#I've listened to where no one goes like a million times today
rxmqnova · 10 months
Loyal pt. 2
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Y/N: 24 years old Story: Y/N and Wanda go to look for Shadow… ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV A few days have passed since Tony's party and the two girls have never been more in love before. Although, Y/N can't take her mind off the little black kitten that was outside alone that night.
"Y/N, are you listening?" Wanda asks, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's neck from behind while Y/N is sitting on the chair, deep in her thoughts.
"Hmm? What?"
"I asked you if you'd stay the night" Wanda explains and presses a few kisses to Y/N's cheeks.
"Sure" Y/N smiles, turning her head to the side and pecking Wanda's lips with a kiss.
"Are you thinking about that cat again?" Wanda sighs and sits down on a chair next to Y/N.
"She was there all alone, Wands. She didn't even have a collar. I just can't stop thinking about it" Y/N admits with a sigh.
"You are the sweetest person in the whole universe" Wanda smiles warmly, interlocking her fingers with Y/N's. "Do you want to go and look around again if the kitten isn't there?"
"Really?" Y/N asks, her eyes shining.
The girl hasn't stopped looking for the little creature and every day walks around the Stark tower, trying to find her fluffy friend.
"Yeah. I know you, Y/N. You won't stop until you find the cat" Wanda chuckles, standing up and pulling Y/N up with her.
"You're the best girlfriend ever!" Y/N squeals and gives Wanda a hug, pulling her in for a kiss right after.
"Okay. Come on, honey" Wanda chuckles at her girlfriend's excitement, dragging her away to the garage.
As soon as Wanda pulls over in front of the Stark tower, Y/N rushes out of the car which makes Wanda let out a chuckle.
"What was the name again? Shallow?" Wanda asks, walking to her girlfriend.
"I've told you like a million times. It's Shadow" Y/N sighs, scanning everything with her eyes to find a sign of her little friend.
"I know, I was just messing with you" Wanda chuckles, playfully nudging Y/N's shoulder with hers. "Oh there!"
"Where?!" Y/N asks excitedly, looking at the direction Wanda's pointing her finger.
"I'm sorry, I was just kidding" Wanda laughs, receiving just a whine from her girlfriend.
"Stop doing that or I won't give you any more cuddles and kisses today" Y/N teases, knowing Wanda can't be without cuddles and kisses until the end of the day.
"You wouldn't" Wanda looks at her girlfriend, crossing her arms over her chest and knowing damn well Y/N can't be without a cuddle or a kiss for a long time either.
"… Damn it, you're right, I wouldn't" Y/N groans, making Wanda let out a chuckle.
"Let's just go looking" Wanda chuckles, interlocking her fingers with Y/N's and walking around to find the kitten.
"Y/N/N, we've been walking around for hours, let's just go home please" Wanda whines, pulling her girlfriend away,
"Wait, wait, wait! There!" Y/N squeals as quietly as possible to not scare off the little black kitten. "Hi, Shadow" The girl says softly, kneeling down to the kitten and petting her behind ears.
"What now? What will you do with the cat?" Wanda asks from afar, afraid she'd scare the cat again if she goes any closer.
"Well… first of all, I'm gonna take Shadow to the vet. Just to make sure she's okay and then…" Y/N looks at Wanda, giving her the best puppy eyes on which Wanda's eyes widen. "Come on, can we keep her? Please"
"Honey, do you-"
"Please. Taking a responsibility for Shadow could be a little training" Y/N tries again.
"Training for what?" Wanda asks, giving her girlfriend a confused look.
"Training for the future… you know, if we'll want to have children together" Y/N explains on which Wanda smiles.
"We're together just a few months and you're already thinking about kids?" Wanda teases, her smile never leaving her lips.
"Why not? I know you've been thinking about it too. Natasha told me" Y/N smiles back.
"I'm gonna kill her… Alright, let's take Shadow to the vet" Wanda smiles, shaking her head and holding her hand out for her girlfriend. "So we can keep her?!" Y/N squeals, interlocking her fingers with Wanda's while holding the little kitten in her other arm.
"What else can I do with you?" Wanda chuckles, receiving a wide smile and a squeal from her girlfriend.
After visiting the vet and making sure Shadow is completely okay, Wanda and Y/N stopped at the pet shop to buy everything they need for their new little family member.
Now they're setting everything up in the compound which makes Wanda think whether or not is the right time to move in together. She's been thinking about it for a while and to be honest, Y/N's been too.
"Baby?" Wanda questions, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend from behind and pressing a kiss to Y/N's cheek.
"Hmm" Y/N hums in response, a smile forming on her face when Wanda presses another kiss to her cheek.
"I've been thinking… now that we have a kitten together… how about we move in together?" Wanda asks with a smile on which Y/N turns around in her arms, wrapping arms around Wanda's neck.
"You would really want to?" Y/N asks with a huge smile.
"Of course I would. I love you, Y/N. And everyone here in the compound likes you. I'd love to have you here with me all the time. Plus we've already set everything up here for Shadow, so" Wanda smiles warmly.
"I would love to move in with you. I love you too, Wands"
They found Shadow!! <33
Part 1
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dokidokitsuna · 8 days
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Felt like showing off the "redesigns" of the Grand Festival outfits that I did for my most recent Today's Work video. I just wanted to see how they'd look with some colors on 'em...and they are nice. ^^ Of course, if/when I do actual redesigns, they'll be a lot more effortful than this...
I've been enjoying the Grand Festival so far, I think. Walking around the grounds and listening to the concerts is surprisingly mesmerizing; they really nailed the ambiance. ^^ It was fun scrolling Twitter during my lunch break yesterday and watching everyone scream about the merch (that they can't have) and the idols (that they've already seen performing a million times before). ^^;;; If there's one defining feature of Splatoon's fanbase, I'd say it's unbridled joy and enthusiasm~.
I think it also goes to show that building an intricate, believable 3D environment can do a lot to make players feel immersed and included, even if they can't really interact with anything. The "Cheer" and "Bounce" etc. options are also great examples of 'a little goes a long way'; they're extremely cute. ^^ I wish we had them for earlier Splatfests...
There's just one little detail of this celebration that nags at me though, to be honest...Splatoon composers, blink twice if you need help. (⊙_⊙;;;)
When I realized that they did new arrangements for the concert performances, AND some of the in-game music, AND the victory and loss music...I began to feel something I call 'consumer's guilt'. :/
Like, of course we should get lots of special music for the Special final Splatfest, but it's been like this for the whole 2 years...special music for every holiday Splatfest, special music from the splatbands for the new seasons, random single drops from the idols throughout the year, dozens of tracks just for Side Order...considering the amount of time and effort that goes into composing and producing just one song it's hard for me to believe that they've had any time to rest, or even to just work at a reasonable pace.
It's only natural for this constant demand for content to take a toll on the quality of their work, and I feel that it has...interestingly, though, I feel the lowest-quality tracks are the earliest ones. '_' Like, splatoonwiki.org has a music page, where the music for each game is separated into sections...and the Multiplayer section for Splatoon 3 is the only one that I have no interest in opening. That is to say, the music we hear most often, while playing the main attraction of the game itself, is in my opinion 90% forgettable slop.
Back when the unofficial soundtrack first came out and I listened to the first 2 hours during a long commute, I remember being really disappointed that not even one C-Side song resonated with me...and the rest to follow weren't much better. To this day, every time some Splatoon battle music gets stuck in my head, it's always something from 1 or 2 (i.e. the games I never played ^^;) I can't even recall what 3's battle music sounds like on command...I hear it every day, and yet it all just slides right off my brain. Even the tracks from established splatbands...none of their 'new' stuff hits the same.
