#I'd be heartbroken if something happened to my brother or sister
bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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"Who cares? I certainly don't." </3
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foremyth · 2 months
deeply distressed about katakuri equating his worth to his usefulness and measuring that usefulness by the scale of how valuable/well-liked he is in his family which has long since warped into unbelievable standards he has to live up to, making him inherently unlovable unless he can meet them, and how that ties with his appearance and self-image
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coffee-master · 8 months
Hello! I want to say that ur AU is AWESOME. I love the way Kai has to deal with being the master of water and basically everything else that comes with it. ANYWAY I want to ask, are u planning on adding stuff about seabound? If so, im rly excited to see how u portray that!
(Also possibly the whole Aspheera situation but no pressure on that)
Have a good day (or whatever time it is where u are) 😁
Dear anon..
There is no such way that I am NOT adding seabound here!!!
I'm planning to make some incorrect quotes and write a fic about the seabound part later.
There is no way that I'd miss such opportunity for angst!
I want write Kai struggle. I want to write him becoming one with the water.
I want to write ninjas break.
I want to see them the those three heartbroken and devastated, while not able to say goodbye.
She'd try to grab her brother's hand unsuccessfully, try to talk to him, but he doesn't listen.
Even though she tries, but when her brother starts going to the water she's scared.
Nya starts yelling at him, while trying to stop him. To hold him. But she can't-
And there he's gone.
I want to see Nya's breaking point, where she blames herself. Where she's devastated, that she lost her older brother once again. (In the pilot Nya wasn't kidnapped by the skeletons. Kai allowed himself to be kidnapped by them to keep his sister safe)
She would be angry, because Kai once again sacrificed himself for their good.
She would burst into flames, while screaming and pounding her fists on the ground senselessly, until the anger is gone and what's left is sadness.
She starts crying on the ground desperately. Jay would come to her and hug her and she'd cry more.
Oh, as if this boy didn't need earlier therapy..
He'd stood there heartbroken, devastated seeing as the person who promised to take care of him and always be by his side suddenly leaves him as if he didn't meant anything.
The Big Brother, who gave him some normal childhood, family-bond or even teached how to tie shoes.. He dissapeares forever.
Lloyd blames himself, for lossing him.
Kai had always protected him, before and after he got powers. He was always able to safe him and be there for him.
And right now Lloyd wasn't able to do the same.
But Lloyd was the green ninja, he should have safed him, he should have been able to do this.
Why this one time he couldn't safe him? Why?
It makes him stood there broken, crying, while looking at the see.
How do you feel when another person, who you loved deeply dies in front of you once again?
When you're aware, that you can't do anything.
When you see them smilling, as if nothing was happening, bit deep down you know that something is wrong.
That this is goodbye.
He's scared. He's broken.
His boyfriend is littelary a floating water, who sounds and looks like Kai, but doesn't behave like Kai. Who talks weird.
Something is wrong.
He's scared, because he knows what's going to happen.
He's broken, because he's going to lose him too.
And before he notices, he's gone.
But for now..
Firstly I want to do more about incorrect quotes for other seasons in my au, answer questions so that people would know how looks the situation in this universe and ect.
Moreover I also want to write more fics for this au, before going into seabound season.
On ao3 I have a series, where some one-shots about this au will be published, but for now I was only able to publish one work.
I'm very slow writer, that's why I know it'll take me a while.
So for now let's enjoy some silly incorrect quotes, please?
Besides that yeah, I'll also add the situation with Aspheera, and It'll be probably more focused on Nya and Jay.
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rxmqnova · 10 months
For your Wanda’s daughter series, can you write like a flashback of Wanda finding out she’s pregnant? And like what she did and thought that day before deciding to become a mother? <33
The best decision
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Y/N: 11 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "And then Peter landed on our window and everyone started running there. Our english teacher was so mad. It was so funny" Y/N giggles, happily telling Natasha what happened at school today while holding her hand and walking around the compound as the redhead only just picked her up from school.
"How could be a mad english teacher funny?" Natasha chuckles, squeezing Y/N's hand a little bit.
"He always does a funny face when he's mad. Like this" The little brunette pouts her lips and scrunches her face, showing Natasha the face of her angry english teacher on which Natasha can't help but let out a laugh.
"Let's find your mom, cheeky. I bet she'll want to hear your story too" The redhead smiles, leading Y/N to the kitchen where will they most definitely find Wanda.
As expected Wanda is in the kitchen and baking cookies which makes Y/N squeal happily immediately because her mom makes the best cookies ever.
"Mama, can I help?!" Y/N rushes to Wanda, wrapping her arms around her and looking up at her with the sweetest smile and puppy eyes.
"Hello to you too, baby" Wanda chuckles, bending down and pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.
"Hi, mommy. Can I help? Please, please" Y/N tries again.
"I'm almost done, but of course you can, honey. Go wash your hands and then you can help me" Wanda watches her daughter with a smile as her mini me runs away to the bathroom.
It takes only a few minutes until the girl is back, ready to help her mom with the cookies. And so she does, helping Wanda with the last round of cookies while telling her the story that happened at school today.
"And done" Wanda announces, closing the owen to let the cookies bake. "Homework time" She announces which doesn't go without a whine from her daughter.
"But my homework is stupid. I'm supposed to do a family tree, but I only have you" Y/N mumbles, a pout on her face as she crosses her arms and sits down on a chair.
"Well, what about uncle Pietro? Or your grandparents? I'm sure we'll think of something. I'll bring some photos, hm?" Wanda smiles warmly, kissing the top of her daughter's head.
While Wanda is in her room, looking for the photos. Y/N's in hers for a paper and crayons, so she could make the best family tree.
They meet in the kitchen again and sit down at the table. Wanda takes some photos out of the box she keeps them while Y/N's just watching her curiously.
"Look. Here's uncle Pietro and me" Wanda smiles at the memory, showing her daughter the photo.
"What happened there?" The little monkey asks curiously.
"We took the picture on the day I found out that I'd be having a baby"
—————————— 12 years ago…
Wanda walks out of the bathroom, her eyes puffy from crying. She's only 17, how can she take care of a baby?
"Wanda, what's wrong?" Pietro rushes to his sister, wrapping his arms around her when Wanda bursts into tears again.
Not being able to say a single word, Wanda just hands his brother the positive pregnancy test she's been holding.
"I'm gonna kill him" Pietro's jaw clenches from how mad he is, anger building up in him on the thought of his sister's ex-boyfriend, so he turns around, ready to leave and find that guy.
"No, no, please don't" Wanda catches his arm in the last second. "Wanda, he hurt you. He won't get away with nothing" Pietro sighs.
He's always hated that man, especially after he cheated on his sister. But Wanda's still heartbroken from what he did to her. She doesn't want to see him again, she can't see him again.
"No, please, no. I don't want to see him again" Wanda cries out, holding her brother for her dear life.
Pietro wraps his arms around his sister protectively, allowing her to cry into his shoulder while he's thinking about what will be the best for his sister.
"I'm scared" Wanda whispers after a while, her voice breaking. "How will I take care of a baby?" Another few tears escape the young girl's eyes as she's looking at her brother and hoping he'll come up with something.
"You have me, Wanda, and I'll always be here to help you" Pietro says softly, pulling his sister in for another hug. "We'll get through it together, yeah? You have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you" He tells his sister, keeping his arms wrapped around the scared girl and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Look, let's take a picture and one day we'll be happily looking at it with the tiny one"
Pietro takes the polaroid camera the twins own, holding it as far as he can, so both of them would be in the photo. He counts to three, both smiling as he presses the camera.
"… What if I won't be a good mom?" Wanda suddenly sighs concerned, sitting down on a couch and burying her head into her hands.
Pietro immediately sits down next to his sister, rubbing her back. "You're the most caring person I know, Wanda. You'll be the best mom ever. He's so lucky to have you as a mom"
"He?" Wanda questions, looking at her brother and raising an eyebrow. "What if it's a girl?" She asks teasingly on which Pietro rolls his eyes playfully.
"Either way, I can't wait to cause troubles with him… or her" Pietro says, finally making Wanda let out a small chuckle and making her think that maybe it won't be that bad.
She'll have her tiny human who will love her… another little member to her small family. Her brother's excitement is definitely helping her to decide what to do… because in that moment Wanda knew that keeping the baby will be the best decision she can make.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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I watched the Picard series finale
Going into this, I have chills 👀
Holy shit Seven looks hot as hell
She's so bad ass
Raffi my beloved 😍
Seven and Raffi looked at each other👀
Seven looks so done while the poor cook dude is explaining how his mom got sick and his brother got a hernia
"You got this." Just gonna think of her saying this whenever I feel like I'm struggling
Oh shit
Jack is consumed by the collective 👀
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The little smile Beverly exchanged with Jean-Luc
Worf: "And I will make it a threesome."
Will Riker: "Do you even hear yourself?" Oh my god😂😂 I'm dead
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That look between Deanna and Will😭
If anything happens to either of them I'm gonna cry
Aw, Beverly is gripping that computer so hard
"I can no longer be your captain. I have to be a father"
Oh no
Does that mean he's gonna take Jack's place and die😭
Picard: "Beverly. Lead me to our son."
I'm crying "You did everything right." Oh damn 😭
Jack looks kinda awesome as Vox
I got chills
I am so creeped out rn
Raffi is Seven's number one
I'm so happy
The looks they keep sharing
I'm screaming with how they're finishing each other's train of thought
That poor Cook 😭😂
I will fight under her
Raffi called Seven captain
Picard to Borg Queen: "You are not his mother!" AWWWWWWWWWWWW HE WON'T LET BEVERLY BE FORGOTTEN
Damn, this queen is bitter
Oh no
Worf. He got zapped
Hope he still lives
"I had no idea it was that heavy." 😂
"We can't do this forever." Feels like she could be talking about more than their ship fighting
But I could be reaching
The way that Beverly fought so well and ruthlessly, and everyone turned slowly to look at her 😂
Beverly: "A lots happened in the last 20 years"😂
"Swords are fun." They really are
"no computer not even my daughter could navigate us through this." Love how proud he(Geordi) is of his kid
Data: *tells them to trust him*
Also Data, seconds later: "Here goes nothing."
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Deanna: "Wait what do you mean here goes nothing." Oh I'd hold on if I were you Deanna
The way Deanna is confused about why she senses enjoyment, meanwhile Data is living the dream 😂
The earth is undefended 👀
Oh. Shit.
Sisters that assimilate together stick together (the La Forge sisters moving around the ship)
Seven's look of defeat 😭
Aw, the look between Saffi
Oh hell😭
"destroy the cube we kill everyone on there." Shit, Deanna is gonna need so much therapy
Beverly looks so freaking heartbroken I want to hug her 😭
"Will, the moment we fire, you'll have a minute at most." The emotion in her voice 😭
Damn, it hurts even more watching this knowing that if Will, Picard, Jack and Worf die, Deanna will feel it
Picard to his son: "If you won't leave, I'll stay with you till the end. You have changed my life. Forever." Oh damn😭
HOLY SHIT THE way Jack starts ripping out everything to save his dad
Will to Deanna: "I love you Imazati. We'll be waiting, me and our boy."😭
I'm sobbing
"I know where they are." oh thank God
I'm loving how Deanna goes to the console
Me at Jack: You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side, and I'll take your hand. KEEEP HOOOOLDING OONNNNNNNN
Awwwww, Seven giving Sydney a hug😭
Pretty awesome looking armor jack is wearing 😂
Deanna and Will are adorable
Awww, three bros, chilling in spinny chairs
I love how Worf is just snoozing away 😂
There's still like 22 minutes left, so plenty of time for something to go wrong, but I'm gonna bask in this brief moment of happiness
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Oh my god
Seven and Tuvok are talking
Acting Captain Seven of Nine: "I'm resigning from Starfleet." Aw😭
Aw, Shaw was a lil bit, kinda nice😭
Seven's crying 😭
My girl
Tuvok: "Resignation denied, Captain"
Raffi got to video chat with her grandbaby🥺
"Strangest thing. My son Gabe, wants me to meet my granddaughter." I'm sobbing😭
Worf leaked the info for her😭
Hell, I'm sobbing
So hard
AWWWWWWWWWWWW he's hugging her😭
Deanna is counseling Data😭
Wonder if he'll meet Daj
Deanna: "We've gone by our time over an hour. Again."😂😂😂
I love how Deanna is searching for beach vacation spots while Data is going on and on 😭😂
"Same time tomorrow?"
