#I’ve got a complicated relationship with wanting things but is it stupid to want something so badly your chest hurts
skyward-floored · 4 months
I like rainy days, but what I don’t like are humid grey muggy days that aren’t really much in the way of days at all. Bleh.
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eveningspringbreeze · 2 months
A First Step, Towards Friendship
Season: Spring (ES!! second year)
Characters: Kohaku, Hiiro, Madara
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Hiiro and Kohaku: Nom nom….
Hiiro: Ah, I accidentally got some on the table. Could you get a wipe, Kohaku-san?
Kohaku: ‘Course, here ya go. Ya gotta open yer mouth big an’ wide so that ya don't spill crumbs. 
Hiiro: Thank you, I’ll take note of that! 
Kohaku: (...He looks ‘bout as normal a boy as they come when he’s eatin’ breakfast, huh)
(The Hiiro-han I saw durin’ Matrix astonished me so much that I can’t help but incessantly worry away just from bein’ near him) 
(He disciplines in a way that dredges up memories of my sisters… or particularly, the way he made us prepare for all kinds o’ things) 
(He dived headfirst into playin’ villain just so Crazy:B could secure the first win)
(There sure were lotsa things happenin’ in the Amagi village, but by far my biggest shocker would be…) 
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Hiiro: Umu. Today’s bread was baked wonderfully. It was so delicious. Maybe I should get seconds? 
Kohaku: (whispering) With that face, he follows every rule to an absolute. He forces everyone to follow them with him, an’ any opposition turns him into a terrifyin’ lad)
(Like say, were there to be a rule that determined that all breakfasts shall be bread, what would Hiiro-han do?) 
(Would he even go as far as to tell me, who’s currently eatin’ rice, to have bread instead?) 
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Phew. I got so caught up with these stupid ideas that simply eatin’ breakfast took far too long. 
???: I’m hooooome!!!! ☆ I’m so thirsty after running! 
Kohaku: Mm… no doubt, that’s Madara-han’s voice. G’mornin’. 
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Madara: Ohh, if it isn’t Kohaku-san! Goooood morniiiiing! ☆
Kohaku: Yer always so damn loud. 
Anyhow, there’s somethin’ I wanted to ask… 
Would ya rather have rice or bread for breakfast? 
Madara: …Hmm? That’s quite the unexpected question. 
Have you been wondering about what food I like? I’m so happy to hear that ♪
Kohaku: Ah, no, this ain’t the type o’ question that should be thrillin’ ya. Not like I’ll die without yer answer anyhow. 
Madara: Now now, don't be shy and say it with your chest! "I'm dyin' to make breakfast for Madara-han", right? ♪
Kohaku: Who’s sayin’ what? And the same goes to you. Rather than "accidentally" pullin’ it outta me, can'tcha just ask directly? Y'know, "Why is Kohaku-san asking me something like this, hmm?"
Anyhow, I’ll explain… I was eatin’ with Hiiro-han just now. 
So we were in the Matrix project, where this an’ that happened… Now, I’ve got this slightly odd relationship with Hiiro-han. 
Madara: Mmhm. I see, I get the situation now. 
Oh, to think that Kohaku-san would consult me for relationship advice ♪
Mama’s delighted! Moved beyond words! So happy, in fact, that I feel inclined to ruffle Kohaku-san’s head ☆
Kohaku: Uwaah!? Stop! 
Actually, what’s with this weirdass attitude? Are ya makin’ fun of me, ya jerk? 
Madara: Hahaha, who’s to say? 
Anyway. Personally, I’d say that becoming friends with Hiiro-san could alleviate much of your worries, Kohaku-san. 
Kohaku: Friends? 
Madara: Yep. For example… if Hiiro-san were to invite you to a meal, you wouldn’t turn him down, right? 
Kohaku: Well, I ‘spose so. We were eatin’ together earlier too. 
Madara: Then, let’s extend it from within the Starmony dorms to ES as a whole. What would you do if he asked you to go shopping with him? Turn him down? 
Kohaku: Maybe if I had other plans… ‘sides that, I don’t see a reason to not go. 
Madara: Yep. So basically, you two are already on pretty decent terms. 
But what would you consider Hiiro-san to be to you? 
Is he an acquaintance from a different unit? Or perhaps someone close to a good friend of yours? …Try taking a step back to reevaluate. 
Kohaku: That’s true. Who knows whether or not Rabu-han an’ I have the same thoughts on this person. 
Madara: I’m also assuming that, since whatever happened during Matrix, your thoughts on him have complicated since. 
You two may be on relatively good terms, but with your perspective, it seems you can’t quite put a good name to your relationship. 
And that’s exactly why if you were able to get to a point where you could start calling him a “friend”, you could reforge your relationship with him entirely. 
Kohaku: Woah… I’d never expected you to give such sound advice. 
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Madara: ….That’s odd. I’m supposed to be your older senpai with plenty of life experience under my belt, no?
Kohaku: My bad. I just didn’t expect the friendless Madara-han to be the one advisin’ me on makin’ friends. 
Madara: Hrm… what was that about me making fun of you earlier? 
Kohaku: Ahaha! ‘Course, I think I can do this with yer idea. Thank ya kindly ♪
Now, I’ll call Hiiro-han right away—
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Hiiro: This… is a store selling idol merchandise, yes? 
Did you want to come to this store with me, Kohaku-san? 
Kohaku: It must’ve been a doozy to be called an’ brought here so suddenly, sorry ‘bout that. 
I was just glad to have gotten in touch with ya… but the only spot I can think for bringin’ “friends” is this idol goods store. (2)
Hiiro: “Friends”? 
Kohaku: Mmhm. I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout wantin’ to be such with ya, Hiiro-han. 
I thought of talkin’ it out with fists too, since I reckon that a playfight could bring us closer. 
Hiiro: With fists? Playfight? 
Kohaku: Ah, I’m just talkin’ to myself. Don’t worry ‘bout that. 
…So far, I believe you and I’ve been toddlin’ along on just “being on decent terms”. 
What do you think ‘bout callin’ each other “friends” from now on? 
We’ve even worked together as one unit before, so how ‘bout we continue workin' together? 
I’d never really tried to make friends before, so I may slip an’ say weird things from time to time. If that’s okay with you…. how about it? 
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Hiiro: ….Umu! I’d love to, Kohaku-san! 
Kohaku: Really? 
Hiiro: Of course ♪ You’re a close friend of Aira’s, so I assumed that the two of us were already friends. 
But now that I think about it, I never did walk up to you and go, “let’s be friends!”, did I? 
From now on, as newfound friends… I’ll be in your care, Kohaku-san ♪
Kohaku: Ahaha, shakin’ hands as proof of our friendship, huh. What a nice feelin’ ♪
I planned on the two of us just goin’ shopping as friends, but I’d like ta hear more ‘bout ya, Hiiro-han. 
Do you have any other friends, like Hinata-han? What hobbies do you have, and what do ya usually talk about? Can ya tell me?
Hiiro: Of course! Let’s shop and chat away! 
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Kohaku: Thanks, Hiiro-han. As friends, from now on… I’ll be in yer care ♪
Translation Notes
Callback to Aira's FS1 4* story, "Novices in Friendship", where Aira brings Kohaku to presumably the exact same merch store. 
Thank you for reading! This is not proofread at the moment, but this was such a cute story that I had to translate it!! ^^ 
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fleurrreads · 7 months
the love you give . rhysand x reader
an: i absolutely love rhys and would absolutely burn down the world for him. god knows he deserves someone who would do for him what he’s done for others.
based on this request
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your relationship with rhys is complicated. you’ve been having this friends-who-coincidentally-make-love type of thing going on and you really don’t know how to talk to him about it. yes, he’s told you multiple times during sex how he loves you. but that can all just be the heat of the moment, right? surely the flutter in your heart didn’t mean anything?
just like today is no different. you watch rhys sit up from the bed, grabbing his pants and walking over to your dresser to get one of his shirts that he has recently started leaving in your room. ‘i’m here so much i might just as well start leaving my clothes in here’ he said one afternoon after your activities. it made your heart race, those silly little words.
“what’s going on in that brilliant mind of yours, angel?” rhys moves to sit down on the bed, caressing your hair. you’ve been debating telling him. telling him that he makes your world spin. that he basically *is* your world. the suppressed feelings bubbling over in your heart wasn’t going to be kept dormant for long. you know you have to let it out eventually. what better time than now?
“i’m just thinking about something i’ve been meaning to talk to you about. something i’m not sure i know how to say.” you’re fidgeting with your hands, a nervous tick you’ve acquired through the years. “i don’t know how to phrase this other than saying it flat out, rhys. i like you, a lot. we’ve been friends for so long and i’ve felt that you’re more than just my friend. i love you, rhys.” you don’t dare look at him, too scared of the reaction he might have on his face. you feel the tension before you can look at him, and then he does the unimaginable.
he laughs.
a loud, cackling laugh. you feel your whole body go cold. rhys stands up, nearly doubling over as he tries to gather himself. “post-sex emotions really got you bad today, huh? you’re even confessing your love to me now. that one is new right? we should add that to the list.” he smiles and you feel your whole world spin, not in a good way anymore. you feel like the air has been stolen from your lungs and tears prickle at your lash line. is this what he thought this was? your post-sex hormones being heightened and you confessing out of lust?
you swallow the lump forming in your throat, standing up from the bed and grabbing the nearest piece of clothing to make yourself decent. you need to get out. right now. “you’re right, this was a stupid idea to say this to you and think you’d care. hormones right?” a pathetic excuse for a laugh leaves your lips as you move to the door. you don’t see the smile drop from rhys’ face as you shut the door, making your way to your apartment, away from the townhouse, away from him.
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it’s been twelve days. twelve days since you’ve been near the house of wind, the townhouse, and anywhere near him. you couldn’t stand to see his face after he basically insinuated that your confession was that of lust and that you weren’t thinking straight. when in fact you were probably never thinking more clear than that moment. you love him. with your entire heart. it never occurred to you that your heart would be crushed by him too.
a hard collection of knocks rip you from your thoughts as you make your way to the door. amren always had a way of knocking like hell was at her tail, which it probably was now that you think about it… “yes, dear mother, amren you don’t need to knock the door down i’m-“ your voice is cut off as you’re face to face with rhys, a disheveled messy version of him at least. “what do you want, rhys?” your tone is cold, causing him to wince. he nods towards your living room, “can i come in, please? i need to talk to you.”
you nearly give him the loud and obnoxious laugh he gave you twelve days ago when he dismissed your feelings like that so easily. but you push the anger and hurt down, nodding. “make it quick.”
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a homemade cup of coffee in hand, rhys sits down on your couch with you on the opposite side. you don’t dare get too close. rhys meets your eyes, trying to decipher what might be going on in your head right now, what you must think of him. he’s had the roughest twelve days. he went over the conversation you had with him at least a hundred times, and each time he relived that look on your face he nearly cried. “i’m sorry for how i reacted that night. i should’ve never let you leave like that. i just didn’t want to believe it.” he says softly, softer than you’ve ever heard him speak. “believe what, rhys?” you tilt your head. “believe that you’d actually love me. this version of me. the one you get to see and others don’t. the side of me that makes me scared, and the one that i can’t show anyone without showing them i’m vulnerable. i couldn’t believe that you’d love that… that ugly part of me. i shouldn’t have said it was just lust clouding your mind. you and i both know you’re much smarter and more thoughtful than that. you wouldn’t just say things like that without meaning it and i should’ve told you this a few days ago already but i was afraid. afraid i messed it up before it could happen. before i could love you and declare it from the top of the snowy mountains.”
your tears are flowing as you look at rhys, really looking at him. he’s shaking, that nervous tick of yours now prominent on him as he’s picking his nails. your heart and mind is running at a million miles a minute and you take a deep breath to ground yourself before you take his hands in yours.
“rhys, i know this took a lot for you to say, and i know that you’re scared. i’m scared too. i’ve never felt like this with anyone before. i love every part of you, especially the parts you don’t show anyone else. it’s like i get a piece of you all to myself. that part of your soul. it’s more intimate than sex, it’s so raw and pure and natural that it feels like someone completely different. not the high lord of the night court, not the rhysand your family sees, just rhys. my rhys. those things don’t make you ugly, rhys. they make you strong, and powerful and amazing. that’s why i wanted you to know that someone can love those parts of you too. not just the charismatic, sarcastic persona you put on for your friends and loved ones. and not the cold, ruthless leader that the court of nightmares believes you to be. but just you. the true you. i love everything about you, all of it.”
rhys kisses you, passionately. you’ve never had a kiss like this with him. never one with such meaning as this. this one was different. as to say ‘thank you for loving me even when it’s hard to see why’ and you realise that you’d burn the world down for him if he asked. he deserves the world, and so much more. everything he has sacrificed for his people and his family, he deserves that same sacrifices made for him tenfold.
he cups your cheek, whispering so softly you nearly don’t catch it but it makes all the heartbreak and doing it all again worth it, “i love you. until my last dying breath.”
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i do not allow my works to be copied, put into any ai website etc.
shares and reblogs are highly appreciated! ♡
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desswright29 · 1 year
Calm Before The Storm
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku/ Reader/ Riri Williams
Contains: Angst, Fluff, Jealousy
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: There are easter eggs all over this chapter. If you don’t read this one you’re probably gonna be hella lost for the rest of the story lol. Enjoy!
Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@bubbleblowinggirl, @euph0ricx0,@bellaallebbella1, @minionslikeppl, @melanated-queen, @letitiasnyash, @tishlvr, @writtenbymarie, @doramilaj233, @lichuchin, @6-noir, @jackdrawsjunk
Shuri stood at the office door rebuttoning her shirt. Riri watched her distraught, eyes glassed over “Wow Shuri. What the fuck.” The pain was apparent in her voice. Shuri rubbed a hand down her face making her way over to her. “Don’t do that Ri. What would you have had me do?” Riri scoffed. “Well first I would’ve had you at the very least close the door, but not fucking her at all would’ve sufficed.” She says clearly pissed. “Ri, we’re not in a relationship.  She’s my wife. And I mean…“ Shuri’s eyebrows raised and she licked her bottom lip followed by a seductive bite. “You saw her.”  Riri snorted. “You gotta be fucking kidding me Shuri! If she’s so fucking amaaaaazing why am I here!” Eyes began to look in their direction. Figuring they were about to get yet another show.
“MIND YOUR BUSINESS! Get back to Work!!” Shuri yells, and everyone scatters. She focus’s her attention back to Riri “First off lower your voice. And this thing we have wasn’t what I was aiming for Ri! I love my wife. Why do you think I haven’t had sex with you again? It was never supposed to get here. My minds all fucked up. I enjoy your company. I do. But this is complicated. Me and Y/n’s relationship was just strained after….After the-the baby situation, she shut me out for awhile… and then I lost T’Challa, the war with Talokan and loosing my mother *frustrated sigh* We just never got the chance to really talk and heal, and I-I’m confused Riri. From the moment I laid eyes on you things felt different. I was impressed with you before meeting you, but after, you made one hell of an impression on me. You were a breath of fresh air, and I thought it was what I needed; something new. But I’d neglected my wife out of frustration, with things neither of us could control. And I’m realizing I made a stupid mistake. She’s been through alot with me.” Riri drops the welder and walks over to Shuri. “And I’ve fought a war with you!”
“And she was there for the battles Ri! I would’ve never placed her in the position to fight a war. She is my Queen.” Riri’s eyes grew big and mouth fell open as a tear fell. Shuri had said it without wavering. She didn’t blink, nor did she stutter. “You had to have known this was a possibility. You knew I was married.” She’d  meant what she’d said. She loved her wife. “So that’s all it takes. You just need to be fucked good and suddenly it’s all clear for you again?” Riri approached Shuri, pushing her down onto a nearby chair. Riri straddled Shuri’s thigh. “You need to hear what my moans sound like again? Want me to make you scream my name this time.” She starts to move. “Hm?” 
