#I'm sure this joke has been done dozens of times already
blood-orange-juice · 11 months
Medical malpractice? Not to me. Not if it's you.
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hyunniesgirl · 11 months
Another Love | part 1
Summary: you've been hopelessly in love with Han since you were children. One night you confess your feelings to him.
Words count: 8,539
Warnings for this part: lots of angst, drunk people, drunk Han is petty asf
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
A/N: So I made that pool asking if I should post this fic in chapters or a 20,000+ words chapter and the long ass chapter won but at the time my mind told me I would be able to finish the whole fic before posting it... Jokes on me I need validation and feedback for me to write so yeah let's do this in chapters, sorry
A/N2: I had this idea for quite some time now but got suddenly inspired listening to the song another love.
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You're done. Really, you can't take it anymore. You've known Han Jisung since elementary school, you have been basically joined at the hip since then, your parents even became best friends because of you two.
You don't know exactly when you fell in love with him, was it on your second day at school when he invited you to play with him because he noticed you were all alone? Was it when someone made an awkward joke about your messed up hair cut in second grade and he picked a fight with them? Maybe it was the very first moment you laid eyes on him, joking around with everyone and being the most popular kid in the classroom. You really can't remember, but the thing you're sure of is: Han Jisung doesn't like you back.
You've always known that, but inside you there was a tiny bit of hope that one day he would wake up and suddenly love you back.
That didn't happen though. You are now 23 and he has never ever shown the smallest amount of romantic interest in you.
"That's fine", you thought to yourself, ever since you realized your feelings for him, "I'm going to stay with him his entire life, that doesn't sound so bad"
Until it started to sound really bad. What are you gonna do? See him getting a girlfriend, then getting engaged and eventually married? Would you always be there on the sidelines listening to his lovesick whines about the woman he loves so much? Would you be the godmother to his children? By then, would you have gotten over him already? Or would you keep this up forever, marrying someone just because you can't stay alone and being in love with your best friend for the rest of your life? That was the moment you knew you had to stop, you can't keep this up.
Coincidentally Han broke up with his last girlfriend a few months ago, you thought that would be a good opportunity for you to be his rebound, yeah, pretty dignified of you.
So you dress up really pretty, hair up, a dress that always made Han compliment you and to finish it off—the necklace he gave you on your 12th birthday.
You think this is it, this is the day you're going to tell him how much you love him and maybe, just maybe he will contemplate giving you a chance.
When he arrives at your shared apartment, with two cans of beer and fried chicken, you give him a cheerful greeting, setting the table and trying to gather courage to speak.
"So, how was practice?", you begin, maybe some small talk will help you relax.
"It was good, we are almost done with the album", he says, typing something on his phone. "How was your day?", he asks, putting the device on the table and looking at you.
"Good, I had class in the morning and tutoring in the afternoon", you take a sip of your beer, "one of the mothers actually recommended me to other parents and I'm gonna start tutoring more students next week"
He smiles, "that's good, you're really smart"
You blush, bringing the back of your hands to your face to try and lessen the hot skin of your cheeks with the cold of your hands.
"Actually, I want to talk to you", you start, it's now or never.
"Sure-", Jisung stops mid sentence when his phone buzzes. "Just a minute", he looks at the screen and smiles, your heart sinks at the sight. You know that smile too well, you have seen it dozens of times. You feel your insides turning over. It's the smile meant only for the person he likes.
"Hey, Lia. Yeah, totally, I can talk right now", he picks up the call and once again asks you for a minute lifting his index finger, he walks towards the balcony and closes the glass door after going through it.
He's laughing about something, is she even that funny or is he just trying to win her favor? She's pretty, you know it. All of his girlfriends looked like models. You sigh, looking at yourself and feeling awful, suddenly you don't feel pretty anymore, you actually feel ridiculous.
Why did you think things would change just because you got brave enough to speak up? Jisung sees you as a best friend and nothing more, you have to come to terms with that.
Your mind is rushing, thinking about what you're going to do now? Can you keep being friends with him? Yeah, of course, he's your best friend, you won't end your friendship because you can't control your feelings. But you'll need time, right? You won't be able to get over this unrequited love if you keep seeing him everyday, doing everything with him and sleeping in the same house.
"So, what do you want to talk about?", he asks, sitting again. You didn't even notice he had come back inside.
You sigh, you'll tell him about it all and then you'll find the strength in you to move on.
"I like you", you say so low you're not sure he heard you. But he did, he smiles and chuckles.
"I like you too, we're best friends for a reason", he stretches his arm to take a fried chicken.
"No, I like like you", you admit, hugging yourself, feeling cold suddenly, you look around and see Han left the door to the balcony open. "I've been in love with you since I can remember", you complete.
The look on his face would be funny if it wasn't tragic, his brows are furrowed in confusion and his eyes have a very familiar look: fear. Of course, he's afraid of losing his best friend, you already guessed that much.
"Y/N I-", you notice his breathing quickening. "I'm sorry, I never knew", he says, shoulders slumping, his arms dropping to the side of his body.
"Yeah, I know you didn't", you say. He's still staring at you with so much hurt in his eyes. Jisung knows he will have to turn you down and it's going to hurt him a lot, but not as much as it will hurt you and he never ever wanted to hurt you. 
"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say", he takes a deep breath, "I never thought about you in that way, I'm really sorry, I don't feel the same"
You're not going to cry, you decided that the moment you saw fear in his eyes. It's not his fault you like him, he can't fall in love with you just because you love him. You're not going to cry and make him feel worse than you can tell he's already feeling. But listening to those words it's worse than you could have expected, you feel like the world is crumbling around you.
"I know you don't", you smile sadly.
He looks more confused now.
"Then, why did you tell me?"
"It's just… I'm done with all this", you reply, getting up from your chair.
"Done with our friendship?" Han can feel all the air leaving his body while he waits for your answer.
You chuckle, fidgeting with your foot.
"No, I don't think I could ever be done with that", you smile trying to reassure him and he feels so relieved. "I can't keep doing this, I can't continue seeing you with other people and stay hurting alone"
"I can stop bringing people to the apartment and I'll never talk about them around you", he says trying to help and your stomach sinks a lot more. Why does he have to be so sweet?
"Actually, I'll need some time", you clear your throat, "I think I'm going to stay with Seungmin for the time being, he is looking for a roommate"
Han's eyes widen and he gets up, walking towards you.
"What are you talking about? Are you going to move out?"
"It's not something definitive, I'm going to stay there until he finds a new roommate and come back after that", you take a step back, noticing how close he is to you. "Luckily by then I'll be over you, I think I just need some personal space for now, where you're not there everytime I look, or your things aren't mixed with mine or your scent isn't around every room"
"Will you still speak to me?", he asks, he wants to hug you, to hold you in his arms and say how sorry he is for not feeling the same. But he knows he can't, the best thing he can do is to keep his distance from you right now.
"I think we should keep it restricted to apartment things for now, I'll keep paying my half of the rent since my things will still be here"
"You don't have to pay if you're not here"
Ever since Jisung started making good money he insisted that you didn't have to pay for rent since you only work part time as a tutor to pay for your living expenses but you always refused. Even though he earns a lot more than you it wouldn't be fair for him to be the only one paying and honestly, you felt that if he was the only one paying for it, you would feel too much like you were a couple.
"No, I'll pay you. This arrangement doesn't change the fact that we still share the apartment"
He nods, looking down, the awkward silence making you sick.
"I'm really sorry I hurt you", he whispers and all the crying you avoided over this whole conversation threatens to come out at that exact moment.
"It's not your fault", you say, "I'm sorry I made things awkward, just give me some time and we'll be back to how things were, okay?", you give him a reassuring smile even though you're not sure things will ever go back to the way it was.
You wake up feeling like shit, you cried your eyes out the moment you stepped into Seungmin's apartment. He was so sweet to you, staying awake until you calmed down and even offered you his room for you to sleep but you refused. He was already doing you a favor by letting you stay on his couch until he found a roommate.
You sit, stretching yourself, you slept pretty comfortably but all the stress from last night left your muscles sore.
"Are you feeling better?", you hear Seungmin's voice and look at the kitchen, he's making coffee. That reminds you of all the days you woke Han up with a nice and hot coffee so he wouldn't be in a bad mood waking up so early.
"I don't think so", you answer, shaking your head like that would make your thoughts disappear. "Can you get me some of that?", you ask and he smiles.
"Already on it", you start tidying up the blanket and the pillow you used.
"What are you going to do today?", Seungmin asks while you sit at the table.
"I have some tutoring to do and class in the afternoon, maybe I'll go shopping with Hannah later"
"That's good, try to keep yourself entertained at least for the next couple of days", he hands you the mug and you nod.
All your friends knew about your crush on Han and you made all of them swear they wouldn't tell him. You were afraid things would be awkward now, since Han was their friend before you met them, but they all showed you support now that you had confessed.
Hannah had offered you to stay with her, but she has a roommate that's really strict about everything in their apartment and you don't want to cause trouble to your friend by staying there. Luckily Seungmin's last roommate had moved a couple of weeks ago and he was looking for someone new, but by the way he's picky that's not going to happen so soon.
"Since I'll be staying here and you won't accept money because I won't be using a room, the groceries will be on me and I won't accept no for an answer", you say finishing your coffee and getting up. Seungmin sighs, rolling his eyes.
"I know you're going to buy it anyway, so I'll accept it"
"Then send me a list of whatever you need and I'll buy it tonight or tomorrow", you blow him a kiss, picking your bag from the floor and heading to the bathroom.
You take a long, hot, refreshing shower and pick some comfortable clothes to go to your tutoring session.
Seungmin's already gone when you go back to the kitchen, there's a message from him on your phone.
Minnie: I left some sliced fruit in the fridge for you, eat before going out.
Minnie: I'll send you the list later btw
You smile, having someone taking care of you is nice. For a second, it makes you forget the reason why you're there to begin with.
You feel like crying again, but you can't show up to your students house with red eyes and a puffy face.
The parents that are near each other usually ask you to teach their children together in longer sessions. That strengthens the bond the kids have while strengthening the connection between the families. That usually happens when the families are wealthy, they see an opportunity in their children's friendship to get on each other's good side.
Your parents started hanging out with Jisung's parents too, not because of connections but because you two were always in each other's houses. Once, you broke your arm falling from a tree you tried to climb following Han, his mother had to call yours and calm her down on the phone the entire time your mother was driving to the hospital to meet you. That day you got scolded by both and after they finished the lecture they looked at each other and smiled, bonding over the fear of something happening to their precious child.
When they went out to buy some coffee and talk, Jisung sat by the side of your hospital bed, lips pouting and tearing up.
"I'm sorry I dared you to follow me all the way up there", he says, taking the hand of your good arm and holding it.
"It's okay, now at least I have an exciting story to tell the others", you say and he smiles, whipping his eyes.
The noise of the gate opening wakes you up from your daydream, you have to stop thinking about Han if you want to get over him.
The kids come running in your direction the moment the housekeeper opens the door.
"Miss Y/N, look I got a 9.5 on my test", the girl smiles brightly showing you the paper with the grade marked in red.
"Woah, Misu, you're so smart, I don't think you even need me anymore", you bend to her height and she pouts, sometimes she acts like a little child when she's already 12.
"Of course I need you, you're the prettiest and smartest person I know", she says and you hear someone clear their throats by the stairs. It's Misu's mother.
"If I didn't agree with her I'd be hurt", she says and you smile.
"Good morning, Mrs. Kim, I only helped a little, Misu's really smart", you say and the girl shows you her white teeth, looking at her mother and waiting for some praise.
"Of course she is", she pats the girl's head. "Eun, aren't you going to say hi to Y/N?"
The boy is a few months younger than Misu but a lot more shy. You saw him coming with her when you arrived but got so engrossed in your conversation that forgot he was there in silence.
"Hello, miss Y/N", he says, polite as ever.
"Hi, Eun, did you get a good grade like Misu?"
He nods, showing you his test with 9.8 marked in red.
"He's smarter than me", Misu pouts.
"Congratulations, Eun", you say, patting his head, making him blush and you smile. "I think you are both really smart and I'm here to help you get even smarter"
Mrs. Kim tells you to go ahead and start the lesson and invites you to stay for lunch. You were pretty lucky with the parents you met till now, all of them were nice to you and cared a great deal about their children so it's a lighthearted job to do.
The kids are indeed smart, usually you don't have to explain the same thing more than twice and they always ask a lot of questions during your time with them.
A week goes by since you last saw Jisung, fortunately he didn't try contacting you. You're sure that if he did you'd break hearing his voice and would beg for him to like you back, giving up on any pride you still have left.
You arrive at school an hour before your classes begin, you're meeting Hannah at the cafe nearby so you can talk a bit.
You look at your phone, there's a message from her saying she's on the bus but the traffic is awful so she might be a little bit late.
You choose a table by the window, contemplating if you should order already or wait till Hannah arrives.
Looking outside, you remember the moment you heard the news that you got into this university. Yours and Jisung's family were at your parents house, you both were seated on the couch when you received the message saying the college entrance results came out. You couldn't type your information, you were trembling so much Han had to do it for you.
When you read your name and the word "accepted" you actually screamed, making your mother drop the plate she had in hands. Your father and Han's came running to see what happened when Jisung showed them the screen.
Your mother and father embraced you, telling how proud they were of you and Jisung's parents did the same, like you were their own daughter.
Jisung wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, spinning you and making you burst out laughing. That moment was so good, you wanted to stay there forever.
"Earth to Y/N", you hear Hanna's voice and snap out of your thoughts, sighing. "Is everything okay?", she asks, worried.
"Yeah, I'm good", you say and she narrows her eyes, knowing you are not telling the truth.
Hannah left it at that though, you are going through a hard time and she doesn't want to push it.
Honestly, she don't expect you to be fine. Your lifelong crush had rejected you and to make things worse he is your best friend, so yeah, of course you are not okay.
"Then, I'm going to order", she drops her bag in the seat in front of you, "your usual?"
You nod, seeing her walk to the cashier. You met Hannah three years ago, when you started college. She's the total opposite of you, really outgoing and a total social butterfly, it seems those are the people you attract seeing how Han is the same.
She sat by your side on the first day, making a random joke and making you laugh, that's how she became your best friend. You didn't even have to tell her about your one sided love, she had to see only one interaction between you and Jisung to know exactly what was going on.
She is the one that urged you to tell him about your feelings and was very adamant about you moving on from him, she couldn't let you waste all your 20's being in love with someone that didn't like you back… or not the way you wanted to.
"So, I heard about a party", Hannah says, putting the pager on the table and sitting in front of you.
"There's like a hundred of those, you have to be more specific", you joke and she rolls her eyes.
"You know that guy from English literature? The one that dyed his hair pink last semester?"
"Yeah, it's kinda hard to forget about him", you laugh.
