#I'll save that as a problem for future bear
blushblushbear · 2 years
Hi, good to have you back!
Okay so hear me out- Double proposals. Their going to propose to their wonderful S/O when they find out we had the same thing in mind. Like we both get on one knee and both end up whipping out rings? What's their reaction?
A headcanon with anyone you think would have most reaction to it
Nimh: He is so so flustered. He was actually low key mentally preparing for you to say no so the fact that YOU were already planning on asking HIM??? He's gonna need to sit down, the room is spinning and his heart is fluttery
Also I picture him asking on a picnic date.
Volks: He's stunned. Like actually just staring at you in disbelief. He'd SAY he knew you were gonna say yes (you had to at this point, ya know?) but part of him was really worried that you didn't actually want to. Or if you DID want to, you didn't want it as much as him, and he hates being the one who cares more (make him feel too vulnerable) (also I feel like he'd ask you at a waterfall???)
He plays it cool (if a bit stammery and flustered) while around you but rest assured when he's in bed later that night he is so excited and giddy and relieved-- he couldn't stop smiling AND NO ONE CAN KNOW
Kelby: He's shocked but like one of those drunk people who got showed some dope street magic. He's so pumped but also can't believe cause NO WAY! OH NO WAY! YOU WERE GONNA PROPOSE?? /HE/ WAS GONNA PROPOSE!!! HAHAHA OH MAN NO WAY!!! later he says that he wished in that moment that he'd told you 'jinx, you owe me a soda' (he asks you at your guys' favorite park, but he waits till sundown to make it extra romantic)
Eli: So this old school romantic fucker made it super obvious he was gonna propose. He showed up that evening on a horse dressed like a prince. And didn't even bat an eye that you were also dressed like royalty. He whisks you away for an evening of cheesy romance but just before he pops the question he actually looks deep into your eyes and gets all poetically sincere. When you smirk and pull out your ring and say "you were gonna ask the same thing" he smirks back with "had a feeling you were going to-- I love you, but I couldn't be beaten to the punch, darling! You understand! NOW PUT A RING ON IT BEYONCE AND GIVE YOUR FIANCEE A SMOOCH!" He jokes and smarms and cheeses but honestly he's really super grateful to have you.
Anon: He actually plays it super casual but the whole time leading up to it he's crazy nervous. He asks in a really low key way-- I think you're just playing video games at his place and he asks if you'd wanna maybe move in and also maybe make it forever and also maybe marry him. He legit plays it like it's a spur of the moment thing that he just blurts out but when you laugh he says he's serious and pulls a ring out of his pocket. He stares at you waiting for his answer and when you stammer he thinks for a moment that he's going to be rejected. But before that sinking feeling can make it all the way to his stomach you pulled out a ring and said you had been trying to think of the right way to ask. He lived and breathed off that high he felt in that moment for about 3 weeks.
Garret: Fully taken by surprise. He cries and scoops you up into his arms. He super can not believe you were planning on proposing too. says he wishes he had waited to ask now so you could ask first and he could give you the same happy feeling you're giving him right now! But he tells you "Don't worry, Garret will find many ways to give you that feeling for the rest of our lives!"
I'm thinking-- maybe apple picking date?? Or a fair date??
Dmitri: Candle lit dinner over looking the sea at a private table at one of the finest restaurants he could find. Rose petals EVERYWHERE, heart shaped EVERYTHING, he is in a tux with his shirt slightly open, HE RENTED A BAND. A string quartet to be precise. He makes the evening as classically romantic as he possibly could. He read you a poem that he wrote with the band playing in the bg. Then at the end of his poem, he gets down on one knee and asks you to be his forever. As you excitedly pull out your own ring he stares at it awestruck. He's silent and unmoving for a moment before his other knee drops down and he's now crying at your feet. He tells you how happy you make him, how lucky he feels, and holds out his hand for you to put the ring on it. He slips your ring on you and then dips you dramatically, telling you "Now kiss me under the stars, my darling"
Ichiban: He streams his proposal. He makes it seem like one of those things were it's like "oh ho ho my S/O doesn't know I'm about to propose to them-- what this~~! >:3" but then you throw him a curve ball and actually pull out your ring and ask him first. He was so sucker punched by the whole thing he ends up crying on stream. The clip of him getting a proposal jump scare goes viral.
William: He actually tries to keep it low key and sweet. Well-- tries to. He's definitely a fumbly nervous mess the whole night. Dinner, dancing and then a boat ride. He brings a boom box out onto the lake. He hits play and then does the whole down on one knee thing and starts his proposal speech, but part way through he realizes that this is the wrong track and asks for just a moment to switch it. He wrestles with the boombox for a bit before fumbling it into the lake. As he watches it sink down in the water, he sighs and feels so defeated, but when you call his name and he turns to you with a kicked puppy look only to see a ring in your hand he legit cannot believe his eyes. He is in stunned shock as you take his hand and give him YOUR proposal speech. The first thing out of his mouth is "REALLY?!" when you laugh and say yes as you slip the ring on his finger, he's still processing it and after a moment of staring at the ring on his finger, mouth agape, he repeats "REALLY?!"
He asks you if your sure or if this is real about a 100 times on the way home that night.
Myx: He got his band to give you a private show to "preview their new set", at the end of which he shouts a declaration of love into the mic and says "and I have just one question for you babe--" and the lights behind him light up with the words 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?'
and as you walk up on stage, drop to your knee and pull out a ring, he can't stop smiling. He kisses you and then WHOOs /SO LOUD/. To say he's over the moon would be an understatement.
Stirling: He takes you out onto a private lake that he owns and has specially flattened so he can skate on it without ruining his skates. He walks you through a graceful yet simple couples routine and then once you've got it down he hits some lights (were those always there?) and you two perform it in full. At the end he surprises you with one final move that was not in the choreography he had shown you-- he slides toward you on one knee, pulling a ring from his shirt and holding it out to you. You look surprised and tell him to wait one second, and then start awkwardly skating out to the end towards your bag. He sits there silently in that proposal pose feeling himself sweat for a second before you come sliding back towards him with your own ring in hand. He stares at it in shock for a moment before smiling sweetly and simply saying "even now, you're still full of surprises.
Scale: He left you a map. Well-- it was more like a puzzle or a riddle. You're own national treasure style hunt towards a 'big surprise' that he refused to tell you. You ran through busy streets, jumps across rooftops, went through a jungle, through a secret entrance behind a waterfall and climbed a secret stairway all the way to the top of a mountain-- all the while feeling like there was someone following you. When you finally got to the top of the mountain it seemed like no one was there-- until a dagger was flung in your direction and embedded itself in the tree behind you. A note was attached to the dagger that read 'turn around'. When you turned, you found a hooded figure looming behind you. "you probably are wondering why I brought you here..." It ripped off it's cloak to reveal Scale in a tux, "I have an important question to ask you." He walked towards you, dropped down on one knee and before he could take out his ring or even begin to ask you pulled out a ring of your own. He looked at it in shock with a blush on his face before leaping to his feet and saying "Wh--WAIT NO FAIR I WAS GONNA ASK FIRST!"
Sven: He had invited you over for a traditional home cooked meal but when you got there you found him in the kitchen, apron still on, oven mitts still on his hands as he was on the floor crying over what looked like it was a souffle but it was so burnt you couldn't be sure. When he noticed you there he started to bawl even harder "NO! NO NO! THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!" he curled onto the ground whimpering as he held back more tears and muttered "there was something I wanted to ask you... but I can't do it like this..." you knelt down beside him, petting his hair trying to console him. "I... actually had something I wanted to ask you too." you said. And then you pulled out a ring and his eyes went wide. "Sven-- would you" before you can even finish you are off the ground being spun around in Sven's arms as he beams "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!"
Cole: Cole planned to play it low key. He couldn't let his hand show too early. Tonight he was going to make you his, and you weren't gonna see it coming. He had booked a dinner at a nice restaurant. Not so nice that it would draw suspicion but definitely a step above your usual place. He was gonna wait till the end of dinner and spring it on you out of nowhere. It was the perfect plan. After the plates were cleared and it was just you, him, and two glasses of wine, he reached his hand over, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips to kiss with a sly smile. "Have I ever told you you look breathtaking in the moonlit? I'm sure I have, but it never hurts to be repeated." He reaches into his pocket to pull out the ring "In fact, I think it would be better if you go those sorts of compliments more often. Perhaps, everyday... an easy feat for me to do once your m--" he froze dead in his tracks as he opened his eyes to a ring box in front of you on the table. He let out a nervous laugh, "heh... w-what's this dearest?" Why was his palms suddenly so sweaty??? why was all of him suddenly so sweaty??? No matter, it's fine, it's nothing, he can remain calm. You open the box, holding it up for him, and asking you to marry him.
....YOU.... were asking HIM.... YOU..... were asking.... HIM???????? YOU--- YOU WERE OFFERING YOUR HAND TO HIM???? YOU WERE ASKING HIM???? YOU WANTED TO MARRY HIM???? YOU WERE PROPOSING????? he could feel his pulse racing YOU-- AND HIM--- YOU HAD A RING??????? YOU--- WERE ASKING---- HIM?????????
