#I’m sorry Sammy Emily
waffleslashermaster · 4 months
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Happy late birthday Charlie Emily! My absolute favorite possessed doll
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skyblueartt · 3 months
Headcanon game!
Thanks for the ask!!! Just prefacing this saying that I’m a relatively very new FNAF (the videos games, I don’t know much of anything about the book universe) fan! These are just random ideas I have :)
🐻❔Mrs. Emily- Ohh boy this is a character I honestly don’t have a ton of headcanons for yet! I didn’t even think of a name for girly. BUT I once saw somebody use the name ‘Hazel’ for Mrs. Emily and I like that one a lot!! Hmm I can’t explain why, but I totally headcanon Henry as gay LOL right, so my HC is that…he’s in denial for some time about this, gets with a woman, and said woman ends up getting pregnant. Because of this, getting married feels like an obligation to them, I guess. But I HC that the two separated a few years later because Henry was very unhappy and he knew that he wasn’t making his wife happy either. I TOTALLY HC that leading up to the divorce, he’d tell his wife (I guess I’m calling her Hazel now!) that he’d “be at work late” when in reality he was at the bar drinking with William after work and venting about how nervous and unhappy he was…ummmmmmmmm Mr. Emilyyyyy lying like that is not good !!! :( he did not feel good about it tho. Honestly I feel like she got the vibe that he didn’t like the ladies. I HC that after the divorce they’re not on bad terms, it’s just a little awkward. Idk! My headcanon is that Henry loved Charlie more than anything in the world, and hey, Hazel was happy that he was a very loving father to her. There’s that at least lmaooo
❓Sammy Emily: AHHhhhh I’m gonna be so real with you, I got nothin :( I’m so sorry Sammy I’m sure you’re a wonderful kiddo- but I’m like, a person who knows absolutely nothing about the books 😅 when I was like formulating my own interpretation/understanding of fnaf’s lore and characters from the video games I totally didn’t know that Sammy existed so to lowkey just. Retconned him unknowingly so ahh SORRY, SAMMY :’0
🎭Charlie Emily: CHARLIEEE ohhh I love her! I randomly headcanon that she was about 7-ish when she died, but honest to god that is just the first random age that popped into my head. I feel like she’s a rough-n-tough little kid, like a little tomboy. She LOVES being outside, she looooves exploring, she loves being independent and doesn’t understand why she can’t just go exploring alone all the time!! (We later see what happens when she um. Wanted to explore alone at night one time. I’m so sad ). Type of kid to collect rocks and bugs and enjoys playing in the mud and. Man I feel like she either played baseball or soccer. Idk, I just feel like she would
I LOVE to think that she’s fascinated by her dad’s robots! Whenever she gets to go to the workshop with him, she’s fuckin trilled. She peaks her head up over the big desk and just watches with stars in her eyes :’) Henry picking her up and letting her get a closer look at the animatronics-
“Pretty cool, huh kiddo?”
“Uhh YEAHH!!!”
Charlie loves to make people laugh, especially her dad! She loves both of her parents, of course, but she’s a daddy’s girl at heart. Her dad is cool because he lets her eat pizza for breakfast and they stay up late watching movies on the weekends.
I feel like she’s besties with Elizabeth, I just am obsessed with this idea. She likes Evan but they don’t talk a lot, since I feel like Evan was a pretty quiet kiddo. She really likes Mike tho, she views him like her cool older “cousin” :)
Her favorite color in the whole wide world of GREEN. She probably begs her dad to paint her bedroom green. Since I feel like she’s such an outdoorsy kid, maybe green reminds her of nature!
AhhhHh mannnnn. I need a good timeline AU because I love this kiddo. Charlie you’re a real one, sorry your dad’s best friend was a freak
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sleepy-seal · 2 years
fnaf au characterssssssssss (i am ill over these creatures)
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you will get no context. unless you ask. then i will talk about them with no end.
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sequinsmile-x · 14 days
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I Knew You'd Linger Like a Tattoo Kiss - Head Kisses
A series of unrelated one-shots and mini fics about the many types of kisses Aaron and Emily share.
Hi friends,
Here's another one of these prompts to wrap up the week. This is just soft, with a touch of mommy issues because I can't help myself.
Please see the masterlist for a full list of tags, and the list of prompts for this series.
Words: 2k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily tried to avoid one-on-one time with her mother as much as possible. It was easier to do since she’d had Samuel, the 18-month-old and Jack both excellent distractions for Elizabeth when she came over to the house, her love for her grandsons obvious whenever they were together. 
On her worst days, Emily envied her mother's relationship with Samuel and Jack. The easy way she showed her love for them, the affection Emily had to earn when she was young given away as if it was free. It was nothing but proof to her that Elizabeth had always been capable of it, but had prioritised different things when she was young. 
She’d tried to get out of lunch with her mother, not entirely in the mood to be her best self after a rough night with Samuel. He was sick, the 18-month-old refusing to sleep and crying if he was anywhere but in her arms, so she and Aaron had barely slept as they took turns to soothe him. She’d almost called her mom to tell her she couldn’t make it, but Aaron had encouraged her out of the door, reminding her if she didn’t do it now she’d just have to rearrange it after a week of building herself up to it. She’d kissed him goodbye, whilst grumbling about his need to always be so damn sensible, and she’d made her way to her mother’s favourite restaurant. 
The first thing she does when she arrives is order the biggest coffee she can, wanting to make sure she is as alert as she possibly could be. She’s barely sat down for 5 minutes when she hears her mother’s voice echoing around her.
“Emily,” she exclaims, stamping a kiss on each of Emily’s cheeks as she stands to greet her, “It’s good to see you,” she says, frowning as she pulls back, “Are you okay? You look exhausted.” 
She suppresses an eye roll and clenches her teeth, wondering if it is too early to order a glass of wine, “Thanks, Mom,” she says as she takes her seat again, “Sammy is sick so we had a rough night.”
“Oh no,” Elizabeth says as she sits down, “Is he okay?” 
Emily nods, “He’ll be fine, it’s just a bug Jack brought home from school. He’ll be okay in a day or two. He’s all about me when he’s sick though,” she says, unable to pretend she didn’t enjoy all the extra snuggles from her toddler who was seemingly always on the go these days, “So Aaron tried to help but I was up most the night.” 
Elizabeth raises her eyebrows, “Well, if you didn’t coddle him so much he’d manage just fine I’m sure.” 
She sucks in a deep breath and smiles tightly, knowing that the only way to stop herself from biting at the bait offered to her was to change the conversation. “How are you, Mom? How’s work?” 
Her technique works, just as it always did, and she sits back and half listens as Elizabeth talks about work and the embassy. She checks her phone to make sure Aaron hasn’t attempted to contact her, and she smiles at the picture of Samuel and Jack that she has set as her wallpaper, the two of them giggling at something Aaron had said. 
“You’ll never guess who I saw - Steve Clemente.” 
Emily frowns, “Who?” 
Elizabeth rolls her eyes, “Really, Emily. You’ve met the man at my Christmas party the last few years. He’s the President over at Primrose Academy.” 
She hums and nods, “Of course, sorry,” she replies, sipping her coffee, “I remember now.” 
“Well, I was able to get Samuel on the list for their Preschool programme,” she says, opening up her menu, missing the confusion that passes across Emily’s face, “We’re a bit late but this is why it pays to know people.” 
“Sammy is 18 months old.” 
Elizabeth sighs, “It’s like you’re being purposely obtuse today,” she says, shaking her head as she looks back up at her, “I know how old my grandson is, Emily. But the waiting list for these programmes is 2 years. It’s a very prestigious school.” 
Emily presses her lips together and swallows thickly, preparing herself for an argument, “I appreciate the effort, Mom. But we’re not going to be sending him to private school.” 
Elizabeth’s head snaps up, her eyebrows furrowed as she looks at her daughter, “Excuse me?” 
“When the time comes we’re going to send him to the same preschool Jack went to,” she says, looking around for the waiter, the idea of a glass of wine with lunch more appealing than it had ever been, “It’s a great school.” 
