#I'm a clown and I'm participating in clown behaviour
daytaker · 8 months
i have come back with more questionable mc behaviours as a treat
mc who’s a LeVeyan satanist, that or another idea of a similar variety which is when mc gets teleported they were wearing a “hail satan” shirt
also i loved the creepy scientist like mc (๑>◡<๑) - clown anon
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
I want to own a Sheep MC plush that wears a Hail Satan shirt. I want that to be among my possessions when I die.
That out of the way...
(cw: references to drug use, references to sex, this is the church of satan. sex drugs and rock n roll. this gets extremely silly towards the end.)
Satanists Don't Believe in Satan
You were vibing to Eurythmics, sitting cross-legged in your bedroom and trying to meditate while your Snake, Dr. Faust, wound his way around your arm. And then, suddenly, you weren't. The shag carpet was replaced by a hard wood floor, and the warmth of your bedroom was replaced by the cool draft of a large assembly hall with windows. And some punks in military academy uniforms were scowling at you.
"What the fuck? What gives?" You were really confused. Did you already hit the acid and you're so high you forgot? You stood up and looked down at yourself. You were still wearing your CoS shirt and pink pajama shorts, and you still had on your fluffy slippers.
"Welcome, uhhh...." A big guy in red squinted at a piece of paper, then looked at me. "Is your name actually Omen LeVey?"
"That's what it says on my driver's license, bitch." Dr. Faust wound his way up your arm and into your shirt. He clearly didn't appreciate the change in temperature either.
"It's not too late to swap them for someone else, is it?" whispered a dark haired man to Big Red.
Big Red ignored him. "Welcome, Omen, to the Devildom! I'm sure you're very confused, but everything will make sense soon. You have been chosen to participate in an exchange--"
"Where do you think you're going?" The dark haired bitch cut off Big Red as I walked to the door.
I turned around. "Uh, out?"
"Out where, exactly?" asked the bitchy one.
"Out of here? I'm not sitting around waiting for you to go through some sort of timeshare presentation with me. However I got here, I'm sure I'm high as fuck, and I'm not going to spend my time high as fuck getting talked at by this dude. No offense, Red."
Ten minutes later, you were tied to a chair in the middle of the assembly hall. Big Red, the bitch, and three other guys stood around you, unsure what to do.
"Is this, like, an ex of yours or something, Satan?" one of the extras asked another. They were both twinks, and they were also both quiet up to this point, so you couldn't really think of how to differentiate them on the fly.
"No? What are you talking about?"
"Their shirt!"
All five guys stared at your graphic tee, which was black with white splatter text that read:
"I can't believe Satan has an entire church dedicated to him! I wonder if there are churches to me," Twink 1 said with a sigh.
"That's not a church dedicated to me," replied Twink 2. "Their entire doctrine is a repudiation of my very existence. You should educate yourself, Asmodeus."
"Helloooo? Excuse me?" You wobbled in your seat, trying to get their attention. "Since I don't have any choice but to listen, I'll allow you to go ahead and tell me what the fuck is going on."
Big Red sighed at began to explain again. "You've arrived here in the Devildom as an exchange student from the human world. For the next year, you will be living here in the Devildom with us demons, attending the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or "RAD", we we tend to call it."
"...Okay, so clearly this is a bad trip, so I'm gonna politely ask if we can skip to the part where I'm finished having sex with my downstairs neighbors and I turn into a ball of energy? Like. C'mon. Chop chop."
"I am Diavolo, acting lord of the Devildom. And this is Lucifer, my right-hand demon and confidant." He gestured to the bitchy one.
"Charmed," you said in a voice saturated with sarcasm. "What about those three?"
"Ah," Diavolo said, nodding. "Those are Asmodeus, Satan, and Beelzebub. They are Lucifer's brothers."
"This is so wild. So Satan and Lucifer aren't the same dude?"
"Careful what you say," said Twink 1--or Asmodeus, as you now knew him to be. "You'll make Satan angry!"
"Sorry bro. Look look look, though, I'm in your fan club." You hope your shirt with Satan's name on it will butter that one up--Satan is Twink 2, as it turns out; a skinny blonde kid with a yellow bow tie. You aren't sure how to feel about that, exactly. You'd always pictured him as a cartoon goat-man, more or less.
