#I'm gonna miss having this in my inbox rip
riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Heya, Ri! Could I request something fluffy for the BTAS Hatter hedge maze date? I can’t stop thinking about it after the conversation in the server. :’D
Hope you’re having a lovely day! 💚
A/N: AAAAHHHHH YES YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. I’ve been so excited to get a request from you hehe, if that’s not too weird to say lmao. I love doing requests for my mutuals and I’ve always wanted to fulfill a request for you! And for it to be such an adorable idea…I couldn’t say no…omg this is so cute, I haven’t stopped thinking about the scenario in my head either lmao (also this is a x reader, but like Jervis mostly refers to y'all as March Hare, more so in spirit of Marchie hehehe but it still works!)
Also, also still working on header stuff don’t mind me rip, but I am still stupid proud of this screengrab I took of Jervis from that character shot in The Worry Men episode.
Trigger Warnings: just an obtuse amount of fluffy sweetness
Word Count: 1.6 k
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BTAS Mad Hatter x Reader - Maze Date Craze
There truly was never a dull moment with Jervis. 
Even if you too fancy a night in and some reading or watching a film, he somehow still managed to make you laugh until your sides hurt or he made you think somehow outside of the box.
The same especially went for dates when you were out on the town. 
“Where are you taking me, Jervis?” You giggled, confused but excited all the same. 
“It’s a surprise, my dear. You’ll know what it is soon enough.” He chuckled at your enthusiasm. 
You looked up as you two passed the opened gates to Gotham City Gardens. You gasped when you two approached the entrance to a large hedge maze. 
“I-Is…is this a maze?” 
“Indeed it is. Would you like to uhh…perhaps explore it with me?” He took off his hat and slightly bowed to the side, allowing you to enter first. 
You beamed happily, always ever the gentleman. You hooked your arm through the one that was tucked behind him and slightly dragged him with you through the maze opening. 
“I’d love nothing more, Jervis! Let’s do it!” 
You don’t think you could ever do a maze by yourself. You could maybe count on one hand a few people you could depend on to complete a maze with. 
One of the main people being Jervis, but then again, you wished you could spend every and any waking moment with him anyway. Aside from just that, he was the best with these whimsical mazes and puzzles. They always sort of spoke to him in a way…especially to a certain theme.
"Oh Jervis, this is perfect, it's like the maze was made for us! It's designed like Wonderland!" 
It truly was Wonderland inspired. Every now and then down a certain passage there were portraits of iconic Wonderland characters. 
Alice, Queen of Hearts, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the Walrus, and Carpenter…
"Look, it's you!" You giggled.
The iconic pencil illustration of the Mad Tea Party was displayed in front of you. Your finger pointed at the Mad Hatter on the far right. 
Jervis came up behind you and smiled warmly. He put his hands on your shoulders and leaned his head down beside your ear. He pointed over to the March Hare. 
"And there's you, darling." 
You snuggled your head closer to his as you giggled in delight. 
"Although, I must say," you grabbed his hands and turned around to face him. 
You pulled him in closer to you, hands strongly clasped together. Your faces were inches apart. You leaned in close, pressing your nose against Jervis'. 
"My Hatter is far more handsome." You sealed the compliment by softly rubbing your nose side to side against his; a bunny kiss. 
Jervis didn't think he could ever fall in love with you more, but yet you continue to make him fall deeper and deeper, time and time again. 
He absolutely adored you, and he hoped he was able to show it every day…and especially today. 
You two continued through the maze hand in hand. Along with portraits and decorations of Wonderland strewn about. There were also little cards that stood out from the hedges.
"I don't recall collecting things as part of mazes…" You pondered as you looked at the card. They felt oddly thicker than most cards but you figured it was to make them last through the environs. 
"Well perhaps this isn't an ordinary maze…we should collect more of them," Jervis suggested and you ultimately agreed.
It'd be a neat little momento if anything else. 
Jervis helped hold the cards for you in his suit jacket pocket for the meantime. Your hands should be busy holding his hand anyway.
You were adamantly by Jervis' side as you depended on him to reach the end. However, after a couple twists and turns you couldn't help but feel certain plants and bushes looked oddly familiar. 
"Yes, darling?" 
"I feel like we're going in circles…?" 
"Huh, really?"
"Yes…I…I recognize that red rose bush…and that broken hole in the bush.." You look up at him. 
Jervis was sheepishly looking off to the side. Eyes moving every which way but at you.
"Jervis..have you been taking us around in circles?" You asked lightheartedly. 
He bit his lip slightly, before ultimately sighing. "I'm afraid so, darling." He chuckled embarrassingly. 
"But why?" You asked, more confused than upset. 
He hummed. "I am guilty of slightly leading us astray but…only because I just…" his face started getting redder now. 
You put your hand on his warm cheek, bringing his eyes to look at your own. You smile up at him but don't say anything, silently encouraging him to continue. 
"...I just wanted to spend more time with you alone…lost and alone with you…holding my hand." He muttered his confession. 
Your heart skipped a beat, as if this man couldn't be anymore endearing. 
"You could've just told me, Jervis! I would love to stroll through the maze with you." You smiled sweetly as you tightened your arms around him. 
"Oh, if it were up to me it would never end, but there is another…surprise to come for you at the end…"
"But Jervis this maze was a lovely surprise enough…how can there be more?" 
He grabbed your hand that was on his face and kissed the palm of it. "There's always a possibility for more when it comes to you, my love." 
This time when Jervis took your hand and took the lead, you actually started making headway. 
This made you realize something else…
“Wait, Jervis!” 
You knew he was good at these kinds of puzzles, but not…not this good. 
“All will make sense soon, my beloved. Just follow me!” 
Curiouser and curiouser. 
You continued to follow him until you finally reached the end. When the two of you exited the maze, you noticed a quaint little round table with a red cloth over it. On the table a teapot, saucers, cups, and tiny finger delicacies were strewn about. The table was set for two. 
“Y-You did all of this, Jervis? H-How? When?” You slowly approached the table, almost uncertain whether or not to disturb the beautiful set-up. 
Jervis followed closely behind you as you took it all in. “I did…well with some…uhh…outside assistance.”
Surely mind control for non-illegal purposes wasn’t a crime? 
Jervis quickly went around you, and pulled out one of the seats for you to take a seat. You gratefully accepted as you still tried to wrap your mind around this revelation. 
“So…the maze, the pictures…and the cards..”
“Oh yes,” he got down on one knee in front of you and handed the cards to you. “They’re envelopes, open them…”
That explains their weird thickness.
You gasped when you opened the first card, you were close to tears as you kept opening the next few. They were all pictures either of you or you and Jervis together. Smiling, kissing, laughing, you remember the exact moment each of these was taken.
“Oh my goodness, Jervis…this is the sweetest—” 
You put the pictures down on the table to embrace him, but you were speechless at what you saw next. 
Sitting there in his palm, was a diamond ring. 
You tried to gulp down the nerves and the tears that were starting to rise. “J-Jervis…”
He chuckled sheepishly, removing his top hat. “A-All my life, I’ve been waiting for someone…to love me for me. For the longest time I thought I was incapable of finding that someone…that like Wonderland…it was all a hopeless fantasy…” 
The tears began to slowly creep out from your eyelids, as your hand covered your mouth, taking in every word he said, waiting for your moment to answer him. 
“...but I found you, and I’m so grateful every day that I get to spend another day with you. Every day I get to love you, my darling March Hare, is a day I believe more and more that my Wonderland doesn’t have to be a fantasy…it can be a reality but only if you’re in it…will you join me? W-Will you marry me?” 
“Yes! Yes, Jervis yes!” You hoped he made out your answer in between your excited squealing. You jumped out of your seat and embraced him tightly as you knocked him off his knees. 
Jervis laughed fullheartedly, as he wrapped his arms around you. He took a deep sigh of relief, although he knew deep down you wouldn’t say no…he was always aware of that possibility. 
Even when you let up on your embrace, it wasn’t enough. You were so overcome with love and affection for him, you weren’t sure what action to do next. Jervis took the moment of pause to slip the ring onto your finger. 
