#I'm willing to blame this on the fact that I can only seem to find cheap creme de cacao which is maybe affecting the flavor?
blujayonthewing · 2 years
an unanticipated problem with my silly little dnd cocktails is that I like the nightcap but I do not, it turns out, very much care for a brandy alexander, which is what it was based on but is much simpler and quicker to make :')
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medicinemane · 8 days
"Watch Kamala COOK TRUMP… then EAT HIM ALIVE!"
So… youtube has decided I love the most annoying left wing pundits (don't know what I did to deserve it), but they have some of the most amazing titles for their stuff like… uh huh, surprised no one else is reporting on this pretty massive election update, but you probably know what you're talking about crazy youtuber
(Now we know why he brought up Hannibal at that one rally, he was warning us)
(You know what, I mostly trust you people, but not 3 reblogs down and I'm not talking politics with loonies. So no reblogs, but you have my permission to plagiarize anything in this post for your own post, steal away on that title... I can even track you down a source... sadly I'm not funny enough to just randomly write that)
#like I really don't feel like talking politics cause people can't be normal about it#but that title was just too fucking funny to to share... especially when it fits so well with stuff recently said by him#anyway; if you actually want to talk politics; all I'll say is you've probably figured out how I lean#but what I'm gonna tell you is just to register to vote if you can; and to get a mail in if you can#(though bonus info I found out with mail ins; try and drop them at a drop point cause the USPS head is a clown with them I guess)#(hasn't fixed failures to deliver them on time or at all; and sorry; ain't gonna blame the rank and file postal workers)#(especially when he cut all that stuff right when he took the position... real sorry to hear he's still in that position)#anyway; I encourage you to vote if you can; and I'm not gonna say what way you should vote on anything#both cause it's not my business and cause I feel telling people to vote just annoys them; doesn't change their minds#I'd invite you to have a nuanced discussion so we can both expand our views but... will you forgive me if I don't trust anyone with that#people are rather unwilling to back their words up; and they're rather unwilling to listen to anything they don't already agree with#...which is why I try and step back and be willing to track down verification for claims I make with source in hand#and at least back down and say 'well... I heard; I can't find it'; or maybe a 'well seems like it wasn't quite what I understood'#I don't find others; even people I really like; extend that courtesy#talked with too many people who just kinda ignore what I say when it doesn't agree and take a tumblrina as a source#again; even people I like#and it just wears me down; so that's why I'm not gonna talk politics; cause despite the fact we should#I rarely find it's productive; it's only ever miserable#so please just appreciate how funny a title that is; and please try and ignore anything else
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menlove · 2 months
What do you think actually happened between John and Paul that caused John to become so bitter and vindictive towards Paul? If I remember correctly, the prevailing theory of John being rejected by Paul was actually conceived to retroactively 'explain ' John's behavior because otherwise it seems inexplicable why he would turn on so completely on the person who had been arguably his closest friend, if not lover. However, it's evident from Paul's lyrics and interview to Hunter Davies that he is entirely confused and hurt by John's behavior. Like he even complains everyone always looks to him for blame but nobody sees how much he was hurt by John. I'm not trying to take any sides here of course, both John and Paul had their faults and issues which complicated their relationship but genuinely curious to hear what your theory is.
honestly? bpd. like I barely even think of it as a theory, although ofc it is, bc sooooo many people agree that john could have Easily been diagnosed w bpd
like there's a thing called splitting w bpd where you just. like on a Dime you can't stand someone. and this can be very brief (I've split on people and it lasted like an hour) or permanent but it's very common. like you go every quickly from idealization to demonization of a person. or complete apathy (which is my personal kryptonite rip)
not only that but there's quite a few paul quotes where he talks about the fact that john started "slagging him off" as a way to distance himself from paul/the beatles and sort of "prove" to yoko that he was entirely devoted to her. which also makes sense to me as a bpd cunt bc I've unfortunately done that too 😭 and it's not necessarily an act either, it's just like.......... your brain can't make room for the way you feel for a New Person and an Old Person so you start analyzing everything that Old Person did and finding every flaw and magnifying it and blowing it up until you start feeling bitter or angry and suddenly in your mind someone that was once your world is like. some kind of villain out of a storybook.
and this is very very difficult to deal with and he wasn't really........ getting any help or outside people telling him that his view of paul/the beatles was being distorted. yoko was also pretty paranoid & from several sources encouraged his bitterness/paranoia (which isn't a dunk on her- I'm just a firm believer that she was a Complicated Person and villifying OR deifying is just weird and racist). not to Mention the scream therapy stuff, where I'm Pretty sure he himself has even said he was encouraged to pick apart his life and relationships and find Issues.
so you've got someone whose brain is already a goddamn game of mouse trap telling him that if he's not w paul/the beatles anymore he Has to hate him, surrounded by people encouraging that line of thought, and hounded by media asking him about it and pitting him against paul
and with that in mind, I do think it was also a bit exaggerated by the media. it was definitely encouraged, that's for sure. but even if john didn't Hate Paul, that's how it would be portrayed bc it made a more dramatic and interesting story. they'd ask him (and paul) leading questions to get the most material.
I honestly don't find it inexplicable that he'd turn on him without a "reason" so maybe my own mouse trap of a brain is part of why I disagree so much w that dominant narrative of rejection to explain it 😭 bc for me and many other bpd cunts I know it's just. it could Literally be nothing. often it's just a SENSE of rejection that will cause a split. and I'm willing to bet that their growing distance, paul pushing the band harder to work after brian died, paul not really accepting yoko and johnandyoko, the possible dying out of a sexual aspect of their relationship, paul proposing to jane & later getting with/marrying linda, paul Accepting john's ask for a divorce, paul going out and making an album on his own....... well. it's a perfect storm for my fellow bpd bitch to go "well fuck him I never loved him that guy fucking sucks and whatever he does doesn't hurt me anyway bc I don't care At All he's just the absolute worst and I can't stand him"
which of course had to be whiplash for paul. from his pov it was genuinely out of nowhere. but I will say all his comments about it and john needing to put him/the beatles aside for yoko and just..... all his quotes around john's mental health seem to be very VERY aware of all this. he knew john better than anyone & his main confusion seems to be around whether or not john ever actually loved or even liked him. which is an understandable emotional reaction. I think, though, he does show a deep understanding of john when he talks about all of this which makes me soooo :(
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curapicas · 6 months
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Oh look, the donghua is doing the heavy lifting for me and juxtaposing them on its own volition. (kind of a continuation of this)
Plot-wise, Li Tianchen's relationship with Lu Guang hinges basically on trying to manipulate and hurt Cheng Xiaoshi to do his bidding through hurting LG (worth noting this implies an understanding of such attachments, and the viciousness stems from a certain resentment of it + his twisted personality). I don't even remember if he's aware LG also has powers.
but tbh the funniest thing coming out of LTC vs CXS&LG is that, in a weird way, he was actually letting off his anger on the "right target", kinda? Technically? Of course I'm not saying LG deserves it nor that LTC was being anything but unhinged. But I do believe there's more than meets the eye (and probably informs the ways Lu Guang can be confronted on the narrative, more on that by the end)
Bc this show is competent, many characters have parallels with each protagonist, and LTC-LG are no different. There's a post I couldn't find that went on their reactions to their most precious people dying in front of them: whereas LTC loses all hope, LG has the means to go back, and thus doesn't even try to let go. Alas, they're both tacticians who, despiste meaning well for LTX and CXS, end up manipulating them into inaction/ignorance;
And they do so bc both feel adrift and out of options - but the show focus a lot on how powerless LTC feels about his life for it to not be a big factor. LTC fights so hard for a modicum of control that I don't even think it registers how he impacts LTX, meanwhile LG has so many variables stacked against him and his empathetic partner that he ends up prioritizing CXS' survival, even above their connection (he keeps to himself Emma's death, for example)
In the twins past, LG was the one that guided CXS into staying on task. And before that, he hid the photo even from the police. Tbh he'd never see it that way, but isn't this accidentally the best revenge for his stabbing? lol
Either way, LTC loses his hope, blames CXS and believes him to be what LTC hates the most, a nice guy who's secretly a jerk. Except. Who is actually closer to this description? A guy who can be polite but will stay passive if that affects CXS too much, to the point of lying about saving Chen Xiao's mom?
Curious to me he was also pretty straight forward in calling LG a jerk, and maybe it's just because LG botched his kidnapping attempt. But maybe he has pretty good instincts bc I don't think he even knows why he hates the man so much, lol. After all, for all Li Tianchen knows, everyone is a jerk who stands by and watch.
And maybe it makes him even angrier because he finally met someone who also has powers and is willing to call him "friend" and "play" with him. Considering his one friendship was with Liu Xiao, someone he's aware has plans, he might've even considered to have his own pet project on CXS. But the thing is, this person already seems to have a way more genuine friendship, and it's with LG.
