#I'm obviously talking about alastor if you couldn't tell
mason-cipher · 8 months
Uhhh I love my wife :)
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normansnt · 8 months
The Prince pt.2
(Alastor x prince of hell! Reader)
Warnings: couple fight, kinda depression but nothing major, ehhh I think thats it.
Also Alastor might be a bit OOC but like who cares let me be delusional🫡
It has been two months now since you and your dad visited your sisters hotel and you met Alastor.
Since then life has been amazing. You and Alastor continued to meet up in coffee shops and bars.
Of course you didn't tell your father since he would freak out.
However is has happened don more than one occasion that you spent the night in Alastors room at the hotel telling your father that you were just visiting Charlie.
Nothing happened of course since Alastor was asexual, and it took quite some time to get him comfortable with physical touch in general.
After he got used to it though it turned out he loved it. Only with you, but he loved it.
One of your favorite activities together is, in fact, cuddling.
Which you were doing right now as well you sitting in his lap in one of his arm chairs both of you reading books.
Alastor stopped reading for a second, and looked at you.
Since the meeting at the hotel a lot has happened. A lot that surprised even him. He has no idea he could get into e relationship let alone with someone as amazing as you.
Around the beginning of the second month into your relationship you got into a fight.
You wanted him to drop the act and open up to you because if he doesn't this relationship will never work.
And obviously he didn't want to. He has spent years building up his very carefully crafted facade. And who knew if you would still love him.
After that argument you didn't see each other for a week. Which was hell for alastor. Yes, he lived there but being away from you showed him what it was like for other people.
The pain in his heart was something he has never felt before, perhaps when his mother died but that was so long ago he could barely remember.
He woke up with that blinding pain in his chest and he thought is was just a temporary thing, so he went along his day.
Only to notice that the pain did not lessen or go away. It was there constantly and got worst whenever someone mentioned you.
After 3 days spent like this he could take it no more he went to you fathers house and requested to see you.
He knew that Lucifer didn't know you guys were together but he didn't care at this point he needed to see you and frankly he refused to do it over a little buzzing box.
Your father was of course as confused as one can be. What the fuck was the radio demon doing here wanting to talk to you.
They were about to get into another fight when you turned up.
Alastor froze when he saw you.
You were, even nicely speaking, a mess. Your hair was not as well kept the sleepless nights could be seen in your eyes, and you were wearing your pjs, which was one of Alastors shirts, from the few he owned.
Alastors didn't even spare another glance at your father he pushed him out of the way took your hand and led you to your room where you guys talked things out.
He didn't open up fully, but he stopped grinning. Which was already a huge step for him.
He promised, though, to open up to you more and more he just needed time.
And you were ok with that.
After he finished his sentence you leaped into his arm and kissed him which he eagerly returned. Missing the feeling of your lips on his.
He was staring at you. For a long time now and you were getting worried.
"Are you ok?" You asked while cupping his cheek.
He took the hand that was on his cheek and kissed your palm that put that hand on his chest where his heart would be if he had one.
"Oh, I'm quite alright dear, just thinking." He answered than leaned in for a kiss.
Your lips met and this kiss was not quite like the others.
Alastor but all the feelings he couldn't say into that one kiss stealing your breath. You felt the things he was to closed off to share and you understood why it would take him time.
After you parted you gave him another quick kiss which made him chuckle.
Oh, yeah when Alastor visited you, Lucifer found out about you two, and since than...well lets just say Alastor enjoys tempting him with it to no end.
No cuz in all seriousness my hazbin fics have gotten so much love and I just wanna thank you guys so much😭🧡🧡
I hope you enjoyed your reading Ladies, gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night.🦖🧡
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 4/?
PART 1 , PART 2, PART 3, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Thanks to your support, I am so committed to this. When I finish this, I plan to make it into a long, proper, one-shot- better format and everything!
I've been doing these chapters in the middle of work lmao, so if you see a typo or some edits, it's me rereading it after work.
I'm trying to include more Alastor but he's pretty hard to write.
I used Velvette so much here cos I love her as that bitch you love to hate. She is obviously the spokesperson of the Vees
The hotel lobby is filled with unbearable silence as hell's overlords and high members of the Ars Goetia arrive one by one.
Just a few hours ago, Alastor heard from Carmila Carmine that the king had called a meeting for the top ruling people of hell. Charlie doesn't know why her dad called for it in the hotel.
The Ars Goetia (minus Stolas) were whispering among themselves and shooting the sinner overlords dirty looks every now and again. The overlords were good at pretending they couldn't hear anything. Apparently, they at least have the sense to know that that would be a fight they cannot win.
The hotel's residents collectively claimed it as their spot. Husk is talking with Angel quietly, keeping him distracted and out of view of Valentino, Vaggie is holding her spear as she keeps a close eye on the strangers in their home, Nifty is obsessively cleaning a corner of the bar (Husk keeps telling her that it is still dirty just so she won't venture elsewhere), and Cherri is playing with an unlit bomb in her hand.
Rosie and Stolas decided to approach Charlie and Alastor at the bar at the same time, both slightly bowed to her.
Charlie: Prince Stolas. Rosie.
Stolas: Hello, princess.
Charlie: How's Octavia?
Stolas: Via misses your outings together. But she is fine. She's with her mother today.
Rosie: Not that I'm not happy to see ya, Alastor. But why exactly are we here? Our Carmila has not stated a reason why.
Alastor: You know as much as me, my dear.
Stolas: It must be dire. His majesty rarely calls for the Goetia's presence. He is not here yet?
Charlie: No. He went down in Sloth earlier. I'm worried. After what happened yesterday, I..
Rosie: Yesterday? Did something happen, sweetie?
Charlie realizes the slip up and backtracks.
Charlie: Nothing, Rosie!
Rosie gives her a look that tells her they're going to be talking about it later. She gives the overlord a weak thumbs up.
