#I'd cling to her and hold her and she'd sit on my lap and I
loveregrown · 5 months
I think about my middle school crush sometimes. Gabriella Jazmin... I truly adored her. Did she know, how much I loved her? Does she miss me? I never had a chance; it was doomed from the start. But goodness did my guts churn, back then. She probably didn't even know what she did to me—maybe she did.
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heyitsme1040 · 10 months
Mine or Theirs? [stucky]
summary : Bucky can't tell if some of his memories are his and that they happened, or if their what Hydra has convinced him. He finally asks Steve for some clarity. Steve is happy to tell him the truth.
pairings : Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
warnings : None. This may be the tiniest bit angsty near the end. No swearing. This is just purely self-indulgent. Can be read as either platonic Steve & Bucky, or romantic Stucky.
word count : 700
AO3 (x)
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Steve and Bucky were on the couch. Bucky has his head in Steve's lap while Steve runs his fingers through Bucky's hair. Bucky's just thinking and decides to finally ask Steve for some help.
"Hey Steve? Can I ask you a favor?" He starts.
"Sure Buck, what do you need?" Steve easily agrees.
"Some of my memories," Bucky closes his eyes, "I can't tell if they're mine. Or, y'know, what Hydra wanted me to believe. Could you just, I dunno, tell me? Like if they really happened or not?" By the end Bucky sounds so unsure of himself.
Steve's fingers never once falter in their path through Bucky's hair, "Of course."
A few moments pass in silence. Bucky takes a deep breath to steady himself, then opens his eyes to meet Steve's. "When your mom died... I looked after you?"
Steve nods, "Yeah Buck, you did. You were my best friend, so you suggested we get that apartment. I wasn't eating, I barely got out of bed. I was a mess and you helped me find a way to keep going."
Bucky releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, glad that was his memory. "You rescued me. Back in the war. That Hydra base. You found me and got me out of there?"
Steve hates how uncertain Bucky sounds about having been rescued. "I did, " Steve chokes out past the lump in his throat. "You kept repeating your name and tag number. Like you were trying to cling onto who you were. I found you and got you out of some medical lab after freeing everyone else they captured. You weren't with them, but I knew you had to be there. I wouldn't leave until I found you," Steve trailed off. "We led all the others back to camp together."
"That's when they first," Bucky takes a shuddering breath and shakes his head. "I just remember not believing you'd found me. That there was no way I'd get out of there. I couldn't remember if that was real or if I was so desperate to be saved that my brain made it up."
Silence passed while Steve stroked Bucky's hair. Bucky processed what Steve told him, relieved it was real. Glad Steve had found him that day.
"Any other memories you're questioning right now?" Steve carefully prompted. "I can answer them whenever you're ready," he reassures, not wanting to pressure Bucky.
Bucky turns his face away as he states what he knows, "I'm just a weapon. Only good for harm. A means to an end."
Steve's fingers still and Bucky stiffens. Steve guides Bucky's face to look at him, but Bucky's eyes are tightly shut. Awaiting an outcome that Steve knows isn't true.
"Look at me," Steve urges and eventually Bucky's eyes meet his. "That's not real. Hydra made you believe that. That's not your thought, it's theirs. It's wrong," Steve says fiercely with such conviction."You are not a weapon. You're not some tool. You're a good person, Buck. Please try to believe that. I know it. You've always been good, okay?"
Bucky can't help the tears trying to fall. He weakly nods with a sniffle.
"You were forced to do things you didn't want to," Steve continues on. "You were tortured. They wanted you to think that you were a weapon so that they could control you. You aren't what they tried to make you into Bucky. You're a good man who always looked out for me. You fought the guys who picked on those smaller than them. You'd take a girl out to meet her friends so she'd be safe. There is nothing bad about you. You're one of the best people in this world. One of few to this day."
Bucky can't hold back his tears any longer. They fall freely and race down onto Steve's lap. Bucky slowly sits up and clings to Steve. Steve guides Bucky's head to his shoulder and scratches the hairs at the nape of his neck.
"Thank you," Bucky wetly chokes out.
Steve just holds him closer still.
"I will always tell you if something was real or not," Steve promises. 
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Author's Note : Reblogs are appreciated, likes are welcome, and if you want to read more of my fics then maybe follow.
©heyitsme1040 If you find this post on any platform under a username different than heyitsme1040 it is not their work.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
(n), beautiful accidents turning out in beautiful journeys.
Nothing to explain, just Vampire!harry.
Smut, Smut and Smut.
Masterlist , Let's talk about more vampire H!
Author's Note: This's me just testing waters with my fantasy writing skills. It got deleted at first and I had to write everything again with fat sad tears. Tried my best hope ya'll like it. Reblogs are always appreciated and I kinda deserve it for this one *sheepishly*
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She ignores whatever he's saying craving the overwhelming feel of stars and flowers when he bites her, "Can you bite me, please?" He startles at that brows skyrocketing.
Giddiness stirring in his stomach and how bad he feels to brush her off, he has to do it for her sake. "Now, that's not an escape ye' should seek fo' right?" He gives her a stern look when she whines throwing her head back.
Y/N interrupts Harry amidst his meal and ends up him clinging to her.
