14muffinz · 7 months
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Whoops! It seems like twin-sync leo has run off to who knows where! Have you seen him?
[this answer is a collaboration with the original asker. the parts in april's perspective are mine, and the parts in donnie's perspective are hers. I hope this still makes some semblance of sense]
April nearly crashes into the turtle, just barely managing to catch herself in time. Maybe running around the arena isn't the best idea, but, well, she's gotta find her brother somehow.
After stumbling into an alternate April, Donnie blinked a few times in surprise, sure he knew there was other April's, but there weren't too many around in here.
"Uh, no, I don't think so," she says. She might have, for all she knows, but with how hyperfocused she's been on finding her own, she's spotted plenty of different ages, heights, eye colours, and so on. She hasn't focused to hard on anyone in purple, though, and thus she can't help but startle when she realises that this Donnie seems to have slider markings on top of his own. (She should probably be used to weirdness by now, but there's something especially off-putting about seeing something unknown in one of her brothers. "Have you seen my Leo?"
A moment too late, she realises that he probably doesn't know what her Leo actually looks like.
After registering her question he grimaced slightly as he spoke, “Ah… well maybe?? There's a shocking amount of blue here actually..” he ended his statement with a nervous chuckle.
April huffs, figuring she might as well take a bit of a breather. "No kidding. At least my bro's will be able to catch up with me if they don't have any better luck, I'm sticking out a bit I think."
She figures that they're probably still looking for Leon. She can't exactly imagine any of them giving up, unless they do something stupid like trying to use their ninpo to aid in the search.
"I wonder if there's a better way at catching their attention here than just running around aimlessly. I went to the, uh, lost and found corner earlier with my bros, but that place seemed to make it worse than better, to be honest. And, like, this is a really good opportunity to find my brother, since he's been missing for a while, so I can't just…" she trails off, then winces. "Right, sorry, you don't need my life story. Did your brother run off while he was here, or have you been looking for him the whole time?"
Donnie tilted his head to the side as he began recounting the earlier events that lead to Leo running away, “So we may have made friend while we were here, and he thought it would be fun to introduce one of HIS friends to US…” the striped turtle paused for a second “…which wouldn't have been a PROBLEM if he wasn't so… menacing, to put it lightly.”
The purple-clad turtle looked back at April with a nervous expression, “And he kinda… ran off at the sight of him…” the turtle sighed in frustration, “and apparently he got REALLY fast cause I couldn't catch up to him..”
"Ah. Good luck finding him, I guess," she responds awkwardly.
He then directed the question back at her “What about you? Has your Leo been missing long?” He asked.
April nods in response to his question, shoving her hands into her pockets and wrapping one hand around the fidget cube that she's got stored inside. She starts frantically tapping at buttons while she says, "Uh, yeah. He's been missing for over a year at this point, and we haven't had a lot of leads. He just... up and left one night."
It's not really the whole story. It's his missing arm, the one that's still in beta and specially made for fighting at that. It's the nail marks in Draxum's table, as though someone had frantically gripped it, and how Big Mama has been on their asses for months about a robbery that never even happened.
"When we got here, we realised that a lot of other reunions were going on, so we figured that he had to be here somewhere. But so far, no dice. The costumes really aren't helping any."
he took in her response and said “Oh, well my Leo was trapped in another dimension before this whole thing started, but we could still talk, sometimes at least.” He got quieter as he spoke, truly thinking about going a whole year without ever knowing if Leo was even alive… finally came to a resolve with a determined expression, empathy filled eyes looked back to the alternate version of his sister.
"That's good," she says weekly, forcing herself to push down the jealousy that builds. She'd give anything to talk to her missing brother right about now, but she isn't going to allow herself to get upset over something she's glad someone had.
He offered her a hand and with a smile he spoke “How about we team up and look for him together?” In his mind he resolved that his own Leo would be okay for a little longer.
April smiles and nods, reaching out her non-fidgeting hand to shake his. "I'll help find yours too, y'know. It's only fair. The more eyes the better, and all."
When they release the handshake, she grabs her phone out of her pocket, quickly flipping over to a folder full of comfort videos with her and her family. They'd made it shortly after the Kraang Incident, when emotions and separation anxiety were running rampant, and it's been getting tons of use since Leon vanished. She scrolls over to a group photo, taken just a few weeks before he'd gone missing, and shows it to the alternate version of her brother. "This is my fam, so that you can help look. I don't really know if I need help looking for my brothers, since supposedly we'll get tossed back home when all this is over, but... I don't know, it seemed important, I guess."
She twists the cube in her pocket, starting to toy with another side. She's definitely sure that the clicking of the button is now audible, but doesn't particularly care.
Donnie did his best to not acknowledge the faint, but still audible, clicking he heard in an effort to not stress April out any more than he may have already.
Looking towards the picture, he made sure to commit the faces- but in particular Leo's- to memory so he could accurately search alongside her.
As they searched, Donnie encouraged and contributed to telling stories of their respective Leos in an effort to lighten the mood.
Thanks for writing this with me, was a blast!
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braveclementine · 2 months
Vision and Sokovia
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"This framework is not compatible." Tony said, typing away at the computer while he checked his notes.
"The genetic coding tower is at 97%." Bruce said from down below him. "You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes."
"I'm gonna say this once." Steve said, coming to a halt as he, Pietro, Wanda, and Y/N all entered the room.
"How about none-ce?" Tony asked.
"Shut it down!" Steve said.
"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony said and Steve watched as Y/N drifted slightly to Bruce's side.
"You don't know what you're doing."
"And you do?" Bruce asked. "She's not in your head?"
"I know you're angry." Wanda said from behind Steve.
"Oh, we're way past angry." Bruce scoffed and this was a side that Steve had never seen before. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."
"Banner, after everything that's happened-"
"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony interrupted him.
"You don't know what's in there." Wanda shouted back.
"This isn't a game!"
Suddenly, everything was disconnected as Pietro ran around it. "No, no. Go on. You were saying?"
Suddenly, there was a shot and Pietro fell below. Steve looked down and saw Clint standing on Pietro. "What? You didn't see that coming?"
"I'm rerouting the upload." Tony shouted as alarms started to beep.
Steve went to toss the shield, which bounced on everything. Tony shot him in the chest. Wanda fired up and Bruce wrapped his arms around her neck. "Go ahead, piss me off."
Steve jumped at Tony and suddenly Y/N was there, shoving Steve backwards as she defended Tony. She jumped on Wanda's back next, yanking her away and Wanda missed whatever magic she was going to shoot at Bruce. Wanda tossed her off and she went tumbling over the back of the Cradle.
Suddenly, Thor came running up the stairs and though he didn't stop and leapt upon the cradle, calling up lightning from his hammer, Steve could only focus on the slim figure behind him.
She was a young girl who looked to be about Y/Ns age with brown hair braided down to her waist. She wasn't wearing a purple tunic like she had in his vision, instead wearing what looked very much like Thor's armor, except in bronze instead of silver or gold. She had a bow strapped across her back, knives in her thigh sheaths, shuriken's in her belt, and a sword in her hand.
She stayed back, simply watching Thor as Thor slammed the lightning into the Cradle. And she stepped to the side neatly as Thor went flying as the Cradle exploded.
Everyone waited and even the girl backed up a little as a strange red and gray coloured human like. . . well thing came out of the Cradle. He seemed to almost float up, landing on the edge of the Cradle.
Suddenly, he flew directly at Thor, who grabbed him and swung him through one of the glass windows and he went flying so that he was suddenly staring out at New York.
Thor landed behind the strange floating man and Steve quickly landed as well, but waited as Thor raised a hand to stop him.
Thor set his hammer down on the table as the man slowly turned away, a gray suit almost covering his body. The rest of everyone joined them on the floor. Y/N was standing next to the girl that Steve desperately wanted to know the name of, looking like she wanted to say something, but said nothing.
Pietro zoomed over to stand by Wanda's side while Clint came from where Pietro had just exited.
"I am sorry." The voice spoke and it sounded a lot like Jarvis. He touched his feet down on the ground, "That was. . . odd." He looked over at Thor. "Thank you."
He continued to stare at Thor, and suddenly a gold cape was added to his costume.
"Thor." Steve said sharply. "You helped create this?"
"I've had a vision." Thor said, sounding almost dramatic and out of the corner of his eye- because he wanted to keep her in his sights at all times- the girl smirked. "A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center, is that."
"Thor, I know you're new to Earth, but it's rude to point." The girl almost laughed and Y/N actually smiled. Tony smirked too, but Bruce had his priorities straight.
"What? The Gem?"
"It's the mind stone. It's one of the six infinity stones." Thor replied. "The greatest power in the Universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."
"Then why would you bring-" Steve started angrily.
"Because Stark is right." Thor said.
"Oh, it's definitely the end of times." Bruce, Y/N, and the new girl all said together.
"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron." Thor continued.
"Not alone." The man said.
"Why does your vision sound like Jarvis?" Steve asked defensively, walking forwards as the man walked forward.
"We reconfigured Jarvis' matrix to create something new." Tony said.
"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve muttered.
"You think I'm a child of Ultron." The man continued, looking at Steve directly.
"You're not?" Steve asked on the defensive.
"I'm not Ultron." He said. "I am not Jarvis. I am. . . I am."
"I looked in your head and saw annihilation." Wanda said.
"Look again." He commanded.
Clint and Y/N both scoffed and Clint said, "Her seal of approval means jack to me."
"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the mind stone." Thor said. "And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-"
"Is it?" Steve asked. "Are you? On our side?"
"I don't think it's that simple."
"Well, it better get simple real soon." Clint said.
"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He will end it all."
"What's he waiting for?"
"Sokovia." Clint said. "He's got Nat there too."
Bruce stepped forward, "If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be-"
"What will you do?"
There was a moment of silence and Steve felt the frustration and desperation because he knew there was nothing they could do. He had pretty much been useless against Ultron. How could he even find a way to defeat this calmer, clearly more powerful version.
"I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he is in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster." And he turned his red hands towards his eyes.
"I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So, there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." Vision said, turning around and holding Thor's hammer out to him.
It was silent as Thor just stared at the robot in surprise and then took it from him. The man walked past him and everyone stared.
"Right." Thor said, tapping his hammer, "Well done." He patted Tony on the shoulder.
"Nice one Tony." The girl stretched. "If he can lift the hammer, I trust him."
"Who are you?" Natasha asked.
The girl gave her a cat like grin. "Elizabeth of course. Three minutes, get what you need." And she looped her arm through Y/N's and the two girls were gone.
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"No way we all get through this." Tony said to Bruce and Steve. "If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. There's gonna be blood on the floor."
"I got no plans tomorrow night." Steve said.
"I get first crack at the big guy." Tony continued. "Iron Man's the one he's waiting for."
"That's true. He hates you the most." The man said, walking past the three of them.
Tony sighed and they all headed to the Quinjet. He wrapped his arm around Y/N, kissing the top of her head.
"Can we not leave yet?" Y/N asked, typing at her phone quickly.
"Why? What are we waiting for?" Steve asked.
"Not a what. I'm a who." Sam said suddenly, walking in with his wings on his back, bumping fists with Y/N. He raised an eyebrow, looking around. "New recruits while I was gone. Damn."
"Sam." Steve greeted him.
Tony just rolled his eyes.
"Ultron knows we're coming." Steve said and Tony rolled his eyes again because he didn't need a speech. "Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority, is getting them out. All they want, is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's' been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Steve knew he was staring as the Quinjet headed for Sokovia. But he wanted to know how this girl who he had never met before had ended up in his vision. He knew why her eyes had been familiar now. Loki's soulmate that had been the cheetah in New York.
He listened in on the entire conversation that her and Y/N were having.
"So you and Loki are doing okay?" Y/N asked.
"Oh yeah." Elizabeth said happily. "He's at home right now with our kids."
"You have kids?" Y/N asked with excitement. "How many?"
"Just two right now." Elizabeth smiled at her hands. "One boy, one girl. They're twins actually. They're about three now. They both look like Loki though. His blue eyes and his black hair. The boys name is Halfdan. Our little girl is Astrid."
"Loki treats you right, right?"
"Oh yeah." Elizabeth smiled. "He. . . we sometimes still have to cope with the brainwashing. Odin didn't believe us and he put Loki in a cell." Her smile dropped. "But um there's been a lot of stuff happening on Asgard and Loki's out now." She smiled again. "You should see him with the kids. He's the best father in the world."
"I'm glad you're happy with him then." Y/N said sincerely. "I was. . . well I was nervous when you left for Asgard with him. I didn't think I'd ever see you again."
"Well, Loki's been teaching me magic." Elizabeth said with a huge grin on her face. "Kind've wish it was more like Harry Potter style, but it's cool nonetheless. Anyways, I wanted to be here on this mission. I've gotten pretty darn good at healing. Although hopefully we won't have to use that power."
Steve jolted when Elizabeth looked directly at him and smiled a little. "Sorry about infiltrating your dream by the way. It was a complete accident but I used it to both our advantages. I learned and you woke up. Still, I apologize."
Slightly unnerved, Steve quickly said, "No, it's fine."
And then the two girls went back to talking.
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You were thrilled that Elizabeth was back on Earth. Seriously. And she was also like a warrior princess with magic. And she was also the princess part, being married to Loki who was prince of Asgard. That had to be so cool.
You, her, and Steve were on one of Sokovia's bridges, helping the people evacuate. Tony was the one going after Ultron with the help of the red man who you still thought of as Jarvis.
"They're coming." Elizabeth shouted, drawing her bow, knocking the first robot out of the air. The ground started to shake as they started to break through the concrete, like metallic zombies.
You watched her for a second as she ran up one of the cars, back flipping off of it to stab her sword through one, before abandoning the longer weapon to draw the shuriken's and make quick work of the two other robots.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" You shout asked as you blasted one of the robots through the head with your prized AK-12.
"Loki wouldn't rest until I had proper self-defense training." Elizabeth shouted back, spinning around and knifing one in the back of the head.
You ducked as a robot lifted his gun arm and Steve took his head off.
The entire ground started to shake. Elizabeth fell backwards off the bridge and you nearly screamed before she caught the stone. You tried to hold yourself steady while Steve ran with one of the robots, banging him against the green metal of the bridge.
"What's happening?" You shouted as Elizabeth flung herself back over onto the safe side of the bridge.
"He's lifting it into the sky!" Elizabeth shouted back, grabbing her sword which was sliding forwards.
"WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Sam shouted into the coms.
"Sam can you carry people off the island?" You shouted back into the coms. Ultron was speaking now and you had decided to ignore the evil monologue.
"I can but I'm not going to be fast enough. And the buildings on the sides are crumbling and falling onto the crowd below." Sam said.
"Warn them to start running I guess." You muttered.
You watched a robot slam Steve in the air and he crashed against a car.
"Cap you got incoming." Tony warned him a little late.
"Incoming already came in." Steve groaned and Elizabeth took the robot out with an arrow.
"Stark you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off."
"He's very cheerful." Elizabeth joked.
"He's very old. He used to slide on metal slides in the summer." You rolled your eyes.
"I heard that!" Steve shouted, flinging his shield and cutting off another robots head.
"You were meant to." You and Elizabeth muttered together.
You lost track of everything for a while, mostly focused on killing robots and keeping yourself alive. Every time you caught eye of Steve or Elizabeth, they looked like they were fighting just as hard as you. Elizabeth was actually out of arrows, resorting completely to her knives, sword, and shuriken's.
"Why Shuriken's?" You shouted at her.
"Because I love Zane from Ninjago." She shouted back flipping off a car and slamming said weapon into the brain of the robot.
"Okay we're clear here." Clint said in the coms.
"We are not clear." Steve shouted, slamming his shield into another robot and kicking it into a car. "We are very not clear!"
"Okay I'm on my way to you guys." Clint answered as you shot another robot through the head.
You started to reload your gun and Elizabeth kept your back.
"Ever thought we'd be here?" Elizabeth asked, slicing her sword through the metal.
"Not in a million years." You muttered back and started firing rounds off again.
"The next wave is gonna hit in any minute." Steve said as the robots were mostly cleared- thanks to Wanda and Pietro who you were starting to like just slightly. You were not helping people to safe spaces in the city. "What have you got Stark?"
"Huh? Nothing great."
Elizabeth stopped Pietro and hovered her hand over his arm. There was a turquoise glow and the wound healed right up.
"Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys can get clear."
"I asked for a solution not an escape plan." Steve responded angrily. Sam landed next to you, reloading his pistols with more ammo. He was close to empty and he wasn't the only one. You'd brought everything you had with you and you were dangerously low on bullets as well.
"Impact radius is getting bigger every second." Tony retorted. "We're gonna have to make a choice."
"Cap, these people are going nowhere." Natasha said. "Sam can't get everyone down on his own and Thor's occupied with Ultron. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock. . ."
"Not until everyone's safe." Steve huffed.
"Everyone up here versus everyone down there?" Natasha asked. "There's no math there."
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Steve commanded.
"I'll get back to work." Sam said, sticking his guns back in his holsters. But you knew he wasn't going to be able to.
"I didn't say we should leave." Natasha sighed. Steve looked at her and so did you and Elizabeth. "There's worse ways to go." She nodded. "Where else am I gonna get a view like this."
"Shit." Elizabeth muttered. "Loki'll dig up my dead body and kill me again."
"Glad you like the view, Romanoff." Fury's voice suddenly said in your ear. "It's about to get better."
You chuckled to yourself, watching the helicarrier rise and level with the city. Good old Nick Fury. Always had the perfect, dramatic timing.
"Nice, right?"
"Always with the best timing Nick." Elizabeth responded.
"Who is that?"
"Elizabeth. Loki's soulmate. The Cheetah." You rattled off quickly.
"Welcome back to Earth Lightwood." Fury said.
"Glad to be back sir." Elizabeth smirked.
"Anyways, pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."
"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve said.
"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth." Fury teased and you laughed.
"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Pietro asked, a huge smile on his face.
"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be." Steve corrected.
"This is not so bad." Pietro said.
"Let's load them up," Steve said, turning to the building where you had put the civilians for the time being.
"Fury you've got robots coming towards you." Elizabeth said into her com, reaching for an arrow and then cursed, looking around.
"You any good with a gun?" You asked.
"No guns on Asgard. But I learned on Earth. You got a sniper?" She asked.
One of the military officers nearby silently threw one at her.
"Perfect." Elizabeth smirked, kneeling and setting her up. You caught Steve ogling at her and raised an eyebrow. He blushed when you caught him.
"Er- Bucky was a sniper." Steve muttered and quickly ran towards the building.
"Yes!" A new voice suddenly shouted into your coms and you saw a silver machine flying and killing the rest of the robots. Sam zoomed upwards to join him.
"Nice to see you Rhodes." You laughed.
"Now this is gonna be a good story." Rhodey responded.
"Yup. If you live to tell it." Tony said, joining Rhodey and Sam in the air.
"You think I can't hold my own?" Rhodey retorted.
"We get through this, I'll hold your own."
"You had to make it weird."
"Gosh they still bicker like little kids." Elizabeth sighed.
"Thor I got a plan!" Tony shouted as you helped load everyone onto the lifeboats.
"We're out of time." Thor responded back. "They're coming for the core."
"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier."
"On it."
"Avengers, time to work for a living."
You and Elizabeth sprinted through the city towards the church where Ultron had been keeping the ticking bomb. You were nearly there when you heard Tony said, "Romanoff. You and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini.'"
"Shut up Stark." Clint and Thor said together.
"Relax, shellhead." Natasha retorted. "Not all of us can fly."
"Yeah Tony," You gasped, nearly out of breath. "Not all of us can fly."
You got there after Natasha as she asked, "What's the drill?"