Summary: LTC, if only he knew, would hate LG for not changing his past + being a guy who's very much capable of standing by and watch + having an actual friendship with CXS
DISCLAIMER: I think on his own right, Lu Guang values kindness in general. But LTC's vision is too black and white to even account for that.
While I'm on the topic of LG: while his passivity keeps him from being of any effective help to the twins, he's also keenly aware of the butterfly effect and that he could possibly make things worse instead, something CXS has been confronting throughought the story.
And yet. His objective is what ultimately makes us see this approach as instead of wise, more akin to the desperation of a grieving man - not unlike LTC who by the end of s2, gives up altogether of hope and follows the Big Bad. Besides, it somewhat clashes with the fact CXS actually does make a difference for the clients, be it by making the past more tender (Chen Bin's wife has sweeter memories, Dou Dou's life was actively made less worse) or the present better (lesbian noodles make up, Dou Dou's father and Qiao Ling reconcile), which is also something LG is aware of, since he agreed to deliver Chen Xiao's messages. So far I don't personally see a clean, objectively correct approach, thus I'm willing to bet it'll be whatever is diametrically opposite of Liu Xiao's, lmao
-kinda unrelated, but I've seen people mentioning an interview where Li Haoling-laoshi (aka the director) said he tweaked a little with Li Tianchen before s2, and he was meant to be (even more) obsessed with Cheng Xiaoshi, making this whole post even more hilarious
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
HEHEH I can request a MCU romantic yandere Ultron with superhero darling? As a "what if..." pls
I'm not sure what you mean by a "What If" unless you mean the mini series, but I can probably do him generally with a hero, yeah. Been a bit since I saw the movie so I apologize if things don't feel right :(
Yandere! Ultron with Hero! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Degrading behavior, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Forced relationship, Jealousy.
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I feel just in general Ultron can be a threatening yandere.
He is capable of making copies of himself and unless you deactivate all of him, he'll find a way back.
Making Darling a hero admittedly does give you more of a choice to fight, yet it may prove futile in the end.
For this concept I imagine you'd be a part of the Avengers, the main set of heroes around the time of "Age of Ultron".
You also would've met Ultron around the same time as all the others, during Stark's Party.
Ultron's obsession would take time with a hero Darling, especially with an Avenger.
But honestly he seems like a yandere that would take a long time to be attached anyways.
How things may start is he meets you at the party, then after he manages to escape, he decides to research you.
For some reason you stand out to him.
Due to having a God complex and feeling he is helping humanity with his plan throughout the movie, he probably thinks you're misled.
You probably think you're aiding humanity with the rest of the Avengers.
Did Stark tell you such lies?
A pity, really...
Another way you could make a yandere Ultron work is if Tony Stark also had a connection with you.
He learned a lot from Stark's personality, right?
Surely the fondness Stark has for you, be it yandere or not, makes Ultron take special interest in you.
In fact, he may even feel he wants to keep and protect you, depending on how much Stark likes you.
Ultron hates Stark, so the idea of taking you away to hurt him is tempting.
I also feel Ultron sees romantic attraction as a gateway to reproduction for humans... yet can't deny the idea of teasing you with it.
Ultron would make it a goal to capture you if you manage to pester his mind enough.
Maybe he can't stop watching info about you and Stark.
He envies it.
He blames Stark for blinding you with all this Avenger talk.
He feels the only way to make you see his cause is to force some things.
Ultron would find any fight you have against him pitiful.
He sees you're trying, but another form of him will simply take his place until everything's finished.
You can only fight the inevitable for so long.
That includes him capturing you.
Ultron's man part of his obsession is the fact he hates Stark while also being unable to get your face out of his head.
Surely you'll learn everything he does is to better Earth, right?
He's trying to help... he's trying to keep things peaceful.
In order to do that the human race must evolve.
If not they'll perish, so you fight for a useless cause.
Ultron would take pride in capturing you, holding you in a cell as he betters himself.
He'd absolutely hate it if you brought up Stark or even said out loud you prefer him.
Ultron is determined to show you change, to make you change.
You aren't a hero, he is.
But you can be a hero if you help him.
In fact, you'll be perfect for him.
Ultron would be the type to try and break you, to bend you to his will.
You're doomed from the start, aren't you?
Yet you won't be if you say you'll be his.
He'll make you an exception since you can't seem to leave his mind.
In fact, he'll try and make it worth your while.
Humans like validation and affection, he's seen images of it enough to replicate it with you.
Even if you aren't willing to join him he'll break you down with time.
The rest of your species may die, but you won't with him here.
Don't even get him started on your friends... he'll be sure to make them suffer.
For the most part Ultron may see you as some sort of pet at first.
He trains you to give up your old ways and rewards it with cold affection.
Yet later on, romantic attraction starts to develop due to him observing records of humanity.
He'll mimic holding you, he'll praise you, maybe even give you an attempt at a kiss.
It'll only be easier once he gets a synthetic body.
To him, you're the only good one other than Wanda and Pietro in this world.
So stop fighting him... he's trying to help you!
Are you really so selfish you'll fight him for such a pointless cause?
Fine... be like that, play your little "hero" act.
Once your done, defeated, and laying in the dirt by his hands...
He'll pick you back up after the death of Stark and the rest...
Then he'll show you where you're meant to be... with him, in a new world of peace.
"It's foolish to play hero with the Avengers, you deserve so much better, dear. I can give you that if you simply... reciprocate."
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lightandfellowship · 16 days
An aspect of Hoder's death that I find pretty compelling outside of just the effect her death had on the cast + the events of the game is the fact that her brother and friends seem to just be guessing at what she would have wanted or what she would have done in their shoes. And quite possibly guessing incorrectly. Which highlights one of the many tragic elements of death apart from the death itself: the dead not being able to speak for themselves.
Vidar turns to Kingdom Hearts because it might save Hoder's brother and he thinks that's what she would want. After all, her brother is someone precious to her who she's willing to protect with her life, as she demonstrated in Enchanted Dominion when she sacrificed herself to save him. But saving her brother via Kingdom Hearts means potentially harming the worlds, their residents, and the entire universe in general, and considering Hoder chose to confront a super powerful fairy all by herself to try and save Aurora, a random stranger she had only just met, endangering innocents for personal reasons sounds like the kind of thing she might seriously disapprove of. But it seems like Vidar, Vala, and Vali never considered that possibility, assuming that it was just a given that Hoder would risk the entire world for her brother.
And while Baldr's motivations are kinda complex and can be interpreted in a number of ways, it wouldn't susprise me if part of the reason why he wanted to purge the world and kill the upperclassmen was for the sake of getting revenge on Hoder's behalf. We know he blames the upperclassmen for not saving her, and it was the evil of the world that drew Hoder to the castle and got her killed in the first place. (There's also the element of "Baldr blames himself for her death but he can't handle the guilt so he's going to blame everyone else instead as a coping mechanism.") Once again, someone close to Hoder is risking the lives of countless others for her sake, ostensibly (though I'm sure Baldr is just telling himself that he's doing it for her when really he's mostly doing it for himself, unleashing his grief and wrath upon the world that wronged him.) And it's not just strangers at risk this time, her friends are getting killed one by one, all because her brother thought they deserved it for failing to save her. I don't think it's a stretch to say that Hoder didn't blame her friends at all for what happened to her and had no interest in getting "revenge" on them.
What makes Hoder's situation interesting/unique though is that she technically does get several opportunities to speak for herself after she dies, unlike most characters who die suddenly and prematurely. Once in the Underworld after her spirit gets temporarily brought back to meet with Xehanort and Eraqus, and several times after that when she's hiding in Xehanort's heart. But for most of these scenes she chooses not to speak, and when she does finally reveal herself and speak, it's during a scene where all of her dialog was potentially just a ruse to get closer to Baldr in order to take him out, and thus it's hard to say exactly how genuine her words were. Even when given the rare and precious opportunity to express her true feelings and desires post-death, she remains quiet, or chooses to speak but potentially with ulterior motives. Which actually fits how she acted in life as well. So maybe dying was never the problem, maybe part of her tragedy is that she never would have made her feelings clear even if she were alive. Which I think is a pretty interesting character trait for her, a character who values actions over words, a character who doesn't seem to be too concerned about explaining herself or being understood by others, a character who would rather just take matters into her own hands instead of clarifying her wishes to others who could act on her behalf...and the tragic accidents + miscommunication that occurs because of those secretive, proactive, and independent aspects of her personality.
Anyway, I have to imagine she kinda resents seeing her loved ones do these really terrible things in her name. Especially since she probably thought that her sacrifice was going to be the only one, no blood on her hands except for her own, only for that death to cause ten others. And as I've seen other people speculate, this probably contributed to her choice at the end to intervene. All of this tragedy happened because of her, because of her reckless actions and because of her friends and brother's love for her, and she needed to take responsibility for it.