Kittens. One hell of the beasty creatures they're. You'd give them your heart but they'll prefer their two hours sleep over it. Such type of beasty wee landed Y/N into such situation. She's been searching for Meowsie her cat for fifteen minutes now when she heard a feeble cry of an animal. The tall trees with it's roots snatching at soil - the moon at it's peek. Gasping she crouches down for the rescue of a deer with it's fur wrenched in blood. 
When she does so her eyes struck at the sleekness of a pair of loafers stubbing yellow leaves under it. A groan of annoyance whirling in air and gulping she rakes her eyes to find a tall, swiney man staring down at her in offence like she disturbed him. 
He's gorgeous. Features that of greek sculpture with silk kissing it, eyes –well she can't figure them out in her fear. "Who're ye'!?" He snarls and she toppled back on her bum with a squeak, "Aish. should be asking you the same." She shuts her eyelids. He thinks she's very stupid for leisuring in an abnomished forest at this hour of night when every creature's ready to strangle her alive. 
"Who're you?" She emphasizes each word grabbing the broken branch and pointing it towards him mustering some courage not letting her brave cascade waver. 
His first instinct was to say that he's vegan. But, why should he when he's not. He doesn't like lying. 
He steps from under the shadows of trees rims glimmering under the beautiful moonlight, "Could be anythin' ye'r little brain's been thinkin' of." He smirks towering her and scrambles back. Her facial expressions blown out more from the fright he's causing. 
Poor little thing. 
Before, he could fill in her curiosity his prey escapes into darkness gaining his attention. He growls throwing his head at his shoulders — Harry isn't that of tantrum throwing person (a practice of one hundred year has taught him that bitterness brings you nothing) but he's been devastatingly hungry and the feeding clubs grossed him out. 
The smell of grinding bodies, sweat and the combination of different human's blood makes him sick to core rubbing his appetite away. He's bored of them. 
Her sweet glazing auroma calls him to trap her and take a succulent bite out of her but before that she benefited the opportunity running away from him exiting the dark forest only to find Meowsie snuggling inside her bed. 
"You batty creature!" She huffs, "No wonder I'd be found – dead one day because of you." 
With whoever; she bumped in the forest wasn't human at all Y/N thinks. 
.                                  .                                .
She's been fighting her sweet tooth for so long but it's not helping her. She muttered a fuck it before lecturing Meowsie, "No sneaking." When Meowsie meowed bobbing her head she cheered, "Good baby." Like a proud momma. 
It was success. Reaching the nearest store and buying the oreo yogurt to savour it immediately. When she strolled outside gloomy vibe hit her causing her nerves to shudder winter chillness freezing her toes.
The cup hits the pavement and she emits a loud scream as a brutal force rams her in a brick wall. 
A groan of pain rumbling in her chest and she shuts her eyes as a shadowy demon creeps up her calves agonisingly trying to pop her in two. 
Counting on her death when it screeches in horrifying noises being ripped into bits and pieces mercilessly. When she squints her eyes open she finds the mossy jade eyes peering down at her more pissed than he was in the forest, "do ya humans don't sleep at night? Or are ye' a mouse that steals good-ys at night?" He traps her head with his hands on either side of wall and she grumbles at his insult of calling her human. But isn't it what she is? A human? 
"I -- don't be mean." She pouts hissing at the dull ache in her legs and he sighs voice getting gentler, "Can ye' walk?" When she nods he scoffs with a thick accent lips quirking and nose scrunching. He wanted to leave her at it but the scared look on her tightened his chest and he felt his responsibility to walk her home safe and invest if she got hurt. 
"No you can't!" He winds his arms around her encouraging her to put all of her weight on his side as he walks her. "Who're you. And how did ya do that?" She asks with a timid voice. He doesn't want to scare her away but the truth's he's been keeping an eye on her for days. Muttering a curse to himself whenever she'd have her nightly visits without a care for herself. Silly human. 
"Harry." He replies without a care and if it wouldn't be for the pain she's feeling she'd have never let him inside her home. "I can't even eat my yogurt in peace 'cos of you Harry." She reproaches as he sits her on sofa taking her ankles and putting them over his knees. 
[That's how I felt when you interrupted my meal you little pesty thing he wanted to mutter but held back.] 
Taking out the potion Nana gave him that heals painful scars. 
"It'll hurt a bit little mouse." He murmurs pulling out the cork of bubble shaped bottle she flinches, "Don't call me that!" Staring at the way her ripened gnashes disappears in beautiful spirals. "Then stop acting like a coward-y mouse." He stands up looking down at her slumpy with sleep. He shushed her, "'s okay. . ." with each dab feeling sorry for exposing her to his world and now the demon who was manifested without a precise spell thought they're co-related kept lingering around her and well he couldn't leave such an innocent girl to be harmed by evils.
"Not gonna tuck ye' in bed, now." He stands up chin doubling raising his hands in defence albeit he's privy for such actions. Too domestically affectionate for him. 
"Please." She doesn't want to be here on uncomfortable sofa and wants to snuggle inside her blankets. "Fine." He rolls his eyes not giving heed to the angelic details of her home for that it'll create a soft spot in his heart for her. 
His body swimming in her scent once stepping inside her room and he tucks her under quilts grabbing Meowsie akwardly and putting her beside Y/N so she could cuddle with her. He stares her for time and Y/N doesn't hear door shutting and he's out of her bleary vision in a tick 
.                                  .                           . 
