#I've been drained for two days now because of all the amazing company and things that were happening
eisheartoffantasy · 2 years
Entry #8. Useless, Useless, Useless
That's it, that's the only word I can think of whenever I catch a glimpse of myself in any reflective surface — I hate myself enough to avoid looking at my reflection as much as possible. While the self-hatred is partly towards my appearance, it is even more towards...well, everything else.
For example, the fact that I still don't have my driver's license at 20...failed the road test twice. The fact that I've never worked at an actual job. The fact that I haven't done better in college. The fact that I have no close friends. The fact that I don't have my life figured out at all, not even close. The fact that I've accomplished pretty much nothing meaningful in the two decades I've been alive. The fact that I'm so ridiculously paranoid about everything. The fact that I cope with my problems by avoiding, running away from them. The fact that I give up as soon as I'm required to work harder.
A person like me is so useless. So. Damn. Useless.
I hate going to classes. Because when I do, I inevitably hear other students talk about their succeeding careers, how they're getting their third internship, or signing a contract with some big company once they graduate, or winning another award for a new amazing project they just finished. No, not just success stories career-wise — the fact that they even talk to each other so openly as if everyone is friends with each other, all friended and followed on social media, all exchanged their numbers. They probably have a group chat somewhere to invite people to parties in bundles, a group chat that nobody would add me into because nobody would've cared to ask me if I was interested in joining one.
Haha...I know what you're thinking: what a pathetic, salty, self-pitying little bitch! Is it not your own fault that you don't have any friends or directions in your career? You could've tried harder — no, you could've tried at all at socializing or your studies and you would've been somewhere by now. But nooooo. Instead, here you are complaining about a sad ass situation that you landed yourself in.
I know that, I know. I know my current state is the consequence of my own incompetence. I know. I'm useless. I know.
I can't even claim to be trying at this point; anyone who's trying wouldn't be in my state. I allowed myself to stop trying because I got discouraged...but by what? What discouraged me? Failures? Then what the hell led to those failures? I did, I led to my failures.
I cause my own problems, proceed to be defeated by them, again and again and again...until I have nothing left in me to keep going...and I just wither away in self-hatred. How did I get to this point even...?
Useless, Ei. You are so useless. Useless to the world, useless to yourself. Just useless.
Have I always been so useless? Does a person have to always be, what's the opposite of useless, useful?
Ah...typing all of this out already drained me. This is probably the most productive thing I did today. Haha. My useless self needs to go and be useless asleep — I'm sick with either COVID or the flu (waiting on test result), which is possibly why I feel even more negative about myself than usual. My body is at its limit — ironic, isn't it? I've barely done anything useful these days, yet my body acts like it's been laboring away for years without breaks.
But is that actually it...? Have I been laboring away for years without breaks? Is this just my body's, and my mind's, way of telling me I've been pushing myself too far that I've exhausted my functions early? Am I currently so useless because I'm giving myself a forced break?
That...just sounds like I'm making excuses for being useless, huh. I'm sorry.
I'll be back when I feel better...hopefully I'll have more uplifting things to write then.
With warmth and hopefulness,
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mocacheezy · 2 years
There is no bigger joy in my opinion, than finding out there is a name for how you feel, how to present yourself, what kind of existence makes you happy.
Yes, some might be fine with simply being as they are for themself and don't feel the need to label themself. They are amazing and it's great that they give zero fucks and can vibe on their own.
Personally though, going to that seminar, seeing that there are other people who are also interested in drag, experiencing someone being so fucking amazing and kind and expressing themself fully, hearing that what works for you is what this is all about, that there is no wrong way of doing things as long as it's you, as long as you're the one to feel comfortable in your own skin. This stuff was what I trully needed to take a step forward.
And the Pride Parade and the village; seeing so many other queer people, with their flags, their different styles, with their unrestrained laughter, the openness and acceptance, the bystanders that saw all of us walking through the streets. The chants in the back, the hollers in the front, the music, the lights, the abillity to make new friends and see that yes. We are here. We are kvir. There is many, many of us and we matter and can make a change.
Being able to participate in this community, being able to get different templates at the stands to read through and reach out to the people that make this possible, that make our voices heard-
I wish everyone experiences this. I wish everyone can be themself like this, and be able to openly hang out with people as fully theself.
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min-arya · 3 years
Lean On Me | drabble
Based on this request: Hi. Can you do a Min Yoongi scenario where they’re like coworkers and they also travel to work together among their other coworkers and y/n develops a crush on him but she tries to ignore it because he’s intimidating and cold. But little does she know that he has a crush on her too. And one day she has to sit next to him in the minivan and she ends up falling off to sleep and wakes up with her head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on her head. Can you make it fluffy. I hope it wasn’t weirdly specific. ^_~
Pairing: yoongi x reader
Genre: fluff
Note: I swear, I kept on reading this request because it’s so cute aaaaaaa. Thank you for sending this request last last month, I think. Sorry for only writing it now. I've recently started my job and I had really little to no time to write. :( Shshs,, thanks for waiting for me shshs. Enjoy!! I adore y’all!!
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Who knew this wedding that you and your team were assigned to handle would be a little more amazing than the previous ones?
You have been working for this catering company for 6 years now. You've organized over a hundred gatherings, birthdays, wedding receptions, debuts and more. What you've always looked forward to the most was the satisfied smiles of the celebrants; making them feel like they're in their own fantasy or fairytale. If you were happy then, you were even happier when Yoongi joined the team.
Yoongi is the sound director; he always has a playlist perfect for every event and even for the person/celebrant. He is really good at what he does, he is hardworking and someone easy to get along with. You admire him for that, because he’s kind and very soft-spoken.
Despite being the event handler, you’ve never really interacted with him personally other than the office work talk like, “what song do you think will fit the theme?”, “Yoongi-ssi, is everything set?” or like, “Nice working with you!” Other than that; practically none, both your awkward asses won’t let you interact.
Little did you know, a wedding will change that.
Today was a wedding beyond your experience; it was a beach wedding held in Busan. Since your catering company was in Seoul, you and your team had to take the company’s mini bus and endure 4.5 hours of traveling. It is kinda good tho because you get to mentally prepare yourself for any issue that may occur during the event. Fighting~ you thought as you boarded the van.
The day went by nicely and ended with smiles and cheering from the audience to the newly-wedded couple. It was fun. The family of both parties are very fun and welcoming, they even asked your catering team to eat and join the games. Have I mentioned it was fun? Because it is! You became friends with the bride and her maid of honor and talked about how the DJ guy keeps looking at you whenever he plays a song for the wedded couple.
You quickly denied because he’s probably just being a little strict or annoyed that you were not being professional or whatever. But still, the day was too great to be ruined by a stare.
As of 8:43pm, the guests have already left the venue; your team was loading the van with the equipment you used earlier. You yawned whilst checking for any left belongings; after knowing there’s none, you stretched before proceeding to board the mini bus. When you got there, the only vacant seat was beside none other than your crush, Min Yoongi. You mentally slapped yourself, this isn’t high school, Y/n. fucking snap out of it. You thought as you slowly and nervously approached the vacant seat. It seems that he didn’t notice that you have taken the seat beside him because he just kept his gaze far on his side window; that’s when you noticed he was wearing his airpods. You sighed, another chance of talking to him; wasted.
46 mins into the drive, you were already dozing off from the draining events of today. Yoongi noticed how your awkward position would cause you a stiff neck so he, being the gentleman he is, lent his immaculate broad shoulder for you to rest on. On the outside, it would look like he didn’t care at all; he is really good at keeping a poker face. But on the inside, he is so giddy; he wants to scream, kick his blanket, punch his pillow and hug it right after that. His crush, the most independent woman he knows, is practically leaning on him or like depending on him like he is some sort of her safe haven.
After 2 hrs, the mini bus made its stop because the driver needed a bathroom break. The halt made you flinch out of your dreamland and the strong but sweet scent of sunflower invaded your nose which followed your knowledge on the thing that was pressed heavily on your head; turns out, Yoongi had fallen asleep too. You were shocked at how close you two were, but you didn’t dare to move; instead, you closed your eyes and smiled, maybe he is not as cold and intimidating as he seems, you thought as you unconsciously leaned into him more for warmth.
What more could you look forward to after this?
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Fifteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Fourteen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Sixteen
Marnie pov.
I walk into the record company, finding a very young guy at the front desk, probably the intern. Encumbered with phone calls and notes, I wait for him to finish everything before speaking. His lost eyes soon find me and he smiles sympathetically.
“Hi Marnie, Luke is in studio three.” he whispers quickly, getting back on the phone.
I smile in thanks, heading down the hallway he's pointed out. I didn't think it would be so easy. The noise coming from behind the door to studio three startles me. The boys are laughing and screaming so loud, it amazes me that no one came to complain.
I knock on the door twice, hard, to try to get their attention over that area. A guy in a cap opens the door, revealing a room with at least eight people inside.
Luke is the first to jump out of his chair, coming over to me, grinning hugely, pulling me into the room. Ash gets up too, following close behind.
“Sorry for interrupting, but I needed to talk to you.” I look at Luke, who agrees. I pull him out of the room as I hear Irwin complain.
"A disregard for my friendship. Before, she used to come here to see me, not to see you, you empty-headed bunch.”
"She never came to see you." Hood opposes.
I ignore the pre school fight, focusing on the tall blonde in front of me. I lean against the wall, letting him get closer.
Luke had spent Friday night with me, taking care of me. We also spent Saturday morning together, just existing on the couch. That was definitely a very good point for both of us and it really strengthened our relationship. It also didn't make him leave my thoughts, earning him the title of the cutest guy I know.
Never would Stephen do that to me, even because when I was bad he didn't even come close, not wanting to “catch my bad energy”.
“You forgot that at home.” I give his coat, trying to hide it was against my will deliver it so easily.
I saw the coat the second Hemmo left the house, but when the perfume enveloped me, I decided for my own good, to just keep it for a little while, spending day and night in it. Luke stares at me with a raised eyebrow before taking the coat from my hands, smiling.
“Funny, I really missed it, but yesterday, I saw it in your stories, so I didn't worry anymore.” I roll my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Let me enjoy that you still don't hate me today."
“Too late.” I interrupt him, biting my lip.
"I wonder if I can pick you up, so we can go to the Troubadour together."
The boys are playing there today, for the Friends of Friends event, and I was particularly excited, it would be the first time I would see them play live. “First time”.
