#ICC United Kingdom
emeriobanque · 1 year
Recently, the ICC United Kingdom has reported launching a new drive to enhance the UK finance industry against the adverse effects of duplicate financing fraud.
The Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation (C4DTI)operated initiative will use ICC United Kingdom’s convening abilities to convey this leading project under the C4DTI’s “Shutting Fraudsters out of Trade” workstream in association with MonetaGo.
Duplicate Financing is defined as a fraudulent act where fraudsters avail multiple funds for the same transaction several times. In the present scenario, a fraudster can visit various banks and get the same transaction financed, without letting the other banks know or having them cross-check with the same.
Guidelines related to confidentiality inhibit the banks from disclosing or sharing information on deals they have financed with other banks, creating a hopeless situation that fraudsters take advantage of to get funds for the same transaction multiple times.
Read more: https://www.emeriobanque.com/news/icc-uk-introduces-initiative-to-cope-duplicate-finance
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captain-casual · 2 months
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because nothing says most moral army like going to your pals with, “guys I know we’re committing war crimes but can you keep us out of jail?”
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drsonnet · 1 month
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Ms Jones, who battled fog, hail and rain on her ride, said she was "delighted" to have completed the challenge.
Lewisham woman, 82, bikes up Mont Ventoux to raise Gaza aid funds
Lewisham woman, 82, bikes up Mont Ventoux to raise Gaza aid funds (bbc.com)
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
The Israeli military’s repeated, apparently unlawful attacks on medical facilities, personnel, and transport are further destroying the Gaza Strip’s healthcare system and should be investigated as war crimes, Human Rights Watch said today. Despite the Israeli military’s claims on November 5, 2023, of “Hamas’s cynical use of hospitals,” no evidence put forward would justify depriving hospitals and ambulances of their protected status under international humanitarian law.[...]
These ongoing attacks are not isolated. Israeli forces have also carried out scores of strikes damaging several other hospitals across Gaza. WHO reported that as of November 10, 18 out of 36 hospitals and 46 out of 72 primary care clinics were forced to shut down. The forced closure of these facilities stems from damage caused by attacks as well as the lack of electricity and fuel.[...]
Hospitals and other medical facilities are civilian objects that have special protections under international humanitarian law, or the laws of war. Hospitals only lose their protection from attack if they are being used to commit “acts harmful to the enemy,” and after a required warning. Even if military forces unlawfully use a hospital to store weapons or encamp able-bodied combatants, the attacking force must issue a warning to cease this misuse, set a reasonable time limit for it to end, and lawfully attack only after such a warning has gone unheeded. Ordering patients, medical staff, and others to evacuate a hospital should only be used as a last resort. Medical personnel need to be protected and permitted to do their work.[...]
The Israeli government should immediately end unlawful attacks on hospitals, ambulances, and other civilian objects, as well as its total blockade of the Gaza Strip, which amounts to the war crime of collective punishment, Human Rights Watch said. Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups need to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians under their control from the effects of attacks and not use civilians as “human shields.”[sic][...]
The International Criminal Court prosecutor has jurisdiction over the current hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups that covers unlawful conduct by all parties. The ICC’s Rome Statute prohibits as a war crime “[i]ntentionally directing attacks against … medical units and transport.” Israeli and Palestinian officials should cooperate with the commission and the ICC in their work, Human Rights Watch said. The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and other countries should suspend military assistance and arms sales to Israel as long as its forces continue to commit widespread, serious abuses amounting to war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity. All governments should demand that Israel restore the flow of electricity and water to Gaza and allow in fuel and humanitarian aid, ensuring that water, food, and medication reach Gaza’s civilian population.
“Israel’s broad-based attack on Gaza’s healthcare system is an attack on the sick and the injured, on babies in incubators, on pregnant people, on cancer patients,” Ahmed said. “These actions need to be investigated as war crimes.”
14 Nov 23
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catdotjpeg · 4 months
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Palestinian ambassador to the United Kingdom Husam Zomlot has called for action from the International Criminal Court (ICC) after Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinians waiting for food assistance in northern Gaza. The attack killed at least 112 and wounded 760 others, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. “This is genocide: Shooting and killing dozens [of] starving people waiting for aid trucks to feed their children in the besieged north of Gaza,” Zomlot said in a social media post. “This is Israel’s barbarism and savagery. Every state that enables this or stays silent is complicit, and [ICC prosecutor] @KarimKhanQC is still dragging his feet.”