When Yunho came to school with pink hair a rumor of him becoming an idol started going around, everyone tried to be nice to him and all that shit but it turned out he just lost a bet.
"He's hosting this party in like a really big fancy place to celebrate his graduation", she finishes.
"That's nice", you say, fidgeting with your fingers under the table.
"Hmmm, are we going to go or what?", she asks and you glance at her.
"Were we invited?"
"Ahm, you're hot and I'm hot, why wouldn't we be invited?"
You laugh, knowing what she's doing. Hannah is more sensible than you give her credit for, you really thought she would ask about everything that happened on that night, but instead she has been trying to distract you for the past week and that is really nice of her.
She smiles, seeing you smile. Hannah knows you never give enough credit to yourself, you never think you're pretty enough, funny enough, cool enough or smart enough even though you're those things and much more. She approached you on your first day because there's just something about you, something bright and cheerful. When people are upset, mad or sad you always do your best to make them feel better, so Hannah felt this was her time to cheer you up.
The pager buzzes on the table and she gets up, going to the counter to get your orders.
You look at her coming back with a big grin in her lips, handing you the coffee with a note glued to the cup sleeve.
"To the girl with the yellow cardigan, I see you coming here often and I think you're cute, maybe we can hangout sometime? If you're up to it, text me: xxx xxxx-xxxx"
You blush, looking at the counter and seeing the cutest guy looking at you with flushed cheeks. He's so red you can see it from where you're seated. He smiles waving at you and you wave back.
Hannah has one eyebrow lifted looking at your interaction and you feel your cheeks even hotter.
"So, are you going to text him?", she asks, reading the note and you sigh.
"I don't think so", you say, sipping at your coffee.
"Why not?"
"I don't think it would be fair to someone if I start something with them when I'm still in love with someone else", you answer and Hannah sighs.
"Yeah, you have a point", she pouts, "but like, maybe messing around a little won't hurt? I mean, he's not in love with you or anything, you can talk with each other and see where things go"
Hannah's right and you know it. Even though it's still too soon, you should try meeting new people, you're not going to get over Han just by staying away from him.
This feelings, you have it with you for so long, it's hard to let it go. Loving Han is the only romantic feeling you have ever known, it's scary to walk off of this thing you know so well  to something completely new.
You have to, though. It's the only way for your friendship to keep existing. So you nod to Hannah, taking your phone out of your pocket and dialing the number written on the cup, seconds later you're typing a message.
You: Hey, it's the girl in the yellow cardigan, my name is Y/N btw
You send and hear a ping, you thought he would have his phone on silent mode and sudden embarrassment creeps up when you see him taking his phone out of the pocket of his apron.
Cute guy: Hey, I was afraid of making you uncomfortable, so let me apologize first. I just didn't know how to approach you
Cute guy: Ah, and I'm Heeseung
You change the name in his contact before replying.
You: it didn't make me uncomfortable and thank you for calling me cute.
Heeseung: you don't have to thank me for telling the truth.
You giggle, it's interesting to feel like this, even though you can tell it's something temporary.
You: lol, you're really smooth.
"Let's go?", Hannah says, smirking at you and you blush. You nod, picking your things up and getting up from the table, you wave goodbye to Heeseung before going out and he smiles brightly at you.
The morning after you went away, Han woke up feeling awful, all the things that happened the previous night coming back at him at the same time. He was sure the moment you walked out of the door, giving him your best smile and trying not to cry was the saddest he ever felt in his entire life. You were his best friend, you were everything to him, he felt like shit because he never noticed your feelings. He doesn't know what he would have done if he knew, but maybe he could have been better, talking less about his relationships and especially not bringing his hook ups to the apartment.
He got up, feeling like crying everytime he had to pass by your bedroom door, knowing you were not there and wouldn't be for far too long, all because of him. The bell rings and he runs to the door, hoping it's you, hoping you'll tell him everything was a joke and that you didn't actually like him. Even though he knows you wouldn't press the doorbell since you know the password and he knows the hurt in your eyes when he said he didn't feel the same as you was no joke.
So it was no surprise when he opened the door and found Chan and Changbin there. They did tell him they were going to stop by in the morning to pick him up but with all the things that happened he just forgot about it.
"Are you okay? You look like shit", Changbin says entering the house.
Chan looks at Han, worried.
"Are you sick?", he asks, "where's Y/N?" He knows you wouldn't leave Han alone if he were sick, but you would have shown up already by hearing Changbin's loud voice.
"She's gone", Han says, running his hands through his hair.
"What do you mean?", Chan asks with wide eyes.
"She- she confessed to me and I turned her down", he says, maybe he should have told you he could like you back, that way he wouldn't be feeling this way and you'd still be there with him.
"Shit", Changbin says, his lips pressed in a thin line.
Han looks at the both of them, why don't they look surprised?
"You guys knew about it?" He asks, a little louder than his usual voice and the boys exchange a look. "Woah, thanks for the heads up"
He shouldn't be mad at them, it's not their fault, but he's already too mad at himself so he doesn't know where else to put the blame.
"It was not our place to tell you", Chan says.
"Does everyone know?", Han asks and Changbin nods, "so I was the only one? Am I dumb or something?"
Chan sighs, "it's not really your fault for not knowing, you probably are used to the way Y/N looks and talks to you because you're best friends since you were children, but to the people outside it is pretty clear from the get go that she likes you"
"But where did she go? Are you not friends anymore?", Changbin asks the difficult questions and Chan glares at him.
"She said she will be staying with Seungmin till he finds a roommate and then she's going to come back"
"She probably just needs some time", Chan says, putting a hand on Han's shoulder trying to reassure him, and he really hopes that's the case.
You've been texting Heeseung for a few days now and he's pretty nice, he's a dance major and works part time at the cafe to pay for living expenses the same as you do with tutoring.
Hannah had convinced you to go to Yunho's party and get wasted, saying you need the college life experience the most now that you had your first heartbreak but you don't want to think about that, you want to forget that you ever loved Han Jisung.
So you drink a whole bottle of wine before leaving for the party, Seungmin's coming with you and Hannah will meet you there. You are looking good, or maybe it's the alcohol that makes you feel good, your hair is down, you're wearing a black lace cropped top you borrowed from Hannah, with a much lower neckline than you are used to, high waisted jeans and black boots.
The party is already crowded when you and Seungmin get there and it's really a fancy place like Hannah told you.
"Let's grab a drink", you yell to Seungmin.
"You should drink water, you're already drunk", he demands and you show your tongue to him.
"Nooooo, don't be a killjoy"
He sighs, it's hard to convince you of something when you're sober, it's even harder when you're drunk.
"You can have a drink after you drink a cup of water", he tells you and you nod, sounds like a win win for you.
After drinking a whole cup of water you show it to him, waiting for a praise and Seungmin rolls his eyes. What are you, a 10 year old?
"Good job, now you can drink", he gives you a cup with something mixed in it, "but you have to drink some water for each drink you take, okay?"
"Okay, dad", you joke, sipping your drink.
Seungmin knows a lot of people at the party and you feel left out every time someone approaches him so you're really happy when Hannah shows up, with a much taller boy accompanying her.
"Look who I found", she says pointing at him.
"Heeseung?", you scream, startling Seungmin who's close to you.
"Jesus, Y/N, calm down", he says putting his hand over his ear, "I'm a singer, I can't lose my hearing", he says and you pout, whining an apology even though you know he's not really mad.
"I didn't know you were gonna be here", Heeseung gets closer to you, side eyeing Seungmin.
"I didn't want to come, Hannah made me", you tell him, "this is Seungmin, he's my friend"
He nods at the boy by your side, relaxing to hear you call Seungmin a friend.
"Hey, Minnie, let's go dance?", Hannah says and Seungmin narrows his eyes suspiciously.
"I don't dance", he answers, crossing his arms and she sighs.
"For fucking sake, just come with me", she says and Seungmin follows her without more questions, he knows too well not to mess with her when she gets angry.
"You look really pretty", Heeseung says, bending a little to lessen the difference in your height. You blush even though it's not as good hearing him saying that as it was when Han complimented you, but you're trying to get over that, aren't you?
"Thanks, you look hot too", you hiccup, you don't have a filter when you're drunk. He smiles, turning around on the table and pouring you a cup of water.
"Drink this, it's going to help", he hands it to you.
"Thank you, you're so sweet and handsome", you yell again but he doesn't flinch like Seungmin did.
"You can't keep saying these kinds of things and not want me to kiss you", he says and you smile, sly.
"Who says I don't want that?", the moment he comprehends what you just said his face reddens, and he thought he was being bold.
"Once you sober up we can talk about that", he tells you and you pout. You wanted to kiss him now, maybe if you did all the hurt you were feeling would go away. Maybe you just needed someone to make you forget about Jisung.
"But I want it now", you cross your arms, behaving like a child that didn't get their way.
"Do you like dancing?", he changes the subject. Your face brightens with his question.
"I LOVE dancing", you show him the choreography to queencard that's playing on the dance floor and he laughs at your messy steps, he's sure you're much better at it while sober.
"Then drink this and let's dance", he hands you another cup of water.
"Seungmin told me I could have a drink after a cup of water, but this makes two cups of water and no drink", you point out and Heeseung can't help but find the drunk you really cute.
"This water will help you so you won't have a bad hangover tomorrow", he says and you nod, that's a good point.
Super by seventeen starts playing and you finish downing the water, grabbing Heeseung's hand and dragging him to the dance floor.
Being a dance major, of course he knows the steps and he's so good there are moments you just stop and watch him in a daze. Actually, he knows the steps to every song playing after that too, you dance so much you're all sweaty and your legs are tired. You're totally sober now, feeling ecstatic. It's so good being at a party having so much fun.
You're jumping and smiling until you see him.
You stop in your tracks seeing Han Jisung staring at you from the other side of the dance floor, your smile fades away as soon as your eyes lock with his.
He looks sick, he lost a lot of weight considering the short period of time you haven't seen each other and he wasn't smiling like he always did. He takes a step in your direction and you automatically step away, your stomach sinking.
You're feeling your heart beat so fast it's overlapping with the loud music, you gulp feeling your legs weaken, why the hell are you having this reaction? He's the same Han Jisung you've known since you were a child, the only difference now is that he knows how you feel about him.
You can't avoid him until you get over your feelings, that won't work and you know it, you have to get used to being near him feeling nothing other than friendship, but you can't see him at that moment, you just can't. You're having fun, there's a handsome guy with you and you want to like him and not Jisung.
You grab Heeseung's hand and pull him away from the dance floor, walking outside so you can breathe some fresh air.
"Did something happen?", he asks, looking confused and worried.
"It just felt stiff in there for a moment", you say and he nods.
You didn't want to explain to him why you were not speaking to your best friend and how messed up your relationship with Han is right now. You want to forget about it and your way of doing it is right by your side, handsome and available.
"So, about that thing you said we could do once I sobered up… I'm sober now", you say and he blushes, analyzing you for a moment to see if you are telling the truth.
The last drink you took was more than an hour ago and you drank so much water after that, it's a miracle you still don't have to use the toilet.
"I don't want to do something you'll regret later", he says and you appreciate how considerate he is. But right now you don't want someone considerate, you want someone that'll sweep you off your feet and help you forget what you so desperately want to. So you get closer, caging him against the wall and tiptoeing, trying to get closer to his face.
"If you don't want to, it's okay. But if you're holding back because you think I'm drunk, I'm not", that was his cue to kiss you. His lips crashing sloppily onto yours, hands cupping your face then moving down to your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck trying to get closer than you already are. He's good, you've kissed enough people in your life to know that, yet you feel sick.
You feel bad and like a horrible person because you just know he can't compare to Jisung even though you never kissed your best friend.
You feel bad thinking about someone else while kissing Heeseung, he's so nice and sweet and you know he's not fooling around, if you give him the chance he's going to truly like you and you're only using him.
You step away sighing, seeing his brows furrowed and the confusion in his eyes.
"Was it that bad?", he jokes but you can see he's feeling hurt. "I'm not trying to brag, but I never got a reaction like that after a kiss"
You smile apologetically, looking for words to explain yourself.
"It was great and you're great", you begin, "I think you're too sweet, that's why I can't lead you on"
"What are you talking about?" he asks, even more confused.
"I'm in love with someone else and I know it sounds awful, I did try to get over him with you but I feel like you'll really like me if we don't stop right now and I'm not sure if I'll be able to be that person for you", you look at him, seeing the disappointment in his face. "I'm sorry, I'm a terrible person and you can hate me if you want"
He stares at you for a few moments, sighing and giving you a reassuring smile after.
"I don't think you're terrible, I think you're truly brave for coming clean like that", you're relieved, you were afraid he would say something mean and even though you feel like you deserve it, you're really fragile right now. "Thank you for telling me before I got too deep into this and I don't know, maybe we can be friends?"
"Absolutely, I would love that"
"So, do you want to go back inside?", he asks and you shake your head.
"I don't think so, I should probably go home", you say, you don't want to go back there to see Han again.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"It's okay, I'm going to text Seungmin and see where he's at but you can go inside, I'm going to stay here and get some more fresh air"
"Alright, I'll see you at the cafe"
You nod, seeing him walk away. Woah, you just let that masterpiece of a man go because you can't forget about a fucking unrequited love. You curse yourself, slapping your forehead.
After that, you text Seungmin telling where you are and asking where the hell he and Hannah went, sending the same message to her and waiting for their answer.
You sit on the grass, taking a deep breath. You feel a bit sick after seeing Jisung, you never thought you'd feel that way. Never in your worst nightmares did you think you would be afraid to talk to him, maybe you're scared of talking to him and feeling nothing, what if all of this was just in your head and you just needed some time apart to figure it out?
You hear steps close to you and pray it's not some horny couple trying to fuck near you, however, the moment you lay eyes on your best friend you actually wish it was a horny couple.
You get up in a jump, your stomach sinking and your head spinning. Why does it hurt so much suddenly? It feels like your chest is being torn apart and you can't do a thing to make it better.
Jisung looks worse up close, he has huge bags under his eyes and he's too pale.
You're worried about him, even though you can't have the luxury of that. Not when your insides are all messed up and you want to throw up. You walk past him without saying a word, you can't handle this right now, but he grabs your wrist holding you in place. You don't look at him, staring at the floor trying to get out of his grip.
"I miss you", he says and your heart drops to your stomach. Why is he doing this to you? It's not like being apart from your best friend is fun to you. "Can't you look at me?", he pleads but you can't find the courage to do that yet. "Please", but he sounds so desperate, you force yourself to do it.
You look at him, he's obviously drunk. Who the hell let him drink this much?
"What is it?", you sound more spiteful than you were planning and his eyes widen, releasing your arm from his grasp.
"Do you hate me now?", he asks and you sigh.
"Of course I don't hate you, you're my best friend", you say that but for some reason it doesn't feel right, it doesn't sound like the truth.
