#I'll put out a character sheet for it but still I HAVE to give y'all some context for its powers
viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Teasing them
notes: guess who's back to writing about twisted wonderland? i always run back to this fandom eventually snfhsjfjd also y'all can bet I'm replacing leona's header with the new card as soon as we have it because god I've been thinking about this man since I saw it and he's taken over all of my braincells. sorry leona's is shorter, i wrote riddle first and then ran out of brain juice
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship, reader is a menace
characters included: riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar
warnings: none
dark content creators and consumers dni
Riddle hates being teased. Or rather, he hates the fact that he's absolutely kinda into it if you have a mischievous side. In his heart he still feels the pressure to follow every rule to utmost perfection but you're like a siren with horrible ideas slowly luring him into chaos.
You'll walk up to him sitting at the table in the Heartslabyul kitchen, wrapping your arms around his shoulders from behind and resting your head on his. "What are you doing there, Riddle~", you start and he lets out a sigh, already anticipating nothing productive from you right now. "I'm writing down every odd number up to 487 because it's a Tuesday and the rules of the Queen of Hearts say that at 6pm the dorm leader- y/n what are you doing?", he pouts and blushes when you sit down on his lap, hugging him close.
"Affection", you explain and press a kiss to his cheek. "I can see that, but I have to write down the numbers", he sighs again but gives in when you press your lips to his, kissing him gently but passionately. He eventually pushes you away gently. "I really need to finish this, y/n", he says and you get up, walking towards the doorframe.
"Aw, what a shame", you sigh dramatically, "and here I thought we could cuddle and I could spoil you a bit with some kisses....oh well, another time then."
With that you exit the kitchen and lay down on the bed in Riddle's room, picking up a book in the meantime. You glance at the clock. I'll give him 20 minutes at maximum, you think to yourself and chuckle.
And within those 20 minutes he's back in the room, making his way towards you. "Not. a. word", he just gives you an empty warning and lays down next to you, snuggling up to you and resting his head on your shoulder. You don't look up from your book but wrap an arm around him and start playing with his hair. He rolls his eyes at the shit-eating grin on your face.
"Did you finish writing your numbers, love? ~ ☆"
"Yes", he mumbles quietly and buries his face in your neck. You let out a laugh. "You've always been a horrible liar."
You put your book aside and lift his chin up to press a kiss to his lips. And then another. And Riddle melts into your embrace in frustration, indulging your whims and kissing you back lovingly. "You're gonna be the death of me", he whispers quietly, still blushing. His lips brush against yours while he speaks because of how close he is. "I love you too", you wink at him and kiss him again.
When you go to the kitchen later to pick up some food, Cater sits there with Riddles sheet of paper and the numbers. "Hey! I don't know about you, but the last time I checked 487 was not the number that came after 93!", he comments with his usual laid-back demeanor. Riddle pulls the paper out of Cater's hands and blushes furiously. He turns around only to be met with a smirk from you as you raise an eyebrow. "You only made it to 93?" "Shut up."
On Thursdays according to the rules of the Queen of Hearts, the Heartslabyul students aren't allowed to eat dark foods. What a perfect day for you to make a chocolate cake for Riddle. Trey and Cater absolutely have a blast with the fact that you can play your boyfriend like a fiddle and Trey gladly helps you with the cake. He's pretty happy that you've been the reason Riddle has becoming more and more lax with the rules.
"Y/n, have you forgotten again? We don't eat dark foods on Thursdays", Riddle looks at you with a disappointed expression. "Aw but I made this specifically for you and it turned out great honestly", you look to the floor with an obviously false sad expression, "guess I'll have to eat all of it alone."
And then you sit down directly across him and eat that chocolate cake. "Okay fine, give me a slice", Riddle sighs and you can tell he really loves that cake once he started eating it, which brings out a smile from you.
"You're the personified antithesis to everything Heartslabyul stands for", Riddle crosses his arms on the table and buries his head in them. "Personally I think I'm an enrichment for this dorm." "You've brought dishonor to our hedgehogs."
Leona is a tease himself but he absolutely wasn't expecting for you to turn the tables on him on a regular basis.
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"Y/n, stop that", he growled at you. "I don't know what you mean~", you smiled at him brightly and poked his ear again with the blade of grass, causing it to flick uncontrollably. You thought it looked adorable.
