#I'm a simple creature I love a book joke
bandaged-writer · 1 year
𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆 [𝗽𝘁. 𝟮]
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what they gift you for valentine's day/white day [pt. 2] feat. fyodor, nikolai, sigma, tecchou + jouno
i forgot to mention it, but these are based on this tweet , so don't @ me for fyodor's part lmao 👩🏻‍🦯
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— 𝗳𝘆𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿 𝗱𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗼𝘆𝗲𝘃𝘀𝗸𝘆
↠ it is during a match of chess and a cup of tea that fyodor casually mentions having a little gift for you fitting for the occasion. ↠ placing your chess piece one step further, you hum. "it really isn't necessary. i'm content just playing chess with you and enjoying the evening by your side," you assure fyodor, but he dismissively waves his hand through the air. ↠ and he makes you give in, talking about how much you've supported him in sickness and health, how the light of your smiles cures his blighted soul and how it's the least he can do. and you know his words ring true, because there's a little sparkle in his usually void eyes. ↠ "fine. what did you get me?"
↠ you might expect something simple like chocolate, some sort of jewelry or a book that he thinks will be to your liking, but oh no. fyodor got you something much grander than that. ↠ "i thought it would only be appropriate to gift you a piece of land. here." fyodor shows you the documents and your eyes nearly plop out of their sockets. ↠ you're nothing but an ordinary person with an ordinary job, but you didn't put your extraordinary boyfriend into the equation. what the hell were you supposed to do with your own piece of land? ↠ "fyodor, you're supposed to give away something simple like chocolate and not land. jesus, how much did it even cost?" ↠ "oh, is it not appropriate?" fyodor asks like he genuinely doesn't know any better, and he truly doesn't. the concept of romance is something he used to read about in books, but experiencing it himself is..different. ↠ you admit that you don't know what to do with a piece of land, but fyodor knows how to make you swoon, regardless. ↠ "one day, we will put a nice house on it in which we can live together. a place just for the two of us. how does that sound?" ↠ maybe it is romantic, after all.
— 𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗶 𝗴𝗼𝗴𝗼𝗹
↠ nikolai is a wild card and unpredictable, even for you. yes, you love him but you'd lie if you said that you could read him like an open book. often times, you had to read between the lines that make up nikolai's being. ↠ he sneaks up on you, spins you into a hug and wears a grin that reaches his eyes. "now! what did i gift you for this most special holiday?" but you never get the chance to answer. nikolai tends to answer his own quizzes, after all. ↠ to your surprise, his comical facade of a jester melts into a face so tender that you swear he was a different person. "i got you this little something." ↠ out of his cape, a white little bird comes flying and rests upon your finger. you don't really know what to say. you could hardly understand the meaning of the bird hopping along your finger. ↠ nikolai takes his mask off. "it's a symbol of how free i feel whenever i am with you. you have seen my most horrible sides as well as the one that is completely sane." ↠ he claims that with you, he doesn't have to fear judgment or your disapproval. "because humans always have a reason for doing what they do." or so you always say. ↠ now, you're learning to appreciate the little bird and smile at the creature. "now it's not half bad. you really saved yourself there," you joke and press a kiss to his cheek. ↠ and maybe nikolai can never be truly free, because he was captivated by you.
— 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗺𝗮
↠ sigma is probably so busy stressing out about what to get you until the day suddenly rolls around and he has nothing to give you. that is until he spots a deck of cards on his desk and smiles. ↠ he remembers how badly you wanted to know how to play poker and gamble for his kisses, but your lack of knowledge never really allowed it. so the unused deck was perfect! ↠ "here, now the best option you have is to play this card andㅡ" ↠ "uno!" ↠ "..no." ↠ can't tell if you're serious or just fucking with him. ↠ despite a couple of difficulties, you eventually learn how to play poker and occasionally win a game or two against sigma. he willingly showers you in kisses and maybe he does lose on purpose. ↠ as long as he gets to see you smile, it's all worth it. ↠ "gotcha! you owe me another kiss." ↠ "i guess you win. come here to collect my debt." ↠ sigma's kiss is slow and sweet, thick like honey and true like the promises he whispers in your ear late at night.
— 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝘂𝗲𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼
↠ this man gifts you a bundle of sugarcanes. not because you look like one, but you're sweet like one, he says. ↠ "i've never had any, honestly," you confess, tecchou right next to you with affection in his eyes. ↠ although tecchou is somewhat oblivious when it comes to romance, he can be awfully smooth without really meaning to. he steals a sugarcane from your fingers, one end between his lips and the other end waiting to be conquered by your own lips. ↠ "they're very sweet. wanna give it a try?" ↠ heat rises to your cheeks, but you don't back down! you've kissed tecchou plenty of times, so you should be used to his lips on yours and yet.. ↠"f-fine.." ↠ tecchou edges closer bit by bit, his eyes watching your every move intently and he spots the goosebumps on your skin, the furrow of your brows. oh, you're so perfect for him, he silently swoons. ↠ however, tecchou's patience runs thin. he grabs the back of your head and clumsily smashes his lips against yours. the taste of sugar and something that is uniquely you causes butterflies to flutter through his stomach. ↠ although he is an oddball, you wouldn't want to change a thing about him.
— 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗸𝘂
↠ jouno might be blind, but he can still hear your body loud and clear. your heartbeat, the flow of your blood, your body temperature. to him, the sound of your heart is the most peaceful one of all; rhythmic, periodic and most importantly calm. ↠ he dislikes the noisiness of the likes of tecchou or teruko, so your calmness rubs off on him whenever he steps foot into the lovely home that was once an empty house before you. ↠ jouno soon realizes that you cannot hear him like he can hear you and he decides to do something special for you. in the late evening, when you were asleep and blissfully ignorant to the world, he grabs a little notebook and sketches the waves of his heartbeat. ↠ to be precise, the waves whenever his heart was beating in perfect sync with his own. ↠ "this looks an awful lot like an EKG," you deadpan and jouno facepalms. you're lucky you're cute or else he'd give you the tecchou-treatment. ↠ once jouno is done explaining what this little gift is, he can hear tears brimming your eyes and your lips stretching into a smile. your heart stumbles. ↠ "jouno..this is reallyㅡ" ↠ he's quick to shush you by putting your hand on his chest, smiling like the sly fox he always is. "we're in sync right now." ↠ yes, this is much more flustering than a kiss.
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fragaria-imagines · 7 months
I want to see first kiss hcs with kurode and wilmesh 🩷🩵
Decided to switch things up and portray this in the boys POV! Hope you like it!!
Willmesh is a simple man, first and foremost, he enjoys the everyday simplicity of life, like drinking tea, reading books, and staying at home. His life heavily relies on routine and order, for he is never one to shake things up and do something out of the ordinary. And while this simple and somewhat ‘boring’ way of life has gained him the reputation of being a hermit and a homebody amongst his peers, he’s perfectly fine with that.
The fact of the matter is, Willmesh does not do well with change, he’s a creature of habit, a homebody, a hermit crab, whatever word or phrase that you can think of that describes someone who likes to live in solitude and spend time in the comfort of their own homes, without the need or want to be spontaneous and outgoing, that’s him in a nutshell.
So what the hell was he doing going out on a date with you?
It was completely out of left field for him to ask someone on a date, let alone wanting to be around someone’s company for too long, yet he can’t deny, something about you was different.
Whereas most people would give out any excuse and bolt out the door if they were asked to stay with him longer than what was necessary, you gave him a bright smile, and enthusiastically agreed to it. Didn’t even have to think about it, you just immediately agreed to it like this was the best question someone has asked you, like you were actually happy to be in his company.
It was strange to say the least, he’s not used to this type of attention, his quiet nature is a turnoff to most people. Many won’t even try to start up a conversation with him, knowing they won’t get a response in return. And whilst Willmesh does feel conflicted with the way people perceive as nothing but a cold quiet giant, he has long accepted that there was nothing he could do about it.
So when you not only accepted his offer but also was just as enthusiastic about it as he was. Just the thought of it, made his heart flutter.
"Are you alright, Willmesh? You look kind of pale" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in concern. You placed your hand on top of his and gently caressed your thumb over his hand in an attempt to comfort him.
The mere gesture was so small and you probably weren't thinking much of it, but it made him blush all the same. "A-ah yes! Sorry about that Y/N, I must have dozed off..." Willmesh stammered out an apology.
You let out a soft laugh at his sheepish display, and while he didn't love the fact that he just embarrassed himself in front of his long-time crush, he'll do it again in a heartbeat if it means hearing your joyous laugh one more time.
"It's fine Will! And if it's any help, I'm kind of nervous about this too" You admitted sheepishly. A faint blush appeared on your face as you admitted it.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
"O-oh....really! W-what do you mean by that Y/N?"
“I just mean that when you asked me out it kinda made me nervous, you know? But not in a bad way or anything!” You quickly clarified. “I just mean it caught me off guard because I didn’t think you liked me”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“I liked you for so long but I never thought my feelings were ever going to be reciprocated. I thought at most you’ll only see me as a friend, which is fine but I’m so glad that, that’s not the case!”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“Oh man, I’m rambling again aren’t I? Sorry about that, I guess I got too carried away haha” You joked, sheepishly rubbing your back in embarrassment.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Willmesh could have sworn that at any given time, his heart was about to be ripped away from his chest and dance in joy on the cafe's table at the sound of your confession.
And the more you spoke the more his heartbeat got louder and louder.
“You alright there? Willmesh—!!”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
A rush of adrenaline took over his body because one minute he was sitting across the table from you silently. And the next minute he was pulling your body closer to his and capturing your lips in a captivating kiss.
After a moment of shock, he felt your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him downwards to your shorter frame. He knew he was going to have serious neck pains once this was over but that was a problem for another day.
Regrettably, the kiss had come to an end as he felt you pulling away from him, in an attempt to catch your breath.
It wasn’t until after the kiss broke and saw your flushing face that he realized what he had just done.
“Oh god! I’m so sorry Y/N! I shouldn’t have done that, please forgive me! I’m really sorry…!” Willmesh blabbered on with endless apologies, his face flushing red from shame and embarrassment.
“W-willmesh it’s fine! I’m not mad at you…!” You said, still dazed from the aftermath of the kiss.
“R-really?” Willmesh muttered, not believing his ears.
“Really! I actually really l-liked it…!” You admitted sheepishly.
Like a lightbulb on Christmas, Willmesh’s face quickly lit up at your reassurance. Overjoyed at the notion that you took great pleasure in it.
“Then if it’s alright with you…. Can I kiss you again?” Willmesh asked shyly.
You chuckled at his sudden bashfulness, already knowing the answer.
Second fiddle.
Second best.
Not good enough.
Kurode has heard these words all before, whether it be from classmates, fellow knights, strangers, friends, it doesn’t matter.
And for a while he accepted that was just who he was, that his only role in life was to play second fiddle to his older brother. And for years, he played the role to a T, never stepped out of his comfort zone, never drew attention to himself, never questioned the status quo, acted nice and obedient just like everybody expected him to be.
It wasn’t something he particularly liked doing but what can he do about it? It’s not like anybody cared, not his friends, not his family, and certainly not his brother.
He can’t remember what exactly was the straw that broke the camel’s back that drove him to leave and never look back. All he knows is that he hasn’t looked back since and has no desire to.
He thought after he ran away he was done with everything from his past life, done with Merold, done with being an underachiever, done with being hidden from the world. He thought he left his inferiority complex behind and started anew.
But then he met you and saw how kind you were, how patient you were, how caring you were. Suddenly, he felt his eyes lit up every time he talked to you, he noticed whenever you weren’t around how much he was longing to be with you, he noticed that he smiled more when you’re around, and how much he had skipped out on knight training just to be with you.
He had noticed that he was starting to fall in love with you and that realization terrified him to no end. It felt like every single insecurity and emotion that he has repressed for so long has finally come into the light and he has no idea how to deal with it.
What if you were disgusted by him? What if you saw him as inferior to his older brother? What if you realized just how weak he really is and wants nothing to do with him?
No, deep down inside, he knows that you’ll never see or think of him as anything less. He knows you’re too kind-hearted for that to be the case.
What he’s most scared of is that one day you’ll see him the way he sees himself.
Before he could get inside his head even further, a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts from diving deeper into unwanted territory.
“Kurode? Are you still there?” You called out from behind the door.
Kurode immediately closed his diary entry and quickly got up from the desk that he was writing, before answering the door.
“Oh, Y/N..! I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you” Kurode apologized, solemnly rubbing the back of his neck.
“No worries, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’ll stop by! I hope I’m not interrupting anything because I can just come back at a later time and-”
“No, no, no, no, you’re fine! Really, you just caught me off guard that’s all. Why don’t you come inside?” Kurode hastily interrupts, scooting away from the doorway so you can have space to enter.
You gave him a small embarrassed smile before entering his home, making sure not to step on or break anything.
“Wow, Kurode, your house is so nice!” You complimented, staring at awe at the futuristic technology decor.
He blushed brightly at your compliment, and turned his head away so you wouldn’t see. Truth be told, he didn’t do much of the decorating for it was actually Lord Kuromi who did most of the planning and decorating, but hey, he’ll take the credit nonetheless.
