#I’ve been specifically told not to respond and let my bosses handle it but he has a tendency to show up and
prolibytherium · 9 months
Guy at my job has a one sided beef with me and now my emails are a war zone. Trench warfare in the emails. Fire and screaming and etc.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Lost In Zero Gravity (P.3)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Three) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,574 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior
Part Two || Part Four || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
There were hands on you and you tried to push them away, frightened.
A man’s voice said quickly, “Sorry, sorry. I’m here to help. I’m gonna get you some help.”
“I… no, no ambulance,” you got out.
“You do not look good at all, love,” the man said, his hand cupping the back of your head to keep you steady as you tried to push yourself up off the ground. “You should stay down.”
You shook your head, “No… I live close.”
You stumbled getting to your feet, falling back against the wall. You groaned painfully, holding your head and slid back down the wall to sit back down on the ground. Your vision was swimming.
“You can’t walk on your own. I’m calling an ambulance.”
“It’s okay,” the man said, and you heard him saying, “Yes, I’m on Newman Avenue—”
Tony was calling again. He had called a couple days ago, texted yesterday, and you had not responded. You were too afraid to speak to him; you knew you would probably cry because you would have to explain why you could not meet up with him. It went to voicemail again and you sat there staring at your phone. You did not want to lose him permanently as a customer; you liked his attention. You were actually starting to develop feelings which was a big no-no but you could not pull yourself away.
It had only been a week since Jared had messed you up in the alley and your face did not look great. Your eyes were black from your broken nose and he had left quite a shiner on your cheek. Your ribs were still sore too from where he had kicked you, bruising them.
You crawled off your bed and walked to the door, throwing it open. You made your way downstairs, passing one of the other girls on the way down, who rubbed your arm affectionately. You gave her a small smile before continuing on to Tatiana’s office. You knocked on the door lightly, seeing her through the crack of the open door.
“Yes?” she said, looking up from her desk.
“Can I come in?”
“Of course, stellina,” Tatiana said, sitting up straight at her desk. Her eyes ran over your face and you saw her expression tighten. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit still.”
“I can imagine.”
You shifted and asked, “Can you do me a favor?”
“What is it?”
You held up your phone and said, “Tony called me a couple days ago… texted too. And he just called again. I… I don’t think I can talk to him about it. And I don’t want him to think I’m mad or anything or that I’m done with them. Could you call him and explain?”
Tatiana nodded immediately, “Of course. I have some time now.”
You grabbed a piece of paper off her desk and copied his number down for her. You pushed it across the desk, “Thank you.”
She held up her hand and said, “Wanna sit here while I do it? Just in case… something comes up.”
You hesitated but nodded and sunk into one of the chairs across from her desk.
“You know this is mutually beneficial for me to do this,” she told you. “If they like you as much as they seem to, maybe they will shower you still with gifts.”
“I’m not worried about that,” you cut in quickly.
“Regardless, having them keep up pay possibly in the meantime will help out. Not to be crass.”
You nodded, “I understand.”
Tatiana picked up her desk phone and dialed the number you had written down. “He might not answer,” she said as it began to ring. “Won’t recognize the number.” She sighed, hearing it go to voicemail. Briefly, she left, “Mr. Stark, please give me a call back at this number regarding my employee that you’ve been trying to reach. Thank you.”
She kept it vague. Smart.
When Tony called her back almost immediately, she smirked. “Looks like I was clear enough…”
“Hello, Mr. Stark,” Tatiana said, answering the phone, putting it on speaker. “This is Tatiana Bianchi.”
“Did I get blacklisted?” was the first thing out of his mouth.
Her face scrunched, “No, you didn’t.”
“Then why is Y/N not responding to me?”
“Y/N is not working.”
There was a pause. “Did she leave the service?”
“Kind of. She is taking a break.”
Tony’s voice was rougher this time, “So she’s on vacation? She could have at least told me that.” You flinched at that. “I’ve called a couple times and texted.”
“I don’t know how to put this lightly, but her ex found her,” Tatiana said. And added quickly, “Her asshole of an ex. He left his fucking mark. Broke her damn nose, bruised her ribs. Gave her a concussion. I think he would have done worse if some Good Samaritan hadn’t intervened before he could do anymore damage. Bastard stole her money too and her purse. The job she was working was close to here and he said he had been following her, so he knows where this place is. She doesn’t want to see anyone, understandably. I wouldn’t put her out there either right now. And in regards to her responding to you, she asked me to talk to you about it because she’s upset. Again, understandably.”
Tatiana was watching you across the desk as she spoke. You were chewing on your lip, listening to her explain it to him.
“I wanna see her,” Tony said tightly after a few moments.
“Mr. Stark—”
“I want to see how bad it is. Talk to her about it.”
Tatiana locked eyes with you and she asked, “Can I put you on hold?”
“Sure,” he said curtly.
She pressed the hold button and looked at you expectantly.
“I don’t want him to see me looking like a trainwreck.”
“Y/N,” Tatiana said in a quiet voice. “You know why he’s asking to talk to you.”
“Yeah, he feels bad and I get that—”
“No,” Tatiana cut in, shaking her head. “I think he wants to talk to you about it for a reason. A very specific reason. You know what he does, you know who he is. You really think he couldn’t handle that little dickhead?”
You shook your head, “I… I don’t think that’s what he means.”
She gave you a knowing smile, “Okay. So, maybe he does just want to come and give you flowers. Is there anything wrong with that?” You stared at her for a few moments, and she pressed, “He seems like he’s a pretty stubborn person. What’s to say he won’t just show up anyway? Why not do it on your own terms and permission?”
Unmuting the call, Tatiana said, “Sorry about that. I needed to talk to her to see how she felt about it. She agreed.”
“I can come early in the morning. Like 5. Before it gets light.”
“I’m sure that would be fine.”
“Alright, I’ll be there. Thank you for the call,” Tony said.
“Goodbye,” Tatiana said to him before he hung up the phone.
“God, that’s so early,” you muttered, slumping back in the chair.
Tatiana quipped, “You better get a good night’s rest then so you’re up and ready.”
You pushed yourself out of the chair and said, “Easy for you to say. You’re essentially a vampire.” That caused her to smirk. You thanked her, “Thank you for doing that.”
She nodded, “Of course.”
There was a loud knock on your bedroom door that drug you from your sleep. Your eyes snapped open, and you quickly realized you must have turned your alarm off completely when it went off. You swore under your breath, checking your phone. It was 5:07am. You got out of bed, rubbing at your eyes and walked over to your door.
When you opened it just a crack, you saw Tony and Steve standing there with a couple of their men standing behind them in the hall. You saw their jaws set seeing you, taking in your face. Even if it was just illuminated by the light coming in from the hall, you were sure the bruises were visible enough.
“Um, morning,” you stammered. “Sorry, I didn’t get up in time. I’m still in my pajamas…”
Tony rose his brows, “You wanna let us in?”
You swallowed sharply but opened the wider, stepping back to let the two of them file in. You turned from them and walked over to your bed, flipping on the lamp to give soft light in the room. Their men stayed in the hall and Steve closed the door behind him.
There was no way to hide now, and you turned back to them, playing with the hem of your t shirt, shooting an embarrassed look at them.
“Christ,” Steve muttered upon fully seeing you.
You eyed the large bouquet he was holding but before he could hold it out to you, Tony came up to you. He was staring down at your face and you could see the fury in his expression. He reached up, turning your face gently to get a better look at your cheek.
His jaw clicked before he asked, “He found you on the street, Tatiana said?”
“Yeah. He followed me, I guess. Has been following me it sounded like. I hadn’t seen him in a year and a half almost.” You gestured at your face, explaining honestly, “It’s not anything new. I didn’t leave him for no reason.”
“You wanna give me a name?” Tony deadpanned.
Your heart race increased. Tatiana had been right. “Not really,” you told him quietly.
“A name, Y/N” Tony repeated.
“I just won’t walk alone,” you tried to reason and side step it.
Steve snorted, shaking his head and your gaze was drawn to him. He shook his head again when he saw you looking. “No. That’s not how this is gonna work. This,” he gestured at your face. “is fucking unacceptable at best.”
“I don’t care to give you a name. Really. I appreciate—”
“Y/N,” Tony’s voice was firm as he cut you off.
You were pleading practically now, “I’m serious. I don’t care and I don’t want to deal with him.”
“I came here before dawn to figure out how I’m gonna kill this little prick. I would appreciate it if you would help me out, darling,” Tony told you tensely. “I don’t take lightly to men hitting women. Especially women I’m invested in. And you won’t be dealing with him. We will be you. You don’t have to be involved at all.”
Tatiana was right about him being stubborn, although you already knew that. He was not going to leave without the information that he wanted.
“Jared Easton. I don’t know where he lives now though.”
“Where did he live last you knew?” Steve asked.
“We lived in Chelsea. I don’t know if he’s still there.”
Tony took his phone out of his pocket and opened up his note app. He held the phone out to you and said, “You can put the address in here.” There was no room for a discussion, he was telling you to do it.
Grinding your teeth, you took the phone reluctantly. Your hands shook slightly as you typed in the address of the townhouse that the two of you had shared. When you handed the phone back to him, Tony’s demeanor relaxed. His hand came up to hold your neck, staring into your eyes.
“You don’t have to be afraid of him,” Tony told you softly. You nodded, tears pricking your eyes and you tried to hold them back desperately. Tony sighed, reaching up and wiping away one that escaped with his thumb. “We will see to that. We promise.”
He gave you a hug and your heart skipped a beat as he kissed the top of your head. This was a different kind of intimate than normal. You liked it, despite all the warnings to not get attached.
When he stepped back, he said, “There’s breakfast downstairs for you whenever you get hungry. I know a lot of people don’t like to eat super early. But Steve’s smart, thought it would be good to bring it. He remembered you liked that place in Williamsburg. I think he only remembered because you liked somewhere in Brooklyn.”
That caused you to give a little laugh which is what Tony had been aiming for you guessed.
Tony’s eyes ran over your face and he gave a small smile. “There. That’s better. I don’t like it when you look sad, baby.”
He stepped back and Steve stepped up, holding the flowers out to you. You took them and you thanked him. Steve leaned forward, giving you a kiss on the top of the head as well.
“When you’re feeling better, let us know,” Steve said as they made their way back to your bedroom door.
After they left, you brought the flowers out to the dining table, putting them in the center.
Elisha appeared in the doorway and looked around. She was still in her pajamas but she did not look tired; like she had been up. That was odd because she loved sleeping in. But you got your answer soon enough.
“So, they did come.” You nodded. She smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, the knock woke me up and I waited up to talk to you about it. If you want to.”
“It’s fine.”
“They brought flowers?”
“And breakfast.”
“Aww,” Elisha said coming over closer and leaning in to smell the flowers. “That’s super sweet of them. So… did they do what Tatiana thought they were going to do?” You nodded and her eyes widened. “Did you give them anything?”
“They forced me to basically. They weren’t going to let it go.”
“Why are men so goddamn protective of whoever they’re bedding?”
You shrugged, “I hope nothing bad comes from it.”
“You should be happy.” Tatiana’s voice startled the two of you. She walked further into the room, and said seriously, “They’re doing you a favor. You should relish in that type of protection. Not many are afforded it. And don’t worry about them messing it up. They’re professionals, Y/N.”
“I just don’t want anyone dead because of me,” you said. “Even if it’s him.”
“Well, then let them do it for me. Because when I came into that ER room, I wanted to find the little bastard and gut him myself. So, better them than me getting my hands dirty. Assholes like him won’t stop with a restraining order or charges against them, so this is the best course of action.” She paused before forcing you to look at her directly. “Y/N though, my dear… just know what this means. This is big. A very, very big favor they’re doing. Sure, it is going to satisfy them but they are killing someone for you. That is not something to brush off. You need to show appreciation for it. Elisha is right. Men are very protective of whoever they are bedding and they also like to be praised for it too. Do you get that?” You swallowed sharply, giving a curt nod. “Good.”
She clapped her hands, her mood changing quickly. “Now, let’s get you some of that breakfast because I saw what it was and it looks delicious. It’ll cheer you up. Go, go!”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming, @oceaniamaddness, @multifandom-superlover
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
Taehyung, 2, 21, 27. Preferably a Smut with some angst and surprise me with the scenario. Could it be a mafia au?
Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year – 18+
Taehyung Mafia AU
Warnings: Anal play, definitely some unclean sex practices, unsafe sex, mentions of death threats
I am so sorry about how late this is!
“Look baby, I already said I’m sorry I’m not going to be home for Christmas.” Tae sighed rubbing his temples as you refused to turn back to face him. You’d been fighting over this for a while now.
“It’s not that you won’t be home for Christmas Tae. It’s that you won’t be back for your Birthday or New Years either and I’m sick of it!” you finally deign to look at him. It’s clear he is close to snapping at you, but you are tired of the shit. You knew it was going to be hard to be with him, especially after you found out what he really did for a living, but you weren’t going to let this one go. This year alone he had missed: valentine’s day, your graduation, your birthday, his mother’s birthday, and Halloween, and you would be damned if he missed the next three holidays as well.
“You know damn well there is nothing I can do about this Y/N! You need to just drop it.” He huffs fixing you with his most intimidating stare. Unfortunately for him, you became immune to that look a long time ago. He was scary man to everyone else, but to you he would always be a teddy bear. It was long established he would never hurt you. You just stared right back. Your own evil glare far more threatening.
“I bet you could do something. You’ve never even tried! You are at his beck and call regardless of the day or time. I bet if we ever actually got round to setting a wedding date, he would call you away from the alter and you’d just fucking go.” Something akin to hurt flashes across his face but you don’t stop. “Namjoon cannot be your be-all and end-all Tae, one day you are going to have to be a big boy and make a decision for yourself.”
“What do you want me to do Jagi? Do you want me to let Namjoon shoot me for not being there? He will you know, shoot me dead, or worse you. Look I was a stupid kid when I entered into this, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m in. Namjoon calls I answer, or I die. That’s it no grey area.” His gaze softens when he sees the panic in your eyes, tears welling in the corners. The thought of Taehyung turning up dead because of you too much to handle. He reaches out his arms for you and you slot yourself in. You take a minute to inhale him, burying you nose into his jacket.
“I just miss you Tae.” Your voice muffled by his suit. He holds you tighter to him and kisses your head. He moves one hand to smooth down your hair.
“I know Y/N-ah I miss you too, but we have tonight so let’s make the most of it.”
A short while later you are wrapped up on the sofa. Taehyungs arm is wrapped lazily around your shoulder as you lean into him, trying to forget that he won’t be there in the morning. The hours tick by and episodes of the show on the tv keep ending. The two of you are fast asleep in one another’s arms. By the time you wake up the world is way too bright. You squint your eyes to look out the floor-length patio window.
“Tae… Taehyung wake up!” you tap at his arm panicked as he grumbles for you to leave him be ‘just a little longer’ “Kim Taehyung wake your ass up. I think we are snowed in…” his eyes snap open at that. Fear registering on his face when he sees the two feet of snow that was still growing. He glances at his phone.
*3 missed calls Namjoon*
NJ: Where are you?
NJ: You’re late
NJ: Don’t make me take away your little toy to regain your attention.
NJ: Kim Taehyung if you do not respond to me, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands. DON’T make me.
He hides the screen from you a little too late. Bile rises in your throat, but he sends you a reassuring look as he rings back Bangtan’s leader.
“This better be good.” You hear through the receiver.
“Hyung, I’m sorry I’m not there. It appears I’m snowed in. I’ve spent the last few hours trying to figure a way out. The windows are too protected and the doors all open outward. It appears we did too good a job fortressing my home from others that even I can’t get around it.” You hear a low grumble come from side of the phone as Taehyung’s boss considers the excuse.
“I can’t spare anyone to bail you out… as soon as your free make your way here… I’ll be checking in.” with that the line goes dead. You both let out a breath in relief and settle back into the warmth of one another.
“Looks like I’ll be home for Christmas after all.” Taehyung says trying to break the silence.
“Guess I’ll have to think of a present to give you now…” you joke, untangling yourself from him and the blanket. You sway your hips a little too much as you move away.
“I think you might be my present.” He licks his lips as he stares at your bum.
“I don’t know? Shouldn’t you be looking for a way back to your Joonie?” you tease bending over more than necessary to pick something up off of the floor.
“Looking at the snow, I just don’t think there is anyway for me to possibly escape until after my birthday… New Years even?” he makes a big show out of being disappointed, but he can’t stop the smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
“No, no, you should at least try.” You turn back to face him, batting your eyelashes in the most overexaggerated way you could. Your arms pull in a little to accentuate your cleavage.
“Keep doing that and your gonna end on the naughty list.” He growls, abandoning his ruse mush quicker than you.
“I don’t know what you mean baby. You really really should try to get back to Namjoon, I imagine Bangtan’s entire operation is going to shit with out you.” You casually check your nails, attempting to look bored.
“I just got handed a get out of jail free card. I’m going to use it.” He fireman lifts you off the floor and spanks your arse. You squeal and wriggle but its no use. He throws you on to the bed, barely giving you a moment to recover before he is discarding his shirt and straddling you. His mouth latches on to your throat leaving blooms of purple all over the exposed skin. He is ruthless in his marking, needing the world to know that you are his, even if that world will only be you and him until the snow melts.
You whine as he nibbles at the most sensitive area of skin right below your ear. You can feel his satisfied smirk against your skin.
“Still want me to try to get back to work?” he teases. You just wrap your hands in his hair and pull his mouth to yours. Tugging at his curls, you don’t let him go until you can’t breathe anymore. You weren’t exaggerating when you said you missed him. it’d been a long time since the two of you had been intimate. He hovers above you for a moment. His signature boxy grin plastered on his face. He takes all of you in. Hair splayed underneath you, blush colouring your cheeks, lips plump from the kiss. Perfect. Perfect and his.
“What?” you can’t read what he is thinking. Having gone from full on to heart-eyes in a matter of seconds has you extremely confused.
“Let’s set a date. I’ll tell Namjoon to go fuck himself, just pick a day and I’m all yours.” He nuzzles back into you waiting for an answer.
“May, just as the weather gets better.”
