#I'm happy for you or sorry that happened. meme
muffinsandpages · 1 year
I'm finally caught up with Whale Weekly and by caught up I mean I completely skipped chapter 32. And I'm not ashamed
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emilyaxford · 1 year
all this talk about the titanic exploration sub is just reminding me that most people have a way bigger emotional reaction to strangers’ deaths than i do
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mecharose · 2 years
like what is so actually hilarious I genuinely want someone to explain this to me. cuz like yall clearly have a very different perception of the WTC attacks than I do
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bejoomi · 1 year
next gen part three tracker/plotcall
hi! ah shit here we go again! just like last time, i’m going to write some about what my muses are going to be up to this round and also keep track of everything i have to write–– without gif icons this time because i’m too lazy to make any HAHA but as always, please like this post to plot! i’m going to cap this at three threads per muse for now, but if we can come up with a really fun plot or i feel like i can take it on i may be able to pick up more. we’ll see! anyway onto the state of the gremlins:
joomi is, once again, going thru it and will likely cry day one again, for entirely different reasons than last time. he is not upset about falling in rank or getting told his performance was bad (in fact he is very surprised he’s not last) but instead he’s emotional because the judges said they’re cheering for him. joomi has had a very hard life that included a lot of neglect and abuse and generally not being shown any positive attention so the idea of people supporting him so much even though he made mistakes is incredibly foreign and overwhelming. the good news is that now he doesn’t want to quit! he still doesn’t really want to be an idol, but he wants to do his best on next gen so the judges don’t feel like they misplaced their faith in him. after he gets the initial emotions out of his system and isn’t so overwhelmed anymore, he’ll be ready to get to work, and he’s a lot more confident in his singing. granted, joomi doesn’t have that much confidence at all, but it’s growing! he will gladly help anyone with their singing that asks for it/needs it, even if he feels deeply unqualified to do so, given he has very little musical training outside of piano. he also knows basically nothing about kpop but by a stroke of luck or divine intervention, i actually headcanoned that the only kpop he really listens to is wannabe’s taeyeon equivalent, and he’ll be performing one of her songs! so he already knows it, which also comes as a huge comfort. i wouldn’t say he’ll be relaxed, but he certainly feels a lot better now than he did preparing for last episode.  that being said, he is not excited for the mcountdown performance at all and could probably use some additional help there, though honestly, nobody should expect him to do particularly well. he is just praying they put him in the back.
nayoung is tbh pissed she didn’t rank higher. she thinks she put on a better performance and/or is more skilled than most of the people above her (this does not reflect the mun’s opinion i promise asdfasdgsdg) she Really wanted top five and i think she is feeling a bit insecure...because she felt like last round was Made for her, and if she can’t be center from that, can she do this at all? she Refuses to let that show though, she will be as cold and steely as ever. she got compared to being as scary as bom on the episode and she’s honestly kind of proud of that LMAO but the judges also told her to be nicer HAHA so she will be trying to do that. she won’t necessarily be Nice...she just won’t be as harsh...she will happily help everyone though, especially her team members, but expect her to lowkey function like a drill sergeant. dancing is nayoung’s specialty, but she prides herself on being able to succeed at any skill asked of her, so she’s eager to prove she’s a good rapper too! she will be practicing hard as always but since she saw some contestants get scolded for not taking care of themselves on the episode she won’t push as hard this week.
TEAM THREAD: @eunkyungxbe & @behyejin (6/6) ✓ MCOUNTDOWN THREAD: @behaein (4/4) ✓ ADDITIONAL THREAD: @bejun (2/4) PERFORMANCE SOLO: incomplete INTERVIEW SOLO: incomplete
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emometalhead · 2 years
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lizzieisright · 2 months
If your requests are open, how about Omega!Abby and Alpha!reader where they mark and scent eachother? :D
Thank youu
thank you so much! I call this one "All The Times When Ellie Williams Questioned If She Still Wanted To Be Friends With Abby" ft. Abby's alpha.
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, there's some smut. 1.3k words.
Ellie Williams is the biggest victim of your relationship. She thinks she has a right for moral compensation for what she has to put up with, because you two are disgusting. 
(She is jealous)
It starts innocently enough: Abby texts her about how cute you’re and how you scented her totally by accident. Ellie rolls her eyes, but smiles and sends Abby a meme.
The first time when you scent Abby it happens unconsciously. You're hugging goodbye after one of your dates, and as you put your head on Abby's shoulder, you nuzzle into her neck. Abby freezes, while you get confused. And then it dawns on you.
“Oh god.” You say, horrified. Abby is blushing, shocked, but she doesn't smell bad. “Oh god, I'm sorry.”
“It's- it's okay.” Abby says as she touches her neck. She can smell how your scents mixed and it makes her feel giddy. “I like it.”
You grin widely and toy with Abby's fingers, like a lovesick idiot. Abby doesn't reciprocate, and yeah, maybe it hurts your feelings a bit, you don't say anything. Abby is not obligated to scent you back. 
Then it goes to: "I scented her back today and she looked so happy!!" Which is great to know, but Ellie's lonely ass doesn't want to read it right after she embarrassed herself in front of Dina.
When Abby still doesn't reciprocate after the third time you scented her, you start worrying. So you talk to her. 
“Do you want me to stop scenting you? You don't smell uncomfortable, but-” Abby looks at you with wide eyes, probably panicking. “Fuck, I should've asked before I did it, I'm such an idiot.” 
Abby panics more and grips your hands tightly. 
“I like it. Don't stop, please. And you don't need to ask.” Abby smiles gently and you turn into a puddle. Then Abby frowns. “I guess I feel embarrassed, you know- Because my scent is so weak. That's why I don't scent you back.”
You blink. And blink again. It's true, Abby doesn't have the most suffocating scent, not sharp vanilla or god forbid, lilies, but once you know how Abby smells, you can always catch it. And to you it doesn't matter - you smell her on yourself, and this is all you need. Just have a piece of her on you, comforting you.
“I love your scent.” You say and Abby's pheromones burst. “I want your scent on me.” 
Abby smiles, happy to hear it, happy to be enough for you. Then she shyly moves closer and nuzzles into your neck too, making your knees wobble. Your scents mix perfectly. 
It becomes quite a common ritual for you: you nuzzle each other when you cuddle, when Abby sits on your lap, when you sit on her lap, you always bury your noses in each other's scent glands. It's safe and soothing, and makes you both feel like you belong to each other, comforting and protective. And Ellie understands that - it’s cute. You two are cute, and she is very happy for Abby, especially since you look like you genuinely believe the sun shines out of Abby’s ass. So she keeps her teasing to herself and lets you two enjoy each other.
Then one day Dina tells Ellie how scary you are when you get territorial and Ellie thinks she will kill you, but then Dina asks if it’s true that Ellie broke Owen’s wrist for cheating on Abby and Ellie’s bloodthirst subsides.
You can't help it, you hate when other alphas look at Abby and fucking sniff her. She is yours. Abby finds it endearing, because she is so not scared of you, you're safe, but she starts to notice how other alphas turn away when your scent gets stronger. She doesn't piece it together until Dina points it out, when your alpha presence affects her alpha presence.
“You make her so fucking scary, Abby.” Dina laughs while you stare down yet another alpha, radiating aggression. “One day she is going to rip someone to shreds for you.”
Again, Abby would laugh, but she knows alphas are more than capable of doing it. Abby tells Dina about what happened to Owen when he cheated on her and Dina smirks, while her scent changes to attraction. Abby grins, knowing that she just made Ellie look more appealing in Dina's eyes. 
Ellie can live with that. She understands, she also gets jealous easily, and it is hilarious watching you get all over Abby without even realising it.
You get possessive unconsciously: you see an alpha staring at Abby and you wrap your arms around her, rubbing your cheek over her neck, making sure your scents are mixed, and Abby giggles. 
“What are you doing?” She asks and you freeze like a deer, your arms locked around her. 