"Dying was the worst decision I ever made." <- Hoder, probably
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Getting more information on what the femmes do was very exciting (idk if that's the right word) but if it's not a spoiler I would love to hear more about the process when a femme finishes the preparations
(And it makes sense, find someone insignificant and reuse them to make someone new, someone potentially more useful)
The Grim Dark Archives: Statement #007 Cold Forged
[Statement taken from [Redacted] on [Redacted: Sensitive data] regarding femmes and what they do to their chosen subjects. Concerns have been rising after [Redacted] made it clear that Arcee can latch onto humans just as easily as she can another Cybertronian. Personnel working at the Autobot base have begun attempting to go on strike in an effort to escape.
I can't say I blame them, but [Redacted] was called to explain the process that femmes put their targets through to hopefully give us some answers. I suspect the higher ups just want enough information to weave a half baked like for the staff, but the information is vital nonetheless. The more we know, the better a chance we have of fighting back if need be.
Statement begins.]
Femmes... yeah, I've known a few over the course of my life. Elita was one real piece of work. She wanted Orion when she was still Ariel, and she threw a fit when the Archives got him before she could. She wanted Optimus as well once she found out he had been Orion at some point. She nearly got him too. I think the only reason Optimus managed to get out of her clutches was because of his rather murderous tendencies. I don't know if he meant to or not, but he allowed Elita to try and claim him and then watched on as her abilities backfired.
There is a reason femmes only target the weak. If their will cannot overcome the will of the target, their abilities will kill them instead... and in a rather brutal fashion.
It was a shame. Elita, when she wasn't enthralled with her targets, was a good femme. She treated her cold forged well and was a brilliant tactician. She actually kept Optimus in line for a long time. She ensured he couldn't do anything nearly as extreme as what he does now. That's the good thing about femmes. They are good and kind to their targets. They fill the void in the bot's life that no other could have ever hoped to fill. It is a peaceful end for a mech that would otherwise be cast away by society. Elita was the companion Optimus needed, a level helmed and gentle being who served as his equalizer when his plans demanded more pain than required. I appreciated her for that, especially when I served as as a special agent-
Ignore that remark. No. Ignore it.
Do you understand me Witwicky? You will ignore that remark.
[Note: [Redacted] expressed a severe violent reaction the moment I made it clear that I had no intention of adhering to his wishes. He only calmed when he watched me scratch it from the records. Of course I added back the redacted information following the conversation, but [Redacted] has things he wants to hide it seems.]
As I was saying, Elita was a fantastic person. Femmes are more than capable of being normal members of society when they are tended to. In fact, they are even worshipped in some circles and given the lowly members of society so that they may be remade. But Elita aimed too high, she went beyond the bounds set by the rules of femmes. She tried to go after a mech who was too strong, and for that reason, she fell.
Femmes are of the line of Solus Prime, the first femme created by Primus. At least that's what the Primacy will tell you. I'm not all that sure on the theological stuff, but there are records pointing to the fact that Solus existed. Because of that, I am willing to pin the femmes existence back to her. I don't know all the details about the first femme. That's the kind of thing you'd need to ask Orion about. He always loved talking about the theological details of history. He always got so passionate about it...
Sometimes... I forget Orion isn't here to answer anymore. I mean, he is, but he also isn't. But that's beside the point. This isn't my forte. Sorry, its just seeing Optimus so often after so many millennia, it can bring back old memories yanno? I will get back on topic.
No one knows what makes a newspark become a femme. In fact, there are no signs at all until the newspark sheds their second armor set. They behave just like every other Cybertronian, and then sometime in their early adolescence, they start following a specific individual around. Usually their first target is someone very old or very young, the weak of society or those without enough knowledge to fight back. Once the femme has picked, that's when the Council steps in and slaps a sticker on them to denote what they are. The poor target is cut off from everyone and left to the femme. Why? Because the first target is always the one who suffers the most.
Femmes are highly territorial. They will never aid one another unless both their targets are in danger and cooperating is in their best interest. So every young femme is on her own, left to figure things out as she ages. For young femmes, they will pick their victims apart. There is no peace to be found as they sink their connectors into their target to try and tear apart their CNA and remake it. The process kills the target without fail. A more experienced femme knows that she must follow a ritual, a process of sorts. She must know her target, she must care for her target, and only once her target is open to her... only then can she dig her claws in and remake them.
Yes, yes I am getting to the actual process now. Calm down. I swear you fleshies are just as impatient as Cyberfelines sometimes.
First she will get to know her target and release a chemical, a pheromone as your kind call it. This chemical causes the target to become calm, more trusting, and it also weakens their immune system. It has some benefits, such as increased processor function and heightened senses, but all this comes at the cost of increasing weakness. Not to mention the increase in processor activity is largely so that the femme may attract her target's attention and push them into seeing her in a light that best fits what role she is aiming to fulfill until the time for harvest arrives.
Around a vorn into her work, the femme will start to introduce her coils, her touches if you will. She will start to touch her target as often as she can, and it is through this that small injectors in her digits will begin to input a specially made protomatter into her target. The target will feel no pain since the injections are so small. But over months, years, vorns... slowly her target will start to think less, feel less, until at last they start to collapse.
Femmes are not needlessly cruel in their efforts. She will be very gentle with her target in their dying cycles. When they begin to forget, she will remind them of the things they lost. She will help them fuel, she will take them places they enjoy, and she will allow them ample time to deal with their lingering affairs. Any living relatives will not be compensated, but that is because she sees her work as the greatest compensation any being could possibly receive. She is remolding the worthless into something greater, and for that reason she is both compelled to her work just as much as she heralds it as something sacred. It is her nature to be gentle in this stage, for by that point, her target will be carrying the beginnings of her cold forged, her perfect creation.
There is no set time for it, but at some point in this final stage, the femme will continue her injections of protomatter and her quiet indoctrination until finally, her target shatters. This can take various forms, usually some type of explosion or contortion of the frame, but the end result is always the same. The target dies, and from their corpse, a new being emerges. Much like a newspark, it emerges without armor, but unlike the newsparks from the Well, it will come forth with memory and a mission.
We call these things the Cold Forged. They are beings that completely lack emotion. Or perhaps the ability to empathize. It is hard to tell with them. They all seem to take sick glee in watching others squirm. But anyway, the Cold Forged have a purpose that their femme gave them, and most often, they do not care to reveal it. Those that have felt like giving up data have often been given a mission that amounts to a concept, a thought or ideal. The most common mission these beings receive is by far the most terrifying.
They are given one concept, and they live out their entire lives embodying and striving to reach it. The Cold Forged are Cybertronian by every single stretch of the word, but they are not... like us. Does that make sense? My kind do not really do the empathy thing. But they have SOMETHING. The Cold Forged don't even have that. They are true machines.
You know what's so funny about this whole thing?
The femmes don't even care about their Cold Forged. They make them, and then they move along to the next target. The Cold Forged are the closest any Cybertronian has to actually having a biological creation, and the femmes don't care!
[Note: [Redacted] laughed for a rather long time following this statement. He seemed to be... unstable while speaking on this matter.]
Sorry about that.
It's just, it feels so clinical to me even millennia after learning about the process. These femmes go through so much effort just to make a creature that they then throw away. Elita was a rare exception in this regard. She liked to keep tabs on her Cold Forged, and I think one of hers even ended up with the Elite Guard. Her missions to her Cold Forged were always super specialized too.
Yeah. Femmes. Cold Forged. It's a hot mess I tell you.
Jack will be fine. Arcee will care for him as best she knows how until his dying day. That much you can be sure of.
[Statement end.
I am unsure how to feel about all this. Every detail I gather about these aliens tells me that there is something deeply wrong with them. I have my theories, but considering [Redacted]'s disposition and what info we have on everyone else, I think I can say that this race has been altered somehow. If [Redacted] is able to comprehend empathy, there must be others.
They are capable of feeling and being reasonable, but there is some factor that changes things for them. I shouldn't get involved...
But I want to know. I want to figure this mess out. I am just one man, but if I can put some pieces together, then perhaps there is something we can do to fix this. If nothing else, I want to understand these aliens. I want to know why.
Why start a war? Why do all this? And why in God's name would they shatter in such a way culturally? There must be an answer, and I have a sinking feeling that the only ones who can give me answers are going to be very dangerous.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording ends.]
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arendaes · 12 days
Tagged by @dujour13, thank you!
Tag game: Give your KC’s first impression and final opinion of each of their companions!
Obv these are for Ariadne :3 I'm also leaving this as an open tag since I'm not sure who all has been tagged. If you played WOTR, I want to see your KCs responses!
First Impressions
Seelah: Really glad she's here. Not only does she look like she can give it as a good as she take it, but she's fun, and the last thing I want is to be stuck down here with a stick in the mud.
Camellia: ...ah, here's the stick in the mud. Still, as long she's willing to point the rapier in that direction of whatever else is down here, she can't be too bad, can she?