If I had to guess, the composers knew very far ahead of time all the stuff they would have to do, and decided to rush through the generic squid-rock to focus on the interesting stuff. If I had both Deep Cut's and C-Side's music on my schedule, I know which one I would want to devote the most time to. And if I had to develop a totally new sound for Free Association (the entity responsible for the music in Side Order, reflecting its surreal techno-industrial vibes) and H2Whoa (a random new splatband that only exists to ring in Drizzle Season 2023) I know which project would be more interesting to me, and inspire more creative choices.
...In a perfect world, though, ALL the music could be of similar quality and creativity, because they wouldn't have to make so much so often! >_< I mean, I know music is central to Splatoon's identity (it's what got me into the series in the first place) but I feel like things are getting out of hand...something about this constant deluge of new music doesn't feel sustainable. I've seen composer burnout before, and because music is so important to this franchise, I'd hate to see it happen here...
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Summary: You and Raph get into an argument about your lack of emotional communication.
Warnings: shouting, crying, angst hurt to comfort.
Requested: N/A
GN Reader!
You took in a deep breath as you stepped into the Lair, smiling tightly as Mikey pulled you in for his usual sunshine hug.
"Hey there, 'Angelo." you said, patting him on the head, as you walked away to find Raph.
You knocked lightly on the wall next to his curtain before pulling aside the cloth to enter his room.
"Hey, Red." You said, kissing him on the cheek.
"Hey, sweetcheeks." he turned to face you fully, his brows furrowing in concern as he looked at your face, "What's wrong? You look upset."
You shook your head, smiling, "I'm fine." you said, trying to drop the subject.
Raph took your face in his hands, "No you aren't, I can tell. So talk to me, babe."
You pulled away with a groan, "I'm fine, Raph, can we just drop it?"
Raph huffed, grabbing your hand gently as you turned away from him, "No, not until I know what's bothering you!"
You closed your eyes tightly, looking away from Raph as your fathers words from earlier today echoed in your head, "Grow up! You have nothing to be sad about, there are people who have it worse, so get over yourself!"
"Raph." You growled, "Drop. It."
Raph sighed, frustrated, "Why won't you just tell me-?"
"YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?" You shouted, turning to face him with tears in your eyes, "BECAUSE I'M SCARED, RAPH! I'M SCARED THAT IF I TELL YOU WHATS WRONG, YOU'LL JUST TELL ME TO GET OVER MYSELF LIKE EVERYONE ELSE I'VE EVER OPENED UP TO! THAT-," your voice cracked and your body shook, "T-that you'll just tell me to grow up."
You sobbed, furiously trying to wipe away those stupid tears. God you hated crying, and infront of Raph? Really?
Why couldn't you just stop? Just STOP!
You were practically rubbing your eyes raw trying to stop the tears before Raph took your hands in his own.
"I would never do that to you." He said softly, "Never in a million years."
You sniffled, your face scrunching, "I-I just wish people, listened to me. My whole life I was told that children are to be seen and not heard, no one ever took my emotions seriously."
You sobbed again, burying your face in Raph's plastron, "I was j-just that overly emotional nobody, until I stopped. I stopped crying, I stopped feeling. I stopped so no one else had to. I don't cry, so my siblings can."
Raph felt his heart shattering as you spoke, he didn't know. He never knew...
"I don't know how to talk about it, Raph. I-I can't. I haven't needed to in so long, I just push it all down and it goes away. It didn't go away this t-time, wHY didn't it go away?"
Raph pulled you close as you cried, he rested his head atop yours, "It doesn't just go away, (Name). It never does. It takes a long time, sometimes you need to talk about it. I'm always here to talk about it if you need to."
"B-but, I don't want to be a burden-"
"Nuh-uh, none of that. look at me, hun." Raph held your face gently, smiling softly at you, "You will never, ever be a burden to me. Ever. Don't you even think that, got it?"
You nodded, leaning into his hands, "Can you hold me? Please?" you begged quietly, face stained with tears.
"Of course, sweetcheeks. Raph's got ya'."
Raph picked you up easily, carrying you over to his bed where he set you down gently. He sat next to you, leaning back against the headboard as he pulled you into his lap.
He then pulled a blanket over the two of you, kissing you softly on top of your head as you slowly drifted off from exhaustion.
Since you were sleeping, you weren't aware of his brothers coming to check on you, asking Raph softly if you would be fine.
Raph reassured them that you would be ok, you just needed a little help emotionally.
"Don't worry, bros, Raph's got this covered."
I'm on a roll huh? Don't worry I got more fics coming soon!
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Can I request some creeps with a reader that just really loves bugs? Like- will stack three chairs on top of one another to get a better look at a moth or a spider on the ceiling? *Will* tell you exactly what species it is, you have no choice /j If you kill a bug inside, instead of gently bringing it outside (or directly to them) there’s a disappointed lecture in store.
Feeling a bit tired today so I just went with two boys, hope that's okay
I chose Jeff for this ask specifically because Jeff does not like bugs and I think you two being opposites would be incredibly cute and I love the idea of it. While Jeff doesn't really like them, he doesn't mind releasing them outside, he just gets a bit creeped out with the leggier ones and would prefer to not have to touch them at all. Except for centipedes. Try bringing him close to a centipede and he will get genuinely distressed because he just cannot stand them and they freak him out. Even if he doesn't like being around bugs all that much, Jeff will never turn you down if you want to show him one you see or tell him a bunch of facts about it. He thinks it's incredibly adorable, and he loves watching you get excited about things, and he even goes through the effort of trying to remember all of the little facts you tell him. However, he does try to help you find safer ways to get a look at bugs that are higher up, rather than letting you risk falling off of your quite dangerously looking pile of chairs because he cares about your safety a million more times than you care about seeing that bug up there, so please be safe for him. He also doesn't mind getting a bug for you, if you ask him nicely, so you don't put your own safety at risk.
Toby fucking ADORES bugs, so you can bet your butt that he's just as excited as you are. One of my favorite headcanons for Toby that I've had for a long time is that he collects butterflies and moths (from both Earth and the Underworld), and he displays them on the walls of his room. They are by far his favorite bugs, and he knows the species of every single one he has displayed, as well as where they're from, things they eat, their lifespans, behaviors, anything and everything he can know about them, and he could gush to you about it for hours. So, of course, he's very happy to listen to you talk about bugs as well. The two of you definitely match each other in terms of excitement for bugs, and it's very adorable to witness. I can even see him taking you on strolls through the Underworld to try and teach you about all the different bug species he's learned about during his stay there, especially the more dangerous ones so you know what to avoid for safety reasons. It genuinely makes him so happy to have someone that also enjoys one of his special interests, and he has a lot of fun with you. It absolutely makes him love you even more than he already did, which he didn't even know was possible. 
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 04/03/2024
Willievan Afton Polkka
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) Ievan Polkka (In-Game Version) - Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA
Ripped by KnightOfGames
Requested by realchickenmanny! @realchickenmanny
One of the most fun parts of keeping up to date with SiIvaGunner is getting to see the rise of new jokes being used on the channel - which weird sources are trying to become mainstay running gags, which feel as if they're failing to really catch on, and so on. I talked about this in relation to Season 8 in particular back with Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab, back when the Season had just kicked into gear a few weeks ago, and even in that short time since there's been a few rising star jokes worth considering. One of the most surprising newcomers to me, then, is the very subject of Willievan Afton Polkka: the Five Nights at Freddy's fan song Stuck Inside, by Black Grpyh0n ft. The Living Tombstone.