"This is the drill." Tony pointed to the metal cylinder in the middle of the church. The others were fighting around you. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."
"Someone should sit on it then." Elizabeth said, holding her side, gasping for breath as well.
Hulk joined the rest of you and you all gathered around as Ultron landed. For some reason, Thor thought it was necessary to shout, "IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?"
"Goddamnit." Elizabeth slapped a hand to her face.
"You had to ask." Steve said as Ultron raised a hand and what seemed like a thousand robots lined up behind him.
"This is the best I can do." Ultron said, spreading his arms out. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Well," Tony huffed as Sam landed behind you, readying his guns. "Like the old man said, together."
Hulk roared loudly.
*Dramatic slow mo scene where Steve does that absolutely gorgeous flip with his shield. Absolutely perfect by the way. 10/10 on a gymnastics floor.*
Elizabeth actually hoisted herself up on the metal cylinder, staying there as she fought, making sure not a single robot was going to get to it. You kept your back against one of the pillar walls, shooting everything in sight.
Vision, Tony, and Thor each blasted Ultron with the yellow gem, blasters, and lightning. They finally let up and Ultron nearly staggered to his feet and said, "You know, even with the hindsight-"
Hulk punched him and he went flying before turning to the other robots which quickly turned and started running through the city, trying to fly away.
"They're trying to leave the city."
"We can't let them. Not even one. Rhodey." Tony said.
Sam went running and then took off with his wings, shooting them as he flanked them from behind.
"I'm on it." Rhodey said into the coms.
Steve turned to the rest of you as Vision lifted off and followed after Sam, "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin."
It was? It was only then that you realized it was hard to breathe. "You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you."
"What about the core?" Clint asked.
"I'll protect it. It's my job." Wanda said.
"Nat. This way." Clint said.
Pietro came in as the others left.
"Get the people on the boats." Wanda said.
"I'm not leaving you here." Pietro argued.
"I can handle this." Wanda said and killed a robot to prove her point. Pietro made a face. "Come back for me when everyone else is off not before."
Pietro started to walk off without answering.
"You understand?"
"You know, I'm twelve minutes earlier than you." Pietro said.
"Go." Wanda laughed.
You and Elizabeth ran with Pietro and as you ran she naturally decided to make conversation, "You two are twins?"
"Nice. I have twins. They're three."
"Whose the oldest?"
"My little girl. Two minutes."
"She will always hang that above her brothers head." Pietro laughed.
"She already does." Elizabeth smirked.
"Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church." You heard Tony said into the coms. Pietro had sped ahead and Elizabeth had hijacked a car so the two of you were cruising. "You know, this works, we maybe don't walk away."
Tears pricked your eyes but you kept yourself together. This was the job.
"Maybe not." Thor answered.
You got out. You could see where Thor and Steve were standing. You could see Pietro. You could see Clint holding a little boy.
Suddenly, you heard shooting and looked up to see the Quinjet that you had all rode in, blasting up the concrete. Thor and Steve jumped out of the way and you saw the bullets going straight for Clint, but there was nothing you could do.
Two things happened simultaneously.
Clint turned his back.
Pietro ran in front of him.
And then a third thing.
Elizabeth was suddenly there, blocking Pietro who was blocking Clint, turquoise energy around her and her eyes were closed. You saw the blood stains as the bullets hit her instead of Pietro and you nearly screamed.
You ran towards them as the Quinjet passed overhead and watched as both Pietro and Clint turned around. Elizabeth smirked a little. "Bet you didn't see that one coming." And then she collapsed to her knees.
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purpleprincessonfyre · 8 months
Aspiring Fires - an Ethane fic
Liane Felton x Ethan Lensherr (@gcthvile)
Mutant x Mutant
Referencing the Mother Mother song of the same name
Marvel OC x Marvel OC
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"A little advice for aspiring fires
You'll get put out if you don't get a little wild
Try again, try again, getting it right
You don't got the due diligence to lose your mind
I'm losing my mind..."
"Your call is important to us, please stay on the line and one of our operators will be with you shortly." The call sang out once again as Liane tossed the phone in a fit of rage, the flying projectile being caught deftly by a concerned Ethan Lensherr as he entered the room.
"Something wrong?"
"It's fine, it's nothing, I'm just on hold and have been for....a while and no one is answering!" Liane growled, her eyes starting to change colour.
"Woah cool your jets, Wildfire, we don't want another Tower burning to rubble."
That remark earned him a very hard glare and very purple eyes trained on his green eyes.
"Too soon, noted. Look, does this place maybe have a website you can apply through? Or is this a first come first served type thing?"
"The second one. It took me this long to even get in the damn line. What has happened to health care in this country?"
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Ethan frowned, looking at the phone as it played a very tinny rendition of The Can Can song on a loop and the caller ID said Clinic on it.
"Wait why are you calling the clinic? We have SHIELD health care for all our needs and last I checked, you look fine to me."
"It's...something else." She trailed off, her eyes darting to the left, her lips disappearing as she sucked in a breath.
Ethan put the phone down on the table and crossed his arms, looking right at the blonde liar. For a while he hadn't been able to notice the signs but as time went on he knew all her tells. The telltale signs that Miss Liane Felton was lying to your face all came down to her face betraying her badly. Her eyes will dart to the left, her lips disappear, the last sign would be if her nostrils flare.
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"It's fine Eth, I just need this..opinion!" She sputtered, her nostrils flaring.
"Aha! I knew it! You're lying, so tell me now, why are you calling a run-of-the-mill NYC clinic?"
Liane's response came out far quieter than Ethan had expected. It wasn't quite a whisper but it didn't really reach his ears.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Little louder."
"IT'S ABOUT GETTING A THERAPIST! There! Are you happy? You know my little secret, I'm unwell, I need therapy but I never got it because my father said they were all liars and swindlers who stole your secrets and insecurities to write articles about you! But now I realise I kinda need one because of my trauma! So...yeah."
Liane had finally stopped and lifted her head to look at Ethan who was biting his lip, not in concern, but in trying to hold back laughter.
"Are you...laughing?"
"I'm sorry but seriously? You think you're a mess? Look around cupcake! Look at me of all people! Raised by mutants in a school of potential heroes and villains, one father being a benevolent principal who can look inside your head any fucking chance he likes and another dad who can bend any kind of metal to his will in an instant?
"You think you know crazy? Just look at my brother Cole, he knows crazy all too well. And yeah he would probably benefit from therapy but are you gonna tell him that? Hell no! Or hey, Tony freaking Stark, he could use therapy badly, everyone here would benefit from getting a shrink. But we never dare say it for fear of being branded a problem or unstable. It's fucked up. And honestly...I couldn't be prouder of you for yknow trying." He smiled, picking up the phone now maddeningly blaring the can can music and ended the call.
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"But if you were left alone in a room with a run-of-the-mill therapist then you'd find yourself in a mental hospital faster than I caught your flying phone just now. Humans do not get it and probably never will. But now you have us, okay?" He reassured, lifting up her quivering chin with his hand, taking a moment to admire her face.
"But...they're supposed to help..."
"They can help. In some cases. But in other cases...some of them are total narcs. Why do you think the rate of young people getting sectioned is so high? Therapists. Look, if you really are desperate for counselling maybe we can talk to Fury about it, see if there's some Robot Therapist Rei built or some kind of mutant therapist we could recruit...in fact..hold that thought."
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Ethan scrambled to grab his phone, wiping the tears from his girlfriend's cheeks and giving her a soft peck on the lips as he scrolled through his contacts looking for a certain name and hit call. Liane smiled, taking a seat on the couch as a conversation ensued between Ethan and someone called Kendra? Petra? Ketra? Either way, he cared. And he hadn't ran for his life either. Turns out it really does take one to know one when it comes to crazy.
Hope you enjoyed! Is this inspired by a Mother Mother song because I've been on a kick listening to their songs again? Possibly. Here's the actual song if you're interested.
@jackiequick @blueboirick @mallowbee4 @meiramel @gcthvile @askstevella @thechoooooosenone @therealdaydreamstark @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @ask-missparker
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your-ghoul-pal · 2 years
Shining Brightly (Chapter 1/?)
Tags: transfem!terzo, fluff, coming out, accidental coming out(?), Copia is a shithead little brother, (Terzo and Copia are siblings) Wordcount: 3k
A/N: idk if I will write more for it, mostly since writers block is bugging me Read on AO3
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Her heart beat high in her chest while she slipped on her only dress. A cute pinkish red dress with flowers on the skirt. She loved this dress so dearly and wished she could show everyone but she was mortified, mortified for the reactions. She was to be the next papa, she had to be a man even when she wasn't one. A knock on the door brought her back, "Don't come in" she says, panic setting out through her whole body. "Why not?" She recognized the voice of her little brother, Copia. "Ehm, because I'm changing?" she answers.
She took off the dress as quickly as she could but Copia had already entered the room holding one of his rats, "What a cool dress." "I told you to not come in" her voice was shaky.
"I'm sorry" Copia says, facing the floor.
She can hear his voice break a little. "Hey, don't worry. Just don't tell anyone about the dress" She says while quickly throwing on trousers and a t-shirt, the dress laying in a small pile on the bed.
"What dress?" Secondo says entering the room. Her cheeks flustered up in embarrassment "nothing, just don't tell any more people. Please" she said with pleading eyes.
"My mouth is sealed" she recognized Primo's voice. "Can't you leave your sister alone for one moment" once she realised what she said her eyes widened in fear. "Sister?" Secondo asked, confused.
Carefully Terzo looked up to face her brothers, none of them looked angry, their faces rather read as empathetic.
"Yes" she mumbled, her body flooding with shame.
"I've always wanted a sister" Copia broke the silence after a moment "and now I've got one of the coolest ones as well!"
Terzo felt tears burn in her eyes and a soft sob leaves her lips. Copia carefully puts the rat on his shoulder and wraps his arms around his sister.
Primo and Secondo look at each other, unsure of what to do. All they knew was that they had to protect their sister from their parents, since they were rather old fashioned. But that was a problem they would tackle later.
“Hey, Terzo?” Primo started, Terzo softly nodded “Terzo” she answered whispering. “Terzo, you know we love you, even if we don’t show it as much. But we will make shit go down if anyone dares to be mean about this. Understood?” he continued on a demanding tone that always scared Terzo a bit but she answered him with a soft nod.
“Do you want to keep this between us, just us as broth- ehm. siblings having a little secret?” Secondo chimed in. “Yes, please,” Terzo said, feeling like a weight was taken off her shoulders. However, another weight was added. Her older brothers would pose no real threat, but her little brother could be horrible at secrets. She just hoped he could keep one, for once.
Primo and Secondo left the room to go back to their tasks. Primo went back to the gardens and Secondo went to pass by the library. Copia looked at Terzo, unsure if he also had to leave. “Can I stay?” he asked with a small voice. Terzo wasn't sure, she likes hanging out with her little brother sometimes, but also often he could be a first class asshole. “Sure, just promise you won’t tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE about this.” She said after thinking about it for a moment.
Copia smiled and tried to get his rat out of his sleeve before sitting down on the bed. Terzo’s room was on the small side, plus it wasn’t very personal to her. Her mattress that laid atop of some pallets was dressed in the boring sheets from the church, plain black with some white and gold details here and there. The dresser that held her clothes was painted a dark purple, her signature colour. The colour that already dressed the cloths in front of the window. In a way she was glad her signature colour was more on the feminine side, but she wished it had been brighter.
She is pulled from her thoughts from a squeak from a rat, “Sorry” Copia murmured directly afterwards. “She had something in her fur, I tried getting it out, she is not a fan.” “Don’t worry,” Terzo says, turning to her brother. Who is holding his rat and softly pets it, his eyes are filled with questions.
“What do you want to know little one?” she says sitting down next to him. She knows he is often not the one to dare to ask anything, not wanting to be an inconvenience. “Ehm, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” he stumbles out.
“I know you want to know something, just ask it. Just let it out. I won’t be upset. I promise” Terzo said, placing her hand on Copia’s shoulder. He turns his head to her and she stares right into his little puppy eyes, on the verge of tears, “really?”
“Really” she smiles at him.
“I-I-I was wondering if, if, if. I wanted to know if.” Copia stumbles. “Take your time,” Terzo reassures him. Copia takes a deep breath and continues “I wanted to know if it is okay if I could take you to the yule celebrations as my big sister, or if we have to still go as brothers?” his voice breaking of nervousness.
“I don’t know, Yule is still many months away. Let’s first deal with the other stuff this year brings. My pappacy coming up worries me more.” Terzo responds with sorrow in her voice.
“I don’t think it should be a problem” Copia responds, hopping off the bed. “Maybe you can try and grow your hair out and make yourself more like you subtly” he adds half twirling through the small open space in the room, “Like I can help you paint your nails!” Copia adds, excited. “Maybe we can paint my nails, maybe also yours, if you want to? We can make it a kind of girls night.” Terzo said with a smile “I think there are some siblings who are okay with lending some?”
“Shall I go and ask?” Copia was practically jumping around from joy. Terzo just watched him with a smile, “Sure, just don’t tell anyone about your cool and awesome big sister.” She says. Copia turns to face her and just flips her off before running off. Terzo just scuffs at her brother's reaction, she stepped off the bed and looked at the little bundle of her dress. She picked it up and held it in front of her, turning to the mirror on the door. This dress is so fucking nice, I wish I could wear one on stage once I am pappa, or would my title be mama? She shrugs, that will discussed later she hoped.
She folds the dress up and stuffs it back into the back of the dresser, behind her “normal” clothes. Maybe someday
She sits back onto her bed and fiddles with her hands, anxious about everything that her little brother could be causing. She just hopes he tells whoever he is talking with that the nail polish he is trying to get is for him and not his big sister. She tries to keep herself from biting her nails again, knowing it will only make her upset. Short bitten off nails gave her an odd feeling of hatred, she loved her nails on the short side but well kept.
After what felt like hours, when it was maybe twenty minutes at maximum, Copia stormed into her room again. He held out his fist and opened it to show Terzo a bottle of deep blue purple ish nail polish. “Unholy Satanas, that is fucking beautiful” Terzo exclaimed picking over the bottle.
She scooted a bit to the side and petted the now empty spot next to her, inviting Copia to sit next to her. Carefully she unscrews the bottle and streaks the excess nail polish of the brush and puts the bottle on her nightstand. She takes the brush and hands it to Copia. “Can you paint them for me?” Terzo asked in a small voice. “Sure, but be warned, I am probably pretty bad at it” he answered with a cheeky smile.
“Probably better than if I did it myself.”
Copia took the little brush in his hand and Terzo’s hand in his other, carefully he began to paint her nails. One by one they got a thin coat of nail polish.
Terzo noticed tears rolling down her cheeks, she had tried to stop them but it was a hopeless attempt. However they didn’t feel like tears of sadness or anything bad. It were tears that held hands with her while skipping through the high grass and flowers, forgetting all worries and problems. She wished this feeling to stay forever.
After the first coat of nail polish was on Copia screwed the bottle close again, waiting for the coat to dry before applying the second one. They both looked at the work Copia had done so far, surely it didn’t look amazing but Terzo didn’t care, it made her feel alive.
“Have you done this before?” Terzo asked, breaking the silence and Copia’s concentration. Copia turned to her, shaking his head. “Nope, never really done it myself, but I have seen siblings paint each other's nails a lot so I just copied what they did” he shrugs.
The silence returns, Copia let himself fall back onto the bed with a deep sigh. Terzo turns slightly to look at him, raising her eyebrow. “What the fuck was that needed for?” she says.
“What was what needed for” Copia says, slightly annoyed, propping himself up on his elbows. “There was no need to throw yourself back that hard, you know you could have very possibly hit the wall with your head. You know what happened last time, you don't want that again, do you?” Terzo says with a serious tone.
“Ugh”, Copia grunted as he threw himself on the bed again.
After a few minutes of tense silence Copia sits up again and reaches for the nail polish. “I think the first coat is dry, let’s add the second one” he says, twisting the cap off. Terzo gave him her hand and Copia carefully adds a second coat of polish. Terzo looks at him working carefully, his tongue pushed out a little bit as a sign of his concentration.
“And… done.” he says sitting up and loosening his grip on her hand, Terzo looks at her hands. The nail polish was not as neat, little blobs of it sitting around her finger nails, but she didn’t care. “I am sorry it is so messy, I truly tried” Copia says in a small voice, letting his head hang. “Don’t worry little one, I love it.” Terzo reassured him, “really” Copia softly said, turning his head a bit to face her. “Yes,” Terzo answered.
“Now we wait for it to dry, but I think I will first bring this back to the sibling I lend it from.” Copia says, standing up and grabbing the bottle. “Don’t you want to paint your nails too?” Terzo asked him, confused. “I’d want to but I think it gets in the way of handling my rats so I will skip out on this one” he said hopping off the bed. “Oh, okay”, she responded with slight disappointment.
Terzo felt glad no one really mentioned the nail polish, and the one sibling who had asked about it was nice about it. Only Imperator and Nihil had been mean about it, but her brothers had stood up for her. However when she noticed that the nail polish began to chip away she felt a dread in her chest, her painted nails brought her so much joy. She didn’t understand why but who cares, sometimes things don’t need to make sense.
The one response she will never forget is from a sister who had pulled her to the side. Which already didn’t happen often, and when it did there was a lot of flirting going on beforehand. But this time, there hadn’t been any flirting, hell there had never been a conversation between the two of them, or at least for as far as Terzo remembered.
“I am sorry, but I just need to talk to you, under four eyes” the sister said, in a voice familiar to Terzo but she couldn’t place it. “No reason to be sorry, Sister…. What is your name?” She carefully asked. “I am sister Agnes, well you don’t know me as that, but it is who I truly am.” Sister Agnes responded. Terzo raised her eyebrow,
“What do you mean?”
Agnes took a deep breath, “What I am trying to say is that I joined the church as a brother, and well now I am here, as me, a sister of sin. Living a happy and sinful life.” “Well I am happy you found yourself sister, but may I ask what this has to do with me?” Terzo asked, trying to avoid the topic shifting to her.
“I know something is bothering you, you are scared to admit it, or at least show it. I can see it in your eyes. It may be invisible to others but I see it in you, everything you do tells me something about you. Would you be okay with talking about it with me?” Agnes says, her hand holding Terzo’s chin and forcing her to keep eye contact. Terzo flashes her eyes between Agnes’ eyes, terrified. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HOW DID I NOT KEEP MY GUARD UP ENOUGH, SOMEONE SAW RIGHT TROUGH IT. I AM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT.
“Hey, back to earth.” Agnes snapped her fingers in front of Terzo’s face. “Would you be okay with talking about it with me, cause I feel it is an issue I have a bit more knowledge on than the average person.” she said with a small laugh, gesturing at herself. “I-I-I don’t know what you are talking about, why would you make such assumptions about your future leader,” Terzo responded, trying to sound big and strong but instead she sounded weak, frail and scared. She knew that Agnes was aware, she knew she could help, but she was too scared to admit it. “Are you serious?” Agnes said, almost teasingly.
Terzo tried to let her head hang but Agnes quickly grabbed her chin and made her look up to her again, “Let me try again. Would. You. Be. Okay. To. Talk. About. It. With. Me.” she said, putting emphasis on every word. Terzo looked down and let her shoulders hang, she could let her head hang since Agnes moved her hands to lay on Terzo’s shoulders. “Anyways, if you want to talk you know how to find me” she smiled at her before leaving. Terzo stayed behind, in utter shock. She wasn’t sure what happened, but she knew she should talk to her. She knew she would need to set herself over her fears and pride and just get help answering her questions.