Elizabeth sighs, “Emily, Samuel has the benefit of the Prentiss name-”
“He’s a Hotchner,” she corrects, her smile tight as she stares at her mother. 
“Sammy. His surname is Hotchner, not Prentiss.” 
“You’re being obtuse again, I know that too. But you seem to be ignoring the benefits your son has purely from who we are.” 
The waiter chooses that moment to walk over, his smile kind as he starts to ask what they want to drink, a question Emily answers before he’s finished asking.
“Wine, please. A large glass.” 
The waiter clears his throat, looking back and forth between the two of them, “Any particular one, ma’am?” 
“Whichever one is closest.” ___
She smiles as she steps into her house, the tension automatically seeping from her shoulders the second the warmth of home washes over her. She hears cartoons coming from the living room and she walks in to find Jack sitting on the couch, his focus on the television. 
“Hey sweetie,” she says as she leans over the back of the couch and kisses the top of his head, “Are you okay?” 
He nods, barely looking away from his favourite show, “Yeah. How was grandma?” 
“She was…” she scrunches her nose up and blows out a breath, “Grandma,” she smiles at him, “Where are Daddy and your brother?” 
“Upstairs,” he replies, “Dad is trying to get Sammy to nap,” he shrugs at her, “It wasn’t going very well.” 
She laughs and leans down to kiss his head again, “I’m going to go see if I can help,” she says, pushing his hair from his forehead, “We’re upstairs if you need us, okay?” 
“Okay, Mom.” 
She heads upstairs and smiles as she steps into the nursery, love spreading through her chest as she’s met with the image of her husband pacing back and forth, their grumpy toddler in his arms. 
“Come on, buddy. You’ll feel better if you nap.”
“No,” Samuel grunts, rubbing his face against Aaron’s chest.
“Daddy’s right,” Emily says from the doorway, both of them looking at her at the same time, matching expressions on their faces, “You’ll feel better if you nap.”
“Mama!” Samuel exclaims, his lower lip pushed out in a pout as he reaches out for her, scrambling in Aaron’s arms. 
“I’ve got you, baby,” she says, lifting him into her arms and kissing the top of his head, “Mama’s got you,” she looks up at her husband, “You’ve been giving Daddy a hard time whilst I’ve been gone?” 
“Only you have the magic touch, it seems,” Aaron says, kissing the top of her head and then her lips as she tilts her head up, “How was lunch?”
She groans and runs her hand up and down Samuel’s back, “It was as expected,” she grumbles, turning her attention back to their son who was already a little calmer, “You want to get some sleep, sweet boy?” 
“Not tired,” he complains, and Aaron hides a smile, a look in his eyes that lets her know exactly what he’s thinking. 
He gets that from you.
“Well, I am,” she says, kissing his head again as she walks towards the loveseat in the corner of the room, “Why don’t we all just sit down for a little while.” 
“‘kay,” he says, pressing his face against her neck as she sits down. She rests her cheek against the top of his head and rubs circles on his back, knowing it is a surefire way to get him to fall asleep. 
Aaron joins them, his arm around her shoulders, and he pulls her closer, “Want to talk about it?” 
She hums, “She mentioned getting Sammy onto a list for a private preschool.” 
Aaron frowns, “He’s 18 months old.” 
She chuckles, “That’s what I said too,” she replies before her smile slips away, “I made it clear that isn’t what we want but…” she blows out a shaky breath, “But then she made it clear she didn’t agree.” 
He tightens his grip on her, his lips against her hairline as he blows out a slow breath, an obvious attempt to keep his cool, “What did she say, sweetheart?” 
“She said I’m risking my kid's futures for the sake of being stubborn.” 
He clenches his teeth and sighs, stamping a kiss against her head before he replies, “That’s not true, Em.” 
“I know,” she sighs, shaking her head a little as she looks down at Samuel, the little boy halfway to sleep already, “At least I think I do,” she looks up at Aaron and offers a half-shrug, “I don’t know. I hated going to private school, and I want something different for the boys. But we could afford it,” she licks her lower lip, “Hell, we could afford to send half a dozen kids to private school all the way through to high school if we want to,” she raises an eyebrow at him when she watches something spark in his eyes, “Down boy,” she jokes and they share a smile, “We could afford it but…that doesn’t mean we should do it, does it?” 
“Of course not, sweetheart,” he says, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “We know what’s best for our children, not your mother, or an old friend of hers, but us,” he smiles softly, “And if we want to send Sammy and Jack to public school, or all half a dozen of them,” he winks when she rolls her eyes, “Then we will. And we can change our minds in the future if we want to. But you aren’t doing them a disservice or depriving them of something because you want them to have a different experience to you.” 
She nods, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against his shoulder, “I know,” she says, believing this time, and she blows out a slow breath, “I just never felt like I could be myself at those places,” she says, “All that mattered was getting good grades and being the best,” she sighs contentedly when he kisses the top of her head, “I never want the boys to think that’s all they are good for.” 
“They won’t,” he assures her, kissing her head one more time before he encourages her to look up at him, “You’re an excellent mom, Em,” he says, his smile growing as hers does, “Our boys are lucky to have you.” 
She stamps a kiss against his lips, “They are lucky to have you too.”
He smiles and looks down, shaking his head slightly when he sees that Samuel is fast asleep, “He’s sleeping.” 
She hums and looks at her son, his nose bright red and sore from where he’d been rubbing his fists against it, “Poor baby, was he okay whilst I was gone?” 
Aaron nods, “He was fine, he missed you - but he always does when you’re not here,” he runs his fingers up and down her arm, drawing a soothing pattern as they silently agree to stay sitting there with their son for a while, “So, about this half a dozen kids-”
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itshoneybun · 1 month
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Hey I’m new here, before everybody ask me i only have Tumblr. Ok understand? Perfect!
I’m a cringe person and I like fanfics x Reader 【 I’m gonna try to write some too 】
Don’t like my content? Go the fuck away and don’t bother me//j
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Fandoms I’m gonna write
➣ FNF = (characters ~ BF obv, GirlFriend, Nene, Pico)
➣Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss = (Charlie,Vaggie, Husk,Nifty,Lute,Adam, Sera & Emily [i I’m not gonna write Alastor bc he’s Ace, and Angel is gay and I don’t know how to write Males/Readers sorry but I wanna respect that he’s gay]
➣TCOAAL = ( Andy, Ashley, Mrs. Graves and Julia)
➣Bendy and the dark revival = (Audrey, Bendy, Sammy, Alice, Alison, Tom and Joey)
➣Security Breach = [ +Aftons Willian Afton, Micheal Afton ] (All the GlamRocks, Sundrop, Moondrop and Vanessa)
➣Cuphead = (Mugman,Cuphead (ofc) Ms.Chalice and King Dice both serie and Game just u have to say it )
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I love this little 💙 gremlin 💙
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He’s so silly I 💙 HIM and ONLY HIM 💙
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Request are open ✔️
Canon x Canon ✔️
Canon x female! Reader ✔️
Canon x Male! Reader❌
RolePlay ❌
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viarayy01-blog · 10 months
OOOH Vanessa being normal abt the springlock suits is so funny will was like “meh good enough put the suit back on” lmao
Also what role do other characters play? Cuz u made designs for the aftons and Emily’s 🥺
(Ofc if that’s too spoilery it’s fine I’m just curious 👀)
warning i rambled a lot so bellow the cut
okay lets start with the emily’s becuase. because i can. Henry and William are partners in owning the plex and henry is known as the more approachable head of the company. he tends to walk around the plex and interact with all the kids and stuff. when shit heats up, he plays the role of trying to calm will down and figure out what’s controlling him in the first place. he tries to recode the animatronics (minus golden freddy) but it doesn’t… really work. fun stuff happens with him later >:)
now charlie. so charlie works as a security guard with mike, jeremy, and sammy on weekends to make a bit of extra cash. when mike and will get controlled (willingly or not) but Vanni, she takes the role of Cassie (sorta) and does her best to free mike. she’s the one who finds the foxy mask that lets her see wet floor bots. by deactivating the bots, she slowly weakens Vanni’s power over the other animatronics. she investigates what’s happening in the plex and protects the kids.