Five Nights at Freddy's has of course always had a pretty prominent presence on the channel since back in Season 1 with the Circus rips a la Goodbye To Love, where the entire gag was built on how FNAF games lack much of any real music to make rips of. But there's another way this gag has been utilized in rips of the games - by instead using the rips to cover The Living Tombstone's immensely popular FNAF fan songs as if they were official theme songs of the games. The cultural impact these songs have had on many an internet dweller is undeniable: back with Five Dreams at Night 1.16, I covered an example of these using the song It's Been So Long, which currently sits at 312 MILLION views on YouTube. (and, of course, The Living Tombstone's first ever FNAF song was used as the credits theme for the feature film last year!)
All that is to say, that I find the usage of FNAF fan songs - old and new - to be a fantastic fit for SiIvaGunner, as influential nuggets of pure pop culture self-expression on YouTube. Stuck Inside, used by Willievan Afton Polkka and six other rips all released after the start Season 8, is a far more recent song than the nostalgic FNAF songs of old, themed around the story depicted in the FNAF movie - yet even without that nostalgia, it's got an absolutely fantastic melodic hook and creepy, yet ominously cheerful tone to it. After hearing it for three or so rips, I was sold - the team had clearly taken a liking to the song, and I was now amidst the various other commenters noting how fun of a listen it was.
That was, of course, before I went to look up which rippers were behind which of these eight rips. Eight rips using Stuck Inside, made in the span of two weeks - and they were ALL made by KnightOfGames.
And look, KnightOfGames is already one of my favorite rippers, I've admired the earnestness and quality in his output since I first began listening to the albums and connected the dots of who was behind what (plus, in his own words on mlp racism anthem (comix zone arrange - every MLP rip specifically goes through him for approval to ensure peak pony quality!). But this sheer commitment to rendering Stuck Inside in these SUPER distinct styles, making a one-man effort appear like the work of multiple contributors through sheer variety and rate of uploads - it genuinely did make my jaw drop when I found out! All of these are bangers in their own way, but I felt the need to single out Willievan Afton Polkka in particular for how much of a fun escalation it proved to be SO early into the meme's life - it's the kind of rip that I wouldn't have expected to see uploaded until several weeks from now.
Ievan Polkka is of course a very sillycore banger in its own right no matter what you do with it, but the idea to have Stuck Inside's vocals be sung by Miku herself over the former song's backing beat is such a genuinely inspired idea, this clash of old and new internet fandom music that, on the surface appear, like oil and water. Yet the somewhat uncanny cheeriness to Stuck Inside's melody that I mentioned earlier ends up fitting in perfectly, appearing far more sincere and lighthearted in the arrangement as a result - and all topped off perfectly by the use of Moonbase Alpha-like Text-To-Speech clips to match Stuck Inside's occasional squeals. Just for good measure, the rip lastly explores juxtaposing the tonal differences of the two songs, by using the original vocals for a small segment in the middle of the rip, before returning to the good-fun Miku vocals.
Willievan Afton Polkka is, above all else, another release in the long line of excellent vocaloid rips on the channel, much like Rolling Start and As Miku Collides. And much like those two rips in particular, there's a sort of personal feeling to the rip - in part due to how exclusive Stuck Inside as a SiIva joke still is to KnightOfGames himself, but also due to how much fun the guy clearly had in arranging it in a seemingly-bizarre style such as this. There are some mashups and edits that you think of just from hearing songs for the first time, the "surprised this hasn't been done yet"-type of rips, but Willievan Afton Polkka feels like the complete opposite: the kind of out-there rip idea that could only be done by someone who knows Stuck Inside like the back of their hand. That's a level of commitment that I just have to respect - and I hope with my whole heart that Stuck Inside eventually becomes picked up by other members of the team as Season 8 progresses.
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defodisturbed · 5 months
tolerate it - Zdinarsk x reader
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(A/N: hey y'all, tolerate it is one of, if not my favorite evermore song. also one of my top taylor swift songs in general. i felt inspired listening to it recently, so i decided to work some of my magik :3 hope y'all enjoy!! mwah)
I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it
Zdinarsk was never an... affectionate person. Especially after joining the army. But with you, she showed love. Kindess, even. But something's changed recently. She's not talking to you as enthusiastically as much, not engaging in PDA like you are, and its become too much. You feel like she doesn't love you anymore. Maybe she caught feelings for someone else. No, that can't be true. She's always told you that she would never love anyone else but you. Or maybe that was just a lie.
The code to your room was punched in, you could hear it. The door opened and in walked your lover. Your wife. The RDA didn't allow marriages, especially between soldiers. But, Quaritch did some convincing (by that I mean he made a powerpoint presentation and showed it to Ardmore) and had some strings pulled. Ardmore then talked to Parker and (forcefully) had him make an exception.
(reader's pov)
"Hey, baby! How was work? Did you get assigned to any cool missions?" I said enthusiastically. Zdinarsk ignored me. "Babe?" I asked, seeing if she could hear me. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh? Oh, no, nothing really happened today." Nonchalant words flowed from her mouth, uninterested in my curiosity.
"What happened? You sound very tired." I pressed, frustrating her. "Y/N, just.. leave it be. Nothing happened to me, I promise. Just leave me alone, I have to wind down."
[Time skips a few days later, Z has gotten home from work and Y/N is complaining about her treatment of her lately.]
"Y/N, what the fuck is your problem? I don't know what I did!" Z yelled at me. "You've been so dry lately! You don't express any emotion when it comes to me or our relationship! You don't even like talking about your day after I so happily welcome you home! I'm always taking up too much space or time now, when a few months ago you'd hug me like it was the last time you'd ever hug anyone! I would die for you without a second thought! I made you my entire purpose. I've written about you in my journal over a million times. You have taken up all of my thoughts, thinking of how much I love you. Thinking of how much you make me happy. But it seems I'm an afterthought in your head, taking up no more than a grain of sand!" I started shouting.
"Well I'm sorry if I'm not leaping with joy whenever you're around! I have a very tough job where I have no clue if I'm going to see the morning, and you expect me to be so happy all the time?" Z thundered. I groaned in anger and annoyance, before responding. "I just want to feel loved! I want to feel like you appreciate me, even when you're upset! Is that so much to ask for?"
"You know I love you, it goes without saying!" She hissed back. "No, it doesn't. You have to say it, Z. You have to say it." I tried to reason with her, lowering my voice and trying to softly speak. Anger and sadness was coursing through my veins, but if I shouted any more I would lose my voice.
"I don't care, you're overreacting. It shouldn't matter if I say it or not, you should know it." Z replied, almost carefree. "If you gave me a history test without telling me anything about the subject, how would I know what answers to pick? Your argument doesn't add up. Please, let's sit and talk about this."
Z sighed and huffed before sitting on our shared bed. I sat next to her and began to explain how I felt about it. "I feel like this situation is unfair because I don't understand the sudden switch. Before, you were so happy to see me, and all of a sudden you were so annoyed with my presence no matter if I said a word or not. If I did something, I want to know so that we can resolve it."
She paused to think. "You didn't do anything, hon. I don't know why I'm acting like this, I've just been really stressed lately. I know that's no excuse, and I'm really sorry I've made you feel this way. I really didn't mean to, and I love you more than you could ever imagine. I hope you can forgive me for how I've treated you." She looked down, twiddling with her fingers anticipating my response.
I brought her in for a hug and assured her it was okay. We forgave each other, and we had Mansk make us some nice food to eat together.
MWAH hope y'all loved it teehee :33
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bytmm · 1 month
Life is a trip.
