#I'll make him his own Tag for Now and Edit this with the Title for the Story (I don't have one rn-)
namedoggo · 1 year
I keep forgetting to post this, but OC ART‼️ OC ART‼️
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His name is Thomas Anakoni and I Love Him (He absolutely goes Through it)
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Here's a Regular Color Version cause I think the colors I used are pretty
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phyrestartr · 4 months
PR Stunt (Only, Right?) | Sukuna/M!Reader | Teaser!
#NSFW in full, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Sukuna owns a body shop, reader is a performer, kinda meet cute, ABO dynamics, mpreg, yes there are always babies involved because i love dad sukuna, surprise baby, sukuna is a dickhead (what else is new), teaser not edited lmao
Note: This is just going to be a one-shot since it's already pretty much completed, just need to finish off the tail end and then go back and edit. Wanted a break from writing the other stories for a bit, so I hope you'll enjoy the full story when it's out
tags: @better-imagination-9 @better-imagination-9
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“Did you sleep with (L. Name) (F. Name)?” 
The question caught Sukuna off guard; normally, Uraume didn't inquire into his personal life in regards to who he had and hadn't slept with. They were a friend, yes, but moreover they were the bookkeeper and helped with securing clients and arranging meetings–celebrities and their managers were fucks that Sukuna didn't like negotiating with. Best to leave the yapping to someone with a cooler head.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Sukuna asked as he rolled out from under the newest commissioned vehicle. 
Uraume walked to him, iPad in hand, and turned it to him, stone cold. 
Sukuna sat up straighter and squinted at the screen, annoyed. You’d probably just made up some salacious rumour and spread it throughout your friend circles; or worse, you wanted revenge on him for something he probably definitely did. In that case, Sukuna could somewhat understand. But still–
(Name) putting on weight? What’s happening to the former bombshell babe of Japan?!
Pregnant with a baby boy?! The secret's out!
(Name) returns to the stage after giving birth to a baby boy–but who is the father?
(Name) driving a Ryoumen Sukuna rescue vehicle?! Could he be the deadbeat dad we've been looking for?
Sukuna sucked his teeth after skimming over the article titles presented to him. 
“...No proof.” 
“Ah. Then please explain this,” Uraume requested, still polite as ever, as they flicked to an additional few images the scumbag paparazzi had caught of you. 
One was the car mentioned. Sukuna remembered it like it was yesterday–the joy of restoring a Porsche 911 back into its former glory was unmatched. You happily paid for all the parts and too often swung by to see the progress being made on the old thing. Obviously, Sukuna was more than happy to oblige. 
The next was of you holding a little nugget of a baby against your chest as you walked down a street in Shibuya. Nothing too damning, nothing too inspirational. 
But the last one–
“The fuck?” Sukuna mumbled as he snatched the iPad from Uraume’s hands and zoomed in on the now-toddler sitting with you in that damn Porsche, grinning brightly beside his mum while you ruffled his hair. His very, very pink hair. 
Sukuna took a breath while he thought. He didn't have to think too hard, though, not when he still dreamed about you and the short-lived fling between the two of you. 
“A Porsche 911, huh?” Sukuna grinned as he looked over the beat up, rusted beater of a car. He could still see scraps of its former glory, of the beautiful thing she used to be. Heaven knows she would've become an irreparable hunk of junk if you hadn't bought it from a scrapyard. 
“Yep.” You beamed. “So you think you can make her pretty again?” 
“You kidding? I'd pay you to let me fix this thing, baby.” Sukuna caught sight of your security stepping forward, but you waved them off without a second thought. 
Sukuna smirked. “But it’s not gonna be cheap.” 
You nodded. “Well, do what you have to. I'll pay whatever you need, handsome.” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna asked, looking your neatly-manicured appearance up and down; you were dressed like you were meeting someone of great importance (and  you were, obviously), with your hair groomed perfectly, outfit fit for a premiere, skin flawless. 
“Mhm. And I tip well.” you looked him up and down in kind, grinning as you bit at the nub of your sunglasses.
Every time you came to check on his progress, genuine excitement flooding in your motormouthed Words, you'd go home with him and fuck him silly. 
And now, you were the momma to his baby. Allegedly. 
“I–so what the fuck does this have to do with anything?” Sukuna ran a frustrated hand through his hair after Uraume took the tablet back. “Bitch isn't asking for anything, he's not asking me to be his public fucking baby daddy, not asking me to pay for nothing?” 
“No,” Uraume conceded, “But he and his PR managers have reached out concerning this.” 
The man groaned and stood. “Fucking hell. Can't stand fucking PR teams. Thw fuck did they want?” 
“They want to make a statement about Touma's father.” 
Sukuna froze.
“Touma's a good name for a boy, right?” 
You asked the question so suddenly, so out of nowhere in the quiet of the afterglow. The city lights sparkled and winked at you both through the towering windows keeping you safe from the outside world. In hindsight, Sukuna would wonder if the city was excited for him. For you. 
“What, for a mutt?” Sukuna drawled, puffing on a blunt while he played with your hair and drowned in the tingles left in the wake of fingers drawing circles on his bare chest. 
“For a kid,” you chastised With a laugh. “I like Touma. Or Touka for a girl. Ayato's nice, too. Maybe Kazue.” 
“You better not be pregnant.”
“I'm not, I'm not. I'm just getting baby fever, I guess.” You hummed and left a sweet kiss against his tan skin. “I guess being around a big, bad boy like you's got me feeling domestic.” 
Sukuna laughed, dazed and happy. “You wanna ruin this pretty lil’ body for a fucking kid? Be my guest. Just don't come looking for a booty call after you've ruined yourself like that.” 
“Oh, don't worry,” you cooed. “I won't.” 
Man. Man. 
“A statement.” 
“In other words–”
“I'm not the fucking father.” 
“This might be a good way to get Yorozu off your case,” Uraume suggested, and Sukuna perked up. 
“Right. She fuckin’ hates kids.” 
“So, if you were to have a son, and it's revealed you've been quietly trying to make things work behind the scenes with (Name), then hypothetically–”
“I'll take the runt.”
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codename-adler · 2 months
WIP Game: aftg television soundtrack project
I love everything going on with this, just constantly imagining it in my head with different lines and scenes and everything 💖💖💖
my beloved, beloved insane project... i've already spoken about this here and there on my blog (i will organize a tag now that i think about it, dw), but in short i'm imagining AftG as if it were adapted as a TV series (first it was films, but i can do more with a show, and HBO TLoU changed me as a person and writer). it was 3 seasons, one for each book, but i've added a 4th season for TSC, and will add another one or 2 depending on how many more books Nora Sakavic blesses us with.
what i did was, i extracted the most impactful scenes from each book, those that would fit a soundtrack moment. i've created a sort of PowerPoint presentation, like a mood board for the scene, of how i'm picturing it shot, the angles, the pace, the tempo, etc. it is very, very clear in my head how everything goes. i'm not kidding. making playlists is my passion, and one i excel at i believe, but it brings me so much joy, pride and satisfaction. it's also really good for my mental. in parallel to this, i've also got the aftg x tlou project, which was wholly inspired by @cielalune 's own Andreil tlou AU fic turn out the lights, which i will NEVER shut up about. i have found a true kinship in their writing and musicality and i will forever be grateful for finding them and getting to exchange. all this to say, the playlist-making/planning for that fic is very time-consuming and brain-obsessing.
now back to the purely soundtracked wip. i'll share one of the first scenes i imagined and that has yet to change. this is for you too @minyard-05 <3
All for the Game (S2): The Raven King
"Betsy closed the door behind them. Neil could just make out the sound of her engine starting, and then it was quiet. Andrew was gone." (p. 255)
the slide currently looks like this as i haven't gotten to editing S2 of the project, but rest assured this is in no way the final look:
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i'm going for a sort of echo-y, daze-y, numbing eulogy. TFC ends with Seth's death, and in a way, TRK ends with Andrew's. luckily it is a good "death" as he will come out of this freer, himself, accepted. but it is a death nonetheless. death of his past. a point of no return. a definite cross on all of it. no going back. and he also cannot bury this under his skin like before. over it. it's all in plain sight now. for as unapologetic as he is, Andrew was hiding.
Neil loses his best friend. Neil reckons with another's demons, and loses to them, loses him to them. That closing door rings the gong. And it's quiet. As manic as he may have been, Andrew was never noisy and full of life. Still he is missed. His absence is an abyss. It's not peaceful without the "monster"; it's deafening silence.
and the title of the song, too, is so perfect. Andrew leaving Neil behind that closed door, in that moment, means he is letting go of what he thinks is a hallucination. Neil will only be a memory now. he does not know yet Neil isn't a pipedream at all.
but both men will hold on to the memory of each other to survive what comes next.
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transman-badass · 7 months
Which Image - A Chzo Mythos fanfic
Title comes from the song Witch Image by the band Ghost. If there's interest I'll write more and explain to my followers what this game series is.
Apologies to the people who wanted to be tagged in this, Tumblr isn't recognizing your urls. I'll try to tag in a reblog. Also apologies to the British if my American ass screwed things up. I'll make edits as needed.
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London, 2015
In between the crackling thunder, a young man screamed in agony, sweet as the music of a harpsichord.
Footsteps pounded like the rain through the stolen, repurposed corpse of a building. An office, once, now a shell like any other mortal body. Down the many stairs the footsteps carried, sneakers squeaking wet on dirty tile. Down the stairs and through the halls, she ran.
Why the persistence? Too late, far too late, to save her friend. But the young woman resisted the obvious. Dark of hair and pure of heart, he could not harm her yet. He watched the sweat drip down her warm brown skin, how she brushed the strands of hair from her face. Standing, kneeling, struggling, suffering.
He watched and he wondered. Yes, he did wonder.
It'd been a strange choice, to offer up an American for a sacrifice, but Chzo was not a picky god. This young woman could not have looked more different from her light-haired friend. But in her eyes, a desperate fire burned, and looking away proved a challenge.
That fire… She reminded him of someone. How distasteful.
Of course, of course, too late for her friend. She opened the door to strangers standing over the remains. Of course, of course, too late for her. The cult would spare her, when they caught her, he would ensure it…
They did not catch her.
They did not even notice her, too consumed with their own escape. The Ministry agents closed in, fortune smiling upon them once again. She fled, they fled, and it had all gone wrong.
He could've been furious.
He could've been.
Instead, he stood upon the old building, his shadow stretching long in the light flashing overhead. He stood, and he watched her race into the darkness, her parcel, their parcel, clutched to her frail body.
He watched, and yes, yes he wondered.
She reminded him of someone… Cabadath wasn't sure he liked that.
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It'd been almost twelve hours before anyone realized the girl was gone. Far too late to save her life. The Order of Blessed Agonies worked fast. But so did Trilby.
The Order must've been desperate to prey on tourists. They had to have known who they were choosing. The accents on these kids weren't subtle. Five of them came overseas on spring holiday, bright eyed and oblivious. Three headed home tonight. The other two would follow in coffins.
“Trilby,” one of his supervisors said, “I know what you're thinking. Don't put yourself at risk to try and save this kid.”
