#I’ve been so busy I just kinda forgot about everything else
kissmefriendly · 2 years
Pray tell, what must it be like living somewhere without constant mold in your lungs
0 notes
min1check · 9 months
Leto! Joker x side chick! Reader ig…
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1248 words
Barely proofread ts so i’m so sorry if u see errors
pt 2
Description: You work at one of Joker’s clubs and he starts to take an interest in you….
Every night there would be presents and money left on my small table in my small ass kitchen in this small ass apartment. 
It all started when I finally learned the real identity of my boss’s boss’s boss at the club I worked at. I really needed money desperately for my family who lived out of the country. I’m currently working on the papers so they can gain legal presence but until then I need to work hard and study hard. 
At the club I worked at, they paid me better than most places and I would be able to go to university in the daytime and work at night. 
The club was pretty high class, there were many high profile politicians who were VIPs. Given that they were even at a club, they were most if not all sleezebags who tried to hit on the staff to the point that I could file sexual harassment charges. But nevermind that. 
The club was so high class and full of VIPs that I didn’t expect it to be owned by the biggest crime lord in this city, the Joker. This whole city was corrupt in and out. Even if I tried to file those sexual harassment charges I would’ve been shut up instantly. 
When I saw this head of green hair and his pale deathly looking skin and his red lips that I couldn’t tell if it was lipstick or blood, I tried my best to not be noticed by him. 
Though he looked like a corpse he was extremely attractive. Maybe in another universe I would actually try to get at him. Well and if his fellow Clown Queen of Crime didn't exist. She frightens me even more than Joker. Well actually that’s a lie but as a girl I can say that we’re ruthless when it comes to boyfriends and husbands and such. Too blind and in too much love to use actual reason.
Harley’s beautiful though they genuinely look good together. 
I went over to Joker’s table where he was talking to (or more like taunting) his client to drop off the drinks. It seemed that everyone else already knew what his regular drink was and his client’s. 
I tried my best not to mess up or to not loudly drop the drinks because at this moment I could actually not stop my whole body from shaking. They continued talking about their deal without even looking at me. I kept a friendly smile on my face. 
I walked off a bit quickly because I was terrified. Yet I felt like someone was staring right at me. I quickly turned my head and all I could see in that moment was Joker with his usual devilishly grin looking straight at me. My blood ran cold. 
When I was out of his sight I closed my eyes and started to pray. 
‘Dear God, please forgive me for any sins I have committed for I do not want to die tonight. I have too much to live for so please don’t let me die. Thank you for everything you have blessed me with Lord, amen.’ 
I was crying internally. 
Literally was gonna kill myself right then and there. But I brought myself back to reality and back to work. 
Whenever I would come to work the Joker would be there with Harley. 
I literally think I’m going crazy because I think he keeps looking straight at me…. With his girlfriend/wife/partner in crime which was even worse. Yeah he was hot but cheating men are scum of the Earth. And Joker’s a mass murderer and other stuff. To be honest I kinda forgot I’ve been too busy with school to care about politics….
I finally got a shift off and a day off of school today. I’m just gonna sleep and lounge around and be fat. I got out of my bed to go get some more ice cream in my kitchen. 
It felt a bit unnerving when I was in the kitchen, like someone was watching me. I shook off the feeling because I had locks on every single window and door. The crime in my country is a bit bad so Gotham wasn’t that much different. 
As soon as I turned around to go back to my bedroom with my ice cream in hand…
“What the fuck?!” I screamed so loud that I dropped my bowl of ice cream and it shattered. 
“The look on your face doll… it’s so… funny!” The intruder was the Joker and he couldn’t and wouldn’t stop laughing at my reaction. 
“…” I just stood there in silence thinking about how that bowl was so expensive…
I didn’t want my floor to be sticky so I started picking up shards of the really expensive bowl. 
“Aww~ Are you.. mad doll~?” He teased me with his usual grin. 
“Not really, I’m just a little sad because this bowl was really expensive.” I sighed to myself. 
“If that’s it then here.” Joker tossed money at me. 
“Um… It’s okay I’ll just work for it back.” My mom always taught me that I shouldn’t accept money and that I should always offer to pay so I gave that money back to him. 
“Just take it Doll, think of it as my~ first~ gift~ to~ you~” he really emphasized on the last part like really. 
He got comfy and sat down on a table chair as I cleaned the floor from the sticky mess. 
That sounds a little wrong, I just mean my ice cream trust…
After cleaning it all, it occurred to me…
Why and how did the Joker get into my apartment…
My blood ran cold. I feel like I could turn into a reptile with how much my blood goes cold. 
“I liked seeing you at my club but I like seeing you in this shaggy apartment more.” He looked at me. 
“Um… how did you get in here?” I spoke quietly afraid I would somehow strike a nerve. 
“It was easy! I broke your window.” He spoke like he just finished climbing Mt. Everest. 
My mouth dropped to the floor. 
Like I tried to close it but it just wouldn't. 
“What~? Cat got your tongue Doll?” He grinned. 
I’m actually going to kill myself. 
At this point I hope he pulls out the glock 19 and shoots me….
Wait but all my windows are barred up…
I looked into my living room and realized there was glass everywhere and the metal bar was stretched apart enough where it would fit the Joker perfectly. 
Calculating the cost in my head I actually started to cry. Tears ran down my face. 
I would be fine if I picked up a few extra shifts but I had to study more because finals were coming up. I’ll have to cut down on food and sleep…
The Joker awkwardly patted my back. 
“Here’s some more money Princess.” 
“I.. Cant accept it.” I said between sniffles and pushed his money back to him. 
He suddenly grabbed my head with both his hands and made me stare him in the eye. 
“Take. The. Money. Princess. Or else I’ll shove it down your throat.” His face was way too close to mine. 
“Thank you…” I tried my best to smile while he was still manhandling my head. 
He kissed me out of literally nowhere. 
My blood went cold again. 
I don’t want to be a mistress or some side bitch….
And Harley’s gonna kill me……
Yet it felt so good. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
falling is easy, catching is hard
rated m | also on ao3 cw: recreational drug use, implied sexual content tags: friends with benefits, secret relationship, shotgunning, mutual pining, getting together, love confessions
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @sidekick-hero!!! Sandy, you deserve the world, but this 3000 word thing will have to do for now 💖
December 19, 1985
Steve Harrington needed sleep.
Eddie Munson had the only thing that would put him to sleep.
But Eddie Munson also held a grudge, a reasonable one, but an annoying one.
“You want me to sell you the last of my good shit? For half price?” Eddie snorted. “You’re out of your damn mind, Harrington.”
“Munson, please. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important,” Steve begged.
“Why would I do you any favors? You never did me any.”
Eddie crossed his arms over his chest, waiting somewhat impatiently for a response from Steve.
Steve didn’t have one.
Eddie was right; He didn’t really deserve a favor from someone who had let his friends make his first senior year absolutely miserable.
But Robin’s voice looped in his head: “Be vulnerable sometimes, Steve. People may surprise you.”
“Listen man, I just really need to sleep, alright? I’ve tried everything else.” Steve sighed. “This is pretty much my last hope.”
Which was a truth and a lie. He’d already tried smoking some weed, knew that it worked.
Eddie’s forehead creased in the middle.
That’s kinda cute, Steve thought to himself before shaking his head. Now wasn’t the time to get distracted by big, brown eyes and shiny lips.
“You been to a doctor?” Eddie asked.
“The sleeping pills make them worse.”
“Make what worse?” Eddie pushed.
“The nightmares.”
Eddie nodded once, understanding flitting across his face as he relaxed his arms by his sides.
“How long you been havin’ them?” Eddie asked as he walked around to the bench at the picnic table, opening his lunchbox.
“I guess…technically years. They’ve been worse since July though.” Steve knew he had to be careful about what he said, couldn’t give away more than what the public knew about what happened at the mall, but Eddie seemed trustworthy enough to handle this part. “Doctors said it’s normal for trauma or whatever.”
Eddie nodded, whispered something under his breath, and shuffled through his box.
“Forgot you worked at the mall over the summer. Kinda crazy what happened,” he said as he pulled a small discolored plastic bag from the box. “I’ll make you a one-time only deal, Stevie.”
Steve ignored the butterflies in his stomach at the nickname, kicked at the dirt under his feet, and gestured for Eddie to continue.
“I’m not giving my product away for half price. I’m a businessman and that’s not a smart financial decision for my business.” Eddie held up a hand when Steve looked like he was going to argue. “But! I will share a joint with you right here, right now, for free.”
“Um. What?”
“I was gonna smoke this one tonight as a celebration for passing all my first semester finals by the skin of my teeth. I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.” Eddie’s smirk made the butterflies even worse.
Steve was going to regret this.
God, he was so stupid.
“Yeah, okay.”
Smoking with Eddie the first time was nice, but the second, and third, and fourth times were even better.
— — — — — — —
January 16, 1986
“You’re late, Stevie. I was starting to worry you’d gotten frostbite.” Eddie’s smile warmed Steve from the inside out, the shiver wracking his body more to do with the growing fondness he had for the curly-haired man in front of him.
Eddie was bundled up like they were in Antarctica, and to be fair, it was below freezing outside right now.
Steve offered to meet somewhere else, but Eddie insisted they come to his usual spot.
And then Steve saw it: Eddie had built them a fire. It was small, he probably didn’t want to draw any attention from the road, but it was throwing heat that Steve craved.
“Come warm up before we get into it,” Eddie waved him over, his gloved hands looking out of place.
Steve was used to seeing shiny rings on his fingers, blisters on his fingertips from playing too much guitar.
Steve stood next to him in front of the fire, holding his own gloved hands out to try to warm his body as much as possible.
“Any reason I couldn’t just come to your house or something?” Steve asked, not quite getting rid of the attitude in his tone.
“My Uncle has tonight off. He’s a pretty chill guy, but I think actively watching me sell drugs to someone would maybe cause a heart attack.” Eddie sighed. “I told him I had a date tonight so I couldn’t really have you show up after that.”
“A date?” Steve grinned, nudging Eddie’s arm. “I didn’t even bring flowers.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, but looked away to cover a blush. “Yeah, well, don’t expect me to put out until there’s a dozen roses in my hand.”
He meant it as a joke surely, but something in Steve’s chest clenched at the thought of spoiling Eddie like that. Maybe not roses, that didn’t quite seem his style.
“I’ll try to remember them next time,” Steve managed to say, nearly choking on his own words.
What was he even doing? Flirting? Eddie didn’t even consider him a real friend, why would he want him to bring him flowers?
“Got a new strain tonight. It’s supposed to be a little stronger, but fades faster, so you should be good to drive back home in a couple hours.” Eddie pulled the baggie out of his pocket, lunchbox long gone after meeting twice a week for the last month.
Steve wasn’t really a customer anymore, no matter how they tried to keep up appearances that he was.
He still tipped Eddie, or tried to, but usually Eddie ignored it and just said it was a favor to help him sleep.
“How strong?” Steve finally asked as Eddie pulled the lighter from his pocket.
“Might make you a little floatier than usual. Not hallucinogenic, though.” Eddie knew he couldn’t handle that kind of trip. That’s why he stayed away from his other offerings. “I tested it out myself earlier this week.”
Steve wasn’t reading into that.
“Okay.” He fought off a shiver, this time from actually being cold. “Guess it’s worth a try.”
“I’ll drive you home if it’s too much.” Eddie’s offer was kind, going above and beyond what a dealer would do for a customer, but Steve wasn’t reading into it. “Or you can nap it off in the van for an hour or so before heading home. Whatever.”
Eddie lit the joint, breathing in long and slow, holding the smoke until Steve was sure he would pass out before slowly letting it out.
He handed the roll to Steve, who didn’t think about what Eddie meant by stronger, and took his normal pull, choking halfway through.
Eddie’s eyes widened as he took the joint from him, his hand grabbing onto Steve’s arm as he coughed.
“Jesus Christ, man, you good?” Eddie asked him.
“Yeah,” he coughed. “Sorry. It is a lot stronger.”
Eddie searched his face, relaxing as Steve’s breathing went back to normal. “Good?”
“Maybe take it slower?” Eddie teased. “Or- no never mind.”
“Or what?” Steve asked, already feeling the heaviness that came with smoking.
“Ever shotgunned before?”
Steve’s heart stopped. He’d venture to say he was even stone cold sober again after that question.
“Um. No.” He hadn’t. He’d wanted to with Nancy, figured it would be the only way she would be interested in trying weed, but it never worked out. “Would it be easier?”
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “Usually. We can give it a try if you want.”
Steve nodded before he really processed what he was being offered.
Eddie’s mouth would be very, very close to his. Possibly even on his.
And he’d be sharing breath with him, probably more than one if it worked.
Eddie pulled the picnic table closer to the fire and sat on the bench. He patted the seat next to him.
“Might as well get comfy, then,” Eddie said.
Steve sat next to him, close enough to feel the warmth coming from his side, close enough to hear Eddie’s hitched breath when they made contact.
Close enough to want to be closer.
“Alright, so I’ll start with a small one, and you just have to breathe in when I breathe out.”
“Is it-” Steve played with a loose thread on his gloves. “Your lips are gonna touch mine?”
Eddie suddenly looked nervous, like he regretted offering this at all, and Steve couldn’t allow that.
“I don’t mind! I mean, I want you to!” Steve panicked. “Like, it’s fine! I know we have to for the whole thing to work.”
“Yeah. Um, it’s not like, weird or anything. It’s just me helping you get high.”
It wasn’t weird, but it definitely was hot.
Eddie took a drag, leaned into Steve’s space, and cupped his jaw, tilting his head back for easier access.
Steve couldn’t breathe.
But he had to, that was the whole fucking point of doing this.
His lips parted and Eddie’s warmth coated him, covered him better than the fire.
He breathed in as Eddie breathed out, his hand seeking contact with anything solid to keep him on this earth.
