#I've been talking about replacing it for 4 years i think lmao
You know how there's stuff like Book Bub and Book Riot's ebook deals emails?
Is there one that's for NON Kindle books like for the Kobo store?
When I finally replace my kindle, I do think I'll try a kobo, but I'm also trying to not buy many ebooks from Amazon anymore.
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growinguparo · 9 months
Thinking once again about the intersection of being aro / perpetually single and the Housing Issue. It is without a doubt the biggest issue I face as an aro person, particularly in fucking Canada.
In my province we have rent control on almost all rental units by default. Annual rent increases are capped at 2.5%, and though I have had landlords in the past try to break that law, they back down when you say "that's literally not legal lmao try again".
In my province we also have a type of lease called a group lease, where multiple people sign on as a group. This is the standard type of lease used in properties with more than one bedroom.
If one person wishes to remove themself from a group lease, that terminates the lease for all of the other tenants in the group. Therefore, in order to continue living in the unit they are already in and may have been in for years, the landlord can choose to force the remaining tenants to reapply, and upon signing a "new lease" they can increase the rent by however much they want. Forget 2.5%, they could double rent with no consequences and still get tenants because that's how desperate people are in Canada.
Seeing as that's fucking insane, I talked to multiple lawyers about it the last time this happened to me, and they all said yeah no, if someone wants to be removed from the lease then the landlord can choose to deny a takeover and force a new lease. You can prevent the issues that come with a new lease if everyone remains on the old lease even if they no longer live there, but that is rather precarious for everyone involved and also makes your landlord hate your guts.
Anytime a new lease is signed, landlords can increase by whatever they want, so renovictions are very common (I've been renovicted as well). With all these easy-to-access loopholes, "rent control" is a joke.
It is New Year's Day and I have received yet another email informing me that since one of my roommates decided to leave at the end of the lease period, our lease will be terminating and showings will begin next week. If any one of us wants to stay, we have to reapply at market rates with a replacement person already in the group ready to sign a new lease, or we have to all remain on the old lease.
I left my parents' home in 2016, and since then I have moved 15-17 times, depending what you count as a move, and lived in 12-13 different places. That's due to a bunch of forced circumstances, including co-op placements and illegal evictions, but many of those moves were because the roommates I was living with decided to move on with their lives, and I had no choice but to move as well.
When I tell people I've moved 15 times in 7 years, they are always shocked. I'm like, how have you NOT though? Having had this conversation many times, I start to ponder what makes me vulnerable to this type of exploitation, and what makes my friends able to avoid some of it.
#1. As a low-income disabled person, I am unable to afford "market rates". This means I'm always tryna get units that are below market rate, and those landlords are invariably very interested in removing their tenants to bring their busted-ass units up to market rate.
#2. I am SINGLE bro. No one is planning their life around living with me. Every time a roommate leaves, I get forced out too. I did have a long-term roommate for a couple years who bounced around 4 places with me, but eventually she moved city - as is her right - and I was forced out again.
Couples also have more options when it comes to affordable housing, particularly if they are willing to share a room. Sharing a room cuts your rent in half. It’s pretty rare to see just one person living in a 1bed because it’s just ludicrously expensive, but for couples it’s a decent option. During the searching stage as well, if you already have someone to live with it’s a lot easier to find places than if you also have to find new roommates (this part is especially brutal for me as a trans person). It is certainly still difficult for couples in the market, I know couples who have ended up homeless as well, but being alone makes you more vulnerable.
The housing crisis is a broad issue affecting literally everyone, but single people are one of the groups that is systematically disadvantaged, making it a significant issue for aros imo. It is the combination of being single and low-income that has made me so vulnerable to housing instability.
Edited with minor corrections
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months
I just binge read all of FSR in one sitting and GODDDDD THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT 11 YEAR OLD ME CRAVED WHEN HE FIRST READ FOUR SWORDS... Thank you for all your hard work!!
Sorry I ended up rambling.
It's so funny to me people who liked FS for years enjoy it considering I got into it back in March/April. XD (Read Akira's other works as a kid but as far as I know the first time I ever picked up FS was cause I got it as an early B-day gift.)
I really wanted to make smth that felt like a sequel.
The tone is much darker but I think that fits considering Link's older and the reason behind the split is, depressing lmfao. Diving into the mentality and how it affects on the wielder of the four sword has been fun.
My biggest question was "How did Link cope with his adventure" how would ANYONE go back to normal after being torn into 4 parts?
How did the four sword mechanics REALLY WORK?
I love media analysis and I've got SO MUCH TO SAY about the OG Four Sword manga I really wanna make a video essay on it one day just because I have a LOT of takes. A lot of outside of the box ones I guess considering nobody's really tackling the stuff I wanna see. (To not get too deep into it: fan FS content doesn't appeal to me 99% of the time, OOC shit/ONLY focusing on vidow and not doing them justice when focused on, tend to be the main issues to me in a lot of fan work. That genuinely was a huge part in what spurred me to make FSR I think hah. There's a HUGE untapped gap in FS manga fan content around an idea for a sequel/the four heroes TOGETHER despite...ya know. the messaging of the manga, in general while NOT having an "Anti vidow" bitterness behind it, at least imo.)
So I did it myself haha.
Really in a way SU future is the only thing I can think of as a comparison in terms of the idea of it? XD (Yes the Link fusion monstrosity was based on the force gem fusions/mini clusters/Learning with Pibby just as a fun fact.)
I'm glad I'm expanding on stuff people want to see from the OG story tho. It's really a project that's seen in the way I want it to. (Which, hasn't been the case for some of my past comics oomf. TTuTT')
Smth I've been enjoying thinking and planning for is just making characters who never got to speak to each other 1 on 1 talk more. XD We were robbed of more volumes of FS and I'll stand by that.
Dark Link was a huge curve ball as he was BARELY In the OG draft, and he actually replaced Vaati in the scene he first appeared in. XD Which is why his dialogue is kinda OFF compared to his other appearances. I'm kinda flabbergasted I basically snuck an OC into the mix and people like him lmao. It's hilarious.
Anyways I got derailed and blabed that's a lot of words to say:
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's been fun so far. XD I'm excited to get even deeper into the story.
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MLP Rewrite AU - Forgotten Friendship (if you didn't do it already)
I absolutely rewrote this as a whole Thing in the universe and a chunk of things got changed so let's go over those before I get deep into the actual rewrite
1.) I had a separate fic in the AU where Sunset went back to Equestria and talked to Celestia already. Though it /was/ unfinished I remember most of my plans for it? So I skipped that here.
2.) Clover and the Memory Stone..... Clover already had completely different Lore surrounding her, both in-canon and thanks to my 'Hearth's Warming Cover Up' conspiracy theory, and the Memory Stone gave me a plothole headache. So I scrapped both.
3.) I made Wallflower's motivations a touch more relatable and out of her control.
4.) Unfortunately no Trixie in this but I've had fun with her elsewhere and should probably write her into something else lmao
When Sunset gets to the beach and realizes no one remembers her having become their friend, she does manage to out-logic them. Pointing out inconsistencies and where they /should/ remember her being there because, looking into their memory, she's just erased out but not replaced well.
The biggest one being asking how they contacted Twilight when the Sirens were causing problems. The group pauses for a moment, but realizes that there was a journal but they can't remember where they got it. Sunset pulls out said journal, which gets them to listen a bit more.
She asks what they remember about the friendship games, to which Sci-Twi mentions remembering Sunset yelling at her for disrupting the games with portals. She says that it was harsh, but considering the whole event could've hurt her since it knocked her off the motorbike she understands in hindsight.
The rest of the group are like 'wait, what?' because they don't remember Sunset being in the games and couldn't fathom 'mean bully Sunset' being part of the games with them. But when asked who was paired with Rainbow for the motocross portion of the games, no one remembers. Except Sci-Twi, who says it was Sunset.
Sunset tests this and prompts further with- okay so I had a Thing™ in my rewrites that in the previous school year Pinkie and Sunset had been in the school play together. So as an inside joke they casually quote their lines at one another. Sunset kicks the habit off, reciting one of her lines. Pinkie answers, but stops. Her mind trying to remember, but all she can see is herself alone on stage, reading lines to no one.
Pinkie is Not Handling This Well™ and has dropped into straight hair mode and is hugging the fuck out of Sunset at this point. She forgot a friend! How dare she forget a friend?!
She asks them about after the games, because I had a fic re: finding Sunset's Human counterpart. And they remember her, but why would they look for her without prompting from their Sunset?
Sunset tests how far this goes by calling Flash. Just to see if it's an 'everyone' or a 'just the main characters' thing. He also doesn't remember making up with her. But with a little prompting of 'who gave you a sword for Christmas'(long story lmao), she gets him to listen. And he thinks about it more and says he remembers everything from when they 'broke up' and were fighting, but nothing about their friendship before that. Even though they would've been friends and hanging out before the 'break up', right?
Okay I'm going on a tangent trying to set up how the memory thing works lmao but anyway
The Rainbooms decide that they need more help than this and decide to talk to Princess Twilight about it. This includes everyone going through the portal because they're freaked and paranoid they'll forget again! (will be using 'Twilight' for pony and Sci-Twi for Human for now)