“I'm already at risk,” he'd said. “What's a little more?”
“We need you alive - and so do they.”
And that was the thing, wasn't it? The Order wouldn't keep this girl, this Jillian Taylor Cortez, alive, but he couldn't say they'd do the same with him. Damned prophecies…
Her name was Jillian Taylor Cortez. She just turned 19. Mexican-American mother, British father. Got her middle name because the latter died before she was born, so said her friends.
She looked nothing like Simone Taylor. If she had, Trilby might've lost it again.
Twelve hours, they found the boy, or what was left of him. They'd followed the muddy footprints from the ground floor all the way to the altar. Trilby followed them back up, frowning. Pretended he didn't see the glances between the ones around him.
He had a hunch.
Just a hunch, but he'd been doing this for almost twenty years now. Just a hunch, he'd say later… but he'd been right before.
“Don't you dare!” Someone shouted at his back. “Damn it, Trilby! Get back here! It's not worth it!”
He ignored them, ignored the rain soaking his suit. Wasn't breaking the rules if nobody up top told you not to. Besides, he was just following a hunch. Just giving a quick check around the buildings. No harm in that.
No harm on her, when he caught her dead center in the light of his torch.
He stared at her and she stared right back, her eyes wide and hollow. The rain soaked her right through, plastering clothes to skin and hair to her cheeks. The bow in her hair, half undone. The fear in her eyes, too painful, too real.
Trilby raised a hand.
She bolted.
“Wait! No!”
Trilby followed.
The kid knew how to run. Ran through the streets like the world was ending. Trilby kept up. He wasn't young anymore, he'd feel it for the next few days, but he kept up. So did the rain.
Only took a few wrong turns. She didn't know anything about the area - neither did he, to be fair. Was only a little bit of a surprise to find themselves in another alley, to come across the fence blocking their way. Was a very big surprise when the girl ran right for it.
“Jillian!” He shouted over the thunder. “Jill!”
Did she even hear him? She didn't stop. Lunged for the fence, one hand grasping the chain link metal. Trilby moved faster than her.
He grabbed her around the waist. She screamed. They both hit the ground, he let her go and she scrambled backwards. He shifted, sat up, looked her in the face again.
Terrified eyes, wide and wild. It wasn't just the rain soaking her cheeks, the spring weather shuddering her shoulders.
Trilby raised his hands.
“Jillian,” he said. “It's alright, Jill. I'm with the Ministry of Occultism. We're here to help you. I can't believe you're still alive…”
She breathed. She held the book in her arms tight. Book? He looked down at it. Heavy, large, leather bound. Some kind of writing on the cover.
Oh my God, he thought. Did she steal that from the Order?
Trilby looked up to her face again. Her eyes locked onto something over his shoulder.
Trilby jerked out of the way. The blade buried into the ground he'd stood moments before. Trilby moved, backed away as far as he could go, the blood draining from his face.
“Oh, hell,” Trilby said.
The featureless face of the Prince of Pain tilted towards him. Cabadath had not changed at all in the last twenty years. Bone chilling, even after all these years and all their meetings. Still ever the same, nine feet tall and dressed in black, the rain coursing down his long coat and leaving the fabric dry. The Prince straightened in slow motions, raising the four pronged scythe and resting it by his side.
Still the Prince stared at him, though he had no eyes to do so. He raised a hand and pointed to the girl.
Jill. She'd gotten out of the way just in time. Trilby couldn't risk looking away from the Prince for longer than an instant, Cabadath moved too fast, but she still breathed, standing against the fence. Her eyes, still wild, locked onto the terror between them.
Had Cabadath been chasing her too? The Prince had powers like no human ever could. Hallucinations were a favorite, Trilby knew that from experience.
The Prince waited.
Trilby took a breath.
“Jillian,” he said. “Give him the book.”
She did not move but her whole body shuddered with her breath.
“He's playing nice right now,” Trilby said, eyes locked on the Prince, “but he doesn't have to. You don't know what he's fully capable of, you've just seen part of it.”
Jillian did not move.
“There's nothing in that book that can help you,” Trilby said. “You don't want to get involved with this more than you have been. I don't know how you got it, but you need to give it back. Before he takes it from you.”
Her body shuddered. Jillian blinked, hard. The Prince did not move. He did not look away.
Her arms unlocked. She took another deep, shuddering breath. Holding the book in careful hands, she laid it upon the ground at her feet, and stepped away. And away. And away.
Trilby watched the Prince. He did not notice where the young woman moved to, until she stopped. Stopped between him and Cabadath, facing the Prince, her arms stretched out as if she could protect Trilby from the monster watching them.
Protect him from Cabadath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry at the thought.
The Prince tilted his head. His gaze shifted towards the girl. Trilby placed a hand on Jillian’s shoulder. Cabadath’s shoulders shook, as if in silent laughter. But of course, no sound came from the Tall Man. They were not worth the effort.
Turning away from the mortals, Cabadath stepped toward the book. He knelt, and with one long free hand, picked it up. Turning fully back towards the two humans, he bowed a mocking thanks. Trilby set his teeth, held Jill's shoulder as she flinched.
As the Prince straightened, he vanished. The rain poured down over them and the tension disappeared from Trilby's body. Cabadath truly was gone. For now.
Jillian sobbed.
Trilby's focus snapped to her again. Shit.
She placed her hand over her mouth as the sobs shook her body.
“Cal,” she whispered the name of her friend. “Cal, I'm sorry.”
He couldn't think of anything to say. Trilby wrapped an arm around her and pulled out his phone with the other. How long had it been ringing?
“Yeah?” He said. “Yeah, I'm alright. Yeah, we're both okay. I found the girl, she's alive. It's… it's a long story. I'll explain everything back at headquarters.”
Trilby held the young woman against his body as he led her back into the light. He glanced uneasy at the roofs above them, expecting a tall shadow staring down, but only the rain waited overhead, the drops falling down between her tears.
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agirlandherquill · 4 months
Ruin's Reprisal - WIP Intro
I was recently tagged by the lovely @mysticstarlightduck in a post of theirs and it inspired me so much I thought I'd put my own spin on it for my novel!
rules are simple, or to my mind, easily breakable (not that I will, because this rule is so broad and so fun) - pick a WIP and post something about it!
so without further ado, here's my WIP Intro!
Title - Ruin's Reprisal
Genre - Fantasy/High-Fantasy (if that's still a thing, sure hope so)
Tags - (ought to come up with some, shouldn't I? ah, well, I'll update this when I do!)
Synopsis - like me with my edits on the manuscript, it's a work in progress
Disgrace. Servant. Murderer.
Three people with nothing in common, except that they were wronged.
And now, they’re willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. Which means taking the one thing that their society rests on; its sins, its saints, its deaths and broken dreams.
The unlikely band of criminals are going to steal the crown.
Everything depends on one heist. Take the crown. Free themselves.
Will any of them survive? Or will they fall to the country that took everything from them? 
Only time will tell.
And they’re running out of it.
Plot Features, Tropes, A Little Warning Of The Chaos You'll Find
Heist. One big, life-risking, soul-aching heist
I killed for you. Because of you.
Life-saving debt, and then some
Royalty, a Court, and gut-wrenching normality - add a hint of rebellion while you're at it
Gifts and Curses, what's the difference?
My heart is in your hands, literally.
Morally Grey Characters
Deniable Feelings
Lies, lies, lies
A Wedding and A Funeral
I'm going to die. I AM GOING TO DIE.
Ballroom dances. Need I say more?
We had a plan. We had many plans. What now?
You love me. You won't hurt me.
You made me feel. I need you to stop. I need you to break me because I cannot do it myself.
The Crown was never yours, it's mine.
You were supposed to come to me, to be with me, and I'd have made it all stop.
Slow-burn - light that fire, watch it burn
Limping into battle - best idea I've ever had.
Revenge. Revenge. Revenge.
He broke you? I'll destroy him.
I have hated you since the day I met you, and it still isn't enough.
Heroes and Villains
Light and Dark
Framing for a crime
Who knew a letter could destroy everything?
Character Portraits
Edeva Vitaire - Once a woman with everything: title, gowns, respect, the lot, now she is nothing more than an Exilza, someone exiled to the Half-Lands for a crime she did not commit. Edeva has learned the hardest of ways how someone can lose everything, and she knows what to sacrifice for revenge - she wants her mother's killer more than she wants her innocence restored, and she has only learned to survive in the wilds this long because of it. Mild-mannered by birth, spine steeled by survival, Edeva will do whatever it takes to get answers, even if it means partnering with the last person in the world she would want to help her.
Lucien Vaisey - Trained from birth to serve and protect the Alvarros, Aliria's Royal Family, Lucien understands duty more than most, and what it costs. His sword is at the mercy of other's commands, except when it comes to protecting those he cares for, then, this soldier truly becomes something fearsome.
Fenley Evander - Outcast by nature, damned in soul, Fenley is one of the few with a stomach for violence, and the darkened desire to do something with it. He kills for coin, to maintain a balance in the world, but there is no balance in himself. Plagued by a power deemed unnatural, Fenley is forced to hide his true nature, until the time calls for it. A dangerous man as ever lived, Fenley does not mourn for where his afterlife lies, instead he devours the fear others bestow upon him. He feeds the emptiness inside, and still he continues to hunger for something far harsher than violence - revenge, and to obtain it, he will stoop to wretched depths - manipulation, murder, and even betrayal - no man, nor woman, on this earth can possibly get in his way.
Part One:
Hunt & Hunter
Monsters & Mavericks
Saviour & Solace
Ashes & Absolution
Murders & Markets
Blood & Bravery
Cabins & Crime
Invitations & Irritation
Farewell & Forever
Emancipation & Exile
Puppet & Puppeteer
Part Two (this is as far as I've got with edits and changing chapter names so far, I'll update when I get more done)
Dance of Dismay
Lament of Larkhill
Rumours of Rage
Night of Nothing
Aches of Affliction
Trials of Twilight
Climb of Contemplation
Death of Diplomacy
My Inspiration!
This section is simply me getting to ramble about the things that stoked the fires of my imagination - movies, books, shows - songs, all the works! (as and when i recall/think of more, i'll add them to the list)
The Cruel Prince - had to go far into the depths of my memory for this one, but it was this series that truly got me invested in the likes of Fae and that sort of fantasy, and I took a lot of inspo from that! (in the early days, the Haelish were Fae but I wanted to go outside of that character stereotype and create my own fantasy bloodline/species, for lack of a better word)
Throne of Glass - to this day i'm still in awe of the world, the plot, the characters, everything and though i've only read it once parts of it have stuck with me
Six of Crows - the heist aspect of my novel shockingly came about before i'd read this but it certainly helped that part of the plot along
Red Queen - the villain of my novel, not saying who because who enjoys massive spoilers? (spoiler alert - not me), was deeply, deeply inspired from this series - I'd wager it was the first fantasy novel I'd read that gave me an insight into a truly 'dark' character, and I loved that, and of course, I used it as inspiration and to this day I am still torn between preferring a villainous character to a hero - it's one of the tropes I really, really enjoy
Far From Home by Sam Tinnesz - this was one of the very first songs I'd found for my initial writing playlist, and it's been played many, many times since
Lovely by Fleurie and Tommee Profitt - this embodied the regality and the tension that takes place in so many parts of my story, it was impossible not to be inspired
To Be Alone by Hozier - my ears will never forgive me for this, but it's true of any Hozier song, but this is one of my favourites
Pirates of the Caribbean - grew up watching these repeatedly, needless to say some of the characters did give me inspiration
The Mummy - one of my absolute favourite movies of all time, Rick O'Connell's attitude was an important factor for me to take inspiration from, he's such an interesting character
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nekoannie-chan · 1 month
Title: Snort.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Word count: 291 words.
