#I've just been sketching them in my notebooks lmao
bonefall · 2 years
Are you considering making Firestar purebred? Not that it matters to the plot lol. I’ve always designed him after an Abyssinian :3
I know the clans have a bunch of mixed genetics so they wouldn’t *be* purebred, but do you have any breed HCs for specific cats? I draw Yellowfang based on scrungly persians myself :)
Nah! I'm actually only considering purebred cats for SkyClan to put some more of their kittypet-ancestry on display!
I think thematically it works really well for SkyClan specifically, and will make for some really cool ancestral traits to be passed down in the coming generations... even though realistically, no cat with SkyClan ancestry would be "purebred."
(in fact purebreeding discourages outbreeding often to the detriment of the health of the cats but woogh)
I'm not super fond of picking out breed headcanons otherwise because it feels stifling, like Cat Genetics, another thing I'm not interested in. When I want Bluestar's family to have a wolf motif I just draw them having a wolf motif. Next to Brokenstar's glasses, Spottedleaf's blight theme, or Thrushpelt's mullet, just picking a cat breed seems mundane.
I like to design with "soft" fantasy elements in mind! It's why I have a very 'Bring Your Own Design' approach to my rewrite and encourage people to have different takes on stuff. Never been able to draw realistically.
(actual ecological/bushcraft/medical research? I'm plugged in. Drawing realism? Not my style.)
Though, I do think Silverflame's mate was a cat with extreme brachycephaly. A persian-like cat. I imagine Brightflower had a few breathing problems as a result, but by the time it got to Yellowfang she has enough muzzle to be healthy and for it to just be a quirk of her family.
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keeps-ache · 2 months
almost done with this second part, i am SoFast :33
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fernsnailz · 8 months
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my comic from the @neverturnbackzine! truly one of my favorite zines i've been a part of :]
some extra insight/fun facts about the process of this piece below the cut 💥💥💥
posting pieces from collaborative zines is always something i struggle with because i look back and think of how i would do things differently now, but i learned a lot working on this comic and even developed some style techniques that i still use!
Fun Fact 1: the panel where shadow Fucking Disintegrates That Guy is technically traditionally drawn! i couldn't get it right in clip studio so i just started frantically scribbling in a notebook and got it eventually lol
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highly highly recommend scribbling stuff out in a notebook, scanning it on your phone, and then dropping it into a canvas to edit later if you ever have trouble sketching something.
Fun Fact 2: a lot of the overlay/background effects were made in Kid Pix Deluxe 3D. i created a whole collection of various textures/abstract effects for this comic that i've been using in my art since last year. you can even find them scattered through my team dark zine lol. here's a few of them:
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similarly, the background at the bottom of page 2 is actually a warped photo i took of a bunch of headphone wires. this is the original:
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Fun Fact 3: i made this comic during a very busy and wild period of time last year so this is what the final panel looked like for a while before i fully finished it LMAO
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ok yay thanks for reading bye
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reysdriver · 4 months
Hey darlin'! I just saw your one-shots and i REALLY love them!! I need morr about Eddie with Hopper!Reader <33 Please!! A fluff or a smut where the Reader have to deal with her father. Hope you can answer. Have a nice day!! ✨️
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You and Eddie try to have a chill night in, but it's difficult when you have the world's most paranoid chief of police as a father — eddie x fem!hopper!reader fluff
warnings: none
words: 1.2k
a/n: thanks for submitting a request! I'm sorry it took so long, I've been so busy lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to end it lmao but I really hope you like this fic!!
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Even though your dad knew about you and Eddie dating, he was definitely not as okay with it as you would have hoped, but honestly more than you had expected. 
He had met Eddie a few times since he found out you were in romantic cahoots with the familiar criminal, and despite your fears, they had gotten along quite well despite their history and their differences. But no matter how many things they actually had in common, no father would fully trust Eddie Munson to be alone with his little girl. 
“Door open three inches!” Your dad called from the couch. “You know the rules!”
You rolled your eyes, standing up from the bed to open the door to Hopper’s liking. 
The door was open three inches, and you swore that it was the draft causing the door to move slightly, but you knew your dad would never believe you. 
“Seriously, Dad?” You asked him. 
“Rules are rules.” He confirmed. “If you don’t like it, then the boyfriend can go.”
You let out a heavy, dramatic sigh before returning to your boyfriend, who was currently sketching out a Dungeons and Dragons character based on you for his new campaign. 
Eddie looked up from his paper when you sat back down next to him. “You can do a lot with three inches, you know?”
You put a finger over his mouth—which he playfully tried to bite—and you shushed him while holding back a laugh at his incredibly stupid, albeit funny, joke. 
