#I'm sorry it takes me forever to answer
Fun Len Facts
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mrhowells · 11 months
what is your favourite clois scene?
I honestly love all their interactions so much that I couldn't even decide on my top five, so I'll just talk about their opening scene in booster because I keep thinking about it and it really captures one of the main reasons I love them so much.
So they're both in transitional periods of their lives, with Clark trying to create a new persona for himself and Lois working towards a promotion, and they're just so... invested and supportive about it?? Lois is helping Clark with his body language and reassures him because he's feeling insecure but then he's like "forget about ME Lois you're up for that promotion!!!" and you can see on his face how proud and excited about it he is like, he's really her biggest cheerleader and I'm😭😭😭
They're best friends and they're in love and above all else they just genuinely want to see each other thrive and be happy and grow into the best versions of themselves and it makes me want to collapse on the floor in tears.
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emdotcom · 7 months
Idk why the fucken... Divide between "it was alternate universes" & "Paul is just trans" ideas for Petscop has to be torn into a cavern. Paul being trans DOES make sense, but requires you to ignore huge details that immediately make it not work. The alternate universes DO kind of make sense, but require you to extrapolate out a lot of info purposefully left unshown.
It's hard to describe what i want to say, here -- i do think Paul being trans makes sense, 'splains why he & Care "look eeriely similar," you could argue he's just thoroughly blocked out that part of his life enough to have forgotten Care entirely, etc. I like it, & i keep it as i also say "Yeah, it's that & the universes theory." It's not two switches that demand you can only flip on one of them -- you can have both. You can have neither. Do whatever
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kwillow · 1 year
Answering Some Asks!
Forever ago, I said I'd try to answer more of the asks I get with text, so I don't have them sitting around for years on end. Then I didn't do that. Well... gonna try to do a few now!
Character Stuff
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Probably not, since it's solid all the way through, so there's no space for the air to vibrate and make cool sounds. It'd be like flicking a column of glass or gemstone, probably just make some tapping or "thnk" noises and that's it. Alas!
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Beggars can't be choosey.
But more seriously, probably words of affirmation/compliments or quality time. Though he doesn't believe compliments often even if he wants them - he's more apt to believe he's just being mocked or manipulated unless he already trusts someone (and even then, he has his doubts).
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I talked a bit about this in the tags of this drawing, though I can elaborate in a bigger font size as well, haha.
As his story stands now, he has exclusively pursued women as partners. I tend to think of him as straight.
That said, I'm not opposed to his hetero being flexible if, in the future, a story opportunity popped up where he'd need to be curious about a man. (Jack, another character of mine, started off as straight and then slid inexorably to "bisexual, heavy on the girl" so it has happened before, haha.) AND if other people want to write/draw/think of him as straying from straight n' narrow that's obviously fine with me. :P
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He's not a royal - he wishes, haha. He is nobility, though! His father his a marquis, which gives him the courtesy title of count (or "comte", using the French variant) until he inherits his father's title (though the Old Kingdoms are destroyed before that ever happens). Tough when he's much older he just assigns himself pope-kingship so I guess that counts as self-appointed royalty.
Yes he's had crushes, infatuations, love affairs and flings. Too many. Though it's interesting you bring up status - as a lot of his crushes tended to be on people from lower societal positions than he was. His first crush, and one of his longest (and most tumultuous) relationships was with a stablehand's daughter. When he did get infatuated with well-born women, it tended to be women who were already engaged, married or otherwise unavailable for him to marry. He's just got a taste for things he can't have...
It was extremely infuriating for his father.
(Of course, another part of his lack of discrimination between noble and common ladies might be due to him seeing himself as above ALL mortals, so what's the difference between a peasant and a noblewoman, really?)
Non-Character Stuff
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Hahaha well I welcome that! Ambroys should be bullied on as many fronts as possible.