“I-um.” What are you supposed to say? Sorry, this guy was looking at you so I claimed you? 
“Yeah?” Abby keeps teasing you and you bite her shoulder lightly. 
“This guy was looking at you so I claimed you.” You admit and Abby laughs. 
“Oh, I needed that.” Abby says, taking a breath after laughing at you. “Silly, silly alpha.” 
You huff, but when Abby kisses you, you melt. 
But then you stare her down and honestly, Ellie feels like challenging you out of pure fucking spite. She obviously doesn’t - first of all, because she understands, second of all, because unlike weakass Owen, you will kick her ass. Abby is fucking glowing and Ellie swallows her pride for the sake of her friend’s happiness. 
When Ellie gets “you know I just realised that she is MY alpha. like. she is *mine*. it do be crazy out there” Ellie doesn’t expect to see you next day with two hickeys on your neck and a lovesick grin. Abby looks embarrassed and Ellie makes fun of her for it, but then you growl at her and Ellie starts making fun of you for being so whipped. (she never mentions that you’re wearing marks and not Abby, she is not an asshole).
Abby doesn't use scenting as a form of claiming you, because she thinks her scent is not strong enough. She much prefers to scent you in order to soothe you, especially when you're stressed, because it calms you down, but when Abby gets territorial, she leaves marks. 
It happens for the first time before you two have sex, but you're already getting handsy with each other. You're making out on your couch and Abby smells your arousal, feels your hard-on against her thigh, and you whine so prettily into her mouth when she grinds against you. 
Abby suddenly feels so possessive - she wants to claim you, she wants everyone to know you're hers, and her kisses become rough. You whine when she starts kissing your jaw and then moves to your neck, licking your scent glands with her hot tongue. 
“Fuck, I'm gonna-” Abby sucks a bruise on your neck, just under your scent glands, and you cum, wetting your pants. “Fuck, holy shit- Abby-” You keep whining and Abby growls, sucking another hickey. “Holy shit, baby-” 
She leaves your neck alone and bites your collarbone. Your eyes become red and Abby whines herself when your thick alpha presence starts filling her nose. She pants into your neck, too turned on, and you grip her waist tighter. 
“Please.” Abby begs and you push your hands down her pants, rubbing her clit. “Yes, fuck, right there- fuck!” 
She is so pretty when she cums. 
And okay, it’s all cool. Ellie is cool with everything. But she fucking hates your ruts. Not only it reminds her of her own loneliness, but it also turns you into a fucking idiot. It’s unbecoming.  You’re smart and funny and Ellie, despite her complaints, is actually fond of you. You’ve become one of her closest friends, since when she was really stressed out about Dina and being in love with another alpha, you’ve never judged her and helped her through it. But your ruts come and Ellie wishes she could strangle you.
You're close to your rut, Abby is supposed to study with Ellie in the evening, and your monkey brain needs to make it clear that Abby is yours, even though you know Ellie is not a threat. You actually like her, she is cool and keeps your baby safe when you're not around, but alpha instincts can't be really defied. So in the morning you fuck Abby in the shower and suck a hickey near Abby's scent glands when she cums. She doesn't pay attention: you always play with her neck, so it's nothing new.
So when Abby shows up to their usual study session in the library Ellie is appalled. Abby, oblivious as ever, doesn't even notice it, but Ellie can't stop staring at a hickey on Abby's collarbone: she knows why you put it there, you rut-induced jealous moron.
“She marked you?” 
Abby blushes. 
“You have a hickey.” Ellie nods at her collarbone and suddenly the room smells like arousal. “No, you're not getting horny in the library, Anderson. Have some respect.”
Abby blushes harder. 
“I swear to God Abby.” Ellie hisses and Abby laughs, but the smell of arousal goes down. “Keep your alpha in check.”
“Come on, you know I'm worse with the marking than she is.” Abby smiles. “Last time I made a fucking necklace around her neck because Nora hugged her.” 
“Please, I don't want to know.” Ellie whines and Abby laughs, a manic grin forms on her lips.
“Oh, you know what she does when she is in a rut? She rubs her c-”
“Fuck off Abby! I don't need to know!” Ellie groans, tired of her shitty best friend and her shitty alpha and their shitty sex life. 
“Maybe Dina will do it too, you know.”
Ellie blushes and doesn't say anything, too embarrassed to admit that Dina already did. 
“Why am I friends with you? Why am I friends with your girlfriend?” Ellie shakes her head and Abby laughs. 
Ellie thinks you’re the worst when you’re in rut with how possessive you are, but she has to find out the truth the hard way. Abby comes to lunch all grumpy and pouty, and Ellie smells the sour spice of jealousy in her scent. She doesn’t smell hurt, which is great, but it bothers Ellie.
“She got paired for a project with that bitch who always stares at her!” Abby bursts and Ellie nods. She knows the bitch - a cute omega from your class who always stands too close to you during student guide’s meetings and looks at you like you hang the stars. You keep your distance, but it doesn’t stop the omega. So Abby is furious.
“Well shit.” Ellie sighs. 
“I’ll kill her.”
“I’m not visiting you in prison.”
It sucks, Ellie knows. She also hates seeing omegas smile at Dina, especially since she is so friendly. But Ellie can’t control other people, and Abby can’t too.
So it turns out, Abby comes up with a creative solution. 
There are moments when Abby scents you to claim you. You know she is upset about Ollie, and you keep trying to soothe her until Abby decides to take the matter in her own hands. 
She pushes you on the bed and strips under your shocked eyes, but you quickly catch up and start taking your own clothes off. You reach for Abby to give her a kiss, but instead she pushes you again until you lie down, and straddles your chest. You grin and wrap your arms around her thighs, tugging her down until Abby sits on your face, her hot cunt suffocating you. It’s heaven. It’s pure heaven. You grip her thighs and eat her out like a woman starved, licking and sucking her clit, lapping at her drooling hole and moaning when you taste her. Abby is whimpering above you, but then she finds herself and grips your hair to yank your head down, holding it one place. 
“Stick your tongue out.” Abby growls and you obey, so turned on by your girlfriend you start humping air.
Abby starts to ride your face aggressively, until your damn eyelashes are wet with her cum and you let her, moaning into her cunt as you get yourself off. Abby starts growling “you’re mine” on every tilt of her hips, her puffy clit twitching on your tongue, and you’re done. You cum and Abby keeps going until her thighs trap you and her slick drowns you while she shakes and whimpers on top of you. 
The next day Ellie, poor unsuspecting Ellie, hugs you hello when you meet her in the morning in a coffee shop, and she catches a very strong scent. Abby’s very strong scent. It’s not the one that she scents you with - it’s something richer, deeper, as if her usual scent of fresh roses was condensed and spilled on your fa-
You have the audacity to laugh when Ellie connects the dots. 
“I hate you both so fucking much. Why do I even bother.” Ellie huffs while you laugh, pleased. “Go wash your fucking face, you stink!” 
But you can only smile, absolutely love-drunk. It's fair to say, Ollie backs off immediately after this.
Of course, eventually Ellie makes peace with it.
(She gets her revenge)
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ofswordsandpens · 4 months
Finale Thoughts
The show stuck the ending far better than I thought it would and when compared to the preceding episodes it knocks it out of the park. That being said, I think because the bar was so low going in, that it makes this episode feel spectacular when really every episode should have done this well, at minimum.
Solo Lessons and Ares Battle
I'm so happy they included the one-on-one training sessions with Luke since its so essential to foreshadowing. I also liked the setting in the woods but why was it like autumn/fall in the flashback lol? However, I think that did unintentionally add a dreamlike quality to the scene which I did really like so whatever I'm here for it.
That being said I do wish these scenes were in episode 2/3 alongside the other chb stuff instead of being a flashback in the finale because it makes it just so on the nose that Luke's the traitor. However, the shot panning from Luke's extended sword to Percy's on the beach ate I can't lie.