"Can't you come back home? I feel like shit everytime I wake up and you're not there"
"I told you I need time", you say, running your hands through your hair.
"Are you going to forget about me by fucking some random dude?", he asks and you glare at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I don't understand how that's any of your business"
"It is, because you told me you love me but you act like you never want to see my face again", he scoffs.
You feel mad, what's he trying to say? Should you keep hurting just because you love him?
"I can't sit around forever, waiting for you to look at me", you say and he steps closer to you.
"I'm looking at you right now, I- I'll be good to you, I'll like you back", the moment he finishes saying that, you can't control the tears running through your eyes.
Is that supposed to be good? He would be forced to date you so he could have you close to him?
"Why are you doing this to me?" You ask and he takes a step back startled with you tears, suddenly sobering up, "it's not easy for me to be away from you, you're my best friend, but I do have some bit of dignity left in me and I won't accept less than I deserve, even if that less is the man I love with me", you wipe your tears seeing him step closer, trying to reach your hand and you step away, "don't come close to me right now, I could never stay with you knowing you don't love me, you should know that"
You turn around trying to get away from him but stop on your tracks seeing Hannah, Seungmin, Chan and Changbin right there looking at you awkwardly. Of course, the humiliation is the cherry on the top. You pass through them feeling so embarrassed you want the earth to swallow you.
The ride home is awkward and silent. Hannah and Seungmin keep exchanging looks while you look out the window trying to figure how your life became this mess.
You really should have dated Jeongho when he asked you out in middle school, it was around that time that you realized you liked Han more than just a friend—when Haneul asked to be his date to the school festival and you wanted to punch her so hard. Maybe if you had dated that boy at that time you would have forgotten the feelings you had for your friend, maybe you would have brushed it off as some childhood crush, but no, you rejected Jeongho while Han went with Haneul to the school festival and you third wheeled the whole event earning nasty glances from her every time your best friend played two times the same game so he could win you a plush too.
Back then you still thought everything would be okay, if only you had him everything would be okay.
You start bawling without notice, crying so much you can't even breathe. Seungmin stops the car and Hannah gets to the back, hugging you and caressing your hair while whispering that everything will be fine and you really want to believe her.
You don't know how you got into Seungmin's apartment, you guess he carried you inside after dropping Hannah home but you're not sure. It's sunday so he's not up yet for you to ask and it doesn't actually matter, what matters is the absolutely pathetic scene you made at the party and in the car. You want to bury yourself into a hole and never come back, how the hell are you going to face your friends after they saw you being humiliated by Han like that?
You know he was drunk, of course he was. You know he didn't mean it, he was hurt and drunk and people act on feelings not reason when they are like that. But does he think you have no pride? Does he really think you would date him knowing he doesn't like you back?
It's different when you confessed to him, you knew he didn't like you that way. But if he told you that there was something there, that he was not going to promise you anything but someday he may like you back, that's all you needed to hear. However, that didn't happen. He told you with all the words that he doesn't like that way, that he doesn't feel the same way as you do, there was no room for interpretation, no room for what if's.
You get up, in need to distract yourself. This week is going to fly by, you have tutoring lessons using up all your free time so you just have to get through the day.
There are a lot of messages on your phone, you really don't want to read them because you know that other than Hannah's, it's awkward comforting words from your other friends.
Hannah: call me when you wake up
Hannah: let's go eat something delicious, what do you think? It's on me.
Hannah: are you still not up or are you ignoring me?
You: I just woke up, calm down girl
You: why would I ignore you though? I just have to brush my teeth and eat something then I'll call you.
Binnie: morning babes
Binnie: Hannie is such an asshole
Binnie: I'll date you if you want, you're hot it's a win win for me
You chuckle to Changbin texts, he's so sweet in the weirdest way.
You: I mean, you're hot too
You: I think we'd make an awesome couple
Chan: good morning, Y/N
Chan: we didn't hear anything last night, so please, don't be awkward or embarrassed around us.
You: good morning Channie, I know you heard
You: you should have matched your story with Changbin before texting me though
You: it's okay, alright? Of course I'll be embarrassed for the time being, but we're friends I won't be embarrassed forever.
You leave your phone on the couch and go to the bathroom. You look like shit, smeared makeup, hair disgusting and you're still wearing the same clothes. You turn on the hot water, taking your clothes off and entering the shower, the warmth embracing you as you feel more relaxed.
You put on something comfortable, it's Sunday, you're going to ask Hannah to come by and you're going to order takeout.
You call her number while eating because you know she's anxious.
"Hey babes, good morning", she picks up, cheerful as always.
"Good morning", you say, biting the toast you just made.
"So, what about going out and eating something really good?", she asks.
"Hm, I'm actually not in the mood to go out? Can't you come by, we order something and watch that movie you've been bugging me for the last month?"
"Yeah, sure. We can do that", she answers and you are happy she doesn't sound upset or disappointed. With all the shit you're pulling lately you're scared your friends are going to get tired of your bullshit and stop talking to you. You used to think no one wanted a friend that's always crying and whining, but they showed you that real friends help each other.
"So what time are you gonna come?"
"I will just take a shower and wait for the bus, so in maybe like an hour?", she guesses and you nod forgetting she can't see you.
"Okay, see you then"
You decide to clean the house while waiting, Seungmin is pretty organized and clean so there's nothing too difficult. You'll just wash the dishes and vacuum a little.
Hannah arrives later than she predicted, Seungmin is already up and cleaning his room. He scolded you because it's his day to do the dishes and you shouldn't have done it because it's not fair to you.
You think he's being extra nice to you because of what happened the night before and it's true, he was really scared when you cried in his car.
He has known you for almost five years and he never saw you cry like that, even on the night you came to his house after confessing to Han you didn't cry like that. This time was different, you had a soul crushing cry, he wanted to stop the car and go to the back to hug you the same as Hannah, but he knew you were already being comforted by the perfect person.
Han is his friend, he could never choose between you two. But he couldn't deny it, that was a dick move, how could he ever say that to someone that likes him? He basically told you that he could pretend to like you if you stayed with him.
And of course, Seungmin understands the fear of losing a friend, but doing what he did just increases the chances of you never wanting to see his face again.
You are seated on the couch, watching the movie Hannah is obsessed with at the moment. She already watched it five times alone and asks anyone she can find to watch it again with her, she even repeats some sentences together with the characters.
The pizza you ordered is almost gone, you didn't know you were so hungry until the smell hit your nose. Luckily or thanks to Seungmin and Heeseung, your hangover is not that bad and you want it to stay that way so you keep drinking lots of water.
You got through the day thanks to your friends, they kept you entertained the whole time so you wouldn't overthink or even think about Han.
You are doing that just now, looking at the ceiling in the dark room. You want it all to be a dream, maybe you would wake up tomorrow and still be in middle school, you'd take the opportunity and get over him at that time, that would have spared you of some big problems.
A/N: So, I don't know how many parts this fic will have. If you like what I write please reblog or let me know in the comments, feedback give me motivation to keep writing.
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pendarling · 7 months
Bracelet Exchanges
"What's this supposed to mean?" Hero raised the bracelet to eye level and took in the smooth braided leather attached to a small bell.
Sidekick smiled sweetly, "Aww, who gave it to you?~" Their thumb ran along it. "It's a tradition during the festival that when someone likes you they'll give you a bracelet." They played with the bell. "And listen to that sound!"
They didn't get it, probably because this was Hero's first time attending the festival. They've never heard of a tradition like this, but whatever Sidekick said was likely true. In that case, Hero felt flattered to have been approached by a stranger and given the beautifully decorated piece.
The duo walked around for some time until Sidekick paused in their step. "Augh… maybe I shouldn't have drank so much at the cafe…"
Hero looked around and spotted a bathroom, "I'll wait for you out here. Why don't you use the restroom?"
"Ugh… my bladder is about to burst. Make sure not to get lost without me." They called back as they walked toward the door of the small building.
Hero watched them as they left, their eyes concentrating on the door until they could see Sidekick again. Hopefully, they didn't take too long. Sidekick had a habit of staring into the mirror for longer than needed.
A heavy weight landed on Hero's shoulder, and they snapped out of their thoughts, "You look lost." A familiar smile appeared, and Hero took a step back.
"The one and only." They pointed at themselves confidently.
"Wh-what're you doing here?"
As if offended, Villain scoffed at them and dismissed their question, that cunning smile making its reappearance again, "Y'know, I had a feeling you'd be here, some stupid arrangement like this could easily lure the good little citizen in you right out."
Hero frowned at their comment; they made it seem like they were a lot more susceptible than expected. "I'm not easy to lure…" They grumbled, annoyed.
Villain aimlessly let their eyes explore their surroundings. "Really? Because right now there's hardly anyone around to notice you're dissaaperance."
Hero clicked their tongue, "This place is full of people."
"It's a lot more psychological, Hero. I'm more likely to get away with a crime solely based on the assumption that no one will step in to help you."
Hero looked at them, puzzled.
"The bystander effect. Search it up."
Their adversary had a bizarre way of making jokes; they sarcastically laughed and turned away. Just how long was Sidekick going to fix their hair? The door poured out dozens of other guests; children buzzed around with balloons and colourful hula hoops too big for most of them to utilize.
It was a summer afternoon and, by the looks of it, midday. Hero wiped the sweat from their forehead. They couldn't blame Sidekick for taking that many drinks, they supposed; it was sweltering out here.
The bracelet on their wrist chimed at the motions of their hand. Villain, who had been quietly observing them, took note of the small leather band. Their hand instinctively grabbed Hero's arm. "And what do we have here?" Hero turned their attention back at Villain. Their interest was piqued all over again, "Looks like our hero has an admirer now, hm?" They sneered.
Even though Villain's remarks were usually playful, this moment felt a bit… guarded. Hero was slightly put off before recovering their voice, "What? It's just a dumb thing." They pulled their hand away.
It didn't look like Villain took too kindly to being disregarded; their demeanour changed, and they crossed their arms. "Fine. Keep that shitty toy if it makes you happy."
Hero only shrugged but didn't notice Villain had already walked away until it was too late.
Sidekick had returned by then and looked the same as when they left. For whatever reason, keeping Sidekick busy for ten minutes had done Hero a favour.
"You're back."
Sidekick seemed much refreshed as they adjusted their clothes, "Yeah, there was a lineup in there. I'm just lucky there was still toilet paper."
The sun still beat down on them; Hero squinted in the distance, partially looking for shade and partly searching for Villain. They didn't like their abrupt departure; it wasn't like their usual self to leave without saying goodbye.
"Wanna get lunch?" Hero began walking toward the scent of food.
"Yesss, please." Sidekick patted their stomach, "I'm starving." They came up along the fence of the festival, a row of food stalls of all kinds stretched down the walkway.
The formation that they were sorted into allowed guests to be served from both sides of each food stall. Luckily, the city thought ahead and duplicated certain popular foods like the deep-fried corndogs, fries, and ice cream stalls several times around the area.
"Oooh… I'm thinking pizza." Sidekick said they waited for Hero's response.
The pizzas sold here were always larger than average, and Hero didn't have as big of an appetite as Sidekick. They glanced around for a second option. "I think I'll just get a poutine."
Sidekick pulled out their wallet and gave them ten. "They sell the good orange juice there, Hero pleeease get me one." They pushed the cash into their hand. "Keep the change."
"Ah, no, I'm not taking your money." They handed it back to them.
Sidekick shoved it in their direction again, "Just take it, just take it."
"No, I can't-- I can pay for your drink."
"I don't need it, it's extra change; pocket money."
Hero shook their head rapidly, but Sidekick eventually won and spun on their heel into the crowd as soon as they ensured Hero's grip on the note was firm.
"Sidekick!" their voice was chased away by the noise of the crowd. They might as well go along with what they were asked.
When Hero eventually made it to the stall, they spotted Villain again, as if they were in no way a threat to the other citizens. Their eyes met, and Hero had discreetly pushed their bracelet up their arm and out of view.
Villain beckoned them over. They were unsure if they should bravely face them, but now that Villain knew for sure Hero had seen them, it wasn't like they could leave.
"Waiting to eat too?"
"Just felt a little hungry." Hero mumbled.
They chuckled, "We have the same eating schedule, huh?" They grabbed their arm and pulled Hero into line with them.
"Villain, I can't step in front of other people." They hesitantly tried leaving, but Villain kept them close.
"Don't worry about it, these people will get their turn eventually. What's a few extra minutes gonna do?"
They didn't want to say they were surprised at all when Villain paid for their lunch and even for Sidekick's drink, but they were undoubtedly flattered to have it happen. They set it down on a nearby table and packed in the bottled orange juice and bill into their bag.
Hero shyly thanked them, although they knew Villain's eyes still stared harshly at the little leather bracelet. They honestly had forgotten about its significance, but Villain had made their point pretty clear earlier, so it should've been a sign.
"No need to thank me, consider it a gift." They reached out, and Hero flinched, "I'm not going to kill you, Hero." They laughed and took their other hand, slipping on a small chain bracelet.
They stood awkwardly, too intimidated to leave but unwilling to stay. "What's this?"
"You don't know anything about this tradition?" Villain grinned widely; a sort of satisfied realization must've hit them. They weren't sure what the deal was with every other person expecting Hero to know so much from what little information they'd been given.
"Why are you asking me like I'm supposed to be taking an exam afterwards?" They closed their bag and swung it back over their shoulders. Villain couldn't believe it. Hero wasn't even aware of the implications behind the bracelet. They didn't mind a little obliviousness from their rival as long it kept them entertained.
They licked their lips excitedly, "Enjoy your lunch, and don't take that off until the end of the day." Hero curiously stared at them for further insight, but Villain had only left them to their own devices as they made their way out of view.
As Hero returned to the pizza parlour, they found Sidekick sitting at a table under the shade of a tree. "Oh, thank God," Sidekick took the bottle from them and immediately rested their cheek against the calm exterior. "You're my saving grace, Hero." They reached an arm out to them, "I wanna tell you a secret." They leaned in as Hero pulled out their poutine and a wooden fork. "I honestly only came to this festival for the food and drinks."
Hero laughed, "You're so predictable." They took a bite and recalled the cash still in their bag, "Sidekick," They pulled it out and handed it to them.
"What? You're paying me back?'
They shook their head and swallowed whatever was left, "No, I--" they stopped themselves, "uh-- a kind stranger, paid for our stuff." If Sidekick knew they ran into Villain, they would worry. They couldn't have that while they were enjoying time together; it would ruin their day. Besides, Hero was always away at work; they might as well not make their break day about it.
Sidekick didn't mind much attention to what they said aside from slowly nodding as they drank from the bottle. They set it down and watched Hero for a few extra seconds, "You got a new bracelet."
They pointed at their wrist. Hero redirected their eyes to the silver chain. "Oh, yeah."