I wrinkle my forehead and look around, pretending I was thinking about it. Luke looks at me in disbelief, holding back his laughter. I pout, shaking my head.
"I think you can! Yes, you can. I allow.” I press my lips together, wanting not to laugh.
“Oh God, you.” he shakes his head, looking away. I let out my laugh. "Can I pick you up at 7pm? I need to be at the Troubadour at least an hour before the show.”
“Of course! No problems. Go! Now I need to talk to Ash.” I push him back to the door.
“It's about my birthday, isn't it?” he opens an excited smile.
I dissolve my expression, wanting to hit him. Damn it, he knows. I feel the surprise party going straight down the drain, but I don't want to give in to it.
“No! The world doesn't revolve around you, Hemmings.” I cross my arm, teasing him.
“It's about my birthday! Alright, I'm going to pretend I don't know anything.” he takes two leaps into place happily.
“My God, I hate you.” I hide my face, sighing. I can't believe he screwed up his own surprise party.
“Hey.” I hear his voice close. I take my hands away from my face, finding his very close. His lips steal a kiss from me, quickly.
“Go away!” I pick up my bag, hitting him.
Luke walks into the studio laughing, yelling at Ash that I've been waiting. I walk around the hallway, wanting to wipe the stupid smile off my face. I hide my face again, returning to the scene that just happened about 50 times, at least.
“Say it!” Ash approaches.
“I hate him!” I point to the studio, taking a deep breath.
“Of course you do! And the sky is green. I can see how much you hate him, by that silly smile on your face.” Irwin raises an eyebrow.
"Don't make me use my purse against you too." I scare away the latest happenings, focusing on what mattered. "Do you have the ring?" he hands me a silver ring set with a black stone.
“Quickly, because he's already noticed he's gone.” I nod, still analyzing the jewelry.
"I'm going right now and tonight I'll return you at the Troubadour." I keep the piece in my bag. "All set for Friday?" he nodded. "You know he knows, don't you? How did he find out?”
“Behind that stupid face, he's smart sometimes.” I roll my eyes at my friend, laughing. “Seriously, if you pay attention, sometimes it feels like there's an elevator song playing in his head. Especially when he's standing staring at something.” I laugh when Ash decides to imitate Luke, staring blankly at the wall.
“You guys are terrible. Well, I'll be on my way, see you later.” I give a kiss on his cheek.
Thursday is Luke's birthday and I, more than anyone, want it to be a perfect day. Also, I want to give him a nice present that somehow doesn't involve my body, as I apparently did before.
Searching the internet, I found a store in east LA that sold some jewelry that I thought would be to his taste. I was going after a box with five rings and three necklaces, which looked like they were made for Luke.
If I could, I would advance the time, just to give the gift soon. I just want to see his face and hope he likes it the way I think it will.
I walk past reception, waving goodbye to the poor receptionist who still seemed tangled up with the phones. Interns.
"Marnie?" I turn around when I hear my name. The man in the dress shirt, who had just passed me, approaches smiling.
“Yes?” I look at him confused.
“Of course, you don't remember. Sorry! I'm John, 5sos’ tour manager. How are you?”
“Oh! I'm great, thanks.” I soften my posture. Being Luke's girlfriend, I must have seen John a thousand times.
"It was quite a scare. I'm relieved you're okay.” I smile gratefully at the concern. "Would you have a minute for us to talk?"
Luke pov.
I lean against the car, waiting for Marnie to get out. I take a deep breath, trying not to let the anxiety get the better of me. We've practically spent the weekend together, we're getting closer, she's letting her guard down with every second we spend together, letting me fight to win her back, and yet here I am, shaking like a stick, as if it was the first time we went out together.
"Pathetic!" I say to myself, not accepting being like this.
We dated for two years, it's not like she was a stranger. I know her better than she does. I already know everything she likes, how she's going to react to every move I make and even then, I'm terrified of doing something wrong.
When I realized I was falling in love again with every detail of her, I didn't think that insecurity would come back with it. In fact, I thought it would be better than the first time, that I would be more confident and secure. But it’s Marnie I'm talking about, she eliminates any security and logic in me.
I twirl the little ring through my fingers, noticing how cold and sweaty my hand was. Yes, that human being not five feet tall, can mess with me.
I hear the door unlock, prompting me to put the ring away quickly. Marnie steps in front of me, walking around with open arms. I give her the dumbest smile.
“So? Am I OK?” she stretches out her Friends of Friends hoddie proudly.
"You look spectacular." I sigh, feeling my heart race.
"Not really, it was a little old thing that was in the back of my closet." she laughs, sounding like her mother last week. I blink a few times, trying to disguise the stupid face I must be making.
“You really look fantastic.” I say before holding her body against mine. I sink my nose into her neck, taking in all of her scent, letting into my bloodstream, fueling the butterflies in my stomach, along with the touch of her skin against mine, even with the clothes between us.
I ease my grip, releasing her, but her body remains pinned to mine and she pulls me back, squeezing me tighter. The action takes me by surprise. Not that I didn't want to hold her, I could live the rest of my life here, in her arms. But that indicated something was wrong.
“Is it everything OK?” I whisper, overcome with worry. Marnie just nods, affirming, or rather lying to me. She's not fine.
Her body pulls away and I see a sad glint in her eyes. My body tenses, seeing that fake smile take her lips, unlike the one she gave just minutes ago. My face hardens, realizing she was acting.
“Marnie…” I start my speech to say that she could tell me anything, but she interrupts me.
“We're late, we need to go. Let's go!” she dodges around me, heading for the car door.
I sigh, seeing that I won't be able to get anything out of her today. As far as I know, she doesn't want to spoil the night and will hold it off until the end. I hate when she does that. Keep everything to herself, without the slightest need, we can share the problem and even the pain, that's what a couple does, they support each other.
We left the building, taking the expressway to get there faster. Marnie babbles about her excitement to see the band play live. Normally, I love to hear and see her talk too much. Seeing her eyes flashing rapidly, her tongue getting tangled up in some difficult word, or seeing her start to laugh before she can get the funny part out. Her clumsy hands, moving quickly until she managed to drop something.
But now, I can only move my head automatically, still with my mind on her bad performance from before. Until this morning everything was fine, she was excited and happy. Until minutes ago she was happy. But now it's just a facade covering something I can't quite make out what it is.
She didn't argue with Leah, because the gossip didn't get through to me, and I'm sure Noah would have let me know by now, so we can set the process for the two of them to make up. I didn't see anything on the internet that could have messed with her. Unless something happened during the photo shoot.
"Luke?" I look quickly at her, who was looking at me amused. “Are you OK?” now she was the one asking.
“Yeah! Sorry, I daydreamed a bit. Thinking about everything I need to do getting there. What did you say?” I try to push my worry away, focusing solely on her, which is what I cared about.
"I asked if you're going to play my song?" my cheeks heat up. She knows?
"What song?" I question carefully.
“The one made for me, Amnesia.” I stop at the light, staring at her mischievous smile. This one is not fake.
"You didn't make that joke." I say disappointed. Marnie laughs beside me. “I refuse to accept that you made such a horrible joke. Marnie, you were not like that.” I shake my head.
“It was good, you can't deny it.” she pulls my hand into her lap. I freeze from the movement, feeling my skin tingle.
“It was terrible and it insults me somehow. I taught you wonderful jokes.” her fake, forced laugh catches my attention as I accelerate.
"I hear your jokes are horrible." I look quickly at her, who's sitting sideways, her head leaning back against the bench. Shit, she is so beautiful.
“This is a huge lie.” her laugh fills the car again.
The mood gets better the rest of the way. I still have my mind hammering at that moment, but I leave it for later, as she probably would. We entered through the back of the Troubadour, meeting everyone in the hallway and dressing room.
I hold her hand, pulling her close to me as we walk into the crowd. As I expected, M&Ms become the center of everything, everyone wants to say hello to her and see if she really was okay. I leave her for a few seconds in everyone's company, pulling Ashton and Leah aside.
"Do you guys know if something happened to Marnie?" They deny it. "Didn't you discuss?"
“No! In fact, I'm missing it.” Leah turns her face away, watching M&Ms laugh among the crowd. “What there was?” she looks at me again. I resume the scene for the two of them.
“She was fine when she left the record company.” Ash reinforces my thinking.
"I didn't know anything about today's photo shoot." Leah adds. "You don't think Stephen might have shown up again, do you? Or even that bitch? Bethany?” I shake my head.
Stephen had to be really, really dumb to show up to Marnie after she said she knew everything. And Bethany never tried to talk to her after what happened, I doubt she would try now.
“I'm sure she doesn't want to say anything yet so as not to spoil the night, we know how she is.” Leah rolls her eyes, she also hates such an attitude. “But later on, she might tell what happened and right away it will be with one of the three of us.”
"If she says anything later, I'll talk to you." Hastings warns.
I thank the brunette, who quickly rejoins Marnie. I watch her extend her still-in-a-cast arm for them to sign in the few empty spaces.
I quickly prepare for the show so I can stay with her for a few more seconds before taking the stage. I position myself behind her, who was sitting on the arm of the sofa, letting her body lean against mine. I watch for her hand moving up to her shoulder, placing it under mine. I drop a kiss to her pink hair, watching her lean her head back further, looking up at me with a beautiful smile.
Shit, I'm so in love with her.
Minutes after a lot of mess, we got ready for the stage. Marnie comes to me before running to their place. I adjust the guitar, opening my arms to her, who comes bouncing.
"How much have you had to drink?" I ask, laughing, looking at her rosy cheeks.
“Just a little.” It hangs around my neck. “I promise not to pick a fight with anyone." she laughs.
“Thanks! I feel more relaxed.”
“Good show!” she wish me, stealing a kiss like I did earlier.
Marnie escapes my arms like sand, running to the door and running away hand in hand with Leah. I rub my face hard, not accepting how she can move me so much.
I approach the guys, doing our circle like every time we go on stage.
The lights blind me for a few seconds and soon I can see that sea of ​​people ecstatic to see us there. Ashton takes the lead, thanking everyone in advance for their presence and explaining why we're there.
I position myself at the microphone, ready to start singing Youngblood. Before I give the cue, I look upstairs, seeing her cotton candy hair watching me with a mixture of admiration and sadness. I blink at her, who smiles lightly and without strength. I play the chord, trying to focus my attention on the show and the new song I'm going to sing for her next, but all that goes around my head is: What's going on, Marnie?
