#I'm making a Pokemon trainer au but I'm just curious
vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
Voltron x Pokemon au but all the characters are pokemon and not trainers. What is everyone? I want to start discourse.
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liesmyth · 9 months
the locked tomb holiday exchange rec list
Behold! The good, the magnificent, the sad! The filth and the angst and the feelings! The weird shit that would make TazMuir proud! 💀🎉✨☠️🔥🎊
Here are some favourites from a skim of works posted for @tlt-holiday-exchange, both art and fic. They are MANY and they are JUICY. Find the entire collection HERE, and keep an eye on for authors reveal coming soon!
A Beautiful Fairy Tale. Wake tells little Bomb a bedtime story but she can't mention a princess without talking about guillotines. Rated T.
Dubious Curiosity. Nona is curious. Nona loves everyone. And Nona wants Cam. (Camilla/Nona) Rated M.
Fingers In Her Mouth. Camilla Hect misses the Warden. Maybe he can lend a helping hand… even in death. (Camilla/hand!Palamedes) Rated M.
just guys being bros. Camilla/Gideon. Gideon touches a boob! A very happy new year to awkward butch lesbians everywhere. Rated T.
Pyrrha Dve Appreciation. Pyrrha & Nona, soft hugs! Rated G.
Stealing Breath. Camilla/Gideon butch-off make-out session. Rated G.
To Shreds, You Say? Pyrrha/Mercymorn/Wake fucking nasty. Rated E.
a buried and a burning flame. Coronabeth fucks Gideon's corpse. Rated E.
For all intents and purposes the corpse of the Ninth’s cavalier is a bad lay. That’s all fine, though.
a grave, deep and narrow. Camilla/Palamedes, GtN AU, Character Death, Tape Recorder Conversation Redux. Podfic included! Rated T
Only Lyctors were meant to leave the First House alive. Ianthe insists on bringing Coronabeth; Judith dies of her injuries. Camilla is stranded alone at Canaan House — alone, except for the persistent hallucinations of her necromancer.
affix. Coronabeth/Harrow, humiliation kink, improper use of bones, dom!Harrow, GtN era. rated E.
Cytherea doesn't go to Canaan House AU - Corona overconfidently approaches Harrow in the hopes of exchanging lab keys. Harrow humbles her quickly.
AITA for telling my dad I didn't like my birthday party? Gideon & John, In-Universe Social Media, Character study, Rated T.
I (20F) told my dad (45?M) that I wanted a cool birthday party, but he threw me a terrible birthday party instead. Am I really the asshole for telling him I didn't like it?
and kings shall come out of thy loins. Gideon/Ianthe, crack treated seriously, body horor, SNAKES. Rated M.
Ianthe saves God from the stoma and the River and all she has to show for it are these fucking snubes.
come, dearest heart. Lyctor Palamedes AU, HtN era. Camilla/Palamedes, Pyrrha/Palamedes, Pyrrha/Camilla/Palamedes. Rated E.
In Canaan House, Palamedes Sextus unwillingly ascends to Lyctorhood to put an end to Cytherea the First's rampage. He's left heartbroken, grieving, and terribly, terribly lonely.
Don't Care If You Think I'm Dumb (I Don't Care At All). Gideon/Ianthe, Gideon as Kiriona, Unwholesome Tower Princes Bonding ft. bad sex and retail therapy. Rated E.
The newly christened Kiriona Gaia is not having a good time on the Mithraeum. At least she has Ianthe there to make her worse.
Follow Your Dreams, Never Let Them Die. Gideon/Harrow, Pokemon trainers AU! Rated T.
On her Pokemon Journey, Gideon Nav approaches the mysterious Drearburh City Gym - but something feels oddly familiar.
Gaia's Natural Market. modern AU, retail hell, Harrow/Gideon, Harrow/Ianthe, Gideon/Ianthe. Rated T
RING-A-DING-DING, the Holiday's are here! And nothing says "Give!" like the bounty of the Mother Herself, so come on by to GAIA's Natural Market! Treat your family to a home-cooked meal with only the PUREST of ingredients - all Produce Organic, all Products non-GMO, and all Smiles Authentic and free of Toxins!
Good Girl. Coronabeth/Ianthe, puppyplay, muzzles, rated E.
Coronabeth is Ianthe's big dicked bimbo puppy. Ianthe's into it.
Goodnight, New Rho. Camilla & Nona. Domestic Fluff, Missing Scene. Rated G.
Nona gets a bedtime story. Camilla reminisces about growing up with an older sister. They both sleep well, despite a notable lack of dogs.
In the Empire of the Deeps. Gideon/Nona/Ianthe, Gideon/Ianthe, Pirate AU, monsterfucking-adjacent, Nona is an eldritch sea creature. Rated E.
A chance encounter on the beach. Ianthe is manipulative, Kiriona is sad, and Nona is not as innocent as she seems. Sometimes, you might yearn for one person and meet another one. Sometimes, you have to take what you can get.
just like normal. Ianthe/Coronabeth, Cytherea is also there. Penis in vagina sex, Exhibitionism, Squirting. Rated E.
Ianthe gives herself a cock, and Corona is increasingly bewildered that she hasn’t been allowed to sit on it yet.
language of its own. Camilla/Palamedes. Worldbuilding, idiots to lovers, pre-canon. Rated T.
Camilla Hect has to do an erotic poetry final.
Masochism Tango. Porn with feelings, knifeplay, vivisection, lyctor-typical everything. Rated E.
Two occasions in which Pyrrha Dve had the pleasure of being under Cytherea's knife, and Mercymorn had the pleasure of Pyrrha Dve.
METHODS OF SUBDUCTION. Judith/Cornabeth, Judith & Varun. Planetary science rizz. Rated M.
Varun the Eater teaches Judith Deuteros how to flirt.
midnight mass. Mercymorn/Cristabel, pre-canon, Character Study. Rated T.
A lifetime before the resurrection and two decades before the apocalypse, a novice nun and a third-year medical student discuss goodness, passion, and salvation at midnight on Christmas morning.
motherhood. Mercymorn uses flesh magic on Wake. Hate sex ensues. Body horror, motherhood as violence, canon compliant. Rated E.
“I will kill you,” you say, with all the placid fervor of a religious convert. When you’re on the edge of real violence, you lose that tense little furrow in your brow—it’s beautiful, really. “Please give me a reason.”
My Love Overflows. Corona/Ianthe, Strap-on, Dirty talk, Impact Play, Hair Pulling, Bladder control. Rated E.
The one in which Corona pisses all over herself at Ianthe's whims.
name and rank. Judith/Coronabeth, Judith & Varun. Judith's failwoman swag! Rated T.
As Judith lies dying, she has nothing but time. Varun the Eater uses it to teach her how to flirt with the Princess. Don’t worry. Varun has got this!
New Rule. Mercymorn/Pyrrha, Ranch AU, stablehand Pyrrha, boss/employee relationship. Rated E.
Never hire stablehands who are too handsome and capable for their own good.
no shade in the shadow of the cross. Cytherea/Mercymorn, angst, fisting, two pillow princesses NOT making it work! Rated E.
Cytherea and Mercymorn have an ill-timed tryst.
per my last email. Camilla/Palamedes. Academia, banter. On peer review and multitasking. Rated M.
“Warden,” she said patiently, “you want me so badly it’s making you stupid."
RISKING OUR LIVES FOR UNIVERSITY HOLE???? 🤯😳 University AU, Team 69. The hole is a basement to be clear! Rated T.
The difficult part of visiting the local haunted house for a feature in the university magazine is not actually the visiting; it’s the writing about it afterwards.
So Messed Up. Ianthe/Coronabeth. Puppy play, collars & leashes, tail plug. Rated E.
Ianthe using her flesh magic to give Corona a big cock for petplay because she loves the idea of her sister being a big dicked bimbo puppy girl who just wants to rut into her.
The Great Gamete Gambit. Camilla & Palamedes, Pre-canon, worldbuilding, sixth house reproductive practices. Rated G.