sammy plays a super crucial role to this au. he acts as tony in this au, and we all know what happens to tony in ggy… so uh not gonna say much about that til later but he is the MAIN investigator with charlie and has a fun encounter with mike eventually.
not an afton or a emily but jeremy is just tape girl in this. he records messages while he is hiding from william and mike because Vanni has deemed him a good host, even better than william or micheal. So he’s just hiding around and recording messages before he gets captured as a way to keep Vanni out of his head.
elizabeth is kind of still in the works story wise. she cant find her dad when he gets ‘captured’ by Vanni and then goes looking for him, and ends up in a room that she really shouldn’t be in. the scooping room. baby is there and takes the now organless elizabeth and stuffs her inside to be harvested for remnant. so… bye bye elizabeth.
for now :)
think those are all the characters i havent already talked a lot about. the rest have a lot of stuff that needs to get worked out so for the time being in gonna leave it here.
sorry for ranting lamo T-T
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stevenbasic · 8 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 379: The Tale of Queen Angie, p8
Alright, so you need me to explain? Okay, though you should have figured it all out anyway by this point, if you’ve been reading this crap, this is what I know. I’ll tell you if you need. I know not all of you weirdos pay attention.
Me? I pay attention, for sure. I listen, I ask around, I snoop. I’m able to see some of his emails. I know Melissa’s some sort of freak, that she gets studied by scientists at the drug company. I mean, I kinda knew it even back in high school. Things are way too easy for her. She changes, like physically, to get what she wants. Not just “go to the gym and get hot” kinda changes. She fucking evolves. Have a teacher that likes long legs, you need to pass American History? If you’re Melissa Monroe, a junior at Middlesex High, your legs get longer. Does your supervisor like big butts? Boom. Asszilla. Really helped at that dealership she worked at. And here, with this cretin of a doctor who wants to - what? - be a fucking worm like all you other guys these days and burrow into our fucking under-tits? She’s not just growing into some sort of Dolly Parton meets Pam Anderson the 4000cc porn star She-Hulk the Amazon Queen Kong, SHE’S MAKING HIM FUCKING SHRINK. And I think - no, I know - that it has to do with these chemicals coming off of her. They’re doing something to him, and they’re changing everyone else, all these other bimbos, too. They’re making them taller and stronger and bustier and some of them are getting fucking superpowers.
I’m fucking pissed. I mean, I took this job in the first place because I wanted in. This stupid old-person medical practice is, like, ground zero for some of the shit going down. No one really tells us these things but I just know it.
This “Product” that they’re ‘studying’? ‘Testing’? What a joke. They know what it does, they’re just jumping through hoops that they could break into pieces, if they really wanted. This stuff they’re injecting is making all these study subjects into little fucking Melissas!! I’ve seen it, I’ve read some of the papers and documents that come through that are supposed to be classified or whatever. Shit that, for some reason, people like Morgan and Kathy have access to but he doesn’t?? And he’s the ‘principal investigator’? Red flag much?
I mean, I’m not a scientist but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that they’ve concocted some treatment from whatever it is that naturally makes Melissa a freak of nature and they’re trying to spread it around. So they can have a whole, what?, echelon of women that can breastfeed a small village or break spines with their bare hands?
Is “echelon” too big a word for you? Sorry. Yeah, the way I see it, Evolution Pharmaceuticals - or, probably rather, this big shadowy network of companies they’re calling 'The Collective'  is trying to create a bunch of these ‘Queen Bees’ from hand-picked women, each with their own little ‘hive’, like the thing Melissa has here with the girls (THAT I’M BEING EXCLUDED FROM). They want to make some sort of ruling class maybe, using like Melissa’s genetics or something. Is that it? Well, whatever the fuck it is I refuse to be left behind. I came here wanting to be part of this shit, but now I know too much. In fact. I don’t want to be a fucking worker bee anymore, even if it does mean growing six inches taller and knockers the size of zeppelins. I want to be a fucking Queen. The fucking Queen.
But nobody will talk to me. My calls to Evolution go unreturned. I’ve tried to weasel into, or at least listen in on, some of the meetings between these ones that I think are “agents” here - Morgan, Kathy, Karen (if that’s her real name), some of the others - but these chicks are pretty careful. My next thought is approaching the intern - Sammi. I think she knows more than she lets on, and is into something weird with the tall redhead Bianca and the big-boned one. Emily, yeah that’s her name. Even this new manager lady Olivia - the friend of his wife’s that’s never around - something’s up with her.
What else do you want to know? Oh yeah, about the prion? Didn’t think I knew about that, did you? I didn’t even know what a g-d prion was until I started reading some of the communications back and forth between these agent-girls here and Evolution. They didn’t explain too much themselves, but I did  some of my own snooping. It's been around for a while - I'm not sure how long, a few years, at least - and it changes people somehow. Not necessarily physically, but maybe it's what started everything on this…whatever. Path, trajectory that society’s taking.Like, ten years ago there’s no way most girls would have wanted to be taller than their boyfriends. Back when I was in high school guys always tended to be kinda in charge. But maybe it was around then that things started to change?
Anyway, for now, I have more important things to worry about. Like, I have his suit. Yeah, someone had bought it for him, brought it to the tailor to size it down for this photoshoot thing (he'd shrunk again since they measured him for the suit). They’re doing this press event crap over the weekend, and though it sounds like he’s more an afterthought at this point, they want him to at least look put-together. The news station was sending people over today to get some footage, take some pictures for a news piece they’re doing to cover the grand opening of the new wings, which - technically- wasn't until Monday but there’s like this little ceremony or whatever, some party with the new staff this Friday. So, yeah, I thought, if I hijacked his suit, I could get in on some more of the action.
“Heyyy! You’re awake!” I sang, busting into his office that morning with my friendliest, most bubbly office-girl voice. I wanted to make him comfortable, and I knew he’d basically been avoiding me since the party downtown where I’d come on maybe a little too strong for him to handle. So yeah I can play the bimbo when I need to. “So…I have your suit, and we need to get you dressed. It’s almost eleven and your photoshoot’s in a half hour!”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” he answered, looking up from whatever he’d been doing on his computer. He didn’t look well, kinda squirrely. Immediately he started nervously smushing down the bed-head of hair that he was sporting. “And, uh, good morning Angie,” he finally said. 
“Good morning to you!” I sang back. Of course I noticed the cot in the corner with the rumpled sheets. The girls had snuck him some of Katarina’s breastmilk yesterday, I heard, and it had eventually knocked him out for more than twelve hours. I’d filed that under “another weird thing I’ve got to figure out” in my brain and moved on, but not until I’d grabbed the bottle of leftover milk still in the breakroom fridge and hid it away. 
“Speaking of good mornings, I haven’t had my daily kiss yet!” I chirped (yes I can chirp if I want to). I saw the look that came across his face but I moved in on him anyway, laying the suit I held on its hanger down flat on his desk and leaning over, towards him. I’d made the mistake of wearing this high-necked black sweaterdress today, with these crazy shoulder pad things; something with some cleavage would have been useful for this moment. “C’mon,” I said, “You know the rules!” My face was suddenly right in front of his, and I set my eyes to flash, egging him on.
For as dumb as Melissa is, this new policy of mandatory morning greetings was a win. Even though I could tell his heart wasn’t in it, just getting him to peck me on the lips gave me the chance to exert some dominance. My tongue danced over his lips and even though he pulled away quickly I could feel him shudder.
“Watcha working on?” I asked, leaning in a bit more to look at his computer screen, rotating it towards myself. He was writing to someone, and I saw him get nervous. Was this one to that “Anderson” guy? No, it looked like he was talking to someone else.  “Some emails?”
“Y-yeah…” he answered…
Thx to Elephantporn for the image and RiF for editing work
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threadandlace · 1 year
He Sings the Songs (Josh POV)- Seamstress for the Band series, part eleven (4.0k)
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Masterlist- to start from the beginning
The warm water felt heavenly as it beat down against your back. You were sore and exhausted- performing really took everything out of you, despite the passion and love you felt for it. Thinking back to the day’s events, you shook your head. A fire, the sound check fiasco, Emily, what else could go wrong today?