Meanwhile, Velvette decides enough is enough and they have wasted too much time waiting.
Velvette: Ugh! Vois, let's go. This is a fuckin' joke.
Carmila: Velvette, calm yourself.
Valentino: Why should she? I had very important shit to shoot today and me being here is making me lose money.
Alastor: Then perhaps you should step down. Having to attend the bare minimum duty of their title must be so difficult for someone so... undeserving.
The Radio Demon has a giant patronizing grin plastered on his face. Alastor's comment prompted Vox to speak up.
Vox: Oh, you timely piece of shit! Fight us right now, Alastor!
Alastor: How unbecoming. Throwing tantrums in front of royalty!
Velvette: I for one, don't want to sit here waiting for a no-show fossil
Charlie's demon side flares as the demon insults her dad.
Charlie: How fucking dare you?!
Random Goetia: You shall know better than to disrespect your king, insolent pest.
Velvette: Ha! You think we're scared of a bunch of birds?
Alastor: Should have known you three cannot behave for a simple meeting haha!
Soon everyone was yelling obscenities at each other, filling the hotel with chaos. Before a proper fight could break out, the door opens with a bang, silencing every demon.
Lucifer has arrived, following him were the other Sins. They were arguing amongst themselves from behind him. Charlie can only catch glimpses of what is being said as voices overlap each other.
Beelzebub: Bel-
Mammon: Are you fuckin-
Satan: Wrath is-
Leviathan: We cannot-
Asmodeus: Evacuation-
Belphegor: Grown another mile-
Lucifer says nothing the entire time and just takes a seat in the middle of the semi-circle table he conjured up. With the way the table was placed in front of everyone else, Charlie gets the feeling of deja vu of her hearing in heaven. But now her dad will be the one passing judgment.
Most of the sinners in the room back up as the Sins continue to argue with their full form.
Lucifer sits back and raises a hand and the yelling stops.
Back then, she never really understood why demons were afraid of her dad. He was always a silly and happy guy when spending time with her. But one time, she sneaks into his rare meetings with the Sins and sees why he was called the devil.
The anger she saw then could have given her Uncle Satan a run for Uncle Mammon's money.
Lucifer: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I will cut to the chase. I have called you all here because something is brewing at the very depths of hell. Something that may affect us all.
Stolas: The Ars Goetia is at your disposal, sire. But may I ask what is this about?
Belphegor: I can answer that. A few months ago, an anomaly appeared at the edge of Sloth. It was not a problem until-
She pressed her touchpad and a hologram screen appeared showing the infected ground.
Not a single demon didn't widen their eyes.
Angel: What the fuck is that?
Belphegor: We wouldn't have called you all here if it was not this severe.
She taps and shows a mutilated demon pig.
Belphegor: This is Patient Zero. An animal on a nearby farm made contact with the anomaly. It instantly infected the whole body, controlling the creature whilst killing it slowly. If it can affect an animal like this, we fear what it may do to-
Velvette: And what do you expect us to do about it exactly? Why the fuck would we care about some old place we can't even go to.
Belphegor is briefly stunned by the interruption but ignores the sinner's disrespect.
Belphegor: Because you would have to be naive to think that it will stop in Sloth. We cannot be too careful.
Velvette: So you think we would risk our lives? Yeah. No thanks. How do we even know that it will affect us? It's just a pig. The worst we can get is horrible floor decor.
Lucifer stands up and moves silently towards the middle for everyone to see.
Lucifer: Free will does not mean you are free from consequences.
The king starts to remove his shirt to everyone's panic, except Belphegor.
Mammon: Woah woah, mate. The fuck ya doin?
Lucifer shrugs off the last piece of clothing to reveal the glowing, infected marks. It has not been a day since he touched it but the veins are already covering the entire right half of his torso.
Charlie: Dad!
The princess attempts to go to her father's side but Vaggie holds her back.
Lucifer: Shall we proceed without any more interruptions?
What to look forward to in Part 5:
the rest of the meeting
more dialogue from the other Sins. Cannot decide what personality to give to Leviathan.
My HC for Satan is he's like one of those old butler types but has a jacked body (I know he has that workout app, but I'm leaning more of the liver king type of a gentle strongman with anger issues. I don't want him to be a fuckboy gymbro)
more badass lucifer
the Vees getting scolded like the children they are
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tiny-feisty-gay · 4 months
I see your a fellow Chaggie shipper. As am I. ANd I've asked other Chaggie shippers on tumblr and I must ask you: What are your FULL thoughts on Charlie learning of Vaggie's secret? From finding out in Heaven to her whole anger/hurt/confusion at Vaggie.
i wasn't ignoring this but i needed a few days to gather my thoughts because i have lots of them
between heaven and the two of them meeting back up with an army/weapons in tow, there's roughly a month's worth of time as far as i've been told/can tell, so i'm going based on that rough timeline
charlie's first reaction, imo, was shock; the way she collapsed and let vaggie shepherd her and guard her isn't the reaction of someone who's immediately jumped to anger/mistrust, it's the reaction of someone whose entire life view has just been altered.
i don't think they ever actually fought about it. gut feeling maybe, but considering what we saw (charlie curled in bed crying, vaggie saying "in our room... alone") and my personal hc that she takes after her dad in times of emotional turmoil by self-isolating and sinking into the depression... i have a feeling they didn't even talk about it for a while.
vaggie might have tried to; we got a glimpse of it right around alastor's deal with charlie. i firmly believe that after it was in the open, she probably did try to explain herself, and charlie was still half-shocked and feeling a bit betrayed and didn't have the brain space to deal with it between the upcoming extermination and knowledge that her loved ones were going to be targeted first. she probably did a ton of soul-searching on her own; remember, charlie is +/- a good few centuries, if not older, so while she's very upbeat and happy, it's not unreasonable to think she's had a good while to practice some emotional maturity. she isn't perfect, obviously, but based on how much she adores vaggie, i think she'd want to know firmly where she stands before they talk things out.