"Wow~ even as a citizen you're still popular with the public."
Hero smiled softly; if, in this scenario, Villain had counted as a regular person, then it would be true. "I wonder why it's different though." They played with it.
Sidekick pulled out their phone, "Give me a second. I wanna know too."
"Not even the all-knowing Sidekick has an answer?" Hero nudged them slightly with their foot, and Sidekick pushed them back in response.
"Shut up. I know that the leather one means they like you. Or loyalty, or something."
Sidekick looked up from the screen. "Okay sooo…" They scrolled, "There's a wooden bracelet that means desire to marry, a black one with a red stone is lust."
Hero scooted closer to Sidekick and tried to decipher what they could from the screen. "Where's the chain?"
Sidekick sat up, "Hold on. I can't see with your hair in the way." They watched Sidekick's eyes dart left and right as they read the page, "Okay, so the chain one basically means all three."
"All three?"
"Who the hell gave you that?" They took Hero's wrist, disbelief written on their face as they studied it. "Geez, they must have it bad for you. There's only like a hundred of these in the city."
Their eyes widened. "They aren't sold?"
Sidekick shook their head, "Tradition says you gotta give it away to another person. When you do find someone you like you gotta hand it to somebody new so they can give it to their love interest next, never sell."
Hero blushed deeply. They didn't consider that Villain might've liked them like that. Maybe they were naturally born stupid at blatant advances. "Oh…" they played with their hair, their other hand working at the fries around the gravy, too swept up in their thoughts to properly eat. Maybe they'd see Villain again, and next year, they'd give them a chain bracelet, too. It was only fair that they expressed their gratitude in some form.
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hassedah · 3 months
Hi, I hope requests are open!
I was wondering how the boys would react to meeting mcs family (let's just assume they have family lol) I feel like that may be very, very chaotic and fun
Vladimir meets MC's family:
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
I'm back again. I have quite a few requests pending. I'll try to publish them quickly. Several of them are already in my drafts and are almost finished ^^.
I'm going to make a separate answer for each character with this request, given everything I've written for Vladimir and the fact that I like each character to have roughly the same length of response.
The next one to come out should be Beliath, I'm halfway through for him.
I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Did he tell you he was stressed? Maybe a dozen times since you left the manor. Vladimir is sitting in the passenger seat next to you, you must have hired a car to take you to the town. It's a short hour's drive, but for once, Vladimir seems much less stressed about the car journey than the idea of meeting your parents.
"It's all right, darling. They're not going to eat you, you know, you are trying to lighten the mood by joking.
-I know!"
You give him a quick look. Vladimir is clinging to the door as if his life depended on it, and he can't help shaking his leg.
"Do you want me to stop the car? -No, I'm fine. -All right, if you change your mind, let me know. It'll make us a bit late, but my parents will wonder what I've done to you if you turn up so distressed. -We can't be late, it's impolite. -It's OK to be a bit late and it's better than having an anxiety attack in my living room, isn't it?"
He nodded. He wasn't as stressed when he left the manor, well, he was, but he didn't feel like he was running out of air. He spent more than an hour looking for the right clothes to wear, you saw her change outfits more than a dozen times before you decided to choose clothes yourself from her wardrobe. He's comfortable in it, which is the main thing, in your opinion, but he's worried about looking like a fool in front of your parents with his clothes from another century. Maybe they won't even let him in the house. After all, what kind of parents would let a monster like him anywhere near their child? If his parents had understood that the person who had transformed him was a vampire, he would never have been allowed near him.
Vladimir groans. He gets even more anxious by himself. Your parents won't know that he's a vampire, how could they? You haven't told them and it's not written on his forehead… well, he'll always look strange… What parents could leave their child with someone as strange as him?! His clothes are anachronistic, the way he talks is strange.
"Calm down Vladimir, you're worrying me. Are you sure you don't want me to stop the car? -No, I'll be fine. -I assure you my parents will like you. And it's only dinner, it's nothing formal."
A dinner party! Not formal! A first dinner at your partner's parents' house is very formal. He would have known perfectly well what to do in the 19th century, but in the 21st century! He has no idea, and he's already afraid of the mistakes he might make. How should he address them? What subjects are allowed to be discussed? Where should he sit at the table? He can't just sit anywhere, there are rules to be respected! He hasn't even brought a present for your parents - you said it wasn't necessary, but he feels it's really impolite. Perhaps there's still time to turn back? His chest is compressed with anxiety and he's struggling to breathe. You let go of the steering wheel with one hand to take his.
You, you would have preferred to wait a little longer before Vladimir met your parents. You had gone to see them alone on several occasions and you had spoken to them about Vladimir many times. They began to insist on meeting him. You often told your parents that Vladimir was allergic to sunlight and therefore you couldn't come for lunch. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. It was several weeks before they asked you to come for dinner one evening, and you tried to put the date back as far as possible, mainly so that Vladimir would have time to get used to the idea of meeting them. But they were so insistent that you couldn't keep them waiting for more than a week, on a moonless night.
"They're very nice, you'll see, but a bit protective," you try to reassure him. But I think that's normal for parents. They're also likely to make some not very funny jokes. If you don't feel well at any time, you can go and lock yourself in my room. Normally you'd be sitting next to me, so you can shake my hand if anything goes wrong. -Yes… I'll do everything I can not to make you feel uncomfortable with my presence. -I'm not talking about that, Vladimir. You won't cause any problems, I know that. My parents are going to ask you questions about you, about what you like, about your family. -No! No, I don't want anyone talking about my family. -I'll try to deflect the conversation if that happens, don't worry."
You squeezed his hand, then stroked his palm, to reassure him, and it seemed to work, because he relaxed a little. You weren't far from your parents' house and after another ten minutes or so you saw their house looming up in the dark street. You stopped just in front of the house before turning to Vladimir.
"Can we go now? you ask softly. -Yes, I think we can. -All right, then. You'll see, they're nice people, I'm sure they'll like you. -I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," mumbled Vladimir as he got out of the car, "not many people like me… -Don't be silly, everyone at the manor loves you and I've even fallen in love with you. That just goes to show you're someone to love, doesn't it?"
Vladimir gave a little pout without answering. You waited for him by the car and he came over to take your hand in his, and you smiled, leaning in slightly to kiss his cheek before approaching the house.
"It's a small house," Vladimir whispered in your ear as you approached the door. -Yes, I don't live in a castle. -I… I just want to say that even my country house was bigger "
You laughed softly.
" Damn, I really don't know how to express myself. I…. I'm making it worse for myself, aren't I? -That's OK. You make me laugh. You leaned in to kiss her again. I know you're not just saying that to be mean or to brag, I know you."
You rang the doorbell. Your parents only took a few seconds to arrive, almost as if they'd been waiting in the hall to let you in. There was a lot of talking, about your route, your health, the weather, all mixed up with more or less noisy and awkward introductions. Vladimir remained stubbornly beside you, with a smile on his face that you couldn't have described other than uncomfortable. Remembering that your partner is not used to so much commotion, you slipped a hand behind his back to reassure him, and he moved a little closer to you, your shoulders almost touching.
"I'm delighted to meet you," said Vladimir, glancing at you briefly to make sure he wasn't making a mistake. I am honoured to be invited to dinner. -Don't be so formal, young man," exclaimed one of your parents. We're not going to eat you. -I -Vladimir finds it difficult to use informal language. There's not much he can do about it, I think he'll be more comfortable if he keeps talking like that. -Do you really think so? It's strange, but so be it. Come on in, let's get off the porch, it's a cold."
You were pushed inside the house by your parents, who were still talking. There was a strong smell of food in the house and you were already certain that your parents had prepared your favourite dish to celebrate your visit. You all headed for the dining room. Vladimir sat right next to you while your parents sat opposite. His face was icy, a look he always takes when he's stressed and anxious and which often has the misfortune of making him appear extremely arrogant and cold. You grabbed his hand under the table to stroke it and try to help him relax, but he only squeezed your hand before turning his face towards you, you were sure your parents wouldn't see, but you could read the anxiety in his dark eyes perfectly.
The start of the meal went off without a hitch, except for Vladimir who, being rather fussy about food, didn't touch many dishes. The conversation went pretty well too, despite your parents' insistence that your vampire fill up his plate a little more.
"Really, you don't eat much, don't you like it? asked one of your parents after Vladimir had turned down another piece of meat with a contrite smile.
At the remark your partner opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. You immediately stepped in to save him.
"Vladimir has a small appetite, he never eats much. -All the same," continued one of your parents, "it's not good for your health. -I… it's very good… but I don't eat much… MC is right… -It's obvious, you're just skin and bones. -That's not a very nice comment, firstly, and secondly, it's not polite to comment on what people eat either. You're making Vladimir feel uncomfortable.
There was a pause in the conversation as you stared alternately at your parents, beside you Vladimir sighed with relief before taking your hand under the table to thank you.
"Ah, sorry, young man. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just concern. -It's nothing, nothing at all," mumbled Vladimir.
The meal resumed on less delicate subjects and Vladimir began to relax again. He spoke very little, however, content to answer your parents' questions. When the subject of the manor came up, things got complicated again.
"So, you all live in your house together, is that right? -That's right. -And it's your house? MC told me it was a manor house. -Yes… it is my mansion… -How well do you know your flatmates? I mean, seven people, that's a lot of people it can't be quiet every day. -We have been living together for several years…" replied Vladimir. We get on quite well, even if there is sometimes friction… -It can't be easy to keep everyone happy. I suppose it must be a lot quieter when everyone goes off to work."
You were going to tell a lie, but Vladimir's face betrayed you before you even had time to open your mouth.
"Don't they have jobs?! Your parents' exclamation made Vladimir stiffen in his chair, he moved back a little to press his back against the backrest and you intervened once again to save him. -Of course it is! Everyone has a job. Except Ivan, but he's younger and it's hard for him to find work in the current economic climate. However, he helps us a lot around the house, he does the cleaning, he tends the garden, he always goes shopping for us with Beliath and he's a very polite and very nice boy. Isn't he, my darling? -Y… yes… Ivan is a very helpful boy."
Your lie and your smile worked because your parents relaxed almost immediately before smiling at you again.
"Oh, we were scared for a moment, I thought they were all living in your house without paying. -MC didn't tell us about it, but what do you do for a living, Vladimir? -I… I work… Vladimir glances at you, immediately understanding his distress, and you smile at your parents. -Vladimir is a writer, it's difficult to find a job when you can't work during the day. And he writes very well, by the way."
It wasn't a total lie, of course, Vladimir had never published a single book, but he did write. However, you didn't often get the chance to read his stories because your partner didn't feel comfortable enough with his writing to show them to you.
"Oh, really… It's an original job… but it can't bring in much money…," worries one of your parents. -Money's not a problem, the house is completely self-sufficient," you reply. -The house may be self-sufficient, but you're not living on love and fresh water. -Our food comes from the garden. -The garden… and what do you do in winter? -We store the produce," you always reply, while Vladimir seems to be trying to become one with the chair. -And what about the meat? -I think that if we needed meat Aaron could take care of it without any problem," you answer, giving Vladimir a knowing smile. -Oh… yes, Aaron would have no problem with that. -And we've got enough money anyway to buy meat if we need it."
The discussion suddenly turned to the rising price of meat and the growing vegetarian lifestyle. Vladimir grabbed your hand under the table during the discussion and you began to gently stroke the palm of his hand to try and help him calm down. Slowly, you succeeded, at least until the discussion turned back to your vampire's work.
"I could never have done this job myself, I need to move around to feel good. Do you even do sport? -Er… no. I… I don't do sport. -Not even a little? It's very bad for your health. You should be careful. -I… I don't like it… but I used to go horse-riding. -Horse-riding. It's an expensive sport!"
You ignored your parent's comment as you turned to Vladimir with a smile.
"Did I? You never told me you'd been horse-riding," you reply, amused. -Everyone went riding," protests Vladimir. I even had my own mare. -A mare? But horses cost money to keep! How could your parents afford to buy you something like that?"
You ignored your parent again as he continued his tirade to ask Vladimir.
"And what was her name?"
Vladimir blushed and looked down.
"Oh come on, tell me. I promise I won't laugh. -You're lying, I was three when I named him. You're going to laugh. I know you too well… -Oh come on, what name could a three-year-old boy give his horse… Cherry? Raspberry? No, too modern… Artemisia? Aphrodite? Penelope? -No… I don't think you'll be able to find… -You don't? -I'll tell you… later…"
You smile before leaning over to kiss his cheek, the simple gesture enough to make him blush profusely, he stammers something you don't fully understand but he takes your hand under the table to kiss it gently. You are taken out of your bubble by your parents' discussion, which resumes. The clock is already striking twenty-two and you've just finished your meal. It's been a long dinner and you can feel that your partner is getting more and more tired and already just wants to crawl back into your bedroom to get some rest. However, your parents still have a lot to say and a lot of questions to ask.
"And do you dress like this every day? -Er… yes. -It's original, you must stand out in the street. -I… I don't get out of the house much. -Oh, yes, that's true. MC told us. Your flatmates must be surprised to see you dressed like that. -He's very handsome like that," you retorted immediately to end the discussion."
Your tone is dry enough for your parents to instinctively understand that the discussion is not appropriate.
"I'm not saying otherwise, but it's -Impolite to criticise people's dress? I suppose. -Yes, it is, sorry, bunny, I didn't mean to offend you."
The discussion changes again and Vladimir seems relieved, raising the eyes he had lowered during the discussion to look at you. You smile gently at him to reassure him and this is almost enough to make his unease and shame disappear completely. You talk again for several minutes as you eat the dessert, time passing slowly for Vladimir, who has to keep himself from asking when you're finally going to come home. He was happy, however, not to be included in the discussion, that is, until one of your parents asked him a new question.
"And your parents? What do they do? Do they live near here?"
Vladimir squeezed your hand so hard it almost hurt, you didn't need to turn your head to him to know he must have changed colour at the question. You shook his hand in turn before smiling at your parents and to divert the conversation.
"I saw on my way here that he was planning to build a new road through the forest. -Ah, don't tell me about it," it exclaimed immediately, sitting back in his chair. It's another stupid idea. They'll do anything these days, as if there weren't enough roads already… "
Without listening any longer, you turned your head towards Vladimir and stroked his hand under the table. He seemed lost in thought.
"Do you want to go out for a moment?" you whispered, leaning close to his ear. -I want to stay with you," he replied almost immediately. -All right, then. Don't worry, dinner's nearly finished, just the coffee left and I promise we'll go home straight away."
He simply nodded in reply. The subject never came up again, as your parents had obviously forgotten about it and were complaining about the traffic problems on the road and the many traffic jams on the way into town in the mornings. During the discussion, Vladimir had moved his chair closer to yours and you were almost shoulder to shoulder. After a while, your parents finally served the coffee and Vladimir had some tea, because to his great relief your parents had some. He felt like he could fall asleep with his eyes open so he didn't hear when one of your parents asked him a question, and you had to squeeze his hand to make him pay attention to what was being said.