You reflected on the performance as you rinsed the shampoo out of your hair. It had gone really well, despite some hiccups during sound check. Sammy’s bass had been completely washed out and your mic had been distorting your voice. Luckily your crew was the best of the best, fixing the issues quickly and with the utmost professionalism.
Finishing your shower and wrapping the towel around your waist, you examined the clothes laid out for you on the bathroom counter.  A white long-sleeved tee shirt was folded on top of a pair of tan twill joggers, a new pair of boxer briefs carefully tucked under the clothes. Definitely my style, good picks.
You slipped on the clothes, the fabric clinging to your damp skin. Something along the side stitching of your pants caught your eye and you turned to examine it in the mirror. You smiled as you pulled at the fabric to get a better look at the symbol embroidered onto the pants. It wasn’t just any symbol; it was your symbol- a circle inside of a triangle with interwoven crosshatch lines. It was a simple gesture and probably took her about five minutes, but it rocked your world. She sat, probably in this room, and thought about you. Did something for you. Shaking your head, you tried to clear the thoughts from your mind. It’s her job. But was it?
Opting to let your hair air dry, you realized you were the quickest one to shower and get changed when you emerged from the dressing room, backpack slung over your back. Thank god I left this on the bus. The one time my forgetfulness comes in handy. You were carrying your jumpsuit which you had carefully hung back on its hanger.
It was quiet in the hall, the crew busy preparing to move equipment. But yet, there she was. She sat cross-legged on the floor, a sketchbook opened in her lap. Her brow was furrowed as she concentrated on whatever she was working on, her mouth twitching ever so slightly as she worked. You sat down on the couch across from her and she noticed your presence, her eyes snapping up to meet yours.
“Oh, hey!” she greeted casually, fixing her posture as she addressed you. Her smile was soft and she was clearly tired, but she remained radiant with her presence. It was the one thing you could always count on- her presence seemed to recharge your energy, even after a long and exhausting day.
You gestured to the symbol on your pants, and she smiled wider. “I needed something small to do to get me into the creative spirit,” she said quietly. “I don’t know about creative- it’s nothing too special,” you countered. “I like it. Something about its simplicity just… works. It’s very you,” she added. You nodded and pointed to her sketch. “What are you working on?” She turned it to show you, pointing out details as she talked. “I’m mapping out the panel I’m missing for Jake’s Atlanta suit. I want to make sure I only have to redo it once,” she explained, sadness clouding her face.   
“I’m sorry you’re having to redo it. It just… really sucks,” you lamented. She nodded in agreement before looking back up at you. “I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m honestly just glad everyone is okay. Things could’ve been really bad. I mean, people could’ve gotten hurt or died. I am sad about the panel and my sketchbook, but there’s a chance I’ll get it back. And even if I don’t,” she paused to take a breath, her hands gesturing as she talked, “I’m okay. You’re okay. We are all okay. The world is still turning!”
“And burning,” Sam added as he plopped down on the couch next to you. He rested his head back and closed his eyes, clearly exhausted. This tour had started out well, but the way things had been going were starting to take their toll. You chuckled as you took in Sam’s outfit, a pair of patterned pants clashing brightly with a tie dye t-shirt. 
“You know… this makes sense,” you said as you gestured to his outfit. He opened one eye to see what you were talking about before closing it back, chuckling in agreement. “Yeah, Ava picked out your clothes,” she had answered, her smile growing wider. You looked at Sam, who was shaking his head, eyes closed, before looking at her. “Really?” you mouthed, and she shook her head. “That’s funny,” Sam mumbled, “Ava told me you picked this out for me. And she is a much more reputable source for information.”
That was all it took for the laughter to begin and she doubled over, gasping for breath. You couldn’t help but laugh along with her, even though you didn’t really understand why it was so funny. She wiped a tear from her cheek as her laughter subsided. “Yeah, no, it was me. I got all of your stuff, so if it doesn’t fit, that’s on me. Nobody else wanted to pick for you guys, so I decided to have fun with it.” She took a deep breath and continued. “I must be really exhausted because that wasn’t even funny. But then I looked at you and it just tickled me all over.”
Everyone fell back into comfortable silence before Danny emerged. “Nice outfit,” he poked at Sam, starting the giggles all over again. Jake emerged soon after, completing the group. Everyone sat in silence, waiting for the signal to load up and head towards Atlanta.
Albert approached the group. “Well, we have the go ahead crew!” he greeted, always smiling. She jumped up to greet Albert, ensuring he had eaten something and had his coffee ready. “I can go grab you something really quick!” she had said, although Albert had waved her off. She had gotten really close to the older man, both of them always checking up on each other. His kindness was infectious, and you’d started to really take a liking to him. Albert was one of the reasons you liked to take the wardrobe bus. One of many reasons.
You reached for your jumpsuit, but she had beaten you to it. “I’ll carry it,” you offered, reaching out for it. “Are you guys not stopping to see the fans? The bus is parked a little further away,” she clarified, and you glanced back at Jake. “May as well,” Jake answered. “I’ll let you take it. This time,” you warned as you gestured to let her walk ahead of you. She had stacked the other outfits on top of your jumpsuit, which she carried carefully. Albert had taken the box of shoes from her and was leading the group out to the bus.
The commotion from outside could be heard before you even got to the backside of the arena. Security joined the group as you all made your way out the back doors. Jake took the lead, heading over to begin the song and dance over the fence surrounding the back parking lot.
You watched your brother- he was always effortless, ensuring the perfect amount of finesse for every situation. He was a natural and had that star power quality that you knew had helped make his dream a reality. You followed behind him, pulling a sharpie out of the side pocket of your bag as you leaned in to sign various things and smile for photos.
Without even thinking, you made your way onto the wardrobe bus. You absentmindedly nodded and smiled at Albert, who was getting his GPS set up. She looked up at you as you worked your way towards the back of the bus. She smiled and you finally came to the realization that you were not on your bus and that you were alone in your choice to ride with her. You were suddenly nervous, unsure how she’d react to just you choosing to ride with her.
I can just say I wanted to check in and I’ll get off. It’s not that weird that I came on here. If she’s uncomfortable she’ll tell me.
She smiled at you, pointing to the spot you usually took when riding on the wardrobe bus. “What’s on your docket for the night? Albert said it’ll only be about three, maybe three and a half hours to get to Atlanta,” she said as she turned back to cutting the piece of fabric laid out on the table in front of her. Everything she did was so effortless, although her movements were quick and precise. 
You watched her for a second before remembering that she asked you a question. “I think I’ll probably just sketch a little bit. Maybe work on some lines for the song Danny and I were working on,” you answered as you moved to sit in your spot. “Is that the missing panel?” you asked, gesturing to the piece she was working on. “It is. I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to knock this one out by the time we get to Atlanta. We will see!” she answered, giving you a hopeful smile.
Albert called back to the two of you to let you know you’d be under way soon. Both of you responded in unison, harmonizing with your responses. You both chuckled before you returned to your respective projects.
You angled yourself away from her to continue working on a project you’d started that afternoon. You were glad your sketchbook was the one thing that was kept sacred- nobody dared peer inside. Sam had flipped through it, you were sure, but you knew Jake and Danny would never. Nobody from your team. Everyone knew there were a few things left alone- Sammy’s bass, your sketchbook, Jake’s hats.
About an hour and a half later the bus pulled to a stop at a small gas station just inside the Georgia state limits. Both of you peered out the window, looking out into the pitch black to see the neon lights of the gas station convenience center. “I need a drink,” she started before turning to you, wide-eyed. “Like a caffeine-containing drink,” she clarified, and you laughed. “It’s been a day, I wouldn’t blame you for needing an actual drink,” you replied, running a hand through your loose curls. You gestured to her and she followed you off the bus.
She went to ask Albert what he wanted and he replied something you couldn’t quite hear, but she nodded and gave him a wide smile. Once she got back to you, she explained. “He wants a black coffee and a Nutter Butter,” she revealed, and you nodded. “I think we can do that.”