OMG! Luke's new music video, am I right?
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ymiwritesstuff · 4 years
I know I've already given you a request but this is stuck in my head. Could you do a Gyro x female vampire reader who is trying to go without feeding but just becomes weaker as a result and Gyro has to help her? Thank you and you're amazing!!!
Aah, thanks so much for the request and I am so sorry this took so long. I hope this will make up for it. I tried my best as I still need to get used to writing regularly but I sincerely hope you enjoy this!
Regaining Strength
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Gyro Zeppeli x Vampire!Fem!Reader
Summary: When the sun begins to raise the three travelers find themselves spending the upcoming day resting at a motel. However you quickly notice something isn’t right and it doesn’t take long before a certain Italian offers his help.
Notes: A bit of blood
The sun peaked over the vast horizon, bringing the rays of yet another morning with it and coating the area in a pleasant warm glow. This would mean yet another day of tiring riding for the majority of the racers of the Steel Ball Run, but not for a certain group of three.
The staff of the small motel looked at you and the two males rather curiously when you reserved a room to spend the day in, having been riding on horseback the entire night. Competitors occasionally traveled during the dark time of the day, however, none did this as consistently and often as you did. And the sole reason for this unusual time of travel was you.
Being a vampire provided a certain set of advantages but with those advantages came things that made life just a tad bit more difficult. Any exposure to sunlight could mean certain death for someone like you so the only way you could advance in the already dangerous race was doing so only when the sun set. Fortunately for you, you quickly found yourself in the company of Johnny and Gyro, the latter of which you had grown quite fond of during the Steel Ball Run.
After the curtains of the room you were to reside in had been closed and the young Joestar fell into a deep sleep on one of the beds, you found yourself looking around the quite charming space surrounding you, while secretly looking for any places from which the deadly sun could seep through. Gyro stood in front of the now-closed curtains and carefully peeked through, as he often did.
“Damn, the daytime looks so weird now. Who knew I’d get used to being awake at night so quickly,” he said while his emerald eyes scanned the sight of the morning before him. You looked at him while standing next to one of the empty beds and chuckled lightly. “Welcome to my world.” The Italian glanced at you and flashed a grin that slightly showed his golden teeth before turning back to the window.
“You sure you don’t wanna come take a look at this? The sun looks awfully pretty today,” he joked, knowing full well that his request would receive no action as you weren’t dumb enough to walk into certain death. Still, you played along.
“Oh, really? Well, perhaps I should-”
“When did you last eat?”
Suddenly, completely out of nowhere your legs gave out and you instinctively relied on the bed next to you for support. Your vision got strangely blurry and everything around you seemed to spin and distort in all kinds of ways. Having heard your sentence cut short as well as the small groan that left your mouth, Gyro quickly turned around, his previous joking attitude disappearing entirely.
“(Name)? Everything alright?” He swiftly approached you and helped you on your feet once more, however the strange dizziness was still very much apparent. “Y-yeah... I just... Felt dizzy all of a sudden...” Your hands held onto him for support while your mind tried to go through the possible causes for this sudden sensation. You were just about to realize what made you feel this sick, but Gyro seemed to reach a conclusion faster.
His question immediately caused you to look up at him and you began thinking back at the earlier events of the night. The distance you rode with your horses was a long one and Gyro made sure you were properly fed the entire time. However, for some reason, the feeling of hunger never hit you, or you had somehow managed to ignore it entirely. “Just before we started moving,” you say quietly, as you know that he realized just how many hours it had been.
Consuming blood was something you never enjoyed, yet you had to do it in order to stay alive. Starvation was already bad for a human, but when a vampire like you was in its clutches, things could get dangerous quickly. Gyro stayed quiet for a few seconds and you expected him to scold you for allowing yourself to go without food for such a long time, but instead, he let go of you and walked to the bed you had been next to, sitting down.
“Alright, you know the drill,” he said and began to remove his scarf that was loosely around his neck, the sight of which immediately made your eyes glow. “You know I’ll worry my ass off if you don’t eat.” His voice was unusually serious. Despite his playful and sometimes sarcastic personality, Gyro took you and anything you needed very seriously, to the point where he didn’t mind offering his blood in order to keep you strong. However, he also knew of your unwillingness to feed on human blood, let alone his.
“Gyro... You know I don’t want to. Besides, I feel just fine. Look,” You spun around a couple of times to try to convince him that you didn’t feel the previous dizziness anymore. But you couldn’t control the underlying desire to consume the delicious liquid flowing under the skin of his neck. Gyro looked at you, giving you a look that was not impressed by your convincing and you secretly knew he wasn’t going to let this one go.
“(Name), you know damn well I’m not gonna move or rest until you’ve been fed.” He said, still looking at you with eyes that were filled with determination and slight worry. He was stubborn about all of this, but it only because he cared. His gaze softened lightly. “I’ll be fine, you don’t need to worry your pretty little head off.” The small hint of playfulness in his voice returned and admittedly eased your discomfort slightly. However, you were still reluctant.
“But... What if I drink too much?” Your thoughts immediately went back to the last time you had drunk his blood and just how overwhelming the feeling had been. It was always risky and the last thing you wanted was to hurt him. His brows frowned slightly, but his gorgeous emerald green eyes were still locked on your currently weakened form.
“You won’t.” This caused you to finally look at him. The amount of confidence his words had puzzled you, how could he be so sure? “Gyro, this isn’t a game. How could you possibly know-”
“Because I trust you.” The way he spoke stuck to you like tar, his words reaching the very core of your being. He knew the risks, but was still willing to help you in any way he could, from traveling at night just so he could have you near him, to offering you his very own blood that you needed now more than ever. You accepted defeat with a sigh and made your way to him. It was not merely because his words and trust in a creature of the night had such an effect on you, it was also because the unbearable lust for blood seemed to partially be controlling your movements, your nose picking up the scent of the liquid under his skin.
You swallowed nervously as you sat next to him, the sound of his blood flowing in his veins echoing in your ears. “Just... Please tell me if it gets too intense,” you said, voice barely audible. “Sure thing, cara.” You barely caught the reassuring grin he flashed you as your eyes were already staring at the spot you desperately wanted to sink your fangs into. With slow movements, you lowered yourself to his neck and could hear his heart beating rapidly, despite his calm demeanor from the outside. It calmed you in a way.
With a small sniff you took in the captivating scent of his blood and after placing a gentle kiss on the soft skin of his neck, you pierced the delicate flesh with your fangs and immediately felt him flinch. You held onto him and as soon as the warm liquid hit the sensitive sensors on your tongue, something snapped within you, and that overwhelming lust you experienced last time you did this only seemed to grow. With every gulp, you regained your strength, and the more you consumed, the more addicting it became
It was unreal. Your claws gripped onto the material of his shirt and the desire to feel stronger kept your fangs in his neck even after you had devoured enough. You couldn’t stop. You wanted more. You needed more. All the surrounding sounds were overpowered by your own inner voices demanding more of that heavenly blood of his. It was intense, and Gyro could feel it too.
“W-woah... Hey, listen, (Name),” he said, his voice becoming much quieter and raspier. He felt his blood being drained from him and as your lust grew and your grip on him tightened, he knew it was time to stop. “I... I think you’ve had enough...” He gently grabbed your shoulders, which fortunately seemed to bring you back to reality as almost immediately, he could no longer feel your fangs digging into his skin.
Your (E/C) eyes looked up at him, worry sparkling in them. You were so quick to check up on him, you didn’t even notice the blood dripping from the corners of your mouth. “Are you okay?” You simply asked, feeling stronger than before, but worried about his condition. As a response, he merely chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. And you seem to be as well.” He said and looked at you, noting just how much better and healthier you looked. A sigh of relief escapes your lips and after you wipe the remaining liquid from your lips, you gently bring them to his cheek, as a sign of gratitude.
“Thank you.”
Gyro grinned at your action and immediately threw his arm around you. “Anything for you. Oh, and thank you for not killing me.” He joked once again, which made you giggle and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Of course, dear. If you died who would be my personal blood bag?”
The fact that he seemingly took this lightly was unbelievable to you, but then again, Gyro Zeppeli was one of a kind and you were fortunate to have him by your side.
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skzluvs · 4 years
Crimson Roses 🥀; Kim Seungmin
Genre: Vampire Au! College Au! Angst; Fluff?
Warnings: Mentions of blood, Mild swearing
Word count: 3.6K
A/N: It was supposed to be a quick little drabble and became a whole ass fic. All I have to say is vampire concept seungmin HOT
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He observed you from the corner of his eye.
There you were sitting on the first row with your materials spread out on the desk, taking notes as your life depended upon it.
He knew how interested you were on all those past events, on the ones we tend to call history because they change the course of living.
He found himself lost on your endearing figure. On the way you tried to blow the hair falling on your face but failing during the process, frowning at the distracting tingling sensation on your forehead. He smiled to himself wishing he could be the one that could brush your hair away softly.
But that was impossible.You were definitely too kind
And He... He was just a simple evil creature that had lived longed enough to know that falling for a mortal would be nothing more than a death sentence
An a crucifix to his heart.
The voice of his professor interrupted Seungmin's thoughts.
"Before you leave, we are getting closer to the end of the semester Which means you'll be assigned a project that is worth half of your final grade, It'll be a partner assignment and you will have a week to turn it in" He informed to all the students. The classroom exploded with all source of complaints from everyone who was not happy to say the least at the sudden notice.
"Are we allowed to pick our partners" You asked raising your hand. It's not like you had someone you already wanted to work with in mind; more like you could absolutely take advantage of this opportunity to pair up with Lee Minho. He was the top of your class, partnering up with him would undoubtedly mean securing that grade. And you needed that.
"Unfortunately for all of you I've already decided on that" He replied raising a list with names on it.
He began to call one by one, making the teammates move around to sit together by their announced partner. You were tapping your foot impatiently. This assignment played a crucial part on your final grade therefore you were scared your partner would not contribute enough for you to get a passing score.
" Y/L/N Y/N and Kim Seungmin" He said handing you a piece of paper with the prompt and expectations written on the back of it.
You lifted your head, getting rid of the air you had been holding on your lungs. Your eyes scanning the room. Making eye contact with him for a second, his eyes staring directly at your soul. You turned around quickly; a rosy blush spread over your cheeks.
You knew nothing about Kim Seungmin, besides he was drop dead gorgeous. He had this mysterious aura that was attractive. He was certainly not the bad boy type; He was more reserved, only hanged out with his close group of friends.
