#I've completely forgotten how to do all of this xD
omaano · 29 days
SW Hades AU August Update
Links and previous updates: May - June - July, everything else in this AU
In contrast to the July update, I didn't make as much progress in August as I'd intended, but all the same I'm quite happy with what I get to share with you here:
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In the previous poll I only promised to get Echo and Fives to lines and flat colours by this (more than a bit belated) update, but thanks to @lesquatrechevrons keeping me company while I was working on them I managed to get the Domino Twins character art to a state of "almost finished". (I had posted them as "finished" but that was before I realized that I'd forgotten to add the little specks of neon colour to them, but oh well, I hate that stage anyway XD)
I also did some brainstorming with the amazing @elwinged about all the characters, as well as the various weapons and their aspects for this AU. They had some great theories and ideas, and also made me actively think about these things, which was real fun!
Before I go into some ramblings about what went into Echo and Fives' art and design (gotta pad this update with something, and some of you seemed to enjoy it with Omega last time), let's have another poll for next month! I've looked over my table of characters and plans, and I came to the delightful realization that I've made far better progress than how it feels on a day-to-day basis. So maybe it's time to work a bit on the boon-giver characters for a change:
Also would anyone be interested in a taglist for these updates, or are you all fine with me just putting these out whenever and let tumblr do its thing in getting them to you? (send me an ask or reply here if yes, I know my tumblr is a mess XD)
Now on to some thoughts on Echo and Fives:
Depicted but not illustrated in its fullest is that Rex has been a constant presence next to Echo and Fives (and to Cody, too, previous to that). It bears repeating that I really wanted to make sure that the clones are the same in size, and share as many colours as possible (so Cody also stood around as moral support when it came to Fives' hair). So you can also see how the shading on their faces are very similar in their shapes, except for the shadows in that part where nose, cheek and mouth meet, because I wanted to make the Dominoes look a bit younger.
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Same with how Rex still has that wrinkle in his forehead that I oddly fixate on so much (don't ask), but Echo and Fives very clerly don't. I'll claim that it had been a completely conscious decision, and not just time passing between the two designs - well over half a year - during which I got it into my head that I should depict the clones during wartime as close to their barely-20-ish age as possible.
One thing I didn't commit to enough though (because I chickened out) was to make Fives look a bit more "dead" and ghostly before I put the blue-green soft light adjustment layer on him was the deeper and darker circles under his eyes, and I fully intended to leave out the light reflection from his eyes... but in the end I went back and added a duller shine to them because I'm weak, it's barely visible and he looked too grumpy and mean already T^T I also didn't want to make his cheeks more hollow or anything, because then I would just feel bad and weird about taking away the roundness from their shapes that I've worked so hard to put on them.
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As I was working on this piece I've also thought a lot on the style that I've been trying to mimic through this project.
The thing that gave me pause is that I see more and more of my own style slipping into these pieces, I allow my lines to round out more... and I can claim that it is mostly because that's the compromise I can make with the clones, but I open up and look at Hades references less and less, and I just go freely with what's stuck in my brain while I'd tried to wrap my mind around the style when I first went at it.
I've also always had trouble with grouping my shadows and shapes, and this is exactly what I should be pushing more from now on forward. I keep letting myself get distracted by all the tiny details that I so enjoy to put into my work (case in point all that scarring on Echo, and even Fives' hair - as well as Cody's previously, but I didn't know how else to convey the texture of their hair in less and larger shapes). Hades character designs always feel so rich with detail, but at the same time they are a lot more streamlined than what I'd do if i let my own instincts and desires run wild. I'll try to work with that in the future!
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Last but not least a few words on Echo's armor:
I'm slowly but surely stretching my artistic muscles a little and going a bit off-model for the characters, so I wanted Echo to wear armor that is a mix of his ARC and Bad Batch commando armor. So he's got the old plates on his arms (where he still has one LOL), all the straps and pouches (and both blasters!) and old kama hanging from his belt, as well as the hand print paint (because that is personally very very important to me that he has it). Then, beause I desperately needed some other colour in my characters that's not blue or black or grey, he's got elements of the red and orange paint he wears later in TBB (I really wanted him to have that orange stripe down the middle of his chest piece too, but I couldn't make it work with the handprint :() I'm real happy with this balance, and particularly with the shades of blue in his worn paint ^^
I also really wanted to give him a hand (I'll never not be frustrated at how Echo was kept literally handicapped with only his left hand to shoot and grab things (and people) with. It's good that he'd been an ARC and trained in dual wielding, but in a world where people keep losing their appendages (and sometimes half of their bodies) as if it was np big deal at all, it couldn't have been too difficult to get him a hand!! ANYWAYS. I'd first learned how to draw mechanical prosthetic hands/arms during my time in the Overwatch fandom, and I don't think I could draw them any other way (especially the fingers and the lights showing through in their joints) than how I'd done for Cole Cassidy way back when he still had a different name XD
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I know there is a relatively limited way in how and what parts you can use to build up a hand/forearm, but I just cannot unsee it, and I thought I'd share this tidbit fun fact as well XD
I hope you enjoyed these ramblings, and I promise to try and keep to the normal mid-month-ish schedule for September!
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Sentences or Sketches or Something... Sunday
Hello strangers! It's been a long time since I last did a progress post of any kind - thank you everyone who's continued to tag me so I don't get left behind! And thanks to @noblecorgi, @alexalexinii, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @blackberrysummerblog, @thewholelemon, @mooncello, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @shrekgogurt, and @youarenevertooold for tagging me, today. (I feel so loved! <3) I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's up to.
It's still Sunday in my neck of the woods, though just barely. And yes, I've used my "sentences" banner, but... It's a bit more chaotic than that. Honestly, I wasn't sure about doing a post today because I'm a bit all over the place, but then I figured... eh, why not? I am all over the place LOL.
So here's your snippet from the collective efforts of Jo's creativity, lately, under the cut. (Because I ramble...)
On the Haunting of Simon Snow... I haven't forgotten about it! Nor is it abandoned. As I keep telling anyone who will listen, I have a rough draft, which basically amounts to an outline, meaning I have way too much figured out to just let the story fade away. XD I attempted to work on Chapter 2 earlier this month, and ran into some roadblocks - of the architectural variety.
So I've started to research manor houses and English estates like mad. I'm going to do the thing. I'm going to figure out Pitch Manor. Why? Because my brain won't let me gloss over paltry details such as the location of Simon in the grand scheme of the house, or how and where the roof attaches and where that tree is going to be. It's annoying, but I figure... This is a fun puzzle, too. One I hope to be able to share with the fandom at large once it's complete.
This little snippet is from an early design I've since scrapped (but you never know what might come around, again.)
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"That's great, Jo, but how about some sentences?"
Okay. Ahem. Here's... some Simon sentences... that have just been scribbled out. *cough*
I sit there and listen to the man on the other side as he blathers on about extra fees associated with estate deliveries due to distance and blah blah bloody fucking blah. I wish he’d just say it. Just say 'this is the Pitch Manor tax.' No one ever does. But everyone charges it.
Okay, moving on...
The other thing I'm working on is illustrations for @mooncello's beautiful fanfic, "Lost Boys." I just posted art from Chapter 1 here, and I'm working on art for Chapter 2, now. The story is stuffed to the gills with absolutely gorgeous imagery, so choosing what to illustrate is a challenge. Hopefully it all works out, and in the meantime, here are a couple doodles.
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(I was telling Heath last night... this morning...? about how all illustrations start out as baby sketches XD These are the little babes in the creative nursery, basically. Also I have never posted baby sketches before and I'm kinda nervous about it. But. Well. >.> )
THERE YOU HAVE IT. A couple of my reasons for being so entirely absent from all other aspects of the fandom. (Also I got hit with the flu super hard, but doing better now!)
Tags for future wipsdays/hello's! @leithillustration, @artsyunderstudy (thank you for listening to me ramble about Pitch Manor), @erzbethluna, @nightimedreamersworld, @cutestkilla (thank you for also listening to me ramble about Pitch Manor sorry I'm reworking it again XD), @angelsfalling16, @fatalfangirl, @hushed-chorus (thank you for being my secret-garden-enabler XD), @rimeswithpurple, @best--dress, @whatevertheweather, @ileadacharmedlife, @scribble-tier, @imagineacoolusername, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @alleycat0306, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @tender-ministrations, @katmiscellanious, @anxious-m3ss, @bubble-gumhead, @ebbpettier, @facewithoutheart, @bazzybelle, @theimpossibledemon, @aristocratic-otter, @ic3-que3n, @palimpsessed, @raenestee
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desultory-novice · 4 days
personally i've been totally obsessed with man on the internet's morpho knight! the femme-leaning voice is so cool (and scratches the silly fangirl corner of my brain)! and the lyrics go so hard >_< usually i'm not one for videogames songs with lyrics but some of this vocalizing gives me literal chills
Oh yes! Sooo true! That one is extremely good as well!!
