#I'll tag it for discussion purposes
dentos-wife · 2 years
Let’s talk about Grima and how the characterization has changed a bit since Awakening, where let’s be honest there’s not much character there. But I feel like the little amount we got only of the Grimas portrays the original character now. I’ve been watching people fight over this back and forth in various places so I did a comparison and brought in some friends who don’t know Fire Emblem for their thoughts.
TLDR version: MGrima is the only one who captures the world ending hateful fell dragon vibe while FGrima has been feminized and softened because she’s the girl version and I hate it when media does this
With their base versions it was more like the Corrins or the Byleths general same message but a squint or you miss it difference
“I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima. Pay me the respect I am due, and I promise you a painless death”
“I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima. Pay me the respect I am due, and I will consider granting you a quick death when the time comes.“
Super similar, the boy however comes off as more threatening, no when the time comes or considering it. This is where the tiny differences started
Castle lines
“Ha. You fight for world peace? Stay your tongue. Such pretty little words sicken me.”
“My mind becomes muddy when I try to recall certain things... A side effect of traveling through space and time? Curse this frail body.”
“You fight for the happiness of all the people in this world? Hahaha, tell me... Did you come up with that little motto all by yourself? Go on, you can tell me what your heart truly desires.”
“You show promise, despite being human. If you continue to appease me, I may let you serve me.”
“Rite after rite, and still my memories refuse to return. This is beyond infuriating.. Maybe I'll go start a war to cheer myself up.”
“Wriggle like a worm trying to escape my boot, or die squished like a worthless maggot. Either way, you are little more than an insect.”
“Ugh... My splitting head... I remember nothing of my time in that other world... Nothing at all.”
“How about you stop pretending to be so selfless and tell me what you really wish for? Maybe I can grant it...”
“You show promise, despite being human. Of course, that's like being the smartest worm in the dirt. But still... I see enough in you that I could entertain the idea of keeping you by my side.”
“Memories or no, I will lay waste to the world all the same. You think me so fickle I'd change my mind?”
Still very similar but the male has slightly more personality by laughing and making little remarks here and there that the female doesn’t, still subtle though not a big deal it’s in what you prefer like most with an avatar preference and it’s still the same base character, however the female for whatever reason does come off as softer
Let’s do their confessions
“You are a curious one... You willingly come to chat with me? The fell dragon? Alone? You know full well how I detest humans. They have no qualms asking for divine assistance when it meets their fickle needs... But how quick they are to shun their benefactors once they get what they desire. They become arrogant and make the same mistakes repeatedly, incapable of learning the folly of their ways. They claim their actions are for the good of others, but that's merely a show of self-indulgence. Humans are selfish. And the ugliness of mankind has turned me repulsive. It's the world that wants me to be evil. And yet you claim to need me here? Enough of your lies, worm. How dare you look at me with such a gaze. Do not dare pity me!”
“Come to butter me up some more? How very irksome. I've nothing to chat about with a human. Humans spout their ideals, but it's nothing but lip service. Let's all join together and hold hands, you'll say. We can overcome our differences despite being different species, despite our differing core ideologies. The truth is what you see daily in this place. Day after day, night after night, all you have is never-ending war. One person's satisfaction means another must suffer. That is the truth of all worlds. But my power of destruction is the one true equalizer. If you think there's someone out there capable of leading the world with such high-minded ideas of love and bonds... I'd love to meet them. Hmph. After all that, you still talk your big talk? Very well. I'll watch over you... Right until your bitter end.“
It’s still extremely slight but the differences become more clear here, They’re the same lines but the male is more angry and the female more bitter. However it’s the same character. Granted if it were up to me the girl would just have the boys lines since Awakening they are the same but I get it, no one wants a copy. This was a good way to do the similar but different vibe of them though it still does have the female can’t be as angry stereotype bleeding through. It’s not perfect I’d make her angrier but it could be a lot worse. And then it gets worse…
Let’s talk about the Halloween alts because that’s when everything completely goes haywire. The outfits for one
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Okay so yes this is a silly festival and both are fanservice it’s a fanservice game I get that but which one comes off as a more imposing force? The male’s ears look real his claws look sharp he actually looks like a threat goofy outfit or not. The female on the other hand has costume ears and booty shorts. She looks like a parody of the boys outfit.
She got an outfit like this because she’s a girl. But sadly it doesn’t stop there. The *lines* even sound like a parody
“If I had my way, this absurd festival would not exist...since there would be nothing but ruin in my wake.”
"Trick or treat?" Pah. Try "the utter destruction of the world, or treat." And I do not have a sweet tooth.
“Giving thanks for the harvest? Hmph. Of course you worms would waste time on something so meaningless. Resources exist to be consumed. It's as simple as that.”
“Before you play a trick on me, think hard of the consequences. Surely even a worm like you can imagine it”.
“You think I'm enjoying all this? Perhaps in your complacency you've forgotten the danger you're in.”
“I hoped to find the power I seek at this harvest festival... But it seems that was a mistake.”
“Festivals are nothing more than a brief reprieve from despair. The vain struggle of a worm...”
“Submit or suffer!...Must I say "trick or treat"? How dull.”
“If you intend to play a trick on me, it will be your last. Such foolishness is absolutely intolerable.”
“Costumes are a fool's amusement. Who was it who said it would be enjoyable, again? I'll kill them first.”
But hey I liked MGrima since his debut, loved his personality so I could be coming into this with a bias. So! I asked some friends who knew nothing about FE hey what vibe do these characters give off and is it the same vibe? Here’s their lines have fun. Here’s the result of that conversation
“I know this is not a general way to tell quality but . . . Male Grima dialogues are not only richer but also way longer in both cases lol and honestly? They could very well be saying the same here, the dialogue should stay the same or almost the same here they're supposed to treat the same topic with SMALL variations, since they're supposed to be the same person you know? But each convo seems to be about something completely different. He comes out to me as emo (in the most positive way), while she's supposed to be Btchy Daughter of Actual Evil Boss. He's somewhat menacing, and the way he talks makes him look (from my POV) like a depressing person to be around, a party pooper. YET I guess his words are too strong for a girl's mouth so that's why she gotta be cute about this instead. She can't be too deep or serious, that's not interesting in a girl”
Agree? Disagree?
The confessions are honestly the best example of this problem because one is uh not as deep let’s say
“It seems you possess a grave misunderstanding of the harvest festival, [Summoner]. You may celebrate nature's bounty, but remember that there are winners and losers in every exchange. For you to gain something, someone else must lose it. What brings joy to you casts bitter sorrow upon another. Those without the will or power to resist can only be crushed underfoot. Such is the nature of the harvest. Now you see the world through the Fell Dragon's eyes. Thus, I ask you: Are you the hunter or the hunted? Consider well your path. For my part, I will continue to reap the harvest's bounty through ruin and despair!”
“Enjoy your short lives while you can, worms. Before long, utter darkness will smother you... Although... These sweets are quite palatable. Subtle sweetness with a delicate mouthfeel, I— Yah! How long have you been there, [Summoner]?! What did you hear?! No, nothing! There was nothing TO hear. Yes. I wish to harvest ruin and despair. Sweets harbor no interest for me. But next time the harvest festival comes around, I expect an invitation. Promise me, lest I am forced to destroy this world. You understand...”
From another friend who also knows nothing about FE
“The male one sounds like he's speaking from experience, like he's witnessed or taken part in many wars or other kinds of conflicts, and has crushed people who believed they were more powerful than him with his own hands The female one's personality is closer to a tsundere“
Look at how you can actually get Grima’s personality from his lines and not so much the girl. Now imagine flipping them. The male is the tsundere candy lover and the girl is the ancient old dragon, does that make you realize how weird it is?
MCorrin and FCorrin have matching halloween alts in comparison and even have the same lines with slight differences, they’re like twins
Which is what you’d expect with the literal same character just in a different body. Alas...
Which now brings us to the next alt of all, based off this cipher card
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Boobs! And sexualization to the max, the hehe I’m evil pose? the daintiness it’s so...
Her lines too, she whispers “devote yourself to me entirely” seductively, I bet they will not do that with the male, if they do I’ll eat my words and gladly
So I showed my friend this one’s lines and says hey thoughts?
“the dominatrix fetish is too blatant, but like not in a cool way you know, the classical of a girl that is introduced as this ruthless being of doom but gets nerfed mid-story when she falls in love with the unremarkable plain male prota of this proto harem, and she like . . . Has Been Secretly Soft And Needy All This Time and literally drops everything she's after to become An Ideal Wife for the male prota, picks up feminine interests and hobbies in hopes to be more appealing to him that's the vibes I get from this female Grima or whatever she's supposed to be“
She’s very curious what the matching males lines are going to be
But this brings me to my point why is Grima so different depending on if he has a male or female vessel? It really shouldn’t be this way, in Awakening Grima’s lines were exactly the same no matter if it was MRobin or FRobin because Grima is a murderous humanity hating dragon but since Halloween...man you do not get that vibe from the girl anymore. You do from the boy. I know why it’s like this sex sells yada yada yada. I also know the boy gets some of it like the damage art but that’s damage art, almost everyone has it, FGrima here goes above and beyond that to softening her lines and doing an evil queen vibe and that’s a crime dammit!
Like yeah I know the base does this to both and it’s fine when it’s the fanbase but when CANON does it to only one of them, it’s flat out sexism
MGrima alt based off this cipher card when? If hers was based off the cipher card I doubt he’s sharing her outfit but if he does I demand the same girly pose; it’s equality
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And then once they’re matched up again stop with the Grimas and never bring them out again, we didn’t need this many Grimas go back to Robin. I like Grima I’ll take his alts (no longer the girl unless they stop the uh fetishing tbh I’m a little uncomfortable with this recent one...) but this is a crime for both Robin now. FRobin being an GHB unit has no resplendent and no version in the main pool. She unlike MRobin did get a seasonal to herself earlier this year though. In comparison MRobin has a resplendent but if you don’t count the duo and some don’t because Chrom is the lead, hasn’t gotten an alt to himself since 2017. And since we got FGrima sounds like he has to wait longer for that since MGrima would drop first.
Unless we get an MRobin to go with this FGrima but that opens up even *more* sexualization issues; FRobin is only popular when evil and sexy so that’s the alt she gets while the male gets to be himself? Eeeh that’s really gross. So in that regard I hope we get one more MGrima and they’re shoved in the closet for good, allowing the real Robin’s to shine. Halloween was a neat idea the werewolf represented the Robin to Grima connection in a cool way considering werewolf lore and it was a good alt choice well...for the one who actually looked like a werewolf...
I know this is a problem of female sexualization and FE is not the only franchise where this is a problem but man GRIMA?!
And okay you could argue well M and F Robin are probably the most difference in personality avatars we have and you’re right but that makes it even stranger. FRobin is ever so slightly meaner and harsher than MRobin who is a little kinder. So then why would having Grima take over make MRobin the meaner and harsher one shouldn’t it stay on FRobin?
I only like the characterization on MGrima at this point, Girlma (as I call her) now feels like a completely different character, a toned down female parody of the other and it’s a damn shame even the creature that wiped out all of humanity and sent the world into despair got the “girls need to be sexy or cute” treatment.
Anyway that’s just me, FGrima fans you guys are cool if you like her that’s wonderful don’t take this as an attack or anything I just wanted to write out my thoughts that have been bothering me since the Halloween alts which should have been the final Grima alts but...you know money
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sylvies-kablooie · 18 days
i sigh deeply and for a really extended period of time, to the point where you're like wow, where are they getting all of that air to exhale in such a dramatic fashion from? i mean, lungs can't really hold that much... can they? you try to subtly google the capacity of human lungs but i'm still sighing so extensively i don't even notice. and i wouldn't be offended if i caught you either way, because i am just as surprised about the whole thing.
#sighs again louder#listen. it's just. well. i can't bear to say it!#i have to get surgery and i'm not looking forward to it. that's it. that's why i'm so worked up.#and i'm trying to Not Think About it but all i am in fact doing is: thinking about it#sighs again. like it is not a big deal like EVERYBODY gets their wisdom teeth out. but! scared :(#apparently your face can get bruised for a few weeks and aughhh i just do not want to deal with all of this#and i'm gonna have to go get soup and other liquid things to live off of for a while at the store tomorrow which is also gonna be awful#aughhhhh i will just simply perish. i don't want to!!!! it's going to hurt so bad and all i will be able to do is sit there. and hurt.#and i don't even know if i'm gonna be awake enough to do my whole “watch the x files and take detailed notes” thing#maybe i'll go through some other loki blogs and add stuff to my queue as my queue is below 200 which is very low for me!#or maybe i'll go through and tag my queue posts which takes forever#sigh. man. sadly kicks a pebble up from the ground.#if nothing else at least i'll have the lived experience of coming out of an anesthesia induced fog for future fic writing#and reading purposes. because you know i am the number one in line at the whump store.#end of rant. post made just for the purpose of making this rant. but i thought it was funny so it can stay.#perhaps i will reuse it again in the future for any other pressing life circumstances SO harrowing i need to discuss it on my loki blog
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theplanisinruins · 2 months
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milgram characters sorted on what i think their stance on vriska would be (assorted thoughts under read more)
kotoko and fuuta would definitely have strong thoughts on the topic of whether or not vriska did anything wrong. i'm not 100% sure they'd both fall on the 'everything wrong' side of the debate, though?
shidou i think would see vriska's actions as necessary to survive
es WOULD see a girl even younger than them born into a bad home life and say she's unforgivable. i love them but i also know in my heart they would not forgive vriska
muu and vriska bug girl solidar8y. i'm right about this. you know i'm right about this.
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Yeah, you should only create for yourself, but if I'm putting it out there I would like to know that I'm not just endlessly shouting into the void
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pumpkinrootbeer · 9 months
got some tags that got me thinking. is Evan a asshole on purpose? is Jared? The answer is No (imo) for both of them.
they're both assholes yes but neither one is out to hurt people. they're not *trying* to be an asshole. my post was more abt pointing out that evan is a very selfish often cruel character whose anxiety gets used by the audience as a shield against the horrible things he does while everyone acts like jared is trying to get evan to bomb the Pentagon. most of the show Evan uses the excuse of "helping the Murphys" to justify what he's doing. but he's not helping them, he's actively hurting them and dragging out their grieving process! it is a horrific thing he does! this is something the show criticizes through jared bc is evan reaaaaally just trying to help a grieving family or does he like the attention.
even the "no one deserves to be forgotten" motif is a farce because they are remembering connor in name only. connor is forgotten because of evan and in his place is a false fake version of connor that Evan invented. evan uses connors death to prop himself up and make himself look better. but did he do this on purpose? no. but it felt good, so he kept doing it.
again! a really really big part of the show is evan does a lot of mean shitty things but can't admit, even to himself, that he's doing mean things. "I don't even think mean things!" It's not really until "good for you" and "words fail" that he realizes why he was really doing all of this. that he can't keep lying to everyone AND himself. lying to yourself is a huge theme of the show, see "Did you fall or did you let go?"
and wow this got way longer than i intended but imo basically evan isn't trying to be an asshole but it also can't accurately be described as accidental. he's doing these asshole things on purpose but not to be an asshole, if that makes sense?
and to briefly touch on my "Jared isn't an asshole on purpose either" statement: Jared does the shit not to hurt people but to try and make them laugh or to get himself attention. he's making shitty mean spirited jokes to cover up his own insecurity but he's not trying to hurt people. when he's trying to hurt someone he's gets real passive aggressive but I'm not explaining this part super well because I already wrote an Evan manifesto but whatever. autism explosion beam
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backslashdelta · 2 years
Hi! Could you explain your thoughts more on Klaine, I believe you said they’re (your thoughts) are complicated?
Hey anon! I’ll be honest, I don’t want to get too into the specifics, but I can explain my feelings a bit broadly, and hopefully this will answer your question.
I want to start off by saying that Klaine is a very well-developed relationship, especially for Glee, so there is a lot to consider there. I really like their story, I think they’re both interesting as individual characters, and their relationship with each other is also interesting. They’re in my top 3 ships, I’ve written fic and made gifsets about them, I just generally have a lot of love for them.
All that being said, because they have so much development and screen time, that also leaves more opportunities to find problems with their individual characters and their relationship. And I think we all know that the writing on Glee wasn’t always the best, so there were issues there, but there were also issues between Kurt and Blaine just by virtue of them being human and having flaws and those flaws sometimes clashing. That actually makes them more interesting to me, because complex and nuanced characters and relationships just give you so much more to think about, so I’m certainly not saying that I wanted their relationship to be picture perfect, nor am I saying that any relationship should be picture perfect, because everybody is going to have issues sometimes.
However. With Klaine in particular, I personally think that they were different enough to be ultimately incompatible – or at least, not compatible enough to make it worth being with each other. I think the effort they would need to put in to make their relationship work isn’t worth what they’d get out of it after all that time, they would spend most of their time being unhappy, and I don’t think they should have been endgame. And to be clear I think that this is on both sides; it’s no secret that Kurt is my favourite, but I’m not trying to put all the blame on Blaine here, I think there are reasons on both sides that make it ultimately not the best relationship for either of them.
Now, obviously canon disagrees with me, because they got therapy and they grew and learned to be happy together and got married and were having a child together five years later. They love each other and that is, canonically, enough for them to be able to make it work and it’s worth it. I’m not really interested in that argument because this isn’t about what is or isn’t canon, this is about my personal interpretation of and feelings about what’s presented on screen. I’m not here to tell people they’re wrong for thinking Klaine are meant for each other or anything, and like I said earlier, I love the ship, I’m a content creator and Klaine is the focus of a lot of the things I’ve made, so I’m not trying to say they’re a terrible ship. I just have complicated feelings about them because of how much screen time they have and what was shown to us of their relationship, and that’s not something that really becomes and issue for any of my other main ships since they aren’t canon and don’t have anywhere near the amount of screen time.
Another thing I suppose is that in general I’m not a huge fan of the “high school sweethearts” trope. I find it unrealistic. Obviously it does happen sometimes in real life, but I just think it would have been a more interesting story (to me personally, not necessarily objectively) for them to be each others’ first in so many ways, but then as they grow up they aren’t a good match anymore, and they move on to new people who are a good match. But at the same time, I also recognize that this is not real life, it is a television show, and sometimes you want to keep your characters together and have a happy ending, or you just plain don’t want to bring in new characters for something like that, or whatever other million reasons they could have for ending it the way they did. So, again, I’m not trying to tell anybody that I’m correct, it’s just how I personally feel about it.