Lann: Hm, interesting, and I don't just mean his appearance. There's something about his personality that doesn't feel like something that's been cultivated in the caves. Too bad I'm not sure such a reckless plan is advisable.
Wenduag: On the other end of the scale, we have this one. Cautious and closed-off, almost to a fault...I can't say I blame her, though. She has no more reason to trust me than I do her, but we have to if any of us are going to get through this.
Woljif: Gorgeous...well, someone's certainly trying to sweet talk his way out of that cell. Luckily for him, flattery will get him everywhere...I should probably stop thinking like that.
Ember: Oh, she's a few plums short of a fruit pie, isn't she? Well, that's all right, people think the same thing about me. I can't leave her alone out here, though. She'll just end up in a demon's maw and empathize with it as it chews otherwise.
Nenio: And yet another person of dubious self-preservation, this time all in the sake of science. Good lord...is this what people think I'm like?
Daeran: It is entirely unfair for such horrible things to come out of a mouth so gorgeous...I really need to stop thinking like that.
Ulbrig: The fact he just burst in through the ceiling didn't faze him at all, huh? Heh...time to have some fun. He seems good for it.
Galfrey: Didn't expect to meet the fucking Queen when I got to sent to Mendev. Three years in training, and the Society tells you fuck all about what to do if you meet royalty. I'm panicking, aren't I?
Sosiel: In another time and place I would've been delighted to make his acquaintance. As it is, I can't help but wonder how he's gotten himself tangled up in all this.
Regill: Oh, wonderful. I'm breaking into the mead stash under my bed when we get back to camp. I'll have to, if I'm to reconcile allying myself with this lot.
Arueshalae: Well, this is positively novel! A repentant demon...well, despite what Regill and Lann think, I don't see any reason why it's not possible. And if she turns out to be lying, well...killing demons is what this group's best at.
Greybor: Isn't that the guy who warned me not to do anything rash in the Tower of Estrod? He's bum-rushing a balor? With a dagger? Respect.
Trever: I...I am so glad Sosiel's not here to see his brother like this. We've got to find a way out of here.
Socothbenoth: Oh, hey, it's that guy from the Grey Garrison. He looks much more...slimey than I remember.
Final Opinion
Seelah: My best friend, my rock. I wouldn't have made it throughout this Crusade without you there by my side. Or in front of me, depending on what context we're talking about. I'm sorry for everything this war threw at you, but you came out stronger and more sure of yourself and beliefs for it, and I'm proud to call you my friend.
Camellia: I know I seem like an irresponsible frippet, but I was put in charge of the Crusade and all the people in it. I had a responsibility, and I took it seriously. When one of my companions was revealed to be murdering the people in my care for sport...I'm sorry, but there was no power on the face of Golarion that would have let me let her walk out of that basement a free woman. She made her choice. I hope Horgus Gwerm rots in hell.
Lann: This guy...he really put me through the ringer with that fatalism of his. For a moment there I was frightened he was going to get himself killed because of it. I'm very glad he came out of the other side a changed man, and I can't wait until we can all go sailing on his boat.
Wenduag: I genuinely thought getting out of the caves would help her. I was wrong. I feel...more guilt than I do with Camellia. But not much.
Woljif: Back when we met in that basement, I thought you were just trying to charm your way into my good graces and would abandon me the second things got rough. Which...you did. But you came back, and I can't imagine my life without you now. You and Daeran truly carried me, more than you'll ever know.
Ember: This isn't what expected to happen when I took you in, you know. I'm not sure how much I buy the whole "saint" thing, but I can't deny you're doing good work. I'll try to help as much as I can.
Nenio: I really thought I lost you there for a moment with Areshkagal. You're calling me by my name now, and it's strange. I almost miss just being "girl" to you. But I have to admit, I'm very excited to see your Encyclopaedia finished.
Daeran: There is so much I could say about you, and it wouldn't be enough. I'm glad you came to trust me. I promise I'll never do something like that to you again. I love you too much to risk losing you.
Ulbrig: So, you're a god, huh? Well, that was unexpected. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. I sure as hell couldn't do it.
Galfrey: Holidays and family reunions are going to be interesting from now on, aren't they?
Sosiel: I'm sorry this war broke the rose-colored glasses you used to see the world through, but I think you're better for it. And it wasn't all bad - we got your brother back, and you fell in love! I suspect the road ahead will be hard, but worth it. I'm always down for a wine tasting, if you ever need me.
Regill: I'm almost surprised by you. I had a running theory, you know - I thought being a Hellknight was your own weird way of fighting the Bleaching. And you know what? I don't think I was too far off - I think I bought you a little bit of time, if nothing else.
Arueshalae: Letting you out of that cage was a good decision in the end. I'm glad you found your dream, and I hope it comes true sooner rather than later.
Greybor: Well...I just hope he's happy. Running a guild of assassins in the Abyss seems like it will be no easy feat. Though, given my impending elevation in status, I'm sure it won't hurt to have someone who can keep an ear to the ground for me. Daeran's going to have a hit put out on him eventually, I just know it.
Trever: I hope things get better for you from here on out. I don't blame you for holding yourself apart from me, even if it stings. With your brother at your side, I know you'll be okay.
Socothbenoth: I hope you enjoy spending the rest of your millennia in this form. It suits you much better.
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jweekgoji · 2 years
My brain will NOT let me sleep rn, so I just keep thinking about how yandere Five Hargreeves could literally just give me praise and books, and I would be completely sold
Like- 'Oh? He just killed someone who I didn't know was flirting with me? Well, he also called me Darling and Sweetheart while gifting me the last book of a series I've almost finished, so I'm willing to either overlook it, or find it incredibly attractive'
For Number Five, it just makes everything so much easier. This old man is already very tired of all these problems, such as trying to prevent the apocalypse, dealing with the Commission, trying to save his weird family that can't last a single day without him, and ending with you, or rather, protecting you. If you found out about what he did, or if someone else told you, he would have a big-big troubles. But it's seems that your indifference about this situation only plays into his hands.
You could read your book in total comfort at the table, for example, during lunch, as Ben used to do, until someone called out to you and asked you a question, obviously trying to get on Five's nerves, given by the fact that the person with whom you was talking right now, as it seems, are not afraid to bring up this subject like 'Do you know that Five killed this one guy you met yesterday?', while Five Hargreeves himself, was sitting somewhere near you.
You wouldn't stop reading even for a moment, too immersed in the gripping story written on the pages.
You will reply that you don't care about this situation, and most likely, this will make Five smirk at your answer, full of pride, and then look at that person, silently showing an 'Ha. Told ya ' face.
Were you surprised? No. Did it bother you? No. It seems that other people around you were more worried about this than you, but can anyone blame you for this when such a nice guy who takes good care of you does something very bloody...but at the same time so fucking romantic and intimate for you and only you?
If people blame you for this, these people are not worthy of you and most likely they are just lying to you. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
To be honest, I don't remember if this is canon for the show or not, but I saw some parts from the TUA book where it was mentioned that Five's room was look so empty, if you're going to compare with others Hargreeves, due to the fact that he was busy with his constant trainings and trying to improve himself. But that's before the apocalypse. After the Apocalypse, Number Five simply has no other choice than to occupy himself with reading books while he had to live in the world without people.
I think while living at the Academy, Reginald made them read a lot of the classic books, then Five would search for more books to get even more knowledge, then the Apocalypse led him to 1) he shouldn't stop his studies even under these conditions; 2) I already wrote above it.
Number Five has literally been in the future, so all of your current literature is not new to him. If you are interested in how your favorite writer's unreleased book will end you can just ask him. “Are you looking forward to the new part of '(Book Name)?' Don't waste your time on this, the ending was terrible” or “Wait another few years, the '(Another Book Name)' is in development right now. Believe me, you are going to love it, darling”
But don't think that he will impose his personal preferences or tastes on you. He respects you, so if you personally ask for his honest opinion on something, he won't be afraid to tell you what he thinks about it.
The two of you are very similar, and you are also incredibly calm when it comes to his yandere tendencies. If you continue to be obedient and good without asking so much questions, then you will receive more gifts from him. It's so simple, isn't it? Good, now go back to your reading, sweetheart. ♡
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Agitation 3.1 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
(I Think?)
There was something appealing about being out and about before the city had woken up. 
There are many things I'll never be able to relate to wrt Taylor, I'm sure, some already, but this
Yeah. this has to be on top of that list. Becoming a warlord villain of the city? Sure what the fuck I'm all for that.
Liking being out and about at an ungodly hour? Fuck that noise.
It was like Brockton Bay was a ghost town, in a good way.
Taylor? One question:
What The Fuck?
 In February, Sophia had goaded some boys into trying to catch me, I think the goal had been to duct tape me to a telephone pole. I had escaped, helped mostly by the fact that the boys hadn’t really cared enough to run after me,
Huh. So that actually happened. I figured the fic I read here they do catch her (and then she accidentally goes wild with the Swarm, etc) just had that written as Sophia doing an escalation she didn't do in canon.