"Yes, yes. Can't wait." Oh she's dreading it a bit
"Still batshit?"
"Stop it." I love them 😂
I wonder if Picard is gonna join Laris wherever she is
"I miss that voice." So do I 😭
"Admiral Picard, Admiral Crusher" AHHHHHHHHH
Ah, Jack is joining Starfleet, I'm sure that'll be a wise and interesting decision
"This is all you son, I'm very proud." AHHHHH
I just slapped my leg so hard
"We know your aversion to fanfare."😂
She's beautiful (the ship)
"Out." 😂
"Thank you Number One."
"You're so very welcome, Captain." I. Am. So HAPPY
Jack's the special counselor to the Captain 😂 this is great
Raffi: "Your first official act of command."
Jack: "Writing the opening line to your legacy, so then, what will it be?"
Beverly is so drunk😂
Worf has an adorable voice 😂
A different planet vs Orlando?😂 How random
Oh my god I'm screaming
They're gonna play poker!!!
*slams down on table* I fold OK?
So ... Is Laris just chilling in a restaurant, waiting on Picard? 🤔
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Feels like they forgot about her
HoLy ShIt
The way it's an old pic of Gates and Patrick 😂
I love that Q is still alive 👀
Oh, I'm screaming. Like so much
This was so good and idk what I'm gonna do with myself now.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
Hello I'm the annie who asked about watching hotd without having watched got. And guess what? I did! I watched s1 and ep 1 of s2 and I loved it so muchhhh. I cannot believe a show like this exists. I'm sure I'm missing some context because I haven't seen got but it's still so good. I could die for alicent and rhaenyra. Their relationship is so beautiful and complex and I'm completely in love. Here are some scenes I really enjoyed and some people i loved and hated:
1) the whole dinner scene in ep8. R and A toasting to eachother and then A being disappointed when R was leaving. That was probably one of my favorite episodes.
2) I loved kind viserys.
3) aemond chasing luke scene. I actually gasped at the end. I was heartbroken but that was some good shit
4) I hate the hand. And I hate christon cole. And I hate that foot fetish guy. I hate most of the men on the show tbh.
5) I love R's kids. Especially luke. I wanted to kill aemond so badly.
6) why is there so much childbirth in this show? Like in the first episode of the time jump when R is giving birth I could literally hear her vagina sounds. And the second was also very horrifying. And when Aemma gave birth- that shit scarred me. I'm never having kids after this.
7) I had no idea I'd love politics so much. But I really do. It's so fucking interesting. I'm obviously team black but I also feel very attached to alicient.
8) at first I was wierded out but at this point I've even stopped to think about the incest. Like they just marry their brother or sister and call them husband and wife? Okay cool.
9) what did you think about 'a son for a son'? I wish it had been aemond instead because I hate that asshole. Fuck aemond.
10) what do you think about R and daemon? I honestly don't completely understand his character. So much shit has happened.
11) it's crazy how much history A and R have and that THAT one night is still something that governs their relationship (atleast for A). I just. I love them. I love their love. I love that I get to see and feel it. When A touched R's hand in that dinner party episode- I felt SO MUCH. I love it when shows/stories make me FEEL. Does that make sense? I just love them so much.
12) A lighting a candle for Luke :'(
I cannot wait to watch the rest of it. It's so good. I don't know if I'll watch GOT or not because it's too long and I'm worried it won't match up to hotd and this style that I've gotten used to.
for those of you who don't know, before coercing people into watching f1, I was coercing people to watch GoT/HoTD. So, this makes me so happy hehe.
Watching this story and hating all the men is such an experience, trust me.
Or not you like Luke the most. My deepest sympathies 😔 the baby deserved so much better.
The show is very graphic about childbirth. I was watching all the murders unblinking and then hid under the blanket during the childbirth scenes lmao.
The whole marrying the brother thing is extremely common among the targaryens because that's how they keep their bloodline pure (which is a tradition that actually existed among many royalities before...)
A son for a son in the show was fucked up. I WANT TO HURL DAEMON FROM A MOUNTAIN. Also, it happens differently in the book. Do read up on it if you're interested!
I loooooved Matt Smith a lot so I was super into Daemon earlier on in season 1 but then he got really annoying really fast. LIKE BRO STOP MAKING THINGS WORSE.
I like Alicent a lot too. But I do not like this new arrangement with Cr*ston Cole. I HATE HIM.
I hope you watched the next episode today! The funeral procession scene was >>>> Also I don't support team green but the way their grief was portrayed, each one so different, was so well done.
BUT. BUTTTTTT. If you liked this and if you loved the politics, you will LOVE game of thrones. I promise. HoTD is good. But it doesn't even come close to GoT. GoT doesn't have as many dragons, BUT YOU WILL LOVE THE PLOT AND THE CHARACTERS I PROMISE.
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teen-antisocial · 4 months
Its safe to say his family were absolutely mortified with the events that had just happened. Their son had just had his heart broken by a family friends daughter. Nancy Wheeler. Y/N Y/L/N had been used by his best friends sister. All because their family is related to a serial killer.
Mike had relentlessly there with Y/N since it had all kicked off. Since Nancy made her intentions know with his best friend. Karen and Ted weren't too fussed and just thought it was normal. Mike didn't however. He hated the fact that his best friend had just been used by Nancy.
Currently, the two boys were laying in Y/N’s bed. Y/N felt nothing. He was heartbroken. “If you don't mind me asking, Y/N, what was if like dating Nancy?”
He took a breath out, not knowing what to say. Y/N looked at Mike, then his lips started moving “long were the nights when my days once revolved around her. Counting my footsteps, praying the floor won't fall through”
Mike sighed, he didn't know what he went through during this time. In his mind, he was happy that his best friend had a possibility of been his brother, but it wasn't the case. “And my mother accused me of losing my mind. But I swore I was fine” he continued with a soft chuckle.
“From the sounds of it, she'd pain you a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain” Mike sighed refuering to all the conversations he had overheard between the ex lovers and everything that was just coming out.
“And it felt like I lived in her chess game, and she changed the rules everyday. When she'd ring I would be wondering which version of her I might get on the phone that night…”
“I can see why you left…” Mike's soft voice spoke up, shuffling closer, and resting his arm around the other. He knew the real reason. And yet it was so hard for him to understand that his big sister used his best friend. But the more Mike thought about it, the more it started to sound like something Nancy would do.
Suddenly, the phone started ringing. Causing the two boys to look over. Y/N, immediately knowing who it was. But he stopped picking up. Why? Well he stopped picking up and started thinking, this speech is to let you know why…
Well if he had the guts, he'd say, “Dear Nancy, I see it all now that you're gone. Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The boy in the suite cried the whole way home. I should've known…”
The phone continued ringing but neither boy would pick up. They just looked at it aimlessly, knowing it would stop ringing. But not knowing for how long. It was clear Nancy was going to ring again, it was in her nature.
Eventually, the phone stopped ringing, letting both the boys breathe. “Y/N?” Mike asked, turning his focus to the boy in front of him.
“Yeah Mike”
“What would you say if you ever saw Nancy again?”
“Probably nothing, I'd walk away…”
“If you picked up the phone?”
“probably something like; well maybe it's me, and my blind optimism to blame, or maybe it's you and took sick need to give love and then take it away, and you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand. And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said ‘run as fast as you can’”
However the boy missed out the fact he would say “Dear Nancy, I see it all now that you're gone. don't you think i was too young to be messed with? the boy in the suite cried the whole way home. Dear Nancy, I see it all now, it was wrong. Don't think you think seventeen's too young to be played by your dark, twisted games when I love you so? I should've known!”
Suddenly, the phone began ringing again. Of course it did. Only this time, one of them picked up. Y/N walked over and yanked it off the stand. “What?” He shouted into the phone.
“Look Y/N would you please hear me out! I'm sorry. I never meant to use you like that. I loved you so much!”
“You are an expert at sorry and keeping the lines blurry!”
You could almost hear Nancy sobbing on the other end of the phone. “Please… I know I messed up! Please! I just wanted a good grade and I went about it in the wrong way!”
“You know you never impressed me by acing your tests! Or all the boys that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes cause you burned them out” Y/N argued referring to how bad of a state she had left Jonathon and Steve in.
“But you were different! I felt something different towards you!”
“why? because I fell for it, in a shorter amount of time. But, remember, I took your matches before fire could catch me! so don't look now. I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town!”
“Please! Just hear me out!”
“Dear Nancy, I see it all now that you're gone! Don't you think i was too young to be messed with? the boy in the suite cried the whole way home and i see it all now that you're gone”
“look please!”
“Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?”
“please… just hear me out!”
“the boy in the suite wrote you this!”
Mike was just watching with his jaw on the flaw. Amazed with what he was watching. No one had ever spoken to Nancy like that, and here Y/N was. “You should've known…” Mike whispered almost inaudibly. But then he plucked up some courage and shouted “you should've known Nancy!”
“Don't you think I was too young?” Y/N cried
“I should've known…” Nancy muttered before putting down the phone in disbelief.
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if you want to support this account; please like and follow, maybe even repost and go look on my AO3 and Wattpad - both under the name teen_antisocial. and if you're feeling up to it, please buy me a coffee but please don't feel pressured to.
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lvlypink · 4 months
God DOES answer prayers
This is just my telling of how God has answered a prayer of mine within a couple of days, and it's brought me equal amounts of pain and understanding
!! tw: mention of sa and pedo !!
I was a member of a Presbyterian church for many years, basically since I was 4 until my 16 years, give or take. When I was about 12-13, our minister moved towns and we welcomed a new pastoral family: the minister A and his wife, two children, plus his wife's sister and husband, and their two sons.
The family as a whole seemed incredible. All very charismatic, very fun, seemingly very kind and the church as a whole ADORED the new minister.
Well, I adored him too until his 18/19 yo nephew started getting a bit too close for comfort to me, at 13. I don't need to say what happened.
The entire church turned a blind eye and some even openly supported our "relationship", and after over a year, we broke up (his family made me break up with him bc I was "manipulating" him and I was "bad for his mental health". His aunt BLACKMAILED me. I was literally not a high schooler yet.)
After I got out of church, living in the real world opened my eyes to the fact that I'd been a victim of abuse. I wasn't a willing girlfriend to him. I was a young girl who legally couldn't give consent to anything. I was shocked, and disgusted that no one in the church had ever brought it up as a problem. I thought it was normal.
So I completely cut them off. Everyone, the entire church. I never attended a single event after I turned 16, and many times I wondered: did I sin? Is God disappointed in me? Should I still go to church so God will love me, after all of this? But I couldn't. I never came back.