“Tch… t-this is nothing, seriously!” He spat out in embarrassment, his ears now starting to turn red.
“You know you’re so easy to get riled up, Kurode?” You teased, giggling at how easily flustered he was.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop teasing you!” You playfully winked at him, which only made his face redder.
Luckily for him though, you didn’t seem to notice as you casually plopped yourself onto the couch, casually swiping through the tablet that he had gifted you for your birthday.
He sat right next to you, careful to put some distance between the two of you, yet every so often you would lean on him to show him a better view of your screen. And every so often his heart would flutter from your simple touch.
His heart warmed at the sight of how domestic and simple it all looked. He found himself wondering if he could ever have a lifestyle like that with you.
“Hey look at this video! You won’t believe what happened, there’s a video circulating around of Willmesh and the Stella Twins, and apparently Klarkstella…” You chattered endlessly about the latest bouquet news. He didn’t care much about the latest gossip or news that was going around in his continent, much preferring to keep to himself instead of paying attention to whatever else was going around him. Yet, you were so enthusiastic and animated when you were telling your stories that he couldn’t help but indulge you.
“Y/N, I love you…” He thought to himself.
“….Y-you what?!” You exclaimed in surprise, quickly getting up from your comfortable spot next to Kurode, to look him in the eye in disbelief.
Correction, what he thought he thought to himself.
Kurode’s whole body froze when he realized what he had just said out loud. His heart beated in chest so loudly that he could have sworn he heard his ears ringing.
Did he really just say that?
“N-nothing! It’s nothing! What I said was a mistake. I meant nothing by it, I swear!” Kurode backtracked, desperately trying to take back everything he had just said.
“Wait so you don’t love me then? You lied?” You asked, the sadness and confusion were evident on your face.
Kurode wanted to gut himself when he saw your crestfallen expression, the sadness and confusion that you were feeling was clear as day.
But wait— why were you so disappointed about his confession being a lie? Wouldn’t you be happy to not have someone as inferior and weak like him falling for you?
Or do you actually like him?
Inwardly sighing to himself, he chastised himself for being so stupid and naive. He may have completely ruined any chances of getting to be with you, but still, just like every other aspect in his life, he’ll prove himself to be worthy of you.
“No, Y/N I didn’t lie… god, this wasn’t how I wanted it to go but I guess the truth is already out there. I like you a lot, more than a friend but I know you want nothing to do with me romantically, so I’m okay with us just being friends. As long as you’re happy then that’s all that matters to me” Kurode confessed.
You stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond to his bold and sudden confession.
After a few minutes of silence, Kurode was thinking of excusing himself out of his own home and leaving, but before he could do so, you regained your voice.
“What makes you think I don’t like you more as a friend also?” You retorted back.
Kurode widened his eyes at your proclamation, such a thought never even crossed his mind. He was preparing for everything else, rejection, disgust, awkwardness, uncertainty, humiliation, the whole nine yards, pretty much anything that could have gone wrong, he was prepared for. But acceptance? Now that was a shock to him.
You rolled your eyes at his stunned silence, already knowing where his mind was going.
“I love you too, Kurode, the only reason why I acted so surprised when you said it wasn’t because I didn’t return your feelings, it was because I was caught off guard! I mean one minute I was talking about Klarkstella getting electrocuted by an android and then the next thing I know you’re telling me you love me! Next time, you decide to randomly spring a bomb onto me, mind giving me a heads up first?” You explained.
“Wait….you love me?” Kurode repeated back in disbelief.
“You didn’t listen to a word I said afterwards, did you?” You retorted in annoyance, though you had to admit, it was kind of cute at how shocked he was.
Kurode didn’t hear what you said, still way in over his head at the thought of you even liking him back?
He’s not shallow enough to ever admit it but he knows he’s a decent looking guy but there’s so many good looking guys out there, so what makes him so special that you specifically chose him?
Did he even deserve your love and attention, there’s still so much that he needs to improve and work on that he can’t possibly give you the time of day and attention that you certainly deserve?
You deserve better, he was sure of it, but does that mean he wants to let you go, not all. But is this just another example of him being selfish and putting his needs above someone else’s? Is letting you-
Before he could even finish that thought, he felt a pair of lips pressed against his. He gasped into the kiss when he realized the lips on his were yours.
Oh shit, he’s kissing you!! Or more specifically you’re kissing him. Whoever is kissing who doesn’t matter as he hesitantly yet eagerly returns your kiss.
The kiss was short and fleeting, it was more to snap him out of it more than anything else, but it made him breathless nevertheless.
The sight of your flustered face made all of the doubt that were running through his head quickly disappear. And as he leaned forward towards you for a second proper kiss, he finally realized that this might not be so bad after all.
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squishysoftmonsters · 5 months
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🌺Hot For Teacher🌺
Read Next [Only a Dream Class]
Imagine you the nerdiest student of a high esteemed college. The said geek and loner with glasses that warranted hi and goodbye. It was difficult being a trans student also. But,the professor of your class took delight in you regardless. He'd stop and chat,and even offer to take you to lunch.
Happy someone noticed you,you longed to get to know your professor better. Even the sound of his name made you swoon when he introduced himself to you in a personal way. His name was Beleth Alexandersson. You frequented the library and he took note of it,tracing your fingers as you turned the pages to the biggest of calculus books. He made it an opportunity to get a touch when you dropped something..as it was pretty normal for your teacher to lend a hand,but he didn't hover over you too much as it would become noticeable,obvious and weird.
Rumors circled that the calculus professor was a forest dryad. His alluring scent and unique features would make every gender student fall madly in love with him. Of course in a simple word,perfect. It was off-putting that a male dryad would have the name Beleth,a name associated with demonic creatures..not faeries!
Smooth with his words and actions it was hard to turn away. Hard to not offer yourself up to such a figure of sheer majesty.
You : [blushes] Professor!
Adjusting his glasses while grading multiple papers,he stopped,and gazed upwards at the sound of his college given title. You felt yourself flush as his pale eyes met yours. Hot for Teacher was literal,as you fell hard for the professor.
Beleth : [soft chuckle] Here before all the others. Wanted to catch me by myself? [chortles] I'm joking with you,easy.
The sound of his voice made your heart race and your knees weak. Unknowingly you ached there as he spoke. His presence was heavenly and there was no denying that. It worsened further as he approached. Pinching his tongue in his teeth,Beleth gently put a hand to your chin, and looked deeply into your eyes. Being touched or kissed by a man taller than you was every teenage girl's wet dream.
Beleth : Have a seat..Let me give you reassurance..We're both well in the same age range. There's no big difference..so no need to be scared of me.
That wasn't true..the dryad was thousands of years old,in the form of a heart throb for a likeable late teens professor. He was comfortable in his skin and blended well with society as a human. He was highly versed about the ways of humans,culture and customs,also their quest to attain mass knowledge.
He returned to his desk,resting his glasses on the mountain of graded papers to toy with his paper airplane. You giggled at the childish sounds he made with the airplane he had folded up and created out of the puzzle section of the morning paper.
You couldn't focus on your studies,eyeing Beleth every time he looked away,or glossed over what he had planned to lecture and teach. His curved ears perked,hearing your nervous gulps even though you were so far away and high up in the auditorium. Such lovely shaped ears were well hidden by his hair.
Suddenly the groaning and screaming of students began pooling into the auditorium. A smile seemed to form on his face,as he put down his newspaper airplane and put his glasses on.
Beleth : [soft smile]If you want to survive in a tech driven world..I hate to break it to you, You will eventually need this stuff later on. I admit,there's always a subject you're gonna hate. But let's be real here. You're not going to seriously scroll through your phone during an important lecture or an interview for the job you're trying to score,and hold the whole thing up to find the said answers required to look good or fit the bill. Wouldn't you want to present yourself as a self reliant and knowledgeable individual?Pretty sure I'm right,judging by your faces.
These atrocities no one cares about..angles mixed with numbers and letters..They look silly and useless,right? Trust me,you will need them in some situation. ALL of the stuff you learn will play some role in shaping and defining your future. Nothing you gain in life is wasted.
Every decision will matter. Even though you don't care,it's always best to have it up here. Hearing my lips flap for an hour or two each day will come handy..Believe me.
Beleth gestured at his head.
A lot of the girls were whispering and giggling at how handsome their professor was,and he heard it,pinning his ears back,to reduce sounds. Groans,moans,questionable hmms and angry verbiage from the other students followed suit. If you're a forest creature with fantasy ears,you're going to hear everything! Beleth did pick up on some very offensive words towards you..but kept focus..and would bring it up after class.
The said lecture continued for a good,long while,you melting in a fantasy with your beloved professor more than paying attention you snapped to reality looking like a fool,as the chairs quickly emptied,leaving you by yourself. Everyone hollered as they grabbed up their graded papers,bidding their farewells and onto the next class. You came down the stairs to receive your graded paper,usual was an A without a problem.
Beleth : [clears throat] It's appropriate to pay attention. But I'll pardon you this time.
You : [nervously] I was..[weak laugh]
You looked away nervously,but he gently turned your head back towards his line of sight,lifting your chin with his finger,ever so tenderly. Those beautiful pale eyes cleaved into your soul once they met with yours.
Beleth : Aside your blatant fantasizing about me...What went on up there with those girls to the right of you? Not the squealing ones on your left.
You : They always pick on me religiously,but I don't care..
He started to speak in a low tone.
Beleth : If it involves what you are,not to flirt with you..but you are quite the looker to me..no one should question that.[normal tone]Aside this,You said you were paying attention..
You : [nods excitedly] I was..honest.
He raised a brow and crossed his arms.
Beleth : Let's see if your claim holds weight...Give me a small speech of what I lectured about..Keep it at a few words.
Your mouth was gaped,eyes darting back and forth,thinking as to what he lectured about,and you remained wordless. He gently closed your mouth.
Beleth : My thoughts exactly.
He took off his glasses and placed them on the desk.
You : You're not angry at me are you,Beleth?
You cupped your hands over your mouth and your eyes glittered. Heartbeat rising, becoming a bundle of nerves,calling the professor out of his title,You swore you were done. A soft smirk crossed his lips,as to the way you said his first name. It was always Professor Alexandersson or simply the cutest and most affectionate "Teach". No one had such a privilege to call him by his first name,only his wife and other relatives.
You : [tearfully gasping] I didn't mean to..[stammering] I'm so very sorry Professor Alexandersson...[gulping hard] I...
Beleth : [softly] Shhhh....
His finger so soft upon your lips as tears streamed down your face. You never meant to call the dearest teacher by his name. He was hardly upset,because he did introduce himself to you on a personal level earlier on. His eyes locked onto yours.
Beleth : Just be careful next time...
In regards of mockery towards you such as "Teacher's Pet"..He gave you advice..As no student has that right,but you who he favored. You nodded with a sniffle as he dabbed away your tears with a tissue.
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This stemmed from a RP with a close friend and I. A human falling for a dryad was common,but it did make cute for a pairing and a romance. The naughties will come soon!
The RP was dubbed Hot For Teacher. I think I'm gonna run with this 🍎
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starkweather-art · 6 months
Meet the Artist! (Me!)
Hi! My name is Vyri, you may know me from @the-fox-jawed-cryptid (main).
I'm 26 years old, Nonbinary (They/Them).
My favorites List:
Animals: foxes, cats, snakes, horses.
Colors: teal, purples, greens.
Books: Warrior Cats, As Simple As Snow, A Mango Shaped Space, Deep and Dark and Dangerous, Beautiful Creatures.
Things to collect: crystals, notebooks, sketch books, pens, perfumes, half empty bottles (joking, mostly).
Movies: Halloween, The lovely bones, Perks of being a wallflower, Bolt, Spirit.
Bands: Motionless in White, Black Veil Brides, Sleep Token, Ice Nine Kills.
TV Shows: Criminal Minds, The Vampire Diaries, Bob's Burgers.
Anime: MHA, Bleach, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Black Butler, Black Clover, Demon Slayer.
I've been doing art for as long as I could hold a pen!
I do physical paintings, pen/cil drawings, digital art, poems, and photography!
(My art, poems, pictures, etc. are tagged with #sds.art/creations)
My commissions are open!
Headers $15
Profile Pictures $15
Both $30
I'm on Instagram!
Aesthetic Name Pallets and other little ask games are open through my ask box!
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A few of my recent things I've done!
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ableplay · 8 months
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"HeeeEEEYYY, Connie!"
Crayon's loud, bubbly voice broke into Conficker's thoughts like a hammer against thin window pane. The masked creature turned, expression remaining blank as usual.
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"My name is C̷o̴n̶f̵i̵c̷k̸e̶r̷.̸" They replied, six eyes blinking on occasion, out of sync. "I have stated this before."
"Right, sorry!" The ferret grinned apologetically. The furry friend wrung her paws behind her back, swinging and twisting idly, "I just wanted to check on you and see how your day is going! Super duper good, I hope?"
It was no surprise to Crayon that Conficker was not present in the Vast Playground. As much as she loved her friend, they seemed to value their alone time in other expanses — Usually the more vacant and dim-lit places. Today, it was the abandoned library.