-- "Palestinian UK envoy calls on ICC to act following Israeli attack on aid seekers" by Federica Marsi, Usaid Siddiqui, Ali Harb and Brian Osgood for Al Jazeera, 29 Feb 2024 20:10 GMT
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shonpota · 8 months
Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah.”
Translation:  “I bear witness that there is no God but God (Allah – i.e. there is none worthy of worship but Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
If you read this whole heartedly, you are converted to Islam.
Locations of Islamic Center
In Japan:
Hiroshima Islamic Cultural Centre
ICCS-Islamic Cultural Center of Sendai
Fukuoka Masjid Al Nour Islamic Culture Center
In South Korea:
Seoul Central Mosque
Islamic Center of Daejeon (ICD)
Incheon Islamic Center
Busan Mosque
In Philippines:
Al-Huda Mosque and Ma-had Inc.
Cebu Islamic Center (Al-Masjid)
In Italy:
Centro Culturale Islamico (Moschea)
Milan Muslim Center
The Islamic Cultural Association Muhammadiah
Islamic Cultural Centre of Italy and Grand Mosque of Rome
In Croatia
Islamic Center of Rijeka
Islamic community of Croatia - Meshihat
In Cyprus
Selimiye Camii
Landmark of Hala Sultan Tekkesi
Osman Fazil Polat Pasha Mosque
In Canada
Canadian Islamic Center - Al Rashid Mosque
Islamic Centre of Cambridge
Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) - Edmonton
In Austria:
Islamic Centre of Vienna
Islamisches Kulturzentrum Graz
In Hungary:
Budapest Mosque
Masjid Al-Huda
Masjid Dar Al-Salam
Jakováli Hasszán-dzsámi és minaret
In Bulgaria
Banya Bashi Mosque
Grand Mufti Office
In Poland
Masjid Islamic Center Of Warsaw
Islamic Center Krakow
Muslim Cultural and Educational Center in Poznan
Centrum Kultury Islamu
Ośrodek Kultury Muzułmańskiej
Centrum Kultury Islamu
In Sweden
Islamic Center i Malmö - Moskén
Jönköping Islamic Center
Afghan Islamic Center in Sweden
Khadija Center
Islamiska Kulturcentret
Imam Ali Islamic Center Jarfalla
Islamiska Sunni Centret
In United Kingdom:
Islamic Center of England
London Muslim Center
West London Islamic Center
Brighton Mosque & Muslim Community Center
Greenwich Islamic Center
Reading University Muslim Center
In Ukraine:
Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv
Association of Muslims in Ukraine
Mechetʹ, Islamsʹkyy Kulʹturnyy Tsentr مسجد
Al Manar
Islamic Cultural Center "Faith"
In Romania
Mosque (Islamic & Cultural League of Romania)
Masjid Ar-Rahman
Muslim Sisters Association (Tayba Islamic central and cultural association)
Alquds Masjid
The Great Mosque
In Ethiopia:
Ibnu Mosque | Kolfe 18 | ኢብኑ መስጊድ | ኮልፌ 18
Jafar Mosque | Bole
Grand Anwar Mosque
In Iceland:
Moskan í Reykjavík
The Grand Mosque of Iceland
Islamic Cultural Center of Iceland
Ahmadiyya Community Iceland
In Estonia:
Estonian Islamic Center
In Denmark:
Danish Islamic Center
Islamic Cultural Center
Wakf, The Islamic Faith Society in Denmark (DIT)
In Netherlands:
Imam Malik Islamic Center Leiden
Mobarak Mosque, Ahmadiyya Jamaat, The Hague
Islamic Cultural Centre of Leidsche Rijn
Islamic Faith Foundationمسجد جامع
Noori Razvi Islamic Society of the Netherlands
Mevlana Mosque
In Germany:
Islamic Centre of Hamburg
Islamic Centre of Kaiserslautern
Islamic Centre of Munich
Islamic Community Frankfurt E.V Abu Bakr mosque
In Greece
Mosque of Athens
Al-Salam Mosque
Tzisdarakis Mosque ( inside Museum of Modern Greek Culture)
Alaca Imaret Mosque
In Finland:
Masjid Al-Huda (Helsinki Islamic Center)
Masjid Darul Aman مسجد
Tampereen islamin Yhdyskunta
In Haiti:
Mosquée At-Tawheed مسجد
Trouin Islamic Center
Al-Fatiha Mosque
In Guatemala
Mezquita Al Daawa Islamica en Guatemala
Mezquita Baitul Awal
In Iraq
Al-Sahla Great Mosque
Jalil Khayat Mosque
In India:
India Islamic Culture Centre, Delhi
Masjid E Ibad Ur Rahman - Islamic Mosque, Educational & Community Centre
Jubilee Hills Mosque and Islamic Centre