"Can you cook?" repeated your parent. -No… I had servants at home. -So… you've never cooked?" asked your stunned parent. -Servants?! -Well…"
Vladimir gives you another pleading look to get him out of this situation.
"It's Béliath and Raphaël who cook at home."
However, your parents don't listen to you for a second. Your partner's revelation seems to have shocked them so much that one of your parents immediately continues on the subject.
"Can you cook pasta? -Well… you need water, I suppose and… fire… -Supposed to? -I… I've never cooked pasta… -You've never cooked pasta! But everyone knows how to cook pasta! -I… it is complicated… I… -But who cooks in your flat? finally asked one of your parents, turning to you. -Raphaël and Béliath, as I've just told you. He cooks very well, so don't worry about the food. -It's crazy not to have cooked before. -But I've cooked before. It's just something complicated. -It's not complicated to cook pasta. -MC, please. -Vladimir doesn't need to cook. Aaron, Ethan and Ivan don't cook either and nobody has a problem with that. -But come on, sweetheart. Cooking pasta isn't complicated! -I wouldn't let Ethan cook pasta if my life depended on it. If it were up to me, Ethan wouldn't even set foot in the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee."
Luckily, your distraction worked and your parents started asking you questions about Ethan, who wouldn't be able to make himself a cup of coffee without setting fire to the kitchen. It certainly wasn't very nice for Ethan, but you didn't have many scruples: if it would allow Vladimir to be serene again, you would be able to claim anything. The meal went on for a while, the cups of tea and coffee had been empty on the table for a good hour when you finally managed to make your parents understand that you were going to leave.
They walked you to the door and kept chatting, so you stayed in the driveway for another long half-hour, repeating several times that it would be a long way to your house and that you couldn't stay any longer, before one of your parents came up with a new topic of discussion that made you stay five minutes longer. Finally, you managed to get out of their grip and finally got in the car to go home.
The way back was completely silent, Vladimir seemed as exhausted as the time Aaron had forced him to train in combat, his head resting limply against the headrest and he answered the few questions you asked him in very short sentences, finally he even stopped answering you and when you turned to look at him, you could see him asleep with his head leaning against the window. You only woke him up once outside the manor house and even though the night was still far from over Vladimir decided to go to bed almost immediately. You followed him into the bedroom to rest with him.
Vladimir breathed a sigh of relief as he collapsed into your bed. When you joined him, he immediately snuggled up to you.
"I thought the evening would never end," murmured the vampire. It was hell. -Oh, my darling, you're not going to like this… -What?" asked Vladimir in a worried voice. -Well… it's polite to invite my parents to eat here too… -Please, forget politeness," muttered the vampire. I don't ever want to leave here again, I don't ever want to be invited to a meal. It was horrible, I'd forgotten how much I hate dinner parties. -All right, all right, I forget," you smiled, starting to stroke her hair gently to soothe her. No more dinners, and if anyone offers to take you out to eat, I'll bite them. That's fine with you."
Your vampire nodded, his face completely buried in your neck. You laughed before shifting to kiss the top of his head.
"But I'll only do it on one condition. -What's that?" mumbled the vampire in a muffled voice. -What was the name of your mare? -Lady Princess Cherry Rose Camomile? -That's a pretty long name for a mare," you joked. -My parents said exactly the same thing…"
You laughed again before kissing her again.
"My poor darling, you've had an exhausting night. -I made a lot of effort for you. I didn't even complain about the car journey. It just goes to show that I love you. -I love you too. You saw how I saved you several times from my parents' questions. If that's not proof of love, I don't know what is. -Yes, that's true. You're my hero and mine alone."
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greenfic · 1 year
Soo uh hello Metro fans.
I'm working on my second Metro fic. It's like 90% done atm.
The main thing stopping me from publishing it now is that I ship Artyom with Ulman as well as Pavel and idk whether to hint at either or both or neither agdgakf its so stupid.
Well its basically a fanfic-ization of Last Light so ofc Partyom implied.
I've already transed Artyom so why not. He has two hands.
But anyway uhh here's a lil Ulman/Artyom scrap from it that I'm probably going to remove from the main thing. Unbetaed. Maybe I'll upload it to AO3. We could use more fic tbh.
(The Pavel mentioned in this lil thing is Ranger Pavel btw).
A corner of Polis
He found Ulman sitting in one of the lesser-used metro platforms of Polis. An empty corner at this time of night. A hunched figure sitting by the tracks - back to the wall, one leg dangling off the ledge, face illuminated by the ember of a cigarette.
Artyom halted momentarily, observing before he approached, scuffing his shoes on the ground as he walked. A kicked stone rattled across the concrete before him, stopping before a battered cardboard box that sat at Ulman’s side.
“I was wondering where you were,” Artyom said, tone light. “I was starting to get cold.”
“I’m sure one of the working girls could keep you warm.”
“If I invited one into your bed I’m sure you would have me evicted.”
“If you didn't let me join in, perhaps." Ulman grinned up at him. "Besides, I told you – it is our bed. Until we get to D6, then I’m going to start charging rent.”
Artyom scoffed. More of these flirtatious jokes where he couldn’t tell how much – if any part of it – were genuine.
Though, he had started it.
But, now standing before Ulman, he could see into the inconspicuous cardboard box sitting next to the man. It held some CDs, a disc player with a pair of headphones that were now more electrical tape than original cord, a notebook and… a Ranger dog tag.
“Is that…”
“Pavel’s belongings.” Ulman sighed out a breath of cigarette smoke, making an aborted gesture to the box before picking out a CD and turning it around in his fingers.
“He always had terrible taste in music, and now I’ve been left to deal with his—”
The humorous tone withered, and Ulman threw the CD back in the box before stubbing his cigarette out, the butt joining dozens of others smouldering on the ground next to him.
He pulled out another and was lighting it up as Artyom sat down next to him. Back to the wall.
“Sorry, Artyom.” Ulman brought the cigarette up to his lips, unfocused gaze staring straight ahead, not meeting Artyom’s eye. “I’m not going to be very good company.”
Artyom chewed on his lip, turning his head to stare down the length of the tunnel also. “You don’t always have to be.”
Several moments of silence passed, and Ulman exhaled a cloud of smoke, seeming to deflate with the action a bit.
Artyom shifted, reaching across Ulman to grab the CD player and switch it on.
A skittering sound as the CD already in there started turning. Artyom placed the device on his lap, shuffling just a bit closer to Ulman as he held the earbuds up between them, legs touching.
Music began playing. A rock anthem from decades past, tinny through the little speakers. And they listened in silence.
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skylarmoon71 · 24 days
Winchester - (Supernatural / Smallville Crossover AU) - Chapter 13
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~May 2010~
“Are we leaving?” 
When he came into the room, you were packing up. 
“Yeah, I'm going to search for Sam and Dean. The last call I traced was back in Texas. I was planning to call but I..” 
You couldn’t work up the nerve. What you had to say needed to be done in person. 
“I just need to see them.” 
It’s been on your mind since that conversation with Michael. He was right, there’s a lot of things that you regret, but you don’t want this to be one of them. 
“Do we have to leave immediately?” 
You laugh, still putting items into your bag.
“Well the sooner the better.” 
You’re not really paying much attention, not until you turn and he's standing much closer, looking at you in a way that makes you quiver slightly. 
“Are you sure we must leave immediately?” 
His voice is much lower, and you nibble on your lower lip. 
“I guess we can stay a bit longer..” 
He nods, leaning in and claiming your lips. You all but melt against him as he guides you over to the bed, your back hitting the mattress as he follows you down. 
After you both fully explore each other, you’re back on the road. You’ve finally caught a lead. A case that has recently been solved. The description of the two FBI Agents sound strangely like your brothers. It’s only been about two hours, so you know they are probably on their way out. You can catch them. 
It doesn’t take much. When you pull into the sketchy motel, you smile at the sight of the signature car. 
His baby. 
Your car parks right next to the black impala and you unbuckle your seatbelt, turning to Michael.
“I need to talk to them before you come in, it’s gonna take a little smoothening over before I explain the whole situation.” 
“I understand.” 
You smile, jumping out of the car, eagerly making your way over. You might have to go through a few rooms before you find the right one, but you have no problem with that. 
When you knock on the motel door, you wait for it. You hear the careful steps behind the door and you find yourself smiling. 
They never changed. 
There’s probably a gun pointed right at you on the other side. 
The door finally opened and when you saw Sam, his expression softened. 
You smile.
“Hey Sam.” 
He still looks in disbelief, so you hold up the silver knife and a bottle of holy water. 
“Want to do the check, just to be sure?” 
You expect him to do just that but he opens the door fully and pulls you into a hug. Both items fall from your hands and you grunt. He’s holding on pretty tightly, and you’d like to complain, but it’s comforting, it’s been too long. 
“I missed you to sasquatch.” 
He laughs at the jab, pulling back as he guides you inside. He closes the door, and Dean is now mirroring the look Sam once wore. 
“Is it really you..?” 
You nod.
“It’s me. “ You confirm.
“I tried to do the tests but Sam attacked me before I had the chance.” You joke.
He crosses the room, pulling you into a hug and you welcome it. You hold on tightly and Dean sighs in relief. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” 
You can already feel yourself tearing up. You pull back with a laugh. 
“We can do all the mushy stuff later, there’s a lot I need to tell you guys. You’ll never believe this but angels are real.” 
Sam and Dean exchange a look. 
“Trust me, we believe it. We’ve met them. Most of them are dicks.” 
You’re a bit surprised that they have. 
“I feel like that’s a bit strong, Michael might be oblivious but he’s not a dick. He’s actually saved me half a dozen times now.” 
The color drains from their faces. 
“Did you say Michael?” Dean questions. 
There’s something dire about his tone. 
Before you get a reply out, he’s standing in front of you. Both of them drew their blades. 
So much for smoothening it over.
“G-Guys relax, he’s not going to hurt you I promise. He’s my friend.” 
Well, after some of the things you did, maybe a little more than friends. 
“(Y/N) get away from him!!” Dean orders. 
“Dean, calm down, he's a good guy.” You insist. 
“He’s not, Michael is trying to get Dean’s body so he can have some major deathmatch with Lucifer and roast half the planet!” Sam accuses. 
You turn to Michael for an explanation, maybe denial. 
“That's..that can’t be..he’s good he doesn’t take over bodies. Michael told me that he just copied the likeness of someone on tv.” 
Dean’s hand tightens on his blade, because you’re too close to Michael for him to even make a move. You’re not sure you can even get your body to move. 
“He’s lying, that’s a meat suit, he’s possessing some poor bastard!” Dean yells. 
You can’t believe that. 
“T-That’s impossible. He’s an angel, t-they don’t possess people. Tell them Michael.” 
He says nothing, and slowly it seems to register that nothing is what it seems. 
“He’s been using you, he needs Dean as his vessel. He couldn’t find us because Cas put carvings on us, something to block us from the angels. He needed you to get to us." Sam explains. 
The reality truly is cruel. Your instinct is to run to your brothers, but you barely get a step in. 
Your body slams into the opposite wall and so does Sam and Dean’s. 
You grunt at the force. 
“Hurt her and I’ll rip your throat out!!” Dean threatens. 
He’s fighting against the hold, but it’s useless. You’ve seen Michael’s power firsthand. 
You’re still trying to grasp it. Everything, all of it, it was just a ploy. A way to get what he wanted. 
Your eyes water as you stare back at him. 
“You lied to me..” 
You feel like a complete idiot. This could have been avoided if you’d just sucked up your pride and picked up the phone. 
The pep talk, the false concern, it was all a trick. One that you fell for. You’re crying, because at that moment there’s nothing more you can do. You trusted him with everything, your heart, your body. All this time he was playing you to achieve his end goal and you led him right to what he wanted. Who knows what’ll happen to your brothers. 
You look at him, pleading, begging for this to all be some misunderstanding. For a moment you think his eyes falter, but in seconds they are resolute. 
“You were nothing but a means to an end.” 
The tears are still pouring down your cheeks. For a moment all you feel is the pain that his betrayal has brought, but soon there’s a pull in your chest and you gasp, letting out a scream. A light seems to be shining beneath your ribcage, they all see it. 
Dean panics, and Sam is now physically trying to force himself off the wall to get to you before it’s too late. 
Michael tilts his head to the left, eyes narrowed. 
“This is not my doing.” 
You’re still screaming and his eyes widening at the symbol that begins to burn into the wall right next to you. Your eyes are now glowing, and he barely has a chance to make it over to you before the symbol sparks to life and his body seems to evaporate into thin air. 
All your bodies drop, no longer bound to the wall. You fall to your knees, sobbing. 
Sam and Dean can only stare. 
It’s clear that a lot has changed since they last saw you. 
One thing was certain, you all needed to get the hell out of dodge. 
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pascalisporn · 2 years
The recent sexual harassment discourse around Pedro Pascal is important, and I don't want to take away from that. But I think we also need to talk about the 24/7 content beast.
As someone who finds a lot of sexually based things funny, I do find the "internet daddy" thing funny. And for a millisecond, I think he did too. The problem is in doing so he fed the beast. Since it got clicks, now EVERYONE wants to use it to get clicks. If I were him (and I'm very much not) I'd find the joke funny for maybe a month or two. But for every clip I've seen of him addressing the whole daddy thing, there are a dozen more I haven't seen. The only common denominator to all of these clips is HIM. He is the one who has to respond to being called daddy. Every. Single. Time. And that has to wear on him.
In the olden days, you'd talk to maybe a dozen publications with journalistic standards of varying degrees. Now it's every asshole with a smartphone. It used to be you'd go on Howard Stern and know exactly what you were getting into. Now it's the wild west. At least with BuzzFeed thirst tweets you agreed to do them. Now everyone everywhere is mining him for the best clickbait in the worst possible way.
Imagine going down a line at a red carpet and every effing interviewer is like "Hey Pedro, or should I say daddy?" "Look everyone, it's the Internet's daddy, Pedro Pascal." "Hey daddy, ready to read some thirst tweets?" And they hand you a phone that says "bratboy764 says - I want to dress up in a minions costume and fuck you from behind." At that point I'd just go into the theater and call it a day. I'm sure he has many interesting things to say, but the media is absolutely fixated on this daddy joke.
He addressed being "daddy" in an entire skit on SNL. That should have been where the joke ended. The idea had become so ubiquitous that one of the biggest comedy outlets covered it.
But not only does everyone and their dog want to run an already dead, inappropriate to begin with, joke into the ground. They want to up the ante by saying things no one who participates in society would say to anyone's face. When everyone tries to be subversive, it results in no one being subversive. Move on, get creative with your questions, get sincere with your questions, get interesting with your questions. But for the love of crap.