White swarms over the crimson in hues with yummy smell spreading everywhere along with the waves of Y/N melodic hum. Meowsie tries to rip the muffin batter and Y/N smacks her paw away ending up having a standoff stare competition with her in the kitchen. 
She literally heard her saying mean mommy. 
Y/N thoughts are all over the place. All she could think of is his's stupid beautiful face and they way his gentle touch made her feel floffy from muscles. He shouldn't pesk her like that. The white chocolate chip pops and she was about to see if they were done when a rasp crawled in her ear making her jump and causing the pyrx bowl to hit the oak counter, "Been thinkin' of meh, lil mouse?" 
"What the fuck. Harry!" She spins sending him into fits of laughter with squeaky scream.
"Not funny. Don't you guys not go somewhere unless invited?" She gasps putting her hand atop her heart and Harry's eyes follows her commotion, "'course we do. Got some manners 'n shite." He scoffs with cupid bow quirked up and nose scrunched. 
"Then where are your manners now?" He smirks at that leaning at her level, "You manifested me s' hard it broke rules." Heat splashes on her cheeks and she notices the intricate details of his features finding them dull and sick than his prior glow. She gasps in shock taking his hands leading him to sofa and sitting him with a push to his shoulders. 
"God. You look terrible what happened?" He gives out a smile at her care throwing his head into headboard cushions, as she scrambles back to kitchen to take out muffins from oven she asks worriedly proper concerned for his health, "Would you like something?" 
A warm mug of delicious bubbling blood thank you very much.
He wanted to mutter but his throat went dry from the headache making him all dizzy. He's been death starving for days now cause his appetite seems to vanish and tongue wouldn't accept any kind of blood since the day he smelled the gush of crimson running inside her veins. 
"Can I bite you?" He regrets the moment it slipped from his tongue. Y/N doesn't seem to mind instead mulls about it for a moment putting two warm hot cocoa milk and red velvet muffins on the lil coffee table. 
"Will it keep you alive?" When Harry closed his eyes in gentle affirmation she cranes her neck to side like she has seen in many movies. "Okay. Go then." He smiles weakly taking her fingers ever so tenderly in his hold and ushering her in his lap. 
"If you wouldn't mind — it'll be more comfortable like this. ." She just nods knees bended on either side of his thighs and his mouth waters at her appetizing sweet smell. He rakes his nose along the curve of her neck swearing that she's made of puddle of how soft her skin's. His senses wrecking havoc as his fangs glistens at the surface grazing against the barrier of her sensitive spot. 
"Aa-a!" She cries out and He pulls her back anxiously brows kinking, "Didn't even bit yet." 
"Surprised is all." She confesses shyly and Harry shakes his head with a silly smile letting her fist the hem of his shirt tight as he wrapped his arm around her waist smushing her closer to him and keeping her head in one place stopping her from squirming..
"Ticklish baby mouse ye're." Saying this he pushes his fangs into her flesh and she created a mousey noise head lulling. He gives out a moan-y growl at the taste of first droplet hitting his tongue. He doesn't think he could stop from now on. She tastes like the nectar birds of heaven could feed on. 
His body coming to life. Inners feeling fresh as ever again. 
She feels float-y. Like taking a nap over clouds and letting the zephyr cocoon her and she stuffs her face in the crook of his neck breathing him happily with a loopy smile.
This's oddly satisfying and calming. He wants to take care of her. She's a beacon he always wants to keep protected from the storm. He gasps feeling himself nourished all over again after days of starvation. Lapping at the shiny drops of what's left making her giggle and he could easily recognize that smell. Of her arousal. 
She's all worked up in his embrace snuggling closer to him. He has been in this position with many people before but once they serve his purpose they'd been walked away to take care of.
"Don't go lost on me little mouse y'need to eat somethin'." He settles her over his thigh taking the mug and muffins. 
Tearing it in two and bringing it to her mouth as she lays her head against his shoulder. He sighs happily feeling full as she nibbled slowly, "Thank you." He wipes the crumbs from the corner of her lips feeling the petalness of them and wondering what he shouldn't be wondering at all. "'S okay." She quips with cracky voice making Harry chuckle and sipping onto his own warm milk.
.                                  .                               .
Harry didn't know a human could attract him like a magnet to metal. She manifested him once and now he's always at her cosy home, he likes the radiance of sunshine that promises from her presence. They watch movies till the clock doesn't strike six in the morning, have secret rendezvous hidden from the eye of normal people at the places Y/N has never been, he has his weekly bites from her and in return brings her every Oscar Wilde's books from his shelf. 
Biting her's the most pleasing yet excruciating part because the way she melts like a honey over him like she depends on him and the sweet smell of her wetness that billows in the room makes Harry gripe at her sides, sometimes drinking more than her petite body could handle. He feels awful after that. 
Cuddles her to sleep and makes the walnut pie he learned from his Nana which apparently is a witch (she isn't actually his grandma — he has long forgotten about his real family). 
