#I'm currently at the dentist waiting and bored
regulus evans
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cherokeegal1975 · 1 year
Unexpected Cargo, Ch. 1 Part 2 by Meriah Smith (author's note below as well)
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Johnny's heart sank. A royal visit in the middle of nowhere couldn't be good news. Out h ere, the king could get away with murder and worse without polite society knowing any wiser.
Laughing and gaming with cards or dice, they would sometimes try to torment him by offering him food or water then denying it. After the second time, Johnny just ignored them, laid down and tried to rest as the night cooled uncomfortably.
He didn't know how long he lay there, shivering as the temperature continued to drop as the sun set. His only company was a single bored guard that glanced frequently at the others gaming with longing.
Sometime later, he heard his guard say with a nasty chuckle, "Have a drink!"
Johnny opened his eyes then rolled out of the way barely in time to avoid being urinated on. The guards all laughed at him and cheered his antagonist as he put his private parts back into his loos-fitting grey pants. They laughed again when Johnny doubled over in pain as he lay on his side, biting back a cry as his lower belly cramped up. They mysterious attacks never lasted long, but they left him sweating and sick to his stomach. So far, he managed to avoid vomiting and was grateful to be spared that indignity at least.
He didn't know how he was going to escape in his current condition, but he was determined to try as soon as the opportunity presented itself. He attempted to make himself comfortable on the sand again, trying not to shiver, willing his stomach to settle and struggling to ignore the increasing ache in his limbs from being tied up for so long.
Then to everyone's surprise, came a sweet singing voice with unintelligible words drifted in from the dark. It was haunting, achingly beautiful and filled with such longing that tears formed in Johnny's eyes. "Oh please, Goddess no!" he thought desperately. "Fly away Little Girl!"
Even a few of the royal guards started to sniffle quietly; it would take a heart of stone to not be moved by her song. Their leader barked an order at some of his underlings to go and find the singer and bring her back to him.
A soft almost inaudible scuffling came up from behind him, followed by a tugging sensation at his wrists. He smiled in the dark and didn't know whether to praise or reprimand Little Girl and Goldie for coming up with this plan. Fear ripped through him at the idea of them being killed before he got the chance.
Goldie continued to gnaw as fast as she could though the tough ropes at his wrists from inside of his left sleeve, so the guards wouldn't spot her. It was a good thing that Johnny's sleeves were so loose fitting, because Goldie was the size of a small domestic cat. In about thirty seconds her sharp front teeth made short work of the rough hemp rope an then she scrambled silently to chew through the rope binding his feet while hiding inside his loose pants leg.
Author's note: Sorry, I have to stop here. It would be so much easier if Tumblr would stop giving me error messages every time I copy and paste sections of my manuscript. I'm out of time anyway. I think I got over enthusiastic about this idea in any case. So, I'll try out sending links again and seeing if I can have better results than last time I tried that.
This book is one year's worth of work and it took me four years to complete it because I had to drop the project for a while, but I came back to it early because I had a really bad toothache and needed a distraction from my pain. Didn't stop me from hurting, but it helped me to deal with it while I waited for days until my dentist appointment finally happened. I was in agony around chapter 14 and 15 and quite likely a ways after that. Writing helped, but anyone who's ever had a bad toothache will know what I'm talking about. Having to wait days to get if fixed was awful.
So, next time, just links. That will save me some time and effort. DeviantART is safe enough. Been there for years with no issues.
To get you started, here's the link to Chapter 1:
Unexpected Cargo Ch. 1 by CherokeeGal1975 on DeviantArt
And yes, that's my illustration. Not the best, but hey, not terrible either. I wasn't going for hyper realistic anyway.
Could anyone else see this as a beginning of an anime mini series?
Links to the next chapter are in the description of the post, as well as a link to where it can be purchased on Amazon.
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disizletzi · 2 years
Day 3
Well, not much today.
I've had the violent urge this afternoon to buy a Nintendo Switch. I just want to play Professor Layton and Pokemon again!! But with the car to repair and also the dentist I keep putting off because of money stuff, I guess it'll have to wait.
My computer is also very old and I need to put some money aside for that too. Oh well. That's what emulators are for, right?
(In reality I am very stressed about the car because I'm currently off from work to take my exams. My dad will lend me his car for the exams but I need a car to go back to work. This is a lot and it's all I have on my mind so I won't bore you with the details :p I guess wanting to play some nostalgic childhood games only comes strongly when I have to deal with adult stuff I don't want to deal with!) Positive note: I saw my dad today. It was short but it was nice!
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I think I'm too high. I want to change my birthday. I mean, it's not really all that important in day to day life, right? Like yeah, I can't change my birth certificate, but maybe I'll call the day I get top surgery my birthday. I'd like that.
One day, I will be Emery Kit Lane, he/they, flat chested trap wannabe obsessed with anal.
I can't change everything. But I can improve. No more alcohol until I can have a healthy relationship with it. Watch calories and carbs as best I can (not looking to obsess over it, but just be aware more of what I'm eating and how much. I'm a bored eater). Cut soda, juice, Kool-Aid, even sugar free ones except for rare occasions. Cut as much excess sugar as possible while also not wasting or binging on any sweets I currently have.
Follow through with Medicaid, got to the gp/optometrist/dentist, find a therapist in my network and of my values, focus on fixing longer term issues.
Buy shelves and arrange my pop figures, donate or trash anything I don't use or need, clean the house so we can organize, get the floors cleaned well, set routines and chores, help the kids sort through their room to decide what to donate or trash, go through the kids clothes to donate anything that doesn't fit, power wash the house and build a covering for the patio, get a nice set up for BBQ and bar tending there.
Last clause of last step is subject to be before or after this next segment.
Licence my LLC for my food truck, recipe test for best, easiest recipes, begin saving now for down payment and up front costs of the food truck, find a reliable accountant to bookkeep and keep taxes in line, find suppliers, secure necessary licenses and food permits, ensure health code standards are met, experiment for a few days both to test location of the truck and prep bins are in the most ergonomic places, maybe one day host Livestreams on twitch or YouTube of how the flow of my truck works and what it's like to work in a single operated food truck, travel the country with my food truck.
A lot of this has to wait until my partner's kids age out of child support. He wants to stay near them while they're still young enough to really bond with him before going out and travelling a lot. I respect that. I know how hard it can be with a parent always gone.
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yokohamapound · 2 years
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Um...yeah. This was funny to me so I wrote it. <3
Characters: Dazai Osamu
Contents: afab!reader, oral, workplace sex, Dazai being a whore...
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Dazai Osamu
There's no clause covering this exact scenario in your contract, but you're pretty sure what you're doing violates some kind of professional conduct policy. Or maybe health and safety. Unfortunately, you don't have the mental bandwidth to worry about the terms of your employment right now.
"You'e so wet already," Dazai hums from underneath your desk. A chuckle. "And at work, too? Naughty."
It all started when Kunikida announced that he had a dental appointment during his lunch, followed by a stern lecture to Atsushi and Kyoka about the important of flossing. The two orphans had a spotty history of dental care, since surviving took precedence over gum disease. Incensed, Kunikida dragged the pair of them with him for a check-up.
That was the first domino. Next up, Yosano decided she was going to go shopping, and roped Kenji in as her pack-mule, a role he was only too happy to fulfil, while telling her stories of Minty, his actual pack-mule back in his home village…
Then one by one, the rest of the Armed Detective Agency left on lunchtime errands of their own. The lively chatter of the office faded to nothing more than the clatter of your keyboard as you finished your report, and Dazai's soft snoring from the couch.
You'd resigned yourself to working through lunch. Maybe you could grab an onigiri from the konbini across the road and some iced tea.
A yawn pulled your eyes away from the screen. Dazai stood at the corner of your desk, rubbing at the back of his head. He blinked sleepily at you, smiled, then glanced around the office.
"I didn't nap for that long," he said. "Something big happen?"
"Nope." A shrug. "Everyone just decided to go out for lunch. Well, Kunikida's at the dentist."
"I'm sure that must be very exciting for him," Dazai drawled. "Were you waiting for me, bella? Shall we go out for a little lunch date, hm?"
You rolled your eyes, smiling faintly. "No can do. I've got way too much to do and your idea of a lunch date would stretch out all afternoon. I don't need Kunikida on my back about this report. It's already late."