It's been over 4 years since. In my journey to reconnect with Christ, I prayed that he make things clearer to me in how to keep living as His child while surrounded by trauma, and congregations that made me feel judged, and hated. He answered me by telling me something through my mother, who used to be a VERY active member of the church: the congregation is basically a dumpster fire rn bc minister A has assaulted a woman, divorced, mother of 3, who I'll call C.
C is a lovely person. She's full of life, funny, positive, compassionate, and has been an incredible friend to my mother for years. When she accused A of SAying her, she thought she'd find support in the church. After all, she is a victim.
But to no one's surprise, the minister denied it. Again. And again. And again. And kept going. C's brother sided with him. The entire fucking church started whispering behind her back, and when A's wife caught wind of it, she went around town LITERALLY telling the church members to stay away from C. "She's a whore! She's a prostitute who's seduced my husband, the minister! Don't let your children near her daughter!", stuff of the sort.
C eventually did go to the council and the state president of the Presbyterian church and was DISMISSED out of "lack of evidence".
As of today, she and her parents have left the church after a lot, and I mean a lot of harassing from the Minister's family, and the church members. It's an infuriating situation. My mom's heartbroken for her friend, and I'm mostly angry that the dipshit of a minister will probably never face justice. Just like this nephew never did.
But in telling me that, my mother's revealed to me that I had a good reason for leaving, and it's okay that I don't feel safe in churches anymore. I was never wrong for mistrusting the minister after my SA, I was never wrong for hating the entire family and for still not wanting to find myself another church.
God has showed mercy on me and he's told me I'm not the sinner here. He stands with me, and with C, and with every one of His children who's ever gone through this. And I'll keep praying that our abusers will face justice by Him. May our Lord comfort C.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 1 year
i think that one of my all time favorite OCS might be my dangan oc; Kristabelle Nakanishi
I've been roleplaying for like years now, but we first got into Danganronpa roleplays in like 2021-2022, but it was before I knew anything about it fr (fun facto; Oliver enters fandoms without knowing anything about said fandom, that way they're more like to get more into it by reading into the lore as time progresses)
I'm pretty sure the story was changed around a bit, because we soon started a childhood server, which is where we roleplayed our ocs/characters stories and developed the lore
Kristabelle was traumatized obviously like she's my OC she does NOT get a pass tf
ahe had a younger twin sister, and an older brother, who "died" in that same server, and she also had a girlfriend, who she ran away from because of something she was forced to do
her and her siblings were like test dummies for their father (Oliver stop projecting your daddy issues onto all of your ocNO.) BUT they were also raised assassins at a young age, this adding onto the trauma and abuse for obvious reasons
there was this orphanage that all the kids would go to to hang out, and that's where she met kokichi (and his twin sister, played by the same person), who ended up being her best friend and bonded through the trauma !
there was stitch, mia, sparks, mazuko, charlie/ollie, and kristabelle, as the og original character cast
eventually some bad things happened, and everyone separated, and kristabelle ran away, but not before getting to spend some last times with kokichi, who gave her a matching hairpin to remember each other by
now, this wasn't canon at first, but I had went offline for a bit and came back to the server (killing game) spamming me, like, "KRISTABELLE AND TOGAMI MAKE THEM FOUND FAMILY"
I was like lol why
"they're both rich, they both drink tea, they're both tall and sassy, I'd let them step on me (<-mia), they have a lot in common, theyre both kinda antags, they would be unsTOppable, MAKE THEM FOUND FAMILY." OKAY DAMN
so I did !
obviously they weren't fond of each other at first, but eventually they actually did become like an amazing fucking duo
again this was an alternate universe with a somewhat changed story, not everything will be entirely lore accurate <//3
they both fucked up trials, and almost found themselves being executed because of misunderstandings, took no one's shit fr
i think we merged killing games in this ⁉️ because we didn't wanna do separate ones for every game + we didn't want to necessarily have us in every game, so we put all three together, and oh my god it was so chaotic in the best way, everything was harder and much more hilarious but like traumatizing too
everyone obviously had like amnesia, except for stitch and Junko, who were the main masterminds ⁉️ so kokichi and kristabelle didn't even recognize each other, sadly
when they were kids they were inseparable
stitch always came up with the executions for our OCS and they were so creative
I was heartbroken once because someone else's oc died and I liked them like NO⁉️
Oliver is getting off track, but like she's one of my best OCS I think personally, not counting my genshin OCS because then, Kristabelle would NOT be my favorite.
I wrote out
four? or three things for her, little snippets of her past and how traumatizing it was
I wrote out a full on death scene I was surprised with myself reading back on it
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Corpse Maren: Undying Love (Chapter 4)
(Meanwhile with Aria)
The sky had just gotten dark with the stars and full moon glowing brightly. This filled Aria with dread as that would mean that, in the morning, she would be married off to her new fiancè that she already received bad vibes from. And his sister wasn't any better. No matter how much she tried to see them in a positive view, that feeling in her gut wouldn't go away.
She really did not want to marry him. But she couldn't find it in her heart to tell her parents the truth.
Which was why she found herself getting ready to do the unthinkable; running away from home and finding a safe place for her to hide until her "fiancé" and his sister decide to call off the wedding.
"Forgive me, Mother and Father," Aria muttered to herself. "But I can't see myself marrying that man. I only hope that he doesn't do anything terrible to you two…" She already knew how worried sick and upset her parents would get if they found out about her plan.
With one last sigh, Aria left her apartment and started to be on her way. Fortunately, nobody was outside at that time. So she didn't have to worry about anyone spotting her.
"How do I tell them the truth?" Aria muttered while still walking. "I love them and I know that they love me. They were promised such excellent things by Caspar… If I told them… I can imagine how heartbroken they'd be… Ugh, why does this have to happen to me?"
She stopped when she looked up and blinked in shock. She found herself no longer in Timeville, but rather in…a forest. Since it was night, it made the forest rather eerie.
"Maybe running away from home was a bad idea…" Aria said, looking around to see if she could either find a way back or another way out. But she also had to look out for any wild animals that could be lurking.
Her arm brushed against a branch—or what she thought was a branch— that suddenly grabbed her in a firm yet gentle grasp.
Aria gasped as she tried to free herself. But to her surprise and horror, something—or someone— emerged from the grass, causing Aria to stumble to the ground. It was a strange humanoid being.
The being's striped jester hat was French blue and sapphire blue. Judging from his masculine body figure, Aria could tell that it was a "he". His skin was a lifeless baby blue. He wore a black and white worn-out tuxedo and a gold wedding band on his left ring finger.
But that wasn't what horrified Aria.
The being's face was missing large bits of his skin, revealing parts of his skull. Some parts of his jester hat were also missing, revealing the bone of his horns. His right hand, however, had bruised fingertips and the nails were missing. Like someone had painfully yanked them out.
Aria didn't dare speak a word. She was too frightened to even move. The being opened his eyes and looked down at Aria. His eyes were lifeless, but still had sparkle in them. His black lips curled up in a smile as he wrapped his cold arms around Aria's shoulders and spoke the very words that would change Aria's life.
"After waiting for so long, I have finally found you; my true love. Now, I may kiss the bride."
(Meanwhile with Jett, NiGHTS, Balan, and Lance)
"We got your letter, Jett," NiGHTS said after coming across his figure. "I hope Balan, Lance, and I weren't late."
"It's fine," Jett said. "But since you three are here, I might as well tell ya what I know. See, after I'd finished helping out with the ceremony and all, I was making my way home when I noticed a brother and sister talking to each other. So I've eavesdropped on them. Their names were Caspar and Sia."
NiGHTS's eyes widened at this. "Sia…" They repeated. "My sibling, Reala? His former lover was named Sia. And she, too, had a brother named Caspar…"
"That doesn't sound like a coincidence, doesn't it?" Balan asked. "Jett, do tell us what you've heard; every last bit."
"Caspar and Sia were talking about…Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery's money." Jett crossed his arms and frowned. "At first, I was confused. But then, Caspar mentioned about using the money for something involving their business…"
"That cannot be good," Lance said, frowning. "Are you theorizing that Caspar and Sia would steal that money if they could?"
"Most likely," Jett replied. "But what caught my interest, so to speak, was Sia mentioning Wizeman…"
"How would this Sia know my father?" NiGHTS asked. "She couldn't possibly be the same Sia that dated Reala, could she?" They pondered in silence for a bit.
"Fortunately for you all, I've come up with a plan to help Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery hide their money," Jett said. "As well as create a psychological test on them to see if my suspicions are confirmed. But I obviously cannot do this alone. I will need your help. Not to mention, I have the help from a dear friend of mine named Leona."
NiGHTS, Balan, and Lance looked at each other. Would this plan really work? They couldn't just tell Aria's parents that Caspar and Sia wanted their money. Plus, if the plan worked out successfully, Jett's suspicions would be easily confirmed.
"We'll do your plan, Jett," NiGHTS said. "But we have to pay my father, Wizeman, a visit. We need to ask what he knew about my sibling's disappearance."
Aria, her parents, Caspar, and Sia belong to me.
Jett belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
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sliverpelt-cats · 1 year
Journey of Oak and Red || Chapter 3 || Warriors AU
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AU Prompt: Oakheart and Redtail survive the Battle for Sunningrocks, and leave the forest territories for a life out of Tigerclaw's threats.
Characters: Oakheart, Redtail, Panthereye, Dawnstar, Honeyflight, Mousepaw, Mintkit/paw
Warnings: mental break, description of death, loose description of panic attack
Author's Note: Panthereye is just getting aggressive 👀
Timeframe: About the end of Into the Wild, start of Fire and Ice
Redtail was lulling to sleep just outside of the warrior's den, when he felt a paw prod his side. His hazel eyes opened, to see Panthereye's blue eyes peering at him in the dark. "Crabstorm wants to see you?"
"Right now? At moonhigh?" Redtail yawned, "shouldn't he be asleep?"
"Well, not after who he just met." At the look in the she-cat's eyes, the tom jumped up to run into the priest's den. He heard Panthereye's pawsteps behind him as Crabstorm slowly looked up at his clanmates.
"Redtail," the brown tom meowed, his voice deep and harsh.
Was Tigerclaw here? Did he really hunt Redtail this far?
Crabstorm dipped his paw into the moonpool between him and Redtail, Panthereye sitting to the side of the two toms. The water ripped to reveal a spotted tortoiseshell she-cat Redtail recognised instantly. "You didn't tell your sister you were leaving...?"
"Tigerclaw said you drowned," the she-cat's voice echoed. "He said that Oakheart pushed you into the river, knowing you can't swim. So he drowned Oakheart in the river. As soon as I came to StarClan, our mother told me you weren't here. Neither was Oakheart."
The fox-pelt like tom lowered his head, crouching beside the water. "I pushed Oakheart towards the lake, but I tripped- lost my footing on the riverbank."
"You tripped, or you lost your footing?" Panthereye spoke up, her blue eyes staring at Redtail. "Sounds like you don't know what happened."
She thinks Tigerclaw will come for her clan if he finds out I'm here. "No, I tripped. I tripped on something and fell in the river. Oakheart fought with me underwater before we both passed out. We resurfaced by the barn and left from there." Redtail explained, looking at Panthereye in hopes she would believe him.
"But if Tigerclaw didn't avenge you," Spottedleaf's spirit in the pool started, "then why would he lie? And what did you trip on?"
"Panthereye?" Mousepaw's sleepy voice mewed as he entered the priest's den. "I can't sleep."
"Eat some poppy seeds and try again." Once her apprentice wandered back into their den, Panthereye wondered aloud, "what if you tripped on Tigerclaw?"