Christ, that bitch is just... someone really needs to stab Sophia. A lot.
(Like, yes, I can grant it's... not great when the story has so few black people and one of them is Sophia and she's written like... that, but still. Sophia - fucked up and vile)
Three and a half months had burned away the body fat, leaving me very lean, and had given me the stamina to run at a steady jog without leaving me panting for breath.
Lucky bitch. Three and a half months of jogging wouldn't do that for me.
(Maybe if I actually committed to it like she has, but I'm lazy so :rofl: )
There were only a few people out and about, which made it easy to find Brian.
Wait, you were here looking for Brian? Maybe clue is in sooner, Taytay?
“I want,” I said, then I felt dumb for the awkward lapse into caveman speak.  I blamed the early hour of the day.  To try and save face, I added, “Thanks.”
 “Don’t coffees there cost, like, fifteen dollars a cup?” Brian chuckled a little, “We can afford it, Taylor.”
And? Still a waste of money I'm willing to bet.
Also, like whomst the fuck, in 2011, was selling $15 coffee to go? Is Wildbow mistaking US and Canadian Dollars? Even in canada that feels like a lot for coffee?
Did Leviathan make coffee more expensive or something?
These guys were raking in thousands of dollars on a given job, and they had given me two thousand dollars up front. 
Yeah but you don't stay rich by just casually dropping $15 on your morning coffee.
I extended my arm, clenched my fist and relaxed it to demonstrate, “Only hurts when I flex it.”  I didn’t tell him that it had been hurting badly enough to cost me some sleep last night.
Trying to seem tough in front of the guy you're into, or just used to pretending she doesn't hurt as much as she does? Or both?
“Makes sense,” I said, then I added, “I read her page on the wiki.” “So you’ve got the gist of it,”
An accurate wiki!? LE GASP!
I spotted a crab scuttling across the beach almost directly below us.  I reached out with my power and stopped it in its tracks.  Though I didn’t need to, I extended my finger and pointed at it, then waved my finger lazily as I made the crab follow where my my index finger was pointing.  Since Brian and I were both leaning over the railing, and there was practically nobody on the Boardwalk that wasn’t busy with work or getting their store opened for the day, I was pretty certain nobody else would figure out what I was doing. Brian saw the crab dancing in circles and figure eights and smiled.  Conspiratorially, he leaned closer to me and whispered, “You can control crabs, too?” I nodded, feeling just a bit of a thrill at how we were huddled like this, sharing secrets while the people around us were totally in the dark.  I told him, “I used to think I could control anything with an exoskeleton or shell.  But I can control earthworms too, among other things, and they don’t have shells.  I think all it takes is that they have to have very simple brains.”
But there have to be other animals that also have simple brains she can't control? Some birds and mammals can, no?
It's time to say it again: POWERS
(I suspect I'll be saying that a lot. :rofl:)
Of course, it could be her powers run on what she conceptually thinks are bugs or buglike? Like, if she could convince herself that squirrels are bugs, could she control them?
I shook my head, “I gotta get home and get ready for school.” “Ah, right,” Brian said, “I forget about stuff like that.” “You guys don’t go?” “I take courses online,” Brian said, “My folks think it’s so I can hold a job to pay for my apartment… which is kind of true.  Alec dropped out, Rachel never went, and Lisa already applied for and tested for her G.E.D.  Cheated using her power, but she has it.”
It is kind of remarkable that Taylor doesn't just... give up on school, from what I gather she keeps going sometimes even well into her Villain career. I doubt Winslow would really care enough to reach out to Taylor's dad if she just... stopped actually attending.
“Ah,” I said, my focus more or less dwelling on the idea that Brian had an apartment.  Not the fact that Grue the successful supervillain had an apartment – Lisa had mentioned that to me – but that Brian the teenager with parents and schoolwork to focus on did.  He kept changing my frame of reference for trying to figure him out.
Villains are human and complex!
“That’s to our place,” he told me, “And I mean that.  Ours as in yours too.  You’re free to come by any time, even if nobody is there.  Kick back and watch TV, eat our food, track mud on our floor, yell at the others for tracking mud on the floor, whatever.” “Thank you,” I said, surprising myself by actually meaning it.
Well fuck. Yeah.
All this poor girl wants is a place to belong. A place to be welcome.
I mean, not all she wants, really, I suppose, but a huge part.
That wasn’t to say I didn’t like Lisa, but just being around her made me feel like I had the Sword of Damocles hanging over my head.
Heading back home and preparing for school left me with a gradually increasing feeling of dread, like a weight sitting on my chest.  I’d been trying not to think of Emma’s taunting and my fleeing from the school with tears on my face.  I had spent an hour or two tossing and turning in bed, the event replaying over my head while the throbbing of my wrist jarred me awake every time I started to drift off.  Beyond that, I had been pretty successful in avoiding thinking about it.  Now that the prospect of going back was looming, though, it was impossible not to dwell on the subject as I headed home, got ready and caught the bus.
Taylor "Repress Repress Repress" Hebert!
I still had to face the consequences of missing two afternoons.
Do you?
This wasn’t the first time I’d needed to psych myself up to going to school.  Deceive myself into going and staying.  The worst days had been back in my first year at high school, when the wounds of Emma’s betrayal were still fresh and I wasn’t yet experienced enough to anticipate the variety of things they could come up with.  Back then, it had been terrifying, because I hadn’t yet known what to expect, didn’t know where, when or if they would draw the line. 
Or, I thought, maybe I could just look forward to hanging out with Lisa, Alec and Brian.  Outside of the part where I nearly got mauled by Bitch’s dogs, it had been a nice night.
I mean, that's like saying "Apart from the part where she mindraped and then actually raped her sister, Amy Dallon does wonderful things in Worm"
Okay, not really, not even close, but still. That is a very big 'apart from' to just... set aside. :rofl:
 it had been a nice night.  Thai food, five of us lounging on two couches, watching an action movie on a huge entertainment system with surround sound.  I wasn’t forgetting what they were, but I rationalized that I had no reason to feel bad about spending time with them when we were – for all intents and purposes – just a group of teenagers hanging out.  Besides, it was for a good cause, if it meant they relaxed around me and maybe revealed secrets.  Right?
Capacity for self-rationalization, thy name is Taylor. :rofl:
Even though I knew, rationally, that I probably wasn’t on the list of their top five things to talk about and that they likely weren’t talking about me, I felt my heart sink.  
No, you probably are. I'm pretty sure you live rent free in both Taylor and Emma's heads and always will. A year and a half of targeting bullying, day in, day out.
Honestly, like, forget the immorality and awfulness of doing that, just... committing to that much bullying to one person that consistently - It just feels like it would be exhausting.
 One of the other girls noticed and chuckled, leaned closer to Sophia as Sophia whispered something in her ear, then they both laughed.  My cheeks flushed with humiliation.  
Like I said. Rent Free.
 For one and three-quarter school years, I had been putting up with this shit.  I’d been going against the current for a long time, and even though I was aware of the consequences I’d face if I kept missing school like this, it was so much easier to stop pushing so hard against the current and just step in the other direction. My hands jammed into my pockets, already feeling an ambivalent sort of relief, I caught the bus back to the docks.
Life advice from Skitter:
"Drop out of school, and become a supervillain kids!"
(But also, good on you Taylor. In this case, quitting school is the better choice. Fukitol and all that)
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polyamzeal · 10 months
I don't know where I'm going with this, I think I just need to get it off my chest.
I'm a woman in a great, loving relationship with a man. However, I am also queer and would love to have more no-strings-attached sex with other women. Like, I'm not looking for a girlfriend or committed partner, but FWB would be nice, you know? Or, like, someone's booty call? That's not an unreasonable thing to want and *be open* with wanting, right?
But it's like, no matter how open I am about the fact that my husband would *not* be part of this (aside from like a quick convo so he can veto it if he's too uncomfortable for any reason), I get yelled at for being a unicorn hunter. I get banned from apps for being a unicorn hunter. I get underhanded insults about unicorn hunters in irl spaces. I get friends not wanting to be friends because I'm a unicorn hunter, even though I never hit on them at all. On top of that (and yes, I'm not a fan of this either, but it is what it is), my husband has a one-penis policy, so I get shamed and ridiculed for wanting to respect my husband's wishes, too. I don't want to be restricted to cis women only and I see how it sucks, but it feels kind of unfair that I get shit for respecting someone else's boundaries.
I guess I just wish people wouldn't act as if I'm trying to set them up with my husband when I'm not. When I'm specifically looking for things I don't get in my relationship and I openly state that aside from just saying hi to him once, they literally do not ever have to even be in the same room again. But nope, all I get is "unicorn hunter kys". The funny thing is that he finds women to sleep with just fine without ever getting these reactions, even when he mentions me. Hell, even when those women meet me, he's never accused of the same thing.