I just have really strong, really conflicting feelings about them, and if I started getting into all of the details I would never post this answer, and even if I did I’d probably get hate for it and I don’t really want to deal with that. It’s actually the reason I got into fandom; I finished watching Glee, and I was so pissed off about Klaine that I started reading Klaine fanfiction to try to fix the issues that I had with them. And of course that led me to the larger fandom community, and I started writing, and well, here we are. So, maybe that will give you a hint as to just how strong those complicated feelings I have are!
#hiding the rest under a cut because I want to draw as little attention as possible lol#this really is just personal opinion I'm not trying to convince anyone they're wrong I'm just sharing my thoughts because I was asked#and so I'd like to ask that nobody tries to convince ME that I'M wrong either please#this is fiction and we are all entitled to our own interpretations and this is mine#the way I interpret this show brings me a lot of joy and that matters to me more than interpreting it the 'right' way#especially since there is no one true 'right' interpretation#anyway I guess I should tag this#it's not really anti but I would like to be safe so:#anti klaine#normally I would tag something like this with the characters but I don't really want it showing up in either of the tags#and it's not anti either of them it's just saying I don't think they should be together so I don't think it warrants anti character tags#so I guess I'll just not use any character tags. please let me know if you think I should for filtering purposes#glee#ask#mine#anonymous#my opinions#also I turned anons off again because I don't want to deal with potential hate for this even though I think I'm being pretty reasonable#if you genuinely want to have a discussion in good faith you can send me a non-anonymous ask#but I won't be engaging with anyone who is trying to change my mind#simply because I participate in fandom because it brings me joy and that conversation would not#this is a lot of disclaimers I'm sorry#but also when I originally started drafting this answer I had two paragraphs straight of just disclaimers so. I think I did pretty well
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propertyofwicked · 18 days
f1 grid x platonic!reader (implied landoxreader) smau
based on this request! (this may need a pt 2 honestly)
warnings: none, just men having the audacity
masterlist the playlist
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
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yourusername made a new post!
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 21,223 others
yourusername what the fuck is a DRS?
view all 9,211 comments
danielricciardo what he say fuck me for?
⤷ yourusername hi! im free may 28 if you want to hangout may 28 lmk im not doing anything may 28 please msg me if ur available may 28 so we could maybe hangout or do something may 28 !!
⤷ danielricciardo ill clear my schedule - what day did u say u were free?
⤷ username1 mad about being labelled as a fake f1 fan only to turn around and flirt with the drivers? is she fr?
⤷ yourusername get a job, touch grass?
username2 how does she know them im so confused
⤷ username3 she went to school with oscar i think?
logansargeant will you stop posting the worst pictures of me?
⤷ yourusername say please?
⤷ logansargeant please y/n im begging
⤷ yourusername start using the metric system and i'll consider it.
lilymhe come back to williams i miss u
⤷ yourusername can i bring lilyzneimer? 🥺
⤷ lilymhe omg yes!! lily-ception
⤷ oscarpiastri @/yourusername dont take my girlfriend to enemy territory tf?
⤷ logansargeant enemy? ☹️
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by lilyzneimer, oscarpiastri, and 34,502 others
yourusername congrats on driving fast bestie
tagged: oscarpiastri, lilyzneimer, jensonbutton
view all 7,210 comments
username4 jenson button? what are you doing here?
⤷ yourusername forming a danica patrick hate club
⤷ yourusername we're discussing gentle parenting tactics for logan <3
⤷ logansargeant is this why jenson keeps telling me that sharing is caring??
⤷ jensonbutton in my defence i told her it wouldn't work 🤷
⤷ yourusername we'll see about that - alex_albon do you feel cared for?
⤷ alex_albon im staying out of this.
oscarpiastri thank you y/n!
⤷ yourusername so proud of u bestie
⤷ oscarpiastri i already paid for dinner you can stop pretending to be nice now
⤷ yourusername brb faking an interest in our friendship rn
⤷ username10 she's never letting that comment go fr
username7 their friendship confuses me but im so here for it
username8 oscar paid? who's shocked
⤷ username9 not me!
⤷ username10 not me!
⤷ yourusername me tbf he usually forgets his wallet
⤷ oscarpiastri i leave it on purpose, actually
⤷ yourusername gold digger 🫵
username8 she literally only goes to the races so that she can post about it on ig and pretend she knows what's going on
logansargeant you never congratulate me :(
⤷ yourusername tf u want me to congratulate u for? brushing your teeth?
⤷ logansargeant no one else will :(
username6 where did u find that picture of oscar?
⤷ yourusername wdym find? i took it loool
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe and 7,893 others
yourusername glorified uber drivers
tagged: logansargeant, alex_albon
view all 1,235 comments
logansargeant best biscuits ever
⤷ username5 biscuits?? that wasn't very wtf is a kilometer of you
⤷ yourusername one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧
⤷ landonorris one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧
⤷ alex_albon one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧 one of us! 🇬🇧
⤷ logansargeant oh! so this is hell!
landonorris cute! don't do it again!
⤷ yourusername i snapped the head off yours hoping it was a voodoo doll.
⤷ username3 do they hate each other or..?
⤷ yourusername yes.
⤷ landonorris cancelling our lunch plans
⤷ yourusername i was kidding pls dont im so hungry
⤷ username4 lunch plans? y'all seeing this???
username6 the picture of logan im dead
⤷ yourusername he was modelling for his cookie design
lilymhe i want the alex one
⤷ yourusername boxed it up just for u <3
⤷ yourusername alex said he'd give it to u later
⤷ alex_albon i lied. i ate it. no regrets.
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 24,789 others
yourusername lando norris fakes an interest in the menu
tagged: landonorris, oscarpiastri
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username5 y/n out here living our dream </3
⤷ username6 god i have seen what you've done for others 🙏
⤷ yourusername lando eats chicken nuggets with a fork you can have him
⤷ landonorris this is defamation, my lawyers will be in contact.
landonorris in my defence, that place was FANCY and i wanted to pretend i wasn’t about to order chicken nuggets and chips
⤷ yourusername fancy?? oscar literally ordered a cheeseburger??
⤷ oscarpiastri dont expose me like that y/n
⤷ logansargeant one of us! 🇺🇸🦅 one of us! 🇺🇸🦅
⤷ yourusername it's not funny when u do it <3
logansargeant you never want to go to lunch with me :(
⤷ username7 logan try not to get jealous challenge - hard
⤷ yourusername i literally had brunch with you like yesterday?
⤷ logansargeant ok and?
username11 she is never gonna let that comment go is she. we get it, you know f1.
⤷ yourusername why should i?
⤷ username11 it wasnt that deep
⤷ yourusername why should i give david coulthard the platform to perpetuate negative commentary on women in motorsport?
⤷ yourusername why do we keep allowing men to talk down to women with genuine interests instead of providing them with opportunities to excel in the field?
⤷ username2 say it louder for the people in the back queen
username1 lando looks so fineeeee
⤷ yourusername too bad he sucks at chess
⤷ landonorris you cheated!
lilymhe u look so sexy let me take u out 🫢
⤷ yourusername only if ur paying 🫢
⤷ lilymhe we’ll put it on alex’s card
⤷ yourusername sounds good
⤷ alex_albon do i have a say in this?
⤷ lilymhe no.
⤷ yourusername no.
⤷ landonorris no.
⤷ oscarpiastri no.
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by lilymhe, logansargeant and 31,245 others
yourusername y/n l/n fakes an interest in getting her degree 🍾🥂
tagged: ybfusername, youruniversity
view all 2,103 comments
landonorris that caption isn't even a lie 🤐
⤷ yourusername sorry cant hear you over the sound of me being a graduate
⤷ landonorris did you not literally spend the last year asking if you’d “finish this degree or if it would finish you” ??
⤷ yourusername i literally have a piece of paper that says i finished it
⤷ landonorris talk to me when you get a trophy
⤷ yourusername ok mr won one race now thinks hes the shit
⤷ username4 gagged.
landonorris but fr, congratulations y/n! proud of you always!
⤷ username4 always huh? im smelling soft launch
⤷ username9 go back to bed grandma
oscarpiastri congrats on reading and writing stuff bestie!
⤷ yourusername thanks king! <3
username6 intelligent queen we loveee
username6 suck on that david coulthard.
⤷ yourusername he better be sleeping with one eye open
⤷ username11 got a degree and now thinks she's better than a literal racing legend
⤷ yourusername dude do u like need a hug or something? if i didn't know any better id think you were in love with me
username2 shes so unserious i love her
lilyzneimer congratulations gorgeous!
⤷ yourusername congratulations to you too lil <3
⤷ username3 hot girls get degrees 🤷 i don't make the rules
⤷ lilyzneimer still cant believe the girl that used to sleep in biology graduated university
⤷ yourusername me neither tbf
⤷ oscarpiastri same.
⤷ yourusername no one asked u vroom vroom
username13 what was your dissertation on?
⤷ yourusername net-zero carbon development in race mechanisms and engineering !
⤷ username13 oh you SMART smart
⤷ landonorris debatable
logansargeant well done! does this mean no more highlighters abandoned on the floor of williams hospitality?
⤷ alex_albon please say yes 🙏
⤷ yourusername but watching you trip over them was so funny 😟
ybfusername those 3am library trips finally paid off! 🙏
⤷ yourusername jet lagged delirium and caffeine i will miss u
⤷ ybfusername im so proud of us
lilymhe graduate, baker, sexiest woman alive - is there anything you cant do?
⤷ yourusername have a genuine interest in motorsport 🤷
⤷ lilymhe wait till they find out you fake an interest in golf too 💀
⤷ yourusername im only there to see u bbygirl
yourusername made a new post!
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 24,789 others
yourusername here to watch my friends drive fast cars.
tagged: lilymhe, landonorris
view all 703 comments
landonorris well, some of us drive fast cars
⤷ alex_albon what are you trying to say?
⤷ landonorris speak up a bit i cant hear you from the podium
username8 lando? yn?
⤷ username8 i feel like im interupting something
⤷ username4 can we let them just be friends and not ruin this pls
lilymhe oh we are so back
⤷ yourusername and we’re never leaving! <3
⤷ alex_albon oh god
⤷ logansargeant please no
⤷ yourusername fine, ill leave 😟
mclaren hope to see you in our garage soon y/n!
⤷ yourusername i have always looked good in papaya
⤷ username8 admin how much did lando pay u to say that?
⤷ mclaren 🤫
oscarpiastri williams take her back she keeps slapping my hat across the room
logansargeant you literally told me you're only here to get max’s autograph and sell it on ebay?
⤷ yourusername ok and?
⤷ maxverstappen1 poster or hat?
⤷ yourusername both please ���
⤷ maxverstappen1 bring a pen
⤷ username7 what have i just read?
⤷ maxverstappen1 im supporting y/n's financial endeavours?
2K notes · View notes
eunuchve · 4 months
tags: breeding kink, mentioning pregnancy, al haitham is feral, degradation kink (like REALLY degrading), slight yandere at the end? possesiveness? cumflation, gendered term (mother (idk of thats gendered tbh)) + an aftercare (if you could call it that). a.n: *looks at this fic* i did my best i really do pairings: al haitham x afab!reader
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al haitham is a straightforward man.
he talks the talk and walks the walk, he doesn't waste time with idle chitchat and likes to get to the heart of the discussion; whether it is regarding his work, his house, or even you.
so when his cock messages your inside, unrelenting in its pace; you know it is for a purpose. you hear him groan lowly as he continues hitting your g-spot -- shocks of pleasure run through every time he does, leaving your lips open and drooling.
"I will fuck a baby into you," he whispers into your ears, his hand grabbing your thigh, putting your leg over his shoulder to reach even deeper. you mewl the moment you can feel his fat cock hit your cervix, parts you thought he'd never dare to reach.
"hai-hayi-." you gasped- moans his name and your nails digging into his biceps as he has a firm grip on your waist, holding it tight enough to bruise. he would love that probably, another mark to make you his.
"wouldn't you look so gorgeous pregnant?" he rasp, what control he has over his grunts disappear; thrusting his cock deeper, harder, faster. His finger finds your clit, tugging and pinching the little hardened nub till he finally hears your pleas. "Wouldn't you want to be the mother of my children?"
you gulp, unable to focus your vision as another wave of pleasure washes over you, "y-yes, please?" you sound weak, you are trying so hard to have a conversation; he can tell.
"archons look at you." al haitham licks his lips as he grabs your other leg, folding you in half and thrusting his cock at a slower pace; making sure you can feel every bulging vein, every little twitch of his cock. you look at him with pleading eyes, your walls tightening around him, sucking him so nicely, begging for him to flood your insides with his cum.
"my little breeding whore." he slowly pulls his hardened cock out before slamming it inside you again, spearing itself right to your g-spot; going at the same speed as before. "I'll make you pregnant again and again and again."
"yes please please please please please--"
One a final thrust, he felt your walls tightening around him once more, milking him dry and painting your walls white with his warm cum, a visible bulge now right at the base of your tummy.
you let out one final moan before al haitham lets go of your legs, wrapping his arms around you; making sure to not pull out. his uneven breathing so close to your ears, his warm lips made their way to your neck as you weakly wrapped your legs around his hips.
"the mother of my children." his kisses are so light, it contrast the harshness he displayed just a moment ago. "I'll make you completely mine, don't you worry."
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2K notes · View notes
wood-white-writer · 8 months
"Didn't mean to make your heart Blue" || [5/...]
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“Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down, I'll be there on their side. I'm losing by their side.”
— Mitski, "Bet On Losing Dogs"
Pairing: Buggy the Clown (Live action) x F!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6
Summary: You were an apprentice of Gol D. Roger’s crew in your youth, long before his eventual demise. Along with the Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy, you were a formidable trio; the embodiment of a new generation of pirates yet to come. But times changed, and so did you and your friends. 
It's been a few weeks since the events in Orange Town, and Luffy notices something that others do not. So, he decides to ask you.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, LA!Verse, No (fully bodied) Buggy this chapter, Luffy being the precious cinnamon we all love and must protect above all else, flashbacks about Shanks, past discussions, Luffy and Reader have a heart-to-heart.
A/N: I was initially going to write them going to the Baratie this chapter, but it became too long so next one for sho.
Taglist:@kurinhimenezu, @carpinchootaku, @ay0nha, @teh-vampire-bunny, @lokiscure, @internationalsuper-spy @detectivesparrow , @yuriwk, @notyuralycat, @angeli-fucking-cat, @machinema7k (If you want to be tagged for this story, just send me a message or leave a comment :))
You're sitting by the table in Party's bar, nursing a cold glass of rum against your cracked lips as you observe to the kid - Luffy - demonstrating his newfound Devil Fruit powers without any regard for poor Makino's furniture. 
You don't get him, at all. Then again, you don’t get kids. 
You've never thought of yourself as someone who easily got along with them ... or people in general. Shanks has always been the better-suited one for that kind of work. Whereas he is smiling and grinning at the kid’s mischief, you've barely offered him more than a glance at most.
Your crew has been positioned in Foosha village for the better part of the month, stacking up on resources and food in preparation for your next job. Incidentally, the Red-Haired Pirates also happened to be in town for similar excursions. You rarely see Shanks nowadays since you parted ways several years ago, but whenever you happen to come across one another, you share a drink on his tab.
While your crew is around and about, replenishing their strength and vigor for the work to come, you're content with just sitting here at your leisure. When you're not plundering or fighting or attacking Marine bases, you can't find it in yourself to do much of anything anymore. 
Nothing adds any purpose to your life save for what keeps you fed and clothed, which in the life of a pirate, simply means pirating.
"I've heard you had good fortune on your latest heist," Shanks says from where he's sitting opposite of you. "For your efforts, the Marines have granted you among the highest bounties in all of the East-Blue."
You hum noncommittally in response, not offering much to the conversation in terms of merriment. "The quality of the Marines has been in decline. It says more about their effort, or lack thereof, than mine."
"Do you know what they call you nowadays?"
"They call me a lot of names, you got to be more specific."
"'Cross-Hairs, the Beast of the East'. It's got a certain ring to it, don't you think?"
Shanks smiles the kind way he always does. Always has done.
"Gum-Gum Pistol!" 
The sound of yet another chair breaking has you rolling your eyes without even looking, and poor Makino ages ten years in seconds across the bar counter. 
Shanks laughs heartedly at the display, only to cut it short upon noticing Makino's even glare sent his way from across the bar. 
"You were careless," you state matter-of-factly and take another gulp from your drink. "You should've kept the fruit hidden more securely."
"Now, in my defense, I didn't think the lad would searching through my loot."
"Well, you should've." You slam your glass down, strong enough to leave a dent in the wooden surface. "What kind of captain leaves his loot undefended and unsupervised? Especially when it contains a Devil Fruit?"
Shanks doesn't argue with your statement and settles with taking a gulp of his own drink, letting your words simmer in his head. "You're right, I should've been more observant. Now, it'll be more difficult for him to achieve his dream."
"His dream? Of what? Becoming the King of the Pirates?" Try as you might, there's no suppressing the snort that escapes through your nose. "There's only ever been one King, and we all saw what happened to him. What do you think is going to happen to a kid who can't even swim?"
"Oh, come off it!" He gives you a playful nudge to the rib, which you reciprocate with a glare. He remains undeterred. "You mean to tell me you've never thought about finding the One Piece? Not even once?"
"I have no interest in whatever plunder Gol D. left behind." 
"Then, what does interest you?" He rests his elbow on the edge of the table and leans over to your side. "What is your dream?"
You grit your teeth under your lips, a flash of blue circulating in your head. "Dreams are for fools and children," you point your head to where Luffy is currently sitting, trying to put the chair back together with a half-empty tube of glue and little luck. 
"Come on, I know you better than that. Surely there's something in this world you want more than anything?"
"What I want is ..." You have half a mind to tell him the truth, whereas the other half wants to push the idea further down to the bottom of your chest. "Is another bottle of rum."
You raise your arm to Makino to gesture for another one, but Shanks is quick to lower it with a gentle shove of his arm. You flash him a scowl and brush off his hand, but unlike your crew or anyone else, he's not afraid.
"The point which I'm trying to make before you're completely pissed," he starts. "Is that no matter how much opposition one faces, it's that dreams are never out of reach if you have the will to reach for them."
He inclines his head over your shoulder, and you turn around to see Luffy successfully putting the chair back together. You don't know how he did it - it looked pretty busted minutes ago - but there it is, wholly intact.