"Do you really think you can butter me up by claiming that the Church of Satan is my fan club?" He scowled at you, looking indignant. "Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm aware of what your so-called 'church' teaches, and while I'm not opposed to the ideology in a broad sense, I can't support a group that considers my very existence to be a joke."
"Hey, hey, it's not a joke," you said soothingly. "You're just the theological equivalent to the Queen of Engand. Powerless, probably fake, definitely dead, but you look good on merchandise."
"Do you want to die?"
"Omen, you will be living with these four and two of their brothers for the next year." Diavolo smiled at you, apparently choosing to ignore every word you've spoken.
All four of the brothers looked crestfallen.
"Oh, yeah, I feel real fuckin' welcome. Roll out the wagon, why don't ya?"
"Is your name actually Omen LeVey?" asked Big Red again in a murmur, looking at his sheet with as mystified an expression as ever.
Dr. Faust, still coiled around your arm, peeked out at the world again and flicked his tongue. Asmodeus screamed, and Lucifer pointed at you and demanded, "Diavolo, swap it for a different one!"
Eight months later, you and Satan marry. Dr. Faust officiates. Together, you have three children, all of whom refuse to acknowledge their fathers' objective existence.
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
Just a little disclaimer I’m not asking this question to try to come across as hurtful or anything like that. But I was wondering how as an Aegon-stan his treatment of women can make you have a very nuanced opinion of him? :o
- Personally I’m TB but do have empathy for some TG-characters. I do like Aegon as an antagonist and I do feel for his very toxic and harmful upbringing but due to his violent behavior towards women.. I just can’t really connect that well with him 🫣
Hi! Thank you for your ask :) Super interesting question actually! I have written some things for him in the past, talking about what exactly fascinated me about his character so much ( exhibit one, two three, four and five )
I also urge you to listen to Tom talk about Aegon; this man gets him as a character so well and says it better than I ever could. Some interviews found here, here and here
I can understand not being able to connect with him because of his treatment of Dyana— it's an unforgiveable thing he has done to her and might have done to others. But in spite of that, he is still just a character. Everything he does is meant to inform us about his certain traits he has, even the ugliest of things.
What does it tell us about Aegon? He is entitled, doesn't take things seriously, he is indulgent and does not see Dyana (or other smallfolk for that matter) as a real person (succession reference wink wink)
I wouldn't call his behavior towards women in general toxic though— I actually think he is somewhat demure when faced with women like his mother, Rhaenyra and also Helaena. He seems to kick down most of the time, while trying to get recognition from the ones he sees as peers or above him.
If you look at the culture he was raised in, it's not really a surprise he turned out the way he did, seeing women beneath him as something he can just take if he likes to. Westeros is cartoonishly misogynistic; traditions like First Night or the prevelance of brothels filled with women working under harsh indentures show that.
Young men of noble origin seem to see visits to brothels (again, filled with women that do not want to be there) as a normal past time activity; it's so prevalent that it's surprising if a young nobleman does not participate. Now, I do not want to excuse his actions, but seeing the culture he grew up him and the influences around him? -> He probably thinks this is normal behaviour, disturbingly.
On a bit different note, I want to talk about his relationships. A thought I see often echoed in the fandom is the headcanon that Aegon is violent towards Helaena when that... was never stated anywhere? Now I'm probably biased because I'm a big Helaegon girl but I don't see him being violent with his sister.
People say he impregnated her at 13 when.. he was also just a 15 year old boy? He did not want to marry her! Both literally did not and could not consent to what happened to them, I think it's so sad that people try to demonize a child who just did what was demanded from him from all the adults in his life :(
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(like yes tell me about how one of these KIDS forced himself on the other out of fully selfish desire and pure evil. you're so smart and do not lack media literacy whatsoever)
The dinner scene literally shows Helaena laugh at Aegon's antics until he goes a step too far w Baela, and what does Helaena do? She clowns him in front of everyone with her toast. And what does he do? He just takes it... not the behaviour of an evil abusive man but the delulus will swear otherwise.
People will also try to twist her crying at the coronation as some depressive moment for her where she realizes that he will have the ultimate power over her when that's LITERALLY just a (very boring) headcanon. It's hinted at in the text and literally written out in the script that she is scared, because she knows what crowning him means; the dance cannot be stopped. That's all, that's why she's crying. She feels like their end is near.