“He’s gonna hear you, and he’s gonna drag you out of here. Keep drawing.”
He put the finishing touches on his design, then let out a sound of satisfaction over it before turning the notebook so you could see it better. 
“I think I did pretty good.” Your boyfriend proclaimed. “She’s almost as pretty as you.”
Oh, how you lucked out with this mysterious dork. You thanked him by pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before your dad became suspicious of you two once again. 
“You think I should get it as some ink?” Eddie asked you. 
“Like, you want to get it tattooed?”
Eddie nodded, eyes going back and forth between you and the cartoon version of you that he just made. 
“Absolutely not.” You replied. 
“What? Why not? Do you not love me enough to let me tattoo you on me?”
He was ridiculous, staring at you with big, fake puppy dog eyes and a pleading lip. 
“Of course I love you, but as your girlfriend, I also need to stop you from doing stupid things.”
“What if I keep your tattoo separate from the creepy skulls and spiders?”
Well, that was an offer you almost couldn’t refuse. Even though it was tempting, you would never let him know that he can get to you like that, so you played it cool.
“Ask me again in a year.”
His face erupted into a devilish smile and he held his hands to his chest like a cartoon character in love. 
“I’m getting a tramp stamp of my girlfriend in a year!”
Before you could protest his proclamation, he pulled you into his arms in what you hoped was just a teasing gesture rather than a genuine expression of excitement for something you were certainly not going to let happen. 
Just a second later, your dad cleared his throat very pointedly, which practically frightened you out of your boyfriend’s arms. 
“El wants to watch a movie.” He announced. “Come watch with us.”
You sat up and shook your head lightly. “Um, no thanks, Dad. We’ll pass on that.”
Your dad raised an eyebrow and looked at Eddie’s arm around your waist. “You have something better to do?”
It was at that point that you knew him telling you about your sister and the movie was an order, not an invitation. You bit the inside of your cheek and luckily, Eddie spoke up before you could say something snarky. 
“A movie sounds great, chief. Count us in.”
“Good.” Hopper said curtly before turning around to the living room. 
Eddie stood up and started teasingly pulling you off the bed. You laid down and let out an annoyed groan, resisting his attempts to move you. 
“C’mon, babe, movie time.” Eddie encouraged. 
“It’s just gonna be The Wild Bunch. That’s one of their favourite movies and I know El’s been wanting to see it again lately.” You mumbled. “I’d much rather stay here with you.”
“Well, your dad might never let me back in your house if he thinks I’m trying anything with his daughter in the other room, so we have to. Plus, I like The Wild Bunch too.”
Your face formed an exaggerated frown as you finally got up off the bed. 
Eddie smiled and escorted you to the living room. And although you had just started to build up excitement within you for this movie night, it already got worse. 
El was in her favourite recliner—the VHS case for The Wild Bunch was on her lap, you called it—but your dad had plopped himself down in the exact middle of the couch. Not only did you have to watch a movie with your family instead of chilling with your boyfriend, but you couldn’t even sit next to him because your dad hates the idea of you having fun. 
Before you knew it, you were in a full on stare-down with the Hawkins chief of police. 
“Take a seat.” He said passive aggressively. 
“I want to sit next to Eddie, Dad. Could you move over?”
He shook his head. “I’m not falling for any of your tricks. I was a teenager once.”
“Yeah, like a thousand years ago.” You mumbled. 
The comment was quiet but your dad still heard it. 
“Careful, any attitude and I’ll assume it came from the moron and he won’t be allowed back in the house.”
You looked over at Eddie with a defeated expression on your face. He looked back at you, sympathetic and willing to comply—the latter was a complete switch from his normal mood.
Your boyfriend understood completely why your dad was worried about you and Eddie dating, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it. Of course, Eddie was willing to do whatever he could to seem like the boyfriend every parent would want for their daughter—he really was, some people just couldn’t look past the exterior shell to see it—so he held his tongue and went along with anything. 
The two of you sat down on opposite sides of the couch, separated by your relentless father. 
“Alright, El, play the movie.” Hopper said. 
He then leaned back and kept his eyes on the television in front of you all. 
Eddie soon caught your gaze from across the couch, and he stretched his arm behind his head, oh so conveniently placing it a few inches from your shoulder.
You grinned at him, keeping it subtle, and took his hand in yours. 
The two of you watched the rest of the film like that, holding hands in that slightly uncomfortable way, and the night wasn’t as insufferable as it seemed like it was going to be. All thanks to Eddie, of course.