And when the boy smiles, it's so vibrant and full of joy that it's almost blinding. He proudly runs over and shows the repaired chair to Makino, who proceeds to pat his head and hand him a plate of food.
"See?" Shanks grins. "Nothing is impossible."
"You can hardly consider putting a chair back together the same as achieving an impossible goal."
He shrugs. "Maybe not, but you won't know unless you try. All it takes is a little spirit."
You watch Shanks for a couple of minutes in silence, processing his mythic words, then shift your attention over to Luffy who's preoccupied with shoving an unholy amount of food into his mouth. If this is to become the future King of the Pirates one day, then it'll be an interesting future indeed.
"A little spirit, huh?" 
— — —
You're sad.
Luffy first notices it when you leave Orange Town, and it lingers throughout your voyage. 
For as long as he's known you, you've always been a person of relatively few words; never speaking unless you feel the situation requires it, and only acting when necessary. Even following the Kuro situation™, getting the Going Merry, and adding Usopp to his crew, he can tell that you're not all there anymore.
Not to be mistaken, you're not conspicuous with the way you behave. You still act like usual, talk like usual, however little, and commit yourself to your work on the ship, almost to an excessive extent. 
All in all, nothing’s changed about you. However, he’s gotten used to your face and general lack of expression most of the time, and though it doesn't seem to alter, he still catches onto the fact that you're sad. 
"Hey," he asks the group and props himself in the kitchen, legs crossed atop his seat. "Do you think she's any different?"
"Who? Your friend?" Nami asks, raising an eyebrow. "How so?"
"Well, I think she's sad."
"Doesn't look any different to me," Zoro supplies while polishing his swords on the table. 
Usopp's in the middle of munching a piece of loaf, and answers with his mouth still halfway occupied. "Dunno how she usually is, but she's kinda terrifying if you ask me."
"No, she's not," Luffy dismisses lightly. 
"What's her position on the ship, anyhow? How'd you come across her?"
"She's always been with me," Luffy answers without any thought. "And she’s a good fighter.”
Zoro — to everyone’s surprise — nods his head to this in concurrence.
Their Captain claps his hands together to get the subject back on track. "But anyway, I just think she seems kind of down now."
"How can you even tell? With eyes like these, —” Usopp puts both of his index fingers at the crow’s feet of his eyes and draws them back to imitate yours. It’s borderline shameful, truth be told. “— I can’t tell for shit what she’s feeling or thinking.”
“I just can.” Luffy shrugs.
“Has she said anything?” Nami asks. “Anything to make you ask?”
“No, not really.” He heaves a sigh and props his hand under his chin, contemplating. “But she's been different since we left Orange Town.”
"If you ask me," Zoro speaks up. "You should ask her about her relationship with that fucking clown."
"Who? Boogie?"
"Buggy," Nami corrects. "Didn't you notice that at the end? They have a history, it's obvious. They know each other, and I don't know what pirate customs are like nowadays, but I doubt you'd touch the face of an enemy unless there was something going on. Has she said anything about it?"
Luffy shakes his head. “No... but then again, she never does tell me much about anything unless I ask.”
The tangerine-haired girl blinks as if the answer to this whole predicament is obvious. She quickly comes to realize that, to Luffy, it’s not.
“So…” she prompts slowly.
She rolls her eyes at his inability to catch her drift. “Go ask her.”
It’s like the thought never even crossed Luffy’s mind in the first place because truth be told, it hasn’t. He lights up like a candlestick on the spot. “Yeah, I should just ask her!”
“Ask me what?”
The members of the Straw Hat pirates (save for Zoro) withdraw in various unique positions, having not heard you make your entrance before you speak. 
You’re standing in the doorway to the kitchen, eyebrow slightly quirked at the Baroque-esque scene in front of you. Deciding not to address the display, you simply ask, “Anything I should know about, Captain Luffy?”
Usopp doesn’t even dare to answer, because he knows you sure as hell don’t see him as a captain in general, much less your captain. He swears he notices you briefly look in his direction at the mention of the title, and a shiver runs across his skin. Like static electricity in the air.
“Oh, yeah,” Luffy turns to you, not an ounce of fear in his eyes as he pops the question. “Are you sad?”
You blink once, then twice, like the inquiry on its own is of unfathomable origins to you. “Do I look sad?”
The boy in the straw hat nods. “I think you do.”
“Then I’m not.” It’s not only an answer, but also a sentence that marks this subject as finished on your part. One that does not permit any subsequent additions.
You incline your head to the deck above. “We’re going to have company soon, likely Marines, and they seem to be in supply of heavy fire this time.”
The situation with the aforementioned opponents temporarily distracts the crew, yet Luffy maintains a close eye on you, taking note of anything that can point him to the source of the unknown problem. You talk relatively little with the other crew members, but you seem to have developed an amicable enough relationship with them compared to when you first met. 
Before, you could care less about getting to know them. Now, you’re actively going out of your way to ask Nami about her cartographic skills, even giving her tips for additions to her geographical detailing. You provide Zoro pointers on self-developed defensive techniques and ways to paralyze opponents in certain spots (which he seems appreciative of).
You even give Usopp a short nod when he tells you one of his fantastical stories, even knowing that they’re full of shit.
Luffy’s happy, but he still sees that you are not.
It’s all in your eyes. They’re hollow somehow, like the end of a barrel. He doesn’t know how he knows, only that he knows, and he’s known for a good while now.
So, that night, Luffy finds you in the kitchen by the windows, absentmindedly snacking on a red apple while you gaze into the dark nothingness outside. He also discovers that he’s subconsciously become quite observant of your habits as of late. 
For example, you specifically pick red apples above any other color when they happen to dock someplace, not even paying any mind to the green or yellow ones. Just the red ones.
“Hey,” he positions himself next to you on the bench, a piece of loaf tight in his hand. “Why are you sad?”
You turn your head just a fraction to the side to look at him, not annoyed, but not appreciative of the focus he’s settled on as of late. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? The Vice-Admiral looks a little weary as of late, after all. Are you sad about it?"
“So why do you insist that I’m sad?”
“Because you are,” he states like it’s obvious.
You huff humorously and return your attention to the window that supplies no real view. “How can you tell?”
“I just can.” He takes a generous bite of his food and continues talking, oblivious to the crumbles that fall while doing so. “When I’m sad, I—”
“Well, yeah.” He swallows the bite down. “But I also like to talk about it with someone I trust. Shanks used to say that true friends are the kind of people you can share your heart with and not get hurt.”
This annoys you, that much he can tell. A nail digs into the apple you’re holding, leaving a crescent-shaped indent on the red skin. “Shanks said many things, and not all of it's true.”
This doesn’t deter him from pressing on the matter. “If you keep all the hurt inside, it’s going to turn bad. You know, Makino said that if you leave a piece of ham in the fridge too long, it’ll get sour and people can’t eat it.”
“Only you could find a way to compare this sort of thing to food.” You withdraw your finger from the apple and end up leaving it alone altogether. A minute or ten of silence waves between you, laced with unspoken questions and denied answers. “Tell me, Luffy, just how much did Shanks tell you about his past?”
He thinks for a moment, mimicking your movements by putting his loaf aside. “Just about his adventures with the Red-Haired Pirates, and a little about the time you served with him. Is it true you were strong enough to throw a three-hundred-pound man to the ground when you were thirteen?”
He swears it’s a snort that he catches leaving your throat, but it’s hard to differentiate it from your more-than-usual scoffs. “He exaggerated.”
“The man was two-fifty, at most.”
Luffy grins with genuine admiration, so much so that your face tilts back slightly, being overwhelmed by the mere brightness that is him. “Wow! You must’ve been quite a beast when you were a kid!”
He notices it again, the sadness that latches onto your eyes like insects to sour meat. Whatever brief smile adorned your lips moments ago disappears like it was never there at all. Thinking he said something wrong, Luffy prepares to apologize when you speak again.
Your voice is soft yet faint like you’re afraid speaking too loudly will make something bad happen. “It wasn’t just me and Shanks, back then, you know.”
The Captain of the Straw Hats thinks it’s almost unnatural of you to be this demure, but he doesn’t interrupt you.
“Buggy was there, too. It was the three of us, together.”
“Oh, yeah.” He remembers it now. “He did mention that in Orange Town. You served the same crew.”
“… He did, did he?”
“He said you and Shanks betrayed him, but I didn’t believe him.” Luffy knows you and has known you for longer than he’s known a lot of people in his life. You’re one of the few permanent people he’s had, and he knows with a certainty that you’re not the kind of person who leaves anyone behind, not without reason. 
Even if you did have a reason for leaving Buggy, it must have been a good one.
Your mouth opens and shuts several times in the span of a minute like you’re hesitating to talk about the past. You’ve never been one to talk about it, except to share some details about your time as captain, and even that was limited to the bare minimum.
Still, Luffy, being in no hurry for you to reach an answer, waits patiently by your side until you do decide to talk about it.
Talk about what he believes is the reason for your sadness.
“We were close back in the days,” you begin slowly. “Me, him, and Shanks. It was us against the rest of the world, and we were going to sail together to the end of the seas one day. It was our dream.”
“Then, what happened?”
You put your palm over both your eyes and rest your elbow on the window frame, heaving a sigh that resembles someone who’s spent too much of their life working and working and working without catching any breaks. Pure, simple exhaustion weighs you down, Luffy can tell. 
When you speak next, you sound tired too, and perhaps a little strained. He can’t see your eyes, and so, he can’t truthfully tell what you’re thinking now. “The thing is, I don’t know what happened. All I know is that he decided he didn’t want to stick around.” You breathe through your nostrils. “Our captain was gone, and so was the crew, but we three were still together, and I thought we were going to stay together.”
“But you didn’t.”
“No … We didn’t. I don’t know what happened, but one day when I was talking with Shanks about what to do next, Buggy came in, and it … He looked at me like … Like he hated me.” You exhale. “He did hate me, and I don’t know what it was I did, but he practically told me that we were done … And then he left. I never saw him again, up until Orange Town.”
Luffy doesn’t require your eyes this time to tell that you’re sad now because you are. You’re so sad that it’s destroying you from the inside, and even that is an understatement on its own. There are no tears trickling down your cheeks, no quivers or thickness to your voice, no nothing to base his assumptions on, but he knows.
He stays silent for a short while, doing nothing but look at you. You’re one of the strongest people he knows. He’s seen you fight; seen the strength you possess, the fire in your eyes. You’ve stayed with him ever since Shanks left Foosha Village, you’ve looked after him from the sidelines when you thought no one was watching. 
You’ve been with him throughout everything, and seeing you like this makes him feel blue on your behalf. You don’t express it yourself – you never do. You carry your weight with the same kind of strength you always do, never letting anyone see you beyond just that, and sometimes, he wonders if you’re lonely because of it. 
At least, now he knows why you’re so sad. You’re heartbroken.
He’s never been acquainted with the feeling himself, has never felt any particular inclination toward it, but he can tell it’s your heart that’s hurting now, and it’s not as easy to heal as that cuts he received on his chest from the butler.
His hat seems to itch the harder he thinks about it, as if there’s something digging at his scalp through his hat. He thought Nami patched it up for him. He tries to scratch at it, but for some reason, it doesn’t cease. Maybe he’s got lice? 
He ignores it. “It’s weird. Bunky seems to think you were the one who left him for Shanks.”
“I didn’t.”
“I know. You’re not that kind of person.” He says it so easily, without a smidgen of doubt or hesitation. You look at him through your peripheral vision, and your eyes slightly widen at his statement. “But, do you know what happened between them? Shanks and Bonky, I mean?”
“No, I don’t.” You admit with a shake of your head. You’ve tried to figure it out for years, and at some point, you decided to give up. “Shanks never told me, but whatever it was, it was enough for the stupid clown to leave for… He chose a childish rivalry over me.”
“Then, there you have it. It’s all just a big misunderstanding, so why don’t you just tell him if you meet him again?”
“You seem awfully defensive of the guy who destroyed an entire village and almost drowned you.”
“Yeah, but talking about him seems to make you happy.”
You freeze for a bit, snort, and turn your back to the window frame, leaning back and crossing your arms across your chest in silent resignation. “I tried to explain things to him back in Orange Town, and a fat load of good that did. Like I said, he hates me, and he’s sure as hell not my favorite person at the moment. If we do meet again, it likely won’t end any better than it back in Orange Town.”
“You know, –” Luffy takes another bite of his bread. “It didn’t sound like he hated you.”
“Hmm?” You raise an eyebrow, halfway curious and halfway skeptical. 
“He still remembers that you like red apples and that you hide knives in your shoes. Is that true?”
You raise both your eyebrows and look at Luffy like he’s just grown a second head. Without a word, you pull your left foot up until it rests on the bench, and withdraw not one or two knives, but four. Small and subtle, hardly enough to turn any heads, but in a flash, you throw it across the kitchen until it lands on a specific spot on the opposite wall. 
Bull’s eye.
“We used to have knife-throwing competitions,” you reminisce idly, staring at the knife lodged deep into the wall. “I was good, but Buggy was better.” Your lip tilts up an inch or two. “We made bets, and whoever lost would have to steal a bottle of whatever liquor we happened to find in the next town we docked at.”
“I ended up snatching quite a lot of bottles, but once every blue moon, he would have to snatch one instead.” You smile. It’s an actual, genuine, honest smile this time, and Luffy can’t help but marvel at the sight. It’s a rare thing for you to smile like you’re doing now. It’s usually brief or sarcastic and never seems to reach your eyes. 
This one does.
He thinks you look pretty when you smile. It’s your smile, and it’s so warm that he wishes you could do it more often. He tells you as much, and a red color falls over your cheek. You promptly turn your face to the other side to save face, and it makes Luffy think.
When he thinks about his dream of becoming King of the Pirates, he can’t stop himself from smiling ear to ear. So, that begs the question: “What is your dream?” 
What makes you smile?
“My dream …” You reach for your apple and hold it against your face, the uneaten side of it shining against your face. “Is unattainable.
“I don’t think it is,” Luffy says without missing a beat and takes your hand in his, determined to make you see that. “I think that no matter how much stands against us, dreams are never impossible if you have the will to reach for them. All it takes is a little spirit.”
He doesn’t know where those words come from, but he’s heard them from someplace, and judging by your staggered reaction, you’ve heard them too. 
“A little spirit, huh?”
“Exactly! So, please tell me, what’s your dream?”
You look straight ahead into the room, resting your elbows back on the window frame without a word. He thinks you’re about to decline his question or ignore it altogether. However, he’s surprised to hear you actually answer this time, truthfully too.
“My dream was to sail the seas with him again.”
Suddenly, the itchiness on his head stops, and it stays that way.
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lizzieisright · 1 year
Brick by brick
mean dom!reader x sub!Abby 
Summary: Sometimes Abby likes to piss you off and get in trouble. 
Tags: top!reader, bottom!Abby, temperature play, tied to bed, edging, throat holding(?) oral (r!abby), fingering (r!abby), strap-on usage (r!abby), aftercare, Abby calls reader ma’am. Everything happening here is consensual and was discussed beforehand.
Wc: 5.1k
The title from Arctic Monkeys "Brick by brick" (I wanna build you up/Brick by brick/I wanna break you down/Brick by brick)
MINORS DON'T INTERACT I'll hunt you for sport 
Usually Abby is a good girl. She likes the praise, she likes following your orders because you take care of her and she doesn't have to think for once. And you always reward her, spoil her even, but she doesn't behave like she's spoiled. She is a good girl.
Sometimes Abby is bored. Sometimes she wants to be the pain in your ass and annoy you, because it's so hard to really piss you off and she loves finding this button that makes you cruel.
There's not so many rules Abby can break though, but she finds a way.
When Abby gets in that mood you usually can tell - she is too playful than her usual self. Abby who is suddenly tugging on your hair? Pinching your side? That's the innocent start of something that will piss you off eventually and you will put her in her place. Because later on her playfulness turns into her being moody and rude and if playful Abby can get you to be playful as well, rude Abby just makes you return all her bitching back to her.
But you like the game and you know why Abby is doing it, so you play along.
Today started exactly with Abby being a little mischievous as she pretended to bite you, which she knows she isn't allowed to, because you can't have visible marks at work, then stole all your books, then you heard "you can't make me" when you told her to move because she was in your way, and now you expect the last straw to break, because Abby has been frowning and pouting for a while and not in a fun way because all her efforts were useless against you. Or so she thought.
"Hey, princess, can you bring me some water?"
Abby looks up at you from the couch where she is reading.
"No." She is dead serious and it turns your voice into steel after the whole day of her being a brat.
"Abby." You cut sternly, not leaving a room for arguments.
And it works, because Abby gets up and goes to the kitchen. When she returns you don't look at her, you are too busy.
"Thanks." And then you look. "What is this, Abby?"
This is a glass full of ice cubes.
"Wait." Abby shrugs.
The blatant disrespect makes your blood boil. Abby sits back on the couch like nothing happened and that pisses you off even more.
So you take that glass in your hand and come over to the couch, grabbing Abby by the jaw hard enough for her cheeks to squish. She is immediately relaxing into you out of habit, but her stubborn pout tells you she is going to be a problem.
"You've been acting out the whole day, princess. Wanted to piss me off? Congratulations, baby, I am pissed off. So right now you're going to take that glass to the bedroom and you're going to get the ribbon and you're going to wait for me."
Abby frowns, clearly wanting to disobey, but you're faster, grabbing her by her hair and tugging her head backwards until her throat is bare for you.
"Don't make it worse, princess. You know I will make it worse if you act out again."
Abby feels thrills going down her spine - she fucking loves when you threaten her. Sometimes, when she can get you super pissed off, you seem actually dangerous and it turns her on so much she will try to make it worse on purpose.
"What do you need to say?"
The sharp tug on her hair is so worth it. It's painful and you're holding her too tight, but Abby enjoys it so much.
"Try again."
"Yes, ma'am." Abby corrects herself immediately and you smirk, satisfied.
You let Abby go and give her the glass, and while she is going through the collection of ribbons in the closet you wash your hands, get your hair out of the way and take some towels with you.
When you enter the bedroom Abby is already stripped to her panties and she is sitting on her thighs with a ribbon in her hands. Abby is so pretty, especially since her clothes don't hide her curves and muscles, the combination that drives you crazy: Abby is so strong and ripped, but her cute tits are soft and round and her hips are plushy. You watch her for a moment and she looks back at you, but  doesn't say anything - she knows she is in trouble. The glass is on the drawer.