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Thank you! It's a combination of purposeful research while also ignoring what I research for stuff I think just looks fun. Admittedly, I also am bad at drawing things consistently, so in some ways it's easier for me to just put a character in an entirely new outfit instead of trying to draw an old outfit the same way again, ha. xD
Not to sound like a soccer mom, but I'm a fan of Pinterest for browsing and collecting reference images of outfits that just "feel" like a character, so you have a broad visual library to draw from. You should also pair that with research into how the clothes you want to draw are supposed to fit. For historical outfits, you can get a lot of mileage out of the blogs of historical fanatics who enjoy eviscerating movie costumes from their period of interest. For modern day clothing, you can look at style blogs and tailoring information to learn how clothes are supposed to fit - and then break those rules if you want (for example, in mens' suits, the pants are not supposed to be bunched around the ankles, but I draw Theo's trousers that way to emphasize that he has unusually short legs).
My secret tip for coming up with lots of outfits for characters while keeping them cohesive is to determine a few things about their fashion sense (using Theo and Ambroys to contrast with each other):
What cuts/kinds of clothing do they wear often? What's their "taste", basically. For example, Ambroys wears tight pants/breeches, ostentatious coats and vests, lace and lots of jewelry. Theo, on the other hand, always wants to wear formal clothes that cover most of his body. From that, you can find other clothes that fit that mold and take inspiration from them, expanding what kinds of clothes they wear while still making it feel like "them".
What color palettes do they tend to wear? Theo wears dark colors and red and purple pretty much exclusively, while Ambroys wears a lot of colors, but only in light shades.
What thematic elements can you incorporate into their outfits as decoration? For Theo, I tend to include blood-drop designs and heraldic symbols like the ermine spot, while Ambroys is associated with flowers (especially roses), eyes and wings. You can add these elements to outfits to add a little extra spice (there are a lot of Ambroys' outfits that are really the same thing, but in one I put daffodils on him and another I put feathers on him, for example).
I hope any of that is helpful!
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Thank you so much! I honestly have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to rendering, so I'm glad it's looking okay, heh!
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I've heard Gravity Falls is great, but like many shows that I've heard are great, I have never made time to watch it. I know vaguely of Stanley Pines, though.
But thank you so much for saying you like Theo. He's a nasty little guy but he's very near and dear to my heart, and it really touches me that you see complexity and charisma in him. I do aim to make characters that are textured, weird little bastards.
And I don't mind you roleplaying with Theo, I think it's sweet. xP I'm glad he got to enjoy some pizza.
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
"(you make my heart beat) like a hurricane" parentheticals can be included or just for context lol. as for pairing, i mean, matthew/leon brainrot, but if you can think of a more fitting one i'm all ears!
nah, let's go with the matthew/leon brainrot. what are we even on this earth for if we don't let the brainrot win sometimes?
so, ignoring the obvious punny impulse to concoct some sort of futurefic or alternate timeline where they both play for the hurricanes (carolina was runner-up in last summer's tkachuk sweepstakes, there's totally something that could be done there), i think what i'm feeling here is a tropey bottle episode of a fic. an "oh no, it's storming and you're stuck in my house overnight" fic.
actually, because i personally think it would be funny: an "oh no, it's storming and you AND your teammates are stuck in my house overnight" fic.
so, the oilers come to south florida pretty early in the season. it's still technically hurricane season, but the current tropical storm is only supposed to graze them, not make landfall, so no one is that concerned about it. how do we get a bunch of oilers over to matthew's house? i don't know, maybe something like — okay, so i believe in my heart for reasons that matthew and connor mcdavid aren't, like, FRIENDS friends but that they get along just fine and are kind of weirdly fond of each other off the ice (the reasons for this are like 90% just the fact that connor has referred to him as "matty tkachuk" more than once on camera), so maybe they wind up hanging out a bit at the NHL awards this summer, kinda laughing about the old battle of alberta rivalry days — maybe a reporter asked one of them about it in some weird attempt to make a story, like, oh you're not on rival teams anymore but would it still be extra fun to beat him out for the hart? and they both think that was kind of stupid and funny. connor has some great stories about media being deeply stupid and funny, they can bond over it a little bit, and so maybe matthew "loves to play host in his giant florida home" tkachuk, slightly drunk, is like, hey when you guys are in florida next season bring some of the boys over for dinner. bury the hatchet for real.