Who you had to admit they were all extremely cool.
Seungmin almost lost his bunkers when you were assigned as his partner for that stupid historical events project.
He knew everything about history. He lived through it; from the renaissance to the post modern movement. Seungmin had been around for at least 1000 years.
To say that living for so long had become nothing less but boring would be an euphemism. Because it was. He had gained experience and power through the decades. But it was no longer exciting.
Until he found you. You were the one who acted magnetically with his heart an undeniable attraction that made him stay for the first time. Seungmin was known for being playful. Never sticked around for long because he found humans despicable. He was not too fond of them. But his perspective changed completely the day he first saw you.
It was probably because you were not human like. With an overwhelming beauty and high manners. In all of the years he had lived on earth, he never met such a sublime soul like yours. So Breathtaking and admirable.
You stood up from your chair with a panting breathing walking through the aisle, all the way to the back to his usual seat. You were more than nervous; Seungmin's presence truly intimidated you.
You sat next to him and offered him a smile. Hoping the atmosphere between you two wouldn't be as awkward.
You expected him to be quiet most of the time as you was trying to come up with ideas for the project. However it was the total opposite he kept on engaging on the conversation. It felt comfortable how he carefully listened to you and instantly agreed with your opinion. Surprisingly he knew so much about the topic; more than you ever imagined as the few times you spared a glaze at him during class he seemed to be doing everything but paying attention.
After discussing your main subtopics you decided it was enough work for one day, and decided to set a schedule to work on the other parts of the project outside of school.
" We need to meet up to work on the presentation" You said looking through the papers to were holding on your hands.
He looked at you with adoring eyes. You looked so cute when you were concentrated.
"Definitely, where do you want to meet at?" He asked you smiling.
" What do you think about the coffee shop down the street? I can bring my computer so we can do it digitally unless you are old fashioned and prefer to work on a poster we can do research on the library" you said shrugging your shoulders.
" Y/N you did not just called me a boomer"
" I mean if the term fits you then" you said laughing.
" Back in my days, youngsters were respectful towards their elders" He said in a grandpa like voice.
" We are the same age!!!" You yelled at him unable to control yourself from laughing at his impersonation.
Or at least that's what you think; He said to himself.
" We are supposed to deliver history through this project don't you think Y/N I say we should do it the right way"
" You are right everyone is probably going to go down the easy road but we are smarter" You said getting excited; reaching your hand to high Five him. "Great minds think alike"
" I can assure you we are going to beat Minho's and Jisung's project"
You had to acknowledge Seungmin and yourself made an amazing dynamic duo. You were content at the selection of your partner and definitely had to thank the professor for it. Because you two clicked with such effortlessness.
The bell ranged and you had to say your goodbyes to go into your next class.
You were standing by the door ready to leave but you turned around quickly to yell at Seungmin.
" I'll meet you at 5 inside the library and you better be on time boomer" you said with a playful smirk
Wanting to mess with him; gaining a loud laugh from your partner. pretending to act offended crossing his arms.
Seungmin went to the library earlier than the time you had set. He rushed his way there, right before excusing himself from his group of friends who were going to hangout after class.
He wanted to pick up a few books for you; he thought you would find them interesting.
He scanned the aisles, holding with one hand a pair of hard cover books that were just as dusty as the coffin where he used to sleep in, during the counter reformation.
He sat at a table and laid the books, shifting uncontrollably in his seat, from time to time, observing the clock, waiting for you to come through those doors.
Hell, you were fucking late. And you regretted taking that extra time looking through your closet; trying to find something decent to wear. Is not like you were to meet Seungmin for a date, it was a simple study session; however for some reason you wanted to look presentable. He always looked good no matter what. Which was totally unfair.With that leather jacket and fitting tight pants that made him long taller. Your mind wondered for a second. And you began to question yourself if you were starting to develop a small crush on the pale boy.
You were walking as fast as your feet allowed you. Through the hallways, your high heel boots were making loud noises every time you took a step forward. The dress you wore lifted a couple of times due to the wind. Your hair was probably entangled from running the couple of blocks from your apartment back to campus. Your shoe selection had definitely became a nightmare to your now bruised feet.
Your hands were sweaty and you had to remind yourself. " Y/N this is not a date once again you are just stuck with him for the project stop being delusional" you said trying to calm down. Taking a deep breath before pulling the door to enter the library.
You tried to fix yourself before spotting Seungmin sitting on the back. He smiled with relief at your sight. You couldn't be more awkward by sending him an effusive wave. " What's all this" you asked pointing at the pile of books laying on the edge of the table. "Just some research materials" He said.
" We are going to be here for a while then..." you said jokingly lifting a book from the stack. Leaving at least 10 more underneath.
" I don't mind as long as our project comes out good" He replied to you brushing his head to the side.
What he actually meant was that he didn't mind as long as he could spend the most time with you as possible. He didn't even gave a single care about the goddamn project, all he wanted was your company.
You two began to read the old books; most of them focused on events that happened during the 17th and 18th century.
Seungmin was almost falling asleep when you suddenly jumped in excitement next to him.
" Look Seungmin!" you said and began to quote the reading out loud "On the baroque era there were myths about vampires who attacked its victims during the night draining their blood as a food source."
" Let me see" He said taking the book in his hands. Reading word for word and For his surprised It had to be a fucking article about undead creatures specifically Vampires. How lucky seungmin got with that one. "You don't believe on those things do you Y/N" He asked curiously awaiting for your response.
" I mean; I do believe that there could be creature such as vampires out there. I just don't believe in all those tails you know, the ones that over romanticized or demoralized their existence. In my opinion vampires are not blood-thirsting bats. If they do consume blood it must be because it's their only food source they can't fight against those Instincts. It'll be like going against natural selection. They do what they can to survive"
Seungmin was more than pleased at your explanation. He couldn't contained himself from looking you with sparkling eyes and a huge smile plastered on his lips.
It made him happy that you weren't into that cliché bullshit like Bella and Edward type of fantasy. That even if you didn't knew the whole spectrum you still had a pretty clear understanding of his lineage.
Your words made his heart warm. He did an introspection on the reasons why he liked you so much; to begin with you were understanding like no other, you never judged anyone based off looks, you spent your time getting to know them first, smiling kindly at everyone and never seeking for recognition but always helping out of selflessness.
In Seungmin's eyes you were all he always wanted a person so pure like you was impracticable to find somewhere else. He thanked for the timing being right for him to meet you, because after all these years living in vain, you were the only one and he was glad he waited everlastingly to be with you right now, in this moment. He will treasure it forever in his heart.
The weeks passed by and Seungmin and you got to finish the project, a perfect chronological detailed poster that contained every important event through history. Your presentation was to say the least the best one among all your classmates even Lee Minho's and Han Jisung's was not even half as good as yours. Your grade boosted quickly with that perfect score.
And you had to give most of the credit to Seungmin he provided most of the facts you were utterly impressed at his range of understanding history so well. It was as he knew better than all those books you spent hours reading. You called him a true intellectual.
The things with Seungmin changed after the project. You could say you got closer to him than to any other person.
Your friendship with him began to shift towards a completely different direction the morning he came early holding a white rose, on its stem a little note wrapped around it.
He still remembers the blush that covered all your face when he handed it to you. You were truly speechless. You almost cried at the middle of the classroom due to the poem he had handwritten for you.
" Your fragrance just as sweet as the one the roses give off when they're cover in dew
Blissful sight at the sunshine caressing your filaments
You're the flower I carefully picked out from the field
The only untarnished one
You natural beauty worthy of being preserved
I’ll water your roots everyday just tell me you’ll stay with me even if the rain overflows our pot "
From that day onwards. He gifted you a white rose every single day and you never knew why. But you loved it so much. You made a bouquet with all of them and kept them safe in a vessel displayed as a centerpiece on your kitchen table.
He truly believed white represented your purity
It was a shame he had to stain your soul
That he tinted the petals scarlet.
It was dark outside on a night where the ‘blood’ moon eclipse appeared in the skies. And in the shadows there was something that challenged Seungmin's own instinct.
It was part of his nature.
How he was able to smell the candid scent of your blood despite the distance
It was endearing almost hypnotizing for him.
A battle for self control.
Where he wanted to paint white roses with the deepest red.
Seungmin called you during midnight you answered without hesitation as his name appeared brightening your phone screen.
Heaving breathing's was all you were able to hear through the other line.
“Min is everything okay? Why are you out of breath I'm getting worried” it was unusual for him to call you at this hour, your heartbeats began to increase at his response. “Can we meet now? I'm on my way to your apartment” His voice was low. You never heard seungmin talk like that with such desperation. It sent shivers down your spine.
“Of course but tell me did you got in so kind of trouble” You asked with a preoccupied tone.
“I'll explain everything to you once I get there” He said hanging up immediately.
He was scared at the mere thought of you finding out
He wouldn't be able to handle the terrifying look on your face at the sight of his fangs.
He always lived with ease in between humans
He had adapted himself into their characters creating the perfect facade. He did it all for you.
Going back to this college life was definitely not his style but you made him stay. Life finally made sense the moment he saw you and now he had to reveal his true identity because you didn’t deserved to be lied to. No matter the outcome. He would have to face it.
When he reached you apartment his pale face was almost translucent. He gathered all his courage to knock on your door.
You rushed rapidly opening the door; with worry eating you inside. The first thing you noticed was how dark his eyes were, his pupils were almost completely dilated.
You quickly wrapped him into a hug. You didn’t knew what was going on but you were here for him regardless. You were always going to be there.
“Let's take a walk” He said out of nowhere. Intertwining his hand with yours and leading you outside.
It was dark and the moon was shining brighter than ever before. You walked through the streets without certain direction just enjoying each other’s presence.
Your reassuring smile seemed to calmed Seungmin down.
“I have something to say to you, but before I do you need to know that I like you, that I've been in love with you since I first saw you and that what I'm about to say doesn't change a thing” He said stopping your tracks, your face almost collapsing into his chest. You were standing face to face with him.
“I like you too seungmin... “ You couldn't think properly because there was something else behind it, something that could change your feelings towards him. The true reason behind his so blunt sudden confession.
You knew Seungmin. He wasn't the type that seeks for trouble that's why you just couldn't wrap your head around what exactly was he hiding from you.
“I- I am a vampire” He stared at you with bloodshot eyes while letting his fangs slowly come down his teeth. He lowered his head frightened at your reaction.