After some shenanigans of most of them getting used to Horse Mode™, Twilight does some prodding and questioning and experimenting. She actually /does/ know a spell that might cause this, but it's one she's not an expert on. Thankfully she can just do a quick teleport across town and grab someone who knows the spell a lot more.
Rarity my darling it's time for you to shine!
After quickly updating her, Twilight suggests that it may be the spell she used on the chandelier. Which Rairty agrees.
She elaborates, saying she had found the spell in a book up in the Crystal Empire. Technically it's a Crystal Pony spell, but Unicorns can replicate other Magics.
Anyway: The spell is used to copy a memory into a gemstone. She used this to make the tree root chandelier that's in the Castle of Friendship. There was a chunk of trial and error as she got the spell right. She gives examples of what went wrong, like her initial trials on Rainbow volunteering 'erase my memory of the Daring Do books so I can read them for the first time again'. Sometimes it erased her memory of the books, sometimes it erased her memory of the pony. The spell is even specific enough to differentiate different 'versions' of someone, such as 'Twilight as a Unicorn' vs. 'Twilight as an Alicorn'.
Now, the spell isn't /supposed/ to erase memories, just make a copy. But it can fuck up and erase. And unfortunately, Rarity can't reverse the spell without having whatever gemstone holds the memories.
Ofc this means they have to figure out who did this! Clearly since more Humans are getting their Pony Magics, it should be a counterpart to a Unicorn or Crystal Pony. They just have to figure out who. Rarity muses that, as the spell is an incomplete version, it's likely they tested it out and had it backfire on them a lot. Backfired spells can cause low-energy and even some pain, but also it means the person may have accidentally erased memories of themselves.
They go back to the Human World, leaving Twilight and Rarity in Equestria and keeping them updated in case something goes wrong, and decide to flip through the previous year's yearbook to look for someone they don't remember. Pinkie eventually points out Wallflower, and everyone knows that Pinkie's memory for people is very good so if she doesn't remember....
They lure Wallflower to the school gardens, and Sunset does the memory dive to look into it. She sees that Wallflower had been accidentally activating the spell, erasing herself from people's memory. Had been getting more and more hurt from the unfinished spell. But since she didn't know how to fix it, why not use it?
This causes a bit of a fight because Sunset's like 'the FUCK do you have against me?!' and Wallflower yells back about how it's unfair that someone like Sunset can just 'be nice' after so much meanness and get super popular while people like Wallflower who were always nice get entirely forgotten.
Pinkie calls her out on this of like 'hey! I consider you a friend why not come to me!'. Wallflower is very cynical on this because Pinkie considers everyone a friend but there's no way in hell she knows /everyone/ as intimately as a friend should. Which, yeah, Pinkie can do some wild shit but there's people she's closer to than others. But she's always open to being closer to someone! Or to helping someone out, including helping them find someone they may find a true friendship in! Wallflower still could've come to her!
Wallflower is starting to see that she fucked up, but she can't return their memories of Sunset. She doesn't know how. So she does the one thing she thinks she can do, give them a fresh start!
Ofc Sunset tries to block this and gets hit and. well.
It erased memory of the 'Human-esque' Sunset. Which means, as far as Sunset's aware, she just ran through the portal after her fight with Celestia and is mid-breakdown.
Not a fun experience!
Sunset has no idea what's going on. All the others are mad at Wallflower. They try to fix it and explain that there should be a gemstone. Wallflower offers her necklace but.... there's nothing in it. No memories, no Magic whatsoever.
Sunset is VERY confused but trying to help. the others are getting more upset and worried because 'oh shit she doesn't remember jack shit of the last six years and we still don't know how to fix it!!
But since they tell Wallflower to stop zapping everyone goddamn it they drag the Pony!Twilight and Rarity over to try and fix this shit.
Wallflower: "Oh god I'm sorry I don't deserve friends after all I've done how could anyone ever forgive the awful things I did???"
The Rainbooms+2: "Well. You didn't try destroying the world so you're really not even in the top 10 of wildest people we've befriended. Also we may have a Problem™."
Anyway! Rarity manages to figure out what crystal the Memories are hiding in! They're hiding in Wallflower herself. Crystal Pony bodies mimic crystals/gems so they can do the same thing.
Now knowing where the Memories are, Rarity can channel the spell and return the memories to where they should be.
Sunset and Wallflower get to talk for a bit about Hey That Was Fucked™.
But also like. Sunset knows what it's like to be alone. She left her home when she was still a kid, and wound up in a whole other dimension. One where, even if she makes some friends, she could never fully befirend them because she couldn't tell them /what/ exactly she was. It's different now, but she'd faced that before. She knows lonliness.
And Wallflower feels guilty because she never really put together how alone Sunset was. Thought she'd just skated by so easily in the friends department.
And Sunset helps her realize that there's more to friendship than just kindness. Being nice helps, of course. But you need to reach out. You need to put in an effort.
But at the same time, everyone you meet holds the potential to become your best friend.
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jennawynn · 1 year
Enterprise Season 4 18-finale
Episode 18
So this is the episode they were filming when they found out they were cancelled? It's almost strange to think about it now in the era of streaming when the show gets filmed in entirety before it gets released and then two weeks later, you learn it's done. I wonder how you have the motivation to still do your best when you know you're getting fired.
The intro is interesting, but doesn't hold a candle to the real one. The effects are obvious, but it does its job in showing us what the people of this earth value- might over exploration.
Travis's little earring :joy:
I know Jolene Blalock was a model but do they always have to be putting her in low-rise pants if not skintight catsuits?
They even replaced the pics of Enterprise ships in Archer's quarters with weapons.
Guess you can't have hyper-masculine military shit without degrading women.
Bakula's still not very good at being convincing.
Episode 19
You know... this two-episode chunk has apparently been a fan favorite... but I'm guessing it's mostly nostalgia and seeing this crew in the uniforms of TOS(?). I'm not enjoying it at all. It is kinda funny seeing how colorful these sets are though.
Nice touch that it has the blaring alarm and name 'Battle Stations".
I guess they were planning to have more of these mirror-verse episodes in future seasons, though I can't believe they continued shooting and airing these episodes after hearing they were cancelled. It was complete whiplash and I didn't find that universe interesting at all. There isn't even an explanation about how or why we're returning to normal Enterprise between episodes.
Episode 20
Sometimes I think these fascist/xenophobic plotlines are too on the nose and then I remember they're from 20 years ago and then I remember that we've always had to deal with bullshit like this. Even a hundred or two hundred years ago. The only difference is which side the heroes are on and how sympathetic the villains are in the story.
I just realized every person in engineering is apparently an officer. In fact the only time I've ever heard anyone referred to by an enlisted rank was in the mirror universe? I mean... Enterprise is (supposedly) exploratory but Starfleet has some military aspect to it. Maybe it's the former-enlisted in me but how does anything get done if it's all officers? lmao
Episode 21
ok I actually laughed when Trip did the delayed punch on the guard. "Go ahead." "Ok."
of course the xenophobic leader is a hypocrite who uses alien dna. it's kinda lazy tbh.
They sure do like taking huge risks with tons of lives, don't they? Good drama, bad tactics.
Archer's speech here feels like what the whole series has been building to. I'm surprised that it wasn't the finale.
Oh... I was expecting the show to go to 24. I thought we were still a couple eps from the finale. I didn't realize this effectively IS the finale.
Vulcans 150 years from now have French tips, huh? lmao
Episode 22 (These Are The Voyages...)
It is pretty silly that they've been supposedly doing this 10 years without any change in personnel or even a promotion. Talk about no upward mobility.
Why would they mothball Enterprise after ten years of operation? The carrier Enterprise was like 50 when it was decommissioned and it basically running on duct tape and paint.
I'm wondering if I should've watched this along with TNG instead of Enterprise.
The first time we see Chef and it's Riker. lmao Fun fact: My cousin's named Ryker after him.
....why'd he kiss T'Pol's cheek? Gross.
ok, I thought this holoprogram was actually historical- that he was inhabiting chef while it was on and just seeing himself do the things, but repeating what was actually said. but then he slipped up and said 'Picard' instead of 'Archer' and Travis was like 'who?' which means that was RIKER asking Hoshi if she was ever attracted to Trip. Why? WTF? Is Riker a skeeze?
Ah, they have a warp 7 now. Guess that's why mothball. "To the Next Generation."
Only because it's the last episode and only because Troi (sp?) said something about it being sad he doesn't know he doesn't make it do I think they might actually take Trip out. That and the weird questions Riker's been asking about him like he's trying to figure out who Trip really was.
I don't like the 'formal' uniform variant. It looks like the flight suit with a white collar.
Really? They make a big deal out of the speech and then don't even let him-- oh, I guess they're saying that the thing Picard always said was part of Archer's speech?
I don't think I understand all the vitriol about the episode, but I do think it was an inappropriate sendoff. For one, you go the whole damn series without killing anyone just to kill Tucker and then you don't even actually memorialize him. For the other, it feels more like an episode of another show (TNG) than it does about Enterprise. Not knowing the story in TNG means that this is even more apparent to me- it's not nostalgia to me, it's just someone using the show I've been watching like a voyeur.
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eldritchsurveys · 2 months
by joybucket
1. When was the last time you went to church? >> It's been years. 2. If you could trade hair with any one person, whose hair would you choose have, and why? >> I don't want to trade hair with anyone.
