#I'm just :) excited :)))
arcanacenturia · 1 year
Something's so not right in S2 though.
The only time we "see" God is whenever she talks to Job and just blabbers stuff at him because she's bored af and doesn't have anybody to speak with except maybe the Metatron.
When Aziraphale tries to talk directly to God in S1, the Metatron tells him "Speaking to me is speaking to God" and categorically refuses to listen to Aziraphale's request.
That's weird. That's so weird.
We have no proof that he's actually relaying all this information to God. She hasn't appeared to anyone in centuries. He's also aware of Aziraphale's will to stop the arma-fucking-geddon.
He's aware of Azi's relation to Crowley.
As I've seen stated somewhere on Tumblr earlier, he's aware that just by trying to perform a teeny tiny miracle together they performed a huge ass one that triggered alarms in Heaven and succeeded in separating the two, because he's aware, and could be scared, of their combined powers.
Okay but why would he need to separate them?
A second too late, he told Aziraphale about The Second Coming, which is most likely linked to a new Armageddon again.
Related to that, we never heard God herself about the destruction of earth. Anything said about it is told by other characters. Note to myself: list up who talked about it.
The Metatron seems to be hiding something. Unlike the other (arch-)angels he's not naïve, he wears a black coat, he doesn't sugarcoat his speech to humans (and my synesthesia says he speaks Spiky, and not a good spiky).
I think it's also noteworthy that Crowley & Aziraphale don't communicate, not with words, Crowley never told Aziraphale about what Gabriel told him but he also never told Aziraphale what he found out about Gabriel in S2. He never told Aziraphale that his bosses were planning to restart Armageddon until Gabriel went Nah, that it's the reason the Metatron demoted him. He demoted the current Prince of Heaven for stopping it, then promoted Aziraphale, who is a lot more tame and also has been a cause of Armagenope to fail, to lead it.
I don't think Crowley fell because he asked questions to God. I think he sauntered vaguely downwards because he asked too many questions to the Metatron, that would put his plan in danger.
This bitch is SHADY AS FUCK and I'm honestly so eager, so curious to see what he (and season 3) is going to bring us. I wonder if he's lived among the humans, too. Besides, I feel like he's going to try (and maybe manage) and use Azi as his marionnette for whatever stuff he's preparing.
And I feel whatever he's preparing is really against God.
Thank you Neil Gaiman for this ending because even if it HURTS it's so interesting. There are so many things that could be going on behind the heartbreak. I could be going on about how Crowley probably even found out part of what happened. I've seen people speculate with good arguments that Crowley lost part of his memory after falling, and if it is the case that could be another thing done to prevent Crowley from stopping the Metatron.
There is SO MUCH that could be, so much that WILL be, and so little that we can know.
No matter in what form, I'm so excited to see how this will develop in the future.
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soeillustrate · 6 months
Maybe you're not interested, but I'm about to do an experimental project with an idea that I want to capture, and I decided that this Tumblr account will be exclusively to upload ideas, concepts, and other forms of experimental art, to carry out this project that has more than what you imagine..., seriously, much more! so if you find this account, don't hesitate to take a look at my future work! hugs and kisses
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killerandhealerqueen · 11 months
So uh...I have an interview for a Field Agent position (it's a death scene investigator job but the title is Field Agent which kinda fucks) and oh man am I excited because if this job works out, it'll be my dream job...so please send all the good vibes for this interview to go well tomorrow!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 8 months
When I was reading your recent chapter for a moment I thought that the guys would see while checking the cameras that Neon Void was gonna take off the mask and see their brother's face, I was so nervous in each reading word. Thank goodness I was wrong •w•'
hehe-- I WAS tempted to go that rout, but I wanted to tease you all a bit longer 🩵
I know you’ve all been VERY patient (thank u so much weh) but pls wait a bit longer!!
but trust me
you'll know when we're close ( ꈍωꈍ )
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miradelletarot · 5 months
Ok... I'm going to preface this by saying to please forgive my ignorance here because I really just have no clue what any of this means, and I need some guidance here.
Also, yes, I've googled a bunch of stuff, but some of it was conflicting info, and I think I'd rather just ask a bunch of ppl who likely know and understand this better.
For context: I'm straight. I grew up in a VERYYYYYY NOT Lgbtq friendly environment. My understanding of anything relating to the beautiful tapestry that is the Alphabet Mafia is sadly quite limited. Very surface-level. I try every day to understand more so I can support everyone better. (Horrible, hateful upbringing be damned).