One of Conficker's hands lowered to pick up a book. Then another hand plucked up another book. "I am well, Crayon. I am reading books of the gods. I am learning important things."
"Gee, that sounds swell!" Crayon rejoiced. She didn't quite have the same interest, but she sure was glad that Conficker liked what they liked.
"I do not think Happy likes me." Conficker added rather suddenly, tilting their head to one side. They provided little elaboration, leading to Crayon's simple question, "What makes you say so? I think Happy likes everyone! Don't they play jokes with you?"
Conficker's eyes focused steadily on the ferret. "No," They answered plainly. "They left in an awful hurry yesterday... We were to have lunch with Beezus. I do not know what I said incorrectly."
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"...I'm sure Happy just forgot they had something important to do! Maybe they were even sooo excited about meeting up with you that they just had to go and start making a gift for you!" Crayon theorized.
A lapse of silence washed over the two briefly as Conficker considered this. It eased their mind, and they believed it easily enough.
"Yes... I am sure it will be a well-loved gift. I look forward to it."
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yourthirdparent · 1 year
yeah ok its reyna anon again bc i read your thoughts good thoughts btw and now i need to yell aimlessly about her once again. ok SO ik shes not explicitly aro but like. as an aro that monologue in toa was SO arospec coded i cannot begin to explain. personally im of the opinion that shes secretly a chaos gremlin ok she has So much responsibility that she never gets to put down but normally is chaotic. her and percy’s friendship to me is like. you understand my trauma and help me process it in a way nobody else does and i do the same for you but Also they are the worst kind of bitch to each other <3. her and jason also???? like. what do you do when your best friend vanishes without a trace for months, doubling your responsibilities overnight and simultaneously you cant process or grieve even if you wanted to because you dont have time. and then the worst part is when he finally comes back to you and looks you in the eyes and treats you like a stranger. and you cant show any emotions about that either. then you all save the world and then he ignores you for months. and thats on top of all the other trauma shes so fucked up <33333. agree on the gender thing tho transmasc? transfem? bigender? genderfluid? cos but in an i dont give a fuck way? possibilities are endless. also her joining the hunters was kinda fuckin stupid. and also her and nico and jason are all So Autism i think that jason is the adhd autism creature combination with the big ears and autism eyes. i think she has chronic pain also and like. cane user reyna later on👀? anyway sorry i am So abnormal abt her thx 👍👍
i'm a little obsessed with you
anyways you're so fucking correct about cane user reyna holy shit you're so smart. also about jasonreynanico autism cuz Yeah that's autism right there. i'm not an adhd jason truther but i can get behind it. i think they all share like exactly one special interest and stare at it with the autism eyes and infodump about their various other unshared interests to each other. they're so trio tbh
also yeah she is definitely arocoded !!!! i love the aro reyna interpretation so much cuz it's so real but also hmmm................... lesbian reyna is very cool. and bi reyna is funky just cuz i like the idea of her crushing on jason and then meeting thalia and being like wtf BOTH of them??????? and also teehee giggles she'd be so funny in the role of a busy businesswoman who goes to a small town and meets the small town folks and finds she prefers the simple life to her busy business and starts dating like a baker or a lumberjack. she's definitely arocoded but reyna romance has the potential to be silly yk. even if that silliness is just christmas movie cliche.
also YEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH jason and reyna angst my beloved oh my god they go fucking crazy no joke
i did like her joining the hunters tragically. but it'd be cooler if she and leo's things switched like reyna finds calypso and gets her off ogygia (cuz no man can find the island twice but reyna's not a man is she. unless we're going transmasc in which case yk whatever) (and maybe they don't get together also. unless it's like a pjo era calypso and not her modified so leo can have a fighty fiesty girlfriend version cuz reyna would not be good with that version she'd leave caly on the street i promise (but even then yk caly's millenia old yk maybe a bit old for reyna but yk she was on an island mostly alone so maybe that doesn't apply)) and leo finds happiness and love in friends. but yk that would've been like a from hoo thing and i'm not changing two series for a thing that happens at the end of one book yk. and i don't expect rick to think that far ahead.
anyways ty for your asks !!!!!!!!!
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dizzydispatch · 5 months
Scutelliphily. Noun. From the Latin scutellus, meaning "little shield," and Greek phileein, to love or enjoy. "The hobby of collecting insignias, patches, medals, and the like."
The main reason I studied linguistics in college is because I love words. I love how powerful language is, how ubiquitous and how fundamental to human nature. At face value, language is simple. So simple, in fact, it's among the first benchmarkable skills acquired in early childhood. But beneath the surface, language is an infinitely complex and versatile mechanism, the inner-workings of which we have only begun to understand. This structure, so pervasive in application yet elusive in comprehension, as much a mystery as the deep sea or outer space, is made up of words. Language is a structure, so pervasive in application yet elusive in comprehension, as much a mystery as the deep sea or outer space. And yet it is made up of simple words. 
In a vacuum of context, words are nothing. Arbitrary sounds, simple utterances formed by the lips and tongue and breath, are given meaning by their contexts, by the associations we make between them and the real-world ideas they represent.
There are a lot of words for lovers of things. The suffix -philia, from Greek philios (the word for a fraternal sort of love), denotes somebody is a lover of something. Many of these terms refer to paraphilias, and the most commonly-known of these are the sorts of things we don't often like to talk about. 
But not all -philias are sexual in nature, and there are far more of these terms than the few you might hear on Dateline. I myself am a logophile and a bibliophile, a lover of words and collector of books. I am a pluviophile, a lover of rainy weather, and a ceraunophile, because thunder is the best part of a storm. 
Gabe is, definitionally, an ergophile: one who loves to work. I don't know if ergophile covers people who are wholly and utterly infatuated with their jobs or simply refers those addicted to labor in general, but either way Gabe seems to qualify. Whenever something even remotely dangerous happens, he makes the inevitable EMT joke: "Don't make me work on my day off!", I usually counter by pointing out this fact, then playfully accusing him of wanting nothing more than for his professional services to be called upon in the middle of an otherwise mundane circumstance.
Along with being a workaholic, Gabe is also a self-proclaimed scutelliphile. I'm not sure if that is the proper subject variation of scutelliphily, but it suits him all the same. His surplus of first responder patches made up a few of my first, and one in particular went on to take on especially significant meaning for me. First responders, like soldiers or E.R. doctors, tend to be superstitious creatures. At the height of my struggle at Reg, my good luck charm was a shoulder patch from Gabe's first EMS uniform, a token of friendship he gave me when we first started getting close.
Whenever I felt the doubts about my ability to succeed as a dispatcher start to creep in, threatening my focus and developing within me a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, I would instead slip a hand into my pocket. As my fingers grazed the tough embroidery and cracked remnants of iron-on backing, I was reminded that somebody believed in me. Somebody with far more experience than I had believed in me, as he had believed in Kara. He believed in her and she made it, just as he said she would. Now he was telling me that he believed in me too, and there was no reason I couldn't do the same.
Gabe is far from the only one out there collecting patches. I've known avid hikers and outdoorsmen who collect rangers' patches from the National and State Parks they've traversed. Historic military enthusiasts often seek out the uniform insignias from whatever era they specialize in. And of course, every police station I've ever visited had some kind of display, often a glass case or shadowbox filled with patches from other departments. It's a sign of interoperability and cooperation, and archive meant to honor their cooperative efforts.
It's also not an uncommon practice for LEOs to personally exchange patches, and sometimes they'll extend the tradition to civilian dispatchers like me. We swap  with the fire departments and with paramedics from private EMS companies, and of course we trade amongst ourselves, too.
My first exchange happened at Reg, with the training coordinator. the interaction began when I asked her how she ended up where she was. She told me about her journey from private security to law enforcement, from law enforcement into dispatch, and from there up to Regional 911 management. She told me about one of her security jobs, working for Dunkin' Donuts Asset Protection. 
"They had these great patches," she told me. "Really funny-- they said: Defend & Serve the Donuts."
Naturally, this sent me. I'm a sucker for a good cops-love-donuts joke. "That's too perfect."
She sighed wistfully. "It's a shame I lost that patch." 
I thought so too, and so a week later, I received in the mail the $13 impulse buy I made that day. 
"This can go on my wall," she said when I presented it to her, studying the bulletin board where hung the evidence of her own scutelliphily. There wasn't a lot of room for new additions, so after a moment she reached up and took one down and replaced it with the donut patch. 
"Here," she said, offering me the one she had taken down from the wall. "I'll trade you for it."
When I saw that what she now pressed into my hand bore the insignia of the job I was so proud of, I choked. I thanked her, then bounded off like I used to as a kid, after scoring from Andy a sweet Pokémon card trade. That night, I took it home and added it to the clothesline where I pin up treasured photographs between my many bandanas.
"You have a patch wall!" Gabe commented later, gesturing to where the Regional patch hung beside the good-luck one he had given me so long ago. "That's one of the signs that you really like working in this field."
He was right. I love this field, and I was realizing now that I, too, had a nerdy little scutelliphile in me, too. I was hooked. Like with the Pokémon of my childhood, I wanted to catch 'em all. And that shouldn't be hard-- I feel like I meet a lot of cops these days.
Elle's boyfriend, for example, is a cop in a nearby city. When he comes over to see Elle, we usually find something to talk about. Even though we don't have a lot in common aside from work, that's enough. 
And just this week, I also had the privilege of meeting an officer from yet another city. He was the instructor of a cert class I was taking, and I was the only one in the class who had a direct association with law enforcement. As a result, we spent the breaks swapping stories and comparing life from behind the desk to behind the wheel of a cruiser.
Regional serves six towns at a combined population of around 50 thousand. My current town is less than 10 thousand. My experiences as a small-town dispatcher is wildly different than theirs, with populations of 115 thousand and 80 thousand respectively. Yet, both of them saw fit to honor me with patch trades, and my wall now brags representation from both of their cities, the assortment of sizes and shapes and designs growing in variety with every interaction.
It's not really about the patches, though. Like words, the insignias aren't intrinsically meaningful. The honor of the stripes comes not from the value of the thread, but from the recognition by others of the rank of the solider who dons them. In the same way, the patches themselves are all but meaningless without the context, the connections made.
I was not friends with the former before he started dating my roommate. Up until a week ago, I didn't know the latter from Adam. But now, I have a connection with each of them. 
When Elle asks me if we can dog-sit during her boyfriend's trip, it is as much out of the dispatcher-to-officer loyalty as it is love for Elle that I agree, even though I'm allergic to dogs and he chews on the furniture. I take my Benadryl and wrap the kitchen chair legs in twine not because I like the dog (which, admittedly, I now do), but for the same reason that the cert instructor gave me his cell number after class, in case I ever needed anything. It's the same reason that, after I admitted I was pushing fifty hours without sleep, that he gave me a coffee, no charge:
"You're part of the first responder family."
That has to be the best feeling in the world. Working in this field, even as "just" a civilian dispatcher, I'm part of a team that spans the entire nation. My officers know that I've got their backs from behind the desk. And I know that, on or off the clock, they've got mine too.
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Andrew Tu
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Looking for a BIG!
Year: 2nd
Major: Biological Sciences
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Snacks: Jalapeno Cheetos, Dr. Pepper, Sour Patch Kids
Favorite Hobbies: Fortnite, Basketball, Reading (Harry Potter/Percy Jackson), Spending time with family/girlfriend, Looking at shoes
Favorite Animal: Tiger
About: I'm from the Bay Area, specifically San Jose. I feel like I'm a simple creature. All I need for fun is a good TV show or movie, and perhaps some In-N-Out. When I'm at home and spending time with my siblings, that is our go-to. When I'm here in Irvine, I do the exact same thing, which I've been told is IPad kid behavior. I've found that I rotate between fast food restaurants when I'm here, and currently on my rotation, Raising Cane's is next up. While it is delicious, hopefully whoever ends up being my big could introduce me to some new places to eat so I do not get tired of my burgers and chicken. When I get the chance to, I love to read books, and I'm a sucker for the Percy Jackson or Harry Potter series. I think I've read each one over and over again about 8 times, and I'm about to rotate for a 9th. I'm always willing to try new TV shows or movies. I'm currently watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians with my girlfriend, who also got me hooked onto The Rookie, which is a super interesting cop drama show! Once I finish these shows, I'm going to lock in on watching Jujutsu Kaisen before the spoilers reach me. Aside from that, I'm honestly into any sort of shows or movies as long as there's action to keep me awake. For sports, I've played basketball all my life, but I'm always excited to learn a new sport to help me stay active! When I listen to music, I have a habit of listening to one song on repeat until I find something else I like. This happens so often that I ended up with the Ninjago Theme Song as number 1 on my Spotify Wrapped one year, which has to mean I have great taste in music. Usually when I do listen to music, I'm an average Katy Perry enjoyer and mostly listen to general pop music from people like Bruno Mars and The Weeknd. As for my other hobbies, I had a phase last year where I got into Fortnite, so I'm always ready to run squads. I also very much like Brawl Stars, so if you need a Bull for Brawl Ball, I'm your guy.