You looked down on it and smiled widely. “It’s perfect…” You looked back up at Jervis. “You’re perfect, Jervis…this was…I-I can’t even begin to describe it all…” 
Jervis kissed your temple. “You don’t need to say anything, beloved. Your reactions speak louder than any words. And your darling smile is worth more than any compliment.” 
Jervis propped himself up off the ground, but not without offering your hand up as well. You happily took his hand, but not without grabbing his top hat as well for your ascension.
You gently placed the hat back on his head, tentatively turning it backwards and forwards, left and right to make sure it was back in it’s proper place. He chuckled softly as he grabbed your hands back down in front of his face and kissed along your knuckles. 
You giggled at the sensation as you leaned your face closer to his. He met your face halfway as your lips finally met in a deep sweet kiss. 
After years of lonesome solitude, and almost giving up on the possibility…The Mad Hatter had finally found his March Hare. 
Wonderland was no longer just a fleeting fantasy, it was a glorious, loving, and sweet reality for the both of you.  
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
What is your favorite commissioned song for each character? (Sorry if you've already answered this before)
this has been sitting in my inbox since december because I was waiting for all characters to get their 4th song... so minori has 5 songs now screw waiting it's not massively likely that Ena4 or Toya4 are gonna beat my top comms for them.
Ichika: either the WALL or Ryuusei no Pulse. I keep changing my mind on which one I like more. I don't really have much to say about them because I don't have either ranked particularly high, but Chiirurin is always a good vocalist, her high note in the WALL is really good.
Saki: Stella. This has been my favorite L/n song since I started playing. I'm not entirely sure why, it just really struck a chord with me. I love the lyrics as well. I'm actually listening to it while writing this lol.
Honami: STAGE OF SEKAI. I really love the emotion in this one, especially in the final chorus. The instrumental is really good too and you honestly can feel the emotion in the song through that alone. Regulus is really good too.
Shiho: Voices. It's just a total banger. The guitar solo is probably my favorite part of the song if I'm being honest. I hope they recommission yuyoyuppe at some point.
Minori: Tenshi no Clover. All her songs are really good, so this was hard to pick. I love energetic idol songs like that and it fits Minori really well. Zenshin zenrei MORE MORE JUMP!
Haruka: IF. rip haruka for not getting her 4th song. I'm not massive on any of her comms to be honest. I do like IF and Float Planner, they're just quite low on my ranking comparatively. Also I keep going back and forth on which one I like more but right now it's IF.
Airi: MORE! JUMP! MORE!. This was my original favorite MMJ song. It's super catchy and fun. Even if the lyrics are nothing to do with the event or Airi, I still think it's a great song.
Shizuku: Metamo Re:born. My favorite MMJ song! Really catchy and has a nice beat to it. I like how 'sparkly' it sounds as well.
Kohane: Hitsuji ga Ippiki. The instrumental is so good, and this is probably one of VBS' best songs vocally. Akina especially sounds amazing.
An: Awake Now. We had to wait so long for this but it was so worth it. Again the instrumental is great and Jiena sounds so good in this song, I love An's solo version. I have this ranked just above Hitsuji on my tierlist lol
Akito: CRaZY. This song made my change my top 5 songs for the first time since spring 2022. It's just so good and all of VBS sounds amazing as always. I also like how it reflects Akito's character development from the event. My favorite rotation 4 song so far.
Toya: RAD DOGS. My original #2 song and current #3. I love the combination between classical and EDM, and HachiojiP did such a good job considering he didn't have any experience with classical. Also the Bad Dogs rap section is so good.
Tsukasa: Mr. Showtime. If I'm being honest I don't usually like showtunes like this a whole lot, they can be very hit or miss for me, but this is very much a hit. Daichan did really well in this song. My favorite part though is the lyrics, I love how Yama used different meanings for certain phrases in parentheses.
Emu: Hoshizora Orchestra or Niccori Chousa-tai no Theme. Again I keep changing my mind and they're pretty much tied for me. I like them for completely different reasons as well; Hoshizora Orchestra is pretty melancholic despite it's cutesy tune, and Niccori is just really fun to listen to.
Nene: Hoshizora no Melody. Easy pick for me, I love the instrumental a whole lot and listened to the preview over and over at the time. Also the lyrics are so good, I love how they tell the entire story of Wandasho and show how much they mean to each other.
Rui: potato ni Natte iku. Still my favourite song in the game, I'm really never moving on from this one. I just really like the instrumental. Showtime Ruler is an incredibly close 2nd place though (really close. guitar solo at the end goes hard and also "I will never feel lonely ever again")
Kanade: Samsa. It's just an amazing song, but I also appreciate how teniwoha managed to connect the novella to Kanade and Mafuyu's story. Probably my favorite song from rotation 3.
Mafuyu: Bug. I know it's a boring choice but it's a good song, it's popular for a reason. Also RUIRUI'S SOLO VERSION. She's such a talented vocalist and is really good at conveying Mafuyu's emotions.
Ena: Kagirinaku Haiiro e. I've actually always liked the instrumental of this one. Also the lyrics fit Ena's story really well. However the final chorus totally steals the show, I loop that part of the song specifically a lot. Favourite Niigo song.
Mizuki: IDSMILE. I actually didn't like this song much at first because it's not the sort of thing I usually like. The lyrics are what got me to like it as much as they do. I've mentioned before that Mizuki is my favorite niigo member, so I'm slighly biased in that regard, but they really struck an emotional chord with me.
If anyone's interested my top 10 is potato ni Natte iku -> Showtime Ruler -> RAD DOGS -> CRaZY -> Beyond the way -> Cinema -> Kagirinaku Haiiro e -> CYBERPUNK DEAD BOY -> IDSMILE -> Gekkou
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covenofthearticulate · 4 months
ASH my love I missed your post last night I'm so glad you're okay!! 🫂🫂🫂
let me see if I can come up with any good vampire thoughts on the fly:
- for armand/lestat/louis I feel like lestat has SO MUCH to learn in terms of being a selfless lover and I guess I’m remembering crimson incarnate again like I do every day of my life, but this time I want lestat to put into practice what he’s learned about putting others’ needs first. and not just sex! I want to see him watching armand to learn how to pamper louis the way louis WANTS to be pampered. I want the three of them in the bath together and for once it’s not The Lestat Show but he’s watching louis and armand bathe each other and he finds in him to ask what he can do too 🤧 he ASKS armand if he’d like a turn in the middle for once
- thinking about louis and daniel, and I just think it would be really sweet if louis became the guy daniel went to whenever he feels like there’s a rift or a miscommunication happening in his relationship with armand (I feel like going to lestat or marius with this one would make it worse). since BOTH louis and daniel are on the fledging side of the equation, there’s a unique common ground here. tl; dr: louis is the post-canon a/d marriage counselor (also it’s so funny bc I know armand and louis commiserate re: lestat and now louis and daniel can commiserate re: armand rip louis my guy does not get a break)
- for armand/louis I’m just imagining louis getting armand’s blood stained filthy love letter and tearing off a rust colored edge and putting it in his mouth like an absolute fucking weirdo so he can have the slightest taste of armand on his tongue as he writes his response (whatever that may be 🫢 )
- for lestat/louis I’m know it doesn’t align with canon since most animals are afraid of vampires and mojo was the exception, but I desperately want them to raise a puppy together! I think they deserve it and I usually imagine louis with cats, but I also think he’d be so sweet with a dog and he’d never stop making comments to it—“you’re just like your papa” when it jumps up and licks his face (papa being lestat)
hope these made you smile and hope you feel better soon babe!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (I apologize for any typos I just drank two energy drinks and I am ZOOMING)
Hi friend I hope you know the reason for the late reply is because I've been keeping this in my inbox like a little locket and I go back to peek at it every time I need inspo or serotonin lmfao but these are all so excellent!!!!!!!!!!