He found it in Eddie’s hip, his fingers gripping tight as Eddie lingered beyond the point of the smoke clearing from his mouth to Steve’s.
Their lips brushed lightly, an agonizingly soft touch that Steve tried his best not to chase as it drifted away.
He bit back a whine at the loss, opening his eyes to see Eddie still surprisingly close, pupils huge.
It’s just the weed, Steve thought to himself.
It definitely wasn’t their almost-kiss.
Steve breathed out, swallowing once the smoke was gone from his mouth.
“Good?” Eddie asked.
Steve should answer him, should nod and thank him for doing this, maybe ask him for another hit so he could try to blame his fidgeting on being high.
But Steve wanted to kiss him.
Not shotgun, not barely brush lips, not act like this wasn’t something more than what it started as.
Robin told him he deserved nice things, and he deserved to be happy, and he did.
So Steve let himself try to have a nice thing.
“Again?” Steve asked, leaning in before Eddie had a chance to take a drag.
“Woah, big boy.” Eddie’s hands grabbed his shoulders, not pushing him away, but holding him back from making contact that he so desperately wanted. “Think that first hit might have gotten to you already. Let’s take a minute.”
“No, I-”
“Steve. You’re high.”
His tone was final, and something about the way his eyes darted away made Steve think that maybe this wasn’t the first time someone tried to make a move on him because he was giving them something.
He didn’t know Steve was into men, either.
Steve could just tell him, though. Let him know it’s not just the drugs, that he’d already had feelings for him before.
But the high was kicking in and Steve’s tongue felt like an iron weight.
“How about I get you some water?” Eddie asked, pulling away and walking swiftly to his van.
Steve didn’t protest. He did need some water.
Eddie sat on the other side of the table when he came back, handed over a bottle of water with a small smile, and watched as Steve gulped most of it down.
“This is good shit,” Steve admitted, slurring his words a little from the effort of moving his mouth. “Better than usual.”
“Yeah, it’s a nice treat once in a while.”
They sat in silence for another 30 minutes or so, though the time didn’t even feel like it was passing to Steve until Eddie stood up and guided him to the passenger seat of his van.
“I’m gonna drop you off at home. You got someone who can help you get your car tomorrow?” Eddie buckled his seatbelt, Steve tried not to be too endeared. “Maybe Buckley? Or Wheeler?”
Steve’s brows furrowed.
Nancy had barely talked to him in months, not since she gave him one awkward hug after Starcourt. Robin couldn’t drive, or at least said she couldn’t. That’s why he drove her to school and all of her work shifts.
“Maybe you could?” Steve suggested.
Eddie sighed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
— — — — — — —
February 14, 1986
Steve got him flowers.
He hadn’t seen him since the night he drove Steve home.
By the time Steve woke up the next morning, his car was parked in the driveway with a note on his keys that said ‘Promise there’s not a dent on her.’
And then Eddie had ignored his calls. He’d conveniently never been at his spot anytime Steve had ever met up with him before.
He couldn’t even pass a message through Dustin because Dustin was too curious for his own good and would probably figure out that Steve wanted to kiss him.
Which is all Steve thought about for the last month while he figured out what to do next.
Robin was no help at all, said he should just corner him after Hellfire one night and make a move if he wanted him so bad.
As if that could ever be an option.
This was his last chance, though.
He’d confirmed with one of his bandmates – Garrett, maybe? – that he didn’t have plans tonight and refused to sell on Valentine’s Day.
Steve stood in front of Eddie’s trailer, a bouquet of white and pink daisies in his hand, feeling particularly stupid.
The van was here, so Eddie was here, but Steve couldn’t bring himself to walk up the steps and knock on the door. This was maybe the most idiotic thing he’d ever done and he probably should leave before he was seen by someone.
“Steve?” Eddie opened the front door, confusion clear even from a distance. “The hell are you doing here?”
“I said I’d bring you flowers.”
He felt so dumb, standing here holding a bouquet of flowers for a guy who didn’t even want to sell drugs to him anymore. He considered dropping the flowers and making a run for it, but Eddie leaned against the door frame and scrunched his nose up.
Like he was trying not to smile.
Like maybe Steve did something right.
“Better bring them in so they can get water, then,” Eddie said with a hesitant smile.
Steve would take any type of smile, as long as it meant he wasn’t being sent away with his tail between his legs.
He rushed inside, didn’t think about the smell of Irish Spring coming off of Eddie, or the way his arm brushed against his side as he passed him.
Steve stood in Eddie’s trailer, taking in what Eddie called home, holding the flowers in front of him with hope.
Eddie closed the front door and walked over to him, holding his hand out.
“You didn’t have to get me flowers just for me to sell you drugs again, ya know.” Eddie smiled sadly. “I would have let you buy if you really needed it.”
“You won’t return my calls so how would you know if I needed it?” Steve countered.
“Ouch.” Eddie sucked a breath in through his teeth. “You’re right. I, uh, was giving you some space.”
“What made you think I wanted any?” Steve took the flowers back from Eddie’s hand, setting them on the coffee table behind him. “If I wanted space, I wouldn’t have bothered calling at all.”
“That’s what Wayne said, but-”
“Well, maybe you should’ve listened to Wayne.” Steve sighed. “I’m sorry I fucked things up by wanting to kiss you. I’m sorry if the flowers are too much. I’m sorry if I’m too much.”
Steve couldn’t look at Eddie after his confession, or his attempt at one. It may have been more of an apology, but he figured his intentions were clear enough.
“Steve. Stevie. Look at me.” Eddie cupped his cheeks, that familiar warmth covering Steve in safety. “You’re not too much. Don’t ever, ever let anyone tell you that you’re too much. You were so high, I didn’t wanna take advantage. I thought if I just left you to think about it long enough, you’d realize what happened was just from the weed.”
Steve shook his head, reaching his hands up to circle Eddie’s wrists. “It wasn’t just the weed. You’d know that if you let me talk to you before now.”
Eddie rubbed his thumb along his cheekbone, eyes dancing across the freckles that covered Steve’s surprisingly sun-kissed skin. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you explain.”
“You’re forgiven if you listen now,” Steve took a breath, letting his hands run down Eddie’s arms and settle on his hips. “I like you. A lot. Definitely more than a customer should, more than a friend should, maybe more than a regular boyfriend should. It’s okay if that’s too much, but it’s what I have to give.”
“You’re really something, Stevie.” Eddie leaned in, pressing his lips to the corner of Steve’s mouth. “I think I’ll take what you’re giving if that’s alright with you.”
“Please,” Steve breathed out as Eddie’s lips crushed against his fully.
Steve always felt so much, always gave so much, hardly ever had anyone who would take what he had to give.
But Eddie was taking it, forcing it from Steve to his own body, his own heart, like it was the only thing he wanted or needed.
“If you wanna buy tonight, you’re gonna be real disappointed,” Eddie gasped out against his lips when they came up for air minutes, maybe hours, later. “I don’t sell on major holidays.”
“Is Valentine’s Day a major holiday?” Steve asked, brows furrowing.
“It is when I get to have you in my bed.”
Steve’s eyes widened. “Oh.”
“That sound okay to you, big boy?” Eddie was smooth. Who could have possibly guessed?
Steve barely got out a ‘yes’ before Eddie was pulling him down the short hallway to his bedroom and rattling off things he wanted to do to him.
Steve Harrington probably wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.
But Eddie Munson would make it worth his while.
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
can you do angst to fluff where reader had been rlly focused on her career/school and not spending a lot of time w kylian. so when she tries to make plans he acts really annoyed but he's really just hurt. it takes a lot for him to open up bc he doesn't want to seem soft. so when reader finally talks to him ab it he j expresses that he's sad and she reassures him and treats him like her little baby again 🥲🥲
Hii thank you for requesting this I hope you like it ⭐️
kylian mbappe x reader
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She Hulk
You always wanted to be a lawyer, it’s always been your dream so when you got into the law school of your dream you felt like floating. Your family was so proud of you, your boyfriend Kylian was so proud of you, he always supported you and that was the most important thing to you. It’s been over a year now and you were still in school studying harder and harder every single day.
It was like you forgot how to live. You were constantly studying, burying yourself in pages and pages and barely living. You didn’t mean to do it but you ignored your friends and your boyfriend. One night he asked you if you wanted to go out with him but you were so tired and busy studying that you said no. Without giving him an explanation.
It was currently the weekend and you thought of giving yourself a well deserved break. You knew Kylian had practice that day so you wanted to surprise him with pizzas a movie night. You had the spare key of his apartment so when he wasn’t home you organised everything. From the pillows and blankets laid on the floor near the couch, to the pizzas cooking in the oven, from the Disney + home page opened on his TV to the candles lighting up the atmosphere. You were so excited about spending time with Kylian again that you thought he would love it too.
When he opened the front door he never expected to see you there, in the kitchen, cleaning what you used to make pizzas and smiling directly at him. He was kinda mad at you for ignoring him for more than a week. Honestly he was an attention seeker and he loved your attention so much it made him sad the fact that you ghosted him for ten agonising days.
“Surprise!!” you said smiling at him
“What is this?” he asked a bit confused
“I thought of making something special for our weekend together, I made pizza, we can watch a movie or two and then we can cuddle all night” you said - your smile never leaving your face
“I’m actually tired from practice” he said passing over you and putting his jacket on the couch. Your heart broke a little. You spent hours on getting everything ready for this night and all he did was ignoring you.
“Kylian?” you called him
“What?” he said not even looking at you
“Are you mad?” you asked him trying to figure out why he was acting that way “did something happen at practice?”
“No I’m fine honestly…why don’t you just go home, I’m quite tired…” he said and you couldn’t believe of what you were hearing
“Kylian…are you mad at me?” you asked him but he ignored you “Kylian! Can you at least look at me and tell what I did?”
“So it’s fine for you to ignore me for more than a week then come here and do all of this and expecting me to be happy to see you! I haven’t heard from you for more than ten fucking days! I had to text your best friend to even know if you were still alive! So yes I’m mad at you!” he snapped back at you raising his voice. He never raised his voice with you. Instead you always talked about your problems so it was scaring you his behaviour change.
“Kylian…I’m so sorry I’ve never meant to ignore you it’s just…I’ve been studying so much in these past days that I completely forgot to-“
“You forgot about your boyfriend that’s what happened…I thought - maybe it’s over, maybe she found someone else, maybe she doesn’t love anymore, maybe she cheated…” he said looking at you
“What! I would never cheat and you know that!” you raised your voice a little bit, this time making you angry accusing you of cheating
“No y/n I don’t…I haven’t heard from you for days so I don’t know what you were up to!” he screamed back
“Studying! That is what I was fucking doing! Studying because I have three exams next week! Not one, not two but three fucking exams!” you screamed back
“So you’re gonna tell me you have been studying for ten days without taking a break?” he asked in a sarcastic voice, still mad at you
“Fuck…yes Kylian! I was studying what do you think I was doing? I didn’t mean to ignore you! It’s just…” - and in that moment you felt a few tears fall from your face, letting all the stress of the past week coming out, all the sleepless nights spent on books, all the adrenaline bottled up in the past days coming out now “…you have no idea of how hard it is! I can’t fail these exams…I just I can’t…” you said, lowering your tone, tears falling from your eyes. Kylian’s heart broke when he saw you like this, proof that you were really stressed and, instead of helping you he was causing more stress to you.
“If you don’t want me here tonight it’s fine…I’ll go home but at least eat the pizza I made, is good…” you said, reaching up for your jacket and purse when his hand grabbed your arm
“Babe…” he said looking at you with a very sad face and that’s all it took for you to burst into tears, letting all the stress coming out “hey shh…it’s okay, let it all out” Kylian said while stroking your back. Your head on his chest and your arms around his neck, almost holding on for dear life.
“Baby it’s okay…I’m so sorry baby, I wished I’ve seen it before…you’re so stressed honey, it’s okay let it all out” he kept saying while helping you letting all of your stress out. After a few minutes you calmed down. Kylian’s hands wiping your tears away.
“I didn’t want to ignore you” you said truthfully
“I know baby, I’m so sorry…I wished I could have helped you before…”
“It’s okay It’s just hard…you know I’m not She Hulk” you said and he laughed a bit, still holding you close
“Why don’t we eat the delicious pizza you made and watch something? Preferably not She Hulk…” he suggested smirking at you
“What! She’s amazing! She’s a lawyer and she can kick ass! I’m basically her but without the superpowers and the law degree, not yet at least…” you joked, laying on the blankets while Kylian took the pizzas out of the oven
“Fine we can watch She Hulk” he said sitting next to you with the pizzas and you let the first episode starts, again.
That was all you needed. A little bit of relax with the man you loved most, it was perfect.
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
mama’s baby, daddy’s maybe
in which connie is a famous basketball player who has a secret baby with his best friend
part one of part five! had to split it up because it was getting kinda long but i hope you enjoy! <3 read part four here
@beautifulalienslimecroissant @iiilovemilfs @neptunes1nterweb @yourrfavzxri
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The next day, I was really appreciating Layla for staying over because she was able to help take care of Celest while I was as work. When I got home and got settled in, my brother Trent came over. Trent was my older brother by four years but we were so close. Ever since I was young, he was my protector. Since he and his girlfriend have an apartment close to where I live, he makes his way over to see Celest and I almost everyday.
“Hey~” I tried to greet him as I let him in but he pushed me out the way
“Move, bitch!” and made a quick beeline over to his niece, who was sitting playing with dolls on the floor with Layla. I giggled to myself as I shut the door behind him. Trent loved Celest and I didn’t know if it was because she’s his first niece or because of the story behind why she’s here.
“CeeCee~” He cooed as he started to pluck her from the floor until Layla stopped him
“Aht! Put my baby down.” He looked down at her like she said something crazy.
“The fuck you talkin bout? This my baby.” He tickled her all over her tiny body, which sent her into fits of laughter.
“Oh I’ll be damned.” Layla stands up and reached for Celest and Trent turned away. They did this everytime they were at my house at the same time. Celest didn’t seem to mind because as long as she was entertained, she was satisfied.
