aviatrix-ash · 2 years
Probably not making any art these next few weeks, learned recently the faa decided late next month will be when they change my exams/requirements, so if I don't get these done before then I'll be tested on new plane maintenance stuff when I've spent the last 2 years learning old plane maintenance stuff. It works out for me personally tho, as it seems now, I will be doing very very old plane maintenance stuff post school.
But I can't lie when I mention they needed to update aviation maintenance curriculum. It has rarely been updated since about the 1950s. :'))
So yah, I'm like 75-80% ready for this exam, I'd have had it done sooner but I've been fighting burnout for real. Been going at this almost nonstop for over 2 years now. Had a couple 2 week breaks in between, it helped a little. I'm at the point where the burnout has been hovering so long tho it's hard to recognize it some days. But Iwould like to get this done and out the way before the sky cops screw me out of nearly 800 bucks for 2 exams I've been studying my ass off for. ((':
Plus I want that license in my hand so bad. It's a deep personal thing. I've worked even longer and harder just to get stable on my feet long enough to be able to go back to school. Just got 2 1/2 months left tho, won't be too hard, it's just getting thru it. That victory will be sweet tho, and then that's when the real fun (and more flying) begins 😌
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pearl-likes-pi · 1 year
please bullet point explain how you went from memes to dreams i am so curious
Ok basically
2015 - graduated hs, started college in Atlanta, started making SU memes
2016 - got internship/co-op at CN Games (coincidentally right by my school), kept making memes, eventually the CN social media team asked me to do freelance for them, started meeting the SU cast at cons and stuff
2017 - the year where things got crazy lol, YouTube and memes thing was pretty wild at this point and I got to start collabing with the cast. CN decided to do a Steven Universe podcast and asked me to host it and then I also interned on the show at the same time to learn about animation production. Moved to LA for the summer for that
2018 - kept doing the podcast remotely from Atlanta and YouTube and college
2019 - podcast ended, started getting really serious about voice acting and taking lessons, got a voice acting gig, got hit by a truck (lived!). Graduated college (December) and got hired for a PA job on an animated sitcom @ Titmouse starting next January in LA
2020 - moved to LA start of the year, started working as a PA, got VO agent, pandemic, worked remotely and tried not to go crazy all alone in LA, got promoted to production coordinator, pretty much stopped YouTube after SU ended
2021 - finally broke in as an assistant animatic editor on a different animated show at Titmouse (Beavis and Butt-Head lol), continued taking a lot of VO classes
2022 - promoted to assistant editor and then Animatic Editor™ on B&B, somehow managed to make the leap to animatic editing on Jentry (honestly forever gonna be grateful they were willing to take a chance on me)
2023 - now I'm animatic editing on Jentry and auditioning for VO jobs all the time as well (and occasionally even booking them, when I'm lucky lol)
I'm sorry I tried to be brief but also im bad at summarizing lol, if anything doesn't make sense lemme know. i feel so grateful so many people were willing to help me get to where I'm at so im genuinely always happy to answer any questions if my experience can help other people in the same boat!!!!!
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misfithive · 7 months
Omg yessss someone who finally understands what it feels like 😭😭
I’m so tired of people always saying “this isn’t hs, this is a DrAmA series, what do you expect?” in that condescending tone that is used to make you look stupid, acting like we didn’t watch s1 and even with THAT finale, it made us stay and continue it. Bc s1 was balanced. Yes, very bad things happened but there were also calm and nice moments. And throughout the seasons the angst got more and more and the fluff got less and less. Excuse me if I’d like to see them happy for once especially since this is the very last season and what we got is that Simon is very sad, Wilhelm is losing his damn mind over and over again and two cute moments out of a thousand intense/angsty. It’s exhausting and it doesn’t make me excited to watch it. I don’t even rewatch s2 fully bc it’s too much, I’m scared I won’t be able to enjoy this one either…
Tbh idk how people can be so happy about seeing them once again go through hell, but maybe that’s me.