In Australia:
Australian Islamic Centre
Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC)
Coburg Islamic Centre (CIC)
Australian Bosnian Islamic Centre Deer Park
In Panama:
Musallah Villa Caceres(Shaykh al-Hadith, Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi)
Madina Masjid
Jama Masjid
In South Sudan:
Main Mosque
Mosque of Mahad
In Zambia:
Noor Mosque
Luqman Mosque
Makeni Masjid Lusaka
In North Macedonia:
Colorful Mosque
Mosque Dukjandjik
Mustafa Paša
Mosque „Aladža“
Murat Paša
In Cameron
Yaounde Central Mosque
In Vanuatu
Port Villa Grand Mosque
In Lithuania:
Vilnius Mosque and Islamic Center
In Latvia:
Islamic Cultural Center of Latvia
Mosque - "MIRAS" Kultūras un Izglītības Centrs مسجد
In Tuvalu
Ahmadiya Tuvalu Mosque
In Albania
Xhamia e Madhe - Ebu Bekr mosque
Lead Mosque Berat
Namazgah Mosque
In Tunisia
Mosque Malik Ibn Anas Carthage
Great Mosque of Kairouan
Sidi Oqba
In Paraguay
Centro Benéfico Cultural Islámico de Asunción
Mezquita del Este
In Tonga
Masjid Al-Nedzla Balija Khadeejah
In Papua New Guinea
Mosque Hohola
In Marshall Islands:
Baitul-Ahad Mosque - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community RMI
In San Marino, Molossia, Palau, Cabo Verde, Czech, Nauru, Monaco, Micronesia, Kiribati, Georgia
None but hopefully they will build one, Insha Allah.
I won't write any islamic center in Israel because they steal lands from Palestine ☺☺
I hope I covered every countries who are abstain and against ceasefires
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If you are talking with educated and professional Moslems about Islam, don't forget to share!!
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tmarshconnors · 1 month
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders.
Are you serious? The International Criminal Court (ICC) seeks arrest warrants for both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and leaders of Hamas? What kind of parallel universe are we living in? It's absolutely mind-boggling that the ICC, which is supposed to uphold justice, is even contemplating this action.
First of all, let's talk about Netanyahu. Whether you love or hate his politics, he's the democratically elected leader of a SOVEREIGN nation. Israel, a country that is at WAR! If it wasn’t for the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organisation, led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Where 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed they wouldn’t have had this war they brought it upon themselves! The idea that Netanyahu, a head of state, should be arrested for actions taken in defence of his nation is preposterous and hypocritical. It's not like he's some rogue warlord—he's accountable to the Israeli Knesset, the judiciary, and ultimately, the Israeli people. How about focusing on real war criminals instead of targeting a nation's leadership for making tough decisions in a volatile region??!?!
And Hamas leaders? Let’s get real. Hamas is recognised as a terrorist organisation by many countries around the world, including the United Kingdom and the United States. They routinely launch rockets at civilian populations, use human shields, and perpetrate suicide bombings. These actions are not justifiable under any circumstances, and equating their leaders with a sitting prime minister of a democratic country is not only absurd but also dangerously misleading. 
What message is the ICC sending here? That there's no difference between a democratic leader trying to protect his country and terrorists who deliberately target civilians? I am so sick and tired of this blunt hypocrisy! This false equivalency undermines the credibility of international law and disrespects the victims of real war crimes. The ICC MUST be held accountable! Should have acted on Hamas years ago!! 