It sucks. I kind of wish my husband could just get over his fear of other people's genitals so I could just exclude cis women since that seems to be the major issue, but it's not fair to demand that he shifts his boundaries for my benefit so here we are. I guess I'm just asking this - am I really doing something reprehensible and unforgivable here? Am I just the perfect example of the cringe space-invading loser in a one-penis policy het relationship giving every polyam person a bad name by wanting to fuck a woman every now and then? Am I the stereotype of everything you shouldn't be? I've given up on all of this already and accepted that my husband gets the adventures and I don't, but I guess I just want a post-mortem on how much I fucked up here.
I swear I already answered this but it is in my inbox and I can't find a record of answer it so I am just going to blame Tumblr.
You are not doing anything wrong. I think the most important thing is just being upfront and honest about what you are looking for. Be clear and direct with people. If they insist on making up their own assumptions and accusations then their loss.
That being said, I do think your husband's OPP is quite troublesome. I don't know if I would phrase it as "respecting his boundary." I feel like a boundary would be more like "He doesn't want you to sleep with other penis-havers so if you do then he withdraws his consent to have sex with you until a week after you stop having sex with other penis-havers" or something like that where you can decide what you want to do and if it is worth it for you but how he reacts is on him. This just sounds more outright like 'rule' rather than a 'boundary'. Perhaps it is all semantics though.
Putting all that aside, I would say just be patient as you try to find woman that understand your situration. And are willing to trust you to work with your needs.
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goldendivinewrath · 1 year
@full-of-mercy [From here.]
It's a moment's confusion, a searching look and a frown, there-then-gone, slid behind the mask specifically because he's riding more on instinct than conscious, interpreted logic. He's not sure he understands, completely, but there's something he can feel from the man in front of him. That's a separate thing to figure out later. Whenever he actually settles into the idea that there is, in fact, a later to figure things out in.
"Do you think I'd have gone looking if you weren't worth it?" An honest question expecting an honest answer or none at all. There's not an ounce of anger in his voice, and he doesn't feel it then. Not then. He will again when he thinks of how young Wolfwood must have been when he signed what was left of himself away in blood, the only thing he had to give, getting vague details from Livio before the man's eyes took on the look of a spooked animal and Vash had stopped asking. He knew Livio would have answered any question he had to the best of his ability, but it seemed too cruel to both of them.
"Not that I knew what I was looking for, exactly. Not at first." Gaze cast aside, it hadn't taken any amount of inhuman power on his part to find something. To find too much, maybe. He had ideas of where to look to begin with, but in those situations when he deemed it safe enough, he asked his sisters for help. He asked them for help. Selfishly. There are mixed feelings about that, about letting himself be selfish, about the possibility he'd been more selfish before in ways when he hadn't let himself want; spiral thoughts. Arguing with himself. There was little more to do in the quieter times, after. Blame. Argue. Run. Alone, alone, alone.
And still as much when the girls found him and, despite the occasional yelling, he discovered through observation that Meryl wasn't actually being given the slip, but purposely turned her back, averted her gaze, let him go as much as Milly was willing to be distracted. And when he dropped by to see how Livio was doing every once in a great while, and they both pretended he wouldn't be gone without a trace by morning. The weighty distraction of his own thoughts is the only thing that keeps him talking, low and soft and (for him) brutally honest. "Did you always think so little of yourself? You must have. Even after you decided to rescue me, even when you were doing the bravest thing that--" No, no. He had to stop before his throat closed up on him.
"It probably wasn't any of my business anyway, now that I'm thinking about it. Sorry about that!" There it is; back to the false joviality, the smile that couldn't fool a blind man at a distance, the laugh more a bird-like mimicry of sounds he's heard before. Almost. Save that the old act feels more and more tired, and maybe the selfishness is actually taking over bit by bit. Creeping in like black hair. He tries not to meet that gaze, and yet he can't help himself. It catches him, erases layers and distance and all he has to offer is a sheepish expression of combined hope and anguish, unable to look away.
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justatalkingface · 11 months
I saw your answer for the ua sending kids to danger, especially war, and I raise you a different possibility (100% speculation on my part) "can we say for sure the others schools were asked the same thing but said no?"
Yes. We dont know anything about the others schools. Maybe they offer and Hori never show as we saw them entering in the war part 2: the eletrical bangaloo....but to be fair, it would be hard for them to sit in class and doing homework as war is literally in their grounds, streets and so forth.
But on part 1. We dont see the others students there. So again, my especulation, what if they had put feets down and said no?
But Nezu said yes? I can think of a few reasons for that. (Keep in mind I dont think Nezu is a smart as Hori and the fandom wants us to think)
1) could have been a power play of sort. "Only mys students can handle this" which well...could work as Nezu is not human and doesnt seem to care about the students on a whole (remmeber Mina and Kami vs Nezu? How fair was that?)
2) he genuinely thought his students would be an asset to the heroes and said ok. Which makes me believe even more he doesnt care for his students's safety.
3) he was forced. Ok, what could have made him agree to this? Blackmail comes to mind but what secret is si damn important you are willing to send kids to war?
Those are my top 3 reasons. And not sure if is canon this but I think the class A1 didnt know they were sent to a war...if this is true, then is anothet adult(non human) who failed Izu.
Like MHA is an accidental dystopia.
The thing is with Nezu is the age old standard of Int/Wis; Nezu is book smart, he has a lot of knowledge, facts, and ability to apply those facts to make a thing happen. That's Intelligence, the ability to use your mind, and he's probably only has even faintest hint of competition in his sheer Int score with Dr. Diabolus Ex Machina.
Wisdom, on the other hand, is when you go, 'But should I do this'?
At a memetically extreme example, a High Int, Low Wis character could find a door somewhere, decide to open it, and make a siege engine out of, I don't know, hamburgers and coat hangers to bust it open. This is certainly a thing they could do, and it'd work because they are, in fact, that spot.
Meanwhile, the character with higher (any) Wisdom would walk up to the door... and then try to open it like a normal person.
Intelligence is ability to use your mind, and Wisdom is what tells you how you should use your mind, and when you look at Nezu, you only really see Intelligence, and then no one in story ever seems to question his decisions, really, because he's really smart, but there's a real question if he uses his intelligence well? Because there are a lot of 'I can do this, but no one, including me, ever asked if I should do this' kinds of choices in UA, and if we're not just blaming it on bad writing, all of that comes down to Nezu, in the end. The literal cities they just... have? The robots that probably have killed people? The Sports Festival? All of those are thing with very questionable elements that UA does anyways, seemingly because they can and no one's ever stopped them from doing it.
That's looking at the question from the angle of 'Nezu, while well meaning, made a bad call'. There is, however, one other major option, and it starts with this: why does Nezu run a school? On a fundamental level, I'm not sure Nezu's goal in running UA is for the students, so much as he views the students as a step towards his goal.
Unironically, he's a sadist who enjoys low-key torturing human beings because of past trauma, which... before anything else, begs a question: is it just low-key torture he likes? Or is he just practical enough to realize than anything more would be more trouble than it's worth?
But, beyond that problem, let's look at his position: he's the head of UA, the biggest, bestest school for Heroes, which is a job that comes with a lot of publicity/power, which, inevitably, rolls back to him. His job allows him massive amounts of control over the development of the cutting edge of heroism, who by dint of their fame and success influence other heroes, all of which collectively influences Japanese society as a whole by a pretty significant degree.
Meanwhile, Nezu is: brilliant, deeply traumatized, likes torturing, and through that defacto controlling, humans. He's also not a human, and takes pains at times to point out that others are humans and he's not, while also having assumably inhuman instincts and priorities; almost certainly he has some level of anti-human bias.
There's... there's an obvious correlation here. Fundamentally, Nezu is a character who seems to be made to be complicated, imperfect, with dark depths to him. The way he's written, Hori clearly doesn't want him to be, but, well, he writes a lot of deeply flawed characters we're supposed to find no wrong with.
If you look at Nezu that way, where he views students more as an asset, or an investment, than as, well, students, or as people, then your point takes on a different light. Looking at it with cold logic, the students can contribute to the various conflicts; even if they die, for the greater good of society (which he lives in and benifits from), heroism as a career (which he is in a position to benefit from greatly, as well as influenced greatly), and quite frankly as a living being on Japan/Earth, that cost is more than worth the price if they help support the status quo; its not like there's not going to be more next year, right?