“Deal.” His lips return to yours, this time it’s much softer. All his love for you going into this one kiss. “Now let me ruin you.” He pulls at the hem of your t-shirt, dissatisfied when it doesn’t immediately come off. He rips it away instead. You pout a little at the loss of a good shirt, but he draws your attention back quickly. Hot opened mouth kisses trail up your stomach from your navel to your bare chest. His tongue circled one of your nipples, flicking the sensitive bud until its standing at attention. He tweaks it between his fingers making you grimace at the pleasurable pain.
“Please Tae…” you moan
“Please what jagi? How am I supposed to know what you want if you don’t tell me.” His feigned innocence dripping in his tone.
“Please Tae I need you.”
“Need me where?” he is practically laughing at how desperate you sound.
“I need you to shove your tongue so far inside of me I see stars.” Not a man to need to be told twice he dives straight between your legs. He makes quick work of your pants and underwear. You bend your legs and angle your hips towards him. You can feel the vibrations of his laugh flutter against you as he brings his lips to your core licking up your arousal before setting to work. He wraps and arm over your hips to stop you from writhing underneath his touch. So sensitive from not having his touch in so long. You cant help the jolt as his tongue slips from between your folds to between your cheeks, playing with the tight ring of muscles there.
“Tae” you try to make it sound like a warning, but it comes out more of a whine.
“You said you needed my tongue inside of you. You didn’t say where inside of you. You need to be more specific with your wording baby.” He doesn’t give you chance to respond before pushing into your hole. You keen at the sensation. The arm that was holding onto your waist makes its way to your clit, rubbing lazy circles in the opposite direction. He keeps the pressure just like that for a little while, lulling you into a false sense of security. You settle down and enjoy the lazy pleasure. You should’ve known better. Once your guard is down, two of the fingers from his free hand thrust inside of you. He curls his fingers, immediately finding the most vulnerable part of you. He takes his tongue away from you so he can watch as your face crumples in pleasure.
The orgasm that had been slowly building in the pit of your stomach is suddenly about to be ripped out of you. Your back arches as another finger stretches you out, inching you over the edge. His tongue returns between your cheeks as you ride out your high, pushing yourself down on the fingers he has left inside of you.
“God, I hope this snow never melts.” You pant
“Me too,” he tries to move back up and kiss you, but you push his face away.
“Oh hell no, you need to go brush your teeth before we go for round two. Next time warn a girl before you do that.” You laugh as he grumbles climbing off of you with an evident tent in his slacks. He shuffles fake dejected into the bathroom.
Christmas stories 🎄
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 4 years
scenario where hisoka is your boss and he’s giving you a promotion and one of the benefits is being naughty after work hours in his office ;) thank you so much! love the way you write💜💜
Sure baby~ I haven't written for my man's in ages 🤣🤣🤣 I just want you to know how much I fucking hate the name "Mr. Morow" so I added it to just piss myself off 🙃😂 idk how business shit works so I tried I hope you enjoy anyway~😂
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Being at the top of his list meant one of two things. Either being fired, or being promoted. You got lucky, seeing as you did your job and you did it well. You made the most sales out of all of your coworkers and Hisoka, your boss, was rather reliant on your skills it seemed. He called you into his office and told you about your promotion, leaving you bouncing your way home that day. Of course, when you came back to work the next day, he called you back into his office, saying he had something important to talk to you about. What that was, you weren't actually sure. Nobody else was really in the building at this time of the night, except maybe a few over timers.
You had barely made it to the door when he called you in.
"Come in miss l/n." his voice was sultry sweet to your ears, luring you in closer to him. You weren't necessarily in love with your employer, as a matter of fact you had a boyfriend at home. Though you did lust for Mr. Morow at times. You waltzed up to his desk, shutting the door behind you, and sat in the chair in front of him. Your legs crossed at the knee and your hands folded on top of them, your back straightening and chin lifting for a facade of confidence. You didn't think he'd fire you of course, not this late in the evening and certainly not after just promoting you. He leaned over his desk, his eyes fixated on yours.
"Good afternoon dear, how was your shift?" he cooed. You gave him a small smile, happy to have been asked. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for him to question you about your day, or any of his employees for that matter.
"It was alright, same as always." you replied. Mr. Morow nodded his head slowly, averting his eyes to his folded hands on the desk. When the amber yellow met you again you couldn't help but feel a pang of... something. It was a difficult thing to process right away, but it was rather pleasurable, stifling the minor whine in your throat as you gulped quietly.
"May I ask why I was called in so late, sir?" you shifted in your seat to a more suitable positioning of professionalism, as if the one you held wasn’t already good enough. Mr. Morow took notice of your change in behavior, letting his head rest on his folded hands and letting his gaze linger on you. He hummed when you responded accordingly, your eyes falling to your feet.
“I simply wanted to advise you of assets and benefits of this new position you’ve been offered Miss L/N, you actually get to have one of them tonight if you so wish. Though I don’t think your lover would approve very much.” he explained, sitting up straight and opening a drawer from underneath his desk, smacking a file on the wood top and closing the drawer. His manicured hands flipped open the folder to reveal some paperwork to give to you. Scooting your chair closer, you eyed the stack in front of you. His final sentence swam around in the haze of your mind. What did that even mean?
“These are the benefits I’ve listed for you specifically, there’s just one that I wasn’t sure how to word so I changed it up a bit. It may sound a bit odd.” he handed you the packet so you could look through it. From what you saw everything seemed normal. Dental, doctors, car, all insurance policies and benefits, vacation time was extended as well as an upgrade in pay. Though the only thing you could think of that could possibly have any connotation with Mr. Morow’s words was something along the lines of ‘able to stay after hours and withhold a key to the building’. Even that didn’t seem remotely similar to what the other promotions got. Sure, they could extend their hours if they pleased, but none got an actual key to the building like this. Only the main manager of the building was allow to have that.
“Mr. Morow, are you sure this was right? You’re allowing me to hold a key to the building?”
“Are you saying I shouldn’t trust you Miss L/N?” your last name rolled off his tongue so easily and it made you shiver.
“Do I get the key tonight?” you neatly rearranged the packet back to normal before setting it back down onto the desk before him, his hands still folded in front of him. The way his eyes smiled behind his bangs along with his mouth turned your cheeks a bright pink. Something about it set you off, but in a good way.
When he finished plotting whatever it was in his head, Mr. Morow sat up straight again and motioned for you to come to him with his two forefingers.
“Come dear.” he beckoned you with sweet lilts in his tone. Of course your first instinct was to deny, saying that if this was going where you thought it was then you’d both surely lose your job if anyone found out. But on the other hand you almost couldn’t help yourself, your legs moving to stand before you could stop them really. Mr. Morow leaned back in his chair, pushing it back to give you room on his desk. Your pencil skirt suddenly felt more fitting than it had earlier, suffocating the heat between your legs. Mr. Morow motioned for you to sit in front of him on the wood.
"You get to stay after hours with me if you like, meaning you get the keys for the morning shifts to enter. Of course I won't make you do mornings, I'll keep you on evenings if you like. But under one condition."
"I'll take it." you stated before he could even get his sentence all the way out. His yellow eyes widened and his lips upturned in a smile.
"Good girl." he cooed, leaning forward with his head nearly on your lap. Instinctivly your legs opened enough for his head to enter. He seemed to be slightly surprised at your bold actions. Possibly suspecting you wouldn’t be so willing.
"You're rather eager, has the man at home not been treating you well?" he chuckled, taking your thighs in his hands and pushing them up and open more. The mention of your boyfriend somehow didn't even faze you. You simply allowed Mr. Morow to continue his movements. He rolled his chair closer to you, pushing you back slightly. You fell onto your elbows with your head following suit, staring at the brightly lit ceiling above you.
The sudden pressure of his tongue against your clothed slit sent goosebumps crawling around your thighs. You let out a stifled whine of pleasure. Mr. Morow kissed your pussy gently and hummed, letting his thumb slide your panties to the side. Your skirt had ridden up a considerable height and you were tempted to just take it off at this point. He lapped his tongue between your folds, focusing on penetrating the damp hole there. His free hand pressed lightly on your clit, nudging you closer towards your orgasm. His thumb flit across the sensitive bud before sliding his tongue up to lick circles around you. Your breathing was completely off as the overwhelming feeling continued.
Before you could come close to finishing, he pulled away, letting your panties fall back into place. You let out an exasperated whine of disappointment.
His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you onto his thigh from his desk. Your panties were soaked, covered in saliva and your own arousal. The contact against his leg and your pussy made you whimper, bucking against him immediately. He stopped you mid hump and waved his finger at you.
"Oh I don't think so, at least not yet princess. You can wait." His hands held a vice grip on your hips, immobilizing them. You whined to him as you swished your legs. Hisoka chuckled at your cute action before tensing his thigh. Immediately you clenched, of course around nothing, but nonetheless you felt the friction. Your head rested on his shoulder to hide the shame of your need. He tittered at your adorableness.
"No need to be shy dear, it's only me~" he soothed, his hands resting on your ass to squeeze gently. You tried to rut again his thigh again. He didn't stop you this time, in, fact encouraging the action by leaning back to watch you.
"Does that feel good?" he assisted your movements by rocking your hips along his leg. The added momentum gave you more friction to get off on. Your hands gripped the top of his thigh harshly for better grip to stabilize yourself as you picked up your pace. Hisoka found this amusing apparently as when he raised your chin to look at him he gave you a sly smirk.
"Answer me kitten." he kept his distance from you and the observing nature of his position made you shy, but arousal was clouding too much of your pain to think about it long. It made you even hotter and you couldn't help the whimper as you nodded your head.
"Yes sir..." you muttered, your lids falling closed as the feeling took over your core. Your abdomen was tightening this time and fairly quickly. You bounced a little to alleviate the ache on your clit as you reached closer for your high. Mr. Morow didn't stop you this time, simply letting you ride your end out on top of him.
"Oh good girl~" he praised you again while his hands wandered up your shirt, unbuttoning the blouse in the process. You could feel yourself going slack, your body relaxing into his touch. Once the buttons of your shirt were handled, he cupped your breath roughly, his nails grazing your skin. Another soft whine left your lips as your hands reached up to his wrists, holding onto him because of you sensitivity. His hands traveled down your waist to your underwear to take them off. You lifted your legs accordingly for easier removal and let them fall back down heavily. Mr. Morow stood you up off his thigh and turned you around, bending you over his desk. He wasted no time in shoving in a saliva slicked finger into your weeping sex before pulling it back out again. Your head laid onto the thick wood of the desk, arms folded under you gripping onto the straps of your bra.
Mr. Morow quickly filled you with his length, most likely wary of how long you were taking in his office suddenly. He gave you no time to adjust before pounding into you, his hand covering your mouth in case you got to loud. Your eyes were wide in surprise at the intrusion, not expecting something so big. Your fingers white-knuckled from your tight grip on your bra strap, trying to hang onto something. The way his tip brushed against your sweet spot made your legs shudder against the table, barely able to stand up. One of his hands held you under your hips and pulled up changing the angle at which his thrusts reached you. Your own hands grabbed onto his wrist for dear life as he changed his pacing to a much quicker pattern. You hadn’t finished yet, but you could already feel your wetness dripping between your thighs.
“Oh dear, are you close already?” his teasing voice sounded from behind you when your walls tightened around him. His motion didn’t falter in the slightest, in fact slamming into you with more vigor, ready to finish himself off. Your nails had dug into his hand, drawing blood onto your fingers and his desk. The hand covering your mouth let go and instead laced it self into your hair, tugging your head up and forcing your back into an uncomfortable arch. You braced your forearms over the desk, gasping for air with every pump of his hips.
“Come now sweetheart, I know you can sing beautifully~” the metaphor enlightened your mind, setting fire to any decency you had left. Moans and curses slipped from your lips, making Mr. Morow grunt from behind you. The sounds he made made you clench again, tightening around his twitching cock. His hand left your hair and slipped between your legs underneath you, sliding around your swollen clit once more to push you over the edge. Your moans soon turned back into whimpers and whines as your orgasm leaked through your folds and over your employers dick, one of your legs rising to open yourself more. Mr. Morow moaned out loud for you once he finished his own high, riding it out inside of you as you painfully let him finish. Once you set your leg back down you couldn’t stop shaking. He pulled out of you and zipped his pants back up, whirling to find your panties and setting them next to you.
“Go ahead and put those back on. I’ll drive you home tonight.” he offered, finding his suit jacket so he could grab his keys. Lazily, you slid your underwear back over your legs and followed him out the door, a few eyes glancing towards you as you passed by.
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omg-imagine · 4 years
⊱ Where We Stand ⊰
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Request: Can I request a Hotch x reader where Hotch won’t warm up to the reader even months after she joined the team then they’re taken together by an unsub and while they’re waiting for the team to find them Hotch confesses he has feelings for her? -Anon
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: Mention of kidnapping
A/N: I got stuck while writing this tbh but I hope it turned out alright. Enjoy!
You didn’t know how to explain it, but you were pretty sure that your boss Aaron Hotchner didn’t like you. He hasn’t said anything that confirmed your theory, but with the way he was acting cold and unfairly towards you, there was no need for it.
You were quick to notice the little things— how he doesn’t say good morning to you or how his eyes seemed to glance away whenever you walked into the room. He often assigned you the brunt of the work, like doing paperwork or having you deal with uncooperative cops. 
Truth be told, you’ve spent a few late nights nursing a glass of wine and thinking about what you could have done to rub Hotch the wrong way, but nothing specific came to mind.
It’s been nearly four months since you joined the BAU after graduating with top honors from the Academy. Almost all of the evaluators gave you glowing reviews, and other FBI departments had actually reached out, asking you to work for them.
Despite all of this, Hotch acted as though none of that mattered. You understood that he was still warming up to you, but it was taking too long. It was really affecting how he treated you compared to the rest of your colleagues.
You were no quitter, you only needed to be patient. There would come a time when you would prove to Hotch that you belonged on the team. He would finally see that you could do your job without someone else watching over you.
Perhaps then he’d start treating you right.
“I told you, you shouldn’t have come. You should have stayed at the police station like I told you to,” Hotch spoke with a slight irritation in his tone, but you only ignored him. You were more concerned with getting out of the zip ties around your hands, but all attempts were fruitless.
Groaning, you leaned against the back of the chair you sat on. “Do you really have to bring that up now? We’re both stuck here, and you’re acting as if this is my fault.”
Hotch, who was also tied up and sitting right behind you, let out an exhausted sigh as a period of silence washed over the two of you. The case the team was on had taken a turn when Garcia was able to track the unsub’s location using his phone. You and Hotch were the closest by, and at first, Hotch wanted to go at it alone.
Of course, you refused. As much as Hotch infuriated you at that moment, you knew storming into the building without backup was suicide, so you defied his orders and followed him. Somehow, the unsub was able to incapacitate you both. When you finally regained consciousness, you realized that he had brought you and Hotch into an old abandoned warehouse.
“What do you have against me?” You asked out loud, wanting to fill the unbearable silence. “You act as though I don’t know what I’m doing. News flash, Hotch. I was trained at the Academy just like you. I’m qualified for this position just as much as everyone else on the team.”
Hotch didn’t say a word, and you let out a bemused chuckle. “You can’t even answer because you don’t have one. I don’t deserve the way you’ve been treating me, Hotch. It’s been four months, and I’ve proven myself to the rest of the BAU that I can do this job. The only person not seeing that is you.”
“You do deserve to be in the BAU,” Hotch finally acknowledged in a much softer voice.
You shook your head as your eyes became fixed with the locked entrance in front of you— the door leading to freedom. “Then, why belittle me? I don’t get this “tough love” thing you got going on. If you don’t want me on this team so much, then fire me. I’m this close to resigning anyway.”
“I don’t want to fire you,” he said, almost apologetically. There was a slight pause as if he was trying to figure out what to say next. “I didn’t mean to belittle you. In fact, I think you’re one of the best agents I’ve encountered.”
“Seriously?” You scoffed. “Don’t lie to me.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hotch turn his head to the side, and you did the same, catching his gaze. “I’m not lying.”
“Then why do you treat me differently?” You asked, and Hotch hung his head. “You know, I had so much respect for you when I first joined the team. I guess it’s part of the reason why I took the job at the BAU. Not only did profiling interest me, but I heard you were a great leader. The team works well together because of you.”
Hotch’s eyes flickered up to your face, and you could see the regret in them. “From the moment you set foot in the BAU, I was impressed by you. You’re bright, you have a great work ethic. It was just—”
He stopped before he could complete his sentence. You heard him exhale as if there was no going back from what he was about to say.
“I started having feelings for you,” he revealed, his eyes locking with yours. “There’s something special about you that drew me. Not only are you a good agent, but you’re a good person. You’re beautiful, and you care so much about others. I thought by being harsh on you would prevent me from becoming too attached, and I’ve always regretted treating you that way.”
You felt your heart pounding against your chest as you tear your gaze away from Hotch. You didn’t know what to think after his confession. You licked your lips and turned around once again, seeing that his eyes were still on you, gauging your reaction.
You were about to open your mouth to say something when you heard the distant shouting of yours and Hotch’s names from outside.
“In here!” You yelled out. Soon enough, the door burst open, revealing Morgan, who then alerted the rest of the team of your location.
Once your ties were cut, you stood by the doorway watching Hotch get up from his seat. Only then did you notice the tears pricking your eyes. You were glad that you had survived the ordeal, but what would happen now between you and Hotch?
Eventually, you found yourself sitting in an ambulance, getting a cut on your forehead taken care of. Across from you was Morgan speaking to Hotch, telling him how the unsub was going to use you two as bargaining chips before he was arrested. Afterwards, Hotch made his way to you, and you got on your feet.
“How’s your head?” He questioned, pointing at the bandage above your brow.
“Throbbing, but I’m still alive,” you replied with a soft smile. “Listen, about what you said back there—”
Hotch held a hand up. “No need to mention it. I promise that from now, things will get better. If you still want to resign, then I understand, but you do deserve to be here. I apologize for not making it seem that way.”
“It’s alright,” you reassured him. “I’m staying because this is where I belong.”
“Good,” he breathed out. “Go home, get some rest. You don’t have to worry about the paperwork, I’ll handle it.”
He gave you a smile before he started to walk away. Quickly, you reached for his hand and grasped it, holding him in place. He looked at you in confusion as you placed a kiss on his cheek and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
Once you took a step back, you noticed him furrow a brow, and you let out a small laugh. “What was that for?”
“I don’t know yet,” you responded with a shrug of your shoulders. “But I do think you owe me a drink for all of the crap you gave me. It’s the least that you could do.”