The ICC needs to get its act together. Instead of indulging in politically charged prosecutions that do nothing but fan the flames of conflict, it should concentrate on clear-cut cases of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity where there is no ambiguity about the perpetrators. The court's credibility and relevance depend on it acting judiciously, not politically or it has no reason for being whatsoever!
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good-old-gossip · 2 months
US and Israeli Governments are attempting to obstruct justice
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International community must support ICC’s work; Euro-Med Monitor warns against attempts to obstruct justice
Geneva - Amidst Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people in the 1967 Occupied Palestinian Territory, Euro-Med Monitor expresses concern over frequent reports of political pressure exercised by Israel and its allies aimed at preventing the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague from issuing arrest warrants against senior Israeli security and political figures. 
Any attempts to undermine the ICC’s work, harm its integrity and independence, prioritise political interests over considerations of achieving international justice, and intervene on behalf of the perpetrator at the expense of the victim are appalling. Israeli officials’ incitement campaigns against the ICC to prevent it from acting against them are also condemned.
Information that the ICC may issue arrest warrants against Israeli officials suspected of crimes against Palestinians has sparked different reactions and legitimate concerns about the Court’s capacity to carry out these orders, bring those accused to trial, and punish them without caving in to foreign pressure intended to undermine its work and obstruct its measures.
Since there is good reason to believe that these officials committed crimes against Palestinians on Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, starting on 13 June 2014—the date set by the State of Palestine’s referral request to the Court accepting its jurisdiction over the crimes committed in this territory since then—the arrest warrants threaten senior Israeli officials. These officials include Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Chief of General Staff Herzi Halevy.
According to the official Israeli Broadcasting Authority, Israel’s government is worried that the ICC may issue the arrest warrants against Netanyahu and senior state officials, including senior Israeli security and political figures.
Declaring, “Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the ICC to undermine its inherent right of self-defence,” Netanyahu made remarks against the ICC a few days ago and reaffirmed that Israel would not stop its military’s assault on the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli media has revealed that the Israeli government is holding secret meetings, consultations, and conversations with several of its allies, including the United State, United Kingdom, and Germany, in an attempt to prevent the issuance of the aforementionedarrest warrants and obstruct the Court’s work on the Palestine case.
Simultaneously, efforts have already been made by the US administration to stop the issuance of the orders. Two days ago, US House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) called on the ICC to “stand down on this immediately” in a post on X: “Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorist organizations seeking to destroy it.”
As a first step toward achieving international justice for the Palestinian people, as well as partial compensation for the historical injustice from which it is still suffering and justice for its surviving victims, the ICCmust begin investigating the situation in Palestine. The Court needs to take the long-awaited legal measuresand issue arrest warrants for the Israeli officials involved in committing crimes against the Palestinians, prosecuting them and holding them accountable. This will end the impunity that Israel has long enjoyed, subjecting it to the same system of international law as other countries, and establishing a state of pressure and deterrent influence on it to prevent the commission of further crimes against the Palestinians as swiftly as possible.
The ICC Prosecutor, Karim Khan, must make legal decisions as soon as possible and follow the Court’s procedural rules and rules of evidence in accordance with the Rome Statute. This will help to ensure that those responsible for grave crimes that threaten international peace and security are held accountable, both criminally and civilly, for the benefit of the victims and the larger peace and justice of the world. Additionally, the Court will be able to fulfil its primary responsibility of reviving criminal justice, irrespective of the identity of the suspect and victim.
The international community, in all its forms, should work to support the Court’s work towards establishing justice in view of Israel’s ongoing failure to uphold its international obligations to prevent and stop serious crimes and grave violations committed against the Palestinian people over the past 76 years. These crimes and violations include war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, while other nations are complicit, given their involvement in maintaining Israel’s illegal ongoing military occupation of Palestine by providing various forms of military, political, financial, and media support and assistance to Israel.
All nations are required to carry out their moral and legal duties; abide by any legitimate requests for arrest or extradition; and work together to apprehend anyIsraeli officials that orders are issued against; i.e. stop them from escaping and quickly turn them over to the ICC, in compliance with all applicable international laws and regulations.
States Parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions are also required to carry out their obligations under these conventions, which include opening criminal investigations in their national courts using the principle of universal jurisdiction, and apprehending and prosecuting those who violate these agreements in compliance with applicable international law.
Source - https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6288/Intl.-community-must-support-ICC’s-work;-Euro-Med-Monitor-warns-against-attempts-to-obstruct-justice#
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mariacallous · 1 year
On March 17, the International Criminal Court (ICC) took a momentous step. For only the second time in its history, the ICC issued a public arrest warrant for a sitting head of state: Russian President Vladimir Putin. No sanctions, weapons, or ammunition delivered to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022 has targeted Putin as directly as this action. And even if the immediate prospect of Putin appearing in the dock at the Hague is remote, there will still be significant ramifications resulting from the ICC’s announcement.
Founded in 1998 after nearly a century of major-power wars and conflicts, the ICC was designed to hold individuals accountable for genocide, war crimes, and other serious international crimes. The ICC is a critical pillar of the rules-based international order and has played an important role in getting justice for victims of regimes that flaunt human rights and international norms. However, despite touting the importance of this order and having called for accountability for Russia’s war crimes, the United States has declined to join or recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC in the 25 years since its founding.
Even if the arguments against cooperation with the ICC were compelling in the past, the costs of not supporting the court are now too high in a world where authoritarian empires are once again embracing aggressive neocolonial warfare against their sovereign neighbors. The time for straddling the fence is over: The United States should cease its objections and robustly support—and perhaps even finally join—the ICC. Doing so will not only benefit justice efforts in Ukraine but will also strengthen U.S. foreign policy and international leadership for decades to come.
Despite being an active proponent of the rules-based order, the United States is an outlier in the democratic world when it comes to its lack of support for the ICC. The ICC’s founding treaty, the Rome Statute, boasts a broad geographical coalition of 123 state party signatories—including many of the United States’ strongest allies, such as Japan and the United Kingdom. The United States has thus far provided several justifications for not joining the treaty, yet many still see this absence as hypocrisy.
Having served 25 years in the military, including as a legal advisor on international criminal law and ICC matters at the White House during the Trump administration, I know the case against joining the ICC well.
Critics argue that the ICC infringes on U.S. sovereignty, limits our freedom of action in international relations, and exposes our soldiers and politicians to potentially politically motivated prosecutions by foreign bureaucrats. But under closer scrutiny, many of these fears fall flat. Further, in the current geopolitical environment, there is good reason to believe that the benefits of supporting the ICC now will heavily outweigh the risks.
Since World War II, the United States has helped build, reinforce, and lead an international order in which countries play by predictable rules. Conflicts, at least between major powers, are resolved through negotiation and consensus instead of force. This system of postwar institutions provides a bedrock of stability that has allowed for a climate of relative peace among global powers and economic prosperity for the American public.
Russia’s aggression in Ukraine is the most serious attack on this system since at least the collapse of the Soviet Union and the greatest threat to peace on the European continent since World War II. As one of the guardrails put in place to maintain the rules-based international order, if the ICC’s warrant is ignored, then the other remaining guardrails to prevent illegal warfare may erode, too. Inversely, abiding by international legal norms, including those enforced by the ICC, has the potential to walk back the damage Russia has already done to the rule of law. If the global community can put up a united front to hold Russia accountable for its crimes, other would-be aggressors—especially Russia’s backers in Beijing—would take note.
Supporting institutions of justice and accountability—even those that could potentially hold the United States accountable—would be a much-needed investment in the long-term viability of the U.S.-led international system for generations to come.
As is the case of any international treaty, support for the ICC undoubtedly involves a certain sacrifice of sovereignty in pursuit of stability, deterrence, and peace. But even sharp criticisms and great concerns about joining the ICC should not dissuade the United States from entering into a treaty that will support the international rule of law.
The idea that unelected bureaucrats in a supranational body can question and impugn the actions of democratically elected national officials is unconvincing. Though international prosecutors have vast powers, they can be constrained by the U.N. system and are only effective when the actions at hand violate principles of international law either in the initiation or conduct of conflict. Any objectively just and appropriate use of force would be beyond the ICC’s reach. One would hope that any use of force by the United States would meet these simple criteria.