Palamedes and Camilla have an important package to send, but there's been a heist in the gamete repository! Can the 15-year-old Master Warden and his cavalier crack the case?
The Sextus Scandal. Camilla/Palamedes, Epistolary, Pre-Canon Divergence. Rated E.
Transcripts and documents relating to the disciplinary hearing and subsequent resignation of Master Warden Palamedes Sextus.
Ways to Be Perfect. Babs/Colum Asht, GtN era, Rated M.
When Naberius first glanced across the supper table at Colum Asht, he didn’t immediately get the impression that he was liked.
The end!
Thank you for making it this far. If you enjoyed any of these works, or anything else in the collection, please drop a comment to make our creators feel appreciated <3
[post creators reveal exchange wrap post]
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applesjuice · 5 months
Oh! I'm curious to know how the Legendaries are acting in your Akari/Kiki project!
Are they more "Thoust art but a mortal, yet braveth enough for I to seek your company" or more "Hey, I know u a mortal and don't live long but u kinda cool, mind if I chill with you for the rest of your life bro?"
These tought just kinda poped in my mind hehehe xD
I actually had to think about this for a while and I made some notes to help me going forward LOL. So the Legendaries in Hisui are worshiped, like Palkia and Dialga and are treated like gods but the clans. But ultimately they are Pokemon. So I think what makes them differ besides from the GRAND COSMIC POWER from say, the average Pikachu, would be their intelligence, or their cognitive ability to interact and communicate with people. Like, most if not all pokemon can, but Legendaries in particular would operate more like kami. They understand human language and can respond in some way or even speak it.
Sort of like say, Princess Mononoke, where the older gods like Moro the wolf can speak but the newer generations are like more intelligent animals who have lost their ability to do so. That's how Legendaries operate in my AU. They're gods in the sense that they are ancient, powerful beings but can form human connections if they want to. Most don't, but Palkia and Dialga in particular are very fond of the clans since they literally worship them.
I think the Lake Trio would make more appearances because they don't generally live on a whole different plane of existence. They would be very skittish but also curious about people. But their powers can hurt humans if they're not careful and they aren't very careful. They just cannot really comprehend humans are squishy.
Post PLA Palkia and Dialga I think would pop in on the fringes to check on their worshipers, kind of like seeing bigfoot in the distance every time you have a bbq. They would only actually go out of their way to interact with those who have earned their respect, so essentially the Clan Leaders every so often, or Akari. There's lots of reverence from the clans so it's more of a "how art mine believers faring these days" sort of interaction a few times a generation since they have zero concept of time. While with Akari, who treats them like strong pokemon rather than gods because Akari is technically a modern trainer, they would visit more often because they are more curious about them.
They're kind of like stray cats that just wander in whenever to check on their human and possibly bug them for treats. I'd also like to think that come the future since worship of Palkia and Dialga isn't as in your face as Arceus, Palkia would actually take an interest in Ingo since he is technically a member of the old Pearl Clan. So as a Warden he's something like a priest to Palkia. Ingo would need to discuss with his brother whether or not Palkia is allowed on the subway.
But long story short Legendaries play favorites, especially with their "champions" (protagonists of that particular game) and Akari is no exception. Only thing is there's a bit of a pissing match going on between Arceus, Palkia, Dialga and Giritina for their attention post PLA. Arceus will sometimes call or FaceTime them on the arc phone because why can't god face time their favorite little guy? Palkia and Dialga will actually visit sometimes. And i think I mentioned this before but I like to believe post PLA Akari would erect a tiny shrine for Giritina since the clans have little in home shrines for their particular deity and they felt bad that Giritina was being left out. Because of this Kieran is essentially blessed by satan.
Also the legendaries are not used in battle here. As funny as it is to see Arceus use like, perish song or something in a battle, unless they are fighting eachother (other legendaries) it's considered disrespectful in the AU to even consider doing that. Pokemon world religions or whatever. It would be like sending Jesus into a cage match people would lose their minds.
Also in case anyone is wondering yes Palkia and Dialga would absolutely pop into the BB Academy Terrarium for funsies were Akari to go back to school. They would have cryptid status.
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rockybloo · 1 year
I'm curious, do you have like AUs of your own stories and OCs?
I love to make AUs....but mainly only for Red Beans because I love their dynamic the most.
They have like...over 20 of them no lie. I just love making Jack and Nana fall in love in different scenarios.
And instead of awaiting for someone to ask what all of the AUs are-I'MMA JUST LIST THEM HERE AS A SHORT RECESS FROM CURRENTLY WORKING ON COMIC PAGES
Switcheroo: Jack is a lupine, Nana is a farm girl
Genderswap: Jack is a farm gal, Nana is a lupine lad
Parent AU: Everything is the same but Jack and Nana wind up have kids in the future (6 pups specifically)
Reverse moralities AU: Jack and Nana are antagonists instead of protagonists
Amnesia AU: Jack is wacked with a memory loss curse and Nana has to help him regain them as well as their close relationship.
Jukebox Musical: My favorite one-it's just a super simplified version of Beanstalked in a library setting where everyone lives in books in an enchanted library
Modern AU: In Beanstalked's case, this is just what Jack and Nana's earthly lives are since everyone has a Lore self and and Earth self due to Lore being a parallel world.
1920s AU: Jack works at a small bookstore while trying to make it as a novelists and Nana is a club singer he has a crush on
Pacific Rim AU: Jack and Nana pilot a Jaeger and punch Kaiju and kiss a lot.
Fairy Jam AU: ....This is literally just Space Jam but everyone is a Beanstalked character instead.
Fables Don't Dance AU: This is literally just Cats Don't Dance but Jack is Danny and Nana is Sawyer.
Pirate AU: Jack is a cabin boy and Nana is the mermaid who has a crush on him.
Mermaid AU: Jack and Nana are both mermaids.
Little Shop of Horrors AU: Nana is a man eating plant and Jack is the lovestruck shopkeeper who keeps offing people to feed to her.
Demon Slayer AU: Not to be mistaken for the anime of the same title. This is a more Bloodborne-ish AU where Jack is a demon hunter and Nana is the demon who made a contract with him to keep him alive and allow him to use her abilities in battle.
Alien AU: Not to be mistaken for the movie of the same name. Nana is an alien being kept on the ship that Jack works on that Jack has a very obvious crush on.
Slasher AU: Jack is a masked slasher and Nana is the final girl he has had a crush on since they were kids together.
Dragon AU: Jack and Nana are dragons...pretty simple tbh.
Pokemon AU: Jack and Nana are pokemon trainers in a new fairy tale based region.
Beauty and the Beast AU: Just the Disney movie but Nana is Beast and Jack is Belle.
Toy AU: A mash-up of Raggedy Anne's Musical Adventure and Toy Story. Jack is a homemade rag doll and Nana is brand new plushie.
Jackdaw AU: Jack is a bird person and Nana is the one who keeps him safe as he heals from a broken wing.
Halloween Town AU: Jack is the Pumpkin King and Nana is a werewolf. But tbh this is just Nightmare Before Christmas.
Ghost Bride AU: Set in a victorian timeish setting where Jack died prematurely and Nana keeps his heart in a locket on her so he can still linger around her and can fully interact with her. They are happily in love but everyone is scared as hell.
Enchanted AU: Jack winds up popping out of the fairy tale world and into our world where Nana finds him and has to help him get back home
Magic Mike...AU?: I have a list where I wrote all of these down and I found this on it and I am pretty sure this is from after I watched Magic Mike and thought it'd be funny if Jack worked at a club and met Nana after a surprise bachorlette party Ashe threw for her and they just hit it off.
Cat AU: Jack and Nana are cats-Jack is a barn cat and Nana is just a stray.
Dog AU: Jack and Nana are dogs witch Jack working on a farm and Nana being a wolfdog hybrid.
Nymph and Satyr AU: Jack is a forest nymph and Nana is a satyr.