Harry took her to the vampires museum and when her marshmallow lips baubled in astonishment at the wings of Angels displaying on the burgundy wall. He kept his arms wrapped around her waist the whole time eyeing anyone that would look towards her weirdly (humans aren't allowed at vampire premises, but who dares to point a finger at Harry? No one.) One of the reasons he hugged her in a smushing coddling suffocating way to lather his scent all over her leaving her flustered and confused. Y/N has finally met someone that shares the same sleeping schedule as her insomniac ass. "We better leave before they hang me angel here too." His breath was hot against her neck running shivers down her spine. 
His words carrying amiability and seductivity causing Y/N to gape at him. Did he just call her his Angel? He definitely did. Annoying leech that's fucking up with Y/N's emotions. 
They didn't talk about it at all after that. 
Harry did with Nana. Freaking out to her how his emotions are always spiraling for her. That he wants her all to himself. Wants to feel her in ways that's beyond just the touch. Nana just laughed it off and made him eat his coconut pie. He almost choked on his bite. Adam apple bobbing in pain when she cleared to him – that; The they indeed have bonded to eachother. 
Her blood runs inside him. His marks are on the most precious spot of her body. Where lovers claim their affection — how could he not feel like that towards her? She's sure that Y/N also feels the same for Harry. 
Harry was getting done with some cluster of work when a stab of pain invaded his whole body prickling uncomfortably against his skin. Something's up. He could feel in his bones that his little mouse's not okay. When he goes her home he's met by pure silence making him more anxious than he already is.
He picks Meowsie from the floor rubbing her crown as he steps inside her bedroom. She's layered under many fold blankets in her bed shrinked into a pea and her head perks up when Harry's voice reaches her, "Angel. . ." She throws everything aside tackling him to mattress making him squeak.
He smiles petting her hair as she purrs against his chest fisting the hem of his shirt tightly. "One of those days?" He asks genuinely not stopping his gentle action and she bobs her head  vigorously bottom lip wobbling, "Oh my little mouse – c'mere what happened?" His gaze flitting between her's as he cups her cheeks squishing them adorably. 
She ignores whatever he's saying craving the overwhelming feel of stars and flowers when he bites her, "Can you bite me, please?" He startles at that brows skyrocketing.
Giddiness stirring in his stomach and how bad he feels to brush her off, he has to do it for her sake. "Now, that's not an escape ye' should seek fo' right?" He gives her a stern look when she whines throwing her head back, "Then can I bite you?" She just wants to distract herself from the unbearable headche of her history course. 
He chuckles breathily at that sighing because could he say no to her? No. He smiles down at her dimples denting in his cheeks, "Kay. Go then." She stuffs her face in the dip of his neck sniffing the marbled beach fragrance of him that of summers I'm December's cosiness. Her teeth grazing at the curve of his pale skin and Harry closes his eyes in anticipation. He feels intimidated by this little human being like no other. His little human.
Her teeth grazing against his cold skin and Harry almost whined letting a moan slip his eyes rolling back into his sockets as she bites him. His hands on her ass twitching to grope at the flesh when his cock stirred with her heat leaking against it. She creates sweet filthy noises succling the mark and "Enough." Harry cleared his throat and the haze in his head bounding her wrists between them pulling pulling her away looking at her sternly when she whines. 
"Baby. . talk to me." He caresses her cheek with his knuckles but she ignores his words floating in her all headspace staring the mark she created. Tracing the beautiful hue of love bite with her fingers, "How did it feel?" Harry's eyes flutter with charming smile as he kissed the hand which's not busy memorizing him. 
"Like a lil mouse ticklin'" She leans at that kissing her work of art, giving wet little sweet kisses up his jaw palms running down his midriff as she whispered. 
"This?" Her hips stuttering with his swell sitting delicious between her panty clad pussy lips, she peers up at him from her under her lashes as her lips rested against the corner of his pillowy full mouth. 
"And this?" Test of his patience. "Like I've never felt before." Saying. He smudges his lips against her's in a succulent, sweet and affectionate kiss. Lapping tenderly with his pink wet tongue at her mouth to deepen the kiss squishing her cheeks in the process. Swallowing her whimpers and whines down his throat like she's most precious. She humps his bulging cock with erotic swivels of her hips and Harry griped at her sides to leave blue blemishes in some hours.
He closes his eyes still smiling foolishly resting his temple against her's – noses doing eskimo kisses. 
"Can we talk now, what's disturbing my angel?" He tucks her hair back kissing her forehead and she bobs her head embarrassed at her tantrums. "It's silly. 'M gonna fail my history exam." His eyes twinkle, "Just havocin' your brain for this?" 
"No worries. I gotcha."
. . .
This's how they ended up like this surrounded by notes and papers. Harry complaining with an unbelievable scuff, "What do they teach ye' kids now days? That didn't happen at all in history." Still ending up helping her with learning which ended up him giving her his slender fingers fucking her with them to let her work for her reward.
"No pet. Wrong answer." He tutted eyes still on the quiz card and it's the sight for sore eyes. She cramps her thighs around his wrist and he curled his fingers rubbing her walls in return as a warning, "Come on lil mouse ye' right there." He leans from the edge of his chair to snatch a chaste kiss from her parted ones.
"189-5?" She mewls not sure of her answer and Harry again pressed his lips against her's murmuring against them driving a third finger inside her and rubbing her clit in circles with his thumb, "such an intelligent girl. doin' s' good fo' me – wanna cum?" He bites at her earlobe gripping the quiz cards tightly.