3. How many pairs of pajama pants do you own that have animals on them? >> None of my pajama/lounge pants have animals on them.
4. If you own any pajamas with animals on them, what animals are they? >> The closest to animal pjs I have are the multiple pants I have with a Stitch pattern on them. I still don't know how the fuck everyone in that movie was like "yeah, sure, this is totally just a weird dog", lmao.
5. If you wanted to get a dog that looked like you, which breed of dog would you get, and why? >> I... do not look like a dog.
6. Do you have a hard time letting go of things? >> Depends on the thing, don't it.
7. When was the last time you experienced a miracle, and what was it? .
8. When was the last time you colored in an adult coloring book? >> Years ago. I have a bunch of them, I just never use them anymore.
9. How many cellphones have you owned in your lifetime? >> Too many. 10. Name one celebrity who is the same age as you. >> Kendrick Lamar.
11. How old were you when you had your first crush? .
12. Was your first crush on a male or female? .
13. Do you think you look better with long hair or short hair? >> I prefer how I look with long hair, but I can't afford it.
14. Have you ever had to apply for disability? >> I've gone through that application process multiple times.
15. ....and if so, what happened? >> I was usually approved after a denial or two. The last time it took two years. I can't apply anymore because I'm married to a working person.
16. What is your favorite board game? .
17. Do you think you look better with curly or straight hair? .
18. What is one unpopular opinion you have? >> It makes no fucking sense to measure things like the usefulness of astrology and the existence of gods using scientific metrics and I'm sick of people doing that. 19. What is your favorite photo editing app on your phone? .
20. What is one video game you used to love to play but haven't played in years? 🎮 >> Guitar Hero. Our Xbox 360 RROD'd a couple of years ago, so I can't play anymore. Even if I could, it's likely the flimsy controllers would break after a while, and they're virtually impossible to replace now that that whole franchise and every one like it is out of production.
21. How many of your grandparents are alive currently? .
22. What is one medication you will never take again, and why? 💊 .
23. What is your favorite thing about your life right now? >> Video games.
24.....and what is your least favorite? >> Loneliness.
25. In your opinion, what are three of the most disgusting foods ever? >> Oh, I don't know. I'm not really disgusted by many foods. 26. Do you believe in God? >> The God you're talking about does not play a role in my life.
27. What are three emojis you use a lot? >> 💀😂🖤
28. Do you keep your clothes in a dresser or a closet? >> A wardrobe.
29. What is your least favorite household chore, and why? >> Cleaning a bathroom. It disgusts and repulses me beyond compare.
30. What is your favorite insect, and why? >> Oh, so many. Mantises, stick insects, fig wasps, moths, bees, I just really like bugs.
31. What is your LEAST favorite insect, and why? >> Probably the German cockroach or the bedbug. For reasons I'm sure you can figure out.
32. Do you follow any sort of special diet, and if so, what? >> I do not.
33. Have you ever had an eating disorder? >> Nothing so formal as that. I've had disordered eating habits, but not a full-blown disorder.
34. Do you consider yourself spiritual? >> I do not. That means nothing to me. I have my share of beliefs and practices and preferences, and I have a complex and multifaceted relationship with divinity.
35. Are you happy with your life right now? Why or why not? >> Eh. I mean, sometimes I am, despite The Horrors. But mostly I am intensely dissatisfied, for reasons that I feel like I hash out in surveys all the time already.
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swallowed-by-the-moon · 5 months
leaving people first so they don't get an opportunity to abandon me themselves has been a defensive skill of mine for a bigger part of my life. like there was a girl who was my bestie for 5 years or smth. we were like a school childhood friends ig. and when I found myself another friend because guess what, she had another friends too, she started getting jealous and hanged out w popular girls from our class instead of me. I actually adored her and was ready to give her more attention, all I required of her was to approach when she needs me/wants to chat or hang out/whatever else friends do. and one day she just asked me to talk to her and suggested that we stayed just acquaintances instead of bffs. I agreed because I didn't want to stick to a person who doesn't want me anymore (later on she had an insolence to ask me to draw her FOR FREE after she's dumped me. I never did it obviously lmao)
then my tendency to push ppl away first started to show itself
person 1: I just became mad at them and randomly stopped communicating w em
person 2: was kinda annoying, but what set me off were her manipulations. reasonable
person 3: I thought we were friends but they started insulting me because of my body weight (which is mid btw, I wouldn't say I'm fat more of a yk not skinny but not fat you got the point) and tried to manipulate me into losing weight by "running distances every morning" because "you're fat and you didn't want to run to a subway station w me". it was boiling hot outside that day and I didn't want to run because there were no trees on the way to the subway, just straight up road n shit. could've blacked out because of running when it's so hot outside. fr that statement made me SO FUCKING MAD. blocked. again, reasonable for now.
person 4: was my fp, I needed them but they only used me to hang out when none of their other friends wanted to. I was max loyal to them and all I've gotten was ghosting FOR MONTHS. blocked because I became sick of them not appreciating me
person 5: was my another fp. I thought I found the one, my soulmate but eventually they got bored of me and replaced me w another person. ghosted me 4 lofe and when they happened to reply always talked about the person they replaced me with 🤩🤩
person 6: ghosted me due to having an "avoidant attachment style" for months while posting screenshots of them chatting w other ppl in dms (while ignoring mine). blocked because I hate ghosting
person 7: provoked them into leaving me. just to prove the point that they never cared about me at the first place and me being unlovable
person 8: I thought we were cool and interested in each other until they've gone cold on me. I could sense the coldness in their messages to me like they had their fun and don't want me anymore
I actually spiraled from thinking about whether or not I want a person out of my life to just blocking them after any minor trigger I receive from them. I was also giving ppl dozens of chances back then, now I don't. I just straight up block because there's no point in giving any more chances if a person wasn't able to show me enough attention so I can actually feel that I am wanted. & ppl certainly never tried to change after I talked to them abo how I felt so it's useless
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twingocalypse · 1 year
omg I did not lose the midwestern Miku document!!
(thanks to my old high school onedrive i guess lmao-)
It's not particularly interesting I guess and I've always been incredibly shy about posting my actual writing online but enjoy! (for context this is technically a shortened version of the story that i submitted for a school assignment bcs it kinda fit the theme.) (The original story was written like 3 years ago under the influence of too much sangria with a friend (@sergeyhahaha) as a half-joke about Hatsune Miku living as an american midwestern housewife in a dead marriage.) so yes the girl in the drawing and the girl mentioned is technically hatsune miku by association.
The prettiest flower, staring at the sun
Growing the middle of a cornfield, asking why here, and not anywhere else... Maybe I am a flower. But my cornfield was a Target. I was staring at the immaculate wall of perfectly white milk containers.
They’re so quiet. So I tried to blink at the wall, taking the slightest chance it would blink back. To my surprise, no response.
You’re so fake...talk to me, stupid milk. Even mute and inarticulate, the milk was still really pretty, Target has stocked them well, they always do.
It sure was endearing, to exist in a life surrounded by nothing but artificial perfection. But it was a world I detested so much. Phew...Who knows, maybe everything will be okay after all. I still want to spill the milk, knock them over. Make them lose their perfect shine. After all, just like me, they can be replaced, discarded when a better thing comes along.
I’m talking to myself again.
“Mikaelynn, Honey?”
I turned around.
A pale young man was shouting from another end of aisle 4! I run to aisle 4.
I knew who he was, I didn’t forget it this time!
Richard Brock Hudson,
My Husband
(But more of a fiancé, actually, as our wedding was , once again, postponed until the end of August.) Oh right! He was saying something!
“Don’t you think we should buy Carson a gift?”
I throw a blank confused stare.
Of course I did not remember who Carson was.
“Well it was his birthday last week, we should at least try to be good neighbors and bring him a little...something.”
Oh! I knew that Carson. Must admit, I didn’t really care...
“Remember, good impressions... Lynn, just for a while until we get settled in this neighborhood.”
Reading my mind, how would he know...how much I didn’t care?
I didn’t really want him to find out. I hated it here. But I didn’t want him to know. He loves living this life so much.
“Live laugh love” Said the decoration board behind me.
Maybe I should do exactly that. Try and let him live this way. Live laugh love my way into this existence. Maybe I should at least try!
I don’t really understand, why should I make a good impression on someone I don’t care about... I already knew how this would end.
These good impressions, as fake as a jug of Tampico, standing right next to you, Brock, on your left!
Perhaps you are made of Tampico?
I knew I would grow to resent Brock for this.
Maybe I should tell him the truth, not all of it...but maybe at least the part about Carson’s gift? Being honest is hard.
“Well I t-...”
Brock suddenly interrupted.
“Okay, so do you think Carson would prefer a baseball glove or a hunting knife?”
Nevermind, I can’t say anything now...
So I threw on the blank stare again.
“Lynn, are you even listening to me?”
“Honey, I’m sure he’d love 'em both!”
Citrus punch Tampico! Next to you! Dunk your head into it!
I wish I had said that a vengeful grin. Brock wouldn’t know why. But I didn’t say anything. It’s not like he’d notice. What I didn’t notice, was how much time we lost. Not in life, just in the supermarket. It was 4 p.m. now.
I think we came here at noon.
Why have I lost so much time with you?!
I don’t know how it happened, but we were in a parking lot now. I didn’t know how much time passed from that conversation. Did we end up getting a hunting knife or a baseball glove? Or was it a fishing rod? A disinfectant?
I have lost everything by now...
And I want to pay you back, I want to express, how angry I am, how much I actually hate you.
I want to see you hurt and mad!