Marvel Cinematic Universe AU: Jack is basically Captain America and Nana is Lieutenant Lupine (a role I made from scratch that is just the fusion of Peggy and Bucky)
I probably missed a few but yeah...I like to spoil Jack and Nana a lot.
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lighthouseas · 8 months
okay i need to nerd out for a sec. pokemon au. here's what starter pokemon the party have + im right because i was severely hyperfixated on pokemon for many many years. i'm also only including the regional starter pokemon here and not pikachu and eevee just to make things easier for me
mike has an oshawott. why? because he looks like an oshawott and pokemon look like their trainers. his oshawott is incredibly stubborn and unwilling to listen to mike at first, but they eventually do bond and become hashtag besties for the resties!!!!!! he eventually evolves into a samurott because Sword. oshawott's nature is bold and his characteristic is a little quick tempered.
lucas has a snivy (him and mike are both from unova in this ok) because he thought snivy looked cool and decided that he needed to have one. lucas and snivy get along very well - much better than mike and oshawott did at first. they're very good buddies and she eventually evolves into a serperior and is a very powerful, well-rounded pokemon. lucas adores her. her nature is adamant and her characteristic is good perseverance.
max my best friend max has a scorbunny of COURSE. he's super athletic and very good at battling but those things often go to his head and he can be a bit of a little shit sometimes, so max has to keep him in check. he's very sweet though and just kinda stays the way he is and never evolves. which max is cool with because she likes scorbunny the way he is too!! his nature is sassy and his characteristic is thoroughly cunning.
will has a mudkip. because well. he looks like a mudkip and also mudkip are very Alert to things much like he is. mudkip is very shy and she doesn't really like interacting with anyone except will, which he's fine with, but he does try and get her to put herself out there she gets along great with mike's oshawott btw when she feels up to it. eventually she evolves into a marshtomp and while she's not a very strong battler, she's loyal to a fault, which will loves. her nature is timid and her characteristic is alert to sounds.
dustin has a turtwig (because of yertle). turtwig never evolves, but that doesn't actually matter because he is a fucking TANK. like, people will see him and not really expect much because he's just a Little Guy but oh man can dustin's turtwig pack a punch. he's incredibly loyal and resilient and smart and dustin loves his turtwig. so much. they're best friends. turtwig's nature is hardy and his characteristic is highly curious.
el has a fennekin. fennekin is just the sweetest little thing. just a little tiny girl fr. the cutest. el brags about having chosen the best starter Constantly. the two are best friends like actually having sleepovers and gossiping and the whole shebang. she eventually evolves into a delphox (hahaha psychic type) and is ridiculously powerful. like, near unbeatable, but she still maintains her very sweet demeanor. her nature is gentle and her characteristic is likes to relax.
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celestialholz · 1 year
Rock/Poison/Corrupted? (or 'is Geeta evil? Probably not, she's just a bit awkward, but here's why if she is')
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... Huh. Are y'all good? There's a fair amount of evil!Geeta speculation online, and like... I can't honestly sit here and say to you that she isn't a little sus, but...
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And I know that I've personally commented before on how the Elite Four are the AU Treasures of Ruin and that if they are, that must mean Geeta is their evil 'king' (because, y'know... Kingambit. Her name means 'heightened surface', like the stakes. She picked her own Elite Four. She runs several institutions, and she also just so happens to give you this.)
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... But evil? Really? We actually out here assuming this woman's Volo incarnate for being a bit socially awkward and giving you a King's Rock? Yeah nah, sorry. You're going to need a little more than that to convince me, friends. At the moment, she just looks like a woman in a position of power who's a bit curious maybe but is slaying. When you write as much meta as I do, you need the good shit.
Except... I think we already have it, two generations ago. I'm sure we all remember this lovely lady...
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Hello Lusamine, long time no see! How have you been, completely unhinged?
And what does this woman have in common with Geeta, aside from being a research-involved girlboss? (Because yep, we know Geeta was pals with the professors...)
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Oh, now we're talking. This is the good shit. :D
There are only two Rock and Poison types available in all of the Pokemon world: one has a very close association with Lusamine, and the other is owned by Geeta.
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And, er... we all know how well this ended for Lusamine...
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Mmm. Purple, black, and gold accents... now where have I seen that before?
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... Oh, yeah. Casually stalking me around Paldea after I bother getting a decent number of badges. Well, fuck...
The purple for the Poison, the gold for the Rock, and the black for... well, they do call the Dark type 'Evil' in Japan... that's my kinda colour symbolism. ;) And before you come at me and tell me the Rock type's more brown... not in Paldea it isn't, pals, because this is a Rock Tera den.
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Now, whilst Lusamine had an emotional trigger that left her more susceptible to the neurotoxins Nihilego produces...
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... Geeta is permanently walking around with this shit.
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This is her day job, yeeting the sentient embodiment of poison at you in all its concentrated glory. And whilst I could make a good case for her having the exact same emotional trigger as Lusamine, I can't prove it, and I don't deal in pure speculation. :) But I can happily prove that she has own issues - issues that could quite easily be twisted to darker purposes, and perhaps already have been.
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This is an excellent example of pure, and unrepentant, arrogance. She shows zero remorse in saying no one can get through her, and yet you and I know that she has very little on her team to back up this overconfidence. She's seen by most people as the easiest champion we've ever had, and... maybe this is why. Because she must have known at some point, right? No one gets this far without being damn good at least earlier in their life...
Maybe once upon a time, Geeta did know exactly how to construct a team. She knew to put Kingambit last, and she knew to put Glimmora first. But... well, I've analysed final slots before, with Larry and Staraptor/Flamigo, and concluded that the last slot in a trainer's party symbolises potential - what that trainer could be, for better or for worse.
And, well...
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The 'Top Champion' can't be a Kingambit, because she already is.
(Hilariously, this is the Violet dex's version of Kingambit, which is also ringing a little bit close to home.)
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But if the final slot is potential...
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... Oh. Oh, hell. The genuine definition of 'toxic' there...
It's also very worth mentioning on the battle front that whilst Lusamine is also a powerful trainer, her AI is... questionable when you face her, to reflect her erratic nature under the influence of Nihilego. I don't know man, it's almost like there's a link here... /sarcasm
And although the anime's a separate canon, the idea is very much the same.
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So, whilst I'm not expecting some weird Glimgeeta fusion-ha! shit going on here, if you take the already-present social curiosities of our Top Champion, throw in the arrogance and the power she holds, and combine it with sentient venom...
Is Geeta evil, friends? Pffft, still not convinced. The great majority of her in-game time is spent being (seemingly, anyway) genuinely supportive of you, Nemona, and anything you both do to achieve greatness. Even those gym leaders who have a problem with her - Tulip, Katy, Larry and Grusha - all have their reasons, but they spring from a place of circumstance. Larry admits later she was right to ask him to use a new type and broaden his horizons; Grusha is afraid of her because she could fire him, and yet he's still gym eight; Katy understands that she can't go all out because of where she is, it just frustrates her... the only one with a truly viable case here is Tulip. Because if the Psychic-type gym leader thinks your vibes are off... your vibes are probably a bit off. But, despite all of that... I can't ignore the sus here. I can't ignore the Glimmora; I can't ignore the potential, whether it's been realised yet or not.
And so, if Geeta's evil... it's not because she's a woman, or a bad champion, or a tyrant, or whatever the hell else. It's because she shares a luxury apartment with a Hell Crystal.
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... a Hell Crystal that doesn't tera Poison. Maybe, so far, the Rock's been strong enough to hold out... let's see if it stays that way in the DLC, shall we?
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wardeningo · 11 months
sooo obsessed w those pmd designs ,,, what’s their story?? If they have one :000
I'm not sure if you mean the story in the au or just about the characters but I'll share what I have so far under the cut! As well as some doodles to go along with it :]c
But! Essentially there is trouble somewhere sometime in the universe, in a place where there's not any humans around, only pokemon. Arceus decides this is a task for the lost girls (grave, wanda, and radix) but... not in their current forms. The three wake up in an unusual place in unusual bodies. Their memories intact but a little foggy.