Square: 1 “Snort.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock always snorts when he disagrees.
Major Tags: Arguing.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @fandom-free-bingo Flight Edition.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. Please let me know if you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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You were walking down the sidewalk, enjoying the cool evening breeze, when you saw Brock waiting for you on the corner, leaning against a lamppost.
“You're late," Brock complained, crossing his arms and then snorting.
“It was only five minutes," you replied with a smile. But Brock simply snorted again.
“We need to talk about tomorrow's mission," he said, starting to walk beside you.
“Brock, we've already talked about this. I'm just as capable as you are. Besides, it's necessary that... "
“I don't care if it's necessary or not," he replied, snorting again. “I don't agree. "
“But..." you started, trying to reason with him, but he interrupted you with another snort.
They arrived at a nearby café, and while waiting for their drinks, you decided to change the subject.
“Have you tried the carrot cake here? People say it's the best in town. "
“We're not here to talk about cake. "Brock looked at you in disbelief, letting out another snort.
“Why do you always have to snort when you don't agree with me? “ you asked.
“Because you always have these reckless ideas," he replied, snorting again to emphasize his point.
“Listen, Brock," you finally said, leaning toward him. “I know you care about me. And I care about you, too. But we need to trust each other and our abilities. If you keep snorting every time we disagree, we're not going to get anywhere. "
“Maybe you're right," he admitted reluctantly. “But that doesn't mean I like it. "
“See? It wasn't that hard. "
“Just promise me you'll be careful," he said, this time without snorting.
“I promise," you replied, taking his hand across the table. “And I promise I'll take care of you too. "
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high-fantasy-sw · 6 months
Heroforge: Jedi (Part One)
I'm back- with JEDI! Well, actually, only about half of them. I still need to make a few (like Kit Fisto, Quinlan, Barris, Jocasta Nu, etc; they're going to be in another post). But I think you'll enjoy who I have so far!
Also. I forgot to do honorifics for the Clones, because this is a fantasy world, and everyone has honorifics. Mea culpa, I'll edit that post as soon as I'm done with this one, so you can go check that out if you want.
Tagging: @whyoneartheven @anime-obsessed @majorproblems77
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Sir Anakin Skywalker, the Valiant. His lightsaber is a dark-blue greatsword, with the Kyber Crystal embedded in the pommel. I chose it to represent the facts that his attacks are very aggressive but leave room for little defense- as it's a two-handed weapon, he has to defend by using offensive measures. (Also, it's a double-edged blade. *coughs in foreshadowing*.) In addition- his prosthetic arm is an enchanted golden gauntlet, to reference Clone Wars (2003), because I am a sucker for Clone Wars (2003) as much as I am a sucker for The Clone Wars (2008).
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Sir Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Noble (alternatively: the Silver-Tongued). Okay, shut up for a second and let me nerd about his lightsaber. You may notice that he fights with a sword-and-shield combo. This is to reference his mastery of Soresu, a defense-heavy form of lightsaber combat. His crossguard- in which is embedded his light-blue kyber crystal- and his shield shape also reference the Jedi Crest. (And his hair is dark red because I said so, that's why.)
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Squire Ahsoka Tano (later to be granted the honorary title of Lady Ahsoka the Perseverant). SHE'S FINALLY DONE! As you can see, she's differed slightly from her original concept (which I will link here)- her headscarf is now blue, and she has a different skirt (which I realize you can't see in the original picture, but I assure you, it was different), which I changed to match the simpler tastes of the Jedi (sidenote: as you will see, Jedi do have a loose habit, or the uniform dress of a monastic order, but padawans are allowed to be a bit more liberal with their clothing because they are not fully professed members of the order yet). For lightsabers, she wields two Togrutan daggers with the kyber crystals embedded in the pommels, just like Anakin :) Since she dual-wields, I thought it would be more practical for them to be shortblades, so she doesn't accidentally slice herself; her fighting style is still highly acrobatic, just like in canon. ALSO! Her facial markings! I mentioned in the original sneak peek that I'd be writing lore on the different races, because most of them are just different human cultures in this AU, so I'll expand on those now! Togruta have a rich tradition of facial painting (and later tattooing, when a child comes of age) and each Togruta wears a unique pattern that blends elements of the markings of their family. Since Ahsoka is a Temple Youngling and thus doesn't remember her family's markings, she made her own based on the family she found in the Jedi Order. Her markings on Heroforge don't exactly match up to her canon markings but this explanation would work in either universe: her cheek markings represent Plo Koon and resemble the horns on his helmet; her forehead markings resemble Anakin's lightsaber, because he taught her to stand up and fight for herself and others; and her eyeliner markings represent Obi-Wan and how he taught her to be observant to the Force and to always look with empathy towards others.
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Archprior Yoda, the Wise. Sci-Fi creatures are actually quite easy to adapt into fantasy creatures- I just gave him hooves, horns, and a tail. The most intersting thing I want to point out is that he wields a fencing rapier as his lightsaber (you can't see it in these pictures, but his kyber crystal is in the pommel)- and, as you'll see when I post his pictures, so does his apprentice Dooku. Yoda's habit also has some additional accents, to denote his status as Archprior.
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Sir Mace Windu, the Eternally Stressed Just. Mace might just be my favorite redesign, because LOOK AT HIS ARMOR! It's all tinged purple, and his pauldrons and gauntlets are lionesque, referencing his creation and mastery of Vaapad. Additionally, and I know you can't really see it from these angles but trust me on this one, he wields an executioner's sword. These have a blunted end as they were not supposed to be used in combat, and Mace wields one to represent his statues as an arbiter of justice >:) This means he has to be extremely skilled with it to make it work effectively. His kyber crystal seems to be embedded in the pommel, but in actuality it runs all the way up the blade. This was for no particular reason, I just thought it looked cool.
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Sir Plo Koon, the Compassionate. His helmet is meant to reference his canon counterpart's head silhouette, and these helmets are a mark of pride for the Kel Dor- they're passed down through the paternal line and can be thousands of generations old. So, not exactly like Children of the Watch Mandos- they're not forbidden to remove their helmets, but they rarely do, to show pride in their lineage. Also, Plo wears a Wolfpack pauldron and a wolf fur cape, because he is a proud father :) His lightsaber has its kyber crystals embedded in its hand-guard and the base of the blade.
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Sir Ki-Adi-Mundi, the Insightful. Much like the Kel Dor, the Cereans have familial helmets, but they aren't necessarily heirlooms, and they're matrilineal- each Cerean will make his or her own unique helmet against the pattern of his or her mother. (Kel Dor, Cereans, and Togruta are all fiercely tribal- it's speculated they share a common ancestor culture.) He wields a dark blue cutlass, that burns light blue, with its kyber crystal in the pommel.
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Lady Shaak Ti, the Merciful. Like all fully-fledged adult Togruta, her facial markings are tattooed, and she wears a horned headdress over her headscarf. In addition, she wears a cape (to mimic her much longer, adult lekku). Her skirt features the same braided detailing as the braid on her headscarf, and she wields an aquamarine-colored scimitar, with the kyber crystal in the crossguard.
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Lady Aayla Secura, the Forthright. She wields a violet-blue shortsword, with the kyber crystal making up the pommel. She also wears the traditional Twi'lek kerchief. (I'm sorry there's not much to say about her, I haven't deeply explored the Twi'lek culture in this AU yet. I'll have more probably when I do my Rebels set.)
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Lady Luminara Unduli, the Honorable. She wields a seafoam-green blade with the kyber crystal in the crossguard. Unlike Togruta markings, Mirialan markings are completely personal and need not bear any resemblance to one's family's markings. They are, however, still tattooed. The front panel of her skirt also boasts a traditional Mirialan pattern, in the same metallic colors as the metal of her Mirialan gauntlets. (I think now is a good time to mention that, as you may have seen, while there is a habit enforced for the order, individual Jedi are allowed- and in fact, encouraged- to also import features of their traditional dress into the habit. So while they all wear similar clothes, the colors, skirts, shoes, and armor/jewelry/facial markings are unique from Jedi to Jedi.)
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Bonus: The Disaster Duos (I would have made a singular one with all three of them, but Heroforge is stupid and won't let me do that >:( )
I hope you enjoyed! Questions and comments are always welcome, and I'd love to hear them! They really help with characterization and worldbuilding, but more importantly, it makes me so happy to know you enjoyed! Next week, I'll probably have the Villains to post. I'm looking forward to it!
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coldshrugs · 9 months
wip wednesday
wow i'm on time!! ty @lilas and @lavampira beloveds!
i'll tag (with no pressure): @scionshtola @galadae @hylfystt @birues @impossible-rat-babies and also everyone meg and dani tagged. you're tagged again 💗
this is all being edited and will likely change but :>
The silence is not a comfort to her now. It stretches on like the gaping canyon below the city, churning with the force of something unfathomable. The street lanterns flicker to life on either side of her. "Io." He pries her away from the stone railing, and the unspoken question remains. But he smiles again, and she joins him as he playfully jostles her shoulder. Finally, now that the crowd has thinned, she throws her arms around him and squeezes until he shakes with low, rumbling laughter. He squeezes back. She steadies herself with a deep breath and releases him. They walk on. "I'm sorry. If you must know, I am a bit jealous of you. Your continued adventures. I haven't adjusted to standing still." "Easily remedied, no?" Estinien shrugs casually. "We will make our own adventure. Unless you've been chained at the ankle, what keeps you from going where you please, at least for a day? If you want for decent company, well, I cannot claim decency. But we are friends, are we not?" "Of course we are." Io bumps her shoulder against his. "Alas, the chain is metaphorical, and therefore heavier than you've imagined, and it has everything to do with the title you'd rather ignore." He crosses his arms, steps slowing as they near Fortemps Manor. "You don't even mean to try?" "I did not say that! I only meant–" "Io, dearest! And is that Ser Estinien?" Haurchefant's voice cuts through her retort. She did not hear the door open, but she certainly hears it shut as he takes the opportunity to join them. "The steward said you were out on errands, but I never expected you to procure such a treasure as the nation's final Azure Dragoon. How are you, my friend?" Haurchefant extends his hand to Estinien, who clasps his arm with practiced neutrality. The tight line of his lips tells another story–his annoyance at this interruption. For a blessing, this goes ignored by Haurchefant, but there is comfort in knowing she is not the only one hanging to her charades by a thread. "Fine," Estinien says. His gaze follows the arm he's just released settling around Io's waist. "And pray, if we must prattle on about rank, 'Knight Commander' is the less abrasive option." Haurchefant's expression brightens beyond possibility. "You are returning for good then?" "For now."