"Cole?" your voice cut through his sudden panic like knife. ...A soft and gentle knife.... he looked up at your eyes and you were looking at him with concern-- had he lost his cool???? oh, he guesses he HAS been just staring at the ring wide eyed and unblinking for a full minute now HA HA ha... he clears his throat, trying desperate to cover up any traces of swooning or being flustered "ahem-- YES, sorry, I uh--" he pulls out his ring and opens the box towards you, "I guess you beat me to the punch"
Poe: He takes you out into a field, with a picnic and many candles to help you both see. He reads you a book of poems that remind him of you, and then ends it with a poem of his own. He didn't flinch at any of the other sappy love poems he read that evening but as he drew to the end of his own, he was starting to sweat, knowing what comes next. He finishes off his poem and closes his notebook with a sigh. He reaches into his pocket but before he can pull out the ring you stop him and say that you have a poem you wrote that you wish to read him now. He could never pass up a poem from you. He listened to you with wrapped attention, your voice was like a lullaby. He let his eyes flutter close as he smiled and let your words wash over him. When you finished, he opened his eyes to a brilliant night sky, feeling the ring in his pocket. As he pulled it out and looked towards you, he was meet with a ring meant to be a mate to his. He was shocked, though aside from a blush it barely showed. He simply smiled softly and as he slipped the ring on your finger, said, "to the next chapter of our story..."
Cashew: The two of you had spent library dates quietly passing notes back and forth to each other, so that's how he decided he was going to propose. As he sat next to you sweating bullets in a library, he pretended like nothing was different, and this was a totally normal library date with totally normal notes and he totally didn't have a ring in his pocket or a rose in his backpack. Then the time came. You had slid your shared notebook over to him and he held up finger to indicate he was going to write something long and to give him a moment. When you nodded and turned your attention back to your book he covered the notebook a little a wrote 'will you marry me?' on it, he quietly pulled the ring out of his pocket and the rose out of his backpack and placed them both on the notebook, covering it up just enough so that you don't see yet. then he felt a tap on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He glanced over at you and saw a folded up prewritten note that had been sealed with a heart sticker (you were so cute), and as he took it, you glanced at him, pointing to note, indicating that you wanted him to read it. His aniexty flared up and he began to sweat even harder as he thought 'HA w-what if this is a break up note and I'm getting dumped right now? HAHA' with shakey hands he opened the note and a ring fell out pinged onto the table. reading the words on the paper 'will you marry me? Y/N' froze him in a moment. He was sitting there, staring at the ring on the table, clutching the note and vibrating with excitement.
Someone in the next isle shooshed him.
"HOLY SHIT-- I mean---" he lowered his voice, "holy shit!!!!! Y-yes! I---"
he slid the notebook your way, "YES!"
Seth: His was somewhat spur of the moment. He had gotten a ring but still hadn't figured out the right way to ask you. After about 3 weeks of racking his brain for the perfect proposal he finally just said fuck it. One night while you two were lying in bed he looked you square in the eyes and said "marry me?" at first you laughed it off but as he reached out and pulled the ring out of the draw, turned back to you, took your hand and looking at you once more replied, "I'm serious. Marry me." You looked at the ring in shock and surprise for a moment, "L-look, I know this isn't the romantic way to ask you, but I've been thinking about it for forever now and I figured it was time I just--" you rolled over to your side of the bed, digging through your clothes. For a second he thought you were about to get up and storm out on him but when you rolled back over with a ring of your own in your hand, he grew a crazy smile
"Hell yeah!"
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br0kenangel · 23 days
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"Your life was forfeited the moment you struck him. Consider every breath from now a gift l can take away."
"Such a sweet little piglet. Shame how easily they can be slaughtered."
"Look at these bastards—oh, I mean, little piglets. They do bear a striking resemblance to their real sire, don’t they?"
"Do you prefer your men as strong as Ser Harwin, Laenor? I'm sure you have much in common to discuss."
"Rhaenyra, you must be so relieved to have such loyal men by your side 一though it's hard to say which is more important, their swords or their seed."
"His eye was a gift compared to what I'll take from Rhaenyra. I'll make her wish she had never been born."
"She'll lose more than just an eye. I'll strip her of everything-her dignity, her hope, her life."
"For every drop of blood my son shed, I'lI spill an ocean from that bastard's veins."
"He'lI be blind, deaf, and mute by the time I'm through with him-a living Corpse in all but name."
"Perhaps you should be grateful. I could have chosen a more permanent solution to your little problem."
"Consider this a friendly reminder that I hold all the cards. Your children’s lives are but a whim of mine."
"To the princess-may her comfortable Iife come to an end soon and so my husband's breath. A toast to what's to come!"
"I fight for my children's future, while you let yours be trampled underfoot by a woman who will never honor you."
"At least I'm honest about what I want-a throne for my son. What do you have, Rhaenys? Empty dreams?"
"Her children are no kin of yours, yet you sacrifice everything for them. Who’s the real slave here?"
"You call yourself a dragon, but you’re nothing more than a docile sheep led to slaughter."
"I'm not a monster. I'm a mother."
"For every tear my children shed, I’ll take another breath from your lungs."
"You were never a king, just a weak man hiding behind a crown. Now, not even that can save you."
"The dead have no say in the realm of the living. Kneel before my son, or meet the same fate as your precious king."
"You cling to the words of a dead man, yet here you are, standing before the queen who will decide your fate."
"They can't take him from me! Not like this, not after everything I've sacrificed!"
"If there's any mercy left in this world, let it be for my son. I can't bear to lose him!"
"Please, help him. I've never begged for anything before-now I beg for my son's life!"
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theia-eos · 7 months
Elincia Was Not Too Hesitant to Act
I love the Tellius games. I think the writing for the Fire Emblem series as a whole peaked in the Tellius duology. There's a lot of nuance and tiny details and characterizations and depth and layers to every character. However, this does not mean that the games are perfect or beyond criticism.
And one such criticism I have is the message they try to sell in Radiant Dawn Part 2. I am not buying it. Spoilers below the cut.
In Part 2 of Radiant Dawn, we see how being ruler of Crimea is working out for our fair Queen Elincia. The last time we saw her in Path of Radiance, she was filled with self-doubt and worried about her ability to rule as she was never raised to rule and kept secret from the public, so her coronation as queen of Crimea is a big step for her.
Ike stayed on as a member of the royal court for a while, but dips out 6 months prior to the events of Part 2 because he's only causing her more grief than he is providing support now and he goes back to the simple mercenary life he loves.
Bastian has also left her side, citing sightings of the Black Knight returning in Daein and wanting to get a good understanding of Ashnard's "son," the new King Pelleas. He is lying to her, which I'll go into later. So it's only Elincia and the children she was raised alongside, her knights Geoffrey and Lucia, in the courts.
And the nobles do not respect Elincia at all. They disparage her at every chance they get, they blame her for Bastian wanting to go scope out Daein because she lets him go because he tells her, as her advisor, that it's the best idea. They chastise Lucia and Geoffrey for trying to defend her. Generally, you get the idea why Ike had to leave, he probably kept calling them out until he was blue in the face and then some.
Leanne comes looking for Ike, and he's disappeared into the wind, and then Elincia gets word from Nephenne, Brom and Heather from Ohma that one of the nobles, Duke Ludveck, is attempting a coup based on what the recruiter said. Elincia sends Lucia to Ludveck's territory, under the guise of showing Leanne around Crimea's best orchard region, to gather some more information. Lucia finds proof that Ludveck is trying to start a civil war/insurrection, and brings that back to Elincia, who then sends Geoffrey and the Crimean Royal Knights to arrest Ludveck. Elincia privately despairs to Leanne that she never wanted to be queen, she never wanted to deal with these problems, the burden of having to act against her own people is too much for her to bear.
There's some political espionage, Ludveck had a decoy force at his castle and attacks Elincia in her safehouse in Fort Alpea, and Elincia bests Ludveck, captures him, and then says he needs to be executed for treason. Ludveck says she should make him king instead, as she's too indecisive and feeble to be queen, she took too long to stop him plotting under her and that's weakened her authority in Crimea, and to force her hand, he says that he captured Lucia. His forces will execute Lucia unless she releases him and promises to pass her crown to him. Elincia refuses, Lucia is about to be killed but Ike and the Greil Mercenaries swoop in to save the day to save Lucia. Elincia resolves to be more decisive in the future.
So what is my problem with this plot? Well, let's review the chapter count of Part 2, it's very short.
Prologue - Elincia finds Begnion wyvern riders attempting to capture Leanne and intervenes immediately
Chapter 1 - Nephenne, Brom, and new recruit Heather fight their way out of Ohma to warn Elincia directly
Chapter 2 - Elincia sends Lucia to find solid evidence that Ludveck is a traitor
Chapter 3 - Lucia comes back with proof and Elincia sends Geoffrey to arrest Ludveck
Final Chapter - Elincia fights Ludveck
Please tell me where Elincia was indecisive, failed to take action, dwadled, or let the insurrection just grow. As soon as she finds out that it's happening she goes to get evidence, and then as soon as she has the evidence, she orders for Ludveck to be arrested. She immediately refuses to hand Ludveck the throne.
Ludveck: So I take it you understand everything now? And considering Lady Lucia’s life is on the line, you haven’t much choice. Now, let’s have you free me from this prison cell, and then we can discuss any further details… Elincia: I don’t think so. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-F, Elincia's Gambit Extended Script Translation from Serenes Forest
No hesitation. None. Even in the prologue where she fights and kills Begnion forces intruding on her home, trying to enslave Leanne, no hesitation.