“Ri” Shuri Whispered, as she looked around making sure there wasn’t any eyes on them. Riri moaned Shuri’s name in response as she ground her hips harder onto Shuri. Shuri grabbed Riri’s hips stopping her. “Stop it Ri. Don’t embarrass yourself.” Riri let out a shocked gasp. “EMBARRASS MYSE-!” Shuri held up her hand to silence her. “I’m going to head home. I just need a moment to myself to think.” Shuri lifted Riri off of her lap and stood. Giving her a peck on the forehead. She walked away leaving Riri holding back tears.
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“YOU DID WHAT!!” Tolu yelled, eyes as big as saucers. “I fucked her in the office with the door open, so that bitch could hear! And anybody else that was thinking about it. I feel damn good too! You should’ve saw the look on her face. Oh! And Shuri *more laughter* when she saw the door was opened the whole time, you could’ve knocked her over with a feather!” You laughed, you felt like you were floating. Liberated and unbothered. You did what needed to be done and there was not an ounce of regret in you. After leaving the lab you called Tolu and made plans for lunch, gone home to freshen up and changed into a slightly less sexy sundress. Still worthy of turning heads. You were feeling unstoppable and didn’t plan to take your foot off the people’s neck anytime soon. Leaving your kimoyo beads at home, you headed out with your girl. “You are insane!” Tolu laughed. The both of you were in the middle of a privately catered lunch in Tolu’s waterfront Villa. 
“Girl, you know I don’t play games about my Shuri. Me and Shuri may have been going through some things but the audacity of her to think she was going to swoop in and save the day in MY palace! Ndicela! (Please)” Tolu shook her head and smiling. “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about!” Suddenly her face changed a bit more somber. “So…Do you think that she was completely unfaithful to you?” Sighing you shrugged. “I try not to think about it. If she had. Can I really fault her? We’ve lost so much. And gained so much reponsibility all at once. I checked out after T’Challa and the whole pregnancy debacle. Neither of us signed up for all of this. But, I left her hanging in the middle of it all.”
“You were hurting too.”
“She lost her family.”
“You found out you couldn’t conceive a child. You’d lost hope of having children. That was something you both spoke of often when we were younger. That’s hard to come to terms with.”
“We lost OUR hope of having children. We didn’t even get to process it before T’Challa was gone. We were slowly getting back on track and even began treatments for me and started trying again before the war. But, we still weren’t the same. And then Queen mother was gone.” An involuntary tear fell from your eye as you continued. “I know what I did today was extreme but, I had to do something Tolu! This girl comes in and they have so much in common. Shuri’s spending less time at home, Riri even made her smile again. I’m sure she can have babies and do Shuri’s invention some justice, since Shuri can’t carry due to her duties as Black Panther. It’s all I could think about. Our home had this dark cloud over it you know. I felt like a useless infertile, out of practice herbalist that was a waste of space, and I couldn’t help but think Shuri felt the same.” Tolu reached across the table grabbing your hands in hers. 
“Oh y/n. That’s the stupidest shit you’ve ever said. Neither of you had experienced grief before. And to experience it so heavily and so repetitively, at that extent for the first time would be difficult for anyone! You didn’t know what to do or how to be there for eachother. And both of you handled things in some unhealthy ways. But you and Shuri have a love people would kill for. Don’t let any situation, or any person take it away from you.” You sniff, wipe away a tear, and smile “I’ll be damned.” Tolu returned your smile. “That’s my girl!! Don’t let up off that hoe!” You both laugh over the somber mood. “Let’s finish eating and go SHOPPING!!”
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Today was a great day. You and Tolu stayed out shopping and enjoying the city all day, until sunset. Now, you walked through the halls of the palace a smile set on your face, you feeling more optimistic than you’d felt in a long time. Now with an extra sway in your hips you were ready to get to the comfort of your home, and most importantly to your wife. “Y/n!” You hear a voice shout behind you. Stopped in your tracks your smile drops as you slowly bite the insides of your cheeks. When you turn around you’re met with none other than Riri walking out of her room towards you. Her face filled with determination. “Your highness will do just fine. Ms. Williams. We are not friends. So, how can I be of service?”
“Well I never intended to be your friend. So, since you cuttin’ to the chase I guess I will too. I know what you were trying to pull in the lab today.” A slow smile spread across your face followed by an amused chuckle cocking your head to the side, and raising a brow. “Humor me dear.” Riri steps closer to you with a roll of her eyes. “I know you know that Shuri is falling for me. And I’ve fallen for her too. So you poping up and making your indecent little scene won’t stop what me and Shuri have. Obviously you’re intimidated or you wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of embarrassing yourself.” You let out a pretty little giggle.
 “Oh! My little show really did a number on you huh little one. Me fucking MY WIFE, wherever I want and however loud I choose, could hardly qualify as embarrassing. Now your position however *fake empathetic smile* it’s downright sad.” Stepping forward and leaning in closer to be sure she heard every word, you continued. “Listening to someone you’ve developed forbidden feelings for get rode like a horse and you can’t say a thing. Ugh! Miserable is what that sounds! It was ssss what do the French call it….magnifique. *biting your lip at the thought* But, you know that. You heard it. *another giggle* You must not be doing a very good job with whatever it is you’re trying to do for her. But that’s ok. Mama’s back on the job. Your services are no longer needed whore. And I suggest you steer clear of any unwork-related access to my wife, or I swear to my ancestors I will throw you to the wolves and they will never find your remains.” 
You were in her face now. Eyes never leaving hers making it clear that there was nothing but promise in the words you’d just spoken. Riri reciprocated the energy. “I fought with her, and I’ll fight for her.” Your eyes darkened, a scowl twisting your face. “Obviously you’re a bold little bitch. So let me swoop down to your level Ms. America, so there’s no room for misinterpretation. All of this you see. Everything the light touches in this muthafucka is MY SHIT. That genius, Royal, juicy pussy that’s sitting in our luxurious home right now is MINE. You’re only hear because I haven’t made any noise about it. And For some unknown reason I’ve been cordial with you. But that shit is over. Since you’re so dead set in challenging a Queen for her wife’s hand I’ll humor you.” You take a few steps back as Riri’s nose flared and her breathing becam choppy with anger. “And I wish you the best of luck Ms. Williams.” Turning on your heels you strut away. Giving her your ass to kiss.
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Walking into your home, The smell of cooked food and candles hit your nose. The lights were turned low and music played softly throughout the space. Closing the door you walk into your living room about to call out to your wife, until a shadow on the couch caught your eye. There she sat in the dark, manspread, leaned back, head facing the ceiling. “Shuri?” You whisper.
Shuri began to speak her voice raspy with tears. “I left the lab soon after you left sthandwa. I came home, and you weren’t here. So, I figured  you were with Tolu. I decided I wanted to do something special for you. I picked up flowers, and a few things to prepare your favorite meal. I was so excited. It felt good. Like we used to feel before everything spiraled. You remember us?  Anyway, when I got home I tried to call you to see what time you’d be back. *a wet exhale* and I heard your kimoyo beads chime upstairs. I went up to our room and saw them on the nightstand. And I panicked. I thought you left me. It scared the shit out of me y/n.” Shuri finally lifted her head and stood to her feet walking toward you. You’re wife was so handsomely beautiful candle light glowing against her face perfectly, even with the remnants of tears on her face. With everything you’d been through she still gave you butterflies. “I don’t want to loose you. I can’t do life without you, and I’m sorry if my actions have suggested that I could. I’ve been fucking stupid lately. I-I didn-“
You cut her off with a passionate kiss. Wrapping your arms around her neck, as her hands snaked around your waist. Holding onto eachother as though you were long lost lovers. Kissing as though you’d been worlds apart. You pulled away from her lips, blunt nails stroking the nape of her neck. “I’ve missed you Sithandwa sam esimnandi (my sweet love)” you say to her. “Nam bendikukhumbula (I’ve missed you too)” Shuri reconnected your lips as your hands made there way up into her curls. Backing you into the nearest wall, she kisses down your neck. You let out a moan. This felt so good. Your heart soared with happiness. Finally, your wife was back. “That was some sexy shit you pulled today” You could feel the smirk on her lips as she continued kissing your neck. You laughed loudly, blushing from the memory. “Don’t be shy now sthandwa. You were throwing that shit earlier.” 
“Oh my Bast! Stop Shuriii!!” She laughed. “Alright, But Mamela kum (listen to me).” Pulling away from your neck she looks you in your eyes. Her arms held your waist tighter.“We’re back. It’s you and me against the world. You’re my Queen. If anything happens we come to eachother for comfort. Don’t shut me out, and I won’t shut you out. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, your highness.” Smiling she pecks your lips once again. “Good, now let me cater to you umfazi (wife). We can’t eat. Watch movies, I’ll bathe you, and maybe I can get an encore.” Her brow raises and you hit her arm. “You’re so nasty.” You laugh. “Me?” She says placing her hand on her chest at the audacity. “I’ll tell you what? Make the night great and I’ll make you give me a standing ovation later.” You lean up and lick a stripe against her lips. “Fuck that food. Come here.” She throws you over her shoulder. “ Stop Shuri! No!” You laugh, grateful to have your wife back. 
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Riri sat in the darkness of the room, in the center of her bed. She’d hacked into Shuri’s Kimoyo beads allowing them to connect to hers a while back, and now she sat listening. Imagining Shuri taking care of her the way she took care of you. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her jaw clenched in anger. It should be her. You didn’t get her the way she did. Ok, so you looked good and were a good fuck. But what else? Shuri is confused. She doesn’t know what she wants or needs.
“I’m gonna show her.”
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So Who’s Gonna go Half Crazy?
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seneitut · 1 year
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Yoru/F!Reader][Slight Gekko/Reader(?)]
Words: 10K
Tags: Fluff, break-up, jealousy, introspection, technicality of the game (Wanted to play with the AFK idea oopsie), NSFW +18, handjob, oral sex, teasing, dom/sub undertones, vaginal sex, more fluff, aftercare.
[Sorry for the wait, I had matters to take care of before posting this and, as you can see, is literally the longest fanfic I’ve written so far so I had to make a lot of revisions before posting it.]
A few weeks later, Gekko breaks up with you.
Sudden and quick, from what he's been told.
Is surprising how fast the news travels within the few agents who are interested in something so mundane as gossiping inside the protocol. And Yoru is certain he wouldn't indulge in it if it weren't for Jett's loud mouth and perfect timing to witness the event unfolding in front of her very eyes.
The part where she decides Yoru should be the first to get the news was out of his control. Jett made sure the gossip was spread around like wildfire, starting with him and consequently Phoenix, to later on be told to Raze and Killjoy, and like dominoes, it all went downhill.
You didn't deserve something this personal to be vented out like it was nothing, and while he reprimanded Jett for being so careless and stupid for breaking your trust, her apologies wouldn't quell what has already been burnt.
What were the reasons? He asks himself that night. Why did this happen?
There is a faint clink between the tools he switches from hand to hand, discarding the one he doesn't need at the moment, before he goes back to fixing his bike. 
The loose screws and the heavy puffs of breath he exhales are the only sounds accompanying him in the empty room, too deep in thought and simply mulling over what developed in the conversation that culminated in your relationship with Gekko.
Is unhealthy of him to think about your love life when he has nothing to do with it; but Yoru is nothing but a curious human, and as flawed as he might be, the need to know nags him unceasingly. 
Yoru wonders if you ever told Gekko what transpired between you two that night. And if so, wouldn’t he understand that he was the one to take advantage of you? Yoru initiated the approach. He kissed you without asking for your permission—and while it is true that he acted upon impulses and you miraculously reciprocated, he is still to blame and be taken accountability for complicating things.
But if that wasn't the case, if you decided to keep the secret of your little moment of weakness and passion to yourself, has Gekko been planning this beforehand and simply decided to toy with your feelings for this long? Because that wouldn't make any sense.
Gekko has always acted like you were his everything; his light, his moon, his whole world. Gekko always made sure to let everyone know how much he was in love with you, much to Yoru's chagrin, and has been your personal cheerleader at everything since day one.
And now, he decides he's tired of it and breaks up with you without any explanation?
How fucking dare him.
The man is stupid for letting go who could possibly be the strongest and kindest person he's known; just what the fuck was he thinking to break your heart like this? Wasn’t he boasting about your amazing relationship a couple of weeks ago? What changed? Why was he backing off like a coward?
The shock about the separation turns into confusion, which soon boils into pure anger sizzling from the inside of his heart.
Anger is a very known feeling to him, an acquaintance to his impulses when he was younger. When he used to fall under his emotions with no regards to whoever received them, it got him into trouble more often than not, sometimes to the point he would wake up in a hospital bed after a bad beating against Tokyo’s gangs or whoever dared to mess with him.
Was it worth falling under those impulses again, when he has come far and grown from those times?
It is not his place, in truth, to be this angry. You are nothing to him, a friend at most after all. Should he be reeling in anger just because someone hurted you?
No, but he does it anyway.
Inside the rift, everything has its place. Time, space and matter all have their purpose set straight unlike him, who doesn’t really belong in this dimension and he bends them to his liking. When he goes through it, his body feels like it sinks underwater, although his movements are not deterred despite the feeling, it gets overwhelming if Yoru stays for too long. 
Omen has once mentioned how it feels to leave a part of himself everytime he goes through the rift, does it hurt? Can he feel himself tearing apart? He doesn’t, he doesn’t feel any sort of pain, and Yoru wonders if that should concern him or shall not be too worried.
But no matter, that is of no importance right now.
It doesn’t take long for him to find Gekko while running through the base, the tip of his fingers tingling with the want to release some steam and chest heaving with anger seeping off of him. 
Gekko is lounging at the range with Reyna by his side. His whole posture is slouched, head between his hands and avoiding Reyna’s gentle but confused expression.
Both are lucky he doesn’t carry a weapon or else a crime would have taken place at the base. He's bluffing, of course, because he wouldn't dare to harm others severely. 
Yoru wishes he could, though.
For the time being, he will remain inside the rift and watch in silence. If he's going to punch Gekko until he becomes a pulp, he rather do it alone without witnesses. That and he doesn’t want to deal with Reyna’s wrath if she were to be present when he beats the shit out of this scum.
They seem to be talking about something, but it doesn't seem to be escalated enough to label it as an argument but it wasn’t a normal conversation either. 
When he decides to take a closer look, he finds Gekko with a devastated expression on his face and eyes misty with a thin layer of tears. Is shocking, to say the least, being the witness to such an abnormal expression on the usual happy man.
Reyna is frowning, a tight line set on her lips and hand hovering over his shoulder, hesitant whether to touch him or not.
Through the rift, the sounds come garbled and sometimes impossible to discern with the huge gap between the time passing by and him floating in nothingness. Yoru approaches further, cautious, for maybe Reyna might be able to distinguish his soul in between the subtle breaking in the rift.
“Why did you have to break it off, though?” She mutters, a confused expression painting her features. “Las cosas iban bien entre ustedes, ¿no es así?”
Gekko shrugs, not wanting to voice his thoughts.
“She likes you, Teo,” Yoru doesn’t know what’s going on. “She likes you a lot, mijo.”
Gekko’s eyes look downcast, a sad smile tugging his lips.
“She might like me.” he whispers brokenly. “But she doesn’t love me.”
Yoru might be a killing machine on the field and a cold-hearted person towards others if he so desires; he’s been told so many times before. But at this moment, he understands that his anger should be quelled and tone it down a little bit, for he is not the only one who is hurt and he might have misinterpreted the whole situation.
What could be worse, than finding out the person you love doesn't share the same sentiment to the same degree as you do? 
He's gone through the path once, way before meeting you, but never considered himself hurt because he was experimenting with said emotion. Because love is weird, a state in oneself where you are the weakest and he hated feeling like that. 
It was thanks to you he decided to transform this weakness into a strength, despite knowing it could bite his ass one day. Yoru gave in to his desires with you, and he admits you acknowledging his intentions and reciprocating them gave him the sort of euphoria he doesn’t find often in fights.
Gekko is as upset as you might be, more hurt than one might think.
What should he do now?
Staring off into the distance, Yoru thinks emotions are bullshit and way too difficult to deal with.