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alicewonderao3 · 11 months
Title: The Fool
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Haley Hotchner, oc female character.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x oc female character
Summary: What happens when you run into your boyfriends ex wife on a date? Should you really go confront her about how she’s messing with his feelings before you talk to your boyfriend?
Word count: 1,391
Authors note: Okay, so I was inspired by another song for this one, as usual. I’m still running with the whole Haley cheated on Aaron theory, at least for this story. I wrote this quickly and barely edited it, so I had no beta and all spelling and grammar mistakes are mine. I borrow the song lyrics from the song that inspired me: ‘The fool,’ by Lee Ann Womack. I don’t own the song. Tagging @sadgirlzluvdilfs
Warnings: slight angst, some fluff, mentions of cheating.
It was a rare Friday night off, no new cases, nothing urgent, so Aaron had picked me up for a date. I'd slipped into his favorite dress of mine, a gorgeous green sundress with tiny white flowers scattered across the fabric. The hem hits my thighs, and with my dark curls left loose around my face, pulled back a flowery clip, my honey-brown eyes sparkle as he leads me into the nice restaurant.
It's also a night he doesn't have Jack, so I already know he's gonna take me back to his place, which will be nice, a rare night sleeping with him. We order our drinks and as we sit, someone from the FBI notices Aaron as they walk by. He gives me an apologetic look as he gets pulled into some shop talk, and I stand up, letting him know I'm heading to the bathroom while he talks.
On my way back from the bathroom, I pass through the bar area and spy her. Haley. Aaron's ex is there, a new man on her arm. One of many, anyway. She throws her head back and giggles and flirts and my heart and mind have their internal battle. I only know her from pictures I've seen of her in Aaron's apartment, pictures he keeps because Jack's in them.
Aaron and I have been dating for a few months now. He's a handsome man, reserved to those who don't know him, but his love of musicals and his warmth drew me in. Along with those big brown eyes of his. He keeps telling me it's not the right time to meet Haley yet. He's barely a year out of his divorce, sure, and I know enough to know it wasn't a good one.
You don't know me, but I know who you are. Mind if I sit down?
I know I shouldn't approach her, but I can't help it, tapping her on the shoulder, as her date goes to the bathroom. She turns to face me, her eyes landing on mine. I take a deep breath and introduce myself. She shakes my hand, her voice hesitant. "Alice, right, you're dating my husband, if memory serves." She says, and I can't help but clear my throat. "Ex-husband."
My words fall into silence, and she glances around me. "Where is Aaron?" I can hear the want in her tone, and the excitement as she fixes her hair. "He's at our table, still," I say and I watch her noticeably deflate at my words. "Can I buy you a drink?" I ask her, and she nods. She offers me the chair to her date has vacated, and I buy her and myself a drink.
If you've got a minute, I'll buy you a drink, I've got something to say...
The bartender brings it to us, and she eyes me as she sips it, her eyes narrowing as she takes in my outfit. We make pointless small talk about Jack and the weather before she says, "What do you have to say to me, Alice?" I swallow down my drink and meet her eyes. "You're leading Aaron on."
She doesn't say anything to me. She doesn't deny it. She just flicks her blonde hair back, her eyes meeting mine. "So? He was mine first." I nod, meeting her eyes. "I'm not disputing that. But as much as he's trying to move on, you're making it hard for him. What, is he supposed to pine over you forever, while you go on dates?" I ask her, setting my glass down, my honey-brown eyes meeting hers.
I'm the fool, in love with the fool, who's still in love with you...
I sigh. "Haley. You divorced Aaron. I can't pretend to know why, since Aaron won't tell me, but I can guess. Sure, he says his job had a hand in it. The late nights, the missed anniversaries, the long periods away. But I know that's not all of it." I said, my words falling into silence.
I know she knows what I'm getting at when she takes a sip of her drink and sighs. "What's your point, Alice? If I want to flirt with him I will." She says, and I sigh. "You cheated on him, Haley. He may think I don't know, but I do. I can see it. I don't have to be a profiler to see how you hurt him."
She stays silent, waving her hand for me to continue. "I see it. It's in the way he holds me closer when men approach me when we're out together. It's in the way he freezes when I get a text message or a phone call. It's in the way he's constantly checking in on me, making sure I know how much he cares about me. Sending me small things. You hurt that man, and you expect to just keep him on string, forever?"
I know love, is a fragile thing. And I'm trying hard to make it last. But it ain't easy, holding onto my dreams when he's holding onto the past...
She sighs. "It's not fair, Haley, and you know it. I love Aaron. He means the world to me but he won't take that step and tell me he loves me, even if he feels it. You don't love him, that's a fact. I've seen you around. But you hold Aaron's heart in the palm of your hand, and it's breaking right in two."
Just one more thing, before I go. I'm not here to put you down...
I see a sort of guilt on her face, as I finish my drink, unaware of Aaron, standing behind me, his eyes moving between me and Haley as I pour my heart and soul out. "You say that you're moving on, that you're in love with someone else. It's cruel to tease Aaron that way, holding the promise of your love in front of his face when you don't mean it. He doesn't deserve that. No one does. Let him move on. Let him be happy, for crying out loud. We both know no one deserves that more than he does."
Haley speaks, for the first time since I started speaking seriously to her. "I know." It's just two words, but I don't attribute it to the fact that Aaron's standing behind me. "I know you love him, Alice. And you're right. It's cruel. Especially when you consider what I did to him. He didn't deserve that."
I nod. It's not a lot, but it's something. "I should go. Aaron's probably wondering where I am." She nods. "See you around, Alice. Oh, and good luck."
I turn around and there he is, looking at me. For a second, I wonder how much he heard. He says nothing to me, just pulls me close, and wraps his big strong arms around me. I can smell the cologne he's wearing as he holds me, his voice a whisper in my ear. "I love you, Alice."
I look up at him, pulling back. "I love you too, Aaron." I know he's heard everything when his hands cup my face, as he stares down at me like I'm the most precious thing in his world. "So much, you don't even realize it." He says, his voice is husky and soft. "I'm not holding onto the past, Alice. I'm looking forward to my future, to our future."
His words make me tear up a little, and he wipes a tear that slips down my face. "Now, let's go have dinner, I wanna take my favorite girl back to my place and show her just how much she means to me." I lean up and kiss him, my lips soft and warm on his, as his large hands hold me close.
He guides me back to the table, and as we walk out, I see Haley at the bar with her date. She's still flirting, still giggling, but as her eyes meet mine, I see a sort of understanding flash through her eyes. She nods, holding her drink up as she spots my small hand entwined with Aaron's. She doesn't acknowledge Aaron standing beside me, just smiles, and turns her attention back to her date.
I'm the fool, in love with the fool, who's no longer in love with you...
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thedroneranger · 1 year
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ beccaanne814 Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
@beccaanne814 coming in hot with the next Rewind!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
To keep this going throughout the summer, I'll continue to invite friends—other creators and readers—to share their lists. Stay tuned!
If you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier—let's keep this going as long as we can!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
A Gun Amongst Daggers, Jake Seresin, @desert-fern I don’t think I’ve ever been addicted to a TGM series the way I am with this one!  I love Bear so much, sometimes I wonder if I’d rather have her than Jake!  I reread parts of this series again and again because Fern has been burying little breadcrumbs throughout the story and I want to make sure I don’t miss anything. 🕵🏼‍♀️ 
Dirty Laundry, Bob Floyd, @teacupsandtopgun Beth knows how to break my heart in the best way possible.  She warns us that it’s going to hurt, but you just can’t help but come back for more. I reread each part as she updated this story because there was so much mystery and intrigue surrounding the plot.  I still think about Bob and his never-ending capacity to love. 😢 
How Could I Forget, Bradley Bradshaw, @roosterforme This is one of those stories that makes me smile like a lovesick teenager whenever I read it.  The Reader in this story is so feisty and I love that she gives Bradley so much shit and he just takes it in stride.  I was really hoping he’d find her in San Diego, but Em’s ending was so much better than I could’ve imagined. ☺️ 
Like I Can, Bradley Bradshaw, @sometimesanalice I was a Jake girl until I read this Bradley series.  Alexa showed me a side of Bradley that I’d never considered before and now I’m just as in love with him as I am Jake.   There are certain parts of this series that I love so much, I’m still thinking about them months after rereading them.  She has such a beautiful way with words that I envy so much! ❤️ 
Sleepy Baby, Jake Seresin, @discount-shades I love Jake and Kisses so much!  Her backstory is so tragic, but she’s still so optimistic about the future.  My favorite part is when she’s trying to seduce him and he’s too busy playing a video game so she issues an ultimatum.  “Now I am going to go into your bedroom and I’m going to crawl into your bed and have an orgasm. It is up to you whether you are with me or not.” I think about that line all of the time! 😏 
Creator's Own
Nice Guys Always Finish Last, Jake Seresin I dog-sit for a couple who have this amazing house in the middle of farm country and I always end up writing a story while I’m there.  I wrote this one in a matter of days back in March and I’m almost embarrassed to admit how many times I’ve reread it just because I love Jake and Sweets so much. I’ve been so overwhelmed with the response this story has gotten that I went back and wrote an Epilogue just so I could delve back into their world one more time.
Creator note: Thank you for inviting me to participate in your Be Kind, Rewind series! It’s such a great idea, so thank you for hosting it and showing some love to the fic writers in this fandom. ❤️
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan @dingochef @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @chicomonks @averyhotchner
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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alright it's time i've made my contribution to the tags i regularly occasionally troll: here is a snippet of some sweet zevlor/oc sort-of-action
MDNI. yes i am using the biggest font to make that clear.
content warnings: talk of disability and chronic pain, blatant lack of understanding D&D lore; minor dom/sub dynamic, technically NSFW but it's just a lil at the beginning to set the scene (LMAO); my tav is a human monk named winnie and they're in their mid twenties. winnie is also AFAB and uses they/them pronouns; this is hella un-edited and i can't wait to see all the typos and half-written sentences i'll find after i hit 'post'
word count: 856 words (this excerpt... don't ask how long the "one-shot" is in its entirety)
really this is just me waxing poetic about an idea i've had about magical mobility aids. i love tattoos and have chronic back pain. i modeled winnie's spinal/pain issues after my own because i stopped taking testosterone and now i have pain flare-ups with my period. yay.
fic title is from the song "traveling at the speed of light" by joywave. it feels very appropriate for them idk go listen to it it's so good
working title: i don't know how long i've been alone
(subtitle: let's reacquaint and show that something's gotta give now)
His nails press slightly into the flesh of Winnie’s rear and a dark chuckle rumbles in his chest, “Let’s make use of that bed, shall we?” he asks and- hells, with his grip on them, he pulls Winnie’s heated center into the growing bulge in his trousers. They gasp and twitch in his hold, digging their fingers into his shoulders. 