"You did say he threatened to kill you. Maybe he was trying to actually kill you," Crabstorm reasoned. He shook his body, his brown fur fluffing up in the Leafbare chill. "Anyway, I figured you may want to talk with your sister. You know, Spottedleaf being your sister and all.
Panthereye purred quietly, rubbing her head against Redtail's cheek before heading back to her own den through the vines at the doctor's den entrance. "Thank you, Crabstorm," he meowed to the tom, who pawed back into his nest. "How'd you go to StarClan?"
"Clawface killed me when he was stealing Frostfur's kits." Spottedleaf explained. "You know, Willowpelt was pretty heartbroken over the news of your death. You're our only brother, and she doesn't know you're still alive."
"It's for the best, Sister," Redtail purred. "I'd rather she thinks I'm dead rather than her seeing my cold body. What about Dustpaw? How's he doing?"
Spottedleaf hummed. "Darkstripe's his mentor now."
"I would have preferred Willowpelt mentor him," Redtail grumbled.
"She was mourning you when Bluestar appointed Dustpaw a new mentor. It wasn't fair to our sister, when your apprentice would only remind her of you even more."
The tom nodded in agreement, stretching his tail to make sure he doesn't fall asleep while talking to his sister. "Bluestar mentioned bringing a kittypet to the clan. How did that go?"
"Firepaw is a spirited one, that's for sure. Much like you, dare I say. Stubborn too - he didn't let Longtail scare him off."
"Then he'll be a good warrior for ThunderClan?"
"Bluestar wouldn't have brought him to the clan otherwise, Redtail." Spottedleaf's spirit turned as if someone was calling her. "Leopardfoot is calling me. I'll come speak to you again soon, Brother."
"Wait, Spottedleaf-" But it was no use. Redtail watched as the water rippled on its own, a reflection of himself appearing where Spottedleaf has been. He was alone with his thoughts, as he slowly walked back to the warriors den and found his empty nest to curl in. It was nice to see his sister's face again, and Redtail was glad that his family was taking care of her in StarClan.
Redtail continued to clean his head, almost bathing in the sunhigh light beaming through the treetops. Honeyflight and Oakheart had accompanied Panthereye to gather herbs, with the news of PantherClan warriors lurking in rival clan territories.
LionClan's leader had suggested attacking PantherClan at their camp, to prove to the rival clan that the other clans weren't to be messed with, but thankfully Dawnstar and LeopardClan's Quillstar had reasoned with her.
He just hoped his clanmates would return unharmed. Especially Panthereye. Redtail looked up as the apprentices battle trained in the middle of the clearing, Mousepaw off to the side. The young tom watched silently, his eyes glancing at the camp entrance.
"Looking out for Panthereye?"
Mousepaw nodded. "She usually gives me things to do at dawn, but she left before I even woke up." His tail tapped the forest floor impatiently, and Redtail sat beside him. "She doesn't usually take this long; I'm getting worried, Redtail."
"She teaches you battle moves, doesn't she?" The young tom nodded. "Then she'll be fine. And she has two of the clan's strongest warriors with her."
"I think you're stronger than Honeyflight," Mousepaw meowed gently, his gaze turning to his littermates.
Redtail felt his heart swell at the compliment.
"PantherClan attacked!" Oakheart's voice hissed, as he and Panthereye tumbled into the camp. Both of them had deep wounds over their bodies, Panthereye's mostly on her flank while Oakheart's were covering his stomach and back.
Redtail felt his heart sink at the sight.
Panthereye's body trembled as she held Honeyflight's limp body in her jaws. "Mousepaw!" She yowled, moving hastily towards her den. "Get every herb we need!"
The apprentice scampered into their den, probably climbing the tree as fast as he could to get to the herb store. Redtail moved to help the doctor carry their clanmate's body. The light ginger she-cat whined as she felt another cat's teeth on her hind, lifting her off the ground.
Redtail heard Oakheart wheezing in the background, explaining the attack to Dawnstar. The next thing he heard was his heart beating in his ears. Loud thumps against his eardrums.
Thump. Thump. THUMP.
Once Honeyflight's heaving body lay on the moss nest, Panthereye and Mousepaw worked diligently to save the warrior.
Thump. Thump. THUMP.
"Redtail, you know some medical practices," Dawnstar's voice gently murmured. "Oakheart's wounds need tending to."
Thump. Thump. THUMP.
Oakheart's purrs interrupted Redtail's heartbeat, the brown tabby watching Redtail. "Hey, Redtail?"
The tom felt his lungs tighten, his hazel eyes staring intensely at the dirt floor.
Thump. Thump. THUMP.
"Hey, hey," Panthereye's voice purred, and he felt her matted fur against his side. "Deep breaths, focus on my voice. You can do it." Her purrs vibrated her body, the tabico she-cat pressing herself to Redtail as he calmed down. "It's okay."
Redtail let out a throaty whine, headbutting his cheek to the back of Panthereye's head. "I thought- you- I-"
"I'm okay," she purred. Her head slowly turned, and lifted her forehead to his chin. "Oakheart took the worst of it, after Honeyflight." Her voice cracked as she murmured, "oh, Honeyflight."
The fox-like tortoiseshell looked up to see the cold, pale ginger body of his clanmate lifeless on the nest. "She's with StarClan now."
"She shouldn't be," Panthereye's bitter hiss fell from her lips. "This is our territory. They had no right to attack us again."
Oakheart licked at his wounds as Mousepaw covered the remaining. Clearly, he wasn't too bothered by the taste of poultice. After what the brown tabby had just been through, Redtail couldn't blame him. "Thankfully we saw it coming. We could protect Panthereye, with what training she didn't have."
"You shouldn't have had to. Honeyflight shouldn't have needed to die for my safety," the tabico she-cat hissed again, before taking a breath and standing. Her legs shook as pain wracked her body, reminding her of the battle.
Brushstorm's pawsteps stopped as the she-cat entered the den. "Dawnstar, Honeyspot and Dewfish recommend a warrior ceremony for Finpaw and Firepaw."
"Not now, Brushstorm."
"I said, not now." The tom growled, moving from beside Honeyflight's body to Panthereye's side. "My littermate needs me, Brushstorm. Tell them to inform Silkstep of a burial."
The deputy nodded, and wordlessly left the doctor's den. Redtail shook his head, pressing his muzzle to Panthereye's as she sought comfort in his warmth. The doctor eventually shook herself, her legs growing used to standing as she nodded at Honeyflight. "Carry her out of the den. Mousepaw and I need to prepare her body for the vigil."
"Panthereye," Dawnstar started, but upon seeing the stare his sister shot him, the leader obeyed her orders and lifted Honeyflight's front onto his back. Redtail took the late she-cat's flank on his own, following Panthereye to the main floor of the doctor's den. "If you need anything, Sister-"
"I need you, Oakheart and Redtail to get out." Panthereye's voice monotonous, as she stared at her clanmate's body. "Oakheart will need some rest, and he can do that in his own den."
Redtail found no trace of the gentle and kind she-cat who welcomed him and Oakheart to TigerClan some moons ago. All he saw was a silver tabico she-cat who was now a shell of her former self.
"Losing your best friend will do that," Dawnstar meowed softly, obviously knowing what Redtail was thinking. "My dear sister has held the lives of her clanmates in her paws for many moons, and none of them has torn her as much as this; even our parents. I assume a grey and white tom was there, Oakheart?"
The brown tom looked up at the leader at the question. "Yes, how did you know?"
"Lakepelt left TigerClan when our mother passed two newleafs ago. Pheasanttail, our sister, left when we were apprentices for LeopardClan. She saw a better life there." Dawnstar sat to lick his dirty paws. "Lakepelt wanted nothing to do with us after she left, he only stayed for Riverwind, our mother. Panthereye and I were our father's greatest prides. Lakepelt came second to even Pheasanttail, and she was second to us in our father's eyes.
"Seeing our brother attack her clanmates must have wrecked Panthereye." Dawnstar lowered his head, staring at the ground. "I wish she could tell me things. I'm her brother."
Redtail watched the leader as he silently walked to his tree, climbing the trunk to call a clan meeting. "You're okay, right?" He whispered to Oakheart.
"Worried about me?"
"I know you can fight just fine," the tortoiseshell hissed at his friend, before sitting to listen in to the meeting. "Had to check."
"PantherClan has ruthlessly attacked our patrol, and killed one of our own in battle." Dawnstar's voice echoed. "We will sit vigil for Honeyflight tonight. Both Panthereye and Oakheart have suffered great wounds, but will heal with time. For now, I have made come to learn that a young kit is awaiting her apprentice ceremony."
A small, dark ginger she-cat bounced energetically beside Silkstep. Clearly, the young she-cat couldn't wait, as she bounded up to the tree's trunk before Dawnstar could continue. "Mintkit, you have reached the age of seven moons, and your apprenticeship is long overdue. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mintpaw. Your mentor will be Redtail."
All eyes fell on him, as Redtail stared up at his leader in surprise.
"Redtail, you are ready to take on an apprentice. Crabstorm has told me you had a few apprentices in your former clan, as StarClan has told him. Your swimming technique may need some work," the clan let out laughs at this, "but you have proven yourself to be hardworking and caring. You will be the mentor of Mintpaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." His dark blue eyes cast over to the doctor's den, as Panthereye painfully carried Honeyflight's body to the middle of the gathered cats. "Clan dismissed."
Panthereye walked to Redtail and Oakheart's side, a smile rising on her face. "Congratulations, Redtail. Your first TigerClan apprentice."
"How are you feeling?" Redtail murmured, pressing his nose to her head and gave her forehead gentle licks. "I can take Mousepaw off your paws for a bit, if you like."
"No, I'll be fine. Thank you." She purred, lifting her head to lick his cheek. "I've sent him to check on Silkstep and Wheateyes. She's expecting more kits again." Her purrs vibrated from her body to the tom's, her tail flicking at Redtail's new apprentice. "You should take her out, he'd enjoy looking around the territory."
Redtail nodded. "Why don't you come? Fresh air from outside camp might be good." He suggested, watching the she-cat facial expressions change momentarily. She accepted his offer, waiting by the camp entrance as Redtail went to fetch his new apprentice. "Mintpaw, we're going with Panthereye to the wider territory. We'll show you around, and all the best hunting spots."
"Is that wise?" Wheateyes meowed softly, looking up from her daughter to the warrior. "I know you mean well, Redtail, but...well, Honeyflight was killed from a PantherClan ambush only a few moments ago."
"I'll protect her with my life," Redtail promised, blinking slowly at the queen. She followed Mousepaw towards the doctor's den without another word.
The young apprentice bounced around her mentor's paws. "Are we going to catch a deer like the one you all brought back a quarter-moon ago? Are we going to fight PantherClan for killing Honeyflight?"
"No cat is killing anyone, and the deer have been all spooked off for the past few days," Panthereye purred at the young she-cat's excitement. "Right now, Redtail is going to show you the more important parts of our territory - after our camp, of course."
"How do you know PantherClan killed Honeyflight?" Redtail frowned, looking down at his apprentice.
Mintpaw padded ahead of him, "Finpaw and Firepaw were talking about it before my ceremony."
He continued to think about the fact a 6 moon old kit already knew about a death in the clan. It wasn't much of a surprise, considering the size of the clan, but for a kit to hear about it and not be scared concerned Redtail to no end.
"And what's this?" Mintpaw swiped a paw at the spinning water, ripples relaying from the gentle attack.