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elviraaxen · 5 months
ive really been loving the pacing of your story and i enjoy the concept and the bits that have been released about the plot! youre doing really well, and i admire it greatly!!
ive been having trouble figuring out an overall plot in my own work, i just have character ideas and the vaguest idea for a storyline. i try to just write but then i usually end up taking a break (re: dumping it) because i don't have anymore ideas for how to complete the plot. i've laso been curious about how you go about writing for a comic (do you write then do thumbnails? do thumbnails then go back to figure out dialogue? a third thing?) so i was wondering if you had any advice or resource tips for writing? both for comics and for overarching plots, if that's okay
if you don't have any ideas tho, no worries. i was just curious. good luck with Felt World! i love everything that's coming out so far, thank you for gifting us it!!
Oh thank you so much!! I can't say I'm a comic book artist at heart because I really don't have much experience, I was only an illustrator for a short while and never wrote anything myself, but learning from past mistakes (i.e. I don't stick to plans), I've so far done this and it seems to work:
I'm one of those that don't like to plan strict layouts for the entire thing, because chances are I will not stick to it, so what I've done for felt world is just write a sketch for the overarching plot, the b-plot and c-plot, with rough estimates in what order I want the major plot points and settings to be. My current sketch looks like this;
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(which is done in Miro) and as you can see there aren't that many plot points, because I want to have the wiggle room to come up with something on the spot. And also, my comic focuses a lot on interpersonal relationships, character development, and themes rather than the plot, which means it needs to be concise or else the comic is gonna take 6 million years to finish.
And now,, I think this might just be how I work, but I think it's easier to be creative when you have strict restrictions rather than all the choices in the world.
for me, personally, I restrict an update of 10 pages tops, because instagram only allows max 10 images per post! This means I have to 1) fit all I want to say in 10 pages, 2) it has to be concise or else I infodump on readers, and 3) I have to answer some sort of question within the update, or else I said nothing and I start over.
As for scripts, I tend to write one or two sentences of what's going to happen for the update, and then I get to thumb-nailing and sketching right away! I come up with most of the dialogue on the spot too.
And also, I think what's most important, is that you take your damn time! If you aren't immersing yourself in your own world, how do you expect your readers to do the same?
I'm very much a believer that the stories you are telling are something that comes to you naturally if you just sit with it and listen rather than demand that it makes itself known to you. When I brainstorm for felt world I quite literally sit in my bed and go "omg!! And then what? :0" TO MYSELF LMAO as if I'm not making everything up myself! I think that's extremely important that your story is engaging to you first and foremost!
And as for more practical tips
carry a notebook with you or use your notes app AS SOON as you get ideas to write them down! No you will not remember, lol.
set rules of what you're not allowed to do with your story so that you don't fall into lazy trope territory! You can do that when you brain storm, but finesse the story post brainstorm to just make it.. smarter.. if that makes sens For example, don't kill your gay characters, don't make sensitive men the butt of the joke, don't make your women fight over men (unless it's the point), etc.
set physical restrictions! For example, max amount of pages per upload, max amount of pages for the whole story, max amount of characters, etc.! That literally forces you to problem solve, which by definition is creativity! Like, oh you can't do this the obvious way? Do it the creative way! That's way more fun!
I could probably go on, but this is too long already! But I hope it at least helped somewhat!
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faffreux · 1 year
can you tell us about when you fell in love with fawful? :)
Yep. In fact, I'll write a whole mini essay for you so I can add it to the FAQ section of my website coming up shortly LMAO (SINCE I NEED TO FULLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR THERE ANYWAY, RIGHT???) CLICK UNDER THE READ MORE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER POSTED HERE, LMAO.
To preface, I have been a fan of the M&L games going back to the early-mid 2000s when I was a kid. I had no involvement with fandom or anything of the sort back then but I used to hop on my mom's bulky computer and look up fanart and other related content as early as 2004/5 and as a result, ended up captivated by the characters long before I knew who they actually were. (As a result of this, I have the names and art styles of various old M&L fandom creators permanently ingrained in my head and often wonder where they are today since a good deal of them vanished..!) It wasn't until 2006 that I got my first handheld console (DS Lite) and of course, what did I do? Immediately begged my mom to order me a used GBA copy of Superstar Saga. 
When I finally had the game in my hands it was like coming home to a colorful world that I'd been captivated by for so long but never gotten the chance to actually explore until now. The characters felt like old friends and the Beanbean Kingdom as a location felt familiar and comforting to me. (As a side note, Popple quickly became my favorite. Shocker, right?)