Your face, scowling,
becoming a spiral,
bursting a vein,
full collapse.
But why can’t I tell you any of this?
I have lost so much time with you.
It was now 5 p.m.
We were walking towards our car, swallowed by the desolate Target parking lot.
2005 Ford Ranger.
We’re walking closer and closer. Brock seems mad...what did I do, when he was the one doing everything wrong.
I sat behind the wheel, naturally, I didn’t know how to drive. I’ve lost so much time, and it was time to take it back.
I love you,
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mc-tummy-blur · 1 year
Ask Game to Get to Know You
I was tagged by @deathishauntedbyhumans a fat bit ago, so imma do it now, lol
What book are you currently reading?
I guess technically I'm reading The Qur'an for an English class that looks at Biblical texts as literature. Pretty interesting so far.
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
Uhh, gotta be Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, but I feel like once I see John Wick Chapter 4, it could replace that. I've been dying to see it.
What do you usually wear?
Uh, idk I gues like comfortable clothes that I can lounge around in??? Clothes that maybe say Gender tm idk
How tall are you?
5'4. 5'4 and a half of a good day.
What's your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Aquarius. I mean, it's on Valentine's Day, so.
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
In public, I go by my birth name, and in private, I go by my chosen name. Honestly, I guess either one isn't so bad to be called, but I think one day I would like to be called by my chosen name in public.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Nope, and I'm very thankful I never did. I don't care what benefits the military or being a cop has. I'm not doing either, lmao
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I'm not, and I dont think I have one? It's more like it would be nice to be in a relationship in general, but I'm also not thinking too hard about it rn.
What's something you're good at vs. something you are bad at?
Good at drawing, bad at math.
Dogs or cats?
Both cause I got both.
What's something you would like to create stuff for?
I'd really like to do my own video essays one day on things that I like/things that are important to me. And, also I would like to film a project one day. Also, highkey, my brother, sister, and I joke that we should be writers in like any company we grew up with (Lucasfilms, TellTale Games). Hire us, you cowards, lmao. If not, we'd just start a podcast talking about how something should be written, lmao
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
Haven't written much this year, but I think my favorite art piece that I haven't shared on here was a drawing I did last night of Ruby Rose from RWBY, then seeing an old pic I did of her in 2017. Maybe I'll post the two at some point cause I like to show the growth I had.
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
The Persona games. Currently playing three and four. I'll find out a way to check out the first two games.
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Can't think of anything at the moment
What's a hidden talent of yours?
The talent is so hidden that I haven't even figured it out yet lmao. Though maybe it's writing angst, I found out that I'm pretty good at that.
Are you religious?
I think at the end of the day, yeah, I am. But it's not extreme.
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
Not sure how I should answer this question since I'm interpreting it in multiple ways. Uh, I guess maybe like a chest binder? Or some like hot wings idk
I'll tag @sampoststuff @sharkmobster @indigomuunz @youraveragedeltafan, but honestly, anyone can do this
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
Hello! It's been a while since my last "ask" to you. I hope you're doing well and that 2023 is treating you kindly. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I think I saw that you only have editing left for part two of your new Sangyeon fic? That's amazing! I hope editing is smooth-sailing for you - I know that, oftentimes, it can be a bore or even just very tedious. But I can tell you that when/if you start, it will have been worth it 🩷
(I have just realised that I did not label the first part, I'm so sorry) With that said, I hope you aren't feeling too much pressure to write or get this story done as soon as possible. Take your time with it because, I know I've said this before but, the most important thing is that you're enjoying it. And that you're happy with what you're putting out there. 🩷 I really wish that writing never becomes a chore for you-you deserve to have a fun, creative outlet. (2)
However, on the off-chance that it does, and you find yourself forcing your way through ideas, I hope that you're able to find something that you can be equally or more passionate about soon after. Not as a replacement but moreso as a "next step". I'm looking forward to see what direction you choose to go in - not just with 'Business or Pleasure'. Though I must say, you were very right: a CEO/fake-dating/dominant (correct me if I recalled incorrectly) is needed. (3)
And who better to start it off than you? And you have started so there's not much I can ask for. Especially not when you write so beautiful and coherently. So thank you for always making it a pleasure. I wish you joy, not just in writing, but in everything you do, and in life. Take care! 🩷 I'm going to have to apologise for, not only making this message so long, but also forgetting to number the first part. Wishing you the best 🩷 (4)
Hello, dear!! I'm sorry its taken me so long to respond to this... I saw it when you sent it and kept telling myself I'd respond, but pure laziness and procrastination has stopped me lol
Editing is always my least favorite part of the writing process lol. I don't put much effort into it, because I find that I just hate everything I write when I read it so many times. I'm pretty much in the same boat as I was when you sent this ask, only with part 3 now lmao
I'm not feeling too much pressure about getting it out fast, but I think I'll always feel pressure about getting a new piece out eventually haha. I know if I enjoyed the story more, I would be kicking them out much faster. I was so in love with this concept before but executing it hasn't been what I imagined. Also, going from my most popular fic to nearly zero engagement has been very humbling lol. I've somewhat shifted my focus to an original piece instead...
Thank you so much for always sending in these wonderful and thoughtful pieces. It's like talking to a friend that I've told all of my worries too, and I feel very peaceful after I respond. I hope you have someone like that for you, as well. You deserve to feel the way you make me (and I'm assuming others) feel!!
Hope you're doing well and that the new year is treating you great!! ❤️❤️❤️
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ectonurites · 3 years
So Jason using crowbars now? And i'm not supposed to laugh?
But also: One thing I want to say is that I think a lot of people haven't been paying attention because Jason's been using a crowbar since RHATO #26 back in September of 2018. It's been one of his primary weapons for the last three years, ever since his outfit redesign.
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(Cover for Red Hood: Outlaw #26, Jason's 2018 redesign sheet)
It's even got it's own little pocket there! Not every time this suit was drawn was it present (some artists opting for nothing on the back, or just the sword) but like... literally even covers for Urban Legends show him using it.
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(Covers for Batman: Urban Legends #2 + #4)
The new part is him only using a crowbar, rather than also using guns.
And the thing is? It feels like Taylor may have been one of these people not paying attention, at least based on how the Nightwing Annual today treated the subject.
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(Nightwing 2021 Annual)
This doesn't read to me as "Hey so I've noticed you've been using a crowbar since sometime before I remembered who I was, what's up with that?," it reads as "So you've replaced using guns with using a crowbar- what's that about?"
Which makes no sense because Dick already knew he'd been using a crowbar before he dropped the guns, that shouldn't be a question. The no more guns thing is brand new, but Dick has been next to Jason with his crowbar... more than once in the last year since he stopped being Ric!
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(Batman (2016) #100)
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(Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Last Stories of the DC Universe)
IDK maybe Taylor meant it more like Dick just pointing it out now since the two of them had never talked about it before, but it just feels odd the way it flows in the conversation. And especially with how many people I've seen that seem to think the crowbar thing is brand new right now it just... idk.
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tellmeburrito · 3 years
Hiiii! Can I ask for your honest opinion on AL MCL and Eldarya s2? I know that we ridicule, laugh and complain a lot on tumblr, but honestly, at the end of the day I know opinions of maybe 3 plp and just... want to know more. Is it good? Better then previous season(s)? You play for perfect score or really enjoy it? Things like this :)
HI ! Sorry for the wait.
Well, let's start with AL MCL : I've mixed feelings about it. I know I know I cried over 4 years over my Lysander - and it was justified - because I missed him, I wanted him back and now that it’s here I'm like meh.
Don't get me wrong, I still love him. It makes my heart melt every lines. But what I was looking for when I started MCL was the drama and the romance. I had both in . And it was wholesome
Drama in high school : Childish most of the time but could be fun and talk about serious issues sometimes ( revenge porn )
Drama in UL : LMAO IT WAS AWESOME the Castiel ONS ??? GIIIRRRLL there isn't a day without me thinking about Nath and Castiel confrontation over Candy's pussy.
Drama in LL : It was fucked up i didn't enjoyed EXCEPT MY BABY ERIC WHO SAVED THE DAY He said hold my coffee I'm gonna sparkles that girl life.
But in AL?? NOTHING.
I get it, it's not the purpose. And we don't have time ( Only 4 episodes ?? Which are less than 1000 AP? Yes it's a good thing everyone can enjoy it but fuck nothing happens because again WE DON'T HAVE TIME. )
Yes I'm glad for Lysander cute contents, to learn some news facts about him ( But do I really need to spent 5 minutes talking about his house and its imperfections?? ) but fuck, it would never be as good as if he was in UL and LL, i'm happy but FUCK I'm bored.
It nice but forgettable. Like thanks for the moment. But meh.
Because like I said in a post Beemoov will never make me believe that he enjoys this life they want to give you the " Look how happy he is! Look ! " YES IN AL because he's still with Candy, Castiel comes often, they co-write songs together and he still sees his brother, but in UL based on what we're told, he's just alone in his farm hours away from the only family that he has, his only friend, separated from the girl he loved and giving up his dreams to work everyday, a job that sorry but it's clearely not the greatest and easiest one like does Beemoov ever even informed themselves about the farmers situations ?! Like OK he's a lonely guy but fuck that's liking being alone it's being abandonned ! That's fucking bullshit. It seems so fake.