“Gods, please,” they breathe into his neck, delighted to feel his responding sigh. It’s just a few steps from where Zevlor stands to the edge of the bed and Winnie thinks back to the very first lewd thought they had about him.
'I want to show him how much trouble I can give him.'
He takes one step forward and Winnie places a kiss under his ear, and after the next footfall echoes through the room they nip that same spot, laving their tongue over the little bite. It isn’t nearly enough to leave a mark on the tiefling’s skin, but it does make him stutter, drawing a strangled groan from his throat where Winnie leaves another gentle love bite.
In no time, he tips Winnie down onto the bed and bites back a growl. He kisses them deeply, swallowing their moans and relishing in the sad little noise Winnie makes when he pulls away.
“Be good for me, sweetheart, we’ve waited so long for this. We’ll have time to play like that later,” he purrs and Winnie settles, though he doesn’t comment on the occasional tremble.
The lovers remain like this for a time, sharing kisses and touches with cautious exploration. Winnie sighs as Zevlor’s forked tongue tastes them; gods how they missed this. For only a night, Winnie knew the taste and feel of his mouth on their own; that night in the grove followed them for the remainder of their journey. Their heart feels too full, like they can barely breathe through it.
Winnie melts into the mattress, burning under his heat in the best way possible when he guides them by the loose hold he maintains on their hair. Each sensuous slide of lips and tongue serves to stoke the fire within them, until deft fingers reach for the tie in the front of their wrap top. 
This was unavoidable, Winnie tells themself. He was going to see it one way or another, so they might as well make the best of the situation. They wouldn’t be here if they didn’t trust him, but anxiety fills them, still.
But Zevlor notices their hesitation and pulls back from the kiss, concern etched on his beautiful Infernal features, “Would you prefer to not remove this?”
Winnie shakes their head, “It- It’s not that, I just… Here,” they shakily untie their top, ignoring Zevlor’s gentle protests. And then he falls quiet, his eyes landing on the peculiar tattoos on their body.
If Winnie had been wearing nothing else underneath the top, he would’ve been too distracted to notice but a band of thin fabric preserves his fortitude for now. He’s known that Winnie has tattoos, but the moonflower on their hand was the only one he’d seen in detail. He examines the lines on their shoulder, how they wrap around the joint as if it were an imitation of a sling or supportive device. It occurs to him then, what the tattoos are: a mobility aid made of enchanted ink. He traces one thick line that wraps around their elbow and back up their arm, feeling the raised skin left behind by the process. 
The first time he’d seen tattoos like these, Zevlor was a fresh recruit with barely a week of service under his belt. In passing, he’d heard of a marshall doing everything he could to put off a final mission, including such tattoos inked onto his hand and knees. But that man had been as old as Zevlor is now- he’d never seen these on someone so young.
He cautiously asks, “Was this an injury?”
Winnie takes a deep breath, “I’ll tell you the whole story later, but no, not an injury. My spine didn’t develop correctly- these tattoos help straighten my spine and relieve some of the pain that comes with it.” They don't mention how their spine still curves where it shouldn't, however minimized. They don’t say anything about their tilted hips and shoulders, or how their breasts are noticeably different sizes in their eyes, or the jagged, pale red lines marking how their body changed so quickly in less than a decade. Those things he can see for himself and Winnie grips tightly to what shreds of their pride remain.
Winnie shivers as his fingers continue to trace the ink up their arm until his hand cups the back of their neck. Would he look at them differently for this, they wonder; the flash of grief was undeniable but he surprises them altogether not by speaking, but acting.
He presses a warm kiss to the inside of their elbow and another, and another, until he’s kissing the space where shoulder meets neck. His fingers caress the side of their waist, making them shiver again but he doesn’t venture downward- or upward for that matter. Instead, he touches them for the sake of feeling their skin under his fingertips, to ground them in the moment. 
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ep 5
You know how Pran asked if Pat was Pran's boyfriend in ep 2 as a joke despite actually wanting that...well, after Pran's heart gets broken by learning that Pat likes Ink and any hope for him and Pat to be together has been shattered, Pran somehow is able to take it to the next level and ask Pat if he's Pran's wife. I mean, go big or go home right? What's that saying that there's always an element of truth in a joke. Pran is so brave. (This also applies to the "Who on earth told you this was cute?")
I love that there's so much of that condensed milk stuff in that sandwich that it flies out when Pat picks it up and drips over himself and the worktop.
Also...@telomeke-bbs pointed out that when Pran's making his own breakfast at the beginning of ep 2 he only makes a sandwich but here there's also eggs, sausages, and salad...which might mean he made all that for Pat.
Oh and then Pat seeing Pran eating the sausage might be why he made Pran sausages when he cooked breakfast in bed in ep 8...because he thought that's what Pran liked/ate.
Pat's "I hope you're not as cruel as to make me wait outside" has always interested me because you can hear the teasing/whining tone and also because he uses the polite form of 'pronouns' of P'Pran and P'Pat instead of the informal/rude 'guu/meung' which they mainly use (not sure what it means when P' is being used for both people but brushing over that...)...BUT I think Pat ends with a 'ja' instead of the polite 'krap', which according to @absolutebl is "used with very close friends/family and by the queer community". I think Pat uses it here because they've been joking about the 'wife' status...but I wouldn't be surprised if this had an effect on Pran even before the pleading 'na'.
LAKYIM my beloved!
If you haven't read @telomeke-bbs analysis of this first scene you should - there's a fantastic bit about how a water splash is a substitute for saying 'asshole'. Love it!
"If I see any stain on them, I'll barge into your room and yell at you" -> Pat must have had a huge dilemma with this...I mean, does he clean the dishes well to impress Pran and get his praise? Or does he do them poorly in the hope that Pran will barge into his room and scold him? I mean...that's a difficult choice!
(omg I've only just got to the credits and I've written all this already...sorry it's going to be a long one...I mean, I guess it's to be expected since it's ep 5...)
Oh the embarrassment! We've all been there Pran.
I've never really understood the "Don't butt in next time" line... Anyone got any thoughts?
Ooof Cloaked Emotions by Lama House...another piece of music that stabs me in the heart...and the title fitting the scene -> Pran hiding his feelings at seeing Ink and Pat together.
Pat eating properly because of Pran 😭
Because of the order of filming, it looks like Pat gets a haircut before his date with Ink.
😂 I can't with the horse sound effect 🤣
The mental gymnastics Pa must have done without realising to justify why she should tag along to the date that she told Pat to go on with Ink.
"I don't have to tell you I love you. I fed you pancake". AFTER INK ASKED PA TO FEED HER THE PANCAKE AND THEN INK FEEDS PA THE PANCAKE.
I'm irrationally disturbed by the continuity error with the hands on the guitar.
But that gets erased because the choreography of Pat turning his head away unblinking when Pran looks at him on that bit of music (6:06 in part 2) is DIVINE.
Also, I love Pran's hair and I know it must just be because the instrument shop scenes were filmed early on and therefore Nanon's hair was shorter/tidier (like Ohm's) but still, I love that they both look so good during Pat's Oh moment.
When I first watched this I didn't need Pa's repeated voiceover of the four signs because I got it just from Pat's expression...but now I don't mind it.
But also back to the music again because the way they edited the recap of the four signs (actually the whole instrument shop scene) with Pat and Pran's head turns, their actions, or the camera angle/frame changes hitting either the piano chords or the 'silent' suspensions in the music is actual choreography and adds to why this scene is SO GOOD. They are dancing to the music...and the irony of them being in shop surrounded by instruments...
I've just noticed that during the bread-eating scene, the pink and purple of the condensed milk tube is amplified by the painting on the wall behind, the sticky tape and post-it notes behind, and the selection of pens in front...
This has already been pointed out, but the lyrics of the song Pat suggests they sing in the flashback, Never by 25 hours, basically reflects Pat's loneliness when Pran went away. brb crying.
When We Were Younger instrumental over the flashback scene 💖
That flashback is Pat wondering if Pran liked him, no? I mean, I know Pat is realising his feelings for Pran and remembering back to high school is part of that...but that particular memory is Pran telling Pat he wants to write something that reflects the idea of 'born to be together' and two people growing up together falling in love as well as them writing the 'are we friends or are we something more?' song...so Pat must be wondering how Pran felt and still feels now.
Pat's freshy day outfit!
I must have known this already but can't remember if I've written about it before when I've talked about this shirt, but the word 'pineapple' is written in both red and blue on Pat's shirt.
Oh the hurt in Pran's eyes when Pat says the song is lousy.
'silly' ... 😭
And we're back to Cloaked Emotions. This time Pran is forcing Pat to stay quiet.
You know how the production team created the condensed milk tube...well I wonder if they put a rose on it because that's the usual flower people give as gifts to those they like...and Pat bought it as a gift for Pran...effectively buying him a rose. But maybe this has already been pointed out.
Pat's tear...😭 Then Pran's tear...😭 (and mine of course)
Oh god, the way they both move towards each other...
THE MUSIC when their lips touched...
It's the way we all thought the ep, the show, had reach its peak at that short first kiss because the music hit a crescendo and BECAUSE THEY HAD KISSED already in ep 5...but then not 10 seconds after their lips had parted the show absolutely DECIMATED us with that epic second kiss. Pran pulling Pat in, the hand on the neck, Pat's first hand gripping the back of Pran's head, the gasped inhales as they shifted their heads, Pat's second hand joining his first, the increase in speed, Pran's second hand also going to Pat's neck, the symmetry of it, the MUSIC, the way Pat hunched into his shoulders to devour Pran's mouth, and the slow pull away as the music tailed off...
Pat's smile and breath of relief
Pran's devastation
The rain
Pat's tear-filled eyes
Baseball mom
The prolonged black screen at the end as the music ended...
The way I was never the same again.
This ep has such special memories for me, not only because of the show and what it did to me but because of where I was when I watched it. I've since sold and moved from the apartment I was living in at the time and I treasure the memory of settling into my sofa with a blanket over my legs, a warm cup of tea and something sweet to eat, the light slowly dimming to black outside even though it was only 15:30 (it was end of november and I lived in Sweden), and then the euphoria when I realised this silly little Thai romcom bl was doing something different. Ep 5 part 4 not only changed me in many ways but it changed the way we watch bls now. We have higher expectations - a bar has been raised - and I'm seeing where shows are reaching for it. Last December, I watched the GMMTV Live for the first time because I caught some people talking about it on tumblr (I didn't know anything about it before even though I'd been watching Thai bl for a year). Now, I'm ridiculously excited about seeing it this year, to see what we may be in store for next year. Hopefully they will build on Bad Buddy, Vice Versa, The Eclipse, and others. And I know there are other production companies and I'm also excited to see what they do too...and for all the gl coming out... But back to Bad Buddy ep 5 and it was this ep that finally brought me to make this blog because I needed a way to process what I was watching - and to scream about it with others. I had never analysed a piece of media in this way before this show and I've since continued with many others. This is who I am now. This is part of what I mean by Bad Buddy changing me. And I'm thankful for it, and for Aof, Nanon, and Ohm, and for all the people who I've interacted with on here about it. There is something exceedingly special about this show and I wish I could adequately express it to the whole world but I also want to keep it for me, and for us, to treasure always.
