insomnya777 · 2 months
my dads car wasn't working very well so he called the mechanics and he put it on speakerphone and i nearly had a heart attack THE GUY SOUNDED SO MUCH LIKE ETHO
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supersoftly · 3 months
Forgive me if I sound a little hostile to public education, but hot take; if a system is expected to fail, I don't think it's a good system.
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
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soldier-poet-king · 14 days
lmao nothing like a funeral to find out that a distant cousin just became a cop and the whole extended family is like "omg you do such an important and dangerous job!!!" while i am subtly judged for having tattoos and nobody knows or understands what i do
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good-wine-and-cheese · 3 months
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I made a joke in a server like "I'm Grimmer irl if he was 30 afab and Canadian" (literally not grimmer in any way at all) but I thought actually that would be a cute silly thing to draw
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ehlihr · 7 months
i would love to read indigenous scholarship on intellectual property from the abolitionist perspective bc for the time being ive only read texts that argue for reform or incorporation of cultural heritage as a sui generis form of IP and its very interesting but im struggling to form arguments as to how IP should still cease to exist without going against a growing form of protection for indigenous ceremonial objects and artwork (outside of the standard copyright scheme). (from a canadian pov) my only guess is that s 35 would be the only feasible avenue for special protection if not using or adapting IP
anyway if anyone has any recs lmk! my search is ongoing
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shoezuki · 9 days
hello just read all of “dr the problems in my chest’ in an arvo and I need to come yell at you about it.
specifically where Sampo points out that
a. All the silvermane guards wear helmets that completely hide their faces
b. All except Gepard
c. It’s well known that if you die out in the cold there’s a very high chance your corpse will end up puppeted around as a shadewalker
Just oaughhhh the implications
anyway I love both your writing and your horrific nightmare creature <3 also cool to see another Aussie
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oholyfuck holy FUCK thankyou???? thr amalgamation u drew is SO COOL holy shit it Really fits how i imagined it its so monstrous and truly inhuman. fuckkk
and THANKYOU!!!! i loved the idea of the helmet bit like... it makes it easier for sampo to not really consider or feel empathy for the other fallen silvermanes because they are obscured theyre all just their uniform. but gepard is so so undeniably Human and Recognizable. w the other dead guards he couldnt see their expressions and so the knowledge that if sampo hadnt gotten their sooner n gepard perished in the snow, he'd see his face frozen w death n it haunts him still that possibility
n yeayeayeah when writin i was thinkin like. what it would mean for belobog ppl for when people go missing or die out in the cold plains. considering how treacherous it is i imagine they really like... have had to give up on a lot of fallen soldiers out there. and leavin em there means leavin em to the fragmentum too. so perhaps the bodies end up uh. walkin themselves back to the city anyways
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jdsmineralwater · 2 years
me *doing anything*
my brain: my divine talia, when i look into your almond eyes i see not the boy i am but the man that i must become to possess you-
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infintyonhigh · 3 months
crazy the things north americans will say with their full chest without even realizing it. sorry to tell you but if u think a latin actor is in a movie only bc they couldnt get pedro pascal that is, in fact, a bigoted thing to say. pedro is not the only south american actor allowed to exist in hollywood
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sentientstump · 1 year
Yesterday i went on a new year holiday celebration that was held like 20 kilometers away from where i live. I tried to film some stuff for this year's vlog of sorts but it was with different people and with different experiences and mood so i didnt have time for it sadly...
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here's some photos (i took like 4 in total 😭😭)
you can watch last year's blog here!! if you're interested. It's mainly from evening till sunrise pov of a mere mortal view (and then half of the video is just me filming our way home lol 🙈 i have priorities, ok?)
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if you don't want to watch 12 minutes of footage then you can look at these photos👆🏼
idk why im sharing this but thank you for reading and if you want to know more check this wikipage out! I'd say its pretty alright at describing it👍🏼
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cityprix-moved · 2 years
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lewis hamilton at the 2007 canadian grand prix + the universal by blur
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bazzybelle · 1 month
Tax Related PSA: If you show up to your accountant's office today and I happen to be there, I WILL call you out and make you look foolish.
I will also be giving you my "Receptionist Judging Look". I've been working hard on it, and I think it's quite judgy.
Jokes aside... please be nice to tax people today, we're really going through it.
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kyistell · 4 months
Heyhey, you know whats still open? My ask box. Art and headcanons, I'll do it at some point, you just gotta specify what you want me to do :D
I have stuff I should be doing, but lets be honest with ourselves, procrastination makes you do more than you thought you would because it's 3 in the morning and you need sleep but can't till you done the thing
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breadandblankets · 8 months
you know its going well when you literally make the working title of the fic national electrical code sections
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muirneach · 5 months
also when i was a kid basically the only tv i watched was the rick mercer report. so honestly it tracks that i would’ve become a tom scott fan
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solarisposting · 6 months
I just read a goodreads book review that made me angrier than any inconsequential thing has made me in a WHILE. I loved the book, and I'm not a good critic of novels (or anything); I'm decent at analysis to be fair, but I like a read or I don't (on a spectrum of course).
But good goddamn, this review reeked with pretension and was written like the most unbearable food or music critic's diatribes. Adult character is lost in life, makes stupid choices out of grief/running away from issues/thinking distance from community will help/doesn't act logically as a character in a horror plot? Childish and not very bright! A large bustling family coming together for a major cultural and spiritual threat and asking the same damn questions over and over again, repeating the same arguments, etc.? Tiresome and muddled! Bro is your family (bio or chosen) totally chill? Have you never at least seen (in media or in others' lives) annoying family members beating dead horses for days on end out of concern and love and lack of knowing how else to help???
Dude I dunno, it just felt like legitimate criticisms one might have if they dislike a book or parts of its structure, but then those criticisms were a molehill buried beneath a mountain of hating some super fuckin' flawed characters making wild and awful choices in a time of grief and isolation. Screaming!!!!
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