#I'm calling it a book celebration on my website just because that's kind of the goal more so than review
prosebushpatch · 4 months
Have you ever gotten a book the day it was released and read it all that same day? And then you had to immediately talk about it? Well guess what happened to me! This is half a book review and three quarters gushing over Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett. Please enjoy!
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bomberqueen17 · 11 months
I'm in Maine with my dude. Our anniversary is around the 4th of July so we kinda try to do stuff around then. This year is 22 years, which marks the point at which it's been more than half of each of our lives. So that's keen. Not to be mushy.
I just saw a thing about celebrating Pickett's Charge Day and it amused me a lot. As an impressionable child I read Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels repeatedly, which is an account of the battle of Gettysburg with alternating points of view from participants on both sides-- it was adapted into a movie but I didn't see that so IDK if it captured any of what I found so poignant in the narrative. (Does the song Kathleen Mavourneen play a big role in the movie? bc it does in the book.) But because of this I knew that it was the 20th Maine Reg't led by Col. Joshua Chamberlain that held the left flank against repeated assaults on that day, so it seems fitting. I looked it up before I posted this, but I did actually know that.
No, I've never been to the battlefield at Gettysburg either, I'm a poor secondhand student of the civil war. My mom wrote a book about it but it's unpublished, she just put it up on the town website. LMK if you want to read it (I'm not linking directly to it because it's on the town website so it's kind of uh doxxy, LOL); it's an extremely dry work, simply recounting the results of her research into the service record, origins, and ultimate fate of every single person she could track down who either served in the regiment our town sent to the war, OR who served in the war and later settled in our town. It was years of research by her including many trips to battlefields. This is my background, is all I'm saying, and the reason why I know the names of like a bunch of the colonels at Gettysburg without checking.
Anyhow. We're not up here for civil war purposes, we're here to sit in a house on a lake and listen to some loons. We went last night and got on a schooner and schooned around Penobscot Bay, which was fantastic; saw the sunset, but not the moonrise, as it was cloudy. It's been mostly rainy here but it stopped raining long enough for that and that's all I care about. If it rains tonight, so much the better, as it'll keep the noise down. Na ha I'm the Grinch of the Fourth of July.
so anyway a couple of photos and some meandery stories behind the cut:
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I'm putting the descriptions/captions in the alt, idk how well that works. Ah you can see the lighthouse here-- Camden, ME has a slightly dangerous harbor entry , with two nice wide channels that allow easy entry but a large submerged rock ledge in the middle that at high tide is completely invisible. Every year, our skipper said, some boat forgets about this and runs violently aground. This year's sacrifice was a 50-foot powerboat, and he heard the mayday call as he was on his morning commute. Some lobstermen were in range and managed to haul the boat off the rocks and tow it in to port, but it sank in the launch area-- still, they could easily raise it from there. The passengers were all unharmed, following behind in a dinghy very abashed. A couple weeks later on one of his several-times-daily tours our captain found all the cushions from the wrecked powerboat washed ashore in a nearby cove, and was wondering at the etiquette-- should he collect and return them? He did not reveal whether he had, as conversation moved on.
He was a college kid, raised locally, home for the summers, but in his senior year as a computer engineer up at the U of Maine in one of the campuses about an hour away.
Since it was not very windy we had to use the motor a bit, but we did sail for a goodly while, and in the very light breeze he said "So I'm going to do a controlled jibe here, because the wind is super chill, and if you know a lot about sailing you'll know why I've been taught not to do this move but this is the ideal condition for it. So everybody duck, I'm holding it but the boom is going to move."
A schooner has two masts, so that meant both booms moved. And the mate controlled the forward one admirably, and he the aft, and we were all fine. But as we were coming into the harbor and taking the sails down, the forward boom swung again a little unexpectedly, and the passengers sitting below it had to duck. The mate worriedly asked if everyone was okay, and one woman said "Oh, no, I had a past life regression where I learned I was killed by a sail boom, so I'm really good at ducking!" to which the mate cheerfully, slightly awkwardly, replied "Oh that's great! that! uh! I mean not that you died! But that you didn't this time!" which was extremely gracious of her, especially given that she was about seventeen years old. (She had just been explaining to us that her doctor made her wear glasses full time now because she had gotten her driver's license and he didn't think she should drive without glasses.)
ANYWAY the lighthouse at Camden has been automated since the 1980s, like all US lighthouses, BUT has still had a lighthouse keeper-- a local woman lived there 50 years and raised a family there and only recently at 90 retired as the keeper, and now the assistant harbormaster lives out there. Nobody really needs to be in that lighthouse but it's a point of local pride to have a manned lighthouse.
There are also bell buoys, which I hadn't really noticed as a thing before-- but it's just a buoy with a large bell on it, and the waves' rocking tolls the bell constantly, and it's meant to warn of a hazard. There are several in Camden harbor, because there are a number of very tall rocks that stick up out of the otherwise mostly 180-200ft depth, and some of those rocks are submerged at high tide so you would never see them coming and your onboard depth sensor thing wouldn't catch them in time. (Those rocks, our skipper said, are called The Graves, because of the number of wrecks on them, but they're so steep you can almost touch them from the side of a passing boat; they're used as turning points in some of the tall ship racing that happens locally, and he was aboard one once that turned so tight around one of those rocks and he said he was so terrified the whole time and would never himself sail that close to one.)
It was so calm while we were out there-- Lake Erie is choppier-- but it was sunset, which is when the wind changes direction usually, and the weather here has been heavy rain for days and it was a break in the weather. Anyway that was the Atlantic Ocean, though we weren't really out in it, it was all Penebscot Bay.
Apparently the Olad's original name when commissioned was The Whistle Binkie, which is terrible and hilarious.
OK next slide, good thing I'm only doing two
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Good morning, I woke at 5 and noticed the sky was pink and knew it would be fleeting, so I threw my bathrobe on and went out even though I really needed to pee, so I suffered for this art-- I got out a little ways on the dock and listened to a loon calling and took several photos, and then went inside and when I came back out the light had gone, so I'm glad I ran out when I did. Those bridges are narrow though, and I'm not the steadiest when I first wake up, so I was not going all the way out to that last dock. The view is great from that last dock but the great view is to the north, and the pink clouds were to the west, so for this photo, this was the better view anyway.
This is Megunticook Lake.
Today we have no plans; the restaurants downtown were nuts last night, we walked into one place at 4:45 and were told we could be seated around 6:25, so we walked back out and went instead to the Sea Dog brewery, which I had heard of-- I've had their beer somewhere-- but we're thinking tonight will be nuts, so we're going to stay home and eat the stuff we brought for today's lunch instead, and we're going to venture out for lunch today in hopes that it will be less insane.
We'd asked the skipper of the Olad what the 4th of July was going to be like, did he have the day off etc, and he laughed and said no, he works on that day, but it is kiiiind of the worst, because everyone with a boat or access to a boat has to take it out on the 4th of July, and they're all drunk, so he spends most of the day trying to avoid drunk boaters and trying to make sure nobody falls off his boat. (When we'd boarded he'd given us the rules before we pulled out of the berth, and the only actual rule was stay on the boat, and I don't like to think about how emphatic he had to be about that.) I think I mentioned, he was like twenty, and when someone asked him how long he'd been doing this he blithely said "oh this is my first day!" but then admitted it was actually his first season as skipper, but he'd been crewing these kinds of boats for about five years now. Uncommonly among tourist attractions, his job had gotten more busy during the pandemic, because honestly it's an extremely low-risk activity, you could not be any less enclosed, though they had to abide by the same regulations re: mask wearing as airplanes and large commercial ferries, so it was a bit silly-- but absolutely lowest risk of all given that they're wind-operated.
So we know Camden town is going to be insane all day tomorrow, and there's a fireworks display they launch off a boat in the harbor, and we are not going to attempt to go see it! We will hear it from here, and that is fine. We brought our own sparklers, should we be so inclined.
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How Xeroframe Made My Sister's Wedding Unforgettable
As the big day approached for my sister's wedding, we knew we needed to find not just any photographer, but someone who could capture every special moment, from the haldi ceremony to the engagement party. That's when I discovered Xeroframe—a super helpful website that connects people with amazing photographers for all kinds of events. Xeroframe has a bunch of photographers to choose from, and you can check out all their awesome photos right on the website. Whether it's the fun haldi ceremony, the romantic pre-wedding shoot, or the exciting engagement party, there's a photographer for every occasion. You can explore the options here: Xeroframe Wedding Photography, I was thrilled to see how many options we had because I wanted my sister's wedding memories to be perfect. What's really cool about Xeroframe is how easy it is to book a photographer for each event. With just a few clicks, I could pick the dates and the type of photography we wanted for each occasion. It was so much simpler than making a ton of phone calls or sending emails back and forth. As the wedding festivities got closer, communicating with the photographers booked through Xeroframe was a breeze. We could talk about all the details, like which shots we wanted and where they should be taken. It gave me peace of mind knowing that everything was going to be just the way we wanted. On the wedding day and throughout the other events, the photographers from Xeroframe were absolutely fantastic. They captured every moment beautifully, from the colorful haldi ceremony to the joyful engagement party. The pre-wedding shoot was especially magical, with stunning photos that truly captured the love between my sister and her partner. Looking back on my experience with Xeroframe, I'm incredibly grateful. They played a huge part in making my sister's wedding celebrations unforgettable. If you're looking for hassle-free and amazing photography for all your wedding events, I highly recommend checking out Xeroframe.
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tomanpeach · 2 years
🤍 valentine's day with ran 🤍
a/n: i love this mfer i wish he would let me chill for even one second happy vday honey
content: fluff!!! and swearing!!! he's ran!!!!
"hi honey, happy va–"
"can you pack a bag and be ready to go to the airport in an hour?" ran cuts you off and leaves you stunned.
"the airport?"
"yep. i'm almost done at the office. i'll see you soon," he sounds distracted. "you'll be ready, right?"
"uhh, yeah, i guess," you sputter. "but how should–"
"love you!" click.
"is he fucking kidding?" you ask out loud to no one.
on one hand, you're thrilled at the new knowledge that you're going somewhere with ran. it had been way too long since the two of you had taken any trips together, even just to the other side of the city to visit family. when ran wasn't so overloaded by work, he'd whisk you away almost every weekend for some much needed relaxation time alone with you.
but it had been a few long months now that ran was at the office late everyday. he would come home feeling overwhelmed and drained, wanting only to haul you into bed with him to get some sleep. a relaxing getaway was quite overdue.
on the other hand, ran's brain worked a little too quickly for you sometimes. you were sure he had called you in between meetings after spontaneously buying plane tickets. you knew that in his mind the call was meant as a courtesy; he was giving you a heads up, doing you a favor. however, his courtesy call failed to mention where you were going, how long you'd be there, or what kind of clothes to pack. did you need your passport? should you pack a bag for him, too? all the missing details left you feeling frazzled.
you decide you should at least text him about the passport:
it's a secret 😜
ran do i need my fucking passport
oh right
yeah you do
can you find mine too?? shit
you manage to get a bag packed with clothing for all possible locations and find your passport and ran's tucked into the pocket of one of his heavy coats in the closet. he rushes in through the front door almost exactly at the one hour mark since his call.
"you're incredible," he grins when you hand him his passport and he sees your bag neatly packed on the bed. "did you pack some stuff for me?"
"say you're joking," you demand. "or i'll literally–"
"it's a joke," he laughs, pulling you into his arms. "why're you so tense, baby?"
"you didn't give me any information," you pout. "where we're going, or for how long, or what kind of clothes i need."
"awww, you poor thing," he teases, kissing your forehead. "your boyfriend is taking you on a surprise trip for valentine's day." you hmph, knowing he's kind of right in calling you out, but not wanting to admit it.
ran slings your bag over his shoulder and produces his own from the closet. "ready?" he smiles. "we've got a flight to catch, gorgeous."
you learn at the airport that the flight is going to an island. ran hands you his phone on the plane so you can look at the website for the beach resort he's booked a room at. "'lovers suite valentine's day weekend package,'" you read, giggling at the name. "because we're lovers," ran deadpans and you roll your eyes. he takes your hand and kisses it, "happy valentine's day. i'm excited to get some alone time."