Daddy is done.
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pinievsev · 2 years
Could you do a seth borden one where the reader has a service dog and goes on a hunt with him and Josh, I have a black German shepherd service dog named ace and I've never seen anyone write about it. If not that's totally ok, have a good day/night:)
Of course! I don't know what the service dog is for, so I'm doing an anxiety one if that's ok! I'll be using your dog's description if that's also ok! :) (No pronounce mentioned so MFA)
Seth Borden X Reader!
Seventh sense
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You were terrified! Seth and Josh had asked you to go exploring/ ghost hunting with them, you've been in a couple of places with them Sam and Colby, but you never stayed long. But this was the real deal, you were going to be in the whole thing. You weren't scared for the reason you might think, no the paranormal didn't scare you, your anxiety on the other hand did.
You had problems with anxiety, bad enough that you'd need a service dog for it. You had a black German shepherd which you had named ace, your family had gotten him when he was just a puppy and trained him. He was like your best friend. He'd alert anyone near by when you'd have an attack or try to calm you down if he sensed it before hand.
Taking a deep breath, you attached the leash to ace's vest and walked out the door, locking it behind you. From what you knew you were exploring an abandoned kindergarten building. 'where is Sam when you need him-' you thought laughing to yourself, that man probably has at least a dozen children ghosts up his a*s by now.
Ace, seeming to notice how uneasy you were, slowed his pace and walked slowly next to you, looking up to make sure you were okay every now and then. Seth had told you to meet him and Josh around 10pm at a bus stop not too far from your apartment complex. It took you around 20 minutes to get there, and when you did they were already waiting for you.
"ayee! There you are!" Josh said as you reached them, bumping your shoulder lightly, "yeah, sorry I took so long" you laughed and tightened your grip around ace's leash "don't worry about it, let's get going!" He didn't even give you time to respond, picking up his equipment bag and walking away. You and Seth following not far behind. "You alright?" You looked at Seth "I guess" he nodded not wanting to push you. The rest of the walk was in silence.
Not to long after you reached the kindergarten building, it was painted in yellow and blue,the paint fading, windows broken and dirty, the door barley hanging on to a hinge. It looked, well like any stereotypical haunted place. As the guys started setting up cameras, you leaned on the wall not too far, watching them work. You could see ace looking around alot, as if paranoid, waiting for something. You didn't blame him tho, this place gave you the creeps.
Once they were done setting everything up, and explaining everything to their subscribers you decide to go inside. Seth pushed the door open every so lightly, yet he still managed to get it off the last hinge and onto the ground with a loud thud. You flinched and cover your face as dust flew everywhere, as well as the guys. "Way to go" Josh commented "Oh come on! It was barely hanging on!" Seth protested "fine fine" Josh said playfully, walking in. You had a bad feeling about this.
After a bit of exploring, filming and talking to ghosts, all while joking in between, you decided to check out the "cafeteria", if you could even call it that anymore, the tables were either broken or on the floor, the baby blue paint peeling off of the walls, the dust flying everywhere. "Man, you'd think it'd be in better condition, didn't it close down like 20 years ago?" You asked "yes, it caught on fire, several kids and teachers burned, alot more injured" Josh replied "whoa... No wonder it looks like it's been sitting here for a century" you commented again.
You all flinched, turning to the direction of the noise. Ace got in an attacking position, growling and snarling, you'd never once seen him this way. "Whoa, what's up with him?" Seth asked "no idea..." You said trying not to panic, you knew this was a bad idea. You breathed in and crouched down to ace's level "what is it, ace..? What's wrong?" You asked patting his head a bit. You knew he was supposed to be focused but right now, you wanted to calm him down.
Once more, you flinched. " Okay what is that...?" You asked standing up, one hand holding so tight to the leash your knuckles had turned white, the other over your chest. Ace started barking. "Josh, man, we should get out of here" Seth suggested "please?" You chimed in, struggling to hold ace in place from running off. What had gotten into him!? Seth walked over helping you pull ace back, you couldn't get him to budge any other way.
Once outside, ace had calmed down, you sat down on a broken bench, struggling to breathe, ace immediately putting his paws on your lap, and whining, looking from you to Seth, who understood and rushed over. Placing a hand on your back "okay, come on, breathe with me" you followed his instructions, calming down. This wasn't the first time he'd help you with an attack. After calming down. You sat there, his arm over your shoulder, ace protectively sitting Infront of you. Josh looked at him amazed "your dog has the seventh sense dude-" you both looked up at him. "The what-?" You wheezed out "do you mean sixth sense?" Seth asked laughing "yes that! Whatever" Josh huffed "I'll go pack up" you nodded at him and he disappeared behind the corner. "Seventh sense" you laughed rubbing your face with your hand. Seth laughing along. "Jokes aside, are you alright now?" He asked. "Yup, fine. Thanks" you smiled "anytime"
You only then realised he had moved him hand form your shoulder on top of your hand that rested on the bench holding onto ace. Your face burned and you hoped he wouldn't see, considering it was dark. "You do know, you can call me anything you need right?" He asked catching you off guard "I can?-" you asked tilting your head. "Of course! What kind of friend would I be?!" He asked "right, friend" you muttered.
Truth be told, you really liked Seth, he was always so nice to you, very funny, and somehow knew exactly what to say to calm you down. "What?" He asked you, even tho he heard. He wanted to be sure "nothing, thanks though, for being there for me" you said thanking him for probably the millionth time that night "no worries" he squeezed your hand. You heard Josh call out to you, saying you were ready to go. Seth making sure you were okay one last time stood up, offering you a hand which you gladly accepted.
As you made it under your apartment building, you turned around to hug Josh, then Seth "thanks again..." You squeezed him tighter "stop that" he laughed "stop what?" He pulled you closer, if possible "thanking me all the time, I already said I'm happy to help you" you nodded, kissing his cheek and letting go. "Alright you two, thanks for inviting me. Good night" they both said their good night and you turned around unlocking the door and walking in, but not before hearing Josh teasing Seth, "shut up, man!" "Bro, you look like a fucking tomato". You laughed to yourself fully closing the door and taking the elevator up to your floor, an uneasy feeling still in your gut, but you chose to ignore it. Not a good idea....
Okay so! First time writing on Tumblr! Sorry if this sucks! I'm thinking of doing a part two! And thank you so much for the request! Feel free to leave more <3
88 notes · View notes
I'm a very confused PCU member right now. Coalburnt/Shewp is going around one of our discord channels stating that he's been feeding information to CoAD to influence the narrative you're painting and that as a result he can control some content delivered on this blog.
One of my friends thinks he's lying and just running damage control. But you never know within someone like Coalburnt, he's quite a manipulative guy and I've known him to go to extremes over the years. I wouldn't put it past him to attempt to feed false information to you.
I'll probably end up leaving the PCU before the drama associated with the collapse gets too intense. I think Coalburnt's scared, he was supposed to be a 'chief enforcer' and 'grand inquisitor' of the PCU and he's failed to keep it all together. His fear is what is starting to worry people, Coalburnt effectively has a PCU-nuke in his hand with all of the information and screenshots he has of various members and officers.
My friend and I think he'll deploy said nuke and send over a massive data-drop or dump to CoAD and then use the editor teams focus on that to flee from the PCU and start anew. He's probably the most craftiest of our officers and if anyone will escape the consequences of this blog and the fall of the PCU, my bet would be on him.
Hardly a surprise that Shewp/Coalburnt is doing this, if this whole piece of information is actually valid to begin with. He has shown considerable paranoia increasingly over the last few months. Evidentially, Coalburnt is probably under considerable strain and stress, the dying days of a cult are usually when the higher ups find themselves exposed by their minions and/or cast out. The signs in public are actually not as subtle as one might think, disagreements with one another publicly (unthinkable when Perroy was around), a breakdown in cooperation between guilds, many more dropping their PCU tag entirely when recruiting.
Lurid tales from high ranking officers and long time leaders only add to the cracks. It would have been undreamed of even last year for Morsteth's rape threat """joke""" to have been outed publicly and shown from his own insiders (or perhaps was this one of Coalburnt's moves? How tantalising.)
Lately however we have been getting a slew of bizarre posts sent through to our inbox, most of them are nonsense and don't even render properly as images send in tumblr require a click through. We've yet to get condemning material given to us from that clearly shows discussion, dialogue that could come from within the PCU officer team.
Oddly, we aren't even sure why such a move would be done. Surely Coalburnt knows the only way to show he has truly moved on from his toxic hobby is a public act of contrition like an apology to the server? Aside from radio silence like his former Dear Leader did that is, remember Perroy went silent after we exposed his collusion with Gnome ERP on F-List.
Additionally, any 'data dump' would also prove to us that we are clearly something that occupies the minds of the PCU more than they would ever be willing to admit. We have turned down dozens of interesting pieces of information before here purely on the fact that they have no external corroborating evidence.
Largely our sourcing requires clean and unvarnished chat logs, preferably collated via something like Elephant which is considerably harder to manipulate or undoctored DMs from things such as Discord, names available and all. Alas, it won't stop some naysayers, of which Coalburnt has repeatedly and hilariously been one for years, spouting counterclaims and falsehoods with absolutely no evidence to back up their own accusations.
No, he won't escape consequences here, perhaps from his own ilk but we have a special file on Coalburnt already just waiting.
6 notes · View notes
thedivinefish · 1 year
TGIWednesday: Remote viewing the issue
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TGIWednesday News
If you can get your head around emails going to several different people around the world all at the same moment or a group text sent out by one person to a dozen recipients then you should be able to realize that’s how powerful prayers and healing can be as well.  I’ve seen this incredible power of prayer/fishing do wonders and change those that never knew we were even praying or fishing for them.  No I am not worried about karma or making life path changes on them unless they’ve asked.  It’s more like a gentle breeze, butterflies and kittens energy of prayer.  Gentle, loving, kind and yet powerful nonetheless.  Please know that all of this energetic fishing makes a difference or I would not even bother doing it.  I have seen what it has done and folks have bandied about the word miracle more than once.  Know that as fast as an ailment or negative event came upon you that it can be resolved or dispelled just as fast!  Keep the faith out there and remain persistent in your quest of love and life emprovement finding you!   Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes.  Folks would ask what I was doing.  I would joke with them, “I’m going to see a Monster truck competition in Tampa Florida with no ear plugs”.  Some people would say, “Oh I didn’t realize you were into monster trucks.”  While others would say, “Well, you should probably wear ear plugs”. LOL  My bestie said, “Anyone that knows you, knows you're not driving to some all night noisy event somewhere, haha.”  Again I really do appreciate the well wishes and it was a relaxing good time for sure!
When’s the last time we fished together?  If you had to think about it, it’s been too long!  Reach out today and get on my schedule.  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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~ BELIEVING & HAVING FAITH IN THE UNSEEN WORLD  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that there is so much energy, mysticism and love in the unseen world that I am asking for more of that to show up now please. I am ready, willing and able to go deep into my thoughts and prayers and fishing to see what others do not recognize and I will remain in the vibration of unfolding wonders here and now. I know, when, where, how and why to take a break from the madness of the seen world and go deep into fishing to join the powerful unseen world in order to facilitate profound and positive changes. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life.
From the Fishbox
Q) "I'm enjoying experimenting with your new LFE course and have already gone through it a couple times.  Increasing the LFE of things makes perfect sense, but can you do the reverse? Can you reduce the LFE of an illness? Or even pain?  How would that work w/ the blocks and weakness?  Say, you're dealing w/ a virus. If it's something like pneumonia, would you just want to increase the LFE of the lungs? But what about something like the flu that affects all sorts of organs? If you instead focus on lowering the LFE of the virus, would you first intend on eliminating any blocks to making this possible and any weaknesses making any lowering of the LFE possible?"- Linda D   A) "You are only limited by your imagination.  Yes, run wild with all you've mentioned. Illness like the flu would be blocking your good health, reduce blocks to zero, and the weakness of perhaps the body, reduce that to zero then strengthen your immune system.  We'll again show live demos during the Zoom thanks" - JMack
Upcoming August Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/life-force-zoom
TOPIC: Life Force Energy: Fishing with Numbers
Join us as we commune with spirit and together facilitate profound changes for everyone on the call!  I will demonstrate how FAST we can change things and give a brief demo of how I use Life Force Energy fishing with numbers on a daily basis. We will delete blocks, release weakness, and download more strength in to any area of your life that needs it! You do not have to purchase our latest course to join us on this call.  This will be a good taster, but be clear, it won't replace having gone through the course. 
After Registration we ask you to Submit your Top 3 wishes using short powerful sentences in the format below by Tues. August 29th, the day BEFORE the event to  [email protected]. Use words organic to you. Keep it simple as shown in the 3 examples below.
1) For myself:
I would like to release any blocks and all weakness I have with ____ and instead replace it with _____
----Example:  Release blocks and all weakness I have in my money and instead replace it with unlimited abundance
2) For others:
I would like to see improvements in____/or my relationship with ____
----Example: I would like to see improvements with my mother's arthritis pain. // my relationship with my son.
3) For the world:
I would like to see improvements in_____.
----Example: I would like to see improvements in how we all treat the earth and our environment
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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Your Divine Uniqueness With host Moncef Akfir TAKING LIVE CALLERS **NEW DATE** THURSDAY SEPT. 7TH 2:00PM Eastern Time  Register below to access the call in details. FREE TO REGISTER HERE
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
AUGUST 23RD "Today I will access the field of time. I will sit quietly in a peaceful contemplation. I will realize how blessed I am. I will keep the faith and all positive actions moving forward."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
*Upon sending an email request after your purchase, you can receive a one-time sample/example of the software analysis. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!  
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
?Visit our ?NEW O?nline ?TRAININ?G? CENTER
We have finally completed the migration of the Mastery & Practitioner Certification Courses and are now opening up the BRAND NEW ONLINE TRAINING CENTER!  All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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THZ Quantum Frequency Wand "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." - Albert Einstein USE CODE: SUMMERSALE  GET 25% OFF >> Best price, SHOP HERE
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Create Your FREE MEMBERS Account  Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 1 year
TGIWednesday: Remote viewing the issue
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TGIWednesday News
If you can get your head around emails going to several different people around the world all at the same moment or a group text sent out by one person to a dozen recipients then you should be able to realize that’s how powerful prayers and healing can be as well.  I’ve seen this incredible power of prayer/fishing do wonders and change those that never knew we were even praying or fishing for them.  No I am not worried about karma or making life path changes on them unless they’ve asked.  It’s more like a gentle breeze, butterflies and kittens energy of prayer.  Gentle, loving, kind and yet powerful nonetheless.  Please know that all of this energetic fishing makes a difference or I would not even bother doing it.  I have seen what it has done and folks have bandied about the word miracle more than once.  Know that as fast as an ailment or negative event came upon you that it can be resolved or dispelled just as fast!  Keep the faith out there and remain persistent in your quest of love and life emprovement finding you!   Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes.  Folks would ask what I was doing.  I would joke with them, “I’m going to see a Monster truck competition in Tampa Florida with no ear plugs”.  Some people would say, “Oh I didn’t realize you were into monster trucks.”  While others would say, “Well, you should probably wear ear plugs”. LOL  My bestie said, “Anyone that knows you, knows you're not driving to some all night noisy event somewhere, haha.”  Again I really do appreciate the well wishes and it was a relaxing good time for sure!
