#I've been kicking my legs and twirling my hair every time i see her
athenamineblox · 4 months
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Guess who I drew
Heaheuahua... Spinel.... (Again)
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heauxvibez · 3 months
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Born Again Virgin
W.I.P Wednesday <3
"I'm going to be a born-again virgin," Amaia admitted to her best friends, Kaydence and Micah. There she sat crisscrossed on their living couch being as vulnerable as possible.
They exchanged glances before bursting into laughter, filling the living room with their mirth. It was hard to believe that their friend, was going to attempt to reclaim her virginity, long gone by now.
Both women sprawled out on the couch, tears streaming down their faces as they continued their fit of giggles. Amaia felt insulted; how could her own two friends think that this was a laughing matter?
Crossing her arms over her chest, Amaia glared at the two women. They calmed down, sitting up straight while wiping tears from their eyes, though a few giggles still managed to escape their lips.
"That was the best joke I've ever heard in my life!" Kaydence said, leaning against the armrest of the couch. Micah nodded in agreement, sitting with her legs crossed.
"I'm serious, guys. It's about time that I... become celibate." Once her friends realized that she was serious, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Amaia's declaration left them taken aback. She had been able to get any man she wanted with her looks and her body; if she found an attractive man in the donut shop, he'd be in her bed that night.
"Why?" Micah asked.
"My body count is higher than my age. I feel disgusted and ashamed of myself," she explained, palming her face.
"So what, sex is amazing! I'd have it every day if I could... oh wait, I do," Kaydence said with a wide smile on her face. She stared off into the distance while twirling a tendril of her hair around her finger.
Micah and Amaia laughed, knowing that their best friend was sex-crazed. There wasn't a single piece of furniture in the place they shared that she hadn't had sex on, and it had consistently been disinfected, if not thrown away.
"So, when do you plan on having sex again?" Amaia stared at Micah, her lips protruding out as she pondered the mind-numbing question. Well, now, she wasn't just going to have sex with whoever she wanted; she needed to control herself and her sexual needs, which needed fulfillment almost all the time.
"If I do find the right guy, I'm going to wait until that relationship is stable before we start having sex, you know?"
"No, I don't know," said Kaydence, breaking her small daydream and shaking her head in disagreement.
Micah nudged her, causing her to mouth 'what' while rubbing her arm.
"We understand, and we..." she darted her eyes at Kay, "support your decision. I mean, we all need a break from sex sometimes, right?"
A loud scoff echoed throughout the room, and they both looked at the woman who continued to shake her head. Kaydence mumbled a few incoherent words, causing them to roll their eyes.
Amaia stood to her feet, grabbing her purse from the coffee table.
"Anyways, I have to go to work, but I'll see you girls later."
Kaydence threw up a peace sign, while Micah waved.
As Amaia closed the door of the condo behind her, she stumbled over a box.
"What the-"
Boxes were scattered all over the hallway, each labeled. Some were labeled Kitchen, others Living Room, Bedroom, and Bathroom. Someone was moving in right across from her and had the nerve to leave their boxes in the hallway, where she nearly killed herself.
Her eyes looked up to see the door open, exposing the nearly vacant condo. She saw the figure of someone running back and forth quickly, but she couldn't make out the face. She could tell that he/she was in quite a rush, though.
She rolled her eyes, kicking a few boxes out of the way.
"Damn inconsiderate neighbor. Trying to kill me with their dusty boxes," she muttered as she fumbled with her car keys.
This is a story I worked on a looonngggg time ago and I want to revamp it and make it a Roman story. It's inspired by one of my favorite shows. It's definitely still a work in progress, definitely more details to add to fill the gaps/space. Let me know what ya'll think!
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Camping with Jungkook
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This is my contribution to the Campfire writing challenge.
Soft Smut - 2125 words
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He was straddling the picnic bench, his thick thighs spread open teasing your eyes. 
Standing with a few of the girlfriends you couldn't help but stare in awe. He was drinking and even though the firelight danced pretty shadows across his features you could tell he was flush from the alcohol. 
"You know you're getting together with him tonight right?" they all laughed. "Jin said it's happening even if we have to lock you two in the outhouse." 
"You guys are disgusting. I'd really prefer if that didn't happen….the outhouse, not the getting together part."
It was a well known fact that there was a mutual crush happening. It was also common knowledge that you were both idiots too afraid to act on it. 
Your best friend was dating Yoongi, she was the catalyst behind this epic disaster of a set up. Wanting you around more, wouldn't it be perfect if you hooked up with Jungkook? 
Admittedly, it would.
Sitting at the table noticing the direction of your gaze she called out, "Y/N, come drink with us." 
Subtlety was not her strong suit and you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as you made your way over. 
Patting the weathered wood slats of the bench Jungkook offered you the seat beside him. 
Two red solo cups were slid in your general direction, he picked them both up and handed one to you. Watching as he sniffed the liquid, his nose scrunched up in displeasure. Fuck he was cute. 
"Ready?" he held the cup to his lips.
"As I'll ever be." 
He winced at the taste as you both simultaneously set the empty cups down. 
This was it, it had to be now! It was time for the opening you'd been practicing all week. 
"Do you like S'mores Jungkook?" 
His eyes lit up as he reached for the bag of marshmallows. "I like mine with double chocolate, want me to make you one?" 
The childlike wonder he exuded would be almost comical if it wasn't for the contradictory body it came from.
"Actually, I thought maybe we could try a more adult version?"
He was puzzled. 
"Hang on, I'll be right back."
Running into the cabin, items were tossed quickly out of your bag until you found what you were after. 
Triumphantly returning you held the bottle out to him like it was a fine wine. 
His eyebrows raised, "Marshmallow Vodka?" 
"And behind door number two," your other hand revealed, "Chocolate syrup!"
"I don't get it?" 
Yoongi's hardy laugh bounced around the campsite,  "No but you're definitely going to." 
Three heads turned in unison to glare at him. Outnumbered in his desire to tease Jungkook, he sighed, defeated. "Well then, why don't you just show us how to make S'mores with Vodka Y/N" 
Turning your attention directly to Jungkook you instructed him. "You're going to tilt your head back and I'm going to squeeze in the chocolate syrup." 
"Should I swallow it?" 
"That's what she said," Yoongi interjected. You heard your friend's playful punch land against his shoulder. "Ow, what? Come on, he's making it too easy." 
"As I was saying, Chocolate Syrup, and no, don't swallow…" you smiled, "that'll come later." 
Yoongi's jaw fell slack, "Yah sure, it's fine when she says it." 
Turning your attention back to teaching, Jungkook's ears were red at the innuendos you'd been exchanging. He was flustered and it was charming. Reaching out you gave his earlobe a little squeeze, "Shall we continue?" 
He nodded, "Head back, chocolate syrup, no swallowing, got it."
"I'm going to pour the marshmallow vodka on top of the syrup and then you can swallow and take a Graham Cracker chaser." 
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The night progressed as the shots poured. The more you drank the closer you seemed to inch your bodies together.
"I think you need one more," Guk giggled. Tipping your chin back with his fingertips he was really close. "Ready? here it comes…"
You felt a splat hit your cheek followed by a string of his apologies. He was confused when you began laughing.
"It's okay Jungkook, it's just syrup."
He smiled relieved,  scooching closer to where you sat facing him. Using his index finger he wiped the chocolate drop off your skin and stuck it into his mouth.
"Did you get it all?"
"There might be a little more," he moved closer and softly attached his lips to your cheek, painfully close to your mouth. "I think you're good now." 
Somehow as the hours ticked away your legs had made their way over his. Face to face you  sat with shy smiles and embarrassed cheeks. He pulled you in closer placing a kiss on top of your head. "Is it okay to confess I really like you?"
You wove his tattooed fingers between yours, "I think now's a perfect time." 
His arms were wrapped loosely around you, your head on his chest. The sound of your friend's voices and crackling fire were quiet compared to his heartbeat.
"Did you feel that? I think it's starting to rain."
No sooner than the words left his lips you felt it too. Everyone took to their feet and ran in separate directions, drinks and fire were abandoned for shelter.
Standing up you weren't in a hurry to leave. "I'm staying in the cabin." You gestured to the wood structure. "But I really don't want tonight to be over." 
"Not to brag but I've got a pretty big tent." He kissed your hand and pulled you into his arms. "Or," he began rocking back and forth, "you could just dance with me in the rain." 
"Wow, and I didn't even have Jungkook being a romantic on my campfire BINGO card." 
He laughed and twirled you back to him while singing, "Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance When you're drunk with your friends at a party?"
"You're singing to me Guk?" You stopped dancing. "Is it okay to confess I really like you too?" 
The biggest smile appeared across his face, "I think now's a perfect time." 
Pushing the wet hair from your face he leaned in slowly to find your mouth. He was so soft, so delicate, his lips brushed yours as the rain fell harder and distant thunder rolled past. He set his head on yours and sighed, "You wanna run?" 
He struggled to unzip the flap, both of you crawling in laughing at how soaked you were. Falling on top of each other it felt like time had stopped.
It was a strange feeling, like driving in the rain and going under a bridge. Every sound stops but the second you come out the other side, all your sensations are amplified.
"They say when you meet the love of your life...time stops."
Is that what this was? A pause held between you until he gave in, his mouth meeting yours full force.
His kissing was pure and simple, uncomplicated perfection that could be used the same way to describe every detail of Jungkook.
He was a great kisser, his lips pressed just hard enough, they were just wet enough and his tongue was as well choreographed as his body.
His hand didn't stray from the tender hold it had on your face and as much as you wanted it on your body, you knew you had time. Your heart was pounding as fast as the droplets hitting the shell of the tent in an orchestrated rhythm of anticipation. 
He pulled away leaving you breathless. "We should get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold" He reached in his bag and handed you his T-shirt.
"You want me to put clothes on? That's a plot twist."
He pulled his wet sweater over his head, "we've been drinking, alot."
He grabbed a towel and ran it over his hair, "I'm planning on falling in love with you." He blushed at his own statement. "And I'd just prefer that in a few years our first time isn't a foggy memory." He kissed the back of your hand.
"You certainly have a way with words Guk."
Shamelessly pulling off your wet clothes he pretended to shield his eyes while blatantly leaving gaps between his fingers. "Ugh, you're playing dirty." 
"Using your logic you'll forget what you saw by morning so I'm not gonna worry about it."
Grabbing you playfully he pulled you back down and tucked you into his blankets. 
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The one thing you hated about camping was going to bed freezing and waking up ridiculously hot.
The sun had risen with a vengeance and the navy exterior of the tent held the heat in like a sauna.
Making your way out from underneath Jungkook you pulled the covers back and peeled his shirt from your body. Redoing the messy bun on top of your head you felt a light fingertips touch starting at the top of your neck.
Slowly he traced down your spine stopping between the dimples at the base. A shiver ran over your skin.
"These are cute." He let his finger explore your backside.
You giggled at the featherlight tickle, "They're called dimples of Venus"  
You were still facing away but you could hear him shift. His breath hovered close on your back.
"It's a suitable name for your body," his lips met the indentation.
When he made his way back up to your shoulder you couldn't resist the urge to see his face a second longer.
Turning you found a smiling, sleepy disheveled boy and your heart swooped with affection. Your thumb smoothed over his dewy cheek as his almond eyes took in your bare form. 
"Can you just come back in here?" He whined and made grabby hands.
"Should I put my clothes back on first?"
He pulled the blanket over his face, "Don't tease me."
How were you already wrapped around his finger?
"Fine, let me in."
Staying hidden he lifted the edge enough for you to wiggle in.
"This isn't a very good fort."
"That's not fair, I've got limited resources. I'm gonna make you a kick ass fort." He pressed his lips onto your neck. "For our next date we'll have a picnic and watch movies in it. We are counting this as the first date right?"
His hands were on your waist and his bare skin was pressed against yours. 
"We could even count it as a second, we did sleep together. Jungkook? Can you kiss me now?" 
His large hands moved down your body while his lips worked their magic against yours.
You could hear everyone slowly starting the day. Jin's laughter and the mention of your names infiltrated your moment making Jungkook stop to check with you.
"I don't care about them Guk, keep going." 
The heat didn't matter, the small space didn't matter, your friends on the other side of the thin nylon didn't matter. 
All that did matter was the way he looked at you and asked if you were okay before he pushed himself inside you. If there was a sight more beautiful than Jungkook laying over you in ecstacy you were completely unaware of it. 
Rolling his hips into you skillfully his length hit all the right spots. It was hard holding in your moans, god you wanted to be able to just cry out as he made your toes curl.
Biting your lip you tried not to tip everyone off to what was happening mere feet away from where they were preparing their coffee and breakfast over the camp stove. 
You wanted to tell him, you'd waited so long for this. You spoke the breathy whisper into his neck, "I hate being quiet Guk, you feel so good I want to scream your name."  
Your words did him in, with a loud moan and a face squinted in pleasure he spilled into the condom. 
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Exiting the tent, of course your friends had to make a scene. The picnic tables had been rearranged to face Jungkook's tent and they all sat smiling in the direction of your exit. 
"Really, you couldn't just let us have this?" You hid under his arm as he confronted them.
Jin of course was the loudest, "Can you blame us? We never get front row."
Jungkook pulled you back towards the tent. "Well since you already know what we're doing, this time we'll put on a better show."
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JK: Date 2 tonight! I hope you're ready this fort is gonna blow your mind!
This is fic belongs in the Golden Golden Closet Universe. Continue their story....
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katedrakeohd · 3 years
Drake's Denim Shirt
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This fluffy little Drake and Kate one shot is inspired by this Instagram post.
Kate Walker wrestles her wiggling 9 month old daughter on the changing table. Through five attempts, every time she managed to get one unfolded and placed under Brooklyn's bottom, the little wiggler would squirm or roll before grabbing the diaper and throwing it on the floor. Each time that Kate would make a frustrated sound or pull a face, it would amuse her daughter all the more.
"This is all a game to you, isn't it?"
Brooklyn scrunched up her face and drooled around the thumb that she had tucked into the corner of her mouth. With her other pudgy little hand she was grasping at her toes.
