#I'm sorry guys😂
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@blakenstein tagged me for a selfie so here ya go💕
Obviously no pressure lovelies but if you're up for it and wanna grace us with ya faces let's keep the ball rolling!🥰
@cryptidmycelium @i-should-live-in-salt @tangled-grace @tyrannosaurustex @fleuriebunnie @frvny @amity-infliction @akronosx @breadaddictedcuminhersnatch @dvrkreveries @neckdeep--in--realfriends
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lonelyfresita · 7 months
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Jack and The Beanstonks
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matchalovertrait · 1 month
Me yesterday reading comments from the unsuspecting people:
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raapija · 18 days
Any guesses as to why nando went to the red bull house yesterday?
He has a lot of friends there (from Honda etc.) and drivers pop into other team's motorhomes all the time, it's not that strange 😅
Valtteri was in Williams last weekend and he just went to get coffee from there while everyone was going crazy speculating he is signing a contract or something 😭
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felizusnavidad · 2 months
not swifties saying "stay away from her" because mr. hamilton got the album that taylor sent him? i'm a semi-retired swiftie and just saw a bunch of us talking about it. i'm sorry but we are in nooo position to be telling other people to be staying away from girlie 😭. i'm tired of the fandom and idc anymore, i'm saying all the things in my head - if i was a diehard lin manuel miranda fan, i'd be saying the same thing to her given her recent track record with both song quality and personal actions.
you know what? even from a relatively neutral attitude towards mr. hamilton, he seems to be doing great professionally and personally, so hats off to you sir. the person who sent you that album and her fans are all fucking messes rn don't even worry about it. so disappointed in us for being rude to other artists like olivia rodrigo or even miranda (he's a broadway guy right? he's not even direct competition) when it's all punching down.
honestly swifties being rude towards other celebrities is nothing new. i saw a lot of really nasty comments about beyonce & her new album, don't even get me started on olivia... you don't have to like their music, that's fine, but is it really that hard to at least be respectful?
as for lin, i know he has a lot of haters. but swifties calling him cringe may be the funniest thing ever... cringe is what i would call some of taylor's lyrics on her new album, but then swifties would say that "i don't understand her". or, better, "you hate a successful woman", well then, why do you hate on beyonce & olivia? do you also hate a successful woman?
i feel like everyday is getting worse & worse in this fandom. i'm really tired, you know. as someone who's been a swiftie for 15 years, i'm fucking done with all of this.
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cyokie · 2 years
Laurent, trying to convince himself that he has no idea who Damen really is so he can give in and guiltlessly have sex with him: 
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dootznbootz · 2 months
Do you have Diomedes eventually being immortalized by Athena in your hcs like he is in some versions of his mythology?
Honestly, I don't really know? 😅 He kind of only "exists" in my writing until he meets once with Penelope at like, 13-14 years of Odysseus being gone. Sthenelus is, ofc, with him. :D And he tells some stories to Penelope and kind of hangs out with Telemachus before they're off again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
After that, I don't think much or plan much for him 😅 "You played your narrative purpose, now you are free to do what you please, little dude."
Maybe I'll have it mentioned or something? but I don't know for sure :'D
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valeffelees · 1 year
hi hi hi can you tell me more about the fairy simon au please also your baz is so pretty i love him so much
hOLY SHIT thank you—both for coming here to let me talk about this silly AU and for the compliment, drawing Baz is good for my mental health, honestly. he is just... so lovely. 😭💞
about Bazza in the AU: the story (kinda) takes place post-Watford for Baz, so he's in his early 20s; he's an art student, he's a magician, and he is still a vampire, but, Natasha is actually alive in this AU because Baz wasn't turned in the nursery as a kid, he was turned a bit later in life. Baz plays the violin still, too, but not as well as he does in canon because he stopped his lessons cold around 12-13, which was also right around when he started taking art pretty seriously. without the Mage's cuts and reforms and shit happening, the school still offered a plethora of creative arts courses to the students, and of course they're not quite like Normal classes 'cause pretty much everything ties back to magic in some way at Watford, etc., but he liked them well enough and they were enough to get him into a good program after he graduated!
