#I'm at a register for the next 7 hours
So Maine can get shot in the throat 9 times, hit by a car, and thrown off a bridge and all he gets is not being able to talk (and sigma), but wash gets shot once in the throat and suddenly there's real consequences??
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lixie-phoria · 6 months
[ 3.0 oh... ] BETTER THAN REVENGE !
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57 messages. 35 calls.
57 unread messages. 35 unanswered calls.
yeonjun. your boyfriend. who's in the field in front of you, who's been with you for four years, who's seen your best and worst times, who's always been there for you, who's been ghosting you for an entire week.
7 long days and no contact from him had pushed you to your breaking point. if he wasn't going to speak with you, you would force him to. you're only waiting for half time to roll around because you know you can't wait for the entire match to make your presence known.
it feels strange, sitting there, the game unfolding before your eyes but you're not paying attention. the cheers and shouts are white noise as you get lost in what you're going to say to yeonjun. a small part of you is terrified of the explanation you're going to hear. terrified also because you knew if he lost, you will be on the receiving end of his anger.
your nerves are going haywire because you could see the timer for half time ticking frustratingly fast, every second bringing you closer to the moment you weren't sure you wanted to witness yourself.
when the whistle finally blows and the players step off the field, everyone around you gets up, the noise multiplying as they head out for the break. it's a flurry of movement, and you know you're supposed to be stepping down, but it's difficult when your breath is coming out in short puffs and you can see him right there, gulping down water as his eyes remain trained on someone blocked by the crowd.
probably his coach?
and then you see her.
hair tied up, a bright section of pink standing out against her black locks, and a sickly sweet smile twisting against her lips.
you don't realize what's happening until you see her lean down and peck him on the lips, giggling as he pulls her closer.
hwang yeji.
campus celebrity, part-time model, yeonjun's childhood friend hwang yeji. and she's wearing his jersey, kissing his lips, tangling her fingers in his hair.
you see red as your 'boyfriend' shoves his tongue down someone else's throat and it's sickening. you nearly throw up.
and it appears as though hyunjin sees it at the same time too, because from your periphery you can see him drop his bottle, mouth open in shock as his eyes immediately search for you in the crowd.
you must not have been a pretty sight, because his features immediately twist into a scowl as realization dawns on hims too.
so this is why he's been acting strange.
you don't register what happens after that. you're slumped in your seat, heart racing a hundred miles an hour. you don't even know if you're crying or not. everything feels numb.
you notice when the game resumes and hyunjin playing absolutely dirty. even from a distance you can tell he's livid as he nearly takes down HYBE's defense single handed. you don't think you have ever seen him this angry before, playing as though it was a game of life and death, and when the whistle blows, it's your university that wins, not HYBE.
but your best friend doesn't bother celebrating. he's running out to catch up with you as you hastily let your feet carry you out of the campus.
you can't meet his eyes as he stops you at the entrance. guilt gnaws at your insides. he tried to warn you. he tried to stop you. you should have listened to him. you should not have snapped at him.
"i'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, angel. It's not your fault."
he insists on driving back with you, comforting you to the best he can.
it still feels numb, although the ice is slowing thawing. you can feel the sharp pain of hurt and disbelief working its poison on your system.
"It's just, I can't believe he cheated."
"he's an asshole. i can't believe it either." he envelopes your hands in his warm ones as the taxi drives through the busy streets of Seoul.
yeonjun. your boyfriend. who's been with you for four years, who's seen your best and worst times, who's always been there for you, who's been ghosting you for an entire week. who's been cheating on you for probably more than just this past week.
the reality sinks in.
"I'm going to get back at him for this."
You choose to ignore the surprise in hyunjin's voice as you nod.
"Yeah. He wasted four years of my life, jinnie. He's not going to get away with that."
"But how?"
You hadn't thought that far, but you were determined you would.
Choi Yeonjun had chosen to mess with the wrong person, and you would make his regret it. after all, there was nothing you did better than revenge.
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©lixie-phoria, 2023
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poppadom0912 · 10 days
Is it too late?
Warnings: Mentions of periods, hospitals, surgery, pain and illness
Summary: When your older brother is a fancy surgeon, being sick is the last thing you want.  
Requested by @1chicago5021
A/N: I'm still alive people. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and thought I'd finally get all these requests done before the next round of exams. I am in a lesson right now so I can’t do the usual aesthetic collage I always do. This was sent quite a while ago but I actually had so much fun writing this so thank you! I hope this lives up to your standards <3
Two weeks ago now, your body randomly started not working the way you wanted it to, but you put all the blame on your period whose cramps hadn't been very forthcoming.
The painkillers were a coming in at a constant stream, hot water bottles never having the chance to go room temperature.
Your never-ending migraines and 24/7 cramps were a constant, so you expected to feel relief once you were back to normal. But that never came because this week started and somehow, you felt even worse.
When you woke up this morning to your throat feeling weird, you knew something was wrong when you drank water and the feeling didn’t go away.  
Despite that, you went to school anyways, bidding your brother goodbye when he dropped you off, completely unaware of your wellbeing. But you couldn’t blame the guy, he was stressed enough over work as it is, you didn’t need to add to his already overflowing workload.  
You only felt worse as the day progressed. It was only spring, nearing summer, but your body temperature wouldn’t stop fluctuating. One minute you were shivering and asking to borrow your friend's hoodie but the next you were sweating like you had just finished a marathon and was trying to get rid of as many layers as possible.  
The cramps were immense. The worst you ever had and to consider you just got off your period, you weren’t a stranger to post period cramps, but this was on another level. You hadn’t been in this much pain ever even while on your reds. None of the pain killers your friends kindly provided for you alleviated the pain. Death would feel ever so sweet right about now.  
You knew you were seriously sick when you were on the verge of collapsing at lunch. Your friends all shouted in alarm when you faltered on your feet in the cafeteria. You ignored their efforts and attempts to get you to the nurse's office. There wasn’t long left of the school day, there wasn’t any point in leaving with barely two hours left.  
As soon as you got home, you fell face first into bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow and you pulled the covers over your body with however much strength remained in your arms that got heavier as the day went on.  
You were in a deep sleep, so deep in fact that your dreams were non-existent. You weren’t too sure what time it was, but you felt someone shaking you, going from gentle to a hand tightly holding your shoulder, a muffled voice inaudible as you came in and out of your slumber.  
Their gestures were painful, but you didn’t have it in you to tell the intruder as you struggled to even muster a groan. Your eyes fluttered, face digging even deeper into the pillow as if to suffocate yourself. That was all the indication the person needed to shake you harder, adamant to wake you up.  
With a blocked nose, breathing out through your mouth proved itself to be a much more difficult task than it should’ve been. And stuffing your face into your pillow might not have been the best idea taking that into consideration.
Their voice sounded way too far away, as though they weren’t in the room with you. One second they were roughly holding you, the next, all pressure ceased but the pain didn’t.
Before you could even register what they were doing now, your eyes heavy with sleep dropped once more as you were enveloped into darkness again.
Over the past two weeks, Connor had noticed your depleting energy but when the mood swings came along with your hot water bottles, he didn’t think any much more of the matter.
But then you showed no signs of improvements and at first, he could hardly notice. You hid it quite well at first but as the week progressed, it was apparent to him you were getting sick, and you were too stubborn to admit that to your surgeon brother.
Nonetheless, things didn’t look too bad that staying home was necessary. You were managing quite well, going to school the entire week without complaints, so he found no reason to intervene into something he knew would end up in an argument that would result in you holding a grudge and not talking to him for a few days.
He dropped you off and drove to work expecting nothing. You smiled at him when you left the car, and nothing seemed physically wrong when you picked up the pace to meet your friends.
His twelve-hour shift seemed to never end. When he had a moment to himself, he messaged you as he waited for his coffee, staring at his message that sat alone with no replies for hours. School has finished, you were sure to be home now, so why weren’t you answering?
He didn’t think much of it till he was meant to go home at twelve. He was all ready standing at his locker but then Maggie called his name and he saw several ambulances piling up outside.
As amazing as he was, his attention couldn’t be in two places at once and unfortunately for you, car crashes had more significance in this situation. But as soon as this was all over, you’d be his number one priority once more.
It was all over six hours later when he came out of the second surgery he had to take lead in.
Stepping out of the surgery theatre, he thanked all his co-workers and was dashing away to collect his things, not wanting to be here any longer. Having time to finally check his phone again, his concern skyrocketed when you still hadn’t replied to his messages.
Waving off the few staff remaining in the emergency department, Connor wasted no time in driving off. His adrenaline had yet to die down from the rush of a packed-out emergency room and doing several successful surgeries. Adding to this was his building concern for you. Maybe you were just sleeping, and your phone was on charge. Maybe it was on silent, and you didn’t hear anything. Maybe it was stolen, and you couldn’t contact him-
Connor sighed as he parked the car. Wasting no time, his body still thrumming from the surgery high, he walked into the building and took the stairs instead, taking large strides as he skipped every two.
The house was drop dead silent when he opened the door which you hadn’t locked from the inside like you usually would. That and the completely pitch-black apartment was the first things that put him on edge.
He locked the door behind him, walking in further and inspecting the living room and kitchen that didn’t look lived in. Everything was in its same place as he left it in this morning. Closing the blinds in the living room, he walked towards your bedroom, your door slightly ajar which had never been the case since you started living with him. You always shouted at him whenever he left the door even a slither open, you always needed complete darkness to sleep. The tiniest bit of light always hindering your sleeping ability.
Pushing the door open, Connor poked his head inside first to survey the room. He finally let himself relax at the sight of you lying in bed, your figure completely drowning in your duvet. The weird lump in your sheets being the only reason he could identify you.
He felt himself relax, his body physically deflating now that he had eyes on you, knowing for sure that nothing was wrong.
For some reason, your curtains were still open which they never were since you were young, always complaining, once again, that you needed complete darkness to be able to sleep. Closing your curtains, he found your phone on your bedside desk, and it was littered with notifications from not only him but all of your friends too. All of them were asking in variations if you were okay, if you felt better, did you get home safe and how you were feeling.
They were all sent at three in the afternoon. It was now two in the morning.
Concerned at the topic of the messages, Connor came over to the side of the bed you were laying on and placed his hand on your forehead, his eyes widening immediately. He felt himself warming up just from how hot you were.
Sitting down on the space by your knees, Connor shook you gently, trying to rouse you from your apparent very deep sleep but the only movement you made was from what he was doing.
“Y/N? Hey, wake up. Can you get up for me really quick?”
The adrenaline that was just dying down was picking up again along with his heart rate, why weren’t you waking up?
He shook you once again but this time, he was more rough, his worry meaning he gripped your shoulder tightly and shook you with a force that he’d never use on you before as his baby sister.
This time he tried calling you name while he tried getting you up. Lifting the duvet off your body, not only were you shivering but you were sweating a very unusual amount.
Swallowing harshly, Connor tried one more time, calling your name and roughly shaking you. “Come one, I need to you wake up Y/N.”
“Y/N. Y/N get up.”
But you just wouldn’t budge.
Deciding that enough was enough, he scooped you into his arms and it must’ve been the sudden movement that caused you to let out a small whimper in what was clearly pain. It was small but it was the most he’d gotten from you since he got home and that was better than nothing.
Foregoing his jacket, Connor made sure to slip your cardigan over your torso, so you weren’t going to die from the cold outside. He quickly slipped into his own shoes and left the building not a moment later.
No one had been expecting Connor to be back at work so soon, not even him. It was a few minutes to three and the ED was relatively calm taking into account the big accident not too long ago, but Connor was grateful.
Getting out the car, Connor looked into the ED and called for the first person he saw.
“April! Get me a gurney!”
Said nurse was caught completely off guard, jumping from where she stood at the nurse's desk with Will not too standing behind her. He too clearly was confused but Connor had no time to dwell on them.
Not checking if she was listening, Connor rounded the car and picked you back into his arms, your head resting on his bicep and your legs on the inside of his elbow. Slamming the door shut, Connor strode into the emergency department and luckily for him, April and Will were more than ready to help.
“All the gurneys are used up from before, but we’ve got a free bed.” April said, leading the surgeon into an empty treatment room where Will was lowering the bedside rails.
“Talk to me Connor.” Will said, understanding there was no time for formalities when he saw it was you Connor was carrying.
“No clue what happened but she’s as hot as anything, she’s shivering and sweating at the same time and will not wake up for anything.” Connor started, gently laying you down and standing back to let Will and April do their jobs. He was itching to help but physically had to move further away from you so that he wouldn’t do anything stupid.
“Pretty sure she’s been sick and in pain for a while now, but she never said anything.” He continued, looking at all the numbers on the machines that were popping up as they were connected to your body. “When I asked last week, she just kept saying it was her period cramps.”
As April hooked you up onto an IV drip, Will started palpating your body in search for any particular place of pain. And when he came to a particular area in your lower abdomen and you cried out, the three of them looked at each other knowingly.
“Kieran should still be on shift.” Connor said, remembering the surgeon he left behind that was in charge and available.
Will nodded in confirmation, “Let’s move.”
Waking up felt different to all the times before. Your levels of disorientation and haziness and confusion were on another level.
As soon as you opened your eyes, the first thing you noticed was the lack of pain. You couldn’t feel not even a pinch in your stomach, maybe it was weird to say but it felt liberating to not be in debilitating pain.
“Oh, thank goodness your awake.” Connor looked dead on his feet in the doorway of the room but the immense relief painting his face was like no other.
You made him feel and look like that- Shit, what happened, what did you do?
Before you could say anything, Connor beat you to it. “How are you feeling? In any pain?”
As he questioned you, a poured you a cup of water, holding it so all you had to do was drink and not need to exert energy that he knew from experience, you didn’t have.
Once again, before you could ask, he answered for you. “It was appendicitis. Your period cramps were in fact your appendix and last night it burst.”
“But it’s all good. We got you into surgery and your appendix is gone as should your pain.”
“Wow.” You said shakily, your voice so quiet from the lack of use.
“Please don’t do that next time.” Connor said, sitting on the empty seat by the bed, taking your hand into his. “Please tell me when you're in pain and when you feel sick. You matter to me; all your small or big problems are mine too. I don’t care how trivial they are.”
Silence followed as he set the glass aside. “You scared the shit out of me kiddo.”
And to say you felt guilty was an understatement.
“Claire’s pissed.” You both winced at the thought of your sister finding out. “She’s going to visit when she’s finished with work. I told her your healthy and out of surgery but she’s still pissed.”
“M’Sorry.” You apologised, voice hoarse and lips chapped. “I didn’t want-“
“Y/N.” Connors face made it look like he was in pain from your admission he cut off. “You’re never a bother to me okay? Me being a doctor is a good thing, use it to your advantage.”
You nodded, confirming to change next time if there was another time. Fingers crossed there isn’t.
“How hard was it to not do the surgery?” You smiled, squeezing his hand and poking his bicep. He was still in his scrubs from his shift last night.
Connor rolled his eyes and groaned. Such a sight made you laugh.
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hwasoup · 2 months
Tale As Old As Time
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@kit-and-wolfe drew this for me in the server so, now imma use it :') Omg hi guys, Ik its been a while since I last updated but it's mainly bc I'm not ready to say goodbye to this series yet TT there's about 2 chapters left guysss so I hope you guys understand how much I'm edging it. Anywho the chapter is finally here !! I hope you enjoy !!
