#I'll probably be fine
theprettieststar87 · 9 days
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glass-trash-bab · 7 months
This dumbass idiot forgot to drop of their prescription and they're currently out of medication so they're fucked
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antibatsidekickgirl · 7 months
This pic feeling relatable rn:
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stanleyboobrick · 5 months
In trouble at work 🤮
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Hello this is the second time my dog has started barking like someone was here when no one was here, except this time I heard a door. And he's moving around so I can't tell if the sounds are people moving or him.
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calamitouscynic · 1 year
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Absolutely genius idea from me to donate blood right before i have to bike to work -_-
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jacket-enjoyer-69 · 2 years
Hey, update time I guess since the covid post. Right before covid I went to the hospital for a nosebleed that lead down a minor rabbit hole of issues. They told me to follow up with a doctor and I said I would. Then I got covid. A few weeks after that I was finally able to get into a doctors office, and that’s when things have gotten sketchy.
I won’t get into too many details but they’re worried something is wrong with my heart so they’ve got me on medication and started me on new meds for my depression. While the other meds are fine the antidepressants are settling really hard and I’m going through severe insomnia. So I sleep when I can and when I’m awake I’m a little out of it so I haven’t been writing much. I want to get back to it, and I know when my meds are settled it’ll be fine but things have been hectic and I’m getting a lot of testing done so I’ve been a bit of a mess.
Working on fic was my escape, and now I can’t really do that while my head isn’t all there.
But yeah, that’s why it’s been a while. Like I said I’ve been working a little here or there, I have 2 pages of a blood is thicker than water chapter done. I’d like to get back to streaming when I’m not chronically exhausted too.
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theenemyod · 2 months
Insane heroes. Characters that are obviously not on the evil side, what they're doing is on the morally right side of everything, but who can't be described as sane. Their grip on reality is slipping and the person that finds and helps them is a good person, but ends up seeing more benefit in letting them keep slipping. They fall further and further into madness, maybe becoming more powerful and effective against the villain but at the expense of themselves, their sense of what's real and what isn't, and their relationships. They're on the right side and don't intentionally hurt good people, but they can't be described as sane.
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rossiici · 4 months
dude how the fuck do you draw digitally???? i'm fumbling hard and it's just sad. it's such an interesting medium and i think wow these people make such cool stuff digitally, and they don't exactly need to buy a thousand and one pencils or colored pencils or paint and stuff because it's all right there, but oh god so many buttons oh god how do i do that oh god WHYYYY
and i've never finished a singular art piece digitally. i got IbisPaintX or whatever it's called and a cute stylus and my phone and i'm hunched over it and wanting to pull my hair out because i drew on the WRONG LAYER.
i'm not much better on paper, but i'll do that thank you very much. no hate just vibes (but the vibes are bad and i'm stewing in my own technology ineptitude).
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Lmao I think I'm dissassociating again
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alabasterfuchs · 5 months
Somebody please tell me that it's okay that I memorised my three minute speech by heart right now. I feel like a failure for not using bullet points to speak freely but having whole sentences in my mind. I feel like an actor not an advocate of my team.
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an-eldritch-being · 5 months
"follow your heart this, follow your heart that" nice try my heart is just telling me to kms
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floydsteeth · 7 months
I dont feel human right now
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murderballadeer · 9 months
people are so weird about babies like calling them crotch goblins, reducing being a parent "letting someone cum in you" etc etc etc like those are tiny little humans you don't have to want to have any of your own but they are literally just small people & it's weird to constantly describe them in crude sexual terms and/or as subhuman
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ghost-kid-kieran · 8 months
Steel, lilac, lollipop, and mint
ehehe, thank you...!
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