My phone started to ring which caused Trent and Layla to stop their playful bickering and looked my way.
“Who is it?” Layla whispered as if I answered the phone already. The both of them walked up to me, surrounding me and the phone I had in my hands that was ringing with Connie’s contact.
“Connie?” Trent was visibly confused so that’s when I forgot to tell him all about meeting Connie again again yesterday. “The hell?” He whispered more to himself than to me.
“Don’t cuss in front of my baby— Hello?” I waved the both of them off and walked into another room.
“Hey, Chy’anne. How are you today?”
“Uh.. I’m doing pretty good. I forgot you had my number.”
“Yeah, I was scared to call you lowkey. Didn’t know if you were busy or anything.” I could hear the hint of nerves in his voice but I wondered why. I was definitely more nervous than he was. It’s been 2 years since I’ve talked to this man at all let alone over the phone and what I was hiding still twisted my insides.
“No.. no, I’m not busy. I just got off work not too long ago.”
“Oh? Where you work at?” I wondered where this conversation was going if it was going anywhere at all.
“At a design company..” I trailed.
“Cool cool, that’s wassup. Hey listen, I hope this isn’t like, last minute for you or anything but I was tryin to see if you wanted to come out with me for dinner later,” My heart dropped to my chest. This was the last thing I imagined happening so quickly. I looked back into the living room from where I was to see Layla and Trent on the floor with Celest, feeding her Cheetos. “I understand if you say no because of your daughter and everything but you can bring her, I don’t mind it or anything.”
“Um.. sure! Sure, that’s fine. What did you have in mind?”
“The, uh.. Mexican restaurant down the street from the mall.”
I nodded as if he could see me. “Alright, yeah. Yeah, that’s fine. What time?”
“Damn, um.. is 7 good?”
“7 is great! See you then.” I hung up so goddamn fast, I didn’t even know if he said anything else.
As soon as I was finished, I came and sat down on the couch in the living room with Trent, Layla, and Celest.
“Soooo what he want?”
“He wants to take me and Celest out to dinner tonight.” Layla did all the squealing for me. It was if she was more excited than I was.
“See? He still like you girl!”
“What the fuck is goin on? You talkin to Connie again? You ain’t speak to that nigga in 2 years.” Trent laughed.
I rolled my eyes. “I know, but—“
“We went to the Titan’s game yesterday and they talked and everything!”
“Oh shit, I forgot he went pro…” I didn’t. In fact, I didn’t even want to remember because the year he got drafted I found out I was pregnant with Celest. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the draft on tv with everyone else when it happened.
“He pickin you up??” I didn’t stick around on the phone long enough to ask.
I shrugged as I looked at my nails. “I don’t know.”
“Shit he better be pickin y’all up. He the one that invited you out.” Trent did have a point. Him being the most honest sibling I had was useful.
“C’mere, baby,” Layla held onto Celest’s little hand as they stood up. “We gonna go take a bath. You goin out with daddy~” Trent and I glanced at each other as we watched them walk down the hall.
“You didn’t tell him, did you?”
I looked down in shame. I really did not need anyone else telling me how bad of a person I am.
“You know you got to now, right?” I nodded. “But if that nigga on some crazy shit, I gotchu alright?” He held his hand out so I could dap him up.
“Thank you, T.”
After Trent and Layla helped Celest and I get ready, I texted Connie the address and within minutes he said he was on his way. I assumed that he was probably already in the area.
“You ready~” Layla teased as Celest sat in her lap happily.
“No.” I was being honest. My heart was jumping out my chest and the fact that I was dressed all nice for a dude that was supposed to be my baby daddy but he didn’t know that he was my baby daddy was making me feel worse.
“Well, you best get ready.” I was the only one nervous in this situation. Celest played happily not even really aware of what’s going on and all Connie knew was that he was gonna pick up his estranged best friend and her cute lil daughter.
“Bitch you didn’t even do my baby’s hair!” I noticed that Celest’s hair was all over the place and needed to be brushed at least. I went to the bathroom to get hair products and stuff to start brushing up Celest’s hair into two small braided buns.
“Girl,” Layla laughed at my anxiety. “You runnin around like a chicken with your head cut off for what? A man who don’t even know who—“ There was a knock on the door.
“Can you get that for me, T?” I finished Celest’s hair just in time. “All done!” Celest jumped out my lap as she copied the phrase all cutely. Trent opened the door and Connie was there in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers. But they weren’t fancy dinner type flowers, they gave off the simple floral collage vibe with lightly colored daisies, roses, and sunflowers. It was beautiful.
As the guys do, Connie and Trent had their little reunion but I didn’t mind because they really hadn’t seen each other in a while and that was my fault.
“Aww, he bought you flowers!” Layla exclaimed excitedly, which made Celeste jump up in excitement too.
“For the pretty girls.” He smiled as he handed the beautiful bouquet to me. Being a celebrity and all, I thought he’d be dressed down in a suit with blinged out jewelry to show off but he was dressed casually but you knew he was taking things seriously.
“C, you wanna say hello?” By this time, she was clung to my leg because she wasn’t familiar with the man in front of her.
“Hey pretty girl!” Connie kneeled down so he could talk to her properly. “I’m Connie, what’s your name?” Layla, Trent, and I were looking at each other because the two of them was completely unknown to the circumstance. Celest answered his question the best way she could
“I’m a pretty girl, why didn’t I get any flowers? I’m sure you have enough NBA money to go around.”
“Layla shut up and let them have their moment.”
“You got her car seat and stuff?” I nodded before going to Celest’s room and bringing her carseat to the front. Luckily I thought to clean it yesterday. Trent had already brought her diaper bag full of everything else. “I gotchu.” Connie took the carseat from my hands and was taking it to the car. Celest and I said our goodbyes as we walked outside.
“Have fun, girlie!”
“Y’all lock up before you leave.” Trent and Layla were the only people I trusted with a key to my house. But with that, we were on our way.
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quillyfied · 3 months
HEY GANG SO UH. Watched the episode twice, have absorbed a lot of fan speculation, and I think I’m ready to word vomit some gosh darned reactions. This episode spared my plot-side brain for the most part, which means the absolutely feral interpersonal character side FEASTED. Might have to rewatch the episode a third time to keep my brain on track so I’m not running all over the place like an overexcited chihuahua, oh no what a nightmare.
CALLED IT, SHORT ROBE IS APOLOGY TOUR AND FUCKING HATE SEX ENERGY OFF THE CHARTS. Also side note but can I live in Stolas’ backyard?? Also also GOSH HECK but the energy of this argument is just. It’s good? It’s so good, I love Stolas’ deadpan sassy energy, but also the genuine blows that land during this argument are so goddamn painful. Stolas insisting he’s uncomfortable and wants Blitzo to go: valid, fair, proud of him for voicing that. I just hate that that’s what it’s taking to really drive the point home that right now, despite everything else between them that they need to talk about, Blitzo is being the asshole for that, and establishing once again that Blitzo ignoring boundaries is one of his character flaws; luckily, this EXACT episode is also where we get to see him starting to acknowledge that he doesn’t like who he is and how he acts and wants to be different. But for the beginning of this episode especially, just in case we the audience forgot that Blitzo is an absolute asshole, we have to tee up how much of an asshole he can really be when he’s hurt and angry.
“I want to feel like I’m EARNING my way to Earth” Can we unpack that? Can we sit here for a goddamn second and unpack that??? Hang on have to peel my head out of my hands first because holy shit Blitzo. There are layers to that statement, to that sentiment. There’s the lack of self-worth and needing to be a self-made imp, and if his rich fuckbuddy just GIVES him this crystal without having Blitzo earn it in some way, he doesn’t deserve it and he doesn’t deserve his business. There’s the fact that Blitzo does want Stolas but this is the safest way for him to express that without being vulnerable. There’s the bid to return to the status quo, accompanied by “we don’t do words, we do sex.” There’s discomfort there, both with having the crystal no strings attached and with how things are between him and Stolas. It’s a lot.
So, small detour: I’ve been watching the Danny Motta reacts videos (not for everyone but I like them a lot) for the Hellaverse, and in his “I Was Wrong About Blitzo” livestream VOD from a few days ago, he says something about abuse victims and how they react to fights that’s kinda stuck with me when it comes to this episode. BIG disclaimer that I am not qualified or trained to talk about abusive relationships, I’m just repeating what I heard to make a point, and if this is wrong information, I would actually love to know that so I can fix it. Anyway. Paraphrasing, he said that a lot of abuse victims will get into a fight with their abusers and after the fact dismiss it as “oh, we were just angry” to try and rob the fight of its hurtful power as a coping mechanism, which can become maladaptive when in non-abusive relationships, because the abuse victim will be confused as to why they have to talk about something they’ve already written off as over and done and meaningless. Danny Motta applies this to the “Y?” text that Blitzo sends Stolas when Stolas asks if they need to talk about what happened at Ozzie’s, and now I’m applying it here to Blitzo saying “we just had a bad night.” This entire dynamic is happening because Blitzo’s damage and Stolas’ damage are crashing into each other head-on, and watching the pieces crumble is really cathartic in a way. This entire set of episodes where their Arrangement (shoutout to my GOmens girlies) falls apart is so painful but so necessary, because if the show is wanting to take Blitzo and Stolas to a place where they can both be better, not just for each other but for themselves and for what’s coming up in their lives very soon, there has to be the breakdown first.
Like Stolas being apathetic towards Blitzo’s fucky dirty talk, which puts Blitzo on the back foot. Frankly I’m waiting for an argument where they go “but I thought you LIKED when I—” “I cannot stand when you do that, I was faking it,” mainly bc I find that sort of argument very funny, but this might not be the place for one of those (and I can’t decide what I like more, Blitzo being honest about not being into Stolas’ dirty talk or Blitzo being honest about being REALLY into Stolas’ dirty talk, both sound plausible, but we have to get through this emotional hashing out first). ANYWAY. THE POINT. The point is that as much as these arguments and discussions hurt, they’re important. They’re clearing the air, getting the bullshit out from between them. And again, so much kudos and love for Stolas for being more vocal with his boundaries. Blitzo ignoring them is what he does, we know that, I’ve already said it once in this egregious mess of an essay, but it’s funny how in ignoring Stolas’ boundaries, he’s also getting his own pushed and broken—VERY NECESSARY, actually. Blitzo can’t be honest unless it’s being forced out of him somehow, and it’s Blitzo who’s heading the charge into crashing right through his own walls by refusing to back down from this fight.
There’s something really interesting too in the fact that we KNOW Blitzo knows he hates himself and doesn’t think he’s worthy of care, but he still has this very convincing, very loud bravado about his own sexual prowess. He’s very confident in himself as a lover. As a boyfriend, however…nah, he’s good, actually let him deflect immediately back to sex, which is easier and less emotional. It’s a nice complex touch for him. Like, the “love ‘em and leave ‘em” trope can get kinda tired, especially when there’s a string of vengeful exes behind it, but in a lot of ways it feels good for this to be another facet to Blitzo, if only because it’s accompanied by the fact that this character trait is often born from trauma and has more happening with it than is often explored in fluffier fiction. That’s not something I often see in comedies, actually.
BUT THAT CLAPBACK FROM STOLAS. “Oh, yes, relationships are boring…so what are you doing here, then?” BAM. YOU WANT POETRY, STOLS? BC YOU’RE PROVIDING. Goddamn. I love that owl man. Anyway. Blitzo immediately offering angry sex being the thing that pushes the next nugget of truth is AMAZING. Because first of all, Blitzo still being horny for Stolas but deflecting it as trying to prove that Stolas is horny for Blitzo, especially when they’re fighting, is just a delightfully twisty detail. Second, it’s digging into WHY Blitzo called Stolas a “rich pompous asshole,” giving Stolas context for that comment and further finally touching on how Blitzo has very real class disadvantage between them while also holding that against Stolas a little unfairly (comparing him to Striker is such a good move, because BLITZO HIMSELF has already realized that if he and Striker think alike on that subject…ew, that doesn’t feel good). On a wider class-based discrimination scale, Blitzo has every right to be suspicious and dismissive of Stolas’ wealth and station and the ways Stolas is socially and physically above him. On a more personal scale, it’s delicious to watch that crash head-on with the fact that Stolas has been TRYING SO HARD and SO PUBLICLY to get close to Blitzo, to make him happy, to spend some FUCKING time with him, and Stolas hasn’t been using his privilege in that way at all when it comes to Blitzo. The deal for the book was one they agreed on MUTUALLY; Stolas never withheld it from him even when things were uncertain after Ozzie’s. Stolas has bigotry and internalized misconceptions that he has to work on (and might even get to work on on-screen, if the trial episode goes how I think it will), but I think it means so much that Blitzo gets to HEAR that Stolas really doesn’t think he’s above Blitzo, that he doesn’t have a kink for getting dicked down by a rugged peasant, that Stolas doesn’t look down on Blitzo for being an imp the way Blitzo has needed to convince himself that Stolas does. THE GIRLIES ARE TALKING OKAY.
AND I CANNOT BELIEVE WITH MY OWN TWO EYES AND EARS THAT WE GOT AN ON-SCREEN CONFIRMATION THAT STOLAS HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THE HARVEST MOON ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. I cannot believe it. I canNOT believe it. Holy crap the cows are coming home to roost and I think I got that saying wrong but I will not be changing it. If there’s any grander plot information in this episode, it would be this: Stolas learning of the first assassination attempt. If he gets the chance to think on that further beyond just the hurt that Blitzo never told him, he knows that Stella sent Striker the first time; it wouldn’t be a difficult logical leap to think Stella sent him the first time, too, and what that means, especially vis-à-vis divorce proceedings. Which now makes me wonder if there’s demonic law precedent for spousal assassinations being totally legal if infidelity is a factor. Did they have a prenup and can I see it please XD It might be the only leg Stolas has to stand on to defend himself legally, the fact that Stella hired an assassin to kill him TWICE. The abuse he endured is real, but there’s no way to prove it. There certainly are ways to definitively prove that Stella hired an assassin. The “Stolas and IMP are in deep legal shit” theory is more widespread than I thought, by the by, I NEED to get it condensed into one post before October.