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warnings: fearmongering, manipulation words: 1.8k
ch.6 | next
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Chapter 7: The Mob
The days have passed since y/n traveled back to the village
Eddie was simply lounging around nearby Y/N’s home, as per Ben’s instruction from a couple of days ago to alert him if Y/N was home. He was just sitting by a bush minding his own business until he looked up and saw in the distance, a woman riding on a horse as fast as the animal could take her. He squinted a bit and realized it was Y/N. Immediately he got up and ran to where Ben was located, obviously in his tavern. 
Eventually after a bit of running, he manages to catch Ben before he leaves on a hunt. Gasping for air, he holds onto the cuff of his sweater. “She’s…. She’s back…” Ben stops in his tracks and smirks to himself “well then…. it's time to initiate the plan…” On the other hand, back at the humble inventor’s cottage. Y/N swiftly made her way back home and immediately into her father’s room. She looked at him and gasped at how sickly he looked. His eyes looked sunken, and it was clear that he hasn’t exactly been able to take a bite of food in a couple of hours. Y/N quickly walked to his bedside and grabbed the nearest towel and dunked it in some cool water that was in a bucket in the corner of his room. She wrings it out and proceeds to approach him and wipe his face, hoping that his fever would subside a bit. Mauricio’s eyes slightly flutter at the feeling of cool water drying on his face, he looks up groggily and mumbled “Mija?” Y/N’s heart melted, and she whispered “shhh, no te preocupes…I’m home.”
Mauricio took a minute to process her words. His eyes widened when he fully registered that his precious daughter was sitting right before him. He immediately adjusts his posture and tries to sit up to the best of his ability "…. I thought I would never see you again...” Mauricio immediately leans in for a hug. Y/N happily returns it to him and rests her chin on his shoulder “I missed you so much…” Mauricio tightened his hug with his daughter until he remembered a specific detail... “But…but the beast. How…how did you even escape!”
“Papa, I didn’t escape…he let me go..” She says fondly. Mauricio looked at her shocked “what? The Beast did ??” Y/N unknowingly smiles fondly at the thought of the man… “yes…Miguel let me go...” Mauricio raised some eyebrows “MIGU-” he started furiously coughing. Y/N patted his back to help him ease his lungs from all of his coughing. His voice was strained from his coughs, and he cleared his voice a bit. “That…ese monstruo ?”  Y/N immediately shook her head “not a monster…he’s different…he’s quirky, silly, and incredibly gentle..he’s…. he’s changed…” She bites her lip and looks up at her father until she hears a knock on the door. “I’ll be back papa.” She stands up from sitting on the edge of the bed and goes to attend the door. A man stood at the door with a menacing grin “erm…con que te puedo ayudar..” she says hesitantly. “Vine a recoger a tu padre” he says with an eerie voice. “Wait…my papa ??” she says in surprise. Y/N stands there looking at the man with confusion in her eyes, as well as worry as she hopes that her father didn’t do anything to further tarnish the broken reputation he has in the village.
“Don’t worry senorita..we’ll take care of him” the man says as he moves from her sight and shows her a locked wooden carriage, on the side saying Psiquiátrico de alocado. Surrounding the carriage, she noticed the villagers all surrounding it, with torches and pitchforks ready to use them as weapons if it comes to that point. Y/N immediately registered what was happening and immediately protected her father “MI PAPA NO ES UN LOCO” she said with fierceness in her voice. She was pushed aside by two villagers who barged into her home and forcibly dragged-out Mauricio and threw him inside the carriage. Y/N got up immediately and tried her best to try and get him out, but all she could do was just be pushed away. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as everything suddenly started to look hopeless. “Poor Y/N…it really is a shame about your father...” “Ben!” Y/N looked at him desperately as she held onto the hem of his shirt “please, you know he’s not crazy” Ben hummed as he played faux innocence “but you see Y/N your father… he’s been making absurd claims, but….I am able to…well clear up this small misunderstanding…if…” Y/N looks up at him desperately “If what!” Ben chuckles and grabs her by the waist making her body be pushed against his. “If you marry me” he says with a grin. Ben leans down and tries to sniff her soft hair “one small word Y/N that’s all it takes…” Anger bubbled in Y/N’s body, and she pushes him away, her nonverbal actions speaking in volumes as to her response to his manipulation tactic. Ben scowls at her and gruffly says “Have it your way then...” and he walks away to the crowd until Y/N yells “WAIT” 
“WHAT CLAIMS WAS MY FATHER EVEN MAKING” she yelled out. Ben turned to her and chuckled “oh…why about a Beast..” Y/N in that moment remembered she had the magic mirror in the pocket of her apron and she pulls it out “PLEASE ITS TRUE… I HAVE PROOF.” She looks down at the mirror and softly spoke to it  “Show me The Beast”
The mirror glowed a green color and rose into the air, a bright flashing light arose and projected an image on its reflective glass surface and revealed Miguel and his beastly appearance. Every villager, including Ben gasped at his ghastly sight. Even Eddie stepped back a bit after seeing it
In awe Ben ripped the mirror out of the air and approached the villagers “look at this sorcery, look at this BEAST!” He turned the mirror around to show the villagers “LOOK AT HIS FANGS, HIS CLAWS!”
Y/N’s heart broke at how people saw him and tried her best to defend him “No..please…don't be afraid…He’s gentle…and kind” Murmurs were heard throughout the crowd…but Ben…he was appalled…the woman he desired so much to be his wife…was calling the Beast KIND….words that she had never said to him. He turns to her in anger, anger that the Beast has clearly won her affections and in an accusatory tone pointed at her 
“The monster has her under his spell…. IF I DIDN'T”T KNOW BETTER I CAN SAY SHE CARES FOR HIM” “HE'S NOT A MONSTER BEN…YOU ARE” Ben’s face grimaced, but he had to mask it in front of the villagers “I’ve heard of the effects of Dark Magic, but never like this…” Ben decided on what to do. “THIS IS A THREAT TO THE BANE OF OUR EXISTENCE” The villagers cheered in agreement as they truly believed that Y/N was under a spell and that she is now a danger.  “WE CAN'T HAVE HER WARNING THE CREATURE, LOCK HER UP TOO !”
Y/N’s heart shattered as she was immediately grabbed by the arms of Ben, the man of the carriage opened the doors and allowed Ben to throw her inside the wooden box alongside her father as well and closed the doors of it as well. His face was filled with fury, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Eddie.. “Ben… with all due respect but-”
Eddie’s voice reduced to a whimper and he looked down…He knew this was wrong…what was originally a menacing plan had now become just pure cruelty. He knew he couldn’t fight against an angry Ben so he stayed silent and left to do what he was instructed.
Ben then proceeded to initiate a riot with the villagers, to prepare to fight, to encourage them to kill the Beast. Each villager went into their homes and brought out muskets, pitchforks, knives, torches, anything that could be used as a weapon. After what seemed minutes, Ben led a mob of angry villagers and used the magic mirror to find where the castle was located and led them out and directly into the woods.
______________________________________________________________ Inside the carriage however Y/N was huddled beside her father as she tried to check on his health despite the severe conditions they were in. Y/N was scared for Miguel…she wanted to warn him desperately, but she also needed to watch her father. She thought long and hard until she decided that she needed to warn Miguel.
“Papa…I need to warn him..” Mauricio looked up at her and coughed “Ay Mija..but…I- I’m scared for you…It will be dangerous” Y/N crouched beside him and nodded “yes…it will be..but, he did everything for me…he even gifted me his library..” Mauricio’s eyes widened “a library ? How many books are there ?” Y/N chuckled “more than what this village can even hold, Papa..trust me…he saved me from the wolves and now..I must repay him..” Mauricio looked into her eyes and saw a look that he had never seen in his precious daughter’s eyes. He used to have that look when he was younger and when his wife was alive. He then smiled softly knowing that well…his daughter is all grown up now, even if she hasn’t realized it herself. “If it what your heart desires…then…I could try and pick the lock” Y/N smiled as she listened to her father ramble “After all, it's only just gears and springs” he reached his hand outside the bars of the carriage to get a hold of the lock. “ But..I would need something..” he turns to look at her “shar…p” Y/N was already holding a hair pin on the palm of her hand. Mauricio chuckled and took it into his hands “perfect” He then placed his hands back out of the bars and took a hold of the lock again and used the pin to start picking at it. He eventually finally opened the lock and pushed the doors of the carriage open, quickly getting himself out as well as y/n. He turned to her and ran with her to the stables and whispered to her “take Felipe as well as this coat and go warn your friend” Y/N nodded and whispered a small thank you to him as she quickly packed everything and immediately got on Felipe and rode on him, holding onto the reins as she prayed that the trusty steed would gallop as quickly as possible to the castle.
Maurico watched as she disappeared back into the forest and smiled softly, reiterating the thoughts he had before…
 his daughter was in love…even if she hasn’t realized or admitted it yet.
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@cupcakeinat0r , @miguelhugger2099, @mcmiracles,@xxsugarbonesxx,@codenameredkrystalmatrix,@deputy-videogamer,@lxverrings,@miguelzslvtz,@itsameclinicaldepression,,@ricekrisbris,@loser-alert , @thedevax, @uncle-eggy, @m4dyy, @freehentai, @synamonthy, @razertail18, @s0lm1n,
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damagedintellect · 3 months
💌 Reading into the palms of isekai bullshit:
Chapter 8 💌  
Summary: You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. You clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again but when you opened your eyes and saw Dazai O-FUCKING-samu getting choked by Kunikida you honestly hoped it was a dream.  
Notes: Oh boi first I wanted to thank everyone for being patient with me I'm sure if you read my other works you're in the know, and probably sick of hearing about how the last half of 2023 I was pretty much in and out of the hospital but I'm fine now! ...BTW 🍋 in this one
 ★ Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [You Are Here] ★
💌 Word count: 3,392 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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Three hours, you have been running around for three hours trying to find Dazai. You were hunched over panting, clutching the wall of a building to brace yourself. If only you hadn’t lied to Chuuya then you could get his help. Although if Dazai doesn’t want to be found, maybe Chuuya wouldn’t be able to find him either. The roof, Dazai’s room, Oda’s grave, Lupin, rivers, bridges? You were running out of places to go and places that you knew of. You grit your teeth, Ranpo won’t help you either. Not unless you beg and he feels sorry for you. At this point you were pulling on your hair at your wits end. Where would he go? Or rather maybe you should be asking a different question. Where would be the last place you would look?
You coughed before running back to the dorms. There was no way right? The last place you would expect Dazai to be, would be in your room. It was fairly sound logic. With the kind of person he knows you to be, you probably wouldn’t go back to your room until you either found Dazai or gave up. Sometimes the best hiding spot was in plain sight. Your lungs were burning since before you rounded the corner let alone when you tripped up the stairs. This had been the most cardio you’ve gotten in a long time and this was including the week Q’s ability was let loose. You fumbled with the key and stumbled inside heaving as you fell to your knees trying to close the door behind you. The clattering of bottles could be heard from the entryway. You managed to pull yourself to the main room to see the damage. It looked just as cluttered as Dazai’s room to the point where you were concerned for his liver. It was a mixture of empty sake and whiskey bottles. You might have to get Yosano to pump his stomach. Dazai was curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. He still had half a bottle of whiskey in his hands and his head was in his knees.
You tried your best to catch your breath before trying to navigate through the wreckage that you’re going to have to clean up later. To be completely honest you half expected him to drop off the face of existence for a week. You’re surprised you even found the brunette. You looked around whistling to yourself. People always say something, something Chuuya’s the alcoholic but you're convinced otherwise. You don’t think Dazai even registered your presence when you sat next to him. Gently you pried the bottle from his hands, taking a swig for yourself. It wasn’t your go to hard liquor but after everything you needed a drink. Your head had too many thoughts that needed to be quieted down.
You put the cap back on the bottle and leaned your head on his shoulder putting his hand that once held the whiskey in your own while interlacing your fingers to deter him from running. Although you highly doubt he could in this state, but you never know with anime logic. For all you know he could have just moved all the bottles from his room to make it look like he was far gone. The only real clue you had was the fact he smelled like alcohol and sweat but you weren't much better either.
“You still conscious Dazai?” You take a glance in his direction seeing if he turned his head towards you or anything. He didn’t.
“How’d you know I was here?” His voice was cold and smooth. If you didn’t know any better you would probably think he was sober. It takes roughly thirty minutes for alcohol to take an effect on your body. Although you didn’t know when he started drinking and how much he had. Trying to deduce the situation was harder than you thought. There were too many variables you needed to take in account and nothing could have prepared you for this if it was a trap. You would just have to trust your gut and with all the empty bottles laying around, assuming he did drink them then he had no chance to be sober. It kind of worried you.
“I didn’t. I ran out of places to look and hoped you’d be in the last place I searched.”
Dazai only nodded at your explanation. You sighed leaning over him to use your other hand to grab his face. “Look, I’m not like you, or Ranpo,” you paused briefly grasping at straws “Or even Fyodor. I'm not a genius. I have, one, very specific party trick, for everything else I’ve been taking shots in the dark. I’m not actually eloquent with my words and can’t pull these, “Everything will be okay” monologues out of my ass. So tell me what's actually bothering you so I can fix it and we can move on.”
“No” He had absolutely no hesitation in his answer and it caught you off guard.
“No? What do you mean no?” You studied his eyes but he blankly stared back at you before his eyebrows knit together with uncertainty. Dazai huffed “I don't know.” The tone of his voice made your heart clench.
Dazai looked down at the hand that was still holding his. He slowly tugged his fingers free as he changed the grip you had on him. He sucked in a shaky breath melting into the hand you had on his cheek “It hurts,” Dazai turned, pulling you as close as he could before placing your other hand on his chest, directly over where his heart was “Right here.” Your eyes widen at the gesture, your mind going completely blank. You watched as his expression faltered showing just how uncomfortable he was. Dazai was shaking like a cornered animal.
He was trying his best not to push you away or intentionally say something to hurt you even though he could feel the venomous words dancing on his tongue. He didn't know how to sit with the vulnerability. It didn't even occur to Dazai that he was trembling until you pulled him into a tight hug. He latched onto you like you could disappear at any moment. You honestly didn’t know what to make of this either so you did the same, shifting closer. You closed your eyes listening to his breathing as you rubbed his back. Neither of you had anything else to add for a while and you don’t think you could, even if you did.
The only signal that time had even passed you by was the light from outside. It had faded from its original brightness leaving you two huddled in the dark. At this point you were both gross and sticky with sweat, you should probably take a bath or at least start cleaning up so you can lay your futon out. You carefully pulled away just enough to look at the rest of the room. “I’m not letting you leave but we need to at least move everything out of the way if we plan on sleeping tonight. Do you want to bathe first or?”
Dazai mumbled out his response but you couldn’t understand a word or at least you hoped that you heard him wrong because you could have sworn he said “together?”
When you didn’t answer, he finally turned to look at you, reaffirming your assumption. “Can we bathe together?”
You blushed at the sudden request. He was being serious. “I-uh” you were torn. This wasn’t exactly what you had in mind but you were adults and maybe he just didn’t want to be alone right now? It’s hard to say really when he’s studying you like a hawk, waiting for an answer. You swallowed your embarrassment, worst case scenario you could bathe in your underwear. “We can bathe together,” You stood up to start clearing away the bottles knowing you wouldn’t want to do it after your bath. “But only if the bandages come off because I swear I’m not bathing with a heathen.”
You bolted upright, nearly dropping a bottle when you felt something grab your arm. Dazai was peering down at you with an emotion you couldn’t place “Only if you’re naked too.” It was said firmly and with no room for negotiations. Biting your lip you weigh out your options but given your current circumstance, what did you have to lose? You matched his gaze.