Leona had decided to take another nap in the Botanical Garden and you felt like keeping him some company. Somehow, "company" had escalated into annoying your boyfriend for your own personal amusement. He had already slept for 11 hours before this, he could stay awake now.
Leona turned around and grabbed your wrist, pulling the grass out of your hand and throwing it as far as he could from that position.
Then he rested his head on your lap, ready to resume his attempts at sleeping. "Oh, would you rather I do this instead?", you smirk and start gently rubbing his ear. You knew how much he loved this. But Leona didn't want to admit that. "I'd rather you just let me sleep, herbivore", he just growled and closed his eyes again.
"Okay", you responded and shrugged, stopping your motions and instead deciding to look through Magicam for a bit. As you had expected, Leona was starting to grow quite agitated. He had his eyes open again, staring at nothing in particular and his tail was flicking back and forth.
"Is something the matter, Leona?", you ask sweetly but he sees right through you. Now one of his ears flicks even without you making it do that. A desperate but subtle sign that Leona wanted you to continue your affections. He simply let out a "tsk" sound in response and glared at a nearby tree in frustration. Why can't this man ever say what he wants?, you sighed and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "You know, you can't expect me to indulge you if you never tell me what you want", you said with a genuine tone. Leona sighed. He knew you were right. "Can you resume with the ear thing?", he mumbled and grabbed your hand to hold in his. After a bit of hesitation he added an even quieter "please", which made your hand wander back to his ear and gently caress the soft fur.
You could feel Leona relaxing and his breathing became very calm. He closed his eyes again and his tail curled around your leg as he left featherlight kisses on the wrist of your other hand. You looked down at him with a smile.
It was still pretty early in your relationship and you knew Leona had trouble opening up to you about his feelings and wanting your affection. He felt a little like that would make him look even more pathetic if you one day just chose to leave him for someone better. He became so used to only being second-best, that his sense of pride; originally used to protect him; has gotten in the way of him making the most of your time together. But as time went on, he'd become more comfortable addressing his wishes and feelings with you and for now you were ready to give him the patience he needed.
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In case I delete my damn Twitter (I really should), I want to preserve the only tweets I ever made that I liked. Which, unfortunately, was rating every Fire Emblem Final Boss on their fuckability (remixed).
I'm sorry.
(Note: I confess that I am not a monsterfucker, yes yes leave your angry comments below, and I will be ranking every boss on their most anthropomorphized form to even the playing field)
(Edited on 2/17/2024)
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Oh boy here comes the most generic villain ready to offer me the most generic sex possible. How could I ever contain my excitement
VERDICT: Look tumblr likes to make evil sex with your evil spouse look de facto exciting but even the spark can go out of villain sex. If he's a boring villain in the streets he'll be a boring villain in the sheets.
DUMA (FE2, FE15)
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Man I am so glad that the remake gave Duma a human form and I don't have to be talking about ~~Duma's wiggles~~
VERDICT: I will confess to not being particularly attracted to him, but.... Not to spoil anything but he's going to be one of the better picks on this list.
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He is a child.
VERDICT: He is a child.
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Oh boy, you KNOW he fucks with the same enthusiasm of a disgruntled middle manager fitting in a quickie between reruns of Home Improvement with a wife that he's a decade past loving.
VERDICT: I mean there are worse choices on this list but love yourself.
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Even putting her somewhat... neotenous features aside, the whole free will removal kinda makes the idea of sex with her pretty unethical at best.
VERDICT: And even if we ignore all that she got one rounded by Roy. Total turn off.
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There is no anthropomorphized form. It's just a dragon.
VERDICT: I have concerns about size differentials here.
LYON (as possessed by FORMORTIIS) (FE8)
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Ok, ok, I acknowledge this one is kind of a stretch as those two are separate entities and the Formortiis you fight is NOT in the shell of Lyon but like. Give me a break. I know you horny fuckers want Formortiis to become intimate with your intestines. I'm terribly sorry this stupid post isn't for you.
VERDICT: Let's be real. Unless you're Eirika or Ephraim (or willing to put on some cosplay) he won't be bringing his A-game. If you are, though... oooh. Boy. The emotion would run high. There would be crying. I'll leave it up to you as to whether this is a plus or minus.