LESTAT WATCHING ARMAND PAMPER LOUIS IN THE BATHTUB HELP I'M DECEASED you're so big brained for this oh my god like Crimson Incarnate was fun and I loved having Lestat watch Armand but I can't believe I never even thought about having Lestat watch Louis! Especially because they don't share the Mind Gift I bet Armand would pull out all the stops just to get Louis to vocalize a little more when he does something he likes :)
And YES I love the idea of Daniel being able to talk to Louis about Armand!!! and even before that like i’m honestly so intrigued by what it would look like when Daniel first decides that he’s going to stay with Louis and Armand like how long does it take for them to stop being awkward around one another and what does it look like the very first time that Daniel broaches the subject and asks Louis for advice!!! they have so much baggage between each other but their common ground is Armand 🥺🥺🥺
(also listen……..every day i’m tempted to write a letter from Louis in reply to the Armand letter like my god that shit STILL lives in my head rent free)
nooooooooooooo but i’m gonna fucking CRY at the idea of Loustat raising a puppy together 😭 like Mojo was already full grown when Lestat found him but imagine all the lovely chaos that comes along with raising a little PUPPY!! Louis is the dad who said “Absolutely Not” when Lestat showed up one night with a little dusty stray and then two days later Louis is planted on the sofa with the puppy curled up on his chest and he refuses to let Lestat anywhere near them LMAO (also just think of all the bittersweet ANGST of the two of them living together and co-parenting again and healing but also still being incredibly traumatized after Claudia aaaaaahhhhhhhh)
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Ok but imagine a more casual tomboy reader losing abet with Eddie and having to wear the cheer uniform and Eddie fucking losing it and x finding it so hot. He doesn’t want you to change who you are. He just sees it as a role play sort of thing
I don't usually receive requests, but this came into my inbox at the right time! Hopefully I did it justice!
Cheerleader Spirit
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Word Count:714
Warnings:Teasing, Allusions/Beginnings of smut, 18+ just to be sure, Uniform kink, (kind of, Eddie likes reader in the cheer-leading outfit), Dry Humping, don't think I'm missing anything but let me know if you do want something tagged.
Eddie x Cheerleader Masterlist
A bet's a bet. And it was one that you’d lost quite spectacularly, after a game of poker with Eddie had not gone the way you had hoped. Whilst you considered yourself not that bad at the aforementioned card game, Eddie had proved that night to be ever so slightly better than you. Presenting his winning hand of a straight flush of clubs.
So that led you to where you were now.
Holding up on your end of the bet, at Eddie’s request, he had very graciously provided you with an outfit to put on. But this wasn’t just any outfit, oh no. This was a Hawkin’s green, white and gold cheerleader’s uniform. Where Eddie got it from you’ll never know.
You had bet one another that the winner could have or do anything that they wanted to the loser, and Eddie had chosen for you to wear the cheer uniform. 
The short pleated skirt and accompanying knee-high socks, could not be further away from your typical style if you tried. Normally more comfortable in an oversized graphic t-shirt featuring a metal band that you and Eddie had a mutual love of, usually pairing it with a pair of ragged ripped jeans and clunky black DMs
Yes, the sweet, innocent look of the high-school cheerleader was not something you were used to seeing look back at you in the bathroom mirror.
“Hey! You gonna come out or what?” Eddie teases from your bedroom “I wanna see what you look like!” he pleads jokingly.
With one final ruffle of your hair you gathered yourself before turning on your heels and making your way out of the bathroom.
“Tada!” you cheered, spinning around to give Eddie the full effect of the outfit on you. The skirt fanned out around you as you twirled.
 Eddie watched wide wide eyes as he took in the sight before him. What had started as a joke, wanting to see you dressed in something completely different to your usual tomboy style, now had Eddie reaching for a stray pillow to place over his crotch and heated flush rising to his cheeks.
"You can't be serious" you said with scoff, eyeing your boyfriend from across the room.
"What?" Eddie replies, trying to hide the nervous crack in his voice. 
"This cheerleading get-up is really doing it for you, huh?" You smirk, nodding your head towards his strategically placed pillow.
"Alright you got me!" He says, removing the pillow from his lap and making his way towards you. 
"I don't know what it is, just seeing you in this short skirt…it's different, y'know?" Eddie shrugs. "I love seeing you in your own clothes, you know I do, but there's just something about this little outfit that's getting me going" he tells you honestly, kissing his lips against the crook of your neck.
'Well, perhaps you can show me how much you like the uniform.." you offer with a sly smile, tugging him by the hand before gently pushing him back down on the bed and straddling the spread of his thighs.
Eddie wastes no time in settling his hands over the curve of your ass in the skirt, his lips curving up into a cheeky grin.
"Come on then, you're the cheerleader, show me your best moves" Eddie smirks, using his hands to encourage you to roll your hips over the growing bulge underneath his jeans.
You gently reach out to pull his shirt over his head and then push against his chest, getting him to lie his back flat on the bed. Keeping your hands settled over his tatted chest you begin to circle your hips in a slow swivel. 
Rubbing over his jean-covered cock with your pussy, hidden behind the thin layer of your cotton panties, you take the opportunity to lean forward and capture his lips in a deep kiss. 
You pull back, your lips connected by a string of saliva, as you do.
"Just remember, this whole costume thing was your idea, alright. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself in to" you tease, raising an eyebrow at him.
His large ring-adorned hand delivers a playful spank to your ass, before he chuckles confidently.
"What are you waiting for, Sugar? Show me some of that cheerleader spirit.."
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macfrog · 1 year
I may or may not have re read the whole dbf series bestie… I am severely missing dbf joel… can we get another snippet 🧎🏻‍♀️
i know i know i'm sorry i promise he's coming back soon i miss him too
i'm going to see oppenheimer later so i'm not gonna get much writing done tonight, but i swear to u he will be in your hands by monday. and if not, y'all can spam my inbox w threats until i post ok? ok
pls accept this snippet as an apology for my procrastination
"In one fluid movement, you’re over his knee. Thighs digging into your stomach, face hovering over the soft carpet. Your hands grip his calf to hold onto something – anything – as he pulls the hem of your dress up so roughly, you’re sure he’s ripped it.
“You want to act like a brat?” he asks, and you smile, feeling his hand run from the back of your knee up your thigh, coming to rest on your ass. “Get treated like one.”
The first time his huge palm slaps against your skin, your mind blanks. The sharp sting, Joel’s grunt as his hand comes down on you. The way your body jerks, and the whine you let slip as it does. The throb when he lifts his hand, the cold air hissing against your heated skin.
He’s fucking – he’s…He has you in an empty hotel room, door unlocked, entire lobby of people downstairs. Over his knee, skirt hiked to your waist, spanking you. Hard.
And then you realize. You fucking like this."
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serene-sun · 1 year
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𝕸𝖞 𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 🪽
(Kinktober days 4-6, DOMSUB/OMEGA VERSE)
Pairing: Cardinal copia x cirrus x cumulus
Warnings: shit uhhhhh ALLOT, pussy eating, why am I putting a warning…yiur gonna love it anyways you sluts
A/n: first time writing omegaverse so I'm very sorry if you cringe! Remember that these three days will be discussion over this topic…inbox is open and anon is an option!
“My sweet…innocent angels. You have never upset your Cardinal, ever.” Copia clicked his tongue, his shoe tapping the pink rug. He had his hand on his hip and his eyes looking down on the two girls menacingly.
“But today I am very displeased with the two of you!” He exclaimed as he huffed. His hand gripped the magazine harder, the pages bunching up and almost ripping.
Cirrus and Cumulus were sitting on the floor of their shared room amongst what was left of a successful slumber party. The sisters of sin were already off to bed before Copia angrily knocked on the door and came to confront them.
“What were you thinking? Having such blasphemy?” Copia ranted, “And to be reading it amongst sisters of sin?”
Cirrus had taken it from Aether and mountains room while searching for a certain item. Her eyes lit up when she found it tucked away under mountains pillow, it smelt like both ghouls.
They had so much fun looking at each page with the siblings of sin at their sleepovers until it went missing one minute and then the other copia was there with it in his hand.
“We’re sorry papa.” Cumulus guiltily apologized.