I remember my freshman year of high school, in 2004, Athens Olympics, Michael Phelps won his first of many gold medals, Usain Bolt didn’t qualify out of the 200 meter heat, Abby Wambach and the USWNT won gold, Manu Ginóbili and Argentina won gold. Harold & Kumar went to White Castle, Crash came out, Lost premiered, Martha Stewart went to jail, Halo 2 came out, safe to say, 2004 was eventful. 20 years later, I am now called unc, because well, that’s life and that’s time. One day you’re a tiny 14 year old freshman, before you know it, you’re 34, wondering how you can get to your goals. Replaying every mistake, overthinking the simplest shit while you’re chasing, racing, fighting against an internal clock that is ticking faster than Usain Bolt, no one can see it, but you can feel it.
Excuse my tongue but social media has fucked us up. I’ve been on apps forever, AIM, MSN, Hotel Habbo, MySpace, all of it before the ones you see today. Maybe I was young and naive but these social media apps have us all fucked up, in some way or another. As the old adage goes, comparison is a thief of joy. As I scroll, I wonder am I doing this life thing right? I got laid off from a job I loved. I am freelancing, consistently looking for a new job, getting rejected; questioning my talent, questioning myself. Am I good enough? It’s easy to go on IG, Twitter, TikTok, hell even LinkedIn or whatever have you and feel you’re behind the 8 Ball. People are “winning”, their life looks cool. Working with brands you want to work with, having opportunities that you want, you wonder what have I done wrong to not be here. Do I quit? Do I keep going? Do they see the work I have put in? Millions of thoughts along these lines.
Professionally, I feel I should be further along and it’s frustrating; bouncing around from opportunity to opportunity. You begin to internalize every job rejection, you begin to believe something is wrong with you when you get laid off. You know what you are good at but it doesn’t show. Now you’re scared to apply for jobs, scared to reach out for help. Frustrated at the world and it spills to every facet of your life. Your friendships, relationships, everything is ary. How do you show your talent to the world and ask for someone, anyone, to take a chance on you. Knowing that you can do the job and you have a unique perspective. You don’t want to share with the world and now you’re here wondering what the hell is going on.
I try to give myself grace, even writing this, it feels like the ramblings of a mad man. It’s something I’ve never done, something I vowed to never do, vent and be personal on the internet. But turning 34, I felt I wanted to share something. Someone out there might read this and take inspiration, or take anything from it. As I’ve aged, I am sure of myself, sure of where I want to be and what I want to do, personally and professionally. But the demons, the demons fight harder than Buster Douglas on Feb. 11, 1990 (look it up if you don’t get it).
I’ve reflected on my last year, hell the last decade. Love lost, love gained, friends lost, friends gained, opportunities lost, opportunities gained. Life has a way of showing you that it’s how you react and bounce back. We all go through shit, the cards are stacked against some of us harder than others. I miss some friends, I am self aware to know where I fucked up and wish the best for those people.
My relationship with God is very complex but it’s funny how things get you reading the bible and reflecting on everything. I listened to “Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers”, “Count me out” had me stuck. I never felt more vulnerable, more afraid but yet so fearless. “One of these lives, I'ma make things right With the wrongs I've done, that's when I unite With the Father, Son, 'til then, I fight.” Starting a song like that, with fresh ears, I got it. Kendrick was extremely vulnerable on this album, especially on this track. “Fuck with you from, fuck with you from a distance Some put it on the Devil when they fall short I put it on my ego, lord of all lords, Sometimes I fall for her, dawg”  has been on my spirit for months.
I’ll wrap these thoughts up shortly. Give yourself grace, don’t be hard on yourself. We are not perfect, we are human. We try, everyday. We mess up things but don’t let it define you.
Try to be your best self, everyday, we will fall short. Have empathy for your fellow human, there are some dickheads but try not to be one yourself.
In my 34 years of life, I am slowly becoming happy with who I am. There’s still work to be done.
For those of you who are in my life, my friends, my associates, my family, I love you. Thank you for guiding me. Thank you for your patience.
For those who are no longer with me, I am sorry. I still love you.
I can’t please everybody.
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smalife1234 · 7 days
This is our 7th weekly smiles!!!
What made me smile this week?
Monday, 9/9/24 - today I woke up around 6:40 Am I soon went on the bus and enjoyed the nice ride to school! During the first period, I worked on an orthopedics in action worksheet and got the news that Mrs. Cox might be out for a while! So that was fun! And then I chilled and sent some emails to Mrs Lawson about printing! In the second period, we tried to work on this worksheet, but it was very difficult, so we just worked on notes! So those weren't that bad for the rest of the class. I chilled and found out that Stuffy and Donny got married 💍🥹!! So happy for them both! They had a fun time putting so much stuff on their stories! Then, in the third period, we worked on eyewitness practice There was one activity we had to do, which involved a person's head on a black card, and I had to be the sketcher. My partner had to describe to me the person, and I had to draw it. I got our group pretty accurate! And we just had a fun time talking about that. Then, in the fourth period, we talked about values, morals, and morality development. We took notes and watched a video on that subject. During explaining it, we had a fire drill and headed out of the building for a few. We soon came back inside and mainly just did notes and a tiny activity before the end of class, and then the day ended! We went on the bus just mere seconds before something bad happened a freshman came up to my bus window and banged on the window with both his hands and I jumped because I mean who wouldn't get scared he looked at me and pointed and went HAHAHA the annoying typical laugh of someone who's acting dumb so that's not fun but we did enjoy the bus ride home and the fact that Donny and stuffy showed and talked about the same Facebook post! That they happened to land on! Then, at home, we did dishes but had some yummy tacos. We practically spent the whole night scoring a ridiculously high score! Of 41 million! It was insane but we were so exhausted after it we almost immediately fell asleep! Today was exhausting but so rewarding and it made me smile!
Tuesday, 9/10/24 - today woke up at 6:40, but I slept until 6:45 Am and started chemo around that time. I'm on my 43rd round of chemotherapy! So I'm almost done, but I also just got the news that my chemo had gotten worse, and I need 90 rounds of chemotherapy! Because I had gotten Donny's cancer, I had bone cancer, but it had gotten worse, and it turned into Donny's type of cancer. So that's always fun. I will still be on the 4-day chemotherapy rounds, but it might turn into 100 rounds quickly! So that's even more fun but I will get through this! But my doctors most likely said that they'd put it up to 100 rounds of chemotherapy! So everything checks out and nothing goes wrong this will be an even longer battle than I thought! But I'll get through it! But currently, I'm texting my friends about it, and they're reacting in anger but also in support! I love them ❤️🥹! Currently, I'm working on building a long-bone femur! So we'll see how that goes, but In the morning, we rode on the bus and went to our homeroom, listened to the Say Something video, and then did the panorama survey! And then I just chilled in the first period. I've been working on more writing, and I'm currently working on a femur, and now I just see a text that my friend is having a panic attack. Thankfully, my friend is ok, and I ended up getting some of the parts of the femur built! Then, in the second period, we went through a whole class period where Mrs. Bressler explained all the math, and we were able to get the answers! Which was good! And we just basically worked on that the whole class and then in third we worked on a couple of papers and watched a case of a person who was wrongfully accused r@pe he spent 11 years in prison and finally got out when he was 33 which was horrible but he was filled with grace and apologized to the women but I don't blame her either because eyewitnesses don't always get everything correct and two of the people looked very similar. After that, in the fourth period, we worked on some notes and watched some videos! At home, we chilled and just did average chores. Today made me smile!