You winked at him, and immediately he blushed. “How about tonight?”
You pretended to think it over before answering. “I’m free tonight, but what about you? Don’t you have paperwork to do?”
Hotch shook his head as he lifted your joined hands, pressing his lips on the back of yours. 
“I think the paperwork can wait until tomorrow morning.”
Tags: @arganfics​
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - you and spencer fight, things get said that neither of you mean
warnings - mentions of case, cursing
word count - ?
requested by @reidswords
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“what the hell was that?” spencer shouted.
from the moment you had stepped off of the plane, you knew that you and spencer was going to get into an argument. it was pretty much inevitable. you had practically seen the steam come out of his ears on the flight home.
the moment you two had stepped into his apartment, he had snapped. the two of you had been together for a little bit over a year. however, you didn’t leave together yet. at that moment, you were almost greatful you didn’t.
“i was doing my job,” you responded calmly, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers.
“doing your job? y/n you almost got killed,” spencer spoke back.
his words were partially true. there was a hostage situation on the case. you had taken off your vest, leaving all your weapons before moving into the building. the unsub inside demanded that an agent enter the building or all the suspects would be killed. you had taken a risk, and ultimately, it had worked out. hotch was unhappy with your actions but congratulated you on your efforts. spencer, however, was less than thrilled.
“i took a risk. if i didn’t, the hostages would be dead right now.”
“we almost had him. we could have gone in without risking your life,” spencer argued back.
you let out a breath, your hands moving in front of you as they began to shake. “why can’t you just drop this.”
“how do you think the team would feel if you died today. how do you think i would feel?” spencer pleaded.
you went back to placing your gun and badge in your bag. you had a feeling you weren’t going to be here long.
“for a genius, you are pretty fucking stupid sometimes. you don’t have to constantly be looking over my shoulder and neither does the team. i can handle myself so back off,” you seethed.
“why are you so defensive lately? even before the case you have been closed off and i just don’t understand it,” spencer spoke.
“maybe some of us don’t enjoy being open with the team all the damn time.”
spencer rolled his eyes. “you’re on a team of  behavioral profilers. how do you expect to hide anything. why did you even bother joining the team in the first case if you are just going to act like this.”
you scoffed, “so you’re saying in not good enough to be on the team?” spencer cleated his throat as he threw his head back.
“god you’re being so difficult! i never said that so stop putting fucking words in my mouth,” spencer yelled before adding, “besides, i was on the team first.”
“oh and what is that supposed to mean? you’re barely an agent. we all only use your intelligence,” the second the words came out of your mouth, you regretted it. but, with your stubborn ego, you didn’t really care.
spencer’s face shifted. his eyebrows furrowed together as his mouth moved into a frown. “leave,” he spoke softly. this time, you rolled your eyes before grabbing your bag and heading to the door. you exited the apartment, not before slamming the door. he was suddenly happy that it was the weekend.
morgan and emily walked into the bau on monday morning, each sporting a coffee cup in hand. garcia met up with them in the hallway before walking in with the other agents. surprisingly, rossi was in his office and hotch had yet to arrive. you and j.j. were also absent. spencer, however, was sitting at his desk, his head resting in his hand as he scribbled away at the stack of reports on his desk. a coffee cup that was already empty sat just beside him.
“hey kid,” morgan greeted, frowning slightly when spencer barely gave him a smile. “what’s up?” morgan quickly added.
“can you please just leave me alone for a bit? i have a lot of my own as well as yours, emily’s, and jj’s paperwork to do,” the tone of spencer’s voice wasn’t angry but almost desperate. morgan nodded before grabbing his and spencer’s coffee cups and going to the kitchenette
you and j.j. were next in the office. spencer’s eyes didn’t even flicker over to where you sat at your desk, coffee cup in front of you. he did, however, notice that you could barely finish a file. after finishing his remaining reports and dropping them on the now present unit chiefs desk, spencer returned to the bullpen.
“i can take some of those,” spencer offered to you in a low voice.
he didn’t stick around to hear your answer but instead grabbed the files and returned to his desk. derek, emily, and j.j. all glanced at each other. something was definitely wrong. despite just getting up to get coffee, derek stood up, motioning to the other two agents to follow him.
“okay something is wrong,” emily spoke as soon as they were out of earshot.
“i know. spence looks like he haven’t slept,” j.j. responded. “and y/n could barely finish one file,” derek added.
“you think they had a fight? the last case was pretty rough,” emily asked. just as derek was about to respond, garcia appeared, holding a case file in hand. her face was more solemn than usual when presenting a case.
“how bad?” j.j. asked.
“north carolina. possible 20 victims,” she spoke. derek groaned as he followed the technical analyst up to the conference room, the other two agents right behind them. you were already sitting around the round table, looking over the file, same as rossi.
spencer and hotch were the last in. the genius had most likely dropped off the paperwork before walking in with his boss. instead of sitting in his usual seat next to you, spencer opted for a seat next to emily. even rossi and hotch looked at each other, also noticing this change.
after the briefing, the team was on the jet thirty minutes later. you were in the seat closest to the window next to hotch with emily and rossi across from you. j.j. was up getting coffee, still listening to the team talk, while derek was sitting on the couch.
“it’s possible that this unsub is a young sexual sadist, it isn’t exactly uncommon,” hotch told his team.
just then, the entire team looked at spencer who was sitting in the arm of the couch, expecting some form of a statistic. “what no statistic on that?” rossi asks.
spencer shook his head and shrugged. “it’s not important,” he simply says.
while this went down, your eyes remained glued on the case file. however, you snapped out of your thoughts when hotch said your name.
“y/n and reid i need you to go to the latest crime seen, see what you can find out.” you flinched at your orders. “actually hotch can i go to the police station. i think there’s a geographical profile and i can work on that,” spencer asked.
hotch briefly glanced over to his team who were visibly confused. “sure. emily you go with y/n instead.”
the rest of the case was torture for the team. it was obvious something happened between you and spencer. while the case had gone well and the unsub was caught, the two of you barely worked together at all. it was a complete difference than the previous cases.
on the plane home, you were sitting across from j.j. in the two single seats. you were farthest away from the team we you peacefully slept. emily, hotch, and rossi were in the group of four while derek was in the other two single seats with spencer.
“what’s going on kid,” derek spoke softly, keeping his voice to a whisper.
spencer glanced up from whatever book he was reading, “what are you talking about?” derek rolled his eyes. “come on, you have barely spoken any facts during this case, only two to be exact. to state the obvious, you and y/n have barely been around each other.”
the older profiler noticed spence flinch at your name. “and well that,” he added.
spencer sighed deeply before marking his page and setting the book down on the table. “do you remember a week ago when y/n went in to the hostage situation and almost got killed?” spencer asked. upon seeing derek’s nod, he continued, “well we kinda got in a fight afterwards. i really don’t want to talk about the specific details but it was bad. i said some things i regret and i’m sure she did too. but i just don’t know.”
“ah i see. all i can tell you man is that you two need to talk to her. it will be a lot better,” derek offered.
spencer smiled weakly before picking up his book once more. derek stood up and made his way over to j.j. he crouched down next to her and told her the same information he had just been told.
when you had woken up an hour before you were due to land, j.j. have you the same advice as derek did. you had pressed your lips together as she told you to talk to him. after much mental contemplating, you had made the decision to follow the advice and talk to him.
the team had to go back to the bau before they cold head home. once arriving, everyone went to their desks, grabbing their paperwork and bags since they left in a hurry. you, however, had other plans.
“hey,” you spoke, a nervous smile on your face.
spencer glanced up from where he was sitting. “hi,” he responded, equally as nervous. “um, if you don’t have any plans, do you maybe want to come over? we kinda need to talk.”
the genius nodded, “i would like that.”
then minutes later, the two of you exited the bau building as you waved good he took your coworkers. derek turned to emily and j.j. who raised their eyebrows. “fingers crossed,” emily had said.
once arriving to your apartment, your hands shook as you fumbled with your keys. finally, the door opened. you went in first, followed by spencer.
you first placed your gun and badge on the table by the door before kicking off your shoes and putting your bag on the table. “do you want anything to drink? i was going to make some tea,” you offered.
“tea would be really nice.”
as you poured the hot water into two mugs, spencer spoke up from behind you, “i’m guessing j.j. spoke to you?” you tensed up slightly before nodding, “yeah she did. i’m guessing the team noticed.”
“look spencer, i’m just going to go on a slight rant. just don’t say anything until i’ve finished okay? okay. i am so sorry for everything i said. everything i said i regretted and i know i was just caught in the moment but what i said was so fucked up. i should never have gone to criticize your intelligence. i really am sorry,” you rushed out, tears begining to form in the corners of your eyes.
“hey hey, it’s really okay,” spencer started, moving around the counter towards you.
“no it’s not! it’s really not,” you responded.
“look, we both said things we regret. what i said was also out of line but let’s move past this. if you can forgive and forget, so can i. okay?” spencer asked.
you nodded, biting your lip to hide your frown. then, you stepped forward, holding your arms out towards your boyfriend. he chuckled slightly before doing the same, pulling you into a tight hug. as he ran your hand through your hair, you pinched the fabric of spencer’s shirt between your fingers.
“i love you,” you whispered, just loud enough for spencer to hear.
“i love you too,” he replied.
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lemonpeter · 4 years
Day 9 - Cuckolding (Peter/Pepper/Tony)
I finally got it finished, I hope everyone enjoys. This was a lot of fun to write, even if my brain and life is a bit of a messy distraction right now lol but I hope the story is enjoyable! 🧡
Warnings: sort of femdom, seems like infidelity (but it’s mentioned that they all want it), cuckolding, oral sex (female receiving), age difference, humiliation, married Tony/Pepper
“Ma’am, I can hear him outside the door,” Peter whispered, lips pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of Pepper’s thigh.
The woman hummed, hips rocking forward gently in an attempt to get closer to Peter’s mouth. “Good. Now, that tongue should be used for something other than talking. Let him hear us.”
Her hand tangled in his curls and he could feel the weight of her wedding ring against his head.
Despite knowing they all wanted it, there was still a bit of a pit in his stomach. She was Mr. Stark’s wife.
But he kept going anyways, diving in and licking over her slit. She was soaked. He couldn’t tell if it was from his previous actions or the knowledge that they would be caught by Tony.
As he ate her out she was loud, not holding back any. She didn’t even need to put on an act. For a young, fairly inexperienced guy, he knew just how to work her. It was incredible.
It only went on for a about a minute and a half before there was a soft knock at the door.
When neither of them responded - too caught up in their fun and knowing that they were supposed to ignore him - the door handle started turning and Tony slowly made his way into the room. His pupils blew wide at the sight of them.
His wife, legs spread wide with her head hanging back in pleasure, pussy being absolutely devoured by his much younger mentee.
He knew he was a dirty, dirty man. He should have felt guilty. Instead he was harder than he could ever remember being, gripping himself through his pants.
“Pep,” he whispered, voice breathy. He was going for upset, maybe even betrayed. But if the smirk that spread across her lips told him anything, she knew exactly how horny the situation made him.
“What is it, Tony?” Pepper mumbled, whimpering as Peter’s tongue slid across her clit roughly. “A little busy here.”
Tony watched them intently, eyes wide and dark. “I can see that. Why didn’t you just ask me? Honey-“
“You and I both know that you don’t have what it takes to satisfy me anymore,” she said cooly.
Maybe Tony should have been offended at how easily that line came to her. But he was the one who had wanted to be humiliated. So he figured all was fair game.
(And hearing her say it made his dick twitch, so he couldn’t be too upset.)
“What do you mean?” The older man asked, eyes flicking between his wife’s face and the young man between her legs. He couldn’t keep his focus, especially with the filthy sounds they were making.
Peter glanced up for a moment, making eye contact with Tony as he simultaneously slid two fingers into Pepper and gently nipped at her clit.
The woman didn’t answer Tony’s question instantly, crying out from the new sensations which were clearly her priority. “Oh, fuck, Peter. That’s it. That’s it,” she gasped, hips jerking.
Then, after a moment, she seemed to remember her husband. “You don’t know anything about my pleasure and you only care about yours. If you can even get it up you don’t last long enough for me to even think about finishing,” she whimpered, eyes slipping shut again as Peter seemed to hit a particularly good spot inside of her.
Peter’s fingers were quick, fucking into her with no resistance with how wet she was. His tongue stayed working as well, alternating lapping at her swollen clit and the slick that flooded out with his movements. He couldn’t deny that being the ‘other man’ was something of a fantasy of his, even if the other (consenting) participant was his boss.
And long time celebrity crush.
Tony groaned as he watched them, gripping at himself again before just undoing the button and zipper of his pants. At least it gave him more room to breathe. “Look, I’ve got it now, honey. You don’t need him...”
“I’ve never been eaten out like this.” She knew Tony was talented with his mouth, but she knew he wanted to be hurt. Even if it was all lies and they all knew it. “I never want your pathetic cock in me again.”
He moaned softly. “Fuck, Pep...” he moved to a chair they had across the bed specifically for the occasion. He sat down, legs spread as he pushed all fabric out of the way in order to get a hand on his aching cock. Stroking himself slowly, he looked at the new angle he got for the scene.
From behind he could mostly see Peter, entranced by the way that the young man moved. He was always high energy and this wasn’t an exception. Every action was purposeful and that much was obvious. And in addition to how he was attending to Pepper, Tony could see his hips thrusting weakly. He couldn’t imagine it was doing much, the man was on his knees and not even against anything. But he didn’t seem to mind.
Then he was snapped out of his thoughts when Pepper’s hand tightened in Peter’s hair, a high moan leaving her. “Oh, fuck, fuck, I’m close!”
Tony’s hand moved faster on himself as she watched how her mouth hung open in ecstasy, hips twitching forward almost in a rhythm. Despite starting only minutes ago, he could already feel the tight coil winding in his belly, nearly ready to snap. But he gripped himself gently, tugging his balls to ensure he wouldn’t finish too quickly.
He wanted humiliation, but not that much.
Peter could feel the slick muscles tightening around his fingers, but he didn’t stop. He looked up, eyes wide as he kept going until he felt her release, shuddering and contracting around him.
“Fuck!” She nearly screamed, hips bucking up as she came.
Peter kept his fingers moving so that she could ride it out, laughing a little as he felt her squirt on his face. “Mrs. Potts...” he grinned, licking his lips. He slowly pulled his fingers away, moving them into his mouth.
Pepper made eye contact with him and laughed. But the laugh was more exhale than anything. “I’m never gonna take Tony back if you keep this up,” she teased, still fairly breathless.
The man in question groaned, fucking into his fist faster as he listened to them. “Don’t say that, honey, you know you love me.”
She hummed, pulling Peter up to stand between her legs at the edge of the bed. “But I love his mouth...I’m sure I’ll love his cock. Why shouldn’t I have both? It’s not like you know what to do with that thing anyways.”
Tony moaned again, back arched as he kept stroking himself quickly. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Pep, come here. Want you to finish me...”
Pepper watched him for a moment before leaning in and kissing Peter hard, humming at the taste of her on his tongue. She slowly pulled away when she kept listening to her husband, looking as unamused as she could manage.
But Peter turned to look at him, biting his lip. Of course he was turned on by the entire situation. And he definitely wanted to watch the older man cum. Even if he wasn’t helping.
This time.
It didn’t take much longer for Tony to get to his end, stilling and going tense as he came. Cum spurted from the tip, leaving warm lines up his shirt that he hadn’t removed. “God, Pepper...” he murmured. “Peter...”
Peter shivered hard at his name being moaned.
Once Tony had ridden out his orgasm, Peter bit his lip. “Did you enjoy that, sir?” He asked shyly.
“Kid, we’ve got to do that again. But-“
“Next time you’re fucking me,” Pepper said confidently. She kissed the young man again, smirking.
Tony laughed. “That’s what I was going to say, yes. But maybe I should be worried about how quick she was to say that.”
Pepper chuckled, slowly pulling away from Peter to move to her husband. “You know I love you. And I didn’t mean anything I said. I love your dick,” she said teasingly. “Can’t help knowing what I want, though. And I want a piece of that.” She nodded towards Peter.
“Oh come on, who doesn’t?” Tony commented. “Speaking of...he’s the only one that didn’t get to finish. And I think we owe it to him to help.”
“We definitely do,” Pepper agreed, grinning.
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flowesona · 4 years
Wheel of Fortune - Yandere! Namjoon x reader
The Tarot Series
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It had been a relatively uneventful Tuesday when Namjoon stumbled across her for the first time. He’d been reluctant to try online dating, much less looking for a sugar baby, but he was bored and a primitive part of him was lusting for pleasure in a way that adult movies couldn’t fulfill. 
Something about her was intoxicating. Maybe it was the warm look inhabiting her (E/C) eyes, or the beautiful smile that tugged at her lips. It was enough to compel Namjoon to message her without a second thought. 
KNJ: How’s your day going, beautiful?
His adrenaline slowly settled into an acidic regret, worried that he hadn’t said enough. He should have been more eloquent, more unique, maybe offered her a large sum of money so that he’d be worth her time. Such plagued him for thirty seconds until a shrill tone told him that he’d received a reply.
Adore: Better now that you’re talking to me, handsome <3
Namjoon’s heart thumped, enraptured by her words.
Adore: I’ve been looking for someone like you to take care of me for a long time. Will you be my daddy?
His hands shot to the keyboard much faster than he would have been proud to admit.
KNJ: I’ll give you anything you want, darling.
Adore: You’re amazing, daddy <3
KNJ: Send me your bank details right now.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
He only ever worked for her now. Every second that he spent in his office, slaving away at paperwork was spurred on by the thought that he could satisfy her and draw out that beautiful smile. He’d been rewarded with precious pictures of her, posing as if she was showing her beauty to the world yet he felt that her smile was reserved just for him.
Nothing could end their ‘relationship’. Not even the teasing of his friends, telling Namjoon how he was chasing after a girl who just saw him as a chore, just another man in her harem for her to please. Whilst he brushed those comments away at the time, at night they haunted him until after a few months he reached breaking point.
KNJ: Do you talk to other men?
He sat back in his chair, resisting the urge to bite his nails anxiously.
KNJ: Be honest with me, please.
Those few minutes had been complete agony as he waited for her to reply.
Adore: I have to, daddy. I still love you the most <3
Namjoon hissed through his teeth, hurt by the statement despite thinking he could handle the truth.