For the overall story of the au, it's all still pretty vague!
To clarify I've never played a pmd game (though i want to), its my husband that knows stuff about it
I think it'd be awesome to have ultra beasts be the disruption they need to fix, but again everythings vague.
As for the characters! I'll start with Grave.
Grave is the original trainer sent by arceus to Hisui. That was when she was 27, and she's in her 40s now. When she first awakes she finds herself very curious on how she's a cyndaquil, yet bares traits of a hisuian typhlosion. She also finds herself very disappointed at the fact that she's a grown adult and still is first staged evolution (and still the shortest out of the group) She does like the fact that her friends can carry her though!
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And dw, she does eventually evolve into a just as strange typhlosion!
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And she is able to give her friends lots of rides in return! (and be the tallest finally) (also that typhlosion is not to canon size but thats okay)
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Onto Wanda! After being saved by Grave countless times and spending time with her, they went from being besties to sweethearts! While she's a little ditzy at times, she's super resilient and has a good heart. Although she'd rather stay at town and make sure peoples okay rather than facing off against wild pokemon or braving the elements to bring aid to those in need like Grave and Radix does, she's willing to lend a hand when needed! She was shocked to find herself chosen to be on this quest with the other two, but she ends up being a good calming optimist to the group, and protecting them fiercely with her new claws.
Grave was just surprised she wasn't turned into a spinda hehe
And finally is Radix, who belongs to @smiledjpg, who can tell you more about him.
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Radix has already once before found himself in a strange new world, unsure of what to do or even who/what he is. Only a sense of vague instructions. When he first landed in Hisui, he was on his own for a long time, he eventually met Wanda (having saved her hehe) and then Grave. They become friends, and after time lovers (that's right babey pokemon polycule).
He's glad that this time he has friends with him as he braves the unknown. He... he can't quite figure out how to sign with his little audino hands. Luckily it's not as painful for him to speak, but he's still pretty nonverbal.
They eventually met other audinos, who recoil on instinct seeing Radix. After all he's like nothing theyve ever seen. They warm up to him but it still stings, as it feels like no matter where he goes, he's never going to fit in.
I have talked... way too long and it's 3 am so I'll wait to post this in the morning hehe
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monstrsball · 1 year
So, with your Pokémon au, you made a comment about debating whether all of stzw should have dragon Pokémon (https://www.tumblr.com/monstrsball/717252267383865344/kennedy-i-was-wondering-do-you-have-characters?source=share I couldn't link it sorry) and it made me curious: what are all the Shiratorizawa teams like?
disclaimer: this is actually the first time i'm thinking about the rest of shiratorizawa so these teams very well may change in the future (except for ushijima, semi, and tendou)
shiratorizawa pokemon teams
(under the cut, if the read more works)
washijou: i do not have a team decided for washijou yet but the idea for him is he's a dragon-type gym leader! he was sort of a mentor to ushijima before ushijima left on his first pokemon journey (where he became champion). ushijima got his first pokemon from washijou too!!
ushijima: i talked about ushijima's team here in the post about the elite four + champion.
tendou: i talked about his team here.
semi: so, i'm still unsure what i'm doing with him. i very much still want him to be a musician (hence the pokemon i gave him) but i'm not sure what he was doing before? i'm debating having it where he was attempting the gym challenge originally but changed his mind. he and tendou are traveling together.
his pokemon- obstagoon, chatot, low-key toxtricity, noivern (i sort of lied when i said semi didn't have any dragon types bc i didn't know noivern was a dual type lol)
reon: left on his pokemon journey at the same time as ushijima. he beat all of the gym leaders but lost when he challenged the elite four. he is now a trainer at washijou's gym. he only uses his dragon-types when he battles challengers at the gym.
his team - dragonite, fraxure, goodra (<- the pokemon he uses to battle gym challengers, capping at three because that's the max i've seen gym trainers in the games use)
i'm thinking he has other pokemon that were on his original team when he challenged the gyms and elite four, he just doesn't use them for the gym battles. i think a kingambit would be cool for one of them because of the benkei nickname.
yamagata: thinking the same thing as reon? him being a trainer at the gym would be cool too, i think.
his team - druddigon, arctibax, tyrantrum (<- very tentative... i do really like tyrantrum for him though)
again, he probably has other pokemon that were with him on his original journey that he doesn't use for the gym battles. i don't have any ideas for those though. if i'm honest, i don't think about yamagata much despite really liking the stz third years lol.
shirabu: so, the original plan for shirabu was for him to be a contest coordinator bc that's what yahaba is? and i wanted them to be rivals lol. but i think him being a regular trainer would make sense too so maybe he does both? really admires ushijima.
i think he and yahaba have almost gotten into fist fights at several contests. everyone wonders how they haven't been banned from competing lol.
really unsure how i feel about these picks for him tbh. (except for feebas and altaria, i esp like feebas :3)
his team - altaria, feebas, audino, beedrill
taichi: trainer, probably? traveling with shirabu. i haven't really fully thought out what he's doing tbh. i kinda really like his team though hehe.
his team - jangmo-o, liepard, espathra, inkay
goshiki: trainer!!! really admires ushijima, wants to beat him and become the next champion. working really hard on that goal.
his team - dreepy, dedenne, cubchoo, wimpod
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slimeywooper · 10 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 13 Part 3 - Visit
CW: some cruel statements in the latter half and curse words at the very end.
"I'm curious, what do they actually do for Team Plasma? They mentioned something about working on different lines, and with their uniforms, I'm assuming they work on trains. I didn't want to ask Colress because everything about them seems to put him on edge." You tilt your head to the side, anticipating his response.
"That was probably a good idea. Colress does not like them, at all." Addressing your question, he continues, "Yes, their job involves riding and operating trains. The station they work at doesn't just have traveler lines, but also battle lines. This means Pokemon Trainers from around the world come to Gear Station to go through a gauntlet of sorts. The different lines they have determine what kind of Pokemon battles the person partakes in. The Single line is for regular Pokemon battles, whereas the Double line has trainers using two Pokemon at a time. As for what they do here," —Nobori begins stroking his goatee— "during their battles, they keep tabs on the trainers that show the most talent and send us the information that's been acquired. This is used for Team Plasma's recruiting efforts." After his long-winded explanation, you arrive at Kudari's door. He announces, "Kudari, Ingo and Emmet are—"
"I know! Let me out!" comes Kudari's voice from the other side.
Nobori quickly enters the code into the wall panel. Kudari barely waits for the door to open before squeezing out.
"Let's go! I can't wait to see them!" Kudari must have gotten prepared when he first smelled them, as he's already dressed and ready to head upstairs. When he sees you, he becomes withdrawn. You can't help but notice the bite on his throat looks red and tender, as if it has been recently reopened.
Feeling a pang of guilt, you apologize to him, "Hey, Kudari. I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt you."
He raises his hands midway up his chest, "No, I am the one who should be sorry. I did not realize that… I should have…" he is trying to find the words, but the ones he chooses don't seem to be what he wants to say exactly.
Lightly patting his shoulder, you assure him, "It's alright. Just, try to pay attention to me next time. Don't ignore me when I try to tell you something."
Kudari vigorously nods, but avoids making eye contact, "I will." He seems greatly embarrassed, his face becoming a shade of pink.
"Then we'll call it even. But, are you sure your throat is okay?" you inquire. The wound looks irritated, and you worried whether he was tending to it or not.
"Yes, most definitely. I have been scratching it, that's why it looks like this." He takes a glance at you, then averts his gaze.
Sighing, you instruct him, "Be sure to take care of it, I don't want it getting worse. But, anyway, the Subway Bosses are awaiting your arrival. We shouldn't stand around talking for any longer."