Fanon or no (though I like femme Morpho >w<) I completely love the choice to go with a female vocalist for Morpho, and Emily Go went SO HARD on that song! A total brain-scratch! (Plus we in this corner love a good mythology bonus, fufufu~)
The only reason I didn't list it with the others is simply because...I have a complicated relationship with Morpho Knight as a character?
Not a bad one! I just feel like as a fandom, folks have moved kinda fast with them?? I get it though! They're super cool and their appearance in Star Allies and then AGAIN in Forgotten Land were "throw your controller and scream" moments! It's not like we have significantly less info about them than we do any other Kirby character people have built up a lot of lore and HC around!
I just feel so many have rebuilt their entire Kirby cosmologies and mythologies around Morpho Knight, when we really do know SO little about them? XD (With the corollary that I feel strongly we WILL find out more. Kumazaki even teased more in that interview about RtDL, so I guess because he’s “in the middle of cooking something, I’m waiting to let him “cook”) As for Morpho being in everything, this last part is meant entirely playfully, but...take the Kirby OC Tournament cast. How many OCs include Morpho Knight somewhere in their backstory?/lh
Considering we're liable to see them again (assuming Chaos Elfilis didn't do any permanent damage) I personally prefer to hold off on making any definite statements or strong HCs of my own about Morpho Knight. And while the song's lyrics did the same, leaning toward the vague and verifiable, I still have a slight preference for the songs that told a complete narrative or are for characters who are otherwise "complete" in the game they debuted in.
....That said, what they pulled off was total FIRE though!! (Fufu... Get it? Cause Morpho's...?)
Anyway, this month has been such a feast of songs I found myself imagining what a version of "Prayer Song to God" or "Hyness Unhooded" or "The Star-Conquering Traveler" would sound like!
(Not that anyone from either song team is reading MY silly little blog, but I would love to see a version of The Star-Conquering Traveler that gives a short lyrical "part" to all the Dream Friends, similar to how that one official (?) recap video they made shows Kirby fighting together with the different Waves for the different phases!)
Dess just try writing your own lyrics if you feel this strongly about this stuff
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dawns-beauty · 5 months
do you like any expansion mods for skyrim? there are soo many and im not sure what to try first haha.
I don't know if I've really played one I'd 100% recommend yet... but also, I am insanely persnickety.
Maybe some folks will sound off in the comments as well?
I have played:
Beyond Reach (completed)
Pros: the mystery was intriguing. I kind of liked how grim it was (at parts.) The setting was decently cool, especially the non-Nirn realms.
Cons: JANKY TO THE MAX. Does not feel like it takes place in the world of Tamriel. Super dark themes, frankly dumb takes on Orcs and Reachmen, the modder clearly had a thesaurus at hand while writing dialogue. Really dumb "gotcha" twist at the end. Do not recommend.
Moonpath to Elsweyr (completed)
Pros: neat little linear story, impressive for being one of the first ever mods, it's about Khajiit.
Cons: it is one of the first-ever mods, and shows its age. Maybe play once, but be ready for some jankiness.
Clockwork (completed)
Pros: SUPER strong opening, one of the best openings of a modded quest I've played. It's nice and spooky, and pretty technologically impressive. Insanely gorgeous, detailed house.
Cons: mostly becomes a series of fetch-quests, and at least one part where you have to retrace your steps, until you get everything upgraded. You do get a cool house and transport system out of it, if that's of interest to you. Nothing tops the first part, imo.
Project AHO (not completed)
Pros: very Morrowind, if you're nostalgic. Very, VERY pretty too. Has a tool that lets you craft spellbooks.
Cons: the story. There's a particular part that annoys me, where you feel railroaded. This is also just my opinion, but... I hate the house it gives you and I hate that it adds huge metal Dwemer struts all over Skyrim. They're hideous.
Carved Brink (completed)
Pros: insanely pretty
Cons: story is okay? nothing to write home about. The special way of navigating gets old.
Here's a list of other mods I want to try someday:
The Forgotten City
Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers (the Extended Cut project is something I really hope to see completed, the idea behind it is awesome)
Sirenroot (idk if this counts as an expansion, but I do want to try it!)
Legacy of the Dragonborn (I'm a sucker for museums and collecting)
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma (but I may just wait for BS: Cyrodiil, due to low content)
Sorry, I wish I could come up with some actual recommendations! I am just terrible at actually playing quests (I like picking flowers and walking around XD)
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Bee-mateeee! As for my request (I had forgotten the original one so here I come with another one xd)
I'm in need of some angst so, imagine male!reader being Wilbur's little brother and get jealous/upset at the fact that he treats Tommy more like a little brother than he does to reader?
Aike, hiii! I hope you enjoy <3
Brother!Reader being jealous of Crimeboy's bond
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Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: Male - He/Him
Disclaimer: swearing, angst w/ a bad ending [not d3ath]
But honestly you couldn't help it.
You knew that you shouldn't have been jealous; at the end of the day, you were Wilbur's actual brother, not Tommy
"Tommy this.." and "Tommy that..", sprinkled with "He's amazing, great, fun, perfect"
Such a perfect goddamn little brother.
Then what were you? A stranger who happened to share the same blood and come from the same mom?
The fans didn't help either
"Crimeboys are real siblings" "They are such sibling goals" blah blah
How could you not be jealous?
Tommy was everything Wilbur wanted in a little brother
They spent every living moment togheter, wether that be for videos or not
Most of your time with you own older brother was spent talking about the blonde
It was pissing you off, but obviously you kept it to yourself
You knew that bringing it up or even mentioning it would have just caused trouble
But the line was surpassed when you heard a certain phrase, out of your own brothers mouth
And all came flooding out
"He's like the little brother I've always wanted"
"Ugh can you shut up about Tommy for one goddamn second!" You shouted at your brother who, for the 5th time that day, was talking about his newest video with the blonde. But this one hurt a little more then usual...
Wilbur was taken back by your sudden outburst, while you didn't stop there
"Honestly for gods sake, is that all you can talk about with me? Your own brother? We're related by blood may I remind you! We spent years togheter and yet you go and treat Tommy like he's actually related to you. You're always out with him, filming with him, talking to him, talking to me about him, blah blah. Piss off with that bullshit! What, was I so bloody boring that you had to go out of your way to search for an actual little sibling who could meet all of your fucking expectations???"
Wilbur fell silent, the the truth of how he was treating you finally hitting him
At first it started as a little tease, just to get you riled up a bit, like siblings usually do
But he never noticed it getting out of hand and the teasing becoming more and more like statements
Wilbur never had anything against you. Actually he found you to be an amzing little brother he had grown proud of
And yet he had completely disregarded you and your feelings, making him feel extremely guilty about it
Your brother watched as you stormed out of his apartment, crying. What was meant to be some brother-bonding time had just caused you to have one of your biggest fight yet
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lordkingsmith · 5 months
Zack Taylor known canon children and au children
Man I love Zack. When I was a kid I loved that Zack was a dancer, and was so cool. I loved how NICE he was. He’s a friggin sweetie. In comics I like how this is really focused on; he’s sweet, he’s popular, he’s a nice guy who’s doing his best. He’s not perfect but he’s trying. He can be serious, but he’s never straight up mean unless he has to be, and you can tell he hates it. Should have said so with Trini XD she’s the same way. I just ship her and Richie and got carried away, apologies.
If I’ve forgotten anyone you want to see or I think of them as I go, I’ll add 😁😁
Zack Taylor’s Canon Children;
I do like he didn’t end up with any of his high school sweethearts. Cute as the trope is, doesn’t work for everyone and that’s not a bad thing. Zack's a very fun character, and very charming, but it's cool it wasn't a sweetheart, and I do like thinking he and Billy are together. And I love the chemistry of Zack and Billy in once and always. There's something so sweet about those two bonding when in the first season, Zack had to keep asking Trini for help understanding Billy.
Minh Kwan. He is a great dad to Minh lol. I love how you can see the dawning “oh grid this is what ‘teenager with attitude’ means. I was just like this and this is not good”. Darling I see your pain but you’re doing a good job! She loves you very much! You and Billy are her dads!