You know what months ago i probably would have tried to make u feel better and say that it’s probably gonna be nice moments in there as thats what i was telling myself for the past year that they are boyfriends now so they wont be fighting as bad but i did not know that there was a fate worse than fighting lmfao like i cannot get over the rock thru his window thats so traumatic. And “love isnt supposed to be this hard” LISA WHAT THE FUCK WHY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I need to see them happy and smiling and joking together bc if we dont see it we will never see it i feel like thats what the added pressure is. And the logical side of my brain is like well they will be joking around together at the palace from that teaser but then i’m like okay but then august ruins it and Wille is upset again at the meeting so idk im also finding it a bit exhausting. Its legit whiplash i was so happy to see them happy in the stills then that trailer came out of nowhere crushing my soul i think i just wasnt expecting it to be that intense i thought that one moment in the uniforms would be like the height of it.
I’m mostly scared bcs im serious that trailer really fucked me up and i want to be able to enjoy the season im scared its going to be too intense or trigger me in some way when all i wanted was to see them happy for more than 5 minutes. i dont want somber yes we are so in love but our lives are miserable. I genuinely need to see them LAUGHING AND HAPPY BCS THEY ARE 16 and this is so legitimately unfair 😭😭😭😭😭☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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kyoghurts · 4 months
BUT HIIII HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KENJI ML 😼☹️🎀 you’ve always been one of the sweetest mutuals i’ve ever had and i am so so fortunate to have been able to interact w you on this silly little app 🫂 (i feel v guilty and sorry as i am typing to you now)!!!! you’re an incredible person w beauty and talents — i’m afraid that the word ‘perfection’ was invented for you babe 😟💗
how does it feel to be 17? i hope that your first day as a 17 yr old was a thrilling experience filled w laughter and celebrations, and i wish for you to have a relatively (bc life is pretty shitty at times 🙁) positive experience of being 17!!! live out your youth, cherish your happiness, and keep on fighting (bc i assume that soon you will also face your final year of hs 😤)!
pls continue to bless us humble tumblr users w your DELICIOUS writing style and fics!!! i promise you that any time you write for bllk i WILL FS clean the plate >:) and i might just start watching mashle,, i wanna understand your love for mash (?) thru reading your fics bc they never miss 😚🫶🏻
you. are. legit. an. angel.
PLS DONT FEEL GUILTY SAKIII ☹️🙏 i will feel sad if you do. no need to worry !! still appreciate u lots 💐‼️ thank you for taking the time to drop by :(( i say this many times and i will say it again, YOU are so so very sweet 🥹
the first time we became moots, my first impression of u actually was that you’re reserved/someone who doesn’t interact much. but i got taken aback just as quickly 😭 like how is this person my moot rn??? everytime u reblog my stuff i always ALWAYS roll around in my bed kicking my feet, or sometimes when im outside and see the notif, i’d have a difficult time to hide my giddiness in front of others 😰😰
aaa i celebrated my bday in the utmost chill way :3 i got to rot in bed, play a little w hsr, and ate cake with some other goodies 🥰 also thanked my friends and others who greeted me !! which drained my social battery but that’s to be expected 😭 UAGHHH THANK YOU SM SAKI ILY , and yes, im in my final hs now, one more year and were off to college 😵‍💫
JAW DROPPED IM SPEECHLESS 😧 UHM UHM THIS MIGHT BE SELFISH OF ME BUT PLS DO WATCH MASHLE!!!! promise u WON’T regret it. COME YAP W ME OKAYYY anytime, mashle related or not !! and uh, tbh, i havent catched up to the recent chps of bllk 🫠 i’ve put it on hold for a while but i’ll try to get back to it and maybe it will relive my obsession again!! otherwise, know that my inbox will always be open 4 u :(( or if u have other socials, im down to disclose them to u <33 (if ur comfy, no pressure saki <3)
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marksokright · 18 days
I’m not sure why this is so hard to say…
It feels like the depression has taken its hold on me again.
I’ve spent weeks keeping myself good and hopeful. It feels like someone just pulled the rug out from under me.
It’s hard to admit I’m struggling right now.
Nothing seems enjoyable and I’m not allowing myself to feel good.
I am working through ptsd and maybe that has its hooks in me.
Im trying not to over analyze and stay stuck in my head.
Just enjoy the moment, be grateful and, things are actually looking up.