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Unlike some other options on this list, it is at least 100% proven that he has had sex, if only as a means to an end. I honestly doubt whether he would fuck for any other reason to be honest
VERDICT: If, for some reason, being used as a genetic experiment isn't a turn off, he's absolutely going to ask if he can turn a family member of yours into a mindless war beast, probably immediately after the sex. If for some reason this still isn't a turn off, uhhhhh I hope y'all are happy together.
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While I could imagine most of the other characters in this list being open to the idea of sex, I really couldn't see Ashera being DTF. But...
VERDICT: She's hot in a scary Drakengard way, so I'd say it's worth at least shooting your shot. She'd probably turn you to stone, but that's the risk you take for love.
ROBIN (As possessed by GRIMA) (FE13)
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Fell Robin is a great example of the effects of evil on human attractiveness. On their own, Robin is human tofu. They are a perfect 5/10. Being possessed raises their score to at least 6/10.
VERDICT: 6/10 is better than average. Why not.
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As far as I know, he doesn't have an official age, but I see this character and I think "that's baby"
VERDICT: All I want to do is give him butterscotch candies and ask him how he's doing in school.
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Like Ashnard, at least you can say he definitely fucked. Quite a bit, considering the excess of children he has (discounting his propensity for picking them up off the streets) So, uh, he's got one thing going for him?
VERDICT: He has this expression the entire time.
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man who fucking cares
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He's the only final boss in Three Houses that doesn't turn into a big ol' monster so he's got that going for him (or against him, depending on your point of view.) Unfortunately, he is, however, a zombie, which I would rate as worse.
VERDICT: One certainly can't say he's slacking on the gym routine but... zombie. Does he smell? Ew.
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It's everyone favorite problematic waifu! What is there to say about her that hasn't been said before.
VERDICT: No, I mean really. Uh... if you like her I said she was stinky and if you hate her Edelgard come step on me uwu. Everyone can be mad at me. It's fun for the whole family.
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Rhea is a scary, scary woman and fucking her would ruin your life
VERDICT: Rhea can totally get it.
EDIT: As of this writing (2/17/2024) I have beaten Fire Emblem Engage, and have edited this section accordingly.
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Like Garon, Sombron canonically fucks. A LOT. This does not mean he's necessarily any good at it, mind, but he's got to at least... know... stuff, right? He was able to turn the yaoification beam on Hyacinth so he's clearly not completely lacking in sexual appeal. He will NOT wear a condom tho, although who on this list would?
VERDICT: I feel like you'd need to have some very specific fetishes for this to be a good idea, but if you do... have fun?
As for Heroes, I will confess that I only played Heroes very briefly; I don't know shit about the story and will have to rely on the wiki. So if I get some stuff wrong, apologies that I didn't play a shitty gacha. I was too busy... uhhhh having sex with your mom (NOTE TO SELF DELETE LATER)
BRUNO (Heroes, Book 1)
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This bitch loses shirts like a Yakuza character. His abs have more screentime than his face. He pops on screen and Yusuke Kozaki manifests behind you and whispers in your ear "don't you just HUNGER for his dick????"
VERDICT: Oh come on.
SURTR (Heroes, Book 2)
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Uh... he was pretty good on my team for the brief moment that I played. Uh... shit let's consult the wiki
VERDICT: ...oh. He's not very nice at all. Yeah don't fuck him.
HEL (Heroes, Book 3)
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Ok. Look. Listen. Ok. Ok. Look. Ok. Ok. Listen. Ok. Listen. Listen. Listen. Ok. Look. Ok. Look. Listen. Listen. Look.
FREYJA (Heroes, Book 4)
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Ok, she's cute, but... I don't know. I just don't vibe with her design. It screams "designed for lonely dudes" and I'm a lonely GAL thank you.
VERDICT: Bring back the goth milfs.
EITRI (Heroes, Book 5)
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EMBLA (Heroes Book 6 oh my god how many fucking books are there)
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Oooh, she looks deranged! I like that; I'm a big supporter for women's wrongs.
VERDICT: ...Admittedly, she has more "wet drowned rat" appeal than sex appeal.
Book 7 isn't actually done yet (I think) as of time of this writing so I'm DONE. NO MORE.