KNJ: Am I a fucking joke to you? Nearly a hundred million won and I’m still not worthy of your sole attention?
The sick pleasure that came from scolding her didn’t even out with the sunken feeling in his stomach, leading Namjoon to abandon his computer for once in a blue moon, choosing instead to water his abandoned house plants.
His dejection didn’t last long, however. It had barely been three days before he logged back onto the website, impatiently clicking on his inbox. He was met with nothing from her, just plenty of messages from people eager to take her place. His mind was only on her.
KNJ: Please darling, I’m so sorry about being angry with you. Please just respond to me.
His apology wasn’t enough. No matter how many messages he sent he never received a response. Even after how much love and money he’d showered her with, it wasn’t enough and such made Namjoon want to tear his hair out.
The few selfies she’d sent him had been able to tide him over for a while, become the source for late nights of pleasure. But it wasn’t enough. He needed much more. He needed to see her face in real life, to cradle her body close to his, to act on every dirty promise she’d made to him. The young girl had become the object of a fatal attraction, and she was going to suffer greatly for it.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
The ring of a doorbell drew the young girl away from her gripping book. She abandoned the story to answer it, but was met with a terrifying sight. One of the men that had paid for her college tuition, standing on her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers.
“Is Adore home?” His question was innocent enough, but sent shivers down the woman’s spine.
“I-I think you have t-the w-wrong house.” Her attempts to close the door were thwarted by his superior strength, holding open the door enough to push his way into the house uninvited.
“Where is she?” He was still grasping the flowers, paper crinkling slightly.
“I-I don’t know what y-you’re talking about.” The young woman’s collar was caught in his grasp as he dropped the flowers in favour of searching for something in his pockets until he finally found what he was looking for. A handgun, being held to her chin.
“Where is my Adore?” Namjoon snarled. “Do I need to bring the police into this? I can and I will if need be. They kiss my feet, all of them, and you will too.”
“I’ll talk! There’s just something I need to tell you!” The young woman yelped.
“The thing is- fuck it, I’m Adore. I just used pictures of my friend (Y/N) to get a bit of cash for my student loans. I’m sorry!” Namjoon’s face dropped.
“(Y/N)?” The only thing he could choke out was the name as Adore backed away, reaching for her phone. She was stopped by him grabbing her, shaking her slightly.
“You’re going to tell me everything about (Y/N). We’ll forget about the money I’ve given you if things go smoothly.” Adore nodded, regret for her actions swelling up in the light of how she’d doomed her friend to be the doll of a psycho.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
(Y/N) had been having a relatively peaceful Friday. She was sitting in front of her vanity, applying light makeup in preparation for her tinder date when she heard a loud thump from the hallway. Immediately alarmed, she reached for her keys to defend herself before making cautious steps out of her room.
However, her caution wasn’t enough. When she was only a few steps into the kitchen, glancing around warily, a hand smothered her mouth and another hand tangled in her hair and tugged it back.
Suddenly it was her worst nightmare, as two invaders ignored her flailing and started to talk back and forth.
“We need to get out of here before she does anything.”
“You’ve got it all? Boss will have our head if we’re short.”
“You deal with the girl, I’ll check the list.”
At the mention of being “dealt with” (Y/N) had a rush of adrenaline, determined to survive. She elbowed her attacker in the crotch, successfully sending him reeling backwards.
“Somebody help me!” She screamed, desperately praying that her neighbours weren’t busy and they could hear her.
“You-” The robber scrambled to restrain her. “If boss hadn’t been so specific we could have drugged her or something.”
“Hey!” A shout stopped the fight as the parties saw a man stood in the doorway. It was almost cartoonish the way the criminals backed away, yet the stranger’s attention was not directed to them at all, not even stopping them as they dashed past him out of the door with a sideways glance.
“Are you okay?” The situation was almost fantastical, like fiction, but (Y/N) didn’t dare question her saviour as she took his hand and let him lift her to her feet.
“D-do I know you?” The man hesitated, his muscles tending before they relaxed and he answered.
“Kim Namjoon. I was just checking out an investment potential in this area.” He said smoothly. “But witnessing a robbery makes me a bit more cautious.”
“Y-Yeah, it doesn’t happen all the time, it was just so sudden and I don’t know why they would target me, I don’t even have anything worth taking-” As (Y/N) rambled, Namjoon’s eyes didn’t leave her once. He was unflinched, much too cool for the situation (Y/N) had been petrified over.
“It’s good I was here to help you, (Y/N).” Namjoon stopped for a second, realising what he’d done but the hysterical girl was too caught up in her own mind to notice. 
“Do you want some tea to help your nerves?” (Y/N) sniffled and nodded, not even thinking to question his motives or remember the date she had been preparing for before the incident.
“T-Thank you.” She finally managed to say.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m here to help you.” But as he turned his back to prepare the tea, unspoken words lingered in his mind.
‘As long as you’re only mine.’
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sinningismywinning · 4 years
Do As You Please - 5
   You weren’t as use to Thomas as you had thought. His small gestures of grazing your back, or slipping his finger into yours, gave your nerves an edge. No one treated you this way. Especially strangers. Strangers didn’t treat you this way.
   Inside the Garrison, John and Arthur sat in a booth discussing something intimate. Their expressions were intense, but you couldn’t make out their words. There was a man seated between them. “That’s my cousin, Michael,” Thomas whispered holding the door open. 
   “There’s a whole lot of you? Yeah?” You questioned with a disbelieving laugh. He could only shrug in response. “There’s two more you haven’t met, yet.” He paused. “Actually three, if you include my aunt,” Your eyes went wide. That’s a lot of mouths to feed. Where did they keep them all? You pictured him as a big brother to many. Maybe even a little brother. You never learned the specifics.
   You knew what it was like to barely afford candles. You couldn’t figure out how his family could feed 7, including himself. You wanted to believe he was born into wealth, but his mannerisms gave it away. He must have been self-made. Either that, or inheritance from a distant relative who he never got to meet.
   For a moment, his words slipped your mind. ‘That you haven’t met, yet.’ Did he want you to take your rounds through the Shelby lineage? Not that it’d be something you were against, he was just a lot to handle by himself. The same went for his hardy group of brothers. “James will teach you how to pour drinks,” He gestured behind the bar. “He’ll tell you who has open tabs, and you’ll be under his wing for a while,” The man behind the bar nodded to his words.
   This was much to take in. How would Alfie feel about you working in a bar? Dealing with drunk men? You shook the thought from your mind. You’d deal with it when necessary. “If you have any problems, let me know,” He touched the back of your arm. His sternness made you comfortable. You knew he’d handle whatever it was that came your way. You didn’t like having to rely on people, but he seemed stable enough for the task. “Yeah,” the words barely made a noise coming out. 
   He gave you a small smile before nodding you off to go behind the bar. He slid into the booth, and accompanied his relatives. You looked up at the beams. All wood, nice trimming. No one would ever see that, considering how fucking dim the place was.
   This was a place where alcoholics came to cry. Not spend their money and enjoy themselves. That became apparent to you. You moved behind the bar and pushed your sleeves back up as they slipped past your elbows. “Ever worked in a bar?” James questioned. You could only think about your drunken stupor from a few nights prior. How embarrassing.
   “I use to make drinks for my dad and his friends,” You spoke coyly. “Well consider it basically the same,” He politely smiled. “We don’t have a big list of drinks. We aren’t like the pubs down in London, with their garnishes and what not,” he insinuated. Obviously this place wasn’t like a pub in London. Your father had taken you downtown for a birthday, and you were able to witness the chandeliers and red glows from within the vicinity. 
   This place was a wreck in comparison, but surely some work and a set of new eyes would do it good. “No worries,” you nodded along. You gazed around. The wall paper was peeling. Paint was chipping from the bar, and some of the booths had tears.
   The smell of puke wasn’t as pungent, since there wasn’t many people to hurl their guts out. Then again, the scent of tobacco covered it up, as it drifted throughout the room. James went through procedure for cleaning mugs, and wiping down the bar. None of this seemed as bad as the tailor shop. “Mr. Shelby takes a quarter of the tips,” he remarked. “So don’t hide anything from him cause’ he’ll know.” His tone made it seem like this was a previous altercation he took part in.
   Your eyebrows furrowed. Taking tips? You looked over your shoulder. Thomas was in the booth smoking a cigarette. His conversation seemed fascinating, by how focused he was on Johns words. He still managed to momentarily look at you and catch your eyes. It made you could and you averted your eyes. You turned to face James once more.
   “What a dick,” you remarked. James pursed his lips. He was trying to not show that he agreed with you, but it was apparent. “Your words, not mine,” he laughed. “I’m not sure if the whole share of tips works with me,” you mumbled shaking your head. James could only nod in unison. You decided to take a stab at cleaning mugs. Wasn’t as difficult as he had made it seem, but it was certainly gross.
   As time went on, more people came into the bar. “That’s her?” Michael leaned to Tommy. “The one who spilled her drink?” You were a tall tale within the Blinders household, you just weren’t aware of it. “Aye,” Thomas said watching you keep up with traffic from behind the bar. “She’s a looker, hm?” Michael said keeping his eyes on you. “Pain in the ass too,” Tom said with a daring glance.
   You always kept your eyes on the door. A habit instilled by your father. A tall slender woman walked in, and attention was drawn towards her. You couldn’t help but eye her sleek frame. She didn’t seem fit for a place like this. Then again, you didn’t either. You looked back to your patrons sitting in front of you. James let you pour your own drinks. It wasn’t a difficult job considering there were about four things the bar would serve.
   When you looked back up, you saw her scoot in to sit next to Thomas. Was that his Aunt? You looked over, a little too intently. His arm draped behind her and she pressed a more-than-passionate kiss to his cheek. Aunts don’t do that.
   You felt uneasy, but brushed it off. His cousin Michael walked up to the bar. “I’d like a mug please,” his accent differed from the rest. “Sure thing,” you said filling up a glass for him. God knew how dirty the drafts were. Your eyes went back to Tommy’s booth. The woman had her hand on his thigh, but no one else could see that. Her hand was moving, rubbing his inner leg. You narrowed your eyes in disbelief. 
   “You’re prettier than what my cousin described you as,” Michael pulled your thoughts away. You blinked not understanding what he was getting at, “Oh, thank you..” What else did you have to respond with? You slid him his mug. You figured enough that he drank for free, yet he still slid you money over the bar. “That’s for you, not the register.” He winked.
   He was dressed sharply, and appeared closer to your age. He had an average, yet attractive face. His eyes were intense like the rest. “Thank you,” you spoke once more, tucking the cash into a pocket on your dress.
   “I’m Michael,” God dammit he was getting too comfortable. “Y/N,” You hummed, cleaning a glass. You had to look at Tommy again. Sure as hell, there she was. Hands all over him, and he allowed it. Michael must’ve noticed. He saw the decrease in your productivity. “I’ve heard many things about you,” he said trying to divert your attention. “Yeah? Like what?” You shook your head. 
   “Heard you got a mouth like a sailor,” he smiled. “Apparently you give Tom a lotta’ shit.” The grin never left. He was more charming than the rest. “I suppose I do,” a small huff left your lips. You knew you were a handful at times, but not once did you ask for Thomas’ charity. He pushed it on you.
   He was daft. Holding your hand in the streets, taking care of the head seamstress, the constant walks too and from your home. Were you in over your head? Obviously you assumed he had taken a liking towards you. Apparently you were wrong. “Don’t be so grim Y/N,” Your name rolled softly off his tongue. You didn’t have time to be charmed by every member of this family. 
   “You’re too real for a man like Thomas,” he said looking over his shoulder and back to you. He sipped his mug. “What are you getting at?” You set down the glass you were cleaning. He struck a nerve. “I see how you’re looking at him, how you’re looking at Lizzie,” He spoke lowly. “Don’t think too highly of him,” You were surprised to hear his own blood speak of him this way.
   You didn’t know much about either of them, but Michael was being brutally honest. “I don’t think highly of him,” Yes you did “And he could fuck whoever he wants.” You felt your eyes roll from your own words.
   Michael shrugged. “I mean, who wouldn’t fuck their own wife.” His statement floated in front of your face. You couldn’t help but laugh. You looked to Thomas. A ring glistened on Lizzie’s finger. His arm remained draped over her shoulder. Your eyes caught his, and he let a small smirk pass. You looked away.
   He was married. The bastard was married. 
   Anyone would be upset, or distraught in a situation like this. Bothered, to say the least. But you kept it down. Held it in. At least you knew about this sooner, rather than later. “Whatever my boss does with his wife, my boss does with his wife.” You retorted. Michael felt the heat coming off of you. Your enunciation of the word wife made it all too obvious. He saw the red of your ears and knew you’d lean more towards him than you would to Thomas.
   He was manipulative. He told people what they wanted to hear, in order to get what he desired most. It was a trait he genetically learned from his mother. You didn’t get to see Thomas remove Lizzie’s hand from his leg, and you also didn’t pay attention to when he slid away from her.
   James walked back and forth from behind the bar. Giving rounds of drinks to those seated in the booths and at the tables. He slid behind you to refill glasses. “Like I said Y/N,” You looked up so he could have your attention. You wanted to leave. Start your shift over in the morning. “You’re too real of a prize for a man like Tommy to handle,” His gaze draped down your figure. “Don’t limit yourself to just him,” This was too much for you. “How about I limit myself to nobody? Hm?” You pushed with a false smile.
   Who did he think he was? Dropping a bomb like that just so he could glue your pieces together. He wanted you for himself. You wouldn’t take any part of it. He picked up his mug, “That’d be a shame love, I know many men including myself don’t get to stare at a beauty such as yours,” Now you wanted to swing.
    “Many men including yourself?” He didn’t seem to be a man. More-so a boy playing dress up in his fathers clothes. “I’m not the only woman in Birmingham who doesn’t take shit from people, so look harder. Maybe you’ll find one for yourself that isn’t me.” You had to remove yourself from his end of the bar. You didn’t want your tongue to get you in trouble.
   The nerve of these men. You’ve never seen anything like it. Thomas watched the exchange from afar. He was able to see the disdain on Michael’s face as you walked away. That a girl.    
     Michael regrouped himself. Now he knew first hand what it was like to be in your line of spite. No one has handed him his ass like that in awhile. Women didn’t usually reject him. Thomas and Arthur had told him before that you had no knowledge of their history. Michael walked back to the booth. It would be a shame if he was the one to inform you.
   The night went by faster than expected. You helped James put chairs on top of the bar. You swept the dirt from beneath the counter. Lizzie left hours prior. So did John and Arthur. Michael and Thomas stayed in their section. Talking away, and drinking their own supply.
   You knew why the place was so grimy. James did a shit job at cleaning. “Here, give me that,” you said taking the mop from him. You washed the old floor, noticing the amount of muck that surfaced in the bucket. He’s married. How long has he been married? Any children? You were sick. Did she know he was this way? He kept popping up in your brain. Didn’t help he was six-feet away from you, either.
   Michael watched you mop. Confidence ran through his blood, just like the whiskey. Smoke rolled out from his lips. James walked over to their table and laid his tip money out. You stopped to peer over. You four were the only ones in the bar.
   Thomas sorted through it, half cigarette pressed between his lips. He tucked some money into his suit pocket, and gave the rest back to James. “I wanna see the books tomorrow evening.” James nodded in response. “Make sure we’re not being stiffed,” Thomas sighed. You finished your mediocre job of mopping, and set everything back in place.
   Your back was killing you. Did he expect you to put your money down on the table? James looked at you, suggesting you do the same. “You can leave James,” Thomas politely dismissed. “Goodnight Mr. Shelby,” he said leaving through the doors.
   “I’m sure James told you about-” “About my money, yes. He did,” You said with more of an attitude than usual. You took your money out of your dress and handed it to him. You didn’t want to put up a fight. “I’m sorry, is there a problem?” Thomas lowly threatened with authority. “No.” You bit your lip and looked at the floor. Asshole. Bastard.
   “Hold up that pretty face of yours,” Michael remarked. “Hate to see ya’ look so glum,” You shook your head. Don’t respond. Thomas handed you back your money. He disregarded his cousins remark. You didn’t care if it was a rude gesture or not, you counted your money in front of him.
   “You took more than twenty five percent,” You met his eyes. “I’ll take however much I want,” he quipped instantly. His expression was daring. He wanted you to snap back at him. He wanted you to give his cousin a show of the renounced mouth you have to display. Michael watched the interaction with amusement. This bar brought out the worst in you. Whether you were drunk, or not. 
   “I understand, probably have to buy your wife another flashy dress-” Oh you’ve fuckin’ done it now. “Excuse me?” Thomas tilted his head. He looked over to Michael. He was the only one who spoke to you during your shift. Thomas was sure of it. His eyes never left you for long. Michael was the one who spoke about his marriage. “Nothing,” You knew you fucked up.
   “No, if you can say it once, I’m sure you can say it again.” His voice dropped an octave and he threatened to stand up. You couldn’t read his expression. “I insinuated, that you would use the majority of my tip money,” you paused “to buy your wife elegant dresses.” Poor Alfie might get dragged out of the house to confirm your body. You dug your grave, now step in.
   He laughed low and hard. “Hm.. I guess I will then.” You were in unsafe territory. You knew that. “What do you say Michael? Think’ Lizzie needs new dresses?” Now he was taunting you. All you could think of was the food Alfie had waiting for you at home. You didn’t want this. You didn’t need this.
   Michael shrugged, “I think she has plenty.” He remarked. “Maybe spend the money on Y/N,” He suggested as if you weren’t there. Assholes. Both of them. 
   Thomas didn’t feel the need to clarify what his relationship with Lizzie was. They weren’t necessarily together, but by law they were married. You didn’t need to know that. He found it nice to see your annoyance over it. Showed that you cared. Showed that you had a jealous bone in your body. He watched your face and saw the hurt lying underneath it. He pursed his lips. “Here,” he spoke softly and handed you back the rest of your money. You took it, feeling his pity weigh on you. “I have my own money to buy my wife dresses. I don’t need yours.”
   You couldn’t muster up a sentence. You were embarrassed, annoyed, and felt like a fool. You nodded with the anger still bubbling inside you. Let it go. “Can I go home now.” You said looking at the floor. He didn’t dismiss you so easily. He watched you stand there. Basking in embarrassment. His eyes moved over you. He hated the pang you put in his chest. “Yeah, I’ll take you home..” His voice spoke soothingly. “Arthur brought the car.” He stood up. You knew better to interject. You could feel the routine beginning to form. Michael rose up as well. You were all going to pack in.