When’s the last time we fished together?  If you had to think about it, it’s been too long!  Reach out today and get on my schedule.  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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~ BELIEVING & HAVING FAITH IN THE UNSEEN WORLD  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that there is so much energy, mysticism and love in the unseen world that I am asking for more of that to show up now please. I am ready, willing and able to go deep into my thoughts and prayers and fishing to see what others do not recognize and I will remain in the vibration of unfolding wonders here and now. I know, when, where, how and why to take a break from the madness of the seen world and go deep into fishing to join the powerful unseen world in order to facilitate profound and positive changes. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life.
From the Fishbox
Q) "I'm enjoying experimenting with your new LFE course and have already gone through it a couple times.  Increasing the LFE of things makes perfect sense, but can you do the reverse? Can you reduce the LFE of an illness? Or even pain?  How would that work w/ the blocks and weakness?  Say, you're dealing w/ a virus. If it's something like pneumonia, would you just want to increase the LFE of the lungs? But what about something like the flu that affects all sorts of organs? If you instead focus on lowering the LFE of the virus, would you first intend on eliminating any blocks to making this possible and any weaknesses making any lowering of the LFE possible?"- Linda D   A) "You are only limited by your imagination.  Yes, run wild with all you've mentioned. Illness like the flu would be blocking your good health, reduce blocks to zero, and the weakness of perhaps the body, reduce that to zero then strengthen your immune system.  We'll again show live demos during the Zoom thanks" - JMack
Upcoming August Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/life-force-zoom
TOPIC: Life Force Energy: Fishing with Numbers
Join us as we commune with spirit and together facilitate profound changes for everyone on the call!  I will demonstrate how FAST we can change things and give a brief demo of how I use Life Force Energy fishing with numbers on a daily basis. We will delete blocks, release weakness, and download more strength in to any area of your life that needs it! You do not have to purchase our latest course to join us on this call.  This will be a good taster, but be clear, it won't replace having gone through the course. 
After Registration we ask you to Submit your Top 3 wishes using short powerful sentences in the format below by Tues. August 29th, the day BEFORE the event to  [email protected]. Use words organic to you. Keep it simple as shown in the 3 examples below.
1) For myself:
I would like to release any blocks and all weakness I have with ____ and instead replace it with _____
----Example:  Release blocks and all weakness I have in my money and instead replace it with unlimited abundance
2) For others:
I would like to see improvements in____/or my relationship with ____
----Example: I would like to see improvements with my mother's arthritis pain. // my relationship with my son.
3) For the world:
I would like to see improvements in_____.
----Example: I would like to see improvements in how we all treat the earth and our environment
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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Your Divine Uniqueness With host Moncef Akfir TAKING LIVE CALLERS **NEW DATE** THURSDAY SEPT. 7TH 2:00PM Eastern Time  Register below to access the call in details. FREE TO REGISTER HERE
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tumblr media
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
AUGUST 23RD "Today I will access the field of time. I will sit quietly in a peaceful contemplation. I will realize how blessed I am. I will keep the faith and all positive actions moving forward."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
*Upon sending an email request after your purchase, you can receive a one-time sample/example of the software analysis. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!  
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
?Visit our ?NEW O?nline ?TRAININ?G? CENTER
We have finally completed the migration of the Mastery & Practitioner Certification Courses and are now opening up the BRAND NEW ONLINE TRAINING CENTER!  All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
Tumblr media
We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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THZ Quantum Frequency Wand "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." - Albert Einstein USE CODE: SUMMERSALE  GET 25% OFF >> Best price, SHOP HERE
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Tumblr media
Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Create Your FREE MEMBERS Account  Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Remote viewing the issue
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TGIWednesday News
If you can get your head around emails going to several different people around the world all at the same moment or a group text sent out by one person to a dozen recipients then you should be able to realize that’s how powerful prayers and healing can be as well.  I’ve seen this incredible power of prayer/fishing do wonders and change those that never knew we were even praying or fishing for them.  No I am not worried about karma or making life path changes on them unless they’ve asked.  It’s more like a gentle breeze, butterflies and kittens energy of prayer.  Gentle, loving, kind and yet powerful nonetheless.  Please know that all of this energetic fishing makes a difference or I would not even bother doing it.  I have seen what it has done and folks have bandied about the word miracle more than once.  Know that as fast as an ailment or negative event came upon you that it can be resolved or dispelled just as fast!  Keep the faith out there and remain persistent in your quest of love and life emprovement finding you!   Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes.  Folks would ask what I was doing.  I would joke with them, “I’m going to see a Monster truck competition in Tampa Florida with no ear plugs”.  Some people would say, “Oh I didn’t realize you were into monster trucks.”  While others would say, “Well, you should probably wear ear plugs”. LOL  My bestie said, “Anyone that knows you, knows you're not driving to some all night noisy event somewhere, haha.”  Again I really do appreciate the well wishes and it was a relaxing good time for sure!
When’s the last time we fished together?  If you had to think about it, it’s been too long!  Reach out today and get on my schedule.  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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~ BELIEVING & HAVING FAITH IN THE UNSEEN WORLD  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that there is so much energy, mysticism and love in the unseen world that I am asking for more of that to show up now please. I am ready, willing and able to go deep into my thoughts and prayers and fishing to see what others do not recognize and I will remain in the vibration of unfolding wonders here and now. I know, when, where, how and why to take a break from the madness of the seen world and go deep into fishing to join the powerful unseen world in order to facilitate profound and positive changes. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life.
From the Fishbox
Q) "I'm enjoying experimenting with your new LFE course and have already gone through it a couple times.  Increasing the LFE of things makes perfect sense, but can you do the reverse? Can you reduce the LFE of an illness? Or even pain?  How would that work w/ the blocks and weakness?  Say, you're dealing w/ a virus. If it's something like pneumonia, would you just want to increase the LFE of the lungs? But what about something like the flu that affects all sorts of organs? If you instead focus on lowering the LFE of the virus, would you first intend on eliminating any blocks to making this possible and any weaknesses making any lowering of the LFE possible?"- Linda D   A) "You are only limited by your imagination.  Yes, run wild with all you've mentioned. Illness like the flu would be blocking your good health, reduce blocks to zero, and the weakness of perhaps the body, reduce that to zero then strengthen your immune system.  We'll again show live demos during the Zoom thanks" - JMack
Upcoming August Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/life-force-zoom
TOPIC: Life Force Energy: Fishing with Numbers
Join us as we commune with spirit and together facilitate profound changes for everyone on the call!  I will demonstrate how FAST we can change things and give a brief demo of how I use Life Force Energy fishing with numbers on a daily basis. We will delete blocks, release weakness, and download more strength in to any area of your life that needs it! You do not have to purchase our latest course to join us on this call.  This will be a good taster, but be clear, it won't replace having gone through the course. 
After Registration we ask you to Submit your Top 3 wishes using short powerful sentences in the format below by Tues. August 29th, the day BEFORE the event to  [email protected]. Use words organic to you. Keep it simple as shown in the 3 examples below.
1) For myself:
I would like to release any blocks and all weakness I have with ____ and instead replace it with _____
----Example:  Release blocks and all weakness I have in my money and instead replace it with unlimited abundance
2) For others:
I would like to see improvements in____/or my relationship with ____
----Example: I would like to see improvements with my mother's arthritis pain. // my relationship with my son.
3) For the world:
I would like to see improvements in_____.
----Example: I would like to see improvements in how we all treat the earth and our environment
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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Your Divine Uniqueness With host Moncef Akfir TAKING LIVE CALLERS **NEW DATE** THURSDAY SEPT. 7TH 2:00PM Eastern Time  Register below to access the call in details. FREE TO REGISTER HERE
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
AUGUST 23RD "Today I will access the field of time. I will sit quietly in a peaceful contemplation. I will realize how blessed I am. I will keep the faith and all positive actions moving forward."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
*Upon sending an email request after your purchase, you can receive a one-time sample/example of the software analysis. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!  
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
?Visit our ?NEW O?nline ?TRAININ?G? CENTER
We have finally completed the migration of the Mastery & Practitioner Certification Courses and are now opening up the BRAND NEW ONLINE TRAINING CENTER!  All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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THZ Quantum Frequency Wand "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." - Albert Einstein USE CODE: SUMMERSALE  GET 25% OFF >> Best price, SHOP HERE
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Create Your FREE MEMBERS Account  Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: Remote viewing the issue
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TGIWednesday News
If you can get your head around emails going to several different people around the world all at the same moment or a group text sent out by one person to a dozen recipients then you should be able to realize that’s how powerful prayers and healing can be as well.  I’ve seen this incredible power of prayer/fishing do wonders and change those that never knew we were even praying or fishing for them.  No I am not worried about karma or making life path changes on them unless they’ve asked.  It’s more like a gentle breeze, butterflies and kittens energy of prayer.  Gentle, loving, kind and yet powerful nonetheless.  Please know that all of this energetic fishing makes a difference or I would not even bother doing it.  I have seen what it has done and folks have bandied about the word miracle more than once.  Know that as fast as an ailment or negative event came upon you that it can be resolved or dispelled just as fast!  Keep the faith out there and remain persistent in your quest of love and life emprovement finding you!   Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes.  Folks would ask what I was doing.  I would joke with them, “I’m going to see a Monster truck competition in Tampa Florida with no ear plugs”.  Some people would say, “Oh I didn’t realize you were into monster trucks.”  While others would say, “Well, you should probably wear ear plugs”. LOL  My bestie said, “Anyone that knows you, knows you're not driving to some all night noisy event somewhere, haha.”  Again I really do appreciate the well wishes and it was a relaxing good time for sure!
When’s the last time we fished together?  If you had to think about it, it’s been too long!  Reach out today and get on my schedule.  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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~ BELIEVING & HAVING FAITH IN THE UNSEEN WORLD  ~ I believe, think, know and feel that there is so much energy, mysticism and love in the unseen world that I am asking for more of that to show up now please. I am ready, willing and able to go deep into my thoughts and prayers and fishing to see what others do not recognize and I will remain in the vibration of unfolding wonders here and now. I know, when, where, how and why to take a break from the madness of the seen world and go deep into fishing to join the powerful unseen world in order to facilitate profound and positive changes. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life.
From the Fishbox
Q) "I'm enjoying experimenting with your new LFE course and have already gone through it a couple times.  Increasing the LFE of things makes perfect sense, but can you do the reverse? Can you reduce the LFE of an illness? Or even pain?  How would that work w/ the blocks and weakness?  Say, you're dealing w/ a virus. If it's something like pneumonia, would you just want to increase the LFE of the lungs? But what about something like the flu that affects all sorts of organs? If you instead focus on lowering the LFE of the virus, would you first intend on eliminating any blocks to making this possible and any weaknesses making any lowering of the LFE possible?"- Linda D   A) "You are only limited by your imagination.  Yes, run wild with all you've mentioned. Illness like the flu would be blocking your good health, reduce blocks to zero, and the weakness of perhaps the body, reduce that to zero then strengthen your immune system.  We'll again show live demos during the Zoom thanks" - JMack
Upcoming August Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/life-force-zoom
TOPIC: Life Force Energy: Fishing with Numbers
Join us as we commune with spirit and together facilitate profound changes for everyone on the call!  I will demonstrate how FAST we can change things and give a brief demo of how I use Life Force Energy fishing with numbers on a daily basis. We will delete blocks, release weakness, and download more strength in to any area of your life that needs it! You do not have to purchase our latest course to join us on this call.  This will be a good taster, but be clear, it won't replace having gone through the course. 
After Registration we ask you to Submit your Top 3 wishes using short powerful sentences in the format below by Tues. August 29th, the day BEFORE the event to  [email protected]. Use words organic to you. Keep it simple as shown in the 3 examples below.
1) For myself:
I would like to release any blocks and all weakness I have with ____ and instead replace it with _____
----Example:  Release blocks and all weakness I have in my money and instead replace it with unlimited abundance
2) For others:
I would like to see improvements in____/or my relationship with ____
----Example: I would like to see improvements with my mother's arthritis pain. // my relationship with my son.
3) For the world:
I would like to see improvements in_____.
----Example: I would like to see improvements in how we all treat the earth and our environment
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
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Your Divine Uniqueness With host Moncef Akfir TAKING LIVE CALLERS **NEW DATE** THURSDAY SEPT. 7TH 2:00PM Eastern Time  Register below to access the call in details. FREE TO REGISTER HERE
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
AUGUST 23RD "Today I will access the field of time. I will sit quietly in a peaceful contemplation. I will realize how blessed I am. I will keep the faith and all positive actions moving forward."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
*Upon sending an email request after your purchase, you can receive a one-time sample/example of the software analysis. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!  
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
?Visit our ?NEW O?nline ?TRAININ?G? CENTER
We have finally completed the migration of the Mastery & Practitioner Certification Courses and are now opening up the BRAND NEW ONLINE TRAINING CENTER!  All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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THZ Quantum Frequency Wand "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." - Albert Einstein USE CODE: SUMMERSALE  GET 25% OFF >> Best price, SHOP HERE
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Create Your FREE MEMBERS Account  Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
hey <3 angst and fluffy ace x fem reader where readers been inlove with sabo for years and all he's done was invalidate and leading her on. BUT ONE DAY ace proposed they fake date. NOT BECAUSE HE WANTS TO HELP HER, NOR HE WANTS TO MAKE HIS BROTHER JEALOUS. BUT BECAUSE HES BEEN INLOVE WITH HER FOR YEARS. [just patiently waiting for a chance for three years ;)]
thanks before writer :3
Okay, so I finally got around to writing this one. I'm really sorry it took so long. It's mostly just fluff rather than angst and fluff. Still, it's cute and it's Ace.
Three years, three years Ace had watched his brother invalidate and lead you on and it infuriated him. He was pretty sure his brother didn’t mean to, but mean to or not that didn’t mean it was okay and it didn’t make Ace feel any better. He’d wanted to date you, he wanted to be the one that you had eyes for, he’d never do the things that his brother had done. He had to do something, even if that something meant lying to you, maybe one day, after you found out, you’d forgive him. Or maybe some god, or heaven, or luck, or just fate would smile down on him and make you fall for him. Taking a deep breath, Ace walked up to you, a sympathetic smile on his lips. You looked rather depressed, that meant that your latest plan to ask Sabo out had failed. While he hated seeing you so down, it meant that it was the perfect time to enact his plan.