"me too," you soften, giving his hand a squeeze. "you need a break."
"and you need to be celebrated today," he returns. "a special day of love for my fuckin' girl who i love so much."
the flight touches down and you notice that ran's already visibly less tense. he wore his classic smirk everyday without fail, but you knew when work was getting to him. but as you ride to your hotel from the airport, as you drop your bags in your lovers suite, as ran lays back on the bed and breathes a deep sigh of relief, you watch the stress melt from his body.
you take the opportunity to climb onto his lap. his hands grip your hips like a reflex, eyes fluttering open to smile up at you. "i love you," you say. "i love getting time away with you like this."
"i love you, too," he tugs your body down so that your chest is pressed to his. he hugs you tightly and presses a kiss to your temple. "happy valentine's day, baby."
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Flake interview 2020-01
Not a new interview, but relatively recent, Flake with "Der Standard" 2020-01 before an appearance of Flake in Vienna (author Stefan Weiss), don't think there's a translation on the website, so here's a shot..:
Rammstein keyboardist Flake: "The reunification was a mess"
Christian "Flake" Lorenz hits the keys not only as a keyboardist, but also as an author. A conversation about controversial views on the GDR, fireworks and climate protection
At Rammstein he is the "keyfucker" - GDR jargon for keyboard players. His real name is Christian Lorenz, but he has been calling himself "Flake", pronounced in German, of course, since his youth. For a quarter of a century, the native of East Berlin has been the alien in the German rock band, the thin freak among the strong musclemen. In the meantime, Flake also hits the keys as an author: In "An was ich mich so erinnern kann" (2015) he wrote down his GDR experiences, followed in 2017 with "Heute hat die Welt Geburtstag", a literary autobiography about Rammstein. On March 26, Flake will come to Vienna's Globe Theater for a reading.
STANDARD: We are currently celebrating 30 years of 'Die Wende' *1). Your joy is limited, as one knows. How do you perceive the anniversary?
Flake: 'Die Wende' and reunification of Germany have to be separated. I experienced the change as a punk at the time. The ossified old concrete headframe of the GDR Politburo was also our enemy. We didn't want this idiotic regime anymore and we fought to loosen it up. When the wall came down, we didn't know what to do with the freedom we suddenly had. But then began an incredibly exciting time in which we tried to develop professionally, politically and musically in every direction.
STANDARD: And then came the reunification.
Flake: A lot went wrong from then on. We were annexed as a useless country, entire biographies were declared worthless, companies were closed so that the western companies could expand. We have been reset to such an extent that resentment and disappointment have built that have persisted until now. By and large, the reunification in this form was a mess.
STANDARD: If you look at Germany's east today, right-wing populism has recently had great political success there. A legacy of reunification?
Flake: Many people are disappointed because certain promises have not been fulfilled. But they already had the political left in their lives, now they are trying it with the right. Personally, I cannot understand how one can vote for the AfD *2). But those who do are doing it in large part in protest against the mainstream parties. It is clear that the AfD cannot meet expectations either. If the AfD were to rule, many people would notice very quickly that it is not getting better, but worse.
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STANDARD: You grew up in the East Berlin punk scene. What are the differences between the East and West punks?
Flake: There was a fundamental difference: the Ostpunks didn't need any money because life was absurdly cheap, rent around 25 marks. The koney you made from one concert lasted over a month. So you could make the music you wanted to make and not just the music that sells well. Absurdly enough, it made us very free.
STANDARD: There were also IM Stasi informers among your band colleagues at the time (IM: unofficial employee, note). Aren't you angry with the repressive surveillance state of the GDR?
Flake: I'm not angry with IM informers in the bands. Because their IM status often made it possible for the bands to exist at all. The Stasi didn't lock up its own people. The best example of this is the GDR band 'Die Firma'. It was founded by IM informers. The gag was that 'Die Firma' ('The Company') was actually a synonym for "Stasi". Covered by the Stasi, they then sang anti-subversive texts. Almost brilliant really.
STANDARD: Do you understand when it is said that the GDR was an injustice state and that Stasi repression was a kind of terror?
Flake: I can understand it when people say that who have experienced it and suffered from it. But personally, I can't say that the whole state was bad. I don't want to know how many innocent people have been or are being imprisoned and monitored in the West. I do not find the generalization of the "unjust state" okay.
STANDARD: Would Rammstein have been conceivable in the GDR?
Flake: We wouldn't have founded a band like Rammstein within the GDR because it would have been the wrong answer to this system. We founded Rammstein because we noticed that our punk music wasn't getting anywhere in the West. It took harder stuff.
STANDARD: You have retained a kind of socialism within the band. Nevertheless, Rammstein is a millionaire company. Were there moments when you thought: The money could not only destroy our character but also the band?
Flake: Rammstein is a company where money fluctuates a lot. We have a lot of employees, we buy tons of pyrotechnics, we have a huge stage, costumes, our own electricity network, we shoot extremely complex videos. The money that remains private can actually hardly harm us, because it is so limited. We really have to make sure that the plus-minus calculation works out.
STANDARD: In your book "Heute hat die Welt Geburtstag" you describe the 25 years of Rammstein as a long partnership: It has become calmer in bed, but you understand each other blindly. Is divorce even an option?
Flake: Divorce is definitely not an issue. It's like a very long marriage: You don't even think about divorce anymore.
STANDARD: In the midst of tough muscle men, you were always the figure that breaks everything, especially in the interaction with singer Til Lindemann, who sometimes roasts you on stage like a cockroach. It looks like the traditional comedian constellation white clown and stupid August, Laurel and Hardy with SM components. How important is that to the show?
Flake: We developed that more by accident. We never made it up: you are the strong one, I am the weak one. At our first concerts we always stood around very haphazardly, then we started pushing and provoking each other. When I watch a normal heavy metal band I get bored easily. We always have something going on.
STANDARD: Do you sometimes long for a role change at Rammstein? To be the strong one for once?
Flake: Nah, I have other worries. With those couple of concerts, I can handle my role well enough.
STANDARD: Can you even enjoy appearances or does that only come afterwards? After all, a Rammstein show is precision work.
Falke: What do you mean enjoy? I enjoy when everything runs smooth and everything works like a machine. There are good and bad concerts, at the good ones we take off like an airplane.
STANDARD: Rammstein mixes black romanticism with black humor. You yourself love the blues, which often sails in similar waters. Can you draw joy out of melancholy?
Flake: The blues is the best example of this. Sadness and comfort go hand in hand. All of popular music arose from a problem of the respective author. This is exactly what you want to hear when you are not feeling well yourself. During puberty you normally don't want to hear "Walking on Sunshine" either.
STANDARD: Traditionally, there is also joy in melancholy and morbidity in Vienna. Is that the Eastern European impact?
Flake: Slavic music is very melancholic, on the other hand the Goth culture comes from the west. So I wouldn't really pinpoint that to anything local.
STANDARD: It is said that Rammstein did more to preserve the German language than all the Goethe Institutes put together. Are you proud of that?
Flake: Yeah. But the interesting thing is that we are regarded more highly abroad than in our own country. In Germany there is a lot of ranting: We are dull and foolish about Germany - complete nonsense.
STANDARD: Rammstein has always been compared to the totalitarian parody band Laibach. They recently played in North Korea with the aim of appearing subversive. Is something like that conceivable for Rammstein?
Flake: We'd have to think very carefully about what we want and why we want it. If that were to help someone, okay - but only to be able to say, "We're subversive now," that's not an argument.
STANDARD: For reasons of climate protection, there is an increasing number of missile bans. A topic for Rammstein?
Flake: We played a concert in Chicago once. The local fire protection was so rigorous that we shouldn't even have lit a match. Complete ban on pyro. We went on stage and said: either we are leaving because we are not allowed to make a fire here, or we are playing without. The audience wanted the latter, of course. And it became one of our best shows. You have to weigh it up a bit: should you stop all things like a Rammstein show for climate reasons? But I totally understand that there shouldn't be any more bangs on New Year's Eve. I was in Vienna once at the turn of the year, and there was relatively little banging. I thought that was good. Berlin is one of the most terrifying cities on New Year's Eve. There it's pure aggression.
*1) i kept 'Die Wende' as the term for the political transformation in east germany, not sure what the official english phrase is
*2) AfD, short for 'Alternative für Deutschland' or 'Alternative for Germany' is a right-wing populist political party, often characterized as far-right, known for its opposition to the European Union and immigration
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lillupon · 3 years
So, I've got a very long rant/opinion here and Idk really know how to say this without coming off kinda bad but I'm gonna say it anyways. I agree with the fact that the seventeen tag has been kinda dry lately on most fanfic places, but it's really only in the smut area. It's the sane way with other groups too I feel like. All of the nice little innocent tags are boomin to this day and thats completely fine. I think the smut tag is dry tho bc lately I feel like a few social issues (like sexualizing people and disrespecting them and their identity) have crossed over into kpop and have been ?blown out of proportion? Lately there's been a rampage of people who like to say that writing smut about someone is disgusting and is dehumanizing because people want to assume that it would make the idols uncomfortable which could equate to some morality issues on how you are reducing someone only to their body without their consent and a bunch of stuff like that. It kind of pisses me off bc this is fiction. About grown adults. Clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life. I think a shit ton is wrong with the world we currently live in, and deciding to come after something that isn't even real bothers me. Like what does that actually accomplish. But yeah, I think thats a reason why smut has been dying down. I mean, on youtube almost every video about unpopular opinions, or things they dont like about kpop will include something about shipping idols in fanfics. And then everyone in the comment section will talk about how its all fine and dandy in moderation, but once people start writing smut it's crossing the idols personal boundaries. It's something I've been seeing a lot more often and I think people who are interested in writing smut are being turned away from it bc we've gotten to a point where people are being called disgusting for having fantasies.
Hi Anon, thank you for sending in this Ask. 
I want to preface this by saying: when I write or talk about Mingyu and Wonwoo fucking on my blog, it is a fantasy. I am not speculating about what the real Mingyu and Wonwoo might be like in bed. I am imagining the versions of Mingyu and Wonwoo that I have created in my head, that exist only in my stories. None of it is real. I understand that this can be a blurry boundary for some people. But for me, the separation between fantasy and reality is well-defined. Now, on to your Ask!
You’ve hit the nail on the head with this one. You’ve also touched on many of the issues I have been struggling with myself as of late. It’s difficult to argue about morals since everyone has a different set of values, as well as different comfort levels. Some people think real person fiction (RPF) is a gross invasion of privacy. Others are fine with it. And others don’t care one way or another. There is no single answer; I can only offer my answer. Which means, of course, people are welcome to disagree with it, or parts of it. 
In this essay (LOL But forreal: this is an essay), I will be sharing my experience in the k-pop fanfic community from 2014 to present, the etiquette I personally abide by as a reader and writer of RPF, as well as my stance on RPF in general.
I started reading and posting fanfics back in 2014/2015 on a website called AsianFanfics (AFF). Obviously, no one on that site had a problem with RPF, since AFF is a platform made specifically for sharing stories about Asian celebrities. For many years, I read and enjoyed RPF with zero guilt. I scribbled away by myself in my own corner of fandom and curated my own content. I didn’t interact much with other fans, readers, or writers. I didn’t have a Twitter, and I only used tumblr to reblog memes. As a result, I’ve been able to avoid a lot of anti-shipping discourse, as well as purity and cancel culture. I had no idea there were so many negative opinions about RPF. It wasn’t until I became active on the subreddit r/Fanfiction last year that I learned about all the discourse surrounding RPF. 
This newfound ‘awareness’ does make me feel guilty at times—but only because after mulling this over, I still don’t think this is something to feel guilty about.