You walk to the elevator with the hybrids in tow. As they get on, you make sure to stand on the opposite side of Kudari, so you aren't next to Nobori. You don't want to accidentally touch him again and have to explain why you look flustered to Colress, especially not in front of the guests. The doors open, and Kudari rushes out, running down the hallway. Nobori immediately jogs after him, with you trailing behind. Turning the corner, you spot Kudari eagerly standing outside the door where the Subway Bosses are waiting.
Before scanning his badge, Nobori looks to make sure you have caught up, then holds it under the scanner. He lets Kudari go in before him, then waits for you to enter next. You offer a smile as thanks, which he returns.
The vibe in the room feels heavy. They must have been speaking about business related matters, though only Colress appears to be bothered. You stand off to the side, not wanting to get in the way of their reunion. Ingo is the first to start speaking, "Hello, boys, you look like you are doing well," he comments.
Emmet chimes in with, "Yup. Spindly has missed you! Here, say hello!" He grabs a Pokeball from his belt and tosses it.
Shocked, Colress starts to protest, "No loose Pokemon in the lab! Ugh…" but immediately falters and makes a displeased face as the Galvantula, Spindly, has already set upon Kudari.
It crawls up his legs, onto his abdomen. Kudari tenderly grabs Spindly, positioning it by his lips so he can kiss around its face repeatedly. "I've missed you as well!" He makes his strange clicking sounds, conversing with it. "It's been a few years since you guys last visited! I was so sad to see you go."
"We are very sorry for not coming to visit sooner," Ingo begins.
"I'm not," Colress sighs, not taking his eyes off the twins.
You aren't sure if they heard Colress, but Ingo continues as if they had not, "Most challengers that we see are decent, but not up to the standards of elite Team Plasma grunts. So we diligently run Gear Station to find worthy candidates to present."
"And it's fun battling all day, every day!" Emmet pipes in with a smile. Colress looks from one to the other, disgusted.
Ingo readies his hand on his belt, next to a Pokeball. "Since Kudari is getting to see Spindly, surely it wouldn't be too much of an issue if I let Nobori see Empyrea?" he asks, glancing at Colress.
Looking back at him with murderous intent, Colress relents acidly, "Just make it quick."
Grabbing the Pokeball, Ingo releases the Chandelure, Empyrea, which floats to Nobori and begins chiming at him.
Following with a similar trilling, Nobori rests his head on the glass body, looking into its eyes, placing his hands on each of its metal arms. You weren't aware Nobori could even make such sounds, but they must be a form of communication between the two, like Kudari has with his Joltik friends or Spindly.
Only a few minutes pass before Colress grows impatient with the display, tapping his foot. "Alright, that's good enough. There's only so much Pokemon can talk to each other about."
Nobori obeys, quickly releasing Empyrea. Kudari, however, is holding Spindly closer to himself, turning his body to shield it.
Emmet smiles at him, patting his shoulder, "Don't worry, Kudari. We will be back again someday. Hopefully there will be more time for catching up then."
Kudari's arms loosen, and Spindly walks down his body to the floor. The Pokemon are returned to the Pokeballs of their respective owners.
Colress doesn't wait for the Subway Bosses to speak, telling them,
"Well, it's evident you two are very busy, just like we are here. You can hand me the report with all the potential recruits on it and be on your way. Hopefully in MLA style like I requested last time." Without taking a second to think about it, Emmet responds, "It doesn't look like you have much going on here."
Colress' eyes widen, marveling at the audacity of the twin. "We do. Now if you have nothing further to add, we really must be getting back to work."
"Just like old times! Always to the point! Verrry professional!" Emmet's smile is even wider now. "I remember the first time Ingo and I met you." Colress gives him a death glare, clenching his jaw. "You were in the Chess Club."
"Yes, you were a very bright and studious young man," Ingo recounts, nodding along to the memory.
"A total nerd!" Emmet announces. There isn't any malice in his voice, so you assume he said this without the intention of being rude, but you can't help but snort, suppressing laughter. Kudari looks to be in a similar state, facing the group once more. "You decided that being good at chess would automatically give you an advantage with strategic planning during Pokemon battles. Challenging the top students in the Battle Club was bound to end in failure on your part."
Ingo is quick to attempt to lessen the impact of Emmet's statement, "Honestly, it's an easy mistake to make. They both can require complex thinking," he assures.
Emmet isn't done yet, continuing to narrate his recollection of the event, "But, you misjudged! There is no waiting in a Pokemon battle! It's fast paced! That is why you lost so badly! You took too long trying to think up what to do next!"
"I was there, I remember," Colress mutters darkly, straightening his coat. "I must thank you. Without that experience, I would have never been drawn to the pursuit of creating the perfect Pokemon. Ones that don't lose battles."
"We are quite humbled by your decision to use our DNA to make such wonderful hybrids," Ingo says sincerely. Kudari happily dances in place at hearing this. He continues, "It is lamentable that they would not be allowed to compete on the Battle Subway. They would have too much of an advantage over the other Pokemon," Ingo informs the group solemnly.
"No Pokemon would stand a chance against us!" Kudari interjects, stepping forward.
Colress uses his arm to push him back, ignoring what he had just said. "Well, they aren't quite up to snuff with what I was attempting to create, but I believe they are a step in the right direction."
What a terrible thing to say, and right in front of everyone, too. You glance to Nobori. He makes eye contact before looking to the floor. At least Kudari doesn't appear to notice what was said, he's intently watching the Subway Bosses. Ingo and Emmet look at each other, seeming to converse in some kind of twin telepathy that no one else is privy to.
Reaching into the inside of his coat, Ingo pulls out an envelope. "Well, Since you are so busy, we won't keep you any longer." He hands it to Colress, explaining, "This is our report, it contains a detailed analysis of the best Pokemon Trainers we have faced in the past few months, as well as their battle strategies."
Without a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Emmet requests, "Colress, be a good, old friend and lead us back to our tram."
Colress closes his eyes, opening them a moment later, smile back on his face. "Very well, follow me." He uses his tablet to open the door, exiting with Ingo and Emmet behind him, followed by the hybrids, then you very last. The short journey is made in silence, no one saying anything until the Subway Bosses' tram is reached.
Ingo and Emmet turn, the former speaking first, "It was good seeing you boys again, though I suppose you're old enough now not to be referred to as 'boys' anymore."
"That means we're old," Emmet proclaims, smile widening. "We look forward to seeing you again. Perhaps someday you can even come to visit us," he nods after saying this.
They both board the tram, pointing at the group, and in unison shout, "All aboard! Next stop: Gear Station!"
As it departs and speeds down the track, Kudari says, "They're leaving. It's going to be a few years before we see them again, isn't it?" With a somber tone, he adds, "They didn't even remember it was our birthday…" his voice cracks, eyes filling with tears. He wraps his arms around himself, starting to rock back and forth.
"Kudari… don't… start," Colress warns.
"Don't take it personally, Kudari. You know they have a lot going on at Gear Station," Nobori tries to ease his brothers sorrow, rubbing his back.
Oh no… why didn't anyone tell you it was their birthday? After musing it over for a moment, you slap your head in realization. Luckily everyone is too preoccupied to notice. Before Kudari grabbed you yesterday, he had said today would be a 'special day.' When you asked what he meant, he wouldn't tell you because it would 'ruin the surprise.' Finding your voice, you speak up, "I'm sorry, Kudari… I didn't know it was your birthday…"
"There's no reason to be 'sorry,' we don't celebrate their birthday," Colress states coldly. "Here, how about you take your mind off it. Go work in the wash room again."
Great, even with the twins gone, he's still in a pissy mood. "Alright, if that's where you want me. Kudari, are you coming? You can help me out."
"No, I believe he's had enough excitement for one day. You shouldn't have any issues working by yourself." He looks right through you when he says this.
Even with the Subway Bosses bringing out the worst in him, there's really no reason for him to be so nasty. "I just thought—"
Not letting you finish the sentence, Colress cuts you off, "Please don't, I know it's not your strong suit." The tram is no longer in sight, but he turns to stare in the empty space, no longer finding value in looking at you.