So why do I feel like shit… maybe that’s the problem.
I’m sitting here trying to figure out why I feel so bad and not spending my time looking for enjoyment and happiness.
I guess it just scares me because I want to be happy.
My doctor recommended upping my meds and starting another. I wanted to wait for my out patient appointment from my recent stay at the hospital.
I think I’ll go for it because I’m struggling to keep myself strong.
It’s a mix of chronic illness, pain and caregiver burnout ptsd.
I know I’ve been through a lot and need to be kinder to myself.
Help is there and I’m going to take it.
I just want to be happy and enjoy life again.
I have an appointment tomorrow to hopefully get on meds for my Crohns and HS disease. At least get the ball rolling.
Maybe just getting it all down helps me.
I need to continue to be strong.
I’ve got this.
There is hope.
We will see how the appointment goes tomorrow.
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defiantdreemurrs · 11 months
i finally *finally* got around to starting homestuck^2
ive read everything so far up to the start of beyond canon
i hate literally every single person who ever fucking gave the team shit during the original run of hs^2 youre all fucking cowards and im glad james roach seems to be ignoring you and instead continuing to create homestuck
because homestuck^2 is just homestuck and all of you assholes are afraid to admit it because its not the happy go lucky fun time you wanted
because none of you actually bothered to read homestuck
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wonryllis · 4 months
hiiii i don’t mean any harm and this is a genuine question 😭, but i think i saw ur new fic “dear future husband” somewhere and read it already + more chapters..
if u are the og writer, may i just ask why u didn’t complete it with the og template and chapters u already had? personally i really liked the storyline and the past chapters already and was really looking forward to the ending,
but again no harm and im glad u decided to continue it again :))
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what do you mean, this is my story and i am posting it for the first time? how could you have read more chapters of it? are you trying to imply that— JUST KIDDING BUBBY yes you are right!
it was posted on my previous (now deactivated) account @/wonvelvet and since it is basically gone with the account now i wanted to post it here again! there were 21 chapters of it posted previously.
first reason why i didn't complete it with the og everything is like i said i deactivated. secondly, now that i have grown too i didn't really vibe with the highschool setting anymore. thirdly, i wasn't satisfied with the previous chapters i felt they lacked quality especially since i was just going with flow and had no idea how to end it and my humor sucked (still sucks)
so yeah i just wanted to age up the characters, make a new setting, write out better chapters with better humor and give more life to the story and characters. moreover i also planned to write a whole oneshot after they graduated hs like in hs setting but i scrapped the idea and now it'll all just finish in this one setting with written chapters and happy ending and everything <33
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oops that got long sorry baby, im glad you liked and enjoyed it previously and i hope you enjoy the new revamped version as much if not more!! also no you did sound really genuine don't worry about it ^^
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charliesinfern0 · 4 months
SO SO SO SUPER COOL. i first saw your artwork back in 2022 [i think…!?]?? your ososan stuff! and i thought your artstyle was so super cute and unique that when you started posting it again in 2023 i recognized it off the bat haha. i look at everything outside of ososan too now and i find it all very fun! we have a lot of overlap in other interests but its also been so cool to see things i have only thought of getting into without ever taking the leap LIKE CATS!!! I REALLY LIKE SEEING POSTS ABOUT CATS!! its all very interesting to me!! i like seeing you indulge so much. its fun seeing blogs that are so obviously and beautifully collections of things that person is passionate about!! i would like to see even more of that. i VERY MUCH get being held back by a sense of being cringe/too much but i bet if you doubled down on everything without caring things would only become doubly cool! its also very fun to see someone who has a lot of continual passion for their fankids for homestuck?! admittedly my hs days were primarily like..4-3 years ago but back then it was really common for people to start msfpas or make ocs and then run out of steam really fast [its a strong time commitment and VERY OBVIOUSLY AS I WOULD KNOW interests change!!] but seeing how much youve stuck with page and the development of your art since making them is CRAZYYYYYYYYY and so inspirational!!! truly very awesome to see. LASTLY LASTLY LASTLY though i could ramble for a very long time I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOUR CAT CAFE FIC IDEA…and this is no like easy feat when it comes to ososan stuff to me im pretty picky lol. even if it never gets off the ground the stuff you laid out in that one ask w all the chapter titles and musical tie ins was so fun to read + A VERY GOOD MUSIC REC and im glad to have been able to peek into your head about it!! i was just thinking about it the other day :) anyway have a good one forever benrey infern0