He's only doing this to save his family inheritance!
Also the fact that new episode come out every 2 weeks like Beemoov wants to get rid of it ASAP 💀 They don't even try to look like they give a fuck
Should have let him be in UL and LL like Kentin and Armin. tf how can 4 episodes can compensate for 2 seasons and a wedding for the others.
My experience with those games would have been so different if he was there.
Anyways let's talk about Eldarya.
I don't think I can really talk about it, because I'm not as much into Eldarya as I'm in MCL and like every end of episode I'm like 👁👄👁 Ok anyways.
LIKE ERIKA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGG I HATE HER how can she still be alive that's episode thanks they have the excuse that it's a fantastic game cause that bitch would have die day one.
HOW HOW HOW HOW can you kill a LI and replace him WITH HIS KILLER BROTHER
I don't really blame the players choosing him because.. Drama. It's gonna be wholesome and FUCK I hope Valkyon will do an appareance and omfg sorry I can't that's too much.
Also EZAREL??? Like ??? How could he not came back after learning his ex-gf wake up??
I don't know how Beemoov gets their ideas but they need to fired the whole team and hire some people with logics.
Like the last episode how the butler recognized Erika based on nothing but just a random girl in the house, them being chased but still having time to go to a fast food in downtown and explaining every single basic aspect of our world to the faeries
Also I'm mean can they stop making there villains so obvious? Like my man Matthieu mhm mhm that man so suspect he can't even hide it. I mean it was obvious with Leiftan too in season one but at least there was the " plot twist" of Lance / Ashkore.
Also I love how Lance and Leiftan are avoiding each others that hella funny. Like they used to plan on destroying the world together and now they barely look at each others.
Right now I don't know where Eldarya is going but it's seems chaotic. And I want to know how it ends but you know Erika's unbearable dumbness, the 5 min of affection per episode...
I think that I'm just a hater anyways. Because I complain but I keep playing, cause I'm attached to the characters and I love following them in their adventures. I can't help but wanting to know how it will all end.
Anyways I don't even know if I answered your question because I went everywhere sorry, but I would be glad to know your opinion too.
And anyone else who would want to share it 
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spynorth · 2 years
2, 9 , 18 and 4
Get to know me !!
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2) first muse? The best one handed pirate in the world, my mate. Hook! I haven't left that bastard in the almost 9 years I've been writing him. I think my longest 'hiatus' was 9 months while I wrote Dutch and prompto but i don't think it counts because I did still get on and reply to certain friends. I wouldn't trade that muse for the world. He has surpassed anything and everything at this point and is so engrained into me I can't imagine not writing him at this point tbh. My first attempt at tumblr and rp in general and obviously my best attempt lmao. I was just talking to hunter last night about the way hook has really taught me how fun rp is when the characters breathe beyond a carefully constructed 1x1 interaction. We have a verse where between the two of us and our friends - we've got like 22 characters interwoven into each other's stories and all interacting and that is truly one of the best things ever. I don't do private verses that often because I love that dynamic so much. Killian has grown the way he has because every thread has other interactions (with that same muse and also others) behind it that influence his decisions and thought patterns and that is growth, my dude. So yeah sorry i just went off but !! I love writing Hook so much.
9) I answered this about differences when hunter asked and I'm not sure I can think of more. I have not in fact been imprisoned in russia. I did apply to mi5 for research purposes but alas i was turned down so he's got that going for him too. the bastard. also i am not an only child.
18) SO MANY AU'S HELLO. I owe starters for the majority of them but the next ones coming up are jurassic world, mass effect and the british bake off. Lucas in a general horror scenario. The world ending. I have 63 verses on hook and you can bet your butt I've been going through them, writing them down to work on for lucas when i can lmao. i have some dimitri ideas too. just throwing that out there. lmao.
4) My favorite thing about roleplaying is the friends I've made. Tumblr can feel a lot like shouting into an empty void sometimes but if you think about it, it's still a beautiful place because yeah you get to write and create these worlds with the characters you love (or even sometimes dislike) but it's also this awesome medium that makes it possible to reach so many people you otherwise might not have gotten to know otherwise. You can change someone's life across the world with just a simple positive note on a day where they feel like giving up. roleplay gives us the ability to do that. crazy. obviously my huge favorite thing is being in a relationship with hunter. Who the heck knew that killan jones and guy of gisborne interacting would lead to the greatest adventure and love of my life. That can never be replicated or replaced.
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crockettmarcel · 4 years
i've never watched this show but the ladies you keep posting abt are pretty so tell me abt them
I think you should watch it <3 as a treat <3
anyway,, Ava and Sarah,,,, my loves
idk how much you’ve picked up about them from my posts so I’ll just tell you whatever comes to mind <3 (under a read more bc it’s gonna be long oops)
Sarah is literally just. baby. she’s the one with the curly hair, and she was originally introduced as a fourth-year med student doing her ED rotation (which definitely went on Way longer than it should have but uh. that’s med’s shitty writing for you <3)
she’s so insanely smart but she’s not that confident in her abilities, especially around patients, and it’s :( bc ma'am. you’re the best
tbh seeing her confidence develop during season one was so nice because she became more a part of the ED family (which is why it was so hard when she left Med) and she was finally seeing how smart she actually was and how much potential she has!! she’s the best girl <3
also the way she said she didn’t want to work with patients which is why she was going into pathology, and then she ended up becoming a psychiatrist? incredible and I love that growth for her!!
I rlly believe that season 2 was the best for her - her relationship with Dr Charles was good and healthy (I’m genuinely so sad that the writers ruined it for them because it was obvious how much she looked up to him and like. she literally told Noah that he was the dad she’d never had!!! what the fuck why couldn’t the writers let them be happy!!!), and it was before her PTSD and everything that happened with her dad. she was allowed to have a good, happy storyline, and even though she was dating Joey for most of it, her character didn’t revolve around him the way other female characters do (they’re literally all written around men and it’s so frustrating)
everything went downhill for her in season 3 and I’m still mad about it ngl. like. she got PTSD from Dr Charles being shot, and as she was starting to recover, her dad turned up out of the blue and fucked her life up even more >:(
I guess the med writers can’t have any women be happy for too long :/
(also she looked hot in her final scene. not to make this gay but uh. her jacket is gorgeous and she’s perfect and I love her)
(also also,, my main headcanons for Sarah are that she’s autistic and either gay or bi bc like. have you seen her. there’s no way that bitch is straight lmao)
as for Ava,,, she had so much potential when they introduced her, then as is the pattern with med, as soon as she started dating a guy everything went downhill (but she couldn’t have dated a woman bc med hates gay people)
like. at first she was this incredibly intelligent CT surgeon (better than Connor, as she was Dr Latham’s first choice for the CT fellowship) who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and do what she had to to succeed in a male-dominated field. like yeah, maybe she was a bit of a bitch, but who can blame her really :/ also she’s hot so like. if she wanted to be a bitch to me I’d let her
anyway. her initial conflicts with Connor were actually interesting, because it’s obvious he’s never really been challenged before, and as a result has a bit of a god complex. even as they warmed up to each other, there was still a friendly rivalry, but it was nice
(we’re not going to talk about the fact that she was introduced simply as an antagonist to Connor bc I can’t bring myself to think about that rn)
but of course they had to throw in a romantic relationship, and because she pretty much only spent time with people from CT, it had to be with Connor <3 they’d have honestly been better as friends because literally everything went downhill from here
Ava in season 4 is almost a completely different person to when she was introduced. she was suddenly obsessed with Connor, and was literally willing to do anything (including commit murder!! wtf!!!!) to be with him?? the agency and self-assuredness (idk if that’s a word) that she somewhat had in s3 was suddenly gone, and had been replaced with a personality disorder that the writers only mentioned after she’d left the show
(it genuinely seemed more like an afterthought to explain away their bad writing and inconsistent characterisation rather than an actual plot point, but that’s just me)
anyway like. not to keep making things gay but she genuinely had Big Gay Energy (the med writers love making the gayest characters possible then having them be canonically straight, but that’s a post for later) and her storyline would have been so much better if she Had been a lesbian
there wouldn’t have been any of that rh*kker drama, which means it’s unlikely she would have murdered someone and then [redacted] herself to avoid prison
and like. even if they hadn’t had her date Sarah, it would have been nice to see some lesbian rep, and avoid the toxic relationship that was her and Connor
idk I just think the med writers could have done so much better with her, and they did Norma (and Colin) dirty by fucking their characters up that much
anyway to conclude. Ava and Sarah are both perfect and also have the biggest gay energy and I love them a lot <3 if you’ve made it all the way to here please know I’d die for you ajdhsjdhsk
