#I'm going to jump off the fifth floor
cr0ss0versaga · 7 months
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go ahead my boy
zayden in a adventure and nothing could go wrong
i hate oxygen, @scrunkl3bunk1e
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
fairy porn crisis
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'bookstore au' wc: 964 rated m cw: dirty talk, implied sexual content tags: bookshop owner eddie, steve is having a sexuality crisis but subtly, flirting, getting together, modern au
"Thanks for covering for me, Wayne," Eddie said as he set his bag down behind the front desk, slightly out of breath from running from the bus. "Won't happen again."
"'S alright, son. Everything go okay with the counselor?" Wayne sipped from his mug, probably his fourth or fifth cup of coffee since he opened the shop that morning.
"Yep. Still on track to graduate in May."
Wayne's stipulation when he "sold" the bookshop to Eddie was that he still get his degree as backup. "Bookselling is a dangerous game and I won't have ya strugglin' if somethin' fails."
"Thatta boy," Wayne clapped him on the shoulder. "Been a slow morning. But your favorite customer is in the back."
Eddie felt his face heat up.
"He's not my favorite."
"Sure he isn't." Wayne rolled his eyes. "I'm off to get a beer with Dave. Call if you need me."
Eddie gave him a thumbs up as he checked over his emails, the one thing Wayne was terrible about doing when he was covering the store. There weren't many, never really were on Tuesdays.
He waited for Wayne to leave, the door chiming with his exit.
He jumped up and made his way around the counter, walking towards the back room hastily.
He found Steve sitting on the beanbag placed in the corner, book in his lap, face bright red.
Eddie squinted until he could see what book he was reading and nearly passed out.
His Ring was the first book in a series focused entirely on a group of queer mythical creatures. It was the only book of the series Eddie had read, and he'd only admit it under risk of death.
It wasn't that it wasn't good. It's just that it was basically porn.
And this one in particular focused on two male fairies, one who was gay and one who spent the entire first half of the book having a bisexuality crisis.
Steve was reading it with the prettiest blush on his face.
Steve, who up until this moment, passed as the straightest human being Eddie had ever met.
"Have you gotten to the part where Ereldi has to sit on Brelend's lap for an entire dinner?" Eddie asked.
Steve jumped and slammed the book closed, pushing it under his legs as if Eddie hadn't already called him out. "What are you talking about?"
"Stevie, I'm the last person to judge your reading habits. But I do have to ask why the sudden interest in queer fairy porn? You're usually reading sports memoirs and doing word searches."
In other words, 'are you interested in testing out your sexuality with me? I can pretend to be a mythical being if needed.'
"Just needed a change of scenery?"
"Are you asking me or telling me?"
Steve's blush deepened, and fuck, Eddie was about to be so unprofessional. Hopefully he wouldn't lose a customer over it, but it was a risk he had to take.
It's just that sometimes Eddie could swear Steve was watching him while he shelved books or swept the front room floors. And sometimes he caught him staring at him during his weekly storytime for kids where he gave out free books and cookies.
And Eddie always wanted to have Steve in his lap.
"I." Steve refused to make eye contact, a sure sign that something was going on. "I just got curious. Heard someone talking about it and wanted to see if they were telling the truth."
"And were they?"
Steve didn't answer, so Eddie decided it was now or never.
"You know," he took a few steps closer to Steve. "I'm not usually one for those books. But there's something about the way they paint a very clear picture of how Ereldi rides Brelend in the forest that just draws me in." Another few steps. "Actually, Ereldi reminds me a bit of you."
Steve visibly gulped.
"But you wouldn't be interested in riding someone would you, Stevie? Prefer women to hop onto your lap and go for a ride?" Eddie's heart was racing.
And then it stopped completely when Steve gave the most unexpected answer he could have possibly given.
"I'd be interested in riding you."
Steve's wide eyes stared back at Eddie, daring him to make a joke, daring him to laugh.
Eddie wouldn't joke or laugh about this. He wasn't wasting this chance.
"Is the forest a requirement or could I go lock the front door and take you upstairs?"
Okay, so he couldn't not make a little joke.
"Forest sounds messy. Upstairs."
"Oh, I plan to make a mess of you regardless of location, sweetheart," Eddie leaned over Steve, foreheads touching, smirk growing as Steve's eyes closed. "Won't even have to get you hard, huh? The book did all the work for me."
Steve tilted his head back, lips puckering, searching for contact from Eddie's.
Eddie pulled away. "I close up in ten. You know the way upstairs?"
Steve's eyes blinked open as he nodded.
God, he was gonna be fun.
"You wanna be a good boy and wait for me up there?" Steve nodded and stood from the chair, wobbling slightly as he tried to gain his balance. "I want you naked in bed when I get up there, got it?"
"Um, I've never-" Steve started.
"Oh, sweetheart. I know. It's written all over you. I'm gonna take real good care of you, though. Better than anything you would read in that book."
"Yeah, sugar?"
"I really like you."
Eddie heard what he wasn't saying, knew without a doubt that he had to do this right or risk scaring him away from more than just the store.
"I really like you, too, Stevie." Eddie kissed his cheek. "You're in good hands."
"I know."
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merthosus · 2 months
Drunk dying virgins
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Summary: The apocalypse is coming. Again… Five and his siblings tried everything to stop it. But it was hopeless, a small drop in the vast ocean. The last night dawned and Luther's wedding was over, Five lay leaning against the wall in the middle of the hotel corridor. Y/n's stumble across the flower-embroidered carpet begins a surprisingly ending conversation.
Here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
"You're not such a positive drinker huh?"
I grab the door frame of the gleaming white and ornate dance hall of the Hotel Oblivion. Luther's wedding was my first and also my last wedding. Sad, but in the end I didn't care. Because my rational thinking was being suppressed by a few martinis. I hadn't actually intended to get drunk, but I was somehow pulled along by the others. Klaus topped me up several times without me even noticing. We all danced together and Klaus sang karaoke with me, which in hindsight was perhaps not such a good idea after all. But we were all able to forget for an evening that the world was falling apart around us.
It felt like the hallway was trying to swallow me up. I frantically searched for my door number 187. The hotel was so damn confusing, each floor was like identical twins. It's impossible not to get lost here and with five martini's and a couple of Aperol Spritz's this really was an impossible mission for me to complete. When the elevator stopped with a loud ping on the fifth floor, I gave up and stumbled into the hallway. I got caught on the carpet of flowers that stretched across the corridor, but caught myself before my face could land on the floor. Suddenly I heard the sound of glass hitting the floor and I held still. "Hello?" I whispered, which was pretty stupid, but I didn't really care in my drunken state. I walked slowly down the hallway, in the direction of the noise. Every little creak of the wooden floor beneath me felt like the loudest thunderclap in heaven. My heart began to beat normally again, no longer thundering against my ribcage like it was trying to jump out as I peered around the corner.
It was Five who had made the noise with a bottle in front of him. He was in some kind of half-sleep or full sleep? I didn't quite know myself and I don't think he did either. His body was lying limply against the wall, it looked as if he had slipped into the corner and not come back up. His tie hung askew at his neck and his shirt was loose on his body. The blazer he was still wearing at the wedding was probably in another hallway. It looked peaceful, I didn't know him like this, his forehead wasn't decorated with the usual sour crease and his usually talkative mouth hung slightly open. "Five?" his slightly closed eyes popped open as if he had seen something dangerous.
He looked as if he wanted to say something but the words stuck in his throat. "Have you swallowed your words?" I asked with somewhat drawn-out words. He tried to straighten up a little and pushed himself off the floor. "Seems like you caught one too many meddles too huh?", I ask as I sit down next to him. "Maybe," he mumbles to himself. His hair, usually so tightly done, was now a mess and lacked shine. "Your shoelace is untied," I remark. He turns his head towards me and looks deep into my eyes. "Who cares about that anymore? The world is coming to an end and we're all going to die," he grumbled to himself. I smiled at him and nudged him on the shoulder.
"You're not such a positive drinker huh?", I ask him playfully. Five puts his head back on his neck. "I usually am, but what else is positive? I'm going to die, alone, a virgin," he mutters. I look at him in surprise. I wasn't prepared for his honesty. "We… we're going to die alone and as virgins," I say to defuse the situation. He lets his head, which has fallen to the floor, shoot up at once. "You? You virgin?" he asks me. I don't know whether he means that positively or negatively. But his eyes radiate disbelief. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him, playfully holding my hand to my chest. I elicit a smile from five. I haven't seen that for a long time.
"It's just relatively incredulous, you have everything a man could want," he says. The mood changes abruptly, everything feels so oppressive. I let him swallow the silence. "Your eyes are so beautiful, I could lose myself in them for hours. Falling asleep next to you every night and falling asleep to the sight of you is the most beautiful thing I can imagine.But unfortunately, that's impossible now…' he talks to himself, while I fall into a state of shock. "Your lips look so seductive, every second that I look at them but am not allowed to touch them, I lose a piece of myself," he whispers into the silence. I am speechless, for the first time in all these years his words have silenced me.
"Five, why are you saying that now?" I ask as I try to hold back my tears. Five looked at me again, I realized it was hard for him. His words were so penetrating that not even the alcohol could hold them back. "The world is coming to an end, we're all going to die, the first time I saw you I had to stop myself from telling you how I felt. I could now fill books with all the sentences you've evoked in me," he says. I swallow. His perfume reaches my nose. A mixture of alcohol and woody smoke. He pulls himself up and puts his hand on my cheek. I flinched from the sudden movement.
But my hot skin quickly got used to his cold fingers. He looks at me through his slightly closed eyes. "You asshole," I say as a tear runs down my cheek. Five's eyes widen, searching my face for an answer to the question I haven't yet asked. "W…what?" he asks fearfully. His eyes reflect his uncertainty, darting around my face. "You tell me something like that the day before the world ends?" I ask, still in disbelief. Five's thumb brushes along my cheek, an insufficient attempt to wipe away my tears.
Second part?
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Please tell me that with 'Johnny and Kitty pocess Superman and Batman' That they are either on a date or go on a date after a fight? Please this needs to happen
@britcision also asked about this one!
So I was looking through what I wrote of this and...it's not that good. It's based on a prompt from back in Nov 2022 and I was still figuring things out back then and needed to rewrite everything I wrote at least once. It's less crack than you'd expect from the title, I'm afraid.
So I'm gonna do part of that rewrite. Because I'm insane and don't have self control. 🤣
Anyway, the prompt is from @zeestarfishalien and can be found here. Oddly it doesn't have half as many notes as I remember it having. Huh. Guess I thought it had more because I latched onto it so strongly.
Anyway, enjoy!
Word Count: 1.6k
"Danny!" yelled Jazz from downstairs.
Danny froze for just a moment. That was Jazz's something-is-wrong voice. He dropped through the floor to get to her that much quicker. "What happened?" he demanded.
She just pointed to the TV where a news reporter was standing in a city. Behind her, Batman stood next to the open driver's side door to the batmobile while Superman floated in the air a few feet away with his arms crossed.
"Don't look at me like that, baby," said Batman.
"I will look at you however the hell I want. You forgot our date, asshole!" yelled Superman back.
The reporter grinned at the camera. "Looks like quite the lover's tiff we've stumbled upon! Who would have ever suspected Batman and Superman of being in a relationship?"
Behind her, Superman used his heat vision to shoot at Batman who cursed loudly before jumping into his car and speeding off. Superman huffed and flew in the opposite direction. Jazz muted the TV while the reporter continued making speculations about Batman and Superman's relationship. Danny stared at Jazz in horror.
"That was—"
"Yeah. Yeah, I think it was."
Danny closed his eyes and thought about the half finished essay he had upstairs and the history test he had the next day and how his parents would be home in an hour. He wanted to cry.
"I have to go to Gotham."
"I'll take care of our parents. Have you had the flu yet this year?"
Danny's laugh had a hysterical edge to it. "Tuck's been keeping track of my excuses. Ask him. I'll just…" Danny let the sentence trail as he transformed and flew out of the house without another word.
Even flying as fast as he could, he didn't arrive in Gotham until night had fallen. He tried to sense Johnny or Kitty or listen for the chaos that always followed them, but the city was so big.
After over half an hour of searching with no luck, Danny was sitting on a roof with his head buried in his knees trying not to cry. He only had so many hours before he had to be back in Amity for school. If he missed any more days, he'd get a suspension and his parents would be livid.
Just then, the clock tower chimed ten. Danny lifted his head to look at the tall building, one of the tallest in the city. He might not have any idea how to find Batman, but surely the other heroes would. Maybe he could get their attention?
In a matter of minutes, he was floating above the clock tower. With a deep breath, he shot an ectoblast up into the sky. Two minutes later, he repeated the action.
Not long after his fifth blast, two grapple hooks attached to the tower near his feet and seconds later he was facing Batman and Robin.
Danny immediately fell into a fighting stance. "Johnny, I'm not going to let you get away with this. Get out of him. Now."
But instead of calling him a do-gooder nerd, Batman pulled out a batarang and held it ready to throw. "I'm not this Johnny," he growled.
Danny relaxed and sighed in relief. "Oh thank the ancients, you got him out. I'm so, so sorry, Batman! I know you and the Justice League are relying on me to keep the ghosts from escaping Amity. Johnny and Kitty must’ve gotten past me. How'd you get Johnny out? Were you able to help Superman? Kitty is at least reasonable most of the time so I hope she didn't give you any trouble. Where are they now? I'll just collect them and bring them back to the Realms."
Robin pulled out his sword and pointed it at Danny. "What do you know of Fa— Batman's condition? Who is this 'Johnny' you speak of?"
Danny's core stuttered in his chest. The kid couldn't mean… He looked past the blade pointed at him towards Batman. "You… aren't Batman. Are you? You're covering for him while Johnny is overshadowing the real one."
Batman put a hand on Robin's shoulder. "Lower the sword, Robin." To Danny, he said, "I think you owe us some explanations."
Danny buried his head in his hands and tried to bite back the tears. He was so tired. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. This is my fault. They got past me and I failed. I'm so sorry."
“Desist with your groveling and explain!” ordered Robin.