The greatest concern about cooperating with the ICC is that doing so would expose U.S. service members and leaders to politically motivated prosecution by foreign bureaucrats. But the court operates on the principle of complementarity, meaning that the ICC will not exercise jurisdiction when a state exercises its own prerogatives to investigate and prosecute potential war crimes. The ICC steps in only when a state fails to use its own national criminal justice apparatus to handle war crimes, as is currently the case in Russia. In the United States, however, the robust military justice systems ensure that crimes are investigated and prosecuted as a matter of maintaining order and discipline within the armed forces, making ICC jurisdiction against U.S. military personnel unlikely, so long as the United States continues to police its own behavior.
Because the United States is already compliant with core principles of international criminal law, supporting and even joining the ICC would have very little practical effect on U.S. operations. Support for the ICC would, however, eliminate the argument that the United States is hypocritical and send a clear message that the United States plays by the same rules that it expects of all other international actors.
For example, even though the U.S. military has a robust legal regime that effectively polices compliance with the law of war, there have been recent lapses at the political level, specifically the Trump-era grants of clemency for war criminals such as former Navy SEAL special operations chief Eddie Gallagher, who was accused of committing various war crimes while deployed in Iraq in 2017, and four security guards from the private military firm Blackwater—Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, Dustin Heard, and Nicholas Slatten—who were serving jail sentences for a 2007 civilian massacre in Baghdad. These actions were not popular with career military prosecutors—including myself—because the lack of justice and accountability erodes not only U.S. moral authority but ultimately good order and discipline within the military.
Justice for its own sake is, of course, a worthy goal. Signing the Rome Statute would be a powerful step toward justice for Ukrainians who have suffered at the hands of Putin, as well as those who deserve accountability elsewhere.
But many short-sighted critiques of the ICC miss the larger point that support for this body is not just the morally correct choice; it’s also the strategically correct one for U.S. foreign policy. A demonstrated commitment to accountability will strengthen the United States’ own institutions and make U.S. leadership of international institutions more credible and viable. Further, ICC membership would potentially chill U.S. political leaders’ appetite for unjust wars that could land them in dicey moral and legal terrain. An added layer of restraint and accountability may prevent future foreign-policy follies, whether by the White House or even by an expansionist China eyeing Taiwan.
American choices made in the coming months and years will either further erode the international system or accelerate Russia’s status as a global pariah. By making the right choice and joining the ICC’s efforts for justice, the United States adds to its own security by fortifying the rules-based international order and dissuading aggressive adventures by its competitors.
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ticketsearch · 1 month
Where to Watch the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024
Cricket enthusiasts worldwide have a plethora of options to catch all the thrilling action of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024. Here's a comprehensive guide on where and how you can watch the matches live, no matter where you are.
Broadcasting Channels by Region:
India: Disney+ Hotstar and the Star Sports Network.
United Kingdom: Sky Sports channels.
Australia: Prime Video for Prime members.
Caribbean and Latin America: ESPN.
North America: Willow TV.
New Zealand: Sky Sport Now.
South Africa: SuperSport.
With such a variety of broadcasting opportunities, cricket fans from different parts of the world can immerse themselves in the excitement of the T20 World Cup regardless of their location.
Live Streaming for Accessibility:
The tournament will feature matches with accessibility options for visually and hearing impaired viewers. Ten matches, including India matches, semifinals, and the final, will have these features.
Free Streaming Guide:
For those looking to watch the T20 World Cup live for free, follow these steps:
Subscribe to a VPN: Choose a streaming-friendly VPN, like ExpressVPN.
Download the VPN app: Install the app on your device (available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, etc.).
Connect to an Indian server: Open the VPN app and connect to a server in India.
Download Disney+ Hotstar app: Install the Disney+ Hotstar mobile app on your device.
Watch the T20 World Cup: Enjoy live streams from anywhere in the world.
TV Channels on Airtel DTH:
If you are using Airtel DTH, here are the channels to tune into:
Star Sports 1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports HD1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Hindi: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 HD Hindi: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports Select 1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports Select HD1: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Tamil: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Telugu: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Kannada: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Tamil HD: Rs. 19/month
Star Sports 1 Telugu HD: Rs. 19/month
OTT Streaming Platforms:
Cricket fans can watch matches through their phones, laptops, or tablets using the Disney+ Hotstar app.