   Tommy escorted you out, with Michael close behind. You wanted to rip his hand from you, but you knew he was simply being a gentleman at this point. Or was he? Was he trying to taunt you? Push it more? Michael threw his cigarette to the floor. His foot aligned and put out the ember. “Not good to do that, birds will eat it,” you chastised Michael. He shook his head. “That’s their fuckin’ problem. Not mine.” So much for compassion.
   Thomas opened your door. You wanted nothing to do with him. Michael went into the back seat. Alfie use to drive you around. He was the only person in your life with enough money to afford one. He’d take days off of work to drive around with you. He knew how much you loved it.
   The drive to your house was quicker than the walk. You rubbed your jaw in anticipation of laying in your bed. He lead you on. He made you think you were enough for him. You wanted to get over it. You caught yourself looking at his side profile. A sick part of you wanted to kiss him. But the stronger part of you wanted to jump out of the moving car.
   Thomas pulled in front of your house. You saw a light shining from the window. Alfie probably forgot to turn the bulb off. “Michael move to my seat,” Thomas said getting out of the car. Michael followed his orders and watched as Tommy opened the passenger door for you. “Goodnight Y/N,” Michael called out. It made you uneasy. “Goodnight Michael..” The drop from the car to the pavement was more than what you bargained. Thomas was there to help you out of the car.
   His hands burned you wherever they landed. The small of your back, behind your arm, anywhere. He wanted you, but you knew he couldn’t have you. You both walked up to your doorstep. “I’d appreciate it if,” spit it out “If you didn’t lead me on.” You finished. Thomas watched you speak. Intrigue dancing across his face. He wasn’t going to argue, or fight. “I’m not leading you on,” His words cut the air.
   Did you misread everything? Was he an overly friendly person? If you knew better, you’d understand that Thomas Shelby was nothing of the sorts. What he meant was, ‘I’m not leading you on, this is all real.’ Yet what you took it as, was ‘I don’t know what would give you the impression I feel that way.’
   You swallowed the knot in your throat. Silence settled over the both of you. “Friends?” Your voice grew timid. You weren’t afraid of him, but you knew to not push it. He gave you one of his small, rare smiles. He never considered himself to have many friends. He only had family, and enemies. You were a nice mediator. “Friends,” he nodded with the word feeling foreign on his tongue. 
   You took a step back and unlocked your door. “Goodnight Tommy,” God he felt his heart bounce. You haven’t called him that before. He wanted to reach out and pulled you into him. Move his lips against yours and-
   “Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered back. He rubbed his lower lip with his thumb. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 9, yeah?” He suggested as you opened your door. “Sure thing,” you nodded, assuming it was for work. Getting to the pub on time wouldn’t be a hassle. You were use to being at the tailor shop by 8.
   “I’ll pick you up then,” he said turning on his heels to walk down your front-steps. “It’s a date,” He called out. The words smacked you as you shut the door.
   Friends don’t go on dates. He wanted to change that. You felt a weight lifted from your shoulders. You rubbed your face with confusion, but more than anything, exhaustion. Alfie was asleep on the couch. A bowl of pasta on the floor. You didn’t get to eat dinner with him. You made your way inside of the house and peered as he snored. You grabbed the blanket draped off the end of the sofa, and pulled it over him. He was always a heavy sleeper.
   What would you wear? What did he fucking want from you? You figured it best to just sleep this off. Put up with it in the morning. A small part of you didn’t want to give in to the notion that he felt something towards you. Yet, you couldn’t choke down the small amount of excitement emanating from your chest. 
   There was an inconvenience though. A bump in the road. It was a shame that Michael had other plans in mind for you. Obviously he didn’t want to see you waste away over Tommy. You have so much potential, so much charisma. Why would he watch Thomas ruin you, when instead, he could have you for himself?
   This was only the beginning of your devious interactions with Michael Grey. The worst part of it all, was that he now knew, where you lived.
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@captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @amirahiddleston​ @kac-peakyblinders​ @urbansaint​ @parochialism​ @hereticpriest​ @eternallyvenus​ @csigeoblue​ @mortalflower​ @a-dorky-book-keeper​ @stressedandbandobessed7771​ @patdsinner33​ @1heartstillbeating1​
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6/8: Working From Home (Bat Hybrid!Namjoon)
Rating: G
Characters: Bat Hybrid!Namjoon x Reader (any gender)
Notes: Day 8 of my birthday surprise series. This is part of the Misunderstood Hybrid headcanons I wrote for BTS a while back. Please note that working from home can refer to anyone who does this and it does not specifically reference the current events. I got the idea to write short blurbs after seeing some comical pictures and moments in video conference calls of pets “helping” their owners work. All content is fictional. Please do not repost anywhere!
You breathed a sigh of relief once you closed the door to your home office behind you without making too much noise. You walked to your desk and set your coffee cup on a coaster, while your other hand shook the mouse to wake up the computer. 
It was a rare moment when your boss allowed you to work from home for a few days and you had tried to get up, eat breakfast, and get settled into your office without waking your bat hybrid. Thankfully he was sound sleep when you left the bed about an hour ago, snoring lightly with the covers pulled up to his chin.
You clicked open a few e-mails and read through them, before checking the calendar in the upper right corner of your e-mail to see if there were any meetings scheduled for today. Your eyes fell on the single time slot that was blocked on your calendar for a 30 minute video conference call with one of your vendors, which was happening in 15 minutes. Immediately you looked around for headphones or a headset that you could use during the meeting.
You quietly pulled open a drawer and muttered a thank you when you found a headset inside. You placed them on the desk and unwound the tangled cord to plug into your computer.
Namjoon rolled over on his side and grunted when he saw you were gone already. He ran a hand across his face and yawned, stretching his arms out. His wings, which had been folded down, expanded outward when he stretched, tapping the bedside lamp. His head snapped toward the lamp and he managed to catch it before it could tip over.
The bat hybrid carefully moved out from under the covers and tried to make it without knocking more things over with his wings. His eyes darted every now and then to the lamps and bedside tables to make sure his wings didn’t get too close. Once the bed looked presentable, he smiled and headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed for the day.
“I’ve already told you, we did not like the hand feel of that blank!” your boss sighed as your rep from the apparel vendor showed off a sample t-shirt.
You maintained a neutral expression, but part of you was grateful for your boss speaking up about this. Lately your apparel vendors had been trying to push trendy t-shirt and fashion shirt blanks on your projects and you were finding that customers weren’t loving the feel of these newer shirts. You tried explaining this to your rep, but often he insisted that the blanks were a hot seller.
A colleague of yours pulled up the selling report and read off the numbers of your best-selling shirts and compared them to a few test shirts in the trendy t-shirt styles that you decided to test in the shops. “Basically,” your colleague concluded, “they might work for other people, but our clientele isn’t loving them and they aren’t willing to pay the prices for them, even if they love the artwork or design on the front.”
“It’s settled then,” you spoke up. “We stick with the silhouettes that work. Do you have that mock-up of the youth tee you promised to have done?”
You muted your microphone when you heard a bowl clatter in the kitchen and you turned around in your seat for a moment.
“Y/N, everything all right?” your boss asked.
You snapped your head back to the screen and nodded, before un-muting your microphone. You jabbed a thumb at the door and explained that it was probably your roommate waking up. No one at work knew you had a bat hybrid living with you; instead, they thought you were sharing your space with a male roommate.
“Oh making a mess in the kitchen?” your colleague joked with a grin. “Y/N said they have a clumsy roommate. Nice guy, but almost a hazard to himself.”
“Then we will wrap this meeting up,” your boss said. A faint smile spread her face and she jokingly added, “Don’t want the roommate starting a fire while you’re home.”
“Oh very funny,” you remarked with a shake of your head. You prompted your rep to show the team the sample of the youth tee you asked for and the rep held up a tie-dye shirt with a cute graphic on the front.
Everyone seemed to respond positively to it and your rep made some comments on correcting some of the artwork colors and center placement on the shirt. You agreed with the changes and made notes on your notepad.
“I’ll send a recap by the end of today about what was discussed,” you promised. “Thanks everyone!” You clicked the End Call button and removed your headset, before grabbing your coffee mug to carry out to the kitchen.
“Nam are you – oh boy...”
Namjoon looked up from trying to look at his phone screen and he blinked, stepping back a few steps in shock when he saw you. There was a little bit of flour on one cheek and he had his sleeves rolled up, the left one starting to slip down his arm.
“Y/N, um good morning!” he said. “What are you still doing here? Don’t you have work today?”
You pointed to the home office and explained you were working from home. “I might have forgotten to tell you – sorry about that.” You crossed your arms over your chest and nodded at his phone, which was propped up against your bread box. “Trying to make something?”
He sighed as he nudged his glasses up with his arm. “I’m trying to make fluffy pancakes like the ones you get in Japan – one of my students gave me the recipe as a thank you for helping them in Zoology, but I should have assembled the ingredients first. I kind of got excited to make them and starting grabbing things as I went along, but that’s not working.”
“You want help?”
He raised a brow and asked if you had work left to do. “I mean, I don’t wanna get you in trouble.”
“I think I can take a quick break to help you get everything together in one place, then letting you handle the cooking,” you told him. “Just don’t burn the apartment down.”
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fiction-fun · 4 years
can i get some ultra angsty hamliza ~ e
Alright! I surrender! I've done my best good luck I hope you enjoy it!
Fandom: Hamilton
Pairings: Alex/Eliza (Hamiliza)
Words: 1945
Warnings: none specific plane crash
Eliza watched as Alex moved around the room, packing up his bags for his trip.
“Are you sure you can’t pass this trip onto someone else?” She asked when he paused for a few seconds.
Alex turned towards her and gave her a gentle smile, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her gently. He pulled her close in a hug, before leaning back a bit to press a kiss to her cheek.
“I’ve already tried, Eliza. I would like nothing more than to stay here but, you know how my boss is. He means well but…” Alex broke off and ran a hand through his hair in slight frustration.
They both knew his boss, Washington, cared for Alex and that’s why he helped Alex, giving him bigger assignments then the new journalist would normally get. But they both grew frustrated with his brand of care, it usually meant Alex spent less time at home then the two would prefer. Eliza sighed and nodded at her husband’s words.
“You’re right, I just…I wish you were home more.” She said softly as she turned from the room to go to the living room.
Alex paused for a second holding his laptop case in his hands.
“I do too.” He said softly, before shaking his head and finishing packing.
He hadn’t told Eliza or anyone for that matter about the bad feeling he had in his stomach. He sighed as he zipped his bag and took them to the front door, he had just enough time to enjoy a good dinner with his wife before he had to leave. He walked towards the kitchen where Eliza was just pulling out a roast from the oven.
“That smells amazing.” He said plastering a smile on his face, as if he didn’t feel like something was wrong, as he walked into the kitchen to help pull plates off the shelf for Eliza as she sliced the meat.
Eliza looked over to him, giving him a soft smile.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
The two set up their plates and grabbed drinks before sitting at the table and starting to eat quietly. Alex looked up from his food and to Eliza, he reached over and took her free hand, causing her to look at him.
“Eliza darling, I’ll be home in 10 days, don’t be upset.” He said voice gentle.
Eliza gave a soft sigh and nodded.
“I know you will be dear, and then you’ve got some time off before your next assignment, but the house will be quiet without you.” Eliza said softly.
Alex smiled and leaned over pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. As he leaned back, he caught sight of the clock, feeling a rock settle in his stomach. He stood slowly and took his dishes to the sink, before kneeling in front of Eliza. Taking one of her hands in his, and softly resting the other on her cheek.
“Eliza, when I get back we can do anything you want.” He paused kissing her gently again. “I have to go, but I’ll be home soon.” He finished softly.
Eliza nodded and leaned forward kissing him before moving to stand to walk him to the door. The two said another series of goodbyes at the door and Alex walked out to the car, pulling out of the driveway. Eliza watched him until he was out of sight, the rainy weather mirroring her mood as the rain poured down from the sky like the tears streaming from her eyes. She closed the door and walked towards the kitchen, moving to tidy up the dishes before heading to bed. Alex arrived at the airport, and parked his car in the long-stay lot, before grabbing his bags and heading towards the check in.
“Good evening.” He said as he passed over his ID and check bag.
The attendant didn’t respond as she typed away at the computer and printed a tag for his bag. Giving him a nod, she waved up the next person.
“Well, have a good night.” Alex said softly, still not feeling great about the trip.
He made it through security and settled at his gate, having a little time before he had to board, he went to one of the shops and got a cup of coffee before pulling out his laptop to read over the notes Washington had sent him the night before. He shifted in his seat and tried to relax.
“I’ve flown a billion times! It’ll be fine!” he muttered to himself trying to calm his racing mind.
When his flight was called, he closed his laptop and packed it away, having gotten the inflight internet he didn’t bother shutting it off, knowing he’d have it back on in only a few minutes. He handed his ticket to the gate agent and offered him a small smile as he walked up the jetway to the plane, showing the attendant there his ticket and being directed to his seat. A few hours later the plane landed and Alex let out a breath of relief at being back on the ground. He quickly made his way off the plane collecting his bag and heading to the airport.
“Well, that went smoothly. Let’s hope the rest of the week will as well.” He muttered softly to himself after he had messaged Eliza letting her know he had arrived safely.
The next morning, he got up and went to his assignment, quickly falling into a routine over the next week as he moved through the project with editing it and helping to organize the articles, he was helping fact check. When the last day arrived, he started to get that sick feeling again as he packed.
“Must be a random case of ‘fear of flying’ I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He muttered softly.
With that he finished his packing and headed to the Airport, exited to get home to Eliza. He made it through security and to his seat pulling his laptop out to check his email, seeing new ones in his group chain with Lafayette, John and Hercules he read through them quickly and laughed, sending a quick email back before scanning the rest of the emails. When his flight was called, he quickly made his way through the gate and up the jetway, and to his seat settling in he sat back and sighed softly.
“Soon I’ll be home, Eliza, soon.” He mumbled softly looking out of the window.
As the first hour of the flight ticked by, he noticed the flight attendants seemed nervous about something, but he shrugged and turned back to his laptop, working on a response to Washington’s email. Washington had been happy with his work, and had asked him for a meeting the day after his return. An hour before landing he felt the first shake of the plane, then another and mother even stronger. He thought at first it was just turbulence, but when the plane gave another great shake, he opened the curtain on the window, seeing the deep dark gray smoke billowing from the wing and engine on his side of the plane. That’s when the screams started and the oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling.
“Everyone, please buckle up and stay calm.” The captains voice came over the speakers, giving more instructions.
The only thing Alex could focus on was the plane which was angling towards the ground, he grabbed his phone, his hands shaking. He quickly dialed his home.
“Alex! Oh, Alex have you landed yet?” Eliza’s happy voice at hearing from him calming his racing mind for a moment until his eyes flickered to the window and the ever-encroaching ground.
He took a deep breath.
“No Eliza, not yet. I just had to call and say I love you.” He said trying to keep his voice steady.
Eliza gave off her soft tinkling laugh, and he could hear her smile.
“I love you too, Alex! But don’t get in trouble for me when you’ll see me in just a little bit! It’s only another hour or, so right?” Eliza asked and he smiled softly at her tone, the tears gathering in his eyes.
“Yes, only another hour, but I couldn’t resist. I missed you so much Eliza.” Alex said cursing his voice as it cracked as he spoke.
Alex looked out of the window again and took a deep breath.
“I have exciting news for when you get home! So, I’ll see you then! I’m making your favorite. There’s no need to sound so sad, Alex.” Eliza said with an audible smile in her voice.
Alex swallowed thickly, as he saw plane dip low again, skimming the top of the trees.
“Of course, there isn’t, I’m just happy to see you so soon. Eliza, I love you darling...I…” Alex’s voice cut off suddenly.
Eliza pulled the phone from her ear and looked at it, seeing it still connected, she put it back to her ear.
“Alex, you what?” She asked.
There was a loud crash and then the line went dead. Eliza took a shaking breath and quickly hit the redial, it didn’t connect.
“Alex.” She whispered to herself.
She hurried to the living room flipping on the TV and turning to a news station, she crumpled to the floor when she saw the emergency headline. The next few days and even weeks where rough. The following months lead to a lot of time with Eliza trying to keep her head up but feeling the crushing weight of what had happened. One day nearly a year after the crash, she stood with a bundle of flowers and a young boy held in her arms.
“Well Phillip, here we are.” She said softly as she leaned down and placed the flowers on the site of a memorial.
In front of them was a large monument and memorial to those who had died in the plane crash a year ago. She lifted her free hand and wiped a few tears away.
“There you two are, I looked away for a few seconds and you disappeared!” she turned at the voice and gave a soft laugh, moving to hand over Phillip.
Eliza looked back at the memorial again, before turning back to the other.
“Well, I told you I wanted to be here before we had to have Phillip down for his nap.” She said her hands on her hips.
The other smiled at her and nodded leaning forward a bit in the chair he was in and she bent down to meet him.
“Of course, darling.” He said with a small smile.
Eliza laughed and took the handles of the rental chair, the one he normally used not being able to make the trip.
“Well, good. Shall we head back?” she asked.
Her companion nodded and they turned back to the path.
“Thank you for being so understanding and amazing Eliza.” Came the soft voice of the man in the chair.
Eliza smiled and kissed the top of his head.
“I could have lost you that day Alex, this is nothing compared to how that moment seeing that headline felt. I love you, and I told you and I meant it, that I would always be here for you.” Eliza said gently.
Alex smiled softly holding Phillip close to him as he looked over his shoulder at the memorial.
“I was scared that day, but waking up and seeing you I just…I felt relieved.” Alex said softly.
Eliza hummed softly nodding and pressing another kiss to his head. Yes their lives were different and more challenging now, but she wouldn’t change anything.
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Imprisoned - Chapter IV
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Chapter IV
Story Rating: 14+ Warnings: Violence, Murder, Mentions of Murder, Language [Confirmed Story of Spoilers For Defending Jacob From Now On] Summary: Y/N is Andy and Laurie Barber’s 14-year-old daughter who is a high-grade student in Arch Middle School. Her best friend, Alice Miller had been gone for a while. They search for the lost student and find out that Alice Miller’s body has the print’s of Andy and Laurie’s daughter, Y/N.