Cupping the top of Brooklyn's head gently and holding the side of her round bum with her other hand, Kate leans in to blow noisy kisses against her belly. The rude noise this makes causes Brooklyn to squeal as she grasps at her mother's hair.
"You like that huh?" Kate mumbles against her soft skin. "Well how about some nummy cheek kisses too?"
Scooping the baby up into her arms, Kate laughs as she pecks little kisses on her plump cheek. "Num, num, num. Mummy wubs her Brookie cookie."
Brooklyn pats at her face with her hands, kicking her legs. Kate bends over to dip Brooklyn, "Will you honour me with a dance Milady?"
Kate dances around the nursery, bobbing and rocking her baby as she hums a few bars of a waltz. The sound of Brooklyn's giggles and squeals as she kissed her cheeks, twirled her around, dipped her down and then lifted her up high again is music to Kate's ears.
Approaching the nursery, Drake smiles at the strange but joyful sounds he hears. Standing in the doorway he watches the scene before him, his heart melting at the pure joy of Brooklyn's giggles. He notices the discarded diapers, the inside out baby clothing on the floor and the open box of baby wipes. He didn't want to interrupt their fun, but he couldn't help but chuckle.
"Teaching her the Cordonian Waltz already? I don't remember moves like that during our first lesson."
Kate gasps at the sound of his voice and whirls around, blushing profusely at getting caught. She tries to cover up her embarrassment with a laugh, "Well you were an equally stubborn student if I remember correctly."
Drake saunters in wearing a smile and dressed in his usual white t-shirt and dark jeans, one hand shoved in his back pocket. The other hand gestures to the baby things on the floor. "I see the princess is not cooperating. Need a hand?"
With a grateful sigh Kate carries Brooklyn back to the table, "Yes, please. Somebody has a case of the wiggles and giggles today."
Drake gathers up the loose diapers from the floor and tucks them away back in the box. He joins Kate and Brooklyn at the changing table, smiling down at his daughter as she reaches up toward him with her little arms, hands grasping at the air.
"Nope, sorry Princess Beanie. No more dancing until you're properly dressed."
Drake tucks his hand into Brooklyn's armpit, gently cradling her upper body to hold her still. She blows drooly bubbles and makes happy sounds as she looks up at him, one little hand wrapped around his big thumb, her other thumb wedged in her mouth again.
"I'll keep her distracted at this end," he says quietly, "While you look after the other."
Kate smiles as she can now make quick work of lifting up Brooklyn's bottom, sliding a flattened diaper into place and fastening it closed with the adhesive tapes. "Thanks. Now can you keep her occupied while I grab her diaper shirt, little pants and socks?"
"Sure, I can."
Drake sits Brooklyn up on the table, his hands cradling her under the arms again. He leans in to kiss her on the top of the head, she grabs at the front of his t-shirt.
Kate pushes up the rolled up sleeve on the shirt she's wearing before she pulls open the dresser drawer. "So what have you been up to this morning? Besides rescuing damsels in distress."
Drake lifts Brooklyn up and carries her over to the comfy chair in the corner, transferring her to the crook of his arm as he sits down and rests her on his lap.
"Oh, I've been on a hunt actually."
Kate busies herself with gathering clothes, "A hunt for what?"
Drake glances down at Brooklyn, cradling her to his side as he notices her sleepy expression. There's a wet patch on his shirt from her drool. She's clutching at the cotton in her tiny fist and sucking on her thumb.
"All played out, eh?" He whispers down to her.
"Hmm?" Kate asks, turning around.
Drake brings his finger to his lips in a hushing motion, "She's falling asleep on me."
Kate throws her hands up in exasperation, holding up the baby clothes she picked out, answering him with a whisper, "Oh great, for you she's calm."
Drake shrugs and gets up from the chair, carrying Brooklyn to her crib and laying her down. "Well now she should be more docile and easy to dress."
Kate glances at the wet spot on his shirt, and then starts to gently dress Brooklyn in her clothes. "So what was it you were hunting for?"
Drake plucks the wet cotton away from his skin, and watches Kate with a bemused expression. "I was looking for my favourite shirt."
Kate bites at her lower lip as she tries not to laugh, "Let me guess, it's blue and made of denim."
Drake untucked his t-shirt from his jeans and then tugged it off over his head. "Uh huh."
Kate carefully maneuvers the diaper shirt over Brooklyn's head and pokes her arms into the sleeves. "Don't you have quite a few of those denim shirts?"
Drake tosses his t-shirt into the hamper with Brooklyn's dirty laundry. "Yeah, I know. But the one I'm looking for is special."
Kate glances over at Drake as he approaches the crib again. Without his shirt, and his hair all messy, he was all kinds of sexy. She looks away as her cheeks get hot again. He was looking her up and down with a renewed interest and a smirk on his face.
"What's so special about this shirt to make it your favourite?"
Drake steps in behind Kate, sweeping her hair off to the side and then smoothing his hand across the shoulder seam of her shirt and then slides it down her sleeve. He grins at the goosebumps his touch causes, feeling the pebbles on her skin as he unfolds the cuff and the material falls down to her wrist. "I love the way the denim is all soft and worn in the right places. The cuff of one sleeve is starting to fray, and on the cuff of the other sleeve the snap is missing."
Kate leans back against Drake's chest as he braces one hand next to hers on the crib railing, the other hand slides down her other sleeve to unfold the other cuff.
"Did you check with the maids in the laundry room to see if it was there?"
"Mmhmm," Drake hums as he leans in to kiss her neck.
Kate bends her head to the side, closing her eyes. "And did the maids have it?"
Drake reaches around to undo the fasteners on her shirt, knowing off by heart how many there were.
"You could have worn a different shirt," Kate suggests, feeling his hand slide over her breast, his thumb tracing the circle of the areola and then giving the nipple a flick.
"But I really like the way my old favourite one fits."
"Isn't that the one with the tiny hole in the armpit?"
Drake pushes the material of the shirt away from her shoulders, letting it drop down her arms. "Yep."
Drake wraps his arms around Kate, enjoying the smoothness of her skin as he presses her back against his bare chest. Kate's trapped in his love lasso but doesn't struggle as he kisses his way across her shoulder. Drake can smell the scent of their laundry detergent on her skin and it blends with the unique taste of her that he can't get enough of.
"What if the holey, frayed cuff, snap missing, well worn denim shirt is my favourite too?" Kate giggles, as Drake turns her around and the shirt falls to the floor.
Drake cups her face in his hands, chuckling, "That's what really makes it my all time favourite shirt. Seeing you in it, taking it off of you, knowing that you sometimes sneak it out of my closet and wear it with nothing underneath, and then sneak it back into my closet again. Smelling you on my shirt when I put it on, snap up the buttons that still work, roll up the cuffs, and then think about how your beautiful sexy self was inside it. Oh my Fuck that turns me on like crazy."
Kate grins wrapping her arms around his waist, "That's why I love it too."
Drake notices Brooklyn stirring in the crib and making fretting noises. He groans with disappointment and then gives Kate a kiss before crouching down to retrieve their favourite shirt from the floor. He gives it a deep sniff and then helps Kate back into it again. "Here, take it back. Beanie needs her mommy dressed right now, more than Daddy needs to have Mommy naked."
Kate reaches into the crib to lay a soothing hand on Brooklyn's belly, and then looks back at her hubby. "Raincheck?"
Drake gives her one last kiss and then turns toward the door, "I'll be looking to redeem that later."
Kate winks at him and then turns back to her little one.
@fluffyfirewhiskey @sirbeepsalot @jovialyouthmusic @no-one-u-know @twinkleallnight @walkerswhiskeygirl
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nervousmendes · 4 years
Drunken Haze | Shawn Mendes
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Shawn x reader (smut)
a/n: this was a failed attempt at writing smut for the first time. (it's very mild, mostly just sexual tension and making out) do check out more of my work on my masterlist right here
summary: Shawn sees the reader at a bar and makes a move.
warnings: mild smut (making out) and very little swearing
Cez does his fair share of research when it comes to choosing a bar to spend the night at, and when you're in Paris (yes, with a French accent) it's totally worth it. Brian walked in first, Shawn and Cez not far behind. "Man I'm so getting shit-faced in here." he sighed as the three of them observed the fancy lights, furniture and wall hangings, taking in the scent of alcohol and cigerettes suspended in in the warm air of the closed space. Cez being the only bright one in the three, quickly spotted an empty booth in the lounge but Shawn's eyes fell straight on a blond haired women, her black dress hugging her hips so well and her toned legs crossed one over the other while she tipped her head back, letting the expensive wine in the glass she was holding flow into her system.
There was something about her that intrigued him. Maybe it was the confidence she radiated, the way she sat with her back poised, the way her silky hair flowed down her shoulders or maybe it had something to do with how her skin glowed in the dim lighting. He felt the urge to approach her, like she pulled him towards her. And it was as if his legs knew what his heart wanted when they started making calculated steps towards the bar counter that she was facing. His thoughts went every which way trying to figure out what to say as he took the stool exactly beside her's, completely ignoring the five (or more) empty stools on his other side.
"Hey." He internally patted himself on the back for sounding a lot more confident than he actually was.
"Do I know you?" Her face broke into a polite smile, and her thick french accent dripped with the words she spoke out of her red stained lips.
Too cocky.
"You don't give me a businessman vibe." She said looking at him from head to toe. Looking. She saw the black denim that covered his toned legs, his satin, white shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and the little scar on his cheek that gave his soft facial features a more rugged look. Shawn watched her keenly. His hand went to his hair, fingers pushing a stray curl out of his eye.
"What makes you think I'm a businessman?" He turned in his stool and rested his arm on the bar counter to make her shift her vision from his face to his forearm that flexed under the thin fabric.
"They're usually the cocky ones." He was searching for what to say slightly taken aback by the fact that someone found him cocky, considering that no one has ever called him that before, not in a bad way. He wasn't offended, just surprised. In fact he liked that the whole 'be confident' thing was working.
"But you seem nice, I'll give you that." She chuckled while twirling the empty wine glass in her small hand.
"Will you let me buy you your next drink?"
She considered it, and almost nodded yes for affirmation but then her brows drew in an L shape. "I think I've already had too much to drink." She was mentally trying to count how many times the bartender filled her glass with Chartreuse.
"So why don't you tell me your name, mysterious, handsome, American man?" She said leaning close to him. The already deep cut neck line of her dress plunged down even further, dangerously low, making Shawn draw in a sharp breath through his mouth.
"I love mysterious and handsome, but I'm actually Canadian." He narrowed his eyes at her with a smirk and she couldn't help but smile.
"And nice to meet you, I'm Shawn. Et toi?"
"I can tell you skipped your french classes often back in school." She broke into a chuckle, making Shawn grin right back at her, his face very close to hers.
"You know nothing about me, but I'm afraid this one's true." He whispered, his minty breath fanning her face. She laughed again while placing her hand on Shawn's toned bicep that was rested on the countertop.
"You're funny." Her gaze burned into him.
"I wasn't even trying." Liar.
"I'm guessing that's a lie." They never broke eye contact.
"For someone that guesses a lot, you're pretty accurate."
"You know nothing about me." She said just like he did a minute ago, her lips almost grazing his making sure to not touch them. What a tease.
"How about," the tips of his calloused fingers went to her bare shoulder, "I start with knowing what those pretty lips of yours taste like?" and stroked the soft, supple skin on her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.
"That's a good start." She inched closer.
"So is that a yes?"
Instead of giving him an answer, she touched his lips with hers, hands going to either side of his neck. He covered her mouth with his, tasting the expensive alcohol she had been drinking all night. He nudged closer to get a better angle, his large hands taking purchase on her waist. Their tongues danced with each other's, deepening the kiss. He moaned under his breath when she licked the roof of his mouth, and he used that as an opportunity to suck on her lower lip. Her nails scratched his scalp, tangling her fingers in his long, soft curls and she quickly figured how much he liked it from the way he kissed her harder in response to tugging his hair. She broke the kiss for air, he assumed but then when he pulled her in again, she opened her mouth to speak.
"I live only ten minutes away, let's get out of here." She was breathing heavily. He nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before getting off the stool and helping her down shortly after. He left a quick text to Brian asking them to carry on with whatever they were upto and rolled his eyes at Brian's response telling him to "not bust that nut too quick". They got in an Uber and sat beside each other, lips red and swollen, breath heavy, and their thoughts everywhere. They didn't say a word to each other. They didn't know what to say but they were both trying to reach out for some sort of connection. She cleared her throat in an attempt to gather the right words before she spoke. Her eyes were set on her hands that played with the hem of her dress.
"Is now a good time to tell you.." He looked up at her, signalling for her to go on. She gulped, "that I actually know who you are, and I acted like I didn't because I didn't want you think of me as someone who would see you as an object just because you're a celebrity." She made air quotes on the word 'celebrity', like it was such a weird thing to say, a word that gives a human, with a little fame they never knew was coming their way, the title of an object.
"That is the best decision you ever made. If I knew you knew I'm sure I wouldn't even have made a move. You have no idea how glad I am that you did that."
She finally dropped the hem of her dress and looked back at him through her long eyelashes. That was it, there was no holding back anymore. Shawn's lips crashed into hers and she kissed his mouth back with that much force, curling her fingers into the collar of his shirt. His one hand went around her waist, palm flat against the small of her back, and the other was tangled in her beautiful, blond locks.
Their lips didn't leave other's even while unlocking the door, and just like you see in the movies, they kissed their way into her bedroom until Shawn's legs hit the cot and his butt landed on the soft spring mattress of her bed. She kicked off her heels and threw one leg to his other side, her knees on either side of his legs, straddling him. His hands slid down from her waist to fill his palms with the flesh of her toned bum. He cooed as he kneaded them with every movement she made sitting right on top his hard-on that strained his tight denims. Shawn drew his lips away from her mouth to leave wet kisses down her jawline and along the expanse of her throat. He attached his lips to the spot under her ear and sucked on the skin there, causing a shivering moan to tumble down her plump lips. He explored her neck and her chest with his hungry lips, tasting the lavender flavour of the soap she lathered on herself earlier that evening. Somewhere along kissing and a lot of exploring later, all the clothing they helped each other get rid of were scattered on the floor, sweat covered bodies moulding and crashing to give each other the climax they longed for.