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OH MY GOSH THANK YOU?!?? THIS IS SO SWEET YOU'VE MADE MY DAY LIKE TEN TIMES BETTER NOW T_T im so happy that you enjoy my blog so much and im so happy you like my art and writing and ocs!!! ^_^ i have been nervous about being seen as annoying or too much for posting abt stuff i enjoy and ive been wanting to post about stuff that im worried people might find cringey,,, but your message is inspiring me to just go for it!!!! hehehe ^_^ i do have some new interests (and some new f/os!!!) that i want to share soon, and im also planning to just do a bunch of self ship and oc ask games and make a bunch of oc x canon art!! im super excited to do all that now :D
also its actually the 1 year anniversary of the official beginning of citrus!!! (though ive been working on it for a lot longer lololol) i'm planning on posting some art to celebrate in just a little bit, so keep an eye out for that! >_o
thank you again for all of your kind words!! knowing that there are people out there that enjoy me and my art makes it all worth it (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) i hope you have a good one forever too anon!!!!!
and i hope you like the little collage of some of my fave things right now hehe ^_^
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vomiting-rainbows · 5 months
MY LIVE REACTION OF READING HS OMG😱😱(currently in act 6)
yep yep not gonna explain a lot to this just a LIVE REACTION of me reading hs just wanted to start sharing my experience reading this comic gonna start using the tag #m live reaction when i do this so yeahg lets go (click on the read more)
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alright shes just awaked in prospit she was just about to pick the mail but a explosion just occurred she cant remember what exactly happened idk if shes okay or shes dead in the real world because yknow ppl when die them awake in derse or prospit
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oh no
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well what a nice come back of mine to continuing reading this very nice
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oh well shes okay this godcat saved her in the last second when the explosion happened yayyy
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hmmmm i wonder whats wrong w this picture
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yeah her dad was not very happy when the explosion happened he immediately told her to go to her room right now, BUT LOOK HER BESTIE IS CALLING HER.
thats where i stopped but dw i will continue showing yall more THE FUCKING TUMBLR WOULDN'T LET ME PUT MORE IMAGES SO I ENDED UP SHORTING THIS A LOT, bye bye i prommy i will show yall more and come back w this so yeah bye bye
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lorelune · 7 months
loreeeee, i read the blade fic update and i CANT. express. how much i love your writing (again LOL). ugh, the way you write thoughts, mentalities, how ppl navigate and take in info...insane. INSANE. ugh,,,,,,im sorry but having adrenaline "tumble between the eyes" or the weird sureness of his thoughts but still being unidentifiable (unintelligible? or there little understanding of the source of specific thoughts) in and of themselves...the way you write makes me FERAL. im savoring it so much, i just bit into the juiciest orange, the ripest strawberry, took a mouthful of the crispest apple cider ive ever tasted in my life--(sorry im low on sugar rn HAHA)
i have a lot to say. but not enough mental space to go through all of it...but i do want to mention how you wrote the retrospective scenes of blade being washed by kafka, it was captured so well. i know this kind of experience is very nuanced, and i think you expressed how blade processed it well. especially how this shows up in pieces thereafter in the rest of the fic, it's different from just mentioning or referring to a past moment. you threaded the experience to the present and from reading your works overall, i believe this is a "trademark" of your writing, at least to me.