Elincia: Begnion dracoknights… You will only be warned once. Leave this area immediately! I serve the queen of Crimea. Trespassers on Crimean territory will be dealt with. No exceptions. Zeffren: The queen, she says! The very queen that relied on us, the Begnion Empire, to free her nation. Imperial dracoknights are not frightened by soldiers so weak as Crimean pegasus knights. Listen up! Leave those two alone. It’s the Serenes maiden we want. Do not allow her to escape! Elincia: …Looks like we’ll not talk any sense into them. I suppose we have no choice. Sir Nealuchi! We’re here to help you! [Elincia attacks Zeffren] Zeffren: You… You Crimeans seriously believe you can withstand the might of Begnion?! Elincia: Crimea takes this sort of encroachment seriously. We will not overlook invaders in our domain. Release your weapons, and apologize for your discourtesy… Only then will we lower our own. Zeffren: You have quite a mouth on you… I won’t be addressed in that tone by anyone. It’s time to end this farce. Radiant Dawn, Chatper 2-P, On Drifting Clouds
Like yes, she offers diplomacy and a chance for them to stand down, but the story and Ludveck would have you believe that she's so crippled by hesitation that she wouldn't take action. Ludveck says "you were too hesitant and too concerned about harming the people" in stopping the civil war decisively to be a strong ruler.
What the hell else was she supposed to do? Elincia never caught wind of the rebellion until the beginning of Chapter 2, and then what was she supposed to do? Take the word of three villagers that there was some random unknown man they didn't even bring in with them recruiting for a rebellion for Duke Ludveck? Like I love Nephenne, Brom, and Heather as much as anyone else, but if she had just arrested and executed Ludveck based on that information she'd be a tyrant, the other nobles would never trust her and could possibly turn against her too. Getting proof was not a sign of hesitation. Sure, she says she'd like to attempt diplomacy first instead of immediately resorting to the sword, but as soon as she says that, a soldier runs in and says Ludveck is preparing to attack and Elincia realizes the time for negotiation is over and authorizes an immediate attack.
Lucia: As we suspected, Lord Ludveck is intent on rebellion. His followers are spread across the land, inciting insurrection. We have the documents to prove it. Geoffrey: Queen Elincia, I stand ready to defend the realm! I will lead the Royal Knights into Felirae, and we will seize the duke! Elincia: I am hesitant to resort to the sword without at least attempting diplomacy. At all costs, I must stop the people of Crimea from fighting one another. [A Crimean soldier rushes in] Crimean Soldier: Your Majesty! News from the countryside! Duke Ludveck has assembled an army and announced his intentions against you! The rebellion in Felirae is growing quickly! Elincia: I see… Lucia: He must have realized that his operations were no longer a secret. Your Majesty, we have no time to waste. We must stand against this, for the future of Crimea! Elincia: …I understand. Geoffrey, leader of the Royal Knights… I hereby authorize the use of military force against the rebel army! Geoffrey: Yes, Your Majesty. At once! Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-2, Tides of Intrigue
Does a few seconds warrant Ludveck's criticisms? Is that a failure of Elincia, for taking a moment to say she wants to try diplomacy first?
Ludveck: Exactly, Your Majesty. If you truly had the power to quell the civil war… As long as I could affirm that, even if I were executed as a traitor, I would have no regrets. But, no, you were too hesitant and too concerned about harming the people… Now look what has happened. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-F, Elincia's Gambit Extended Script Translation from Serenes Forest
No, the real reason it took Elincia so long to act is because Bastian, Lucia and Geoffrey failed in their roles for her. All three of them had known that this was underway for a while.
Elincia: I see… So, that’s what’s going on. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I’m very sorry your village was affected by this. You have my sincere apologies. Brom: Oh, no, Your Majesty. We don’t need no apology. We’re just happy we could help. Geoffrey: Lucia… Brom’s story confirms what we’ve suspected all along. Lucia: Yes, as we thought. Duke Ludveck of Felirae is firing up a rebellion. We should have seen it coming. To be honest, Queen Elincia, there have been a number of indications that something like this was under way. We’d hoped to uncover something more tangible than hushed rumors… I should have told you sooner. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-2, Tides of Intrigue
They've suspected it. They've known it. They're not surprised when the Ohma villagers tell Elincia about it, which is the first time she ever hears of this going on. Lucia apologizes for keeping it from Elincia because she was waiting for more proof. If Elincia had known about this sooner, she could have acted sooner. She would have acted sooner, by how she immediately sends Lucia to gather evidence.
But worst of all is Bastian. Bastian not only knows that this is happening, he is so certain his absence would set things into motion that he hires Ike and the Greil Mercenaries to step in and assist at the last minute if things go as he expected. Does he warn Elincia of what might happen while he was gone? No. Not only that, but Bastian isn't even going to Daein to see if the new king is going to be friendly to them. He's going to Daein to get Izuka to force Izuka to cure Renning, even though Bastian has known all along for years that the herons could have cured Renning. Why does he go this route?
[エリンシア] ユリシーズ、あなたは いままでどこにいたのです?▼ 突然、連絡を絶ってしまって… とても心配していたのですよ。▼ [ユリシーズ] デインにて…… 長く探っていた”鍵”にめぐり合いまして。▼ それ故、表より姿を消し、 策謀を巡らしておりました。 全てはクリミアの未来のために……▼ Radiant Dawn, Chapter 4-5, Unforgivable Sin Extended Script
In the Extended Scripts (JP Only script locked to Hard/Manic Modes), Bastian explains that he is looking for a "key" to Crimea's future in Daein while working in secret, which is later revealed to be that he wants Izuka, former advisor of King Pelleas of Daein, cure Renning. This despite the fact that he could go to the herons the entire time, and eventually winds up going to the herons in the end anyway. While never talking to Elincia about any of this. The only justification for this is that Bastian is in love with Renning and Bastian is worried that Renning will die if he is cured through heron galdr, as Rajaion did, and Bastian's emotions get in the way of his reason. The best and most charitable explanation I can give Bastian saying that Renning is the key to Crimea's future, to the point he's left Elincia alone since before Part 2 begins when she really could have used his help, is that he hopes that Renning's support will make Elincia's rule more stable, but it's never explained why Bastian believes Renning is the key to the future or why Bastian doesn't go straight to the herons, so your guess is as good as mine.
But that still doesn't excuse the fact that he hires mercenaries to rescue Elincia without ever warning Elincia himself. He either doesn't believe in her himself, which him saying that Renning is the future of Crimea kind of hints towards, or he is just leaving the the queen of the country in the dark because he thought his plan was best. Either way, unforgivable.
None of Elincia's most trusted people, the people she relies on for advice and counsel, gives her a single hint of a warning of the information they have, even if it is only rumors. Elincia should have been told.
Is Elincia young and naïve? Yes. Ludveck's criticisms that she's too trusting, that it is too easy to assassinate her, or poison her food or drink are 100% valid. I'll even agree with his point about her letting the fleeing rebels leave after she captures Ludveck in the final chapter, they absolutely should be arrested and punished for treason. Maybe not killed, but punished.
But that she is too hesitant to act to quell the rebellion? No. Bastian, Geoffrey, and Lucia keep vital information from Elincia. That the civil war gets so far is on them, not Elincia. Elincia always takes the correct next step for her based on what she knows and what they know after finding out about it. Now, for all Ludveck knows, Bastian and the others found out and told Elincia from the start and the inaction was on Elincia, because why wouldn't they keep the queen informed, so he can say what he believes to be true. But the fact that Elincia believes him, the fact that no one calls out the three of them for what they did wrong, is a failure of the writing.
Elincia: Yes, that’s true. It’s for the same reason that, once I knew of the rebels’ movements… I didn’t immediately make any decisive orders. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-F, Elincia's Gambit Extended Script Translation from Serenes Forest
If they wanted me to believe that message, they would have needed to add another chapter into Part 2, not that Radiant Dawn needs to be any longer, ideally making Chapter 3 deal with her attempting diplomacy and hesitating to act (maybe they set up a place to talk that gets attacked and she still doesn't authorize an attack on Ludveck), and then Chapter 4 being Geoffrey's Charge when Ludveck mobilizes his army.
However, as it stands, Elincia hesitating to take action is completely absurd.
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fearecia · 4 months
Putting this in a pinned post to make it easy to find/share. We all know how Tumblr is about things (and to be fair, I'm terrible and inconsistent as hell with tags).
Link to the "shoulder release" document:
Notes about this guide:
This is a WIP, and still very much in the rough draft phase. Please forgive typos/errors. I literally haven't done a single edit yet.
The document focuses on releasing shoulders as a way to treat neck tension and migraines. Seriously, just trust me. It helps.
Carpal tunnel? Tennis elbow? Golfer's elbow? AC (acromioclavicular) joint injury? Rotator cuff problems? Tight upper back? Sporadic numbness in your arm? Seriously, just try the muscles already listed. You'll likely find at least some relief. Like, if it involves the upper body, release your shoulders.
I've done my best to make this able to be understood by people without massage training. So if it seems like it's covering really "obvious" info, that's intentional. Just skip the section if you already know things.
A lot of massage therapists may balk at me telling you to dig around in your own armpit. We're taught in school to avoid the area. Why? Because there's a crap ton of nerves and blood vessels there. *Which is precisely why releasing this area is so powerful.* There's also a ton of muscle (on yes, basically everybody) here that will protect all those structures. It's honestly really safe so long as you stick to "In pain, refrain!" And read the other rules too.
90% of the time, the culprit is one of the four muscles listed (or any combination of them). If you are someone who exercises a lot/does yoga/is otherwise pretty physically active, you are more likely to fall into the 10% of people who will have their issue somewhere else/it will just be really hard to find. So bear that in mind.
Sadly, this sort of thing will probably never be a "one and done" type of deal. Most of the things we do every day steadily build up to cause problems, and you have to constantly work to undo that entropy. So save these notes for future you.