ANYWAY. god. okay. i'm just giving up on making these short now. the oilers come to florida pretty early in the season, etc etc, and connor shows up to dinner at matthew's with, like, leon and zach hyman and kailer — kailer and matthew overlapped for a year at the program, they could totally be friendly. everyone feels a little bit weird about this, including matthew and connor, who are the ones who committed to this in the first place, but no one involved is going to be the one to back down first.
but oooh, what of the leon of it all? when connor informed him he was coming along he probably snorted and said "yeah, i'm sure he'll love that," and connor rolled his eyes and said, "oh, come on, it'll be fine," and leon, unfortunately, is too loyal to not dutifully come along. someone has to be there to keep connor from being the most awkward human alive. and also maybe leon kind of wants to go. maybe he has something to say to matthew tkachuk, except it's really hard to get a guy alone for a conversation when you're on different teams and you're not friends and also one of you moved across the continent.
so they all show up for dinner when they get into town the night before the game, and it's a little weird and awkward at first, but it gets pretty fun, actually! sasha barkov and sam bennett are also there — for backup, just in case, matthew jokes — and it's a pretty good time! there is a series of comedic errors where every time leon thinks he's getting a moment alone to say something, he gets interrupted, because it's ALSO hard to have a conversation when there are five other dudes hanging around. it's also possible that matthew is avoiding him a little bit. this is understandable, considering the one and only time matthew ever texted him — hey, good series. good luck. take care of yourself, in the early, early morning hours of the morning after the oilers had eliminated the flames from the 2022 playoffs — leon never texted back.
not, like, on purpose. he was just distracted. by the playoffs. and he didn't know what to say. and he kept thinking about responding and then not responding and then it had been too long to respond without it being awkward, which was fine, it's not like they were friends, they only even had each other's numbers because someone put all the members of the pacific division all star team in a group chat that weekend in 2020, but leon has felt a tad bit guilty about it ever since. he just wants to apologize! then he can go on with his life with a clear conscience.
they eat; they drink; time flies when you're having fun; and then kailer looks out the window and goes, "oh shit, it's really coming down."
the tropical storm changed paths, and now there's a flood warning and it's no longer safe to drive. cue much checking of weather, and it becomes clear the safe thing to do is not go anywhere until morning. good thing i have guest rooms! matthew says. we don't want to impose like that, connor starts to protest, but matthew puts his foot down: he is NOT dealing with the drama that would happen if the best hockey player in the world got swept out to sea on his watch. and it's important for everyone else to stay safe too, or whatever. between the guest rooms and the sofas, there's plenty of room. connor calls the oilers coach about it, it's all gonna be fine.
leon finally gets matthew alone when matthew is cleaning up in the kitchen after insisting he doesn't want any help, so everyone else is sprawled in the living room watching sports. no one's getting wasted because they have a game tomorrow, but everyone's had a few beers, and it's getting a little rowdy. leon says he's getting a glass of water and find matthew washing the steak knives. he awkwardly thanks matthew for dinner ("hey, thanks for coming, always fun to have people over," matthew says) and then, also awkwardly, apologizes for not texting back. you know, a year and a half ago. there was a lot going on. he was on a lot of painkillers.
matthew hisses and drops the knife he's washing into the sink. leon's at his side in seconds, but it's a shallow cut, and matthew just rolls his eyes and sticks the wounded finger in his mouth. which is a better reason than leon has previously had to look at matthew's mouth, at least.
but— "it's no big deal. the texting thing," matthew says, around his finger, then normally when he takes it out of his mouth to add, "i was really fucking drunk when i sent it anyway. i don't know what i was thinking." he trails off a bit at this last part, because leon has taken it upon himself to examine the wound — it really is fine; matthew's finger is more red from his own teethmarks than from the cut.