i also think vaggie was terrified the entire time that she'd just fucked up the only genuine, good relationship (romantic or otherwise) that she's ever had. we don't get much backstory on what things were like for her in heaven, but she doesn't seem to have been particularly close to anyone there, and "whatever it takes" sort of reinforces that with her "and it felt so good to be understood / but there's so much i wish that i could say." i think she wanted to tell charlie but she kept putting it off, and the longer she put it off the worst she thought it'd be, until she hit a point where she felt like she couldn't tell charlie because what would charlie think of her after lying to her for three years?
charlie did likely wonder how much of it had been a lie and whether vaggie had ulterior motives, because who wouldn't, but i think she dismissed that pretty fast. especially because there's no way angel and the rest of the crew didn't notice vaggie moping around like a kicked puppy; i'm sure they were equally unhappy with vaggie's lying, but the group sentiment didn't seem anything more than mildly annoyed by it.
she was the most hurt by the fact that vaggie didn't trust her enough to tell her; supported by her conversation with rosie. and that seems pretty fair, imo: vaggie knows how much charlie can forgive, can see the potential for redemption in people, and she's had an up-close view of that in vaggie for the last three years. and charlie trusts (trusted) vaggie wholeheartedly, so the idea of that not being reciprocal hurt her deeply.
i think they tried to talk things out ~a couple weeks in, and vaggie shut down in the middle of the conversation from a mix of trauma and fear that she'd lose charlie; i love vaggie dearly, but she's placed a ton of her self-worth on how useful she is to charlie. she very much believes she's nothing without charlie, because charlie saved her and is a large part of who she's become. there's a little bit of a power imbalance/codependency on vaggie's side, and while i don't think that's insurmountable for them nor do i think the relationship as a whole is unhealthy, that piece of it must have made it absolute torture to be pushed away.
i think she and angel may have had a few late-night conversations actually; they seem like they're on better/friendlier terms just before alastor and charlie make their deal; the whole "you ever think she's sensitive about her lack of wings? ... just like her lack of tits :D" bit struck me a lot more like friendly ribbing/trying to lighten the mood rather than actual malice. angel definitely doesn't have much experience with healthy relationships, but he does have experience with damage control, and i imagine he gave vaggie advice that basically boiled down to don't push, let her come to you, she's really hurt and needs to process. he cares a ton about charlie even if he doesn't show it, but i think he has sort of a begrudging respect/love-hate thing with vaggie lol. especially after the battle-bonding.
their first actual conversation about it was probably after the cannibal town army/weapons stockup before the battle. talking to rosie clearly really helped charlie process things, and i do think it's interesting that as far as we know, she hasn't talked to her father about it; not particularly surprising since their relationship is a bit tenuous, but still interesting, since he would likely have been a good perspective for her to have as a fellow fallen angel (ex-angel? idk if vaggie really counts as fallen). but regardless, rosie helped her a lot and most of her initial betrayal and hurt seems to have fizzled out with just the "why didn't she trust me?" piece left.
that was probably the main thing they talked about. vaggie tells her about what really happened to get her stuck here, and charlie is furious, and that alone probably helps her understand; i'd have trust issues, too, if someone i'd known presumably my whole life ripped off my limbs and cut my eye out. vaggie and charlie had an instant connection, clearly, but she didn't trust charlie enough to tell her initially and then things spiraled out of control. by the time she realized charlie might be okay with her past, she'd already been hiding it so long that it felt like too big a secret to share. and i think some part of her still believed this would be something charlie couldn't forgive.
and my favorite hc: charlie can't forgive it. we don't know how many souls vaggie has fully eradicated, but it has to be in the thousands, at least. lute's kill count from one purge was 275, and adam references vaggie being "one of his top girls." there's also a detail i saw pointed out elsewhere; most of the exorcists have plain black halos, except for lute, whose halo has a white glow as well... and vaggie, whose halo shares the same glow. there's a good chance she was high up in the ranks, possibly third in command -- and possibly quickly closing in on having a higher kill count than lute, which would explain her vitriol and eagerness to get rid of vaggie at the first sign of weakness. but obviously, that's just a headcanon. as is much of the above xD
but back to charlie, i don't think she'd be able to forgive that. the good news is, she doesn't have to. charlie is upbeat and optimistic, but she was raised in hell. she's not naive; she knows the people she wants to save have committed heinous atrocities. the difference is that she believes in change. the vaggie she knows, the one standing in front of her, isn't an exorcist. she's her partner, who while yes, eager to anger and easy to jump to violence, only does so when she or charlie are provoked/threatened. charlie is capable of still being disappointed/devastated by vaggie's past and acknowledging that it's not her present - or future.
one of the things i also think is so important is the battle scene. that was a huge test of charlie's acceptance; seeing her girlfriend step back into that role, that violence, was a big thing, one that nobody would've blamed her for recoiling from. she doesn't. she fights alongside vaggie (albeit... creatively, we'll say) and yes, the exorcists are enemies and she has a long history of reasons to hate them, but even during the battle she doesn't. she's still apologetic and doesn't really want to hurt anyone, just deter them. it takes vaggie telling her to be harsher for her to do it, and she follows vaggie's instruction. this is vaggie's area of expertise, and while she may have learned those skills by butchering Charlie's people, she's repurposed those skills. She's armor, not a weapon; she's violent only to defend, not out of bloodlust.
i think it's really easy to misunderstand charlie's acceptance of vaggie's past as naive or their reconciliation as too soon/too easy, but there's three years of history behind them and charlie actively chooses not to let this new information shatter the foundation they've built together. they're a prime example of the idea that relationships work because you continue to choose that person, to choose to work at it, and while that only works if both sides are willing, for vaggie and charlie, they are.
i do really hope we see vaggie find some self-worth outside of charlie in s2, though. she has so much potential to explore the complexity of her character and i really want to see that. i don't think they're bad for each other, but to some extent... vaggie went from serving one entity (adam) to serving another (charlie) and that level of devotion can be dangerous. charlie is infinitely better than adam, don't get me wrong, but vaggie definitely needs to find purpose beyond being charlie's right hand.
i'm personally hoping for sort of an... exorcist/angel ambassador role for her? something that ties into the hotel but is independent of charlie and something she wants to do. or maybe teaching self-defense/offense to the rest of the group (which she likely did for the battle/army, since she knows better than anyone how the exorcists fight).
honestly i probably have more thoughts than this but i hope you enjoyed my stream of consciousness ramble about Them <3
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snailsgoingdowntown · 8 months
Finished watching hazbin hotel and uh
Spoilers under cut plz don't come for me, I did enjoy the show.