Here’s what I remember, first and foremost, when I create and consume RPF: fanfics and my favourite ships are fictional, and fiction is fantasy. This is basic etiquette when it comes to RPF, and most people in the k-pop fandom understand this. Delusional fans exist, of course, but they are not representative of the entire k-pop community. 
Another point of etiquette is to keep fanfics within fandom spaces. I would never push my fics into celebrities’ faces, or go around claiming that my fanfics are accurate representations of a k-idol’s life or personality, in any way, shape, or form. I would also discourage directing ship-related questions to official accounts, or bringing them up during fansigns or other face-to-face interactions; I believe that in these instances, shipping does have the potential to strain real-life relationships.
So with basic etiquette out of the way, let me share my approach to RPF in general.
As much as we like to think we know our favourite celebrities, we really don’t. All we see is their public persona. And this public persona is intentionally controlled, managed, and curated by a team of people: directors, tabloids, editors, makeup artists, publicists, etc. How “real” are these celebrities? We are so distanced from them that they may as well be fictional.
I draw from the public persona that idols project, and I work them into my own writing. But at the end of the day, these personalities are my own interpretation. My interpretation is probably nothing like an idol’s actual personality. I just use the “public persona/character” that idols portray as inspiration for my own stories, which are set in wildly different universes.
More than anything, I think of k-pop idols as “actors” in my fic. You know how when you write an original novel, you scroll through Google images, looking for the perfect person to portray your original character? RPF is literally that, except you might build upon pre-existing dynamics and personalities.
When it comes to explicit fanfiction, two main concerns are prevalent: one of consent, and one of sexualisation.
If we argue against explicit RPF due to lack of consent, we should be willing to apply the same lens to all explicit works. How do we know that the creator of a movie, book, series, etc., is okay with us using their characters in our stories, explicit or not? We don’t. Perhaps some creators encourage fanfiction, but don’t want their lovingly crafted characters engaging in sexual acts or experiencing trauma. We just don’t know. I feel this line is even more blurred when we talk about characters from movies or TV series.
Let’s take Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, as portrayed by Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, from the Captain America movies as an example. I am willing to bet that when people consume and create explicit fanfiction about Steve and Bucky, they are imagining Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan in their heads. I doubt many people are imagining the 2D cartoon versions of Steve and Bucky, even though they’re technically the exact same characters. Why? Well, it could be because movies are more readily and easily consumed than comics, and so people are unfamiliar with comic book Steve and Bucky. But it might also be because fans find Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan attractive. Is this really any different from RPF, where fic authors make up everything about a celebrity’s life?  
When readers and writers of fanfic talk about how hot Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes is, those comments are about Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan’s bodies. When reading explicit stories, fans are going to picture Chris and Sebastian’s bodies in their head, doing sexual things. Can we say, “Well, it’s not really you, Chris/Sebastian”, when in a way, it is?
The reality is, people are going to thirst over celebrities, regardless of whether or not explicit fanfiction exists. They’re going to post thirst tweets on Twitter. They’re going to talk to friends and strangers online about how hot [insert celebrity name here] is. They’re going to fantasize about dating and having sex with their favourite celebrity. Or, as it is in my case, they’re going to make up stories in their heads about their favourite idols dating and banging each other. People are going to do all of this without ‘getting consent’ from the celebrity. Cracking down upon and shaming writers of RPF isn’t going to change any of that.
To be honest, I’m not sure why people think it is disgusting to imagine sexual scenarios about real people. It is okay and normal to have these kinds of fantasies. I suppose the alternative is to fantasise about having sex with cartoon characters instead? It’s a very binary way of thinking to say that if you imagine/write real people in explicit scenarios, you are immediately sexualising, dehumanising, or objectifying them. There is more to dehumanisation than writing smut about our favourite celebrities. For one thing, you can love someone and appreciate all parts of them, and still want to fuck their brains out. And generally, fanfics come from a place of love—love that is not only sexual in nature.
Is it the sharing aspect inherent to fanfiction? The possibility that a celebrity might stumble upon explicit works about them? The chances are very low, I think, of the k-pop idols I enjoy writing about coming across my English fics. But I also believe in curating your own content, and that applies to celebrities too. Perhaps a celebrity should not go searching for fanfics about themselves. And of course, people should not show celebrities their fanfics, unless invited.
Another argument I hear against (explicit) RPF is, “How would you feel if someone wrote fanfiction about you?” First off, I don’t like this argument because there’s a difference between someone who decides to be a public figure versus someone who decides to remain a regular private citizen. Celebrities should and do know what they’re getting into when they choose their occupation. (This is not to say, “They are celebrities; sexualise them all you want because that’s what they signed up for.” Here, I am only acknowledging that people might have sexual fantasies about celebrities they are attracted to. Presumably, celebrities are cognizant of this.)  
If someone (whose existence I am not even aware of, mind you) decides they want to write explicit fanfiction of me in some tiny corner of the Internet, I wouldn’t care so long as: (1) they don’t shove it into my face, and (2) they don’t harass me and ask invasive questions about my personal life and relationships. It’s not hurting me or negatively affecting my life, so it wouldn’t even register as a blip on my radar. When fanfiction remains within its appropriate spaces, it is largely harmless. 
Now, if a k-pop idol were to ask their fans to stop writing fanfiction about them, would I? Yes, I would. However, I can’t imagine that happening. Judging by the number of ‘sexy’ concepts, fanservice moments, and variety shows such as ‘We Got Married’, I am certain that k-pop idols realise they are the stars of many fantasies—some of which are explicit in nature. Considering the prevalence of shipping in the k-pop industry, I would argue that shipping is subtly encouraged.
It’s sad that so many talented writers are shamed out of fandom, or feel that k-pop cannot be the medium through which they tell their stories, or explore their sexuality, or cope with trauma, or simply have fun. Professional works and Hollywood love their RPF—readers and writers of fanfics should be able to, as well. 
As you said Anon, “clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life” (this is a lovely sentence, by the way). The kind of person who dehumanises another and reduces them to a sexual object will do so some other way, if not via fanfiction. I don’t think the issue of fetishisation can be fixed simply by telling people not to write explicit RPF. In my experience, people who read and write RPF are more respectful and thoughtful about these things than the general public. We’ve all seen the general public say highly sexual things about celebrities in the media and to their faces, or tag celebrities in their thirst tweets. Are these things less invasive than fanfiction? Personally, I don’t think so. And in my opinion, there are more pressing and damaging issues in stan culture than fanfic.
In conclusion, I don’t think there is anything wrong with creating and consuming RPF, both explicit and non-explicit so long as we:
Remember we are writing fiction
Keep RPF within its appropriate space, and
Do not harass celebrities about their personal lives and relationships
RPF is not for everyone. There may be people who enjoy RPF, but draw the line at explicit stories. This is fine. Everyone has their own personal preferences. What is not fine, however, is attacking people for creating things you don’t like. I’m not sure what kind of moral crusade people are on and what they hope to achieve by shaming writers of RPF, explicit or otherwise. Ultimately, fic authors are writing a fantasy. It’s not real; no one is being hurt. I think it’s important for people to curate their own content, and AO3 makes it very easy to filter out explicit works and unwanted tags. 
Maybe this is me trying to justify my own participation in explicit RPF—I don’t know. What I do know is that I love k-pop, and fandom is an important part of my media and entertainment experience. I adore the k-pop idols I write about, and I just want to imagine them being happy and getting lots of love and orgasms. Let a bitch be horny, goddamn… 
Some bonus fun facts!
At the time I am writing this, on AO3:
26.2% of Stray Kids fanfics are rated M or E
26.3% of Seventeen fanfics are rated M or E
29.0% of Merlin fanfics are rated M or E
34.9% of Captain America (Movies) fanfics are rated M or E
40.1% of BTS fanfics are rated M or E ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Coincidentally, I saw this post on Reddit this morning: Can we have a RPF positivity post?
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
03/04/2021 DAB Transcript
Numbers 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Psalms 47:1-9, Proverbs 10:24-25
Today is March 4th welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's wonderful to be here with you today. It's a special day at least in my life. Today is my birthday and it's been a while now, a long time ago that I decided to not do these birthdays. Like I don't want to be keep counting my chronological number but I have decided that I will celebrate my Daily Audio Bible birthdays. And this is my 16th birthday. So, that’s hard to believe, that since the time the Daily Audio Bible began, if it were a baby born on January 1st 2006…man…we…we would have a 16-year-old. This thing is looking for its driver's license now. We’re…we’re in the teen years. So, Lord help us as we continue to move forward. But today will be my 16th birthday that I'm…that I’m celebrating or observing since the Daily Audio Bible began. So, thank God. Thank God for His kindness to me. It is beyond expectations. Okay, but we’re not here to, you know, light a birthday cake. We are here to dive in. And actually we’ll be diving into our second day within the book of Numbers. We began the book of numbers yesterday. And numbers just by way of reminder is a part of a grouping of books in the Old Testament known as the Torah or the Pentateuch - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. And as we began the book of Numbers a census was taken to count all the men that were able to go to battle and that was over 600,000 men. 609,000. And they are preparing now to move toward the promised land. All the different tribes were numbered. The tribe of Levi was not numbered. They were the priests. They’re responsibility is the tabernacle. this the place where God travels. And this is interesting. It's a portable tabernacle. It can be set up and torn down and God…God is embedding into the people's understanding that He's going with them. He’s leading them and He's going to stay with them and among them, which is what this tabernacle represents. And, so, the tribe of Levi is responsible for that as well as the worship of God and caring for the people, the soul care of the people. So, they’re preparing to move out and there are obstacles in front of them that we will…that we will encounter in due course. Numbers chapters 2 and 3 today.
Okay. In the gospel of Mark, the religious authorities are trying to narrow in on Jesus…like they're trying to pin Him down they…they want to get rid of him, that's the plan. That’s what they want to do. And, so, they're trying to entrap Him or discredit Him in any way…anything that they can do to diminish Him so that they can kinda isolate Him and then get Him out of the way. Like, literally they want to kill Him, which…which they eventually do. Today Jesus is in the temple complex and they come to Him and they say, “by whose authority are you doing these things?” So, like to put maybe a little bit more modern…like, “who gave you the right to do this? Who told you you could do this?” And Jesus sort of answers their question with a question. And this isn't…I mean we’ve talked about as before, but you…you watch the question. Jesus says, “okay I'll answer your question if you answer one of mine.” The question that Jesus asks forces the truth into the open so that their exposed. They can't stand this about Jesus. So, He says, “tell me about John. Was he from God or was he not from God? Well, the religious authorities had been against John calling him a fraud. The people believed he was a true prophet. So, they’re in like…there's no good answer because either way they’re trapped before the people. But it's even deeper than that. The correct answer to the question Jesus is asking is the same answer to the question they are asking Jesus. “Who told you can do this? Who gave you the right to do this?” If they could or would have answered truthfully that they believe John was a prophet of God, then there would be some common ground there for Jesus to reveal the continuation of that same story and say that He was empowered by God to do the things that He's doing. But Jesus knows they were against John and He knows that they’re against Him and they're trying to snuff out His life. These quote unquote things that Jesus is doing are the works of God, His ministry, but also more recently what they would have considered the vandalism of the temple complex because He goes in there and tips over the money changers and lets the birds go and the sacrifice…the commerce that's going on there. He disrupts the commerce that's happening in the temple in the holy city of Jerusalem, by the way. So, pretty serious what Jesus is doing. And, so, they’re like, “how…what makes you think you can do this stuff?” All Jesus was doing was restoring some things. He said, “this is to be house of prayer for the nations, not a den of thieves.” And the religious leaders, they don't, you know, contemplate that and go like, “wow this is time for lament and repentance. We need to figure out a better way to do this. You're right.” They just get angered at Jesus challenging their authority. They don't like their authority to be challenged. And, so, they're asking Him about His authority. I think we could agree that what Jesus did in the temple complex was disruptive to the system, was disruptive to the way of things and would've had people talking. And Jesus was clear what He was trying to do. But it was disruptive. Right, here's where the mirror happens. What about when we ask God to do things in our lives, to reveal things in our lives, to show us the way that we should go or even as we’re observing the season of Lent, to be openhanded and openhearted to allow Him to move things in and out and rearrange things within us. When that's disruptive or uncomfortable usually we start praying against it. If we understood that it was Jesus doing this our lives might be saying, “who told you you could do this? By what authority are you messing around with my life” even though we've claimed allegiance and claimed that we've submitted ourselves to him so that He can do whatever He wants with us, take us wherever He wants to take us. Usually if that's uncomfortable we’re start going like, “no…no…no, that's not what I was talking about. You…You have full permission to bless me. You can rain it down all you want but who gave you permission to disrupt me?” Ah….ah…now we find ourselves in the story.