anyway, it's good that matthew wasn't upset about the texting thing, he says. he'd felt bad about it. he didn't know if matthew was trying to be friends or what. and matthew gives him this funny little look and is like, "well, we could be friends." leon looks up from the very important medical attention he's providing, except now he's just looking at matthew's mouth again. he considers some variations on the definition of "friend."
except of course they're interrupted here by a commotion from the next room, which completely breaks the moment, and the next few hours of hanging out in matthew's living room with all the guys go pretty normally, except for how leon keeps catching matthew looking at him, and which keeps making matthew give him this sheepish grin before looking away, which makes leon feel some very stupid things. there's something in the water down here, he thinks. he has a disease now. he has a matthew tkachuk disease. when everyone starts shuffling off to bed at a semi-reasonable hour, matthew running around distributing towels and spare toothbrushes and whatever else people need, leon hangs back, poking at his weird little feelings, until matthew comes back downstairs to ask with a crooked grin, "so did you draw the short straw for the couch down here?"
"more like wrestled it away from connor," leon deadpans. matthew is all loose and cheerful like someone who's still a little tipsy, and leon knows logically that he's also a little bit drunk, but he feels very sober. maybe this is why it seems totally logical, when matthew gets close enough, to tug him in by the hem of his shirt and kiss him on the mouth.
he gets about three seconds of kissing in before actual logic kicks in, and he jerks back — "shit, sorry, i don't know why i did that." matthew just kind of stares at him for a mortifyingly long moment, brow furrowed, then he licks his lips and swallows and says, "you know, there's somewhere else you could sleep besides the couch."
and oh, leon is so tempted. he's SO tempted. but it's a bad idea, right? it's probably a bad idea, especially with all the other guys in the house. so.
"probably not a very good idea," he says, apologetic. matthew gives him a half-smile and a shrug, says to let him know if he needs anything, and goes back upstairs.
except after a couple of hours of lying on the couch, after everyone else has fallen asleep, obviously leon tiptoes up to matthew's room and they immediately have intense, fucknasty trying-to-stay-quiet sex. literally everyone can tell the next morning, and they never, ever, ever live it down.
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patchesproblem · 3 months
I'm responding to the other asks in my inbox either tonight or tomorrow. I've been hit with the urge to start rambling incoherently about Einsla and I can actually formulate my thoughts right now.
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moth-pimp-smokin · 2 months
Guess who's back?~
I know it's been awhile, and I know you missed me~
I've had a few big projects (and a few whores) that needed my full attention
I know you'll forgive me~
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ardensregias · 3 months
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it was so hot last night tht i have to take bath earlier this morning T_T but oh well !! i hope all of you have a better day ahead :3
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jazzyinspace · 1 year
Thank you, @jonnyonearth 🥰❤️
OC Questions 💜
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Emily 💚
The news of Emily packing up and moving her wasteland clinic from the Forest to the Crater didn't sit well with folks who knew her, supported her, and trusted her with treating them. Because of her choice, they feared her. To them, she was a monster, a Raider. 
And yet, this was his Emily who was being vilified.
The same Emily who treated the sick and wounded, himself included. Emily, who held his hand when the pair stepped foot into what was Free States territory for the first time since Jeff's worst day, then held him in her arms while he sobbed. Emily, who believed in him as much as he believed in her. 
To this day, Jeff still doesn't know why she chose that life, but he loves and trusts her enough to stand by her side. Emily isn't just a Raider, after all. She's a doctor, a friend, and someone who means the world to a certain someone. 
So, if all of this makes Jeff a bad person, then so be it. More of Emily's amazing cooking–her wasteland chili is to die for–for him. 💚
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Jeff has a big heart and is a people pleaser by default (he can be a bit gullible), so it's easy for someone unkind to take advantage of him. Most of the time, he doesn't notice any malicious intent because he's just happy to lend a hand. 💙
Befriend a deathclaw? Jeff loves friends! Save my friend? Absolutely! Confront everyone to boost morale? He doesn't like this, but he's off to talk to Kieran anyway~
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aftermathing · 5 months
The worst thing about suffering is that it still hurts when the danger is over but no one cares about it anymore because it shouldn't hurt. No one will ever say "I'm sorry that happened to you" especially when they barely say "I'm sorry that's happening."