Gekko and yourself have been a clear example to how far he can go because of some petty feeling like jealousy or lust, and how pathetic it made him act without thinking of the consequences—not like he's cared about that before.
But because of this, Jett has been his shoulder to cry on, and Phoenix his ear to lend when he feels like he cannot handle the mixed emotions into a devastating concoction of overwhelmingness. 
Both have been the key to fix himself up and rebuild after learning of your relationship, despite reassuring with anger that he was fine when it was not true.
His friends are good and he doesn't deserve them, in truth, with how shitty he has been in the past. But for so long he has been denying himself the pleasure to get things that are meant to be his, and this is one of them. 
Yoru will learn to heal and move on, sooner or later, and he hopes he can face you without feeling troubled or confused as to what he wants in life.
Things never get easier from afar.
“Launch site, be there in ten.” Brimstone calls out to him one day. 
To say he scared the shit out of him would be an understatement, choking on his beverage before glaring at the commander with the dirtiest look he could muster. 
He did not hear him coming, even when his loud stomping could be heard from down the hallway, but that is mostly his fault because of his lack of attention and disoriented mind. It should be obvious with the dark bags under his eyes and tired expression that he hasn't been getting enough sleep and was most likely out of it because Brimstone regards him with solemnity.
“It’s Ice box, Yoru.” he mentions. The name of the place alone makes him perk up in attention. “Anomalies have taken place recently, coming from the lab holding onto the samurai's armor.”
“We’ve tracked down a wave of radianite that was ignited on icebox, but we weren’t sure from where exactly.” Brimstone takes out his device, approaching him on the kitchen table and laying it out for him to see. “Cypher was able to narrow it down to A site only, and by the looks of it, we aren’t the only ones who are after it.”
“The omega?” he asks, uncertain. 
“They are approaching rapidly. We need to leave soon.”
That wakes him up, “I’ll be there in ten.”
Brimstone nods and takes his leave.
There is not much time before parting nor question who else was coming to Ice box with them. Not like it matters, but he rather have teammates that will work well alongside him for something as important as this.
Taking his jacket from his room and his butterfly knife, he wonders if the sudden anomaly on Ice box had anything to do with his restless nights for the past weeks.
An incognita were the nightmares that Yoru has had lately. It was never anything clear for him to guess or simply have a vague idea as to what it wanted, but with what Brimstone has told him, a lot of things cleared up. 
Not the whole picture, but it was something to start from.
At the launch site, he encounters Sage and Reyna talking in hushed voices. Both of them regard him with a silent nod and go back to the conversation, but Reyna's eyes never leave his form while he keeps on walking—and if looks could kill, he would be underground in an instant. Yoru does his best to ignore it until he can no longer feel her threatening aura sticking to the back of his neck, and once to a safe distance, he sighs in relief.
Brimstone is at the entrance of the jet carrying an operator, securely strapped to his back, and a few other weapons on the carriage. He seems to be talking to someone inside the vehicle already, handing out the guns and the operator, but can't figure out who.
“Step in, Yoru, we are getting ready.” The commander calls. “I'll coordinate with Sage and Reyna, and we take off.”
Nodding, he enters, but his whole serious façade is gone the moment his eyes land on yours.
Perhaps it had to do with time, or the light working in your favor, but the moment you lock eyes, you literally take his breath away with surprise painting his features. It almost seems like you were expecting him with the way you perk up in excitement as soon as you see him.
Smiling softly, you pat the seat next to yours, beckoning him to approach you. 
“I didn't know you were coming.” He comments, clearing up his throat. “Should've said something.”
“It was a last minute call.” Shrugging, he notices the strap of the operator in arm, but says nothing. “Brimstone was unsure whether to call you in or leave you out of this. But with how things were going, I decided it was for the best if you came and asked him to look for you.”
“Hah, missed me that much?” 
Yoru really never learns, huh. 
Is natural for him to want to tease you, so used to it that now, even after so long without speaking nor crossing words, he has the urge to interact with you this way.
“I did, Yoru.” You answer with honesty. The look in your eyes has him paralyzed, feeling his face flush with the short distance between you two. It reminisces the moment where you first kissed in the kitchen, and that only fuels his embarrassment because it could be so easy to lean in and kiss you again. “I-um, I missed you a lot.”
Brimstone stomps in the jet, raising a brow when he sees Yoru jump on his seat, startling him once again, and fixes his composure before the two of you look at him. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, we’re just catching up.” Your hand covers his own hand laying on his lap, squeezing it with gentleness until your fingers intertwine. “Been a while.”
Brimstone nods, going to the cockpit without any further questions. Sage and Reyna follow up next, both of them regarding you two with a respective nod and taking a seat in front of you.
Cowardice isn't a term known by Yoru, scratching it up and dunking it on the trash since he is by no means a coward. But with how heavy Reyna's stare is, burning holes into your gentle but loving clasping hands, he is starting to get why some people are afraid. 
You distract him enough, though, speaking in a soft tone about what has been going on lately and the missions you haven't shared since Lotus—there is no mention of the situation you had when you first kissed, but he is soon to push it to the back of his mind to save you the trouble.
Surprisingly, he is able to maintain eye contact for longer than he expects without embarrassment clouding his senses, following up your peppy conversation with a few grunts and short replies.
Throughout the whole flight, your hand never leaves his.
x    x    x    x
Ice box is just as he remembers. 
Empty, freezing, but with a whole new wave of unknown power radiating from the old labs. 
Yoru gets why Brimstone was so unsure to bring him along. 
The pulsating beckoning of energy was nauseating and tiring; a migraine approaching fastly and making him lose his footing as soon as he steps off the jet.
Sage is there in an instant, clear worry across her features and helping him to stabilize himself. 
“Are you okay?” She asks. Her hands are glowing a soft blue, her healing abilities ready for him if need be. 
Yoru is close to dismissing her help, annoyed to be treated so delicately, but before he could muster a word, a spike of pain strikes his head, groaning in discomfort and his side hits the entrance of the landing. 
Leaving the operator on the floor, you run to where Yoru has fallen to the floor, and grasp him tightly by the shoulders to help him sit comfortably. 
Holding his head between his hands, he grunts, eyes tightly shut and breathing heavily through his nose. His head is pounding horribly, sounds he doesn't know where they were coming from was deafening him heavily that all your voices were melting together in the background. 
He sees the moment the sounds stop completely, mouths moving and actions on going but nothing else. Instead, a gruffing and heavy voice is what resonates inside his brain, like an echo, and a womanly voice accompanies it when they call to him.
‘Come’, they whisper, ‘Come to us.’
Your hand goes straight to his back, caressing him with soothing motions and whispers of gentle words. Respectfully, nothing you are doing helps with his pain nor confusion drowning him. It is kind of annoying, too, but Yoru likes you too much to say something of the sort and lets you do whatever you want.
‘Find him.’
And then it ceases completely. The sounds from his environment come back with a sudden burst he feels his ears sensible with the many voices trying to talk one above the other. Is overwhelming.
“We cannot continue with Yoru in this state.” Brimstone walks up to where Yoru is sitting, patting his back with a strong push. The japanese man holds back an insult at his action. “You’re staying. There is no time to go back and bring someone else to replace you, so stay here.”
“I can still fight-”
“No. And that’s an order.” He nods to Reyna and Sage to go on ahead. “Survey A site, I’ll take mid and we will strike as soon as I give the order.”
Sage glances at him from the corner of her eyes, worried, but complies with Brimstone's request. Reyna follows after her without regarding him at all but with a scoff, vandal at hand and the most graceful walking she could muster.
If Yoru wasn’t in so much pain, he would have laughed to mock her. He can have all the respect for Reyna and her tactical abilities, but to be this childish over whatever she was feeling was ridiculous in his eyes.
Brimstone calls you out, startling you, “Survey B site but don’t push. You’re gonna be alone so we can’t gamble losing a team member this easily, understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Brimstone gives a brief glance at him before leaving you two alone.
Grunting, his fist hits the side of the floor, frustrated. The only time where he needs to be in the best shape is ruined by god knows what, that he doesn’t know who to blame it on.
“Yoru, is it okay if I speak this softly? Does it hurt you?” Your hand hovers over his fist, thumb running up and down his spiked knuckles. 
He breathes out harshly, nodding. 
“The enemy team has brought Yoru, too, and the chances of him suffering what you're going through are high.” Hand under his chin, he lets you raise his head gently to lock gazes. The pain subsides for a little bit, enough to have clarity and melt under the beautiful color of your eyes looking at him with so much emotion. “Don't worry about not coming, their Yoru might have to back off from this just like you, so there is no need to worry.”
Kissing the top of his head, you stand up and take your gun back. Reloading the ammo, you strap on the operator and send him a small smile before walking away.
“We'll figure out what happens after we're done, for now take a rest.”
The normality of your actions only furthers his want to go after you, seeing you walk away with a steady step. Nevermind the pain clouding his senses, he cannot help but worry for whatever might happen if you were to stay alone.
And it doesn’t have to do with him doubting your skills, but the inability to do something to help because of some dumb bullshit about the radianite and the armor still under vigilance in the labs.
The voices from before might have something to do with the anomalies, but he isn’t sure whether to trust his guts or just wait for some miracle to happen to figure it out. The headache won’t be going away anytime soon nor the pain racking his whole body, and he isn’t going to stay at the landside where there won’t be any action unfolding.
Standing up slowly, Yoru grunts in discomfort, losing his footing the first try but finding support on the wall the second time. 
He taps on the private line immediately, breathing a sigh of relief when you answer quickly to his call.
“Yoru, what’s wrong?” Your voice comes in rushed, a subtle undertone of worry honeying your words. “Are you okay? Do you need me to come back?”
“I-I’m okay. I need-”
Everything turns black for a second. The single second where all matters and nothing does at the same time.
The numbness on his limbs, the rush of memories, the excruciating pain destroying him from the inside; this all feels familiar and nostalgic, reviving the moment where his life changed and there was no turning back from the powers gifted to him.
‘Look for us', they plead. ‘Find him.'
The moment he blinks the sky greets him with a bright shine, blinding him for a moment and taking his time adjusting to it. Your face comes into view after a few seconds, a frown between your eyebrows and mouth set in a tight line. 
The light from above gives you a crown of light, glowing softly against your skin Yoru might have commented on it if it weren’t for his lucidity and catching his tongue on time.
When he breathes, he doesn’t feel any sort of pain. 
It almost feels like it never was there to begin with, which is surprising given the circumstances.
“Yoru?” Your voice quivers with anxiousness. 
“Hm.” he sighs, running a hand through his hair in a weak attempt to appear cool. “M'fine, just…dizzy.”
“Here, sit.”
You manage to make Yoru sit without any trouble, looking for any signs of injury or distress from his pain early on, but find nothing to worry about. He seems fine, better than before, for sure.
The japanese man pushes you to the side gently, creating enough space for him to stand up and pat down his clothes to clear it from debris or snow sticking to the fabric. You are still watching him like a hawk in case he starts losing his footing, but Yoru scoffs, offended, and walks past where you're kneeling.
“Aren't you coming? We've got a mission to fulfill.” 
Flabbergasted, you blink up at him, mouth opening and closing without any words making it out. 
“Yoru,” you start gently, standing up. “Brimstone was very clear with his instructions. You have to stay here if you are unable to perform.”
“I look fine, don’t I? Let’s go.”
“Wh- Yoru, you couldn’t even stand minutes ago and now you’re acting all tough?” You point at the jet, “Go back. This whole act isn’t cool.”
The wind blows by strongly, ruffling his well kept hair, but no words of daring come from his mouth. Instead, he leans into the side, cocking his head and smirking at your attempt to be bossy.
“Who’s going to make me stay, you?” Giving a dry laugh, he crosses his arms. “Go on, try it, little minx.”
“Don’t make me start, Yoru, or else-”
“Or else what?”
You breathe in heavily, counting to ten inside your head to not snap at him nor disrespect him.
 “You have to follow what Brimstone has told you.” You retort, muttering through clenched teeths. “You stay here because I say so, too.”
“Oh yeah? And when has that stopped me?” 
Spluttering, your anger rises with the tone in your voice, “I have no fucking idea, so stop acting like a fucking brat and stay!”
Not wanting to give him a chance to reply, you turn around and stomp your way to B site just like Brimstone delegated. You hear Yoru walk right behind you, oblivious to your demand, and you cannot help the little vein protruding on your forehead with the anger consuming you.
“Fucking bitch.” You mutter under your breath. Walking backwards, you shout at him. “Is it that hard to listen to instructions?! What is your deal?”
“I can’t leave you alone.” is his reply, which infuriates you more. “I’m good. I will go with you.”
“Do you really not trust my own abilities? Weren’t you the one who said that you all should be more trusting of my skills when we went to Lotus?” Scoffing, you turn your back to him, climbing up the stairs to the kitchen. “Unbelievable, you are truly unbelievable and a hypocrite.”
“It has nothing to do with your ability or not. I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“Hah! Sure, as if that were all.”
“Would you even stop for a second if I were to say anything else?” Rolling his eyes, he continues. “You cannot even trust me when I tell you I’m fine and now you want me to follow your rules?”
Not even looking at him, you reply, “Yeah! That would be nice!”
“Stop for a second damnit! Listen to me!”
You don’t. You cross the threshold of the kitchen and he runs up to you like a little kid about to throw a tantrum. Taking your hand into his, he tries to make you stop and look at him, but you snatch it away immediately.
“I love you.” he blurts out.
That is enough to stop you dead in your tracks, not giving him a glance nor reply to his words. Yoru feels his face burn with embarrassment but is determined to let his feelings be known after so long. Whether you reciprocate or not, is all up to you. Whether this is the correct place to be outing his feelings, he is not sure.
The contrast of the cold brushing his warm cheeks in gentle breezes sends a shiver down his spine, blaming the weather for the wavering puffs of air coming out of his mouth and not because of the sudden nervousness eating him from the inside. 
After a long minute, that almost feels like many years in his opinion, you resume your walking with him tailing behind you. Yoru wonders if you’ve heard him correctly or perhaps you misunderstood his words. 
“I said I love y-”
“I know.” you interrupt, gaze set straight in front of you. “Gekko told me so but I didn’t believe him. It wasn’t until we kissed that night that I realized I was pretty dumb for not noticing your feelings.”
Yoru would think this was some sort of rejection, not really understanding if you were reprimanding him for kissing you or telling you he loves you when you already know. But looking closely, he sees the tip of your ears redden with each step, refusing to meet him in the eye.
“You should go back to the jet. Brimstone is going to be mad at us.”
“I don't care.”
“Well, you should! I ain't taking responsibility if something happens to you.” 
“I don't need protection nor for you to take responsibility. I'm here right now because you need to know that I love you and I won’t be leaving you alone.”
“Okay! I get it!”
Smirking slightly, he jogs to your side and bumps shoulders with you. You shot him a dirty look, pouting when he finally sees the red on your cheeks is not because of the cold but from his words.
“What about you?” he dares ask.
“What about me?” you echo, annoyed.
Yeah, what about you? Was he expecting to hear the same words of professing love from you? He just wanted to get rid of these thoughts cluttering his brain and distracting him, to be free, in some sort of way. Yoru hopes he didn’t make you uncomfortable with his sudden confession.
Humming, you give him a side glance and a grin, “You sure are very confident for someone who doesn't know what the other feels.” Bumping his shoulder back, you walk ahead of him. “I love you too.”
You love him.
Having you say those words sparks some sort of hope he buried deep within his heart, digging them back to surface. His face is lit in flames within seconds, and he tries to hide it behind a raised hand and looks the other way to avoid you seeing it.
Is clear he does a poor job trying to conceal his embarrassment and excitement because as soon as you get a glimpse of his face, you laugh brightly, poning his side to mock him. That only worsens his state, face hot and red as a pepper.
Once you two are deep in the kitchen, you take a bold decision.
Pushing Yoru against the halls, your hand tangles behind his head, pulling on his roots and clashing your mouths together on a bruising kiss. Is obvious he wasn’t expecting this kind of action from you because he groans loudly, leaning into the hand pulling at his hair harshly and melting under your liplock with a sigh.