I kinda hope that Blitzo gets to tell Stolas the things he’s said that have reinforced to Blitzo the idea that Stolas looks down on him, because that is one of the biggest legs that Blitzo has to stand on in this particular argument and I don’t much like the idea of it being taken out from under him because it’s chalked up to Blitzo’s own preexisting prejudice against royal demons. Because Stolas HAS made mistakes on that front, and while this episode is way more about the ways Blitzo screws up and wants to change, Stolas not being totally innocent in this breakup has been one of the key points of Full Moon and one the creator herself has confirmed. And Stolas getting to hear the ways he hurt Blitzo and getting to apologize and change would be SO HUGE, okay?? If this show isn’t gonna tackle the social issues it’s drawing on for drama and comedy alike, if it’s not going to meaningfully solve them Hell-wide, then can we at least solve them between Blitzo and Stolas? Like? Please???
Also. Way to make me a liar, Stolas, being all pissy that Blitzo didn’t come help you with Striker :P I do think that if Blitzo asserted that he was helping Loona and that was more important, it would have taken the conversation somewhere else, but this conversation wasn’t really about that anyway. It’s about how Blitzo and Stolas both truly did not think Stolas could get physically hurt, but in Blitzo’s case it just reinforced his belief in Stolas’ station above him, and in Stolas’ case it played into his romantic story fantasies of playing the damsel in distress without any real stakes. And this conversation is about Stolas being hurt at learning more in depth what Blitzo has been thinking and believing about him all this time, understanding where Blitzo’s coming from. Because Stolas got to spill his guts on Full Moon. It’s Blitzo’s turn. Once Stolas makes one more FUCKING thing clear, things that Blitzo would certainly have seen: how much Blitzo’s idea that Stolas is some uppity prince falls apart when you take Stolas’ very public affection into consideration. And I love Stolas for acknowledging that Blitzo doesn’t owe him anything, but what I so often don’t hear when people say “you don’t owe people shit” is what Stolas says, which is “you can’t just ignore all that.” Listen. Each situation is going to be different. But Stolas is 5000% correct in that his actions have been speaking pretty fucking loudly about where his feelings are, even if his words and the trappings of his station have fallen short (and don’t think that excuses Stolas for still not realizing the hypocrisy of sleeping with an imp even as he has imp servants whom he doesn’t necessarily always mistreat but doesn’t regard either). Blitzo doesn’t owe him love or sex or anything for Stolas offering these things, but even a “no fuck off” is acknowledging that Stolas is trying, that he fucking EXISTS. FUCK.
I know that there is some queer community banter about reclaiming slurs via jokes and memes, but I really do have to wonder what Blitzo’s goal was in both sending Stolas a bunch of “I smell a homosexual” horse memes and then here when he dismisses what Stolas is saying by calling it “the gayest thing he’s ever heard.” I, uh. Am not the target audience for that, I think? At the very least I don’t understand it beyond the tone and knowing that Blitzo is being mean with his words, but probably not the memes. Gonna have to wait for the discourse on that one, I guess. Also was animating that amount of spittle ABSOLUTELY necessary (I think maybe it was).
I also love how Stolas accidentally reverse-psychologies Blitzo into doing a whole apology tour, though. Because that is some classic “duck season/rabbit season” loony tunes shit. “I bet you’ve never apologized in your life” “FUCK YOU I’M THE BEST AT APOLOGIES I CAN APOLOGIZE SO HARD.” And I love that it’s BLITZO that finally says the quiet part out loud, who puts all the pieces together and lays it out nice and simple: he self-sabotages because he hates himself and doesn’t think he’s worthy of anyone’s love so he drives people away before they can care about him. He knows this about himself. He hates this about himself, too, but it keeps him safe. Except it’s not working now. He doesn’t want this, but it’s hard. Even when he’s screaming at Stolas that he can apologize to everyone so good, everyone BUT Stolas, he’s on the verge of tears, he’s shaking from anger, he’s seconds from melting down. He sees what he’s doing. He can’t stop himself from doing it.
But first, he has to uphold his pride and give a bunch of bullshit apologies with surprisingly thoughtful cheese and hot sauce baskets. Let’s watch the imp at work, shall we?
Because godDAMN this is a good comedy segment actually. Such a funny romp through all of Blitzo’s season 1 escapades (AND HOLY SHIT GET IT MRS. MAYBERRY, THAT’S THE FUNNIEST TWIST, HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE). (Side note, how does Blitzo know where Martha lives? And he remembered her NAME, what the fuck. Does he actually keep tabs on former hits that wind up in Hell just so he can know to avoid them??). Don’t think I missed that Moxxie was on the top of that list, followed by the annoying kid from the pilot. And we go through season 1 almost perfectly: Martha from e1, Loo-Loo from e2, CHERUB from e4 (love the non-apology, keep that enmity alive), DHORKS from e6, HE FUCKING THROWS A BASKET INTO THE LOCKED UP FORMER DHORKS COMPOUND FULL OF ROTTING CORPSES, I HOWLED, the hot bouncer from e7. But interspersing all of that with the texts to Stolas he can’t send?? Fucking. OW.
Okay but WHY don’t I see more art of Blitzo in drag or in pretty dresses?? Canonically he’s been in more of them XD (listen I agree Stolas is so goddamn pretty and deserves to be in all the dresses but let’s throw Blitzo some love here once in a while)
“Looks like you missed some makeup there.” “Thanks, it’s my face.” I just. I need to lie down. I love Blitzo. He hasn’t even started the googly-eyes yet and I love him so much.
Oh, Stolas. I’ve never been to a house party like this and I don’t ever plan to, but I’ve been to enough social functions to know very well the feeling of sticking to a wall because you’re uncomfortable. I love that Verosika does her best to include him, too, welcomes him into this community she’s created. Also wait how the FUCK does everyone know Blitzo and Stolas broke up?? (Blaming a Fizz to Verosika pipeline somehow)
The demonic sacrifice to Stolas scene is so screamingly funny. It’s SO FUCKING FUNNY. I think it’s more funny because, like a lot of the gags in Full Moon, it’s a return of some of that s1 humor that I hadn’t really noticed was missing until it was suddenly back. We can thank Danny Motta for bringing that to my attention, too, but eh. I’m not bothered by it.
I also love that Stolas isn’t entirely comfortable being surrounded by evidence of people wanting to hurt Blitzo (through cathartic alternate means, anyway, though they are literal demons, so maybe in the actual way too). And later on, I love how it’s clear that most of these people don’t really want to hurt Blitzo, either, they’re just hurt themselves. Verosika is picking the pettiest method possible, but she’s doing a good thing here, making a support group for people in emotional distress.
Blitzo you don’t need to start keeping count, you need to start getting tested, because I’m legitimately worried for you. This isn’t slut shaming, this is just good health practices when you’ve fucked enough people to fill a mansion. What the fuck. This is JUST the hellborn population of exes, I imagine if we include sinners the number might be higher. Alright but also Dennis’ presence means he hasn’t actually actively fucked all the people here, right?? Right???? Anyway. It’s the fact that he remembers most if not all of them, too, enough to make specific apologies about things he did to them as he’s walking through them.
Stolas’ song. CHILLS. CHIIIIIILLS. I legit did not recognize Bryce’s voice during that, it’s so different from everything he’s sung before. But it’s so good. It’s EXACTLY what I thought it was going to be, too: not a tear-down anthem, not a belated defense, just Stolas singing about his pain. People who mistakenly think Stolas was shitting on Blitzo during this song can step up because I am very prepared to tell you how wrong you are. Someone in the tags had it right, this episode was practically spoonfeeding us all the subtext most of us had already guessed about the situation and characters, and yet people still didn’t get it. Sad. Anyway. The song. This beautiful anthem to the fuckedness of Stolas and Blitzo’s situation, and opening Blitzo’s eyes further to how his coping mechanisms to not get hurt in turn hurt Stolas pretty deeply. And just. Gosh hecking fucking darn, “I’m not a thief, you were mine to earn, but what if I came on too strong, what if I read this all wrong” FUCK. AND THEN THAT KID MONTAGE. RIGHT THERE. IN THE SAD FADEOUT AT THE END OF THE SONG. I JUST. I. HHHHHHHHHHHHH.
And then we come to the drunk conversation. Which. Again, on brand, doubtful that it would be these two trainwrecks if something weird wasn’t happening, but it’s so funny to us the audience to hear Blitzo make a comment about never seeing Stolas put it away like that before when we know that poor bird downs absinthe like it’s Gatorade when he’s upset. But. Even as they’re in a bad emotional place, even as they’re trying to clear the air, the casual intimacy and comfort they have around each other is really sweet. Wouldn’t be happening if Stolas wasn’t drunk, but still. Watching Blitzo take care of Stolas is always sweet. He just does it so deftly, like it’s second nature, that watching Blitzo fidget and hesitate to touch Stolas hurts all the more for knowing that he didn’t hesitate at all to catch Stolas when he was falling. I’m hoping it’s portents of what’s to come, in time, when they’ve both worked on themselves a bit. Or at least had a full clearing of the air. They get a good way into it this time, with Blitzo reiterating how he’s felt about Stolas and how inferior he feels and unlovable, and how much Stolas just wants to be cared about (with the implication that Blitzo didn’t make him feel that way), but that’s not the last conversation they need to have. The last one, I think, is when Blitzo will be able to admit out loud that even with all the shitty behavior and the casual classism and the fights and the apologies…he loves Stolas. He cares. He cares so much. And he’s so scared. Blitzo knows it. It’s the saying it that’s hard.
“Stolas, that’s…a rom-com.” He doesn’t even sound dismissive, he just sounds sad. Blitzo is so SAD that that’s what Stolas wants, because Blitzo doesn’t DO stuff like that, it’s not real, it’s cheesy and unrealistic and by Satan and Lucifer and Ozzie and whoever else I have to swear by, if we don’t get Blitzo pulling classic cheesy romcom moves in an attempt to really make Stolas feel special I’m going to TEAR MY HAIR OUT (and then write the fanfic). GIVE THE IMP A BOOM BOX.
But the way Stolas just stares at Blitzo, waiting for his input before he accepts the dance invitation from “Better Than Blitzo” Guy. The way Blitzo LETS HIM GO. I HATE IT BUT I LOVE IT AND IT HAD TO HAPPEN BUT IT HURTS.
I love that it starts…kind of typical? Like, Blitzo went up there pretty quiet and reserved, calls her Ver (!!!!!!!), but once the back-and-forth very bitter arguing starts between them, he gets this grin on his face, like he’s glad to be back somewhere familiar. Before her lack of reaction just pokes that bear that’s been under his surface all day and he starts breaking down—the exact kind of breakdown he needs, the emotional one, the verbal five-gallon vomit of what’s actually inside of him and not just the bullshit he spews on the daily to distract others and protect himself. And it’s such a key piece of the Verosika puzzle, too, because this is how it went: Verosika said “I love you.” And Blitzo stole her car, left her to cover the hotel bill, ran three rings to Wrath, and maxed out her credit cards on shitty horse-riding lessons. Like. Wow. What the fuck, Blitzo. Which, given how catastrophically he felt he had to fuck that up…probably meant he loved her, too. Or even if he didn’t, even if he cared but didn’t care as much as she did, the fact that THAT’S what he did, rather than just ghosting her or breaking up over text or anything else a normal level of shitty? Like, what the fuck, Blitzo, I know you’re a trained clown and assassin but that’s brutal. And it’s an extreme example of how Blitzo responds to others being vulnerable by doing everything he can to cover up his own vulnerability, but between that and Blitzo thinking Stolas telling Blitzo he cares and wants Blitzo to stay is a new kind of sexual roleplay Stolas wants to try out…Blitzo doesn’t do measured responses. If there’s this many people still hurt by what he did to them and most of them were probably singular hookups, it really sheds some perspective on the scope of the problem. And the depth of what Blitzo means when he says he doesn’t want to be this way anymore.
“Why am I the bad guy just for sucking at relationships?” Look dude there’s sucking at relationships, and then there’s becoming a toxic black hole of self-hatred and self-destruction that takes out an entire city block with it when it detonates. And what Verosika says, too, how somehow she still feels bad for hating him—like HOOOOOLY SHIT. Paired up with Stolas pointing out that this many people wouldn’t hate Blitzo if they hadn’t cared about him so much first. Blitzo could RULE HELL if he could figure out how to properly weaponize that charisma XD On a more serious note, though, I think the examples are extreme partially because this is a comedy show and there is something very darkly funny about Blitzo’s nuclear response to affection, but also because if this show has been trying to do anything, it’s been exploring the depths of self-hatred and how that destroys everything around it, and if there’s one thing cartoons in particular are supposed to do, it’s exaggerate. The story is real. The details are fucked, but the feelings behind the story is so real. Verosika’s response is disproportionate but her pain is real. Stolas’ ballad is dramatic but his emotions are real. Blitzo’s trauma response is improbably destructive but the roots are real. Stories aren’t real; the emotions are. It’s what makes them meaningful.
Okay y’know every other time Viv has done the tongue thing, it’s read as really comedic to me, but this one was just…hot? Even with Blitzo’s world crumbling around him (TAKE THAT ASSHAT), with this new spike of jealousy in his chest, it’s really good to see Stolas getting to experience being wanted by people who aren’t Blitzo and KNOWING it. He’s wanted. He’s hot. People enjoy him and his company. GIVE HIM FRIENDS NEXT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Giving Verosika some kind of closure about them, though. I imagine it’s pretty nice for her to see Blitzo so messed up emotionally, even if it isn’t over her, and to get a genuine apology from him. Like her song says, she’s not over it, but she’s over him, and she’s made a community of people to support each other and have fun, and that’s amazing, actually. Charlie would be so proud.