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII
Author’s Note: I had finished the show and I know some may have not seen it but for your experience, I suggest you don’t read this story if you have not seen Defending Jacob.
Characters I have spotted where different names from my story. Paula Duffy is actually Pam Duffy, so that will change. Including the school name and your grade.(Soon I will change the names in the other chapters) Thank you! Sorry for mistakes that I’ve made!
Love you!
I have warned you about spoilers, right?
The students were returning to the school. After a small break after the day Alice was reported, they called off school for a day. Laurie offers to drive Y/N to school, not allowing her to go to that park.
She slowly drove up to the front as Y/N stared out the window nonchalantly. Laurie stops the car when the officer nods them over, she turns to Y/N, “Okay. You got everything?”
“Yep,” Y/N says, grabbing her bag and hopping out. “Am I walking home?” She asked. Laurie sighs, “I don’t know. I’ll call you if any of us are gonna pick you up. I don’t know about dad.” Y/N nods. “Bye, mom. Love you.”
“Love you too, honey.” The door closes and Y/N began to walk up to the school.
She spotted Henry on her way to the doors, “Hey, Henry.” Her friend turns around and gives her a scared expression. Her smile slowly dropped when he looks at her like he didn’t know her. Henry turned around and completely ignored her.
Her hand grips her backpack strap as she passes him.
Andy began to walk through the offices to meet up with his boss, Lynn. The one who kind of called him up on the case of Alice Miller. The chatter began to fade as he enters her office.
“Have a seat, Andy,” She says. He takes the seat in front of her desk and lets out a sigh. “I thought that press conference went well enough,” He says. Lynn folded her hands together, leaning back.
“They want answers, Andy. So do the girl’s parents,” Lynn states. Andy situates himself into the chair more, furrowing his brows. “Yeah, so do I. You know as well as I--” The clicking sound of the door behind them opens and Andy turns around.
“I asked Neal to join us,” Lynn says, the tall man without his jacket shows his suspenders started walking in. “Andy,” Neal greets. The man turns back to Lynn like a crazy person. “This isn’t an ambush. I think you handling this case is not the best idea. You’re friendly with the parents, your daughter goes to the same school--”
Andy scoffs, “We barely know the parents. Yes, we’ve spoken to them but we haven’t really had connections. I barely knew the girl but she’s best friends with Y/N. Let me guess, Rasputin here offered to take over?” Neal smiles at that.
Lynn seemed defensive, “Neal has legitimate concerns about the appearance of conflict. And frankly, so do I,” She unfolds her hands for a second, “Appearances matter.”
Andy shakes his head, “Yeah, to voters.” Lynn scoffs at that, “Oh, come on, Andy.”
“Sorry,” He mutters.
“It’s a question of objectivity,” Neal finally says. Andy glances over, “Shut up, Neal,” He brings his attention back to Lynn, “Are you taking me off the case? Yes or no.”
Lynn leans forward, “Right now I’m merely asking what you think.”
“I think I should keep this case. If I were concerned about my reputation, maybe I’d feel differently. But unlike Mr. Logiudice here,” Andy glanced at the man beside him, “I’m not gunning for your job.”
Neal shakes his head, “Fuck off, Andy. Okay?” Andy lifts up his hands, “Hey, I get it. High-profile case, big splashy win. Be a game changer.”
“You’re a real piece of work you know that?” He said.
“Gentlemen,” Lynn says sternly. “You’re dragging your feet on this case,” Neal continues as Andy removes his eyes from the man. “The case is going slow ‘cause that’s how the case is going. I’m not going to indict someone just to make it look good,” Andy said.
“You always told me to push every case as hard as I could.”
“I am pushing as hard as I can,” Andy snaps. “Then why haven’t you interviewed any of the kids?” Neal asks. Andy turns, “Because it isn’t Dorchester High, Neal. It’s Newton. Every single detail has to be negotiated. Half the parents there are lawyers.” Neal doesn’t respond to that and turns away from Andy.
Neal was somewhat new but not. Andy was more experienced as he was, maybe even taught him a few things about being a DA. But, boy do they argue.
“Look, we got interviews lined up all day. You wanna send Neal? Be my guest,” Andy said. Lynn inhales softly, “I have concerns, I voiced them. If you say there’s no conflict--”
“There isn’t,” Andy cuts her off. 
“I don’t know how you can be the one to make that call,” Neal cuts in. “Because that’s the way it works, Neal,” Andy faces him, “I make the calls.” Neal shuts up once again so Andy turns back to Lynn. “And if I’m wrong, I’ll be the one to stand in front of the jury and take the hit.”
There was no other choice. Sure, Lynn could say no, but Andy just seem to not refuse to get rid of the case he wanted. “Okay,” She says. Neal leans in his chair and lets out a sigh without the sign of irritation. Andy glances at him, “Thank you.”
“Of course, Andy.” The man stands up from his seat, “I’ll keep you updated,” He said. “Please do.”
Pam and Andy were beginning to head to the Archer Middle School. They needed more details on the day of the party. “We’ve gotten consent to fingerprint most of the kids.”
“I think we start with high-priority witnesses. Alice’s close friends, kids known to walk to school through the Cold Spring Park and who attended to Emily Walker’s party.”
The two entered the building and the office woman led them to an empty classroom to do their interviews with most of the students. The first one comes in and it’s a girl who shyly walks over to the table. “I’m Lieutenant Duffy. I’m with the state police. And this is Mr. Barber. He’s the assistant district attorney in charge of the case,” Pam states towards the girl, the girl watched Andy carefully.
“You’re Y/N’s dad, aren’t you?” She asked. He nods, “That’s right. So how well did you know Alice? Was she a friend?” He asks. The girl nods unsure, “Yeah, I guess.”
Andy plays with the pen in his hand, knowing these kids are gonna be difficult to talk to. “Tell us about her.”
“She was okay.”
Duffy shuffles, “Can you be a little more specific?”
They had another kid the next 15 minutes. The boy shrugs. “She was nice.” Andy looks over at Duffy. “Anything else?”
“I don’t know. Not really.”
The adults moved on to the next child. “Can you think of anyone that would’ve had a reason to wanna hurt Alice?” The girl in front of them shakes her head, thinking. “I don’t think so. No.”  
Andy writes down things on his notepad. “What about people Alice didn’t like?” The two look up to the curly hair boy, “I don’t know. I mean, nobody likes everybody, right?” Andy and Duffy look at each other.
“Wait, are you Y/N Barber’s dad?” The next girl asks, all Andy could do was smile. These kids don’t really focus on the topic here other than him being the best father to his daughter, Y/N. “Can you think of anyone who might have a reason to wanna hurt Alice?”
The kids replied with the same answer.
This wanted to make Andy rip the notepad. Duffy rubs her forehead, “Did Alice say anything to you that made you think she might be in trouble?” She asks. The girl tilts her head. “In trouble?”
Their next witness says the same thing. “In trouble? How?”
Andy began to write in his note book to the next kid in front of him. He knew it was around an hour at this point. “Did Alice ever say anything to you to make you think she might be in trouble?”
The same answers through all the kids.
Andy presses the end of the pen on his notepad a couple of times. “Was Alice acting differently at all the week that this happened?”
“I don’t know.”
“Never said anything about anyone following her, anyone bothering her?” Duffy asks. The kids all shook their heads at that question.
“Wait,” The girl says, “Are you Y/N Barber’s dad?” Andy drops his head and sighs. “Is there anything else you think we should know?”
Andy hated to hear the same one syllable and two letter word. 
“About Alice?” One kid had asked. Duffy shrugged, “About anything.”
After almost an hour and a half of talking with the kids, they handed them cards. “Well, thanks for talking to us,” Andy pulls out a card, “This is my card. It has all my information if you need to get in touch.” They all nod.
“If anything else occurs to you, even if you think it’s nothing,” Duffy pulls out her card. The girl takes it, “Like if I heard something?” She asked.
“Exactly,” Andy said, he tilts his head, “Wait, did you hear something?”
“No,” She shook her head, “Just... you know.”
“No, we don’t,” Duffy said. Those kids were bad talkers. Y/N could be like that sometimes but these kids were worse. 
They all wanted to leave with the words:
“Can I go now?”
Andy began to write some notes down as a phone buzzes beside him and Duffy pulls out her phone. She sits up, “Let me know what I miss,” Pam stands up and walks away.
He brought his attention to the last kid in front of him. “So is there anything else you want to tell me about Alice?” He asked. The girl shakes her head. Andy gives her a softly okay. 
“Well, you have both our cards. If you think of anything else, please feel free to call anytime,” He said. The girl nods, “The cop who came to our class said there was a tip line. Just in case we wanted to say something anonymously or whatever,” She says.
Andy nods this time, “That’s right.” He folded his arms in front of him. “Is there something you want to tell us?”
“No, I was just wondering.” There was a small silence before she reaches for her backpack and puts it over her shoulder. “I know your daughter, Y/N.”
Andy smiles, “Oh, yeah? You guys friends?”
“I guess so. Well, not exactly. But, I mean, we know each other. Saw her at Emily’s party.” Andy nods at her as she stood up in silence to head for the door. All this sudden she stops, turning to face him again.
“Have you talked to Y/N about this?” She asks.
“About Alice?” He leans on the table, seeing her nod, “Why do you ask?” He says. The girl shakes her head and turns to walk away. “Sarah,” He calls.
She turns back. “Must have been some reason you asked that.”
Sarah shook her head again with the monotone voice, “I was just asking. Really.” Andy watches her inch closer to the door, “Well, if you think of anything else,” He adds. Sarah gives him a thumbs up and walks out the doors, just like the others.
With a sigh, Andy reaches for the button to his neck and unbuttons it, the feeling of it tightening around his throat made it hard for him to breath.
After another few minutes and a couple look over the notes he had gotten, it was nothing. Duffy comes in, “We’re not better off than we were yesterday. These kids are like mafiosos,” He says. He sees her hand him her phone and he takes it into his own hand.
“What’s this?” He asked.
“Just came in,” She responds. He reads the top words. “Leonard Patz. Indecent A&B on a minor, lewd and lascivious indecent A&B on a minor pending,” Andy reads.
“He’s 36 years old, lives near the park in that condo, the Windsor, or whatever they call it.”
“Why didn’t we know about him before?” Andy looks over the information and the photos of him. “He moved to Newton last year. Guess it was never registered. One of the ADAs in the child abuse unit flagged him. That’s the pending.”
“What did this guy do?”
Pam inhales, “Grabbed a girl’s chest at the public library.” Andy looks up to Pam if she was serious. The look never faltered. “Kid was 15. Only a year older than Alice Miller.”
“He groped a girl and got out on a personal?” Andy sits back down in disbelief. “Apparently there was some question about the kid’s testimony,” She said.
Leonard seem to be around 5′6 of height. This could be a suspect, “We should bring him in.”
“Keep in mind, the Miller girl had no sign of sexual assault. If we bring this guy in without something tying him to the case--” She cuts herself off. “Right,” He says, “He’ll lawyer up.”
Pam pierces her lips at him, “I know you’re under a lot of pressure, but if you play this wrong, you could lose your one chance to talk to him.” He thought about for a moment. But these kid’s and their answers over the past 2 hours, they got nothing from them. He needed to break it off for a moment.
“Let me sleep on it.” It was close to being maybe another 30 minutes before school ended so he texted Laurie that he’ll be picking up Y/N today. 
It rained not too long ago. The cement ground was wet, including the fields as the students came out of the school. Andy spotted Y/N and he rolls the window down catching her eye.
She runs over and hops into the passenger side. “Hey, dad.”
“Hey, sweetheart. How was school?”
“Good. You were here?” She asked. Andy nods, he didn’t want to answer what they were looking for. It was kind of obvious why they were there. Y/N nods, “Did you get anything?”
“Not really. No,” He says. He sounded just like those kids. He glances at her and grins, “Did you eat?”
“Kind of.”
“Mom didn’t pack you anything?” He asked, Y/N shook her head, “I didn’t want anything. Wasn’t feeling good at the time.” Andy pulls out of the school driveway and heads down the road. “Do you want me to pick you up something?”
Y/N took a while to answer. “I’m okay. I’m sure there’s leftovers at home.”
Andy looks over at her for a second. Her eyes staring out the window to the kids hopping on the buses or kid’s walking home. He turns away and continued to drive back home.
Y/N was already in bed around nine after dinner. Andy and Laurie were in the living room and dining room. Andy worked late along with his wife who works at the children’s cottage. He was looking over the cases. Laurie lets out a sigh and closes her laptop to head over to Andy at the dining table, flipping through pages.
“I’m exhausted. I’m going up,” She mumbles. He gives her a soft whisper of an Okay. She rubs his back, “You?”
He doesn’t look at her, “Yeah, a couple minutes.” Laurie looks over to the photo’s of Alice’s body by the pond. She quickly looks away and leans down to kiss his forehead, “Goodnight, honey.”
“Night,” He says.
After Laurie goes up as Andy drops the pages and stares at the screen of his laptop. He takes out his phone and holds it up to his ear, “Hey, did I wake you?” He asks. They respond back. “Yeah, pretty much.” Duffy was on the phone with him. “Yeah. Yeah, I wanna bring him in... I am. Okay. Thanks, Duff.”
He hangs up and puts his phone down, looking over the file once again. Leonard Patz had to at least be involved in this. He was sure, but they needed to ask him first.
Andy glanced over to the photos and began to call it a night. He collected the photos and his computer dings. 
He reads the message in the corner.
[email protected] Re: ALICE MILLER >>> README Look here.
Andy reached over and clicks on the link Look Here. The link takes him to an instagram post with the hashtag #RIPALICE
Andy dug in deeper and began to scroll through the comments down below. One caught his eye and the air caught in his throat.
Y/N STFU. Bitch.
WTF? YB go fuck off and die.
So not cool Y/N
Andy continues to scrolls and finds his daughter’s profile. 
Alice is dead. Why are you writing her messages? Acting like her best friends.
Andy sighs softly, spotting the four replies underneath her response to others. He clicks on them. The one made chills ride up his spine and the horror rose.
Y/N, everybody knows you did it. you have a knife. I’ve seen it.
Those words repeated in his head. He leans into his chair and his breathing began to rise. Was this true? Or does this Derek think this is funny to say that on social media?
Without even saying anything. Andy walks up the stairs and enters her room. The room was dark, he heard the faint music as he looks down to see her with earbuds in.
Her photos hung up on the wall with those firefly lights that shined, it still didn’t light up her whole room. He turns away from her and looks around. Carefully, he pulls a drawer out and gently moves things around for something hard and heavy. Silver and sharp.
He hoped he would not find some knife in her room. He looks over to make sure she didn’t wake up. He goes to her bookshelf, moving books around to the sides, looking behind, under, over or whatever.
He pulls out his phone and uses his flash, searching through her closet, checking every sweater pocket hanging in her closet. Hoping she wasn’t hiding skeletons in there.
No find as he closes the door slowly and looks around one more time. Not missing anything he hadn’t checked, before he looks at Y/N. She was sleeping so soundly. Peaceful. Alongside with Milo who luckily just relaxed and didn’t dramatically jump up to him.
He knew his daughter wouldn’t do this. He felt guilty just to assume she had one. That she did it. Before he headed out, he walked over to her nightstand. Pulling out the drawer to search it one last time.
He reached in, finding pencils, game cards, till his fingers touch something soft but it felt heavy. He reaches in and pulls out socks. He unravels the cloth off from whatever was hiding under it. He felt his heart beat against his chest, hoping his daughter couldn’t hear it like thunder.
He saw the dark handle, a grip and cold metal. He looks down at her in pure horror and disbelief. Using his two fingers to pull the large sharp blade out of it’s hiding. 
The moonlight hitting all it’s sharp edges giving Andy that eerie feeling. His fingers shook under the blade, it had smaller blades down itself. The knife that was more critical, one strike and the pulling could rip out the flesh and tear it. There were no blood tracings, no knife was found on that scene. 
Could this be it?
I hate to use the same dialogue. It makes me feel like a bad person. 
@jtargaryen18​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ @chrisevans-imagines​ @princess-evans-addict​ @elliee1497​ @ifuseekfatamy​ @ssebstann​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @avengerswon​ @wandascarlett​
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a most holy sin
i watched Bohemian Rhapsody and cried at least 12 times so of course i was (loosely) inspired by it and had to write an ineffable husbands fanfic. i definitely listened to a Best of Queen playlist while i wrote it, too. i hope you enjoy and please forgive historical and medical inaccuracies because im sure there are some. also for some reason the line break isn't working?? i'm going to try to add it again later.
(I know Gabriel does not technically outrank Aziraphale but for the sake of plot he's gonna be in charge of Earthly affairs.)
WARNING: There is usage of homophobic slurs at a point in this story. If you are sensitive to such, either be wary as you read or simply do not read this fic. Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings if you keep scrolling.
"I'd like to be temporarily stationed in America."
Gabriel looked up from his desk, every inch of it covered in paperwork. Glasses that Aziraphale knew very well the archangel did not need slid down his nose. Gabriel pushed them back up. "Why?"
Succinct. As per usual. Aziraphale pretended that he was not twisting his ring anxiously around his pinky as he spoke. "Well, I do read American papers every so often, and I've been keeping tabs on a certain, er, an epidemic, of sorts, that is happening over there."
Gabriel removed the silver frames from his nose, folding them and placing them on his desk. "Right. The AIDS epidemic."
"Yes," Aziraphale murmured. "Yes, quite. I assure you that I don't intend to miracle up a cure for the disease. It's best to let humans work through that on their own, I assume. I simply wish to - to ease the pain of those in the final stages."
Gabriel was silent. Aziraphale began to wonder if he was pushing his luck with this request. He'd nearly been discovered with Crowley only two decades or so ago, not to mention his boss was not known for being the friendliest or the most sympathetic of angels -
Aziraphale blinked. "I beg your pardon?"
"I said yes, you may go." Gabriel sighed, scrawling his signature on a document in glittering gold ink before shoving the paper away. "I have also been keeping up with information on the epidemic. Those victims could certainly use some angelic kindness right now, what with so many being rejected by their families even as they're on their deathbeds. Beelzebub undoubtedly has a special place in Hell for those sorts of nasty people, I'm sure."
"And we have a special place in Heaven for the victims?"