What are you looking for in your future Big/Little?: When looking for a big/little, I'm hoping for someone who I can crack jokes with. I've been told I'm not the most extroverted person, but with people I'm comfortable with I can be. I usually find I connect with my friends when we laugh at the same things, no matter how dumb they may be. Nevertheless, I'm going to form a strong connection with anyone I'm paired with, but being able to have a laugh with them is just an added bonus!
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Diary of a Horror Buff 8.27.22
UGH so I don't really have any big plans for today. besides sending a work email and finally making some progress on my handmaids essay. I know that the essayist I watch have there same doubts and issues but I just feel that I'm too stuffy of a writer.
Here I 'll give you a taste.
First lets get the chestnut out of the way. Is Gilead Fascist. Well thats hard to say because Gilead is definitely a dictatorship, surely authoritarian but I’m a writer not a politician. However Fascism does tell a story and we might as well discuss that. 
Let us focus on the Narrative of Fascism. 
The Mythic State: Fascist believe in a sorta of golden age, a period where people kept to themselves and we didn’t tolerate the bad sort, you know, the infirm, pagans, sodomites, immigrants. No we all kept to ourselves and the world was palm fronds and bunches of grapes. Now obviously this is a fetisization. An appeal to antiquity. As they say. Reject Modernity Embrace Tradition. 
Tradition: With that focus on the mythic State they evoke traditional systems. And within that traditional system it demands society conform to traditional hegemonic roles. Those that fall outside of that. The infirm, the sexual intermedieries, the melanated, are often seen as outliers at best and traitors at worse. 
The invasion. Umberto Eco discusses how fascism demands struggle for struggle's sake, there is always a battle, always an enemy. The enemy is not just a combatant but a disease. Its miscegenation, its degeneracy, its corruption through cultural imperialism. The disease must be staved off it must be stamped out. To protect the people the mythic and now present nation. 
The Nation: Fascism demands tribilism yes, a monolithic and hedgemonic culture yes, but also a very strong sense of collectivism. Its not simple that everyman his ability. Its everyman his zeoletry. To be with us you must strive out the invader yourself, you are the hero, you are the protector, but you also must be a believer. Because those of little faith are just as bad as the invaders. 
Now I’ve been a bit vague on the actually elements of fascism and for that I request you spend some time reading Umberto Eco and other theorists on this topic. Now that we have these elements let us apply them to Gilead.
I should mention that this is also character diologue so yeah I just love to make this complicated for myself. but yeah were are the jokes were are the funny funnies. are my thoughts insiightful enough to actually have people enjoy what I'm saying. Am I just too akward to make my ideas shine with the right tone????
But enough self-doubt a lot of the people I look up to as essayists have literally degrees in this subject and I am a culinarian that likes to read.
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Ok lets stop bellyaching and actually consume media.
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The Tractate Middoth (2013) dir. Mark Gatiss
ok so I'm slowly finishing up the AGSFC. also I love that they explicity gave both of the young men in this movie explicit girlfriends cause these hoes had chemistry. Just you wait till I make one of these M.R.James and then all these ghosts be sucking man dick.
Ok so this one is actually a lot of fun. Sacha Dhawan plays a young man working his way through college. An older gentlemans like yo bitch run up the stairs and grab this book for me. so he goes and does that and ooh nooo its a spooky ghost. Also this ghost is probably the most iconic in this series so far. No offense to Gordon but he was more about setting a vibe then creature design.
At the same time this film feels very modern in its screenwriting. we have the first 10 minutes devoted to character development and we focus heavily on his thoughts and feels throughout. Wheres gordon was just kinda vibes based there were characters sure but they were kinda inconsequental to the mood lighting.
Mutant Land (2010) dir. Phil Tippet
ok so this was quite lovely. Phil Tippet is a special effects artist known for being in a lot of things like Robocop, Jurassic Park, and Star Wars, but he also has done some directing work as well.
So this one is a short three minute sci fi horror which I honestly need to watch more of. I do like Sci-Fi but its one of those things I never get into because it has so much world building that you have to delve into. Something I like to do but might not have the energy for.
This one i fantastic its grimdark set on a planet where everyone is starving and some intrepid explorers chase a rabbit into some ruins. Shenanigans, (violent dismemeberment) ensues.
The Marshalls (2016) dir. Adeena Grubb
You think the real horror is that guy locked in a cage but its really the Modern Farmhouse decor.
This was lovely. Very Burtonesque and atmospheric.
The Maker (2011) dir. Christopher Kezelos
When Youtube Autoplays but your not upset in the slightest.
This follows a craftsmen who is making some kind of effirgy as a hourglass ominously tics down. I don't want to ruin it so just watch it.
2AM: The Smiling Man (2013) dir. Michael Evans
there was a spoopy creepypasta man but he does a jaunty jig before he kills you.
But like also people be like that sometimes its called drugs.
it was spoopy though I will give Evans that good job.
The Smiling Man ALTER (2015) dir. A.J. Briones.
So this was fun a little girl, (pigtails, overalls, little teddy bear the whole shebang), is hanging out at home watching the same 100 Color Classic Cartoon DVD boxset I had as a kid.
Until ooh noo a spooky balloon is just sitting in the middle of the hallway. SO she follows this trail of balloons that are weighted down with a bag of something, Candy? Chicken Bones? those little funeral dolls from japan?
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There called Kokeshi Dolls, and some people gave them to children so that a mountain spirit could protect them, which is like a completly different vibe then what I was thinking.
anyway little girl walks downstairs to her kitchen and theres some horrifying geek just scurrying around and painting on clown makeup.
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this kind of geek.
Altitude ALTER (2019) dir. Nicole Scherer
Ok did I ever tell you how much I love survival horror. I don't watch it very often but when its dones well it can just be horrible satisfrying.
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ok Shawn Ashmore was so fucking hot in this.
this one was pretty good two alpinists are climbing a mountain when they can't find there cabin, they then go delrious up on the mountian.
also they had like nordic accents but like with common english names and I always love how those sound, (sahr-rah, pe ah ter, toe mas.)
Shenanigans, (supernatural induced psychosis), ensue.
The Absense of Eddy Table (2016) dir. Rune Spaans
I mean I clicked on this mostly just because the style was cute. Big Mouth could never.
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OK please tell me why you like this show. I hear it gets better but i'm just having flashbacks to that time in the first season were the dudes brothers force him to eat a ookie cookie and that grossed me out and I'm a freak that likes dick and buddybating.
this one follows some guy probably named Eddy Table who running around a forest, and accidentally comes across some naked chicks with tiny tits and absolutely gigantic asses. Like 100% unrealistic body types for women. Also some weirdo bites the girls on the pussy and they become infected with some horrifrying parasite. to be honest I have no idea what this thing is supposed to be like but it has a slightly horny vibe. Theres this palnts that look like titties, others that are always releasing little white plumes of smoke, tendral things.
Clearly this forest is tryhing to brain fuck.
but i mean also we got dumb himbo and his feral girlfriend vibes so thats nice.
Milk and Cookies (2015) dir. Graham Denman
Ok so I shared the SuperCUT version so this should have Milk and Cookies, M&C: Walters Revenge, and M&C: CHristmas in July maybe??? Idk I'm still watching it.
ok whats the tea whats the vibe.
basically this is another crypt monster called Walter who dresses like Santa but is more of a krampus type.
Also I love that the sequel literally just jumpcuts to this chick going into a full ass christmas heist plot. also shes using one of those plastic candy canes as a pointed and I love that for her.
OK usually I hate goonies vibe shit but this was absolutely lovely. It was funny it was over the top and its so aggresively christmas that who can't help but love this little elf.
also this supercut didn't have the last one but I'm watching it anyway.
So the third one is animated and follows a grumpy teenager whose stuck with a bunch of rich white people who are like,
"ummmmmmm is this eggnog, organic and free trade"
and then Walter just murders everyone. ugh love that for him.
I just love how Crypt TV isn't afraid to just be completly absurd. There like bitch we're crypt tv we do what we want, you want a evil santa just murder a bunch of yuppies, well fuck you thats what you get.
The Listing (2015) dir. Luke Jaden
Damn I've heard of bad roommates but this is ridicoulas. Yeah this is just the story of an enterprising monster trying to make a suitable home for itself but then realitors keep trying to wash his windows.
Playing Doctor (2015) dir. Jon Kovel
oh Jon Kovel you little scamp.
so yeah this is another one of Jon Kovel knee slappers. some parents go to pick up there kids have the most cringy middle class white people conversation and then oopsie daisy, your kids were playing doctor but I'm sorry we lost the patient. Beautiful comedy thank you Kovel.
anyway sluts thats going to be the end of our movie watching for today stay tuned tomorow for more.
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foolish-sparrow · 2 years
hi! how have you been? I hope well. i would like to ask for a reaction from the vampire dreamcatcher to seeing his human girlfriend studying about vampires a few days/weeks after discovering they are vampires. Thanks!
I love your writing so much, it's charming :( sorry for bad english
A/N: Hello friend! I have been busy with work and life but other than that I'm doing well! I hope you're having nothing but good things bless you. And there's absolutely no need to apologise :) your English is fine.
Warning's: Mentions of blood, swearing 
There was a part of you that felt like fear would have been an appropriate emotion to have when your girlfriend admitted to being the infamous creature of the night.
But there was no fear, nor screaming and running away in terror. Only curiosity.
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Even though it had been literal weeks since she had told you Jiu was still very cautious
She was just. . . shocked that you hadn't turned tails and ran as far away as possible
In fact your reaction had been to blink at her with a simple, "oh"
And she had no idea what to do with that
So when she made one of her routine nightly visits she had expected you to be waiting with that tender smile she loved so dearly
But instead what she found was you, eyes glued to the computer screen in front of you with many different depictions of vampires coming and going as you scrolled
"Um. . .Y/N?"
Even though she hadn't been quiet during entry you had been so engrossed her voice caught you off guard
"Ah, Jiu," you awkwardly smiled, quickly realising that she had seen what you had been doing and explained
Very very touched but also amused since she is more than happy to tell you everything you wished to know herself
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You had actually managed to figure out what Sua was before she even told you 
Not of any fault of her own, well, at least not entirely 
But there was a very, very old book that had drawings of her face and each were dated centuries before you were even born 
But you still attempted to act unawares when she did find the courage to tell you 
“O-oh wow, really? You’re a vampire? Gee I had no idea. . .” 
Maybe your acting skills could have been better but the main thing was that you knew and still loved her anyway 
She was still a little hesitant at telling you everything however so you decided to do some studying in your own time, mainly about the actual myth surrounding vampires since you don’t know how much of it could be classified as facts 
Writing down questions in a little book that you wished to ask Sua at a later date and only if she was comfortable telling you 
Turns out the main reason for her hesitant approach in the first place was because she was terrified that she would scare you off 
But after finding out that you were that curious as to look things up on your own she was way more open afterwards 
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Wanted to be open about what she was from the moment she knew you were the one 
However fear that you would shun her away was very prominent in the forefront of her mind and was what kept her back 
That was until some cliché slightly cringe supernatural movie you had both watched one night had her coming clean 
At first you had thought she was teasing and joking, but then her eyes changed colour at will and pointed fangs ejected from her mouth 
Yeah you shut up after that 
But even though you had been completely confounded by the fact that the supernatural do in fact exist there had been a bright mixture of excitement and curiosity that had you pouncing on her with a million questions racing off your tongue 
She had laughed, tears of relief shining in her eyes as she halted you with a kiss. Letting you know that she would answer any questions you have at a later date 
That had been a week ago and you were very close to imploding 
Especially since you hadn’t even seen your girlfriend once during that time, and so you took your curiosity and brought it to the internet 
When Siyeon returned to find you religiously going through every single site you could find she couldn’t help but be both endeared and amused 
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It took a lot of trust building for Handong to even admit that she was a vampire in the very first place 
And while you had undoubtedly had been shocked, just seeing the terror in hears eyes as she waited for your reaction was enough to halt any questions and put your focus on letting her know that it didn’t change the way you feel 
She was still slightly absent even with the reassurances, but you let her have her space while also giving her all the love when she did return 
After a couple of weeks the questions began to slip 
You tried to keep them from being what you might have assumed to be personal, but at the same time you had no idea what that meant when it came to vampires
She wasn’t entirely against answering some, but they were slightly vague 
And so you turned to the internet and some books to see if any gaps could be filled 
You weren’t trying to keep it from Handong but at the same time you didn’t want to just blurt things out and potentially scare her off from telling you anything more 
As it turns out, though, she already knew 
And the fact you were so genuinely intrigued ended up being letting her gain the courage for being more open 
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It all started one usual morning. Yoohyeon was drinking coffee and you were about to go fetch some ingredients from the fridge when you saw it 
A blood bag just. . . casually sitting in your girlfriend's fridge
“What the fuck.” 
Yoohyeon was rambling in seconds, panic shining bright in her eyes as she began starting and stopping with different sentences
You did manage to catch something about her being a vampire and when you looked down you noticed that the contents in her cup were most definitely not of the beverage kind 
Turns out you were. . . Okay with it? You were surprised, of course, but Yoohyeon made it so easy to come to turns with what she was simply by being herself 
And once the shock calmed down curiosity took over 
You wanted to know everything. Were the movies even close to the truth? Was she born a vampire or was she turned? 