Honestly it may have been interesting if they had established some of the solo lessons early on in episode 3 and then done periodic flashbacks to expand on them throughout the series. That way, its not so obvious that Luke's the traitor in the final hour and we also get cool transition shots and establishing that Percy is thinking about what he's learned from his lessons with Luke.
#Relieved that the Ares and Percy fight was not a single sword strike and then cut to black. Glad we had some action. Still think we should've pushed the limits much harder tho.
Oh but Percy's wave did go hard. They actually made the wave much bigger than what happened in the book and now I'm just sitting here wondering why we couldn't see some more of this instead of 10,000 cut to black scenes every time Percy uses his powers.
I wish we had gotten this Ares's reaction from the book when he lost: "The roar that followed made Hades’s earthquake look like a minor event. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide." Show Ares's reaction seemed so anticlimactic in comparison.
And no curse???? huh??
I know Ares was like "we're enemies 4 life now" but the curse and dialogue from the book goes so unbelievably hard: “You have made an enemy, godling. You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware.”
Why couldn't show Ares say that??
Olympus, Zeus, & Poseidon
[Insert aw, she's ugly John Mulaney Meme]
sorry Olympus could've should've been prettier.
Like Olympus in the book felt a lot more wondrous and lush and colorful. But in the show it seemed so dull. Idk if its cause the "war's happening" or whatever it was just bland. a wash of dull-looking cgi and then an instant cut to the Big Palace.
Lance Reddick's Zeus was amazing tho. He had that godly presence I've been waiting for.
And Toby Stephens's Poseidon? oh I loved it.
I especially loved their conversation in greek.
I still wish however they would have done effects on the gods' eyes. Like glowing with energy or something when they get emotional. I felt like I was waiting to see electricity burst from Zeus when he was yelling at Percy.
And so it turns out that the reason why they changed it to Percy missing the deadline in the show was to create a situation in which Poseidon surrenders a war for his son.
And listen, if this scene existed in a vacuum I'd be so here for it. I guess a part of me can't fathom the solstice being anything other than a hard deadline. I enjoy the scene without context, within context I have mixed feelings about it.
But the "do you dream?" convo between Percy and Poseidon. Oh my god no notes. I loved it.
Some more book dialogue that I wish made it: “You did well, Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God.”
Luke's Betrayal
Okay here's where we get some high highs and low lows.
Some things I sincerely liked:
The setting. Fireworks going off in the background. The lantern illuminating the side of Luke's face with the scar. So visually nice.
Luke actively trying to recruit Percy! I've always joked that if Luke was just a little smarter he would have tried to persuade Percy to join his side rather than immediately kill him. And I do like that the show went this direction.
While I do mourn the loss of the scorpion them battling via swords is a great subversion of the sword mentor/mentee dynamic they share. It makes the scene tense and fast pace.
And its all of the above that makes me wonder why we didn't have more of this throughout the show: talking while battling, visually appealing and dynamic settings, unique visuals, etc.
I love how triggered Luke was at Percy's mention of meeting Hermes. I still hate how much Hermes introduction bogged down the show but damn if it didn't lead to one singular funny moment.
Percy getting a hit in on Luke and then immediately apologizing
"I didn't think you'd give the shoes to Grover." Oh that was cold.
Walker and Charlie deserve their flowers and more they were fantastic and carried.
Now things I DIDN'T like:
I don't like how Percy pieced it together with the information he did have... which honestly isn't a lot in the show? If he was going to figure out that Luke was the traitor I would've have had Luke show more of his bitterness like he did in the book. Like the fact the show never even mentioned Luke's failed his quest loses the entire element of Percy succeeding an "impossible" quest and being celebrated while Luke only got a scar and a chip on his shoulder from his failed one.
Luke's scar shoulda been worse idc.
Percy should have been mortally wounded. That's where we run into an issue with there being no scorpion because yeah, a fatal sword injury probably would've been a bit much to depict. I also 10000% think that Luke is enough of a baby to get his daddy issues triggered and then try to off Percy for it even if his original intention was to recruit him.
Also the fact that you see Luke raise his sword for a damning blow and then the very next day you have Percy like "I don't think Luke was trying to kill me." and Chiron agreeing? asdlkfjsdlkf WRONG.
Also, sorry, I don't like that Annabeth was there.
But if you're gonna have Annabeth there, her reaction to Luke betraying her and trying to hurt Percy should've been way more severe than a solemn "I heard everything."
She shoulda been crying, questioning, yelling even if she had suspected him. It's one thing to suspect it, it's another to see the person you consider your family to actually prove it true.
(And this isn't on Leah! It's 100% on the directors cause what was the thought process here? Her brother figure betrays her and she's like :/)
And sure, in the book Annabeth isn't actually all that surprised by Luke's betrayal when Percy tells her about it... but we also never got to see her initial reaction to it. Percy was out for 2 days.
Just, if book Annabeth had been there, she would've been so emotional and that's okay!! let Leah show off her chops!
I mourn book Sally. I mourn her arc. I mourn the power of Sally unapologetically petrifying Gabe with Medusa's head.
One of the most iconic storylines from the book and it was sanitized in the show to the point that it lost all sense and meaning.
Honestly one of the biggest disappointments of the show for me.
I love the fact that a flower is the searcher's license for satyrs its just so silly and sweet.
I love Annabeth sincerely hugging Percy but also using it for strategizing purposes it feels very on point for her.
Also her braids at the end!! so sweet!
I am very very bitter that Percy didn't see the fates. This + the changes made to Sally's characterization and arc... the show truly doesn't get it.
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 11 months
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Saw this meme and iiiiii did a thing... a steddie thing... obviously
( Eddie has a small dick in this if you don't like it don't read it. We support small dick supremacy in this house thank you for your time. 😊 )
I'm picturing them at a bar. I wanna say maybe Steve is the bar tender, and he's been seeing Eddie around. He comes in. Talks a little, he's kinda quiet. Like he's stuck in his head, like he comes there to think. He's always scribbling things on napkins. Steve thinks they might be song lyrics, the way Eddie hums and taps his fingers as he writes.
But Steve obviously sees him looking at him sometimes. It's a gay bar, it happens, but Eddie doesn't leer at him, or chat him up in that way. It's always just friendly conversation.
Steve kind of loves it. Loves being able to just chat and not worry about getting stalked out to his car by a creep. And then one day some drunk dude is hitting on Eddie HARD. Leaning into him and grabbing at his arm and just when Steve is about to say something the guy actually says the words,
"how big is that dick?" Like... in real life. Out loud. And grabs for Eddie's thigh, and Steve watches Eddie catch his wrist, easy, watches him shove the guys hand back at him, saying,
"small. Leave me alone." Without even looking at him. And Steve fucking barks a laugh because that was... fucking hilarious. But also... kinda hot. Like, he's known he likes Eddie for awhile but seeing someone come on to him had sealed the deal, jealousy crawling over his skin, but then seeing Eddie shut it down, in the funniest fucking way Steve had ever seen, had just slammed it into place.
The guy scowls, says something rude, and stalks off. But Eddie is looking at Steve cuz he's still chuckling. Doing that cough thing like he's trying to cover it up but the laugh is still extremely prominent through the coughing. And Eddie watches him with raised eyebrows cuz like... damn okay. Cute bar tender thinks he's funny. And Steve is like,
"Sorry man. That was just, fuckin hilarious. Not the guy grabbing you, obviously, just, how you delt with it. Like that was... the best thing I've seen in awhile. Just... just sayin." He shakes his head to stop himself rambling more, he needs more friends to hangout with besides Robin, she's rubbing off on him. So he just reaches into the cooler and grabs Eddie his usual beer, slides it over the bartop to him, tells him it's on the house.
"Thanks." Is all Eddie says, but he looks happy, small smile still on his face.