(I cannot write smut for shit so I cut the crap out and got to the point.)
She woke up to the warmth of the sun shining on her golden skin through the half drawn blinds, feeling a mild headache from all that she had to drink the previous night. That's when she remembered him. She jutted her head out of her pillow to see that his clothes weren't on the floor anymore. She shifted under the sheets to find an empty bed beside her and a post it note neatly placed in the centre, exactly where he slept. She took it in her hand, squinting until she could read what it said.
Sorry, I left without saying goodbye. I'm playing a show today and I have to be there early. Last night was really fun. x
- S.M
Her lips formed a shy smile and her cheeks were tinged a shade of red as she recollected the events of last night. She folded the piece of paper in her hand contemplating whether she had to throw it or save it. She looked down at it one more time, and that's when she noticed that something was written on the other side. She turned the post-it around, to find a phone number written on it and under it he'd written, "maybe I'm glad I didn't say goodbye".
She laughed to herself, carefully placing the paper in her journal, already excited by the idea of seeing him again. She met Shawn less than twenty four hours ago and hardly knew anything about him, but there something about him that drew her in, made her want to get to know him better and of course feel that pretty mouth of his between her legs once again.
I'm thinking maybe I'll do a part 2 to this so let me know what you think. Hope you liked this one. Reply to this or leave me a message if you want to get added to my taglist!!
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
I Wish
Pairing: James Potter x Reader x Sirius Black
Word Count: 2,421
Warnings: Slight swearing, angsty
Request: hey 💌 my request seems kinda sad (but i'm into it). sooo i was listening to i wish by one direction and i had an idea!! could u pls write a james x reader based on that song? like reader is dating sirius and james is in love with reader? and sirius knows? heheh thank u, i love your work ✨💗🙏🏽
A/n: I'm not a big One Direction fan but this was fun to write. Enjoy!
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He takes your hand, I die a little
I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?
James swallowed harshly watching you as neared them. He knew it wasn't supposed to be like this but here he was. The boy looked down at his hands ashamed.
“Hey guys!” you greeted with a smile that made his knees go weak and his breath leave his lungs. 
“Hey babe.” Sirius responded looking up at you from his position next to James on the couch. “Whats up?” 
“Nothing much.” You answered plopping in between the two boys making James jump a bit. “You okay James?” You asked turning towards him.
The boy coughed sputtering for breath, “Y-yeah.” he stuttered nervously pushing his glasses back up his nose. 
“You sure?” you placed your arm on his shoulder in concern and he went completely stiff.
“He's just upset his Lily flower is ignoring him again.” Sirius laughed rolling his eyes playfully. 
Sirius couldn't have been more wrong but James just put on a fake smile and nodded along.  
He slumped with relief when you removed your hand from his shoulder and turned back to Sirius. 
Playing with Sirius' hair you said, “She can't keep the charade up for ever I mean you James fuckng Potter for Merlin's sake.” 
The truth was James felt nothing the ‘James fucking Potter’ you mentioned. That James had died three months ago when he fell in love with you. He knew falling in love was supposed to be this wonderful thing, with fluffy bunnies, rainbows and cotton candy and he was sure that's what it was when he thought he was in love with Lily.  Unfortunately he had done no such thing and when you walked into the common room Sirius’ arm around your waist he had truly fallen. And falling was definitely the right word. 
It was as if someone had pushed him off his broom and he had plummeted to the ground below. Now he just lay there hurt and wounded attempting to pick himself back up as his heart crumbled to pieces.
Oh and of course every time he made the smallest bit of progress, his best friend would come over carrying you in his arms and kick him in the gut as you giggled and stared at Sirius like he with the king of England. 
And now here you were doing it again. Sirius was talking about the prank he had just constructed and you had your head laid on his shoulder hand interlaced with his. Your beautiful y/e/c eyes locked on his stormy grey ones. All the while James was wishing you were looking at him. 
When you walk by, I try to say it
But then I freeze, and never do it
My tongue gets tied, the words get trapped 
I hear the beat of my heart getting louder, whenever I'm near you
James nearly went into cardiac arrest when you walked into the slug club meeting. You were incredible. 
A lacy white dress hung snug to your chest before spreading out at your waist into a and hanging down your legs. Your hair was done up in a tight ponytail with silver sparkles sprinkeled in across your head.
James was sure if he watched you any longer he would forget about everything else in this world and sprint at you smashing his lips onto yours. So he turned his head to look at his best friend whose arm was linked to yours, the long haired boy had his eyes locked on you in a way that broke his heart, he looked at you the same way; with love. You just never looked back. 
You waved to a few of your friends before turning back to Sirius saying something to him before disappearing into the small crowd. 
Sirius made his way over to James giddy and smiley. 
“Guess what.” He smiled his eyes still in a haze from your angelic form. 
“What?"James drawled trying (and failing) to sound interested. 
“I told her I loved her.” 
James spat out the pumpkin juice he had taken a sip of, gaining everyone in a three foot radius attention, “You did what!?”  
“Yeah I know!” the other boy bounced excitedly on his heels mistaking his friends misery for astonishment and happiness of his own actions. “She said it back too, I can't believe it! She's actually in love with me!” Sirius was practically bursting with joy as he broke his best friends heart into a million pieces. 
“She's actually in love with you.” James whispered voice tearful and heart-broken as if he was realizing it for the first time. 
“You okay man?” Remus asked coming up behind the pale boy. 
“I think I feel a bit sick, i'm going to head back.” James  muttered blinking back tears as he set his glass down and headed for the door. 
“Oh okay.” Sirius said smile faltering for just a meer second.  
Just as James neared the exit he had his hand grabbed and twirled around to be faced with the elegant y/e/c eyes he dreamt about. 
“James, where are you going?” you asked a grin plastered on your soft pink lips. 
He felt his tongue swell as his eyes took in your beautiful figure, your were nothing short of a piece of magnificent art. “I-I don't feel very well.” He managed to punch past the lump growing in his throat as he looked a what could never be his. 
“Oh I'm sorry.” You said voice soft and laced with concern, “I'll talk to you later then, hope you feel better.” with that you turned to walk back to the party.
“Wait y/n!” James bit down on his tongue after he spoke wishing he hadn’t let those two words escape.
“Whats up James?” you asked turning back to face the breaking boy.
James felt the words he had been wanting to say building in his throat wanting desperately to escape. He swallowed again forcing those thoughts to stay just that; thoughts. 
He managed a lopsided grimace  before squeezing his eyes shut quickly and gasping out a sarrowfilled and broken, “Nothing.” before turning and walking quickly from the party before you could respond. 
But I see you
With him slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him, I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me
    Over the next few weeks James learns slowly and, as always, painfully how to act normal around you. He would still feel himself breaking inside as Sirius pulled you into a kiss, but he kept it just there. Inside.  
    Now he stared at you pulling Sirius close to you and burying your head in his chest as you both swayed to the soft sound of the music he simply sighed downing his glass of fire whiskey in a quick gulp, hoping it would dull the pain. 
    It helped a bit but he dared not drink much more for fear of the false confidence he knew he would gain with a few more glasses, confidence that would take his friendship and rip it in two. 
He looks at you, the way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time could just turn back
' Cause I got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you
    James looked down at the crowd below him and caught sight of you, feeling his heart soar before it dropped straight back into the ground. Sirius stood next to you holding a sign that read, "Kick some slithery ass!” in bright golden and red. This would have made him chuckle if the owner of the sign hadn't been staring at the girl of his dreams before leaning over and kissing her on the corner of her lips.
James could almost hear Sirius mutters a soft, “I just couldn't help it.” in your ear.
He couldn't blame him. He could barely help it himself. 
He wished you were the one holding the sign, and that after this game he would be
able to go to hogsmeade with you and kiss the corner of your lips his hand locked with yours.
He wished he was the one who got to whisper, “I just couldn't help it” in your ear.
But he wasn't, so instead he flew through away from the heart wrenching couple and looked for something he could have. The quaffle. 
But I see you
With him slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him, I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me
    Fire Whiskey was James Potter's new best friend. It wouldn't steal the love of his life away from him. 
             James had been doing okay but all rationalty had gone out the window when you had attacked him in a hug after he won the game. You had smelt of roses and pomegranates. The scent drove him crazy. He had wanted to freeze time and hold you forever, running his hands through your y/h/c hair.
    When you pulled away not having you was so much more painful than before and he couldn't take the pain. So he numbed it. 
He had taken four shots the second he had joined the party in the Gryffindor common room. The broken heart was now holding a bottle and bringing it to his lips as you drunkenly pulled an equally drunk Sirius into a sloppy make out session. 
    Godric, what James wouldn't have given for it to be him whose tongue was exploring your mouth. 
    Twice that night he almost fucked up his entire life and both times he had managed to stay sane enough to walk away from you and sit his ass back into a chair. After a third bailed attempt to say three little words to you he finally he stumbled upstairs and passed out on the floor. 
With my hands on your waist, while we
dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me, that you'll call later on
cause you wanna say good night
Just like every other night, he dreamt of you. 
This time you were dancing in a garden, the moonlight making you appear even more angelic than normal. You hair seemed to glow as you reached for his hand, bare feet twirling around on dewy grass. You soft lips were spread in their glorious lopsided smile. You had loved him. You had held him and ran your hands through his hair. You had kissed him softly lips tasting of strawberry and fire whiskey. You had wanted him, needed him, chosen him. 
Then he woke to the sound of you leaving the room, hair in a messy bun, wearing Sirius t-shirt and boxers as you snuck from the room, bare foot, on hardwood floors. Because you had wanted him, needed him, chosen...him.
Cause I see you
With him slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
    Sirius was not blind. He saw the way his best friend looked at you. He saw the jealousy the anger, he saw all of it. He had hoped James was simply jealous of what he and y/n had wishing it for Lily and himself, but he was wrong and he had always known that.
    “James.” He spoke when the two of them were in the library. They had been abandoned by Remus and Peter but were still in desperate need to study. 
    “Yeah?” James asked looking up sleepily from his half-finished transfiguration essay. 
    Siruis sighed deciding beating around the bush would only cause more pain, “I know your in love with y/n. ” 
    All of the previous tiredness that had found a home in James’ hazel orbs was now far from sight. The boy went pale, then red then pale again before he opened his mouth to speak, “I don’t kn-”
    “Don't lie to me James. I know you better than I do myself, i'm not blind, I see the way you stare at her, the way you talk to her, just the way you act around her, its obvious.” Sirius deadpanned, he wasn't messing around. 
    James looked down ashamed of himself. He could feel his tears pushing through their defenses as the by he considered a brother spoke.
    “James, I don't know how you fell for her, but I need you to move on." Sirius stared at the boy needing him to hear him, "I love her, she loves me and I know that this has been killing you, but I won't change how I feel about her because of you. I can’t. You guys and her are all I have, but I refuse to choose between the two. So you are going to have to swallow your feelings, bury them deep and keep your shit together. Not just for me but for her too.” 
    James looked up at Sirius’ stern face eyes glossy. “I will.” 
    Sirius squeezed his eyes shut in a silent prayer to keep his own tears down, he hated this conversation almost as much as James. “Thank you.” 
    James nodded and looked back down at his essay knowing he wasn't going to write anything meaningful for a long time. 
But I see you
With him slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him, I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish, that was me
    It became easier. The breaking became a dull throbbing pain, not great but better than the previous sharp stabbing he had felt before.
            He didn't watch you anymore. He trained his eyes to look for red hair not y/h/c. He focused on everything he hated about you (a microscopic list)  and everything he loved about Lily. He smiled more, dreamt less.
           He tried not to wish for you but he still felt that deep desire not wanting to leave. He knew that with time he could do it. He avoided you, he needed space as well. He pushed you away best he could and focused, focused on anything but you. 
           James he knew that finally he was beginning to pick himself off of the grass and find the pieces of his heart to put back together. But he knew that you had one of those pieces and he was sure he would never quite get it back. Because a part of him would always be yours. 
Oh how I wish, that was me
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breakingsomething · 4 years
the fall part fifteen - the topic of forgiveness
basic summary: marvin does an emotional speedrun. chase attempts an apology. a storm is coming.
trigger warnings: mentions of medication, hypnosis
tagslist: @synonymsforzombie @spicydanhowell @skyewardlight @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars @cest-mellow @graveyardlettuce @lower-your-expectationss
marvin had had hangovers before, but this one was just awful.
the hotel was nice though. someone that he assumed was staff had brought him toast and apple juice, which he was immensely grateful for. it helped his headache ease. then he'd spent the morning psyching himself up for getting up and going to face his brothers again, which he really didn't want to do but knew he'd have to eventually. he supposed he couldn't avoid his responsibilities forever. ugh, everything hurt.
"what was the name of the man who paid for my room last night?" he asked the receptionist as he finally worked up the energy to check out. the woman smiled at him, the computer screen lighting up her face as marvin waited patiently, clinging to the desk for support. he was tired as shit. maybe he should have taken advantage of the free room and slept longer, but he knew his brothers would be worried. he wondered how many frantic texts they'd sent him before remembering anti had stolen his phone. the thought shouldn't have been funny. yeah, he needed a nap.
"it was… anthony berlin," the woman told him, pushing up her glasses as she looked at him. marvin nodded. he didn't recognize the name, like he'd expected. a small part of him had thought the interaction between them had seemed very familiar, but of course he'd been drunk out of his mind. he probably was just imagining things.
"thank you," he said gratefully, and flashed a small smile at her as he left. this hotel was pretty nice, actually. he wondered how much it had cost for a room, but decided not to ask that as well. once outside, the cold air practically slapped him in the face. well, that was one kind of wake up call. he should definitely go back home now.
he didn't.
he walked to naomi's instead. she'd managed to move back yesterday, though the shop was closed and likely wouldn't reopen for a little while. he went up the fire escape and knocked on the side door, whistling sharply to let her know who it was. it took her only about a minute to answer, and marvin breathed a sigh of relief when she did.