After a few minutes of staring at the floor, lost in thoughts she also left and returned to her room. Once she closed the door the tears started to flood her eyes, spilling over her cheeks and onto the floor. She let herself slide down the door to the floor, her head leaning against her knees that she had pulled up to her chest. She didn’t hear the soft squeaking from a rat, Copia’s rat, so when she felt soft fur against her leg she was startled.
She carefully picked up the rat, “What are you doing here little fella? Do you like me more than my annoying little brother?” she asks the rat in a playful tone. The rat squeaks back at her, causing her to smile a bit. “Come let’s bring you back to where you belong.” She stands up and puts the rat on her shoulder and wipes her face clean off the tears.
She walks down the hallways to her brother's room, the rat happily squeaking on her shoulder. She doesn’t knock before entering his room, she is met by Copia, sitting on the floor. His shoulders softly shaking, indicating that he is crying. “Hey, little bro, I found your rat,” she says, carefully approaching him. “Thank you” he softly sobs, taking over the rat Terzo hands him. “What’s the matter little guy?” Terzo asks, sitting down next to him on the floor. “Nothing,” Copia shrugged, his head turned to the floor.
“Don’t try and act all tough,” Terzo says softly, nudging him. Copia smiles a bit and scoffs at her, “I am not trying to act tough, I am though.” “Yeah and the moon is square” Terzo jokes at him. Copia scuffs and gives Terzo a shove, “You are still such an ass, you know that right?” She laughs “Well, I am still your big sibling, it is my big sibling duty. Doesn’t matter if I’m your big sister or your big brother.” Copia rolls his eyes and stands up to put the rat back into its cage.
Terzo stands up and joins him by the cage, 2 rats are now seem curled up against each other in the little hangmat. Terzo leans her head against Copia’s shoulder, since he is a bit taller. “Is this part of having a sister? Having some emotional wreckage leaning against me?” Copia says playfully, softly shoving Terzo away from him. Terzo lifts her head up and turns to face him just to roll her eyes at him and scuff.
“Anyway, I have to get going, I have work to do. Keep your rats to yourself little one” Terzo says turning to the door, she can hear Copia murmur “I am literally fucking taller than you, stop calling me little.” Before she slips out the door she adds “You are younger, you will always be my teeny tiny little brother”. All Terzo hears while she walks away from her brother's room is an annoyed grunt and she softly laughs to herself.
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Female matachup for The Witcher, Wednesday and maybe Twilight if you want.
Sexuality: Lesbian. I'm gothic since a very young age. My style always mostly consist of black, dark greys and dark colors like dark purples, crimson and blues, always find comfort in darker places and not at all crowded so always more a lone wolf with a selected few friends, I don't trust easily and take time to get to know me. I'm often seen as being cold and uncaring to strangers if they don't know me too well but I'm protective of my family and friends, a times gloomy and have a dark sense of humor that can make others a bit uncomfortable if they only met me recently. Introverted and reserved but more open to close family and people I trust, reckless and a bit of a daredevil that jump head first into danger and clumsy too. I like pets, drawing, anything fantasy, reading and writing and nature. Find things others might find odd interesting. Dislike loudness and loud people and any crowded places and too much brightness and too bright colors that tend to give me a headache. I have dark blonde hair with lighter highlights and light brown highlights and blue eyes.
Can I please have a mood boards to go with it too please? More dark aesthetic that you think would fit. And maybe theme song, please.
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
For the witcher I ship you with:
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Ciri would be training with Geraldt until she saw you creeping around the corner.
You reminded her of geralt in a way but alot more softer.
You and Ciri started training with eachother and went on adventures with geralt.
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Taverns weren't your forte or anywhere with drinking.
Your beauty stood out to her when you defended yourself.
You were known as a silent assassin. You proffered to be alone.
Ciri had her first kiss with you when you saved her.
You two wedded and retired in a nice cottage in a small forest.
(Sorry if Ciri isn't greatly in character as I'm not super familiar with her).
For Wednesday I ship you with:
Wednesday addams 🖤
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She first met you at the academy, and your quirks resided within the witchery side.
You agreed you found the werewolf girl annoying.
Wednesday was investigating when you wanted in even if she refused, you were tired of everyone's optimism and found someone you related too.
Wednesday was much more closer to you.
She had her first kiss with you in the woods.
You both liked black, sometimes you were forced to wear colours by a certain someone.
Wednesday and you were the iconic gothic duo.
In the aftermath, you decided to live with Wednesday, and you both were soulmates.
Your theme song:
For twilight I ship you with:
Rosalie cullen💄
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You met her in school when no one else approached them.
You heard rumours and gossip about the Cullen's but never thought of seeing yourself associating with them.
You had a huge crush on Rosalie, yet you thought her personality wasn't the warmest.
You and her grew close when bella came into Edwards life.
Rosalie didn't have a mate and she was rejected by Edward in the past.
Rosalie saw you as someone she could talk to.
You both shared your first kiss at the balcony of the Cullen's residence.
You had to decide if you wanted to live for eternity as a vampire or human.
If you chose vampire Carlisle turned, you since Rosalie couldn't bear to see you in pain.
You and Rosalie lived as mates in the coven.
Your moodboard:
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Your theme song:
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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rowantreeart · 7 years
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@madness-and-brilliance I know it's not mermay anymore but I didn't really like how the other one turned out.
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN as Your Seatmate in Class - Highschool AU
Gen. ;; Fluff + tiny amounts of angst - Headcanons/Scenarios
Warnings ;; Bullying + Stress (Robaire's section)
Proofread + Edited ;; No, sorry !!
Auth. Note ;; This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I'm an idiot and forgot to finish Tae Young's section and when I noticed I was too tired to write anything remotely good :'D !!
Also, quick disclaimer, I'm not American so I have no idea what type of school system they have over there, I'm basing this high school experience off of my own experience :)
I really struggled with writing Z's and Tae's and I think it's obvious in both the length and the quality so I hope you can forgive me (especially Tae's in comparison to the last one)
Enjoy !!
Aaron T - The One Who Steals Your Shit
It's a hate-love relationship
You hate when he asks to borrow your stuff
You love when he leaves you alone
Not one single class goes by where T isn't asking you for something
A pencil, a pen, a ruler, a rubber (eraser), tape, colouring pencils, specifically a purple crayon, post-it notes, a compass and protractor, glue - things that you can find in most shops
Has this man never heard of the stationary section ??
You don't even know why T needs half the stuff he asks you for given it's an English class but there we go-
It's gotten to the point where you're just giving him your pencil case before he even opens his mouth
T gets this goofy grin whenever you give him what he needs (which is every time he asks)
And maybe you keep giving him your stuff just to see that grin
What of it ??
Look,, I'm not saying you're a simp
But I'm not not saying you're a simp either
It's okay, we all go through our phases
One day I'm sure you'll be able to look at a pretty boy and not throw your empty wallet at his feet
But until that day it looks like Mr. Aaron T has got you wrapped around his finger
It's not all one-sided though !!
Because T's got a secret (Another day, I'm back at school. I thin about him, he's so cool !!)
He absolutely has every single piece of stationary he's ever asked you for in his bag
I don't mean he's stolen your stuff
I mean T already has all the stationary he needs in his bag he just chooses not to get it out so that he has a reason to talk to you
Yeah this is that trope - buckle in
Mama T has made sure her baby has everything he ever will ever need and makes him pack his bag every night before school
So I bet you're wondering how you found out about this
If you weren't wondering before you better start now
Well, friend, it was the unzipped backpack trap
Y'know when you're walking and your bag is completely open
Oh yeah
You know exactly where I'm going with this
It was the end of class (and the day) and everyone was packing up or already gone - you got back the fineliner T had borrowed and you were ready to go home
And then the loudest unzipping sound came from your right
You turned just in time to see a waterfall of multi-coloured stationary fall out of an unzipped pencil case that was falling out of an unzipped bag
And a frozen T, watching as all his stuff went crashing into the floor, stood with his bag swung in front of him as he prepared to leave
Mans is giving all fish a run for their money with his impression rn
Poor boy is just opening and closing his mouth trying to think of something to say
And you have so many things to say you can't choose which one to say first !!
T glances at you...and then tries his best to avoid your attempts at eye contact
"Who put all of that in there...haha...wow..."
The loudest snort escapes you as you cover your mouth trying to muffle your laughter
T can't help but smile - at least you were laughing, despite his embarrassment at least you didn't hate him
Bit dramatic but then again this would be boring if it wasn't
"You're such an idiot, oh my god" in between wheezes, snorts and loud hyena laughter
As T joins you in laughter he finds himself glad that this happened, even if it is a blow to his ego, otherwise he would never know this side of you
From this day on, T pledges to be the reason you smile brighter and laugh louder every day
Jesse - The One Who's Never Paying Attention
Jesse's the kinda bitch who gets the highest grades every time - he's top of the class in most things - yet he never pays attention
And its beginning to get to you
Big time
And you're way too sleep deprived to be dealing with this mental stress rn
Sitting next to this boy is torture because as you put all of your effort into focusing and still struggle to keep up with the lesson while Jesse has no problems
So confident in his abilities that he doesn't even try
Which definitely isn't the case
I think Jesse is someone who cares deeply about doing well in school, though he'd never admit it (he definitely instilled this mindset into his kids too)
He studies every night at home and reads ahead on the material so he knows it in preparation for class
Because the teachers don't teach in a way he understands, it just doesn't click for him
So he takes his education into his own hands
King behaviour tbh
So during class time ?? He's completely up in the clouds
Jesse loves to sketch in class
He'd prefer pottery but y'know...not exactly possible to bring out his wheel in the middle of a maths lesson
Oh yeah, this is a maths class
So he sketches pottery designs and whatever catches his attention really
As Jesse sketches, you are contemplating putting yourself into a coma (death's straight up commitment dude and you're too indecisive for that-)
But for now slamming your head into your desk repeatedly will have to do :)
How the hell is any of what this teacher is babbling on about meant to make sense in any way, shape or form ??
Literally name a part of their "explanation" because you call bs !!
You keep quiet because imagine having the teacher call you out as you have a breakdown ?? literally bye
However, being your seatmate, Jesse has no choice but to pay attention
Literally, you're causing his lines to shake-
But also because you've caught Jesse's attention and your...movements are making you hard to draw
How can he draw that sparkle in your eyes if you're face down on your desk ??
A light tap on your shoulder brings you out of your wallowing
Fuck, the teacher's caught you now
They're gonna hate you for forever now and you're gonna fail because they'll make sure to never explain anything in a way you understand and fuck shit damn it you need to pass this class
You look up - ready to really put on a show of tears and pretend your friend's grandma's pet's uncle Gustopher died last night-
...that's not a teacher
Arguably worse it's Mr. Know-It-All
And fuck if he doesn't look like god's gift to the world in this stupid lighting from this stupid angle which no one should look attractive from
It's official: you hate Jesse Whats-His-Last-Name
"You alright, love?"
(Because of course Jesse is just as free about pet names as he is when he's grown up - probably even more so)
How dare he use that on you ??
Especially looking like that
"Okay, how about you rest for a bit, I'll take some notes for you, alright?"
for you ?????
You manage a nod and a watery smile
And somehow you manage to pass out for the rest of the lesson
You wake up to the sound of chairs scraping and loud talking
On the left side of your desk is a sheet of neatly written notes with diagrams (you could cry-)
As you pick it up to put away in a safe place you notice another piece of paper underneath it - folded.
Curiosity obviously wins out so you pick it up and are met with many sketches
Flowers, clouds, lots of pretty things
But the two noticeable drawings ??
They're of you
One of you staring forwards with your pen held against you bottom lip
And the other one of you sleeping at your desk
You couldn't lie they were beautiful
You were beautiful
Is this really how you look ??
Did Jesse see you this way ??
You hope he does
Speaking of- you look around for Jesse but he's long gone - along with everyone else
Better skedaddle before the teacher attempts conversation- oh wait they're gone too
Great ??
You let yourself smile as you slip both of the pieces of paper into your bag
Maybe he isn't so bad
Aaron Z - The One Who Comes to Class Injured
Oh man, you have major concerns about Z
Every other week he's sporting some new injury
A month or so ago he was on crutches with a sprained ankle
2 weeks ago he had a black eye
Last week he nearly ripped a tendon and wasn't allowed to come in
And now he's got himself a broken arm
Fucking how ??
What the hell is Z doing to get these injuries ??
Is someone hurting him ??
Is he getting into fights ??
Is the extracurricular sports he plays religiously ??
And why does he get extra desk space-
Just give him his own desk, dammit !!
And of course Z is so quiet that he barely has any friends in his classes and none of his actual friends seem to share any with him either
Which is so strange ??
Not one person really ??
So now you'd been lumped with the poor guy to help him out whenever he has an injury since you shared most (all ??) of his classes
Z just looks so uncomfortable whenever you're alone together
You'd be offended if you didn't know his personality
Unfortunately, his general discomfort makes you feel just as awkward as he does
And it's kind of a problem
Because your teachers keep looking at you like they're expecting something
Like you'll suddenly become besties
Which is...hopeful
And naive
Not that you wouldn't love to be friends with Z
The guy seems really cool
This bizarre buddy system had only recently taken place so you'd only been helping him since the start of the week
And it's already this bad
Not that Z's bad !!
He's fine
Great, even
Just...quiet ??
Again, not a bad thing !!
Just had to make a friend for life in these conditions, y'know ??
Doesn't help that your almost as awkward on a good day so...
You walk side by side, carrying both your and Z's bags to your next class which, surprise surprise, you share
Stuck in the monotony of school life your mind begins to wander
As you amble along Z begins sneaking glances at you
You sat next to him
You accepted to escorting him around school like a bodyguard
or worse...a babysitter
You offered him a smile every time he sat down next to you
You even offered to carry his bag when all you had to do was walk him to the next class
Why... ??
Why're you being so nice to a...not stranger...acquaintance ??
Sucked into his own thoughts Z didn't notice the small step in front of him
The sudden drop (though pretty small) was enough to send him flying into the wall shocking you both out of your stupors
You sprinted over, checking over him like a worried mother as Z stood there stewing in his embarrassment
"Oh my god! Please tell me you didn't break the other arm!"
"...it's fine..." he replies in the quietest voice ever
"Are you sure? Do you want to go to the nurse's office anyway, just to be safe? I have plasters but I'm not sure they'll help all that much"
You break into nervous laughter before it quickly turns into real giggles and snorts (yes you will snort every time you laugh, if I have to suffer this irl you can suffer through it in headcanons !!)
Though he doesn't laugh with you Z does crack a smile which is a win in your book
"I think I'll live"
"You sure? Because your track record suggests otherwise"
You receive a playful glare for that one
"Come on, clumsy. I'll make sure you make it the rest of the way to class in one piece."
Maybe the next time you had to help out with Z's injury the silence would be so awkward
or silent at all
Robaire - Your Academic Rival
Similar to Jesse's headcanons, Robaire is one smart cookie...it infuriates you
But in a fun way
Because you can fight back
The competitiveness on you two is scary ngl
Everyone else in your class has given up trying to beat either of you
They just silently hope that whoever is highest in the most recent test doesn't gloat about it
This time it's Robaire
And you're not...happy about it, shall we say
So of course Robaire has taken it upon himself to rub it in your face as much as he can
And though you hate losing you can't deny the anticipation and excitement you feel whenever test scores are released
Because win or lose it's a lot of fun competing with Robaire
And he has fun too, don't you worry
On occasion Robaire has been known to study for a few more hours than usual leading up to a test just so he can beat you
And his friends find it hilarious
Because on you could get under the cool, calm and collected Robaire's skin like this
So they simply watch in amusement as he turns to you, a victorious smirk on his face
"Look like your crown is slipping, your highness. And with that, I think your throne is mine."
"Just you wait, Robaire, I will crush you in the next test. Prepare to taste my dust."
You shared grins
"I don't think I will. If you can't even keep up a streak of more than one victory compared to my four in a row, how could you hope to seize the next one?"
"Pure determination, loser. Watch me."
You grab your bag and stand up
"Here, I'll even give you some dust-eating practice. See ya next class."
You wave and move on out of there
But not before you hear a hushed whisper from nearby
"They're such a try hard it's not even funny..."
"Pick-me behaviour-"
You're no stranger to mean comments and prefer to let them roll off of you like water off of a duck's back but these particular voices with comments like these had started to follow you everywhere
What really got to you, though, was the fact you never saw who was saying them
You could only hear them
There's no way to turn them off
And you hate that you're letting them start to affect you but you just can't help it.
They're everywhere
Your only haven is your home and even there the comments had started to pick up, your mind echoing them back to you whenever you had a single moment alone
It's starting to make studying even harder than it already is
Which is why you completely bombed the next test
You failed badly
You can only hope you don't start to cry as you flip through pages upon pages of red crosses next to your hastily scribbled answers
You hadn't gotten a bad score on a test in so long
You'd made sure of it
What would everyone think if they found out-
The pick-me doesn't even have a leg to stand on
Look who's all bark and no bite
This is Robaire's rival ?? yikes...
Fuck...what will Robaire say ??
And after you'd gone and blabbered your mouth at him too
So when Robaire turns to you, holding his paper close to his chest and grinning as if he knew he'd won, you lost it
You sprinted out of the room and to the toilets as fast as you legs could carry you
A sight that left Robaire more than a little speechless
One of his friend laughed, "Is that their way of telling you that you've eaten their dust or?"
But Robaire had seen your face and it hadn't been mischievous or even slightly smiling
You looked distraught
Robaire walked up to your desk and flipped your paper over, eyes widening when he saw your score
Well, now he knows why you ran...
Dropping his paper on top of yours to hide the score, Robaire runs out of class too
Meanwhile you're staring at yourself in the mirror willing the redness in your eyes to disappear
Fuck it...whatever
You left your paper there anyway, there's no way that the whole class doesn't know about it by now
You give your swollen eyes one last look before leaving the toilets
And fucking great, Robaire himself is right there as you leave
"You okay?"
You stare at him for a second and then nod
You'll get over it
Jury's out on everyone else though
"I'm gonna need you to convince me, chéri. Because seem as okay as you want me to believe."
"It's whatever, man, forget it."
"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it right now. How about a hug? Feel free to say no." Robaire smiled gently at you and you felt your heart squeeze in your chest
You hesitate before nodding and stepping forward into his waiting arms
You breathe in and smell what can only be described as Robaire
You have no idea what to place the scent as, it's just warm and it's him
Maybe you'll tell him in a minute, or an hour, or a day or maybe a week but here, in his arms, you feel safe and better already
Tae Young - The One That You Tutor
Given the fact the Tae Young's moved around a lot, he's also the new kid a lot
And that always affects his classwork
Different curriculums, different teaching styles, even different languages and he's expected to roll with it and keep up
Tae's expected to ride the wave of change but he keeps getting sucked under, flailing around as he tries desperately to stay afloat
Even his best classes are ones he's somehow behind in and it's pretty upsetting
Tae Young is smart but all of this confusion and catching up to topics he hasn't even heard of yet is lowering every semblance of his confidence and self-esteem
Which is where you come in
Being a part of the tutoring program it's literally your job to make sure the students under your care are getting the grades they deserve and are understanding the topics they're learning
You share their losses, their wins, everything - you watch the people you're assigned to grow and learn and nothing makes you happier
And you like to think they enjoy being tutored by you just as much
So when you're told you've been given a new tutee you're happy to help out
It's what you do after all
So you make your way to the library, note books in hand
You'd done enough tutoring by now that you had a set plan of how to go about things
In this first session not much tutoring would be done, honestly, but in order for your tutee's to learn anything you'd need to figure out how they learn, what they need to learn and what's causing them to struggle
When Tae Young was told he'd been given a tutor he felt ashamed
If he'd just been able to keep up with the work then he wouldn't be in this situation
Tae's barely been in this school a month and he's already enough of a failure that he needs another student to tutor him.