"Tsk, tsk, paperwork is very important."
"Which is why you dump it all on Atsushi?"
Dazai sighed, perching himself on the edge of your desk. He amused himself for a couple of minutes by leaning over and pushing all of Kunikida's pens slightly out of alignment, but quickly grew bored of that. Things were quiet around here lately, and he found himself uninspired by the tedious requests that were coming in. Some people seemed to think the Armed Detective Agency were a cleaning service or private detectives who would catch their spouse cheating. Dazai had argued that they could do a honeypot sting for those, but was shot down viciously by Kunikida. Spoilsport.
His gaze slanted toward you. "Are you sure you don't want to go out?"
You shook your head. "I'll grab a snack over the road. I don't have time to eat out."
Dazai's lips curled into a smirk. "No? I do~"
You shrugged. He was a big boy. He could go to a cafe by himself if he really wanted to.
"Don't let me stop you."
You turned your attention back to your report, fingers flying over the keys. Dazai disappeared from your peripheral vision, so you assumed he had sloped off to find something else to amuse himself with. Well, you were half right. And that, dear reader, brings you to your current predicament.
Something brushes against your knee. You bounce your leg, assuming it's just one of the folds of your skirt, and it goes away. But then, something tickles your other knee. Annoyed, you reach down and pull your skirt away from your legs.
Another soft touch—a kiss—lands on your inner thigh.
Leaning back, you peer down below the desk. Dazai's handsome face smiles up at you from between your thighs, looking as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. You stare at him.
"What…what are you doing down there?"
Dazai leans his cheek against your thigh, his wavy brown hair tickling your skin. His eyes are dark, hooded. "Exactly what I said I was going to do, sweetheart. Go back to your little report."
"We're in the office!" you splutter. "And how am I supposed to concentrate when you're doing that?"
"Not my problem."
Hands grasp you by the hips, and he pulls you to the edge of your seat, spreading your thighs wider apart. Warm breath washes over your inner thighs, followed by a playful lick at the quickly-dampening fabric of your underwear. You shouldn't respond so easily; it makes you feel so weak, but your body reponds to the promise of Dazai's mouth like Pavlov's dog to a bell.
He continues to tease you through the soft, damp cloth, drawing slow lines along your slit with the tip of his tongue. Dazai's thumbs stroke slow, tingling circles into the soft flesh of your thighs. Your muscles twitch in response.
Closing your eyes, you let your head rest against the back of your chair, and reach underneath the desk. Dazai's breath hitches as you root your fingers tight in his hair, curling them until pain prickles across his scalp. Oh, he likes it when you do that. His cock stiffens, a low groan working its way up out of his throat.
"Do you have something to say, bella?" he purrs. "Going to stop me?"
"We don't have long before Kunikida gets back," you say, pleased to find that your voice is still mostly steady. "Now's not the time to be playing with your food."
His eyes glitter in the darkness underneath your desk, his smile wicked.
"Scared of getting caught?"
"Scared Kunikida will wring your scrawny neck," you retort, letting go of his hair. Sliding your hand down the back of his neck, you pressed him closer to where you wanted him. "No teasing."
"So demanding today."
Dazai hooks a long finger into the crotch of your underwear and tugs it to the side, peeling it away from your damp flesh. He leans in. His mouth presses against you, full and hungry, like he's devouring a ripe peach. No slow, taunting licks. No working you up to it. You wanted him to get on with it? Dazai doesn't need telling twice.
His tongue slides between your folds, slick and hot and dragging upward. The tip curls, flicking against your clit at the top.
"Fuck." Soft. Emphatic. You grab the edge of your desk for support, the report wavering in front of your eyes. "Dazai…"
A soft snicker is the only answer he gives. Dazai nuzzles deeper between your thighs, slurping and sucking all the sweet flesh that's on offer for him. Your flavour coats his tongue; his mouth is watering, swallowing your taste down like honey.
His deep, pleased hum vibrates into you, and he squeezes your soft thighs when you squirm, crushing them against the sides of his face. He'd suffocate himself down there if you let him.
Dazai laps at you, working his tongue across your clit with the same precision a master calligrapher uses a brush. He could be writing your name down there, or his, you'll never know.
"Goddamn it..."
You writhe in place, rolling your hips to try and grind against his tongue. You want, need, more pressure on your clit. You want his tongue, his fingers inside you. You want him bending you over the desk—
Dazai does something that makes white spots speckle your vision—he sucks your clit into his mouth, moaning around it, pulsing it with his tongue.
No cussing this time—just a sharp, wordless moan. Heat blooms in your core, up your neck, across your face. Sweat gathers at your temples. Your hands slip off the desk, grabbing at the arms of your chair.
"Keep it down, bella." His voice is dark, heavy, hot breath washing over your slick skin. "Someone might hear you~"
He dives back in, devouring you like you're like his last meal. Damn that man's mouth—it's always getting you into trouble in one way or another. You shudder as he sucks on that little pearl of hypersensitive flesh, letting it pop free of his lips, only to pull on it again. Your clenching thighs almost push him away, so he hikes it over his shoulder, keeping you nice and spread for him.
His tongue circles you, each little flick making you shudder. "Daz—Damn it, Osamu."
"I-I'm nearly—"
The door to the office swings open. Kunikida strides in, a newspaper and his notebook tucked under his arm. He approaches his desk, stops, frowns.
You stare at him in horror, flushed. Your stupid clit still in Dazai's stupid mouth.
"Are you all right? You look...ill," he says, pushing his glasses up his nose to get a better look at you. "My check-up found no issues, but Atsushi has four cavities that need to be filled. You'd think his weretiger abilities would prevent that, surely?"
"Oh...I'm...a little flu-ish?"
Kunikida glances around, frowning.
"Where's that idiot, Dazai?"
Where, indeed.
"He's...um...eating out?"
Something thumps against the underside of your desk, making the pencil pot jump. That was in fact the back of Dazai's skull. He presses his face into your thigh, biting down.
You feel his shoulders shake with silent howls of laughter.
Kunikida glances from you, to your desk, and back. Slowly, his eyes narrow.
"Um, I mean, he went out to lunch?" you say weakly. "He won't be back for a while."
Kunikida carefully picks up his newspaper and his notebook, and tucks them back under his arm.
"I'm going to go and check on Atsushi," he says crisply. "To make sure he doesn't transform and bite the dentist under the anaesthetic."
Kunikida glances back down at your desk.
"Sanitise the desk before you leave," he says. "I don't want anyone else to get...sick."
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ookybatt · 3 years
Tumblr is being weird I didn’t get the notification that you answered my ask two days ago until today but if it’s alright can I get a poly headcannon with madeleine and espresso taking care of their s/o who had their wisdom teeth removed I got my wisdom teeth removed Friday morning and my blood pressure dropped when I was finished while I was still at the dentist it really sucks having your wisdom teeth removed, I’ve just kinda been eating pudding now
I'm doing requests again yay!
This seems easy to do so let's go!!
Espresso x Reader x Madeleine
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Espresso's pov
Madeleine and I were currently waiting for Y/N to finish having their wisdom teeth taken out.
It felt like forever we were waiting when in reality, it wasn't forever. I leant against Madeleine's shoulder and groan "How long will this take?" Madeleine pats my slightly messy hair. "Your so inpatient. Not much longer now."
As Madeleine finished the sentence, the dentist walked out the room.
"It took a while but Y/N is fine and their wisdom teeth came out pretty easily! We had to put them on anaesthetic and the laughing gas so good luck with that." The dentist walks away as Madeleine and I stare in confusion.
What was Y/N gonna be like on the laughing gas?
I heard faint mumbling and instantly knew who it belonged to. They sounded like they had just taken every drug at once.
This was gonna be hell.
Y/N waddled out the room looking very out of it and confused. Two dentists were on both their sides, helping them walk. Y/N hadn't even seen us yet since they were too busy staring at the ceiling and asking where Madeleine and I were.
One of the dentists pushes Y/N's head down to face us and their face lights up "I know you!" Madeleine chuckles and picks them up, thanking the dentists.
"How you feeling Y/N dear?" I ask them. They start stroking my hair. This was getting weirder than it already was.
"M'happy~" Y/N giggles at theirself. I smile and hold their hand as we walk back to the kingdom.