Written at 3am not proofread or edited
While I did enjoy it, it was hard to actually feel any sort of attachment to the characters. I'll do research in a bit since I heard that Amazon Prime only gave them a limited amount of episodes to work with, but regardless, the pace was way too fast. I didn't even realize five months passed because it felt like it was only a week after Charlie's meeting with Adam.
Almost little to no showing of Angel Dust's and Sir Pentious' character development. Angel dust was more focused on, which makes since since he's the original resident of the hotel, the original sinner who agreed to the Hazbin Hotel project.
Yet it was Sir Pentious who got sent to heaven? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great he got sent there, however, in a narrative sense, it doesn't make sense. Throughout the episodes it was indeed that he wasn't a 'bad' guy, more so socially awkward who wanted a place in Hell but couldn't get one. But tell me, was a single episode, not including the last one, that Sir Pentious was the center of attention? Aside from being caught as a spy for Vox?
Aside from the episode where Charlie and Vaggie went to heaven for a meeting and they were watching ANGEL DUST? It was shown he had a crush on Cherri sure, that he was trying his best to get her attention/hook up with her but like... That didn't show me much about his character.
Just that he's a socially awkward shy mess around his crush is understandable, I was like that too. But that's it. Aside from the scene he got dragged into the 'sex room' after announcing he was going to have sex with everyone in the club/bar.
Keep in mind that this ep was supposed to be centering around Angel Dust back in Hell while heaven watched.
And yes, I know it was shown he would die for his friends but to me that barely says anything about a character at all. Just that they care about their friends which is usually the case for many people.
Imo, there was absolutely no hinting at Sir Pentious going to heaven. The series barely focused on him at all, even his eggs/minions were given more attention with Alastor.
Which, btw, are adorable and I wish they were shown more and interacted with the other characters more as well.
Enough about Sir Pentious - now let's talk about the Husk x Angel Dust ship
I like the idea, I can see it happening, and I'm so glad Vizipop didn't immediately get them together, if they are end game. I heard the Twitter said they were but I haven't looked at it yet so I'm not sure if it's true or not. But God, I wish we got more interactions between them. The chemistry is there, both platonic if they aren't meant to be a couple, and romantic if they are.
Niffty - I love you my little bug obsessed queen. But, while it was slightly amusing she was the one who killed Adam, it was also slightly... Disappointing? Like, all of this man power used against him and what killed him was Niffty? Obviously it was to take the audience by surprise, but it doesn't sit right with me. It held no substance - literally just Vizipop going "they'll never expect this!!" And that's it. Just to catch us off guard and was slightly taken as a joke before Lute went to him where the scene became serious again. Which would have been heart touching if their relationship was more drawn out. Show don't tell type of stuff. Which it was but not much.
Also, I did see a post that I'll most likely add here that said Adam most likely felt betrayed by the humans who sinned because he did so much for them as the original human, as shown by the line "ungrateful losers." Which makes sense and I kinda hope that is the case because he does seem very bitter towards the sinners who are, in some regard, still his people - they were still human, at some point. I really hope that they'll be able to show us in detail about how Adam was as a person rather than the Angel and original human known as 'Adam.' His character wasn't deep and it felt more like Vizipop needed a villain to shit on more than anything else.
The reveal about Vaggie being a former Exorcist was foreseen by many, meanwhile i thought she was the daughter of carmilla carmine because they look similar + implied military like background before the reveal + the duet they had when Carmilla was talking to Zetial and Vaggie singing about how she wants to protect Charlie or something. Ig they had the 'duet' because they were both about protecting someone. But I do like how Carmilla was like "bro it's so obvious you're a former Exorcist - the eye, the fucking angelic weapon you have there."
What I didn't like about the reveal was how Charlie just... Hated the fact she lied? I think anyone would be upset about that, I would be, but that's just it. She's just upset she lied which again, makes sense. But Vaggie killed her people, Adam even said she was one of his best girls. Meaning she probably killed hundreds if not more - and charlie wasn't upset about that part? She did question if their relationship was a lie, which makes sense, but the genocide of her people, the one that her gf took part in, wasn't mentioned after it was first revealed to her. That part was literally just... Thrown out the window. And on multiple occasions it was both shown and told that Charile, the princess of hell, loved her people. But it looked like the team/Vizipop decided to forget that part when it comes to the big reveal that Vaggie was an angel or whatever you want to call her.
I do like how In the end, the audience is reminded that Alastor is not a good guy. He's a horrible person, treating Husk like a pet and most likely only lets Niffy do as she pleases because he finds it amusing. Either that or they have a lot in common, and I do mean a lot. I wish this relationship between the three was shown more, developed more. But if I must add... Some scenes with Alastor... Truly felt like a Tumblr moment. Fan fiction. BUT I adore how at the end he's weak compared to some and that his deal is most likely the only reason he has any power at all. The mini break down he has? Beautiful. Prior to this he was shown and told to be this all powerful being until Zetal stepped into the ring, until Adam fucking bodied him which I love. He's a coward, he's awful, he's horrible but is shown to be able to feel attachment - I don't think he truly cares for the hotel staff. There might be a fondness but no real connection which is shown, thankfully instead of it just being told.