“Okay.” You smiled.
If this is what it took to bring Dazai back to his usual self then so be it. After all, it was only fair. Dazai had done his fair share of laying himself bare. Now it was time to return the favor, albeit in a completely different sense. It didn’t take long to push all the bottles aside and set up your futon. You were amazed Dazai was even standing on his feet. As you grabbed some towels, it occurred to you that Dazai would have nothing to change into afterwards but you didn’t want to leave him to grab something from next door. You guess you would just have to wash his clothes so he had something to sleep in. You turned away to disrobe and surprisingly Dazai did the same. Neither of you said anything as you gathered up his clothes and walked out of the room to put them in the wash. He had a lot of bandages to unravel anyways. You should probably see if you had any for him to use later.
When you walked back in you tried not to look him over but you could feel his eyes roaming your body freely. It was making you self conscious until he said “You’re beautiful.” You nearly got whiplash from how fast your head snapped in his direction. It was jarring to see him without the bandages, numerous scars were scattered on his skin but your eyes were drawn to the faded scar across his chest. The one he acquired while fighting alongside Chuuya at fifteen.
“You're one to talk.” You moved to start the shower. “Don’t you know girls find scars hot.” As you were adjusting the temperature you felt arms wrap around your center. Dazai rested his head on your shoulder. “Hmmm girls maybe but what about beautiful women?”
You turned the shower head to splash him. “Oh, now you're really dripping with good looks.” You laughed teasing him. Dazai looked like a wet cat as you tousled his hair under the warm stream. “Of course I find them hot, silly, I wouldn't have said so otherwise.” You were glad he couldn't see your face that well from his spot on your shoulder. It was one thing to flirt with him in jest, another when you were alone but right now you were both naked in the shower. It kinda made your head spin with how odd the day has been.
As you tried to grab for the soap to start scrubbing off the grime Dazai intercepted your hand. “Allow me.” He said in a low voice. His breath was tickling the shell of your ear. The demand left you frozen as you felt Dazai start feeling up your body with his hands ignoring the luffa hanging from the caddy. Reflexively you squirmed backwards pressing Dazai against you further. You swallowed, there was nowhere to run. Blood rushed to your face. His hands glided over your breasts, brushing your nipples ever so slightly. Dazai made sure they were extra clean before giving them a playful squeeze. You let out a small mewl biting your lip before his hands moved down the rest of your body.
Dazai was intrigued with how far you would let him go, entertained by the soft noises you were making. He kissed your neck as he let one hand drift between your legs. His goal was to clean and tease, but if you begged for it he wouldn't complain. He was thrilled that you didn’t push him away. You had every right to be furious with him but you weren’t. You must really trust him. It makes him feel warm inside.
Dazai was touching you everywhere but the one place you wanted and it was killing you. He never passed through the crease of your folds. It made you take a sharp inhale. This was all so intimate and it was driving you crazy. You were torn, it felt good and you wanted it to go further but you were so tired and dead awake at the same time. The feelings swimming around in your head were all over the place. You decided he’s had enough, it was your turn. Gently you stopped his hands turning around to do the same. Lazily massaging the soap around his body.
Dazai smiled softly as you took the time to kiss every scar within your reach. Your hands stopped on his pelvis. Right now you had so much power. It really depended on what you wanted. Do you get him hard? Maybe suck him off a little and leave him wanting more? Or should you just ignore the area altogether since you’re not sure if you could finish what you start. It was a hard decision but if you wanted to soak in the tub at anypoint tonight you should probably move this along. Instead you forgo the area, handing Dazai the soap as you start washing your hair. If you touched him you probably wouldn’t be able to stop yourself.
When you do finally get the bath running you try not to stare at the brunette but the missed opportunity is all you can think about as you step inside the hot water. Dazai was leaning into your chest because you wanted to make up for what you should have done earlier. You had your arms snaked around his torso holding him to your chest. The job of every big spoon is to make sure their little spoon can feel their love and affection. While the gesture was genuinely supposed to be innocent your thoughts were anything but. You both soak like that for a while letting the hot water relax your sore muscles trying to set those thoughts aside.
As the water started cooling down you started kissing the crook of his neck. The events from earlier were getting the better of you. It wasn't long before your hands traveled downwards, once again resting on his pelvis drawing little circles on the area. Decisions, decisions all of them wrong but you didn’t want to stop. Maybe it was because you were both touch starved and emotionally drained. Dazai hummed tilting his head back over your shoulder giving you more room to kiss his neck. Fuck it you’ve already come this far. You started palming at his member with one hand as the other lazily stroked his chest.
Nothing is hotter than being able to feel Dazai grow hard under your touch. It was hard to pump his length under the water in a meaningful way but you continued to fondle him until he was fully erect, marveling at the thickness in your hands. It was hard to tell how much prep you'd need since you were already turned on but the water was also warping your view of his size. Dazai groaned in your ear gripping your thigh. In this position he was at your mercy and right now your hand was giving him way too much friction. If you stroked him any faster it would be an uncomfortable amount. “C-can I help you?” he practically hissed.
“Be a good boy and dry off while I put your clothes in the dryer.” You gave him a kiss on the lips as you were getting up to grab your towel. You didn't have to look back to see that he was excitedly following orders. You could hear the water start to drain when he pulled the plug. Your heart was racing as you quickly filled the dryer. This was happening, you were doing this. Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself mentally.
The room was still dark. It seemed Dazai didn’t bother turning on any of the lights. You could vaguely see Dazai was already splayed out on the futon waiting for you. “Like what you see?” He gestured to himself slowly trying to entice you further.
“I do,” you giggled “But I think I need a closer look.”
You gracefully crawled next to him, giving him another kiss on the lips. “Oops my eyes were closed” You teased playfully, melting into his lips a second time. Dazai smiled, happily invading your personal space. Hesitantly you let your hands wander bringing him closer to you. Each kiss was making you breathless but you didn’t want to pull away. Not when you could feel Dazai’s hands caressing your sides. The brunette shifted on top of you, nibbling your bottom lip. You gasped letting him deepen the kiss, allowing his tongue to make your headspin. You were so captivated by his lips you didn’t realize Dazai was spreading your legs until he slipped a finger inside you, causing you to moan out unexpectedly at the sensation.
It went in so easy you almost didn’t notice until Dazai’s slender finger brushed just the right area to send a wave of pleasure down your spine. He was quick to add another grinning “Someone must be enjoying themselves. It’s very wet down here, bella.~” Dazai kissed around your jaw and down your neck, lazily fingering your entrance.
You squirm a little at how slow he was moving. If he didn’t get you all worked up in the shower you would be a bit more patient but it’s consumed your thoughts for the entirety of your bath. “Dazai please, I want you.”
He peppered a few more kisses to your chest before pulling back to look at you lovingly. “Already? I haven’t even gotten a taste of you yet.” He mused before swiping his thumb at your clit, causing your breath to hitch. Having Dazai go down on you would feel amazing but you want to feel amazing together.
“Another time, I want you now.”
He was awestruck that someone could want him so badly. Pride swelled in his chest. He really had panicked for nothing. It took Dazai a moment to pull his fingers out and slick himself with what lingered of you, on his skin. He wasn’t joking when he said you were very wet. It was extremely inviting so much so that he was drooling at the thought. Dazai wanted to savor this moment, ogling you as he let himself plunge deeper than his fingers could reach.
You both share a shaky breath. There was no discomfort, only the pleasurable thought of feeling full. Dazai was so warm within your walls it was taking a lot of self control to move, lest he cum prematurely. That would be embarrassing. Dazai shuddered as he pulled out just enough to dive back in. It felt too good to be true and that's saying something. With every thrust you were seeing stars. At this rate you wouldn’t last very long either. You don’t even know when you started moaning his name.
Dazai dipped his lips to your ear and panted “Osamu, call me Osamu.”
Your eyes had been previously wired shut with the intense ecstasy but they snapped open at the request. “O-Osamu~” It felt so foreign on your tongue. You started choking on your words as Dazai rammed into you harder. You were turning into putty, gripping on to whatever you could to ground yourself when Dazai intertwined your fingers with his. It wasn’t long before you both hit your limits.
Dazai slumped on top of you as you both tried to catch your breath. The hot breath on your skin and the post climax bliss had the words falling out of your mouth before your brain registered them. “I love you Osamu. Don't forget that.”
It took a moment for Dazai to respond. The post nut clarity settled his anxieties just enough to come to a conclusion. He was so tired of running away he just might make the mistake of indulging in the moment, disregarding the concern his mind once had.
“I love you too.”
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siconetribal · 2 months
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 9
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali
Warning: Threats, Harassment, Discussion of possible links to/interest in criminal activity, and Y/N being a trouble magnet
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, here is a link to the other parts:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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The store was spotless. The last customer had left about half an hour ago. There was nothing else to do, so Y/N took it upon herself to make sure it was pristine and ready for the next night traveler that would grace the establishment. Did she honestly expect anyone to come in? No, but this just meant she had one last thing to do before the shift was through.
“And now, I wait.” She mumbled as hopped up onto the stool behind the counter. It was going to be a boring and hellish shift with so little to do, but that just meant she was getting paid to do nothing. And that is far better than having to deal with some cranky customer. Grabbing her book from under the counter, she dove into the realm that awaited. A place where good, evil, and morally grey collided into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors of adventure, intrigue, and romance. Within these pages, she was not some minimum wager struggling to make ends meet in some crime-ridden city. Within these bound sheets, she was free…until the chime of the front door pulled her back to reality. Of course, someone comes in just when I thought I’d be doing nothing.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” The familiar accented voice made Y/N’s jaw tighten as she slipped her bookmark back into the book and looked up to see none other than Citlalli’s troublesome cousin, Matías, and his posse of trouble. The one who always had some kind of job that would promise big reward, and would definitely get you killed if you were lucky. She could still recall the look on the Penguin's face when he realized he was being had. A look she never wanted to see once in her lifetime, let alone again. 
I’d rather deal with those secret menu drinks and hear the brainless chatter of the overprivileged youth than deal with him. A lobotomy sounds delightful, even. “Welcome, what can I get started for you today?” She plastered on her award-winning customer service smile as she stood from the stool and stepped up to the register.
“C’mon Lindura, don't be like that.” He softly clicked his tongue and reached across the counter to grab her hand. Y/N was quick to pull her arm back to her side.
“I will have to ask you to refrain from reaching across the counter, sir. If you need time for your order, you may do so, but I request you step aside. Anyone who is ready in the group, I am happy to help.”
“Damn, Matty, she’s not playing with you today.” The group snickered.
“Fuck off, that’s just how mi pequeña petardo is.” Matías eyed Y/N and smirked. It made her skin crawl, and she wanted to burn every inch that had the poor luck of being seen by such a leering gaze. “Isn’t that right, Nena? You like playing hard to get, don't worry, I’m not giving up that easy.”
No, please do. Give up, better yet, please walk into a wall however many times it takes for you to completely forget about my existence as a whole. She bit back the retort, reminding herself that she was at work and being recorded. She needed this job to pay off the 4k. “Sir, I'm not "playing ard to get", you're simply impossible to want. I am but a simple café employee working her shift, nothing more. So, what would you like?”
“For you to finally say yes and be mine.” She had to admit it was a smooth answer, but coming from him it was more greasy, like deep fried onion rings fresh out of the fier and still swimming in the oil. Her temple began to throb as the group cheered and encouraged Matías to go on. Emboldened, he leaned over the counter some more and attempted to grab her again. She smacked his hand away and glared.
“Strike two, Matías, keep this up, and I’ll call the cops.” She kept her voice flat as she glared at him. “Now, do you want to order anything or not? If not, get out and leave me alone. I’m not interested in you, your idiotic lackeys, or whatever pitch you're trying to sell.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are talking to us like that, bitch?” The one to Matías’ right snapped, grabbing and tugging her closer by the front of her apron. “Do you know who you’re messing with?” It was obvious from the clothes that he wore and the way he held himself, this guy was a hot headed rich kid trying to be cool.
“Someone with severe halitosis?” She rolled her eyes, trying to tug his hand off of her apron. “Let me go, or you'll regret it.”
“Regret it?” The rich kid scoffed. “How? Gonna call the cops? Then what? Even if we give ya the chance to call them, it’s gonna take time for them to get here. That gives us plenty of time for some fun. Plus my dad knows the commissioner, they can’t do shit” His slimy smug smirk was the last straw. Her free hand gripped the counter edge as she tried to create distance by pulling back as she tugged at his wrist in the opposite direction.
“I’m how.” Everyone turned at the newcomer’s voice, surprised to see that someone else was there at all, since the door had not chimed at someone else coming in.
No way, Wonder Boy?! Y/N’s jaw dropped at the turn of luck of having someone as witness to the harassment.
“And who the fuck are you supposed to be? Piss off and mind your own business.” The tallest of the group stepped forward.
“Guys, settle down.” Matías glared at Jason. There was something unnerving about him, and he knew fighting him as they are now would be a loss on their end. “Joey, let her go.”
“But Matty,” the rich kid turned to their leader to insist, but one look from Matías was all it took for him to back down. “You’re lucky, bitch.” He sneered, shoving her backwards hard enough to send her falling back into the counter behind her. The sharp pain up her spine was hard to ignore, but she refused to give them the satisfaction.
“You’ve misunderstood the situation, my friend! Lindura and I, we go way back. She’s my cousin’s best friend, after all.” He gave Jason a broad smile as he hooked an arm around Joey. “Joey here likes to play rough, we were all just joking around. We were actually in to see our good friend Ryan. He was supposed to be in tonight, which is why we stopped by in the first place. Seeing Lindura was just a big surprise.”
So he was expecting Ryan? Or is he just bluffing and just said the first generic white name he could think of? Y/N eyed Citlalli’s cousin with great suspicion. Her gut was telling her that it was most likely the former, and there was a lot that was not being said. Knowing what she did about him, what was unsaid was usually dangerous, and her expensive knight in shining armor did not need to get involved in all that. Is he trying to get other staff mixed up in his schemes? Don’t tell me he’s trying to pull a fast one on the Penguin again. Or is this him trying to gain turf and get noticed by some other criminal mastermind? Didn’t he idolize the Riddler or Scarecrow? Yeah, I need to be associated with that just as much I need a hundred bullets turning me into human Swiss cheese!
“Lindura?” She snapped out of her thoughts at the call of the annoying pet name she was given by Matías.
“For the hundredth time, quit calling me that.” She snapped. Shit, what did he say? “Also, don't get me or him involved in whatever this is. You’re on private property and our company wants nothing to do with any of it, understand? If you’re not ordering, leave. He wants to order, and you’re holding him up.” She motioned to Jason, purposely avoiding any confirmation of someone named Ryan being employed here. The less she said, the more distance she could keep from whatever was going on. I’ll just let Mr. B know later. I better let Cici know, too, I don’t want her or the rest of her family getting dragged into his nonsense. Matías glared at her response, looking between her and Jason in silence. He was clearly angry with her and her answer, but said nothing more. He turned towards the door, which was behind Jason, and shoved past him. His little group of lackeys followed suit, glaring and sneering at Jason, who barely even flinched at their attempts of intimidation. He turned and watched the group climb into their car and drive off before turning back to face Y/N.
“So, he’s really a friend of yours or,” he trailed off.
“More like a pain in my side. Like he said, he’s my best friend’s annoying cousin.” She sighed, rubbing the sore spot on her back. “Thanks, for stepping in like that. He’s…not the best person to be around and hangs around unsavory people, as you saw. I want as little to do with him as possible, but he just can’t seem to take a hint.”