“No luck?” Ace asked, sitting next to you on the bench, a comforting hand on your shoulder. You shook your head with a sigh, head resting in your hands, elbows on your knees.
“I don’t get it! I thought I’d been so obvious! He doesn’t have a girlfriend, so why won’t he at least try it? But no! You know what he said this time? Fuck, it doesn’t matter what he said, who cares? I don’t!” you huffed. Ace knew it was a lie, but you were hurting.
“Well, I have… an idea.” Ace said hesitantly. He needed to come off like it wasn’t his best idea, like he didn’t want this, or at least he couldn’t come off like he did want this.
“Can’t be worse than my last dozen, hundred, million plans!” you said, combining numbers into a nonsensical, frustrated mess.
“Well, Sabo doesn’t appreciate everything you do for him. He doesn’t see how great you are. So show him how great you are, how great he has it, how much you do for him by not doing them. Now I know you can’t stay away from him, we tried that already, but this plan… you can still be near him while doing all that.” Ace said, trying to hide how happy he was when you showed interest. It was working.
“You could, uh, fake date me. I know, I know, you don’t feel that way about me!” Ace said hurriedly, waving his hands in front of him frantically, just a little more acting, “but you don’t have to feel that way about me, that’s the brilliant part, it’s all fake, when we’re around him, you just have to act like you like me. Since I’m his brother, of course you’d be around him all the time, and we hang out so often that it’s totally believable that you might develop feelings for me.” Ace explained, giving you a small smile. Sighing, you placed your head in your hands again.
“He just turned me down again, why would he believe that?” you asked bitterly. It wasn’t a terrible idea, but making Sabo believe it? Impossible.
“That’s why we wait a week. For the next week hang out with him less and hang out with me, or whenever he’s around talk primarily with me. He’ll think that we’re getting along more and more, then you’ll ‘fall for my charm’ how you ‘never noticed how great I am’. I’ll take you out on our ‘first date’ in a week, then we’ll be fake girlfriend and boyfriend until Sabo realizes he’s made a big mistake, then we’ll fake break up and he’ll be there to comfort you and ‘steal you away from me��.” Ace said, a large grin on his face. You were considering it. Finally you nodded smiling at him.
“You’re the best, Ace. Thanks. Or should I start calling you babe?” you joked, giving him a laugh. Ace’s heart skipped a beat at the pet name as he tried to laugh along with you. He couldn’t give himself away. It had worked, he had you believing that it was just him helping his friend out. Did he feel bad about lying to you? Sure, but it was all he had and he was desperate.
Your plan had been going on for a couple months now and Sabo definitely noticed the change. The cookies you always made him went to Ace, coffee that you’d always brought with you, handed to Ace. Your constant sunny smile always directed at Ace, even when he thought he could feel you staring at him, he’d glance over just to see you chatting away with Ace. At the same time, Ace was loving every moment. Your delicious treats, your attention, all the various pet names, everything he wanted was finally his! You, on the other hand, were starting to have mixed feelings. Ace was amazing, he noticed every little thing you did, he was always telling you how amazing you were. He was sweet and kind, he was protective, he played the perfect boyfriend. To the point where you weren’t even sure if you were just acting anymore and it was killing you. How could you let him believe that it was just fake dating when you were starting to develop feelings for him?
Ace’s brow furrowed as he looked at your downcast look, you’d told him there was something that you needed to talk about, which was normally never a good sign, but you weren’t actually supposed to be dating, so what was wrong?
“So what did you need me for? Is… is the plan failing?” Ace asked, cringing. If you thought it was a failure, you’d break it off.
“No, well, I don’t think… it’s… the plan is… Ace I…” you swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears. You didn’t want to say this, but you had no other choice, “We, we have to call this fake dating thing off.” you said finally, wrapping your arms around yourself. Ace felt his heart drop into his stomach, you wanted to call it off? Why? What had happened? Oh fuck, had Sabo confessed?
“Th-that’s good though, isn’t it? That means the plan worked and Sabo wants you, right?” Ace asked, doing what he always did and plastering a fake smile on his face. You shook your head, looking at the ground as your hair obscured your face. He wouldn’t have even noticed you were crying if it hadn’t been for the dark spots that appeared on the sidewalk in the middle of summer. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Is it… is it because it isn’t working?” Ace asked, putting a hand under your chin and lifting your head to face him. Staring into his eyes, you found yourself with one option. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him in for a kiss. This wasn’t like your fake kisses where you moved close but never met, or where you kissed his cheek, this was a full, passionate kiss. Ace wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss, his heart soaring. How long had he wanted this? Finally pulling away, you looked at him in shock.
“You, that, I…”
“Sorry for not telling you sooner.” Ace said guiltily, looking away. He needed to tell you the truth, “I’ve liked you for years, I figured maybe if we fake dated… even if you didn’t end up liking me, maybe I could have you, even if just for a short time.” the boy confessed, your eyes widening. This had all been a part of his plan, his real plan.
“Well… I… I wish you’d just told me. I wish you hadn’t lied to me, but I suppose… I suppose what’s done is done and that… maybe we can stop fake dating and…” you swallowed hard, “and start real dating.” you said finally, looking up at him hopefully. Ace stared at you, eyes wide for a moment before leaning in and capturing your lips in another passionate kiss. He would gladly stop fake dating you if it meant really dating you. 
“I honestly never thought I’d be able to actually, truly be able to hold you like this. I promise, just because we’re no longer fake dating, nothing will change, well it might change, but only because I’ve only just started to shower you in love and affection.” Ace said with a large smile. You smiled back and nodded, simply enjoying the moment with your new, real boyfriend.
133 notes · View notes
writeroutoftime · 2 years
feelings confessed
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pairing: foggy nelson x fem!murdock!reader (though not specified if you're biologically related, adopted, or just a 'sister figure')
summary: you like foggy, foggy likes you, but neither of you know of the other's feelings. what could happen when foggy walks you home from josie's one night?
warnings: none (except a crappy title lol)
words: 0.7k
a/n: this has taken me FOREVER to get out and I am so sorry! writing for foggy is so much fun, though I'm not sure how I feel about this story, and I'm a little nervous to post it. anyway, I hope you enjoy and have a fantastic day!
As always, Josie's was crowded, noisy, and smelled just a touch like stale beer and sweat. Despite all that, you, Matt, Foggy, and Karen carved out your own littler corner. Laughter filled the space and warmed your heart after a long week at work.
"Oh, come on! You totally cheated!" Foggy exclaimed sulking over yet another game of pool lost to Matt.
"And how would I have done that, Foggy?" Matt teased, hands on his hips and head titled expectantly.
Foggy opened his mouth, ready to retort, closed it, then sighed dramatically in defeat.
"Alright, buddy. Next round's on me." Matt offered, clapping Foggy on the back, leading him towards the bar, leaving you to stare at Foggy's retreating figure.
"Still pinning after Foggy?" Karen asked, smiling into her drink.
Flustered, you began to stutter out nonsense trying to defend yourself. "W-what? No, no. I don't like Foggy." you lied, suddenly finding the ring from your drink on the table incredibly interesting.
Karen rolled her eyes and rested her hand on top of yours reassuringly. "I think you two would be very sweet together." she told you with a smile. "Promise me you'll think about telling him how you feel. I think you'd be surprised."
Just as you opened your mouth to ask her what she meant, Foggy and Matt had returned with new drinks and smiles on their faces. Whatever response had been on your lips the moment that Foggy sat back down next to you, and for the next thirty minutes, you found yourself laughing and feeling bliss.
"Alright, I think I'm gonna head out." you eventually declared, throwing back the last of your drink, slapping the table in finality.
Matt began to gather his things, but you quickly stopped him. "Don't worry, Matty. I'll be okay walking back."
"y/n." he countered, voice low and warning like it always was when you did something Matt thought was impractical.
"Seriously," you reassured him. "this isn't my first night in New York, you know. Besides, I don't want to want to drag you home before you're ready to go."
Before Matt could respond, Foggy jumped in. "I could walk you home. I-I mean if you wanted." he offered, one hand outstretched towards you, his other tangled in his hair.
"Are you sure?" you asked rather casually, but on the inside your heart fluttered.
"Of course." he smiled warmly, already out of his chair to help you slip on your coat as the two of you offered your goodbyes to Matt and Karen.
The streets were cold and dark but walking just inches from Foggy kept you warm. Both of your hands swung back and forth, fingertips almost brushing against each other numerous times. A part of you longed to reach out and intertwine his fingers with yours, but fear kept you from following through with that desire.
A few comments and jokes were exchanged here and there, but a comfortable silence washed over you both. You didn't need words to feel content when Foggy was around. Unfortunately, not much else was going on and your hopes of confessing your feelings dwindled until you stood outside of your apartment building.
“Well, this is me.” you commented redundantly as though Foggy hadn’t been to your place dozens of times before.
"Yes, it is." Foggy agreed, rocking on the balls of his feet, hands in his pocket.
You held your ground for another moment, waiting and wishing for Foggy to make a move or give any indication that he wanted you to make the first move. When nothing happened, you sighed and turned towards the door, defeated and dejected.
"Night, Foggy. Thanks for walking me home." you mumbled.
“y/n, wait!” Foggy shouted, reaching forward to gently grab your wrist.
You spun around to face Foggy once more, looking at him expectantly. “Yes?"
Your heart couldn’t take any more of this of this back and forth. Before you could say anything though, Foggy had stepped forward until he was only inches away from your face, eyes staring intently at you. As he leaned forward, there was a moment of hesitation that allowed you to back away if you so wished. Instead, you closed the gap and wrapped your arms around Foggy’s neck as you kissed him.
The kiss itself was short, but sweet in nature. It felt like the buildup to waiting a long time for something and payoff being more than you could have ever dreamed of. Pulling away, you kept your eyes closed, afraid that you would break the spell and see Foggy's look of horror or rejection. A soft whisper pulled you from your thoughts, and your eyes slowly fluttered open to see Foggy staring at you with a soft gaze.
"I, uh, um..." you trailed, trying to find an explanation for your actions.
"How long have you felt that way?" Foggy asked.
"Almost as long as we've known each other." you admitted, sheepishly.
Foggy let out a laugh, but quickly rushed to amend his action when he saw your face. "No, I just meant that, well, so I have I." he confessed. "We're a couple of idiots aren't we?"
Nodding with a giggle, you leaned in and kissed him again having opened a gate you weren't likely to close anytime soon. You could worry about Matt's reaction later.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
4: I think the condom just broke with pregnancy and the parent fluff cause I'm in a mood with whichever turtles you want cause I know you probably dint wanna write fluff from a smut prompt
Dude pls fluff and smut together?! One of my fave things!
So disclaimer: I know lots of people aren’t for the whole human/creature pregnancy shizz so if it ain’t your cup of tea it’s gucci. I usually go for the it’s ‘not biologically possible’ but for the sake of this we are straying from that 👌
TW: Pregnancy scare/Pregnancy
Rated Mature (18+ only)
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You felt it the instant it happened, hell even Raph did too. Something wasn’t exactly a hundred percent, because Raph had sped up when he felt how even better all of a sudden it go and you felt so full and warm too.
Full and warm and sticky...
Raph thrusted his release into you, overrun by instincts and desire and how impossibly good you were squeezing him. Legs raised over his shoulders, hands dug into his strong thighs for support, your orgasm knocked any possible coherent thought from your brain.
It was then in that post orgasm state of mind, where your limbs feel like gummy worms and you’re so warm on the inside, when you here the quietest ‘oh shit’ you’ve ever heard. You’re so out of it but you register his worried expression and that the moment he pulls out, there’s a gush of something warm seeping out.
Well that shouldn’t be the case since he was wearing...
You went wide eyed.
So did he.
“I... I think the condom just broke” Raphael’s voice was almost a whisper as he kept staring at where your bodies had been joined not even seconds ago.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” You sorely got your legs off of his shoulders and looked down at yourself. Sure enough the evidence was there, as well as the ripped condom he had just taken off. How? You’d used those dozens of times before, they were strong enough for his girth and strength.
On wobbly legs you got up and went straight to your bathroom, maybe it wasn’t much, maybe something could be done. Sitting there on the toilet, your brain became a reel of ideas and things to be or could be done. A oneshot surely won’t be the cause of you and Raph’s start into parenthood, maybe you could get some Plan B?
In your concentrations, Raph had quietly made his way to the bathroom. He seemed to have been running his own reel of thoughts.
“Babe-“ He started softly.
“I can barely take care of a house plant” You were in a trance.
“That fake egg baby project in school? My mom cooked it on accident the next morning” You ran your hands over your face in frustration.
“Y/n hey-“
“I once dropped my phone on my friends baby while taking a picture, Raph I can’t do this” You covered your face, all those nice chemicals from before suddenly out of your system. Raphael shushed you as he took a knee in front of you. He grabbed your hands and pulled them away.
“Listen, do ya know how many fouls I committed with Mikey? I lost that little shit at least three times a week when we were growing up” He smiled when you huffed a laugh. “I hosed him down one time when he crapped his pants when he was five, ya don’t get it right the first time but it’s practice and I got real good at it” He pushed your disheveled locks out of the way.
“If this... um takes? I’m up for it. Yer not gonna do it alone”
And he didn’t lie because Raph never lied with you. He was on board, he was even excited about the concept and as time progressed so were you.
Even when you missed your period. Even when the random bouts of morning sickness hit. Even when you bought the tests and they came out positive.
Adjusting would be hard, but doable when you had a devoted father to be and a team of excited uncles to be.
And aunt to be April was there every step of the way.
It all feels surreal when weeks turn into months and it seems so far away when you were back in that bathroom with Raph holding your hands. In there here and now, you’re marveling at the tiny little thing you both brought into this world, so unique and different and beautiful.
And Raph wasn’t quitting, he’s there and he’s at times the actual Super Dad everyone joked he would be. How many times you found him, awake in three hours sleep, rocking and humming that little baby so you could get a few hours sleep. Watching him have full conversations, making inquires as if that kid could already speak full sentences and yeah you wanna pout when the baby’s first words are in fact ‘dada’ but he’s earned it and it’s so worth seeing him tear up and point enthusiastically at you so you watch.
So it’s no surprise to you when baby number two rolls by and the saying is true, you unlock veteran mode and handle that way more gracefully and with way less hiccups. Even Raph has gotten better at the discipline (even if you catch him caving when the kids turn on the water works).
Yes the bed is impossible now with all four of you piled in, yes having alone time is none existent (even if you two quickly found the gift of having the uncles babysit) but it’s worth it, it’s worth the joy and happiness.
By kid three (which you deem the final trilogy) it’s just as surreal, just as stressful and just as lovely.
And he’s there every damn step of the way.
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