#Okay to tb btw all the personal stuff is in the tags#Like. Not eating for a week because you couldn't get groceries hurts#and people will say 'oof sorry that's happening' but then#after you're able to get food no one will ever say 'I'm sorry that happened' even though you think about it and hurt from it constantly.#No one will ever say ':( that must have been so hard' because you're fine now right???? No psychological damage there?????#This example is stupid but I do think about it every time I feel hungry. I told people I wasn't able to get groceries#and there was no food in my house. And they said. Oof.#Instead of idk Oh God Are You Okay ??#No one cares when you've been abused your entire life and behave the way you do out of genuine terror because your brain is fucked forever#They don't say 'I'm sorry that happened it must have been really scary to turn you into Such An Asshole. I pity you like a dog :('#Speaking of man everyone loves fucked up abused terrified dogs and wants to be the one who makes them open up#And shows them that people can be good and kind and that touch doesn't have to hurt#But everyone is scared of fucked up abused terrified people#Humans are capable of harm even more than dogs and fear is understandable but.#Can you please call me good boy and shush me and tell me nothing's going to hurt me and let me curl up on your lap#And not hit me if I get scared and start to growl and feed me good and take me on walks and play with me#Even though I'm not very fun to play with and I'm still learning what's fun and what's mean and what's a toy and what's a hand#Plleeeaaase don't be jealous of a dog that doesn't eat good don't say 'tch he's so thin what am I doing wrong'#I want to eat good and grow and gain fat and be warm and be comfortable I don't want this#Don't say 'if abused dogs don't eat good then I don't deserve to either' no no no no eat good so you can take care of us both#Please please please I learned so many tricks to make people happy and call me smart but I don't actually know how to do anything I'm#Literally like such a stupid dog it takes me like one day of no one paying attention to me for me to become un-housebroken#I make a lot of mistakes even though I know better or I really should know better#And sometimes do things wrong on purpose to get attention either yelling or showing me how to do it right#But most of the time I genuinely don't know how to do stuff because I was never taught or I was taught and#My previous owners said 'this is how it is. It is this way because it is and it is forever. The answer is Because.'#'now quit asking repetitive questions before I pop you'#If I do something Because and not know the reason why I'm doing it that's not learning that's acting#Especially habits taught specifically to hurt me and not being allowed to question it or know why I'm being hurt#Oh my god I acted out so much when I was younger and all my friends were so disgusted and hurt by me and yelled at me every day
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royboyfanpage · 6 months
If there's one thing I can do, it's go on tangents
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howthesleeplesswander · 10 months
❛ i’m sorry, but i’m just thinking of the right words to say. ❜ // @Kazuma but... Masked Apprentice Kazuma?? 👀👀👀👀
Songs from the 80's Sentence Starters | Accepting! | @tenacquity
The right words?
He may have laughed at the statement if he remembered how. If it weren't so cruel in its irony. For the words this man spoke didn't matter when the mere sound of his voice shook the Apprentice to his core.
Every time, without fail. After months of wandering the foggy London streets like a wraith plucked from a ghost story, the feeling of being utterly lost was never as powerful—or as weak—as in this man's presence.
He made the emptiness inside of him better, yet simultaneously worse. As the Apprentice watched him struggle to speak, he didn't recognize the churning depths of his eyes or the thoughtful crease to his brow—and that unfamiliarity ached unlike anything else. Earth-shattering, even though he couldn't understand it. Powerful enough to change everything if only he could remember.
And he wanted to, with a desperation he didn't know himself capable of feeling before their fateful meeting in the Prosecutor's Office only yesterday. But he couldn't. He'd tried. And the same thought crushed down upon his shoulders now as it did then:
What right did he have to something—to someone—he did not know?
He shouldn't be here.
He'd never intended to face him to begin with. With the halls of the Old Bailey dim and abandoned for the night, the Apprentice had been about to leave, too: prepared to spend another night searching for anything that might trigger his memories, if the other man hadn't found him first.