He doesn’t take long to hold onto your waist and turn the tables, caging you against the wall this time and giving you the same treatment of roughness by holding you behind your neck and his left hand grabbing you by the waist, slotting your hips together. 
Is a little uncomfortable being in this position because the operator is still strapped to your back, but Yoru makes it work with bending you to his body and making you forget about the gun when he takes your chin between his fingers and makes some distance. 
Whining, you close the gap once again, not giving him time to take a breath and sticking your tongue inside his mouth to maintain contact. 
He consumes your fire from within like a starved man, sucking on your lower lip and biting it as gently as his hands paws over your whole form, basking in the feeling of your mouths clasped together and the tight hold you have on his hair every time his hands travel to to your backside.
You pull on his hair harshly when his left hand grabs a fistful of your ass and he groans, trying to make distance to breathe in some air, but you gasp loudly when his lips attach to your neck immediately, nibbling on the skin and sucking desperately to mark your skin.
“We need to survey B site, Yoru, let go.” You moan at one particular bite, sighing when his hands try to go under your clothes. You smack his hands away, flustered and a little bit angry. “God dammit, Ryo, not now.”
“Says the one who started this, little minx.” he teases, licking up a strip of saliva from your collarbone to your neck.
Huffing, you push him off of you, resuming your walking with the little dignity you still hold and cleaning the spit in the corner of your mouth. Yoru prides himself in seeing you this disheveled over him, imagining what else could he do if you let him be.
Gotta calm down, now. He doesn’t want to deal with the bad guys with a hard-on now, does he?
“So?” he asks. You blink up at him. “What’s going to happen now?”
“Feelings are difficult, I guess.” Shrugging, you strap off your operator. “I understand why the fraternization rule was made, it only gets in the way of our job. That’s why Gekko and I never worked.”
“Does it, now?”
Brimstone is saying something through the comms, but neither of you pay him any mind. Yoru nudges your side with his arm, and you cannot escape the small smile tugging at your lips.
“We can talk about ourselves later.” is all you say before setting off. “We have all the time in the world, Ryo.”
Smiling, he straps off his Sheriff. 
He likes the way you say his name.
“Whatever, you idiot.”
x    x    x    x
Yoru doesn't want to admit that he was weak throughout the fight. 
Not because of his abilities nor aim—he would fight whoever thinks he whiffs his shots— but because he let the enemies run away in one piece when he had the chance of eliminating them for good.
The excuse of running out of bullets was believable, having only a sheriff and a few reloads while defending the site, and you backing up his report helped a lot. Besides, Brimstone was more focused on his disobedience in a clear order than letting go of the omega agents, so he supposes that was enough of a distraction.
The intel was right, omega Yoru was here, alongside your omega version. It seems like they were set off to lurk while the rest of the team attacked A site and they were to wrap around your base to corner you all. 
It backfired immediately.
Your aim was impeccable, as always. He didn't know you were proficient with the operator but it was no joke when you had the gun in hand and targets to shoot. 
But, in truth, he is tempted to think you let them go, too, because they were injured enough but not dead by the bullets that were fired. 
Your omega version stood in front of omega Yoru, protecting him from the bullets that weren’t coming through anymore. Both of them were bleeding and with wounds that could probably kill them if it were not to be treated correctly and on time.
“Please,” your omega version begs. They have a shorty, only, discarding it to the side to mean no harm. “Take me if you want, but don't touch him.”
Yoru's eyes travels from you to omega Yoru, who is panting harshly behind the other you. The omega snarls, furious, to be witnessed by his mirror to this weak state.
He knows himself, knows the other must feel pathetic and frustrated for not doing more and failing so miserably on this mission. The pride is high and wild, so who better than himself to understand the situation at hand.
Yoru loads his last bullet to the sheriff, and you shrivel up in panic. Your stance hasn't changed, your tattered body still shielding omega Yoru despite the pain and that is something he respects. 
“Should I shoot?” your voice comes from the comms. He knows you're still aiming and watching in silence whatever is unfolding on site, but you don't interfere further than to ask that question. 
“I have it under control.” Is all he answers.
A bullet is shot, and your omega version gasps in unison with omega Yoru when they see the bullet go a few centimeters off the side, not even gracing them.
“Leave.” Yoru straps on his sherriff, taking out his butterfly knife instead to play with it while he waits in silence. When neither of you react, he raises a brow. “Want me to carry you to your own base or what? Leave now before Brimstone comes, he won't be merciful.”
That was their cue to start moving.
You try to carry omega Yoru as best as you could, having his arm around your shoulders and your hand holding onto his jeans for leverage. Giving him a brief glance, you thank him quietly before starting to walk away with urgency.
“Wait.” Omega Yoru tries to turn around, glaring at his alpha version. “It's because of her, isn't it? Is it the same for you?”
You nudge him, eyes pleading for him to keep walking,“Yoru, stop.”
“No. I want to know why.” His mirror grunts in pain, almost colliding against the wall if it weren't for your hold. “I know me. And I know I would have shot if it weren't because of her. So I need to know if it's the same for you.”
Yoru decides to not answer, since everything is already laid out for them. He knows you are listening through the comms, so whatever his answer is, you should've known by now.
“So it is.” he mutters, giving a dry laugh. “This is going to be the death of us one day.”
“Love, let’s go.” Your mirror mutters. He nods, and they take off.
“Ice box is fucking cursed, Yoru.” The other says. “The voices are torturing, trying to be helpful, but this place is cursed for us.”
You never said anything, watching the duo walk away as best as they could with the sun setting in the background. 
The trail of blood they leave behind is the only clue that a battle has unfolded and they were once again victorious, although it felt nothing like a victory to him.
The words from omega Yoru would stay with him, storing the information for future investigation, and haunting him until his next confrontation takes place. 
“I think you did good.” Eating a slice of the apple, you glance briefly at him, interrupting his thoughts. “Letting them go, I mean. I think it was good.”
He scoffs, “I was weak. A mistake I won’t be making again if we encounter them in the future.” 
Shaking your head, you lean your head to the side, “You had mercy on them. I think this is a step that was necessary to take to change the dynamic we’re living in.”
Blinking down at you, he raises a brow, “What do you mean by that?”
Your fingers tap the table in a rhythmic motion, mulling over his question for a moment before replying, “I don’t think it is necessary to be killing them, despite having done so already many times before.” Shrugging, you take another slice. “Call me naive or just a hopeless romantic, but what they had is something I respect a lot. They are humans, too, not just some kind of experimentation we can look over. They…they might have an explanation for the radianite and their need.”
Yoru rolls his eyes with skepticism, crossing his arms with disappointment in his eyes. 
“This is my way of thinking.” You defend. “You can have yours, but we both know that nothing might change unless we are the one’s meddling in the battlefield.”
“You’re willing to risk it all to prove that an amicable relationship can be doable?”
Humming, you nod, “I do.”
“You’re dumb, then.”
“Maybe, but only time will tell if I’m right.”
“Suit yourself.”
Both of you fall in silence, eating from the plate the few slices of apple that are left. Only the buzzing from the refrigerator makes a background noise to cover up the long and suffocating topic that none of you want to touch now. 
Yoru is nervous, you are nervous, but you are too cowardly to take the first step.
Mission aside, what happened at ice box when you kissed again was supposed to be the bridge to start a conversation about what would entail knowing each other’s feelings. One would believe that something might have happened by now, but here you are.
In silence.
“I think I’ll take my leave.” He coughs awkwardly, standing from the chair. “Goodnight.”
It was almost like a mirror situation many weeks ago. Where he leaves and you are left confused, wanting, and you cannot bear the thought of dealing this by yourself again.
When he bids you goodbye, you unconsciously reach for his hand, immediately stopping him from going further and he looks back at you. 
When none of you say anything, you brave yourself through your nervousness to break the distance and take his face with your free hand, caressing his cheek with tenderness. 
Yoru lets you do whatever you want, anxiousness seeping out of him when you tiptoe to reach him and, in an act to fulfill your impulses, you kiss the corner of his mouth with a gentle touch.
The japanese man stifles at the contact, gasping when your lips travel from a mere graze, to groaning when your mouth captures him in a passionate kiss, lips melting together sweetly like honeycomb.
You hold him like you desire to be devoured completely; reaching, grabbing and tugging everywhere until his body engulfs yours against the counter of the kitchen and you hold onto his shoulders for leverage. His hands rise goosebumps under your clothes, big palms caressing the skin on your back, racking down his nails until he feels your shudder. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder if this was wrong of you to do. If Gekko would mind you chasing after what you really want despite having failed him miserably while together. 
Gekko is none the wiser, your brain supplies, and you hope it stays that way. 
You tug playfully at his lower lip with your teeth before diving to get more of him, mouths slotting together on a more profound kiss and tongues fighting to claim dominance. It is then that any rational thought goes out of the window.
His hand finds purchase on your hips, yours tugs at his hair, earning a groan from him which you immediately swallow with greed. Yoru has half the mind to think about what he's doing when his hand brushes your thighs and pulls you up until you're seated on the counter. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, breathless. 
Yoru's mouth kisses every inch of skin to his availability, sucking on your neck with want until you have your head thrown back, enticing him to mark every part of you. 
“We should stop.” He begs, but his actions betray his words when he rolls his hips against your core, cock twitching inside his pants. You whisper his name, returning the favor and caging him between your legs. 
You can feel his erection even through all the clothing between your bodies, lust clouding your mind with nothing but the good sensations despite feeling guilt gnaw at the pit of your stomach.
That does not deter you from purchasing the euphoria coursing through your body when you rock your hips again, his clothed cock rubbing deliciously against you till the point your words get slurred.
This is not the right place for this kind of situation to be unfolding. You both are too exposed for anyone to walk into, and the least he wants is to show the other agents the boner he is sporting right now. Besides, he is sure to go feral with anger if anyone dares to see you this disheveled and flustered. 
This sight is for him alone.
Claiming his mouth, your hand let go of his hair to reach for his belt, unbuckling it quickly. Yoru freezes when your hand goes into his trousers to grab at his dick shamelessly, thumb running over the head of his cock. Gasping, he hides his blushing face in the crook of your neck, hips thrusting in tandem to your slow pumps to rile him up. 
“You feel so hot.” you whisper in his ear. He bites your neck and sucks on the skin to have his mouth occupied. “You are so hard, love.”
He gasps when you twist your wrist and your thumb runs over the head of his cock again, spreading the pre-cum and messily using it as a lube to pump your hand faster on his shaft. You feel him twitch in your hand when you accelerate the pace and tremble when his warm breath hits your cheek in gasps. 
“Faster…” he mutters, groaning. The timbre of his voice lowers a few octaves, and it's of immediate urgency to keep listening to more. “Shit, go faster.”
You indulge in his request, hand moving to a faster pace, and feeling the veins protruding on his cock between your fingers. Your mouth glues to his neck, nibbling it softly and biting down, hard, until a mark is visible against his pale skin. 
The schlik-schlik sounds in the background are filthy to the ears, Yoru feels his face flush up with embarrassment to have been reduced to a puddle of lust and trembling legs from the overwhelming sensations.
Pushing him away, Yoru groans in frustration because he was close to being ripped to the seams with the upcoming orgasm. The momentum is gone, and he is not sure whether to be angry at you or beg you to please keep going.
But by the time he decides what to do, you’re already on your knees, pulling down his pants until his member is freed from its confines and your mouth sucks on his cock with an invigorated enthusiasm that has him grasping the counter for leverage.
His right hand goes to the roots of your hair, pulling and pushing your head in tandem with the thrusting of his hips. Yoru abuses your mouth to his liking, chasing after the little fire burning him on his lower abdomen and to let loose. 
Groaning, his eyes roll to the back of his head when your tongue comes into play, licking the underside of his dick with each stroke of your mouth. Yoru leaves your head to hold his weight with both of his hands onto the counter, knees weak and breath taken away.
You use your hand to keep the stimulation going, giving you time to catch some air and glare at him from down there. Despite having his face flushed, sweat rolling down his temple and trembling under your touch, he dares smirk at you, as if he has gotten away with something he’s been wanting to do for a long time.
“You fucking brat.” you whisper, mouth latching onto the side of his cock and your free hand toying with his balls.
Yoru whimpers, he fucking whimpers, the moment your mouth sucks on the head of his dick and your hands wrap around the rest of his member with fast strokes, bobbing your head up and down, and timing it with his weak thrusts, you hum, vibrations running up his cock deliciously.
You try to close your legs while kneeling, trying to get some friction to alleviate the pressure on your lower belly and the need to touch yourself; but you are prioritizing Yoru’s pleasure above else right now, enjoying his salty taste in your mouth and gulping down the pre-cum gathering with your spit.
“Fuck!” he curses. His hips stutter wildly, head thrown back and eyes closed when the sudden rush of euphoria courses through his body. 
Yoru cums inside your mouth moaning your name and gasping for air.
He holds your head with a tight grip, spurting his seed inside your mouth in big spurts until you have no other option but to swallow it, choking on his cock when the tip hits the back of your throat. 
Yoru rides his orgasm as if his life depended on it, breathless and hitting a high point where his noises couldn’t be contained. 
Backing off, Yoru slides down next to you, breathing heavily and slumping against your form in defeat and burrowing his head on your neck, nuzzling it affectionately. Is funny how he seeks physical contact like a little cat, voiceless and going for it.
You’re coughing up harshly, part of his cum still drooling to the side of your lips.
“You owe me one.” You say, knocking your heads together. 
He only hums, satisfaction oozing out of him, and cleans the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
“You can cash in right now, baby girl.”
Trembling, you look to the side, bashful, “Don’t get all flirty with me now.” Giving him a brief glance, you blush when you see his dick still out of his pants and butt naked against the floor. “You fucking idiot, put on your pants!”
Yoru laughs softly, nuzzling your neck and kissing the pulse with gentleness. You can’t help but sigh at his change in demeanor.
“I’ll do so if you promise to come to my room with me.” his lips caress the shell of your ear, kissing it. You give a surprised giggle at that. “Hm, what do you say?”
x    x    x    x
The moment your back hits the bed, Yoru is taking your pants away, pulling them with carefulness but urgency in his actions until you are bare from the waist down. He messily takes your shoes, too, and you save half the work by unbuttoning your shirt and unclasping your brassier so you can be bare for him.
Yoru is grunting, snarling almost like an animal, when he pounces on you and his lip attaches to your neck with ferociousness, biting and sucking harshly on the skin till it reddens. He makes room between your legs, your glistering folds rubbing against his jeans while he cages you against the bed and devours you with hunger.
Your hand tugs at his hair, finding out that he seems to like the rough treatment as much as you do, and your legs closes around his waist, grinding against him in search of some friction to alleviate yourself.
His right hand palms over your breast, fingertips running over your nipples while his mouth makes way to your other breast, sucking in with the same fervor he did with your marked neck. Biting softly on your nipple, his tongue flattens against your skin, licking it up and sucking until you curve your back, shrieking from the sudden action.
“Again-!” You plead, hips stuttering, and hands holding onto the sheets by your head. “Again, Ryo, please.”
He does as you say. Mouth sucking on your breast while his hand toys with your nipple. The left hand that was holding onto your waist goes straight to your core, fingers pressing against the outer lips but not entering, teasing you with gentle strokes, pads running softly over your clit but is not enough.
You need more.
“Ryo, I swear to fucking god if you don’t put that mouth to work I’m going to kill you.” Grabbing him by his hair, you pull, hard, and the motherfucker has the nerve to give you a cheeky grin, licking his lips. 
“You’re gonna regret that, sweetheart.”
Yoru moves out of the way until he is sitting on the floor right next to the bed, and with a strong pull, he takes your legs to rest above his shoulder and hands hold you by the waist tightly.
Before you could utter a word, nervous, he dives into your pussy, licking up a stripe with harshness that has you trembling under his touch. You moan his name shamelessly, gasping for air when he sucks on your little nub of nerves and his fingers prod on your entrance.