the trademark is that there is purpose in every mention, there is delicacy in choosing a perspective and the lens in which the world is viewed or something is experienced by a character...there is a specific atmosphere, headspace, etc., that you want to convey and the entire thing is brought together with every sentence that follows the previous. youre making these connections, however small they may be, between shards of the characters' lives...it feels like you properly chewed them so you got the texture, flavor profile, salinity, etc., of those characters. it's what got me hooked onto you works, and im afraid (feral, positive) youre only getting better at it. im in trouble (eager) :D
this is small, but i personally love seeing purely from one chara's pov, i love unreliable narrator-esque stuff, it just tickles something in me, maybe bc life is THAT subjective to the one living it (also AP Lit was one of my fav classes back in hs, so is it rlly a surprise LMAO). i love connotations, questionable morals, existential dilemmas, all of it. and seeing that blade is full of the latter two, im SO up for it. i also love how he's constantly (unconsciously) trying to be mindful of the space he takes up, even if he chooses to not care for certain (most) ppl. idk, to me thats a testament to his previous life/experience, and it just adds lore (see what i did there :3) and depth to everything. and im so looking forward to see how he navigates and learns (pog self reflection!) about his violent urges/tendencies, and what they mean for him (and mc)--and even if he doesn't i am looking forward to your writing 🙏
this is not even 1/4 of what i wanted to say LMFAOO, but its 1am for me and i need some sleep...thank you for this lore. :) we are blessed to have you share your talent, its my spiders thread in the hellscape im in (life), love you always, stay healthy and happy lunar new yr if you celebrate!!
SLEEEPY 🥺!! thank you for the kind words!!!!! 🥺💕💕💕!!!!! i am screaming crying throwing UP i appreciate your feedback so so much!!!!!
rambling under the cut <3
writing blade for the architect has been both like.... deeply cathartic and so very different from any character i have written for!!! i don't write a ton in character POV, however blade's feels unique and interesting in a way that keeps me going back to him. the dynamic between blade and reader is so interesting to continue to revisit, and writing their relationship expand and change has been very fun!!
blade is truly monstrous, but not for any of the reasons he thinks. his monstrous is monstrous in the way that he shouldn't exist or be alive, and that he essentially a human weapon, but how he feels isn't monstrous. he's coping. poorly. and through centuries of compounded trauma and an accumulation of mara. he absolutely sees some of himself in reader and can't help but want to ... protect them? if nothing else be near them. it's horrific, the way he thinks, but not monstrous. and i think that's an important distinction in the architect!!!
blade is an incredibly unreliable narrator. it is integral to the story (moreso as we go on) that he is unreliable. his own confusion is woven into the plot and vital to his relationship with the reader. his feelings towards you are a tangled mess, and so much of that comes from his own fractured consciousness.
its been very fun to write and dive into it just like... explore. full send. i started the architect originally as a drabble that was supposed to be uneditted LOL and i didn't want to pull any punches with the implications and like... 'darkness' of the story. i'm glad that you have enjoyed it sleepy and THANK YOU for your comments and elaborations, they truly make my day and get me hype to continue the story too <33 thank you thank you thank you 💞💞💞
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pizzacastella · 7 months
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thank u every1 for liking him, its my first time drawing him in a long time n im so happy a lot of ppl like him !! if my tag wasnt obvious, i was v scared to post this bc im well aware of how hs is percieved by ppl,,, BUT IM SO GLAD I OVERCAME IT N POSTED IT ANYWAY !!
its v surreal to see ppl complimenting him in my style bc i used to only dream of drawing him like my fave hs artists back when i was 12
thank u all so much for supporting me n my art !! i will continue to draw good things !!
if u want to support what i do, pls consider buying me a coffee!