"Hey hey where we goin? Dentist said we goin to a theme park!" The tissue in Y/N's mouth made it hard to understand what they were saying to the point they couldn't understand theirself. It seemed to annoy Y/N because they tried to take the tissue out their mouth.
I use a finger to push the tissue into their mouth. "Keep the tissue in dear, and no were going home. You just had surgery therefore you need your rest." Y/N groans in response.
"Boring boy" Madeleine tries to hide his laughing but I could tell he was laughing and whacked his shoulder. Y/N got offended.
"Dont y'dare hit him! Child abuse." Madeleine couldn't hold in his laughter and let out a roar of laughter. Y/N couldn't understand what was going on.
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Madeleine's pov
Ever since we got home, Y/N hadn't stopped complaining.
They'd say stuff like "I'm hungry" and "It's too old" but if we offered them food or a warmer, they'd refuse it. It seemed to annoy Espresso because he kept trying to get Y/N to go to sleep.
I think we all needed it.
"Y/N, love, its bedtime." Y/N shakes their head. "Not for me! Only you!" They waddle to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it.
Espresso groans and tries opening the door. "Y/N, open the door." He tries knocking but Y/N just makes disapproving noises.
"No no! Not gonna!" I chuckle. It was hilarious seeing them like this. Espresso looks at me, expecting me to help but I just watch.
Espresso spent the rest of the day trying to get Y/N out the bathroom
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blackdogdesignuk · 3 years
The Diner Dilemma
Written by Blackdogdesignuk
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Warnings: explicit, smutt, porn without plot, maybe a slight plot. Sub/Dom play, light bdsm, forced orgasms, hand free, sex toys, humiliation, exhibitionism, hint at kink shaming, restraints, Mr. not-much-dialogue Whiskey, no consent, clit slapping, girl on girl. girl on boy.
You've never felt such conflicting feelings before, as Poppy meanly flicked your pert nipples you felt the embarrassment creep over your face but deep down a small stab of shameless pleasure inside was eating away at you. Neither of you were trained for this sort of torture.
Self insert warnings: It's a female self insert, I think, she has a vagina anyway and I'm using she/her pronouns ...also she's blushing petal pink which suggests her skin tone as Caucasian, she's based on me, a pale ass white girl. Also she has a name, or a nickname anyhow. I've no idea what I'm doing.
2.4k words I believe of the most self indulgent thing I've ever written. To be honest it's the only thing I'd class as a fanfiction I've written. I write short poems not porn but this whole scene came to me whilst participating in the (solo) business of pleasure. That's when I thought, Jesus there is something wrong with me... Maybe other people will like this too? 😳😂
Also do I know how to use page breaks? .. 😒 no.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
"Well if this isn't the most interesting situation we've found ourselves In!"
Poppy exclaimed playfully. The setting sun was blinding you slightly through the big diner windows, bathing the whole bar area in a warm orange glow. Poppy Adams was pacing the retro diner floor in front of the table you were currently tied to. Shivering with adrenaline and maybe cold because you had been embarrassingly stripped down to your knickers and the very thin, very see through strappy top you wore under your work clothes. The ropes rubbing against your wrists behind your back were burning into you as you slienty struggled against your restraints.
"Now see here Miss" exclaimed Agent Whiskey "Your boarish robot hounds almost ripped my good hand clean off!"
"Quiet down please Jack" Miss Adams' sickly sweet baby voice disgusted you "I set a very clever honeytrap for one of those sneaky undercover agents who were following me and well.. here you are! Agent... Babydoll is it?" She nodded at you "yes you look like a Babydoll... Poor sweet girl fell for it hook, line and sinker... I didn't expect you to be with her" Poppy kicked Whiskey's boots "Intel suggested you were undercover in London with Kingsman. How wrong we were and I've managed catch not one but TWO Statesman agents in my sticky web! What a bounty eh?" Poppy Adams smiled whilst seating herself at the bar, swinging her legs playfully.
You glanced over at your partner hoping he had been formulating a plan to get you both out of this mess, however he looked just as confused as you were with his hands tied to the table legs behind his head and they had even secured him around his broad middle. Like a trussed up pig ready for slaughter, least he’d kept his jeans on you though jealously.
Poppy cleared her throat "Now we are going to play a little game my dears, we've all the time in the world whilst I wait from your bosses about my demands and I'm bored and feeling a little evil this morning"
Your heartbeat kicked up a notch as she clicks her fingers and one of her minions barged through the kitchen double doors, dragging some sort of dentist/barbers chair. He heaved it loudly across the floor until it was positioned in front of you.
As Poppy opened a box she'd pulled out from behind the bar, her henchman was busying himself with untying you from the table and man handling you into this very hard and very uncomfortable chair. It was as dated as the rest of this joint you thought, like something you'd find in a 1920's barbers, however this one had been modified clearly as it had big buckle straps on the arms where your wrists would go, metal stirrups and more straps where your legs would be resting on the small platform.
You watch confused as he quickly made himself scarce and you see Poppy had now armed herself a black leather handled flogger, it had gunmetal grey chains hanging down delicately from where she'd wrapped it around her wrist.
Oh shit.
Poppy Adams pushed you back forcefully into the chair until every soft part of you was exposed. You wouldn't be that embarrassed, it was an empty room, however you were hyper aware of the fact Agent Whiskey was tied up and eye level with your crotch a literal stone's throw away from you.
Smiling as she stung your thigh with a sharp bite of her cat o' nine tails Poppy then almost lovingly parted your legs and placed your feet into into the stirrups of the medical contraption. Completely.. completely vulnerable you thought as she buckled your wrists tight and pulled a small lever on the chair which made the metal stirrups spread your legs wide to keep you in place and exposed fully.
Sheepishy you glanced up to make eye contact with Agent Whiskey, trying to give him an apologetic look but to your suprise you found he was blushing severely and his eyes were darting around, looking at everything but you. Even his ears were slowly turning pinker by the second and you swear he had a small bead of sweat making its way down his temple.
You've never felt such conflicting feelings before, as Poppy meanly flicked your pert nipples you felt the embarrassment creep over your face but deep down a small stab of shameless pleasure inside was eating away at you. Neither of you were trained for this sort of torture.
What a bitch you thought.
"No Agent Whiskey" Poppy snapped as she walked over to him "give your colleague your full attention, she obviously wants it, the least you can do is look whilst I torture her in front of you"
Poppy grabbed Jack's face with it hand and directed it at you. "I think you'll like the show I'm going to give you? You may try look away in some sort of twisted respect agent but the tight bluge in your jeans is a dead give away that your enjoying this as much as I am."
"This is not right Ma'am....I can't.. p-pleeeasagggh" stuttered Whiskey helplessly as Poppy Adam's jumped off his lap and slapped your partner across the face, cutting short his pleas. Turning quickly around she walked to grab a big pink dildo from the case on the bar, it was about 10 inches long and the tasteful thickness of it suprised you. You felt sure you had the same one in your bedside drawer at home..
Walking up behind you Poppy leant over your shoulder, making bedroom eyes at Jack whilst the she nibbled your ear and slowly dragged the sex toy down your body, teasing your skin.. slowly...slowly.. until she came to the outside of your lacy knickers. Pressing a button on the side, it started vibrating at the tip which caused you to jump unexpectedly as the vibrations tickled your clit through the fabric of your underwear. She worked at you for a good few minutes. Pulling hot pants from your lips and giving you cold sweats whilst you tried to stop your eyes rolling in to the back of your head.
"Oh Honeybee, I'm going to make you cum for me now, right here in front of your colleagues and there isn't a thing you can do about it. I'm in control.." she whispered into your ear whilst squeezing your nipple with her other free hand. "..and there is nothing you can do about it, your body will betray you and I will get what I want" a sharp jolt of pleasure shot through your crotch as she caught your clit in just the perfect spot. You gasped surprising even your self at how thicky sexual it sounded.
Deciding the fabric was hindering her efforts, Poppy swiftly tugged them off and dragged them down your legs, catching them slightly on the metal parts of the chair. Abandoning you a moment she spat on her hand and slapped your clit which was now becoming more swollen by the minute, you mewled at the shock of the sting. Your nipples hard as bullets now as she slid the whole length slowly in to your aching pussy. The sound of it sliding in to your wet cunt was so obscene and Jack was just staring now, mouth slighty parted, the buttons on his jeans threatening to pop at any moment. This did nothing but spur you on despite the degrading act being forced upon you, deep down being the submissive was always a fantasy of yours. Did Poppy know this? Or did she not expect you to like this sort of kink torture? Maybe you were more fucked up than you originally thought.
