesn’t let you know he knows it’s you and then idk i just imagine like him trying to flirt with u and seduce you irl and ur like rly attracted to him cuz he’s such a cute little pup and u just wanna wreck and corrupt him and of course he jumps at the chance for u to do that<333 idk sorry i’m literally typing this at work 😵‍💫
- 🧁 anon
omg no wayyy im so jealous i used to do that too with my high school friend group but they dropped me :') (/lh idc abt them)
also im going to rip my hair out HELLO ????? THIS IS INSANE /POS
obsessed perv loser hyeongjun ...... corrupting obsessed perv loser hyeongjun .. im going to die
the way he would probably somehow get off to the fact that u dont actually know hes ur #1 fan ,, he'd fantasize abt u finding out n degrading him for it i swearrrrr im so sure abt it aaaaaaaa
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hugollorizz · 9 months
i’m here sorry for the hour! (i think we have the same time zone) SOO one of my biggest hc, because i’m a drama lover and love suffering,, i think they fight really rarely but when it happens it’s a big deal and they both suffers so much having an argument with each other 😭..brahim is always the one who say sorry but he does with actions and not really verbally because my other hc is that his love language is physical touch (it feels just real YK?!?).
OHH AND I WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT, just as yk i read anything u wrote on AO3 and i really love the way you write emotions, dialogues, sensations and the scenes ITS JUST AMAZING,, and i can’t wait for you to write more😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻 (this text is so long helpp) ohh and my favorite one is absolutely “”i want to hear your breath (just next to my soul)”” I LITERALLY READ THIS LIKE 26382728 TIMESS🫶🏻
AND NOTHING SORRY FOR THIS REALLY LOOOONG AND BORING TEXT, (i’m so talkative when i talk about things i love lol)
love youu💕🫶🏻😭
(i hope you understood this because my english is so bad sometimes and so confusing☹️☹️)
right off the bat, drama and suffering? girl same 😭😭 HDNFKJFJ ES YES BIG YES that is so 100% how it goes, like they're both dumbass supreme fr it's bound to not end well sometimes (ಥ_ಥ)
AAAAAAAA as for saying sorry, ur soo right brahim is definitely the one to do it first bc honestly? look at theo bro does he look like he'd ever say sorry FKSHFJKKK 💀 ok jk he probably would if he realllyyy had to but yk... but really, that's so cute to imagine and also kinda sad pfft-
& ahh yes the age old struggling to verbally say sorry is so both of them fr... both of them are a little stubborn for that hehehehe
i totally see physical touch being their love language hdnfksskkk aaaaa U KNOW THEM SOO WELL this is so accurate i' cryingggfggf
THANK YOU SO MUCHH FOR SHARING THESE,, and wow,, even more? i'm blessed fr ah 🥹
AND OH! i'm,, (❁´◡`❁) thank you infinitely, i'm soo glad there are people out there who like what i make it makes me soo happy, and of course i will write more for them, always!!!! :,-) *☆。
PLSS DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH, i love getting long asks, they're absolutely the best to answer, and it wasn't boring at all AA already made my whole day has me smiling like an idiot etc etc,,
i'm also reaaaally talkative about these things, i get itttt and pls feel free to talk about them (or anything else!!!) whenever u want to!!
i love them fghdd
and love u too omg thank u sooo much 💐(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) 💌💌
(yes of course i did!!! not confusing at alll and your english is really good don't worry pleaseee)
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monster-bait · 1 year
So here’s another funny situation with my friend;
Listening to ‘Girls Weekend’ on my phone, she taps me on the shoulder an she’s got that ‘oooh I found something your gonna loooove’ look on her face. So I lean over and see an Anime picture of a cute guy with cat ears and tail, I shrug cause I’ve seen plenty of them.
“Cute” i replied and was about to turn back to my book when I notice the ‘WTF’. So I ask her whats wrong.
Her reply. “I just showed you a picture of a monster boy an thats ‘all’ you have to say?”