Which brings me to my questions I guess. After a conversation with some lovely ppl last night (and what research I've been able to do) I have discovered that I'm demisexual. Which, frankly... Explains SOOO much about myself. Literally. Mind blown 🤯
I...I feel relieved that I understand an aspect of myself better, but I'm also left with more questions.
I understand it's part of the Ace spectrum. This I'd like to know more of. How big is this spectrum? What are the differences? Are there layers to one's demisexuality? I'm sure there are? Right? I know it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is, but I'm still full of confusion lol.
Some resources say that yes this technically means I'm Lgbtq. Though, I have read a couple that say I'm not. I need some clarity on this one bc I don't want to insert myself somewhere I don't belong. If that makes sense...
Idk, if there's anything else I should know to make this all make more sense I'd appreciate it. Links, books, discord servers, one on one chats, idc. I am happy to learn!
I feel like I've learned more about myself as a person in the last few months than I have in the last...well...forever. I suppose.
Also I'm really sorry if this sounds really dumb or if I came across offensive in some way. The last thing I want to do is offend or hurt anymore. I just want to understand all of this better so I can, not only understand myself, but others in a more thoughtful way. The last thing I'd ever want to do is disrespect anyone.
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knightwhoisni · 2 months
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aoi sibling real!?
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hlvrai-breaking-glass · 6 months
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doublestandardlove · 5 months
okay so my headcanon is that girl jeri is the only one who can understand the lumber axe due to the witchwood honoring her motherhood
so i don't want to give away too much, but this is really a point of contention for boy jerry, who's trying to pretend like everything is normal. girl jeri is just not used to her new life and grieving her old self
i like to think they argue a few months into the opening of abstinence camp and they're different from who they used to be before spending years in the witchwood
so here's a "bit" of the dialogue (sorry i'm excited)
"They were teasing him, he wasn't unprovoked." "Those kids were being dirty in the woods, Boy Jerry. Doesn't that go against everything we've taught him?"
"Yes, but-"
"But of course, you want Lil' Jerrie to go away." "Admit it. You can't understand what he says, yet you're so quick to accuse him."
"That is not-" Jerry takes a breath, lowering his tone. "Can we not argue like this right in front of him?"
"Fine." "Lil' Jerrie, wash off that axe, please."
"No, give it here." He gently pries the weapon from his son's hands. "He shouldn't have to do that."
Jeri's tone is mocking as she hisses,"Don't you want him to cleanse his sin?" "Lil' Jerrie, take the axe."
"Son, please." Lil' Jerrie reluctantly shuffles out of the cabin. "What is going on with you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"When you're not miserable in your cabin all day, you're picking fights with me." "We have to at least try to be a united front for Lil' Jerrie and the campers."
"Oh, like you're "trying" so hard with our son?" "It's desperate how you keep "trying" to understand him." "It's pathetic, and he hates your guts."
"He didn't say that.""That's cruel. He's not like that."
"How would you know?" "You're trying so hard to run camp and spend time with Lil' Jerrie, it's like you don't give a single shit about me."
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shostakobitchh · 5 months
Welp, I've been needing a fic to reread anyway. I've been deliberately avoiding rereading this one because I really don't wanna read the letter burning scene again, but I'm giving in. I will find the mystery man, mark my words.
I think my favorite thing is that everyone (including me) is collectively traumatized by the letter burning scene.
If you can find Mystery Man, I will literally give you an award. I found the spot yesterday because you guys are giving me the itch to write about him and I have to fight it.
As a fun side note, we will see him before the end of PoA. I found a note in my outline where Ariel (briefly) sort of interacts but you're going to have to be really looking to know it's happening. So, there's a little easter egg.
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pineapplesneedrights · 7 months
Omfg looooooook at themmmmm
What is your name good sir?
Wait no-
🗣Babygirl, what's your name? Lemme talk to you lemme buy you a drink🎶
Rrrr he looks so pretty I can't wait to get my hands on him
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fromthemouthofkings · 6 months
Jeeves and the Fox Hunt
Chapter 4
I swung open the doors to the breakfast room, prepared to do my utter best to put on an antic disposish. Now, of course, this was not a natural role for the last of the Woosters. I’d like to envision myself as more of the chivalrous adventuring hero, if I were to be typecast. But somebody had to do the job, and if it would help Jeeves, why then I was game to play the fool absolutely to the hilt.