Airtel Xstream Android Box Features:
Enables Android TV OS’ features.
Receives live TV Sports with 4K quality.
Facilitates downloading TV apps and games from the Play Store.
Connects to any standard TV to make it a smart TV.
Features Google Voice Assistant for easy navigation.
Includes Chromecast for casting from mobile or computer to the TV.
Available at just Rs. 1500, making the ICC Cricket World Cup accessible on a large screen.
Umpires and Match Referees:
Umpires: Chris Brown, Kumar Dharmasena, Chris Gaffaney, Michael Gough, Adrian Holdstock, Richard Illingworth, Allahudien Paleker, Richard Kettleborough, Jayaraman Madanagopal, Nitin Menon, Sam Nogajski, Ahsan Raza, Rashid Riaz, Paul Reiffel, Langton Rusere, Shahid Saikat, Rodney Tucker, Alex Wharf, Joel Wilson.
Match Referees: David Boon, Jeff Crowe, Ranjan Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft, Richie Richardson, Javagal Srinath.
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swldx · 1 month
BBC 0408 21 May 2024
12095Khz 0357 21 MAY 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55344. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Neil Nunes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has angrily condemned the International Criminal Court's prosecutor for seeking arrest warrants for him alongside Hamas's leaders over alleged war crimes in the Gaza conflict. Mr Netanyahu said he rejected with disgust that "democratic Israel" had been compared with what he called "mass murderers". Mr Netanyahu's comments have been echoed by US President Joe Biden, who said there was no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. The chief ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, said there were reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Yoav Gallant bore criminal responsibility for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza. The ICC is also seeking a warrant for Hamas's leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, for war crimes. Israel and the US, its key ally, are not members of the ICC, which was set up in 2002. Australia and New Zealand say they have received clearance to send planes to New Caledonia to pick up travellers stranded after unrest shut down the international airport. The unrest began last week after lawmakers in Paris voted through changes that will allow more French residents to vote in local elections, a move indigenous leaders say will dilute the political influence of native people. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has announced five days of mourning following the death of the country's President, Ebrahim Raisi. Mr Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area of north-western Iran, along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. Nine suspects will go on trial in Frankfurt on Tuesday, accused of trying to overthrow the German government. The nine accused include Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss, whom the group allegedly planned to install as Germany’s provisional new leader; Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, a judge and former lawmaker with the far-right Alternative for Germany party; and a retired paratrooper. Nine Egyptian men accused of criminal responsibility in the Pylos shipwreck that led to the deaths of more than 550 people on June 14, 2023, will go on trial in Greece on Tuesday. The accused are alleged to be members of a criminal organisation, facilitating illegal entry into Greece and intentionally causing the shipwreck. But they have all stated they were not smugglers or responsible for the shipwreck, claiming instead to be simply trying to reach Europe like the others on board. Donald Trump's former fixer and lawyer Michael Cohen acknowledged on his final day of testimony that he stole thousands of dollars from his former boss's company. The admission came as Mr Trump's lawyers sought to uncover as many unsavoury details as they could about the past conduct of the prosecution's star witness. Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson has said she was left "shocked" and "angered" after OpenAI launched a chatbot with an "eerily similar" voice to her own. The actress said she had previously turned down an approach by the company to voice its new chatbot, which reads text aloud to users. Threatened howler monkeys have been dropping dead from trees in Mexico's southeastern tropical forests in recent weeks amid a nationwide drought and heat waves that have sent temperatures soaring across much of the country. @0406z "Newsday" begins. Backyard fence antenna, JRC NRD-535D. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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ajtandy · 1 month
the chief icc prosecutor asking for arrest warrants on pm netanyahu is a muslim born in pakistan[33] His mother, a state registered nurse, was born in the United Kingdom.[34] Khan is a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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yhwhrulz · 1 month
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ibigrs · 5 months
Role of Market Research in the Changing Climate Scenario
Preservation of our planet has now become a major issue. Businesses, governments and consumers are under pressure to deal with this issue swiftly and effectively. There is no longer any doubt that climate change is occurring right now as you read this.