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basslinegrave · 1 year
vent cuz its good to get out (i have some in my drafts and notes but i keep thinking about them while posting them clears them out of my brain so)
if you read tw homophobia and racism and transphobia i guess, no replies expected (unless you wanna be a hater too)
another summer means another "dad wants to travel somewhere", and even though i said before that i dont wanna go anywhere this year, to not make them (dad and his wife) sad i said a short trip would be okay maybe.. but even that offer i had to refuse, but its always so hard! even though i always weigh the pros and cons i feel like shit every time
the pros being making my dad happy (now i also said im not going if he doesnt mind, to which he replied he does mind. while i understand that, he doesnt see my side of things) i wouldnt enjoy the trip itself ever, so theres no pros there even if we went to my dream locations, never good with them
the cons are literally hurting myself, having to be with people that will never accept me as i am, having to pretend to be someone im not, having to put a mask on and pretend to be a good little girl they think i am, like having to dress not too masc and shave and all that bs that makes me uncomfortable, even though they seem to have absolutely no idea im trans (my fav one was passing by a wedding dress store and them pointing at the store window like oh this will soon be you youre gonna wear one like that hahahaha great joke even. sadly not a joke from them) i cant even bind fully near them for safety and i have to constantly misgender myself which is ruining my mental health further
i also cannot stand that womans racist views and homophobic takes (she havent talked about that lately but i will not forget her talking about wanting gays dead. like literally she was talking about shooting them up and when i tried to reroute the convo she wouldnt stop. also same trip i said shes being racist because she was making fun of koreans and I had to apologize. not her, me. dad was on her side. i was like 19 and she called me a little kid that should not talk back. RACIST BITCH) (also love how she said shes better than me cause i was just a hs student and didnt have a job and she had to work hard and didnt go to college and shit. so in her own words im better now cause now i have a diploma and also worked at the exact same place as her so i did walk in your shoes bitch)
i dont really care if i cut them off. yes dad was nice, but i think she skewed his views and i dont see myself coming out to them (or at least him) anytime soon, and if i ever get on T i dont think i will continue talking to them anyway. i wont change them and im not here to do that anyway, and i want to stay safe
microdosing cutting them off by not going on trips with them
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lila-rae · 2 years
Did you regret your abortion from hs? What was most helpful for your support wise? My baby sis has a week to decide bc of the fucking 6 week law in our state and she's leaning on me for advice and im really struggling with how to be the most supportive bc I think she'll regret it but I know everyone is different and I don't want to pressure her into keeping it I want her to make best decision for her
Content warning abortion
I did not regret it. I had more time to come to my decision (I was 11 weeks asking when I had the procedure) but I’m ashamed or regretful of my decision.
I had goals and dreams I knew I couldn’t accomplish if I carried a pregnancy to them at 16.
My life with my husband and kids more than likely wouldn’t exist.
My aunt was pregnant at the same time as me so I have a 12 year old cousin that would have been the exact same age had I chosen to continue the pregnancy and sometimes I look at her and think wow I could have a kid that age,. But mostly I look at her and think I’m so glad I don’t currently have a 12 year old.
I’m happy with all reproductive choices I’ve made in my life
Honestly just offer support, not opinions or judgments. Let her know you’re here for whatever she chooses and that there’s no wrong decision.
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
Heyyyy, about the favorite fic, I remember reading Sewing Sentiments for the first time and it became my favorite MLB fic instantly (I think it only had like 3 chapters then). I screamed at my phone several times because they should quit and move to an island together and enjoy life because they deserved it, and then Adrien backstory made me gasp so strongly hs, amazing, I fell in love instantly. And Plagg, aaaaah, like, you kept their personalities SO good, love it, would read it again anytime you asked, recommended 10/10 5 stars.
It has been my fav for so long, but Perfectly Platonic (Unless...) is... GOD, idk, is SO good, I love it, I laugh a lot with it and cry as well is *Chef kiss* it's stealing the place of my fav fic ever tbh
Keep writing, you do it amazingly <3
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anon i am going to Cry
i had to take a screencap of this and share it in my server bc i was so touched by it tbh. this means a lot to me!!! messages like these are what inspire me to keep writing. i havent felt like writing all day, but as soon as i read this, i want to write so much, it's crazy!!!
i genuinely appreciate this so much. im so happy that you're enjoying my stories! that's the whole reason why i write them—so that other people can enjoy them (and myself too!)
sewing sentiments is a special fic for me. though there are some things i'd write differently now that im 100% caught up with ml, i still had a blast making it.
ppu is becoming the most fun fic to write though, it's so silly and cute and im loving everyone's reactions to it so far ♥
thank you for encouraging me to continue to write, and for sending me such a nice message! it means the world ♥
anonymously (or not) tell me which of my fanfics is your favorite!