You leave, not saying a word. God, he's such a fucking asshole, it makes you want to scream. Not even guests are treated with dignity. That must be what he does. Acts nice when first meeting people, then shows everyone what a dick he is. You're fuming the whole journey to the wash room, slamming the door after entering. If that's how he wants to be, then you'll just hang out here pretending to work. It's not like he can blame Kudari for you not doing something. Your time is spent playing on your phone, waiting for an adequate amount of time to pass before leaving the room.
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
haunted by pokemans disease ANYWAYS, i'm curious since idk if you've mentioned it before or not, but how do things like mega evolution, z moves, dynamax, etc work in your AU?? does mega evolution affect the minds of some characters if they have the ability use it? since apparently some pokemon experience pain when mega evolving and whatnot, are z moves and dynamax only given to certain characters because of how powerful their energy is? are they like really rare among pokemon? just curious overall, kajsdajksk
To first explain these things, I’ll have to explain battles and gyms in the au
Basically, things like gyms and the league still exist! However the league is more so like... a professional sport kind of thing. Any person (Aka pokemon) can challenge the gyms and battle the league, but it’s like pro wrestling (or more realistically pro-bending from the legend of Korra) but with pokemon moves and shit: your average Joe will not make it far and thus anyone who wants to do the gym challenge and try to claim the spot of champion has to train their abilities. People also often take on gyms and the league as a team- this is mostly in reference to how in canon trainers usually have more than one pokemon, but since trainers don’t exist here, the multiple pokemon are still a team in their own right.
Regular battles do happen and are usually for fun/training, I imagine it’s similar to the anime where there are designated spots for battles to happen but these battles are HEAVILY relegated since they’re like. In the middle of towns and shit. Don’t wanna accidentally set a building on fire-
Anyways for the au dynamaxing is very rare and usually is only applied to ultra beasts even though that isn’t the case in canon! This is bc dynamaxing is a result from Eternatus falling to earth, and since they have a strong connect to Ultra Space as a celestial being, and their energy made those fuckers HUGEEEEE. Otherwise for regular dynamaxing, I imagine it’s an INCREDIBLY rare phenomenon and most people don’t like using it because it’s a lot to handle, even if it only lasts a short while (however long three turns is in actual time form), so while gyms in Galar accommodate for it it’s only ever been used a few times.
Z-Moves are more so a thing in Alola, and are also p rare given the Z-Crystals are made from Necrozma’s body or whatever 😭 but they pretty much have the same function in game where they’ll power up certain types of Pokémon and have killer moves. A lot of training is put into mastering the moves the Z-crystals give because a little dance is not enough to have the power of whatever snorlax does. Those who have mastered Z-moves def act as mentors to generations and I think for the pokemon who have specific z crystals (like Pikachu) then those are sorta family heirlooms, so in a way Z-Crystals are a sort of Alola cultural thing that hasn’t caught onto the resy of the world. I think if Latios and Latias saw a Z-crystal they’d have a panic attack so they will not use it. Once again the trial system in Alola has accommodated for it but they’re very rarely used outside of the region
Mega evolution is the main one, mostly because it’s like the only gimmick that wasn’t only in one game! :D
Anyways it is p similar to canon where there are very stones that give certain pokemon their mega forms, I imagine they’re similar to Z-Crystals or AU!Soul Dew in that they’re parts of Necrozma that have been reworked to give pokemon an edge/advantage in battle, however the phenomenon isn’t fully understood and like in canon, can actually really hurt certain users. While it’s the most popular “gimmick” to use I do think for the safety of the user and other people, the use of mega evolution is heavily restricted and outright banned in certain areas. It’s like steroids in a way. I will not elaborate.
Also the Mewtwo mega stones don’t exist because literally Mewtwo has only existed for less than 30 years there is no way the universe is giving them not one but TWO mega stones that is impossible 😭
I’m not even gonna touch on terrializing or whatever it is bc I deadass forget it exists 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but yeah!
TL;DR: dynamax and SCVI’s gimmick basically don’t exist outside of certain examples, Z-moves are some Alola thing p close to canon, and Mega evolution is the same as canon but for the well-being of humanity it’s basically BANNED LOL
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greentrickster · 2 years
I'm curious. I remember you mentioning Melli's first impressions of the Nimbasa Trio, but I dont remember seeing a separate post talking about his first meeting with Elesa. Did I miss it? If not, I'd be happy to hear more about their first meeting! The Luxray bit sounds fun!
That's because I did not write one, my AU-building is sporadic like that!
On the subject, however, Elesa probably gets told about Ingo’s return the day after it happens - it would have been the night of, but Emmet drank the Forbidden Milk and was Very Ill as a result. Emmet calls off work the next day because he’s still feeling a tad queasy, and also because like heck he’s going any farther from his brother than absolutely necessary at the moment. The plan is to wait a day, let Ingo get his bearings a little, then report his return to the authorities and let everyone know.
Except then Elesa texts him a general ‘Hi, how you doing, anything interesting happening?’ message around lunch and he responds that he’s off today because mild food poisoning, and she decides to do a surprise cheer-up visit with a nice ginger tea (good for settling the stomach) and her Luxray (big fluffy girl, good for soothing the soul). Because being sick on your own sucks and she’s a good friend like that.
Cue her using her key to Emmet’s apartment (given to her in the event of emergencies sometime during Ingo’s time away, same as the twins have one to her place), and everyone getting the shock of their lives when she opens the door to Emmet lounging on the sofa under a blanket, chatting with Ingo who is at the other end with Emmet’s feet in his lap. The travel mug of tea hits the floor. Elesa screams (because holy crap, INGO?!?), Ingo yells (because FRIEND HE HAS JUST REMEMBERED WHOM HE IS DELIGHTED TO SEE AGAIN), Emmet screams (because everyone else is doing it and he’s susceptible to the primal urge to scream when everyone else is doing it). And then, finally, Melli wanders in from where he’s been sulking in the spare bedroom with his pokemon to find out what’s going on, and miraculously out screams all three of them (because holy shit LUXRAY, THEY ONLY COME INTO SETTLEMENTS WHEN THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM AND THOSE ONE TEND TO BE BOTH POWERFUL AND HUMAN-KILLERS, THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE).
Eventually everyone’s calmed down and Melli’s been talked out of his fall-on-the-floor-and-repent-thy-sins-for-thou-lookest-upon-thy-death state (Luxrays are dangerous and he’s not in a great head space at the moment, boy absolutely had a panic attack). By this point Elesa’s brewed some more ginger tea with the extra teabags she brought and is sitting on her favorite armchair like the queen she is, Luxray sitting in just the right way to lean against the chair and allow Elesa to rub its ears, and she gains Melli’s instant and automatic respect as a trainer for the rest of his time in the future, even when he finds out that a lot of his team are actually stronger than her core team (I still think it’d be a bit of a toss-up when the two battle, though - a team with two in the forties and one in the seventies using strong and agile styles versus a team of six all at level fifty using modern battle techniques).
Emmet is miffed that Elesa gets respect when he doesn’t.
Melli: She’s caught and trained a Luxray.
Ingo: I’m sorry, Emmet, but he makes a valid point.
Emmet: (sulkily drinks his tea)
The rest of Elesa’s visit is spent catching her up on what happened yesterday, explaining that they were going to tell her about Ingo’s return tomorrow but wanted to give Ingo a little space since he has Been Through Some Things and is still adjusting. So, despite how much she wants to, she doesn’t stay as long as she’d like, only a couple hours. Melli retreats back to the guest room for most of it, but she has still earned his undying respect. Is he going to still be a brat around her at first? Yes, absolutely, it’s Melli, but he’s going to listen to her more than he would otherwise, and way more than he does to the twins before the Train Incident.
Thanks for the ask!
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Soni world hopping into other Pokemon AUs was interesting to think and daydream about. But now I'm kind of curious if Phoebe and her Pokemon were transported to Soni's Twisted Wonderland before even going to Twst herself.