My OC’s for Zack Taylor’s Non Canon Children;
Angela (last name unknown);
-props face in hand- seems she was another "had a larger plot relevance that got rewritten and thus wrote the character out of the show" character. That makes three I've run across. Sharkie, Richie, Angela. You could almost make an entire team of their own with these written out of the show characters. I won't say anything more about that, it is what it is. I will say while I wasn't the biggest fan of Angela's episodes, she seemed okay, and Zack was smitten. Which was definitely cute to watch, he was adorable in love with her. But I do have ideas for their kids, and I am quite taken with these two if I do say so myself.
Zack had a long love affair with Angela and they had two kids once he completely retired from being a ranger. She’s a senator’s wife, and they’re a senator’s kids. This has the predictable outcome of the two, Neveah, aged 21 and Bernard Taylor, aged 19, being a bit rebellious.
Neveah is a wild child, though not malicious in the slightest. Trickster type, very mischievous, she's definitely the class clown type. Prefers lightening the mood or getting back at people in the most prankster chaos way possible. She's aware of the rangers, and helps as a senator's child with all the perks that comes with it. She's going into business with the interest of owning a coffeeshop and gallery, so that the community can come and display and possibly sell art, and have a safe place to talk and decompress. Her brother included. They're not especially close, but she does want him to have a place to just be a person. Neveah is also not super close to her dad or mom, though it's more over their work than anything.
Bernard Taylor has absolutely no idea what he wants to do with his life, and works as a preschool dance teacher at the library. He also volunteers for arts and crafts classes. A huge lover of kids, and little kids adore his cheeky personality and his creative problem solving solutions. distraction and dancing, mostly. He's been dating Selena Bulkmeier-Skullovitch for two years, only recently found out Selena was Rita and Zedd's daughter. Upset she didn't tell him sooner, though can't argue he probably would not have taken this revelation well, and it's not like it matters. She was raised by Bulk and Skull, right? He's a bit corny in his romance, and is hoping if she is secretly evil, every time he makes her laugh it's another way to convince her not to follow in her biological parents' footsteps
Melissa (last name unknown);
Zack and Kim were the two who encouraged Melissa to join a disability inclusive dance class, and while it didn't click at first, Zack was the most delighted when she got the hang of the dancing. She told Zack she knew he was the black ranger, and managed to stick close enough by in school and in general people thought they were dating. It was easy to play along, and she was able to act as a great lookout. They have one daughter, Lila Taylor. Aged sixteen.
Lila is not deaf, and she's blunt and strong willed. People tend to underestimate her, and she's fairly quick to correct them. Some people think she's too strong willed, she thinks she's as loud as she needs to be. Lila is a dance teacher and volunteers at the library. She wants to go into library sciences, and is considering perhaps working at the Library of Congress. It's very difficult to get the position, but Lila is willing. She loves music, she loves dancing, and she loves knowledge. Everyone deserves it. not associated with a Color.
Violet Arias;
Zack and Violet are a lot like the sun and moon or moon and sea; there's an equal push and pull with them that can't be ignored. High school sweethearts in the greatest sense, though things hit a rocky patch when she figured out he was a power ranger-not that he'd made it particularly hard. They got engaged when he wrote her a poem cipher asking her to marry him. With help from Billy, of course. The two run a music shop together, with Violet running the area that has the retro music devices and Zack in charge of the CD's and vinyls. Violet and Zack have twins, Elodie and Mona, aged 16.
Elodie is very mellow, and smart. She's curious about a lot of things, and enjoys music based philosophy. Wants to be a song writer, wants to write music for bands from the other side of the galaxy. Just because it'd be a fun, cool challenge. Relatively popular, very forgiving, but not stupid. She's got her limits. Has opinions on a variety of subjects but it's extremely weird what things she's got an enyclopedic knowledge of and what she doesn't. She's often hyped and made brave by her sister, who is the opposite of her in every way. not associated with a color
Mona is going to be a music based power ranger, she is going to be a green ranger. And she is everything her parents and Elodie are not. Brash, loud, vengeful, crass, wild, but her sister keeps her calm and she in turn boosts her sister and gets her able to do things. Mona's somehow managed to be the most popular girl at school, but more than a few people are hoping for the day when this hot headed queen bee gets her comeuppance and gets knocked down a couple pegs.
Trini Kwan;
They started dating in space, and it was nice. When Trini became red, it got more serious, and being with each other was always so safe, emotionally. They don’t spent a lot of time on earth, but they do have two kids. The two don’t see their kids much, Jethro, age 16 and Avery, age 15 are on earth and do school on earth. They see their parents on holidays when they can, but mostly live with Kim. They have very distant relationships with their parents, even if they wish their parents would retire. They partially retired until both of them were in Junior High, which makes it extra tough. It feels a little like an abandonment, even if it isn’t.
Jethro is not really open to his parents, and has a better relationship with Kim. He wants to be a DJ, and does DJ’ing stuff for school dances and parties. Annoyed by his parents, has a ton of friends, prefers his friends. He likes Kim just fine, and everyone else. He just thinks his parents are using their duties as an excuse to get out of raising their kids. Jethro tries to avoid talking about his parents and what they do. He’s got his own things to do, they have theirs.
Avery loves her parents. She misses them dearly and wants them to come home. She’s become a bit of a people pleaser, swallowing down anxiety or unhappiness so nobody worries. She worries about them, a lot, and wishes they’d just stay home with their kids, who love them. While she doesn’t get why her parents are always in space, she knows they are doing important work saving people, and thus, tries to be understanding and patient and not worry anyone. Not associated with a color.
Kimberly Hart;
Tommy had a lot going on, and Kim realized she couldn't keep spending all her energy on him if he wasn't going to notice she cared. They went into a close friendship, and Kim and Zack stumbled very gradually from close friends to dating to married. Kim's a famous singer now, and Zack helps her make her music. Their dynamic duo for creativity continues evolving their music. They also employ animators for all their music videos. They have one son, aged sixteen. Joshua Taylor-Hart
Joshua's tone deaf, but loves playing violin. He has great technical skill, though struggles with the frustration that with being tone deaf, the six sounds most people can hear that would allow him to elevate his music are deeply absent. He likes his music, he loves music. It's hard not to be jealous of his parents, though, sometimes. Dancing's easier, so's cross country running. He's a hard worker, he's smart, and he's used to looking at things outside the box. Is not associated with a color.
Matthew Cook;
During everything Zack and Matt were friends with benefits, though Matt tended to use Zack as an emotional scapegoat as well. Zack finally had enough after a bit, and told Matt either he got his head out of his ass or they weren’t continuing. He was serious, too, and Matt got left in the lurch for a little while before actually looking at himself long and hard and deciding whether or not his grudge was worth losing Zack again. It wasn’t. His parents loved Zack, Kira loved Zack, and most importantly he loved Zack. He came out to his parents and family, and then put in the effort to get over himself to get Zack back. One daughter by surrogate parent, and Matt owes Kim big time. She’s made it clear though. This was for Zack. He gets this, and accepts he and Kim are probably never even going to be friends. His and Zack’s daughter is Layla Cook-Taylor. Layla is sixteen, tiny firecracker of positivity. She has her low moments, but she’s never down for long. She likes swimming and playing guitar. She dances with Zack in dance classes and Matt adores her so so much. She’s frank and earnest and tries her best. She doesn’t give up easily if ever. White ranger. Saba loves her, too. Yes Matt has gotten in arguments with the uppity dagger why do you ask?
Jason Lee Scott;
There really wasn't anyone else, honestly. They got each other. Blue and red is fine, and red and pink, but red and black? when it works it works and honestly they work. For obvious reasons, while they started dating in space, they didn't make it public when they came back to earth until Jason's dad died. At that point, there was nothing holding them back, and Zack understood the reason Jason waited. There was never going to be a relationship with his dad if he came out, and he was the sole caretaker. He had a responsibility. Zack respected that.
They have two kids, by surrogate. Kristen of the dark rangers, actually, offered. They didn't talk to the five much, but knew them well enough, after everything. When she offered it was actually a surprise, but they were willing if she was. When they decided they wanted a second kid, she was still willing. They're half siblings. Cleo, aged 24, is Jason and Kristen's daughter. Valeria, aged 18, is Kristen and Zack's daughter. Through this they became better friends with Kristen as well and that was really nice, especially for Kristen.
Cleo's more dramatic and adventurous than her younger sister. She will try anything once, do anything once. The whole world's a stage and she's one of the leads. Not afraid to take life by the horns and ride for all it's worth. A little bit of a mean girl, especially to anyone who dares hurt her sister or sister's friends. Was a queen bee in high school. She designs outfits for athletes. Sportswear is a passion of hers. How to make it fashionable and nice to work out in. Everyone deserves to look their best. She, herself, has an almost boho goth mix as a style. it was a mistake to let her watch incredibles; Edna Mode is her hero and role model. is not associated with a color. However, she'd be Fuchsia if she did. Unusual, and wouldn't have it any other way.