She did answer some questions and those she didn’t have time for you tried finding out by other means 
Yoohyeon was very amused by your tenacity for knowledge and even went as far as to tease you by saying she could turn you and give you first hand experience
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Just like with Handong it took time for Dami to make sure that you could be trusted with her most close-kept secret
And when the time came for her to tell you she made sure it was in a place where you felt safe
Because the last thing she wanted was to make you feel like she was a threat to you
The way she told you, both tender and scared all at once helped you take it in without the fear
Shocked, definitely, but also extremely curious because you had never believed that the supernatural had ever existed
And yet here she was, right in front of you, in the shape of the person you were in love with
After that you became slightly obsessed. Watching movies, documentaries, reading books and navigating the Internet for anything and everything
Dami had been slightly shocked by your desire to know things
But later she became very touched that you simply wanted to know in order to make it easier for her
Answering any questions you had and building your knowledge
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When Gahyeon had told you, your eyes had widened and you became stock still
The reaction had her feeling like she needed to prepare for the absolute worse case scenario
That was obviously never going to be what happened as you pounced onto her with questions slipping out faster than she could take in even with heightened senses
Laughter pouring from her body as she held you tight. Her love for you reaching a new high during that moment
That was until you made her watch every vampire media there was
Pointing out every vampire "thing" and asking her if that was, in fact, something they did
Most of the time it was no, but the times it was a yes you would place your hand on your chin
You were partly teasing partly serious
But she laughed each time either way
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oingo233 · 3 years
You Are Beautiful (1)
Summary: Sirius Black was entranced since the moment he saw you. He had to have you but you are convinced his feelings are fleeting, and will only hurt you. People inside and outside of your relationship meddle in the makings of something that could be beautiful... or disastrous. Will love and confidence win? Or will doubt and uncertainty tear you both down?
Young Sirius Black x Pus SizedFemReader
Warning: one inappropriate joke lol, fluff I suppose and nothing else really. All the real stuff comes later :0
Authors note: I mostly write my xreader fics as neutral but as this is a request, I wrote this as fem. But if anyone would like a male version or neutral version let me know and I will copy this but obviously change readers gender (and it's no burden to me I'd love to make more readers feel included and represented). Also reader is plus sized and she is confident and strong throughout the fic -because plus sized characters aren't represented like that in film/books alot (but if looking for amazing and empowering plus sized female characters Nina Zenik from Six of Crows owns my entire heart and changed how I saw myself personally and I would recommend that book for anyone really)- but as any human she has her insecurities because beauty standards are unattainable and have a way excluding so many people and making us feel less than beautiful. As a plus sized/overweight person myself, I understand how we have to fight to feel beautiful and fight this internalized bias we have when we look in the mirror. But WE ARE BEAUTIFUL. WE ARE WORTHY OF MAGAZINGE COVERS AND COMPLIMENTS AND ABOVE ALL SELF LOVE!! The self insert character in this has fought for her confidence, but it will shake and stumble throughout the series and Sirius and friends are there for her to help her realize for herself how beautiful she truly is, once again. So I hope I didn't stray too far from the request :) Enjoy....
Word Count: 1.8
Authors Note: About halfway through I decided to make it a series oops-
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****Blabbering Idiot****
Sirius Black is a man of many, many words. In fact, I'm sure if he was writing this he could quickly turn it into one of the most entertaining novels ever written. He'd describe the laughter of his friends for a whole page. Tell a hilarious joke on the next. Then he'd describe the wind blowing through the open halls and courtyard and the spring sun. He could write about a great many things in great detail. (But he wouldn't because he doesn't quite enjoy writing as much as he does anything else, but that's above the point.)
As I said, Sirius Black is a man of many words. So it was such a curious thing when he first saw you. It was an astounding thing really, because for the first time he found something that rendered him completely speechless.
The sun was peeking through the open corridor and pooled onto you, caressing your skin and hair in an ethereal glow. Highlighting curves that brought both sinful and sweet thoughts running through him. It was as if the universe was telling him, look at what we've created, look at this beautiful creature. But he could hardly believe that this world could create something so lovely and kind. You threw your head back in laughter at something your friend said and suddenly the world is back to normal and all he can hear is your laughter and the sound of his friends curiosity at what could have possibly kept him from the conversation about muggle rock compared to Wizard bands. In fact, James was so passionate about it half the hall turned to listen to his rendition of The Chain by Fleetwood Mac.
But he didn't care, he took a feeble step towards you and suddenly felt so nervous his hands began to sweat. He stuttered and coughed up his words just for a simple "hello" in your direction only for the wind blowing through the halls to carry it away. And his friends laughed at him as he watched you walk too far from where he wanted you. Because, oh did he want you.
Sirus POV:
"I'm telling you, I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I know who she is," Sirius says for not the first time that evening. James started to laugh.
"Why? Because you'll be too busy thinking of her?" James said, laughing as he made a very suggestive hand motion. Peter cackled and Remus rolled his eyes, trying to find the cleaner side of his humor but instead he couldn't help but snort. Sirius pushed James's shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm sure Lily would love to know how familiar with that feeling you are," Sirius says and James stopped laughing immediately, his eyes narrowed.
"Please, you wouldn't dare. And I will deny all accusations, you'll be made out to be a liar. Then the mystery girl will never love you. Is that what you want, Pads?" James joked with a single arch of his brow. Sirius just rolled his eyes. He was only half paying attention, he has been scouring the hallways since he first saw that girl. He wanted to speak to her again, or maybe just stare for a bit. If things went well, he'd be able to do both those things on a date. But he hasn't seen her since that morning and his heart felt oddly shallow. He wanted those butterflies he had when looking at her to come back and overwhelm him again.
"What'll it matter if I don't even know who she is? Or- or if I can't talk to her? No one falls in love with a blabbering idiot," Sirius says. Remus shrugs.
"Lily fell in love with James," he says, Peter laughed again.
"Yeah, regardless of what he does at night," Peter added and now both James and Sirius were rolling their eyes. James and Lily just recently stopped denying their feelings for one another and gave into the sexual tension and mutual pining. Their relationship was still fairly new but they act as if they've been together for years. Sirius supposed that in a way, they have been.
Sirius would watch them giggling, hand and hand in the hall. He'd see them cuddling in the common room, or coming back after dates with rosy cheeks and beaming smiles. Sirius would never admit it out loud, but his heart cried out when he saw them like that. He rarely ever felt lonely. He could have any girl or boy he wanted if he really tried, but for what? One fun night? Only for one more morning where he wakes up alone? He wanted more than that whenever he saw Lily and James, their happiness was palpable. Their love was suffocating.
Sirius always thought he'd find the one after Hogwarts, if at all. But when he saw her... well that changed everything. In a flash he saw himself with her, their hands intertwined and her head thrown back in laughter. Rosy cheeks and bruised lips. Warm beds and making love... being in love. He nearly felt silly after and yet, he knew that even if he did sleep tonight, it would be her he'd dream of.
"Ello' guys!" Lily said, bouncing up to James who kissed her cheek. They walked with their arms looped and Sirius glared at the easy sign of affection. He thought of his parents, how they would be stiff with one another except for in quiet moments, when he'd pass through a hall and glance into their room. He'd spot a quick kiss on the cheek, and soft squeeze of the hand. It were those odd moments for him, that struck him so strongly with a sharp bitterness. They don't deserve softness and love, he'd think, how can such cruel creatures even feel such things? But even then, he'd walk away seeing them as still awful creatures born from the depths of hell, but more human.
"That's her," Sirius whispered so quietly Remus almost didn't hear it. In fact, Sirius didn’t think Remus heard it at all, but it was rather his look of longing towards the Great Hall entrance that gave him away. Because standing right there, was you.
Your hair was a little wind blown, messy around your face, bits of iit shaped your round cheeks and soft eyes. Sirius eyed you up and down and cursed clothes and cursed shyness and cursed his own head for thinking he could even talk to you. But most of all, he cursed a group of boys who walked past you.
Sirius was a confident boy, he knew how to spot someone who held their head up just as high as he did, and you were very much one of those people. You were giggling as you stole a biscuit from a friend and popped it into your mouth, you covered your mouth as you laughed when they complained with a little smile of their own.
"It's just so yummy, and I haven't eaten since breakfast." He heard you say, your friend just shook his head and handed you a plate as you sat down next to him. But right before you could get comfortable a sneering group of boys stole a piece of food from your hand and said something rather rude.
Sirius didn't even realize he had been walking towards you, this girl he has never even spoken too, yet thought of so endearingly, until he was standing right before the boys and had the pack leaders wrist firmly in his grip.
"Drop it boy, c'mon, drop it," he teased. It was humiliating for the boy and he knew it by the laughing and sneering others directed towards the group of boys, but Sirius did not care. The boy dropped the biscuit and looked as if his tail was tucked into his legs. "Good boy," he said, ruffling his hair until it was a knotted mess, the boy winced at just how hard Sirius dug his knuckles into his scalp, Sirius relented with a satisfied smirk.
Sirius’s voice took on a much harsher tone, "Now scram." The boys were out of their seats and in new ones within seconds.
Sirius felt his mood shift completely once they left, because now all eyes were on him, yours included. He looked up at you rather shyly, his hair falling in strands over his forehead. He tucked it behind his ear and found some confidence in the way your eyes followed the movement and how you blushed. He gave you his best smile, hoping his charm wasn't as weak as his legs felt at that moment.
"Hello, I'm Sirius... Sirius Black." Then, like an idiot he put his hand out for you to shake, what charmer just shakes the ladies hand? He stopped belittling himself the moment you softly placed your hand in his.
"It's nice to meet you, Sirius, and thanks for helping me. I know how to handle those filthy 'dogs'" you said, smiling as you remembered the way he spoke to them, he chuckled. "But I suppose it's nice not always having to," you finished with a bright smile on your face. He felt his own cheeks heat up and he nodded but could not think of anything better to say.
"Name," he said, you raised your brows. He cleared his throat, "your name?"
"Oh, how rude of me," you said and then you laughed, that same laugh that caught his attention and has yet to let go. "I'm (y/n) (y/l/n)."
"Nice to meet you," he said, it was as if he couldn't feel the appalled stares of your friends because all he could see was the blush on your cheeks and your head thrown back in laughter. He swallowed thickly before making his way back to his friends. They all wore raised brows and smirks, and he knew they were about to bite into him.
"Treating them like dogs, really? A bit ironic don't you think," Lily said, James shrugged
"That's why it was so good," he said, high fiving Sirius.
"But it admittedly went downhill from there," Peter was sure to add, just like Sirius knew one of them would. Sirius just laughed, too elated to finally know who you were.
"Don't start," he said, but it was too late.
All in union they sputtered out the lame word that will plague Sirius' memory of that moment forever, "Name?"
They cackled at him and ruffled his hair all the way to their seats, but Sirius knew they were pleased for him. And Sirius didn't mind, he could feel the pretty eyes of a pretty girl following him across the room. If only someone told him how important she would become to him, maybe he would have looked back at her and never looked away.
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hannya-writes · 3 years
Your Kind
Title: Your kind
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader, Peter Hale x Vampire!reader?
Other Characters: Kate Argent (mentioned), Laura Hale, Cora Hale and Talia Hale (Mentioned)
Category: friendship, platonic love.
Warning: Reader is a Vampire! Young Derek, and Young Peter because that's dangerous! This all happened after Paige's Dead. Violence, hypnotism or mind control (not sure but hey!) Peter being wild, I guess this is kind of sad.
Author's note: I didn't wanted to use the common powers of vampires because cliche! And I ended up with a mix of a striga, a bat and kind of werewolf powers, If I write a part 2, maybe I'll explain what's up with my version of vampires. And no! Vampire reader is not killing anyone... Yet. Also gifs are not mine, I found them on google!
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In the moment you had stepped in Beacon Hills you had know that you shouldn't stay there for a long time. You weren't welcome. There was a Werewolf pack in town and werewolves didn't like your type. Maybe because of legends, since they told that your races were supposed to be enemies. Maybe because of a bad experience with someone of your race, maybe because it was engrained in their DNA. You didn't know. You never asked.
You just stayed as far away of the Hale family as possible. It was a problem that you got stuck in classes with no one else but Derek Hale. A teenager that had smell death and blood on you. He was cautious and curious about you, sneaking on you, expecting you to blow your cover. But you didn't. You had smelled him too, he smelled like a wolf, a mix of the animal itself and the smell of forest that came with them and made normal people get scared: the smell of the unknown, of danger.
You played it cool. You were a good student, middly attractive, you spoke when others spoke to you, you were kind and relaxed, you even helped some students in what was possible. When some students decided to pick on you, you didn't reacted. Never lost the patience that had been taught to you.
Then, there was Kate. Kate loved to pick on you, mock you, call you "the new library mouse". It was her insistance on you that had made Derek pay more attention to you. He smelled your murderous instinct every time Kate was close. An truth be told, he was amazed by your self-control.