You'd usually praise her and tell her what a good job she did, but you're silent now. Brats don't get praised until they've learned their lesson.
"Lie down, hands above your head." You give an order and look at her expectedly. Abby obeys and looks at you with big innocent eyes as if she doesn't know what she did. "You wanted to get in trouble, princess. Now you'll have to face the consequences." You put the middle of the ribbon behind the metal bar of the bed and tie its padded ends around Abby's wrists.
"I just wanted to have fun." Abby complains and you smile cruelly at her.
"You've had your fun. Now I'll have mine." You brush your fingers along Abby's neck and she tenses. "What? Already desperate?"
You frown and squeeze her throat hard: it feels dangerous, like you're actually trying to hurt her, but Abby knows from how there's pressure only on her arteries that she is safe with you. You know exactly how hard to squeeze to get that adrenaline going but not to actually scare her.
"No, ma'am." Abby corrects herself, but your hand is still on her throat.
"It's the second time, princess." You say in your cold voice, and Abby shivers: the pet name makes it sound so gentle but the intonation makes it scary.
"I'm sorry, ma'am." Abby utters as she looks at you, desperate to see your satisfaction.
You let go of her throat and sit back between her legs. Abby is gorgeous, every line of her is a work of art and discipline, years of training showing in each curve. She is lethal and so fucking dangerous she could easily break every bone in your body, but instead she is helpless and weak underneath you, and it gets to your head every time.
You drag your nails on her chest just lightly and purposefully avoid her nipples, making circles over the edge of her areolas and Abby is breathing hard as she watches your hands move. She can't do anything, she can't touch you in any way and she can't get away from this. You watch Abby squirm and pant as you trace her ribs and go lower, over her navel and to her hips, appreciating how warm and soft her skin is. Abby bites her lip and expects you to touch her, but you caress her thighs, every fucking line of her muscles, and then you go up.
Abby barely holds a disappointed moan, but you look at her anyway and read her reaction. You know Abby is easy to tease, she is sensitive and responsive as fuck and she is probably getting desperate already, but you're not in the mood to take it easy on her.
Your eyes dart to the glass on the drawer and you smirk again, taking one of the ice cubes in your hand - it's already melting, slippery in your hand. Abby is watching you with wide eyes, waiting for what's next, and you smirk at her again.
"Do you think it will feel good, princess?"
"Yes, ma'am." Abby nods and waits more.
"Let's find out."
You put the ice cube on her abs first just to taste the waters, and Abby tenses and gasps. You watch her while you move the ice cube to her breastbone, just between her tits, and her breath hitches, goosebumps covering her skin from the sudden cold. You lean down and kiss her neck with an open mouth, savouring the salty taste of her.
"How does it feel?" You whisper in her ear and she shudders.
"Good, ma'am. Really good." Abby swallows, her lips dry.
"But do bad girls deserve to feel good?" You tease her. You're curious if she's already going to beg or do you need to wait more.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I'll be good." Oh, she is already begging. Cute little thing.
"It doesn't matter that you'll be good, baby. What matters is that you've been bad."
You put the ice cube on her nipple and Abby mewls and twitches, tries to get away from the cold, but you press her down. You circle her nipple with the smooth ice cube and it perks up right away. Abby whines, but it only amuses you. You feel how cold her skin gets under your fingertips and you lean down to suck on her nipple and she arches into you, the change in temperature feels too intense.
"Ma'am- ma'am-" She whispers desperately, her thighs are closing on you, but you force them apart. "Please-"
"Shsh. You wanna be good?" Abby nods. "Then be quiet."
Abby closes her mouth and you move away, tracing the ice cube to her neck, leaving a wet cold trace on her skin just to lick it right after. Abby whimpers and bucks her hips again, hoping she'd be able to hump your thigh, but you move away again and leave her no chance of relief.
"I think this one is too warm now." You take another cube and rub it against her other nipple. Abby whimpers and tries to get away, but with her hands tied she doesn't have enough room and you smile. You look down and she is so fucking wet already as if you let that cube melt in her panties. "Oh, you're enjoying it, huh?"
"I do, ma'am, it feels so good." Abby whispers frantically.
You hum and lean down to bite on her nipple, licking the cold water from her skin and Abby moans and pulls her arms, probably to touch you, but the ribbon keeps her in place. The contrast of your hot mouth on her right nipple and a cold ice cube on her left nipple makes her head spin from how good it feels and she is sure she won't last when you actually touch her.
You take the ice cube off her nipple and put it in your mouth, letting it clink on your teeth, and you pull her underwear down and throw it somewhere on the floor.
"Open your legs." You order and Abby obediently spreads her legs. "You see how good you can be? But you decided it would be fun to be bad." You say it with mock disappointment as you lie down between her legs, moving the ice cube on your tongue. Abby is wet and so fucking pretty you lose your mind every time you see her naked.
You give Abby no warning, no built up, nothing, and you press your tongue right on her clit. Abby shrieks in surprise because your tongue is cold and when you move it up and down the ice water drips on her clit and it's so fucking intense and it's a little painful, but it mixes with pleasure and Abby squirms around, her arms pull again and again because it's so much and she feels like she is close and then you push your fingers into her and you start fucking her hard and your tongue and your fingers feel so good and your tongue and the ice cube and Abby is done-
Except her orgasm doesn't come. Your mouth is not on her anymore and you pull your fingers out. You lick your lips and clean your chin with the back of your hand while Abby looks at you, upset.
"Oh, you thought I'd let you cum?" You laugh and Abby wants to cry. "Oh no, princess. You'll have to wait."
"No, ma'am, please." Abby begs and bucks her hips. "Please, I was so close."
"Poor little brat." You coo mockingly and take another ice cube: they're melting so you know you don't have long to play with Abby like this. "You told me to wait until all of them melt, right? Well, I'm going to melt them on you."
Abby whimpers and arches into you again like a cat, and you caress her stomach in appreciation.
"Pretty." You cannot not say it, even if you're supposed to be strict right now. Abby is beautiful and you can't stop telling her that.
"Thank you, ma'am."
You are surprised to hear it - usually Abby gets shy when you compliment her, but apparently she really wants to be good right now.
You put the ice cube on her knee and move it down, closer to her cunt, and you can feel how she is shaking. Abby is so wet she is dripping after almost cumming and she looks so good like this you even consider eating her out again right now, but you want her to calm down a little.
Abby is watching you with the saddest puppy eyes known to a man, but it doesn't move you. You move the ice cube closer to her pubic and put it just under her lower stomach, knowing that if you leave it there to melt all cold water will go on conjunctions of her thighs.
"What if I just leave it here to melt, hm?" You draw with a cube on her pubic and Abby twitches, bucks her hips again. "And I won't touch you until it's gone, what if I do that?"
"No, please, ma'am." Abby begs and you suck a bruise on her thigh. "I'll be good, I won't try to get in trouble, I promise!"
You laugh.
"Don't lie to me, princess." You bite down on her thigh hard enough to leave teeth marks.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, please-"
You take the ice cube inside your mouth again and while you're swirling it around, you slowly drag your fingers between her folds, circling her clit gently. She is warm and absolutely drenched and you don't want to stop touching her. Abby tenses and closes her eyes, and it makes you smile, but it's not a nice smile.
You lean down to her nipple and suck on it, but every time you swirl your tongue around her bead the ice cube touches it too and Abby squirms, whimpering. You suck her nipple inside your mouth to keep it in place and push the ice cube on top of her bead, only swirling it around until Abby's nipple feels cold and Abby is overwhelmed, lost in pleasure, because your fingers never stopped playing with her clit and your mouth feels amazing.
"Ma'am can I cum? Please let me cum you make me feel so good, please." Abby is babbling and your fingers get faster.
Abby is so relieved you took pity on her, god, she needs to cum so bad and your fingers are so perfect she wants them in her mouth and in her cunt and everywhere she could get them-
"Ma'am I'm gonna cum, you'll make me cum, ma'am please-"
And everything is gone again. You let her nipple out of your mouth and suck on your wet fingers, relishing in Abby's taste.
Abby whines, angry and frustrated, and you laugh, amused.
"I didn't tell you you could cum, did I?" You lightly slap her pussy and she mewls. "You'll cum when all the ice in that glass turns to water."
"Ma'am, please-" Abby sobs when you force her thighs apart to look at her wet pretty cunt.
"Please what?"
"Please touch me, ma'am I need you, please-" Abby opens her thighs more and the water from the ice cube flows down.
"Good girl, begging so well, opening for me." You praise finally and Abby whimpers and pulls her arms again, her biceps and her abs flexing.
You lazily thumb her clit and she jerks away, sensitive. You know the more you edge her the less time she'll need to become desperate between each time, and you want her to cry for you, so you don't go slow on her, riling her up again. Abby is loud and she kicks her legs on the bed because it feels good and she has been close two times already, but the ice in the glass is not water yet.
So you stop again and Abby whimpers and tries to press her thighs together, but you press them to the bed and you can see how her clit throbs and her hole clenches around nothing. So you push two fingers inside and Abby sobs, because you're not being slow at all, your pace is brutal and she is on edge immediately, and you know by the feeling of her tightening on you she is getting very very close. You keep fucking her until her thighs start to shake and her moans match your speed because that's it, Abby is going to cum, and once again you pull your fingers out and keep her thighs open while she is thrashing on the bed, pulling on the ribbon so hard the metal bar creaks.
"Please ma'am, please, I wanna cum, please let me cum-"
You look at Abby closely and no, she is not crying yet, so you ignore her and lick the water that is left on her. The ice cube is nowhere to be found, but you don't care. You position yourself between Abby's thighs and push your tongue in her, nudging her clit with your nose. Abby jumps and whimpers, so overwhelmed and desperate: she is so fucking close, and your tongue feels so good in her.
"Ma'am-" Abby sobs and you lick a strip from her hole to her clit. "I'm so close, ma'am, please-"
You fucking love when Abby is begging. You slap her thigh lightly and put your mouth back on her, and finally you hear her little sniffles: she is so overwhelmed she is crying now, desperate to cum. It's intense and Abby can't think, her whole world is concentrated on your mouth and how your tongue rubs her clit just right and how close she is again. Abby's thighs are closing on your head just as her orgasm approaches and you think it's cute how easy it is to read her.
You push her thighs back and just as Abby starts to twitch like she is about to cum, you straighten up on the bed. Abby sobs and tries to close her thighs despite your grip on her, but you double down and press her back harder.
"Ma'am-" Abby sobs and her cute little sniffles soften you.
"You're doing so well, princess." You praise her and kiss her cheek, her forehead and her eyelids. "It's too much, isn't it? You wanna cum?"
Abby sniffles again and chases your mouth, so you kiss her slowly, giving her a moment to calm down.
"It hurts, ma'am." That makes you alert. You quickly look at her wrists, worried the ribbon is hurting her.
"What hurts?" You ask gently, knowing how delicate Abby is  when she is teased like this.
"It hurts because I wanna cum." She admits under her breath and you relax.
"Yeah? You think you deserve to cum now? You've been a good girl for me?"
Abby is too embarrassed to own the fact that yes, she has been good this whole time, so she doesn't say anything.
"Yeah, you've been such a good girl for me." You say, proud of her. "I'll let you cum, baby, but you need to do one thing for me, okay?"
"Thank you, ma'am." Abby sighs and you kiss you again.
"I want you to turn on your stomach and present that pretty ass for me, okay? Don't worry, I'll help you."
Abby nods and turns on her stomach without a problem, the ribbon is long and her arms are not crossed, but she can't get on her knees like that, so you help her push her thighs apart and up. Abby lies down exactly like she knows you like her: her back arched, her thighs wide apart as if she is stretching them, and her pretty, soaking pussy on display. She looks like a cat in heat and you want to ruin her.
You push your pants down and get the strap out. Abby can't see you like this and she gasps when she feels the fat head of your cock running up and down her folds, nudging her clit. Abby is so wet and you feel how puffy she is from the edging and you just can't help yourself.
You sit down on your knees and push two fingers into her, revelling in how tight and hot she is and how her thighs twitch. Abby whimpers and pushes back on your fingers and she is so fucking beautiful like this.
“I’m so fucking lucky to have such a beautiful girl.” You kiss her ass cheek and pump your fingers slowly while Abby mewls into the pillow. “Fucking look at you, so pretty and all mine.” You kiss her back until you reach her neck and you suck a bruise there, marking her as yours. “Are you mine, princess?”
“Yours, I’m yours, ma’am.” Abby whimpers and you kiss her cheek.
“Thank you, baby.” You murmur into her ear and pick up the pace, fucking Abby hard and fast until you feel her tightening on you again. Abby is clinging to her pillow like her life depends on it, moaning loudly, but once again you slow down and pull out. Abby whines, confused. “I know baby, I just wanted to feel your pussy tighten on me again. God you’re so wet, pretty girl.” You lick your fingers and grab the lube.
You spread it over your strap and steady Abby by her hips before pushing inside. Abby whines the whole time and her thighs spread wider to take you deeper, her back muscles showing as she arches into you. You bottom out and stay like this for a second, caressing Abby’s ass and hips, leaving small kisses on her spine. You watch how Abby's pussy is stretched on your strap and your hands tighten on her hips as you restrain yourself from moving yet.
“Good girl, took all of it.” You start moving slowly at first, letting Abby adjust and find a comfortable position. You watch your strap disappear in her and this is the best sight in your life, her big plump ass jiggling every time you thrust into her. “You want to go faster, princess?”
“Yes ma’am. Please make me cum.” Abby begs and pushes back and you knead her ass.
“I will, of course I will. Won’t leave my babygirl without giving her what she wants.” You grab her hips tighter and thrust into her, setting a hard pace to hit her g-spot at each thrust. “I can feel how tight you are, baby.”
“It’s so big, ma’am, fuck.” Abby sobs as you drag your cock over her walls. “It feels good, you make me feel so good, fucking hell-”
You chuckle and keep fucking her, not changing your pace: you’ve had your fun and now you want to make Abby cum, so you fully concentrate on her. Your movements are rough and hard and you push her back on you at each thrust just to hear her shriek and whimper. Abby mewls and squirms around, overwhelmed and overstimulated after being edged for so long, and she can’t think about anything except how fucking good it feels, how your fingers dig into her ass and hips, holding her like you own her, and she can’t help how loud she is, how her mewls and whines are echoing through the bedroom - it’s too much, it almost painful, and she doesn’t notice how you bend down and take what is left of the ice cubes into your mouth. You push her back on your cock and Abby shudders, her thighs are shaking now.
“Are you close, princess?” You say as the ice clinks on your teeth, your breath is hitched from fucking her.
“Yes ma’am, I’m so close, you’re gonna make me cum, please-” Abby is kneading the pillow, hiding her face in it from how overwhelming it is, trying to ground herself.
You hum and snake one of your hands over her hip to rub her clit while you lick her neck with your cold tongue, and Abby shouts and shudders so violently you barely keep her in one place. You know it's too much, she is crying again, but you keep fucking her, because you feel her getting tighter and tighter, not letting you pull out as easily as before.
"Look at the glass, princess." You growl in her ear and punctuate your words with hard thrusts. Abby is too out of it so you wrap your hand around her throat and lift her head. "Is there any ice left?"
Abby sobs, because your pace is relentless and she can't fucking understand what you're saying, but she opens her eyes and looks at the glass.
"Answer me." Another hard thrust.
"No, no ma'am." Abby whines and you feel her tears on your hand.
"Good." You let Abby fall back on her pillow and you bring your hand back to her clit and start playing with it. "Cum."
Abby shrieks and tenses and the liquid hits your hand and thighs. Fuck, Abby just squirted, and it makes your brain fuzzy and you are not stopping, fucking her through her orgasm. Abby is sobbing and pulling on the ribbon so hard you can hear the fabric tearing, she raises her ass in a clear attempt to escape you, but you press her down and bottom out, not caring if it’s too much: your cock needs to be in her to the hilt when she cums.
You don’t move and you kiss Abby’s shoulders, giving her time. She is whining weakly and presses back to you to be closer.
“Good girl.” You kiss your words into her cheek and Abby whines. "You squirted for me, baby, you did so good." You kiss her shoulder blade and Abby leans into your touch. "My pretty girl."
Abby whines and you know she is too deep right now - sometimes she gets so overwhelmed she goes fully non-verbal, especially if she cums as hard as she just did. You caress her sides, pressing your front to her back, and undo the ribbon on her wrists. You’ve never been so thankful for the padded parts you stitched to all your ribbons, because even with them Abby’s wrists are a little red. Abby is not ready to move yet, so you just continue kissing her and caressing her.
“Ma’am.” Abby calls quietly and you smile.
“Hello, princess.” You kiss her neck. “Are you ready for me to pull out?”
Very slowly you pull your thighs back and whisper little “shh, it’s alright, you’re doing so good” to Abby until your cock is fully out. Everything is wet: your pants, Abby’s thighs, the towel under her, and you just watch how her pussy glistens in the low light of your bedroom, mesmerised. Abby is fucked out, so pretty and puffy, and you lean down to taste her, you just can't help yourself.
Abby whines shortly and jerks away, but you soothe her with your hand on her hip while you slowly and gently lick her clean. She tastes better than everything in the fucking world.
Abby sighs, content, and relaxes into your mouth: you're not trying to rile her up again, you're just showing your obsession with her pussy and it makes her feel so wanted. Abby knows you're a big softie even when you're strict and she knows she has you wrapped around her finger and it makes her feel feral for you, makes her want to give everything she has to you and take everything you give her in return.
"You wanna cum again, pretty girl?" You ask when you've finished cleaning her up, but Abby is soaked again because your mouth feels good.
"I'm tired." Abby murmurs into the pillow.
"It's not a no, princess." You chuckle and kiss her thigh. “I’ll be gentle, okay?”
This time you’re not fast and Abby feels her pleasure come in small soft waves as you gently rub her clit on your tongue. Abby sighs and arches her back more into you, lightly rocking her hips against your face. She feels lazy and light and her head is empty, and tongue is pressed on her clit just enough to keep her in this hazy, pleased state. You pick up your pace just a little and Abby’s orgasm starts to build up in her lower stomach so softly she is almost quiet except for her heavy breathing. It doesn’t come crushing on her, instead it feels like all her bones turn to jelly for a second and Abby shudders quietly as her slick fills your mouth. You take it all in while rubbing her thighs to soothe her.