I used to sketch various beans in my notebooks as well as on printer paper we had lying around the house. Long story short, I finished Superstar Saga and then a few years later in 2010 I picked up Bowser’s Inside Story and THAT’S WHEN THINGS SHIFTED–
BIS brought Fawful and his personality to life in a way that captivated my imagination like nothing else had prior. He quickly overtook Popple as my favorite character from then on forward… and that’s where it ends! Or.. is it?
Nah, that’s where it gets funky. Life got a little chaotic after that and not only did I stop playing video games altogether for many years, but I also almost completely gave up on art - the one thing I was most passionate about above all and thought I would make a career out of someday. A series of depressing events caused me to lose all hope and motivation for anything I created and the spark I’d kept inside of me for so long all but died out as a result.
We’re going to timeskip again, this time to late 2019. I’d just moved away from home permanently for the first time and had been getting settled in and no matter what I did to make my new apartment a cozy place it always felt like something was missing. My mind would keep wandering to the fact that I never made art anymore despite it having been such a key part of my life when I was younger. I so desperately wanted to change this and over the next few months the frustration only kept growing until on January 1st, 2020, I sat down in the living room with a pencil and paper in my hand and shut my eyes tightly before saying under my breath:
“I do not care what it is, I don’t care how it comes. Just please… PLEASE send me something to bring my art back. Anything… anything at all. I don’t care what I draw, I just want to be drawing again.” And with that, I placed the lead onto the paper and began to sketch…
And from there… a familiar face appeared!
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(Now I could ramble to you about how much I do NOT like this drawing and how off model it is from how Fawful actually looks… but I’ll forgive myself since I hadn’t touched the M&L games in over a decade at this point and had forgotten most of Fawful’s character. And yet?? Here he was.)
How else can I explain it except that in that moment it felt like the pencil in my hand had suddenly become one of these:
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A joy that I hadn’t felt in SO long suddenly filled my entire being and without wasting another second, I immediately went online and ordered both Superstar Saga and Bowser’s Inside Story to replay again. In the time waiting for the games to arrive I had started drawing daily again - sketching out various old characters of mine with dozens of doodles of the bean man stacked in between them all.
There he was… always smiling, always happy to see me, and oftentimes with his arms outstretched as if to give an encouraging hug. When the games arrived I worked through them quicker than I ever had prior - finishing up Superstar Saga in less than a week and subsequently moving onto Bowser’s Inside Story with a LOT of excitement built up for it. 
It was my first day playing and I was having the time of my life! The way Fawful looked in his little grey cloak with that enormous, charming grin of his as he bamboozled Bowser into eating the Vaccuum Shroom had me giggling with joy while words repeated in my brain over and over of: “I need to draw this later, I NEED to draw this later!!!” I WAS EXCITED ABOUT ART AGAIN… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I was practically hopping in my seat from the happiness I felt in my heart and chest every time Fawful appeared at this point!
This was how it felt until the moment I arrived at the Fawful Theatre and watched as he began dancing on the stage floor. THIS time.. something different came over me. If you’ve felt it before, then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it was like my entire body turned warm all at once, like some sort of flame had been lit inside. I’d never felt it for anything or anyone prior to then, and that's partly why it hit me as hard as it did. I was practically sweating.
Heck, I was so absorbed in my feelings that I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room with me! That is.. Until my roommate at the time spoke up: 
Her: Are you alright? Me: Uhhh… yeah, why? Her: You’re red as a beet. Are you sure you’re okay?
By this time I had realized what was really going on so I reassured her I was fine, grabbed my 3DS, and ran to my room to finish the playthrough on my own so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further, hahaha.
In the days, weeks, and months following that moment I became dedicated to drawing the best art of Fawful I could possibly create! What started as a challenge to myself to ‘give back’ to the person who’d given me back the ability to create again turned into someone I genuinely could not stop drawing for how much fun I was having doing it. The desire to make better and better art in order to honor him drove me to improve at a speed I never had prior, and soon thereafter I created Jolligig as a way for me to be in this colorful world with him and to express the deepening affection I was feeling for him with every day that passed by.
By some miracle, my prayer had been answered and here it was in the form of a grinning lima bean.
[End of Part 1. Interested in the rest? Yes… there’s more, I’m sorry. Please let me know in the comments. This took a while to write so I thought splitting it up would be best if folks are interested, LOL.]
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
Mongoose do you have any art tips :) also hope ur having a good day
Yes yes I do actually!! I was just ranting about this in my server actually. So I believe in two things to improve your art immensely.