"Yes. Please‐" He cuts her off taking his digits out making her whine and squirm loudly. Sage coloured panties clearly drenched in her slickness as Harry licks her sweet juices like a hungry kitten from his fingers wrapping his magenta lips till his knuckles — if it's a lollipop humming around them vulgarly.
"Harry No!" She huffs making grabby hands at him and he squeezes her bossom thigh to push her down, "Harry yes. Now -- tell me babe where Buddhism originated from?" He wets the pad of his thumb nonchalantly eyeing her playfully and Y/N just wants to kiss that pink pretty tongue as he turned the page around.
She grabs his hand moving them closer to her swollen pussy head falling at his mere graze, "Please." He gives love nibbles at her cheek flickering her clit to tease her.
"What baby?" He murmurs gliding them up and down her slit causing her to rock her pelvis against his touch his freezing fingers adding upto sensation. "Want your fingers." She gasped breathily because before her request Harry was stuffing her back with his fingers massaging the sweet shell of her g-spot.
Her tummy coiling with pleasure and she threw her arms around his neck parted lips pressing against his throat, "Last quiz and then ye' can come all over me fingers." He tells her pinching her thighs. His cock weeping in his pants. The world around them deafening to glitter noises and Harry puts his chin atop her shoulder raising the card infront of her shoulder as she thrashed in his arms.
It was for his last criss-cross of swipe when she gushed all over him with noises that stroked Harry's ego and this time he gave her a hickey coaxing her orgasm from her high, "Hmh. S' warm I could stay inside ye' forever." A sugary smooching voice echoes in room when he kissed the spot between her ear and neck.
Y/N thinks Harry has successfully made a nest in her heart.
. . .
They were flopped over quilts in her bed moon glowing happily in love with them together and Y/N turned in his arms admiring each glimmer of his skin with an awestruck puppy eyes, "You're such an Angel. . .so pretty." He chuckles softly bringing her closer to her chest to hear her heartbeats.
"People think otherwise my mouse." He gives out a 'oof' sound giggling when she climbed up his torso heels of palms pressing against his pecks. "You're for me resting in the depths of ye'r skin — that went through love and sorrows, nourishment and pains until god decided you were meant to be mine. . ." She sucks in a breath cupping his beautiful face to lull it side to side. Harry could bite her whole made of petals and honeycomb she is. He stares her zoning out for a moment.
"Sorry. But seeing ye' with my bites makes me s' hard. . ." He whispers. "Bite me again then." She nuzzles in the crook of his neck pressing her wet crotch down against his hard dick pressing against his zipper.
"So polite and carin'." He grins smacking kisses against the thin skin of her shoulder reaching the mark that's still pudgy and purple. She moans getting him out with shaky fingers and kissing him heatedly in full vigour making slick filthy noises. He slaps her bottom ripping her panties to throw them carefully rubbing his weeping blushed head in between her clenching pussy lips to smudge their arousals.
Whimpers of bliss whirling in air when he slipped inside her slick cunt filling her to brim his balls pressed against her bum, "Fuck. Just how I imagined — tight 'n snug. I love ye'r cunt baby." He gritted grinding his pelvis against her's in slow teasing motion hitting one spot continuously.
"Feels good. . ." She cries softly thighs quivering by his sides and he wrapped his hand around the nape of her to bring her down for another passionate kiss, "Would ye' bond to meh? Huh - lemme cum inside ye'r pretty pussy? Make it mine?" He mumbled wet-ly against her lips sucking her lower one to make it all plump and pinkish.
"Make me yours." She gives out a squeaky whimperish moan when at her words he licked his mark biting it. Her walls creamping around his cock to feel each, ridge and thick vein and she turned a loopy butterfly in his arms.
"Ye' can't cum unless I give ye' permission and I've had plenty to drink. . ." He growls grabbing her jaw eyes turning oyrx and she wipes her own blood from his mouth to press her thumb against his tongue letting him suck. Now, she doesn't have one mark only it's plenty that of flowers scattered on canvas.
He stretches his legs wide toes curling holding her down from her hips to fuck into her with rough mind forging thrusts, "Yes!" Y/N whispers with hoarse throat that she hasn't spoken from months.
"Cum fo' me. Over me cock baby wants to feel ye' Angel." He moans fondling her breasts in his large calloused palms smauching kisses at very skin he could find to shower his love to. Y/N comes a wave of shiver running from her soles to head as she just created noises straight out of porn.
Her creaming around him. Warm and slick cum dribbling down his balls didn't last Harry too. He came inside her in thick spurts of ribbons leaving blueprints at her arse.
They remained like this for some moments. Cacooned into eachother breathing eachother Harry memorizing her to memorize the memory he could never forget and caresses her cheek with the back of his hand.
He lays her on bed gently slipping out of her shushing her with pecks on mouth when she whined from sensitivity, "Gonna take care of ye' little mouse." He bends her knees kissing them stroking the insides of her shivering thighs to calm her down taking his discarded boxer from side.
"Want you to squeeze baby -— I came alot." She does as he said and he cleans her with his clothe showering her in kisses and praises.
Running a steamy bath with essential lavender and rose oils and bathe salts. Resting her between his legs to feel her skin everytime against his skin.
