#I'm so glad I'm not alone
spicybeefu · 4 months
What if Pokemon & Animal crossing had a crossover game? #8 Commissioned over on twitter!
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mewkwota · 2 months
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I Know What You Are... You Are Mega Man!
The differences between each Mega is something I love and appreciate, plus it's also fun to compare them side-by-side for it.
I think it's really amusing how they start with robots that slowly reach near-human traits, and then there's a straight-up human. Albeit, he is merged with a non-human being.
And then there's Volnutt. I know he could probably be narrowed down to an "artificial human", but I like the idea of tying him to his celestial origins as Trigger that are still half a mystery.
Such is my running-joke with him. He is just... Volnutt (currently).
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solomiracle · 3 months
solomon's new card reveals the reason for his dislike of the ocean!
definitely couldn't have predicted it...
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plus, the line that comes after this is just adorable!
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i love this scene so much!! they look out for and care for each other!!
mc offers to go in alone because they're worried solomon would be uncomfortable, but solomon immediately shuts the idea down for their safety. and when they ask about his dislike of the ocean, they ask in a way that implies it's perfectly fine if he doesn't want to talk about it. but he's okay, and brings up the unpleasant memories behind it, bc he literally feels like mc was meant to be the first to know!! that's so sweet!
now when's the wedding
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canisalbus · 5 months
"The concept of love is of course prominent in Christianity, so even as a kid being raised in a religious environment . . . Machete wasn't completely alienated from it. But it has always been a nebulous, unperceivable and unattainable thing for him."
I love that you could replace "love" with "God" or "divinity" here and it would still work. And in that way it matches the way I've been perceiving their relationship as Vasco granting Machete a kind of holiness he didn't think living people could have
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wandavisionedits · 1 year
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—Elizabeth Olsen and Pedro Pascal present at the 95th Academy Awards
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Hi! Hope you're having a lovely day ✨️
Valeria and Gaz with a fashion designer s/o! Dressing them up and using them as a practice model to test new designs... this has nothing to do with my need to put Valeria in a suit, ofc not
Anon, you're so galaxy brained for wanting to put Valeria in a suit in all honesty! She'd look so good in one because women always look good in suits!
Gaz and Valeria with a Fashion-Designer!S/O
Gaz: He’d honestly be so flattered you wanna use him as a practice model. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very pretty man and he’s well aware of that fact, but he didn’t think he’d ever get that sort of privilege. The first time you measure him he’s a bit confused, but complies, asking you with a chuckle about what you’re doing. However, as soon as you present him with a jaw dropping suit that leaves every other one in the dust, he’s a big fan. While he may have supported you from the very beginning as soon as he heard that you’re a designer, his support skyrockets as soon as you present him with the first piece of clothing for him to wear. He feels so very fancy wearing it. He may be used to wearing fancy clothing from time to time when invited to certain occasions, such as weddings, but he never really paid much mind to that sort of thing. Once you’ve put the first article of clothing on him, he’ll ask you if you wanna use him as a practice model again at some point. Only if you feel like it, of course. He hopes you’ll say yes, he loves how creative you are and the things you create. You’re a lovely designer who puts their heart and soul into it all, and it shows. Although unprompted and despite it being a bit silly, he’ll also pose and do that one walk models do where they sway their hips. He feels pretty in your clothing. If he can afford it, which he likely can, then he’ll even buy some of the things you’ve made. And yes, he will 100% wear them as well, doesn’t matter if it’s a fish tail or if it’s a shirt with a dragon on it. He unironically loves it and will wear it whenever he can.
Valeria: She chuckles a bit when you ask her to put on some clothing you made. Valeria is a very attractive woman, and she knows it, so she’s not at all surprised when you ask her to put on a suit. She’s worn those before, and every time she has she was turning heads left and right. If you blush while seeing her in a suit then she’ll chuckle and trap you against the wall before letting you continue whatever it was you were doing. Like Gaz she wholeheartedly supports you, and she’ll own every single article of clothing you’ve ever created. While she may not have the time to wear them all every time, you will catch her wearing your creations from time to time, if there’s no danger of them tearing. Valeria’s glad that you trust her enough to want her to try on all your prototypes and will gladly pose like a professional model for you and you only. The first time you measure her she, too, would be a bit confused and would ask you regarding what you’re doing, but afterwards she’s more than happy to model for you whenever she can. She doesn’t have a whole lot of time for that, but the things you do for love. If you ever want a real, professional model, she can arrange one, though, it’s no problem for someone like her. Besides, she has a pretty good eye for fashion as well, so she can give you some hints regarding what could look good and what might be a complete no go. You don’t have to do as she says, but she will point it out if you do. If she ever does find herself having the time and there’s a fashion show that shows some of your clothing, then she’ll watch it and jokingly tell you that she looked better in your clothes than all those models did. If you ever need some creative inspiration then I’m sure Valeria can help you as well, she’s seen plenty of things and is always more than happy to help you. Besides, she can get just about anything as well, so you really don’t need to fret if you wanna feel the fabric of something yourself.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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I recently heard about a 400-year-old tree in a nearby village, which made me want to estimate the age of the big lime tree behind my house. I measured the circumference at my height then divided by Pi to get the diametre then multiplied by the growth factor for this species—and I learnt that my lime tree is about 255-260 years-old! It was born in the 1760s... I also went and measured some of my beech trees and the oldest ones are ~190 years-old, which makes sense as it’s the age of the house. I’m not sure why this lime tree is so much older than all the other trees on this land, but it makes me want to give it a little plaque, maybe one that says “I was 25 years-old during the French revolution.”