1. Use ball point pen and shitty notebook paper. Don't use pencil. Don't erase anything. Learn how to sketch and draw with a permanent tool. It will help improve your skill AND speed immensely. It makes you think about what you're going to do and how you'll follow through with that. For example here's some pen art I did in a pocket book
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It's not perfect but being able to draw in pen has helped me immensely with drawing the Librarian better and faster with less mistakes
2. If drawing digitally, sketch with no pen pressure, and opacity set to pressure. This achieves a similar goal to drawing with pen. It allows you to sketch fast and messy, not worrying too much about where your lines will go. It helps to get the general shape and feel out before getting the final product. This is something I've only started recently but it's done wonders for my shape language and fluidity. Here's an example sketch of what I mean.
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For a bonus tip: BREAK DOWN EVERYTHING INTO SIMPLE SHAPES. I'm so serious about this dude. Like I know this advice has been beaten to death but literally all my art and character designs can be broken down into circles, squares, and triangles to make drawing quick and easy. My main goal when doing art is to make it as fast and easy for me to draw as possible. Bc my adhd makes it difficult to focus for long before I move on to something else
I hope these tips help somewhat!! I live by them religiously lmao
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metakirya · 1 year
An invitation to ask? Don't mind if I do! Let's see... What kinda music do you like? What's the fandom you keep coming back to to draw fanart of? Got any OCs you like to put in varied situations?
1) its difficult to describe what kind of music i like so here's my playlist on yt! it's mostly vocaloid/utau covers but i also have other funky stuff like a few oingo boingo songs, a few lady gaga songs, game fan songs, some random mashups ect! Oh and shout out to LISA THE PAINFUL OST FR💯💯🔥 i fucking love this shit, i've been listening to it while drawing recently, and i also LOVE so DAMN much the gambling man song from the overtones!!
2) sadly i don't think i have fandoms like this lmao😭 well, technically, i draw fanart most of the time but i don't stick with a fandom long and/or get attached to it enough to draw fanart stuff once my hyperfixation on it has passed, but if I think really hard about it I think it would be kirby? maybe?? i love kirby with all my heart especially meta knight and it's fun to sketch him and kirby in my notebooks in class once in a hundred years :P and i like to draw adachi rei from utau!! i don't draw her much but more often than kirby fanart that's for sure ahaha
3) oh god yes. yes i have. surely i have ocs i like to put in varied situations and can't stop thinking about. they've so fucked up my brain that i can't live a day without thinking about them.
here they are... MITOPOD
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in two words, pod (laundry-capsule-girl) is a stereotypical tsundere but she's a bitch and hot tempered just because of who she is, not because she can be easily flustered by mitosi, but like yeah she's tsundere. and absolute girlboss. she comes from a rich family and can live a life of leisure.
mitosi, on the other hand, is a drug addicted pocky-girl who works at a nuclear power plant. she's poor because she spends all of her money on drags and glue and lives in a shitty one-bedroom apartment.
they are kind of like konata and kagami from lucky star but i've never seen lucky star ahaha but like yeah
they are my main main ocs and they are just so dear to my heart i can't even describe how much i love them (well simply because english is not my native language lol)
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giransbunnywife · 1 year
Trouble in Paradise: Relationship HC's
Just some general cute headcanons for my ship with Sully! I've been thinking about him a lot lately, and we're rewatching all of the trilogy again. So I can't help myself but ramble about my fucking favorite old man lmao~ You can find out more about their relationship in my good doc (currently a wip I'll post in the upcoming weeks, hopefully), but for now I have a refsheet of my Uncharted insert -> here!!
♡♡ Warning(s): highly suggestive mentions throughout, self insert x canon, fluff ♡♡
Their relationship started off as a casual hookup that was on and off for several months. The timeframe is incredibly iffy, considering the fact that they're both busy and could only see each other whenever they were both in town. Violet was the first to technically develop feelings, however some could argue that Sully had felt something more since the moment that they met.
Everything about them in the early days screamed old married couple in the way that they bantered and bickered, especially leading up to the first official date they had. Even after they get together it's still very much the same, though once they are married much later, it's very gushy and romantic.
Sully loves to call them random pet names throughout their adventures, especially given the reactions that they give. He tends to lean towards a few: Sweetheart, Sugar, Gorgeous, Darlin'
Some honorable mentions include: Kitten 🤢, Honey, Angel, Pretty Lady, Buttercup
Nicknames for him include: Baby, Handsome, Love (very intimate moments)
Violet sketches him a lot in their notebook, which started early on in their adventures and meeting each other. He wasn't fully aware of this until during a particular job when they accidentally dropped it near a puddle. He caught it just in time, catching a glimpse on the drawings before he handed it back. Since then he never let them live it down.