And when the bar's closing, and Eddie is still there, just idly talking to Steve all night. Steve takes a chance. Says some cheesey line about letting Eddie walk him home. And Eddie flushes red to his ears but nods, takes the last sip of his beer and helps Steve flip the chairs onto the tables so he can do a quick sweep. Steve's locking the door when he hears Eddie clear his throat awkwardly, like he wants to say something. Steve looks at him, waits.
"I uh... look I know you thought I was being funny... earlier." Eddie scratches his head, nods into the bar. Steve nods, lets him continue.
"But I uh- I was also being serious?" He grimaces, eyes on the ground.
"So if that's like... a deal breaker? That's- that's totally okay. I just uh... I dont know. Thought I should maybe warn you before- before anything...happens?" His eyes widen and he takes a step back.
"Not that anything was gonna happen! Like I wasn't expecting... THAT. I just... oh my god I don't know. People can be assholes about small dicks so I just wanted to be up-front about it in case you thought I was kidding when I told that guy that. Cuz I was being serious and I'm gonna stop talking. Jesus christ." He breathes the last part, shaking his head at himself, his face twisted in what looks like pain. Steve thinks he's fucking adorable.
He steps closer, puts his hands on Eddie's hips and pushes him gently against the brickwall of the bar. Rests his head against Eddie's as he laughs a little, Steve's fingers pressing into his hips tickling a bit.
"I don't care. Honestly I uh..." he pauses, pulls back to look at Eddie, his eyes are wide, his cheeks are a deep pink now.
"I was kinda hopin you weren't kidding." Steve tilts his head, smirks at Eddie, just a little. A light smirk. Not the full thing, doesn't wanna overwhelme him. Yet. Eddie sucks in air, blinks at him.
"Oh. Yeah?" He asks, his voice breathy, pitched higher than usual. Steve nods, sinks his teeth into his lip, and brushes his nose against Eddie's.
"Yeah. Still wanna walk me home?" Steve asks, staying close. Eddie nods, his hands moving to Steve's shoulders.
"Yeah. Yes absolutely. I'd love that. I'd love too." He rambles, swallowing hard.
And Steve can't help himself anymore, ducks forward and presses a soft kiss to his lips. Eddie makes a little sound in his throat and Steve fucking adores it. Already in so deep for this guy. But it's been months. Eddie's not a new thing in his life. Just, this part of it is new.
Eddie blinks at him when he pulls back, steps away from Eddie but holds out his hand. Eddie smiles, reaches out and takes it, lets Steve drag him away from the wall and down the sidewalk. Their fingers laced together, hands swaying between them as they walk through the dark.
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bookshelfdreams · 8 months
#Op I need u to know I thought this was about his post-coytal bedside manner when I read the first line#was fully expecting you to wax poetic about how Ed's mediocer attempt at making breakfast was actually a heartfelt attempt to make sure#he didn't feel like he was a One And Done type of thing#I was vibrating#and then it was s1 meta 💀 RIP LMAO (@zo1nkss, on this post)
No, absolutely, let's talk about it. Because this?
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This is terrible. Comically bad. The worst anyone's ever done it, I'm sorry to say. The toast looks like it's covered in coal dust. The tea (? I hope it's tea, might as well be Ye Olde Cuba Libre) has clearly gone cold. Ed spooned the marmalade directly onto the tablet instead of just leaving it in the jar like a sane person, for fuck's sake!
Of course that's deliberate; they even make sure we know what the platonic ideal of a nice breakfast tablet looks like with the title card.
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It's like an Expectation vs Reality meme. There's a flower, there's porcelain, there's even a plate! Ed, I know you've had breakfast before, why are you so bad at this?
Because, of course, this was doomed from the start.
Ed is panicking, because he knows falling into bed together right after everything that happened in 02x06 was a mistake, and he's desperately trying to salvage the situation.
Ed wanted to take things slow, because he wants stability. He wants to pursue happiness. He wants to build a beautiful life with someone he loves! Breakfast in bed every day!
Instead he to watch the love of his life be tortured in front of him, because of him, and then had to watch him intentionally kill a guy for the first time in his life - also because of him! This is the opposite of what he wanted, for himself or for Stede.
He wanted them both to be safe and happy, but instead they had an evening of horrible experiences and then had sex about it. It's all coming crashing down. Aside form the worst breakfast spread in known history, look how the scene is shot and coloured: The slightest green tint, just enough to turn the light harsh and cold, how far apart from each other they are. Tons of empty space in the frame. How they are backlit, so they are in the shadows, their faces barely discernible.
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This isn't a happy Morning After. This is them standing at the ruins of what was supposed to be a beautiful moment, but the violence of piracy broke into it and destroyed it.
Ed knows he needs to leave it behind, once and for all. Throws out his Blackbeard kit to make his decision to abandon the pirate life irreversible. Tries to have a soft, domestic moment, shares the lovely story about Merstede coming to rescue him, in an attempt to salvage his dream of retirement with Stede.
But Stede? Oh, Stede is on an entirely different page. He just had his first real taste of the power violence can grant him. While the torture wasn't fun, in the end, he triumphed! Defended his love, defended his crew! And topped it all off with what was probably the first positive sexual experience in all his 40whatever years of life! He's patronizing and kinda bitchy about the whole spread, because he doesn't get what Ed is trying to tell him. All he sees is Ed being terrible at this domestic bullshit, but that's okay because he thinks he's terrible at it too!
They'll just sail the seas, terrorize the various empires and have adventures together, forever and ever! That's the dream, right? Right???
(Wait, what do you mean Last night was a mistake?)
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shepscapades · 5 months
*rotates dbhc!Xisuma and Doc in my head*
I'm sorry but I absolutely lose my mind over them ( I have literally no one who I could ramble about this to and I need to get it out). I want to analyse stuff, so let me just:
*breathes in*
It's visible that they are good friends and have been since the time when Doc deviated, research partners doing... research? Or whatever researchers do *shrugs*.
But there's one thing to it, X created Doc and most of other androids. He understands what is deviation because Doc explained it to him but his friend is still an android after all. We also know that X always calls Doc "Docm" but in previous comic he calls him "Doc" and it is stated that it's the first time he ever called him that. In which moment he calls him that? In the moment when he realises that Doc is more human than android now, I may be delusional about this all but I just feel like: the moment when he sees Etho overpower Doc, shove him and break him and stuff, Xisuma sees that Doc isn't a fearless machine but a someone, a human, he got overpowered by Etho and suffered consequences, he felt fear like a human not a machine. Also he lost his arm because he was trying to stop Etho from hurting X as we see in the second part of the comic, which only adds to that. So, this is the moment where X fully realises that he means something to Doc, not as a creator, but as a friend, and that's why for the rest of the comic he constantly makes sure if his partner is alright by talking to him, glancing at him. You know stuff. He grew closer and closer to Doc as time passed and I think this was the climax - the moment he called Docm77 "Doc".
While Doc is doing the most stoic stuff ever and trying not to self destruct and stuff, he cares about X too, very much even, he's protective towards him and shows it by jumping into danger he could have avoided [ Etho attacked X because he's an admin and probably knows where's Grian - Etho wants to hunt down this pesky bird for killing Bdubs] just so his partner won't get hurt how sweet <3 RIP arm you will be remembered...
Anyways I feel like they should talk about stuff and maybe cuddle and maybe I don't know LIVE?? NOT DIE??
Yeah, I think that I don't even need to explain for how long they've been spinning in my head.
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Also wanted to thank you so much for so many kind words on my fanart !! I'm glad I can make someone happy with my cheap, old drawing tablet and some self taught skills lol sorry for flooding your ask-box again so so sorry but those comics make me go AWOOGA holy shift, and also DOC AND X CONTENT !! They are so underrated that you almost can't find anything good relating to them as a duo! [personally I think they're great, just two dudes that do things together and care for eachother <3]
So, yep. Prepare yourself for things like that after every new part comes out I WILL make memes and I WILL analyse block men.... sorry not sorry :)
[how to get me into an AU- tutorial: Xisumavoid must be in it- the end]
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(THERE ARE SOME INTERESTING THOUGHTS HAPPENING HERE!!!! None of which I’ll confirm but Eye Emoji :3 I love love love these theories they make me so happy ehehehehehe)
(ALSO YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!! That art made my day fr LMAO I love and appreciate it so much!!! <3)
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
DD pt 3 part 2 of 2
Fem reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber driver
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This art was commissioned to accompany this chapter by the incredibly talented @/ejpuki on Instagram. Please go support the original artist!