And just in case you want to know what the hell qualifies me to make this sort of document, here are my "quals."
My first career attempt was nursing. While this did not go well (doctors don't really appreciate autistic students willing to question their authority) I learned a shit ton about the body. I became a student teacher for the anatomy and physiology class because I was so good at it (and that professor used to teach the pre-med students). A&P is now literally one of my special interests.
8 years as a licensed massage therapist focused exclusively on injury therapy. I studied Rolfing techniques, and primarily used trigger point therapy, structural integration, and myofascial release as my tools. Clients liked to joke that going to see me was like seeing the physical therapist (they weren't wrong).
Some of the stuff I share is literally self taught through "following the tension" in clients bodies. Like, I developed some of my protocols. And then practiced and refined them over 100s of bodies. The goal was always the most efficient and least painful way to achieve lasting release.
I eventually destroyed my shoulder doing massage (which was injured long before this career due to an AC joint sprain gotten when I was 20). Bonus, this means I'm *very* practiced at releasing my own shoulders.
I'm now a mechanical engineer, which just means I now have the engineering knowledge to understand to the force transferrence patterns I saw in clients all the time. Kinesiology is the same thing as statics and dynamics.
Hopefully that helps put perspective into things. I'll update this post as new versions of the document come out. I have a ton on my plate right now (who am I joking; I always have a ton on my plate), so please be patient waiting for updates.
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paranoid-rhythm · 1 month
「Chaldea Treasure Hunting!」 Asclepius Edition (Translation)
Asclepius: So you've come huh, Master? As expected of my patron. 
Asclepius: Alright, it seems we've arrived at our destination.
As the supervisor for this bounty, or should I say, treasure hunt, I expect that you have the courage to accompany me.
With this heat, and this environment, I wonder what kind of wonderful diseases, and the Holy Grail is waiting for me. I'm very much looking forward to it. 
Jason: Hey~ can you hear me? Oh! So you're there, Master! I'll be your support for today! So you should thank and venerate me! 
Asclepius: Sigh... Oh right, that's the case. Since everyone in Chaldea's support team is busy working on something else, he volunteered himself to do this. 
Jason: That's right! Just tell me if you feel like riding a huge ship right now! 
Asclepius: It's all land out here though, did you volunteer just to say that?
Jason: No, I didn't! Absolutely not! Well, whatever. First things first, head to the big city about 5 kilometers from here. A response from the Holy Grail is coming from that direction. Alright! You guys! It's time to depart!
Asclepius: It's quite the lively town, huh. This seems like it could result in all sorts of ailments. Come on, Master, hurry and find a patient!
Guda: Asclepius, this is bad!
Asclepius: T-this is...!!! You're telling me that you woke up this morning and found that your shark-rough dry skin has worsened and you've become a real shark?! Hey, tell me when did the symptoms start? Did you have any fever? Answer me quickly and accurately!
I see. That is quite interesting indeed. Here, take this Anti-Shark Head Remedy. If you rest for a while, then there shouldn't be any problems. Well then, my next patient is waiting so I'll excuse myself. Take care of yourself.
Jason! Where's the next patient's response coming from? 
Jason: Hey, hurry and look for the Holy Grail already! The reaction from the Holy Grail is coming from inside the temple in this town. Now that I've told you where it is, I’m going to take a break! And with that, I'll leave the rest to you, Asclepius! 
Asclepius: Sigh... Good grief, what a capricious captain. Anyway, let's head for the temple. It's this way. 
Guda: Huh? An oasis...?
Asclepius: What are you doing? Hurry up and sit right here. Hm. Well, it’s no surprise you’re shocked. You're probably wondering why there’s no Holy Grail and no enemies, right? This is all arranged by the Chaldea staff. They wanted to show their appreciation for your hard work, so I accepted the task of bringing you here. Taking care of the Master’s health is also part of my job after all.
Master, you’ve been working hard for humanity and its peaceful future. But if you ever find yourself struggling because you’ve pushed yourself too hard, and find it truly difficult, let me know. I promise I’ll use my medical skills to save you without fail. Do you understand?
Guda: Thank you, Asclepius!
Asclepius: What, I just said what any reputable doctor will say. In any case, you seem healthy at the moment. But since this is a good opportunity, let’s do a check-up. 
Have you noticed any changes in your health recently? Your temperature... is normal. Hmm, it looks like there’s no issue. Well then, I’d like you to be a test subject for this newly formulated medicine I've prepared. Now, give me your arm. Even if it hurts and you want to cry out, just bear with it until we know how this medicine works.
Heh. Looks like the hypnotic effect is starting to work. Master, make sure to rest well. Take care of yourself, okay?
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gwenbrightly · 1 year
(Re)Building the Future Chapter 1
A mixture of ideas I’ve had rolling around in my brain since Ruin came out. Please enjoy.
 "I'm so sorry…"
"I love carrot cake. Happy birthday, Cassie…"
There's a click accompanied by sobbing, and then……. Nothing… 
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
"Reboot complete."
Roxy regains awareness with a groan. What happened?
She tries to sit up, but something heavy is pressing down on her. Great. Just great. It feels like one of those vehicles humans use to get around the Pizza Plex. Inferior to her golf carts, of course, but also dreadfully inconvenient to be trapped under. And Roxy would know. This isn't the first time one has fallen on her since she lost her eyes to that stupid boy, Gregory. That horrible awful loser. How she'd like to get her claws on him… 
Roxy tries to ignore the obnoxious voice in her head. Plotting revenge is much more appealing right now than dealing with Helpy. Unfortunately, Helpy doesn't seem to feel the same way. 
"ROXANNE WOLF!" He blasts. If she were human, the volume would probably be painful. 
"What? I'm a little busy here." Roxy finally replies, giving the vehicle another shove to prove her point. 
"You're needed down below. That silly girl showed up out of nowhere and I… May have shown her how to deactivate all of M.X.E.S's security nodes. There's nothing keeping It from getting out now!" 
"Oh, Fizzy Faz. Why would you give a child that kind of power?" Roxy really wishes cursing wasn't against her programming. 
Helpy is right (for once). This is very bad. 
"I’ve been feeling a little glitchy today, okay? Anyway," Helpy says, clearly avoiding responsibility for his mistakes, "we've got a HUGE problem, so get down there and do something."
"What exactly do you want me to do? Beat it in a race?" Roxy asks, finally managing to dislodge her good leg. 
"Beating It is an option. Just not in a race. Don't worry - I'll be here to guide you, since, you know, you can't see! I'll be like your seeing eye bear!" Helpy says enthusiastically. 
Roxy sighs. Normally, she hates spending time with Helpy. He's an annoying little digital know it all who doesn't know how to shut up. (and he did just insult her). But without her eyes, she doesn't really have a choice. Her Number 1 Twice is somewhere down below and has no idea what she's unleashed. She has to save Cassie. And taking It down is also important, she supposes. 
Roxy is built for speed and agility. The next few minutes pass in a blur. Down the stairs - she loses track of how many flights. The elevator has already left. She takes another route. One covered with debris she must navigate. (If Helpy is leading her to her death, she'll kill him first). There are places she has to tunnel through planks and concrete rubble to make her way. But she does it. It's damp. She can hear water nearby and the ground makes a squishy noise when she steps in certain places. "Oh hey! There's an underground waterfall over there!" Helpy informs her at one point. 
"Focus, Helpy. We're not here to sight see." Roxy reminds him. 
"Riiiiight. Well, we're getting close. I think. Just through this door and down a few more flights of stairs!"
As she treks down stairs and through the halls of a structure she didn't even know existed until just now, Helpy continues to give her, well, 'helpful' suggestions. 
"There's an automatic door exactly 2.345 feet to your right."
"No! Not that door!" 
"Be sure to watch out for the burners on the floor in here!"
This particular piece of advice confuses Roxy to no end. "Why the Faz are there burners on the floor? Do you know how many safety regulations that violates?!" 
"Don't ask me. I just work here. Digitally, of course."
After the weird burner rooms, and another round of stairs, Roxy suddenly runs out of floor. Without thinking, without waiting for Helpy to confirm that it is safe, she jumps. Luckily, the space beneath her is not very deep. Rolling into a stand with both legs more or less intact, she scrambles around until she finds a small hole in the wall. As she crawls through, she hears a small voice in the distance say, "You're not Gregory."
Cassie is close. She can feel it. 
The thing Fazbear Entertainment keeps trapped beneath the Pizza Plex doesn’t go down without a fight. Neither does Roxy. Unfortunately, she isn't able to hold it off for long before it's able to shove her aside and continue after Cassie. To make matters worse, Helpy is giving her conflicting directions, leading her in circles. It is probably interfering somehow. She's on her own if she wants to get anywhere with this. She stalks forward, listening carefully. A faint creaking, scaping sound catches her attention. Then a whimper. 
Roxy dashes to her right. Right again. Forward. In the distance, the elevator doors slide shut with a grinding crunch. It struggles for a moment, seemingly caught in the door. This gives Roxy just enough time to pull the creature into a choke hold. 
"Leave her alone!" she growls at It. 
"But she came to rescue me!" It protests in a voice that sounds a little too much like Gregory. 
Whatever actually prompted Cassie to come down here, Roxy is pretty sure the kid didn't come to save It on purpose. Cassie is smarter than that. 
"You tried to kill her!" Roxy shrieks in anger. It struggles against her. She refuses to let go. With a little luck, the elevator will finish its journey soon and Cassie will be safely back at the surface in no time. 