"why are you on my fire escape?" was the first thing she asked. she looked different from the last time he'd seen her; bags under her eyes, hair yanked back into pigtails, fringe hanging in her face. "i mean, good to see you. uh. yeah. good to see you."
"good to see you too," he said softly. he tapped his shoes on the metal bars, avoiding the thin vines that had woven themselves through them. he cleared his throat and glanced back up at her. "do you wanna go somewhere? the beach, maybe? we could go sit at the gazebo and get fish and chips? or -"
"fish and chips sounds good," she interrupted. a grin split her face. "let me get dressed very quick. i'll be out in five minutes."
five minutes later, they were on their way down the steps and towards the high street, talking casually like the events of last week hadn't happened. it was only once they'd arrived at the shop down the street that naomi quietened, lowering her head and silently taking marvin's hand.
"they're going to start me on carbamazepine," she murmured. "that's usually used to treat epilepsy, but it's effective for bipolar as well. the lithium wasn't working anyway, so they're easing me off of it. i should be good in a month or so."
marvin blinked, then smiled wide. "oh - naomi, that's great!"
she snorted, turning her face away so he couldn't see her grin. "yeah, i suppose. i'm - i'm sorry about my breakdown. i know i must have scared you."
he squeezed her hand gently. "you're ok. i've… i've dealt with things like that before. henrik sometimes has flashbacks and barely recognizes us when we try to help him. we're always there for him, and i'll always be there for you."
naomi's lips parted, and her eyes flickered away. "oh, uh - thank you. thank you, marvin, i… ugh, i don't know why you put up with me sometimes. but thank you for it."
they each got a container of fish and chips, then walked to the gazebo, grabbing a spot on the benches. "you'd think there'd be more people here so early on a - what day is it?" marvin said as they ate. "thursday?"
"i think so," naomi said. she threw a chip across the ground, and above twenty seagulls immediately flew down and began fighting over it. "lost track of the days. they're all the same, anyway. boring." she glanced at marvin. "unless you're visiting. those days are easier to manage."
marvin went silent, staring at his plastic fork. it was a minute or so until he spoke again. "are you really ok? now, i mean. i imagine that - breakdown, was, uh… something that'd been building up for a while."
she sighed, crossing her legs over each other. "i guess. i do feel better, yes. i'm going back to therapy and i believe new meds will help a lot. i just… it scares me, the way my magic exploded like that."
marvin hunched further over himself, resting his elbows on his thighs. "has that happened before?"
"mm-hmm," she hummed. "never to that extreme, but yes. i suppose that happens when you - when you're bottling up so much emotion inside of you. you can just explode."
she kept talking, but marvin was staring down at his food with unfocused eyes, suddenly not hungry. he had lashed out at chase with his magic. had that been why? maybe marvin wasn't as composed and put together as he thought he was. maybe. but he was supposed to be the big brother now. he couldn't afford any explosions like that again.
"- anyway, what's been happening with you? it seems all i've talked about is myself," naomi was saying. marvin jolted, snapping back to attention guiltily with wide eyes. naomi giggled at the look on face. "daydreaming a bit there, pyro?"
he laughed. "maybe, maybe. sorry. i'm - doing fine, yeah, fine." he decided not to mention the storm or anti or his own magic explosion. she didn't need more stress on top of her own. "do you wanna walk down to the beach? i'm sick of sitting still, and we've been here for like, ten minutes."
"sounds about right, you adhd ridden bastard," naomi joked, and they set off again, chatting about nothing the way they always had. it made marvin's head hurt. something about how… how usual, how samey this was. it was like the past three months hadn't even happened. like it was april and they'd just celebrated chase's birthday and jackie had come home with a huge cake, having forgotten henrik was supposed to be getting it, and chase had ended up with two cakes that he'd shared with the kids and even stacy when they'd come round to give them his presents. marvin remembered on that specific day they'd sat out the back and ran about like idiots for a few hours, even some of the adults. jackie had lifted louise onto his shoulders and marvin had taken connor, and they'd raced up and down the garden, stacy occasionally yelling for them to slow it down before they got hurt. a few neighbourhood kids climbed the fence to play with them, and eventually it had turned into a right party, every one of them laughing so hard their chests hurt, the heat of the sun making them all dizzy and warm. it had been such a good day. and to think that all that time, anti had been chained up in jackie's makeshift base under that shop, tortured and hurt. just the thought of that made the memory sour. why had that been better days?
"you know, everything's been so strange lately, hasn't it?" naomi said, stirring him from his thoughts. they had arrived at the stone steps down to the beach, and naomi was walking down the wall with her arms outstretched so she wouldn't fall. "ever since you, uh, found anti. like, there was the veil breaking, the resurface of the black magic people, that weird ass storm…" she stumbled, then leaped from the wall to the sand of the beach. "a lot has happened in just three months."
"yeah," marvin murmured, kicking sand into the air. the wind blowing off the water was salty and cold, messing up his already scruffy hair. "it's all shitty! all shitty. let's just… let's run down to the bottom of the beach and then go back up towards the park." he glanced at naomi, grinning. "what do you say?"
naomi's eyed flashed with mischief. "i say... i have a head start," she said, then took off running like a child, sand flying behind her.
"hey!" marvin called. he raced after her, the wind roaring in his ears, nearly slipping on the unstable ground several times. he caught up with her right as she reached the second flight of steps. "that was - that was cheating, you asshole - rematch, rematch!"
"catch your breath first, pyro," naomi grinned. they sat at the top of the steps next to the park, the grass still wet from the rain. marvin doubled over and rested his head on his knees, breathing hard.
"you're - terrible," he gasped. "swear to - god, i'm - gonna - get you back."
"pfft. you wish." she ruffled his hair, and he gave a small shriek of annoyance. she laughed at his reaction and leaned back to look at the sky, laying her back on the grass. "it's getting dark already. think it's gonna rain again?"
marvin laid back too, facing upwards. the sky was getting very grey, black clouds rolling in. "maybe," he agreed after a moment. "hopefully not for a little while."
they just rested in each other's presence for a while, warm and comfortable. "i missed this," naomi murmured. "just sitting doing nothing like this. it feels like i'm always doing something these days."
marvin nodded, yawning contentedly. "yeah, i get the feeling. so much shit always going on." he raised his hand to the sky, twirling faint strands of magic round his fingers, small and controlled. "i just wanna run around and do random bullshit again."
the wind rustled the trees, people playing faintly in the background of the park. it was a while before naomi spoke. "do you think raymond's alright?"
marvin startled. he had barely thought about raymond since he'd been taken, mostly because the memories hurt and he didn't like to think. a small stab of guilt hit him, and he turned his face, cheek touching the cold grass. "i dunno," he mumbled. "i hope."
the truth was, raymond had now been missing for almost a month, and hecate was starting to lose hope for finding him. marvin never thought he'd say it, but he hoped he'd be ok. the two of them had been really close, once. and as much of a dick as his ex was, marvin didn't want him in the hands of jackie.
"remember the day we met?" naomi said. she raised her arm next to marvin's, and several dead leaves flew off the ground to rotate round her hand, visibly getting greener and brighter as they spun. "you were running from him cause you owed him money. you ran into my shop to hide. that's how you set my door on fire, ha!"
marvin found himself giggling at the memory. "oh my god, yeah. and i was hiding under the cash register bit while you told him to fuck off in swedish? holy shit, that was fantastic."
naomi's arm shook with the force of her laughter, and she bumped into marvin, resting their hands together in the air. "i wish you could have seen the look on his face, he was raging. i suppose we have him to thank for us meeting, actually, which is very weird." she turned towards marvin, dark eyes twinkling. "that's pretty funny, when i think about it. the irony, ha -"
she froze. marvin opened his mouth as if to say something, but just licked his lips and swallowed, mouth dry. was she implying what he thought she was?
"can i kiss you?" he said without thinking. his heart was pounding so hard he could feel it in his fingertips, which were now entertwined with naomi's. he wondered dimly if she could feel his heartbeat.
"i'd like that," she whispered.
marvin leaned forwards, eyes fluttering shut, and pressed his lips to hers before quickly pulling away. "shit," he giggled, covering his face with his hands. "i've forgotten how romance works."
naomi laughed. "no, you're doing it right." she rolled over and bumped their noses together. her breath was warm, chocolate eyes sparkling like stars. "this is peak romance. kiss me again."
and he did.
the yelling started as soon as he got in.
"where the fuck were you?"
"henrik, calm -"
"chase, i told you to let me -"
"no, i told you not to be an asshole!"
marvin just stood there and took it. he couldn't be bothered to say anything back. really, it was amazing how quickly a good mood could dissipate in this house.
"jesus, marvin, are you even listening?" henrik cried. his face was blotchy, hair mussed like he'd just been asleep. he poked a finger into marvin's chest, face screwed up in anger. "you didn't come back for hours, you sent us one bullshit text saying "oh, i'm taken care of for the night," and then you don't message us again! what are you playing at?"
marvin sighed, closing his eyes. "i never texted you, henrik."
"- and you even think you can - you what?"
marvin winced at how cold henrik's tone had gone. "i didn't text you," he said, loud and clear. "anti stole my fucking phone. i spent the night in a hotel then went out with naomi. is that ok by you?"
henrik blinked, mouth falling open. "you - i - i thought you'd gotten your phone back! who texted us saying you were alright if -"
"don't know, don't care," marvin muttered, before pushing past henrik and standing in front of chase, speaking to him only. "i'm sorry i lashed out. i should have been more in control and i shouldn't have gotten so upset."
"no, i was being the asshole," chase sighed. he leaned against the oven, bouncing on his heels and biting his lip. "i was mad about something else and took it out on you. i'm really sorry."
marvin nodded. "well, then that's settled," he said. "problem solved. i see no more reason for us to fight anymore."
"i - what - no!" henrik spluttered. his glasses had fogged up with his anger, and he quickly took them off to wipe them. "i'm not done -"
"i don't give a shit." there was no warmth in marvin's voice, no emotion at all. "i'm done. i'll see you guys later."
and with that, he raised his chin and matched out of the room, head held high until he got to his room and collapsed against his door, trembling and eyes stinging.
he sighed softly, breaths shuddering. maybe he should have asked naomi to borrow her phone so he could message his brothers like he'd originally planned to do. to be fair, he'd gotten a bit preoccupied. a smile spread across his lips, and he gently touched them with the pads of his fingers like a lovesick teenager. well, something good had happened today. something different. maybe that was what he'd needed.
"i'm going for a walk."
henrik barely looked up from his computer. "sure. go for it." then he blinked, suddenly softening and looking up at his brother with tired, pale blue eyes. "and… be safe. are you alright?"
"mm," chase grunted, already yanking on his jacket and pulling on his boots. "i'm fine. i'm gonna - meet lucas, actually. i should be back soon."
henrik pursed his lips, nodding slowly. he glanced back towards his screen, but his eyes kept flickering back to chase, concern etched in his face. chase ignored it. he had shit he had to do.
he needed to apologize to lucas. in person. he'd already texted him, but felt like he owed him a real life apology for running out on him like he had. chase had no clue what he was going to say - sorry i freaked out when our faces got too close, i have childhood trauma relating to my sexuality that's scarred me for life - but lucas had agreed to meet him next to the train station, and chase was already rehearsing what he was going to say in his head. hopefully they could be friends again after. he'd hate to lose a friend to something so dumb.
"sir! excuse me, sir, sir!"
chase whipped round at the sudden frantic cries. running up behind him was a man with curly black hair and a long coat, freckled face pale and panicky. he stopped and doubled over, trying to catch a breath. "i'm sorry - but my - my children, my two sons, they've disappeared and a woman down the path told me she'd seen them come up here with some man - have you seen them?" he was shaking, eyes wide with alarm. "please - i can't lose them, please help me!"
chase made several stuttering sounds, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. his chest tightened in sympathy for the man; chase had lost his own kids before, and he could feel the man's panic in his own heart. lucas was going to have to wait. "i haven't seen them, i'm sorry," he said, and the man sobbed with dismay. chase held up both hands, stepping forwards. "but i'll help you look for them! they came this way?"
"yes, yes," the man cried, his scottish accent thickening with tears, swiping at his face. "i asked several people, a woman with a pram told me she'd seen two boys, black hair like mine, coming this way. i'm - i'm so sorry to bother you, oh god, i'm just so sc-scared…"
"hey, it's ok," chase comforted, flapping his hands awkwardly. "i'll help look. come on, let's see what we can find."
the streets were oddly empty. strange, it wasn't even six o'clock yet. "what are your kids names?" chase asked, attempting to distract him.
"dolos and apate," he babbled, tripping over his shoelaces as he walked. "they're twins, seven years old, my wife chose the names because she loves names that mean things. she died recently and there's been - there's been no one else to help me look after them…"
"i'm - i'm sorry," chase said, eyes scanning his surroundings as they got deeper into the city, farther away from the train station. "uh, what's your name? i forgot to ask that, i'm sorry."
"ronald," he said, getting farther away from chase as he walked faster. "i know, such a difference from my kid's names - fuck, i don't know what i'll do if i can't find them!"
"sl-slow down!" chase wheezed, clutching at his side. ronald paid no mind and raced round a corner, disappearing from view. chase cursed silently. "ronald - be careful!"
it was only when chase turned the corner too that he realized something was wrong.
in front of him was was the music shop. silent aside from the blowing wind, birds cawing in the darkening sky. ronald had completely disappeared, and all chase could hear now was his ragged breathing and the blood pumping in his ears.
"ronald?" he said softly.
a sudden, blood curdling scream suddenly rang out from inside the store.
chase wasted no time. he took off like a shot, shoving the doors wide open and darting inside. "ronald?" he cried, bouncing round the room looking for a door. there was nothing, just a small back room that was completely empty apart from a charred guitar. "ronald, where -"
and oh, shit. there was a door behind the place that had once probably been a cash register, slowly opening to reveal what looked like a white hallway, where chase could hear faint screams emitting from.
his first thought was to call the police. he dialed the number as quickly as he could with shaking fingers, waiting for someone to answer. eventually, after far too long, someone did. "hello?" came a man's cockney english accent. "brighton police, what's your emergency?"
chase quickly filled them in on the situation, all the while walking slowly closer to the white door. he felt like something was drawing him closer, calling him, even. "that does sound serious," the policeman was saying, somewhere far away. "do you know if the man is alright? he's screaming, yeah? well, that's not ideal. maybe it'd be best to go see he's ok."