You were in a state of shock. Rubbing your eyes multiple times at the sight in front of you because it was truly unbelievable.
You had to regain your posture before speaking again. You were experiencing a difficulty at making your words exist your mouth.
“That doesn't change anything seungmin, I might be going crazy, Fuck. You just said a vampire. I love you nonetheless because I fell for Kim Seungmin. I don't care if you are a vampire, a demon, a demigod, I'm in love with you because you are you. And now that you know that I reciprocate your feelings something tells me this comes at a higher price” You said breathless.
“It does Y/N we cant be together I have instincts that can't be controlled... it's getting harder everyday not wanting to you know” Not even able to finish his own sentence because it was embarrassing enough.
“Bite me?” You said lifting his chin from the ground “look at me... Min you want to bite my neck?” You asked straightforward.
“Yes” He said in an inaudible tone.
“What does that mean, what happened if you actually do it, do the things I read from the article are actually true” You asked biting your own bottom lip until you savored the metal flavor of your own blood. The one seungmin desired to have a taste from.
“No Y/N. I could never do that you. You are just too beautiful and flawless you don't deserve to get ruined by me”
“Stop treating me like I can't take my own decisions seungmin I know exactly what I want” You snapped back at him.
“You don't know what you are talking about is way more than just transforming you'll have to serve to the underworld in perpetuity”
“You have been alone long enough seungmin let me stay by your side. I want to immortalize this love
And be with you for the rest of the eternity”
“Just bite me seungmin I beg you” you implore to him, decisively pleading eyes.
You wanted this like you never wanted something else more in your whole entire life.
That’s all it took for Seungmin’s body to wash over lust. He places his mouth in between the crock of your neck trailing soft teasing kisses along the way. Right until he found that sweet perfect spot. The one that drove you completely insane.
You let out an agonizing scream. Filled with both pain and pleasure at the same time, when his teeth was incrusted without a warning sign tugging at your sensitive skin. He savored every single drop of blood that instantly began to drip from the laceration down your neck.
You began to convulse. Your body shaking and veins popping out from your skin. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head almost unconsciously.
Your soul transforming into pure immorality and immortality. Reaching an inexplicable climax that threw you over the edge. An overwhelming feeling that carried iniquitous power.
When you came back still too fragile to stand with your own feet. You were no longer a human being. Your fangs and sinful eyes and ghostly complexion gave out for finalizing the end of your transition.
Seungmin carried you in his back. You were now forever his. While he took you back to the apartment you dared to ask him something that had been lingering on your mind.
“So all your friends are vampires as well” You said intrigued.
“ Yes all of them” He said clearly laughing at your weird unexpected question.
“Even Jeongin!?” You couldn’t believe the cutest student could possible be a vampire.
“ Even Jeongin” He responded making you gasp in a shocking manner.
“ How... He’s like the most adorable thing on earth I don’t understand” you said whispering in disbelief.
“You mean on hell he’s good at pretending but that kid is nothing but pure evil”
Kissing your forehead and whipping your sweat, you looked exhausted but yet still beautiful as always. He laid you down on your bed. Playing with your hair. He would take care of you as he promised with all those flowers he once gave you.
That were no longer white but crimson roses.
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fan-fantasies · 4 years
Hi hon bun, wanted to try out this ship thing lol, seemed cool. Can I get a ship with bts, nct 127 and ateez?? Sfw and nsfw, any would work. I'm a 5'8/174cm half Indian half Russian girl. I'm also an infp, tauras. I'm mostly a quiet, RBF owning fam but from what I've heard from others is that I'm a big bowl of tiny and mush (if not kept my height into the perspective) also I'm a very hopeless romantic type. I hope this will be fine thanks! Have a great day, stay healthy and hydrated!!!
hey @yasmann2003 ! Thank you so much for your request! I’m so glad you requested, it means a lot! I hope you enjoy what I have for you. <3 ~Breezy
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My gut says that you would work well with Yoongi, it would be adorable if you ask me. I think your quiet personality would be what he seemed drawn to, and the resting bitch face you always seemed to have. It would make him curious mainly because he thought he always had one as well.
Over the course of knowing each other seeing a different side of you, specifically that you were a hopeless romantic, he would think it’s pretty adorable. We all know Yoongi loves to amerce himself in his work, always working and doing his best to just keep up with that. Both of you being an introvert would likely work well too because all you two would want to do is just be in each other's company. 
The next thing, I think having found someone that matches his height wouldn’t particularly bother him. The other members would likely tease him, as they usually do with him and Jimin, but he would just know that he honestly had found someone that he could enjoy spending his life with. 
Now after writing this, all I can think about is you and Yoongi sitting in his studio, just another day to be honest. He would be sitting at his computer, working hard on something he had yet to show you. You would be sitting on the couch in the background, trying to keep yourself occupied mainly so you wouldn’t feel the urge to want to distract him from his work. He could easily get cranky when someone does that but you could understand why. You would be caught off guard when he would softly speak to you, asking you to come over, a set of headphones in his hands, you weren’t sure what he was gonna have you do. You would do as he said, he would let you sit on his lap and place the headset over your ears. He wanted you to hear what he was working on, though you may not have been really well versed in the production of music, he wanted your feedback. So of course, you did, listening to the beat and any lyrics that had been incorporated, if any, and you couldn’t help but smile through the entire thing. Listening to what he could do always made you so happy, you knew that this brought him joy. You would tell him everything you feel and you could tell that he would take all your words and remember them. You would prepare to get off his lap but he would stop you, he would hold you close and proceed to work. I can also just imagine, you would be sitting on his lap as he worked and one of the members, likely RM, would walk in quietly to ask him something and would see the two of you. RM would likely freeze but leave you both alone, but the maknae line would likely squeal and then run away giggling. It would startle you both, but I feel like Yoongi would just kinda roll his eyes and get back to work. 
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Now hear me out. His goal is to always make you smile. He would see you have a RBF, once he saw that he would make it his goal to make you smile and giggle so that any time you’re around him he wouldn’t have to see it. Not that he didn’t like it, he would think you look adorable that way, especially with pursed lips. I also think he might tease you about it, mainly to see if it would make you smile, if he succeeded he would have the biggest and goofiest smile on his face mainly cause he would be so happy to be able to see you in such a happy state. 
I feel like he would love that you’re a hopeless romantic, he would love to be like that with you. He would do anything to make you as happy as he could mainly because he likes to look in your eyes. The sparkle that would appear when he would do something sweet or when he would manage to take you on a cute date. As an idol, it would be hard for him to do things with you, especially if the relationship was still a secret. I think that it would stay a secret for a while mainly because he wanted to keep you safe because he knew how fans could be. Taeyong would worry that the attention would make you uncomfortable or potentially scare you away. So you both of you would go on really late night dates, usually late-night walks or picnics in areas that not many people knew about. Or a sweet date at your apartment. It would just be so wholesome I can’t even handle it. 
I also think Taeyong would slowly break you out of your shell, he knew you were quiet but he would try his best to try to get you to speak more. Even if it was just around his friends. He would really want you to speak with his group members so that they could see just how amazing you were. It would be a slow process, probably introducing you to one or two of the more calm members who weren’t extremely chaotic. He knew that his group could be a bit over the top but he had honestly warned you about that. He also wouldn’t leave you side, keep that in mind, cause he wouldn’t dare leave you just encase you got overwhelmed, especially when you first meet them. Over time he would hope that the others would treat you with kindness and not be too overbearing. I feel like they would absolutely love you, and while you weren’t around, would likely tease Taeyong about silly things.
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Yunho would absolutely love you, I feel. That man is an absolute puppy and, much like Taeyong, would honestly live to see you smile and be happy. I can’t say I have ever seen that man not smiling or being an adorable bean unless he’s performing but even then he’s adorable. He would absolutely be at your side as much as he could because he just loves being close to you. 
You’re sitting on the couch? He would have his arm either wrapped around you or have you sitting on his lap so you could cuddle into his chest. Sitting at dinner with the other members? He’s holding your hand under the table. You haven’t seen each other all day? You bet he would rush to you and just embrace you in the tightest of hugs. I don’t think he would be against pda around his friends, he would be all for it as well. He would always be trying to hold your hand or hold you close, the other members didn’t mind this. I think they would become so used to it they would just kinda dismiss it. 
Your quiet nature would also intrigue him a lot too. I see him being fairly outgoing, not as much as Wooyoung or San, but he would love trying to help get you out to try and do things. Whether it be bringing you to one of their concert, or something simple like a late-night movie where he knew you wouldn’t get caught together. He would understand that sometimes it was draining but he would want you to experience new things, especially if it was with him. 
I also feel like if your relationship became public, whether it be on purpose or by accident, he would want you to always be with him. If he could and was aloud too he would bring you to award shows. He would love seeing you all dressed up. He would want you to match with you, making those who see you jealous because you were looking so beautiful. He would also just openly hold your hand, for both comforts and just loving having you around. He would gently squeeze your hand if he sensed you were anxious. He would want you to be comfortable. I also think that the other members would want the same thing too, mainly because you would be such good friends with them. So if for some reason you were bombarded, they would all be by your side. They would see how Yunho looks at you, they would want you to stick around and wouldn’t want you to be scared off. So they would protect you, just as much as he would. 
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iphisquandary · 5 years
Hi Iphis, I hope you're doing well. I'm wondering if you have any advice or warnings or anything about working at a tutoring center? I'm about to graduate with some informal teaching experience & am on the market for education/tutoring/etc jobs. I've seen you post a lot about yours - not sure if you still work there - and would appreciate it tons if you're able to reply!
Yeah, sure! I have a lot of advice I can give about that. I worked at a tutoring center for three years and had a lot of ups and downs from the experience. This is way too long btw because I am a long-winded person by nature.
1) You don’t have to find your own clients, which CAN lead to more job security
One of the tricky things about being freelance is you have to find all your clients yourself and make a name for yourself and slowly build a client base and positive reputation.The company will do this legwork for you. Emphasis on CAN because at least in the case of the company I worked for, how many hours you get is based on how much students request you, which meant that tutors start out with low hours and gradually build a client base if they’re good at what you do–it’s just easier than doing it on your own
2) It’s a good way to figure out if teaching is right for you
Tutoring one-on-one is less high stakes and overwhelming than throwing yourself in to teaching an entire class at say a private school that doesn’t require a credential. it’s a good way to get a feel for what age group you like best and whether you enjoy teaching or working with kids
3) it’s a good way to get experience
Tutoring gives you opportunities to try your hand at lesson planning and building your skills and it’s something impressive to put on your resume if you want to get into education. During my time at my tutoring job, I mastered teaching grammar, college essays, and school essays. I developed some of my own material and became an expert in teaching certain skills and concepts
4) It’s super flexible
If the company is anything like mine, you pretty much get to choose when you work and how often. Vacation days are easy to snag, as long as you give them notice. Hours can be inconsistent when you’re new, but it’s flexible.