You filled up one of the disposable cups with coffee while she went to grab an energy drink. “You sure you don’t want anything?” she called out from across the store. It was just after one am and the store was quiet aside from the two of you and the clerk who sat half-asleep at the register. “No, I’m good,” you replied as you finished filling up the cup and popped on the lid. The cup was hot, so you placed the cup inside another for safe handling.
Both of you met up at the counter. She set her Red Bull on the counter and the clerk rang it up, reaching out to scan the barcode on the coffee cup. “Smart,” she noted, pointing at the double-cup situation as she handed over the work card. “Actually, can I get one of the vodka shooters?” you asked, wanting something to take off the edge. The clerk gave you a mild case of side eye before turning to grab a bottle. “Make it two,” she said, and you could hear the smile in her voice.
The clerk asked for ID, which you both provided before being rung up. He handed the card back across the counter and gave you both a nod, ready to get back to his nap. As you walked out the doors, you both snapped open your shots and slung them back before throwing the empty bottles into the trash. She made a face and you laughed. 
“Not one for shots?” you asked. “Not if they’re vodka, bleh,” she responded with a disgusted look. “We could’ve done a shot of fireball, but I’ve already had two tonight and you know… the red dye and everything,” you joked, and she shot you a look. “When on Earth did you take two shots?” she asked, bewildered. “On stage!” you replied with a laugh, coming to the realization that she must not have ever seen a show from start to finish. “I always take a shot of fireball. Sometimes, like tonight, two. Or three. Depends on how the show is going,” you explained, and she laughed in response. “I guess I better take Ava up on the offer of watching a show from in front of the barricade. She said it was worth the anxiety,” she responded. “You definitely should. A whole show, start to finish though. I think we really have a good setup. And I like to think I’m pretty entertaining,” you added, cringing internally. Don’t push it. Nobody likes cocky.
To your relief, she chuckled in response. “I agree with that statement. It’s never a dull moment on this tour.” You nodded in agreement as you both headed across the parking lot. She was walking in long, sweeping strides, almost dancing as she took a sip of her drink. Suddenly, she was fully dancing, doing a graceful spin before jolting into a hilarious set of moves as she tried to dance and walk. You watched her for a moment as she laughed, finding herself truly hilarious as the delirium of exhaustion set in.
You reached your free hand out to her and she took it, allowing you to spin her as you continued to walk towards the bus. Albert was standing outside, leaned against the side of the bus. He whistled and she held her hand up for you to do a spin in return.
As you approached, you handed Albert his coffee. “Go ahead and dip the lady!” he replied with enthusiasm. She handed Albert her drink too and held out both hands to you.
In that moment, you were transported back to high school choir, when you had accidentally dropped your partner while practicing a dip. “Josh, you’re such an idiot,” she had complained as she hopped off the ground, rolling her eyes. She had grabbed your hands and placed them where they were supposed to go. “If you could just grow a couple of inches and get a little stronger, we may actually be able to do this,” she had huffed, moving your feet with hers to square your position.
 You were zapped back to the present as she took your hands in hers, pulling you to her. Gently and slowly, you dipped her backwards, your arm pressed into the small of her back as she trusted you to help support her. Your eyes locked onto each other as you both took a deep breath, stretching just the slightest bit more. And, just like that, it was over as you both returned to standing positions. Albert adjusted his hold on the drinks and clapped for a moment, clearly delighted by this impromptu performance. “You should do that on one of your stages,” Albert said as he handed back her drink. “I don’t know if that’s really in the style of rock n’ roll, but Josh is a damn good dancer,” she replied, giving you a nudge as you headed back onto the bus.
  The last hour and a half of the drive was uneventful. You had sat and watched her work, enthralled with the speed of which her hands moved with never a stitch out of place. She had just moved to the sewing machine when the bus pulled into the hotel parking lot. Albert announced your arrival and you stood, gathering your stuff back into your backpack. “Are you coming?” you asked as she fastened the panels of the suit together with pins. “No, I’m going to finish this. Probably won’t take more than another fifteen to twenty minutes and then I can take a break tomorrow.”
You nodded and sat back down on the bench, pulling your phone out. She gave you a questioning look and you shrugged. “I’ll just wait until you’re done. It makes me a little nervous with you being out here alone, especially after the beer incident and everything people have been saying…” you said, stopping when you realized you’d spoken a bit too much.
She paused, stiffening before she turned her chair around to face you. “People are saying what?” she asked. She appeared calm and collected, although you were sure that, internally, she wasn’t. “Well, nothing new. Really. People are just trying to speculate about who you are and everything. Most of them have pieced together that you’re our designer, but people can never just be content with accepting the truth as an answer. And any threats are empty, just for attention” you replied, hoping she’d drop the topic.
“What does that mean? The truth part?” she inquired. “People are just jealous,” you replied. She sighed and continued. “If you don’t tell me what’s going on, I’m just going to go find out for myself.”  You couldn’t help but grimace at the thought of her reading some of the nasty things people had posted online. “I honestly don’t really even know. I’m not really into social media so…” you tried to cover. She shot you a look. “You’re a lousy liar, Josh. Well, I believe that you’re not into social media. That’s not a lie. I do have an inkling that you know what people are saying though. I know Jake sees everything and neither of you are good at keeping things to yourselves.”
You thought for a minute, desperate for a way to shield her. “Look, if you really want to know, ask Jake. He can find that stuff better than I can.” She nodded and luckily turned back towards her work. She started to sew the panels of the suit together, illuminating her workspace with a light that she pulled down close to view the needle as it moved through the fabric with mechanical precision.
She paused after a moment, not turning away from her work as she made her next statement. “Josh, it’s going to bother me all night if you don’t at least give me a gist of what’s going on with social media.” She spoke quietly, adjusting the pins in the fabric as she worked. You flipped over your phone and quickly texted your brother before replying.
You: Come help.
Jake: With…?
You: She’s asking about the stuff online. I don’t know what to tell her- you saw all of it.
Jake: Coming
“Look, Jake is coming back down, he will explain things,” you replied, looking up to see her looking at you. She had turned back around, the finished suit draped over her lap. She sat, hunched, as she peered at you. Her face, to most people, would read as tired, quiet, calm. But you could see through that front- she was scared.
You felt bad- she had gotten sucked into this world at your bequest. All of the beauty and the artistry was being overshadowed by the webs of speculation spun by bullies.
Jake boarded the bus a moment later, sauntering down the aisle of the bus casually. “Just got news that Emily had all her main test results came back normal, but she was dehydrated and exhausted. She and Ava are going to spend the night at the hotel and then drive up to join us tomorrow. Josh, we will need to have a meeting about how we are going to move forward- I think we either need to hire her a full-time assistant or put her on leave so she can focus on staying healthy and stress-free.”
Jake sat next to you, reclining back into the bench. “But that’s not what you needed me for,” Jake said, glancing at you and trying to get a read on the situation as she turned to lay the jacket on the table. You communicated as much as you could, trying to stress that you were worried about her.
“Jake, could you try this on really quickly while you let me know who has it out for me? Please?” she asked with a tight smile. He gave her a warmer smile in return as he stood and stripped off his shirt, carefully pulling the jacket on as he talked.
“There really isn’t much to know. Some people have put two and two together about how you’ve been seen carrying outfits and such and have deduced you’re our wardrobe curator. We really do have some smart fans, they have been known to crack codes and such behind some of our stuff and…” Jake trailed off, excited when talking about social media and the cryptic things that have happened. He spoke slower than you did, enunciating each word more heavily. 
“Jake,” you redirected, something that he typically had to do for you. “Yes, well, they think you and Danny are a thing and that you’re a groupie, but that’s obviously irrelevant,” he finished sliding on the jacket and she moved to check something on the side. “…and the threats were about throwing the beer, which did happen, so security is aware, and we will be on a bit more of a lockdown. Look, they talked about shaving your hair off, but I really think that was a joke,” Jake finished with a shrug.