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glorious-blackout · 11 months
I just finished reading "I'll See You On The Dark Side of the Moon" and my h/c heart loved it so much. Can I get the director's cut for that?
Also, I saw your tags on an anon post. I am also ace! I didn't think I'd run into any other ace Milex shippers here ❤️
Awww thank you so much! 💖 That story (and the whole Milex Big Bang experience) was very special for me so it always makes my day to hear from readers who enjoyed it!
I technically do have a 'director's cut' ending for this fic 😅 Because it was written and edited over a period of months, it had plenty of time to morph from a traditional psychological horror into a story that was more concerned with Alex and Miles's relationship and Alex's desperation to return home. This meant that by the time I got around to writing the first draft of the last chapter, the ambiguous ending I'd had in mind from day one was starting to rub me the wrong way, especially after the intensity of the events leading up to it. After a lot of internal debate and some feedback from my lovely friend who read the early drafts of each chapter, I eventually settled on a more hopeful conclusion which I still feel was the right decision.
Enough time has passed though that I'm happy to share the original ending for curiosity's sake - the only major changes were in the last few paragraphs of the chapter 😊
A soft thud rudely interrupts such pleasant fantasies.  
They break apart, rosy-cheeked and breathless, casting an eye over the bed until the source of their interruption presents itself. Miles’s battered copy of ‘The Restaurant at the End of the Universe’ has slipped from its perch and is now resting precariously against the bedrails, its pages splayed open and threatening to crease beyond repair the instant they hit the floor. Alex rescues it mindlessly - just in time to spare it from slipping through the gap - and brings it closer, recognising the neon imprint of the title from his childhood. 
Without really thinking, he flicks through the yellowed pages, glancing at the dense passages for only a moment before throwing the book aside, blinking away the faint stirrings of a headache. 
“You okay, love?” Miles asks, seemingly out of the blue, until Alex realises he hasn’t said anything since their untimely separation. He looks over at Miles, basks in his beauty in the sleepy morning light, and can’t quite bring himself to believe that he’s real. That he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with Alex of all people, when he could have anyone he wanted. 
“Kiss me again?” he asks, hoping that his desperation for reassurance is not as obvious to Miles’s ears as it is to his own. 
“You’re insatiable,” Miles chuckles, but his eyes are warm and his hand cradles Alex’s cheek with a gentleness that makes him want to fall asleep, safe in Miles’s arms. A persistent beep resounds in perfect time with the pulse drumming in his ears, and Miles’s eyes glance in the direction of the snitching monitor.  
“The nurses’ll be thinking you’re in trouble.” 
‘Oh I am,’ Alex thinks, but he elects not to mention it. Truth be told, he can’t bring himself to care, especially with Miles gazing at him as though he’s just unveiled the secrets of the universe. 
It isn’t long before Miles grants his request, kissing him with so much care and love that their surroundings melt into oblivion. Alex finds that this is a rather pleasant state in which to exist, and so he ignores his creeping exhaustion and the slowly awakening aches across his body in favour of letting his mind be consumed by the man he loves more than anything in this world and beyond.   
As he loses himself in the sweet taste of Miles’s lips and the pleasant burn of stubble against his cheek, Alex finds that he’s almost capable of forgetting the way Douglas Adams’s words had danced maniacally across the page, defying all attempts at comprehension. 
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @i-can-even-burn-salad.
Favorite video game: I really like Oblivion and Assassin's Creed; I'll go with AC: Revelations, the third game in the Ezio trilogy. Broadly speaking I think the Ezio games are the best in the series (though I haven't yet played past AC3), but Revelations is set in İstanbul so it's way more fun for me because I can check out all the places I've been irl, and sometimes random characters yell at you in Turkish which is really funny to me now that I can understand them.
Favorite video game character: Yusuf from Revelations because he looks kind of like my brother lmao
Favorite movie or TV series: Shocking absolutely nobody who has ever looked at my main blog, Xena: Warrior Princess.
Favorite movie or TV series character: Xena herself, no question
Hobbies: leatherworking, writing, sketching, rock climbing
Obsessions: Have I mentioned Xena yet? Because whenever I'm not thinking about my OCs, I'm thinking about Xena.
Favorite genre/type of background music for whump daydreams: Usually I listen to specific songs/playlists for my OCs, since my whump daydreams tend to be about specific characters. Genre is kind of all over the place, but tends to be the type of music I would describe as "vibes" (which I'm aware does not narrow it down at all, especially given I probably have a different definition of vibing music than most).
Favorite whump trope: Ough I'm supposed to just pick one?! OK not necessarily my favorite, but one I like a lot, is whumpees whose trauma turns them into whumpers. Cycles of abuse and whatnot.
Favorite whump pairing: Edit: whoops forgot to answer this one. Uhhh can I put my own OCs? Because if so, Elvan and Asenath; more broadly though any pairing where one person gets hurt and the other person goes feral in response, be it out of defense or revenge.
First time you experienced whumperflies: That scene in Disney's Aladdin where Alaadin is in a prison cell with his wrists shackled to the wall above his head. I haven't seen that movie since I was a very little kid but that's the one scene that stuck in my mind haha
Favorite whump scene from a piece of media: A couple scenes jump to mind from Xena. The first is actually from the show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, of which Xena: Warrior Princess is a spin-off. The episode is called "The Gauntlet" and is one of the episodes that introduces Xena as a character. As the title implies, the climax of the episode is when Xena's general overthrows her and takes her army, and her own soldiers make her run the gauntlet. Joseph LoDuca has my entire heart and soul for the soundtrack in that scene, and the direction is fuckin impeccable. The other scene is from season 6 of Xena's own show, an episode titled "Who's Gurkhan?" in which (for various plot reasons I won't get into here) Xena and Gabrielle both separately sell themselves into slavery to a sultan; Gabrielle tries to assassinate the sultan but Xena sees her about to go for him and knocks her out cold, stealing the knife, so that they would think it was her instead of Gabrielle; she also plays it off as if she was attacking Gabrielle out of jealousy, rather than there being any threat to the sultan. Anyway the relevant bit is that Xena gets taken to the dungeons and tortured at length, mostly just getting the absolute shit beat out of her, including while being hung upside down by shackles on her ankles. 10/10 incredible whump tbh, while there she also hallucinates Gabrielle bellydancing in front of her because that show is gay as all fuck.
A book you would recommend, whump or not: I would highly recommend the historical fiction Lady Slayers series by Lana Popović! There are two books (so far); Blood Countess, about Erzsébet Báthory, and Poison Priestess, about Catherine Monvoisin. They're overtly queer and very very well written (and decently whumpy tbh).
Add your own question: Favorite whump scene from a book?
I'm leaving this as an open tag as usual; if you want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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winterandwords · 2 years
🌃 Bridge From Ashes Update: 29 November 2022 (with bonus doggo content)
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Genre: Cyberpunk, neon-noir Audience: Adult Working title: Project Frequency Tags: #bridge from ashes and #project frequency More: WIP summary and tag list
📝 Status
Draft 02 complete I didn't want to post an update until I actually had something to say and I've been doing my best not to put schedules, deadlines or goals on this book (more on that in a bit) so this milestone kind of crept up on me, but it happened yesterday, so yay, I guess?!
Title reveal I dropped the title in an updated WIP summary a few days ago because I'm shit at announcing stuff but I wanted to put it out there. I was going to do what I did with November Breaks and wait until the book was out before I mentioned the real title, but fuck it. I've had the title in my head for a while and I was excited and wanted to share it, so here we are.
✅ Next step
Rest the draft, but like REALLY this time I suck at doing this because when I'm obsessively into a project (and obsessively is the only way I'm ever into anything) I just want to fuck with it all the time, but draft 03 is going to be an up-close line edit and I absolutely definitely need to be coming at it from as fresh a perspective as possible, which means not looking at it (apart from to grab snippets for tag games, obvs) for...I don't know? Like a month, maybe? Should I ban myself from working on it until 2023? OK, that's terrifying on so many levels. Deep calming breaths. Contemplating the passage of time is in no way contributing to the midlife crisis that's breathing down my neck right now.
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💜 Feels
OK so I actually miss schedules and goals and deadlines?! I don't know if I miss them in an "I've finally got a handle on my self-destructive productivity and now I can approach structure healthily" kind of way, or if I miss them like I would hypothetically miss shovelling MDMA down my throat and up my nose every weekend if I ever did that which I definitely did not because it's illegal and drugs are bad.
My brain is in FULL WRITING MODE and the thought of not writing while I rest this draft makes me die inside a little, so I'm going to deal with this by starting some new WIP activity. I reckon I can probably manage it without whiplash because Rafe from Bridge From Ashes is in one of the upcoming WIPs and the other one is a sequel (maybe a vignette novel, maybe a novel-novel, maybe a collection of shorts, but who the fuck knows?) to November Breaks so I'm aggressively excited about both of them.
I'm not sure how long it'll be before I'm sharing any new WIP material on here because I'm pretty much just throwing words at a digital page right now and seeing what sticks, but I'll yell about it when the time comes.
✍ Snippet
“What do you want, cut-throat?” he says, and the mirror shatters. I pull his hand towards me and my skin splits under the blade, but only just. “I don’t know.” He presses harder. Slowly, with a tenderness that shakes me to my fucked up rotten core, he carves a new line among all the others. A new way to bleed apologies. A new way to count regrets. “Yes, you do.” And if this is how it ends… The night air is nowhere near as cold as him and the deserted street is nowhere near as empty. I close my eyes and don’t open them until he puts the knife away, until he finds the raw slice in my chest with fingers like stone. Then he raises his hand, stained with my blood, to rest against my jaw. “What do you need?” “This.” And that’s not an answer either. But it’s enough for now.
👀 Bonus bits
I can't believe this only just struck me the other day, but the two fictional characters who inspire Rafe's vibes the most are Billy Butcher from The Boys and Judge Dredd from the 2012 film. They're both played by Karl Urban AND I DID NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT THIS BEFORE.
(Not me fan casting the way-in-the-future film sequel of my own book when Rafe and Gillen are in their fifties but like...Karl Urban and Mads Mikkelsen, you guys busy??)
If you're still here, thank you and I love you and you shall now be blessed with a picture of Shadow. She decided the bed in my writing/arting/music/witching room is now hers, but she agreed to share it with me for the low price of a new fluffy blanket.
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💜 Tag list
Thanks for your support and encouragement! Comment or message me to be added or removed.
@drabbleitout @ezestreet @i-can-even-burn-salad @kaiusvnoir @manathen @thegreatobsesso
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drkcnry67 · 2 years
like a fairytale
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A/N: congrats to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing for bringing on another wonderful challenge! Girl I hope I do this justice! Time to tug on those emotional cords a bit. Enjoy! Ps sorry for the bits of grammer and spelling mistakes I may miss along the edit train.