“Right, yeah. Of course. Sorry.” Danny looked up, but the stars were hidden behind smog and lights. He sighed. “I’m Phantom, of course. Responsible for monitoring the portal in Amity and keeping ghosts from coming through and causing problems on Earth. Also for stopping human hunters from hurting any ghosts. Johnny and Kitty, two ghosts, must have gotten past me. I’m careful, I swear. We set up an alarm on the portal so I know the moment someone comes through, but I missed them somehow. I…maybe they came through at the same time as someone else? I’ve had to deal with Skulker and Boxy so far this week. And Queen Dora came for a visit and one of Pandora’s people stopped by to drop something off. So if Johnny and Kitty came through at the same time… Pariah curse it, I should’ve realized. What a stupid design flaw. I’ll be working on a fix for that as soon as I get out of school tomorrow. I’d do it sooner, but I’ve a test you see. And if I miss any more class, I’ll get a suspension, and then my parents really will kill me again.”
Danny winced when he saw Robin’s fingers twitch towards his sword again. “Sorry! No more excuses. It’ll be fixed ASAP, promise. Um, Johnny is generally into motorcycles, but I think he saw the Batmobile and wanted to take it for a ride so he overshadowed Batman. From what I saw on the news, he blew off a date with Kitty to do it so she’s pissed and followed him and ended up overshadowing Superman. Probably so she could use his powers on top of her own to punish Johnny.” He trailed off and waited for the yelling to start.
But they were silent.
Danny shifted from foot to foot. “Again, I’m really sorry. I know you rely on me to keep this from happening and I swear it won’t again. But if you tell me where you think Batman is, I’ll go retrieve Johnny. Same with Superman and Kitty. I need to get this wrapped up by four, maybe four thirty, so I can get home in time for school to start.” He couldn’t hold back a yawn. He just wanted to sleep.
Batman and Robin exchanged a glance and Batman put away his weapon. “I’ve never heard of you or this Amity before. You’re a kid, who is your Justice League mentor? Why aren’t they here?”
“I… What? Justice League mentor? What are you talking about? All of my mentors are ghosts.”
Robin snorted. “Who informed you that it was your responsibility to monitor this portal that allows these ghosts to invade? Why are you the only one preventing attacks such as this?”
Danny bristled. “I’m not alone! Sam and Tucker and my sister help me!”
“Are they kids like you?” asked Batman.
“If by like me you mean ghosts, of course not. They’re fully alive. I’m the only ghost of the group.”
“No,” said Batman after a pause. “That’s not what I meant. I wanted to know if they were teenagers who still go to school like you or if they were adults you worked with.”
Danny shrugged. “Jazz is starting college next year, but yeah. They’re my friends.”
Batman let out a long breath. “Right. And why do you think the Justice League is expecting you, specifically, to monitor this portal?”
Danny threw up his hands. “Because you told me that!” He saw Batman open his mouth to say something and quickly added, “Not you specifically, but, like, the League. This guy Constantine came by a month or two after the portal opened and saw me and relaxed. Said he was glad to see I was already handling things there. Gave me a number and laughed and said if anyone could handle the situation, it’d be me, but I could call if I needed back up.” He shrugged. “And he was right. So far I have been able to handle it. This is an exception and I’ll get it fixed in a few hours tops.”
Robin ground his teeth. “That lazy magician.”
Batman also muttered something under his breath. “Thank you, Phantom. For doing so much on your own. If you tell us how to free Batman and Superman, we can handle it from here.”
“What?” Danny shook his head in confusion. “What are you talking about? You need specialized weapons that I don’t have on me and containment devices and access to a portal to the Realms to get rid of them. Seriously, I can get this taken care of. Just tell me where Batman is.”
Batman sighed again. “We don’t have much of a choice. Fine. But will you be able to get us these weapons and containment devices if we requested some of you? We’ll pay you, of course. And we’d like more details on what you’ve been dealing with. I’m afraid Constantine… did not share the details of your dealings with the rest of us.”
“Yeah, sure. The weapons are made by Drs. Jack and Maddie Fenton of FentonWorks, based out of Amity Park, Illinois. Their son Danny can help you pick out the most useful ones. Some are more torture device than anything, though, so definitely avoid those. Danny will be able to tell you the difference.”
Batman nodded once, jaw clenched. “Thank you. Now, I’ve just gotten an update on the possessed Batman’s location. Follow us.”
Dick is pretending to be Batman here. If they have a "normal" batman out, then they can show the possessed batman is an imposter.
I saw some debate on the original over whether Johnny would possess Batman or Superman. To me, the answer was obvious. He'd possess Batman because he wanted to take the Batmobile for a spin.
Meanwhile, Kitty is the smart one. She'd go for Superman because then she could use his powers and her own to 1) punish Johnny and 2) prevent anyone from stopping them.
Regarding Constantine: He made an oops, but it's not (fully) his fault. Due to time missions from Clockwork, Phantom is shown to be thousands of years old and is known for fantastic feats. If Constantine had known this was some fourteen year old newly dead kid, he'd have acted differently. Instead, he thinks Danny is older than he is with millenia of experience.
This is free for anyone to continue!
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grandeoatmilklatte · 6 months
Taking a Sick Day 🤒 (Ominis Gaunt x F!MC)
Alternate title: "come over, my parents aren't home!"
I'm back from another writing hiatus! Please enjoy this floor-fucking smut!
Warnings: NSFW || P in V || 0ral || f!ng3r!ng || loss of V || Characters are aged up and 18+ || MDNI || (1892 words)
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“Oh sweetheart! You’re burning up! You can’t go out like this!” Ominis’s mother exclaimed as she sat on the edge of the bed, her hand resting on her son’s forehead. “Everyone else will just have to go without us.”
“It’s alright mother! I wouldn’t want you to miss the party! I can stay home alone. I’ll be asleep most of the evening anyway.” Ominis pleaded, praying he didn’t sound too desperate. 
“He’s right dear, the boy is eighteen now, he’s old enough to stay home alone for an evening.” his father’s voice echoed from the other side of the room. 
After a few moments of discussion between Ominis’s parents, it was agreed Ominis could indeed stay home, while the rest of the family attended a dinner party that night at the home of a family friend. Ominis smiled to himself as he heard his parents leave the room, waiting until their footsteps receded before jumping to his feet, dashing to his desk and quickly crafting a letter, whispering words to his self writing quill before shooing his owl away so that his letter could be delivered as quickly as possible. 
Ominis’s plan was turning out to be a success so far.
An hour later, the Gaunts were saying their goodbyes to Ominis, letting him know that they would return past midnight, and that they wouldn’t wake him when they returned. Once they had left, Ominis summoned the family house elf, letting the elf know that he was giving him the night off so that he could be alone while he recovered from his “illness”. The elf was happy to oblige. When Ominis confirmed that the house was indeed empty, he made his way to the family room and waited, his heart beating out of his chest. 
Less than twenty minutes passed before Ominis heard the sound of tapping at the window of the family room. He dashed to the front door, listening for a moment before he called out.
“Darling, is that you?”
“Yes! It’s me!” Came the beautiful voice of his girlfriend before he felt her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He kissed her back and led her inside, shutting the door behind him. 
“I was so worried they wouldn’t fall for it! Had I known this was that easy I would have skipped out on every one of our History of Magic classes!” Ominis said as he proceeded to quickly give his girlfriend a tour of his home. She laughed at his remark, but her eyes were wide in awe, taking in her surroundings. 
“Ominis, your home is incredible!”
Ominis felt a slight pang of sadness knowing that this was the only way he could have her in his home - in secret. The couple had been together since their fifth year, with their romantic interactions being few and far between due to a lack of privacy at Hogwarts. They managed to see each other occasionally over the summer holidays, but this had to also be in public spaces, her muggleborn status making an invite to the Gaunt manor forbidden, lest she wish to be killed. Recently, Ominis had begun to slowly and secretly steal from his family’s fortune, waiting until he had stolen enough for them to run away and start a new life together. Until then, their relationship would need to remain a secret.
So, when Ominis learned that his family would be out of the manor one evening for several hours to attend a party, he couldn’t deny himself the opportunity to have the place to himself, for him and his beloved to do whatever they pleased. A simple potion created to make the drinker appear sick with a fever was all Ominis needed to make this evening work in his favor. 
After giving her a brief tour of this home, Ominis led her back to the family room, where he sat himself on a dark emerald velvet sofa, while she remained standing. With a quick wave of his wand, Ominis lit the grand fireplace that was across from the sofa.
“Darling, don’t just stand there, come sit with me.” Ominis leaned back, making his lap readily available for her. 
A nervous giggle fell from her lips. “Sorry, this is just…so different from what we normally do. I don’t think we’ve ever been this alone before.”
“Well, we should take advantage of the opportunity then.” Ominis began to worry he might be sounding a bit desperate. The growing desire for her, as well as the growing bulge in his trousers, was hard to ignore. 
His worries faded when she straddled his lap, her hands coming up to hold his face as she kissed him. As he deepened the kiss, he brought his hands to her hips, gently guiding her so that her core was slowly grinding against his bulge, which was now straining against his trousers. Ominis could feel the tension releasing from her body as she began to move her hips on her own, increasing her pace as she continued to grind against him.
“Take your clothes off.” Ominis said breathlessly as he pulled away from her lips, the desperation completely taking over him. 
Without a second of hesitation, he felt her body leave his lap, followed by the sounds of her clothing coming off. Ominis followed suit, remaining on the couch as he undressed. He couldn’t help the soft groan that left his lips when he felt her sit back on his lap, her skin coming in direct contact with his own for the first time. 
She resumed her previous action, grinding herself against him, her bare cunt rubbing against the length of his hard, leaking cock. Ominis slipped his hand between their bodies, gripping his cock and trying to guide himself inside of her, but she pulled away, sinking down to her knees, trailing kisses down his chest as she did so. 
Her pace was slow as she took his cock into her mouth. The oral pleasure she had given him before was always quick and quiet, either in an alleyway after one of their dates, or in an empty corner of the library when they were still in school. But right now she was taking her time, savoring every second of this alone time they had, and it was driving Ominis crazy, moans freely falling from his lips as his hands wrapped around her soft hair. 
“Wait, wait, stop, not yet!” Ominis groaned, knowing that if she kept this up any longer he was going to fall off the edge way too early. “Come here.”
She did as she was told, resuming her original position on his lap, her lips immediately latching on to his. As he kissed her, he slipped his hand between their bodies once again, this time turning his attention to her as he slipped two fingers inside her wet cunt. She moaned against his lips, and adjusted her hips so that she was matching his movements as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. After a few moments he pulled his fingers out of her, using the same hand to slowly stroke himself as she lined herself up with his cock. When she was positioned perfectly, Ominis’s hands went back to her hips as she slowly sank herself down his length. 
She let out a long, drawn out moan as her body adjusted to the new feeling. “Easy, darling, easy. We can just go slow.” Ominis whispered softly. She gave him an affirming hum before she began to slowly ride him, Ominis’s hands encouraging her as they remained on her hips. Her hands moved from Ominis’s shoulders to the back of the velvet sofa, gripping it as she picked up her pace, Ominis’s hands still keeping her steady.
The Gaunts would surely kill their son if they knew what he was up to right now, and with a muggleborn no less. This was the ultimate act of rebellion against his family, and the realization of this, coupled with the way she moaned in his ear, coupled with the way her walls tightened around his leaky cock, almost made Ominis fall over the edge right then and there. But he kept his composure, knowing he wasn’t anywhere near done with her yet. 
“On the rug, now.” he commanded breathlessly as he lifted her off of his lap by her hips. She obeyed immediately, lying on her back on the large white rug that adorned the floor in front of the sofa. 
For a moment, Ominis felt it a bit crude to be taking the woman he loved on the floor, but he ignored the feeling, immediately diving between her spread legs. Moans of his name filled the room as he alternated between licking and sucking her clit. When her moans became louder, he slipped his two fingers back inside of her, working her with both his mouth and fingers. He was so lost in the taste of her, it was difficult to pull away, but eventually he did, positioning himself so he was directly above her.
“I love you.” He whispered against her lips before he gently kissed them. As she kissed him back, Ominis once again weaved a hand between their bodies lining himself up with her, gently sliding back inside of her. 
The gentleness was gone the moment Ominis bottomed out, as he began to fuck her mercilessly on the rug. He knew he didn’t have much time before he reached his climax, between the sound of her moans and the feeling of her legs wrapping around him. But, Ominis, ever the determined Slytherin, refused to let himself finish until she had first.
Almost as if she could read his mind, Ominis began to feel her walls tightening around his cock. His soft praises of “you’re so close, darling” and “you feel so good” gave her the final push she needed as she nosedived off the edge with a whimper of his name. 
Ominis slowed his movements down slightly, savoring the feeling of her orgasm as he himself was finally pushed over the edge. He once again considered the significance of this moment, juxtaposed with their current location, and cursed his bloodline as he emptied himself into her. 
There was no sense of urgency as they laid on the rug reveling in the afterglow. No need to quickly clean up and get dressed, or act as if they weren’t doing anything at all. Ominis could just lay there with her, listening to the sounds of the crackling fireplace, and the soft sighs of her breathing.
Although he could have laid with her on that rug for hours, Ominis eventually sat up, still wanting to enjoy the empty home. He led her into the garden, where they took an evening stroll before she provided Omins with his second orgasm of the night, taking him into her mouth again while they sat on a garden bench.
Once they had gone back inside, the two retired to Ominis’s bedroom, fatigue beginning to catch up to them. The time was approaching midnight anyway, and Ominis didn’t want to take any chances in case his family arrived earlier than expected. As they drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms, Ominis couldn’t help but wonder when his family would be attending a dinner party next. 
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Hobie takes you web swinging around the city
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Synopsis: Hobie has a little surprise for you after a hard day's work.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (reader is mentioned to wear jeans though) food mention, established relationship, Lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF
A/N: Have a fic in celebration of atsv finally releasing on digital! (we can finally see Hobie in HD ❤️) I actually hc Hobie's dimension not having phones yet, but for this fic let's just pretend lol.
My Masterlist
*I don't consent to having my work translated/ published on other platforms*
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You just got out of class, exhausted, you take off your lab coat, too tired to hang it properly, tossing it haphazardly inside your locker, the metal door closes loudly, rattling your tired bones. Thumping your head on the cold door, you sigh loudly, your stomach growling from hunger.
You can't wait to go home, and finally relax.
Grabbing your phone from your back pocket, you text Hobie– home in a bit, you done with your patrols?
You grab your backpack off the floor, walking towards the university's elevators, your eyes glued on your phone, waiting for his reply. Stepping inside, you listen to the hum of electricity, watching the three little dots appear on your phone.
As soon as the circles appeared, they disappeared from your screen. Guess he's not done yet. That's fine, as long as he comes home in one piece, and back in your arms, it'll be okay.