“What-ho, Prods!” I exclaimed, striding inside only to find the breakfast table empty. So, sadly, was the sideboard.
Puzzled, I rang the bell.
The grim-faced fellow from last night appeared.
“Where is everybody?” I asked him.
“Down at the stables,” he said in a low, growling voice. “Best get a move on, or you’ll be late.”
“But what about breakfast?” I asked pathetically. “I mean I know I’m not much of an early riser, but I didn’t think I’d missed it entirely!”
“The master and mistress don't like to spoil their appetites.” His face split in a wide, pointed smile.
Read more on AO3
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nanowatzophina · 4 months
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Elven Mage Rook that's hella Autistic Coded and stilla total Bad Ass, I'm SO EXCITED TO MEET YOU-- Love you babes!!
i'm so excited and i everytime i search up that trailer on youtube to watch it again i just see fifty videos with titles that make it look like they're complaining about the game *already* which i don't understand--
Anyways. Imma be optimistic and so fucking ready to explore the world and be so happy.
I am grateful for this food. Thank you, Bioware. And I just wanna throw my lil bit of positoovity out there.
i can't wait to meet these characters and design my rook and just have fun with it. Cuz it's a video game and it's meant to be FUN.
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beesinspades · 1 year
i'm very :3 because the dark urge being fully customizable might be thanks to my very enthusiastic suggestion as a playtester.....I mean maybe other playtesters who came after me (my group was apparently the first to try the dark urge out, at least in gent, because the group before us didn't even know that origin existed) suggested it too, I don't know, but :3 even if I'm just one of the people who suggested it, I'm :3 because HELL YEAAAAH!!!!
I loved the dark urge so much (even though I couldn't finish my playthrough with them, since they were my second playthrough of the playtest) that i was like "this is too good, since they're not a companion origin story u guys need to make it possible to play them as any race not just the dragonborn variations"
AND THEY DIIIIID i'm so happy!!!!
#baldur's gate 3#bg3#bee talks#I legit screamed when they said it during the last panel from hell#finally i can talk about this#me playing with my customized dark urge character: HEHEHEHE THIS IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTEEED#also insane to see my name in the credits like wow#also idk maybe it was always planned for the dark urge to be fully customizable but#during my playtest they could only be a dragonborn#and all the promo art/etc is the dragonborn#so I assume it wasn't??#wish my memory wasn't so bad because i suggested it at least twice but i don't remember if i did it only in written form or aloud as well#in which case they didn't tell me 'oh yeah we were already gonna do that' because i would've remembered that at least#ANYWAY ANYWAY#I'M JUST EXCITED#also i might have something to do with the alchemy window#because there wasn't any and i was the idiot with no healer in my party whatsoever so i was relying on potions and so on day 2 or 3#I complained that alchemy wasn't intuitive enough and the dev looked at the other dev like 'oh yeah we could ask to add that'#'shouldn't be too hard'#and then two weeks later they asked us to focus some of our feedback on alchemy specifically#but tbh i doubt i was the first and only one who suggested an alchemy window because god crafting straight from the inventory was HELL#it was all trial and error digging in the inventory trying to find the components#and there was no alchemy pouch. and no 'automatic' recipes. pain and suffering#lastly: if we get an ace character / ace romance options in the next divinity game: you're welcome#anyway sorry what are these tags god i can't shut up can i#i'm just so happy i got to have a small tiny part in this amazing game!!!#it's wonderful seeing everyone enjoying it so much the devs are so passionate and worked so hard!!!#and I'm having a blast too playing it without all the bugs and unfinished cutscenes bahahaha#BG3 GOTY!!!!!
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classicjdog · 10 months
hangman/swerve texas deathmatch has a death grip on my fucking brain
good shit hanger, you did it again
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sjaudios · 3 months
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Fans of Dr.Sol have been STARVED of new art on the channel, LOL. Luckily, he's the first one on the land of the Youtubes to actually get their thumbnail art updated to my new artstyle!
anyway, here's a lil sneak peek of the bonus artwork I drew for his video before it goes live today, haha >:DD
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teathattast · 5 months
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well i wonder what they're doing
and if they're falling asleep?
i wonder if the flight attendant's prettier than me
i know they're coming back,
but i still didn't want them to leave
but it's not a sad thing
it's not a sad thing
it's not a sad thing at all
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