"yeah," chase mumbled softly. his head felt like it was full of wool. "maybe i should."
he could hear the policeman laughing as the phone slipped from his hands.
the hallway was painted white, no doors or windows, slanting downwards to a large silver door at the end. and it was the sound of the door behind him slamming shut that snapped him out of his strange trance, eyed widening with the gravity of the situation as he realized he was somehow trapped.
"hey - hey, let me out!" he screamed, sudden panic filling his veins and making him immediately lightheaded. "no, no, no, this isn't funny, let me out, please, please let me -"
"chase," came a familiar irish accent. chase took a sharp breath, not daring to look. not daring to turn towards the source of the voice he hadn't heard since the owner of it had threw him in the air with black magic. "chase, i want you to listen to me."
someone was tapping on marvin's window.
now, the problem with this was that he was on the second story, maybe ten feet off the ground. he hauled himself off his bed, shoving his laptop to the side and blinking away his headache. he'd been so caught up in messaging naomi that he hadn't even noticed the room had gotten dark. it had probably been staring at the bright screen that had caused the problem. he yawned, rubbing his temples, and threw open his curtains to see -
"oh, you're fucking shitting me," marvin shouted. he threw his hands up in the air, staring at the man who was somehow ten feet in the air, clinging to a pipe with shaky fingers, grinning proudly as he looked in. anti tapped the window again, managing a small wave before gripping the pipe again.
marvin shut the curtains.
the frantic banging started up again straight away. marvin rolled his eyes and opened the curtains again. "what do you want?" he asked flatly, glaring at anti hugging the pipe tightly. he was pale and trembling, soaked through from the rain, nose bleeding with a bruise over one eye.
anti made a face and attempted to mouth something. marvin furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, not understanding. it was harder to tell what he was trying to say with no tongue in his mouth. eventually, marvin managed to decipher it. "you got mugged?"
anti nodded. marvin gave a despairing sigh and dragged a hand down his face. "ok. give me one good reason why i should trust you."
anti opened his mouth again, but suddenly his fingers slipped and he nearly fell, scrabbling to find a foothold so he wouldn't be left dangling in the air. his breathing visibly quickened, and he shook his head rapidly, mouthing one word over and over. marvin couldn't tell what it was, but he could also tell that anti was absolutely going to fall if marvin didn't let him in.
part of him wanted to shut the curtains and just let him go. another part of him wanted to open the window and smack anti's hands off the pipe himself. and another part of him, a much more depressing part, just didn't want to see anyone hurt anymore.
"you're so pathetic," marvin said flatly. anti nodded solemnly.
with a dramatic eyeroll, marvin pushed open the window, reaching out an arm to pull anti inside. anti gasped with relief as he left go of the pipe and tumbled to the floor, slamming his head off marvin's desk. marvin didn't move to help him.
anti groaned in pain. but by the time he'd sat up, marvin had a glowing hand held in front of his face. "this is a damage spell," he growled, pressing his other hand to anti's chest. "i've just wound up all the power based magic in my body and compressed it into my hand. i will not fucking hesitate to shoot this through your goddamn skull if you so much as touch me or my brothers at any point. i will eviscerate you. do you hear me? i will eviscerate you."
anti nodded again, eyes wide. the second marvin let go, he scrambled back into the wall, breathing heavily and clutching at his neck.
marvin narrowed his eyes, lowering his hand just slightly. "now. tell me what you're doing here or i throw you back out the fucking window."
anti didn't even attempt to respond. he just stared at marvin's lit up hand, his pupils dilated. he swallowed, almost completely unmoving.
marvin sighed and shook the magic from his hand, distributing it throughout his body again. "fucking hell," he muttered, and sat back on his heels. "hurry up and talk. i'm getting sick of the sight of you."
anti blinked and raised his hands to sign, but they were shaking so badly he couldn't seem to move them properly. marvin frowned and touched one of them, yelping. "fuck - you are so goddamn cold, how are you even alive?"
he paused, then tugged down anti's right hoodie sleeve, making him flinch. his wrist was still somehow bruised and painful looking. "how did you even do this, anti?" marvin despaired. "i'm just - fucking hell. how did you climb up in this state?"
anti's eyes had gone slightly unfocused. he didn't appear to be listening. marvin groaned. "here - do you have my phone? you can communicate using that."
anti shook his head, and marvin sighed again. "didn't expect so," he muttered, and went to get his computer off his bed. before handing it to anti, he held up a hand in warning again. "break this and you die. i'm not fucking playing around."
anti made a face and slowly flapped his hands in a circle, trying to warm them up enough to type. "the phone and also your kitchen knife got taken when i got mugged," he wrote slowly into an empty google doc. "sorry."
"of course," marvin sighed. "of course. so what do you want?"
anti hesitated before writing the next part. "can i borrow your computer?"
marvin didn't even have any words. for a moment he just stared at anti, open mouthed, before raising a hand and slapping him across the face.
anti yelped loudly and made an exaggerated what the fuck face. marvin curled his hands up with rage, digging his nails into his palms. "you - you, you - you fucking dare even -" he was shaking with anger, tears picking the backs of his eyes. "oh, you fucking infuriate me!"
anti attempted to write something again, but marvin cut him off, slamming his laptop shut. "no. get out. get the fuck out. i don't know why i decided to let you in here. get out."
"wait!" anti signed quickly. "i'm trying to -"
"no!" marvin cut off. "i don't want to hear it -"
"i'm trying to find -"
"i'm giving you ten seconds to get out or -"
"i'm trying to find dapper!"
marvin froze at that last sign. anti looked like he wanted to retract his statement as he saw the look on marvin's face. "you fucking what?"
anti shrank back briefly before sitting up again, trying to regain some scrap of dignity. "i've been looking for dapper," he signed, keeping his eyes trained on marvin. "he's nearby, i know he is, and i -"
"if you think we're letting you near him ever again," marvin said quietly. "you're wrong."
they were interrupted by the sound of anti's stomach rumbling loudly in the quiet room. anti winced and pressed his hands in on his stomach, trying to silence himself. "hungry?" marvin asked with a raised eyebrow. anti flushed, rolling his eyes. he shook his head, removing his hand from his stomach. it immediately started up again and anti hissed through his teeth, curling in on himself.
"i should… probably get you food," marvin said quietly. he still had no clue why he was doing this. why he was giving anti second chances. he breathed in and out, trying to calm himself again before speaking. "fucking hell, why am i even bothering…"
he stood, blowing air out his cheeks as he thought. "you're not staying the night here," he said firmly. anti looked like he wanted to protest, but lowered his hands after probably a second of self reflection. marvin nodded, satisfied. "and i'm not letting you use my computer. especially not for - that. but i will get you food and water and an ice pack for your wrist, cause you're really pathetic and as much as i despise you, i don't wanna find your body on the floor of a bus shelter one day. you got all that?"
anti bobbed his head slowly. marvin glared down at him. "now, stay quiet while i get you shit."
anti's shoulders slumped down, and he gestured to his mouth, making a face of seriously?
marvin groaned. "i mean it, anti. shut the fuck up. if henrik finds out you're here, he'll kill you. and i will let him. got it?"
"fine," anti signed, glancing away. "i'll shut up."
marvin grabbed the doorknob and shook his head. "i can't believe i'm trusting you again," he muttered, before opening the door and immediately coming face to face with henrik.
for a moment, neither man said anything. then henrik started. "trust who again?"
marvin's heart was racing. "uhhhh… myself?" he nodded quickly, his palms suddenly sweaty despite the cold. "giving myself a pep talk. you know, gotta stay on my toes." he laughed nervously, and he hoped anti had had enough sense to duck out of sight in case henrik peeked in. henrik glowered, and for a moment marvin was completely convinced he knew. then the other man lowered his gaze and sighed.
"ok, sure. marvin, i'm - i'm sorry i was an asshole to you. we can't keep going in fucking circles like this." he laughed softly. "not to sound like that arschloch. honestly, i hope he's suffering in the rain out there. i can think of no one who deserves it more."
marvin winced. "uh, yeah. i'm just gonna -" he gently pushed by to get down the stairs, desperately praying that henrik wouldn't look in his room. "i'm gonna make food. 'scuse me."
"marvin," henrik called, and marvin briefly screwed up his face before turning round again. the doctor was looking down at the floor, wringing his hands awkwardly. "i - i'm genuinely very sorry. i know i… didn't sound sincere before. probably because i wasn't being sincere. but now i am." he took a sharp breath between his teeth. "i think we should stop fighting. put all this anti business behind him. i think we can now both agree that anti is an untrustworthy bastard, right?"
marvin bit the side of his lip, guilt welling in his chest. "mm-hmm," he hummed, beginning to step down the stairs. "i'm - sorry too. i am. thank you for… yeah."
his heart pounded as he darted through the house to the kitchen. and as he started on making a sandwich with a packet of crisps, he wished and wished jackie had never picked up that fucking necklace.
"jackie," chase said, voice unsteady. "jackie, i don't - i don't… i don't understand."
jackie nodded slowly. both his hands were raised next to his face, covered by a pair of gloves. red hoodie, mussed hair, goggles on top of his head; he looked almost the same as he always did. but chase knew this wasn't the same man he'd once called brother. the blue of his eyes had turned a solid black, and although chase couldn't see his necklace, he knew it must be underneath his shirt. he wasn't even wearing the thick glasses he could never see without. chase took him in, heart pounding in his ears.
"just listen to me a second," jackie said softly. chase nearly sobbed at his voice. "please. i need to -"
"where's ronald?" chase demanded loudly. his eyes darted back and forth, looking for any other way out of this tiny hallway. "and i've - i've called the police. they'll be here soon."
jackie sighed, then tapped the back of his gauges. "come in," he murmured, and suddenly the silver door behind him opened up, two people stepping through. one was ronald, dead eyed and stiff. the other was a tall blonde man chase didn't recognize, wearing a trench coat and holding a bat. jackie gestured towards each of them respectively. "chase, this is rhudy. and this… this is aaron, our dear policeman. also my boyfriend."
"'ello, 'ello, 'ello," aaron said in a mocking tone, flashing chase a grin. ronald - rhudy - didn't move. just stared straight ahead without any expression on his face. chase felt sick.
"you tricked me?" he spat. "you - this - this is the boyfriend that hurt henrik?"
aaron rolled his eyes. "no, i'm one of his many other boyfriends. i'm the one he saves specifically for when he needs someone to pretend to be a policeman."
jackie turned and shot aaron a glare before turning back to chase, softening. "i want to talk to you. there was no evil intentions behind this, i swear. i just needed you to listen."
"this is where you kept anti," chase managed. his lip was quivering, and he blinked hard so he wouldn't cry. "this place, this weird b-base of yours - why? i don't understand. and why him?" he waved a trembling hand towards rhudy. "what's wrong with him? why does he look like that?"
jackie took a step forwards, just slowly. "i built this place to hold anti, yes. very high tech, but i had help." behind him, aaron straightened, tilting his head up proudly. "and rhudy is - no one important. well, he is, but not to you."
chase shook his head, fear pulsing in his veins. "why's he so… dead looking? why did you lure me here?"
"well, to answer your first question… he is dead," jackie explained, like it was nothing. "i killed him. accidentally, of course, and i didn't realize until recently. this is his soul you're seeing. i control it." he lifted a hand, and rhudy immediately followed, blank faced. jackie smirked. "like a little puppet. remember when anti was younger and always called us his puppets? oh, the sweet sound of the tables turning… warms my heart."
chase's breathing quickened, his stomach rolling. he could taste the bacon tortellini he'd eaten for lunch in his mouth again. "you - he - jackie, that's so fucked!" he squeaked, ashamed of how wavering his voice was. "that's so fucked, i - what do you want from me? answer the question!"
aaron opened his mouth, but without even turning round jackie held up a hand and aaron silenced himself, huffing and leaning on his bat. jackie looked suddenly serious. "chaser, i want you to believe me. this necklace - it's… corrupting me." his hand drifted towards his collar, and he clutched at something beneath his hoodie. jackie winced in pain, and chase's heart tightened. his brother looked up, desperation visible in his dark eyes. "i want rid of it, but i don't know h-how… i feel like something bad is taking over my mind, m-making me do things… i don't want to be like this. i don't, i don't." he shook his head, screwing up his face. "i'm so sorry i hurt you."
everything about this screamed danger. but chase found himself taking another small step forwards, lifting a hand to touch jackie's arm gently. "i knew it wasn't you," he choked out. "i told marvin and henrik. i told them. i said that you were still in there, that your magic was just hurting you - i'm sorry i doubted you, i'm -"
jackie suddenly pulled him in for a hug. chase didn't even hesitate, just immediately melted into it, clinging to his brother like an anchor. jackie was cold. he had always been so warm.
"i'm sorry," jackie whispered, voice cracking. "i love you, chaser, i love you with all my heart."
"i love you too," chase sobbed. he opened his eyes briefly, and looked at aaron and rhudy. rhudy didn't move or react. aaron was looking at his phone, bored. he glanced up to give chase a small, wicked smile, eyes glittering.
"tell me you really love me," jackie said. there was something in his voice that instantly put chase at ease, making him relax in jackie's arms, warm and sleepy.
"i really love you," chase murmured.
jackie's grip tightened on his back. "tell me you'll obey."