Jesus that’s been our story way too many times to count. And we’re sorry. We’re in a season of lament, we’re in a season of repentance, we’re in a season where we’re focusing on these things that You are after in us, the things that we are…that we’re holding on to and we don't want to let them go, especially control. So, come Holy Spirit and continue with Your kindness and Your patience to show us, to show us the way to go, to show us the next step forward. Then it's in our hands whether we obey You or whether we don't, whether we listen or whether we don't. It's not Your fault when we disobey You. We like to transfer blame off of us at every turn but it's not Your fault when we don't obey You. Come Holy Spirit and let this sink in we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's the website, its where you find what's going on around here. So, definitely stay tuned and stay connected.
I’m going to try to spend some time in reflection today, reflecting back over these 16 birthdays of the Daily Audio Bible. And that's something going on around here for me. I’m so grateful. I’m so grateful that we’ve been able to share this journey together all these years. It is truly remarkable. My life is indeed forever changed because of this community. And, so, I am deeply grateful and hope you feel the same. So, that’s kind of what’s going on around here at least today but you can always stay tuned and connected to…to an anything…all…relating to the Daily Audio Bible at dailyaudiobible.com or if you’re using the app you can access like the Prayer Wall and the Shop. All that stuff that you can access on the web you can access in the app. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if…if the mission that we’ve had all these years, just to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and just given to the world to anyone who might come across it or encounter it and listen to it anywhere any time day or night, so that it’s just always there creating a rhythm, steps forward every day through a year and definitely through life. If that brings life to you than thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family this is Vonnie in Northern California and it's March 1st, a new day and a new week a new month and I'm reaching out to anonymous. I just heard your prayer request and my heart breaks for you my dear. I am praying…I'm going to be praying for you all day, all week. As much as God reminds me to pray, I'm thinking of you. This is a tough time for a new mom to have to go through postpartum depression. Oh, Jesus please, please help, please help this Young woman. I'm so thankful that she reached out to her doctor and she got medication. I'm also thankful that she took a step of faith trusting You God to…to answer prayer through the prayers of the family. I pray that many of us many, many, many of us will be just coming to Your throne and laying her before You God everyday, trusting You to lift this…this horrible depression, to protect her mind from these thoughts that she's been having, to protect her children and her husband, and to come like a flood, restore the joy in her heart, restore to her Lord a sense of peace and calm and trust and confidence and restore the balance in her brain chemistry. Dear Jesus, we ask You to rebuke the enemy and completely put a wall of protection around this Young woman. Thank You, God for what You're going to do in her life and answer to prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good morning DAB family this is Judy from Georgia. I want to first thank Brian, Jill, and their family for putting the DAB together. It is great. It's a great community and I enjoy listening to this every day. And then I want to thank Doctor John from Jordan New York for the feeling groovy tune that’ll be stuck in my head all day. It's a great uplifting tune and I'm appreciative. We all need that every day. Now I'd like to pray for everyone out there, that please God give them the strength to get through whatever it is they need to get through today and show them the way that they need to go for those that are lost. And anyone fighting addictions please help them get through and show them there's a better way to live their life. God bless all of you and I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
This is Kathy from Kentucky. I wanted to give a praise report that I'm 29 years sober. I celebrated on February 23rd and I got a token. A lot of people say I'm an inspiration. So, I…I don't feel like that but I…I guess I am. But anyways praise God for 29 years clean and sober. Continue to pray for my neighbor and friend Sharon who lost her daughter unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago. She's still grieving and she's going through a really hard time. Thank you. Kathy from Kentucky.
Good morning DAB this is Guinn from Texas it is March the 1st and spring is in the air but I'm calling in because I want to pray for the father who called in this morning about his two sons. He…he wanted…he asked for prayer for them. One is Nathan and the other one is Nicholas and I just want to lift them up in prayer because I think Nicholas is in…incarcerated right now and Nathan is…is homeless but their situation can change and it’s going to change because God is able. And, so, I want to say because I also had…had a son that was incarcerated and he got out and he did well and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior and…but he got killed in a motorcycle accident and it's been almost 10 years but it still feels like yesterday. And then my other son just is working, he's a hard worker but he needs to be more responsible. He has his own place now and I’m just praying that he keeps it. So…so, I know what you're going through right now. I feel your pain. So, Father I just lift up this Father to You who…who is praying for his sons Lord, that they will come out Lord doing well Father and I know they will because Father what You did for my sons You will do for his. And…and I just lift him up to give him strength. Your word says in Joshua 1:9 be strong be courageous do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the Lord Your God will be with you with whoever you go and God is with you dad and God is with your sons and He's going to encourage them and they’re going to come out on the other side and you're gonna be proud of them. So, I just want you to know that. Hang in there and God loves you and Jesus loves you and we love you. God bless you.
Hi family this is Melissa from Albertville AL I have a prayer request. My dentist who I've had for years and my neighbor he lives across the street from me committed suicide this morning. His name is Doctor Kirby and he has children and a wife. I don't know what he was going through. Just saw him a few weeks ago in the dentist office and I am devastated. I just wonder if I could have said something to him. I…I don't know. Please, please, please pray for his family. Please pray for his family. I love you family. Y'all hold on to Jesus. Satan is trying to destroy minds during this time but…if…if…you've gotta get ahold of Jesus. Hold on to Him and trust in Him. I love you all so much. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Hey guys this is Rachel in KC Missouri. This is March 1st. I'm not sure when you called in. You wanted to be anonymous. You’ve got three children and…and __ daughters. I don't know. You're married and you were just diagnosed with severe postpartum depression and you took me all the way back ten years ago when I had my last child Jonah. And darling I know exactly the thoughts that invade your mind, the scary, the creepy, the everything. As…as a sister of yours and you put so much faith and trust in us to share what you're going through, I started covering you in prayer as soon as I heard your voice because I…as soon as you said my name is…and you said you want to remain anonymous I knew, I knew something. So, I just want to go ahead and pray now so I don't lose any more time. But just know that I'm praying for you every time you come to mind darling. Heavenly Father thank You so much for this beautiful sister, this beautiful woman of God Lord. The trust and the faith that she's sharing and just reaching out and crying out to her family Lord. Father, please touch her right now this instant Lord, give her peace, cover her with Your feathers of protection. Lord every time she has a negative thought Lord please get her to…to remember something that Brian has said or one of us has said or a scripture Father…
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kellyvela · 5 years
That "might burn your family" tweet is indicative of what I know is going to happen in fandom: sure, people are indignant now about Dany but most people don't like to be rebels; they like to be co-signed by authority (the "I'm right b/c its canon" crowd"). And no matter how it was sugarcoated, GOT canon is that Dany is a mass-murderer. Those who are not stans will slowly but surely fall in line with this reading of her, not the least b/c they don't want to be wrong AGAIN when the books come out.
If you didn’t see it already, this is the HBO_UK tweet the anon refers: 
Tumblr media
You sound very hopeful Anon. I agree that, in general, most people don’t like to be wrong, and certainly they don’t want to be wrong again about the same issue. 
But this fandom is something else…
Certain part of it just decided to live in denial and delusion (oh the irony): “I would never post a pic of dead dany”, “dany belongs to her fans that really love her and not to the misogynist show/books creators” (copyright what?), “I would never read the Books if that is the final”, etc, etc, etc.
We also have the actress that played dany saying/doing things like these:
I stand by Daenerys.
Clarke revealed that she met Beyonce at an Oscars after-party hosted by the musician and her husband, Jay Z. There, she was approached by the host herself, who gushed about Daenerys Targaryen. Beyonce, however, like the rest of the world, was at that point ignorant about Daenerys’ dark turn in Season 8. “All I wanted to scream was ‘Please, please still like me even though my character turns into a mass-killing dictator! Please still think that I’m representing women in a really fabulous way,’ ” Clarke said of the encounter. [x]
About the backlash on the final season: “It was profoundly flattering. Is what it was, because when someone cares that much, that they’re ready to make such a noise about how they believe the characters should have been… should have been finished, and how the story should have been gone. That’s just enormously flattering, that just shows how much everybody loved it.”        
She is using Dany and Drogon images to promote her charity.  Dany is not bringing fire and blood for once, she is a cute little nurse bringing help to those in need.     
We also have certain group of “asoiaf experts“ so called BNF, that decided not to watch the Show years ago, because it’s “sacrilege“, only the books are canon (in this I agree), but they have created their own canon, the way they interprete and understand the Books, and their followers buy everything they say as “the canon”. They still believe in their 20 years old theories that include Dany is the hero, maybe she would have a brief “dark phase“ but then “enters Jon” and they gonna fall in love, make love, celebrate life, have a baby, defeat the big bad guys walk walkers and sacrifice themselves to save the humanity. Tyrion will be the third head of the dragon, etc.  
As you can see Anon, that very human sentiment to hate being wrong, sometimes includes the belief that you can’t be wrong. So all these people (fans/stans/experts/etc) will stand by their beliefs and theories till the very end (when the books are at last published and they read them). And even after that they would say that GRRM is wrong, just like right now they are saying D&D are wrong.  
Dark Dany is not new. It have been theorized for years, And according to Elio García, co-author of the World of Ice and Fire, GRRM himself complimented that Dark Dany essay: “(…) he referred very specifically to the Meereenese Blot website and the knot essays. He said he was told about them, read them, and was very pleased that someone was able to get his difficulties and his intentions perfectly.”
And for those that paid attention, it was clear that the Show was taking that route at least since season 2. Her conversation with the Spice King is very telling. There is also this conversation with Hizdahr Zo Loraq in season 5 that is very much the same conversation she had with Jon just before he killed her. 
The Battle of the Bastard’s script says: “She doesn’t have to look. She only allows the faintest hint of a smile. A smile that says: my tyranny is not ended, motherfucker. It’s only just begun.”
People also have season 7 and even after watching those seven episodes, they believed that GOT was going to have a happy ending, a Disney one, with Targaryen restoration, jonerice wedding, king and queen coronation, boat baby and all. 
But you are right, the sugarcoat was real. They change season 7 - episode 2 title from “The Mad King’s Daughter” to something more poetic/whitewashed: “Stormborn”: 
What I was impressed by was the little hints that we saw of potentially her (Daenerys) becoming like her father in those conversations ( her talking with Varys). You know, threatening to burn somebody alive, in any universes, it’s not great.
Bryan Cogman: She has dragons, an effective form of execution.
But knowing what her father was doing to people that line sticks in your ear and also when inviting him ( Jon) down and she wants him to immediately bend the knee
Bryan Cogman: Yeah, I mean, she sees this as her birthright… it’s plain and simple, you know, they took this from her, it’s hers.
And so much of the episode ( really the whole season) not just for Daenerys but for a lot of our characters is dealing with the legacy of their families and the generations that preceded them and dealing not only with how they feel about it and what they might share with some of those ancestors but how other people perceive you.
That legacy it’s kind of why I wanted to originally call it the Mad King’s daughter (I like Stormborn, I think is a great title actually), I really wanted to call it the Mad King’s daughter and actually it would have made more sense.
In the original edit there were more characters referring to her like this in pretty much every scene and I think some of that was lost in the final edit but in the original script and in the original edit ( which was longer) pretty much every character that wasn’t in the Daenerys‘s circle was referring to her as “the Mad King’s daughter is here” .