Pt 1 , Pt 2 , Pt 3 1 , Part 4 , Part 5
Synopsis- fem reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home...
TW: MINORS DNI, some blood, little.violence, suggestive content ,age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34), this one is a sad one, inspired by the original comic
Over the next few days you two text back and forth and talk on the phone. You feel so happy and excited about this budding romance between you two. It's been so long since you felt safe enough to let yourself catch feelings for a guy. You flood his phone while he's at work. Miguel isn't used to someone texting him so often but it's kind of cute how you update him on every little thing that's happening in your day and he has to try not to burst out laughing in the break room at some of the Instagram reels you send him. 
Your text convo: 
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️) : Why tf would you send me a video of a banana cat with that sad music 😂😐🤨 and who is that white guy that's always randomly showing up at the end of videos with that whistle tune playing? 
You(amor ❤️): it's a meme babe you don't get it😂😂😂 it's supposed to be random, that's what makes it funny af. And that's Josh Hutcherson. You've never seen or read Hunger Games?! 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): no, I haven't. Your sense of humor is a little broken I'm afraid. 🤨 You kids and your memes. 
You(amor ❤️): my sense of humor is just fine 😂LMAO you're only like 8 years older than me. 😂 we're watching it immediately! And we're going to Barnes and Noble to get you a copy. 😇 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): hmmm fine.😌 When would you like to, cutie? ❤️
You(amor ❤️): This weekend please? ❤️❤️❤️
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): I'm so sorry, I'll have Gabi with me. But she'll be at her mom's next weekend. Can we do it then? ❤️ 
You(amor ❤️): that's okay I totally understand! ❤️ Yes please! I'm so excited ❤️ I miss you... 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): perfect. I miss you more. ❤️
Next Friday
Miguel drives to work, his heart like a dead weight in his chest and his mind racing with different scenarios on how he's going to tell his boss he's had enough. This isn't what he signed up for. The project he was overseeing at work was trying to create these "special abilities"in humans. One of the test subjects passed away this week and he'd be lying to himself if he said it wasn't messing with his head. He had nightmares about her. She couldn't have been older than 19. Her blue eyes frantic as she realized she might not make it off the lab table alive. Her horrified screams ringing in his eardrums. Miguel's fist clamped tighter around the steering wheel as he choked back a sob. He felt this was his burden to shoulder alone. He knew he was falling for you steadily now, and he didn't want you to go crazy worrying about him. He knows you love to try and fix people, a lot of times to your detriment and couldn't stand to see you in that position or live with the fact that he put you there. 
 He really didn't care for his boss, Tyler Stone either. Tyler Stone was the 6'3, blonde haired, blue eyed, egotistical vice president over Research and Development at Alchemax. He and the other higher ups just spent all day figuratively (and possibly literally) sucking each other off in boardroom meetings for the hard work everyone underneath them was doing. He was a businessman, not a scientist, and it became clear to Miguel that profit came first for him over scientific discovery and advancement, and his cronies shared the same philosophy. 
Miguel faced the man now, sitting in his office. Tyler sighed and walked over to his decanter set that sat in the corner of his office on top of a polished mahogany drink cabinet. 
"Care for some bourbon?" He asked, rolling up his sleeves.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. 
"It pains me to hear that you're wanting to leave, it really does." Tyler says as he pours the bourbon in two short, square glasses. 
"I chose you because I believed you could handle it. Your track record doesn't lie, Miguel. You were top of your class at Columbia University. I've seen your research and read your thesis that you did with them. You know Dain was actually the one that submitted your nomination to me when I was looking for someone to promote?" Tyler hands the glass of bourbon to Miguel who murmurs a low thank you. 
"My point is, if you leave, I got no one to replace you, and that makes my job even more tough." Tyler takes a sip of his bourbon and makes a small face. "I'm going to bat for your little science project every time I meet with the board of directors. I'll be honest with you, they're ready to trim the fat." Tyler's blue eyes bore into Miguel's over the rim of his glass. "But I tell them that this process, is worth the wait. We won't have these superhuman abilities lined up for purchase on shelves tomorrow. But give or take a few years we will be the first to break 100 bil in quarterly revenue when we roll this out to the public.  My point is, I'm willing to do whatever I gotta do to keep this project afloat because I've ran the numbers, I've seen what guys like you and Dain can do. It's a worthwhile investment."
Miguel takes a sip of his bourbon and winces. Fuck it, he downs the rest of the whiskey, his throat on fire. He holds out his empty glass to Tyler who takes it and goes to refill it, his back turned to Miguel.
 "I'm sorry...." Miguel finally says. "I've made up my mind. I'm flattered that you think I'm the right person for this job, but I'm telling you, I don't want to be the guy who all of this is riding on anymore. I'm not gonna gamble if people's lives are the chips."
Tyler's face went dark and he started tapping the side of his glass, his back still turned to Miguel.
Since when did this fucker grow a conscience? He knows he wouldn't be doing this job if he wasn't getting paid for it either right? He'd given Miguel and his team resources that any group of scientists would give their left kidney for. It was thanks to him in those board meetings that those ungrateful bastards even still had a job. And now their hang up is human test subjects? 
Tyler handed Miguel back another glass and said nothing as he watched Miguel down it. Miguel winced again as he finished his liquor, throat still on fire and cheeks starting to flush. 
Tyler turned back around, looking at the now setting sun on the horizon. "I'm afraid I can't let you go." He said calmly. 
Miguel raised an eyebrow, then suddenly his face turned white when Tyler held up an empty vial of Rapture, his back still turned to him. Tyler spoke again, his back still facing Miguel. "Alchemax is the only distributor of Rapture. Leave if you want, but I'm going to have to be forced to let the board know and involve law enforcement when they realize one of their silly little scientists couldn't keep his hands out of the cookie jar and became a needy little addict." He took a long sip. 
"You're not gonna make me look like a weak little bitch in front of the whole board. I don't lose, Miguel. You're not gonna fuck this up for me." 
Enraged, Miguel shot up, shattering the shot glass in his hand, blood gushing out of his fingers. "You fucking piece of shit!" 
Tyler remained calm. "You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead. I used your sign in to get this vial from the lab. The access history and empty vial next to my dead body will just deepen the hole you dug yourself. Either do as I say, or throw away your freedom right now and kill me before you even had a chance to see your little girl go to Prom." 
Miguel paused. This fucker was playing chess with him. Tyler took another sip. "It'd be a damn shame if you did. Especially about that new slutty girlfriend of yours. Did you even get to find out what her pussy feels like?"
That was it. Miguel threw his chair against the wall, the wooden legs splintering into the cabinet Tyler was leaning up against, a neutral expression on his prick face as he sipped more bourbon. 
Miguel turned and left the office, and slammed the door so hard the receptionist let out a small squeak of terror as Miguel tore down the hallway, rage seething out of his ears. 
  "Aaron?" Tyler asked in his cold expressionless voice. 
A short, balding man in his mid-thirties with green eyes and thick black rimmed glasses stepped out from behind a two way mirror in the corner of Tyler's office. 
"You rewrote the code in Machine A-2099 in sector 8, right?" 
"Yes boss." 
You hummed happily as you lit a few of your favorite vanilla almond scented candles on your coffee table. You went all out with a smorgasbord of treats for your movie date night with Miguel including popcorn, gummy worms, Milk Duds, Pretzels, M&Ms, beef jerky, and root beer floats. As soon as you got off work, you cleaned the whole apartment top to bottom and put fresh sheets on the bed. You checked your phone anxiously.