“Is that what you call hinting? I’d hate to see what you being blunt is,” he chuckled as he walked up to the counter. Does she remember who I am? “So, this would be the second time I save you?”
Ah, so he does know it’s me! “Are you asking? Because I might need to start charging you, again.” He raised his hands up in mock surrender.
Yup, definitely does. “Purely rhetorical, but if you must, you can put it on my tab.” He chuckled. Y/N rolled her eyes at his confidence, she had to. Otherwise, she would have found it cute, and she needed to not find him anymore attractive than she already did. “So, are you closing up shop or can I order?”
“Sadly, I’m stuck here until the next shift comes in at 8. For some reason, we need to be a 24-hour location. So, what’ll it be, Wonder Boy? Order whatever you like, it’ll be on the house. The Least I can do for you since you saved me from that mess.” She straightened her apron and stood in front of the register once more.
“Something tells me your boss won’t like that, and you'll end up paying for it. How about I buy us both something, and you come join me at a table?” Jason offered, looking around at the vacant shop, to point out that she really had nothing to lose if she did. It was a very tempting offer, though she was equally happy with just sitting back here and reading her book, but when would be the next time she would meet him? To get a chance to actually talk to him and sort out this hotel mess?
“Well, if you insist,” she forced a heavy sigh of reluctance. “What’ll you have? The bakery items are either made in house or bought fresh from local shops, by the way. I’d suggest one of the sandwiches if you're looking for something more filling or aren't too big on sweets.” He hummed audibly as he stepped to the right, peering into the display case before glancing up at the menu that was hung up behind her before making his selection and insisting she or more than a drink. As promised, he paid for the entire order, and she quickly got to work making everything.
The second son of Bruce Wayne silently watched as she moved around behind the counter, sometimes disappearing behind the door to what he could only assume was the kitchen. After weeks of searching, he finally had her. He finally found the young woman he landed into a sizable amount of financial hardship, and she was not against spending time with him. Now I just need to figure out a way to bring up the topic. If those assholes didn’t make such a scene, I could've easily brought it up now and insisted on paying. But now she’s going to feel indebted to me for saving her again, and might fight me on it. There's got to be a way to make this work. He frowned, crossing his arms as he watched the back of her head move left and right as she began to make whatever drink she had put in for herself. He knew it could not be his order, he kept it simple with coffee, medium with creamer and sugar. The fact that I broke a coffee machine, and she works at a café, she must really think I’m some sort of imbecile. He ruffled his hair to release some pent-up frustration.
“Here’s your coffee and sandwich. Here’s my drink and pastry,” he heard her mumble to herself as she reviewed the ticket once more before stepping out from behind the counter. “We should be good. If you need anything, just let me know and I’ll grab it for you. Anywhere in particular you want to sit?” He glanced around the room before settling on a window side table that was a half booth on the window with chairs on the opposite.
That looks like it’s the closes to the counter, so she doesn’t have to go running if someone else comes in, and the lot is visible from there too. If those assholes decide to come back, I can handle it. “Over there is fine.” He pointed towards the table, placing everything on his tray and carrying it over. Y/N watched with raised eyebrows at the gentlemanly treatment. She was not one to judge by looks, but he certainly did not look like the type to be so courteous. “Are you coming?” She blinked away her look of surprise as she walked towards him.
“Color me impressed. Is saving damsels your forte?” She grabbed the chair to take a seat when Jason motioned for her to sit in the booth.
“I’ll let you know if you got anyone coming in.” He took the chair from her and sat down. “As for me saving damsels, I guess it depends. Do you make it a business to always be in distress?” He smirked, stirring his coffee a bit before taking a sip.
“I don’t make it my business, if you must know. Trouble likes to court me whenever it gets the chance.” She scowled, plopping onto the cushioned seating. “And it seems like you are around quite often when it’s doing its damnedest. Should I be wary of you?”
Oh, you have no idea. “Is that any way to treat your savior, twice over?” He exaggerated his frown as he leaned back into his seat.
“That depends, are you causing the trouble so you can do the saving, or am I just that lucky to have you around to save me?”
“You’re not ‘just lucky’ if it’s me doing the saving. You could say I’m a bit of a professional,” he thumbed his nose, earning a loud “ha” from Y/N.
“Fancy yourself as some sort of warrior of justice? A lesser known caped crusader?”
“No capes, definitely no capes.” He sternly answered. Y/N stared at him, surprised by the tone of his voice, but ended up laughing it off, just like the last statement. He was clearly playing along with her line of inquiry. Jason, on the other hand, was being honest and was a little annoyed by her lack of believing him. It did not help that he found her laughter melodious and the joy of it so infectious that it placated the momentary irritation of her waving his words off as something humorous.
“Ok, a capeless crusader, got it.” She picked up her drink and took a sip. “Well, thank you, in all seriousness. You really saved me on both counts. I’m pretty sure that drink you took on my behalf was drugged, which would explain why you were so out of it afterwards. And even now, even though he knows me, Matías wasn’t going to stop that Joey guy from causing a ruckus. The last thing I need is something that’ll cost me or Cici’s job.”
“Cici, that’s the girl who took my order last time, right?” He thought back to his first visit here. He recalled reading the name tag of the employee he requested to keep his association with Bruce Wayne hidden.“The one and only,” she nodded her head. “Which, speaking of, I wasn’t, she didn’t-” she let out a heavy sigh and raised a finger signaling that she needed a moment to gather her thoughts. Jason raised an eyebrow in question, but said nothing as he let her take her time while he ate his sandwich. How exactly do I explain this without sounding like I’m blaming him or demanding money?
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rene-is-an-insomniac · 4 months
"I don't think I'm built to be the one to love you."
Lyney X Reader Angst 1,528 Takes Place during Act 1 when he his Fatui upbringing came to light because of his trial. I wanted to wait until all the Lyney angsty fics about you finding out he's in the fatui in Act 1 to die down before posting this :p I hope you enjoy, my Lyney fics tag is right here. Have a good day or night!
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The courthouse was in shock as the Outrice Scale decided the verdict for the twins. As he read off the card, hushed whispers exploded throughout the courtroom.
The Oratrice tilted up and turned blue, delivering the verdict.
According to the Judge of the Oratrice Mechanique D’Cardinal, Lyney and Lynette are officially declared not Guilty.
The performance before them causing the courtroom to burst into applause. An hour after the trial ended, word began to spread about the twins. Most were positive about them being declared innocent, while most were negative because of their background and area of work. 
The day during the trial, you were waiting at a restaurant for your boyfriend to arrive from his performance. He had one show today, only from 5-7 pm. Getting close to the time, you made your way to the restaurant.
 "Isn't that the girl who's dating that Fatui?'' The daughter of the nearby merchant came up with the register paper in hand. Going through, she stopped at a specific page. 
"Here she is!" The girl and her father looked back and forth between the paper and you. The stares grew as you fidget with the bag in your hands.
"Uhm, yes, I am Magician Lyney's Significant Other." Instead of smiles and excited gossip, gasps filled the air of the restaurant you were entering. Hushed whispers and glares were sent in your direction as you went to tell them about your reservation.
"Hey, we can't serve you here, sorry." You look surprised, thinking she was confused. Looking around, you see a bunch of open tables.
"But you have space?" She shakes her head, saying that those were reserved.
"You can try a different restaurant." She walks you out of the restaurant, sending you back to the streets. 
An uncomfortable pit sat in your stomach as you took a deep breath to calm down. You can make a different reservation somewhere else, no problem.
Usually, they say that you're lucky to be dating Lyney. Whenever there's a reaction about you being his partner, it's always positive. 
You shake your head and continue onto the next restaurant. You receive the same reaction from the next restaurant. The owner came out to yell at you. This continued on and on, making you more uncomfortable by the minute.
After going through countless rejections, you decide to make your way home. No one would accept your reservations. You hope Lyney isn’t too disappointed by the change of plans. 
As you pass through the streets, a drink is poured over your head. Shocked and embarrassed, you look up, surprised at the group of girls surrounding you.
"That's for my brother!" A girl yelled before kicking you to the ground. Overwhelmed, your eyes get blurry as your breath hitches.
Things get blurry as you hear them mock you for standing up. 
How dare the damn Fatui sit here feeling bad for themselves?
My brother suffered because of you!
You clutch your body in pain as you try to keep your thoughts together.  Rushing through the streets, you try to make your way home. You could hear the insults being thrown by the other people as you passed by them. 
“Demonic Bitch.” A man working at one of the shops mutters as he lets his dogs loose on you. The dog growls and begins to chase you in the opposite direction of where you need to go. 
Some laugh at your circumstances as you rush to find a safe spot. The hotel that Lyney is associated with comes into view; maybe you could hide there for right now. You rush past the hostess and make your way inside. Some rich bystanders look at you as you try to catch your breath. 
“Uhm, Name?” A hostess approached you with a look of concern. 
“Sorry, it’s a bit chaotic out there; can I stay here for a bit?” She nods and seats you before walking off to get your food. Thanks to your boyfriend, you have access to the hotel and even discounts. Since only certain people are allowed in, no one should try to harm you. You looked around at the scenery as you waited for her to come back with your order.
“Isn’t that Lyney’s lover?” 
“Yeah, I heard that ever since people found out about his court case, they started harassing them.” It looks like word gets out quickly around her.
 You see them glance towards you before ending their conversation. You sigh, tuning out the talking from others in the hotel.
You weren’t even sure if Lyney was Fatui to begin with. Yes, that could be true, but rumors can sometimes be wrong. You decided to put that thought on hold until you could locate your boyfriend. 
“Here you are, Name, a fruit tart for you.” She places the food and drink on the table for you. 
“Have you seen Lyney today?” 
“Last I heard, he was still at the Opera Eclaisse. He won't be out until his trial is over.” You nod, thanking her as she walks off to greet the next guest. 
You dig into the food with a small sigh. Hopefully, when you see him tomorrow, this will all be a little misunderstanding. It’s not like he’s actually working for a terrible organization like them, right?
The day changes to night as more customers begin to pile into the hotel. Surely, his trial should be over for the night? You pay for your items and exit the hotel. Some Steambird reporters surrounded the area; once they heard the door open, they turned towards you.
“Name, can we have a moment?” You give a polite smile before walking quickly in the direction of where you live. A few persistent reporters follow you for a moment until they allow you to leave.
Was Lyney really this person that everyone thought was evil? 
As you approach your house, you see it littered with items. Letting out a small sigh, you remove the items before making your way inside. 
You decide to wake up the next day to catch him before he’s on his way to work. Halfway there, he meets you as he and his siblings just exit their house for the day. They freeze, glancing at you before greeting.
“Hello Name.” Lynette gave a polite nod, and Freminet waved a little bit. As soon as they go, your boyfriend and you are alone.
“Hey.. darling.” His hair was a bit of a mess, and his eyes were puffy as he turned to face you. Lyney responds nervously as he approaches you. His hands tap on his arms as he tries to take deep breaths. His eyes stare at something else, as he does not make eye contact.
“Hello Lyney.” Nervously, he looks up, meeting your eyes. His breathing slows down as he takes in your expression before giving his normal smile to you. 
“Can I ask something?” He slowly nods, giving you his full attention. You frown at seeing the sweet look on his face. The adoration he has for you falters slightly.
“Is this about the papers from Steambird?” He grips your hand tightly, almost trying to comfort himself. 
“Newspapers? No, it's about the people from the court yesterday.” A confused look comes onto his face as he stares. You let out a small sigh, recounting the events from yesterday.
His expression evolves from worry to anger before returning to his gentle look. His hand tightens on your wrist with each word that you speak. Your Lyney, who normally looks at you with honesty and sweetness, looked at you guilty. 
"Lyney, do you know what they mean? What is the House of the Hearth?’’ His expression darkens as he lets out a small sigh. 
“It’s where I grew up.” You hold on to him as your heart drops. You remember their words about Fatui.
“The Fatui, are they associated with the House of the Hearth?” He pauses before nodding, confirming the fears you held.
All those things that those people yelled at you for were true, and they weren’t lying. Your heart sped as you backed away from your lover’s hold. A look of sadness spread across Lyney's face as you created distance from him. He reaches out to retake your hands in his, as you cover your ears. 
How dare the damn Fatui sit here feeling bad for themselves?
My brother suffered because of you!
Everyone seemed to know who your boyfriend was before he even told you. Lyney, Fontaine's famous magician, was a child of Fatui. You weren’t even directly involved with the Fatui, other than dating one of the members.
Did the people of Fontaine care? You could spend all your time doing every interview to prove them wrong, only to have them look at you like some thief or evil person. You look up, your eyes meeting lilac colored ones. Did you really want to spend the rest of your life with a target on your back? 
You let out a small sigh walking up to him. His expression lightens as you allow him to relink your hands together.
“Darling, I think it’s best if we don’t see each other again.”
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i-smoke-chapstick · 14 days
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Reader just wants to get out the house. Jervis has some few choice words.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x female reader. BACK FROM MY HIATUS! SLOW BURN!!! Not sure how many chapters this will be yet! LOTS OF PLOT SET-UP!! AGE GAP ROMANCE! (reader is Jim and Barbara's daughter) He's fallen harder. Jervis is STRESSING. Jervis being an obsessive possessive whiney bastard. Writing this kind of artistically and as character studies for everyone. Suggestive themes. They are in love guys everyone shhh. Controlling behavior. (Reader likes it) I'm taking canon out back and beating it with a stick until it stops twitching.
⋆ tag list (tell me if you want to be removed!) @adalwolfgang @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @honestmrdual @moonlightnyx @all-things-fandomstuck @killingboredom @sweetlimeharvest @frenchfryqueen69
♫ “I want to get next to you. Yeah, I love all the things you do...” Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience
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It's the next day. You still haven't talked to him about the kiss, or about leaving to see your mom. You don't see why it would be a problem, but something gnaws at you that it's not the best idea. Oh well. You miss Tabitha. You miss Butch. You'll only be gone for a few hours, Jervis won't know. Fuck it.
You made sure to wake up abnormally early, and god, it hurts to get out of bed. You look at the clock. 4:00 AM. Jesus Christ.
You've planned this. In and out. For some reason, you don't want Jervis to know you're leaving. You just have this bad inkling tugging at you. What if he thinks your leaving to see your father? What if he thinks it's all a ploy? Find him, kiss him, oh- yeah, Jim Gordon is going to take you to Arkham. Sorry about that.
You shudder, grabbing your phone. You throw on some clothes you had to dig around to find. The amount of texts you've received has stayed the same. Selina was right. They were giving up hope. That makes you a bit sick to your stomach.
Swallowing, you open the door. It's still dark outside, and you try to be as quiet as possible. Will your mom even be up? Probably. Siren's is open 24/7. This is basically prime time.
You sneak down the stairs- until you see the faint candle light in the living room. What, did Jervis forget to put it out? Or is he still awake?
You place a hand over your mouth, scouting out the area like you're from some poorly made spy movie. For the amount of time you spend with Selina, you certainly aren't well versed in sneaking around.
When you think you're in the clear- you round the corner, before a voice sparks you out of your thoughts. You practically jolt.
"And just what do you think you're doing, my dear?"
He speaks smoothly, and you finally see him, whipping your head around. His body language is tight, legs crossed as he looks up at you through his lashes. His gaze never strays, as always. You hardly even register the question.
"...Mr. Tetch-" You breathe, clutching your phone. He interrupts.
