#I’m so in love with him bye
crybaby-bkg · 2 years
cw: butt stuff
Bakugou always wants to be so close to you whenever you guys have sex, and you’re just the same. He holds you right up against him, sweaty skin against sticky flesh, mouths breathing in the same air, he consumes you wholly, and you let him every time.
You’re on top, but all you have to do is sit there and take it. He wraps both arms tight around you, locked against your sides, his mouth buried against your cheek as he huffs against you. You’re all high, staccato moans, arms wrapped tight around his neck, fingers holding onto his nape. He feels so deep in this position, like he’s trying to carve a path inside of you no one else can follow.
“Feel good, huh baby?” Bakugou grunts, cocky and grinning, the slaps of his thighs against yours loud in the quiet room. You meet his hips at every thrust, face buried into his neck as you try to keep your cries at bay. You go to answer him shakily, and you can feel his arm moving, but you don’t think too much of it.
“S’good,” you slur, craning your neck up to mouth messily at his pulse point, squeaking when there’s a sudden wetness against your rim. Bakugou laughs meanly, licks the tip of his fingers again before he creeps thick digits down until they circle you again.
“That—that’s my ass,” you weakly protest, despite untangling your arms from around him, reaching a hand behind you to spread yourself wide. You can feel his grin more than see it, as he takes the opportunity to start teasing at the unprepared hole.
“Yeah,” he sighs dreamily as he watches you open yourself up from over your shoulder. “I fuckin’ know.”
It’s embarrassing how fast you cum when Bakugou slides his finger inside your ass, back arching to keep feeling his cock rub your g spot, his pubes rubbing against your clit sweetly. You scramble from the pleasure, still holding your ass open, still meeting his thrust, pushing up on your free arm as you scream your pleasures to the ceiling. Bakugou watches you, adoringly all the while, bites at his bottom lip when your tits bounce in his face, when your eyes cross, and you call his name for mercy.
He finishes inside you in mere seconds, the feeling of your cunt spasming around his cock and your ass sucking in his finger, there’s no way he’s supposed to last any longer than he did. You both collapse onto the bed, sweaty and heaving, wrapped all around each other once more. He rubs your back and you massage his stomach and arms as you both lay there, trying to catch your breath, thinking.
“You liked a finger in your ass?” Bakugou asks bluntly, and it makes you snort. You hide your face in his neck as you nod quickly, and he hums in response. It goes quiet again before you sit up a little to look at him, a deviously evil little smile on your face.
“Can I put the finger in your ass next time?” You ask him, expecting him to push you away so he can get the wet rag. But Bakugou only looks at you funny for a while before he shrugs, dragging you into a sloppy kiss.
“You’re a nasty little freak, aren’t ya?” He asks you, but he never actually says no to your question. You take it as a win, anyway.
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paulic · 7 months
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“I am very saddened to hear that my ex-bandmate, Denny Laine, has died. I have many fond memories of my time with Denny: from the early days when The Beatles toured with the Moody Blues. Our two bands had a lot of respect for each other and a lot of fun together. Denny joined Wings at the outset. He was an outstanding vocalist and guitar player. His most famous performance is probably 'Go Now' an old Bessie Banks song which he would sing brilliantly. He and I wrote some songs together the most successful being 'Mull of Kintyre' which was a big hit in the Seventies. We had drifted apart but in recent years managed to reestablish our friendship and share memories of our times together. Denny was a great talent with a fine sense of humour and was always ready to help other people. He will be missed by all his fans and remembered with great fondness by his friends. I send my condolences and best wishes to his wife, Elizabeth and family. Peace and love Denny. It was a pleasure to know you. We are all going to miss you. Love, Paul”
Paul’s post for his former friend and bandmate, Denny Laine, 5th of December 2023
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rustyreveries · 3 months
happy autism acceptance month!! i doodled salad to celebrate <3
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he’s one of the best unintentional autistic reps imo
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miekasa · 2 years
when your children are still babies, they get so so upset when gojo comes home and doesn’t immediately pick them up. your baby has recently learned that the sound of the front door opening and closing usually signals the return of their father so tonight, when the door opens, your baby’s head perks up. when he finally takes his shoes off and makes his way into the home, he spots his little angel on the couch. “hi baby!” he coos at them with a smile on his face and his hands full with some packages. “let me go put these down and i’ll be right back!” he tries to explain, to which your baby just obliviously smiles at, just happy to see their father and know that he’s giving them attention. but when they realize that he’s leaving their sight and didn’t immediately pick them up… oh have mercy. it becomes a shit storm because who does he think he is?? to not give his baby all his time and attention! gojo comes running back into the living room confused as to why they’re crying but as soon as he picks them up, they stop crying and start giggling. what a dramatic little baby you’ve been blessed with. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree ig
— doc dad levi anon
SHUT UPPPPP because you know Satoru loves the attention too, they’re a perfect match together bye. All you can do is stand, bemused, as Satoru picks up the baby and almost instantly quells his crying, rocking him back and forth before stretching his arms to hold the kid at eye level with him and cooing, “Oh, I’m sorry my love, I missed you too, soooooo much,” Satoru bends his arms to brush their noses together and grin at the giggles the baby emits, “You missed me too, yeah? Aren’t you the sweetest little thing, missing me like that? So precious.” Satoru covers the baby in kisses and sweet words for nearly five straight minutes and they both love to bask in each other’s attention (you have the videos to prove it).