Valeria is 18 and in awe of her family and their legacies. She feels like she won't be able to be able to match any of them, but is trying not to let that bother her. She's captain of a breakdancing team, and mixes it with hard shoe Irish step-dance, which she's been taking classes for since she was four. It's something new, something fun, something her, and while she doesn't see the value in it, Zack and Jason do. Cleo's first experimental skort (skirt/short combo) was for Valeria to better be able to mix both dance styles. It's sometimes difficult for the sisters to talk to each other or show affection, but when they do its usually through things made for the other for their hobbies. Valeria also likes doing basic build type things, such as building sewing machines or computers. She only does this for family, but Cleo loves the custom machine she got. So does uncle Adam.
Currently working at a pizzeria, the tips are good and she likes being able to think while in high stress situations. It's where she thrives. Valeria is not associated with a color. however if she was, it'd be coral or black.
Tommy Oliver;
Tommy is an airhead, and very hard to convince he’s being flirted with. Kimberly, for months, tried to flirt with her new teammate, and eventually moved on because it just didn’t connect in Tommy’s head. He misunderstood Zack trying to explain it to him as Zack flirting, which made a little bit of a mess, but once it was sorted out Kimberly was dating someone else, and Tommy and Zack realized they did like each other. So they started dating, although there was some hurt feelings between themselves and Kim for a long while. Unfortunately, shortly after they successfully adopted a four year old, Tommy disappeared.
Eighteen years later, Landon Taylor works at Promethea as a systems programmer intern. It’s the closest to Tommy and Zack’s old work that Landon can get. Zack doesn’t want him any closer, and Billy, now CEO of Promethea, takes care of his old friends’ son. Landon admires Promethea and power rangers immensely. He wants to help them by any means he possibly can, and he does so to the best of his ability.
Nothing has come of years of searching for Tommy, and vice president Zack Taylor has proposed several amendments to help protect the teenagers that become rangers. He knows better than to make it illegal for teens and young adults to be rangers like some propose, but he also knows there needs to be suitable protective safety nets just in case. He’s proud of Landon, who’s helping program these safety nets, and he’s proud of the current rangers.
Billy Cranston;
They adopted Minh together basically. But in an alternate reality they got married and have two adopted kids, Harlow, aged 19, Selena, aged 17, and one kid by surrogate, Dylan, aged 9.
Harlow was adopted by Zack and Billy when he was seven, and is the first kid they adopted. He and the senator bonded over a shared love of music, and breakdancing. He bonded with Billy a little bit later over Billy mentioning that like Harlow, he used to have a fear of fish and water, and it was fine feeling irrational fear. Harlow tries really hard to make both his dads proud. He's got a lot of pressure he puts on himself. He's a perfectionist. Everything has to be perfect all the time. Billy's the first to try to get him to see the beauty in sometimes things just...not...being...perfect, and it's okay if he's not immediately good at things. Tommy Oliver is his favorite honorary uncle, and is a huge help with how he feels and living in a family. Is the blue ranger, alongside Selena, who is the orange ranger (there is no pink on their team).
Dylan was born a couple years before Selena was adopted. rambunctious kid. Gives his dads a heart attack all the time. His mom was Aisha, and his dad was Billy. There were long talks about it, but it was actually decided by a coin flip because Aisha could see they were psyching themselves out, and were going to talk themselves out of a choice they very much wanted. So she took charge for them. They love Dylan, and Dylan loves his dads, and his brother, and his sister. He likes music and playing pirates. He's one of the smartest kids in his grade school class, but Billy and Zack want him to make friends, so he's not allowed to jump a year. He does get supplemental lessons by both of them, though, so he doesn't stop being curious. Not associated with a color.
Selena has a lot of self doubt about being in this family, and doesn't get why Billy and Zack keep going to bat for her. They go to bat for her because they see in her a lot of themselves, and a lot of Tommy. She's a cheerleader at their school, and does baby sitting as a side job. She struggles to feel worthy of being the orange ranger, but she likes her new brothers, and she likes her dads, and she likes being able to show some of how grateful she feels back to them.
In a small variation, Minh would come live with all three of them as their sister and yellow ranger.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Zack realized he was crushing on Bulk when Bulk explained his plan to be homecoming king. Zack loved his tenacity and how genuinely excited Bulk actually was over this. Overhearing Marleau’s threat and Bulk backing down, Zack backed him, and got the rest of the rangers and their dates to back him, because Marleau might think she rules the school but she really didn’t.
He completely fell in love with him seeing him crowned homecoming king. However nothing happened in school, and they fell out of touch for several years. Later, they met again when Zack went to a bar with friends, and found the bartender and owner was a familiar face. Farkas was happy to see him, and Zack was extremely happy to see him. He stayed over that night, and then never left. They work well together and have two kids via genetic splicing courtesy of Billy and Aquitar technology. Brianna, aged thirteen, and Devin, aged ten.
Brianna goes to dance classes twice a week, is as friendly and strong in her sense of Justice as her dad Zack was when he was a teenager. He is so proud of her. Her sense of Justice is perhaps a little too strong, and Zack is watching his thirteen year old like a hawk. Power rangering is fine, but he is not letting his baby girl do it before she’s sixteen. Out of personal experience. She often has a group of kids around her, as a sort of social butterfly nexus; and their house is apparently the “safe house”. Polite, energetic, friendly, everyone’s her friend and she’s everyone else’s friend. Bulk and Zack have had to tell her more than once she needs to know her limits. Not associated with a color; but she’ll be silver the second she’s old enough.
Devin wants to go to Mirinoi when he’s grown up and explore everything there. He likes being everywhere, and doing things with his dads. Happy learning how to bake and cook, is fascinated by sewing and Bulk’s hand sewn jackets. Interested in his sister’s dance recital outfits and often borrows them to study. Bulk’s happy to help him in all his interests. Not associated with a color, but he’d be pink if old enough and chosen.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Zack's always tried to give Bulk and Skull the benefit of the doubt and never felt any true antagonistic feelings to them. Annoyance sure, but he doesn't hate them. Eugene took a while to warm up to Zack though, because nice doesn't mean trustworthy, and the two eventually started dating when Eugene realized no, Zack really is just that sweet. They run an ice cream parlor together and have two adopted kids. Achibald "Archie" Taylor and Marigold "Mari" Taylor.
Archie was adopted in his teens, and while this means he doesn't get to have as much time growing up with Zack and Skull as his dads, he's got the rest of his life with them as his parents, and that's the best thing he's ever heard. He was adopted out of the foster care system at thirteen, and is nineteen. He loves botany and magic tricks. Being a stage magician or professional botanist would be really really cool. He doesn't play piano or dance but he loves watching Zack and loves listening to Eugene practice at night. Is unsure what he wants to do with his life, but inheriting the ice cream parlor would be nice, if the botany or the stage magician thing doesn't work out. is not associated with a color.
Mari was adopted last year. She's fourteen and getting used to living with her brother and her dads. They're kinda weird, but she likes them. It is weird going to a new school in a new town, with a new last name. She doesn't really know what she likes, she's still figuring it out, but she knows she likes it here and that's good enough. She does miss her old friends and home a little, but she is making new friends. Zack and Eugene give her space and understanding, and Archie's been great with advice and settling in. not associated with a color.
Richie (last name unknown);
Richie was Zack's best friend, and while Zack was at first really interested in Trini, and then in Tommy, he and Zack eventually fell into a natural relationship. It was as simple as anything for them. It is a source of curiosity for when they actually started dating, it was so gradual. Even they aren't really sure. Tommy was chosen to go to the peace convention instead of Zack, and this certainly helped the budding relationship, especially when Tommy gave Richie Saba. Richie was a great ranger, and it was nice for Zack having him with him in battle. They flowed so naturally. While they've never gotten married, everyone agrees they're basically as good as. They've adopted two kids, and have a magic baby Zedd made, a clone that through the bumbling of Goldar and Squatt, was a perfect mix of both of them. They managed to get this teenager reverted to a child, and were just glad this happened in their 20's and not their teens. Their kids are Keller, aged 29, Coda, aged 17, and Ethel, aged 15.