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: still stalking mckenna Joe: what, we can't BOTH like music? Joe: that's gonna be problematic for me tbh Ronnie: mozarts ghost aint gonna possess him in the encore Ronnie: you can fuck off Joe: you can enjoy your night Joe: I'll take my chances Ronnie: take your chances somewhere else Ronnie: or you wont have any Joe: you looking out for me? Joe: not necessary, I promise Joe: you look like you got your hands full as is Ronnie: its a threat Ronnie: shouldnt be necessary Joe: my apologies for making you work harder but its still not cutting it Ronnie: [throws something at him in a dangerous manner watch out everyone] Ronnie: we can both be into cutting Ronnie: not a problem for me Joe: [when he's probably with his flatmate or similar like they will complain honey they basics lmao, meanwhile just like 😏] Joe: careful, people will think you care Ronnie: what fucking people Ronnie: your girlfriend Joe: for one Ronnie: muzzle your bitch or give her shit to sink her teeth into Ronnie: it aint complicated Joe: I don't think not glassing randoms is exactly rocket science either Ronnie: nothing random about you Ronnie: you fucking wish Joe: you want some projection with that Joe: I found you, remember Ronnie: wasnt hiding nancy Ronnie: not still a runaway kid Joe: then don't hide Joe: I weren't looking for you, alright Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: you said there aint no other bastards Joe: I meant tonight Joe: this is just coincidence, nothing more Ronnie: leave then Ronnie: your buyers remorse is about as welcome as you Joe: hardly Joe: that's not what it is either Ronnie: they were all out of shiny sisters baby Ronnie: take what you can get Joe: I've already got one of them Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: i remember Joe: you don't want a refill then Joe: replace the one you tossed Ronnie: you on the spectrum or do you not wanna read social cues Joe: well I ain't leaving either way but if you don't wanna make the most outta it Joe: 👍 Ronnie: keep putting words in my mouth & see what happens to yours like Joe: what spectrum are you on if you think that constitutes a please and thanks Ronnie: take it up with your ma Ronnie: she wasnt about to teach me how to play nice Joe: not really her forte Ronnie: thats why im still waiting for my plane ticket home yeah Joe: possibly Joe: I don't know Ronnie: 💔 Ronnie: how olds your good sister Joe: jury is out on good Joe: but 14 so we'll wait and see Ronnie: ill fucking drink to that Ronnie: if she was a write off shed already be Joe: depends on your perspective Joe: I try not to have one Joe: [is at bar] Ronnie: depends on your mas Ronnie: we cant all be black sheep Joe: exactly Joe: they don't really get on Joe: but she's probably just dreading the PTSD a teen pregnancy scare will bring Ronnie: should have kept me around Joe: yeah Ronnie: 1 more abortion and your country would offer me a fucking exorcism Ronnie: fun for all the family Joe: some girls have all the luck Joe: would not believe how hard it is for a lad to get one 🙄 Joe: [just putting the drinks for 'em on their table, when Charlie probs gonna flirt with you like oh hey] Ronnie: your girlfriend will let you hold her hand for her 1st Ronnie: stop sticking it in your cello & youll knock her up in no time Ronnie: [just staring at the drink like you've never seen one before] Joe: come on, she's CoE if I've ever seen it Joe: abortions? sure, but exorcisms ❌ Joe: [tryna just walk off but you know they'd be like who are you hello?! 'cos annoying lmao] Ronnie: not in ireland anymore baby Ronnie: [when you walk off like where the fuck have you got to be my dear] Joe: [at least he's not gonna drop the bomb, just being vague af like oh we met once or whatever goodbye] Joe: you gone yourself? 🛫🍀 Ronnie: on whos 💰 Joe: idk, your pals maybe Joe: but I've fucked off so he can at least top up your drink 'cos its long gone too Ronnie: wanker Ronnie: [comes back and punches charlie love you boy] Joe: [just wait 'til you have your own mindblown with that crazy connection boy] Joe: ✊ Ronnie: [gives him the biggest fuck you look ever like I can't believe you typed that] Joe: [just loling a lil 'scuse him company its not at whatever you said] Ronnie: [comes over, ignoring everyone else obvs, to drink his entire drink and walk off again] Joe: [omg stop flirting you two, everyone like what is going on tbh] Ronnie: [dancing with charlie cos he don't take kindly to being punched but you don't wanna answer his questions either] Joe: [save it for later you nosy hoe] Ronnie: [when you see his poor flatmate going to pee and follow her intimidatingly soz bitch] Joe: [this poor girl is in no way prepared lmao] Ronnie: [thinking she's about to get mugged or murdered] Joe: [when you're 18 and its your first time away from home no doubt this poor girl honestly] Ronnie: you deffo she aint catholic Ronnie: could see her in a penguin house Joe: weren't a question on the flatmate icebreakers Joe: shoulda asked for some segregrated accomodation but thought londoners were meant to be post-religion post-everything so Ronnie: 💔 it aint god its you baby Ronnie: shes no londoner Joe: no, I do know that one Joe: she's from Kent, I think Joe: or Surrey? Ronnie: not holy holier than tho Ronnie: u Ronnie: never gonna please a horse girl mckenna Joe: 😏 Joe: I'll not go there then Ronnie: charlies fucking easy to please Ronnie: youve done the 1 drink minimum & youll avoid the pregnancy scare Joe: I think he's the one that does the pleasing Joe: so I've been assured Ronnie: gets him off dont worry like Joe: I'll sleep easy now, tah Ronnie: lullabies are shit but yeah Joe: 🤞 that ain't his encore either Ronnie: if it aint opening an artery to spray the crowd count me the fuck out Joe: I wouldn't hold your breath Joe: though might be more fun Ronnie: [dramatically holds her breath in his direction like kids do] Joe: [just watching 'cos weird and into it] Ronnie: [lowkey going purple probably because you know she won't stop til she hits the deck] Joe: [just watching 'til the last sec when you obvs gonna catch her] Ronnie: [giving him a look when he does like we have to stop meeting like this but then exposing his tattoo wherever that is cos gotta check that really happened] Joe: [I hope you didn't opt for your booty, lol, probably inner bicep moment or something 'cos not that bitch getting those out at any chance] Ronnie: [just touching it like you're not shamelessly flirting with your brother okay then] Joe: [just looking at her face hardcore 'cos you can pretend you're checking her tat too] Ronnie: [when you come back to yourself and remember you're supposed to hate him for being your brother so you push him away unnecessarily hard and retreat to your corner] Joe: [go off to the bathroom yourself boy] Ronnie: [french exit while he's gone even though it'll make Charlie more annoying] Joe: [have fun Joseph] Joe: you missed the bloodbath Ronnie: made my own Joe: safer bet Joe: on all counts Ronnie: safer for your girlfriend Ronnie: & you Joe: you know she ain't my girlfriend Ronnie: no shit you dont wanna claim that conquest Joe: wrong again Joe: not gonna bang my flatmate who pays the bigger part of the rent 'cos she gets the en-suite Joe: give me some credit Ronnie: shed give you some if you gave it up to her Ronnie: but if youd rather pay rent Joe: there's no way I can keep that going 4 years Ronnie: she aint hacking it Ronnie: you can fucking smell the homesickness Joe: its like, down the road init Joe: ugh Ronnie: & Ronnie: she cant fit her horse in the en suite baby Joe: 😂 Joe: true..I'll make some rich friends to move in when she gallops off into the sunset then Ronnie: theyll not slum it with you for 4 years Joe: but I'm so charming Joe: what's the solution then, sis? Ronnie: sell yourself or kill yourself Joe: 👌 Joe: already with ya Ronnie: yeah dead connected us Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: you're the only one that's allowed to be suicidal? Ronnie: oldest cunt gets dibs Ronnie: aint that how this sibling shit plays Ronnie: whatever you wanna do ive already done it Joe: half the time Joe: but the other half is youngest gets away with it 'cos they're cuter so Ronnie: cause theyre a crybaby Ronnie: yeah you can have that soft lad Joe: 😥 bit of a prerequisite for the suicide Joe: so generous Ronnie: i left you alive so you can do yourself in Ronnie: since youve got such a boner for it Ronnie: generosity begins & ends Joe: You can stop thinking about my boners then Joe: that'll be my attempt at the virtue Ronnie: put em away Joe: you tryna expose me Ronnie: you dont need my help Ronnie: flashers keep more hidden than you Joe: really Joe: don't seem like that's something that would bother you Ronnie: youre that special mckenna Ronnie: every fucking thing you do bothers me Joe: 💘 Joe: check facebook some more, I'll keep my events up to date Joe: can avoid each other easy Ronnie: nah you see me you walk the other way Joe: I got places to be babe Ronnie: yeah a&e Ronnie: if you dont get the fuck outta my face Joe: see, you're well about it Joe: I got it, yeah, we're not family Ronnie: were nothing Ronnie: & if thats what gets you off pay for it like the other cunts do Ronnie: not my 9-5 Joe: I found Soho by myself, don't worry Joe: we're good Ronnie: boss Ronnie: stay there Joe: more expensive than Sophie's horse that Ronnie: train her up to be whatever the fuck you want then Ronnie: 4 years in she could probably kiss with tongue like Joe: you gotta ask yourself why you care Joe: 'cos I know Ronnie: i dont have to ask myself fuck all Joe: deny it then Joe: works for me Ronnie: theres no need to deny theres cunts i wanna talk to less than you Ronnie: or i that i gotta have something to do while i wait Ronnie: 💘 Joe: you're all talk Joe: say no more Ronnie: fuck you Joe: yeah fuck me Ronnie: stick your therapy speak in whatever hole you reckon can take it Ronnie: ill reverse over your head before i submit to this psychology bullshit Joe: not what I'm studying Joe: or doing Ronnie: you reckon if you say im all talk itll get you some action Ronnie: dream on motherfucker Ronnie: i dont look like her that much Joe: bold assumption Ronnie: nah Ronnie: charlies more like a brother than you & ive done everything there is to do to that tosser Joe: bold to assume I'm half as fucked up as you Joe: spent long enough telling me I can't be 'cos I got a ma and now I wanna fuck her, okay Ronnie: wearing it on your sleeve aint you though baby Ronnie: saw your arm & yeah i reckon halfs about right Ronnie: but me at 19 wouldve left you in more pieces than that Joe: you must be proud Ronnie: what the fuck of Joe: your 19 year old self Ronnie: youd have liked me better at 9 Joe: alright but a nonce joke is hardly original Ronnie: neithers wanting to fuck your ma Ronnie: read a book schoolboy Joe: that's you throwing that about Joe: not one I ask the prozzies to act out tah Ronnie: what the fuck else was your lil challenge about then Joe: what was yours? Ronnie: i didnt fire any shots shithead Joe: not true Joe: i got the 🍒 to prove it Ronnie: fuck me youre that cunt Ronnie: 1 sos & i owe you my life yeah Joe: where'd you hear that Joe: what was it, needle not clean or something Ronnie: you dont need to wait for a death that slow Ronnie: fucking do it Joe: why do you do it Ronnie: why do you give a shit what i do Joe: interesting Joe: why do you fuck with your face like that Ronnie: too late to keep it pretty for you Ronnie: should have nancy drewed this shit earlier Joe: you ain't gonna answer Joe: alright Ronnie: cant we both like pain Ronnie: is that your problem Joe: 'course Joe: no