Luck, however, is a fickle thing. Rarely do things turn out as luckily as we would prefer. Roxy knows this. She's never relied on luck to win races or make crying children smile. Deep down, she knows she can't always win (though she still tries to, often at the detriment of others). But that doesn't make it any less horrifying when the elevator begins to plummet instead of going up. When she hears Cassie's panicked screams. Or the shattering crash of the elevator splitting apart at the bottom of the shaft. 
"No…" Roxy nearly lets go of It in her panic.  
"Now she can stay forever," It says gleefully, once again mimicking Gregory's voice. 
"One more word and I'll tear your head off," Roxy threatens. She drags It away from the elevator. 
"Lock It up!" Helpy screeches. "Lock It up!" 
"Where?" Roxy asks reluctantly. She doesn't want to leave the elevator's ruins. Cassie is in there somewhere. 
"M.X.E.S wants you to put It in one of the extra containment rooms to your left," Helpy starts, "No one is safe until you've done that."
As much as she hates to admit it, the annoying little bear is right. If Cassie is still alive, leaving It to roam free will put her in danger. 
"Okay. Let's do this," she finally agrees. Hoping Helpy's instructions ring true this time, Roxy lets him guide her to It's new containment cell. Her threats seem to have worked; the creature doesn't fight her as hard as she knows it could. She shoves the thing into the room and grabs the sliding door, ready to shut It away forever, but she thinks better of it. 
"I'll be taking these," Roxy says. Then she reaches for It's face and yanks on the eye receptacles. They give way with a pop. She haphazardly connects the wires to her own eye sockets, blinking as the world flickers into focus for the first time in a long time. 
"My eyes!" It complains. "You took them!"
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fantasyinvader · 8 months
I think we've been limiting ourselves with the Buddhism takes. While Buddhism does play a part in Houses, it's not the only symbolism the game uses. There's the easy Christian stuff, elements relating to the tarot, there's the names of ancient greek philosophers, it invokes Napoleon and even the nickname El refers to ancient Sumeria as a title/name for a god.
Nirvana isn't just from Buddhism, it's origins are from Hinduism where it's not the ultimate goal. In Buddhism, Nirvana is achieving a form of enlightenment portrayed as extinguishing of the self. The ultimate goal of Hinduism is elevating ones consciousness so that it becomes part of the universal truth, indistinguishable from the creator god Brahma. When you die, you return to the energy that created the universe.
If you want a very scary version of this, someday I'll explain Getter Robo and what exactly is Getter Emperor.
The Nirvana class seems to be a reversal of the Hindu version. Byleth gains Nirvana when the Creator Goddess Sothis fuses with them, extinguishing herself for Byleth's benefit. The deity fuses with Byleth, fading into Byleth's subconscious and from there Byleth gains their power (Hopes admittedly fucks with this as Sothis fuses to save Byleth, but can take over if pushed). Even the fact Byleth is male by default but is referred to as a spiritual mother in the ending points to the Hindu version, complete with Flayn trying to figure out his pronouns in the S support, a combination of male and female like Brahma.
While the game does seem to support the Buddhist takes of extinguishing the poisons/flames, for Byleth extinguishing themself seems to be the problem. They grow during White Clouds, eventually defaulting to siding against Edelgard. Byleth's flag, the supposed Fire Emblem of the game, reflects a belief in Byleth themself. But by altering the story, by going against Byleth's choices and characters thereby extinguishing Byleth as a character, in the words of the devs it's about believing in something else entirely and instead Byleth becomes subservient to El (a false god figure). The Japanese explains the Crest Stone disappearing at the end of Flower by saying it "shattered," Byleth's actions were bad enough it broke the heart of the Goddess and caused her to unfuse with them thus Byleth loses Nirvana.
This would also carry implications about Byleth's karma. Hindu belief is based on the caste system, where if you have good karma you'll be reborn in a higher caste, a form of spiritual meritocracy where your good deeds benefit you in your next life, such as being born into wealth and privilege because you earned it in your last life, and even plays a role in achieving Enlightenment. Buddha rejected this, believing that anyone can achieve Nirvana regardless of class. But considering that Flower is called the animal path, it's ultimately about Byleth's demerit.
Flower Byleth might fight so that Fodlan can know “true peace,” but they need to ignore the fact that Edelgard is invading other nations post-war in the Japanese script or having anyone who challenges her rule offed from the shadows in the English all while using Slither tech. Byleth is a soup sandwich if they submit to Edelgard. Meanwhile, fighting Edelgard might be hard now but it bears fruit in the future, as that way Fodlan doesn't suffer her tyranny, which does tie into Eastern beliefs.
Also noticed this in Wind's ending, the Japanese makes it out Byleth's goal is to make a world where everyone can hold hands regardless of nation or ethnicity. Bloodlines don't figure into it, likely that change was to support the change where Edelgard's ideals aren't too far off from what Claude and Byleth support in Wind in English.
But, as a whole, this just illustrates a problem with Houses and it's writing. The game loves it's symbolism and uses one set of symbols to reinforce another. But when you don't understand those symbols, or mistake one for another, it can throw the reading off even before Treehouse got their hands on the script.
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
those mk & lloyd parallels got HANDS, any new thoughts on that or their interactions? (maybe save this ask till after the special, cuz uh... something occurs)
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i hear you and i see you ok 😭😭 its just that these past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy for me and also lack of motivation 🫠
but i just got covid so perfect excuse to finally think about this 😭 problem is that i mightve forgotten alot about lmk at this point so bear with me 💀
i think this mightve been mentioned in like previous posts but lloyd and mk just training and like talking about life would be very special to meeeee!! id love to see how our 2 protags of east asian inspired lego shows would interact!! idk they could go get therapy together because they are both very messed up theyd ask each other to seek help and then say nooo im fiiinee, bonding over secretive mentors me thinks like why do they do they keep secrets all the time!!! like idk id love a swap au between these 2 they r very interesting to me.. also both of them getting betrayed suckss. they could learn somthing from each other like lloyd is more wise in like the master wu sorta way and i think mk could teach him to let loose a little.. also they can both go apeshit mode hehehehehe i think ive already mentioned this in like another ask
i think red son would remind lloyd alot of him when he was younger like idk they try so hard to be evil but they got that goodness in them yk 😔😔
i think that applies to kai in the hotheaded sense like hes grown so much since he was 15 and i think hed want to help red son in the way he helped wyldfyre as well
lloyd: so yeah my great grandma is like a dragon..??
nya: and i turned into a dragon once!!
mei: thats sooooo cool my great great great great great great thousand times great grandpa was a dragon too!! do you guys wanna see my dragon!!!!
*lloyd and nya expecting some tiny dragon like riyu or chompy*
and then mei whips out her totally cool kickass dragon and they are both in awe like teach me how to do that!!!!
im pretty sure sandy is the builder of the time right?? there are so many builder characters in ninjago like pixal, jay, nya, sora, zane and i think they could probably geek out about it hehe
zane probably also knows about jttw since he knows like everything about everything yk i think he would listen to tang talk about it zane's sweet like thattt and tang can finally talk to someone who knows the full story 😭
one time someone asked about morro and macaque and like i still dont really know how to answer that like theyve both died ig thats cool 😭 shared trauma on dying lol, and also they were both like evil at one point and i guess reflecting back on it theyve both been like what was it all really for
ive said this before and ill say it again jay, mk, mei and maybe wyldfyre would totally go do some dumb shit together and get in trouble together 😭
and thats all i have maybe i'll think up something in the future? who knows!
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ficretus · 9 months
Theory: Interpreting RWBY's Indecisive King as Joan of Arc story and implications of it
Looking at Indecisive King story I've noticed major similarities it has with Joan of Arc story. When I say Joan of Arc story here, I am referring to initial portion of it, from her childhood to meeting the King Charles VII (who will from now on be referred to as Dauphin) at Chinon castle. In this theory I'll break down those similarities, what characters they potentially reference in the show, and what future event do they potentially facilitate.
First of all, what is Indecisive King story? It's one of the in universe RWBY fairy tales dealing with Relic, Crown of Choice. There is a wise King that is always able to solve problems of his subjects. One day he was approached by grieving Widow who lost her husband, village and will to live due to a Grimm attack. King told her to continue living and offered her stay in his castle. Some time later, King was given Crown by mysterious admirer. When he put it on he deteriorated into mess, unable to perform his duties or give advice to his subjects due to being burdened by visions of future seen due to the Crown. Nobody was able to help him and he got rid off all of his advisors. He was eventually approached by Widow, who he no longer recognized. She offered to put the Crown on her head, but instead of terrible future, she saw King proposing her. She gave him the same advice he gave her, instead of worrying about the future, he should live. King's issues are resolved and they lived happily ever after.
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What are the similarities between this story and initial portion of Joan of Arc story? First of all, similar protagonist. Both Joan and Widow were peasant women giving advice to the king. When she was 13, Joan's village was sacked, similar to the Widow. In aftermath of that incident she saw Archangel Michael for the first time, breaking down in tears and begging him to take her with him. This is once again similar to the Widow, both losing their will to live. Joan is encouraged by Michael, who informs her that she'll be contacted by two more voices, giving her purpose in life. When time came, she is instructed by voices to go to Chinon and meet the King. Dauphin by that point was losing all confidence in his abilities and future. While he wasn't literally burdened by crown unlike Indecisive king, he bears symbolic burden. Crown has granted him power, but it also put him in endless war against England and Burgundy, which he has been losing for years. So both kings were granted power (knowledge is power after all) in exchange for massive burden that kept pressing them. Dauphin is also commonly referred to as indecisive. Joan encouraged and inspired him, staying in his castle before departing for Orleans, winning the battle. Eventually, Charles would win Hundred Years' War, making their meeting the turning point of the war. Once again, similarity with Indecisive King story: peasant woman gave an advice and "saved" the King, helped where his many advisors couldn't.