Something kinda funny tho is… you’re 98% sure your son can tell that Satoru will give into quickest lmfaoo. Your baby cries sometimes when you have to leave him, sure, and can definitely throw a fit when he wants your attention—but he seems to know to cry (or squeal, or babble, or screech) on demand for his sucker of a father. Nanami, Shoko, Megumi, and Yuuta (your on rotation band of baby sitters) have noticed that the kid loves to be held and has no shame gesturing for it—but they’ve never experienced the baby crying when they so much as step away for a moment, unless he’s hungry or needs to be changed. You don’t have the heart to tell Satoru he’s being played tho, so you just let them have their moment <333 (not that it would matter, Satoru can’t stand to see your kid cry in any capacity, so he’d go right back to giving in; plus it’s a win-win in his book anyway: baby stops crying, and he gets cuddles from his son).
(Then again, you think the need and love for attention might just be genetic, because Satoru has cried big tears a handful of times just leaving you and your baby at home for a few hours).
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5hrignold · 5 months
#rewatched this sneak peek for the first time since i first saw it and ugh. UUUUGHHGGHHH.#it hurts me a lot I’m ngl….. like to see charlie be so critical of something pim likes#except this time it’s even more painful because it isn’t just that pim likes it he also thought charlie would like it too and he literally#took him out and did this just for him because he thought he’d like it. he thought charlie said something so he went out of his way to#organise something to show to him to make him happy. and also how like… expectant? charlie is acting in the clip#like the way he just kinda frowns at pim whenever one of the dudes says something particularly out there#and it’s like. dude what the fuck#ive Said it once i’ll say it again i think charlie needs to lose pim during an episode or something. itd humble him#i mean that KIND OF happened with the finale but look where they are in s2#as usual what i always say. absolutely no actual complaints. if anything i Love this because it’s very clearly like#im so excited for this particular episode because you can just TELL its gonna be such a good one for their relationship#like looking into it analysing it n stuff#literally anything with them together has me screaming and cryjing they’re one of my fav duos ever#ok my hands are shaking bye#smiling friends#💝#smiling friends spoilers#also this is just Such a cute clip. the way pim runs and how charlie slugs on close behind him looking all grumpy#and how happy he looks to be calling him his best friend… actually peak i fear this is the peak of the season (joke
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helloaugustmoon · 2 days
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girl hold up I’m tryna spell gorjeus
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Pretend I’m reblogging this:
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It’s a stupid Spine comp
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moechies · 2 months
fuck ass ex just showed up at my doorstep to return some irrelevant ass stuff 😭 i hate men omg
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betterthanbatman1 · 9 months
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
cw: babies!!!! you’re also referred to as “ma” once
okay but like,,,,,first time dad Bakugou giving his baby their first bath after coming home!!! you’re fluttering around the kitchen, trying to make sure you have your daughters towel ready, her baby safe soap, a tiny washcloth, that her teeny tiny pajamas are in the dryer.
it’s only when you take a second to ask Bakugou something do you finally just—pause. your gaze instantly softens, a lovesick smile inching on your face as you watch your big buff pro hero husband hunch over the kitchen sink.
your daughter is resting in the baby bath seat, lilac colored and reclined back. she squirms when Bakugou lets the warm water run over her naked, fat little belly. her face scrunches at the new sensation, fists balling up against her chest. he coos at her, gentle,
“I know, ya little princess. Feels weird on ya, doesn’t it?” he asks her, voice so small under the running water. he cups his hand, holds a handful of water, tilts her fat cheek up to let it slide in her neck rolls that always smell like milk. she whines at that, sniffles and hiccups before she cries. you go to take a step forward, to console her, but Bakugou is so patient.
“It’s alright,” he kisses her tears away. “Daddy’s just tryna help you.” he runs the water all over her body, and paired with his softly spoken words, does she finally quiet after a few seconds. her little body trembles with the aftermath, pouty lips puffy and he can’t help but smooth his hand over the softness of her face.
“Yer a crybaby, just like your ma.” he whispers to her, grinning when that breaks you out of your stupor to smack him on the shoulder. you both laugh at that, and you finally feel the peace that is your little family. you lean against Bakugou’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to his jaw before looking at your daughter again.