Putting your phone in your backpack, you step off the elevator, your eyes widen at the crowd gathered in the lobby, you quirk your eyebrow, what's going on? Did a villain attack again? Your mind goes back to Hobie, is he okay? Is this why he didn't answer? Your imagination runs wild, but before you panic, water from outside rushes inside the space, you're brought back to reality, people rush back trying to avoid the brown sludge.
You step back inside the elevator along with a few people, a couple of them you recognized from your class. The doors ding close, as one of the familiar faces presses the fifth floor. You're still confused, so you tap his shoulder, determined to get answers.
"Hey, what happened? Did a dam break or something?" You try to play off your anxiety.
"Nope, apparently it's been raining bloody hard, we've been stuck in that damn windowless lab for so long, we didn't notice" he murmurs out a swear, damning the city for the lack of proper drainage.
"Thanks, thought it was something horrible"
"Oh it is, the tube's closed, goddamnit, I'm missing my soap" the other passengers look at him, when he says the last part louder than he intended. He gets off the elevator early, too embarrassed to stay on.
You look at him apologetically, mouthing a thank you. Bringing out your phone you text Hobie– can't go home yet :( underground's flooded :((
The three dots appear again, but this time followed by a reply.
Go to the balcony, 7th floor, got a surprise.
You knit your eyebrows together, questioning his cryptic message. Nonetheless you press the button. When everyone gets off the elevator, leaving you inside, you smile to yourself, wondering what his surprise could be. Here's to hoping it's food.
It seems like an eternity before the elevator doors open to the seventh floor. You practically skipped over towards the double doors despite your exhaustion. Pushing the doors open, the late afternoon sun greets you, slowly setting in the horizon. Hobie or his 'surprise' is nowhere to be found.
You pause, noticing the puddles on the tiled floor, carefully walking towards the railing so you don't slip and fall flat on your face. Finally reaching the metal railing, you lean on it, inhaling and exhaling out, a cold breeze rushes past, fluttering your eyelashes in the wind.
For a second you forget your fatigue, you didn't hear Hobie's breathing behind you.
"Boo" he says it right in your ear.
"Fucker!" You jump back, the railing hitting the small small of your back, you hiss out.
"Shit, you okay?" Hobie asks in between laughs. He's hanging from his web upside down, the shiny spikes on his head gleaming in the sun, shining directly in your eye.
You grimace, shielding your eye from the light with your hand, your back throbs with a dull pain "is this your surprise? Wounding me?"
"Wounding you? That's a bit harsh, innit?" Hobie notices you're alone so it's safe to take off his mask, relieving your strained eye. He reaches towards you, "come 'ere, let me see if I blinded you" Hobie uses this as an excuse to hold your face in his hands.
He rubs small circles over your eyelid, your face heats up from the affection, Hobie's still hanging effortlessly upside down, "show off" you say softly.
He chuckles, pulling you closer to him, so close, your eyes cross together, as you're looking at his lips. Hobie finds the sight adorable, "let me kiss it better" he points at your eyes.
"Doctor's orders? I'm not a professional but I don't think–" you stop yourself when he places an unexpected quick kiss on the corner of your right eye.
He moves towards your left eye, smirking at your flustered expression, this time you're ready, closing your left eye so he could kiss it fully. You sigh, content.
"I think I missed one," Hobie tilts his head.
"I don't have a third eye"
"You sure? It's right–" he lifts your head up slightly, crushing his lips to yours, you smile into the kiss, Hobie tugs on your hair, earning a gasp from you, a ruse so he could kiss you deeply. You hold on to his back for stability, your legs wobbling in the cold breeze.
The unique position provides a new way for you to kiss him, mentally jotting it down so you could recreate it for another time, but in your current state, you forgot your train of thought the second it left your mind.
He pulls away for oxygen, cursing the need for humans to breathe, "here" Hobie stares at your smitten expression, he's sure he has the same look on his face.
You have no words, if this was his surprise, you're satisfied.
Hobie raises a pierced brow, tapping your forehead with his index finger "you still in there?"
You could only manage to nod, unable to form words "mmhm"
Hobie thinks you're goddamn adorable, you deserve another kiss just for that.
He pecks your lips with a loud smack, leaving a sheen on your lips. You wake up from your stupor, laughing.
Hobie finally drops down, gracefully landing on his feet, Accidentally splashing your jeans when he lands on a puddle.
"Ugh" you grimace, lifting your leg.
"It'll dry off in a minute" Hobie grabs your bag from your shoulder, placing it on his back. "Come on then" he reaches towards you.
At first you thought he just wanted a hug, but remembering your earlier predicament, you step back.
"Oh no way" you cross your arms "nope, I'm not doing that, can that flimsy web even carry us both?" You point at the web he left.
"That web is stronger than a steel cable"
You look at the white rope slightly swinging in the wind, it does not look like it's stronger than a steel cable.
You stare at Hobie "I'm not gonna let you fall" he crosses the small distance "never"
You look into his eyes, still apprehensive, you bounce on the balls of your feet, looking down at the flooded street below. You definitely don't want to trudge the mucky water, who knows what's floating in there.
"Alright fine, no funny business" you give up, looping your arms over his neck.
Hobie smiles victoriously, he grabs the back of your legs so you could wrap it around his waist. You yelp when he taps your arse, he laughs at your reaction.
You glare at him through your eyelashes. He places his mask back on.
"Right, no funny business" he mimics your voice. "You ready?"
"On second thought, maybe–"
Hobie doesn't let you finish your sentence, he jumps off the balcony quickly aiming his webs at a building. You feel your stomach drop, unable to scream, so you cling tighter, closing your eyes as the harsh wind whips at your thick jacket.
"I've got you, lovey" Hobie tries to reassure you. You can hear his web shooters thwip everytime a web releases from its compressed container.
"Shit, shit, shit!" You finally find your voice, screaming out, while Hobie drops down from a height, you feel motion sick.
Hobie finally finds a steady web slinging rhythm, enabling him to rub at your back, calming you a bit.
"You can open your eyes y'know"
"Nope, no thank you, I'm good" your eyes tightly shut.
"You sure? It's a gorgeous view, love" he softly says the last word, dripping with affection.
You exhale, trusting him, you bravely open your eyes "wow" gasping out, the sky is a brilliant orange, slowly transitioning into a marvelous pink shade, the high rise buildings fly past, its windows shining magnificently in the sunset. You can see the silhouette of you clutching onto Hobie's body like a tarsier on the buildings' many windows.
Hobie grins at your reaction, your eyes wide, it's like you're seeing a different side of the world. "Beautiful"
"You're right" you move your head to face him, finding Hobie staring right back at you.
Your cheeks heat up despite the cold bite of the wind, hiding your flustered expression on the crook of his neck. Hobie can feel your breath on his skin, leaving goosebumps.
He clears his throat (and thoughts) "almost there, hang on" Hobie hastens his web swinging, eager to show you his surprise.
You peek behind Hobie's neck, enjoying the passing scenery. "How do you not get motion sick?"
He laughs "A lot of practice"
Hobie finally reached his destination, his feet skids to a stop, holding you close- incase you fly off him.
He taps your back, telling you it's fine to finally get off. You try to stand, legs shaking from the adrenaline.
You hold on to his strong arm with a grip. You find yourself on top of Victoria tower, iconic London structures provide an unforgettable view. The London eye looming over the river thames, the iconic tower bridge on your left. Big Ben greets you with a chime of its clock.
"Holy shit" you're completely awestruck, you didn't even notice letting go of his arm.
He calls your name, trying to get your attention by tugging at your jacket.
"Hobie, is this–" he hands you a cup of tea. "What? Where?" You're confused, holding onto the steaming cup.
Hobie shakes the thermos in his hand, the contents sloshing inside, lid missing. "Figured you needed a drink" he says it so nonchalantly, like he didn't plan it (he definitely did)
You hold the lid turned cup in your hands, warming your palms.
"Is this your surprise?"
"Yeah, what? You thought it was the kiss, huh?" Hobie smirks, teasingly.
"Definitely not" you hide your lie behind the cup, slurping loudly.
A cold gust of wind blows towards you, your jacket sways in the wind, you regret wearing jeans now.
Hobie grabs your waist, scared that you might fall off the tower. "You alright?"
"Yeah, I saved my drink" you raise your cup, showing him none of the contents spilled out.
"Good, I would've bought that bread you like, but I figured the birds would get to it first" Hobie wraps his fingers in your belt loop, pulling you closer, warmth radiating off him. You lay your head on his shoulder, now that the adrenaline has faded away, you can feel the exhaustion coming back.
Hobie hugs you tightly, his knuckles massage your neck, the tight muscles relax in his hold "You feel better?"
You figured it out, why he's been doting on you, he probably noticed how tired you are these past few weeks and wanted to help you relax. Your heart swells tenfold, Hobie may not be good at telling you how much he loves you, but his actions make up for it.
You're eternally grateful, you don't know how it's possible but you love him even more, your heart overflowing with affection.
"Are you still with me?" He whispers, thinking you might've fallen asleep in his arms.
"Thank you" you look at him, cupping his jaw with your free hand, pecking his cold cheek "thank you" you say it softly this time.
"It's you, love, let me indulge you from time to time, yeah?"
"Only if you let me do the same for you"
"You already do" he lifts your chin closer to his lips.
"I love you" you whisper against his lips.
Hobie answers by sealing your lips with a kiss. A light drizzle of rain falls over you, you yelp when the cold water hits your skin.
Hobie clings to you tighter, ignoring the rain slowly getting heavier, soaking his suit and your jacket.
You pull away reluctantly, "we're gonna get sick!" You try to blink away the heavy droplets falling on your lashes.
"I'll take care of you" a sudden clap of thunder makes you jump, changing Hobie's plans "but yeah, we definitely should go"
Hobie gathers his things before he grabs your waist to carry you again. You instinctively wrap your legs on his waist, grinning widely, ready and happy to swing home.
"You ready?" he adjusts your arms.
"Yeah" you look at Hobie like he hung the stars in the sky.
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A/N: sorry if the geography is wrong lol. I couldn't resist not adding the iconic upside down kiss 🤭 thank you for reading! As always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
*picture above is from pinterest*
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Thanks to: @allisonraeyt for the prompt
WARNING: alcohol (light use), multiple ships, domestic shenanigans
Pomni set the last of the snacks on the coffee table. "There. Cheese, meats, bread, chips, dip, salsa, popcorn, cookies, soda, wine. Perfect." She double checked the living room for clutter. It was only her closest friends coming over, but she still preferred to have any mess out of the way.
"The place is spotless, dear. Stop worrying." Caine sipped a drink from the kitchen. Bubble sat at his feet, thinking he had something worth sharing.
"I know, but Queenie is coming this time! I haven't seen her in person in ages. This will be the first time she's seen the house." Pomni straightened a few throw pillows for the fifth time.
"You plan on giving her a full house tour?" Caine asked, amused.
"Well, no, but-"
The doorbell announced the guests arrival. Pomni checked her phone. She had been so busy getting ready, she missed all of the update texts. She rushed to the door, opening it to find Kinger and Queenie outside.
Pomni squealed and hugged Queenie right there on the door step. "Ohmygoditssogoodtoseeyou!"
Queenie giggled lightly. "It's wonderful to see you too, darling."
"Come inside! I just got everything set up." Pomni let them in.
"There she is! The global wanderer returns!" Caine gives Queenie a hug. "How was England?"
"Oh, England is lovely this time of year, so long as you don't mind a bit of rain." Queenie looked around the spacious, yet humble abode. "You two got such a nice place for yourselves. Oh! And you must be Bubble!" She knelt down to greet Bubble excitedly dancing at her feet with a toy.
"That's our boy." Pomni said proudly before turning to Kinger. "Hey! Don't think we forgot about you!" She hugged him.
Kinger smiled. "Don't worry. My wife coming home is always a big deal to me too. Hey Caine, you said you finished the rec room?"
"Yep! The basement is finally done. I'll show ya." Caine and Kinger went downstairs, leaving Pomni and Queenie to catch up.
Gangle and Zooble were the next to arrive. "I brought sweets!" Gangle raised two plastic bags full of various chocolates and candies. Some wrappers had other languages on them. She puts them on the floor by the coffee table and attacks Queenie with a hug. "AAAH! You made it! Girl's night isn't the same without you."
"Aw..." Queenie hugged back.
Zooble gives Queenie a quick hug too and joins the girls in the couch. "What are the boys doing?"
"Caine is showing off his rec room. Basement finally got finished a few days ago. You can join them if you want." Pomni offered.
Zooble shrugged. "Eh, you weirdos are more fun to hang around."
"That's high praise coming from you." Queenie said as she checked her phone. "Have any of you heard from Ragatha?"
"Speak of the devil." Pomni leapt up to get the door. Ragatha and Jax entered seeming a bit frazzled.
"Sorry we're late!" Ragatha apologized. "We got lost-"
"We didn't get lost." Jax rolled his eyes. "We took a detour because of construction."
"...and THEN we got lost." Ragatha added. "Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but I've brought champagne."
"Really?" Pomni asked. "What are we celebrating?"
Ragatha curled her lips and showed Pomni her left hand. A beautiful engagement ring adorned her finger.
Pomni gasped. "WHAT!?"
"I KNOW!!"
"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!" The two women jumped up and down and screamed.
Jax covered his ears and looked around. Zooble motioned to the basement stairs. Jax nodded appreciatively. "Glad you're excited, babe, but I'm going down before I go deaf from you two."
Ragatha was too busy showing off her ring. Gangle joined the scream huddle. Queenie admired quietly with a laugh at the others. Zooble gave a thumbs up when Ragatha shoved her hand in their face.
Jax meandered downstairs to find Caine and Kinger in the middle of a game of billiards. "So this is what married men do for fun?" Jax asked as he grabbed a drink from a mini fridge.
"Hey Jax." Kinger greeted. "I should have figured you were the one at the door. Who else would all the ladies be screaming at?" He chuckled.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. No, they're losing their minds over the ring I gave Ragatha." He casually sipped his drink.
Caine missed his shot, the white ball bounced wildly around the pool table. "You asked her?? Congratulations!"
"Yeah, that's a big step for you two. Congrats!"
"Thanks." Noticing that Bubble had followed him downstairs, Jax entertained the dog as Caine and Kinger continued their game.
The women toasted to Ragatha's engagement, all relaxing in the living room. "How'd he propose?? I NEED to know!" Gangle pleaded with wide eyes.