Then there's the discourse of his usage of Voodoo... I'm not properly educated in the practice so I have no right to comment on it.
Lucifer... My dorky little man... Beyond depressed just like me /j
I like him, love him even. But I was hoping he would be a bit more... Sinister. Instead he's a broken man who gave up on nearly everything but his daughter. Which I kinda like but also don't - it's a love hate relationship. But he's adorable so he gets a pass
Okay. I'm going to be the one who says it - I don't like Charlie's and Lucifer's demonic forms. They look nice, sure, but not king and princess of hell -like. It gives off Tumblr girl vibes which is fine. But I still don't like it. Literally uwu human cats. Which is adorable but adorable does not fit well with... Whatever this is. I wish it was more... Animalistic, barred fangs, skin stretching out, more like a demon you would typically imagine.
Also, while I do understand why Charlie didn't want to kill Adam it was... Bleh. Like girl, you already killer many of his Soilders why would you let their leader live? Idk maybe I'm thinking about it in the wrong way.
The three Vees/V's.. All horrible as ppl, especially Vlatoino, the other two as just as bad since they know what's going on and are either ignoring it or encouraging it. Vox is a slaty ex and Velveet(?) Is just trying to vibe but the other two won't let her.
Again, ironic considering what I write. As I always say - I don't condone any sort of abuse, sexual or otherwise, in real life.
Also did Lucifer sleep with Eve?
Why did Vizipop say him and Lilith were HAPPILY married when she's on a beach sun tanning in heaven and he's always 5 seconds away from jumping off the nearest building?
So many questions that will hopefully get answered in the 2nd season. And hopefully they'll be able to flesh out the characters and their backgrounds more, their personalities and how they either improve or decline as a person/character.
I have more to say but it's 3am and I'm pretty sure this is gonna get me death threats because hey, it's the internet. Just look at Twitter lol.
Please remember that I am not a film critic, I am just stating how I feel about it.
I watched it, enjoyed it, but still have icks about certain things with it, as anyone else would. Would I watch season 2? Yes, because I like the overall concept but I just wish they were able to do more with it.
I had someone ask if I would write for it, and honestly, I don't know. Maybe, maybe not, only time will tell.
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curious-shadow-cat · 5 months
"Lol, Vox is obviously worse than Val--"
I'm sorry?? Didn't Val almost kill Vox by punching his face over food? Also, he killed his fucking dog, out of jealousy I'm sure. Canon or not, the show makes it very clear Val is the dangerous one who's constantly mistreated Vox over the years.
Vox and Velvette couldn't care less about Val. Having Velvette 'happily' help out Val with his weird drinks feels forced. Velvette loves to make clothes that are mostly dresses for her own work, why the hell would she help him with that shit unless he forced her to do it? "I'm the backbone of the team-" SHE CAN'T EVEN KEEP VAL'S ANGER UNDER CONTROL AND HE COULD'VE KILLED HER INSTEAD. She had Vox go see him to calm him down and Val started taking his anger out on HIM! Vox is so used to it to the point that he's not surprised anymore.
What does Val even do for them?? Seriously, all he's done is smash their stuff, abused them and made people uncomfortable the moment they meet him through out season one. You're seriously trying to tell us that Val is SO important to the team?? They honestly could've just killed him and replaced him with Anthony if they wanted, because clearly they don't care about Val. Val's done nothing to show why he's important to their work. The only reason for it is because they're afraid of him. You can't tell me Vox actually needs him or loves him when he looks so miserable.
Vox should've been the one to try to help out Anthony and try to convince Velvette to go with them back to the Hotel where it's safe away from Val.
It would've been neat to see how Vox and Anthony were similar, NOT fucking Husk! Alastor is nothing like Val and his situation isn't nearly as bad. You don't see Alastor beating the lights out of him he actually gives him a warning. Val just does whatever he wants to do with Anthony and everyone else when he's mad.
Vox and Anthony are in the same boat. They're both being forced to do things by Val, they're both afraid of him. Anthony could've tried helping him out by asking Charlie to talk to him. Vox NEVER talks about Val's work unless Val goes out to do something stupid because of it.
Seeing Vox and Velvette being the villains we're meant to hate is stupid when they're very clearly not interested in Val's work.
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the-radio-demon-blog · 2 months
Good evening, Alastor! We're having a tropical depression here. Can't complain, really. The worst of it went to the Gulf coast, I think.
I'm eating hush puppies right now. You're a good (not literally HAH) southern boy, thought you'd appreciate that.
You are correct! Can confirm, having been a teenage girl myself, their interests are mocked frequently. It doesn't end there. Idk if you are aware of how women are mocked for something as simple as liking pumpkin spice flavored things? Just as a minor example. Don't get me started. It's a Monday and I will go on a tirade about 'the Pink Tax' just for starters. And no one here wants to read all that. Haha. I am small and filled with unending rage.
Yep, the original Indy movies take place in the 30s and the third one is WW2 40s. The second one is...rather unfortunate, yes. You might rather like the parts where they eat brains and eyeballs and such though. And when they remove the still beating hearts from people! Hah.
How was the gator? Did you find the prize inside? Lol. Did you make anything from it or just...devour it?
I think I may try sending a picture whenever we chat...so...
I've started decorating my house for Spooky season. How do you like the wreath I made year before last? I'm not terribly crafty, but I was pleased with how it turned out.
After while, crocodile 🐊
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Well, I heard the hurricane is moving up the East Coast unfortunately.
Oh my, hush puppies! Why I totally forgot about those tasty little treats. They're rather good, aren't they?
Yes, I'm afraid that is all a part of misogyny. Hating on the things that women and especially what young girls like, romance books about vampires and trivial things of the like. However perhaps it is better I do not start talking all about it since I in retrospect truly know nothing. I'm a man and I can only go by the experiences of the women in my life. And I believe it would be rather inappropriate for me as a man to have a comment on misogyny since I am not the one experiencing it.