Coated in your juices, two of his fingers slide in easily, pumping them in and out slowly, and dragging his pads against your walls and timing it with his sucks. Being pressed between your legs and eating you out has to be one of the best things in the world, and he cannot begin to describe how aroused and hard you’re making him with your taste and moans coming from your mouth.
Your hands tangle in his hair, swapping between pulling at his roots or pushing his head to drown in your folds. Your hips are moving against his mouth erratically, riding in the feeling of his fingers and tongue on your pussy, wearing you down with each stroke of his appendage.
“Ryo, Ryo- Ah!” Head thrown back, you gasp when his fingers leave your hole to replace it with his mouth, tongue abusing your entrance rapidly and fingers going to your clitoris to rub them in tandem.
Stars were starting to cloud your vision, feeling the tight knot on your belly so close to snapping you can feel the orgasm tethering on the brim. Your hands travel to your chest, touching yourself with eagerness while being watched by your lover. You can almost feel his smile against your pussy, enjoying the show, which only riles you up.
But before you could combust and cum all over his face, Ryo makes distance, pushing you away but not before giving a last lick to your outer lips, legs trembling on each side of his face, that he smirks up at you.
“We haven’t finished yet, little minx.”
Furious for being denied of your climax, you punch him in the chest, “Fucking shit, Ryo! I was so fucking close-”
“Shhh,” he silences you, kissing your mouth with your taste on his tongue. He looks disheveled, raw, it makes you drip with want. His hands hovers over your perky nipples, flicking them with a devious smile playing on his lips. “It only gets better now.”
He strips down easily, throwing his jacket to the side of the bed while taking his shoes off. Pulling down his pants, you see his cock fully erect and bouncing slightly against his abs, flushed red with the tip smeared with his pre-cum. 
He pumps his cock a few times, pushing you against the mattress and devouring the sight as if you were a meal.
His chest is pressed against yours, leaning down to gently lay his lips to yours, and holding his weight with both of his arms on either side of your head. Yoru doesn't notice your tiny hand making its way to his cock, too concentrated on your lips and the hand pulling on his hair.
Guiding his dripping cock to your entrance, you open your legs to accommodate him easily and, with the help of your legs, you push him inside.
The head of his member breaches your entrance, a shiver runs down your spine when he bullies his way inside you slowly, walls clamping down on him and pulsating with lust running down your veins. 
Yoru groans in unison with you when he's fully in, your legs holding him in place to make the feeling of being connected this deeply last longer.
Touching your face, Yoru rests his forehead against yours, breaths intermingling in soft pants. Cupping his face, your thumbs run down his cheekbones, looking deeply into his eyes before kissing his lips in a soft peck.
“I love you,” You whisper, eyes clouded with love and affection. Smiling, he kisses your cheek.
Yoru slowly distances himself, pulling his hips away until the tip of his member is the only thing still in contact with your vagina, before thrusting hard into you. The sound of skin against skin is deafening, dirty and exciting for both who are enjoying this act of love, jolting with waves of .
His hips continue to move in a slow but steady rhythm, causing your begs and moans to rush out of your mouth hurriedly. Yoru is nothing but giving, accelerating the pace to your liking and watching in amusement the change in expression on your face.
Shouting his name, Yoru can't take it anymore. The speed increases, pelvis against pelvis, sweat rolling down your chest and seeing your breasts bounce with each thrust into your cunt only makes him lose control.
Nevermind the soft and calm Yoru from before, the moment your moans got to him is when he finally lets loose his mouth.
“You like that, huh? You fucking slut.” Grunting, he raises your legs to rest on his shoulders and bends you over in half. You can’t help but whine in embarrassment because of this position and the words uttered by him. “I bet Gekko didn't fuck you like this, right? I bet he doesn't even know how to please a woman.” 
Your walls clench painfully around his cock at his words. Yoru's eyes roll to the back of his head when your entrance gets tighter, sucking him in. With one of his hands, he starts masturbating you with fast flicks of his wrist, timing it with his thrusts rapidly. 
“Does he even know how good you taste? Or how filthy you are, sucking cock like a desperate whore?” Licking up your neck, he whispers in your ear, “Imagine if he were to see you like this, being fucked by me and cumming around my cock.”
“Ryo, I'm so close, please, so close!” You gasp, feeling your climax approach rapidly with how good Ryo is drilling into you.
“I'm going to fill that pussy of yours with my cum so everyone will know you belong to me.” he warns, a wicked smile tugging on his lips. “I'm going to mark every inch of your body as mine, understood? You’re going to be a good girl and take it all.”
Nodding, your hands hold onto his back, nails running down his back in an attempt to ground yourself, “Your good girl, yes-”
Yoru grunts heavily, loading his cum inside of you and fucking his seed deep inside with weak thrusts, riding his orgasm with closed eyes and mouthing your neck with lovebites. You follow soon after, the stimulation of his cock pushing in his cum and his fingers pressing against your clit is enough to send you over the edge and finally break, moaning his name and hips stuttering with the waves of the climax.
Slumping on top of you, he breathes heavily, trying to get in some air and enjoying the post-orgasmic experience with your hands brushing the hair out of his face gently.
You kiss the top of his head, smooching your way down until all you can reach is his forehead. He hums, raising his eyes and locking gazes silently.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
Sticking your tongue out, you pinch on the bare skin of his shoulder, making him jolt in surprise and glare at you with a pout. 
Yoru hovers over your body, resting his body weight on his arms and gives you a peck on the lips before standing up and going to the adjacent bathroom to bring a wet towel. Rolling to your stomach, you cross your arms under your head and watch him walk around freely and naked, admiring the view immensely.
His muscles ripple when he bends over to reach for the towel, watching his back with the mark of your nail alongside scars from past battles. You’ve never noticed, but Yoru with his hair down was a whole nother person to see, giving his sharp features a softer look with his hair framing his eyes and a boyish look that has you melting on the inside.
When he sees you ogling him shamelessly, he can’t help the flush on his cheeks and shyness for being this vulnerable in front of you. He throws the towel to your head to distract himself; that body of yours is enticing in every way possible, and he doesn’t want to look too eager to keep going.
“You’re a degenerate, clean yourself up.”
Laughing, you take the towel and lay down between his pillows to clean between your legs carefully. “Says the pervert who called me, what was it? A whore for your cock? A slut? Your words were colorful there, Ryo.”
Yoru grunts, sitting next to you on bed and stealing the towel from your hands. He makes you scoot closer and starts scooping out the cum oozing from your vagina with gentleness and avoiding it touching his sheets. 
The pressure he applies is enough to spark a new wave of heat on your lower abdomen, biting your lower lip to refrain from sighing out loud when the fabric stimulates you.
His fingers clean the remaining of both of your cum with a gentle brush, fingers caressing around your clit softly and watching your flustered expression focus on what his hands are doing.
Wanting to tease you, he applies pressure on the little nub, making circular motions to heighten the tension and sees you throw your head back. You whine, hips raising to seek the touch desperately. Moving your hand on top of his, you guide his movements from up and down, making his thumb tease your hole and your hips roll against both of your hands.
“Someone wants more of this pervert.” He mutters.
Kissing your legs, he licks his lips, discarding the towel to the side and making his way to your core slowly.
“Here comes round two, love.”
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casanovawrites · 11 months
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 3
if you’ve got something good, that just means someone wants to take it, right?
i am not gonna watch that happen again.
i like rules. they bring order to the chaos.
you’re my favorite person in the world, but you’re acting weird.
i don’t want to be anyone’s hero. i just want to be safe and boring and happy.
we did so many bad things. it’s all burnt in my brain.
i know that i am flawed, but i am trying to be better.
if you think i’m a killer, prove it.
i’m, like, perpetually single.
no one in the world had more reasons not to believe in me, but you still did.
everyone expects me to have it all together, but i just don’t.
i don’t care what other people think about me. your opinion is the only one that mattered.
if you’re always a disappointment, then it’s impossible to disappoint.
i got so wrapped up in my own dreams and feelings. i took what we had for granted.
what we are to each other is so much more complicated than any stupid wife or husband or girlfriend. 
it’s too much for me, you needing me.
i want us to go back. back before the mistakes, the lies. back to when we were unstoppable. 
i guess all the time i feel like i’m kind of trapped because i can’t describe how i’m feeling.
you deserve better than me.
everyone keeps saying the only thing that will make this better is time and maybe space.
i didn’t want you to leave last night. 
got to clear the skies for some blue skies, right?
i just don’t want to get hurt again.
everything’s still unresolved, you know?
nobody deserves romance more than you. 
i don't know when i'm going to get over this. but i want to be beside you when that day comes.
is it cold in here, or is it just me?
i’ll get blamed if something bad happens to you.
i’ve got one rule for you. dance with me.
why is this so hard?
can we keep having dramatic yet memorable dates?
if you tell me right now that you’ll never forgive me until the end of time, i’ll leave you alone.
i’m not the problem. you are.
you two are weird in all the same ways. 
forget other people’s definitions. be who you want to be.
if i love you now, imagine how much i’ll love the person you become?
i just don’t see it adding up to happiness for any of us.
i kind of felt like you were running away from me.
i’m not a stranger. i’m just strange. 
every time i do something to be happy, someone gets hurt. 
all year, i’ve tried to do the right thing, but what do i get in return?
you strike me as a queen without her crown.
we’ll always find our way back to each other. 
what’s the point of fighting so hard to stay alive if we’re just going to die alone?
you know there’s a chance. that’s what you can’t square. that’s what hurts.
things went bad for you, things went bad for me.
it’s not that i’m like you. it’s that i love you.
i’m losing my fucking mind, and i’m terrified. 
you knocked me off balance in a good way.
he knew what to do. he always did. and he was a fucking asshole about it.
you should get the hell away from me. i’m poison. i ruin people.
you sound like a bad romantic comedy.
i think we can make long distance work.
you’re not a victim. you’re a killer.
i know kids lie to their parents about stuff,  but you don’t do that. it’s not you. 
you can come back from this. i know you can. you have to. 
people die, they become a threat.
you’re either the cat or the mouse.
when you go down, i hope i’m there to see it.
we’ve always needed each other. that’s what our entire relationship’s been about.
i’m not evil. i just did an evil thing, one i deeply regret.
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failedbymodernityxx · 11 months
one of them - prologue
a/n: welcome to "one of them", i hope you love this story as much as i do. leave notes and submit asks with your opinions!! love you all!
heartbreak. it fucking sucks, some even say there’s no pain like it. there’s always something that hurts more. Heartbreak from different people is what differentiates the pain from me. From a boyfriend, you’re sad for months, from your father, more like your whole life. 
I could beg to be loved, something that felt second nature to me. To want to be loved so deeply is a dream only some can achieve, i don’t think I’ve ever experienced this. 
relationships are tricky. I’m on the road most of the year, every year. I’m in a band, with four guys. I’m in the public eye, nothing is private. Not many people want to date a girl that loves her job more than anything. 
There however was Ben, Ben Willis. We had dated for 3 years, we met in London when the boys and I had moved there, our relationship was easy but so hard. I looked past red flags and now I realized how stupid I was to let him have me all those years. I would have married him if I hadn’t found out he was cheating on me for the entire 3 years. 
I was 18 when we met and started dating, broke up when I was 23, and now at 24, I try my hardest to figure out who I am aside from him. The life we had or the illusion I made up in my head. 
Maybe it was me, maybe it was my fault he did what he did. If  I wasn’t constantly away, he wouldn’t have to resort to cheating on me. Then again, why didn’t he just break up with me when my lifestyle got too complicated for him? 
What if I wasn’t supposed to find someone? What if I wasn’t supposed to find someone like Crystal, or Kay, or Sierra? What if that wasn’t part of my life? Maybe, just maybe, I’m not deserving of the love I give to others.  
That’s a thing, right? Some people just end up alone, I define-
“ Lucy”
I shook my head, snapping out of my dreadful thoughts, 
“ We gotta board the flight”, said Ash, looking at me while starting to walk away. The year was 2018, we were on our tour 5SOS3, promoting our 3rd studio album, and getting back into the groove of touring. 
Once I stood up from the uncomfortable airport seats someone pulled my arm, “ Hey, everything okay? You’ve been really dazed the past few days”, said Calum
“ The whole Ben thing is all”, I said putting my backpack over my shoulder and beginning to walk with him to the door to get our tickets scanned again. 
“oh, sorry you have to go through that bullshit. You don’t deserve it Lucy”, he said walking beside me to the actual plane. Once we arrived at the door the flight attendants directed us to our seats. I was in a window seat, in the same row as Luke. 
Cal, Ash, and Michael were in either the seats next to Luke and me or in front of us. Andy would be paired up with the last guy who was sitting alone. 
I dropped into the window seat, taking a deep breath before pulling my headphones out and beginning to play music. Andy was recording us boarding for the tour diary. We decided to bring him with us because his work was amazing and we wanted to document touring, release week, and overall the experience. 
I was trying my best to block everyone out, it felt like that’s all I was doing. They caught on after I said I wasn’t in the mood to have drinks with them and their girlfriends. I loved all the girls so much, I’ve spent most of my life surrounded by these guys, even when they annoyed me most, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. 
“Lucy”, I heard someone say. I snapped my head to the right, looking away from the window. 
“What’re you listening to?”, asked Andy holding the camera towards me. “ Uh, Somebody Else by The 1975”, I said holding my phone towards him. 
“Ouch”, said Luke looking at me with a joking smile. “ Can we watch Netflix on your laptop?”, he asked. 
“ Yes, yes we can”, I said buckling my seatbelt, motioning Luke to do the same. 
Ladies and gentlemen, please find your seats as we prepare for takeoff 
I sat in my seat, pulling out my journal and a pen, I looked out the window and jotted down a thought, 
Everyone, please fasten your seat belts we are departing Heathrow Airport for john f. Kennedy airport. 
sometimes taking off felt like an escape. for a brief amount of time, everyone’s worries were targeted at the flying plane and not you and every single thought creeping into your mind. 
As the plane moved against the taxiway, I gripped the armrest, I hated takeoff, always listening to music to mask my fears. 
Ladies and gentlemen once the seatbelt light above you turns off, you may roam the aircraft and use the lavatory
“c’mon we gotta finish new girl”, said Luke moving his backpack from the seat so i could scooch.
“Why don’t you watch without me? here”, I said handing him my laptop. 
“Lucy”, he said.
“Just watch Lu”, I said, leaning my head against the window. I sat silently, trying to make him get off my back. The only thing I ever thought about nowadays was my shitty love life, 
it was like everyone around me was madly in love, and here I was heartbroken. 
Calum was head over heels for his girlfriend Margaret, even though they began dating a month ago. Luke and Sierra had been in love for years now, same for Ash and Kay, and Mike and Crystal. 
“Lucy”, said Mike as he turned his body to face me. 
I looked from the window and turned my head to face him, undoing my seatbelt
“Yeah?”, I asked
“We were thinking about going to a bar when we land. the girls will be there”, he said very cautiously. I could see the concern in his eyes.
“Kay keeps asking for you”, said Ash.
“yeah, Sierra said she wants to sing karaoke with you. She even called the place to make sure they had it”, said Luke moving to the seat next to me. 
“c’mon we miss you”, said calum.
“I’m right here Cal”, i said. Not fully understanding what he meant. But in reality, I knew what he meant, I wasn’t the same, and hadn't been for a while. 
“You haven’t been you for a while now. you know it and so do we. come and let loose.”, said Ashton.
I looked back out the window before saying, “Okay”. 
“ Alright boys operation Get Lucy Drunk is a go”, said Calum. 
“I hate you guys”,i laughed.
“ no you don’t”, said Luke wrapping me in his arms. He’s right, I don’t hate them. 
“ you love us”, he said kissing my cheek. 
That was true, loved the four boys more than anything in my life. Except they were my brothers. 
That’s when he came into the picture, perfect timing.
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italiangothicwriteblr · 7 months
Posted in r/AITA
AITA for how I handled this situation with my boyfriend’s best friend?