“The truth is…sodo placed it under our pillows and we didn’t know what to do.” Cirrus lied, she knew Sodo was just too good of a target to ignore.
Copia hummed, and he began flipping through the pages. “And how do these images make you feel, girls?” He asked with his rich voice.
Cumulus rubbed her thighs together at the question, “Good.” He breathed out.
Cirrus took a deep breath, that heated feeling in her abdomen made her chest feel cold. She puffed up some, making her breasts more visible, “wet.”
“I see.” Copia examined the ghoulettes with his one white eye, “I suppose, since you told the truth, you deserve a reward.”
The two girls looked at each other before looking back at Copia.
“Both of you, take off your clothes and give me your panties,” Copia instructed firmly as he took off his belt.
Cumulus followed, she took off her lace bra and her silky red panties. She folded them nicely before Copia took them and shoved them into his pocket.
Cirrus discarded her baby doll lingerie before she handed him the black lace panties that joined the other pair.
Copia admired both of their naked forms with a smirk, he took off his pants and button-up before letting his cock bob up at the tension.
Cirrus blushed, she kept her thighs close together to hide the seeping heat.
Cumulus gripped her plush thighs, unable to think straight.
“Let your cardinal see those pink pussys hmm?” He said as he got to his knees in front of the girls.
They shared a lustful glance before both ghoulettes spread their legs wide for him.
“Mm, yes this will do nicely.” He said as he took a gloved hand to slide up both of their wet cunts.
Cumulus whimpered as his middle finger sunk into her tight heat. Then Cirrus shared the same energy as her tight hole was prodded at.
“C-Cardinal.” The girls whined as he added another finger and began thrusting in and out of their wet holes quickly.
His two fingers glazed over their tight squishy walls as they brushed against their cervix. His thumb trailed up to push down on their aching clits. The hood pushed back against their groin at the friction. Their soft trimmed hair smoothed over his soaking-wet gloves.
The man started quickening his pace as he watched their breasts bounce with every push on their body.
Cumulus clenched on his two fingers, hot liquid squirting out of her cunt. It made a beautiful scene as it painted his glove with white glossy female cum.
Cirrus watched in agony, her orgasm washing over her as he fingered her.
The room was almost foggy with hot breath as Copia took off his gloves. He laid them to the side as he grabbed his erection and started grinding it against the ghoulettes cheek.
“Did that magazine make you realize how powerless and small you are?” Copia chimed as his tip pushed against Cumulus’s lips.
The girl nodded, her clit twitching. “I needed someone….some.” She tried to speak before Copia cut her off by shoving his thick girth deep into her wet cavern. “An alpha? Someone to ease those pitiful mating calls?” He answered her.
Cirrus crawled above cumulus and Copia began lapping up the arousal dripping from her cunt.
Both girls shrieked.
Cumulus wrapped her long forked tongue around his base before using it to jerk his cock off in her mouth.
Copias lips wrapped around her clit, and he sucked on it harshly until she was squirming around. He then used his hands to spread her gaping hole, he kissed her opening before thrusting his tongue inside.
Cumulus licked the tip of his cock before she softly gagged as he pushed it deeper down her throat. His tip was a little passed the back of her throat as her mouth was full of his cock. She felt his heavy balls against her chin, and his strong cologne filled her senses as her nose met his bushy hair.
Cirrus bit her lip, and Copia's tongue went back to her clit as it circled the hard bud. His tongue danced with her clit as he used his two fingers to push back her hood.
Her hands buried themselves in his slicked-back hair as her thighs met his cheeks. “I’m so close.” She mumbled.
Cumulus licked up his length again before his tip released his hot sperm down her throat. She struggled to breathe until he leaned back. She sucked on his cock, milking every drop of that much-needed arousal. When Copia pulled out of her mouth, his erection let a few more drops spill onto her soft cheeks.
Cirrus gasped as she felt her second orgasm spasm across her body. Her cum was quickly licked up by Copia as he swallowed it with a smile, “My good girl's pussy, always so delicious.” He grinned, arousal slicking up his mustache and sideburns.
Copia leaned back, grabbed his base, and tapped it against Cumulus’s lips one more time as more droplets of cum coated her pink lips.
“Does your cunt still need more pleasure?” He growled into her ear as he licked up her neck, “Or do you still need a male to mate you?”
Cumulus shook her head, she whimpered at the sound of his voice.
Copia groaned, “My sweet angels, always so good for their master. No magazine can ease that burden of heat, can it?”
“My sweet innocent angels.”
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mikareo · 10 months
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ post of gratitude ! <3
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⊹ ⠀⠀ hi guys! on my old blog, i'd make a post every november to spread gratitude for the mutuals i interact w most n wanted to carry that tradition onto this blog! ily all and hope that your day was wonderful today (unless ur a nanami stan bc that was rlly rough im so sorry abt that ep ajskl)
psa; if u weren't tagged in this post, pls know that i appreciate u very much and would love to interact w u more!! msg me anytime n i'll try my best to visit ur inbox in the near future!
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꒰ . . to my readers ꒱
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ thank u so much for supporting my work by reading, liking, sharing, or commenting on any of my writing! i love reading through reblogs and seeing what u guys think of my ideas,, it's so motivating n i appreciate it so much like omg sometimes u got my kickin my feet reading thru ur comments ajskl i hope to post quality content for ur enjoyment n i luv u all,, much more to come as time goes on !!!
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꒰ . . to my mutuals ꒱ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᯇ in alphabetical order
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⌗ @chigirizzz ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi val! just wanted to say that i love how supportive u are of other creators on the site,, i feel like whenever i see u on the dash ur always hyping someone up or making their day brighter! ALSO i cant believe u also know the voltage otome games bc i feel like i'm crazy sometimes bc no one know what they are LMFAO i hope u had an amazing day !!!
⌗ @doobea ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ dooby!!! i love the bright energy u bring to my dash n i think ur absolutely gorgeous (u ate that choso costume up omg ajskdlf) ur always such a pleasure to interact w n i think ur writing is amazing,, i rlly need to just binge it all one night ESP the choso fics u post bc ur writing rlly captures how much u love him LOL my fav choso worshipper <3 hope yall get married!
⌗ @hesthermay ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi pookie teehee,, i haven't answered ur text yet bc i was trying to figure out how to fry chicken (3 of them were raw ajsklf) but i will after i post this lol. ilyvm and i can't wait for u to stay w me,, i'm gonna take u to the mall n treat u to some canes chicken fingers *heart eyes* (i'm typing on my laptop forgive me) you've been w me since my org blog from sept 2020 n i act can't believe how long we've known each other now (3 years!) ur so old like ur my granny but that's ok bc ur my favorite granny ever,, sorry for violating u #ageism is not okay,, i miss u so much n i miss ur bf bc ur my mom n dad (legally) i even miss ur roommate who i actually can't rlly remember the name of but that's not the point i'm trying to make so forget i said that part,, i definitely know his name!!! also i decided that kingsley is my favorite dog u have bc he's tiny n reminds me of my doggie,, luv ya! text u in a bit!
⌗ @itadorey ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ omg hi inez, remember these? no u probably don't bc i got rlly lazy w my blog in the late days (rip aitarose) i love all of the tiktoks u send me n i love ur instagram stories bc they make me laugh n i love how much u love snoopy,, he's literally my idol n there are so many statues of him in my city it's so funny n they always make me think of u. ur my yung gravy queen,, i love u so much n i'm so glad hq tumblr let me meet u even tho it was lowkey traumatizing (yikes) our mudae days were so fun,, esp the night i let that person put the roleplay bot into my server jkals so grateful for u !!!
⌗ @kitorin ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hiiii souta!!!! i just wanted to say that i LOVE seeing u comment first on my writing posts,, like it motivates me so much bc i know i have such a large support system coming from u n ur so sweet n talented AJSJJJ u were (i think?) my first new mutual on this blog when i first made it,, n you've made coming back to tumblr such a welcoming n amazing experience! i'm so grateful to be ur mutual n i hope you've had an absolutely amazing day!