Well, that sounds slightly exciting! Most movies of that time do play into racial stereotypes but I've heard that it does especially lean into that stereotypes. And its rather dark story. However I've heard great things about Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Last Crusade. Movie night is tonight so I shall tell you (if you'd like) how it was!
Stanley was disappointed he couldn't eat the alligator which is rather concerning yet understandable! Hah! It seems he's a cannibal like me! I actually feed him the little trinket in there: the arm. Stanley loved it!
You're not terribly crafty? Darling, its a gorgeous wreath! I myself can't wait for the spooky season to arrive! Everyone in the Hotel loves it and its really the only holiday we can celebrate. Christmas and Easter are obviously off the table. However Charlie...well, made her own special version of Christmas.
See you later, my dear, alligator!
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gyubby99 · 2 years
@disneyanddisneyships okay okay fine you win
"Oh hello, my darling!" Alastor's staticky voice boomed from behind Aponi, signifying he'd opened the door. "I just wanted to inform you that-" the deer stopped in his tracks, for he was met by a stunning, exquisite sight. His very existence left frozen as he held firmly onto the doorknob of her room.
Aponi. With a tattoo.
That was not very surprising considering he lived in hell for decades. Everyone got tattoos.
Except it was on her lower back.
Her back was completely facing him, and despite his attire and appearance were all red, he seemed to be even redder than usual. She has nothing on top but a bra strap that obviously covered her chest.
Without even facing him, she seemed to have him wrapped around her finger.
"Al? What were you going to.." Aponi spoke as she turned around to face him, only to see the posture and situation he was in.
Specifically talking the little guy down there who couldn't help but to say 'hi'
To say it was a little guy was extremely more than an understatement.
Alastor seemed to notice, and quickly he deflected it by fixing his posture and kept his usual sophisticated stance to seem unbothered by the fact that his little helper had just added another reason for him to be thinking about her in his bed.
"I was going to inform you that dinner is ready and served, my dear!" He responded, watching as Aponi made her way towards him.
"Hm.. you can't go to dinner looking like that." Aponi replied, basically giving a small inquiry on his hardened cock.
"I didn't even realize it was that time of the month yet! You seem to be having such an effect on it! I don't know when it's going to strike and when it does, I'm... a little helpless." Alastor ranted, not sure about how he's going to properly bring up to Aponi that he is, in fact, a deer demon in heat.
"Well, you got help now." Aponi responds, before crossing her arms. "Come on, big guy. Lock the door."
Alastor looked perplexed, like a child following his mother's orders. "We're doing this now, darling?"
"Unless you wanna be the talk of the dinner table." Aponi sassed.
Alastor gulped, before locking the doorknob.
"That's what I thought." Aponi stated before pulling Alastor down by his collar to kiss him.
"Mmh.." Alastor exhaled, without a single trace of static in his voice. All the more reason she knew he was enjoying this.
His face was up for grabs, and so she took it, and pulled him closer she swore their bodies glued together at some point.
Aponi pulled away, before clutching onto his bowtie once again. "Come on. I know what you saw."
Nothing came out of him but a static noise.
Aponi then began to unbuckle his pants, and off to her his little friend went. Alastor looked away flustered.
"Awe, looks like he wanted to say hi.." Aponi baby-talked as she teasingly jerked him.
Alastor's breath hitched, his voice a little rasp from the wave of pleasure he never knew he needed in all of his afterlife.
"Hm.. you like that?" Aponi teased, stroking his cock, aching to be inside of her.
Curse these cycles.
"Oh, you want it, Mr. Radio demon?" Aponi whispered onto his neck. He was a stronger being of hell and yet a mere sinner demon could make him feel as though all power's been stripped off of him, leaving him helpless and begging at her feet. In her debt.
And how he loved it.
"I.. I think you have an answer to that, darling.." Alastor released a breath he never knew he held for a long time. His dick throbbed like it was the last time it was ever going to be taken care of. He just wanted her.
"Tell me." Aponi stated, in a seemingly challenging tone.
Alastor looked down at her.
"Tell me how much you want it." Aponi loved how he'd been the only one who can make her act like this.
"Oh, darling.. my sweet butterfly.. I want nothing more than to be consumed fully by you, and only you. Oh, darling.." Alastor almost beseeched Aponi for her grace, an entrance into her with her knowing permission.
"Only because you asked so nicely.." Aponi stated before unclipping her bra, letting it fall down the floor as his glowing red eyes observed every bit of her.
"Like what you see, deer boy?" Aponi raised her brow at a flustered radio demon, observing the curves on her hips, and everytime he got close to looking further down he stopped himself.
Aponi chuckled. "Don't be shy now.. It's not the first time you've checked me out."
Alastor stood there still red in the face.
Aponi, with her impatience as well as his, grabbled his suit, a firm clutch. "Come on. Let's get rid of this." She used her extra arms to undress him, while her other arm was down there pulling his pants down, and the other was gingerly stroking his hardened cock.
"Please, Aponi.." he beseeched, his smile crooked from the mix of emotions he had as of the moment.
"Shh.. hold still baby.." she responded, before letting go of his dick and bending over, her front over the bed.
There was it.
The same tattoo on her lower back, taunting his senses. It was an exquisite butterfly pattern, that went along with her color themes and the wings on her back. He absolutely loved seeing her wings, how her back arches when he'd hit something inside her that it just clicked right then and there.
"Are you.. sure darling?" Alastor asked, trying to be gentle when he just wanted to plunge himself in and out of her until either of them collapses.
"I haven't got all day, Al. Just fuck me." Aponi rasped seemingly a tad irritated.
And off inside her his throbbing, twitching, hardened cock went. Fully inside, before she could blink her eye.
"Oh!" Alastor cried out as her very warmth consumed him whole, just like how he remembered it the last time. Aponi too moaned out as the familiar feeling of welcoming him in her entrance overwhelmed him, sending a rush of adrenaline as she clutched herself around him.