Posted by fallonmysword
Hey Reddit
So, this is a long, complicated story, but for some context—I (27M) left my home country to take a prestigious job offer working for a politician about a decade ago. My boss (29M) sucks, but his best friend (27M) was cool. Long story short, we fell in love and started dating.
I’m genuinely the happiest I’ve ever been in my life with him. But recently, our boss got himself a promotion through less than legitimate means, and his shady tactics that used to just be confined to our small town are now affecting people on a much larger scale.
The thing is, he doesn’t treat my boyfriend very well either, but he can’t see it! At heart, he’s a good person who doesn’t want to be complicit in our boss’s crimes, but is too deep in to feel like he can leave. He insists that the friendship is important to him because our boss took him in when even his own family didn’t want him (long story that’s not relevant, but I’m happy to expand in the comments!)
Anyway, there’s a group working against our boss, led by this other guy we know (28M). This guy is a massive dick and he and my boyfriend have been feuding for the past decade. I mean, they seriously hate each other. But recently something happened which made me realize I need to take our boss down, so I went to the other guy and offered to be his double agent.
My plan was to explain to my boyfriend after I’d secured both our safety, and convince him to leave with me. I’ve already been told this wasn’t well thought out, no need to roast me in the replies.
Anyway, our boss found out about my “treason” and before I could get ahead of the story, told everyone including my boyfriend. Now he’s furious with me and is more dependent on our boss than ever. He hates me now and thinks our entire relationship was a lie.
To make matters worse, my new boss is taking full advantage of the situation—he’s decided to score points with his other employees by constantly using the situation to make fun of my boyfriend. Like I said, complete and utter dickhead. But all the mockery has destroyed any chance of getting him to listen to my side of the story.
So Reddit, AITA?
Response posted by kneeltoyourking
YTA but also your boyfriend sounds better off without you so good job! He’s probably fucking that best friend right now!
Reply by funkylittlemagician
Bas, I’m begging you, shut up
Response posted by funkylittlemagician
YTA for POSTING THIS ON THE PUBLIC INTERNET. If this is your excuse it’s really shit no one is actually this stupid. Fuck you.
Response posted by sadwetcat
For those who don’t know, I’m the “complete dickhead” mentioned in the post and am proud of it. Anyway NTA OP this whole thing is hilarious.
Reply by hisshissmotherfucker
Hey babe quick question what the fuck? (For OP—NTA your boss sounds like he sucks and murders innocent people. Also sadwetcat is right this is fucking hillarious)
Reply by bestbeloved
Dude ur name lol. Also NTA OP!
Reply by sadwetcat
Leo set it for me before he died and I don’t know how to change it
Response posted by witchhunterswife
NTA OP! Treason is okay!
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callsignbaphomet · 19 days
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
─── ・ 。゚☆ 1. What's your OC's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
He identifies as male but sees himself as he looks, androgynous. He actually thought about and even considered the possibility of being non-binary but to him it didn't fit. He fully embraces any and all masculinity though he certainly does not portray it in the “traditional sense”. He also embraces femininity completely.
He fully embraces his androgynous state, getting a giggle out of people when they fully believe he's actually a woman. It never bothered him, he’s hyper aware of what he looks like physically and no matter how hard he tries his voice will never sound deep like other men’s. He's honestly just having fun with what he's got.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 2. What's your OC's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
He's gay. He's got no opinions on it, he’s known since he was in his late 20s to early 30s and has never questioned it. Feels pretty at home. He did try and experiment to see if maybe he liked women as well but that spectacularly failed.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 3. How did your OC discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
This is complicated given his past. After the first two years after his grandpa, Jelani, Loke and Trevor rescued him he would stick close to Jela as he was the first person he saw that wasn't his abusers and the act of carrying him out of that makeshift grave in the basement made him feel safe around him. He deemed Jela someone that was safe to be around. So he legit followed him around like some lost little puppy. Didn't help the fact that Jela would often read to him and even taught him how to read.
As he went into his late teens he was completely smitten by him though he wasn't really aware of this. Remember, while he was with his abusers they never taught him anything, he wasn't even taught how to actually speak. So he was starting from scratch at age 14. It wasn't until his mid to late 20s that he learned about romantic love and relationships and by his early 30s he was aware that he liked Jelani in a romantic way since he was 14.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 4. Is your OC's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
Absolutely! He's completely surrounded by other queer people and on top of that he has a grandfather that is 100% supportive of him.
It's really helped him find himself in many ways. Being allowed to explore himself and experiment in an environment where he is safe and supported has let him become the person he is today.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 5. How did you figure out your OC's identity?
Holy shit, I’m about to say something that I’ve only said out loud maybe one or twice in the 24 years I’ve had this OC…
He's everything I’d ever want to be. He's an improved self-insert. He's grown alongside me. It's like one entity but two separate people, if that makes sense.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 6. How does your OC feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Loves them. He thinks it's great that people can have choices in how they identify themselves and how they can allow people to be perceived by others. He knows there are people who don't like labels and while he doesn't understand that he respects that too.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 7. Is there something that could cause your OC to question their identity? What?
Nope. He's extremely sure of his identity even as “complicated” as it may be to others.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
Eh, no but sometimes people's attitudes make him feel a little off. He has a lot of qualities that make people mad for stupid reasons. He's gay and not just gay he’s very feminine and cross dresses, he’s gnc and androgynous and intersex. People tend to be weird at him about all those things but especially the fact that he’s intersex because let's face it, people are extremely ignorant and uneducated when it comes to that subject.
This isn't to say I’m spinning his identity as some tragedy, there's too much of that already. No, he’s very happy the way he is and you can even say he's very proud of who he is. It's just that some people are weird about it and he's not made of stone, he’s gonna feel some type of way. But overall he’s happy and sure of himself.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
No, not really. He was raised (I don’t count the years between ages 2 and 14 for more than obvious reasons) among very open queer people of many different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds. He was heavily influenced by them all.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 10. Does your OC celebrate Pride? How?
Yes! Ashstone has its own celebration and even their own pride which he and the others attend every year (IF they aren’t on the job). Soon as it’s midnight he starts decorating with all sorts of rainbow things around the apartment. Like a kid during christmas. 
─── ・ 。゚☆ 11. Is your OC open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
Like I said, he was raised around very open queer people and it shaped him. He’s very open about his identity and corrects people when they need correcting. Like I said he identifies as a man but he’s extremely gnc what with his over the top femininity and his embracing of it and his flamboyant nature. While he does use he/him pronouns mostly he does feel a sort of kinship with it/it’s BUT he only allows other queer people to use it for him.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 12. Does/did your OC ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
Like I said on question 8 he’s very comfortable with who he is completely. He never got any “corrective” surgery because there was no need for it. Having both genitals didn’t hinder him in any way or caused problems and to him it’s perfect as is. Having half a uterus leads to some painful periods when he gets them but he doesn’t want it removed either since he’d like a kid or two someday and meds (and his abnormally high pain tolerance) often help with it.
Like I said during that same question I don’t want him or any OC to feel bad about who they are in terms of their queer identities. There’s far too much media out there that does that and I want anyone that interacts with these OCs or reads any of the material to not have to get that out of them.
He doesn’t wish he’d be “normal” or wasn’t gay or effeminate. He loves being gay, being faggy as fuck and effeminate, he loves cross-dressing and being mistaken for a woman, and more importantly he loves being intersex, he loves everything about it. From his curves to the two genitals, the half a uterus (I know it has a name but I forgot), his high pitched voice, his androgynous features, and is very outspoken about it and proud of it.
─── ・ 。゚☆ 13. Would your OC be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
No. He’s very in love with his husband and only his husband. He does love Trevor but he’s not in love with him. Despite the arrangement he, Jelani and Trevor have there is no one else he’d wanna be married to. He and Jela may add in a third or however many they feel like at any given moment but it’s strictly sexual.
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knowwhereyougrow · 4 months
I’m going through a rough breakup, and in order to respect the other person’s request to have time to move on, I started journaling things I can’t send to him to give him his space. The details are complicated. The final moment was intense. Here is one of the entries.
I’m worried about you. I don’t think I ever realized how alone you felt in life. You’ve been doing everything by yourself for forever. I don’t like you being alone now. Even worse, I don’t like that being with me didn’t make you feel less alone. I was a burden to your emotions and your well-being. You always tell me hindsight is 20/20, and I had the opportunity to be something beneficial to you and all I did was take.
You said I didn’t feel like home to you. Like you’ve never felt at home. Now more than ever, I want to build a home with you. For you. I want to maintain a place where you can always unwind and feel safe. Where you don’t have to take care of everyone and everything but be taken care of instead. I want you to come home to warm showers and clean clothes and hot meals and little people coming to greet you who look like us.
I know this life requires success in your business. I know that’s your main priority. I know having that life with me was at one point why you’ve been working so hard. I’m sorry I expected so much out of what I wanted our relationship to be in the present and disrespected our potential future.
I know you said it takes two, but I had my perfect guy and tried to force him to be something he’s not. Something you’re not. And I did that on top of everything else you’re going through. It’s stupid, but you carry yourself so well I thought you could handle me. That I could be my over-emotional self and it’d all just smooth over. You were honest about the toll I was taking on you with my behavior and I didn’t accept the gravity of the situations I put you in, and continued to do it. Having all I’d been hoping and praying for for so long and then pushing you away because I can’t change is a devastating blow. I watched myself do it and you warned me and I couldn’t stop myself.
You were patient. You were kind. You cared so much. I felt truly safe and loved for the first time and I didn’t make you feel the same way. You’re valid to say being around someone like that made you feel anxious and I know that feeling. I can’t believe I became the same person for you I’ve been spending my life trying to heal from. I can’t believe I was what I was despised for so long. It was hiding in me and you showed it to me and I still couldn’t see it. And you suffered for that. The only man who I’d ever felt comfortable and confident enough to share an intimate lifetime with, share children with, was in my hands and I threw it all away.
I want to be your partner in any way I can. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Tell me how to help you achieve your goals and success and I’ll do it. Tell me what you need from me and I’ll give it to you. You were never a burden. You couldn’t be a burden on me if you actually tried. I know I don’t have much credentials in the realms of being a successful manager, but I will do anything I can to build with you. For you.
If I can’t be the person you spend the rest of your life with, allow me to be the person who helps set that life up for you.
For me, it will always be you. It was always was. It was you before I knew you. It was you the day I met you. The day you greeted me in the lobby and shook my hand I saw it in your eyes. The night I rested my head on your thigh. The night you told me when you say you love me you really mean it. The night I slept in your arms for the first time. Every night I got to sleep next to you. Every morning I woke up next to you. The first time I kissed you. Every time we’ve kissed since.
Do you remember the night you asked me to come over when I was having a bad day, just so you could tell me you loved me and kiss me? And you held me in the rain and we kissed and we danced like some sappy movie. You gave me a love people write stories about. People like me. I was living my perfect fairytale and I was the villain.
You keep saying it takes two. Even now with my newfound clarity, I can’t think of anything you did wrong. All I wish is that you shared more of yourself with me. You thought it would burden me but it always makes me feel closer to you. I doubt I made our relationship an environment where you felt safe to share things with me.
Just know wherever you are, whoever you are, and whoever you’re with: my love is with you. You are never alone. You will always have every part of my being and my soul. It will always be yours. My support, my admiration, my respect. It is always yours. It is always with you. Even if I can’t be. Even if I never will be again. The best parts of who I am and what I can offer have always belonged to you. They always will.
I don’t know what else to say. I know you don’t want me to be around you, but I don’t want you to be alone. You said it’s easier to be alone. but the easy things never get you anything worthwhile in life. You taught me that.
Allow someone to be there for you. Share yourself. You are beyond worthy of being seen and still being loved. You will find that because you deserve it.
I wish I could send all of this to you but I know it would hurt you even more. I’m done taking away from you. I hope that you can read this one day. For now it will stay with me.
I love you. Love isn’t a strong enough word, but it’s all I have for now. So, I just really fucking love you.
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havockingboo · 1 year
Hello Havock! have a good day, afternoon or night depending on when you see this
Yes, it's me again lol and first of all Odalia (or Juno, I don't know what name you gave her at the end) reminds me a bit of Cerebella from Skullgirls (don't hit me please) but since I'm talking about her, I know Do you at least know WHY she acts as if she were some ex of Shrike's that she has a grudge against? Is it because of something in the past? and if so what is it? And another thing, do you know what her relationship with Beebs is like or at least do you have a clear idea? because she honestly gives me vibes that they get along but who knows
(This is when I remember that I ship a little to my oc Zeckoy with Shrike, despite the fact that Zeck is not even an oc of any specific fandom help )
Oooo, yes the big ol arms are very fun character designs so haha I can see why you see the resemblance
Why Juno and Shrike act like they were both exes, well it’s all for one reason from their very complicated past………she thinks it’s real funny teasing that walking beanpole. Getting him all worked up and flustered! She gets a kick out of bully the hell out of Shrike because:
1) he’s shorter AND weaker than her
2) he looks stupid
3) she likes stupid!
4) she has a funny way of showing affection. Oh the good ol days!
On Shrike’s end though, you can guess how much Juno annoyed the hell out of him. But there’s just no stopping her from having it her way. She may be big and a very pretty lady, but that won’t fool him anymore! Never wants to get a noogie again! An unstoppable force vs an immovable object if you will
Juno and Beebs would make great friends from what I’ve thought of so far. I think Beebs would really like her optimistic and confident attitude, and Juno really likes a guy who’s got brains and brawns for a change! One hiccup though between them is how they view each other’s nature. Feel like Beebs thinks she’s a bit too self-centered and overconfident. He thinks Juno should be more considerate and aware of other peoples feelings (“read the room” kind of problem) Not that she isn’t empathetic, but her attitude can feel a bit pushy at times and she can get ahead of herself. Juno also thinks Beebs is too soft for his own good. He’s such a humble guy that she finds him incredibly endearing. wishes he would arm wrestle with her at least once!
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Revenge time ✨✨
2:Shoe size
3:Do you smoke?
4:Do you drink?
5:Do you take drugs?
6:Age you get mistaken for
7:Have tattoos?
8:Want any tattoos?
9:Got any piercings?
10:Want any piercings?
11:Best friend?
12:Relationship status
13:Biggest turn ons
14:Biggest turn offs
15:Favorite movie
16:I’ll love you if
17:Someone you miss
18:Most traumatic experience
19:A fact about your personality
20:What I hate most about myself
21:What I love most about myself
22:What I want to be when I get older
23:My relationship with my sibling(s)
24:My relationship with my parent(s)
25:My idea of a perfect date
26:My biggest pet peeves
27:A description of the girl/boy I like
28:A description of the person I dislike the most
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30:What I hate the most about work/school
31:What your last text message says
32:What words upset me the most
33:What words make me feel the best about myself
34:What I find attractive in women
35:What I find attractive in men
36:Where I would like to live
37:One of my insecurities
38:My childhood career choice
39:My favorite ice cream flavor
40:Who wish I could be
41:Where I want to be right now
42:The last thing I ate
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44:A random fact about anything
What?? Vengeance??? I never saw this one coming (wink emoji)
0:Height: 5"7
1:Virgin?: Yes. #waitingtillmarriagegang
2:Shoe size: Why are you buying me shoes?????
3:Do you smoke?: Absolutely not. Smoking = Murder (of both yourself and others)
4:Do you drink?: Ewww no.
5:Do you take drugs?: Ewwwwwww no.
6:Age you get mistaken for: Anywhere from 12 - 14 (I'll be sixteen in April; buy me a gift; preferably a books)
7:Have tattoos? No.
8:Want any tattoos?: I'm allergic to physical pain lol
9:Got any piercings? Did you not here about the physical pain???
10:Want any piercings? Hello! My allergy! Are you not paying any attention!?
11:Best friend? @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @writingwitch007, @lavenderimaginedher, @nyxxxxxxxx, @slowlyg0ld, @quickslvxr, @technically-bean, @just-another-godless-god (i can't ever remember you url correctly lol) and all the rest of my moots <3
12:Relationship status: Complicated....