Being from Johto, Soni might appreciate the fact that someone from the home region is here to keep her company.
Also someone can relate about Pokemon stuff. Heck, maybe even share memes only people from the Pokemon world would get while the boys are confused as to what they're giggling about.
If the TWST boys ever freak out because another Pokemon trainer was mysteriously summoned again.
Phoebe is more of a neutral sort, she can't threaten Crowley with a baseball bat but she can deliver verbal punches unexpectedly without even meaning to.
Crowley: Miss, if you need any help, I thought you'd consult me instead of the professor...
Phoebe: *Looks between Trein and Crowley* Oh, I thought HE was the headmaster, my mistake...
Crowley: *Hears ego shattering*
Also I bet she just has tea while Soni wrecks Crowley for pushing responsibility towards her again. XD
Also since Soni's twst universe has wild Pokemon appearing, at some point them pokeball smithing skills could come in handy.
Phoebe starts to brandish her skills with a casual face as if this was just the norm.
Also, Phoebe meeting the boys in Soni's Twstverse would probably go like this...
Phoebe: hello...
Boys: just a normal kid- !?
Phoebe: *casually brushing dirt off her Steelix in the yard*
Boys: ajsjj... what- huh..!?!?
sorry if this feels kind of spam-ish.
Oooh, Phoebe going to Soni's world is interesting 👀
While Soni looks Johtonese, she's from Kalos- born and raised there. This sort of thing happens all the time though, so Soni's not gonna be surprised by it if someone thinks that way.
She'll definitely be more surprised by the other Pokemon Trainer who appeared one day.
I love the idea of Soni having time to talk with someone from her homeworld. The memes that they would share- 😂 They would go, "It's an inside joke/meme!" and then just go on with their day.
At the same time, she's slow to interact at first because of her reputation back home and how most don't like to talk to her. So, when she sees Phoebe being cheerful and open without prejudice, Soni would open up a little more if only because the level of expectations and decorum are nonexistent in TWST, one of the few good things that Soni learned about when she first came here.
Phoebe giving those straight punches to Crowley's ego will always be satisfying. Also, her casually showing off her Pokeball-making skills when everyone else thought Phoebe was a normal Trainer is amazing.
Kinda like Phoebe just sticks her hand in her pocket and shows off the tools that she keeps on hand while sparkles are in the background- that level of "Oh, you need a hand? I'm here"
The TWST boys see Phoebe and went through the levels of disbelief, confusion, realization, and even more confusion all at once when the Pokemon shows up alkdsjfkljs
On a random note, Phoebe petting her Steelix makes me think of someone petting a metal cat and I find that cute-
Another one that popped up is Furret sitting on top of Steelix's head and just sunbathing up there, and I just wanted to share that image with you.
Ah, it's alright to send things like this! Don't worry, I like these sorts of things! It's a lot of fun to see what could happen in What Ifs like this!
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
i just saw a post about what prompts fandom engagement, and i'm curious about what you think of it?? (disclaimer that i'm not op and i dont know op) stonelionhearts (.) tumblr (.) com/post/676005726909562881/
It's a little complicated, but it does seem to get at ye olde conventional wisdom that big fandoms form around things that are:
1. fun
2. bad
The Wire and literary fiction and such things don't get big fandoms because fans who are into them often like them for the level of craft displayed. They aren't full of holes to fill with fannish stuff. Those holes could be plot holes or a lack of emotional resolution on a tv show that's mostly about action. They could be inconsistent writing of a character. They don't have to be extreme, but it does help if canon isn't displaying so much prowess that fans feel unable to live up to that artistic level.
I roll my eyes a little at how the analysis is trying to avoid talking about good/bad art. It's true that this is subjective, but it's also very obviously a factor and overlaps heavily with "story satisfaction".
I like that it leaves room for canons where people don't care about the characters so much. I personally tend to read m/m where the dudes have a lot of canon interaction, and this type of shippy content is often heavy on AUs and light on setting love, there are other parts of fandom that are all about OCs at Hogwarts or OC Naruto ninjas or pokemon trainers.
The biggest factors aside from these are canon's audience size and serialization. A oneshot canon inspires less engagement than a canon that comes out over time. Ideally, canon should have some meaty parts that come out together but also some hiatuses during which people can catch up and make art. If a canon came out all at once, but is pretty long or slow to consume, that can have a similar effect as successive waves of fans get into it bit by bit.
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gt-ridel · 2 years
How did Akari and Rei start to realize that Ingo and Emmet weren’t people they needed to be afraid of, and start warming up to them? Did they specifically do something that made Akari and Rei go ‘oh, they’re friendly’? Or was it a gradual realization?
Answer under the cut 'cause it got a bit long. ^__^;; Most of this was already covered in my original post about the AU, but I'll go into a little more detail from the kids perspective here! Thank you so much for the interest anon! 💜 Also I should note for all of these answers, I'm just giving my own ideas. I have a fic writing partner, and I haven't discussed all of these details with them! So if/when the fic is posted, some things might be a bit different.
Well, when they first met it was unfortunately a rather dire situation. Rei and Akari had been chased by a curious Joltic, which accidentally paralyzed the elder twin when it got a little too close. Ingo and Emmet had stayed later than usual at work. In fact they practically had the place to themselves, and were just clocking out when they heard the frantic shouting of children. They rushed to find the source of the commotion and found Akari trying to fend off the Joltik with a plastic spork, while her brother lay behind her twitching in agony. To make a long story short, Akari refused to talk to them (both because she's terrified and because it's hella illegal to talk to humans!) so Ingo and Emmet ended up bringing them home so they could tend to their medical needs. (the little Joltik came along too. It felt really bad about accidentally hurting the tiny human!) Akari and Rei were NOT HAPPY about this. They just want to go back to Jubilife! But it came down to either telling the subway bosses where the village was (because they refused to leave unless they could conduct the children to safety) which was a HUGE no. Or letting Ingo and Emmet tend to them themselves until they were fit enough to make the journey back on their own. Rei developed something of a fear of pokemon now. Especially joltiks. But while he is recovering from his injury, Ingo and Emmet also take it upon themselves to help him with this. Ingo works with Rei while Emmet and Galvantula train the little joltik to better control itself so it doesn't hurt either of the borrower twins again. I think seeing the patience and gentleness with which both humans treated them, and the special dedication they put into helping Rei, really won Akari over. She thought humans were supposed to be terrifying and evil? But these guys were... kind? And goofy? Even their huge, super powerful pokemon were nice! As Akari started to ease up around the subway bosses, she became a lot more chatty and curious. It didn't take her long to embrace them all as friends and let her mischievous side show more often. Rei remained apprehensive longer than his sister, but honestly, Mr. Ingo and Mr. Emmet were pretty cool. They hadn't ever hurt him or his sister. They hadn't threatened the village in any way. And Mr. Emmet had even set him on the path to becoming a pokemon trainer? It's something he never saw himself taking to. But he and joltik had actually started to bond. If he got good, maybe he would be transferred to the security corps. Did he want that? He wasn't sure. But he knew when they returned home, he'd be bringing Joltik along with them.
Rei and Akari are orphans who were taken in by the Galaxy Team about five years ago. They're used to having superiors, but this is the first time in a long while they've felt like a grownup actually cared about them as individuals. Professor Laventon was closest, but he was often swamped with work. And uncle Volo was a travelling merchant, so they didn't get to see him that much. All in all, they're all pretty sad when the time comes to return to the village. But it is where they belong, and they have a duty to the Galaxy team. Still, maybe they'll see each other again?
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royalty-subway · 3 years
Twins reaction to their S/O being a subway master?