5) The students are amazing
Most of these students are driven to learn–they’re willing to put in extra hours of cram time to get higher grades or test scores or get into a better college. Every once in awhile you’ll meet a dissatisfied kid whose parent is forcing them to be there but mostly, these are kids with parents who are OVERLY invested in their education and that impacts the student. These are bright kids with a lot to offer.
1) They’ll probably underpay you
Even though the job likely pays more than a lot of other jobs available to you, considering the specialized work you are doing and the going rate for tutoring, they’ll probably underpay you. Since it was one of my first jobs that paid that much, I thought that was a sweet deal. Now that I have more experience, I know tutors deserve a lot more than these companies pay. It’s especially glaring  because they tend to charge parents about three times more than what they are paying you and tend to have you tutor three students at once. You do the math. Also, I got less than a dollar’s raise during my entire three years there 
2) They will probably undervalue you
The company sees you as a replaceable cog in a machine, even though, if you have experience and have been there a long while, whoever they hire will need to be trained again and won’t know the material or students the way you do. Despite the fact you may be the only reason certain students keep coming back. Despite the fact you might bring something special to the company (I made material for the company, for example). They will never let you know how much you are worth. Because it is a profit-driven, soulless, money-making apparatus 
3) They WILL exploit you
They will drain every extra second of labor from you–even when it hurts the quality of your work. The 3:1 model most of these companies use, which essentially is you tutoring three students one on one  switching between them with completely different material, juggling an impossible level of tasks, reduces the efficacy of your teaching. It took me probably two years to fully master being able to teach well in that model. This means you will likely feel frustrated at your quality of work. Also, they may pressure you into working unpaid hours. My company did that to me for years. They pressured us through various tactics, such as only paying us for the set hours our classes were scheduled and not prep time, only paying a set, puny amount of time for prep, penalizing for going over time, giving you material to read at home unpaid, etc. 
4) Consistent hours are not guaranteed
At tutoring centers, hours correlate with demand–the demand of students for you or your subject specifically, the demand of the company for more labor, and the demand of local students and parents for tutoring in general. Hours can fluctuate by season. Usually at the beginnings and endings of semester, my hours dwindled. At my tutoring center, we got more hours during school vacations, since helicopter parents sent their kids during free time for tutoring. But I had periods of time, especially during my first year or two, where I went without much pay because my hours were reduced during dry periods.
5) There is a questionable moral component to what you are doing
Some of these kids are being pushed to the brink by insanely demanding parents who send their kids in during vacation, when they are sick, when they are burnt out, etc. Sometimes these parents even abuse their kids, but you can’t really do much unless you decide to report it. You may have to teach students with disabilities you are not qualified to work with. You may notice weaknesses and errors in the material at the company. You will also likely not be adequately trained. The 3:1 ratio, lack of training, and your lack of experience means the quality of your work will suffer at times. These companies also use deceptive practices to hook in families and get them to sign exorbitant contracts.Considering all that, there may times you wonder if your students benefit from what you are doing, particularly if they’re doing test prep.
BUT if you are good at and passionate about teaching, you can help students learn and grow despite all that. Ignore the bottom line your boss gives you and the pressures of parents as much as possible. Focus on having fun with students and having them walk away knowing something new they might use. In that way, I think I did more good than harm. Because while the company will do all it can to make you forget this, the tutors are its ONLY valuable resource. Despite the lack of training, experience, and insurmountable tasks we were given, practically every tutor I met cared about their students and did good work. The company model and culture around test prep and cram school is what hurts the kids. Just be aware that while it can be a blast working with students, and  it’s what literally pulled me out of my depression and the reason I am in this teaching program now, the company you work for is evil. For-profit education is a sham. Tutoring the students = awesome. The company = shit.
My biggest pieces of advice
1) Don’t work too long at one of these companies if you can help it - I probably should have left after two years - they do not recognize longevity, seniority or experience and while you can gain really useful experience, it has diminishing returns after a point. pay attention to when you stagnate
2) Don’t get too invested - do your best, but within reason - you can give and give and the company and students will take and take - I worked free hours with students online during crunch time for their college essays, I devoted extra hours to lesson planning, i’d take calls and emails from my boss at all hours, etc - people just keep taking. set boundaries when you can. 
3) Try to make it a side-gig, if possible - with its flexible hours, i actually think this type of job is perfect as a part time gig while you’re in school or on the side with another job - that will prevent you from getting too invested or too exploited or stressed or burnt out or over-relying on the position when hours dwindle
4) Don’t talk to the parents- if your company is anything like mine, the admin side does all the communication with parents and this is one god-send about these companies, you don’t have to deal with these crazy ppl. limit yourself to a quick hello/small talk and even then BE CAREFUL they may try to harangue you
5) Have fun and be you - make the lessons fun for YOU and the student, teach your style - as long as you’re good at what you do and the students like you, they’ll keep coming back. the admin people don’t know shit about education and they will try to tell you how to do your job, but once you hit your stride, be confident and know that you’re the teacher
6) REMEMBER YOUR VALUE - know that this job has a steep learning curve and any initial difficulties you face are not your fault. especially as time goes on, you will be good at what you do despite what anyone says. You are always worth more than how people treat you in that job. Always. 
TL;DR the students are great; at one time they were literally my only reason for being alive, and if you’re new to education you can learn A LOT, and the job is way flexible, but the companies are evil and soul-sucking, so do your best to protect yourself and get what YOU can out of the job enrichment-wise. leave when it’s no longer beneficial to you. 
Sorry that was so long! I hope that was helpful!
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mashiiiron · 5 years
Authors note: Italicized = thoughts
Oscar, Ren, Nora, and Jaune make up the mighty team ORNJ (pronounced orange because why not).
"Alright team RWBY and team ORNJ [A.N], once we touch down we need to make our way to Atlas Academy to meet with Ironwood." Ruby said to the occupants of the airship. The teams accompanied by Qrow and Maria have finally made it to Atlas after their battle with Cordovin and the leviathan Grimm. "Once we get this meeting out of the way we'll find a place to rest. I'm sure we could all use a few days off." She glanced over to her sister who was sitting with Blake. The young leader knew they needed a few days to relax after their fight with Adam.
Yang noticed her sister looking over to her and her faunus partner. She raises her hand to signify that they are ok not noticing that her fingers are still entwined with Blake's. To this Ruby raises an eyebrow but says nothing deciding to bring it up at a later time, maybe once they've settled down at where they'll be staying for the next few days.
"We're approaching the landing area everyone." Maria says from the cockpit. Upon landing the group is met with atlas soldiers sent to escort them to general Ironwood.
"I guess my letter did make it here before us," Qrow says before taking a swig from his flask. "I just hope Ironwood will listen to us with a clear head."
On their walk to the academy Ruby cant help but gush over all of the technology Atlas has to offer. Rambling on and on to her partner Weiss. "Ooohhh Weiss do you think we'll be able to take the maglev trains while we're here?! Or, or what about finding upgrades to crescent rose! Did you have anywhere you went to visit often Weiss??"
To this Weiss just sighed, "Calm down you dolt, I'm sure we will have ample time to explore the city after we meet with Ironwood." She said to her hyperactive partner with extra emphasis on after. She recognizes that her partner has grown to be an incredible leader on the battlefield but is also still a kid who is easily sidetracked. As long as we stay on task I don't see why the two of us couldn't go and see the city. I'm sure she'd like to go and explore.
Oh man I hope me and Weiss find some time to go around. Especially the maglev trains those things move so fast! Ruby thought to herself. Secretly she just wanted to make sure Weiss didn't brood over being back in Atlas after spending so much effort just to leave. She wasn't about to break her promise about staying by her side otherwise she wouldn't be a very good best friend.
Up ahead she heard what sounded like her uncle Qrow about to get into an argument. Shooting a quick glance at her white haired partner confirming that Weiss also hears the commotion, the two partners head to the front of the pack. However as soon as they reached Qrow, Weiss could feel the blood drain from her face.
"Father" the ex-heiress breathed out.
"You! You insolent child!" The patriarch Schnee shouted at his daughter. "Not only do you have the audacity to embarrass me at my gala, but you also attack the port city after stealing an aircraft. You chose to run away to play your games with these low-lifes further slandering the Schnee name!" Jacques says while lifting his hand as if he were going to strike his daughter.
Weiss sees her father raise her hand and flinches away expecting to be hit but instead is met with a gust of wind coming from besides her. In the blink of an eye Ruby had positioned herself behind the Schnee patriarch with crescent rose fully expanded and the curved arc of her blade acting as a barrier between Weiss and her father. In fact crescent rose's blade was positioned in a fashion where if Weiss' father did strike his daughter his arm merely would have been cleaved off by the sniper-scythe.
Weiss opened her eyes to see her partner protecting her from her father's anger. That dolt! Always getting involved with my personal business. I suppose it isn't too bad though, I must admit it does make me feel cherished by at least someone. But she doesn't need to go ahead and put herself in danger for my sake!
The guards accompanying Jacques Schnee had their weapons trained on Ruby after they realized that she had blink-stepped behind them to threaten the patriarch. "I highly suggest you leave Mr. Schnee." Ruby sneered with as much venom as she could.
Jacques let go of the breath he was holding and took up his air of confidence again. "Very well, Weiss, you are hereby disowned from the Schnee family, your inheritance, stake in the company, and everything else associated with the Schnee name will hereby no longer be available to you. Good day." And with that he turned on the spot and left the group behind.
Ruby folded up her weapon and flashed over to her partner wrapping her up in a hug. She could feel Weiss bury her face into her neck as she stroked her silver locks. "I'm so sorry Weiss." The leader whispered "I'm sorry"
Weiss took a deep breath of the scent of roses that she learned to take comfort in over the course of their partnership. "It's alright Ruby she said as she pulled back just enough to look into her leader's gunmetal eyes. She leaned forward to press her forehead against Ruby's and closed her eyes. "Thank you Ruby, for standing up for me, for protecting me." With that she pulled out of the hug to see the rest of her team watching the two of them closely causing her to blush. Team ORNJ, Qrow, and Maria were pretending to be preoccupied in an attempt to give the two girls privacy.