“You’re gonna be a great dad,” you mumble into his skin. he doesn’t say anything, but you can feel his shuddering breath, and the calmness that blankets the rest of your house.
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lvstharmony · 11 months
my dad just told me that he never changed his perfume since 2007 bc of my mum since she loved it a lot.
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starweed · 2 months
heyyy, guess who’s back with more thoughts about itoshi rin????
so, we’ve already established that rin is a very extrinsically motivated person, at least when it comes to football. he doesn’t play football for himself, and he never has. and in a setting like blue lock i just don’t think that’s a sustainably way to play football. blue lock is a place that wants people have a real love for the sport, and would play it every single day of their lives if they could. ego wants people who want to win and want to be the best striker in the world.
rin,, doesn’t really want that. sure, he wants to beat isagi and prove his brother wrong, but that’s not really a longterm, sustainable goal. what happens when he succeeds? does he just stop and say, “okay, that’s good enough”? what happens if he never succeeds? if isagi just continually gets better and better and rin never beats him in a way that makes sae acknowledge him?
having extrinsic motivations is good and normal, but you also eventually have to do things that you want to do for you or you’re going to get burnt out. and i feel like that’s the path that rin’s headed towards if we’re being realistic about this. he just goes and goes and goes in a really unsustainable way, and eventually it’s going to catch up to him.
he’s a really interesting foil to isagi, who’s motivations are almost entirely intrinsic. part of why isagi’s mindset feels more sustainable to me is because he really only plays football for himself. he plays because he really loves the sport. and we don’t ever really see that in rin, so i feel like it’s eventually going to kind of blow up in his face as we’ve seen in previous rounds of blue lock.
or i’m entirely wrong about this. idk, i’m not kaneshiro. i’m just saying that i don’t think that rin’s got anything sustainable going on in how he plays football ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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urahara-lovepage · 3 months
bleach media literacy is actually just a measure of how you read urahara as a character
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succulentul · 2 years
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atoning for my recent w a manga redraw, comprehensive guide to the difference b/w jun and yusuke, and the suou brothers
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Hello, so @metal-dads and @kkpwnall made some truly excellent points of Christmas pun lover Eddie and I’m here to add some nonsense
I'm thinking as soon as it turns to the first of December the campaign turns to 'elf-fire' and all of the party has to create elf-sonas. The whole story is that they have to slay Satan, oops sorry, Santa (‘Did you hear that everyone? sleigh? oh, you did? well, I didn't hear any laughing, so I'll say it again and maybe this time you'll get it. oh, you don't find it funny Gareth? well look who has a life-threatening curse that means they are always at half hp, its Ga-wreath the christmas elf! Shut Up! if you appreciated my comedic genius, you wouldn't be in this mess’)
As the weeks go on he slowly adds and adds to his santa costume but none of the red tones match, the beard is just cotton balls glued to an old tshirt and he's doused his hair in talc to make it white that just ends up coating everything when Eddie starts getting into the game and shaking his head at each roll of the dice.
Each time Eddie makes an atrocious christmas pun, be it at the club or out in the wild, the party laugh too enthusiastically, knowing the vengeance he'll take out on them if he doesn't.
Then on the final night, Steve comes to pick the kids up but he's early and outside is freezing so he takes himself inside to sit in on the last part of the campaign. Eddie makes yet another terrible play on festive words and all of 'elf-fire' laugh too loud and too long. When they stop Steve just looks up and states quite plainly and unbothered
'dude, that was shit'
The party go silent, but then they realise, Steve doesn't have a character, he isn't at risk in this situation. They all cheer much to Steve's confusion and Eddie whips his head around, feeling brave in his dungeon master persona. Stares Steve down and mischeviously smiles 'hmm don't like my puns? maybe you should find a way to shut me up then'
and Steve? Steve didn't get his reputation for nothing, sure his heart is beating like a hummingbird, and he feels lightheaded and the thought off what Eddie is proposing but he doesn't let it show, not yet, not when he doesn't know if Eddie is serious
'oh no santa is mad at me, have I been bad?' with a roll of his eyes and smirk of his own.
Eddie turns immediately back to the party face as red as his Santa hat and ploughs back into the game, maybe not so focused as he had been before. The campaign is successful, absolutely annihilating Santa/satan as Eddie dramatically re-enacts the death (‘and to all a good fright ho..ho…ho…AND SCENE’)
If Steve hangs back after the kids file out and gets back to the car with a bashful smile and white powder suspiciously similar to the talc in Eddies hair on his face and clothes well, that's Dustin's mystery to solve. And he will, have no doubts about it.
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fishshit · 8 months
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he is one (1) pretty man
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