She finished adjusting Jake’s suit and stepped back, gesturing for him to spin. He spun slowly, allowing her to take in the details. “Feel good?” she asked, and he nodded. “Perfect, it can come off then,” she said before sitting back down at her workstation. You and Jake waited for her response to what he’d told her.
“I feel like I’d look pretty hardcore with a shaved head,” she said with a shrug. “Do people hate me because they think I’m with Danny? Or…?” Jake nodded his head as he hung the jacket up. “I think so. I feel like they don’t know who exactly you are either, which fuels the rumors,” Jake replied. 
“Could be worse. Josh made it seem like there was a hit out on me for doing purple for the South Carolina show or something,” she joked. There she is. You and Jake laughed. “No, but I feel like we should do something to solidify who you are and your role,” Jake said. “Yes, give you some recognition too,” you added with a nod. “Like what?” she asked and you both shrugged. “We will figure it out though,” Jake replied with a smile.
The three of you walked into the hotel, you and Jake waiting for her as she went to collect her room key from the front desk. “What’s up with you?” Jake asked quietly. You gave him a confused look and he elaborated. “You could’ve easily told her that information yourself.” You shrugged and began to think up an answer but didn’t have time to respond. “Ready?” she asked you both as she returned. Both of you nodded and followed her towards the elevators.
You and Jake dropped her off at her room, making sure she was settled before heading down the hall to your own room. Jake sat on the bed closest to you, always letting you take the bed closest to the window. You began to lay out your suitcase, working quickly and quietly as you felt Jake’s eyes on you.
“Josh.” His voice was soft but strong. He didn’t seem mad, more concerned.
“Hmm?” you hummed, hoping he had something minor to ponder about or ask.
“You need to be honest with me please”, he said quietly.
You turned to face him. Sure enough, he wasn’t angry, just concerned. Maybe a little irritated, but nothing extreme. You’d seen him mad, and this wasn’t it.
You knew you needed to be honest, but to what degree?
writer's note: just a gentle reminder that everything I write is completely and utterly fiction
much love to my forever editor: @joshs-jonch
taglist: @eyelinerjake @radmads-gvf @gretavansara @everyglowinthetwilightknows
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boitterfly · 1 year
@appreciatedmoron ty for the tag!! 🤸
List 10 songs with 10 names in the titles that you like, and then tag 10 people
1. Jackie and Wilson - Hozier
2. Francesca - Hozier also
3. Jennifer’s Jacket - The Presidents of the United States of America
4. Emily I’m Sorry -boygenius
5. 867-5309/Jenny - Tommy Tutone
6. Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles
7. Johanna (Reprise) - Eleri Ward
8. Janie Jones - The Clash
9. Liz on Top of the World - Pride and Predjudice OST
10. Jackie Onassis - Sammy Rae & The Friends
@boobee13 @colderthanmysoul @hearteyeshayley @singsweetnightinkale @pancakehouse @boydykepdf @b0ydyke @wdcmaxy tag you’re it
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dayfalwastaken · 2 years
I found something from last year that I made for your fanfic,virtual dust all over heh,again sorry if annoy or disturb! Just wanted to show u this last art for today!
This is also to that au thing!
Tumblr media
It’s them!! I thought it would be funny to make them some kind of trio,the Emily siblings! Sammy,Charlie and Matt! It’s also based off the “we three kings” song because I couldn’t resist the potential..
To explain easy
King= Sammy because..to be honest,correct me if I’m wrong but out of the Emily family..he got the normal life and lived happily
God= Charlie,her powers and such like giving the gifts of life..well it’s more puppets work I believe from seeing all the chapters.
And now Sacrifice= Matthew,like I said..it gives me a feeling/idea that he’s gonna replace Charlie’s place..either way,for me he has death flags and I have a big feeling he ain’t coming outta this chaotic situation alive..
Also again,I would like to thank you for your work and how amazing it is! Your fanfic is AWESOME and makes me become basically mattpat with all the mystery’s and such! Plus on how you make the characters with the minds,personalities,moralities is FANASTIC!!
Hopefully I hope this old thing would be good enough!
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phantomss-pain · 1 year
Afton, Emily and missing kids headcanons for smash bros.
I love playing smash and I just want to give out my headcanons for who the characters main in smash throughout the smash series. I’ll be going in the order of how I headcanon the characters ages in oldest to youngest. (Also I’m sorry if this too technical to some people I’m just into smash I have so many hours in just Ultimate alone let me do this please)
Charlie-Mains Fox in every smash game. She likes playing fox as she finds Fox to be the most interesting with how he moves around and how he makes her think about the game. Because of this Charlie is the best player in her friend group and even picks up Lucina in Ultimate to prove to her friends (mostly Michael) that she’s just good at the game. Often teams up with Sammy or Michael when it comes to team battles.
Sammy-Mains the “cool” characters in each game. So in 64 he mains Falcon, Melee he mains Falco, Brawl he mains Meta Knight, 4 he mains Cloud, Ultimate he mains Wolf. In his mind he wants to out do his sister with character choices so he goes for those characters however he doesn’t normally win as Charlie is just better than him. Often teams up with Charlie, Michael or his girlfriend Jessica when it comes to team battles.
Michael- Mains the best character in each game. He does this to try and beat Charlie who he considers his rival even when the two are dating. Their matches are often the most intense of their friend group with Charlie often winning. Funny enough the two consider fighting in smash to be therapeutic for their relationship. Michael will team up with Charlie (because girlfriend and she’s the best player) and Sammy.
Elizabeth-Mains Pikachu. Her reasoning is because he’s the cutest (in her eyes) and also the character that can cheese out other people when fighting them. Elizabeth often teams up with her girlfriend at the time when it comes to team battles.
Cassidy-Mains the toxic characters in the games. So in 64 she plays Kirby (because of that fucking up tilt), Melee and Brawl she plays Ice climbers (because of the chain grabs), 4 she plays bayonetta (because best character), Ultimate she plays Steve (because best character). Cassidy finds great pleasure in annoying the people she fights against from these characters. Often Cassidy will team up with Elizabeth (while they were dating) or Evan (because they are dating)
Susie-Mains Jigglypuff because it’s cute in her opinion. However when they play the later games she often gets completely destroyed because of how bad jigglypuff is. It also doesn’t help that she’s the worst player in the group. Often teams up with Elizabeth when the two start dating.
Gabriel-Mains Link in every game. He just finds the character to be cool.
Evan-Mains Mario. He just finds Mario to be the most fun for him and actually gets very good in the later games because of how good Mario is and is the fifth best player in the group in ultimate. He teams up with his girlfriend Cassidy in team battles.
Fritz-Mains Ness. He teams up with Jeremy when it comes to team battles.
Jeremy-Mains Samus. He teams up with Fritz.
In order of skill it goes like this (from best to worst)
1) Charlie
Tier gap
2) Michael
3) Sammy
4) Cassidy
Tier gap
5) Evan (in 4 and Ultimate)
6) Elizabeth
7) Gabriel
8) Fritz
9) Jeremy
Tier gap
10) Susie.