After being put in a science work with him, you finally got the chance to know each other. You two had speak to each other like civilized human beings. You had joked together, you even became friends.
He wanted, no. He needed to know. He deserved to know, you were his friend now, he wanted to tell you what he was and needed to know more about you.
— Y/n, what are you? — he directly asked you one evening after the end of school, you were the last two people in the library, the question made you uneasy. If he discovered you, his family would kill you.
— excuse me? — was your simple answer, play dumb was your way out. Your parents have told you to do that, and act as a victim if necesary.
— you are not human, I can smell you — he confronted you walking in your direction.
— I'm a human, duh — you rolled your eyes faking amusement — Smell me? — you added with a perfect tone of confusion you had rehersed — do I smell good? — that last question was pure curiousness, you had recognized every part of his scent, you knew what every change in it mean so... Had he, maybe, done the same? Was it disgusting to him because of what you were?
— what? — he was surprised by your last words and you wished earth could swallow you whole, maybe your head first since you were blushing.
— there you are, I've been look for you — just in time, Peter Hale entered the library. And if Derek smelled of danger, Peter reak of wildness and blood. That was the first time you met, and unlike Derek, Peter took the opportunity to attack like the animal he was. Probably because he knew what you were.
Peter snarled at you, showing his fangs and blue glowing eyes, his fingernails turned to claws and suddenly the whole library smelled like wolf. His transformation triggered yours, he was challenging you in the little space that was yours. So, yes. You turned, but unlike him your fingers turned longer, your fingernails became long white claws. Your skin became paler, to the point of looking like a corpse. Your usually y/e/c eyes became red like those of an Alpha werewolf but unlike them your sclera turned black. Your 4 fangs grew in an instant and a high pitch sound inaudible for humans came out of your throat.
Derek covered his ears in pain at the sound that came from you. He couldn't believe his eyes, a wave of fear made him step away from you and Peter, his instinct told him to either fight by peter side or runaway. However his body wasn't able to move.
In a complete opposite reaction Peter jumped over you, hands extended, face contorted in an angry, animalistic expression. You saw him get closer but you didn't back off, you took a stride and with your longer hands throwed him away towards one of the book shelves. He didn't expected it, he had never fought a being like you.
— Leave — you warned him standing over him, but he wasn't afraid, he was angry. He jumped to his feet and charged again at you. You stepped away from his path, making him more furious. You were faster, you got more range with your claws. He was going to loose. That's why werewolves attacked your kind in packs. They trusted in their numbers, the organization. A lonely wolf, was a dead wolf.
Peter roared at you as he once again attacked. You knew what to do to kill him, one single slash of your claws and his lower jaw would be flying in the air. He would bleed out. You could almost see it.
However, instead of killing the menace you used one of the tricks the werewolves hated the most.
— calm down — you said in a soft voice keeping the eye contact and all of his attention on you— I'm not your enemy — you got closer to the werewolf, your hand lightly touched his face.
Peter would never be able of describe the sensation that over took him at your words, it had been as if suddenly he was in heaven, and the person speaking was an angel, better! a Goddess! He loved you, he would do everything in his hands to just hear you a little more. He will kill for you, he'll ask you to order him to kill in your name. Just for that sensation of fullness, happiness. You weren't his enemy, how could you? You were everything he wanted and more.
Your scent, your voice, your light touch, even your face had Peter hypnotized. You fully wrapped the violent werewolf with your presence, and he looked at you with big warm eyes. Even you hated using that trick. It was an induced state of bliss that made people easy to manipulate.
— everything is fine — Derek heard you said softly almost in a loving way, that made him feeling somehow nervous. He knew there was something wrong and he had to do something.
— who are you? — Peter asked in a soft tone that made you feel guilty of using your power over him. You took a breathe to aswer and then froze as you felt claws against the soft skin of your neck.
Peter saw the menace, felt your hand leave his face and fury rose from his chest, he growled warning Derek. He was aware of Derek speaking to you but the words didn't make sense why was Derek telling his goddess to let him go?
— Derek, please wait — hear you say his name made him see red. You had say Derek's name but not his? How could you? How dare Derek try to take you away?
Horrified you saw the werewolf extend his hand to attack Derek, you felt Derek's claws cutting your neck as you moved to avoid that the other werewolf claws hurt Derek. You had pushed Derek to your right. As you felt the spell over Peter was broken. Blood spilled from your wound, the strong taste of iron hit your tongue as you fought to breathe. But you couldn't, not with your throat slashed, not even when you tried to stop the bleeding with your hands.
Peter saw you confused, he didn't know if he had done that. He wanted to think that he had cut your throat, but he couldn't believe it.
— no, no Y/n — Derek spoke with panic as he crawled to you horrified by what he had done. He had kill you. It was like Paige all over again. His hands pressed over your hands trying to stop the bleeding.
— that won't kill her, she is a vampire — Peter said coldly, his eyes greedily watched how you struggled, how your red eyes slowly smother. He was amazed but disappointed, you a mythical creatures, a vampire non the less were dying like a common human being. You weren't as powerful as he expected. Why weren't you healing?
— I'm sorry — derek muttered ashamed, and Peter noticed that his own hands weren't tainted with blood. Derek hands were stained in red.
— no — peter voice was filled with hate, that vampire was his prey. That little vampire was his. You were his. Derek wasn't going to be your killer. His body moved and pushed Derek away from you with a kick, his hands took yours with the intent of taking them away from your wound, but he stopped. A sensation of coldness overtook him, his eyes slowly closed with a sudden desire to sleep.
On your end, the moment his hands touched you it felt like fire, the blood stopped flowing and the wound closed in a matter of seconds. You coughed a blood and the werewolf felt by your side asleep. The tears felt from your eyes freely and after a moment you hugged yourself to get a hold of your panic. The sound of someone else crying made you sit and look at Derek sniffing, with tears in his cheeks.
— D, D... Derek? — you called him out with a gruff voice, thanks to your recently healed vocal chords. — Der, der, derek — you repeated afraid of him being hurt, the worry made you stand up and walk towards him. — did he hurt you? Derek, are you ok? —
Derek looked at you with surprise and relieve, in his face the path of tears was pretty obvious.
— y/n, you are a vampire — he wasn't asking, of course not! the other werewolf had said it as you were almost dying.
— and you a werewolf — was the only thing that crossed your mind as you saw him.
— did you... Kill my uncle? — somehow Derek didn't sound worried, you denied with your head.
— Vampires... Can heal with the help of a werewolf — you said looking down, ashamed.
— but I, I... I tried to help you and.. — He was clearly confused and you sighed, feeling the need to explain yourself
— I charmed him, that makes a bond like the one of a master and a servant. You are not my servant... You can't heal me — you hated that stupid explanation but it was the truth.
Vampires had slaved werewolves to be closer to immortality. But not all of you did that. You had never had to charm someone, it could make people go crazy. It made a big unbalance in nature, made you get closer to the beast inside.
— I don't think Uncle Peter wanted to heal you — the comment made you giggle, but it soon died out.
— I know — you looked at Derek eyes for a moment — I won't charm you Derek, you are the closer to a friend I have and I have only speak to you for like... Two weeks — you smiled with sadness, knowing that this was a goodbye — but I have to go and your uncle has to forget about me —
— you are leaving? — he asked worried and a bit angry after all he had just found out what kind of creature you were — why? —
— Derek, your family is going to kill me if they discover that I charmed your uncle — you admitted scratching your neck nervously.
— My mom wouldn't... — Derek was trying to convince you, he made you feel bad, made you want to stay.
— she's going to do it — you stood up and went to his uncle, placidly asleep, Derek followed you. — I'm a problem to solve, a burden to destroy — you kneeled by Peter's side and reached to the back of his neck with a hand.
— no, you are not — he stated as serious as a heart stroke. — you are my friend — that made you smile.
— remember that if I make your uncle become a psycho — was the last thing you said before sinking your claws in Peter.
— maybe he already is one — he joked and the funny thing: that was the last thing he remembered of that day. He couldn't remember saying goodbye to you or how he got home. His memories started again with him being home, Laura and Cora were laughing and his mother got closer with a smile and a question: "Everything ok? You seem distracted"
And he had lied to her.
• • •
So, are you Team Peter or Team Derek?
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Hello!! 💕 Just wanted to let you know that I love your "Jaskier has always smelled of blood" au. It means a lot to me 💛 I feel like it brings some kind of awereness to the issue and I'm really gratefull for it. Thank you 💕
Nonnie, thank you so much for your kind words. That AU is one that I spent a lot of time mulling over and debating whether to write it or not. But given the fact that it means a lot to you, it was most definitely worth it. There is actually another topic that has been on my mind a fair amount that is as heavy as that AU, which is what happens when a suicide attempt doesn't succeed. Hopefully you won't mind if I write that as a little thank you for your lovely ask.
CW: Suicide attempt (overdose of Witcher potions)
Love wasn't meant to be part of a Witcher's life. That was what Eskel had always been taught and he accepted it as his lot in life. When he was younger, he had raged against it, tried to defy the truth. He attended parties, wooed and seduced wherever he went. Love never stuck but at least his lust was sated. Then Deidre happened and Eskel had a new reality to get used to, one where he was seen as monstrous, hideous and repulsive. Those were just Lambert's teasing words, trying to exaggerate and poke fun at the situation. Not that it helped. Suddenly, Eskel could only attend masquerade balls where his face was hidden from view for fear of upsetting humans. It was either that or finding hungry and desperate succubi who valued his Witcher enhanced attribute more than his visage. It didn't stop Lambert from cracking jokes.
"You don't have a succubi problem, you just have a succuebae. Get it? Before anyone else!"
It was easy for Lambert to say, brothels still took his coin if he wanted it. Though, by the sounds of stories, he didn't need to frequent such places, not when he had a Cat Witcher travelling with him and eager to share all aspects of the Path, not just the pay for contracts. Still, Eskel couldn't begrudge Lambert, he'd always had a shit lot in life. If he could buck the rule about love, good for him, he deserved that slice of happiness.
Then Geralt had to go and find himself a bard who was devoted to him. Eskel could smell the pining on Geralt over winters and then love when Jaskier finally spent the winter with them. That was fine too. Much like Lambert, Geralt also deserved someone to love and share his life with. Even multiple someones when Yennefer arrived and had no need of a room of her own.
It was fine. Eskel could be happy for them. He wasn't jealous, didn't feel like he'd been cheated out of anything. Those were thoughts he turned away from every night when he pulled his covers tight around him and pretended he didn't wish it was the warm embrace of a lover, probably much like the other two had.
Things got worse when Eskel started getting left out of things. There were games that the happy couples played in the evenings, something about how well they knew each other. It was raucous and fun by the sounds of it. Eskel stayed in the kitchen, cleaning because it wasn't a game he could play. The double dates looked fun, going out on rides. Once Yennefer even opened up a portal for them to spend a night away for some romantic getaway. The bard about Eskel bringing Lil Bleater had stung more than he cared to admit. Slowly, Eskel was forgotten. Vesemir had his books, was content with those and the letters he seemed to send. If Eskel was lucky, he'd end up like him. But Eskel didn't want to become Vesemir in his old age. Not even Vesemir really, not when Eskel didn't even have friends to exchange letters with.
The bleakness of it ate away at Eskel for years. Each time he returned to Kaer Morhen without a travelling companion, without someone to write to, he felt like a failure. To the point that he tried drinking, tried fisstech, anything to forget, even if just for a little while. Nothing worked though, every time reality caught up with him. There was only one solution he could see, one where there was no tomorrow to wake up to. It wasn't a rash decision, Eskel didn't immediately act on those thoughts. But his mind was made up and with that came a sense of relief. He had a few things to get in order, to figure out but there was now an end in sight, a way out and on his own terms.
One last winter he made the trek to Kaer Morhen. He had a tidy pack of coins, some truly excellent Gwent cards and a large stash of potions he had brewed up. All in all, he looked like he had a good year on the Path. Nobody needed to know that all his external riches were a façade for the poverty of his heart.
His plan was a simple one. It wasn't like a Witcher left a will or anything like that, his measly belongings got scavenged when he didn't return from a contract. That wasn't what Eskel wanted, he was going to make sure all his belongings were going to go to the person he wanted them to end up with. Which was why he started with Gwent. He played Geralt and, slowly but surely, lost all his best cards. Eskel prided himself in how he could play so well that they others believed he was having a bad run. Couple it with drinking some of Lambert's brew, it was an uproarious night full of laughter, friendly slaps to his back and loudly declared sympathy for his poor, alcohol addled brain.
Once the good Gwent cards were gone, Eskel switched out, claiming he needed someone lesser to play because Geralt was just too good. As predicted, Lambert took great offence at being called a worse player and shoved Geralt out the way. Eskel bet money, a nice pair of gloves and, in an almost unheard of turn, Scorpion.
"I needed to leave you with things to barter with for the rest of winter," he told Lambert with a smile. "Because I'll be winning it all back in the coming weeks, with interest on top."