"Precisely." Gabriel returned his attention to the stack of papers in front of him. "You're dismissed, Aziraphale. Don't stay too long."
"Of course," Aziraphale breathed, nodding. He was almost unable to believe everything had worked out so well. "Thank you, Gabriel." Not wanting to overstay his visit and risk having the decision reversed, Aziraphale promptly left. He considered taking the back exit out, but it wasn't as if he was in a rush. He still had to pack, after all.
It was quite a shame he couldn't simply miracle himself to America. Airplanes were... Less than enjoyable, in Aziraphale's opinion. But miracles had to be preserved.
He didn't want to think about how many he might have to perform in the very near future.
America, circa 1990
Aziraphale had ditched his usual tartan suit for new tartan scrubs. He was posing as a nurse, working in a ward delegated specifically to victims of AIDS in the final stages. As much as it pained him, he refrained from miracling them back into health. God probably would not take too kindly to that, what with the circle of life and all, even considering Her infinite generosity. Instead, Aziraphale eased their pain as they passed to Heaven. If nothing else, they deserved to know that good things awaited them on the other side.
"Room 636, Nurse Fell," a woman called to Aziraphale as he walked down the hall. Her voice had the rounded edge of a faint Southern drawl. "He's got family with him right now, but they'll be out soon."
"Right. Thank you." He nodded at her as she passed. Aziraphale had memorized the layout of the hospital before he'd started "working" there - it helped him maximize his time with the patients. Not to mention he had to be back in Soho before the end of the year.
"This is your own fault, you know."
Aziraphale froze.
"You're the who grew up and decided to be a fucking fag, goddamnit!"
He recognized that tone. It was one he heard all too often in the AIDS ward.
"And now that choice is killing you. Just like it killed your little queer boyfriend."
Aziraphale resisted the urge to swear. Of course the voice was coming from room 636.
"Hope you're happy with yourself. Hope you're proud."
The man's words were laced with more venom than the world's deadliest snake could provide. Aziraphale reached for the door handle, only to find that it had been locked. Very much against hospital regulations, but also rather common in these situations.
"This is the devil's consequence. You know why they're calling it the 'gay plague'? Because only fags are getting it." The man sighed, an intensified frustration bleeding into his tone. "You just had to be a queer, didn't you? You had to be the family disappointment." His voice dropped, and he growled the lethal blow. "I can't believe I ever called you my son."
Aziraphale didn't care if Heaven reprimanded him. He snapped his fingers, unlocking the door and entering the room without a moment's hesitation. He straightened his back and stared down the father. "Sir, I am going to have to ask that you leave here immediately."
The man's lip curled in disgust. "A queer nurse? I should have known."
Aziraphale ignored the comment, standing his ground. "I must insist that you leave, or else I'll be forced to call security."
For a moment, Aziraphale was afraid the man wouldn't go. But after a long pause, he left in a furious silence.
Aziraphale rushed over to the patient's bed. He was young, in his late teens or early twenties. Still a boy, really. And that only made it all the more heartbreaking.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Aziraphale checked the IV in the boy's arm, making sure it remained connected. "You don't deserve to be treated like something is wrong with you."
"Maybe there is something wrong with me."
Sweat beaded the boy's forehead, and Aziraphale's heart ached a little more when he saw tearstains on his cheeks.
"Am I really going to Hell, nurse?" the boy whispered. "Was falling in love really a sin?" He closed his eyes, biting his lip in a clear attempt to keep himself from sobbing. "I loved him. I loved him so much. All I did was fall in love."
"My dear boy." Aziraphale pulled up a chair next to the hospital bed before sitting down. "Of course you aren't going to Hell. Believe me, falling in love is no sin."
"That's not what my father thinks." His voice was bitter. Much too bitter for someone who likely had just started university.
"Well, fathers don't know everything," Aziraphale replied. "Trust me, dear boy. There is nothing you have to fear in death."
The boy wiped tears from his eyes. "Yeah? How would you know?"
Aziraphale snapped his fingers. The Almighty really was not going to be pleased with him. So many miracles only a few minutes apart was sure to get him reprimanded. Or maybe it wouldn't. He never could tell what exactly She would approve or disapprove of.
The boy's eyes widened as he took in the sudden change of his surroundings. He tried to sit up, but Aziraphale stopped him.
"Careful, now. I'm simply giving you a peek into what awaits you."
The boy shook his head in disbelief. "Is this - is this Heaven?"
"Indeed." A part of it, at least. A lovely little spot of paradise that was reminiscent of Eden. Many enjoyed it when they first ascended to Heaven. A place to get acclimated.
The boy stared at Aziraphale. "You're an angel."
Aziraphale's wings fluttered, as if responding to the query. "Yes, I am. I requested to be stationed in America to help ease the pain of those suffering from AIDS. People in the... Final stages of the disease."
The boy nodded. A faint smile appeared on his lips. "That means I'm dying, then."
Young people truly were getting more perceptive. "I'm afraid so, my dear." Aziraphale snapped his fingers, and the vision of Heaven dissipated. Regretfully, his wings went, too.
The boy sighed, leaning back more deeply into the hospital bed's pillow. "Would you believe me if I told you that I'm going to miss my father?"
Aziraphale didn't respond. He knew an answer wasn't expected.
"I'm going to miss him. Even if -" The boy's voice cracked. "Even if he hates me, he was the only family I had. I forgive him, and - and I want God to forgive him, too."
"She will," Aziraphale murmured, his voice so low only he could hear it. "She always does."
The boy's heart rate was dropping. Aziraphale resisted every instinct in his body to save him. He could not interfere. It was not his responsibility to influence Earthly life and death.
"At least I'll get to see Miles again," the boy breathed. Tears were trickling down his face. "It's been a long year without him."
He closed his eyes.
The machine flatlined.
Aziraphale could sense the boy's spirit leaving his body. He returned the chair to the side of the room, then slid the curtain shut around the bed.
"I'm sorry, angel."
Aziraphale didn't know when he'd started crying. "I can't imagine even your lot could be responsible for this, Crowley."
There was a pause. "AIDS itself is one of the final gifts of Pestilence unto Earth, despite that they retired eons ago." Footsteps echoed in the quiet room, moving closer to Aziraphale. "But only humans could be so cruel to one another."
"I know," Aziraphale whispered. "And I think that's the worst part of all." He didn't even blink as Crowley stepped in front of him, brushing away his tears with his thumb.
"There's nothing you can do, angel," Crowley murmured. "You know that."
Aziraphale did know that. He hated it, but he knew it all too well. "I just - I just don't understand. All they do is fall in love, Crowley! What could have wrong in human history where they started to believe that love was sinful?"
Aziraphale expected a witty comment in response. A dry quip about Catholics, or the Shaker community. He certainly had not prepared himself for a serious answer.
"When did Heaven and Hell start believing it?"
Crowley's sunglasses slid down his nose. He took them off, tucking them into his jacket. They stared at each other, eye to eye.
"I've been - I've been wondering that myself," Aziraphale stammered. His voice was hushed. "But it's not my place to question it."
Crowley shrugged. "The Almighty has been more forgiving as of late. Since it's you, She just might allow it."
"I - I couldn't possibly."
"I know, angel." He sighed. "I know."
Neither spoke after that. But neither made a move to walk away.
Aziraphale knew he had to leave. He had to report the death of the young man so the room could be available for other patients. But he couldn't bring himself to step away from Crowley.
The stood only inches apart. Aziraphale wasn't certain whether he'd reached for Crowley's hand or if the demon had grabbed his, but their fingers were intertwined and Aziraphale knew damn well he didn't want to let go.
"How did you find me?" he finally asked. "I don't recall telling you I was leaving Soho. Or where I was going." In fact, they hadn't spoken since 1967. The night in the Bentley.
Crowley shrugged. In a rare moment of tenderness, his thumb gently brushed over Aziraphale's knuckles. "The city feels different when you're not there."
"O-Oh. I see." Aziraphale found his gaze drifting down from Crowley's eyes to his lips. He didn't fail to notice that Crowley had lessened the distance between them even further.
"Is love a sin, angel?" Crowley whispered. His free hand moved to cup Aziraphale's cheek. "Because if so, it must be the holiest sin there is."
Aziraphale would have laughed had the tension between them not been almost suffocating. "Well, my dear, I really don't think there's such thing as a 'holy' sin -"
He was cut off as Crowley captured his mouth with his. Aziraphale found himself melting into the kiss, pulling the demon towards him. Crowley wrapped his arms around Aziraphale's waist, and Aziraphale placed his arms around Crowley's neck.
He shouldn't be doing this. He didn't know why he shouldn't be, because every atom in his body was telling him that this was right, that this was love, that Crowley was all he needed -
But he couldn't.
Aziraphale pulled away, certain that regret was written all over his face. He couldn't bring himself to look Crowley in the eyes. "I'm sorry. You deserve - you deserve better than me."
Crowley laughed. It was harsh. Bitter. "I'm a demon, angel. I don't 'deserve' anything. It's part of the job description. In the fine print. Non-negotiable. You know that." He yanked his sunglasses out of his pocket and shoved them onto his face.
"No." Aziraphale's voice refused to move above a whisper. "You deserve everything, my dear. Anything you want. The whole world."
"I don't want the whole damn world. I only want you."
Aziraphale forced himself to look at Crowley. The demon's expression was unreadable behind the black lenses. "I can't, Crowley. Not now. Not yet."
Crowley raised an eyebrow. "'Yet'?"
Aziraphale nodded. "One day, I'll - I'll be ready. To go faster. As fast as you. I swear it. Just - Just not today." And he meant it. More than anything he'd ever said. "Will you... Wait for me?"
A small smile appeared on Crowley's lips. It was a rare sight, but one of Aziraphale's favorites.
"For you, angel? Always."
Aziraphale blinked, and the demon was gone. He didn't know when they'd see each other again. He didn't know what the future would hold for them, either. But when Crowley had left, he'd taken all of Aziraphale's tears with him. As he so often did.
Perhaps his demon had a point.
If love was a sin, it truly was a holy one.
Maybe even one worth Falling for.
im a mess, y'all. i love these two more than i love myself. i hope you enjoyed! feel free to send me prompt requests for them or for ineffable bureaucracy because both are such good pairings.
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Chapter 03
Agent Alexis Bledsoe was sitting outside her boss’s office in Washington, D.C., a crimson rash extending from just below her nose to the bottom of her chin circling her head.  She had met with him on various occasions to discuss her progress as well as when he interviewed her for specific posts, new assignments, or periodic evaluations.  But this time was different, and she was nervous for the first time in her career.
Taylor was inside the office having a discussion with Assistant Director Andrews and giving him a briefing of what had happened.  Bledsoe couldn’t hear everything that was being said, but she could tell Taylor was furious.  Inwardly, she did her best to reassure herself that everything would be fine.  But she knew that she’d failed at her assignment, and that someone would have to be sacrificed for what happened.
The wait was becoming unbearable as time seemed to go by slower every moment.  She thought of the long hard road she’d been forced to take in order to get where she was in her career.  Then she thought about all she had worked so hard to earn vanishing in an instant because of an event that had taken place just as quickly.
She was taking in everything around her again, similar to how she would when she was on an assignment.  But this was a different kind of symphony.  The one that she composed in her mind when she was on an assignment was reminiscent of a rhythmic and light-hearted one.  Now, the anticipation she was feeling coupled with the voices she could hear inside Andrews’ office was creating a darker and more foreboding one in her mind; a Requiem for her career.
She remembered how the symphony at the rally the day before had been broken up by the slightest almost unnoticeable noise from behind her.  What had happened next, the eyes of her attacker, and the two figures she’d seen from where she’d ended up on the floor, had dominated her thoughts every moment since.  She could never forget the eyes that seemed to constantly stare at her and remind her of the one who she was sure had put a permanent damper on her hard-earned career even if she wanted to.  She could see them in front of her even when she was awake.
The internal requiem was interrupted by six words.  “Agent Bledsoe, come in here please,” it was Andrews’ voice.  Bledsoe took a deep breath, then stood up and entered the office.
Assistant Director Peter Jonathan Andrews had been with the Service for more than twenty years and had guarded more than half a dozen U.S. Presidents and other high level dignitaries.  His office was decorated with pictures of his wife and children, as well as several of him with fellow agents at various stages of his career down to the present time and with some of the people he’d protected.
He also had a locked filing cabinet and several plaques to different sides of his desk.  The wall behind his desk was covered with a large American flag that he had been given as a gift from a grateful President.  Just below it he had a framed folded flag that had been flown over a FOB where his Marine son had served during a deployment in Iraq.
Bledsoe walked up in front of Andrews’ desk and stood up straight and resolute, trying not to let her impending dismay surface.  She glanced to her left and saw Agent Taylor, with a bandaged nose, sitting down with an irate look on his face.
Andrews was in his fifties with graying hair and a heavyset build that had been quite athletic in his younger years.  His face rarely ever showed any emotion and seemed to be set in a permanent stone-faced expression.  He was very well known to conduct himself in a quiet, dignified, and firm manner.
“Please sit down,” Andrews said, gesturing to the chair next to Taylor, after Bledsoe had sat down Andrews spoke to her.
“I’ve spent the last fifteen minutes listening to Agent Taylor attempting to explain to me how it is that a man who we have been exhausting every effort to protect is suddenly picked off like a clay pigeon.  He tells me that it was your fault Agent Bledsoe,” Bledsoe cast a sideways glare at Taylor who was looking confident in what he had said, “but as you know, I never make a decision without hearing both sides of the issue.  So, Agent Bledsoe, please tell me what the devil happened there!”
Bledsoe then proceeded to tell Andrews about what had happened from her perspective.  She was very careful to point out that she’d checked the area multiple times and found nothing.  She also pointed out that she radioed in when she had heard the noise, and had gone over the area very closely before calling off her warning.  Despite not entirely believing it herself, she even talked about the assassins’ literal disappearing act.
“That’s all well and good,” Taylor interjected, “but that still doesn’t explain how you called in a security breach and then a few seconds later an incredibly well-placed shot blows Saunders’ head clean off and all over the stage!  I won’t even get started about how the only physical evidence we have, apart from some dust that used to be a bullet, is a rag that, aside from being saturated with your DNA, we absolutely cannot f#$%ing trace!!”
“I told you,” Bledsoe said, maintaining a professional tone, “when I came to I was restrained, and that the guy who jumped me had recordings of my voice that he played into the earpiece.”
“Then how the hell did he know the names of different agents?!  Not to mention how he was able to point out suspicious people!  And you should be more realistic reporting on their escape than that ridiculous disappearing shit!”  Taylor spat out.  There was a pause, and the tension between Taylor and Bledsoe was very potent.  “It sounds like an inside job to me sir!”
“Just what are you implying?!” Bledsoe exclaimed in an angry and spiteful tone as she stood up and turned to face Taylor.  Taylor instantly returned the gesture in kind.  Taylor stood at six-foot two and used his height to tower over Bledsoe.  But she showed that she was not intimidated by him and met his stare with a piercing one of her own.
“I think you know full well what I’m implying,” Taylor retorted, “there’s no way that two men could have infiltrated the pavilion and pulled off that hit without inside information.  You have no proof of your story since the only possible evidence is a rag that’s soaked with your own DNA.  And since when has anyone been able to sneak up on or immobilize you?!”
Bledsoe was caught.  It was true that in all her years with the Service, and in fact since her pre-teenage years, no one had ever been able to sneak up on her no matter how quietly they could move.  Her reputation for hand-to-hand combat was also well-known.  Taylor’s comment was a crushing blow to Bledsoe’s pride, and she didn’t know how to respond.  She didn’t want to admit that she’d been bested, but at the same time she knew that if she didn’t say anything she’d be all but admitting to Taylor’s accusation.
“I can’t explain what happened,” Bledsoe said with a lower but still strong voice before turning her head down in shame and disappointment, “I can only say,” she brought her head back upright, “that I did nothing wrong and was completely on top of my situation before I got jumped.”
“Right,” Taylor said cynically before turning to face Andrews, “Sir, I’m going to request that Agent Bledsoe either resign or be terminated from this agency immediately.”
Bledsoe, knowing that she could do nothing more, did her best to stand up straight and look dignified.  She never wanted to give Taylor, or anyone else trying to bring her down, the satisfaction of seeing her break.  Andrews stood up.
“I appreciate both of you telling me your sides of what happened,” he began, “and I want you to know that I’ve made my decision.”
Taylor and Bledsoe both faced Andrews with anticipation, Taylor’s expression was more hopeful while Bledsoe’s was somewhat grim.
“What happened was a terrible tragedy,” Andrews began, “but unfortunately these things sometimes do happen.  Agent Taylor,” he faced him, “you make several valid points, and I can understand why you feel the way you do having been the team leader on this one.”  Andrews then turned to face Bledsoe.
“Agent Bledsoe, you’re a great agent and as far as I’m concerned an invaluable member of this agency.  Although I have to admit,” Andrews’ tone changed slightly, “what happened that night does sound very suspicious.  However,” he turned to face Taylor, “I have to take into account that the man we took in for the murder did put a dozen officers and agents in the hospital and broke your nose while flat on his stomach and under the weight of at least eight men.”
Taylor got a resentful look on his face at the memory of why his nose was bandaged while Bledsoe concealed a smirk.
“Taking that into account,” Andrews continued, “we all have to concede that we are dealing with at least one man who is unlike anyone we’ve ever seen.”  Andrews let out a sigh.
“The Department of Homeland Security deemed the assassin a terrorist,” he said, “and they’ve shipped him off to Gitmo for interrogation.  They want to find out exactly who he is and who he’s working for.  After the show he pulled at the pavilion, we need to find out who these people are before they start going bigger than attacking presidential candidates.  After what he did, I wouldn’t put it past them to level the entire city of Los Angeles with only two men and a box of paperclips.”
“I need you,” Andrews said pointing to Bledsoe, “to go down to Guantanamo with Taylor…”
“Why the hell is she going with me?!” Taylor spoke up, “I’m perfectly capable of handling the interrogation on my own!”
“I’m not denying that,” Andrews answered calmly, “but Agent Bledsoe is in the best position to ID the suspect as the shooter.  Will you be able to leave in three hours Agent Bledsoe?”
“Yes sir” Bledsoe replied firmly.
“Good,” Andrews said, “you’ll go there with Agent Taylor and ID the suspect.  You may also participate in the interrogation if you like.  You’ll be on your own recognizance after that, and on suspension for three months with pay.”