He just felt so good.
Alastor plunged himself in and out of her, repeating the cycle until an overwhelming, shocking wave of pleasure came over him and the palm of his hand flew to one of her ass cheeks, earning her a spank.
"Oh!" Aponi cried out, clutching the sheets. "Fuck, do it again.."
Alastor obliged, and in doing so, earned a cry of mirth from the butterfly demon.
"Please.. Please, Al.. I need it- harder.." Aponi begged as though she was a helpless warrior in the trenches fighting for their life. She was already dead, so getting roughly dicked down wouldn't kill her.
But it would hurt. Like a bitch.
"Oh! Oh, Lilly.. you're taking it in so well.. you always do.. mmh.. such a good girl.." Alastor moaned in between pants of breath.
He felt her clutch around him.
"Oh, you like that, my good little butterfly?" And seemingly without a care, Aponi's hair was up for grabs, and he took it, all for the satisfaction of seeing his once dominant little performer, now beseeching him to destroy her in the best way he could.
The best way no man in all of hell could ever get the priveledge to do.
"Oh, fuck! Yes! Fuck me just like that! Oh god- fuck! Oh, please.. yes.. yes please.." To say that Aponi was enjoying it, was more of an understatement.
But when a wave of pleasure hit her, something else came out of her along with a shriek of pure eternal bliss. Apart from the juices that came sputtering out of her.
Her tight pussy was sucking his cock from how it was gripping onto him, and he was fighting the urge to release himself right then and there. But there was something else. Something more.
Her nails were knives sharp enough to kill a man, her once seemingly tattooed on wings sprung out in the open as massive antennas grew out of her head.
The thing, was that it was not a mere glimpse of what her true form could be like. Not those times when she triggered.
It was her true form.
His smile seemingly taunted mischief, and satisfaction.
"Oh, you exquisite little bug.." he mumbled under his breath, before deciding to give his all into her.
Sounds of pleasure filled the room, as they mated like wild animals in heat. A deer and a butterfly with her wings spread.
Alastor almost shrieked in radio static as he came inside of her, spilling everything he had not wasting a single drop.
Aponi catched her breath, her wings heaving up and down as she did so.
Alastor, with what little strength he had, pulled himself out with great ferocity, considering his dick was being sandwiched around her pussy.
"Well, I'm starved, my dear! Say, what's on the table for tonight?" Alastor stated as he quickly got himself dressed.
"How are you.." Aponi catched her breath once more. "How are you so casual about this.."
"About what, darling?" Alasto asked.
"Look at me. I'm a monster." Aponi stated, her wings faltering down along with her self-esteem. She always hated her full form.
'Oh, no no darling.." Alastor lifted her chin up with his finger. "You're beautiful.."
Aponi didn't have the time to deflect his compliments, for all she knew was that he had no ounce of static in his voice.
He meant every word.
Even if she never believed anyone else.
She believed him.
"Thank you, Alastor." Her colors brightened up from a dull one, to an even colorful shade. As though they had a mind of their own, and loved how they were considered beautiful.
To him, she was beautiful.
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Untamed nightmares - Alastor x reader
A/N: Hello! I don't feel like writing the third chapter for "Out of darkness" today, but i had this small, cute idea in my head. Btw sorry for the whole Alastor spam, but since you're here, my best guess is that you don't entirely hate it :3 Words: 590 TW: fluff, a bit of angst
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Alastor was never the type to open up. Not in the beginning at least. You obviously could sense when he was tense, sad or worried, but he would brush it off, his smile plastered on his face. You wouldn't pressure him into talking. But as time went by, you proved your loyalty to him and he started to slowly but surely trust you more and more. It wasn't much at first: he would come home, complaining about his day, not giving too many details. Over time, his smile would falter more and more when in your presence, more of a... relaxed look on his face taking its place.
At night, before you fall asleep, he would tell you about his past. About his friends, his radio host career... or about his mother. At first, you tried to comfort him, but he would shut down almost immeadiately. That's when you understood: Alastor doesn't need someone to comfort him. He needs someone who listens. So, that's what you did. You lay there, next to him, caressing his chest, a gesture that took months for him to accept. You listened silently, occasionally chuckling at his silly jokes, his voice low and missing its usual static effect.
You knew his past was dark, that sometimes it caught up to him, but he was yet to show you that it affected him, that a part of him kind of wished it was different. But as much as he wanted to hide his fears, he couldn't stop the nightmares.
They were so vivid, so hurtful, making him wake up half-screaming and out of breath, cold sweat covering his body. At first, he would dismiss your attempts of communicating, getting out of bed and going out on the balcony where he would spend the rest of the night, alone. He was embarassed to be seen like this.
But one night, it was different. You woke up, overheated, when you noticed he was holding you, tightly. His head was buried in the back of your neck and his breath was quick.
"Alastor?" you said whispering, not knowing if he was awake or not.
"Yes, darling?" he answered after a few seconds, contemplating wether he should have just stayed silent. His voice seemed weak, trembling. You caressed his hand, his claws brushing softly against your skin.
You shifted positions, turning to face him. You placed a hand on his face, gently brushing it with your thumb.
"You wanna talk?" you asked gently, fearing a bit that this would make him run from you once again. But he didn't.
"No, dear... Not now." he whispered. He lowered his head on your chest as you hugged him, running your hand through his hair, while his grip on you tightened. You stayed like this for minutes, your eyelids starting to feel heavy, slowly drifting back to sleep.
"You're not gonna leave... right, (y/n)?" you heard his voice, slipping back into the real world once again.
"No, love. I'm not." You said, placing a kiss on his forehead, a shiver running down his spine at the sudden action.
He burried his face deeper into your chest, listening to your breathing and heartbeat. He would never mention this moment again. He would never accept the fact that, inside, he felt weak. He knew that at any time you could be taken away from him just like his mother was. That he could fail you like he had failed everyone... But now you were there, now you were his and he wouldn't change that for anything.