“You did so well for me today.” You kiss her shoulder blade. “You took it so well, I’m so proud of you.” Abby hums in response and you chuckle. “Sleepy?”
Abby hums again, agreeing.
“Stay awake a little longer.”
You grab another towel and gently clean Abby up before helping her turn on her back. You’re very careful with her arms, slowly moving them and massaging them, helping Abby rotate them to ease the soreness. She groans a few times and you pay extra attention to the parts that made her uncomfortable.
“There you go, princess. I know you want to sleep, but we need to shower, and change the bed sheets.”
“Whose fault is that?” Abby murmurs and opens her eyes just to look at you. You laugh quietly and help her stand and then walk to the shower.
Abby drapes all over you as you wash her, her head resting on your shoulder.
“Does anything hurt? I was pretty rough with you.” You know Abby’s shoulders are sore for sure, and it makes you worried. You don’t want to hurt Abby under any circumstances.
“I’m sore.” She mumbles. “It was very intense.”
“Is it good or bad?”
“Good.” Abby chuckles into your neck. “I liked it. I'm glad we decided to try the ice thing.” You kiss her shoulder and hug her, pressing her closer to you.
"The ice thing." You chuckle. "Your brain is still a mush."
"Yeah." Abby sighs, content. "Maybe-"
"What is it?"
"Maybe next time you can edge me longer?"
"Yeah." You smirk. "I can."
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the-anonmaton · 19 days
The Burden of Battle
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Relationships : Sevika x Reader Characters : Sevika, Original Female Character Tags : Fluff, Massage, Light Angst, Domestic, Fluff and Angst, Scars Words : 1,477 Summary:
What about caring for a tired Sevika?
It was an easy night after a hectic week. Both of you relieved to return to the place you called home for a much needed rest. You ate your food discussing the situation in Zaun, both hopeful and in good spirits about how things were developing. But your good work didn't come without a toll and you sure as hell knew the burden that came with her position. You could see it in her exhausted eyes and the scars marring her body. But you also knew the importance of the cause and her unwavering loyalty. She wouldn't let some minor inconveniences like sleep or life threatening injuries to stop her. It was a blessing and a curse, and you both loved and hated her for it.
After you finished eating she poured herself a hearty serving of whiskey and went outside to smoke her cigar, since you were adamant about you being the one cleaning up after your meal and ushering her out of the kitchen. If it was up to you she would never have to do any more work than what was absolutely necessary. She is doing more than enough as it is. You can take on a measly table and a few dirty plates.
A few minutes later you came in the bedroom only to find her lying face down on the bed, eyes closed, metal arm hanging over the side of the bed, clothes and boots still on. You smiled softly looking at her, although you couldn't help the pensive look that overtook your face. But you managed to school your features as you approached her. You fell to your knees bringing your face at her level and started to thread your fingers through her hair. She hummed, half-opened her eyes, saw your soft smile and smiled back before closing her eyes again and letting out another hum, enjoying your petting.
"How about a bath, love?"
"I'm tired."
"I know, but I promise you'll feel better."
No response. In the silence you could only hear her breathing.
You slipped your hand from her hair to let it rest between her shoulder blades and purposely pushed down with your whole palm, following with your thumb making circling motions applying slightly more pressure at the spot. She hummed again.
"Come on, baby. And after, I'll help you relax. You know you'll like it."
You had her. By now you knew she would always relent to the promise of a massage. She often joked that you held too much power over her. Too bad your power couldn't do anything about the weight of the job she was carrying on her shoulders. Maybe you could help lighten it, just for a while.
"Hmm… okay."
Smiling to yourself after your success, you gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, rose from your kneeling position on the floor and went to prepare the bath for her. You only heard a grunt of protest to the sudden absence of your hand massaging her back while making your way to the bathroom.
Getting her out of her clothes wasn't the easiest of tasks, but you couldn't complain as now you were both sitting in the warm water, enjoying each other's company and feeling the struggles of the week washing away. You are propped up on one side of the bathtub while she is laying in front of you with her metal arm hanging over the side, her other arm caressing your knee below the water and her head resting on your shoulder with her forehead touching the side of your chin. Your one hand is resting on her stomach, lightly stoking her with your fingers while your other hand has returned to its previous task of threading her hair, simultaneously getting it wet so you can clean it properly. Seeing her relaxed face and hearing her occasional humming you couldn't help but hold her tighter and kiss her temple.
"Feeling better?"
"Hmm… Love you, baby."
"I love you, too."
You both stayed in the tub until you started to feel the water getting colder and reluctantly stepped out to towel yourselves before getting dressed. You put on a pair of panties and one of Sevika's old t-shirts which was a lot baggier over your relatively smaller frame, while she put on only her boxers knowing what was to come.
You were looking yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair in a ponytail when you turned to see her sitting on the edge of the bathtub trying to dry her hair with the towel. She was favoring her right side, the purple bruise from a few days ago was almost gone, but not the ache underneath, if her struggling to hold her arm up was any indication. You slowly walked towards her, placed yourself between her legs and put your hands on top of hers.
"Let me."
She blinked up at you, looked into your eyes, closed hers and simply nodded, dropping her hands, relinquishing control and letting you manhandle her head in your attempt to get all the wet spots.
After you deemed your work adequate, you threw the towel on the floor and returned your hands to her hair, slowly caressing it and pushing it back with your fingers to tidy it up a bit. You then let your hands glide to each side of her face, your fingers curled around the back of her neck and your thumbs caressed her cheeks. She hummed again.
You were transfixed by her face, eyes still closed, her head hanging back and you could feel metal and warm fingers lightly touching the sides of your thighs. Mesmerized, you leaned forward while holding her face to place a gentle kiss on her mouth and pulled away only to be met by tired eyes looking back at you, reminding you of your promise.
"Come on, baby."
You pulled away, extended your hand for her to take and after she followed your command you lead her to the bedroom.
She lay on the bed while you walked around it to get to the nightstand where you had the oil. After you found it, you turned around and observed her for a moment. Face down on the bed, both hands above her head, one over the other. You wouldn't be surprised if you heard a snore coming from her. You thought of how far you've come since the first time you met each other. Looking back, not even in your wildest dreams would she be this relaxed and vulnerable with you. It took some time, but here you are. Apparently, your little trip down memory lane didn't go unnoticed.
"Hey, you hearing me?"
You snapped back and blinked.
"Hm? Sorry, what?"
"You okay?"
You managed to focus your vision. Sevika was propped up on her elbows, head turned to you with a worried look on her face.
"Yeah, just got distracted. Ready?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, come on, lie back down."
"You would tell me though, right?"
"Of course, love. Don't worry, I'll tell you later."
Reluctantly she lay back down in her previous position and a relief washed over you. You would tell her, but now was not the time. You had other plans for the night and possibly making her uncomfortable by bringing up her behavior was not a part of it.
Normally, you would just straddle her ass and go on to massaging her back, but tonight you felt the need to show more of your love. Maybe seeing her run herself to the ground all week and remembering the tired look she gave you at the bathroom a few moments ago fueled that desire. So you walked to the foot of the bed, purred some oil on your palm, warmed it up between your hands, knelt down at the end of the mattress and started massaging her left calf.
"Hm, that's different."
"Just trying something, you just relax."
"I'm not complaining."
You slid you hands up her calf, putting pressure on the muscles with your thumbs. When you reached the back of her knee you hugged it with your hands and slid them back down, now putting pressure to the front of her leg with your other fingers. You repeated the motion a few times, all the while mindful of not accidentally pulling her fuzzy leg hair, the oil helping your movements. Her hums and occasional relieved grunts making you feel pretty proud of yourself.
"Is the pressure okay?"
"Hmm, feels good, baby."
"Tell me if you need anything."
You made your way to her right calf, your hands following the same pattern, then you moved up the bed and straddled it to give you better balance so you can tend to her right thigh and then you moved over to straddle her left calf to finish with her left thigh.
It was impossible not to let your eyes roam over all the spots you were touching. You were once more cataloging her every wound, new and old. For some you were there, you even took care of them, while for others you relied on her to tell you the stories. You wanted to lean and kiss each and every one of them, cursing once more whoever inflicted them upon her, if they were still alive considering they were trying to mess with your woman, but you decided to focus on the task at hand for the moment.
You also felt your heart skipping a beat whenever you came across a love bite on her thighs. You sure as hell had your fair share on your body but she didn't often let you have your way with her, so you couldn't help but let your fingers linger a moment longer on them, savoring them and trying to burn them in your memory.
After paying your due diligence on her legs you moved up over her body and situated yourself on her ass so you can attend to her back. You put some more oil on your palms, warmed it again and got to work.
You began your massage by stroking her back, not putting any pressure, hands just lightly touching and caressing her, spreading the oil from her lower back, to her spine, upper back and shoulders and coming back down to her lower back by a path from her sides, feeling her frame expand with each slow breath she took. You kept at it for a while, since her contented hums seemed like a good sign that she was enjoying herself and you didn't want to stop providing.
It was a good opportunity for you to stare at her strong back, to feel the muscles below your hands, to touch a few more constellations of scars. Their number was greater compared to the ones on her legs, and some of them clearly looked like they hadn't healed properly, the scar tissue prominent under your fingers. That was the burden of her cause and you knew these injuries wouldn't be the last. You felt the pain in your heart and your eyes welling up, and this time you couldn't hold back, so you leaned and kissed every scar your position allowed.
A part of you was waiting for her to scold you and get you back on track with your massage, but it turned out that whatever you were doing had rendered her jelly underneath you. She only hummed and, to your surprise, she pulled her warm hand that was tucked under the pillow above her head and brought it to rest parallel to her body so she can reach your leg and caress it.
With one last feathery kiss on the back of her neck, you pulled back and trailed your hands over their previous path on her back, finally adding the much needed pressure her knotted muscles were begging for. Her poor condition was apparent from her grunts, sharp inhales, holding breaths and heavy exhales every time you increased the pressure or went over a stubborn spot on her back. You could only apologize with a frown on your face, which luckily she couldn't see, but could probably hear it in your voice.
"I'm sorry, baby. I should do this more often. These knots would be more manageable."
"It's fine."
Of course she wouldn't admit anything. It's fine though, it's the common secret between you two. She won't admit her pain, even when you see her bloody and injured and hear her hurting. But she's doing better about it, so you can't really blame her. You know by now to let her take her time and push when necessary.
After your final stroke, you leaned forward, placed another kiss on her right shoulder blade, crossed your hands over it, rested your head above them and lay down on her back, acting like a blanket over her body. From your position you could see her profile, the side of her relaxed face inches away from yours. Her eyes were still closed, the side of her mouth pulled up a tiny bit forming the beginnings of a smile, breathing evenly through her nose. With one finger you traced a path from the middle of her forehead to her chin, going over her crooked nose, obviously broken many times in her past, and over her lips, dragging the bottom one down with light pressure. You moved to place another kiss on her right cheek.
"I thought you'd fall asleep halfway through it. Feels like I lost a bet"
She chuckled and her smile widened, teeth almost showing. Her speech was slurred as she spoke to you, clearly on her way to lose consciousness.
"I tried not to. Felt really good to miss it."
"Well, we can do it anytime you want."
"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, baby. It was nice."
Your heart fluttered at her praise. With a sharp inhale and a smile you gave one last kiss on her shoulder.
"Sleep now, love."
You slid to her right, so you can face her and put one arm over her waist and a leg over her thigh, so you wouldn't crush her any further, not that it was a possibility, but you wanted her to enjoy a good night's sleep without a weight on her back preventing her breathing.
"I love you." You whispered to her, letting your breath tickle her lips.
She half opened her eyes to regard you with serious expression, and you felt a warm hand tucking it self under your t-shirt and resting on your hip. She sighed with a smile and closed her eyes.
"I love you, too."
It wasn't long before she passed out. You tried to stay awake for a little longer, looking at her, committing her to memory, enjoying the silence, before the next hectic week comes, threatening once more the life you made with her.
taglist : @opropheticsoul
Thanks for reading! :)
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 months
I'll never write it so gonna post the abandoned idea for it here (also as a reminder, all my fic ideas are for grabs unless stated otherwise so if someone wants to pick it up, be my guest)
Red strings of fate/Soulmates AU
You are connected to your soulmate by a red thread only you and your soulmate can see and touch (and cut). When your soulmate dies, the thread solidifies and becomes heavier, as long as the distance between the soulmates was the time one of them died — almost like a chain.
Jake and Bradley find out they're soulmates early on in flight school — it's hard not to when the thread pulls tauter and tauter until they finally meet in the same classroom and they can see the other end of the thread for the first time.
There's fascination, there's the thrill of sneaking around (they should disclaim it, as soon as they learn, so it can be put in their records, but they never do) and everything is new and bright. They start to treasure the string, turning around their fingers and finding joy in noticing the other end twitching and pulling — with time, they notice the motions translate over the tread no matter how far away they are.
They make up a system of pulls and tags, using Morse code and it becomes something else, they become something else — in the air, wordlessly in sync, on the ground, talking to each other whenever they want, during sleepless nights and separate schedules and long-distance deployments.
Things start getting complicated. Bradley has commitment and abandonment issues, Jake's an all-or-nothing type of guy and just being soulmates isn't enough.
They go their separate ways. Bradley still, sometimes, when he can't sleep and the night makes him feel like nothing has a sense or a purpose, sends little messages down the thread. He never gets replies.
The day they meet again at the Hard Deck, Jake suspects Bradley is coming for the same assignment. The string’s been getting lighter and lighter the whole night, dropping down, no longer stretched to its limit.
They try to ignore the string the whole time the training goes on, but Mav still suspects. He doesn't say anything, but he feels like history is repeating itself.
When Mav and Bradley are arguing in the debriefing room and Warlock comes in, he doesn't say anything but Mav looks down at his own wrist and his face turns white and Bradley knows at that moment.
(Whether Mav and Ice are soulmates and married or they are soulmates but Ice still married Sarah, that's up for discussion).
During the whole funeral, Mav rolls the invisible thread around his wrist, moving onto his arm when it's not enough.
It's at that moment — Bradley decides Jake will never have to do the same.
The minute he turns around for Mav, he makes up a plan in his head.
They find each other in the snow, and argue, but by the end of it, Mav is making up a crazy plan and they'll try to return in one piece. Try being the keyword.
He pulls on the string, the thread between his thumb and index finger.
Mav frowns. "What are you doing?"
"Sending a message before we go."
He repeats it, just in case Jake hasn't realized in time to catch the whole thing at first. And then he starts looking through the pockets of his life vest.
“He’s not walking around with a dead man’s chain, Mav.”
Mav tries to stop him the second he realizes what Bradley is going to do but it's too late — with the same knife he cut his parachute off, he cuts off the thread, close to his wrist, letting it fall limping into the snow, red almost looking like droplets of blood.
It takes Jake a minute to realize that the tagging is a physical feeling, not just wishful thinking formed by his imagination.
The carrier deck is a mess, the foxtrot teams returned, Phoenix is now arguing with the admirals about Rooster's position — he might not be dead, sir — and the ringing in Jake's ears doesn't stop until he looks down at his wrist, and sees the string moving, the pulling a rhythmic, well-known motion.
Aloud, breaking up the vivid discussion about Maverick and Rooster's status, he says, “Rooster is alive, he’s—he’s talking,” and it almost feels like it's someone else using his voice.
“What do you mean, Hangman? His comm is silent.”
“Can feel it on the string, it’s still red and he’s— he’s tugging in Morse code,” he says. He closes his eyes and lets himself be pulled by the wrist. “S-O-R-R—Sorry, he’s—sorry and—and—I-L—Shit, no.”
The string flops down, loose. “No—”
He cut it. He cut it because it's still red and not gray but still too limp and he knows it. His wrist feels too light, too free.
When Bradley lands on the carrier, his wrist is bare and the thread pools around Jake's feet. It doesn't magically reconnect when they touch, when they shake hands.
Jake tries to desperately find the other end, carrying rolls and piles of it with him as he follows Bradley to the med bay.
“Jake, just—just cut it,” he tells him. “It’s going to connect you again in a day or two.”
Jake ignores him, pulling miles and miles of the thread into circled piles next to Bradley's bed. He can't see the floor — it's just red and red and nothing else.
“No,” is all Jake says. “Not to you.”
It'll find him a new match, connect the thread to someone else, to someone who isn't Bradley.
"Bring me some scissors," Bradley says. He almost feels bad, when Jake's gaze turns up to him, glaring with shiny eyes. "Just do as I say for once."
Wordlessly, looking like it pains him, Jake brings him disposable scissors.
Bradley grabs his hand before he can move away, pulls about three feet of the thread from the pile, and cuts off the excess on the floor.
He wraps it around his own wrist, the string thin and soft, and a little clumsily ties it into a loop over his arm. When he leans away again, the thread takes a second, taut, and then stretches with the distance, like it has always done.
Jake stares at it, too focused and too absent. "That's the shittiest knot I've ever seen."
Bradley huffs. "Well, you gotta learn to live with it."
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kingofbodyrolls · 5 months
Sprout | knj | four (fin)
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |
Summary: You love your plants, you love your garden, you do not love your new neighbor. You hate him with all your might— he wrecks everything you hold dear so you do the only reasonable thing: retaliate. 
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader 
AUs: neighbors au, gardening au, non!idol au → strangers to enemies (mostly one sided) to friends to lovers 
Genres: slice of life, smut, humor
Rating: explicit
Word count: 8.2K
Warnings: (somewhat) rough smut; degrading name calling (bitch), hair pulling, spanking, very brief anal fingering, some cockwarming, throat fucking, breast and nipple play, sexual tension, stupid innuendos, oral (both receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (please don’t be stupid), praise kink, begging, exhibitionism, slight dom/sub themes 👀 big dick Joonie, creampie, aftercare — I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
Author’s note(1): time for smut!!!! 😝
Taglist: @svnbangtansworld
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there 🙂
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You jolt awake to the insistent rhythm of a knock on your door, your senses instantly heightened as you wonder about the unexpected visitor. With a sense of urgency, you practically sprint down the stairs, only to be greeted by a wide-awake and smiling Namjoon at your doorstep.
“Good morning,” he greets with a voice that's too cheery for the early hours, making you grunt in response while you run one hand through your tousled hair, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes. Your gaze lingers on him, clad in a loose-fitted black shirt that hints at the impressive contours of his chest, paired with beige shorts and sandals. In stark contrast, you become acutely aware of your own appearance, standing there in your revealing sleepwear—a slutty top with your breasts on the verge of spilling out and extremely short shorts that do nothing to hide your ass.