"i'll obey," chase said, even quieter.
jackie pulled away, smiling and facing chase head on. oh, his head was spinning. he felt so empty, his thoughts gone. "good," jackie grinned. "good. now listen closely."
he leaned into chase's face. "you're going to go straight home and forget you ever saw us, or that you came to this store at all," he whispered, voice dripping like honey, filling chase's head. he nodded sleepily. jackie smirked even further. "you're going to wait until i tell you i need you. understood, chaser? nod again if you understand."
chase hummed softly, bobbing his head mechanically. "i understand," he said flatly. "i understand."
jackie pushed him away gently, turning chase towards the door and opening with a few button presses. "by the time you've left the store, you'll have forgotten everything," jackie told him, his voice far away. "remember what i told you. i love you, chaser."
true to his word, by the time chase had gotten back out into the now pouring rain and the colour returned to his eyes and face, he didn't remember a thing. had he been planning to meet someone? he didn't think so. no, he needed to go home. go home and wait until he was needed. needed? needed for what? his thoughts screamed. chase shook it off. fuck, he had forgotten to take his meds this morning. must have been why he was so confused suddenly. it must be.
he hummed to himself the whole way home.
anti was right where marvin had left him. leaning against the wall under the window, shivering and burying his face in the curtains. marvin sat down beside him. "made you a sandwich. it's, uh, bread and butter with like, a full bag of cheese and onion crisps. i also have a bottle of water. it's tap water. and a pack of ice." he placed the last one on anti's wrist under his sleeve. anti sat up, hissing through his teeth at the pain. his eyes darted back and forth across the room, and marvin frowned. "are you alright?"
scowling, anti nodded, yanking his hand away and pulling it close to his chest. silently, he grabbed the water bottle and clingwrapped sandwich and stuffed them in his hoodie pockets, not meeting marvin's eyes.
"you're welcome," marvin said sarcastically. anti rolled his eyes and tried to push himself to his feet, managing to get onto the windowsill again.
"yeah, you'll have to go back out the window," marvin deadpanned. anti scrunched up his face, and marvin pushed him aside to open the window again. "i know, it's terrible. but like i said, i don't want henrik to see you."
anti made another face as the sound of pouring rain picked up ever louder through the open window. marvin threw his hands up at anti's reaction. "what? what is your problem?"
anti just shook his head and swung his legs out the window again. "i don't know how the fuck to climb down," he signed, glancing down to the floor below. marvin huffed loudly.
"don't care. have fun." he tapped anti's shoulder, making him flinch. "don't come back here again, ok? fucking christ."
anti rolled his eyes and grabbed hold of the pipe again, giving a small gasp of pain as he clung to it with his injured hand. marvin only watched him go for a moment before straightening and wandering back to his bed, flopping down and pulling his computer back onto his lap.
there was a sudden yelp and a loud thump from below.
marvin immediately leapt up again and raced to the window. anti was on the ground, flat on the grass. "fine!" he signed up at him, giving a thumbs up. "fine!"
he staggered to his feet, swaying painfully. marvin huffed and slammed the window shut again, closing the curtains. this time, he definitely didn't look back.
chase came home an hour later.
"how was your meeting with lucas?" marvin asked with a supportive smile. henrik had filled him in on the situation, and he was going to try and help chase as much as he could with it. "did it go well?"
chase blinked, resting an arm against the doorway. "meeting with who?" he mumbled. then he shook his head, mouth falling open slightly. "oh. oh, oh, oh shit. oh shit!"
marvin furrowed his eyebrow in confusion. "chase, what? did you - did you meet up with him?"
chase palmed his forehead, groaning loudly in despair. "i didn't, i meant - i forgot, christ, how did i forget that?"
marvin gaped. "you forgot? how do you forget - how do you - isn't that what you went out for in the first place?"
"yeah!" chase's eyes were wide with sudden panic. "yeah, how could i forget? i just walked around and then came back, i must've gotten really lost in thought - oh fuck, he's gonna hate me, marvin!"
marvin placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, looking him in the eye. "chase, bro, calm. it's ok. we're all very preoccupied, this is heavy shit we're dealing with recently. just tell him the situation." he lowered his voice. "have you looked at new therapists? you just seem so spacey lately."
chase nodded slightly, bringing his head forward to rest on marvin's collarbone. "mm. i did. i promise i'll show you later… i'm tired, marvin."
"i'll help you upstairs," marvin said softly. he knew chase sometimes got like this where he randomly forgot things; it was a symptom of depression, he knew. chase murmured something into his chest as marvin wrapped an arm around him, assisting him in stumbling out of the kitchen into the hall. he could hear henrik on a call with someone in his room as he walked by. "you just rest, drink water, feel better tomorrow."
and if chase noticed the tone change in marvin's voice, he didn't say anything. he definitely didn't see marvin's face crumple as chase fell onto his bed, drifting off almost immediately. and when marvin left the room, shoving his hand in his mouth to stop himself from crying out, he thought about how much he missed the days that henrik, jackie and jamie were all here together when chase got into states. how he didn't have to do it alone. something heavy sank in marvin's chest. he chose to ignore it.
don't cry, don't break. just deal with it and move on.
and he did.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Breakfast Club Chapter 8
The Royal Romance AU
Summary: sex and drugs (that pretty much sums it up). This a light hearted chapter before the fireworks of the final two.
Warning: sexual content, drugs and mentions of abuse.
Characters belong to Pixelberry and some dialogue by John Hughes.
Song inspiration:
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Drake, Olivia and Maxwell are halted at the corner of a corridor, having returned from Drake's room with pot. Vernon is standing outside of the library and returning to the office directly  across the hall. Even with the guard in the office, he has a direct view of the door.
As the trio scramble to come up with something quickly, Drake has an idea that may be dangerous, but, feels it's worth the risk. He motions for them to follow and leads them to the end of the hall. He opens a supply closet and inspects a large ventilation duct in the ceiling. Olivia stands there with her mouth agape, "Walker, you are fucking crazy if you think I'm getting in that". Drake begins moving a steel ladder in place, "Then share your grand plan with us Liv...I know this palace inside and out, trust me on this".  
Olivia scoffs at him, "Trust you? You've been a jackass and boozing since we arrived this morning".
Olivia and Maxwell look to each for confirmation from the other that this will not end disastrously.
Drake loosens the vent cover and it swings down. He turns to face both and explains there is two more vent covers on the second tier of the library; they will open one, hop on top of the book shelf and climb down. Olivia is still hesitant and feels it is too dangerous, but, Drake and Maxwell are are going regardless. She shakes her head and lets out a heavy breath, "Whatever, let's just get this over with."
Maxwell, being the tallest, climbs in first. Olivia gives Drake a killers stare as she begins her ascent up the ladder. He follows behind her, grabs her legs and boost's her up. Drake then makes his way inside the vent.
He grabs his cell phone and turns the flashlight on, directing Maxwell to keep moving. As Maxwell leads the group, he starts to giggle to himself, "Hey guys, tell me if you've heard this one....Lady Penelope walks into a bar with a poodle in one hand and a two foot salami in the other, bartender says 'well I guess you won't be needing a drink, Lady Penelope says.....OH SHIT!!!!!!...." The ventilation flooring under Maxwell gives way and he crashes through the ceiling, landing hard on the floor below him.
Olivia immediately stops moving and looks down, with concern, through the gaping hole. She discovers Maxwell on the second floor of the library and yells down, "Maxwell, are you okay?"
Maxwell staggered on the floor for a moment, glanced over himself, then nodded, "I think so, but, remind me never to tell a joke about Penelope again".
Olivia assessed her situation, "How the hell am I supposed to get down now?
Drake remained quiet; with Olivia leaning over, he was able to see her ass cheeks hugging through her pink, lacy panties. She turned her head around and noticed his eyes widened and focused under her skirt. She kicked him in the shoulder and he jerked up, hitting his head. With the weight and sudden movements, the floor under them feel in.
Maxwell was able to move before they both crashed to the floor beside him, immediately jumping in to come to their aid.
Both were shaken up and needed a moment to just breathe, but, not seriously injured. Maxwell helped Olivia to her feet, who then bent over punching Drake several times for his inappropriate staring.
He raises his arms to protect himself, "It was an accident".
She screams back at him, "You're such an asshole.."
Drake stands, dusts himself off and limps slightly over to Maxwell, "So, Ahab...Kybo Mein Doobage..."
Maxwell reaches into his pants and pulls out the joints, still in the baggie.
Drake walks to the railing, sits down on the floor and gets his lighter out.
Maxwell looks to Olivia who keeps her focus on Drake. She's apprehensive, wanting to try it too, extremely curious, but, anxious.
Drake lights the joint, take's a hit and relaxes back into the railing. He gives her a questioning look and holds the joint out towards her, "You in, Red?".
With a determined looked, "I'm in".
Maxwell rubs his hands together excitedly, "OooHhh Yyyeeaaahhh...".
Liam takes Riley's hand and begins leading her through the Palace at a quick step.
She laughs at his persistence, "Liam...where are we going? What about...Twat Muffin?".
He chortles, "I have to show you something and there's not a lot of time......also, it was Twat, Waffle".
Still holding her hand, basically pulling her along, they make their way up to the King's chambers and into Liam's bedroom.
Riley takes it all in with amazement, "Don't you think..this..is a little too soon?".
He stops at his dresser and quickly opens the top drawer, pulling out a tiny, blue velvet, ring box.
He opens it up and shows her what's inside. She looks carefully, "It's a pearl".
He has a nervous smile and his breathing becomes heavier, "Riley...". He can barely get his words together, "tomorrow, it will be announced at the ball in honor of my birthday... that I will officially be betrothed to Countess Madeleine...my father is making the agreement as we speak."
She swallows hard and her smile fades, "then...what about...our moment just now?".
He shakes his head and moves her to his bed, both sitting side by side. He takes the pearl out of the box and places it in the middle of her palm, closing her hand around it.
He grips her fisted hand and stares into her eyes, "I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, I certainly don't want it, but, before my father returns in a few hours, I have to give you something my brother found while we were swimming in Italy last year. I have to give this to someone special and I doubt after tomorrow, I'll get that opportunity. This moment.... it's all I have."
She looks down at her hand. Her mind is racing with so many thoughts...she's with the Prince of Cordonia, he is pouring his heart out to a girl like her, it's all unreal and she never wants it to end. She looks up at him with glassy eyes and a wispy voice, "Then, let's make it special."
Liam takes her to the balcony off of his bedroom. Standing behind her with arms around her waist, he points out his mothers garden and tells her stories of his misspent youth in the maze. They dance to music that only the two of them can hear, a sweet melody that comes from their hearts. As he lifts her into his arms for a twirl, he holds her close, never wanting this new feeling to leave. Liam hasn't been this happy since his mother was alive and doubts he ever will again.
Riley wonders how a girl from the wrong side of town, is here, at this place, experiencing this moment. Two nights ago, she was living with a drunk mother and stepfather....her mother's fifth husband. She had always served as her mothers caretaker; she picked up the pieces when her mother was beaten, cooked dinner each night, cleaned the house, whatever was needed to keep her happy. Each man her mother mindlessly brought into the home was angry, wild, and good for nothing; Riley experienced her fair share of physical abuse and a mother who pretended it didn't exist. Her current stepfather, however, crossed the line and Riley had to leave. Her mother had passed out and he set his sights on her. She fought him off as he gropped and beat her; she had no choice but to run away. Riley always felt like the garbage her home life was. When Constantine called her a whore, it was a word she had been called for as long as she could remember; it never stopped hurting.
Her ruffled skirt swayed with each turn. Her long, brown hair swept with the wind and her smile lit up her entire face. To Liam, she was perfect in every way.
His lips found her neck and gently placed kisses down to her collar bone. She absorbed each one as her hands ran through his hair. Every kiss and touch they shared was slow and methodical. They memorized every single feature and sensation, holding onto what would soon be only a beautiful memory.
Liam caressed her arms and gazed at her with longing, "I've never...you know".
She kissed him softly and smiled, "I haven't either".
His head was spinning as he held her hand and led her to his bed, "are you sure?"
She nodded, "yes".
He didn't know where to start, he could only think about how much he wanted to feel her... to be one with her.
Her hands shook as she reached for the buttons on her shirt, mentally preparing herself, it being her first time too.
He watched in awe as her chest was exposed, sweat already pooling on his forehead.
He reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it off. She ran her delicate fingers over his muscled chest, as he hesitated briefly before cupping her breast.
They both were breathing heavy with anticipation and nervousness; perhaps, stalling somewhat in removing their bottoms.
Riley inhaled deeply then removed her skirt and panties, blushing as she kicked them aside. Liam ran his hands over her bare flesh, taking every portion of her in.  She swore she was in a dream, his touch took her away and the ecstacy she felt sent chills throughout her body.
She sat on his bed and situated herself back to get into a comfortable spot. He watched with eyes widened, keeping his focus on her, while he removed his pants and underwear.
He moved himself on top of her, careful not to put too much weight down. He leaned in placed a small kiss her nose, "You're so beautiful".
Both of them heaving, she opened herself to him. He reached down and rubbed himself along her opening until she was wet enough.
He slowly inserted himself, only stopping when she winced. She waited a moment, adjusted herself,  before allowing him to continue.
Time stood still as the two shared in the most sacred and loving act of their young lives. It was a mixture of pleasure and senses; a passion, they both elicited in the other. There was a feeling of completeness, that both had always longed for. Every single second was poetry in motion, yet, a bittersweet song.
Laughter fills the air of the library as the trio sit in a circle enjoying their time. Maxwell is blowing smoke rings and eating them, "Chicks, cannot hold der smoke!  That's  what it is!".
An already stoned Olivia takes another hit and coughs, "Like...I'm so popular...I'm the most popular girl in all of Cordonia...like everyone loves me."
Drake watches her with amusement, "Poor baby", he says sarcastically.
Maxwell crawls over to Olivia and falls into her lap. Olivia looks down at his face and starts laughing hysterically, "Max-well, booga booga...SALAMI!!!".
Drake looks down at the joint in his hand, "phew...this is some strong shit".
For the next ten minutes, they go from breakdancing with Maxwell, gazing in admiration at the hole they caused in the ceiling, singing campfire songs with Drake and poking at the mole on the back of Maxwell's neck, swearing they see a face on it.
"Where the hell are our drinks?"
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the-marvel-gremlin · 5 years
Ironstrange Bingo 8 • dirty talk
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This is my second bingo! Yay!
Stephen took the the pin from his lips. His hands shook a little but he was careful not to poke Tony as he pinned his sleeve up.
"Are you sure about this Stephen?"
"What do you mean?"
"I just mean, I haven't seen anyone since... well you know and I don't think I deserve all this."