Keller, while intended to be Richie's evil clone, ended up being a child when the dna of Zack and Richie got mixed. How it happened they're not entirely sure, just that Squatt was involved. He's certainly an odd mix of the two, but with their more negative traits more prominent. However, despite this, he was given help and support and love to be able to have a chance at a normal life. Richie named Squatt as his godfather as a joke, but when Squatt heard he took the position extremely seriously and reformed for Keller. Squatt’s been almost more helpful with raising someone like Keller, and Richie and Zack were definitely grateful for the help. He's currently going to school to be a councilor, with monster and power ranger related trauma as his primary focus. There's certainly a lot of people who would benefit from a therapist like him. He's definitely the oldest sibling with the personality and self expectations that entails, and is used to picking the younger two up and out of bad situations at the drop of a hat. not associated with a color though if he was it'd likely be white or pink
Coda's working at the juice bar, mainly saving up for a proper car instead of borrowing the family car whenever he needs to be somewhere. He likes living with his dads and siblings, and thinks Keller's one of the more interesting people to come out of power ranger stuff. Coda wants to be a journalist, and is interested in interviewing Colors themselves. Though only Saba has ever talked to him, and when he did Coda didn't learn much. He wants to be a power ranger specifically to get an interview with his color. A strange motivation, but it will pay off. He will eventually be a silver ranger.
Ethel's not very outgoing, and is extremely shy. She is actually Billy's daughter, but Billy and his partner died when she was very small, and Zack of course adopted her without a second thought. He blames himself for Billy's death and does his best to make it up to Ethel every day. She's shy, quiet, and rather small for her age. Thankfully she's not the target of bullies and is on the school's robotics team. Richie and Zack do worry for her, but she seems to be doing ok. she will be on a team with Coda in a few years as the blue ranger.
Justin (last name unknown);
Justin was the red ranger leader of the Dark team, and Jason's more dark counterpart. Zack didn't really like Jason at first, but he did respect his devotion to his friends. They were dark mirrors for a reason, after all. Once they saved them, Justin and Zack had several classes together and just got close from revolving each other's orbit for so long. Justin got a job as a janitor, Zack as a gym teacher, and they had one kid via a surrogate. Patricia, aged 11.
Patricia is into the concept of vaulting, and likes sports. Serious, dramatic, a huge collector of beetleborgs, and a fan of action movies. She's got a lot of energy, has decided she doesn't like the taste of meat and gone vegan (which has if anything given her even more strength boost). She knows her own mind and her own heart. Her loyalty is rock solid and so is her stubborness. not associated with a color though if she was it'd be violet.
Tina (last name unknown);
Zack was a candidate for the Dragon Coin, and while it was close; he won. Essentially, he and Tommy swapped places. He became Rita's champion, and Tommy took on mighty morphin Black. The whole team tried, but couldn't break Rita's hold on Zack. However; Zack didn't have loyalty to Rita, and when Zedd showed up Zack swapped sides. When he kept losing to the good rangers and later to their sixth, the white ranger Richie, Zack convinced Zedd he needed a team to help him. So, Zedd created the Dark Rangers out of the new group of bullies that had just showed up at the school. Zack settling in nicely as their sixth. Before he'd gone bad he'd been close to Trini, and when he met Tina they hit it off quickly. Together the Dark Team forced the mighty morphin group underground. Zack and Tina have been off and on for several years at this point, and they have a daughter. Suki, aged eleven.
Suki is a belligerant though intelligent child. If you tell her the sky is blue she'll say the sky is gold. Rita and Zedd made good with each other, and Selena is practically an older sister to Suki. They're basically villainous comedic duo, with the added problem of Suki and Selena being perfectly willing to pose as Trini's daughters for the sole purpose of drawing out the hidden mighty morphin. Thrax is actually on the ranger's side, here, a forgotten little brother of Selena and trying very hard to reign in his sister and the little girl who idolizes her. Suki wants to be just like her parents, and her parents are villains. But, she is eleven. Olivia, current mighty morphin black, is trying to gently convince Selena and Suki to go against their parents. It's been slow going. There's time, it's just frustrating.
Marleau Eskin;
Zack was the only one that ever managed to get through to Marleau, for any reason. He was nice, but nice has it's limits and sometimes the nicest thing you can do is just be a little mean. He made her question herself, got her tongue tied, self conscious, and suddenly she was chasing after him, in a completely different manner than she'd ever expressed interest in anyone before. They went to a dance school together, after high school, by complete coincidence. He for contemporary dance, her for classical. She avoided him for a year just because she didn't know what to do with how he made her feel. They finally got stuck in a class as partners for a project together and had a very long conversation about many things, past and present and beyond. Things progressed got serious, and she got pregnant. Her parents had hoped she'd marry someone better than a professional dance choreographer for hollywood musicals, and disinherited her when she eloped. She runs a dance studio and he works for mucical movies as a dance choreographer. They have one daughter, Priscilla, aged 14.
She has two left feet, which is a running joke in the family. Instead she's kind of a brilliant budding politician. When she's old enough she wants to run for class president. Very friendly, very good at problem solving and defusing situations, she's popular and open minded. She wants to be the youngest governor in their state, and she's got the temerity to actually make it happen.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Crawler Commandeers"
The calm before the storm...
I actually do not have a live reaction version of this one, huh.
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Ryder's misgivings with their circumstances showing even more. You know, I bet if they could have avoided showing footage of him helping in the attack on the Dome in the finale trailers, they could have sold the red herring of his "defection" even more.
You know, really make us worry for a moment there. XD
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What's with that look, Sabine? Lol.
A very slow and strained Ezra's Theme in minor key as they observe the ore crawler here.
And a similarly strained and altered "Shenanigans". We are just putting all the serious musical modifications on the leitmotifs today.
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Meanwhile at the Dragging Their Feet HQ...
Interesting that they specifically cite Thrawn's presence as a reason to be hesitant to attack. The man spooks them so much they're afraid to move. Anything they do can wind up giving something away to him that he can use later to destroy them. This is reminiscent of their paralysis when confronted with the knowledge of the Death Star in Rouge One. The Rebel Alliance know they're hopelessly outgunned, they know it's a hard fight, but it isn't until you're actually staring down the barrel of the full huge might of the Empire that you realize just how big and overwhelming the threat is.
And it's hard to figure out what to do in the face of such overwhelming odds. Which is why every so often the Rebellion needed its firebrands and Jedi to reject fear and spurn action into them.
You know... I think Hera told Ezra about the Alliance's long debate over this attack and that's what made him decide that Thrawn needed to be taken off the board permanently. Which is one reason why he was okay with sacrificing himself to take Thrawn out.
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Ezra with another cute "Lookit my girl go!" look, and in my head I'm hearing his bragging, "Those troopers are in trouble now." from "Ghosts of Geonosis".
The way she effortlessly takes out those two droids is pretty impressive.
Lol the Trandoshan is listening to Zeb's favorite band, it sounds like.
Once again showing off the smaller more wirey members of the species. Wonder how many mental comparisons Ezra was making. (He worked briefly with Bossk in the junior novel Ezra's Gamble, Bossk being a much taller and heavier Trandoshan than this Mining Guild shrimp.)
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Ha ha Ezra just straight up clotheslining him, awesome.
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Big fan of the absolute chagrin in Ezra's face as he attempts his bluff here, he already knew this effort was doomed before he started lol.
Seevor's so offended too.
You guys really should have knocked this guy out from the outset. Just saying.
The steam effects are perfect. But then mist and cloud has always been a strength of this show.
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Hi Vizago!
Lolol and I just thought of how this had to sound to Kanan all of a sudden he hears this loud familiar voice, he can't even see how excited Vizago is to see him but his WTF expression is perfect.
Oh and here's one of my favorite Zeb moments this season!
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First giving him a badass entrance--"Drop the whip and step away from my friend you knuckle-brained lizard!" is an amazing line, I should rewatch this episode more often I'd completely forgotten it--and then we proceed into a very knock-down bare-knuckle outright brawl between Zeb and someone finally in his weight class.
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The way Ezra just grabs Seevor's collar and drags him is sending me.
Seriously though, just stun him. Your blaster does have a stun function yes? Does it not work on Trandoshans?
Gilligan Cut to Kanan and Zeb clearly NOT being fine lol.
The comedy is On Point this episode.
I've already mentioned how I love this brawl so I'll just enjoy it and move on.
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Meanwhile on Yavin, Mon Mothma is putting an official name to the Empire's habit of withdrawing its own forces before launching a major attack. "Protocol 13". The complete evacuation of an occupied world by Imperial forces.
So now you're left to Fridge Horror exactly which planet is on the chopping block. Chandrilla? Ghorman? Alderaan? The official timeline (which I don't ascribe to anyway because of NUMEROUS problems and inconsistencies) places this episode very close to Year Zero, within smelling distance of the Battle of Yavin, so the Empire's new plan is almost assuredly the Death Star.
Anyway Hera's convinced to go in and make her speech of hope. It's only too bad that they're facing Thrawn for this sortie. He keeps things at the Alliance at an impasse with his presence. Can't let his TIE Defenders go into production, can't attack his forces outright.