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All in all I think no one can change your mind on how you feel about Aegon; what he did IS unforgivable, but I hope you see a bit of my pov here too. Seeing the nuance in deeply flawed characters and digging to find hidden depths in them is something I'm very passionate about! My Aegon girlie mutuals and me will be feasting come season 2 🙏
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unknownteapot · 7 months
My unpopular shourtney opinion is that I really hate the way the Smosh fandom polices its shippers. It's the ship that smosh themselves arguably fanservices the most, yet you hop onto any social media platform and there's this weird clique-y negative attitude when it comes to anyone shipping them. Which is extra ironic considering: put 'smosh' into the tag search here on tumblr and ALLLLLL you're scrolling through is rpf ship content. But, oh, guess we're all down to clown over shaymien 'cause it's fun but it's invasive when it's shourtney? But not iananthony or shayne/chanse or amanda/angela or spencer/courtney or or or etc. There's such a huge hypocrisy when it comes to Shayne and Courtney and the double standard of "don't ship real people, it's weird............ except for these real people that iiiii've deemed shippable" is a huge turnoff from making me want to participate in the fandom. Like, we're all little weirdos at the table. You don't have to police the party. AND ADDITIONALLY: people overanalyze interactions and videos and pictures ALL THE TIME. Yes, I wish the shourtney fandom in general would chill with freeze framing videos and doing crime scene level analysis on them, but I see that happening with every ship mentioned above too. It's the nature of shipping, it's not exclusive to shourtney✌️
ooofffff anon, hello hii and thank you for sharing <3
i do understand where you're coming from with the irony of it being okay to ship certain couples but not others, and while i haven't experienced much of it myself yet as i'm fairly new to the fandom & tumblr, i do see the double standards. but, i also think there's a reason they exist and it's a valid one (even if it is a little sad)
people who've been fans longer than me can correct me- but i'm pretty sure there was a strange discord(?) where invasive shourtney 'proofs' were being posted and discussed and so on for a while, and as we know c has experienced their fair share of stalker-ish behaviours. due to how immensely popular the shourtney ship is/was in the early days of smosh and the behaviours of some members of the fandom, shourtney shippers gained a reputation of being overly analytical and invasive. that's where i think its important to draw the distinction between shipping and trying to prove a relationship.
i think a lot of shourtney shippers fell/fall into the latter category, where 'shipping' treads the line of seeking to expose them somehow or 'show the truth' -> in my eyes that's not really shipping, that's just an invasion of privacy, so i do understand where others' hesitation or disdain comes from when talking about shourtney shippers in this context.
however, of course some of us are here because we just love them, love their dynamic, find them to be a safe space for us or want to rant about how cute they are or the look they shared in a video- that's just standard fan behaviour in my eyes. i don't even have that much of a problem with people analysing (public) interactions/freeze-framing videos of cute moments or whatnot, because that's just looking into their dynamic, that's shipping culture at its core. every ship is entitled to cute gifets and loving rants, like u say:
"Like, we're all little weirdos at the table." anon i love u hahahahh
it can be frustrating feeling like we're looked down upon as shourtney shippers, but i think now its up to us to build that reputation back up of respect and boundaries, and lean more into the shipping side of things rather than the 'proofs' side of things <3
(god this was long, i hope this answered your ask anon :)
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dojae-huh · 1 year
When I joined the fandom (2018), doppus were really calm and respectful, but the moment Doyoung started to get more works outside of NCT, there was a change towards him by nctzens (akages) and in result doppus started to become like those fans. Right now, most doppus only support 127 or just Doyoung. I do agree that they claim to be just as nice as Doyoung when, in reality, there's not the case; but I think most fandoms do that. I still believe it will be the best if people just ignore the comments and didn't give that people the attention they wanted.
Regarding the jokes, i have seen more doppus mad about how the fandom react to them than how much the members tease him. Every time a new solo of Doyoung appears, you have nctzens saying they can't wait for how the members will make fun of him.
Mirroring antis' behaviour and replying to them in the same manner they talk won't result in peace. It's sad to see Doyoung's fans belittling other neos while they try to defend their bias or gatekeeping him and "shut your mouth" others.