"This is the Riverpool. The first doctor of TigerClan named this spot after himself; it's found that it has healing properties."
Mintpaw stared up at the older she-cat, and Redtail noted the adoration on his apprentice's face. "Do you and Mousepaw still use it?"
"It's more like just a pool," Panthereye chuckled, dipping her paws into it. "I don't think there's ever been healing water in this; it streams from the mountains in LionClan's territory. It wouldn't make sense if only we had healing water, when the river runs from another clan's territory."
"It's cold." Mintpaw shivered, shaking and stepped back from the water's edge.
"We also use this to teach apprentices how to swim."
The apprentice shook her head. "No way, it's too cold."
"You have thick fur," Redtail reminded her. He nodded at his own, short fur and fluffy tail. "The only part of me that keeps warm in the river is my tail, and that's not very helpful when all of my important organs aren't in my tail." As Mintpaw headed on deeper into the forest with happiness in her step, Redtail and Panthereye padded a tail-length away.
Her shoulder pressed against his. "How are you?"
"Good, I think. I get why Mintpaw didn't want to go into the pool, it really is cold. You look freezing." He gestured at Panthereye's drenched fur with his nose to her back. "And you're so small. I'm surprised you didn't slip under."
Panthereye snorted. "First of all, let me remind you about the grown tom that couldn't swim. Second, I'm just the perfect size! And the pool's shallow enough for a kit to have their head just above the water."
"Well, you're almost apprentice-sized, so..."
She playfully swiped at his nose, before licking his cheek affectionately. Panthereye trotted on, catching up to the young, silver she-cat. If Panthereye didn't have the splotches of light brown and light grey on her silver pelt, or if Mintpaw had the splotches, Redtail would say the two she-cats were identical. Their walking patterns were almost the same, and their mannerisms matched.
"What's that smell?" Mintpaw murmured, her ears bent back in fear, and Redtail caught up to the she-cats.
Panthereye approached the bush in front of the three of them, crouching and lifting her nose to sniff at the shrubbery. After a moment, she turned to the warrior and apprentice. "PantherClan scent markers, is what it is. They've sprayed the shrubs."
"We should report it to Dawnstar," Redtail nodded and turned back the way they had come. As they entered the camp again, the tom let his apprentice take something to eat and sit with her denmates. As he and Panthereye approached Dawnstar outside of his den, the silver tabby's expression changed to one of concern. "PantherClan has left their scent."
Dawnstar nodded, and at the mention of the Gathering the following night, he turned to his warrior and doctor. "None of us will speak of this at the Gathering. The PantherClan attack and scenting will be kept a secret unless PantherClan themselves mention it."
"Panthereye. It will not be mentioned unless PantherClan does." The tom looked at the clan doctor sternly. The she-cat returned the look with a grumble, and she turned to her den, disappearing through the vine. Dawnstar sighed, looking from the vine-covered entrance to the warrior. "Promise me you'll keep an eye on her? This was bound to happen, but I didn't think it'd happen so soon... she's not young, but she's not old enough to be a grumpy old she-cat yet. She still has so much of her life to be happy about, an apprentice who adores her more than life itself."
Redtail remembered the adoration Mintpaw watched Panthereye with. Mousepaw certainly wasn't the only apprentice to look at her with such amazement. Before he could ask anything about it, Dawnstar had turned to enter his own den and escape from the outside world.
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cocobeanncteez · 4 years
ATEEZ San- Confessions (oneshot)
Genre: Angst, fluff, suggestive, high school au, enemies to lovers au.
Pairing: San x Reader (fem)
Warnings: profanities, alcohol.
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On a scale of one to ten, you'd rate your life at your prestigious boarding school a nine.
You loved KQ Academy: a boarding school for the rich, spoiled brats of the country. The teachers were highly experienced and the other staff were really nice. The cafeteria food was great and the vending machines always had your favorite drinks. The bathrooms were clean and the classrooms, laboratories, and other activity rooms were large and spacious. There were three different sports fields, a large swimming pool, and a large athletics field. The dormitories were also really comfortable and overall impressive. Basically, your school was lit.
So why did you rate your great life here a nine? Two words: Choi San.
San was the only person here who got on your nerves. Not only was he a rich, spoiled brat, but he was also the most popular guy at school and the captain of the volleyball team. His pretty face screamed of nothing but trouble... for you.
You don't understand why San doesn't like you; ever since he joined your school in ninth grade, you both never got along despite being in the same friend group. Your friends tried their best to make you both decently talk to each other, but they gave up eventually when it clearly wasn't working; you both always argued about the smallest, stupidest things.
"Should I get another piercing?" Hongjoong asked, opening his strawberry yogurt.
"Where?" Yunho questioned. "Please, not on your ear! Let the poor thing breathe!" You chuckled, glancing at the many piercings on your twin brother's ears.
"I swear Hongjoong hyung is a masochist," Yeosang stated, making Mingi and Wooyoung burst out laughing.
"And he likes exhibitionism," Seonghwa said. Hongjoong rolled his eyes, quietly eating his yogurt; he was used to everyone teasing him.
"Hey guys!" you heard Choi San greet before he took his usual seat beside Wooyoung. You glanced at him, immediately noticing his disheveled hair and swollen lips.
"Oh god, San, who was it now?" Eunhee, Hongjoong's girlfriend, questioned.
"Na Yuri," San said with a smirk. "She took me behind the auditorium. There were no cameras there." You heard Jiwoo mumble a 'not surprise' from beside you, making you chuckle.
"And you managed to get off in less than five minutes?" Wooyoung asked, raising an eyebrow.
San fake gasped in shock. "What! Wooyoung, you know I don't fuck these girls. I've only made out with them."
"What, really?" Jongho asked in surprise.
"Yeah, I haven't slept with anyone other than my ex, Jina," San said, taking a bite of Yeosang's ice cream sandwich, earning a glare from the boy. You were quite surprised at this new information; the entire school thought San fucked a new chick every week. You wondered why he never said anything about it despite all the false claims.
"Y/N," you heard someone call you, catching all your friends' attention. You saw Kim Yonghee approach you with the sweetest smile on his face. He handed you your notebook that you had given him two days ago. "Thank you so much. Your notes really helped."
"You aced your test?"
He smirked. "Of course." He opened his mouth to say something, but one of his friends called him for football practice. "Well, I'll see you in math," he said with a wink before walking away.
"Oh, someone's blushing!" Eunhee teased.
Yunho chuckled. "Wow, Y/N, I wonder what's got you all pink."
"Yonghee is so fucking cute! I kinda want to date him," you squealed, earning a scoff from an unamused San. Yeosang raised an eyebrow at San who only shrugged. "Do you have an issue, San?" you asked, annoyed by his reaction.
"No, why would I?"
"Well, your reaction doesn't seem like it."
"Why would I care about you and that piece of shit?" he spat, looking away.
"You don't even know him!" your voice was raising.
"Here we go again," Yeosang muttered under his breath.
San glared at you. "As if you know about the way he screws around with—"
"So what? I'd rather be with someone like him than with someone like you," you stated in a cold tone. San's face fell, but he immediately put his pokerface on.
Seonghwa sighed. "Can you two stop fighting for once?"
"It's his fault," you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"No, it's yours," San retorted. "You could've ignored me."
You were about to say something, but the bell rang. You glared at San before dragging Wooyoung and Mingi with you to your next class.
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A month later, you ended up in an FWB relationship with Kim Yonghee. So far, things were going really well.
You were at Seonghwa and Hongjoong's dorm with everyone. You noticed how San has been really quiet and sulky these past few days. Despite always arguing with him, you felt worried for him. You wanted to ask him if he was all right, but you knew he'd just roll his eyes or make a sarcastic comment.
You nudged Yunho who was sitting beside you. "Is San all right?" you whispered in his ear.
Yunho shook his head. "No, he's not okay. I don't know what happened, and he said he doesn't want to talk about it." You nodded, but you felt like Yunho was lying to you.
"Y/N, how are things going on between you and Yonghee?" Mingi asked.
"Good," you answered with a smile. "He's an absolute gentleman."
"Yeah, I could tell from last night," Eunhee teased, making you choke on nothing in particular, wondering how she found out about you sneaking Yonghee into your suite style dorm. "You're not as sneaky as you think you are, Y/N."
San slammed his can of sprite on the table, startling a few of you. "Sorry, I'm a little tired," he mumbled. "Yunho, I'm going to our room. I'll see you all tomorrow." You noticed Wooyoung and Seonghwa share a glance before Seonghwa nodded.
"I'm heading back as well. Good night guys," Seonghwa said, quickly getting up and following San. There was clearly something up with San and you really wanted to find out.
While you were having lunch with your friends, Yonghee came to your table. He kissed you gently, earning an 'aww' from Eunhee and Jiwoo.
"Hey, hey, hey, no kissing in front of her older brother," Hongjoong said sternly. You rolled your eyes; he was only older by eight minutes.
"Sorry, man," Yonghee chuckled. "Here," he handed you a few sheets. "Seunghun told me to give this to you. It's his part of the assignment you both are working on. He said you can arrange it however you'd like."
"Ah, tell him I said thanks," you said.
"Will do, doll." he kissed your head before leaving.
San witnessed the entire scene and he lost his appetite. He pushed his food around with his spoon, feeling heartbroken.
"Step up your game, bro," Mingi said to San in a low tone so that the others couldn't hear.
"What do you mean?" San questioned.
Mingi rolled his eyes. "We all know you like Y/N. Don't give her up easily."
"Well, she likes Yonghee."
"They're only friends with benefits," Hongjoong said, joining the conversation. "They're just fooling around. I know it might seem like she has feelings for him, but trust me, she doesn't."
San bit his lip anxiously. "But she hates me."
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "I know my sister well enough to say that she doesn't hate you, Sannie. In fact, she was really hurt 'cause she thinks you hate her. You both should really stop fighting and assuming shit."
"She doesn't hate me?" San asked in surprise.
"No, she doesn't, you idiot," Mingi muttered with a sigh. "Now step up your game, San, before someone else sweeps her off her feet."
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You were watching the volleyball team practice for an upcoming inter-school match. San and Yeosang were on the team, so your entire group was here as well, watching them practice 'cause there was nothing else to do.
You had to admit, San was a great captain. He was so sweet to them and hyped them up every time they did well. It was even more fascinating to watch him play. When the team decided to take a break, he approached you, taking his water bottle from where you were sitting.
You couldn't help but check him out in the team uniform. The blue tank top and shorts exposed the muscles on his arms and thighs. He titled his head back, pouring the water into his mouth. You watched his Adam's apple bob with every gulp, and the way a few drops of water rolled down his lips and chin. His jawline looked sharper, and you saw a bead of sweat travelling down the side of his face. San looked undeniably attractive, especially with his new eyebrow piercing and dyed black hair; he already looked so good with his previous brown hair, and now he looked irresistible.
"Y/N, I asked you something," San said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, what were you saying?" you hoped he didn't notice you checking him out. San and you have surprisingly not had any fights recently, and he wasn't making any comments to piss you off either. You wondered why he suddenly changed his behavior towards you after years of getting on your nerves.
He smirked, pointing to his little red bag. "Could you open my bag and give me the green towel?" You did as he said, unkowingly blushing. San noticed everything, but he didn't say anything about it yet. He wiped the sweat off his face with the towel, suddenly leaning in close to your face. Your eyes darted between his eyes and his lips, and your heartbeat sped up. San reached behind you to take his bag, shoving the towel and his water bottle inside. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, mentally reminding yourself to get your shit together. You glanced at your friends, relieved that they were too busy talking to notice the little scene between you and San; you knew they would tease the shit out of you if they saw what happened.