Ragatha smiled to herself. "Funny story. It was an accident."
"Huh??" Gangle said while the others gave looks of confusion.
"He took me out to dinner and he was going to do it there, but eeeeeverything went wrong. You know how some places will put the engagement ring in a drink or on a dessert? Well, this place put it IN the dessert, and then SERVED IT TO THE WRONG TABLE!"
"Oh no!" Pomni covered her mouth, not sure if she should be laughing yet.
Ragatha started laughing through her story. "So Jax starts this lovely speech, and then freaks out that my dessert was wrong. I thought he was just being belligerent. Then the lady at the table next to me screams that a cook dropped a piece of jewelry in her food. Jax nearly takes her out diving over the table to grab the ring!"
Everyone laughed and Ragatha needed minute to breathe before continuing. "I got upset because I was embarrassed by his behavior. He took me to my favorite restaurant and I felt like I couldn't show my face there again because of the way he was acting. Part of me thought it was a cruel joke...so I left."
Gangle gasped. "Then what???"
"It was raining and, I was so mad at him, I didn't care. Ruined my hair and makeup to try and catch a cab. He came out after me. I admit, I said some things I'm not proud of...but then he shows me the ring. Said it was meant for me. And I could still have it...if I wanted."
"Oh my god..." Gangle was on the edge of her seat.
"Everything and nothing made sense at the same time, and I was cold from the rain. I kissed him."
Gangle squealed, her feet tap the ground giddily. "Yay! I'm so happy for you two!"
"A first engagement kiss in the rain. Novella worthy." Queenie said.
Pomni finished her drink. "Seriously! That is a story to remember! You should write it down."
Ragatha blushed at the memory. "I'll do that. Not that it compares to yours, Queenie. Didn't Kinger propose to you in a literal castle?"
"Oh, let's not compare, dear. Each and every engagement is special, regardless of location....but yes, he did." Queenie swirled her drink, sitting sophistically. "We were on a tour in eastern Europe when he popped the question, right in front of a grand Romanian castle. It was very romantic, but not as fun as fireworks misspelling the question. Isn't that how it happened for you, Pomni?" She smirked.
Pomni coughed, almost choking on a piece of popcorn. "That wasn't his fault! The pyrotechnicians got the timing wrong!"
"Wasn't it also a situation of ring fumbling? It ended up in a lake, if I recall correctly." Queenie continued to tease.
Pomni pouted. "Yeah, but he found it!"
"So both of you..." Queenie looked at Ragatha and Pomni. "Said yes to sopping wet bafoonery. You're the best of friends on every level."
"We did, and they're OUR baboons!" Ragatha defended.
"That's not what she-" Gangle tried to correct.
A heartier laugh came from Queenie. "Indeed they are. My sincerest congratulations."
Gangle and Zooble listened happily to each engagement story. They didn't have one of their own yet, and they weren't in a hurry. They had each other. They didn't need all the paperwork.
Jax threw Bubble's toy from end of the basement to the other. A loud round of laughter from upstairs made him realize how bored he was. "I'm gonna go see what they're doing up their." Jax got up to leave.
"Woah! Hold on!" Caine zipped out in front of Jax. "It's ladies night. That means no disturbing them."
"Yeah, well, I'm being disturbed down here not doing much while it sounds like they're having a great time." Jax easily side stepped Caine.
With both Jax and Kinger being well over six feet tall, they made Caine's average height of five foot nine seem short. "Jax! Don't! They won't want you there!" Caine looked to Kinger for help. Kinger shrugged in a "What do you want ME to do about it?" gesture.
"Just a peak." Jax said as she snuck up the stairs.
Caine followed to make sure Jax didn't leave the stairwell. Kinger followed out of curiosity. Bubble chewed his toy, no caring what the humans were up to.
The three men peered over the short wall that separated the stairs from the main floor. They were unnoticed by the chatty group, half way through their wine.
"...and Caine said he wanted to try the cleanse too. Nothing but kale, juice, and magnets for a whole week. Pretty sure everything but the kitchen sink came out of him." The whole group broke out into fits of laughter.
Caine went beet red. "She wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that!" He whispered under his breath.
Jax was struggling to keep it in. "You did what? Oh man, you didn't eat the magnets did you?"
"No!" Caine hissed quietly.
Kinger silently giggled.
"Oh, I have one for you." Queenie spoke. "Kinger once fell for an internet scam as well. He clicked a link that said Do you have permanent orgasm face disorder? He thought it was a real thing. Bought into the treatment plan and everything. God, he spent so much money."
Kinger sank down as the women laughed their asses off. He could feel Caine and Jax staring at him, judging him. "This can't go on."
"I agree." Caine said.
"You two are a couple of pansies. Can't handle a little embarrassment?" Jax taunted.
"Oh! Oh! I just remembered one for Jax!" Ragatha wiggled excitedly in her seat. "He once bought stamina enhancement supplements, but all they did was make his pee turn blue."
Jax rushed downstairs as quietly as he could, trying to pretend that the laughter around him was not at his expense. "Tell my secrets will you..."
Caine and Kinger came down too. "What was that about being a pansy?" Caine taunted.
Jax grumbled. "Take these. We're putting an end to their secret sharing circle."
Caine caught a few throw pillows from the couches. "Uh...are we-"
Kinger took some on his own. "Let's do this." He and Jax marched upstairs with purpose. Caine didn't see the point in denying involvement and followed. Bubble came too.
Ragatha was the first to take a pillow to the face. The ladies were caught completely off guard and were pelted by pillows. Because of the mild level of shared intoxication, instead of getting angry about it, pillows were thrown back. The living room became a travesty of fluff and food all over the floor.
Bubble helped himself to the meat and cheese as the humans played. He liked his humans. They were fun.
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
this would be with eddie and i'll die on that hill
I was thinking the same thing!! like irl me isn't allowed to go in haunted houses for Reasons but this is fiction so...
(help idk what happened here I didn't mean for this to turn into smut 👀💦 cw: thigh riding, eddie being a perv) 18+
"C'mon it'll be fun!"
You looked from Eddie's excited face to the entrance of the old barn that had been converted into a dark, looming haunted house for the season. Black curtains concealing the entryway fluttered in the cool autumn breeze, curling like hands beckoning you closer. But the muffled screams coming from inside kept your feet glued to the ground.
"Eddie, I don't know..." Your hands curled tighter around his arm, digging your nails into his leather jacket.
"I was a scarer here last season and it's the same every year. Trust me, it's not that bad."
"Not that bad" meant different things to you and Eddie. Sure it was just a bunch of teenagers in masks and makeup, but the fear was real. At the very least you knew Eddie wouldn't run off and leave you, (that had happened to you once before, it wasn't fun).
"How 'bout this?" Eddie held you in front of him, suddenly serious. "Every time we make it to the end of a section, I'll give you a kiss."
"Eddie," you roll your eyes, "if you wanna make out we can just go back to the van."
"Don't tempt me," his playful growl teased a smile from your lips. "C'mon, pretty girl. I think I make a pretty good distraction." Eddie waved his hands over his front and wiggled his eyebrows. You could help but laugh, hitting his chest and begging him to stop when he started to gyrate his hips at you. He captured you in his arms, his whole body shaking as he laughed with you.
"Okay," you took a deep breath, Eddie's leather and weed scent settling your nerves the tiniest bit. "I'm ready."
"That's my girl." Eddie smiled and pressed a kiss into your hair before leading you in.
Whatever braveness you felt before walking into the mock-house immediately disappeared when you realized how dark it was inside. You clung tighter to Eddie's arm.
"It's okay. They make the first hallway super dark to fuck with you."
Eddie didn't whisper which somehow made you feel safer. He tromped down the hallway and through the first creepy area in his shit kickers like his raucous feet would keep the monsters away.
The first area was unsettling, but not bad like Eddie said. It was even kind of cute with the fake bats hanging from the ceiling. Once you made it to the end, Eddie took your face in his hands and planted one on you. It was a wet sloppy kiss, purposely so to make you laugh and push him off you.
"There's one," he grinned. "Man, this was a great idea."
The rooms got scarier as you went of course, and you screamed more than a few times when someone jumped out from behind a corner or banged an old shovel on the floor. Your heart was hammering harder in your chest with every room.
"How big is this fucking barn?"
"Who cares?"
Eddie had you pressed up against a wall somewhere between the fifth and sixth area. His mouth was too busy kissing down your neck, hidden in the shadows, to care about whoever was going through the house behind you.
His rewards for being brave had gotten a little too "rewarding" and after the last one Eddie couldn't seem to stop. Not that you minded. You'd much rather feel Eddie's lips on your skin than go through the rest of the house.
"Fuck, Eddie, what if someone sees?" The sharp suction of his mouth on your neck was your answer. Who cares? His lips and teeth and tongue whispered, "Let them see. Let them see you're mine. My brave girl."
"Eddie," you whine and grind against where he's straining for you in his tight jeans.
"That's it, pretty girl, doing such a good job."
You didn't know if Eddie was talking about your progress through the haunted house or how you were grinding against the thigh he slotted between your legs but you didn't care.
Eddie squeezed your hips, guiding you towards your release. The rings on his fingers were cool against your heated skin as you worked faster. Eddie could tell you were close by the way your hips stuttered, how you held your breath and shook against his chest.
"That's it, that's it, baby. Show me, give it to me."
Just as you reached your peak, Eddie slammed his mouth on yours, stealing the scream from between your lips and swallowing it down. Your thighs shook around his as you came down, the fake house around you totally forgotten.
"Fuck me, that was hot."
You couldn't speak, couldn't do anything but smile at Eddie as he smiled down at you. You weren't sure if you could walk, but Eddie pulled you through the last two rooms anyway. You stumbled out of the house like you were drunk, barely able to stand and giggling like a lunatic.
Outside one of the workers running the haunted house was speaking with two security guards when they suddenly turned and shouted, pointing at you and Eddie.
"Shit! Run!"
Eddie grabbed your hand and made a dash for the parking lot and his van, hauling your ass behind him as you cackled like a goddamn witch.
Yeah, haunted houses with Eddie might be your new favorite part of Halloween.
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hellosweetart · 4 months
Little Employee
(chapter 1 fanfic is already here finally.)
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Chapter 1: Infiltration
As Yui is enjoying her conversation with her fellow worker, a sudden commotion is happening in the club.
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When the girl got curious to see what it is, she felt the same fear when she sees the very same group who tormented her.
Ayato, the third son of Sakamaki brothers, begins to threaten everyone. Bodyguards were beaten up; one is almost getting choked to death. The violent vampire is getting impatient.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" He roared.
"I'm here!" Yui rushes in. She doesn't want the vampires to cause any more harm because of her.
Remembering the sport that her boss taught her, she pulled out her handgun.
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In a blink of her eyes, she felt strong hands grabbed upwards by the angry vampire, causing the gun to blow up. People screamed and panicked. 
"You think you can fight me, idiot?" He laughed, and pushed her hard to the floor.
Yui looked up, all eyes of Sakamaki brothers are on her. She noticed that Subaru, the youngest one, cannot look at her further, and moves his eyes away.
How stupid of her. She should have listened to her boss.
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"Remember dear, your new heart is still under developed. So make sure to avoid any sort of trouble, okay?" 
The rest of the brothers are clearly enjoying the sight of her in pain and humiliation. Though, Ayato scrunched up his nose and told her with irritated voice, "You smell weird, pancake. Did they do something to you?"
"It doesn't matter." The second son, Reiji, intervened. "We have her now. Let's leave this wretched place."
"No, all of you leave this place! I AM NOT GOING!"  Yui told the brothers off in determined tone.
This caused the vampires make various reactions, but she knows they feel insulted.
"You're ordering us now? And who said you can deny us?"
"I DO."
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An ominous figure appeared behind the girl, much to the vampires' shock, disgust and awe.
"Gentlemen...Gentlemen. Please let us not cause anymore chaos into my club, shall we?" He greeted the brothers with his polite smile.
Ayato, whose eyes are fixed to the mysterious entity spoke, "W-who are you?"
"Ah, silly me! I am the owner of this nightclub. You may call me Mr. Dealer." He puffed out his smoke for a bit and added, "How about we have a nice little chat at the moment?"
The Sakamakis didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." The Dealer made a toothy sharp grin. 
"Except for the humble guests... EVERYONE, OUT." His voice echoed around the club.
People began scrambling away, some goes through the fire exit, some jumps out of the windows, some directly runs to the employee's entrance. The female co worker of Yui took her hand, pulling her to get away from the club. The fifth son, Laito, witness them and begins to go after Yui. 
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His chase got cut off when he felt a huge hand grabbed his body, stopping him to go further. The Dealer is not harsh on him, but giving him a hint to not resist.
"I believe this is a better place to chat." The club owner gently puts down the shocked young man to the floor, and puts the hat to the guest's head in a friendly manner.
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"Now then, why don't we start? Would you like me to gather seats for you? Beers? Cigars? A bite to eat?"
"No thank you. We won't be staying here for long..." Reiji said in a polite manner as possible. Shu (the eldest) noticed how the tone of his brother's voice changed a bit. For the first time, he felt worried.
"I see..." Mr. Dealer replied. "So, what exactly brings all of you he--"
"WE WANT HER!" An abrupt, straightforward response from Ayato himself. "GIVE HER BACK TO US!"
The club owner shook his floating head.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see, Ms. Yui has signed a contract with me. She will be working for me for quiet sometime."
The vampires couldn't believe what they've heard. She give herself up to this ball of freak?! Most of the brothers were seething. How dare she left them over this monstrosity? Was she not grateful for living with them in the luxurious mansion? Compared to this garbage of a place, they imagine that she will be used and---
"I understand... Losing someone as important as her can be upsetting. She is a kind and compassionate girl." The Dealer said.
Subaru winced at that comment. He knows that is not the only main reason why he and his brothers are after her.
"But I can guarantee you... She will be well taken care of. And besides, she seem to develop quiet a liking towards this club---"
"THAT'S A LIE!" Another interruption from an angry Ayato. 
"How so?" Mr. Dealer asked, staring blankly at the hot headed boy.
Reiji had to step in before his stupid brother say and do something reckless.
"She is a shy and quiet girl who doesn't know what she wants. That is why we find it unbelievable that she is willing to stay here. We want to escort her back to our home."
"Really?" Reiji felt a chill down his spine when those pair of black hollowed eyes stare at him. "Strange... That is not how she reacted when she sees all of you."