13:Biggest turn ons: smiles, hyperfixations, dramaticness but maintaining the ability to be chill, bright eyes (not like color; theres something about certain people that makes there eyes bright), long hair (idkw)
14:Biggest turn offs: Hubris, being condescending, the stupid type of stupid like not cute stupid but mean stupid, fake people,
15:Favorite movie: Enola Holmes <3
16: I’ll love you if you are alive lol. As far as agape love is you breathing is enough. As far as philia/ludus is concerned be nice and funny
17:Someone you miss: A lot of people...
18: Most traumatic experience: The moment when i was 5 when i realized adults aren't perfect. 5 was way to young imo.
19:A fact about your personality: I'm loyal. You need to talk to someone im there.
20:What I hate most about myself: I have trouble focusing on things im uninterested in doing.
21:What I love most about myself: I know a lot about a lot. And I'm very passionate.
22:What I want to be when I get older: actor, youth pastor, author, poet, philosopher, revolutionary, essayist, traveler, director, playwright, theologian, historian, theorist. Any of those are fine by me.
23:My relationship with my sibling(s): On and off. Probably as good and bad as most other relationships.
24:My relationship with my parent(s): idk. sometimes it seems good sometimes i wish i was running away. and whenever i get upset with my parents i can't help but think of so many of my friends with even worse parental lives so idk.
25:My idea of a perfect date: I've never been on a date but i'd love candles, outide eating, talking, reading. Fairy Lights!!!
26:My biggest pet peeves: People saying im rude. Like the frick! You have no idea what I'm not saying and then you argue i say to much. (roll eyes emoji)
27:A description of the girl/boy I like: idk my relationship life is complicated at the moment lol. Most of the girls i've ever liked were funny, nice and had long brown or black hair.
28:A description of the person I dislike the most: i dislike a lot of people. All of them are cheaters and liars.
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend: I told him that his relationship with this girl would work.
30:What I hate the most about work/school: It's not taught correctly lol. When the school system has taught you that Shakespeare is boring you know you've done something wrong. The way Shakespeare was the Lin Manuel Miranda of the the 15 and 1600's. Also Greek mythology is basically the MCU and Roman Mythology is the DC universe lol. I've tangented a bit. The point is literature is cool (Jane Austen is hilarious) and history is anything but boring if only they were taught correctly.
31:What your last text message says: do dms count? if so: "hiiiiiiii [girl's name]" if not: "Got it. Good morning <3"
32:What words upset me the most: Basically anyone saying i need to "man up" or "control my emotions".
33:What words make me feel the best about myself: "i'm proud of you" "nobody's perfect" "you look amazing"
34:What I find attractive in women: Be honest, open, kind, funny, loyal, friendly, brave, beautiful (inside more than out), hopeful etc.
35:What I find attractive in men: I'm straight (nobody listen to anything @nyxxxxxxxx tells you) but I am a sucker for dark messy hair. Look up Timothée Hal Chalamet. oh my goshhhhhhh.
36:Where I would like to live: Somewhere beautiful. Simple as that.
37:One of my insecurities: Couldn't pick one so - my physical appearance, being imperfect, letting people down and i have huge anxiety about upsetting people or infringing on their boundries.
38:My childhood career choice: Pastor
39:My favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and Creme; Starberry and Creme
40:Who wish I could be: Just me.
41:Where I want to be right now: Anywhere beautiful.
42:The last thing I ate: A valentine's day reese cup from my sister <3
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: idk my moots? Yall are wonderful lol
44:A random fact about anything: I'm a shipper in denial lol
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inkoutsidethelines · 8 months
I'm pretty sure this Mafia AU will have more entries, but I'm impatient to post and it's getting long for tumblr, so here's Part 1.
(Owen belongs to @universalfanfic)
Mary still felt like she was in shock when she got back to her apartment. The doctor’s words kept echoing in her mind. 
You’re pregnant. 
It hadn’t even occurred to Mary to consider that a possibility as an explanation for her symptoms. She’d figured the fatigue and bouts of nausea she couldn’t shake was some kind of persistent virus or something.  Pregnancy had never even crossed her mind. 
It should have. 
It wasn’t like she’d been careful, since dating Owen. She’d never thought about birth control; had never needed to before him.  And now she was dealing with the full weight of the consequences of her carelessness. 
I can’t even guess how Owen is going to react. 
Despite her shock, there was no question in Mary’s mind that she was keeping the baby. Any details that needed to be sorted could be handled later. But the more immediate issue was what Owen would think.
They’d never talked about kids. She’d never heard Owen complain about kids, but then she couldn’t remember him ever saying much of anything about kids. She had no idea if he liked or wanted kids. There was a very real possibility that if he was unhappy about this, it could end their relationship. 
The possibility didn’t change her determination to keep the baby either way. But if Owen left her…it would make things more complicated. 
It wasn’t like it wouldn’t be complicated even if this didn’t end their relationship. 
She’d only been back in her apartment a few minutes when her phone buzzed to let her know she had a new message. It was from Owen. 
Are you done at the doctor?
The timing wasn’t a coincidence. He’d never told her about the men he had following her - her unofficial bodyguards - but Mary had noticed them the first day they’d started following her. She wasn’t sure how much they told Owen about her movements, but it wasn’t hard to guess they’d let him know she was home. 
No point in delaying I guess. 
She texted a quick reply as she flopped down on her couch. Yeah I’m home. Can you come over? We need to talk
A moment later one of his portals opened in her living room and Owen stepped through. He saw her immediately, and quickly glanced over her as he moved her way. “Is everything alright?”
“Mm,” Mary said, unsure yet how to answer that question. “It will be…the good news is I’m not sick.”
Owen sat on the couch turned towards her, and a frown pulled his mouth down. He knew she hadn’t been feeling like herself lately. “What’s the bad news?”
Mary hesitated, studying his face. “…it might not be bad news at all. Depending. We’ve never talked about it, so I’m not sure.” She curled an arm around her stomach. 
His brows drew together. “What are you-?“ he stopped abruptly. His gaze dropped to her stomach, then back to her face, eyes going wide.  “Are you pregnant?”
She’d never accuse him of being stupid. 
Mary took a steadying breath. “Yeah. I am.”
For a long moment he stared at her, then his expression broke into a grin and he let out a laugh. Before Mary could process the meaning, he reached for her, pulling her into his lap and kissing her. 
Mary melted into him, her hands clinging to his shirt to keep him close. When he finally pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers. “This is amazing news,” he said. 
“Good,” Mary said. She’d assumed that was the case from his initial reaction, but it was a relief to hear him say it. 
He brushed his fingers through her hair. “Were you worried about that?”
“Kind of,” Mary said. “Like I said, we never talked about what we would do if I got pregnant. I wasn’t sure if you even like kids.”
“I like kids,” Owen said. “In fact, I’ve always liked the idea of having a lot of kids.”
The thought of having more kids with him was thrilling and nerve-racking at the same time.  She pulled back slightly.  “Exactly how many are you considering?”
“I was thinking four or five?”
“Mm.  Let’s see how we handle one first,” Mary said. 
He grinned and kissed her again.  “Okay, my love.”
She snuggled into him, relieved that the news had gone over so well.  Owen held her, and for several minutes they stayed like that, enjoying the other’s company and letting the change their life had suddenly taken settle on them.
After a minute or two of silence, Owen tilted her chin up so she was looking at him again.  “Hey,” he said, “will you marry me?”
Mary stared.  “I’m sorry, it just sounded like you asked me to marry you?”
He let out a huff at her response.  “Because I did.”
“But – we haven’t even been dating a year!  We’ve barely dated over six months!”
“And we’re going to have a baby,” Owen pointed out.  “I don’t see a reason to wait on an arbitrary timeline at this point.”
…He has a bit of a point there.
But his proposal was enough of a shock that it got her past the happy, emotional glow that had come with his excitement over the pregnancy, and had her considering the practicalities of their future.  And it still wasn’t secure.
Owen might want to be in their baby’s life, but once he found out she was Daredevil, he might not want anything to do with her.
“We can’t get married just because I’m pregnant,” Mary said.
“That’s not the only reason I want to marry you,” Owen said.  “I’ve been planning on marrying you for months, but I was waiting to ask.  I don’t see a reason to wait any longer when we have a baby coming.”
Part of Mary wanted to agree with him and say yes.  But she couldn’t – not until she told him the truth about Daredevil, and she wasn’t prepared to have that conversation right at this moment.  Though it would certainly have to happen sooner rather than later.
“Let me think about it,” Mary said.  “I can only handle one life altering piece of news in a day.”
His expression flickered, and Mary suspected that her soft no had probably hurt his feelings.  But Owen didn’t push.  “Okay,” he agreed, and pressed a kiss to her forehead.  “Take whatever time you need.  I’m not changing my mind.”
We’ll see about that.
“There’s one thing I need to insist on,” Owen said, getting her attention again.  “You know I’ve got enemies, and I want you to be safe, especially while you’re dealing with this.  I want to assign some of my guys to make sure you’re protected.”
Mary raised an eyebrow.  “You mean you want the guys you already have following me to be obvious now?”
Owen paused.  “…You noticed them?”
Mary poked him.  “Yeah, I noticed them.  I was kidnapped once, remember?  And I spent time in the Army.  I pay attention to my surroundings.  You’re lucky I recognized the first pair of them from the restaurant, or I’d have headed straight for a police station to report them.”
Owen didn’t look nearly as chagrined as he should have.  “I didn’t want to alarm you.”
“Having someone secretly follow me probably isn’t the best way to do that,” Mary said.  “How often do you have them reporting where I am?”
“I don’t have them report on you,” Owen protested.
Mary just scoffed.  “Right, I’m supposed to believe the timing of your text was a coincidence?”
Owen winced.  “Today was an exception.  They don’t normally report on you.  It’s just because you weren’t feeling well.”
Mary decided she believed him, and relented a little.  “Well, they can’t start openly following me until the day after tomorrow.”
A confused frown flickered over his face.  “Why?  What’s happening tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow is family lunch at my parents’ house,” Mary said.  “And I’m going to have to finally tell them about you.  And the pregnancy.  Which is going to be difficult enough without having to explain why I’ve got bodyguards with me.”
Owen’s frown deepened slightly.  “Do they know you’re seeing someone yet?”
“I think they’ve guessed,” Mary said, “but I haven’t actually told them, no.”
“If you want me to be there,” he started to offer, but Mary shook her head.
“I appreciate the sentiment, but no,” Mary said.  There was no gentle way to put it, so Mary decided to just be direct.  “My sister works for the district attorney, and my dad is a partner at Nelson, Murdock, and Paige.  They are both well acquainted with your family business, and you being there will not deescalate the situation.”
“Ah,” Owen said.  “I see.  Are you going to be okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” Mary said.  “They won’t be happy about the situation, but it’s going to be because they’ll have zero trust in you.”  She shrugged.  “But they don’t know you.  I do.”
Can Dad already tell?
Mary had never asked before how early on Matt could notice a woman was pregnant.  The question had never occurred to her frankly.  The doctor had estimated her about eight weeks along, and she’d missed the last family lunch because she’d been feeling under the weather – thanks to pregnancy, symptoms, she now knew.  Which meant the last time she’d been around Matt, she’d have been around six weeks pregnant.
If he’d noticed then, he hadn’t said anything about it.
He hadn’t said anything about it this time either, and maybe Mary was reading too much into his actions, looking for hints.  Maybe it was just nerves that made it seem like his hug had lasted a few seconds longer than usual.  She was probably imagining the pointed tone when he asked what she’d been up to that week.  Maybe she was imagining that he had paid extra attention when she’d declined Heather’s offer of wine with dessert in favor of coffee instead.
He might not know I’m pregnant yet.  But he definitely knows I’m walking on eggshells.
Mary waited for a lull in the conversation over dessert.  “So uh.  I’ve been seeing someone.”
Jack pointed his spoon at Rachel.  “I win the bet.  You owe me twenty bucks.”
Rachel rolled her eyes.  “I never agreed to your stupid bet.”
Mary stared at them.  “What bet?”
“On how long it would take you to admit that you were dating someone,” Jack said.  “I said three to four months, Rachel said minimum six, so I win.”
“I also said I wasn’t participating in your bet,” Rachel said.
Mary scowled at them, but Grace put a hand on her arm, distracting her from Rachel and Jack’s commentary.  “We’re glad you found someone,” Grace said.  “Who is he?”
And this was the part where things were likely going to go south.  She didn’t look Matt’s way, knowing he’d be able to hear the way her heart picked up at the question.  “His name is Owen.  Owen Rogers.”
Rachel stilled, a frown creasing her face as she stared hard at Mary. 
Matt jumped to the connection before she could.  “Rogers.  He wouldn’t be related to Steve Rogers, would he?”
Mary winced.  Which was answer enough.
Rachel slammed a hand on the table, half rising out of her chair.  “Are you completely stupid?”
“Rachel!” Heather said, but Rachel wasn’t about to be deterred.
“Do you realize who that is?”  Rachel snapped back at her.  “Steve Rogers runs the Irish mafia!  Owen Rogers is his son!”  She glared at Mary.  “You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“Owen isn’t going to kill me,” Mary said.
“No? Not even if he finds out about Daredevil?” Rachel asked.  “I’m assuming he doesn’t know about that.”
“No, not yet,” Mary said.
“Yet?” Matt asked, a sharp edge to his voice.  “What do you mean, yet?”
“I’m going to have to tell him soon,” Mary admitted.  “But he’s not going to try and kill me over it!”
Rachel threw both hands up and fell back in her seat.  “You really are stupid if you think that!  He’s mafia!”
“I know what he is,” Mary snapped.  “And I know him! He won’t hurt me.”
“Mary,” Matt said, “you’ve actively worked against his family in the past.  You can’t expect him to take that well.”
“I know,” Mary said, “I don’t.  I know there’s a chance that telling him means the end of our relationship.  But he’s still not going to try and hurt me over it.  Not while I’m pregnant.”
The table went silent.  Mary felt the weight of everyone’s stares as they absorbed the new bombshell she’d dropped on them.
“Well,” Matt said with a sigh, leaning back in his chair.  “If he’s anything like his father, you’re probably right about that much.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Rachel said.  “Statistically, this is when-“
“That’s enough,” Heather interrupted.  She shot a stern look at Rachel and Matt, then stood from her chair.  “Mary, come on.  The rest of you are on kitchen duty.”
Rachel took a breath to keep arguing, and Jack kicked her chair.  “Not now.”
Mary followed Heather downstairs to the rec room.  Heather dropped down on the couch, and Mary sat beside her, curling her feet up under her when she sat.
Heather let out a long sigh, reaching over to hold one of Mary’s hands.  “I’m sorry,” Heather said.  “I’m sure this isn’t how you imagined this conversation going.”
Tears stung her eyes at Heather’s soft words, and Mary blinked them back.  “Actually, it’s pretty much exactly what I imagined.”
Heather winced.  “I guess they are predictable.  But…they’re worried about you, Mary.  So am I, if I’m honest.”
“I know,” Mary said.  And she couldn’t even blame them for it; in their shoes, she’d probably be feeling the same way.  “But I know Owen.  I promise, I’m not wrong when I say he won’t hurt me.”
“Tell me about him,” Heather said.
Mary hesitated, caught off guard by the request.  “He likes to cook.  He’s good at it, too.  Makes pretty much all his meals from scratch.  He loves art and painting.  He’s patient; I’ve never actually seen him lose his temper with anyone.  He’s easy to talk to, and…I feel safe with him.”
Maybe she shouldn’t.  Maybe she was as dumb as Rachel said.  Mary knew what Owen did, and knew what he was capable of.  But it didn’t change that he felt safe to her.
Heather gently squeezed her hand.  “Have you told him that you’re pregnant?”
“Yeah,” Mary said.  “Yesterday, after I found out.  He’s – he’s so excited.”
“And what about you?” Heather asked.  “How are you feeling?”
How was she feeling?
Mary hadn’t even paused to think about that yet.  She’d still been in a semi state of shock when she’d told Owen the day before, and then she’d been thinking about how her family would react to the news, and how she was going to manage the conversation with Owen about her being Daredevil.  At no point had she really taken time to asses how she felt.