“Sir,” Taylor piped up, “I understand her coming to ID the bastard, but I have to say that I believe three months with pay is not a sufficient disciplinary measure…”
“That is duly noted Agent Taylor,” Andrews said cutting him off, “but until the door to this office has your name on it, by which time I will be retired and living out my days somewhere in Maine with Harriet and a German Shepherd to be bought and named later, you will respect and go along with my decisions.  Are we very clear on that?”
“Yes sir,” Taylor responded in a more subdued tone accompanied by a grudging nod, which Andrews returned before turning his gaze to Bledsoe.
“You will begin your suspension after you get back to the U.S.  Check in with me when you return from Cuba.  Is that understood?”
“With all due respect sir,” Bledsoe answered in a respectful but firm tone, “I appreciate you allowing me to stay in the Service.  But I must request that I be allowed to at least complete this case before going on suspension.  I’m sure you’ll have our best agents on this, but I need to see this through to the end.  I want to see this son of a bitch and his partner fry for what they did.”
“I understand your feelings,” Andrews responded, “but taking all the information that I now have into consideration, it would be better if you weren’t directly involved in this.  Normally, I’d be asking for your resignation.  But due to your years of service and that everything about this screams abnormal, I’m willing to consider other options.  You should be grateful that I’m letting you go to Gitmo.  Do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” Bledsoe answered, inwardly still grudging her upcoming suspension.  Andrews returned to his chair before scooting forward to rest his arms on his desk.
“You’re dismissed Agent Bledsoe,” he said, “a car will be at your apartment in two hours to take you to the airport.  Taylor, stay here for a while so we can go over the interrogation process.  I want to be sure that you’re clear on legally accepted interrogation methods.”
Bledsoe turned and left the office.  As she walked down the hallway leading to the exit, she thought of all that had happened in the past 48 hours.  She’d gone from being on the campaign trail and everything being fine to being a suspected accomplice in what was becoming the most shocking event since the JFK assassination.  She started to get focused and remembered that she needed to pack for Cuba and figure out what she was going to do with three months of personal time.
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madsnjay · 5 years
1. Therapy
Tom's POV
"Would anyone else like to come up and share? We have a few minutes left of our session." Amanda shares.
"I'd like to step up." Said a voice in the front row. He jumped up on the podium.
"Hi, how's everyone doing? I'm Alex."
"Hi, Alex."
"Well to start off, it's obviously my first time in one of these things. I'm not gonna lie it was kind of rough for me to finally make my way here. I am many things. I'm a liar, I'm a cynic. I'm a sinner, and a saint. A loser, a critic. Honestly, I'm the ghost of my mistakes."
And I thought the musician was dramatic. "I want this one first." I said turning to Jay. "Already on it."
"Well I'm not one to really beat around the bush. I kinda just say it as it is. I know this isn't AA but I have struggled a lot with alcohol. I recently got into an accident because of it, in which ended with my best friend in the hospital. Thankfully he's okay. It fucking sucks that it had to get to that point for me to finally realize I had to fix this problem. I've been sober for almost two weeks now and I'd be lying if I said I haven't been tempted. Every time I let my mind wander I think back to that night. He told me repeatedly he'd drive. He was a lot more sober than I was. He offered to pay for an uber for us. He did all the right things except for one. He decided to get in the car with me. He decided to trust me. That will forever be my greatest regret. I keep thinking 'yeah, I should be laying in that hospital bed. It should be me fighting for my life even though I don't deserve to live'. I take my life for granted. I'd give anything for a bottle to help me forget. He helps me through it all. He's forgiven me. Now it's time for me to learn to forgive myself."
What a load of bullshit. Two weeks sober huh? I bet I can break him.
"Time heals all wounds. We're all hard on ourselves because we know we should've known better. We are all our own worst critic. Thank you so much Alex, we are all here for you and you have our support. And thank you to everyone else who shared today. I'll see you all next week." Amanda says with a bright smile.
We sit and watch everyone make their way to the door. Once everyones gone, I turn to face Jay for a report.
"Alex's story checks out. The only thing I'm curious about is how could his friend have forgiven him if he's in a coma?" She says with a sarcastic grin.
Welcome to the game, Alex.
Jay's POV
Finding Alex was easy, but finding more info on Em was a bit more of a challenge. Usually the damaged like to share more of themselves to try to get others to feel pity. Em was different, and I liked a challenge.
"You ready?" Noel said as he and Cody stood out by the door of the session. When you help one of the town's most feared, you're obviously gonna need some type of protection. As I filled them in on our two newest players, Cody went off to follow up on Alex's unfortunate victim.
"Noel, I'm gonna need you to follow the musician around-"
"Boss says I can't leave you on your own-"
"Yeah? Well I'm your boss, too. And I need you to do this for me. I'll take care of Tom." I said aggravated. He was hesitant at first before he decided to walk off and catch up before she got too far.
Before I decided to walk back into the room with Tom, I felt eyes on me. I turned and seen Alex making direct eye contact from down the hall. Show time.
"Like what you see?" I said with a smirk.
"For the most part."
"Very revealing story there, Alex." I said as I made my way to him.
"Just being honest and open that's all." he said leaning against the wall.  "And since we're being honest and open, how about you let me take you out for some coffee. Unless you got other plans." He said as he looked behind me to see Tom standing down the hall by the door.
"Nope, totally free." I said as I glared at Tom. I love him, but I'm tired of him thinking he can control me. I hate the fact that he knows he has me wrapped around his finger. This is a step I'm taking all on my own, and I'm gonna prove to him that I don't need his white knuckled grasp on me to produce results.
Tom's POV
What in the actual fuck does she think she's doing? Going off with Alex? Alone? She could absolutely blow the entire thing with this idiotic burst of rebellion. And why the fuck did Noel just leave like that? I specifically told him not to leave her alone, and that's exactly what he did. I know she can be persuasive, and honestly downright intimidating sometimes, but orders are orders. She can't be undermining me to my own employees.
As they all walked off in their separate directions, I found myself standing there, unsure of what to do. Before I could give it any more thought, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Amanda, giving a big smile to the last couple of people heading out of the building.
"Tom, let's talk inside." She said as she jerked her head back towards the building. I sighed and turned to follow after her. I need to find out what Jay is up to, but I guess I can't really be seen following them around. Then I'll blow the whole thing. Plus, if she told me to talk inside and I left, she'd have my head displayed on her mantle, and that's not really how I planned to go out if I'm being perfectly honest.
"What's up, A?" I asked as I sat next to her on the back row, throwing my arm over the back of the chair between us and turning to face her.
"We need to talk better strategies. You and Jay have gotten kind of... sloppy lately. You're my number one asset, and I don't want her reckless rebellion interfering with your success." Shit.
"I mean, I'm your only asset but I'll take it," I said with a chuckle, trying to ease the tension. She didn't so much as hint at any sort of smile at my lame excuse for a joke. I nervously cleared my throat and continued. "Amanda, I can assure you I have everything under control. We're just going with a... different course of action this time, but I can assure you, everything will go as planned." She seemed pleased with my response, and she confirmed by not pressing the issue anymore.
"So. Who are the new targets?" She always got eager to know who we were going after next. She's a firm believer in ridding the world of the damaged people that damage others. It was almost unsettling how much pleasure she took in our work.
"Definitely Alex. Dude was way too dramatic from the start. Had me at his poetry bullshit before he ever even told his story." She nodded in agreement and looked away in thought.
"So just him? Cody, Jay, and Noel all went off in different directions. Kinda strange for one target, isn't it?" For some reason, I didn't want her to know about the musician yet. I wanna know her full story before I get Amanda involved.
"As of right now, yes. Cody is checking in on Alex's friend to see what's up, and Alex asked Jay to go get coffee with him, so she's gonna try to get more of an inside story from him. Noel is keeping an eye on them from afar." She nodded, hopefully not suspicious of my answer.
"Very well then. Keep up the good work." She said shaking my hand as we both stood up to leave. As I was about to walk out the door, she spoke again stopping me in my tracks. "Oh, and one more thing."
"Yes ma'am?" I asked turning back, worried she was about to call me out for lying straight to her face. "I'm glad you're on our team." She threw in a small smile at the end, easing my nerves.
"I am too. I really am." I said before I turned and exited the building. Now how the fuck am I gonna handle this whole situation?
Jay's POV
"Pick your poison." He says as we made our way to the register. Poison, not a bad idea. Simple and a hell of a lot less messy.
"Can I get a venti salted caramel cold brew with toffee nut in the foam please?" As I reached for my wallet I felt his hand pull mine away.
"And a black hot coffee for me, both under Alex. Thank you." he said as he handed his card over. A gentleman, kind of a shame. "I asked you out for coffee, my treat. I'm guessing your boy has you fend for yourself a lot huh?"
I really had no idea how to respond to that. Part of me wanted to defend Tom, but the other part of me knows he's kind of right.
"I'll take your silence as an answer," he chuckled. I walked over to a table as he brought over our drinks. "Speaking of, what's the deal with you two? Trouble in paradise?"
"He's no one you really have to worry about. We're just really good friends." I said as I take a drink.
"That's good to know, now this all doesn't have to be too awkward."
"Were you worried?" I said with a big grin.
"A little, it's just the way he watches you. Like he's waiting for you to slip away."
"He has no hold on me." I said with a reassuring smile.
"So, you know a little bit of my story. What's yours?"
"Well, I have a habit of collecting damaged people. I seem to gravitate to it apparently." I say as I take another sip.
"So what are you after? Some kind of disaster?"
"Damage attracts damaged."
He smiles as he takes a drink. "Well, then I think this could be good for us. Help fix each other."
Sure, help me.
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sheewolf85 · 5 years
Drabble list #2 spicybbq (edge/slim) #26
The line is: “You’re the one thing keeping me sane right now.”
Slim is having a bad night. He asks Edge to come over and just be with him. 
I’m doing these out of order, I’m sorry. I also added a smidge to the line. I’m sick, Slim is sick, Edge is sick (in the head)…Dammit, we’re all sick.
After the cut cuz it got long:
Edge looked down at his phone when it chimed with a message. To his surprise, the message was from Slim.
Bonefriend: can you come over after work today? please? i feel like shit.
The message sent a wave of concern crashing through Edge’s soul. That Slim felt like shit could mean anything from being mildly inconvenienced to full-blown suicidal. He wasn’t waiting until he was released at the end of his shift. His boss might give him shit, but this world’s Asgore was a mite different from his own.
Edge: Of course I can come over. Do you need anything?
Telling Slim that he was coming over early would do nothing but make him feel bad for ‘making’ Edge miss work. Better to skip all that when he could wave away concerns in person. 
Bonefriend: you. and maybe some soup?
Soup? A bit of an odd request, but one Edge was all too happy to fill. He even had some leftover chicken noodles that he’d made for Sans and Red the day before. They’d both come down with some kind of sickness at the same time, as if they weren’t twins enough already. 
He sent a quick text back stating what he had, and Slim responded with a thumb’s up emoji. With a fond smile on his face, he closed down the programs he was using and sent an email to Asgore letting him know he was leaving early. After that, he gathered his items and left his office. 
Just outside, he stopped to let his secretary know he was leaving. Harriet was new, and like many others who worked with him, she was nervous around him. She smiled though, and let him know in no uncertain terms that she would handle everything. He had no choice but to trust her. 
At home, Edge quickly changed into street clothes and got the soup together, then got back into his car to head over to Slim’s. 
He pulled into drive and walked up to the door. He knocked once only to announce his presence before using his key to let himself in. Razz was already halfway to the door and gave Edge a nod in greeting before returning to the television. Edge nodded back. 
“Is he in his room?” Edge asked. 
“Yeah. Thanks for bringing that,” he gestured to the container in Edge’s hand, “he wouldn’t let me make him anything. Said you were going to take care of him.”
Edge raised a brow. “Is he ill?”
Razz sighed. “He said he told you what was going on! That lying bastard.”
Edge tensed but forced himself to let it go. Razz didn’t mean it the way Edge would have taken it. The insults the brothers threw back and forth were similar to the ones he and Red threw at each other, but it was odd seeing it from an outsider’s perspective. 
“He said he was feeling bad.” It took a second, but Edge finally got it. “Oh, he caught what Sans and Red have?” 
Razz nodded. “And Stretch, too, apparently. The low HP crowd could fund that hospital all on their own.”
Wasn’t that the truth?
“Has he been?”
“Yeah, I took him this morning; dragged him kicking and screaming. Well, he would have if he’d had the energy. It’s just a bug that needs to work it’s course; nothing the doctors can do about it, apparently. They just said to bring him back if it gets worse.”
“Thank you for that.”
Razz glared at him. “What, you think I’d leave my own brother here to--”
Edge shook his head, smiling a little. “No, you idiot, thank you for the information.”
That calmed him down, and he just nodded. Edge took that as his cue to leave and went to heat up the soup. 
Once it was ready, Edge made his way to Slim’s room with everything on a tray and knocked lightly before entering. The room was dark save for the light coming in through the window. It was just as messy as it ever was, although there was a nice new pile of used tissues on the floor by the head of the bed. 
“edge?” slim rasped. His voice was always low and grainy, but there was something about the illness that made it even rouger, sexier.
“Yes, it’s me.” He kicked the door shut and moved to set the tray on the table beside the bed. 
“i didn’t expect you to get here until later. what are you doing here?” He lifted himself up to his elbow where he leaned over the side of the bed to start hastily cleaning up the tissues. Most of them landed just short of the wastebasket. 
Edge pushed him back down and sat beside him. “If you think I haven’t dealt with worse, far grosser, messes, you’re wrong. I’m sure you remember my brother.”
Slim smiled, but it was weak. “yeah, that asshole is a special brand of gross.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were ill?” Edge reached out and pressed his wrist to Slim’s forehead. He didn’t push it away, but he did groan at Edge’s frown. 
“because I knew you’d leave early and come over just to prance around me like I’m a porcelain doll. i’m not fucking dying; i’m just sick for fuck’s sake. i’m also hungry. i can’t smell it, but i know you made good on the offer to bring chicken noodles.”
Edge smiled fondly and leaned over to press a soft kiss to Slim’s cheekbone. “Yes, I did. Would you like me to--”
“if you plan to end that sentence with ‘help you’ i’m going to drown you in it.”
Okay. Apparently Slim was a bit oversensitive. It probably made sense; Razz was just as overbearing as Blue could be, only Razz was meaner about it. Slim had probably had enough of being treated like a child.
So instead of making any fanfare about it, Edge reached over to get the soup from the table and set it on Slim’s sternum. He only watched as Slim struggled to sit up without spilling any, only offering his help when Slim seemed to realize he couldn’t do it on his own. Even then, all he did was hold the bowl.  Once Slim was settled, Edge maneuvered himself to sit on his opposite side and propped himself against the headboard. 
“it’s good,” Slim said softly, his voice still rough and gravelly even as a whisper. 
Why was that so sexy? He’d heard humans talk about a sexy cold voice before, but he’d always thought it was ridiculous. Humans with colds sounded snotty and slimy and gross. 
Maybe it was just Slim.
Edge didn’t say anything as Slim finished his soup and set the bowl haphazardly on the table. It was almost too close to the side, but Edge said nothing still. Instead, he welcomed Slim into his arms and pressed a kiss to the top of his skull. 
“thank you so much for coming. i’m sorry i made you leave work early.”
“You did no such thing,” Edge said sternly yet calmly. “That was my choice.” He decided not to mention the real reason. “And I made that decision because spending time with you under any circumstances is better than sitting at that desk.”
Slim hugged him a little tighter. “thanks. not true, but thanks.”
“Excuse you? I’ll decide what’s true or not when it comes to how I feel, thank you.” His voice was teasing, and he could almost feel Slim’s smile through the thin material of his t-shirt. 
They sat in silence for a few long minutes before Slim started to get uncomfortable. He took a few sips of water and then wanted to lie back down. Edge laid with him and once again wrapped his arms around his love. 
“thank you for coming. sometimes i feel like you’re the one thing keeping me sane right now.” He burrowed his face deeper into Edge’s shirt. 
Edge held him a little tighter and didn’t demand an explanation. It seemed this illness wasn’t the only thing he was battling, and perhaps Edge’s first concern was valid after all. Bringing it up, making Slim talk, would either help make it better or push him deeper into it, and Edge wasn’t about to risk that. If Slim wanted to talk about it, he would. He’d made that promise, and Edge had to trust that he’d keep it. 
“Of course I came,” he said, gently petting Slim’s back and shoulders. “I’m always here for you, Slim, you know that. No matter what the ailment is, my chicken soup and my love is always yours for the taking.”
Slim huffed a little laugh which led to a bigger coughing fit. He groaned and reached over the side of the bed to the tissue box Edge had seen there and pulled back with a handful of them. 
“i’m all gross right now and i might leak on you,” he warned. 
“As if snot is the worst bodily fluid of yours I’ve had on me.”
That caused a little blush to rise to Slim’s cheekbones, and Edge smiled at the sight. It was right then that he realized why Slim’s voice was so damn sexy. It sounded like this--a bit deeper and more hoarse--after he’d sucked Edge’s--
A knock on the door interrupted that thought. 
“Slim?” Razz peeked his head in. “I’m sorry, I know Edge is here to take care of you, but I can’t help it. I need to ask you how you’re feeling.”
Instead of the snarl Edge had expected, Slim just nodded and smiled a bit. “i’m okay, bro.”
“Do you need anything?”
“nope. just edge.” He snuggled in closer to Edge’s side as if to demonstrate. 
Razz nodded again and shut the door.
Slim sighed and laughed a little. “y’know, sometimes i think he’s like this now because he couldn’t be when we were underground. like he’s trying to make up for all the times he had to leave me suffering at home and could only sneak in to check on me during his lunch break. i do get it, but sometimes i get a bit bratty.”
Edge nuzzled his skull. “Only sometimes?” But he agreed; even when he and Slim had first gotten together, Razz was fiercely protective of Slim but he wouldn’t show it around anyone but Edge. It had led Edge to believe that the monster had a problem with him specifically, but that didn’t last. He was more open with his concern now, able to show the world that he loved his brother without fear of reprimand or what might befall his brother because of it.
“yes, only sometimes, you shit.”
Edge smiled at that and held his love tighter. “Try to sleep now, okay? I’ll stay with you.”
“okay, but don’t you dare get sick, too.”
“I’ll do my best.”
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