"You alright ice princess?" Yang asked, breaking the silence. To which Weiss just nodded. In the next moment Yang scooped her up in a hug of her own and Weiss could feel Blake place a hand on her shoulder and shoot her a reassuring smile.
"Alright enough worrying about me, we still have to get to Ironwood." Weiss said to her companions. I'm glad I have friends like them but we do need to move on. I cant believe I've been disowned. While a big part of me wants to be relieved that I no longer have to worry about what my father is doing to the company grandfather started, I can't help buy feel sad. All of the work I put into trying to impress my father from a young age just wasted. I'm the one trying to do the right thing for the world and this is how he treats me?! The snow haired girl did not realize that the group had already made it to the academy as she was so caught up in her thoughts. She didn't even notice the way Ruby was walking practically pressed up against her. Most likely the younger girl wanted to offer her some solace but not sure how to shake her out of her stupor. I'm glad I have you by my side Ruby. She thought to herself grabbing the young leaders hand and giving it a squeeze as to say she was alright.
The group had reached the headmaster's office not long after they arrived at the entrance of the academy. The guards sent to escort them proceeded into the office to notify the general of their arrival and shortly were ushered into the room.
"A ragtag team of kids, a dusty old crow, and a grandmother? Is this all you come to me with?? Qrow! Where is Ozpin?" Ironwood asked his old friend.
Oscar stepped up now, "sir, I'm oscar and ozpin has resurrected in me." To which Qrow just nodded when Ironwood shot him a questioning glance. "And we have the relic, Ruby has held on to it through our journey." Oscar said gesturing to the brunette.
They began their meeting as to what to do moving forward and what to do with the relic. Throughout the meeting however Ruby could only half-heartedly contribute, as she noticed her partner sink back into her thoughts. The red and white duo had been holding hands since the entrance when Weiss suddenly grabbed her hand. And for a little while Weiss seemed to be feeling better. Ruby would squeeze her hand every now and then to show her that she was there for her but the meeting currently going on had cause Weiss to recede back into her mind. I wish there was something I could do. I was going to ask Weiss to show me around Atlas but now she might not be up for it. No! I Ruby Rose wont stop until I put a smile on her face! I'll take her out to try and take her mind of off things as soon as we get out of this dumb meeting. The young leader vowed to herself nodding her head in determination.
Soon enough the meeting was over and Ruby had given the relic to Qrow and Ironwood to safeguard and the teams were tasked with finding the place Ironwood had set them up with for their stay in Atlas. Before they could all set off to their lodgings however Ruby grabbed Weiss' hand and shouted over to her teammates, "We'll catch up with you guys later! Don't wait up!" Before blasting of with her semblance leaving a cloud of rose petals in her wake.
"SLOW DOWN YOU DOLT" Weiss shouted at Ruby causing the younger girl to gradually come out of her semblance. "I sweat I will never get used to that no matter how long we are partners." She huffed. "So, why did you drag me out here?" She asked Ruby.
"Oh, well I figured you might want to go around and take your mind off of... the stuff with your dad." Ruby said sheepishly as she looked into the icy blue orbs of her partner. "O-of course of you don't want too I can always blast us back to our safehouse."
"That won't be necessary, Ruby." Weiss said, grabbing onto the brunettes hand again and interlacing her fingers with Ruby's causing her face to flush slightly. She looked down unable to meet her partner's silver eyes. "Thank you Ruby." She said quietly. This girl will be the death of me I swear. But there are worse ways to go. This girl never ceases to amaze me. She's always by my side supporting me even though I can have... not the friendliest of attitudes. Oh Ruby, what would I do without you.
Weiss didn't know where Ruby was taking her as she knew Ruby had never been to Atlas before. But before she knew it Ruby had lead her to the edge of the floating city to look out at the sky. "I'm sorry Weiss but I wasn't sure where we could go, but I figured if I just ran in one direction with my semblance we'd get close to the edge to watch the sunset." The caped girl said quietly while gazing into ice blue eyes.
Weiss just gestured to the energetic girl to sit with her. "Its beautiful, thank you Ruby." She said as she gave a squeeze to their joined hands. "Before the white fang started to attack the company, my father was actually kind and supportive. And often he would take Winter and I here to watch the ships go by." The ex-heiress said with a sigh. "He became colder and more distant once the white fang started targeting members of the family. We stopped coming out here and he would more regularly be away for work. If he was home he was angry and he took that anger out on us."
Ruby could tell that Weiss was having a hard time keeping her composure but knew that the snow haired girl had to get this off her chest. And Ruby would be there to comfort her after she was finished. She gave a comforting squeeze of her hand as to say she was there for Weiss no matter what.
Weiss squeezed Ruby's hand back before continuing. "I-I thought that if I could be the best that maybe he'd go back to being the dad he was before. Th-that he would praise me a-a-and be proud of me. B-b-but he didn't even care! He-he doesn't care that beacon fell! He doesn't care that I'm trying to save the world. He disowned me Ruby! He... he...he doesnt love me Ruby."
She then felt Ruby's arms encircle her bringing her into the younger girls chest. "It's ok Weiss, let it out, team RWBY has got you, we're all here for you. I'm right here for you, Weiss." And with that the dam broke and Ruby could feel the sobs rack through the icy girls body. She could feel her corset dampen with the tears that Weiss was shedding. All she could do was hold the girl as she let her sorrows out. She could feel Weiss' hands clutch at her back as she tried to bury herself deeper in the leadeds embrace.
After a few minutes Weiss managed to calm down and pulled out of the embrace just enough to wrap her arms around Ruby's neck and nuzzle into her neck. "Ruby" she breathed out, "thank you Ruby, I've felt this for a long time but I'm certain now. Ruby Rose, I love you." She said as she nuzzled closer to the girl she loved so very much.
Ruby tightened her arms around Weiss, never did she think Weiss would confess to her she always though she'd have to be the one to confess. "I love you too Weiss, I have for a long time, and the time we spent apart made me realize even more. I love you and I will always be here for you." She said as she place a kiss on the top of the silvery strands.
Weiss took a deep breath of the rose scent she loved. The scent her partner brought with her everywhere and the scent that always told Weiss she was safe. "You're all I have now Ruby, I don't know what I would do without you now." She said craning her neck to look Ruby in the eyes.
Silver met blue as the duo gave into each other's eyes. "I'm not going anywhere Weiss." Ruby said as she leaned ever closer to her partner. Weiss pushed herself up to meet Ruby halfway and their lips met for the first time. Their first kiss was awkward and chaste but Ruby went in for a second and soon the girls found a comfortable rhythm. Weiss pulled away needing to breath before resting her forehead on Ruby's and breathing out, "You are my everything, I love you Ruby Rose."
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officaldavidtyler · 6 years
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Hey, guys! It's selfie Sunday and Sweet Moby Dick has it been a minute. I appreciate all the love for my poem 'Mr Untouchable'! If you read that, you know I'm carrying a world on my shoulders. And that's the thing... I'm constantly between two worlds. My family and my job are all in one city, but long story short I fell in love with the most amazing woman I've ever met, so when she gave me the opportunity to move in with her and her new place I leaped! But it's an hour and a half from my family and my job. Here's the details:
I got kicked out of my mom's place a few months into my parents' divorce when I was 18. So my dad took me in, gave me a job at his restaurant, and whew that was a year! Some months, I didn't even get a day off.
Rewind a few years prior, I had been with a different girl for about three years. We did love each other at first, but after a spouse cheats, the relationship is never the same. It was a long, painful time period of trying to make things work when no one else wanted it to, then it faded into a loveless social contract of sex, company, and reassurance. Wow, such romance. I know it. Well, turns out she was not only a lying gold digger, but when I decided we were going to stay broken up, she drained all my bank accounts.
Well, I never got an official promotion, just raises, and extra responsibilities. Awesome! So I decided after I had healed up emotionally from that three year relationship, I decided I was going to start enjoying everything I had been missing out on, really living again, and it felt great! (Aside from the growing pains of pulling yourself out of an awful depression) Well, this girl I had a huge crush on and I were always working together! We constantly flirted, even when I was with that one gold digger. One day out of nowhere, we were completely alone and I started talking about this book series I super, super want that's all the Star Wars scripts as Shakespeare plays! And then she was surprised I was a bookworm because we hated each other at first. After talking about reading, books, mentioning this novel I've been working on, we began to talk more, flirt more, eventually she got my number, and we even went on a date!!!!
Fast forward, we have a beautiful baby, a cozy apartment in her college town, and we're figuring out a job right now, but this is where it all begins for me y'all. Sometimes, life throws a post twist at you, and sometimes it's just a happy ending. Yeah, I'm stuck between two worlds, but I'll take OKC to Stillwater over OKC to FTW TX any day. And I'd take my family over anyone else in a heartbeat. I can't even tell y'all how loved, adored, and appreciated I am, or how grateful I am.
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holdon-a-minute · 5 years
As Time Repeats
Chapter I
A New World
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*Present Day*
Shuffling feet, deep laughs, screeching brakes, choirs of songbird, pieces of conversation...each adding to create the loud bustle that loafs through the street. Listening. She slowly raises her eyelids, to only be greeted by the soft morning sun welcoming each body with its warmth.
Shining smiles, trees of chartreuse, paves of stone grey, breeze-caught hair...all merging together to paint one picturesque scene. Watching. She rests back onto the wooden public bench, controlled deep breaths escaping through her button nose.
Mature parfum, strong mowed grass, golden-baked delicacies, polluting fumes, freshly ground coffee beans...scents of good and bad are to be known everywhere you turn. Inhaling.
Now comes feel.
"Ugh..." Renae lets out an exasperated breath in defeat, sitting her elbows on her spread knees and burying her face deep in her dry palms. She tightly traps her airways, holding her breath as the tears threaten to spill from her eyes once again, before she stops herself and forces the words off her tongue, "I do not want to feel this way." She may not be happy now, she thinks to herself, but this is the start of a new beginning. And at new beginnings there is always hope. "Be optimistic..!" she whispers to herself, but Renae knows better than anyone that it's hardest to keep up with your new start when you didn't even want it in the first place.