Wednesday, 9/11/24 - today, I chilled on the bus and went to the first period, in which I worked on my femur or bone that we had to build and ended up getting it done! Woohoo! It looked very good, considering I had so much difficulty with it, lol, but I am happy to finally get it done. Then, in the second period, we had two tests. On the first one, I got an 80 or 85, and then on the second one, I got 75 so pretty good grades for me! For the rest of the class, I worked on some notes and got them halfway completed before lunch. Then, in the fourth period, we worked on the rest of our notes and then watched some videos, and in the last 10 minutes of class, we watched some inside out! (Movie) It was funny and cute in those 10 minutes, then we went home and sadly had to do several dishes! For two or 1 hour, we only got to relax for 30 minutes, but later that afternoon, we got some leftover Chick-fil-A fries from Mom! They were yummy! And it served as a good treat afterward! Then we hung out for the rest of the day and went to bed knowing we had a day off!
Thursday, 9/12/24 - today, we have a day off since we have another doctor's appointment! LOL, we never get a break, but in the morning, we mainly chilled, laughed, and played Subway Surfers! Then we chilled until our doctor's appointment at 4:00 p.m. Thankfully, it was only a quick shot, and it was nothing big! We got it over with, but sadly, it made our arm super sore that night! During the drive home, we stopped at Ready Mart and got a new flavor of Dr pepper! It was another Dr pepper flavor we had never tried before! It was all right, not the best flavor in my opinion. For me, it had too much coconut, but I enjoyed it nonetheless! And it made me smile! That night I started writing another SCI post for the 14th!
Friday, 9/13/24 - today we go back to school! We enjoyed our day off but it's time to get to work again lol in the morning before first period I dropped off my note to the office and explained to her I was out for the full day and that I had a note then in the first period I completed a tiny worksheet that we had and completed the rest of my other papers that week! Then during first period, Mrs. Lawson came in and gave me my printings! Yay! They finally came! Sadly, they looked a tiny bit small and were a tiny bit small, but we're trying to get used to them. We might ask for her to print Donny just a tad bit bigger! But we were grateful she printed those images! For us! Then in the second period, we took a quiz and I got a 50 on it not my best grade 😅 sadly after that test it got rid of everything on my computer which I don't know how that happened but I got used to it and it didn't ruin my day later in third period we took another quiz and I got a 95 on it so way better than chemistry 🧪! Then, in the fourth period, we watched the rest of the inside-out movie, which was quite little, but that was ok! Then we worked on our inside-out essay, and then we had a surprise pep rally 30 minutes before class ended! We had a pretty fun time watching the cheerleaders and band do their best work! It was great to have 30 minutes off of class and get to celebrate the football team! In preparation for their big game! May the best win then after that it was raining on our way to the bus! We sprinted/strolled so fast! And then we enjoyed a chill afternoon at home and it made me smile!
Saturday, 9/14/24 - today, I had my 44th round of chemotherapy, and I started it pretty late. Oops 😂! But I got my video edited and scheduled in the morning! So, being semi-productive made me smile! Then I finished the rest of my SCI awareness post for this week! And posted it to Tumblr and the community tab on YouTube! If you have time please give it a read! Then we chilled and watched Instagram for a while! And then watched some special books by special kids videos! And then we played Subway Surfers, in which stuffy got a jackpot! Whoo hoo! That definitely made us smile. Later that night, we chilled and played some trainer stealing game, and then we went to bed, but apparently, I was a bed for everyone, LOL! I had my wife, my friend Emmie, and my friend Doc on me, which resulted in a pretty okay night's sleep, LOL! But it was funny, and It made me laugh before ending the night. It made me smile!
Sunday, 9/15/24 - today I woke up around 7:20 Am and just chilled on Instagram reels! Then we hung out for a few, did a workout, and then we did dishes for a bit, and then had yummy potato soup! With red chili pepper flakes! It wasn't bad then we mainly chilled for most of the day and currently we're watching JJ time and drinking yummy soda :) We had a fun day, but a short day today this week made me smile. Now, the most important Question?!
What made you smile this week?
Img desc #1: doc is seen smiling at the camera while wearing a grey short-sleeved shirt and dark brown shorts she is in her electric wheelchair.
Img desc #2: Emmie is seen smiling while at an event. She is in her electric wheelchair. She is wearing a green short-sleeved buttoned shirt, beige-colored pants, and white shoes. There is a service dog near Emmie.
Img desc #3: doc is seen at an event. She is smiling while wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt. Over her shirt is a black long-sleeved sweater paired with that is a dark blue tie.
Img desc #4: doc is seen in a car while sitting in her electric wheelchair. She is seen with a black head strap over her forehead and is wearing a grey short-sleeved shirt and dark blue shorts.
Img desc #5: doc is seen at an Event smiling and wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt over her shirt, a long-sleeved black sweater, and beige colored pants. Doc is seen in her electric wheelchair.
Img desc #6: Emmie is seen smiling leaning towards someone! She is wearing a white long-sleeved shirt paired with a black blazer and dark blue bowtie she has a pair of beige colored pants she has a pair of sunglasses on her face.
Img desc #7: doc is seen at an Event smiling and wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt over her shirt, a long-sleeved black sweater, and beige colored pants. Doc is seen in her electric wheelchair. Out in the sun
Img desc #8: shows a bowl of potato soup with red pepper chili flakes.
Img desc #9: shows there friend with a strawberry that she thought was cute and wanted Emmie to take a picture.
Img desc #10: shows Doc at a restaurant smiling with a plate of food in front of her with some toast and pasta. She is seen smiling in a grey short-sleeved shirt and grey sweatpants. She has a pair of thin metal glasses on her face.
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dish-licker · 1 year
Ah man, I've totally flipped on borderlands 3. Previously I bounced off it every time I tried to do a second playthrough, but this time I've gotten all the way to Eden-6, and I'm absolutely loving it.
Sure, I wish there were some in-canon excuse for the cutscenes where your character is unable to act, and some (most?) of the side quests are a big nothingburger.
But I'm loving the unifying theme of family, with the Calypo siblings and their cult, Katagawa, Hammerlock and his sister, and a bunch of other stuff that I'm not remembering at the moment.... even the B-Team goes into some found family stuff.
Also I realized I should be more grateful for the B-Team. To me, it was like 'well duh, ofc these three stuck together as a family unit'. (Partly because I've always associated Brick, Mordecai and Tina with myself, my wife and our daughter) BUT I realize it could have gone a million different ways. It was never a sure thing that they'd still be together in Borderlands 3, and I'm so happy that they are.
Also the game is so fun....the level designs are intuitive and linear whole still being open, guiding you unconsciously from one quest point to the next.....the environments are gorgeous and distinct.....
The first time I played, I was paying too much attention. This time I'm trying to ignore the bad jokes and weaker parts of the writing, instead running from combat to combat like I usually do in BLands 1 and 2, and I'm enjoying it way more this way.
Plus, since it's my second playthrough, I can tune in for the parts of the writing that I remember loving. Just listened to The Lizard audio recording today (favorite ECHO in the game) and got to hear Wainwright call Troy 'ratboy' a bunch. Good stuff 👍
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alexdelray1 · 1 year
Hobie x Reader. If you want to read in Polish my account on wattpad is 'MotherMotherIsee'
That's what we do people. My name is Reader Worth. I was born and raised in Canada on Earth 779 and at the age of 14 I was bitten by a radioactive spider and since then I've been the one and only Spider-woman. Well, I was, because about three years later I got an offer to be part of the Spiderverse where other Spider people fight anomalies. I agreed because to be honest there is not much going on in Canada and a part-time job for a 17-year-old girl who goes to the most boring school in the entire universe is a miracle.
And that's how I met my friend. Hobie Brown. Curious man. He's such a cool replacement for mothers who don't believe in vaccines. Only he has more to say on other topics as well. He's an anarchist, doesn't believe in constitutions, and doesn't like his government very much. I am his opposite. I even like my government, I have rights that I can use, for example, for abortion or other things, and I think that power is needed. And that's why we don't get along very well.