"Y/N," Yeosang called out. "You're coming for the party tomorrow night, no?"
"Of course," you said, a little confused as to why he suddenly asked. "Jiwoo would kill me if I missed it."
Jiwoo turned her head at the mention of her name. "Damn right, I would," she said with a nod.
Yeosang smirked. "You're coming in my car."
"I have to sit on San's lap?!" you half-yelled at Yeosang.
"Yeah, Yunho is sitting in the front with the Pegasus glass figurine he got for Jiwoo. The painting I got is in the backseat, and our bags are in the trunk. So you don't have a choice."
You bit your lip. "Fine."
You waited outside the car until San and Yunho came from their dorm. You wondered why San wasn't surprised when you told him you had to sit on his lap, but you brushed it off, assuming Yeosang would've told him earlier.
San was dressed in all black: ripped jeans, a leather jacket and a black t-shirt underneath it. You sat on his lap, closing the car door. He looked irresistible and his Chanel perfume made him smell so good, you didn't know how you'd survive the half an hour long car ride to Jiwoo's mansion without him noticing you inhaling his scent like air.
San gently wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him so that you could sit comfortably. Yeosang started driving and you hoped time would go really fast.
Unfortunately, time seemed to be going really slow for you.
San pushed your hair to one side, making you lean back a little so that your back was pressed against his chest. "Sit comfortably, I don't bite," he whispered in your ear.
Yunho was talking about something, but you paid no attention. The only thing you could focus on was San's beautiful voice and laughs while you blankly stared out the window.
San noticed you weren't paying attention. He leaned forward a little, his lips coming in contact with the bare skin of your shoulder, making goosebumps arise on your skin. "Are you cold?" San teased when he saw the goosebumps on your bare thighs; you cursed yourself for wearing a short off-shoulder dress.
"Yeah, I am," you lied. San rubbed his palms together before placing them on your thighs. You gasped softly at his warm touch. He gently rubbed your thighs, trying to warm you up like as if he didn't know why you got goosebumps in the first place.
"We're here, guys," Yeosang announced, pulling up into Jiwoo's mansion that was lit up with a lot of LED lights.
You quickly got out of the car once Yeosang parked, running to hug Jiwoo.
"Happy eighteenth, Jiwoo!"
She chuckled. "Thank you, Y/N!"
"I can't wait to see you drunk!" you said with a giggle, excited that your friend could finally drink. She playfully rolled her eyes, dragging you inside to where half your school was while she told you which room you would be staying in. You were sure there were nearly two hundred people here, but you weren't surprised; Jiwoo's birthday parties were always like this.
"By the way, you're sharing a room with San tonight," Jiwoo said.
Your eyes widened. "What?! Why? Wasn't I supposed to be sleeping in your room?"
"Yeah," she said. "But, um... Yunho might be there and I don't think you'd want to witness us—"
"Okay, okay!" you half-yelled. "Why can't I sleep in Eunhee's room?"
"Ask Hongjoong if he's willing to switch with you," she chuckled and you groaned, knowing very well your twin brother would rather sleep next to his girlfriend than next to his friend.
But maybe he would agree? After all, he's quite protective of you and he wouldn't let you sleep next to a guy.
"Absolutely not," Hongjoong replied when you asked him to switch places with you.
"Joong! How can you let your baby sister sleep with a guy?" you whined.
He shrugged. "I trust San more than any other guy here. Besides, I need some privacy with my girl, you know? The dorms aren't a very great place to—"
You slammed your palm over his mouth, shutting him up. "I get it! I'll just deal with it."
You walked over to the bar, getting a whiskey and coke. You didn't have an issue with sleeping next to San; you just didn't know how you'd control yourself around him, especially after what happened hardly an hour ago.
After Jiwoo cut her huge birthday cake and popped a bottle of Champagne, some people from your grade sat down in one of the rooms to play truth or dare. Wooyoung and Mingi literally begged you to play and of course, you couldn't refuse.
"All right, I'm gonna spin it," Jongho said, spinning an empty beer bottle. It landed on Yeosang. "Truth or dare, hyung?" Jongho asked.
"Truth," he answered.
"I got one!" Seonghwa said, turning to smirk at Yeosang. "Do you like a certain Japanese girl who's in your economics class?" You chuckled, glancing at the Japanese girl who was sitting right across Yeosang.
Yeosang smirked. "Of course I like my girlfriend." Your jaw dropped and so did many other's. You glanced at Mayumi who was clearly blushing; she reminded you so much of Yeosang.
"Kang Yeosang! You sly shit!" Wooyoung yelled, playfully tackling his friend to the ground.
"I knew something was happening between them!" Hongjoong stated with a laugh, making Mayumi turn pinker than she already was.
After a few more rounds, some people left, making the circle of people smaller. Eunhee spun the bottle and it landed on herself.
"Truth or dare?" Mingi asked.
"Is Hongjoong hyung a dom or a sub?" Mingi asked with a smirk.
"Both, but mostly a dom," she answered, unbothered.
"I'm not even surprised," Wooyoung said before spinning the bottle. It landed on you.
"Truth or dare, Y/N?" Wooyoung asked, a smile dancing on his lips.
"I'll go with dare."
Wooyoung grinned mischievously. "I dare you to . . . give San a hickey." You choked on nothing in particular.
"In front of you all?"
"Obviously not!" Hongjoong said in disgust. "I'd rather not witness that."
Your friends cheered for you when you got up and dragged San along with you to the room you both had to share tonight. Your heart raced with every step you took, and when he closed the door, the only sound you could hear was your pounding heartbeat.
San removed his shoes before sitting on the middle of the bed. You took off your heels, getting on the bed as well.
"Where do you want it?" you asked, avoiding eye-contact.
"Below my collarbone or here," he pointed to an area of the left side of his neck. You decided to give it on his neck because you've never given a collarbone hickey, so you didn't want to screw it up and embarrass yourself in front of the man who was currently driving you crazy.
San sat against the headboard of the bed, letting you straddle his lap. You placed a hand at his nape and the other at his shoulder, leaning in to place your lips on his neck. You gently brushed your lips against his skin before kissing around the area for a while. Your hand at his nape moved into his hair, tugging on it. San groaned softly, hands gripping your waist while he tilted his head to give you more access. You started to suck on his skin, making sure you bit him gently and gave him a few little licks. San's hands pushed you down on his growing bulge, making you moan against his skin. You pulled away from his neck, eyes instantly locking with his. You glanced between his eyes and his lips, unknowingly biting your own. San freed your bottom lip with his thumb, running it over your lip.
"I'd like to bite that lip," San said in a low tone. You couldn't control yourself anymore. You crashed your lips onto his and he responded just as eagerly as you. San took your bottom lip in between his teeth, gently pulling and biting on it, making you moan. He smirked, pulling away. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this."
"Don't you hate me?" you asked, shocked by his little confession.
San flipped you onto your back, hovering over you. He pressed his bulge against you. "What do you think?" he whispered, making you blush. "Y/N, you drive me absolutely crazy. I've liked you ever since ninth grade." Your eyes widened; he has liked you ever since he joined your school?!
"But— Then why were you always fighting with me?" you couldn't help but ask, even though right now wasn't a very... appropriate time.
"Remember how I was back then? I was so nerdy and you liked guys who were the complete opposite of that," he said, cupping your cheek. "No matter how hard I tried to get you to like someone like me, it just never worked. You always liked seniors and dated playboys. And then when I started screwing around, you still didn't like me. I guess... I guess that's why I fought with you a lot and it got worse over the years."
"San, you were perfect," you murmured. "I always thought you were way too good for me, that's why I never really bothered." you ran your hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for making you change yourself..."
San shook his head, lying beside you on the bed. "It's not your fault. I was fifteen and stupid, Y/N. Besides, I'm used to being like this now." You bit your lip, not knowing what to say. "Y/N, I hated seeing you with Yonghee. I know you guys aren't dating, but the thought of you with him or with anyone else... I really hate it," he looked like he wanted to say something, but he was hesitating a lot. You cupped his cheek, giving him an encouraging smile.
San took a deep breath. "Um, Y/N, do you... feel the same way about me?" You immediately kissed him as an answer, making him blush and sigh in relief.
"Well, my dare is complete," you murmured, fingers running over the hickey you had given him. You leaned in, placing a soft kiss on it. "How about we continue from where we left off?" you whispered in his ear.
San smirked, pulling you close to his body by your waist. "Mhmm, I'd like that."
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stopbeingrude · 3 years
Hi guys. Happy Gruvia/ Greige day. I wish all of you wonderful time.
That's gonna be the first one shot , i have ever published here, feedback is welcome. I hope It's not that bad and you'll somehow like it lmao.
,,I think I would rather have a plushie as a Christmas gift…., but I guess I shouldn't be too picky."