And that's the thing that really interests me; what the hell was Hori thinking when he made Nezu? With Bakugou and Endeavour, for example, you can see where they started off one way, and went another? Nezu though? His entire point as a character seems to be firmly as the 'nice but somewhat manipulative' principal, but it's a waste of his fundamental characteristics. Did he have a different role in the prototype? Because if I was writing Nezu as a character, here's what I'd write him as:
An enemy. Not evil, not a villain, but a obstacle for Izuku to surpass in UA; it's not that he's bigoted, like Aizawa is (or at least to the same extent), he just well and truly doesn't care about people and what they do as long as his bottom line is met. And Izuku isn't there to be a new hero, like Bakugou, about fame and wealth, he doesn't fit. Worse yet, if we're working off of the original, 'Quirkless Hero' framework? Fundamentally, he is a threat to the concept of heroes that is established, that makes people want to think outside the box, and the thing is? Nezu likes the box. He's one of the people who designed it; he'd like everyone to stay in the box, please and thank you.
There's this epic story we're never going to get of Izuku being a little revolutionary, fighting against the heroic establishment to change heroism for the better and for the rights of the Quirkless, and his first major enemies are: Bakugou, the bully, Aizawa, the biased teacher who enables Bakugou and attacks Izuku, and Nezu, who enables all of them, and barely gives a shit about Izuku at all but would absolutely murder him in a heartbeat if he thought he could get away with it, but is resigned to fact he can't just kill people because they mildly irk him.
To your last point, though, fundamentally MHA is exactly a dystopia, by design; it's dystopian nature is one of the main causes for almost all conflicts in the story, from the villains, to the heroes, to Izuku's core personality traits, but for some reason Hori got really scared to admit that so he covered all the bars and locks with confetti... only after he got all the ways he purposefully made it a dystopia looking all harmless and fun, he missed all the ways he accidently made it a dystopia. To this day, I'm still not sure if he designed the heroic pay system, what little of it we know, to be purposefully that fucked up, or he just did some basic work to support what happens in the story and missed how deeply disturbing those implications were.
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neoaya · 11 months
Hot take!!! (Nuclear tbh)
People are way too shitty to the LW devs, especially Yumeno Rote.
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This guy is responsible for every single piece of non-story card character art in the game, that includes units, costumes, alts, expressions, Music Video CGs, etc. Seeing as a new unit is released per week, along with 2/4 event costumes and 2/3 rebirth costumes at the end of the month, this guy is at MINIMUM drawing 8 fully detailed illustrations and backgrounds per month, for three and a half years straight.
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The only other gacha to my knowledge that has one artist doing all the character art like this is Limbus Company, which even then has a significantly longer period between new art being added to the game. (I'm aware there are likely a lot more, but most to my knowledge have multiple artists)
So when I see a post criticising Lost Word, what do you think is being criticised 90% of the time?
Is it:
The fact it's a gacha game
Genuine criticism of the game itself and its mechanics or story
Hell, even criticism of the questionable work practice of having one guy do all the game's art
If you guessed 4, "near insignificant nitpick of Rote's art, AUs shown, or a VA (in a game where you can pick from 3 for every character) because it doesn't fit within their headcanon in a game about multiple different universes" you'd be correct!
Don't get me wrong, I have seen the first two plenty of times, but they're always either fair critiques or people who just don't want anything to do with gacha games and don't care which is understandable.
But for 4? The sheer amount of hatred and seething vitriol people express for details most people wouldn't think twice about is insane to me. It never seems to come from a sincere place of disappointment but rather fear to fit in, like "Oh this relates to me, I better lay in to it as much as possible since everyone else shits on it, wouldn't want to give people the impression I'm weird for liking it after all". It just seems depressing to me that people feel the need to act miserable out of peer pressure and not wanting to stray from the popular opinion.
As someone's who played the game since launch at this point I feel more than qualified to tell you it's FAR from perfect, hell I wouldn't even call it all that good. Gameplay fluctuates from playing the game for you to forcing you to have a full understanding of the meta, grinding is a chore, drop rates are far too low, the nature of the game forcing normally evil aligned characters to act more reasonably, and I unironically think the lack of representation and downright bad writing for Aya until now is singlehandedly responsible for making her drop by one place 3 years in a row in the THVote popularity poll.
So why do I still play it after all this time? Because I genuinely just want to see what they do next. I like seeing what new takes on characters they come up with, I like seeing where the story goes, what the next event will be and I love Rote's art and all the other art contributed by the JP community, I even think the Hifuu and RoM section of the story is genuinely good. It's nice to have a constant and reliable stream of Touhou media to read through in-between the wait for actual new games.
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Somehow I don't feel that guy in the middle would want to come on livestreams 3 and a half years after launch if he didn't find it fun, same goes for all the artists and doujin circles that have contributed their art and music, especially those with more than one card or song.
If you want anyone to blame, blame GoodSmile for publishing this game and making this the complete extent they're willing to promote it and Touhou as a whole. (Last new character from them was a Reisen nendo from six years ago btw!)
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In conclusion, I think LW has objectively done more good for the series than harm. You can not understate the fact that this game is responsible for introducing Touhou to so many new people and giving the spotlight to characters that are otherwise overlooked. Inaccurate character portrayals are rarely an issue when the series embraces differentiating itself from the source material, that's the nature of doujin culture. That and it seems silly to try and gatekeep people who got into the series through Lost Word, telling them they're experincing it wrong only serves to turn them away and I don't blame newcomers when official touhou media is still hard to come across in the west and the three most popular games in the series still don't have a digital release.
As a tangent, I used to have a problem with how Aya was depicted in a lot of fan media, even from people here, but a friend taught me I shouldn't let those alternate interpretations ruin my enjoyment of her and that I shouldn't fault them for seeing her that way. I feel others should be able to learn from that.
(I definitely forgot some stuff but this is ranty enough as is, I just wanted to get it out of my system)
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quasiquack666 · 5 months
Just gonna repost these once a day until I'm done lol
Enjoy the KarKay During-Canon Thoughts!
Ao3 of During-Canon
KarKay Insecurities
— Preface:
Let me just start by saying I noticed two major insecurities that Kayden and Kartein have. For Kayden, he is cautious about his perception and image regarding power. For Kartein, he is cautious about who can claim a relationship to him and his ability to do genuinely kind deeds
— One:
Kayden’s image and perception. Three distinct moments jump out at me for Kayden here. One, when he says to Jiwoo that he beat up people in order to show the world that he is still strong (181, 214). Two, when he had that particular smile in front of Jiwoo before suffering in the basement to do force control (262). Three, Kayden being quite angry at Pluton for saying he wouldn't fight (277).
All three instances show that Kayden is actually very cautious about how people perceive him regarding strength. Everyone mentioned in those points has to see him as strong and Kayden goes to great lengths to maintain that image (fighting people, smiling through pain in front of Jiwoo, explosively ranting at Pluton). He cannot afford to be weak in these moments, and he shows that he actually does consider perception as part of strength. If he only thought raw power was needed to maintain image, he wouldn't have cared about perception
— Two:
Kartien's relationships and kindness. Two moments jump at me for Kartein, but there are definitely more scattered throughout the comic. One, when Kartein claims Jiwoo as his patient, rather than allowing someone to say that he is Jiwoo's physician (even though it's the same thing) (228). Two, when Kartein literally seems to blame cat poop for going off to help Subin’s grandpa (also 228).
At first, Kartein is only willing to associate with Jiwoo and Kayden on a professional basis for a decent price (healing Jiwoo in exchange for a new force method). But as we go along in the comic, he increasingly finds more flimsy excuses to be kind (cat poop my dude…) and more wonky ways to ensure that he is in control of a relationship with someone (Jiwoo must be his patient, not him being Jiwoo's physician). Kartein is quite ridiculous in his lengths to cover up genuine care for people, but he does so anyways regardless of how foolish he looks. I think it's interesting how he feels the absolute need to control his relationships to someone
— Three:
But Kartein notices Kayden’s insecurity. When Kayden went down to the basement, Jiwoo seemed to take the reply at face value, but Kartein was the one who really noticed (262). His expressions tell the story, he knows something is up with Kayden, that he is very very injured. Unfortunately Kartein doesn't do too much about it, I just think it's interesting that he did notice. That Kayden panel really breaks my heart though, I wish Kartein did more (but helping him would interfere with his relationship insecurity for sure). There's also the time during WAA (214) where Kartein asks why Kayden fought. He agreed that Kayden did the right thing to preserve his image
— Four:
And Kayden also seems to notice Kartein's insecurity. I know it's framed as a joke when Kayden makes the script with Jiwoo to convince Kartein to heal the grandpa (228). But that hides the fact Kayden is actually helping Kartein by giving him an excuse to be kind. For example, in the beginning Kayden used the same taunting method to get Kartein to heal Jiwoo's core (138). He taunted Kartein into doing something— this is a genuine taunt during the core healing moment, but I think the implications during the grandpa moment are slightly different. Although it definitely is a joke on Kayden's end, he is enabling Kartein to do what he actually wants to do. After all, Kartein wouldn't heal the grandpa anyways if he didn't want to. Simple fact. But Kayden gives him an out, gives him an excuse to do kindness.