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robogart · 10 months
no you're SO right about the baldurs gate writing & design. I feel like everyone played a different version of that game where the characters were actually interesting and not just like. poorly written twig people. literally none of the party members have any meat on their bones, even the fuckin "muscle lady" who looks just as twiglike as everyone else its so grating
YES the "it feels like everyone played a different version of that game" is definitely where we're at right now! I'm glad you're in the same boat, it's nice to know we're not alone!! ; w ; 🙏💖💖
It's hard with the writing, because on one hand, I'm here for classic character types and tropes - I'll eat the same ones over and over! But of course, it's always with the caveat of if they're executed well (in MY opinion, it's always subjective). For example, we LOVE Astarion in this house (and Gale has been a surprise like for us too) - but SO much of that is because how the actors delivered the characters. And Astarion in particular feels SO well done - Neil Newbon is such an excellent character actor and he FEELS like a character because the actor brings a lot of nuance to the delivery. But if anyone else voiced him, it would feel lackluster. And that's because the writing is not as strong and intentional feeling. Even the way conversations are paced feel rather clunky - and the most "succesful" dialogue is because the actor is setting better breath and pace and emotion than the dialogue and story gives on its own.
So much of the actual character depth to me feels like it is largely aided by the actors rather than the writing itself. Which I know writing that, it feels a bit DUH that's what the actors are there for. But both things can exist at the same time. And I feel bad for always pointing at Dragon Age, but it's an adjacent game in this field and it's crafted Very Well where both the performances from the actors add depth to the already solid writing. Even looking up Dragon Age writers, you can easily find who the main writers were for each character, which is what gives them SUCH a clear voice and point of view. (And I think there are some characters who are weaker in Dragon Age, but I can't argue that they don't ever feel consistent to themselves despite my opinion of their writing). Whereas so many of the characters in bg3 just feel like they were made in an aimless gamer-bro echo chamber without any direction and the only saving grace is by the performance of the actor.
But!! Rambling!! I'm so sorry @ w @;;; I'm just very impassioned by this right now = w =;;;
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hyacinth42-blog · 8 months
“You know, if you break up with Sveta, meet a gorgeous girl and break Sveta’s heart again, I’m obligated to throw you into the center of the Atlantic Ocean.”
....What does this mean Vicky? He's not allowed to date anyone pretty ever again???
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Person of Interest 1.23 | Firewall
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 7 months
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congrats on 400+ followers @its-paperd!!! >:Dc you deserve that and so much more muah muah<333
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risingsunresistance · 9 months
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sunrise ☀️
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tears-of-xion · 27 days
Can you do Clefairy with #5 or Shadybug with #115 or both? Thank you!
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Here ya go!! A Clefairy with palette #5 (Mars), and a Shadybug with #115 (His Name Was King)!
I hope you like them <3
Color palettes used are from this post !
Please do not use or re-post my artwork without my permission. Thank you!   (reblogs, however, are welcome and appreciated)
I do not own Pokemon, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, nor their characters. All rights to their owners.
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
when sylvie rolls up to a branched timeline during the year 1982 in the middle of oklahoma in a random field, i am torn between the emotional potency of her experiencing a timeline that was destined to be destroyed like her own was, and how fucking weird it must have been for jack, the mcdonalds employee whose only priority is to graduate high school, to have encountered this feral creature rolling up straight from the end of all time. she's still in her battle armor and has open gashes on her face and she's asking for something that isn't a squirrel, possum or a rat, please. he adjusts his tie with a smile and says "okay!" when the woman with a machete asks to try everything. absolute king. customer service is just like that sometimes.
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spaceratprodigy · 4 months
doodled the science club hehe 🥺 they're helping low go through a breakdown or smth
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i swear i'll finish this at some point btw
I wish you could see the smile on my face rn omg I'M GONNA BE STARING AT THIS ALL DAY LOOOOOOONNGGGGG 💕💖😩💖💕
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yes-m-ray · 2 years
Laudna: "I've done a lot. To try to run away. Reclaim my life. And it doesn't really seem to fucking matter at the end of the day"
I think this is the first time Laudna has said something that currently truly hurts her. And not in a jokey manner, or a dismissive one... and hells that’s a heavy one.
You know every time after she tried to start her new “life”, after every town she was chased off, after every cottage where she was almost hunted; every time she ran away for a while, stopped, and asked the same question again and again:
”I’m nice, i’m trying, i want to be part of this world... Why? ...it doesn't really seem to fucking matter at the end of the day”
And yet, somehow, she tries again and again!!!
for 30 years 
I don’t think we’ll see a “breaking point” or a big boom of repressed trauma. I think the saddest way her story could go is that her flame, her spark, after being almost extinguished multiple times, just... gives up.
She seems tired, and there is a point where you may stop trying.
Could you blame her? 
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