Considering this idea that she’s got a reputation before she has ever set foot there, because she has a brother’s reputation too, that first scene is definitely about her reconciling with that, wrestling with how much of that legacy is good for her brand and what isn’t and certainly that is a big part of the no-fire bombing strategy.
It’s like: you could come in here and torch the whole place and everyone would be horrified and what have you achieved? If you want to rule, you need to take a different approach.
But under that, and I think you picked up on something in that first scene, is that she’s got a real kind of need and desire to go in guns blazing and from an emotional point of view the scene has to set up this.
Game of Thrones’ Writer Bryan Cogman: In Conversation (Part 2)
The Mad King’s Daughter, she’s got a real kind of need and desire to go in guns blazing. 
Yeah, hero material you all.
And even during season 8, after episode 2, Bryan Cogman made this really telling comparison between Sansa and Dany:
Sansa knows that of all the Starks that were ripped from Winterfell, she suffered the most to get it back. She’s the driving force for getting it back. Now she’s being told, “It’s not yours, and it’s not the Starks’ anymore. It belongs to Hitler’s daughter, the worst person in the world’s daughter, the daughter of the person who murdered your grandfather and uncle in the worst way possible. And guess what? Your brother, who you convinced to step up when he wanted to fuck off because of his death experience, bent the knee to her and is telling you that she’s your queen.” What part of Sansa’s reaction to any of this is irrational?
At the same time, if you’re Dany, this is the family that stole your family’s legacy. You grew up as a child living in constant fear that you were going to be murdered the next day. Then you’re married off to a warlord, and you’ve scraped and suffered and endured, and here you are. You’re going to help these people who destroyed your life and your family’s lives. Where’s the gratitude?
Even if he described both sides’ positions and sentiments, if you say one side’s reaction is not irrational, and then call the other side “Hitler’s daughter”, you know exactly who is the good guy and who is the evil one. 
D&D surely sugarcoated Dany, they were not calling her plainly “The Mad King’s Daughter”, but they were subtly telling us that she indeed was Aery’s pretty version: 
Jon: She’ll be a good queen. For all of us. She’s not her father.
Sansa: No, she’s much prettier.
—GOT season 8 - episode 1
In that “I stand by Daenerys” article, the interviewer recalled Kit Harington’s words about Jon killing Dany, during season 8 filming:
“I think it’s going to divide,” Harington says of the finale’s fan reaction. “But if you track her story all the way back, she does some terrible things. She crucifies people. She burns people alive. This has been building. So, we have to say to the audience: ‘You’re in denial about this woman as well. You knew something was wrong. You’re culpable, you cheered her on.’”
Harington adds he worries the final two episodes will be accused of being sexist, an ongoing criticism of GoT that has recently resurfaced perhaps more pointedly than ever before. “One of my worries with this is we have Cersei and Dany, two leading women, who fall,” he says. “The justification is: Just because they’re women, why should they be the goodies? They’re the most interesting characters in the show. And that’s what Thrones has always done. You can’t just say the strong women are going to end up the good people. Dany is not a good person. It’s going to open up discussion but there’s nothing done in this show that isn’t truthful to the characters. And when have you ever seen a woman play a dictator?”
After reading what Kit said, Dany stans gone rabid. They said things like HBO forced him to say those words and others simply insulted and hated him. Because, you know, he is wrong. D&D are also wrong. They are just a pair of white misogynist dudes that can’t stand women in power… SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
I mean, look at these headlines. Dany stans/targ lovers are now justifying genocide. They are making/selling/buying “Her Satanic Majestic” T-shirts. 
So there you have it Anon. Some of them decided to believe Dany will still be the hero in the Books, because she ended slavery you know, that’s not what villains do, if you think different, you are a slavery apologist, also misogynist, and surely a Stark stan, those fucking classists xenophobes…   
Some others just joined “Her Satanic Majesty” cult. Those ungrateful peasants deserved to be burned alive because they didn’t love Dany. it was their fault that Dany had to go in guns blazing on them. Burn them all! Dracarys! Fire and Blood! 
It would be a long ride Anon.  
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Fic rec anon here, and I'm blanking in the moment! I know you have a lot of recs and I love them all. Maybe your favourite AUs? Broadly speaking? Seeing some of them might help jog me into more specific categories ! xx
Gotcha, sort of like my prison rec list, only I like to think of it more in terms of what would I have on my phone to read when I’m bored and traveling, lol. Obvs, this sort of list is super hard, but having it focused on AUs kinda helps? At any rate, this isn’t a deep dive, it’s just my top level, so hopefully it’ll spark you. These are in no particular order, so come back if you want more!
Tuxedo Dress-Up, by Blake (honestly, ANYTHING in this fandom by Blake, I file this one under hot and hilarious, but every line is just swooooon). Louis is an aspiring song writer by day, a makeup artist for drag queens by night, and masquerading as a full-time real estate agent for his third most famous (and first most handsome) client Harry Styles.Or, five times they fail to fuck in a closet, and one time they get it right.
Once Upon a Dream, by objectlesson (again, ANYTHING by Phoenix, and most of it is canon, but where to even start with her AUs, jesus god, I struggled to rec just one, so I went with the AU she gifted me, ilu!!!!). “M’not gonna half-ass our fake relationship,” Louis almost snaps, voice sharp with a defensive edge, like Harry wandered too close to a bruise with needy fingers. “Now kiss me again. We’re gonna make every shitty tourist here wish they had stayed in the Midwest. We’re gonna burn Disneyland down with our gay.” Or, a fake dating AU where everyone is lying and they happen to be at the Happiest Place on Earth.
knock knock, i love you, by @thelovejandles aka beautlouis (another one of my fave authors in this fandom, proof that wips DO finish, and they’re absolutely worth it). Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.
Tied Down, by @ham-palpert (the twists and turns here, my goddd, just masterful) The most interesting case in Liam and Niall's careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. The investigation yields an unexpected yet satisfactory outcome for Liam and Niall. For Harry and Louis, however, things are far more complicated.
Alien Roadtrip! by @helloamhere (needs ao3 account; I love desert roadtrips, and this captures that vibe perfectly, plus it’s hilarious). For the first time in his life, Louis doesn’t know where he’s going. Harry doesn’t mind. Or, a roadtrip with desert feelings, too much snack food, and empty motels. Harry is definitely absolutely not an alien. That would be ridiculous.
Harry Styles Cooks..., by @magicalrocketships aka sunsetsmog (aka the very best wip on earth, I weep with joy whenever I get the notif). In which Louis Tomlinson can’t cook, there’s a very special shower curtain, and Harry Styles used to be a baker. Or Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them.
just call me inspiration, by @hereforlou (in which I *am* Liam Payne, porn editor!) The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world.
Buried Like Treasure, by @becomeawendybird aka quickedween (marcel marcel marcel!!!). Prince Harry Styles is very private. He chooses to keep himself out of the public eye but feels lonely and isolated while surrounded by people in his hectic royal life. When he finishes his dissertation, he decides to take a solo holiday to one of the royal family's properties in the Swiss Alps. Semi-retired thief Louis Tomlinson has been pulled in for one last job: steal a painting from an uninhabited mansion. Neither one of them expects a natural disaster.
into another serotonin overflow, by @mercutionotromeo (this story packs a LOT into a little, it helped inspire my sideblog with smaller fic recs, actually). Harry's the yearbook photographer who's been assigned to take pictures of Louis, the new captain of the football team. Harry's got a massive, obvious crush on Louis and somehow, Louis feels the same way.
Turning Page, by @daisyharry aka purpledaisy (pretty much every on-set picture I see of Harry these days just makes me tag it for this fic). “You wanna buy Harry a drink?” Louis lets his eyes drip back to Harry, to his wide eyes and the way his shoulders curve down. He really is pretty – Louis will be the first one to admit it and the last one to ever say it out loud. Louis almost smirks and his lips twitch as he tilts his head, “Not particularly, no.” An AU where Harry Styles tries to get lost in a place he’s never been. Louis Tomlinson has been perfecting the art of being lost for years. What they don’t expect to find is each other.
hush. by wankerville (this story is achingly evocative of just about every shitty small American town, but my god is it beautiful, the sweetness of how it ends). “I don't like you like that, Harry.” “See,” Harry starts, Louis can hear the smile in his voice, “that's where I think you're lying.” Or an AU where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
Three French Hems, by @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (I wish I could pick just ONE of my top three from these two, but alas...do persimmons smell like come? discuss).  In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
Thought the Song Was Sung, by @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (see above, pretty much, and how happy I am that the tweets still show up! with Dame Julie Andrews even!!). Louis never auditioned for the X-Factor. Years later, Harry's just another gay ex-boybander who lives alone with his cat... until Niall decides to take matters into his own hands and set up a profile for Harry on a dating website.
Wild and Unruly, by @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (Iconic, even the abstract is iconic, everything still holds up. oh for cute, etc. etc.). Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? by loadedgunn (another one that inspired my sideblog dedicated to short fics! So much greatness packed in, Jesus, it’s in my top five for sure). Louis reenacts his first time, and Harry wants to be his good girl.
“burn this flame” by @rainbowninja aka rainbowninja167 (anytime I reread this, I smile...filed under hot and hilarious). When Harry gets invited to play in a celebrity charity match with Louis Tomlinson, Manchester United's star player, he's determined to impress him with brilliant football skills. The only flaw in Harry's otherwise foolproof plan? He has absolutely no football skills, brilliant or otherwise.
Challenging Nature: A Look into Male Lactation, by @jaerie (hands down, one of my fave kinks, handled fantastically well...and this isn’t the author’s only one!).  Even taking into account all the bizarre things Harry has subjected himself to in the past for the sake of an article, Harry has received his strangest assignment yet. It comes up as a random misunderstanding in a meeting and builds into a conversation — can men breastfeed? Internet searches reveal documented cases of male lactation popping up at different times throughout history, but are any of them true? Can a man will himself into lactating? Harry has two months to make it happen.
like how your hands feel me up and down, by ballsdeepinjesus (this author wrote a lot of my faves back in the day, I have so many ~thoughts about the amazing writers in this particular era). “It’s -- you’re tight,” Louis chokes. “It’s tight, I mean. It’s. Yes.” His hand is curved around his hip now, squeezing lightly. “Tight’s good, right?” Harry murmurs, batting his eyelashes. He almost can’t believe himself. “Very good,” Louis grunts. Or louis works in a halloween shop and harry needs a costume.
baby look what you've done to me, by ballsdeepinjesus (see above; even the username kills me). The next day kind of turns everything upside down, though. Louis gets another lingerie catalogue addressed to Harry. He’s about to toss it when he sees a personalized note stuck to the front; it thanks Harry for his previous purchases and offers him a complimentary six-month subscription to their magazine free of charge. Or louis moves into harry's old flat. harry gets a lot of mail.
Take Our Bodies Higher, by @littlelouishiccups (I’m something of a connoisseur of the phone sex trope, so the way this author flips it and makes *Harry* the operator plus what ensues? chef’s kiss!). Harry wasn’t often caught off guard at his job anymore. He called different men Sir, Master, or Daddy for work almost every week, but he’d never been told he was a good boy in a voice quite like that. In which Harry is a phone sex operator and Louis dials a wrong number.
Make a Dime Go One Hundred, by @screwstyles (I’d rec this for their jobs alone, but everything in it, just wow). “Do you think you could trust anyone enough to have full control over you?” he asks into the night, hoping his sentence won’t break their bubble. It doesn’t, if the way Harry’s eyes meet his is any indication.“What do you mean?” Harry’s voice is barely above a whisper, rough from the singing they had done earlier. Louis wants to keep this memory forever.“You know, if someone wanted to, uhm,” he coughs, “to tie you up, or blindfold you.” Or a friends to lovers AU where Harry volunteers to help Louis experiment with bondage. Things don’t go exactly to plan.
it ain't trickin' if ya got it, by sarcasticfluentry (needs ao3 account; I often stare at the wall and wonder what another installment in this universe would be, fuckkkkk, it’s so good, I only wish the social media was still in it). 28-year-old blockbuster actor Louis Tomlinson rushes home to give his 20-year-old model boyfriend Harry a good seeing-to after a particularly provocative Instagram post and, in his excitement, alerts the entire world. Featuring daddy kink, anal beads, and feelings.