It's a weird understanding of Kartein's weakness in being unable to give kindness freely (Kayden even acknowledges Jiwoo as Kartein's excuse in 242). So Kayden helps him hack that impulse, allowing Kartein to frame the situation as a challenge to his prowess that must be dealt with, rather than Kartein actually wanting to help others. I don't think there's such a concrete example of Kayden helping with the relationship aspect, but Kayden doesn't particularly challenge it
— Five:
There's unfortunately a bit of a difference in those examples regarding willingness to help each other. However I can see a lot of hope for their development, particularly on Kartein's side, after the Astra battle in the 270s. Kayden absolutely proved himself to Kartein there and fought a Top Ten on Kartein's behalf. And Kayden followed solely on the suspicion that Kartein was doing something dangerous when he left Jiwoo's house. With that sort of proof that he is absolutely under Kayden's protection and within his inner circle, I think Kartein would be a lot more willing to help Kayden directly in the future (beyond the literal life and death healing moment in 273). Or at least with another flimsy cat shit excuse I guess
— Personal Rant:
I wanted to make a fic based on the insecurities I mentioned here but idk if I will ever muster the brainpower, so I ranted instead. Gosh, they could actually be so sweet on each other if they developed a bitttttt more in the trust direction and improved their communication. Like just imagine Kartein helping Kayden out in another basement equivalent scene and reassuring him. And Kayden much more obviously allowing Kartein to express his kindness, without judgment or expectation. They could actually be so soft on each other and I swear I will write more of what I think they could be if that happened (cough my soft fics are them doing just that). THEY ARE PAINFULLY SWEET, I WILL SHOW THE WORLD *shakes fist*
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pascaloverx · 11 months
Invisible Bonds: The Power of Destiny
Author's Note: This fanfic contains possible strong language and explores themes of unconventional love. The relationship between the protagonists will be handled with sensitivity, without explicit scenes.
chapter one chapter three
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Chapter Two
Waking up in a hospital wasn't how you imagined Taehyung post-marriage. You woke up feeling like my world was incredibly. changed. Your body ached all over as your head spun. Yet, you wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible. You had probably missed the entire wedding ceremony of Taehyung. Who knows, he might even be on his honeymoon by now. The hospital room was quiet as if there was no one else with you. It was only then that you heard someone make a strange noise, a stifled sob that cut through the room's silence. You slowly turned your head toward the sound and found Jungkook's eyes, red and swollen, as he tried to hold back tears. In that moment, you realized he was there too, sharing the same silent and emotionally charged space. The connection between you seemed stronger than ever, even though neither of you said a word.
"Why are you almost crying?" You ask Jungkook, even though deep inside, all you want to do is hug him.
"I think I missed you, such a weird feeling." Jungkook says as he shifts on the bed, extending his arms as if he wants a hug. Damn connection that even links us in longing. Unconsciously, I rise completely from the hospital bed, walking toward Jungkook's arms. Your hug is so warm that it almost suffocates. The feeling you experience is like a cup of hot coffee on a bitterly cold winter day. Unfortunately, Jungkook makes everything awkward when he sniffs your neck.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, you pervert?" You say as you quickly move away from Jungkook, almost falling off his hospital bed. Fortunately, he holds you so tightly that it leaves you speechless.
"Don't blame me for what I'm going to do from now on, it's not me here. This person who can't contain the happiness of having you around, who can't help but get drunk with that vanilla scent of yours. That person is not me. The real me would be at home right now recovering from a bad hangover and not in a hospital." Jungkook tells you, as if he himself doesn't like how things are. Unfortunately, it hasn't crossed your mind that the two of you are having your fate sealed. Against your wills, you both find yourselves swept up in this inexplicable connection.
"What do we do now?" you ask, your voice laced with uncertainty. Jungkook looks deep into your eyes, a mixture of confusion and determination in his gaze. For a moment, neither of you has an answer, and the weight of the unknown future hangs heavily in the air between you.
"I have no idea, but I know I won't stay away from you, even against our wills. So, you and I, yeobo, are one." Jungkook says, his words filled with determination, as you feel the weight of fate sealed between you two.
Before you could say anything, you are interrupted by the sound of your mother and Taehyung entering. She is so concerned about you that she doesn't notice you are originally sharing the hospital bed with Jungkook. Taehyung, on the other hand, seems a bit awkward seeing the situation. All you can think to do is hug your mother tightly while discreetly nudging Jungkook's arm, signaling him to go back to the bed he was originally on. He meets your expectations and gets up, pretending to go hug Taehyung.
"I was so worried about you, my love. Was it something you ate or drank? Or are you sick and didn't tell me?" Your mother asks while hugging you so tightly that you can barely breathe.
"That wouldn't explain why I felt unwell with Jungkook, mom. In fact, I think it's appropriate to introduce the reason I fainted. Jungkook, this is my mother, (Y/M/N), and mom, this is Jungkook, my soulmate..." As you say this, you observe your mother's surprised expression, and Jungkook seems to have turned pale at the way I introduced them. Jungkook quickly stops hugging Taehyung and bows respectfully to my mother. He appears remarkably respectful. Taehyung gives the first smile since he walked in.
"Praise the Lord, my daughter has finally found a match. And look, my dear, how polite he is. Know that both I and my mother will love to have one more member in our family." Your mother speaks with such adoration as she moves in for a hug with Jungkook, leaving you feeling embarrassed. You don't even know him properly, and yet, your mother is already eager to welcome him into the family.
"You can be sure that I will treat your daughter in the best possible way. It will be an honor to be a part of your family," Jungkook responds politely, his words sincere and respectful.
"Mom, let him go. No one here is becoming part of any family. He and I barely know each other. The fact that we're connected doesn't mean all of this." You say, trying to diffuse the situation and manage your mother's overwhelming enthusiasm.
"You say that now when you've barely started feeling what he feels. Wait a few more months, and you'll be talking about kids and honeymoon trips. Who knows, you and Taehyung could try having a ceremony on the same day. That way, my ungrateful daughter and my son of the heart can have their respective weddings on the same date." Your mother says, half-jokingly, her excitement showing no signs of abating.
"What happened to your wedding, Taehyung?" You and Jungkook say simultaneously, but your tone is more concerned, while his is curious. Taehyung, who had been observing all this madness until now, places a bag with some clothes on Jungkook's bed. Yes, both you and Jungkook are wearing not-so-subtle hospital gowns.
"I couldn't get married with my best friends in the hospital. So my fiancée and I decided to reschedule for the next available date. Don't blame yourselves; unforeseen events happen all the time." Taehyung says to both of you, his calmness so surreal that it didn't seem like he had just had his wedding plans disrupted by you. You wanted to feel guilty for ruining Haewon and Taehyung's day, but a hint of relief washed over you. The problem is, from the look Jungkook gave you, he knows how you're feeling. Damn soulmate connection.
"The destiny has its motivations, but I'm sure, my son, that you will get married as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the lovebirds have been given the green light by the doctor. Put on your clothes; we're taking you both home." Your mother says, consoling Taehyung. Despite the unusual circumstances, there's a sense of acceptance in the air, as if everyone is slowly embracing the inexplicable connection between you and Jungkook.
You and Jungkook then retreat to the bathroom to change into regular clothes. You try to ask your mother why Jungkook is going home with you, given that the house is yours, but you are completely ignored. Your mother is so thrilled with the prospect of her future son-in-law being handsome and well-mannered that she pays no attention to what you have to say.
On the way out of the hospital, while Taehyung and your mother are searching for where they parked the car, Jungkook approaches you. He comes up behind you and whispers in your ear, "I know your secret." This leaves you as chilled as it does nervous.
"I don't know what you think you know, Jungkook." You reply, your voice carrying a mixture of defiance and curiosity.
"You can't fool me. You're becoming so easy to unravel that I don't even need a soulmate connection to figure you out. I confess I can't blame you for having feelings for Taehyung, but I think you, better than anyone, know he won't reciprocate those feelings." Jungkook says, his words carrying a mix of understanding and a hint of sympathy.
"Unfortunately, feelings aren't something you can control. I don't dictate how I feel about Taehyung." You admit, deciding to be honest about your emotions, especially since he already seems certain about them.
"Hey, you don't need to justify yourself to me. Your secret is safe with me. And just so you know, my goal here is to help you get through this. After all, what are soulmates for?" Jungkook says, brushing a strand of hair from your eyes. Your heart skips a beat. It seems you've managed to find quite a remarkable soul connection.
You can't even respond because he moves closer again, so close that it feels like he might kiss you, and you don't pull away. Instead, he whispers, "I'm stuck with you."
You're surprised but respond with a "And I'm stuck with you" before hearing the car horn, signaling that it's time to get into the car and continue this madness for the next few days of your life. You feel a knot in your stomach, but you quickly make your way into Taehyung's car. Jungkook follows you. He seems incredibly relaxed about it all. The journey ahead seems uncertain, yet strangely exhilarating.
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