Suddenly, one of the brothers moved forward. Shu cannot handle the small talk anymore.
"You want to know the truth?! We are the Sakamaki brothers, the vampire clan who lives from far from here. We need her as our bride to continue our bloodline." Much to Reiji's noticable a annoyance and anxiety, Shu continued, "Our father planned it all. She is supposedly the Eve of our family. So we beg you, to please give her back to us."
Subaru just frowned. He never seen him show any sort of care towards to anyone but himself; even Yui is just piece of blood to him. He doesn't know if he mean this, or just an act to persuade the strange creature.
"Vampires? Ah...that make sense... No wonder she suffers in constant chest pains. That's why I had to have my doctors get rid of that pesky heart of hers."
"You..did what?" 
 "Some wicked soul is attempting to take over her body, and her heart is the main cause. So in order for her to properly work for me, I've recommended her to undergo heart surgery, which she willingly participated."
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The brothers were speechless.
"Oh, you all didn't know? And here I am thinking she gets better treatment back in your town." The Dealer chuckled.
"How is she still alive?" One of the brothers questioned.
"We've replaced her old heart with a new improved one."
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Mr. Dealer showed a glass container. Inside is Yui's former heart.  The Sakamaki's sense of smell and desire heightened. So this is why they were so drawn to her blood. 
That heart... It originally belonged to Cordelia, the triplets' mother. (Ayato, Kanato, Laito)
"Here, this is all yours." The club owner handed over the heart to Ayato with care.
"I hope this concludes your chase for the girl, yes?"
Ayato and his brothers are stunned. So this explains everything. They've all been thirsting over her because of this heart. The heart of the so called mother they've despised and killed.
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As the heart container is now on Ayato's hands, what will be his reaction?
Will he take it or break it?
Here is the link to the Poll
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weirdosinthestereo · 27 days
The Cowboy and the Rocker (Tyler Owens x F!Reader)
Author's note: This is just a slightly self-indulgent story I've come up with after obsessing over Twisters. The reader has a name, but I don't think any physical characteristics are mentioned besides music taste and story age. Unedited! Enjoy! No warnings really for now.
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Tyler sighed irritably as he stood beside his truck, he checked his phone for the fifth time in a span of six minutes. 
“Where is this kid?!” Tyler spits as he turned to Boone who was checking some mechanics in the big red Dodge. Tyler was ecstatic to help a student from the University of Alabama get data for their Masters project, but they were slightly behind making it to the meeting spot.
“C'mon man! They are only like three minutes late. You're just impatient.” Boone laughed as he lifted his head from the middle console. Tyler rolled his eyes and his lips pulled into a fine line as he looked out at the early morning sky. The spring weather was nice, but dark clouds already threatened them with storms to come. Tyler noticed a blacked out lifted truck heading down the highway towards the gas station. He could hear the heavy bass and screaming metal from here. 
“Oh please don't be our kid.” He mumbled as he watched the truck speed in to the lot and park in front of his Dodge. The Tacoma was sharp and already decked out with gear to protect it's driver from a storm. The University told Tyler on the phone that the student was already preparing to start chasing on her own, but he didn't expect to already see a very expensive truck on her first time chasing. 
Tyler stared in shock as the driver of the truck smiled happily over her loud music. Letting it play with her windows down as if to make a big entrance. The driver pulled off her black sunglasses and revealed bright happy eyes. 
“Hi! Sorry I'm late! Had to get gas a while back.” Tyler noticed the heavy southern accent immediately when she spoke. She shut off the truck and jumped out. Tyler arched a brow as he saw she was wearing some more durable boots and jeans paired with a heavy metal band t-shirt, this is not who he expected to see. The girl walked up to Tyler happily as she stuck out her hand. 
“My name is Lila. I'm the student from UA.” Lila introduces with a bright smile. Tyler gave her a small smile before shaking her hand. “I'm Tyler. I was wondering when you were gonna grace us with your presence.” Tyler teased as he put his hands on his hips. 
Lila throws a glance back at her black truck, “Doesn't always have the greatest gas milage.” Lila glances off to the west when she heard anew angry rumble of thunder. Lila smiled as she bounced on the balls of her feet. 
“Sounds like we already have a storm brewing.” Lila says walking to where she could see the darkening sky more clearly. “I'm ready to test my truck out.” She adds rubbing her hands together excitedly. Tyler couldn't help the teasing grin that stretched across his face. “You think you can handle that truck?” He teases as he came to stand beside her. 
Lila threw Tyler as strange look, her nose scrunching up. “I've lived in Alabama for all of my 28 years of life, of course I can handle that truck. Just haven't had the chance to push her.” Tyler laughs playfully, despite her music taste, he was starting to like Lila. 
“Guys! We have some heavy activity on the radar from that storm building in the west! Let's go before we miss her!” Dani calls as the other wranglers throw their stuff in their vehicles. “Here, you will need this radio to keep in touch.” Tyler says tossing Lila a walkie before jogging to hop in his truck. 
Lila gawks before dashing to her truck as well and starting it up. Lila backs up to let Tyler lead and floors it to stay right behind him. 
Tyler and Boone start their feed as they barrell down the road. “What's up everyone! It's your favorite Tornado Wrangles and we have a special guest today in the truck behind us! She's came all the way from Alabama to chase with us for some data and footage for a Masters project!” Tyler yells to the camera over the music. “Roll tide!” Boone hollars jokingly. 
Lila grips the steering wheel tightly as she tails Tyler. Introducing herself to everyone on the walkie since she didn't before driving off. Lila leans forward to get a better look at the sky as the rain slowly starts up. Tyler makes a sharp turn on to a dirt road and Lila yelps as her truck fish tales slightly with the quick turn, but she gets it back quickly. 
“Okay newbie, back off for this while we head on. We will let you come on the next one.” Tyler calls on the walkie as he powers forward as the possible EF3 tornado touches down in an open field. 
Lila frowns and starts to slow down, however, she smirks before turning her music up loud. Given up by Linkin Park blaring from her radio as she slams her foot down on the gas. Dani and Dexter jump where they stand outside the camper shocked as they watch Lila speed to catch up to Tyler, Boone, and Lily in the Dodge. 
“Uh, Tyler? Our student is now chasing you.” Dexter says over the radio system in his vehicle. 
Tyler frowns as he looks in the rear view. “What the hell? Boone cut the camera a moment. Hey Lila?! I told you to hold back this time!” Tyler scolds on the walkie so he could talk to her. 
Lila looks at the walkie on her dash and smiles, “If you feel it, chase it!” She informs before overtaking Tyler on the small dirt road. Kicking up mud as she passes. 
“This girl is gonna get herself killed!” Lily says worriedly as she watches Lila cut off into the field. Her truck bounced on the new terrain as she kept heading straight for the tornado. Tyler curses as she follows Lila. “Lila! Back off now!” Tyler orders, but Lila wasn't listening, just flicked some switches in her truck to get her mounted cameras ready to take pictures of the storm on the outside of the truck. Lila stops her truck a few yards from the storm and presses a button that causes anchors to deploy and keep her truck locked down. 
Tyler was shocked to see this, this girl already had this on her truck as well? Tyler pulls up beside Lila and anchors his truck as well. Tyler looks over at Lila who's smiling widely as she gives him the swirling motion with her fingers that he uses on his videos. Boone laughed as he started the stream again to show Lila to the channel. “Guys! Look at this crazy girl having her first ride with a storm!” Boone cheers as the tornado envelops both trucks. 
Lila watches in awe as the storm roars around her, raging over the sound of her music. Lila presses the space bar on her mounted laptop to take pictures of the storm. Lila grabs the steering wheel shocked when her truck jerks roughly. “What the…” the truck starts to jerk again as the tailend of the storm comes at her. Tyler saw the scared look on Lila's face and leaned over Boone to see her anchors moving in the ground. 
“Shit! I don't think they go deep enough to hold her truck's weight!” Boone concludes. Tyler watched with a worried look as he saw the anchors start to eject from the ground. “No.. they are malfunctioning.” Tyler says, and looks to see the storm was just about to pass. 
“HOLD ON LILA! THE STORM IS ABOUT TO PASS!” Tyler yells through the walkie. Lila shook heavily as she saw the button light up to pull out the anchors. “No! No no no no no..” Lila mumbled as she presses the eject button in hopes to keep the anchors down. 
Lila screamed as her truck lifted about a foot and a half off the ground before dropping again roughly after the tornado passed them fully. Lila shook terrified as she clumsily got out of her truck. 
Tyler scrambles out of his truck and runs to her followed by Boone and Lily. Lila's knees buckle as she walks to the back of her truck, gripping the side of the bed for leverage. 
“Are you okay?!” Tyler yells as he comes to Lila's side where she was hunched over. Lila shook like a leaf in the wind as she leaned up and looked at Tyler. Boone kept the camera rolling as Lily stood on the other side of Lila. Tyler gave Lila a confused look as she smiled widely. “That was absolutely terrifying, but I wanna go again!” Lila yelled as she clung to Tyler's shirt as her legs still trembled under her. Boone whooped excitedly as he made sure to get footage of everyone as Lila jumped up and down now with him. 
Tyler stared at Lila's back in awe before a smile broke across his face. Lily let out a playful scoff as she crossed her arms and watched the two make content, “This girl is gonna give us a run for our money if she makes her own team one day.”
Tyler smiled wider as he watched Lila and Boone fuck around while Dani and Dexter park a bit away to join them. “I don't know… maybe she can work with us?” Tyler suggests and turns his wide smile to Lily. “She's still in school. There's no way she would drop out just to do this when she's so close to finishing her degree.” Lily shook her head. 
“School? I'm not in school.” Lila says absentmindedly before realizing what she said. Tyler frowns now, “Aren't you a student at the University of Alabama going for her Masters in Environmental Sciences?” Tyler asks as he comes closer. Lila stutters worriedly as everyone stares at her awaiting her answer. 
Lila sighs heavily and shakes her head, “I'm sorry. That was a lie. The guy that called you was a friend of mine. I wanted to go chasing with some professionals before trying on my own. I was scared you would refuse unless I came up with some sort of story.” 
Tyler puts his hands on his hips and chuckles dryly as he looks away. “Boone erase the stream. Don't post it.” Tyler gives a pointed look at Boone before he glared at Lila. 
“You know, we probably would have thought about helping you get experience if you had just been honest. Now, I just wanna send you home and never see you again.” Tyler seethed and Lila rubbed her arm as she dug the toe of her left boot in the mud, not wanting to meet Tyler's eyes. Tyler sighed heavily and took off his hat, running a hand through his hair. “But, you've already made the trip out here. We will let you continue to tag along. No more lying though.” Lila looks up shocked but excited. 
“Thank you!! Thank you!!” Lila yells jumping up and down before hugging Tyler tightly. “Okay.. you're welcome. Let's get going to see if we can catch something else.” Tyler says as Lila dashes for her truck and hops in. “Where to?!” She calls.
Night had settled over the town the crew decided to rest in. Groups of chasers gathering at the same motel on the outskirts of the nearest town to follow the Tornado Wranglers, as well as getting their own starts. 
Lila walked the parking lot as she took in the many faces. Her hair still feels windswept and slightly dirty from wandering in the rain and fields all day. Lila smiled and waved at a few passing chasers that greeted her. It was literally like a traveling caravan with how many people seemed to know each other and shared a beer together after the long day. 
“Lila!” Tyler calls and waves her over to sit on the tailgate of his truck. Lila shyly comes over, still worried he was angry with her. “Hi.” She muses while hoping up to sit down. Tyler gives Lila a shit eating grin as he watches her settle in beside him. 
“So, you aren't in school. What were you doing before coming out here? Also, how did you afford to already have a decked out truck?” Tyler asks curiously. 
Lila snorts softly and laughs dryly, “My parents helped me with the last bit of the truck, but it's taken many years of saving to get that truck. I also work as a project manager at a local construction firm that also does a good bit of environmental consulting. I saved my vacation time for months to take off for two weeks. I wanted to be able to rest a week after getting home from chasing with you guys." Tyler listens quietly and shakes his head at her, a smile still pulled across his face. 
“So you do work on environmental issues then? Well, still you didn't have to lie. We loved the idea that someone wanted our help to do something for school. Also, I'd prefer you be careful going into storms for now since your truck tried to send you to the grave this morning.” Tyler watched as Boone and Dexter were actively trying to figure out why her anchors released on their own. Dani and Lily help by holding flashlights now that the sun is fully down. 
Lila sighed heavily as she remembered the fear she felt when she saw the red light come on telling her the anchors were coming up. 
“I don't really get to do much environmental stuff. Mostly I'm just a paper pusher. I know more about regulations than anything.” Lila explains as she looks up to the sky, admiring the stars.
Tyler watches Lila quietly, thinking of something to talk about. He wanted to lighten the mood between them after he yelled at her earlier in the day. He glances at her dirty band tee, Motionless in White? 
“So… you like the heavy stuff, huh? Who's this band on your shirt?” Tyler asks to break the silence. Lila smiled as she looked at her shirt. “Yeah, they are considered metalcore, I think? There are too many subgenres for metal. I love them, though. They are my favorite band. I've seen Motionless in White like five times in concert.” Tyler listened quietly. He didn't really vibe with the metal stuff, but he hasn't tried listening to it in years. Lila flushed red as Tyler watched her quietly and turned her head with a small smile. Tyler came back to reality when he saw her do this. He smirked cockily now. 
“Hey, don't get all shy on me now.” Tyler nudged her with his elbow as he lightly swung his legs that hung off the truck's tailgate. 
“Tyler!!! Come shotgun a beer with me!” Boone yelled loudly across the parking lot. A beer held up high in the air. Obviously, Boone had already had a couple first. Tyler shook his head and hopped down from his truck. “Come on. If we don't go over there Boone will just make more noise than needed.” Tyler said as he waited for Lila to join him. Lila laughed as she followed Tyler to the rest of the group. “How do you shotgun a beer?” Lila asks.
Tyler raised a brow and laughed, “We can show you.” That night wore on longer than it should have as Lila partied with the Tornado Wanglers and a few stranglers that joined them from other teams.
I may post more parts, but enjoy some Tyler Owens fluffiness!!
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lovedrruunk · 4 months
'Mango Letters ♡⸝⸝💌⊹˖➴
Venture (Overwatch) x GN Reader
[Established Relationship!]