He likes to pull them in by their lower back just before he kisses them, or when he's intensively flirting with them. It's a telltale sign that he's feeling rather playful, which only gets them blushing like hell.
When Violet plays hard to get it entices him even more, especially given that they don't even try for that long. Just enough for him to tease them and have them wrapped around his fingers as fast as he can help it. The coaxing is the best part for him (and them).
The man absolutely loves their giggle. So much so that he is doing anything and everything to hear it over and over again. Doesn't matter where they are or what they are doing, he’s gonna have them giggling as loud as they can. And he’s incredibly proud of himself too. Prides himself on how good he is at getting it out of them. Especially in such a cute way.
They'll steal his shirts a lot and wear them without him even being fully aware, not that he’ll complain when they show up with it on. And he’s definitely staring at them the entire time. Noticing that they are wearing nothing underneath it and leaving a lot of buttons undone just to tease him.
Sully spoils the hell out of them both affectionately and materialistically, making sure that they always have everything they could ever want. Whether that's a brand new bag that they have been eyeing, or a movie that they have been dying to see. He is jumping at the chance to do it for them, especially if it means seeing that beautiful smile on their face.
This does mean that he is calling up Nate for some more opportunities to make money now that he has Violet to spoil rotten. Making for a lot of interesting conversations about how they're costing him hell, but in the best of ways.
Even though they got out on their fair share of extremely romantic destination dates, they do have plenty of romantic nights in that they share whenever they can. Having takeout while talking about their lives, sharing stories and putting on some show that they only watch together.
Sully enjoys hearing them ramble about their favorite topics, especially when it comes to their passions. He could listen for hours while they info dump, enjoying the sparkle in their blue eyes. The one time in which he is the most silent is when they are in this particular mood, and the smile never leaves his face.
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dropthedemiurge · 2 years
For the writer ask game - 🌈, 💝, 🍭!
Last part of the writer ask game - thanks for sending me questions~ 🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
Oohh, that's a hard one. I'm not confident in writing long fics for now (cuz I suddenly get frustrated with my plots and think they aren't interesting enough so I keep them in wips for years). I still have many webtoons outlines almost fully written out that no one would ever see. but to see if I have something posted and not from my kpop group... I do want to joke about that one time I had to write SeanWhite xDD Okay, but for real it'd probably be that one PatPran story no one really read? But for me PatPran are really-really relatable because my parents are divorced and I spent my young years being torn apart between competing, hate, inconsiderate words from one parent to another and being confused cuz I loved both of them. It made me be good at hiding and pretending, and lying and navigating through this, and then I wrote my only(?) short patpran fic. With no plot, nothing, really, probably no one bat an eye if they were reading it. But it contains some of my life-long frustration there. "Are you really going to celebrate such an important day of your life without your parents? I know I can't let my parents miss it. But we can't have both families in the same room. How are you going to choose?"
Ouch, that was a lot.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Definitely "Not Me, Not You, But This Is Where We Are Needed" (I still regret this long name, my wip is called different and I can't remember the proper name now xD)!
I just randomly wrote it as "lmao, Not Me x Eclipse crossover can be so much fun! Imagine Yok and Ayan doing shenanigans in Suppalo! Imagine Akk getting into the gang!" and then everyone got so excited and anticipating and thinking about it that I got scared cuz I did not plan such a huge and profound outline and now I feel like I have to provide a cool big long fic for everyone that I'm rewriting my idea now but I'm still not satisfied with it xD Yeah. Definitely did not expect this response.
🍭why did you start writing?
I've been in fandom creative communities for a long time. I don't even know when I started, really. From a very young age - back when we sketched anime girls on school notebook pages, or shaman king drawings in paint or played pretend as naruto characters and read akatsuki au cracks and wanted to roleplay on forums. We'd imagine a character in the universe, make a profile and roleplay with each other in text forms. Those forums still exist and they are very high quality now! And then we had Fandom Combats where it's basically all-fandoms competition-festivals and we needed to write and draw and create a lot of things and when you didn't have enough people, you had to do the best you could yourself. I learnt a lot of skills from that time lol. It was also a lot of fun and you gained a lot of friends online in different cities that you could meet up with later.
Still think fandom communities are the best life schools and just best things ever ^^
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cutieacefuck · 5 years
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casual girlfriends (●ˇ ω ˇ●)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
[Aubrey, she/her, 24, Romantic, Your oc's or creepypasta :). No gender preference. ]
Hello! You can call me A! I sent with this letter a large jar of tiny keys that I've been collecting since I was twelve, along with the little keychain my Nana gave to me to start my collection. I'm also giving you my first ever sketchbooks and notebooks filled with the short stories I used to write!...Please take care of them, even if I am extremely embarrassed by the horrible quality of my old art they are still really important to me. OH, and one more thing! This stick I found a few years ago while on a hike covered in lichen! I know it's weird but I've been taking care of it for a few years now- his name is Larry. Did you know that certain lichens can live forever?