As the wise people say, start bettering the world from bettering oneself.
There are a lot of experiments that show the majority of people will behave according to the environment. If everyone keep a place clean, they will do to, if there is trush and broken windows, they will litter as well. People do need rules. Fandom forums were moderated, it kept exchange of hostilities at bay.
In the past, if I got a negative Ask with accusations, it would be quickly followed by a few others. It's like the first anon who came to attack "gave permission" to others. I think it's still possible to change the culture within an online fan community if fewer fans were participating in negative behaviour and more were outspoken about being respectful.
You know, when I browse twitter and get random twits from people I don't follow, I come across complaining fans, but not the original anti twits. I try different keys to find the reason for another fanwar and often find nothing. Which make me believe that there are much fewer antis than the people who spread their message. Sometimes I see a local mini squabble (Indonesian, Philippine) being dragged into English speaking i-fandom at large. So I'm hesitant to believe that "the whole fandom" expects members to make fun of Doyoung. It's just nobody writes "I don't expect Johnny to clown Doyoung", instead they write about their bias and thus are absent from the "conversation" and are not counted in.
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platinum-iridium · 9 hours
I feel like Goren got away with being so obnoxious because the insufferable genius trope was in this hay day at that time because his behaviour would be clowned and phased out today. Mostly I can ignore the bullshit because Alex balances him out but when he’s up against ‘bad women’ or any of the usual phobias and isms he’s unbearable. Case wise I think this just beats out the OG in terms of mystery solving intrigue (I miss the court scenes though McCoy and co are entertaining regardless of who’s second chair) and quality control at least until they bring in Logan and the writing gets lazy but yeah the awkward arrogant jerk schtick is extremely sanctimonious and annoying. It’s like this show was focused on making the vibe mechanical while SVU was obsessed with grit and the OG with faux realism. They’re all really good time capsules though.
he's fun though my fave insufferable genius goes to house and it's not particularly close. goren is a far more likeable person though lmao. he's so physical with people and i'm surprised it doesn't weird more women or children out. it weirds me out. actually i think it tends to weird out the men more which .... idk . i do love the mysteries though i love the moral and ethical questions of the original more but ci is my second fave. it's fun watching them unravel the story based on whatever random expertise they decide goren has on that day. during this second watch i find myself appreciating carver a lot. i didn't realize how prominent he was in the early seasons. we don't get to see him in court very often but i enjoy watching him either participate in their schemes or be in awe of them. or threaten goren that one time lol. it's nice to see goren get put in his place. i feel like they should have shown more tension and had the teamwork with goren grow bc there's no way a mf like that doesn't have crazy tension with literally anyone, esp at first. like contrary to popular belief, genius doesn't make up for assholery.
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indiwrites · 1 year
I had to go read some of those anons and lol about them. I'm sorry they went at you like that but it was kind of funny to watch them just not read anything and continue screaming into the void.
Anyways, if you're looking for someone who does BDSM SW (I've been battling the 50 sh*des people for years, it's not a fun time), I'd be down to provide input off anon :)
oh for SURE, every time they kept coming back i was like at least waiting for them to come at me with some reasonably valid arguments but of course they had nothing. clown behaviour.
please feel free to come provide input off anon, any in put would of course be appreciated because you're right 50 sh*des has done nothing but tropify and water down how people perceive b/d/s/m! though i'd like to specify that i do participate in b/d/s/m sw myself, as mentioned in my original post this guide would be coming from a place of lived experience as well as academia/research based. hope that also helps you feel comfy about me speaking to the topic.
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05/1/2023: Research - Difficult situations and how to diffuse them
Sometimes training can be going great then turn for the worse so it is advised to always expect the unexpected and be as prepared for anything as you possibly can.
You need to remember you need to always keep respect for any troublesome participant and ensure not to belittle or embarass them. Try stop the behaviour in good time and keep them involved and engaged. Keep in mind that the way you handle a conflicted situation will be judged by the whole group. Avoid aggressive language, for example 'Your attitude is very negative'. Instead address the situation like 'I can understand you feel strongly about this.'
Situations like this emerge in a group when people do not feel valued or heard. For the many different types of tricky situations there is no one simple solution but there are some things you can do to help diffuse the situation.
The talkative one.