The laughter that went up at that was nice. Eskel was satisfied all the worthwhile things in his possession had found good homes. Vesemir had already taken the spices and seeds he had returned with, along with the small mountain of foods that would keep them well fed over winter. What Eskel didn't expect was the hugs and pats to his back as they got ready to get to bed.
"It was nice to see you smiling and laughing again," Jaskier commented.
"This was like the old days," Lambert agreed, rubbing his knuckles over the top of Eskel's head viciously.
Aiden clasped his shoulder and gave it a squeeze with a smile. "Good to have you back."
It wasn't like Eskel had ever left, he had been there all those years, it was the others who didn't want him. It didn't matter now though. They'd had one final night together, it all went well. Eskel waved goodbye to them all, heart heavy but also light. He couldn't have asked for a better final evening.
Back at his room, he sat down on his bed and looked around. There wasn't much left. The furs and throws were all down in the communal areas, he'd migrated those down over the last couple of weeks. His armour wouldn't fit anyone and it wasn't suitable for reworking for the others. It would be the perfect thing to wear to his funeral pyre so he pulled it on one last time, taking a deep breath as the familiar scent of worn leather enveloped him. All the potions he'd brought back with him were lined up on his bedside table. He knew what he was doing. The others would understand, maybe even take it as the gift he meant it to be. He wouldn't be the odd one out anymore, the loner who brought the group down by hanging onto their coattails. They could have their double dates, their romantic getaways without having to worry about him or feeling guilty for leaving him behind.
The first potion was Cat, he downed it, feeling the world shift into larger clarity in the darkness of his room. It didn't sit heavy in his stomach, three potions were fine to take, four was when the toxicity began to affect him. Though Eskel was a large man, he could probably deal with about six potions before he became ill. It was why he had fifteen little bottles lined up, one worse than the other in terms of toxicity. Next, a Maribor Forest slid down his throat, followed by a Lapwing. They were all conflicting potions, making his body shake. Brock tasted foul but it was still better than Rook which made Eskel's heart pound. Taking a break, Eskel settled back on his bed, head spinning. He could feel his whole body shaking with unspent energy the potions teased out of him. It felt horrible, his stomach roiled. Without his attention on some creature and the fight for his life, Eskel couldn't help but focus on the way his joints seemed to itch, his muscles tingling.
Five potions weren't going to be enough. Reaching for another bottle, Eskel knocked back two Thunderbolts in a row. He gagged but pushed on, head swimming. Virga at least tasted a little better. It was wiped out by the Nekker Warrior Decoction. The world was fuzzy, Eskel whimpered a little as his muscles seized and cramped and his stomach ached. He'd rarely taken enough potions to even flirt with the edges of toxicity, to deliberately do it was agony. This wasn't how he'd expected it to go, he thought he'd take them, lie back and go to sleep. Pain was not part of the deal but he would shoulder it, this was his choice. A couple of the empty bottles clattered to the ground as he reached for the next one. Most of the Black Blood went down his chin as he spluttered. Leaning against the headboard, he closed his eyes, willing the wooziness to go.
Maybe to took more potions, maybe they were dreams, he didn't know. What Eskel did know was that he woke up in his bed, the sun shining bright in the sky. Head pounding and stomach churning, he could smell stale vomit in the air. Rolling onto his side, he threw up over the edge of his bed. Breathing shaky, Eskel coughed miserably and spat to clear the bitter taste from his mouth. Judging by the state of his floor, it wasn't the first time he had thrown up but it was definitely the only one he could remember. Flopping back onto the bed, Eskel covered his face with his palms and choked back on a howl of frustration. He couldn't even kill himself properly.
The problem was, Eskel had no plans for what to do if he failed. He'd been so certain that he would go to sleep and never wake up again. At a loss, he fell back onto habits and routine. He was already dressed in his armour which was acceptable clothing to go downstairs for breakfast. Nothing heavy, he couldn't face the idea of eating anything. But a drink of water would do him good. Stumbling into the kitchen, he grunted a greeting at the others who seemed to be having lunch. Of course they didn't notice he hadn't gotten up for breakfast. Either that or they just didn't care.
"You're dressed ready for war," Lambert joked but the smile on his face froze when Eskel looked at him. "Woah. You look like shit."
Geralt was out of his seat and grabbing Eskel by the chin, giving him a close inspection and a less than subtle sniff. Whatever he detected had him tensing up and glancing to Lambert who looked alarmed too.
"Let's get a bit of food in you," Geralt rumbled and guided Eskel to the table where Aiden's face turned stricken. Even Jaskier and Yennefer looked solemn, their usual rivalry nowhere to be seen. In fact, everyone seemed intent of giving Eskel the attention he didn't crave.
From the doorway, Lambert called, "Geralt" and stepped back. But the clink of bottles in his hand and the hushed, hurried conversation gave away the fact Eskel's dirty secret had been found out.
"I'll go clean the room but he's not going back there. Not alone," Lambert growled. The others around the table didn't even bother pretending they weren't listening in.
Vesemir's footsteps approached and Eskel wished fervently that the potions had done the job. Especially as he listened to the conversation.
"What's going on here?"
"It's Eskel he-" the clink of bottles followed again, Lambert no doubt showing Vesemir the evidence of Eskel's shame.
"I see." Vesemir rumbled softly and walked into the kitchen. He sat down next to Eskel, not saying a word. However, he squeezed his shoulder and swapped out the tankard of water for a warm tea, adding a dash of honey to it. "Geralt, get a Golden Oriole from the cupboard."
Eskel could only watch as it was added to his tea, heart sinking. Nobody said anything. Not even when Lambert returned, looking a little green in the face. He sat down, squirming in the silence.
"Are we not going to say anything about it?" He asked in the end. "We can't just pretend it never happened."
"We won't," Vesemir replied, voice warm but also full of warning. "But there's a time and place for everything. Right now, our priority is the physical. The Golden Oriole will help. Then Eskel will go and have a lie down in front of the fire to sleep and let his body heal."
It was so much easier to follow Vesemir's instructions than have to think for himself. Eskel hadn't thought he'd see the sun again, hadn't thought he'd have to worry about things like daily chores and ways to spend the long hours of a day. At some point he must have finished his tea because the mug was empty but Eskel didn't remember it. He was ushered towards the pile of furs and throws from his room and he sank into them, exhausted already. He was only half awake as he heard the conversation around him while a throw was carefully draped over him.
"How could he do this?" Geralt hissed, sounding angry for the first time. "Why would he do this to us?"
"I'm sure we'll find out." The reply from Vesemir was soft and calm. "But what we need to focus on is helping him realise it was a good thing he didn't succeed."
"What if he tries again?"
"We have to hope he doesn't. He won't be alone for the next few weeks, we'll take turns keeping him company. And hope that we can do enough to make him want to stay." Vesemir was oddly calm and resigned. "I've seen others do this before. We can only hope to counter the darkness that has befallen his mind."
Lambert joined the quiet conversation. "But he seemed so happy last night. In fact, he's been the most at peace in years. I thought he was getting better."
Even half asleep, Eskel could understand the words, appreciate the thoughts behind them. But he didn't know if the plan would work. He doubted the others would understand or would be able to do anything to help him. After all, they still had their partners, lovers and each other. All Eskel knew for certain was that if he tried again, he'd do something with an assured outcome. He just hoped the others would understand.
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slygirl666 · 3 years
call me your love
chapter 1
master list
warnings: none 
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When you and Ginny reached the carriage Fred was soothing the horses attached to it. When he opened the door motioning for you to go up the two steps. When Ginny walked up he teasingly bowed to her, an action that earned quite laughter from you and a smack on the chest from Ginny.
The short ride to the town was filled with Ginny animatedly telling you all about the town. The second the carriage stopped she jumped out the door, when you got off you noticed Fred tying the horses. Ginny linked your arms leading you to mrs. Kranders.
The young woman currently working took measurements trying to find things that fit you properly.
Ginny looked through the things already made finding a simple powder blue dress that from the looks of it would go just below her knees. It was pretty,but it looked rather large for her small frame.
“Ma’am,” you looked at the woman currently measuring her. “Can you find my friend a better fitting dress?”
“Yes miss,” she nodded.
When you had three dresses, all a thin cotton with full skirts that reached past her knees. Ginny was surprised when the woman called for her to replace you. You watched as Ginny squirmed under the touch of the woman.  
When she had finished Ginny had a dress in the same powder blue with a better fit. Ginny counted the coin out of the pouch Sirius had handed her before. The two girls walked out with the dresses in separate boxes.
Fred was across the street talking to a woman that looked to be around his age, she was beautiful with glowing chocolate skin and dark hair tied back neatly, her collared shirt and long skirt made her look refined.
“Freddie,” Ginny called as they walked across the street. The young woman gave him a smile as she walked off. “Angelina?”
He nodded looking slightly flushed.
“She fancies the twins,” Ginny winked to you. She quickly turned her attention back to her brother. “Show Y/N around, will you? I have to pick up things for mum.”
“Of course,” he nodded to Ginny who was already bounding off. He motioned for you to walk with him. “Miss Lestrange, is there anything you’d like to see?”
“Can we just walk?” he nodded, leading her around the people selling things,she found a man selling strands of hair ribbon. “I'm going to buy something.”
Fred nodded watching you go up to the man, you got three ribbons matching your own dresses and a lovely blue one that you knew would suit Ginny.
“Did you really need four miss Lestrange,” Fred smirked. You couldn’t help but smile at the teasing tone he had.
“No I needed three,” you looked down a bit bashfully. “The other is a gift for Ginny.”
“You didn’t have to do that miss.”
“I wanted to, I truly meant it when I said I want to be friends with her.” you met his gentle hazle gaze, held warmth and surprise.
“I’m  sure she’ll love it.” the two of you continued to walk.
The two of you passed a book shop, in the small window you saw a girl reading a book. “Fred, what's this place?”
“It's the Granger’s book shop,” He nodded looking into the window before tapping on it. The girl looked up from her book smiling. She put the book down and came out the door.
“Hello Fred, Ginivera just stopped by,” she smiled. Then turned to you, “she said you had a new member in the house. I'm Hermione Granger, miss.”
“Y/N Lestrange,” you smiled at her. “If you don’t mind me asking what are you reading?”
“A book on healing, It can come in handy around here.” she smiled at you.
“Hemione is the smartest girl around,” Fred smirked, that sparked your interest.
“Do you tutor?” she looked genuinely surprised. “I was never educated past basic reading. My cousin is trying to find me a tuto-”
“That would be great,” hermione smiled brilliantly.
“I’ll have my cousin write to you then.”
“Thank you miss Lestrange.” she excitedly ran back into the shop.
“You miss Lestrange are full of surprises.” Fred gave you a smirk.
“I’d rather not be predictable Fredrick.” You continued to walk.
* * *
You quickly learned that sundays were rather lazy at Grimmauld manor, you and Ginny sat on a quilt eating a light lunch in their new dresses. Ginny used the ribbon you gifted her to tie off a loose braid over her shoulder, you were right the brighter blue set off her red hair and the light dress perfectly.
Fred and George walked up to you two, Fred sat across from you, George right next to him, he took a piece of fruit off your plate before giving you a wink.
“You ladies fancy a ride?” Fred asked.
“Who's going?” Ginny spoke up.
“Ron is.” Fred grabbed another piece of your food before adding, “so is Harry.”
You noticed how the girl's cheeks went pink at the mention of his name. “Y/N can we go?”
“Why not?” you turned to her.
“Let me pack up boys.” Ginny jumped up, “can we go to the pond?”
There were two identical nods, Ginny walked back to the house excitedly.
Fred offered a hand to help you up, You took it. The feeling of his hand in yours was new and pleasant. “Would you like to come with me to prepare the horses, miss Lestrange?”
George looked to his brother clearly puzzled, “Freddie, Miss Lestrange you don't have to-”
“No I would like to,” you smiled at the boys. “I love horses and haven’t gotten to see them since my arrival.”
Fred moved ahead faster leaving George to walk slower allowing you to follow. You noticed George's silence, he was almost hesitant to talk to you unlike all the other Weasley children.
When you reach the stables Fred is waiting for the two of you,  he almost seems to be vibrating in his place.
“Common pick a horse,” Fred moved to show you the different horses of different colors. Your eyes settled on a solid black one, “thats Bella.”
He put his hand out for your and brought it to her nose, guiding you to pet her gently. “Should I get her ready for you?”
You wanted to nod but you never rode a horse on your own.
You watched as George called Fred to the side and they whispered. You continued patting Bella. Mesmerized by the velvety feeling of her skin.
You had always liked looking at horses and when your mother was away your father would let you ride with him, but that had been years ago.
Fred walked back to you, “Miss Lestrange, we can take it slower than the rest.”
He started getting the stuff ready to dress the horse, George had already prepared two already. You sat back watching them work, eyes lingering longer on Fred.
“Y/N?” Ginny, Harry and Ron were beside you. Harry had a smirk on his face as though he knew where your mind was. “Who am I riding with?”
“Me,” George called. He spotted the basket in her arms, “what did you bring?”
“That's a surprise dear brother.” Ginny went to pet their horse.
“Pretty aren’t they?” Harry said in a hushed voice.