He felt like all eyes were on him as he shuffled to the library, nervously picking at the skin around his nails
Even the wall had eyes to judge Tae with
You made sure to get to the library before your new tutee (such a weird word lol-)
You set up at your normal table and waited, wondering who they might be
Tae Young stands outside of the library, fingers tapping out random pattern on his thigh as he hypes himself up
Now or never
He takes a shaky step inside and looks around, hoping to find his tutor
You watch Tae Young vibrate on the spot as he frantically looks in all directions
Well, your new tutee hadn't come yet so you could probably help him out
"Tae? You okay?"
Turning to the side, Tae Young catches your eye and almost deflates in relief
Someone he knows !!
"Mmm, yeah. Sorry!"
You give him what you hope is a reassuring smile
"Not to worry. But, uh, I don't normally see you in here, what's the occasion?"
Tae Young chews on his lip for a moment before looking up at your through his lashes
His voice drops down to a hushed whisper
"I'm supposed to be getting a tutor but I don't know where they are..."
Your smile widens into a grin
"Well, I think I've hit the jackpot then because I'm waiting for my new tutee. Bets on who that might be?"
Tae's eyes widen comically as he lets a smile take root on his face and you stifle an aw
"Really? Thank goodness, I was super worried that they'd be mean but I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore!"
You laugh and guide him to your table
"I'd hope not. Well, since I already know you we can skip introductions. I have a rough idea of what you might need help with but it's much easier for the both of us if we hash it out together; does that sound good?"
Tae Young nods and flops into a chair, his earlier nerves dissolving as he listens to you talk
With a tutor like you he won't have to worry so much anymore
And if he slips you a thank you note and a daisy the next time he sits next to you in class that'll be our little secret ;)
I always end up writing too much for Jesse's sections T^T stupid character limit !!
I hope you enjoyed !! <3
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter eleven
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chapter eleven
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: Y/N POV: details of what happened to Stephen, her grandmas cancer, and very detailed explanations of how babies are made (as biologically accurate and not very graphic as possible) this is an angsty trauma filled chapter that made me cry a lot just writing it so I'm sorry in advance
word count: 3K
from the beginning <3
June 13th, 2010
There’s a knock on her parent's door at 4 in the morning, Y/N’s sound asleep on the couch back at her grandma’s, awoken by said grandmother as she hears all the noise beyond the porch. There are 2 cop cars at the main house, worry starts to settle over them.
She puts on a pair of shoes, taking her grandmother's hand in hers as they begin the early morning trek up the road, anxiety seeping in deeper and deeper as they get closer to the lights illuminating their driveway.
Her father is talking to an officer on the steps, her mother is crying behind him. “We’re so sorry for your loss,” the officer says and Y/N’s blood runs cold, numbing her from the impending despair.
“What happened?” Her grandmother asks, rubbing a hand along Y/N’s back in preparation for the worst.
“Evan was in a car accident,” her father says softly, knowing that Y/N knows Stephen was with him tonight. She breaks away from her grandma and without thinking she’s right in the officer's face.
“Which one of them died?”
“Ma’am,” it was never a good way to start the worst conversation of her life with that word or in that tone. She felt like a '40s housewife learning her husband wasn’t coming home from the war, only he wasn’t even her husband yet.
He would have been on next Saturday.
“I’m sorry, Stephen was pronounced dead on the scene,” he says the worst sentence she’s ever heard, and now she’ll never forget it. “The passenger side took the worst of it, once again, I am so sorry for your loss.”
She’s surprisingly calm, managing to whisper, “thank you,” before she’s walking off into the field, pushing everyone's hands away as she travels as far as he feet will take her.
She ends up at the willow tree by the pond as soon as the sun is rising, it happened a lot earlier in June than the rest of the year. The birds singing, the wind blowing against the leaves making them carry a tune in harmony together. The world is still spinning, life is moving on, but how?
She sat there against the tree for a while, picking blades of grass and weaving them into a chain, soothing her brain as she makes a pattern. Giving her hands something to do so they stop going numb, it’s the only thing that really reminds her that she's real, that she’s controlling the twists and tucks, the shape and length and the fact that it was created at all.
Ending the life of the single blade of grass as she picks it, never to be whole again. Snatched from its happy place, where it grew loved and surrounded by other matching green strands as they blew in the wind.
Then she's pulling fist full after fist full of grass out of the dirt, her hands covered in mud as she shouts, throwing handfuls of grass and dirt towards the pond. The once blue water starting to turn cloudy; disrupted and upset with her anger as it swallows her weapons, but it doesn’t make her feel better. All she did was disrupt the earth, changing the way this once beautiful patch of land used to look. She couldn’t help but sob, realizing that she was like this field now and her beautiful green pasture was disrupted, overturned and ruined.
The life that flowed through her died along with the love of her life.
“Stephen was pronounced dead on the scene,” the words echo in her mind in a constant circle like she’s stuck in a tin can.
It starts to reverberate, getting louder and louder as the same 7 words all run around in her head. Bouncing off the walls, smacking her down again and again as she hears them over and over and over… she’s holding her hands on her ears, shaking back and forth, sobbing when she feels someone wrap their arms around her.
She doesn’t open her eyes, instead, she's rushing to push them off of her, struggling out of their grasp as she fights them. Finally, she loses, being held in her brother's embrace as they both cry, he barely has a scratch on him when she finally looks at him.
she’s never been physical in her life, but she punched him right in the face. Her twin brother, best friend in childhood and the person she’s known the longest in her life. He held her close in the womb, crying if they separated as soon as they were born, she loved him deeply and yet she hated him something fierce at that moment.
“It wasn’t my fault,” Evan cries, “we were stopped at a red light, Y/N!”
“I don’t care! He was supposed to be my husband!” She swats at him, smacking his arms again and again as he tries to hold them back, holding her so tightly as she basically screams bloody murder in the field.
All she can see is his face, her beautiful happy Stephen. The first time she ever saw him, standing under a street light in Boston, papers in his hand and wonder in his eyes. The way he looked up at her, the glow of the light making a halo glow over his head.
She should have known he was too good to be true. Always destined to return to the heavens, he was truly angelic with his big emerald eyes that were only the tiniest bit yellow on the edge of the pupil, the way her name sounded on his tongue like a blessing coming true.
They buried him 2 days after what was supposed to be their wedding. Disrupting another beautiful patch of earth to hide him away forever, she placed a single rose on his casket, she never said goodbye and she never planned to.
“See you later, superstar,” she patted the glossy black box once last time before sending him down into the earth.
September 2012
This fucking willow tree and 7-word sentences…
“What do you mean you have cancer?”
Her grandma let a tear slip from her eye, “I’ve got colon cancer, honey, the doctors said I have another 2 years, maybe 5 if I'm lucky.”
Every time someone sat beside her in this one spot, she learned the worst information in the world. Sure Evan didn’t mean to kill Stephen, doesn’t mean she’s talked to him at all in the last year. with Grandpa dying only a few summers back, her favourite house cat now buried in the yard, she can’t lose her grandma now too.
“Okay,” she starts to plan in her head, her eyes about ready to jump out of her skull as she tries to think of all the things they need to do before it’s too late, “let’s go to England, let’s blow my bank account, you can’t leave me without going to England with me? We were supposed to get tea and pretend to be the queen and princess?”
She couldn’t stop the tears, her whole body heaving as she sobbed into her grandma’s dress, “you can’t leave me too!”
“Your grandfather and I have a fund for you, you were the last baby we got to raise when your mom went back to work, I want you to use it for that baby we talked about,” her grandma’s voice is barely a whisper, softly getting the words over her vocal cords as the tears joined Y/N’s on her dress.
Without another word, she took her hand and walked home, getting in her car together and heading to the closest fertility clinic, she booked her first insemination for February, pre-paying for a round of IVF hormones and everything to start in January, she had 3 months to plan.
Finding the perfect donor was the only hard part. She had 3 different books to choose from with all the clinics in the DC area sharing 1 sperm bank. She finally made her decision 3 weeks before they were set to get her pregnant when they updated the books.
Sample 2319, male 30’s, healthy, high IQ, 6’1, brown eyes, brown hair (curly). “Sounds a lot like Stephen,” her grandma agreed, saying his name for the first time in over 2 years, she knew this was her guy.
June 14th, 2021
Peeing on a stick shouldn’t be as terrifying as it is.
She hasn’t been this nervous since the first time Dr. Collins inseminated her. Laying back on the table at a weird elevation to make sure she got pregnant, her whole body tense as she thought of the possibilities of her future child.
Sample 2319 sitting in a cup not too far from her face as she prepared for a man she barely knew to put the semen of another man she didn’t know, inside her. She only picked this guy cause he was smart and tall, no health issues to report and the number made her think of Monsters Inc.
In her mind, she made a baby with a man she named mike wazowski, not knowing his real name was actually Spencer Reid and he was only just down the road at Quantico the whole time. It was the weirdest day ever, and then it became the second-best day of her life
Nothing could top holding her baby in her arms for the first time. Her grandma and mother beside her as they all cried, the perfect purple baby screaming on her chest as they tried to wipe the white gunk off her tiny body. her sweet little coos, seeing her swollen eyes open for the first time, the silence that overcame her as they made their first introduction to each other. Her little person, the love of her life, her wonderful Amoreena.
Her cry was perfect, like music to her ears she wanted to hear her little voice as long as she could because it meant she was alive and real. She was healthy and beautiful and the most perfect bundle of joy she could have ever made.
Now she was hiding in the bathroom to pee on a stick while her 7-year-old had breakfast in the next room. Oh, how times changed, but one thing remained the same, she was finding out alone again. Only this time she meant for that to happen, it was exactly 4 days since her period was supposed to start and it wasn’t there, neither was Spencer.
He had something to do that morning, but he’d be meeting them later that afternoon, it was Amoreena’s last day of kindergarten after all. She wanted time to either enjoy the thought of having another baby or cry in peace because for once it didn’t work, giving her a week to recover before trying again.
Amoreena was a miracle, the easiest IVF baby they ever made at the clinic, apparently. If she was pregnant this easily again it was a sure sign that he was Amoreena’s father too, only he could get her knocked up while not even trying.
She didn’t remember pregnancy tests taking this long, she flipped it over and walked out of the room, unable to think of anything else while she waited for 3 minutes to pass. Amoreena noticed she was being weird, studying her mother's movements as she paced the hall outside of the bathroom door.
“What are you doing?” She asked, curious as ever as she twirled lightly in her new princess dress.
“Can you keep a secret?”
“Always mom, I’m the best secret keeper in all the kingdom, remember?” Amoreena smiled, holding onto her leg as she stared up at her.
“Your dad and I tried to make a baby,” she whispered, petting the litter hairs on her forehead as Amoreena looked up at her, her first little baby. “I’m waiting to find out if it worked, but we can’t tell anyone in case it didn’t, okay?”
Amoreena’s eyes were wider than she’s ever seen them, her mouth opened slowly as she understood the words in her mind. She didn’t look happy or surprised, nor upset or worried. She looked confused, “how?”
She laughed then, shaking her head as she lifted Amoreena into her arms, she would have to know soon anyway. “You know how every month mummy has a bad week where she bleeds and her tummy hurts?”
“When people with our parts grow up they make little tiny eggs but we don’t lay them like chickens do, they stay inside our tummies and wait to become babies and if they don’t we have a period and release all the stuff our bodies saved up that month to make a little person. You’ll have one soon too in a few years, probably when you're 12 like I was, and when people with a penis get old enough they’re able to help us make the babies like roosters help the chickens. Our bodies are really special and make some really cool things when we try to,” she explained it in the most simple farmhouse way she could.
“Like when the goats are all born in the spring and they just show up?” She tried to clarify, understanding it at the basic level.
“Kinda, you’ve seen the photos of you in my tummy and how aunty Shannon’s stomach grew when she had your cousins, I’ll get really big like that too if I’m pregnant, the baby will grow for 9 long months till they’re nice and healthy and then we’ll have another person in the family,” she couldn’t help but smile as she thought about it.
“How do we find out?”
She opened the bathroom door then and carried Amoreena inside, setting her down on the sink and pointing at the upside-down test stick. “We create a special hormone when we’re pregnant, it’s something that can be detected in our pee!” she explained it like it was magic, watching her get excited instead of grossed out.
“So I peed on that stick and if it has 2 lines I have a baby in my tummy, if not then your dad and I have to try again.”
Amoreena picked up the test and looked at it, keeping it out of her mothers sight as she did so, “there’s two lines,” she lit up waving the stick lightly as she squealed.
Y/N wrapped her up in her arms and twirled her around, “you’re gonna be the best big sister ever!”
“How do we tell dad?” Amoreena’s soft voice whispered in her ear as she snuggled into her shoulder.
“I have an idea,” she whispered back before carrying her back into the kitchen.
Her All About Me project was sitting on the counter, ready for Y/N to drive her into school today. She set Amoreena down on the floor to watch her as she took some tape and taped the stick to the bottom corner of the project. “Pass me the marker, please?”
Amoreena ran to the counter to get it, coming back and placing it in her mom's hand before leaning in to watch what she was writing.
“I’m going to be a big sister sometime next February!” Amoreena read the words as her mother wrote them, unbelievably excited.
“Your dad can read that at the ceremony tonight!”
“I thought you said we can’t tell anyone yet?” Amoreena questioned her, like always.
“Your teacher can know, the other kids won't know what it means, it’s just important Spencer sees it, but we will wait to tell nanny and poppy, okay? Sometimes the babies don’t always stay, it’s sad so we keep it a secret until they’ve got a tiny little heartbeat in there,” she didn’t want to scare her, but she knew it was always a possibility.
“Then we try again,” Amoreena smiled, “It’ll be easier now that you don’t need Dr. Collins to help you, how did you even make me without Spencer?” She didn't use his real name often anymore, only in times when she wasn't referring to him as her father.
She sat down then, pulling Amoreena into her lap so she could hold her while she thought of the right words. “So we have eggs, but people with penises have something called sperm. When adults, and I mean adults you have to be at least 25 to have a baby it’s the rules,” she teased her slightly, ticking her arms.
“Adults have sex, babies are made when someone with a vagina and someone with a penis get together. But when you don’t have a partner with a penis to help, sometimes they’ll donate their sperm to the doctor's offices to help people like me make their perfect little families all by themselves.”
“Interesting,” is all her little mind can say, she has learned so much in one day, Y/N was surprised she was still listening and surprisingly still for once. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“We won't know for a while,” she smiled, holding Amoreena closer to her chest. “How do you feel about all this?”
Amoreena was quiet as she thought about it, “is Spencer the guy who gave the doctors the sperm for me?”
“We think so, but we don’t know, why?”
Amoreena looked at her softly, “it wouldn’t be fair, I know he said I don’t need a father but why do they get to have him for both?”
“I think Spencer is your father, you’re just as smart and wonderful as he is, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re his baby too. but if you want to know if he isn't, when you turn 18 the doctors will tell you who it is, it's completely up to you to find out,” she whispered, the tears starting to fall down her cheeks as Amoreena tried to wipe them away.
"I like thinking he's my father, so he is." Her mind worked in the most wonderful way. Y/N couldn’t help but hold her close as she lightly cried, “I had a dream yesterday that I had 8 sisters,” her voice was so soft and innocent as her tiny hand cupped her mother's cheek.
She gasped lightly at the words, remembering Spencer’s panic in the middle of the night last night, how scared he was to leave her all alone with 9 babies and no one to help her. They knew something that she didn’t yet, cheaper by the dozen seemed less like a dream and more like a prophecy.
“I’m so happy to make your dream come true,” Y/N whispered, “I promise I’m happy, the baby just makes me emotional.”
Amoreena placed her hand on her tummy then, “I love you, baby.”
Y/N stuck her tummy out as far as she could, “I love you too, big sister,” she said in a funny voice to make Amoreena laugh, leaning back in the chair as she held her.
And just like that, getting pregnant with Amoreena was bumped into 3rd place for the best day of her life. Sharing the moment with her and no one else was perfect, insuring she knew that she was just as important moving forward as the little person she was growing this time.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 let me know if you would like to be added as well!!
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Master list
Robby came home that night but he wasn't as warm as he normally was. You could tell there was something eating at him.
"Do you think I like Sam still?" He asked leaning against the kitchen island. The question took you off guard.
"I don't know, she broke your heart so I guess you'll still have some feelings for her." You said.
"Tory thinks I do."
"Tory thinks a lot of things." You say leaving the kitchen. Robby followed you.
"I'm going to take part in the All valley as Cobra Kai."
"Good for you." You say.
"I think I should leave." He says.
"Me two. I like you Robby, you made me feel safe but I can't be with someone in Cobra Kai anymore. Its too stressful." You say. He nods grabbing his things.
"I wish things could have been different." He kissed the top of your head before walking out of the door.
You knew it was coming and it hadn't been a long relationship yet it still hurt. You shut the door behind him and slid down crying into your hands. Around an hour later there was a knock at the door. You knew it would be Eli so you lifted your hand to the handle and turned it. The door opened enough for him to pop his head through. Seeing you on the floor he panicked and dropped down next to you.
"Y/n?" He put his hand on your arm.
"He left, Robby left me." Your voice was low. Eli said nothing, simply lifted you from the floor, walked to the sofa, set you down and wrapped his arm around you. You sobbed into his chest for a while until your tears dried up. You stayed in his embrace for a while. It was warm and he smelt fresh. He must have showered before coming to you.
"Eli?" You look up at him, "what did you want to talk to me about?" You ask.
"It doesn't matter. I just wanna make sure you're okay before anything else." He used the back of his hand to stroke your face.
"No please, It'll take my mind off it." You sit back just a bit too see him better but staying in his arms.
"Okay, I was gunna ask you if you think I'm making the right choice joining Eagle fang? I mean can I be good enough to be anything but cobra kai?" You could see the vulnerability in his eyes. For a moment you saw the shy boy you had kissed almost two years ago.
"I think you were never a cobra kai, you were always a sensie Lawrence student. You were taken advantage of by Kreese. That doesn't make you a bad person just a misguided one."
"Then you forgive me?" He pleaded.
"I, I think you're doing your best to be better, to be the real Eli."
"Thanks. I needed to hear you say that."
You stayed next to him for a few more minutes before you felt tiredness creeping up on you.
"I'm sorry but I really need to sleep." You say. Eli jumps up.
"Sure, sure. If you need me just text me okay."
You nod and he lets himself out as you walk up stiars.
Sleep came pretty quick and you spent the following day alone in your house. You didn't mind, you liked the quiet. Around 3 you got a text.
Eli: hi, would you come to miyagi-do with me and Demetri tomorrow?
Y/n: sure, I'm not doing karate though.
Eli: no way, I like you the way you are, princess. 😘
He told you the time to be ready for.
Y/n: do you want to come here for dinner?
Eli: oh man, normally I'd be there but I'm hanging with Demetri tonight. I'll come over before bed though yeah?
Y/n: okay.
You put your phone down and went to your bathroom, you had grabbed some new hair dye planning on making the ends of it a dark purple. It was along process with bleaching it first. Black was a hard colour to get out. Luckily you didn't need it to be massively blonde for the dark purple, so the odd ginger, brass colour was fine.
As you finished putting the purple dye on and touching up your roots with black you walked over to the ipad and started flipping through your spotify playlists. There was a noise downstairs, as if something had been knocked over. You figured it was the old cat from next door. He often wondered in when you left the door open. You put on your favourite classic rock playlist and danced around the bathroom for the allotted dying time.
You decided to jump in the shower and have a full body and hair wash aswell as finishing the dye process. The hot water felt good against your skin. You didn't notice the bathroom door open and close.