⌗ @mymegumi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ firstly BITCH ANSWER MY TEXT. secondly, happy thanksgiving! <3 wish we were spending it together but distance is real n it hates us :( miss u and can't wait to see u whenever that is lmfao like whenever plane tickets decide to stop being so expensive,, so glad we aren't beefing anymore haha that was so silly of us... anyways... whenever i do see u, i'm going to give u a big hug n then we're going to gossip abt everything that's happened since we were last together n it's going to be great bc i'm going to make u watch twice videos n ur gonna love them as much as i do bc i'm ur sister n u have no choice but to love what i love! hahaha... i love you so much n i'm so glad ur my sister #meimei n jiajia 4ever <- that's actually approved by me n that's all that matters bc i'm actually the president of the world and ur my favorite person on it jaklsdf ANSWER MY TEXT BITCH
⌗ @pokkomi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ chiu u r genuinely one of the most positive ppl i've ever met on tumblr n i love u sm for it like jaskdlfjdkl u always make my day when u reblog a post n reading ur tags is so heartwarming n it makes me want to write a million more pieces just to see what u think of them,, ur theme is absolutely adorable n i love ur alpha wolf pfp bc it's so funny n i was literally giggling when u were answering asks abt it n i saw them on my dash,, i hope that every day is an amazing day for u n if u ever need anything u can come in my pms to chat or my inbox (i will def be saying hi later in urs LOL) have an amazing amazing day n i can't wait for u to post any kind of writing in the future!
⌗ @rewh0re ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ hi hana!!! i'm so glad u popped into my inbox n said hi bc i always saw u interacting w ppl on the dash n i was too nervous to say hi jakfsdlkl i love interacting w u n talking abt whatever n whenever in inboxes or replies,, ur username always makes me giggle n i love it so much (i always read it as 'reo whore' for some reason asjfdkl but i love it) i send ur kuroo fics to my kuroo stan friend n she eats them up,, ur writing style is so beautiful n emotional,, i love the way u structure ur plots w metaphors n repetition n symbolism n everything u put into ur hard work it's all so amazing,, wishing u the very best day tmr ever!
⌗ @wishmemel ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAFI!!!! ik i alr said it but it never hurts to hear a million times n more! i associate u sm w sanrio like idk if mymelo is ur favorite but in my head u r the real life her ajsfkl,, ur so sweet n genuine i love interacting w u n seeing u all over my dash,, I HOPE UR BIRTHDAY WAS AMAZING !!!! ... fixing this bc im screaming bc i can't believe i mixed that up omg... anyways... LUV U
⌗ @yoisami ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ OKAY FIRST i literally LOVE ur theme like it's so cute n so fitting to ur personality i love it sm ajsfkdl saki ur so sweet n i'm so glad we're mutuals bc i always look forwards to seeing u on my dash or going to ur inbox (which i'm lacking on rn but i promise i'll visit it more soon jaskdl!!!!) the way u support ff writing on tumblr is so amazing w ur reblogs n tags,, n i look foward to reading more of ur writing in the future (hopefully i can live up to ur sweet tags!) !!! have an amazing amazing day saki !!!!!!
⌗ @y2kuromi ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ screaming bc i got ur bday mixed up w another mutual but HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN LMFAO !!!! i hope that ur day was so amazing n that i'm not getting this wrong again (SORRY SAFI) !!! mimi ur so nice i'm like giggling so hard rn im so sorry,, happy happy birthday hope it was amazing!
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⌗ all of my other loves <3 ₊ ˖ ་.
⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ i love being mutuals w all of u n being a part of such a supportive writing community! ur all so talented n ur blogs r beautiful, i hope ur day was absolutely amazing n that we can interact more in the future (i will be invading ur inboxes that's a promise ajfskdl) !!!! happy november!!!
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
hiii omg so sorry i haven't been in your inbox! finals have been sweeping me away, but i've been lurking 👁️👁️ ok so i was listening to my playlists and had some #thoughts, so I shall share them to make up for the time i was gone 🤝😎 ----- I Want to Write You a Song - One Direction
I want to lend you my coat One that's as soft as your cheek So when the world is cold You'll have a hiding place you can go I want to lend you my coat Everything I need I get from you Givin' back is all I wanna do (…) I want to write you a song One to make your heart remember me So any time I'm gone You can listen to my voice and sing along I'm such 1D trash 😭😭 But this was on my yearning playlist (lmao) and I was thinking about how Finnick would 1000% write this song for his sweet girl. Like this is such a simp song (respectfully) and we all know Finnick is so in love with her its SICK ----- In Agreement - Lizzy McAlpine I talk to my friends about you Pretty sure they're tired of hearin' it I say "I met a guy, and he treats me real nice" Which is good for a change I talk to my friends about you And I think they agree my exes weren't always great And I don't really buy into fate But you tell me I'm pretty And you don't ask for too much 'Cause you know and I know That promises sometimes can hurt When it's barely begun And I don't want this to fall through Collapsing is what I'm used to But we're all in agreement This is something I should hold onto (another song on my yearning playlist LMAO) but this is very much sweet girl coded #idk bc this is definitely her inner monologue when she first meets Finnick and they start dating 😭😭😭 AND WITH THAT IN MIND, IT MAKES THE LYRIC "'Cause you know and I know that promises sometimes can hurt when it's barely begun, and I don't want this to fall through. Collapsing is what I'm used to" HURTTTT ----- girl i've always been - Olivia Rodrigo *just the entire song*
No like, walk with me here 🚶‍♀️ because this is definitey something that could've been written by Billy's muse HOWEVER, it can be either about Billy OR, OR!! Eddie. Do we see the vision👁️👁️. For Billy, it's written from the pov of a reader who has a lil kick to her, who's done being the doormat and rips into him after he disrespects her and he's all like "???" For Eddie, it's more from the perspective of a reader who is always gonna pick Billy over Eddie. And she told him this many times. Yet, he still pursues her. And yet, he still get's upset that she always picks Billy. His intentions aren't coming from a good place. Like that one blurb you did about Eddie not being a fully good guy, y'know? I'm not good at explaining things so I hope I'm making sense LMAO ----- BACK TO FINNICK AND HIS SWEET GIRL! Block Me Out - Gracie Abrams
Now I only let me down When there's no one else around I've been thinkin' way too loud I wish that I could block me out I wish that I could block me out, out I think I'm burnin' alive, but nobody sees the fire 'Cause when I open my mouth, I seem to be stuck in silence And I thought of leaving tonight, but I couldn't drive this tired Plus, after all of this time, I should be a pretty crier (😭!!) Wish I were heavier now, I'm floating outside my body It's not their fault, but I've found that none of my friends will call me Until I'm left to myself, it's honestly kind of funny How every voice in my head is trying its best to haunt me This is another sweet girl coded song. This could deffo be applied to her after her games and after she's rescued from the Capitol :(((( ----- Finishing off with a bit of Miss Swift, this one part of Delicate reminds me of Finnick's sweet girl in the last couple of chapters: This ain't for the best My reputation's never been worse, so You must like me for me Where she's finally letting Finn back in and allowing herself to be comfortable with him :') Also, some its and bits of Marjorie also remind me of this fic when I think about it from two perspectives:
The autumn chill that wakes me up You loved the amber skies so much Long limbs and frozen swims You'd always go past where our feet could touch And I complained the whole way there The car ride back and up the stairs I should've asked you questions I should've asked you how to be Asked you to write it down for me Should've kept every grocery store receipt
If I didn't know better I'd think you were still around I know better But I still feel you all around I know better But you're still around
One being Finnick when he's missing the reader while he's in 13 and she's at the Capitol :( (Sometime I remember that part in Chapter 1 of The River where he smells peaches in his oatmeal and starts breaking breaking down, and I cry 🥲) But the other one being the reader thinking about Conway. Even though he tried to kill her, she still reminisces about the best parts of her friendship and can't help but feel the guilt and regret whenever she does. ------ OK HEHE THOSE ARE MY #THOUGHTS 💆‍♀️ I didn't realize how long it's been since i've been in your inbox and it's been WAY TOO LONG! never again 🫡 I love yapping about these things and I love hearing your thoughts about it!! Also, apologies in advance for when Tortured Poets Department comes out bc it'll be the biggest yap session ever once I make a connection between Finnick/Billy and any of the songs -🦅
(sorry this took so long to get to I get so easily distracted and there's an to get through)
you're all good pookie, I hope finals are going good and that you're taking care of yourself babes 💕
finnick odair the type of man to make you a mixtape that's kinda messy and done wrong but you don't care because he's so sweet and you can hear him talking and all the songs that make him think of you, he's such a simp, and so adorable
justice for finnick's sweet girl. she really had so much hope, felt so loved, so in love and had it all torn away from her. she's so giddy to be perceived by someone especially finnick odair and just addicted to him
billy's muse getting annoyed with eddie and giving daisy some lyrics about eddie instead this time bc she's so done with the way he's always being so sweet and comforting and lovey dovey and then trying to convince her to leave billy for him even though she's told him from the start she wouldn't, and he makes her feel so selfish, and cold for it. but "now you're on my case, how could I go? you never dreamed I'd be so cold and, then with venom on your tounge you ask me who I have become" honestly in this case I think billy would love the song because it validates that she'll always pick him, that eddie, although he's a nusciance, isn't a real threat and never had been.