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genericpuff · 8 months
hello! i was wondering if you're familiar with the process of a canvas story becoming an original/how long it normally takes? there was a comic on canvas i was following that was supposed to become an original but after almost a year of no updates and no move to originals, the author made a post about merch and then dropped off again. can it really take a year or longer to make the transition or is it more likely the author lost interest in the comic? (and i understand that redrawing pages or preparing a buffer would take time, it's more the complete lack of communication/updates and only popping up to drop merch that seems concerning to me)
Ah, I'm not an Originals creator so I'm definitely not an authority on this or fully informed of how things work behind the scenes in any way shape or form, but there have definitely been loads of cases where Canvas series took that length of time to become Originals. It often comes down to a variety of factors including (but not limited to):
If a series needs extensive time for pre-production and building a buffer, this can be affected by the genre (ex. action comics may take a lot more time to put together than romance comics due to having a lot more dynamic scenes that aren't just characters talking to each other)
Some creators will opt to leave their original Canvas episodes untouched but others will decide to rehaul them entirely for Originals. This means a lot of redrawing which adds onto that pre-production process.
Preparing for an Originals schedule isn't just preparing a buffer and/or rehauling episodes, for many creators it's also building extensive reference libraries made up of head turnarounds, expression sheets, 3D models, etc. for all the things they can reuse during the production process.
Webtoons itself ultimately decides when a series is set to launch, so despite a comic being ready for release, its actual launch date is often left entirely out of the creator's hands and up to Webtoons. Obviously I don't have any insight as to what decisions Webtoons is making on the backend and why (and neither do its creators in a lot of ways tbh) but sometimes it can be based purely on what Webtoons wants to release in that cycle depending on genre, theme, etc. Don't cite me on this because I'm VAGUELY remembering this from memory, but there was one incident where a creator was on a hiatus in between seasons and Webtoons announced their series was returning in the promo banner reels... before actually informing the creator their series was coming back. So that, of course, led to a lot of scrambling on the creator's part to put out all the promotional material they could to get their audience prepared for their series' return. If I dig up their name I'll be sure to update this. Though I also have a pal (who shall remain unnamed) who's an Originals creator who also had to deal with some very annoying lack of communication between themselves and Webtoons as to when their series was launching, if I recall correctly it was basically left up to a last minute "they'll call you when they call you" type situation.
All that said, there's undoubtedly only so much this particular creator you're referring to is allowed to say, and for all we know, that creator may know about as much as you do in regards to when specifically their series is launching. Unfortunately it's just the way of the beast with Webtoons, they're not exactly great at communicating so that lack of information ends up being extended to their creators and their audiences as well.
Hope that helps give you a little peace of mind that the creator is unlikely "ditching their project" and more so just still in pre-production phase! Definitely sending y'all good vibes that it releases soon <3
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imma-lil-teapot · 3 years
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It's been a long road, but I finally finished this... Been excited (and super nervous) about sharing this FC I thought up some years ago when I first got seriously into the TMNT franchise.
This is Roxanne (no official surname yet as I'm still working out a few things for the story but have toyed around with a few) created for the 2003 series' storyline set two years after the events of the Turtles Forever movie. (Some may argue it's not really canon, but eh?)
Speaking of her story, I don't want to give too much info away at this stage since it's in early development and things are bound to change, but it will be a fanfic centred around a blossoming, friends-to-more-than-friends romance -with some action sprinkled in here and there cause c'mon, it's TMNT, and I do try to keep true to canon (for the most part)- and y'all can take a wild guess as to who she'll eventually be paired with. ;)
I haven't a clue when I'll actually start the fic, but I do want to put things into motion cause I'm getting ancient, so even if there isn't writing, there will be some art uploaded every now and then, and not just in regards to this but other general TMNT related art.
As for this piece, I tried to recreate the character reference sheets that the animators made for the series (you can find them online :) ) as best I could, though it's not perfect of course, and I'm honestly not sure if I'm fully satisfied with the result when it comes to the proportions and overall style (plus I think the lineart isn't the correct thickness). This may be controversial amongst the fans, but my fav art style of the series is actually Back to the Sewer (BTTS), hence why I've chosen to draw my girl like this and how I envision the story. I honestly do love all the styles, but BTTS is just the most visually appealing to me (it's the eyes ;P ). That being said, it wasn't easy to replicate and I'm not certain I actually did it justice but I also worked on this way too long, so consider it a first attempt and I may just redraw her at a later stage since I do want to use the main base to showcase different outfits so it has to be right. I'm also a dumb-dumb since all the official characters are posed in such a way to show all the details of their clothing and such, but no~oo, I had to be different and try to display more of her personality in the chosen pose (plus I was already halfway done with it when I noticed this) so now you can't see that her jeans have a seam down the legs... x(
Just some extra info about her: She's 22, about 5'1'', and works as a veterinarian assistant. I wouldn't say her occupation is of major importance, but it does play a role in how she meets the Turtles... well, one of them anyway.