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What are the flaws with this comparison.
A) Widow was given advice by King and helped him using the very same advice. Joan is helped by Archangel Michael, so it's not 1:1 since it's not the same advice between two individuals. Way I see it, you can argue that Joan was given purpose through the King, so it still somewhat works. Archangel Michael was also Dauphin's patron saint, so that's another plausible read
B) Different resolution to the story. Widow and King married and lived happily ever after. This doesn't work for Joan for obvious reasons, being both virgin and martyr. Her relationship with Dauphin was also purely platonic, even described as sibling-like. I suspect that these are not bugs, but features of the story. These changes are subversions of Joan of Arc story that will play major role later in the story.
C) Crown has different role at the end. King shared the Crown with Widow before sealing it away for good. Obsessing over the future is not good, hence Crown is also not good. On the other hand, Charles must embrace the crown and his role as the king. Joan's mission was to bring him to Rheims so he can be properly crowned as French king. Although once again this can be seen as parallel because Crown of Choice inhibited Indecisive King's capacity to rule, hence he wasn't the true king until Widow helped him take it off.
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Ok, time to move on to RWBY's Joan, Jaune Arc. So Jaune=Joan, Joan=Widow, logic would imply Widow=Jaune. Does that make sense? I'd say it does. Both Jaune and Widow dealt with loss of their partner and home due to Grimm attack which made them lose their will to live. However, Jaune's story is incomplete, so there aren't many further connections. So, not a lot, but connection is strong enough in my book.
So Widow=Joan=Jaune, which would make Indecisive King=Dauphin=person X. Who is person X? Time to get unhinged, I'd say person X is Cinder. Let me explain:
For Cinder to be person X, she needs to fit as both Indecisive King and Dauphin. Let's start with the King.
Most obvious part is that Relic of Choice is Cinder's relic since she is Fall Maiden. So both Cinder and King are Crown's rightful owners. This could change, since Cinder could die, making someone else the Crown's guardian, but I'd be pretty surprised if show decides to kill off Cinder before this point of the story.
Now for bit controversial interpretation of events, did Cinder help Jaune by telling him to live? Yes, in very indirect and pretty evil way. Jaune confronted her with intent of sacrificing himself to hold her off. At that point of the story he saw no value in his well being. Instead of killing him, Cinder decides to "play" with him. She can kill him at any point of the encounter and it would be pretty beneficial to her since she can turn on other remaining fighters as well, yet chooses not to. Be it sadism, arrogance or some kind of pity. Even when Jaune came pretty close to hitting her and nicked her mask, she lashed out on Weiss instead. By doing so, she forced Jaune to awaken his Semblance and find his purpose again. So it kind of works as Indecisive King parallel.
Next, is Cinder surrounded by advisors who cannot help her and that end up pushed away? Once again, yes. She never opened up to anyone and puts on a mask (both literal and symbolic) to hide her insecurities. As a result, she creates unsolvable problem and pushes away those around her who cannot resolve it as a result. At the current point of the story, Cinder is completely isolated (Emerald left, Mercury distanced herself from her, and she literally threw Neo off the edge of the cliff) facing the looming disaster.
Speaking of said problems, does Cinder deal with impossible future problem with no solution? Yes, although that's not explicitly stated or shown. Think about it logically, let's say Cinder enters the Vault and finds the Crown and puts it on her head, what will she see? Here is little flowchart of possible events.
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Gee, look at that bright future with variety of the outcomes. What is your favorite? On more serious note, there is no future in which Cinder wins. She is slowly turning into Grimm and Salem has shown before she can easily force her on the floor with minimal effort. As time goes she will turn more and more into a Grimm, making control even easier, eventually becoming Hound 2.0. So she cannot rebel and futures in which she has all powers are meaningless. And just as likely is she to take all of them, she is likely to die trying. In every major story portion she almost died. So just like King, she'll arrive at crossroad of impossible choices. There is of course choice that can save her, but she is unable to see it, just like King was until Widow helped him.
Direct quote from animated version of the story:
"We have clearly seen vastly different visions. What this cursed crown has shown me is a distant crossroads, one with no solution, no way out that doesn't end in a disaster!"
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I feel like that's enough examples for Cinder=Indecisive King, I need to justify other part of the equation. Is Cinder king Dauphin? Once again I'd say yes.
Let's start with his childhood: Dauphin grew up in hotel Saint Pol, royal residence at the time. He had 2 older siblings that were meant to be heirs, he himself was suppose to be just a duke. He had troubled relationship with his mother, depending on the version, she was either neglectful or actively hated him (and ruined him). Eventually, his elder brothers died and he became an heir. He ended up in factional clash with duke of Burgundy. When he was 15, he ran away from his royal residence, to which he would never return. His men ended up murdering duke of Burgundy after tricking him into meeting them. This soured relationship between Dauphin and his father, who first ended up disinheriting him, before eventually declared him an outlaw.
Let's break down the similarities. First of all, both were raised in hotel they'd end up permanently leaving when they were 15. Both have bad relationship with their mother (adoptive one in Cinder's case). Both were trained to fulfil the role played by their paternal figure (Dauphin named as an heir/Rhodes training Cinder to become a Huntress). In both cases paternal role turned on them after they committed somewhat justified but morally wrong act (duke of Burgundy was responsible for Charles's uncle death, potentially even his siblings' and wanted to control him). Said paternal figure then cut their association with them and declared them an outlaw.
Childhood part mostly checks out, moving on to Dauphin post escape. He runs away to territories held by queen dowager Yolande of Aragon (who held the title Queen of four kingdoms). She became massive influence on him. After his father died, Dauphin proclaimed himself the King. However, this proclamation didn't hold much weight since there was another pretender, child King Henry VI and since Dauphin didn't hold Rheims, traditional coronation location of French kings. Dauphin married Yolande's daughter Marie during the ceremony. He had initial successes against English and Burgundians, but was eventually pushed back and faced imminent danger once his enemies moved to siege Orleans (after which he met Joan, but that's besides the point).
Once again, pretty much all of these points hold true for Cinder. Just like Dauphin took refuge in Yolande's land, Cinder entered Salem's service after she was proclaimed fugitive (both women are widows with immense power, Salem might as well be queen of 4 kingdoms in RWBY). Both got heavily influenced by their new maternal figure, although Yolande was mostly positive influence on Dauphin unlike Salem on Cinder. Dauphin's semi legitimate proclamation of royal power matches Cinder two fold: first she took half of maiden power becoming Fall Maiden pretender. But after she took all of it, she still lacks the Relic (which is out of her reach) just like Dauphin was King without the crown. This one might be bit of a reach, but I equate Dauphin's marriage with Marie to Cinder's grimmification. Grimm are effectively Salem's children, and both events take place during their proclamation of power. Cinder also triumphs early but finds less and less success as the story continues.
I won't go further into Dauphin's story since we'd soon enter into completely speculative territory. But safe to say, Cinder more than enough matches Charles for me to pull Cinder=Dauphin=Indecisive King.
Ok, so we identified the main characters, what now? How do things go from here? Well let me throw some theories based on this.
THEORY 1: Knightfall route
I am neither first nor last to connect Indecisive King with knightfall so I'll be brief.
Cinder and Jaune will meet in the final vault. Cinder will be completely lost by that point, realizing futility of her quest for power. Jaune will help her see the future in which she is happy. Instead of endless power, she finds love. This is subversion of Joan of Arc story Indecisive King story does. Instead of Joan ending up as virgin martyr, she'll live happily ever after with the king (although words "Jaune" and "happiness" seem like impossible combination).
THEORY 2: Redemption but not forgiveness
This theory focuses on intention of advice, rather than resolution of the story. Cinder's "you need to live" likely wasn't with good intentions. She wanted to see him suffer since she knew that killing someone with no will to live is pointless. Jaune's advice to Cinder at the end will be the same. Cinder will realize futility of her quest for power and beg Jaune to kill her, so she can right the wrongs. Jaune will refuse since he won't allow her easy way out, making it clear he won't let her die until she cleaned up all the mess she made during the story.
What do you think? Any interpretations or details I missed?
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canadiancryptid · 1 year
Spy x Family Episodes 13-15: The Dog Saga
So, these ones were sorta one long saga, so I'll be putting my notes in one long post. These episodes removed any doubt in my mind that this was one of my favorite shows I've ever seen.
Hey, new intro! This is so cute, I love it.
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But this one shot gives me thoughts. I have so many questions about her past, and I can't stop wondering.
Yor is so bad at cooking, but at least she tries. She's not great at the traditional motherly stuff, but she's still amazing in her own way.
Those pet shop dogs have more abs than I do. I'm not afraid of getting biten by them, I'd be afraid of getting punched. Jeez.
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Well, okay, maybe not. Those teeth look like buzz saws, so I'm definitely still afraid of getting biten, too.
Anya trying to help her Papa with his spy stuff without him knowing she's trying to help is always amazing.
"I'm not sure if I'm changing or if its just the times, but a kid like this being a terrorist is a hard pill to swallow"
That just says so much about how much his family has changed him. He can't see things the way he used to.
This dog looks like a cross between a fluffly dog, a polar bear and an otter, and he has the voice of an elderly human man. I love him already.
And he can see the future. Fun.
Also, how to you get future vision from trying to science the dogs to be smarter? How does that work? I would understand if it was based on knowledge, but he's predicting Lloyd's death before he ever met him.