@peppamultifanimagines @shaybot12 @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @filmfvckers @morganaah @lulubutton34 @carliim @buckysdemonsimp @space-helicopter @slytherinroyalty16 @shotosgirl @hannyhoe @torynichcls @hurricanerex666 @sabrinablack1 @haruuww @sarcastically-defensive17 @1-fuzzy-squirrels
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Kirishima x reader - Drag
Fluff + drag queen Kirishima
"EIJIRO KIRISHIMA!" you sprinted to his room with a crinkling plastic bag in hand while shoving other students out the way. You knocked on his door rapidly bouncing up and down "yes (y/n)?" you shoved the plastic bag in his face and grinned from ear to ear "I saw your Instagram..." his eyes shot open and he immediately started hunting for excuses "uh it was a bet? I lost a bet to mina I promise" he slowly backed up into his room trying to hide the makeup palettes on his shelf and pushing away the feminine clothes lying on the floor "make me pretty!" you pulled out an eyeshadow palette and some brushes waving them about desperately "your already pretty?" he put the brushes down hoping no one else was hearing this conversation "EI PLEASE!" you begged and he sighed pulling you inside and shutting his door loudly.
"Please don't tell anyone pumpkin" he sighed looking at his girlfriend as you bounced around excitedly "baby I will never ever tell anyone if you don't want me to" you promised and he sat you down in front of his mirror brushing the hair out of your face combing through it with his crimson riot hairbrush which you thought was adorable. He shuffled through the palettes in your bag "you got these from the dollar store didn't you" he sat the out on the marble vanity and opened them up to look at the cracked powders making you click your tongue "they weren't like that when I bought them" you said closing the palettes again quickly "it's okay I have plenty" he muttered and pulled a drawer out from under his bed which was filled top to bottom edge to edge with makeup.
"Wow, Ei that's a lot! This must have been a lot of money" you giggled and he pulled out his mint to be and misunderstood palette by colourpop and lipstick by nyx "yeah it does cost a lot but I think it's worth it" he smiled and pulled the foundation you bought out of the bag since it was your shade and he would not be letting you go out looking like a cheap whore who couldn't even match her foundation to her skin tone. "I've never worn makeup before" you admit squishing your cheeks together while he hunted for a colour corrector to go over your purple eye bags "your 17 and you've never worn makeup?" he asked and dabbed the colour corrector on thickly, your eyebags were terrible afterall "you haven't been sleeping well have you pumpkin," he asked blending out the cream under your eyes and pumping out some foundation onto the back of his hand. "Just nightmares Ei" you gave a lopsided grin and he kissed the top of your head "do you want to talk about it," he asked and started putting the foundation on your face gently, he didn't want to hurt you by dabbing too hard.
You shook your head and turned looking into the mirror instead of at him "do you need to talk about something?" he stopped doing your foundation "what do you mean?" you carefully thought of how to phrase your next sentence while he took a drink of his water "are you gay?" you grimaced when he spat his water out getting it all over you and the vanity. he chuckled "no pumpkin I'm definitely not gay" he wiped the vanity down with an old T-shirt "are you trans? If you are I'll support you one hundred per cent of the way" you put your hand on top of his reassuring him even though he didn't need the reassurance "I'm not trans either (y/n) I just do drag" he showed you a little book from his shelf and you flicked through it it was filled with pictures of him in drag and flyers and tickets from all of his shows. It did bring him immense joy knowing that if he was trans you wouldn't break up with him (sorry straight ppl) and that you had no issue if he was gay other than you not being a guy which would have been an issue.
"You look so pretty in this one" you gushed pointing to the picture of him next to a microphone and a laughing crowd and he laughed nervously remembering that night did not go brilliantly, well no it did, but that night he got caught by Mr Aizawa for sneaking out, BUT he got permission to go do his thing instead of having to sneak out "how many people know?" you asked while he primed your eyelids with a different blender "you and Mr Aizawa," he said sadly, sure he was upset that his friends didn't know but he didn't WANT them to know, that's why he lied and told them he didn't have Instagram but he was more than happy now that you knew and he no longer had to hide his passion from the person he loved most in this world "Mr Aizawa?" you giggled imagining the shocked face of your teacher when your boyfriend got home in a full face of makeup "comes to every one of my shows" he grinned and picked up a small pointy brush. "Well I better get to know Mr Aizawa a bit more huh"
He dusted the brush in a dark green and asked you to shut your eyes "so how come I wasn't aware my boyfriend is a drag queen" you asked while the handsome boy packed your crease with dark green and he sighed heavily concentrating on the powder falling onto your cheeks "I just didn't know how you would react" he said brushing the green flecks from your face "I will always accept you Ei don't you forget that" you grabbed the hand he wasn't using and squeezed it tightly while he stamped the rest of the colour in and winged the end and started buffing it out.
"I don't understand why you wanted me to do your makeup though," he said picking up a clean brush and smothering it in a pastel green dusting it lightly on the edge of the crease he had made to blend it out and went back over the dark green, "I told you I wanted you to make me pretty" you reminded him, maybe he forgot what you said when you came to his door and shoved the bag in his face "your already gorgeous (y/n) you don't need makeup," he said kissing the top of your head again while pouring some concealer onto his hand "aw Ei thank you" you smiled at him... maybe, you didn't know you still had your eyes closed "I don't really know why I wanted you to actually i just thought it would be fun" you shrugged and raised your eyebrows for him when you felt him go in with the concealer covering part of your eyelid and the outward flick and more green flecks fluttered down to your face making you scrunch up your nose "wait I'm going to sneeze" you warned him and turned away letting out an adorable kitten sneeze making him laugh "I love you more and more each day" he praised making your face turn red underneath the foundation.
He brushed on a shimmery white into the corners of your eyelid making them sparkle "(y/n) you realise that once the lipstick is on it means no kisses" he smirked and watched as your face dropped and you struggled to keep your eyes closed "YOU NEVER SAID NO KISSES!" you yelled and smacked your hand over your mouth before someone could come and check out the couples quarrel a few rooms over "what if you put your makeup on too then nothing is technically getting messed up?" you offered hoping that you could convince him. You would not be living this day without kisses it was illegal for you to go a day without kisses "what if someone see's me?" he asked picking up a limey green on his brush and moving the hair that had fallen in front of your face. "Then we say I dared you and that I bought all the makeup and followed a tutorial," you said bringing up a youtube video that looked similar-ish to the look he was doing on you "it couldn't hurt," he said and put on the lime green in the middle of your lid blending it into the white.
"I'm really proud of you Ei," you said and your lips turned upward while he applied a lighter version of the eyeshadow he used on your crease to the outer part of your eyelid following the flick upwards and blending it into the shimmery lime "why?" he pulled back to look at his work so far and smiled softly at how pretty you looked, you always looked pretty but this was your first time ever wearing makeup and he was doing it for you, something about the love he put into the makeup made you shine with beauty... and the light on the vanity made your eyeshadow sparkle. "Because you followed your passion even if you weren't sure what others would think. And that makes you the manliest guy alive" you complimented and he looked over at his poster of a crimson riot like it would somehow come to life and agree with your words "that means more than you could ever know pumpkin" you opened the eye he wasn't working on and saw him looking at his poster "plus your only 17 and you're famous as a Hero and a drag queen"
He went in with a white eyeliner cutting the crease with the pointy stick trying not to harm your eye "I hate these things" he said and grumbled something about how stupid and fiddly they are then slammed the liner on the vanity neatening up the lines a bit "wow we're almost done the first eye" he said applying the eyeshadows he used on your eyelid to your lower lashline and blended them out making them look soft and feathery and finally applied the shiny white to the corner of your eye. He picked out a tiny plastic container of tiny tiny diamonds and a tube of eyelash glue and gently pressed the diamonds onto the top of your cut crease. He used the same lash glue and put on the long eyelashes then moved on to fill in your brow.
Time skip brought to you by Autoglass repair Autoglass replace
He finished the second eye and grabbed a large fluffy brush and contoured your face bringing the warmth back into you. He grabbed a rosy blush and dusted it on and finished grabbed a smaller brush brightening your face with a greeny-blue highlighter making you glow in the white light of the vanity. "We're almost done," he said letting you know you could look forward to opening your eyes again. "But then you have to do yours" you reminded him and he hummed "it takes a quarter of this time to do it to myself" he teased and popped open a lipstick asking you to part your lips "why you gonna kiss me?" you chuckled and he leaned in close kissing you with his soft lips "obviously" and he put the lipstick on you adding some green rhinestones to seal the deal.
"Okay (y/n) open your eyes" he instructed and stood up letting you take in your face while he hunted through his wardrobe throwing stuff onto his bed "holy All Might" you leaned in close to the mirror admiring the gorgeous artwork on your face "I didn't know I could look so good in green" you mumbled and beamed at the reflection in front of you "you look gorgeous," he said coming up behind you and kissing your neck "but we aren't done yet" he dangled a green dress in front of you "so you get the rest of you ready while I get myself ready okay?" he said sitting himself down at the vanity and you jumped up and down enthusiastically grabbing the dress and pleaser heels he placed down for you and moving the wig out of your face.
About an hour later you were both fully ready
"meet my photographer," he said bringing you to the back of the dorms where Mr Aizawa was standing lazily checking his phone "MR AIZAWA IS YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER? How does he let you get away with those photo's" you whispered the last part asking yourself more than him and he shrugged "cmon after this we're going to a show" he smiled and pulled you over with him in front of the camera "Kiri can we do this like all the time?" you asked while your teacher photographer set up the camera "of course pumpkin". This would be the best photo in his book yet.
A/n: I wanted to make kiri a drag queen so I did
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theficplug · 4 years
|Next Lifetime|Erik Killmonger|
previous chapters : Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 
erik killmonger x black reader
|part 4|
warnings: um definitely smut this chapter at the end. so 18+ for this chapter! and a possible trigger warning for grief but i promise it gets better and its a romcom.
synopsis:  reader grieves Erik until she doesn’t (i’m trying not give too much away). This one is a long ass chapter. So, grab you a snack and something to drink! I hope y’all like it.
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“You promised on our birthday that you would give me something far more special than the charms you would gift to me. In 2018, you wanted to avenge your birth parents and you went off and did something foolish and when you- when they returned you to me you were-.” you struggle for a bit to find the words to explain it all to him as he takes a step back to gather himself. 
He rubs his eyes before grabbing your arms gently and massaging them . He leans down to look you in your eyes before asking “Ma, did you take something before I came to pick you up? You alright? Cause what you saying don’t make no sense at all... Your pupils don't look dilated though.” 
“I know how this must sound. Batshit crazy. I know it sounds crazy to me too. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m losing my own damn mind. I don’t know how or why. I just know that you came back to me.” you say to him and he shakes his head. 
“Erik. You’re talking about your ex boyfriend...The one that passed... . Alright, I’m going to take you home now... I still don’t understand what’s going on here and I’ve had about all I can take of trying to understand what’s going on here.” N’Jadaka says quietly to you before going around and opening your car door. 
The drive was silent as you picked at your nails and let the soft r&b roll over the tension between the two of you. 
Your own thoughts were going in about a billion different directions again. It didn’t feel right to just sit on all of that and not say anything at all. As ripped from a science fiction film as it sounded at least he knows. 
He was never one to think quietly because you could practically read his thoughts with the changing of expressions across his face.
The relief of seeing your building washed over you as he offered to walk you to your door. 
It was bittersweet because there was still so much of him in this different version of him. Even when he was upset with you or livid with whatever ghost that was haunting him back then,  he still showed nothing but tenderness to you.
You nod and give him a small smile before following him up the stairs , to your elevator, and finally your door. 
“I know that this is a lot. I mean who in their right mind would be able to process all of that.I wish there was any other way to say it... But thank you, I had a really nice time.” your soft words snap him out of staring at your face as if he was trying to piece it all together.
He knew deep down that there was something about you and what happened that weekend while dreaming in colours and other worlds but he couldn’t wrap his head around all of this happening in real life.  
You lean up to kiss his cheek and he grabs your shoulders softly. “With all due respect. You seem like a lovely person and a good woman, but I just - this all a lil too weird for me and I don’t think it’s a good idea that we continue seeing each other.” 
He kisses your hand and leaves with one look over your shoulder as you call out “Meet me at our spot. If you are still anywhere in there. You’ll know what I mean.”
“What the hell happened ? I didn’t expect you back until tomorrow morning?” Iri says as she settles on the other side of the sofa and patted the spot next to her as you kick off the sandals and lay your head on her lap with tears already prickling your eyes. 
“Oh you didn’t? Please don’t tell me you told him about the soulmate reincarnation thing? Sweets, you probably scared the hell out of that man. We needed you to keep that waaay down in the vault.” Tiki adds as she pops the cork off the bottle of wine in her hand and pauses the movie playing on the screen in the background. 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do . You’re gonna text him and tell him that you had just gotten your wisdom teeth removed earlier today and the meds had you unexpectedly zooted as fuck. “ Iri suggests and you chuckle softly.
Meanwhile at N’Jadaka’s house he was already being pestered by Lina and Penn for some type of details about what happened during the date. Orleans was already in the kitchen cooking and ear hustling but went back to his conversation on the phone with Big Mike when he realized there wasn’t any tea. 
“I don’t feel good. I’m finna go lay down. I’ll talk to y’all in the morning”. He says simply to them before trudging his way to his part of the house.
They had been friends since college and just got used to the idea of living together as they did in the dorms so they made it work after graduation. 
It helped them save money for when they finally separated and all of their schedules kept them busy so they didn't have time to get sick of each other. They also knew him well enough to know when something was bothering him and to leave him alone when he gets this moody.
"What the fuck?" He whispered under his breath 
"What the fuck was all that?" He continues talking to himself as he strips and walks past the bathroom mirror to the shower. 
He stops when something catches his eye. He sees a birthmark on his chest that almost resembles the shape of claw marks. He lets his fingers linger over the mark for a second. Thoughts of a panther mask clouded his memories for a moment before he shook his head and entered the shower. 
A few hours later of talking through it with your girls about possibly seeing a therapist about all that's going on and you were ready for bed. 
It didn't take long to drift off, you were ready to put the whole thing behind you. 
The familiar setting of purples , pinks, and hues of blue came into focus and you looked around letting the butterflies land on you again.
 You walk through the flowers and find Erik sitting by a stream of water weaving some of the flowers together. 
"What the hell, E?" You ask as you run over to him and wrap your arms around his neck
He turns to you and smiles big , his dimples on full display before shrugging. 
"It ain't perfect but it's the best I could do. They said it's like a do-over or something like that. I get a second chance but as a result of the way I did things the first time it's a lil different. Like when you restore a computer and it lose all it's files and shit. I get a new life but I'm still kinda stuck. I kinda like it though. I don't remember all the other shit when I'm awake. It really is like starting over. Shits crazy to explain when you think about it. But for you , you already know. I'd find you in this life and the next and the one after that. I don’t think I’mma ever fully remember what happened with all of that when i’m awake. I’m cool with it. It ain’t something I’m tryna remember." He says tipping your chin up to look at you and kissing you softly 
"I know. At least I get to hold you in the real world. It's just different. But guess what I saw today? I seen that bench that you and me signed all them years back. It's still there." You say to him and he places the lil flower bracelet around your wrist as y'all sit and talk for the rest of the night.
By the time you wake up with the aroma of breakfast wavering throughout the loft you feel a little better about the whole situation with Erik, not Erik. 
You opened your phone and sent him an I'm sorry gif with a few extra words inspired by Tina's wisdom tooth lie. 
 After easing into the kitchen and standing in the doorway you see the two lovebirds dancing around the kitchen singing to each other and laying food on the plates. 
"Morning lil sleepy head. Don't forget that I'll still be coming down to the center with you today for the seminar. You hungry?" Iris asks as she places the plate in your hands with a kiss to the top of the head. 
"Of course. There's a young girl, Sophie there that I really think would love to talk to you. She's just starting her transition. And her parents are wonderful but they don't really have much money. She hasn't really had the chance to get more “feminine” presenting clothes and she likes makeup.  " You say and she nods catching your drift.
"Well it'd brighten anybody's day seeing a beautiful successful trans woman like myself honey. But let's lift her spirits even more. I'm gonna bring some of the makeup I got from pr packages and some of the clothes from this collection. I really hope it helps." She answers and Tika just saunters over to her proclaiming her love for her. 
"Alright alright alright. I get it. I'm single as hell." You say laughing softly
Two weeks ticked by with radio silence on N'Jadaka's end. After the 4th day when he gave you the cold shoulder at a coffee shop, you decided to stop trying.
Maybe it wasn't fate and maybe you were just believing what you wanted to believe. 
You reason with yourself as you walked around the loft making notes about the new housing project you were working on. 
Finally having the house to yourself with the lovebirds gone for the day on a little adventure. You got to work budgeting and calling different areas to rent out apartments to you for women and lgbtq+ with housing insecurities. 
Your ramblings and thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door , thinking that Iri or Tika left something behind. 
"I told you to take your sunscre- Daka?" You question as he stands in front of you
You cross your arms and furrow your brows while waiting for an answer from him.
He stands for a moment like he’s trying to gather all of his thoughts together in a way that makes sense to both of you. 
"What're you doing here?" You ask putting your hand on your hip. 
He drops his shoulders and lets out a soft sigh before looking at you.
"I didn't wanna believe it. What you said that night cause like how the fuck does something like that happen? I’mma be honest.  I wanted to just believe that you were a lil off and leave it at that but something keeps telling me that you right. I can't remember shit before college and all I wanted to do was be with you. From the moment I met you in the store. I was like, this is it. This is what's missing. A piece to a puzzle that's all jumbled up." He admits and you nod slowly before letting him in. 
You walk around the kitchen getting a cup of tea for yourself and sitting a cup of coffee down on the counter for him.
“Don’t worry it’s black, I know you dont like it sweet.”
"You know I didn't exactly expect my fiancee that I buried months before to show up at a damn supermarket of all places. This isn't some movie or fanfiction. These kind of things don't happen in real life. Daka you, you had claw marks all over you. The last time I laid eyes on you. And now you're here in front of me. I thought that I was losing my mind." You say and he starts to unbutton his shirt.
"These." He says peeling his shirt off and showing you the birthmarks on his chest and shoulder.
You trace your fingers over it before leaning your head on his shoulder. 
"I asked my parents about my childhood and when I passed by my old neighborhood a few days ago andI remembered some things. I remember what happened to my other parents, in pieces. Shit’s brutal." He says dropping his gaze
"It's okay." You whisper to him and wrap your arms around him. You rocked him for a moment letting him let all of those feelings wash over him. 
He embraced you for a moment before kissing you tenderly. You tug at his bottom lip before deepening the kiss when he press you against the counter. 
"We'll figure it out... Something telling me I'd be a fuckin fool to lose you again." He says quietly against yours lips. 
"Are you gonna make love to me or are you going to keep looking at me like that?" You ask as he studies your whole face like he's looking at art. 
"A memory. It's you. We stood right here and I kissed you the same way. You were saying something like "you bring yourself home to me"." He says and you nod frantically, holding him closer to you.
"I did. It was right before you left." You admit and he nods before lifting you up onto the counter and kissing you heatedly this time. He kisses down to your breasts before looking up at permission from you to unhook your bra. 
Always a man that knows what he's doing. He takes kisses around your breasts and nipples. He takes his time to lick and caress you until he works his way down.
You shake your head yes before moving to slide off your panties but his kisses and his mouth is already beating you to it as he kisses down to your thigh.
He slides your panties off with his teeth and tosses them over his shoulder. 
You tilt your head back as you feel him wasting no time massaging over your clit and working you over with his fingers, curling them and stroking you gently. 
Your soft moans fill the room when he hooks your leg over his shoulder and begins to suckle your clit softly , swirling his tongue over it. 