-It's because of fascists like you that worlds are getting worse.- Hobie said as Pavitr watched us. Poor guy doesn't know what's going on. I just met them at headquarters after a mission.
-I'm not a fascist. I just think power is needed. So if there wouldn't be any power people would do what they wanted. - I replied. It didn't sound like what I wanted.
-Exactly. They all do what they want live their way of life.- Hobie said and nailed the turtle with Pavitr. I put my hand to my face in disappointment.
-And I think you two would look good together.- Pavitr smiled looking at us and moving his eyebrows.
-We? No! - I denied and Hobie just stared at him with shock on his face.
-I can see it. Sparks between you. Your political views may not be the same, but you are riding the same wave.- Pavitr said.
-Pavitr, baby. How old are you to be talking like that?- I asked him, placing my hands on my hips.
-In few months 14.- He replied with a stupid smile.
-Seriously? And soon you'll be taller than me. Listen. Just because two people argue about their views doesn't mean they like each other or anything.- I explained to him as I approached him.
-I know, but you two don't just argue. For example, Hobie has pictures of you on his phone.- Pavitr said.
-Of course he does. He must have at least one from a mission, for example.- I explained and Pavitr shook his head.
-He doesn't have at least one. He has at least thirty of them.- said Pavitr and I looked at Hobie with wide eyes.
-And you Reader always persuade Miguel to give you missions with Hobie.- Pav added and now Hobie looked at me with big eyes.
- Well, because... I do, well. you know. You have a nice guitar.- I said to Hobie and he smiled.
-And you know, your gadgets are awesome too.- admitted Hobie.
-And now I'll leave you with this information with the hope that in a few years I'll be the best man at your wedding.- said Pavitr and ran off to who knows where.
"You know, I don't believe in consistency, but being your partner may not mean consistency," Hobie announced, inching a little closer.
-I might have nothing against your rebelliousness if we talked more about other things.- I said, crossing my arms.
-Would you like to go on a date or two?- he asked, extending his hand to me.
-I'll let you take me even for a million.- I replied and took his hand. I think we will be together for some time, but if he ever changes and votes for PIS, he will be blocked. (Polish people know what I'm talking about)
That's the and for today. For now on please don't request.
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yesterdaysanswers · 2 years
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Mauro Pagani has his say (Gong, April 1975)
It is another world. We have been there three times since last June and have had an amazing ride, all over the North, Detroit, Chicago, New York three times, then Ohio with Columbus, Cleveland, which is already a pretty strange downtown area (Country Music reigns supreme), then we will go South, to New Orleans, Miami in Florida, Texas to S. Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Portland, and we have been all over Canada. We immediately realized that we had landed on the moon.
There is still the conception that having become rich is a sign of personal ability. You still find people who, accompanying them home, say phrases like: "everything you see around is my stuff”. And musicians among others are not saved: They are people who have done this job all their lives, one cannot speak of victims of the system as is often done (in Italy, for example, we tend to blame all the organizers of concerts or the record companies, without thinking that even the artist who asks for fees of millions to play two pieces is rotten). After all, there is nothing crazier than an enriched rock singer, guitar, bass, drums, Texan hat, spurs and music at 12,000 volts. The J. Geils Band, for example, are horrible people. We played with them on the last tour and found out that they are foulness itself, unspeakable, I don't even want to talk about it. (Carlos Santana, on the other hand, even if I don't share his mysticism, is one of the few musicians I've met who I liked on a human level, a clean one who believes in what he does). Yet it has been seen that people like Bob Dylan and today like Frank Zappa, why not? They had a huge following making music of a certain type. I'm sorry if Zappa makes a lot of money and doesn't spread it around, as would be coherent from his point of view, and I'm sorry Dylan broke out and sold out. But their message remains, and I don't dispute their beginnings, when they were pure and honest musical heroes.
The discussion on the cost of music is completely different in the USA. The records, first of all, sell for much less, from 4 to 5 dollars, that is to say between 2,500 and 3,000 lire which for them, with what they earn, then becomes more or less 1,500 lire. So they can afford to buy even 5 albums a week. About 1000 new ones come out every month, and for us Italian groups, it is terrible competition (in Canada it is differs because they also have a cultural background closer to the European one, and they understand PFM music better: we have sold 20,000 records out of 18 million people, while in the USA, where almost 250 million people live, we have passed 100,000 LPs). The concerts cost much more than here. No American organizer would dream of bringing musicians into the theater working to the bone as almost all of us do (except two or three). And then there's the manipulation of ratings and the mafiette to get on TV. We have had the good fortune to meet people who love music, for once not being overly schemed, who made us do television shows with very high approval ratings, something like 25, 30 million viewers per evening. There are 3 rock programs a week, almost two hours each, which are broadcast in a row on Friday evening. That day you sit in front of the TV at 5 pm and finish listening to music and it's already night. But they almost always screw up the choice of appearances. For example, PFM was put with Steppenwolf and Herbie Hancock (by the way, he broke out too, with the upholstery-style jacket, the puffed sleeves like a page. He’s also a clown and plays absolutely useless funk). Dave Mason is perhaps one of the few musicians met on these trips who doesn't sell himself like a whore. He goes on stage, plays, sings, doesn't fuss, doesn't bang. He stands out completely as an American-style type of entertainer. In fact, in my opinion, the audience that follows him is wonderful, finally a credible, fair audience that doesn't need the buffoon on stage. In general, the artist in the USA is forced to undertake tremendous scenes. They must amaze, nail to the chair. It's one of the most passive artist-to-audience relationships I've ever seen. At concerts people want to get high, blitzed, stoned, wasted. There is a lot of beer and alcohol (and drugs of course): they consume everything, just to get drunk. In Italy, all of this is inconceivable, the kids still come to listen to music, with a very different cultural and political background. They may not know exactly what they want, but what is certain is that they do not want to lose touch with reality. Made in USA fans want to be physically involved, so they don't abandon the most indecent hard rock. Rock just hits; progressive music also involves you from a mental point of view, it stimulates creativity and imagination. Even the European progressives who made it big in those parts must have had scenic "skills": Emerson Lake & Palmer, or Yes arriving at the concert in a hot air balloon. Another proof is that jazz in America is not as popular as it is here: the artist sits there and plays almost exclusively for himself. You're the one who has to move your head and make images come to you.
Not for nothing is the current American artistic production dying of gigantism, it impresses, it leaves nothing to the imagination.
Have you seen "C'era una volta Hollywood” [the 1974 film “That’s Entertainment”]? Billions of extras, the public is doing well, without thinking, without producing. An indelible trace of psychedelic culture has remained in the US, but sucked into the system. There has been no development. It was an identity crisis, that of the sixties that led the American youth to look within. But when people found out who the fuck they really were, they said, "well, now I know,” and went back to doing things exactly like before. In the end, the American way of life hasn't changed much.
The Americans liked PFM after all. The reviews have always treated us well, sometimes they spoke enthusiastically about us and badly about Poco, for example, to whom we "supported" (they never got angry, they were the first to come and congratulate, to say that the we were nice and they respected us. Well, I have a happy memory of them). In three tours we've only had two concerts where we didn't really connect with the audience until they asked for an encore. The fact is that we are, together with some new German groups on the rise, a bridge between European and American culture. We don't make a scene and we never will, but we play happy, popular music. Celebration, without killing anyone, involves entirely. Live, they notice our vitality, they appreciate us as individual musicians, which is very important (we always improvise when we can). The elite in the US feel the need for a breakthrough and so does the general public, even if they don't ask you directly and they are satisfied with what they have. They have exported blues, rock, and jazz to Europe and we have assimilated them there, mixing them with the music of our home. In turn, however, the US, with the Beatles and English music, had an injection of novelty years ago (Eleanor Rigby would never have been created in the USA, even if the Beatlesian matrix then comes from Little Richard and the Everly Brothers). Now in America they are waiting for the second European return and they are not waiting for it from England, which is now dead, killed by business. Perhaps they expect it from us. One amazing thing: avid collectors have all the records by the New Trolls, Le Orme, Osanna, for them they are relics.