about Simon in the AU: so, this is funny. i was actually editing my one fanfic, and i have this section in it that goes: "It is impossible to search the entire Wavering Wood. The environment is too thick with magic, the old and unpredictable kind that used to belong to faeries and fable creatures and all other manner of strange, lost things. Penelope says there are even parts of the Wood rumoured to be untouched by magicians. Hidden meadows and ancient groves and brooks that babble of the future, sequestered away because they never stop moving and changing, because they do not want to be found." and it planted this funny seed in my brain. in the books, fairies are like a lost magical people. Simon tells us that they wandered into the woods for a few centuries and then couldn't find their way back. and i just had this silly thought: "imagine a fairy does the opposite. wandered out, but then didn't know how to find its way back in."
the whole idea of the AU is like... this total whimsy-ass summer Simon and Baz get to spend together.
Baz comes home from school on holidays to visit his family: in winter and spring, that means he stays with his father. but in the summer, he goes to Watford to spend time with his mother (Natasha doesn't actually leave the school very often, she drowns herself in work; Malcolm sees her very rarely these days) but "spending time with his mother" is actually just six weeks of quiet lunches in her office together before Baz goes off to find a good place on the grounds to sit with his sketchbook and his Spotify until he has to go back for an equally quiet supper in her office together. and so it goes: less than a week into break, he decides to spend the afternoon in the Wavering Wood, and by chance, happens to meet Simon. a fairy that walked a little too far for a little too long, and can't seem to remember his way back to where he came from anymore.
and Simon is a fucking pest. but—he's harmless.
and he's pretty.
and Baz actually happens to like the Wavering Wood quite a lot, thank you very much, going back there every afternoon has absolutely nothing to do with anything else, lost fairies or otherwise! 😉😂
if anyone sees this and is wondering what the hell i'm on about, click here!
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ourladyoflight · 1 month
- ̗̀ ✦ ㅤ ⸺ Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz
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Take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character, then select 5 - 10 results from the complete matches list that you feel resonate with your character the most!
Marmee March (Little Women): 92%
Eliza Hamilton (Hamilton): 92%
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 92%
Anna Bates (Downton Abbey): 90%
Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): 89%
Nani Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch): 88%
Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 87%
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic): 85%
Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz): 84%
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds): 83%
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Tagged by: @demonsfate (Thank you so much!!) Tagging: @icecoldwilliams, @teslagravity, @unbrydledfury, @asteriskheart, @lightflown, @littledancingphoenix and anyone else who hasn't done this yet!!
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winslowat3am · 2 years
I wanna be your friend and talk to you but I'm scared
Scared, as in scared of me? But why? I'm an innocent lil java bean (well not innocent, but you know, I would hope people think I'm nice, lol). 🙊 No need to be scared. How about this: if you find the courage to talk to me I'll give you a virtual ice cream sandwich, but not only that, ya boy got pepperoni hot pockets & hot Cheetos, too. Got hella snacks I'm working with. You could have all these delicious treats for yourself, if you shoot me a dm. It could just be a "hi", no pressure. *Slowly slides a hot pocket to you* That's just a little motivation. & there's more where that came from. But shh, don't tell the rest of my followers I have snacks, let's keep this between me & you. You should feel lucky, y'know? I don't give just anybody my delicious sweets, my delectable treats. 😏
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
me: *writing*
misty, leaning over my shoulder: I think I should ask to share Nat's bed in this story
me, for the third time: interesting, interesting. you know what, I think you might be right
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alltimefail-sims · 5 months
I'm in the trenches fighting for my life trying to make sims without cc right now...
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It's going about as well as you'd think
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sanddollarpoems · 1 year
Forgetting that I had the power
To sew their lips shut
I let them ramble for too long
But reminded of the remedy
I've silenced the squalls of insanity
Cry at the white walls all you want
No one can hear you now
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juneviews · 1 year
T H E Y !!! 💚
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memento-mariii · 2 years
I just know that right this moment, Quincey and Lucy are having their cowpoke adventures in heaven, with that horse the (presumably non-supernatural) vampire bats had gotten 🥲
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torgawl · 2 years
maybe this is a hot take but i think there's a difference between having empathy for a character or feeling protectiveness over them and straight up infantilising the character in question, and i unfortunately see the latter quite a lot
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