"You mean the party I planned for you and spent months organizing so that everyone could be under the same roof?" Stephen arched an eyebrow and it was enough to make Tony look down at his polished shoes.
"It's just Natasha gave so much more than me, she isn't here anymore and everyone lost things Steph, why am I any different."
Stephen sighed and pulled Tony down onto the bed.
"You sacrificed a lot, your entire right arm in fact. This party is to celebrate everyone but most of all you. You didn't know what taking on the stones would do to you but you still tried and succeeded in defeating thanos." Stephen kissed Tony's temple and stood to grab his tie off the desk chair. He stood by a full length mirror to tie it.
"When I'm done with the prosthetic I can help you tie your ties again." Tony smiled a little as he locked eyes with Stephen through the mirror.
"That would be wonderful." Stephen looked down at the tie in his shaky hands. It took a few tries but he finally got the tie tied neatly. "Are you ready?" Stephen turned and put his hand out for Tony to hold. Tony straightened his jacket a little and grabbed Stephens's arm.
The party was in full swing with avengers and other hero's from every corner of the galaxy dancing and drinking and most importantly smiling. Everyone was having a great time.
"Hey Danvers!" Tony grinned as he crossed the room.
"Stark how are you." She smiled putting her hand out. Tony put his drink down to shake it.
"It's great to see you Carol, it's been a while. How's space?" Tony leaned against the wall.
"Feels bigger now, there's a lot to see up there. I could take you sometime."
Tony put his hand up, "no need. I've seen enough of space."
Carol nodded and the song on the speaker changed to a slower song.
"You should go find your husband Tony, enjoy the night with him and uh tell him the party is great."
Tony nodded and gave her a half wave as he dodged couples going to the dance floor. When he found Stephen his husband halted his conversation with Bruce and set down his glass. "Excuse me Bruce." The scientist nodded and leaned back on the bar counter.
"Would you like to dance?" Tony smirked.
Stephen smiled and nodded. "Let's go."
Once on the dance floor Tony put his hand into Stephen's and the sorcerer put his other hand on Tony's hip.
"How's the party?" Stephen asked.
"Well Carol told me to tell you that it's great and I'm pretty sure I agree with her."
Stephen smirked. "I'm glad, but uh I've got one more surprise for you tonight."
"Oh yeah? And what's that."
Tony's breath hitched when Stephen twirled him then brought him closer so that their chests pressed together. Stephen's hands went down to Tony's wait and Tony put his arm around Stephen's neck. Stephen leaned his head down so that his lips brushed against Tony's ear.
"Do you really want to know?" He whispered and a shiver ran up the mechanic's spine. All he could do was nod.
"I'm not sure you want me to to tell you with all these people around love, someone might over hear."
Tony's face went pink.
"Tell me." His voice came out breathy and from the way he could feel Stephen smirk against his ear, it was the right answer.
"I am going to take you from this party early. I will take you upstairs to the bedroom..." Stephen's voice trailed off as They swayed closer to another dancing couple for a moment. In the few seconds that Stephen's voice was absent Tony felt his face heat feeling like anyone could hear or see them at the wrong moment. When Stephen's voice came back to his ear Tony couldn't help the goosebumps he got. "I am going to lay you on that bed and fuck you until you are screaming my name so loud it can be heard by our guests." Tony's face went a darker shade of red and Stephen chuckled as he he lightly grazed Tony's ear with his teeth.
"I'm going to have you cum and I'll be the one to lick it off of you. Maybe then I'll get down on my knees for you. God I love your cock in my mouth" Tony took a shaky breath and put his head against Stephen's shoulder for a moment. He felt his dick getting hard in his pants and causing and obvious bulge that pushed up against Stephen's thigh. It caused more friction then was comfortable.
"Take me upstairs... please."
Stephen smirked and with a final kiss to Tony's pulse point he nodded.
"You got it baby."
Tony's blush only spread when he felt like anyone who looked at him would know what was going on as he left. Stephen put a protective arm around Tony's waist and pulled him to doors that opened to the hallway. As soon as the doors shut Tony was ushered into the elevator and pushed up against the wall.
"May I?" Stephen leaned in.
"Yes." Tony closed his eyes and closed the gap between their lips. Stephen's fingers went to Tony's hair and he pulled away with a smile. "Friday, is there anyone on our floor?" Stephen asked and right as the elevator stopped Friday replied.
"No sir, your floor is empty."
Tony watched as Stephen's face changed to a sly smirk. Stephen connected his lips to Tony's once more and he picked Tony up into his arms. Tony wrapped his legs around Stephen as his husband, without breaking the kiss made it to their room and shut the door with his foot. Tony was tossed onto the bed and he watched Stephen shed his suit jacket, shirt and tie then kick off his shoes. Tony kicked off his shoes and Stephen approached the bed. He straddled Tony's hips and pulled his suit jacket off of his then fiddled with Tony's shirt buttons.
"Are you ready?"
Tony nodded as his shirt was pulled from his body.
"Good." Stephen looked up and down Tony's body and Tony swore he heard a small growl come from his lips.
"How is it that you always look so damn fuckable?"  Stephen leaned down planting kisses and love bites over Tony's shoulders as he played with Tony's belt buckle. Tony's hand went to the hair on the back of Stephen's neck and he couldn't keep his head from falling back and his mouth forming an 'o' shape. Stephen finally slid off Tony's dress pants and let them fall to the floor. His mouth traveled from Tony's shoulders down his chest, paying special attention to his arc reactor scars. He let his nails scrape Tony's abs and the mechanic moaned into the hot air of the room.
"Yes baby keep making those noises for me, you know I love it when you moan like a that." Stephen started kissing around Tony's V-line and Tony moaned louder, loving the affect it had on Stephen. Stephen got Tony's underwear down his legs but not all the way off before his lips made contact with the base of Tony's cock. Tony's hand in Stephen's hair tightened as his dick twitched and Stephen licked a stripe up the shaft. Once Stephen got to the tip of Tony's dick he took the tip into his lips and let his tongue twirl around it as he took on more. He bobbed his head up and down prompting a half yell half moan from Tony. "Fuck yes! You feel so good Steph don't stop." Stephen followed Tony's direction and continued. He took one hand and rested it it on Tony's thigh while the other went to the base of Tony's cock and pumped. Shaky shallow breaths left Tony's lips and he removed his hand from Stephen's hair, going instead to the bed sheets. His knuckles went white and he couldn't help but buck his hips as he finally came. Stephen worked him through his full orgasm  and once Tony was done, he crawled back up to Tony's face. Tony's face was flushed and his eyes were dilated. He pulled Stephen down closer to his face and kissed his chin there will still traces of cum. Stephen chuckled airily and pressed his lips to Tony's.
"You're fucking perfect Tony." He mumbled into Tony's lips.
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wwenhlimagines · 6 years
"Don't worry baby girl, I've got you." - Finn Balor Requested by @melissashecklerstyles
One day, while you were sitting on your couch watching tv, you get a text from your boyfriend, Finn Balor. Finn - Hey babygirl, are you free tonight? I miss you, love. 😢 Y/N - I miss you too babe. What do you have in mind? 😚 Finn - I want to show you off, so dinner at (insert fancy restaurant here)? 🍾 Y/N - Perfect! 😘 Finn - I’ll pick you up at 6pm. 😁 Y/N - Can’t wait to see you in a suit 😜 Finn - You’ll be looking delicious in that dress I got you. Maybe I’ll skip dessert at the restaurant 😋 Your heart started to race as you pictured it in your mind. Finn would be so excited to take this next step in your relationship, but how would he react when you tell him you’re a virgin? Y/N - I’ve got cookies here 😁 You facepalmed as soon as you hit send. He’s trying to flirt and you’re acting completely oblivious over text. You have been texting Finn dirty thoughts while he’s on the road, especially when you watch RAW. You have been so confident over text, but in real life you’re scared out of your mind. Finn looks like he was made in a factory or something with you being able to see every delicious muscle in his body. You know that with a body like that, he’s definitely had a lot of experience in the bedroom, but you have only gone as far as over the clothes touching with anyone. Even though Finn is the sweetest boyfriend and you think he is the one, you’re scared that he might walk away when he hears about your inexperience. You think you are ready to give yourself to him, but still so scared to lose him. Trying to shake off the thoughts in your head, you watch some YouTube videos and soon your phone rings from another text message from Finn. Finn - I bet your cookie is delicious 😜 Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at that stupid little emoji. How is he so damn cute and dirty at the same time? Y/N - Maybe you’ll find out soon 🍪 “Damn it! What the fuck am I doing? He’s going to expect it now. Why can’t I resist his dirty talk? I want him so bad, but I’m such a scaredy cat.” You yelled at yourself as you pace back and forth around your living room. After a few minutes, you finally take a few deep breaths and decide to go to the gym for two reasons. 1. To distract yourself from the whole situation. 2. If he’s going to see you naked, you want to look your best. After a good workout, you come home and take a shower, taking your time to fully prepare yourself for tonight by shaving and using your favorite body wash. Getting out of the shower, you wrap a towel around you and make your way to your closet. You find the maroon velvet dress that Finn had bought you end lay it out on your bed as you search for the right bra and panty combo for it. Once everything is laid out, you return to the bathroom and play some music as you prep your hair and makeup. It’s 5:45 when you finish hair and makeup, so you dance around a bit before putting on your dress. You look in the mirror and smile at the way it fits your body. You couldn’t believe that even without seeing you naked yet, Finn somehow already knew what size and shape to get to flatter your figure the best. Soon enough, the doorbell rings and you grab your clutch with your phone, lipstick, wallet, and keys before opening the door. Finn was stood there with a single red rose and that dorky smile on his face until he saw your dress. He bit his lip as he handed you the rose and took your other hand in his to twirl you around. “You’re looking absolutely stunning baby.” You giggle and kiss him, “And you’re looking dashing babe.” He chuckles as you turn around to lock up and he escorts you to his car. “Your chariot awaits m'lady.” He opens the door for you and then climbs in himself and starts to drive. It was a 15 minute ride to the restaurant, so you talked about work and cracked a few jokes. He interlaced your fingers with his and placed them on your leg, so that at every stoplight he could pick them up and kiss your knuckles. When you arrive at the restaurant, he helps you out of the car and tells the maitre d the reservation name before you are led back to your table. You start to look at the menu when the waitress comes over to take your drink order. Finn tells her to bring out a bottle of wine and some water so you nod back and she walks off. Your waitress was gorgeous and you thought about how Finn could do so much better than you. You got so caught up in your thoughts that Finn grabbing your hand to signal your drinks arrived and to move your menu out of the way startled you. “Are you okay sweetheart?” You blush and nod, “Sorry, I just spaced out for a second.” He smiles and the waitress asks if you’re ready to order. Finn looks to you and even though you forgot to actually read the menu you nodded anyways. She turned to you first and you chose the first thing you could find on the menu before giving it back to her as Finn ordered his food. She smiled and nodded as she went to place our orders. “So what’s going on in that pretty brain of yours?” You blush as he now takes ahold of both of your hands with a smile on his face. “Just thinking about how lucky I am.” “You’re telling me. I scored the freaking jackpot when you agreed to go out with me.” You giggle and look away slightly. “There’s that gorgeous smile that I love.” You blush and change the subject back to work. He tells you about the plans for the next couple weeks and soon enough your food arrives. You try to eat as much as you can but you are so nervous about tonight that you barely touch your plate. “Does it not taste good, because you can get something else?” “No, I guess I just had a big lunch.” Finn eyes you suspiciously but agrees to let it slide. The waitress returns and you ask if you can take the food home so she packs it up and brings the check with it. You try to reach for it so you can pay your share, but Finn beats you to it. “Don’t worry babygirl, I’ve got you.” You sigh and excuse yourself to the restroom. You do your business and then stare at yourself in the mirror trying to prepare for the night ahead of you. A girl comes out of another stall and sees you in a daze, so she asks, “Is everything okay girl?” You nod, “Yeah, just nervous.” “What are you nervous about?” You check that there are no other girls in there and then decide to tell this random stranger about your problems. “Well, my boyfriend and I probably going to take a big step in our relationship tonight, but I’m scared he will be disappointed.” She frowns a bit, “How could he be disappointed when you look like that?” You giggle, “Well, he bought this for me.” She waves her hands in the air dramatically. “Wait…so you’re telling me that he brought you to this fancy restaurant and bought you this bomb dress, and yet you’re nervous about doing it? Girl, he’s basically wifed you up already so I know he loves you even if he hasn’t said it yet.” You blush and hid your face. “I promise you sweetheart, everything will be fine and he will still love you no matter what.” “But I’ve never…done it before.” “Great! Men love to know that you have truly given yourself to them. Plus, they hate thinking about being compared to your exes.” You nod, “Okay, but I know he’s very experienced.” “That means he will be willing to take it slow and he’ll want to make sure you’re enjoying it the whole time.” You take a deep breath and take one last look in the mirror. “Okay, I think I’m ready. Thank you so much!” You give her a quick hug and she laughs, “You’re welcome sweetheart, now go get him!” You walk out of the bathroom to see Finn waiting just outside the door with your food in hand. “Is everything okay baby? You were in there a while.” You kiss him quickly and smile, “I ran into a friend and we got carried away talking. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” He smiles and grabs your hand starting to walk out, “I’d wait a million years for you.” You look away as you blush to see the girl from the restroom walk out and give you 2 thumbs up. You wave goodbye to her and walk out to the car with Finn. The drive home was about the same as the drive there and when you arrived, you got out of the car, grabbed your food, and walked up to the door with Finn by your side. You unlocked the door and he let you go in first. Once you were inside, you put your leftovers in the fridge. As you shut the refrigerator door, Finn’s hands slid around your waist and he kissed your cheek. “Have you told you how beautiful you look tonight?” You lean back into him and sigh, “Maybe, but tell me more.” His lips started to trail down towards your neck, “Your hair is so soft and silky, your skin so smooth I want to kiss every inch.” He turns you around, “Your eyes are sparkling like a diamond and your lips as plush as a pillow I want to rest mine on forever.” He slowly kisses your lips as your hands rest on his chest playing the with collar of his suit as his start to roam slowly along your spine pulling you closer as the kiss deepens. You bit his lip and he groans as his hands slide down to your ass. Yours finding their way to the back of his neck as you press your chests together. Your tongues dance together as you start to walk towards your bedroom. You pull away and drag Finn behind you until you end up outside your room. He picks you up bridal style and carries you over the threshold and gently places you on the bed. He takes off his suit jacket and shoes before he lays down next to you as you smile at each other just enjoying the moment. You lean back in and catch his lips in a kiss as his hand travels down your leg and gently hooks it around his waist. He then rolls onto you and hooks the other one too. You kick off your heels and weave your fingers into his hair earning a low groan as you tug gently. Finn’s fingers brush your hair out of your face and off your body as he trails his lips down to your neck. Your fingers start to unbutton his shirt as his explore your curves slowly almost as if he is memorizing every little detail. You slide his shirt off and you run your fingers along his abs before they make contact with his pants. You unbuckle them and push them down enough so he can kick them off. He sits up and stares down at your dress but he sees worry in your face. Leaning forward, he whispers in your ear. “You’re so gorgeous baby. We don’t have to go any further if you don’t want to.” You shake your head, “I want to but I’m just nervous.” He rolls over so he is laying next to you. “Why are you nervous baby? It’s just me.” “I know but…it’s my first time.” His eyes widen a bit out of shock but he quickly readjust, “Are you sure you want me to be your first?” You nod, “Honestly that’s the only thing I’m sure about. I trust you and I can’t imagine my life without you.” He smiles and kisses you lightly. “Baby, my life wouldn’t be complete without you. You’re my everything sweetheart. I love you Y/N.” You blush and kiss him back, “I love you too Finn.” He smiles, “So babygirl, can I make love to you tonight?” You nod your head and he kisses you with the utmost passion. “Now, can I see what’s underneath this dress?” You nod as he pulls it up and off of your body. He smiles when he sees your matching bra and panty combo. Kisses start on your collarbone and he travels down to your cleavage. He kisses all over the top and looks at you for approval before he unclips your bra unveiling your entire top half to him. Your arms try to cover you up, but Finn pulls them away as he kisses around each breast and sucks each nipple into his mouth for just a second. You start to moan and he moves his kisses down your stomach as he hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties. He places open mouth kisses over your panties on your clit and entrance then pulls them down as his lips travel to your thighs. His hands lightly push your legs apart as his lips inch closer to your center. Finn’s fingers stroke up and down your slit lightly before circling your clit. Your moans pick back up as he breathes onto your clit and moves his fingers down to your opening. He kisses your clit and his tongue starts to circle it as his finger starts to push into you. You shift a bit at the new feeling but settle in as his finger slides in completely. His finger then curls up and you moan as he hits the spot. He sucks your clit when he pulls his fingers back out to add a second one. This time there is a bit of pain but it goes away fairly quick. His fingers curl again and your moans get louder and more frequent. Your fingers slide into his hair and you start to feel a pressure build up in your core. A few seconds later, you let out a real loud moan and your back arches as your legs clamp around Finn’s head. Once your orgasm dies down, Finn lifts his head and smiles seeing your post orgasm face for the first time. “That’s my new favorite facial expression of yours.” You smile as he pulls his boxers off and you try to sit up to return the favor. “Not right now baby, tonight is about you. So just lay down and relax. Don’t worry baby girl, I’ve got you.” The second time tonight he has said that and you know he means every word. You nod and lay down as he finds a condom and puts it on. “Okay baby, this will hurt a little, so tell me if it’s too much.” You take a deep breath as his tip starts to push inside you. Finn leans forward so that he can kiss your forehead to help you relax. He continues to push in until he has filled you up. Your face is scrunched up in pain so he kisses your temple, cheeks, nose, and jaw until he finds your lips. You kiss him back and as you relax the pain goes away. You pull away for a moment, “You can move now.” He smiles and pulls out slowly before pushing back in. His lips catch yours again and soon you are moaning into his mouth at the feeling. His hips start to thrust faster and your fingers scratch lightly down his back as you feel that same build up. You pull away from the kiss, “I’m going to cum again.” “Me too baby. Look at me so I can see your beautiful face as you cum.” You stare into each other’s eyes as your mouths hang slightly open moaning each other’s names. Eventually, your back arches again and Finn’s thrusts slow down as he releases. You kiss him again as he slowly pulls out. Your breathing starts to normalize and then you roll over to cuddle into his side. He wraps his arms around your body and kisses your head. You look up at him and smile as he stares up at the ceiling. “Thank you Finn.” He chuckles, “No, thank you Y/N. That was amazing.” You giggle, “Even though it was my first time?” He kisses you passionately, “When it’s with the one who completes you, nothing can compare to it. This was the best because it was with the woman I will love for the rest of my life.” You tear up a bit at his confession and kiss him again before fall asleep on his chest.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Amnesia Ch. 05
“We’ve got three songs ready to be placed on the album. We’ve got them ready so we can listen and then we can pick out who gets what part.”
Janelle started playing the first song, Work.
I tried to listen to the lyrics but my mind wandered off to this mornings events.
Waking up next to the green eyed girl had been a beautiful feeling. It had over two years since I had the privilege.
But waking up with her today, had been an experience. Her legs had been tangled in between mine. Her face was nuzzled into my neck and her hands had been underneath the the sweatshirt I wore. They were not touching my upper chest but they were definitely touching my stomach, my bare stomach.
The last time I had her like this, I cherished it because that same day, I broke her heart.
The hatred that spread through her beautiful features tore my heart apart. I was hurting her then, but I knew then that I would save her from greater heartbreak. Those were such lies I told myself then.
And this morning, this morning I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Dreams do come true but not always in the way we want them.
I spent a few moments taking in the feeling of pure simplicity having her in my arms again.
My eyes raked up and down her body, catching sight of her panties. They were slightly falling off her ass. I’m sure if I leaned a little closer I would have seen more, but respected her boundaries. It was so hard to just focus on anything else once I noticed what was going on down below.
She had mentioned something about taking a picture as it would last longer. Her voice was raspier than usual due to the morning. The husky sound had sent my mind into overdrive and I had to pull away before I did something I would regret.
I looked across the table we were sitting at and noticed the green eyed girl was staring a hole into my face.
Catching her in the act, she blushed profusely. Being the vampire that she was, the blush was the brightest red you had ever seen. It could be compared to Rudolph’s nose.
I sighed internally. I had the feeling that she was going to be falling in love with me all over again. And if she remembered… If she remembered, then it would be heartbreak all over again. We wouldn’t be talking anymore and… A whole lot of problems would appear out of thin air. The same ones the accident had put on hold for us.
But what was worse, I had lied to her last night. For her own good and to protect her from my monstrosity, I had flat out told her Camren didn’t exist except for as friends. 
It had originally.. then we started falling and it became all too real. And the guilt and the remorse for hiding things from my parents, from the girls–initially–and from management started to weigh on me.
Which lead us to today and the pickle we were in.
Caught up for the better part of the song, I zoned back into the real world towards the ending of the song.
“That was lit, aye!”
“What the hell is lit?”
“It means it’s popping. How do you not know that?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe a memory loss of 3 years has something to do with it?”
Oh there was sarcasm Lauren giving Dinah a piece of it. It was something that we had all grown used to.
“Lauser, don’t be so rude.” Dinah scoffed, but I could see a smile forming on her face.
I laughed, happy to see something familiar between them. I think we all were happy about it.
“You guys are so extra.” Normani spoke out loud. “Can we focus on the songs?” She had a stern voice but there was a playful smile on her face.
“Yes, let’s get back to the songs.” Janelle had been quiet the time Lauren and Dinah had their little moment. I think she secretly enjoyed it like the rest and why she didn’t interrupt it until now. “The next song is Write On Me.”
This time I paid attention to the song, making sure to not make eye contact with anyone so I could focus.
But even if I wanted to focus, my mind took be back to one of the first times we had done this exact thing.
“Who are you today, will you be the sun or the pouring rain? Who are you tomorrow, will you make me smile or just bring me sorrow?”
Throughout the song, Lauren and I kept making eye contact. The feelings expressed in this song hit so close to home. One of us would be fine while the other would be distant and cold. The next day, it would switch.
I knew my reasons for why I was acting the way I was. I was in love with my best friend and I didn’t know how to tell her. What was her excuse?
My eyes made contact with her once more. Her eyes were endless pools of green sucking me. Every time I saw into her eyes, I got pulled in and I couldn’t find a way out. In them, I found tranquility. She kept me calm and put together.
I don’t know what I would do without her.
“What do you girls think of the song?” Janelle, our manager spoke up when the song finished, or I assumed it had finished. I was still wrapped up in the sea that was Lauren’s eyes.
“I could see us singing it.”
“Love it.”
“The melody is amazing.”
The girls spoke up. I didn’t know who said what; my eyes were trapped and I couldn’t form a sentence to save my life.
“Excellent. We’ll begin recording and picking out the parts for each one of you.”
Moments went by, no one speaking.
“Yo Camren!”
Hearing our ship name caused us to finally snap out of the trance we were in.
Lauren’s face went from no emotion to full of disgust within seconds.
“How many times do I have to remind you not to call us that Dinah?” Her tone was curt and dangerously low. This was not good. Hearing the ship name made Lauren’s blood boil.
“Well how else am I supposed to get your undivided attention as well as Mila’s?”
She glared in Dinah’s direction before looking at me. The features on her face soften when her eyes found mine again.
“Hey uh Camz…can you come help me with that thing you promised to help me with?”
“Huh?” What thing? What had I promised? The last time we talked she had been snarky and grumpy. I had avoided her for the rest of the day.
“The thing you promised…" 
I think it was code for something? But what? I had no clue. Being the love sick girl I was for my best friend, I pretended to know what she was talking about and went along with it.
"Right the thing. I remember now. Should we go now before it’s too late?”
“Yes. See you back at the apartment guys.” I waved at the girls once Lauren had finished speaking.
Looks of confusion stared back at us. I shrugged my shoulders and shuffled after Lauren.
Once we were out of the room. I grabbed Lauren’s shoulder and spun her around to face me.
“What’s this thing we’re doing? Last time I checked, you were in a grumpy mode and didn’t want me around you.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I was hoping we could go back to the apartment so we wouldn’t have an audience while having a private conversation.”
“I don’t have time for your games Lauren. You can’t be hot one moment and the cold the next with me.”
She raised one of those perfect eyebrows at me. “Oh but you can? Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
“I have my reasons. What are yours?”
“Well cupcake, if you agree to come to the apartment with me, then maybe I can explain to you what’s going on?”
“Whatever. Lead the way.”
We arrived at the apartment 30 minutes later. During the whole cab ride we were silent. Being here, Lauren looked like she was filled with nerves and not her usual confident self.
“So um, can we go to your room to talk?”
She was twirling strands of hair on her finger and bitting her lip.
I didn’t argue with her or dispute the need to use my room. I simply acknowledged her request and started walking upstairs​, Lauren trailing behind me.
My room was a mess, with my clothes spread out all over the place. “Hope you don’t mind. I haven’t had the time to clean my room.” In all honesty, I just didn’t care lately and was too lazy to bring myself to clean up my room if my nonexistent love life was in the same disarray. What was the point?
I kicked my shoes off, focusing on getting changed. Lauren stood by the door in a trance. She was the one who wanted to talk in my room and now she couldn’t even get a word out. Mid way changing out of my shirt, I talked in her direction.
“You wanted to talk, so talk.”
Still engrossed with changing out of my clothes, I paid no attention to Lauren’s current location in the room, huffing and getting annoyed that she had yet to utter a word. I looked up once again to berate her, flinching slightly at the sight of her just inches away. 
I opened my mouth to speak but my words were cut off as a pair of lips crashed to mine. My natural instinct was to close my eyes and melt into the kiss. This was my first kiss and my best friend was kissing me.
Wait. Lauren. Lauren was kissing me.
I opened my eyes in shock, my lips still connected to hers. Her lips were on mine and my dream was coming true.
I closed my eyes again savoring the moment before the pissed off part of me got the best of me and I pushed her away hard.
“What the fuck Lauren?” I hissed. Inside I was swimming in butterflies, completely content with what had transpired between us. But on the outside, I was pissed. She was strongly against Camren and she would tear your head off if you even mentioned it.
“Oh God. Camz I’m so sorry!” She threw her hands up and placing them on her head before pacing back and forth between us.
“Lauren you can’t just go around kissing people. Especially people who’ve never had their first kiss.”
“Fuck! I didn’t even think about that. I just…I’ve been thinking about this for days. That’s why I've been the way I have with you. I think I may like you Camz. And maybe this was not the way to go about it. I definitely didn’t want to steal your first kiss the way I did. I wanted it to be given willing and with your consent, but seeing you getting mad at me, made me lose it and I just had to know if everything–”
This is what I had been waiting to hear and hearing these words fall out of Lauren’s perfect red stained lips, caused me to erupt into more butterflies if that was possible.
I reached for her, stopping her rambling session and pressing my lips to hers once more. I didn’t care if she had taken my first kiss or not. She deserved it and I was glad she was the one who got to have it. This was more than I could have ever dreamed of happening.
“Are you alive in there? I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes.”
The flashback had thrown me for a loop. I got so caught up in remembering my first kiss, I forgot to pay attention to the real world around me.
Reality back into my line of view, I noticed that Lauren and I were the only ones in the room.
“Where’s everyone?”
“They left once we were done listening to the new songs. You’ve been spaced out for about 10 minutes. Are you okay?” Concern was etched in her face.
“Yeah I’m okay. I was just caught up in my thoughts.” I gave her slight smile.
“Oh okay. Since we’re done for the day, do you want to come back to my place?”
It was a bad idea, but I agreed to it. “Sure.”
“Cool.” She gave me a smile that was filled with such innocence. If only she knew how bad I was for her, then maybe she would stop herself from falling for me again.
Author’s Note:
So I realized the last post didn’t have the videos that Lauren watched. I have the chapter posted on Wattpad with the videos she watched if want to get a better understanding of what she was watching. I just didn’t know how I felt about adding it here. But yeah. Hope you guys are enjoying this.
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