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seraphicveins · 2 years
and nethertrolls too
IT IS MY TIME TO SHINE HI VEN ILY!! My bestie .. its been what.. almost 7ish years since we met?? deadass a lot of my characters are connected to his, fantroll and others included.. we also met on amino back in the day and we've both grown a lot since then! but since this is a fantroll blog i'll focus on that.. hes the one who totally wrangled me back into all this, I was into HS in middle school and i had never made a fantroll until I was like 18 because he was like hey! we should do this .. and well here we are my trolls have gone through HUGE changes from the first time they were created to now.. some were totally revamped and continue to evolve.. and its been a shared process with ven! hes always there for me to bounce ideas off of as we develop our personal world and characters and its been UBER fun!! my closest friend frfr I find it hard to share my characters with others bc im insecure, and although im getting better at it ven has always been there to cheer me on!! and i just really appreciate him!! I love our characters and they always have some fun ideas!! I really admire their creativity ok I can always ask em for advice or prompts.. ALSO VEN I HOPE YOU WRITE MORE!! I LOVE YOUR WORK AND IM ALWAYS SO HAPPY TO READ IT SNIFFLE SNIFFLE U R THE BEST AND I HAVE SO MUCH FUN WORKIN W YOU!! n thank you so much for always supporting me and my art.. youve really seen me through my art journey.. WAHH anyways check them out!! HE IS MY BESTIE A++++ WOULD RECCOMEND DUMPS STICKERS ON U
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Previous anon. Honestly nothing made me happier than seeing natsume and mikan well and happy in the spin off manga, just together and happy. Ofc i do miss Hotaru and i hope she managed to get back to the gang bc they are just not complete without her.
I wanted to ask you: do you have any HCs regarding the quartet (yes including Hotaru being back) in their mundane day to day highschool time? How is studying for them, what do they all wanna be when thry graduste? Are any of them going to go to university? How fast are Natsume and Mikan going to be married? Anyone any kids? Maybe a dog or cats?
thanks for the ask <3 yeah my absolute favorite part of the spin off was seeing natsumikan as an official couple! theyre so cute <3 im incapable of thinking of a post-kageki universe where they dont reunite with hotaru.
tsubasa mentions around chapter 73 or 74 that the last couple years of the high school count as university credit but that some students choose to continue college to gain more knowledge. i feel like perhaps hotaru would be in that category. she is very lazy but i think she'd want to refine her skills. if not that, then i could see her easily taking off with a career right out of school since she already has an impressive following. her future is pretty solid.
ruka wants to be a vet and i'm not entirely sure how vet training would work in alice academy? it's a pretty lengthy process in the normal world--about 8 years (4 undergrad, 4 at vet school). if the last 2-3 years of alice academy hs are the equivalent of a typical 4 year university, then ruka would still have to continue the 4 years of vet school to get his credential. in any case, he's pretty passionate about it. he doesn't seem like he puts much effort into school while in elementary school, but i think he'd put his all into vet school because he'll be doing something he really loves.
i can see mikan pursuing a teaching job or maybe nursing--something where she can help people. it would HAVE to be a people-oriented occupation, where she interacts with lots of people and is more hands-on. in either case, she could probably start right away after graduation and since nepotism is real and she's close friends with most of the staff, she's a shoe-in for a teaching position for sure.
i can't imagine natsume having a job he's passionate about. i don't think natsume would ever be passionate about labor, no matter what it is. i've read all kinds of fics, where natsume goes on to be a spy or work in security or what have you, but to be honest i don't think natsume would EVER elect to be in a dangerous field after being a child soldier for so many years. idk cant he be mikan's stay at home husband? cant he have a break? if he must have a job, i'd hate it if he did anything dangerous; i much prefer to imagine him doing something calm and laid-back.
as for the marriage question.... i can see them getting married ASAP. like right away tbh. natsume has a terminal illness after all! but thats not fully relevant to me bc i cant imagine a future where natsume doesnt get "cured" in some way. i just cant. in any case they were 12 when they got engaged so they're the kind of couple that moves fast FOR SURE. they'd get married as soon as it becomes a possibility. i talk about the possibility of nm children here, too.
as for other characters...
idk really. i can see tsubasa and misaki for sure having kids. the other class b characters might have kids but probably not right away. i can see ruka for sure having pets always. maybe natsumikan get a kitty. that would be cute!
i have a lot of hcs actually but i feel like this has gotten pretty long so i'll leave it at that for now. thanks for sending me this ask! i appreciate it ;-; <3
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