and eddie gets annoyed for a good while and is pissy about it, which is painful for muse because she feels like she's got no one when her and billy argue. but eddie comes crawling back trying to win her over again regardless of how clear she's made it that he never stood a fighting chance.
SIDE NOTE: this song also makes me think of conway and sweet girl especially in that moment during their games when he's realizing everything and says she's changed which she denies. "so don't say that I've been acting different, I'm nothing if I'm not consistent" "I got wrapped up in the game again and you woke up in an empty bed, and I can't say I'm a perfect ten, but I am the girl I've always been"
aaaaa finnick's sweet girl, my poor tortured baby. the crying, the destructing when left with her thoughts, the death wishes, the silent cries for help that really aren't that silent, I want to hold her so bad
and for delicate, finnick's anxiety about not knowing what's not enough and too much for his sweet girl, where is the line? "is it cool that I said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? cause I know that it's delicate."
finnick thinking about how he should've done more, should have paid more attention even though he has her memorized, that somehow he should have savored every moment with her because he can't bear being without her. and the guilt because he wishes he'd supported her more, helped her heal more, he lies awake thinking about how he should've convinced her that life was worth living, that she was worth it because he has no idea what's happening to her now.
AND her thinking about conway, how she should've really paid attention to each tiny detail of their life before the games, each smile, joke, laugh, every damn moment before she destroyed it all. before snow destroyed it all. and she does see him everywhere and try not to break down, the beach they used to play on, the alleys they used to hide in to chat endlessly, their favorite field, favorite swimming hole, everything and it just makes her grieve.
SO REAL AND PLEASE SO I'M SO SO EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM AND I'M ALREADY SEARCHING FOR CONNECTIONS (billy and his muse as my boy only breaks his favorite toys, but daddy I love him, I can fix him (no really I can) I can do it with a broken heart)
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rockitmans · 2 years
Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. I'm gonna write this daily so chapters will probably be short and sweet. Today's song is Lovely Day by Bill Withers.
Warnings: Drunken decision making, unsolicited dick pics
Read on AO3 or below
The Instagram post is obviously a mistake. But in Blaine's defence he was:
very drunk
unwilling to give up a reservation at Di Fara, a booking he'd made nine months previously to guarantee a table for Valentine's Day, and 
clearly losing his mind because of very justifiable reasons and therefore found the whole thing hilarious. At the time. 
It probably would have been fine except Blaine has, at this point, gathered quite a respectable following with his reels of genre bending interpretations of popular songs. There reaches a point where one becomes an actual Influencer and posting dumb shit on the internet stops being a joke between friends and starts being an example of youth culture going off the rails. Or something. He's not even a youth. He's in his late twenties. 
He winces through his hangover as he looks at the post again. He'd gotten Sam, who is an enabler more than anything, to take it. He's shirtless, posing like a total fuck boy with his hair artfully tousled and giving the camera his best sultry expression. An expression that he would never willingly admit to practising in the mirror. It's so cringey he can barely breathe. 
Which is nothing compared to the caption. 
Wanted: Valentine's Day Date
I have reservations for two at Di Fara, but SEBASTIAN decided he was more interested in fucking some guy from the gym than eating the best Italian food in New York. I thought it was weird that he couldn't even pick me up with all the time he was spending at the gym. Your loss SEBASTIAN, I would hate to waste such an amazing dining experience on a rat face LIAR. 
Offering: This hot body. A fully paid meal comprised of aforementioned excellent Italian food. Salvation from a Valentine's Day evening spent Sad and Alone. 
Seeking: A man that is not Sebastian. 
The comment section is flooded of course. There's well over four hundred, a massive number for him, and probably includes some non followers. If he knew it was this easy to manufacture engagement on his posts, he would have done it a long time ago. A quick skim indicates a range of reactions. From sorrow for his break up with Sebastian - who was once a regular on his feed - to hilarity at the nature of the post, to quite sincere sales pitches as to why they should be the one to get the date. 
sebsational94 my name is sebastian but I am not THE sebastian. I would never play you like that boo. can I still qualify? 😇
boooomers Can't believe this is the way we get to see Blaine Anderson shirtless. I am UNWELL
wlfricbea brooo you really be callin out ur man like this omg. rip king seb u will be missed 
cherycool When you say you are offering your hot body, what are we talking here? 👀
tinbd @ cherycool Right? Is Blaine Anderson a Slut? 
sofee.bailey Alexa, play Lovely Day by Bill Withers. Because it's always a lovely day when people take out the TRASH
musicallymotivatedd … still waiting for this cough syrup cover you keep promising 🙄
Blaine's phone buzzes in his hand and he almost drops it out of pure fear. But it's just a message from Tina laughing at him. And then demanding to know why he didn't just ask her to a fancy dinner. Which is a valid point. Blaine has several single friends he could have a fun evening with. But he was drunk on Peach Schnapps, not making functional decisions. He really is a slutty drunk and he literally never learns.
After a moment to psych himself up, he flips to his DMs, which are much worse. He's not particularly stringent with his privacy settings and his inbox is full of chat requests and a LOT of dick pics. As if he's going to pick a date based on the shape of someone's dick. It's exhausting. 
He taps out a message to Tina. 
Blaine: I've never seen so many dicks in my life
Queen T: Sorry can't relate 
She's useless.
Blaine: This isn't funny. I'm in an ocean of dick
Queen T: A sea of penis. A sea-nis if you will
Blaine: I won't
Queen T: Aw Blainey Days. Are you traumatised? I can come and make you some breakfast 
Blaine: Yes please 🥺
Queen T: OMW
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impishtubist · 1 year
Fanfic writer self-appreciation! Answer this, then pass the ask along to your favorite writer, your mutuals, or just someone who needs to answer it. If I were to read one fic of yours that best reveals who you are as a writer, or the one you’re MOST proud of, which fic should I read?
First of all, thank you anon, you have no idea how demoralized I have been lately re: writing and how nice this was to receive <3
I don't normally do self-appreciation stuff, but I took a tour through my fics today on a whim after receiving this ask, and have reached some Conclusions. So you're getting a whole ass essay, buckle up.
I really fucking adore missing-scene fics. I write them the most, and I read them the most. But after taking a tour through my 200+ fics, I think the stories that reveal who I am as a writer the most are actually the long, plotty, post-canon ones.
I happened to re-read my As a Desert in Bloom series yesterday (Star Trek: VOY), which is a post-Endgame Chakotay/Tom fic, and you know what? I rocked it with the world-building and all the OCs, and there was also a good deal of plot there. I normally hate OCs in fics that I'm reading! But I am nothing if not a hypocrite, and they appear in a decent number of my fics.
RIP to the OC I killed off in the second fic of that series, you were my favorite blorbo.