I'll stop rambling now cause this is getting long and all over the place. Glad to be able to finally share her with you guys and hope you find her to look okay so far. Hehe~ I shall be trying to draw her boss and co-worker soon if all goes well. 'Til next time~
~Drag0n Mistr3ss*
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theficplug · 5 years
{My Boyfriend Does My Makeup with Trevante}
{The YouTube Series}
Warnings: none , fluff
Trevante  finally had some time off after his latest film had wrapped and although you were both private about your relationship. You decided to give your boos (your viewers) something special for 307k. 
"Welcome to or back to my channel my boos. I have a special guest today. Everybody say hello to my boo bear. Who agreed to do the My Boyfriend Does My Makeup Challenge with me. Say hey baby." You say to him as he flashes his pearly whites at the camera and you can already tell you're going to have to filter the thirst comments. 
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"Hey , I'm uh Trevante y'all probably have seen me in a few things. If I seem like that familiar face that you can't put a name to. That's why. Also looking forward to playing some characters that don't die halfways through." He says jokingly at the end before giving a shy awkward little nod to the camera. 
You take his hand in yours and nuzzle closer into his side to get him to relax a little. 
"What I think a lot of people don't know is that even though he's always in front of the camera. He's also kinda shy and doesn't like a lot of attention on him, but unfortunately for you baby is that BOI WE FINNA BE ON YOUR ASS IF YOU MESS IT UP." You say jokingly as you set out all of the makeup and a little cheat sheet to tell him where everything goes. 
You watch him break into a smile and throw his hands up.
"Ye of little faith. That hurts bae." He says pretending to be hurt with his hand over his heart dramatically. 
"I'm only joking. I believe in you. Gimme kiss?" you ask before he pokes his lips out for you to press a soft kiss to his lips. 
"Alright , I'm ready. Today we're gonna use the Fenty foundation? We're just gonna take Miss Riri's stuff and rub it in, all over the face. You don't really need a sponge or brush or any of that. That's all to get you to spend more money." He says to the camera as if he knows what he's doing. 
You try to hold in your laughter while looking at the camera and shaking your head.
"You're doing good Tre. I feel prettier already. What's the next step?" You ask him as you watch him work. His tongue slightly poking out as he's concentrated on getting your face to look "right". 
Sometimes you just get caught up in how beautiful and kind he is. He always takes care of you and tries his hardest to be involved in anything you're interested in.
"I feel you eyeing me while I work and lemme just say it's highly distracting ma'am. I'm a professional." He says jokingly before giving you a quick kiss. You tug at his bottom lip before kissing him again.
"SHE GETTING DEMONETIZED Y'ALL. We gotta keep it pg." He says before working his way down the little cheat sheet you've left him. 
"If you poke me in my eye. I'm swinging." You say to Trevante as he grips your chin gently while trying to apply eyeliner.
"Y'all see how she be treating me? Gon beat my ass in front of all of y'all like that.  Lemme stop before that's all over Twitter. Shhh, stop fidgeting let me get it right. " He says and you can feel the felt tip going past where the little flick needed to stop. 
"How do I look baby?" You ask as you batting your eyelashes at him and watch his face scrunch slightly at messing it up.
"Hollup it's whopped on that side. Give me a wipe from over there please. . . You said earlier that you wanted to ask me some questions." Tre says to you not bopping along to the soft music playing in the background.
"If you could not love me in this way anymore. Do you think you could love me in a different way? Because you know how when some people break-up. It's so traumatic for them that they can't bare being around the person that they were with because the love there is different." You ask the heavy hitting question that came from an insta sticker. This man was actually a giant teddy bear and pouting at your question.
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"For the record I ain't going nowhere. This man put a ring on it." You say giggling and waiting for his response.
"I love you in all ways , always. You know that. But, I'm tryna think about what you're asking. You're saying if weren't together no more. Could I still love you? Absolutely, we were friends before even getting together. When we met in the makeup trailer. I knew that you were going to be important in my life. And that I was gonna love you in some way. But I am grateful that I get to love you this way. I get to love you romantically , emotionally, spiritually, and (cover your ears kids) physically. I'm in love with you." He says before giving the camera a wink and blowing a kiss at them. 