XD lmao like they became the grey Subway master in multi battles so they have an excuse to use their full team
Oof. Not gonna lie, but I had to look up what “Multi Battles” were since there’s the Single Battles and the Double Battles. And the Super ones. ;w;
From what I got, Ingo prioritizes in Single Battles; it’s just like regular Pokemon battles (trainers are only allowed three Pokemons), Emmet prioritizes in Double Battles; it’s just having two Pokemons on your team fighting the two opposing Pokemons (trainers are only allowed four Pokemons), and those two do Multi Battles; it's similar to Double Battles, but instead you have someone beside you to fight against two other trainers, everyone gets out one Pokemon and attempt to work as a team to win (each trainer is only allowed two Pokemons). And the Super ones are just more difficult.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- I still didn’t play Pokemon Black 2 fully yet (I don't even know what I'm doing in the game-), so I could be wrong on this and just making an ass of myself again- ;w;
Plus, I sorta wrote a few things that goes with my AU a bit (at least for the Sordward and Shielbert part). Since we’re sort of talking about the SwSh twins and the Subway Masters meeting each other, if their s/o is also a Subway Master.
Well, he doesn’t really get the battle stuff in the subway much. He might’ve only tried it a few times with his younger brother. And that’s it. I mean, it’s fun. But he can think of other things to do.
Don’t get me wrong, he respects the shit out of you and the two other Subway Masters. Since it’s pretty interesting how this battle system works in general (it's just that his younger brother is more fascinated by this than him, but whatever).
And he’ll mostly just hang around the subway with either you or Emmet. Since you two seem to tolerate his existence. Ingo can’t even tolerate him for 2 seconds. And he would try to fight you… But you only do Multi Battles.
Not that he refuses to enter the Multi Battles, he entered it with his younger brother at times as mentioned before. It’s just that it’s sort of difficult when they both have a lot of steel-types on their team in general.
He might ask you questions about the subway system, since he doesn’t really know much about it in general and he’s a tad bit curious about it. Plus, it sort of gave him an excuse to be around you.
He’s very intrigued by the subway and the Subway Masters in general. Granted, he might’ve not been aware of the subway once he entered it (or when he arrived in Unova). But he soon got the gist of it.
He might’ve tried a few Subway Battles, even some with his older brother. But he never bothered going too far since his team kinda sucks fuck-
But once he heard about you being a Subway Master along with Emmet and Ingo, he became very fascinated with that fact and he respects the shit out of you guys. And yeah, they’ll be times when he just chills out with either you or Ingo on the subway. Since you two are actually nice to him. Well, Ingo is pretty intimidating, but still.
But it’s kinda unlikely that he’ll even encounter you on the Multi Battles, since he and his older brother sucks fuck at this. So unless Emmet gives them a “get out of jail” free card to skip everything just to encounter you, the chances are low. But he’s trying his best.
Even if he were to fight you alongside his older brother. You’d beat their ass, which it’s cool. By the way, he might ask if he can accompany you while you're conducting the subway. I mean, if he’s even allowed to.
Okay, so he kinda thought that it was only him and Ingo who were the Subway Masters… Subway Bosses…? Bah, you get the point. So even you having that position is questionable.
He can only think that you either broke in here or Ingo gave you that position without telling him. Which he’d never do... But hey, you’re here now for some reason. Welcome aboard. :)
He doesn’t really have a problem if you use your whole team during Multi Battles. Granted, it’ll be unfair for the challengers and you’re supposed to have at least two Pokemons along with your partner, but it’s fun to make people sad sometimes-
By the way, on the topic of “needing a partner in Multi Battles”, he’ll probably try his best to fight beside you on the Multi Battle things. Just because. Or you guys could Naruto run all over the place-
It’s likely that he’ll hang out with you 24/7. Since you’re apparently a Subway Master now, so you’re always there at work like he is. Compared to a trainer who comes for 3 minutes and leaves.
… Alright, last time he checked, it was only him and Emmet who were Subway Masters (or Subway Bosses, whatever). I mean, sure, they could make someone a Subway Master like them, but why would they do that?
So it’s either that you barged in and you self-proclaimed yourself as a Subway Master, or Emmet gave you the privilege to become a Subway Master without his permission.
Plus, you aren’t exactly allowed to use your “entire team” in Multi Battles since you’ll either be partnered with him or Emmet in there. And trainers are only allowed to have at least two Pokemons. If we go by the game logic, but whatever. You could be the secret raid boss for all he knows.
Actually, now that you’re here, there'll be times when he asks if you can join him for a walk or join a simple subway ride. For the fun of it, of course. Or talk about battle strategies because that’s pog.
It’s sort of likely that he’ll let you be in charge if something bad happens and he isn’t around to fix it, depending how high your IQ is since you could be the same disaster s/o that tortures him. Last time he disappeared, Emmet nearly cried because well… his brother disappeared with zero explanation.
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
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Nurse Trainer! AU
An AU where instead of Phoebe that fell in NRC, we have a nurse trainer named, Galen, with his partner in first aiding, Togetic, he sometimes calls it Eggy.
Home: Sinnoh Region
Town: Jubilife City
A rather timid yet caring kind of guy who works in the Pokemon center. He was basically easy to spot since he’s one of the few rare male nurses at the Pokemon center. Almost all of them had Nurse Joys which was still a big mystery to him up to now. 
As a child, he went on to have his Pokemon journey with his Togepi who evolved into a Togetic. However, he got a close call when he almost lost his precious partner while battling a gym leader. Luckily for him, Togetic was able to recover.
From then on, he quit being a trainer and focused on being a Pokemon nurse instead. He finds it more fascinating getting to meet new Pokemon and trainers who come in to get healed rather than just battling.
While he does occasionally battle, it was only to settle any disputes. There were cases of Team Galactic grunts causing trouble in the city streets and Galen brings out his battling experience to keep others from being injured by their dumb plans.
Togetic ♂
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“E-Eggy! Try not to stray too far from me! The people here aren’t like the ones we know back home!”
Moves: Life Dew, Dazzling Gleam, Brick Break, Flamethrower
⊖ Togetic is sometimes called “Eggy” by Galen and it's his starter Pokemon. He hatched a Togepi as a school assignment and got to keep it. The two are inseparable, as a Togepi he would cry loudly when he saw Galen had gone off without him.
⊖ Galan had a collection of bags and carriers growing up until he evolved into a Togetic that he didn’t need to be carried anymore. Though he would still fly closely around Galen not that he minded.
⊖ Togetic would offer candy after a check-up, making the visits tolerable for the anxious patients. 
⊖ But when it comes to battles, Togetic is no pushover, Galen may not be a trainer anymore but he trains his Pokemon for self-defense against troublemakers.
⊖ Togetic is his strongest Pokemon and they’ve had more experience on the battlefield than any on his team.
Chimecho ♂
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“I wish I can be as calm and accepting of any crap thrown my way, just like you Chimecho...”
Moves: Confusion, Heal Bell, Shockwave, Safeguard
⊖ A rather chill Pokemon that he mostly hangs near the doorway. Though, if Galen tells him to stop any unruly people he’ll use Confusion or Shockwave to do so before going back and playing with his bell chime.
⊖ Galen sometimes lets Chimecho wrap himself around his head acting like an eye mask when he wants to sleep. Medical work can be exhausting at times you know...
Cherrim ♀
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“Now where did that one go? Cherrim?! No, don't touch that!”
Moves: Heal Pulse, Magical Leaf, Sunny Day, Solar Beam
⊖ Instead of a Chansey, Galen picked a Cherrim to mostly do the healing work. She is exceptional at it though the problem was that Cherrime is VERY curious.
⊖ She sticks her flowery head into a lot of trouble. Galen used to struggle with this issue until he found out that she is addicted to Combee's honey.
Combee ♂
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“I'm super stressed from all that work... Nothing like a nice cup of tea with Combee honey to keep me calm.”
Moves: Bug Buzz, Gust, Sweet Scent, Bug Bite
⊖ Galen caught a Combee because the honey they gather is very delicious and has a calming effect on those who consume it. He figured he could offer some for anxious patients and for himself.
⊖ Combee is quite the busy bee, always gathering honey to store afterward. Galen didn't anticipate that once his Combee ran out of jars to fill, he just started to store them everywhere.
⊖ He learned to just distribute the honey in the hospital to keep that incident from happening again.
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