Price of Memory is another one. I count this as post-canon because it takes place 15 years after Timeless (and, er, 12 years after Endgame? Something like that), even though that timeline eventually gets changed. Angsty men falling in love even though they know they're going to change history and erase it all? Hell yeah sign me up! This is another one where I did a bunch of worldbuilding and had a bunch of OCs and a bunch of plot.
In the Bleak Midwinter, A Memory That Never Forgets, and An Age of Silver are all post-canon Sherlock fics that do - you guessed it! A bunch of worldbuilding and have a bunch of OCs and are extremely plotty.
So what I have concluded here is, the fics that most reveal who I am as a writer have lots of plot, lots of OCs, and do a bunch of worldbuilding. Which would explain why my real jam is writing original fiction, and fanfic is just what I do on the side.
Okay this was super interesting and not at all surprising, but in 13 years of writing fanfic, it's something I've literally never thought about. So now I need to go take a break and stare at a wall and contemplate my entire existence.
Thank you for this ask, I'm gonna go put it in some other people's inboxes now 😂
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
Hey everyone, Im gonna assume mama duckling has been getting some very depressive asks lately. Where is Percy, why is Percy not posting, we need to see Percy?!
I understand all of you so much. He has remained silent and as we have discussed many times why, that was the right choice. But I know probably everyone would like a bigger sign of life and would like for him to go out there and pretend like nothing happened. I too think its time for him to "rip off the bandaid" as we speak and face the music. But the truth is that no matter what we believe, what matters is what he feels.
Let me put it into a list for everyone to see. This boy has : been the victim of an online smear campaign, got called a rapist a pedo and a groomer when we all not know he is not one, got made fun of for his appearance. Nude pictures from when he was a legit child, 13 years old, leaked and were shared online and people made fun of his body... he became a victim of sexual abuse himself, do you all realize how messed up that is? people (in the hundreds probably) send him message to kill myself, how his mother should have aborted him and how he is a waste of space and should die. His entire social media likes and history got microanalyzed, so many things he has said or done got twisted into horrible things. His friends and family got harassed. There were petitions to get him fired. Did I miss something? I missed a lot I'm sure.
It has been 3 months, thats it!!!! Some people need a lifetime of therapy to get over what I just listed. Think about it, how would you feel if it happened to you? Would you be ready to face the world so soon? From experience, he has had it rough mental heath wise, no way around it! But slowly, it gets better. What he needs now is support from his fans, friends and patience. GIVE HIM TIME! wtv time he needs. Please dont loose hope and dont be negative. The wait will be worth it, I am sure of it.
And as for duck mom, please don't flood her asks anymore with negativity. Send in positive messages. Im sure she has her own life, work, family, problems to deal with. She's human like all of us! But she's still here supporting Percy whenever and however she can, probably more than any of us do. So be kind to her please, she has done so much! Stop with the gloomy depressive asks and also the asks about Percy's personal stuff. I think its pretty obvious none of his defenders are in the business of spilling his personal info that they most probably don't even know.
be kind and positive everyone please! This will be over at one point and there are many great days ahead! trust that please!
And thanks Ana for all you do xox
Percy is who is important in this story. How he is feeling and how we can better support him. Not us.
We all miss him like crazy because he CHOSE to share his life with us before.
Let’s celebrate him. Show him the love. It’s what I have been trying to do.
And yeah, I’m not in the business of spilling his info. I have shown this day after day here, that if somehow I have information, it won’t leave my hands. It’s a promise I make to everyone who comes to my inbox messages, to every anon that asks me not to share. And it wouldn’t be different with Percy.
So yeah. Thank you duckling. Truly, thank you for your words.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 month
a wee update friendos!
sorry it's a long one rip
I'm gonna try and get back into writing a bit here and there. I do miss writing a lot, but it's just that the ideas I have don't quite correspond with The Rogues in particular or the request I have in my inbox lol
because of this, I have cleaned out a bit of my requests after leaving it for months and I'm sorry to say some of them I had to delete due to just...none of the ideas clicking or I felt like it was too close to something I already wrote before....it is by no means any requester's fault but it's just how the cookie crumbles and that's fine! This is all for fun at the end of the day!
Some of my new posts may have banners and some won't. I mostly write my stories on my phone and a lot of the time a story is done but I get stuck on making a banner for it, and I'm just too impatient for that now lol. I just wanna focus on the writing and post it and just let it ride lol. Maybe if it's a small series or a special ficlet it may get one but don't count on it.
One other thing, I'm definitely considering adding more fandoms to my list of what to write for. I know writing for the Rogues got me started on this blog but it was never my intention to just be a rogue centric blog! So keep an eye out for another update post listing the fandom and characters!
Sooo yeah that's about it! Thanks for reading this long rambling mess...here's a cookie 🍪 stay amazing!
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goldenpinof · 3 months
Hello Kate, I have nobody to talk to about the Tour and you seem nice (I hope I'm not annoying you if yes I'm very sorry please just ignore this)
I would like to go see the TIT (hahah get it) but I am very shy and never talked to anyone on here the idea scares me, also nobody irl know I watch Dip and Pip, taking about my interests also scares me, so I am considering going alone and just doing it for my self and trying to not think abut the time before and after the show were I would just hang out on my own and feel awkward. But the second thing is were to go to, I live somewhere between Frankfurt and Antwerp but the train tickets to Frankfurt are cheaper and I could get back the same night so I could save money on the accommodation, but also Frankfurt Hbf, alone, at night, I don't know I that is a good idea. Also it's my dad's birthday and I really don't want to explain to him why I am traveling to Frankfurt that day, but I also don't really want to see him either. Anyway Thursdays I have Uni and I would miss that if I go to Antwep. So in conclusion most signs point to Frankfurt it will probably be easier to get tickets too because it is not the opening night.
I am sorry I used your inbox to rant about this I guess I wanted to tell someone about my thoughts
since when am i nice? 🥺
rant away anytime. if you want my thoughts on that, here they are in no particular order:
- "nobody irl know i watch dnp" kinda same. if they are not in the phandom or not my brother, nobody really knows. so it's okay, i don't think you need to worry about that.
- a lot of people who will go to the shows are shy and awkward. it doesn't mean that people are not up for saying "hi" to each other or help at the venue if needed. and after the show, it's even easier because everyone has something to say about what just happened. funnily, people who end up sitting next to each other usually talk at least once during the show. also, all these hehe haha... they unite people 🥹 i wish you the easiest experience at the show! i hope you find a new friend, and even if not, it's okay :) i just wish you to have a good time!
- Frankfurt at night, yeah. there's a huge chance some phannies will go to the station after the show as well. so, if you feel like it, listen to what is happening around and stick to the group that is going in the same direction. i am probably not gonna end up in Frankfurt (rip), but i think i know someone who is planning to go. if you want to drop your username, i can connect you two? and i'm sure, closer to the show, there will be more people i know who are going. during the tour everything is changing every day. like, it's chaos, but it's so entertaining 😂 please, don't be scared. having someone to go with doesn't mean you're obligated to spend all the time together. but it might be easier to walk each other to the station, for example.
- you're right about Antwerp being harder to get tickets to. you have a bit of time to decide. i also have no idea how you can explain to your father the reason why you're going to Frankfurt on his bday 😂 if missing uni is easier than coming up with an explanation, then maybe Antwerp isn't a bad choice. it's also the 1st show, it's gonna be so unique, i don't even want to think about it.
i hardly helped, but if you want to message me now or closer to the show, feel free. if you want a company for the show or after the show, it shouldn't be hard to find! and phannies are nice, like, no one is actively trying to mess things up or hurt each other 💖
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chrislaplante · 3 months
Hello! Chris is fantastically written! You are An Icon!