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Song used: go your own way by Fleetwood Mac
Rating: 18+
Tags: emotional strings pulled, prepare the water works, Jensen singing his feelings after you slipping into coma, you leaving him to protect him, you writing a note and slipping it to Jensen explaining your reasons, mild mentions of sex, mentions of rape not in much detail (penis in vagina, cum inside, rough mouth fuck) true loves kiss works everytime, that's all I can think of for now. Note not all of this might be in the story or even mentioned but I'll put it in there anyway
Mentioning @sweetness47 @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
Summery: not telling
It was your last day of spring break, your last day ever of your last spring break till college anyway.
You had gone out to the a all ages club with your best friends but lost track of them on your way to the washroom. un be known to you, you were about to have the worst night of your life.
a group of men stormed into the washroom locking the door, blocking all signs of exit... then you blacked out, the pain, the voice, the loud laughter, the tearing, the throbbing pains... the aches, the blood you were sure was pooling over the floor.
your best friends found you a few hours later with the security team, it would be morning before you would wake up to the bright lights of the hospital.
you started to move but found it painful, then it hit you like a shit ton of bricks, all the memories, the pain, the roughness of it all... you screamed slightly the sound of male peoples all around you...
your best friend jumped up in the moment and came to cuddle you in her arms. your other best friend went to find the nice lady nurse who had been in but a few hours before.
that was day 1 of the rest of your life. well now more like a year and a half... of being well solitary female solitary, basically not being around guys, not hearing their voices, all your teachers were female from then on, you still graduated but didnt go to the ceremony, or walk across the stage, or party with your class, you sat in the dorm, drowning out the sounds and memories from that night.
you didnt know if you could ever be around any man again, till your best friend was playing a song in the shower, you didnt recognize the voice, those vocals making yourcore heat up.
she came out of the bathroom and felt your judgy eyes on her phone.
alana: earth to yn whats wrong?
yn: who was that singing on your phone.
alana: oh that is the vocal stylings of Jensen Ackles.
Yn: for once I don't cringe at his voice, for once I feel hopeful at the dawn of a new day.
Alana: well if you want I won tickets to go see him the other day and if you want to go with me?
You nod...
Yn: ya of course I'll go with you but this time where you go I go... even if we have to chain our wrists together.
Alana reaches in to her nightstand...
Alana: well how bout the safety wrist thing that parents use for their children.
You take one look at this and smile.
Yn: its perfect. Now when is this concert?
alana smiled at how excited you seemed... it had been a long time since she saw you get excited about something outside of your dorm room, to say that she hadnt been concerned would be an understatement.
Alana: tonight, at the concert hall in town... the limo is gonna be outside the dorm hall entrance at 6pm... you have less than 2 hours to get ready. now up take a shower and then we will pick out an outfit and braid your hair.
You went to the shower, washing your hair, body, and just letting the water run over you. Relaxed and calm you get out of the shower, towel drying off you slip into your house coat and exit the bathroom.
Alana: sit here and don't worry about a thing... once your hair is braided and then we will get you into the outfit I picked out for you.
After some illustrious girl talk, laughter, and some tears as the memories came back from that horrible night, you just tried to forget it all over again, most certainly your best friend was coaching you through it.
It was time this was the first time since coming to this college dorm room, that you were leaving it, for almost 7 months you had allowed your life to be ruled by fear but no more.
Today you were going out, you were gonna have fun and you were gonna conquer your fears. It was time this was the first time since coming to this college dorm room, that you were leaving it, for almost 7 months you had allowed your life to be ruled by fear but no more.
Today you were going out, you were gonna have fun and you were gonna conquer your fears. You stared in the full view mirror on the back of the dorm room door, it was unbelievable how sexy you looked for the first time in years.
Yn: this is unbelievable
Alana: don't dis it girl, you look amazing! OK you ready for the all access backstage experience!
You nod your head as you walk through the halls with your best friend!
Yn: i cant wait… this is gonna be amazing! I hope…
Alana: hey dont worry nothing bad will happen this time, cause there will be plenty of security guards, we will be backstage and theres no fucking way that you are ever gonna go through that experience again. And theres no fucking way that we are getting seperated unless its in the washroom and even then we are only separate by the rest room doors for a few seconds.
Yn: ya i know. Now how cute is this man…
Alana pulls up a photo of jensen on her phone and shows it to you… your mouth falls open, wide open… your heart starts thumping loud in your chest, this feeling, this one time, your first time being out of the dormroom since that one frightful night.
Alana: girl theres the limo, lets get in and go… it will all be okay… though if you feel like backing out ill totally understand…
You shake your head.
Yn: we are chained up and going out, im gonna go meet this guy and hear him sing and maybe just maybe get the explanation for why my heart is beating super fast in my chest.
Alana shrugged her shoulder, she had never even heard you express those words before, except in your writing, but even then, she had never in all her time as your best friend heard you talk like that ever. She was both concerned and a little happy at the same time.
Alana and you take in the sights as the limo comes up to the vip entrance the limo driver gets out first and comes round to your side, he opens the door so you and alana can get out. You both walked hand in hand literally joined at the hands wearing your passes through the door.
Alana: this is gonna be awesome!
Yn: im slightly overwhelmed but ya i guess its pretty awesome.
Alana: im excited to actually see jensen in person… i wonder if we are the first ones here…
You and alana get into the final corridor and feel the air shift, you stop as you feel a set of eyes land on your form.
You look up a huge grin crosses your features as your brown eyes meet a pair of green eyes, the most gorgeous pair of green eyes in your opinion.
Yn: hi…
That's all that came out of your mouth, neither you nor your best friend knew what was happening.
Jensen: hey ladies, how's your night going?
Yn: its going good, I don't get out much…
Jensen: it's hard to get out and do what you want without fear or being told no.
Alana nudged you and you landed in his embrace, against his chest… your heart beats meshing together.
Yn: I'm so sorry.
Jensen: it's okay its all gonna be okay.. cliff…
A security guard steps up to the side of Jensen you and Alana.
Cliff: yes sir…
Jensen: can we find a special couple seats for my new friends here right in my eye view?
Cliff: I'll create some right away sir.
Jensen pulled back a bit in order to look at both you and Alana!
Jensen: sorry I don't think we have been introduced… I'm Jensen.
Yn: I'm yn and this is my best friend Alana! I honestly didn't know I was coming here till a few hours prior…
Jensen: and what made you come out tonight?
Yn: it was the sound of your voice when my best friend was listening to your music… it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.
Jensen: alright then how bout this you meet me in the campus community center at noon tomorrow and feel the wrath of my billiard skills… or we just sit and talk.
Yn: ok well if you want to loose ill be there but don't count on winning.
Jensen: your on, but if you ladies will excuse me I need to make my final touches and grand entrance. Cliff.
Yn: I look forward to being your eye sight tonight.
Jensen smiled and placed a kiss on the top of your forehead, sending shivers down your spine.
Jensen: I hope tonight is everything you hope it will be. And there is a rave tonight after the concert here if you ladies wanna stay and dance!
Cliff at that second comes running up…
Cliff: Jensen.
Jensen: Cliff please escorts these ladies to their seats and see to it that they are taken care of during the show. I'll find them after.
Cliff: yes sir. Ladies follow me.
Cliff leads you and alana to the very center of the seating view where only seconds later you saw Jensen make his grand entrance.
suddenly, it was like you were being hoisted on a cloud, high high in the sky. Jensens voice soothing and calming. But your night was about to take a wide turn little did you know.
Jensen: that's it for me tonight, now if you people wouldn't mind helping make things easy for the security team to clear out these chairs so people can dance! This is gonna turn into a huge rave! Now let's clear this floor and get this house pumping!
The crowd went wild as you and alana were escorted by cliff backstage to a private corner where Jensen was sure to be.
Cliff: Jensen will be along shortly, he is just getting changed! He wants to make a good impression on you miss YN.
You exchanged a subtle look with Alana, but then feel the cuffs slip off your hand.
Alana: it sounds like your gonna be busy girl!
Yn: omg I don't know if I'm ready for this…
Alana: just breathe and if he takes you away for the night make sure you explain to him what happened to you I'm sure he will understand.
Yn: your probably right… it will just be hard to talk about again…
Alana: just be yourself. Jensen will love you trust me. And if you do end up going home with him come find me before you take off…
Yn: shhh here he comes.
You say quietly as you both watch Jensen come from round a corner wearing a basic black tee that highlighted all his features, a pair of blue jeans and sneakers.
Jensen: what did you girls think of the show?
Yn: I loved it..
Alana: me too… shall we go dance…
Jensen: yes oh and I have a best friend who should be here already if Alana would like to have a dance partner.
Alana: of course any friend of yours is a friend of ours.
Cliff comes round a different corner with another guy a bit taller then Jensen but equally as cute.
Jensen: Alana yn this is my best friend Jared! Jared these are the 2 lovely ladies I was telling you about.
Jared shakes your hand and then has a similar reaction like what you had with Jensen to Alana… now you have the chance to step away from Jared and Alana with Jensen…
Jensen: i have a feeling this is the start of something beautiful.
Yn: me to… though i should tell you i feel like this is fate or destiny or something…
Jensen: ya know i was thinking the exact same thing. Come on lets go dance! Those 2 can come find us if and when they are ready…
Jensen takes your hand and leads you through the crowd of people and brings you close to his body, the music hypnotic, couples dancing all around making you and Jensen tune out the world, keeping it just between the 2 of you. Jensen had one of your legs up around his waist at one point as he dipped you.
Jensen then flips you around and brings you to move against his own body, his hands staying on your hips, the swaying, the music, the grip of Jensen’s hands against your hips, feeling your curves. After almost 2 hours into the rave and about 15 different dance steps/positions, Jensen leaned down and whispered in your ear…
Jensen: lets go home, to my home! I want to rip this dress off of you, and i wanna taste your sweet heat!
You could feel the heat between your legs, you could feel the beating of both your heart and his heart, so you pulled his face down so you could whisper back.
Yn: can we get out of here so i can talk to you, i have something important to tell you?
Jensen: ya sure of course! Lets find those 2 crazy best friends of ours.
Finding your 2 best friends was harder than you both thought. It wasnt till you both stood outside Jensen’s dressing room that cliff approached before the door could open.
Cliff: im sorry Jensen but you cant go in there right now…
Jensen: why not?
Clifff: cause Jared and Alana wanted some alone time to and i quote “get into some fun trouble”
You and jensen both cringe at hearing that. But jensen sighs…
Jensen: so how am i supposed to collect my stuff
Cliff: I'll bring it home once they are done, I'm having Harold drive you guys back to the penthouse… if that's OK with you sir!
You look at Jensen who kinda chuckled…
Jensen: so he did find himself a nice girl. Wow, alright cliff, thanks.. see you later. Call when your on way with my stuff.
Cliff: will do sir.
You walk with Jensen to a waiting car, another security guard standing in front of it. Opening the back door he nodded at the both of you and then shut the door.
Jensen: well who would have thought my best friend and your best friend.
Yn: it is kinda funny…
Jensen: so do you wanna talk now or when we get to my penthouse?
Yn: at the penthouse where if need be i can snag a drink… or 2 cause its gonna be really hard to discuss..