It has cost many lives and livelihoods with extreme weather conditions and has led to disruption of our environment. We witness it all around us, from terrible droughts and wildfires to floods in many cities and countries.
Finance Sector has a Huge Carbon Footprint
According to a Forbes article from 2022, the cost of climate change to businesses will reach $1.3 trillion by 2026. This number is as a result of changes imposed by the government and problems with supply chains, shipping, and packaging. Sweden, the UK, and Denmark have all committed to ending the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars by the year 2030, with Denmark allowing an additional ten years to do so.
Oil firms, airlines, steel producers, and auto manufacturers come to mind when we think of the industries that produce the most pollutants. But in a report by the WWF and Greenpeace, the Finance sector has been shown to have a significant carbon emission because of the its carbon footprint.
Sustainability and Consumer Awareness
According to scientific studies, we must change how we work and live. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased this need for change. Recent consumer researches demonstrate that consumers are sincere about their care for the environment and are willing to do their bit. In 2020, market analysts in the United Kingdom established the Insight Climate Collective (ICC). The group already has more than 300 industry professionals and is urging the sector to band together to address the environmental catastrophe.
As per the latest reports, more than 70,000 global social media posts on sustainability and plastic pollution were analysed using affinity mapping and other digital research techniques. For instance, to apply a varied strategy to segmentation and customized messaging for each section, firms require direction on how to design and use plastic packaging.
How can Market Research Make an Impact?
Market research enables businesses to comprehend how new consumers perceive social and environmental concerns and how they can work to address them. Market research projects can hasten the implementation of change by assisting organizations with setting priorities, strategizing, identifying opportunities, and communicating effectively.
IBIGRS Global Research Solutions helps brands with solutions and insights so that they can make planet friendly decisions.
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wikiuntamed · 7 months
Five steps of Wikipedia for Monday, 20th November 2023
Welcome, Bienvenida, Välkommen, Dzień dobry 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Dale Lee" to "1975 Cricket World Cup squads". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Dale Lee "Dale Lee (born 15 July 1991) is a Montserratian international footballer who plays for English club Barkingside, as a midfielder...."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Plymouth, Montserrat "Plymouth is a ghost town and the de jure capital of the island of Montserrat, an overseas territory of the United Kingdom located in the Leeward Island chain of the Lesser Antilles, West Indies. Constructed on historical lava deposits near the then long-inactive Soufrière Hills volcano, the town was..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Xb-70 at English Wikipedia
Step 2️⃣ 👣: Belmopan "Belmopan () is the capital city of Belize. Its population in 2010 was 16,451. In addition to being the smallest capital city in the continental Americas by population, Belmopan is the third-largest settlement in Belize, behind Belize City and San Ignacio. Founded as a planned community in 1970,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by CadabraPuppet
Step 3️⃣ 👣: Antigua and Barbuda "Antigua and Barbuda (UK: , US: ) is a sovereign island country in the Caribbean. It lies at the conjuncture of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the Leeward Islands part of the Lesser Antilles. The country consists of two major islands, Antigua and Barbuda, which are approximately 40 km..."
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Image by Sir Reginald Samuel (original); David Benbennick (vector)
Step 4️⃣ 👣: 2007 Cricket World Cup "The 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup was the ninth Cricket World Cup, a One Day International (ODI) cricket tournament that took place in the West Indies from 13 March to 28 April 2007. There were a total of 51 matches played, three fewer than at the 2003 World Cup (despite a field larger by two..."
Step 5️⃣ 👣: 1975 Cricket World Cup squads "This is a list of squads that was picked at the 1975 Cricket World Cup which took place in England between 7 and 21 June 1975. All eight teams had to select a 14-member squad before the World Cup started. The oldest player at the 1975 Cricket World Cup was Don Pringle (41) of East Africa while the..."
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goggledoddle · 7 months
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Cricket World Cup 2023 Finals Date: November 19, 2023 Today’s Doodle celebrates the 2023 ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup between India and Australia!  This year, India hosted ten national squads including Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and Sri Lanka. Now it all comes down to the final two.  Good luck to the finalists! Location: Australia, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, U.S. Virgin Islands, United Kingdom Tags: @GoggleDoddle is only here on [tumblr]! #GoggleDoddle goggledoddle.[tumblr].com
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