And, like. Verosika so gently telling Blitzo that it starts with sorry saying good for Stolas, hope he gets some dick…Blitzo was kinda already there, with letting Stolas go to go dance with the guy. But it feels healthier? Less “he said he doesn’t want me here because seeing me makes him feel bad, I make him feel bad, I shouldn’t touch him or burden him with my feelings because I’m not worth it”, more “he deserves this, he deserves to be happy with someone who isn’t afraid to show him how much he’s worth, I hope he’s happy.” There’s hope for him yet, folks. Good job, Blitzo. Nurse that broken heart and lay on that horn all you want to, babe, you did a good job. Let’s keep that momentum going. (Like to be clear he’s still very much feeling bad for how badly he treated everyone at that party as he’s walking out, but. There’s something about it that feels better, I can’t describe it. Less toxic and blaming everyone else, more cleanly miserable because he owns it’s his fault and he’s gonna try to change once he stops crying.)
Now to do what I’d be doing anyway this summer and wait for October, only this time I also get to wait for a new episode too!
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mossyscavern · 1 year
Sunflower shirts and gravestones
The poll votes have spoken, it is time.
I still remember it like it was yesterday.
But it was 88 years ago. The day the twins finally snapped, but on different days and occasions. Tom snapped when she purposely damaged the only sunflower he had in his garden… and what she did was unexceptional.
She grabbed the shovel and whacked him in the head, she thought no one was around to see what she did, but I was… and there was no sorrow.
Tim snapped when he found out what she did and threatened to tell Benny, unfortunately she drowned him in the nearby river before he could go back to town.
They we’re both in their 20’s just turned 21 and she took their lives and pretended they abandoned their home, unfortunately they somehow came back, angered and hurt. They placed a curse on this town, to suffer as they both did when no one cared.
I don’t blame them to be honest, especially when Tom cursed them to live and die by their hands, he was so blinded by rage it’s hard to believe he’s the same kind hearted soul who helped everyone out.
She tried to get forgiveness from me… but all I saw was a monster, a heartless woman who only cared about herself and her son’s and daughters.. but when they died she only cared about her eldest.
I never knew what had happened to Mary, but she changed ever since John died.. she became a controlling freak of nature… if anyone sees this note, tell them the truth.
Show them what I’ve written in my hand writing, the whole town must know the truth.. what had happened to them what had happened to this town. And why death…
is just as needed as life.
James wrote as he placed the note in a makeshift acorn he got from the woodcarver. With a sigh he placed the object inside the makeshift drawer specifically for the acorn.
He then placed clues in his church, one in the confession box, one in the podium and last in the bible.. just when it hit midnight the church doors opened. “Hi, boys.”
He greeted, smiling at old faces he used to know. “Hello father, James.” Tim greeted, tilting his head to the side. “Been a while.” Tom said, finishing Tim’s sentence.
“I’m sorry… for everything.” He told them sadly, remembering how he couldn’t visit them cause of how busy he was that day. “Don’t be-.” “-It’s not your fault.”
They both said, holding out their hand towards James, Tom’s left hand, Tim’s right. “You ready?” They asked at the same time, with a small sad chuckle he nodded.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
… I said I was going to write how the twins became the hearse twins and I delivered.
Except it’s in the form of a note James wrote about what happened before placing it in an acorn and excepting his death… I kinda forgot to mention he was killed off and old man Edwards is the new priest of that town.
I… don’t know what else to say it- it was rushed and I didn’t even plan on doing the whole story sort of thing… well I was, but I kinda hoping on the character list to be honest… but I created the poll and the decision has been made.
No going back now.
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juleka · 1 year
Deep End
paring: felix x gn!reader
genre: angst
words: 897
warnings: cheating (your end), toxic relationships(?), mentions of alcohol, hickey mentions, suggestive scene, ghosting, kinda manipulative
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A little background, you and Felix had been dating way before his career took off. But, yours took off first. You became this famous model, which made you almost always travel. You’d travel with your modeling agent, which led to you gaining feelings for him. How were you supposed to tell Felix?
“Are you almost ready?” your agent asked you, quickly fixing his tie and collar. While you were messily cleaning up your makeup. “Almost! I thought I told you to go easy on me?! This can be a big hit or miss for the company, if I went to the shoot messily I’d doom us all!” you stated, your skin needed to be flawless, and so did your outfit, no wrinkles were visible. And the makeup on your face was natural enough to seem as if it was actually your blank face.
“Okay, well hurry up. If we’re late that effects whether we get the deal. I don’t want to lose the deal because of something as little as this.”, he said in an annoyed tone. You couldn’t believe it, he did this to you and you’re getting blamed? unbelievable!
Yongbok <3: Hey, where are you right now? I’m not in Korea currently maybe we can meet up?
Yongbok <3: I can see that you read my text, hello?
Yongbok <3: Whatever, I get that you’re busy sorry for bugging you.
You didn’t feel bad, you both were busy people. He was in a boy group now and you were a popular model. And maybe, just maybe you forgot to tell him you were in the US for a little, you’re bad. But you weren’t required to tell him everything, whatever!
You guys used to talk all the time. No matter how far you guys were, time difference, anything. It didn’t matter. You’d always pick up the phone, even when you were really tired. Now you guys don’t even hold up one conversation. You’ll just tell him later, after this shoot you’ll tell him where you are.
You finally finished the shoot, you wanted to hang out with your boyfriend for a little. You loved this new man in your life, your modeling agent. But while walking around the street, you hear someone singing in a bar. This person’s voice so graceful, and filled with sorrow. “Let’s go in here! Please!!!” you begged your boyfriend.
“The way you used to touch my soul, had always kept me whole. You’d always read my texts, and ghost me like you wanted me gone!”
You only heard snippets, your boyfriend was yelling at you, “Jesus isn’t that the one guy from Straykids? Felix was it? Why do you want to see him?” he says in a disgusting tone, laced in venom. It had you frozen in place.
“Lix?” you entered hesitantly and sat on a stool. There he was, gracefully singing a song that seemed to familiar. Not that you’ve heard it, it reminded you of your relationship.
“If you hadn’t changed then I’d still be by your side. If I gave you one last chance can we go back again?”
You suddenly remembered why you loved him. What were you doing to him? Why were you hurting him? He didn’t deserve this. “Felix..”,you called out. Causing him to look in your direction, just to continue singing.
“Honestly, Without you in my life, deep inside I’ve never felt alive.”
He finished off the song, before someone up front started clapping. Who else was there. “Felix where are you going?” you hear another familiar voice, “Just over here”, Felix said.
“Hey y/n”,he says, ignoring the man behind you. “You didn’t tell me you were in the US this time.”, he said calmly, but something about the way he said it made you nervous. You took this opportunity to study his facial features.
His face was flushed red, maybe from the drinking? His freckles very obvious, you had always told him that you loved his freckles. They looked like stars on his face. His eyes were puffy, was he crying? His hair messy, what happened? Lastly, his eye bags, what was keeping him up?
“Felix? What’s happened to you?” you say in a worried tone, caressing his cheek, causing him to close his eyes. He leaned into your touch, his eyes watering. You leaned in to kiss him, and he complied. “What the fuck are you doing. I’m right here.”, you heard your embarrassing fling talk.
For Felix, Seungmin quickly says, “Hey who’s that?” in a more angry tone then you’d like. “He’s my modeling agent, I just got back from a shoot so he’s been with me.”, you state. You wouldn’t be lying, but you still felt guilty. “Then why is there a hickey on your collar bone?” you heard Jisung ask. God you were really trapped now.
“Okay fine. He really is my modeling agent, but also my boyfriend.”, you said, face palming. You looked up at Felix and he was crying. Oh no, what did you do? “I knew it..I just- Why couldn’t you tell me?” he said. Making you feel even more guilty
“I’m sorry Lix! Seriously sorry! I made a mistake! I’m sorry..”, you said, starting to cry. You were caught, but that wasn’t why you were crying. You hurt Felix, and you would never forgive yourself for that.
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whumpy-wyrms · 8 months
just pouring allll my thoughts down rn because they’ve been piling up and maybe making a to-do list would be helpful to me
okay so i think i’ve decided to call my new series “Blood Runs Cold” or something like that and if anyone has something that sounds better pls tell my cuz i’m still not sure
i’ll make a masterlist for that and get all the tags and everything organized soon
i really just wanna write for like the entire rest of the day. i think i’ll just make myself finish tllr chapter 13 cuz i’m almost done and reallyyyy wanna get that and 14 out before february cuz that was my original goal. i’ve been procrastinating a lot and i Hate that so hopefully i can motivate myself somehow
idk when i’ll start posting chapters of the new series because right now it’s a bit overwhealming lol like i get soooo excited and happy thinking about aspen and silas :)) and just cannot sit still and actually focus on writing about them. but it’s definitely gonna be cool as shit. also i think another thing, like the chapters won’t be nearly as long as the tllr ones because those are looong and i want this series to be more kinda simpler in terms of the plot/lore if that makes sense? like idk the chapters will be shorter but probably update wayy more frequently is what i’m saying. but who knows
and i haven’t forgotten about all those drawing requests that were sent, i just haven’t gotten to it yet i guess (i told u guys i needed deadlines /lh /j) and there’s a bunch of asks and tag games i gotta do too but forgot about. i’m not ignoring u guys i’ve been busy with new blorbos and also very low on spoons lately. oh yeah and all those tllr aus,, i’m still gonna write them but like i said. currently out of spoons
tryna think of what else i needed to do or sayyy but idk i think that’s it but like if anyone has any tips of how to just. not sit around and do nothing all day. those would probably be helpful
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Business Man OC x Postal 4 Dude
:D I’ve been thinking about this idea of Dude being with some rich business guy for a while bc,, I think it’s just funny picturing p4 being in this kinda situation!! UHHH and I kinda made up a oc for this so :3 LETS GOOO!!!
Dude was waiting for any moment now for the view he saw in front of him to slowly fade out of existence, to only wake up in yet again in horrible condition like what happened all those years ago. It didn’t make much sense why he was here. He’d never expected in his whole life that he’d one day end up somewhere as nice or pricy as this. Well, that was a lie. He’d stayed over at whatever crazy places Vince found himself preoccupying before but what was surprising about this time, was the circumstance he was in currently with someone else. Never in Dudes whole life did he think he’d end up being some business man’s arm candy, but here he was, laying on his side in the most comfortable bed he’d ever had the pleasure of laying on in his whole life as he glanced around the different things in the extremely high-end hotel room, still in the trance of being half asleep.
Eventually his tired eyes settled on the view of the beach just right past the large sliding glass doors. It was still way too early in the morning for anyone to be out so he had a pretty clear view of the waves as they swayed.
Calling this a dream come true would be way too cheesy, but even just the flight here alone felt unreal. While Dude would love to act like getting anxious in new settings was a thing of the past, for him, he couldn’t ignore the way he felt barely grounded in reality and odd as he compared himself to everything around him. It felt dreamlike but not in the fairy tale way..but he supposed that’s why he brought his medications. He’d just have to get himself to take them when he got enough energy to actually get up and start his day. For now he just watched the sunlight reflect off the waves, trying to focus on that alone which might have worked a bit too well as he began to zone out even more.
He stayed like that for a good half hour until he felt the person laying behind him shuffle around before they pressed up against his back with their lips pressed against his shoulder. Dude let out a sigh of ease and began to close his eyes.
The man behind Dude reached up to gently move the loose strains of hair out of Dudes face before speaking. “Good morning darlin’.” Dude could tell the other had probably just woken up as well, judging by the sound of his voice. While Dude was glad he had someone to talk to at least now again, he knew that he’d definitely have to get up in a bit for real. The man’s schedule did have him getting up super early in the mornings though he never really did too much. The fucker was basically in a job position where he barely even had to raise a finger due to his dad helping him get the job but for some reason or another, he kept the same early bird schedule going every day.
He was with him most of the damn time since most of the guys free time was being spent having Dude keep him company in different ways often in his office. So he had a pretty good idea of his daily schedule by now. Though this week and the next two would be different since they were in a completely different state for a ‘business meeting’ the man had to attend to and just happened to ask Dude if he wanted to tag along.
Dude only grumbled something the man couldn’t make out in response. The man smiled and placed a hand on Dudes arm, slowly running his hand up and down it. “You alright? You should probably take a bath before we leave for the day. You’re probably sore after last night.” The man said after noticing the bite marks and whatnot that had made a home against Dudes tan skin. ‘Ya think?’ Dude thought to himself. Despite being the generally rougher of the two, Dude found himself being at the receiving end of whatever the man had planned, which wasn’t something Dude was used to really beforehand but he couldn’t find it in himself to complain much. It’s hard to when the other man was surprising skilled when it came down to it and knew exactly how Dude liked being touched..plus the extra help Dude received in his day to day life from him kept him even more so compliant. Somehow the man had enough power to get Dude out of almost any situation he found himself in with just about anyone. He wasn’t even exactly sure how he did it but he rarely questioned it.
“Mm…okay.” Dude groaned before trying to get out of the man’s grasp. “And don’t forget to take your medications. While you’re in the shower I’ll call for room service for breakfast.” The man said, now finally beginning to sit up. Dude nodded as best as he could still half asleep and trying to get up also. As he sat up at the side of the bed for a minute, he rubbed the sides of his head.
“Hmm… also remind me to set you up some yoga classes when we get back. If you want to that is. Maybe it will help those old bones of yours get more limber.” The other joked. Dude rolled his eyes before standing up. “Mhm. Whatever.” The man watched Dude as he took his meds on the beside table for a moment. “If you aren’t feeling well you can stay here while I do the meeting.” He said. “Nah. You said you wanted me to come along..it’s not like I have much of a choice too anyways.” Dude replied with a chuckle once he finished taking his meds. The man’s expression became slightly serious all of the sudden. “Don’t talk like that. You know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Dude shrugged, “I meant like..since you took me all the way here with you. I can’t deny something stupid and small like that.”