Your jaw drops slightly at his response. You could not be more in love with this man if you tried. You thought to yourself before leaning in to kiss his nose and then all over his face and finally his lips. 
"Damn, I mean I think I like you or whatever." You say to his as he smacks his teeth and shakes his head while laughing at your response. 
"I'm in love with you too Nemour. I only had 3 questions picked out. So here's my second one. When is the wedding? Someone on Instagram asked." You say to him as he nods 
"We have a date and it's in my fiancee's favorite season and that's about all I can tell you on that. But I'm sure when it's all said and done she'll put a cute little video package together for y'all." He says as he applies highlighter to your nose and you look at him before bursting into laughter.
"Of course. I promise my boos will be included into the wedding somehow, but Y'ALL lemme bring the camera in please look at how this man got my nose looking like a Christmas ornament. We're going on a lil date right after this. I'm finna be looking shhmmooking hot." You say sarcastically and he couldn't even stay pressed as he breaks out into laughter with you. 
"Okay so you're on the last part of my routine which is lips. So before you start I'll ask one last question from Twitter. It says what was our first impression of each other." You smile at the question remembering exactly what he was wearing and everything.
"Well I met you while working on the set of Predator. I was like damn okay lil chocolate drop. Can I get your number? No, but really I thought you were beautiful and funny and just like full of light. There were some early morning call times where I was just grumpy as hell and had to wake up at like 4am and have to hang off fake plane for who knows how long. But there you were in the trailer already dancing around to this one throwback song and giving everybody positive morning affirmations.
Just getting shit done too. I was just standing there watching you in your element. Your lil fro bouncing side to side as you swayed around getting all of your supplies together. And I remembered you ordered everybody breakfast with like Uber Eats or something. Your energy had me hooked from the start. I think I'm more of a morning person now because of you." He says as he picks out the lipstick color.
"You never told me that! That's so sweet boo bear. I was just trying to make everybody feel better 'cause those were some long ass hours. Trying to add all the lil scars and makeup and everything so early in the morning was a lot. But I got to spend more time with you so I wasn't complaining. My first impression of you hmmm. I think I was shocked at how beautiful you are! Wait , wait lemme explain. I've seen you before on that one Tyler Perry show as Ramsey before you got killed off. And just like when I found out you were going to be in that film. I was nervous as hell. And when you walked into the trailer with your beanie almost over your eyes and your headphones on like you were too cool for school. I knew I had to play it cool. I just like sauntered over to you and offered you a breakfast plate. It worked though. Cause you was grooving to Brandy too. After that I realized how you have the driest humor, and yet you are the funniest person I know. I mean like dad joke central with him. He be slapping his knee and everything y'all. But he could've been a whole comedian." You say to the camera and he waits for you to finish before he starts applying the deep plum shade of lipstick.
"My humor may be dry but you still be doing the scatter run when I do the Norbit voice." He says laugh softly at you already about to start wheezing. 
"Done?" You ask him as he sits back admiring his work. 
"I don't think I did too bad. Look" he says handing you the mirror as you look closely
"My lashes barely hanging on and my eyeliner doing the Cha Cha Slide but other than that I think it looks good. You did a good job baby." You say giving him a kiss as he smirks into it. Already getting the big head.
"I'm coming for your brand baby. Multi-talented." He says to the camera.
"Alright and with that I'mma end this video before his head gets even more inflated. I seen some juicer questions earlier but y'all there ain't no tea. We sexy but our own type of sexy. I gotta show y'all the photos from Halloween when we dressed as Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowry from Bad Boys... We're that couple."  You say chuckling softly.
"Alright my boos, y'all know what to do. Like , comment , and subscribe if you want. Turn on the notification bell so you can know when your faves fave post again. Who knows I might get him to do the No Hands Kissing Challenge for 400k. And an OnlyFans video for 1 million." You say half jokingly as it flies over his head for a moment before the lightbulb goes off. 
"I don't know about all that maybe 5 milli. Alright y'all , be kinder to yourselves and stay blessed. Byyyeeeee" He says in your voice as he does your outro and you couldn't wait to just wrap your arms around him and love on him. 
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