As you glance down at your attire, the realization of what you're wearing hits you. A subtle chuckle escapes Namjoon, and his eyes briefly trace the curve of your breasts before meeting your gaze once more.
“What are you doing here?” you inquire in a gruff tone, adding, “And this early?” You rub your tired eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.
“I was thinking we could hit up the plant store, just like we discussed? It opens at 8,” he suggests, flashing you a wide smile that showcases his dimples – the kind of smile that should be declared illegal.
“‘Joon, it's 7:30, and I'm not even awake yet,” you sigh, fully aware of what your answer is going to be, “but sure, let's go. I just need to get dressed and maybe caffeinate myself first.”
His eyes sparkle, eliciting a soft smile from you. “Come in and make yourself comfortable,” you invite warmly.
You guide him into your home, shutting the door gently as he slips off his sandals. Leading the way to the kitchen, you sense your shorts riding up higher on your ass. In your tired state, you don't care much, pressing forward into the kitchen.
You motion for him to take a seat, the worn chair creaking slightly beneath his weight as you get ready to brew some coffee. “Care for a cup?” you inquire, your voice warm and inviting.
He offers a gentle shake of his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Not today, but I appreciate the offer,” he responds, his eyes reflecting a grateful glint.
“Mind finishing up the coffee? I'll go change real quick,” you request, a smile gracing your lips as you set the water and kettle in motion. “Absolutely,” he responds with a nod and a warm smile, prompting you to dash upstairs to your room.
As you hurry into your room, grabbing clothes in a rush, you dive into the bathroom for a quick shower, slipping into a simple yet chic mini dress. Emerging from the bathroom, you almost collide with Jungkook.
“Woaw, you’re up early,” he chuckles, deftly avoiding a collision with you amidst your swift movements. “Yeah, Namjoon’s waiting in the kitchen,” you explain in a hurried tone as you dart past Jungkook and descend the stairs, but not before catching the suggestive dance his eyebrows perform, a mischievous tease lingering in the air.
You descend the stairs and enter the kitchen, announcing, “I’m ready now,” accompanied by a warm smile as you assess Namjoon. He gestures toward a pot, indicating the ready coffee. Swiftly, you grab a to-go cup and fill it with the aromatic brew, expressing your gratitude, “Thank you.”
As you head towards the entryway together, the anticipation lingers in the air. With synchronized movements, you slip into your shoes and jackets, and you grab your purse, the door creaking open under your anticipation.
“My car is more spacious; we can take that,” he suggests, gesturing towards his sizable SUV. Despite the practicality of his choice, you can't resist a playful eye roll and a theatrical sigh. Nevertheless, you follow him towards his car.
You settle into the car as the engine roars to life, and he skillfully maneuvers out of the driveway and onto the road. It becomes evident rather quickly that driving might not be his forte. He chuckles, breaking the silence, “Apologies for the driving skills; I’m not behind the wheel often,” he confesses, taking a turn down a road. You can't help but chuckle to yourself. “I usually opt for my bike, better for the environment, you know. The only downside is the limited space.”
Your laughter grows louder, imagining Namjoon on his bike, attempting to navigate with an armful of plants. The mental image paints a comical scene, and you find yourself amused by the thought of him juggling between green companions and handlebars.
Your laughter continues, and you playfully suggest, “I can take the wheel on the way back, unless you trust your driving skills with the precious cargo.” Namjoon grins, “Maybe that's a good idea; I wouldn't want to risk any harm to my leafy companions.”
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The plant store is a vibrant kaleidoscope of nature's wonders, with a plethora of beautiful specimens beckoning you both. From delicate baby plants to towering giants, the colors span the spectrum – a mesmerizing dance of greens, reds, purples, yellows, and blues. Armed with a cart, your excitement and giddiness know no bounds as you traverse the aisles, eagerly exploring the rich tapestry of botanical treasures the store has to offer.
With swift determination, Namjoon seizes bundles of essential soil packages, and inspired by his decisiveness, you follow suit, eager to replenish your own gardening arsenal.
As your gaze flits over the indoor greenery, nothing quite captures your interest. However, Namjoon's discovery of a tempting citrus tree triggers thoughts of the fruit trees lingering in your mind. Eagerly, you venture outside to explore the vast array of possibilities. Amid the selection of fruit trees—apples, pears, cherries, and beyond—you hone in on the apple varieties. With purpose, you seek out two distinct types, envisioning a harmonious pollination dance between them.
Namjoon eagerly adds to his haul with a selection of berry bushes, opting for the exquisite allure of blueberries and the tantalizing vibrancy of raspberries.
After a rewarding three-hour exploration through the vibrant aisles of the store, your shopping adventure concludes with a car filled to the brim. Grateful for Namjoon's spacious vehicle, you navigate the challenge of fitting an assortment of soil packages, fruit trees, and bushes. Some of the taller trees find refuge in the backseat, a testament to the abundance of greenery that now accompanies you on the journey home.
Namjoon casually passes you the keys, muttering, “It's better for the plants that way.” Amused, you respond with a chuckle, taking control of the wheel. Upon reaching home, a collaborative effort unfolds as both of you unload the treasures acquired during your plant-filled escapade.
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Namjoon's housewarming party looms ahead, and you find yourself both excited and slightly jittery at the thought of mingling with his rowdy and boisterous friends—individuals you've been quietly cursing under your breath since he first moved in all those months ago.
You've spent hours contemplating what to wear for Namjoon's housewarming party, seeking Jungkook's fashion expertise. He meticulously evaluates every dress in your closet, categorizing them from boring to sexy. Jungkook insists on opting for something enticing to captivate Namjoon's attention, and thus, here you stand, navigating the fine line between alluring and elegant.
Maintaining a deadpan expression, Jungkook casually throws you a bold question amidst his dress scrutiny. “Do you know if Namjoon’s an ass or tits man?” His gaze remains fixated on the dresses, and you're momentarily taken aback by his crude inquiry. However, given the unfiltered nature of your friendship, you offer a nonchalant response, “I don’t know. I’ve seen him staring at both before,” accompanied by a shrug, unsure if that tidbit helps him in any way.
Jungkook continues his quest through your closet, finally emerging triumphant with a suggestion, “Then I suggest a bodycon; tight fit that shows everything.” After thorough searching, he presents a black dress that strikes the right balance, revealing just the perfect amount of cleavage and boasting a midi length that adds a touch of elegance.
You let out a groan of frustration as you eye the bodycon dress on the bed. “You know I hate bodycon dresses,” you sigh. Jungkook chuckles, “I guess that’s why you only have one of them,” he teases as he throws the dress onto your bed. Undeterred, he continues rummaging through your closet, emerging with a pair of purple glitter boots. “Since your dress is black, pair it with these purple glitter heels,” he suggests with a mischievous grin.
You share a laugh with Jungkook, realizing that the vibrant purple glitter heels add a playful touch to the overall look. The dress, initially exuding a somewhat somber vibe, now seems to embrace a more lively and celebratory feel, thanks to Jungkook's unconventional styling suggestion.
Jungkook playfully teases, his eyes dancing with mischief and a mischievous grin revealing his adorable teeth. “I think you’re gonna get laid tonight,” he adds, punctuating the statement with a suggestive wink of his eyebrows.
“It's a party, Guk,” you reprimand him, a playful glint in your eyes as you try to hide the hopeful anticipation that bubbles beneath the surface. You don't entirely dismiss Jungkook's playful prediction, secretly hoping that amidst the lively atmosphere and Namjoon's friends, a spark might ignite between you and Namjoon.
“You never know what's gonna happen,” he shrugs, leaving you to prepare at your own pace. While he swiftly readies himself – donning a simple white tee that accentuates his sculpted physique, showcasing biceps and muscles chiseled in hours at the gym, paired with leather skinny jeans that emphasize his powerful thighs – you can't help but admire the effortless appeal he exudes.
“Planning to seduce someone?” you chuckle, your gaze roaming over him. “That outfit is killer, you know.”
“Nah, maybe. You never know,” he laughs, reveling in his undeniable charm. Jungkook has been the same ever since you met him when he moved in. Always drawing attention, and over the years, he's become your trusted fashion advisor, helping you enhance your outfits to capture the spotlight. You cherish him like the brother you never had.
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You knock on Namjoon's door, but the pulsating beat of the music suggests he won't hear it. Rolling your eyes, you glance at Jungkook, who chuckles and casually swings the door open, ushering you inside the lively atmosphere.
The crowd is surprisingly small, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and warmth among friends. As you navigate through the living room, you exchange greetings with familiar faces, some of whom you remember from that memorable BBQ where Namjoon inadvertently wreaked havoc on your fence and garden bed.
Several of his friends cast you a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the shared memory when Namjoon accidentally wreaked havoc on your fence, and you didn't hesitate to give him a stern scolding.
You stride into the kitchen, boldly interrupting the banter between Namjoon and his friend who's manning the stove. “Hey,” you greet, causing both Namjoon and his friend to pivot and direct their attention toward you and Jungkook.
“Oh, hi,” his friend, Yoongi, greets you, offering his hand. As you shake it and share your name, you detect a subtle recognition flicker in his eyes. It clicks. “Ah, you're the one Joon has been telling us about,” he observes, scrutinizing you from head to toe. In that moment, you feel strangely exposed, wishing you had chosen a more modest outfit. The realization that Namjoon has been discussing you raises a mix of curiosity and uncertainty within you.
Namjoon pivots fully to meet you, and as his eyes roam your entire figure, his steps stutter to a halt. From your face down to those ridiculously purple glitter heels, he takes in every detail. The noticeable gaze sends a tingling warmth across your skin, and you're acutely aware of his thorough inspection. In a breathless, warm tone, Namjoon greets you, “Hi, I'm so glad you came,” his words hanging in the air. Yoongi chuckles, Jungkook joins in, and the atmosphere seems to shift with Namjoon's lingering gaze.
“Dinner’s almost ready, you can take a drink if you want,” Namjoon gestures toward the assortment of beverages as Yoongi orchestrates the final touches to the meal.
You and Jungkook make your way to the kitchen table, where he expertly pours the two of you drinks. As you head back to the living room, the hubbub of the gathering surrounds you, and you notice the diverse crowd filling Namjoon's space with laughter and conversation.
He teases you with a sly grin, “He was totally checking out your ass,” as you both approach a group of people you greeted upon arriving. You respond with a playful chuckle, dismissing the comment but secretly reveling in the idea that Namjoon's attention might be focused on you.
An audacious man points his finger at you with a big boxy smile and declares, “Hey, you're that bitchy neighbor, right?” The desire to react with anger simmers within you, but instead, you offer a forced smile and reply, “Yeah, that's me.” The guy's friend beside him shoots him a disapproving look, muttering something about politeness.
“Don't mind him, I'm Jimin,” the guy who intervened extends his hand for a shake. You grasp it firmly, exchanging names not only with him but also with Jungkook, who lingers at your side.
“I'm Taehyung,” the guy who boldly labeled you the ‘bitchy neighbor’ introduces himself, still wearing a wide grin. Unfazed by his straightforwardness, you flash a warm smile in return, appreciating the honesty.
“I'm Hoseok,” the guy beside them chimes in, a radiant smile lighting up his face.
Before you know it, Yoongi, the guy crafting the delicious dinner, sets the final masterpiece on the dining table. As you all converge around the table, you find yourself seated next to Jungkook and Taehyung. Conversations flow effortlessly, everyone sharing stories about how they know Namjoon – college buddies, coworkers, childhood friends. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, making you feel surprisingly at home in this new circle of acquaintances. Despite the brief encounter, these individuals excel at weaving a sense of inclusion and hospitality, effortlessly transforming strangers into companions.
Despite the lively chatter and delicious food, you can't help but catch Namjoon stealing occasional glances in your direction. Determined to maintain your composure, you divert your attention to savoring the flavors on your plate, pretending not to notice the warmth of his gaze lingering on you.
As lively conversations intertwine with the clinking of cutlery and empty plates, you gradually become aware of the music's subdued presence. Jimin initiates the plate-clearing ritual, and you join in to assist. Meanwhile, Hoseok, with a mischievous gleam in his eye, strides into the living room and cranks up the volume, signaling an imminent eruption of rhythmic movements, suggesting he's ready to unleash some dance-floor magic.
With a playful smile, you turn to Jimin and inquire, “Is it always like this?” Your gaze follows the fluid motions of Hoseok, who has seamlessly transitioned into a mesmerizing dance routine, eliciting a spontaneous chuckle from you.
“Pretty much,” he replies with a chuckle, arranging plates in the dishwasher.
“It's a pity that Taehyung's girlfriend and Hoseok's couldn't make it today. Hoseok's girlfriend loves to dance, and watching her and Hoseok dance is always a blast!” he shares with a smile. Jungkook has now joined Hoseok in dancing, while Namjoon and Yoongi unwind on the couch. Taehyung is pitching in, helping you and Jimin clean up.
“Your friend Jungkook, what's his story?” Jimin inquires, his eyes tracing Jungkook's muscular frame as he effortlessly matches Hoseok's dance moves.
You chuckle, and then Taehyung interjects, “He's wondering if Jungkook is single.” He clarifies for Jimin, who blushes as he shuts the dishwasher.
You turn to Jimin, “Well, he is single. I've never seen him with a man before, but you should give it a shot,” you say, smiling at him. His face brightens, a wide smile forming until his eyes disappear into small slits. Both you and Taehyung chuckle as Jimin heads into the living room to join the dance.
You both follow him, seamlessly joining the dancing crowd. You instantly locate Jungkook, who winks suggestively with his eyebrows as he grips your hips, swaying you to the beat of the music. You understand his intentions – to help you grab Namjoon's attention. It seems to be working, as you feel a pair of hazel brown eyes igniting your skin with warmth.
Jimin effortlessly joins the dancing, grinding up against your body. With the attention of the two men, you can't help but laugh as they're on a mission to make Namjoon jealous.
You catch sight of Namjoon on the couch, his fists clenching intermittently as he struggles to maintain eye contact with you, alternating his gaze whenever he senses yours on him.
Worn out from the lively dance and the touch of both Jungkook and Jimin, you retreat to the kitchen for a much-needed break. Amidst the array of alcoholic beverages, you choose a refreshing sip of water to rejuvenate your senses.
A soft “Hi” catches your attention from behind, and as you turn, there stands Namjoon. It seems like Jungkook's strategic plan to capture his interest might just be unfolding before you.
“Hi,” you reply to Namjoon, turning gracefully to face him, a soft smile playing on your lips as your eyes meet his.
He envelops your personal space in an instant, but the proximity feels electrifying rather than intrusive. His gaze sweeps down, the height difference smaller because of your heels. “You look incredibly sexy,” he murmurs, his words sending a subtle shiver down your spine.
“Thank you, so do you,” you reply, your eyes tracing the contours of his fitted gray shirt, the black dress pants accentuating his silhouette, and his hair styled in a soft undercut. A subtle gulp betrays the sudden rush of arousal that courses through you. Damn, he looks more than nice; he looks irresistible.
His lips brush against your ear as he leans in, his husky whisper sending a shiver down your spine, “I bet you look even sexier without those clothes on.”
A barely audible, breathy moan escapes your lips, your agreement conveyed through a subtle nod. His intoxicating scent envelops your senses, electrifying every inch of your body. Yet, the hunger for more lingers, an insatiable desire pulsating within you.
With a teasing and audacious tone, you declare, “There's only one way to find out.” 
As a provocative invitation, you lower the neckline of your dress ever so slightly, offering him a tantalizing glimpse of your cleavage. His gaze quickly descends, and he licks his lips in response, muttering a husky “Damn.”
He leans in again, gently nibbling on your ear, his breath hot as he pants, “Fuck. I want you so much.” A mischievous glint in his eyes, he adds, “Do you want to take a look at my seedling collection in my room?”
A playful chuckle escapes your lips, yet your body responds with a cascade of tingles, every inch of your skin on high alert. “Yes,” you moan, pressing your body against his, acutely aware of the undeniable evidence of his erection.
He seizes your hand, a magnetic pull guiding you out of the bustling kitchen and into the mysterious path leading, you presume, to his bedroom.
Surprised, you stammer, “What about the others?” as he whisks you away from the lively gathering.
Confidently, he declares, “They have their music, and they won't mind us disappearing for an hour,” pulling you through the hallway with a mischievous grin, “or two.”
You can't help but chuckle, but as his words finally penetrate your foggy mind, a new surge of arousal courses through your core. You gulp, groaning at the anticipation of what his words imply.
In no time, you reach his room. He swiftly opens the door, pulling you inside, and without hesitation, he pushes you against the nearest wall, hovering over you. His eyes search yours for any sign of hesitation, but finding none, he dives into a kiss. It's a blend of softness and intensity, his lips feeling inviting as you instinctively open your mouth, welcoming the dance of his tongue with yours.
The kiss lingers until you both reluctantly break apart for a much-needed breath, chests heaving in sync with the rapid beat of your hearts. His gaze, now hooded, remains fixed on your lips, and his hands firmly grasp your hips, the intensity between you growing with each passing moment.
He breathlessly murmurs your name, his desperation palpable, “You have no idea how much I want you.”
It sends shivers down your spine as you bite your lower lip, anticipation building. “Show me,” you pant in a ragged voice, yearning for the intensity that awaits.
He pulls you towards his bed, the air thick with anticipation as he slowly eases you down onto the soft sheets. Your gaze locks with his, desire burning in your eyes; an unspoken plea for him to ravish you, to consume the hunger that has been building between you for so long.
His fingers trail over your body, igniting a symphony of shivers that course through you, causing a hitch in your breath as he explores the landscape of your body.
His voice, laced with a hunger that mirrors the intensity in his gaze, whispers a question that sets your skin ablaze. 
“Can I taste you?” 
The air thickens with anticipation, and you're certain that if he doesn't touch you soon, you might just combust.
“Please,” your plea, drawn out in a breathless moan, echoes in the room, and you feel your toes curl with anticipation, a symphony of desire playing between every gasp and heartbeat.
He wastes no time, swiftly dragging your dress up your hips to your stomach. A pause lingers as he appreciates the sight of your black lacy underwear, before he skillfully tugs them down your thighs and lets them pool at your feet and drags them to the floor.
“What about my shoes?” you playfully remark as you attempt to kick them off, but he swiftly captures your legs before you can make much progress.