Authors note!!!; DID U MISS MEEE??? also...IM SO SORRYYY!!!! BUT I THINK IM JUST GONNA START WRITING WHAT I WANT :((( i realized im sososo bad with requests like genuinely ughhhh!! Ill def do some every now and then tho! Anyways im just clearing out my drafts cuz I’ve come to the realization that this is literally tumblr and my posts don’t have to be perfect lmao, enjoy!!
75 days 18 hours 46 minutes and 3 seconds. That's how long it had been since you've seen your partner Sloan. Being with them you knew how devoted they were to their work and how much it required them to travel but on pretty days like this one when the weathers just right and the flowers are in full bloom and the sunset is the perfect hue of orange, you couldn't help but wish they were by your side.
And although they were thousands of miles away they always made sure to send you physical manifestations of their love.
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Through love letters of course!!!
It had been a tradition ever since they had started going on longer expeditions for them to send you things in the mail. So there in your shared closet in a cute little shoebox on the top shelf, laid all their feelings on coffee stained papers. Little crystals the same color as your eyes, maps with all the places they wanted to take you, polaroids of them doing silly faces, and your favorite part, the sweet scent of mango that came with it all.
And so although they weren't by your side, their feelings were. Their longing, their excitement, their thoughts, all in the palm of your hands covered in all types stickers and doodles.
Sitting outside on the porch of your shared home enjoying the calm breeze you smile holding the most recent letter delivered. Inhaling deeply catching the hints of mango as you carefully open it.
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Dear Beloved,
It's been so looong!!! I can feel myself aging without you! Hope this letter finds you well! Notice how I used "beloved"? Fancy huh? Arn't I just the most romantic partner ever? (don't answer that.) This is my fifth time trying to write this and it's annoying the crew so this is my last chance before they jump me... It's just so hard y'know!? It has to be perfect. Perfect for you. Is that cringe? That was cringe sorry! I miss you lots and I think about you all the time... You'd love Petra! A camel ate my shemagh... but It's whatever. I'll buy a new one tomorrow, I'll get one for you too so don't worry! Now that I'm thinking about it the days seem to be going by pretty slow and I'm not sure if I like it much. Like I said I miss you a lot and it stinks being away from you for this long. Can't you just book a flight over here? Can't you do that for me pretty pleaseee? That's ridiculous? Okay just say you hate me and never want me to come back, just say you don't love me at all and want me to get stuck in a cave foreva. Just kidding! or am I?... (I am! >ᴗ<)
I like to imagine you’re missing me really bad counting down the seconds till I get back, which by the way I am too so don’t feel the need to deny it! I can see it now… You all shriveled up like a raisin crawling on the floor going “sloannn… sloannnn…” because of how bad you miss me hehe. Just kidding again! It’s probably the opposite let’s be real… I’m going insane without you seriously, I started talking to the hieroglyphics yesterday and the crew even caught me tasting some rocks earlier (sos!!!!)
But speaking of, they’re rushing me to “turn the lights off already” what a bunch of buzzkills ammarite? Promise to show up in my dreams okay? Who am I kidding, you’re always there regardless. Sweet dreams ᥫ᭡ᥫ᭡
p.s they really wanna meet you!
p.p.s take care okay? I’ll be home before you know it!!!
Yours truly,
(so romantic!!!)
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dsireland86 · 6 months
Take Me First
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Tags: @lma1986 @somewhere-diamond @missduffsblog @myownthoughts12 @concrete09 @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon @shilohrosechicken @jilliemiw86
They had a fight. He made a stupid choice that she just couldn't accept, so she left, never knowing it would probably be the last time they would see each other. Now, Noah is left to face the consequences of his actions; consequences that weren't supposed to affect her. He's broken and terrified life will never be the same again. If only God would take him first, then maybe he could be at peace.
“I wanna be someone you used to hate without the memory of the pain, but I went too far and now we can't restart. It's like we cut the breaks, tore ‘em off the car ninety miles inside the dark familiar scars, and electric hearts” -TAKE ME FIRST-
“Why! Why would you! How could you? What did she give you that I don't, Noah?” She screams at me, tears running down her face, the pain I caused her destroying every good memory of me she has. I couldn't believe I pushed her this far; that I pushed us to this point in our relationship. I couldn't give her the answer she wanted because the truth was I didn't have one. I fucked up. Bad. I fucked someone else, in our bed, when she was away at her parents. Granted I was drunk, but that was an excuse at all. Jolly told me not to do it. Folio said I'd lose her if I did. Nick just shook his head and walked away when I took the fifth shot given to me. Matt was refusing to speak to me. What the fuck happened? How could I be so over taken by a girl whose name I couldn't even remember? 
Y/N sits on the ottoman, holding her head in her hands. Her shoulders are shaking, and the only sounds are her quiet sobs. I want to comfort her. I want to go to her, take her in my arms, and apologize over and over until she believes me. I know she won't. I know
Y/N hates me. The cuts I've made so recklessly on her heart are too deep. I reach out to touch her, but she pulls away. “Don't you fucking touch me, Noah,” she screams, making me cringe. “Don't ever touch me again." She looks at me with so much distaste for the first time ever since we've been together. I can't stand to see her like this, so I make the choice to leave. “No, you asshole! You don't get the benefit of walking out on me when you're the one who made the wrong choice. I'm the one who gets to leave.” 
Y/N stands up grabbing her keys and purse that are still on the floor where she dropped them a bit ago. “No, please baby,”
“Don't you fucking dare, Noah. Don't you call me that. You do not have the privilege of calling me that anymore. I'm nothing to you now.” She glares at me with so much hurt, so much anger in her blue eyes. My body goes numb. The slamming of the front door makes me jump, signaling the end of us and the glow of her headlights as she backs out of the driveway says it's for good. I run into the kitchen and find the trash can just in time.
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“I know I'm gonna die in this bed I made, and I'm drowning in a dream that I can't escape. If I could wake up, I'd hesitate.” -TAKE ME FIRST-
My eyes snap open from the vibration against my leg. As my eyes adjust to the light I realize I must have fallen asleep after sitting on the couch for I don't know how long after Y/N left; her NoFace hoodie still clenched in my hands. It's her favorite, and when I saw it laying on the back of the chair, a spark of hope ignited in me. Maybe if I give her a few days, we can talk. I reach into my pocket to answer the call, and when I look at my phone, I see nine missed calls from Matt and seven from Jolly. I answer before it becomes the eighth. 
“Where the fuck have you been? Why haven't you answered any of Matt's or my calls!” Jolly's voice is loud and his bitter tone tells me something bad has happened. “I fell asleep, Jolly, sorry man.” Jolly scoffs. “So fucking typically, Noah! You go off and break Y/N's heart, causing her to do something drastic that plays out like a fucking horror movie and you get to fall asleep. Yeah, fuck you mother,” “Whoa! Slow the fuck down, Jolly! I didn't intentionally fall asleep. I've been sitting here on my couch, crying for the past hour. What are you talking about?” “Are you sure? Didn't invite what’s her face back for a second round the moment  Y/N drove away?” There was dead silence. I clench my jaw, running my hand over my mouth, thanking god Jolly's not in front of me. My fist closes in a tight fist. “Fuck you, Jolly! Fuck you!” I yell into the phone. “It wasn't supposed to happen, okay? I had no intention of hurting Y/N. I love her and I know if I give her some space and some time we can work it out.” There was dead silence again. “Noah,” the way Jolly says my name is one-eighty from just a second ago. Something bad has happened. I can feel it. “Y/N’s been in an accident. She was hit head on by a drunk driver. It took the E.M.T’s almost an hour to cut her out. Once they did; there was no pulse. Her blood was everywhere, Noah. After a few tries of resuscitation they finally got a pulse. It was really faint, but it was there. I followed them to the hospital and Matt, Folio, and Nick met me here. We're all here. Everyone but you. Please come, Noah. Y/N needs you. 
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“But it’s too late to turn back now, Oh God, I tried but I don’t know, if I could escape it, I’d trade in the blame, you can take it. If it doesn’t take me first.” -TAKE ME FIRST-
I don’t know how I’m able to make it to the hospital in one piece, but I do. I text Jolly to find out where everyone is and follow the directions he gives me. My knees are weak. I’m shaking and can’t stop the tears that keep randomly falling. Y/N means everything to me; more than the band, the job, the money, fuck my own life. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect her. If I lose her; if he takes her from me; I swear to “Noah!” The sound of my name distracts me from my thoughts. I realize I’m right where Jolly said to meet them, seeing Nicholas waving to me up ahead. Drying my face, I proceed to the waiting area. I’m greeted by fists bumps from both Folio and Nick, but Jolly only glares at me, while Matt refuses to even look at me. I know he and Y/N had a thing for each other before we started dating, but somehow I was the one who managed to grab her attention enough to say yes when I asked her out for the first time. The way her whole face lit up when I asked her still gave me butterflies and I found myself, once again, wondering what the fuck I was thinking when I cheated on her. I wasn’t; that's the whole problem.
“Any update?” I ask. Jolly just shakes his head as he continues to stare. “What?’ “Don’t fucking “what” me.” “Yeah, Jolly, I am. I know you hate me right now okay.” “Hate doesn’t even begin to cover it.” I look over at Matt who’s finally acknowledging my presence. “I know,” My gaze drops from him to the floor, unable to look at the pain in my friend's face. “How can you live with yourself right now, Noah?” Matt stands up and walks up to me. “How can you,” but he doesn’t finish, just continues to stare, making me uncomfortable. Matt begins to cry a little harder than he probably means to, and finally walks away towards the bathrooms, giving me some room to breathe. I wipe my eyes, erasing the guilt that’s started to seep again, taking a seat next to Folio who’s pretending to read an outdated motorcycle magazine. Hours pass, making the unknown feel like hell. My hell. The hell I deserve along with all of it's slow, agonizing torture of my soul as the seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn hours. I’m so anxious that I’ve bitten down all my nails and my left leg is aching from bouncing it up and down for too long. Laying my head back, I let myself drift back into one of my favorite memories of us; that time in Virginia. 
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“If you even think about touching me while I'm walking down this fucking muddy trail you so desperately wanted me to come on with you, I swear to the Lord above, Noah Sebastian, I will make you suffer. I hear you and Jolly back there!” “Babe, I have no idea what you're talking about. You must be hearing things.” I was trying my hardest to hide the snicker in my voice, but I knew Y/N was already on to me. When she turned around and looked at me, giving me her best angry face, I melted even more for her than I already had. She was fucking beautiful, sweet, and such a badass; she was mine. I smiled down at her, moving in a little closer and sliding my hand behind her head, bringing her in for a long kiss. I felt her body relax into mine, the same way she always reacted whenever I kissed her. “You already make me suffer; every moment that you're away from me.” Y/N pulled away from me, gazing into my eyes. “Awe, Noah,” she said, her bottom lip, that I desperately wanted to bite and suck on, protruding. The overwhelming way she made me so hard in a matter of seconds and also made me feel like I was the wealthiest and luckiest man in the world was something I was beginning to get used to. I was falling in love with her; and I wasn't afraid to admit it. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I chuckled at the sheepish grin that swept over her face that reddened her cheeks. “No reason. I just really love looking at you.” I kissed her one more time before taking her hand. “Come on. If you go down, then I'm going down too, how's that.” Her face brightened. “I like that,” she grinned. “Dude, this shit is fucking gross. I usually don't mind mud, but this,” Folio, groaned, lifting up his boot that was cover in thick, greenish, brownish mud. “Whose fucking idea was it to take this particular trail, anyway?” “Matt,” Jolly, Nicholas, Y/N, and I said in unison. “What the fuck! You know you could've said no,” Matt hollered, walking a little further ahead of us.
Just when I thought everything was good, the very next step Y/N took was our demise. Down, she went, ass to the mud, slipping and sliding a few inches down the trail, dragging me with her. Her squeals of I don't know at the point we're all that could be heard as she laid on her back, the back of her shirt and pants soaked in the god-awful muck. I held my laugh, suppressing it as much as I could even though Matt and Folio had already busted out laughing. “Babe? Baby, are you okay?” Even though my ass was wet and muddy, I knew it was nothing compared to Y/N's. Nick helped me up, wishing me luck, and I carefully made my way down the path to help her. Her eyes were closed, and for a second, I thought maybe she was seriously hurt. “Y/N, are you hurt?” I saw her grin before I felt the sting of the mud hit me in the face, slapping me relentlessly. “Shit!” I cried, wondering if this was how bad Y/N's ass felt every time I spanked it during sex. If so, maybe I should find a different kink. “Fucking hell, that hurt.” “ Yeah? Well so does my back, fucker,” she lashed out even though it was through a laugh. “Fair enough.” I squatted next to her, offering my support, only to have her tackle me and push me into the mud. “There, now we're even,” she giggled, leaning over top of me. She kissed me, slipping her tongue slyly into my mouth, sending all kinds of signals through my body. But the bad boy side of me wanted revenge as I grabbed a handful of mud and smashed it in the side of her face. A look of great surprise flashed across her face as her eyes widened. I had a feeling I was going to regret that later on, but knowing how fucking amazing intense rough sex was with Y/N, I gladly welcomed it with open arms.  Pretty soon, after a few more handfuls of back and forth mud throwing, Y/N and I were covered in mud. But we were happy; she was the perfect image of what my happiness was.
“If you two children are finished, the rest of us grown-ups would like to finish our hike.” “Fuck you, Karlsson,” I said, holding up the middle finger to Jolly who playfully smiled as he passed us, refusing to help either one of us up. “What the fuck ever, I guess it's you and me Babe,” I announced, looking over at Y/N. “Yeah, just like always.” 
The love we made that night was some of the best we'd ever had. I fucked her so slowly, soft at first then harder each time she cried out for more, taking my time to make sure she felt every part of me while I tried to commit to memory every way she felt while I was side her. It was the first time I'd ever made her cum more than twice. She fought with me at first, told me she wasn't letting me anywhere near her because of what happened earlier. “Me withholding sex from you is your punishment,” she said. So, I wrestled her, showing her just how dominant I could be when she chose to be a brat, and I won in the end, obviously. I left my handprint on her ass, caring nothing about the way it might have felt, like I did earlier. Y/N was mine; and she needed to be reminded that she was. Then there was the way she rode me, hands pressing hard against my chest as I watched her enjoy the pleasure she was getting from me. Her breast's filled my hands as she took what she wanted from me, crying my name like an innocent prayer. I came so fucking hard that I left scratches down the sides of her legs. I don't think another night has ever topped that; not even the night that has led to this fucking hell I'm now sitting in. Deciding to take a walk, making Nick promise me he'll text me if there's news, I find myself wandering the Emergency Room halls.