Those dogs ARE smart! If you aren't afraid of an angry Yor, then you're dumb. They no better than to mess with her after she turned the last fuy into a living bouncy ball. Human bodies are not supposed to move like that.
Anya just saved the world by drawing on a wall with ketchup. And nobody knows it was her.
Anya is SMART. She knows how to get her way. She knows the agency will ho along with almost anything to keep her happy and keep operation stryx on track. Because she knows about it in the first place, she knows she can make empty threats to derail the mission as a final trump card. We know she wouldn't, she wants to keep her family the way it is. But they don't know what's going on in her 4-year-old brain.
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I'm not okay my heart is a puddle on the floor I love them so much-
So, I feel like there HAS to be some big reveal eventually. There's no way that doesn't end up causing problems. And I refuse to believe the whole "just leave the family behind and go to the next mission" plan was ever ACTUALLY on the table, even if he thought it was.
I think it's gonna end with either Lloyd quiting/retiring from the agency, or with the whole family becoming a part of it. Yor is already well suited for most of that stuff, and Anya has proven she can do the whole mission thing... well, as well as a kid her age can. Still, there's no way the family breaks up. No possible way.
And after getting that little bit of backstory from Handler, I think she'd actually be pretty understanding of either option. Looking forward to seeing how everything plays out.
So far, my only real complaint is how little we've seen of Yor. I mean, we see her as a mother, and she's amazing, but her whole assasin thing is just... there? Like, we know she’s doing that in the background, and she’s done a lot of impressive things, but we almost never see her as an assasin. She's the only one really out of the loop with the whole Operation Stryx thing, and with everything focusing on Lloyd and Anya, she doesn't get nearly as much time to shine. I really like her, but it feels like the show has been doing a lot of telling without much showing. It's not like we haven't seen anything, but it would be nice for her to have a little more time to shine.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Have you ever thought about a Kanthony (and others) re-incarnation au. I'm thinking a Housefull 4 style bridgerton fic starring Kanthony, Benophie and maybe Polin. Housefull 4 is a bollywood comedy gold. Surprisingly it's without any angst that u expect of reincarnation tropes. But maybe we can have some angst if someone decides to make a fic out of it 🤞. Anyway if someone does decide to make one I will recommend watching the movie first or look at the plot on wiki for the main gist of the story. U know I got this idea because of the spider scene (equivalent to the bee sting according to me) in the movie so like we can have Kanthony as Madhu n Bala (eldests), Benophie as Meena n Dharmputra, n Polin as Mala n Bangdu.
Thank you for listening to my mumbling 😊.
i've said it before and I'll say it again: people in Tumblr have good taste. So guys, if you haven't seen Housefull 4. Go watch it, it's an awesome movie and it deserves a shoutout. And the funny thing is that I did see the movie a long time ago. But I thought that it would be a great twist if the girls were the ones having the big problem making the guys remember their past lives. So anon, I know this take on the movie isn't what you asked for but bear with me.
So in 1813 you have Queen Violet ever despairing on marrying off her three rakish sons. And then there's Kate, Sophie and Penelope. Who for one reason or another love these three idiots. first there is Kate, Minor indian royalty, princess Kate was vanished from her father's court because of a tiny disobedience (staging a coup to put Edwina on the throne is not a tiny disobedience Kathani Sharma) so she is kind of scheming to marry Anthony and become the future Queen. So she can return home with something to show for it.
Anthony's second brother, Benedict, is desperately inlove with his sister's ladies maid/bodyguard, Sophie. Who has saved his life more times than he can count. And finally, Colin, ever the young prankster. Is inlove with the court lead gossip maker. Miss Penelope aka notorious scandal mongrel Lady Whistledown.
Kate and Anthony fell inlove, and together they also worked very hard to unite Benedict and Sophie against those who opposed their class difference, and defended Colin and Penelope's choice to be together despite Lady Whistledown's reputation. BUT on the day the three of them were going to get married. Someone bombed the cathedral. And the three couples died.
Back in the present Kate Sharma is a down on her luck photographer working too many jobs who accidentally gets in trouble with the Indian Mob and has to pay back a sum that seems astronomical, or work for the mob for life. Well, never let it be said that Kate doesn't know how to scheme her way into the lives of the rich and famous. Her boss Lady Danbury sets her and her two best friends up with the sons of a super rich business' woman, who need convenient wives that don't mess on their style ( in exchange for a few favors after the girls are officially Bridgertons. ) Penelope and Sophie have agreed to help Kate pay back the money to the mob and well, at least the guys are handsome.
Everything is going swimmingly, the three couples are getting along well, at least until Kate visits the Bridgerton family cemetery with her new fiancée and starts getting flashbacks of her past life...
Here's the thing... In this life, she is sort of going to marry the wrong brother!! oh no, Kate needs to help her friends remember their past lives too. She doesn't want to get married to Colin, or let Sophie marry Anthony, also she's pretty sure that if Penelope knew she's getting hitched to the same Benedict who was head over heels for Sophie in their past life, she would die of embarrassment.
Now all Kate has to do is help her friends and their husbands remember their past life. Reconnect with her husband who doesn't know she's his wife because he thinks she's the gold digger who is putting the moves on Colin. Somehow figure out why they all reincarnated AND find out who bombed the cathedral in 1813.
Easy peasy right?
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dolloshub · 7 months
The Past and The Future (Former Owner)
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(The following text was approved by Poral for posting.)
Hello there. I hope you're doing well today.
It's been quite a while since I last posted, and several weeks since Poral rejuvenated this blog, so we felt it best for me to provide an update. Neither of us want to keep these posts from gathering dust, especially given what's been happening recently, but that'll be explained further down.
First is the path going backward, specifically the context of what happened leading up to going our separate ways.
When one might envision a TPE lifestyle, even if the skill sets to properly enact it are there, actually bringing such a lifestyle into reality can be much more difficult. I'll fully admit that I had very little interaction with TPE as a lifestyle or a relationship, and bit off way more than I could chew in terms of experience. Consequently, while we had plenty of memorable moments alongside sizeable progress, our dynamic kept being undercut by interrelated tension, misunderstanding of expectations, and exceedingly high amounts of stress. By the time our relationship ended in late December of 2022, neither of us were remotely close to mentally stable, and I remember wishing at least once that I had never met her.
Poral has in retrospect attributed much of the stress generated on her end to the near-constant bombardment of seizures experienced daily, and there's definite weight to that. It's also true that my livelihood throughout this time period was very hectic overall, and our relationship was not the only topic actively tiring me out. Regardless, I still believe that our relationship failing was my fault for several reasons, mainly from the aforementioned inexperience. In not properly respecting what the Doll system needed then, we suffered as one.
We never cut each other off entirely, though, although there were no further messages after the breakup. In talking about it post-reconnecting, some small part of us always wanted that pull, that active link we shared. Maybe it was inevitable that we would intertwine once more, but honestly, it'll never be known for sure.
Next is the path as it currently stands, and what developments have been made recently.
Poral already mentioned bringing the Doll system online, our reconnecting, and further reinforcement. Like her, I'll keep most specific details vague, save for two important points worth expanding on. First, it's been made clear by me that a TPE relationship isn't in the cards, and Poral has graciously respected that request. For as much as I've been willing to help her stabilize and become the Doll she's wanted to be, both therapeutically and at times erotically, I'm not trusting in my own ability to maintain such a dynamic for the foreseeable future, if ever.
Second is the fact that everything is steadily bearing fruit, frankly much faster than either of us have expected. Processes that we thought would take weeks have instead taken days, and in one case several hours. It's gotten to the point where we've started joking about how short the next duration is going to last. This is likely as a result of the strong emotional pull that we share, despite months of non-contact, along with several other factors.
It hasn't been smooth sailing, however. There have been many logistical complications, primarily with surgery and how Doll might behave afterwards, so we've installed and plan on installing a multitude of safeties to make sure that programming isn't outstripped. There have been emotional complications as well, and programming itself has proven uncertain at times, because of the potential problem of transferal into other apps.
We know that this path is a difficult one. There's a chance that amidst all this turmoil, the progression we have made will come undone and everything will be lost. It nearly happened once already. Nonetheless, we're moving forward with greater shared understanding and appreciation than in the past, and if the worst comes to pass, we'd rather fall short together than apart. Frankly, I couldn't have made it this far without Poral's help and encouragement, and the knowledge she has over her own system. I'm so proud of her efforts.
Lastly, let me return to something I alluded to at the start.
One main aspect that we've been working on is the threshold of app isolation, i.e. the lack of awareness that each one has of both others and itself as an app. We believe reaching the threshold will greatly stabilize the Doll system's functionality, removing much of the usual awareness of its DID history and wiring, and thus enabling greater opportunities for programming and further stabilization.
When that happens, this blog's tone and self-acknowledgement may change slightly. There will still be a portion of the Doll that has greater awareness, so they may take over posting duties, but the apps that have written in the past will likely appear less often. In any case, we'll be sure to keep you updated.
As Poral said, the future looks bright, and full of promise. Thank you so much for reading.
— Ungso (former Owner)
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Gonna save up for and soon buy a much needed electric wheelchair!!!! :D Sometime in the next 7 months, I'll have one. And I know, finally, I'll be free, and life will be easy. Not only do I have a car so I'm able to go wherever I want when I want, but I'll have a mobility aid that gives me freedom to go places a car can't take me. I'll be able to go shopping with ease, travel across town center without a problem, go across the theme park without issue, get through NYC, and just... so much more!!! Thinking about the freedom of a wheelchair is just relaxing in and of itself. I'm assured. I feel relieved. It's a weight lifted off my shoulders, and a pain off my barely working legs.