Standing from the bench, she turns her judging eyes away from the classy lady who had tried to sit down beside her, and soppily strolls down the direction of her destination. Renae pushes herself past—fitted in her signature style of a soft fabric zip-hoodie and a dark leather jacket layered on top—determined to get through the swarm of bodies and make it back to her quiet house quickly. She wanders through Paris as if she's known it all her life now; the street of shops damp and dewy. Wind whistles through her raw ears as they heed the leftover rain that pitter-patters through gutters, down drain pipes and into the city grids.
The screeching, beeping of a pedestrian crossing makes a deafening echo as Renae and a huddle of rushing people cross the cobbled road, instantly zooming her back into focus of reality. Walking through the avenues of France you can smell dozens of different scents everywhere and anywhere. But Renae's favourite of all, she's come to realise, is the trace of a gingerbread man that runs past her. Every time, he calls out, and every time she ends up chasing him to Mr Baker's Bakery. Mmm, the bakery. This is where the baker she's come to know torments everybody with his luscious pies and pastries sitting on display in the window. And when he opens his huge oven door every day, religiously at 10:30, the whole road is filled with the most sensational smell of freshly baked bread rolls.
When her leg starts to vibrate, she reaches into her pocket and answers the person calling, "Hello."
"Ren, how come you're not home yet? You're going to be late."
"I'm on my way now Alice, and I've got half an hour yet. That's plenty of time to get ready."
"Well have you had any lunch yet? You can't go on an empty stomach your nerves will get the better of you."
Renae chuckles, "I'm not that nervous Al, I'll just eat an apple or something on the way there."
"An apple? Alright then, whatever suits you, I'm not going to argue with you on this important day now am I?"
"No, and I shouldn't think so," she teases as a smile plays at her lips and Renae rounds the corner. "Right, I'm round the corner now I'll be two minutes."
"Okay hun, see you in a minute. Bye."
Renae was now in the neighborhood, the rush of the street of shops (as Renae and Alice call it) now gone, giving way to the open and tranquility of her housing estate. She loves her short over-the-phone conversations with Alice. They always play quite amusingly, and never fail to reveal their bond of trust, love and laughs.
She swings into the hallway of her home, and is almost immediately greeted with a "Hello!" coming from another unlocated room of the two-bed house, as usual. She shouts back a 'Hi!" and rushes upstairs, dodging another of her Aunty Alice's extremely energetic speeches that are supposed to be the best motivator out there. She changes into something a bit more formal, touching up her makeup as she passes the standing mirror, fills her faux leather bag with almost everything from her desk (just in case), picks up an apple and heads back out onto the street, where her taxi is conveniently waiting.
"Good luck!" Alice wails as she watches her niece drive straight into the fate of adulthood.
Renae steps through the old brown door and enters the café she hopes to call a workplace sometime soon. The space is fairly large considering its compact look from the outside, and it is so beautiful—everything the young photographer in the corner would need for his aesthetically pleasing Instagram page. She lets the soft, welcoming atmosphere envelop her whole as she strolls deeper into the intricate café, the warmth of brewing tea, the fresh scent of lavender, the ancient bookcase lining the wall, the smokey smell of lit candles, the dark brown wooden furniture, all making Renae feel as cozy as you can be in a Paris café. The building has an aged, withering feel, but the dozens of lush green plants dangling from ceiling to floor brought the life back into the room quickly; the pop of bright emerald managing to spark the creativity into any person who might pass through.
She finds her way to the counter, and politely addresses the waitress. "Hi, I'm here for a job interview with the owner. My name's Renae Cruzette, I rang a few days ago."
"Oh chéri, that would be me," the woman speaks in perfect English, but with a French roll to her tongue, "Come with me and we'll have a seat. Would you like some tea?"
"Green tea would be nice, thanks," Renae replies and finds a small round table for two to sit down.
"I'm Clemence Rosher—founder, owner—of this place, as you will already know."
Renae smiles and does a little laugh, "It's nice to meet you Clemence." The two shake hands as the bleach-blonde woman passes Renae a steaming mug of green tea, the teabag still left in of course.
"Yes and you are Renae Cruzette, you said?"
"Mhm." Renae was waiting for the traffic of questions to come along and preparing herself not to get stuck or lost in them, but they never did, and she finds herself feeling utterly relaxed with the welcoming woman before her.
"So, let's get down to business yes? Why are you here today?"
"I'm looking for a first job actually, and when I heard you were hiring it seemed perfect, because I don't live too far from here and I love baking every now and then, as well as being creative with coffee art. I'm quite the artistic person, you see."
"Good good. That's what I like to hear," Clemence looks into Renae's eyes and gives a shining bright smile, "So are you willing to give your all into this job? I need someone new, someone fresh who will put a part of their soul into my café. I need perseverance, a respectful and capable person. Why would I choose you?"
"I am all of those things and more Miss."
"Madame," she interrupts.
"Right, sorry Madame."
"Who always comes first in my business?"
"The customer does, always!" Renae eagerly answers after not understanding the question for a few seconds.
"Are you good with mathematics? Can you quickly count change?"
"Yes, I graded a nine in my GCSE when I lived in England."
"In England you say? I thought you had a different accent chéri!"
"Yeah I just recently moved here actually."
"Tell me a bit about that then. Why did you move, are you here permanently?" Clemence curiously asks.
"I think I'll be staying here for a good few years now until I have the money to move out and go back to Britain. I've always lived with my Aunty, ever since I was a baby. My parents have never been around, I don't even remember my mother's face, but my Aunty Alice got a promotion, so we had to move here."
"Oh chéri that must be terrible for you, not even knowing your parents!"
"It's fine really! I love Alice so much, she's always been there for me and I respect her with all my heart for deciding to take me in, but she never took the opportunity to become my mother. She's always been my aunty and kept the truth at bay about my parents."
"I see, so is she your true biological aunt then?"
"Yes! She's my father's sister."
"Oh she must be so very brave then, I admire her strength taking in just a child!"
"I do too. You know she is French as well, so it was a delight to her when the company said she'd be moving to their Paris branch. She took me in when she was just eighteen, and we both went to England so she could finish university. It was very stressful for her, and I am so greatful for her determination to not only provide a steady life for herself, but for a child that wasn't even her own too!"
"Yes she sounds like an amazing woman! So how old are you now then?"
*Snap*  The photographer guy's camera clicks away
"When would you be willing to start? I'd have to give you some training first of course, but it'd be nothing major."
"As soon as possible Clemence!"
"Okay then how about I give you a call next Monday when I'm ready for you to come down? I have meetings and all sorts until then."
"Perfect, thank you so much!"
"Oh no worries, I have great expectations of you," and she give Renae a wink as they stand and part ways, Renae not knowing yet that it'd be the last time she speaks to the friendly woman who owns a café.
Five days later.
"Alice, she still hasn't rang me after three days!" Renae bursts as she storms into the kitchen. A series of transparent patio doors line the back wall of the completely white kitchen, the only colour of the room being the numbers of herbs scattered along the windowsills and the grey laminate flooring below. It reminds Renae of a hospital, and she would very much like to hand some paintings on the walls and colourful flowers, nevertheless it's still comfortable to be in when you've got Alice as company.
"She probably just forgot, don't stress," Alice reassures her.
"I saw her write it in her diary! And she definitely said that she was going to employ me. It's getting ridiculous! Even if she did change her mind about me, a little text to apologise wouldn't hurt!"
"I know, she shouldn't have left you hanging like that, that is very unprofessional," Alice speaks in such a wise, calming manner.
"I really would've liked that job as well," she says saddened now, "It would've met all my needs of a simple first job, but one that I would still enjoy and be easy to settle into."
"I know Ren, but you can't just sit here sulking about it, why don't you go back there and see what's going on with this woman—for your own sake at least."
"What if I make it more awkward though?"
"You won't. You're only going to politely ask when you're going to be set for some training, because you've got other things you need to attend and you can't keep having it delayed or being left in the dark."
"I suppose..."
"Come on, it's not fair on you that she's done this, so go and change out of that old hoodie and get down there standing loud and proud!"
"Okay, thanks Al," and Renae gives her understanding Aunty a bear hug, then rushes upstairs to prepare herself to face Clemence again.
The moment she steps out of the front door, an ear-splitting ring starts to sound in Renae's earlobes and an eye-aching migraine begins to crawl into her mind. She should just brush it off, but not matter how hard she tries, Renae just can't shake the bad feeling that drops to the pit of her stomach and the butterflies that flutter up and get lodged in her throat. Renae steadies herself on the doorway for a second, closing her eyes to ease the pounding in her head. She takes a shaky breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, and pushes aside this feeling, ready to take on her plan of action.
Her taxi ride seems to drag on for hours in the stuffy, cramped backseat, the breeze of the day barely noticeable even with the car windows all open. The heat is almost unbearable. Renae can't understand if it's anxiety (which she's never experienced before), or an illness she's suddenly caught that's making her feel this way, but something isn't sitting right in her flesh and bones. Due to the long, unmoving queue of vehicles, Renae decides to just pay the taxi driver now and walk down the rest of the way where café stood stunningly at the end of the road.
She looks about her to see that everyone is busy trying to get to places, and as she strolls further down the street she notices that she's come to a hidden alleyway, "Millbreury Lane, hm." Given her situation and the want to avoid it completely, Renae roams down the alleyway of tall, old-fashioned buildings taking her time to observe her exquisite surroundings.
Right along the bottom of the attached buildings are stores, and they are magnificent to the eye: cafés sit with intricate metal tables and chairs outside; hanging baskets spread throughout are filled with the most colourful, delicate flowers; antique shops showcase their treasures in the wide window each store possesses; and the cobbled floor beneath glows and sparkles as the afternoon sun shines down on the moist puddles and excess rain.
Renae stands still. So impossibly still.
The beautiful antique alleyway seems to disappear around her in slow motion as Renae is sucked back into reality and her eyes are met with metal.
Thick, cold, silver-grey metal.
Pointed at her forehead, in-between her eyes, is a slick handgun. For a while she cannot see the person whose hand is slid around the trigger, nor the group of men accompanying them. For a while, it was just her and the weapon, playing a dangerous game in a little world of their own—the opponent not even alive but still taking the lead and winning the girl over completely. She cannot break her eyes away from the metal in front of her, and the hand-held violence cannot take its eyes off Renae.
She feels frozen in her place, barely able to breathe, as the gun wielder speaks, "Oh chéri," before smacking Renae over the side of her head with the loaded gun.
All soon went black.
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