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alright, anon. you didn't ask for this but you're gonna get it anyway. it seems i'm in a mood, so to speak, & imma take this opportunity to let it rip. so here we go: this means a lot. believe it or not. it's easy to throw compliments at random ppl on here, "yell" into someone's inbox & say a billion things that are simply on surface level. tho true, to some extent, we know sometimes things are said to be generally kind. but, whether this was heartfelt or not, i'm taking it as such. it means a lot bc i sometimes have a lot of shit going on in my regular outside-of-the-internet life. like when i first started writing chris, back on his original blog (@inhericurse), i had been dealing with some serious shit & simply needed an escape. i did miss writing, of course. wholeheartedly. but i was honestly looking for a way to tap out now & then. chris had been in the works, in my head, for a while by then & so i took the chance when the perfect fc for him showed up (ty simpkins, in the fifth insidious film, the red door). it was all a coincidence, one which i did not let slip... i must admit, it didn't really start off as much of an outlet as i am now aware it has been. chris has. emotionally, psychologically, all of it. some, old skeletons in my closet. some, newfound messes. all of it, subconsciously working itself out via writing. i thank satan (kidding) every day for it. for the few who have had the patience & have allowed me to express & develop chris into what he's become now for me. both therapy & a way to keep in touch with myself & my creativity. for someone like me, this is immensely important if not vital. anyways. i appreciate this, anon. this & my writing partners. thank you.
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alecjbi · 1 year
79 + hangster (for newest smut prompts)
my god okay i love this one. here's the shower scene we should have gotten (731 words, explicit)
drop a smut prompt in my inbox
Jake wasn't sure what led him to the locker rooms, but there was a pull in his chest telling him to go. Most of the other pilots were in the air with Maverick, leaving only Jake and Bradley on the ground. Bradley had excused himself half an hour ago and Jake was getting bored.
He had wandered the halls for awhile, bored listening to the radio and wanting to find Bradley. He felt like a lost puppy looking for its owner but Jake had to admit that he missed the bickering, hell, even the companionship that Bradley brought him. They weren't friends by any means-- maybe exes was a better word. There was once a time where the two of them shared the same space, where Jake had thought Bradley was the only one for him, but that had passed long ago.
Jake eventually found his way to the locker room, the feeling to go there stronger and stronger the more he wandered. He cracked open the door and heard the shower running, and, oddly, the soft sound of a moan. Jake padded quietly into the shower area, finding the stall that Bradley was in and, holding back a smile, ripped the curtain open.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Bradley yelped, grabbing the shower curtain to cover himself. The air was steamy from the hot water and Jake had to admit that he missed this view, missed Bradley's muscles and skin like he would miss his own arm. A part of him felt missing without Bradley, no matter how much he liked to pretend there wasn't.
"What, were you masturbating?" Jake teased, and Bradley flushed down to his chest. Jake laughed before taking in Bradley more and noticing the shadow cast on the shower curtain, undeniably an erection. It was Jake's turn to blush now. Bradley would still get him hot, he always would. It was just his body's reaction to the man.
"Shut up, you're the one who walked in on a man taking a shower," Bradley said.
Jake shrugged. "I was bored."
Bradley flattened his lips into a fine linen. "So was I."
Jake shifted his weight between his feet for a moment, unsure of what to say in the awkward silence. "Do you want help with that?" Jake asked eventually, unable to meet Bradley's gaze?"
"I mean," Jake said, shrugging, "it doesn't have to mean anything. Don't want you to like, get blue balls or anything."
"You've pretty much killed the erection, Jake," Bradley said, a little bit of teasing creeping into his voice.
"Let me help," Jake said lowly, slipping off his shirt and his pants. Bradley just nodded, seemingly having a similar reaction to Jake getting naked. He let go of the shower curtain and let Jake step into his space. Jake met his eyes for a moment, a deep, chocolate brown, before sinking to his knees.
"Oh, fuck," Bradley said, slipping his hands into Jake's hair as if by instinct. Jake just smirked at him before leaning in and rubbing his hands down Bradley's thighs, sucking a mark onto Bradley's hipbone. He had lied, Bradley's dick was still hard, resting gently against Jake's cheek.
Jake slowly kissed down, burying his face in the hair around Bradley's cock before licking a stripe up the shaft. Bradley's fingers tightened in his hair and Jake let him lead him to suck down his cock, all the way to the hilt in one go. Bradley had always loved Jake's blowjobs and Jake wasn't kidding anyone-- he knew he was good at sucking dick. Bradley's opinion seemingly hadn't changed, the way he was moaning and forcing Jake's head forwards. Jake let him, taking Bradley's cock into his throat as deep as he would go. He would do it for as long as he wanted, just to have Bradley again.
"Fuck, Jake, I'm gonna come," Bradley said after Jake had started bobbing his head, swallowing Bradley down. Jake looked up and met Bradley's eyes, wide, pupils blown as he came, swallowing around him. Bradley's chest was heaving as he panted, trying to catch his breath even as Jake sucked him through the aftershocks. It got to be too much, eventually, and Bradley pushed Jake off of him with weary arms.
"Jesus Christ," Bradley gasped, leaning against the wall of the shower.
Jake just smiled up at him. "Me next?"
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the-raven-dhampir · 1 year
Inbox me; "Kinky..." and I'll generate a number between 1 - 70.
60. Our muses have sex with the intention of never seeing each other after that.
Raven took another look at his Mother's sapphire ring shining back on his finger and smiled, without a reason but deep utter satisfaction. He was handling Jordan Smith like a puppet, wandlessly. The Officer was barely conscious, and that was giving Raven all the time to prepare him for his masterpiece.
A rope coiled around his arms, blocking them behind his back, as Raven made his body fload to position him to stand on an overturned bucket. The wooden container dangerously shook under Jordan's feet, exactly as expected.
Raven directed a noose around his neck and tightened it, although not enough to cut the Officer's breath - yet.
He was still holding him in position with magic, enough for him to take a few step back and admire his artwork. He almost cried at the sublime beauty of it.
Jordan Smith looked even more attractive on display like that: Raven had gotten rid of all his clothes but his underwear, a trickle of blood was still flowing from the base of his neck - Raven couldn't resist! - down to his chest and tum, his skin looked like it was glistening.
Raven bit his lower lip. He had waited for so long for his, he had imagined it so many times he could have easily jerked off to the very scene right there and then. Oh, but he couldn't, Jordan's life was still depending on him and he couldn't let an orgasm blur his mind and let the Other fall.
They were just getting started after all.
He licked his lips and walked back to Jordan unsteadily standing on that shaky support.
"Rennervate" Raven whispered. He didn't have his wand with him, he couldn't even remotely risk Jordan take hold of it. Not that he needed it anyway.
The Officer slowly opened his eyes. With the current arrangement, Raven was barely reaching his shoulders. He was standing right under his face, looking up at him with adoring eyes.
"Rise and shine, Dove." he softly said with a smile.
He didn't let Jordan's body go yet, he wanted the Other to fully understand what had happened, what was happening and what was about to happen.
Once he saw the shock in the Officer's eyes, he broke the spell, letting Jordan stand on his new, precarious podium.
Oh his heartbeat, the scent of panic and fear, his wreath... The room was soundproof, Raven couldn't risk missing his screams and curses with a gag.
When Jordan had taken full conscience of his condition, Raven stood on the very tip of his feet and pecked him close to his lips. Icily. The bucket under Jordan's feet gave a deep noise as shaking under his footing.
"Comfly there, Love? Did you miss me?" Raven asked with a silky voice. "We will play a game now, a very simple one... To save your life, you will have to cum under the touch of a filthy deviated Half-Breed. I want to feel your cum hit the back of my throat." Raven's hands reached Jordan's back, as his face approached his tum and he inhaled deep into the Other's skin. He was already craving to taste the Officer, he was going to make it the best for him. Jordan Smith was pretty enough for Raven to fully enjoy what was about to come. He held the Other's body and licked the blood on his abs up to his chest: it had the bitter exquisite taste of a thousands of bad feelings.
One wrong movement to get away from his touch, and Jordan was going to lose his balance and hang himself in a second. Raven ripped the Other's underwear with his bare hands, he was drying in anticipation.
"I'm gonna blow you now, Jordan. You squirm away from my mouth, and you die."
¦¦ Inspiration below. I had Raven tie Jordan differently though. 😌
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