-Dad? - called 6-year-old Greige, on one December afternoon, when both him and his father were decorating a christmas-tree in the living room . December 24th was slowly approaching. It was Greige's favorite time of the year , because he was able to spend Christmas with all of his family, including all of his uncles , aunts and friends. Not forgetting about grandpa Makarov . Even Uncle Gildards would show up, bringing something for the kids. -I was wondering what would happen if Santa's reindeer suddenly wanted to pee while flying?- asked seriously little boy. No one wanted to tell him that. When he asked big bro Romeo , he just started laughing and then he called him silly. "How could he do that?" -thought heartbroken Greige after. -Heh , where did that come from? ... you know ... they'd have to stop somewhere by, right? Daddy doesn't know much about it- said Gray, trying to keep himself from laughing. He couldn't laugh, he knew it would offend his little angel. Their son hated when someone made fun of him . After all, he was already a big boy, and everyone knows that such must be taken seriously. - So maybe Mommy knows? I will go and ask her,- said the little boy, putting down Christmas decorations . Speaking of mom, he had recently noticed his mother's strange behavior. She had been getting tired very easily lately, she often took naps. He also noticed that she spent an enormous amount of time sewing ,mostly clothing. Well.. he was aware of his mom's hobby, but usually it was limited to sewing plushies, sometimes socks or fixing their clothes. - You know, I don't think mommy knows more than me - said Gray after hanging the last Christmas-ball. - Besides, you know that mommy is sleeping now, right? She hasn't been feeling well lately, so she mustn't be disturbed. Something was off, even Daddy acts differently- thought little Fullbuster Now, that got the boy worried. - Is something wrong with Mommy? - asked slowly Greige He loved Mommy and Daddy most in the world and the very thought of them suffering hurt him deeply. "No, I won't start crying…Boys my age don't do that..." He had often been told that he should stop being such a crybaby (mostly by Yajeh or Nasha . Shutora would never. She was always trying her best to cheer him up,while reminding her twin and little Dragneel that if they won't stop with this stupid teasing, she would make sure both of them would regret it later). Unfortunately Greige could not help it. Whenever someone was hurt or something went wrong, he would usually cry. Turns out he inherited his mom's sensitivity... "Mommy…..something was definitely wrong with her.." The thought of something happening to his dear Mom filled him with great terror once again. He started shaking What if she's ill, or even worse..she's gonna….. "No , no , that's not possible..." - he shook his little head full of dark , curly hair. - I'm overreacting, just like Yajeh told me - No, no.. don't worry, Greige, Mommy's fine, it's nothing serious,"-Gray said quickly, trying his best to calm his son down, giving him a hug and then kissing him on forehead He knew exactly what was going on with his beloved, in fact, when an excited Juvia came back home one evening and informed him of the pregnancy, he was overjoyed. Soon he will be holding his son or daughter in his arms. Then it hit him. The baby might turn out to be a girl, and Gray had no idea how to take care of girls...Dear God….Ok ,ok.. he still has plenty of time to learn. He can always ask Gajeel about it..yes Gajeel or Alzack...even Elfman ( he would never ask Natsu, even if he's life depended on it, that would be too humiliating for him). Wait...it wasn't his top priority right now. After all, he needs to inform his son about the news first. Neither of them was quite sure how to do it. They remembered very well the situation from a few months ago when the Redfox twins got into an argument. Horrified, Greige stated that being an only child is not that bad, since having siblings meant constant war. Although being honest , Greige never
directly told them that he hates the idea of having a sibling . Considering how much time he spent with Nasha and Elfman and Ever's daughter Ember, or year-old Reiki Fernandes, it would seem that he's perfect for the big brother role. Besides, they can't hide it forever, sooner or later he would notice Juvia's belly. However, the biggest concern for Fullbuster was the fact that such news could lead to a longer conversation, which again could lead to uncomfortable questions that Gray was not ready to answer. He is not going to tell his son about the birds and the bees. No, no, hell no… None of them are ready for this! "Come on Gray, what's wrong with you, you just have to tell him. You've been in worse situations….after all, you've fought with all sorts of criminals, weirdos and monsters ,compared to what you've been through, it's nothing''- thought the ice mage But how to start such a conversation? How about …. -Hey Greige, have you written a letter to Santa yet? "Yes, just ask him what he wants for Christmas and make a few innocent suggestions." -Oh no i didn't, thank you for reminding me Dad. - And tell Daddy, what would you like to ask Santa for? The boy was silent for a moment, most likely to think about the answer, but after a while he called out in a loud voice. -I'D LIKE TO ASK HIM FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD AND FOR EVERY POOR PERSON TO GET A BETTER LIFE AND FOR EVERYONE TO BE HAPPY!..... It would also be nice to get a new plushie……but it's not as important. Do you think Santa can do that?-he asked hopefully Gray stood there for a moment, stunned. His baby was truly an angel...wishing happiness upon the entire world, it nearly made him tear up…. but no... he needed to explain to his son that he should wish for something more....... attainable. -Ooh... really..that's....very nice of you, but...I think that such a wish...yym...takes a bit of time and Santa w-won't be able to do it…., why don't you ask him for….. for example a toy like a teddy bear, figurines....or new books or something else...I don't know.......sibling?... Greige looked at him, like he had just proposed to him to take a walk on the rooftop. Where did that come from? What is dad talking about? S-sibling...?? -Sibling? You mean like a little brother or sister? A baby?- asked the little boy loudly. -Yes, that's exactly what I meant, but well you'll need to wait for a while, because it takes time for a baby to….be ready.- mumbled out Gray - So that's not really a Christmas present- stated boy still visibly shocked -...Well y-yes , but... -But didn't you say mommy has been feeling unwell lately?...If we had a baby, wouldn't it be tiring for her?....Besides, do you think we need a new baby? - asked seriously Greige Why would they need a baby? They were living happily in this house , just three of them. It's not like he dislikes babies , they're cute and all…..but it's just simply weird.. -Well... I wouldn't say it's necessary , but it would be nice to have one at home.. don't you think?....- asked his dad Maybe? -And don't worry about mommy, I am sure that she will be so happy with the new baby , it will make her feel better.- stated Gray , this time with a smile -Hello my darlings- Juvia's voice said suddenly They both turned their heads toward the bedroom's door, finding Juvia's tired but smiling face there. Greige quickly got up and ran toward his mother. -Mommy, are you feeling better? Do you need anything?- said the little boy, hugging her legs. Juvia kissed her son's cheek. -Hi sweetheart, Mommy is fine- she answered while taking a seat next to her precious Gray, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. -Did I hear you talking about babies?- Juvia asked, pretending to be surprised, while giving Gray a tiny smirk. - Daddy said it would be nice to have a baby and that it would make you feel better... - he began. - I don't think a baby is necessary, because it would be a little strange that there will be more of us in the house, but if you really wish for one ,then that's fine with me. -Really? Mommy's glad to hear that.-
replied a happy Juvia , giving her husband a big smile. Gray gave her the same smile, but just when he thought everything had been taken care of, there came the soft voice of his baby boy. - Mommy....Daddy...but you won't love the baby more than me, will you? - asked Greige, with his head lowered and tears in his dark eyes. Both Gray and Juvia stood there very surprised, neither of them had even thought of such a scenario. -Greige, what makes you think that?- asked older Fullbuster. -Sunshine, no...- Juvia hugged her son quickly- You mustn't think like that, we would never stop loving you. Remember darling, parents love all their children equally. - You know, its true that we'll have to spend a lot of time taking care of your brother or sister, but you have to remember that they won't be able to do anything on their own. You were like that when you were born too.- said Gray - I'm sorry. I won't do that again- said Greige seriously. -Do you think I offended the baby? I don't want the baby to think I don't want him or her,- said the terrified boy .What if the baby will always remember this and he will never be forgiven. - Don't worry, honey, I'm sure she won't mind,- said the water mage, stroking her belly. -She?-Gray thought. Turns out his wife wasn't telling him everything... -Wait a minute! -said suddenly Greige after a moment of silence -The baby will be in the tummy, just like Reiki was in Auntie Erza's , right? - Well baby is already there, but your right - answered Gray -Daddy? - Yes buddy ? - How did it get there? Shit. -Yyyy… Horrified, Gray turned his gaze to his wife, silently pleading for help. -You know what, angel? It's almost 8pm, I think it's time for you to take a bath, okay?- proposed Juvia, saving her husband from very uncomfortable talk. - Ok Mommy. Will you read me a bedtime story after we finish? - Of course They were already moving towards the bathroom when Juvia quickly turned towards her husband, gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered : -You're welcome. Has Gray already mentioned how much he loved his wife?
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( ok I swear it was funnier in my head...Once again Happy Gruvia day !!!)
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty: The Hidden Door
Chapter Twenty-Nine pt Two
Word Count 3.2k
Warnings: Slight angst, some fluff
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When you and Ivar got in bed, he stayed up for the longest time: playing with your hair, messaging your arm with his fingertips, kissing your forehead, fiddling with your fingers that rested on his chest. He lost you tonight, how long? He does not know, but it was long enough for his liking. He can't get over the fact that he could have lost you forever, which makes him feel sick to his stomach. You notice how he has not fallen asleep yet so you look up at your husband.
"Ivar?" You say, half asleep from dozing off.
Ivar smiles, "Yes sweetheart?"
"You haven't slept yet, have you?"
Ivar "No, not yet."
"Are you okay?"
Ivar "I am fine my sweet. I'm just admiring you, I-" you lean up slightly to connect your lips to his. He grabs your face and holds you for a moment before you both have to break away for air.
"I know when you are worried, Ivar."
Ivar sighs, "I have every right to be worried..you are my wife."
"Your wife who is alive and in your arms, hun.."
Ivar "And I cannot thank the gods enough for bringing you back to me. I don't know what I'd do if-"
Ivar "You are my entire world, Y/n. Without you, I'd have no one, nothing to live for."
"You have your brother's-"
Ivar "No I don't. Hvitserk and I have grown close only because of you. We bond over the love we share for you. And Ubbe just loves me because we are brother's.."
"You have your people.."
Ivar "My people do not love me princess. They went against me multiple times. Like I said..you are all I have. You are the only one that truthfully loves me."
"I do Ivar. I have loved you from the moment I met you and I will love you for as long as I live."
Ivar smiles, "I know that to be true, and I love you the same. That is why tonight is haunting me."
"I am right here, my beloved." He squeezes you, holding you tighter in his arms.
Ivar "And I'm not letting you go."
"I never want you to let me go. We have forever together.."
Ivar "Yes we do." He leans down and kisses you ever so gently. "I love you."
"And I love you. Now shut those beautiful eyes of yours and get some rest."
Ivar chuckles, "Yes my queen."
Morning comes and when everyone awakes, everyone is absolutely exhausted and look like they are ill. Hvitserk's eyes are almost swollen shut from all of the crying he did last night, and Ubbe and Torvi have been up since first light. 
Hvitserk "I'm relieved that you are still coming out of that bedroom door Y/n." You don't respond, only hugging him. He hugs you back, taking it all in.
Ivar "Ubbe is out there, yes?"
Hvitserk "Yes, him and Torvi. Everyone has been working since first light."
Ivar "Good."
Hvitserk looks down at you, "How are you feeling?"
Hvitserk "Can I see?" You nod and show him your chest. It is reddened and looks very irritated. "gods.."
"I am fine."
Hvitserk "If you say so princess."
"I-" you attempt to speak but you get cut off by your carrier running towards you three.
"A letter, my king!" Ivar takes it immediately and opens it with great haste. You see his eyes scatter along the piece of parchment as he reads in a hurry. You study his face to see if his mood changes in any way, shape or form.
Hvitserk "Is it-"
Ivar smiles, "Yes, she is alright!" You breathe out in relief to hear that your friend was alive and well. "She has agreed to help us."
"That is great news!"
Ivar "It is-"
Hvitserk "But..?"
Ivar "She needs time."
"How much time?"
Ivar "Three days."
Hvitserk "We have to inform Rollo of this setback."
Ivar "Yes, you go do that." Hvitserk agrees and walks off.
"What are your thoughts?"
Ivar "We do not really have any other choice but to wait."
"Can I see the letter?" He hands it to you for you to read.
The letter reads as follows: Hello Y/n. I am sorry for the delay, your father has been monitoring my actions very closely. But I will of course help you and your husband in the retrieval of the weapons. I know that your dragons mean a great deal to you and I can not fathom seeing you lose any of them. With that being said, I ask for three days to make absolutely sure that everyone will keep you, king Ivar and his men safe. In some way, I must get a few guardsmen to help me and that will take time to negotiate. So I ask for this time, please. I hope you are okay, my friend. I hope to see you soon.
You look up at Ivar who still does not know what to think. You hand him the parchment back and rest into his side as he grabs your waist.
Ivar sighs, "At least your friend is alright, hmm?"
"Yeah, that puts my mind at ease."
Ivar "Rollo will not be happy with this set back-"
"Well we either wait three days or my dragons die." Ivar's eyes gloss with sadness. He has grown to love your three magnificent creatures and would be heartbroken if something happened to them. 
Ivar "We will wait, my dear. Do not worry, okay?"
"Yes...if we do wait the three days, that means only seven days left to prepare for the siege. And Rollo is coming in from-"
Ivar "I know..I know. Perhaps the gods knew something that we don't. Everything will work out in our favor, I promise."
"Don't promise me that. Just promise to never leave me.."
Ivar "Y/n."
"I can't lose you Ivar. Just like you can't lose me.." he leans down, cups your cheeks and kisses you.
Ivar "I'm not going anywhere. You give me every reason to keep fighting..to live."
"I love you."
Ivar "And I love you, my love."
The remainder of the day was rough to say the least. You helped Ubbe, Hvitserk and Torvi clean up the village as best as you could. Ubbe kept making you stop and take breaks because he knew the pain that you were in. Bless his heart. Your family is so loving and you feel blessed to have this life that you have now. But you know that your past is not over with, but it will be soon and you can move on completely. 
Three Days Later…
Yesterday, Thyra wrote to Kattegat once more: telling us to arrive in the back of the kingdom, rather than the front entrance. She stated that she has over ten guards in on this retrieval plan and that everything will go smoothly. 