“Who?” playing coy may be the only thing that could get you through the idea that harry knew what you were thinking about.
“The Weasleys,” He smirked. “Fiery creatures, with hair to match. Be careful Y/N one can take your heart easily.”
You followed Harry’s gaze to Ginny, “do you speak from experience?”
He chuckled, “I shouldn't say.”
“We’re ready to go,” Ronald Weasley called out to you both. Harry jumped onto the horse with ease.
You reapproached Fred who waved you over. “You jump up and I will help you, okay?”
You nodded turning to the horse, you felt fred behind you, towering over you. You jumped with ease Freds hands finding your waist for a moment as he used his strength to lift you up onto the horse. You moved a leg to the other side once you got up.
Fred guided you and Bella out to the others, he joined you on his own horse. “You lot go ahead, Miss and i will go a bit slower.”
Ron smiled, “race you.” before he shot off followed by Harry and the Weasleys.
Fred taught you how to get the horses to move,  the trail was clear and not too long filled with comforting jokes from Fred. Soon you saw the other hoses tied up on a broken fence. He got down tying his horse before going to help you off.
As you slowly slid off the horse, Fred’s hand found your waist once again. This time holding you facing him. You two were close, his eyes locked on yours as your face passed his.
The moment left you winding what the locks of flaming hair would feel like between your fingers.
You shook the thought, “We should get to the others.”
He nodded leading you to a path too small for the horses, “it's a short walk to the pond.”
It was a bit of a hike to a beautiful plane, there were patches of daisies and a deep emerald pond.
Harry was helping Ginny set out the blanket the two of you sat on earlier while Ron and George were taking off their shoes and socks. You and Fred looked at each other before running to Ginny and Harry.
“Take you stockings off,” Ginny moved to remove her own. You must have looked shocked because she laughed. “You can go into the pond with them if you’d like, it's not very comfortable though.”
“Right,” you sat and began undoing the ribbon that held her stockings up. Taking off your shoes and rolling them down off your legs. Ginny hopped up from her place motioning for you to do the same.
She took your hand before turning to the boys, “don’t touch my basket, it's for later.”
She pulled you to the pond where Ron and George were already splashing around, their shirts, socks and shoes discarded on the grass.
You walked into the water shocked at the cold, Ginny was already swimming around, though it was so shallow it wasn't necessary until you reached a certain point.
Everyone was in the water the six of you splashed and played. You watched as everyone went further into the pond.
“Not coming out, miss Lestrange?” Fred was next to you.
“I’m not too confident in my ability to be out so far into the water.”  Y/N laughed.
The boy moved so he would be on his back, for a brief moment you saw the muscle on his chest. You looked away, “Float with me then?”
“Do you know how to?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Then just Float.”
You moved onto your back, arms out you closed your eyes. You felt a lightness in your chest you hadn’t felt in years.
* * *
You had gotten tired of the water rather quickly, something about it drained your energy. You had gone and collected a large amount of daisies, finding a clear lush green spot on the grass you sat weaving them together.
Ginny and Ron sat next to you watching curiously, “I always tried to do that as a child but could not, how do you do that?”
You laughed showing them each how to weave them together into a simple crown. you put yours on Ginny’s head, she put hers on yours, and ron decided upon wearing his own.
“I feel quite pretty,” he laughed, adjusting it.
“I say it's time to open the basket, yes?”
“Yes, please Gin,” Ron groaned. “I’m starving.”
“Then go get the others.” you continued weaving more of them together as Ginny set out biscuits, fruit and cups.
“Y/N, common you can bring your flowers,” she waved you over. You saw the boys walking over as you sat down.
Everyone sat around the blanket to eat, Ginny pulled out a bottle of wine. “Figured we may enjoy this.”
George grabbed the bottle bringing it to his lips before offering it around. You watched as they all had a swing, the bottle went to Fred last who gulped some down before motioning it towards you.
“Oh no, I don’t drink wine,” you smiled politely. “Thank you though.”
“Common miss Lestrange,” his hazel eyes laughed even when his mouth wouldn’t. “A sip only?”
You hesitated and took the bottle, your fingers grazed his and he winked. You brought the bottle up to your lips wincing slightly at the taste of bitterness as it hit your tongue.
“Now was that so bad?” Harry laughed at your sour face.
“It was the absolute worst,” you glared at the laughing faces of the Weasleys, handing them it off before focusing on your flowers.
You do not know how long you all spent there; it could have been the whole day or only two hours. But before you knew it you were back at the manor.
Molly greeted you, Ginny and Harry. She told you to go to the sun room, Sirius had a visitor he would like you to meet.
You walked over with Ginny hesitantly. Inside with Sirius was two women, one much younger than the other. Both had dark brown hair, though the older’s was streaked with grey.
“Ah, Y/N,” Sirius stood up, signaling for you to sit next to him. You did look at the two women sipping tea across from you.
“Hello Y/N,” the younger woman spoke. “We usually come on mondays, but I couldn’t wait to meet you.”
“Sorry about Dora, dear,” the older woman smiled warmly. “Im Andromeda Tonks, your mother was my sister.”
“Mother told me about you,” You held your tongue.
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musicallisto · 3 years
Congrats on 800! Can I please get a a vanilla milkshake for a male ro from the wayhaven chronicles?
I'm an infp and my enneagram is 4w3 (how would you rate being a 4w3?) My hogwarts house is ravenclaw and I'm a Taurus. Im 5'9 and I have long wavy black hair and brown eyes.
It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do I get really talkative and outgoing. I love reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and poetry. I also enjoy psychology, history and fashion. I adore adventures, witty banter, joking around and having discussions on different topics
I'd consider myself kind, empathic and smart. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and. I also love learning about new things and I've always got excellent grades without really trying. I can be quite dramatic and stubborn and I tend to be withdrawn at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm quietly competitive. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic and I love being in love. I also have a way with words and I can talk my way out of any sticky situation!
Thank you very much, congrats once again! And I'm glad you finally did the accent challenge! The birds squawking in the distance added a very nice touch. Have a great day 🥰
thank you so much for your kind words (esp. about the accent challenge, I didn’t even realize you could hear the birds so much but I’m happy you enjoyed it)! I’m a 4w3 too, so I hope I understand your personality well - though from what you’ve described, we sound pretty similar in character! I must say that I think you and adam du mortain would make quite the nice pair...
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Your first time meeting Unit Bravo is, thanks to Felix and Nate’s best efforts to put you at ease and start an agreeable companionship between all of you, pretty memorable. They are nothing but kind and welcoming from the very beginning... even Mason, in his so peculiar way.
But your relationship with Adam is a little less... warm; which is not to say that you don’t get along, but you are merely cordial to one another.
Truth to be told, you are a little bit intimidated by the vampire, by his ice-green gaze and his commanding silhouette, as though he were a stoic and impenetrable Army major... and with nine hundred years of life and war under his belt to boot.
Heavens, his eyes... were they always so bright and icy, or is it another of his vampire characteristics? And is it still only respect that you feel towards him?
The others, especially Felix, tease the both of you a lot about that so-called “tension” between the two of you. Tension that you categorically refuse to acknowledge, because it’s not real, and Felix is making things up, and there’s nothing weird or unsolved between Adam and you. Right?
But it’s true that you make one hell of a team when you’re partnered up together for rounds and nightly patrols in Wayhaven, or when you have to take on a mission for the Agency near the town. It seems as if you could understand each other perfectly, without the need for arguments or conflict...
Though Adam truly appreciates how well you express yourself. Your skill with words and negociation abilities have gotten you out of tricky situations before, and you always seem to rub people the right way, even when they’re a full pack or werewolves or other ungodly creatures.
And your eloquence reminds him of home, in a sense, or at least of all the times he’s traversed in his long, long life. It’s like you’ve always been there, by his side, even five hundred years before, murmuring exactly what he needed to hear in the crook of his neck.
Inevitably, after spending more and more time with each other on missions, he starts to let his skyhigh walls down as you progressively warm up to him.
A pretty important bonding factor is reading, because I imagine Adam is an avid reader, and he’s devoured books from all the time periods he’s lived through. Particularly classics and historical fiction, which give him a semblance of beloging to the worlds he left behind. So when he learns that you are a bookworm as well, he feels like the connection between you two has deepend. He’ll recommend you his favorite books and even tell you about the times he met some illustrious authors in the past.
It’s still the slowest of slow burns to actually give in to temptation and get in a relationship with him (I mean, this is Adam we’re talking about), but the sheer love you feel when you’re with him makes every second of the agony worth it.
He totally understands your need to be withdrawn every now and then - he feels that too, very often, and he needs some time alone in nature or surrounded by his work to recharge. He’ll totally give you whatever space you need, and always be here to give you a shoulder to lean on, or cry on should you need it, when things get rough.
He also appreciates your hopeless romantic side - contrary to what you might think, he is, in a way, kind of like that as well. Not that he’s one to make grand romantic gestures to express his affection, but he truly feels and recognizes the love and anguish he feels very viscerally, like a Shakespearian hero. But you’re here to help him externalize it all; even when he doesn’t find the words, or he’s afraid you might think it’s stupid of him to feel the way he does, you encourage him to ramble and get it all out of his system before he explodes.
He’s a bit clumsy on his feet, but if you want to share a dance, he’ll give in just for you. He’s seen countless waltzes and balls in his life, from the most powerful European courts to simple village festivities in his Medieval hometown, but nothing comes close to the peace and joy he feels when he holds you in his arms and tries his best to not step on your feet.
You’re all in all an absolute power couple, both when you’re fighting demons and just being domestic and fluffy together.
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800 follower sleepover
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kittyspotatoes · 4 years
Bitch you already know why I'm here I need those love headcannons and I need them now (Jk whenever you want and only if you want to ofc, Take your time ily) for any of your ocs!
LMAAOO bitch ilysm 😂😂😂 Since you’re the only one who asked as of yet, I’ll make this very special for you XD Let’s do the ESO Vestiges Kahliir and Jhinn but with homo 😂😂😂 sjkhjkdsjkhkj this is so sinful
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When they discover they’re got a crush:
Kahl is hella awkward and fumbles a lot when she realizes her attachment to Jhinn is blooming into something more than friendship. She still tries to keep it casual and joke around but occasionally, she’ll just get flustered—literally ‘brain.exe has stopped working’. She’ll magically grow even more emptyheaded when he greets her around their house. Oh shit, They. Live. Together.
Jhinn questions his feelings a lot around them but is more comfortable and playful afterwards. He might be more physically distant but will keep engaging them in conversations :3
How they confess/hint:
Kahliir would rather confront it before it got too big to handle and she chickens out forever. And while fretting on how to subtly say it, she’s already making something extra special for their dinner (Kahliir the romantic lmao)
For all Jhinn’s casual and carefree vibe, he’d be too blank to say anything so he’ll just slip a letter on Kahl’s books and roll with whatever happens. It’s just a confession anyway, if Kahl turns him down, he’s sure it won’t destroy their friendship! XD
Big gestures of love:
Showing vulnerability and willingly letting her guard down definitely is something big for Kahliir, seeing as she’s so used to putting on a tough front.
Jhinn stepping up his aggression, dropping everything even their research to aid Kahliir? Somebody’s asking for a storm to rain down on them!
Little gestures of love:
Local blood witch is good at cooking, surprising I know, and so Kahl will seize every opportunity to cook her partner’s fav foods!
The chrono mage likes to participate on Kahliir’s study sessions! Jhinn gets to play with alchemy and tutor his crush at the same time? Why not?
How to win their heart:
A constant ally, a partner in time, simple things like keeping them in a right path and proving to them that they’re not alone. Works for both of them really.
How to break their heart:
Refusing to explain things, especially when it comes to life and death situations. Both may act on impulse but without transparency between them, they cannot understand each other when one of them suddenly makes a decision. u_u
Tiny little turn-ons:
Kahliir would find Jhinn’s cheerfulness and passion both endearing and inspiring.
Jhinn on the other hand keeps admiring Kahliir on her more quiet moments. Like when she’s studying or doing alchemy or meditating, it’s one of the few moments where the redhead is showing a side he knows he might be the only one seeing.
Big turn-ons:
Hands down, they both love it when the other’s owning the battlefield (lmao go get em tiger!)
Things that make their heart flutter:
Kahliir straight up gets starry eyed when Jhinn plays an instrument *_*
Jhinn gets a bit too jumpy when Kahl’s surprising him with a homemade sweet!
Ideal date:
Forests of Auridon or the Rift, of course. Somewhere with serene foresty vibes, A peaceful stroll or place to picnic at in the woods mostly ♥
‘Goals’ in a relationship (marriage, kids, a house, etc):
They’d have a really loving family together. Oh, what am I saying, they already are even without all of these ♥♥♥
Any other love headcanons:
They share bedrolls on adventures! (Not very touchy but they’re so comfortable with each other), they huddle close on cold weathers, share warming magic together, and stick to each other out on adventures like a pair of geese. Most likely gonna cause trouble like those creatures. ♥♥♥
Thank you for asking, I’m blushing and crying ghghgksfjgkj(♥→o←♥)
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