“Keep them on. They're cute.” 
He murmurs, a low, seductive tone that sends shivers down your spine. Your breath catches, and a wave of need tightens your core, leaving you aching for more.
He pulls you to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs with a hungry gaze, absorbing the sight of your glistening pussy, ready to explore every inch of it.
“Fuck, you're already so wet,” he groans, his hands kneading your thighs, eliciting moans of delight as his skilled fingers inch closer to where you need him the most.
He inches closer and closer with his hands, teasingly tracing the contours of your thighs, but then, with a seductive glint in his eyes, he redirects his attention to your core. Your gaze locks with his as he licks his lips in anticipation before finally sealing the deal, his mouth enveloping your slick, pulsating pussy.
His tongue skillfully explores your folds, sending a shiver down your spine as you involuntarily arch your back off the bed, caught in the electrifying sensation. As he moves to your clit, a wave of tightness starts to coil in your stomach.
His expert mouth engulfs your clit, creating a tantalizing suction that has you gripping the sheets, your mind teetering on the edge of bliss. He hasn’t even done much yet  an overwhelming sense of ecstasy washes over you, pushing you to the brink of sweet surrender.
Simultaneously, his skilled fingers continue their rhythmic massage on your thighs. “Fuck, don't stop,” you moan, lost in the intoxicating blend of sensations that envelops you.
He devours your clit with an insatiable hunger, his tongue moving with an expertise that leaves you breathless. Every flick and swirl sends shockwaves of pleasure through you.
Then he pulls off, “You like that?”
“Fuck, yeah.”
He returns to his task with newfound determination, his tongue expertly dancing over your throbbing clit. Your fingers entwine in his hair, tugging at the strands as he skillfully sucks and laps, each deliberate move coaxing euphoric sounds from your lips, punctuated by the desperate call of his name.
Embarrassment is a distant thought as pleasure courses through you, driven by the divine dance of his tongue on your sensitive bud. Wetness coats your core, and in the throes of ecstasy, you abandon all reservations. “I'm so close, Joon,” escapes your lips, a raw admission of the impending climax.
As his tongue continues its tantalizing assault on your clit, a single finger joins the sensual ballet, probing the entrance to your pussy. Your walls eagerly envelop the intruding digit, the dual stimulation propelling you perilously close to the edge of climax.
Your moans cascade into the air like a melody as he rhythmically thrusts his finger in and out of you, a symphony of pleasure coursing through your body. The withdrawal of his digit leaves you yearning, but the anticipation peaks as his slickened finger teases your untouched hole. Shivers dance along your spine as you feel the subtle pressure against the resistance of your muscles, inviting an exhilarating mix of pleasure and anticipation.
You whimper, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight below. His eyes are darkened pools of desire, mirroring the intensity of the sensations he orchestrates with his skillful tongue. The explicit symphony of wet, rhythmic sounds reverberates in the room, a sinful melody that only adds to the fire between you both.
His insistent finger nudges at your hole, and you instinctively clench, a mix of anticipation and slight discomfort coursing through you. Yet, his agile tongue at your clit becomes a captivating distraction, a skillful dance that forces your focus away from the pressure building elsewhere. As you struggle to ease the tension in your body, your breath quickens, and you transform into a panting, quivering mess beneath his intoxicating touch.
In a haze of pleasure, you're suddenly aware of the delicate pressure of his teeth on your clit. The sensation is subtle yet electrifying, sending shockwaves through your body. Your voice echoes in a cry of his name, the walls of your core clenching around the emptiness, while your senses blur in a whirlwind of ecstasy. As you struggle to regain control of your breathing, the world around you fades into a euphoric abyss.
As your climax courses through you, he withdraws his finger from your tight hole, but his fervent attention on your folds persists. His tongue dances with expertise, devouring the sweet juice that envelops his taste buds.
“You taste so sweet.” 
Savoring the lingering taste of your sweetness, he licks his lips lasciviously as he withdraws from your core. Gazing upon your breathless and flushed figure sprawled on his bed, he can't help but chuckle, a low and satisfied sound, at the intoxicating impact he's already had on you.
“Dammit, Namjoon.”
Frustration and desire intertwine as you sit up, urgently pulling Namjoon between your legs to seize his lips in a passionate kiss. In the heat of the moment, you inadvertently taste yourself on his lips, but you don’t mind.
With a sultry gaze, you break away from his lips, locking eyes with him as you confess, “I want to suck your dick.”
As your seductive words hang in the air, you notice his pupils dilate even further, and he inhales sharply, taking a deliberate step back, visibly affected by the promise in your desire-laden confession.
“I don't know,” he begins, and you raise an intrigued eyebrow at him. 
“You haven't exactly been a good girl,” he adds, his tone taking on a tantalizing edge. You gape at his unexpected words, your mind racing to comprehend the sudden shift in his demeanor. 
“Why should I let you suck my dick when you’ve been so bad?”
Your jaw actually drops, and you're left perplexed by the sudden change in his demeanor. “I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to make you feel as good as you made me feel,” you respond, your voice a mixture of confusion and desire, trying to navigate the unexpected turn in the conversation.
A mischievous smirk graces his lips, and he offers a soft smile. “If I remember correctly, you glued my mailbox together,” he utters, and as the words escape his mouth, a realization hits you like a ton of bricks — is he still holding onto your past antics from when he first moved in?
A sly grin plays on his lips. “And threw eggs on my windows,” he teases, and you're left dumbfounded. His arousal is evident with a prominent bulge in his pants, leaving you puzzled as to why he's resurrecting this conversation now.
“Wanted to blow my tire,” he chuckles, his hand casually finding its way to his erect cock, inviting your gaze. “If you want this,” he gestures to his throbbing dick, “you'll need to apologize and beg like a proper bitch.”
You inhale sharply at his audacious demand, a shiver coursing down your spine. The challenge is clear. Two can play this game, and you're more than ready to meet his provocative request head-on.
You bat your eyes at him, rising to meet him at the foot of the bed, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. “So it's going to be like that, huh? What if I don't want to apologize, because I already have?” Your voice drops to a sultry whisper as you tease him, fingers boldly grabbing the outline of his cock outside his pants, eliciting a sharp hiss from his lips.
His tone oozes mock disappointment. “Fine, I suppose I'll just go join the others,” he declares, a smug smile playing on his lips, leaving you to wonder if he's bluffing or genuinely preparing to walk away.
“With this tent in your pants?”
With a teasing smirk, you glance down at the noticeable bulge in his pants and then meet his eyes again. Chuckling nervously, the realization dawns on you that he might just be speaking the truth.
“I don’t mind,” nonchalantly, he shrugs his shoulders as he backs away from you, and a sense of panic creeps in because, damn, he wasn't kidding about walking away!
But an overwhelming desire surges through you, an urgent need for him, for his intimacy. You crave to taste him, to feel him deep inside. Damn it, you'll have to surrender to the yearning and beg for the pleasure you so desperately crave.
Your voice is a breathy plea, eyes locked onto his, a mixture of desire and vulnerability. 
“Please,” you implore, the longing in your eyes laying bare your desperate craving to taste him.
“Please let me suck your dick.”
He saunters over, a playful glint in his eyes. “And?” he drawls, his gaze lingering on you, leaving you biting your lower lip in a mix of anticipation and frustration.
You take a deep breath, your admission hanging in the air, “I'm sorry, I was a bitch to you.”
His satisfaction evident, he swiftly lowers both his pants and underwear in a single motion, unveiling his impressive cock—long, thick, with a captivating crimson hue at the tip. Your breath catches at the sight, a gasp escaping your lips as it comes into full view.
“Good girl. Then suck it.”
He commands, and you gracefully descend to your knees. Your tongue darts out, tracing your lips as you fixate on the glistening bead of precum adorning the crown of his cock.
With purposeful intent, your hands envelop his pulsating cock, eliciting a guttural groan of longing from him as your fingers methodically traverse its rigid length.
“Don't toy with me,” he cautions, his voice imbued with a mixture of desire and command as he utters your name.
You playfully scoff at his attitude, but your boldness shines through as you extend your tongue, sliding it beneath the swollen tip of his dick. Locking eyes with him, you tease away the glistening droplets of precum. His sharp intake of breath transforms into a low moan when you engulf the head of his throbbing cock with your warm, wet mouth.
You skillfully trace your tongue around his frenulum, causing a visceral reaction. His head arches backward, and his fingers instinctively weave into your hair, applying a gentle, insistent tug as if he’s unable to contain the escalating pleasure.
You release his cock from your mouth, allowing saliva to pool and gather as you sensually prepare for another round. With deliberate intent, you envelop him once more, eliciting breathy pants from him as your wet, warm mouth expertly glides up and down, leaving his dick coated in a glistening sheen of your saliva.
With a firm grip on his hips, you delve into the art of pleasuring him, expertly creating a vacuum with your lips that draws out moans of pleasure. As you suck him, the wetness between your thighs intensifies, a tangible manifestation of your arousal responding to the symphony of his reactions.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
As his moans echo in the room, his praise serves as a potent catalyst, igniting a fiercer desire within you. Eager for more, you boldly take more of his cock, skillfully deep-throating him until the meeting point of your nose and his coarse pubic hair.
“Ah, fuck.”
As you skillfully relax your mouth, the enticing vibrations of your hum reverberate around his throbbing dick, eliciting a deeper response. His hands, entwined in the makeshift ponytail of your hair, tug with a mixture of urgency and pleasure, amplifying the intensity.
Breathless and with desire darkening his gaze, he implores, “Fuck. WIll you let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours?”
His eyes linger on your face, adorned with the evidence of your oral prowess, your lips glistening with your saliva by being filled to the brim with his thick cock.
You echo your consent with a sultry hum around his dick, your subtle nod accentuating the deliberate relaxing of your throat and jaw, inviting him to explore the depths of your mouth.
“God. You’re such a good girl for me.” 
He forcefully tugs at your hair, eliciting a hiss around his cock. With a firm hand, he guides your face deeper into his pubic hair. You concentrate on relaxing, taking slow breaths to stave off the impending gag reflex. Just as you feel the sensation building, he withdraws, leaving you to glance up with anticipation, wondering what's wrong.
“You’re doing so good.”
His tender reassurance, accompanies a gentle brush of his fingers, wiping away a lone tear cascading down your cheek. A genuine smile graces your lips in response. The warmth of his praise sends a delightful flutter through your stomach, your core responding with an involuntary clench.
“I’ll fuck you real good after this,” his promise hangs in the air like an electrifying vow, resonating with a potent mixture of desire and anticipation. The command in his pull at your hair is met with your compliance, as he deftly aligns his dick with your waiting mouth. A mutual understanding passes between you, and you intentionally relax, allowing him to dictate the rhythm and intensity.
The tempo of his movements becomes an immediate onslaught, a relentless pace that leaves you breathless. His thrusts into your mouth are a whirlwind of intensity, each one demanding your full attention and challenging your ability to keep up.
The room resonates with a symphony of wet, slurping sounds, a visceral accompaniment to the mingling of your tears and saliva that forms a slick, glistening sheen on his cock. The dance of his relentless thrusts is now an unhindered glide, running smoothly over your lips.
Amidst the ecstasy, he moans appreciatively, “You've been a real bitch,” yet his words carry a tone of undeniable pleasure. “But, fuck, you look divine like this.” 
He continues to thrust into your mouth, a sly smirk playing on his lips. “Can't talk back with your mouth full, huh?”
Damn, his menacing words send a shiver down your spine, igniting a wild fire of arousal pooling within your core. Attempting to respond, only a muffled hum escapes your lips against his pulsating cock, prompting him to moan your name in ecstasy.
“Fuck. I’m so close.”
His thrusts intensify, desire burning in his eyes as he seeks permission, “I really want to come inside your pussy, can I?”
Your muffled hum around him ignites a primal response, “Fuck. You’re so good for me, baby girl. I want to fuck you so bad, you won’t be able to walk out of here.”
Your pussy tightens in response to his words. Fuck, the thought alone sends a shiver through your body. You can already sense the wetness trickling down your thighs, aching for more of his intoxicating touch.
As he withdraws from your mouth, you gasp for air, inhaling in rapid breaths. His gentle touch caresses your cheek, accompanied by a soft smile. Transitioning from the kneeling position, he releases his hold on your hair, bringing you to a standing position before him. A hiss escapes your lips at the pull, yet it ignites a torrent of arousal, leaving you groaning in pleasure.
His command slices through the air, “On all fours,” he orders, a subtle gesture guiding your movements toward the bed. Swiftly, you comply, positioning yourself on hands and knees, anticipation coursing through every nerve.
His breath catches as he admires the breathtaking sight, “Fuck, your ass is incredible.” 
A pause lingers as he indulges in the moment, his hands gently caressing the curves before a sharp slap echoes through the room, eliciting a moan from you—a sound that draws a light, satisfied chuckle from him.
As he sheds the last of his clothes, standing there in raw vulnerability, he motions for you to rise and shed the remnants of your dress. With a swift motion, he pulls the fabric away, revealing a matching lace bra that barely conceals the anticipation underneath. Skillfully unhooking it from behind, he lets it join the growing pile on the floor, laying bare the desires that crackle between you.
His hands envelop your breasts from behind, skillfully rolling and tugging at your sensitive nipples, coaxing a hiss that transforms into a sultry moan. 
“Get down,” he commands, releasing your breasts, and you obediently return to your hands and knees, anticipation coursing through your veins like an electric charge.
As you arch your back, pressing your ass into him, the electric jolt of sensation courses through your body, the meeting of your ass with his throbbing cock igniting a fervent desire within. The yearning for him to fill you overwhelms your senses, aching for the ecstasy that awaits.
With a firm grip, he parts your cheeks, molding them as though shaping the most exquisite sculpture, and a prolonged moan escapes your lips, echoing the building tension between you. His touch, both commanding and sensual, sends shivers down your spine.
“You like it when I grope your ass?” 
His teasing tone resonates with the intimate caresses on your backside, creating a delicious interplay of sensations. As he playfully gropes your ass once more, a moan, laden with desire, spills from your lips.
“Yes, Joon.” 
As his hand connects with the curve of your ass, a jolt of both pain and pleasure surges through you, a visceral reminder that each spank is a tantalizing dance between ecstasy and a hint of sting. You can't help but release a breathy exclamation, caught in the intoxicating paradox of pleasure and the fiery imprint of his touch.
His fingers trace the tender spot left by the impact, a gentle contrast to the impending intensity. The warmth of his touch lingers just long enough before the other cheek receives the caress of his firm hand. With a husky promise, he murmurs, “Such a good girl. I’m gonna fuck you so good.”
In response to his tantalizing vow, a needy moan escapes your lips, fueling the building desire within. Eager for his touch, you press your ass further toward him. He complies, his hand skimming over his throbbing cock before parting your slickened folds. With an electrifying precision, he guides his dick to the brink of your quivering entrance.
Sensations surge through you as the velvety tip of his cock teases your folds. Surrendering to the impending ecstasy, you bury your breasts and head into the bed, anticipating the irresistible intrusion. With a deliberate and tantalizing pace, he eases himself into the welcoming warmth of your eager pussy, setting off a cascade of pleasure that envelops you both.
“Fuck! You’re so big, ugh!”
Ecstatic moans escape your lips as the sheer magnitude of his size overwhelms your senses. You're acutely aware of the delicious stretch coursing through your core, a blend of pleasure and challenge. Summoning every ounce of willpower, you command your body to yield, coaxing it to embrace the monumental intrusion and paving the way for him to delve deeper into you, transforming lingering discomfort into a symphony of desire.
“Damn. You’re so tight,” his grip tightens on your ass, fingers sinking into the flesh as he thrusts himself deeper into the velvety warmth of your pussy. A guttural moan escapes his lips, resonating through the room as he relishes the tightness that envelops him. With each inch, a shared ecstasy unfurls, culminating in a breathless admission, “Your little pussy is taking me so well.”
An electrifying fullness courses through you as he seamlessly integrates into the heated embrace of your slick folds. The initial stretch fades into a delicious satisfaction, a testament to the perfect fit between your bodies. His whispered inquiry, “Are you good?” hangs in the air, a prelude to the rhythmic dance about to unfold.
“Fuck, yeah. Please fuck me Joon.”
Your impassioned plea reverberates through the room, a desperate cry into the sheets. Almost in response, he retreats, teasingly withdrawing before plunging back in with a force that elicits an unrestrained cry, the fusion of pleasure and intensity echoing in the air.
He propels into a relentless and rapid rhythm from the outset, causing your fingers to curl tightly around the sheets. As the pace intensifies, a thin sheen of saliva from your parted lips marks the bedding.
His voice, rough and primal, reverberates in the room as he plunges into you with unbridled intensity. “Fuck. You feel so nice around me, babe,” he rasps, each forceful thrust hitting that exquisite spot, setting off a symphony of moans that escape your lips in a relentless, intoxicating cadence.
Your uninhibited moans echo in the room, a symphony of pleasure that drowns in the pulsating beats of the music. In the haze of passion, you're blissfully unaware of how loud you are, and with each intense thrust, you find solace in the hope that the music's thunderous rhythm conceals your shared symphony from the prying ears of his friends—although, in this heated moment, who gives a fuck?
“Namjoon, shit!” you pant, surrendering to the primal rhythm, arching your back and meeting his dick with fervor. Every thrust becomes a shared dance, an intimate symphony where your movements mirror his, creating a crescendo of pleasure that resonates through the room.
“Fuck. You’re such a good girl for me. Fucking yourself on me like this, fuck.”
His hands, explorers on a sensual journey, traverse every curve of your body with a possessive grace. With a firm grip on your hair, he elevates you onto your knees, commanding your body like a masterpiece. His skilled hands then trace a tantalizing path, cupping your breasts, and his fingers dance over your nipples, coaxing forth a symphony of pleasure.
“Oh, fuck.” Your moan harmonizes with the relentless rhythm of his hips, each thrust orchestrating a crescendo of pleasure that leaves your core drenched in a fresh cascade of arousal.
His fingers dance on your sensitive nipples, an exquisite melody that resonates with the building intensity of your pleasure. You're on the precipice, teetering on the edge of ecstasy, breath hitching. 
“Shit— I'm close!” 
As he releases one of your tender breasts, that liberated hand embarks on a journey south, landing at your aching core. His skilled fingers find your swollen clit instantly, tracing circles that send electric shocks of pleasure through your body. A raw, uninhibited moan escapes your lips, a testament to the sweet agony he effortlessly orchestrates.