Text convo: 
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️): Good morning beautiful ❤️ how'd you sleep? Have a great day, I'll be at your apartment at 8 pm. 
You(amor ❤️): you just made my whole morning!🥰🥰 Good morning handsome! I slept great! I'm so looking forward to movie night tonight. I have a bunch of treats and goodies for us to snack on too. 😇
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️): that sounds wonderful, baby. ❤️ Driving to work now, I'll text you when I get there but I'm not going to be able to talk much today. I have a meeting with the boss and a bunch of other stuff related to the project I'm overseeing. Just wanted to let you know not to worry ❤️ I'll call you at 6! 
6 pm came and went and you felt sick to your stomach. 
You(amor ❤️): Babe? Everything okay, I tried you twice. 
You (amor ❤️): Miguel? It's 9 pm. Are you okay? Please just call or text me to let me know everything's okay...
It was now 10 pm. He wasn't coming. Your stomach lay in knots. You had called him 28 times with no answer.
What's happening? Is he cheating on me? Did he get into an accident? Is he dead on the side of the road while I'm hundreds of miles away and can't do anything?
He gets busy at work but he always, always checks in with you. You can't help but fight back tears at his untouched root beer float sitting next to yours. You knew going into this that you had to jump, knowing you were gonna fall and he might not be there to catch you. Well, here you were with a small dagger in your heart on what was supposed to be your second date. You couldn't help but let yourself get in your head. His rejection of you this time confirmed everything you feared about yourself. You laid down on the couch and sobbed quietly to sleep. 
That same night at Alchemax
Miguel's painful screams reverberated off the tiled floor of the genetics lab at Alchemax. The tall powerful man he was, was writhing on the floor in agony. It was as though his blood had turned to acid. His whole body felt on fire. Please God, if I'm supposed to die right now just take me already. He hadn't felt pain this intense ever before in his life. His eyes turned bloodshot, foaming at the mouth as his saliva bubbled and splurted out in incoherent gasps. 
Aside from his screams, the machine responsible for his pain let out a low beep. Miguel knew that a copy of his original DNA sample was logged into one of the gene altering machines that he set up when he was first put in charge of Tyler's superhuman project. He knew that as long as he had a drop of Rapture in him, he'd remain an addict defenseless against his new dependency Tyler forced on him. He had tried in vain to rewrite his current biology back to the original, but Tyler was one step ahead. Tyler knew nothing about science or how DNA worked, but it didn't take much to convince Miguel's bitter, jealous subordinate, Aaron Delgado to sabotage the machine. Very little was known about what type of effect that might have on a human, so there was a good chance he'd just die. Just what they wanted. Aaron and Tyler's smug faces entered the lab, watching Miguel suffer and taunting him, even pouring up another round of bourbon while they waited for the show to end. Yep, he'd be dead in just a few more minutes. They had an alibi and a cover up ready to go. They'd post his job opening by Monday and then they could pretend like this never happened. Miguel suddenly became still, his chest seeming to freeze in place, no longer rising and falling with his normal breathes. 
Gabriella, my little girl...I'm so sorry....I love you more than anything 
His eyes became glassy with tears. He was on his way to finding happiness with you too, only to have the rug pulled out from under him, now he was going to die here, alone. And those who killed him would never know justice behind their corporate wall of privilege and greed that would surely protect them. He uttered your name, his lips barely moving before his eyes fell closed and saw only black.. 
Pt 4 coming soon! Thanks for the support 🖤
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jackhues · 7 months
the canadian grand prix - angel's world
NOTE: this takes place on JUN/18/23, the day of the canadian grand prix. a lot of hockey players were in attendance, and we will pretend like mat barzal was too for the sake of this au
this is a series/interactive au, so feel free to send in any ideas/requests/thoughts you have about this! angel's world au masterlist!!
verstappen!twin reader x mat barzal ,, f1xhockey
barzal97 started following angel.verstappen
angel.verstappen started following barzal97
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liked by arthur_leclerc, redbullracing, barzal97 & others
tagged: maxverstappen1, landonorris, lewishamilton, fernandoalo_official, alex_albon, lilymhe, charles_leclerc & estebanocon
angel.verstappen: congratulations maxy on taking home win number 100 for redbull!! so so proud of you and everything that you've done! to my favourite twin 🥂🍾 and for the rest of you, enjoy the random pics i got of the guys (and my girl lily 😘) as we wait another 2 (or is it 3, i can't remember) weeks until the next gp!
maxverstappen1: ... i'm your only twin ??? -> angel.verstappen: and that's why you're my favourite twin 😁
landonorris: the last pic? srsly mom? -> angel.verstappen: yes. the world needs to know how nicely your new jacket fits you -> zhouguanyu24: @/landonorris you should be happy you were up there THREE times -> angel.verstappen: @/zhouguanyu24 he's my son, he will always be up there -> userone: i LOVE THIS
usertwo: what about all the hockey players who showed up to the gp? i refuse to believe NONE of them gave angel memeworthy content -> angel.verstappen: there's lots of memeworthy content of them, i'm just not allowed to post it
redbullracing: the superior verstappen -> maxverstappen: ah yes, my win doesn't matter -> angel.verstappen: @/redbullracing ignore him, he's jealous you love me more
mclaren: well... that's definitely a look @/landonorris
lilymhe: ooh, i love that picture. send it to me babes 😘 -> angel.verstappen: sent lovey 😘😘 -> alex_albon: @/angel.verstappen stop flirting with my girlfriend -> angel.verstappen: no
userthree: all hail our queen angel verstappen for posting new meme pics of the boys liked by angel.verstappen
charles_leclerc: when did you even take that picture?? -> angel.verstappen: while you were dissociating
userfour: i'm sorry but posting esteban after breaking up with pierre is so petty but GO QUEEN -> usertwo: they broke up over a year ago, get over it
barzal97: what happened to the selfie? -> userfive: hol' up, is there a mat and angel selfie being gatekept from us???
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liked by maxverstappen1, barzal97, titobeauvi91 & others
angel.verstappen: montréal 🍁 the city of love
comments have been disabled
THE KOOL KIDZ (+ ONE OLD MAN 👴) charles, angel, daniel, max, lando, alex
charlie ange you do know montreal's not the city of love right? that's paris
angel ikk 😭 i just wanted to be aesthetic i'm not that stupid
dannyricc ur related to max it's debatable
angel honestly dan fuck you
maxie hey no swearing fuck you dan
son does this mean i'm allowed to swear in the gc now?
angel no
maxie no
dannyric no
charlie no
alex no
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unformula1 · 1 month
sadly this is how we end (LS2 x OP81)
oscar misses their meetup again and logan breaks down. w/c: 1425 day 38 of LOSCAR posts until we get a loscar podium!! (series masterlist) masterlist TW: swearing
SHIT. Oscar quickly manoeuvred his way through the crowd. He can’t miss this again. He missed this for the previous two months, and rescheduled this one. He can’t believe he forgot it again. 
How would Logan feel? Oscar feels like giving himself a slap across the face. His stupidity is about to ruin everything
Oscar laughs till his core starts to hurt. He clutches it while leaning forward.
“Mate- it’s not that funny…” Logan says, a smile forming on his face seeing Oscar absolutely lose it over a slightly funny meme.
Oscar gasps for air as he struggles to form words, “No… you… you don’t…”
“Okay Osc, breathe…” Logan says while patting Oscar’s shoulder gently.
He can’t help but smile more seeing Oscar this happy. Honestly, when he first met Oscar, he never thought that he’d ever see Oscar smile, yet alone laugh.
Oscar finally breathes in and stops laughing for a while, his cheeks are red and his eyes have tears of joy in them. He laughed really hard.
“Was it that funny?” Logan says, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. Absolutely.” Oscar smiles while responding, clearly holding back more laughter.
“Well… I’ll keep that in mind… yea?” Logan chuckles.