My reply. “That…is not a Monster boyfriend, thats just a boy who put on ears and tail to smooth his way into any girl’s heart. Before you get on my case in saying ‘he is a monster’ let me clarify something. A ‘monster’ is a creature that has little to almost ‘NO’ human characteristics at times, sure they can be bipedal but let me remind you that the monsters of the stories I read are Orc’s who stand close to 9ft tall, muscles that make Hercules look downright scrawny but hearts as warm and as soft as a well toasted marshmellows soaking in hot chocolate, or the lizard man who desires the company of a woman who can look past the ‘beast’ and see the individual he is.”
Friend: You’re not serious are you?!
Me: Yes, I’m very serious. Just because some cute boy puts on demon horns and a tail doesn’t mean he’s a ‘monster’ per-say. Sure you can say their ‘demons/aliens in disguise’ but even then that just boring! Where’s the hellfire hunk who has fangs that could rip metal to pieces yet has hands as soft as silk that cradle you as if you were made of the most fragile of glass! There’s a HUGE difference between monster lovers and….this. [points to pic of anime boy with cat ears] Its comparing apples to apples, accept one apple…is the true forbidden fruit of the two.
"hot guy with cat ears/hors" is right up there with "hot guy with bat wings"
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
Your au really does make a difference for me. Not just your au actually. All your art. It makes me happy because it’s beautiful and unique and it connects to me in so many ways. And it manages to make me feel better about myself in new ways I didn’t know it could ALL the time. Like today it was something as small and unnoteworthy as your April design having long armpit hair, bc I’m always getting shit for that even tho it makes me feel more comfortable and just seeing that in a Butch woman’s character design. I don’t know, it makes me feel fluttery and shit. So thanks for that 🫂
YOOO I HAVE LONG ARMPIT HAIR TOO :D AND MY FAMILY GAVE ME A TON OF SHIT ABOUT IT TOO (i mean that and refusing to wear a shirt inside our house in 90 degree weather lol) aAAaAAAA!!!
I am so glad that my love of conventionally maligned features has spread to you! I've always had affection for the monstrous (and i use that word in a wholly positive meaning) body and it's spread to features most people consider unattractive and ugly. partially because I AM monstrous, partially because I politically and morally believe it's important to include, and partially because I would just be so unbelievably bored with the homogeneous standard of beauty most people tend to like.
and a dozen other reasons lmao. including a belief that disgust and adoration are closely linked but THIS ISN'T MY PERSONAL- unless...
NO BUT LIKE WHEN I DESIGN CHARACTERS I TRY TO THINK TO MYSELF, like, what haven't I seen enough of? What would I like to see more? like its my art I can literally draw whatever i want!! aaaAA sorry i'm rambling, I hope I haven't offended you with all this babbling about monstrosity or anything. I get so overwhelmed when I remember the way I feel when I'm presented with something beautiful and thats kind of how i feel about butch women. Like I'm stopped in my tracks.
I'm not religious but sometimes I remember the way I watched nature documentaries growing up and I remember the way I would hold my breath and feel my chest tingle with wonder, like, how BEAUTIFUL. How WONDERFUL that something I could never have imagined exists in the same world as I do?? That's like how I feel with butch women. so called "ugly" people, people who decide to just EXIST even fully aware that they'll get shit about it. how beautiful. how exquisite. one day I want to be just like them.
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spinchip · 1 year
can you write something with meri perhaps I know they're my oc but like :autism stare:
aaaaaaaa (dats me yellin) I hope this is okay ORZ
“I have a question.” Meri says, swirling the whiskey they’d poured from Broden Voss’s crystal decanter. They wouldn’t drink it, Broden knows- they hated the taste. Couldn’t stand to kiss him after he’d had a sip. It was more for something to hold, he presumes.
“What now?” He’s sitting at his desk in his chair- authentic leather, the best money could buy. He’d given up on any work, shelving his email response to Stella for a time where Meri wasn’t bothering him. He used to find these meetings amusing... The novelty had worn off. His voice is clipped, annoyed, but Meri either doesn’t notice or foolishly still believes they’re safe.
“Do you know… who I am?” Meri stops swirling the drink, resting it in their lap. They’re perched on the edge of his desk and they’re tense and uncomfortable. They are staring at the wall, expression steely, waiting.