Jensen just held your hand the drive to the penthouse was calm, and scenic but all you kept doing was digging your nails into your lap.. Jensen took notice of this and knew that whatever it was that had you so nervous had to be worse than things that go bump in the night.
Jensen: we are almost there, but umm i have to let you know that whatever it is that you want to tell me it will be okay…
You feel the tears starting to form in your eyes as the car stops, jensen opens the door and helps you out of the car before the driver could get there… jensen then picks you into a cradle and carries you up the elevator…
A lady in a maids outfit greets you guys as you step off the elevator.
Maid: welcome home sir! What can I help you with?
Jensen: please bring us a bottle of scotch and 2 glasses.
You continue to hold onto jensens neck even after he sits down on his bed with you now in his lap. His eyes searching your own, your tear filled eyes now running down your cheeks.
Jensen: what's got a beautiful lady like you all upset…
Yn: 7 months ago, I was raped… in the washroom of a club… my best friend Alana didn't find me till almost an hour later but that was with the help of a security guard as well.
Jensen: im so sorry that happened to you yn… is that why you haven't been out much…
Yn: yes, I shut my self away in a dorm room with Alana, switched all my classes to online and cut everyone out pretty much.
Jensen: alright it's alright…
yN: its not alright, Jensen I'm Sorry I really am but…
Before you could Say another word, Jensen had your lips enclosed in his own… This kiss, your first real kiss…
upon breaking the kiss, Jensen Cupped your cheeks in his hands making Sure you were looking in his eyes…
Jensen: Do not worry, You never need to worry about any one harm you again. Like ever… which is why this may seem sudden and I don't expect you to say yes right away but will you consider moving in with me? Being my girlfriend, make me the happiest man in this entire fucked up world.
Yn: I will consider your offer to move in but yes I'll be your girlfriend.
Jensen: and we don't have to do anything your not comfortable with till your ready…
You were overwhelmed but still happy non the less you kicked off your sandals and tossed your purse on the floor placing your phone in jensens hands…
Yn: can we cuddle for tonight? Or till I'm ready to do more… I mean if you want…
Jensen: I wouldn't have it any other way. Why don't you get up and go find a shirt of mine to use as a night dress.. I'll slip into a pair of shorts.. we will also place our phones on the nightstand so we can have them in reach…
Yn: any shirt?
Jensen nodded as he went into a different drawer and grabbed a pair of what looked like athletic shorts like the kind that basketball players wear or the most comfortable.
Jensen: I'll change out here you can change over In the bathroom.
You close your eyes and pull a random shirt out of his drawer… you don't even look at it you just take it and walk into the bathroom, shutting the door almost fully you start to remove the outfit you were wearing and your bra.
You stare at yourself in the mirror for a few moments before straightening out your hair, putting on the shirt and walking out into the bedroom where Jensen was standing by the window.
Jensen turned around to see you smiling at him standing in his shirt.
Yn: I like this shirt, it suits me…
Jensen: yes it does… do you care who gets into bed first…
Yn: nope…
Jensen Crawled in first, you slid in beside him, placing your head on his chest only after he turned out the lamp…
Jensen: you know what I think I'm inspired to start working on a new song… your my new muse…
Yn: no more talk tonight, will you just hold me… till I fall asleep… and even after…
Jensen tightened his arms around you pulling you close against him.
Jensen: shhh it's okay… just rest now…
You didn't need to be told twice… that however was night 1, where angry text messages would lighten yours and jensens phones in the morning light… jensens security team told you guys not to worry about it but you couldn't help it…
Another 6 months went by and the messages continued, but so did your relationship with jensen. You both were very blissfully happy, till one day, but this particular day, the message scared you. It threatened Jensen…
You couldn't let them hurt him. So you left…
"Jensen, im so sorry, but I can't stay with you, I can't be here anymore. These messages, my past I feel like I'm dragging you down… please understand I wouldn't leave you if I had another choice. But I'll be where it all began for us… all my love now and always YN"
You folded the note and walked out of the apartment with your backpack… you had pulled out a bunch of cash, you were not going to be traced or held down, you also were not gonna put Jensen down before his big tour kickoff.
Jensen walked into the apartment, he called your name, didnt hear anything… he searched the house he tried calling your phone. No answer on all fronts. Then he went to the table sat down and thats when he saw it, his name in your handwriting on a piece of folded paper on the stack of mail.
He read the note and punched a hole in the wall… he was livid and thats when he received another text message…. “Sorry looser you didnt get the girl… oh well, i guess alls well that ends well… see you at the sold out show… ill be the one who drops your girl to the ground…”
He was angry, he showed the message to clif, told him to also track you down and make sure you got to the show safe and sound. He knew that was gonna be the night to end all yours and his suffering.
Jensen: I don't care who I have to pay or what I have to do I want everyone whose coming to the concert and whose working the concert to be screened, if anyone on the security team sees yn protect her and do not leave her alone. If this dumbass is gonna try anything then we need to be prepared.
Clif: all she said to me when I found her was that she needed to go her own way to protect you sir!
Jensen was shocked for no one had ever gone to such lengths who wasn't part of his security team before.
That gave Jensen his idea… he knew what to title his newest song. He also knew who to dedicate it too.
That night he finished the ending to his new song. He sent you a text message a cryptic one, not realizing that you wouldn't get it…
That night you were silent, the only way to get through to you was if they knew where you were… clif was the only one who knew…
He promised that he wouldn't tell Jensen. But that he would pick you up and personally drive you to the concert.
Clif left Jensen to get some sleep, clif stayed in the parked security vehicle outside jensens place. The next morning you woke up and got ready for the day. Jensen too woke up and prepared as best as he could for what could possibly be the biggest performance of his entire career.
As much as you wanted to just stay in the dark you couldn't you had to make things right before the concert.
As soon as you turned on your phone you instantly wished you hadn't. For what seemed like thousands of messages were now blowing up your phone.
Jensen heads out to the concert, you were waiting for clif to come get you… waiting in your room for clif to call you.
Jensen waiting now backstage gets a message… "alright tonight is the night… let's get this party started! Let me see if I can find your girl… oh look there she is… time to enact my plan, see you soon!"
That made jensens blood boil, knowing that this fool, this messaging creep was anywhere near you and he couldn't do anything about it made him so angry.
Jensen: you guys do whatever you have to do but no one looking either normal or suspicious gets anywhere near YN… clif is already with her but I want extra security at least 2 rows around her and clif on all sides. Do not I repeat do not let anyone near her for anything.
His security team made their way to do their rounds and a few of them went to take their positions.
Jensen was preparing to make his entrance, his eyes caught yours, you were staring right at him. That gave him hope, that told him that creep hadn't gotten hold of you yet.
Jensen heard the PA announcement and the screaming crowd and made his way on stage.
Jensen: good evening everybody! I'd like to thank you all for coming out tonight! And I'd like to dedicate this first song to a special lady one who stole my heart and tore it out just the other day. Someone spooked her, someone made a threat towards me and her. This is a song I've been writing for a while and now I'd like to know what you all think about it.
Jensen signals the band to begin the intro, and he chimes in with the song in its full force with every single emotion he could muster.
Jensen: Loving you, Isn't the right thing to do, How can I ever change things, That I feel?, If I could, Baby, I'd give you my world, How can I, When you won't take it from me?
Jensen kept watch on you, but didn't take notice right away how your expression changed. For in that instance you were having some issues, medically speaking of course.
Clif: miss YN are you alright?
Yn: clif I can't breathe… I feel faint…
Clif (over radio): search the area around yes seat she feels faint also radio the stage hands to call 911… and someone flag down Jensen…
Jensen: You can go your own way, Go your own way, You can call it, Another lonely day,You can go your own way, Go your own way…
It was then that Jensen saw it, saw that sight the one he thought he wouldn't see cause of all the security, the one he thought he had avoided from happening.
He saw the security team gathered around your seat, he saw clif and another guard carrying you out of the row, he stood there frozen as if he had been struck by a rock.
Security guard: ladies and gentlemen the concert will continue at a later date one of the people Jensen cares about deeply is in a medically critical state he is needed elsewhere. Please see the guards and stage hands on your way out for complementary CDs and tee-shirts as our way of apologizing for this delay in what was to be a fantastic concert. Please make your way to the doors and exit in an orderly fashion.
The crowd grumbled but complied, Jensen was already off stage and getting into the ambulance with you… to ride with you to the hospital. The doctors asked questions and Jensen answered them best as he could. But it pained him to see you like that… laying there defenseless.
Jensen: is she gonna be ok?
Doctor: well she has suffered what seems to be effects of a sleep drug of some kind. Until we run some more tests we wont know much more than that until if or when she wakes up… for now i can have an extra blanket brought in for you… a nurse will be in periodically to top up her fluids.
Jensen: thank you doctor, i just dont know how ill survive this if she doesnt make it out of this alive.
Doctor: you will and so will she… as we speak we are working on a cure… do not fret just get some rest.
Jensen: can I cuddle next to her, I won't knock out any cords I just want to hold my girl!
The doctor moves a second bed to the side that Jensen was now sitting to remove his jacket and shoes…
The beds were attached and were not moving as Jensen now scooped you close to him so his arms just held you.
Doctor: I'll leave you alone, the nurse will check in, in a few hours.
Jensen just buried his face in your hair taking in your sweet scent… he felt tears beginning to fall, he sniffled and knew he was not able to hold back any more.
Jensen(through the sobs): im so sorry YN I should have been there, I should have never let you go… please wake up YN please we haven't had any time.
Then it dawned on Jensen just as he was drifting off to sleep. He was not sure if this would work, he wasn't sure if this was even a cure, but this situation reminded him kinda of sleeping beauty.
Jensen(to self): well I mean no harm would come from trying this… true love conquers all after all… alright please let this work.
Jensen leans down just as the nurse, a police officer and the doctor walk through the door, and jensen places a kiss to your lips.
This motion was a sign of his surrender, a sign of his apology to you, this was the same sign that he had promised to you all those months before.
But the kiss sent a Shockwave through the room, your monitor which showed your heart rate and your vitals spiked, Jensen kept a tight grip on you as he watched your eyes flutter open.
Jensen: baby hey hey its okay… don't worry, hey it's ok…
Officer Welton: Jensen, YN I'm officer Welton, unfortunately we have not caught this man yet, but we are not giving up your also not his only victims. He has thousands of them. So we have the entire nation on alert, there was a positive photo we did get from the security tape at the concert hall. So neither of you have anything to worry about. Yn, Jensen good luck we will let you know when we have him.
The officer leaves the doctor and the nurse come to check you over, Jensen takes a few moments to breathe in the washroom, he splashed some cold water on his face before coming back out to you scarfing down a bologna sandwich and a soda pop and some jello.
Yn: Jensen I hope your not angry with me…
Jensen: no no no its me who should apologize. I should never have let those texts go on as long as they did. And I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Yn: can we live happily ever after?
Jensen just smiles as he crawls back into bed with you by his side. You both blissfully and as comfortable as possible fall into a peaceful slumber.
After all you only get to be truly happy once in your life. However long it may be.
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