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“I lie to myself like it's not too late, convinced the past can still be changed, We know it's gone, but I can't move on I wanna rewind, but it just replays Jumping on a hand grenade, but it won't go off , no, it won't go off. -TAKE ME FIRST-
Overwhelmed by the memories and the emotions, I enter the chapel that's here to bring whatever comfort a person longs for in their time of need. It's empty; just an altar, a cross, a lot of chairs, and a few dim lights. I take a seat closer to the front, wiping my eyes again, though this time I'm not ashamed of the tears. I deserve them. I fucked up so bad and now I'm left in Y/N’s wake to deal with the guilt and heartache that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I bit my knuckles while slowly rocking back and forth, letting the tears of anger, tears of hurt and pain, tears of fear, run down my cheeks and fall to the floor below. Then I begin to do something I haven't done since I was a kid; something my grandma taught me to use in the moments when I didn’t know what else to do; I pray.
“I know you're listening; I know you can hear me. Y/N is fucking innocent. She doesn't deserve to pay for the crimes I've committed.” I squeeze my eyes closed, releasing more tears, sniffling. “I know I've fucked up and I'm guessing I've made you pretty angry if you think an innocent girl deserves to take my place in death. But, I'm telling you now,” stopping as my voice starts to break apart. I'm sobbing, falling to my knees as my hands drape over the back of the chair in front of me. “God, I'm fucking begging you, take me first. Switch our places, somehow, some way and fucking take me first. I can't live with this pain, God!” I drop down seething through my teeth. “Ughhh, fucking shit, motherfucker! It hurts too much, do you hear me!” I push the chairs in front of me so hard they go flying and hit the bottom of the altar. That's all it takes before I'm lifting chair after chair and throwing it across the room. “I'm sorry I hurt her, I'm sorry I broke her heart, just please, I'm fucking begging you, don't take her from me. Take Me First.” My shoulders slump and my arms fall to my sides. I'm out of breath, crying in between each one. I’m emotionally drained and feel uncomfortably numb, so numb that I don't feel the vibration of my phone at first. I pull it out not expecting what I see. 
Today 4:32am
Everything around me stops. A loud ringing echoes in my ears, piercing the very inner and making me cringe. This can’t really be how it works is it? I get pissed off, throw a fit, and my prayer is answered; there’s more to it, right? My eyes drift upwards, and I’m suddenly feeling a little ashamed. Especially when I take a look around the room and see the mess I’ve made. Fuck. I’m going to have to clean this up before I leave the hospital. But first I need to go see Y/N. “Thank you,” I whisper as I walk toward the door to leave, but before I do I turn around and focus on the simple cross sitting in the middle of the table at the foot of the altar. Suddenly, hope doesn’t seem impossible. I believe more now than before, that Y/N and I might be able to fix this horrible broken mess. 
All the guys are in the room surrounding Y/N. She’s lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to all kinds of machines with tubes and cables attached to her and going everywhere. One of her legs and arms are in a cast, and a huge bandage is wrapped around her head. Bruising is visible on her face along with a busted lip. Seeing all of this shatters my heart into a million pieces, destroying what little bit of it was left. I stand outside the room, gazing in on her. Matt’s at her side, holding her hand, talking to her about god only knows what. Probably anything to distract her from reality, and she’s partially smiling at whatever he’s saying. Despite everything, Y/N looks happy. When her eyes shift to look at me, I see the same beautiful light in them I’ve grown used to seeing all these years and I can’t help but smile back, causing everyone to turn and look my way.
Nicholas comes out wearing a grave expression that chills every part of me. I know what he’s about to say isn’t easy, so I brace myself for it. He takes me by the arm, pulling me off to the side, out of Y/N’s sights. “What is it Nick? What’s wrong? Y/N’s dying isn’t she? She’s not going to make it, shit, oh my god,” I run my hands through my hair as I turn back around and stare back into the room at her. I’m shaking so bad I can barely stand, so I brace myself against the wall for support. "Will you chill the fuck out Noah, just for a minute, and listen to me! Y/N’s not dying. She’s going to be okay. She has a lot of injuries that are going to take a lot of time to heal, but she’s going to be fine.” I exhale, looking Nick in the eyes for the first time. “Really?” I ask, through blurry eyes. He smiles at me, throwing his hand on my shoulder. “Really, bro. She’s good. But there is something you’ve got to know. She said she didn’t want to tell you herself because you might not believe her.” My forehead creases as I frown. “What do you mean, something else?” Nick licks his lips, looks over into the room, and takes a deep breath. “Nick, what the fuck dude, what is it?” His green eyes meet mine and in absolute seriousness he says, “Y/N’s pregnant.”
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 11 months
She’s a maneater part 1/?
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parings: melissa schemmenti x reader
warnings for this chapter: melissa is a bully
you woke up with a jolt as the blanket was ripped off of you for the fifth time that night.
"oh my god, melissa" you groan, turning over, expecting to see her sleeping but shes wide awake on her side, with her head resting on her hand.
"you kept letting go of me and im tired of it." you chuckle slightly, trying to ignore your irritation. you pull her into you quickly, she yelps out. you lean in close.
"a simple ask would do you just fine, my love." you whisper against her lips.
"well, you know me, stubborn as always" she smiles and connects your lips, the domestic nature causing your heart to stutter, she pulls away slowly, her hand coming to your cheek. "I love you."
you and melissa weren’t always this way, it took a lot to get where you are now.
you were late your first day, traffic was stressing you out and you struggled to find parking spot in such a busy street, you had to park 5 minutes away. you were rushing into the school doors, through the hallway when-
you slam right into the red headed teacher. her papers went flying and so did your ego. the look she gave you might as well killed you.
“i am so sorry-” she immediately drops to the floor, grabbing her stuff. you follow, trying to compensate for your clumsiness.
“why are you running through the doors anyways? if your kid is late then sign the damn tardy slip” angry radiating from her words.
“oh no- i don’t have a kid. i work here. i actually just got hired” her head swings over to look at you. you wish the earth would swallow you whole.
“30 minutes late on your first day” she scoffs. “great first impression, you’ll definitely get along with ava” she storms off, leaving me confused and flustered.
I walk down the hallways to the principals office, Ava is already leaning on the door frame, ready to great me.
"you're late." she says, sternly.
"I know, I'm so sorry, I couldn't find a parking spot so I parked super-"
"it was a joke, I don't care" she walks into her office. "pshhh no one told me I hired another Janine." she laughs, looking at the camera. the guy zooms in on my confused face. "anyways, you're in room 12, just down the hall, where you came in. your kids are currently with ms. schemmenti's class, room 13, you're taking her third graders also. if you talk to Melissa, she'll sort out who's who's." Ava's already on tiktok, laughing about a video before I can respond.
its going to be a long day.
I look up at the sign on the door that says room 13, I take a deep breath before opening the door, knocking as I do so. All of the attention is on me as the room goes quite. I look around the room, only seeing the students.
"hey kids! I'm the new third grade teacher that's going to be next door." they all shout hi in return. "where's your teacher?" I ask as the door opens again.
"oh god, not you again." I spin around, seeing the same redhead from earlier.
"uh- hi, im y/n y/ln. the teacher next door" I say, holding my hand out waiting for hers. she looks down at my hand and then back up at me, before rolling her eyes.
"alright guys! this is ms. y/ln, she will be taking half of you's with her, so if you're in third grade, please line up at the door, single file!" the students jump up, lining up in an almost perfect line.
"thank you, ms. schemmenti, if you need anything, ill be just over there." I say as I point towards the wall. she doesn't even look at me so I take it as a hint to leave.
three months later
“i’m tired of the new kid, she waltzes in here, all miss clumsy but charming, takes over the kids hearts and everyone loves her” melissa vents to barbra
“remind me again, are you trying to offend or compliment her? she’s been doing everything right, she’s the teacher we’ve been wanting to work here, what do you hate so much about her?” melissa stands up, pacing the 2nd grade class.
“she’s a newbie, and newbies make mistakes that we can’t afford” barbra shakes her head, not believing melissa.
“that’s not the real reason” the bell rings “talk to me when you find out the reason, until then, be nice to the kid” melissa huffs as she sits back down, watching barbra walk out and her kids march in.
a/n: first chapter of my new series is done!! this is a short chapter just to get something out there, hope you guys like it!
taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @dopenightmaretyphoon
to be added to my taglist, send in an ask!!
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factorydefaultlu · 6 months
You're Not In Control
Strade x GN! Reader
TW: force feeding, starvation, vomit, torture, fingernail pulling... Strade is a warning in of himself.
A/N: thank you to my beautiful wife for the German translations, I hope I used them right. Also this is the first thing I've ever written for Strade and I'm still not super confident I got him right so... Be nice please.
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Thinking about being held captive by Strade.
You had earned the privilege of leaving the basement. (with the shock collar on of course)
You were defiant and he liked that, he liked that he hadn't entirely broken you.
Strade noticed that you didn't eat much, and slowly you started eating nothing at all.
He didn't care at first, Ren didn't eat much when he was first brought up from the basement either.
As it continued he got irritated and realized that it wasn't just anxiety keeping you from eating. You were starving yourself intentionally.
Strade didn't like that. For many reasons, but mainly because he didn't have control.
He acted like a stubborn dad at first, telling you that you couldn't leave the table until you finished your food.
"Alright, schatz. We're going to sit here until you can behave and eat." his voice dripped with venom.
Your defiance struck a fire in him when you just sat and stared at the plate.
It was decent food, steak that'd been cut up for you, green beans and potatoes. By all means it was a good meal.
But you were stubborn and refused to relenquish total control to that psychopath.
Strade sent Ren off to bed, and sat at the table all night with you. Trying to break you.
It didn't work.
The next night, he started to try and beat you into eating.
"Wenn du es nicht anders willst, bitte. We'll do it your way then." You should have been scared, and part of you was, but all that bubbled up was anger.
He removed his belt and struck you all along your back.
Dark welts formed underneath the thin shirt you were wearing, and you dropped to the floor after a few minutes of endless beating.
He kicked your ribs, the steel toe of his boot slamming into your fragile bones. You tried not to cry out, but sobs tore through your throat despite the effort. The final kick to you stomach was so hard that you threw up bile.
"Kleine Zicke! You fucking brat!" He barked, and you spent the night in the basement.
That didn't break you either.
The third night he tied your wrists and ankles to the chair and tried force feeding you.
"Mund auf. Open." he spoke like a steel knife.
Each time you spit it out, he stabbed the fork into your arm. You still didn't break.
He then put a ring gag in your mouth and tried to force a protein drink down your throat, you threw that up as well.
On the fourth night, he tied you to the chair again, but this time brought a pair of pliers up from the basement.
Each time you spit the food out, he'd pluck a fingernail from your hand.
He ran out of fingernails to remove, and you still hadn't swallowed a single bite and there was blood all over the floor.
A needless mess.
The fifth night was the final straw.
Strade had you and Ren sit at the table, he placed a plate of food in front of you and said that Ren wasn't getting food until you eat.
The look in your eyes excited him, it was defiant as always but it held a look of pleading.
A look that said "this isn't about him, leave him alone"
The three of you sat for hours, and it wasn't until you heard the sound of Ren's stomach growl that you finally gave in.
You took a bite of food, then looked to Strade. He just motioned for you to continue. By the third or fourth bite you realized that he was going to make you finish the whole plate before feeding Ren.
Once the plate was polished off, you dropped the fork abruptly. The sound of the metal clanging on the porcelain made Ren jump, and Strade just laughed then clapped his hands together.
"Sehr gut. That wasn't so hard now was it?" The smile on his face made you want to lash out.
You gave him that same fiery look as usual, but at least Ren got to eat.
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buthowboutno · 7 days
HELLO I'm new to asking things here but I've a small,,, tiiny question that idk if anyone's asked before or not but
What happened at metro tower between sweets and Leo? And, I suppose, with everyone else there, if anyone (like April) recognized Sweets
Because Donnie didn't, Raph and Mikey didn't say anything,,,
Leo and April are the only two that basically said "oh! You're the kid that almost died while we saved the world" so Idk I kind of was curious on, I guess
Like other than, obviously, Leo saving sweets but I guess how he found them? Because I know it's stated somewhere Sweets locked themselves in their moms office but idk
You don't gotta answer this at all (especially if it's a stupid question 💀💀) I just I got myself curious ig
this ask prompted me to write a whole ass snippet about what happened. i blame you. /aff
(snippet under the cut)
If it had been up to Splinter, Leo wouldn’t even be five feet away from his cot in the med bay, much less searching through the remains of Metro Tower. Mikey was still out of commission and Drax was doing some weird mystic ritual on Donnie to help with his head.
If it had been up to Leo, Raph would be in the med bay instead of digging through rubble by his side. April tagged along as well, but she was a floor below looking for… something.  
Leo might have been too ticked off about April and Raph bulldozing his plan to listen beyond every fifth word of their justification.
(Didn’t they know that this was Leo’s—?)
(After all that, they still trust—?)
They hadn’t found any survivors since the first day of searching, when Donnie passed out after manifesting a mystic slide for a group of harried interns that were stuck on the third floor. Mikey’s hands had cramped up so bad after guiding the lone barista out from their cupboard on the second floor that he was still having trouble holding a fork.
Leo wasn’t even sure why he insisted on coming back, to be honest. After four days trapped in this building, there was a good chance that any stragglers would have died of dehydration by now. Donnie’s scans, at least, didn’t show anyone in the building that they didn’t get out already.
Leo just… had this feeling. He couldn’t explain it.
Raph jumped up and tapped the big red ‘5’ hanging from the ceiling before the stairwell, startling Leo out of his thoughts. Under his massive hands, the sign crumbled off of the wall.
“Uh, whoops?” Raph said, looking sheepish as he turned towards Leo.
Leo snorted, “Property destruction. Nice.”
“That was… not my fault,” Raph said, his face screwed up as he stepped towards the stairs, “This whole buildin’ is— "
The floor creaked dangerously beneath Raph’s feet, prompting him to stumble backwards out of the stairwell. Leo took a few tentative steps forward, noting the slight shift in the floor but otherwise no other changes beneath his feet.
“Falling apart,” Leo finished, jumping up and down for good measure. No change, but Leo didn’t like the cracks slowly making their way up the walls.