This is amazing. It’s just him, Oscar and their emotions. Logan feels loved.
This will never end.
This will never end.
Logan sits on the bench near the beach. He holds onto a sandwich, one which he bought from the convenience store across the street. He bites into it while watching into the sunset.
He shuts his eyes tightly to prevent the tears from spilling. A sting strikes his throat as he holds it in. He stuffs part of the sandwich into his mouth in a solid attempt to stop his tears.
[Logan] I'm here
[Logan] 10 missed calls
He turns off his phone and continues eating his sandwich. He picks out a few vegetables which he doesn’t like and places them into the plastic container which came with the sandwich.
It starts to drizzle, Logan sighs, picking his things up and shifting to outside the convenience store, under shelter.
“Logan!” Oscar's voice rings through.
Logan turns his head to the side and sees Oscar running over.
Logan lowers his head and stuffs the final piece of sandwich into his mouth, chewing it silently as Oscar walks over.
There’s an ache in his heart which threatens to spill out as tears.
Oscar stands next to Logan, who’s sitting on the bench.
“Logan, I’m sorry. I was so caught up in everything, I had my phone silenced. I didn’t mean to miss it.” Oscar says, almost pleading.
Logan just subtly nods and dusts his hands, standing up to face Oscar.
“Really?” He questions.
“Yea- I mean, seriously, I wouldn’t miss our meetups, you know that.” 
Logan scoffs, “That’s starting to not be the case.”
Oscar hesitates.
“Sorry. I really…” Oscar sighs, “I- I know it seems really bad on me right now-”
“It does. It really does.” Logan musters out amidst his stinging throat and burning lungs.
Oscar stones, a look of surprise crosses his face, like he didn’t expect Logan to say that.
“If you don’t want to do this I’m fine with not doing this again.” Logan says, his voice sounding eerily calm.
“No- that’s totally not what I want. I really want to continue-” Oscar tries.
“Then why’d you miss it three times…” Logan’s voice cracks, “Three times you left me alone.”
Once is a mistake. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a pattern.
Oscar freezes almost instantly, worry laced in his voice, “Logan- man, I’m seriously sorry for those times, I really had to skip them.”
“And what happened this time? Lando’s party? Another last minute meeting? Training session?” Logan knows he’s being pretty annoying right now but he can’t stop. A burning sensation fully takes over his lungs.
Logan takes a deep breath and tears brim in his eyes, which he wipes away immediately. 
Thunder roars in the background. A pretty suitable backdrop for this.
“I’ll make this right. I promise Logan, I will.”
“You missed your chance to do that.” Logan grits his teeth in a last ditch attempt to not cry, “Should’ve done that months ago.”
“Logan c’mon man, you can’t just say that.” Oscar tries again, “I mean- we’ve been friends for this long- can’t just be a few times right?”
He sounds so manipulative right now.
“It isn’t just those few times Oscar.” Logan says, his fists clenching up, “It’s been too long. Every single time I needed you, you weren’t there. Every single time I asked for you, you didn’t deliver. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.”
Oscar wants to say something but nothing comes out.
Oscar takes a step closer to Logan and Logan flinches, quickly backing away.
“Logan- I’m sorry. I’m sorry, please… you know-” Oscar stutters.
“I used to know you… then you changed… everything changed.” Logan scoffs, stuffing his hands into his pockets as more tears surfacing and one of them flows down, tracing his cheek to his cheekbones.
Oscar runs his hand through his hair, his voice pleading, “We’ve been friends for years Logan, you know I won’t just throw that all away.”
“Would you though?” Logan questions which silences Oscar again, “You threw it away in seconds… seconds… when you chose something else over me. Your career over me. Your reputation over me. Everything over me.”
Logan knows how dramatic he’s sounding but he can’t take it anymore. The words just spill out his mouth, his filter disappearing and the words all coming out like a rapid fire machine, unfiltered, pure rage.
“You placed me at the very bottom of your list Oscar.” Logan’s muscles tense up, turning his head away.
“No-” Oscar replies, “No. That’s so not how I see you-” 
Oscar clears his throat, “I- I mean you have always been my best friend, a priority. I’ve never seen you as anything less.”
Logan finds that harder to believe, increasingly harder as the months went on.
Logan feels all the rage in him build up, Oscar’s gaslighting him. Oscar’s trying to make Logan come back, like he’s been doing all those years, just fishing out Logan’s pity all those years.
It was a sick joke.
They used to be everything, they used to be each other’s worlds.
Then Oscar walked out. 
“Liar. You’re a liar.” Logan lashes out.
“NO! No more of your bullshit. I’m done-” 
Then, Logan turns around and storms off into the thunderstorm, he’s drenched but Logan refuses to look back, he doesn’t want to be lured back into Oscar’s sick mind-fuck, he doesn’t want to be Oscar’s little pity puppet. 
He hears Oscar calling out for him. Logan! Logan please come back. He shuts his eyes tightly and wipes off his tears, which don’t really help since he’s wet already.
Logan quickly runs off before he changes his mind or Oscar does something.
He hates this.
He falls to his knees in the middle of an alleyway. The rain beating down mercilessly onto him.
Why can’t he ever have one good thing in his life? 
Nothing ever works out.
He walks into his hotel lobby, the judgmental stares of the people around him as he trudges across the marble floor, leaving a wet trail. He gets to his room as quickly as possible.
Even the one thing he put all his hard faith into.
Logan sobs violently, bawling his eyes, all his tears spilling out. 
He punches the floor and his fist turns red. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. FUCK.” Logan swears. He covers his face, his wet hair is in a disgustingly stale position and his entire body feels heavy. His legs don’t want to support his body so he stays on his knees for a while.
He feels it all crumbling down, like waves crashing against a sandcastle. That felt real, their relationship was built on sand, that would eventually fall to the elements. Was it?
Was he being too dramatic?
Logan shakes his head violently, the tears rolling down his cheeks endlessly. Anything else would be better right now, he’d even rather be in training right now. Not alone, in his hotel room, feeling trapped by the four walls.
He cries more.
He chokes on more tears.
He hates this. He hates everything. He hates Oscar. He hates himself.
He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to hate.
“fuck.” Logan whispers softly, dragging his body so he’s leaning against a wall, tucking his head in between his knees.
Wishing everything would be different.
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depravitymoon · 8 months
My favorite Yandere Types
Author's note: I will spare you the sob story and just say that my uncle needed my help right after he got out the hospital. It wrecked my scheduling and I already promised that I would do better with posting more frequently, so I did another ramble post. These classifications aren't polished in any way. I just spouted whatever comes to mind. Enjoy!
Note #2: Sorry if the pic for Laidback Yan is blurry. I'll figure out how to do memes better next time. Also, all the yanderes listed are male yandere because that's my personal favorite.
Sugar Daddies
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Kind of a "money comes at a price" thing I always love. 
Pro: Spoils you. 
Con: Thinks he owns your life.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the 'I'll isolate you' types. In fact, I think it'll be cooler to see a yandere use darling's loved ones to his advantage, such as "How desperate are you to get your sister into that art school?" and "It would be a shame if your brother doesn't have that dream job. I'm sure you'd do ANYTHING to make that happen if you could, right?"
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He wakes up and chooses violence. Just an absolute menace to society. You'd have to make bad choices in your life to have him obsessed with you. I love this one, because writers can be very creative on how they act towards darling and towards the world. Typically their MO is "I wont hesitate to beat and shoot people. Not even you, darling! You just get it less."
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My love for this is clearly inspired by Narancia (JJBA) and Bachira (Blue Lock). It's a guy who's naive, hyper, sweet, just so adorable that he'll have you thinking he's non-threatening. Then, the yanderu comes out and shows you just how dangerous and manipulative he can be. Also, he will get aggressive when you try slipping from him. I imagine this type always using overt guilt tripping.
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Emo boy kidnaps a ball of sunshine to cure his lonely depression, such as Hades taking Persephone. There's not much else to say since this shipping dynamic (brooding x happy-go-lucky) is very popular. 