"I thought we were passed formalities, dear." He raises a taunting eyebrow, cocking his head. Something in his voice sends chills down your spine.
"We are. Sorry," You attempt to sound as casual as possible. Shit. "What are you doing up this early?"
"I could ask you the same thing. I assume you were attempting to slip away in secret?" He rises from his seat in the room, coming out the shadows. "You know, you aren't making yourself look particularly trustworthy."
"What? I can't go for a morning stroll?" You shift.
He scoffs.
"A morning stroll? In the dead of night? You'd never wake up of your own accord so early," He continues to push, "Besides...you're a terrible liar. An awful actress."
His words border on a childish sneer. Rude.
You come off it.
"Look, I just wanted to see my mom, okay? Explain where I am...I don't know."
His gaze softens, but only a bit. You try to push out the thoughts of those same lips kissing your own hungrily. Fuck.
"You aren't a prisoner," He huffs, insulted. "But sneaking out of our home? At this hour?"
You begin to study him, you listen to his words. Our home. How...domestic. It's almost like he didn't kill the owners of it before you two shoved your way in to formulate revenge plots. You groan.
You decide to finally call it out. To just be blunt. Address the...elephant in the room.
"Is this about the kiss?"
There's a moment of silence. It's almost comical, to watch his expression. How it changes from a sneer, to confusion, to utter surprise. He looks like a flustered mess at your words, obviously not used to being called out.
"You-" He begins, but stops himself. He looks like he's going to be sick, and it almost elicits a chuckle out of you.
"I'm not avoiding you." You say, genuinely. You can see right through him. "Is that what you think?"
He breathes heavily. You aren't sure if it's embarrassment, or your bluntness on the exchange between you two. He stares at you, bewildered and ruffled.
Collecting himself, he finally speaks up.
"What am I supposed to think!?" It comes out in a weak snap, all bark no bite. But...it does scare you a bit. He stalks closer and closer on you, and you realize just how tall he is. "Look at you, little girl, running away like a thief in the night."
His voice is suddenly gentle as it trails off, and you feel your breath hitch as his finger comes beneath your chin, tilting your gaze up to him.
"So naive. So innocent. So ignorant." His voice is cutting, strangely degrading.
You look into his eyes, and you realize...he's scolding you. And you love it.
You feel warm all over, biting your lip. His eyes travel down to watch you tug it in between your teeth, and his gaze darkens almost instantly. You have the same effect on him, apparently.
"I wasn't avoiding you." You say, impossibly gentle. It's lowered to a whisper as you're backed against a wall. "I promise, Jervis...I promise." You take a hand to cradle his cheek. You watch as his touch-starved body immediately sinks into the touch, closing his eyes.
You swear you can feel his heart beating. His breath comes in quiet gasps as he drinks in your comforting presence. This is the most intimate you two must've been with anybody. It's real. It's reciprocated.
He still seems wary, unconvinced. He gazes up at you, eyes narrowing, but still soft. You forget all about your father. You forget all about revenge. Maybe Mr. Tetch is your sanctuary.
You wonder if this is what your mother felt for your dad. No wonder she went batshit crazy. You would too.
"You can come with me. To the club." You say, sincerely. You watch as his lips part, and the tension in his body melts away. "If you want."
A beat of silence, before that spark returns to him.
"...Perhaps I may have rushed to conclusions." He says simply, still begrudgingly. But you find yourself lighting up at him relenting. "May I?" He asks, holding out a hand for you to take.
He detaches himself from you, but not without difficulty. You take his hand in response.
There it is again. That jolt of electricity. That feeling of adoration.
You breathe a relieved sigh and let him drag you away.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
My Mommy
February Filth Fest - 8; mommy kink
group : ateez
pairing : jongho × reader
genre : smut, sub!jongho, dad!ateez
word count : 2.8 k
warning : mdni, smut (not piv), handjob, breastfeeding kink, boobs obsessed jongho, mommy!reader, sub!jongho, mentions of pregnancy-related crack-a-doodle-doo, jongho has oral fixation ?, slight impregnation kink at the end ??
a/n : finally the last part to fff !!! eeek i'm so happy that i'm actually able to deliver my promise and post for all 8 members PLUS an extra. initially i wanted to do four extras but as you know, i managed to post one extra while the other three are still on my notes. tho I'd maybe post them later as a personal project >:)
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"Gaho is finally asleep,"
Jongho lifted his head from his book and watched you enter your shared room from his side of the bed. You walked in groaning after struggling to put your 7-month-old baby girl to sleep for the night as he had just learnt the joys of sight and hearing so she became rather fussy. "Are you okay?" Genuine worry dripped from Jongho's voice when he saw you place the baby monitor on your nightstand as you sat down on your side of the bed. You turned to look at him and shot him a grateful smile, mouthing a 'thank you' as you were unable to use your voice.
"You know," the bed behind you dipped as Jongho placed his hands on your shoulders to gently massaged the sore muscles, "I wouldn't mind helping feed her when I'm around. Heck, I'll even clean her poopy diaper and give her a bath," he offered as he pressed his lips to the side of your head lovingly. You let out a hum of appreciation, smiling at how nice it felt to be massaged by him. He always bragged about how strong he is and while he used that as an advantage against his band members, he used it to spoil you with his love. "Yeah, but you work all the time and during weird hours for recording and stuff so I'd rather you rest whenever you can," it was true, you saw how your husband works so hard to provide for your family and honestly seeing him rest well and do some things just for himself was comfort enough for you.
You accidentally let out a moan followed by your head rolling and falling back in pleasure when Jongho relieved the pressure on a sore spot. Jongho's fingers froze for a second when he heard you moan, the sound sent a thrill straight to his gut and suddenly his mind started replaying some memories of you fucking yourself on his cock. It wasn't like he planned on thinking about it, nothing specific was turning him on (other than your moans), but you were right there under his touch. His eyes glazed while his fingers moved on their own accords, massaging your sore muscles to elicit more sounds from you that just made him inhale shakily. His mind was fuzzy with images of you naked on top of him or taking him in your mouth or even you stepping on his cock as he humped on your heels to get off. God, how he missed the days he could just be depraved and not feel guilty because there wasn't a baby in the next room. Then his thoughts shifted to the image of you during your pregnancy. It was around your third month and as you said, it was the sweet spot where your body informed the twins in the apartment but not the troll in the basement. While you loved how perky they were, Jongho loved how he was able to play with them all he wants. It wasn't like he wasn't attracted to your boobs before the pregnancy it was just that now there were more of it and you were lactating. Just the thought of him suckling your breasts and drinking your milk while you writhe under or on top of him, grinding to his hard cock due to oversensitivity got Jongho's cock to spring up to its full size.
Jongho only snapped back into reality when you pulled away from his touch and stood up, saying something along the lines of having to change out of your spittle-covered shirt that barely registered into Jongho's boob-induced brain detachment. Thought what came next wasn't much better for him as you whipped your shirt off and revealed your bare boob, hanging heavy on your chest with your nipples pebbled. Jongho's jaw immediately went slack and his tongue darted out as a reflex when he saw the shine on the peaks from you breastfeeding your daughter, immediately wanting a taste. Despite what your parents said and your baby's paediatrician's suggestion, you didn't want to stop breastfeeding until she was at least one year old as you heard the many benefits that formula just couldn't give. Plus, it was like strapping a treadmill to your chest, where else can you dump 500 calories daily? It was a win-win-win solution for everyone in your family. The baby gets her food, nutrient, immune boost, and neurological benefit among other things, you get to not worry about wanting cheeseburgers at 12 am, and Jongho gets some action whenever he wants.
As you dump your dirty shirt to the floor and turned to ask Jongho if he saw your favourite sleeping shirt, you noticed how his eyes zeroed in on your chest, completely transfixed. "Jongho?" You called out with eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Are you okay?" Of course, he didn't answer verbally, he simply nodded slowly before tilting his head to the side slightly as if to follow with the movements of your breasts.
Knowing him, you knew what he was thinking and it wasn't that hard to guess since his dick was begging to be released from his sweatpants. "Aww, are you staring at my boobies, baby?" you chuckled, walking back to him with your boobs hanging free, intentionally swaying to make them jiggle slightly. Jongho's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as his throat swallowed the imaginary lump that formed. Your confidence skyrocketed just from Jongho staring at you, he made you feel like you were the only woman he'd ever need and want, like you're the most beautiful and precious person in the world.
Reaching the bed, your kneed dipped first as you tower over Jongho, hands cupping his face gently as you gazed at him lovingly but your fingers were rather firm with your thumb pressing onto his bottom lip. "Does baby want his play time before bed?" You asked, tone lower than your previous, the same one you used on Jongho when you mean business. Immediately, Jongho took notice of your tone and he nodded frantically, "Yes, mommy."
In a flash, you found yourself on your shared bed, your back against the headrest with pillows providing a comfortable surface while Jongho was on top of you. A soft exhale escaped your lips as Jongho's lips work fervently to plant marks all over your skin from the side of your neck down to your chest. "You're hungry, aren't you, baby?" You teased with a giggle, knowing that despite his neediness, he still had his pride and the whine that he let out simply boosted your ego. Despite his protests, his lips never ceased their work, clustering to your cleavage and only venturing out slightly to butterfly his pattern. Gently, you cupped his face with your hand and lifted his face to look at you, "Tell me what you want, baby," and Jongho grabbed onto your thighs harshly from trying to contain his excitement, wanting to be good for you. "I want your milk," you were about to scold him for not calling you by your title when he suddenly leaned back and took your left nipple between his teeth, tugging them hard enough to cause you pleasure while still ensuring you wouldn't feel hurt, "I want my mommy's milk," he said, tongue laying flat on the nipple he just teased.
With his words, you leaned back slightly lower to make sure you were in a more comfortable position as Jongho took this as a sign for him to switch positions as well. He laid on the left side of your body, his legs slightly spread as his hands groped your tits gently. You hummed in approval, loving how he was being considerate of your pleasure even when you wanted to give him his. Gasps even left your lips when Jongho squeezed just hard enough that trickles of breast milk fell out of your nipples, effectively causing Jongho's cock to thrash in its confinement as his tip began creating a wet spot that was mere seconds away from being visible through his sweatpants. But he remained patient as best as he could, reminding himself to not do anything that could result in you punishing him. It was established between you two that he was not supposed to do anything until he got your permission and you were proud that he was able to be so obedient even when he was being so needy. The dark orbs of his eyes were twinkling with anticipation, looking up at you so patiently whilst his fingers massaged your tender flesh. He wasn't the only one who wanted him to suck on your boobs, you've always found a certain attraction towards seeing his pretty lips on you and the fact that he could just be so adorable and submissive in the bedroom for you and ONLY for you.
"Go ahead baby, enjoy your meal," you commanded.
Jongho wasted no time before he latched his mouth to your left boob and began sucking greedily. You winced at the first impact, surprised at how harsh he was being with you but that was just proof of how much he wanted you. It was endearing. Painful, but endearing.
"Fuck, Jongho, slow down," you winced, cringing when he bit onto your nipple a little bit too hard. "Sorry," He mumbled against your flesh, momentarily pausing from his sucking to place kisses as if to compensate for his rough treatment. But of course, he soon went back to drinking your breastmilk. Jongho truly enjoyed the taste of you as the liquid gushed from your nipples, coating his tongue and filling his mouth. He wasn't sure if it was the taste of you per se or it was the fact that it was just something your body created and he was enjoying YOU.
It wasn't hard to see that Jongho was having his own fun. You noticed his hard cock straining against the soft material of his sweatpants but he didn't seem like he cared about it much. Jongho froze when he felt you taking his cock out of his sweatpants, the cold air hitting his warm skin made him shudder and clench his jaws slightly. You pecked his forehead gently to calm his nerves down, "Don't worry baby, mommy will take care of you," you reassured, making him relax slightly.
The moment you started pumping Jongho, he couldn't help but let his eyes flutter close, enjoying the new attention you were giving his cock. Slowly, his mind was flowing with pleasure, mouth almost automatically continued its movement on your boob as the hand that was working on your other boob moved on its own accord. The feeling was amazing, having Jongho powerfully milking your tits with his mouth and his hand. Of course, the stimulations were different but in a good way, you were able to enjoy the different textures that gave different types of pleasure. He made you feel good that you started working on him harder. You knew he liked a bit of pain with his pleasure, opting for you to be as rough as you want with him as he tried to take it all. Jongho exhaled sharply when your fingers trailed down to his balls and cupped them firmly, squeezing slightly to the point that his tip spurted a tiny bit of precum. "You like that, baby? You like mommy playing with your big dumb cock?" Pathetically, Jongho nodded his head quickly, causing his teeth to scrape on your boob, "How can you neglect your cock like this? Look at it, it's hard and red and it's already leaking without me having to do much," the condescending laugh you let out made Jongho curl into your body for comfort, slightly ashamed but revelling at how you put him down so easily, "Oh, what would you do without me? Your balls would have been permanently blue had it not been for me teaching you what to do." Jongho moaned when you resume pumping him, tugging on his thick cock that could barely fit in your hand as his mouth drooled all over your tits and dripped to your stomach.
Without a verbal answer from him, you felt yourself getting slightly ticked. Much to Jongho's disappointment, you used the hand that grabbed onto his cock to pull his head back by his hair. "Mm- Ahh!" He whined, lips trying to find your tit to suck again. "Bad baby," a slap was delivered to his face, not a harsh one but hard enough that it made his eyes glaze slightly, "What do you say to mommy for teaching you how to use your dumb cock?" you growled. His response came first with his hand reaching for your hand that was holding onto his hair to place it back on his throbbing cock. Grinding up against your pal, you felt him twitch slightly, part of the tip slightly wet from his precum smearing. "Thank you mommy for teaching me how to use my dumb cock and giving you a baby, making you a real mommy," he said, the corners of his lips twitching slightly as he was teasing you. You had teased him multiple times in the past about how his mommy kink will eventually turn you into a real mommy so when you found out you were pregnant, Jongho was beyond ecstatic. Not only because now you both have a tiny human that was a combination of the both of you but also because he had finally gotten something to tease you with.
"Fuck," you groaned, resuming pumping him with one hand as the other grabbed his head and forced him back to suckle on you. Happily, Jongho complied, sucking more and more of your milk as you jacked him off. It was heaven for him to be able to enjoy you like that. His free hand that was groping your free tit started to grope harder, taking your pebbled nipple between his fingers to tweak and rub at them. At that point, you were sure that you were soaking through your panties and sleep shorts but of course, you couldn't care less when your husband was so close to cumming all over your hand. Jongho was a whimpering mess at this point, his grip on you tight as if he was trying to control his reflexes. His mouth was no longer sucking on your tit but it was still latched on, his tongue swiping your skin in an attempt to calm himself. The more you pumped his cock and the quicker your movements, the more he became erratic. His hips were moving on their own accords despite Jongho trying to keep still. "I- I'm close," he mumbled into your flesh, face hiding away from you in the embarrassment of his confession. You couldn't help but chuckle at how adorably shy he was. Even after making love and fuking each other multiple times over the years, he still couldn't shake how self-conscious he was. Which you have ensured that you loved and adored that side of him.
"Come on, be a good boy and cum for mommy,"
Jongho's eyes screwed shut as he moaned into your flesh in his mouth, cumming with spurts of his semen splattering all over your skin and his; thighs, abdomen, and some even got onto your chest from the way his tip was positioned. You didn't stop jerking him as he rode his high, mimicking his mouth that returned to sucking your very tender boob but a lot gentler. This time, you started moaning from the stimulation and your hand slowed down its movement on Jongho's cock to the point that it was just stroking him gently with the lightest feather touch and even then, his dick was still responding with twitches. Though he had just came, his dick was still hard and maybe you had yourself to blame for still touching him and moaning but you were only a human and you didn't hear Jongho complaining.