Wasn't this exactly what he'd wanted? No—not this. It was too much. Too painful.
The Apprentice took a step back. Then another. Each one soundless yet stilted as he battled against himself: trapped between a visceral urge to flee, to leave this man behind—and an equally powerful conviction that he couldn't. Not again.
He didn't...They didn't... Did they?
It was too much...!
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In the end the Apprentice moved no further. He merely watched, dark eyes unreadable in the shadows of his mask and cloak. Silently weathering the tempest of nonsensical emotion surging through his rib cage. Waiting for something he didn't understand.
Or, perhaps, simply waiting for the right words.
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mattodore · 1 year
When you get this, list 3 facts about your favorite sim and send it to the last 3 people in your notifications! Let's get to know each others' sims!
three little facts about theo... okay <3
theo technically has two names! there's theodore and then there's yeonu. yeonu is only what he goes by w/ his extended family.
theo was never allowed to have a pet as a child... most of his adolescence was spent entirely alone. he really likes odious (matthias's cat) but playing with her makes him feel a little sad... he can't help but think that he wouldn't have been such a lonely child if he had a companion.
theo really likes playing sports. he's the best at soccer and the worst at tennis (are these the only two sports i know anything about? ...perhaps). he doesn't actually watch sports, though. he's only interested in actually playing and feeling all that energy and movement. he's also very competitive athletically. he'll play dirty.
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youssefguedira · 1 year
1, 10, and 21 for the WIP asks? 👀
answering this one for joe and nile post apocalypse fic because its my most beloved rn even if i have no free time
1. give a five word summary of this chapter/fic
daydreaming about nile being badass
10. what is the last line of dialogue you've written?
REALLY descriptive one here
21. share three songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter / fic
the source material for this fic would make this so so easy so i will deliberately make it difficult for myself:
na na na (na na na na na na na na), my chemical romance
raasuk, mashrou' leila
losing touch, the killers
thank you!!
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sillyfreakx5 · 1 month
he didn't respond for over 5 hours and it's the middle of the day in his timezone aaaaa did i do something wrong??? (he usually replies quite quickly and i already sent several texts)
#silly's ventposting#like aaaa i said i won't be able to talk much today bc I was going over to a friend's house for a couple hours#and i wasn't able to call this morning#and i wasn't able to call last night because i overslept my alarms#and also he was like “you better not be cheating”#which like ??? T^T#idk he's probably just the type of person who voices his paranoid thoughts more often than i do#but also he said that he'll miss me#and like i said that I'll still be able to text him a bit just not a lot#and he said that he hoped I'll text him like a decent bit (idk how to explain + too lazy to check exact wording)#AND THEN HE PROCEEDS TO NOT ANSWER FOREVER???#he usually says if he's gonna busy or driving s lot or something#and his work outs don't take THIS long#aaaaaaa I'm definitely just being dramatic but likeeeee >_>"#but also i don't think i should be offended abt him thinking i cheated because i did actually cheat once#I'm not proud of that#pls don't cheat on your monogamous partner guys it's an awful idea#(i know you can't use hypersexuality as an excuse but FUCK i hate being hypersexual)#like immediately the next day i texted the guy and was like “sorry for leading you on but I can't continue this”#but yeahh wooo I'm a shit person✨✨✨#anyhow i hope my boyfriend never finds out bc he's been cheated on before and yeahhh#but yeah know I'm scared that he's mad at me for some other random reason???#and I can't concentrate on anything else and tumblr isn't giving me the attention i crave and-#anyhow this is enough i think XD
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kris-mage-fics · 3 months
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This is hilarious and never fails to make me laugh when I see it! The spider's face is so fucking cute it kills me! And the *deleted lmao* is the icing on this beautiful cake!
I'd actually said in the past that Kyrahlise wasn't afraid of spiders. Though anything with more than eight limbs or legs terrified her, like centipedes. But this comic has shown me the light, and now she is also afraid of spiders! Which I find a little funny that someone who can easily take out demons, including the Faceless Lords, is petrified of a little spider!
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