monopoly on that shit Joe: its universal, so the books say Ronnie: bullshit do you read fuck all else but sheet music Joe: not no more Joe: but i can read more than scales, like Joe: have to write essays and shit sometimes Ronnie: fucking hell Ronnie: save this riveting shit for your flatmates Joe: she does art Joe: dunno what the lad does, he's out his room less than me Ronnie: horse cocks out of clay like Ronnie: bet shes the professors pet Joe: 🤞 she gets in an ill-advised affair with a pervy prof Ronnie: every other repressed white bitch has done it Joe: my home is safe Joe: hooray Ronnie: til i sleuth your address Joe: then its petrol bombs and dog shit, I know Ronnie: after theres fuck all left to steal Ronnie: 🤡s in films 🔥💸 Joe: and eat six year old's arms Joe: crack on Ronnie: i aint bitten any kids since i was Joe: I'm proud even if you ain't then Ronnie: raise the bar baby Joe: guess the other lad you were with don't technically count no more Joe: actual kids are that annoying Ronnie: kids get to be annoying Joe: lucky ones Joe: the ones that get to be kids Ronnie: no shit Ronnie: youll be born & die a saint Ronnie: such a fucking martyr Joe: when God comes a calling, you can't refuse, obvs Joe: guess that's what she gets for not aborting you, nice bonus for being good Ronnie: yeah Joe: likes a joke as much as the next Joe: gutted for her Ronnie: cant take the scouse sinner out of her however much irish catholic dick shes taken since Ronnie: 💔 Joe: if its only paddys in heaven, I'll lose the invite Ronnie: you better stay in purgatory then Ronnie: dont want you in hell with me Joe: you're just jealous I'll be too busy getting tortured by some other demon Joe: you're alright, anguishing over my wrongs for eternity sounds like a bit of me Joe: I can hack it, more painful than being sodomized with pitchforks or whatever weak shit you're in store for Ronnie: wanna see your cum face even less Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: 😂 Joe: shh, you already know he's got that sick sense of humour Joe: your own clockwork orange moment for eternity now Ronnie: 💘 Joe: you ain't nothing like I thought when I was 🔎🤔 Ronnie: cheers for the romantic cliche you pussy Joe: you're that special Joe: and welcome Ronnie: what did you reckon id be like Joe: like the rest of 'em Joe: complete the cliche Ronnie: fuck off Joe: what, I did Joe: there ain't a bigger compliment, honestly Ronnie: i dont wanna hear your compliments Ronnie: or how big they are Joe: 😏 Joe: you asked Ronnie: cause i cant resist hearing how fucking soft you are Joe: that makes you pretty fucking soft yourself then don't it Ronnie: fuck you Joe: back here, yeah Ronnie: back at get someone else to knock you out Joe: shouldn't be hard Ronnie: depends how hard you are Ronnie: could be a turn on or off Joe: either way, its incentive for them to go harder Joe: can't lose, me Ronnie: enjoy yourself baby Joe: never Joe: if I lose my overwhelming urge to die what have I got Ronnie: new overwhelming urges Joe: won't be that good Ronnie: write it in your diary i didnt ask for your review Joe: you can do that you know Joe: they've all got profiles, like they're a shit local pub or something Ronnie: what a fucking state Joe: won't miss it when I'm in pugatory Ronnie: if i had a shot for every time you cried your eyes out id miss that Joe: you'd miss having a liver Joe: and functioning braincell Ronnie: didnt mean that kind of shot shithead Joe: your aim is for shit, true Ronnie: or that one Joe: ahh Ronnie: you had me at dirty needles 💘 Joe: s'worth being alive for, then? Ronnie: what the fuck waste of a question is that Joe: why? Ronnie: what do you think Joe: reason I'm asking Joe: if its just another slow way to kill yourself then I'm sound but if its more than that then its a potential for the repertoire Ronnie: if it was id have taken a faster way out Joe: its noted Ronnie: why do you wanna die Joe: its not even Joe: I ain't actually sad, soz to burst your 😥 bubble, IOU some shots, whatever Joe: just wanna turn my head off, not have to participate Joe: deal with any of it Joe: but saying you wanna be put in a coma doesn't quite have the same punch Ronnie: underline that note then Joe: yeah? Joe: not like I've never thought about it Joe: think about it a lot, hence the need for a fucking switch Joe: how cliche to look like I'm doing it to spite her though, eh? Ronnie: whatever you take now thats strawberry flavoured childhood bullshit Ronnie: youve found your prescribed dose of working adult medicine Joe: it don't touch it, not worth taking unless you wanna down half a blister at a time and have a decent kip Joe: get me some and I'll pay you 20% for your trouble Ronnie: come over Ronnie: told you im waiting Joe: alright Joe: if I ask for your current location do I give away that I'm not a decent stalker Ronnie: youve fucking shown that card bitch Joe: figured Joe: be obliging then Ronnie: [a location of who the fuck knows where cos we don't need Charlie or Bronson there for this excuse you lads] Joe: [when you need some privacy for your bonding] Ronnie: [when you need some privacy to shoot up your half brother who you ain't even told your other fam about] Joe: [fun and games] Joe: cool Joe: 🤞 i'm there just after the heroin Ronnie: get here before or ill be in no state to keep obliging you Joe: I'm yet to be initiated, my timekeeping skills are 🔥 Ronnie: give a shit about your cv Joe: I'll be there Ronnie: your loss if you aint Ronnie: dont come crying to me Ronnie: i wont hear it for fucking ages Joe: i'm not an idiot Ronnie: it dont matter who or what you are Ronnie: stopped listening after the ill be there Joe: 💘 Ronnie: get it tattooed next yeah Joe: yeah Ronnie: over the real fucker Ronnie: cause you love a cliche Joe: 'course Joe: have to find another dickhead with a gun though Joe: that one did not know his left from his right Ronnie: get what you pay for baby Ronnie: & we didnt Joe: touche Joe: I'll forgo accuracy for that Joe: and the dirty needle, obvs Ronnie: getting to put his hand on my tit will blow the brains he has like Joe: 😏 Ronnie: but if i toss him off thatll get shit back on track Joe: hot Joe: love that you have a plan Ronnie: cute Ronnie: you reckoning im pure chaos Ronnie: not your manic pixie dream skank Joe: ain't planning on being a composer Joe: least not now Joe: don't need to write about you Ronnie: 💔 Joe: make up your mind Ronnie: you aint on my mind mckenna Ronnie: dont get your balls in a twist Joe: do you wanna be on mine or not Ronnie: i know whats on yours Joe: same Joe: makes a change Ronnie: compose a song about your confusion then like Joe: less cliche than a love song Joe: still Ronnie: do it from the pov of the horse Ronnie: be a hit with your flatmate Joe: you just wanna get me stalked Joe: paybacks a bitch, yeah Ronnie: wanna get your habit paid for before you start it Ronnie: throw her a boner Ronnie: whats the fucking drama Joe: i don't fancy her Joe: nor having the convo about where all her moneys going Ronnie: & Ronnie: i dont fancy the cunt with the tattoo gun Ronnie: got fuck all to do with it Joe: & Joe: you're lowering standards, not getting anything up Ronnie: close your eyes & think of gear Ronnie: youll do anything for a horse like that Joe: let me try it first Ronnie: dont need to hear about your trust issues baby Joe: better stop talking now then Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: shut the fuck up Joe: [you know when its like 'removed message' that] Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: what Ronnie: i cant cut your sense of humour out Ronnie: cant live with it Joe: no funny business Joe: just a buttdial Ronnie: charlie aint here but adorable that you 2 homos hit it off Joe: just scousers gotta stick together or did you know him from back home Ronnie: he didnt give you the rundown Ronnie: mustve made him speechless mckenna Joe: too busy trying to work out how I knew you Ronnie: we grew up together Ronnie: & the mime standing next to us Joe: cool Ronnie: nah Ronnie: fucked Joe: I mean that you still know 'em, talk to 'em Ronnie: we aint trying to throw our family away for a new one Joe: like I said, s'cool Ronnie: like i said hes gonna eat that shit up Ronnie: you fawning over his family set up Joe: good to know Joe: not really my type either, call me fussy Ronnie: fucks sake Ronnie: join the god squad now & save yourself the 12 steps Joe: 'cos I don't wanna do a bloke or my horse girl roommate Ronnie: cause you only wanna do your ma Joe: you can't just give me dud options and come to that conclusion Ronnie: we playing fuck marry kill now Joe: not playing nothing with you Joe: cheater Ronnie: crybaby Joe: you'll 😥 when I have to kill your mate Ronnie: you wish Joe: making people cry is your thing Joe: I don't need to fight that claim Ronnie: like you aint been wanting to save me again since the 1st time Ronnie: thats your thing yeah Joe: save you from what? Joe: smack? obviously not Joe: other self-destructive tendencies? try again Ronnie: it obviously dont matter Ronnie: id never seen you & id still never seen a cunt more excited to do a rescue Joe: and I'd never seen you Joe: maybe you'd got all kinds of fucked up 'cos of all the shit I dragged up Joe: basic decency ain't nothing to get excited about Ronnie: i know how to self soothe im a big girl now Joe: didn't need you self-soothing yourself to death on my conscience Ronnie: didnt ask you to give a shit Ronnie: catholic guilts best left at home baby Ronnie: youll never find a place with the cockneys Joe: about myself? Joe: its barely but hanging on by a thread Joe: soz Joe: dead girls fuck you up Ronnie: not your type either then Joe: ultimate type Joe: don't wanna commit right now, tah Ronnie: 🤞 i od & you can finally sort your misery boner out Joe: too giving you Ronnie: im dead i aint giving a shit Joe: put that on the headstone Ronnie: pay for it you write whatever cliche you want Joe: you want a classy picture affair Joe: got it Ronnie: stop getting me Ronnie: it makes me wanna blow my brains out Joe: its obvious you wanna be seen Joe: no spooky sibling connection required Ronnie: fuck off Joe: what's better than ruining a graveyards ambiance for the mourners for the forseeable Ronnie: theres no room in the ground soft lad Joe: they just chuck you in with the old bones Joe: or 'move' them Ronnie: hot Joe: mhmm Joe: plague pit is the way to go Ronnie: fit the horse & the girl Ronnie: how fucking romantic Joe: that's me Ronnie: ill put john in the 💘 for you baby Ronnie: your ma robbed you blind of so many lennon comparisons Joe: still time to be pretentious with soph Joe: fuck off getting out of bed for good Ronnie: smother her with a pillow & fuck her corpse youll be feeling peace & love Joe: 💎🍓💘 Ronnie: playing with emojis & yourself aint getting you here Ronnie: hurry up Joe: can't make you any closer Ronnie: 💔
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grungebeauty666 · 8 years
I got chu. (This is my main blog.... I dont know if I've told you that? Or if you knew? Tbh I almost forgot what I was doing as I was getting ready to send this) but! You should do all of them because they are adorable af and ily and wanna know more about you!
I got chu! I think you never told me, but now I know :D Awe, ily too ^-^
1. What have you eaten today?
Oreo’s and a Cripsy Chicken Burger from Burgerking