This is someone who wants to be in the spotlight and is usually first to volunteer or has something to say about everything. Give them a chance to contribute a couple of times but then follow this up with 'I appreciate your input but let others contribute too'. You can also suggest to go through anything they need to after the training.
Another way around this is to gently interupt them, ask them to summarise and acknowledge this summary and then move on to the next person. If you break eye contact with them and turn away slightly they will pick up on your body language and realise they can't keep interupting.
The quiet one
There's usually always one quiet person in every group and they're usually too shy to share their thoughts into a group. They would much rather prefer to just listen to the training but this will not benefit themselves or others peer learning.
You should encourage them to share their thoughts and address them by name. You could suggest this like 'I know you have some experience, i'd really like to hear what you think'. You could also seperate people into smaller groups so it's not as daunting and may make them more open to sharing thoughts.
The aggressive one
Someone who will openly question your knowledge and credability. It is important not to venture into any sort of argument with this person. You can mention 'I completely understand your point of view but what do the rest of you think?' This opens up oppurtunity for others to input their ideas and may also make the aggressor change their behaviour.
The one track mind
A stubborn, hard to deal with person who will not accept a different point of view other than their own. It's best to use a direct approach here for example 'I understand your point of view but i'm going to insist we move on and I can discuss this with you privately'.
The clueless one
Someone who isn't quite sure why they are attending the training or has completely missed the pint or the answers they are providing do not relate to the topic of dicussion.
If they are unsure why they are in the training you can offer to discuss this with them after the training has taken place and try and encourage them to take part for the remainder of the session.
If they have missed the point entirely you can be direct and apologies by saying 'I think something I said must have led you off track here, what I wanted to discuss was..'
The know it all
This person believes they are the authority and knows everything about every topic, they may also try and take over the session. To handle this you need to acknowledge their input and efforts, appealing to their ego. You can then say that this is just one way of looking at it but there are other points of view.
The indifferent one
The one who showed up just because they were told to and does not want to be there. They take no effort to participate and the best way to handle this is by encouraging them to share their experience exactly as you would with a quiet participant.
The class clown
They love getting attention and doesn't care that is the expense of others. This could be cracking jokes, going off topic or just generally being disruptive. It's important to handle this quickly without letting it esculate and get out of hand. You can throw this off casually by saying 'we all love a good laugh but lets focus on what we are doing here'
The one who likes to complain
Someone who complaims about everything and will make constant negative comments or will have negative body language such as always frowning or being slumped over. Negative energy can spread like wild fire so it is important this behaviour is squashed as soon as possible.
You can change this by asking them questions like 'what have you done about this in the past' or 'what do you suggest to change this situation?'
The side conversationalists
This is where two or more participants engage in a side conversation when you or someone else is talking. Sometimes just looking at them or walking closer near them is enough to stop this or you could also put them on the spot and ask them their thoughts on what you have just discussed. Try not to come across like a school teacher as this won't be received well by the group as a whole.
Judge this accordingly though as they may not have just understood something and may be discussing this in a smaller group.
Do not take any of this personally, if someone points out a mistake or has a diferent point of view thank them for it.
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ukulelegodparent · 2 years
I'm turning into that "I want to study in xy" meme but like unironically
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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Y'all triggered my OCD and for what???
"We live in a time where that label we call masculinity is disappearing..."
True. Love it. Carry on.
"We didn't set out to redefine masculinity or what it means to be manly. We feel good that we can have any positive influence on any category including the topic of masculinity because we are men too."
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Come kiss my butt whoever bigot you are. Who said BTS are not representatives and it is not their job to represent us gay folks?? WHO SAID THAT!
Put your clown fit on.
Slap yourself on my behalf.
And in case you missed it or don't understand the term because they didn't explicitly use it in the interview they were discussing TOXIC MASCULINITY!
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And I'm glad Suga mentioned HipHop and used the analogy of clothes to explain the ridiculousness of conservatism in fashion as it relates to gender and the Hiphop music genre which as I said before is the breeding ground for all sorts of toxicity and isms that modern society seeks to address and undo.
It's no secret Hiphop glamorizes drugs, alcohol and indiscriminate sex, promotes violence against women, promotes homophobia, transphobia, thug life, guns and anti social behaviours- its concerning.