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loganspuppyboy · 2 years
f/o list (warning it is very long)
OK SO i’m sorry:( but. bolded = i’m uncomfortable sharing them unless we’re friends and you have them as a (queer)platonic or familial f/o :) ALSO i have lots of different pronoun hcs for my f/os so i’ll list those too :)
-michael afton from fnaf and blueycapsules (romantic) tag: terchael <3 BTW!!! it is ok if you ship with live action/movie michael bc i mostly ship with game michael👍👍 (any pronouns)
-henry emily from fnaf (familial/parental)
-espresso cookie from crk/cookie run (romantic) tag: esence <3 (he/they and occasionally she/her)
-jeremy fitzgerald from blueycapsules (romantic) tag: jerence <3 (he/they)
-gregory from fnaf (kid/familial) tag: i can be a dad tm
-aether from genshin impact (romantic) tag: terraether <3
-thoma from genshin impact (romantic) tag: terroma <3
-sammy from uhm, he’s an oc 👍 (kid/familial) tag: i can be a dad part 1
-steve rogers from marvel (romantic) tag: red white and irish blue <3
-apple white from ever after high (queerplatonic) tag: whipped apples <3
-magnus bane from the shadowhunter chronicles (platonic)
-maven from the red queen series (romantic) (he/they)
-charlie/charlotte emily from fnaf/the silver eyes trilogy (familial)
-peggy carter from marvel (romantic) tag: every girl has their rose <3 (he/she)
-alex from stardew valley (romantic)
-christopher lightwood from the last hours/shadowhunter chronicles (platonic)
-clary fairchild from the shadowhunter chronicles (romantic)
-daniel sousa from agent carter (platonic)
-logan howlett from marvel (romantic) tag: logence <3
-natasha romanoff from marvel (romantic i think)
-pepper potts from marvel (platonic)
-sam wilson from marvel (romantic)
-diana prince from dc (platonic)
-princess peach from nintendo (platonic)
-bruce wayne from dc (romantic) tag: batarangs pierced my heart <3 (she/her aand SOMETIMES he/they)
-lloyd garmadon from ninjago (it’s complicated)
-clark kent from dc (queerplatonic)
-sharon carter from marvel (platonic)
-jean grey from marvel (platonic)
-sue richards/storm from marvel (platonic)
-laura kinney from marvel (kid/familial)
-wanda maximoff from marvel (platonic)
-damian wayne from dc (familial/kid)
-jason todd from dc (familial/kid)
-dick grayson from dc (familial/kid)
-cassandra cain from dc (familial/kid)
-barbara gordon from dc (familial/kid)
-steph(anie) brown from dc (familial/kid)
-tim drake from dc (familial/kid)
-duke thomas from dc (familial/kid)
-🎧(secret romantic f/o :0) tag: 🎧♥️
-alfred pennyworth from dc (platonic)
-zane julien from ninjago (queerplatonic)
-nya smith from ninjago (platonic)
-terry mcginnis from batman beyond (familial/kid)
-johnny cade from the outsiders (hes my nephew<3)
-darry curtis from the outsiders (romantic) (she/her)
-t’challa from marvel (platonic)
-selina kyle from dc (queerplatonic i think)
-gabrielle kinney from marvel (me and logan are so old😭((she’s my grandkid))
-sodapop curtis from the outsiders (basically my kid)
-ponyboy curtis from the outsiders (also basically my kid)
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skyblueartt · 3 months
AS SOMEBODY WHO ONLY KNOWS THINGS ABOUT THE GAMES I FORGOT HENRY EMILY HAS A SON IN A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE OH MY GODDDD….Sammy…Samuel….kiddo…I am so sorry that I wrote you out of my own personal Fnaf lore interpretation I’ve constructed in my head😭 hope ur doin well buddy. I’m just gonna say you only exist in the book universe for my sanity. ily Sammy I’m sure you’re a great kid🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
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partnersatfazbear · 2 years
Thinking about Midnight Motorist again?
Ah, John’s post got me thinking... https://twitter.com/JohnAndrewYT/status/1625039396251508739?s=20&t=dnyVnduqcUVp3RS7aa22HA
He is gonna do a video soon, so please go watch it. His theories are like my last thread keeping me interested in the franchise’s discussion honestly--because he presents new takes or new evidence to support old takes.
My wife @katvara has always been adamant that Orange Guy / Mustard Man is Henry... and I’m starting to be on board with that theory.
The game does indeed take place “later that night” after Charlie’s murder. However, I always wondered where the flying fuck was Henry when his daughter was left “alone” at the pizzeria to die? Sure, the Security Puppet was watching the children, the staff was probably not giving two shits but supposed to be watching the children...
But if we play as Henry, perhaps something upset him. Maybe his wife was thinking of leaving him? (Or perhaps, any friendship with William was starting to unravel). So, he goes to get drunk, cuz why not? Drives home.
We see maybe a very annoyed Mrs. Emily. The girl’s room is empty because Charlotte is at the pizzeria. God damn I’m rusty getting FNAF 4 confused with MM. I’m tired, yall. Don’t write theories past midnight! [A lot of people suspect this is the same house in FNAF 4 but never bring up the girl’s room anyway... Heck, if the paralells are to be believed in FF books, Elizabeth got sent away / ran away from home...] But STILL, I think it would be interesting to consider. (Yeah, I know this seems odd; why wouldn’t anyone be asking about her? But I’ll pose this stretch nonetheless. You COULD argue Henry just found out she was murdered a few hours prior--this explains how the other child (who I’m positing as Sammy) is “having a bad night” and the wife seems nonchalant because she’s in shock.
Sammy probably loved to run off to the restaraunt as much as any kid whose dad worked at the pizzeria would. This would explain why the child wants to go (as one thing with BV is that he is scared of the animatronics always bothered me; he has no reason to want to run off, except from an abusive father).
Yeah, we have to use Novel Trilogy lore, I’m sorry. And yeah, it differs from the book a bit, even.
But whose to say William, with either the Glitchtrap suit (the rain and the Springlocks still bothers me) lead Sammy away? Sammy would be familiar with Spring Bonnie (or Glitchtrap--I’m adamant this is an old suit William made as a prototype at one point) and probably go pretty willingly.
Anyway, my point is... In the novels, the wife takes Sammy and leaves (presumably). But in the games, maybe she didn’t get the chance. Maybe William killed Sammy, too. I can see people not harping on Henry for bringing him up later in 6 if this was the case--perhaps they weren’t as close for some reason. There really isn’t that good of an explanation except that Charlotte was murdered first and therefore hurt a little more. Can you imagine finding out your daughter died, probably getting grilled in a police station for hours, only to go home and have to face your family that was already falling apart? :o (And I believe I said in my original post how I couldn’t believe Henry would be... well, as angry as Mustard Man, but... Well, he is far from the saint we all make him out to be! I didn’t really realize that, then... Also, someone who grew up with an alcoholic father and has seen their best friend’s life fucked up by an alcoholic stepfather... yeah, they can be nasty people when they drink.)
Lastly, I think it makes Henry’s appearance in FNAF 6 more striking as it would be foreshadowed here.
View my original thoughts on MM I’ve completely forgotten about, here:
IDK, I can see how there’s a lot of stretches in this theory, but I still think it could work. Thoughts?
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thenervousferret · 6 months
Favorite fnaf character(s) ?
Favorite video game?
Opinion on Mikevictim?
If you were given some sort of “super” ability, what would it be?
Mind explaining how Gregory is an Emily in your AU? (I’ve never understood the concept, but apparently it’s very popular. I have no idea if it’s canon or not..)
Who are your main inspirations if you have any?
What are some characteristics of your version of sun/moon?
Favorite OC story of yours if you have one? If not, favorite OC?
Sorry about the abundance of questions, hope you’re having a good day. :-) -anon🦐
Wow firstly thank you for all the questions!
1. I would say Vanessa and Gregory, Security Breach characters in general are favored by me along with Circus Baby.
2. So far it’s help wanted!
3. I like it a lot actually, I bounced between the two theories for awhile but I’m MikeBro now, MikeVictim is really cool 10/10 I would consume its content.
4. Teleportation hands down :3
5. I didn’t know that Gregory Emily was popular but it’s not canon, basically because of the Sliver Eyes trilogy we know Henry had two children, Charlie his daughter we all know and love but also Sammy, his son who was said to be alive in Fourth Closet but was separated from his father because his mom took him in the divorce when Henry began losing it. Because of that Sammy Emily is still out there, since he had similar hair and eye color to Gregory in the graphic novels I thought why not. Basically Gregory is Sammy’s estranged son and thus makes him Henry’s grandson. Hope that helps!
6. Oooo, I get inspired by a lot of people if I follow you I’m probably inspired, ColorBars, Extra, NeKo-SaMa [Ronnie], desble and, shandzii are a few of my favorites. Music is my best inspo tho.
7. Sun is far more gentle than it is presented in the games, neither of them are necessarily fond of adults but Sun tries to be very polite about it. Both of them lack safety protocols since their systems were completely fried by the virus. Daycare Attendant use to be a preform before the daycare!! Moon is extremely playful even when its after Gregory.