I’m having a baby.
A baby.  A whole entire person who would be completely reliant on Mary for survival for years to come.  Who would love and look up to her the same way she’d loved and looked up to her own parents. 
Tears burned her eyes again, and this time Mary couldn’t blink them away.  “I’m terrified.”  As soon as the admission slipped out, Mary burst into tears.  Heather immediately scooted closer, hugging her.  Mary clung to her desperately.
Heather didn’t say anything while she cried, just stroked her hair and held her close.  After a few minutes, her tears settled down, but she didn’t pull away from Heather’s hug. 
“You said you aren’t afraid of Owen,” Heather said, once Mary had stopped crying, “so what’s got you so worked up?”
“I just,” Mary said, “I’m having a baby and I – I don’t know how to be a mom.  What if I screw everything up?”
Heather made a soft humming noise in the back of her throat.  “I see.  I was terrified of the same thing.”
Mary pulled back slightly.  “You were?  But…at least you already knew how to work with kids?”
“I knew how to be a teacher,” Heather said.  “Being a mom and being a teacher is not the same thing.  I cared about my students, but…it’s no where close to what I felt when I found out I was pregnant with any of you.  Motherhood, and all the responsibilities that go with it are absolutely terrifying.”
She cupped Mary’s face, smoothing away the tracks her tears had left.  “But you’ve done amazing, terrifying things before.  You’ll do this too.  And you won’t be alone.  We’ll be with you every step of the way.  All of us.  Your dad and Rachel just have to get over themselves first.”
Mary let out a short laugh at that.  “Thanks, Mom.”
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crescenthoax · 8 months
Hi I’m that anon who sent you the GOT quote and I just wanna say to this beautiful bit 😭 “As for Floris and Aemond I know [my] Aemond is not everyone’s favourite but I don’t know… I feel like the lore about them I think every night before falling asleep is too deep and complex to even begin with. I adore them, even though he’s terrible and she deserves so much better, and yes, I see everyone pointing out that he’s not exactly mourning her but I think he is in his own way -and I will write about it. Just because.”
GIRLLL YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH /I/ LOVED THEM. They weren’t the main couple but I feel like all your side pairings are so much full of intrigue and drip with life. But yeaaahh um I loved them, I loved the whole “they prefer to look at each other than touch each other” thing and how less physical They were, I loved their opposite personalities, and I loved how they kept their relationship to themselves and away from prying eyes of not just the other characters like Annika but to the reader as well (unfortunately I’m a nosy bitch who wanted to see) They also reminded sooo much of Joanna and Tywin “Only Lady Joanna truly knows the man beneath the armor, and all his smiles belong to her and her alone.” LIKE.. ugh my heart.
I definitely overromanticized them to a problematic degree in my head 😭 I’m an optimist but I was so excited for the Christmas au bc I thought they’d get the happy ending they’d been robbed of by the Caswells in the main verse, I thought starting with them being broken up meant that their arc would be them getting back together so imagine my surprise and heartbreak when I read part 2 😭😭😭😭😭
I definitely feel more than a little silly for misinterpreting their relationship so much and hearing that they don’t actually “belong” together in that way, Idk. I don’t hate your Aemond but I do want to shake him and scream that he needs to get his act together and BECOME BETTER AND BECOME DESERVING of her because in my head, she was all he wanted. Idk. It’s stupid but I wanted them to be happy together so badly. I still really ship them even after alla dat which makes me a little bit of a 🤡 but I LOVE pain if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have made it this far into Aegon and Annika’s story.
I think so many of the readers associated the found family with all three of the couples just being siblings together so it’s easy to forget how much Aemond loves our girl Annika, if he’s disloyal to his wife which I think is sad and a little unfair but a valid reading. I’m also not ready to let go of this familial dynamic, it was definitely my favorite. I just hope for the best for all of the Targtowers and their remaining wives especially Aegon and Annika, but I know whatever you come up with, I’ll be happy with even if I’m sobbing on the floor.
Jeez that Tywin and Joanna’s comparison was truly something.
And, to be fair, I don’t think there’s such a thing as 'misinterpreting them.' I believe you can interpret their relationship however you want and also perceive the characters alone as you please. That's what's fun and magical about reading. As a writer, I would never say, 'no, actually…' when someone tells me their views on a character or a pairing—unless you're saying something absolutely out of context, like when someone said Annika enjoyed being with Jacaerys or that she didn’t love Floris. I want people to feel a genuine connection to the story and perhaps find themselves in the characters, to relate to them. I also love to see how what I’ve written is interpreted because it helps me a lot to see if people understand where I’m pointing. So, if you think they were in love (they were, I just think that if it were up to him he would’ve never taken a wife at all), then it’s okay. Aemond is a complicated dude driven by duty and greed, but yes, he loved her, and he’s in pain right now though he doesn’t let it show. Modern Aemond and Floris, however… I don't know I feel like modern Aemond would be so insufferable about women. Love him though.
On a side note, of course he loves and deeply cares about Annika too. I think I already talked about this, but he cares about her as an individual and also as an extension of his brother’s honour. That's why he’s mad and upset about the entire baby situation, perhaps even more than Aegon. I think Aegon feels guilty, and he’s sick with worry thinking about everything Aemond is pointing out. But I believe we can all agree that we are all going to miss this family so much. I even have to confess that I wrote that Christmas au because I was too depressed about the main fic and I missed Floris and the six of them and I wanted Helaena to be happy lol.
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Rant #4002746 (post-rant note: this is pretty lengthy boys and I’m not sorry bc it needs to be said)
(God I rant too much about this comic, but honestly this is the only place I can do that)
Okay, so, once again seeing a fairly common opinion among the fandom which I don’t agree with, so you all know what time it is!! That’s right! Another of my stupid piping hot takes!!
This episode is the result of the idea that Jekyll deserves all the hate and that he’s the bad guy in the story, blah blah blah. I know, I know, I’m just defending him because I relate to him to an alarming degree, BUT. I also think that everyone forgets that the rest of the characters we see in TGS aren’t exactly saints either.
I saw someone else point this out, but I didn’t know if everyone forgot or decided to ignore it, but Robert said some shitty stuff to Jekyll. And the thing is, he didn’t even do it as a one-off thing. I’ve warmed up to Robert, but I still don’t entirely like him. The biggest thing is obviously the whole breakup scene. And we could argue here that Jekyll interpreted incorrectly, HOWEVER. While Lanyon himself didn’t recite verbatim what was said, he still admitted it was “venomous” and he was lashing out.
Idk who needs to hear this, because it’s a very important thing to remember irl we tend to forget, but somebody taking their anger/stress out on their partner- physically OR verbally- IS NOT OKAY. In ANY situation.
It is NOT excusable. Regardless of the fact Lanyon was breaking up with Jekyll, especially BECAUSE he was breaking up with Jekyll, he has no right to yell or berate his partner the way he did. That’s the whole theme of this comic- not understanding how to communicate in a healthy way. It’s not just a problem Jekyll has and everyone is forgetting that.
You are allowed to be emotional in that scenario. You are allowed to be angry. But you have to understand how to feel angry in a way that doesn’t hurt anybody, whether that’s you or the people around you. You collect your thoughts beforehand, and at least somewhat try to articulate what you want to say. You blend the emotion with the logic, not just rid yourself of one or the other.
Lanyon did none of that. He was kind of self-destructing and in doing so, he pierced Jekyll with stray shrapnel. That was so not okay. And that’s me getting upset over the general description of the breakup. The fact that Lanyon essentially told Jekyll he was expendable?? Absolutely not. No. I was LIVID when I read that.
I don’t give a fuck, Lanyon in that moment was a piece of shit, and I hate him for it. And I’m even paraphrasing here, the actual quote was something closer to, “why would anybody give up their future prospects for someone like you?” OH MY FUCKING GODDD. “SOMEONE LIKE YOU?” “SOMEONE LIKE YOU????” OH HELL NO.
That’s not even touching on the fact that we can assume from how Jekyll described everything, this was his first gay relationship. This was the first time he acted on his “sinful desires.” And the way it ends is like this?
Once again, I relate to Jekyll a painful amount, and while it didn’t go exactly like this, it threw me back to the last argument me and my best friend had. Our relationship was… complicated. We liked each other, but it always seemed to be off. They would get into a relationship when I was acknowledging my feelings, and when I was repressing them, my best friend would starting pursuing me. At one point, we had a sort of unspoken thing going on where we both understood our feelings and we were VERY obviously gay for each other and even got a little too touchy for “just two good friends” frequently. But we never made it official. Over the last few months of the friendship, they became more distant and withdrawn. I confronted them about it, we had a huge and messy argument, and they said some really uncalled-for things. I have really bad mommy issues (TM), and they said something that really crossed the line.
I know I was no saint during our friendship or the argument, but jesus christ, there are just some things you should never say to people. And the fact that it was my closest friend and first queer crush/situationship(?) who said it? Of course I developed trust issues and trouble communicating my true feelings, like??
..Idk that just hit a nerve and I hate that people act like either of them are the victim. Again, I’m not saying Jekyll is completely innocent, but he’s also not completely guilty.
It’s not even JUST the breakup scene I hate. Lanyon is STILL kind of an asshole and enables Jekyll’s whole glass scientist complex. During the ball (I can’t remember the reason for it exactly, I think it was just for keeping appearances and connections.) when Jekyll was having horrible hallucinations and acting completely unlike himself, all Lanyon did was reinforce that idea that Jekyll just needs to pretend like he’s someone he isn’t.
If y’all don’t remember, Jekyll ran outside in the middle of the party because he was seeing a lot of disturbing shit and Moreau’s ghost grabbed him. When Lanyon found him, Jekyll was fervently babbling about Moreau following and judging him because he knows Jekyll’s “rotten on the inside.”
So how does Lanyon console him? He just starts his spiel about how it doesn’t matter if Jekyll is actually rotten on the inside, as long as he’s decent on the outside.
I KNOW he immediately backpedals by saying Jekyll is the most decent guy he knows, but in that context, in Jekyll’s eyes, he was interpreting that as, “you are the most OUTWARDLY decent guy I know.” So that did jack-shit for Jekyll’s sanity because as much as Lanyon could have meant it about his personality, he didn’t execute it very well!?
There’s other little things I hate about him, such as the whole thing where instead of just fucking asking for an open and honest conversation, he goes behind Jekyll’s back and snoops in his office for answers. The thought of asking only occurs to him after this when Lucy points it out.
Idk, I like Lanyon as a character, I do- it’s just that I feel like we let him off the hook far too easily anytime he says or does something wrong just because he’s doing what he thinks is best for Jekyll.
There are better ways to go about supporting someone you care about. And it’s driven home a thousand times over that healthy communication is not a phrase these idiots have in their vocabulary, but I guess that keeps going way over some people’s heads and it’s been so goddamn frustrating seeing them drag Jekyll for things OTHER FUCKING CHARACTERS DO.
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Do you have any advice on how to stop being jealous?
Like I know it’s a normal emotion. But I get really jealous when I see people have what I don‘t have and it’s hard for me to truly be happy for them… or myself. I’m always comparing. I know it stems from my insecurities and low self esteem. I want (best) friends, I want people openly think I am attractive, or that guys talked to me. I want to experience things like kissing or having sex. It’s hard for me to see others and especially those who are younger than me have all these experiences I never had. I’m seeing all these people I grew up with getting into relationships, getting married…etc. I guess never experiencing those things feed my insecurities and fears that I’m not good enough or desirable. I just feel like life is just so unfair, like why I am stuck being who I am, I didn’t choose to be so incompetent, boring and ugly.
I know it’s stupid but I’ve felt like this all my life. I was bullied a lot when I was a kid, so it’s hard to not believe what I was told about myself. Especially since all of my experiences confirm my fears. The thing is that I try. I try to put myself out there but nothing comes out of it. And this is embarrassing to admit but I cry about it a lot. I can’t help but to think something is wrong with me. Sometimes I can’t even read fics because the romance or friendships in them trigger me. Like it’s gotten that bad and I would love to have the kind of confidence that you have.
Just remember I only got to be this confident because I learned from a lot of painful things.
Jealousy is a learned behavior. In this case, it seems like you're jealous of relationships (friendships and romantic), specifically those that you perceive to be fulfilling and emotionally satisfying. I don't want to jump too far ahead, but the reason why you try and "fail" is because you aren't addressing the root of the issue - the why.
You did touch on it a little when you mentioned the bullying. Insecurities and low self-esteem are things that have been taught to you. You have adopted this negative self-image to avoid more hurt - if you already believe it, it'll hurt less when people continue saying it to you. Ironically, bullies bully because they too have jealousy, insecurities, and shitty self-esteem. Bullies intimidate because they believe they need to feel powerful to fill that void.
One who knows their power has no need to flex it.
Being bullied and other factors (don't know what your home life is like but I'm sure there's unpacking to do there was well) influence how you develop relationships with other people. There is fear there now. If strangers who don't know you say these things about you, won't it hurt exponentially more if it is a best friend? A romantic partner? Although you try, you feel that you have failed even if something small goes amiss, because you have been trained that is a signal that you could get hurt.
This is why I put fail in quotes. It is not really a failure. Like Yoongi says, human relationships are hard. They're complicated. Best friends fight (you've seen Run BTS???? jokes - or is it, those betrayals tho XD). Romantic relationships miscommunicate and get nasty at times. It is difficult to truly understand that no two people are the same. We tend to think people see the world in the same way we do because that's our main prespective in life. When they don't, there's misalignment and friction. These are not bad things, for we can learn / grow / evolve from these experiences, but you have associated them as bad sure to the past. You were confronted with senseless hostility as a kid - how could child you understand when someone taking out their internal frustrations on you? You haven't learned what projection means. Child you can only think that you must have done something wrong.
Your jealousy is not directed at the people. It is directed at the harmony between them.
You lacked this interpersonal harmony due to chance and circumstance. You probably didn't even do anything. Just happened to be there when a bully felt the impulse. Maybe, too, you didn't receive enough attention and affection as a child. Maybe the various relationships around you were turbulent and unpredictable. Maybe a certain type of attractiveness was prized and was an impossible mold for you to fit. It could be all these things and/or more. You need to look inside to find why you feel this way. And, the person that you absolutely need to develop a fulfilling and emotionally satisfying relationship with... is you.
"Why do I feel this way? How can I better understand me? What can I do for me to help me? How can I change the way I think so I don't drag myself down but raise myself up?"
It took me a long time to choose to believe in me. I didn't want to, because of what people said, because I was afraid, because I was reduced to thinking that this was the way it was meant to be, but it's not. I had to change the way I think. You say you didn't choose to be incompetent, boring, or ugly but on some level you did. Sure, perhaps you can't do everything, but it's clear you can articulate and be brave enough to message me. (keke ;) ) True, yeah, unlikely you can hold an engaging conversation on any topic because of course you don't know everything about the world. That would take forever to learn astrophysics and plant biology and music theory and... Yet if you put your heart into your interests, I bet you would have a lot to say and it would be fun to hear it. And, as I've said before, beauty standards are created by society to encourage consumption. "Conventional attractiveness" is a lie. People have strange and sometimes meaningless reasons for being attracted to others.
Nobody is perfect. Yes, life is unfair. But the way you look at it doesn't have to be.
Even if someone loves you with all their heart, you won't believe them if you don't love you. Even if someone wants to be your best friend, you won't feel it with all the walls you've built to protect the fragile you. But you are not that fragile, really. You were just made to believe you were. I get that. Yes, you will make mistakes. You will get hurt. You'll cry. Not everything will work out. But some things do. You'll never notice unless you break this cycle of negative thinking. Give attention and affection to that inner you that has been hurting all this time. When you're having those thoughts, think about why you're having them and what they really mean. Don't bully yourself, you know? Try your best, but not for others. For you.
People are complicated, flawed, but all are capable of finding the precious treasures that only they can appreciate because of what they've been through. You've been so fixated on other people's treasures that you forgot that you, too, have an adventure waiting for you.
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