It wasn't until Jongho unlatched his mouth from you and sat up a bit that he noticed the wet patch on your sleep shorts. Suddenly he moved on top of you, trapping you under him as he started peppering kisses all over your face. Then he trailed down your body; from your neck to your cleavage, then stopping momentarily at the band of your sleeping shorts. "How about I thank mommy for helping me cum?" he asked after placing a soft kiss on your lower belly as his hands slowly pulled your sleep shorts and panties completely off of you. You let out a hum when Jongho started placing soft kisses on your pussy, teasing you by intentionally letting his lips linger near your clit and on the sides of your folds but not on the centre yet. "How about another baby?" suddenly Jongho delivered a harsh and quick lick by shoving his tongue between your folds and up, flicking your clit in the process. A yelp escaped you when Jongho used his hands to part your legs and folded them slightly to open yourself to him. Your glistening core was glaring at him and he couldn't help but lick his lips, hungry for a different taste of you.
"Yeah, I'm gonna make you a mommy again."
fff taglist :
@senpai-of-doom @doom-fics @kawennote09 @cherryxsang @ssaboala
@k-drizzle @stfuayu @fariylixie0915
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xiaoluclair · 5 months
Yo! Hi. So,
Lestappen 7, 16 or 48
Mctwinks 32, 13 or 17
Norstappen 22, 20 or 2
Please and thank you
hi boo, imma get one of these out bc it was draiiinning and write the other two later!
17. to distract // ln4.op81 // G
Liam was a terrible influence, really. The Logan of this morning, bleary eyed and braindead with the prospect of a new day, would never have picked a lock, let alone failed at picking it and been bestowed with detention the entire month.
So. Terrible influence.
It's in the hour before his first detention, where he's stowed himself away in the library next to Oscar, that he gets a WhatsApp notification from his mom. Don't forget eggs for tonight! Also Kat has something to ask you.
logan, pops down from the top of the screen a second later. He thumbs open the message thread. i left dad's present in m02.
good for you, Logan thumbs out, while trying to think of a way to get out of detention that isn't 'I have to buy eggs'.
"What's wrong?" Oscar asks him. "You've got your 'Something is wrong' face on."
"I have to run groceries for my dad's birthday cake," Logan tells him. The time on his phone flicks to 16:57. "And get my sister's present for him that she forgot in the art block, and do this while I'm in detention."
"I can do those," offers Oscar.
"We're going out for dinner at six," added Logan, swinging his rucksack over his shoulder as he stood. "I haven't even told my mom yet. Don't play the Jurassic Park theme tune at my funeral."
Oscar grins. "No promises. And don't tell you mum," he adds, grabbing his own bag and following Logan out of the library, "not today anyway."
"Okay," they turn down a corridor of lockers, "so I should just. Not show up? Happy birthday dad, your son's M.I.A."
Oscar doesn't say anything for a minute. Logan leaves him be, caught up in his own trainwreck. They get to the room with a minute left on the clock. Logan turns to give Oscar a hug. When they pull apart, Oscar gives his shoulder a squeeze, round lump of a nose scrunched up a little with his grin. "Sit near the window," he says. "And leave the rest to me."
Logan enters detention feeling suitably concerned about his best friend's mental health. There's a couple of people already sat down, and a girl takes up the seat closest to the row of windows so Logan takes the seat just behind her. There's no teacher. Two minutes later, a boy lopes in, and drops his backpack down as he props himself on the desk at the front of the room, a wrinkled piece of paper in hand. "Prigard?"
"Uh, here," says Logan, staring. He's fairly certain the guy is too young to be a teacher. He barely looks older than Logan. No one else says anything about it though, so.
It's fifteen minutes into the hour, maybe, when the door opens. Logan glances up, history essay blurring on the table. A few others do too, including the guy at the front, who's spent the entire time after taking roll fiddling on his phone.
"Ella Hare?" he says, glancing down at the register sheet. "You're a little late."
"Sorry," says Oscar, slipping slightly awkwardly into the room. "Got stuck in a comb."
Guy At The Front lights up like a very small Christmas Tree. He leans forward slightly. "Glad you found your way out."
Oscar makes his way to the front of the room. By this point, everyone in the is watching with at least an absent boredom. "Sorry to interrupt, mister..."
"Norris," says the guy, grinning.
"Mr Norris," repeats Oscar, stopping at the other end of the desk, and Logan can see his entire face. "What are your thoughts on... defenestration."
Logan puts his pad of paper and pen carefully into his bag. He zips it up as quietly as he can while Mr Norris says, "I love defenderation." Logan's hand slips, and the zipping goes slightly high-pitched and too loud. He freezes, eyes on the back of Mr Norris's head. It starts to turn.
"Hey," says Oscar loudly, quickly, "Mr Norris, are you free right now?"
A pause. "Depends," says Mr Norris. Logan edges out of his seat.
"Would you mind listening to my sister's grade eight saxophone?" Oscar continues. Logan nearly chokes on his own tongue.
"Would I..." echoes Mr Norris, and now he sounds confused.
"Yeah," says Oscar. The girl next to Logan is watching him creep his bag onto his shoulders with raised, incredibly studded eyebrows. Logan wonders if they're legal. "She needs a second opinion?"
"I'm the second opinion?"
"On estimate," says Oscar, and then there's a saxophone blaring through the room, just obnoxious enough for Logan to lift his chair back into the desk and fumble the window open. Now everyone is looking at him. There's a set of twins who look like they're three second away from shitting themselves with laughter.
Logan looks to where Oscar has his phone out. Mr Norris has perched on the end of the desk, back of his curly head to Logan and eyes on Oscar. He reaches up just as Logan puts his leg out of the window, and presses a finger to Oscar's phone. The music cuts out on a high note. "She's good," he says. "But is that what you came here to ask? If you were looking for Brown, then-"
Logan's arm slips and bangs into the window sill. Shit.
"What the-" Mr Norris twists. Logan's mentally signing his death certificate, when Oscar lunges out and his hand goes around Mr Norris's cheek. And then he, to Logan's immense horror, crushes their mouths together.
Logan's pretty sure his jaw just hit the other side of the earth.
Then he remembers why Oscar's just kissed a teacher, and funnels himself the rest of the way out of the window as quickly as possible.
Liam hands him a carton of eggs, the present his sister forgot, and three packs of Daim. "Sorry," he says, sincerely. "I wouldn't have asked if I knew that was all today."
"No problem," says Logan, still reeling. "All in the name of love."
Liam looks at him concernedly. "Right. Are you. Okay?"
"Oscar kissed a teacher," Logan tells him. That's illegal, he's pretty sure. More illegal than twenty piercings in one eyebrow.
Liam's face goes bewildered. "Really? Why?"
Logan groans. "To get me out of detention."
"Why'd he have to kiss a teacher?" asks Liam, confused. "Wasn't Lando taking it?"
Now Logan's also confused. He asks, tucking the eggs, the present, and two of the Daim packs into his bag. "Lando?"
Liam elaborates, taking the Daim pack and opening it so Logan can arrange everything in a way that hopefully won't break the eggs, "Lando Norris? Curly hair, kind of tanned. He's a senior. And a teacher's pet, although I'm not sure how, he's not exactly known for being the perfect academic."
"So he's not a teacher?" Logan checks.
Liam shakes his head, confirming, "Nope," as he passes Logan the opened Daim pack. "Also you better get a move on, or Oscar kissing Lando to get you out of detention is going to mean nothing." Urged on and sufficiently comforted by the knowledge that his best friend will not be sent to jail, Logan rushes to flag down his bus home.
are you alive? he sends Oscar. he isnt a teacher btw hes a senior. also im on the bus.
The reply comes while he's video taping his dad cutting the cake and he's singing Happy Birthday a lot quieter than his mom. That's a relief, it reads, punctuation and all, because I'm pretty sure I asked him out for good measure.
Logan continues recording, and just hopes Oscar's bid for love never involves breaking into the cupboard of art supplies.
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fakesimp · 1 year
As hurtful as it can be.. i also want to request "it was good not breaking up with you after all" scenario with shu..
ahh.. what if it causes a huge fight.. now that's pretty risky but i'm curious (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
This. Muuu..
"It was good not breaking up with you after all" , With Shu Yamino
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Warning !
Hurt/Comfort ; Misunderstanding ; Mentions of Breaking up ; Established Relationship
A/n !
I'm sorryyyyyy for replying to this just now 🍰 anonnn, huhuhu .. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
It was just an accident, it was a prank. It was supposed to be a prank, but it takes a wrong turn.
Now he had locked himself in his room, while you. At the other hand, reflecting on your actions in the living room.
. . .
A few hours ago, you're both are cuddling on the bed, it was 7 am, you were awake and you saw him still sleeping peacefully while his arms draped over your waist.
His soft breathing next to your ear as you shuffled a bit and face your body to him, you smiled at the sight and kissed his forehead, earning a hum coming from the Raven.
. . .
But that was a few hours ago, now you're all alone in the living room, him in his room. It happened around 15 minutes ago, but now it felt like it happened for hours.
You missed him already, you remember the pained look in his eyes as you said the sentence, the way he looked at you while you're smiling mischievously only for it to turn into a concerned one soon after.
He didn't laugh, nor chuckle like usual, instead he just went quiet as he stared at the food in front of him. Fiddling with them for a few minutes before looking back at you, he looked disappointed, but not to you.
. . .
"You, ...thought of breaking up with me..?" He slowly asked, but dear god how he tried not to break right then and there when he asked. "Shu- I-" before you could finish your sentence, he stood up and smiled a bit at you, "..Sorry, maybe you, .. deserve someone much better than me, .. right?" He said as he then turned around and walked upstairs.
. . .
That was the last time you saw Shu, you didn't got a chance to tell him that it was a joke, he already left.
Now here you are contemplating on what to do, how do you fix this, but one thing for sure is that, you're definitely not going to joke about breaking up ever again.
. . .
And so here you are, in front of Shu's bedroom door, your hand is already up, ready to knock, but yet you didn't knock. Until when you're about to knock, the door opens. Revealing your Beloved Sorcerer at the other side, he looked at you, surprised as you were.
"Do you.. need something?" He asked, you look up at him, and then you hung your head low, "I'm sorry" you spat out, making Shu blinked at you, owlishly staring at you. "Huh?" His then eyes soften a few seconds after and his hand then slowly moves under your chin and raise your head up.
"I'm sorry too, ..for, leaving you all alone.." He apologized and because of that you stared into his eyes trying to find out what he's feeling. But you couldn't figure it out, that is until you see his eyes narrowed slightly.
"But, be honest with me, ..okay?" He pull his hand away, taking a deep breath, "..Did you actually?" It clicked, the joke must've plaguing his mind this entire time.
"No.. Shu, it.. was supposed to be.. a joke" You explained, averting your eyes for a moment before looking back up at him, you can see the relief in his eyes. The way his shoulder slumped down slightly in relief, "..I promise I won't do that again, I'm sorry.."
And then before you could register what happened you're in Shu's arms, he's hugging you, he buried his face at the crook of your neck. He stuttered out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around you a bit tighter, you immediately wrapped around your arms around his, reciprocating his hug.
You both hugged in silence, comfortable silence, you buried your face on his chest. You can feel his body slightly tremble, you pat his back for comfort.
"Forgive me, Shu." You whispered as you continue patting his back and then his head, you can feel him nodding his head slightly as he still bury his face at the crook of your neck.
"..I'm sorry too.." he apologized in a whisper, you kissed his neck, slowly going up to his jaw, cheek, forehead, down to his nose and lastly his lips.
Earning a soft chuckle from him, you placed both of your hands on his cheek. He then placed his on top of yours, he closed his eyes and slowly opened up and stare at you.
"I love you.." he whispered before kissing your palm, and then gently pulling you close to him, he leaned his face close, close enough that your nose touched. "Can I kiss you?" His eyes looked desperate, but he doesn't want to rush you. So he waited.
When he got the permission, both of your lips collided.
"I love you, so much.."
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
Again, I'm sorryyy (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) ..
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worksby-d · 2 years
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: ~700
. * ✦ . ◍ ∘ . * ✦ ‧ ∘ ⊹
Slowly opening your eyes, it takes you a moment to remember that you’re not in your own bed. Instead, you’re met with rays of sunshine peeking in through the curtains over Chris’ large bedroom windows and his snoozing dog by your feet at the end of the bed. You’re shocked he doesn’t hate you for once again being the reason he was kicked out of the room last night.
You’ve been here many times before, but you’ve never stayed the whole night. You have to admit the room looks different in the daylight.
Letting out a yawn, you muster up enough energy to roll onto your other side, but frown a little when Chris isn't laying next to you.
You groan knowing you should get up to find him. Without even checking the time, you can tell it's too early to be awake on a Saturday morning though.
Thankfully your question is answered for you when you hear the muffled sound of his faucet being turned on behind the closed bathroom door on the other side of the room.
You let your eyes fall shut again when he begins humming something softly – You're sure it's one of those classical songs he likes sending videos of himself playing on the piano to you.
Eventually willing yourself to climb out of bed, you tiptoe toward the closed door. You take advantage of it being cracked open, slowly and quietly opening it enough so you can lean against the frame of it.
He's too distracted singing to himself and gelling his hair to notice you right away. You're distracted too, eyes met with the sight of him in only a towel around his waist, fresh out of the shower. You could get used to this, you think to yourself.
But you snap yourself out of it, finally getting his attention. “This isn't gonna work.”
He jumps hearing your voice all of a sudden, clutching a hand to his chest as he looks your way.
“Jesus, warn a guy next time,” he chuckles. But you can point out the exact moment he finally registers what you just said – his gaze narrowing on you, brow furrowed. “Wait– What? Why–”
You have to repress a laugh as his panic unfolds, stepping closer to him to ease it a bit.
“You're a morning person,” you sigh, trying your best to keep a straight face. “We can't– I'm sorry…”
“Oh my God.” He breaks first, letting out a laugh of relief and you can't keep the act up anymore after that. “You scared me.”
He reaches out his hand for yours to pull you closer. His skin is still damp, wetting your clothes as you hug him.
“Good morning,” you murmur, leaning to give him a soft kiss.
“If you say so,” he scoffs, giving you one more kiss. “Gees.”
“I'm sorry for scaring you. Twice,” you laugh. “You know, you could have woke me up if it meant taking a shower together.”
“You looked too peaceful,” he shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as he thinks back to a few hours ago. “I wouldn't have done that.”
“How long have you been up?”
He pretends to think about it, knowing you won't like the answer. “Since 7 maybe.”
“Chris,” you gasp, jokingly pulling away so you can walk toward the door. “It's worse than I thought. I can't–”
“Stop,” he laughs, gently grabbing for you again to draw you back. “I promise to never wake you up that early, okay?”
“Okay.” You offer him a nod, but you have one exception to give him. “Unless it's so I can shower with you, like I said.”
“Deal,” he smiles. “Did you sleep well?”
“Well enough for you to sleep over again sometime?”
“Of course,” you laugh. “I had a really nice night.”
Another wave of relief washes over him. “Me too.”