Your face prickled with shame as a pink glow crept over your cheeks. Concious of your nose and chin as it always threatened to betray you when you were very aroused turning a rosy pink petal colour. Thinking back to the many nights you'd spent in hotel rooms during undercover missions with your partner. Thinking about when you came hard but silently, stifling a fist into your mouth, knowing Agent Whiskey was in the next room and secret wishing it was him who'd given you such a long, wet, sticky orgasm. Your face sold you out though, it was a dead give away when you answered the door to his frantic knocks and requests to get dressed, informing you about the change of plans from HQ. You suspected he did know...he's not dumb. Jack's eyes had shot from your crumpled up bed sheets back to your flushed cheeks and chin, lingering on your face a little longer than you'd expect..
That same flushed look you had then was painted over your face now and he knew it too as he seemingly couldn't now break eye contact with you.
As Poppy fucked you messily with the dildo, your body abandoned you getting more juicy and slippery by the minute. The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife, and was only penetrated by the obscene sound of your gushing pussy and your uneven pants, trying to catch your breath and fight against the unwanted pleasure rocking thorough your body. Miss Adam's slowly removed the plastic member that she was fucking your cunt with and dipped two fingers deep into you, coating them in your slick.
Thankful for the breather you closed your eyes for a moment but when you opened them you watched horrified as she'd wandered over to Whiskey and smeared your creamy mess all over Jack's face, forcefully slipping a finger into his mouth so he could taste that sweet nectar. You bit your lip as Jack was clearly struggling against wanting to take control of the situation and enjoying this too much.
Did he like it? What is she doing now? She's touching his jeans.. oh Jesus, please... Don't...
Jealousy panged deep in your stomach. Poppy was now sliding his zipper down but she didn't really need to help him much more as the button popped it's self open. Quickly realising why as it was absolutely magnificent. Looking into his big brown eyes you couldn't tell if he was enjoying your pain or sympathising with it, but his now thick, beautiful, coffee coloured cock was standing to attention and jerking with each grunt he made in an attempt to clean his new creamy moustache off with his tounge.
Poppy just laughed staring at the sorry sight she'd created. "I've heard of men cumming hands free before but I've never witnessed it, let's see Babydoll do you think we could make it happen for him? It would be humiliating right? ESPECIALLY as I’d forgot to mention the live feed you have in that fancy cowboy hat you're wearing Whiskey, it's playing all this fun back to your HQ right?"
You gasped, hoping Ginger had enough respect for you both to turn off the audio and video feed but leaving the GPS tracking active so we could at least be rescued.
"Yes, yes, I know they can track you, in all honesty I wasn't expecting any ransom I just wanted to fuck with you both for shits and giggles to be honest" Poppy smirked.
You blinked, looking back at Jack for some sort of reaction to this horrifying news but he just had his eyes closed and was thrusting his hips into nothingness, beads of sticky precum were dripping from the tip of his dick on to his jeans. That big beautiful dick swaying and twitching in the air, it was mesmerising. Clearly Poppy was paying attention too as she drapped the chains of the whip over his throbbing cock causing Whiskey to cry out and jump in anticipation.
"You dirty boy Jack Daniels" she scoffed and pulled her flail back so fast it caught the tip of his penis sharply making him whimper in pain.
Paying her attention back to you, she took the vibrating member in her perfectly manicured hands and held it on your clit. It was too painfully long, stoking your fire relentlessly, not letting you have even a second to compose your self as you struggled to fight down the familiar sensation quite literally buzzing in your nerve endings.
For fuck sake, I don't want this! I can't give her the satisfaction of the screaming orgasm she's forcing out of me.
You writhed, swinging between pleasure and pain, it was too intense. Too sensitive. Your thighs were shaking with anticipation as you edged closer and closer to your climax. Agent Whiskey stared intensely at your body, his chest rising fast now, he looked like a man possessed. He was close, you could tell. His face contorted in to an almost painful state of bliss.
Glassy eyed, his rhythm faultered and his hips tensed as thick ropes of cum shot out of his spent cock and splattered on to his heaving stomach. Once, twice, three times he twitched releasing more and more hot creamy fluid. Jack gasped for air as his orgasm dribbled down slowly over his beautiful tanned skin making quite a mess of his public hair. His face shined with sweat whilst he stared at you, beautiful brown eyes apologising, shame painted across his expression.
"Oh d-darlin.." he managed to stutter.
Well, that was the final nail in your coffin. Tipping you over the edge, you let out the filthiest moan you had ever given anyone, inspired out of darkest depths of your depraved mind. Your orgasm gushed out of your swollen slippery pussy and slid down the shaft of the dildo she was using to finish you off. It pooled satisfyingly in a creamy mess just above your asshole, threatening to spoilt the leather chair you were strapped to.
''There you go Babydoll, we got there in the end didn't we... You both must have been sooo tightly wound. What... Was that a record 4 minutes until Whisky shot his load hmm?" She sneered with that stupid baby voice and then leaned in close to your face "..and you clearly have had a lot of practice havn't you? Look at that pretty pussy all messed up. I might even get him to crawl over here and clean you up huh? But that would be just what you want I now suspect..."
Poppy's sentence was interrupted by a huge explosion from the back of the Diner, as a dozen men ran in to the room.
You closed your eyes in relief. God damn it, Ginger. Took your time honey...
I don't think forced orgasm and light bondage will have a huge audience but I would never forgive myself if I didn't make this into at least a paragraph or more.
I have also created a piece of art to go along side this story see my socials here to find it -https://linktr.ee/blackdogdesignuk also a video showing the 'making of' the sketch my tiktok - search Bettyblushes
Please excuse any grammatical errors mistakes, I truly tried to catch them all but it's been a hot decade since I studied at school. 😬
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Liam & Edie
Liam: get out of work early, I need your help Edie: alright Edie: what are we doing? Liam: I finished a 🎬📽🎞 & it has to be screened tonight at a specific time Edie: do you know what cinema you wanna infiltrate Edie: like, max capacity blockbuster moment or a more independent arthouse style? Edie: I have ideas for both, if you don't already Liam: gotta be sold out seats for max exposure Edie: looking up whatever dumb superhero shit is on right now Liam: put the word out for me too, yeah? 📢 you've got more 👀 on you Edie: of course Edie: keep it vague but intriguing? Edie: what's the angle Liam: my sister is Edie: your sister? Liam: she's 16, would've been Liam: today Edie: the film is for her Edie: not a hard sell Edie: every twat loves a party Liam: every twat's forgotten about her already Liam: I have to do something Edie: I'll get all the people there I can Edie: 16 is a big one Liam: I'm looking for a cake to blow up Liam: big enough to splatter lots of rows but not too huge to sneak in Edie: really do need a pram Edie: if you do wanna go big, my ma has a kiln, easy to bake in and quicker Edie: I could put it in a backpack or some ridiculously oversized handbag my sister has Liam: you're amazing Edie: you or the audience haven't tasted the cake yet Liam: be more fitting if it tastes bad Liam: like we're shoving bittersweet down everyone's throats Liam: & in their faces Edie: that's easily done Edie: toxic hazard here we come Edie: how long have you been working on the vid? Liam: a while Edie: are you happy with it? Liam: there's no more time left to do edits Liam: I gotta get it out there, like I said Liam: 18 is gonna need something bigger Edie: timing is key Edie: did you talk about it Edie: what she'd want to do Liam: looking that far ahead wasn't something she let herself do Edie: that's fair Edie: I haven't looked that far ahead before Edie: we'll make it special Edie: something she'd approve of Liam: there has to be some way to throw a party after that's not the standard gay shit Edie: an anti-party Liam: yeah, without being ☢️ & barcode tattoos about it Edie: so a disgusting cake, what else can we fuck up Edie: bastardized 🎈s are almost a given Edie: maybe we can play some party games Liam: use your talents on the happy birthday