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aeoki · 1 year
Magic Lantern - Monument: Chapter 3
Location: ES Prop Room Characters: Subaru, Sora, Natsume & Tsumugi
< That evening. >
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Subaru: Ohh. So what happened after that?
Did things to come an end like usual? Like everything’s basically resolved?
Sora: HaHa~♪ But nothing has been “resolved” this time~ Just look!
Subaru: Look, you say…? What’s this? It just looks like a huge confusing mecha thing that’s been put together.
Is it a brainwashing device to brainwash all the locals in the area into following ES’ ideas?
Sora: HiHi~? That would be convenient to have if it were true~
Not everyone has the ability to change people’s hearts and it’s not something one should do. No one has the right to do that – Not even magicians or fortune tellers~
All Sora, Master~ and Senpai can do is change our own hearts – Sora supposes this is a device that will interfere with that?
Subaru: I don’t really get it! But I’m glad. You’re looking better than before, Yellow Kid!
Sora: Huh? Sora thought you were going to call Sora “Soran”?
Subaru: Really? I forgot! I say whatever I feel like saying when I feel like it!
But it looks like my random words can hurt people deeply sometimes…
I might’ve hurt them but it doesn’t look like I realise that.
I was a little bit worried about you, Yellow Kid. I was afraid I might’ve said something uncalled-for.
Sora: Sora doesn’t think so at all?
If Paisen– Sparkling Onii-san didn’t give me the magic lantern, Sora thinks Sora would still be standing in the same spot~
Subaru: Yellow Kid, you’re always agreeing and trying to match up with what other people are saying, huh… You’re such a good kid – It’s painful to see.
Sora: ? A good kid is painful to see?
Subaru: Maybe I’m just asking for the impossible. There was a time when I tried to do the same thing but I couldn’t and ended up being alone…
Maybe I’m jealous of you since you can actually do that.
That’s why it kinda touches a nerve and I can’t help but poke my nose into your affairs.
Sora: ………?
Subaru: It’s great you were able to meet some nice people before you overdid things and broke, huh, Sora Harukawa-kun.
Sora: Yes! There are only good people around Sora!
…But that might only be true because Sora chose to be distant from everyone else.
Maybe it’s because Sora put a distance between us so that they won’t be able to see the bad and ugly parts.
Sora realised that and that’s why Sora decided to step out on his own this time. Sora wants to step out far enough so that we can see each other’s faces.
Sora believes that Master~ and Senpai wouldn’t think Sora is creepy if they see Sora up close. No, Sora hoped they would accept everything about Sora.
Subaru: Yeah? On second thought, I guess I really don’t get it! I didn’t know you were this bad at talking to people!
Sora: HuHu~♪
Subaru: But I think you’ll be fine. Natsume and Blue-senpai are probably good at keeping conversations going.
It looks like both of them are used to sensing what the other person’s feeling, anyway.
That’s exactly why you end up thinking you won’t have to use your head if those two are doing the talking, right?
Sora: Yes, that’s the issue. It’s a big issue.
But magicians are people who can skillfully solve any problem with their miraculous magic?
Natsume: ⲏᴇ𐰛, ᴎᴏⱳ. ᵴᴛᴏᴘ ᴃᴏᴛⲏᴇᴙᴉᴎꞡ ᴍ𐰛 ᴄⲏᴉᴌᴆ, ᴃᴀᴙᴜ-ᴋᴜᴎ.
Subaru: Ah, Natsume! Long time no see! Why don’t you start attending our normal classes too?
Natsume: I already have my hands full of my own thinGS. It’ll be fine as long as I get a high enough score for the final exams, rigHT?
Subaru: You can only be a “student” while you’re one, so you should just make the most out of it~
Natsume: That’s none of your busineSS. I want to be an adult as fast as I cAN – I’m tired of being treated as a child who can’t do anything anymoRE.
Subaru: Ahaha. Natsume, you wanna grow up quickly and stand next to Blue-senpai, right?
Natsume: WhO’S Blue-senpai? I’ve never heard of this person in my liFE.
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Natsume: AnywAY, Sora, I’ve brought the tools we neED.
The blue and shaggy person is looking up how we can use them right nOW.
Tsumugi: I’m actually starting to wonder if the shagginess of my hair is now at your preferred amount of shagginess, Natsume-kun.
If you hated it, you’d pretend you never saw it and never mention it, right?
Natsume: WoAH, can you not erase your presence and stand behind mE!?
Tsumugi: I didn’t mean to do that at all~ Natsume-kun, you’ve let your guard down quite a bit recently.
Natsume: I had no choiCE. It seems the war within the school will be cleaned up one way or another if nothing continues to happEN. I feel like I can finally breathe agaIN.
There are still a few seeds of anxiety here and there, thouGH. I’ve predicted how some of those things might turn out and made the necessary preparations for thEM – It’s only realistic if you never wish for things to be “perfect”, rigHT?
Tsumugi: Hehe. Students have it nice~ They always have a stopping point.
Adults have to keep on running – We’re not even allowed to stop in place. It’s a hellish marathon.
We have work that needs to be done every single day and we have our hands full just trying to deal with it all. It’s better than having no work to do, though.
You can control that hecticness with money and power to a certain degree when you’re an adult. Not that our agency has either of those things.
Natsume: What is the deal with our agenCY…? It feels like we’re always set on hard moDE…
WeLL, it’s nice that we can basically run it however we like, thouGH. It is a problem that we have to deal with things that an idol shouldn’t be handling in the first plaCE.
Tsumugi: Hehe. That’s how Yumenosaki has always done things, so we’re used to that, right?
We might have to really make use of what we learnt at Yumenosaki in the future.
Maybe we can be a bit greedier while “Knights” is making money and “Double Face” is keeping things in check. 
Natsume: HmM. It’s better than our current situation since we’re just being used by the people around us in whichever way is convenient for thEM.
If we’re too reckless and end up making people hold grudges against us, a war will break out between the four agenciES.
Peace never lasts long within ES, after aLL.
Tsumugi: I suppose you’re right. I have a feeling the people who love to have wars won’t be able to hold back any longer.
We must be prepared for those emergencies.
There has been an increase in suspicious rumours lately. Like Godfather’s inheritance or whatnot about “Gatekeeper”...
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em-writes-stuff · 10 months
day six of @whumpcember
746 words
warnings: being cursed, losing a loved one
This one is…less than reliable. Found in a book about betrayal…so. I guess that kinda speaks for itself. Written by-I’m guessing- Queen Therama, though there’s no real way to tell. After skimming over it, it’s about King Gerad’s descent into madness. Which isn't really how anyone else has the story going. Let’s just get started
Third New Moon since the Winter Solstice 
The king has been on edge lately. He’s always been a little jumpy, I guess that just comes with the assassination attempts, but after Bejamin’s running away, it’s only gotten worse. 
He’s been getting nightmares frequently, waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep, which hasn’t been good for either of us since he’s not good at being quiet. At least he’s keeping his hands to himself. 
I think it’s because he went to Auntie Fiona. She’s always had it out for him, even after he forgot about her spells and left her be. 
I think she cursed him. And now he’s losing his mind. Even with his sleeping draughts he’s waking up after two, maybe three hours of sleep each night. He used to have to drink half of the draught to be able to even function in the morning, now he’s downing two every night. 
I don’t know what to do, he’s always been by my side in running the kingdom, I might have to go see  Auntie Fiona and ask for her help. 
Even though I really don’t want to. 
Because she’s the fucking worst. 
I’ll keep a close eye on him and maybe ask Theod to make the draught stronger. 
Fifth New Moon since the Winter Solstice 
Gerad is not doing well. I’ve taken over most of the duties we used to share, but it’s getting harder and harder to keep him controlled. 
Even in the past month since I’ve written he’s gotten  worse. I’ve taken to putting herbs in his mead to calm him down, constantly watching him and making sure that he’s alright. 
He hardly gets more than an hour of sleep a night, I worry that he’ll end up running down the hallways screaming about the demons in his dreams. 
Going to talk to Theod about increasing his doses again. I just  don’t know what to do anymore. 
First New Moon since the Summer Solstice
Gerad is nearly constantly bedbound. The troops have taken to it, preferring me to the sporadic ruling of my husband. I don’t blame them. 
Gerad constantly mumbles about what he’s seeing and even though he knows he’s seeing things he has to tell me about it. I hear about giant horned bats dropping children off cliffs, old women with water dripping from their clothes and hair screaming with lungs filled with water and things I can’t even bear to write down. 
Theod thinks it’s best to cut his thread, so to say. Though I don’t know how serious he was. Since I moved to a new room, Theod spends a lot of time with Gerad to keep him safe. I know he’s getting tired. 
Third New Moon since the Summer Solstice 
Two days ago was Gerad’s send off. I think he would’ve liked it. That’s the whole point. 
In the end, it wasn’t Theod or I, just his own mind turning against him. I finally went to Auntie Fiona and she didn’t do it to him. I don’t know if I trust her enough to take anything she says to be true. It’s easy to think she was the one to do it. I just want someone to blame. 
This will probably be the last time I write anything for a while. Everything is very busy and I’ve  run out of time for myself. 
Huh. Well. I guess it is possible that this report is true. Queen Therama has a record of being blatantly honest. I suppose the quick timeline helps. There are reports of King Gerad being bedbound the last year of his life. 
I’ve done the most follow up I can with how little information there is. Given that King Gerad died over six hundred years ago…I won’t find much. 
It’s likely that King Gerad pissed off another witch and got cursed by them…though there’s no way to know for sure. 
The journal will go in the Old Kings and Queens section of the library; and the recording in the “Old Kings and Queens-Queens-Queens >500 years” according to Ezran’s filing system. 
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arellsworld · 1 year
To the person who I keep falling in love, everyday, 365/365.
This is your girlfriend speaking! Hello, the loml. How was it, falling in love with me for a year? I hope you enjoy and would like to continue it for another year, and another and another. Dear boyfie, have you ever thought that we will be here today? If I have to be honest, I always thought that we just started to fall in love everyday and didn’t realized it has been a year.
It’s a wonderful year with you. We started out of nowhere, we had a rough start where we started to learn about each other. We are kinda opposite at some things, we share something in common as well. We had a hard time to understand each other but we never give up until we found the pattern and we just follow the flow.
Falling in love with you makes me realized that love does exist to make people feel happy, and you are the reason of my happiness started. I woke up in the morning; expecting a text from you. When I had a free time, my fingers would be typing messages to you. When I wanted to share about my day, from happy to sad to frustated; you’ll be the person I go to. When I wanted to do something in romantic sense, I’ll be calling you. You have become my world, and I hope you’re fine with it.
(Damn, what else should I type here…)
Thank you for loving me even when I’m not confident that I could make you happy. I have a lot of doubts and you brush it away; in an easy way or hard way. Your words works like a magic for me. Thank you for not giving up on me. Especially when I didn’t allow you to kiss me on the first three months. Yes, I still remember clearly that I slapped your face once for trying to kiss me. Now, I couldn’t sleep without you kissing me.
Even when I started to be bored with my surroundings and trying new things such as creating more and more accounts, starting to be a caretaker (twice), you never stopped me but you always encouraged me to not stop. When I face a hard time, you always help me to look for a bigger picture. You never instruct me, but you help me to understand and find the answer with your guidance. Thank you, for letting me and not stopping me.
You keep on surprised me with a lot of things. Your letters, your sudden clingy side WHICH I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Your sudden playlist, random I Love Yous, your ways to keep me reminded that I’m loved by you. On my birthday, you sent me presents that I keep using until today. Wunny’s running out of battery though… I gotta buy another battery! Thank you for always making me happy.
You are always there to support me. When I’m confused with some things in my life; my hairstyle, my career, my life crisis… you always be there for me. You always keep me stay alert, stay motivated and support every decision I’ve made. When I passed my interview and started my first day, you’re the most excited person. I’ll never forget the way you always come to me too (first) whenever you achieve anything! I’m always and will be proud of you.
Thank you for always answering this baby’s curiousty. From the daily things like a new word or a new culture, a new dangdut song to your work terms. I’m glad that even I forgot things that you taught me, you always repeating it even it has been more than five times. Thank ypu for always inviting me in your things and always makes me feel included too.
Thank you for always hugging me, shower me with love and makes me happy. Loving you, it’s a rainbow for me. Everything looks pretty and it will always be. Even when I become a bit whiny and clingy, you never push me away even when you’re busy. You really handle me with care, I am amazed when you tried reading my typos that I always forget what I typed.
Whatever it is, thank you for loving this Elliana Dearnaley. Elliana that always insecure, that always question and a bit immatured but now’s getting better and improving herself to be more understanding. I love you, Arsenio. There are a lot of things I would be thankful for but I’m thankful that you’re mine and I’m yours. Let’s see each other on the next monthsary and the next 365 days, ya.
0 notes
fearsome-series · 1 year
Book One [Book Two]
Chapter One | Two | Three | Four | Five | [Six] | Seven | Eight | Nine
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As Laura slammed the door behind her, she smelled…something…something…
Like a rat.
“Gef?” Laura said. “You awake?”
Gef stirred, slowly opened one eye. “Blast it, you’re a subtle one, aren’t you? Slamming the door like a Buggane’s chains.”
“Stop saying ‘Buggane’ like I should know what a ‘Buggane’ is!” Laura threw herself on her bed. “Don’t explain. Good night, Gef.”
“Don’t you want to hear if anything -”
“Good night, Gef.” She turned away.
“I didn’t see it. The black dog,” Gef said.
Laura turned back. “What, you were looking out for it?”
“I was keeping an eye out. Didn’t want to be its dinner.”
“Or you want us to be safe.”
“I’d never! I’ll be happy to see home tomorrow. You’ll see.”
“Sure, Gef,” and she turned away again.
Laura woke up again. She heard a distant dog’s barks, a car pulling in late, and Gef’s snores. He lay curled up on the floor. At least someone could sleep.