If You Asked Me if I Love Him (I'd Lie), by allyasavedtheday (needs an ao3 account; it’s a sequel, but I reread it over and over vs. the first piece).  Or the one where Harry and Louis eloped but neglected to mention it to anyone. Meanwhile Lottie is getting married and the only way for them to not steal her thunder is by pretending they're just friends for the weekend. Featuring Harry and Louis as terrible liars who don't know the meaning of the word platonic and some Tomlinsons and Styleses who definitely don't believe them.
Damn, I could go on, but I’ll stop! My sideblog dedicated to short fics is @marathonficbreak, and it has some smaller ones, if this is too intimidating, lmao...hope some of them are new for you, enjoy!
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I can't believe it's 11:30. If both feels way later than that and we're earlier. I'm tired. But I'm not as exhausted as I think I would be normally. Today was a really good time. It just feels like it was 6 days in one.
I slept okay last night. I woke up at 8 and got ready to go to the museum. I got there a couple minutes late because of traffic but it was no big deal. I setup my project and the kids came basically on time. It was the largest group ever had for in the neighborhood but they were really good kids. I had 21 but four of them were special needs and so they didn't really participate and then they just kind of walked around the museum when we were on tour. So I had 17 and that was fine. It was nice. They were good kids and paid attention and did all the things I wanted them to do. The teachers and chaperones we're just on point and it was great. Whenever I needed help they were right there. It was awesome.
I finished up there around 12:30. I had agreed to do an extra half an hour but that made me late to work at the school. Not that it actually matters besides my paycheck but not a big deal. I'll make it up somewhere else. But since I already knew I was going to be late I stopped at Chipotle and had nachos.
While I was eating my nachos I solve two ends of the spectrum of police officers in Baltimore. I saw traffic cops wearing fluorescent vests and I saw Baltimore Police in camo. So the most visible and the least visible. Very strange. You're in the city why are you wearing camo.
I missed the bus right as I was going up the hill. But another one was about five minutes away so it was fine. The blue line runs all over the place so I don't know why I ever bother worrying about the next bus. It'll either be there in the next 2 minutes or it will take 45. No in between.
I got to the school at 1:30 and got to work on some prep for the day. There wasn't a ton to do. When I went and got the kids I have them come right upstairs with Chelsea and had everyone bind a book. So there's only like three or four left. So that's excellent. And the kids were mostly really good today. We did have one thing happened at the end of the day that wasn't cool. But Chelsea really laid down the law and their were tears but I think they got some understanding.
Right before the end of the day though me and Damien took Otto my clock and turned him into a graduation Furby. I had really wanted to get a graduation for me to bring to Charlotte's graduation tonight but it just didn't happen. And that's not what I really need. It's just a black and white wearing a little hat. And Otto is black and white so we made him a little graduation cap. And then Damien told me he wanted to make a certificate. And I didn't know what he was talking about but I told him go ahead. And he brings me a little scroll with a little ribbon on it because he made a diploma. He didn't know that's what it was called that's what he made. Absolutely precious.
All of the kids got picked up real early and I was able to make the early bus. So I got home before 6. I took a shower and I got changed. I redid my makeup and fix my hair. I packed my purse up and then I called a car.
My driver was really nice and we had a really nice conversation all the way to the tap room. And James was outside. And it was so nice to see him. He looks so handsome. His hair was all done up and his shirt was really cute.
And I had a great night. I helped set some stuff up. I took the plastic off stuff for his mom. I said happy birthday and happy graduation to his sister because both happened today! So congratulations to James's sister Charlotte for graduating from Hopkins with 9 cords. I think that's what they're called. The colorful ribbons that they put around their necks when they have a bunch of extra things. Because she's incredibly smart. And she's very nice. And tonight was a really good celebration.
I got to meet a bunch of change this family and family friends. I got to tell stories. And I got to meet Hopkins grads that thought I was fascinating and that was cool. I wish I would have had more time to learn more about them but they kept asking me questions. I had a really nice time. We got to go on a brewery tour and there was a bunch of rats back here and we all thought I was hilarious. Not uncommon because you know wheat and barley and things. I don't know why other people were surprised by it. It's Baltimore. I'm sure everything is clean enough in the actual process of beer making.
I had a really good night though. At the end of the night James mom told me to take as much stuff home as possible. So I got three plants and two plates of food and both the Diet Cokes that they bought for me. Someone accidentally crushed with my plants but I think I'm going to be able to save them. When I got home after my Lyft ride. Which was very good. The man was very very nice and we had a really nice conversation. I use chopsticks to take them back together. So I'm hoping with some babying I'll be able to save them
James stay behind to finish helping clean up. And I got home and got washed up. Brought all of my stuff inside. Put all the food in containers and opened up my new package. Which is my new weird pink robot dog. Which is absolutely incredible for a 14 year old dog. It rolls over and plays dead and it does guard Duty. I'm very excited to explore this thing a little bit more. The books that came with it has a basic function and an advanced function and there's a lot of things that can do and I'm excited that has autonomous features. Those are my favorite kinds of robots.
I'm going to get ready for bed now. I'm very tired. I have the next four days off and I'm going to finish my tooth sculpture and I'm going to finish my lesson plans. I'm going to go to the Xfinity store and figure how to cancel my internet because there is no option for that on their website or explanation on how to do it. I keep saying I'm moving. But it just wants me to move my service to my new place. James has internet I don't need to internet. But I will figure it out. But I'm hoping it's just a nice weekend. And I can take the bus long distances to stores I don't get to go to often. And James has his job interview on Saturday and then we have the whole afternoon together. And hopefully we'll move some more stuff to his place. And I'm just hoping it's a really good day.
I hope it's a good night for you guys as well. Sleep well everybody. Stay safe out there.
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lalka-laski · 3 years
Do you or have you ever owned a cup with your name on it? Probably at some point
What’s the most expensive crafts tool that you own? None of my craft supplies are particularly expensive. Maybe all my soap-making materials? That was a flash in the pan...
Have you ever woven baskets of any kind (wicker, paper, cardboard etc.)? I think maybe once at like a "Pioneer Day" at school?
How do you like Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis? It's a good song
Speaking of Jerry Lee Lewis, have you seen the biopic about him? Nope
How about the biopic about Tina Turner? Also nope
Do you like the TV-show Frasier? I've never seen it
What’s something you know by heart? Lots of songs, poems, and book passages
What is something you’re greedy about? Alcohol :(
How valuable does a coin have to be for you to bother to pick it up? I pick up any coin that's heads-up and keep it in my pocket for the day for good luck
What would be something you would wait in line to get for free? A good amount of stuff
Has there ever been a leak anywhere in your house? Probably
Have you ever slipped in the shower? Yep
Have you ever made any decorative crafts? If so, are they displayed? Yes and yes!
Is it very humid where you are right now? No it's chilly (and I love it)
What is the most suggestive thing someone has said to you? Blah...
Do you have friends who you playfully flirt with? Nope
Did you ever take that 5000 question survey that was circulating Tumblr? Maybe sections of it
Have you ever had to change a zipper in your favourite article of clothing? No, I wouldn't even know how
Do you prefer buttons or zippers in general? Umm buttons
Did you grandma have a box full of pretty buttons? Yes! In a cookie tin, of course
What’s the most exotic spice in your spice rack? Ermm, none of them are that exotic to me
Do buttons tempt you to press them? Not really
Do you have a favourite television host? Nah
What’s your opinion on celebrity chefs? They're cool?
Back when it first started, did you watch ANTM? I LIVED FOR IT
Did you know, that there was even a Finnish version of ANTM? Miss Jay made an appearance in the first season, too. Cool
Are you accident prone? Extremely
Have you ever broken something really valuable? Mhm
What do you see as timeless? Love
What is something that you own, that has sentimental value? Plenty of things. I'm a sentimental SAP
Have you ever had your own website? A blog, yeah. But not entirely my own domain.
What’s your favourite board game? Scategories!
How about your favourite card game? I don't like actual playing-card games but as for games that INVOLVE cards I like this one called "Buzzed." (Go figure, right ha)
What’s something that you finished recently? A survey? Seems like those are the only things I'm completing start to finish these days ha
What’s the smallest town you recall visiting? Umm
What’s the longest distance you’ve had to go to work or school? 20ish minutes
Would you learn a new language, if you didn’t share one with your lover? That would be tricky but I mean, yeah if I had to
Do you have friends who are constantly tagging you in challenges on FB? Not anymore
When it comes to chocolate, do you prefer nougat, jelly or caramel filling? Solid filling. But of those choices I'd pick caramel
Are you more concerned about winning than just participating? Not even a little
Has somebody you know taken their own life? Yes
What is a number that has some significance to you? Why is that? 13, because it's my birth date
Do you prefer onions, leeks or chives? All of 'em
What’s the most adult thing you have to do every day? Work?
What’s the most immature thing you like to do every day? Everything else
Have you seen the movie, Clue? If so, isn’t it fab? No
Do your cheeks get flushed easily? Do you blush easily in general? UGH yes and yes
Are there any social cues you miss entirely? I'm sure there are but I wouldn't know because I miss them!
When someone doesn’t smile back at you, what’s your first thought? "What a jerk"
Is there a person who melts your heart just by looking at you? Oh yes! Glenn and my babies
Have you ever had tom kha kai? It’s a Thai coconut soup, and it’s amazing. We serve it at work. Nope
Have you, or anyone you know ever been rude to a server? Not me personally but people I know
What’s something you’re opinionated and very vocal about? When’s the last time you had to verbally defend your stance? I hang around a lot of like-minded people so I don't have to do much defending of my core values
Have you ever played BitLife? I sort of got hooked on it, it’s like sims but in text form. Nope
What’s something you regularly order online? Vitamins & supplements
When’s the last time you made a penpal? Not since I was a lid
Do you often make friends online? Nope
Do people ever try to get something from somebody through you? As in, they ask you to ask the person they should be asking in the first place. If that makes sense. Yes, it happens often at work
What do you think when you see a couple holding hands? Cute?
Is there anything you’re forced to share with someone else? Not anymore but it happened to me a lot as the middle child growing up
What’s something stripy that you own? A shirt
How about something polka dotted? Umm... maybe some socks
What is something you find absolutely appalling? Racism
Do you like elevators? They freak me out a little
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “midnight madness”? Ummm What is a country you would never want to visit? Any war-torn country I guess
When you’re angry, does it ever get physical? Sometimes I'll punch a pillow or something
What do you do, when you’re immensely happy? It bubbles out of me. I get kinda manic, tbh
What made you scream out loud the last time you screamed? Probably something that startled me
Can you hear your neighbours through the wall? A little
What is something that frustrates you to no end? Myself and my own poor choices
Do you wear shoes indoors? Never
Who is your favourite stand-up comedian? Jim Gaffigan is always good for a laugh
What’s the weirdest video youtube has suggested to you? I get a lot of weird recommendations now that Glenn uses my account. He watches a lot of video game tutorials
What’s the funniest infomercial you’ve seen? The pasta express maybe
Is there a drink that just goes right through you? All of them!
Is there a food item you can’t eat because it doesn’t agree with you? Eh, not really. My problem is more that I just eat way too large quantities
Do you playfully compete with someone about something? Nah
Would you rather swim or run? Swim
Do you like the smell of tar? Kinda, I gotta admit
Have you ever been to a sauna? Yep
Does your doorbell ring unexpectedly often? Actually yeah
Is your favourite fictional character a human, an animal or something else? An animated princess
Have you ever helped a stranger? If so, what did you do? Plenty of times
Do you share hobbies with any of your friends? What do you do together? Well we all love drinking, that's for sure. Also a lot of my friends like game nights, arts and crafts etc too (often while drinking)
Do you have any flags on display? If so, what flag(s)? Mmm nope
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jewishconvertthings · 7 years
this is a vague question, but do you have any tips for a first-time synagogue goer? I'm going to be visiting my local temple for the first time ever in November and I am very nervous...