song Edie: I'll do my best for you both Edie: did she believe anything happened after you die? Liam: she wanted to come back as someone else, show up back in my life just when she reckoned it'd gotten settled & boring Liam: but I don't think she really believed that, just didn't want me to turn into one of those twats Edie: yeah, most people want to believe something like that Edie: some continuation Edie: but the percentage who genuinely do, I don't know Liam: a lot of shit she said was for my benefit of my ma's, I don't know if she knew I knew that but I did Edie: Yeah Edie: but through reassuring you, she was probably trying to give herself that same comfort Edie: again, whether it worked is unlikely, but we keep going 'til we don't Liam: yeah Liam: I have certainty in her not wanting everyone to act as if she was never here this fast, I'm going with that Liam: her friends, a lad she liked, they're supposed to give more of a shit Edie: we'll make them remember Edie: I was thinking Edie: she'd be in transition year now Edie: they're always having bollocks seminars and lectures Edie: that would be easy to hijack Edie: well, not easy, but we could Liam: you're so fucking smart Liam: I didn't even think Edie: it'd be a way to get the ones who won't hear our call tonight Edie: which are arguably the ones who need a lesson in caring more so Liam: keep it going like pass the parcel Edie: a project worth the waste of time that whole year is Liam: then a holiday, me & you Liam: where we won't waste any time Edie: are we going to find a holiday home? Liam: did you like living with me? Edie: so much Edie: I wanna live with you properly Edie: all the time Liam: then yeah, we'll find a holiday home & when we get back you can move into mine Edie: really? Liam: our mas will both have shit to say about it but so do we Edie: if they're really going to object to that degree Edie: we'll work for enough money to rent our own place Liam: & sleep wherever else we have to until we've got that Edie: as long as I'm with you Edie: I miss you when I'm not Liam: I wanna be with you all the time too Edie: maybe if we split our time between mine and yours, they wouldn't even notice Liam: they can tell themselves they're keeping a better 👀 on us if we do Edie: yeah, and it's not 'as serious' as moving in together Edie: in their minds Edie: guess it'd be better if we were going 'round sleeping with anyone and everyone Liam: I've had more offers since I got a girlfriend than before Liam: must be a shared view between our parents & lots of the girls at school Edie: 😡 Edie: adds to them feeling something if they get to fuck someone over at the same time as, I guess Liam: I'll never hurt you or let anyone else do it Edie: I know you won't Liam: I love you Edie: I love you Edie: no one is gonna stop us from living the life we want Liam: [a pic of a pram he has stolen for her to fill with stuff and there's a birthday pinata in there currently like oh hi] Liam: I found this for you Edie: 😍 Edie: Baby! Edie: you got me wheels Liam: I couldn't stop thinking about you struggling with a heavy backpack Edie: You're so sweet and I'm so excited Edie: is what's going in the pinata a surprise? Liam: I was gonna tell you but lets keep the excitement going Edie: is it 🕷s Edie: or 🦷 Liam: do you know where I can get that many 🦷? Liam: that'd be a great idea Edie: 🤔 Edie: maybe a vet's dumpster Edie: think people dentists study 'em Liam: maybe my ma kept our 👶 teeth Liam: I'll have a look Edie: Mine kept hers Edie: you'd need quite a few to make an impression Liam: the fake blood I'm gonna add will help Liam: but you're right Edie: there's loads of roadkill around mine Edie: could get that for the 🦴🦴 Liam: I don't know if I want you touching it though Liam: you could get sick or something Edie: I've got gloves Edie: the only illness they had was potentially bad eyesight 🚗 Liam: you've gotta be careful, baby Edie: okay Edie: for you Edie: how else can I help you though? Edie: the cake is in Liam: keep thinking, all your ideas are perfect Edie: I wanna be Edie: what about spiking the drinks, but not in a fun way Edie: or is that too 👿 Edie: just a laxative or something, nothing mad Liam: it don't matter, we won't drink it Edie: I definitely won't Edie: don't even miss any of it Liam: we need something that'll make them 🤮 she did lots of that Liam: only fair Edie: what does that 💊🧪 wise Edie: too much salt is a dead giveaway with one sip Liam: charcoal is probably too big a giveaway too Liam: & you can't get ipecac no more Edie: 😕 ugh Liam: we'll have to settle for the laxatives Edie: they'll make themselves sick all on their own Liam: you did make a fucking disgusting cake Edie: you don't even wanna know what I put in it 😏 Liam: I want all your secrets Edie: you can have everything Edie: [a gruesome list of god knows what] Edie: it smells so gross cooking right now Liam: don't make yourself 🤮 Edie: I'm getting some fresh air Liam: what can you 👀? Edie: from here, the pond Edie: which also smells, so I might need to go look at the 🍅🥔s growing instead Liam: go decide on your outfit Edie: what do you want me to look like? Liam: beautiful Edie: nothing more specific? Liam: nah, not until I've seen what you come up with Liam: you test well Edie: 🤞 Liam: 😍 Edie: that's what I want Edie: always Liam: I want you Edie: I can't wait to go away with you Edie: are we going to the sea Liam: we can Liam: we can go anywhere you like Edie: I just wanna watch the sun go down under the waves with you Liam: you watch that, I'll watch your face while it does Edie: You're so Edie: you make me feel like a person Edie: a real one, that matters Liam: you matter to me, Eds Edie: I'm not used to this feeling Liam: you know I'm not either Liam: we'll get used to it Edie: it's like I believe you but I can't believe it Edie: if that makes sense Liam: I get it Liam: I do need you to believe me though Edie: I do Edie: you're just perfect Liam: nah, I'm not Edie: to me then Liam: whatever's wrong with me, we're good together Edie: we're going to make a perfect baby Edie: that always feels like a person Liam: I'm gonna love it even if things go wrong Liam: I need you to know that too Edie: I know you will Edie: and I believe that Edie: I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't Edie: you won't be able to not love your own child Edie: even if it's hard Liam: & I'll wanna be with you, perfect or not Liam: whatever else happens Edie: we can do it Edie: I love you and I want it to work Edie: I wanna be a good mum and give the baby all the love and attention and everything it could ever want and need Edie: that is so much more than most people have Liam: the baby is so fortunate to have you for its ma Liam: you've done everything right already & its not even here yet Edie: I wanna do it right Edie: I can't imagine doing it wrong Liam: I know you will Liam: you set your mind on shit & it gets done, that's how you are Edie: makes me sound like an assassin Edie: don't hate that Liam: I don't hate thinking about you holding a 🔪 Edie: next video Liam: it'll be on my mind until then Edie: I can give you a preview Edie: if you show me the fake blood Liam: [does obviously] Edie: 🤤 Liam: I made extra for you knowing you'd be into it Edie: That's just one of the reasons we work Liam: are you gonna give me the rest of them? Edie: I'll start on the list but I don't know if it'll ever be done enough to be conclusive Edie: and I'd hate for you to think I'm not serious Liam: that's another reason why we work Edie: see, they keep adding up Edie: good thing I didn't commit to tattooing it on me Edie: run out of space so quick Liam: I don't think her video is done enough Liam: I don't know what to do Edie: You'll regret it if you miss her birthday, I think Edie: you'll have chances to add to it and improve on it every year if you want Edie: it's a tough one to know what's enough on, yeah Edie: 'cos what could be Liam: if it's shit I'll have ruined her birthday Edie: do you think it's shit? Liam: I can't tell Liam: I can't feel anything Edie: I can watch it before you show it Edie: or you can just do it Edie: they aren't going to forget it though, regardless, and that's what you want, yeah Edie: for them to remember her Liam: you've gotta watch it on a big screen Liam: I'll watch you & I'll know if it's good or not Edie: okay Edie: I won't tell you I know it'll be good Edie: cheapen my actual reaction Liam: 👌 what do you wanna tell me instead? Edie: another reason we work is you're talented and creative too Liam: I have to try to bring something to the table if we want a perfect baby Edie: you mean aside from how insanely hot you are Liam: its gonna look like you so that don't count Edie: maybe it'll get to be tall like you Edie: my 10 year old sister is already taller than me Liam: you only wanna be taller for kissing me Liam: there'll be a no dating rule until they're like old enough to properly move out Edie: might save your back, that's all Edie: they won't need to, they'll be happy with us Liam: I've already saved yours with this pram, I'm not bothered about mine