"I love you. Gonna keep ye' forever." He whispers in the silence of night and she smiled with fuzzy heart. Feeling good and fluttery. "I love you too."
Shrugging she retorts playfully, "I'd be all old and wrinkly but you'd be still this gorgeous now that's unfairrrrr." He just laughs at her cuteness creating obnoxious kissing noises while kissing her face.
"Gross." She mutters bashfully eyeing him and he fake offends tickling her sides causing the water splash from rims, "Wasn't gross when I was fucking your brains out—" She tries to smack him in between laughters.
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leagueofidiots · 4 years
Happy Birthday Dabi!!!!
A.) Triggers!! Mentions of past abuse
B.) Shigadabi yeet
C.) I headcanon Jan 18 as the day Touya died, but I wrote this back when I thought his birthday was Dec 6 and I was too lazy to edit things, so,,, yeah
I've never been a huge believer in birthdays. Living with the Todorokis, I always spent it training or locked in my room, screaming and crying and begging for freedom. With Ujiko, they went by without my notice. On the streets, I only did something once. Just found a small alleyway and lit my fingertip on fire, singing to myself in an attempt to try to lift my mood. Honestly, it just made me more depressed.
It's just a day used as a mark of age. Not even worth mentioning. In fact, something to keep secret to everyone but yourself.
So it's beyond a surprise when I swing open the door of my room to be greeted with a loud shout of "Happy birthday!" ringing in my ears. My fellow league members stand in front of me, a small, messily frosted cupcake balanced in Toga's hands and held out to me.
"Guys, what are you doing?" I ask awkwardly. "Also, what day is it?"
"January eighteenth," says Compress. "Did we get our date wrong or something? We had to guess between today, February sixth, and November twelfth. Sources were somewhat unhelpful."
Was it my birthday already? I thought it wasn't for another week at least. Even so, how did they know? I'd carefully avoided the topic.
"You see, once you told us that you were…" begins Kurogiri, cutting himself off once he hits the name we all know he means. "Well, I decided to look you up. Just for a few simple things. Birthday, any interests I could find...I'm sorry if it seems invasive, but I thought it could help us better understand how to help you feel appreciated."
At first I'm put off by it. People knowing things about me I didn't tell them bothers me deeply. But the more I consider it, the less I mind. They care. And it's harmless, isn't it? It won't kill me to play along just for the day.
Toga waves the cupcake in my face. "Well, you gonna take it, Bacon Bits?" she asks gleefully.
I accept it, hesitantly taking a bite. "Mmmm. What'd you put in this thing?" I ask, mouth full. It tastes awful, and I feel my nose wrinkle in distaste despite myself. Between food in general, sweet food in general, and whatever the salty-bitter aftertaste is, I almost gag.
"Oh, crap, is that the wrong one? I put blood in one...I think that might be it. Sorry. It's either chocolate or blood."
Spinner gives her a sideways glance and a whispered, "Whose---"
I spit out the dark batter. "Definitely blood, but uh...You know, I'm good. Not big on sweets anyway."
"Oh!" She takes it back. "More for me then."
Jin drags me out to the common area, mask lifted enough to display a wide grin. "We couldn't do much, but we figured it'd at least be better than before we all knew each other, yeah?"
"Yeah, sure," I say. "You guys didn't have to do anything, you know."
"Yes we did," Shigaraki insists. "You're my right hand, it's only right we should give you at least one day for just you."
"Now we know you're more the type of guy to keep to yourself," says Magne, "so just let us spoil you for the next half hour, then you get to do whatever you want, okay?"
I nod again, shaking my wrist loose from Twice's grip. "Alright, I can deal with that. What did you guys have planned?"
Suichi quickly ties his scarf around my eyes, careful of his claws and my staples. "Hang tight for one sec."
There's a quick shuffling, accompanied by my teammates' voices muttering happily to each other. A portal opens, and a few moments later I'm allowed to see again.
The seven idiots I for some reason chose to live with sit in a half-circle on the floor at my feet, each holding grocery bags with diversely-shaped contents, one of Toga's hair ribbons tied and stuck on top of each. Atsuhiro smiles, and passes me his.
"You guys…" I say quietly. I'm not worth all this effort, all this money, all this time. It'd be better spent planning missions or buying food or really anything else. It's stupid of them to care so much about something---someone---so worthless.
"Not a word," says Jin, as if he can hear my thoughts. "You're worth it. We saved up for this."
It's not anything like when I was a kid, eagerly tearing open neatly and colorfully wrapped boxes, unsurprised at the high cost of the contents. I'd never thought I was worth any of it deep down, but the ritual was still exciting even if I spent it alone on most occasions. But this is nicer. People around me that actually care. I try to make myself accept it.
Baby wipes from Compress, saying he worries about me showering on the days my scars hurt particularly badly. A book from Spinner, saying he'd read it and thought I'd enjoy it. Eyeliner from Kenji, saying she'd tested it for tear-proofness. A sweater from Kurogiri, saying he'd knitted it himself. Several nail polishes from Himiko, saying she wanted to give me the pastel pink as soon as humanly possible. A My Chemical Romance CD from Twice, saying he wanted to listen to it with me sometime.
When it comes to Tomura, he simply tosses an empty plastic bag onto my lap. "I didn't buy anything."