Hi anon!
That’s exciting!! So, some advice I would offer you is this: 
Definitely go with a friend who is familiar with the liturgy already, and/or reach out to the rabbi ahead of time and ask to be seated by someone who will guide you through it. You may want to do the latter anyway, even if you have Jewish friend who will go with you, because each congregation tends to do things slightly differently and it’ll help to have someone who is familiar with that congregation’s conventions guide you through it . While plenty of people visit other congregations and do things their own way and it’s fine, that may not be ideal for feeling comfortable your first time. 
Do be aware that even in Reform congregations, there’s usually still quite a bit of Hebrew. This may feel daunting at first, but the same prayers get repeated a lot, and you’ll get the hang of it (or simply memorize it) if you keep going regularly. 
A siddur is just a prayer book that contains all of the prayers for the various different services. A chumash is a copy of the scriptures organized by weekly portions that are read on Saturday mornings. A machzor is a special siddur for the holidays. All of these are read from right to left, because Hebrew is read from right to left. Ergo, if you want to look like you know what you’re doing, make sure you hold and open your siddur correctly. (But don’t worry if you mess it up - it took me several weeks to get it right instinctively, and no one looked at me funny.) 
There may or may not be a paper program in addition to the siddur. Because the liturgy is usually pretty fixed, there’s not as much of a need for it. The service leader may call out page numbers occasionally to help people get back on track if they got lost, but if you need to, you can quietly ask a person near you what page you’re on. (If it’s during the silent Amidah, wait until the leader starts speaking/chanting again to ask.) 
Especially in Reform siddurim*, but also in the Conservative siddur I’ve used (not sure about other branches’ siddurim) a good bit (but not all) of the words are printed three times: in English, in Hebrew, and transliterated Hebrew. (Siddurim = plural of “siddur”)
There are motions/choreography that go along with reading the prayers, such as bowing, sitting or standing during different parts, and rocking up on your toes. Some people have the custom of bowing slightly to the left and then right in certain parts, of taking three steps forward and backward during the Amidah prayer, and some people rock or sway. This is all optional as far as I’m aware, and eventually you’ll develop your own preferences and practices, but for your first time, it’s easiest to just follow what the person next to or in front of you does, or your guide. 
Read this carefully, especially if you’re planning on going to a more traditional shul: http://www.jewfaq.org/liturgy.htm. This will give you an idea of what prayers there are, how the choreography fits in, and other useful things. 
A common custom for Friday night (”kabbalat Shabbat”) services is to have an “oneg” afterward. “Oneg” refers to joyousness, or happiness, and is a shorthand way of referring to the mitzvah of celebrating Shabbat. What this means in practice, however, is food! An oneg after services is just a little reception with snacks and sometimes more substantial food. If you have food sensitivities and wish to attend (which you should if you’re comfortable doing so!) you should reach out to the rabbi ahead of time about making sure there are things there you can eat.
People will likely greet you with “Shabbat shalom!” or “Gut Shabbos!” It’s 100% okay to respond in kind, and will actually garner less attention than an awkward, “um… hi?” [I am speaking from the voice of experience on this one, btw. :)] 
Look up the dress code for the congregation you’re planning on going to, or ask if it’s not on their website. Most Reform congregations are pretty laid back about formality and covering up, so long as it’s appropriate and respectful. More traditional shuls, however, may have specific rules. You may also want to ask about what their custom is for non-Jewish men wearing kippot and/or women wearing pants if you’re going to an Orthodox congregation. Most congregations have a basket of kippot for men who forgot or who don’t own one themselves. 
Some people may be wearing tallit (Jewish prayer shawls) on the Saturday morning services, but those are specifically for people who are already Jewish (and in more traditional shuls, for adult/married Jewish men.) It’s okay you don’t have one and won’t for a while. 
Try to show up on time, but not so early that you accidentally get counted in the minyan! If it seems like they are counting you, you need to politely inform one of the leaders that you’re not Jewish. 
If you’re going to a traditional enough congregation, they may have a mechitza - make sure you respect their space and stick to your gender’s side of it. (If, like me, you’re trans and/or non-binary, I strongly suggest having a discussion with the rabbi about where you should sit before showing up.) 
Something to just know going in is that lots of times, people have their own way of engaging the prayers and so some people may jump in ahead of time and read faster than other people or read along with the service leader. This can be unsettling if you’re used to WASPy churches where people listen silently, but it’s totally normal and you should just ignore it. 
At various different points, the leader will sort of drop out of chanting aloud or chant much quieter before picking up later in the prayers. The understanding is that people are supposed to just read along at their own pace. I recommend reading the marginalia until the leader resumes unless you somehow already know Hebrew. 
You probably won’t know the melodies, but that’s okay - a lot of people don’t, or don’t sing. You’ll pick them up eventually! 
That looks like a lot - sorry it’s so rambling. Followers, any other advice? 
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transssexualheart · 7 years
Hey b I know you like asks so answer all 200 because I'm just that nice :^)
200: my crush’s name is:as if you all don’t know at this point. it’s sarah
199: i was born in:2002
198: i am really:gay
197: my cellphone company is: i’m so fuckin stupid i’m not sure what the question is asking
196: my eye color is: brown
195: my shoe size is:eight and a half/nine
194: my ring size is:i don’t wear rings
193: my height is:5′5
192: i am allergic to:nothing
191: my first car was:never had a car
190: my first job was:never had a job
189: last book you read:hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
188: my bed is:small
187: my pet:is a beautiful orange cat named danny and i love her
186: my best friend:is lovely
185: my favorite shampoo is:i don’t care 
184: xbox or ps3:i’ve never played a ps3 so i guess xbox
183: piggy banks are:ok??? why are we trying to start piggy bank discourse
182: in my pockets:are trash
181: on my calendar:i don’t use a calendar
180: marriage is:alright?? i’d get married if my partner wanted to
179: spongebob can:?? exist??
178: my mom:is not very nice
177: the last three songs i bought were?uhhh i havent bought music in a while idk
176: last yt video i watched:for him.
175: how many cousins do you have?fuck dude. so many. i don’t know.
174: do you have any siblings?two, a brother and a sister
173: are your parents divorced?well my parents tried to get divorced but my dad died before it actually got worked out and my mom and my stepdad aren’t married and have never been so
172: are you taller than your mom?i believe so  
171: do you play an instrument?yeah, piano
170: what did you do yesterday?not much, just sat around and then walked in circles around my house for hours and then hung out with my siblings in the yard
[do you believe in]
169: love at first site:no, what if that pretty girl u saw on the street is an asshole?? what if she’s racist and homophobic dude u don’t know her
168: luck:sure
167: fate:yeah i guess
166: yourself:haha no
165: aliens:ya
164: heaven:idk
163: hell:idk
162: god:idk!! 
161: horoscopes:idk they’re fun to look at 
160: soul mates: i’d like to believe in soul mates
159: ghosts:idk
158: gay marriage:gay marriage isn’t a fuckinhg cryptid, yes i believe in it i’m gay and i’m gonna probably get married
157: war:god fuck i don’t know
156: orbs:??????????
155: magic:could be real, might not be, who knows
[this or that]
154: hugs or kisses:kisses
153: drunk or high:never been either so
152: phone or online:phone, can text my friends whom i lov
151: red heads or black haired:black haired i guess
150: blondes or brunettes:someone’s gonna get sad when i answer this but brunettes
149: hot or cold:i don’t know actually
148: summer or winter:summer, it’s better than having seasonal depression added onto my normal depression
147: autumn or spring: spring
146: chocolate or vanilla:vanilla
145: night or day:night
144: oranges or apples:apples
143: curly or straight hair:curly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
142: mcdonalds or burger king:don’t really eat at either but if i had to choose, mcdonalds
141: white chocolate or milk chocolate?white chocolate
140: mac or pc:pc
139: flip flops or high heels:high heels
138: ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:wtf 
137: coke or pepsi:don’t really drink soda
136: hillary or obama:man i don’t know too much about politics all i know is that i’d choose hillary over trump any day
135: buried or cremated:man i’m not sure,, i guess i’d prefer to be cremated Please Rid The World Of My Horrible Body
134: singing or dancing:singing
133: coach or chanel:i have like fifty cents do you think i can afford that shit
132: kat mcphee or taylor hicks:who
131: small town or big city:i love the city, maybe that’s because i live in a small town but i love the city
130: wal mart or target:target
129: ben stiller or adam sandler: idk
128: manicure or pedicure:well i don’t want anyone touching my feet i don’t even like taking my socks off around friends unless i very much trust them
127: east coast or west coast:well i live on the east coast so
126: your birthday or christmas:my bday bc we go on vacation for it bc it’s over the summer
125: chocolate or flowers:flowers
124: disney or six flags:never been to disney so six flags
123: yankees or red sox:sport???
[here’s what i think about]
122: war:didn’t another question p much ask the same thing
121: george bush:idk??
120: gay marriage:p much already been asked bud
119: the presidential election:not my president can’t believe u fuckers let trump win
118: abortion:if someone wants an abortion, they should be able to get it. no one else should have a monopoly over that, not even the father, because their body does not belong to him.
117: myspace:never used it
116: reality tv:eh
115: parents:some are good, mine i am not fans of
114: back stabbers:i don’t think i’ve ever really been backstabbed
113: ebay:it’s ok?
112: facebook:don’t really use it
111: work:don’t have a job
110: my neighbors:i don’t talk to them much but everytime we go near their dogs on the otherside of the fence they call the dogs back or pull them away one of the kids went “haha you can’t touch our dogs” and?? idk why??
109: gas prices:i don’t drive
108: designer clothes:can’t afford them
107: college:haven’t been 
106: sports:Throw Ball
105: my family:my sister is lovely, my brother is really mean, and my parents are also p mean like i don’t realize sometimes until i tell something they said and they’re like “??? that’s really not ok??”
104: the future:hasn’t happened yet how would i know
[last time i]
103: hugged someone:earlier today i hugged my aunt because she’s over for easter
102: last time you ate:just ate a tootsie roll a lil bit ago
101: saw someone i haven’t seen in a while:i guess the only person i haven’t seen very recently is spence and the last time i saw him was a few weeks ago
100: cried in front of someone:long time ago
99: went to a movie theater: went to see beauty and the beast a while back but i don’t remember exactly when that was
98: took a vacation: last summer
97: swam in a pool:last summer at my aunt’s probably 
96: changed a diaper:many years
95: got my nails done:i painted a clear coat on them a lil while back does that count
94: went to a wedding:year or so ago?
93: broke a bone:never broken any bones
92: got a piercing:when i was like five
91: broke the law:idk
90: texted:a few mins ago
89: who makes you laugh the most:hahah. u
88: something i will really miss when i leave home is:oh man. all my friends, hubbard hall, the school playground, as much as i wanna leave this town i’ll probably cry leaving it behind
87: the last movie i saw:moana!
86: the thing that i’m looking forward to the most:death
85: the thing i’m not looking forward to:school starting again
83: the most difficult thing to do is:tell someone you’re in love with them
82: i have gotten a speeding ticket:never??
81: my zodiac sign is:leo
80: the first person i talked to today was:probably my mom
79: first time you had a crush:seventh grade
78: the one person u can’t hide anything from:apparently you because u always figure me out
77: last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, spence was talking about how his bf had big hands and i said “u know what they say” and i was about to say “big gloves” but he beat me to it
76: right now i am talking to:i’m not talking i’m typing
75: what are you going to do when you grow up:idk
 74: i have/will get a job:i don’t?? know??
73: tomorrow:is easter
72: today:is not easter
71: next summer:??
70: next weekend:idk man??