. * ✦ . ◍ ∘ . * ✦ ‧ ∘ ⊹
Tag list: @chris-butt @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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℘ flora's notes : i got lots of "more gojo" in my form so here u go 👀
℘ infos : female reader, uh not full on nsfw but it does get pretty heated in there , it's my first time writing something so explicit, I don't want to read it again or I'll probs run away from here. I'm posting it and going to sleep let's see if you guys will like it💀💀
m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed ! I really need feedback on this, it's a first haha
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being satoru gojo's assistant was not the easiest job. he was very... energetic and was more exhausting than the paperwork. you had to deal with his random outbursts of emotions and his unstoppable God complex for 10 long hours from Monday to Friday. as annoying as he could be, gojo was fond of you. let's say he was not exactly discreet about it. AND HE ALWAYS SAID IT WITH A SMIRK. it's almost like he doesn't smile, he just smirks.
"ooouh nice skirt y/n, leaves little to the imagination... if you see what i mean", "love the way you did your hair today, really frames your face, really pretty yeah". he was also kind of touchy, but he knew his limits and never crossed them. he held your waist when he passed by you, made your feet touch in meetings, winked at you every now and then. you could not deny that your boss was very, very sexy. you knew it was wrong, but it was exciting to have a crush on your boss. and honestly, who could blame you ?
gojo made you go through hell today - not willingly - his all over the place personality aside, he was quite a nice employer. he even brought you your favorite drink every morning, but that was just his way of flirting with you. you left work at 8PM and you were exhausted. you could barely write, your hand was numb because of all the paperwork. your best friend decided that you two should go out to the bar next to your office, you were meeting her there.
you sat on the stool next to her, immediately exhaling, letting your stress out. you ordered a sex on the beach, then a second, a third and you eventually lost count. the first drink hit you pretty hard, it felt like you were floating on a cloud and you just had to drink the other cocktails to enhance that feeling. your best friend was pretty drunk too and left to the bathroom. you were resting your head in your hand, trying to keep composure as a person seated next to you.
"we could have sex on the beach, you know ?" the voice said, you could hear the smirk, your boss' smirk, but your brain was too slow to register that...
"chill, love. I'm not gonna fire you damn, everyone can get a drink. I mean... several drinks, based on your state. And I can't blame you for wanting to have sex with me, you're not exactly the only one."
"I'm so sorry this is so unprofessional of me, mr gojo i-" you started, panicking.
"call me satoru." he said sternly.
"i- i can't call you by your first name, you're my boss ?" you questioned
" i won't be "just your boss" for long princess. now come on, I'll bring you home you're wasted." he picked you up bridal style, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
"wait the bill... my friend..." you said drowsily
"ah yeah, we are not robbing the bar from 7 sex on the beaches now are we ? here you go sir, keep the change." he gives the bartender a 100 dollar bill before taking you into his car. he buckled you in and grabbed a plastic bag... just in case.
after what seemed like a good 20 minutes ride, the car came to a stop. "is your head okay, pretty girl ?" he asked putting a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"i thought I'd be pretty hammered, but the alcohol just gives me enough confidence to do this." you grabbed his collar and pulled his lips against yours. he put his hand behind your head, pulling you closer and put his tongue against your mouth. you opened it and ensued a heated make out session.
gojo was one hell of a good kisser. everytime your lips touched, each one of your cell was tingling. you two touching made electricity flow through both of your bodies. you could smell his shampoo as you ferociously gripped his hair, in an attempt to stay as close as possible.
"i'll take the couch y/n, sleep in the bed."
you were too tired to argue and you just let him tuck you in his bed. he closed the door behind him and you buried your head into the pillow. everything smelled like his intoxicating self. you tried to fall asleep, in vain. you had to feel him again, you had to.
unable to let go off his pillow, you brought it downstairs with you. gojo was not sleeping yet, he was lying sideways on the couch, watching TV. you barely acknowledged the screen as your eyes met. he patted the free space in front of him and signaled for you to lay down beside him. the alcohol has worn off by now and your shy self was mortified. hesitantly, you sat, straight as a stick. you were shaking, not knowing what to do. your boss was charismatic and intimidating, you didn't want to cross a line.
your stiffness caused him to chuckle. he gently pushed on your arm to force you to lay down on the pillow he was planning to sleep on, big enough to fit both of your heads. he put a blanket over the two of you and rubbed your legs so you would extend them. you were now fully spooning with your boss, he was softly circling his fingers up and down your arm in an attempt to soothe you to sleep.
only, being so close to your hot boss caused a throbbing down there.
"...gojo" you moaned accidentally, causing him to raise his head above yours.
"satoru. if you're gonna moan my name, moan it correctly." his stern tone did not help your wetness.
"satoru please... i- i need you..." you desperately admitted, almost shaking from the unbearable friction. you moved his hand down to where you needed him the most.
"i mean... you do owe me a sex on the beach, love." he smirked and got on top of you.
you were in fact, not on time the next day and neither was he-
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)
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youmakemyhearthowl · 1 year
Punk Princess
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 (Next Part)
Hello and welcome to the story that I most would like to finish, It's been a while friends, and I have missed all of you. I'm going to go ahead and get this chapter uploaded now, it was written way back in January, when things started to go a little south for me in life, but I figured I could give you guy's this, while I work on making sure I can keep giving you this story in the most authentic way. So here's to you guys, and this shorter Chapter that I never got to release because life kicked me in the face. The next one I'm able to release, I want to be longer but I needed a 'fresh start' to keep telling this story and that meant getting this part out for you all to enjoy. And I really hope you enjoy. thank you for sticking around, and for being so understanding. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I hope I can keep bringing these boys to life for you soon<3
Steve had been on dates in the past, so he’s not really sure why he’s freaking out so hard to Robin while he’s getting ready. He knows how to do this, he used to be the king of doing this.
But it feels like so much more this time. 
Like life or death.
Which is so silly because Steve’s faced life or death before, and it was nothing like this. But god the panic he’s feeling is so all consuming at the moment he barely registers Robin's hands coming up to grasp his face, and squish his cheeks between them.
“I’m gonna need you to breathe, Dingus.” Steve lets out a soft whine when he registers her words, his eyes focusing on her soft smile. “What’s got you so panicked about this, Steve? You’ve been on dates before, and you already did the hard part of asking him out.” Steve brings his hands up to cup around hers and sighs, deflating completely. 
“What if like, what if he wants or-or expects more on the date? Like I know I’m a bit of a slut Rob’s, I own that shit, but, I’ve- I don’t know, what if that’s all he wants, like everyone else I’ve tried to be with? Like, I didn’t really have the best time with- with the hook ups when I was still figuring out my sexuality, you know?  And Eddie’s important, like so important and I just, fuck I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” Robin squishes his face a little more as he talks, and his words come out a bit distorted. 
“Yea I know, it’s dumb.” He casts his eyes to the side as she lets his face go. Hands sliding down his neck and arms till she’s holding his.
“It’s not dumb. But Steve don’t you want more on this date? I mean you’ve been talking about sitting on his dick for months now.” Steve groans, leaning forward to rest his forehead on hers taking a deep breath. 
“This is- Rob’s, I’m like, pretty sure I’m in love with the guy. I don’t think I’d survive if this was just a physical thing.” One of her hands releases his and comes up to flick his ear.
“So tell him that dumbass. You guys promised to communicate with each other, So do that.”
And just like that, a lot of that panic that was gripping his throat dissipates, a soft laugh bubbling up in his throat, because she’s right. Of course she’s right, she’s Robin. But that promise is literally the whole building block of his and Eddies relationship. That promise of Steve communicating, and Eddie taking the time to listen and vise versa. It’s what makes what they have now work.  
Steve leans forward and plants a kiss on Robin's nose that has her scrunching it at him. 
“What would I do without you, Robs?”
“Fair enough”
Steve has no idea why he was so nervous, walking through the woods with Eddie towards their date destination. Them- this, it’s easy. 
“Stevie, baby, light of my dreary life. You said drive-in movie, not fucking hike for an hour in the woods movie.” Steve laughs, glancing over to Eddie before reaching out and grabbing his hand, placing a swift kiss to his knuckles.
“It’s been like 10 minutes Eddie, and we’re almost there anyways.” Eddie shoots him a playful glare, yanking on their intertwined hands so Steve stumbles towards him slightly.
“Pretty sure you said that like, 3 hours ago.” Steve laughs, groaning and bumping his shoulder into Eddies.  Glancing sideways at him through his bangs, a soft swoop warming his lower stomach. 
Steve kinda short circuits at that, stumbling slightly and shooting a playful glare at Eddie, who's walking next to him with a self satisfied grin taking over his whole face.Steve can feel his blush deepening as he stares at him.
“You’re a little shit.” Steve finally settles on saying, glancing in front of them to make sure they are going in the right direction.  He doesn’t think he’s stopped smiling since the date started, and his face kind of hurts, but he’s so glad he was able to push past his worries and do this. All of this for Eddie. He can smell the food he cooked every now and then, when Eddie swings the picnic basket just right and he’s excited to get Eddie’s opinion on the Chicken Parm he’d made for them. 
Eddie squeezes Steve's hand gently, pulling his attention back over to him, and the smile Steve is met with is blinding. 
“So, what’s with the trek through the woods for a drive-in movie? You secretly a murderer?” Steve snorts so hard at the question he stumbles a bit, Eddie uses the hand he’s still holding to pull him back. “It’s a valid question, Princess. You’re a little bit lethal, and a whole lot hot while doing it.” Steve feels a chill go down his spine slightly at the words, flashes of Demodogs dancing past his eyelids, Billy’s fists mingling with the images. He almost wants to say ‘Yes cause I have to be.” But he holds his tongue, and flashes a cheeky grin in Eddie's direction.
“I’m not gonna murder you. Although if you show anyone where I’m taking you, I might.” He scratches at the back of his neck a bit. “It’s uh- it’s a special place I stumbled upon last year, when I couldn’t sleep one night. It was old and falling apart when I found it, but I’ve fixed it up good as new.” He glances over at Eddie again, seeing him nodding along as Steve talks, soft smile on his lips.” It’s high enough up that it’s got the perfect view of the Drive-in through the trees.” Eddie stops walking at that, using where they are still attached to pull Steve to a halt as well.
“Steeeeve,” He draws out the e’ in a whine, “you’re making me hike and climb?” He’s got his lip pouted as he looks at Steve, and Steve really can’t fight off the blooming warmth in his chest staring at the man in front of him.
“It’s up a ladder Ed’s, It won’t be too bad.”
“I agree on one condition.”
“That is?”
“You climb me afterwards.” Steve barks out a surprised laugh at that, and he can feel a warm blush spreading up his chest to his cheeks, Eddie smirks over at him. 
“I’m beginning to think you have no filter.” Steve muses aloud, knocking gently on a tree trunk as he passes it. 
“Beginning? Stevie, baby, beginning?” Eddie’s still got that smirk on his face as he uses a tree trunk to spin around and get closer to his space. Steve huffs out a laugh, using his pointer finger to push Eddie back by his nose as he glances around the woods trying to spot his marker on a tree he knows is near by. His eyes light up when they land on the soft blue cloth blowing in the wind. 
“Come on, the tree house is over here.” He can physically feel Eddie perk up at the words.
“Treehouse! Stevie, you have a secret treehouse out here?” Eddie stumbles over his shoe laces as he works to catch up to him, and he laughs. God when was the last time he laughed this much? And Just as he’s about to start climbing the ladder Eddies grasping his shoulder and spinning him around, pushing his back up against it and pressing his chest flush against him. There’s a mischievous twinkle in Eddie’s eyes as Steve looks at him questioningly, and Eddie leans in, his nose brushing along Steve's cheek. 
“You really look good enough to eat in that outfit Steve, and if I have to climb up this ladder behind you, neither of us are going to get to taste this meal you made us or see the movie.” Steve shivers at the purr in Eddie's voice as he leans even closer, lips ghosting over Steve’s ear. “So what do you say I do first pretty boy, before I just push you up against this ladder and take you right here.”
Steve suppresses a groan, leaning his head back against the ladder and arching himself more into Eddie, who’s hands come out and brace his hips.
“Down boy, I want to at least get to sample what my baby spent all morning cooking for me.” He laughs softly, planting a wet kiss to Steve’s cheek and shuffling him out of the way to start up the ladder, and if Steve has to take a second to readjust his pants before following him, that's between him and the trees. 
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 (Next Part)
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simpleeshea · 5 months
On the Clock!
C!Wilbur x Gn! Reader
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Chapter 7
"Darling, I'd hold you."
trigger warning: Slight mentions of sewerslide
--One new message--
Delivered: 12:34 A.M.
The light from my screen flashed far too brightly for my tired eyes. Unenthusiastically, I rolled out of my bed and checked the clock on the wall for the time because even though that had been the initial reason for looking at my phone, I forgot to check. It was ten in the morning, not exactly, but close enough. I didn't have any big plans for today except maybe searching online again for available higher paying jobs than the gas station in case I never get an email back from the coffee shop. I didn't want to stop working with Wilbur. In reality, I think he's the only reason I've stayed for as long as I have... but I can't keep living off of this current paycheck. I'm so far behind on my rent and the station doesn't allow me to work more than a certain amount of hours.
Wilbur and I... it's complicated. We're bestfriends, but that only lasts for as long as I'm clocked in. Maybe we're just coworkers after all. Does he see me how I see him? He's always been so quiet about his life outside of work- I am too, but for some reason, it's just different with him. I'd be willing to talk about all of my shit with him if he asked... but he never has. I'm not sure why that bothers me so much. Usually, I get angry when someone tries to be all in my business, but I want him to ask. I want him to care. Maybe the fact that he doesn't ask means that he just doesn't care.
I wipe my hands across my face as I stare at my disheveled appearance in the small bathroom's mirror. How did thinking about work become an anxious conversation with myself about whether or not Wilbur actually sees me as a friend? My brain was clearly a mess today.
After I finished getting myself dressed for the day, I padded through my phone, checking my email for any response about the second interview. I was probably just kidding myself though, surely I was getting my hopes up like always and the position had already been filled by yet another mediocre teenager being forced to appease their parents. I was getting sick of working stupid low-paying jobs at twenty-four. I should have just listened to my parents and let them pay for my way into med school, but no. I had to want to be an artist.
I decided to shoot Wilbur a text. Maybe it wasn't a busy day at work and texting him would keep me distracted for a few minutes.
Hey what's up?
I sent the text and tossed my phone to the side but turned on my ringer before so that way I could hear when he responded.
My phone lay silent on the bed for a while as I went bout cleaning up my small apartment. I sprayed some cheap air freshener to attempt to remove the smoke-stained smell that came as an addition to the apartment. There were worse smells that the apartment could have smelled like, but I wasn't sure how the previous owner even got away with that much smoking inside when the apartment complex owner was very uptight about what went on inside each apartment, especially smoking. I brushed off the question before accidentally inhaling too much of the freshly sprayed air freshener that smelled like lavender. I coughed slightly, trying to get the taste out of my mouth. It wasn't a pleasant lavender, I couldn't quite explain it but the smell was just far too sweet and it burned my nose. For better or worse, the spray didn't actually last that long and I was beginning to debate just buying a slightly more expensive brand of air freshener with how fast I had been going through these cans.
My phone chimed which caught my attention.
Just a lot of work. It's my day to stock shelves and Darrien isn't here to help at the register.
I looked at the message and knew the stress that he was going through. Stocking wasn't a fun job but usually I had Wilbur to at least work the register while I did it. I looked at the clock and saw it was getting closer to noon which meant the store was fixing to be at its second busiest time of the day. I let out a sigh before shooting Wilbur a text back that I knew I'd probably regret.