The Immovable Object to Ezra's Unstoppable Force.
Vizago and Hondo would get along immaculately. Actually kind of weird that Vizago's developed into a Hondo-like personality when he was so cold and chilling at the beginning of Season One but again I point to "The Empire makes all other threats into miniscule nuisances" and also he's clearly been in contact with Ezra too long, everyone softens around him lol.
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My son with his impressive glares again. <3
And the plan is once again to bluff the Empire, and it's mostly a good plan, aside from the fact that they still haven't stunned the damn crawler captain.
Oh good! Zeb went and knocked him out again.
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Don't mind me I just like this shot of Ezra readying his lightsaber.
And Seevor has turned internal saboteur. Man's dedicated to his job.
Sabine looking entirely too amused to make Ezra go in the vents, just like the old days.
But also:
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These shafts don't look as ah... sanitary as the ones Ezra's used to crawling through.
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It was a nice touch that Ezra totally knew Seevor was there before he could attack. Force Sense warned him, it's implied.
When these clips were shown in the trailer I genuinely thought Seevor was Ruhk it was so hard to see him.
Again, Ezra senses the attack a hair before it happens.
People weirdly thought Ezra went briefly Dark Side again right here? Because they thought he manipulated his dropped saber into Seevor's foot path, sending him into the furnace, plus the dark humor comment later.
...I both do and don't see it. I see how it would certainly look like Ezra deliberately moved his saber somehow to make him slip but... I dunno I can't square it away with how he's been characterized for the most part. I'm going to settle on a maybe.
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Sabine looks so happy for him, awww.
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Hhhhhhngnghhfhfffff my heart I ache now. Everything is so hopeful and optimistic it huuuuuuuurts.
This is a fun one. A bit silly in places, but entertaining. Lots of good moments for characters and unlike "The Wynkahthu Job" I don't want to slap anyone upside the head.
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New music themes for our main characters, starting with Tord. Hoping all subsequent pieces will be easier to make XP This one features a genre I never wrote in before, and a language I do not speak in and neither does Teto. Jazz said it is legible at the very least so, hooray. It's far from perfect and I hope Norwegian people can forgive me for that hahaha.
I'll be posting this, as well as "No Rest For The Wicked" (aka main theme) on my YT channel in July. Since I need some cover art for the music videos. Same will be true for the rest of the songs I'll write. Edd is next btw.
Like last time, lyrics and some ramblings under the cut
There was actually a different version of this song that I ended up completely scrapping as I couldn't come up with a chorus
My biggest sources of inspiration were early Korn, Slipknot and, surprisingly, "Ima's Tower", from The Void OST. The chromatic downstepping mostly. It really does create some angsty atmosphere. When I think about it, the characters themselves do have certain things in common, hm...
Dypt nede helt nederst Av en endeløs grop, Glemt og råtten, Legger min ødelagte kropp. (Deep down at the very bottom Of an endless pit, Forgotten and rotten, Lays my broken body.) En pendel uten snor. Et verktøy, en gang så nøyaktig Kan ikke gjøre en eneste sving Med all makt stjålet. (A pendulum without a string. A tool, once so precise Can't do a single swing With all its drive stolen.) I'm nothing but a shell. (Trapped in a prison cell) A ghost in the machine. (Living off adrenaline) Hope springs eternal, But not for my chest. Burning inferno Is all I have left. 'Cuz I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. Sigaretten min sin glør Lyser i mørket, Som jeg prøver å huske Hvordan å puste inn. (My cigarette's ember Glows in the dark, As I try to remember How to breathe in.) Lukter nitrat og svovel Fyller luften. Røyk og krutt Legg igjen et hull i hodet mitt. (Smells of nitrate and sulfur Filling the air. Smoke and gunpowder Leave a hole in my head.) I'm nothing but steel. (It's all so unreal) A cog in the wheel. (YOUR PERFECT IDEAL) Hope springs eternal, But not for my heart. Learn to comply, And play your part. Go metal! THIS IS MY RIFFLE, THIS RIFFLE IS MINE! THIS IS MY BURDEN, THIS BURDEN IS MINE! Hope springs eternal, And mercy divine. Burning inferno, And poison for mind. I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. Got nowhere to run, Ingen steder å løpe 'Cus I was never human. Jeg var aldri menneske
For the Norwegian parts, I've put italicized english translation in the brackets underneath. Except choruses cuz those just repeat the english lyrics.
Featured references and idioms:
First spoken verse is a reference to Edgar Alan Poe's "Pit and the Pendulum".
Ghost in the machine: Human consciousness and thought as an entity distinct and separate from the body.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast: People can always find a reason to hope, even in the bleakest situations. The phrase comes from Alexander Pope's poem Essay on Man.
Second spoken verse has words breath in and sulfur. This is in reference to Slipknot's song "Sulfur".
A cog in the wheel: Someone or something that is functionally necessary but of small significance or importance within a larger operation or organization.
This is my riffle, this riffle is mine: in reference to "Full Metal Jacket".
Mercy divine: not a direct idiom, but inspired by to err is human (to forgive is divine) Being fallible and making mistakes is inherent to being a human, and forgiving such mistakes is a transcendent act.
So it's mostly your typical nu metal angst XD Lots of parallels between being human and being a machine. Lots of self-imposed lies and false beliefs. Don't worry, we'll get 'em
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razzek · 5 months
This may be a duplicate ask because Tumblr may or may not have eaten my first attempt.
1 - When did you start creating art?
3 - What are your favorite subjects to draw? (OCs, your fan faves, etc.)
5 - What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
8 - How would you describe your art style?
20 - What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
from this ask game
Thank you for such an extensive ask! I wasn't expecting that! :)
Somewhere around 4 years old. Realized people could draw things after a preschool trip to a doctor's office that had a human heart diagram and I never stopped. :D
3. Favorite subjects can vary. Usually it's whatever I'm hyperfocused on at the time. :D I always love drawing my OCs though. They're designed specifically to be fun for me to draw and they are. :D
5. I'm always kind of proud of things I've completely forgotten about but when I stumble on them again months/years later it's like "oh hey, wow! That's pretty good!" Many of them I can't share here for Reasons but I enjoy being able to do work for clients that is not of personal interest but which I can do so well that people assume it is. At random, I just opened my art folders and this early digital piece from 2017(?) is pretty rad! That border was all hand drawn because I could. XD
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8. I always say I'm a cartoonist with a specialty in character illustration.
20. I read so much nonfiction and watch a lot of documentaries and it all sort of soaks into my sponge-like brain, swirls together, and falls out as some very trippy "yeah, but what if...?" ideas. :D I get the occasional greatly weird idea from dreams too. A lot of it is just making a shape with arm and going off of how something feels to draw; a simple line swish becomes the angle of a face or the direction of a body in motion. And of course I get constant inspiration from straight up misinterpreting the world around me, for both physical and mental reasons. Being almost totally blind means that what reality looks like is very subjective and there is so much I encounter that I don't even recognize for what it is, which translates to fun ideas for art. Combine that with ADHD and I am never without an idea or twenty. :D I like to say art is "advanced fidgeting" for me: if I can't draw or write or imagine, my brain starts to feel literally itchy and I don't like it. XD
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misshvariety1307 · 9 months
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Alright, time to start my big project of the year! My AGIT AU concepts, character designs, and other things that I create for my AU.
This will be mostly Dan centered since I love the concept from the novel about him getting a second chance to come to terms about all the things that happened, redeem himself of the actions he's made against humanity, and how he has to deal with living in a human form again. At the same time, I want to explore concepts that I've thought on for some time for Nyreena and thread it throughout the AU. Plus intro and reintroduce new OCs with either a complete concept or an updated concept to fit in with the AU. Definitely a big project but something that I'm happy and excited to work on throughout the year among other things XD
So, let's begin!
First up is the character designs for the version of Nyreena for this AU! (Appearance, Characteristics, and Bio under cut.)
- Long, voluminous blue hair with curling ends - Porcelain white skin - Glowing magenta pink eyes - Gray crescent moon marking circling around her left eye - Main outfits: - Left: Casual/Usual - Middle: Armor/Fighting - Right: Elegant/Violin Playing
- To most she is calm, demure, subtle, but has a tendency to be stoic, serious, and a bit cynical, and doesn’t take nonsense from anyone. To them she means business and is dedicated to finishing her business the first time around and not have to do it again a second time. If she has to deal with someone that is either giving her a hard time or causing unnecessary nonsense it can set off the very short fuse of her near volatile temper and cause her to lash out and tell that person off if she can’t calm or be calmed down before it goes off.