Edie: but I am Edie: I'll invest in some stilts Liam: & have you snatched up by the circus, nah Liam: don't matter if its twins in there, I'll pick you all up Edie: 🥰 Edie: you make me look and feel like that emoji, legitimately Liam: [a picture of some random people he's sneakily taken a photo of while he's out and about and changed so they have no eyes because he misses and wants to see her rn] Edie: ooh baby Edie: 👁s would be a great pinata filling Liam: have we got time to turn 🍇 or some gay shit into 👀 like a ma on halloween? Edie: OH Edie: speaking of mas Edie: just had a 💡 Liam: what? Edie: she has mealworms to feed the 🐦🦅s Edie: too late for the cake but how perfect Liam: genius Edie: my next idea was going to get some caviar but I don't think my wage is stretching that far Liam: I could steal some Liam: dunno where the fuck from though Edie: bet they don't have any at the spar Edie: there are tadpoles in the pond but I'm not murdering them Liam: the worms will work Liam: I'm on my way to yours, how long til the cake is cooked? Edie: you're coming here Edie: 😄😄😄 the excitement is only going ↗️ Edie: about 10 minutes, though a bit of burning can't hurt Liam: I thought you'd like a hand with decorating Edie: I'd like to see you Liam: you miss me too Edie: so bad Liam: I know Edie: come see me Liam: I kept the secret for as long as I could but I'm nearly there now Edie: no secrets, right Liam: I don't want there to be Edie: I'll tell you everything you wanna know Liam: tell me what we're doing tomorrow Liam: after this Edie: we're gonna get in the car and drive 'til we get somewhre we want to stop Edie: and we'll get fish and chips and ice cream and play on the beach and then we can talk about bringing the baby back and doing it all again Liam: the baby's face when it eats ice cream for the first time Liam: & feels what sand is like Liam: we'll film it all Edie: 🥺 Edie: I feel like I might cry? Liam: everything we don't remember any more we'll do again with our 👶 Edie: there's so much good stuff to relive Edie: stuff we didn't get to do too Liam: yeah, there's lots of shit I've not done Liam: I used to feel properly awkward about it Edie: just 'cos my childhood was weird in an 'exotic' way doesn't mean it weren't too Edie: there's loads of Irish childhood staples that we didn't have Edie: we'll make that list too, for the 👶 Liam: I can't think of a better way to start the baby book Edie: I'm gonna do it for your birthday Liam: yeah? Edie: I've got a feeling Liam: that might be knowing that I'm outside Edie: [dramatic run out] Liam: [we know he's as extra and would immediately stop whatever he's doing/ drop whatever he's holding so they can kiss dramatically, don't get a hole in that pinata yet sir] Edie: [ah you crazy kids, dunno where the rest of the fam is tbh] Liam: [100% gonna say he puts her in the pram and pushes her into this gaff like a giant nerd, so imagine her just squished in there please] Edie: [LOL adorable, try not to break it already] Liam: [you probably don't have time to do pram repairs on top of everything else lads] Edie: [we got schemes honey] Liam: [if you don't draw on each other with icing pens when you're decorating this cake I don't wanna know either of you] Edie: [my boo has put her foot down] Liam: [all the tattoo practice and ideas in any possible artistic medium thank you] Liam: [we all know what saucy behaviour you'll be getting up to as soon as he gets there though] Edie: [but the softest ever tbh 'cos a tough day and you just wanna make sure he's okay] Liam: [honestly there's only so busy you can keep yourself boy, we all see you] Edie: [not gonna force you to talk on it but also gonna be clear it's an option] Liam: [he's just trying to get today over with as if tomorrow and on any other day he won't think about it, oh hun] Edie: [mood] Liam: [where is his mother? what is she doing rn? those are my real questions] Edie: [sad things don't think about it Liam: [anyway we know the vibe so is there anything else you wanna make a point of happening rn before we skip to the aftermath?] Edie: [hmhmhmmm we can probably skip] Liam: [everyone gonna be cross at you lads] Edie: [I like to think the fam was there earlier so they were already moody, but then you come back with the police and you're gonna skip town tomorrow so lol] Liam: [his poor mum having to go down the garda station when she's already living her best life, likewise gonna be in a great mood] Edie: [safe to say you will not be invited back tonight gal] Liam: [Rio is gonna tear Liam a new one cos he was all I'm gonna look after her it's chill when they last talked haha] Edie: [oh lordy] Liam: [I just hope they got to do all their creepy plans before the police ruined it] Edie: [or at least the important ones, and that it went well in that people are talking about it] Liam: [gotta let you have that] Edie: [tis important and a mood] Edie: how's your ma now Liam: she's still going Edie: I thought she'd like it Edie: if you explained what you did Liam: she likes what we did but not how Liam: she don't understand that playing it in the sitting room wouldn't work Edie: she wants to keep it all private Edie: if people feel uncomfortable it's only because they should Liam: we know that Edie: is she more 😭 or 😤 Edie: one is easier to deal with Liam: it's both, at the same time for a while Edie: that must be so exhausting Liam: it's just what she's like Edie: you've not really known her any different? Liam: I must have, but I don't remember Liam: not clear enough Edie: I'm sorry Edie: if I could've taken the blame harder, I would've Liam: I don't want you to take any of it Edie: I don't care about getting into trouble Liam: you will if it sticks next time & you maybe can't earn as much cash Liam: be the perfect ma you've set your heart on Edie: not at the sake of you though Edie: it's so unfair I couldn't take my fair share Liam: you did, you weren't there for the shit I did before that got me my talking to from the 🐷 Liam: it's about her not you Edie: yeah, I know Edie: wish we'd saved the pinata for them though 🐷🤮☠ Liam: we'll make a 🎬📹 I've still got the rave masks Edie: Yes Edie: it's the least we can do Liam: you'll feel a bit better at least Edie: no, it's not about me Edie: how do you think it went, before they showed Liam: you thought it went decently I could see it in your 👀 Edie: it did Edie: it was beautiful Edie: but did you like it? Liam: I reckon she would've Edie: she'd be proud, for sure Liam: yeah Edie: but I am, whilst I can't guarantee that Edie: I can this Edie: are we still going tomorrow Liam: I'll show up, if you can't get out send me a 6 Edie: I'll get out Liam: safely Liam: I'm not gonna watch you fall out your window Edie: I won't, babe Edie: no guard dogs here Edie: they can't keep permanent watch Liam: no 🔥🌉 either though Liam: your ma must already hate me Edie: I'm not staying though Edie: I'll pretend to listen to them Liam: I understand baby, I don't want to be here Edie: I want to take you to the beach Liam: we'll go then Liam: smooth it over after if we have to Edie: I don't know how to care about making them happy, never mind doing it Liam: all you need to do is say what they wanna hear Edie: wait 'til they hear about the baby Liam: we just won't tell them until your 🤰 makes us Edie: but 'til then Edie: literally who knows what they want Liam: we know what your sister wants, she told me Liam: we'll base it off that, be good Edie: 🙄 Edie: she's a fine one to talk Liam: don't you wanna behave with me & for me? Edie: for you, not them Liam: I'm only asking you to do it for me Liam: so they won't be getting in our way Edie: what do you want me to do now then? Edie: tell me Liam: explain why we did it but pretend you're sorry that it got out of hand Edie: alright Edie: I'll hate every second of it but I'll do it Liam: I'll make it up to you Edie: tell me how Liam: 💍 Liam: I'll get you one Edie: you already got me a pram Liam: that was for the 👶 too, I wanna give you something that's just yours Edie: oh Edie: will I have to hide it too though Liam: as long as you don't bury it Edie: we could pretend it's not THE 💍 Edie: put it on a different finger Liam: you've still got great ideas after earlier Liam: you really are a genius Edie: Hardly Edie: I'm just trying very hard to be very good for you Liam: you don't even have to try Edie: I do when it means having to hide how I feel about you Liam: nobody can say shit about me promising to marry you one day Edie: they say all kinds of shit Liam: you don't have to hide that we're in love whatever they say Edie: I never will Edie: they know I am, that they can't change that Liam: if you don't wanna be good we can leave tonight Edie: you're right that it'll make shit easier Edie: I can ignore them Liam: I don't care about shit being easier if you're not happy Edie: I am happy Edie: they might not be happy with the way it's come about but they can't harp on it too hard without making me miserable Liam: I couldn't have done everything today without you Edie: I'm glad I could do that for you Edie: that's how it should be Edie: is