"Some boyfriend you are," I say teasingly. Really, I'm somewhat grateful. As much as I want to feel wanted, I can't help but see the yen racking up, another day without food for the league, the people I care about most suffering as silently as they're able to.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. My gift to you is that I will leave you alone." He doesn't smile or anything to indicate that he's kidding. "Won't hug you, or try to hold your hand, or anything. You're free."
I push myself off the couch onto my knees, trying to ignore the tugging at my staples. "Tomura…" How do I say it? I don't want to sound like I care too much or anything. "I don't want you to leave me alone. Just...Just when I ask you to, okay?"
Does he think I don't want him? It's difficult to treat him like I do when touch can be so suffocating, so terrifying. Especially with someone like him, who has described laying inches away from me without trying to cling to me like drowning.
I take his hands in mine, careful to leave his fingers to twitch anxiously away from mine. "You deserve to get what you want too."
Tomura smiles up at me, eyes shining a little bit with the effort to remain emotionless at my rare display of affection. "Well, what am I supposed to get you then?"
"Seeing you smile's enough," I say quietly. I regret it instantly.
"Oh, get a room," laughs Magne.
I roll my eyes, and shove myself back up onto the couch. "Thanks, Kenji."
"Always happy to help."
"Well, that's all we have," says Kurogiri, smile showing in his voice. "Let us know if we can do anything for you, but the rest of the day is all yours."
"Enjoy your alone time," says Suichi, helping pull me to my feet. "You're probably not gonna get any more for a long time."
And for once, the thought of being alone terrifies me. If I go alone in that room, how is it any better than those years I spent before the burns, the black hair, the overwhelming hatred?
"Actually, I'd rather hang out here," I say as if it's no matter, as if the thought of closing a door behind me won't send me spiralling back to that ten year old version of myself, screaming and pounding on my walls as a mix of tears and snot pour down my face.
"Oh. Alright, cool." Jin holds out another cupcake to me. "You're positive you don't want this?"
I shake my head, smiling a little. "Thank you guys. For this."
Toga grins. "Anything for our favorite edgelord."
Tomura pushes himself to his feet, snatching the cupcake from Twice. He takes a toungeful of the grainy-looking frosting and smirks at me, passing the cake back covered in saliva. I take his hand, his pinkie sticking out cautiously. "Happy birthday, Dabi." And looking around at them, I finally understand the phrase's meaning.
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This is what he's jamming to: https://youtu.be/aWQ_r9nNHt0
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roxxythebirbrps · 7 years
The Morning After
Sol: *Early in the morning, the maids come in to wake him, opening his curtains. they all stare at the young woman in his bed for a while, before he wakes* Alright.. I'm awake. Leave me. *He mutters, rubbing at his eyes with his free hand as light bursts into the room, his other hand still clinging to the female beside him*
Jessica: *not expecting such an early wake up call, not after a long night of clubbing so she buries her face into his chest hiding from the light really not wanting to get up yet*
Sol: *He sighs as they leave* .. I've got a terrible headache. *He mutters* I need more sleep. *He mumbles tiredly, pressing his face into the pillow*
Jessica: *major hangover, she pulls the covers over her head so she could block out more light and tries to go back to sleep*
Sol: Jessica.. We need to be up for breakfast. *He looks down to her, cheeks flushing lightly as he looks her over* The maids will probably bring some spare clothes for you..
Jessica: i don't think i'll be able to eat anything...ugh i hate this part of clubbing....massive hangovers.....just leave me here i don't exist *chuckles slightly*
Sol: *Smiles slightly* I'm sorry, I feel the same, but you have to make a good impression. Luckily, my mother is already fond of you, and my father is away on business, so you won't need to try too hard.
Jessica: oh yes that's right. *finally sits up the shirt disheveled and her hair was a bit tousled and she rubbed her eyes* now that you are no longer under the influence did you enjoy last night?
Sol: *He glances over her only briefly, he had enough sense not to be rude and stare after all. He smiles* It was better than I expected, certainly.
Jessica: *smiles at him* that's great, I was worried that in the morning you would be all grumpy and regret everything.
Sol: I'm not 'grumpy'. And alcohol always helps you relax in .. uncomfortable situations. *He runs his fingers through his hair briefly, glancing to the door when a few maids return with clothes for him and for her*
Jessica: hello *smiles at the maids glad to have some clean close to wear down stairs* oh where is my purse...tylenol tylenol....*crawls off the bed a bit groggy looking for her purse to get something for her headache*
Maid: Um, would you like a glass of water, miss?
Sol: *He stretches comfortably, covering his mouth when he yawns. He grimaces as he clutches at his head briefly. His gaze travels to her briefly as she crawls around, though only when she couldn't see him doing so.*
Jessica: make it two glasses....you want some tylenol Sol? *bends down picking up her purse holding her head a bit* ugh... *panty flash then she stands back up*
Sol: *He nods as he glances back over to her, only to hastily look away, cheeks burning. This woman was going to kill him!*
Maid: *Leaves and then returns with two glasses of water* Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes, please make yourselves presentable for then. Lady Valerie will be dining with you.
Sol: Yes, yes, I know. You can leave now. We may be late, though, so tell my mother we'll be down as soon as we can. *He looks back to Jessica as the maid curtseys and leaves* You may use the bathroom first.