The meeting with the Italian emigrants was contradictory. In Toronto, Canada, they welcomed us like a true home away from home, but it's only natural because their culture doesn't clash so strongly with the local one as it does in the US. At the Academy of Music in New York there were almost 200 Italians that had made a tremendous fuss, unfurling a 15 meter tricolor banner on the balcony. It felt more like a football game than a concert. Among them there were certainly those who had known us in Italy in 1971 (they asked us for Impressioni di Settembre) and who, now seeing each other again, it felt like home.
But in a radio station where they were broadcasting our records together with an interview in the Italian language, the transmission was interrupted by a compatriot who shouted angrily, "it's not our music, it's not genuine, they sing in English”. Once, Maurizio Vandelli of Equipe 84 had gone to Brooklyn to play and he was surrounded by a Rudolph Valentino-like group, with pomaded hair, who attacked him because he had long hair and a face that "brings dishonor to the country”. There are real fascist overlays carrying weight down there. That's why I don't believe it when record companies make speeches about the fact that your records abroad can be based on an Italian audience.
As far as the political matter is concerned, there are precise responsibilities on the part of the artist, as I have already said, but there are very few worldwide who really intend to carry this discussion forward. In Italy there will be at most 4 or 5, even if something is moving, but unlike overseas, we have better prospects, something behind that moves us faster than elsewhere. I'm not a revolutionary barricade, I don't have the preparation for it, but I'm a comrade and whatever doubts and impressions I can express, I try to do so as a comrade. In short, I'll be in the square with the others. Banchetto and l’isola di Niente do not have revolutionary lyrics, but they show which side we are on, what our problems are, and also our limits. 
PFM is made up of different people that are not all comrades, in the strict sense of the word, there a few who perhaps feel like simply being a musician, but there is an average of common approach from which no one fails. In short, we know what things we want or what not to do. Pay attention to a pricing policy, help this organization rather than that one. But it is a type of our image that has not yet come out well. On a musical level we have made a certain type of experiments, just for our evolution in the early days. Storia di un minuto, when it came out it was an avant-garde album. But there comes a certain point that the head is ahead of the hands that hit the keys or tend the strings, and then it's time to stop and study. We intend to intelligently exploit the classical culture that we have more or less left behind us (I did 4 years of violin, Flavio 5 years of classical guitar, etc.), especially in the arrangements (there is a symphonic way of developing a theme that can be used on any kind of music). But that's not enough.
The actual direction is about valuing popular culture (this is a creative period for us, we're tired of our usual language). Since the days of Celebration we were convinced that it was necessary to do this: that song was edited in a very short time, we were all full of energy. On stage it was truly a party, a bravado (but sincere), almost from the Commedia dell’Arte.
And I don't agree with those who argue that our way of filtering popular materials is too external and spectacular. What must be avoided in these operations is cultural complacency, but it is not right to give up on oneself, on the vitality of one's roots. Our way of using popular music is not pandering or shameless: in this sense, Harlequin is also a sycophant, that is, a street theatre, but a true, authentically popular one…
About the future. Back from America, we perhaps have some big news in store for the album we'll be making (with an almost live album feeling): a sixth element will enter PFM, probably definitively, whose name I still can't reveal.
We have increasingly felt the lack of a natural singer, we were all a bit tired of our vocal performances and above all of the fact that none of us was a natural singer and it cost us a lot in concerts to approach the microphone, giving up the maximum concentration on our instruments. The singer we've set our sights on is full of grit, and not only has a beautiful voice, but also composes and is a profound student of popular music culture. I hope that the adjustment to the lineup goes through soon and immediately gives positive results.
Mauro Pagani 
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numetaljackdog · 2 years
what i'm listening to 12/5/2022 (song notes under cut)
spot. link//yt link
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
100 gecs - Hey Big Man: rapidly becoming a contender for my favorite gecs song ever. so many great lines, great sounds, plus the fucking. SNAKE EYES.
100 gecs - Torture Me (feat. Skrillex): i might have preferred the demo of this a tiny bit but this one's still great. the lyrics themselves feel a little bit more adjacent to laura's solo stuff which is cool with me, if you couldn't guess
100 gecs - Runaway: probably my least favorite on the ep but that's not saying much because i'm fuckin w it. the vocals on this are particularly *chefs kiss*
Fontaines D.C. - Jackie Down The Line: i thiiiink this is one of the first tracks to ever appear in more than one WILT... i heard this one on the radio by chance over the summer and it really stuck with me. when wrapped came out, i relistened and have had it on repeat again since. i didn't love this album when it came out, but maybe i'll give it another shot...
Insane Clown Posse - Southwest Voodoo: still on my bullshit, folks. this one has some questionable material but it's a lot of fun and has a surprisingly really great guitar riff. this month i came to the long overdue realization that i have sort of a weird transbutch faggender type attachment to goofy-ass tryhard aggro rap music, so there's gonna be a good deal of that in here
whoTF - Wendy Carlos (feat. Folie, Forget Basement, Fraxiom): i can't really say much about this one other than that frax is a genius. that's not to ignore the others on the track, just that frax is the only one i've had prolonged exposure to
Orgy - Fiction - Dream in Digital: i finally got around to listening to this album after picking it up from the thrift store months ago, and upon hearing this track i realized i had heard it a fair few times before. i lovvve this type of overdramatic cyberpunky industrial shit from the 00s, it's basically what generated my "synthetic solution" tag. good for lain fans btw
CAKE - Never There: heard it on the radio. it's got bitchin horns and a goofy catchy chorus... what more do you want
Deli Girls - It Must Be So nice: this type of digital hardcore or whatever you call it is right up my alley because it's like the perfect midpoint between crazy goth metal shit (love it) and freaky electronic shit (love it). owns. shoutout violet for making good playlists <3
Lil Uzi Vert - Just Wanna Rock: like all the lil uzi material i've enjoyed, this one took a fair few listens to click. it's good though! i'm legally not allowed to say anymore about this song.
White Town - Your Woman: found this from the newest todd video (#toddgirl) and got super interested in hearing more of this guy's stuff. haven't gotten to it yet but this one still goes off
Worthikids - Pinned My Dreams On A Shooting Star: i'll be real when i heard this in the new episode, i thought it was going to be a lot more minor key and edgy. little bit disappointed, frankly, BUT. still a good jam. bubger
Harry Styles - Late Night Talking: i'm as surprised as you are. these top 40 rankings are doing things to me, man. this week's coming later today btw. but yeah this was a way better single than as it was, it's got really nice harmonies and speaks to the theme of change much better. i'm legally not allowed to say anymore about this song.
House Of Pain - Top O' The Morning to Ya: remember what i said about shitty tryhard aggro rap? yeah
Fuel - Hemorrhage (In My Hands): same kinda thing as the orgy song where i realized i had heard this a million times, except this time i didn't buy the album i just heard this on the radio. i do love my post grunge!