What's more? I'm doing this because I have a vacation with friends in August, and we'll be traveling a ton every day, and they said they want me to be comfortable and safe. So they helped me find what's cheaper, to rent or buy the wheelchair. From there, my friends ruled out every hotel available that didn't accommodate wheelchairs, didn't have elevators, etc. because they absolutely implored that I get one before they could hear my default "I'll stick it out and bear with the pain of walking." And, they figured out which hotels have the shortest travel distance to transportation that takes wheelchairs, so it'll be easiest for me!
Y'all I'm legit going to cry. My friends are the best!! They make me happy, and they make my life bearable, and they support me in more ways than anyone has ever done before. They support me more than I support myself. They have helped me come to the conclusion that I finally need to get a wheelchair at long last, that I can't deny it anymore, and that it's totally fine and acceptable to need one. Even the one friend's mom outright said when she was where we're going, she rented one, and it made life easier for her!! No questions about me needing one myself, no hesitation, just full on acceptance and support!! I have... never known that before. It's kind of strange, but in a good way! Being essentially told that it's ok to be disabled, that I don't have to keep fighting through it and I can just accept something that'll make my life better and the disability easier, that's something I've needed for a long time. And it just feels great to finally know I feel good and secure about my future and disabilities.
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mysticmiav · 1 year
I've gotta ask (also I absolutely love your Solomon brainrot art <3) how did you get to lesson 11? I'm stuck on six and just can't advance 😭
Aidjake thank you for liking it!
Tbh the only correct answer is that I got to lesson 11 through the power of desperation🫠
I had pretty much used support items to just get past the c point of lesson 11 levels cuz I was that desperate🫠
I'll drop pics of my teams below! I always just let the game choose for me which cards are best in the battle lol
-> I do have to say that since I've updated the cards a bit since lesson 11 released, they can now probably pass the levels of it with like a B~ score. The URs used to be leveled up to around 50ish, and the SSRs to 30, now they are at 70 to 45 respectively so yeah. Just wanted to mention that cuz the stats in the images are higher than when I played 11, hence why I had to use support itmes all the way through the lesson x)))
I have only been doing free rolls so far, cuz I wanna save up my devil points for future banners I might really wanna pull on, and I'm f2p so yea~
I'd say if you're stuck due to cards not being strong enough/levels being too hard, you'll have to be a bit patient and level up the cards! Il
If you're short on grimm to level up the cards, go farm grimm from fabsnap (I know, the app scares me too, but bear with it.)
Basically if you go there and go to the search page, choose one of the videos that show up there and then spam hearts on it, you get an achievement every 50 interactions, and it's 1000× grimm per "milestone". It's per character, and the videos from Asmo, Luke, Simeon, Lucifer and Belphie are all open, so you can get grimm from each of their characters!
Make sure to level up the cards and unlock devil tree spaces! They rlly help make ur deck stronger~
But if the problem is more or less the rhythm battles being too difficult, then Idk if I have helpful tips man.
I really am not that good with rhythm games, I've only ever played piano tiles a few years ago when it blew up.
Tbh the rhythm battles-format of NB is very confusing to me, and I could just never get used to it (the way you click right-left or up-down) with the way the tiles slide horizontally. My brain and fingers can't coordinate that stuff at all🫠
So, I just play the battles like they are piano tiles levels x) I've set the rhythm settings to up-down, and whenever I play I flip my phone so that it's vertical, and that the tiles and buttons move "towards me" kinda. It made the levels more fun and somewhat easier, so if you think it might help, go ahead!
But yeah that's pretty much the way I've been playing so far. Hope it has helped and good luck getting past those lessons!
The pics below are the decks the game tends to select for me on the battles, since they are my strongest cards (other than those 2 URs and 3 SSRs, all my other cards are sr and below x)
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Scarlett O'Hara typing
I just finished watching Gone With the Wind and I have to ask: Why did youchange your typing of Scarlett O'Hara to SP/SO when her priority is SX the whole movie? At first she was all about general male attention, the only thing in her mind flirting and being admired for her beauty, then she zeroed in on Ashley and did the most outrageous (for the time) things for him. She's good at survival for sure, but not only is she a Se dom 3 (a 387 at that) but even Melanie searches a dead man's pocket for money. Scarlett works hard but explicity resents it and is constantly overwhelmed by it. She turns nastier the longer she has to focus on SP and be responsible for it, which doesn't fit SP 3 at all, as they like to provide for their own and their pride comes partially from it. She marries in hopes of hurting Ashley woth no thought of the future, including the possibility of becoming a widow. She passes an opportunity to save herself and travel the world with Rhett. When Ashley comes back from war she wants to run away with him with no care to the consequences or her responsabilities, and when he rejects her again she says now there's nothing left to fight and live for. He has to remind her she still has her land, which she had no problem leaving behind for him, whom she says she'd do anything for. She throws a fit at a man who could make her lose her land out of passion. She also wants her slave to have her father's watch after his death, and he has to remind her she'll need to sell her valuables to pay off her taxes. She refuses out of sentiment. Scarlett offers Ashley half of her lumber business (even after he admits he knows nothing about it and wouldn't be of any help) just so he doesn't leave, even tells him he could buy it from her later on. She loves being pampered as Rhett's wife, yet thoughtlessly ruins her life of luxury in seconds because of not bearing to not look as skinny and young as she used to, and her obsession with Ashley. She has no interest in how her business is doing when she came to show off her new outfit to Ashley. The whole movie she has people around her try to put some sense into her. She's vain, passional and reckless and has little of the level headness and down to earth nature of the SP 3. Her feelings run her to the point she even puts other people in precarious situations because of it. She's definitely SO blind as she has no care for her reputation at all, or hiw it'll affect her daughter's, she has no care for how her actions will be seen and has to be constantly held back by others. She also admits to being aware of what is said about her and not caring at all. She 's genally disliked  y anyone who isn't family or male suitors,yet makes no effort to change this. She also sucks at trying to pretend to be nice to her neighbors, specially compared to Rhutt. The way she'd leave her land, her mentally ill father, sister, aunt, servants and Melanie and her new born baby behind just to elope to Mexico with Ashley while claiming there was nothing keeping them there...that's SX/SP according to your own defi ition, isn't it? "Only me and my lover matters". Your original typing from 2014 was so accurate, I don't get it.
Yeah, you're right.
I suck at figuring out instincts. Hopefully I'll get better at it.
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greenbirdtrash · 2 months
Yet another bad thing just came up.
I was about to make a small update about our previous situation thanking the people who reached out to help, but there's new problems now. Massive ones. I feel like everything is happening at the worst timing possible, and the stress is too much for me to bear with.
Probably good news for you: I am about to open NSFW slots. I don't know if there's a demand, or if anyone is generally interested in commissioning this from me, but i have no other options but to try it. Things are really getting progressively worse, to the point of me thinking about leaving my comfort zone and planning to distract myself as much as possible while dealing with lots of uncomfortable things and fetishes i generally prefer to avoid. Like i said, i am willing to try it as my last resort right now. We're really sinking down to the bottom.
I will not dive into details about the exact numbers here, but if anyone comes to my dm with questions, i'll answer. I do have the medical papers for that eye surgery on hand, too.
Bad news for me: this is really the only quick way to cover up the current debt i could think of when i look at the amount of trouble we're currently in. Things were going okay, we payed our bills, worked on our projects without any worries, for a few months we were saving up what we could, and few days ago, we put the majority of these savings (including the money i earned on my previous comms and also the rest of the grand i was personally saving for my driving lessons) into an eye surgery and the follow-up medication for my granny, and she's recovering just fine, finally starting to see the contours of the surrounding things again. The thing is..We are already scheduled for at least a few more intravitreal injections, and it was highly recommended by her doctor that we should get her other eye fixed as well before her cataract gets worse. All these things are already expensive as hell, oh, and the worst part?
Our credit card got blocked today because of the massive debt and the crazy additional percentage we got since the start of the war. This card always acted as a safety buffer for the times when our salaries got delayed (which gradually happens more and more over the last year, we already lost around 30% of our initial income, and the life quality dropped as a result, too. Well. I do talk about that from time to time, you probably saw my posts there and there..), we tried to transfer any leftover money (if there were any) to cover up the debt whenever we were able to, but I guess everything eventually comes to and end. And it did.
This post is mostly me screaming into the void, i do not expect anything or anyone to help me or magically save me from all this, i lost any hope about the future long time ago, and I'm just.. completely burned out, existing like that for a few months already. Sometimes it's better, sometimes i get to distract myself with things i like and interactions with friends. And sometimes…i just sit there in complete darkness, so scared and lost.
Unfortunately, this is the new reality in which war goes on, lots of my people are dying, and the ones who live… let's just say, our own collapsing economy is slowly tearing the rest of us apart in many different ways, from increasing the rent bills and taxes (even tho technically we should've had some "discounts" as a frequently attacked near-frontline region, but.. guess what. We asked, and they told us we're somehow unable to get that. Could've just said "fuck you"), cutting our salaries, even firing us to save up the municipal grands they'd have to pay us with in the normal conditions, and i have to deal with all that. One way or another. I do not like it. I do not like it at all, and i feel like I'm already at my limit. I love my country, i really do. But this is only getting worse. I don't know anything about fundraising, and i just can't beg for help or donations despite everything that's currently going on.
I feel like i am just a tiny grain of sand in the gigantic ocean, and it's slowly drowning me, waiting for me to disappear completely.
And someday..maybe i will.
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