69: i have these pets:one cat, two fish
68: the worst sound in the world:chEWING
67: the person that makes me cry the most is:haha
66: people that make you happy:my friends
65: last time i cried:about a month ago
64: my friends are:the best!!!
63: my computer is:alright
62: my school:is the fucking worse
61: my car:is non existent
60: i lose all respect for people who:support trump
59: the movie i cried at was:i cried over the shitty mario movie when i was seven
58: your hair color is: dark brown
57: tv shows you watch:i don’t really watch tv
56: fav website:i dont kno
55: your dream vacation:to go to the beach with friends
54: the worst pain i was ever in was:emotional
53: how do you like your steak cooked:well not burnt
52: my room is:alright
51: my fav celebrity is:does dan avidan count? he still holds a special place in my heart
50: where would you like to be:my answers for these kinds of qs are always so gay 
49: do you want children:used to not want them, but i guess depending on the person i’d have them with i MIGHT
48: ever been in love:ya
47: who’s your best friend:asdgkjgf
46: more guy friends or more girl friends:many of us are nb
45: one thing that makes you feel great is:being loved
44: one person you wish you could see right now:u know, u all know who
43: do you have a five year plan:???????
42: have you made a list of the things to do before u die:1. kiss a girlthat’s it
41: have you prenamed your children:no
40: last person i got mad at:probably my brother
39: i would like to move to:nyc
38: i wish i was a professional:animator
[my favs]
37: candy:sweedish fish and jolly ranchers
36: vehicle:idk
35: president:i only remember obama
34: state visited:idk
33: cellphone provider:also idk
32: athlete:don’t pay attention to sports
31: actor:i don’t freakin know
30: actress:well,
29: singer:wELL,,
28: band:not sure
27: clothing store:idk
26: grocery store:hannaford??
25: tv show:no idea
24: movie:so many good movies
23: website:i think this was already asked??
22: animal:not sure
21: theme park:only ever been to like one
20: holiday:xmas
19: sport to watch:uhh i guess soccer?? i’ll actually understand whats happening so
18: sport to play:also soccer
17: magazine:don’t read them
16: book:carry on
15: day of the week:saturday
14: beach:no specific one i just like the beach
13: concert attended:only ever been to one, it was a top concert
12: thing to cook:grilled cheese
11: food:not sure
10: restaurant:idk
9: radio station:don’t really listen to the radio
8: yankee candle scent:??? idk???
7: perfume:don’t really wear it
6: flower:roses or tiger lillies
5: color:blue
4: talk show host:i don’t know??
3: comedian:bo burnham
2: dog breed:shiba inu
1: did you answer all of these truthfully?ya
i didn’t move the whole time i answered all 200 help me
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
04/05/2021 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Psalms 77:1-20, Proverbs 12:18
Today is the 5th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here with you today as we continue to move forward. And still kind of in this Easter glow, this whole season that leads up to this moment where we really live into all things being made new, and that actually a shift has happened. And, so, now we live into that. All that we've allowed the Lord to rearrange in our hearts and minds and lives, we move forward from this place with a newness, with a new sense of direction and purpose. And, so, let's dive in. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And we are continuing our journey through the book of Deuteronomy. That will take us…I think that will take us the remainder of this week to conclude. And just start remembering that this is what Moses has to say. And some of this is review because he's reviewing. These are the things that he has to say before he dies. This is what he’s saying to the people that he's led out of Egypt and that they need to remember when he’s gone. So, we pick up. Deuteronomy chapter 28.
Okay. Let’s just consider what we read in the book of Proverbs, very short, a single sentence. “There is one who speaks rashly like a piercing sword.” So, let's stop there for second. “Speaks rashly.” We are all guilty, right? We are all guilty of at some point speaking rationally, right, without thinking about what we’re saying, without considering the consequences of what we might be saying. This seems to be a thing and going around and we…it’s just like part of the human condition. We do this stuff all the time, but wisdom in the Proverbs is saying that's…that's like a piercing sword. So, if we stop thinking about the things that we say, and then put ourselves in the position of things that are being said to us, when somebody’s speaking aggressively and rationally without considering the consequences toward us, attacking us in some way it does feel like that, right, a piercing sword. This theme is throughout the Scriptures, the fact that words actually do matter, that they're not harmless, that they're not benign, that they sort of set the stage for what’s gonna happen in action. So, I don't know, let’s…two…two men walking down the street, they don't just randomly decide to start punching each other, right? They’re just walking down the street. They don't even know each other. If they do, they don't have an offense against each other, they’re just walking down the street. But when someone says something rash to the other like a piercing sword then action can take place that can be profoundly destructive. So, that happens between two people. I mean we can take this inside our house with our spouse, and apply it there and understand that the same truth applies between two people, but that same truth expands to all people. And, so, groups of people can be behaving this way toward other groups of people. And all we gotta do is start opening up the human…the history books of humanity to see where this goes. So, wisdom tells us, yeah, there…there is one who speaks rashly, and they speak like…like a piercing sword but the tongue of the wise brings healing. So, that's one sentence. And that one sentence says an awful lot about our lives, about the state of our lives, about the trajectory of our lives because we basically have a rutter that lives behind our teeth that steers the way our lives go. And it's not inconsequential and it's not harmless, it's very powerful. In fact, the Scriptures will ultimately tell us as we get a little bit deeper into them that the power of life and death is in our words, is in the tongue. It’s famous so we probably already know that. But if it's true let’s just think for a second that the power of life and death is in the tongue. Why do we not pay attention to the kind of power we’re carrying around all day every day? Like, how is it that that power can be unleashed typically for destruction before we can even rein it in? Maybe wisdom would call us to pay attention. Maybe wisdom would call us to bring healing with our tongues instead of destruction, blessing instead of cursing. Maybe that would change our life. Maybe we don’t have to say maybe. That would change our whole life. Do we want that? That would require discipline then wouldn’t it? That would require surrender. That would require that we're not trying to insulate to protect ourselves, but rather we are surrendered to God and we are relying on Him to protect us. We don't have to carve out anything against anybody to have an identity.
Father, we invite You into that. This is so profound. This wisdom is so profound that it would change our lives if we would listen. Holy Spirit help us to remember. Holy Spirit help us to listen before we speak. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. Man, what a…what a season we've been through celebrating Easter and Holy Week last week and…ahhh…it’s a joy just to…just to remember all things are being made new.
And, so, that’s one thing that should continue to reverberate in and among us in around here, but this is also where to find how to get connected, like Community section of the website or for that matter of the app, will lead you to the Prayer Wall and different links to get connected.
And then there's the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there that were made for this journey for this journey. And, so, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey DAB family my name is Jermaine and I'm incarcerated, and I listen to you guys daily basically. I wake up with you guys on my mind and I just pray for you guys and I keep you guys in my mind all the time. And I just want to thank the…I just want to thank Brian and this DAB family for so much encouragement and for so much encouragement and so much prayer. I am literally on a jail call right now leaving this message because the spirit has helped me to pick the phone up to have my loving cousin who is on the end of this phone call but Lord, I'm calling for a prayer request. I'm calling that I be strengthened, that I'm being strengthened in this kind time of darkness, that I know that the Lord works all things, that God works ways out of no way. You see for Him to give me the revelation to keep Him in my heart, to keep Him on my mind, to always seek Him, to want better...Lord…Lord I just I need…I need you guys to pray for me, I need these prayers, I need these prayers because I know in my mind no matter what I go through and no matter what God puts me through that He will take me through. I know He will because I serve a good God. I serve a loving God, a God over all things, a God that created all things. So, DAB family I need your prayers and I'm…I’m praying for each and every last one of you as I listen to this because I have so much time in the world right now being in prison. I'm…I'm Jermaine and I'm calling from Rochester NY. I'm incrassated in the Monroe County facility. And, Oh my God it's just it's so amazing what Brian and the Hardin family is doing and it's…it's just so wonderful that God’s using all of you guys as vessels...
Hi DAB family this is Susie from Colorado. I love you guys. I pray for you every day. You're my family. I just cannot tell you how much I adore this family and Brian and his family. I need prayer please. My husband and I have orphanages in Haiti. We…we raise the children. We don't send them out for adoptions. We…most of our children are disabled or very, very sick. And sometimes they get well. I've seen so many miracles. But we have just taken in the last few days a little boy that we named Elijah and he has hydro cephalic syndrome and I’m devastated because I'm being told that now it’s inoperable and he will soon go blind and then lose any ability to eat on his own or even think on his own and that his brain will slowly die. I come against this. I…I don't…I'm…I’m not accepting that. That's what, you know, what man says. But I'm just really praying to God, He would intervene this time for Elijah seven months old like He has so many times. I have witnessed babies being told that we…we…we were…they wouldn't live to be six months old, and they lived to be…some of them are 29 years old now. So, I just don't believe that. And I know it's all because of prayer. So, please pray for my husband and I and for this very large family that we have in Haiti. Please pray for Elijah. Please save his brain and his life. In Jesus’ name.
Hi there, DAB this is Vonnie from Northern California and I'm responding to a couple of calls I heard this morning. It's April 1st and mommy's Little Rock, I am so sorry that you lost your mom. It's so hard to lose a mom. I lost mine almost a couple years ago now. There's nothing like a mother's love and no one can replace your mom but it's good to know that there are others praying for you. And I'm praying that the Lord will bring just loads of comfort and peace and encouragement your way. Please finish your book. Please get back to writing. And I pray for motivation. That book is going to bless people. Do it for your mom's sake to honor her. And I pray that you will just sense God's love and comforting arms around you. But on the heels of that call, oh Beloved in Texas you just cracked me up. And there's a sermon illustration in that story even though it was just so funny. It's great to laugh at ourselves. But how often do we sit in our own mess and just look good on the outside and pretend everything's OK. I do that. I sit in my own mess and pretend everything's OK. But when we confess to one another our need it's great to have others pray for us and get cleaned up. And, so, thank you for sharing that story. It made me laugh today but thank you for everybody for sharing your stories. We really do need to pray for one another, that the Lord will really clean us. Every…every day is new. Blessings everybody. Have a good one. Bye-bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible this is James the teacher in LA. I have the heaviest heart in the world. I know I called in a couple weeks ago after not really being a part of the community for maybe two or three years. I lost track but I had said that my wife and I were going through a really hard time. In the meantime, she asked for a two-week separation during a session of couples counseling. And at the end of that two weeks, she said that she…her mind was made up where she wants a divorce. And even saying the words out loud…I've been mulling it over and talking about it with people since Saturday the 22nd. And I'm still devastated. It was facing my own suicidal thoughts that first drove me to Jesus over 20 years ago. There’s been one other time since then when my life was so low that I considered it. But I've hit that spot again worse than ever in my whole life and I'm talking with my therapist and I have a safety plan for those of you have been through losing someone to suicide, so I don’t want to scare anybody, but…but my whole life is just in flames. So, I'm praying for my children. And I still love my wife even when I'm angry…so angry. Please pray for me. Thanks.
Mommy's Little Rock in Arkansas this is God's Life Speaker. I too lost my mom on the 1st of January and I heard you, not only this year when you had called in about your mom. I definitely know how you feel. I too am writing and my mom was the center of all things, someone to bounce everything off of but she is in a much better place for my mom really suffered in the end. And, so, I am grateful, I am sure you are too, that they are in the presence of Jesus. But that doesn't make our earthly walk any easier. The only place we really have to turn to is God and I know you know that as you turned to this family to pray for you. Psalm 73:26 says my flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. So, Mommy's Little Rock in Arkansas because you are a rock. I've heard you call in and you are a joy raising your kids the right way. I know your mom taught you and you will pass that along. Keep her alive with her kids. So, may the Lord bless you, may the Lord keep you, may the Lord make His face shine upon you Mommy's Little Rock and Arkansas and may He be gracious to you. May He give you peace in the name of Jesus Mommy’s Little Rock in Arkansas. Let God rise up. Joy up. Speak life. Keep your mom alive through all the stories you have to share. God bless you Mommy's Little Rock.
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