2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?
I think it was with one of my best friend. More or less, we do it kinda like a greeting, idk is that weird 

3. What color shoes did you last wear?

4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?
We watched Prison Break and I called Mike a »Snekay Weasel«

5. What is your favorite scent?
Natural one probably would be tea; Perfume whise Chloé Lovestory

6. What is your favorite season? Why?
Fall or Winter, because my skin is very sensitive to heat, and it itches and it’s just a no from me

7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?
I used to, but then I got fat lmao

8. What color are your nails?

9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?
A little heart under my right eye

10. What is something you find romantic?
Netflix and Chill

11. Are you happy?

12. Is there anything in particular making you happy orsad?
My best friends make me happy. Money makes me happy, because I can spend it on shit I don’t need; Part of my family makes me sad

13. Dogs or Cats?

15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
Museum, I loved the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam

15. What is your style?
Really weird, because I like alot of stuff so; Grunge, Goth, Hipster, “Instagram-Ish”, Geeky, Cute and alot more mixed 

16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?
Travel somewhere

17. Are you in a relationship or single?

18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?
I actually don’t like one right now

19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?
If I had a partner, I wouldn’t. 

20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Sure, many things. Mostly feelings 😂

21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?
I went for trick and treating with my nieces!

22. Have you recently made any big decisions?

23. Were you ever in a school play?
No, but we didn’t had those anyway

24. What movie would you use to describe your life?
To Write Love On Her Arms maybe, without the drug part

25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Youtube, and I didn’t started because my confidence is pretty low

26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
Everything, even though I already have my best friend for that 

27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?
Nothing tbh 

28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
Nothing tbh 

29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
I only had one day of school

30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?
Alot of things

31. How long was your longest relationship?
Romantic: Never happendFriendship: About 14 years now 

32. Have you ever been in love?

33. Are you currently in love?
With myself

34. Why did your last relationship end?
It didn’t

35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?
I’m wearing a septum but I guess that’s not really jewelry, is it 😂

36. When was the last time you cried and why?
Yesterday, and for the most stupid thing ever. I’m really shy and have social phobia, and my mother and her husband renovate the hall, and it’s really small and I couldn’t pass her husband and I didn’t want to say that I need to go pass him so I left the hall, went back to my room and started crying. He’s really weird, in a bad way, and I dislike him, for my defense.

37. Name someone pretty.
Emilie Autumn

38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?
A text from my bestfriend 😂

39. Do you get jealous easily?
I do

40. Have you ever been cheated on?
Friendship whise definitely 

41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?
Yes, I do.

42. Ever had detention?
Yeah, I skipped classes alot when I was in highschool

43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
City. I like the countryside, but I like privacy. Not knowing everyone, not getting judged by a bunch of old people

44. What do people call you?

45. What was the last book you read?
To all the boys I’ve loved before by Jenny Han

46. How big of a nerd/dork are you?
Way to big

47. What kind of music do you listen to?
Everything actually

48. How tall are you?
“””Tall”””; Im 4”9

49. Do you like kids?
Yes, I love kids! 

50. Favorite fruits?
I usually don’t like fruits, but probably bananas

51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Leggins all the way

52. What’s your earliest memory?
My sisters trying to throw me into a river as a joke

53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?
Yes, by my niece

54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Both, but only if I take the pictures

55. Do you have a collection of anything?
Pencil’s, life of an artist am I right

56. Do you save money or spend it?
I used to spend it, but I’m trying to save more now, since I’m moving out soon

57. What would your dream house be like?
I prefer smaller ones because I’m paranoid

58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?
Ignorance, racism, sexism, violence, doublestandarts

59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?
Food, netflix, books, friends, free wifi

60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Well, I get fired then

61. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) Everyoneb) Probably still watching netflix and youtube alldayc) No, I’d be glad it’s over

62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
People that are completely happy and share their happiness with other people, to make them happy too

63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
England or Switzerland, since two of my friends live there

64. Do you like the beach?

65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?
Define special, to me everyone that I love is special, so I guess

66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!
Mine is Marie 

67. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, I do that alot

68. Describe your hair.
Short, wavy/curly, silver-blue 

69. What is the meaning of life.
I don’t know yet 

70. What is your ideal partner like?

71. Do you want to get married?

72. Do you want to have kids?
Maybe, I’m not sure

73. Like or dislike your family?
I dislike most of them

74. Are you Chunky or Slim?
Just fat
75. Would you consider yourself smart?
I’d like to, but I think I’m rather stupid

76. What would you change about your life?

77. Religious or Not?

78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Probably my best friend 

79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
No, I love him lmao

80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?

81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
Watching netflix, eating pizza and drinking alcohol 

82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?

83. Do you like when people play with your hair?
Yeeeeeees, I love that, it feels so good

84. Do you like bubble baths?
Yes! I also love bathbombs especially from lush

85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?
Nah, I can’t drive

86. Have you ever danced in the rain?
As a kid

87. Do you trust anyone with your life?

88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
My neck hurts

89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
EnglandSwitzerlandJapanItalyAmericaFranceGreeceMexicoThailandParts of Germany maybe, I don’t travel around much here

90. How was your day today?

91. Play an instrument?
No, I tried playing piano, but my fingers are too small lmao 

92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.
I hate it, it’s deep and scary and dark, just no

93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Ghosts, yes

94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be?

95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?
It’s my only side 🌚

96. When are you vulnerable?
When I’m confused

97. How much free time do you have?

98. Do you like to go hiking?
No omg 

99. Odd or Even Numbers?

100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
No, no, no, no, no, no and no
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