"Tika will kil- Ooh god. How does your tongue feel like it's vibrating?" You ask and he only chuckles and grips onto your cheeks to bring you closer to him.
He was feasting on and devouring you like he was going to lose again and you could grind your hips down against his tongue and moan his name sweetly.
He didn't stop his tongue or fingers working in you until your legs are shaking and you're gripping at his head. 
"You have- fuck. I'm a squir-" you moan his name brokenly while trying to get out your words and lean back for a moment licking his lips before realizing what you're trying to say.
"Hold that for me. I wanna come with you." He says to you and you pout and protest as he removes his fingers. He picks you up off the counter and carries you bridal style asking you which room is yours.
"Left , left." You giggle into his shoulder as he helps you slide your dress off and you unbutton his jeans for him. 
You capture him in a kiss for a moment feeling his soft plump lips against yours again for the first time in what feels like forever. 
"It's been a long time since I've done all of this. . . Gentle." You say and he runs a calloused finger over your cheek moving a curl away from your face as he looks at you. 
He gets a quick flash of a memory of you and him in bed. You wore a smile on your face before telling him "happy anniversary".
He trailed his fingers down your body remembering almost every scar , every moment. 
When Erik got to a scar at your side. He chuckled, unlocking a memory of you two running from the neighborhood rottweiler , Smokey. 
That old ass dog hated you and he hoisted you over the fence first after being out late one night in high school. The gate had caught your side when you jumped. 
Erik felt so bad he brought you food from anywhere you wanted everyday from to school for a month. 
He leans down to place open mouthed kisses to it. 
He traced over your thighs to the cellulite and stretch marks remembering when you first got them. 
He was moving homes at the time and he wasn't ready to be further away from you yet.  You two just sat for hours at the park in the grass, talking. 
" You know white men behind all of that anyways. They want y'all to feel like you gotta look the same way. That's how they make them billions. My mama had 'em . Yo mama , and generations back. And it ain't ever stop them from being the women they are. Besides if any dirtneck nigga ever try you , just tell me. Imma handle it." He would say as you sat with your head on his lap, staring at the sun setting, knowing good and well your grandparents were gonna ground you for being late when you get home. 
They never did though cause you were with Erik they knew you were gonna be alright. 
"Nothing to worry about. I… I've never done any of that stuff before…Have you?" you question hesitantly as you stare off. 
"Tisha. From Ms. Wilkes class. We was coming from the kick back-" 
"Uh uh . That's your business , you ain't gotta tell me all of that." You say slightly upset at the fact that Tisha of all people was his first. 
"I got you." He says kissing your forehead then your nose before hooking your leg over his hip and easing into you slowly while his lips are still on yours. His eyes never left yours as he cupped your face sweetly like he didn't want to lose you again. 
In this moment he gets a glimpse of prom night and how things changed between the both of you forever. 
He wraps his hands around your waist. One of his hands splayed across your belly. 
He remembers the pregnancy scare you both had afterwards with him holding your hand and telling you no matter what happens he wanna be there for both of you.
Luckily, nothing came of it but you were definitely closer because of it.
You let out an open mouthed gasp at the feeling of being so full of him after so long. 
You rest your hands on his neck and shoulder and he bottoms out fully settling into you as he moves his arms next to  balance himself. 
You close your eyes as he begins to stroke into you trying to set a rhythm for you as his praises for you fall from his lips. 
He kisses his way down your neck licking the marks that are already starting to form there. 
"My lil baby." He mutters out after licking a freshly formed hickey forming on top of your breasts. 
You open your eyes slowly , looking at him and the way he's looking at you . 
"It's been way too long since I've heard that from you. You're remembering?" You ask quietly as you let out a soft moan.
N'Jadaka's muscles flex and tighten as he picks up his pace. His abs clenched as he  pulls out almost completely and filled you at a different angle.
 The sounds of your moans filling the room with every stride and stroke of his hips,  it seems like you're closer to floating in space. The man was fucking you like his life depended on it and at this point all you could do is wrap your arms around him again to comfort you as he shutters and rolls his hips deeper into you. Your walls tighten around him as you relish in the feeling of him. 
"Fuck. I remember all of it." He says half chuckling at the way it's coming to him and half nearly in tears cause he really missed being with you. 
"I also remember that this is your favourite position cause you like to see my face." He teases before leaning down to kiss you again with them plump ass lips.
"E?" You ask , grabbing his face with trembling hands.
"Baby?" You ask again 
He moves his hands from your waist and places your hands in his. Then moving them above your head as he flashes in between making love to you for the last time and now.
You roll over with him and place your hands on your chest riding him slowly getting the rhythm as he strokes into you from below. 
He laughs softly when he realizes what you're doing. 
"Are you spelling my fucking name , baby?" He asks and you tell him that you can spell both.
You let out a whimper when he brushes your spot and let him take over as he runs his hands over your thighs to your butt and over your back as he strokes into you. 
He plants his feet on the bed and work your hips in rhythm with him. 
It didn't take long for you to orgasm with a loud shriek of his name . You had forgotten how he gets when he's close as his hands on gripping all over your thighs and your back. You were already feeling sensitive with your second orgasm coming through and this man felt like he was trying to put it in your belly. 
He rolls you onto your side giving it to you deeply. 
With a loud hiss and panting from him he cums , holding you in his arms.
"I don't think it has felt like that since our birthday last year." He says into your ear as he pulls you closer into his arms. 
He engulfs you fully in his embrace and presses a kiss to the side of your head. 
You laugh softly and roll over to face him , resting your forehead against his.
"I remember. You took me to Paris. I had never been and at the time I was obsessed with everything Parisian. We fucked on the balcony and somehow I ended up popping the straps to my favorite dress. You still owe me by the way." You tease and he shakes his head laughing. 
"I think we ended up saving they marriage from across the way though. They was arguing the whole time. Then they gon watch us like we ain't see them." Erik says laughing as he squeezes your thigh playfully.
"I know they was trying some things." You joke 
"I missed you so much. You don't even understand." You admit with a somehow saddened and relieved expression. 
"I know.  I want to start over this time. All of that Erik Killmonger shit is over with. I wanna keep the name N'Jadaka and just start over. All of that was too heavy on me to carry. I wanna let it all go. I wanna do it right with you." He explains 
"Good because if you put me through that again. Wakanda will be the least of your damn worries." You say to him and he nods giving you his word, sealed with a kiss.
"It'll be alright. Everything happens for a reason. And I think that right now a bath needs to happen and I'm gonna need you to do that thing again that you did in the kitchen cause I'm tryna figure out when you learned that-" 
At some point after the bubble bath/ shower combo you were both out like a light until Iri and Tika decide to come busting in like they usually do with little gifts and food for you. 
"Guess who's your fave- SHE GOT A WHOLEASS MAN IN HER BED" Iri announces to Tika before your pillow hits the door as she closes it. 
"Sorry about that. This is kinda our cuddle hour so they're used to just coming on in." You say sleepily and he just laughs it off while holding you closer. 
"It's all good. I remember that I ain't know them much before but when we did spend time with them, they were good people." He says, still trying to piece it together.  
You fell asleep more peacefully than you had in a long time. Now granted, good sex didn't fix the many layers of issues and mysticism surrounding everything.
But for now, you knew that you had him, you had your girls, family and your business. Everything felt alright again. 
Right up until the point of sleeping through the first alarm to meet the property owners.
"Bae. Bae your phone going off." N'Jadaka whispers in the dark room , voice still riddled with sleep and grogginess. 
"Shit. Shit. I'm gonna be so late." You call out , quickly jumping out of bed and stumbling around the room. 
It takes you about 25 minutes to speed through getting dressed in your best skirt suit. 
N'Jadaka sits on the end of the bed putting on his shoes and watching you shuffle around. 
He had offered to drive you there and stay with you and check out the property with you. 
He slows you down by grabbing you by your arms gently and placing a kiss to your lips. 
"Good morning, handsome. Let's go" 
You walk through the living room with Iri and Tika already posted up in the kitchen placing two breakfast burritos in a container to grab and go. 
You grab your things from the counter all while thanking them and jetting towards the door.
"Good luck pooh!" Tika calls after you. 
"Byyyyeeee Dakaaaa" they call out after him
"Here it is . These are the apartments. I know they don't look like much now from the outside. But from the pictures it looks great. And they'll be safe and comfortable here-" you babble on to N'Jadaka while you both stand outside of the building where Erik grew up , until you notice two women walking to  a car that clearly wasn't from this area. 
You notice Shuri and your breath hitches in your throat. 
Frozen in your anxiety, the seconds ticked by and it was too late to leave. She looked you dead in the eye and then at N'Jadaka like she had seen a ghost.
She gasped and Nakia followed the eyes before back into the car. 
"SHURI WAIT - PLEASE" you yell out to them but the car was already speeding  away. 
tag list : @doublesidedscoobysnacks @chaneajoyyy @mirandkimy @doitforthevine67​ @amyhennessyhouse @dasia21​ @depressionandfandomsinc @sinfully-dope @ambitionwood @heybriheyyy @wholelotta-melanin @theesotericqueen​ @mbakuwife​ @spookys-girl @teardropzih @bigchoose @ceo-of-baby @sweetpeachjones @lost-ssoull  @shyblackgurl @justpeachee @nijajoha @imayhavemisunderstood @beautifullmelodyxx​ @alookintohersoul @rbhp @champagnesugamama​ @just-peachee @almeda-344  @mahogany2021 
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what-nani-ano · 3 years
There is so much to unpack in your reply. Let's go!
Jani is wearing a yellow cardigan with the Ignihyde blue vest, huh? It's not the worst colour combination, but it ain't the best either. I would suggest a darker blue, to bring out her eyes! But that's just my opinion. Rori would never let her hear the end of it, especially if it's a bright yellow-
No makeup because she never feels like putting in the effort...Does that mean Rori can do her makeup??? They have some lovely purple colour eyeshadow that would compliment her complexion so well!
Her unique magic is pretty useful! I love how she had so many cool names to give it, but she names it Leave Me Alone. Brutally honest, I see.
Run Forest Run! What's this about? Forest? Something you're not telling us here? 😂
Jani is based off of blacktip reef sharks?! Is that her Floyd assigned nickname? EEEEEEEE
How does she take errands? Is it via the Internet? Do people just exchange favors when they see her? Was this her idea or did the octotrio influence this?
How did she even befriend the octotrio? Are they friends, or is it a business partner relationship? Does she work in the Mostro Lounge?
And finally, the most important question of all. How does she approach Idia? Spill those first meeting details!!
Also. Don't be shy, Ghost~ Do the picrew I tagged you in, Ghost. Come on, Ghost. It'll help me a lot, Ghost-
Also, @allimili. I'm sure you're a great person, but I'm going to need you to put your hands up. 'Sawn' might just be one of the worst crimes I've ever seen.
- Glass anon
Ohh no, sorry to start confusion!
The dorm tests that the real me would be in is Ignihyde and Scarabia, but I actually meant Jani OC to be in Octavinelle-
I already made her way before I was given a Floyd nickname- she's still a self-insert but I made her a blacktip reef shark- she's got grey eyes btw
and well- you see- Scarabia is pretty Similar to Octavinelle so I thought it wouldn't be too different from the stuff I got in dorm sorters
I was also kind of expecting this after I wrote the last post while I was doing my chores- I should've been clearer sorry!
Ofc her errand running isn't via the internet, unlike Idia, she's actually fine with going outside. Obv since she's in Octavinelle this is how it is. ofc works in Mostro Lounge and performs there when she's in the mood-
She met Idia irl one time seeing the poor guy somehow ending up outside for a school event and introduced herself ofc that convo didn't last long bc of the poor fire boy's anxiety-
She met Idia once again but online ofc, became friends without actually knowing what the other looks like. Only met him PROPERLY Irl when she went to Azul while he was in the board game club to talk about some "business things" and boom one thing lead to another and-
And I am surprised you haven't seen Forest Gump- That was a movie reference-
I hope this clears things up! I am very sorry ˚‧º·(′̥̥̥ o‵̥̥̥)‧º·˚
Yes, Rori may do her makeup 👀💖
ofc she doesn't really care about making her unique magic sound cool, the point is that she doesn't get much attention 😎
ofc if she's defending others her unique magic could be "leave "us" alone" or "leave "them" alone" etc. etc. anywayyy
I'll do the piccrew thing soon~
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.22
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: It’s Rose and Willy’s first morning together. And things get a little heated between them.
Warnings: Soft smut.
A/N: Any chapter that has any kind of smut in it will be different versions of the original chapters on Wattpad. Tumblr is a lot more lenient with the smut than Wattpad is.
Tagging: @holdmeicant @willymywonkers @sleepiesapphicxoxo
Willy woke up before Rose that following morning. That was the best sleep he had ever had and it was all because of his starshine. Willy didn't want to wake her up yet. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she was sleeping. He simply admired her. Gently, her caressed her face and stroked her soft skin.
"Rose," He whispered her name softly. "My beautiful, beautiful, Rose" He saw her lips slightly twitch into a smile. His gaze lingered on her lips, wanting to wake her up with a kiss. Willy smirked slightly, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.
Rose was now awake but she didn't open her eyes yet. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Willy and pulled him closer to him so that their bodies were pressed against one another.
Willy pulled away from Rose slightly to greet her. "Good morning, starshine"
Rose smiled at him, bringing her hands up to cup his face. "The Earth says hello" She greeted him in return. They quickly went back to kissing.
It was becoming more and more heated, with Willy eventually taking control and rolling them both over so that Rose was laying on her back, and he was hovering above her.
"Willy..." Rose breathlessly said when his lips left hers.
"Starshine..." He spoke in that same breathless way. He began kissing her along her jaw and down her neck. "I love you" He mumbled against her skin. "I love you so much"
"I love you too" She purred back to him, her eyes closed in bliss. Rose was absolutely loving this affection.
And Willy, he was loving it too. He used to hate any sort of affection, but then he met Rose and that's all he ever wanted. Though, he only wanted it from her, and he wanted to give every bit of affection back to her.
Suddenly, Rose made a noise that she only ever made when she tasted the most heavenly treats. It happened when Willy kissed a particular spot on her neck. She couldn't help but let out a moan. Her eyes opened wide in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry..." She mustered out. "I didn't mean to... it's just... you were... and I..."
"It's okay, starshine" Willy told her. He wasn't going to lie. He loved the sound that came out of her mouth. It sent shivers down his spine. Rose bit her lip, staring up at him. She looked to be deep in thought. “Is everything okay?” Willy asked when she wasn’t saying anything.
“Do you...?” Rose started to ask, and then she paused.
“Do I what, starshine?” 
“Do you want to touch me?”
Willy swallowed. “You want me to what?”
Rose sighed. She sat up, shaking her head. Feeling embarrassed, she hid her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You don’t--”
Willy cut Rose off, taking her hands in his. “Rose, it’s okay” He assured her. Rose looked up at him and met his eyes. “I... I would like to touch you, starshine, but only if you’re okay with it”
She smiled at him. “Of course I’m okay with it. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t” She placed her hand on his cheek and leaned in, pressing her lips against his. “I’m gonna drop the top of my nightgown, okay?” Rose muttered against his soft and supple lips.
“Okay” Willy nodded. He leaned back and watched as Rose slipped her fingers under the straps of her nightgown and pushed them off her shoulders. The fabric dropped and bunched at her waist, revealing her breasts to him. 
His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. “Oh, starshine” He spoke ever so softly. “You’re beautiful” His lips curled into a smile. “May I?”
He reached over and started by grazing his fingers over the soft flesh of her breast. Rose gasped at the touch. Willy, afraid he’d done something to hurt her, immediately retracted his hand. “Did I hurt you?”
“No. That just felt good. Like when you were kissing my neck”
“Oh!” Willy giggled.
“You can grab them if you want” Rose urged him. “You don’t need to be afraid of hurting me”
He cupped his hands over both of her breasts. “They feel so soft” He began to knead at them. Rose’s eyes fluttered closed in bliss. His hands felt amazing massaging her breasts like this. She could just imagine where else his hands would be magic. 
“Am I doing okay, starshine?” Willy asked her.
“Yes” Rose breathed out as answer. “You’re doing just fine, cocoa bean” She felt his thumb flick against her nipple. Rose twitched at that and let a moan slip from her lips. 
Willy could tell that she liked that, and he smiled, feeling proud of the fact that he was making her feel good. “Did you like that?”
“Mmm, yes” Her eyes were still closed so she didn’t see Willy leaning in to place a soft kiss on her breast. She opened her eyes as soon as she felt his lips on her soft skin. Instinctively, she arched her back, pushing out her breasts forward. 
Willy couldn’t help but let out a small moan. He was enjoying this just as much as Rose was. His lips wrapped around her nipple. Rose rest an open palm on the bed, while the other hand tangled with Willy’s hair. He sucked at and flicked her nipple with his tongue for a bit, before moving over to the other breast to give it the same attention.
Once he was done, Willy sat up straight again and looked at Rose, a big smile plastered on his face. “I really enjoyed that, starshine” He confessed.
“I did too, cocoa bean” She smiled at him, touching his cheek.
Willy nuzzled into her touch and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Can we try more things later?”
“I would love that” She pulled her hand away and pushed her nightgown back up so that she was covered. “"I'll make us breakfast. Anything you want in particular, my handsome cocoa bean?"
"Surprise me, my beautiful starshine!" Willy said, kissing her on the cheek in return. "I'm sure I'll love whatever you cook up!" He got up and was about to leave the room to give Rose some privacy so she could get dressed.
"Cocoa bean, wait!" Rose called out to him. Willy stopped just before the curtain and turned to face her. "What colour are we wearing today?"
"Good question, starshine!" Willy said. He eyed Rose up and down. "Blue! I think you'll look really pretty in blue!" And with that, he left the room to give Rose some privacy. Just before he left the room, though, Rose was quick to notice the tent that had formed in his pyjama bottoms.
Rose was hard at work making crepes for breakfast. She was dressed in a midnight blue halter dress. The skirt of the dress was shorter in the front and then longer in the back. Of course, there was a W pinned onto the collar of her dress. She matched the dress with a sky blue sequined blazer and a pair of blue suede boots.
"It sure does smell good in here, starshine!" Willy said when he joined her in the kitchen. He was wearing an outfit to match Rose, every article of his clothing some shade of blue, with the exception of his hat and his purple gloves.
"Well, I hope it tastes as good as it looks" Rose said hopefully. Willy came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "What are you doing, cocoa bean?"
"I just love holding you in my arms" Willy said. He brought a hand up and pushed some of her hair back so that her neck was exposed. "I also love kissing you, starshine" He peppered kisses all along her neck.
Rose's eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his warm and soft lips against her skin. "Willy..." She gasped. "I'm trying to cook"
Willy let go of her with a smirk on his face. He let her get back to cooking as he went to take a seat at their little dining table. Rose eventually got the crepes done. She prepared the plates. She added some strawberries and blueberries to crepes, as well as whipped cream and then drizzled them with chocolate.
"Breakfast is served!" Rose announced as she walked over to Willy, carrying the two plates in her hand. She set one down in front of him, and set the other one in front of herself when she took a seat across from him.
"These look absolutely delectable, starshine!" Willy complimented her dish. He then took a bite out of the crepes and his mouth simply watered at the taste. "Oh, these are delectable!"
Rose giggled at how much he was enjoying her cooking. "Why, thank you!" She chirped happily. The two of them continued to enjoy breakfast and each other's company. "What's your plan for today, my love?" Rose proceeded to ask.
"Well, I wish we could spend the whole day together, just you and I" Willy confessed, reaching over the table to grab and squeeze Rose's hand. "But unfortunately, we both have a busy day today. I'm planning to work with Charlie in the inventing room for the most of the day, and there's chores that have to be done in some of the other rooms. I was hoping you could take care of some of them?"