- But, to a very, very select few (more or less it’s just Ethern) she shows another side of herself; that she is warmhearted, kind and very confident in herself. However, she does feel uncomfortable around other ghosts that give her odd looks or looks of concern, as if there’s something about her they know that she doesn’t and makes her nervous and feeling like she’s being judged for something she might have done against them when she hasn't.
- She is a highly skilled fighter, having been trained by Pandora in the ways of honor, fair fighting and to only defend herself and fight if absolutely necessary. She is very strategic in how she fights and uses her powers, studying her opponent to learn their tactics and overcome them to get the upper hand. But if she is distracted by other things going on around her she will be at a large disadvantage once she can get her focus back onto the fight.
- Along with her fighter training she has been trained by Ethern in the ways of proper etiquette, ranging from manners to conducting herself in high society. He also trained her in several styles of dancing from ballroom to waltz to contemporary and how to play the violin. Attuning to her inherited intellect she is taught a number of subjects such as math, history, and others.
- Finding comfort and joy in her violin Nyreena will go to a certain spot in the Ghost Zone that she can feel that can be heard at every angle and play there, in case she needs to be alone for some time or needs time to calm down and collect herself in case her temper gets the better of her in a previous situation. Her favorite song to play is Transylvanian Lullaby, loving the haunting melody and the soothing tone it has that helps to calm her nerves and subdue her temper.
After the coup of Pariah Dark by the Ancient Ghosts Shadowmoon, Pariah’s baby daughter, was discovered and was decided by them to drift away into the depths of the Ghost Zone to be forgotten for the rest of time. However, Ethern, an assistant to one of the Ghosts, took pity on the baby who was never at fault for her father’s actions and waited for his master and the other Ancient Ghosts to leave then followed the direction where Shadowmoon was sent off in, catching up with her and took her into his care to raise as his own. Bringing her back to his lair as secretly as he could he hoped that by raising her as her surrogate father she could grow up to be a ghost with virtue and honor and one day when she was ready reveal to her her royal heritage and prepare her to assume her birthright and become the Queen the Zone needed to bring it into a more prosperous future.
Knowing that she couldn’t go by her real name Ethern picked the name Nyreena to conceal her true identity from her and others so that no one would be suspicious of who she really was. As she grew up it could clearly be seen that she had inherited every bit of the striking beauty once possessed by her late mother, Queen Leota. But it was also evident that she inherited her father’s superior strength and intellect. Deciding to put that to use Ethern began teaching her a great many things he knew, from etiquette and manners to subjects as math and history to dancing and music, including how to play the violin. Though he wasn't trained how to fight he employed the great and wise ghost Pandora to teach her how to fight with honor and justice. Once it was agreed and her training began Nyreena took to it like she had been fighting since her birth, her agility and flexibility aiding her to learn quickly and excel in her fighting prowess and the use of her powers.
Even though there was no concept of time in the Ghost Zone it seemed like it flew by and before Ethern knew it Nyreena had grown into her late teens, looking to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. And with Ethern’s careful training and teaching she was a young lady that could fit in any scene of high society or a royal court. Being warmhearted and kind and confident when she was with him to everyone else she encountered she was calm, demure, subtle, but sometimes stoic, serious, and down to business, just like her father was so long ago. To her everything was going fine until she had a run-in with a ghost with flaming white hair and the chain of events began spiraling that would lead her to her destiny in the most unlikely way that everyone involved would ever expect.
And that's it! I will be showing more as the AU develops so stay tuned!
Also, should I show Ethern next or go ahead and work on Dan next? Let me know!
Thanks everyone and I'll see you next time!
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nythtak · 6 months
you know i gotta do it to ya 🥸
The dresser is completely covered in makeup, jewelry, magazines, and a scattering of gin and vodka bottles - they all have interesting or pretty shapes so Venetia collects them, and it makes for easy gifts so long as Felix is willing to trawl through a bunch of shops. Farleigh is to blame for the six-litre light-up vodka bottle currently glowing pink at the very edge of the dresser, the one they all made themselves as sick as dogs trying to drain a few years ago.
xD Thankee now I've got to remember but THANKFULLY mostly do lol
I kinda rambled a bit?? So, under the cut here
Venetia's room was very much influenced by Alison Oliver's interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygMQn0viPcE) where she describes the room as being full of makeup, jewelry, mags etc (Elspeth's effect shining through here), and very pink and black.
And just the general MESS in Saltburn really heaping up for Venetia's room as an extremely deliberate choice of hers. A sort of control/ownership in it, especially since she's there all year around, and it can be so comforting to have a bedroom as an escape and let it be a complete tip that's just yours, no one else's.
The gin/vodka bottles are inspired by my sister specifically xD She doesn't collect them the same, but the prettier ones do get kept sometimes (and we even had this MASSIVE whiskey bottle (think knee-height) filled with coins never above a 10p in our living room for years that was my granddad's), and it's kinda impressive how elaborate some can go.
SO for Venetia, it's a few things.
The casual alcoholism across the board with the Cattons, the idea of underlying fucked-ness with so many bottles of pretty but cheap, mass-produced glass and the lingering smell of the alcohol inside, a few drops where it wasn't cleaned out properly and maybe some still half-full, reflecting the lights on the dresser and her distorted reflection back at her, lovingly enabled. The half-hidden sentimentality of her keeping the gifted ones on prime display, but mixed in among a whole load of mess so there's too many things to draw your eye. And they're all very cheap in the grand scheme of it all, but these end up being what last for years on a dresser used every single day, compared to priceless gifts tossed in a pile and forgotten.
(hi yes I'm still going??? Oops) Now, the vodka bottle specifically...Again, blame my sister for being super into vodka and flavoured ones until she got really sick on it once and then stopped drinking it xD Also, blame a google search for 'pretty vodka bottles' or something like that, and a light-up one popped up which felt too perfect.
Flashy and objectively cheap but it's 'saw this and thought of you' and 'isn't this silly' and 'let's get sick together for no good reason just to celebrate you and us' and 'here's something for you to look at and think of those memories when it was just the three of us when we're not here but you still are'.
Pretty pink and tacky and a shared mockery but if *any* of those bottles were moved even a centimeter, Venetia would notice. Left at the very edge like she wants it to fall, but would *absolutely* cry if it ever broke.
(Felix is the one who got the sickest on their binge attempt, and would've fallen into the pond if Venetia and Farleigh didn't grab him in time.)
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strawberrycamel · 8 months
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
The rules are: Answer the 15 questions and tag 15 of your mutuals.
Thanks @kinglazrus for the tag :D
1. Are you named after anyone? Technically yeah
2. When was the last time you cried? about a month ago i think; i was sitting in a pretty empty Tim Horton's and teared up about something or other that i've since forgotten about
3. Do you have kids? nope!
4. What sports do you play/have played? Track and Field, Softball, and Basketball briefly.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Me? Sarcasm? Never. ( :3 )
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? oh god dude i dont know, probably whatever's the most colourful thing on them
7. What's your eye color? Brown
8. Scary movies or Happy endings Happy endings pls. I can't handle scary movies at all.
9. Any talents? uhhhhhhhhhhh i dont think so
10. Where were you born? Canada
11. What are your hobbies? Writing, doodling, reading fic & fiction books, watching anime. Also playing a handful of very specific games.
12. Do you have any pets? no, BUT my cousin has a dog and he is a very sweet boy and i love him with all my heart
13. How tall are you? 5'7 and a half. or smth like that
14. Favourite subject in school Writer's Craft and. Accounting. [HEAR ME OUT, high school accounting classes were hella easy so i NEVER had homework to take home because i always got it done in class and then it was just. idk. weak sauce so most of the time i was goofing off.]
Runner ups are Marketing and International Business because I had the same teacher for that class and he didn't give a shit if you were late or absent or w/e, but if you were going out for food or something, he'd give you some cash and ask you to bring him some coffee and we were all chill. He let me use his empty classroom to eat lunch in too aaa. Mr. M you were quite literally the best. [Also, one time, despite being the Good Student and also taking the bus to school, the student council president was like "hey you wanna go to Tim's" and I was like "yeah sure" because I was playing it cool but genuinely. Ditching school to go to Tim's during school time as a high schooler was such a magical experience. okay im done now]
Favourite university class was Participatory Media and Communication hands fucking down, very specifically the assignments were always amazing and mostly carte blanche and the topics did not shy away from the harsh stuff and encouraged lots of discussion and analysis on the people and groups we were reading about. like, learning about the origins of BLM Canada, analyzing parts of The Finkelstein 5 by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah and Boys Go To Jupiter by Danielle Evans, the AIDS crisis in Canada, or how black queer people faired during the 80s. There was other stuff, but uh, *cough* those four bits really stuck with me for totally no reason whatsoever <- black queer person who likes learning about and discussing black, queer, and black queer history
15. Dream Job? shit man idk. whatever pays the bills and i don't hate completely. i dont really like the thing i majored in anymore, but woodworking/carpentry seems cool
Tags! @kawaiijohn @echoghost1 @sheepheadfred @goliath-de-senfina-sango @princessfanonanona @redead-red @ectoplasmicsoda @ln-ofx @grub-xd @ghost-pasta @themockingcrows @bubblegumbeech @redajcted @glorious-typo @basedstoutland
(feel free to join in or ignore)
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katrinafaire · 4 months
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Hey all, I'm Katrina, a long time Tumblr user who thought it was overdue I actually made a Writeblr for the original works I'm writing. What works, you say? I'm glad you asked! We'll get there shortly.