Jessica: thanks *pours out the tylenol and hands him the pills and the glass before taking her own, she just takes the pills and water into the bathroom then goes back to grab her clothes*
Sol: *He takes the pills with his water, before he finishes the water* Oh, there is a spare toothbrush in one of the cupboards in there that you are free to use, as well as a flannel to wash your face if you feel the need. If you want a shower, you will have to wait until after breakfast now, I'm afraid, but you are free to use a guest bathroom afterwards.
Jessica: thank you *she goes back into the bathroom and closes the door behind her, she then proceeds to wash off all her makeup and and brushes her teeth at least her mouth won't taste like booze any more. she looks around a borrows one of his brushes and brushes out her hair taking all over hair out of the brush. she looks around for a little white powder, body powder works just fine she takes some and dabs it on her face lightly rubbing it in, evening her skin tone so she doesn't look like she has bright red cheeks* thank god he had that *she turns on the water and uses the bathroom, like hell she wants him listening in on that*
Sol: *He dresses into his new clothes while he waits for her to finish in his bathroom, going to a mirror as he fixes his hair. He looked presentable now, at least. He only needed to brush his teeth, and pee.*
Jessica: *she figures out how to get her clothes on and exists the bathroom* it's all yours *she moves out of the way sitting on the bed hoping she looks presentable despite the lack of makeup, not that she wears a lot but just enough to tie everything in*
Sol: *He smiles at her and heads into the bathroom to freshen up, doing all that he needed to before he heads out to her* Are you ready to go to breakfast?
Jessica: yes. *smiling so glad the tylenol was kicking in otherwise this would be a very long breakfast*
Sol: *He offers her his arm and then leads her to their dining room, a, like the others in his house, large room with a long table. Only three places at one end where set up, and his mother sat at the head of the table.* Good morning, mother.
Valerie: *She looks to them, eyes positively lighting up at the fact that he had spent the night with Jessica. She was already looking forward to grandchildren* Good morning Sol, Jessica.
Jessica: *lightly hugging his arm as they walk through the house to the dining room slight preparing herself for any sort of scrutiny she would get for spending the night unannounced. She was a bit relieved when she looked so happy to see her* Good Morning Ma'am *she smiles hoping there won't be much of an argument or a scolding*
Sol: *He walks over to pull out a seat for Jessica, ever the gentleman, waiting for her to sit before he moves around to sit across from her. He begins eating in silence. He didn't often talk to his mother during breakfast, and today would be no exception. He knew that she'd be more interested in Jessica's conversation, anyway*
Valerie: *She smiles happily as she watches them. Unfortunately, her son was as hard to read as ever, so she, as expected, turns her attention to Jessica* I trust your date was acceptable? I hope my son behaved himself this time.
Jessica: *she takes her seat and thanks him letting him walk around to his seat, she turns and smiles at Valerie when she begins speaking to her* Yes it was extremely enjoyable and he was quite behaved *not sure whether or not to mention that she took him to a nightclub*
Valerie: Oh good. *She glances briefly to Sol, before she smiles at Jessica again* According to a man I will not mention by name- *She hands Sol back the money he'd given to the chauffeur with an amused smile* You two came back very late, and not at all sober.
Sol: *He frowns briefly* This house has no good help.
Valerie: You forget who employs them, my dear boy~ *She speaks teasingly. Her son had inherited his father's personality, and been raised under his father's tutelage, and so was nothing like her. She was, of course, from an old and rich family, but one not so strict*
Jessica: *becomes a bit nervous* oh dear.. *how exactly does one tell their soon to be mother-in-law that they took their only son to a nightclub and got him drunk and dancing she fidgets with her hands on her lap* well yes we did come here quiet late and very much not sober.. *blushes lightly she was drowning and could do nothing*
Valerie: Well, obviously. *She rolls her eyes, before she leans forwards on her hands, speaking in a loud whisper* Do I have any grandchildren on the way~? *She knew it was unlikely; they were not married yet and her son was still .. new to it all, she knew. But she was allowed to hope.*
Jessica: *blushes deeply at the insinuation looking quite startled by the question, not sure she prepared herself for the right thing* i-is that r-really an appropriate question? I-I mean we aren't even m-married yet *so very flustered now*
Valerie: *Laughs* I'm sorry, I'm teasing. *She smiles happily, finishing her breakfast in silence*
Sol: *Remains silent until he finishes his own, before he clears his throat* Mother, on the weekend I'd like to take Jessica horse riding, so would you tell the stablehands to prepare for then?
Valerie: Oh? *She blinks, before she smiles happily* No. In fact, I have a better idea. You can take her to our country house. There are stables and horses there, but less staff, and more freedom. You two can -spend- the weekend there. Unless either of you have objections.
Sol: *He blinks. He wasn't sure that was a good idea. But he didn't want to refuse, it would be rude to do so in front of Jessica anyway* That will be fine for me.
Jessica: *trying to pull herself together clears her throat a little* yes that works perfectly well with my schedule *she picks up her glass and sips it then starts eating hoping if she was eating she wouldn't be asked such questions*
Sol: *He glances briefly to Jessica, before he works on silently continuing his breakfast, Valerie comfortably sipping at her juice*
Jessica: *will be glad to be at the country house where his mother can't ask her such questions like that at breakfast time when she isn't mentally prepared for it*
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