Broden leans back, threading his fingers together and scrutinizing them. He sighs, reaches towards his desk and opens the drawer- Meri doesn’t flinch, but turns to watch him like a hawk- and pulls out a slim box. He pops the golden clasp to reveal… a plain box of cigars. (plain isn’t the right word. They were imported, expensive, exclusive.) Meri deflates, staring down at the cup. They're upset, but not at Broden. He lights one up and savors the taste, “No.” He answers finally, “I don’t.”
Meri jerks in surprise, spinning to face him, “Are you being serious?”
“I never saw the need.” His words are characterized by a smoke trail from his lips.
Too relieved to pick up on the thinly veiled insult, Meri visibly relaxes, “Whew!” They fiddle with the cup again, frowning, “Y’know, Cyrus does. He looked me up.”
Broden goes very, very still. “Is that so?”
“Yeah! He vetted me, the jerk.” Meri scowls, “He said he couldn’t let me get too close without making sure I wasn’t dangerous. Isn’t that messed up? Just when I thought maybe...”
Meri had always overshared when it came to Cyrus Borg- they’d learned it riled Voss up, and a pissy Voss was funny. They hadn’t considered how Voss might act once he was finished playing their game. They keep talking- too long, too clueless of the way the chessboard changed.
He interrupts them during another tangent about Borg that Broden didn’t care to listen to, “I could, if i wanted to.” He says softly, traces of venom in his tone.
“Could what?”
“I could find out who you are, where you work when you’re not stealing from me- even where you live.” He leans forward, reaching over to wrap his hands around the cup. Meri face is a menagerie of emotions. “I never did because I have never seen you as a threat. You’re in my building, Meri. If i wished you dead, you would be.”
There’s a look in Meris eyes- the refusal to believe. A rat caught in the trap that can’t allow itself to comprehend that.
He takes the cup- no use wasting good whisky. “Meri, Meri, Meri…” He sighs, sitting back, “I’m bored.”
There- there it is. Voss doesn’t call the security drones in right away- he was waiting for this. Meris face crumples, dawning horror- the realization, the shock, the fear, the awe- all of it for him. Because of him. Finally Meri realized their place in the hierarchy. They knew exactly what they meant to him- what their very life represents in his-
Absolutely nothing.
Their eyes are wet, and it's the closest to tears Broden knows he’ll get. He doesn’t waste another breath, bringing the cup to his lips as Meri scrambles off his desk, backing away in fear. Their hands shake, and their eyes look wildly around the room- waiting.
He taps a button on his wristwatch, and activates the security drones.
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seijorhi · 1 year
rHIIIII AAAAAA I’m running laps seeing u on my dash!! but i wanted to rt your last ask so much— I always tell myself engagement doesn’t actually reflect anything except the current trends in the fandom but it is hard when something you were so excited for and worked so hard on doesn’t receive the reaction you expected and it’s hard for it not to be disheartening? I agree with everything so much omg I know I was a silent reader for a long time so I deffo sympathize with them, and I always take a step back and objectively look at how the engagement I get is a lot (because sometimes I think the fact that people are there following me and reading my works at all is crazy) buuut it’s not always easy to get out of your head! I think I got to a point where I was worried about posting anything in case it didn’t live up to my followers’ wants and needs or engagement or whatever other dumb reason alsjaoakslso and it made writing feel laborious somehow even tho I do it because it’s fun
anyways anyways SORRY FOR DUMPING ALL THAT ON you buT YOU JUST ARTICUKATDD IT SO SO PERFECTLY AND ALL THE MENTAL GYMNASTICS I EXPERIENCE EVERYTIME AND AAAAAAAA we r so blessed to have u and ur writing here though and im literally screaming at u on my dash,, hope u are doing amazing and sending u all my love <333
angeeeelllll!!! <33 i've missed seeing you on the dash too!! i'm glad you're back!
but yeah, you're 100% right, it's absolute mental gymnastics and a no-win game, and it does start to feel like you have to top yourself with every post and when/if you don't, you're annoying or boring or just bad at writing and it sucks because it's not remotely true.