Need me to come in and help?
care about me enough to work on your day off?
"I knew I'd regret it," I said aloud to no one except myself.
I'm staying at home.
No no no! Please come 😭
It'd actually help a lot.
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But I will make fun of you ten times more this next week
Calm down I'm getting in my truck😭
Wilbur: 😁
Thank you.
get to work
When I made it to the station I realized that I forgot my earbuds at home. This only meant one thing: I got the pleasure of annoying Wilbur more Wilbur got to listen to my amazing voice waaay more.
I opened the door, to which the chime rang loudly. Wilbur didn't lift his head and just said "Hey welcome in, I'll be with you in a second."
I went up behind his crouched form and just stood over him. He took out his earbuds and looked up with a confused expression until he realized that it was me standing above him. It was weird seeing him from a high angle. Usually, Wilbur was always standing above me and I'd strain my neck to meet his eyes. But now, Wilbur was below me, his head cocked up to meet my eyes and a relieved expression on his face.
"Thank god. I think if I had to deal with one more redneck hick, I'd actually shoot myself," Wilbur said sounding exhausted.
"Right well, let's not actually do that," I laughed nervously.
"Obviously," Wilbur didn't look up as he muttered back quietly and only continued to place boxes of candy bars on shelves.
"Wilbur?" I asked quietly. He didn't turn to look, in fact, he didn't do anything at all to motion that he had even heard what I had said. "You would never actually do anything like that... would you?"
Wilbur finally stopped filling the shelves with useless junk that appealed to people who actually could afford to enjoy luxuries such as random overpriced candies. His arms fell to his side before he let out a small sigh. He turned and met my eyes slowly, "I'm not going to do anything like that, Y/n."
A wave of relief flooded over me. I gave him a small smile before offering a hand to help him off of the floor. His fingers reached up and clasped over my hand as I pulled hard to get him off the dirty ground. As I pulled him up, he did something unexpected. Wilbur's arms came around my body, holding me close to him in a hug. His body was freezing cold as he clung tight to me. He stood there in silence for a moment and somehow it didn't feel awkward, instead, it felt nice to be comforted. I think the last time I hugged someone who wasn't a stuffed animal was when I had my last boyfriend during my senior year of high school. But he's a story for a different time. Wilbur squeezed tight once more before saying "You shouldn't worry about me so much," and then letting go and picking up his empty box and tossing it to the side. "You remind me of Tommy in that aspect." This also caught me by surprise. He didn't often talk about Tommy, and if he did, it was just the version of him in his book.
"How so?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"He was far too caring." It was a moment more filled with silence and Wilbur's feet shuffling to go grab another box to unpack. "Tommy saw the bad that I had done and still cared for me. Not only that but he looked up to me. I used to think his loyalty was a good thing... but having time to reflect on this, I think his loyalty to me got him into far more trouble than it was worth."
"So the real Tommy's a lot like book Tommy?"
Wilbur chuckled dryly. "You could say that."
I nodded before coming up with another question. I debated on even asking for a moment but inevitably I did ask, "So what happened to you and Tommy? Why don't you see him anymore?" My breath got caught in my throat before I went on further to say, "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to... obviously."
He shook his head while he kept filling shelves, "No, It's alright. I had to leave for Tommy's sake. I had done some pretty messed up shit to him and I can't ever make it better. The worst part about it all though... I didn't even know how to apologize. I went around for days apologizing to all of these people, but when it came to it... I just didn't know how to say it to him. I just left, and now I'm here."
I slowly absorbed everything Wilbur had told me. I wondered what he could have done that was so bad to make him feel he had to leave. "I'm sure he understands, Wilbur."
"That's part of the problem," he answered back far too quickly. "The problem with me apologizing to Tommy is that he either forgives me which makes him stupid, or he doesn't... which I don't think I'd ever be able to have a shot at forgiving myself if Tommy didn't forgive me too."
I bit the inside of my lip anxiously. "The thing is, Wilbur, you're just a person like the rest of us. We only get one shot at living and we're all going to make mistakes. The best thing that we can do is recognize those mistakes and learn from them. And if he doesn't forgive you, then that's okay. You just have to accept that and keep living, because giving up in any form is unacceptable. You can be sad and take a break... but you can't give up."
Wilbur sat still for a second before turning his head to look at me. A small smile was draped on his lips as he looked grateful for my words. "Thank you, Y/n." He laughed slightly, "You're not too bad at making people feel better, you ever considered a job in therapy?"
"Gahhh!" I groaned, "Now you sound like my parents." I shook my head, "You need to be a doctor, why not be a lawyer, you need to be making a lot of money," I mocked their endless nagging.
Wilbur laughed again, "Y/n, I think you should do what makes you the happiest."
His words, they lingered in my mind and ate me up inside. I dreamed of my parents saying that to me. A cheesy smile smeared across my face. "You're such a sap, Wilbur," I beamed.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head before tossing away another box. "Don't you have a show to watch or something?" he jokingly groaned.
"Nope," I said popping the p. "My Netflix subscription got canceled," I said trying to laugh off something that actually upset me.
"Lovely," Wilbur said sarcastically, not catching the way my smile dropped for a second after I had told him. Or maybe he did notice... maybe he just didn't care to ask.
"Yep, now you get to listen to me yap all day," I laughed out loud, trying to drown out the previous thoughts with sounds of joy even if they were faked.
"I feel like I deserve this for how many Wednesdays I've annoyed you."
It was now later in the evening, Wilbur had finished stocking the shelves and was cleaning up the store a little bit. I finished bagging a customer's snacks and watched as they walked out the door with a small chime following the motion of the door swinging open and shut. Wilbur leaned the broom against the wall and sighed, tugging at the collar of his work shirt uncomfortably before walking over to the front counter where I sat on a stool with my head leaned against the cool tabletop. "You can leave if you want."
I froze as he said this, afraid that maybe he didn't really want me here anymore. Jokingly I said back, "I see how it is, you don't want me here." I teased him but hoped to see a genuine reaction from him.
"That's not what I meant and you know that," he said seriously but a small smile shone slightly on his lips.
I laughed softly but faintly said, "And what if I didn't know that?"
"huh?" Wilbur turned his full attention to me but it was clear that he hadn't caught what I had said.
"Nothing," I spoke much more firmly. "Want to practice your mixing skills?" I asked changing the subject.
WIlbur's face quirked up into a smile but it slowly faded. "I probably shouldn't come into work hungover for a second time this week."
I nodded in understanding. "How much longer are you thinking about staying open?" I asked.
"Probably another hour or two." I checked my phone for the time, it was only six in the afternoon.
"That's pretty early to close up," I mentioned.
"We usually close earlier, mostly because Daxton isn't much help but after six nobody really drives through here."
"I mean it's not like this place is in the middle of nowhere," I laughed sarcastically.
Wilbur laughed too, but something felt off with his laugh. I couldn't quite explain it but it had an underlying sadness to it that I could feel in my chest. That feeling sat as a heavyweight, a weight that I couldn't push off, and so I asked, "What's wrong, Wilbur?"
"What do you mean?" he laughed again at my question as if he thought I didn't notice. I wasn't blind. I didn't know everything about Wilbur, but I could tell that he wasn't his usual self. While Wilbur wasn't always the happiest-looking person, he was usually able to at least laugh at a joke.
"I mean..." I thought for a second, "You just seem off today."
Wilbur stood still for a moment before nodding. "You really should look into a psychology degree or something," he chuckled dryly. "But yeah, I'm not doing the greatest. I guess I've just been thinking about Tommy a lot here lately."
"That makes sense. He was like a brother to you, right?"
He gave another small dry laugh that sounded more sad than joyous, "Right. He meant a lot to me."
I let his words sink into me for just a brief moment. "Meant."
"You said meant. Does he not still mean a lot to you?"
"Y/n... Tommy means the world to me," he said but he sounded as if there was more to say even though he stood silently.
"But I'm not sure I deserve to even think about him."
"I left him, Y/n. I ran. I thought it was the only good thing I could do for him because when I was in his life I made it so much worse for him. There was one point where he looked at me and it felt like he was scared... like he didn't even recognize my-" Wilbur's voice was breaking. He cut himself off, took a deep breath in and out, and swallowed hard before saying, "I was a horrible person to him."
I looked up at Wilbur. Surely this was as bad as things could get for him. There was no way things would get worse... but for some reason, I sat there and feared the worst for him. I sat there in silence and racked my brain for something to say, anything.
Wilbur stood in front of the counter, he was still like an ancient statue, breaking down and corroded. I sat still on the rickety stool with my hands in my lap.
Shakily he said, "You don't..." Wilbur paused as he tried to collect himself, "You don't have to say anything back."
I cursed myself, cursed myself out so loudly in my head that it became all I could hear. Why can't I speak? Why don't I have the right words to give him? I want so deeply to help him but I don't even know the first step to doing so. And in an instant... my mind cleared. Like a fresh breath of air after a deep swim in cold waters, these words came to me, "I'll hold onto you?"
"What?" Wilbur looked at me with a look of great confusion painted across his face.
"I'll hold onto you," I repeated. "I won't let you go down whatever route that you took again. I'll hold you accountable, and hold you up when you can no longer stand, I'll hold your hand and remind you who you really are, the Wilbur that I know. Darling, I'd hold you. I'd hold you because that's what friends are for. To be a support beam, to be a kind face, to just be there. So I'll hold you," I spoke the final few words so softly, and as I looked at his face, truly looking at him for the first time, I saw his eyes were watered up with tears.
"So then hold me."
I have a love-hate relationship with my writing.
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edmetalqueer · 2 years
*!*!* Secret Date Night. *!*!* (Chapter 3)
Find Info About This Chapter Here.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Making out. (tell me if more is needed to be added)
F/S = Favourite Scent
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Y/N sat in his room, doing a algebra test that he had to turn in next friday, he remembered last night, it was all a mess.
He heard his phone ringing, running downstairs, answering it, "Hello, this is the L/N phone, who is this?" Y/N asked, confused, who'd be calling this hour?
"Hi, Y/N!" a voice said, Y/N felt his heart jump, a smile crawling onto his lips, "Hey, Munson!" he said back, he was happy to hear Eddie's voice, he didn't understand why.
"Are you busy this evening?" Eddie asked across the phone, "No, not at all, my parents are out of town, so i'm not that busy!" Y/N said, excited, "Okay! Well uh, wanna uh go out today?" Eddie said, Y/N smiled.
"Like a date?" he asked, "Uhm- i mean- sure?" Eddie replied, "Okay, i'll pick you up at around 7-8." Y/N said, "Wait- your picking me up?" Eddie said, "Yup, see you then Munson." Y/N said, hanging up, jumping up and down in excitement.
Y/N walked back up to his room, sitting back in his chair, trying to continue the algebra test, failing to do so, the only thing running threw his head was the event of last night, Steves words last night & the date later today.
Y/N bit his pencil, smiling, opening his notebook, starting on three doodles, his cheeks heating up, nothing but the three men spinning in his head.
Y/N stood in his bathroom, deciding what cologne he should use, he noticed the f/s cologne that his aunt got him for his birthday, standing on the sink counter, he grabbed it, spraying it on him with a decent amount.
He decided to wear a Iron Maiden shirt, along with a jeans jacket, he threw on some black jeans, grabbing his car keys, walking to his car.
He arrived to the adress that Eddie gave him, sitting in his car, waiting, listening to the radio music, seeing Eddie leave the trailer, Y/N felt himself staring, lost in his thoughts.
Eddie was wearing a Metallica shirt, along with his jeans vest, some jeans with chains hanging on the side, his bandana in his pocket.
Y/N got out the car, smiling, "Hey, Eddie! You- look very- handsome!" Y/N said, Eddie grinned, chuckling, "Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." Eddie said, smirking.
Eddie got into the car, Y/N sitting in the drivings seat, "So, uh, where do we go?" Y/N asked, Eddie looked at him, "We could go to the arcade?" Eddie asked, Y/N smiled, nodding, "Sounds good!" Y/N said, driving out from the neighbourhood.
Y/N pulled up to the arcade, walking inside with him, "Look! They got new D&D books!" Eddie said, grabbing on of the books, looking at them, Y/N giggled, "Yup, you like them, Ed?" Y/N asked, Eddie nodded, "Wish i had money for it though-" he said.
Y/N grabbed the book, taking out his wallet, walking to the counter, "Good day, Keith, i'd like to purchase this book." Y/N said, smiling, "Sure thing, L/N, didn't know you played D&D again." Keith said, giving him the book after registing it for him so it's paid, Y/N smiled, "My little siblings, you know?" Y/N said, Keith nodded, "Alright."
Y/N walked over to Eddie, giving him the book, Eddie stared at him, smiling brightly like a puppy, "No way you just bough this!?" Eddie said, hugging Y/N, Y/N smiled back, walking out the arcade with him.
"I have to be a gentleman, don't i?" He said, Eddie nodded, hugging Y/N still, holding the book proudly, "This is gonna make my campaigns so much better!" He said, Y/N nodded.
Eddie & Y/N sat in the car, Eddie just talking about how happy he is & thankful, Y/N was smiling brightly, driving the car, enjoying hearing Eddie this happy.
"Wait- where are we going?" Eddie asked, "Oh shit- i forgot- we're going to my house, my house is really close and it's getting late, hope you don't mind-" Y/N said, Eddie nodded, "Alright, i don't mind honestly." Eddie said, smiling,
They pulled up to Y/N's house, getting out the car, "Woah- nice house-" Eddie said, Y/N smiled, "Thank you" he said back, unlocking the front door, taking off his jacket, Eddie took off his shoes, walking into the house.
Y/N walked to him, "You seeing anything?" Y/N asked, Eddie looked at him, smiling, "It's bigger than my trailer-" he said, giggling, Y/N smiled, "I suppose you like it." Y/N said, hanging up his keys.
"It's great!" Eddie said, seeing in the living room cabinet, Metallica & Iron maiden albums, running over to get them, Y/N raised an eyebrow, chuckling, "You found the music i see." Y/N hummed, looking at Eddie.
Eddie read the song names, excited, "You have the early ones too! I haven't managed to get enough money for them yet-" Eddie said, sighing, Y/N smiled, "We can listen to it if you want." Y/N said.
Eddie was smiling like a puppy, nodding, "Yes, please!" he said, Y/N got the stereo, putting in the music disc for Fuel by Metallica, turning the volume up.
Eddie started pretending to play a guitar, Y/N giggled, smiling, "Munson, can you dance to these songs?" Y/N asked, Eddie grinned brightly, "Sure i can, L/N." he said, Y/N reached his hand out, Eddie grabbed it, pulling each other closer, starting to dance to the beat.
Y/N enjoyed this, he loved this even, he felt so happy, dancing with Eddie, "Your really cute-" Y/N said, Eddie chuckled, smiling, "Your cute as well, L/N." Eddie said, humming, Y/N pulled him closer, their faces almost touching.
Y/N closed his eyes, kissing Eddie, holding his hand, Eddie stared at him, smiling, kissing back, holding each others hands, Y/N put his arms around Eddie, breath heavy.
Y/N pulled away, looking at Eddie, Eddie looked back, still smiling, "Something wrong, big boy?" Eddie said, grinning, Y/N stared at him, face flushing red, "I'm- that was my first serious kiss- with a guy-" Y/N said.
Eddie hugged him, cupping his cheeks, "Your adorable, Y/N." Eddie said, kissing his cheek, Y/N smiled brightly, leaning into Eddies touch.
Sorry that this chapter is shorter! But i hope you enjoyed it! ^^
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