“Maybe it's time to head back?” Raph suggested gently, taking another scared step backwards when the floor started creaking again, “Raph is getting a little geeked out.”
Leo nodded, taking a step towards Raph before he was struck with this urgent feeling in his chest. Like he had left something behind.
“I’m gonna take a quick look around,” Leo said, stepping back into the stairwell, “You’d better go back down and grab April.”
“I’ll portal out if the building starts falling down, scouts honor,” Leo said before ducking up the stairs. Raph’s responding groan told Leo that Raph wasn’t going to march up there and grab him. Probably more due to the fact that the stairs would give out underneath him, but Leo would take what he could get.
(Leo was going to be majorly cussed out about this stunt when he got back.)
(Worth it.)
(At least, he hoped it was.)
The sixth floor of Metro Tower, surprise surprise, was functionally identical to floors two through five. The building was mostly leased out to a bunch of different companies doing Spirits knows what in their copy and paste cubicles. 
(They didn’t find any survivors above floor twelve. Leo tried not to think about it.)
Leo raided a few of the fancier looking offices, sending various pieces of tech back to Donnie’s lab through mini-portals. Bribery, maybe, but mostly practice. Leo’s portals had felt off since the–
…Yeah. He needed the practice.
Leo heard a muffled shout from down the hallway, immediately pulling out his second katana and running quietly towards the noise.
Leo noticed the kid first. They had dustpans duct taped to their chest and back like some budget LARPer. They held a yardstick out with a broken pair of scissors haphazardly attached to the end, trembling like Mikey after a fourth cup of coffee. A Kraang zombie shuffled towards them, its face half-melted at this point. 
Why was it still–?
Leo needed to tell the others about this. Donnie was positive that everyone who got infected would’ve been released after they closed the portal to Kraang Prime. This was– this wasn’t a good sign.
The kid shouted at the zombie like they were trying to scare off a bear and tossed a stapler at its head. Decent shot, but ultimately useless. The stapler landed on the zombie’s head and was slowly absorbed into the Kraang viscera protruding from its skull. 
The kid yelped, moment of bravery apparently lost, and ran in Leo’s direction.
Leo recognised that face. It was just a passing photo, something Casey swiped past while stammering about nerd shit like the ‘space-time continuum.’
(Donnie’s influence, no doubt. Leo may have been Casey’s sensei, but Donnie tended to infect people with his intelligence.)
This kid was younger than the photos, though. Their hair was cut short just above their ears, and the dark circles under their eyes told Leo that they hadn’t been getting much in the way of water or sleep since the invasion started.
That half second of thought cost Leo his chance to take down the zombie before it lunged at them.
The kid, thankfully, heard the zombie before it had the chance to grab them and whirled around with their makeshift spear. Their jab landed solidly in the zombie’s chest, but that still didn’t stop it. The zombie's neck craned out in a truly unnatural manner and bit the kid’s hand while it was still holding their spear. The kid let out a painful shriek that rattled inside of Leo’s skull.
That finally spurred Leo into action, sprinting on the front pads of his feet and slashing the zombie clean into three pieces. The body hit the ground without so much as a tentacle reaching out in protest.
The kid fell to the floor, eyes open with fear as they held out their left hand. The mutagen had already started spreading, past their second knuckle already, but it was moving slower than when–
Leo should’ve thought a little harder before he let his reflexes take over. In a second, he sliced off the kid’s pinky and ring finger before the mutagen had a chance to reach their palm. 
They screamed out in pain, immediately clutching their left hand to their chest and staring up at Leo with wide, terrified eyes. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Leo tried, “I’m here to help.”
Their face was quickly turning white from the blood loss, but the look on their face made Leo think that they’d still try to stab him if he came any closer.
He’d probably deserve it, to be honest, but the kid needed a hospital above anything else. Leo reached down and grabbed the kid before they could fight back. He quickly sliced a portal through the wall and walked out onto the sidewalk in front of Metro Tower. With two more twirls of his katana, April and Raph were standing right next to him.
Leo tried not to think about the ache in his chest after opening up those portals. He pushed the pain out of the back of his mind as he focused on putting pressure on the kid's hand.
“What the–?”
“Med kit, now,” Leo demanded, not even looking at Raph. The kid was trying to wriggle out of Leo’s grasp, but the blood loss was obviously starting to get to them.
Raph wordlessly took the kit from his belt and handed it over. April was standing behind him in shock, hands twitching as if she was trying to figure out what to do.
“Fucking… wizard,” the kid stammered, now clutching onto Leo instead of fighting him, “My g-goddamn hand.”
“You’re welcome, pal,” Leo said flatly. He dumped the travel bottle of rubbing alcohol on their hand haphazardly before wrapping it up as tightly as he could.
“Eat my ass, Dr. Strange,” the kid muttered before looking up at Leo with a sudden and unusual clarity, “I think I’m going to pass out now.”
“Wh– no, wait!” Leo protested before the kid slumped fully into his arms.
That must’ve rattled April out of whatever funk she was in. She reached into the med kit and grabbed one of the instant cold packs, harshly squeezing and then shaking it to activate it.
“They’re going into shock,” she said, leaning down to apply the pack to the back of the kid’s neck, “Leo, can you portal–?”
The moment April touched the kid, Leo was sent into the mindscape. It wasn’t the same as a normal ninja mindmeld; typically, Leo was still able to see through the eyes of his physical body while it happened. This was like his entire consciousness was captured and taken somewhere else.
Leo turned his head to the left and saw April standing next to him, her eyes trained on something else. 
Donnie? No, not Donnie.
Not his Donnie.
This Donnie was… older. Scarred. Taller than Leo thought his twin could ever grow to be. He didn’t speak a single word, just held Leo’s gaze with an intense expression and nodded.
Leo understood, in a split-second, that the kid in his arms was precious. They were family. The pull, the call that compelled Leo back to Metro Tower was more than an antsy feeling driving him out of his cot. 
This… this was one last wish of a doomed timeline.
Leo also understood that if he let this kid bleed out on the streets of New York, the ghost of Donnie future wouldn’t let him sleep peacefully for the rest of his life.
“April? Leo?” Raph asked, his tone incredibly concerned as Leo snapped back to reality.
“Donnie called them ‘Sweets’,” Leo murmured under his breath.
Leo shook his head, clearing the images from his mind, “Right. Let’s go.”
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dracoxmalereader · 10 months
Watering Can
Draco x Male Reader
Context: A four-quel to my other ficlets All at Once, Windowsill, and Summer Sun. Reader is a ravenclaw in the year above Draco, and this fic takes place in Draco's fifth year (your sixth year) during Order of the Phoenix.
Also it's burdensome to keep linking every one of the previous parts, plus I imagine it's an eyesore, so if you want to read all the parts going forward they can be found on Wattpad and Ao3 under the name "Intense". <3
Summary: Draco can't help but go into Inquisitorial Squad Leader Mode™ when Filch mentions hearing rats in the greenhouses only for them to mysteriously vanish when he goes in to look. Lo and behold, who else would it be but the Ravenclaw he's more infatuated with by the day.
Word Count: 1560
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The plaques on the wall shone in the dull light of the night sky. Bouncing off the glass, shining over the reflection of the hallway, the moon cast smudges of light gray along the dark walls. Draco's feet were cold against the floor.
He made quick work of his bathroom break, trotting back down the corridor towards the Slytherin dorms, wiping his freshly washed hands on his wool shirt. Footsteps rang from the end of the hallway, and Draco froze.
"Stinking bloody rats-" Filch muttered under his breath, his lantern lighting the walls before he turned the corner.
"What are you on about?" Draco stepped forward, the inquisitor within him already accustomed to jump at the chance to assert discipline upon other students.
"Filthy rats in the bloody greenhouses." Filch stopped in his tracks and rumbled on. "I hear 'em, but I can't find even one of the damn things. Gone before I get there, every time." His voice was bitter and rough like gravel.
Draco nodded, interest peaked.
Filch adjusted his grip on the handle of his lantern, Mrs. Norris yawned where she was tucked into his free arm. "Get to bed," He spoke, tone not lacking malice. "Wouldn't want to send Umbridge her own lapdog." He cleared his throat, starting again down the hallway.
Draco scoffed. Filch was one to talk about being Umbridge's lapdog. He rolled his eyes and pushed past Filch uncaringly, baring a sneer at the squib. He waited for them to disappear around another corner, rerouting himself when the last of Mrs. Norris's bushy tail was out of sight.
The school was quiet as he made his way through it, calm. He ducked past the dark walls until his feet touched the dirt-marred floor of the greenhouse hallway. He cringed at the feeling, but carried on.
Creeping along, he leaned slightly into the doorway of greenhouse one. His eyes scanned the room, the boxes of soil lining the walls empty.
Sloshing water broke his concentration. He turned towards the noise, squinting his eyes at greenhouse three across the hallway. He caught sight of a figure hovering over the plants, and pulled his wand from his pocket.
Gripping it tightly, he approached the doorway of greenhouse three as quietly as he could, waving it in the air before pointing it at the figure and casting, "Expelliarmus!"
Your startled shout rang through the air, watering can flying out of your grip and landing with a thud on the ground, rolling over and leaking water onto the floor.
"What the hell?" Your familiar voice made his stomach drop, and he swore he could feel the shame in his nail beds. You were audibly pissed, angry even. It was almost as terrifying as his father's wrath. "I'm not going to attack you with a watering can! Unnecessary!"
You dug your wand out of your pocket and flicked it in the air, muttering a Lumos and filling the greenhouse with light.
Draco opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words.
You blew a puff of air from your nose. Your brows were furrowed. "Draco." Your voice around his name was laced with a bite he'd never heard from you, and it had him regretting every decision he'd ever made. His throat felt dry. "You gonna take me Um-bitch? Someone has to keep the plants alive."
"You shouldn't be out of bed after hours-" He chased the words out of his mouth, knees feeling weak from the clever nickname given to Umbridge.
Your scowl shut him up.
"Sorry," Draco choked, voice cracking.
His face felt hot, hotter than the air in the train car he'd last been able to speak to you in. He coughed, and it did little to quell the tightness in his airways.
"I, uh... I won't take you to Um-bitch." He let a breathless chuckle escape him.
You looked him up and down, and felt like he was about to crawl out of his skin. One of your brows jerked up in suspicion, and he wanted to run his thumb along it, to feel the muscles under the skin tense and relax.
He stepped into greenhouse three, taking a shaky breath and pushing closer despite the tension. He picked the watering can up off the floor, avoiding the puddle that had formed around it. The space beneath his ribs burned, and he held it out to you, his eyebrows raised in sincerity.
Your eyes met, and he hoped he looked as apologetic as he felt. Your face had matured over summer break and the beginning of the year, and he subconsciously tallied all the ways your face managed to fit you impossibly better. He wanted to touch it and feel for himself how your features had changed.
His lungs quivered when you reached to take the watering can back with your free hand. Your fingers brushed his on the handle, and he felt sparks fly up his arm. His knuckles ached. He wanted to throw the stupid watering can across the room and lace his fingers with yours.
"Thank you." The suspicion and anger bled from your face, and you returned to contently watering a line of plants, shriveled beyond identification.
He watched you quietly, admiring how your dirty fingers pressed and prodded the soil. "Regerminating Potion would help." He offered, pulse speeding up when your eyes met again. He'd missed you over break, and he found it a real shame he didn't see more of you day to day.
"That's a sixth year potion." You pointed out, a smug smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. Draco felt his face heat up.
His eyes widened and he opened and closed his mouth around an excuse he couldn't find to make. He'd rather go full inquisitor on you again than admit he'd been reading ahead and studying even advanced sixth year potions for the chance you'd need more help from him. Your observation went unanswered.
"We're not allowed to make potions anyways." Your smile morphed into something more leisurely, working your way to the last of the plants.
Finished watering, you set the can down on the ground quietly and looked at him. Maybe having special inquisitor privileges wasn't all that bad, Draco thought.
"I could make you some."
"You'd do that?"
Draco swallowed roughly. He'd do anything for you if you asked. "You want me to?"
He stared into your eyes, hoping you were paying close enough attention to see the unspoken vulnerability in them. He wanted to break every rule Dolores Umbridge put in place if it meant he could make you happy. His bones felt restless.
You blinked, and your eyes faltered for a moment. They flicked down over his face, catching on his lips and he felt his stomach lurch forward. His own eyes fell to yours before he tore them away and found you already looking back into his eyes.
It felt like you were strung together, thread tightening with every breath that fanned between the shortening space between your faces.
You took an audibly shaky breath, and Draco hoped it meant you were as flustered as he was. Your mouth poised open, forming words on your tongue that lost their chance to be spoken when the light of Filch's lantern reflected on the glass walls across the hallway.
The light at the tip of your wand went out. Draco whispered for you to duck under the table at the center of the room. Your wand clunked against the floor as you did, and Filch's footsteps picked up in speed until he was limping into the greenhouse almost shouting about the filthy rats he was set on catching.
Draco felt anxiety lick up his spine. "No rats here, there was only one." He spoke, projecting his voice like was giving a speech, guttural lilt not unlike the tone he took up with Potter. "Made quick work of the pest, you can be sure of that."
Filch huffed, peeved but uncomplaining. Must just be thankful those 'rats' are out of the picture, Draco figured. "I'm not gonna tell you again." Filch grumbled. "To bed with you." He twitchily shook his head and tore his disapproving glare from the room, righting back on his path around the school.
Mrs. Norris lingered in the doorway, nose bobbing against the floor, sniffing. Draco crossed his fingers behind his back and his gaze dropped to you. He held his breath even when his heart picked up at the amused look you gave him from under the table. Mrs. Norris licked the back of her paw before trotting away back to Filch.
When he held his hand out to help you up, it's a miracle it wasn't too sweaty to grip onto. He felt adrenaline pulse through his veins, and the energized smile you gave him mirrored his own as it crept onto his face.
"You know, these pajamas are a good look on you." You stayed in his space, pinching the fabric of his sleeve between two fingers. Butterflies raced through his chest at the contact.
The lightheartedness made him want to kiss you, made him want to pull you into a hug and breathe in your smell. You blinked at him and he blinked back, head reeling, picturing all the ways he wanted to break more of his own rules with you.
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My mom watched me make the Wattpad cover for this and told me she appreciates that I never stopped being a pre-teen. To express my gratitude this chapter is dedicated to her. Thank you mom for supporting my antics. <3
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Drawing by me
Tags: @gayaristocrat @nowayisthistakenyet @dracoshusband
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