"I'd be happy to" Rose smiled, returning Willy's affectionate squeeze.
"Of course, the Oompa-Loompas will be around to help, but I think it's a good idea that you do some work around the factory. Get to know it a little bit more. Oh, that means you'll need these!" Willy reached into his pocket, pulling out a ring of keys. "Your very own key ring" He handed it off to Rose. He then took out a list of tasks for Rose to do today. "Don't worry about getting those all done today. Anything that isn't done today, can be finished tomorrow"
Rose scanned the list. One particular task caught her eye. "Treat day for the squirrels?" She said with a giggle.
"They work hard, sorting those nuts all day! They get a special treat about once a week" Willy explained. "Don't forget! They'll be very upset if they don't get their treat, and they won't work as well"
"Don't worry. I'll make sure they're given a treat, and I'll get most of what's on this list done"
"I believe in you, starshine" Willy leaned forward a bit and brought Rose's hand up to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "And stop by the inventing room when you get a chance. I don't want to go all day without seeing you"
"I will" Rose smiled lovingly at him. "I promise, cocoa bean"
Willy smiled and giggled. Hearing her call him by "cocoa bean" made him feel all warm and giddy inside. "I love it when you call me that!"
Once their breakfast was finished, Rose grabbed the dirty dishes and kissed Willy's cheek as she walked by him. She placed the dirty dishes in the sink. When she turned back around, she saw that Willy had disappeared on her. Rose just shrugged to herself and made her way for the door.
"Starshine! I have a few more presents for you!" Willy called out to her. "Close your eyes!" Rose closed her eyes. She felt Willy standing in front of her. He waved his hands in front of her eyes, making sure that they were closed. "Are they closed? Good!"
"What more could you possibly have for me?" Rose asked with a small giggle.
"You'll see soon enough. Now, keep your eyes closed until I tell them you can open them!" Willy said. Rose didn't know what he was doing but she felt something being placed on her head. Then, she felt Willy take and put something over her hands. She recognized the feel of latex. "Okay, open your eyes!"
Rose opened her eyes and the first thing she saw were purple gloves on her hand, much like the ones worn by Willy. She smiled at that and then touched whatever was put upon her head. It was a top hat. A black felt one with a silk black ribbon wrapped around it. "My own gloves and hat!" Rose cheered happily.
"Yep!" Willy said, nodding with a grin. "Like a Wonka should have!" Rose's heart leapt when she heard him say that. He just called her a Wonka... and they weren't even married yet. "Though, it's missing just one more thing" He then presented her with her own walking cane. It was striped with red and white, just like a candy cane, and the top of it was decorated with colourful jewels.
Rose's eyes lit up when she saw it. "Oh, Willy, I love it" She took the cane from him. "How do I look?" Rose asked, twirling around.
"Gorgeous" Willy muttered softly, staring at her with a lovesick grin. She looked perfect. She looked like a Wonka. But was it too soon to ask her to officially be one?
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Play ball
Hope you guys enjoy this little two parter as much as i enjoyed writing this one.
Warnings: Usual SVU, SVU crimes, smut 
Enjoy x
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Chief Dodds got all the Special Victims Lieutenants together for a leadership conference. At the end he gave them all strict instructions that he wanted them and their squads to get to know each other just in case everyone ever needed to work together and he also told them that he wanted them to involve their ADA's.
Rafael was sitting next to you at your desk waiting for Liv to get off the phone. You guys were holding hands. Rafael was holding your right hand, while he played with his grandmother's ring on your finger and laughing with each other.
"You guys make me sick" Amanda had a foul look on her face.
"You’re just jealous Rollins" Fin laughed, you laughed out loud.
"What's your problem Rollins?" Rafael looked at her with his well-known smirk
"Nothing Counselor" she looked back at her laptop.
"OH good you’re all here, Barba you need to hear this as well" Liv said as she walked out of her office.
"As you all know Dodds wants all SVU's and their ADA's to have a social relationship. So" she paused with a small smile on her face "This Saturday, all of us, including you Barba, have to be in New Jersey by 9 for a baseball knock out torment. It's going to be an all-day thing, and there will be a cook out and drinks after the final round"
Rafael looked at you and rolled his eyes, you giggled back at him. He hated these kind of things, sometime you had to push him just to go out for a drink with the rest of the squad.
"This will be so much fun" Sonny beamed "I’ll get to see my old squad and introduce you all"
"It should be a good day" you smiled
"Dodds has ordered t shirts and hats for each squad, they should be here by the end of the week"
"I think I’am busy" Rafael stood straightening his suit "Give my apologies to the Chief"
"No Rafa you will be there. I'll pick you and Y/N up"
"Don't worry Liv, I'll make sure he wears the t shirt too" you all chuckled, he lent down and kissed your cheek and walked into Liv's office.
"Rafa, does Dodds know about you and Y/N?" Liv looked at him from behind her desk.
"No, why does he need to know?" Liv gave him a disapproving look.
Amanda came and sat on the chair next to you, where Rafael was just sitting, you looked at her smiling
"What's up Detective?" you smiled.
"Tell me your secret"
"What secret?"
"You guys have been working together for ages, you have lived together for a while and you still act like that. What's the secret?" You and Sonny both laughed, you shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know Amanda, that's just how it is. Maybe you should find yourself an ADA on Saturday" she laughed back at you and winked.
"I have a parcel for an Olivia Benson"
"I' am Olivia Benson" Liv walked out of her office and took the box out of the man's arms.
"Are they our shirts for Saturday?" You asked. Liv walked over to your desk and placed the box down. You opened your top draw and pulled out a pair of scissors and cut the tape to open the box.
"YES" you pulled out a bright purple shirt with a big 'Manhattan' printed on the front in white, Liv pulled them all out of the box, and started to look at the sizes. They were all one size fits all. She gave everyone a shirt and then a hat. You put the hat on your head and you held the shirt up to your body for size.
"I' am not wearing that" Rafael spat
"Don't be like that Barba. Think of it as team bonding" he rolled his eyes at Liv and headed into her office after giving you a wink.
Rafael and Liv where sitting in her office when she called you in. You walked in and closed the door, Liv was behind her desk and Rafael across from her.
"Have I done something wrong?" you looked between them both.
"No not at all, we just need to have a chat" you sat down and look at Rafael who smiled at you. You looked back at Liv.
"So, you know I have no issues with your guy’s relationship, and the DA doesn't mind. But Chief Dodds and after how Judge Barth reacted-"
"I know" you said giving her a nod you understood.
"Hermosa, it's for the best, just for now, that on Saturday, we keep our relationship between us. He can be a loose cannon and we have had words many times. I don't want him making it hard for us"
"I agree" you smiled at them both. "I'll tell the others to keep their mouths shut".
Saturday morning you guys woke up early to get organised. Liv was picking you guys up last at 7.30, Sonny was going to meet you all there. After some sweet talk, a little bit of dirty talk and promise for that night when you guys got home, Rafael put on the purple shirt with a pair of jeans and dark coloured runners, but he drew the line at the hat.
You both really didn't know how you were both going to hide your relationship, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other at the best of times, but you were both going to try your hardest, neither of you wanted someone like Chief Dodds to try and break you guys up just because he didn't like it.
Rafael was making coffee when you walked out, his mouth almost hit the floor when he saw you. You had light blue jean shorts they were almost tight fitted, but not too short, your purple shirt tied at the front, showing a tiny bit of your stomach and sleeves rolled up showing off your arms, with ankle white socks and black runners. Your hair was pulled back in a ponytail hanging out the back of your hat. You were all legs,
"Is the coffee ready Rafi? Liv will be here soon"
"Have you always owned those short?"
You looked at him funny, but once you seen his face you knew what was going on and you laughed at him.
"Do you like them?" you winked at him.
He nodded biting his bottom lip as you took step closer putting your hands on his chest, he took a deep breath as he twitched behind his zipper, trying to control himself to not bend you over the kitchen bench, when he looked down and saw your hand. He stepped back with an instant change, you didn't know what happened.
"Where’s your ring?"
You pulled your necklace out from under your shirt,
"I just put it on my necklace till after the games. I don't want anything to happen to it or lose it" you looked up at him "Rafi, are you ok? Talk to me" he grabbed you and took you in his arms. He hide his face in your neck.
"I'm sorry hermosa, I shouldn't have acted like that" 
"It's ok. I just wanted it to be safe" you ran your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. He pulled back and kissed you deeply.
"Now back to those shorts" Rafael smirked at you reaching around to grab you ass cheek. You giggled back and then your phone started to ring.
"Hey Liv- ok we will be right down"
"GO SONNY" Liv screamed
"KNOCK IT OUT CARISI" Rafael yelled.
You guys made it to the final round. It was between you guys and Brooklyn SVU. Rafael and Fin had a tiff about being coach, Rafael won of course. Fin was on first, you were on second and Amanda was on third, if Sonny hit a home run the game was yours, it was his second bat. The ball flew towards him and he whacked it hard, it went flying far into outfield for an infield home run.
You all ran towards home base one by one. Liv and Rafael were standing there high fiving you all as you ran to them.
"And the winners are Manhattan" Chief Dodds announced over the speaker.
You guys all walked into the dug out to pick up your things. You had your foot up on the bench fixing your shoe laces when you felt a hand grab your bum and warm air near your ear, " You played amazing Hermosa" you stood up and Rafael kissed you quickly before anyone could see.
"Barba, Y/N, come on" Liv ordered you both out.
"Rafi, can you hold my bag please" he nodded and took it off you. You reached up to your necklace and undone it slipping off the ring. You slipped it back on your finger and did your necklace up again. You looked at Rafael who was smiling and winked at him.
"Sorry Barba, can I have Y/N for a bit? There are some people I want her to meet"
"Yeah sure, I have to go and talk to some ADA's anyway" you gave him a small smile and walked off with Sonny.
"Ah, Detective Y/L/N, so nice to see you again" Chief Dodds held out his hand to yours to shake it.
"Nice to see you again Chief" you gave him a small smile
"You played great today, well done"
"Thank you" you gave him a slight smile.
"I have someone I would like you to meet" he turned around and called over a tall dark handsome young man who start to walk towards you both.
"Mike, this is Detective Y/N from Benson's squad, Y/N this is my son Mike Dodds"
You looked over and gave him a smile, he reached out his hand and you shock his in return.
"Nice to meet you Mike" you said back
"Like wise" he smiled at you.
"You guys should get to know each other" Chief Dodds winked at you and walked away.
"Did your Dad just play wing man for you?" You laughed
"Yeah. Sorry" he went red and you laughed again.
"It's ok, parents hey" he shrugged his shoulders at you with a big grin.
"Here's your drink Y/N" You turned your head and Sonny was next to you and handed you a beer. You had never been so grateful for Sonny in your life.
"Hey I'm Sonny Carisi, Y/N's partner" he held out his hand to Mike.
"Mike Dodds"
"Oh, the Chiefs son, yeah cool, nice to meet you" Mike smiled at him
"The Chief is trying to play match maker" you looked up at Sonny.
"Carisi, Y/N, dinner is ready, winning team eats first" Fin yelled to you both.
"Nice to meet you again Mike" you looked at him with a smile and went to walk away.
"Yeah nice to meet you Mike" Sonny copied
Mike grabbed your lower arm and stopped you.
"Ah hey, you seem like a nice person" he pulled out his wallet and pulled out a card and handed it to you "Next time you have a free weekend, give me a call and maybe we can have a drink" you went red gave him a smile and walked away, linking on to Sonny's arm.
"Did that really just happen?" Sonny looked down at you.
"Yep" you answered back rolling your eyes
"What are you going to do?"
"Nothing, I'm Rafael's. I'll give the card to Amanda" you both laughed.
You both got your dinner and went and sat with the others. You sat next to Rafael, Sonny on your other side. You pulled the card out of your back pocket and threw it in front of Amanda who was sitting across from you.
"What's this?" She asked picking it up.
"The next weekend your free give that number a call" Sonny said to her.
"Who's Mike Dodds?" she raised an eyebrow at you
"The Chiefs Son" you looked over at her "Chief Dodds was trying to play match maker" you sounded less than impressed.
"What?" Rafael spat out. You looked over at him, he was mad and slightly jealous, you grabbed his knee under the table and squeezed it.
"Chief Dodds wanted to set me up with Mike. Thank goodness Sonny came when he did and Fin said the food was ready. As I went to walk away he grabbed my arm and gave me his card and said next time I'm free on a weekend to give him a call for a drink"
Amanda threw the card back at you. You picked it up and ripped it in half.
After dinner you all sat around drinking, different Detectives and ADA's came over at different times introducing themselves and you all made small talk and cracked jokes here and there.
"Ah Beson's squad" you all looked up and saw Chief Dodds.
"Hey Chief" Liv said, he sat down on a chair that was empty next to Amanda and looked at you.
"Mike told me he gave you his card, make sure you give him a call when your free next, he's a good kid" he smiled, you could feel Rafael tense next to you.
"Ah Chief, I'm sure he is and as an amazing wing man that you are, I'll have to say no, thanks anyway" he frowned at you "I'm already spoken for"
"Yeah, anyone I know?" He looked straight into your eyes.
"Yes actually, Rafael"
"Barba? You’re dating the ADA?"
"Is that a problem Chief?" Liv butted in
"You approve of this Benson?"
"I do actually and so does the DA" Liv smiled at him.
"I guess I'm always the last to know when it comes to your squad"
"Apologies Chief, But with all due respect, I didn't know I had to run my relationships by you" you felt all eyes on you but you didn't break your stare down with him. "Our relationship doesn't affect our work, Rafael and I are pretty good at keeping that separate. Everyone here can back me up on that. I hope this isn't going to be problem" he smirked and looked at the table.
"You are definitely one of Benson's. But if I hear anything negative about you two, you will be hearing from me"
"Well Chief" you lent on the table, "I promise you that you won't, and if you do, I'll sooner transfer out then have someone come in and try and break up my relationship"
"Only time will tell" he got up and walked away.
"One of Benson's?" You repeated looking at Liv who had her mouth slightly opened not quite sure what had just happened.
"Holy Cow Y/N, do you know who you were just talking too?"
You stood up off your chair "I' am well aware Sonny, thank you. Anyway I need a drink, anyone else want one after that" they all laughed and raised their hand.
"I'll help you" Rafael stood up, grabbed your hand and you guys walked to get drinks.
"Wow Hermosa"
"Did I go too far?"
"What, no, not at all. I’ am just surprised. He's the Chief"
"He just tried to set me up with his son and then judged me for dating you. I'm sorry, I know we wanted to keep it too ourselves" He stopped and pulled you to look to him, not letting go of your hand and laughed.
"Why are you sorry, you just stuck up for our relationship" he lent over and kissed you softly on the lips "I love you mi Hermosa"
"I love you Rafi"
"Would you really transfer out? You’re so happy here"
"I know, they are my family. I love working with them, but if it got to that point, yes I would. I never want to lose you or this relationship. I would still see them because you would still be working with them, so really it’s a win win"
"Liv I'am sorry about the Chief" you were sitting in the middle of Rafael and Amanda in the back of her car.
"Why are you sorry?" Liv chuckled
"That maybe I took it too far? He is the Chief"
"Don't be silly, you stuck up for your relationship. You’re just marked as one of Benson's now" you snorted back
"I'd rather be one on Benson's then Chief Dodds daughter in law" you rolled your eyes.
Once you guys got upstairs, you started getting cloths for a shower,
"Hermosa, I just have to look at these emails, I won't be long"
Once you were dressed from a shower, you went and laid on the bed turning on the TV relaxing after the big day you had. About an hour later Rafael walked into the bedroom just after coming out of the shower with a towel around his waist. You sat up resting back on your bent elbows, with your head tilted to the side watching him with a small smile on your face. He seen the looked on your face and a smirk came to his,
"See something you like Hermosa?"
"You could say that"
You sat up and let your legs fall over the side of the bed, he made his way over to you and stood in front of you between them. You lent forwards and started to kiss around his belly button, you felt him shiver as you kissed down to the edge of the towel. You looked up at him, his eyes where narrowed to you and he was breathing heavy. You reached up and pulled the towel off leaving him standing there completely naked. He was already semi hard. You lifted up right hand and wrapped it around him, and started to rub from root to tip.
His eyes where shut and his mouth slightly open letting out little huffs as the pleasure started to rush through him. He was holding onto your shoulders squeezing lightly with every stroke.
It didn't take long till he was hard enough to put him in your mouth. He was so wrapped up in the pleasures his eyes still closed, he didn't notice what was going on till you licked his tip and then slide him half way into your mouth.
You slowly started to bob up and down, licking a little more roughly as you got to the tip. His fingers where running through your hair. You reached around and grabbed his ass, taking each cheek into each hand. You kept moving your mouth up and down his length, but now when you got to his base you pulled him more into your mouth hitting the back of your throat and squeezing each cheek when you did slightly gagging.
"Hermosa, you keep doi-oh my-" he threw his head back, he was close you could feel it. You picked up your pace, and after a couple more pulls deep into your mouth, he tightened his grip in your hair and he grunted your name, spilling into you. You slowed your sucks till he had finished and he slowly pulled out of your mouth as he tried to settle his breathing.
"Wow" he huffed.
"A promise is a promise Rafi" you winked licking your lips.
Tags: @dianilaws​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @beccabarba​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXLI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: That’s right PoA gifs are making a comeback -Danny
Words: 3,121
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Three: A Brief Talk.
Mel was packing up the stuff she'd taken to the mission when someone knocked on the front door. 
She heard Erick said he'd get it a second later. Mel put everything in her bag and hung it over her shoulder, rushing out of her room. Dumbledore stared at them with a smile.
"I must say you worked faster than expected."
"We did our best — Oh!" Erick went to the living room and grabbed his bag, drawing out the men's wands. "These are from the death eaters — maybe you'll be able to track them down?"
"I could, if Ollivander hadn't gone missing," Dumbledore said sadly. Mel didn't ask about it, she wasn't ready for any more bad news. "Anything I should know?"
"Yeah," Mel approached. "I'm upset."
Dumbledore gazed at her quietly.
"I said I'd tell you everything and I will, but you must wait a bit longer. We'll visit Harry's house tonight, and pay a visit to Slughorn."
"You said we couldn't talk to him."
"This time will be different. This time I'll go with you."
"How wonderful," Mel said sarcastically.
"I'll get my stuff," Erick gave her a look that was meant to stop her rudeness.
"Very well," Dumbledore nodded, "do close the door on your way out, Mr Flint."
She followed him out in silence, her uncle approached the entrance of the Dursley's house and knocked on it.
"Were you in danger?"
"Then you know I didn't lie."
"You didn't tell us everything," She replied. "You keep withholding information and I'm not some disposable thing you can use as you please —"
"That was never my intention," Dumbledore interrupted. "By the end of the year you'll know all, and you'll understand why I've acted this way."
Mel seriously doubted that but she'd been proven wrong before, she was willing to hear his side of the story.
Mr Dursley complained all the way to the door, he opened it abruptly, freezing at the sight.
"Good evening. You must be Mr Dursley. I daresay Harry has told you I would be coming for him?"
Harry rushed down the stairs and stopped at a considerable distance from his uncle. He looked torn between amusement and panic, holding a pair of trainers in one hand and a telescope in the other.
The young witch eyed Mr Dursley up and down and held back a smirk. He was wearing a reddish dressing-gown. The last time she'd been standing this close to the man he'd looked gigantic, now he was barely able to reach her nose.