First, a bit about me. I've been a writer for 30+ years, but have never actually pursued something that would be printable. If I ever do publish, it will be Indie (unless there is a drastic change in my life and the industry) and probably alongside a Patreon setup. Right now, I'm writing the first book in a planned out tetralogy, and intend to post snippets here and in full on Royal Road when it's in a state I'm comfortable with.
I primarily write science fantasy / soft scifi with low fantasy aspects. This runs the gamut from post-apocalyptic rebuilding, adventures in space, and time travel just to hit the highlights. I'm also rolling around the concept of a couple things that will either be LitRPG or Gamelit depending on how certain details pan out, regarding a somewhat fantasy-esque MMO setting and something else akin to a monster breeder game.
Like the sound of my work? Give me a follow and read about my current projects under the cut. Are you also a creative? Pop in my ask and let's talk about our projects! I'm eager to make friends.
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My biggest project is undeniably the Luica Universe, which promises to contain multiple series under the same banner. The four book series I'm working on now - tentatively four, it might need tweaked a little bit but I won't know until I'm further along - is Luica: The Forgotten. I am currently working on Book 1: The Cure.
The Cure is a post-apocalyptic soft scifi adventure that takes place over a thousand years after world altering events that made Earth uninhabitable for human life. While the descendants of the survivors are recognizable in many ways, there are things about their society that are very different. As of 6/8/24 The Cure is:
Fully plotted
15.5 chapters
35,000ish words
Somewhere between 1/3-1/2 completed
Tied to a loosely structured digital story bible
The other named works I'm currently working on are Rewind and Legend's Legacy.
Rewind is loosely plotted - all the main points are there, but it's a matter of getting from one to another. Originally laid out as a piece of interactive fiction (using Twine) I did determine that this would make a better novel.
Rewind is an interesting work in that there is not a single time travel event, but one used repeatedly. It straddles the fine line between soft scifi and fantasy, set in a different, earthlike world with fantastic items and detailing, but with recognizably human dynamics between characters. As of this point, Rewind is in the plot / worldbuilding stage.
Legend's Legacy is the could-have-been-an-MMO story whose mechanics have been adapted from a lit rp group that I never actually put out to the public. It will either be a crunchy LitRPG story or a much softer but still dynamic gamelit story. The theme, as you may guess, is legacy and will sprawl over generations of character arcs and smaller plotlines to achieve a bigger picture. This one in particular is for Royal Road and I intend to have it develop as a much more lengthy adventure than the others.
Legend's Legacy sits in the worldbuilding stage, not yet having fully advanced to plot.
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And that's it for my currently progressing works! Others are percolating at the moment - the other books in the Luica Universe / The Forgotten Worlds have some planning in varied detail, but the way I write it's better to keep it loose until I get there. XD
Interested in any of this? All of it? Hit me up! I'm generally slow to respond to instant messages but I plan to keep a close eye on my asks. Looking forward to meeting you!
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spacingstars · 6 months
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Thanks @ninjigma for the tag! Quite late but... better late than never, right? x3
I have uh, a lot, of WIPs. Both writing and art... I'll put small descriptors for characters & ships where I find it appropriate, so, without further ado...
-Long Fic/Big AU Wips-
These are all the large scale, intended to be long multi-chapter WIPs I've got in the works right now.
-Fault Lines [Working Title] -Twin Suns [Working Title] (rexwalker) -DS!Rex [Working Title, DS meaning Dark Side]
-One Shots-
-Bloodied Maw (Rexvader) -Death of Me [Working Title] (Vader) -Lying Tongues (Anakin & Kix & Rex) -Ripped Teeth (Rexvader) -Sea Monsters [Working Title] (Rexwalker) -Serenity (Rexwalker) -Sleep [Working Title] (Rexwalker, smut) -Terrible Bosses [Working Title] (Appo & Vader, Palpatine & Vader, Appo & Palpatine)
There's a couple more here but... those fall into the category of "over 2 years old and haven't been touched since" and I have completely forgotten what my brain even intended when I first wrote those so I'm leaving those off the list. These are all, at the least, one-shots I've written within the past year and still have hope of being finished.
....though given my creative track record as of late it's likely many of these (the one-shots, at least) are going to fall into the abyss of my brain. oops.
Now, as for the art WIPs... which are... much more complicated if only because I never actually give my art WIPs titles they're all just numbered because I do a lot of sketching but not a lot of... finishing. And honestly, a lot of them are.... extremely rough... but, there's a singular rexwalker WIP I'd be willing to show if anyone's interested. xD
Also, if it isn't obvious, all of these are Star Wars, sticking to one fandom for simplicity's sake. Plus, only other fandom WIPs I have are Halo fanart, and... I already explained the situation with my art x3
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thewollfgang · 8 months
I had my first wild Orin encounter. She scares me, honestly, heebie-jeebies all over and I'm certain she'd be delighted to know that. To think Maggie Robertson would be scaring me again in a completely different game.
And speaking of things that scare me, I hate clowns, they freak me out. Wouldn't touch the creepy buggers with a fifty-foot pole. So, for now, I will leave the circus be. I'll probably go there once I settle everything else in the area. (So I can mentally prepare lol.)
We were sooo right about Toy Guy. His basement was a pain and if he wasn't suspicious already, all the traps down there sure set off a few red flags. The gold was worth it though. I heard there's better clothes and dyes in the city so I'm saving up to spoil Astarion. XD
Also, just to let you know, I think this update will likely be either the last or second-to-last one for a while because I'll be moving soon so I won't have time to play. I won't be moving too far from my current home so maybe it won't be a long process but with how big of a procrastinator I am I wouldn't bank on it being a short one.
Oh god yeah, Orin is one freaky mofo. I appreciate the passion though, even if it's completely deranged. The VA killed it. metaphorically, and perhaps literally.
I hate clowns too, but I didn't mind this one so much. You don't have to deal with him for long AND you get to murder him. Twas a lovely time, over all.
I want that peacock coat for Astarion SO BAD. He deserves it! I want to wrap him up in finery and then pull on his hair a little. I've been working on a fic with him and my Tav, but I've forgotten the order of certain things in Act 1 & 2, so i might like...do a solo speed run to try and get things together for fic purposes. ^^;
Aw, well, feel free to pop in anytime, doesn't have to be about bg3! We're pals now, yeah? So feel free to stop by and update me in general, I love hearing from you. Moving is such a pain, even if it's quick. I always get super stressed during moving, though the most recent move i only cried ONCE. Progress! XD So I'll be thinking of you and sending you good moving vibes :)
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annabtg · 9 months
Okay, we have a WIP file with the same name, so obviously I need to know about your Speed Dating Chaos! <3
Also @charmsandtealeaves:
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You probably remember that "speed dating chaos" was a Jilytober prompt last October. Well, I figured it would be the definition of chaos to have a speed dating event where Lily meets all of the Marauders, one by one! xD
I started writing and it wasn't exactly going as I pictured, but I've got some 830 words scattered throughout the story - I'm thinking it's going to be a oneshot of about 2k? I've completely forgotten all the smart lines I'd thought up, and my writing brain isn't working lately, but I'm thinking it will be a fun one to work on once I get my arse into gear again!
Snippet for your reading pleasure:
“I’ve been waiting for you,” he says, cheeks dimpling, hazel eyes startlingly bright even behind his glasses. Was that a line, or – “How do you mean?” “Waiting for my turn with you,” he explains. “I joined the event so I could talk to you.” Her brow furrows, her mouth twists. “Are you stalking me?” “No! I just saw you from across the street and –” He stops there, his tanned cheeks redden. No further explanation comes. “You saw me from across the street and followed me.” He gasps in disbelief, more than affront. “You literally walked into a speed dating event. You couldn’t look more available if you were holding a neon sign over your head.”
WIP tag game here!
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