You ride in the ship with Ivar and his brothers instead of traveling my dragon. They need to stay safe, they need to stay home. They of course were resistant to the idea of leaving you but you reassured them that you will return to them as soon as possible. All three of them watched you leave and whimpered until you were out of sight. 
Ivar "They really love you, princess."
"I know they do. I've raised them, they are like my children.."
Hvitserk "They are. You are a mother of dragon's."
Ubbe "What a title!"
You smirk, "I will hold that title proudly."
Ivar "A mother of dragons, married to a viking God.."
"And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Ubbe "You are not a God, Ivar."
Ivar "To you I am not. But that is not what my heart tells me." Hvitserk scoffs.
"Let's just get this job done and go home.."
Ivar "We will, my love. Your friend made it clear. We will be in and out, yes?"
Ivar held you from behind as you all looked at your horizon. So vast with so much potential. You breathe in the fresh, cool air and as it fills your lungs, you sigh from the peacefulness of this very moment. Ubbe looks at you with a smile on his face. He admires you, not only as a warrior, but also as a strong woman that you are. You have endured many battles, whether it being internal or physical, you have endured it all but you are still here. He is proud to call you his sister, much more than he was his last one, Freydis. He knew deep down that she was an issue but he of course kept that to himself. 
Hvitserk "We should be there soon." You take a deep breath and lean more into Ivar for comfort. He holds you and rubs your skin.
Ivar whispers, "You're going to be by my side the whole time..I'm not going to let anything happen to you." You slowly nod but think to yourself, 'Right..I've been taken while you slept by my side...and I got stabbed five days ago..' Hvitserk looks at Ivar with disgust. He heard his whisper and knew that he has said that in the past but look at everything that has happened. He wished that he could have been the one who was stabbed, not you. If he could take away your aches, he would. If anyone will keep you safe, it's him.
When the castle comes into your sight, like you expected, you felt the panic set in. So much so that you almost pass out from the fear of coming in contact with your father.
Ivar "Put your mask on, my love." You agree and place a black piece of cloth over your mouth and nose to hide your face besides your eyes. Ivar puts his hood over his head, same with Ubbe and Hvitserk. When you stand up, Hvitserk grabs your hand in reassurance. 
Hvitserk "You've got this kitten."
"Jus-just don't let him take me again..promise me."
Hvitserk "Y/n, I am not letting you out of my sight. No one is going to harm you, I swear it."
"I just want to get the weapons and leave immediately."
Hvitserk "And we will. I know that you are scared," you look up at him, "and you have a right to be. Your father has done barbaric things to you..if I could have stopped it back then, I would. I would save you from all that heartache but I am here now." He looks around the boat, "We are all here now. We can protect you now, princess. So look at me," your eyes lock with his, "I promise that you will be safe. I love you, I'm not going to lose you again." You lean into Hvitserk so that he can kiss your forehead, making your eyes close from the comfort that it brings you.
"I love you too, Hvitty."
He looks at you and bursts out laughing, "Hvitty? I love it. Is that going to be my nickname from now on?"
"If you would like."
Hvitserk "I would love that, I love anything that you call me."
Ubbe "We are here, come on brother's."
Ivar takes your hand and keeps you attached to his side while Ubbe and Hvitserk get out of the boat first.
As soon as you reach the back entrance, you see 5+ guardsmen guarding the back entrance with Thyra in front of them. You sigh and run to her. Ivar hisses for you to return to his side but you do not listen. When Thyra sees you, she runs and embraces you like she hasn't seen you in years. 
Thyra "Are you okay? Please tell me you've been okay!"
"I'm fine..are you-"
Thyra "I'm fine too-"
Ivar "Where are they?"
Thrya "They are inside."
Ubbe "We get that, where?"
Thyra "Follow me." Everyone, including you, hesitate to follow her. "There are guards inside..they know to keep the king away from that room.."
Ivar "What if they betray you-"
Thyra "Look, if you thought that I would betray you, then why did you come?"
Ivar "Watch how you talk to me.." he said very sternly.
Thyra "My apologies. But we cannot stand here and talk, the longer we wait, the less confident I am with this being successful. So please, follow me." Ubbe goes first, then you and Ivar, then Hvitserk. Being inside the castle is a struggle for you. But it brings you some security knowing that you have your husband and his brother's with you at all times. Ivar singles his men to surround you all. The warriors have their swords drawn and their shields up. 
She walks out into the hallway and you all pause. Ivar holds his finger up to his lips to signal everyone to stay absolutely quiet.
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Ubbe draws his ax, "I don't like how we are in the open."
Hvitserk "If anything happens, she's going next." He gestures over to Thyra and Ubbe agrees. If Thyra is betraying you all, then she is the cause. 
Thyra "It's in here." She whispers, heading towards a door. You recognize the door and get flashbacks so strong that it makes your knees buckle. You can see your younger self, running towards this door and your mother holding it open for you. She always tried her hardest to keep you from your father's wrath. 
Ivar "My love.."
Ivar "Look at me.." you stray your eyes from the door to meet your husband's eyes, "talk."
Ivar "Can you go in? If not, I will stay out here with you."
"I have to see the weapons myself..I know where they are. I have to go in." Ivar nods and walks with you hand in hand. Going in, your eyes lock to the cupboards that you used to hide in. Once everyone is in, the door is shut and three guardsmen guard it from the king or his men. Hvitserk takes off his hood and looks down at you.
Hvitserk "Is it in here?" You don't answer, you just walk towards a part in the wall that looks 'off'. You kneel down and put your nails in the cracks, opening a hidden door, revealing a pile of weapons. 
Ivar "Son of a bitch.." he says as you pull out every last steel weapon from the hole in the wall.
Hvitserk "I have never seen such a weapon." You look at the tip and get furious.
"They were not made to kill men and women. He made these specifically to kill dragon's."
Ubbe "Why would he do that? Didn't he have dragons himself?"
"Yes he did. I don't know why he would wish to kill them."
Thyra "Y/n.." you look up at her and then it clicks in your mind. He had these weapons made when he decided on gifting you the three dragon eggs. Right after he made up his mind, your mother was killed, that is how she knew where he hid them from you. 
You stand up and hand them to your warriors, "Let's go home."
Ivar "Y/n," he grabs you because he can tell that your mood has shifted drastically, "my love?"
"Ivar I need to leave before I run out of this room, find him, and kill him where he stands." Hvitserk grabs your hips as a reminder to breathe.
Hvitserk "Remember the mission-"
Ubbe "Lets go." He looks at his brother and lets you go. 
Ivar "Ubbe is right, let's just go. You will feel better once you are out of these walls."
He grabs your arms and pulls you out of the room. You all rush out of the castle, staying close together. Thyra stops by the door once you all are out and safe. You look back at your friend and feel your emotions get the best of you.
Thyra "Hey, don't cry." She pulls you into her arms, "I will be safe, just get out of here."
"Thank you, I love you so much."
Thyra "I love you more, now go." She pushes you and you all walk back to the boats. Once you are all in, you take your mask off and sit down. Mission complete, time to go home.
Ivar sighs once he sits down on the side of the boat, resting his legs. You sit on the floor, next to the weapons. Hvitserk and Ubbe sit down on each side of you. 
Ubbe nudges you, "You good sis?"
"Just angry."
Ubbe "Talk to us, maybe we can help." You spend time telling them what you realized back in that room. They listened and felt the anger in your voice. 
Ubbe "I am sorry that he even made these in the first place. But he does not have them anymore, we do. They won't be used on your dragons..they won't be used at all if you wish."
"I just want him gone.."
Hvitserk "He will be soon, Y/n." You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. Ivar smiles and looks off into the distance, thanking the gods that you are all safe and have successfully retrieved the weapons.
You stayed by Hvitserk until you reached Kattegat. You rose when you heard your dragon's shout for you. They got so excited that all three of them flew over the boat and hovered above you all. You greet them and thank the gods for your safe return. 
Ivar "Let's hide these weapons. I don't want anyone to know where they are except for us four, got it?"
"Yes, my king." The man said. You all got off and headed for the house. Torvi and her daughter ran to Ubbe in a loving greeting. Seeing Ubbe with his children (including Ragnar) makes you so excited to become a mom. You look down and rub your belly with a smile on your face. 
"I can't wait to meet you, little one." You say to her.
Hvitserk "Neither can I." You didn't know that he was behind you. You figured that he went inside already so it took you for a surprise.
"It feels like time is going by so slowly."
Hvitserk "That is only because you are eager. And once the siege is over, you will have more time to relax and focus on her growing, rather than worrying."
"You are right."
Ubbe "Lets go inside and eat, yeah?"
Torvi "Our hunters caught big today."
Hvitserk "Oh yeah, how big?"
Torvi "Biggest we've caught in a while." Hvitserk giddily runs into the house to see what we will all be eating. You and Torvi laugh. 
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Torvi walks over and hugs you, "I am glad that today went well."
"As am I. I am glad that we came back in one piece." You force a laugh.
Torvi "Thank gods..come on, let's go feed you and the baby."
"Good, we are starving." You all enjoy your day and feast with cups of ale and lots of laughter. Today was a success and hopefully the siege that is bound to happen in just a few days, will be as successful as today's retrieval.
@hvitserkmarcosource @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @a-mess-of-fandoms @herestherealproblem @readsalot73 @heavenly1927 @saldelys @ivarzeitgeist
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sweetdarlingdreamer · 3 years
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Being a mother is the most rewarding, frustrating, exciting, heartbreaking, joyful, and crazy experience in my life. My entire world revolves around my three, soon to be four, children. I live them with everything I have in me, but sometimes when everyone is asleep and the house is quiet... I find my myself feeling heartbroken over the little things I messed up that day.
Today is one of those days.
It was such a great day too begin with. The day was finally not crazy hot so I took the kids to the park and splash pad a couple miles away with a friend and her kids. They had a blast. Everything went great. My daughter went back and forth between the park and splash pad just happier than I've seen her all week. Then it was time to go.
She wanted to go back to the park for "just a minute" and I was frustrated with one child talking about how hungry he was getting, one trying to talk about some YouTube video he was excited about, and my little girl crying because I said no to going back to the park. I eventually got her into the van and home and everything was ok.
With daddy being over the road through the week, he calls to talk to each of the kids and say goodnight every night. Tonight taking to our daughter she told him about this little girl about two years old she met and made friends with at the park. She held her hand and walked her around while she was over there... But she was sad because she said she'd come back and I wouldn't let her. She's so excited about being a big sister. She watches videos about being a good big sister and videos talking about how baby is developing each week. She practices with baby dolls and making little friends any time we are in public. She's just trying to be a good big sister...
If I had stopped to listen to my little girl instead of getting frustrated with her maybe I would have understood more. I'd have let her say goodbye and we could have left without tears and frustration. Instead, I got angry.
So tonight as I lay here unable to sleep my heart is breaking because once again I missed something. Once again, I let my own frustrations get in the way of communicating with my child. I know I won't forget this. I know it will help me grow as a parent. I also know my daughter was past it before we even got all the way home as she was singing and laughing with her brothers by the time we got home. Sometimes it just takes me a bit longer to get past my little failures.
Mommas... we all have these days. We all have moments where we know we could have done better. Tomorrow behind a new day and another chance to try again. The important thing for me is that when things like this happen I remember them. I think about the things I feel I didn't do the best on and work to do better in the future. This is such a small example but each of these small instances in my children's lives impact me. They make me want to do better. They also make me realize just how much these kids mean to me as I strive every day to be the best momma I can be. Not every day will go perfectly but every day is a blessing to be able to be there mom.
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