Kris Kross - I Missed The Bus: another todd find, he used this as the interstitial in his 90's bus ranking video. it's just so fucking funny to me, these kids having to act all tough and cool while rapping a chorus that just goes "i missed the bus" again and again lmaooo
Mudvayne - Happy?: mudvayne had some genuinely good songs but also mostly chad gray's voice is just really funny because of how shitty it is. like bro you can barely scream please stop trying to clean sing. except don't because again. very funny
Eminem - Without Me: LOOK. i'm allowed to enjoy a few eminem songs, both because of the aforementioned weird gender crisis i've been having for the past month or possibly several years AND because some of them are not that bad!! the hook on this one is really good!! fuck you! still, the amusement i get from ripping on eminem will always always always outweigh any level of genuine enjoyment i might be able to get from his music
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1001albumsrated · 3 months
#15: Tito Puente & His Orchestra - Dance Mania (1958)
Genre(s): Mambo
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I wouldn't consider myself an expert on mambo music, but this is at least a little more in my comfort zone of knowledge than the other Cuban-adjacent cuts we've heard so far. It probably goes without saying, but mambo was huge in the US in the 50s, and was a major influence on a lot of popular music coming out at the time. Everyone wanted a cut of the dance craze, and there's a period where congueros seemed like the most in-demand players in the jazz scene.
I'm familiar with Tito Puente as one of the biggest names in this scene, but I don't think I've ever sat down and given one of his albums a focused listen. Dance Mania was his best-selling by far, and I can understand why after hearing it. Beyond being in the right place at the right time (which it extremely was, with the mambo craze hitting a fever pitch in the late 50s), the sounds here are, to my mostly-mambo-untrained ears, authentic to most "real" Latin & Cuban music I've heard from the era, but generally at a more approachable tempo. The slightly slower pacing likely appealed to unsure Americans learning the dance, and it gives the tracks an appealing slow-burning slinkiness (you could contrast this to the frenzied pace of many of the cuts on Machito's Kenya, reviewed here a few posts ago; I'm aware they are different styles, but they share core fundamentals).
I'm not much of one for dancing myself, but this is certainly a fun listen purely on its musical merits. I appreciate that while Tito may have slowed things down by a few BPM, he didn't pull any punches on the compositions and arrangements. The arrangements have a nice density to them, with some really neat harmonic choices layered over busy percussion (which, like a lot of Cuban & Latin music, does some interesting things with time and meter). It's tough to walk the line between being dance music and being "serious listening" music (if you even choose to believe in such a thing), but I think Dance Mania does a great job of it. It also has a certain timelessness to most of the tracks, despite being very much a product of its time. I have a surprising amount of friends involved in various styles of dance today, and I could imagine them spinning any number of these cuts.
Time for the million dollar question: MUST you hear Dance Mania before you die? I think you should. It, and mambo more broadly, influenced a large amount of music at the time and would continue to influence music into the future, particularly in the world of jazz and the world of Latin dance music to come.
Next up: Lady in Satin, by the legendary Billie Holiday alongside Ray Ellis & His Orchestra!
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uncommonlypastel · 9 months
12:00 PM - Dec 21, 2023
It's our monthsary and it's almost Christmas. i've been listening to Sia's Snowman and I still remember how warm your hand felt in mine when we listened to this song while we where surviving Metro Manila. it reminded me of our sacrifices and the things we built together. I wanted to text you, just to remind you that I'm still here but then I remember you know I'm here but you just don't care. Maybe in another universe you're falling asleep in our bed, this song is playing on our speaker, it's raining outside, you're safe in my arms, and life is good. If only I could go back, I would've spent more time with you. I didn't know you'd be gone so soon. In every lifetime, I want it to be you. The person I come home to everyday, who I feel safest with, it's you. I want to experience life again and all of its adventures with you. I want to see you at your best or worst, because I know not a single thought of leaving you is engraved in my heart. But I know in this lifetime my story goes on, without you.
My greatest pain is that you never got to know me at my best but yet i saw you at your worst and not a single thought crossed my mind about leaving you. I wish you could've done the same. On some days, I wish our paths had never crossed because you don't know how heartbreaking it is to know you exist in this world and I can not have you. The hardest thing I have ever done is walk away still madly in love with you and if only my heart were as cold as yours, maybe I could get over this. I just wish you stop pretending like this didn't mean anything to you. What we felt was real. I saw the way you looked at me before. Your assurance is not what I want, but the truth. I'm in constant fear and pain because time has been moving so fast and somehow I am never healing. I wish you could've told me the truth in things I'm not supposed to hear so I wouldn't be festered by the uncertainty of your actions. I know there are some little unsaid things from that red room and if you could just tell me so at least I could welcome acceptance for my present and future.
I apologize if I seem to be living in my past more than my present. It's the only place you still exist for me. My feelings haven't faded, in fact, they've grown. It's sad to know you've gone in a different direction.
One day, l'll see you walking down the street hand in hand with another man. Instead of heartbreak, l'll be happy for you. I'll hope he loves you much more than I did and that he gives you all that I wanted to and more. I hope he helps you grow and become a better you. I hope he knows how lucky he is. That's one day, but today, if I saw you walking down the street hand in hand with another, my heart will surely break into a million pieces.
Just in case you'll come back, I will be patiently waiting for your return even though I know it will never come. I'm not hoping that you and I end up happy together. Somehow, I could say I won't be closing my doors for you, Daryl.
Happy monthsary, dodong. I will always love you kanding 🐐🐐🐐
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I'd never willingly do you harm
It’s amazing I’m the reason everyone’s fired up this evening
There's cracks in our hearts and heads
“Give me something more”she cried “A penny for your thoughts and a big white pill or a gin and a gun and a bag to fill. I'm alone and again, I just can't face the mess I'm in.”
Big big love is the first song I listened to in nyc, on a roof : your smile sticks a kiss that could stop it
It was the night things changed
It's a revolution, throw your hands up ‘cause we never gave in
I can’t give everything
He wants your orders to execute
You showed me the war; I don’t know what for
Where’s my guardian Angel?
“Maybe, Baby, I won’t leave you for dead.”
Hanging onto every word you said, infatuated with your little tricks, but you brought me in this world and you can take me out of it
But you led me down a rabbit hole
They hate me, but watch my videos, beatin’ they dick
'Cause we can get in trouble just by going free-flow
And now I'm letting you know
A bad note ain't no bad note if it's a good note
I've spent so long crying by myself
the way your breath gets faster…the sounds you make
Be told the truth
“How do I wish it had been?……..If l'd never been shown the truth.”
Whoa, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
On a rooftop in Brooklyn at one in the morning
Acting like lovers, I held my breath and you said something
A rooftop, Manhattan one in the morning
When you said something that I've never forgotten
I've playin' on a track, ma would come
Used to tell my ma sometimes I will pawn my chain an' go home
They hold your key and turn your knob I'll bet
Will you say hello to my ma?
I love the way you make me feel
It slows down time
What do they say to you boy don't be shy
Tonight's the night your fantasies will all come true
the sad man behind blue eyes: no one bites back as hard on their anger and if I swallow anything evil put your finger down my throat
Starvations necessary because my heads a dictionary
New Orleans.
Passed on the stair
Although I wasn't there he said I was his friend
No justifying staying down in silence
*sound of camera shutters flickering*
There’s a camera rolling on her back
Girl’s on film, girl’s on film (interestingly early today I was shown a flash of the library of videos, almost like a room, though I assume they’re just on a drive or something..but there were a lot)
Lipstick cherry on the lens as she’s falling cause the crowd all loves pulling Dolly by the hair
You just made a million (I mean, money, honey!)
Cause in a wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Then I got Mary pregnant
Now I just act like I don’t remember~~Mary acts like she don’t care…
they haunt me like a curse
He gon' keep pushing me until I reach the ledge
Got caught with both hands on the smoking gun
You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better
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moment-live · 2 years
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Watched httyd with a friend and my brain is rotting
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