"Judging by your look of stunned disbelief, Harry did not warn you that we were coming," Dumbledore said happily. "However, let us assume that you have invited me warmly into your house. It is unwise to linger overlong on doorsteps in these troubled times. It is a long time since my last visit, I must say, your agapanthus are flourishing. What do you think, Mel?"
"Oh, it's been years," Her voice trembled with contained laughter. "The house looks exactly as I remember, though. Is your chimney still the same after the Weasleys burst through it?"
Harry snorted at this, and this caught the old man's attention.
"Ah, good evening Harry... Excellent, excellent."
"I don't mean to be rude —" Mr Dursley spoke.
"— yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often. Best to say nothing at all, my dear man. Ah, and this must be Petunia— Albus Dumbledore, we have corresponded, of course. And this must be your son, Dudley?"
Mel looked at the boy, it had been almost two years since she'd last seen him: He was muscly big, with the body of a trained wrestler. She didn't like that he'd be able to kill a child with his bare hands and call it a sport.
"Shall we assume that you have invited us into your sitting room?
Dumbledore crossed the hall and she followed, Harry jumped the last steps and approached them.
"Aren't — aren't we leaving?" He inquired.
"Yes, indeed we are, but there are a few matters we need to discuss first. And I would prefer not to do so in the open. We shall trespass upon your aunt and uncle's hospitality only a little longer."
"You will, will you?" The Dursleys were all glaring at them.
"Yes, I shall."
He drew his wand so rapidly that Harry barely saw it; with a casual flick, the sofa zoomed forward and knocked the knees out from under all three of the Dursleys so that they collapsed upon it in a heap. Another flick of the wand and the sofa zoomed back to its original position.
"We may as well be comfortable."
"Sir," Harry started anxiously. "What happened to your — ?"
"Later, Harry. Please sit down."
The boy looked at her searching for an answer, but she had none. It was her first time seeing Dumbledore's injury as well. She walked up to the armchair and stood next to where her uncle had seated. Harry sat in front of them.
"I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment, but the evidence so far suggests that that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness."
A third twitch of the wand, and a dusty bottle and five glasses appeared in midair. The bottle tipped and poured a generous measure of honey-coloured liquid into each of the glasses, which then floated to each person in the room.
"Madam Rosmerta's finest oak-matured mead," said Dumbledore.
Mel took her glass and inhaled the sweet scent before drinking it, hiding her grin. She was starting to feel less annoyed now that Dumbledore was torturing the Dursleys with his displays of magic.
"Well, a difficulty has arisen which I hope you will be able to solve for us. By us, I mean the Order of the Phoenix. But first of all, I must tell you, kids, that Sirius's will was discovered a week ago."
"Oh. Right..." Harry muttered.
"This is, in the main, fairly straightforward. You add a reasonable amount of gold to your account at Gringotts, and you inherit a few of Sirius's personal possessions. Emily knows this of course, but Sirius left the other half of his gold to you and your brother, Mel. As well as the rest of his belongings, which you'll be able to use once you're of age."
It was obvious Leon was going to inherit stuff from Sirius, the man was eager to provide for his new family, he wanted to be there, make sure his son would never be left to his luck.
"The slightly problematic part of the legacy —"
"His godfather's dead?" Mr Dursley interrupted. "He's dead? His godfather?"
"Yes," said Dumbledore without further explanation. "Our problem is that Sirius also left you number twelve, Grimmauld Place. To the three of you."
"He's been left a house?" Mr Dursley questioned.
"He's not done talking," Mel snapped, Mr Dursley turned purple at her statement.
"You can keep using it as headquarters," said Harry. "I don't care. You can have it, I don't really want it."
"Me neither," Mel accepted. "I don't need it, nor I think my brother will want to use it once he's old enough."
"Brother?" Mrs Dursley asked in bewilderment.
"That is generous," said Dumbledore. "We have, however, vacated the building temporarily."
"Well, Black family tradition decreed that the house was handed down the direct line, to the next male with the name of 'Black.' Your brother should be the one to take it, but we can't be sure if the rules apply since Emily and Sirius decided to use her last name. While Sirius' will makes it perfectly plain that he wants you to have the house, it is nevertheless possible that some spell or enchantment has been set upon the place to ensure that it cannot be owned by anyone other than a pureblood."
"I bet there has," Harry lamented.
"Quite. And if such an enchantment exists, then the ownership of the house is most likely to pass to the eldest of Sirius's living relatives, which would mean his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange."
Harry stood up in distress.
"Well, obviously we would prefer that she didn't get it either. The situation is fraught with complications. We do not know whether the enchantments we ourselves have placed upon it, for example, making it Unplottable, will hold now that ownership has passed from Sirius's hands. It might be that Bellatrix will arrive on the doorstep at any moment. Naturally, we had to move out until such time as we have clarified the position."
"But how are you going to find out if we're allowed to own it?"
"Fortunately, there is a simple test."
"Will you get these ruddy things off us?" Mr Dursley yelled.
Harry looked around; all three of the Dursleys were cowering with their arms over their heads as their glasses bounced up and down on their skulls, their contents flying everywhere.
"Oh, I'm so sorry... But it would have been better manners to drink it, you know."
Mel left her glass on the coffee table and waited.
"You see," Dumbledore continued, "if you have indeed inherited the house, you have also inherited..."
There was a loud crack, and a house-elf appeared, with a snout for a nose, giant bat's ears, and enormous bloodshot eyes, crouching on the Dursleys' shag carpet and covered in grimy rags.  Aunt Petunia let out a hair-raising shriek; nothing this filthy had entered her house in living memory.
"Kreacher," said Dumbledore.
"Kreacher won't, Kreacher won't, Kreacher won't! Kreacher belongs to Miss Bellatrix, oh yes, Kreacher belongs to the Blacks, Kreacher wants his new mistress, Kreacher won't go to the brats and the Black bastard! Kreacher won't, won't, won't —"
"As you can see," said Dumbledore over the yelling, "Kreacher is showing a certain reluctance to pass into your ownership."
"I don't care," said Harry with repulsion. "I don't want him."
"Won't, won't, won't, won't —"
"You would prefer him to pass into the ownership of Bellatrix Lestrange? Bearing in mind that he has lived at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix for the past year?"
"Won't, won't, won't, won't —"
"No," Mel replied, "we need him far from them."
"Give him an order," said Dumbledore. "If he has passed into your ownership, he will have to obey. If not, then we shall have to think of some other means of keeping him from his rightful mistress."
"Won't, won't, won't, WON'T !"
"Kreacher, shut up!" Harry demanded.
It looked for a moment as though Kreacher was going to choke. He grabbed his throat, his mouth still working furiously, his eyes bulging. After a few seconds of frantic gulping, he threw himself face forward onto the carpet (Aunt Petunia whimpered) and beat the floor with his hands and feet, giving himself over to a violent, but entirely silent, tantrum.
"Well, that simplifies matters," said Dumbledore brightly. "It seems that Sirius knew what he was doing. You three are the rightful owners of number twelve, Grimmauld Place and of Kreacher."
"Wonderful, I own a haunted mansion," Mel sat heavily on the armrest of Dumbledore's chair.
"Do we have to keep him with us?" Harry asked.
"Not if you don't want to. If I might make a suggestion, you could send him to Hogwarts to work in the kitchen there. In that way, the other house-elves could keep an eye on him."
"Yeah," said Harry, "yeah, let's do that. Er — Kreacher — I want you to go to Hogwarts and work in the kitchens there with the other house-elves."
"You're not allowed to leave your duties unless we ask you otherwise," Mel added.
Kreacher, who was now lying flat on his back with his arms and legs in the air, gave Harry one upside-down look of deepest loathing and, with another loud crack, vanished.
"Good. There is also the matter of the hippogriff, Buckbeak. Hagrid has been looking after him since Sirius died, but Buckbeak is yours now, so if you would prefer to make different arrangements —"
"No," said both of them, then Harry added, "He can stay with Hagrid. I think Buckbeak would prefer that."
"Hagrid will be delighted. He was thrilled to see Buckbeak again. Incidentally, we have decided, in the interests of Buckbeak's safety, to rechristen him 'Witherwings' for the time being, though I doubt that the Ministry would ever guess he is the hippogriff they once sentenced to death. Now, Harry, is your trunk packed?"
"Erm..." Harry blushed.
"Doubtful that I would turn up?" Dumbledore smiled.
"I'll just go and — er — finish off," said Harry, picking up his telescope and trainers.
"I'll help," Mel said.
It was the first time she'd ever been in his room. The only time she'd managed to look around was when they rescued him on the Ford Anglia. It was evident this was the only place in the house Harry was allowed to exist freely: A bit messy from running around and packing everything in a hurry, but she didn't mind it at all.
"Cozy," She teased.
"Shut it," He replied, hastily picking up his stuff. "I should've known... of course he wouldn't leave me..."
"You had your reasons to doubt," She shrugged, then added. "We both do..."
Harry stopped and looked at her, but she wasn't in the mood to talk. Mel helped him pack and soon enough everything was in place, she grabbed Hedwig's cage and smiled at the creature.
"Hi there..." She looked back at him. "I'll never forget the look on your uncle's face when we arrived, he looked so frightened!"
"I'm glad I don't have to stay," He picked up his stuff and guided her out. "Because he would murder me if I did..."
Mel snorted, following him to the hall. However, Dumbledore hadn't moved.
"Professor?" Harry spoke. "I'm ready now."
"Good. Just one last thing, then... As you will no doubt be aware, Harry comes of age in a year's time —"
"No," said Mrs Dursley.
"I'm sorry?" said Dumbledore.
"No, he doesn't. He's a month younger than Dudley, and Dudders doesn't turn eighteen until the year after next."
"Ah," He smiled, "but in the Wizarding world, we come of age at seventeen."
"Preposterous," mumbled Vernon.
"Now, as you already know, the wizard called Lord Voldemort has returned to this country. The Wizarding community is currently in a state of open warfare. Harry, whom Lord Voldemort has already attempted to kill on a number of occasions, is in even greater danger now than the day when I left him upon your doorstep fifteen years ago, with a letter explaining about his parents' murder and expressing the hope that you would care for him as though he were your own."
Dumbledore's air changed, and although it wasn't obvious, he was once again emanating power, now more than ever he looked like a man no one should try to upset.
"You did not do as I asked. You have never treated Harry as a son. He has known nothing but neglect and often cruelty at your hands. I'm thankful Emily agreed to move in next door all those years ago and relieved a bit of Harry's misery. The best that can be said is that he has at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you."
"Us — mistreat Dudders? What d'you — ?"
"The magic I evoked fifteen years ago means that Harry has powerful protection while he can still call this house 'home.' However miserable he has been here, however unwelcome, however badly treated, you have at least, grudgingly, allowed him houseroom. This magic will cease to operate the moment that Harry turns seventeen; in other words, at the moment he becomes a man. I ask only this: that you allow Harry to return, once more, to this house, before his seventeenth birthday, which will ensure that the protection continues until that time."
Mel would've loved to add a few insults of her own, but she knew there was no use, they would never learn, would never feel guilty for treating Harry the way they did and to be honest, Dumbledore was right, Mel and her mother were his real family.
"Well... time for us to be off," said Dumbledore, standing up. "Until we meet again."
Mel looked at them one last time without saying anything, something in her felt different, there was a bittersweet emotion that kept her from enjoying herself, and at the same time stopped her from snapping.
"Bye," said Harry shortly.
"We do not want to be encumbered by these just now," Dumbledore said, pulling out his wand and pointing it towards the boy's trunk and owl. "I shall send them to the Burrow to await us there. However, I would like you to bring your Invisibility Cloak... just in case. And now, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure."
Erick was waiting patiently against the front of her mother's car. His backpack was hanging from one shoulder, and when he saw them he quickly approached.
"All good?"
"Yes, we just wanted to chat a moment before leaving."
"Chat?" Erick raised a brow, he knew the Dursleys weren't friendly people.
"We'll explain later. C'mon, time to go."
"We're not taking the car?"
"No," said Dumbledore. "It'll be faster if we use magic. Keep your wand at the ready."
"But I thought we're not allowed to use magic outside school, sir?" Harry asked.
"If there is an attack," said Dumbledore, "I give you and Mel permission to use any counter jinx or curse that might occur to you. However, I do not think you need worry about being attacked tonight."
"Why not, sir?"
"You are with me... This will do."
He stopped at the end of the street.
"You have not, of course, passed your Apparition Test," he said.
"No," said Harry. "I thought you had to be seventeen?"
"You do," said Dumbledore. "So you will need to hold on to my arm very tightly. My left, if you don't mind — as you have noticed, my wand arm is a little fragile at the moment."
Erick looked down briefly at his hand and paled.
"Professor, I passed my apparition test last month, I can take Mel so you don't tire yourself out."
The idea of Dumbledore 'tiring himself out' was laughable, but Mel didn't want Erick to feel stupid, and it appeared that Dumbledore was of the same mind.
"Very well, Mr Flint, if it's not much trouble..."
"It's not."
"You know where to go."
Erick offered his arm to her.
"Like we have a choice," She groaned, firmly holding onto him.
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Next Chapter —>
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
hello^^ this is for the light festival lmao if you don't mind I'd like to request UwU
Character would be tsukki lmao, number 9 since its my lucky number HAHAHAHHAA Hrm unlike tsukki I'm the complete opposite of him LMAO I'm super talkative, and I tend to just go insane whenever there's a cat around, I have a thing where I rub my fingers around people I like 😌😌 anyways fluff please AHAHHAHAAH
Anyways is this how I'm supposed to request ? Sorry I get nervous bout this lmao 🤔😳
| Is This a Date? | Tsukishima Kei 
prompt | #9- Lake 
pairing | Tsukishima Kei x Reader
summary | You and Tsukishima have a little meaningful not a date conversation by the lake, which leads to other things. 
words | 1.1k 
author’s note | Jef! My fellow Tsukki simp :3 Sorry this took so long lol, I was stuck on the concept for this fic (And I still have no idea where the hell this went, I just wrote and went with the flow???) 
“What are you doing?” Tsukishima said in an annoyed tone. The blonde beanpole’s mother had convinced you to drag her anti-social son out for the weekend (He needs some sunlight, she said), so the two of you were seated side-by-side, admiring the vivid painting of reds, yellows, pinks and purples across the lake surface as the sun turned in for the day. 
“Just admiring the view.” You replied happily, rubbing your fingers together. “I thought you like quiet places?” Raising your eyebrow, you questioned his restless movement. “It’s not like I dragged you off to a crowded market or something.” 
His eyebrows slanted downwards in annoyance. “I... What exactly are we doing here?” 
“Giving you the sunlight you need to photosynthesis.” You suggested helpfully, the consistent noise of your fingers brushing against each other steadying the rhythm of your heart. 
Tsukishima groaned quietly, lying down on the mossy grass, resting his head on his jacket, which he had shed off and folded to make a makeshift pillow. The quiet drum of your heart accompanied by the harmony of birdsong filled the silence between the two of you. “What did my mom tell you?” He asked, straightforward as ever. 
“That’s a secret!” Came your teasing reply. You wiggled your eyebrows, grinning widely from ear-to-ear like the Cheshire Cat. “But if you’re really curious, I can-”
You yelped, startled as Tsukishima grumbled in annoyance, your hands tightly gripped in his left hand. “If you keep rubbing your hands like that,” He said quietly. “You’re going to start a fire with your hands.” 
“I doubt that’s possible.” 
His golden-brown eyes met yours carefully. “So? What did my mom tell you?” He pressed on, stubborn as a beanpole could be. 
Silence fell between the two of you as you contemplated on telling him. The gentle swishing of the wind rang like a chord strummed on an acoustic guitar, the soft lapping of the waves vibrating like the strings of a harp. Bird song filled the air as the woodwinds section, the nature’s orchestra playing a soothing melody for the moment between you and the blonde. 
“I changed my mind, I’m not telling you.” You stuck your tongue out at last, your tone playful. “I won’t tell you no matter how much you ask!” 
He regarded you quietly, a gold dragon stirring inside his eyes, his mother’s words running through his mind. 
“Mom,” Tsukishima eyed his mother suspiciously. “Are you kicking me out of the house?” 
Her mother shushed him quickly, shoving his jacket and scarf into his hands. “Hurry up!” Tsukishima caught a glimpse of your (hair colour) outside the window, realising just exactly what his mother was doing. 
“Mom.” He said slowly, trying to comprehend the concept. “Are you trying to set me up? With Y/N?” 
The blonde woman winced, her motives revealed, trying her best to push her 6′2 son out the front door. “... No?” 
“That doesn’t sound very convincing.” He retorted, digging his heels into the flooring. 
“Well, okay, we are setting you up with Y/N.” Akiteru admitted with a nervous smile, coming down the stairs with a mug in his hand. “But that’s only because you’ve practically been head-over-heels for her and you haven’t made a move yet.” 
The blonde woman nodded vigorously in agreement. “Just go ask her on a date or something!” 
“Aren’t you already setting me up to a date?” Tsukishima raised his eyebrow as his mother struggled to push him out the door, which Akiteru had opened. “Is that not what is happening?” 
“Yes, it is.” Akiteru cleared his throat hastily, casting a quick look at you, outside the window. “Don’t keep the girl waiting.” 
His eyes flashed in realisation as he fully processed the situation. “H- Hold on! Does she know that this is a date?” He asked incredulously, hissing to make sure you didn’t hear the conversation, There you were, standing right outside the gate of his house, looking all cute in and innocent in your jeans and dark jacket.
“Uh...” Akiteru and Tsukishima’s mother shared a guilty look. “No...?” 
“I’ll buy you takoyaki if you tell me.” He bribed, knowing that your ultimate weakness was your favourite food. 
You paused. “Make it two weeks of takoyaki and you have a deal.” You smirked, watching Kei groan internally as his wallet started sweating bullets. “Do we have a deal?” You asked in a teasing tone, basking in all of Tsukishima’s annoyed expression. 
“Fine.” He grumbled grudgingly. “Now tell me what she told you.” 
Shrugging, a bright smile lit up on your lips at the prospect of two weeks of takoyaki. “She told me to take you out because she said and I quote ‘you need to get out of the house’.” You watched as Tsukishima’s jaw dropped. Clearly, he had been expecting much more and now he had to pay for it with two weeks worth of takoyaki. “That’s all.” 
“You have got to be kidding me.” He cursed under his breath, planting his face into his hands. His wallet suffered such a big loss for such a useless piece of information. Well, at least he could rest easy knowing that his mother didn’t give anything away. 
“What did your mom tell you before you left?” You prodded curiously, your fingers resorting back to their old habit. Tsukishima, his mother, and Akiteru had exchanged a few words that ended in a soft blush dusting the beanpole’s cheeks, and your curiosity was rising steeply. 
He waved it off, eyeing your hands with a twitching eyebrow. “It’s nothing important.” 
“What? But I want to know!” You whined, pouting visibly. “Kei, don’t be a bad sport!” 
He glanced at you. “I’ll tell you what she said if I only have to buy you one week of takoyaki.” 
“Deal!” Your eyes sparkled. 
Kei side-eyed you with a distinct sigh. “She told me to ask you out.” He said casually, brushing it off. “It was just a joke, don’t take it seriou-”
“And?” You were leaning towards him with wide eyes and a smile that was widening by the second. “Are you going to?” A grin slipped across your lips as Kei blushed even more at your closeness, his cheeks matching the palette of the setting sun. 
“W- What- Un... Unless you want me too.” He mumbled, tucking his face away from you in embarrassment. 
“Well, I want you to!” You piped up happily. “Oi, Tsukishima, ask me out!” 
He scoffed, the reds and pinks still dusting his cheeks like cherry blossoms in spring. “Saturday. Dinner. I’ll buy you takoyaki.” 
I had absolutely no idea where I was going with this but,,, Here. 
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