His voice, a low and husky melody, reverberates in your ear, electrifying your senses. “Just like that, babe,” he moans, each word a caress, sending shivers cascading down your spine. “Cream my cock,” he implores, his desire echoing in the air like a sultry command.
Overwhelming sensations surge through your body, a symphony of pleasure orchestrated by his skillful touch. The relentless rhythm of his thrusts, the expert manipulation of your nipples, and the teasing strokes on your clit become a sensory overload. It's an intoxicating concoction, pushing you past the edge. The coil within you finally unravels, your walls contracting around his cock, squeezing him tight. In the symphony of ecstasy, he releases a strangled moan, a harmonious blend of desire and fulfillment.
Your body becomes a vessel of pleasure, every gasp for air feels like an accomplishment. Namjoon relentlessly maintains the pace, a symphony of passion playing between you. “Namjoon,” you whimper in a strangled voice, the intensity leaving you sounding distant even to your own ears. Your vision blurs with white spots, a kaleidoscope of sensations overwhelming your senses. The weight of ecstasy takes hold, your body feeling both heavy and weightless. 
Unable to sustain yourself on your knees, you surrender to the intoxicating euphoria, slumping your head onto the bed, finding solace in the soft embrace of the sheets.
Namjoon holds your ass up, his thrusts becoming a frenzied dance, each movement a passionate punctuation in and out of your convulsing pussy.
“Almost there, babe. Fuck. You just clenched around me even tighter.” he seizes your hips with a firmer grip, plunging into you with more depth, and you muffle your moans into the sheets, desperately clinging to the sensations coursing through you.
He trails his fingers along your spine for a fleeting moment, and then, with a sudden slap to one of your ass cheeks, he accentuates the contrast by tenderly stroking the very spot he just struck. “You're incredible,” he breathes, his touch a symphony of pleasure and pain.
With a final series of deep, powerful thrusts, he slams into you, releasing a torrent of warm, white fluid that coats the walls of your pussy. His subsequent thrusts, though slowing down, maintain a sensual rhythm, drawing out the euphoric connection between your bodies.
“Fucking hell. That was mind-blowing,” he pants, his hands finding a temporary refuge on the curve of your ass as he endeavors to catch his breath. A few beads of his sweat cascade from his forehead, tracing a path down onto your skin. You tilt your head, still recovering your own breath, and respond, “Yeah it was.”
He tenderly strokes your ass cheeks, his softened dick still nestled within you. The gentle caresses feel exquisite, though you become aware of his essence gradually seeping out, tracing a languid path down your thighs.
He remains embedded within your warm pussy until you murmur, “Joon, I'm too exhausted to stay like this.”
He chuckles, his fingers tracing patterns along your ass and spine before withdrawing his cock, leaving you to groan in the void it creates. A cascade of your combined releases trails down your thighs, and as Namjoon spreads your ass cheeks, he admires the aftermath. 
“Damn, you look incredible,” he murmurs, his lips descending to kiss the intimate blend of his essence and your arousal on your pussy.
You moan, your body still tingling with sensitivity, and you slump onto the bed, utterly spent. Namjoon chuckles, joining you in a languid sprawl beside you.
Lying side by side, you both catch your breaths while Namjoon spoons you. The intimacy is soothing, his rapid heartbeat against your back almost lulling you to sleep. Suddenly, you feel his hand trace a path from your hips down your thigh, sending a shiver through you. 
“I'll clean you up,” he murmurs, breaking the post-passion silence with a promise.
He ascends from the bed, retrieving towels from a drawer to delicately cleanse the intimate aftermath between your legs. Each touch elicits a moan, and you're grateful for the tender care he showers on you. 
“Thank you” you sigh, the words carrying a weight of appreciation and a lingering sense of intimacy.
“No problem,” his response comes effortlessly, and he settles onto the edge of the bed, a casual ease in his demeanor.
He breaks the silence, a hint of nervousness in his voice as his hand grazes the back of his head, then he pops the question, “I was actually thinking... if you want to go out on a date with me?”
You shift your body to face him, a tender smile playing on your lips as you reply, “I'd absolutely love that, Namjoon.”
As your fingers intertwine with his, a genuine smile lights up his face, revealing those adorable dimples. “Great. You can call me Joonie by the way,” he says, and seals the moment with a soft kiss on your temple, leaving you breathless once again.
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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spread-the-influence · 6 months
♪ ~ the most least evil person you'll ever meet ! ~ ♪
read in chronological order idk this is a roleplay blog why would you want to do that
>>COMIC; - the comic
>>ASK; - roleplay posts
>>OOC; - misc posts
>>REBLOGS; - ... reblogs !
>>DOODLES; - doodles from yours truly
>>INFO; - stuff about the au i guess
>>PRE-FLUENCE; - stuff before the horrors ( the virus )
>>PANDORA'S BOX = TRUE; - an achievement i give to a select amount of asks that completely ran this blog into a brick wall <3
yes this is mod bee . she/her ! (:
my art is free to use , feel free to use it as an icon , or in an edit , or anything ! my only condition really is to credit me
dms are only open for if you wanna discuss roleplay stuff with me but even then don't expect me to answer
magic anons are fine , but i'll be picky towards them !
suggestive asks are fine if they're not too explicit ? even then i prefer to keep this blog at least pg-13
the askers in this one are generally not in her head but that's it , feel free to act like one of the influence or try to break it i guess lmaooo
i only made this just for fun and roleplay purposes so this will be more lenient than ATRD ( less art and lore basically ! )
this is jesterdoll central if you don't like that ship turn away now there's too much yuri here
please just keep the asks to t.i only , the other characters are no longer available for asks
spread the influence.
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smoooothoperator · 2 months
epilogue: Happy Ever After
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
a/n: So this is officially the end! I wanted to make a different epilogue of what I used to make! In this epilogue you'll watch what Lando and Violet did for the next few years. And of course, I had to make little cameos of ACOTAR.
If someone wants to ask me to make an extra chapter abot their story, I'm very happy to make it!
Official Playlist
previous chapter
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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26 of December of 2024
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and 21.683 others
violetsinclair A whole year with this curly haired man. I love you Lan, love of my life🧡
tagged: landonorris
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landonorris For more mornings next to you🧡
maxfewtrell You guys deserve everything good in this world, no one suffered as you two and none of you gave up
violetsinclair Maaaaaaxx🥹🥹😭😭
maxfewtrell You are not crying, right?
landonorris yes she is
carlossainz55 congratulations you guys❤️
violetsinclair Eh! No red hearts in my feed! Only orange!
landonorris I love you🥹🧡
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liked by violetsinclair, carlossainz55, mclaren and 436.468 others
tagged: violentsinclair
landonorris Never give up our dreams, they always come true. I love you with my whole being 🧡
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violetsinclair Thank you for not giving up on me, never. You are everything I ever wanted and I'll never stop loving you 🧡
landonorris I love you so much😍
mclaren Our favorite pair of brits 🥹🧡
February of 2025
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, pietra.pilao and 21.577 others
tagged: landonorris
violetsinclair Story of the day I became a dog mom🐾🧡:
Today Lando came to pick me up from work with a suspicious grin of his face. He said something about going out for the day, to spend the afternoon somewhere away from the city. And of course I believed it! He sounded very convincing!
We had lunch on a very nice place next to a river, but I noticed him a little nervous while looking at his watch. We collected everything and went back to bed, thinking we were going back home.
Turns out he had other plans! We went to a land where the owner has a lot of puppies! And then I found this beautiful black little guy and I immediately fell in love with him. And of course, Lando had everything planned and already came with things for the puppy.
Everyone, meet Rhysand Norris (yeah, it's on purpose. And I wasn't the one that chose the name🤭)
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maxfewtrell I still can't believe you named my godson after a fictional character...
violetsinclair I beg you pardon? It was about time that I had a pet named after him
maxfewtrell what about the options I gave you?
landonorris Rhysand is Rhysand, no more discussion
maxfewtrell Rude. But I'll still name him Reese
violetsinclair Fair enough for me
sarahjmaas His name definitely fit him!
violetsinclair omg hi I love you. Now I can die in peace
landonorris Hi sarahjmaas you want to meet him? We're fans :)
sarahjmaas Sure!
landonorris added a story
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liked by landonorris, violentsinclair and
mclaren look who came! Rhys is in the paddock! The high lord is the the house!🤭👀🧡
tagged: violentsinclair, landonorris
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f1 It was nice having this little one around! He stole everyone's heart
roscoelovescoco It's always nice having a doggie friend around! 🐶🐶
violetsinclair Admin is now in love with Rhys🥰 I'm a proud mom
mclaren the high lord deserves every fan he has :)
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liked by violetsinclair, maxfewtrell and 312.649 others
tagged: violetsinclair
landonorris Today the love of my life got her degree of History of Art! I can't be prouder of her 😍😍
tagged: violetsinclair
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violetsinclair 🥹😚🥰
martingarrix photo creds mate...
landonorris I paid you dinner
martingarrix so?
violetsinclair Habemus pacem kids... but you made amazing pics! I love them🥰
martingarrix thanks Vi, at least you are more decent than him
violetsinclair Of course! Now I have a doctorate
landonorris stop bullying me
July of 2025
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liked by violetsinclair, sarahjmaas, maxfewtrell and 721.649 others
landonorris And of course, Rhysand is no one without his mate. Welcome home, Feyre🧡
tagged: violetsinclair
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sarahjmaas Omg I can't believe it! You really found Rhys a Feyre!🥹🥹
violetsinclair (I still can't believe I befriended you) Yeah! She's the cutest! You should come and meet her
sarahjmaas oh I'll definitely will
mclaren Still impressive how we have a crossover of ACOTAR and F1...
landonorris You're welcome 😉
December of 2025
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liked by landonorris, maxvertappen1, f1 and 43.572 others
violetsinclair P3 in the Drivers Championship for my man! Couldn't be prouder of you🧡
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maxvertappen1 White looks good and you, huh? Right, Lando?👀
landonorris 🤔🤔🤔
landonorris Don't know what you are talking about
fia Where did you leave the high lord and lady? We wanted to see them
violetsinclair They stayed at home🥹 but next year they won't miss it
October of 2026
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liked by landonorris, pietra.pilao and 43.726 others
tagged: landonorris, pietra.pilao
violetsinclair Life lately🐾🧡🎶🎨
pietra.pilao That was the best day of my life🥹
violentsinclair agree
landonorris agree
taylorswift agree
violetsinclair omfg hi 😭
December of 2026
landonorris, violentsinclair
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liked by maxfewtrell, mclaren, carlossainz55 and 926.168 others
landonorris Right where everything started, where I confessed you my feelings, where I had you in my arms for the first time and then where you said yes to a lifetime with me. I can't wait to continue this journey with you🧡
And thank you maxfewtrell and pietra.pilao for keeping the secret and not being suspicious, making sure I don't lose the ring after months of having it and for taking the pictures for us🧡
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mclaren I'm not crying🥹 congratulations!!!
carlossainz55 You are maturing, I can't be prouder of you. Congratulations to both of you, can't wait to see you and hug you!
maxfewtrell It was such a pleasure taking pet of am important moment of your life, as always, mate. And I won't stop saying it, you two deserve everything good
violetsinclair For how long did you know about this?
pietra.pilao You would get surprised...
March of 2027
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, f1 and 53.581 others
violetsinclair God news and bad news!
The good news: I'll be some months working here, in Egypt! I had the pleasure of receiving a call from the museum so I can experience how they work in the ruins and and translate some ancient papyrus.
The bad news: Lando and I will have to be some months apart and I can't attent to his races like I used to do. But this won't stop me for supporting him or loving him every day more.
This is just another chapter of our story, not the end.
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landonorris I can't be prouder of you, love. You always fight for your dreams and I'm so happy for you that you can finally achieve them. I can't wait to have you in my arm again. Rhys, Feyre and I love you so much.
violetsinclair I already miss you😭
maxfewtrell Super proud of you! Now I can say that my best friend works in Egypt and will appear in a documentary soon
violetsinclair You and Pi are welcomed in my house anytime you want to see some nice old people :)
mclaren Admin is going to miss you... But I'm proud of you!
violetsinclair Admiiiin🥹
April of 2027
landonorris added a new story
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maxfewtrell You couldn't be away for more months, can't you?
landonorris Stay away from Pi for some weeks and then answer me again
maxfewtrell God, are you moody?
landonorris I experienced the No Nut November in March. I don't recommend it at all
maxfewtrell I didn't need the details...
landonorris Sorry😩
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liked by netflix, landonorris, pietra.pilao and 73.269 others
violetsinclair I'm super super super happy to announce that the "Cleopatra" series are finally out! Netflix and I worked alongside to make this amazing series about the absolute queen of Egypt. I hope everyone likes it!
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netflix We were so happy to have you on set and work with you!
landonorris Who else knows a couple that both of them worked with Netflix? I'm so proud of my girl!
August of 2027
landonorris, violetsinclair
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liked by maxfewtrell, carlossainz55, mclaren and 936.269 others
violetsinclair I can't believe that this is my last day as your girlfriend and tomorrow I'll be able to call you my husband for the rest of our lives.
And this morning I remembered my best friend Eloise while I was getting my things ready for the big day, crying a little and then smiling at her pictures. I miss you, Eli. I wish you could be with us, celebrating my wedding and standing next to me. I miss you, I never stop thinking about you.
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landonorris Eloise is watching us, babe. I'm sure she's proud of who you became
maxfewtrell She's proud for sure, we miss her
mclaren Can't wait to be there tomorrow, we are proud of you two
carlossainz55 The best pair I ever met, can't wait to watch you two linking your lives together
violetnorris, landonorris
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 967.471 others
landonorris We are still over the moon about yesterday. It was so beautiful watching everyone, sharing our most special day with all of you. I still can't believe this morning I woke up next to my wife.
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carlossainz55 You two made a beautiful wedding, I will never forget how you two looked at each other. Felicidades, cabrón
georgerussel63 Can't believe you are the same small boy that debuted on F1 next to me and Alex. Now look at you, mate.
oscarpiastri I still remember the day you introduced Violet to me. You told me that you were going to marry her one day
landonorris What's going on with you guys georgerussel63 and oscarpiastri? You want to make me cry or what? Yesterday wasn't enough?🥹
December of 2027
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz, pietra.pilao and 65.279 others
violetnorris Maldivas🥰🧡
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landonorris 😚
June of 2028
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, pietra.pilao and 76.268 more
tagged: landonorris
violetnorris The last few months some of you were sending me Dm's and even asking Lando why I stopped going to the races, if I was sent to Egypt again for work. Well, I guess now our little secret is out! Baby Norris coming in October👶🏻🧡
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oscarpiastri Now it makes sense why I saw the other day Lando asking to the person in charge of the merch to give him an onesie of McLaren... Congrats you two!
landonorris I thought no one saw me🥹
oscarpiastri I guess you were wrong
quadrant Okay, baby collection in progress.....
carlossainz55 I know I'll be the favorite uncle
oscarpiastri Excuse me?
danielricciardo Excuse me??
alex_albon You're joking, right?
georgerussel63 I bed you pardon?
violetnorris Okay guys, no fighting...
October of 2028
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liked by carlossainz55, mclaren, oscarpiastri and 927.917 others
tagged: violetnorris
landonorris 17 of October of 2028. Baby Eloise Claire Norris decided to come some days earlier. Mommy and baby are okay🧡
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charles_leclerc 17 is always a good number❤️ Can't wait to meet her
carlossainz55 So happy for you, man. She looks like you
oscarpiastri On my way to meet her!
mclaren on our way* to meet her!
maxfewtrell My goddaughter is so beautiful 🥹😍
pietra.pilao Our* goddaughter 🥹😍
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia @traveling-inspiration
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nexility-sims · 15 days
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i need to fill in leonor's 1990s dating history for story reasons, so i am soliciting sims from you wonderful, talented, generous people. if you'd like to donate someone, check out THIS FORM ♥️
for guidelines, see below, & let me know if you have questions !
i want to fill in leonor's dating history for the period from roughly 1993 to 1998. i'd like to have these exes attend her big, giant, extravagant wedding in 2001; i will be doing some Yet To Be Planned media coverage of said dating history (something like this stuff). as a treat, because i love to take pictures of other people's sims, i'll probably do some random photoshoots like these as well :^) [you can have leonor's files for your own purposes, if you so desire.]
i have no idea how many sims y'all're gonna donate or if they'll all be the same level of compatible, so: i'll try to incorporate as many as i can but, realistically, would have to choose if there are more than 5-6 options. this isn't a bachelorette challenge, so it would theoretically be based on which characters make sense for leonor and the timeline.
not all of the form's questions are required, but more detail is welcome ! entirely up to you how much fleshing out you'd like to do beyond the basics. i provided vague prompts, some which are optional, so ... go wild or don't ! if you want to discuss any of it before you submit the form (or after), then please don't hesitate to reach out.
your sims can be from uspana or somewhere else, btw. if they're not from uspana, they might be from the fictional country your story is set in, generic Simerica™, literally anywhere else ... if you don't state it, i'll just make something up that feels convenient sdjhfs they can be existing characters or new ones you create for this purpose; it's all up to you !
i am assuming you're familiar with the spinoff story OR leonor as a character, in some way or shape or form. you may know the story better than i do or have scrolled her tag on my blog earlier today for the very first time or somewhere in between. either way ... a little familiarity would help, i imagine !
leonor's existing love interests include: arturo, a very sweet and thoughtful son-of-a-politician (circa 1986-1990); renzo, a very famous actor who loves music and cutoff shorts and doing drugs (1991-1992); andre, a very happily married and painfully shy father of three who also happens to currently be his country's king (1992, 2016–); dan, a very chill tech founder who enjoys, like, space travel and wearing fanny packs and letting his wife do affairs and stuff, whom she marries in 2001 (circa 1998–).
leonor doesn't have a type, and there are no gender restrictions. she likes people who are interesting—peculiar, even. she's a wealthy princess and a government employee by 1993-1994, so that may affect either your sim's occupation and / or the necessity of a "how'd they meet" backstory. her birth year is 1970, and she’s more likely to go for agemates or older rather than younger people (at least while in her twenties, anyway). she could theoretically reconnect with anyone post-2001 but pre-2016 on account of the open marriage, although that feels unlikely / case-by-case.
okay, that's all i got for now ... thanks for reading this far !
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