8. My favorite OC story is a tough tie between my ghost story(name is a work in progress) and Werewolf story called Bitemarks, I really hope to do something bigger with them someday.
Don’t worry about the amount of questions it’s really nice to get so many!!
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hahahahahangst · 1 year
See, dear (Be The Young 35)
TW: [suicidal thoughts, self h*rm, violence, s*xual assault]
Other tags: [sister fic, canon-level violence, dean is an asshole, angst]
All chapter titles are song titles, some of them translated from Italian songs. We start from the first season and make out way through the series. I will occasionally break canon✨ .
Summary: Emily Reed, born and raised in Portland, is preparing her admission papers for Stanford, medical school. Little does she know, her life is about to change forever.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father."
A/N:  Sammy is baby
See, dear
See, dear, it’s difficult to explain It’s difficult to talk about ghosts of your mind [...] See, dear, some crisis are just a sign of something screaming to come out
The journey from the warehouse to the hospital was one of the hardest Sam had ever gone through. Emily lost all the toughness and game face she had with Alastair the second she touched the car seat. She started crying, of exhaustion, out of panic and because so many things had just happened. She tortured a demon together with Dean, then Sam arrived and he killed him. She didn't dare ask any questions about it. She just cried. And when crying didn't feel like it was enough, Emily screamed. Sam didn't stop her, he didn't try to calm her down. He stared in front of him, checking every inch of the road as if a deer might have crossed it at any given second. The hospital staff didn't have much choice but to admit her and stuff her with meds. Not that they did much to make her brain stop bouncing back and forth between hell and reality, but at least they made her body tired enough to stop crying and resume breathing at a normal rate. Under Sam's request, they put both her and Dean in the same room. 
Sam sat in between his siblings. Emily was almost passed out, her body finally giving up under the exhaustion and the drugs, Dean was still passed out. 
���Sam?” Muttered Emily. He turned to her. He also looked tired after driving for so long. “Is Dean okay?” 
Sam smiled. “Yeah. He will be okay.” He fixed her bed sheets. “Why don’t you sleep, you’ve been going at it for a while.” 
“No, no…“ Emily fell asleep for a second. “I want to wait until he wakes up, I need…“ She closed her eyes and then shot them open again. ”...what if I fall asleep and he dies?”
Emily felt Sam’s hand on her forehead and sank a little deeper in her pillow. “Oh god, your hand is so warm- Please keep it there.” She put her hand over Sam’s, trying to get all the heat possible. 
“Are you cold?” 
“Mh-mh.” she muttered. 
“Emily, Dean is going to be alright.” He stood up and took a blanket from the top of a cabinet. He laid it on her. “You should rest.” He put his hands on the end of the bed. 
“You promise?”
“Of course, kid.” When she woke up, Sam’s place had been taken by Castiel. He stood in front of her bed, leaning on the same cabinet Sam had taken the blanket from. 
“Oh, hey Cas.” She said, rubbing her eyes. “Where’s your italian best friend?”
“Ramiel has been missing.”
“Do you think he’s okay?”
“I don’t know. He joined me in disobedience, but then disappeared. I suspect he was taken.”
“What about you, man, what are you doing here?” 
“Waiting for your brother to wake up.” 
Emily turned towards Dean. His breathing tube had been taken out, but he was still asleep. “What the hell happened down there, Cas? You really can’t handle a devil’s trap?” Emily crossed her leg and sat up.
“I’m sorry. It should not have gone like that.” 
Dean woke up, grunting. 
“Good morning, sleepy head.” Joked Emily. 
“Fuck you.” He muttered, also sitting up. “Wait, what happened to you?” He rubbed his eyes.
“Brain snapped again. Currently high on…“ She turned the IV that was dripping in her arm. “Diazepam.” 
Dean shrugged, releasing a weak “ah.” When he noticed Castiel, his expression changed. 
“Are you all right?” Asked the angel. 
“No thanks to you.” Said Dean, tired and angry. “You need to learn how to manage a damn devil’s trap.”
“That’s not what I mean. Uriel is dead.” 
“Uriel, your boss, Uriel? Was it the demons?” Asked Emily. 
“It was disobedience. He was working against us.” 
“Is it true? Did I break the first seal?” Asked Dean. “Did I start all this?” Castiel looked away, but nodded. Emily released a long exhale. 
“Yes.” Said the angel. “When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to hell and we fought our way to get to you before you-”
“Jump-started the apocalypse.” Concluded Dean. “But you were too late, why didn't you just leave me there, then?”
“It's not blame that falls on you, Dean, it's fate.”
“Okay, but…“ Interrupted Emily. “What about me? Why did Ramiel bring me back?” 
“I don’t know. They don’t tell me much about my own orders, I certainly don’t know about other angel’s.”
“Well, whatever they want, you’re screwed, Cas.” Said Dean. “I can’t do it, it’s too big.” Emily frowned and started trying to get out of her bed. “I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It's not me.” 
Castiel stared at Dean. If Emily didn’t know any better, she would have guessed he was sad. She dragged herself from the bed to the wheelchair that was next to Dean’s bed. She scowled at Castiel, who looked away, nervous, before disappearing with a wing fluttering sound. 
“Are you okay?” Asked Emily, seeing Dean was trying to hide a tear by drying it. “Because I don’t think I can climb on your bed at the moment.” 
“You that high?” He half smiled. 
“It’s either this or the screaming, crying, throwing up Emily.” She laid her hands next to Dean’s body on the mattress and rested her face on them, facing away from Dean. He put a hand on top of her hair. 
“Well, the important thing is that you’re alright.” He exhaled. “Where’s Sam?” 
“I guess he went to sleep, he had to drive us here while I actually was screaming and crying. He must have been exhausted.” 
“How did you get out?”
“Well…“ Emily hesitated. “We kinda had to use our powers.” 
“Come on, really?!” He sounded slightly upset, his hand lifting off her head for a second. 
“We saved your and Cas’ lives, man. We would all be dead if we didn’t.” She turned her head facing Dean. 
“Emily, Cas warned us about those powers. You shouldn’t use them.” 
“No, he warned you about Sam taking a dangerous road with them. That’s not the same thing.” 
“I still think you shouldn’t be using them.” 
“You weren’t complaining yesterday when I used them to help you torture Alastair.” 
“About that- You should have stayed out of it.” 
“You know what?” She shoved his head away from his hair and sat straight. “No, you don’t get to say that. I helped you. I kept the game face on when you were about to break. Was I supposed to let him talk shit about our family like that?” 
“Yes! God, you’re such a child- He was doing it on purpose, to rile you up and trick you into using your powers!” Dean sat up straighter, accusatively pointing at Emily.
“My powers saved your ass!” She stood up from the wheelchair, almost losing her balance. “And don’t call me a child!” She turned the other way around and rested her hands on her bed, to balance. The hints of a fight approaching stopped her in her tracks. She didn’t want a fight. It was the last thing they needed. “I’m doing my best, Dean.” She sighed, trying to calm herself down. Dean hesitated.
“I know.” He said, after a long pause. “I’m sorry.” 
“You can’t keep telling me what to or not to do, Dean. I am aware of the consequences of my actions. When I decided to join in, yesterday…“ She exhaled and faced Dean, sitting on her bed. ”...I knew I would have ended up crying on the floor. I knew it would have made you mad. But I wanted to do it. And honestly?” 
“Don’t say it.” He shook his head. 
“It felt good.” 
“Come on- Don’t even joke about that.” 
“Dean, I know it wasn’t easy for you, but he- He tortured me. For one hundred years. And it wasn’t only physical. Everyday, he would remind me that it had been that many days since you thought about me, that you were never coming to rescue me. That you would have done it for Sam, but not for me. Then, he made you join him. I kind of had some unfinished business to sort out.” Dean traced his face with his hand.
“Well, as I said… The important thing is that you’re okay now.” He sighed. “Come on, sit back down.” He pointed to the wheelchair. She did and rested her head back on Dean’s mattress as it was before.
Sam entered the room soon later, but Emily was about to fall asleep again.
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