I would describe myself as an imaginative and creative person. I am extremely artistic and love trying out most art mediums, but I typically do digital drawings of mostly inhuman creatures and beings ... I believe myself to be kind, I try to be friendly to anyone who approaches me and I love talking to people but unfortunately I'm a pretty bad introvert . I get really anxious when I know I have to talk to someone and can be really, really awkward and shy. I have a hard time getting close to people and only hold a few people dear to me. Though I am extremely loyal- and a great listener. I can also be really crazy and social around my friends!
I have a bad habit of... not really existing in the now? I space out a lot- usually thinking about the novel I'm trying to write or various other senarios that pop up into my head. It's one of the ways I pass time I suppose. As you already know, I'm interested in drawing and writing and I love listening to music! My top genre is rocktronic ... kind of heavy stuff, but I can't help it. The best drops are awesome. I also love anything horror, cryptids, paranormal, you name it. I hate watching television and watching movies if it isn't in some way horror. I also love horror-romance novels.. don't judge me okay lmao. I am an animal and nature lover. Over my life I've had many different types of animals, varying from rats, spiders, pigeons, to just dogs and cats. I also love sleeping late and staying up late. My sleep schedule is really messed up, but It's usually just because I get most of my inspiration at night.
I tend to enjoy the "dark cottagecore" aesthetic. One of my dreams is to live in a nice little cottage or cabin really far away from civilization and in the middle of a forest. I would grow my own food and spend my days wandering the forests and writing books. I also aspire to be a child service worker, or a psychologist. I enjoy dressing in button up shirts and shorts and I keep my hair cut short and love dyeing it unnatural colors.
i'm not sure what else to say! I hope you have a good day!
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to September 4th 11:59 pm US Central time! Check out rules HERE]
[AN: Yue Lao and I took a small break but we're back!]
He's almost certain he's seen your name before. The way you write, the things about you, you are familiar. Familiar, familiar, familiar. You feel like an old friend. His fingers lace lovingly over the things that you've left him, with the sketch and notebooks being the things he finds most interesting. There's a small, tired, but soft smile on his weathered face as he thumbs the pages and reads the things you've written. While you were clearly much younger, he finds himself entranced with the worlds you were able to build. The art he finds sweet as well. Chuckles arise from his lips as he gazes over the characters you've drawn, the things you put love into. The jar of keys is given to his beloved cat, Bao. She carries the jar on her back and it is placed in the room she calls hers in his large palace.
And finally comes the stick you've dubbed Larry. Larry is a nice stick. His finger tips feel the lichen and he hums softly to himself, wondering just who he should place you with. He's already placed a red string on your pinky, something stable but smells of peaches. It's the string of dreamers. He continues to hold onto Larry as he looks down on the faces of the beautiful planet earth. From what you're describing yourself as, the god thinks that he wants to put you with someone similar! Someone who could give you a sense of deep love, just as artistic and just as starry eyed as you, but then he remembers the purpose of balance. He does not want to place someone with you who will admonish you, no, no. Absolutely not. But someone who can give you what you don't have, and you to give them what they lack.
Yue Lao thinks it over. He strokes his beard for a few moments before finally laying his moonlight glazed eyes at someone he knows would suit you well, very well. The man he's placing you with looks a bit tired as he pulls a ski mask off of his face, unaware that the god is seconds to tethering him to his soulmate. When he lifts the water bottle to his lips, his hazel colored eyes come to see the brilliant red thread that materializes, tugging slightly before it droops down to the ground and out. He stands up to see the connected thread fall from the heavens down to the forest floor, where he assumes it will lead him to something important.
Brian Thomas, that was the name he used to go by when he wasn't living the life he was saddled with. Now, he goes by Hoodie which he admittedly finds quite redundant. He doesn't have a heart pounding desire to find whatever's on the other end of his string and lets it wait as he goes about his business until a strange little creature meets him while he's staring up at the stars in a parking lot. They're hardly there, the stars. Too much light pollution. But the barely audible, soft footfalls of a cat's paw tears his attention away. And he smiles. "What're you doing here?" He asks as he crouches down, noticing the large walking stick in the feline's mouth.