She tiptoed past Gef, knocked on her parent’s door and asked for dad. After a couple minutes, he stumbled out.
“I just wanted to say sorry. It’s just been overwhelming, and...I got angry. Sorry.”
“I probably haven’t been helping, huh? I’ve been so concerned. Or curious. Or both. Con-curi-rned.”
“Yeah.” Laura made herself laugh.
Chris and Laura tiptoed to the kitchen. “So, how was school?”
A cult tried to murder me in a bathroom. “It was okay. Uh, I had soccer and after that I met Sam.”
“Huh. Wow. Who’s Sam again?”
“She…plays soccer and basketball. And she’s a werewolf. Is that all you want to talk about? School?”
“Well, I forgot to ask. Kinda busy getting my entire worldview shattered.”
“Yeah. You’ve been through so much,” she said insincerely.
“You too,” he smiled. 
“Uh, how was work?”
“Good. We interviewed some TED Talk tech guy and heard back from Ray. He’s safe.”
“Who’s Ray and what’s he safe from?”
“Do you want to hear about the very depressing news story he was investigating?”
Chris patted Laura’s head. “You should get some sleep, Laur.”
“Thanks, dad.” She went back to her room, where Gef watched her with bleary eyes.
“Can’t sleep either?” Laura asked him.
“I was counting sheep like a hungry w…coyote - until you barged in. What were you doing?”
“Saying sorry to my dad for telling him to shut up earlier.”
“Did you mean it?”
“No. I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to talk to someone.”
“Gef’s right here, if you need to talk.”
“Fine. Gef, I keep getting thrown into werewolf shit, and now black-dog-maybe-a-werewolf shit, and I’m tired. I want to talk about anything else, but what else is there? My brain’s thinking about everything and I can’t focus on anything.”
Gef pilfered Laura’s phone from her jacket and flicked through. Laura reached out futilely, tired arms pawing at the air as he swiped furiously just out of reach.
“Downloading, downloading...‘Random Icebreakers’...favorite airline.”
“Who the hell has a favorite airline? They all suck.”
“I stowaway on boats. Favorite season?”
“Summer. Wait, spring. You?”
“Fall. Why?”
“It’s warm but not too warm…you?”
“Everything’s dying!”
“Wow, what an in-depth topic, with so much to say.”
Gef flopped onto the table, tossing Laura’s phone to the side. “You come up with something! This damned app-useless!”
“Uh.” Laura closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
Laura’s weary eyes opened slowly, revealing a room still dark and Gef still restlessly perched on the table. Every now and then, Gef looked over at the window. No movement.
“You too?”
“So you’re from India.”
“And you’re one hundred and seventy?”
“Seventy, sixty-nine, seventy-one. Eighty. Give or take a few years. Or decades. Young, wild mongeese tend not to keep track of the time.”
“If you were born wild, how’d you learn to talk?”
“I always knew something was different. That my fellows all thought differently, thought less than me - and withered and died. But as for talking - only recitation ‘til Voirrey.”
“Yeah? That the girl Manuel mentioned?”
“Can’t believe there’s only two pages on me in there. You know, I have my own Wikipedia page.”
“Don’t dawdle, look it up!”
Laura did, and to her shock, there he was. Gef the talking mongoose. Did everyone know about him but her? How’d he get here, anyway?
“Still says nothing past that.”
“Hmm...odd. Embarrassing, it is. You know, I joined the circus once.”
“Really? What’d you do?”
“Talk, whilst being a mongoose - when they paid me.”
“But what about the Irvings?”
“...never met her again. Them again. Why so curious about my secrets? What about you?”
“Uh, I’m not really hiding anything.”
“Well, what menial drudgery do your parents suffer to shelter you in this hovel?”
“We aren’t poor, Gef. Mom works for a newspaper. Dad’s a producer for a public radio station. It’s not a hovel and, hey, you sleep in a zoo?”
“I had important work -”
“You slept in a zoo, Gef.”
“Yes, twenty hours a day. Like I said, important work..”
“...I’m gonna try for three hours tonight.”
Knocking on her door. “Laura?”
Laura’s eyes slowly opened. “Yeah? Come in.” She threw an arm over the snoring mongoose on her table.
Her mom opened the door. “Your dad says that someone called Jessie Ashdown will be driving you to school?”
“Yes, they run a community center?”
“Oh. Yeah. We have to, uh, talk about…there’s this therapy thing, over what happened in Elkhorn.”
“I see. He says you had a support group during the play last night?”
“Yeah, yeah. Over, you know. All of this. The trauma. You know, the trauma of a traumatic event can linger for a while…” She didn’t know what she was talking about, she was just quoting a line from a horror movie she saw about smiling demons or something.
Her mom nodded, and walked back out into the hallway. Laura quickly got dressed and got her bag ready - shoved Gef into it (he still didn’t wake up) and went outside.
Jessie was driving a van, marked with the community center’s name and logo; her dad saw her off, and Laura waved to him as they pulled away.
“I wanted to check in with ya after last night,” Jessie said. “How’re you -”
“Good,” Laura snapped, then sighed. “Good. Sorry.”
“How’re you feelin’ about being a dog?”
“I don’t know. I thought I was scared of transforming, then I was sad when I didn’t?” Laura leaned her head against the glass and looked down at the pavement. “Why aren’t you a werewolf all the time?”
“Me? I am a werewolf all the time.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Yep, just being a smart ass. Why don’t I stay in werewolf form all the time? I don’t know, there’s lots to do out here. Gotta be able to talk and oppose your thumb to do ‘em. Driving, for example. Or drinking coffee. Do you drink coffee?”
“You shouldn’t, caffeine’s not good for you. What do you drink?”
“Soda and energy drinks, mostly.”
“You should start drinking coffee,” Jessie said. “There’s lots of things you can’t see when you’re a wolf, and lots of things you can’t see when you’re a human. We’re lucky, we get to see a little bit of both. We get pumpkin spice lattes and we get to smell a mouse fifty feet away; we get to know people and know our pack closer than any of them; we get to howl to the moon and post dances to TikTok. We’ll never starve in a dark, cold winter, but we’ll have our hearts broken. But we also get to eat the heart right out of a deer.”
“Gross,” Laura laughed.
“D’you see my point? Why I’m human and a wolf and don’t pick one?”
“I do.” Laura paused, eyes focused on the cracked asphalt. “Do I have to eat the heart?”
“I don’t think it’s too healthy, compared to Monster though…”
“I don’t drink Monster.”
“What do you drink?”
“It’s called Heartrush.”
“Yeah. It’s like, super concentrated.”
“Are you joking?”
“The can says it’s like meth in a can.”
“You’re kiddin’ me.”
“No, it’s. It’s my favorite drink. I drink it ten times a day.”
“Laura, either you’re joshin’ me or your body needs to be studied by science.”
“You came up with three different ways to ask me if I’m joking.”
“You’re joking.”
“You just made it up.”
“I didn’t. I only drank it once but I didn’t make it up.”
“It’s…it’s real?”
“Yeah. It’s illegal now.”
“Under the Geneva Convention?”
Laura neared the white marble stones, off to the side of the school, between them and adjacent Adams Middle in a tiny strip of grass. Private. ‘cause no one ever came to the stones. Ever.
No one knew their name anymore. Manuel called them “creepy Stonehenge” - which always confused Laura, since it implied Stonehenge wasn’t creepy. Most people, those rare times they mentioned it, called them simply “the stones”. Dying speakers broadcast cracking whispers: “peace”, “you are loved”, “you are wanted”. The centerpiece was a memorial to shooting victims. Once, new names had been chiseled on - starting in 1999, years before Laura was born - but they ran out of space years ago. Laura wouldn’t even bring Gef here; he was hiding in her locker for the moment.
“Hello, Laura.” Sitting on one of the cracked ‘reflection benches’ was Emily, wearing a deep purple jacket, dark blue pants, and a white t-shirt with art & the words “Lilith Fair” on it. She looked as if she thought nothing was strange.
“Is that shirt ironic?”
“I gave you the false impression,” Emily said, “that I commit to bits. Only when I find something funny when I’m thrifting. Normally, I’m all-serious.”
“Who’s Lilith Fair?”
“Some musical festival in the 90s, I don’t know.”
“So our next lesson is here?”
“Uh, so, first question. Why?”
“Because -” the speakers interrupted with a loud, staticy ‘YOU ARE LOVED. DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS’; both jumped. “- because this is the creepiest place in the whole school. If you can shut this out, you can shut out anything.”
“Alright,” Laura tried to find a comfortable place to sit on the cold marble. “God, do they think this place actually helps people?”
“What else could they do, besides anything? Now, close your eyes.”
Laura did, hoping this was really a lesson and Emily wouldn’t drag out a box again.
“Now, what do you hear?”
“Cars. Some stuff inside. Talking, lockers, kinda muffled. The wind. Some people out front. Passing cars. Some squirrels running. Someone’s trying to smoke...”
‘CONSIDER REACHING OUT”, the speaker warbled.
“- GOD!”
“Okay. Focus on one thing. The wind, maybe.”
“The wind? Okay.”
Closed eyes again. Cars. Talking. Walking. Wind. Deep breath. The wind. Think about the wind. Rustling through leaves and branches. Cutting breeze building to a momentary howl. Tossing her and Emily’s hair.
“Open your eyes.” She almost didn’t hear it, as if she was underwater and Emily was far above.
“Did you hear the speaker telling us to ‘make friends’?”
“Good. Then you did much better today. Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
Alone. Manuel was alone, since Laura was away with Emily, and that means Emily was away with Laura, and…
Manuel had been happy to go to the event yesterday night, but with what he learned…maybe he learned a little too much about all this. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone. Maybe he needed to reintroduce himself to the non-werewolf world.
He found Cameron, sitting on the floor in the hallway connecting the larger lunchroom to the school store, his denim jacket hanging loose against the brown brick wall. He was crouched over his phone, his shaggy, dirty-blonde hair draped over one of his eyes.
“Cam?” Manuel said gently, starting to sit down next to Cameron - then deciding to stand - but then thinking -
“Who - hi. I didn’t know you were, you were…” He drawled out. “You were out here. You’ve been with Laura.”
“I just thought I should check in with you,” Manuel said, his eyes locked on the floor. “A lot has happened in the past couple days, and I didn’t really know what you were…”
He tugged at the wires of his earbuds. Tugged at them pointedly.
“Oh…I’m sorry if I was interrupting you…” This happened last time they talked, too; he was watching videos by a man named Peter Randolph, this writer and self-help person from Australia, and a quick glance - don’t look, that’s - showed that he was still watching him. “I’ll leave you be…”
Manuel wound his way back into the main lunchroom, where -
“Manuel?” He looked around for the source of a voice; a red-jacketed arm shot up over the crowd. Alice. He walked over to her.
“Hello. If you wanted to talk about last night, I thought about it, and I shouldn’t have gone.”
“Huh? No, I’m apologizing to you.”
“Me and Em let you walk out. We showed you around but once something went down we let you go.” Alice sighed. “It’s good that you came. ‘cause Laura needed someone to support her, and we kinda blew it.”
“...thank you. It…was good to meet everybody and learn about…”
“Dogs,” and Manuel could see Laura and Emily walking back inside, and they looked like they had something to say.
“Hey,” Emily said. “Do you want to go looking for a black dog?”
“We thought it was weird when we found that bicycle lying around,” Emily said as they walked along the path.
“But none of you have seen the jumpsuit guy?” Laura asked.
“No,” Emily and Alice agreed, and Manuel joined in too. Laura felt scratching in her hoodie pocket; before they went out to search for the dog, she’d been talked into going back for Gef, even if it cut into their time.
“You have something to add, Jeff?”
Gef hissed. “No. Simply scratching my leg.”
Laura rolled her eyes, sniffed the air, and -
“You smell that too?” Alice said.
“Yeah, I do,” Emily confirmed.
“Um…I don’t smell anything…” Manuel frantically sniffed the air.
“Don’t hurt yourself, Mani,” Emily said. “I can call you that?” Manuel nodded.
“It’s a smell for werewolf noses only?”
“Yeah,” Laura said, “It’s a werewolf, but a weird werewolf.”
“Is it one of those werewolves that can transform no matter what?” Manuel asked.
“No, they smell the same as any werewolf,” Emily answered. “It’s coming from down there.” Emily nodded her head towards a ditch; Laura darted forward, to the edge of it. It looked like a drainage ditch, with rocks on the bottom and a little…the concrete places where the water goes.
“It’s so strong. Should I go down?” Laura asked, but she was already climbing down into it, no matter how much Gef scratched in her hoodie pocket.
“Laura, you sure about that?” Alice asked.
“No, it has to be her. All new recruits are assigned going-into-creepy-dark-holes duty,” Emily said.
The end of the ditch was slightly too small for Laura, so she ducked down and crawled inside. It was… “I can’t see anything.”
“Yes, you can,” Emily reminded.
Oh. Yeah. Laura focused on her eyes, on letting them adjust to the darkness. Let me see in the dark, let me see in the dark, let me - The darkness became darker, no, it wasn’t the dark of buried places, it was the dark of blindness, because her eyes were changing, her eyes were melting away and new eyes were growing in their place, animalistic eyes, her vision came back in clouds, allowing her to see the contours of the little cave, to see three shapes in the back and another shape closer, a lupine shape, the dog, the black dog, whose collar -
Not a collar. Nails, buried in its skin.
Asleep. The dog was asleep.
“Pictures,” Gef hissed, and Laura braced herself to the mud and rocks and little dirty streams with one hand, and pulled her phone from her pocket with the other. 
“It’ll wake up,” she whispered, shaking hands fixing tight over the black, unlit phone.
“It can hear you, it can smell you.”
Laura tapped the phone on with her nose, she opened the camera app, she turned on the flash…
“It’ll see…”
“We have to get a picture,” Gef, scrambling out of her pocket, digging his hands into her shoulder. “Else the doctor will never know what it is.”