"Bitches fuck with me, cross me, take a bullet to the brain. Yea, yea, yea" I'm sorry but where is the positive uplifting soul healing message in this? AND WHO YOU CALLING A BITCH, BITCH?!
Then on top of it they gone bully you for wearing skinny clothes and eyeliner because that's not manly and hiphop at all- that's gay, they would say. No homo.
The misogyny, homophobia and toxic masculinity it perpetuates?!
BTS are "gay looking men" who rap. Yall heard Befree's diss against BTS? They are a cultural revolution. Their mere existence is a push back against the status quo- in all categories.
You can't be a rapper and be gay because rappers gotta be tough- on the outside, never mind that on the inside they are as 'weak as us inferior female species,' have several baby momas, different women on their dicks every night, subdue their gals, be a shit ass unreliable partner and clean the floors with them gals afterwards- all the while fucking 'soft looking men' at night when no one is looking. So ideal. uWu.
Masculinity as a social construst is divorced from the gender of a man and has over the years become very performative and theatrical in the way that it is enacted and portrayed amongst men themselves.
Masculinity in of itself is not toxic. It's performance can be and every day men all over the world do participate in the discussions passively and actively to help reshape our social understandings of it if not redefine it.
For BTS it's more a coincidence like RM just said. The way their culture view masculinity is entirely different and seemly wholesome(???.) However, there is still some level of toxicity in the way that they perform masculinity within their culture which may be slightly different from the western notion of toxic masculinity- but since I'm not Korean I'd refrain from talking about that.
I had wanted Jimin or Jungkook to answer that question on Masculinity- especially Jimin. Their voices matter to some of us on certain topics. I want to know what they think and how they feel about this whole ongoing discourse on toxic masculinity and I'm glad the interviewer brought that up.
You gotta be present. It's not all about BTS number one uWu. Jikook held hands skskskskksskks. There is a world around them that they are constantly influencing and getting influenced by. Get with the times and if you are not shut up and let us have at it.
I really hope they talk about this. Bring back bon voyage and the bonfire nights and have them discuss these topics because we are invested those kinds of contents.
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I literally wept my eyes out when I saw Jimin walk first in the LV show. IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!
This category fits him- whatever it is. IT'S HIS PLACE AND HIS SPACE TO SHINE. Was I a little bit disappointed and underwhelmed by the whole event?? Bet. But listen, this is good extracurricular activity for him in terms of the ads and other blah blah they been doing. He can be himself unapologetically without someone editing a legitimate part of his identity to fit the status quo. He don't gotta be buff or 'manly' to suit anybody.
He is hands down a perfect 'manly man' model. He can sell the fantasy too! I'm sold on him. I'M SOLD.
If you think there's something wrong with his looks and mannerisms or personalilty- I ship him with myself on behalf of his boyfriend😌
I've forgotten the point of this post but I'm gonna post it anyway😌
Oh I remember- you suck.
That's all I wanted to say.
And while I'm at it, I might as well talk about BTS and this whole 'we are grandpas' songs they been singing lately.
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larrietalk · 3 years
I agree with about the change in behaviour with Jeff, but i don't think H is that miserable around O if he is strolling around Italie with her and his mom in private time? I can't get my head around it really, i know she is a attention seeker, but he is willingly participating i think, why, i don't know. Sometimes i think maybe we are wrong and he is really with her? This outing was not for the public or fans, what are your thoughts?
Is he willingly participating though? Because to this day I have the photos from the yacht before my eyes, where he was so out of it and sad, drinking alcohol to get through every outing with her.
With this whole Italy situation, I think they highly miscalculated the (rightful) backlash they were going to get. I mean, jetting off to Italy while it is advised not to go there only to stroll the streets like clowns again in a poor attempt to convince the fans it's not pr (which ms trash is obsessed with) was really out of touch. We are getting pics from this trip and they planted it successfully for weeks so they wanted the fandom to know about it. If they didn't, they would have banned the brother-in-law from running his mouth like an idiot.
However, I think it is funny how every approach they have tried to take when it comes to h0livia, failed miserably. God, I hope ms trash is crying herself to sleep about that. It takes a real talent to get even the harries to hate you. And I'm just sad for Harry in all this, that he still has to be doing this and have people around him only take and take from him all the time.
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