going to Edie: I've got your back, you've got mine Liam: yeah, like a family Liam: me & you are, however long this baby takes to show up Edie: there's nothing you could ask that was too much of me, seriously Liam: not a test this time Edie: can handle it either way Liam: I know 👀 Liam: but I can't handle missing you more than I do, if you wanna like be a huge bitch to me or something like Edie: I could try if you wanna be less loveable for a sec too Liam: one sec I'll have to try & stop thinking about how alive you were tonight first Liam: & find a less gay way to say it than that while I'm working on it Edie: you say gay, I say workable lyric or tat inspo Liam: when you've filtered it through your 🧠 it'll be right Liam: all I know is beautiful wouldn't be good enough Liam: 🎇🎆 Liam: either Liam: I think the closest would be when you get a puddle of petrol, all those colours, that kinda bullshit Edie: I wish I could tattoo that onto me Edie: a bruise would be closest to that Edie: but I wish I could see me how you see me more Liam: I'll start filming, see what I can do Edie: you have a year 'til my birthday too Liam: lots of chances to get footage then Edie: be good for the baby too, when it grows up Edie: see we loved them before they even got here Liam: we'll record as much as we can Liam: starting at the beach tomorrow Edie: we'll make a sandcastle dreamhouse Edie: and find the perfect shell to start a collection for them Liam: I don't think I've ever made one Edie: 1/8 ratio water to sand is a good start Edie: then it depends if you want the castle buckets, or a plain one so you can sculpt it yourself Edie: add seaweed, shells and pebbles, et voila Liam: I'm gonna look for enough shells to make a mobile too Edie: 🌌🧠💡 Liam: maybe we can make it sound on top of looking nice Edie: if we find some driftwood too, that would be 🔝 Liam: we'll go back if we don't Liam: until we do Edie: if we like it we can move there Liam: what kind of 🏠 do you want? Edie: one that's the perfect size for just us three Edie: and always feels cosy and like a home and is the place you actually always wanna come back to because it's that comforting Liam: 🗺❌ Liam: I'll take you hunting Edie: maybe we'll find another to takeover when we're down there Liam: lots of them are holiday homes now summer's over they'll be empty Edie: and not everyone invests in good security, even though they're rich enough to Liam: pick the one you like best, I'll get us in Liam: most people don't bother changing their alarm codes from the default Edie: right Edie: they kinda deserve it Liam: if you're not gonna treat your shit like you want it, someone else will take it Liam: why not us Edie: 9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ Liam: how long can we stay this time without your ma calling that number herself? Edie: when we're on our way, I could tell her we've gone Edie: rude of her to stifle our creativity 📹🎞📼 Edie: but if we give her something, she might freak less Liam: you got any 🎁 in mind? Edie: you mean getting her a stick of rock or? Liam: whatever works Liam: you know I'll do it Edie: It's not even you, they admit they don't know you Edie: maybe we give them the chance, when we do come back? Liam: 🎲 Liam: alright Edie: it might be totally unbearable Edie: I make no promises to the contrary Liam: you don't have to, you'll be there Liam: unbearable is when you're not Liam: like now Edie: I know Edie: it hurts my heart not being with you right now Liam: if my ma decides to stop, I'll call you Edie: do Edie: I'll get out of here as soon as I'm physically able Liam: me too Liam: even if it means I'm waiting outside for you 👀 Liam: 🛰🌏 Edie: You can wait outside my window any time Liam: 📹🎞📼 Liam: 🤫 Edie: 😳 Edie: everything you do is hot Liam: I'm thinking about you whenever I do anything, maybe that's why Edie: I won't dispute that Edie: even though you definitely deserve more credit Liam: you can give it to me when the credits roll on your film & you realise what you look like to me Liam: & that everything I do is to turn you on or make you smile, laugh, all that happy shit Edie: I don't know what I ever did to deserve you Edie: but I'll be a better person from now if it means I get to keep you forever Liam: nah, don't change a single thing Edie: 🤏 😈 🤏 😇 Edie: got it Liam: we won't show every 🎬🎞 to the 👶 Liam: or every 🎤🎧 either come to think of it Edie: got to have things to protect them from Edie: may as well be us, not actually a threat Liam: [sending her all the cute baby videos such as when they eat a 🍋 etc like this will be us because we can't be dealing with our mother popping off anymore] Edie: [sending her stuff of the twins 'cos that big sister evidently lol] Edie: him* soz babe Liam: [Grace would die if she knew] Edie: [when you are 10 and MORTIFIED honey] Liam: [when his ma is having a breakdown and he's just spamming the bae with random adorable baby content from the internet casually] Edie: [so sorry to your ma but also not sorry we did] Liam: [he can't handle all your emotions gal I'm soz, we're living our best fantasy life here instead] Liam: [I vote this happens until he can actually call her and thus end the convo cos we know they highkey enough to do that]
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nightowlfandom · 6 years
Requested- Jungkook- Man-Child
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Okay everyone, I shouldn't have to repeat it BUT I WILL MOFUCKAS, PROMPT LIST RIGHT HERE!. I'd also like to make it very clear that I have not forgotten about the requests prior to this one first. I just wanted to do this one.
I may have misinterpreted what you wanted and made Jungkook getting his wisdom teeth removed the subject of this, which is most likely the exact opposite of what you wanted, so I am very sorry in advance. I figured you didn't include any details, and the prompt went so well with the idea.
So lets just say this is horny Jungkook!
9- Stop Pretending to be asleep
10- Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?
20- I'm bored, wanna fuck?
22- I can't kiss you the way I want.
"This isn't fair!" a grumpy Jungkook followed the dentist (or is it called the orthodontist?) to you where you were sitting. "Y/N this monster hurt me!"
"He's still under th-" the woman began before you held up a hand in understanding.
"Don't even gotta say it." you shook your head and laughed at your pouting boyfriend. Suddenly Jungkook began leaning against you, like a very large dog wanting to be pet. Making the doctor giggle at how cute you two were. Always good to see young people in love.
"Y/N! It's not fair." Jungkook whined. "I can't kiss you the way that I want." he pouted. "Plus my mouth kinda really hurts"
"No, baby. Not for a while." you mentally groaned at the thought of having to take care of this man-child for the next few days. It was like when he got a fever and wouldn't leave your side. "Thanks Doc." you watched as she laughed at your boyfriend ,clinging to you like you were a tree.
"No problem. Of anything goes wrong, just call." she gave you a small sheet of paper.
Replace gauze, flush mouth to wash excess blood (okay ew!) , very soft foods only... Fuck this was gonna be a long week.
"Y/N!" Jungkook poked your cheek. You were currently focused on something, reading the words on your computer screen when Jungkook decided he wanted to bother you. "Y/N!" he whined.
"Yes, Jungkook?" you looked over at your currently chubby cheeked lover, annoyance filled your face. "Do you need something?" he had his roll of gauze in his hand, face full of confusion.
"I don't know how to replace my gauze." he whined. The anesthetic had worn off but he was still acting like a child. "Help me." he pouted. "You have to take care of me remember!?"
Oh you couldn't stay mad at that face.
"Okay, but we have to flush your mouth too." you closed your laptop and turned towards him. Not even halfway through day two and he was already a mess.
"Okay baby." he winked. As you got up to walk past him, you felt a slap on your ass. This cheeky motherfuc-
"Y/N...hey! Y/N! Stop pretending to be asleep." you heard a whine stir you from your slumber. You had crashed on the couch after a search for foods Jungkook could actually eat while he was recovering. "Y/N!" Jungkook whined again. "Please??"
"Yes, Jungkook?" you opened your eyes, failing to hide your annoyance.
"I'm bored, wanna fuck?" he posed the question that made you go wide eyed. This guy would not give up. He asked you this twice within the same hour, now was a third. "I want you sooo bad baby. I wanna be inside you, wanna feel you, wanna make you cu-"
"Jungkook you're recovering, that last thing I'd want is for your bloody gauze to fall out of your mouth." you ran a hand through his hair. "Plus even if I wanted to...I wouldn't."
"But why? There's nothing else to do!" he crawled a top of you, pinning your hands aboved your head. "How long am I supposed to go without feeling you?"
"Until your mouth heals." you kissed his nose. "Until then, you are stuck pal."
"I'm so bored though!." he groaned. "Also I haven't had seaweed rice in forever!!"