“I…” The dog growled. No, snored. Asleep, it was still asleep. Laura wrapped her fingers around her phone and hovered her thumb above the button to take the picture, thumb swinging left and right, up and down, in its tremors…
“Laura!” Alice cried from outside the ditch, and the dog growled, and Laura’s grip loosened, and her phone started to slide, she tightened it, took a deep breath, snore or a growl snore or a
She jabbed her thumb onto her phone’s screen. Click.
The flash of light illuminated the shining, orange-yellow eyes of the dog. The flash of light illuminated the shapes in the back and the dog not asleep and the dog’s teeth and
Laura clutched her phone tight, backed away, and ran, stumbling, out of the tunnel and out of the ditch.
“You shouldn’t be out here,” scolded a teacher, stomping across the field towards them. “Past the bike path is no longer district property. Isn’t lunch over at King anyw-”
“Whatever,” Emily said. “We’ll go back onto school property,” and they ambled back to the school, Laura checking behind her the entire way. The dog didn’t follow.
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merowkittie · 2 years
Can I request a Hanako x reader where he finds out his s/o is being bullied??
Like they would be called names by their classmates sometimes and they even have a few close friends who would get violent if they don’t get their way and such
And his s/o tried so hard to hide it as well not wanting him to be concerned. Maybe a little bit of Yandere Hanako and how he would react to this situation!
Thank you!! Headcanons or oneshot is your choice!
I’m so glad you loved it! Hopefully this one is what you were looking for <3 @under-the-cherrytree also I’m sorry it took so long, I’ve been busy :,)
Bro I’m not even gonna lie I forgot abt this so it’s been sitting in my drafts..
Hanako finding out you’re getting bullied!
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Tears were streaming down your face as you ran through the halls and into your favorite bathroom. The bathroom that belonged to your friend.. or maybe you were more??
You couldn’t think of that at the moment as so many things bended your mind and flooded your senses.
You felt those salty tears go into your mouth and into your nose. Your face was hot and your head was pounding.
The faucet ran cold water and you splashed it repeatedly onto your face. The water went down your neck and spilled onto your dress.
No cares filled your head though because all you wanted was for everyone and everything to go away.
You looked into the mirror and saw your reflection.
Your cheeks were burning, eyes red and puffy and your lips trembling. Your curls were sticking out in different direction and the glossy lip gloss you were wearing was smudged.
“I really am a mess, aren’t I?” You mumbled to yourself with a dry chuckle.
And as those words you left you could feel the hairs on your neck rise as a loud voice rang out.
“How dare you! My Y/n, you aren’t a mess!” The ghost yelled out.
“Hanako! What did I tell you about Privacy!” You pouted at the boy whilst drying off your face with a paper towel.
Hanako was going to say something but stopped. He took a good look at you and his brows furrowed.
“What happened to you?” He stopped floating and stood in front of you, hesitant to do anything.
You didn’t want to say anything, but you know how persistent he can be.. You made eye contact with him and melted.
“Don’t do anything stupid?” You asked, giving him a knowing look.
“..Ok! Sure!”
Not convincing but ok.
���It was just a few bullies. Nothing more really.” You smiled at him.
“Obviously it’s more than that if you’re in here crying and.. is that a black eye??” Hanako practically growled at you.
“Calm down! It’ll go away in like.. a week? I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter.”
“Calm down? When someone’s hurting you?!” He sucked in a breath, “You’re not ok! And you’ve been avoiding me these last few days if I may add..” he pouted like a puppy and crossed his arms.
“Hanako, you’re overreacting! You have other ppl to talk to like Nene, Kou.. the other wonders!” You smiled at his pouting figure, “Besides.. I just don’t see what you see in me.”
His eyebrows shut up and his jaw dropped.
“Y/n/n! You know I adore your presence! You don’t try to attack or hit me every five seconds! And you’re not clingy like Tsukasa, and you actually don’t complain about cleaning the bathroom.. sometimes.” He exclaimed loudly.
But then it went silent.
“Hey! You distracted me there for a second.. tell me what’s really happening though, Y/n! It’s not right.. I don’t like when I see you hurt..” he looked at his shoes, away from you, “Especially since I can’t do anything about it.. it makes my blood boil.”
Your eyes go wide and it goes silent again. Just the small sounds of the water dripping out of the faucet.
“Hanako.. I’ve been dealing with this for years. I’m used to it! It’s just.. you know how only a couple of us can really see you? One of the girls found out I talk to ‘myself’ in here soo you know! She kinda just started saying I’m crazy, I’m talking to ghosts and you know how this goes.” You showed him your red knuckles, “So I punched her and she punched me back.” You laughed at that, making Hanako let out a small chuckle as well.
“I hope you know I cherish you more than anything on this earth.. so please tell me if anything’s going on from now on?”
Your eyes soften at the boy and you kid your head with a smile.
“I will, Hanako.”
(This shit was ass bro … 😭)
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miekasa · 3 years
mie….could we please get college au eren headcanons👉🏽👈🏽
Of course. I’m always thinking about his big head anyway <33 might as well put it good use.
One thing he learned in college is how to make his hyperfocus/fixation episodes work for him; that’s why he schedules all his classes as close together as possible. He’d rather have class back to back for 5 hours, than have it spread out with hours in between lectures, because that increases his changes of cutting.
You can always tell when he’s in class and/or what class he’s in by how much he responds to your messages. If he doesn’t text back at all, he’s in a class that hard or one he enjoys, or both. But if he’s sending you iMessage games, then you know he’s in his elective that he couldn’t care else about (and is probably cheating in someway somehow lmfao). 
He usually puts his phone on dnd when he’s in a class that’s important, but you’re in his favorite contacts, so your messages always ring through. What if it’s an emergency and you need him for something? Advanced Roots of Human Biology can wait. 
Some days there are one or two our breaks between his lectures, that’s just how the scheduling works out. When that happens, he usually sneaks into one of your lectures, or goes to your place to take a nap. Your roommates have become accustomed to him, honestly they’ve been considering giving him a key. 
Once, he didn’t realize that your lecture was basically a seminar, with you, the prof and maybe six other students. He still stayed lmao, and the prof was so amazed by his dedication, that she didn’t even mind. Occasionally, you’ll catch the two of them talking after lecture. It’s pretty cute the way she’s adopted him into the class even tho he’s not on the roster. 
You... have to show him where the library is lmfao. He genuinely has not stepped foot in one until you bring him to one. He likes it tho lmao once he gets used to it. 
Speaking of which, do not give him standard directions to find your classes on campus because all you’ll get is, “Babe, I’m gonna keep it real with you, I’ve never heard of the ‘West Quad’ a day in my life. What building are you near.”
He usually comes to see you in the library after all his lectures are done for the day. Sometimes he does homework, sometimes he’s just fucking around on his computer, sometimes he’s just bothering you. When you have to leave to go to class, he stays behind to watch your stuff so you don’t have to pack everything up and come back. 
Very protective when it comes to keeping your seat for you. No, you cannot take that chair to your table you good for nothing freshman; it’s reserved for you. 
He’ll drag you out of the library if you’ve been cooped up all day, tho. Eren will use his height and his strength against you to get you up. Placates you with kisses when he sees your angry expression, and promises to buy you food.
He takes your backpack for you when you’re walking together,m. His backpack is frustratingly light all the time, even during midterms. You swear all he’s got in there is a pencil and some flashcards. 
If you have night classes, he sticks around to walk you home after, especially in the winter when it gets dark faster. If he’s not already on campus, he’ll walk/drive back to meet you; he just doesn’t like you going home alone. Even if your friend/roommate is in the class with you, Eren will walk or drive the both of you home for his own sanity. 
He plays sports, so he usually has practice most evenings, but he’ll find a way to make time. If practice was particularly brutal, he’ll probably crash at your place.
He loves it when you come to meet him after practice. His whole face lights up and he waves obnoxiously, before he gathers up his stuff and all but sprints towards you. You get a cold water bottle to the face, or a bit of water splashed on you usually, which he takes immense amusement in. 
He knows it’s not possible for you to make it to all of his games, and usually it doesn’t bother him much; you’ve got your own life, and work to worry about. All he asks is that you wear his jersey, or any item of his sports apparel/merch on game day (he’s partial to hoodies).
By the time junior year rolls around, he’s not all that interested in attending parties that aren’t hosted by your friends; so, unless it’s at Connie, Jean, or Reiner and Bertholdt’s place, Eren will usually decline. Even team parties, he’s not crazy about unless it’s to celebrate a championship or something. He’d much rather celebrate with you. 
He does get excited about hosting parties though, and he and Jean become pretty damn good co-hosts. They don’t throw ragers, and that’s probably why Eren likes it so much. It’s usually your friend group and a couple plus ones, some good music, games, weed, and take-out. 
He’ll buy you coffee whenever you ask for it. The first time, he just orders something plain, not really knowing the difference between anything; but give it two or three tries, and he’ll get it perfect. He becomes so good that he can order you something new/different and you’ll love it. 
That’s kind of the start of his own coffee addiction, and more often than not, when he buys you a cup, he’s on his second or third of the day himself. The flavor has really grown on him, okay. 
He much prefers your apartment, but on occasion, he’ll ask you to come to his. You’ve been studying for so long, a change of environment should do you good, he claims. He’s a fucking liar tho because that’s all Eren Talk for “I do genuinely want you to come over, but my plans are to coerce you out of doing your assignments and doing me instead.”
Lmfao he adds you on Apple Watch Rings just so you can see him close his rings every day and laugh at you. Even if yours get closed by virtue of walking around campus or working out or whatever, his numbers are stupidly high because he fucking has practice at least 4 days of the week. 
Of course when you’re running on a soccer field for 2 hours every day, you close your Move Ring five times, Eren. Leave the rest of us alone. 
He buys you guys matching accessories for your keychains. It’s something pretty cute, and slightly random, but it reminded him of you. It also serves as a reminder to himself to take his fucking keys with him when he leaves his house. 
He sleeps like a fucking rock, so do not let him fall asleep in the library. Waking him up is a mission, and he’s never happy to be woken up. He looks kinda cute tho. 
He schedules dates for you and his friends. Usually by accident, but hear me out. Sometimes he’ll make plans with Armin, then forget that he has class or a test or something; so his solution is to text you, “hey, i forgot min and i were supposed to go some aquarium tomorrow but i have a midterm so here’s the pdf of my ticket, go with him for me, thanks babe love u” then, boop, you and Armin have an aquarium date Friday evening. 
The same thing happens with Mikasa, though, she usually catches the scheduling conflict before Eren does, and invites you out herself. You and Mikasa hang out quite a bit anyway, so it comes to the point where she tells you when she’s gonna hang out with Eren, so you can make yourself free for when he inevitably remember he has a game that day. 
Mikasa is most amazed that you’ve put up with Eren this long lmao. You’ve certainly lessened her Eren & Armin babysitting hours, and for that she’s eternally grateful. Also, she’s just happy to have another close friend. She loves Eren and Armin, but they’re not the most social beings, and she was literally their only friend besides the other for all their childhood PLEASE she’s so happy you’re around. 
It’s Mikasa, however, who babysits you and Eren whenever you both get too drunk. Says you guys are two peas in a pod (affectionate<2)
If you tell Eren something important that happened, like an internship you got, or a good grade in a class, or something, he usually relays that information to his mom pls. He texts her every day, and if she doesn’t ask for an update on you first, he gives her one.
Carla calls you sometimes, too. At least once every few weeks, just to check on you herself. She really likes you for Eren, and is grateful someone is willing to put up with her hotheaded son. 
Eren’s always using your fucking chapstick. Always. You know he has his own, so why he needs to use yours is beyond you. Finds time to make some dumbass comment about how it’s an “indirect kiss” every time he uses it too. Like bro, we’re dating, and have had many direct kisses why are you like this.
He posts on Instagram every few weeks or so, but you’re on his story every few days. Usually, it’s just a video of you minding your business and doing your work while Eren slowly zooms in before making some loud noise to surprise you, all so he can get your reaction on video and laugh at it. He’s annoying. 
He’s a bit of a copycat when it comes to the products you use. He’ll buy the same brand of pens as you (for that matter, all of his school supplies mirror yours because what does he know about the difference between A4 and A5 notebooks?), put a little hand sanitizer on his backpack like yours (and a lotion, too, for good measure), he even copies your Starbucks order until he finds one he likes for himself. It’s one of his love languages <3
If you’re wondering where your eyelash curler went, Eren stole it to try it on himself, hurt himself, vowed to never use it again, went back because he wanted to “do it right and not give up,” liked the results when he didn’t pinch his eyelid, and now it’s his. 
That being said, stop trying to put your Fenty lipgloss on him, it’s never going to happen. Eye makeup, maybe, only if you sit in his lap and he can have his hands on your ass while you do it. 
What he does love is letting you do his skincare. He will set aside dedicated skincare nights, he adores it. Easily one of his favorite things ever. 
You have his wallet. Not because he’s your sugar daddy or anything (although, if you want something, he’d definitely let you use his card to get it; and even if you bought something without asking, he wouldn’t think twice about it), but because he put it in your bag once and never took it out. 
When you tried to give it back, he just shook his head and told you to keep it, “I have my ID in my phone case anyway, and you’re less likely to lose it. Plus I put all my cards on Apple Pay, so I’m good.”
When you do make it to a game of his, he’s all over you when it’s over. Not in a cocky athlete boyfriend kind of way; in a very sleepy boyfriend kind of way. He’s usually got ice on at least one part of his body, and he’s got half his body weight on you as you walk to the car. 
By the time you guys get back to your place, he’s practically sleep walking. The only thing on his mind is taking a hot shower to soothe his muscles, and heading to bed. The aftermath of game days aren’t all that bad though, because even if you didn’t show, you’re always there to kiss him when he’s home and massage his shoulders, and cuddle him to sleep; and that’s his favorite part. 
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