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radiostarsz · 5 months
@bunnyslvdge copied from DM
"I'm sorry, you expect me to... WHAT?!?" Lucifer's voice boomed through the hotel, echoing off of every wall in the process. If every single person there hadn't heard him, they were either deaf, or sleeping, and even that was a stretch. The king of hell had never once raised his voice towards his daughter, and even now it wasn't really directed towards her, it was directed towards the situation he'd just been saddled with, prompted by her. "I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to yell," He quickly apologized, taking a deep breath to calm himself, hands clasped together as a means to hold his composure. Of all the most absurd things he'd heard, having his own child tell him who to get along with took the cake, and not just because Charlie had been so demanding with it. No, it was because she wanted him to make nice with Alastor. The freaky radio demon he knew almost nothing about, the man that was obviously trying to take his daughter away from him, the guy that helped her make this hotel out of nowhere, the overlord other overlords stayed the fuck away from! And he had to be nice? 'Learn to get along'... with /that/? Yeah right. Charlie was out of her mind. Once he figured he was composed enough, he went to protest some more, but the look on Charlie's face damn near broke his heart. She really, really did expect him to get along with this guy. One final sigh and he caved, shrugging his shoulders before crossing his arms over his chest defensively. "Fine, Charlie. Fine. I'll try my best, for you, but I can't make any pro-" His sentence was cut short by a hug, a hug that eased his tension and made him completely forgot about finishing that sentence. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her briefly before she went to return to 'important business'. The moment she left he rolled his eyes to himself, groaning quietly to ensure she wouldn't overhear. The things he let her talk him into were endless, and quite honestly absurd. But... when you love someone, he supposed. Brushing up his appearance, Lucifer decided it best if he went ahead and got these niceties out of the way. So he grabbed his cane, straightened his jacket one last time, and made his way to Alastor's quarters. It took him a moment to find it, and a little direction from the strange janitor girl, but eventually he ended up at Alastor's doorstep. Staring up at it like it might just bite him if he knocked. Should he? No- no! This was crazy, he didn't have to do what anyone told him to do. He was the King of hell! Or... maybe he just needed to get over himself, and listen to Charlie. The only person who really could get him to listen . "Uh, Alastor?" He called out, finally giving the door a firm knock or two. "It's Lucifer, if you're in there, could we talk... maybe?" Shit... Why did he do that? Why couldn't he just go to sleep or something? Anything better than this!
The only black door in the whole hallway was Alastor's, a strange aura emanating from it and a continous buzz scaping from its cracks. The Radio Demon was always a peculiar one.
His room was a dark place, with no light source at all. All you could see in there were the shadows moving in the walls. A few moments and the door opened with a low - pitched creak. Alastor materialized with a glitch in the entrance, his grin shining bright as ever.
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❝ Well, well, well. Look who decided to grace us with his presence. Hello, my friend. Come in, come in. Make yourself at home. ❞ he twirled his microphone on his right hand, a small laugh scaping from his lips as he turned around and snapped his fingers.
Thats when the lights went on: Deer heads, their glassy eyes fixed on eternity, adorn the wood-paneled walls of the room. The floor is covered in an old, dusty carpet, and an old Victorian fireplace is located at the center. ❝ Now, tell me: what brings you to my humble abode? ❞
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The room was... unsettling, to say the least. The air in it was stale, and smelled vaguely of rot. As if a body had been hidden under the floorboards and forgotten and a vague delicious rustic scent lingered in the air as well. It was hard to tell if that was the scent of the place itself, or if it was coming from Alastor . ❝ I supposed you are here to arrange the details for our upcoming event, aren't you? I've been quite looking forward to this. ❞ his claws tapping on the handle of his microphone as he stared down the King of Hell, his smile not faltering for a second.
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nixie-writes · 2 years
What about Alastor with his human SO after the summoning and shes having an anxiety attack? My dog recently broke her leg and i was in a constant state of panic for 6 hours, hyperventilating, crying, shaking, driving her to the emergency vet was a nightmare. He obviously doesnt like dogs but he loves his SO! Side note: my dog is ok now, shes mobile and being accustomed to being on 3 legs.
Hello! I'm so very sorry to hear this happened; I hope your pupper is feeling okay! Fem pronouns used, under the cut for trigger warnings, will be tagged. TW: Discussion of animal in pain
Alastor - As soon as he recognized his beloved human was in distress he came to see what was wrong and he was in shock. - He sat in a shadow for a few minutes while she paced, panicking and talking aloud to herself. He wasn't sure how to approach the situation, considering a dog was involved, but he had to for his partner. - Emerging from the shadow and taking form he placed a hand on her shoulder to coax her. She turned and gazed at him, panic evident in her eyes. - "Getting upset won't help your dog," he advised. "You need to get her to help, and fast, she's in pain." He could sense her dog was aching and in need of medical attention. He made a small shadow to distract the dog. - He followed her as she bundled up her dog into her car, slipping into a shadow next to the dog as she drove her dog to the vet. He could tell through the constant whimpering and whining the dog was hurting. He tried to distract her with a shadow to no avail. He couldn't help in this situation. - Upon arrival at the vet he kept to the shadows, watching as x-rays were done. While his partner waited for the x-rays to come back he wrapped a shadow around her ankle to comfort her. After learning her dog had broken her leg he felt genuine sympathy for the dog. Sure he disliked dogs but no animal deserved a broken limb. - He kept himself in a shadow and watched as the dog had a cast wrapped around her leg and had it stinted in place. - The ride back home was less panicked but the air was still tense. Hijacking the radio, Alastor played some music from his time to soothe the mood until they got home. - Once his partner got home and brought her dog inside he agreed to stay for a few days to help her dog get accustomed to walking on three legs, using his shadows to help her walk properly.
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