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The laidback yandere that dont seem Yandere at all. He's super chill, actually gives you freedoms, and seems alright letting you socialize with people. What's the issue? Seems like a normal boyfriend! That's why I love them! So where does the Yanderu part comes in? In many different ways! Usually, in the form of a blackmailer or a tracker. It's easy to let you do what you want when you're never really that far from him or he has you fearing the consequence enough to trust you'll come back to him willingly. Honestly, I might do my own post on laidback yanderes.
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andycupte · 1 month
Hii, it's been a while...
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I have been pretty busy and a lot has happened
I don't know where to start! I erased a lot already
I want to say thank you for all your kind notes on my drawings!! I even got mentioned by an user who was recommending my art. That made my day back then! I also received two asks. I made this drawing (not finished) to answer one of them.
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Lucaaaas and Clauss ipipipip
I couldn't finish cuz I was trying something that probably was a bit ahead of me. Lost motivation, said i I was going to check it later and then forgot LOL. I'm really sorry. I'm looking foward to answer that question cuz I really liked it.
I dunno if some of you know that I'm doing part of a fanmade Mother magazine. It is already finished and I think they sold copies too. I haven't got mine yet but I'm really happy for it!
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I drew Ninten and Lloyd to promote the countdown! you probably saw it when they posted it! >>Here<<
Uhmm what else can I tell you...
I have been receiving a lot of commissions but I have even been inactive on twitter, I have been attending them in private ; v ;
I joined a facebook latino group about mother where they post memes too. It's been active lately and there is three or maybe four artists that draw funny memes of the kids. It kinda feels like the drawings I made and I feel like I could take out my old notes and check if I could join them too! I just need time. I reaally want to draw again, it made me so happy.
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Here is a drawing of my Oc and mr saturn! its kinda old too. I couldn't bring myself to finish it. Again, I was trying something that was a bit bigger than me.
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This is my most recent drawing! From this year at least. I drew it just as a break from commissions. I have a lot of work to get done. I should rise prices to lower my load ; ;
I'm pretty sure something is slipping my mind--- I guess I will post again!
Excuse if everything looks chaotic and it's hard to read. I have to get back to drawing!
... what are my tags now????????..
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homeofatlas · 5 months
You Called
Authors note: I was truly inspired and had to write this. Also all the physical touch in my fics can you tell what my primary love language is? Also if i wasn't writing fanfic for a female athlete you'd be able to tell i'm gay from all the "I like you" "like platonically?" in all my fics. Anyways enjoy and have a good week!
Word Count: 1.2k
It’s 10:30 pm when Elisa texts you. You’re used to receiving messages that say “this reminded me of you” or the occasional meme but this was out of the ordinary. You’d been close friends for a year and while you knew how close you two were, you honestly thought she would have gone to someone else if she needed them. When you needed someone to calm you down she was the person who stayed with you but that was because she was the one who brought you the most comfort. Typically when Elisa got riled up the team was always there to help her. So when you got a text late at night from her asking if you could come over, you were worried. 
You swear you’d never gotten ready so fast in your life. Throwing on the closest pair of acceptable but comfortable pants you found and a sweater you walk so fast to the car you’re basically sprinting. Through this process she texts you asking when you’ll get there, as soon as humanly possible if you can do anything about it. If you could go any faster without breaking laws you would, you’re debating even breaking those laws. She needs you right now and there’s nothing that will keep you from her. Pulling up in front of her apartment you park and get out of the car. Texting her that you’re there the closer you walk to the door way you can see she’s already in the lobby waiting for you. Head hung low and hands stuffed deep in pockets. It's so far from her usual demeanour, you know something is very wrong. 
Walking up to the door as you begin to pull she’s pushing it open and helping you in from the cold. The first look into her eyes tells you how bad it is. She greets you with a hey but it’s different from her usual ones and you can see how stressed out she is. Before you can say anything you hug her and pull her into you. Sometimes there aren’t any words that are more comforting than being held. As you pull away she begins to speak. 
“Sorry I called so late I needed someone and I got into a fight and I should have left it alone but I didn’t and I need a distraction-”
“Elisa, even if you just wanted to hang out I would have come. I’m here when you need it. That’s what friends are for.” It breaks your heart a little to say those words but it’s true. Even if your feelings aren’t purely platonic it is what good friends do for each other.
Her shoulders sag with relief as you two wait for the elevator. She asks you how your day was despite having been together only 5 hours ago. You link your arm through hers to continue offering her comfort while you chatter away so she has something else to focus on. Coming into the apartment you take off your coat and sit on the couch ready to talk with her about what happened or happy to speak about anything else. She joins you on the other side of the couch. 
“Why don’t we put on a movie? That’s always a good distraction.” You say. 
She nods silently. You pick one of your favourite comfort movies and beckon her to come closer to you. She lays her head down on your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her so you can draw soothing shapes on her shoulder. You know she’ll want to talk about it and right now you can’t push her. The best thing to do right now is be there for her and let her know she has someone. 
You feel her intake of breath to speak before you hear her. 
“I can’t believe you actually came.” She says sitting up and looking at you. 
You shrug and struggle to keep looking at her, if you don’t get a grip she’ll know you love her. 
“You called.” 
She continues to look at you with an unreadable expression. Sometimes you feel like you know her better than yourself and other times you feel like you don’t understand her at all. 
“Sometimes,” She starts and licks her lips as if trying to convince herself to say what’s coming next. “I wish I had a coping mechanism I knew would soothe me like drugs or a cigarette. But sitting here talking to you I realized I do have a coping mechanism to soothe me when I'm distressed. It’s talking to you, it’s looking into your understanding eyes, it’s the way you know without me saying anything,” She pauses, hanging on the last word. “It’s you. I need you.”
She’s looking at you with the most vulnerable expression you’ve ever seen on her.  Elisas energy often feels raw and powerful, like she’s made of passion, the storm clouds, and metal. You can feel the truth spilling out of her. She’s so good in her soul, she’s the realest person you’ve ever met. 
Her hand reaches out to grasp yours on the couch and swipes her thumb back and forth on it. Her other hand hooks around the bend of your knee dragging you closer to her until your legs are practically across her lap. She bumps her forehead into yours gently, nuzzling the side of your head. Coming back to your face she nudges your noses together so the bridges slide across each other. A shiver goes down your spine. You can feel the burning heat of her palm on your thigh. Damn her, she knows how you love it’s one of your favourite things about her but right now it’s really biting you in the ass. You can’t do this if she doesn’t like you too. You can’t know what this feels like if you can’t have her, it’ll ruin you. It’ll make you sick to know what you might’ve had. You put your hand on her chest keeping her where she is. 
“Don’t kiss me if it’s because of the heat of the vulnerable moment Elisa because I won't come back from this. I’ll fall in love with you.” Oh it’s all falling out now. “If I know what you feel like- what you taste like i’ll dream of you. No worse I’ll think of you. I’ll never escape you so please don’t if you don’t mean it like I do.” You finish pleading. You never thought you'd be begging her not to kiss you. But everything you’ve said is true. Except you’re already in love with her. You’d do anything for her. Your breath has stalled in your lungs. Breathing feels like your lungs are coated in molasses. It’s so much work to get your chest to breathe up and down. 
Elisas paused. Oh god oh no, you’ve gone and ruined everything all of it you shouldn’t have said anything-
“What part of I need you didn’t you get?” she murmurs, lips ghosting above your own. 
“Oh.” Your breath punches out of you. You hadn’t realized that was Elisas idea of a confession. You’d think back on it but you’ve got the rest of your life to do that and right now there is a hot french football player who wants to kiss you so it’ll have to wait.  You push your lips together and it’s better than anything you imagined. Because she’s actually here warm and solid beside you, hands coming up to your waist. Your hands on her neck bringing her closer to you. Everything falls out of your head except one thought, I love you.
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