She looks up at him and mews, blinking gorgeous jade colored eyes as if she wants him to take the stick. Brian does so, his gloved hand tracing the lichen much like Yue Lao did before noticing the red ribbon tied around it. "Oh," he hums. "Am I taking too long?" He chuckles as his free hand reaches out to pet her head. Bao purrs and rubs against his knee before mewing up at him once more. Her tail swishes and wraps around his forearm, then the walking stick before she nudges him in the direction of his string.
Brian sighs with a small smile and watches as the cat takes off in the direction he knows he's supposed to go. He really shouldn't keep you waiting any longer, should he? He tucks the stick under his arm, slides into the driver's seat and turns the car on. It's about time he finally comes to see you.
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denkisdurag · 4 years
bakugo, midoriya, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari x black!reader
summary : they see you with braids for the first time
a/n: oh ? what's this ??
dashi actually posting what people follow them for ? wow i know
i haven't posted SHIT in forever i'm so sorry. i'm in class and im takin this test rn and i am extremely physically and emotionally and mentally ✨ drained ✨ and i'm about to pull a midari 😻 but i'm still gonna finish this because i feel bad ahaha laugh out loud
and those who have requested, i'm sorry they're taking so long !! they're in my drafts i swear i've just been kinda out of it
so take this long ass writing as my apology thank u ily
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katsuki bakugo !
when you walk into that classroom,,
whew chile
probably gonna say some shit like
"what's with the worms coming outta yo head"
which is actually something i've been told but anyways
best believe you gonna whip your head around and wack him with them
and if they're pulled up into a ponytail then even better
he claims that he doesn't like them
but he can't take his eyes off you in that classroom
if someone calls him out then he'll furiously deny it
"why are you staring at [name]"
"yes you are"
cut the cap bakugo
you know you admiring them 😌
he refuses to be honest with himself
but let you look up at the board and your braids frame your face as the sun hits you just right
no one:
bakugo's guard: 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️
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izuku midoriya !
he happened to turn his head as you were walking in
his head had sIRENS going off
"p pr e t t y yy"
he has s o m a n y q u e s t i o n s it's not even funny
how long did it take? does it hurt? did you do them yourself?
and by the way if you can do box braids on your own head, i have so much respect for you but anyways
he's just staring at you as you're taking your notes
thinking of how etheral you look right then
and he's taking his own notes
not for class but of you
he made a lil sketch on one of the pages in his notebook
and when class is over
he comes up to you
maybe in the cafeteria
and he starts asking all the questions that he wanted to
ofc you're happy to answer
he's writing everything down with a soft yet determined smile on his face
and you keep talking as he nods, noting all info you're providing
but then he hears something being hit over and over again
and he looks up
and you're just ,,,
smackin the shit outta yo head ??
miss gurl is you okay ???
but you noticed the bewildered look on his face
and explained how you can't directly itch your head because it would frizz up the braids
long story short, he's very interested in your hair and its background
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shoto todoroki !
he was sO confused lmao
he was like
"how does black hair work ??????"
because you could be natural one day
and then have bantu knots the next
and don't even get me sTARTED on wigs
"is it a part of their quirk?"
he's an extremely blunt person
so he just kinda walks up to you like
"how does ur hair work"
and you're glad to tell him of course
but bro pls slow down
this is a lot to take in at once
of course he's interested and wants to learn
but his brain is only so big 😔 have mercy bro my man is not megamind
eventually he starts to grasp the idea
and he'd love you to educate him on your next hairstyle :)
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eijiro kirishima !
kiri would immediately hide all straighteners from you if you were insecure or doubting your appearance but that's for another time bc we talkin about box braids rn
y'all know how i religiously believe this man is a simp
he wants to t o u c h
but he knows it's rude and won't do so without asking and getting your permission first
but once he gets the "ok"
hands all up in your shit
he might lightly pull on one ngl
but he'll immediately let go if you tell him to
even though that grip game strong 😤
he probably compliments you the most
so yeah
Respect ™‬
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denki kaminari !
practically short circuited
like "oh"
"well this is new ,,,,,,,"
you know how he's always holding ojiro's tail
yeah so just expect him to take one of your braids and mindlessly twirl it around one of his fingers in class
he won't even realize he's doing it
you're just sitting in your seat and you'll feel your hair being played with and you turn around
and its just denki twirling it subconsciously as he talks to his friends
he looks at you
and then you glance at the hair between his index and middle finger
and he follows your gaze
cue him dropping it and letting it fall onto your back again
"oh sorry!"
"its okay," you smile softly at him
he wants to kith u
and i don't know about u
but i would take that kith
i got lazy this wasn't even good smh
anyways i'll see y'all in another two months 😹😹
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