"Jungkook, it's only been two days since your procedure.. You sighed. "It hasn't been that long."
"Easy for you to say, you aren't the one with a bloodu gross mouth." he pouted.
"Stoo talking so much and maybe your mouth wouldn't be gross!" you mocked his tone.
"I love you, I really do, but could we go four seconds without you being annoying? It's a real pain in the butt." you said. "Plus your pelvis is crushing me!" you pushed him off you.
"RUDE!" he landed on his butt. "I will have you Y/N!"
"Whatcha doin?" Jungkook snuck behind you in the bathroom. You had just finished washing your face when Jungkook snuck up behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, prompting you to turn around. You had just came back from dinner with your friends and were currently fighting the urge to set the skirt you were wearing aflame. When you came back Yoongi had told you he was close to jumping off the roof he was so fed up. Not to mention he had to wrestle Jungkook to the ground to flush his mouth, which ended with him losing a shoe in the process. You owed him dinner or something.
"What are you doing?" you raised a brow. You were becoming suspicious as his sudden wandering hands.
"Just because we can't do anything together doesn't mean I can't do anything to you." he smirked at you through the mirror. The swelling of his cheeks went down significantly, but that didn't change anything. His hand slid under your skirt and-
"Oh yes it does!" you pinched his ear.
"Ow! Y/N! Stop it! Owww!" he whined as you pulled him out of the bathroom and sat him down on the bed.
" I have had just about enough of your horny ass!" you griped. "What part of recovery did you not understand!" you began scolding him.
"The part where it didn't dawn on you that this is the longest we've spent together since the month started." he pouted, looking down at his shoes.
Oh...fuck he was right. Shit.
"Kookie." you sighed, sitting on his lap. You brushed the stray hairs from his face. "I know we haven't spent much time together, with your career and all." you sighed. "But you know what recovery means. Yes, I miss you...but this is also very important and if waiting for you to get better also means I have to wait for other things...then so be it."
Jungkook groaned again, burying his forehead into your neck. "I can't kiss you, I can't go down on you, I can't feel my cheeks, I can't eat sushi rice!" he complained.
You scratched the back of Jungkook's head, rolling your eyes.
"You can do all these things when." you poked his chest. "You." poke "recover!" poke.
Another groaned and Jungkook fell back onto the bed.
"At least be my pillow for a while." he sighed. You didn't argue as he began softly snoring.
"Sweet dreams...you big baby."
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dazzlingtiredeyes · 8 years
4 and Older!Mileven for the prompts
4- A drunken kiss 
Dearest anon!! I am ashamed to deliver this news but If im honest I always have a hard time imagining the kids, even as adults, getting drunk… They are just… Such nerds. So I gave the request a more vanilla Spin-off that I believe will still fullfill your messy confused Mileven needs! They are only slightly aged up in his Drabble, around their freshmen high school year, notice what I did here…
In the past three years of her new life Eleven had seen the pretty face of Mike Wheeler rapidly change from one expression to another in various occasions. She had seen the daunted look in his eyes as the boys reached the climax of a D&D campaign turn to one of utter failure when his character was killed by Will’s, she saw the bored look of staring at the pile of unfinished homework at Hawkins public library shift to a puppy-love gaze when he looked up to find her there, even his outraged glare soften to an understanding look after having one of his Star Wars action figures broken accidentally by Holly but realizing how guilty she was feeling about it; but never had El seen such a countless amount of emotions shamelessly run through his facial gestures in the time lapse of ten seconds.
Lucas had been explaining to her while they sat with the rest of the boys at the Dentist’s waiting room that Mike would be be acting not quite like himself when they met him after his teeth removal and, honestly, she still didn’t understand most of what he tried to describe, but at least she was grasping the main idea. Even so, there were many questions still roaming in the back of her head, what exactly was this gas they were applying Mike? Why did it have this strange effect on him? Were they hurting him? She truly hoped they weren’t. All these adults walking around the sterile clean building in white lab coats reminded her all too much of the bad men of her childhood and she had too keep reminding herself she was there for Mike. Some more minutes passed before a lady around her thirties with round glasses and her chocolate hair pulled back in a low ponytail exited the room where they saw him disappear an hour ago to announce they would be allowing visits from then on.
Lucas had not exaggerated in the smallest bit, by the way. For the first time in her life Mike seemed unreadable to her, something she had always found pride in being able to do with ease. He was still resting over the dental chair where his cavity was treated just mere minutes ago, his face remained in constant changing like the water of a river, one second he looked euphoric, now he was confused, now it was an improbable mix of both emotions.
“Hey guys! I'm– I’m… I’m… Mike? I think.” Had he really forgotten his own name for a second there? His look of pure bewilderment proved her thoughts right “Oh yeah! I’m about to get my cavity taken out…!”.
But that had just happened…
Far from her concern, Dustin seemed pretty entertained by his friend’s behavior “Mike, you already had it taken out!”. So was Will who laughed along next to him.
“Whaaat?! Really?” He inspected his surroundings for a minute, and seemed astonished to find himself in the dentist consulting room “When did I get here?”
“About an hour ago” informed a chuckling Lucas
“Mike?…” Eleven called for him, still trying hard to find the boy she knew somewhere behind that mask of obliviousness and confusement
And she did find a fragment of that boy when his eyes landed on her, a very familiar tender look in them was enough proof that aliens hadn’t, in fact, taken her dear Mike away and replaced him with a poorly performed copy. Mike reached out a hand to meet hers without the usual hesitation he showed when the rest of the boys where present.
“El… You look so pretty…” She didn’t? She was literally in her always to-go jeans and and old but cozy sweater… El was okay with the comfort but a hundred percent certain that this wasn’t her best presentation “So so pretty pretty…”
This Mike was sort of charming in his own way. He squeezed her hand and suddenly looked up, eyes wide as plates.
“The snowball! We’re going to be laaate, for… For the snowball…”
Now it was her turn to laugh, already figuring out the conduct pattern of this Mike and being convinced he was okay. As long as Lucas’ word of this only lasting a couple hours was true she would be just fine with it.
“We already went to the snowball.” She smiled returning the squeeze
“We did?” Asked the poor boy as if it was the discovery of the century
“Twice in fact.” Commented Dustin
Mike used his free hand to count to two with his fingers, and proceeded to raise them in disbelief “We went twice?!”
But before anything else was said, the same lady who let them in appeared back at the doorframe. “I’m sorry kids… I’m afraid you misunderstood my words. Michael is now accepting visits but only one by one is allowed. We can’t let the room be too crowded while he’s still in this state.” She said apologetically
They all exchanged looks together, mostly focusing on Mike’s and El’s intertwined fingers before coming to obvious conclusions of who would the patient in question prefer to keep by his side at the moment. Lucas, Dustin and Will waved at his friend as the walked by the door.
Mike turned to Eleven “Hey, where are we by the way?”
As much as El would’ve gladly answered his question she was currently, too busy controlling her giggles. And Mike seemed more pleased with the sight than with any possible verbal answer she could have given.
“You have such a pretty… Pretty face… A pretty laughing face, a pretty laugh!” He rambled “…I once thought I’d never hear it again.” In the blink of an eye his face dropped into a sort of gloomy aura “never ever never… Ever…”
El stopped her own laugh and plopped down next to him on the small remaining space in the dental chair.
“But I came back didn’t I?” She smiled
“Yes…” Mike unconsciously tightened his grip on her hand smiling “for Eggos?” El couldn’t believe the seriousness he was asking that question with.
“Uh… That could be a reason… Probably. I also came back because I liked it better here… And I came back for Joyce and the guys… And I came back for you…”
“For me?” He looked so hopeful
“Specially you.”
One second, he was holding her hand, and in the other, he was holding her face and kissing her. Mike practically smacked his face against hers, nearly knocking all the wind from her lungs like he did a couple years ago, when El was just a little girl experiencing love for the first time and he was just a sweaty boy trying to show his affection. The kiss was almost like the ones she was used to receive any other day, it was soft and comforting… and heart warming. But there was also something messier about this one… More curios, more greedy. They weren’t kids anymore after all, and even thought Mike would never push the boundaries he was so afraid to cross when counting with all his senses, that was not the case at the moment.
A very red faced Eleven walked shyly out of the room announcing it was someone else’s turn to see their friend.
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