at the end of the day, i'm here cuz i genuinely love the fandom and i love writing, and i can't let someone else's decision to click a button or not define how i feel about that.... which is a hell of a lot easier said than done vhfdjskjhfjdks
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garoujo · 1 year
emmie l!!! ahhhh!! your new theme is so so so cute!!! and also!!! i’m also a huge deftones fan!! since high school!!! i love that you love them bc they def give ~emmie vibes~!!! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˙꒳​˙ )ଓ⁾⁾ ilysm & happy thurs bby!! <33
chloe my most beloved !!! omigosh fank u ueueue i just got a lil bored of the last one but this one feels v clean & fresh :3 aaaaaaaa stop me getting all excite u love them too ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ i literally love them soooo much legit !!! i remember hearing them a few years ago & ive just got more n more obsessed [i swear they’re to blame for my aesthetic change also] coming to pick u up rn so we can go on a late night deftones drive !!! MWAH happy thursday bbie loving u soooo much <333
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buckmepapi · 2 years
IM. Not. Okay. I’m having an aneurysm. I’ve been seeing this guy for a few weeks now. He came to my home for the first time last night. In my room. Where my bookshelf’s are.
He picked up a spicy book and asked why I had little post it notes on some pages. He got to the smut page. Fuck. My. Life.
He read a few lines, set it back (in the right place may I add!) tapped the book and said “that’s good to know”
WHAT WAS GOOD TO KNOW!! Home girl was getting RAILED in the book. I’m not prepared to see this man again
(Side note My Killer Vacation by Tessa Bailey is a good read 5/5 would recommend)
OOOOOOH CHILE ,,, that was spicy and he deffo seems like he’d be planning some shit 🍆
I’ve actually never read an actual smut novel, so I will 100 percent check it out !!!!
Also I’m gonna post some long soppy shit rn; I finally left that toxic ass guy back in April that I was seeing for like 4 years (some of u may recall posts I made bc literally every single one of u would reply to the posts telling me to get out asap lol) and I started seeing this guy in June and boy lemme tell you
He is a skinny nerdy tattooed guy that radiates alt dilf energy with his sense of fashion and has a big thick dick that curves lord have mercy
He is literally so emotionally mature, like my god he treats me like royalty and will do anything for me. He moans and whimpers when we fuck, he’s also starting to come out of his shell and talk abit during sex now which I’m dying over, he knows all my kinks and is on bored, even jokes about breeding and I’m like 👀👀👀👀👀
He eats pussy like a god like I’ve never had sex feel good before. I’ve spoken about sex before on my page and I was pretty much lying bc I was overcompensating bc sex has never felt good for me but everytime this guy fucks me I feel like I’m in heaven and I’m always saying “oh my god?” Or “how are you doing that??”
Side note; I still can’t cum though. It’s not really him bc he feels incredible when he does literally anything I get all over chills I just get too inside my head bc no one’s ever made me cum but myself but he’s getting their with praise and reassurance and verbal stuff like dirty talk etc so I know damn well he’ll be able to do it one day. He understands and doesn’t get defensive or upset and blame me , he listens to what I want and learns.
Like I can not reiterate how this man is so mature emotionally and mentally, he’s empathetic, we’ve cried in front of each other many times. He even cries when I cry lol, when I’m upset he crouches down in front of me and holds t my face and looks at me when he speaks to me and kisses my forehead and I AHHSJDLSOAJSKA
We’ve said I love you to each other now, we’re dating/seeing each other exclusively and have been since we first met. We aren’t in a relationship yet and we’ve discussed it before but due to our past issues we’re taking it slow and waiting till it feels right so we don’t rush into anything too quick.
And!!! I let this man sleep over at my house every weekend. If y’all know me y’all know I have insomnia and also can’t sleep around people whatsoever. I feel so sleepy around him constantly and fall asleep next to him within 30 mins — he literally makes my inner child feel so safe and protected.
He understands my disabilities, is learning sign language to communicate with me when I can’t hear, helps me when I’m non verbal, looks after me when I’m in pain or tired, he understands my sensory issues and doesnt say hateful things to me about my disabilities or triggers. He understands my CPTSD and helps me during episodes — this man !! Holy shit!!!
That’s why I’ve been so quite as well bc I’m so happy ;; he’s coming over tomorrow after his shift at work and will be here till Monday AAAAAAAA
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